There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

Enter key words, topic, or specific references to posted chapters...

Saturday, December 5, 2009


The ongoing, persistent, and incalculable harassment, disruptions, obstruction of justice, fist shaking and angry talk back, death threats, and near stalking like efforts has not only proximity but 24 hour access to our secluded and isolated life. The message and goal is reach and for each step we advance; this counter tic-for-tat or retaliation is 3 to 5 fold. Therefore, the closer we get to the closure; the quicker we can hear their footsteps. Every step we take forward has a swirl and a swarm of efforts to push back that one step.

Given how we understand and have uncovered how this climate of lies operate; we can see the size of the active spy cell or nest. Although the efforts is direct, goal oriented, and motivated by intention; it is compared to other basic harassment tactics from the left wing or liberals such as agitation, brainwashing, brain trauma, lunatic fringe, covert protesting and demonstrations, hidden disruptions, and denial of any such. Hence, when the government and police become part of this swirl or swarm of lies; this entire climate of lies fit the original financial basis of insurance fraud and credibility for financial fraud.

We have traced the wave after wave like occurrence which these terror-dissident plots culminate to the 1980s. events such as the Love Canal, Bhopal-India Union Carbide disaster, Exxon Valdez, Three Mile Island, and other environmental disasters became prevalent and a standard of all these lawsuits. They carry huge if not astronomical settlements. The impact on the lives of others is even worse. Therefore, if this calculated brainwashing effort is intentional as we had detected by catching those behind the 911 plots and brainwashing; then this was also being done on a grand scale. The level of grand strategy suggest activating or producing a large spy nest or cell; a regional or state level.

There is definitely a master plan at work with the Unabomber. This is a prime example of espionage. By targeting these professors in such a manner or technology related business; you can extract a master plan or a 10 year financial course. These groups during the late 1970s were on the move and they know things are bad. They must fix it and the only way is to steal it. Therefore, when you are panic, you tend to work faster. Also, there is listening or bugging devices at their home and work; thus, this list of precise names, addresses, and network of people who have something of value. What is the use of technology if not science and a scientific objective? What if you are trying to steal SDI or satellite secrets; maybe even defeat Microsoft; how would you do this? We also identify a racketeering like creature; a protector.

The oddest part of the Unabomber is the lack of financial motive; perhaps retirement and long term vision was the financial motive; or maybe even a brother as our primary suspects also have. It is an insurance policy. When the FBI began to accumulate the forensic data on the Unabomber; they said what we said all along; these plots are designed so they are not detected and difficult to stop. We do not know if a radio transponder was located in the woods or who went in there also. We do not know if Ted K acted alone; he may have. We still do not know if FC represents some other name or was it only one group. It is like interviewing Charles Manson; what part of his story or life do you really believe? We know where these satellite secrets are going and intended for. Also, we know who is most affected by that Unabomber manifesto; technology is a crime and individuality is being stolen. It is just the same page from the same future book; the same targets and objectives; espionage. If you hit a piƱata, it will explode and you can grab whatever you want.

These dissidents are what we call the "Children of the Corn." They will have a warped view of society, their country, their leaders, and be dragged through humiliation and a lot of pain and suffering. That is the result of terrorism. However, when you are a child; there is no evil in you; you are dependent and need the care of others. So these large credibility efforts and large scale propaganda campaigns, psychological warfare, must be dealt with overwhelming force and with severe punishments. Our efforts to reverse the brainwashing on our life and on the grand scale has met tremendous resistance and barking back. Like a pack of lunatics and blood suckers; they grow and more lunatics and blood suckers are being manufactured like a field of dreams and a crop of corn left to die by the seasons and disaster.

Furthermore, these disasters only benefit those who want to exploit it and victim hood. These game changing debates affect one side and bring social justice nearer and quicker; it is a fair debate now. So from cradle to grave; these disasters produce the children of the corn and it has to be reversed; we think they got that from either World War II or Vietnam. Another across the boards’ reversal of reality is the police. It foments and creates humility and an internal growth of either a cancer or tumor in the police where civil war breeds and radicalization; such the case with these religious wars. The police are being radicalized by this psychological warfare and use of terrorism, disaster, and dissidents. Not only do they look stupid, they are distasteful, disagreeable, and the customer service problems become radicalized or extreme. We cannot fight them when they are a victim or dissident; we can inform them about their behavior and try to reverse the brainwashing or reprogramming.

Again, when the police and government become the swirl and swarm of this climate of lies; it tells you something strange, bizarre, and murky is taking place. When it is continuous and never addressed or enforced; it tells you a strategy and objective is underway; maybe not visible yet, but it is there. After questioning the spies and terrorists masters we caught; we were able to decipher the level indicated and the level of effort. Those two years of interrogation indicated conspiracy, financial motives, invincibility, and both security and access to the most sensitive and damaging information to carry these large scale operations through, cradle to grave.

So what is this climate of lies about and is it only after financial objectives? The terror plots and the dissident traps are all the same. They reverse the notion that the poor outperform the rich; they put the ball heavily on the shoulders of those guilty; thus it extracts a very healthy heart and mind propaganda campaign. The conspiracy and swindle also increases the credit and credit ratings of those who are having financial difficulty. Did the disasters help to extend credit worthiness or some basis to sympathize with those who are severely affected? In the case of 911 and Bhopal, India; over 3000 human lives were lost at one time as a result of each disaster. If that is not murder on a grand scale; then we do not have any other credible example to display to the world to seek our objectives.

Liability is also a sound reason why these terror-dissident plots are so successful. Not only is it liability, it is liability of debts. In each of these cases in the 1980s (Love Canal, Three Mile Island, water contamination, Union Carbide accident, and the Unabomber) we have two long term effects. First are the insurance payments that last over 20 years to the recipients of these accidents. Second is the long term or residual cost of these disasters. They permeate, fester, and anger over and over for upwards of 20 to 30 years and beyond. Those who grew up during this time have a warped or “unbelievable” story to tell. However, there is no delusion here; it is all real and as real as reality can get. So this climate of lies, liability of debt, and insurance payments all culminate to two things; higher debt ratings and inability to pay off long term debts. In other words, they do not last; they must be perpetuated or sustained by further terrorism.

When you have a security breach or threat; access is the problem. Here we have access to debts where they were once denied. We have access to the media and access to the public. We have doors opening while closed ones remain shut. So if access is one of the swirls and swarm of this climate of lies; then we can see how doors are opening while others are shut; however, we are not yet informed what the goal is if any. We got that goal and the grand master strategy of the left wing after heavy interrogation of those behind it. They are above the Kremlin and above the powers of the politburo. So this access is expanding and growing to access to debts and access to policies. Those two factors indicate control and heavy regulation with very good reasons for doing so; total insanity.

In the end, when a conspiracy is present, the money or financial trail is where it leads. We have not worked or been recruited by this bunch; so there is no money trail yet. However, the history of tax policies and debate regarding taxes is there for the eye to see. There is extended and long term brainwashing here; what we also describe in basic and rudimentary efforts daily; the need to yell at them all day (20 to 500 times to convey “no thank you”) and the very limited access or isolation we chose to trap them in. It was all going down and they had to figure out if they had any fight or any way to stop it; we had their grand strategy and plot; we knew who was behind it; we caught them and were bringing them to trial while making a valuable name for ourselves doing so. It has not lead to any gold paved life; but it may.

We have brainwashing on the regional and national levels; an effort to “trigger” sleepers or activate a massive grand scale spy nest or activate the left wing on a level never before seen. Our case was directed at one or only a handful of people; these plots are directed at millions of witnesses while every effort is made to conceal who is truly behind them or pulling the strings. Also, who is pulling the purse strings? The copasetic and complex nature of this climate of lies also attempts to destroy anything in its wake. How do you tell a mob of millions or a riot of lunatics they are overreacting or mentally insane? We end up with this label and we end up labeled as paranoid or delusional without any basis or credibility to stand on. Again, the dual objective of these terror plots to establish credibility and slander political opposition.

In theory or Marxist lingo; social justice is carried forth by a summons to testify. This is how this summons is served and there are millions of people who are testifying. Remember, this swirling climate of lies we have on us presently and had been on us; involves the police and abuse of power. It is not voluntary and the use of force. Therefore, people are being summoned or served a summons when in this terror plot or dissident trap. Similarly, we are also after being targeted and hit by it; we are the both the victims of it and the prosecutors of it. It is media material; however, the proximity it is being tried is unquestionable how insane those behind it truly are. It is continuous disruptions and harassments 24 hours a day and so far persistent for over a full decade; that is ten full years of residual or efforts. The media material makes for good song lyrics as we have indicated.

From what we can acquiesce and analyze; this is an effort to activate a spy cell or nest. We are or have been chosen to sit on top of that ivory throne. There is a swirl of lies and conspiracy; a national message that is vocal and very violent. A very angry voice and the production of very emotional responses while those behind it are near calm and dead like; each one of the suspects react as if business is usual; they are so hardened by this climate of lies, swirl of terrorism, bullying techniques, and near mob like mentality; they can sleep well knowing they are in a federal sting or investigation. So they only seek to elicit a response and feel they are God like to only stoic commands.

This is a severe sign of a total psychopath and serial killer; to be emotional in their objectives; to elicit anger and emotions from others; and then to sit back as if they did not care or just made a simple mistake over and over. Even as the case was being taken to trial; those behind it were pleading and begging to drop the charges while they moved covertly and behind the scene to disrupt, harass, obstruct, and create as much turmoil or damage as they could. It is not only persistent; but now in the wide open; another sign of severe psychosis or a severe personality disorder. However, both the FBI and CIA mentioned these terror plots were a way or some method to turn them in; but only if others are smart enough and can catch them. Whatever is in their water supply or food chain; it is not environmental pollution because it managed to produce and give birth to a revolution of maniacal and homicidal lunatics angry with the world they live in or those who they have proximity and access to. That climate of lies is actually encirclement by an activated and humongous cell or region. To reverse it may take the same amount of time.

Living close to this foul odor of a human species, this Bedouin like nuisance; has given insight on how they acquire their power and how they view their world, reality, and other human beings. They only register threats to their existence; never respecting other human beings. However, they are careful and design these plots and efforts so they are difficult to detect and impossible to handedly catch them. Their police brood them to confidence and they enjoy the protections and crime spree like existence based on the idea no threat will ever come to them. In other words, they are above the law and nobody can file any charges on them. Also, this wishful thinking and swirl of lies produce a circle of fire. They exist in that sickness of fire. So threats to them or the police is existential; an outside threat which has to be defended by the group. The police think on a similar way; threats are always outside and towards them; never internal to their life or originating from their words or actions. Hence we get this impression of a communist and Nazi at the same time; a serial killer and predator looking for an easy kill or some form of food. To be the focus of their attention is no different then being kidnapped or made a hostage escaping captivity.

In December of 2009 with the heat and federal authorities beginning to figure out what they have been doing; they use the cover of the police and this ring of sickness to engage us in the open and broad daylight. Meanwhile, they claim they are ready to die and are not the least bit scared; no fear. This is what you call a mad man; a butcher; and worse a complete psychopath living in two realities; the real one and their fantasy one. Frail, ridiculous in theory, repulsive looking, mentally deficient, drunks, scrawny-obese, and going nowhere; they act more invincible and cartoon like then we can possibly describe. Thus, their penchant to lie, cheat, steal and sex offense was unlike any creature we could recognize or understand.

Was this mouse acting like a lion or just a loser being a loser? It is not sure where this power or ability comes from if not hell and the pits of their life; however, they hide it well and how disgusting their den is when we first came up upon it. Afterwards, they tried to make our den like the trash dump theirs was. Living in the same building was like living in the same nation with a complete loser who has severe mental and social issues and wishes to be left alone or more and more attention. Therefore, it is a not only financial motive which drives this creature and these groups; it is something else very dark and demented; they claim they are not the slightest bit scared or worried about their future.

We designed an elaborate trap; designed communications to draw them out or flush them into the open where they had to perform on a higher level as a killer; thus, we have two years of this effort to prove it worked and their next level. Before that, there were no suspects only a ghost and profile; anonymous calls; and constant slander or credibility problems. Once in that trap, there was no way out for this killer and terrorist. The case now evolved into how we had mental illness while telling the truth. We had imagined the entire episode and the last ten years of our life. Their story and alibis are based on how they perceive others; thus, we were hunting them down for either the FBI or CIA and this was a serious threat to their life. The 20-500 ambushes a day was their way of disrupting our effort and this ongoing allegation they pose about how we are a ticking time bomb. It took over 30 years to catch them and 10 years worth of fighting to show they deserved the death penalty. We were bait, a decoy, and were ambushed incessantly. Meanwhile, their propaganda and terror plots went untouched or undetected; thus, under funded.

In rape cases involving police abuse of power or authority; the victim is taunted until they respect, trust and do as ordered. Most people know when they can trust other human beings and do not have to undergo an ordeal. However, these authority figures lack or have an absence of force which makes it very difficult to prosecute or round up their criminal enterprise. This absence of force when carry out a crime is the signature mark of these terror plots. It is missing until it is revealed or exposed; then the force is directed to some cat and mouse game to get away, escape, or walk into the dark of night. The force is the lying or the slight of hand; cover-ups. So the abuse of power breeds compliant subjects or severe revolt; us and them. This abuse of power, like jihad and civil war in dependent subjects, breeds a radicalization phase we call brainwashing and indoctrination. They end up either as swarthy subjects willing to do as told or a predator put into a psychopathic situation; a complete disaster.

More often than not, this form of espionage and insurgency involve the absence of force. In a political coup or coup detest; a military is needed. This is covert and the military is the use of radicalized terrorists; what this bunch calls the proper use of terrorism. Just because human beings did not see it does not mean it did not happen or was ever there. Likewise, this absence of force and the ease of lying in a psychopathic manner hint of this subtle but very persistent nuisance of abuse of power and espionage. Therefore, their claim of being the police and the lack of violence is consistent to their own claims. That abuse of power then leads to inappropriate or unwanted solicitations; much the same way rape cases develop. As a predator, they seek out an easy win, an easy target, an easy way to taunt the opposing side; who would of thought we could or would catch them red handed in all these terror plots or could gather evidence to indicate such slight of hand and subtle abuse of power.

The use of the police and the absence of force is very pertinent to the peace movement, the liberals, and the left wing. It is their future at stake and they are pleading it as if they have a death sentence. Therefore, when human beings face a death sentence or guilt of such; they will do and say anything; if that does not work as intended, they will kill and they will take a last stand. Of course it is for the wrong reasons and total lies or propaganda; but that is the nature of a crime spree and a criminal enterprise. So this constant and persistent harassment and access from 2006 to 2010 in the state of New York was severe and hidden; another accidental cover-up. It is not abuse of power, abuse of authority, or misuse of police power; instead, it is only harassment, oppression, and solicitation; nothing to over react about.

The inability to pin point it or place some context to the entire case, was not clandestine or covert agents of sabotage; it was all mental illness. The same premise of all these terror plots; to establish credibility and to slander political opposition; we never had clandestine talks or got a confession from them, unwanted or not. These talks and these details were juxtapositions of a hidden reality or some other reality where we imagined it all. For a scrawny, worthless, insignificant, and repulsive foul creature to step in this bear trap and run away happy, limping, and bleeding; we have seen some powerful lies and then a few ridiculous ones. So the confession by those behind the entire matter was a mere hunting accident; a mistake; only a mental illness caused by stress. We did not get their confession after two years of interrogation and all of it just disappeared and went away; into thin air never to be seen again.

The terror plots indicate a pattern of behavior we describe as a deliberate, intentional, and calculated methodical serial killer like impulse; on automatic and near uncontrollable by this inferior species of foul royalty. The pattern of behavior is daily, continuous, endless, and persistent; meant to suggest we could not get along or did not know how to. It was not an isolated event; a random incident; or intended to be of a random probability. This was abuse of power and specifically police authority. The police abuse of power is clingy, dependent, and a complete nuisance; as if they could not be fired or did not have to live according to the rules of life. The abuse of power was also intended to define who they were; reckless, insignificant, highly stupid, highly criminal, and able to get away with murder. It was meant to restore and capture the attention of the audience again; this idea they are the source of ideas and power; stolen at the end of the cold war and with the collapse of communism. So while the public and the world audience was captivated by them; they were kept away from the propaganda factory and the incessant lying; a climate of lies and a blood sucking loser behind it all. A complete psychopath and serial killer living in a climate of propaganda and lies due to the political stucco of dependency on others for life and more debt or added years.

The use and role of the police is important to a cover-up or conspiracy; most especially when they are behind it or know who are. In a conspiracy, there is no force as of yet; some effort to enforce or apprehend the responsible party has not panned out. So this absence of force or visible crime is the basis of all this harassment, false imprisonment, malicious prosecution, extortion-fines-fees-tickets, all the legal problems, constant surveillance, and the reality of nonsense. We see who the left wing truly are and how this army of the damned make improper use of legitimate government or righteous existence; thus, abuse the power and the abuse of power in order to lie, cheat, and steal their way into fame or celebrity status. The ending was to blame the right wing; sue them or their leaders; make them surrender and get a settlement. Therefore, the cover up and indefensible backup to shift the blame or punishments did not turn out the way they expected; we know it is a hostage situation, a captivity, and a lack of freedoms. Nevertheless, leaving the left wing unscathed and unharmed was also the basis of all these terrorist plots and the blameless nature of all this nonsense. Because none of it worked as expected; they expect everyone to move on and just let them walk away.

The ending overture in December of 2009 was still how everyone was dying to talk to them. This ending overture was also to be released; to finally be free; and how they were ready to die for their crimes against humanity and the nation. In short, they were cold blooded murderers and hardened criminals who used that fame and power to gloss up their global espionage or terror plots. It was fitting up to the end how artificial and ridiculous their life had or was; insisting to the end one more effort, one more lie, one more of that special ingredient intended to fool or trick others into believing they were or are special. The other ridiculous trick was how free they felt, were, and until arrest or closure; they were actually winning and got the better punch in. This is not coercion; this is a maniacal and seriously flawed loser who is heavy laden with stupidity. It is a deadly stupidity and a self-destructive moron who sugar coats life until it is so despicable; crime is all they have left in life.

This bunch of predators and sexual offenders from the ridiculous reaches of the left wing have arisen to the occasion as nothing more than a predator on the right one. Harassment is harassment no matter which side they occupy or are on; however, it is more believable when they claim this was hatched from the right wing and conservative side. They confuse God and the Devil; thus, claim that father figure made them do what they did. It was all unintended consequences which brought them here or to this point. So the harassment and coercion is just that whether it is subtle, blatant, or bullying tactics to characterize themselves as a different species or something they are not. We were either so real or so pretty in life; taken deadly serious by them, we became not only a victim but the spokesman for the opposition. It is hard to tell what we are or how they happen to be put in this predicament of taken seriously and holding the water for a ridiculous story. It is a heavy laden stupidity and a deadly moron in automatic destruct mode. They are existential threats and the police so they destroy as they are let go, inevitably destroyed, exposed, or told to leave. Their ending overture was release and how they won or beat everybody up until now; we got their full Monty and the best of their work; thus, they expected payment and a fee. Yes, you heard right. They did not expect a thank you or gratitude; they expected payment and a reward for their own capture.

Let’s turn this tail to other more important matters. This chaos is widespread on the local, state, and federal levels. This bunch thinks they are the masters of all races so they violate at will the rights of their multi-cultured subjects who worship their intentions and self righteous gift from eternal spirits. Me thinks this bunch is as insane as a human being can possibly become; how much more is not known. As the masters of all other races and cultures, they exist for bad and good reasons unspoken still; all hidden and determined by ratings and popularity. If it leads to bad ratings, they must hide it or lie profusely to fix the truth. The fact they are happy when best-backwards cannot be explained because it is hidden well by a utopia or fantasy world where nobody is accountable and the truth does not exist so it can never stick to anyone.

Evil in this utopia or make believe liberty is never present; only strong and weak forces. Within this strong and weak force is their gay and happy life; always portraying their image as superior or beyond criticism. It is a complete and utter joke to say the least; no less an academic nightmare for scholars. Language in this utopia is constantly manipulated with false meanings or silence; in order to remove the truth and wash away sins. When the truth is washed wayward, blame can now be used as a weapon of maniacs or the mob. This is their prison system. It is a life or existence where everybody is guilty, except big brother and this state of being. All threats to this being is either criminal or an insult; the basis of existentialism in the 1800s and French philosophy. Therefore, they are not fascist but supervision and guards; all real and living creatures are hostages or some political prisoner until they are either stopped or arrested.

An insane mosaic to make a normal human being hyperventilate; these labor unions and left wing insurgents harass and coerce others by abusing police powers or bullying tactics while their clay feet are protected like a secret service so holy a joke is real and made more real by silencing laughter. It is not a joke if nobody laughs or is too scared to laugh. They bombard the living human life on earth until a cover up is needed to fix their utopia or reality; this is usually how they are an All-American family, hard working, and not capable of lying or doing any harm to anybody. As a foreign and non-native threat; they know how to present themselves in the best of light so nothing illegal befalls what actually occurred and reported. It is also he said or she said back and forth; day and night; month after month; year after year. At the end, it is about political party ultimately and some broken allegiance system to something other than what it should be. It is not an allegiance to do the right thing; it is an allegiance to see what they can get away with or hide; maybe for financial gain or even profit. So long as the curtains are closed; nobody gets harmed and no crimes are reported. The threats begin when those curtains are pulled and when these terror plots erupt; that is when the threats begin.

Now the people behind this claim they have no other reason to be a threat or ever was; none whatsoever because it was perceived and imagined. They have and had no motive or reason to kill others who do not need them or want them; their pursuit is merely child’s play and a game of love; to be respected. So this abuse of police power or authority also has a very synthetic reason why a plausible story is missing about what happened. How do they explain what happened to the accusers and then how do they explain the total lack of a defense or explanation for ten full years? In this utopia and fantasy land; all things and everything makes sense because it is imagined, perception only, and did not ever happen. Silence and denial is the best explanation because when that is broken or threatened; the real threats and the real crime come out, erupt, or become these terror plots.

All of this abuse of power, terror plots, coercion, propaganda, conspiracy and coercion, all of these documented crimes and violations are directed at one goal and only one objective. Power is elusive, power corrupts, and the management, control, and distribution of it is intended to keep the peace. So this terrorism is intended to keep the peace and silence critics. It does not matter who wins or looses so long as it keeps the peace. However, it is like fighting old age; eventually the fight does not last and that little bit cost more and more. Fighting old age is a great way to describe their brokenness and problems; of two realities, one is inevitable.

Inevitable or not, this bunch and this voice we keep hearing says why fight it and how come we refuse to surrender after their killing spree and rampage. Ugliness is real and it always catches up to those who are ugly at life. However, this climate of lies and the propagation of these terror plots-dissident traps are part of the extravaganza; intended to fool the mind and anger it towards political opposition and a future threat. When we remove that climate of lies; the climax is of course this broken circle of sickness when nothing works any longer. So we get their last overture to be free, they are ready to die, we do not have closure yet, and they are not making any changes until forced to; if we do not like it, then either fight or come after them. Until then, nothing works and everybody is dependent and dying to talk to them.

About Me

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.

You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest