Life can be a mockery. We can laugh or cry at our own jokes or others. We can complain how we are standing in line for a fate or destiny not delivered or our own. We can also stand in that same line when it is occupied or stolen by someone else. So who owns this world? Who owns human souls? Who owns our destiny? Who owns the nation? Who owns the essential components and ingredients of life no less the essence of life itself? Is this a battle between man and God? It can also spill over into a battle between corporations and governments. All those things entail and embody the universe we live in, our world and our national destiny. So life can be a mockery and it can get very slow when you have to stand in line to receive your own life. So when or how do you stand in line for someone else; maybe a spouse, friend, partner, or family; what is this fine line between private and public?
There is a time and place for violence just like there is a time and place for peace. When you are standing in line for your own life; a real one or one clouded by remorse and regrets; a mockery of life can lead to violence or peace. We know there are two worlds and two realities; therefore, two arch enemies. There is mortal combat between only two forces and a third trying to be the winner or survivor. So who owns this mockery of life and this universe, is it God or man? Religion is constantly interested in this change or relationship, this mockery. However, does it get worse or even violent when self-determine is left in the hands of either side? That is, self-determination worsens these questions because the participation has a tendency to favor-exclude the most informed, especially during radical or crisis periods. Again, who owns this world we live in; is it the labor of man or the morals of a compassionate God? Can we even begin to be honest about this?
During the daycare/child molestation hysteria of the '80s, Gerald Amirault, his mother, Violet, and sister, Cheryl, were accused of raping children at the family's preschool in Malden, Mass., in what came to be known as the second-most notorious witch trial in Massachusetts history. The allegations against the Amiraults were preposterous on their face. Children made claims of robots abusing them, a "bad clown" who took the children to a "magic room" for sex play, rape with a 2-foot butcher knife, other acts of sodomy with a "magic wand," naked children tied to trees within view of a highway, and -- standard fare in the child abuse hysteria era -- animal sacrifices. There was not one shred of physical evidence to support the allegations -- no mutilated animals, no magic rooms, no butcher knives, no photographs, no physical signs of any abuse on the children. Not one parent noticed so much as unusual behavior in their children -- until after the molestation hysteria began. - MARTHA COAKLEY: TOO IMMORAL FOR TEDDY KENNEDY'S SEAT, by Ann Coulter,; December 9, 2009-
When you have a partner in life who builds a lead that cannot be beat; has the ability to fix or secure your future; can be not only your redemption but defeat any effort to steal your fate and happiness; it is irreconcilable what that person means to you and what the two of you can accomplish in life. If this is a mass suicide; then beware of how far they have advanced it and how much is left. There is not much left. What we have does not have any end but the resistance to it is immense. The impact to finances, banks, and future investments is devastating also. So debt, banks, and finances can be used as an instrument of mass destruction and also a vehicle to facilitate or contribute to a felony, even murder and warfare. So when you are in a fight for your life and survival, the more your partner or support accomplishes certain tasks and the more they are able to defeat the enemies; they lessen the pressure and help your predicament. A lot goes on behind the scenes.
The rules and the laws of the universe never change. Therefore, the liberals and the left wing are very vile creatures. This is because they will give up their food and water before they give up their beliefs. In addition to this, their reliance on others or their talents supersedes their ability to treat other human beings as they want to be treated. Hence, the world by creating one left wing or liberal adds two additional problems to the mess; eventually, government is unable to cope with the pressure. When you are dependent on the talents of others; you only have two options. The first option is to add yourself to some other family unit; an intruder or invasion of their privacy; invade their home; or some form of inclusion; even violence. The founding fathers wrote the Constitution to combat oppression and abuses of power. There was a time and place for liberals and the left wing; now they are merely a repugnant and repulsive aspect of society that grows while it sinks. Debt only covers it up.
The other option is to continue this global human condition where food and water is placed before a belief or ideology system; thus, violence is quick and we get disasters and this terror plot where protections and the police are confusing. In this world and since the collapse of communism, it is more difficult to determine who the good guys are from the bad guys. However, the rules and laws of the universe never change. Any political entity, left wing or right, will be cruel and use unusual punishments to seek their objectives; to enslave the population; to harass and utilize the abuses of authority to their own ends. We have not only a disaster everywhere but compounding one lie after the next as if life can exist on either lies or the power of anger and rage; two components of enslavement and oppression. The abuse of the law is in the protections; how the law defines a victim. Inadvertently, the founding fathers were the first cold wars America and this world has ever created.
When you review the disasters with certain groups; the compounding of element after element such as the breakdown of the family; eventually leads to either a life of crime or poverty. Therefore, if you read other authors who have studied the decline of the United States, the use of the laws, the politics of liberals and the left wing; you cannot avoid the single component which interweaves through all of these social disasters and creates dependent ethnic and racial groups; single motherhood and education. Those two ingredients alone can devastate an entire society. When you study the census and analyze the size and growth of certain ethnic and racial groups; the success of them is this ability to isolate certain aspects of the family unit which break it down or remove the social mobility of dependency. Politics and belief is a major problem if you are going to sacrifice food and water before you use your intellectual, self actualization, self reliance, and independence of spirit.
There were no witnesses to the alleged acts of abuse, despite the continuous and unannounced presence of staff members, teachers, parents and other visitors at the school. Not one student ever spontaneously claimed to have been abused. Indeed, the allegations of abuse didn't arise until the child therapists arrived. Nor was there anything in the backgrounds of the Amiraults that fit the profile of sadistic, child-abusing monsters. Violet Amirault had started the Fells Acre Day School 18 years before the child molestation hysteria erupted. Thousands of happy and well-adjusted students had passed through Fells Acres. Many returned to visit the school; some even attended Cheryl's wedding a few years before the inquisition began. - MARTHA COAKLEY: TOO IMMORAL FOR TEDDY KENNEDY'S SEAT, by Ann Coulter,; December 9, 2009-
We know the founding fathers as the first cold warriors in the future of American history. However, in our study of philosophy and history we can utilize the lessons from Thomas Hobbes and Thomas Moore to suggest that property and crime intersect in the human condition; therefore, the social contract which fends off this civil war Hobbes describes as “every man each other man’s potential murderer” is the role of government. The problem is there are two realities. One reality compounds lie after lie until a mess and a disaster is present. The other reality is more responsible, seeks truth where it leads, combats the left wing and liberals, has a perfectionist view, and is not as lazy to the pressures of collectivism. The question whether or not the constitution is powerful enough to battle such an austere human problem, such as crime or corruption, is the reason why we and our enemies would even consider the inalienable clauses already sufficiently existent to tackle the most austere of constitutional merits.
Constitutional cresses may be the most profound and austere problem in the history of mankind, from here to eternity. If the certainty of laws directs our attention to this monumental battle of two realities and two worlds while change is underway; then the underpinnings of sufficiency in the Constitution will rectify and re-establish the need and the essence of National Security. However, with the nervousness the founding fathers had with abuses of government, balance of power, freedoms and liberties, and the built in safeguards which are intended to be slow or unchanging; the original intent of the founding fathers may have been to highlight the inadequacy or their own inadequacies to a troubled and complicated world. It is the form of government that must withstand the original corrections; not alter them in an abstract manner. The politics of slavery always sound off a deep sense of moral religious conviction and the use of prosperity or property.
If industrialization was outside the expected range of the Constitution and the founding fathers felt it necessary to exclude labor wages and issues because they precipitate and disappear, self-correcting, than the moral principles it uproots is the very existence of institutional industrialization was threatened but unforeseen. There simply is no evidence or information to indicate any such; however, there is evidence later in the 20th Century which brought materialism in direct conflict with the moral principles established by the founding fathers; we view this now as terrorism. So the 20th century is when the eruption of this conflict intensifies and when the collision is most severe based on freedoms, liberties, and survival instincts acutely dislodged or convoluted a natural order and peace. It may have begun globally but it is most effective domestically. Moreover, most if not all acute global revolutions arising from economic conflicts was the direct result of severe disasters-hardships; and the last resort the people had or turned to was their self-determinism to resolve their dilemma. Thus, the egg of government was born into this world. When that problem is present, we focus our attention on the presence or eruption of labor violence and union violence.
Labor, that is man and God relationships, has its early divisions in the Constitution. In the Federalist Papers (1, 2-14), the topic of Prosperity “recommends for sufficient prosperity” and Hamilton pens the grounds for freedom and economic freedom when establishing the National Bank of the United States of America. The very first Federalist Papers even identify what we know is true, “opinions will always contain bias.” Article 51 of the first notes on the Constitution describes the Separation of Powers to cope with these biases. Where the founding fathers acquired the wisdom to recognize the dangers in government if and when out of control is not described; perhaps civil war or revolution; that is the byproduct of this mockery and outcome.
From Article 1 to the 9th Article, simple things are detailed such as inadequacies, unity, strength, foreign invasion, the dangers of foreign influence at home, competition among the States and the absence of the Union, dangers of dissent-dissention-dissenters, the hostile nature of each State, and finally the role of the Union or the US Government. Essentially, in the first ten Articles of the Federalist Papers the role of the government is to prevent hostilities and manage the competing interests and conflicting interests of each State in the Union. It does not state what those problems are or the root causes; it merely identifies them as biases. Therefore, with bias, hostility, conflicts of interests, and Union; it is inconsequential to the value of equal decision making power at three levels. There are three levels of power and that bias must be eliminated by the three to seek union, unity, or sameness in decision making power. Therefore, the local, state, and federal levels must address these three phases of crisis, war, and peace. Some humans just do not get it and never will because their life was meant to be mocked and destroyed by either peace or violence. It is that eruption the Federalist Papers sought to prevent; not the accused.
It's one thing to put a person in prison for a crime he didn't commit. It's another to put an entire family in prison for a crime that didn't take place. In the most outrageous miscarriage of justice since the Salem witch trials, in July 1986, Gerald Amirault was convicted of raping and assaulting six girls and three boys and sentenced to 30 to 40 years in prison. The following year, Violet and Cheryl Amirault were convicted of raping and assaulting three girls and a boy and were sentenced to 8 to 20 years. The motto of the witch-hunters was "Believe the Children!" But the therapists resolutely refused to believe the children as long as they denied being abused. As the police advised the parents: In cases of child abuse, "no" can mean "yes." To the children's credit, they held firm to their denials for heroic amounts of time in the face of relentless questioning. - MARTHA COAKLEY: TOO IMMORAL FOR TEDDY KENNEDY'S SEAT, by Ann Coulter,; December 9, 2009-
The difficulty is this mockery of life and how it always leads to violence or peace. Naturally, there is a time and place for each because Articles 1-10 highlight dangers and hostilities. It does not say removal of the two competing sides or the mockery; it says only the dangers of it as bias. So the motives and the intentions to the precursor of the Constitution; thus, the government and the problems behind the role of government are pretty fine. The Federalist Papers are arguments for and against liberals and the left wing. They are the arguments to wage war for and against a domestic nuisance or enemy.
Most of all, the Federalist Papers were arguments and opinions intended to influence the decision making history of those who live under them or work for them; who labor and are employed by their meaning if any is present. So the Federalist Papers can dispose of its own influence and opinions or biases. Mostly however, the intentions of the Federalist Papers were to make a mockery of an enemy to the nation and make a mockery of their hidden life. Then it guided the decisions of this division amongst the problems of the entire population as they are drafted. So things change and hopefully for the best; it does not say. However, one thing is for sure and certain; the establishment of government-authority was recognized and taxed but was either not trusted or trustworthy.
The second major problem with Constitution or the impact of the founding fathers is the ratification and final product. If there is a domestic nuisance and enemy, a hidden threat not disclosed; then that pest will alter the final parts or the ratification process. Making a mockery of life, the relationship of God and man, the government and the use of power-authority; the Constitution served as an effort only to encourage States to ratify the Treatises; the Constitution formed that dialogue only and created and differed from its original origin to its ratification. In other words, it allows squandering its effort or original intent by an enemy of mankind yet it seeks this mockery and either peace or violence. This process of ratification cannot be unshakeable in its correctness; however, the Federalist Papers allow and recognize the attempt to address the need for a federal level.
So in this mockery of the universe and life itself; we are standing in line to a future and some destiny. The conflicting motives and hidden intentions; this natural connection we have to the environment and our outside world, called reality, would be public good and the creation of a customer to that same biased public good. Again, the relationship of participation and voting rights, economic rights, and inalienable rights must precede the argument if indeed the creation of a cost and customer is necessary or plausible. In simple terms, self determination, the ownership of life and souls, can worsen participation because it has a tendency to exclude those who are most informed while favoring those most violent and insane.
In warfare, it is more highly vulnerable to target a civilian target, called a counter-value tactic, and then it is to seek out a military target, called a counter-force tactic. That is bias and that is the coercion of a pest, enemy, and this mortal enemy we live in a dual reality or parallel universe with. The presence of force is easily addressed; the presence of bias or coercion is not but it favors those evil, uncivilized, and corrupt. How content with this world can the founding fathers describe about the ordeal or chicanery they made a mockery of by leading the nation down a road to destroy one of two sides and calling it dangers of State hostilities and conflict?
So we can describe this connection to the founding fathers and the connections between God, man, Constitution, leadership, and the public good. The public good can always focus on what the founding fathers propose as a necessary remedy to this conflict or hostility; a bias. In the end, the relationship of the Union and prosperity (property) is universal to the equation. In colonial times, prosperity was based on land or property. That land determined the amount of indentured servants and later the level of permitted slaves a land owner can possess. Avoiding this matter between slaves and land size was defeating to the prosperity of the national destiny and future because once again, there is a relationship between servants, slaves, and this process of dialogue. Avoiding that debate and dialogue led to what was considered the inevitable disappearance of the Union and the worst man made debacle in United States history, this “civil” war. The mockery of life and the universe is there for the eyes to see, but why are we standing in line waiting for it if it is there to witness?
Inevitably and inconsequently, those very same issues that split the union before will recant the need to redefine the resolution of the union before it is upheld. When you define the union, you indirectly uphold it also. This is why we turn to the two contradictory natures of Thomas Hobbes and Thomas Moore as they uphold this monumental debate during very troubled time in English history when Civil War and foreign attack brought to the forefront enemies at home and abroad. The writings of English philosophers, specifically Hobbes and Moore, are a collection of wisdom cunningly built from a pleasantly rich, fulfilling, majestic, and royal incarnation. Then it was fused by the mental astuteness of their wisdom to work the universe we live until the singularity or universal elements became the value of property and this bias of prosperity.
But as copious research in the wake of the child abuse cases has demonstrated, small children are highly suggestible. It's surprisingly easy to implant false memories into young minds by simply asking the same questions over and over again. Indeed, the interviewing techniques in the Amirault case were so successful that the children also made accusations against three other teachers, two imaginary people named "Mr. Gatt" and "Al" and even against the child therapist herself -- the one claim of abuse that was provably true. - MARTHA COAKLEY: TOO IMMORAL FOR TEDDY KENNEDY'S SEAT, by Ann Coulter,; December 9, 2009-
Does this mean the poor are not biased? No, it means that when you have prosperity, you will always have bias. The poor have nothing to be biased about nor can make a mockery of much. They can be an impedance to this mockery process we call participation and self-determination, but they cannot be an impartial critic of it due to independence or freedom. Freedom in the eyes of the founding fathers is property or prosperity; you can have one, the other, or both. That mockery in sign language always leads to either peace or violence depending on who has ownership. The relationship is intensified by either abundance, scarcity, or the lack of this bias from prosperity. The final relationship is universal and unwavering; it is between God and man and God does not or will not change because he lives longer and is much more powerful.
Terrorism creates disasters and disasters leads to anger or mental illness; the power of the weakest link in life. When you compound lie after lie and use it as a weapon of mass destruction; the result is no bias; therefore, terrorism invents real and imagined divisions. Our captured terrorist bunch seeks to profit or benefit from those protections or grant them. They also claim it is prosperity, freedom, and economic freedoms authored by evil secrets and criminal behavior. This dialogue has intensified globally and domestically with religion and terrorism. We have not only authenticated and certified it; we were a victim of it and also a final solution by its demising presence because human life is only confetti to the argument. They think they are more important but they are not a do not hold any authority or police powers by inalienable rights. Can we remove that bias and remove that enemy or will be prospering and be inculcated by perpetual hostilities? Participation and self determination does not grant police powers or authority to any body of life; so what does if not prosperity and property; God versus man? We can end this now by saying the unions, labor, liberals, and the left wing are nothing but worthless to their own cause. We know first hand if we have to say no thank you and fend off their attacks for over a decade at the rate of 20 to 200 times a day due to hidden mental illness and derangements in their personality of orders.
This relationship, a mockery which always leads to either peace or violence, between man and God is intensifying as scarcity and natural resources are depleted by mankind. There are environmental factors which also erode or remove from the soil the essential nutrients that allow life and this mockery to prosper. Therefore, religion is always interested in this change between religion and politics. That mockery of life, the mockery of ownership of your own life, the mockery of standing in line, the mockery of security and access, the mockery of crimes against others or merely harassing the situation can be made worse when participation, or self-determination, favors the most informed and knowledgeable. Nobody wants an idiot or loves the stigma of being one; if so, then they must be an idiot. So when or how does it lead to peace or violence is the dynamics of the mockery and the process of standing in this imaginary line; the future now. It is imperative for the sake of the improvement of the national destiny to seek what is behind this necessity for National Security reasons or to fend off an attack, kidnapping, or hostage crisis. However, terrorism has turned the tables and is being used as a game changer. Despite its defects, this process of fouling up privileges is where crime and terrorism intensifies by using either prosperity or religion.
How is health care and socialized medicine a game changer to the dynamics of fouling up privileges? These categorized, packaged, unmarketable, destructive syndromes are a grandeur that suits those who market or sell them. Therefore, in a dual reality and two world system; one will build it and the other will come and destroy. These packaged crisis and disasters allow favoritism and the abuse of power and authority. Naturally, positive favoritism and criticism towards the leadership of the country revises some national destiny or future; thus allowing for an understanding to this widespread anger and hate. The concept of the nation-state is being tested and so is its destiny. In modern history, the nation-state is defined in terms of industrial capacity or industry. The curse of industry would be the labor movement and revolution or violence is the eruption of this destiny or future; typically the tradecraft of union leaders or left wing strategy. Terrorism and widespread chaos, the compounding of lie after lie, is a quicker way there. In the end, you must answer the long debated and awaited question; who owns the country, who owns human souls, and does participation in government worsen the problem because it favors those less informed?
There is an effort to reinvent the wheel; a campaign to reinvent the nation-state no less its destiny. Disasters are real. Victims are real. The government is not in the business of defrauding or injuring; however, it is compelled to act against its tenets when terrorism is allowed to flourish or take hold. Parcel to this packaged manifestation of terror is the use of materialism and inequality. There is no solution to poverty; there is only war or peace. In the 20th century, one enemy of mankind has chosen the road of warfare or armed insurrection to protect the authority or interest of the poor. When you package and categorize the elements of this enemy; you begin to see their future or transformation; the evolution of a mortal enemy and arch nemesis to humankind and the respect of human life; we know the nation was founded on this principle and who undermined it.
But only the Amiraults were put on trial for any alleged acts of abuse. Coakley wasn't the prosecutor on the original trial. What she did was worse. At least the original prosecutors, craven and ambition-driven though they were, could claim to have been caught up in the child abuse panic of the '80s. There had not yet been extensive psychological studies on the suggestibility of small children. A dozen similar cases from around the country had not already been discredited and the innocent freed. - MARTHA COAKLEY: TOO IMMORAL FOR TEDDY KENNEDY'S SEAT, by Ann Coulter,; December 9, 2009-
To define a nation-state in terms of productivity, you elevate or raise it by defining the process of production in a society. Robots, technology, and machinery do most of the hard work for a real nation-state. However, dependency is also part of this technological evolution. When industrious people grow richer due to production; they cause the nation-state to also grow. This growth is symbiotic and corresponds to the compatibility of causes built into the tensions when prosperity, property, and bias afflict a societal culture. This growth of industrious people, the state, and these biased privileges then intensifies between those getting richer and the tensions of the entire populous. Agrarian cultures have very similar tensions however; they do not have the level of power or bias of industrial nations.
When this evolutionary process and transformation is occurring in a nation-state, a fear of power emerges brought forth by overreaching or corrupting the regulatory process. That authority is the police; the police are the enforcement arm of any government. An abuse of government leads to the abuse of the police and authority. The concept of the police, authority, and the military can be brutal; even life ending. These emerging or experiments with built-in tensions convolute the brain as achieving a balance of power is made more difficult by two or more sides. Each side accuses the other of trying to impose tyrannical measures over the ownership of their life; an arrogance to keep those abuses hidden or secret until tyranny is dissolved. Although the Constitution and the founding fathers sought to overcome those barriers and defeat this enemy; participation and inclusion can worsen it by granting access to those least invited or least knowledgeable. This is our terrorist. This is the process of access and how they acquire access or security.
When the founding fathers drafted the Auxiliary Powers to the Constitution; they granted access to other human life by three levels; local, state, and federal. This terrorist seeks access at one of the three nodes intersecting higher authority and access. Auxiliary Powers are intended to be restraints; this enemy has none, no restraints between what they seek and how they seek those objectives. They destroy and murder anything in their path and wake. When this access is broken and the enemy forces have overran the Auxiliary Powers of restraint; they have free access to foul up the privileges granted to all human beings in the form of their ownership of their own life and respect of that ownership. This enemy is the foulest of the foul; the bottom of the barrel and the most vile on this earth. They hide this mental illness and violent derangement well by packaging their syndromes in politeness or political correctness.
This foul enemy has defeated three levels of Auxiliary Powers, the basis of restraint. The first strategy of Auxiliary Powers is to limit the powers of the State. It is too forbearing how stupidity opens the doors to these limits; however, when included this foul enemy can use terror for expanding both market and civil sectors, to expand popular sovereignty or inalienable rights granted, radicalize majority rule, and usurp the electoral system. Terrorism allows three tiers to be defeated simultaneously.
The second strategy of restraint or limited government was Constitutionalism and the legal boundaries. Constitutionalism defines either a fixed or changing country; thus, suspension of those restraints for temporary or necessary purposes removes these legal boundaries. For the written set of rules to be absolvent, the individual rights and liberties of the first ten amendments state an inalienable permanent fixture to these boundaries and limits. Moreover, the Auxiliary Powers of the founding fathers were intended in limiting or restraining three levels of power and government authority so that proper judicial review could be implemented accordingly. This terrorizing bunch recognizes that permanent fixture and fouls up the privileges associated with it however they can; even by using terrorism, espionage, or numerous violations of felony laws. Again, the abuse of power is where the favoritism and bias is sought as an objective. In their food system, criminal enterprise, legal system, or state of corruption; independent review is impossible and all legitimate processes are suspended indefinitely. That is the tyranny of this foul creature and insatiable enemy.
The third and final Auxiliary Power to limit abuses of authority was the effort to separate the powers so they would not be absolute. This division is used as a weapon of war and tremendous conflict. The original intention was to use the separation of powers as a way to limit or restrain government; this enemy and foul human species uses that division as a weapon and a method to destroy political rivals, financial opposition, and to curry more conspiracy to an entire criminal terror plot. The tension caused by these divisions is used to annihilate or evict those caught in this trap; a dissident system; elaborate and eager victim protectionism. When victim hood is achieved, this foul enemy then claims the channel of legal corruption changes the situation peacefully by order of some secret, evil, and debilitating allegiance system.
Of all the men and women falsely convicted during the child molestation hysteria of the '80s, by 2001, only Gerald Amirault still sat in prison. Even his sister and mother had been released after serving eight years in prison for crimes that never occurred. In July 2001, the notoriously tough Massachusetts parole board voted unanimously to grant Gerald Amirault clemency. Although the parole board is not permitted to consider guilt or innocence, its recommendation said: "(I)t is clearly a matter of public knowledge that, at the minimum, real and substantial doubt exists concerning petitioner's conviction." - MARTHA COAKLEY: TOO IMMORAL FOR TEDDY KENNEDY'S SEAT, by Ann Coulter,; December 9, 2009-
The terror suspects we caught and interrogated had a bizarre allegiance system. Boggled by lack of certainty and answers, they used terrorism and crime to advance a missing certainty in their mind or warped reality; to fuse and make more real how they were victims and winners. In their mind, winning is the only option even if it leads to death, severe punishments, and total destruction. Blind to derangements, they also accuse others who do not compare in violence of foul intent incapable of stopping them or the compounding of lies until disaster kills. A strong and weak model is formed where their power is dominant, absolute, and terrorizing 24 hours-day and night. Humans are a prisoner, they are the hunters, and there is no escape or reconciling what they must do to achieve this absolute tyranny of evil.
The goal of all of this was to somehow connect the public good with the way public policy is made. Chaos is the precision nature of this undetectable conspiracy. Total chaos, immersion in rage, anger, and power helped to fuse mental illness and brainwashing to behavior such as paranoia, fear, cluster phobia, and bipolarized mental diseases. In using terror plots and man-made disasters, this communist force on US soil was able to determine what the public good was and set the national debate. The use of the media would perpetuate further lies and propagandize their secret and evil intent. This was consistent to our interrogation and perfect suspect matching process. By using terrorism and war against the United States to promote evil and this communist left wing plot; we were forced to do things against our will and convictions. The implosion of communism in the 1980s led to a lack of public policy or this public good; so we were mobilized to assist against or will while our talents and value was exploited.
The founding fathers did place the power of this public good in the hands of the public or the people; however, the terror plots and the conspiracy sought to manipulate and conspire towards this public policy; control. The growth of the packaged derangements or deceptions is relational to the entire symbiotic system where growth and industrialization was crippled. Usually, the growth of one leads to the growth of the other two; not three simultaneous or reversed. The process of reverse evolution was the context of the four states of industrialization; the communist foul needed either failure or disaster to follow up on. Without a basis of domestic output or public policy; the left wing and liberals are without any future or destiny. So how do they hold power, keep total domination and control, and fend off the self corrections?
Prior to the industrial period, the human condition was determined by three other concepts; serfdom, elitism, or royalty. After industrialization, the labor movement and the union leaders replaced the three primary pillars of power, outcomes, privilege, freedom, and destiny with market forces or consumption patterns. Thus, the age of industrialization infused this level of consumption while it sought to strengthen the weak and the labor force of this army of the damned. Now that consumption partnership is severely threatened and heavy debts have finished them off to a state of suspended annihilation and terminal financial melt down. In other words, the labor movement, the liberals, and the left wing are finished. This is their final opus and all the fight they have left. Consumption is being restored by invading and raiding the middle class at the expense of all other social classes and voting base.
The communist have figured out a way to create an artificial reality or overlap the market place. We have analyzed their movements, statements, plans, and actions on us; to study the injuries and historical time line. The end of the left wing and communism had much more meaning than we expected. The central facet of the market place is self-correction and efficiency. Therefore, they have devised a way to circumvent this using terrorism. Murder is the quickest and easiest method for a maniac, lunatic, and criminal organization to capitalize and profit. It is the road to victory when on the losing side or kin to lacking talents. Cornered by economic freedom and public policy; they are advancing a grand deception. We do not view their actions as coexistence or contributing to efficiency; instead, these disasters and terror plots are used to invent a system where huge gaps in differences are overlooked. They seek a winning strategy and to win it all; from here on it is all or nothing. We have encircled this and called for massive federal reinforcements to combat this new emergence. We also have dismantled at least 80% of it and given more than a million dollars in free legal assistance from an array of legal talent ever encountered, much less have busily working on behalf of our own future. Some of those lawyers never asked for or received a dime for hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal work performed at great professional, financial and personal cost to themselves. Others got partial payments out of criminal and legal settlements. But at least they got her reputation back.
Communism was a calculated future and public policy, a way of mathematical power. All systems operate on numbers in some way to achieve higher numbers. Thus, the demands of the consumption rate and public policy must be addressed mathematically or reversed. If they are not addressed mathematically, a process called political development arises when the demand for government services increases. All systems based on numbers eventually become a prisoner to those numbers or the criminal genius of manipulating them. Numbers can represent several factors to an equation as well as several geometric sides; thus, efficiency reverses and self corrects this presence of an enemy or their power. The most important commitment to the industrial-nation state model is success of prosperity and biases; therefore, the market system or lack of a market system determines the success. They created a system to coexist and live under where self correction is impossible; terrorism aids in overlapping it and compounding lies until inevitable collapse due to inefficiency and false distribution of wealth by the authority of the State.
A market system has its own tolerances for efficiency. This science of math silences and defeats the left wing, liberals, and communist forces. This same science of math cancels out their mistakes and seeks the least amount of variables to their future and life as a mortal enemy. However, these terror plots, man made disasters, and grand deception has figured out a way to universally apply the application. It confuses the question and answers process needed to package and categorize these syndromes and problems. The total chaos seeks a new history or course. In physics, chaos theory states that mass and order is achieved by chaos. Therefore, the collision with this communist enemy establishes the system of control, political reality, and a new political ideal; obey your master-slave relationship. In this model, the lack of knowledge and the dilemma of participation is best answered by favoring the least knowledgeable and least intelligent; furthermore, achieving also the least amount of questions, chaos and order. The only way to change that order system is terrorism or warfare; anarchy becomes the tool of public policy and total control by this mortal enemy.
Immediately after the board's recommendation, The Boston Globe reported that Gov. Jane Swift was leaning toward accepting the board's recommendation and freeing Amirault. Enter Martha Coakley, Middlesex district attorney. Gerald Amirault had already spent 15 years in prison for crimes he no more committed than anyone reading this column did. But Coakley put on a full court press to keep Amirault in prison simply to further her political ambitions. By then, every sentient person knew that Amirault was innocent. But instead of saying nothing, Coakley frantically lobbied Gov. Jane Swift to keep him in prison to show that she was a take-no-prisoners prosecutor, who stood up for "the children." As a result of Coakley's efforts -- and her contagious ambition -- Gov. Swift denied Amirault's clemency. Thanks to Martha Coakley, Gerald Amirault sat in prison for another three years. - MARTHA COAKLEY: TOO IMMORAL FOR TEDDY KENNEDY'S SEAT, by Ann Coulter,; December 9, 2009-
So why these terrors are plots exploding everywhere or is violence and terror something built into the aura and essence of a liberal and left wing nuisance? Is this the damnation and the curse of having a labor force or some Godly punishment for brooding liberals? We cannot deny that life is cruel, harsh, and quick; for a liberal it compounds. But we go back to the first three paragraphs and the breakdown of society; by creating more and more victims; you make society or the nation the true and final victim. Every aspect of life breaks down from trust, authority, value, meaning, longevity, and the respect of human life. It is very hard to respect human life when you are enriched by exploiting or oppressing either the poor or the rich; to use the talents of others to benefit from or make yours. The basis of ownership and property is the two factors which contribute highly to independence and success in life.
So politics is a very dangerous invention. When disaster and pressure washes ashore like a tidal wave or tsunami; the government is severely forced to bend or break. When people are stressed as these terror plots and disasters produce, human beings become worried, stressed, fearful, reliant on government, reliant on protections, and value certain politicians a little more than they did before. A liberal simply prefers to imprison the human soul and antagonize the human spirit more so than any other creature we know living on this earth. Why? Because their belief system and allegiance sacrifices their food and water before any other life essentials; it is risky, dangerous, and a destructive personality.
So how do you get rid of them when they infest or invest in a community? In a civilized society, awareness and training is operative to survival. This is about asking oneself if you choose to be a victim or a survivor. If you wish to be a survivor, then make that choice and decisions which are preventive steps, deterrent steps, or aid to cleanse society of this cancerous compounding of lies or disasters. The only way the liberal and the left wing can win or defeat others is by authority; to abuse the instrument of government; to assassinate the ghost of the founding fathers; to disturb the mental sanctity of those of mental and psychological fortitude. If you are the dependent or on the suspect list; it is hard to explain why you are targeting and holding those self reliant and healthy prisoner or in some kidnap plot. The higher up you try this; the more trouble you can be in. We also know there are only two methods; coercion or force.
That is this complex terror plot we see and have discovered once we ourselves were the victims of it. From day one, the moment a foot was stepped off college campus; we were either a dead man or a walking bulls-eye; a gigantic target. We were able to assimilate more information accumulated by this terror bunch than any other; thus, we knew it was the communist no matter what kind of camouflage or deception they used; all the smoke and mirrors; all the lies and rhetoric; all the sugar coating and unhelpfulness of walking away; allowed us to build up a profile and begin hunting the leaders who were behind it. We knew when they were there and we know how to make them act and surface. Therefore, once in the trap; we could offer them options and interrogate the entire degree of what we began with and where it ended. The new cold war is this process of fouling up privileges is where crime and terrorism intensifies by either prosperity or religion.
When you have a robbery; the suspects should have some possession of yours or some item of similarity. When you have a rape; the victims should be able to describe what they heard, who said it, or some aspect of their presence and identity. If the suspects have some article of clothing, even a uniform to aid the crime, then you can assume the crime was to enable a much greater one. If you have a crime and no evidence; then you are dealing with not only an invisible force but one not understood. Invisible forces can be many factors from the devil to God himself. In these cases, terror is used as propaganda and a vehicle of slander and credibility; the goal is protections and financial insurance. So when you investigate it; you do not get a crime scene; you have a sanitized or clever effort to conceal the crime while the objectives are used for either growth, power, or to fuel some other invisible and unstoppable event. You have a crime scene and then the effort to cover-up or conspire to conceal the crime. If the problem is much too large or requiring more power than a nation can conjure; then encirclement and slowly combating this left wing and liberal menace is necessary. All they want is disaster and mental illness; that will produce rage, anger, animosity, power, legal chaos, social chaos, and society will go bananas over it.
When you step back and ask whether or not these terror plots are done in the name of hate or to antagonize it; you also must take into consideration what the effect and impact of this trauma is on others; how does it affect the targets. In most if not all of the attacks, there is a military link; specifically the US Army. In lone or stand alone matters; we believe a bond exists already. Therefore, the trauma, disaster, ordeal, nightmare, and curtailment of dangers are being used to bond what is permanent with what is not. The left wing is trying to bond and form stronger bonds to the leaders, the land, the future; but most of all the military and US Army. We see this everywhere and we also see who they are aiming for; the influence of US Army or Pentagon policies.
If we consider what or who would act either in this manner or who is so desperate to take this sort of psychiatric deficiency; there is only one suspect. The left wing and the liberals, when compared to the global events occurring in the world, are losing their wages and slipping off the treacherous ice they try to plant with the land. So this bond is weakened and has been; this is an effort to attach stronger bonds to the land, the leaders, the talent, the best, the smartest, the most admired, the most talented; but most of all the military. So we know and we see the repetition of protections.
From our interrogations with the leaders behind this; a slow but eroding façade was present and eroded as we delved deeper into their minds. This bunch feels they are doing others a favor; a desire to help; a feeling of accomplishment by imposing hardship and pain. Therefore, the malicious prosecutions and false imprisonment is not only an abuse of authority, power, and the legal system; it is also granting justice and doing others a favor. Again, there is some attachment to the land that is so strong; they blow their life up on the national level. The degree of patriotism or hatred they wish to display to the public is immense. At the same time, the effect of fear and real strength, real soldiers, real warriors, and real events is psychiatric.
So we know this is the liberals and left wing that are performing miracles with the legal system and the concept of power and authority. It is well known the system of protections and freedom is intertwined with both the legal system and the market system; those two factors form culture and public policies. So maybe this is too much, too big, and too fast; but we have the same 911 plot we outlined with dissident traps, victim hood, and disasters; the motive is slander, credibility, and financial insurance fraud. Therefore, human beings are a prisoner to this political nuisance and lunatics; they do not have any respect for any human beings as we can clearly see. As the social fabric of their politics collapses and is torn from the land; they seek to achieve high goals by bonding with or to the military; the last and final line of defense.
Remember all that talk about President Bush shredding constitutional rights? Overzealous liberal prosecutors and feminist do-gooders allowed Gerald Amirault to sit in prison for 18 years for crimes that didn't exist -- except in the imaginations of small children under the influence of incompetent child "therapists." Martha Coakley allowed her ambition to trump basic human decency as she campaigned to keep a patently innocent man in prison. Anyone with the smallest sense of justice cannot vote to put this woman in any office. If you absolutely cannot vote for a Republican on Jan. 19, 2010, write in the name "Gerald Amirault." - MARTHA COAKLEY: TOO IMMORAL FOR TEDDY KENNEDY'S SEAT, by Ann Coulter,; December 9, 2009-
There is also a tremendous fascination with Delta Force or other anti-terrorist elite forces. There is the need to copy them, beat them, speak on their behalf, and various mental tricks. The use of mental illness or crime as a system of rage, hate, murder, power, and violence on other human beings is what they are training human beings for and against. The only way to test this power or new experiment-revelation-demise is to test it in the most relaxing manner; at home and attached to the land. That bond is most strong and that bond is most difficult to debate or argue; thus, this outbreak and crime spree is trying to target the most difficult and strongest of bonds; the land, the people, the politics, and the purse strings. The last line of defense is either the military or the state National Guard; and that is why it keeps showing up. The strangest part of this violence is the age of the culprits and terrorists; they span from very young to middle age. Again, with the collapse of labor wages, the confluence of free and global trade, the global collapse of communism, and the peak-to-freefall hell of the liberal politics; two human spirits are fusing together or dividing. The only thing to fuse to solids or masses together is heat or some polymer-atomic bond. Like steel or metals; when you add enough heat to them, whether or not they are the same or not; they will fuse together and be as stronger-weaker.
Events trigger sleeper cells; mental alarm bells trigger sleeper cells; some memory causes a sequence of behavior or trained behavior; however, what makes a raw violent animal; a murderous homicidal and blood thirsty killer enemy? Is it just money and some fantasy inside the mind or is it much more? Henceforth, one event in a networked or demolition line causes fuses and timing. One person must move and this causes the next person in line to move based on the fuse or the distance, state-to-state, country-to-country, city-to-city, school-to-school, company-to-company; it must be some form of organization plugged into the network or society. It may be a competition. It may be love or hate. It may be choosing someone better. It may be rejection. It could be the silence of the liberals and left wing to embarrass themselves until that dead end or that abyss is real, there is no where else to go. It could be they are there now, trapped and do not know what to do or say?
So how do you get out of that trap if you cannot fuse or bond to the land, leaders, and most of all the final line of protections? How do you call 911 when they know it is you and they know you are doing it? Our enemies do give us a gift by making us so disgusted and repulsed; to encourage the body to vomit and extract that sober lackey we hate so much. This enemy is so stupid and so deranged; they think this was some favor or some miracle they performed by sacrificing their own life in the hopes someone would get their SOS and message. They would be better off to jerk off or write a comic book series about their exploits and how powerful they are polluting life, liberties, and just ruining everything as we know them to always do so well. Mental illness and psychiatric problems do not make people more powerful, more intelligent, and more valuable, more superstars, etc… but to this enemy, it is a way of living and being.
There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
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About Me
- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest