There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

Enter key words, topic, or specific references to posted chapters...

Friday, December 25, 2009


We do not know if the countries of the world have an adverse and negative reaction to power, corruption, and crime in the Western world; however, we have a serious grievance and severe disappointments. We do not know if trade and globalization has increased expectations or cause some form of disappointment because of the mixing and matching approach of an enemy so deceptive; humor is the only way to restore the human spirit. The sensation of danger is everlasting and cannot be removed; however, the grand deception and this extremely deadly sleep danger are slowly awakening. The question is what impact it will have on trade, relations, and trust; or will all of this insanity eventually spiral into warfare and conflict. These dangerous deceptions eventually lead to severe crackdown and highly centralized or controlling governments. It has a very negative impact to the human spirit and also the growth of expectations.

The conflict between the human race and religion has not been resolved in any existing religion. However, there is a sensation that Christianity is in conflict with the world and that is inaccurate. The same impulse that Islam is at war with the world is also not the case. In hindsight, the inaccuracy that religion is in conflict with other religions is more of a political objective because different sects, denomination, and cultures seek inclusion and must also cope with rejection. That is the problem with religion, inclusion and rejection; how do human beings cope with emotional appeals that religious impulse seek to harbor or develop?

To understand the phenomenon of two major global religions; we can utilize Christianity and the history of Christianity as a template. There are periods of resurgence, extreme expectations, growth, internecine warfare, and stalemate. The debates that emerged within Christianity were never resolved and even led to some combating or military campaigns; however, expansion of these expectations in Christianity grew tremendously with the growth of economics. As that material growth occurred, religion mirrored the culture and was a direct representation of it; then as it peaked and nosed dived due to liberalism; the same problem existed.

Understanding the religious history of Christianity, how it has exacerbated and stifled growth for either moral or oral fortitude, the complexity of modernity and economic pursuits can cause a sensation of greater or heightened expectation. To compete and cope with this sanity; religion has utilized the moral bearings it was founded on to adjust to these changes and expectations as individual worth and society grew and became global.

Both Christian and Islamic social scientists describe a period of tremendous growth in the 1970s when the energy crisis and warfare erupted. Whether or not it was out of loss or not; many religious persons of the world felt the religious awakening to re-evaluate their world and this battle with human beings they had many expectations for; however, the world was revolting and revolution was diminishing what had been a healthy relationship between religion and economics. In other words, the more an economy grows, the greater the expectations and the growth of character, individualism, and the standard of life grows. There are power relationships with this expectation. So the 1970s is very important to both the Christian world and the Islamic world.

Emerged were strange groups who wanted to build schools and provide jobs; to throw their hat in the ring and politicize the expansion of this expectation or growth. They went into the most diminished, poorest, and difficult areas that not even Christian militaries would dare venture. What they did was invoking fear, created chaos, and in a disaster like manner; caused an exodus of moral and oral fortitude towards the global policemen. As criminal elements, their war is against the police forces and the financial bearing of the police industry. To manipulate this fear and restructuring of the mind; they resorted to terrorist acts to address these expectations or heightened need for the help of the police. The effort never arrived and they gave up; turned their sights to bigger targets.

The advent of modernity and the need to seek education, better jobs, opportunity, and a very exciting world began around the period of high technology. Electronic goods and consumerism flourished even if systematic breakdowns were magna-monolitchic. Therefore, the advent of the high tech boom spurned educational pursuits which emphasized cerebral societies and upper areas of logical fortitude; quite the contrary to the oral one; the economy was growing rapidly and emerging markets were an intellectual pursuit. This contradicted the victories or the expansion in the world with the labor movement and the left wing; however, they too wanted to grow and had educational, material, and technology experience.

People wish to be smarter and gain more respect among humans; this can come from a capitalist society. However, running at maximum capacity was a disaster that never self corrected in the communist ones and they perished by no fault but efficiency and value. They were big, inefficient, and cost more than the human race had; yet that did not stop global events. Islamic social scientist describe three groups; literalist, mystics, and modernist who emerged after the 1980s. The world was changing rapidly, people had greater expectations, and they were organizing and chatting about peace and problem solving. The militaries of the world were also rapidly changing due to high technology; they were preparing for Armageddon or some abrasion.

A new force emerged during the 1980s, the underworld. The criminal elements fueled by narcotics and crime in America; grew to enormous military and profit levels. They expanded and waged wars in peculiar ways; by what Sovietologist deem “forced opposition.” Forced opposition is the dissident system; the world adores dissidents. Democracy and power relationships began to create dissidents and real victims due to this sameness; the expectations kept growing.

Modernist are the ones who tend to win the debate but the disintegration of the bigger school builders, the bigger militaries, the better mechanics declined with Globalism. Those affected became nationalist and also the rupture of traditional power led to either rejection or acceptance controversies. That sameness occurred all over the world and the contrivance of hate and contraband fueled a resistance or rebellion by criminal elements. They too had expectations and where crime had been ignored before; was not ignorable now. They are an oral bunch with little moral fortitude or neglect. This fueled societies where higher expectations pressured governments and reforms; however, this was an armed struggle, not a cerebral one.

Other events in the 1980s began to flower. Ensconced by a sober calculation, the communist forces in the world began to decentralize but not debrief the world about who they were or deregulate the power structures. The expectations were growing but cultures refused to disengage, dismantle, or reverse evolution. Therefore, a new transformation emerged, a new expectation, a greater and wider arm of the left wing. The cerebral pursuit did not go away and neither did the players; however, they merely adapted to changes in the structure of society and the world; deception.

The climatologist began to notice strange events and was blind to the evils or vocabulary of a foreign foe. There can be double meanings and expressions which are intended to deceive or convey a particular message. These expectations finally was addressed and this new transformation was oral once again; even more livid to the moral expectations caused by modernity and growth. So crime became an industry and the state became weaker and weaker. Debts and tremendous pressure began to sway individuals to choose outcomes they would not otherwise like had they known beforehand the reasons or the clear mental fortitude. Rejection became an emotional appeal, not a moral or logical one; bad debts indicated severe and serious breakdown. Those who played along had their expectations grow larger and larger.

The days of hub-dub, retrenching, and consolidation began. Blind to reality or not fitting quite as nice; the rejection period grew to enormous strength and convictions. A dual reality began to restructure the mind in a psychopathic demeanor where expectations in government go up and down. One day it would be about rejection, the next it was about endless acceptance. Government was always under pressure to change but the change was not coming or possible; by now there was no political will, only expectations and pressure. Real criticism began to grow. Cadences to these deceptions were the growth of expectation and the growing sensation of rejection; the cerebral damage is not a present. Now the expectation is mental illness and acceptance; to market this and sell it as phony stupidity. It can never be stupidity if it is phony and disproved.

Opposition got to be a problem. Family, tradition, and moral bearings were redrafted on a template and road map fitting of disaster and survival. Could anybody win or get ahead under those circumstances? The world was changing and getting better; but were human beings? The more these problems increased, the stronger the enemies got and rightly so; the state of paralysis lends no credence to either acceptance or rejection; thus no truth and this dual universe and two enemies. There is a clear mismatch with leadership and this road map.

One enemy is an oral monster and the other is a moral one; just on the other side. It can never be about rejection when the focus is acceptance. It could never be about this problem, when the real problem has already been rejected or destroyed. From the problems of the 1960s emerged the regrouping and necessity for religious impulse; growth in the world economy led to the growth in expectation; thus, the oral and moral debate led to terrorism beginning in the 1980s and then the sporadic splurge in the 1990s and then the millennium. Now it is about being terrorized and becoming a victim or political prisoner.

These deceptions are dangerous and swimmy. They illustrate the divisiveness of religion and crime. They more than graphically belittle the poison of politics and the difference between love and war; peace and hate; good or bad; and oral incarnate moral. These dangerous deceptions clearly humidify a stalemate and a psychopathic enemy lurking and trawling beneath; a less than zoo like phenomenon. We happen to describe them and based on observations, what they had done or tried. We also dignify what we had done or tried. It is there to digest or disgust; however, there is a gross violation of justice and the perpetuation of lies, deceit, and fraud.

The balm on the face of this enemy is real; their case against mankind is not. It is not how they treat others but how they view themselves. When you are smart enough to debate anti-gravity; you do not have to search long to see the end and how things fall apart when proven right. These leaders are in one sense genuine on paper; however, the problem is how they depart from the road map. It is more than orally obvious the language covers up the deception or is utilized to deceive an enemy. However, the crime is real and the trap they walk into or enter is more than they are. When caught, mental health becomes an issue; so doesn’t rejection. They are viewed as more than intelligent; even stupid or ostracized for this uncanny belief they are really powerful.

However you slice it, it never ends up the same. We can electrocute the problem and it will scream the same. We can homogenize the aging or fermentation period, we have the same reality or outcome. So change is not there over spatial time due to the deception or dangerous liaisons. That is the original problem liaisons. There is only one enemy and one enemy to mankind; we know this and fought only one human being. However, when you live in a world with multiple Gods or ones who transform; the placating of reality can be immense. So this is about rejection, not acceptance by Gods who live through the human beast. We describe their activity and this rendezvous with destiny; what they did, what we did, how they tried, how we ignore them; and lastly, their prosecution and conviction. Will it ever end there?

Typing on the same typewriter, we get two works with masterful forgeries. The grade of quality is the same; however, the linguists are emboldened. Sounding more like a hoax than a masterpiece, the careful eye cannot hear it; it is a sensation and a demon like chase unlike history itself. Poetic in form, the science is lacking or sober. Enumerated by calculus and physical observations, the increase in forgeries is very superfluous. However, this is about rejection, not acceptance. Who is seeking it or why? Who is this emotion we call love, respect, dignity, intelligence, and value? Is it the oral world or the moral one; perpetuating one form after the other? We can see how this calculus of physical observation can benefit in numbers; but who is their leader and can we draw them to the same intersection point? If so, then they will and must come before the inevitable. What is that viability if not destiny and fate of the human spirit? We have their essence and they have our soul as a prisoner.

What part of their skin remains in the oral victory? What deception must we enumerate now as freedom and victory; an annoying consequence of a drug fueled rampage on mankind by criminal elements? Do we expect them to be tough about it or just tougher; better thought out? What about this deception sells and what leads to an inevitable; the linguist are emboldened to decipher the enigma of this carefully deceived plot so big it is bound to fail sooner or later. We know victory is in their sights but unachievable, why is that impossible or laden with this jaded feeling it is us? Are we the same or are we merely viewing our body crucified by an oral loser? Numbers do enumerate the calculus which set the communist movement on the same path. Now it is a deadly and poisonous game of deception and peace.

So how do we know if it is a soggy bagel or a dry oasis? If the protest is not keen to the characters of the document, the meaning can alter and fray to multiple universes or realities. How can this be real and a religious impulse when the context of the topic is identical? Is it insanity or pure brilliance of mental illness? They orally grasp a picture as worth much more than a million words; is there some form of bigotry, bias, or even a hypocrite waiting and lurking to injure and proclaim handicap? Scary to the sight, they do not turn away and run; instead, they become livid and powerful; an internal rage that by deception and deadly games, seek the intrigue and support of the most intellectual and morally disgusted. We see the material and how obnoxious or humongous the repression is to be so disgusting. Who is this human creature and do they know the difference?

Jingoisms aside, humor states that all parties involved find it either true or snide. Rejection is not acceptance and the reverse cannot be humorous. Therefore, by utilization of a special form of language, we can elicit a certain kind of response that is pleasant; such as love, respect, kindness, disgust, and sameness. But is it an act or a theater of pain fueled by youthful days wasted away self medicating alcohol fueled happiness? The threat of regret is real. The oratory deception is much more dangerous than perceived or sensationalized. Why is it disproved and false when oratory fortitude says otherwise? How the audience is the same and the topic is the same if not even true or merely funny? What lurks beneath and what trawls the audience to invoke such a grave deception and gamble? The enumeration of calculus states that with moral fortitude comes number choices; a destiny not as destitute as the regret or dangers. So the threat of pain and the theater of pain are too real to ignore by the audience; but the deception is strategic or brinksmanship, a gamble. Now who is hated and who is rejecting?

Waiting for complexity to arrive is not possible in a world where increasing expectations fuel crime and corruption. With crime and corruption, there is always violence and oratory fortitude. So we know this deception is real and it is underneath, waiting to be free or released by the relaxation of this complexity. But how, does the human creature have the intelligence to figure out how to remove the codified relaxation or cope with this astonishing increase in expectations? For this we follow from a book of an old but weekend enemy. That enemy is perhaps the most cunning and deadly we have ever enumerated using calculus. It has to do with the theatre of pain and how we can codify the relaxation of that humorous appeal.

Sleepy to danger, this enemy plunges into new and exciting ways to silence the audience. Their intelligence tells them that moral fortitude can be defeated by oratory ones yet the expectations do not change. Why in a world where global trade, high technology, and expanding new and old markets reach blood red hotness; does this joke not sound funny? What is so not funny about this expectation if it is a more deadly deception underneath? Once again, with the growth of the emergency, the expectations resort to the calculus of oratory and moral fortitude to liven up the sleepy to danger approach. We call this the theatre of pain and the threat the audience does not find this medicated humor a deception anymore.

So we can self mediate this and resort to some bipartisan approach, a poisonous and deadly deception. Religion states that within the factors that oppress us, we seek solutions that will inhibit greater expectations and more moral and oratory fortitude. However, when we find out what this oratory fortitude is all about or why it is bipartisan bickering; we do not find it funny at all. How can we be sleepy to danger when we know the joke is on our enemies? They are just too stupid right now to realize it but it is not over or the ending just yet.

As life grows and the expectations grow when the mind is restructured to a suitable mush; the amiable same topic but the fortitude of oratory and moral haphazard. Totality says that danger is contrived by national security topics discordant to many groups wishing to read the same topic. Economic sustainability says the road map cannot cease or be a forgery of the mind, heart, and soul. However, the threat and the danger are now being enumerated in numbers and complexity; the arcane world we call material. We cannot see it and we cannot know it; so how can it be true, telling or there inside our eyes? How do you prove someone is using a typewriter that belongs to you and is speaking about the same topic; a forgery and a crime was committed?

Now the topic is the enemy and the endless chicanery of the enemy of mankind, the criminal element. Thus, growth and expectations can lead to or stifle our reality. Knowingly, expectations grow but do disappointment also? Again, how we see ourselves and how we treat others can be a discordant feature of this careful deception but it really sounds good and looks like the same typewriter or topic. How did we just restructure the mind and relax that disappointment also? Can it be disproved or made to be the truth? Maybe it is just true and transcendent by oral and moral fortitude. Moving forward, we have just disproved and emphasized the selling points which make religious expectations and disappointments true. It is a new enemy and a deadly deception; however, it is more real and more dangerous when it is in a criminal form. All criminal forms need freedom and desire to escape someone or something oppressing them. That is to say we know who is behind all of this and who is doing it.

For so long this is real and it is still up for grabs, the audience is apparently safe. However, for the messengers, they have the widespread problem with how dumb the oratory protest can become. It is a panic that sobers up a silence and hidden threat. That is the nature of conflict, one side grows stronger while the others either grow weaker or die off. If it is a terrorist plot or some diabolical global deception; then the audience is not safe because they are attached to the land and these leaders are in charge of disappointments. How do we know who grows stronger if we are a captive and prisoner? So how do we know our expectation grew if we had been or are a prisoner?

The rules of conflict state that when it is present; one side overcomes the other after periods of oscillations and danger. So why is expectation now disappointment and vice versa? Growth leads to expectations however, this dangerous and deadly deception led to disappointment and regrets; why? How do we know who is who and what evil did to end this conflict? It did end and we do see how real the expectation is; but why is the disappointment also there? This is odd and most experts would not question how to disprove it when it is real. When it is real, we can reproduce it and perpetuate it so that it is enumerated by numbers and calculus; we know that to disengage would prove it is true and that calculus makes it real and provable. What makes the audience so special to watch us in our most private and most valuable growth period?

So why are the disappointment there and the growth also? We know growth led to expectations; we have a grand deception to prove it and we scientifically describe every detail, injury, and observation; we left nothing out or missing. Why then are we not able to prove it stoically? Can we prove the presence of a threat and an enemy; instead of being slandered as a threat and an enemy by an enemy and threat? How? This is the bet we have seen and the most austere enemy known to mankind; why then are we crying about spilt milk or mental illness? What makes our grievance so much more real or disappointing if in fierce conflict; only one side is allowed to be victorious? Can we prove this and how? How do we prove we were targeted for termination by the state or so severely oppressed we are traumatized by a non human species? Who accused us of that also?

One way is to catch this deadening deception while it is at work or underway; to see it decay and spill over, to see it kick and scream as it drowns. It will reach, gasp, and grow excited. Then it will know the water is not the material this human species can walk on or live under; we can make that surface. We can describe the insanity; but can we reproduce it and scientifically prove it? We have a unique and ubiquitous opportunity to watch a new enemy emerge and display their swashing sleepy danger or deadly deception; we know that in conflict, there is no deception or sameness in topic even if this criminal element proclaims there is. So why are they acting exactly the same as us and seeking some emotional appeal when it is clearly about rejection and acceptance; this same deadly deception. This is a hardened criminal and clearly a psychotic animal that is a danger to others mostly and when caught themselves. If there is no way out or they are ready to die; then why continue or increase the pressures or grievances with continuous attacks or terrorizing other human beings? It defeats their intelligent approach and their appeal for civility. This is like killing someone and claiming the problem is solved.

Are they another cautious bomb to bring down our building or just a firebomb to scare us off? Why are they using the same arguments, the same reasons, and the same approach when we know they are not on the same topic and are a deadly enemy? They even describe our psychopathic slander and have filed formal reports about how we do not act like them; they act like us. So what makes them so special and what makes them so real to alter our expectations and disappointments? Why is it so difficult to win our case or get rid of this psychopathic and deranged serial killer like lunatic who contacts us and always displays this dangerous deception for profit strategy? We know they like to turn the heat up and increase the pressure; but the disappointments? This is an enemy and a non human being who says they do not know what to do, there is no way out of it, they want to talk their way out, and how they are ready to die. It is really easy to solve by going away, stepping down, and stop attacking 100, 200, or 500 times a day while repeating a bare naked emotional deception.

Someone better have the full truth and every single detail available because the implication of not having it is much more enumerated in terms of calculus and getting caught. We know it is about expectations and also disappointments; so the deception is either up to their side or the audience. That is a humongous audience, it should be taken more serious, and this is as real as it will ever become. We hope their expectation grows and learns well because it was a test of power but no longer true. Either a non human species was behind this or it was all just a grand deception that got dangerous to a sleeping giant. Who is that sleeping giant? If there is a way out of it, then they will exercise their oral and moral fortitude because this is as deadly of a deception as humans can get. This is as deadly of a game as this enemy can possibly design by power, copying, or claiming to be something they are not.

About Me

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.

You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest