There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

Enter key words, topic, or specific references to posted chapters...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Wednesday, July 23, 2008 (Frustrated and tired of this summary but not giving up)

If you take a look at the reports on and the link to the “Midwest” plot it implicates several radio talk show hosts including Michelle Malkin. Michelle was sent to be a nemesis and to be an antagonist to everything we were working on. Someone got the reports which were done in sixth grade and the interviews with the Japanese Americans who were interned during World War II. The goal of these plots is based out of Chicago and has to do with the Chicago futures market. Rush Limbaugh right now is attacking Ann and I with some “you two are the phony soldiers” and he is saying how Ann belongs to him. This was why the Jason Conte home invasion on June 11, 2006; it was about Rush’s phony soldiers and he is trying to take over the conservative movement by weeding out anti-communists. Rush is a phony and has been implicated in this Midwest terrorist plot which is directly linked to Alex Jones who claims to be “libertarian and conservative.” Rush is the same and even worse uneducated and feels he is a genius, “one hand behind his back”, and many other things.

You should really ask people how they feel before you tell them how badly they want or need you. That is called consent and she may have life dreams. Rush took credit for this which is a scapegoat. He is not bright enough or this phony. Even though I know how phony this is and how it is just a scapegoat ploy, Rush is taking responsibility for this. He is the one who has a “war wrath” of the conservatives on me and Sex smart. He said we need to be quiet. FBI that is conspiracy… and the intent to harass if we can prove it is just a fat phony scapegoat. “Nicotine fingers’, “the true El Rushbo”, “one hand behind his back”, “smarter than hell”, and “Gatorade running in his blood”; Rush has been exposed. Rush is the one who is condemning right now. I say hang him to a radio and throw a basketball at his head to see if they can catch it because “surf’s up.” He needs to crawl because that is all he is good for. Who is going around calling others phony?

Right now, Rush Limbaugh and the conservatives are attacking. If you read Ann’s account, she points out how the liberals began propping so called “conservative” icons such as Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Michelle Malkin, O’Reilly, etc… and began to push her out. That is the problem. Right now they are saying how others “need it badly.” If you look at the links of the terrorist plots in the Midwest, they are all linked here is an example:

• Ruby Ridge is linked to Waco
• Waco is linked to Oklahoma City
• Oklahoma City is linked to 9-11
• Ruby Ridge and Waco are the big ones and they are born out of the entire Midwest plot which involves both Republican and Democrats; it is a large catholic populous and voting base
• The objective is to save the Catholic Church from some right wing conspiracy
• There are many parties involved
• If you look at the 9-11 and post 9-11, they are all linked like the Midwest plots
• Add the Unabomber, Mohammed and the DC sniper, and add how Ann was the poster girl in the mid 199s. I was also the “up and comer” and in 1998 I was denied any access to Ann. Ann and I are together. They are doing the same thing to me as they are doing to Ann using conservatives and liberals
• You are dealing with fakes, phonies, and spies; they are not nice and they will shut you up if you expose them as a fraud
• They are nowhere near the intellect and wit of Ann and I who write and are on a different mission which has to do with the future of the conservative and anti-communist movement, this is the Midwest plot
• Rush Limbaugh is attacking right now and has been; he is the one behind the phony soldier and the Jason Conte affair, Ann went to LA on June 2006 and while this happened, they were attacking my home and doing a home invasion saying how I was jealous about this girl who is from the Middle East
• Three months before this a Jewish Russian model began to “date” me and she lived not 10 miles from Ann. Ann knew about this and approved because she wanted to know what they were up to and had been up to. Israel is trying to get their foot in and control the US military. They have spies and loyal military officers and President Bush was “weeding out” any dissent about this “Jewish domination” of the Middle East. They are the ones behind 9-11
• You can go nuts but most people call it a “Zionist plot.” They do not know the details of this plot and look delusional
• Comments on are neutral and degrading on Rush and the conservatives and also the Democrats. However, the one who is making statements and accepting responsibility are the “so called conservatives” but ask why a man with no education and is overweight hurt about being called a phony? They want control of the military and are playing two cards; race and terrorism. It feeds the machine and whips up the public

Ann and I talk all the time. My entire life is parallel and almost superimposed on hers. We began this in 1989 and have stuck with each other since. From 1998 to 2008 we have been secretly communicating because after college in 1998 we were attacked and terrorized around Washington DC. If you look at the events from 1998 to 2001, you will see how both of us were fighting them and they finally called their imperial guards, Al Qaeda. However, it goes back to the Midwest plot and how each of the events build up and are all linked. They were speaking about the “coming messiah” or the “seventh seal” which is based out of Waco, TX. These are churches and they violent. They are religious extremists and spies. They are all unified under the Catholic Church and The Muslim Church and their dependency and control pushes them to despicable behavior.

People do not know where you picked up this stuff and I am just beginning to explain. I am not taking your wind and not stealing your life. I am fed up with this idea that others have such a chance with you and how disappointed we are with each other. We have argued once and that was in the heat of battle when I said, “this is not worth it Ann, but leave it be and do not talk to me okay. It is way too dangerous look at this and accepts it. Just leave and never talk to me again.” I did not say that because I hated you. I said that because I knew we could not and did not have a chance to win. I surrendered in order to save you if anything. I paid the ultimate price and I am not done dealing with this yet. I am more than fed up. I am so beyond angry and have lost my mind at least 10 or more times. You and I know I did not do that because I hated you and did not want you. I did it because we were trapped and had no choice and I felt you or I would have a better chance. Save yourself before it is too late.

My book was begun in April of 2006 but was done back in the 1990s. I wanted to get married and settle down before writing it. This was prevented and they knew Ann came to the area to court me and land this “trophy” spouse. I began going to Ocean City, MD during 1999 to 2002 and was waiting for her to show up. She was living in Silver Spring, MD at the time. Then when Al Qaeda attacked, which Ann caused because she was so pissed off at them and felt the Clintons were behind it still for the impeachment trials.

It was not; we ran into and were smashed by a huge terrorist and spy ring. They knew and felt it was a conspiracy against blacks and the Catholic Church by Vietnam Era military people and the Protestants. Both Ann and Alex associate themselves as Presbyterian with a French background. Ann has been in hiding and trying to investigate this further. She was distraught and channeled her pain and grief by writing obsessively and working nonstop thinking I would come back to her after this was so messed up. At this time, she does not look as a very good spouse and neither does Alex. Both of them were smashed, tortured, and held prisoner. We have been communicating secretly. Now they are saying it was a conspiracy because nobody would choose to Alex or Ann. Only their captors would make such a sadistic decision. Read Ann stuff and you will see it. She is going into the belly of the beast.

SEN. JOHN EDWARDS CAUGHT WITH MISTRESS AND LOVE CHILD! Vice Presidential candidate Sen. John Edwards was caught visiting his mistress and secret love child at 2:40 this morning in a Los Angeles hotel by the NATIONAL ENQUIRER. The married ex-senator from North Carolina - whose wife Elizabeth continues to battle cancer -- met with his mistress, blonde divorcĂ©e Rielle Hunter , at the Beverly Hilton on Monday night, July 21 - and the NATIONAL ENQUIRER was there! He didn't leave until early the next morning. Rielle had driven to Los Angeles from Santa Barbara with a male friend for the rendezvous with Edwards. The former senator attended a press event Monday afternoon with L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on the topic of how to combat homelessness. But a months-long NATIONAL ENQUIRER investigation had yielded information that Rielle and Edwards, 54, had arranged to secretly meet afterward and for the ex-senator to spend some time with both his mistress and the love child who he refuses to publicly acknowledge as his own. The NATIONAL ENQUIRER broke the story of Edwards' love child scandal last year, when Rielle was still pregnant and Edwards was still considered a strong candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination. Both parties denied the NATIONAL ENQUIRER report and a close friend of Edwards' came forward and said he was the father of Rielle's baby. But sources told the NATIONAL ENQUIRER a far different story - they revealed that Edwards was engineering a massive cover up of his shocking infidelity. - National Enquirer, July 22, 2008 –

At or around 2006 and 2007 Ann got a bit of sweet revenge on Rush Limbaugh for the home invasion and you will see this when she makes an appearance and dinner with him to see what his reaction is. Rush Limbaugh is a white supremacy and you will see how he and Alex Jones are linked. They all knew and were sent to become the Nemesis of both Ann and myself. They know something is going on but have no clue and thus “no education.” They are like clay and want total control of the conservative movement and the military because Ronald Reagan smashed them up badly. Rush began to push a “kick back” and “bribe” when he was supposedly upset and anxious over ANWR and it was notified that an FBI investigation was underway and he began to use “loyalty” and “surrender” as a way to push some bribe or kickback.

Ann was notified of this and the record will show this around the beginning of 2008. She then began monitoring why and wrote about this in her energy column but it took awhile to figure out what they were up to. Rush was doing a bribe and attacking because he felt betrayed and ratted on and wanted us gone because he was so uneducated and corrupt then us, prior to this he withheld information thinking we had not known about what had happened to Ann and Alex. He played us a fool to see if he and his “ring” would be implicated, he is a predator and it is on the record. The problem with Rush is he is very uneducated and defensive which is part of this white supremacy problem.

These are the people who are behind the racism, terrorism, and the insanity. It pushes the liberals and the left further. This is their way of saying “go away” and “you are desperate.” They are labor and left wingers. They play the terrorist card and the racial card to the max and hold captives or hostages to say, “Go away” and “you need this badly.” If you think phony and frauds are going to terrorize you, your family, and this nation then turn around and say “we love this nation more than you.”

Race in this election has two significant factors, one will win and one will loose. That is the message Obama has and how he will unify the nation but I do not trust his liberalism and do not see him as a true or genuine liberal. I view McClone as more of a genuine liberal and maybe or perhaps more credible than Obama. In this election, racism is not an issue but race is certain a “foot-fault” because you have to stay behind the line. Now consider this insincerity, the Bush Administration will go down in history as probably the worst and most corrupt Presidency in the history of the world. People were painting red crosses on their doors just to keep the plague from dislocating their family. He is like the spy who refused to come in from the Cold.

Al Qaeda was panicked and wanted military and foreign aid. This was what Alex was working on. Then they wanted to see if communism would be or could be viable under capitalism. To do this, you must sustain debt while using the banks to keep communism alive. This is what they are doing now. They have locked everyone out until they can prove how best to sell communism. This spy ring is powerful and will come up with the future of the communist movement. Do not be fooled. Their church drives them to dependency and despicable behavior. What they are saying is, “what if those closest and your peers ask this from you.” In other words, what if the so called “conservatives” told you to get in line with the party line. This is exactly left wing and liberal strategy; you are not allowed to correct their asinine miserable hijacking which has no political real estate but to save their skin. They could have been bribed and gotten a pay off.

Bush is known to be the President who emaciated his critics for proving how change could not last in the long term. Most if not all of his economic proposals had the shelf life of 13 months or intended solemnly to win elections. So in this light, would it matter for any single factor then a disclaimer, to say that if someone voted for either McCain or Obama, they would merely be voting for the same person, Kennedy?

Ask why Ann and Alex would be accused of racism, terrorism, phony soldiers, SOB stories, non military, and some right wing conspiracy, fake conservatives, uneducated, hateful to Americans, etc… we come from a military and FBI family with roots in royalty. We have the political real estate and the future of this nation and the world for the next 100 to 200 years and now they suddenly say we are with you and attack us. Right now, on this day Wednesday, the July 23, 2008 the immediate threat is Rush Limbaugh who feels he has control over both Ann and Alex who he feels Ann is in love with. That is how insane he is and he needs to read her comments and also how she feels about obesity while he claims they are two phony soldiers. Can anybody see through this and the smoke and mirrors? Nobody is denying it or whether they are on the attack. They have no formal training in communist theories yet throw the claims around like they are masters and in control. The word phony, frauds, and predators are the best word to describe them, add “babbling labor management.” They all have bankrupt businesses and vested interests in each other and are trying to unite their church with other ones.

The President and the Congress have stated this clearly. Democracy promotes freedom. Freedom promotes economics and free thought. Each and every citizen has a fundamental right to vote. They vote for choice and how their future will be. It is a Constitutional right to vote and determine the public good. Safety dictates how a say in government preserves peace, otherwise there would be Civil War. Thus, when you have voting rights, democracy, public choice, public good, common good, and free speech; you have democracy and freedom. What is your problem or complaint and can you prove it or back it up with facts? So you are suggesting law abiding citizens break the law and not follow the Constitution in order to prop up a right wing or conservative regime? Isn’t that war mongering and far from the truth? Is that not thievery to deny justice and let people the freedom of speech and assembly?

Right now, after long talks between Ann and Alex, they have decided to stay together. They are smashed. Neither of them is a perfect choice any longer. The timing was broken because marriage and family is about timing. When you keep two people who are in that mode and on a collision course, then when it passes and subsides, there are only heartbreaks and pain. Alex and Ann are going to stay together regardless of what happened and how many times they desecrate our bodies, life, and physical appearance to make the other detracted and distraught. When the investigators are on the liberals and left; they come out of the wood works and are on the other side or the conservative and Republicans. When Ann goes to the Midwest, the entire area is logged with attacks and police reports where this church, stock market, anti-catholic, anti-Irish, anti-immigration, and localism is getting extremist. This is about anti-communism and nothing more and there are people who are frauds and phonies who refuse to tell the truth, they hijack it. They are behind this and the reports again are almost 90 per cent accurate. This is how we got smashed up and how we had to learn how to become very good liars while refusing to be liars.

THAT would suggest an inside job and a conspiracy. To prove conspiracy you must prove a crime has been committed and two or more people who had prior knowledge before the event itself took place. This means that if you are terrorizing someone, then you are part of a conspiracy. If you are preventing someone from being happy, then you are first harassing them and secondly conspiring on an “inside” job, then you are on the run or trying to flee prosecution. The next part is showing a pattern of behavior. When you are able to establish a long parcel of behavior and even more than one isolated event, then you have intentionality or willfulness. All we need now is a motive. Who do we know using a lie to hurt and denies how the truth hurts just as much? They do not recognize danger and do not know hurt, they only know pain and terrorizing others even if they do no good or have no chance in hell. Psychopathic and a total loser who cannot have their way with others? Why would 20+ years will be sacrificed for a quick 10 minutes of fame or some loser?

It is frustrating because Ann is going public and we are trying to talk but they make it so frustrating and not worth it. She is playing their game and not saying anything. The only thing she is saying is accusing Alex of stalking her who is actually what Alex and Ann are accusing of their kidnappers and captors who feel this is some right wing and WASP conspiracy to deny the Kennedy clan. They always claim to be best friends and also protectors but they will never give you consent. Rush explains it magnificently, “what you do not know won’t hurt you” and that sums up how terrifying these people are; just tell the truth or back down before they fall down. Rush is so whacked he says he is protecting Ann and Ann is madly in love with him. You can link that insanity to the terrorism of this whole matter and how he feels he is a “benevolent tyrant.”

These fckers are dead serious. It does not and has not felt real because they are not real. Get it? This makes you just sit there and watch or look. I will never leave you but I am not the man you made an oath to twenty years ago. There is really nothing to make you proud except what we have worked on for the past 20 years. I will take credit for that. I know you will not walk away and I do not want you to feel any pressure. They are saying how you are desperate and your body is messed up and all this. They have trailer looking women who dress up “classy” and are alone shopping when I go grocery shopping and they have massive food for me. The idea is how you are desperate and white trash. It is also how funny Rush, Sean, and Laura contacted me around a year ago. Yes a year ago! They know more than both you and I. Do you think I would believe what they say when I know and I have been with you for more than 20 years? Do I look stupid? They flaunt how powerful and rich they are and how I am merely a fan who they will give some time for. I just cannot get enough of the jokes, can you?

"Cry for Help" lyrics by Shinedown

You've been hiding out
For quite a while now,
Living off of people you know
Trying to raise a little money
To pay off all the monkeys
That you met inside the
Rabbit hole
You take a payment from
The white witch that's spoken
To you with __?
Well, theres a wolf outside
A brick house screaming;
"Is someone gonna blow it in?"

Because a mind is a weapon
You see and it's got you on
Your hands and knees
Pull the trigger if you got
A way out, unless you wan't
To count it off 1,2 (1,2,3)

You better pray that theres
Another way out
You better pray that
Someones listening now
(Doesn't matter what you got)
'Cause when you lie like
The devil himself
No angels gonna hear your
Cry for help!

I know you must really think
It's funny, you had everybody
Pulling me in
Well, that's a little un-assuming
Considering that you knew me,
I'm the only one that considered
You a friend

Because a mind is a weapon
You see and it's got you on
Your hands and knees
Pull the trigger if you got
A way out, unless you wan't
To count it off 1,2 (1,2,3)

You better pray that theres
Another way out
You better pray that
Someones listening now
(Doesn't matter what you got)
'Cause when you lie like
The devil himself
No angels gonna hear your
Cry for help!

Count it off, 1,2 (1,2,3)

You better pray that theres
Another way out
You better pray that
Someones listening now
(Doesn't matter what you got)
'Cause when you lie like
The devil himself
No angels gonna hear your
Cry for help!

For help [x3]

"Second Chance" lyrics by Shinedown

My eyes are open wide
And by the way, I made it
Through the day
I watched the world outside
By the way, I'm leaving out

Well, I just saw hailey's
Comet shooting
Said why you always running
In place?
Even the man in the
Moon disappears
Somewhere in the

Tell my mother,
Tell my father
I've done the best I can
To make them realise
This is my life
I hope they understand
I'm not angry, I'm just saying...
Sometimes goodbye
Is a second chance

Please don't cry
One tear for me
I'm not afraid of
What I have to say
This is my one and
Only voice
So listen close, it's
Only for today

Well, I just saw hailey's
Comet shooting
Said why you always running
In place?
Even the man in the
Moon disappears
Somewhere in the

Tell my mother,
Tell my father
I've done the best I can
To make them realise
This is my life
I hope they understand
I'm not angry, I'm just saying...
Sometimes goodbye
Is a second chance

Heres my chance
This is my chance

Tell my mother,
Tell my father
I've done the best I can
To make them realise
This is my life
I hope they understand
I'm not angry, I'm just saying...
Sometimes goodbye
Is a second chance

Sometimes goodbye
Is a second chance [x2]

"New Years Day" lyrics by U2

All is quiet on New Year's Day
A world in white gets underway
And I want to be with you
Be with you night and day
Nothing changes on New Year's Day

I will be with you again
I will be with you again

Under a blood-red sky
A crowd has gathered in black and white
Arms entwined, the chosen few,
The newspapers say, say, say it's true
And we can break through,
Though torn in two, we can be one

I will begin again, I will begin again
Oh and maybe the time is right
Oh maybe tonight

I will be with you again
I will be with you again

And so we are told this is the golden age
And gold is the reason for the wars we wage
Though I want to be with you
Be with you night and day
Nothing changes on New Year's Day

About Me

My photo
My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.

You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest