The liberals and the left wing must be expelled or rounded up and held until they dispel and eradicate this delusional existence. Their single purpose is an obligation and entitlement into the lives of others. Peace to them is the idea they will not attack or cause some sadistic torturous payment because others are a good prisoner or captive of theirs. In order to keep this obligation and the tyranny of others being their prisoner, they use terrorism and attacks to regulate behavior. Why do liberals judge other cultures and judge others with such gross error or with such delusional zeal? Why would liberals invade the life of others to make together a judgment process so flawed and delusional warfare is necessary and a prudent response? Is it a problem with religion, an ongoing problem with their religious zeal, or a just a dirt stupid lack of educational faculty? What is wrong with liberals and why are we experience so many problems with their existence in our life?
A Barack Obama supporter in Ohio with deep roots in Democratic politics — and a 2001 sex-related felony conviction to his name — is behind two new confrontational videos that bait ignorant people into calling Barack Obama a terrorist… The John McCain and Sarah Palin supporters in the videos are characterized as “The McCain-Palin Mob.” The videos selectively feature voters who, upon being asked antagonistic questions, make some outrageous statements about Obama. One voter said, “I think he’s a one-man terrorist cell.” Another said the Democratic presidential nominee has “the bloodlines” to be a terrorist because of his Arab names, and a third called Obama “a domestic terrorist.” The videos feed into the current liberal media narrative that McCain-Palin supporters are unhinged. At least two high-profile journalists, Andrew Sullivan of The Atlantic and Steve Benen of Washington Monthly, already have linked to one of the videos. Great Britain’s The Guardian also has quoted lines from it. With all of the blog and MSM chatter about angry McCain-Palin crowds, odds are good that the videos will get more attention. But the media may not be as eager to tell the public about the man behind the camera, however. His name is Tim Russo of Blogger Interrupted. Russo has a sordid history online. A May cover story in the Cleveland Free Times, an alternative newspaper, dubbed him “Ohio’s most controversial blogger,” and Russo acknowledges that he has been spurned by fellow Democratic activists and bloggers alike. – (posted on Ann Coulter web site), “The Man Behind “The McCain-Palin Mob’.” -
Why the conservatives and Republican unable to control or have no control over this leaves the mind befuddled because there is supposed to be this support and safety net against terrorists and communists. There is no control whatsoever over the current situation or any defenses; is there communists and Nazis that high up in government or are they waiting for some reason to denounce this fact? Why is there no control and crackdown on this church, this problem, and these self proclaimed prison guards who are utterly unqualified and already disqualified? The problem is a tainted culture and human race altogether, it is not just one or two subjects of the King.
“Turn your anger into action.” - Sarah Palin, October 13, 2008 -
This is why they are so similar and literally identical to terrorist organizations, labor and left wing politics, and an enemy combatant. Their politicians and district attorneys investigate and rummage through the life of prisoners who they stalk or have to attack to fulfill this obligation and tyranny. There is nothing more then this glue to hold them in our life; beyond terrorism and sadistic serial killer pathology to regulate the behavior of others or force them from breaking this obligation, they have no other way to life. This is why we complain ten sometimes twenty times a day about an enemy combatant or terrorists while their political machinery is smug and begs about how they need our cooperation and patriotism. We need to know if we need a new police for and a more aggressive military force, if so, then the darkness of civil war will reside when the business of the nation is neglected and squandered by jackasses who refuse to perform as expected. They are going to get the best and get every possible shot and spitting protest in before the eviction process can expel them; that is the conspiracy of socialism and liberals, to make the fight fairer by granting them access and protection.
In an ongoing study by Mohr and Huguel et; their delusional patients who believed they had a close relationship with God, believed that God told them to inflict serious bodily injury to themselves or to others. They found that these same patients heard God's voice telling them to pray, to go to church, to read their Bible, and not to take medication because it hinders their praying and quietness God's voice in their mind (5). In a study of inpatients with schizophrenia, conducted by Siddle and Haddock, et al., those with religious delusions were the most severely ill with religious delusions that were more frequently observed and lasted for longer periods of time (6). For their patients with schizophrenia, psychiatrists believe that religion and spirituality cannot be used as tools for ongoing social support as they can lead to a more pathological condition. - Blog by MedicineWoman, January 09, 2006, -
They need to be held for not only war crimes, but to be expelled and punished for eternity from the empire they call their home or their own. They are only a desperate ball of emotions that used illegal or legal immigration to put and keep the nation under the siege of tyranny and financial chaos or perpetual debt. Now, they are looking for weapons and a fight; their only hope and chance is civil war. They are in the last act of the play and there is no more life lines but to go out silent and in a blaze of glory for their ethnic pride. We have not heard one rational or logical argument for their oppressive spirit and religious zealously smug existence beyond terror and attacking others like a full blown enemy combatant and “kum-bayah miltantancy” or “kum-bayah ju-jitsu.”
“I have to say, I cover the mainstream media’s mendaciousness for living and I have never seen anything as crazy as this. Which political party is more likely to demand that banks ignore normal business practices in order to pursue social justice; and to give bad loans, I guess the loans are fine, but to borrowers who aren’t qualified. Of course this was the Democrats and it is not as if this was hidden until it collapsed. It used to be as if the New York Times and the LA Times were bragging about how so many of the poor and minorities were getting mortgages now… head of HUDD, demanding that more and more mortgages go to borrowers who wouldn’t be qualified and the FEDs are… democrats keep on talking about how they want to put Bush on trial for war crimes, how about… (Comparison to Enron executives) … at least with Ken Lay only thousands of people suffered, in this case, the entire country suffered. “– Ann Coulter, Fox News, October 04, 2008 –
This is not anything they will wish to or even write down. It is so delusional and insane; they would be fingered in a heartbeat as the devil and a patriotic communist. They just call it and cover it with lies to make it an unknown reality until it collapses on them to a civil war ending. It is not a delusion, but a way of life for their leaders who need to live this way to uphold these obligations we must cut off and eradicate immediately. It is just delusional excuses by hungry, jobless, and worthless people who are very angry and violent. They become sadistic only because they fear legal retribution.
“At least she pays her speech writers… Neil Kinnock is still waiting for his payment.” - Ann Coulter, October 2008 -
This is dirt stupid and violent people living one life and in one exact moment in our life which they claim is theirs because of their tyrannical obligation and lunacy. This is the same problem with communism, both abroad and domestic, and why it refuses to leave or just get out of our life. The problem is what they call it and the march to silence because everybody is on their team and made their squad. It is like combat and war, it brings out violence, angry reproach, and justification of this; this is a worthless dirt stupid human being in our life and terrorizing us until the ugly is beaten off their smug insanity gone amuck on earth. They live in the same place or house as you but they have delusions and serial killer pathology which they do not wish to share. They want others to share with them or face an imminent attack. They want and will get Civil War until their bloody nonsense is gone or behind bars. This is how they live their live and express their delusional liberalism or dirt stupid freedom.
Liberalism is nothing more than a breed of existentialism. The foundation of all existentialism has been explained as nothing more than reactionary overkill by the fathers of this school of thought such as Rousseau or the revolutionary epistemology of existentialist grievances. Existentialism is the root of French revolutionary and the liberation theology of slavery. The heart of existentialism is sandbagging reality and a reactionary violence to any insult of to the most sacred of liberation theology. Therefore, all liberals are reactionary and existentialists. They prosper most and incubate well under a libertarian system. All existentialist law, Constitutional or not, is liberal or left wing liberation theory and should be struck down as fundamentalism or orthodoxy. All terrorists are reactionary and existentialists. Most people are smart enough to figure out their problem and not make it part of someone else’s life. This creature is something else. Unless or until they can live peacefully and justifiably under the constitution, under the principles which the nation was founded on, with a penchant to not lie and scam others, or a life worth telling and speaking about; we will have a major problem with this church of liberals and their immigration which became the most horrific experience this nation has ever witnessed. Their immigration was the conspiracy of liberals to overpower legitimate churches escaping them and their nonsense corruption.
When you look at the history of the United States, thus others who emulate the politics of the United States, you will notice five major changes which were spurned by evangelicalism called the Great Awakenings. The Great Awakenings were religious revivals and a return to the gospel which influence both society, religion, and politics all over the world and most specifically the center of the world, the United States of America. The only problem with this analysis is when we went and analyzed the five Great Awakenings and found that only three of them actually occurred and were legitimate. What happened after the third Great Awakening is the cross sectional history of the Catholic and Protestant church during and after the 1960s. This topic on religion and politics is a college course because it covers immense and profound concepts; therefore, simplifying them does not do justice for the immensity of the topic itself.
A false belief or opinion: labored under the delusion that success was at hand; Psychiatry a false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, especially as a symptom of mental illness: delusions of persecution. Also, phantasm, self-deception, hallucination, illusion, misapprehension, misconception, head game, psychotic belief, etc... - –
There are a lot of views about the 1960s but it is the height of the Cold War and the conflict with communism. Some observers even say it was the frontal thrash and the surrender of capitalism to communism. While others who expound and extol religious convictions say it was the freest and the most liberated time period this world has ever systematically witnessed on television and in each living room. What happened during the 1960s was not limited to only the United States of America, it was broadcasted all around the globe and the Vietnam War became the most popular war on the history of the planet, or the most hated, however you look at it.
Delusions are categorized as either bizarre or non-bizarre and as either mood-congruent or mood-incongruent. A bizarre delusion is a delusion that is very strange and completely implausible for the person's culture; an example of a bizarre delusion would be that aliens have removed the affected person's brain. A non-bizarre delusion is one whose content is definitely mistaken, but is at least possible; an example may be that the affected person mistakenly believes that he or she is under constant police surveillance. A mood-congruent delusion is any delusion whose content is consistent with either a depressive or manic state; for example, a depressed person may believe that the world is ending, or a person in a manic state (a state in which the person feels compelled to take on new projects, has a lot of energy, and needs little sleep) believes that he or she has special talents or abilities, or is a famous person. A mood-incongruent delusion is any delusion whose content is not consistent with either a depressed or manic state or is mood-neutral. An example is a depressed person who believes that thoughts are being inserted into his or her mind from some outside force, person, or group of people, and these thoughts are not recognized as the person's own thoughts (called "thought insertion"). In addition to these categories, delusions are often categorized according to theme. Although delusions can have any theme, certain themes are more common. – Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders: Delusions, -
Almost 50 years after the Cultural Revolution around the globe, the world is still asking the same questions and they see very little difference is how the world was supposed to change or get better. The shooting may have stopped but the problems and the people causing them did not. A lot of people, both inside and outside of the United States, feel their American experience was somehow ruined or made back to despair by black politics and specifically the radical liberation policy of the Catholic Church. In other words, they blame their American experience on two factors, black politics and Catholic politics. What is the cross current of those two interweaving monoliths? Is it economic, or is it cultural, or is it religious? What is the source or the missing source behind those two giant monoliths of the 1960s which produced the “imaginary” or the “missing” fifth and sixth Great Awakening and its delivery? It is religion.
The problem with liberal and more specifically labor is they only know how to dig a ditch and their own graves. Beyond this, it is nearly impossible to convince them to leave others alone or to get out and our life. The Democratic Party symbolizes this movement and most recently the Republican Party has symbolized this church of sympathizers for poor immigrants who do injustice on others and are smug about these obligations. It is beyond what anybody can bear and it is time they go either voluntarily or by justifiable force. There is just nothing about them worth saving or talking about, only what they have done and are doing now to us, this nation, and this world. They are an inferior breed and do not respond well to words or mental clarity.
When you mix religion and Cold War philosophy, you get liberalism and conservatism. Liberalism is simply the respect of all things living with equal and no denial of rights and privileges. Sounds simple enough but the problem is that sometimes human beings are not as honest as they make it out to be. Therefore, you get convictions, false convictions, and political strife which causes division; the basis of liberalism again and the notion that all things are made equal and should be respected regardless of their similarity to the devil.
“It is not both parties; no, no, no! I knew they would do this. (Neil Cavuto mentions being upset and spiking the beverages) It is shocking. This was political correctness; it was liberal Democrat political correctness that created this disaster of the bad mortgages and now it is not even both sides being blamed and it ought to be only one side. It is the Republican somehow?” “– Ann Coulter, Fox News, October 04, 2008 –
In previous chapters which examined sexual deviances, behavior deviances, criminal behavior and deviant behavior, and conformity; there was a wide disparity between the frequency of corruption, crime, sexual tolerances, latent homosexuality, and even the generational frequency of serial killers. The reason why serial killer pathology is prevalent is the model of the state the parent. Serial killers all come from abusive backgrounds, all of them. The main frequency which is the engine of this monster killer is parental behavior or the conditions which regulate parental abuse. None of the factors behind poverty indicated a correlation between poverty and serial killers. Serial killers do not show up all over the world in cultures that are below the poverty levels or display the traditional family structure and sturdy upbringing. You do not want the leaders of the free world to arise from this trash dump of ambitions or religious junk. They may be good subjects but make for horrible leaders.
Scientists have concluded that there is a deeply manifested relationship between religion and schizophrenia. Common symptoms of non-treated schizophrenics include delusions of both spirituality and religiousness. Religious belief delusions vary across cultures. The impact of religion does not always have a positive outcome. In fact, religious delusions may play a part in substance abuse and suicide attempts. Psychiatrists have found that using religion as part of a patient's treatment can often have adverse outcomes. Researchers studied patients having religious delusions to determine how religious beliefs and practices influenced psychotic illness. They found that religious delusions and hallucinations may lead to violent behavior. Kraya and Patrick found that religious delusions led some patients to commit homicide (1). Field and Waldfogel, et al., along with Waugh in a separate study, found that religiously deluded people have quoted Bible scripture after plucking out one or more eyes (2) or cutting off the testicles (3). Religious delusions about the antichrist have led other patients toward violent behaviors (4). - Blog by MedicineWoman, January 09, 2006, -
Instead, it was the lack of parental genetics which brought out a deeper genetic link to this problem. The absence of family along with a conditioning of the environment and this lack of love and security from a family structure or a parent state; a religious spiritual misfit in both parent child model, were to blame. You cannot fabricate or create a liberal or a communist unless you have the right genetics. You cannot brainwash and try to build a ticking time bomb unless you have the right gene pool. You cannot try to blame or be a victim unless you come from the same gene pool which it originates from. Serial killers are the result of delusions and the passion to kill or the impulse to kill. The regulating factors in the mind are so bizarre and abstract the impulse cannot be controlled or regulated. The same applies to terrorists or those whose intent is to destroy others on a whim or acting out the symbolic justification of destroying someone. All of these behaviors form a class of behaviors called liberalism, radicalism, reactionary existentialism, and violence or the provocation of violence on others.
I saw Bill Maher's Religulous with a fellow Christian who occasionally offers to get me into press screenings. My first instinct was to take a pass, I prefer my faith to be mocked and derided in the style of Monty Python. Friend Jim prevailed. He reminded me that the price of complaining about Bill Maher is actually hearing what the man has to say. Maher begins by talking about how the three monotheistic religions each have an end-of-the-world mythology and proceeds to tell the viewer how in the 20th century, it became possible for these prophecies to be self-fulfilling. From there he begins a rant showing how silly people who believe in God really are. As a piece of entertainment, I have to confess to getting a few good laughs out of it. Maher is at his best when simply asking fair questions. To an outsider, talking snakes and virgin births must be quite fantastic, and I see no harm in having sport pointing out how this must look. Born to a Catholic father and Jewish mother he quipped in an ancient Johnny Carson clip to going to confession with his lawyer. One crusty Old Catholic priest whose theology was a mere cocktail away from being an east coast Episcopalian makes a good second banana for Maher's Vatican sideshow. …I'd also like to give props to Maher for taking on Islam. It is pretty easy to take a swing at American Christians. …As Maher builds a "religion is the problem" case, he misses a giant pile of exculpatory evidence. Mao's China, Pol Pot's Cambodia and Stalin's Russia were ostensibly no-God-allowed societies, but the millions of corpses who died at the hands of the fully secular state give lie to Maher's central thesis. …Despite all this, I think Maher bears a gift to a certain segment of the Christian family, those of us who have faith and want to share our faith effectively. - “A Review of Bill Maher's Religulous” by Tim McNabb,, October 03, 2008 -
Therefore, people who underwent similar abuses or life trauma, such the case with serial killers grow out of and move on to be ideal citizens. Therefore, serial killer pathology is a mixture of genetic parenting and genetic docility which is angered by abusive parents and an abusive environment. Sexual offenses are a clear signal of this presence. Liberals have a problem with consent and choice. Abusive behavior is a clear signal of this presence. False or bad parenting is a clear signal of this presence. This lack of family structure of false structure is the breakdown of the liberal knack for reactionary passion and the impulse of insults and deservingly existentialist convictions. There aren’t many reasons to explain why people do what they do or when it has to come to an end either by words or actions but this form of delusion and behavior is intolerable and unconstitutional to say the least. It is a basket case of death penalty and very poor judgments by liberals, disenchanted poor immigrants, the uneducated, and those who truly hate the goodness of their nation and those who do nothing wrong or no violence to them.
Background: Religious delusions have been reported with varying prevalence from cultures around the world. Their contents, context and significance vary according to cultural and economic mores. In this review we discuss the potential relationship between religious delusions and aspects of culture, in particular religious symbols. We suggest that religious rituals and expectations of the family play a major role in the genesis and maintenance of delusions. We consider the roles of religious signifiers in the formation and maintenance of these important phenomena. Sampling and Methods: Evidence relating to the clinical significance of religious delusions is reviewed. The real clinical significance of religious delusions varies from violence to others to self-harm. The implications of these issues are discussed in relation to their management. Results and Conclusions: It is argued that there should be a reassessment of the importance of religious delusions in the light of new ethnographic and clinical evidence. - “Religious Delusions: Finding Meanings in Psychosis” by Vishal Bhavsara and Dinesh Bhugrab (Publishing, King’s College, London UK -
They call this religious delusion; and if you take the “religious” out of it due to the liberal thought that religion is evil, and then you just get deep convictions of delusions or the delusional church of liberalism. We did not say that all liberals are dishonest or not sincere, we said delusional. Does this mean that conservatives are not delusional? No it means that deranged liberals who believe with conviction conservatism can be delusional conservatives. Who cannot change who you are and when you spell out the creed of “dasein” of Heidegger, you get the philosophy “of being” or ideology.
Throughout his career, Immanuel Kant engaged many of the major issues that contemporary philosophy groups together under the heading “philosophy of religion.” These include arguments for the existence of God, the attributes of God, the immortality of the soul, the problem of evil, and the relationship of moral principles to religious belief and practice. He thus sought to locate the concept of God within a systematically ordered set of basic philosophical principles that account for the order and structure of world. In developing his critical philosophy he proposed a new role for philosophical principles in understanding the order and structure of the world. As a result, the critical project had a significant impact upon his treatment of the status and the role of the concept of God within the theoretical enterprise of metaphysics. In addition, the critical philosophy provided a locus from which Kant could address other important dimensions of the concepts of God and religion more explicitly than he had done in his earlier writings. Chief among these are the moral and the religious import that human beings attribute to the concept of God. In view of these developments in Kant's thinking this entry thus will locate his earlier discussions of these topics within the general philosophical context of his pre-critical period; it will then reference his treatment of these topics after 1781 to key elements of his critical project. It will also highlight issues that remain important for philosophical inquiry into religion. These are the philosophical function of the concept of God, arguments for the existence of God, the relationship between morality and religion (including the notions of “moral faith” and “radical evil”), and the role of religion in the dynamics of human culture and history. A supplementary section, “The Influence of Kant's Philosophy of Religion,” discusses the impact of Kant's account of religion upon subsequent philosophical and theological inquiry. – Glyn Hughes on Emmanuel Kant, -
Hegel and Kant are very similar. Kant was the father of beliefs for the German school during the late 1700s who began the search for knowledge to understand religion during a time of tremendous tiredness and upheaval in the church itself. Independent thought was viewed as a form of heresy and conviction was measured by beliefs and sacraments. Religions had already undergone two very earth shaking paradigms and a Diasporas fracture the determination of unity within the church. Some felt the church was ending while others felt the birth of a new church was on the forefront to the understanding of God and the belief that true substance would be reached from the endless search for knowledge and the unity of this determination. From this was born the thinking minds of the Copernican Revolution during the late 1700s and lasting as far as the 1900s. Religious delusions were not viewed the same way by the church and the thinkers of this time period because of the radical upheavals. Here lies the difference between liberalism, left wing radicalism, communism, and the relationship with religion.
The object of religion is the same as that of philosophy; it is the eternal verity itself in its objective existence; it is God. Nothing but God and the unfolding of God. Philosophy is not the wisdom of the world, but the knowledge of things which are not of this world. It is not the knowledge of external mass, of empirical life and existence, but of the eternal, of the nature of God, and of all which flows from His nature. For this nature ought to manifest and develop itself. Consequently, philosophy in unfolding religion merely unfolds itself, and in unfolding itself it unfolds religion. …Religion and philosophy are thus at one in having one and the same object. Philosophy, in fact, also is the adoration of God, it is religion; for, seeing that God is its object, it involves the same renunciation of every opinion and every thought that is arbitrary and subjective. Philosophy is, in consequence, identical with religion. Only it is religion in a peculiar manner, and this it is which distinguishes it from religion commonly so called. So philosophy and religion are both religion, and that which distinguishes one from the other is no more than the characteristic mode in which respectively they consider their object, God. – Friedrich Hegel, 1832 -
The German school of philosophers was deeply involved with the change in the church and Christianity. Kant was the first to explore the idea that religion and the spiritual belief in God, the metaphysical, was both understanding and understandable, through philosophical pursuit. Thus began the notion that understanding religious convictions allowed for a deeper relationship with God. Nietzsche came along in later years and explored the relationship of weak and strong forces within the religious zeal he encountered and said religious belief was prolonging this suffering of the weak. He had built his conclusions on the philosophical understanding which Kant and Hegel had supplemented to their religious beliefs. Communism was more than just beliefs, it was a system of pity and emotional pandering to a margin of error others were annoyed about.
As the universal, God could not find Himself faced by a contrary whereof the reality should pretend to rise above the phantasmal level. For this pure unity and this perfect transparency matter is nothing impenetrable, and spirit, the ego, is not so independent as to possess a true, individual substantiality. There has been a tendency to label this idea pantheism. It would be more exact to call it the conception of substantiality. God is first determined as substance only. The absolute subject, spirit, is also substance; but it is determined rather as subject. This is the difference generally ignored by those who assert that speculative philosophy is pantheism. As usual, they miss the essential point and disparage philosophy by falsifying it. Pantheism is commonly taken to mean that God is all things - the whole, the universe, the collection of all existences, of things finite and infinitely diverse. From which notion the charge is brought against philosophy that it teaches that all things are God; that is to say, that God is, not the universal which is in and for itself, but the infinite multiplicity of individual things in their empirical and immediate existence. – Friedrich Hegel, 1832 -
Hegel says the determination of knowledge is the unity of God and also the cognizance which manifests between objects differing as much earth, wind and fire. Hegel also comes to bear the light of Kant who rationalized the metaphysical as knowledge rather than a belief system. Religion therefore was not only a belief system but a thought process and the manifestation of unity was a determination in and of that knowledge. Hegel says this is the source of religion and also the maker of religious delusions. If communism is the lack of religion then false religion can also fall prey to the same dime store dictator and annoying King.
The superficial method of appraising philosophy is exemplified also in those who assert that it is a 'system of identity.' It is perfectly true that substance is this unity at one with itself, but spirit no less is this self-identity. Ultimately, all is identity, unity with itself. But when they speak of the philosophy of identity they have in view abstract identity or unity in general; and they neglect the essential point, to wit, the determination of this unity in itself; in other words, they omit to consider whether this unity is determined as substance or as spirit. Philosophy from beginning to end is nothing else than the study of determinations of unity. …The essential point is the difference of these determinations. The unity of God is always unity, but what is of primary importance is to know the modes and forms of the determination of this unity. In religion, the Notion of religion has become its own object. Spirit which is in and for itself has now no longer in its development individual forms and determinations, it knows itself no longer as spirit in such determinability or such a limited moment; but it has triumphed over these limitations and this finiteness, and is for itself that which also it is in itself. This cognisance in which spirit is for itself what it is in itself constitutes the in-and-for of spirit which is in possession of knowledge, the perfect and absolute religion, in which is revealed what spirit is, what God is. That is the Christian religion.
Hegel and Kant were very anti Spinoza in the classic philosophic belief that substance was behind all religious facets. By rationalizing the metaphysical or the spiritual belief of substance, Kant began a long line of thinkers whose epistemology was the belief that God and religion could be rationalized up until the determined search for knowledge ended. Hegel says clearly that Spinoza’s system had a distinction of Good and Evil in it but the recognition of God and man was the breakdown on the substantive existence. The determination to unify or rationalize God was abandoned when substance, or God, was also abandoned by man. Thus, the determination of unity was lackluster. Unity to Hegel was not religion but the search for knowledge and the rationalization of substance. When that ended, God and unity did also. Hence the delusion with religion and the delusions with mankind were a lack of knowledge and lack of intellectual error.
It is the fundamental principle of Spinozism with regard to this distinction of God and the world that man must have no other end than God. The love of God, therefore, it is that Spinozism marks out for man as the law to be followed in order to bring about the healing of this breach. And it is the loftiest morality that teaches that evil has no existence and that man is not bound to permit the substantial existence of this distinction, this negation. Yet it is possible for him to desire to maintain the difference and even to push it to the point of sheer opposition to God. In this case man is evil. But he may annual this distinction and place his true existence in God alone and in his aspiration towards Him; in this case he is good. In Spinozism there is indeed the difference between good and evil, opposition between God and man; but side by side with it we have also the principle that evil is to be deemed a non-entity. In God as God, in God as substance, there is no distinction. It is for man that the distinction exists, as also for him exists the distinction of good and evil. – Friedrich Hegel, 1832 -
This unholy alliance between liberals and conservative to define worldly knowledge of the right wing and the seemingly less affluent left wing is where the class conflict structure began between the religious class and the able class. Back in its heydays, religion was closely linked to government and the separation between church and state was bothersome. It was bothersome to some because both church and state was undergoing change and a radical one at best. Come the 1900s and the introduction of communism, the rejection of religion becomes the forefront of global struggle and the determination of religion to eradicate this rejection a pestilence of armies, rockets, and mass destruction. It was the rejection of systems for a more liberal system which would overpower the existing one in flux and chaos. You had jackasses, dirt stupid delusional fools, crooks and criminals, and worthless liars running the world and declaring freedom to be who they were. Eventually, they find that spiritual flux drowning in their own blood and asking for some other Devine intervention and some other form of world existence.
Danish philosopher and defender of religious faith. Kierkegaard deeply affected theologians and Existential philosophy, a fashion among intellectuals in the second quarter of the 20th century. Like Friedrich Nietzsche, Kierkegaard was an unhappy, neurotic, and terribly suffering man. He opposed all strict philosophical constructions, and hid his thoughts behind a number of pseudonyms, which sometimes ironically commented on each other's opinions. During his career Kierkegaard published some 30 books. "Like that other celebrated Dane, Prince Hamlet, he was wracked with doubt and with anguish, a world of Latin origin which he endowed with a new shiver of fear. He was less a philosopher than a theologian, and less a theologian than a eloquent and sensitive man. A Lutheran evangelist, he denied the arguments that prove the existence of God and the incarnation of Jesus, considering them absurd from a rational point of view, and he proposed an act of individual faith for every believer... Religion was the strongest of his passions." (Jorge Luis Borgess in Total Library, 1999) - “Kant and Kierkegaard on Religion” by The Claremont Studies in the Philosophy of Religion, Edited by D. Z. Phillips and Timothy Tessin, September 2000 -
This effort to pound the nation and its inhabitants until they crumble is the intimidation and obligation of the problem of years past that came here for the same purposes. To break into the lives of the unborn and the living by making a life of tyranny and oppression their skewed and worthless religion; the liberals make a very rich life out of this tyranny and forced oppression with obligations for their liberalism, delusions, and communist lies. They need to hide and be careful with their words because they are behind enemy lines and soon will have no chance in hell. What is the problem? Is it the politics, is it the police, is it the military, or is it poor people flooding here to steal everything and act dumb while doing it? Why the talk back, stupidity of oppression, smug invasion of our life, cowardice hiding, blaming on those who do not deserve any blame, and a general sense of terror and communism? What is the breakdown? Start prosecuting these liars and traitors before it gets too late.
Neither Nietzsche nor Kierkegaard were systematic philosophers – they opposed such tendencies. Although Kierkegaard admitted that abstract, impersonal thinking has a certain value, life was not him mere logic. "I believe because it is absurd," was his famous conclusion. It is not enough to be a Christian, the unreflective church-goer must become a Christian. "Wisdom is passionless," wrote Ludwig Wittgenstein in Culture and Value (1979). "But faith by contrast in what Kierkegaard calls a passion." Some philosophers have considered Kierkegaard's contribution to philosophy questionable, because of his reluctance to maintain any coherent stance. Kierkegaard himself has argued that in his oeuvre he has concentrated on the question of how to become a Christian. "If, after the Final Judgment, there remains only one sinner in Hell and I happen to be that sinner, I will celebrate from the abyss the Justice of God." - “Kant and Kierkegaard on Religion” by The Claremont Studies in the Philosophy of Religion, Edited by D. Z. Phillips and Timothy Tessin, September 2000 -
So far, they have held back a lot of things from 1998 to 2008. When it affects the entire country or the entire world, expect the ring leaders to have several militaries hunting them down and capturing them dead or alive, which ever one suits their smug ignorance and violent terrorism to blow up or attack the entire nation and world. There is hell to pay when the people who are prosecuting or investigating the largest robbery and heist in the history of mankind are cut down and imprisoned while it is going down and happening. There is hell to pay when the people who are working on the victory of World War III are cut down and captured by enemy combatants or some militant reconnaissance department of the left wing while being in their own home with no accountability or explanation needed. We know how dangerous and how stupid they are; worse is this total lack of ability and mental ethics to rationalize their own actions or their own life. There is just so much regret in this human being, if you call it that, their life is not worth living or telling. That is what makes them both suicidal and delusional to their oppressive and tyrannical end.
In his conflict with Hegel, whose writings dominated the German philosophical discussion, Kierkegaard's main point was the belief in personal immortality. Hegel had in effect denied the personality of God and created instead the "Absolute Spirit". He saw that the true individuality of human being is to be found in the submission to the evolution of the state. "The history of the world is the judgment of the world," Hegel said. Kierkegaard doubted Hegel's abstractions, arguing that life cannot be bureaucratically rationalized in Hegel's way, and belief in God is not the solution to a theoretical problem but a free act of faith. When the Hegelians tried to depersonalize philosophy, Kierkegaard saw that philosophy is born from the strivings of individual philosophers. Thus his use of a number of pseudonyms, none of whom "agreed" with one another. Kierkegaard's personality became in 1846 a target for the satirical magazine Corsaren. It published a series of caricatures and writings about the philosopher, who, in his desperation, initially considered giving up his career. On the street young rascal mocked him. "Wherever there is a crowd there is untruth," he once said. In his diary the philosopher described himself as the "martyr of laugh". - “Kant and Kierkegaard on Religion” by The Claremont Studies in the Philosophy of Religion, Edited by D. Z. Phillips and Timothy Tessin, September 2000 -
We are seeing ten years of probably the worst management of life ever in the history of mankind. Does it feel like a traitor broke out of the insane asylum and declared themselves King nothing and leader of the free world? So the traitor is protesting the reason why they are in an insane asylum? In the post communist world which was born out of perestroika and super socialism, we were delivered ten full years of more insanity and dirt stupid life existence kidnapped by mysterious human beings who make delusional claims about who they are, who they want to be, and who they did not become. The word is failure. The word is delusional. The word is civil war. When you have this much insanity and this much of a lunatic fringe, a total lack of a police force, a total lack of security, a total lack of principles and truth, a run amuck super socialism on Wall Street, the right wing hijacked, the left wing heroes, more wealth created by the best scientists, more wealth lost by the dirt stupid money managers, more sex offenses then any period of history, and 12,000 terrorist hits on the best soldiers, the most principled and the most life changing and massive surge on socialism and communism; there is only one conclusion. There is a prelude to a civil war and it is the liberals, the left wing, the socialists and communists, and the unprincipled success of this super socialism raising its head again. These people want civil war and nothing less will be good enough for them.
“…He is going to choose a Vice President nominee and that is the person who I will be voting for but no, I never said I would be voting for Obama over McCain. … I cannot see any of them winning. (Hannity gets excited for nothing).” - Ann Coulter, Hannity and Colmes, -
The problem is how the process of expelling the long history of regrets and long history of problems has been impeded by money. In a capitalist system, it takes money to make action. So this problem is and was money. Who and what do we know is behind the bail outs and the crisis with financial fraud and voter fraud. It is a dirt stupid problem and it is cronies of people who do it only for prosperity. We find out that prosperity is a church and it is being protected by communism, socialism, and terrorism because it is imploding by super socialism. Is there any security and protections? Do we need a new police force? Who opened every single door for them to just walk into our life? What is this underground poor immigrant group we had so many problems with who would not or could not expel themselves from our life and stalked us to World War III and sat there annoyingly to protest?
Asked if there is any possibility he'll pick Hillary Clinton as his running mate, he said, "I have said before that Senator Clinton would be on anybody's short list. She is an extraordinary talent and a major leader in her party as she showed during this campaign. But I am not going to discuss who is being considered, how they're being considered. We're just not gonna talk about this anymore." Obama said at the right time and place they will appear together, "Until that time where we have a conversation I don't want to speculate or characterize anything, you know, there will be a time and a place where she and I, I'm sure, appear together and talk about how we're gonna work together." In an interview on CNN Thursday, Obama said, "I think everybody just needs to settle down," he said. "This will be my final counselor when I'm making decisions in the White House. And I want to make sure that I get it right," Obama said. - “Obama on Clinton VP Talk: ‘Settle Down’, Clinton Supporters Press for Vice Presidential Candidate Offer” by Jennifer Parker, June 05, 2008 -
Dirt stupid people will never have the right blend or the perfect blend of that management to make life work well and smoothly. Instead, they bury us with legal problems. They hijack our life and steal our words, work, soul, life, and reason for living unless we can get rid of them. That is their entire point of doing this to begin with, to figure out if we can get rid of them or beat them in civil war. So if this is a good measure of what is to come, then expect what they have burdened this world with, civil war. The process of expelling them has been blown up by the socialists. The political system has been hijacked by the socialists, top gun scavengers, and radicals. It is prosperity and the process of expelling this enemy. Enemies are easy to identify, nobody has feelings for them; they are deranged and have feelings for us, otherwise, they would not be in our life. So why is this liberal church plagued with sexual offenses? In ten years, this world, our life, and reality were about sexual offenses by the same liberal church and this political prostitution of theirs. We were kidnapped by terrorists, radicals, and fanatics; we had no choice and given no choice. Call the Justice Department? They did it and used the most advanced technology on us to claim sub prime rates and more civil rights. They imprisoned us for three years, drugged us, brainwashed us, and kept attacking us in a bar at the beach. Naturally, we were denied any say or response. Liberals have a problem with consent and our choice. They are open to all perspectives except our choice, worse consent. That is the problem with expelling them; they take it from others and lie when it is taken from them.
Our efforts twenty years ago was to hunt down moles and spies, not invite them into our life and then deal with the problem of them not wanting to leave or holding us as prisoners. However, once you cross path with them or let them in our life, they metastasize into Nazis and communists who refuse to ever leave because of a smug and militant kum-bayah mentality. The missing piece is what they did to create the situation not what they refuse to do in order to fix it... the worst fear of the American people and the world is how they would create a fatal crisis just to bury themselves in the limelight and a pardon. And yes, they did just that. – The Ann and Alex Show, 2008 –
Either the expelling process be restored or a bloody revolution is the only answer and force because this dirt stupid and angry characteristics “strike back” and “retaliate.” Those are liberals because they never allow others to respond or strike back. They come in your life, they refuse to leave, they turn your life upside down, they declare themselves victims, they bury you in legal problems and demand money, they deny you the right to work, they cause every financial problem possible, and then their leaders flaunt how rich and how prosperous life can be on the other side. It is going to take a bloody revolution to cure this problem with prosperity because there is nobody watching the store. It is like nobody is on the other end but a poor immigrant who is still poor and taking orders from a King of nothing. The worst part is the media. We have no feelings for these people and they are in our life and will not leave. That is the worst part, nobody has feelings for them but it takes armed and bloody conflict to cure or fix this delusion because someone broke the conspicuous process of expelling them.
“It is not both parties; no, no, no! I knew they would do this. (Neil Cavuto mentions being upset and spiking the beverages) It is shocking. This was political correctness; it was liberal Democrat political correctness that created this disaster of the bad mortgages and now it is not even both sides being blamed and it ought to be only one side. It is the Republican somehow?” “- Ann Coulter, Fox News, October 04, 2008 -
This threat is here and this threat is not leaving. That answer is not good enough. It will take a bloody war to expel and get rid of this threat. We know there are no weapons on earth to stop them because we can stop the good, we cannot stop the bad. Did anybody stop this? How do the politicians explain this? How will they tell the public the truth, “life will be very good and very perfect when there is a bloody civil war?” If people want a freedom, they will have to realize we went through a century of armed military conflict to deal with this already. How many times do we have to fight them and defeat them? How many times is good enough? Then when we defeat them, there is no body and no evidence? That means it did not happen and we cannot respond, back to civil war again and armed conflict. It is getting to the point where things are so bad; one lie is used to support another lie until it is all lies. People are fed up, angry, and they know what the problem is. What they are being told is if you want a world where life is not hell, civil war and armed rebellion is the only way. That is the option we got from the left wing and communists, that is what they are saying to the public. Who’s behind enemy lines here? Who is on the wrong side here? Who’s the poor immigrant who landed on the wrong planet here? Who is going to win world war three here?
“…there is a chapter on guns… 20 years of school shootings… its when its a get gun free zones you get numbers up to 37… this was a cop who was jealous, he had gone through his psychological testing, and yet he flipped out and started shooting… the problem is most people who end up shooting up these serial and mass shootings, most of them will not have sought psychological counseling… most of them will not get stopped… the argument is psychological counseling would have prevented him from having a gun. …but how are you, I mean what would you do, to stop him from having a gun unless… so that is the one policy that leads to shootings… not gun shows.” - Ann Coulter, The Live Desk -
If we were to easily deport them that would free up 60% of the demand for jobs and 90% of the welfare payments of the United States of America. That is not a good statistic to base politics on. You drag us into civil war and give us 60% of reasons to have civil war and a tax break of 90% in welfare payments and the logic is in the math. This is worthless to argue it. Worse, it is a lost cause and fight. Just because they have an underground system of poor immigrants, they have no right and justification to do what they did to us. So why is the process of expelling them not happening or did an armed rebellion just ambush us and hit us? Did some armed rebelling fly planes into buildings and target military personnel, declares themselves King, send us a list of delusional grievances, and trying to steal anything they could get away with? Who is in charge and what the hell is going on here? Someone has to be held accountable and prosecuted for war crimes. Now, the only solution and logical solution is military intervention to capture and hunt down this threat. The police do not seem to be there whatsoever.
“…The Republicans are utterly gutless. …Why shouldn’t I moderate a debate in my apartment? I have more Republicans primary voters there?” And by the way, they already did it… gotcha questions… when he doesn’t hide that… actual debate… I should have a debate in my apartment and ask my friends to come, bring a casserole, I will get a keg, and we will have more Republicans watching it then… it would be a lot of fun, I think we would have a good time… gotcha moment… my last book “Godless”… there are too many debates… claiming I am doing it for publicity… could that be to sell books? How come that doesn’t get asked… why not Alger Hiss at the CIA? … Who is the they here? …I think the question is whom here… (Cavuto asks what the best thing for her career if she cannot sell anymore books?) …I have done pretty well under eight years of Bush… hit the snooze button for four years… the worst thing… sending him around with your father?” - Ann Coulter, Your World with Neil Cavuto -
Who is this flood of traitors? Why do they calmly come into our life and claim to be able to do what we do? We are the best shooters on earth and not bad Cold Warriors or spy hunters. We have a 150,000 mile of accuracy range which is unheard of and at that range you cannot hear or see anything. This problem is not us, this problem is with a lack of attention to this flood of traitors who formed an underground network of poor immigrants who threw on our lap 60% demand for jobs, 90% welfare payments, and 100% reasons to get rid of them and expel them. They will have a chance and a fair chance because the only logical solution to this communist and socialist problem is a bloody revolution.
The liberals set out to prove that if you did not support communism then you by default were implied Nazis, or the reverse is true. What they forget to leave out is how they were willing to also secure and except those two extremes with their religious delusions and self destructive mentality. In the end, they were wrong about everybody and were also charged with sympathizing for both communists and Nazis who had rallied around their religious zeal and indifferences. Their stupidity drove them to these extremes and their dogma made them not able to fight it. The liberal church is forced to unify less than one of those extremes or face total destruction and annihilation by the forces of good; or the Constitution but the trick was to avoid this, it was the ruinous survival of the church or nothing. The financial chaos was to advance one or the other, not the truth. The truth was they were liberals and accepting of both as thieves.
We tried principle over and over and were buried alive. We cannot use principle to fight them and we can only stop the good people, not the bad ones. If their freedom has come down to this, then let it be known they had nothing to say but a smug spitting dirt stupid serial killer and sadistic regret to back up their dirt stupid actions. We give them a choice, they give us no choice. They are worthless and we cannot even obtain a status of a protected class. It has come down to this. It has come down to tanks, planes, and words of world war to deal with this communist and socialist problem because traitors flood our life and created a sanctuary to harbor this way of life where obligations are forced on others and personal responsibility is not good enough. We are just not good enough for the devil. There is no principle too valuable and expensive for the devil. Personal responsibility is not required if you are a poor immigrant, poor two centuries later, and a new class of protected species of obligations.
“…Unlike John Kerry who actually deserved his purple heart, it was for wounds.” - Ann Coulter, MRC Gala Dinner, 2008 -
When are we going to see one swift and overwhelming effort to clean this in one swoop and expel every single person responsible for it? We wait patiently and that is not even well enough because they caused so much problems and so much financial chaos, they are seeking bonuses and billions while we drown in their bloody fight. We are not bleeding but we are drowning in their blood that is the problem. You know the fight is not over and they are only getting stronger for another ambush. When we drown in their blood, it is clear the expelling process has not occurred and the prospect for civil war is closing in. This enemy has too much access to our life and this enemy is too near and too powerful. They have a choice to restore this expelling procedure and process or face the doom of their fate and life. That is communism no matter what if you call it super socialism or anything else. There is no difference but a semantic obligation.
“I have to say, I cover the mainstream media’s mendaciousness for living and I have never seen anything as crazy as this. Which political party is more likely to demand that banks ignore normal business practices in order to pursue social justice; and to give bad loans, I guess the loans are fine, but to borrowers who aren’t qualified. Of course this was the Democrats and it is not as if this was hidden until it collapsed. It used to be as if the New York Times and the LA Times were bragging about how so many of the poor and minorities were getting mortgages now… head of HUDD, demanding that more and more mortgages go to borrowers who wouldn’t be qualified and the FEDs are… democrats keep on talking about how they want to put Bush on trial for war crimes, how about… (Comparison to Enron executives) … at least with Ken Lay only thousands of people suffered, in this case, the entire country suffered. “- Ann Coulter, Fox News, October 04, 2008 -
We do not need to know how horrible life is or how horrible war can be. We fear for this world, this nation, our own life, and our loved ones. We have worked our bones off for a better life and world only to be denied it. That is war with the heavens and hell to pay. We have all the tools on this earth and no reason to give it to this threat. We have all the tools on this living earth to destroy this enemy and people circling us who have no fight in them but to copy, steal, and plunder our words. There is no reason whatsoever to have this in our life any longer, none. If there is a reason, then it needs to give us a viable chance to respond. Let us hold them responsible for their actions because we have all the tools on this earth to destroy this threat and to make them crawl back in the hell they came from. We have all the tricks and the talent of this perfection to retaliate and eviscerate them faster than cooking an Italian pizza. We will be very frank and conspicuous; they give us those responsible, we give them results. You drag us into civil war and give us 60% of reasons to have civil war and a tax break of 90% in welfare payments and the logic is in the math. This is worthless to argue it. Worse, it is a lost cause and fight. There is no way out of this but we give them a choice and a principled one of substance for them to “consider.”
(Movie: Gladiator, 2000):
Maximus Decimus Meridius: At my signal, unleash hell.
Intro: At the height of its power the Roman Empire was vast stretching from the deserts of Africa to the borders of Northern England. Over one quarter of the world's population lived and died under the rule of the Caesars. In the winter of 180 A.D. emperor... 12 year campaign against the barbarian tribes in Germania was drawing to an end. Just one final stronghold stand in the way of Roman victory and the promise of peace throughout the empire.
Gracchus: I don't pretend to be a man of the people. But I do try to be a man for the people.
Maximus Decimus Meridius: To my son -- I tell him I will see him again soon. To keep his heels down while riding his horse. To my wife... that is not your business.
Gracchus: He enters Rome like a conquering hero. But what has he conquered?
Lucilla: Today I saw a slave become more powerful than the Emperor of Rome.
Commodus: The general who became a slave. The slave who became a gladiator. The gladiator who defied an emperor. Striking story! But now, the people want to know how the story ends. Only a famous death will do. And what could be more glorious than to challenge the Emperor himself in the great
Maximus Decimus Meridius: You would fight me?
Maximus Decimus Meridius: Yes, you can help me... Forget you ever knew me, and never come back here again.
Maximus Decimus Meridius: I knew a man once who said, "Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back."
Maximus Decimus Meridius: I am required to kill, so I kill. That is enough.
Marcus Aurelius: When was the last time you were home? Maximus Decimus Meridius: Two years, two hundred and sixty-four days and this morning.
Maximus Decimus Meridius: Five thousand of my men are out there in the freezing mud. Three thousand of them are bloodied and cleaved. Two thousand will never leave this place. I will not believe they fought and died for nothing.
Marcus Aurelius: There was a dream that was Rome. You could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish, it was so fragile.
Gracchus: He will bring them death, and they will love him for it.
Maximus Decimus Meridius: Proximo, are you in danger of becoming a good man?
Maximus Decimus Meridius: At my signal, unleash hell.
Beating the ugly off ugly is communism and the history of communism in a nutshell. It was a competition by a lesser breed and a lower existence which defined their internal parenting skills to not care about anyone but themselves. So long as the church of liberalism is here on these shores or some other god forsaken wasteland, this threat is imminent. People do not understand these are the only weapons and tools “good enough” to combat the devil, tyranny, communism, liberals, and diabolical lying. They feel force is needed to make others obligated and do not need input or any opinion.
Do you redefine civil war or do you say it is a morality and religion of patriotism? Again, with the problem and the ghost of Vietnam, what happens when the war is against the rich and the poor must fight it? The richest class usually wins because they have the best equipment and personnel. This concept was hanging in limbo after Vietnam but has once again proven false by liberals. Liberals were the richest class but not the most fighting one because they supported the richest elite while manicuring the poor to be the voting middle class. Out the window went principles and civil war thus anti communism.
But what is the alternative? Do we deport them or banish them from the empire or do we destroy them and tell them this is no safe haven for communists and terrorists even if it is the most free nation on this planet? We know the answer and that unfortunately has to do with destroying, eviscerating, and wiping communism off this planet no questions asked or needed. No matter what the cost and no matter what the human costs, this evil and this obligation need to be honest or gone. It is that big of a threat and lie.
President Bush said Friday that the government's financial rescue plan was aggressive enough and big enough to work, but would take time to fully kick in. "We can solve this crisis and we will," he said in brief remarks from the White House Rose Garden. Bush spoke as leaders of the world's top economies gathered in Washington amid frozen credit markets, panic selling in stock markets and a looming global recession. …"Through these efforts, the world is sending an unmistakable signal. We're in this together and we'll come through this together," Bush said. …Bush said he understood how Americans could be concerned about their economic future. "That anxiety can feed anxiety and that can make it hard to see all that's being done to solve the problem," he said. …"The plan we are executing is aggressive. It is the right plan. It will take time to have its full impact. It is flexible enough to adapt as the situation changes. And it is big enough to work," Bush said. He also noted that the Federal Reserve has injected hundreds of billions into the system and with other central banks has made interest-rate cuts that should help thaw frozen credit markets and enable loans to flow again. - “Bush Says Financial Rescue Plan Big Enough to Work” by Terence Hunt, Associated Press, October 10, 2008 -
The problem is not just a few dollars or a simple conversation to raise a political discourse. No, communism and this dirt stupid creature must have the most violent extreme and the strongest soldiers on this earth literally fight them until they fix their mess and destruction. They refuse to fix their mess, their lives, their religion, and their nation. They have to be confronted by the strongest living beings and the highest military orders. Even still, that is not good enough because the most modern weapons are used right back. That will give you an idea of how permanent, how dumb, and how much of a problem this church of liberalism is. Worse, it is all funded by debt. It is all a trick and a scam to folly more and more people into believing their church is respectable, worth joining, a political might, and is a thinking creature built to survive and at best protect the restless surviving ones.
There was one philosopher and thinker left out and needs to be mentioned once again. Thomas Hobbes is probably the best and the most formidable thinker of all because he read all of the philosophers before him then was faced with the problem of an imminent threat by the Spanish War and simultaneous a Civil War. The English Enlightenment period had upset the enemies and also caused domestic unrest. Therefore, Hobbes returns to the Greek adage or adaptation of “the spirit of reverence” but Hobbes describes this as private property. What he is meaningful is respect human life and their property; thus, he would have fought off the Spanish and the “Cromwell” English, R-E-S-P-E-C-T the song. So what exactly is the problem with the banking crisis and the financial meltdown of 2008 and the notion that someone got very rich each and every time there is a financial bail out?
Wrong about themselves or just our honesty, why are they suicidal and dirt stupid? They are unable and unwilling to judge others by the same standards and criteria they judge themselves. Yet the church of liberalism feels powerful and mighty to stand off anti-communists and steal their life or weapons to have some showdown where they rise to the heaven or rebel against the heavens. This religious indoctrination and horror needs to perish or get the facts correct before they call themselves are rightful religious force to the preciousness of others. This is dangerous stupidity and even more dangerous when they infect government and global politics.
You forget that psychics have boo-boo and voodoo dolls of bad, angry, mean, liars who like to rape boys and girls. Now let the boys and girls show you a trick they learned from their angry and mean parents, it is called the “voodoo boo-boo doll” (not goo-goo doll). You should feel very sharp jerks and muscle spasms first, then you should feel pain in your body from a mystic spell. Soon you will fall ill and hear this talking over and over deep inside your soul. It is not audible and in the ear, it is deep inside where your conscience lies. Talk to that voice and tell it everything you did and wish to do. Tell it your secrets. What that voice will do is repeat oddities such as states in the union, numbers, or weird noises which are unfamiliar. That means a foreign spirit is inside you and taking you over. Then that voice will ask you if you did what was bad and angry to other people and why. You must answer the voice or else it will never go away. It will keep you up at night and ask you the same questions over and over until you answer truthfully. That is God and if he talks to you in that fashion, then God has no wish for you to exist any longer. See, he will not stop until you answer truthfully because he knows you cannot stop him. Try not to loose your head or mind while before him because he too is a mean, angry, and vicious; vicious is an understatement because now you are on his battlefield and there is only one winner one his battlefield and you were not it. That is why World War III can be quashed in a heartbeat and hell can erupt like a volcano. You have to witness it before you speak of it or lie about it. You have to be chosen before you are unchosen. You must put God in his place before he will let you be in his place and win his battlefield. That truly is black magic and there are cowards among us who do not know what ultimate peace while under circular discord is.
“Rape Me” by Nirvana
Rape me
Rape me, my friend
Rape me
Rape me again
I'm not the only one (repeat 3x)
I'm not the only one (do not repeat)
Hate me
Do it and do it again
Waste me
Rape me, my friend
I'm not the only one (repeat 3x)
I'm not the only one (do not repeat)
My favorite inside source
I'll kiss your open sores
I appreciate your concern
You're going to stink and burn
Rape me
Rape me, my friend
Rape me
Rape me, again
I'm not the only one (repeat 3x)
I'm not the only one (do not repeat)
Rape me! (Repeat 8x)
Rape me! (Do not repeat it)
"Viva La Vida" lyrics by Coldplay
I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sweep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own
I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing:
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"
One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt, and pillars of sand
I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Calvary choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
Once you go there was never, never an honest word
That was when I ruled the world
It was the wicked and wild wind
Blew down the doors to let me in.
Shattered windows and the sound of drums
People couldn't believe what I'd become
Revolutionaries Wait
For my head on a silver plate
Just a puppet on a lonely string
Oh who would ever want to be king?
I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Calvary choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
(Ooooh Oooh Oooh)
Hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Calvary choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter will call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
“Dirty” lyrics by Econoline Crush
I see the walk
I hear the talk
I watch the moves, man
I know the lay of the land
I see the smile
After a while
There’s no illusion
That girl is nothing but bad
She's all I'll ever want
She's all I'll ever need
Decadence in a little black dress
She is dirty
She is dirty
Once in her web
No way to tell
Under her spell now
Sometimes no man complains
I take one look
And I am hooked
She makes me reckless
She is the perfect disease
I see the walk
I hear the talk
I watch the moves, man
I know the lay of the land
I see the smile
After a while
There’s no illusion
That girl is nothing but bad
She is dirty (I want her)
Yeah-hah yeah
She is dirty (I want her)
Yeah-hah yeah
She is dirty (I want her)
Yeah-hah yeah-hah yeah
She is dirty (I want her)
Dirty, dirty, wow-how yeah-ah yeah
“Get Out of the Way” lyrics by Econoline Crush
I see you standing there
Smiling' with your bright white teeth
Transparent like a thirty dollar motel sheet
You’re the devil in a fine designer suit
Intuition tells me
The killer is you!
I never doubted I'd be back for revenge
Remember these words you’re goin' to pay in the end
Soul-sucker remorse never again
Yeah yeah
Hey, hey
Get out of the way
Hey, hey
Get out of the way
Hey, hey
Get out of the way
Hey, hey
Get out of the way
I got my motorcycle
Burnin' down the 405
All this calamity
I'm happy just to be alive
I won't forget you
You corrupt, repetitive sleaze
Revolution's comin'
You'll be beggin' on your knees
I never doubted I'd be back for revenge
Remember these words you're goin' to pay in the end
Soul-sucker remorse never again
Yeah yeahh
Hey hey hey (x5 times)
I never doubted I'd be back for revenge
Remember these words you're goin' to pay in the end
Soul-sucker remorse never again
Yeah yeah
Get out of the way
“Fire in the Head” lyrics by The Tea Party
Silent, knowing, always in time
See how this love stays divine
See how this love stays divine
Hoping, knowing, always in time
See how the love stays divine
See how the love stays divine
This is the way step inside
And I’m waiting
When I return to her I find
And I’m waiting
Flowers of evil in my mind
And I’m waiting
Dancing with fire on the edge
And I’m waiting
Remembering all of what she said
And I’m waiting
Hoping the rains will wash away
And I’m waiting
Hoping a guide will show the way
And I’m waiting
Dancing with fire on the edge
And I’m waiting
Remembering all of what she said
With this fire in the head
Silent, knowing, always in time
See how this love stays divine
See how this love stays divine
This is the way step inside
Hoping, knowing, always in time
See how the love stays divine
See how the love stays divine
This is the way step inside
“Rise Above” lyrics by Seether
Take the light and darken everything around me
Call the clouds, and listen closely
I’m lost without you
Call your name everyday
When I feel so helpless
I’ve fallen down, but ill rise above this (rise above this)
Hate your mind, regrets are better left unspoken
For all we know this void will grow
And everything’s in vain, distressing you don’t leave me open
Feels so right that I’ll end this all before it gets me
Call your name everyday
When I feel so helpless
I’ve fallen down (fallen down) but I’ll rise above this (rise above this)
Call your name everyday
When I feel so helpless
I’ve fallen down (fallen down)
But ill rise above this rise, rise above this doubt
I’ll mend myself before it gets me...
I’ll mend myself before it gets me...
I’ll mend myself before it gets me...
I’ll mend myself before it gets me...
Call your name everyday
When I feel so helpless
I’ve fallen down (fallen down) but I’ll rise above this (rise above this)
Forty eight ways to say that I’m feeling helpless, I’ve fallen down, and I’ll…
Rise above this, rise above this; rise above this, rise above this doubt.
“Sympathetic” lyrics by Seether
And my words will be here when I’m gone
As I’m fading away against the wind
And the words you left me linger on
As I’m failing again now, never to change this
And I’m sympathetic
Never letting on I feel the way I do
As I’m falling apart again at the seam
And it seems I’m alone here, hollow again
(Hollow again)
As I’m flailing again against the wind
(Against the wind)
And the scars I am left with swallow again
As I’m failing again now, never to change this
And I’m sympathetic
Never letting on I feel the way I do
As I’m falling apart again at the seam
The same old feelings are taking over
And I can’t seem to make them go away
And I can’t take all the pressure sober
But I can’t seem to make it go away
The same old feelings are taking over
And I can’t seem to make them go away
And I can’t take all the pressure sober
(I can’t make it go away. Because I can’t make it go away)
And I’m sympathetic
Never letting on I feel the way I do
As I’m falling apart again at the seam
And I’m falling, falling, falling,
Falling, falling, falling, falling
Apart again at the seam…
“Heroes” lyrics by Shinedown
Stare in wonder, who's here to bring you down?
Find your martyr, I'm sure you've made the crown
So light a fire under my bones, so when
I die for you, at least I'll die alone
Ain't nothing for me to end up like this
There's no comparing me this time
All my heroes have now become ghosts
Sold their sorrow to the ones who paid the most
All my heroes are dead and gone
But they're inside of me, they still live on
Dark devotion in a beacon paradise
Shows no emotion to a willing sacrifice
You can put a man on trial, but you can't make the guilty pay
And you can cage an animal, but you can't take away the rage
Ain't nothing for me to end up like this
There's no comparing me this time
All my heroes have now become ghosts
Sold their sorrow to the ones who paid the most
All my heroes are dead and gone
But they're inside of me, they still live on
All my heroes have now become ghosts
Sold their sorrow to the ones who paid the most
All my heroes are dead and gone
But they're inside of me, they still live on
They're all dead and gone
"Devour" lyrics by Shinedown
Take it and take it and take it and take it and take it all
Take it and take it and take it until you take us all
Smash it and crash it and thrash it and trash it
You're only toys
Try it you'll like it don't hide it don't fight it, just let it out
Steal and shoot it and kill it or take another route
Take it and take it and take it
You know they're only toys
(Chorus 1)
Devour Devour
Suffocate your own empire
Devour Devour
It's your final hour
(Chorus 2)
Devour Devour
Stolen like a foreign soul
Devour Devour
What a way to go
You want it you want it you want it
Well here it is
Everything everything everything
Isn't so primitive
Take it and take it and take it and take it and take it all
Nobody nobody wants to feel like this
Nobody nobody wants to live like this
Nobody nobody wants a war like this
(Chorus 1)
(Chorus 2)
What a way to go
Diving down…
Round and round…
Diving down…
Round and round…
(Chorus 1)
(Chorus 2)
(Chorus 1)
(Chorus 2)
There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008
satellite warfare,
Blog Archive
- 10/25/2008 9:50:34 PM BAIL OUT
About Me
- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest