Neo-conservatism is the radical lefts way of reverse the damage they did in the 1960s however, they are still engaged and committed to anti war protest. The only difference is the war they are protesting is the wrath of God still but the neoconservatives are attempting to become a new left type of liberalism which now incorporates conservatism. Those successes and principled substantive thought is being incorporated into the radical liberalism of the 1960s as progressive and populist blending and mixing in an elusive mix of socialism and the engine of communism, oppression. They call it freedom and any resistance to it emotional nonsense. The fact is the engine of oppression, human beings are prisoners and will never be exonerated regardless of the facts or lack of facts, has always been behind left wing movements and ideologues. Neo-conservatism is the buzzword or codename for blending 1960s radicalism.
This lack of clarity and tenacity for business as usual mentality is fighting for the right to participate but it does not feel like participation at all from either ends. Instead, they are fighting for the right to attack who they feel is their prisoners and the right to hold prisoners secretly. They feel they have a right to anger but do not embody how angry other is with them or being their prisoner. They actually talk back and their emissaries stomp on the floor defiantly. They also feel it is some sort of bizarre slave blood or genealogy. We are more angry and mad at hell at them. Their right to refuse and their right to exonerate us while claiming we are their prisoner are about as far as insanity and war protesting can go. It is not only un-American; it is a traitor and has death penalty consequences. Worse off, they now claim this was and is about money. This is not about money; it is and runs deeper than any dollar bill or material amount. That is why both white males and black makes are fingered every single time you mention problems. It is just a problem which is very difficult to get rid of. Take a wild guess who would be the primary suspects behind this imbecile, angry, and violently stupid apropos?
Of course it is preposterous to suggest that anyone at the New York Times has a “sense of fairness.” But lawyers have to say preposterous things all of the time. Mind you, Jodi Kantor is the same “reporter” who did a laughable whitewash of Mr. Obama’s pastor and spiritual mentor of twenty years, Reverend Wright. But, to be fair, Ms. Kantor is just a paid whore whose job at the moment is to get Mr. Obama elected. – Ann Coulter, -
We have a problem with liberals and most specifically socialists and communists. Liberals are always trying to make the news by following it. There are a lot of liberals in the media who wrap conservative cloth around themselves and get very close to the what is moving the nation and the world. However, their world view which in convinced others are prisoners while they refuse to exonerate them is the engine and fuel of their bad subordinate status and busted life. They get busted up when that surfaces and beaten down when it is a problem and they are sent back to the liberal heap of efforts and subordinates. The world view of subordinates is nowhere near conservative or superior. That is the predicament or impasse we have a big problem with bad subordinates and how they view everybody as prisoners or their prisoners.
Beginning mostly in 1998 and ongoing, there was a barrage of unwanted, uncalled for, unnecessary, unmeaning, and inappropriate attention from both the catholic and Jewish religion which suggested a harassment tactic by liberals. Both Ann and I saw Vietnam as the most important event in our life and were not interested in anti-war, hippie movements, or meeting emissaries for this. However, the unwanted attentions began to suggest we were and are in some revolving investigation which changed from dui prevention to sex offenses to some of the most preposterous claims and allegations. The square peg seemed to always be rammed down the circular reasoning. It was some sort of mind game by the liberals and Democrats left wingers to hijack our life and to keep us pinned and under siege as their prisoners. They were even inside our homes and listening in on everything. It was learned in 2007 that this ongoing problem with surveillance was about prostitution and we were definitely not interested or ever was from the get go, we were being propositioned by high ranking emissaries. White and black males lie incessantly for some reason.
Liberals are always trying to make the headlines. They have a penchant to not exonerate others while ramming down the throats of others their determination and convictions. This is about exonerating others, not them. Since we cannot expel them or get rid of them we have a problem with being exonerated. They should come out of hiding and save us the heartache. Yet they follow the news inasmuch as they make it. it ends up frustrating people and tarnishing the determined unity to seek out knowledge. Again, we can stop the good people it is the bad ones we cannot, they have no wish in exonerating us while we avoid them. It is almost like a game of chicken to these people and who can win first. By following the news and the headlines, they give the appearance they won first. Now we are back to the problem of having no say over the bad people and no say over the good ones. We cannot stop anyone good or bad.
Weird list of events with Rush Limbaugh and it is not understood but feels like another ambush like sequence as before:
• 12,000 terrorist hits and he shows up in both my and Ann’s life (read reports back in 1990s and what they wanted or were doing) just would not stop.
• 1998 a rich Mulatto from Chicago moves in above my apartment and begins to try to be friends. We go out and have drinks several times. Never says his name only rich and parents from Chicago. Ask Ann, she has the full story and was being told everything during this. A list of people begins from Ann in 1998 as targets or who is behind this.
• Massive problem with banks from 1990 to 2008. Cannot open a bank account now due to so many problems and blamed for everything even though smarter than Ann Coulter.
• 2006 move to Canada, fed up and sick of this. April of 2006 book started, June 2006 a second arrest and massive legal problems, they are in my own home. Massive bills, bank steals money and shuts down account (M and T Bank), eBay and all employment shut down, bills and legal problems pour in.
• Limbaugh tries to play me while Ann closes in on him
• He does not want her to have the love of her life and does some mob like terrorist hit on both of us; Ann is not interested whatsoever she tells me
• Rush is linked to Hillary and has dinner with them
• Ann contacts me in 2008 prepares for reunion and in hostile climate, both of us being stalked and tracked by someone (we do not know yet only a church, it is a mystery stalker and huge spy ring who is pushing what was indicated)
• Rush claims he is some prince or some imaginary love or marriage with Ann (read reports of what he was feeding me)
• Blames us for everything (liberals, going against his success, etc… deranged)
• Law and Order show about Ann and Rush having drinks (Oct 17, 2007)
• Black veteran defends Ann (June 29, 2007) – (Rush and Snerdley say we live in a hut and she needs to send me a rice cooker because I am Asian. Tells Palin that Eskimos like to wife swap, both women married to American Indian heritages or Asian)
• Who is Bo Snerdley:
• Cornered me and checkmated me to say if I wish to survive, will save blacks, a terrorist hit while taking all credit and knowledge
• Aug. 2008 Ann is asked to write about Limbaugh the “inventor of the radio” and she volunteers.
• I am propositioned by prostitutes in S. Florida (summer 2007) for 5,000 a weekend, anything goes. Reports of massive prostitution problems in Palm Beach. Ann forces Franken to say she is a virgin and saving herself.
• Ann attacked by Palm Beach political machine
• Aug. 21, 2008 caller says Ann made them look like boobs
• Weird comment forwarded to Ann, “RUSH: Well, she listens to this program. She may not be listening to it now because she's book crunching, but if she's listening to it, she's agreeing with you.” (Oct 16, 2008) Something weird is now going on, another ambush. Ann calls Thursday to get on her ass. I rip her apart all weekend because she started shit and wanted to talk about past… says I am unfairly crucifying her on Sunday night and is totally in love, fully committed unlike any spouse. Ann has been pounded all weekend by me, she asked to be, and came out to make statements. Yes, Ann asked me to be jealous and to make those statements. She wanted to talk about… so I did and she is really crying. I rip her apart over the weekend.
• Ann website “Crushed… Dinner in NYC on McCain.” Asked if she can stop having drinks or dinner with men? Are they all homosexuals? Why are they all hitting on me, I am not a fag and with Ann? I tell Ann to beat them back and make them fear us.
• Upset about ratings? Must pull a hat trick now. Must isolate them and get them alone. Yes I am Asian. Yes I was in Saigon in 1975 and with vivid memory. The most important thing in my life was the Vietnam War and my military career. Now it is Ann and our life work that is the last 20 years, Ann and our life work. There is nothing more to my life. She has an identical life and we do everything together everything, even clothes. Everything is identical to a T.
• Monday Oct. 20, 2008 some phony story by Rush about romance and weekend with new girlfriend, plane rides to Green Bay for football game, Colin Powell, emails to David Martin at politico, etc… he knows now and he knows he has no chance in hell with me or her but refuses to stop and get out of our life. How long has this been ongoing?
• Does anybody feel like a real slave? We have certified slave blood now, Maximus is a slave? It has to do with future policy, stealing our work, blaming us, and multiculturalism; and Islam or militant liberalism from the Midwest.
If that was not all the problems a human being can muster, in 2008 a new book was released by Colonel David Montour of the United States Army. Colonel Montour was second in charge of Iraq from the get go and fingers both Ambassador Bremmer and the Bush administration for a robotic and insulated mindset which had an attitude of business as usual under the most severe crisis. Again, the mindset sounds like white and black liberal males who play along rather than actually being involved. Colonel Montour identifies the problem with Iraq from the beginning, a noble cause poorly planned. The United States military went into Iraq to do well and to provide a beacon of light to a diminishing regime; however the political leadership was out of step badly with military strategy and planning; thus, denigrating the effort and unnecessarily endangering those who were on the ground.
That was the conspiracy, they were all SDS 1960s kids and they wanted me but this goes back before high school even. In 1998 and 1999 they began a massive stock surge and were behind wireless, satellite, and communications companies in high tech. Then they thanked me by giving me a 23,000 dollar job to be attacked every single day for hours on end on the phone and in their customer service center. After that I never wanted to work again but had to. Then a massive surge and ambush came in 1999, 2000, and 2001. In 2002 another Midwest conspirator used the US Marshals to arrest me and silence me. I am the father of cyber and satellite warfare, the original and authenticated one. After that I had to worry about the endless ambush and headed to the beach and the ocean. After ten years you get fed up and just want to move out of the country but we are not war protestors or some anti war movement, we want to stop or kill this communist and terrorist anti war protest. We are the best soldiers and here to protect the nation, not make it crumble to the crucible of evil. This is some sort of war protest by the same radicals but this time, we are the mass and they are the kings. What is and was the war we were protesting, it was terrorism which we fingered them as behind it all.
By invading Iraq with poorly defined notions of victory, a hailstorm of resistance and opposition began to grow into a problem. It was not just a diplomatic effort because that was even tarnished by bad leadership while a noble cause. Colonel Montour says the lack of clarity created an atmosphere of growing unexpected events and uncontrollable problems. He says there was a mindset that would not and could not adjust to increasing difficulty with the invasion summoned. The simple word is mild retardation and alienation, these are imbeciles; once again this ongoing problem with white and black males who lie incessantly to have their way and promote liberalism and a reckless lifestyle not worth mentioning but not fully participating in the reality of the moment. There was a breakdown in leadership and the problem with not thinking things out such as the financial ballyhoo in 2008 for Wall Street and the general feeling of stupidity, embarrassment, despair, and brokenness before the Election of 2008.
It took twenty years, but they were finally caught and herded until cornered. They are terrified the world will read this and tried everything to shut us up. Does anybody get the feeling he tried to… and Ann sets him up while he tries to sneak around but is so angry with her and frustrated? Ann is not a liberal; she is using it back on them like disinformation. Disinformation is a tactic during the Cold War to throw people off a hunt or chase, we are being chased. So Rush is sneaking up on us and trying to say… lighten up all over But wait, my second job with Sprint PCS from Missouri was horror. The same problem and multiculturalism every single day being attacked, blamed, scolded; never wanted to work after that in 1999; look at the stock investors of communications who went into wireless (Satellite, wireless, etc), they were stealing the wind from us in 1998 as a challenge to liberalism. They thought we were building a wireless empire but had no clue what we were up to. They felt they were powerful enough to coerce us and turn us, if not scare us. So the Midwest plot was the families of wireless and telecomm people who went broke; look at Iridium where my father briefly worked at but also made me suspicious while being attacked in 1999.
This is a constant act we are seeing while kidnapped and some prisoner. It is a trick to keep us a prisoner and be in our life unwelcome and uninvited. These people are hated and despised on a homicidal level. They have sex offenses as long as the eye can see. They have yet to reconcile the problem of stalking or following the news. They have yet to reconcile the issue of obligations and being their prisoners. It is some game and trick to make the headlines by a bad subordinate to put fright in others and to play chicken to see who can beat the other. It is like a punch.
Ann is innocent and a really good girl, I remember all of this. One person said “she has been my drinking buddy for years” while the other said “she would make a good drinking buddy” but nobody said “we go out for drinks 30 times” or “we have a beer three times a year.” That is their trick. They never have the courage to say “we went out on ten dates” or “we had the time of my life” etc. The army of private investigators were looking for anything… she also wants to save a few things to say to my face to make it more meaningful. She asked for some slack and I said okay… she knows I would never crucify her, never, but did say I was but it was not our fault. To her this is personal and she takes risks when it is personal. Ann, if you are reading this, I am so sorry and it has been a hard life up till now, a very hard life, for you also. Sometimes it is easier to give up then fight upstream. She already has cleared up everything such as infidelity, loyalty, effort, determination, and every problem real couples face. However, the anger she felt was not being properly addressed and the violence on us was met with some plea to stop the attacks. Almost like a terrorist using terrorism. She said she did use a few matters and gleefully ignored them even if they were now coming forward to claim affairs, sex, or some fantasy relationship with her. She could not respond because the person who made it did not, it was rumor spreading like wildfire. So they investigated her like a felon then speeded massive rumors to get her attention which she ignored because she was disgusted with them. She really pissed them off and they were all serious about it.
The atmosphere is not favorable to this type of grandstanding behavior. There is a stigma to liberals and now that stigma is overflowing and being replaced on the conservative side. It is a bad subordinate who wants to prove their determination to knowledge and unite with others when a near inquisition is underway to root out and expel these sex offenders and stalkers. Once they are in your life, there is no way to get rid of them. If there is, they give you a fight of your life so they can remain your stalker and prison guards, not security guards.
This was not fun listening to stalkers tell me they were in my wife's house and watching her every single minute and how she is not a mystery to them. Not fun at all dealing with a stalker who is telling me what they are doing to me and my wife. Fun? This is sick. Now I have to deal with a victim being a victim myself who is sneaking around for some reason fighting off stalkers and for our future. Fun? Let me do this to your spouse and see how anybody feels? They blame us for their stupidity and their worthless existence, then take our existence and we neither can stop them, are allowed to retaliate, or respond with force or the death penalty. Do we see them speak out about sex offenses? She is no mystery to these guys... but she cries and begs to me about how she is a victim now of a whacked out socialist and communist. What is their answer and feedback? It is comes from the emissaries upstairs who are also reading this, they stomp on the floor and continue to until you turn up the music. They are beyond redemption. They are in our home, reading our legal mail, love letters, and anything they can get. They have the New York State Police say they are not going anywhere and will sack anyone who challenges them. The problem is they are in our life, in our marriage, in our homes, and in our book. They are doing this now and changed strategy and tactics because they are scared beyond belief the world will read this and they do not know what to do? What do most hardcore radicals, communist terrorists, repeat offenders, criminal felons and sex offenders do when caught? Yes, increase the effort and stomp on the floor to scare us more. We are drowning in their blood but are not bleeding anymore. They are begging in the sewage of an existence they have created and how desperate they are to obligate others with unspeakable and unbelievable standoff with communists and radical socialists who are on an anti war campaign against them. They were behind all the terrorism and this was some think tank for their leaders while they lied about being heroes or heroines. Their existence is sewage.
Apart from being horrible and disgusting people, the liberals and the left are claiming how the communist were spying on industry and stealing technology. Therefore, the socialists and the communists are upset and angry with those who allowed the two to cross paths. We know the liberals, left wing, and the problem of socialism and communism to be within the liberal churches but we did not know that same problem would turn surveillance and espionage on us to be competitive or influence us. What was occurring from 2006 to the time this book was written, marked by the articles and news clips, was a feeling of camaraderie with someone who had been looking over our shoulder, herding us into law school, denying employment, making employment unbearable, using this intrusion to make our life crumble to banks and false bills, and spiking the punch of life which they could not bear and wanted to share. We knew they were taking our words weekly and up to something and now they were using the problem to cover up their tracks and suggest they were promoting us and are working closely with us. Does this sound like a foreign government and if so which allied partner and liberal religion would be hold accountable? They calmly claim close partnership and close allies who promote us and are our life source.
The media are acting as if they completely and fully vetted Obama during the Democratic primaries and that's why they are entitled to send teams of researchers into Alaska to analyze Sarah Palin's every expense report. In fact, the mainstream media did no vetting... No, Obama "denied" it; he didn't "refute" it. If "denying" something is the same as "refuting" it, then maybe the establishment media can quit harping on Palin's qualifications to be president, since she too "refuted" that by denying it... the Los Angeles Times provided an eyewitness account from a liberal who attended the event... "When I first met Barack Obama, he was giving a standard, innocuous little talk in the living room of those two legends-in-their-own-minds, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. They were launching him -- introducing him to the Hyde Park community as the best thing since sliced bread." - “Ayers: Radical Loon When Obama Was Only 47” by Ann Coulter, October 22, 2008 -
This bad subordinate, also known as the authorities, are not there to protect anybody but themselves and violate every rule in the book to cover their own rear ends. Hence the stalking and the sex offenses and how the complains are never exonerating but the response is loony such as “we are after dui suspects” or “we are after speeders” or “we are investigating a murder case”; it is civil war and warfare. It is dangerous and reckless to put surveillance equipment in the hands of sex offenders or people who protect them. We cannot have this problem exist with the police or this church of liberals. They have to be expelled and beaten down as bad subordinates who lie incessantly. If we catch them with surveillance equipment or in a position of such, their supervisors need to be punished and reprimanded heavily.
Ann, I just sent you my next chapter on love, marriage, spirituality, and politics; it gives people and indication of what we have been working on or our life. I do not think they will ever understand or acquire that sense of love and true union, but they can try without us okay. The idea of the chapter is romance and the left wing. How solid is their marriage. We know how solid the right wing is, LOL... Oh and some are also a bunch of rapist and sex offenders. Everybody is listening like a thief to Rush Limbaugh. I wonder how he is living the bunker life. He calls it SOUTHERN COMMAND like the Special Forces acronym for SOCCOM in Tampa, Florida. So I guess he has sandbags, escape tunnels, gun ports, and a hatch, mined the perimeter, has infrared and heat sensors, phalanx air defense, phalanx vehicle defense, and got him a hell of an arsenal huh? Nobody can break into it. Help me write it or tell me if there is anything you wish included and we will screw the pooch.
It is like empowering a sex offender to increase a list of obligations and to tip off their bosses to the slightest sign of danger. It needs to be beaten into the heads of bad subordinates, surveillance equipment does not belong in their hands so long as they view others as prisoners and add obligations to their life. This is not only an abuse of power; it is tyranny and a traitor. That traitor uses the equipment because they are going nowhere. You do not want this stigma to stick on you and have to use force to expel them from your life or fall prey to being their prisoner and sex offenses; they are well paid political prostitutes and the obligations are very whorrible, it remains a closely guarded secret.
Colin Powell, the man who delivered to the United Nations the U.S. case for war against Iraq, announced Sunday that he is going to vote for Barack Obama for president. The former secretary of state for President Bush said the next individual to serve as president of the United States will have to reach out to the world community, and he believes Obama has both style and substance to be successful in that role, "I think he is a transformational figure, he is a new generation coming into, onto the world stage and the American stage, and for that reason I'll be voting for Senator Barack Obama," Powell, who also served as President George H.W. Bush's Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, said on NBC's "Meet the Press." Obama's campaign announced that Obama called Powell after the endorsement and said he looked forward to taking advantage of his advice over the next two weeks and possibly over the next four years. A spokesman for the Obama campaign told FOX News the Democratic presidential candidate is pleased with the support. - “Colin Powell Endorses Obama” by FoxNews,, October 19, 2008 -
We are seeing ten years of probably the worst management of life ever in the history of mankind. Does it feel like a traitor broke out of the insane asylum and declared themselves King nothing and leader of the free world? So the traitor is protesting the reason why they are in an insane asylum? In the post communist world which was born out of perestroika and super socialism, we were delivered ten full years of more insanity and dirt stupid life existence kidnapped by mysterious human beings who make delusional claims about who they are, who they want to be, and who they did not become. The word is failure. The word is delusional. The word is civil war.
With an African-American running for president this year, there has been a lot of chatter about the "Bradley effect," allowing the media to wail about institutional racism in America. Named after Tom Bradley… the Bradley effect says that black candidates will poll much stronger than the actual election results. First of all, if true, this is the opposite of racism: It is fear of being accused of racism. For most Americans, there is nothing more terrifying than the prospect of being called a racist. It's scarier than flood or famine, terrorist attacks or flesh-eating bacteria. To some, it's even scarier than "food insecurity." Political correctness has taught people to lie to pollsters rather than be forced to explain why they're not voting for the African-American. - “Eighty-Four Percent Say They’d Never Lie to a Pollster” by Ann Coulter, October 15, 2008 -
When you have this much insanity and this much of a lunatic fringe, a total lack of a police force, a total lack of security, a total lack of principles and truth, a run amuck super socialism on Wall Street, the right wing hijacked, the left wing heroes, more wealth created by the best scientists, more wealth lost by the dirt stupid money managers, more sex offenses then any period of history, and 12,000 terrorist hits on the best soldiers, the most principled and the most life changing and massive surge on socialism and communism; there is only one conclusion. There is a prelude to a civil war and it is the liberals, the left wing, the socialists and communists, and the unprincipled success of this super socialism raising its head again. These people want civil war and nothing less will be good enough for them. There judgment is so grossly in error and unfair, they will have you arrested once you catch them in a big lie and are engaged in a conspiracy to make the nation crumble to its knees while they flaunt it before everybody’s face.
This is about some anti war protest but they are not saying what that liberal, socialist, or communist war is about. They call it freedom and social justice. Rush blocked 3 Supreme Court cases and two false arrests. Ask him why he did this and had he not blocked Ann and me from emailing and marrying... we would be suing them now! Rush and the liberals (Clintons) caused so much problems and he was reading our legal mail and either selling it or giving it out. They tried to block us on every site, ban me, then turned around and lie about it. Is this mere suspicion or Weatherman Rush? Ask Rush to explain that one. He knew about the cancelled my eBay account and cut my income to nothing after it took years to get back on my feet. I was making high end computers and selling them for $499 each. I was designing models and working with the chip companies on new processors, and then it came to a sudden halt. Then auto drafts keep rolling in and fees from the bank drained the account and added five to ten overdraft fees; just like in 1998 and 1999, pre 911. I brought a truck load of retail goods and he cancelled my eBay and now I am stuck with it. Then he tried to break up Ann and I. Now he is reading our legal mail and distributing it to the enemies. Read what he did... we have 3 Supreme Court cases on the Democrats. 2 false arrest cases and he is claiming he did it. Is he saying he is not behind it or was related or is he terrified the world will read this and investigate it to him? Just so you know Rush, Ann told me she never went to your parties. Someone wrote in a blog she was reluctant to attend your parties. She told me about bad photo ops, date rape drugs, being not interested and STDs, embarrassing pictures, lies and more harassment tactics. I think the accurate satire is not a bit interested at all. She said she never took any drugs with you. She was merely confronting you because we do not get a chance or a choice to respond. Dinner was to confront you about this eBay thing and having me get in your mind to figure out if you were alone or not. Where did you get she was flirting with you or had one day flings from? Date rape drug and passing out? Pictures? She feels homicidal with you.
When you mix religion and Cold War philosophy, you get liberalism and conservatism. Liberalism is simply the respect of all things living with equal and no denial of rights and privileges. Sounds simple enough but the problem is that sometimes human beings are not as honest as they make it out to be. Therefore, you get convictions, false convictions, and political strife which causes division; the basis of liberalism again and the notion that all things are made equal and should be respected regardless of their similarity to the devil. If they were acting in a manner to suggest otherwise, then in June of 2006; this information would have been in everybody’s life and they would be reading different versions of it. This was a conspiracy to save the skin of the leaders and let their followers drown in their blood. They did the same thing to us by refusing to exonerate us.
Philosophy, in fact, also is the adoration of God, it is religion; for, seeing that God is its object, it involves the same renunciation of every opinion and every thought that is arbitrary and subjective. Philosophy is, in consequence, identical with religion. Only it is religion in a peculiar manner, and this it is which distinguishes it from religion commonly so called. So philosophy and religion are both religion, and that which distinguishes one from the other is no more than the characteristic mode in which respectively they consider their object, God. – Friedrich Hegel, 1832 -
Instead, it was the lack of parental genetics which brought out a deeper genetic link to this problem. The absence of family along with a conditioning of the environment and this lack of love and security from a family structure or a parent state; a religious spiritual misfit in both parent child model, were to blame. You cannot fabricate or create a liberal or a communist unless you have the right genetics. You cannot brainwash and try to build a ticking time bomb unless you have the right gene pool. You cannot try to blame or be a victim unless you come from the same gene pool which it originates from. Serial killers are the result of delusions and the passion to kill or the impulse to kill. The regulating factors in the mind are so bizarre and abstract the impulse cannot be controlled or regulated. The same applies to terrorists or those whose intent is to destroy others on a whim or acting out the symbolic justification of destroying someone. All of these behaviors form a class of behaviors called liberalism, radicalism, reactionary existentialism, and violence or the provocation of violence on others.
America, we just got suckered. We fell for the biggest money grab in modern politics, possibly in the history of the nation. No wonder Nancy Pelosi is beaming and her familiars, Harry Reid and Chris Dodd, are giggling behind their hands; they now have piles of money and they succeeded in pegging the Republicans for a problem they manufactured and are getting away with scot-free. More importantly, they may have handed the election to Obama, and in so doing, they have set America up for the worst possible leader in a perilous time. Not a bad day's work for our "progressive" socialist fifth column and the America-haters that pull its strings. The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 is a swindle. If the Democrats in Congress and their Republican accomplices had worn masks and carried pistols, the voter would have had a more accurate view of the "crisis" and its probable one trillion dollar cost. This emergency was brought about by government interference and influence and manipulated for political ends by the lawless opportunists that inhabit congress. - “The Crime of the Century: The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008” by Lance Fairchok, October 08, 2008, –
Some felt the church was ending while others felt the birth of a new church was on the forefront to the understanding of God and the belief that true substance would be reached from the endless search for knowledge and the unity of this determination. Kant was the first to explore the idea that religion and the spiritual belief in God, the metaphysical, was both understanding and understandable, through philosophical pursuit. Thus began the notion that understanding religious convictions allowed for a deeper relationship with God. Nietzsche came along in later years and explored the relationship of weak and strong forces within the religious zeal he encountered and said religious belief was prolonging this suffering of the weak. He had built his conclusions on the philosophical understanding which Kant and Hegel had supplemented to their religious beliefs.
Ann and I are the next level. Yes I am Asian. Yes I was in Saigon in 1975 and with vivid memory, the downtown Saigon market place and the airport was the biggest memory. The most important thing in my life was the Vietnam War and my military career. Now it is Ann and our life work that is the last 20 years, Ann and our life work. There is nothing more to my life. She has an identical life and we do everything together everything, even clothes. Everything is identical to a T. I studied and read the analysis of the Vietnam War by Generals who were there. I used to watch WGBH and the 10,000 Day War videos at age 10 and actually... in the book Treason. I taught Ann how to speak it perfectly.
Communism was more than just beliefs; it was a system of pity and emotional pandering to a margin of error others were annoyed about. There judgment is so grossly in error and unfair, they will have you arrested once you catch them in a big lie and are engaged in a conspiracy to make the nation crumble to its knees while they flaunt it before everybody’s face. They were crawling all around us and we were with lawyer waiting to see who we could and would bust up. Getting arrested twice and three years in prison along with 3 additional years of therapy to walk again threw off our time line and bought some additional time for this communist and terrorist cell.
Therefore was not only a belief system but a thought process and the manifestation of unity was a determination in and of that knowledge. Hegel says this is the source of religion and also the maker of religious delusions. By rationalizing the metaphysical or the spiritual belief of substance, Kant began a long line of thinkers whose epistemology was the belief that God and religion could be rationalized up until the determined search for knowledge ended. Hegel says clearly that Spinoza’s system had a distinction of Good and Evil in it but the recognition of God and man was the breakdown on the substantive existence. The determination to unify or rationalize God was abandoned when substance, or God, was also abandoned by man. Thus, the determination of unity was lackluster. Unity to Hegel was not religion but the search for knowledge and the rationalization of substance. When that ended, God and unity did also. Hence the delusion with religion and the delusions with mankind were a lack of knowledge and lack of intellectual error.
LAT: McCain Says Obama Wants Socialism
October 19th, 2008
By Bob Drogin and Mark Z. Barabak, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers
This article goes on to portray McCain as an out of touch cranky old man, while Mr. Obama is the darling of multitudinous crowds. Even though everything McCain states is obviously true. Just as every Obama claim is blatantly false, such as this one: Obama has said that his plan would cut taxes for 95% of working Americans, including Wurzelbacher. Why has no one in the media “fact checked” this endlessly repeated lie? At least McCain is finally taking it on: McCain has said 40% of Americans don’t pay income taxes, either because they are elderly or don’t make enough money. “In other words, Barack Obama’s tax plan would convert the IRS into a giant welfare agency, redistributing massive amounts of wealth at the direction of politicians in Washington,” McCain said in his radio remarks. That is an undeniable fact. Mr. Obama is going to redistribute money from people who actually work and give it to those who don’t in the form of the Orwellian “earned income tax credit.” Which, of course, is not earned at all. Indeed, all of Mr. Obama’s policies comport perfectly with the policies of the Democratic Socialists of the US, the Communist Party of America, and ACORN — who have all whole-heartedly endorsed Mr. Obama. (Along with the Los Angeles Times.) But we dasn’t call him a “socialist.”
Is communism a legal concept? If God and knowledge are substance, the communism is not a legal concept. What it is and what it tries to replace is a breach in this relationship with substance or God. That breach and that relationship with God must be healed by another system which can provide life or existence, some ideology or life force. If you take away a world with no substance or a world with no understand of the devil, you get the reverse effect, the devil. Now knowledge is evil. Now substance is evil. Now everybody is a prisoner to the devil and the devil is in our life. It is not illegal to kill the devil; it cannot be renationalized as killing of substance or subject. Does this mean we kill everybody evil? No, it means that the protected class is not the devil class. It means these obligations to the devil class are a beach to God or substance and must be healed by something, perhaps oppression and warfare. You must beat down evil, not let it prosper or take the lead.
Why should we doubt the New York Times? Obviously they have the best interests of the Republican Party at heart. Clearly the Times want to persuade McCain to stop any ads that criticize Obama or mention his past record or associations. And they specifically warn him not to bring up anything untoward about Mr. Obama during tonight’s debate: The top reasons cited by those who said they thought less of Mr. McCain were his recent attacks and his choice of Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska as his running mate. (The vast majority said their opinions of Mr. Obama of Illinois, the Democratic nominee, and Mr. McCain of Arizona, the Republican nominee, had remained unchanged in recent weeks.) But in recent days, Mr. McCain and Ms. Palin have scaled back their attacks on Mr. Obama, although Mr. McCain suggested he might aggressively take on Mr. Obama in Wednesday’s debate… And by “attacks,” they mean talking about Obama in any other way than laudatory. You see, the public simply will not stand for it. The McCain campaign has been put on notice. The Solons at the New York Times people have spoken. - Ann Coulter, -
This unholy alliance between liberals and conservative to define worldly knowledge of the right wing and the seemingly less affluent left wing is where the class conflict structure began between the religious class and the able class. Back in its heydays, religion was closely linked to government and the separation between church and state was bothersome. It was bothersome to some because both church and state was undergoing change and a radical one at best. Come the 1900s and the introduction of communism, the rejection of religion becomes the forefront of global struggle and the determination of religion to eradicate this rejection a pestilence of armies, rockets, and mass destruction. It was the rejection of systems for a more liberal system which would overpower the existing one in flux and chaos. You had jackasses, dirt stupid delusional fools, crooks and criminals, and worthless liars running the world and declaring freedom to be who they were. Eventually, they find that spiritual flux drowning in their own blood and asking for some other Devine intervention and some other form of world existence.
(On video of Christopher Buckley on MSNBC) Do people truly believe what they say or do they joking snide it as a way to anger those who are control freaks? What about free speech? Jonah Goldberg and Michelle Malkin go against Christopher Buckley who tells them that if they want to fix America and restore the glory days of the union, you have to go black and be black. Buckley then says he is a novelist and readers had complained to the NRO about Buckley who is the son of Bill Buckley or the founder of National Review. I am confused who is messing with who here. Does he truly believe Barrach Obama is a true messiah or “the one?”
If anybody in the near future happens to wonder what happened in their life, this is a good account of what was going on and the events behind the cyber and satellite warfare program from 1989 to 2008. In 2008, the dirt stupid army of socialist was intercepted and a fierce battle erupted. Their liaisons and politicians sat there and lied to our faces and set up a few scapegoats thinking they would get away with the entire fiasco. They kept saying “we do not know what to do” when orders were given to them with precise instructions.
If anybody finds civil war or their life destroyed by what appears to be some conflict, this will provide a very good history. The leaders of the liberal church and their representatives kept saying they had no idea what to do. A lie to make more lies not sound like a big lie. They were just saving their own skin and they took down everybody with them. If they were acting in a manner to suggest otherwise, then in June of 2006; this information would have been in everybody’s life and they would be reading different versions of it. This was a conspiracy to save the skin of the leaders and let their followers drown in their blood. They did the same thing to us by refusing to exonerate us. There judgment is so grossly in error and unfair, they will have you arrested once you catch them in a big lie and are engaged in a conspiracy to make the nation crumble to its knees while they flaunt it before everybody’s face.
(About video of “Freedom Center”) No it is not a think tank for Israeli politics. Instead, The Freedom Center is the brainchild of David Horowitz. Horowitz is a former SDS radical who was the leader of the movement and now a reformed protester of their war. Yes, Horowitz is a veteran and a former soldier of SDS and the Weatherman but no speaks out at rallies and protests against his days fighting as a foot soldier. In this video, Horowitz says that 911 was a calling to Americans to wake up. America is being attacked by… wait, who or what is doing this and why? Horowitz says that Middle East terrorism is coming to America but he calls it Islamo-fascism. I say he is in love with Michelle Malkin and built the Freedom Center for her and christened it with the Michelle Malking wannabe “AC.” 911… America is being attacked by Middle East terrorism and the heroes are reform radicals from the sixties. This is no war protest by disgruntled veterans.
It is clearly a traitor and the leaders on Capital Hill were feeding them daily intelligence and updates telling them they had a way out or could lie their way out of it which really ticked up and off the authorities even more. When you are caught and know you are caught, lying is the worst option whatsoever. When you have no chance in hell of winning and have blown up everything, lying is the worst of the options to add to the no chance in hell. It is pure treason and a pure traitor and they know they have been caught in 2008 and were pushing for a showdown by sneaking behind the backs of everybody claiming they were scared or were innocent. Everybody knows that when you are caught and you try to lie out of it, the worst outcomes will be mandated and people get more upset by the recidivism of affirming this is the devil.
Now take a look at O'Reilly's alter ego; the venerable "Bill O'Really II." Yes he is ignorant, can you tell? White and black males lie incessantly. If you want to blame someone for the problems of the United States of America or the world, then it is fair to say that both white and black males lies incessantly. Did that sound right? If you wish to blame someone then you must hold the feet of both white and black males to the fire for liberal lies. It is the delusion and the bizarre win at all cost of Keith Doberman. Let's recap what Dobermann said: thugs and psychos, done nothing, act as if you are a victim, haven't heard own speeches, emphasize terrorists and bombings, speaking for you, lynch mob mentality, playing with fire, and suspend your campaign now before... and what did William Ayers say? Ayer says this, "Bring the war home..." by any means necessary. If you want to blame someone look at the white and black male.
Also keep in mind they were and are remaining silent and incognito about intimidating and tampering with the situation. They do not know the enemy force at this time and are threatening and making all sort of probes to determine if they can win. They do not know how big or how many people know about them. So if you receive this information too late, understand the people behind it had banned us on just about every web site and effort was made to post it everywhere. There is a documentation of this history which was shut down permanently in August of 2008. There was a complete censor in August of 2008 and we were not able to defeat it. The authorities and the government did and were aware of this. They were trying to push a skittish ballyhoo for the banks which were the humongous billion dollar bailout, which was also the largest socialist surge we had ever seen in history.
Of course it is preposterous to suggest that anyone at the New York Times has a “sense of fairness.” But lawyers have to say preposterous things all of the time. Mind you, Jodi Kantor is the same “reporter” who did a laughable whitewash of Mr. Obama’s pastor and spiritual mentor of twenty years, Reverend Wright. But, to be fair, Ms. Kantor is just a paid whore whose job at the moment is to get Mr. Obama elected. – Ann Coulter, -
We were being told how this matter was being investigated and the liaisons upstairs said they did not know what to do. The police and the authorities were claiming to be investigating the matter which also was a tactic to mean they were in a state of panic and flux. It is great and a tremendous gift to see such a failure of this performance especially when the time is out and when it is most crucial. Such the case why we simply hate them for not having an excellent record and that perfect blend we can be proud of and tolerate. We are the ones who actually intercepted them and it feels like a rotten dormant corpse d’espirit. The behavior of the government before was utterly ridiculous and the behavior of them now was still ridiculous. They now claimed to be on the good side.
Socialism, liberals, this religion of liberals, all humans as prisoners, failure or refusal to exonerate us, and refusing to exit or be expelled from the most intimate and private parts of our life go hand in hand with socialism and overtly or honestly is communism. We do not know who they are; they need to tell us who they are before they tell us we are their prisoner. Do not lie about this either. Why do these lawyers and liberals waste our time or use petty issue to sneak by or ram socialism down our throats? Not only are they lying about themselves but they are lying about us and declaring us prisoners with threats of arrest and torture. Now they want a bail out and to be paid for teaching us how to intimidate by pounding us to the ground and this nation? This is very good for diminishing the nation but how about exonerating us by telling the full truth and not being held for perjury. Anybody can come up with anything by stalking others for decades day and night but what is the charge against them? This is about exoneration not guilt. Nobody will side wit perjury or treason of a traitor for the trade of a dui or some trespassing charge, which is an insane bail out. That is a lunatic police force and a loose terrorist united. Who is the church of liberalism lying to? Are they lying to the rich or the poor? Are they lying to the conservatives or the liberals? Or are they trying to just keep us as prisoners because they are trying to ram socialism down our throats, “Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us or you with the terrorists.” - George W. Bush -
When people are exposed they fear most the media but most of all the public. In this case, by cutting off both the media and the public, the liberals were exercising damage control and feeding us lies. Then they sent up two Presidential Candidates who they felt could or would block our slander case or treason case. That failed because they began to apologize for the matter while all media and public access was cut off in August of 2008. We were banned from advertising this information on a lot of web sites and places where it was never a problem before. So 2006 is when this information should have been in the public, what happened after that is a total lie on top of another lie on top of another lie. They were crawling all around us and we were with lawyer waiting to see who we could and would bust up. Getting arrested twice and three years in prison along with 3 additional years of therapy to walk again threw off our time line and bought some additional time for this communist and terrorist cell.
However this election turns out, it will dramatically advance America's slow progress toward equality and inclusion. It took Abraham Lincoln's extraordinary courage in the Civil War to get us here. It took an epic battle to secure women the right to vote. It took the perseverance of the civil rights movement. Now we have an election in which we will choose the first African-American president . . . or the first female vice president. In recent weeks it has been easy to lose sight of this history in the making. Americans are focused on the greatest threat to the world economic system in 80 years. They feel a personal vulnerability the likes of which they haven't experienced since Sept. 11, 2001. It's a different kind of vulnerability. Unlike Sept. 11, the economic threat hasn't forged a common bond in this nation. It has fed anger, fear and mistrust. On Nov. 4 we're going to elect a president to lead us through a perilous time and restore in us a common sense of national purpose. The strongest candidate to do that is Sen. Barack Obama. The Tribune is proud to endorse him today for president of the United States. - “Tribune Endorsement: Barack Obama for President” by Chicago Tribune Editorial Board, October 17, 2008, -
Someone knew we were working on something important. They just did not know what they were up against or whether they could beat it down and steal it. That was the intent, to steal it and take it. They were very careful not to let us bust them up and nail them to the wall. This was the deepest and most dangerous communist and terrorist spy ring we had ever worked on and we studied all of them. All of them including the highest mole ever found (MacLean, the Portland spy ring, Abel, Lonsdale, Walker, Ames, Rosenberg, SDS, CPUSA, etc… and even high level defectors Nosenko, Golitsyn, Gordievsky, Kravchenko, Yurchenko, etc…); which was already penetrated; this one was sitting in wait and had already acquired what it needed but was using terrorism to gain more power and more control. To extort more influence, money, and personnel who would push liberalism to the end and unify by order of the figureheads of the church of liberals. We are working as fast as we can to figure out who keeps busting up our life and arresting us. For some reason, the liberals want us to say Republican when we know it should not be like that. Our goal is to prosecute them and eradicate them.
Most people would be really pissed to hear their spouse is a prisoner to some stranger or group who has a long record and reputation for sex offenses. Not only does it have an affect on your mind but it pisses you off. Someone is telling you now your spouse is not a mystery to them any longer. Then when we throw the sink at them and fight them tooth and nail, this sadistic stalker rolls off what they had got and how they feel about your spouse. Your spouse is so mad she wants to get up off the ground and see if they are still doing it or what they are saying to her now that they are caught. You do not know who is more stupid, the stalker or the victim. Who is risking more and who should you be mad at or furious about? Who is willing to throw everything on the line to rape or be a victim of rape? Is this the devil or is this someone who wants to understand the devil? So how did anybody get raped to begin with and who gets balanced blame? They make it impossible to prosecute them.
It is when they are penetrated that control can be placed on the lower levels before the upper levels crumble as a cell. Then it shoved down our throat a scam for 700 billion and the idea they could take down the market system by extorting all the treasuries of the world. That is how deadly and dangerous liberalism and liberals are. These jackasses were still stomping on the floor and trying to tell us what to do up until October of 2008. The surge and massive push deep into enemy terrorism was about unification and the church of liberalism. We were being contacted by their figureheads to join up and to come under their pay structure. They had to make sure we had no other pay structure first. Now they think they are or can fool us into believing we are in error and how innocent they are while they refused to exonerate us and were begging and stating how they did not know what to do. You have to ask where the President and his administration have been.
"...her silence is deafening just as... you have done nothing when violence has been asserted... ask why in real time you do not repudiate this hatefulness, you act as if you are its victim... disgraceful, apparently you have not heard your own speeches... giving talking points to thirty of your field operatives... to emphasize bombings and terrorism, you haven't heard those volunteers... these people are speaking for you... lynch mob mentality as public figures with the power to influence and persuade... playing with fire and if they are not careful that fire will consume us all... your supporters are calling him a terrorist and traitor and calling for him to be killed and yet you keep bringing back these same... to deliberately stir these crowds into frenzies and then you take offense... for shouting fire in a crowded theater... you are not just a fraud but a tacitly inciting lunatics to violence, if you want to grandstand and suspend your campaign here is your big chance... suspend your campaign now until you or somebody else gets some control over it and it ceases to be a clear and present danger to the peace of this nation." - Keith Olbermann, MSNBC
One of the biggest hoodwinks was superimposing Reaganism on socialism. Reaganism was the standard scene so far for anti communism and conservatism. The next biggest hoodwinks was to deny the spearhead of proper defense from the US budget to a collection of security nations. Communism was dead but socialism was getting bigger. With the advent of satellite warfare and other small arms with a 150,000 mile of accuracy; trouble was immense. However, the denial of funds and the control over funds, socialism and debt was being lukewarmed into defense and national security. A total and complete hijacking was taking place and the interception of it was being denied, blocked, and ignored. Instead, they were pushing FDR style New Deal and LBJ style Great Society programs which were convoluting into the National Defense and security structure.
Why would I want to share my or our life with a stalker? Why would I invite a stalker into my life and ask a stalker to keep tabs on someone I loved? Why would I let someone who trashed our life back into my life when I never had feelings for them in the first place? I have never had feelings for them and wish them for dead. This is not what I had wanted or asked for. I did not ask anyone to stalk you and you did not ask them to stalk me, they did. Now they are pretending to be helpers to remain in our life. We still have no feelings for them regardless of how hard they try. I love you and thought they were finally gone, apparently they are not. They got quiet. Change my ass. Helper my ass also. They did not even bother to ask what I or you wanted or how we felt about them. You are not to blame and I am not to blame. I had no idea how big of a problem this was and how difficult it is to get them out of our life. They think we turned emotional on them. I am mad at the people doing it not who they are doing it to. It is like a sex offense, they blame the person they did it to regardless of what they did. I honestly feel they must be put down like a serial killer and a deranged stalker. I have never had to deal with and never seen any human being act so crazy and whacked out, just like a terrorist hit also. Sex offenses is not the problem, this is the devil.
You have to get the control of everything out of their hands and into the hands of the proper forces. These were traitors and liars, misfits to the cause. So long as they had control, they were flooding us with personnel and leadership then taking a cut off of it for liberalism and pork spending. Once we take it out of their hands, it is game over. We are dealing with pathological level lying here and they call it National Security and leadership. The control of information is now being used to blind the public and to spread this insider game of spying on each other and political prostitution. Security and access has to be out of their hands and control so long as this problem exists. It all goes back into the hands of the left wing and liberals while the right wing is blamed for being dishonest and socialists. That is a clear indication of a mole. We intercepted and ran into a socialist coup by the church of liberals.
We can only stop the good, the bad we must beat down and prepare for armed conflict or confrontation. Meanwhile, they are and will ram socialism and liberalism down our throats so that they will not be expelled or able to follow the news any longer. If they fail, then there is some bail out system or some tax dollar funded redistribution to catch their failure and put it back; however, it involves cooking the books and cannot last very long because the debt must be paid back. People are starting to catch on and who is doing it or why. Apostasy is not a crime but can be on others.
The stalker situation began to unfold from 2005 to 2008 when both Ann and I moved. The stalker situation was traced to the police and the authorities who were abusing their powers and surveillance privileges. The New York State Police made clear statements during emissary contact and harassment, “they were there to stay” regardless of the situation and extended it to threats and harassments, “we will sack anybody…” the New York State police also tried to ride the ongoing conflict with Rush Limbaugh and promoting multiculturalism. There were at least 20 to 30 investigations into the private life and affairs to establish a love connection or some infidelity perpetrated against her stalkers, they were angry they had been shut out and she was not interested. It is constant and ongoing harassment. Such the case with Rob Ryan, a country singer, who claims he had a beer with her randomly and lived in the same building. When Ann was asked she did not even know who and what the situation was about because it never occurred. It was some trick or tactic about drinking buddies which turned into living in the same building and spending nights up together. Sounds like another chapter of a fantasy by a stalker who has been giving us more attention and surveillance than we can beat them down about but they lie in the ground they sow. White and black males lie incessantly for some reason.
When the public and foreign treasuries go to collect their debts, they will threaten them with nuclear arms, conflict, and extort some deal so that they escape the convictions, maybe more debt. History has shown and proven there is no way to stop the bad besides armed rebellion, armed conflict, and the mightiest of military might. Even that is not good enough to beat down their narcissism and the fantasy of bad subordinates. It is a force you kill, not a force you put surveillance equipment in the hands of. They will give you the fight of your life because they are nothing more than domestic terrorists who are looking for a foreign war to be heroes to their cause.
Romance does not occur with stalkers and rapists no matter how much they lie and convince themselves. Sounds very romantic but it was all fantasy and the most bizarre behavior and lies. It sounds like a very deranged and very warped individual living in some false reality that nobody even knows about. Everybody is asking what the hell you are talking about. Out of all the rumors only Rob Ryan was fingered or surfaced; however, when asked and confronted he sounded like he consulted a lawyer and simply blew it off as a mere “exaggeration” and not a total lie and stunt. Ann could not even remember who the hell he was and never even happened. It is almost like a mafia blackout of silence ongoing but they were terrified the book would be widely read. We know liberals to not exonerate others and to view them as their prisoners like sadistic and masochist social paths who might even coincide with events to appear slightly true. What they do is live out the myth and the private fantasy to themselves. Some of these people were willing to pay large amounts of money for anything they could get. Like our slippery and elusive phantom they would turn around and declare themselves the champions over sex offenses. White and black males lie incessantly for some reason.
Liberals are always following others as bad subordinates. Now they are claiming to be more conservatives than the best of the best. Liberals always try to make the news and stalk others to get that quick punch to the headlines and it is very annoying because your work ends up as their work. It is just a bad subordinate who views others as their prisoners but refuse to exonerate them while following them and the news. Does it put a fright in others? It makes them homicidal and wishes them for dead. It makes them ask the almighty God himself to beat down his own followers who fake their misapprehensions and faith in themselves to beat everybody by gaining respect for them first. If it was a determination to knowledge and then applied to substance, then this is fine, but it is not and that is why they are bad subordinates. They are out to prove they are more conservative or liberal than anybody else, even while they are being expelled or entangled in a civil war and a bloody rebellion.
It is really annoying how not only the liberals were known for this drinking buddy and “no second date ever” issue along with photo ops, myth and rumors, and preposterous claims. Now we have the same problem with conservatives and the same church of liberals who refuse to crack down on bad subordinates. This drinking buddy and one time friendly date is a door which we can never get rid of and follows us all over for the rest of our life. It feels like if you let them in, you will never get rid of them or their presence. Their church but now it is a string of suspects from a media house called Clear Channel Communications. Right when all the bail outs were going on, they all got bonuses and their salaries tripled while suspects. Almost every single Clear Channel guru was a suspect of the drinking buddy scam along with some fantasy of a paid whore who they had some power over. Who is shutting who up and not telling the truth, they are all in hiding or playing some game how they are well paid whores trying to get a candidate elected or promoted. It sounds almost like extortion or some racketeering scam.
This effort to pound the nation and its inhabitants until they crumble is the intimidation and obligation of the problem of years past that came here for the same purposes. To break into the lives of the unborn and the living by making a life of tyranny and oppression their skewed and worthless religion; the liberals make a very rich life out of this tyranny and forced oppression with obligations for their liberalism, delusions, and communist lies. They need to hide and be careful with their words because they are behind enemy lines and soon will have no chance in hell. If they were acting in a manner to suggest otherwise, then in June of 2006; this information would have been in everybody’s life and they would be reading different versions of it. This was a conspiracy to save the skin of the leaders and let their followers drown in their blood. They did the same thing to us by refusing to exonerate us.
To: goldstategop
Ann...As a Pennsylvania I am deeply moved. You wrote a thoughtful, obviously well researched article regarding racism, in regards to public research polls, in the current Presidential election. You did all of this, Ms. Coulter, without mentioning the hotbed of racism in America today. Western Pennsylvania. Per US Congressman John Murtha, in a statement today, there is no place in the United States that is as racist as Western Pennsylvania. No place. Per Murtha, 0bama should be up 7,000,000 votes...if were not for racism here. Another great piece by Ann. It almost cheered me up. 22 posted on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 7:32:57 PM by PennsylvaniaMom (Who do you want in the White House...the Mommy or the Commie?) - From, Eighty-Four Percent Say They’d Never Lie to a Pollster blog -
What is the problem? Is it the politics, is it the police, is it the military, or is it poor people flooding here to steal everything and act dumb while doing it? We need to be exonerated and we need the prosecution and invasion of our life ended immediately before civil war erupts and these convictions escape. These crimes are crimes to the heavens and the most precious in life and those who commit them are not good but only wish to not exonerate us so we cannot stop the bad. God and substance can only stop the bad in this world, all else must be killed as communist.
The idea is how most liberals profess to political correctness while hiding their love of socialism and accuse others for blatant racism when it is not, it is dogma. Dogma says that if you do not do it this way and to the extreme, then it does not exist even if it does. That is also a delusional trick called trying to get your way all the time even if it is not true. Dogma defeats the truth but is applied in a manner to suggest a lie is taking place and a conspiracy to trick and fool. Hate is a process of racism and mostly oppression. However, there are times when you must beat people down and oppress them so that others can live who deserve to. That is not racism that is survival. Survival is a process of substance and god and if you do not bring to the table both determination to knowledge and the unity of this pursuit, chances are you will be beaten down badly by those who do. This is the problem with false liberals and their dogma, they resort to open symbols and acts but lack the determination and unity to seek knowledge and the truth. They are brain dead and worthless to religion and God.
In this game of survival, there is no cohesive or coherent choice, either we kill or we get killed in civil war. Either this nation beats down this evil or it will beat us down and take over this world. Worse, they will have all the weapons to do so. We have already caught them spying and trying to spy about taking these weapons. With the stakes the way they are, there is a zero tolerance on lies pertaining to the subject matter. We hope they cooperate and provide the details to dismantle this mountain of evil and this communist and terrorist spy cell we kept running into and were abducted by. If they do not cooperate, there will be civil war and they will be accountable for all who are injured or was injured.
So far they sent us a kindergarten kid and expect us to deem that as an acceptable scapegoat. They have no choice, they are being expelled and legally for conspiracy. What they did was in such gross error and so evil, they must remain in hiding now until forever. Any further attempts to acquire weapons and we will be forced to take them out for the idea they wish to proliferate socialism and make us crumble with lies and deceit. How they get classified information, security access, and clearance with such gross error and such death penalty convictions is unmistakably insanity. We hold and will prosecute those responsible for this breach in substance and God accountable with the death penalty. They are merely stealing from the lives of the unborn and those who are currently substance. Their game is to hold us prisoner while refusing to exonerate us in order to engage in the most sadistic behavior on earth.
The problem is how the process of expelling the long history of regrets and long history of problems has been impeded by money. In a capitalist system, it takes money to make action. So this problem is and was money. Who and what do we know is behind the skittish ballyhoos and the crisis with financial fraud and voter fraud. It is a dirt stupid problem and it is cronies of people who do it only for prosperity. We find out that prosperity is a church and it is being protected by communism, socialism, and terrorism because it is imploding by super socialism. Is there any security and protections? Do we need a new police force? Who opened every single door for them to just walk into our life? Consider the “bail out” of 700 billion dollars. If ten or twenty years ago a bill was before Congress to allocate 700 billion dollars so that everybody who could not get a mortgage would be given a chance to have a mortgage, where would they be today? These mortgages broke every rule of fiancé and then ended up breaking the entire global financial market. The bill would have never passed but ten or twenty years later, the same bill would, why? It is the same threat and the same people end up with the money. So what you cannot pass through Congress you form Enron like companies who place such tremendous burdens on the banking system and the financial markets, its own existence is wiped away by accounting fraud. This happened already but it did not affect every global market or cause trillions of loss income and wealth.
Debate: A Bresh of Freath Air!
Posted Tuesday, October 14, 2008 3:12 AM by Mickey Kaus
USA Today editorializes against "card check." The more attention this issue gets, the less chance it has of passing, you'd think. It's hard to defend getting rid of the secret ballot in public. ... I'd like to see Obama try it. (Since he's for "card check," shouldn't he be asked to explain his position?) ... 5:10 P.M. – From Mickey Kaus on “Secret Ballots”,, Kaus Files -
Dirt stupid people will never have the right blend or the perfect blend of that management to make life work well and smoothly. Instead, they bury us with legal problems. They hijack our life and steal our words, work, soul, life, and reason for living unless we can get rid of them. That is their entire point of doing this to begin with, to figure out if we can get rid of them or beat them in civil war. So if this is a good measure of what is to come, then expect what they have burdened this world with, civil war. The process of expelling them has been blown up by the socialists. The political system has been hijacked by the socialists, top gun scavengers, and radicals. It is prosperity and the process of expelling this enemy. Enemies are easy to identify, nobody has feelings for them; they are deranged and have feelings for us, otherwise, they would not be in our life. So why is this liberal church plagued with sexual offenses? How about giving us choice and consent? How about getting beaten until exonerating us or letting go of these convictions. Apostasy is not a crime but can be on others.
The Secret Service is not defending the nation and doing their job, it is a dereliction of duty to have the nation pounded by until it crumbles or until socialism is rammed down our throats to extort some possibility that the bad in this world and their obligations cannot be stopped because the Secret Service is on the job. If the Secret Service are the ones who are sacking our bank accounts or blowing up our mortgages so they can have a nice pension and salary, then they should step down or be prosecuted just like the people who cooked the books or were instruments of deceit for Enron and Adelphia. They all worked glove in hand to take down their own careers and future.
How about exonerating us and letting us go to do as we choose? How about letting us respond and retaliate? How about us beating down and killing the devil once and for all? Either the expelling process be restored or a bloody revolution is the only answer and force because this dirt stupid and angry characteristics “strike back” and “retaliate.” Those are liberals because they never allow others to respond or strike back. They come in your life, they refuse to leave, they turn your life upside down, they declare themselves victims, they bury you in legal problems and demand money, they deny you the right to work, they cause every financial problem possible, and then their leaders flaunt how rich and how prosperous life can be on the other side. It is going to take a bloody revolution to cure this problem with prosperity because there is nobody watching the store.
There's a lot of frustration among conservatives over how Barack Obama's radical past seems to be making no impact whatsoever among the American public. His connection to communists in particular, from communist-terrorists like Bill Ayers to the communist agitator-journalist Frank Marshall Davis to fellow travelers like Saul Alinsky, has simply failed to resonate beyond the political right. Quite the contrary, the more information that becomes available on Obama's radical associations, the more he seems to widen his lead over John McCain, a man who was tortured by communists in Vietnam. I understand these frustrations completely. I'm also not surprised. I have seen for quite some time that although we won the Cold War -- and defeated the Soviet communist empire -- America is vulnerable to varying degrees of collectivism, wealth redistribution, "creeping socialism" (Ronald Reagan's phrase), class-warfare rhetoric, and generally milder, more palatable (but still dangerous) forms of disguised Marxism. Why? How? The answer is simple: The history and truth about communism is not taught by our educators. That total failure to remind and understand means that Americans are painfully vulnerable to repeat mistakes that should have been forever tossed onto the ash-heap of history. - “Why Obama’s Communist Connections are not Headlines” by Paul Kengor, October 10, 2008 -
We know that the left wing, liberals, and socialism and communism are bankrupt. Liberalism and the left wing is a bankrupt movement. When their personality and problems seep into the right wing, the right wing will also be doomed. Liberalism, socialism, and communism since 1989 have been the architects of a new socialism identified by the fall of communism as super socialism. However, their leaders are not but they are exploring how far and what they can banal and begetting about if they cause others to go bankrupt.
ABC News’ Matthew Jaffe Reports: Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., on Sunday guaranteed that if elected, Sen. Barack Obama., D-Ill., will be tested by an international crisis within his first six months in power and he will need supporters to stand by him as he makes tough, and possibly unpopular, decisions. “Mark my words,” the Democratic vice presidential nominee warned at the second of his two Seattle fundraisers Sunday. “It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.” …“Gird your loins,” Biden told the crowd. “We’re gonna win with your help, God willing, we’re gonna win, but this is not gonna be an easy ride. This president, the next president, is gonna be left with the most significant task. It’s like cleaning the Augean stables, man. This is more than just, this is more than – think about it, literally, think about it – this is more than just a capital crisis, this is more than just markets. This is a systemic problem we have with this economy.” - Biden to Supporters: “Gird Your Loins”, For the Next President “It’s Like Cleaning Augean Stables”, posted at, October 20, 2008 -
The pandering delights of the leaders of the not so free anymore world want to know how much danger they are truly in by holding prisoners and bankrupting them while holding them prisoners. What will happen is civil war and what will happen is a very quick end to their rampage. When you are drowning and you grab the lifeguards or the rescuers and pull them down, expect to be beating and pushed down. Expect your life to end because they will not be in any mood for lunacy, defiance, or any threat whatsoever. They need to stay out of the life of others and respect the privacy of others, but liberals claim they respect all things, just not the truth.
Mental disorder characterized by extreme self-absorption, an exaggerated sense of self-importance, and a need for attention and admiration from others. First identified by Havelock Ellis in 1898, the disorder is named for the mythological Narcissus, who fell in love with his own reflection. In addition to an inflated self-image and addiction to fantasy, narcissism is characterized by an unusual coolness and composure, which is shaken only when the narcissistic confidence is threatened, and by the tendency to take others for granted or to exploit them. According to Sigmund Freud, narcissism is a normal stage in children's development, but it is considered a disorder when it occurs after puberty. - Britannica Concise Encyclopedia: narcissism,
The reason why race is a big idea on the minds of liberals, the left wing, and the narcissist movement is because it has always been the rock bed of communism and rejected badly. Communism and liberalism makes others homicidal. Liberalism causes people to become homicidal but they do not call it communism. It is common knowledge of this and needs no evidence to allude or suggest anything other. There is no reason to argue it either because it is common knowledge but to lie in the face of others about being a liar, destroying their life, being a traitor and enemy, and invading their life is another matter for another chapter in time. For now, we must focus about what will happen when the socialists and communist pull off some scam or diabolical plan to keep us under siege, crumble, and swim to their life guard or life raft.
GIRD YOUR LOINS! - Biden: Obama Will Be Tested Immediately: "And he’s gonna need help. And the kind of help he’s gonna need is, he’s gonna need you - not financially to help him - we’re gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it’s not gonna be apparent initially, it’s not gonna be apparent that we’re right.” "I’ve forgotten more about foreign policy than most of my colleagues know, so I’m not being falsely humble with you. I think I can be value added, but this guy has it,” - Ann Coulter,, October 22, 2008, 1:25 PM -
Race exposed socialism and communism. Since the 1960s race has always exposed liberalism for the blame they are using to advance what they themselves are doing. So if they call you evil, then it means they are evil. If they call you racist, then it means you are a racist. Race has always exposed the liberals and the left wing. Race took down communism and socialism and it has been extremely evident since the 1960s. Communism and race is like an incendiary device or some kryptonite because it has to do with family values and the future of the unborn. Race is a very family oriented idea and very inclined to war and fighting to the death for the future of the unborn. Liberalism, communism, and socialism is more concerned and panicked about bankrupting others and finding out what type of retaliation and criminal charges they can levy on everybody who complains about them. They are literally the walking dead in this world. These people can say anything they wish or make any claim they want, they are the walking dead.
OBAMA GAVE $1,968,718 GRANT TO COMMUNIST - Another Communist in Obama’s Orb: Andrew McCarthy: Meet Michael Klonsky, Obama's "social justice" education expert. Klonsky was a regular guest of the Chicoms until 1981, when the relationship soured over the post-Mao leadership’s free-market reforms. (Yes, Klonsky is apparently more committed to communism than China’s own Communist Party.) So what was a Leftist radical without platform to do? Why, what else? He became an American college professor specializing in education. - Ann Coulter,, October 22, 2008, 1:37 PM -
Socialism has taken down race policies and political correctness. It has exposed the same problem with race and communism. By pushing socialism and communism to achieve civil war, the communists and socialists actually made things worse. They exposed race as what pulled the curtain on communism and socialism. It has always been the fact well before the 1960s that communist spymasters of the world were using race as a end all of all to this world due to the same problem of narcissistic bigotry they beset onto the world and unleashed with preposterous greed. Greed fed armies and boosted the accuracy of bullets and bombs.
Insecure: 1. Not sure or certain; doubtful: unemployed and facing an insecure future. 2. Inadequately guarded or protected; unsafe: A shortage of military police made the air base insecure. 3. Not firm or fixed; unsteady: an insecure foothold. 4. a. Lacking stability; troubled: an insecure relationship. b. Lacking self-confidence; plagued by anxiety: had always felt insecure at parties.
Apostasy is not a crime. Narcissism is not a crime. Delusions are not a crime. Whacked out liberals and left wing radicals is not a crime. What is a crime are the actions they create and violate on others. What is a crime is what they do to their own nation and burn down their own neighborhood. What is a crime is also how they do this. These people are worthless and they make an industry and a rather good living on their narcissism so long as socialism and communism does not kill them first or bankrupt them. Liberalism and the left wing is a bankrupt movement. When they personality and problems seep into the right wing, the right wing will also be doomed. Liberalism, socialism, and communism since 1989 have been the architects of a new socialism identified by the fall of communism as super socialism.
A pattern of traits and behaviors which signify infatuation and obsession with one's self to the exclusion of all others and the egotistic and ruthless pursuit of one's gratification, dominance and ambition. Most narcissists (75%) are men. NPD is one of a "family" of personality disorders (formerly known as "Cluster B"). Other members: Borderline PD, Antisocial PD and Histrionic PD. NPD is often diagnosed with other mental health disorders ("co-morbidity") - or with substance abuse, or impulsive and reckless behaviors ("dual diagnosis"). NPD is new (1980) mental health category in the Diagnostic and Statistics Manual (DSM)… NPD is treated in talk therapy (psychodynamic or cognitive-behavioral). The prognosis for an adult narcissist is poor, though his adaptation to life and to others can improve with treatment. Medication is applied to side-effects and behaviors (such as mood or affect disorders and obsession-compulsion) - usually with some success. - Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), Definition, Fact Sheet and Tips, -
Super socialism is the idea that government is needed to regulate and redistribute wealth so that the market can and must survive. The reason for this is because liberalism and the left wing is a bankrupt movement. It is and has always been but they fear the idea that if they do harm on their nation, they will be expelled and made to suffer. The fact is, they will suffer and nobody is kidding around with them. They view them as traitors, sneaky liars, and worse traitors. They might accuse others of the same but by far, they are the worst and the true and authentic ones. If they had abandoned race, socialism, communism, and liberalism; nobody would be accused of being traitorous, defiant, rebellious, deviant, or fighting their insecurity and failure.
In his article "On the Origin of the 'Influencing Machine' in Schizophrenia" (1919), Victor Tausk argued that the libido, at the beginnings of mental life, corresponded to an "objectless" period (p. 47). The formation of the ego was thus associated with the discovery of the object and corresponded to the development of the sense of reality. Tausk posited the existence of a psychic narcissism that renewed itself "with each new acquisition of the ego," contrasting it with an "organic narcissism that guarantees in the unconscious the unity and functioning of the organism…For Andreas-Salomé, narcissism defined physical being, unifying internal and external processes... Several later authors contributed significantly to the discussion of narcissism. Although there was no place in Melanie Klein's theory for autoeroticism or narcissism, her descriptions of infantile omnipotence and megalomania provided important insights for the clinical understanding of narcissistic states. In 1963, writing on the psychopathology of narcissism, Herbert Rosenfeld (1965) was especially concerned to arrive at a better definition of object-relationships and their attendant defense mechanisms in narcissism. The study of therapeutic factors led him later to analyze the influence of narcissism on the work of the psychoanalyst. He drew attention to the existence, alongside the libidinal aspect of narcissism, of a destructive narcissism related to the death instinct. - Psychoanalysis: Narcissism,
Narcissism and insecurity lead to delusions and we know delusions cause pain and violence on human beings. They are polar opposites but act very similar in canceling each other out and weaker forces. When they clash, the stronger force wins. As a perfectionist, we do not see perfection as a crime, a debilitating error, a logical preference, or a cultural norm. Perfectionism can be related to obsessive compulsive personalities who over duplicate what is overkill because they cannot recognize reality itself. A computer program must be perfect but it must also be compact and efficient so overkill or redundancy is not affordable. Thus, there are tricks such as recursion and algorithms which compress and compact it to an encrypted level which must be unraveled before it is pure machine language.
White and black males lie incessantly. If you want to blame someone for the problems of the United States of America or the world, then it is fair to say that both white and black males lies incessantly. Did that sound right? If you wish to blame someone then you must hold the feet of both white and black males to the fire for liberal lies. It is the delusion and the bizarre win at all cost of Keith Doberman. Let's recap what Dobermann said: thugs and psychos, done nothing, act as if you are a victim, haven't heard own speeches, emphasize terrorists and bombings, speaking for you, lynch mob mentality, playing with fire, and suspend your campaign now before... and what did William Ayers say? Ayer says this, "Bring the war home..." by any means necessary. If you want to blame someone look at the white and black male.
When you add narcissism and insecurity to perfectionism you will have a bug or an error message. The algorithm will not work and perfectionism or the code will not unravel properly. Both narcissism and insecurity is the root cause of an evil and violence on others. Specifically, narcissists live by greed and a “me only” way to life. Input from others is blocked out. Narcissists always want others to bend and crumble for them and their agenda or goals. They will never state the goals or state the hidden nature of their greed, but they just do it all the time. That agenda is liberalism and me only but try to tell them the truth and see what will happen. Narcissists look very dandy and even appear normal at times but they can be very negative and debilitating, the word is dandyism, “A dandy is a man who places particular importance upon physical appearance, refined language, and the cultivation of leisurely hobbies. Some dandies...strove to affect aristocratic values even though many came from common backgrounds. Thus, a dandy could be considered a kind of snob." - Dandyism,
If you decide to vote black and then support both Kenya and Israel, then it is your future about the United States. Here is the problem with the Election of 2008, the nation is doomed regardless of who you vote for. So all we worry about is security and war. When the games and the slap fight is over, it is time to shoot. No matter who you choose, someone has to be blamed and be punished. That is the magic of the world we live in, it demands accountability. Who do you wish to blame, the one making the problem or the one exposing it and maybe fixing it? Everybody is shooting and hooting about it, but does Obama make the suffering sooner rather than later? A good start for blame would be both white and black males who made race such a problem and no matter who you choose the nasty endless suffering will be quick short and brutal.
Insecurity is the same façade. The façade is a kind heart and overlooking the principles and substantive approach to ask what others want or need. Narcissists are worried about what others truly want, ask for, ask from them, or what they do not want and need. Stupidity is a very hard form of insecurity. Stupidity can literally paralyze the body and in warfare lead to death or paralysis. The worst and most debilitating problem with insecurity is it forces others into a precarious situation and unnecessary danger because of that insecurity. The way to socialize or cover over that insecurity is to pretend a future is possible or the future of the unborn is safe with them in it. Insecurity is a mindset of pretend, fantasy, myth, error, and debilitating stupidity.
With an African-American running for president this year, there has been a lot of chatter about the "Bradley effect," allowing the media to wail about institutional racism in America. Named after Tom Bradley… the Bradley effect says that black candidates will poll much stronger than the actual election results. First of all, if true, this is the opposite of racism: It is fear of being accused of racism. For most Americans, there is nothing more terrifying than the prospect of being called a racist. It's scarier than flood or famine, terrorist attacks or flesh-eating bacteria. To some, it's even scarier than "food insecurity." Political correctness has taught people to lie to pollsters rather than be forced to explain why they're not voting for the African-American. - “Eighty-Four Percent Say They’d Never Lie to a Pollster” by Ann Coulter, October 15, 2008 -
The politician you are giving money to and talking back to you is probably one or the other. They are the only ones who are stupid and crazy enough to say the things they say. Most likely, they are nothing more than an idiot with ambitions. You must test them and maybe use race to expose whether they are socialist or communists. Race and socialism and communism do not mix. It has been speculated that socialists and communist use race as an excuse to promote socialism and communism as if race broke the world and made it bankrupt. The world is broke but race did not make it go broke, socialism and communism did. Race is not narcissism or insecurity but it can lead to actions and violence on others which will be a crime.
It was perhaps Augustine of Hippo who first coined the phrase Incurvatus in se. This was later popularized and expounded upon by Martin Luther and Karl Barth who assert that because of Original Sin, human beings are focused on pleasing themselves and abusing the gifts of God for their own purposes and that to this end, people create all sorts of idols and means by which they may glorify themselves...Martin Luther characterised love not as a drive, but as an experience that comes to man. When asked if that also applied to love of self, he replied that it did, identifying such love as "incurvatus in se ipsum" or "love that is bent towards self" which Jan Lindhart compares with "the Narcissus of Greek mythology, who fell in love with his own reflection" and concludes that that, "In this way, sentiment remains determined by its object" - Incurvatus in Se,
Power, influence, love, and victory do not come out of the heavens. It can take countries centuries to achieve power and influence and much less time to loose it. Therefore, narcissism may take you there but insecurity will keep you from losing it because losing power, wealth, and life can flash before our eyes overnight. If tragedy strikes, some people and some nations recover while some other never recovers. Insecurity and narcissism are changing and transforming personality disorders when taken out of context or contest. When you have a contest you have struggle. When you have context you either have consent or hostility. If you have a problem with both contest and context, then there is really something odd going on maybe a total failure or a single point of failure.
Most people seek a soul mate to love them unconditionally. But those who need such acceptance most—the terminally insecure—often sabotage their own chances at bliss. When we're feeling low, we often regain confidence through a mate's love and support. Unfortunately, says Sandra Murray, Ph.D., people who suffer from low self-esteem assume that their loved ones notice their glaring faults more than their redeeming virtues. In four experiments, Murray and colleagues asked subjects to think of a time they'd disappointed their partner. Finally, subjects answered a questionnaire assessing the strength of their partner's love and their feelings for him or her. Mulling over the past incident led insecure subjects to report that their mate did not accept them as they were. Ironically, insecure people seemed to push away a possible source of reassurance by thinking less of their loved ones. Afraid of rejection, the less confident fear that their partners will get wind of their flaws, explains Murray, of the State University of New York at Buffalo. They try to distance themselves before they get dumped. "People with low self-esteem are doubly at risk" of feeling vulnerable in a relationship, she says. "They tend to believe their partner's regard is conditional." Luckily, says Murray, stable relationships are known to boost self-esteem. So the longer the insecure person hangs on to a loving partner, the less likely she is to drive him away. - The Trouble with Insecurity, by Jeff Howe, Psychology Today Magazine May/Jun 1999, -
The belligerent or the debilitating factor to the mismatch in this wedding of narcissism has to do with love and this build up in a relationship with another human being who is either a simple acquaintance or a more than precious acquaintance. If you look up and research narcissism, there are a lot of explanations of it such as cultures of narcissism or evolutionary narcissism where humans obtain symbols of wealth and power. It causes the determination of hostility to increase by an every changing idea that this belongs to someone less special or is that special. "Evidence for assortative mating among humans is well established; humans mate assortatively regarding age, IQ, height, weight, nationality, educational and occupational level, physical and personality characters and family relatedness. In the “self seeking like” hypothesis, individuals unconsciously look for a mirror image of themselves in others, seeking criteria of beauty or reproductive fitness in the context of self-reference." - Narcissism in evolutionary psychology,
The politician you are giving money to and talking back to you is probably one or the other. They are the only ones who are stupid and crazy enough to say the things they say. Most likely, they are nothing more than an idiot with ambitions. You must test them and maybe use race to expose whether they are socialist or communists. Race and socialism and communism do not mix. It has been speculated that socialists and communist use race as an excuse to promote socialism and communism as if race broke the world and made it bankrupt. The world is broke but race did not make it go broke, socialism and communism did. Race is not narcissism or insecurity but it can lead to actions and violence on others which will be a crime.
Lest we forget, the man to whom Mr. Biden compared Obama, John Kennedy, failed his test so miserably that he brought the world to the brink of nuclear war. Isn’t this yet another reason not to elect such an inexperienced man as President? “It’s gonna take a little bit of time, so I ask you to stay with us. Stay with us.” Sort of like the way the Democrats stayed with George Bush after 9/11. “I’ve forgotten more about foreign policy than most of my colleagues know…” Mr. Biden is a dangerously deluded buffoon. And he is supposed to supply the reassuring balance to this preposterous ticket. And what does that say about the judgment of the man who picked him as a running mate? – Ann Coulter, October 20, 2008 -
We are glad our best friends wish to promote us and view us as their prisoner. When they are ready to exonerate us, let us know. Until then, every one of them and their supervisors should be avoided or held accountable. Anybody who is affiliated with them or has knowledge of a conscious and venerable attempt to force this on others, ram it down their throats, or use it on them so they crumble should be exposed or expelled, which ever one comes first. Their supervisors and anyone affiliated with them, who has special knowledge or control; such as their boss, collegians, gurus, puppet masters, church, or anybody tainted responsible has no excuse why this is present and such a pervasive problem.
After a two hour talk, Ann was asked if I had ever in 20 years once crucified her? She knows I would kill myself if I ever did treat her like that. Then she was asked if I was crucifying her or unfairly crucifying her she said yes. She said she understands when she goes out, how I would feel. She said she also does not like it when I go out and she has to stay at home. She said I was way ahead of her but it was okay. She said she took second fiddle to the wild lifestyle but tried to show some interest in going out and not be boring. Just good clean fun but it did not turn out that way because the “jack booted thugs showed up.” Women are homey and can be viewed as boring. Then she said that an army of private investigators were hired to dig up anything on her such as parties, boyfriends, old acquaintances, etc… she would feed them disinformation to make them upset and declare there was nothing on her. Now they find out she had been taken 20 years ago and they know we are closer than even their own spouses. How did it slip their radar? The private investigators fed the myth they know people and know how to judge people and they do not. It is a guess of imbeciles. Why won’t they exonerate anybody?
This is not a lie or about money. There is 20 trillion dollars in debt. We just witnessed the doubling of the national debt from 2000 to 2008. We have just witness the worst betrayal from the Bush administration to the Republicans ever seen. We need exoneration not to be blamed for dirt stupid people. Do not call yourself conservative or Republican until you are prepared and ready to exonerate us for being viewed as some prized trophy or prisoner. We will throw the kitchen sink at you. Right now the entire hierarchy is tainted and the entire government faces doom, but who is to be blamed for the downfall of the United States? 12,000 terrorist hits and no accountability is one thing but no exoneration while we have liberals clanging their swords about a bloody civil war or socialism for them is a ridiculous and preposterous deranged traitor beaten down and not ready to quit by refusing to exonerate us and clinging to our life and existence.
“Every Lie” by My Darkest Days
Where did you sleep the night before?
You said that you're self home stayin'
But I can't believe you anymore
So now you can just stop lying because I can't stay
Surrounded by every lie you told me
Now you wanna take the time why would you
Now you wanna make it right how could you
Because I can't stay surrounded by every lie
I can't take it anymore
Now that we both start tryin'
And I don't need you remorse
Now that our trust is dyin' and I can't stay
Surrounded by every lie you told me
Now you wanna take the time why would you
Now you wanna make it right how could you
Because I can't stay surrounded by every lie
Every lie you told me
Now you wanna take the time why would you
Now you wanna make it right how could you
Because I can't stay surrounded by every lie
Trying to undo the love life I’m tied to
I'll always remember
With every lie you told me
Now you wanna take the time why would you
Now you wanna make it right how could you
Because I can't stay surrounded by every lie
Every lie you told me
Now you wanna take the time why would you
Now you wanna make it right how could you
Because I can't stay surrounded by every lie
“Prayer” lyrics by Disturbed
Another dream that will never come true
Just to compliment your sorrow
Another life that I've taken from you
A gift to add on to your pain and suffering
Another truth you can never believe
Has crippled you completely
All the cries you're beginning to hear
Trapped in your mind, and the sound is deafening
Let me enlighten you
This is the way I pray
Living just isn't hard enough
Burn me alive inside-eh
Living my life's not hard enough
Take everything away
Another nightmare about to come true
Will manifest tomorrow
Another love that I've taken from you
Lost in time, on the edge of suffering
Another taste of the evil I breed
Will level you completely
Bring to life everything that you fear
Live in the dark, and the world is threatening
Let me enlighten you
This is the way I pray
Living just isn't hard enough
Burn me alive inside-eh
Living my life's not hard enough
Take everything away
Reach out to me, reach out to me, reach out to me, reach me no one
Turn to me, return to me, return to me, turn to me, cast aside
Return to me, return to me, return to me, turn to me, leave me no one
Turn to me, return to me, return to me, you make me turn away
Living just isn't hard enough
Burn me alive inside-eh
Living my life's not hard enough
They take everything away
(Repeat chorus to end)
“The Game” lyrics by Disturbed
Tell me exactly what am I supposed to do
Now that I have allowed you to beat me
Do you think that we could play another game?
Maybe I could win this time
I kind of like the misery you put me through
Darling' you can trust me, completely
If you even try to look the other way
I think that I could kill this time
Rah! Rah!
Rah! Rah!
It doesn't really seem I'm getting through to you
Though I see you weeping so sweetly
I think that you might have to take another taste
A little bit of hell this time
Rah! Rah!
Lie to me
Rah! Rah!
Lie to me
Is she not right?
Is she insane?
Will she now
Run for her life in the battle that ends this day
Is she not right?
Is she insane?
Will she now
Run for her life now that she lied to me
You always wanted people to remember you
To leave your little mark on society
Don't you know your wish is coming true today?
Another victim dies tonight
Rah! Rah!
Lie to me
Rah! Rah!
Lie to me
Is she not right?
Is she insane?
Will she now
Run for her life in the battle that ends this day
Is she not right?
Is she insane?
Will she now
Run for her life now that she lied to me
Rum biddy num-bum-bah-din-dah
Rum biddy nah-nah-din-dooo
Rum biddy num-bum-bah-din-dah
Rum biddy nah-nah bah-din-dooo
(Keep repeating)
Is she really
Telling lies again?
Doesn't she realize?
She’s in danger?
The little b@tch, she went and she told a LIE!
And now she will never tell another a LIE!
The little b@tch she went and she told a LIE!
Never f@cking lies to me!
“Conflict” lyrics by Disturbed
You are enemy
You are my hated enemy
I am enemy
A number one rated enemy
I'm a labeled, enemy
I am your mortal enemy
My actions, enemy
Make me your bitter enemy
All the world around enemy, ow ow
They're tearing up the ground enemy, ow ow
They're drawn in by the sound
Enemy, enemy I must eliminate my enemy ow ow
Enemy ow ow
Enemy ow ow
Enemy, enemy, I must eliminate my enemy
Your people, enemy
My people hated enemy
What are you, enemy?
The well created enemy
I terminate the, enemy
I eradicate the hated enemy
I am an, enemy
My very greatest enemy
You try to tell me that you love life
And find another way to kill life
You try to tell me that you love life
Then find another way to kill life
You try to tell me that you love life
And find another way to kill life
To tell me that you love life
And find another way to kill
Love life
And needing
Kill life
Love life
And needing
Kill life
Enemy, Enemy, Enemy
Enemy! Enemy! Enemy! Enemy! Enemy!
You try to tell me that you (enemy!) love life
And find another way (enemy!) to kill life
You try to tell me that you (enemy!) love life
And find another way (enemy!) to kill
Enemy! Enemy! Enemy! Enemy!
“Greed” lyrics by Godsmack
Two faced!
I feel you crawling under my skin
Sickened by your face
By the way, to think that you're so f’ing kind?
You ain't!
Hard to find how I feel, especially when you're smothering me
Hard to find how I feel, please someone help me!
I knew when an angel whispered into my ear,
You gotta get him away,
Hey little beach!
Be glad you finally waked away or you may have not lived anther day.
Hard to find how I feel, especially when you're smothering me
Hard to find how I feel, please someone help me
Hard to find how I feel, controlling me every step of the way
Hard to find how I feel, you greedy little baby
“Keep Away” lyrics by Godsmack
Sickness spilling through your eyes,
Craving everything that you thought was alive (hive hive hive).
Stab me in my heart again,
Drag me through your wasted life,
Are you forever dead?
Do like I told you
Stay away from me
Never misunderstand me
Keep away from me.
Twisting everything around that you say, yeah
Smack me in my mouth 200 times every other day, ooooh
Rag me I don’t hear you anymore, ah yeah
Not yet, find out what it means to me
I don’t know who you are.
Do like I told you
Stay away from me
And NEVER misunderstand me, yeah
Dragging on so lonely aren’t you tired baby, yeah
Breathing life into your lungs,
Are you immune to me?
Oh yeah yeah yeah
Do like I told you
Stay away from me
And NEVER misunderstand me
Keep away from me
Never misunderstand me, ah yeah yeah yeah yeah.
“Psychotic” lyrics by Econoline Crush
There's something in the air
Doesn't feel right
Voices in my head
Shadows in the light
Lookin' for attention
Comin' back with pain
I don't think your intentions
Doin' right by me
Over and over and over and over again
Over and over and over and over again
You're psychotic
I'm sufferin'
Take all you can
'Til nothin' is left
Kickin', screamin',
Fightin' again
You're so sick, sick, sick
(Repeat chorus again)
There's somethin' in your eyes
You're so far away
Startin' to despise
Way that you behave
All my preminitions
What lies ahead
You and your deceptions
Crawl into my bed
You're psychotic
I'm sufferin'
Take all you can
'Til nothin' is left
Kickin', screamin',
Fightin' again
You're so sick, sick, sick
You're psychotic
I'm sufferin'
Take all you can
'Til nothin' is left
Kickin', screamin',
Fightin' again
You're so sick, sick, sick