There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

Enter key words, topic, or specific references to posted chapters...

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Ten years ago we ran into a very large, violent, and panicked monolith we describe as a communist and terrorist cell trying whole heartedly to recruit and conscript us. Ten years later, that monolith did not stop, go away, or was eradicated. Twenty years later, the same applies but now we were even worse off, mortally wounded, in dire straits, cahoots lost and searching for partners, ready to drop the bomb on them for either entertainment value or an educational experience. As a matter of fact, they got a few promotions because they stole some of our work and was using it to their ends. It was this obligation to keep them alive and strong while they ate up and destroyed just about everything trying to prove they were not inferior or some breed of menace hidden from plain sight. They are still out there, they are still doing it, and they do not have a clue what their problem is or how to fix it.

The magic of marksmanship at long distances is the enemies’ inability to reach you let alone see you. They will never impede on psychic powers and too dirt stupid to ever acquire any. You can see them but they cannot see you. When your marksmanship is at 50,000 miles or even 100,000 miles, you know they are completely blind while you talk to them and play with them in the mean and sick way you know they live their lie.

Let’s hope the protected class is not a special elite bladder of hollow and urethral nit picky stupid serial sphincter assassin trying to beat the ugly out of those who are intelligent and rational. There will be periodic flashbacks of a previous chapter in this book written almost a year ago called “The Study of Serial Killers and the Leftist Movement” which scientifically explains the pathology of the most difficult killers this world has yet to become blessed with or frustrated by. These flashbacks are to remind the reader of who we are dealing with and standing off with. We have ten years living under the captivity of this kidnapper and megalomaniacal ambitious coward. This study in serial killers was a personal pursuit of over twenty years in length and dates back to the 1980s and formal police science courses in college. Back then it was limited to a few novels by Thomas Harris and psychology classes behind criminality and personality deviances.

I was a protégé against my will. Hand chosen by Generals, they trace a few of them to the LBJ years and Vietnam. They just snatched us up and made us some prisoner. My fate was to marry Ann and she came to DC. I could not shake off the liberals and began dating the people who I was not able to shake off. I told Ann everything and what they were up to or looking for, not marriage, to spy on us. This was a set up and a flood of disappointment. It is not as if they are going to tell us what they are up to so we have to find out. Ann does not lead or take the initiative; she always trails and follows my lead. We huddle and decide and we discuss everything before we even implement it. Dating was one of those factors because males have a different biology but we were conscripted and behind enemy lines; in serious trouble and under a terrorist hit. We had to hurry to figure out who was behind it and stop them or get in their face to make them stop. My father and her father had developed the entire South Vietnamese police during the Vietnam War and were linked by US embassy contacts. We woke up under attack by those who opposed this and still are, NOW.

Serial killers are typically white, educated, and aloof who do not fit any profile of a monster or an ugly scary troll:

The profiles of serial killers indicate 90% are white males from middle to lower class backgrounds. Most have above average intelligence with the ability to assimilate into society and achieve stable livelihoods. Serial killers were described as intelligent but with “astute difficulty in focusing.” Basically, a serial killer resembles the character profile of white collar perpetrators who possess the skills needed to elude capture from the authorities and to camouflage the appearance of ideal citizens. Unlike white collar criminals, serial killers come from tormented childhoods where they experience psychological, physical, or sexual abuse early on in their lives. This chaotic or broken family structure usually has elements of psychiatric problems, alcoholic problems, or even criminal element forms.

There is no sum of money to fix this or to subsidize their life or false liberal religious convictions. It is that dangerous and they get that deranged and angry. This is not a god damn safe haven for criminals and terrorists who are devout to overthrow the government they have already infested. This is also not help but help that is silent and hurts when it also silences the truth. This is a demented and a deranged liar whose convictions are very close to serial killer pathology. They are not audacious; they are suicidal and worse is their fanatical finance or economy, it is death. Fix what, people are fighting in the streets over mortgages and interests rates, not what we are accustomed to such as a gang war or a mob family.

Before the Democrats' affirmative action lending policies became an embarrassment, the Los Angeles Times reported that, starting in 1992, a majority-Democratic Congress "mandated that Fannie and Freddie increase their purchases of mortgages for low-income and medium-income borrowers. Operating under that requirement, Fannie Mae, in particular, has been aggressive and creative in stimulating minority gains." Under Clinton, the entire federal government put massive pressure on banks to grant more mortgages to the poor and minorities. Clinton's secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Andrew Cuomo, investigated Fannie Mae for racial discrimination and proposed that 50 percent of Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's portfolio be made up of loans to low- to moderate-income borrowers by the year 2001. …Now, at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars, middle-class taxpayers are going to be forced to bail out the Democrats' two most important constituent groups: rich Wall Street bankers and welfare recipients. Political correctness had already ruined education, sports, science and entertainment. But it took a Democratic president with a Democratic congress for political correctness to wreck the financial industry. – They Gave Your Mortgage to a Less Qualified Minority, by Ann Coulter, September 24, 2008 -

These are suicidal and self destructive people who have gone from building jumping financial suicide to socialistic bail outs and bonuses. They have no control over themselves until it is too late and too disastrous and suicide is the only option beyond a fight. A fight with no fight in them which puts us back to this idea why they would use capitalism as a gateway to communism. Why would they do this to family members and try to kidnap anyone to be protégés against their will or knowledge. Why would they steal spouses and then continue this to a near suicidal building jumping end? They have no control over themselves and their actions, psychopathic and serial killer pathology. These bail outs were some sort of bonus system and meant to restore or implement socialism. That in itself is suicidal.

"There was no happiness in telling our children that their fathers were never coming home again. ...We adored these men and miss them every day." - 9-11 widows written statement -

In 2008 power in Congress was in the hands of the Democrats while the power of the executive was in the hands of the Republicans and Wall Street liberals with Harvard MBA’s or background. We know Harvard is a hornet’s nest of liberals and socialists but this is the same climate of tyranny we woke up and tripped over all the sudden. An MBA from Harvard is almost as good as wearing a Mao suit or a Che button pin and these global leaders always do this at the United Nations and also the Congress (Savimbi, Chavez, etc…) Now the entire Republican party is ripped apart because the church of liberalism has rose through the ranks and overlapped or superimposed itself by copying our very same words without the hunt or same fight.

Commentary: Bankruptcy, not bailout, is the right answer
By Jeffrey A. Miron, Special to CNN (excerpt)

Editor's note: Jeffrey A. Miron is senior lecturer in economics at Harvard University. A Libertarian, he was one of 166 academic economists who signed a letter to congressional leaders last week opposing the government bailout plan. Economist Jeffrey Miron says the bailout plan presented to Congress was the wrong solution to the crisis.

The Harvard solution to finance is always the wrong solution because it involves large government regulation. The reason for this is an overall climate of failure where the heir to this incompetence has multiplied like a derivative from the previous stewards to the modern day Robin Hood incompetence we are witnessing, it is brain paralysis. They are not only wrong about us but they are also wrong about intervention. The entire point of a hunt club is not to bomb a bank or the global financial system with some weapon of mass smug stupidity.

Do you know which special interest has given more money to the Obama and Clinton campaigns than any other? If you guessed "trial lawyers" -- well, okay, that's too easy. But can you guess which special interest came in second? Labor unions? Nope. The Green Lobby? Nope. AARP? Wrong, again. NEA? Nyet. Give up? Okay, here's the answer: Wall Street. That's right. According to, Wall Street securities and investment firms have given over $35 million to Democratic candidates this election cycle. And the amount they've given to the Clinton and Obama campaigns is nearly five times the amount they've given to McCain. If you've been wondering why the financial industry has been in meltdown -- and taking your 401(k) or investment portfolio down with it -- now you know. Let's face it: The former frat boys who populate Wall Street today understand economics about as well as the pinko professors whose courses they snored through. - Ann Coulter, on stock tips 9/25/08 -

Yet the Harvard School reaction is always to regulate rather than find the right personnel. Fire and get rid of the wrong personnel and find the right ones and you will not need to implement or continuously have to openly implement all this government growth. That is not superiority as the liberals have tried over and over again in our own life. Find the right people, recruit from the hunt club, cut capital gains tax so it is a global flat rate, reward the right people and get rid of the wrong ones. Is that too good or too simple for liberals and the entire Robin Hood incompetence wagon? We need capital gains reduced to a competitive and flat global rate so that failure does not preside and regulate any further. Instead, our life is flooded with dirt stupid jackasses and now billions of dollars in bail outs to someone who failed but created a massive mess of the protected class.

These people believe in idolatry and it is linked to the Obama church in 2008. This idolatry is a protected class of liberals and this idolatry is not overt. There was a massive two prong thrust which we tripped over accidentally and got arrested for trying to sue or challenge. There is a third and a fourth thrust coming and it is back up by this church with terrorist resolve and determination to not get it right no matter how many words they copy or mimic like a clown. This church is also protected by a dirty bomb plot which we have challenged them about. They view this conspiracy as an attack on their symbol of respect and the work of the church of liberalism. There is some kind of alliance system being built and this was what we tripped over and knocked us off the road when it hit us.

Couple say home's ex-owner tried to scare them out
By MATT REED, Associated Press, Sun Sep 28, 2:29 PM ET

John and Jamie Petree couldn't believe their luck. The home they bought in this Columbus suburb was… They accuse the previous owner, who had lost the house in a bank foreclosure, of trying to scare them away. Charges of menacing by stalking and other offenses involving two separate incidents were filed against Andrew Zukowski, and then dropped after he was ruled mentally incompetent. Now the Petrees have moved away, ending their eight-year struggle. They and their neighbors say Zukowski went from door to door, handing out fliers and urging people to sign a petition to have "his" home returned. …"It never ended," said neighbor Ken Weimer. "You'd think he's gone, he's finally given up and then a month or two later he'd be back. And he'd just stop and stare at the house."

The election of 2008 is not about love, respect, or being invited to the hunt club of Cold Warriors. It is a parade of radicals who were rogues in it and rose through the ranks. They incubated this liberalism for decades and now it is nearly impossible to fend off their attacks and megalomaniacal lunatic fringe and presence. They are not only in your pocket book, they are in your bed, in your love life, reading your emails, reading legal mail against them, and doing things to promote socialism while not being properly debated as a spy agency or some espionage ring. The election of 2008 is not about change, it is about a covert alliance system which we have not cracked at this time but we are so buried by the terrorist hits and attacks, we almost left the country to seek sanctuary and safety. This alliance system of megalomaniacal political groups is based on personalities and charismatic liberals skirting around as conservatives with fight, phonies.

The root of serial killer dysfunctions dates back to youth and abuse or severe abuse which challenges who they are and who they wish to be in life:

This tormented childhood, where love is denied or abuse is widespread, causes seclusion and isolation where severe emotional troubles are not communicated and become neglected. Learning things on their own or being alone to experiment as a child when emotional pain and the denial of love is persistent; warps the way a serial killer thinks and their reality to associate pain, pleasure, joy, love, anger and a host of other archaic emotions. Persistent scolding, name calling and emotional abuse by parents or others inflict wounds to the self confidence of males who endure severe insults and injury to their masculinity. This emotional abuse causes an inadequacy with male masculinity and if not tamed, may lead to murderous impulses in adulthood when the voracious demand for power and dominance may be overbearing. Severe emotional abuse leads to self identity crisis later on in life.

Financial and sexual rape is so pervasive it becomes their way of life. It is not properly debated and the culprits are not properly attacked or punished. We know this to be pervasive in the church of liberalism and a way of rank and file. They do not see it that way; they see it as revolting and resisting their success regardless of what choice others decide on. That is a megalomaniacal psychotic molester and predator with serial killer pathology. This is no time for lies, deceit, chicanery, nit-picky stupidity, or near fascist libertarianism from Presidents or leaders. Fascism, communism, Nazism, liberalism, idolatry, megalomania, serial killer pathology, pathological lying, and Wall Street nit picky stupidity is not National Security or on any hunt. Yet they are so pervasive in our life because of the church of incognito liberals and several of the under the radar thrusts we are seeing where we wake up and are living in tyranny.

Serial killers are not or garden variety mugger or dime store criminal because their motivations are very complex and an elite pursuit to control others:

The basic profile of a serial killer based on statistical data is a white middle class male who has a fondness with control and power over subjects. That is not much different than most any other individual with a similar affinity for dominance, control, and power over others, but the serial killer is plagued with killing to restore a loss sense of identity or killing victims for happiness. Killing human beings is not motivated by money or revenge; instead it is for the thrill of enjoying a sadistic association with pain and pleasure. Therefore, there is pleasure in making others suffer or torturing them as it imparts a sense of joy and pleasure in knowing the infliction of harm makes the sadistic mind feel superior to inferior victims. Murder is not an innate human characteristic but to a serial killer, murder is a form of respectable accomplishment.

These leaders in the legislative, executive, and judicial branches (add the fourth branch of government and the real power) need to hunt, they need to root out this threat and problem, they need to report it accurately and fairly, and they need to debate the problem properly instead of hiding it or protecting it as a caricature of their failure or weakness. National Security is not an acronym for the Department of Housing and Urban Development or the Community Reinvestment Act; socialism is not and has nothing to do with National Security. Let’s not confuse the two or entangle them with the health of the nation or national security threats. That is the problem with this threat not being properly debated or the show trials meant to suggest nothing is going on.

Serial killers are sadistic in acting out love and rage while acting to dominate or control others because they are a weaker breed:

Serial killers have the sense to integrate sadism into their appetite for power and domination, control, possession, torture, and killing their victims. The documentary says that a sadistic impulse feeds the weak and frail ego by achieving a sense of power to an already weak ego which desperately wishes to dominate. Sadistic acts on victims are the most ultimate form of pain and suffering and can include some of the most despicable human cruelties. Therefore, serial killers act out a confused innate primitive impulse for sadism which managed to make it through the filter of primitive time and is still in existence.

Liberals claim that all perspectives are to be respected and all human beings are to be respected. Yet when they read this, they fly off the deep end and say who asked you’re your opinion which makes no sense to what they are saying. All they want to do is beat the ugly off the pretty and perfect thinking, and then hide this bigotry, hatred, and hypocrisy. That is not leadership that is a predator who may strike when they are insulted. The entire movement of liberalism is based on false idolatry and this megalomaniacal way of life by a breed of human beings who have no fight in them or can muster enough strength to say no. Instead they are suicidal and self defeating in their own self destruction and weakness, food for serial killers.

The chairman of the House Financial Services Committee has told lawmakers that a federal bank regulator will seek authority to increase the deposit insurance limit to a level above its current $100,000, said a source familiar with the chairman's thinking. Representative Barney Frank, a Massachusetts Democrat, has told lawmakers of his committee that Sheila Bair, chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, will soon request the authority to boost the level of insured deposits, the source said. Presidential nominees Barack Obama and John McCain both proposed an increase in federal deposit insurance to $250,000 from $100,000 as a way to broaden support for the bank asset bailout bill rejected on Monday by the U.S. House of Representatives. Those efforts come a day after the House rejected a $700 billion Wall Street bailout, sending stock markets plummeting. – “FDIC wants to raise deposit insurance limit: source” by Patrick Rucker and Karey Wutkowski; Editing by Chizu Nomiyama; Reauters at, September 30, 2008 -

The nation “and the world” is being overrun by socialism and some gateway to communism and devil worship and it is a massive problem. It is ugly and they are ugly. All these lies we are seeing are only intended to trick, fool, and exploit people into believing they have an obligation to the government which has been hijacked by the liberals and left wing. At the end of the day, the church of liberalism will somehow reconcile their checkbooks and justify their religion because that is the cosigner of their ideology and arguments. That cosigner is their politics and core engine intended to be a gateway for the devil and communism; we are just not there yet and the lies have not been exposed or allowed to surface yet.

Most human beings are limited to iron sights at 1,000 meters and they do not even see a target past 300 meters. How can you even see anything at 50,000 let alone 100,000 miles? You have to be very quiet and still in order to concentrate that hard to “image” a remote view of a target. Our enemies have a serious problem on their hands because they neither ask nor care but we have them in our sights and distance and in our grasps, they have nothing but violence and lies. They do not care how much trouble they are in or how much problems they have presently. They strike first and we strike last in mutually assured glee.

We are engaged in that truth seeking process with this church of liberalism and so far only official warfare and military force is another religion they can comprehend or be educated by. There was no weapon during the Cold War to combat communism with near perfect results, most weapons had residual problems. There were tools which have proven most effective such as blacklisting, alliances (OAS, NATO, APAC, etc…), secret wars and police actions, counter insurgency, religion, volunteerism, background checks, military service, family lineage, even blackmail, and several other effective measures which another female author is an authority on. We know the formula to get the maximum results. People do not understand these are the only weapons and tools “good enough” to combat the devil, tyranny, communism, liberals, and diabolical lying. They feel force is needed to make others obligated and do not need input or any opinion. On the battlefield, that attitude is very dangerous and reckless.

Ms Dickson Wright, half of former duo Two Fat Ladies, said that she has been asked to go and work in America like fellow chefs Jamies Oliver and Gordon Ramsay, but that she has always turned it down. The 61-year-old chef, who lives in Edinburgh, said: "I've been asked about going and doing book tours over there but to be honest I don't think I could face it. "I am interested in American politics...but I can't pretend to understand it. Sarah Palin comes across as completely absurd. "I don't think I could go over there for any length of time. It would be unbearable for me, absolutely unbearable." - Clarissa Dickson Wright: USA is 'unbearable', By Charlotte Bailey, 30 Sep 2008; The Guardian (UK) -

The main thrust of their offensive has to do with the Pentagon and their ability to finance and thus beat the communist. Therefore, their objective would be to target that wellspring, the Cold War doctrine of outspending the communists in military arms, to either squat their lunatic obligation or destroy that wellspring who they know can and will destroy liberals and left wing politics. In 1989, they knew they were defeated militarily and this was a very big surprise for them, so was this. There is a massive offensive underway and these lies are just a scientific measure of how large and how austere this threat and presence is.

He admitted it but we cannot prove it or able to challenge him because he vowed they will not be caught alive. He refuses to provide the coordinates and have tried to assuage our attention from the heart and core of this problem. We need the coordinates Rush for the Midwest plot and the terrorists, the dirty bomb. Don't tell me I do not know or we do not know or play your games. You and them ignore all the warnings even if we are the best shooters on earth at 150,000 miles of US military shooting excellence. You cannot see anyone at that range and even if you miss or fail, they will be very mad and return fire. He said, "I admit it, we are obsessed with multiculturalism." Search those words. He also said, "yes but not directly" when asked if he tried to rape Ann or knew who was. He is using rhetoric and spin. Ask him about the dirty bomb and coordinates of the militant wing of this church or the Clintons. Ask why Obama is his protector and his church?

We are seeing their second thrust and offensive to position them into that financial strategy to either squander or destroy it until they are physically removed or coup. Because the military dominates this world, there is only two options when the enemy targets our way to victory. One is to remove the threat and two is to remove you from the threat but this is difficult when they have jinxed and hijacked the government. If they get control of the entire National Security monolith which is trying to destroy them, they will wreak havoc and introduce near insanity as we saw in the past ten years when they tried to hijack our life and ride it to the victory lanes.

It never worked as “The War on Poverty” even if the poor do fight most wars and now it did not work as “The War on the Rich” because the rich do fight this Cold War. What is the link on those two efforts? Vietnam had so much radical change on the Cold War and the enunciation of this threat. It became clear when people hit, got hit, and saw it firsthand. Then when it was a debacle and disaster, they began to catch on and know what exactly it took to win, kill the enemy, and the people needed. Well, look at the debacle and the second thrust into the Cold War. This was the ghost of Vietnam who conscripted us with the war on the rich which turned out to be a war on the poor like in Vietnam and the 1960s. the same people, the same problem, the same jackass in lead, the same enemy, the same problem with our forces, the wrong generation, the same heroes and villains, the same story and scenes; but this time…

Instead, the church of liberalism; which we use to make it official and more politically correct than calling them communists and the devil; are still plugging away and digging a deeper hole. The attacks actually increased and their efforts increased. Yes, as hard as it is to tell the story, the effort increased after 2006 and nothing had been done. They began using our speeches like a photo op to signify their importance and their presence in this fight or hunt; yet they haven’t a clue what the problem is or why the church of liberalism does not work or can survive. It goes against reality and this makes them angry, violent, controlling, and worse off tyrants. They feel everyone better than them is “creepy” while they admire them or circle them with their brand of lunacy. Perfect people are creepy to this creature and evil and put in the dungeon of smite.

This is why they are completely incompatible and insignificant to capitalism. They eat up and steal everything but are weak on crime and overzealous on petty matters. They do not care who they disappoint. They make the worst businessman because they are so ignorant and not the slightest bit worried about who they disappoint or whether they are ugly disappointing altogether. Look at their reaction when they get busted; they repeat everything and mimic everything you do and say but never catch or beat the ugly off ugly. It feels like you are on the hunting club and the retard is leading the hunting party. It is nothing but utter disaster and a feeling of having your life stolen by the communists, welcome back to Vietnam again and liberal lunacy to act Presidential and retarded. These people are so unqualified and they are all over our life breathing down our neck breaking everything or stealing it. Then they give us the bill, arrest us, and somehow get a chest full of medals for being a thief. That is the spirit of the Revolution for you! They are too stupid to lead, too annoying to follow, and too desperate to step down or die.

There is a time in combat when you know you cannot win at all or the war. Rather than give up, the leaders do and say things to make it looks as if they are determined to win and fight to the end. The melodrama is thus a surreal feeling of a chicken running with its head off. These are people who cannot do anything right, are powerful only because their priest told them so, and they look and act busy running around bouncing off everyone and not really cogent to the fact the sky is falling and their entire church is collapsing. This church is not a bank yet their members head almost every financial institution in this world nearly, even the communist ones. How ridiculous and suicidal does it or can it get? But wait, there is more in the dung heap we stepped on or need to step on. It has to do with fixing things and why we cannot fix our life while they are in it. It is not pollution, it is not communism, it is not the devil, it is just the smell of freedom; get used to it. How can freedom smell so badly?

One of the advantages of running a presidential campaign is that roughly half the country is deeply committed to believing or at least saying that virtually anything you do or say makes sense. And so it is here. But, look, if you were living in the real world, if you were some hotshot young executive at a Fortune 500 company trying to rise in the ranks, and you pulled some whacked crap like this, it would probably get you blackballed permanently. People would think you were either deeply unreliable or maybe just had a screw loose. And yet here he is -- is he kidding? He can't debate Barack Obama because he's got to go to Washington and save the economy? It's like the biggest 'dog ate my homework' in history. – Would You Believe, by Josh Marshall, -

Picture an entire mountain or the biggest structure in your world and imagine it falling and being destroyed by reality, the world has ended and they are discombobulated to the idea they neither have a story to tell or the truth to brag about. Not only are they dirt stupid, they wrote none of this down and on the record have nothing to go by but the seat of their pants. That is how stupid this creature is, they know the hunters and the military are looking for and tracking down a militant wing that not only attacked the nation but were using deadly satellites on them when they were handpicked and the best. That is a traitor and that traitor has no story to tell. You got to love it because we were not wrong about them and they were wrong about us, not the reverse.

This is no crush or secret admirer. Rush said you have one day dinner flings, called you every name in the book, got a bunch of iPhones for you, had the time of his life, said you always flirt with him and started this, and offered your head like a terrorist or hit man for no reason. We had just gotten together and all the sudden another terrorist hit and another by extremist and ultra whackos. They refuse to empathize with how it affected your life or stop ravaging you even if I have made clear I will wage war against terrorists or serial killers. Furthermore, they said this was not about choice or what we want because they are angry and super duper upset. They said you were interested and have been dreaming of them all of our life and they knew this but was not able to say it because they can do better. Who is it that keeps on saying this to both you and me, "we are determined and can do better?" all they are an instrument of oppression and call themselves anything that suits it; then they cannot even rationalize or not be a coward cow-tow about educating why this is happening when they copy all our words and work then oppress us like liberals. It is all one church. It is nothing more than an instrument of oppression and some hit or terrorist team.

Again, you can sense their stupidity. They have no story to tell. They have not made any effort to document or provide any record keeping. Their entire church is being destroyed by reality. They are digging a bigger hole and making matters worse by just breathing. So they are so irresponsible and dirt stupid they forgot to document and write down their part against what they see as a conspiracy by God himself. They think that by suing God or getting more and more people involved, they will be pardoned by the sheer force of solidarity, unionism, and unity. That is liberal and that is the trademark of our trusty friend the left wing. They are so busy, important, and bullet proof superior they forgot to write things down while saving the world from what they still do not know or understand.

Call it Paulson's Panic. That's both unfair and accurate. It's unfair because Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson didn't create the underlying conditions that led to today's financial turmoil, and the failure for not quelling it is shared by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke… Contrary to much commentary, Paulson's plan would not be the largest government intervention in the private economy since World War II. That distinction still belongs to Richard Nixon's imposition of wage and price controls in August 1971. True, Paulson would socialize unprecedented amounts of private debt, but Nixon asserted control over the entire economy. What's fascinating are the possible parallels between the two episodes, starting with a shared irony: Both came from administrations committed to "free markets." When Nixon declared the wage-price freeze -- a complete surprise because he had consistently opposed controls -- the decision proved "wildly popular," Rice University historian Allen Matusow writes in his book "Nixon's Economy." By one survey, 75 percent of Americans supported it. – “Paulson’s Panic” by Robert Samuelson, September 24, 2008, A23 – Washington Post -

Let’s try a very familiar exercise again and again to see if this human species has an ability to process information and regal a correct or near perfect response. Be perfectly mindful and hard about being wrong about us and them. Be perfectly mindful and harder about not a friend but in our life. Be perfectly mindful and harder about belonging in jail instead of copying us to become powerful. Be perfectly mindful and harder about replacing words to make all of the above appear perfect or correct when it is not or near disaster. Let’s try this exercise to exist peacefully until the devil is out of our life and a jeering presumption that a vicious wrangle is in order to get the devil out of our life and this ill forsaken idea how we are wrong about them and us or they are wrong about us and them. Most human beings do not require the need to be told this day in and day out or to repeat this as if it was some religious prophecy.

28. Years had passed from 2002 to 2005. Days were spent asleep and in a coma, a lonely corner in a cold cell with nobody to talk to or understand. After all, it was surrender and meant to stop the attacks, a sacrifice for a better future. There was a long break with Ann and a long silence while this happened. Those were the only years she was missing or not there. In 2005, her first words were “do you remember me” … “yes how you are, it’s been years”… “Why are you still here”… “Just get some rest”… there was no change in the person but things had definitely changed in both of us. It was a hell of a fright and the future was very bleak and uncertain.
29. It was a slow process and reintroduction in 2005, “I think I died and I do not know they broke everything or tried to”… “Their okay just gets some rest”… “Did things change in our life while I was gone”… “What changed and why you are still here”… she was no longer talkative, no longer enthusiastic and wanting to talk, she was scared, only understanding and comforting. You could feel the fright and apprehensions. She was happy though and you could tell. Never rushing and waiting patiently to be happy. She would not say anything until April of 2008 or what she truly felt and went through… “I am so sorry, I am so sorry for everything that happened”… She came forward only after he came forward to tell the story. - Clip from chapter called, "Playing Hurt" about November and December of 2005 –

This is the problem with the plot to save communism. It goes back to the Cold War, this repeated problem with the church of liberalism, their wanting to help and fight when they have no fight in them, and a global strategy or communist plot to dominate the world without accepting any complaints or opposition. Do we fix it or abandon it? You cannot fix what is permanently broken. You do not abandon what can be fixed and truthful or moral. These religions are playing show trials with a rainbow flair that no crime was committed instead of the adage that a lack of obligation to the state is a crime, these enemies want and wanted obligation to them and their politics but lacking truth and honesty. You will never fix them or who they are, never. Who and what they are is the fundamental problem why they silence us and make wrong them; or is it the reverse again? That is their lunacy and how wrong they are about us and them, everything else.

Let’s face it, when you get right down to it, all of liberalism is fueled by a singular strategy—a strategy which has been continually perfected and relentlessly executed over the past forty years. That strategy is to promote and exploit divisiveness. Everything liberal politicians do is based on this simple principle. Tell the people that are given to hating the most, that they are the ones who are hated. Tell the people who expect the most, that they deserve more. Tell blacks to hate whites. Tell women to hate men. Tell the lazy to hate the motivated. Tell the poor that only conservatives are rich, and then be sure to tell them to hate them for it. Class warfare, race baiting, name calling and man-hating—all with a singular goal: to get themselves in power by promoting and exploiting divisiveness. Of course, once this divisiveness turns into frenzy, these same people suddenly act as if they actually want to solve a problem that didn’t even exist before they did everything they possibly could to create it. – Book “How The Left Was Won” by Richard Mgrdechian, Chapter 1 -

Do we fix it or abandon it? Did Ann fix or abandon her partner? Did her partner fix or abandon their morass and rankled mess of a life? We were never wrong to begin with but there are a lot of people who were not only wrong about us but wrong about themselves. The blame game only works when you know the ending and we knew the ending. We knew twenty years ago the horde of jackasses and dirt stupid audacity would make a surge and tear us up; our mistake was we did not expect how bold and audacious they are because it arrived at ten years. Were we wrong or did we underestimate how stupid and dangerous they truly were? We were wrong about them when we thought they would thrust and surge in twenty years when it was already taking place and only ten years which we accidentally stepped on. This was no accident but we accidentally stepped on them like poop. Do you enjoy stepping on or in poop, it is filth.

Ann has the most beautiful life long relationship ever heard. She has only been with one person all her life and someone blocked my IP address on a server to Ann's site so I would not or could not email her when we finally reunited. How many terrorist hits is that? At least 12,000 attacks over ten years that is how obsessed the liberals and communists are with oppressing us. She gets depressed when this happens. It is her site and our love life. Why are terrorists in our love life, reading our emails, reading legal mail on or against them, have access to their prosecution, copying everything we say or do, and claiming to be friends or helping by being in our life? Do we know them? I suspect it was Rush, Sean, Obama, Clinton, and Maher and a few wannabe other rich liberals who got to wreak havoc on us and then promoted them everyday, search how many times their show said it. Why was undermining a love life and causing a divorce? These are not even conservatives and if they are they cannot rationalize it. Ann is being ravished and told to bend backwards and she has worked so hard for our future and while I was in a coma. Now she is not allowed to even enjoy our reunion and enjoy the most beautiful love story almost ever told. Is that a terrorist? Is that a church? Why would they stop there, why not break in our home at 3am at night? Why stop there and bomb the nation with a dirty bomb or attack military personnel? First strike on the military right and keep pounding the nation until it crumbles? It is nothing more than an instrument of oppression and some hit or terrorist team.

What do we fix when we are not allowed to complain or voice legal complaints on the people behind it? They feel it was a simple mistake and accident. Just like the show trials in history where people are paraded before the public, it is a mistake; that’s all so “get over it and move on dot org.” how do you fix human beings who are poop and fifth you step on and must but they have all the fight on them but no fight but to copy us, repeat our work, do a photo op, and pussyfoot in our life like some friend we cannot take to court and sue for being a total jackass liar? What kind of clown or buffoon does something like this and goes before the public and decries how austere and Presidential they are? Fix what?

Serial killer pathology is not overt and below the radar and involves sexual, financial, career, obsessive admiration, and the opportunity to enact or live out this fantasy:

Serial killers are similar to terrorists, they instill fear in others. Even though the abnormal feelings are sexual and with a passion for attraction, there are violent dispositions and a desire to harm. When serial killers go on a killing spree with sexually loose victims; lewd and promiscuous people question their behavior even though it is not accepted by society. Similarly, terrorists terrorize a community in the same manner; there may be a feeling of primitive sexual desires chaotically mixed with primitive violent acts. They make others question their behavior even if it is not acceptable. The community is terrorized because if you are not doing anything wrong then you shouldn’t worry about bad things happening. However, if you are doing something wrong; then you are used to bad things happening and this pushes individuals deeper and deeper clandestine, nothing will ever be face value. Therefore, the community acts quite differently when these individuals terrorize the community. Nothing is at face value and people become disillusioned with the fear or the need to always look over their shoulder to see if someone is there or if someone is going to harm them; this is the killer of confidence and individualism.

Fix what? Let’s start by asking this question, “Does voting or the right to vote, end up enabling or impeding this political lunacy?” The answer is yes it does. Even if it does, what is the alternative? Do we learn to live with them or figure out how to get rid of them? There is a reason why the communists and the capitalist have been fighting for the larger part of the century in some of the fiercest military battles, they can. They can and we can, it is that simple. But ask is it worth fixing and fix what? The communist and terrorist cells are here to say we were wrong about them and they are right about us. We are impeding the business of nation because if we do not fix communism, everybody will loose their 401k, pensions, and entire life savings. How in hell did we get in this position where we have communists telling us we are weak in capitalism? How?

They are weaklings and losers who cannot compete. If they compete they beat the ugly of winners or perfect, call it what you want. Rush said, “you were told to stay away from her.” I said; write a damn book. This is no crush or secret admirer, it is deranged stalkers. Ann your own conservatives said this is not about choice, free choice, pro choice, or what you want in life. This is about how they can do better. This church of liberalism and their spies and double agents are telling me they can do you better and beat our twenty years together. They refuse to recognize or acknowledge how hard you worked for our future while I was nearly crippled in a terrorist hit and imprisoned. they give us or you no choice. Rush made this clear, no choice and no chance to complain, “Stay away from her.” This communist and terrorist cell wants you as the queen and an incubator for moles and some hidden plot. It is all one church. It is nothing more than an instrument of oppression and some hit or terrorist team.

This argument was the same argument which showed up in almost every single Marxist ideological or left wing revolutionary material for the past century. The argument is called modernization and nationalization. The premise behind both communism and socialism is how it modernizes the entire nation and is good business. Therefore, it grows and grows bigger like a tree. Eventually, that tree has to be cut down and here we are again asking if we cut it down because last time it was the same argument, it is good business. This is straight from the pages of Marxist global strategy, modernization, and social welfare to conciliate the lack of public fight. This church is not a bank yet their members head almost every financial institution in this world nearly, even the communist ones. How ridiculous and suicidal does it or can it get? But wait, there is more in the dung heap we stepped on or need to step on. It has to do with fixing things and why we cannot fix our life while they are in it.

"There was widespread public rejoicing that at last the government was protecting the people," Herbert Stein, a Nixon economist, later observed. Consumer price inflation, which had been rising at a 4 percent annual rate, dropped toward 1 percent. People believed that by acting decisively government could outlaw inflationary psychology. It couldn't. Inflationary pressures built up under the artificial lid of the controls. Moreover, the faulty economic doctrines that produced inflation -- easy-money policies aimed at maintaining "full employment" of 4 percent joblessness -- remained. When controls ended in 1974, inflation exploded to 12 percent. It averaged almost 9 percent from 1975 to 1981. Only the brutal 1981-82 recession, imposed by Paul Volcker's Fed and raising unemployment to 10.8 percent, ended the wage-price spiral. … Like wage-price controls, Paulson's plan is no panacea. Banks, hedge funds, private equity funds and others are trying to reduce risk by "deleveraging" -- selling stocks and bonds to raise cash, increase capital and cut their own debt. The rush to cash is a hallmark of financial crises. But what makes sense for one may be ruinous for all. Heavy selling depresses prices; lower prices then increase losses, deplete capital, prompt more selling and heighten fear. At best, Paulson's plan might preempt this spiral by allowing investors to unload their least attractive securities. – “Paulson’s Panic” by Robert Samuelson, September 24, 2008, A23 – Washington Post -

We did not say “a fight in the public” we said “a public fight.” That is an empty, hollow, shallow, heartless, cruel, and vicious suit of cards which keeps a dirt stupid human being rolling the dice, gambling their life and future away, and lying through their “teef.” It is their religion and way to luck or life. Now we have an impinging disaster and extortion plot by the communist to sound Presidential and stalwartly because they refuse to blame anyone or got our back against the corner telling us we were wrong about them all along. We are obligated to have them in our life, copy our work, say the same things, have no fight in them, were wrong about them, and must bow down to their empty and hollow suit. Golly, fix what? Fix communism? Where have we heard this before and who was it from?

I suspect it is Rush, Sean, Maher, Obama, Clinton, and a horde of liberal spies and communists who was in George Bush’s pocketbook or back pocket. They are trying to pound this nation to crumble or socialism. Stop stalking Ann and me and get out of our life. Write a book on her love life or ours if you have a problem with it. You can make millions about how much stalking and spying on us. Stop reading our emails like you are writing our biography; it is legal mail to prosecute the people reading it. Write a damn book you cowards and liars so we can sue the hell out of you! The fugly needs to be beat off you all for being worthless stalkers! Stop beating ugly off the perfect and pretty like us you loser! Ann has worked so hard and to the bone while I was in a coma hoping I would not divorce her or be disappointed in how our life turned out. This was not how our perfect life was supposed to be and we got the pretty and perfect smarts almost beat off our ugly life. We are military also what kind of multicultural terrorist is that? It is all one church. This is about money and they are trying to take advantage of ruin our life and this nation. Rush admitted it was "indirect rape" and he was smug about it because he says he runs America and your our life as well as mine. He is bent on making Ann divorce… If he says we cannot kiss we must obey. At least get a college education or some credibility to be rationalizing this... that is a total serial killer mentality and smug audacity. He wants to help someone make money on Ann’s political career or mine. They want a new person in her love. They want control over her just like they did me, some handler. It is a communist and terrorist cell as we had screamed from the rooftops and light every lantern blazing mad.

To call this show trial where freedom lacks any criminal elements or concepts is traitors- hip. It might appeal to all the people on other borders but certainly not here because that is the fundamental basis of a traitor. This traitor uses the most modern weapons on us to explain how wrong we were about them and us when everybody knows how wrong they are about us and them being friends. So why are they breathing down our neck, in our life, and worse off in our marriages and love life proclaiming their love and dominance? It is that church of hurt again and church of meandering dirt stupid Neanderthal who need not explain to no one. Yes, it is our friends the communists and the church of liberalism where everybody is a patriot and nobody need to be paraded in public about freedom. Does that make you love your nation yet? If so hold on tight for the doozy, the price tag of fisting communism so they are satisfied with how powerful and conspicuous they are with us being bipartisan.

Maybe a sick or cruel joke, serial killers have the objective of harassing, studying, stalking, and terrorizing “bad girls” they obsess over but can never have or have a chance with:

All of these agents of change drove women to fear right wing politics without actually saying it or making known what they wanted to say; however, this was only to impress employers, love interests, and command the respect of others as powerful or dominant. Ted Bundy went to work for the Republican Party because his former love interest in college who was rich and classy. He wanted to help and show his love for her life, when this failed, he grasped what memories he had which tormented his life. Like all serial killers and people with a very disturbed and warped sense of reality, Ted Bundy when interviewed with other serial killers admitted to their problems and why they did what they did. All of them are brought up abused by one form or another of a real and physical being.

Government is a bank. When you draw out of it, you must deposit the same back. If you take a loan, then understand that money belongs to someone and they expect a return. You cannot dig a pit of debt and call it return while you sell bonds to feed the debt. Furthermore, you are not allowed to lie about financial records and valuation such as yourself and how important and powerful you are. It is a bank, not a communist piggy bank. When you take people’s money, it better be for a damn good reason and you better pay it back with interest and hurry if you can. The good thing with banks is they work with you and give you choices, not kidnap you and put you in a dungeon.

This was not only a war on the rich. On interracial relationships or relationships in general there is a serious problem with these freaks. They feel invited or can come in our home or nation. The mind of an illegal alien almost, they never ask. If they have problem or need to know, ask. Instead, they linger and expect or are entitled to some special treatment. It is some sort of mute or retardation where you are not able to ask the right questions only the wrong ones because you deserve to die. Ann and I have nothing to do with black politics but they are constantly approaching us. That is the same mentality of the white liberals. This has caused us to hate liberals and even certain races, religions, and stupidity when we never had any opinion before. First it was a war on poverty and now it was a war on the rich.

The problem itself is the liberal church is self destructing and ready to explode in America. It is time to celebrate! However, in their measly and Neanderthal existence, it is time for pain, hurt, and determination. They do not understand the entire church is the problem. They do not understand they will die unless they dismantle the threat and apprehend those behind it. They do not understand how much trouble and danger they are in. They don’t even understand what the problem is. Oh wait, yes they do because in 1988 the end of communism and socialism was conscious to the mind of everybody in this world. So they did know and were very resonant to the conscience of a counter movement to reclaim this religion of the weak and stupid.

Immaturity and failure is pockmarked by a severe ambition to live out a fantasy life of power, control over others, and success which does not come easily for a serial killer:

The typical human being who endures severe trauma or suffers as a child usually outgrows this pain and moves on to bigger and better things. Even victims of abuse or trauma can become better human beings and social role models. However, serial killers have difficulty overcoming this emotional distress and tend to repeat their emotional mistakes over and over in their lives. Serial killers cannot make the transition from a victim of severe abuse to a better human being who endured severe hardships. This is especially true during their middle ages when they should be at the pinnacle of their success. With this absence or inadequacy of who they are, they begin to develop an insatiable will to be important, powerful, dominant, superior, and successful even though they are gradually heading towards a downfall. There are two forces acting upon each other simultaneously, the inability to achieve importance or power and the development of this affinity. This blockage is so archaic, bizarre, and overpowering that serial killers resort to killing, torturing, and even sexual invasion of victims in order to regain or align some control or dominance in a respectable manner to feel good and whole again. This disconnection is achieving power, respect, and dominance respectfully causes people with severe emotional distress to resort to sadistic behaviors to fulfill their lifelong fantasies.

Just imagine how grand life would be if a ghoul and a troll was in it and was so dirt stupid and angry, they expressed this frustration about themselves on others. You have to lock them up or destroy them for good. You do not act like a lunatic who is so stupid they must take out their stupidity and violence on others who do not want them in their life. If they are so inferior and have such a problem with their inferiority, then consider birth control and not religious sacraments against why they should not use birth control.

I know being with me has not been the easiest thing. Neither has life with you. But how did it begin? Yes, me living in or around DC. If you feel I have brought hell to your life or you have had to speak on my behalf and obliged yourself to saving me from this communist and terrorist F’s, then I will apologize right now. I am not at any comfort to blame you either. I am so mad. I cannot tell you how mad I am with the left and the liberals. Then they feel that lowering the tax rate lets them in and makes things right. If my life and our time was hell to you or brought you a life you would have had better, than understand from the deepest of my heart that I am sorry Ann. I am a magnet for loser and liberals also. They see me as a liberal and a messiah for them. They also think you are heaven. We hate their coward guts but they feel we are obligated and want to meet them or have them in our life because we are obligated. Why are we obligated? It is me more than you because they do not like you, they like me. And if your or our life could have been better, then let it be my fault or understand how bad I feel to you and all the fun and good times we used to have. I have no room in my life to forgive them or fulfill this obligation they wish me to forget and bend over for. Our life has been nothing but heaven on earth even if it turned to hell.

The entire church of liberals and lunatic violent liberalism needs to be rounded up and either locked up or deported until they eradicate their problem and threat. They need to be expelled from the empire until they fix their problem and violence on others. We do not care how angry they are unless they wish for war, which is the only format where they should express their anger or kidnap us. Get the hell out of everybody’s life and stop telling this world how angry and patriotic the devil is? This church is not a bank yet their members head almost every financial institution in this world nearly, even the communist ones. How ridiculous and suicidal does it or can it get? But wait, there is more in the dung heap we stepped on or need to step on. It has to do with fixing things and why we cannot fix our life while they are in it. It is not pollution, it is not communism, it is not the devil, it is just the smell of freedom; get used to it. How can freedom smell so badly?

When they get this ugly beaten out of them or so embarrassed the ugly gets uglier, it is disaster and crisis for them which brings out this serial killer pathology and the pathological lying we commonly know as liberals and left wing no matter if they are paddling upstream desperately; eventually they will gravitate because of their weakness and their aversion to only a fight but have no fight in them. This is why they are neck deep now and having these “rainbow” series show trials and debates, the crime is not freedom but freedom is being held down and held back. Behind enemy lines, the reverse effect is needed and to be paraded. They have a long history of ethnic radicalism and also waging war on the military, a long rap sheet by this church. This church has been in more wars with this nation then any other liberal church.

Most people are smart enough to figure out their problem and not make it part of someone else’s life. This creature is something else. Unless or until they can live peacefully and justifiably under the constitution, under the principles which the nation was founded on, with a penchant to not lie and scam others, or a life worth telling and speaking about; we will have a major problem with this church of liberals and their immigration which became the most horrific experience this nation has ever witnessed. Their immigration was the conspiracy of liberals to overpower legitimate churches escaping them and their nonsense corruption.

But they are too stupid to understand or accept this and that is why the presence of this church cannot be. It cannot be any further. It has to end somewhere and it has to end either with them gone peacefully and legally or in some lunatic blaze of flowery glory as they make it. It takes insult and extreme prejudice to get through the stupid soul of this irreligious bamboozler. It takes unreachable violence to stop them or to cope with their dirt stupid existence. It takes endless tax dollars to make them able to read what we tell them and even so they ignore it and do not write down their angry, despicable, spiteful, and spitting mad, and violent communist thoughts. That is because they are superior, entitled, patriotic, and a tremendous help. Somewhere along the line, we failed to read their lunacy and understand it. Peaceful discourse and sound mental judgment is not good enough for this talking chatterbox who hates everything around them but not them or what they do. The only time they talk is when someone else has impeded their superiority or superior motives.

Rush admitted it but we cannot prove it or able to challenge him because he vowed they will not be caught alive. He refuses to provide the coordinates and have tried to assuage our attention from the heart and core of this problem. We need the coordinates Rush for the Midwest plot and the terrorists, the dirty bomb. Don't tell me I do not know or we do not know or play your games. Ignore all the warnings even if we are the best shooters on earth at 150,000 miles of US military shooting excellence. You cannot see anyone at that range and even if you miss or fail, they will be very mad and return fire. He said, "I admit it, we are obsessed with multiculturalism" and was behind this because “he runs the nation” and either owns or won us. Search those words. He also said, "Yes but not directly" when asked if he tried to rape Ann or knew who was. He is using rhetoric and spin, then asked yes or no. Ask him about the dirty bomb and coordinates of the militant wing of his church or the Clinton alliance with him and labor. Ask why Obama is his protector and his church while he says they cannot win whatsoever. They sure as hell can, especially when he is on their side. In the last three months, it has mostly been Rush and the union upstairs who I suspect is actually the Clintons. It is all one church. It is nothing more than an instrument of oppression and some hit or terrorist team.

What people fear is how these traitors will opt to lie and hide rather than tell the truth. Their liberal religion dictates and mandates this as a way to heaven. You will never convince a deranged religion or cult group otherwise when they have or are convince this is the path to heaven. You will never convince or otherwise any religious animosity and force which feels this obligation is both sacred and silent; thus, a protected way of life. When that nonsense but protected way of life grows, it becomes more of a protected class and resorts to government. Now you have a big problem with government and a big problem with liberalism infesting government. That is the protected class and it is all debt. If you separate the military arm from that debt and make it independent, they will be naked and exposed.

I suspect Rush is aligned with the Clintons and is only basing all is fire on Obama to rack up points or get an easy fight. He and others on the Democrat side work hand and hand over the sexual bullying job they did on Ann, unimpeachable, even if she is not interested, they were and now stuck with a sharp pain which brings out this stalker pathology and serial killer pathology because they have aversions and are fighting it after what she did to mind F then, no fight in them or only serial killer fight? So they make up excuses about her being a whore, slut, bitch, hoe, doing “him and her”, read her emails, read her mom’s email, block us on every site, copy everything we say and do while holding us down, give us no choice or way to complain, etc… they are liberals and left wing communists at the core. Almost like drowning in it. Now they blew up the financial market and might get a massive bonus for all of this work and labor. Who paid them and how are they being paid?

What people fear is how these traitors will opt to lie and hide while no doing the right thing, or at least claiming to be sincere, while the nation slips into tyranny? These lies and the level of dishonesty we are forced to witness will eventually cause a war. You have a lot of bad stuff going on and lives being destroyed every moment and the reason are lies and dishonesty by this church of liberalism who seemingly has been identified behind most if not all of these insanity and all of these problems. There are so many problems and they are so guilty, they refuse to leave. Even if you put the biggest military in their face and tell them to drop it and run, this dirt stupid animal will stand there as if it is confused and does not know what is going on. It is very simple, our rifle is bigger and we have more future distance because we can also. Without the biggest rifle and the most high tech personnel and equipment, you are not invited into the future; nor is your church or lack thereof.

What people fear is how we are living in tyranny at the moment and the only solution is war. These lies and dishonesty are intended to keep us locked in tyranny or hidden in a dungeon while tyranny is everywhere. Look in the world, it is everywhere. War and global war can happen tomorrow. The minute a large energy crisis hits, we will face massive crisis and poverty. The minute natural disaster floods agriculture fields; we will face both a swamp and soil erosion unimaginable. You cannot live scared and lying or complacent and dirt stupid liked our neck breathing dunce we call the church of liberalism or the left wing political threat. The problem is they have convinced themselves they are not liberals and left wingers; they are not communists or a threat; and are not in our life or trying to impress us with an obligation to them or their government. It is magical because they are while they are not.

Meanwhile, the culprits are even on her own side and those closest to her who vows to be acting on party loyalty, Presidential ability, and some rank and file. These people are in her life and refuse to leave which makes it harder or impossible while she is not interested. This church is just too comfortable and squat in our life trying to always help when we never really summoned them. The bottom line is how liberals and left wingers are upset constantly when they are denied access to the life of others. That is the fundamental problem with the liberals and left wing. They were never invited or wanted in our life. As a result of them being in our life, it is harder. When you deal with the hardened ones who have the pathology of a serial killer, life is terror. You cannot fall in love, get married, have kids, and your entire life is flipped upside down. This is not because they are not in your life, it is because they are in your life. What does this church do? they try to get it right when the answer is to stay out or out of sight.

If everybody in this world wants to wake up one morning and say, “today communism reformed itself and became honest” they should be shot. Communism will not stop so long as they have to eat, sleep, and work. They will never be honest and forthright so long as they eat, sleep, and cannot find work. They will never reach a point, that is some plateau of life existence or way of life, for which they either deny or reject, until they are honest and forthright about who and what they are doing, scratch off asking. They do not care who they do it to or what they do it for so long as the church of liberalism is there at the end of the day to justify their way of life or existence.

That is why they are not only dangerous they are deadly. They are both deranged and feel powerful like a serial killer who finds enjoyment and entertainment in the suffering of those who are honest and not guilty. The only way to deal with or to handle such a dangerous human being is with force and military might. It sounds cruel, but to fight ugly you beat the ugly off of them. They feel it is a competition to beat the pretty or perfect off others. This is why they are jealous and hate anything which revolts against their ugly orders or way of life. It is an inferiority complex of being ugly or having so much regret in their history they look dirt stupid.

The reason why feminism and suffrage is such a Civil Rights issue is because if you look and analyze ever Supreme Court case from 1900 to 2008 against either the right wing or the United States of America, you will see every single law suit has to do with the denial of rights. However, the cases and the Supreme Court do not list why or the purpose of a denial of rights such as overthrowing the government or a communist threat. Similarly, if you look at the dockets of the Supreme Court in 2008, they are overwhelmed by law suits from the right wing for all sorts of violations by the left wing who has typically been vying for their civic right and civil rights, even human rights. Now the problem is with slander, kidnapping, intimidation, harassment, thievery, lying, corruption, extortion, uncompetitive practices, lack of education, special needs, and Civil War.

Beating the ugly off ugly is communism and the history of communism in a nutshell. It was a competition by a lesser breed and a lower existence which defined their internal parenting skills to not care about anyone but themselves. So long as the church of liberalism is here on these shores or some other god forsaken wasteland, this threat is imminent. People do not understand these are the only weapons and tools “good enough” to combat the devil, tyranny, communism, liberals, and diabolical lying. They feel force is needed to make others obligated and do not need input or any opinion.

Do you redefine civil war or do you say it is a morality and religion of patriotism? Again, with the problem and the ghost of Vietnam, what happens when the war is against the rich and the poor must fight it? The richest class usually wins because they have the best equipment and personnel. This concept was hanging in limbo after Vietnam but has once again proven false by liberals. Liberals were the richest class but not the most fighting one because they supported the richest elite while manicuring the poor to be the voting middle class. Out the window went principles and civil war thus anti communism.

But what is the alternative? Do we deport them or banish them from the empire or do we destroy them and tell them this is no safe haven for communists and terrorists even if it is the most free nation on this planet? We know the answer and that unfortunately has to do with destroying, eviscerating, and wiping communism off this planet no questions asked or needed. No matter what the cost and no matter what the human costs, this evil and this obligation need to be honest or gone. It is that big of a threat and lie.

We are talking about standing up for the unborn. We are talking about stealing the future of the unborn at the same time. We are talking about stealing the unborn. We are talking about deranged morality that changes on a dime when they see columns of tanks and commandos perched to jump on their terrorist activity. We are talking about humiliating them in public as a loony predator and a loser who feels religion or a lackluster religion will shield them from the truth or this predator conviction to fool others. Now who is this and what kind of creature are we dealing with who has infested these shores and refuses to leave as they torture us with satellites and steal the manuals we wrote ourselves. Now they want a Presidential pardon or else they will blow up this world. We had World War III and 200 years and nobody is revolting against “their” success, they should have never been born but we have a sense of morality to the unborn and the future of the unborn where we do not abort them, we ask they not be so insane or dirt stupid. We give this weak breed a choice and that choice is to tell the truth or their life story, they give us no choice even if it is worthy of telling.

The problem is not just a few dollars or a simple conversation to raise a political discourse. No, communism and this dirt stupid creature must have the most violent extreme and the strongest soldiers on this earth literally fight them until they fix their mess and destruction. They refuse to fix their mess, their lives, their religion, and their nation. They have to be confronted by the strongest living beings and the highest military orders. Even still, that is not good enough because the most modern weapons are used right back. That will give you an idea of how permanent, how dumb, and how much of a problem this church of liberalism is. Worse, it is all funded by debt. It is all a trick and a scam to folly more and more people into believing their church is respectable, worth joining, a political might, and is a thinking creature built to survive and at best protect the restless surviving ones.

Wrong about themselves or just our honesty, why are they suicidal and dirt stupid? They are unable and unwilling to judge others by the same standards and criteria they judge themselves. Yet the church of liberalism feels powerful and mighty to stand off anti-communists and steal their life or weapons to have some showdown where they rise to the heaven or rebel against the heavens. This religious indoctrination and horror needs to perish or get the facts correct before they call themselves are rightful religious force to the preciousness of others. This is dangerous stupidity and even more dangerous when they infect government and global politics.

There was one philosopher and thinker left out and needs to be mentioned once again. Thomas Hobbes is probably the best and the most formidable thinker of all because he read all of the philosophers before him then was faced with the problem of an imminent threat by the Spanish War and simultaneous a Civil War. The English Enlightenment period had upset the enemies and also caused domestic unrest. Therefore, Hobbes returns to the Greek adage or adaptation of “the spirit of reverence” but Hobbes describes this as private property. What he is meaningful is respect human life and their property; thus, he would have fought off the Spanish and the “Cromwell” English, R-E-S-P-E-C-T the song. So what exactly is the problem with the banking crisis and the financial meltdown of 2008 and the notion that someone got very rich each and every time there is a financial bail out?

This is not a few misfits or a little problem, this is a huge monolith. Their whole existence is a conspiracy and a story not told about how reality is denying them life or the truth is too not good enough for them. Nothing is right and every endeavor is a scam or a fraud. When this religious intolerance acts in this unbearable and near obscene devil attitude, there is hell to pay. That hell to pay is they are banished from the empire and will not and cannot have a future when they revolt against reality and the truth itself. People do not understand these are the only weapons and tools “good enough” to combat the devil, tyranny, communism, liberals, and diabolical lying. They feel force is needed to make others obligated and do not need input or any opinion.

I was a protégé against my will. Hand chosen by Generals, they trace a few of them to the LBJ years and Vietnam. They just snatched us up and made us some prisoner. My fate was to marry Ann and she came to DC. I could not shake off the liberals and began dating the people who I was not able to shake off. I told Ann everything and what they were up to or looking for, not marriage, to spy on us. This was a set up and a flood of disappointment. It is not as if they are going to tell us what they are up to so we have to find out. Ann wants a similar experience and was also captured. Her capture was not as bad or violent. It appears to be the same parties and she repeated all my own words and concerns while it was happening to me. Ann has a tendency to want the exact life experience if she can without sacrificing too much. How did it begin? It began with 1960s radicals and union people up close and in your own circle of friends or neighborhood. Then it grows bigger. It begins with a mass flood of black people who watch you day and night or target you every time you go out to establish some under the radar plot. You have to fight it and fight to avoid them but it is almost impossible. They are allowed every single access to your life. Next is a wave of terrorism around DC.

They are spitting and fighting mad about defense dollars used to destroy them and the liberals and left wing armies out there. They want war while telling the public how those defense dollars do not go to them and need to be jinxed or hijacked by overthrowing the government. When they do, the military will be lying in wait and know they are coming. They need to understand this is not some political gamesmanship or entertainment or another worthless, more bang for a nonsense lie. It sounds cruel, but to fight ugly you beat the ugly off of them. They feel it is a competition to beat the pretty or perfect off others. This is why they are jealous and hate anything which revolts against their ugly orders or way of life. It is an inferiority complex of being ugly or having so much regret in their history they look dirt stupid as a protected class.

Ann, it is the weirdest thing. These people are reading all of our emails, even the legal mail and our case against them. They are not only stealing the evidence and cause against them, they are trying to silence and shut us up. Then when I ask for the apprehension, coordinates, and a full frontal disablement of this communist and terrorist cell, they turn their backs in a smug and insufferable way. They start shaking their fists and next thing I know the people upstairs begins stomping on the floor while I am sleeping or yelling "go home" whenever they can. Does that sound illegal and even treasonous? Does that make you want to beat the ugly off ugly? First they do a terrorist hit on me and leave me for dead if it was not for you and now they are stealing and reading all of our legal mail and our love letters. Everything we do and say can be held against us in a court of law and I do not have a dime to my name or am holding a public office thanks to them and they steal our entire legal case on them and their church. They get charged with nothing.

If the liberals, left wing, and the undercover communists behind enemy lines decide to push this nation deeper into this already gigantic morass of lies, deceit, domestic espionage, and the dishonesty of communism; there will be no other choice but to ask them to leave with just the shirt on their backs. The people of this world will rise up and they will forcefully remove tyranny and this dishonesty, the military will not. Until there is a specific military threat and coordinates yet to be offered, we can only watch them suffer in their own body fluids.

They do not offer any choices, way to legally complain, or any option. We do not have any either so long as tyranny permeates the entire nation. Their fear is going to hit them hard because they are living in liberal tyranny and lies; but those lies refuses to leave or go away until their existence is gone. The military cannot do anything until they have specific coordinates of this communist and terrorist cell but the pressure to block this is immense. There is too big of a resistance because two thrusts have been made to hijack the entire situation and steal the victory for the liberals. They have no choice either; it is either that or their way of life, the liberal church of death. They refuse to throw down the card “my church sucks” for the “my nation needs me.” They will never throw down the card “my nation needs me” and “this world needs me” because the threat is liberalism, the left wing, and communist dishonesty and lies about their way of life.

So did they overtake and overthrow the entire government and refuse to leave until someone saved their neck or communism? Is that why they are stealing everything and torching the entire nation? The communists are trying to organize and regroup so that it is harder for us to live free but harder for them to die. Now we are obligated to fulfill this and this is why they are reading our legal cause against them and taking every tidbit from us but not beating ugly off ugly? Why do you suspect that is happening and why they call it a bipartisan effort? I am in my own home not their office yet I can no less kick them out of my own home than their own office. I cannot even complain about ugly and ugly sure knows how to prevent the ugly from being beat out of them, maybe too good. They have not fixed a damn thing. Everything we do and say can be held against us in a court of law and I do not have a dime to my name or am holding a public office thanks to them and they steal our entire legal case on them and their church. They get charged with nothing.

We were and are facing World War III and the prospect of suing or taking the communists to court for its victory is ludicrous and enough of an insult already. How many more lies and insults must we be buried under before we get serious about this problem and imminent threat? This is not about their lies; this is about the unborn future of this earth and the fate of millions of others wishing to kill communists for all it is worth instead of defending it using freedom. People do not understand these are the only weapons and tools “good enough” to combat the devil, tyranny, communism, liberals, and diabolical lying. They feel force is needed to make others obligated and do not need input or any opinion. On the battlefield, that attitude is very dangerous and reckless.

Our case against them has to do with world war three. Moreover, they are stealing everything and repeating our exact words almost then acting all smug about capturing or apprehending this communist and terrorist group. To me that is a little suspicious. we are sending legal mail and also writing book chapters together or sharing ideas and they are stealing it or using it to win the election while we writing to each other. Do you feel like a thief from the liberal clandestine church is stalking you also? They flip out when we talk about love or romance also and treat both of us as if we are kindergarten kids they are in charge of. Does that make you want to beat the ugly off ugly? First they do a terrorist hit on me and leave me for dead if it was not for you and now they are stealing and reading all of our legal mail and our love letters. Does that sound illegal to you because they call it bipartisan? They also feel you are some sort of intern.

There is no sum of money to fix this or to subsidize their life or false liberal religious convictions. It is that dangerous and they get that deranged and angry. This is not a god damn safe haven for criminals and terrorists who are devout to overthrow the government they have already infested. This is also not help but help that is silent and hurts when it also silences the truth. This is a demented and a deranged liar whose convictions are very close to serial killer pathology. They are not audacious; they are suicidal and worse is their fanatical finance or economy, it is death.

We can joke about them but they have that inner power to deny reality and the truth and carry on determined, smug, insufferable, and deadly silent like an “f” word. In the end, we will get cut down by the communists and they will never tell the story or the effort to silence. This nation and this world are on a path to silence. The truth and reality is not denying them anything but what is fair and just. What is fair and just is their disappearance and removal because they cannot live peacefully or truthfully among those who do. They feel force is needed to make others obligated and do not need input or any opinion.

Ugly is not getting the ugly beaten out of them. The only action and the only thing occurring right now is a major plunge into more debt and more socialism with the 700 billion bails out. The people behind it paid their cronies 700 billion of tax dollars and beat us again! They used 700 billion to make contributions and charity while we got stuck with the bill and no support whatsoever. They took everything from what I wrote and refused to go after the people or the church of liberals behind this. What would it matter if it was a paycheck of 500 dollars a week or a paycheck of 700 billion? Do you see how they have financed and are financing their secret war on these shores; it is coming from the liberal headquarters on Wall Street. The government is some kind of backup or protection racket. Does that sound illegal to you because they call it bipartisan? Everything we do and say can be held against us in a court of law and I do not have a dime to my name or am holding a public office thanks to them and they steal our entire legal case on them and their church. They get charged with nothing.

You might see it as a joke by a jackass clown but understand millions of people have died for this cause and many wars have been fought and are being fought right now over the core of this problem and this human species behind enemy lines. They are suicidal obviously; but in order to curb this or lesson how suicidal they are, you have to implement socialism and in several decades’ full blown failure of communism. That is the magic and wit of enemies, spies, traitors, and the devil of this earth. Worse, there is not a damn thing you can do about it because you, them, us and the almighty he watched and voted them into office themselves. You got tricked, get over it; you got lied to, get over it; they ruined your life and world, get over it; they ruined us and nobody even cares, move on now. See, what is everybody all hissy-fussed and pussyfooting around about? Don’t you see how wrong and how weak you are and how wrong you have been about us and them?

We have seen this problem all over the world from 1914 to 1989. When lawlessness and corruption of this magnitude or this smug and audacious bewilders the mental acumen to understand reality, business protests about how bad government is and communists get bolder demanding more wages and benefits. In a few years, people will begin to borrow massive money they cannot pay back and then in a few more years a problem with energy just shocks the system and it triggers inflation, full economy price problems, stagflation, and then mortgage problems. It is a slow death or a quick on. If gas ran out today, the entire auto industry would collapse. They can make cars all day but nobody will buy them. Just like houses, you can sell them all day and the government will buy them. Why? If the government wants to buy homes or instill price controls, then the same effect will result because the economy is correcting. The price of the house will collapse and you will have all these worthless mortgages. The same real estate problem and collapse in the 1980s but not as severe. When there is a climate of tyranny, people loosing their homes and life savings, and socialism or socialists running amuck with satellites to torture people doing nothing wrong; every instance in every part of the world is the same. People will commission militaries and rise up to leave the problem with just the shirt on their backs and not with their life savings. And they will do it again and again until something changes who they are or how they live life. They will do it until there is either no money left or no more human beings to rip off.

Ann was bullied very forcefully in the love and sex category even if she is not interested or was in a relationship. Ann Coulter is and was a family friend from back in the 1970s. She has taken her entire life to propose to her lifelong crush and love. If you have never had an honest and intimate conversation with Ann, then you do not know her or a damn thing about her life, stop faking this. You will look like a fool. She has worked and has fought side by side with him her entire life. They are linked by embassy parties back in the 1960s in Vietnam which was her family lineage and Presbyterian roots. Several other churches tried to steal that history. Ann’s goal was to pick up where the pieces were shattered or win it. We have not concluded this trilogy of errors by our enemies yet but we need them to drop their Kalashnikov and run immediately so we can fulfill our dreams. They will not be able to change her mind and she has stated clearly no other man will have her or they will have to take her life if they want her body that badly. These are deranged weaklings and near serial killer pathology.

From what we can decipher or were able to silently witness, the liberals and the left wing felt they were loosing ground or lost ground they had gained. Therefore, after 30 years of the 1960s Cultural Revolution in full bloom and Vietnam, two main thrusts were made to bury or carpet bomb what valuable turf they were loosing quick but were holding on with debt. The first thrust was a physical attack around 1997 which lasted for about four years. The second thrust was a long and ticking sleeper which wound itself up and unwound in 2008 as a financial meltdown created by the idea that unless the Housing and Urban Development (HUDD) replaced the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the United States would slip and remain as a third world nation.

The problem which is as unusual as can be is how things do not make sense. Usually, when you have a problem with communism, the primary suspects are the poor or the lower class that have fight, but not the right fight in them. However, when you have liberal churches or liberalism itself, the devil church as we like to refer it as, blaming the poor is not possible because that is the basis of the church itself. The poor actually become the liberation and the rich are the people at fault. Therefore, either you have a communist doing this or someone has the story completely backwards. When you have a problem with communism or terrorism, it is not the rich fight or those who have all the fight; it is reserved for those who have the most fight in them and not just a bone to pick with anyone. If the rich are being blamed, then you know it was the work of the communists because that is not how the world works or how reality is geared for.

If you aggravate this situation, as a few people did, she will use your “chi” or “inching” back on you. The weight of your force will be the weight of your problem. Ann Coulter is not interested. She knows when someone is ambushing her “dating life” or love life and who is doing it. She will jerk you so hard using your own vice. If you are shocked by her then you do not know women. Both I and she discuss women intimately through the years. You have to understand how secretive women are when it comes to love, sex, and marriage. They also have a lot of pressure regarding those aspects of life but Ann is taken care of already and she tried to make it known she was not the least interested, but this was unsuccessful. The overzealous and stalkers or the myth grew bigger and she took actions to quell them. When a woman is in love, she will do things to court someone; such as stay up all night with them. She will never lie or hold any secrets. She will answer forthright and immediately. Ann is afraid of disappointment. She knows very intimate things. She sees women through my eyes. She knows when I am being mistreated. She knows and can feel the same pain when I am hit. We are connected on a different level. Beyond this 20 year partnership and courtship, Ann has never been in any other relationship let alone a serious one.

Our life was flooded with problems and we were buried with legal problem, along comes an army of liberals and unwanted stragglers. Next was the unusual outbreak of medical problems in the last ten years and an outbreak of both legislation and work on socialized medicine by the same people we describe as having kidnapped and kept us in some dungeon while seeking a pardon and some form of “gun to the head” activism for them. It would be easy to nip this in the butt if we knew who was singularly to blame; they flooded the landscape with activists from the same cell and church of liberalism. Some were riding the fence while others were behind enemy lines and aiding “unbiased” intelligence as a double agent. There were so many spies and double agents posing as bipartisan or unbiased to the left or right wing. They flooded the scene like the night of the living dead; you knew who those suspects are already even if they claim otherwise.

To break the bad news to everyone, you been hoodwinked by the church responsible for the 1960s and probably the tragedy of Vietnam while they steal the credits for both right now. Either they are guilty of one or all of the above or their story is they are not guilty of anything, we are obligated to their victory and how history will judge them. But the story is actually how guilty they are of all of the above and then some more not mentioned by them, yet. The government has been hijacked by a church and the same radicals and anti war protestors of the 1960s while they lie through their “teef” about why they kidnapped us and forced us to see things their way. Luckily, we prepared for a communist hit but did not know they would blind side us to two adversaries, the communist spymasters and the terrorist cells.

Keep in mind, when and if a military coups you; this being a coup d’etat or a simple coup; you are going to be leaving with just the clothes on your back. It is a simple question which takes only one day to resolve, yet we can sit her for 100 years and it will still never be resolved. The magic of debt and debates clearly proves that show debates have a reverse effect on the public. You still have to ask if you only have courage and stupidity or just guilty actions that only a military can redress. I will say this again, it is illegal to block mail or open them. It is illegal to read legal mail between lawyers when you are the accused. How much more illegal does the case have to get?

Just how crazy is it? The terrorists overseas are copying the terrorists here. The communists overseas are copying the communists here. Meanwhile, guess who is copying us? Yes, the jackass and the stupid dirt trash can of left wing and liberals are pussyfooting in our life bamboozling us by trying to steal her name and our work. When they get frustrated and cannot, they either arrest us or kill one of us, this time luck was not on their side however. We had set the trap for real life communists but on a different continent and we were not prepared for them to knock on our door every single day for over ten years to finish out a wild insane dream about how we can “get with their program” and live out our American dream being an left wing activists or die fighting it. We do not even believe in their religion yet we were offered their golden key no questions asked. How much more luck can you get or have?

KAUSFILES GOES MENTAL! September 17, 2008, 3:38 PM; Kausfiles's neurotic fear that illegal aliens will aggravate his allergies leads him to hysterical denunciations of those who prefer risking amnesty with McCain to the total destruction of the United States with Obama.


1. McCain Worst Case Scenario: McCain wins the war on terrorism and keeps taxes low, but again promotes his POS amnesty plan, which was overwhelming rejected by Americans last year. Alternative explanation: McCain would not step on a rake twice, but keeps talking about amnesty because of his mortal fear of "flip-flopping" (see also ANWR) and misguided belief that it will win him Hispanic votes. 2. Obama Worst Case Scenario: He will be Jimmy Carter in a much more dangerous world, NYC will be nuked, the Middle East will explode, and Obama will respond by convening a meeting in Mecca with the head Imams. 3. He will destroy the economy and ignite a second Great Depression with his promised massive tax hikes and vast new welfare programs. 4. He will sign a federal racial profiling bill and crime across America will skyrocket, as it is in Chicago -- thanks to Obama's racial profiling bill. 5. He will sign the "National Right to Choice Act," as he has promised, and yet more babies will be slaughtered in the womb, including by partial birth abortion, which will be legal again if the "Right to Choice" bill passes. 6. He will sign a Fairness Doctrine, which Democrats openly advocate, and the only organized opposition to the left in America will be silenced. 7. But Kausfiles channels Keith Olbermann to denounce as "fools" and "suckers" those who prefer the risk of amnesty with McCain to the far greater risk NYC being nuked and a Great Depression with Obama.


1) Never trust someone who thought Jimmy Carter would be a good president. 2) Never trust someone whose neurotic fear of illegal aliens bringing new allergens leads him to place amnesty above all other dangers facing the nation.

So long as you have this problem with bad leaders and a lying breed of misfits and a false religion that has the filth in their fight, you will have the misuse of both the secret service and government. This is not the protected class, the protected educated class, the protected race; instead, this is the worthless carcass of a smiting and smug dweeb who has some serious problems in their future and this process of change we can hardly believe. How can you complain about freedom when there is more in the dung heap we stepped on or need to step on? It has to do with fixing things and why we cannot fix our life while they are in it. It is not pollution, it is not communism, it is not the devil, it is just the smell of freedom; get used to it. How can freedom smell so badly?

If you have touched up on your communist history, you will see the use of “show trials” to parade before the public or grandstand some propaganda and party line. What we are witnessing is a 31 flavor or rainbow series of show trials called toothless debates. See it for what it is, show trials are not meant to produce justice and these debates are not intended to be viewed seriously. When you win in court, you are supposed to admit it. Then when you loose in court, they are supposed to take you away as adequately as the crime. Show trials are intended to make the accused, admit or not, a crime that never occurred; seemingly the rainbow series would be the reverse, admit that none occurred. In the former Soviet Union, they call that justice, here they call it politics.

Ann, tell me if I and you were not right on this? Let’s take a worse case scenario of the election of 2008:
1. McCain steps down due to health reasons
2. Palin takes the throne and declares martial law using the ill equipped Alaskan National guards
3. All hell breaks loose as blacks flood the streets of Anchorage in protest of bad leadership and a stolen election
4. American becomes a third world nation because Obama was not elected and communism was destroyed

You might see it as a joke by a jackass clown but understand millions of people have died for this cause and many wars have been fought and are being fought right now over the core of this problem and this human species behind enemy lines. They are suicidal obviously; but in order to curb this or lesson how suicidal they are, you have to implement socialism and in several decades’ full blown failure of communism. That is the magic and wit of enemies, spies, traitors, and the devil of this earth. Worse, there is not a damn thing you can do about it because you, them, us and the almighty he watched and voted them into office themselves. You got tricked, get over it; you got lied to, get over it; they ruined your life and world, get over it; they ruined us and nobody even cares, move on now. See, what is everybody all hissy-fussed and pussyfooting around about? Don’t you see how wrong and how weak you are and how wrong you have been about us and them?

Election 2008, Scenario two: Obama wins
1. Iraq is terminated and troops pull out
2. Afghanistan is surged
3. Blacks in American have a "Harlem Renaissance"
4. Racism is rampant because blacks are still poor
5. Rioting in the streets over the FEMA mess of Katrina
6. Housing crisis causes HUD to become homeland security
7. Osama Bin Laden is caught and killed because Obama is a hero
8. Ayers becomes one of America's most heroic and patriotic statesmen with full military honors and pension
9. Chicago becomes the new Mesopotamia
10. Debt grows from 11 trillion to 30 trillion due to businesses protesting bad government
11. The world thinks a race as president is the way to global peace and pardon
12. The first Kenyan gets a Nobel Peace Prize as a dissident in America

Behind enemy lines what we are seeing and witnessing is very simple to understand but difficult to say “get the hell out of our life you dirt stupid jackass.” People do not understand these are the only weapons and tools “good enough” to combat the devil, tyranny, communism, liberals, and diabolical lying. They feel force is needed to make others obligated and do not need input or any opinion. It is serial killer pathology. That is why they are not only dangerous they are deadly. They are both deranged and feel powerful like a serial killer who finds enjoyment and entertainment in the suffering of those who are honest and make an effort to do the right thing in life or are reasonable. The only way to deal with or to handle such a dangerous human being is with force and military might. It sounds cruel, but to fight ugly you beat the ugly off of them. They feel it is a competition to beat the pretty or perfect off others. This is why they are jealous and hate anything which revolts against their ugly orders or way of life. It is an inferiority complex of being ugly or having so much regret in their history they look dirt stupid.

Debt is a very good measure of insanity, inanity, or lunacy; what problem, all we have is a lot of debt, ask the sane and the people who are hostages. Could it be or maybe they are not really a hostage but… naw, can’t be because that is not going on right now! There is nothing going on and we only need to regulate the existing people instead of get rid of them. Inaction is worse than no actions.

It is clear and present they need to surrender and give us the coordinates so we can begin to send out commandoes to track down and investigate their militant wing, the communist and terrorist cell, and eradicate this really annoying problem which bogs us up for over ten years while we have much more important work which needs attention. The liberals, the left wing, the communists and their entire labor franchise needs to surrender or we have a whole lot of problems, hurt, and this problem with beating ugly off ugly because they are obsessed with us and their multiculturalism of left wing hate and bigotry. They need to surrender punctually and unconditionally if they are behind enemy lines and incognito; we know most if not all of what is going on and what they either tried or failed trying. The dirt stupid jackass targeted the people who had the biggest cards and the most firepower on this planet and pretended we were somehow their rank and file or was revolting against their success. This dirt stupid jackass kidnapped the people who held their life in their hands and were working on the victory of World War III and 200 or more of unborn future and lives.

Current Initiatives (HUDD Priorities from the Housing and Urban Development Department website)
- Tax Credits = Cash
- HUD Works to Rebuild Gulf Coast
- Hurricane Recovery Resources
- HUD's new Strategic Plan
- Homeownership is a National Priority
- Avoid Predatory Lenders
- America's Affordable Communities Initiative
- Energy Star: Save Money and Energy in HUD Assisted and Financed Housing
- HUD's Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
- Ending Chronic Homelessness
- FHASecure: Helping Homeowners Keep Their Home
- Preserve America

Because of these 1960s radicals and misfits, the nation is being turned upside down and being transformed into a third world nation of debt and irresponsible lunacy. So if you loose your entire life savings and life such as Ann and myself, or feel you were almost kidnapped and some target for sexual gratification against your will, we can tell you what happened and who did it; along with their refusal to surrender or let us go after this communist and terrorist threat. The way to describe these leaders who are jacked on how retarded they are is incompetent. They are so incompetent they read our emails, our legal correspondence on them, and they have the gall to turn around and copy them. That is how insane this problem and crisis is. Meanwhile, they feel it is deep thought to give amnesty to all the illegal aliens who have ever stepped foot on US soil or bled fighting for it.

We are trying to warn them about the impinging problem of them being in our life or having this nation wake up with the fear that tyranny will not go away or die unless they use some force or some military miracle chasing off these marauding gang of meandering Neanderthals. These lies are meant to trick or fool people into believing they are on some winning team until they go down in flames with them. Well, it is happening now. The FBI is so embarrassed they will not come out and say this threat is so dirt stupid and annoying they wish them dead and pray every single day but it is just not neighborly or professional to do so candidly.

"Do you think Thelma Dickinson would have committed armed robbery had you taken all their money? ...Don't you f@cking lie to me. There are two girls out there who had a chance, they had a chance, and now you screwed it up for them. And now they are in some serious trouble and I am going to hold you personally responsible for at least part of it if anything happens to them. I got no feelings for you. Now, you either tell me every damn thing you know, so there is a small chance I can actually do them some good, or I will be all over your like a fly on sh@t for the rest of your natural life. Your misery will be my god damn mission in life. Okay." - FBI Agent, from the movie “Thelma and Louise” -

We simply ask for their head and to surrender so we can begin to diffuse this annoying threat. We did not ask them to read our emails, love letters, try to create a divorce, a fourth terrorist hit, breathe down our backs, come in our house, or work close with us while avoiding prosecution and apprehension. What is their problem and why do they have to steal everything and be such an annoying threat? That is all we ask for, their head, their prosecution and victory at World War III; is that too much? If not then add their punctual and unconditional surrender before this nation and the world is transformed into a third world of Neanderthals run amuck.

“Eight workers for a get-out-the-vote effort in St. Louis city and county have pleaded guilty to federal election fraud for submitting false registration cards for the 2006 election, authorities said today. The workers were employed by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), gathering voter registrations.” (Associated Press, 4/02/08)

Liberals claim that all perspectives are to be respected and all human beings are to be respected. Yet when they read this, they fly off the deep end and say who asked you’re your opinion which makes no sense to what they are saying. All they want to do is beat the ugly off the pretty and perfect thinking, and then hide this bigotry, hatred, and hypocrisy. That is not leadership that is a predator who may strike when they are insulted. The entire movement of liberalism is based on false idolatry and this megalomaniacal way of life by a breed of human beings who have no fight in them or can muster enough strength to say no. Instead they are suicidal and self defeating in their own self destruction and weakness, food for serial killers.

For those of you who aren't hard-core history buffs, Biden not only named the wrong president during the 1929 stock market crash, he also claimed a president who wasn't president during the stock market crash went on TV before Americans had TVs. Other than that, the statement holds up pretty well. At least Biden managed to avoid mentioning any "clean" Negroes he had met. Couric was nearly moved to tears by the brilliance of Biden's brain-damaged remark. She was especially intrigued by Biden's claim that FDR had said the new iPhone was the bomb! Here is Couric's full response to Biden's bizarre outburst about FDR (a) being president and (b) going on TV in 1929: "Relating to the fears of the average American is one of Biden's strong suits." But when our beauteous Sarah said that John McCain was a better leader on the economy than Barack Obama, Couric relentlessly badgered her for evidence. "Why do you say that?" Couric demanded. "Why are they waiting for John McCain and not Barack Obama? ... Can you give us any more examples of his leading the charge for more oversight?" - “Biden Secret Service Code Name: ‘Assassination Insurance’,” by Ann coulter, October 1, 2008 -

We did not screw up our life, they did. Our life was once perfect and happy until a terrorist hit and kidnapping went down before they began the war of liberalism which eventually sought to take down the entire global financial system and may soon unless socialism and communism can be eradicated. They think it is some bonus for terrorizing the nation and the people fighting World War III and already predicted to win it. Right now, we are bogged down fighting tyranny and stupid people while neglecting what we should be doing, cyber and satellite warfare. Maybe they intend on stealing and hijacking that also so they can make it look as if they are partners or won at beating the ugly out of pretty and perfect.

“Textbook megalomania, it’s a pathological state in which fantasies control him or omnipotence predominates. He wants control over him; he wants control over his actions, over his thoughts, even over his emotions. (Secret admirer) …it is not that kind of emotion, this guy is ugly. (Intro) Yes, I was saying that we are dealing with a megalomaniacal personality with possible paranoid schizophrenia… I do not know what it has to do with you specifically but I do know this guy wants to pound on you until you crumble. He wants you to dance to his tune and then… I was going to say kill you. He is sitting on an awful lot of rage and it could be manifested physically if he is stressed. …These people do not like to work anonymously; they want you to know who is doing it to you; so this name Simon is probably not an alias, it is probably Simon or some variation.” - Fred Schilling, Police Psychologist, scene at the beginning movie in Police Department, “Die Hard 3 With a Vengeance”, 1995 -

Meanwhile, they hang onto the dirty bomb strategy to stop any official military action in case something goes awry like it did back in 2001; how would they stop official military action on them? Well, reading our emails and love letters is not going to get them more weapons so they can let go of the dirty bomb strategy, given one satellite weapon was already used on us for three months. Trust us; you do not want these people here and doing what they are doing. What are you going to do now that they cannot change who they are but are here and existing in our lifetime as communists? They say and do things like everyone else, even copy our words and work, but deep down they are just rotten to the core and have a religion to suit their political goals.

(Dear Kaus) Do you remember the show trials in the Soviet Union? They were intended to make people howl how guilty they were to the state and an obligation. Now imagine if you lived in hell, would you hold a debate to make it seemingly possible that nobody was guilty? In the former Soviet state, no crime took place except freedom. In a certain part of another world, a crime did take place but debating it is futile because the aid was cut off by a guilty admission.

You want them to surrender immediately, punctually, and with no hindrance so we can track down and investigate their militant wing trying to save communism while pushing the country deeper in socialism and debt. They will steal everything and grab all the honorable medals while doing so or making billions on blind bail outs. If they do not surrender, then this world and this nation will have another thirty years or so of tyranny and liberals discharging insanity bouncing off each other without a head until we end up loosing World War III because we are bogged down fighting tyranny instead of “imaginary” enemies and threats which they keep creating and making by not fixing anything. The hunting club only has fight but no fight in them because they are too stupid or ignorant to notice; less do anything about how imaginary they are, the protected class.

The bailout is not the answer. The answer is to deport and coup the people behind it with just the shirt on their backs and the market will correct itself. The sooner they are gone, the sooner this crisis is over. That is the answer. They cannot pay back any loan and they created an unacceptable reality to thrust a more unacceptable solution into the heart and soul of freedom and principles.

Ann I have a problem with the deranged subordinates and the horde of squatters who come into our home pretending like they are helping when the truth is they are subordinates, in our home and life, and acting in a condescending and deceptive way. They were never invited, never told to leave, and we do not know how long they intend on staying. It feels like the movie “The Ostermann Weekend” where you just want them gone regardless of what they have to offer. The bottom line is they read our emails, invite themselves in our life, give our work to the enemies, and turn around and claim to be helping. Does that make you want to beat ugly off this loony deranged jackass who is sneaking around in our life? This is not the movie the Ostermann Weekend and they are subordinates who are in our homes. These people have a problem and I am not sure what that problem is but it does involve rape and permission yet they are very coy about it. Oh, they have a problem and worse a refusal to admit it. Are they going to invite themselves into our homes for the rest of our life? This church is like a plague of fools no matter whose side they are comfortable. They may not be a threat but they are still a problem.

We challenge all these so called educated and uneducated liberals who at heart are libertarians, liberals, ditto-heads, fascists, Nazis, and whatever else they wish to call themselves such as incognito liars; why they themselves are nothing more than the devil and an instrument of uneducated and ignorant oppression while claiming freedom as the engine of their own demise? Their big junk is to silence everybody, run the nation, ruin our life and the nation, and make a lot of money selling their big heavy junk. All instruments of oppression are incognito, under the radar, weak and selfish, disguised to trick and fool, use people to open doors they should not be in, and are in lock step with communists when oppressed they.

Acorn has had a number of missteps. This month its founder, Wade Rathke, resigned after news emerged that his brother Dale had embezzled nearly $1 million from Acorn and affiliated groups eight years ago -* information the group kept from law-enforcement authorities and most members. Dale Rathke left the organization only last month.” (Wall Street Journal, 7/31/08)

Their junk is and also is all liberals, terrorists; a rogue hit service, and worse another instrument of oppression in alliance to another church. They are nothing but liars and bitter bigots in alliance and they also have a serial killer pathology which only needs a small dose of stress. They all feel that as long as they have the votes to be an instrument of fascism or oppression, so it is who cares. This is not about anything but money, looting the government, communism, lies, and liberals; why panic angrily or hold anyone responsible for espionage or being a traitor when they are not angry whatsoever and feel everyone is equal and deserving? This is the problem with this dirty bomb, communist and terrorist instrumented and launched by these churches. Instruments of oppression are not in the game or the hunt club; this rules out all liberals and left wingers.

We do not need another bail out for those behind enemy lines or behind this fiasco. The market is simply correcting for bad economic policy much similar to the market system. It wants accurate and responsible accounting by clowns in expensive suits. The unemployment levels have not rocketed, the GNP has not dropped by double digits, the federal interest rates have not jumped above 7 per cent or average, dividends of stocks did not dry up, and nobody is buying junk bonds. The market is correcting for failure and rejects failure like a toxic poison in the body, the body will expel the toxin as soon as possible but until then, it will suffer from the intrusion and weakness. They do not even respect our political acumen or warnings.

The Savings and Loan debacle of the 1980s ended that era (affordable house in 1969 costing $35,000 with a $204 monthly mortgage in Orange County, California). A summary by someone who knows a lot more about this than I do is here (article). That, however, does not explain the mortgage mess. The S&Ls were destroyed by inflation in the 1970s and 80s. By 1979, interest rates on houses were as high as 21% and savers had abandoned the S&Ls to invest in trust deeds (as I did) or in high interest bonds. I had US Treasury bonds that carried a coupon rate of 16% and, when bought at a discount, carried an interest rate of 18%. That was US Treasury paper! The S&Ls depositors fled to higher yields and the action by Congress in freeing the interest rates they could pay was too late. Worse, it raised the total deposit cap that was insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, or FSLIC, to $100,000 from $20,000. There was no reason to do that and it was not debated. It was just added by the House Banking Committee chairman, Fernand St Germain. The result was the savings and loan scandal of the 1980s. After that, a new model was necessary for home loans. It was not an improvement. – A Primer on the Mortgage Crisis, by anonymous blogger, -

Even if the stock market went from 10,000 points one day to 500 the next; there is no sum of money which can accurately and responsibly deal with this run amuck socialistic undercover Republicanism because they are all Democrats to begin with. You cannot change who you are and your genetic code. Even if the price of a house appreciates from 100,000 to a 300,000 mortgage; it does not mean you bail out the home owner who has a 300,000 homes and mortgage. What you do is go after the people behind this who caused that bad transaction to occur or tricked people into believing they did not have to worry about tomorrow for a quick dollar today. That is a liberal incognito and how they oppress others.

Keep in mind, she was supposed to go underground and hide as I had told her. She was to forgive and forget. She did none of that. She was very scared of disappointment and very scared of a lot of other things which we were knocking out one at a time. but with no help and no support, we were dead. I felt we were dead and I told her this over and over. They will not stop. I will try a sacrifice now that I am not able to fight any longer, so the leaf will fall this spring and we will forgive and forget if we wish to survive. They mortally wounded me in 2002 and literally sucked the life out. It was game over for me and I had told Ann this. Look for me in 10 or 20 years and take out as many as she could. I told one day, find me again and look for me when I am safe and reemerge. Who would of imagined she did almost the same thing and suffered just as much.

Since the Nixon administration when price fixing and price control has proved fatal and unworkable, it creates more problems by fixing the immediate one until you get a similar price tag such as 700 billion in bail out while those behind it retired as millionaires and are laughing or terrorizing others with lies. What part of accurate accounting slipped their minds or ever slipped the mind of a liberal? If it is a crisis then get rid of the crooks behind it so that the crisis can also go away quickly. That is the market; it encourages bad companies to go out of business while it encourages good ones to profit. Bailing out failure and corruption runs against the reality and makes people angry and clowns. Price controls end up causing inflation and job loss as the Nixon years learned the hard way.

The rant from the “gentle woman from California” that helped turns the tide against the “bailout bill”; “When was the last time someone asked you for $700 billion? It is a number that is staggering, but tells us only the costs of the Bush Administration’s failed economic policies—policies built on budgetary recklessness, on an anything goes mentality, with no regulation, no supervision, and no discipline in the system. Democrats believe in the free market, which can and does create jobs, wealth, and capital, but left to its own devices it has created chaos…” (Nancy Pelosi) Ms. Pelosi is either too stupid or partisan (or both) to be in such an important position of national responsibility. By the way, to address just one of the speaker’s myriad lies, check out The Myth of the Clinton Surplus. - How Nancy Pelosi Screwed the Pooch, blog comment on website -

It defeats the goal and end result when the Democrats describe the problem or what the problem is when they did it or was responsible for it. How can you be opposed to something you did not be panic? The problem fixes itself when the problem is quickly and accurately gone. This is the same problem with some conservatives who are radical conservatives. They are so dirt stupid they cannot rationalize anything but oppression and junk. There are no principles and that is liberalism, they bow down to anything and create division and divorce as a way to win by alliance and desperation.

ACORN is a long-time advocacy group with whom Obama was once associated. Recently, though, ACORN workers in two states have pleaded guilty to election fraud, an unlikely recipient of federal largess.” (Fox News Report, 9/26/08)

Next thing we know they copy all our words, all our work, and never hunt the enemy or the church of liberals. They are breathing down our necks, stalk us into our bedroom, propose marriage and infidelity, repeat terrorist hits with smug smite, and worse lie about it. Yet half the conservative leaders cannot explain why they would need to oppress themselves, what is their problem or the problem with their church and morality. We have a serious problem with churches, fanatics, ultra conservatives, and instruments of oppressions that refuse to get out of our life and trick us into thinking they are not some terrorist or hit team allied to some other more or less profitable. How does this church get the gall and audacity to oppress by sacred junk and dirt stupid junk?

Ann proposed an overt marriage in June of 2008 and spent at least two full weeks crying and telling an unbelievable story about what happened to her. It was unbelievable because I had shut everything out until 2006 and it will take her two years to try and find me while I scrambled to go into hiding. I am able to contact her but she is not able to contact me, until April of 2008 on a web site which alarmed me like I had seen a ghost, how did they break our security or was this really Ann? It was really her and she was okay but totally bruised up. I had shut out everything, even Ann and she was told to go into hiding and to never contact me again; maybe she was scared and this looked like another trick and maybe another ambush. The lies and smut about her life was unbearable. That was the very first thing she spent weeks on, trying to clear up her name and telling the story of what happened to her. It is a long and huge story and it is unbelievable. She did the exact same thing I did and I knew she understood my situation also or how much insanity I had just seen. We were barely hanging on and almost on empty, it was not the best situation for romance but it awakens your soul in hell and makes you almost new again.

We pay a lot for good education and to educate this dirt stupid religion and they still refuse to write down anything while we end up with the mess of their superior and sacred junk. If they were intelligent enough to rationalize what junk is then they can write it down so we can grade, authenticate, verify, and determine whether or not they are Middle East terrorists or have a dirty bomb trying to acquire more military capability or kidnap and torture us. We pay a lot for their education and we get nasty, vile, spitting stupidity, and a religious junk. Then they sell the junk for billions of dollars and we end up with billions of dollars worth of junk, debt, and bailouts; while they blame us and their spies or rogues who are dirt stupid radicals also. We end up with JUNK.

The News Media is controlled by Democrats; Pelosi is a Dictator, Reed a Socialist, Obama a Marxist we are in a Totalitarian Regime when Obama gets elected. Republicans stood up today for free markets and American capitalistic values their voice was not heard. It will be remembered around the fires of the natives left after the fall. Folks say good bye to your freedom, the dems will let in millions more Mexicans in USA and sign them up to vote for the free entitlements when Obama is elected. More socialistic votes, good bye capitalism, good bye to a conservative point of view, good bye to your language, the free press is the voice of totalitarianism. They will shut the contra voice off while the conservatives babble in the corner drooling. McCain and the Republicans are branded as greedy self serving people who use the American people for their own political ends via the voice of Pelosi! Republicans can get no voice in the media only the Dems. The McCain candidacy media is silent, the Republicans are silent, and the American people are letting the liberal politicians eat them alive. Folks its all over, the fat lady Pelosi is singing! Humans are only a part of nature and only the fittest survive. Catch you on the back side! – Blog: Simon Sez, September 29th, 2008 at 9:30 pm, -

More doomsday jokes for the poor and Democrat party is not the answer. The joke is not really a joke but a reliance on government. The doomsday joke is subliminal like drowning in water, the more you fight, the worse it gets. Most liberals are hysterical when they drown in water or debt. Moreover, when that debt is related to their health, society as a whole becomes sick with them but their case is how society is drowning in debt and in need of a bailout. Those who are drowning need medicine and a bailout but there is only one life vest reserved for the best, who does the best and most deserve saving? Is the best the strongest swimmer or the weakest swimmer or the highest ranking? That is neither an answerable question nor a pleasant one to imagine; pray you are not with liberals. Government cannot answer that question and should not but they always wish to and end up hurting instead of helping; then you end up with a communist and terrorist plot to blow up or ruin the nation because of bad immigration standards.

Ann, Professor Kessler from the McCain Party does create a good start by linking tax credits to how many times you visit a doctor’s office a year. Therefore, if you visit the doctors 50 times a year or 1 time a year, you get a big tax credit regardless of whether you are rich or poor. It is a good start but we are covered by the military already and opt for a better service. Don’t even think about Obama and his health care he is just dirt stupid and worthless like a few other people very close to us and in our life.

The point is how bail outs appeal to the lazy and those accustomed to failure. Yes it is a way of life and a science to make people accustomed to failure, it is called junk oppression and beating the ugly off the pretty and perfect. It pisses people off when the public is accustomed to failure and public failure, but the church of liberalism never hunts or holds others accountable. They only want to help by copying us. Public leaders and authority claim superiority and moral superiority but when they are so stupid nit picky they get this moral junk to failure. It is embarrassing and you do not want to breathe down the necks of others but they are kidnapping people and telling them they are protectors and messiahs. They are nothing but junk and both a communist and terrorist cell; or not far from it.

ACORN workers submitted “just over 1,800 new voter registration forms, but there was a problem. The names were made up – all but six of the 1,800 submissions were fakes… The ACORN workers told state investigators that they went to the Seattle public library, sat at a table and filled out the voter registration forms. They made up names, addresses, and Social Security numbers and in some cases plucked names from the phone book. One worker said it was a lot of hard work making up all those names and another said he would sit at home, smoke marijuana and fill out the forms.” (Fox News Channel, 5/02/08)

This 700 billion in bail out or installments may end up paying for a new subway in New York City and another 700 billion will be needed to bail out the sewer system soon. The concentration of the problem and the vicinity of the threat is concentrated on eastern dirt stupid and junk liberals who are very rich and in dire need of a bailout. Why didn’t the city of New York crack down on this liberal junk and this morality of junk? It could be feeding the mob or a down payment for a lunatic who needs a vacation home to amass more junk. It is all going to one city and one political machine located in one city. Why does one city get 700 billion or else they disappear or got bombed again and are in crisis? It is hard to imagine how all of these scandals and junk politics or kidnappings got past the “War on Terrorism” and Republican President, George W. Bush, when they originate all from one enemy, the communists and liberals.

She was scared and you could feel it when she begged for a chance to explain. I felt it was a spy who was posing as her because she was given orders to not contact me ever again; and was testing me to see what they could get. We were dealing with so many spies and so many attacks. There were times when we were arguing about who did what and why. The story is so long and difficult to understand unless you have both and both stories. I gave up because I could not find her story. She was silent because I was so hurt and shut things out which took almost two years before I had finally broke down one night. So long as they could keep us apart, they could silence us and continue what they were trying to do or doing. It was also from the top down, not bottom up.

This has and is a very oppressing experience. It has been a painful trauma to what once was a life worth celebrating. We are dealing with extremely oppressive churches, political forces, terrorists, alliances, powerful individuals, and insanity. We have seen more insanity in one decade than anyone will see in their entire life, that is how oppressing this is and three of those years were in prison so it is not a full decade even. When you are reactionary liberals or conservatives, you are the most oppressing and depressing dirt stupidly nit picky human being in existence. When you cannot rationalize your actions or why you oppress, the logical thing to do is look for someone who can. Hence our fateful and forsaken kidnapping straight out of college and angry conscription to become a communist protégé. Debt is a measure of this lunacy and there is a lot of debt; however, when you are dirt stupid and cannot rationalize why you oppress, you must copy and mimic others or do everything they do not truthful but reactionary.

Charlton Heston, 84; Oscar-winning actor: RIP. NYT Obit: Charlton Heston, Epic Film Star and Voice of N.R.A., Dies at 84; Be the kind of woman Charlton Heston would marry. – Ann Coulter web site -

Liberalism is nothing more than a breed of existentialism. The foundation of all existentialism has been explained as nothing more than reactionary overkill by the fathers of this school of thought such as Rousseau or the revolutionary epistemology of existentialist grievances. Existentialism is the root of French revolutionary and the liberation theology of slavery. The heart of existentialism is sandbagging reality and a reactionary violence to any insult of to the most sacred of liberation theology. Therefore, all liberals are reactionary and existentialists. They prosper most and incubate well under a libertarian system. All existentialist law, Constitutional or not, is liberal or left wing liberation theory and should be struck down as fundamentalism or orthodoxy. All terrorists are reactionary and existentialists.

Ann, did you know that not only are the richest and the most liberals supporting both Hillary Clinton and Barrach Obama openly, but also several conservatives who are mollifying both the liberal machinery and the Democratic machinery to deposit or insure their bank accounts? They have too much stock interest and too much invested in labor because they took a lot of money and put bets on the wrong people and now they must play this brass balls libertarianism. The messiahs and the richest on Wall Street are openly supporting terrorists and socialists so that this nation does not turn into a third world by besmirching one of their messiahs. When the official military is fed up and coups them, they will be asked to leave, by fortune of conspiracy and traitors, with only the shirt on their backs. Is it worth stalking us or supporting the communists to save some powerful communists? They feel stalking you and I is worth everything they have worked for but everything we have worked for has no value to them. This is why they copy everything and steal it while oppressing us with lies. We cannot even complain about being kidnapped or viciously stalked by serial killers and terrorists.

Liberals and liberalism is most dangerous when it is molly-coddled as libertarianism and existentialism. They become extremely oppressive and reactionary or fundamentalist in their violence and kill at a whim. Therefore, conservative reactionary is the most dangerous breed but it is nothing more than a perfumed fundamentalist or reactionary conservative, it is not conservatism, it is terrorism. Ultra conservatives who are libertarian and existentialism is a shock to the mind and cannot be rationalized whatsoever because it is so far out of reality and archaic. Therefore, all liberals are reactionary and all conservative reactionaries are terrorists and most dangerous when they copy the mantle of conservatism, nationalism, and military defense security ideology.

But Biden cast one of only five votes against the pipeline that has produced more than 15 billion barrels of oil, supplied nearly 20 percent of this nation's oil, created tens of thousands of jobs, added hundreds of billions of dollars to the U.S. economy and reduced money transfers to the nation's enemies by about the same amount. …It would have been bad enough to vote against the pipeline bill even if it had hurt the caribou. A sane person would still say: Our enemies have us in a vice grip. Sorry, caribou, you've got to take one for the team. But when the pipeline goes through and the caribou population sextuples in the next 20 years, you really look like a moron. ¬- “Biden Secret Service Code Name: ‘Assassination Insurance’,” by Ann coulter, October 1, 2008 -

This is the drop the bomb plot we are “sissying” from the communist and tearorist spy ring we had come under attack by and fingered. The more bombs they drop on the nation and the more they pound it to crumble, the more dollars are injected in their bank accounts. The more they pound us and make us crumble, the more they can figure out if their bank account is boosted. When they target someone, they will know how the link is surmised by their means and their ends. They know the moles are in place and all it takes is a call and this is why they are so bold and act so bold, the moles can stop it. Liberals are reactionary; there is no way to stop them but to perfect conservatism. Yet these libertarians rack up easy points by picking easy fights against the least educated class in society and this makes the clowns larger than life. Meanwhile, they are reactionary when truth or principles finally gets them back on the how reality works.

He admitted it but we cannot prove it or able to challenge him because he vowed they will not be caught alive. He refuses to provide the coordinates and have tried to assuage our attention from the heart and core of this problem. We need the coordinates for the Midwest plot and the terrorists, the dirty bomb. Don't tell me I do not know or we do not know, then play games with remote viewers. You and they ignore all the warnings even if we are the best shooters on earth at 150,000 miles of US military shooting excellence. We live and breathe firearms, weapons, and martial sciences. You cannot see anyone at 150K miles and more, and then even if you miss or failed, they will be very mad and return fire. He said, "I admit it, we are obsessed with multiculturalism." Who be we? Search those words. He also said, "Yes but not directly" when asked if he tried to rape Ann or knew who was trying. He is using rhetoric and spin. Ask him about the dirty bomb and coordinates of the militant wing of this church or the Clintons, he turns into a clown like the Penguin. Ask why Obama is his protector and his church? Ask him if he lied he just says, “What you do not know won’t hurt you” but will it hurt him? Then he blames us or anyone because he runs a church hit squad and is nothing more than an instrument of oppression. We are the strongest and in trouble and he blames us for everything, even for being in love or married.

Liberals live day to dayd and are not thinking about the unborn future or what cause effect their liberalism will do to them and the world. As result, that sense of denying the mother of the unborn future and reproduction causes them extreme violence and even existential infanticide, irresponsible class warfare, and a “born into” presumption of being unqualified and stupid. You must have education and credentials to build on the crescendo of this problem. Instead you profit and make a career on the delusions and fear of the weak. If you are born into this dirt stupid class and continue the worthless day to day laziness; you will never build on this prophesying class warfare of the unborn future which grows as result of reproduction choice.

Ann I take that back. I got your message and how they refuse to confront you or ask you. You are right they are hiding and stalking us. They are too dysfunctional and perverted to come out of the closet. You have to rip their heads off or mess with them until they explode. Otherwise, we us alone or be overt. They know you have a man but they still think they have a chance and you are right, we prefer to apprehend or kill them, dead or alive. Why respect them? Who would if they knew the story? Do you think they will confront you or ask you to marry them; or ask if you love them; or ask if you are interested? Stalkers and serial killers do not work like that Ann, for real sweetheart, do you expect a serial killer to risk apprehension and do that? Look how much they are risking and what they want. They are taking a risk for a piece of your and our heaven, sex; do you think it is worth what they are doing? Who would take a risk like that when they do not even know you are already a spouse or taken (movie Glen Close and Michael Douglas, Fatal Attraction)? It is a freak Ann who wants to know about our love life and will not leave or get out of it. They are scared to ask and wish to prolong the stalking with excuses.

So why would anyone stalk us while holding us down to avoid a proper debate, then read our emails, love letters, copy our words, claim to be conservative and Republican, then turn around and not give proper debate on why they cannot rationalize or cannot get out of our lives? The entire idea is we are and were dealing with the most oppressive liberalism this world has yet seen while they had show trials about libertarianism, fascism, and freedom or patriotism. We also know how these words refuse to instruct this dirt stupid and meandering Neanderthal who will not value education as a way to fix their lack of debate. Even if we give them a proper education and beating; they refuse to learn and do not value education and this is dirt stupid.

Not for the affable Eva Braun of evening TV! "I'm just going to ask you one more time," Couric snipped, "not to belabor the point. Specific examples in his 26 years of pushing for more regulation?" This would be like responding to someone who predicted the 9/11 attacks by saying: OK, you got one thing right. Not to belabor the point, but what else? Obama was not merely wrong on Fannie Mae: He is owned by Fannie Mae. Somehow Obama managed to become the second biggest all-time recipient of Fannie Mae political money after only three years in the Senate. The biggest beneficiary, Democratic Sen. Chris Dodd, had a 30-year head start on receiving loot from Fannie Mae -- the government-backed institution behind our current crisis. … Shockingly, Sen. Joe Biden was one of only five senators to vote against the first Alaskan pipeline bill in 1973. This is like having been a Nazi sympathizer during World War II. If Sarah Palin does nothing else, she has got to tie that idiotic pipeline vote around Biden's neck. The Senate passed the 1973 Alaskan pipeline bill … who is still in the Senate -- the other four having been confined to mental institutions long ago. - “Biden Secret Service Code Name: ‘Assassination Insurance’,” by Ann coulter, October 1, 2008 -

Meanwhile, they oppress and make like painful because they cannot rationalize who and what they are or why they need to oppress. Do not ask them who we are either! If you do, they will have a slew of hillbillies who prefer red wine over white wine with a tiny-weenie of cilantro. Soon they are going to blow up this nation because they know the military is quickly catching on to this and this plot or conspiracy. That is the only equalizing chance they have. They were expecting us and we did not even know what they wanted or who they were because we were not in their loop. When we ignored them and kept this opined plague away or at a distance, they attacked and pounded the nation for neglect. That is called reactionary insanity and debt is a good measure of how much lunacy is out there or by these churches. Existentialism, reactionaries, hollow libertarianism, and call it what you will lunacy; is nothing more than a cover for socialism and communism.

It is obvious no amount of education we can give them will produce a proper debate so long as they avoid the debate itself. No amount of education will produce a proper debate. They refuse to step down while ramming socialism down our throat and pound us until both, we or the nation crumbles. Now everybody is loosing their life savings if we do not transform into 1960s liberals and radicals. Keep getting rid of them until the day a proper debate on this problem is forward and the proper education to dispose of this junk and serial killer character. That is reactionary liberalism and their leaders absorb it while they pound us like terrorists or blow up the world. Sooner or later everybody is going to loose their entire life savings so long as this continues. Bush fooled everybody and both Republican and Democrat are trying to ram this down our throats and now everybody is loosing their entire life savings. Suckers! At least you did not spend three years in prison or was nearly crippled by John McCain's story teller and biographer!

The politicians are nothing more than a cushion for this avoidance while some other “drive-by thug” does a terrorist hit or pushes us back and opens their doors. Now there is no need or legal cause for a debate. Why debate a reactionary threat when the threat is now gone? This is how we observed them trying to ram socialism, community outreach, communism, espionage, and a host of other very oppressing and violent ideas down our throats unrelenting and nonstop. We not only crumbled, we were crippled almost. This is no threat to be taken lightly and no minor offense to be excused.

Understand, we do not see it as interracial but equals. Race problems are an equality issue. Ann and I are true partners; we do not have this problem with seeing our self as interracial because we are equal partners. Ann does not see me as Asian and I do not see her as Caucasian. We are nearly identical. Ann is my voice. We are identical except in gender. There is very little if no difference. My sexual appeal is the same. My games are the same. How I view people is the same. You cannot hate on me and hate on her at the same time but this is happening with the stalkers and we know who they are. They got a major problem on their hands.

People are shocked and fearful because they woke up one morning and tyranny had befallen their nation and life. This type of tyranny has to be fore forcefully removed and expelled with no profit because they looted the entire government and debt is a sign of this lunacy and coffer. Most dangerous is when it is not overt, impeachable, or stoppable. This is dirt stupid and education will not stop them or them lying. They will keep giving out tax dollars and ramming this oppression down our throats so long as they have all the control. People will loose their entire life savings until socialism or 700 billion more bailouts occur.

Ann, do you think John McCain was telling his life story to me or was someone kidnapping me to make me howl about how unfair Vietnam was to them? We will be at war for the rest of our lives. We prepared for this and we have drilled this over and over. Do you think he felt Vietnam was so unfair and his captivity was so unfair he gathered with others who wanted to blame us for the debacle of the Democrats and their failure to step down upon facing a communist threat? They are dirt stupid and the worst choice to lead. There are a lot of disgruntled people and they do not even know we are working on World War III while kidnapping us and screaming and scolding us about socialism and patriotism or the liberal church of the devil. Look at what they did to our romance and family, or what family should we ask? I think we have the story they are looking for in the 1960s and Vietnam, they are behind enemy lines and refuse to leave. This threat is even in the military and conservative side because they are existentialists and stubborn radicals.

At the close of 2008, we find out that George W. Bush was not a conservative or a Republican. He has admitted to this Harvard problem with a circle of socialists and communist. He did save the nation from foreign terrorism while ignoring all domestic ones. This was a lesson on how not to be a socialist and Republican trying to seek revenge for 1960s radicals. Every door was open domestically and shut internationally which caused a severe energy crisis. That energy crisis caused massive prices increases like the 1970s and 1980s. Nothing was ever debated properly because they copy the words of others and cannot rationalize freedom and free choice. Instead, the world got freedom and no choice, socialism.

10/1/2008 6:41:51 PM
Newt Gingrich: “Ask Rush…” (On bailout and radio show)
Rush Limbaugh: “I am sure the Republicans will pass this bill tonight. Both sides have made the changes…” Out of nowhere both Newt and Rush hijacks the party so he must be reading it before it is even written! Rush says the bail out will pass regardless which is not what he said today on his show! That is how clever of a liar he is! He will say, what you do not know will not hurt you! (Or hurt him) Newt is an insider? Or did he run the conservative party? Watch how they trick people, Senate vote first or tentative agreements only.

Now we have the shock of our life when he admits to being a socialist or were promoting socialism under the radar and against our will. He fooled everybody while putting us in prison or allowing massive domestic attacks. The monument of his eight year reign of lunacy was to seize the Republican Party, restore Congressional power, restore Democratic zeal, destroy his party, let everyone loose their entire life savings, and copy our words and phrases. This from a state which produced JFK and LBJ in the 1960s and hated Vietnam (please refer to Ann Coulter’s book “Treason” and “Vietnam: Oh, How They Miss Saigon). This is nothing but the ghosts of the 1960s pussymandering as irrational and oppressive socialists in dire straits and blaming a protégé they kidnapped against his will.

Just so you know, the authorities are covering this up by stalling. So I am stuck and they say they are investigating the matter. Until they are sued, they will not do anything. Whenever they say “we are investigating” they mean “stalling” until forced to act. I have been bait and pounded on for a full decade and they are still doing it while acting like the authorities. They won’t step down. That is what they are investigating, how much of a chance they have. If you do not help or are not with me, I cannot challenge them legally. They caused and buried us legally. If you want to help pay the utilities, then do so. That is their strategy. I am going to get pounded. They want to know how much of a chance they have to lie or lie out of this. They will use tax dollars to save their neck. I get pounded while you and them play this cat and mouse game with the police. They are corrupt as hell Ann, communists. Do you think they will just turn themselves in regardless of whether they are the police or not?

They fooled everyone into thinking they were strong on terrorism but was promoting anything goes socialism and libertarianism, then stalked us and pounded us with blame for being liberal. It was them all along and they lied about almost everything or just would not give it proper debate or truth telling. It was just lunacy, irrational oppression, and the nation being pounded, people loosing their entire life savings, and inviting single pundits to dinner and photo ops to smear her love life and career by fooling her when she was not easy at all. To be the best, you have to know how things work and how to get in the face of those with fight but no fight at all.

BOYCOTT "US WEEKLY" Speaking of which, how much "vetting" did Mrs. Jann Wenner do before marrying a gay guy? Talk about bad vetting . . . OLBERMANN FEARED ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT AT RNC September 4, 2008, 4:34 PM; REFUSED TO ATTEND GOP CONVENTION; NY POST: MADDOW MAD; AP RUNS DEM PRESS RELEASE AS "NEWS" September 4, 2008, 4:27 PM; My favorite part: "Obama would provide $80 billion in tax breaks, mainly for poor workers and the elderly, including tripling the Earned Income Tax Credit for minimum-wage workers and higher credits for larger families." "Tax breaks" for the poor means welfare, not a tax cut, for the simple reason that the poor don't pay taxes. Not the elderly poor, not the middle aged poor, not the young poor. The "Earned Income Tax Credit" is a welfare program that simply requires the welfare recipient to have some income. Why can't Democrats (or the AP) be honest in their language?

The reason why this was not properly debated and the media, or this political plague, were obsessed with female genitalia or breeding habits; is because they are all guilty of not properly debating the truth. While this nation was being pounded by socialism and domestic terrorism, they tried to get dates to expensive dinners or rape military spouses. While everybody was loosing their homes to socialism, they wanted to have photo ops and write love stories that were not even the slightest bit true. When they finally got the story or the real story, they refused to correct it or even debate whether or not it was true again. That was twice; one false and one true and neither debated as either. No wonder this world is headed for global catastrophe, it is infested with liberals who do not give proper debate to what the problem is, them! That is the problem and reality, you get rid of liberals, not promote socialism. We are not guilty, they all are, and worse they are incognito pathological liars. Just keep getting rid of them and fighting wars until we can figure out how to get rid of them for good.

Maher: (Former Miss America offered 1 million to come forward about what happened between her and Bill Clinton)
Maher: Whatever Clinton did in this hotel, doesn't it really insult those who have really been sexually harassed?
(Comments by Faith Ford, and Jim Hightower)
Maher: How do you know if Clinton's wife doesn't care if he had sex with another woman, what business is it of yours?
Maher: There is an exemption for everyone and it is called freedom.
Maher: I don't care because i do not know what goes on inside someone's marriage. do you want to tell us what goes on in your marriage?
Maher: You don't know what your husband does, let’s face it.
(Comments by guests)

- Bill Maher on Judge Weber throwing case against Bill Clinton out of court for sexual impropriety, transcripts from Politically Incorrect -

If GW the President was indeed preoccupied with saving us from international terrorism while allow domestic terrorism to bloom into a humongous plot to advance socialism; then turned around and admits he is promoting and advancing socialism, then at least admit it so we can differ or take measures to fix it. It is not just Harvard but the entire state of New Jersey who is an entire breed of irrational oppressors and stock market geniuses who blew up their own work to advance socialism so that everybody wakes up one morning and corruption is rampant and tyranny is all up in our faces investigating us for the most stupid nit picky truth. That is how illegal aliens fight; they just invite themselves and expect to be entitled by their brethrens, those before them. It is an entire breed of them and they get advanced degrees about how to terrorize our life or blow up the nation by oppressing it and not able to explain this honestly.

NYT: Ivy League Virgins March 31, 2008, 5:03 AM, Students of Virginity
At Harvard, Princeton and M.I.T., they are challenging charming arguments like this, from a Harvard coed, quoted in the article: "To say that I have to care about every person I have sex with is an unreasonable expectation. It feels good! It feels good!” Also from the article: “A voluntary online survey showed that students at Harvard were less sexually active than undergraduates elsewhere." Undoubtedly, they are also more likely to have married parents. – Ann Coulter web site -

Keep in mind, if one man called “The President of the United States of America” was up to this, we can easily stop him and investigate him. What did we get? We got an entire Congress of no good Democrats, 1960s radicals and anti-war protestors, who failed to debate the issue properly while prancing before the public and media about how they took swift action to prevent disaster and stop tyranny in America. Conceitedly, how can you beat that for the ultimate show trial? Nothing was going on. Now we have to investigate the entire Congress to root out this liberal plot to promote socialism or communism.

This is a public announcement. We regret to inform you that your government has been taken over by radical 1960s liberals and anti-war protestors who fooled us into believing they are or were Republicans, then conservatives, and now everybody is loosing their homes and socialism is being rammed down our throats. We have been hit and was captured and tortured by what appears to be John McCain’s story teller who is telling his church story conspiracy.

We are not able to accept any bailout before we can root out this long string of security failures and inaction or incompetence; all the sudden it is rushed as a necessary action over inaction. We do not accept any action until heads roll and accountability is finally not a problem. Most especially, a proper debate and the crass of this plot and endless lies with pink slip beheadings. This show trial needs to end before there is any action and no acceptable excuses for inaction regardless of who is hurting as hostages of a terrorist. This is like capitulating to the terrorists before asking if the terrorists are getting the aid, did they decide all the sudden to debate and release the hostages. You do not handle hostage situations like that and especially when the charges are egregious and people mortified they woke up in tyranny and must fight for their life against thugs and violent sphincters. Let’s address the tyranny before clemency. Bad leaders produce back worse situations and we are witnessing the back worst of the worst, the protected class.

Sorry, AP, but this is great news. Mr. McCain is a far better candidate (and person) when he is pissed off. Oh, and by the way: As examples, a questioner at the Register noted a McCain commercial that suggested Obama favored comprehensive sex education for kindergartners and assertions by his campaign that a “lipstick on a pig” comment Obama made was a reference to Palin. News media fact-checking the sex education ad deemed it deceptive and a distortion of Obama’s position. This is a blatant lie. Mr. Obama most certainly did vote for a bill which specifically expanded sex education to kindergartners. But what else do we expect from our one party media? And heaven forbid anyone should get annoyed by it. – “McCain turns irritable, sarcastic in interview”, by Ann Coulter, –

It took an entire Congress and 1960s or anti-war protestors to stop liberals and socialism, or the entire left wing? Now we have to investigate the entire Congress if we want to stop them from saying no to us or this prescient impasse. How can it get any better for the socialist camp or the anti-war camp? They are voting on a 700 billion bail out for their own mistakes to pay off cronies. Does anybody feel delusional or how their head will explode if they think about this? This is also very similar to the gun laws or the Cold War military strategy with communists; we can stop the good people but we cannot stop the bad ones, thus what stands between us and them is beating the gutless ugly off ugly itself and it takes guns, tanks, and even intercontinental missiles just so we are not mugged or robbed. That is how bad it is. It is easy to stop the good people but harder to get rid of the bad ones especially when they pull a “NOBAMA” on us, the protected class. The protected class did it, avoided full debate of it, promoted it, takes the credit for it, accelerated themselves, locked everyone out, buried us in investigations and stress, were smug about the problem, and now are back to the protected class and what the hell they are doing with this nation.

It is patently clear there were two or more movements, both unique and separate during the 1960s. One was derived from the church of liberalism, the other was a derivative of the Pentagon and military in Southeast Asia, and several others trying to be the umbrella of it all when none of the pieces fit. If you stood for the Vietnam War, then you could not stand for the domestic events at home or the transformation in the church of liberalism as it was imploding. If you went to Vietnam with the idea that it was a noble cause, then you were shot a second time and deserved a second purple heart for what had occurred while the military was absent and at war with the enemy. there is no way to link Vietnam with this church, this domestic insurgency, this incursion, and this surge by the church of liberation which trusted liberalism into each and every living room in America while trying to call it their "War on Poverty." It just does not work that way and reality will beat them down each and every time they try.

We have never seen people who are supposed to be in charge of the military, supposedly supervising the satellite warfare program, in charge of national security, and the overall stewardship of the nation so instantaneously weak and so cautiously feeble. They have fight in them but no fight and you can hear them wheezing to stay along or keep up. Eventually, they will simply give up and just copy what everybody says or tells them and they will create a disaster and become such an irritation tyranny will befall the world. Satellite warfare is a hunt club, not a Y or a country club. National security is also a hunt club, not a flood of incompetent people who do not property debate the full disclosure of issues. It is a full blown problem with mismatched personnel and an heir of incompetence which wreaks a fatality of Robin Hood incompetence. The 2008 financial bailout and crisis is just a measure of this Sauvé assuage of qualified incompetence.

More than half of the whopping $426.9 million Barack Obama has raised has come from small donors whose names the Obama campaign won't disclose. And questions have arisen about millions more in foreign donations the Obama campaign has received that apparently have not been vetted as legitimate. Obama has raised nearly twice that of John McCain's campaign, according to new campaign finance report. But because of Obama’s high expenses during the hotly contested Democratic primary season and an early decision to forgo public campaign money and the spending limits it imposes, all that cash has not translated into a financial advantage — at least, not yet. The Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee began September with $95 million in cash, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC). The McCain camp and the Republican National Committee had $94 million, because of an influx of $84 million in public money. - “Secret, Foreign Money Floods into Obama Campaign”, by Kenneth R. Timmerman, Monday, September 29, 2008; -

The first sign of a problem is a predator or molester who takes advantage and tries to have their way with infighting individuals in subordinate or inferior human conditions but also have a sexual predilection and aversion:

It is the liberal arrogance and ignorance with others ignores or eradicate. Does this long enough and it will come back and haunt like a ghost of either a liberal or right wing conspiracy. Playing on the kindness of others is how serial killers lure unsuspecting victims especially children or the mentally ill. Truth telling is not a repertoire of allowing a victim a fair chance, not even to defend for themselves when nobody can save them or prevent them from being robbed by invisible wounds. Liberals claim that all perspectives are to be respected and all human beings are to be respected. Yet when they read this, they fly off the deep end and say who asked you’re your opinion which makes no sense to what they are saying. All they want to do is beat the ugly off the pretty and perfect thinking, and then hide this bigotry, hatred, and hypocrisy.

If anybody spots or recognizes this near fatality of incompetence and dirt stupid management, please do not hesitate to confront the parties who extol this way of life or political platform to seize or hijack the nation. It is imperative we restore the hunt club and do not wake up one morning to fear that tyranny has clouded our vision and mental clarity and smurfs or smurfettes repeat our every word while getting it wrong. If this smug, contrite, crass, intolerable, uncommitted, undedicated, self propagandize-ment, and nit picky stupid threat reappears and wants to help or hijack the nation; please fight the brain paralysis they cause.

Most people are both repelled and intrigued by the images of cold-blooded, conscienceless murderers that increasingly populate our movies, television programs, and newspaper headlines. With their flagrant criminal violation of society’s rules, serial killers like Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy are among the most dramatic examples of the psychopath. Individuals with this personality disorder are fully aware of the consequences of their actions and know the difference between right and wrong, yet they are terrifyingly self-centered, remorseless, and unable to care about the feelings of others. Perhaps most frightening, they often seem completely normal to unsuspecting targets--and they do not always ply their trade by killing. Presenting a compelling portrait of these dangerous men and women based on 25 years of distinguished scientific research, Dr. Robert D. Hare vividly describes a world of con artists, hustlers, rapists, and other predators who charm, lie, and manipulate their way through life. Are psychopaths mad, or simply bad? How can they be recognized? And how can we protect ourselves? This book provides solid information and surprising insights for anyone seeking to understand this devastating condition. - Book “Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us” by Robert D. Hare, From the Publisher comments -

We have heard about how others are wrong or this “full of yourself” attitude spitting recklessly back “who asked your opinion in the first place” by the smug liberal underclass and the self appointed elite left wingers. They belong in jail but this is not occurring. Instead, they are replacing a few words and putting others in jail as a fill in until they are exposed as a fraud and a liar. Eventually, the military will coup that smug and contrite little character that shakes their fist to sound off their resentment and inane disbelief in reality.

What is most amazing is how Ann has not given up on this marriage and partnership. First it is interracial and there are so many problems. Second, it cost her natural birthing problem bearing children. Third, the danger was immense and she was told that they were not playing around and to call it quits. It is very surprising to burden oneself with love while not opting for any other man or vowing how no other man will ever have her. In other words, Ann has been with one and only one man in her entire life and she has vowed to that number. She said she would join a convent if something happened back in 1989 when we first met.

Serial killers primary malfunction, like terrorists, is their inability to associate punishments and warnings; they do not care about the affect or effect they have on another human being nor apathy to a set standard and act in a selfish manner to defeat death or apprehension:

This random and expected abuse makes them violent and combust with rage. It challenges who they are and erases who they want to be or can be. It feels like a monologue with a serial killer who boasts about this abuse, hides it, and tries to scare others with it. Sociopaths give no thought to the consequences and the punishments. Neurotics hold in and do not express their torments. They want to be the same and express this love to protect. Serial killers act it out and repeat neurotic-eroticism with both frequency and secrecy. They have no care about others or what kind of impact they have on them whatsoever and this is why they avoid every question asked by never providing the full truth. To a serial killer, rape and sex is an ulterior motive. The engine to their rage and violence is possession and control. The act of killing mercilessly or unjustifiably is a way to act out “God” like characteristics which can restore or bring back their “power” which was either taken or humiliated by humiliation.

We have seen this type of climate all over the world and it always results in a military or some type of coup. It is a climate of tyranny no matter how many times you call it freedom. When a military coups them, they will leave with only the shirt on their backs and not with dump trucks of gold bullions from the Federal Reserve as we are witnessing. That is the fate of a liberal and this horde of unqualified religious followers. However, until then or good change, their march towards pardon, filibuster, unimpeachable lack of standards, and worst of all bonus bail outs for work failure continues on in lock step while copying our every words. The whole point is how to become a billionaire with failure or as a failure, which is comatose elitism at its worst.

"[It's] unimaginable that anyone in the public eye could launch a vicious, mean-spirited attack on people whom I've known over the last four and a half years to be concerned deeply about the safety and security of our country." - NY Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton -

The entire nation has befallen to tyranny and people will find out quickly that only force will be able to get rid of tyranny when it refuses to admit or refuse to be contrite about what it is up to or unqualified to do. The entire cadre opts to regulate the economy and reward failure rather than opt for the obvious answer, get rid of the problem and find the right people. For some reason, it seems as if the Harvard solution is always the socialist solution. Did Harvard students bomb the financial markets or were they also linked to liberals who too ran amuck to not be noticed on Wall Street? This matter is not being given proper debate whatsoever and it is obvious a big hoodwink is going down before our very eyes. We knew they would be coming and would show up and here they are for all to gaze with amazement and disgust.

Like the show trials in the Soviet Union which made people beg and scream or meant to show an example by parading them for the public, the only crime was freedom. When you reverse a show trial, the opposite effect takes place and the only crime is a cover up or one that never happened but was so egregious it cannot even be mentioned. Why are you mad at Ann, you have never had an honest conversation with her, not one. Not one honest conversation or question and you are an expert and can write her entire dossier without looking or facts. What is the missing piece, honesty? If they did, they will realize she is not interested and neither are they because she is smarter, more perfect, more moral, more loving, more fight, and beat them at the start. They just do not know it yet cause all that fight with no fifth to fight now. That is why they are spitting mad, they have no reason to be, because “we want them out of our life and that choice.”

we beginning to see the picture and why this is a conspiracy derived from either one or more colleges or some liberal church to regulate and be a nit-picky jackass in the life of others with a smug conceited hidden weakness, while trying to hook them or oppress them into some obligation which they are not told or duped, into believing is a real liberal church superior by the force and violence of a monolithic Robin Hood incompetence, which is protected by terrorists and the liberal government of a social justice church; and lastly, rewards failure with almost a trillion dollars of bail out tax dollars for greed and liberal thievery gone haywire? Is that the hunt club of superior or superior supervisors or is that the enemy and traitor we are searching for who is trying to save communism and accidentally bombed the financial markets instead because they are that stupid?

Ann, this used to be fun but now there are so many stalkers who are reading our emails and intruding on your love life. When the book comes out, they are going to look really stupid or have to also print a book. I have no idea why they are in our love life, read our letters, stalk you and claim you, tell me not to talk to you, copy everything we do, and remain hidden or anonymous. If they are such an authority on our love life, why are they hesitating to write a book? I have been emailing you for two months maybe three and I am already producing a book. What do they have to claim; they control and order you around or offer your head and mine? There is something really wrong with them and they need to be fired and gone. If not then they deserve to be dead because this is a serial killer and megalomaniacs who is toying with us and even wishes to control every aspect of our life and our emotions. You are not kidding when you say they are trying to impose birth control on you and ruin the nation or our lives with it. You stepped on their hood and now they see you as a ticket into the show that is why your list of stalkers is growing and causing a divorce...

It is pretty obvious this matter is not being given proper debate or facts and information is being hidden while the same undercover people are under the radar. They must be getting some type of bonus for this and ruining the nation because they are not doing it for the truth or for the health and welfare of a thriving nation. How and where are they going to get this bonus or are we seeing their payoff scheme in the final hours? People are not being held responsible and not only are governments riddled with clowns, it is the last straw intended to mortify us of some failed reversal and payoff which we were cutout of for being defiant and not scoundrel enough. The power is now in the Congress, the power is now in the hands of the liberals and left wing, and egregious infractions and offenses are here one minute and then buried by the media coverage of some nit-picky stupidity the next day. The situation is just not being given the proper debate and the military hunt club is acquiescing to know what to do with this atmosphere of incognito lawlessness and under the radar chicanery.

"Before criticizing others for being 'mean' to women, perhaps Hillary should talk to her husband who was accused of rape by Juanita Broaddrick and was groping Kathleen Willey at the very moment Willey's husband was committing suicide." - Ann Coulter -

The problem which is not getting proper debate and is at the heart of the problem with government as a whole is qualification, there is a tsunami of incompetence and it is being used almost like a weapon of mass destruction on the nation. It is so bad and such a comedy people are mortified while they expect it from the clowns who not only have the power of the nation in their hands, they are on a road to success squandering it. The nation is being protected by the weak and the feeble minded. In return, they become some presumptive jeering and smug crass of a protected class for this indescribable lack of debate or proper debate they call freedom or libertarianism, yes socialism and communism is bipartisan to the liberals.

"Psychopaths are social predators who charm, manipulate, and ruthlessly plow their way through life, leaving a broad trail of broken hearts, shattered expectations, and empty wallets. Completely lacking in conscience and in feelings for others, they selfishly take what they want and do as they please..." In Without Conscience Robert Hare argues convincingly that "psychopath" and "antisocial personality disorder" (a psychiatric term defined by a cluster of criminal behaviors) is not the same thing. Not all psychopaths are criminals, he says, and not all criminals are psychopaths. He proposes a psychopathy checklist that includes emotional/interpersonal traits such as glibness, grandiosity, lack of guilt, and shallow emotions, as well as social deviance traits such as impulsiveness, lack of responsibility, and antisocial behavior. His writing is lucid and illustrated with numerous anecdotes. The final chapter, "A Survival Guide," is especially recommended: as Hare writes, "Psychopaths are found in every segment of society, and there is a good chance that eventually you will have a painful or humiliating encounter with one." - Book “Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us” by Robert D. Hare, From the Publisher comments -

What we need and should be doing is disconnecting the national security and defense of the nation from their mechanism. They just dropped a bomb on the financial markets and institutions. We know they will target it because that is the wellspring from which their fate is at unrest. Once they know the world is being protected or the military is being financed by capitalism, they will try to superimpose communism on it and see if it also works. Therefore, we can create a more secure and unimpeachable, yet trustworthy, organization that is the clearinghouse of all currency and begin to arm for World War III or worse. Right now they are using the same financial system to save communism and pay off their failure.

Ann, this is no joke okay; your stalker is deranged and interweaved in those close to you who you constantly criticize and your media problem. They are causing so much trouble on my end and financial problem by isolating and pounding me. Then they are asking you why if you are so I love, not send them and me a check. It is me who in the end will loose. So do not molly-coddle them, rip their heads and if they get smart, get in their face. You are dealing with someone who is almost near a serial killer profile. They are displaying all characteristics while cushioning the lack of prosecution and lawlessness. They are burying me in financial and problems while asking now, you. Rip their head off and do not take them lightly, this is serious.

Once capitalism is pegged to the military, defense and national security is governed by the level of trade and commerce. You spend and arm according to the threats and the dangers and there is a lot of danger right now. Since the fall of the communist nations, that clearinghouse and financial wellspring has been under attack and siege by the left wing. A flood of bad personnel, bombings, scandals, moles, dirt stupid nit picking, and a liberal mess of a church who gets in our faces and is spitting dumb. The problem with liberals is they treat us as if we are dumb and like to watch them, who is watching who and being stalked? Again, this is not being properly debated by anyone because they are all the same liberal church.

They were avoiding a proper debate or their prosecution. Meanwhile the same is happening to the nation. Now they are on our team as deranged stalkers and a plague. They haven’t cleaned up anything but now blocking you after the summoned you and me. This is the bomb plot people and who is behind Al Qaeda but they are avoiding all debate and cushioning the need to get rid of them. They know you only have one lifelong love and I told them you do not intend on any second person at all, you made it clear that no other man will have you. I love you that much also Ann and this is a nightmare, they are all libertarians so anything goes. They are stalking me online, port scanning, and trying to block any attempt to broadcast what they are doing to anyone, even telling me to “shut up” constantly. Rip their heads off so long as they refuse and are defiant about a proper debate and prosecution. Make sure if the “official” military is called; leave them with only a shirt on their back and a ticket to another socialist and communist country.

When you are reactionary liberals or conservatives, you are the most oppressing and depressing dirt stupidly nit picky human being in existence. When you cannot rationalize your actions or why you oppress, the logical thing to do is look for someone who can. When you can find someone who can rationalize oppression, then you can now call it liberalism or freedom and even libertarianism. The problem? What problem, its as close to Nazism, fascism, communism, and devil worship as you can get and nobody is loosing their entire life savings and there is not a problem with debt because all humans are to be respected and not lunatics and terrorists who think or act like illegal aliens. Why debate this issue, we are all the protected class except for the honest and strong winners? Hence our fateful and forsaken kidnapping straight out of college and hell, and then our angry conscription to become a communist protégé. Debt is a measure of this lunacy and there is a lot of debt; however, when you are dirt stupid and cannot rationalize why you oppress, you must copy and mimic others or do everything they do not truthful but reactionary.

The market is correcting. A house that cost 30 grand has a mortgage of 90 grand. I personally would buy it at 30 grand but tell the bank that holds the deed that or the people who were foreclosed on. Understand? When Nixon tried price control, he created more problems and even worse problems. He would fix one thing and create two other problems. Then he fixed one other thing which reduced what he fixed. The market is correcting for over speculation. They are only tricking people so they do not panic. However, they will panic and sell when they figure out how stupid these people are.

The problem is lies. So they, Rush, the Republicans, and Democrats do what? Lie. Now when things get crazy, what do you think will happen? A person is suffering, lost their entire life because of lies, got lied to badly again so they would not take legal action or seek revenge. Now they are not going to have any taxes this budget year. The whole damn thing will collapse. The root problem is lies. It is being fixed with lies? A lie to say they are fixing the root? He thinks you are lovers also because they are so fake and spies and under the radar, the same mistake with me.

“I Need a Hero” lyrics by Bonnie Tyler

Where have all the good men gone
And where are all the gods?
Where’s the street-wise Hercules
To fight the rising odds?

Isn’t there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
Late at night I toss and I turn and I dream of what I need

I need a hero
I’m holding on for a hero ‘til the end of the night
He’s gotta be strong
And he’s gotta be fast
And he’s gotta be fresh from the fight
I need a hero
I’m holding on for a hero ‘til the morning light
He’s gotta be sure
And it’s gotta be soon
And he’s gotta be larger than life (larger than life)

Somewhere after midnight
In my wildest fantasy
Somewhere just beyond my reach
There’s someone reaching back for me

Racing on the thunder and rising with the heat
It’s gonna take a superman to sweep me off my feet


I need a hero
I’m holding on for a hero ‘til the end of the night

Up where the mountains meet the heavens above
Out where the lightning splits the sea
I could swear that there’s someone somewhere
Watching me
Through the wind and the chill and the rain
And the storm and the flood
I can feel his approach
Like a fire in my blood


“Out of My Head” lyrics by Mobile

Come on over, let me watch you
Let me hold you, let me touch you

Right or wrong I should have stayed up 'til the break of dawn
Ever since our eyes did meet
I long to see
Your eyes surprised me like a moon on a cowboy movie screen
I never found out what it means

I must be out of my head
It must be something I said
So come on I'll waste my life
You think I'm out of my head
But I'm romantically dead
So come on I'll waste my life on you

Come on over, let me watch you
Let me hold you, let me touch you

I'm right, you're wrong
You should have come to me before too long
You'll never leave my sight again
To keep you then
Your eyes deny me like the sun on a night sky movie scene
And I just don't care what it means


And I hate to be the one
The one to drop the bomb
You wouldn't wait around
But I'll be watchin' you
Woooooo you! yeah you
Woooooo you! yeah you

I'll watch your every move
You can't know we can't hurt
You got no choice I got you

I'll waste my life; I'll waste my life, my life on you…

“Winning” lyrics by Santana

One day I was on the ground
When I needed a hand
Then it couldn't be found
I was so far down that I couldn't get up
You know and one day I was one of life's losers
Even my friends were my accusers
In my head I lost before I begun

I had a dream but it turned to dust
And what I thought was love
That must have been lust
I was living in style
When the walls fell in
And when I played my hand
I looked like a joker
Turn around fate must have woke her
Cause lady luck she was waiting outside the door

I'm winning
I'm winning
I'm winning
I'm winning and I don't intend losing again

Too bad it belonged to me
It was the wrong time and not meant to be
It took a long time and I'm new born now
I can see the day that I bleed for
If it's agreed that there's a need
To play the game and to win again

“Better Man” lyrics by Pearl Jam

Waitin', watchin' the clock
Its four o'clock, it's got to stop
Tell him, take no more
She practices her speech, as he opens the door
She rolls over
Pretends to sleep as he looks her over

She lies and says she's in love with him
Can't find a better man
She dreams in color, she dreams in red
Can't find a better man, can't find a better man

Talkin', to herself there's no one else
Who needs to know?
She, tells herself, oh...

Memories back when she was bold and strong
And waiting for the world to, come along
Swears she knew it, now she swears he's gone



She loved him, yeah...
She don't want to leave this way
She feeds him, yeah
That's why she'll be back again

Can't find a better man...

“Headstrong” lyrics by Trapt

Circling your head contemplating everything you ever said
Now I see the truth I got a doubt
A different motive in your eyes and now I'm out
See you later
I see your fantasy you want to make a reality paved in gold
See inside, inside of our heads
Well that's over
I see your motives inside and decision to hide

Back off we'll take you on
Headstrong to take on anyone
I know that you are wrong
Headstrong we're Headstrong
Back off We'll take you on
Headstrong to take on anyone
I know that you are wrong
This is not where you belong

I can't give anything away
I won't give everything away

Conclusions manifest your first impressions got to be your very best
I see you're full of sh** and that's alright
That's how you play I guess you get through every night
Now that's over
I see your fantasy you want to make it a reality paved in gold
See inside, inside of our heads
Well that's all over
I see your motives inside and decision to hide


I can't give anything away
I won't give everything away

I know I know all about
I know I know all about
I know I know all about
I know I know all about your motives inside and decision to hide


“Conflict” lyrics by Disturbed

You are enemy
You are my hated enemy
I am enemy
A number one rated enemy
I'm a labeled, enemy
I am your mortal enemy
My actions, enemy
Make me your bitter enemy

All the world around enemy, ow ow
They're tearing up the ground enemy, ow ow
They're drawn in by the sound
Enemy, enemy I must eliminate my enemy ow ow
Enemy ow ow
Enemy ow ow
Enemy, enemy, I must eliminate my enemy

Your people, enemy
My people hated enemy
What are you, enemy?
The well created enemy
I terminate the, enemy
I eradicate the hated enemy
I am an, enemy
My very greatest enemy


You try to tell me that you love life
And find another way to kill life
You try to tell me that you love life
Then find another way to kill life
You try to tell me that you love life
And find another way to kill life
To tell me that you love life
And find another way to kill


Love life
And needing
Kill life
Love life
And needing
Kill life
Enemy, Enemy, Enemy
Enemy! Enemy! Enemy! Enemy! Enemy!

You try to tell me that you (enemy!) love life
And find another way (enemy!) to kill life
You try to tell me that you (enemy!) love life
And find another way (enemy!) to kill

Enemy! Enemy! Enemy! Enemy!

“New York City Girl” lyrics by Bodyrockers

New York City, New York City Girl
New York City, New York City Girl

She don't need no man
She got a five-minute plan
'Cos she's one sick bitch (sick bitch)
With a one-year itch

I've seen it, done it, love it, need it, want it, got it
Seen it, done it, love it, need it, want it, got it
New York City, New York City Girl
New York City, New York City Girl
New York City, New York City Girl
New York City, New York City Girl

This girl is awful moody
So keep your distance honey
It's how she get's her kicks
(Kicks, kicks, kicks)
But she don't turn no tricks


New York City, New York City Girl
New York City, New York City Girl
New York City, New York City Girl
New York City, New York City Girl

New York City, New York City, New York City...

"See Right through Me" lyrics by Mobile

At the wake of the storm
Many flurries of cold and furious thoughts
Hardly managed to drag me down
I heard it all from another room
Stolen words from mouths of fools
So what else is new still they can't keep their cool

I live to justify to give the reasons why
You won't see right through me, see right through me
I live to justify, say the reason why you may sense my fear
But you won't see right through me

All of this can't be real the poor state that I’m in
Discomfort in my sleep may have brought me here
All the vows are broken, all the guilt that I'm wearing' of being' here
Of being' here so unprotected


Overhead and closer up there
See the Earth's fading' nations
Shuttles, Spaceships, Satellites
All gathered up there hypnotized
I may climb the highest fences
Face the worthless consequences
Obscured, shattered is the sky
Another lesson learned in time
Many lacks of confidence
In hidden useless conversations


"Bleeding Words" lyrics by Mobile

Blue moon in a black sky
Peaceful silence, violent night
Better keep them silent
Words are amplified

You can easily throw them away
Where they will stay on someone else's mind
I need to tell you so but you'll be the last to know

No warning for you

Words to convince, words to deny
Speaking' the language of love and lies
Bleeding words they lead to joy and sorrow
Freedom to death row

Hopelessly she said I'm so sorry
It's nothing like I ever heard
'Cause nothing hurts like your bleeding words
Words you use to hurt me

You can easily throw them away
Where they will stay on someone else's mind
I need to tell you so that you'll be the last to know
Never wanted to bring you down so far
All the best things in disguise
We have no choice there is no going back

Promises promises, everything we said everything we tried
Between me and you the endless silence took over
We've run right out of words

Hopelessly she said I'm so sorry
It's nothing like I ever heard
'Cause nothing hurts like you bleeding words
Words you use to hurt me
Bleeding words used without a care

Nothing hurts like; nothing hurts like your bleeding words
Nothing hurts like; nothing hurts like your bleeding words
Nothing hurts like; nothing hurts like your bleeding words
Nothing hurts like; nothing hurts like your bleeding words

About Me

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.

You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest