There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

Enter key words, topic, or specific references to posted chapters...

Friday, December 11, 2009


This case resembles a rape case. On one level we get a he said she said. On another level, we know the identity of the culprits behind it; the former communist and radicals of the 1960s and the underworld. The case concerns compounding lie after lie; those lies are then used against two primary objectives, a male and a female to destroy both on a level unheard of or seen before. In the beginning, the late 1990s, it appears only as a stalking and harassment case. However, the fingerprint and the overall thread which interweaves a decade long investigation process are the stealth and skill of those behind this; to leave no fingerprint while they point the finger at others for leaving no fingerprints to catch them. But they have no case or complaint on the level we are seeing. These lies are used to destroy a human being on another level; thus, we have a pattern of gross lying and conspiracy. The compounding of the lies is not only intended on destroying a character; their name and soul, but to attack their family name and evict them.

These communists and radicals are determining their future by both creating victims and harassment or dirty tricks. In that frothing mix, we got a taste of their dirty legal tricks campaigns from the pattern of lies to the cruel hoaxes; all the way to malicious prosecution and false imprisonment. Again, to determine their future, they must define a victim. We know this is a financial matter. We know this is about labor wages. We know this is about the future of crime, labor unions, and free or global trade. Therefore, the implosion of the communist system in the 1980s led the radical and communist movement to morph into various or separate movements; those spatial “cells” were being activated by events or disasters. We trace many of them to the 1980s and can begin to see the evolution of this psychiatric theatre or care. It is the theater of pain and the main goal is to instill total chaos. That chaos then activates the psychopathic personalities hidden well below all of this political correctness, civilized society, and daily routines. When the radicals and left wing got nuts; their raw animal instincts comes out and attacks.

After interrogating the primary suspects we expanded our suspicions based on what was said, what was subtle, and the total lack of forensic evidence. A really good example would be the DC Sniper in the late 1990s and then the Fort Hood Shooter in November of 2009. Both were caught but the evidence to expand the investigation to more culpable suspects was shut down. What we know are events, disasters, trauma, stress, attacks, being terrorized, and being a real victim; then leads to mental illness, surfacing of mental illness, or severe stress. If some form of PTSD, anxiety, power-rage, bipolar disease, paranoia, or paranoid schizophrenia; either it did not surface or was not created; the peace movement won the debate had they been scrutinizing how calm they are or how mental illness surfaces when attacked. In the case of the Exxon Valdez, the level of stress and worry was so devastating, it lead to suicides; a theme of the left wing and religious cults.

If there was any strategic value in targeting certain groups, areas, industries, or states; then these attacks on America is about caring; who cares; and whether or not we care. We call this the textbook version of victim hood; how to create it and how to get even. If there is a financial motive for attacking certain parts of the USA; then some relentless homicidal enemy is trying to prioritize financial investments, relocation, personnel, and insurance. We know they are on our soil and attacking; we do not know why they target the most valuable and most treasured resources; then the least to create victims and disasters for Constitutional merits, slander, or credibility. We know they terrorize both victims and recruits; make them fearful and laden with mental illness (or try); and use terrorism as a tool to recruit and captivate others with.

After the 1.8 year interrogation; we expanded the investigation and detective work to several other suspicious events. They are listed in chronological order from the earliest to the latest. If history repeats itself, then you cannot fight a lasting war without steel workers; moreover, this maybe the Alamo and Texas’ last stand in this fight. We know it is history based and events trigger other events that have fuses; did we hit a dud?

• 1960s outbreak of radicalism, terrorism, and communism; total chaos
• Evita, Marcos, JFK, MLK, X, RFK, Milk, Reagan, Sadat, Rubin, etc…
• Embassy attacks
• Unabomber
• Plane attacks (hijacks, crashes, maintenance trouble, falling asleep, etc)
• Attacks on Delta Force and support groups, officers, undercover agents
• Beirut and military base attacks
• Attacks in Middle East
• Casualty rates between Israel v. Palestine – similarity (3 per day and 3000 per year)
• Attacks on ships or military ships
• Exxon Valdez
• Virginia Tech Shooting
• Bank shootouts
• School shootouts
• Mall shootouts
• Whacko, TX
• Oklahoma City
• WTC 1
• Philippine Airlines heist
• WTC 2 or 911
• DC Sniper
• Anthrax attacks
• Slew of bio hazards, bio terrorism, germs, and health pandemonium
• Mumbai on Thanksgiving Day 2008
• Fort Hood on Thanksgiving Week 2009

So what was a stalking, attempted rape, harassment, and slander case originally on a male and female; ended up shattering all the clues to other terrorist plots because of the lack of evidence they displayed and the skill or knowledge level they exerted during the capture period. Naturally, their goal with the male and female was to determine if anybody cared; a kidnapping objective. Hence we see the clues all over and the footprints of the same bunch. If psychiatric care is the objective; then there are two parts to the strategic initiative. When on offense, the psychiatric care is to take down someone; to make a whole person less whole by attacking them. When on defense, the psychiatric care is to boost their credibility and initiate and flurry of level pressure, scare tactics, and saber rattling. There is not a delusion; there is real terrorism, real victims, and real injuries; thus it benefits the victims highly. What is also convoluted is the definition of a victim; is it the left wing or the right wing? Neither, it is about money and greed; no less crime and secrets.

By attacking us, we got a slew of pernicious and malicious prosecutions relating to threats or assaults. In both instances, no charges were ever present; no felonies committed; only 4 years of hassle, various cocktails of psychotropic drugs, years behind federal prison, and a feeling of disgruntled anxiety with a breakdown in trust. We have a severe breakdown in trust, a slew of attacks which would anger anybody, and the possibility or presence of paranoia or bipolarize disease. Therefore, whoever is using us as a guinea pig has not mastered the craft of brainwashing but is close to it. This time it is on a massive level; to active massive chaos, to use terrorism as a weapon of mass propaganda and destruction, and then to instill fear by terrorizing both sides into having no choices; only a victor and the least unscathed out of this entire disaster. It has the finger prints of the unions, the liberals, and the left wing all over it.

The reason why the unions are involved at various periods or became the primary contacts is they have perfected this tradecraft and art of deception. The labor unions have a history of attacking their own, avoiding criminal prosecution, terrorizing companies and wealthy owners, and this type of psychological warfare; this is also how we traced them to the Al Qaeda cell on the east coast; they had been activating or trying to activate a sleeper. This is who and how we set the trap for the national level and then the local levels; those who do the dirty work. These people despise and hate so much they are willing to kill and murder to fulfill their objectives; that is the problem and why it does not mesh with Christianity or the United States of America. Meanwhile, they call on the forces of law enforcement or areas they have infiltrated to cover up their demented vision of society and their fulfillment of liberation.

The events trigger harm or assassination. The disasters also trigger either severe criticism or removal from office; hence, we see the attacks on various peace process leaders; threatening the future. They can also reverse the process and boost or surge; by adding credibility and slander to the missteps. What we notice and detected severely was surveillance and casing a target. Throughout the years we complained severely about stalking, unwanted contacts, odd or erratic characters, polite maniacs, and attempts to compound lie after lie until a complete mess or disaster was the only outcome. We know why the FBI office in Falls Church was given a warning and why DC was attacked. We know why two people were targeted by the unions and made to suffer injury after injury which no evidence or forensic science to trace those behind it. We know the psychiatric expertise of some of the culprits; either having worked, managed, or cased psychiatric hospitals, prisons, and treatments. The fingerprints are all over; the forensic science is lacking until we caught those behind it.

This relentless and terrorizing experience has muddled the definition of the police as well. In the case of using lie after lie, then compounding them so they become a weapon to destroy an individual or character; we notice the only on the scene subjects delegated any authority to intervene or stop us, due to a severe paranoia we had known it all from the start, was a male, female, and child known for their close ties to the unions and union violence. Their job was to take three steps each step we took and to intervene or stop any progress made; however, when the FBI was called, they were more careful and more alarmed by the possible surveillance and “suspicion of detection.” A pattern and a history had already emerged; two characters were in this trap and both had the wherewithal to survive it. What occurred in the middle did not matter to how the ending and outcome would be. Who then would take this much risk or risk it all; when the house of cards fell and the cards all came out? Therefore, the lack of evidence was felt by the pressure of the room; the degree of subtle pressure exerted back.

We also have an event and a trigger. In 2002, some event possibly 911 or attacks at the beach led to a psychiatric allegation or claim. Remember, in the case of the Exxon Valdez and other disasters, there is no delusion or hallucination; real injuries are present and on both sides. Therefore, the event or trauma could have triggered mental illness or led to them; also triggered another sleeper sell and activated it which then is a fuse for another one. We know this individual is an expert with demolition. This is as good as demolition gets because the fuse is an event to another event; that fuse is connected to another fuse and another. When the shooting at Fort Hood occurred in November of 2009; we were taking the case to trial and handing it over to the US attorneys. That event thus triggered a third in a series of psychiatric allegations and death threats. If this failed, then it would be terminal point and a total disaster on those culpable. Surely the message is to leave them alone and to go home or go away; but when it hits the US attorneys office and goes to trial; there is no escape. So the Fort Hood shooting triggered an event in our life; a third psychiatric ward or story about expertise. Was it a threat or was it for real? Similarly, who is being threatened and who is being told to go away or go home?

So the behavior of the case changed or morphed. Once caught and once we jumped all over it and sent out the interrogation briefs and the degree we had known before hand to catch these stealth manipulators and psychological warfare efforts; they did not end the stalking and pursuit but changed the story. Now they were victims. They were being hunted. They were threatened and based it on a “history of lying” or a “pattern of lying” we had tried to sue them in 2002 as slander in civil court. This is how we know it is about slander and how they use history or these terrorist attacks to slander the country or allies. History is a pattern of events, a pattern of behavior, and a carefully orchestrated effort to boost their credibility while slander the opposition if any of them are alive, survived, or can withstand the relentless onslaught. They suspected we knew and we suspected they would come and make an appearance; we planned that and it worked perfectly and just fine. What they did not know and needed to find out was how much we knew; that is still not answered yet; we have to take this to trial first. If there was other forensic evidence or some mind blowing collection accumulated over the years; it has not magically showed up yet. We hope the investigation and the federal prosecution goes as planned and they can sniff it out also.

Again, the operative word is disaster. The lack of forensic evidence denies a full and complete investigation; however, we were contacted and we were able to solicit a full and complete confession from those behind this who mistook us as Delta Force. We gave them several options and they accepted it as a way out; to walk away unscathed which was never offered or even considered. We cannot simply say they were anonymous if we traced it and found out who kept calling us or making unwanted and terrorizing contacts. We have a slew of injuries and damages still not even addressed. Meanwhile, the terrorist recruitment tool broke down and decapitated; left in a limbo and a state of suspended annihilation. We can see them trying to activate cells, using a fuse to trigger sleeper cells, trying to recruit, trying to manipulate the victim laws or protection system, we can see how financial investments and insurance are being revealed, we can see the mass use of paranoia, fear, psychiatric care, and power of bipolar disease to deconstruct normal life or society, and we can also see a clear pattern of lies and conspiracy with the fingerprint of each and every conspirator. We can also see why it involves the police and why certain initiation killings are committed by an unsolvable police suspect. This is about protections and this is about victims. It is about psychiatric care, the existence of mental illness, and producing mental illness. We can clearly see two individuals, one male and one female, targeted by one of the most powerful spy groups ever detected and caught on US soil weaving a path of destruction, murder, and disasters so that they can take over or evict those in their way. It is a shame we can see it but they claim they cannot and deny any or all of it.

If this is about a hollow cost, we are all part of that cause and there is a protagonist and an antagonist. Both are terrorizing us. However, what they want and need is whether or not we care; we are being strategically targeted for an upcoming war. If we are part of this halo cause, then we know the antagonist and protagonist are both on the same side; they act in unison, against each other and we get the cross fire. Like a machine gun line, it comes in two directions. Furthermore, we cannot deny this is a real victim even if severe mental illness is present; but they somehow defeat the case they are really behind it or perpetrating it when they detect a mental illness or allege of such. We know they are going off the same playbook, the same target sheet, and doing the same tests on the US and her allies. If you are enslaved, then you are a prime target. If you have been oppressed, then you are a fine recruit. That is the 911 process, it can ruin it, it can brainwash you, it is authority. However, the unique part about this protection ring is you are assigned a specific operator who knows your entire life story; calls you family; stalks you; and invites themselves at will like big brother. That is all authority is a process of making that call for victim definition; who you get is another story; who is assigned to you can be a complete nightmare and a terrorizing process as we clearly can see. We not only caught the operator; we caught their last line of defense; they have no other last defense.

If you are not or have never been a slave, enslaved, or felt disaster; two ended halo causes, then these disasters are intended to train the mind to be rowdy, angry, vicious, powerful, and real victims. Nobody can escape this and it is one step above the architecture of the cold war; hence we identify the fusion of Israel and some other liberal arch enemy we had previous problems with. There is a dual reality. One reality compounds lie after lie until it is a complete mess or disaster. The other reality seeks the truth and tries to minimize the cleanup or cost. Although both sides tell the same story; one side is severely perpetrating a financial and future fraud by using history as a judgment on their victims. One example of this financial fraud was the capture of white collar terrorists who created disasters on US soil by wiping out the economy in one stroke of the pen. Also, another example of this disaster is the comparison of national debt graphs and real estate value graphs; it indicates a severe accounting disability and those who are behind these disasters of hate. Do it enough times and we all are potential recruits.

It appears that technology and the begin maelstrom began with the Unabomber who could not fix the calculations the left wing had immersed chaos and disaster in. Thus, he sought the help of others and got no reply. That effort led nowhere and nobody wished to solve this crisis between labor wages, technology, robotics, individuality, and free trade. When we analyze the calls we received and the penmanship they sought; we see two different stories but the same or exact goal; a solution. Therefore, we prioritized them as the black movement or disaster; the banking system; the housing system; overwhelming debt; and then oppression. Then we received death threats, imprisonment and total chaos in our life to terrorize us into surrender. In the end, they proved themselves to be phony scholars and the Bernie Maddoff of political and economic science; however, their penmanship began resembling the exact as ours. So this dual reality is after corruption and seeking cooperation while they try to pen this manifesto like we have; however, we have beaten them on every single front thus far. Insofar as contact and misconduct or unwanted contact; we got the head and the lead charge; trying to coach us while this penmanship was firing at them on both the male and female case; they are looking for the driver and the leader. They modulate and oscillate between the two confused; thus, seek to split them and drive them apart.

About Me

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.

You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest