There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

Enter key words, topic, or specific references to posted chapters...

Monday, September 27, 2010


I have bad news for the iRush on Monday, September 27, 2010. First off we had a financial plan or exit plan, an emergency way to disappear. The condo was bought for a sale or +value of purchase price. A buyer and plan was already in place and a way to obtain $20K in a private sale. A middle card was the car but it was needed. There is a basement full of goods and a closed eBay account, closed bank account, closed Craig’s list, closed everything even cell phone, internet, and much more. Everything closed mysteriously or due to some odd event. There is no explanation for stolen, missing, or depletion of all itemized property unless a prowler, burglar, or robbery had taken place. It suggests a peeping tom, surveillance, or illegal eavesdropping technology.

So let's say I am a real and the best hostage negotiator; able to teach how to storm prisons, buses, or nations. I need a logical ending and a logical way to respond. The bad news is the condo, I can not only sue; I can pin him for the theft of it. If I was a liar, had a mental problem, or want to invent a story; I would say "he sent me a hostage note or demanded..." We did not do this or report this because it has not happened yet; however, that is what a real lie looks like. How many "real lies" are there if any? Exactly. I have stated this in the Fall of 2009. The risk to the landlord (50% refund or $6,000 rent refund, 20 months), human toll, risk to family, risk to business, and threat of exposure; does not come near the legal fees or court costs of this case. So this indicates an ideological, emotional, or other type of thinking pattern, a super insult, super anger, super secret, or something worth dying for. A good conclusion is freedom or survival instincts.

So the mystery is we have a hostage, no ransom note, no request or demands for money, no demands for national needs (health care, bail outs, reduction in taxes, free a jailed leader, etc...) why? We already know the answer, it has to do with the financial plans we had already. What is already there and known. Alex has already escaped and his safety net has been sabotaged or intentionally destroyed; tell us what the terrorist demands are. The iRush says, "Intentionally done." This is a vague answer but it has something to do with the careers of Ann and Alex; politics. So why is our escape plan not working? Easy, there is no logical ending. We know a major trade had taken place, one is reported and one was not but the benefit was eternal or very long; protections or insurance for the remainder of their life. This is a major accomplishment for criminal elements or outcasts. Whenever a trade or transfer has taken place and it is life long; the only conclusion is tax evasion and unreported transfer of funds from one person to the other or stolen goods.

Let's say he steals an identity or kidnaps and clones; he must wait years; then he has to return it for a price or bounty. This is not possible now or ever. This however was done to Ann; back and forth trade offs. It escalated to peace of mind a murder plot. iRush now says, "because they are living a lie and we have genuine power... a real black man with real power." So the first response fits perfect, blacks cannot sell condos or property to Jews or Catholics. Who is black in this case? The iRush then adds, "Assault on America... why are these assaults on women happening? ...Genuine... not phony." So to reach this genuine and not phony level, they have kidnapped and used Ann and Alex as a template. This is confirmed and a logical answer which can be proved, explained, or substantiated. iRush goes on and says, "...Know they are a fraud and if they loose the media know they will be exposed." Agreed, the show stops and the elections go down the drain; the scams and money stops. So at risk is the swamp being drained and normalcy returned to politics and the US.

Again, a hostage negotiator will agree they are missing a plan. What is this plan or of such high value and risk? The iRush answers, "...Palin has it all... genuine woman... she has a family... not a phony... gift that keeps giving... Hillary... Michelle... Their husbands... Nobody in the Tea Party... How stupid we are... Just stupid... Democrats should be headed for a landslide." At 1340 the iRush begins to answer and says plan is "...Life has treated you unfairly so you take what you want now... how can you ask for an excuse?" So he says it is a justification method and this foreign aid or domestic aid plot similar to the Nigerian scams. This is and cannot be a hostage plan or ending, it is not logical and certain to equalize the rewards and risk. There are over 12 months of repeated statements or identical messages, "we do not know what to do... we are ready to die... we want to die"; a delusion, personality disorder, internal chaos, or perfect fit to the situation. Not one perfect fit, there are over ten thousand perfect fits and a high motivation to suggest human beings would die or wage war for this type of crime or communism; political change. The question is how rational and how logical is this new type of communism or reformed communist movement behind terrorism?

Concealing the transfer was a bad strategy and even worse; denying it or fighting it more and more. Based on this answer, there is another conspiracy or scam to defraud the public, an insurance scam or illegal use of taxes or legal laws. The threat of tax or evasive reporting of work, labor, and pay is not pertinent due to a blockade described repeatedly or a robbery. You cannot claim negative equity or the same items year after year; in other words, the blockade and hostage matter had no income pertinent to tax laws, foreclosure, or any other liens. It is all back logged and bottle necked. Again, this is evasive and does not address the real problem. Was one side or two sides demanding payment for training, services, or this pre arranged summit? Who paid for it and who can explain how the bills were paid for four years?

Again, at 1343 the iRush says, "Choice here, higher taxes or higher you..." This is not an alternate goal or plan because it is not logical unless you know beforehand the value of a human being. You do not kidnap without knowledge of a possible payoff and risk amount. None of your men will ever commit or agree to nothing. There must be a goal that supersedes the effort; this is how you end a hostage standoff or ego-maniac. We can rule out murder, murder plots, dead bodies or violence for now. We need logical thinking and planning. Is it sex? A job? A symbolic gesture or insult? At 1348 the iRush says, "...Cannot pretend it is logical... unfunded wars... must believe it now." That is a stronger answer and a better one; but how do I do it back to him if it is not insanity? In order to prove insanity, he must block or stop me! So if he does not tell me a logical answer, I am paralyzed, how do we "believe?" He says we "must believe." As a hostage negotiator and expert, how do I engage or explain; even pay you? How do I end this?

So we know it was done intentionally or on purpose. We need a logical ending. At 1352 the iRush answers, "...All smoke screams... you and I pretend it has not ended... some advantage to going along with this... a total mess... that is over... we ended this." Wait, going along cannot be a hostage demand. How does a hostage negotiator go along with you? At 1355 the iRush says, "...Cannot demand ... cannot do it... cannot prove it... the best... done for free... now get a lifetime of protection." This abstract statement of doing it for free and getting a lifetime of protection is a nominal value; it is not a tangible item. Then the iRush says, "was credited for this" which means we got some payment or some transfer took place; in a credit form. So whatever this form of payment it has already happened and the FBI knows it, it is a form of payment from us, it gives them a lifetime of protection, and the iRush does not know if it is bad or an attack is imminent or already planned.

We already know he is not trying to score a bag. We know it may be for sex or getting laid, to whom? We know he enjoys hanging out with both Ann and Alex a lot. We know they hide this pleasure with basic or normal business activity. We know it is misleading and mind boggling, done with ultimate deception. So it is possible rent and an apartment was done in the same manner or method; to conceal this kidnapping and hostage problem. But we need a logical answer; we need someone or something to keep a peace of mind unless murder is the ending and charge. If they are 911 terrorists, then it is feasible and even likely they could be violent or dangerous; a reasonable person would speculate this is in their character if they are and we know it. So iRush has to produce, how do we get closure or peace of mind? Murder or violence?


"The state run media knows they cannot endorse you, you know you are in trouble, let me show you... closest friend... can win... damn right, just pussyfooting around trying to be all things to all people... people want jobs... not going to work anymore but I have hope... one of his disciples, a follower (1426 mark)... total fake... shock ya... I don't know..." iRush keeps mentioning Gellibrand and the playboy site; iHannity has been plugging the hot Senator from NY all last week. I have no doubts either if she is hot, ready, and steamed but she is in charge here. We know she took over for that old babe Ann had to remove or get rid of for sexual reasons, promiscuity, mother-daughter fighting over a man, cougar movies, odd porn sent to me (MILF Hunter), and lurid stories of a fairy tale and plane affair. This look alike was not in there, only Ann (As Emma). I would have noticed or known who the 40-50+ something was. There have been a lot of local issues including a local murder case leading to North Carolina and a Police Chief.

iRush says, "Hostage... terrorist language... okay so you are ticked off I am doing family guy... I am appearing on Greta today... some are questioning their investment in this show... (I hear Paladin the NY candidate on the phone with iRush... Paladin has a distinctive voice and is running against Cuomo). Is the iRush and Paladin recognizing each other? They are talking about running ads, immigrants, and problems with assimilation. Cuomo did recently make contact during the week of September 20 to 24 when their leaders were ordered on the phone. Cuomo said he will fight corruption, help immigrants, and felt politics had gotten very offensive. So he showed up at an odd time and circumstances. As far as taxes or liens on any property, there were none and if there were, this blockade prevented the sale of big items (a vacation condo, a car, computers, etc...)

Conclusion: as a hostage negotiator and expert or trainer, there is nothing to suggest he is sane, logical, or rational. There is a problem understanding him and problems with communicating; but he does seem to know the problem, the solution, and how to get there, we think. Then it all drops off a cliff or gets abstract, as if he is searching for a lifeline. If this is a suicidal plot and also a dirty bomb; there must be a trace of this or something an expert eye can pick up on. So by default we can assume it is stupidity or severe incompatibility. He sucks. They suck so badly, it was done back to prove they are sane and stupid. So that is their answer to the mafia and this wood chipper problem that sucks in everybody. We are missing a piece of this story and without a logical answer, the mafia cannot end this either. Who is lying here or buried?

Fact: In 2006, the first target was my vehicle. Ann says it was an attempt to steal it or buy it for a grand. In 2007 several calls were made to the local police about a prowler inside the apartment and hearing someone. The police suspected the upstairs union and what item was stolen could not be assessed. Then a financial plan was written to a family member (sale of the condo in VA at Massanutten and the car for legal or a safety net - $20K on sale). The deed on the condo was stolen that day; the car was a big focus and still is. Upstairs buys a brand new $28K truck and three cars in three years; the peeping tom or recording device is the nature of the illegal activity; and the rent refund is being denied while a deliberate attempt to mislead or evade capture is in progress. This had to do with cars, remote technology, crashes or accidents, gambling, DUI, state police, falling asleep at the wheel, cigarettes, and Toyota in NY. All of those events were utilized to stop or prevent this ending.

A blockade and prevention of pre-planned finance or safety nets to evacuate or seek safety. Had these problems not been so perverse, the Canadian border and these properties could be sold above value. Sale of this car to Canada or a vacation property at full or half price was easy but blocked repeatedly. Even Craig’s List was taken down after eBay. This is the reason for the move to Canada or near; as a safety net and pre-planning. Now the recording device and peeping tom is ignored; the rent refund is being ignored and a big question mark put on the living arrangement and who did this or kept this pressure so intense. Hence the death threats and the murders to send out a warning to Ann. This still has not ended and they have to be removed or this trash picked up by someone. They continue to say "we always show up for a fight... we dare you to punch us." So a punch in the face makes this go away and better.

Even if the relationship with the labor unions, the iRush, and these communists have never been healthy and always adversarial due to the Vietnam War and our family role; they have keen interest and had been either stalking or keeping tabs, a form of espionage. There were foes and foreign nations involved. When this control and torment on our life began to slip out of hand or when they began to loose control, the adversarial and unhealthiness was no longer subtle and covert. In the case with the rental or housing arrangement; the habitability was unbearable or gotten to the point where they had to mislead or conceal. So this problem is about habitability and the impossibility to seek the truth or solve the case.

The bottom line is the CIA, FBI, and US government had been penetrated and had an ultimate control on whether or not this penetration would be detected, noticed, or eventually solved. This penetration of the US government after the cold war was unbearable and uninhabitable for everybody. By posing as investigators or inventing cases (terror plots domestic and foreign); it became impossible to solve or punish the communist globally. So this was done intentionally to provide political cover or safety during a period of collapse and transition; to confuse, terrorize, and mislead so that solving any previous cases was impossible or much harder. Although a form of obstruction of justice, people were very upset and revolutionary due to the collapse of communism and wanted to punish those who were delusional, disconnected from reality, or mislead.

Summary: The iRush says there are two of them and in April of 2008; they did not ask what this was about or ever had any questions; never had any. Although the flow is continuous, eventually they could not deny parts of it and had to crumble to the flow and surfacing of evidence. They were breaking into the apartment as reported and this prevented pre-plan financials and safety nets; then kept the pressure daily from upstairs to keep the hostage situation intense. So they are stuck with "there are only two of them" and not 3, 8, or 100. The iRush said what he wanted out of this week and reveals the entire 911 terror plots as black liberation. He and the labor unions (Revolutionary Command) upstairs did the hit on the FBI in DC and OK, getting closer. He kept asking us "if you knew why didn't you stop us" and used Mumbai, Ft. Hood, and these murders to answer that question. The iRush and iHannity is making threats "does anybody think Israel is going to let a threat like this happen?" If you think iHannity is an idiot, labor union thug, Mafia hit man, King of Pain, or a communist spy and terrorist; then you should hear what the iRush says to us. CLICK HERE to read what the iRush said on Saturday, September 24, 2010 both Ann and I on Ann's page. Also, iHannity is now promoting his "very best friend" from 3rd grade. So we have O'Donnell who has an identical case. iPalin who is more powerful than the President.

The night before this is what iHannity was bragging about, "whining babies" with us. He then says to her face about "sore losers." Note and message to the FBI and law enforcement, you and us are whiny babies and also sore losers! That is how they are handling their capture, questioning, and exposure to The Home Alone's best trap ever created. Then on September 24, 2010 the iHannity loser plugs his 3rd grade "very best friend" running for a Senate seat on Long Island and calls us "another angry liberal." So all they do is copy, agree, and they are just a cockroach like immigrant terrorist, a stalker like spy and psychopathic terrorist who is totally brain dead and calm about what they are doing. The iRush says it was done on purpose, they want suicide, and they are at peace with this. A car dealer did contact me repeatedly and the union terrorist upstairs got a new truck from them; it was huge! Their sales people came to a bar and said the only cars selling were Toyota's and this was when they went berserk and nuts. Another angry liberal in a Toyota... I presume is their explanation. This piece of trash and scum bag is saying how we "have become unhinged" by all of this pressure and people are retaliating. So the Nissan guy upstairs knows my family member works there and I own a Toyota that is parked at a Porsche mechanics garage; spying. They tried to steal my classic OPs Trans Am convertible and tire smoker LT1 cop car (Miami Vice edition). So what is this "another angry liberal" plot and why is it plugged into terrorism? So we are on attack mode, we are angry liberals, they are victims, and we are ruined because they stole our identity. So this has to do with cars, car dealers, GM, and black liberation or mafia in NY; money check.


Fact: Bin Limbaugh and Insanity is missing a part of this. Why did they come out of hiding or show up at the seen of the crime? The answer is I asked him to write down alpha numerical numbers and told him in six months 50% of his forces will be gone if he did not show up. I said this in my bedroom and living room; my own space but he had listening devices. I said his forces will blame him and he agreed. I said eventually nobody will hear or know his story, he agreed. The next day, Chris and Sue showed up along with hackers. This is how the command center was established. Whether or not I could kill him in six months, drive to each of this super soldier’s garrison; and unleash my military commandos on them is fiction but it worked and he was listening. So I am not complaining and he is not either; but I was not talking to him or knew who he was at the time when I met the threat. I plead guilty to having said this in my private home and to recording devices or some spy. I said if he wanted to live, he better send his best and stop me, he has six months. It is two years and he is still alive so there was no threat but he has to explain why he is in my apartment taking pictures. Most women would kill him for this also if they could or had the resources.

So this is why he was so thorough, he truly believed he was in danger. He did as most leaders did and accepted half responsibility and this is how it began. Then I said look over there, she is undercover and he did not believe me. He felt Ann was just a lie and a Jewish girl; and they made up stories until it collapsed. So I said I would kill not him but had military commandos ready to eliminate 50% of his top men-terrorist-spies in six months if he did not show up or stop me. This is how we got Clinton on the line and Israel but had to go thru the landlord and union upstairs, McVeigh and the Mafia. What would you do if I said it while on my Jon and in my home? So he also knew I knew he was or had been watching. It does make a better story and thrilla from Manila. I said if you do not like being scammed, GTFO of my home or AFO. They keep saying they are not fake and want my SATWAR commandos to kill them; then he said I was "steering hurricanes" and I did not deny or admit it; I called him a piece of trash I would or could drown. Steering hurricanes was ingenious and I even said it, let's steer a hurricane iRush and let's head for Las Vegas. So SATWAR is about brinksmanship and gamesmanship and Alex is the best of the best; exactly like nuclear showmanship of a 5 star General. The iRush spies and terrorist did show up and with a shotgun and flesh eating bacteria as reported and why. They saved his life and now I have their lawyer on the line.

This ending is bizarre. There is no hostage note but a transfer had taken place and a drastic change of life is evident. All items itemized were damaged, missing, or headed for discarding. Therefore, the ending was in the hands of lawyers; one side claiming damages and the other filing a 3 day eviction threat. I have requested a trial. I site a crime had been committed, over 20 felony offenses and attempted murder. The FBI is monitoring this but I left one aspect out of this, I was in my own residence talking in a secret phone. I ask $6000 in a rent refund for now and possible civil charges. I cite contempt of court, beyond the scope of jurisdiction, and obstruction of justice along with legal harassment. I cite a crime was committed when the 3rd letter was written and up until the 20th one received; an awareness and a deliberate attempt to mislead or evade arrest. They cite they are not fake and want to die. I plead guilty to screaming threats or killing this enemy or mysterious person; they were not scared off obviously and wanted a fight to the death. They deny a phone or listening device, an eavesdropping method so sophisticated we could not kill them or catch them alive! I was upset my number 2 was disturbed and had a right to confront them finally; I write this in documents. So it is up to them to talk to the FBI in private about how they plan these attacks. I.E. Internet (SAT signal on footprint and decoder analog in home, car, radio, or frequency; 10,000 recipients at once and centralized command). I can itemize the net value of property before and after and file robbery charges or take it to civil court; there was one suspicious foreclosure and no tax liens on my military retirement or property. Why discard it? The value indicates grand larceny levels and above.


iRush Bin Limbaugh has lost his mind. He is a ticking time bomb and proves this on Wednesday, September 22, 2010 when he links race and minorities and proclaims himself as a ghetto lord or an overlord. The iRush spends two hours to link abstract events to a crime scene; the white race or a mafia war. He then fixes his sights on what he really wants or needs; the largest economy in the world, the Asian-Pacific region. So these ghetto lords who are viewed as a buffoon are using race to toy with the largest economies in the world, as we describe. He begins this process of stalking and complimenting to sell his gift and genius he noticed when only 7 years old. The iRush is just unbelievable.

The day begins with Bill Keller at the New York Times and the future of the NYT. He says there are a lot of startups and they all have a place in the public discourse. Does not mention what the NYT is doing right or wrong, but he does say they have over 30 million readers. They also mention iHannity, iRush, and others; says they think all of this is funny. The iRush has linked football with communism or black liberation. He does it by first recognizing he is a cracker and a buffoon in our eyes; a total jackass. He also thinks and has convinced himself that both Ann and I are into this or him. It begins with American Indians, natives, or Hispanics. He does not mention Rick or the Clintons or Whitewater or the White House.

The iRush preaches on a higher level than black liberators or preachers. He links European invasion with freedom or liberation. He does not mention the church or who is really behind it; only focuses on them. His focus is the problem and the source; not the target. He says it is about us not him or them. He then mentions the reporter in the locker room earlier and says, "it was supposed to be an insult but was not taken as offensive." We do not think he is cool or are really interested in him; but he has his facts and mind all boggled. After two years of this, he mind still has cob web and we describe him as a madman or serial killer. So his elitism or superior existence is how and why we are being stalked, black power, communist power, radical focus, and victimization of guilty. All he had to do is ask and come out of hiding; like all humans. His dating habits are even worse. The cupid act is a scam. Screaming no 10,000 is not powerful enough. There are no brakes on the bus to hell.

The iRush explains why American Indians are being stalked. He explains why Hispanics are being stalked. He explains how or why Asians are being stalked. He then says tries to explain what is going on in our life, "they have their underwear in a wad over this." So he is a very sensitive and caring man as he clarifies and clearly explains. He does not mention Angola, USA or Lakaluandi but does not mention Jonas Savimbi or Osama Bin Laden; only his expertise. He says he is the best and the best out of all of them. He does not mention why the epicenter is in NY or this garrison we call Revolutionary Command; a high activity, history, close unit cohesion, secretive history, and cohesive political pact by the communists. He does not mention Vietnam either.

This is beyond insane and they are looking for respect, dignity, the American dream, and have been nailed badly. So his story is very sensitive to only one group; not others such as Hispanics, Asians, Caucasians, or Indians. He feels we are all on a reservation and he or they are the ghetto lord and overlord. Everybody knew Jonas Savimbi was a con man. Everybody knew Osama was a con man. Nobody felt they were this Chinese leader or native Indians. Nobody felt we live on a reservation. The world does not revolve around football or hot cheerleaders. If you want to act like a marriage, at least allow others to ID you or pick you from a lineup. So this is an African embassy meeting or trip to Niger in the US; no commuting.

The iRush is obsessed with Pittsburgh and the Steelers. Pittsburgh is where a book on terrorism was from by Thomas Friedman. The book tracked terrorist hits on both sides; there was one for 5000+ dead and a second one at 2000+ dead (Arab). Israel dead never went above a hundred or two; a Vietnam body count strategy. This explains Moynihan and the super football wife I describe or over 1000 of these super high class broads. He knows his 1970s roster of players (Stalworth, Swann, and Bradshaw). He says Heinz is half Korean and this explains it all. Half Korean goes all the way back to Brian Summers and 1980s in FC. Summers had friends who were Polish, half black-Korean, and is only friends with my brother; I never was with them. So this is about my brother and his friends, not me. There is a guy who lives next door to my sister who fits this profile, a black guy who is not married and always trying to be a mediator with our family, Rick. So we have several Rick's in this story.

Both Ricks led to Clinton and a hiring process, now a firing process. Rick is next door spying on my single older sister who is Ann's age and works at the WH. They are targeting my friends or close associates. He says that Osama is linked to all of this. He then links this entire elite ghetto lord to the Asia Pacific Commission who wants to rule over the largest economies on the planet and the largest militaries. This region has six of the best engineering schools on this planet and they are a total jackass and a total buffoon of white and black trash. The only people who will take them serious are Hawaii, Philippines, Indonesia, Somoza, and Tonga. South Korea has a lot of labor union unrest and an encroaching enemy on the northern border; also in America. He did not mention iPalin or Alaska or Eskimos.

So we have a mysterious race panel we cannot ID in a lineup. We have insane race mixing and the abduction and kidnapping by total trailer trash; this is the problem Ann Coulter is currently trying to fight off. The iRush says we have our underwear in a wad and it is intended to insult but was not taken as an insult. He does not mention the link to the 1960s or the War on Poverty, a conspiracy. So Asian is part of their ghetto zone or this overlord zone they control. He is using Tiger, Ward, and others to sell this black liberation or control the largest economies and the most academic engineering school. Not even white people are this stupid but it does sound like a money scam by the Mafia. Ways to destroy achievement, expand the drug wars, and inflict tremendous chaos. The only person he mentions is a guy who lives near Brian Summers in the 1980s who is half black and Korean. We know Clinton and Powell are part of this and marketing this also; for the Chicago machine. So what about the story Ann and Alex has told is not correct and will they ever explain their side or how it got this way? How do we know them and how did they get in this dangerous and deadly peril?

Keep in mind that iMark Bin Davis is an insult about Ben and Adam Davis, my childhood buddies. There are over 10 Davis' in our HS; 10+ Chris; 10+ Michelle, 3 Jackie, 5 Kennedy, Parks, Powell, Connolly, Brezinski, Woodard, Moran, etc... These are the biggest names in American history and the most powerful families in the US. iMark has already given his bio and it sounds like McVeigh (father, attitude, smug attitude, sneaky). So if you want a McVeigh, then he is being marketed and that was his pupil, his puppet. So the FBI can explain to him why he cannot do this or mislead or propagate terrorism and communism in America; his story is "I do not know why they would have a problem with me." We are in the dark and always guessing, he drops clues and is a question mark. We have not figured him out yet and he is there to help or help us by punishing us for weakness or stupidity. We are his prisoner. The reason is his race and ability to get along with other races. iMark Davis is trying to share or get on stage with us; like all of them; a total scum bag. This is their power and how big they are. Can they be stopped and can we catch them?


One Thursday, September 23, 2010; iHannity says "we did this so the right wing would sing in solidarity... until the sugar high was over." He also said, "trying to get hired." I told him you do not have to tell me why you did it, I already know why you did it and who you are. You want to be a cookie cut of Ho Chi Mind; a nationalist on one hand and a Maoist guerilla on the other. He said, "this is a conservative movement... we have to beat... have to regain power... how much have they learned from the past... how committed are they." So we are living his American dream and he is trying to win it back. iHannity has not mentioned Valerie or whether or not his wife is fair game; but we know who the country music star that fled the country is after I emailed him in 2008. It just gets worse and worse; but he does not have to tell us who he is or what they are up to. All you have to do is compare Anne and Valerie's murder and trace it to who is in charge.

One Wednesday, September 22, 2010; iKoffi Nam said "I thought this was one world... one government... and one way." I asked him if he is behind the Nigerian Mafia and he was somber and quiet. I asked him if he knew anything about this plot and he said, "New World Order... One World." So I am not sure what this one world is but it is the unity and nationalism we are seeing from the labor unions, communist, the iRush, and this cum laude iHannity we caught and cornered. The iRush did not say this, he said he wanted us to commit suicide, did it on purpose, and now we are locking him out of Republican and conservative politics; they cannot take this any longer and cannot stand it; but just a little bit more and a little bit longer. This is their American dream and the opportunity of a lifetime. Moon said they were mad; but not much was said, they are mad. iKoffi said one world and one government. The iRush said he wants to be the most reasonable guy on the block and wants to use the media for this; now people are retaliating and finding out.

On Friday, September 24, 2010 the iRush admits nobody has to ask him who is is, what he is up to, and it is no longer a secret. It was no accident and it has been laid out there in plain view. I keep asking him, "Dude, this is not funny... you better stop and leave us alone... we reported you to the FBI man. What do you want from Ann and me, do you want to buy a bag or score some good dope? Are you trying to get some trim and talk to a girl I know? If so you better make it clear and say so because this is not funny and we do not like it. Your life has crashed and burned man, you better stop and tell us what you want." The iRush gets angry and laughs at the same time; he beats around the bush and says, "administer it." So he is administering it. I said once again, "are you trying to get laid or talk to a girl? If so you better tell me and knock this off." He says "there are two of them" in the final 30 minutes of his show. So the iRush now knows there are two of us. He refuses to tell us if he is trying to steal our stash, score a bag, has some good KW, or wants to hang out. Whatever he wants, he thinks it is funny and we have told him to stop and go away over 10,000 times in the past 20 or so years. He just keeps coming at us like a terrorist and a suicide bomber. For the only answer are "administering it" and some "death panel." He has been asked over ten times in two days what he wants and he put on drugs, Chrysler employees, and labor union pitter-pat. We don't think it is cool man and we don't think it is funny the way you are trying to score! Ann don't even like you and you keep telling me you are getting laid or stuff that is not funny dude; she even asked me one time, "What is he up to now... 300 pounds?"


Based on the analysis they are expanding gambling and markets for crime and the communist; radicals and using a deadly terrorist game to say stop us if you dare. Also, the use of gambling and construction was described as a much larger global plot centered on foreign policy and scams similar to one world, unity, socialism, one scam after the other, Nigerian scams, embassies, bomb plots, construction companies, war, and revival of the War on Poverty. Asia is the largest of all the economic sectors and this is why these states have been chosen as a Mission Impossible member to scam the leaders or organize embassy like parties for investments and market penetration. They also want to sell football and sports syndicates. They want to sell well dressed car dealers. They want to sell this service or control; racketeering on a whole other level. It is a suicide mission and also treason; traitors and foreign immigrant like mentality. They just keep coming at us and do not let up. Everybody knows they are white trash and make poor soldiers and warriors, but they are willing to die and on a large level; so they are able to scare the hell out of people before their demise. iHannity is bragging on his show repeatedly about his skill in combat and how he is not scared to show up to any kind of fight; hence, this repeated "King of Pain" and has showed up in my home for a fight. They are the worst of the worst immigrant group to come to America and they copy the best or hold them as captives and prisoners. We know why now. So the weasel is bragging about his fighting skills or combat, his courage, or how he is the man or in total control of our life; he says he shows up everyday for a fight and is not the bit scared. I see him as a tool and he does not understand war, combat, or military matters; Alex is who is certified and authenticated. So mouthing off is where he gets this "another angry liberal" plot; exposure to them and constant fights while they convert a human into this pug insect. What a scum and dirt bag loser!

Summary: Everybody agrees, they are an inferior breed and their arrival in America is despised. People run upon seeing them. We regret treating them like human beings or with kindness; this is how they show thanks. Everybody agrees they cannot hold a job and are neck deep in debt; only the unions and communist hold that last and frail thread. So let's see what the iRush and iHannity has to say now when they cannot hide or have to show up for a fight; this is no game. Everybody knows they are inferior and a stinker; worse is if you treat them with care or respect. Take a close look at what Ann and Alex got for being so kind to this enemy and buffoon! Punching a scum bag or knocking the teeth out of a dirt bag hick is one thing; taking their future away, shutting down the mafia, and treating them like a tool is what they truly deserve. A punch last only a week; this lasts 100 years or more; they know it is suicide but do not care. Next up is their gambling and nobody is interested in punching them over gambling or the drug wars! The wood chipper keeps pulling us deeper and deeper into this like a Nigerian scam.

iHannity is not only using these terror plots and our abduction to inflict tremendous emotional distress or PTSD; he is suggesting he always shows up for a fight and wins them. We are whiny angry liberals and he has totaled say on whom we can speak to, marry, and work with, business matters, private matters, etc... we are his prisoner and this has not changed. iHannity also claims Alex is a lesser commando who cannot torture him or film him screaming on tape or in serious pain due to this dysfunctional, personality disorder, deviant, and secret life he is hiding. Alex is a lethal weapon in the eyes of the law; he has petitioned the Pentagon for a license to kill relating to SATWAR and theft of it; he has no camouflage or any means to hide this open target or SATWAR problem; Alex is the most skilled in this field and teaches it. So it could be an insult or it could be unrealistic and even delusional; done on purpose. I do not even take them serious or see this as a serious threat. If they have the courage to fight me, go to combat, or wage war as they did or have; I will not punch them or smack them around; I will torture them and humiliate them in the worst possible way imaginable until they surrender and admit they are communist terrorists and 911 plotters. I am not going to trade in my camouflage or top secret status for kicks or fearless courage; that is suicide. So I am annoyed I am a target and a walking bull’s eye while this jackass tickles me. Both iRush and iHannity were destroyed and await capture as cute or funny Home Alone traps have proved effective.


Fact: Only three countries in Africa are independent (Liberia, Egypt, and Ethiopia). Libya is a colonial state of Italy and linked to the Mafia. Morocco and Tunisia is French colonial power granted independence. India and the impact on Mandela and South Africa are widespread. In terms of the British Empire; these events severely push the strategic chess board on America. As far as cold war and relevance; even today they remain impertinent or of little strategic conquest. Therefore, black liberation theory when inter-connected to India and Buddhism; can be viewed through Gandhi. Hence the door opened on Asians, Aleutians, Hispanics, and American Indians. What the history books failed to report or left out was Vietnam's economic plan to mobilize into the electronics and similar industries most other Asian economies were in Post World War II reconstruction. The French colonial period stifled this and students were sent to other schools that specialized in engineering and computers. We have an almost identical problem in 2010 and a 1.4 billion dollar lawsuit.

World War II and North Africa: it is not certain the moral or the strategic value in the North African continent; however, logistics and material could be the only analysis as far as Hitler’s North African adventures. When it came to soldiers or infantry; those who are Sergeants and Officers with high education and these infantry theater skills will be hand picked for the cold war. Based on our analysis, they tended to be of Calvin background, have college degrees prior to World War II, and are of Presbyterian or a protestant background. This collision course then takes fold in Vietnam where the Catholics were viewed as outcasts by sides, north and south. Due to the independent movement and the communist-nationalist plight of the communists; Catholicism was viewed as a major threat and unstable. Catholicism also brought back the days of European problems and a lack of self reliance and capitalist spirit. Vietnamese royals enjoyed the European models and material industry; however, war and invasion crippled this economic plan while Japan was forced to rebuild and follow an American business model proved to be highly effective. All of this leads or contributes to the Vietnam War but this similar invasion to bury all achievement is underway now in America.

Focal point: There are summits and meetings held in British cities during the 1950s at the height of the cold war. One location was Manchester, a blue collar district of England. Manchester is known for their sucker clubs, such as Manchester United. One of their best stars is the Beckham's who play for the Los Angeles leagues. Therefore, this black liberation and united front of communism or one world and one government is slowly building up power and momentum. If Gandhi was used for this united front, then it would spread like wildfire and become nationalized as Buddhism had. This is also why we identify two focal points, Upstate New York and a family named "Moynihan." Moynihan is the diplomatic or the US wing of the Deli Bema. This T-bone strategy has not caught like wildfire and is viewed as primitive or backwards by modernists. There are a lot of themes here but most significant are the police, prison, and this waiting process or loyal spouse. Most if not all African leaders were imprisoned at one point or the other. Therefore, this imprisonment or legal problems is not a focal or central theme in the Asia Pacific Rim.

Jonas Savimbi, Ho Chi Mind, and Osama Bin Laden: there are similarities in all these figures. If not all then most had came to the US or was under US foreign and military aid. The most famous was Ho Chi Mind who received the most military aid out of all and nearly blew up his entire countryside. Savimbi was a Maoist seeking anyone who cared to fund his wars. He had signed a pact with the Portugeusa to fight or defeat foreign militaries funded by communist powers; total chaos and insanity. So this plot was about foreign aid as early mentioned; however, the exact details were abstract and now have been revealed by the iRush and iHannity; those we caught and identified as the primary leaders. We identify them as stalking Vietnamese refugees who were the backbone of the South Vietnamese Police or anti-communist forces in Asia. Thus, all operations were filtered through this channel they had plugged into or were diverting. Black Liberation in terms of freedom and Africa was anti-European and very American or independence related; but then America had been very anti-Europeans at her birth in 1776. It makes sense to penetrate the police force or this global police force; the core of the Pentagon and CIA. After Japan, the most aggressive would be Vietnam; thus a form of preferential treatment and educational abilities.

Proxies, surrogates, fakes, posers, copy cats, profit, own brand, monopoly: we can now build the process of this strategy using the Mafia, drug wars, and black liberation of the Democratic Party. To make it work there must be an immigrant and homeland spirit; an un-American or foreigner status. Religion similar to the Buddha has had the most impact on the African continent; thus black liberation was replaced by this hybrid of Islam and radicalism. We saw this type in the 1980s and the push into the militant and extremist fringes of evil; not religion or beliefs. The most significant revolt or most powerful force in Africa was Kenya. Likewise, the most powerful in Asia was either Japan or China; now considered the two largest economies in the world and in the G12. Why would these huge economies give any attention or worries to such a small and grotesque problem? The Boar Wars is the cornerstone to the Mau Mau and the rise of Kenya. Most communist nations are refocusing towards economic revolution and business reputation; not war.

China and Japan: As the trade between South Korea and Japan has shown, the Japanese industries tend to lead and not follow. Until China has learned the same trade secrets that South Korea has, it will struggle to find a niche in the South Korean model and even more competitive, the Japanese models. Very few if any trading nations is able to reproduce the Japanese model while South Korea has resorted to their own identity. In terms of growth, China has grown at an average of 9% repeatedly for 20 years; Asian economies boomed at 12-18% for a full decay before the boomed settled and the weaker forces calmed. In recession times or global strain, the Asian economies grow according to China (6% consistently during severe strain) and this translates into Japan, Korea, and other Pacific economies growing at 3-6% yearly. Based on this analysis it is fair to say the Chinese economy is mobilizing towards heavy industry and large global operations while Korea and Japan continue to focus on high end electronic and automobile goods. It has been made clear by Chinese premieres they aspire to be an Asian giant and a successful business leader. They want students to attend their universities or seek jobs domestically; not travel abroad or make their fortunes elsewhere. They understand that war has revolutionized or changed the world but it has not fulfilled the dreams and aspirations of many humans.

Mafia or organized crime: although there are reports of mafia like activity in Australia, there are only few penetration points or opportunities. Since 911 and Islamic terrorism; Australia has been the most heavily hurt by terrorism. However, there has not been a significant growth in either Italian or American organized crime. The best penetration point would be Hawaii or American Samoa if they can mingle or draft contracts with these gigantic economies. As far as European or British interests, the most significant growth is the Australian and New Zealand sector and the growth of natural resources and heavy industries. The region has settled down and in a post boom period and wealth tends to enjoy their luxuries than work for more. The rise of the Australian bands was at their height in the 1980s and the birth of it occurred in the 1960s to the 1990s; a regional growth. The trend globally is reluctance to trade with traditional European nations for either crime problems or invasion; most especially are Catholic and Jewish-Slavic countries. The immigration trend is to flee to America due to these liberal stereotypes and reluctances to trade. This political asylum fuels the problem with liberals, crime, and the left wing. So they came here with nothing, are leaving with nothing, and only want to leave a total disaster or legacy of a buffoon.

The problem with the liberals, left wing, immigrants, labor unions, Catholics-Jewish capitalists, the War on Poverty and the Democratic Party USA is the preference for welfare or suffering instead of reform or clear thinking. A sequence of this ignorance and mental blockage of all reality would be the description we bring forth. Life has become so lazy and costly; the only system which could shorten their life was communism; however, rapid population decrease and trickery caused severe debts and an utter disaster. Glorifying these lies and the greatness of others became the only way to hide or remain under the radar. It is a cycle of stalking, attacks, and retaliation; and then suffering or somber humbleness. They glorify stupidity and laziness with violence, scams, trickery, superior crazed lunacy or crime. Freedom and opportunity for the wrong people is a formula for hell and the problems we are in now. There is no politics or system that can suit the needs of people who are no damn good or evil. Now they feel America is the Department of Corrections and flood the prison system to avoid offensive truth telling. We are fighting with eighteen cards, thrown down one or two and they have none and order who around? Help or not that bastard and SOB needs to go and to hell and back; see if they like it. So what they did to the federal system to beautify their state is the problem.

The problem with the Democratic Party is they are rotten to the core and outcasts but the welfare system makes them penniless and eager to take risks. End the welfare or place restrictions and this problem will die off or go away. End crime or the Democratic Party and these immigrants will go home and stop using America as a refuge for liberals and rotten lawlessness. So the stinker problem and outcast problem is heavily against America and her allies and in the favor of the communists. However, the prison system and the economic system are severely wounded and doomed; a total disaster due to the exposure of this breeds and doomed human being. So the nation is being pushed deeper into civil war and armed insurrection; hence, the terror plots and demon like domestic bomb plots. They are the loudest, most criminal, most jackasses, and most demanding of all immigrant classes in America. The academic scores and the criminal history explain it all; a boom and then a bust; buried in the rubble. A lot of these people are hit by friendly fire from two sides. All of them evade the truth while we have enemies on our borders and elites who feel offended. Unless it pertains to religious groups, Arabs, or minorities. Their crotch is over excited and their Euro liberalism is slightly hurt or broken; but they glorify lying and a goose smack on the bald head or chubby face does wonders for the poor.


Ann, do this okay. Make a list. Do you offer security, peace of mind, beauty, brains, sex, longevity, worry, danger, etc... what all men want? Now make a list of what Johnny Utah might want and compare. Add JJ and a few other guys. So do you think going to dinners is the smartest thing or social events? On a field, when Utah says to run a screen, run a screen. If he says to do a draw, do not get ambitious; stop the clock. You run in the center, look around, drop the ball, and then say how you want to help or draw their defense, it is the most dangerous plays! Now you got almost all of Fox against you and might loose all of your support if you keep taking so many risks and have so little fight. Ask a coach and listen to Utah please; this keeps repeating. Let's say you do get raped or I have to deal with it; how long or how much do you expect from me? What do you expect me to say?

Every single speaker from September 19 to 24, 2010 was on the attack and was trying to mislead or bury any footprints of this entire problem. Some of this came from the right wing and some came from the left wing. The only person who was a fish out of water was Ann who seems to have a dwindling entourage. The list includes: Clinton, Powell, iRush, iHannity, Israel, Ahmadinejad, O'Donnell, Castle, Obama, Nam, Rove, Morris, Palin, Miller, Angle, etc... The Pledge to America is a scam also. We are talking about total chaos and insanity; all total lies. So they are moving as a unit and teaming up; sticking together, and not making single isolated movements. Look for this wave or this "unit formation" when the next attack or arrival is delivered. So they are moving the ball as a team. All week they are criticizing and then saying "another angry liberal... has to shut up the opposition... etc" it is one scam after the next; total delusional. iRush calls Obama and angry black man and not an angry liberal. So they only want to hear compliments or else they will quiet any opposition. We have a psychopathic mouth upstairs trying this trick also.

Most people would just look at Ann with a blank stare and ask her WTF are you doing; Maher, Hannity, face licking, and this sore loser syndrome. It is so bad we cannot tell the good guys from the bad ones; we cannot tell who is lying and who is not or where is up or down. So it was a bad week for Ann, add this HomoCon Party on Saturday also. Does it suck? Hell yes, it has sucked and will suck more until we get some fight and action from my trustworthy partner. It feels like a roller coaster, up and down, disappoint or not? It is not just Ann, all of them have carried this way too far and on a suicide mission; totally insane. The truth is on Ann's side; nothing works and it is all total lies on the end of this. Soon people will be repeating everything they say and do; everything. Even I have complained about Ann or how ambitious her goals are; if this keeps up, the support will abandon all Republicans and the right wing will fall to the labor unions and left wing. All the sudden they decide to tell the truth or do a little cleaning. The truth is Ann is not the most ideal coach in this particular type of scenario or critical game; but it is not her fault the world is evil. You make the best out of what you have and love. Ann plays her heart out obviously but lacks the skills for extreme danger or Mack truck hitting; her heart is in the game 200%.

So let's wait another 100 years when this gets even worse and more ambitious or insane. It is too much with too little fight and while your star player is hurt; only an insane strategist would engage with those odds or conditions. I have told Ann she has lost her mind but she keeps telling me she has a plan and I try my best; kicking and screaming. You don't win games when your main star is injured or you let them hit him harder and harder; then you do not come back when the entire team is playing injured in the 4th quarter. Obviously, this takes a woman to plan and think out. I have won back 80% of it for Ann but she just does not plan well or make her players happy. So she is correct and honest; after this she is going to retire and this is not going to ever come up again. Yes I do and still love her; as good or skilled as Utah is; a female QB is better than none. The problem is she is too ambitious and her reaction time; she also missed a few critical turns when it was needed. The problem with Ann is she is slow and always been; so she needs a speed demon to make it up. Her strengths are in plain view. In football terms, she is not a very good coach but she takes orders well when she wants or needs it. Is it Ann's fault there is evil or so many scams? No. Is it Ann's fault we are stuck with communists? No. Is it Ann's fault we cannot get out or she decided to take the scenic route? Yes. Why? I just said it. Ann is a player that a coach would consider struggling; Utah is as aggressive as the game gets; he knows how to scramble and move the ball quickly.

Watch the video of her on iHannity on September 23, 2010: she also touches him on the hand after coming to me with this and says, "you were actually pretty good." The next day I had to deal with the psychopath telling me how he shows up for every fight, he is the King of Pain, Israel will not stand for this, etc... ) I understand iHannity used to intimidate Ann by doing the same (touching her on the hand to quiet her or scare her) but now she is making up rumors and flirting while they shake her by her feet. Alex to Ann, you might want to consult a football coach or a lawyer about touching a rapist and stalker or making sexual comments. Touching iHannity was the dumbest and lamest trick I have ever seen. He terrorizes her and she wants to press charges or act cute with me also... Ann opens your eyes at the entire week. To me it seems as if Ann is not with it or something happened; I had felt she was a liar or hiding something, a secret. We need more Ann Coulters and hire more! Plug the damn hole or stop dumping the crap on others, bottom line. Oh and look at your life and where you have been or cleared up finally. As a coach you must be disappointed also.

Now it seems like she has some kind of head trauma or some kind of injury I pick up on; she refuses to tell me and even said she was hiding a secret. Ann knows I am not the type you keep secrets from or play games with; yet it continues. So there is some mental game or intimidation with this touching, bar scene, drinking trips, or fantasy back rubs. To me it is not wise to touch or act cute with someone you accuse of stalking or possibly a sex crime. iHannity is as delusional as they get; so after Ann touches him she says, "if we win big... if we... you and I know." Worse, Fox News does not care about their employees and are smug; ask if they will remove 50% of their staff for Ann Coulter? Even I was reluctant and could not understand why you did not say no or ignore their advances; then you tell me it was how you survived and they were stalking you and had this murder plot. Did it occur to you to report it or tell someone? It sounds like one bad decision after the other. How about dumping a drink on them? How about humiliating them? How about not getting your face licked on national TV? Worse, you expose me to this and bring these people into my life; I cannot stand their guts, so who do you think I am yelling at now? I also did not like the problem with the black guy but Ann always has a good one; now I have JJ and these black men in my life fighting it out for a piece of ass. Hire more Ann, we need and love more!


If you check the records, someone was watching us. Mr. Frank and General Hamblen are commandos from World War II, very loved. Mr. Frank is a US Ranger, the original and commander who mounted for the invasion of Japan. He told me about it and how terrified he was of this fight. He felt the casualties were going to be immense due to the Pacific campaign. Meanwhile, on the other side of Europe, General Hamblen had parachuted into the Ardennes and was wounded in a fierce battle. Both of them move on to the Cold War and very covert or secret work. This also had to do with segregation, US Army, AR, Vietnam draft and JFK.

I feel that Mr. Frank and Gen. Hamblen were stalked and spied on. They were attacked. In 1975 the communists came to the US and tried to scam foreign and military aid. When this failed, they retaliated. I feel the danger was Angola; with the Chinese, Cubans, and North Korea each building landing strips for their advisors and military. Savimbi was just another Jonas Savimbi, dressing up like a Chinese boxer for drama; a coming to America and Asian theme to curry love or money. We see this copy cat and just the same or just in time again and again now. I think this retaliation came in the form of terrorism and also hostages. Also, the attacks were at US embassies and it was an extortion attempt. There is a duality with the Vietnam war and it can be used for defection; so this opportunity or vulnerability is an open door and exploited.

During this time, we spent a lot of time at the pool. Also, we were going to Quantico Marine Base weekly. If not we were at Cameron Station in Alexandria (now closed down and obsolete). During the years of 1979, 1980, 1981 we were at Quantico, mostly fishing and the FBI was building a building there. Quantico had a lot of land and was guarded; so an expansion at the Triangle occurred. Mr. Frank as the commander of the infantry or landing force was a great Pacific leader, his dossier secret; and he took care of the Marines. In Vietnam the US Marines are the most decorated. So I think these combinations fueled this bedlam. North Carolina is the home of Special Forces and the US Marines; also vacation homes on the Outer Banks; very significant.

This stalker or espionage is watching us, at a very young age. I describe events that trace back to our neighbors; all married to NC men. Like all the women I describe; they are drop dead gorgeous and much protected by their mom. They love kids and do not fit this model of insanity or communists. Harley is also a computer pioneer, US Army retired, and protectors. They are very close to the apex. The events appear to be focused on them also, the center of the storm. We think this is related to the FBI computers, technology, and also the internet. The satellite and SATWAR has always been the top of the price list for spies.

So during the week of September 13-16; iRush mentions Beirut out of nowhere. In the past, he never did. One of the oddest cases related to General Hamblen and Mr. Frank is Woody Allen, MIA Farrow, and Soon. If you recall the strange sensation of being kidnapped or a witch trial; there is this "look out for" an Asian guy and Asian girl plot. I also describe a little girl named Valerie and this Bolton look alike. Bolton turns out to be an ambassador and linked to the Plane Affair; the trip to Niger. We have never heard him speak of Mr. Frank or General Hamblen; only FDR whom was their leader or President during the Great Depression. Neither Mr. Frank nor General Hamblen ever mentioned FDR, only how difficult it was or how fortunate they were in World War II. All of them and my own father never once told a battle story or mentioned combat. These were the most seasoned veterans alive.

These are US heroes and warriors; not rapist who specialize on Asian little girls; or some madman like Shawcross in NY - 1980s. The same Starr, Discovery HQ, Virginia Tech shooter, McVeigh, and smear campaign erupts in the media as MIA and that old guy parade Soon around like a goo-goo doll. During this time Alex moves from a Marine buddy to Ben and Adam; Rochester, NY very closes friends since childhood. It is some lawyer or witness counseling or brainwashing; a confession. The analyst or psychologist is scaring away protection or guardians while moving closer to their victim or high value target. For some reason, they are blinding or putting tremendous pressure on commandos and Pentagon officials who are close to the South Vietnamese center of power or apex.

So this is how the use of serial killers or dead bodies was used in the 1980s. Recently, we witnessed a slew of dead bodies and this process of sharing information. We call them the Red Dragon after the book by Thomas Harris. There were a lot more. So we get an estimation of the apex in NY and the communist USA or liberal HQ of Revolutionary Command. Then we have the reports of Katherine and Moynihan in NY where the Clintons take over or the thrown. You can see the process of the hunt and the closing in process. Keep in mind, Doug Tracht came to DC101 during the 1980s also; so this apex center is burning bright. What is odd is Tracht told war stories every single day. The DC-VA area is loaded with Vietnam vets and very combat seasoned personnel. The 1980s was a time when the military was under attack both domestically and abroad.

So if you understand the story of Mr. Frank and General Hamblen; you can figure out symbolically who Pvt. Ryan is and who or why they saved him. The key to this is the center of the storm and who is watching who. I think this was a thank you to the two WWII heroes while they also scared them off or kicked them out of our life. Then they tried to recruit and conceal a diabolical future based on a celebrated past. We know there is a big problem with the NYC-LA Hollywood connection. There is a history of mafia, communism, organized crime, scams to rip off, murder plots, and also the 1960s and communism. So they managed to chase off Mr. Frank and did not chase off General Hamblen or Dianna. The General and my father are very close. Also, they keep in touch through letters and other acquaintances; they know we have a stalker or an admirer called the Red Dragon, a serial killer terrorist or spy master on our soil.

About Me

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.

You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest