There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

Enter key words, topic, or specific references to posted chapters...

Friday, July 11, 2008


The situation after Ann and Alex were finally united became nail biting and sheer criminal insanity on the part of dirty measly scoundrels. Not only had it been revealed that Alex and Ann were desperately looking for each other, they were so heavily wounded that they would never survive unless they were together. There was no doubt whatsoever they were searching desperately for each other and there was no doubt that both of the efforts were being prevented and denies. The attacks were up until July 2008.

Ann states clearly how much she tried. Alex states clearly how much he tried. These people had a serious problem because they kidnapped one of them, hijacked his life, while the other one had to go to them and ask them what their problem was and to release him unharmed. That would not be the case. Now they had two people and harming both of them with malicious ordinance and telling them they were in control. Ann went to them just as they went to Alex. Alex avoided them and told them to go away and they told Ann the same; who is the real stalker though and the spy or terrorist ring which we were hunting and looking for? This is the liberals, the left wing, and the communists war protesting and wanton thievery; it is just a coincidence they are throwing down the race, Vietnam War, terrorism, draft dodging, and other cards on the table on anti-communists and conservatives.

We have two “stalkers” who claim to be “investigators” using FISA, The Patriot Act, and other National Security factors to enable and perpetuate this further. They would turn around and claim the most offensive claim, “we only wanted to help.” That is such a blatant lie it is almost like saying, “we are not a spy and terrorist cell.” It is consistent with all the reports and concertedly was in step with us. It was concretely malicious calculus on the nation which literally was beyond treason. The whole point was to minimize the injuries, not maximize it. However, it shows this murderous malicious calculus which is described as a terrorist and spy cell who was flaunting their powers.

Ann secretly writes back: (did she actually write it?)

He is playing so nicely into our hands, isn’t he? He’s all yours, my love, have fun with him, just try not to hurt him “too” badly. And wasn’t that nice of him to give us his address in NY and his yahoo accounts?! lol Our plan is working better than I could have ever dreamed. I am so looking forward to seeing you this weekend … we will make every moment count. The first thing I am going to do is get on my knees and suck all the hot creamy juices out of your big hunk of man meat.

– don’t forget: The angels fly at midnight w/ the polar bear, wear your red shoes.

All my love,

The single most phrase or topic which Alex and Ann had been working on which personified what this was is called, “the help that hurts.” This was the help that was a malicious calculus intended to murder, a debilitating and deliberate act intended to carry forth a plot for two or more events with no care for life, property, or otherwise. This is the enemy; this is not friends and relatives. We also see this explode in the month of July 2008 on Capitol Hill and Washington as this was being transmitted across the globe. Here is a brief list which occurred in one day July 10, 2008:

  • Iran and rockets or love
  • Missile Defense “initiative”
  • Iran nuclear missile program
  • More church policies and efforts to kill it/them/us
  • World War 3 in the Middle East
  • FISA overhaul on the President
  • Mystery appearance of the Kennedy’s
  • No help or even acknowledgements of the problem from the President
  • Seneca Gaming in New York and American Indians gambling with federal laws
  • Jesse Jackson and the nut jobs
  • The struggle with liberals in the Democratic Party and those claiming to be in the Republican Party

The help that is murderous is liberal, left wing, and communism. There is no other ideology which fits this whatsoever. There is no other whose goals is to open doors and expands, while the secrecy level is as good as or better than ours. There are no other enemies out there who can pull off such a magnificent opposition and create such a murderous swath on anti-communists. Now they were claiming how they were helping, forwarding the nation, off the hook, and maximizing this help that not hurts but murders the nation. They are taking an even riskier claim and maximizing the effort even if they know and have been consciously variable to a death penalty. This was beyond treason even and the level of psychopathic agents of change is totally off the books. Now the left wing is claiming they will do anything for the anti-communist forces. The right wing is claiming they will cut down, block, or help the enemies; the left wing. So now, both the left wing and the right wing were an orchestra working in concert with each other; the left wing is willing to agree while the right wing is not willing to do anything; and we get what we expect and are being explained time and again. The help that is murderous calculus or so painful is not the truth and

These people overvalued their values. They lowered valuable assets and people. They created the inanity where fellow citizens were not allowed to appreciate their true values and could not judge their fellow citizens. If they did judge their fellow citizens, then the standards applied were a complete failure and lunatic madness. Again, when you loose touch with the value of your fellow countrymen and heroes; then you loose touch with the standards to call yourself a fellow countryman and its time you say goodbye or goodnight. The political breed and the political race of jackasses were truly backwards and total failures as indicated. They were on a debilitating and deliberate murderous rampage while claiming how they only “wanted help” and spewed a barrage of lies which lead to massive death and destruction. Now the survival of the right wing and the anti-communists felt like help from the enemies, a terrorist cell and spy ring. The help that was hurting so badly was the left wing accepting this help and the right wing denying this help.

These jackasses managed to flip the game on its head and make it backwards to open more and more doors. We are convinced these people are so penniless, desperate, such scoundrels, shameless, worthlessly dirt useless, and so backwards; they were willing to do anything but the truth. What we were describing was now a strong and powerful attempt to not only make us clients but now to inform us how were officially clients now. Our enemies wish to help now. They had been helping all along. They wanted to unite Ann and Alex and this was why none of the efforts from Ann ever reached Alex and none of the efforts of Alex ever reached Ann; they were helping. If that is not the most offensive effort to compound grief by a traitor, then there is no way it can also be a spy and terrorist cell as described. They do not want any resistance or any interference into what they are doing while the secrets are greater or equal to Alex and Ann. If you look at Alex and Ann, you will see 24 trillion hitters and the use of remote viewers. Do they have remote viewers or something else?

If they have remote viewers on their side, then what are they looking for or searching at? Remote viewers expose them and their spies. How do you use remote viewers or similar unless you are near perfect to a spy agency and their tactics; once again, this is consistent to the reports that this was not only a mammoth spy cell, this was some of their best spy masters who were very panicked and humiliated. Now they are insisting we are their clients and how much they are willing to help. Do we get any voice or choice in this? It is a wanton oracle of promiscuous deliberate calculus of imperfection and backwardness by this cell of jackasses and losers who finally recalibrated the mental paralysis and mental “death” by stating firmly how we are still their clients in June and July of 2008. They claimed the same all over the world as this was unwinding all over the world and totally insane but backwards and utterly useless. There was so much corruption and espionage going on, it is advancing global World War. Therefore, we have no other option but to forward the recommendation and firm belief of the death penalty for these police-able jackasses and loser. We must seek the death penalty but we are past this and nothing else to allow them debating thoughts. These are deadly and hardcore outsiders and we know this. This is the enemy; this is not friends and relatives.

The tirade and murderous rampage spanned mostly in the Middle East where it was a wanton orgy of lies and deceit to invoke and perpetuate World War three. There were no allies in the Middle East any longer while they spies were advancing the opposite without anybody having any say or voice. What we are saying is this; we will not allow a terrorist cell and a spy cell run the Middle East or the policies of the Middle East. They all have a death penalty based on the level of murders they embrace and willfully have shown. It is just one lie after the other by a political breed and race of jackass to stay at the table until murder is complete. This again is the same sort of offenses which we describe and how murderous they truly are. They are not strong and decisive. They are not anti-communists. There is nothing about them worth mentioning and they will even admit how there is nothing to say. It is nothing more than murderous spying and we are not allowed to combat or fight against communist spies or traitors. Nobody is allowed to fight back or oppose them.

Liberalism is a slippery slope which opens doors, when and if the Republican Party begins to open these doors instead of closing the doors; then it is for certain the solidification and the overrun of the Republican Party is imminent. You do not want the Democratic Party to steal the juice of the capitalist because that party is a bastion of the complete reverse and based on liberal economic policy. It is incompatible and thorough analysis has made it almost with certainty, the problem is a political jackass and a political loser who is such a fraud, liar, phony, and just a disaster in the happening who is expanding into the right wing, the Republican Party, and globally. It is a threat; it is not an opportunity to grow as they try to make it. Part of the problem is how the liberals managed to siege the stock markets and the banks to allow such a quick and short term expansion growth which eventually will burn out and saturate the gains into an avalanche of debt and penniless poker game.

We were convinced they were trying to start a global world war. We were convinced they were washing their hands with blood. We were trying to tell them to clean up their act and knock off the insanity before a world war occurred. They wanted to sacrifice capitalist blood and the best blood for socialists, communists, liberals, and the most penniless measly reasons. That is the liberal, left wing, and communist plot. We do not sacrifice capitalist blood for the brainless and reckless blood of socialist and communist liberals. Why do they push it into the red and a point of no return, then turn around and declare us to be anti communists or terrorists? That is insanity and the insanity of a miserable dirt measly jackass and loser. That is why they have the death penalty and why the orders for internment are being forwarded. There is no way to stop these people and they do not care or are the least bit concerned. They also have no respect for human life or the feelings of others because they owe no explanations while ordering others to be indebted to the devil. We want them far gone and away from the poker table before something really bad happen. We want to doors shut and locked, not opened and unlocked. They are unfit to call themselves citizens because they are unfit to judge or value their fellow citizens; thus, they do not have the standards to call themselves anything more than an enemy combatant. That is their war on terror while acting like a fraud who is worried about others or the best interest of the nation. They are unfit to fight to the death like American military standards, yet they use poor and uneducated people to attack those superior. Like terrorists, they do not have access to weapons and improvise. This drags them into the political system and they hang on like a terrorist.

We wonder how the SATWAR program will survive when it is under siege with such inanity. The Republican Party has always had a very strong relationship with the military. The Republican Party has always had hands off policy with its military leaders understanding the problem. Now it is as if the insanity of the left wing has superimposed itself onto the decay of the Republican Party and the impurities have caused it to desert the strong principles which stood strong against the communist forces in the past. If and when the Republican Party is overrun, then it will be the end of the bastion of anti communist forces. If the party is flooded with so many problems and imperfection by a political class and race of jackasses, then it will decay and wilt similar to the left, liberals, and the weakness of this world. It is just wanton laziness and wanton imperfection in a lunatic fringe. When did the Republican Party become the tormentors of the anti communist forces and hijacked the lives of those who change this world? When this did happen and why is it happening? Why are moles, turn coats, useless idiots, perfumed psychotic lunatics, and the like ripping apart the military and the right wing? They flood the right wing with who we do not want or like and stack the left wing with able people. It is insanity by a political race and class of jackasses and losers.

Could it be the church of liberalism that has cunningly and with malicious calculus are attacking this country and seized the leaderships? Is this what just happened and is happening now, a wanton orgy of lunatic imperfection and novelty which doesn’t take the problem very serious? The Republican Party needs to be in control by the strongest and the best soldiers, not the worst and this problem who are dirt penniless jackasses addicted to the class of debt. They make terrible soldiers for the SATWAR showdown and Armageddon put them on a diet or a cage with an exercise wheel in it. Ann has a book which explains this and our flow charts back in the 1980s, she does not have to be told what to do, she magically is perfect and brilliantly amazing, anticipating every single global move to the T. This is the enemy; this is not friends and relatives.

Does anybody need convincing or does anybody want to see the best example of their life on why these porch professed intelligentsias lack the shame to face their victims, are more broke to even pay back the damages, are so pathological lying to even do anything to avoid their day in court, and worry about their public reputation so obsessively they cannot even tell the public what is truly ongoing and an attack on the nation or the world? Sure they seized and control the financial red light districts, a mass of banks, and dominate the collectivism of the socialist world; but you never ever sacrifice anti-communist blood for the lard infested artery of the socialist and communist movement. With similar “Godly” church liturgy, you do not sacrifice of let conservatives be struck down by liberals who wish or want to make that sacrifice and control the right wing movement by imposing collectivization or at least fooling others to this end. They will do anything to avoid being judged. This is the liberals, the left wing, and the communists war protesting and wanton thievery; it is just a coincidence they are throwing down the race, Vietnam War, terrorism, draft dodging, and other cards on the table on anti-communists and conservatives.


Do you know they have you on XXX and all over the place with fake accounts? I do not know who is who. Imagine, if you had a little girl and you disappeared and almost died. Seven years later, she does not even recognize you or got any of your letters. You know she is your daughter and little girl but you do not even know who she is. She does not know who her daddy is or why he is missing. I feel the same way. There is a big 7 year period where I don’t even know my own girl and we do not or hardly know each other. I waited and waited… she waited and waited… nobody came or showed up.

So you are Ann. Okay. I am not going to embarrass you. I promise, promise. If anything, I will explain and tell the truth. I will not let your pain go unclaimed and unnoticed. But I do not know my little girl and it hurts baby, it really hurts. How do I show you or make you understand. Imagine you missed 7 years of your little girl’s life and you are so injured you have no idea or so confused. How do I tell my little girl my feelings? How do I tell her how much hurt I feel and how she does not or need to suffer. She is my little girl; I am not or will not hurt her. But she has to talk to me so I know what to do. I do not know what to do Ann. Honest, nor do I deserve your wrath because I know you are on a warpath.

Maybe she wanted to have a new father or her mom wishes I go away. I have no idea. Life is odd and it brings changes. Right now, I don’t even know my own little girl. Who is not a girl but one hell of an awesome woman. Does that mean I stop loving her? Tell me Ann? What did I do in 2002… and say to you? What? In the heat of battle, federal custody, and the worst moment of my entire life, what did I say? Did I say f@ck you? I’ll kill you… what? Tell me, and embarrass me about what I said to you which made you say, “Beat up the doctor.” I cut you loose even if we had been forever. You had been with me all my life and I cut you loose without any bad or hard feelings. You came back and found me; I did not look for you.

Now it hurts and stings. It hurts and stings because my little girl after 7 years is a big woman and I am missing 7 years of my life and our life. Now that HURTS. It hurts more that I am cut down so savagely and held as some hostage while someone is telling you, “if you want him, come and get him.” They know I would… of you and vice versa okay. And you know I have ridden my motorcycle 100mph (400 miles) to see my girl in the middle of the night. She also would go and meet me. Don’t tell me what I would not do. Even if I were to show up, you would slam the door on me? Call the cops? Really… cool. After you told everyone what they were doing? You are stronger than me but you did not let go when we had a chance. Now you are really over your head… I THINK, the gossip papers say otherwise.

But the analogy is the same. There is 7 years and even more missing. I had missed 3 years before that but that was okay. Now that adds up to a lot of years Ann. I love my little girl and I have not been there for her. I have missed everything. Now I am so pissed and mad. I am not going to embarrass you but you sent me this… that sent it?

He is playing so nicely into our hands, isn’t he? He’s all yours, my love, have fun with him, just try not to hurt him “too” badly. And wasn’t that nice of him to give us his address in NY and his yahoo accounts?! lol Our plan is working better than I could have ever dreamed. I am so looking forward to seeing you this weekend … we will make every moment count. The first thing I am going to do is get on my knees and suck all the hot creamy juices out of your big hunk of man meat.
– don’t forget: The angels fly at midnight w/ the polar bear, wear your red shoes.

All my love,

Have I ever left you? Have you ever left me? For real… even if I was on a date don’t I talk to you and vice versa? Give me some credit will you, they cut me down and cut my legs off; then tell you if you want him come pick up his pieces. Oh, and come pick up the pieces of your life, lol. You didn’t win; I didn’t win… who won?

So I cannot come to your house or make a pop up visit. XXX wanted to see you during the weekend? Ha, that is hilarious. I doubt if you will even want to be seen in public with him. Note, who or why would you want to be seen in public with? Very strange Ann Coulter, very strange for a woman of your stature and perfection; you can have anybody, note anybody you want. Why are my legs being cut and now, the only way I can walk is for you to come get me or save me? This is so sick. They know okay. They know if worse comes to worse, I would change it immediately. If you are saying to come to you, then I cannot. I have no way to. This JACK@SSES THINKS THEY ARE MY PROTECTORS OR FRIENDS. I HATE THEM AS STALKERS AND KIDNAPPERS, HATE THEM.

When you are ready to come and pick up my pieces and the pieces of our life, our dreams, and all the work we have put into this; then you do so okay. I guess all I can do is wait but isn’t this why I am getting mad? Thank you for cheering up and being happy on the XXX show; you seem different. I watched the XXX thing, the review others and your speeches okay. I want to see how happy you are with me again, are you or are you just picking up my pieces and our life, what’s left of it. It is like a god damn war zone. I know the Republicans were trying to… and hold you down also and shut you up. Don’t think I hurt for both you and I; I hurt for you Ann and as I said, you can torture someone to the point where they must or feel helpless. They made me helpless; the rest is up to you. Yes it was about impeaching, criticisms, and the stuff we both were working on in 1995 to 2008 and no it is not over. Do you want to leave it or come and get it? THEN COME AND GET IT AND DO NOT ABANDON IT AGAIN! I will not embarrass you, I promise, but I am truly angry okay. Hurt mostly because I have two people in me; I am you and I. I feel two pains and get punished twice Ann. You may only get it once okay babe.

I swear I love you… I swear to God, but he did not do this, they did… they are angry and this is about Vietnam… perpetuating the tragedy and pain. I guess it is time I join the left and the peace movement, want to join with me or follow me there also? Yes I know who is behind it also. Yes I know what war they are trying to sell.

I love you so much Ann, I swear… do you not notice? Do you not know who I am and what I would do for you? They want you to crawl and suck up.



“Read My Mind” lyrics by The Killers

on the corner of Main Street
just tryin' to keep it in line
you say you wanna move on and
you say I'm falling behind

Can you read my mind?
Can you read my mind?

I never really gave up on
break-in' out of this two-star town
I got the green light
I got a little fight
I'm gonna turn this thing around

Can you read my mind?
Can you read my mind?

The good old days
the honest man
the restless heart
the Promised Land
a subtle kiss
that no one sees
a broken wrist
and a picture piece (?)

Oh well I don't mind
if you don't mind
coz I don't shine
if you don't shine
before you go…
can you read my mind?

It’s funny how you just break down
waiting' on some sign
I pull up to the front of your driveway
with magic soaking' my spine

Can you read my mind?
Can you read my mind?

The teenage queen
the loaded gun
the drop dead dream
the chosen one
a southern drawl (?)
a world unseen
a city wall
and a trampoline

Well I don't mind
if you don't mind
coz I don't shine
if you don't shine
before you go
tell me what you find…
when you read my mind

Slippin in my faith
until I fall
he never returned that call
woman, open the door
don't let it sting
I want to breathe that fire again

She said
I don't mind
if you don't mind
coz I don't shine
if you don't shine
put your back on me (?)
put your back on me
put your back on me


The stars are blazing
like rebel diamonds
cut out of the sun…
when you read my mind

“When you were young” lyrics by The Killers

You sit there in your heartache
Waiting on some beautiful boy to
To save you from your old ways
You play forgiveness
Watch it now
Here he comes

He doesn’t look a thing like Jesus
But he talks like a gentleman
Like you imagined
When you were young

Can we climb this mountain
I don’t know
Higher now than ever before
I know we can make it if we take it slow
Let's take it easy
Easy now
Watch it go

We're burning down the highway skyline
On the back of a hurricane
That started turning
When you were young
When you were young

And sometimes you close your eyes
And see the place where you used to live
When you were young

They say the devil's water
It ain't so sweet
You don’t have to drink right now
But you can dip your feet
Every once in a little while

You sit there in your heartache
Waiting on some beautiful boy to
To save you from your old ways
You play forgiveness
Watch it now
Here he comes

He doesn't look a thing like Jesus
But he talks like a gentleman
Like you imagined
When you were young
(talks like a gentleman)
(like you imagined)
When you were young

I said he doesn’t look a thing like Jesus
He doesn’t look a thing like Jesus
But more than you'll ever know

“Same Town” lyrics by The Killers

Nobody ever had a dream round here
but I don't really mind that it's starting to get to me
Nobody ever pulls the seams round here
but I don't really mind that it's starting to get to me

I've got this energy beneath my feet
like something underground's gonna come up and carry me
I've got this sentimental heart that beats
but I don't really mind that it's starting to get to me now

Why do you waste my time?
Is the answer to the question on your mind
And I'm sick of all my judges
so scared of what they'll find
But I know that I can make it
As long as somebody takes me home
every now and then...

Well have you ever seen the lights?
Have you ever seen the lights?

I took a shuttle on a shockwave ride
where people on the pen pull the trigger for accolades
I took a bullet and I looked inside it
Running through my veins an American masquerade

I still remember grandmas Dixie's wake
I've never really known anybody to die before
Red white and blue upon a birthday cake
My brother, he was born on the fourth of the July...and that's all

Why do you waste my time?
Is the answer to the question on your mind
And I'm sick of all my judges
they're so scared of letting me shine
But I know that I can make it
As long as somebody takes me home
(Every now and then)
(Every now and then)

You know I see London, I see Sam's Town
holds my hand and let's my hair down
Rolls that world right off my shoulder
I see London, I see Sam's Town now

“Devil Boy” lyrics by Seven Mary Three

I slept through Easter yesterday

Right through Christmas just the same

The priest came up to me all up in arms

He said “devil boy, what have you done”

Hey devil boy

We’re gonna blow your house in

Hey devil boy

What do you think of that?

For heaven sakes

It’s only been only two thousand years

And I can’t wait

Any longer

For you

The Jesuits rolled in their tanks to my front door

While the capuchins have

A love in

On my front porch

The Augustinian kept to themselves

Stuck their tongues out in a row

They said, “Devil boy, it’s off to hell you go”

Hey devil boy

We gonna blow your house in

Hey devil boy

What do you think of that?

For heaven sakes

It’s only been only two thousand years

And I can’t wait

Any longer

For you

So I will sit and pray for her to call me there

I’ll burn that bridge

A thousand times

On the cross I bear

Just to wonder if you’re listening from soap boxes in the sky

To finally realize my price

Was it you or I?

Hey devil boy

We gonna blow your house down

Hey devil boy

What do you think of that?

For heaven sakes

It’s only been only two thousand years

And I can’t wait

Any longer

For you

For heaven sakes

I’d give away eternity

If you would come back to me

If you would come back to me

If you would come back to me

You would come back to me!

“Listen Like Thieves” lyrics by INXS

On the talk back show
On the radio at the local bar
In the hot traffic
By the red tail lights

Everybody’s down on their knees
Listen like thieves
But who needs that
When it’s all in your hands

And we take it down
To the end of town
Where they have control
But they’re losing touch
When the lights go out


Everybody’s down on their knees
Listen like thieves
For the end results
But who needs that
When you’ve got
It all in your hands
It’s all in your hands
It’s all in your hands

You are all you need
You are all you need
And that is everything
So don’t hesitate
There’s no time to waste
You just do it for yourself

I said everybody’s down on their knees
Listen like thieves
But who needs that
When it’s all in your hands

You got it all, you got it all
It’s all in your hands
You got it all, you got it all

I said everybody’s down on their knees
Listen like thieves
But who needs that
When it’s all in your hands

“The Craziest Game of Poker” lyrics by O.A.R. (Of A Revolution)

Oh my...
My twenty thrown down in my, fist of rage
And the man to my left folded down
Well Johnny doubled up with a Royal Flush
I had three jacks and a pair of nines
My mind is turning just two shots more
There's not much left to play
Then dude walks in Black hat on top, what a mop
I'm lucky it wasn't a county cop, cause I'm just running out of time

Who's up for game two, what to do?
My wallets getting thin and I just lost my watch last night
I got a problem, just one answer got to throw it all down
And kiss that sh@t goodbye

That was a crazy game of poker
(That was a crazy game of poker)
I lost it all

(I lost it on)
But someday I'll be back again
And I never to fold
(Never to fall)

Who's up for game three?
I can barely see the bourbon drowning next to me
I just lost it all
Well there's a man sitting next to me
Red with smiling eyes
It's funny I don't have no money tonight

bada.... beh dop

Bada, bada, ba, ba, ba, bee, bee, ba bop, bee, bop, ba, bop, bee, bee, ba bop, bee, bop
I say now skitili dat dat dat well how bout that
I'm coming out the front never coming out the back
And I walked into this bar yesterday
Cause I had something to do, something to say
And Johnny walked in right behind me and I didn't turn around
Until I heard the sound of his feet falling on the ground

I looked over my shoulder and I saw a clown
And I said Watcher in the bar tonight?
So I said Johnny Watcher wutcha doing tonight?
He looked at me with a face full of fright
And I said how about a revolution?
And he said right

I say of, ya'll say a, I see revolution, and you say die

I sing of, and you say I, see the revolution, and you say da, die, die aye, oh

Well I said, whatcha looking at?
He hit me across my face with a bat
Grabbed my .45 and I said let's get out and go
So he opened the door, and said "watcher here for?"
I said I'm wanderin' down the road 44
And I said I've been walking for about a thousand years

And my feet are growing tired
My eyes a little wired
Don't know what to do unless I retire
And he just said let's play some crazy poker

So I said Johnny Watcher wutcha doing tonight?
He looked at me with a face full of fright
And I said how about a revolution?
And he said right

I say of, ya'll say a, I see revolution, and you say die

I sing of, and you say I, see the revolution, and you say da, die, die aye, oh

I said that, was the craziest game of poker that I ever saw

Say, that was the craziest game of poker that I ever saw
But I’m not gonna quit and I'm not gonna stop
I don't give a sh@t cause I got the drop
Johnny just got two eyes just like mine
And I'm feeling kind of funky, kinda fine
I drank a bottle of whiskey before I came
Came to the bar to see what's the same
I saw my man named Johnny sitting across the table from me

And to my left was a man, he had no chin
I didn't even think about starting a sin
The man to my right wasn't feeling kinda nice
He looked kinda mad and I, felt bad
Because I took his money last night
It's kinda funny
But now I'm just struggling
I need a honey bunny
I don't know what to say anymore
So I’m just going to go out

Ah hey oh

So I said Johnny Watcher wutcha doing tonight?
He looked at me with a face full of fright
And I said how about a revolution?
And he said right

I say of, you say ah, I say a revolution, and then you say jah

I say oh, you say of, I say revolution, and you sing aye
I say of, ya'll say a, I see revolution, and you say die

I sing of, and you say I, see the revolution, and you say da, die, die aye, oh

“Blood in my Eyes” by Dime-store Hoods

Ough Whatcha gonna do, now

Whatcha gonna do when they rhythm comes kicking you

Trying to make me bleed in to

My resent so definite, evident

(Blood in my eyes Blood in my eyes)

Breath life a disease, gonna get you

Off of me

Thoughts of you rotting me

(Blood in my eyes Blood in my eyes)

Animosity grows into me

Boy you lost when you made me the enemy

(Blood in my eyes Blood in my eyes)

(Blood in my eyes Blood in my eyes)

(I don't like to think)

I don't like to think about you


Whatcha gonna do

Who your gonna do it to

Cause it's making me feel

Yeah it's making me feel (my real)

Something I killed off

Given off enough lick about you

To another like me punk

Gonna get yourself knocked down

Nightmares running through my mind


Walked the path it warped my brain

Never left me quiet insane

All the memories of my pain

Looking down as I remain

So empty

Inside me

So empty

About Me

My photo
My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.

You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest