There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

Enter key words, topic, or specific references to posted chapters...

Sunday, September 5, 2010


This ending and attempt to get away began around the Monday of August 23, 2010. If the FBI checks the tapes at Fox News and the radio shows reported, there is an attempt to restore honor, put the best face on the worst problems, trying to shift blame, present a warning to the law enforcement community, do an false flag “APB”, and a series of coordinated attacks to cover their tracks, have an alibi, or delink from the political standoff. Essentially tensions build up secretly or were hidden. The key to this case is how much are they hiding willing to confess and what can they get away with, what is legal. This plot is a failed marriage and kidnapping case. It is also called, “Lookout for the Asian Guy Plot” because it is a confusing hodgepodge of mixed messages intended to confuse or make a lover chase after who they admire and love. So there is fighting in the core of the power, people are kept away or blinded; they do not have the inside story or inside view, not an insider and a loser. If you are a loser in DC you can be kicked out or attacked.

1. iRush goes to Hawaii and puts on the best cum-si-cum-ca face, nothing is wrong and vacation and leisure is on his mind. Ann was ordered to dump him and go on an expensive Euro-trash vacation or a Love Boat conservative cruise. Ann refuses and stands her ground. Alex warns Ann that they are staging an attack and to have all security and surveillance locked for a first strike. When iRush is lazy, laxacsaisical, incoherent, goes on vacation, rambling, and acting like he is emmotionally hurt; he will strike. Ann is ordered to set the ball rolling, go on vacation first on Fox News by Megan Kelly.
2. Bin Hannity begins to stage meetings to set the situation up and to show how superior and clever they are. His attempts are evaded and he is chasing for just 10 minutes of our time and attention. With this chase in a fury, Ann goes on his show as a diversion and to allay his failure. If you have something to say or wish to say something, record it since they refuse to write it. Ann now goes on O'reilly and avoids Bin Hannity as the chase is diverted. All the attention is off them.
3. Bin Hannity tries to bring on football coaches or entertainment stars; to captivate his crowd. Malkin X goes on his show and begins to complain about, "Sean, we are promoting their books, doing their advertisement, etc..." and Ann responds with "Why even bother working?" The same type of strategy or media ploy the had us locked in and trapped by. In other words, nobody liked them or paid any attention; they were liars and trying to put the best face on it. However, their media attacks drove crowds of people on both sides to Ann and Alex; they had to know what the buzz was about and the low down; what the Lee family said "inner vision... deeper thoughts... inside scoop" or an insider view.
4. The day before the attack, Bin Hannity talks directly to the FBI and the arrest units, "F'in A-hole... you are dead... we are going to get you... (death threat) Has the FBI investigated this." Apparently he is now advertising a group called Freedom Watch who said they would kill him and why. Immediately after, their arrest unit comes on the line, iKarl Rogue and presents the strategy. They will portray themselves as the bad guys and try to arrest the "good guys" this November; and then clean house.
5. iMegan Kelly the handler that ordered Ann on vacation and told her to dump him for a Euro-trash vacation does not mention Alex never goes to church. In other words, they are attacking Alex by suggesting he is not religious and an aetheist because he does not attend church; Ann comes in and neutralizes this while they are buzzing around underground, the propaganda factory and toxic spill of rumors. The female on Fox News who first began this church-religion problem was Miss America, iGretchen. In history, the only "Gretchen" was a hot blonde at Woodson HS in 1986 while a sophmore at a senior party. Alex walked around the corner and "Gretchen" was going to the bathroom; and they began to talk while she did. She needed his help and it was just a freak run-in by an older girl and some cheerleader at Alex's first social event in his life. That was a one time incident and it never repeated again (except for Debbie Ice telling Alex the same story, it happened to her also).
6. On August 30, 2010 Alex sends an email to an FBI handler and said there is a suspicious event, they are casing the house and said, "it is going to blow." He identified the male as the brother of Sue Place dressed as a city construction worker. Alex asked the FBI what is going to "blow?" Then on the airwaves was "he is going to get arrested" and "he got arrested." Alex had been complaining about the Anthrax attacks and getting blamed for it in 2002 by NBC when he was innocent and did not know who this partner or sponsor was, nobody did. When the FBI asked him who it was, he said "black people" and "labor unions" in 1998.
7. Rosalyn Cartier began to give a speech and it sounded like she was talking to the audience about mental illness. The speech was so insane and over the top it was pissing in the face or made everybody spitting mad. The next day Tuesday August 31, 2010; a hot red head Jewish radio host comes on the iRush Show and begins to ignore and talk over the matter; avoidance. He is not hungry to talk as Bin Hannity is; is does not know we are alive; so this is for Ann and Alex, do you know we are there? Cartier gives a "final disposition" and ruling on the case. First, we are, were, or had been stuck in "mental health court" and had fallen through the cracks, but they did not give up. Second, we were ordered to "get better" and she said it was a tragedy and we will be released now; she was not sorry or repentant, felt it was a mistake and we were to be released immediately.
8. Israel and Obama move in unison; both almost in a stupor and pulling out; packing up and ditching all efforts. The speech they give sounds like one they would say to a girlfriend or lover they wish back. They want someone back and know they had done wrong. This is also followed up by AZ and odd events involving beheadings, Japanese prisons, dead Thai diplomats, heroine, and Thai-American whipper-snappers. Agnello, the cousin of Gotti also pleads guilty to the same charges Jimmy Hoffa faced by RFK and JFK.
9. Walter Williams comes on the iRush Show and says nothing; ignores the matter completely.
10. Obama begins a serious pull out speech all week and the media is perplexed by it all. All the news channels are saying WTF is going on?
11. Alex plays a "three card draw" and asks the FEDs to shut down all legal and illegal gambling operations as retaliation; a final blow to a spy ring and terror group on the hook.
12. AZ responds to the gambling threat and pullsout or closes up the show, hit the reset bottom.
13. Fox O'sreali host is MIA and response to HomoCon arrives. Obama Diary author orders Ann to attack and she protests the war. Words are exchanged and iLaura strikes back by smearing Ann. Later, Ann says they do not know each other, are sworn enemies, and do not ski together or ever has; so it was a trick and deception but under the radar still. How iLaura is so messed up and mixed in this has not been told, bus she was the very first responder and stalking both Ann and Alex; as Malkin X and Hannity are the same age and race; no ethnic ties. iLaura Bin Ingraham is pulled into this insanity (even if she has two young dependent children) and goes on Ski Patrol. Now the focal point is Colorado, ski resorts, a Condo in Va. at Massanutten foreclosed on in June 2010, and personal interests of Ann and Alex. A lot of sex and scandal is brewing around Bin Ingraham much the same way Sue Place has stayed on top of this. Ann says it is a failed blackmail attempt and keeping tabs on our family.
14. iPalin does the Restoring Honor Weekend on August 28, 2010 in DC in memory of MLK. There is a lot of buzz surround Beck and the Mormon religion, the topic of religion all week with Obama (MSNBC SWEARS TO ALLAH THAT OBAMA'S NOT A MUSLIM and OBAMA IS NOT A MUSLIM by Ann Coulter). There are a few deserters here and we know a pending attack is imminent; but where and how? This ends up as the Lookout for the Asian Guy Plot by the left wing and radical communist forces.
15. On August 30, 2010 a hand delivered message arrived and it looked like a threatening letter. It said to move or leave in 30 days or face some form of eviction; an order to vacate. Then a form of radical legal discovery arrived the following week, seven days exactly by the Discovery HQ bombing plot and Chris Young. Young did a home invasion and had cups of urines and water thrown on his face but kept coming. Then he fabricated a story he and Rick Johnson were considering arrest and having the local police pick Alex up and throw him out. Insofar as charges, formal charges were filed with the DA's office, local police, Sherriff's office, and FBI for attempted murder; who will get the story right or beat the other to the punch? Therefore, if they did not act now, they will forfeit their right to remain silent and anything they said can and will be used against them.

The summary is how much of this they are hiding and why? Why was this mental health court held with no records or official testimony; is this some communist spy ring social justice or what terrorism is about? We know it has to do with court and arrests; we know it has to do with communism and terrorism. So this code of silence talks and the message is convoluted and speculations of rumors; a recreation of the 2002 arrest and the trial of a secret female agent which the President eventually erased and commuted. So the whole point is this was already adjudicated and the damages are pending or already decided; who will pay? Will the local, state, or federal communist and radical left wing pay or those we implicated in a terror plot and mafia war between the Catholics and Protestants? This guy James Lee (Discovery HQ Bomber) had been one of their best warriors, thinkers, patients in this mental health court. We identified a few other "patients" and "soldiers" who were previously killed or arrested already. They did not mistake Alex as James Lee, they programmed him and recruited him to be just like James Lee, all of them the same and crazed lunatics who has the inside scoop. It comes down to whether or not they will help, assist, and solve this case or will they obstruct, intimidate, and murder it; it is a mafia war and drug wars?

In the arrest of Alex in 2002, he was coaxed, cajoled, tortured, and forced to plead guilty. The question is whether or not he got a fair trial or did it slip under the radar and had Presidential seal; a gag order from the highest offices? To the senses and the world of secrets, this has already been taken to a show trial and adjudicated by the criminal elements. It appears as if this recruitment plot has been adjudicated and taken before a grand jury already. In 2003 a female agent of the United States was exposed. During this media lynching her employment was discussed and her role. Although highly illegal and hidden from plain view, this female was then identified as part of an elaborate employer-employee-agent relationship as high as the White House, CIA, NY Times, and Justice Department. In September of 2003 the CIA sent a letter to the Justice Department verifying this problem and the sensitive nature of the matter. Their agents are highly vulnerable as with any undercover type world. A Special Counsel was assigned to the case and it was taken to a grand jury. Subsequent to this grand jury, a few high ranking officials were indicted for perjury, obstruction of justice, and making false statements. Not long afterwards, the President commutes their sentence and erases the crime from the annals of history.

Unabated, the female and her husband decide to take this to civil court and expose those involved while demanding punitive damages. They write a few books and a circus of swirling scandal erupts afterwards. In 2007 the civil suit was dismissed and thrown out and ethics charges are filed by a lobbying group. The case of the secret agent and undercover sting has yet to be told but there are other stories out there along with several terror plots that have jacked the suspicion to a suicidal and deadly plot. All of this and they insist it is about Iran and not gambling rights. We add two to our age so they cannot steal our social and age; a deception that worked well to confuse; it is similar to a three false password lockout. Similar to the DC Sniper Case in 1998 and before the bombing plots, the September 2010 Discovery HQ case sent a message to the FBI, it is not a game and lives are on the line. Even the long enduring standoff between NBC and the Presbyterian Church is being relived and revived in 2010, a full century and a full circle of propaganda evasion. So this is what they call the mental health court and we are ordered to be released immediately, ordered to get better, and told it was a tragedy we will survive and must get better. Welcome to the world of communism and a view to a kill, an insider view of their prison and torture chamber right smack in America. Oddly, the pieces fit the crime exactly and there is no room for any other conclusions; only blame and responsibility.


I bought a condo in VA at an exclusive ski resort, Massanutten. It looks and feels like a Swiss Alps ski camp. Someone knows I rollerblade 3-6 hours daily. I used to rollerblade to a different state, from VA to MD and then WVA (30mph for 9 hours). So I buy this condo in 2005 and Ann advertises skiing and Laura buys a place in CO and invites Ann. Next thing I know I am reading about Ann and Laura who are sworn enemies; ski buddies. In 2006, 2008, and 2010 I try to sell the condo; my deed is gone, vanished in think air. I am stuck and can cash in, get at least half price on it. Now they foreclosed on it and I must sue them; I do not have the deed either; missing. I researched skiing and asked Ann about Colorado or ski buddies; someone kept sending me weird pictures and stories about "I think I saw Ann Coulter." The story said she was drinking and pee'd in the woods until the skiis slipped and she slid into an open crowd. Ann did not tell me about any ski trips with Laura and I know what Laura was saying to me about Ann. Both Laura and all of these suspects we caught want the world to know they are not inferior and do not hate; but their Manifesto is the Turner Diary. So this is what I was trying to describe about the condo at the world class ski resort I had in VA. I wrote you and said they stole it or just robbed me of it. How I was not able to describe. So we know why ski resorts and condos are involved; why car theft? I reported vandalism of my vehicles as far back as 1989; every single one of them.

Q: Who is Stormy Daniels the porn star from LA now politician? There are more reincarnations but someone knew about the XXX with Cathy. Also, Sloppy in 11th grade began to date another State champion wrestler named Troy Trureau. Troy is a really good looking fellow who had no idea Sloppy and Al were so close. Stormy wanted to know if Al was still interested on and Al said "of course." Ann does not know this but she says she is cool with it or what happened in the past.
A: Look up the yearbook spy ring and the Camelot crew, Sloppy Weber. Stormy is the reincarnation of Sloppy and Sloppy and I were secret lovers. Nobody knew this, anybody; Sloppy is a straight A student and her best friend Jackie was dating Adam and had a crush on him for years. Now look up Deana Classman; Al's neighbor and the four sisters who adored him as a child. Sloppy and Deana have very similar qualities but Deana is petite or model like; Sloppy more athletic, dominant, and large boned. This is not only about stealing Al but also stealing his ride and becoming his ride; they want to ride Alex not Ann; they want Ann out of the way. This is what Ann is trying to describe as the murder plots and the conspiracy on her, go away and leave Alex and the reincarnation alone; they are almost elderly. Ann is the only person who is allowed and knows about Al's mojo; that is what is being stolen, Alex's major and they met his partner. They had no idea Alex and Ann were or had been sleeping together but they wanted to meet Ann or catch them.

Q: Are all of them married?
A: We had to investigate this and what age level the contacts made contact or secret talks at.

Q: Who is usually in the middle or the middle men?
A: Women are in the middle. Kids are in the middle. The Jews are usually middle men. The Mafia is usually the middle men. Now, when you have a race war, Asians are in the middle? So does this mean the Asians are all of the middle or the middle men?

Q: Why NY? Are all of us draft dodgers or this violent?
A: The history of the Vietnam War, the Legal Railroad, the Anti-War or communist spy ring, and the mafia or drug wars converge on Revolutionary Command and this safe haven.

Q: Why is this game with sex and innuendoes being played and repeated on Ann's life?
A: It has to do with questions these widows had about when Al and they were younger. It has to do with how life turned out and if Al was still interested or wanted to go skiing at his condo in VA. The love nest is secluded and all they have to do is ski or email him online; hence, these strange women looking for love online and playing a strange game. It is part of this recruitment by someone studying and watching closely. Ann says she slept with Alex. Alex says he slept with Ann. The only people locked out of this consensual circle is who claims they are with Alex and Ann; they also demanded we prove to them we were sleeping together. When a guy says yes and when a girl says yes; the chances of them going to town is really hard. The problem is that hard reality locks out a stranger or someone who is not invited or a HomoCon. We identify them as a Catholic and Jewish character who cannot get anything right and plays it off with the best face on the worst problem, total insanity. If they ask Ann, have you had sex with Alex and she says yes; leave it alone. If you ask Alex and he says yes and twenty years of a partnership; do not try to photograph or watch them; we are charging them of this and a peeping tom camera as a trap and a scam to lure Ann in a murder plot; a fit of jealousy by a crazed lunatic terrorist.

Q: Is my car, a hot showroom restored convertible Trans Am with a V8 Corvette engine in danger?
A: Yes. Ann says the reason why they invade my home was to damage it, check the insurance, and then target it. The bail was set at 5K originally; they accepted the title as a fair trade. Then they put Alex through 17 trips to City Court; only to find out it was a sting.

Q: Can anybody in this world steal Alex's cop car and hotrod?
A: No. The car has several theft deterrent systems: 1. Blue LED deterrence. 2. 90 decibel sound warning. 3. Battery kill switch. 4. Low jack or transponder secretly installed in trunk. 5. One of a kind or "only car on the road" profile. Finally, the 1994 Convertible Trans Am came with two features unique to that model. The key is a pass lock key, it is a computer ship on the key and it cannot be started unless a signal is sent to the steering column. Secondly, the vehicle has a button on the console, when Al hits that button, it wills rock and roll and they must chase him if they wish to steal it. So part of the theft deterrence is catching the road runner syndrome. No other modifications were made to the vehicle but it has had engine problems during the restoration process; it is showroom condition.

Q: Is there any car thief on this planet who can steal that vehicle or die trying?
A: No. So far they have tried sex, sodomy, anthrax or bacteria attacks, racial slurs, impersonating the FBI or police, car full of teenagers, a mechanic looking for a job, a peeping tom camera, kidnapping his girl or partner, impersonating hot women Al new in HS, pretending to be females Al had sex with while a teen or underage, and either murder plots or terror plots. Nothing they try can or has been able to break the theft deterrence on that car; it must be towed and impounded. Even hacking and an online campaign of identity theft failed to car jack that Trans Am or Al's wheels. Their last ditch effort will be to evict him and try to have him dump or abandon the vehicle; the abandoned vehicle trick. When someone abandons a vehicle, the owner has a specified date to pay the storage before it is put up for auction; however, the FBI has been tipped and it has been surrendered to a raid team and squad. They are now on Trans watch while Ann lures a HomoCon.

Q: Does Al identify one girl or a roster of them?
A: There are hundreds of them; some one in a million and very sexual; lewd or prostitution like, an orgy of sex and secrets. Al is a computer science and a satellite warfare founder; the original author of the entire program. How many nations or spies are trying to hijack or steal this program, count them or ask them? It got to the point where they tortured Al to have sex with them or kill them "we want to die... ready to die... will never love again." Al said to go and rub it and not rub Al or Ann out; he then threw urine and feces on their husband's face and said "thanks for the memories."

About Me

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.

You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest