There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

Enter key words, topic, or specific references to posted chapters...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


It is simpler to use the conservative movement, the Republican Party, and the right wing to put people in their place and to carry out a conspiracy. Why? Because it is hard to argue against capitalism and success and traitors come in sizes, rich and poor. It is simpler to use the power of national security and the military to criticize or hold down everybody while this conspiracy and global domination unfolds. You do not need to justify yourself as much or the validity of your intentions, as much, if you stand for anti-communism than communism; but the underlying clause is whether you are anti-communist or just weak. Even some of the most theologically weak thinkers and most imperfect regimes ascend to the throne of the most brutal and most fascist. Even the strongest military thinkers too ascend to the weakest political radicalism possible to give themselves a greater chance for military victory or outnumbering an enemy.

When you lie, cheat, and steal in an irregular manner and create the defunct idea that your enemies are more real and honest, then you; you are essentially saying your enemies are more truthful and believable. You have to be truthful if you want your enemies to look like liars. When Republicans lie or set themselves up to become dishonest, Democrats become truthful, honest. When conservatives fake in their names only, liberals then take over that name and are poised to take over in name and honesty, the mantra. You have to choose who is more fake or whether or not you want to stand up for being fake and demeaning if you are conservative because the odds are already against you and there is nothing you can do to prevent the political machinery of the left wing from overtaking and succumbing you to the corruption and lies which immerse your own downfall. Yet to save yourself, you are forced to save them.

"These Republican leaders have not been content with attacks on me, or my wife, or on my sons. No, not content with that, they now include my little dog, Fala. Well, of course, I don't resent attacks, and my family doesn't resent attacks, but Fala does resent them. You know, Fala is Scotch, and ... his Scotch soul was furious. He has not been the same dog since." Everyone acts as though Biden's outrageous plagiarism of British Labor Leader Neil Kinnock's speech during the 1988 presidential campaign was just a mistake, a slip of the tongue. Biden, his defenders say, had credited Kinnock in other speeches, but simply forgot to add the attribution one time. First, Biden had failed to mention Kinnock more than once. Second, it was not just a matter of adding an attribution. On the occasions when Biden failed to credit Kinnock, he also had to alter Kinnock's speech to act as if he were describing the Biden family. - "Joe Biden Hair We Can Believe In" by Ann Coulter, August 27, 2008 –

A blatant example of this can be made with historical errors which deemed the imprisonment and internment of Americans as a positive appeasement to indicate confidence or competency. Just because you slaughter domesticated animals does not mean you are necessarily going hungry. It is of no concern whether the person is white, black, yellow, or a half shade of gray; the idea is that truth, innocence, and prisons go hand in hand. This type of mindset has cost this nation and the world a terrible teetering into the idea of tyranny and corruption. The entire idea of interning or imprisoning enemy combatants or those dangerously so evil; such the case with liberals who offer no way to complain or say no, is to promote a safer home and to win against communism. However, we always see bias and lies as a way to perpetuate more and to torture those who are behind enemy lines and more precious than life itself. These violent acts are reserved for those who are vile, defiant and evil, not those who are merely defiant and truthful.

If anybody has not noticed what is going on, there is a flood of people who are immigrating here during a time of tremendous economic downturn and stagflation. Not only are they flooding here during a very peculiar and precarious time period, they want to lie, cheat and steal in order to overthrow the government so that they can stay here and grow in strength, power, and wealth. The people who were native to the land feel threatened that anyone would lie, cheat, or steal to murder and overthrow the government in order to siege or control the future of this world. Who in hell would do such a traitorous act and try such a senseless black bag of dirt stupid dumpster acting while claiming to be happy, normal, educated, and emboldened at face value?

The idea that in order for the nation to survive, communism and socialism cannot; does not sit well with this enemy and they see that as a direct threat to their success or past successes. They feel we, us, or the future is revolting against their existence and paper trail to become such an intrusive threat in the life of everyone. The simple idea is easy, we need higher caliber people, we need greatness and perfection, and we need better people to replace and kick out all the mistakes and regrets which washed onto these shores from all over this earth; and the problem grows bigger and stronger.

How do we get better people when we have so much pressure by all of these countries to accept more and more immigrants who are willing to lie, cheat, and steal just to come here and overthrow the government? How do we get rid of such a large population of first and second waves when we need to obtain not only a better breed of humans but one that does not have the propensity to lie, cheat, and steal in order to overthrow the government and claim citizenship? How do we deal or cope with this threat? Maybe they are innocent and maybe they are not a violent threat, but how do we get this higher breed of better humans which we need so badly who has that perfect blend and that quiet fortitude we wait so patiently for? Meanwhile we are hostages to a communist cell and a terrorist cell who does not want to hear any complaints from or be identified as behind enemy lines.

The worst part is how the churches are orchestrating this radical dime-store morality which we know does not cost any charity to fix or any sum of money to cure. Maybe marinating in money too long caused a soul reaching problem and a lack of a pure heart? Maybe to cope with the human condition, these “godless” churches of might and glory wish only to lie, cheat, and steal to improve the standard of living and sandbag this other problem with surviving in this world among the poor and the sick. The problem is too overwhelming because it is viewed as morality and a state of mind.

The whole point of Kinnock's speech was to denounce the English class structure, where his grandfather couldn't get ahead, despite his talents. Thus, Kinnock concluded by saying his parents and grandparents couldn't advance "because there was no platform upon which they could stand." That has never been true in this country. We have no class structure. People do get ahead by being smart and working hard. The other side of the coin is that those born well are perfectly capable of falling from their perch of privilege, as expressed in the peculiarly American expression: "Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations." Which is precisely what happened to the Biden family. - "Joe Biden Hair We Can Believe In" by Ann Coulter, August 27, 2008 -

Immigration has been both a blessing and a curse to the United States of America. The impetus of immigration had been riled by a labor need to build railroads, fight wars, build a nation, and a process of becoming great. However, the caricature of this immigration was also beset with conflict among the churches and this inability to find better people or becoming stuck with someone you do not want, that perfect blend. On top of this layer of conflict was another conflict of having North America inhabited; thus with no shortage of labor. If the need for uneducated or a large supply of labor was needed, then it was overlooked that North America had no shortage of this tradesman already.

Immigration in the United States of America took off 10 to 20 times the level from 1850 to 1950. This was a huge period of open immigration from all over the world yet the conflicts of Europe had not been decidedly won. Immigration was thus used for electoral victory, religious conflict, and liberalism. It won elections easily. During these periods, liberalism and the idea that every human being was equal or deserved the same truths were unbeatable. Immigration fed this and defeated all other churches or the conflicts of liberalism, left wing radicalism, and communism. Therefore, immigration was a weapon between the churches, political parties, and economic sides. Lying became a staple of overthrowing the government and it is easier to lie when the room is empty or filled with liars. Just the same, it is easier to steal and murder when the room is filled with liars and success.

This desire for better people is stuck. It is stuck between the liberal establishment who used immigration to seek this power and global elitism and this placation of needing better people and greatness and perfection. The liberals saw themselves as successful and were interpreting all opposition to their success as liberalism, communism, and all sorts of slander. Meanwhile, they were sandbagging and trying to block the flood waters of reality which made them look like deranged idiots with determined lunatics. Again, these were conflicts within European religion and it centered on Judaism, Catholicism, and vast numbers of evangelical and Protestant denominations. There was one God but no agreement on the truth of scripture because labor, power, and struggle were at the center core of immigration. Using immigration for solely economic reasons produced a sorely managed moral dilemma.

This rush of immigration tied up the idea that sanctification was of much more worth then justification. All you had to do was put the effort in and the glory came regardless of whether you fit the mold or the perfect blend. That in itself brought the churches to be in conflict both economically, theologically, militarily, and nationally. This problem with immigration placed a permanent fixture on the United States where two extremes were in conflict or at odds. One extreme wanted a better breed and a perfect blend. The other extreme wanted or said that regardless of the past conflict and imprisonment by liberals and communists, the nation had to address the floods of people who were on the borders and needed the welfare state, the church, and the communist model. Now it was about fixing and keeping these two extremes alive instead of just one and it was called unity and unifying the nation.

The liberals were lying and slandering others; using their usual methods of blocking and intruding on the life of everyone with the single purpose of cozying up, lowering the guards, and also opening all the doors so that this problem with seeking better people would be avoided at all cost. They brought in spymasters, they brought in political heavyweights, they brought in veterans of every single wars, and they brought in the almighty God himself; the truth and the core center of the problems were avoided at all cost while the injustices and conspiracies were rampant. It all goes back to the European conflicts and the demise of the churches which produced class conflict and also the communist model. It produced insanity and World War III and there was no effort to fix or get this perfect blend.

The single reason for pushing and forcing this immigration; for everyone to drop their guards or stay in a dungeon and be sadistically tortured was to simply make their house safer. There was no escape beyond blatant lying and on the verge of being the enemy of the state. However, while they were invading the life of others and declaring others a threat, hostile, deranged, revolting, etc… they were stalking others and framing them or defrauding them by incessantly blaming how people were revolting or taking their success which was based on this need for the perfect blend, a higher caliber of breed, and this large gap between what we had and what we wanted. Loosing their jobs meant revolting against their success and patriotism, not hanging on the need for better people or a friendlier situation.

These are traditional issues of the churches. Free trade blew these heathens out of the realistic heaven and into the catalog mail order and dime store lying lifestyle which was jaded with regrets. Either they lie or they surrender. These churches are nothing more than predators who claim innocence but they stalk others to defraud them and to keep them in a dungeon or shut them up while they claim it is a superior reality or some superiority. They hide the reason and fail to mention why they are predators and defrauding others which caused strife and religious dissent, splintering, or separations. The only way out after the fact is to lie or come out and admit it afterwards; what is being observed is a half truth of nothing in between the two extremes of truth and honesty and criminality or pure communism. It can collapse any moment and in a snap of a finger because it is not a solid religion.

This was the entire reason for European imperialism and expansion, liberalism has to keep growing in order to survive, otherwise it will implode like communism. Before communism, mercantilism was probably the closest form of liberalism and expansion with the idea that more business meant bigger government and more revenue. Freedom was only preserved so that it did not limit this growth and this ability to expand. Communism took a different approach and a different mindset because mercantilism broke out of the mold and caused civil war. Freedom caused civil war and communism sought to perfect mercantilism while keeping the underlying need of a hungry government and expanding government with no threat of civil war or loss of effort. What we are witnessing is a new stage of mercantilism and the attempt to keep the welfare state alive and kicking, the same applies for failed communism.

This was the entire reason for invading and besieging other nations, to keep this church alive while it withered before the eyes of the non-liberal God. Furthermore, this problem with immigration which allowed every single unknown element to flood from South America to North America began to bring this issue to the surface and on the agenda of everyone. Immigration is on the minds of everyone and it puts them in harms way. Now communism and liberalism, that which was godlessly or gutlessly glued, turned away no one before; now an unavoidable failure yet acting out a superior way to defraud, dupe, and frame others behind enemy lines as an enemy. Were the liberals’ honest people or just good liars who put a lot of effort and commitment into a history which they did not want to abandon and were trying to prove? The way to heaven would be to tell the truth and the liberals got very lost along that way and used immigration to force this problem and keep others in the labor dungeon which had no educational merits behind it. It was simply a workers movement and orthodoxy of power from below or judgments deemed erroneous.

To alleviate these fears, these churches were roaming around like a nomadic predator engaging in cupid marriages which mismatched and put spouses in prisons and a big spy castle to see who could cut whose throats first, or was it the opposite? It is incredible to see the level of scandal under the stewardship of the right wing, the Republicans, and the conservatives from 2000 to 2008 while giving all the ammunition and truth to the liberals, left wing, and the communists. Now you have a dilemma with honest and truthful liberals and left wingers, how can this be? How can the conservatives be so wrong or so imperfect while they claim success or domination by success, while behind the scenes a ghastly and desperate attempt was made to save the communist and welfare state?

It is simpler to use the conservative movement, the Republican Party, and the right wing to put people in their place and to carry out a conspiracy. Why? Because it is hard to argue against capitalism and success and traitors come in sizes, rich and poor. It is simpler to use the power of national security and the military to criticize or hold down everybody while this conspiracy and global domination unfolds. You do not need to justify yourself as much or the validity of your intentions, as much, if you stand for anti-communism than communism; but the underlying clause is whether you are anti-communist or just weak. Even some of the most theologically weak thinkers and most imperfect regimes ascend to the throne of the most brutal and most fascist. Even the strongest military thinkers too ascend to the weakest political radicalism possible to give themselves a greater chance for military victory or outnumbering an enemy.

But, in the blunt language of the Vanity Fair election blog, "he pissed away his fortune and Joe and his siblings grew up in a decidedly, and proudly, working-class Catholic home." So why was Biden concluding his Kinnock-"inspired" speech with clenched fist, claiming that his family "didn't have a platform upon which to stand." The executive offices at the American Oil Co. sound like a pretty good platform. The problem wasn't that Biden's father didn't have a platform, but that he fell off the platform. Far from sharing Kinnock's life story, the Biden family would have benefited from a strict British class system that holds up talentless aristocrats while keeping down the talented low-born. No wonder the platform of the Democratic Party is to destroy capitalism: It allows people to get ahead on their talents and not their names. . - "Joe Biden Hair We Can Believe In" by Ann Coulter, August 27, 2008 –

Behind enemy lines, you must have total control of the military if you wish to conceive a military victory and outnumbering an enemy. How do you achieve this without being honest and sincere? You must create this notion that the liberals and left wing have the ability to be truthful and honest at the same time they ascend to domination. This cannot be done without the help of the other side; the conservatives, the right wing, and the traditional parties of anti-communism.

Then how can all of this go unnoticed and unscented while complaints were viciously attacked and the use of torture and lies to avoid the truth whatsoever? What is obscene and unseen? If you are going to break the law, make sure it is accountable or even in search of the truth to make the house safer, not bury others in scandal, lies, and murder. What are the other choice or the other competitor; lying liberals also and unsuccessful communists who want to overthrow the government and establish a communist system? Either you side with the unsuccessful communist or the successful one and both wants a revolt and an utter lunacy of mutiny. How is all of this lawlessness unseen, unscented, uneventful, and never prosecuted? There is no honesty but how can it exist unchallenged?

The worst part with the heathens in heaven is the fortitude of defense or the need for self defense. Due to the special grace of success and this paranoia that everybody is revolting against the vile success of an enemy; this enemy behind enemy lines simply feels a mistake was made and we are safe now. Given the level of lying and cheating, the enemy has decided they are in control and were merely wrong to judge people so quickly or before they are judged as weak. They also felt that since others had created a model where life was only about an obsession with others or their private life, they have the unduly ability to make their public life strictly about their self serving goals and how others were rebelling on their weak success and uncompetitive decisions. Their successes were considered private and off limits while the lives and a private affair of others was deemed “revolting against their private life or success.” Private and public was reversed due to incompetence or idiotism to create maximum offensiveness. Even if on the same sides and same nation, the lunatic fringe made everything personal and so demanding to the typical iconicity or iconoclastic lack of principle and substance; a backwards appeal of low IQ favoritism.

First, the private life of others was theirs to rummage through and intrude by putting others in a dungeon and to make all their errors in judgment, or undeclared war on the heavens and almighty God himself, go away. It was personal and personal taste; there was no need to apply principle or substance. They want everything to be only about themselves and will agree to let go of others or release them from the dungeon if their incompetence and uncompetitive might slips past the victory. Their success and our victory is not the same truth. Babbling talk about protections and “making the house safer for everyone” is geared for lying and simply conspiring to overthrow the government in the name of a church or a large population number living in this church belief; calmly even while behind enemy lines and failing badly.

They reason why they took it personally and intruded into other’s lives with lunatic excitement was because it was about their history and the labor movement which was no longer a wealth creation idea or a brainless use on the environment. Instead, their intelligence at management caused this circular crisis where we are either stuck with them or cannot get better people who have more to contribute than jaded regrets and horrifying stories about whose they are and what they did to imprison smarter and better human creatures.

The problem with the 2008 elections is how the history of the last ten years and even two hundred years has been based not on principles and substantive thought; in its place, those ideas which were waiting to be born from thoughts to reality because a history lesson into liberalism and the cult of personality was taking shape. You may call it the cult of personality on the Republican side or the cult of personality on the Democrat side, it ends up in the end making liberals and left wing politics look truthful and even uncorrupt.

Now you have history and the last ten years trying to correct the ill fated path or fate of the right wing which is not really being ran by the right wing but some flattering demise and effort to rewrite history and replace it with something alien, inconceivable, or evil itself. You cannot rewrite the story plot of the Titanic when already written and you have to get a new story altogether. You cannot make a career or business out of rewriting dossiers or human stories when they are already written beforehand or just not seen yet. The magic takes place when you show the people in control or superior what the dossier is supposed to look like or why theirs is fake, a forgery of the real thing. This again is the difference in experience and tactics, less the idea of an amateur who lacks it.

The only reason why the liberals would take over the right wing or even the conservative movement is because it would give them a legitimate excuse to rewrite their own life or their own corruption. You can also rewrite your own dossier or the dossier of others when you have this control on others. Who would believe it or would know? The right wing is the best way to control the capitalist system and in the hands of a poorly scripted liberal, it can produce lunatics and egomaniacs who are maniacal to this idea everyone is revolting against their success when they are undeserving or just a total liar with a self serving mission to take over capitalism itself and pollute it even more. Strong thinking never needs the winds of lies and corruption to power Gods gift to society and an untimely reward; but even with crisis and emergency, those same winds are not strong enough to be blown away while demanding respect and support. Eventually the untimely rewards catch up with the overdue demise and a pocket full of regrets and lies.

Therefore, the only reason why the liberal, left wing, and communist movement has so much honesty belaying their public image, is the total lack of this by the opposite side who only use the Republican party or the right wing movement to easily put people in their place; and the difficulty nonetheless is the intentions. Is it self serving or is it to make the left wing and communism more honest? The intentions and the reasons are just as evil as the liberal and left wing because it is the identical person and enemy; they too are the shame. There is only one enemy out there and it is a monolithic conspiracy; not two enemies or two conspiracies acting on each other.

It would also bemoan both the Republican and Democrat party to consider what percentage of their religion or following will be adversely affected if the problem with communism were quickly defeated and ended. It is a difficult choice to make when you will either loose 65% of your church brethrens or decimate the structure of 80% of your religious piety. That is almost like destroying your church and selling the bricks for whatever you can get in order to prove how tough you are and how honest you can become. This can cause a lot of trouble because the goal is to expand the church and use it to control the lives of others.

Helpful or not, the fundamental issue is control and the process of production and wealth creation in capitalism. Then again, ask when if ever the underpinnings of the anti-communist or the capitalist movement ever centered on the working class or the labor movement? It only produces the maximum numbers but eventually burns out like communism. Strong thinkers or not, everybody is in harms way when those problems are so deeply rooted in politics and political discussion because it ends up causing everybody to loose their jobs; not just the liberals, the left wing, or the Democratic party.

There is a looming fear that garden variety playground bullies who kidnap others because they are smarter or better, then show up at the end or at the victory for a photo op and to steal the credit or share the victory; and not deserving of defeat. They did not do anything for the victory beyond showing up and not being caught in the act. They do not stay away or can stay away from the idea that to claim victory, you are not allowed to cheat or hide regrets. Instead, continue this deranged stalker mindset, which is stuck on the winning side, or is offering the head of anyone for the political cards and the victorious missions.

They have yet to stop running and are digging in on their position; while asking for change. We cannot apprehend them or the conspiracy. They are deranged and unpredictable worse; jaded and with a lot of regrets but wish to share the victory even if they were the spy ring and terrorist cell we had run into years back when starting out. It is like shooting at the police for a basic traffic stop, now they are a traitor and worse off because of a defiant way of life. Bullies who share the victory with the smartest and the best on the playground can never stand up to the reality they are trying to fool others with.

In the 2008 acceptance speech for Barrack Obama, former President Clinton indicated experience as the sole fortune of the Democrats ability in National Security and the career of chosen Vice President Joseph Biden. He then cites the future and fortune of his party by stating, Barrack Obama is ready to preserve the oath “to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” But they left out this was coming from 1960s radicals and left wingers during a time of emergency and crises. The logic in this is based on a communist threat and beating them. Beating them does not mean opposing them.

During the 2008 the left showed us a remarkable way to avoid the problem with communism while explaining what the fight against communism was about, failure. Communism and even socialism is a failed system yet the cause of it is irreversible and avoided as a produce of the Democratic Party and even the Republican Party. You have to get rid of this defiance and the sources of this opposition no matter which party it is coming from. In the end, you will have a big and large mess and all of these neglected left wingers who want to win or chase the voices of the anti communist movement or even worse, national security and patriotism.

The former President Clinton defined the national situation as defiance and an opposition. He goes to define the source of this power and how they dominate the political world or the political machinery which has squandered the idea that communism did not work and had to be saved from the jaws of defeatism. The problem with liberalism is not only the machinery or politics; it is the system which refuses to accept that communism has failed.

Before 1989, it was just the enemy, but now it was the failed enemy of the establishment. The change does not take place nor did it take place when you still have the idea of left wing and liberalism. All they did was become more radical and defiant. Given all these problems and now a defeated enemy who dominated global politics and either terrorized or imprisoned others who they felt were behind enemy lines and under their direct control, the problem is so blatantly obvious; they forget what they did, they forget what they did and said in the past 100 years, they forget what was tried in the last 10 years, and they forgot about how they were the ones who refuses to accept where this source is coming from.

With the usual liberal and even lying conservative candor, “People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example then by the example of our power… Look at the example the Republicans have set. In this decade, American workers have consistently given us rising productivity. That means year after year they work harder and produce more. Now what did they get in return? Declining wages, less than ¼ as many new jobs as in the previous 8 years, smaller health care and pension benefits, rising poverty, and the biggest increase in the income inequality since the 1920s. American families are struggling with health care costs and declining coverage. I will never forget…” - Bill Clinton at the 2008 DNC National Convention, Denver, CO –

Everybody will agree there is a lot of camaraderie and gamesmanship between the camps of McCain, Obama, Palin, Biden, and the Clintons. We can even add Rush and Matlin who is Robe’s best operative. The single threat or thread between all of that camaraderie is the issue of marriage. They are forcibly trying to marry a Democrat with a Republican to unify both the church and the country. The idea is how best to control the process of politics while trying to appease or satisfying everyone. If you are a liberal, you must figure out how to control the right wing or the Republicans. The way to control them is to win their votes in name only or to create as much offense as possible.

The speech goes on to highlight and pinpoint these reverences of 1960s radicalism which plagued the American political history and the black movement or Civil Rights. The speech by President Clinton and even speaking on behalf of his rivals, described his opponent as a good man who was trapped or a prisoner in a Vietnamese prison camp. The general reference is that being an anti-war protestor or against the military is necessarily a prison camp or a POW camp is the poetry of left wing radicalism. These people are running loose and they feel they are in some POW camp when the problem is exactly as indicated, behind enemy lines. Hopefully, they will define communism with a slight more accuracy and with more voting convictions.

”The Republicans in a few days, will nominate a good man, who has served our country heroically and who suffered terribly in a Vietnamese prison camp.” - Bill Clinton at the 2008 DNC National Convention, Denver, CO –

With this looming enemy and this so called phantom of “unification and reunification” still out there; the singular modus operandi of hiding the belly undercoat of the plane is dishonest and traitorous. It is on everybody’s mind whether or not the Titanic is big enough for everyone as it sinks and you will not change how the movie ends no matter how much effort or lying is tried.

That is the problem with this dishonesty, it is trying to rewrite the ending and no amount of effort can achieve this; what can be achieved is to shut everyone up or silence them and that is extremely offensive and strong thinking. Now what is on everyone’s mind is to worry even more while the enemy is strong enough they will not be blown away by the almighty wind.

Vietnam itself was fought over a dastardly attempt by the communist to declare sovereignty and unify the nation. The only way to allow this is to capitulate with the North and the enemies who refused to accept any complaints or withstand any effort to be defiant. That is the church of liberalism itself. However, if this is about Vietnam and unification, then the enemy is still out there and the failures are covered up while the same process for unification is advocated and it is being hurt by the same church and heard all around the globe.

Furthermore, the liberals and the left wing always fail to mention how, in order to score one point, they must put in 3 efforts; therefore to score two points they end up covering up or hiding six efforts and unify the nation on two scored points against other players who did not cheat or were telling the truth; they were simply sipping and tasting only while being stalked. If you want to make this unification process the same as that which took place almost 40 years ago inside the Vietnam War, then the deception and the problem with this church of liberalism must be addressed cleanly. The enemy is still out there but the effort does not care or pay tribute to this idea, only unification in the name of poverty, liberalism, and even left wing trickery.

It is not what people want and the whole idea is how people are not allowed to complain about what they do not want or need. Again, it is easier to lie when you have an entire sermon of liars and it is harder to lie when you are before the almighty God himself. Goading others by offending them is not going to make them any more or less able to unify into their life and this accessibility of a political breed of jackasses who likes to goad others for the singular purpose of unification, poverty, and the poor.

This is about strong thinkers and not theological nothingness about how best, empty and hallow, to put unification in harms way; that war was fought back in the 1960s and now in 2008 again for some new war about some new issues but with the same people who were so troublesome or controversial back then. They gambled and loss and now feel more gambles might be good enough or will cover up all the failed efforts to invade.

If you are a predator and stalk others with the end goal of “their best interest” over “your best effort” then you will create the feeling of an enemy and behind enemy lines; that failed but refuse to surrender to the authorities for unification efforts. The heart is not pure and the mind is jaded to believe you are behind enemy lines or in harms way. That is the problem with poverty and this type of creature who thinks on determined efforts and lackluster results. The religion is a shield to hide behind while some sort of unknown being behind enemy lines; race friendly just covers up what is really brewing below the underbelly.

This is also a predator who likes to use race to dispel the notion that they are more user friendly than the enemy but the only difference is the enemy is not behind enemy lines and can much more problems and cause a degree of unhappiness near death. The idea is how they wish to put innocent and honest people in prison camps because they are successful and do not respond when others say no. They goad people to also dispel this idea they are not thugs and predators but really built tough and strong thinking, never that perfect blend, and more able to unify into the lives of others because they are superior and dishonest; very successful because nobody can say no and resist.

Just the same, you can try all day long then turn around and make media friendly statements that you never tried at all in the first place; to become a strong thinker or not lose your job; that is a blatant lie and shows a problem with dishonesty no matter what the claim being forwarded or what you know after failure. It is because that is their roots and they matured when the problems did not go away. The global problem and war did not end anywhere on the globe or for global domination, even with failure. The war protectors, anti-Vietnam crowd, counterculture, and explosion of the 1960s “behind enemy lines” mentality never went away; instead those 60s activists became more active in service of their nation or local politicians and they continued the effort to overthrow the government; this time with more silence and with more cunning deceptions. They had experience.

War is not beautiful and they are fought to be won. There usually is not a winner, only a victory and hopefully for the forces of good and freedom or something more precious than life to have so many lives sacrificed. Wars are necessary when you have an enemy who wants to make life better and to use force or might; a simple question and a simple yes or no should suffice. You cannot sacrifice what is more precious than life but stubborn human beings like to either kill this idea or put their human body in front of what is more precious than life. That is the forte war, it is the impasse of unbecoming. You are not allowed to use force or might to unless you can stand upright for fighting or a better life, a better future, and a better tomorrow. It has to be more precious than life, not a dirty worthless secret by a kindergarten dunce.

Wars are fought for a reason, to make life better; when they are not fought for that reason, then it is only for ideas and beliefs which are not above the existence of a human being and more precious than life. Human lives are being sacrificed for nothing; they fight for flesh and blood. The idea of this more precious than life is nonexistent; therefore, a worthless cause or left wing failure; but to call this failure a labor camp or prison of war is radicalism and the essence of its poetic justice. There are no references to communism or radicalism, only some prison camp which they are trapped in or trying to overthrow.

If there is a second coming of JFK or MLK then it will either be from 1960s to 2008 the domination of the Republican Party and that is to win the votes of Republicans. It does not state they are Republicans, it states the objective is to win the votes of Republicans and to save the unification process. The question is who has the talent and who can they force to help. They need it the most and in their eyes, government is for the neediest. None of these candidates are experienced to “unify” the nation given the current problem of the “underbelly.” Nobody wants to see what is going on under there but there is a serious problem which is being avoided. This election is about taking risks and having very little experience, a big gamble. The question is who can and will if something bad or untimely prevents the full maturation and reform process? The left is anchored and the right is anchored for the liberal church to change or become reform.

Unfortunately, when you take sides that are bound to fail or are not honest about what they are up to, you run the risk of ruining your general goal and outcome. You try your best to do what you can to finish the mission and do the best for the nation. In this case, no choice is best for the nation because there is no goal or clear outcome. It is merely a gamble while we cannot get or find better people. It is this simple; you cannot solve the human condition using labor but you cannot overlook the reliance of labor as superiority in politics. The labor movement is not a wealth producing machine or a perpetual force to create wealth; they are neither the best students nor so god damn close to the almighty.

This was the entire basis of communism and the labor movement; it was a perpetual machine which could not fail. Yet once it did finally fail, the idea it was still a perpetual machine never left this world or the minds of these creative politicians. The workers party and the labor movement is not the source of wealth production or expansion for the economy. This type of expansion is for the welfare state and social justice. Regardless, the attempt to unify the nation on both sides is based on the fundamentals of the labor movement and the incorporation of it as either dominant or a source of income production. This is not the most educated choice available but fits in line with the might of the liberal church establishment. We call this fundamentalism or orthodoxy.

The problems with the Republican or so called in name only conservatives, was the inability to curb their wealth generation motives by informing the left wing and radical laborers that their future would not last 20 or 30 years and when those years expired, there was crisis and the voices 30 and 40 years ago sound like liars. The market was now correcting and demanding non labor answers and only the failed welfare state could respond. Now you have two liars and two fake movements. The emphasis on labor was so great and the reliance of it so futile, the politics was unstoppable as the market was correcting the over speculation or errors.

The idea that using up more resources and brainless growth to patch an already shaky misconstrued-misconception was beyond repair 30 years afterwards and when labor really could not produce any further wealth production or growth, only education and high technology advancements. Expending more of the natural resources on brainless endeavors became more costly than the market competition. So what, do you do with all the left over laborers who were lied to or now looked very honest and truthful? Is this about who lied or is this about who is telling the truth? In that case, we have a crisis with two liars and one can never win regardless of how truthful they are or become. How do you unify a nation when you are dealing with two liars and a church who worships them? The church of antagonism and antagonizing and bullying people who did nothing wrong; and not allowing them to be happy and kidnapping them.

When you lie, cheat, and steal in an irregular and deceptive manner or create the defunct idea that your enemies are more real and honest, then you; you are essentially saying your enemies are more truthful and believable. When Republicans lie or set themselves up to become dishonest, Democrats become truthful, honest, and powerful. When conservatives fake their names only, liberals then take over that name and are poised to take over in name and honesty.

You have to choose who is more fake or whether or not you want to stand up for being fake and demeaning if you are conservative because the odds are already against you and there is nothing you can do to prevent the political machinery of the left wing from overtaking and succumbing you to the corruption and lies which immerse you own downfall. Yet to save yourself, you are forced to save this enemy. That is the election of 2008, you have no choice. It is not about what you want; it is all about what they can get away with.

If there was a second coming of JFK then Reagan was not it. If there is a second coming of JFK or MLK then it will either be from 1960s to 2008 the domination of the Republican Party and that is to win the votes of Republicans. It does not state they are Republicans, it states the objective is to win the votes of Republicans and to save the unification process. The question is who has the talent and who can they force to help. None of these candidates are experienced to “unify” the nation given the current problem of the “underbelly.” Nobody wants to see what is going on under there but there is a serious problem which is being avoided. This election is about taking risks and having very little experience, a big gamble.

Unfortunately, when you take sides that are bound to fail or are not honest about what they are up to, you run the risk of ruining your general goal and outcome. You try your best to do what you can to finish the mission and do the best for the nation. In this case, no choice is best for the nation because there is no goal or clear outcome.

When there is so much corruption of mental retardation that the term “traitor” is not clearly understood, it is for certain a military beating is coming soon. If you cannot define and clearly define a traitor without hiding and a lack of a pure heart, then you should not be hunting for traitors. If you are retarded then it is imperative you have no business hunting traitors or pointing fingers. Now you have the authorities who are behind enemy lines and the process of hunting for traitors is an indefinable and secretive endeavor behind enemy lines. You have this creature now who is breathing down the neck of everyone and they did nothing wrong? That is why people are praying for a military beating, they did nothing wrong and woke up with a traitor in their life and breathing in their world.

'A Little Kafkaesque'

If DeVecchio's case seems unique, consider former FBI supervisor Jim Ring. The last civil case related to confidential informants that was brought against him was finally dismissed earlier this year — 18 years after he retired. "It is a little Kafkaesque, where the legal system is being used against you, and they know exactly which buttons to push, and there is nothing you can do about it," he says. In one case against Ring, attorneys tried to go after his assets and his house — all because he was supervising a case with a confidential informant. "And someone said to me, 'After this happened to you, I would never touch an informant,'" he says. Caproni, for her part, says these cases are the exception, not the rule. She says she hasn't seen a fall-off in the number of confidential informants the FBI is working. But in interviews, half a dozen active agents said they were more much cautious now than before the DeVecchio episode. There's a saying among agents: If your confidential informant doesn't get you in trouble, he's probably not a very good informant. – NPR report series, “Some FBI Agents Pay High Price for Using Snitches” by Dina Temple-Raston, September 1, 2008 -

This traitor clearly has the mindset of a rapist but to process and apprehend one, they must present themselves in a different light and come out in public. It is an enemy who has a “bag lady” mentality and a coward to truly act without a fake assumption; yet their bulletproof coward mentality places their needs and flaws above everyone else. You have a very expensive determination and a near rapist predator that repulses others like a bag lady whose needs are not properly manicured. You also have a history of using government to place the needs of others above the cowardice of taking the land or the property from someone who inhabits the same house already. This is not what you want behind your borders, behind enemy lines, or hunting down traitors and cowards. The uncared for and neglected bag lady mentality places their needs above everybody, even truth and justice. We do not want to share or work with anything fitting this profile. There is a military beating in order and it is dangerous to be in their comforts or web of deceit.

Corrupted Agents

If you asked the FBI about their worst nightmare, it would be crooked agents being in league with a mob boss. So their nightmare came true in Boston during the 1970s. That's when the godfather of the city's Irish mob, Whitey Bulger, became a confidential informant for the FBI and, in the process; he managed to corrupt two agents - John Connolly and his boss, John Morris. Former FBI supervisor Jim Ring says that the idea that an agent could be turned shocked everyone when it was revealed. To this day, it still astounds him. "I was asked a question at a civil trial. They asked me what my first reactions was when I heard that [supervisor] John Morris admitted taking money from them," Ring says. "My answer was: I started to throw up." - NPR report series, "Bulger Case Changed FBI's Role with Informants" by Dina Temple-Raston, September 2, 2008 –

Yet this bulletproof bag lady is never prosecuted and views the process of invasion and communism as superiority. How a bulletproof bag lady conceivably can connect the dots between superiority and others repulsed at them is notwithstanding with this mental breakdown and cowardice. They do not even know what a traitor is and neither does the authorities and police. They see it as revolting against the bag lady success and ability to carry forth a grand act and deception to be a predator and defraud others. The worse part is when the rapist and coward bag lady give back to the community, their worth and wealth grows astronomically and they are worshiped as some human pile of feces. Now that is a traitor and a very confused one who has a bulletproof mental breakdown.

Thompson strongly defended Palin, saying Washington pundits and media big shots "are in frenzy over the selection of a woman who has actually governed, rather than just talked a good game on the Sunday talk shows and hit the Washington cocktail circuit. Well, give me a tough Alaskan governor who has taken on the political establishment in the largest state in the Union - and won - over the beltway business-as-usual crowd any day of the week." - NPR radio, “McCain Praised as Restless Reformer” by Brian Naylor, September 3, 2008 -

The election of 2008 will determine the future of the liberal, left wing, and communism. Will they reform or will they finally being destroyed in a maelstrom of bedlam and ricocheting insignificant deceit and lies? As the hardest question is on the table and has failed to overpower the final line of defenses, will the church of liberalism and evil tyranny fix this problem with communism or risk 80 per cent of the entire structure decimated by the almighty God himself and taken to a higher form of gamble and ricocheting disgust as everybody is demanding better and a higher breed of human beings to replace this trash dump playbook of worthless angry and dirt stupid ideas.

The election of 2008 will determine the next 200 or more years and several other cards which are hidden and safe, for now at least. To steal those cards, you have to sneak past or take the last line of defense and we cannot hold out much longer and need the logistics of the almighty himself. We got too injured and battered up while a prisoner and behind enemy lines; the enemy is even worse off.

An Uncooperative Institution

The FBI's detractors have long seen the bureau as an institution with its own agenda. They worry that the bureau is more concerned about building a successful case than upholding the law. Delahunt is one of those people. "I have had a long-term concern about the sharing of information by, specifically, the FBI with local and state law enforcement," he says. Delahunt says the FBI has developed into a model of arrogant uncooperativeness when it comes to helping local police fight crime. Nowhere is this problem as evident, in his view, than in the FBI's confidential informant program. Time and again, he says, FBI agents neglect to tell local police when they know their informants have broken the law because agents arbitrarily decide that their cases are more important than local ones. "What is totally unacceptable is having violent criminals out on the street, preying on American citizens everywhere, while there is information that isn't being disclosed to local and state law enforcement authorities that have the primary responsibility in this country to protect us from violent crime," Delahunt says. - NPR report series, "Legislator Aims to Regulate FBI Behavior" by Dina Temple-Raston, September 2, 2008 –

Here is an example of how much change and reform neither parties is trying to force; fix this runaway photo op. Socialized medicine is a cash cow that urban areas and the richest, most educated, and most sick population on earth needs. It is not only the highest cost in a community, it is also bankrupting many people who once before lived a carefree life or one which did not exhaust too much thought on 20 years or 40 years heretofore. The following is an analysis of only one proposal and the radical change it will produce in health care.

If anybody has not noticed, the high tech boom produced a record amount of millionaires while the clicks and bricks virtual world threw on the B2B victim list a consolidation of enterprises. The iconology went global and high tech enabled vast reaches and markets. Furthermore, the traditional of business had to be scrapped for the incredible investments and new millionaire high tech booms. The economy turned against the left wing and this focus on labor.

Metropolitan areas are no longer needed. The online world put an end to this. With the jobs moving to more competitive areas, shifting overseas, vast labor disputes unsinkable, and the city landscape dilapidated; the economy of scale focused on fiscal debt and implosion. The urban landscape is imploding.

What is happening with this implosion? Jobs are lost and people move. People move to find employment and property and business areas loose their merit. With a scattered population social services and organizations must consolidate if they are competitive. Social problems exceed the capacity and cost to keep them running. Now the urban leaders rise taxes to compensate and it causes more problems and a backwash.

Schools are shut down. Police departments are inefficient and scattered. Public transportation is not used. People become older and sicker but the base of paying or growing economies cannot support the system and health care, the most expensive of all the cost begins to be an issue.

Mostly, it is the closing of hospitals. The increase in cost of medical care and the increasing in paying patients or the overall lack of satisfaction in the job for medical professionals; hence, the scramble to find a more secure neighborhood to provide medical care for.

Essentially, the Democrats wanted health care and universal health care to offset this implosion before the hospitals close down or becomes a preventive failure. People do not eat healthy, they do not exercise, and they do not make efforts to cure that traditional ways of ridding this lack of health care worry.

In this urban landscape, hospitals are the first to suffer because they operate at such high costs. Without subsidies or some way to compete in an uncompetitive environment, they go out of business and this introduces the idea of subsidized or socialized health care.

Hillary Clinton was running on this idea and it was struck down by the idea that either health care was going to be destroyed or social security. Health care as the GAO has coincidently identified runs parallel to retirement benefits. People live longer but they are also less healthy now. Good or excellent health care does not change their overall health; it prolongs their life instead.

The Clintons were struck down by this dilemma and the increasing idea they would sacrifice social security and a rush to judgment. They had two plans which had already failed but were counting on a third one to win the election and to set into law socialized medicine.

That is part of the dilemma within the medical field to never turn a patient away but it is becoming an ever increasing way to cut cost and produce a profit. The reason being that as the urban landscape is thinning out, hospitals do not have the same capacity levels and must close or shrink its staff.

The Democrat and Clinton surge for socialized medicine was struck down and deemed a failure which they knew their election victory was going to be a farce and unbeatable. You have to fix social security before you begin to address the medical problem or you have to figure out why people are less healthy but living longer and more lazy.

It will end up the same answers. Socialism does not work and even if you have standards and a civilized human being, you must work harder and harder just to keep the machinery working efficiently. The idea is socialism is a resting point to make life more or less culpable to the economic climate and forces and this is where the fundamental problems lie.

You simply cannot continue on a course of socialism while using debt to finance an already tremendous crisis and you will never fix something which is permanently broken or so inefficient it will never work right. That is the problem with socialism and communism to begin with and as we know already; to fix the human condition does not take one cent. What it does take is the market to correct and we are witnessing this correction and there is not a damn thing we, they or anybody can do about it. It is just a disaster from the minds of a jackass.

On that note, if you look at the bankrolling of the political candidates, they seem to hedge all of their bets. George Sorros supports both McCain and Obama while neglecting Hillary which tells the political chicken bones the oracle is heavily weighted for Hillary. Now Soros is confused and it will be a toss up to figure out who will produce for him. Stock pickers never address a good buy and what they truly want. Therefore, when you play with these big money people, they do not think like military strategist or a tactical commando who knows how the battlefield works and can change it in an instant. They are all just playing Gods with real life Gods and it will be a mistake they will never recover from.

Biden, the conservative expert rambler, has been filling the airwaves for the past 12 months while Hillary has opted to run a platform which was so shot up it was bound to fail. The only way was to ride the coat tails of Obama who saw her as waiting to use the race card for her own political agenda which had no measure of success. Either Obama was going to look stupid for being used so badly or he was going to choose Biden who survived years of rational oratory rambling but never getting anywhere.

Barack Obama says we have “an obligation” to fix the current health care system. In his plan, “No American will be turned away.” Michelle Obama disagrees. While an executive at the University of Chicago Medical Center, she developed the hospital’s Urban Health Initiative, a program to refer patients without private insurance to other health care facilities in their neighborhood. Those shown the door tend to be poor minorities, mostly blacks. – “Obama Watch: The Least of Her Brothers Get the Door” by Lisa De Pasquale, September 3, 2008 –

He is viewed as moralistic and wishing to talk things out simply because he never gets anywhere and delivers endless speeches of abstract legal thought but never clear and concise victory. Biden cannot jump the gun or sucker punch if he is always trying to talk for hours on end about nothing. They call it experience and “heavyweight experience” of goliath understanding.

It goes back to this idea of God. God asks clear questions. God does not care and he would rather have people suffer than betray him. He does not shoot inadvertently unless the person can prove it was him. However, when the facts and the truth present a clear understand and need to shoot, it is he against the human who waits for the last minute before leveling his wrath. You can talk all day long about shooting or not but when that wrath unleashes; there will be no talk and no oratory expertise to describe it better than Biden can.

That is the problem with Biden, he wants to talk about God’s wrath and how the human delays or ignores the warnings and he is skilled and seasoned enough to do these days on end and sound intelligent. But when it hits and the storm is on, oratory speech is worthless and only soothes those who wish to listen.

In order to sell the program to the community, the hospital hired ASK Public Strategies, co-owned by David Axelrod, a top aide to the Obama campaign. The recommendation to hire Axelrod’s firm was made by Obama’s wife and by his advisor Valerie Jarrett, who sits on the hospital’s board. Syrian national and Obama fundraiser “Tony” Rezko also had a hand in seeing the program move forward by recommending another Obama friend to take over the program in October 2007. Rezko seems to be the go-to-guy for the Obamas. . – “Obama Watch: The Least of Her Brothers Get the Door” by Lisa De Pasquale, September 3, 2008 -

Well, is this just Biden’s problem or the entire dilemma with all the candidates who come from the same church and look all the same and talk all the same while trying to achieve all the same goals with a slight difference, one or two may be a point or two ahead of the other but closing in fast in what appears to be a wheelchair race. Nowadays, it is becoming increasingly difficult to tell who is who and why they all look alike and this applies to McCain, Obama, Biden, Romney, or even the Clintons. They are only a few points ahead of the other and cannot take that leap of faith to the other side we are on.

Whatever change, hope or audacity Obama has in store, Biden will serve it up with endless rambling and oratory which we know has given him over 35 years of stamina and political survival. Quite a clever move if you ask us and so far his best political decision.

“Beds are Burning” lyrics by Midnight Oil

Out where the river broke
The blood wood and the desert oak
Holden wrecks and boiling diesels
Steam in forty five degrees

The time has come
To say fair's fair
To pay the rent
To pay our share
The time has come
A fact's a fact
It belongs to them
Let's give it back
How can we dance when our earth is turning?
How do we sleep while our beds are burning?
How can we dance when our earth is turning?
How do we sleep while our beds are burning?

From Kintore East to Yuendemu
The western desert lives and breathes
In forty five degrees


The time has come
To say fair's fair
To pay the rent, now
To pay our share
The time has come
A fact's a fact
It belongs to them
We’re gonna give it back

How can we dance when our earth is turning?
How do we sleep while our beds are burning?

“Orange Crush” lyrics by REM

Follow me, don't follow me
I've got my spine; I've got my orange crush
Collar me, don't color me
I've got my spine; I've got my orange crush

We are agents of the free
I've had my fun and now its time to
Serve your conscience overseas (over me, not over me)
Coming in fast, over me

(Repeat verse)

High on the booze
In a tent
Paved with blood
Nine-inch howl
Brave the night
Chopper coming in, you hope.

We'd circle and we'd circle and we'd circle to stop and consider and
Centered on the pavement stacked up all the trucks jacked up and
Our wheels in slush and orange crush in pocket and all this here county
Hell any county it's just like heaven here and I was remembering and I
Was just in a different county and all then this whirlybird that I
Headed for I had my goggles pulled off I knew it all I knew every back
Road and every truck stop

(Repeat verse)

"Sound of Madness" lyrics by Shinedown

Yeah I get it
You're an outcast
Always under attack
Always coming in last
Bringing up the past
No one owes you anything

I think you need a shotgun blast
A kick in the ass
So paranoid
Watch your back!

Oh my here we go
Another lose cannon gone bi-polar
Slipped down couldn't get much lower
Quicksand's got no sense of humor
I'm still laughing like hell
You think that the crying to me
Looking so sorry that I'm going to believe
You've been infected by a social disease
Well then take your medicine

I created the Sound of Madness
Wrote the book on pain
Somehow I'm still here to explain
That the darkest hour never comes in the night
You can sleep with a gun
When you going to wake up and fight
For yourself

I'm so sick of this tombstone mentality
If there's an afterlife
Then it'll set you free
But I'm not going to part the seas
You're a self-fulfilling prophecy
You think that crying to me
Looking so sorry that I'm going to believe
You've been infected by a social disease
Well then take your medicine




When you going to wake up and fight for yourself? [X3]

“No Big Deal” lyrics by Love and Rockets

You set me up again
You make me lose my friends
I just don't know what I'm gonna do with you

Your feet are still on the ground
So you put me down
I just don't know what I'm gonna do with you

I don't feel...
You're no big deal
No big deal

I got into a fight
Got into it tonight
I just don't know what I'm gonna do with you

You talk much too loud
When you put me down
I just don't know what I'm gonna do with you

I don't feel...
You're no big deal

You know you broke my heart
And that was just the start
I just don't know what I'm gonna do with you

You know you broke my heart
And that was just the start
I know just what I should do for you

I tell you
I don't feel...
You're big deal
No big deal

“Everything to Everyone” lyrics by Everclear

You put yourself in stupid places
Yes I think you know it's true
Situations where it's easy to look down on you
I think you like to be the victim
I think you like to be in pain
I think you make yourself the victim almost every single day

You do what you do
You say what you say
You try to be everything to everyone
You know all the right people
You play all the right games
You always try to be everything to everyone (Ahhhh!)
Yeah you do it again (Ahhhh!)
You always do it again

You say they taught you how to read and write
Yeah they taught you how to count
I say they taught you how to buy and sell
Your own body by the pound
I think you like to be their simple toy
I think you love to play the clown
I think you are blind to the fact that the hand you hold
Is the hand that holds you down?


(Ahhhh haaa!)
Spin around and fall down
Do it again
You stumble and you fall
Yeah why won't you ever learn?
Spin around and fall down
(Ahhhh haaa!)
Do it again
Yeah, you stumble and you fall
I wonder if you'll ever learn
Why don't you ever learn?
Come on now, do that stupid dance for me

(Ough yeah)
You do what they tell you to do
You say what they say
You try to be everything to everyone
You jump through the big hoop
You play all the right games
You try to be everything to everyone
Spin around and fall down


“Bulletproof” lyrics by Lit

Take me back to a place
Summertime, Anaheim
I can’t wait to see your face
I’m coming back, I’m coming back

Yeah, we were young and feeling high
Living like we’re never going to die

There you are falling star
Bringing us together
Tearing us apart
Carry on, broken hearts
Nothing lasts forever
Here we are

Throwing back with my friends
Once again, Fullerton
Missing you, it’s sinking
We can’t go back, we can’t go back

Yeah, feeling like we’re bulletproof
Living like there’s something left to prove


Yeah, we were young and feeling high
Yeah, living like we’re bulletproof
And feeling like we’re never going to die

(We’re all alright)

“It’s a Mistake” lyrics by Men at Work

Jump down the shelters to get away
The boys are cocking up their guns
Tell us general, is it party time?
If it is can we all come?

Don't think that we don't know
Don't think that we're not trying
Don't think we move too slow
It's no use after crying

It's a mistake, it's a mistake
It's a mistake, it's a mistake

After the laughter as died away
And all the boys have had their fun
No surface noise now, not much to say
They've got the bad guys on the run

Don't try to say you're sorry
Don't say he drew his gun
They've gone and grabbed old Ronnie
He's not the only one saying


Tell us commander, what do you think?
'Cos we know that you love all that power
Is it on then, are we on the brink?
We wish you'd all throw in the towel

We'll not fade out too soon
Not in this finest hour
Whistle your favorite tune
We'll send a card and flower


“Far Behind” lyrics by Candlebox

Now maybe
I did not mean to treat you bad ehhhhh
but I did it anyway
now maybe
Some would say your life was sad ehhhh
But you lived it anyway

So maybe
Your friends they stand around they watch you crumble
As you falter to the ground
now someday
Your friends they stand beside as you’re flying
Oh you were flying oh so high

But then someday people look at you for what they call their own
They watch you suffer
Yeah they hear you calling home
But then someday we could take our time
To brush the leaves aside so you can reach us
hey but you left me far behind

Now may ay be ehhhhh
I did not mean to treat you oh so bad
But I did it anyway
Now maybe (carry out)
Some would say, some would say you're left with what you had
But you couldn't share the pain

Oh No No No…
Couldn't share the pain
So they watch you suffer
Ugh hmmm…
Now maybe
I could have made my own mistakes
But I live with what I've known
and then maybe
We might share in something great
But won't you look at where we've grown
won’t you look at where we've gone
But then someday comes tomorrow holds
A sense of what I fear for you
you’re not mine
As you trip the final line
And that cold day when you lost control
Shame you left my life so soon
You should have told meh
Hey but you left me far behind!!!

(Weeping guitars)

No ooooohhhh no no no ough! No!!!!! Don’t tell meeeh No! I said no! no
But may ehhhhhh beee I did not mean to treat you oh so bad
oooh but I did it anyway
Now say it may ehhhh beee baby
Some would say you're left with what you had
But you couldn't share the pain
I said times have changed your friends
They come and watch you crumble to the ground
They watch you suffer
Yeah they hold you down
Hold, don’t tell them
Maybe brother maybe love I did not mean to treat you bad
But you left me far behind
Left me far behind
Left me far behind
Far behind

About Me

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.

You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest