Character assassination: (noun) an attempt to destroy someone's good reputation by slander or deliberate misrepresentation of his or her views: he described the accusation as `an appalling piece of character assassination' 1. Character assassination - an attack intended to ruin someone's reputation; assassination, blackwash. Synonym: calumniation, calumny, defamation, hatchet job, traducement, obloquy - a false accusation of an offense or a malicious misrepresentation of someone's words or actions. - Definition of character assassination, -
What we observed and noticed about this clandestine communist and terrorist cell is a near deranged fan or stalking situation where one day it can be flattery and the next sadistic hostility or anger. There is also a willful intent to pretend or portray themselves as helpful and even the opposite side; their enemies are their friends as they wander and cross into unknown territory or go behind enemy lines. They claim they do not intend on harming anyone yet are behind the terror plots. They enforce strict oppression on their own race while they use race to go after another particular race. They manipulate the alliances by driving rich or easy targets to the liberals and left wing; which then curries a kickback, bonus, or cut to the recruiter or headhunter who drove this purse to their side and camp. So why would they attack the country by attacking their own political base and blame a bogeyman if they themselves are the bogeyman? Are they not chasing and homicidal to their own and screw their own children?
Psychological Warfare: Use of propaganda against an enemy, supported by whatever military, economic, or political measures are required, and usually intended to demoralize an enemy or to win it over to a different point of view. It has been carried on since ancient times. The conquests of Genghis Khan were aided by expertly planted rumors about large numbers of ferocious Mongol horsemen in his army. Specialized units were a major part of the German and Allied forces in World War II and the U.S. armed forces in the Korean and Vietnam wars. Strategic psychological warfare is mass communications directed to a very large audience or over a considerable expanse of territory; tactical psychological warfare implies a direct connection with combat operations (e.g., the surrender demand). Consolidation psychological warfare consists of messages distributed to the rear of one's own advancing forces for the sake of protecting the line of communications, establishing military government, and carrying out administrative tasks within such a government. - Definition of psychological warfare, (Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, visit -
So the terror plots are complex and sophisticated but easy to understand if you have a goal and intent. That is the key, so long as you are affixed and grounded; they cannot hurt you nor do any harm. They might see you as an easy victim or easy target, which you are, but this is where you can draw them out and flush them out if you can fight them or are good enough. First off, they attack the nation in order to become a celebrity and victim. They are permanent victims because they cannot see themselves while the hate criticisms because it makes them hate their pride and vanity. So they become strong advocates of censorship and are underground with their language and poetic code like lingo or jingoisms. They wanted us to be one of their henchman; the judge, jury, and executioner. It had to do with the same formula and within your own race. You cannot step out of that circle or imaginary boundary because it is someone else’s turf. It is all territorial and if you do, they viciously attack. They claim to only be oppressing and if they turn homicidal it is on their own or the liberals and left wing; which then promulgates them into becoming heroes.
Duress: in law, actual or threatened violence or imprisonment, by reason of which a person is forced to enter into an agreement or to perform some other act against his, will. The constraint or threat of constraint must have been directed toward the person thus compelled or toward the wife, husband, parent, child, or other near relative of the person compelled. Anyone who makes a contract under duress is entitled to void it and be free of its obligations, but in order to release him from the contract duress must be shown to have overcome his mind and will. However, annoyance and persuasion do not constitute duress. See also coercion. (Also the power used to overcome resistance: coercion, compulsion, constraint, force, pressure, strength, violence. See attack/defend overcome.) - Definition of Duress, (Columbia Encyclopedia) -
Another phenomenon was a near shadowing of Ronald Reagan and the conservatives. Keep in mind; this is a very low quality and simplistic bunch. Their pride and their vanity is sometimes arrogant, bigoted, hypocrisy and an overblown exaggeration of how great they are; yet they dislike greatness and are very jealous. Something happened during the Reagan years which caused them to become very active afterwards. It was as if an eastern bloc wall was erected. A total ban and boycott imposed. Things were shut down for being “flawed” or criminalized baselessly. The idea is they exploit their own and others to the degree of attacking the country to seek either profit or gain. However, the results are very peculiar and loosely defined as sabotage or failure. The level of control is so intense it is difficult to determine if they set out to cause failure or sabotage but the claim is merely oppression and keeping others as prisoners to be obligated to their goals and political ambition. So they want you to become a slave master within your own race or to utilize their homicidal orders on your own; a gang like mentality to keep harmony among the races or control.
The Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) was a major international bank founded in Karachi, Pakistan in 1972 by Agha Hasan Abedi, a leading Pakistani financier. The company was registered in Luxembourg. …BCCI became the focus in 1991 of one of the largest scandals in world financial history. Due to the massive fraud and corruption at the heart of the bank, it was described as a "$20-billion-plus heist".[3] Regulators in the United States and the United Kingdom found it to be involved in money laundering, bribery, support of terrorism,[4] arms trafficking, the sale of nuclear technologies, the commission and facilitation of tax evasion, smuggling, illegal immigration, and the illicit purchases of banks and real estate. The bank was found to have at least $13 billion unaccounted for. The bank's relationship with underworld elements led to the nickname "Bank of Crooks and Criminals International." - The Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), -
Something triggered them into an active state or panic. Maybe it was the work we were doing, maybe it was our work on the Cold War, maybe it was our work on Vietnam, maybe it was our work on satellite warfare, maybe it was a host of other things such as our looks, the way we dressed, how powerful we appeared or carried ourselves, our mates or chosen partners in life, the chance of having success in life, education, connections and family name, and being the total package. These people do not like the total package or the image of perfection at all; if you display or flaunt this, they will disfigure or attack viciously, perhaps out of jealousy or a triggered sadistic mental image and colors. That does not sound like it is about money; but the people who took the orders do not care so much about money than ideology and total loyalty. They are not doing it for money and neither were we. The odd part is when it began, when it ended, when it picked up, and the change of power and leadership. It began in the mid 1990s and did not end until 2009; thus, most if not all was during the Bush Administration, three years out of the entire eight in federal prison. It felt as if homicidal maniacs were loose and killing anyone they could get their hands on or who opposed them.
How many conservatives or Republicans can you roll off your head who is in the business of kidnapping military personnel, using psychological warfare on them, demanding ransom or extorting something of value, targeting their families, putting them under duress for a full decade, and doing everything in your power to make him or them look like thieves and criminals? Can you tell me who hates the military this much and what conservative out there is known or has been know to do this? Can you tell me who the people upstairs are and why they are here, in this country, doing this shit? How do you come up with the answer of conservative or Republican, no less American or patriotic? Are they not a dirt worthless loser spy, a desperate; and on the verge of being expelled or facing widespread public and military scrutiny? – Personal Diary, by Author; February 22, 2009 -
Maybe they wanted some monopoly and money exchange where they took over or was dominating; if so they chose the post communism or the burn out phase of the Cold War to shut things down. This gave them a lot of power and a sense of acting out a victory. Even after observing a few of the captured suspects; we see how meticulous and deceptive they are; always slipping under the radar and never leaving a trace. This is because they were watching us and casing every single move we made. It is easier when you have access and are on the same team, you have to get past the security. They were looking for two things; subjugation, something which showed how far along SDI or other weapons systems advanced, and a trace or trail of a conspiracy against them so they could smash it or bait the hooks with. We were doing the same thing after we got kidnapped to see where it would lead and who would show up ten years later.
Why are they putting the military and their leaders in this position of duress? Why did you people immigrate here? Can you tell me? Someone is lying and someone is on the verge of popping like a grape. Why are the people upstairs representing labor unions acting on your behalf only "sometimes" but not totally committed? (Note: search for New York Republican "Bruno" and links to mafia and union, then ethnic). Are they so flakey you have to use this psychological warfare; make humans dependent and obligated? How long is this communist and terrorist network doing this and who is on duty or in charge? They have invaded America, with this gonad of lies, and are keeping us down and using duress; hence, acting erratic and telling bold lies is a clear sign of a major problem. – Personal Diary, by Author; February 22, 2009 -
This type of mind and mentality is usually reserved for serial killers and the most dangerous in society. However, if their goal was to slow down the space weapons or the multiplier effect of the high tech boom on advance space based weapons or satellites; then by taking us out or shutting down any other closely associated projects and organizations did the trick. All they had to do was make it look as if they were attacking their own and they were under siege or targeted. Nobody would suspect a thing if they killed their own or carried this myth of a bogeyman chasing them in the dark trying to kill them. Now, it was true even if they were the same people behind it. They won the sympathy and support of the public, no less the global public image. Yet it felt as if there was something personal on us and they knew us intimately when they knew not a damn thing; they are totally blind and ignorant. The game is to kick them out if we can; they are not going to change or fix anything so long as lying becomes a first amendment right.
…Swiss bank in Paris to ultimately reveal the secret to Christianity. The funny thing is neither of these scenes would actually happen in a real Swiss bank. There is no such robotic system and, while Swiss banks do have security, they don't search their clients before letting them access accounts. Most of us have formed ideas about what Swiss bank accounts are and how they work based on scenes like these that we've seen in the movies, read in books, or maybe even heard in the news. In other words, most of us have a distorted or mostly unrealistic view of what it really means to have the prestigious Swiss bank account. Let's dig deeper into Swiss Bank Accounts and see how they started, who can have an account and unlock the mystery. Swiss bank accounts aren't just for millionaires, criminals or government officials trying to hide ill-gotten wealth, or celebrities protecting their assets from former spouses. They're available to anyone and lots of average people have Swiss bank accounts. People who live in countries with unstable governments and banks in particular often turn to Swiss banks because of their security and privacy. How Swiss Bank Accounts Work, by Lee Ann Obringer, –
It feels almost like a parent who says, “If you go out there and do not listen to me, don’t call me when you are in trouble.” They were angry and trying desperately to hold onto power or sink the hooks in our life by kidnapping us. Yet never in the twenty eight years of our life did this problem ever arise where a despot and dictator ordered every second of our life and subjugated us to their low quality or retarded demands. Somebody was angry and near blinded by rage; too much panic when we showed up and did what they can as we did also to fight them off. They had been striking out at the country and felt we were some next conspiracy or the rescue of the nation. If we were the rescue of the nation; they took us out and they tried to shut a lot of military moves; one of them was to declare themselves king of it and steal all the bragging rights. If this was a communist, terrorist, rogue, or socialist cell stalking the conservatives or Reagan legacy; than they did not portray themselves as enemies; but instead deranged fans and wanting to help before they sprung out as a terrorist and would kidnap you. One minute they are your best friend or loyal fan; the next they are a sadistic and homicidal terrorist and stalker.
Privacy: Your relationship with your Swiss bank can be compared to doctor/patient confidentiality or the private information you might share with an attorney. Swiss law forbids bankers to disclose the existence of your account or any other information about it without your consent (except for certain circumstances, which we'll discuss later). Where the similarity ends is when that privacy is violated. Whereas in the United States, if your doctor or attorney violates your confidence you must begin legal action; in Switzerland, if a banker divulges information about a bank account without permission, immediate prosecution is begun by the Swiss public attorney. Bankers face up to six months in prison and a fine of up to 50,000 Swiss francs. And, you have the option of suing the bank for damages. Needless to say, Swiss banks are very careful about protecting your privacy. The only exceptions to the Swiss banking privacy rule are criminal activities such as drug trafficking, insider trading or organized crime, which we'll talk more about later. How Swiss Bank Accounts Work, by Lee Ann Obringer, –
Let’s see if we can recap and summarize what we know and are sure of as the information is developing daily and we are checking the data and trying to verify most if not all of the dynamics of this massive entanglement with a few suspects who have been caught and flushed out into the open public. That process of flushing them out is still occurring and we are not sure what we have or who we are dealing with. We know this is about the 1960s, the radicals and communists of that time period, it is about the Vietnam War, the Cold War, and the liberals, the left wing, and the Democratic Party. We know that after World War II the United States counter-intelligence services began to arrest a lot of movements and began to detect a massive problem they did not understand. They began to get psychotic and disorders developed because it was not certain. Plans were developed for total annihilation and Armageddon in case they were wrong.
Other "Secret" Banks: There are a number of countries with banks offering secrecy and "tax havens." The most common ones include: Anguilla is a British territory in the Eastern Caribbean. It's considered an offshore business center and a tax-free zone. Belize has offered offshore banking since 1995. Accounts maintained with these banks are not subject to local taxes and their customers are given privacy concerning their account. If the Belize courts find that funds are coming from criminal activity, however, the banks are required to release the identity of the account owner. Banking secrecy in the Bahamas is not as strong as other countries that offer it. New banking legislation allows banks in the Bahamas to divulge the fact that a particular person or company has an account with that bank. The Cayman Islands have extensive privacy laws related to banking, and, like Switzerland, officials that break the secrecy law face imprisonment. Panama is seen by many as a very stable country offering bank privacy. How Swiss Bank Accounts Work, by Lee Ann Obringer, –
Only until the 1960s, the Cold War was mostly being ran by the military and civilian leaders from the right; some liberals. It dealt with races and even racial issues as the Sino-Soviet conflict indicated also. The communist movement globally was choosing China over Russia based on a bourgeois and arrogance they did not like and felt it was low quality genetics. They all felt as if they were prisoners or being oppressed. A lot of this sentiment came from the United States and the long legacy of slavery and the segregationist policies of black and white racial problems. All of this came to a massive supernova in the 1960s and Vietnam. If you are a liberal, you will side with anti-war, you will side with Civil Rights, and you will side with the Democratic Party. Here is the problem, the Republicans and the right wing; they tend to be docile and never get involved or change to the dynamics of rapid crisis or global adjustments and alignments. They tend to flee and escape the world they live in and are surrounded by.
The Founding Fathers were strongly opposed to the formation of a central banking system - the fact that England tried to place the colonies under the monetary control of the Bank of England is seen by many as the 'last straw' of English oppression and that it led directly to the War of Independence. In 1791, Alexander Hamilton, the Secretary of the Treasury, made a deal to support the transfer of the capital from Philadelphia to the banks of the Potomac in exchange for southern support for his Bank project. As a result, the First Bank of the United States (1791-1811) was chartered by Congress in that same year. The First Bank of the United States was modeled after the Bank of England and differed in many ways from today's central banks. For example, it was partly owned by foreigners, who would share from its profits. It was also not solely responsible for the country's money supply; its share was only 20%, while private banks accounted for the rest. The Bank was bitterly opposed by several founding fathers, including Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, who saw it as an engine for speculation, financial manipulation, and corruption. - The Federal Reserve: History of Central Banking in the United States, -
Vietnam is extremely important because it defined leadership in both the political and military cadres. This sink or swim, survival of the fittest, who is the master of the universe perfect storm; flushed out those who had the most to loose; the left and the communists. They had to show their true colors because their objective in the political and military areas is control. Because the reality is least likely to overlap the market reality; they like the military must enforce command, control, and communications if they wish some control of the matter. Thus we get the seed of all this oppression and corruption; the left wing is nothing more than a cult group and a criminal enterprise. As market reality and as this century long destruction unleashed onto the world is understood more and more; it is destroying and implicating the left wing in America and other places along with liberals and the Democratic Party.
1863–1913: The National Banking Act of 1863, besides providing loans in the Civil War effort of the Union… Two problems still remained in the banking sector. The first problem was the requirement to back up the currency with treasuries. When the treasuries fluctuated in value, banks had to recall loans or borrow from other banks or clearinghouses. The second problem was that the system created seasonal liquidity spikes. A rural bank would have deposit accounts at a larger bank that it withdrew when the need for funds was highest, e.g. in the planting season. When the combined liquidity demands were too big, the bank again had to find a lender of last resort. These liquidity crises led to bank runs, causing severe disruptions and depressions, the worst of which was the Panic of 1907. - The Federal Reserve: History of Central Banking in the United States, -
It is the spawning of labor groups and a hodgepodge of loose associations. We can concentrate and refine it more to simplify matters; extract the vital parts and say a terror or communist group based on liberal and left wing radical political beliefs ungrounded on market reality or this archipelago of purchasing power and the market rejecting low quality. So the more we refine this and understand it, the less favorable it is to the left wing and liberals; they loose more and more and their chances reduce greater and greater. Essentially, they are tyrants and criminals if you keep refining them, extracting them, and pushing them to the corner by driving them back. They are a threat, a natural enemy, a petty tyrant and thief, a despot in the making and even worse, they feel superior and have some power over others because they are trained in life to lie, cheat, and be a predator.
Panic of 1907 Alarms Bankers: Early in 1907, New York Times Annual Financial Review published Paul Warburg's (a partner of Kuhn, Loeb and Co.) first official reform plan, entitled "A Plan for a Modified Central Bank," in which he outlined remedies that he thought might avert panics. Early in 1907, Jacob Schiff, the chief executive officer of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., in a speech to the New York Chamber of Commerce, warned that "unless we have a central bank with adequate control of credit resources, this country is going to undergo the most severe and far reaching money panic in its history." "The Panic of 1907" hit full stride in October. 1908 cartoon argued that elastic currency is needed Bankers felt the real problem was that the United States was the last major country without a central bank, which might provide stability and emergency credit in times of financial crisis. - The Federal Reserve: History of Central Banking in the United States, -
This problem with the liberals and left wing are no less an enemy than our real enemies; therefore, they pretend and sneak around living a secret life silenced by the idea outrage of the public would ruin their future and political ambitions. So these petty tyrants and despots are loosing ground by the minute and must resort more and more to the instruments of oppression and the clever manipulation of predatory behavior of criminals; that is if they wish to keep power and keep their elite position. They will and are loosing their power yet they cannot see themselves, cannot see their vanity, and they are beyond bold and confrontational. They are insanely aggressive and dependent all wrapped up in a ball of confusion and hostility.
Aldrich Plan: Rhode Island Senator Nelson Aldrich, the Republican leader in the Senate, ran the Commission personally, with the aid of a team of economists. They went to Europe and were impressed at how well they believed the central banks in Britain and Germany handled the stabilization of the overall economy and the promotion of international trade. Aldrich's investigation led to his plan in 1912 to bring central banking to America, with promises of financial stability, expanded international roles, control by impartial experts and no political meddling in finance. - The Federal Reserve: History of Central Banking in the United States, -
So this transformation is occurring and contracting their movements yanking them back to whom they are and the genetic imprint decided for them at birth. They cannot change who they are and they must live in fear or with tremendous self restraint. That is where this liberation theory and oppression is coming from as they blame others due to personality disorders and various psychological problems. Yet they create more problems than live with because they have no choice and are desperate; they are not well intentioned and conscious of what they are doing, thus the secrecy and the clandestine efforts. They know the problem with low quality and how the market exploits this; so they transform to lie, cheat, and steal to adjust to their arrogance, desperation, and trivial importance. Let’s stop here because this is a long story and a game played by very powerful people. The people who play this game, us included, are very influential and powerful; they run this world and they run world wars and global conflicts.
1913 – Present: Recent Changes: …At the outbreak of World War I, the Fed was better positioned than the Treasury to issue war bonds, and so became the primary retailer for war bonds under the direction of the Treasury. After the war, the Fed, led by Paul Warburg and New York Governor Bank President Benjamin Strong, convinced Congress to modify its powers, giving it the ability to both create money, as the 1913 Act intended, and destroy money, as a central bank could. …During the 1920s, the Fed experimented with a number of approaches, alternatively creating and destroying money and, in the eyes of many scholars (notably Milton Friedman), helping to create the late-1920s stock market bubble. In 1928, Strong died. He left a tremendous vacuum in Fed governance from which the bank did not recover in time to react to the 1929 collapse (as, for instance, the Fed did after 1987's Black Monday), and the Fed adopted what most would consider today to be a restrictive policy, exacerbating the crash. After Franklin D. Roosevelt took office in 1933, the Fed became subordinated to the Executive Branch, where it remained until 1951, when the Fed and the Treasury department signed an accord granting the Fed full independence over monetary matters while leaving fiscal matters to the Treasury. The Fed's powers have not significantly changed since 1951, though it has frequently adopted different policy approaches. - The Federal Reserve: History of Central Banking in the United States, -
Power in this world is rooted in an “undeclared royalty.” One example is with us, we have relatives who are European trained, attend the best schools, are engineers and military leaders, etc… That is not saying we are but it is saying it looks like a car and probably is one. If you look back to World War II and the Greatest Generation; they are a sad crowd who performed incredible feats. Similarly, they tended to favor the communist ahead of the Nazis if you put their backs against the wall. The United States and her allies have defeated both of these enemies and do not wish to bring this up again. However, there are those who still live out this war and this conflict; particularly the left wing and liberals; they live in fear of their world. They embody the worst of the worst; the seed of failure and genetic aberration. Their problems in life constantly tempt the aversion to revert to default or genetic rejects. It is cruel but they are the least likely to succeed and preprogrammed with life challenges at the genetic levels.
Is the claim that former Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller were involved in post-9/11 detention policies more or less plausible than the assertion that the CEO of Coca-Cola has intentionally slipped a mouse into your soda bottle? How busy do you have to be in order to evade a civil lawsuit? What is the plural form of mouse? These are the big questions the Supreme Court grapples with this morning as it sticks a toe into the waters of a raging national debate about legal accountability for high-level government actors for wrongs committed in pursuit of the war on terrorism. …Breyer—claiming to be forgetting civil procedure ("it was probably taught on Day 4 ...")—repeats that he knows of no rule allowing people to evade the discovery rules because they are too busy. "Yes, the attorney general is very busy, and what he does is very important," Breyer says. "The president of Coca-Cola is very busy. The president of General Motors is also very busy. In fact, he's very busy at the moment. Lots of people are very important and very busy. ...” - The Attorney General Is a Very Busy Man, by Dahlia Lithwick (Slate senior editor),; December 10, 2008 -
So the power and the leaders of this world give them a chance to rehabilitate and also live under the rules and open essence of government. Government and politics is very important in this formula because man is killing man and every man is each other’s potential murder. Human beings are not necessarily bad, but these particular types are no damn good; they are aggressive, bold, hostile, loud, tacky, stupid, and all of those observations you wish to avoid. Even they do not want themselves or are angered to hear about themselves, they do not want feedback. They came to us. Specifically, their leaders came to us for either help or some entanglement. We avoided them and they demanded we join them, to be conscripted as they were in the 1960s to join us. So we have to and must join the rejects and the retards of this world with no choice in the matter; it is their obligation. Israel and the Middle East was a big obligation as they tried to compare Israel to Vietnam. Another obligation was the black movement and the 1960s. What they feared we do not know, we were on a different and separate mission and were pre-planned for marriage; that is royalty. That other royalty was from another group who had been fighting this enemy in the United States and had tremendous animosity with them also.
MARAJ, Lebanon — For 25 years, Ali al-Jarrah managed to live on both sides of the bitterest divide running through this region. To friends and neighbors, he was an earnest supporter of the Palestinian cause, an affable, white-haired family man who worked as an administrator at a nearby school. To Israel, he appears to have been a valued spy, sending reports and taking clandestine photographs of Palestinian groups and Hezbollah since 1983. Now he sits in a Lebanese prison cell, accused by the authorities of betraying his country to an enemy state. Months after his arrest, his friends and former colleagues are still in shock over the extent of his deceptions: the carefully disguised trips abroad, the unexplained cash, the secret second wife. Lebanese investigators say he has confessed to a career of espionage spectacular in its scope and longevity, a real-life John le Carré novel. Many intelligence agents are said to operate in the civil chaos of Lebanon, but Mr. Jarrah’s arrest has shed a rare light onto a world of spying and subversion that usually persists in secret. - Palestine Backer or Israeli Spy? Lebanese in Shock Over Arrest, by Robert F. Worth,; February 19, 2009 -
Let’s slow up here and go back to Vietnam. The individual who got the United States into Southeast Asia was the US Army. The Asia Pacific region was under the command of the Army; the supreme commanders. After World War II, they launched a global secret war against the communist and what was left over of the Nazis. The primary impetus of both South Korea and Vietnam was Dwight D. Eisenhower. Eisenhower was the perfect choice because he came from the US Army, was a supreme commander, and shied away from the left wing and liberals; not yet fully understood in the 1950s. Eisenhower and the US Army spearheaded the Cold War in Asia as it became the cradle of civilization. Whoever won Asia, won this global war on both brains and brute force. At the same time, there was sabotage by the liberals and insurgents in the United States who knew this because they wanted Asia for themselves. It all came together in Vietnam and one of the most vicious and fierce wars ever witnessed. That war has been studied for decades and we cannot go into detail at this time; however, there is a lot more to be discussed because it rewrote the entire history of the military and this secret war.
He was finally arrested last July by Hezbollah, which now has perhaps the most powerful intelligence apparatus in this country. It handed him to the Lebanese military — along with his brother Yusuf, who is accused of helping him spy — and he awaits trial by a military court. Several current and former military officials agreed to provide details about his case on condition of anonymity, saying they were not authorized to discuss it before the trial began. Their accounts tallied with details provided by Mr. Jarrah’s relatives and former colleagues. It is not the family’s first brush with notoriety. One of Mr. Jarrah’s cousins, Ziad al-Jarrah, was among the 19 hijackers who carried out the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, though the men were 20 years apart in age and do not appear to have known each other well. Mark Regev, a spokesman for Israel’s prime minister, Ehud Olmert, declined to discuss Mr. Jarrah’s situation, saying, “It is not our practice to publicly talk about any such allegations in this case or in any case.” Villagers here seemed incredulous that a man they knew all their lives could have taken money to spy for a country that they regard with unmixed hatred and disgust. Many maintained his innocence. But Raja Mosleh, the Palestinian doctor who was his partner for years in a school and health clinic near here, did not. - Palestine Backer or Israeli Spy? Lebanese in Shock Over Arrest, by Robert F. Worth,; February 19, 2009 -
Nobody blamed the victims of the Nazis and nobody should; why suggest this with the communists? However, in warfare, it becomes awkward when strong militaries expected to be moral and ethical during peacetime; must turn the switch on to meet an enemy who is miraculous, vicious, and homicidal. To victory at war has something to do with the enemy and how badly their will to kill or their will for peace is. The left and the liberals are constantly declaring peace while sneaking around and launching war. It is a known strategy and they do not give up the fight as easily as they try to suggest for propaganda reasons. To blame peaceful people after their homeland is controversial but when and if the time to fight or flip that switch to adjust to a homicidal enemy; there are military standards and courageous acts. To blame the Vietnamese forces or the American forces for a lack of courage when dealing with a meek, gray haired pony tail banana peel who has never experienced combat; is a waste of time. The liberals are the least courageous of the bunch and are genetic misfits and never have proved them worthy or noble. We wonder why so much money flows to them and communism or socialism.
The Soviet's government's policy of War Communism during the Civil War created social distress and led to riots, strikes and demonstrations. The Kronstadt Uprising reinforced the idea that the government was unpopular and accepted and had made a mistake "of deciding upon an immediate transition to communist production and distribution." Vladimir Lenin came to the conclusion that "only by coming to an agreement with the peasants can we save the socialist revolution". In March, 1921, Vladimir Lenin announced details of his New Economic Policy (NEP). Farmers were now allowed to sell food on the open market and could employ people to work for them. Those farmers who expanded the size of their farms became known as kulaks. The NEP also allowed some freedom of internal trade, permitted some private commerce and re-established state banks. Factories employing less than twenty people were denationalized and could be claimed back by former owners. The NEP did improve the efficiency of food distribution and especially benefited the peasants. However, many urban workers resented the profits made by private traders. Joseph Stalin announced the abolition of the NEP in January, 1929 and replaced it with the first of his Five Year Plans. - New Economic Policy (NEP), -
If you were living in this world and did not view the war in Vietnam or the events; you are an idiot. We are talking about the battle of Titans; the largest and most powerful forces in this world; man versus man in a battle of survival. Until the 1960s; this secret war was uneventful and atypical of military duty. However, the Democrats and the left wing saw this secret war as a conspiracy and plot; to go after them and to unfairly seek their demise. They no less could understand it then see themselves; yet they had such an insane mental capability they were brash, bold, always challenging, always changing, and most of all manipulative, cunning, and controlling. A weasel of a human species and a confrontational dirt breed; they are the archangel of the Constitution, a public enemy, and a domestic nuisance that would not go away or disband. Yet the problem was not fully understood and their was a secret war; they criminalize others. Like the war on poverty and the war on terrorism; they apply legality to a state of warfare. Thus, retreat and retaliate using legal dominance or some criminalization to blame others.
Mr. Jarrah also had a secret second wife, according to investigators and his former colleagues. Unlike his first wife, Maryam Shmouri al-Jarrah, who lived in relative grandeur with their five children in Maraj, the second wife lived in a cheap apartment in the town of Masnaa, near the Syrian border. This apparently allowed Mr. Jarrah to travel near the border in the unremarkable guise of a local working-class man. Mr. Jarrah has said he was recruited in 1983 — a year after Israel began a major invasion of Lebanon — by Israeli officers who had imprisoned him, according to investigators. He was offered regular payments in exchange for information about Palestinian militants and Syrian troop movements, they said. After Israel withdrew from Lebanon in 2000, thousands of Lebanese from the occupied zone in the south were tried and sentenced — mostly to light prison terms — for collaborating with Israel.Far from the border, a different class of collaborators, rooted in their communities, persisted. A few have been caught and sentenced. Mr. Jarrah’s motives remain a mystery. He said he tried to stop, but the Israelis would not let him, investigators said. He left the house that night, saying he was going to Beirut, and never returned, Mrs. Jarrah said. Only three months later did she get a call from the Lebanese Army saying it had taken custody of him? - Palestine Backer or Israeli Spy? Lebanese in Shock Over Arrest, by Robert F. Worth,; February 19, 2009 -
If the US Army and the counter-intelligence forces were right; this is the largest conglomeration of enemy forces they have ever seen gathering for another storm or a civil war. What gain they had achieved in the 1960s was now gone. It became failure globally as the left wing and liberal forces imploded all over and they blamed this secret war or a right wing conspiracy. These are genetic misfits and a low quality breed of human beings who have less chance in life; yet they blame others for the lapse in their market reality and are exploited by intelligent enemies and intelligent defense forces. They are in a bad situation because they must deal with two forces, the left and then the right; both will exploit them and both has no reservations about killing them; that is just the reality of struggle and survival in this world. The Democrats took over this war in Asia during the 1960s and did a very poor job. Why they did it we do not know; it has no logical, rational, or coherent formula; so we call it charity. The war in Vietnam and the secret war were hijacked by the Democrats and the left wing, as charity because it made no sense and they beat the daylights out of the matter. They are just a jackass lying in the grass ready to spring on anybody who comes by. So we were meeting up with our forces and they were lying in the grass.
Now, at least 10,000 years later, visitors in Los Angeles, California, can see the remains of "Zed," a Columbian mammoth whose nearly intact skeleton is part of what is being described as a key find by archaeologists at Los Angeles' George C. Page Museum. Zed was discovered at a construction site in the heart of Los Angeles. An earth mover helping to build an underground parking garage near the L.A. County Museum of Art uncovered the mammoth's skull, according to project director Christopher Shaw. …The construction was being monitored by an archaeological consulting firm because the site is so close to the La Brea tar pits -- an archeological site that has yielded 100 million bones belonging to 300 species of mammals and birds. …Shaw said the announcement was made to "create interest" in the museum's discovery. …Not all of Zed's remains have been cleaned off and analyzed. …Shaw said both of Zed's tusks were found intact, which is very rare. …Researchers hope to have the entire skeleton on display by next year. Shaw said it is unique to have such a major fossil find in the heart of an urban center like Los Angeles. …While the process of cleaning and analyzing the fossils is very intricate and time-consuming, Shaw said it is a rare experience for researchers to come in to work and not know what they will discover that day. - Nearly intact mammoth skeleton a rare find in L.A., By Tricia Escobedo,; February 19, 2009 -
Keep in mind, since the 1960s; this threat by the left was devastating on both the national and the family unit. They were like an unstoppable force and exploited democracy and the electoral process. They do murder people and the American Indians were their victims; however, they are rewriting the history of America by making it evil and forcing others to choose the devil. They are not only homicidal they are terrorists and think they are elites, royals, competitors, and the same as their rivals. We are asking them if they have let go of this because there are armies out there and allies who are ready to challenge them to this throne and potty they sit on. This is our arch enemy and the natural enemy of this world. They were waiting in the grass to see who was walking by and choose us.
During my membership I corresponded with approximately 165 members and met face-to-face with about three dozen. The membership ran the socio-economic gamut. I met men with advanced degrees and those who were high school dropouts; Mensa members and the barely literate; married and single; wealthy and destitute. What they all shared was a need and desire to be around like-minded men seeking to legitimize their sexual attraction to boys. …All of the men with whom I dealt were “persuasion predators.” They didn’t sneak into homes in the dead of night and abduct sleeping boys from their beds. Their tactics were much more subtle. One member, a former special education teacher, who as a result of our investigation was sentenced to thirty years, admitted to molesting sixty to seventy boys and “grooming” another 200. Like most members, he cherished the opportunity to develop a relationship with a boy, attempting to legitimize that relationship by calling it “boy love” or “intergenerational sex” or “Greek love.” In my discussions and correspondence with these members one thing stood out: They targeted the lonely, the emotionally empty, the hurting boy. - Single Moms and NAMBLA, by Bob Hamer,; February 19, 2009 -
They are the enemy and they are taking a massive risk by kidnapping us and doing what they did; yet they are still being flushed out by counter-intelligence and military forces. They went after royals and the leaders of this world to capture them alive and to extort or interrogate whom they can. They are on the verge of being defeated but they cannot risk a vicious or fierce clash. It is a foreign nation and foreign enemy behind this. They are on the list of nations to be invaded if their evidence and the captured war criminals put us on that hunt. We already know a lot but are not able to prove it; we cannot all the sudden wake up kidnapped, under the control of a petty despot, deported and publicly deported by a coup, and declare war. We are adjusting to them and we are reactionary only to them; they wish to attack and criminalize based on our retaliation but will not come out of hiding and must be flushed out. They are facing war crimes and a host of terrorism charges to include espionage charges. They are so powerful because they organize and control very well and change the minds of others using the media and various propaganda techniques. They threw the most powerful brainwashing and their entire arsenal at us for a decade and boy did it hurt. It feels like being gutted and being aware of each incision until you pass out or block it out.
In traditional democratic theory revolution provides the only alternative to normal politics. If conditions do not justify overthrowing the government a dissenter must confine himself to protesting against them. He may protest by speaking against the government or by voting against it, but this meager list exhausts the possibilities. Due to the very great originality of Gandhi we can now envisage, and many people have in fact begun to practice, at least one other sort of protest-civil disobedience. If it does not qualify as normal politics it is not a kind of revolutionary activity, either. Unfortunately, the term "civil disobedience," which has always suffered from a certain ambiguity, has now been utterly debased in the vulgar national debate on "law and order." It has been employed by respectable writers to describe everything from bringing a test case in the federal courts to taking aim at a federal official. Anyone who wishes to defend civil disobedience must therefore explain just what it is that he wishes to defend. - Marshall Cohen, Liberalism and Disobedience. Philosophy and Public Aflairs, Vol. 1, No. 3 (Spring, 1972), 283. (; Philosophy and Public Affairs is currently published by Princeton University Press.) -
We can put an end to this domestic nuisance, a terror and communist conglomeration, and shut down the United States theatre; to rid this foreign enemy from operations here. They are not far from this and kidnapped us to stop it because it is soon coming and not much longer. Who do we represent and who do we declare war against? This is who we are dealing with and how messed up it is. They were waiting in the grass and kidnapped us for a decade, five in federal prison; we played them and went into the bush or undercover. We had been on a different mission and it had to do with military matters and world war. We did not expect to be kidnapped but were and we did not expect to meet such a huge resistance, but did. There were fierce and ferocious battles daily for over a decade. They are slowly being flushed out. We know what they are after and what their goals were; it had to do with racism and the black movement. They have to put the wheels back on the wagon before they carry off the loot and return to the encampment.
The civil disobedient is often described as a man who defies the law out of conscience or moral belief. But this description is imprecise, and it fails to distinguish him from the moral innovator on the one hand or the conscientious refuser on the other. Unlike the moral innovator, the civil disobedient does not invoke the standards of a higher morality or of a special religious dispensation. …It is to protest the fact that the majority has violated these principles that the disobedient undertakes his disobedience, and it is this element of protest that distinguishes his actions from those of the conscientious refuser. For the doctor who performs a clandestine abortion or the youth who surreptitiously evades the draft may be acting out of moral motives-the doctor to fulfill his obligations to a patient, the youth to avoid complicity in an evil undertaking-but they are not defying the law in order to protest the course of public conduct. They can achieve their purposes in private, and their defiance of the law need never come to light. The civil disobedient's actions are political by their very nature, however, and it is essential that they be performed in public, or called to the public's attention. - Marshall Cohen, Liberalism and Disobedience. Philosophy and Public Aflairs, Vol. 1, No. 3 (Spring, 1972), 284. (; Philosophy and Public Affairs is currently published by Princeton University Press.) -
So back to Vietnam and the 1960s; John Fitzgerald Kennedy was removed from office and then Lyndon Baines Johnson quit after one term; we were being courted and told to jump through hoops if we wanted to live; so sometimes you must bend according to the hazards of the turn. One day they are in front and the next they are behind. By the time Richard Millhouse Nixon came into office, the situation was too messed up and the chances were bleak. It was a long and ferocious fight; the US embassy was invaded, fighting in the streets daily, carpet bombing and secret missions; you cannot beat it as far as stunning warfare. A bogeyman erupted onto the scene in America also in the 1960s trailing and shadowing the Vietnam War. That bogeyman put up the same challenge and used a different methodology and tactic. They had to think their way and use delicate ways to usurp and skirt the law; liberals. So the FBI and other counter-insurgent forces had their hands full and were put in a stalemate. Nobody won in the United States, only a few arrests and a declared stalemate. The Vietnam War ended up in tragedy and many lives lost for a noble cause.
In 1927 Stalin's advisers told him that with the modernization of farming the Soviet Union would require an extra 250,000 tractor. As well as tractors there was also a need to develop the oil fields to provide the necessary petrol to drive the machines. Power stations also had to be built to supply the farms with electricity. Since the October Revolution industrial progress had been slow. It was not until 1927 that production had reached the levels achieved before the start of the First World War. Stalin decided that he would use his control over the country to increase production. The first Five Year Plan introduced in 1928, concentrated on the development of iron and steel, machine-tools, electric power and transport. Joseph Stalin set the workers high targets. He demanded a 1115 increase in coal production, 200% increase in iron production and 335% increase in electric power. He justified these demands by claiming that if rapid industrialization did not take place, the Soviet Union would not be able to defend itself against an invasion from capitalist countries in the west. - New Economic Policy (NEP), -
We incubated under the teachings and care of the same Generals and powerful forces that encircled us; they saw the danger and we lived in relative comfort outside the capital Washington DC. The enemy and the same forces came back. What gain they had since the 1960s was lost now and all they had left was this war called racism. Racism and democracy, exploiting the election process and banking rules was all they had left; liberals. In desperation, they spread out and had both the right wing and left wing under their control because with the banking industry under their control; they could print money at will. Furthermore, they could keep communism and the entire left wing alive using debt; trillions of unplayable debt charged to the United States Treasury. They cannot gain from the debt but if it end; they are dead.
Every factory had large display boards erected that showed the output of workers. Those that failed to reach the required targets were publicity criticized and humiliated. Some workers could not cope with this pressure and absenteeism increased. This led to even more repressive measures being introduced. Records were kept of workers' lateness, absenteeism and bad workmanship. If the worker's record was poor, he was accused of trying to sabotage the Five Year Plan and if found guilty could be shot or sent to work as forced labour on the Baltic Sea Canal or the Siberian Railway. With the introduction of the Five Year Plan, Stalin argued that it was necessary to pay higher wages to certain workers in order to encourage increased output. His left-wing opponents claimed that this inequality was a betrayal of socialism and would create a new class system in the Soviet Union. Stalin had his way and during the 1930s, the gap between the wages of the labourers and the skilled workers increased. - New Economic Policy (NEP), -
Furthermore, the war they launched on us and the kidnapping is causing more problems because they are being flushed out; yet they want to be exonerated and matters to go away before really bad things happen. They had attacked the United States at or around 1998 and kept this battle ongoing until 2009 until some rescue came for them. They wanted to know who or what was going to rescue us and that came in 2008 while they were watching and had us under 24 hour surveillance and a prisoner. We were and still are a prisoner in our own home. The people who attacked the United States, this terrorist and communist network, are facing military retaliation and a global armed retaliation. They are scared and they know the moment the evidence is there; the planes and the bombs will be arriving. The military is committed to dismantling, to capture or kill, this gigantic espionage and spy system working behind enemy lines and in total secrecy. So this is who and how the Cold War is going to end; a kidnapping. Things are collapsing on them and they are being flushed out slowly.
It is for this reason that the civil disobedient characteristically notifies government officials of the time and place of his actions and attempts to make clear the point of his protest. Obviously, one of the problems of a modern democracy is that many immoral actions taken in the people's name are only dimly known to them, if they are known at all. In such cases, the main difficulty in touching the public's conscience may well be the difficulty in making the public conscious. The civil disobedient may therefore find that in addition to making his actions public it is necessary to gain for them a wide publicity as well. Indeed, Bertrand Russell has suggested that making propaganda and bringing the facts of political life to the attention of an ignorant and often bemused electorate constitute the main functions of disobedience at the present time. It is certainly true that nothing attracts the attention of the masses, and of the mass media, like flamboyant violations of the law, and it would be unrealistic of those who have political grievances not to exploit this fact. But it is important, especially in this connection, to recall Gandhi's warning that the technique of law violation ought to be used sparingly, like the surgeon's knife. For in the end the public will lose its will, and indeed its ability, to distinguish between those who employ these techniques whenever they wish to advertise their political opinions and those, the true dissenters, who use them only to protest deep violations of political principle. The techniques will then be of little use to anybody. - Marshall Cohen, Liberalism and Disobedience. Philosophy and Public Aflairs, Vol. 1, No. 3 (Spring, 1972), 284, 285. (; Philosophy and Public Affairs is currently published by Princeton University Press.) -
This threat we observed and have observed is not dangerous; they are extremely dangerous and made clear they will not be taken alive. They cringe and are haunted the moment their pension is mentioned; it terrorizes them whenever they feel this type of punishment is being levied on them; but do not fear civil war or military action. They are terrified about material and insignificant matters but are fearless about warfare or a bloody revolution to kick them out of where they are or a federal indictment which has a death penalty conviction. Until the evidence is solvable there is a capture or kill on a terrorist and communist cell because they are being flushed out of hiding and are extremely dangerous; they will not be taken alive. Actions against them or humiliating them result in massive casualties and terror hits; protest and defiance of their control result in maniacal and homicidal rants and tirades; foot stomping and day long harassments.
The disobedient's willingness to face suffering and punishment may be seen, then, as a useful way of reinforcing the effects of his protest and appeal. His actions may force the public to consider, or to reconsider, the law or policy he rejects. But if the majority remains unconvinced, it is free to act as it wishes. In the Vykom Temple Road satyagraha, Gandhi's followers, after dramatizing the issue, and even after negotiating a withdrawal of the police barricades, refrained from entering the Vykom Temple Road until the Brahmans were converted to the Gandhian view of the matter. Often enough, however, those who are called disobedients do attempt to coerce the majority-by forcing the majority to secure obedience at a price it finds morally unacceptable. It is for this reason that Gandhi regarded fasting as a form of coercion (even as a form of violence) and regretted his own use of this technique… - Marshall Cohen, Liberalism and Disobedience. Philosophy and Public Aflairs, Vol. 1, No. 3 (Spring, 1972), 286, 287. (; Philosophy and Public Affairs is currently published by Princeton University Press.) -
They are using race to push targets or certain wealthy racial groups to one side or the other. For instance, poor whites would unify to go after another racial group so that they can leech off the rich whites. Then rich Asians are targeted by poor blacks and whites so they run into the arms of the protection of liberals and Jewish lawyers. The blacks are knocking on the doors of the whites, the Asians, and the Hispanics; and it is very unclear what their social standing is or has become. We know the people who kidnapped us were recruiters but they pushed us towards the poor and decrepit for a cut or some kickback; a finders fee. This is who and how the power balance is equalized and they can prevent ultimate implosion, destruction, or corruption. It is total insanity and resembles a war zone or high intensity warfare. This is not low intensity.
…Rather, they were telling the government that it would have to incinerate them if it wished to proceed as planned, and this, they hoped, the government would find impossible to do. In cases like this, the dissenters cross the line that separates civil disobedience from those forms of action that attempt to paralyze the majority's will or the government's ability to act. No doubt, the fact that the disobedient acts at great cost to himself (he is the nonviolent equivalent of Camus' meurtrier de’licat) affects one's judgment of his actions, as does the fact that he employs moral jujitsu instead of physical violence. Nevertheless, the fact that his coercion is nonviolent is not finally decisive, and it must be understood that he has entered upon a course of action that invites comparison with the public strike, with attempts to make the administration of government impossible (filling the jails as distinguished from accepting punishment), and even with acts of sabotage. He thereby poses a more radical challenge to authority than the civil disobedient wishes to pose. - Marshall Cohen, Liberalism and Disobedience. Philosophy and Public Aflairs, Vol. 1, No. 3 (Spring, 1972), 286, 287. (; Philosophy and Public Affairs is currently published by Princeton University Press.) -
People do not care who the President is so long as he or she does a smash up job and tells the truth. Therefore, the 44th or the 43rd can be a eleven finger alien, nobody cares. What they do care about is loosing their life savings or trashing the Constitution. So we can learn from the black movement of the 1960s and the collapse of the inner city where 7 out of 10 federal inmates are of a particular race, all single mothers. As corny as it sound, 40 per cent are labeled felons and this statistic is progressive by each generation. Expect that number to reach 60 percent by the next decade. This also does not factor in the loss of education or academic merit which broken homes and communities produce. So if you want to blame it on someone, blame it on single moms and also address the issue fully and faithfully. It is a smash up beginning and a great way to shoot off the first salvos.
Nielsen also argues that the views defended here miss an important insight contained in Ronald Dworkin's remarkable essay, "Civil Disobedience: The Case Against Prosection." Nielsen writes that "when people challenge the draft laws, for example, and refuse to obey them in the public, principled and deliberate fashion of a civil disobedient, they are persuaded that the laws are often unconstitutional and in such a situation, Dworkin argues, their case about constitutionality is a strong one. But then they do not regard themselves as having broken a law, for they believe on reasonable grounds that the law they are disobeying is invalid, i.e., unconstitutional, and believing this they have no obligation at all in terms of fair play or anything else to accept the punishment." These remarks do an injustice to Dworkin's essay, which does not, as I understand it, have the consequences that Nielsen supposes. What Dworkin says, and what I believe to be true, is that "in the United States, at least, almost any law that a significant number of people would be tempted to disobey on moral grounds would be doubtful-if not clearly invalid-on constitutional grounds as we11." - Marshall Cohen, Liberalism and Disobedience. Philosophy and Public Aflairs, Vol. 1, No. 3 (Spring, 1972), 294, 295. (; Philosophy and Public Affairs is currently published by Princeton University Press.)-
They are powerful and know a lot of people; money is no object. These people get a nine figure bonuses and also target spouses by kidnapping them and offering them as gifts or mistresses. They are sexual predators and rape the privacy of others; they have no apprehensions of being a peeping tom or violating the rights of privacy; a good excuse is to claim themselves as a promoter or a protector. They become very evil and bold when others do not suspect what they are up to. They react like child molesters when confronted and begin a psychological slip once the self dysfunction begins to destruct them. When they kidnap you it is almost impossible to get rid of them or escape the death grip; they have done this before and know what they are doing.
Dworkin's observations are not perfectly general, then. They rely on special features of the U.S. Constitution, and his requirement of "a significant number of people" is crucial, for, when it is met, it shows that the moral opinions in question are not personal or eccentric but rooted in the community's moral traditions. But given all this, all that Dworkin says is that when a significant number of people are inclined to disobedience the constitutionality of the law they are tempted to violate will be "doubtful." It certainly does not follow from this, nor does Dworkin think that it follows from this, that such persons therefore "have no obligation at all" to obey the law. On the contrary, although these dissenters may have a "strong" argument, those who uphold the law may have a stronger one. And in that case the dissenter's view of the law, however plausible, is wrong. In such a case Dworkin would certainly claim that they have an obligation to obey the law, especially so if, as in the case of the segregationists, their disobedience requires them to invade the rights of others. …Indeed, Dworkin maintains that in a case like that of the segregationists the courts ought to enforce the law and that fairness requires that the segregationists submit to the government's view of the law. The plausibility of their constitutional views, and the fact that these views are widely, sincerely, and even reasonably maintained, does not change matters in any significant way. - Marshall Cohen, Liberalism and Disobedience. Philosophy and Public Aflairs, Vol. 1, No. 3 (Spring, 1972), 294, 295. (; Philosophy and Public Affairs is currently published by Princeton University Press.) -
Why they resorted to kidnapping we do not know. However, they shifted the blame so that their image and name is preserved. This is the espionage part and the professional spies we had indicated; they are the best espionage masters the enemies can produce and send here. They even suggest this is their home and they will never stop or can challenge it in court. There is no escape and we caught them. Their goal is to pull you down with them and you will either kill or be killed; you will be one of them or a victim of their beheading. They will assassinate you eventually and slowly but if caught claim it is only oppression. It is not and this is a total and blatant fabrication; they are behind terror plots and attacks on the United States. They act on behalf of a foreign entity wishing control and to entangle the sovereign country in their despicable demise. They are no harmless or mean well.
Those boys seeking affirmation and attention from a father-figure were especially vulnerable. Grooming was like a courting process. It might begin with a look, then a compliment, a conversation lavishing praise and establishing a common connection, and finally a trust. I am often asked how we can protect our children. There is no magic formula for identifying a molester. There may be clues, but they are not foolproof. We cannot prove a negative. We can prove a person is a child molester. We cannot prove he is not. But Ann, let me expand on what you have said. I know you have been attacked for your chapter on single mothers and of course, there are exceptions to most rules, but single moms (and married moms and dads) let me give one piece of advice that Ann didn’t render. Based upon my three year affiliation with these child molesters, I observed one thing: Not one boy who came from a home with a strong, loving father figure was successfully targeted by a persuasion predator. Protection may be that simple…a boy needs a loving father. - Single Moms and NAMBLA, by Bob Hamer,; February 19, 2009 -
The job of the recruiters is to present or parade their power; thus, the communist and terrorist assassinations; then they push and prod you; brainwash and train you to be some leader for a specific or assigned left wing group based on the needs of the group. The wealthier the target they acquire, the greater the bonus or kick back, it can be nine figures of payment. So they obviously know who they have or the worth of the people they are targeting. They know their pedigree and appoint or conscript them by torturing and tormenting their life while telling a different and flowery story. Their story ranges from “good for the country” to “repentant and made a mistake” to “being a patriotic and decent human being.” It story and the legal defense varies based on the bipolar or psychological state of mind. These people have a tremendous amount of money because the moment they control or hijack government, they can print as much money as they choose.
Plausible deniability refers to the denial of blame in loose and informal chains of command where upper rungs quarantine the blame to the lower rungs. In the case that illegal or otherwise disreputable and unpopular activities become public, high-ranking officials may deny any awareness of such act or any connection to the agents used to carry out such act. In politics and espionage, deniability refers to the ability of a "powerful player" or actor to avoid "blowback" by secretly arranging for an action to be taken on their behalf by a third party—ostensibly unconnected with the major player. In political campaigns, plausible deniability enables candidates to stay "clean" and denounce advertisements that use unethical approaches or innuendo based on opposition research. More generally, "plausible deniability" can also apply to any act that leaves little or no evidence of wrongdoing or abuse. Examples of this are the use of electricity, water boarding or pain-compliance holds as a means of torture or punishment, leaving little or no tangible signs that the abuse ever took place. - Plausible deniability, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
So if they want to do a terrorist hit or a terror plot, they would merely print 20 trillion dollars and know a lot of volunteers are ready and waiting around the world. They are not hostages and not prisoners; they have refused to speak or exercise their first amendment rights. The primary suspects or the first wave caught, are bipolar and revert one day as hostile to a remorseful denial of any wrongdoing. The closest example we can provide is a cult leader or the Waco, Texas compound incident. They are terrorists and homicidal with no respect or consideration for others, then they flip the propaganda switch and turn into repentant and pardoned “too big to be stopped” figures. It has to do with the media and being a household name; some accepted norm in the lives of everyday citizens.
David R. Francis, United States ambassador in Russia, warned in a January 1918 dispatch to Washington: “The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and 90 percent of whom are returned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country but are internationalists and they are trying to start a worldwide social revolution.” Likevise, the Netherlands’ ambassador in Russia, M. Oudendyke, made much the same point a few months later. A report, sent by Mr. Oudendyke said that “Bolshevism is organised and worked by Jews.” The report was included in a pamphlet published as a U.S. government White Paper in April 1919 entitled Russia No. 1 (1919) A Collection of Reports on Bolshevism in Russia. So, as we can see, for many observers the Bolsheviks became the embodiment of the Jewish revolutionaries. Some opponents perhaps will claim that the preceding sources are “anti- Semitic” and therefore unconvincing, but they’d be wrong. Therefore, now, let’s see what the Jews themselves were saying? THE JEWS CONFIRM IT THEMSELVES, SOME JEWS EVEN BRAG - Zionism & Russia, lecture 7, by Valdas Anelauskas,
They still do not know who they captured or kidnapped or what consequences are coming; yet they cannot afford a clash or to be flushed out more. The entire situation is collapsing and imploding on them now. These people are for real and they are behind the terror plot and the attacks on the military. For some luck of the draw, they tried to capture us alive and take us alive. When we were going to blow them apart with going public about being undercover about the 911 attacks and the other attacks on the United States, they took us out and tried to. That caused a quick response by another unit who had the evidence on them and they knew by 2002 if they eliminated the threat; charges would be imminent. At the same time, they got suspicious; knowing someone or something out there was tracking them and knew everything they were up to. They want to be taken serious and have an image they mean business; but they do not know how or what is effective because they are so stupid yet some do have talent and entertainment value. When taken serious they are not a good laugh but their appeal and household name grants them special privileges. That is the problem with the media and how they melt in front of the public.
Duress: This entry contains information applicable to United States law only. Unlawful pressure exerted upon a person to coerce that person to perform an act that he or she ordinarily would not perform. Duress also encompasses the same harm, threats, or restraint exercised upon the affected individual's spouse, child, or parent. Duress is distinguishable from undue influence, a concept employed in the law of wills, in that the latter term involves a wrongdoer who is a fiduciary, one who occupies a position of trust and confidence in regard to the testator, the creator of the will. Duress also exists where a person is coerced by the wrongful conduct or threat of another to enter into a contract under circumstances that deprive the individual of his or her volition. As a defense to a civil action, the federal Rules of Civil Procedure require that duress be pleaded affirmatively. Except with respect to homicide, a person who is compelled to commit a crime by an unlawful threat from another person to injure him, her, or a third person, will generally not be held responsible for its commission. See: threats. - Definition of Duress, (Law Encyclopedia) -
We informed them we are psychic psychopathic commandos and they tried to test if we could or would stop them with two specific terror hits to induce fear and apprehension. They did not believe if we would or could stop them yet they could not risk a clash or some military action. These are worthless and useless human beings who want to portray themselves as always abiding to and playing by the rules while they trash the Constitution. It is a foreign group and a foreign government calling the shots; they want total control. The only thing in their arsenal at this time is racism or a racial war. It is the last of their psychological warfare to be one of us or not one of them. This is why they are fearless yet meek and fearful; they will not become a real human being and are hiding under this meek skin and fearless reputation. So if their public image is not apparent, it is a tacky and pathetic display of low intelligence and a submissiveness which deserves an adequate flogging. They do not understand low quality yet they do not respect high quality either.
It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. …In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution [the Cheka] has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses. The same evil prominence was obtained by Jews in the brief period of terror during which Bela Kun ruled in Hungary. The same phenomenon has been presented in Germany (especially in Bavaria), so far as this madness has been allowed to prey upon the temporary prostration of the German people. Although in all these countries there are many non-Jews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion to their numbers in the population is astonishing. (Jewish Communism, by Winston Churchill (London’s Illustrated Sundary Herald); Februrary 08, 1920) - Zionism & Russia, lecture 7, by Valdas Anelauskas,
So let’s return to the late 1970s and post Vietnam and the bedlam of liberal and left wing megawatt surges. Even after 60,000 American deaths and millions of Vietnamese deaths; the liberals and left wing were such an arrogant low quality a-hole; they blamed the Vietnamese for losing the War and tarnishing the reputation of the United States. Keep in mind, this coming from a terror and communist plot and also a domestic nuisance and human embarrassment. They see themselves as masters and think this world is blessed by them being in it. Yet in warfare, nobody cares who the master is; they want the enemy dead. This jackass will make a big deal about it until you figure out how to shut them up and make them an enemy. This creature we are entangled with is a sore and complete retard and idiot, mission accomplished yet? The control makes them powerful only until this death grip and mountain lion bite is released; they are a communist and terror group. We managed to survive the attack and flush them out after they struck the nation viciously and kept up this pressure on us. They are not who they claim or who they show themselves to be; somebody is commanding them and giving those orders.
US Military Dictionary: psychological warfare (PSYWAR): The planned use of propaganda and other psychological actions, having the primary purpose of influencing the opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behavior of hostile foreign groups in such a way as to support the achievement of national objectives. – Definition of psychological warfare, (US Military Dictionary: psychological warfare) -
Warfare is simple, kill until you are guaranteed life. Do not argue, the enemy will kill you. This vanity and trivial potty head is meaningless if you are dead. The enemies do not care who the master is either; those words are nonsense also. They love this political battle with the dirt breed and low quality; it is a comedic joke. Nobody cares who the master is, they want the enemy dead; yet they produce no results or merit to be criticizing or even leading the charge. Nobody cares who the master is; they want things done right and demand high quality. If they cannot work with this high quality, then they do not deserve to live or have bragging rights. We are dealing with some crass slave or indentured servant who is constantly stalking others, complimenting them or flattering, and then they turn out to be nothing anybody wants; a total and useless lie which now is a spy or psychopathic deranged stalker.
The 1968 Israeli raid on Lebanon, code-named Operation Gift (Hebrew: מבצע תשורה), was an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Special Forces operation on Beirut International Airport on the night of December 28 - 29, 1968. The commandos were from the Army's elite Sayeret Matkal and destroyed 13 civilian airplanes belonging to Middle East Airlines (MEA) in response to an attack on an Israeli airliner in Athens by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). – 1968 Israeli Raid on Lebanon, - (Note: Since 1968 and much Arab support, Israel with powerful liberal media tycoons have used newspapers and television to paint the Arab race and culture as thieves that cannot live peacefully with anyone; whether it is true or not is the problem.)
These people are so meek and lie or blame with such fury; they worship the devil in secret. So there were scores of books by historians not even covering the military side or even considering the events of the Cold War; yet they were blaming the West, the Vietnamese, and the Cold War forces that lost millions of lives. There was more than a full decade of fighting communist forces in Vietnam and a century of civil war or ongoing warfare. How can they criticize if they were not fighting or even killing any enemy forces? Why not produce some reason to criticize, stick their head in this fight and help, or earn the bragging rights to conduct this secret war? They do not understand war and simply wish others to accept their despotism or tyrant pretending; unless they kill the enemy or can; do not try to control the war or demand bragging rights for their pride and vanity. When they are the masters, they will kill all the enemies for educational or entertainment value. The more they do this, the more they are pushed away and into the enemy camp until they are the enemy and have violated or trashed the Constitution as a domestic nuisance.
A number of genetic disorders occur more frequently in certain ethnic populations. In the Ashkenazi Jewish population (those of Eastern European descent), it has been estimated that one in four individuals is a carrier of one of several genetic conditions. These diseases include Tay-Sachs Disease, Canavan, Niemann-Pick, Gaucher, Familial Dysautonomia, Bloom Syndrome, Fanconi anemia, Cystic Fibrosis and Mucolipidosis IV. Some of these diseases may be severe and may result in the early death of a child. Carrier screening is available for all of these diseases with a simple blood test. How are these diseases inherited? In the nucleus of every cell in the body there are 46 chromosomes. Each chromosome is a package that holds many genes. Our genes contain DNA, the set of instructions that makes up who we are. All chromosomes (and the genes that are on those chromosomes) come in pairs. We receive one member of each pair of chromosomes from our mother and the other member of the pair from our father. Sometimes there is a change in a gene (called a mutation) that causes the gene to malfunction. - Ashkenazi Jewish Genetic Diseases, By Victor Center for Jewish Genetic Diseases, Philadelphia, PA; -
So after 1975, when our forces had undergone a transformation in this world and felt besieged by diminutive worthless and useless human breeds; it was a very bad time and hardship. The Vietnam War was a tragedy but you can fight evil as best as you can; this was no time to be grandstanding and blaming people who were slaughtered by the bad guys and enemy forces. They are no blessing and are so persistent to help or rape our privacy; but they somehow are convinced they are heroes and have open access to our life when and if they need. This is our enemy and they are the collective; that is the mindset of communists. Similarly, they must be flushed out and fought face to face, head on, and not in this meek manner they feel comfortable with. The Europeans, especially the British, were quite annoyed with heavy losses during World War II trying to contain and fight off the invasion forces. It is a low breed of human beings and they mix it up by mixing with the crowd and gaining access to the lives of others to rape the privacy of everyone. Everyone becomes a victim and is murdered.
Attack on Beirut International Airport by Israeli Defense Forces: On 22 July 1968, militants hijacked an El Al plane on its way from Rome to Tel Aviv, and forced the pilot to land in Algiers. About four months later, in the early afternoon of 26 December, two militants who had arrived in Athens from Beirut International Airport, fired at an El Al plane about to take off from the Athens Airport. As a result, an Israeli citizen was killed, a stewardess was wounded, and the plane damaged. The spokesman of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), whose headquarters was in Beirut, announced that the operation was carried out by his organization. In response, IDF commandos took over part of Beirut Airport and destroyed 13 aircraft belonging to Middle East Airlines (MEA). – Attack on Beirut International Airport, – (Note: Lebanon accused the Soviet Union of having tried stealing one of their Mirage fighter jets and a shootout ensued where a Russian infiltrator was injured by gunfire prior to this attack at the airport. Israel destroyed 12 passenger planes on the ground in this attack.)
This particular group we caught is especially ruthless and meticulous murderers who wish to cause problems or ruin relationships; yet they pride on epic peace and anti-war. They really hate and despise the West, capitalism, truth, the Constitution, and real human beings. They side with liberals, the left wing, labor groups, and most of all the Democratic Party. The best way to show this is to argue the reverse; destroy the right wing, destroy the conservatives, and destroy the Republican Party by dividing them. That is the best way to show this loyalty and to act surreptitiously or secretively. Who would stop them, there own forces? They print their own money. It is very difficult to catch them and if we have enough evidence; they will face the largest military force ever in the history of the world. It is as if they are on some adventurous expedition and running loose in the world; yet the bills pile up, the debt so thick, and the reasons to keep them alive or healthy useless and nonsense. They do not even fight or intelligent enough to kill enemy forces on the battlefield; they shoot military people in the backs because that is how they define opportunity and profiteering.
Black September: September 1970 is known as the Black September (Arabic: أيلول الأسود) in Arab history and sometimes is referred to as the "era of regrettable events." It was a month when Hashemite King Hussein of Jordan moved to quash the autonomy of Palestinian organizations and restore his monarchy's rule over the country.[2] The violence resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of people, the vast majority Palestinian.[1] Armed conflict lasted until July 1971 with the expulsion of the PLO and thousands of Palestinian fighters to Lebanon. - Black September, - (Note: Four events in 1970 define the term or event of Black September) (Note: Since 1968 and much Arab support, Israel with powerful liberal media tycoons have used newspapers and television to paint the Arab race and culture as thieves that cannot live peacefully with anyone; whether it is true or not is the problem.)
There no government out there who is not aware of the odds against this force and what they are up to. Their sovereignty and power is at risk and severely threatened; it is best to rid this while the window of opportunity exists. Why they would protest and not feel threatened, we are recklessly scratching our heads; but we know they are no prisoners and not some hostage. They were writing books on a topic they know nothing about and teaching armies of students. So the student movement was born in the 1960s and the 1970s; also the outbreak in the Middle East and chaos. They took and stole the global stage and caused others to do the same. It is a secret war which they have been locked out of and never invited for. Also, it is reserved for the most deserving, royal, respected, and a breed of humans a cut above what we have. They must control it and challenge it; they cannot just stay out of it and must criminalize everybody.
The reason why they concocted a human trap or a murder plot is to bait a death trap. The death trap is to put a gun to the head of someone and sits to see who comes to aid and comfort or who comes to rescue. As insane and crazy as it sounds; most people would not waste their time and might even put you in a psychiatric institution the moment you said people were after you or chasing you. They forget how poisonous the climate is in this country presently and the state of affairs. However, either by intent or cover up, we were punished severely by opening our mouths or merely voicing complaint to this ignorant petty tyrant and despotic chain of events. They won’t leave you alone and stalk you throughout your life until you throw your hands in the air or make some payment; we do not know. It continued up until 2008 and they are targeting families who they know come from royalty or have very educated relatives. It is very difficult when the police are in on it and it goes up so high; we got nailed by it badly and had to fight off their offense twice when arrested. It has blown up on them and they are now studying how this was so because they are the best communist and terrorist on this planet. Their goal is an easy target, not the hardest one. We presented an easy target and now the hardest fight in their god damn life. - Personal Diary, by Author; February 21, 2009 -
Furthermore, they ended up kidnapping and judging people they knew nothing about or considered how thought and action may result in their demise. It is a gutless idiot of a human being who is brain dead and psychopathic homicidal and bone insecure or insane. Yet they feel they can change the minds of this world and wish for the chance to or another and another. Their books are worthless and produce this low quality and brain dead idiot who becomes jaded, misinformed, a liar, and a domestic nuisance. Yet they turn around and stand for freedom of speech and book burning; it is as bone insane as anyone can imagine. You have to ask if they are pretending or are truly this stupid; they are pretending and taking commands from a handler; it is a spy network and this is why. We were perplexed also and began to deploy methods to flush them out or draw them out to determine if they were real, conscious, or honestly brain dead. As useless and as worthless as they are, it cost ten to twenty times as much to keep them alive then to ask if they can address this problem. They call us every name in the book and blame us for all their failures; yet there is absolutely no reason why they are alive and criminalizing us; least kidnap us and are behind terror and murder plots.
To this day, those two offensive moves to terrorize us did not work and did not erase our minds or cause us to tremble so horribly we could not speak or talk. That is their ultimate goal, to throw the mind into a complete shut down or epileptic seizure. That is the merciless and sadistic level of terror we are dealing with and who is behind the terror plots. They go beyond all limits when it comes to terrorizing a human being; however, we are commandos and we adapt much better and fight our way out of the most gruesome situations and end up winning the full war and battle. Part of it is to block out things and to camouflage; to feel and play your way through difficult situations with your personality and charm. They are looking for an easy target and looking for propaganda; thus, what you do can have a detrimental affect on what you are attempting and what they are as well. They want to invite themselves in your life and stay there. Then they want to someone or somehow to explain it or be bold enough to rectify matters so it can be repeated or done again on another target. It has blown up on them and they are now studying how this was so because they are the best communist and terrorist on this planet. Their goal is an easy target, not the hardest one. We presented an easy target and now the hardest fight in their god damn life. - Personal Diary, by Author; February 21, 2009 -
World War II itself was ten to twenty times the death rate of Vietnam; but the fight was about low quality and this cut throat jackass ambition of thinking stupidity and bad genetics trumps all others. They do not recognize evil but neither do they blame evil; they say it is capitalism, environment, systematic, and various other psychological disorders which permeate and worsen in their useless life. Meanwhile, everyone is waiting for the reckoning and the day when they do start a war or attack the United States, such as this window of opportunity. They have and are, they were and have been; we have caught them in this wily and evil act and they face military retaliation because we know it is being commanded abroad yet operatives are acting secretly behind enemy lines. They are trying to get the public accolade and trade dollars to flow their way and use this access and allied status to accomplice all of this.
While kidnapped from 1998 to the present, the most powerful method was socialized medicine. By using biological warfare; flesh eating bacteria, spray and aerosol fungus and other ailments, dangerous food poisoning, and dangerous other medical problems; they began to advance the idea we would research and study socialized medicine for them because they were too stupid to do it themselves. So they kidnapped us for our voice, intelligence, influence, and lack of care or knowledge of what is to come. However, we can name off at least 20 different skin problems resulting from two false imprisonments. These skin problems dig and root in the dermis so deeply that surgery is needed for some of them. Self surgery was already performed on one of them and it is messy and painful but effective. So from 1998 to the present, a lot of medical problems mysteriously came and recurred with thousands of dollars spent on futile work because the kidnappers were sneaking around and inviting themselves into our life. Again, they are reading these and feel we are some threat to them yet they trash the Constitution and have earned the death penalty; the hard part is catching them in the act and gathering the evidence. They feel we are terrified of them by now and the Stockholm syndrome has been ingrained in us, not so; not the slightest or close. When they want to come out, they will let us know. - Personal Diary, by Author; February 21, 2009 -
The century of conflict from 1900 to present has shown that when it comes to war; we are not able to compete with the communist, socialist, or evil in spending. What we can do is peg the currency to the idea that if it is pegged to capitalism; then that is the survival game. The mortal enemy of capitalism is communism and vice versa. However, the communist choose peace and anti-war and peg the economy to heavy debts instead of a strong military and we get this total breakdown in the entire economy where nominal price and natural price scares human beings to abandon the capitalistic market, free markets, and free trade. What we should do is only use debt to guarantee we can stop the bad in this world and to furnish and furbish the weapons, defenses, and personnel we have in stock to take this fight to them and make them crawl on their knees or suffer the might of bang for the buck and peace through superior military survivability and monetary policy.
Beginning in 1990 or around that time, someone let loose communists in our life to run loose and do as they wish. At first, it was merely avoiding them as they kept pushing the typical left wing and labor orientations, simply harmless marketing. As it began to grow stronger and their presence was avoided, they became livid and excited around 1998. since then, however and however this god damn miniscule evil devil and jackass is, they follow us everywhere and wreck every single aspect of our life, causing risk and harm, and turning around wishing money and declaring us some public danger as we are threatening them or some madman on the loose like Rambo. So now they peer over our shoulder, read everything we read and write, and claim we are threatening to their existence again. If they would just try to invite them into our private life, instead of sneaking around or acting meek, invite them physically into our realm, and come out of hiding; we can easily and quickly solve their problems. It is always how they are in control, sneaking up on us, right next to us, spying on us, we are their prisoner, we threaten them and are a danger, and they run loose and do as they please. What they want and are looking for is a huge defense contract and spending with satellite warfare and other high technology military advances. We too are playing with them. – Personal Diary, by Author; February 21, 2009-
There is no need to loose to an evil enemy or any human mortal enemy out there if they outspend and defeat us on the battlefield; thus, it is stupid to think we would ever let them block this or our defeat before the battle even begins. We caringly want to defeat, outspend, and have on reserve the will, the power, and most of the entire bang for the bucks the capitalist market freely allows us to choose. That is how we stop the bad, not let them use the same debt to go into debt spending and monetary policy which ends the free market and capitalism. What good is the effort if we will loose at war? This is why debate on defense spending and war is moot or a defunct analysis of how bad the problem is and the inevitable.
It is sort of odd how the people upstairs appear to be reading this as it is being written, protesting and stomping their foot when something bad is written about them. Like some illegal mugger or gang of dirt-sy invaders; they are welcome to invite themselves into this paragraph and book if they wish to invite themselves into our households. There is no need to sneak around and breathe over the shoulder of others; simply orchestrate a third immigrant and welfare home invasion to protest. If they are that bold to invite themselves into the lives of others, they should just come in or walk in and plead their case, it is much easier and we can resolve matters much quicker. However, they got very angry and noisy when the part about communism was written about them and feel it is a threat to the global labor and communist movement. Just like spies and illegal, they peer over our shoulders and feel we are war mongers by starting trouble with the communists and left wing; yet they are the ones behind the kidnapping, home invasions, and peering over our shoulder and shaking their fist violently. So not only are they acting on behalf of known politicians, the unions and Israel; they are now protecting international communism. We too are playing with them. - Personal Diary, by Author; February 21, 2009 -
War is simple to understand, kill or be killed. If you want to worry about spending or costs, then do so. When the enemy comes and when the enemy declares war, do not worry about the trivial matters; who lives and who dies will determine who makes the rules and the spending policies. The inevitable is we will survive this fight and crush any foe that is out there and cannot debate peacefully or uphold sacred principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If they wish to contest this, then trash the Constitution, or invade the soil with terror attacks or secret espionage operatives and the protective services of this world will chase them down and hunt them for dead or alive; that is, until they are caught and dealt with property. If they have a problem with this or what this war is about, then come forward and exercise their first amendment rights and not play this charade of a gutless coward and a terror and communist network.
Nobody has to tell them or say what is truly on their minds; this is the worst mistake they have ever made in their life. Yet to save face, the vanity and pride of a total jackass, they play it off as diarrhea build up and is ready to explode onto the scene as they did from the start. How can they talk like they do or seek this lie of their pride and courage when only one man did this to them? Take a look at the armies they sent and take a look at how badly they were defeated and ask what their worth and value is? Their worth and value is dirt nothing if not before then now it is with certainty. Yet they stomp on the floor and make fist shaking gutless moments of truth and clarity about who they are and what their life has turned into, nothing as it always been. They ought to know better than to have a standoff with the US military or flood our side with this gutless and useless inferior breed because we always take them to the finish line before letting them in on the secret we knew all along! They loss again, wish to try again or explain? It will be a rewarding gesture to sit in on their meetings now or listen in on what they claim is their pride and vanity of pathological lying. An army of one, one. – Person Diary, by Author; February 21, 2009 -
We tried to show or blurt out what happened while in college and what happened after we finished college; the work we were completing and a complete disturbance to it. Then what the people behind it said to us and did; as they were moving and positioning themselves for some showdown or death grip. These people, whoever they are and whoever they claim to be, better figure out who they are loyal to and where they wish to call their home because trashing the Constitution and racking up these violations and a terror plot is going to warrant their immediate expulsion and or warfare.
Ashkenaz is the medieval Hebrew name for the region which in modern times encompasses the country of Germany and German-speaking borderland areas. Ashkenaz is also a Japhetic patriarch in the Table of Nations (Genesis 10). Thus, Ashkenazim or Ashkenazi Jews are literally "German Jews." Many Ashkenazi Jews later migrated, largely eastward, forming communities in non German-speaking areas, including Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Russia, Eastern Europe, and elsewhere between the 10th and 19th centuries. With them, they took and diversified Yiddish, a Germanic Jewish language that had since medieval times been the lingua franca among Ashkenazi Jews. To a much lesser extent, the Judæo-French language Zarphatic and the Slavic-based Knaanic (Judæo-Czech) were also spoken. - Ashkenazi Jews, -
Attacking the United States from within or the outside is an unconditional act of war regardless of how superior or powerful they feel; regardless of how good it is for the country; and regardless of who they claim to be protecting or benefiting. They are a mere guest here and their stay can be terminated at any time or given the charges, at any moment. To criminalize this process will accelerate the need to seek conclusion and closure; most especially if the act was to promote or an act for a foreign country. Now it is to decide whether or not they want to ask for ransom or reparations because there is no way out of it for them.
Dawson’s Field Hijacking: On September 1, 1970, several attempts to assassinate the king failed. On September 7, in the series of Dawson's Field hijackings, three planes were hijacked by PFLP: a Swiss Air and a TWA that were landed in Azraq area and a Pan Am that was landed in Cairo. Then on September 9, a BOAC flight from Bahrain was also hijacked to Zarqa. The PFLP announced that the hijackings were intended "to pay special attention to the Palestinian problem". After all hostages were removed, the planes were dramatically blown up in front of TV cameras. Directly confronting and angering the King, the rebels declared the Irbid area a "liberated region." - Black September, - (Note: Since 1968 and much Arab support, Israel with powerful liberal media tycoons have used newspapers and television to paint the Arab race and culture as thieves that cannot live peacefully with anyone; whether it is true or not is the problem.)
We know these flaws arise out of the ashes of the Marxian school of thought where labor is the unit of price. These are not West Coast liberal tarts but East Coast ones where banking and oppression run side by side like the chasing of the bulls. The aimless and misdirected scrutiny for bragging rights which they are unqualified for and eerily panicked by when the West Coast conservatives made them nervous. So not only was the easterners united but there was no way to differentiate them because like the chapter on liberalism versus conservatism; what is a terrorist to some is a freedom fighter to others.
The Ashkenazi Jews developed a distinct culture and liturgy influenced, to varying degrees, by interaction with surrounding peoples, predominantly Germans, Austrians, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Kashubians, Hungarians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Belarusians, and Russians. Although in the 11th century they comprised only 3% of the world's Jewish population, Ashkenazi Jews accounted for (at their highest) 92% of the world's Jews in 1931 and today make up approximately 80% of Jews worldwide. Most Jewish communities with extended histories in Europe are Ashkenazim, with the exception of those associated with the Mediterranean region. The majority of the Jews who migrated from Europe to other continents in the past two centuries are Ashkenazim, Eastern Ashkenazim in particular. This is especially true in the United States, where 6 out of the 7 million American Jewish population — the largest Jewish population in the world when consistent statistical parameters are employed — is Ashkenazi, representing the world's single largest concentration of Ashkenazim. - Ashkenazi Jews, -
A conservative to these people is just as flawed as a liberal to others; but the bragging rights is how they flip the situation around; a synonyms of the desire for money and power of the East Coast bankers and fat cats. They voted for everything that got us here and now sought the same bragging rights. It is merely a low class tackiness which lives under the guise of driving people westward and to what they called liberalism and even communism. Now they are trying to duplicate the same push westward away from power or money.
1973 Israeli raid on Lebanon: The 1973 Israeli raid on Lebanon (code-named Operation Spring of Youth) took place on the night of April 9 and early morning of April 10, 1973 when Israel Defense Forces Special Forces units attacked several Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) targets in Beirut and Sidon, Lebanon. The Israeli Sayeret Matkal forces arrived at the Lebanese beaches in Zodiac boats launched from missile ships offshore. Mossad agents awaited the forces on the beaches with cars rented the previous day, and then drove them to their targets and later back to the beaches for extraction. During the operation, three PLO leaders, surprised at home, were killed, along with other PLO personnel (reports of actual number killed vary from a dozen to 100). Several Lebanese security people and civilian neighbors were also killed. Two Israeli soldiers were killed by defending militants. – 1973 Israeli Raid on Lebanon, - (Note: Since 1968 and much Arab support, Israel with powerful liberal media tycoons have used newspapers and television to paint the Arab race and culture as thieves that cannot live peacefully with anyone; whether it is true or not is the problem.)
It is time to analyze the failure of the 44th Presidential Administration and why they are not only a complete waste of time but a danger to the country. If nothing is done to fix the matter or get some true talent; someone or something who can actually run the country, return its glory, restore trust and the true meaning of the Constitution; then man will be killing man eventually. Maybe the debt and all of this false spending can cover over the problem and even delay it; the truth and the fact is when it is all said and done, the American public is bankrupt and will loose their entire life savings. For now we just act wishful and call it debt or fiscal debt which will take 30 years to mortgage out when the last time it took 29 years to mortgage out, it is the same house refinanced over and over at a higher interest rate. That is a very dangerous mentality and situation.
The Beirut barracks bombing was a major incident on October 23, 1983, during the Lebanese Civil War. Two truck bombs struck separate buildings in Beirut that housed United States and French military forces—members of the Multinational Force in Lebanon—killing hundreds of servicemen, the majority of who were U.S. Marines. The blasts led to the withdrawal of the international peacekeeping force from Lebanon, where they had been stationed since the Israeli 1982 invasion of Lebanon. The organization Islamic Jihad took responsibility for the bombing, but that organization is thought to have been a nom de guerre for Hezbollah receiving help from the Islamic Republic of Iran. – 1983 Beirut Barrack Bombing, -
So we can analyze the American Recovery and Restoration Act (The 2009 Stimulus Package of February 2009) and understand why President elect Obama has ended his career and term in just three weeks. Jokes aside, the bill was slated at only $574 billion when it entered the salmon river of the House of Representatives. As it swam up the river, it began to fatten up and carry a heavier load; however, the original $574 billion was direct spending, then the indirect spending (incentives) and also tax cuts. So we will parse this out in three sections: salmon fry, salmon juvenile, and dinner table as the three phases it transformed into. There is no way the Obama administration will recover from the deep divide he has already covered because now; it will become very difficult to ask for more and more money. All total the Bush Administration rammed almost a trillion down the thorax of the Congress, Obama rammed another trillion, and the economy is diminishing quicker than they can run out of town.
Arthur Meier Schlesinger Jr., born Arthur Bancroft Schlesinger (October 15, 1917 – February 28, 2007), was a Pulitzer Prize recipient and American historian and social critic whose work explored the liberalism of American political leaders including Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and Robert F. Kennedy. He served as special assistant and "court historian"[1] to President Kennedy from 1961 to 1963. He wrote a detailed account of the Kennedy Administration, from the transition period to the president's state funeral, titled A Thousand Days. In 1968, he actively supported the presidential campaign of Senator Robert F. Kennedy until Kennedy's assassination in the Ambassador Hotel on June 5, 1968, and wrote the biography Robert Kennedy and His Times several years later. Schlesinger was a prolific contributor to liberal theory and was a passionate and articulate voice for Kennedy-style liberalism. He was admired for his wit, scholarship, and devotion to delineating the history and nature of liberalism. Since 1990 he had been a critic of multiculturalism. He popularized the term "imperial presidency" during the Nixon administration by writing the book The Imperial Presidency. - Arthur Meier Schlesinger Jr., -
Let’s keep in mind why the insolvency and the failure occurred quickly and rapidly; the President passed up the line item veto as it was being offered by the Republicans who did not support the bill and by signing it; Obama became shovel-ready. There is no way to respond to questions and there is no excuse possible when the media and the public has vetted him quick and decisively. George W. Bush and his “mission accomplished” train of silence took a long time to figure out because they were so proactive to seek loyalty and to censor dissent or truth telling. Obama is different because he is used to the embarrassment and losing. It is two enemies but they bitch and whine for different reasons. Subsequently, the end result is always the same. If George Bush threw the stone in the lake and ignored the matter, no less lied; then Obama began throwing more and more in the lake also. Those stones are all lies and corruptive management practices of a vile human species; that is final. People were mad at Bush and now Obama, some for the right reasons and some for the wrong ones. So even if you were right wing or left wing; your might become mad at Obama for the right reasons.
Schlesinger was born in Columbus, Ohio, the son of Arthur M. Schlesinger (1888 – 1965), who was an influential social historian at Ohio State University and Harvard University. He attended the Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire and received his first degree at the age of twenty from Harvard, where he would graduate summa cum laude. In 1940, at the age of twenty-three, he was appointed to a three-year fellowship at Harvard. His fellowship was interrupted by the United States' entry into World War II. After failing his military medical examination Schlesinger joined the Office of War Information. From 1943-1945 he served in a spy ring operated by the Office of Strategic Services, a precursor to the CIA; In Garry Wills's 1970 book, "Nixon Agonistes", he mentions Schlesinger's background in the OSS. Dr. Schlesinger's full involvement was very openly and publicly discussed in the media in 2008, along with other well known personalities such as chef Julia Child. Schlesinger's service in the OSS allowed him time to complete his first Pulitzer prizewinning book, The Age of Jackson, in 1945. From 1946-1954 he was an Associate Professor at Harvard, becoming a full professor in 1954. - Arthur Meier Schlesinger Jr., -
Before we look at the overall problem with the 44th Presidential Administration, we should add that assistance and help was there for the asking. However, instead of placing politics and bipartisanship aside, the jackasses who have hijacked government decided to get jiggy and dream big which had no semblance or balance of bipartisanship. When and if you become bipartisan, you grow honesty and grow big ears. What they grew was a big nose and it is getting bigger and bigger as the effect of this Stimulus Bill wrecks the economy more or does nothing. The trillion dollars has absolutely zero significance to the overall problems and we will make the case of why or why not. Let’s begin the journey to hell.
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Obama administration and the new Congress are quickly handing over to Republicans the same "culture of corruption" issue that Democrats used so effectively against the GOP before coming to power. ,,,Senate Democrats now may be trapped in their own ethics system. Disciplinary action against a senator usually requires a long investigation by the Senate's ethics committee. While a preliminary inquiry on Burris is under way, that's only the first early step. And, with ongoing criminal investigations in Illinois, the committee probably would have to postpone any action - as it usually does - to avoid interference. In 2006, Republicans lost control of the House after Democrats effectively used a "culture of corruption" theme against them. ...Republicans were further harmed when it was disclosed that several of their members were aware of the problem and failed to take action. - Analysis: Democrats self-destructing over ethics, by Larry Margasak, The Associated Press Staff; February 19, 2009 -
There was an overall doubt after the Bush years if Obama was good for the country. Bush was certainly not and he did focus on terrorism for eight years no less made it worse or angry. Not much is known at this time and there are a lot of plagiarizing “don’t tell a soul” characters wills a lot to say. However, we knew the black movement is in dire straits. With 40 per cent of their males either jailed or having been jailed (we were also to promote unity); single family and single motherhood rampant, low test scores and aimless academic pursuit; it is easy to understand why many experts have given up. The next generation and the next two generations of African Americans are lost. There is no recovery unless you either socialize or communize the world. How do we know? Let’s just say we magically woke up one morning in hell and a communist and terrorist group tried to recruit us or put us on top of their potty throne. So if anybody has to worry and if anybody needs to get real; it is them, yes them.
Many of the dissidents wanted to draw attention to the nearly $24,000 price tag her attendance garnished from TCNJ’s student finance board, which is funded in large part by fees included in the semester’s tuition, according to the TCNJ chapter of the College Republicans. “Coulter has said things in the past that are extremely offensive and racist, and I don’t think that my tuition should go towards hateful speech,” said a soggy Marlowe Boettcher, a political science major, as he clutched his protest sign. …Some even came in fervent support of Coulter. Lee Katz, who is a father to both a TCNJ alumnus and a current student, thought it was “perfectly fine that the funds be allocated to her fee. I agree with her on a lot of issues, and I think it is only fair the conservative speakers be heard at a predominantly liberal institution. …One of the more outrageous moments of her talk came when she called white liberals “a bunch of (p---ies)” and charged them with prolonging slavery in America. - Ann Coulter insults TCNJ students, calls liberals (expletive), by Paul Plumeri,; February 19, 2009 -
Obama was a bad choice to begin with but nobody can walk away from hope and change. They do not understand it but then again, it is irresistible and so strong; some white folks get a tingling sensation up their leg. They both are in the mess and huddling on the bottom of the pit like meek sheep. But that is not the problem; the problem is where the country is heading if not to hell. So Obama was a good choice to fix not the country but those who would take the first and last hit, his own race. We do not care who is leader or what race they are so long as they do a good job and a quality thumbs up smile. This is not it, this is disaster in the making. The blacks and the multicultural crowd will go to town with Obama and lynch him because he split the country in half between black and white. Again, the people who will be affect and loose their entire life savings are the blacks; not the whites or the Asians. The Hispanics are sort of sticking around to see where the blacks are taking the country if not to hell.
Who is an Ashkenazi Jew? Religious definition: These times include, for example, when two Jews of different ethnic background marry, when a non-Jew converts to Judaism and determines what customs to follow for the first time, or when a lapsed or less observant Jew returns to traditional Judaism and must determine what was done in his or her family's past. In this sense, "Ashkenazic" refers both to a family ancestry and to a body of customs binding on Jews of that ancestry. In a religious sense, an Ashkenazi Jew is any Jew whose family tradition and ritual follows Ashkenazi practice. When the Ashkenazi community first began to develop in the Early Middle Ages and until the 9th century, the centers of Jewish religious authority were in the Islamic world, at Baghdad and in Islamic Spain. Ashkenaz (Germany) was so distant geographically that it developed a minhag of its own, and Ashkenazi Hebrew came to be pronounced in ways distinct from other forms of Hebrew. In this respect, the counterpart of Ashkenazi is Sephardic, since most non-Ashkenazi Orthodox Jews follow Sephardic rabbinical authorities, whether or not they are ethnically Sephardic. By tradition, a Sephardic or Mizrahi woman who marries into an Orthodox or Haredi Ashkenazi Jewish family raises her children to be Ashkenazi Jews, and a gentile who converts to Judaism and takes on Ashkenazi religious practices becomes an Ashkenazi Jew. - Ashkenazi Jews, -
Government and government employees are bad entrepreneurs. Worse, when they dream idealistically, they become mush and a total jackass. So this lemonade stand mentality, lunacy as the “psychiatrical” satire calls it; makes them the worst entrepreneurs and money managers. Can we agree to something? If they were better at it then they think, they would not be neck deep in debt; and maybe grow a little to have their own restaurant or bar and grill. Do we see them rolling in cash and franchises of bar and grills or a hot dog stand? Exactly, this is why government employees were wishful in helping but insignificant to the problems, they make the worst entrepreneurs and dream it is raining nuts when it is not. Hence, the entire Stimulus Package is heading for bankruptcy, maybe not immediately, but certainly eventually; bank on it. It does not matter what action they take or how much they spend, the bite government has on the public has to be released if they wish them to survive and keep their life savings.
Ethnic definition: In an ethnic sense, an Ashkenazi Jew is one whose ancestry can be traced to the Jews of Central and Eastern Europe. For roughly a thousand years, the Ashkenazim were a reproductively isolated population in Europe, despite living in many countries, with little inflow or outflow from migration, conversion, or intermarriage with other groups, including other Jews. Human geneticists have identified genetic variations that have high frequencies among Ashkenazi Jews, but not in the general European population. This is true for matrilineal markers (Y-chromosome haplotypes) as well as for matrilineal markers (mitochondrial haplotypes). Since the middle of the 20th century, many Ashkenazi Jews have intermarried, both with members of other Jewish communities and with people of other nations and faiths, while some Jews have also adopted children from other ethnic groups or parts of the world and raised them as Jews. Conversion to Judaism, rare for nearly 2,000 years, has become more common. Jewish women and families who choose artificial insemination often choose a biological father who is not Jewish, to avoid common autosomal recessive genetic diseases. - Ashkenazi Jews, -
That is the problem, this is not a Stimulus Package, it is merely a way to anger white people by a black President. No matter what actions is taken from here on, which is why the 44th is a total waste of time, the bottom will and has fallen from the home sales industry. Yes, imagine what would happen if the new home sales were double the price? So how do you fix new home sales when they are slack or the bottom fell off the radar? The way is tax cuts and heavy breathing of tax cuts. Imagine how quickly new home sales would return if the government declared a “no tax forever” zone? Yes, if your life savings and your life depended on it, do what you have to and can. So how many rich and poor folks would walk away from a new home sale at twice the cost if they knew it meant no more taxes? That is who we are dealing with and how you get people to buy a new home at twice the cost, it is easy to figure out. Do we see this happening? Is this a joke, we see panic, mega knee jerk spending because it is “life or death” and increased government hiring and property taxes. You sell a home at twice the cost with a court order to never tax the inhabitants again and you will see home sales like pancakes flatten out. That is just one example of the lunacy and the bone insanity going on.
Attorney General Eric Holder received a lot attention for calling the United States "a nation of cowards when it comes to race relations. He claims that most Americans avoid discussion of lurking racial issues. In a speech to a group of Justice Department employees that marked Black History Month, Holder said businesses are largely integrated but Americans still divide themselves along racial lines in their private lives. Stripped bare, it's the traditional liberal pabulum, a policy prescription that translates to blind support for phony "profiling" studies and illegal immigration. Holder therefore feels justified in devoting significant …But facts are stubborn things. Consider that, of 23 peer-reviewed U.S. studies since 2000, 20 found that family structure directly affects crime and/or delinquency. Most research "strongly suggests both that young adults and teens raised in single-parent homes are more likely to commit crimes, and that communities with high rates of family fragmentation (especially unwed childbearing) suffer higher crime rates as a result." – Eric Holder’s Blind Spot, ; February 20. 2009 -
Now lets cut up the American Restoration and Recovery Act up in three parts; fry, juvenile, and dinner table as promised. The original cost was $574 billion of incoherent spending and wasteful social programs of ten and twenty years of shelf life. We should stop there but lets not (the original bill can be found at , search “Summary of Amendments Submitted to the Rules Committee for H.R. 1 - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009“). There are at least 140 additional add-ons to the original incoherent bill and nobody in their right mind would ever read over each and every one. That is like cursing at God, it gets nowhere. There are at most two sections which are reasonably understandable such as relief to those affected and new or old transportation needs to spurn trade. People trade when the cost of transportation allows them to or when they have enough expenditure to travel and trade. Prices fall and goods move around with fluidity; it is not a miracle but is a start. Beyond this there is nothing else in there and we will go into details later with the dinner table phase because it changes.
So what does the Obama administration do? They pass a pork-filled Stimulus package that helps dismantle the 1996 Welfare Reform Act and increase the number of single-parent families. Buried deep inside the massive spending orgy that Democrats jammed through the House this week lie five words that could drastically undo two decades of welfare reforms. The very heart of the widely applauded Welfare Reform Act of 1996 is a cap on the amount of federal cash that can be sent to states each year for welfare payments. But, thanks to the simple phrase slipped into the legislation, the new "stimulus" bill abolishes the limits on the amount of federal money for the so-called Emergency Fund, which ships welfare cash to states. "Out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, there are appropriated such sums as are necessary for payment to the Emergency Fund," Democrats wrote in Section 2101 on Page 354 of the $819 billion bill. In other words, the only limit on welfare payments would be the Treasury itself. In other words, while Holder and Obama construct racist straw-men and then knock them down with powerful, pointless blows, the Democrat establishment has simultaneously set the stage for more single-parent families and more violent crime. And then they will cry racism when their chickens come home to roost. – Eric Holder’s Blind Spot, ; February 20. 2009 -
The spending part is the most important and it came off the press at 600 billion from start to 800 billion upstream. That does not factor simple interest on the debt or each fiscal budget thereafter for 30 or more years. The line item veto would have shaved off a lot of work and a lot of aimless bickering; it also would be there for the 44th President to save his own people; even the Republicans begged him to consider the consequences and to feel the needs of this. You got to fix the god damn problem with the economy and the inconvenient incompatibility between the two, it is vital to the health of the country and most of all destitute blacks who lack education or cling on to white labor organizers. By turning it down and ignoring the essence of government or the role of it, the Republicans have now voted “no confidence” in less than three weeks while job loss and unemployment approached 20 per cent. That unemployment rate tells everybody what is going on and how it is only supposed to stay at or near 5 per cent.
Orthodox religious authorities actually encourage this, because of the danger that a Jewish donor could be a mamzer. Thus, the concept of Ashkenazi Jews as a distinct ethnic people, especially in ways that can be defined ancestrally and therefore traced genetically, has also blurred considerably. A study by Michael Seldin, a geneticist at the University Of California Davis School Of Medicine, found Ashkenazi Jews to be a clear, relatively homogenous genetic subgroup. …The research demonstrates the endogamy of the Jewish population in Europe and lends further credence to the idea of Ashkenazi Jews as an ethnic group. Moreover, though intermarriage among Jews of Ashkenazi descent has become increasingly more common, many Ultra-Orthodox Jews, particularly members Hasidic or Hareidi sects, continue to marry exclusively fellow Ashkenazi Jews. This trend keeps Ashkenazi genes prevalent and will also help researchers further study the genes of Ashkenazi Jews with relative ease. It is also noteworthy that these Ultra-Orthodox Jews often have extremely large families too. - Ashkenazi Jews, -
What did the President say and what was his administration going around blurting to the public about this hope and change we can believe in? “President Obama is also committed to providing greater transparency and accountability for all the government spending (via a stimulus spend tracking website), one of the key criticisms under the Bush administration. All in all, I think law makers all over the country realize the dire economic straits the nation is facing and the need for action. Time is of essence, or our great grandchildren could still be dealing with the economic fallout. As Obama himself said in his weekly radio address, "In short, if we do not act boldly and swiftly, a bad situation could become dramatically worse….We could lose a generation of potential, as more young Americans are forced to forgo college dreams or the chance to train for the jobs of the future” (From; Obama-economic-stimulus-and-recovery). This drove the right wing, conservatives, and Republicans to think they were mentally insane or lost their minds and bloody revolution was getting closer or near the 44th regime of the Democrats becaused they or he (Obama) proved to be a total swine and a happy liar under pressure and duress of the job; yes a total waste of time yet again. It is that smell of hope and change which is now stinking up the room.
Realignment in Israel: In Israel the term Ashkenazi is now used in ways that have nothing to do with its original meaning. In practice, the label Ashkenazi is often applied to all Jews of European background living in Israel, including those whose ethnic background is actually Sephardic. Jews of any non-Ashkenazi background, including Mizrahi, Yemenite, Kurdish, and others having no connection at all with the Iberian Peninsula, have similarly come to be lumped together as Sephardic. Jews of mixed background are increasingly common, partly because of intermarriage between Ashkenazi and non-Ashkenazi, and partly because some do not see such historic markers as relevant to their life experiences as Jews. …Ashkenazi Jew is an Israeli who is more likely to support certain religious interests in Israel, including certain political parties. These political parties result from the fact that a portion of the Israeli electorate votes for Jewish religious parties: although the electoral map changes from one election to another, there are generally several small parties associated with the interests of religious Ashkenazi Jews. - Ashkenazi Jews, -
Now let’s go to the juvenile phase as the bill goes from fry to middle point in the Congress. We get something which does not spell out communism or Indonesian and Chicago “Gung-foo” tradition of socialism. We can also point out the history of Indonesia and how they acted during the Vietnam War under the regime of Sukharto. There are two parts to the bill which has some significant debate merit or makes some sense so if the people who wrote it do not know it yet, they are mentally insane and nuts. That part reads like this and is from the same source (; “Help Workers Hurt by the Recession: High unemployment and rising costs have outpaced Americans’ paychecks. We will help workers train and find jobs, and help struggling families make ends meet. Every dollar in unemployment or food stamp creates at least $1.63 in economic activity, as these funds are spent quickly.” That is the only part which has any merit of debate or is honest. That is the only part which is coherent and readable, the rest is politicized and the Titanic of an Enron hijacking and hostile takeover.
Ashkenazi Jews and the Holocaust: Of the estimated 8.8 million Jews living in Europe at the beginning of World War II, the majority of whom were Ashkenazi, about 6 million — more than two-thirds — were systematically murdered in the Holocaust. These included 3 million of 3.3 million Polish Jews (91%); 900,000 of 1.1 million in Ukraine (82%); and 50–90% of the Jews of other Slavic nations, Germany, France, Hungary, and the Baltic States. Sephardic communities suffered similar depletions in a few countries, including Greece, the Netherlands and the former Yugoslavia.[58] Many of the surviving Ashkenazi Jews emigrated to countries such as Israel, Canada, Argentina, Australia, and the United States after the war. - Ashkenazi Jews, -
If you look at the goal of the bill it is not that bad. It is supposed to create 3.5 million jobs, give 95 per cent of immediate tax cuts and cash to home units, invest in infrastructure or construction projects, restore science and innovate technology, invest quickly in the economy, and offer unprecedented accountability and transparency which were built into the confidence to ensure confidence. How does the bill define “unprecedented accountability and transparency?” Believe it or not, it has nothing to do with telling the truth, upholding the Constitution, and various other key denouncements about this communist and terror network potty we stepped on. The bill defines trust as clean efficient energy, science and technology, health care coverage, education spending, modernizing infrastructure, tax cuts for middle class, helping workers, and “strong accountability measures.” Did we forget to leave out the housing market and the banking industry? How about the level of debt which decimated life savings or will but has not because they call it debt and lied? No more needs to be said and done about this situation because bad debt, toxic assets, cooking the books, profiteering, and making people surfer more and more is the problem. To call it spending and debt is the same problem.
There's a fairly broad consensus on policy that some of Roosevelt's actions made a positive difference but that they didn't get us out of the Depression. Amity Shlaes in her path-breaking "The Forgotten Man" makes a strong case that some of Roosevelt's moves blocked recovery, and even his admirers admit that his policies led to a sharp recession in 1937-38. After eight years of the New Deal, unemployment remained at 15 percent in 1940 - double the figure for today. What really got us out of the Depression was World War II. The total number of employed persons and military personnel increased from 44 million in 1938 to 65 million in 1944. So it would be unwise to copy the New Deal as a recipe for economic recovery. And the policies that produced the wartime boom are not replicable today. We are not going to have rationing, wage and price controls, government spending nearly half the gross domestic product, 91 percent tax rates and a 12-million-man military (the equivalent today would be 27 million). There has been general agreement, however, that Roosevelt's policies were politically successful. Most of us in the political commentary business make frequent use of the phrase "New Deal Democratic majority" and tend to believe that Roosevelt's policies worked for his party for a long generation extending into the 1960s. - The Real Lessons of the Great Depression, by Michael Barone,; February 16, 2009 -
Now we can move to the third phase or the Salmon River where the fry becomes the dinner plate. Yes, who other than the public has to eat this delicious stuff or do they even care? We do not even have to waste time and breathe hard, so let’s not. The Stimulus Bill does have a significant amount of tax cuts but is targeting the wrong crowd, “Clean, Efficient, American Energy: To put people back to work today and reduce our dependence on foreign oil tomorrow, we will increase renewable energy production and renovate public buildings to make them more energy efficient.” You have to wonder why in the world education is unionized or the teachers union doing in this bill. Why is so much money flowing to them? If they are educated and educators, are they not smart enough to understand what education is, then again, why are the unions bashing heads with the government or local grass roots clubs when they hate capitalism, free markets, and high quality intelligence; “Transform our Economy with Science and Technology: To secure America’s role as a world leader in a competitive global economy, we are renewing America’s investments in basic research and development, in training students for an innovation economy, and in deploying new technologies into the marketplace. This will help businesses in every community succeed in a global economy.”
But in September 1939, World War II broke out in Europe. In June 1940, France fell; Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, then allies, seemed to have most of Europe under their sway. Just days later, the Republicans nominated Wendell Willkie, an attractive candidate with no experience in foreign policy. The Democrats met in July, and Roosevelt sent a letter saying that he did not want to be a candidate. But, with help from the Chicago commissioner of sewers piping over a loudspeaker, "We want Roosevelt!" the president was renominated. He won his third term in November not, as he put it later, as "Dr. New Deal," but as an experienced leader when the nation was facing grave peril. …No two political times are ever the same. But as we watch the stimulus package moving to passage, we get the whiff of bailout favoritism and crony capitalism that was also present in the New Deal. The forced unionization envisaged by the card-check bill may prove to be no more popular than the unionization forced by the sit-ins was in Michigan and Ohio in 1938. Today's Democratic programs may get as mixed a political reaction as the New Deal did in the years before World War II. - The Real Lessons of the Great Depression, by Michael Barone,; February 16, 2009 -
The Stimulus Bill even looks like a Defense Department spending plan, “Provides $1.6 billion for the Department of Energy’s Office of Science, which funds research in such areas as climate science, bio-fuels, high-energy physics, and nuclear physics and fusion energy sciences - areas crucial to our energy future.” If the 44th regime is too stupid to figure this out, people are losing their entire life savings and the most affected group is who other than blacks and the least educated. Why is there a Defense spending bill in this bill? Most of the spending is aimed at new and existing spending projects, “Provides $400 million for the Advanced Research Project Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) to support high-risk, high-payoff research into energy sources and energy efficiency in collaboration with industry.”
But a big reason the Obama bailout plan has landed with such a thud is that we've been expecting way too much of it. Excessive expectations always breed disappointment, which is why smart leaders learn to under promise and over deliver. Here are some of the myths about the Obama bailout plan that we've been clinging to: Obama has a secret formula. We have a new president promising to take America in a new direction and solve the problems that vexed the last president. That means there must be some new and improved way to rescue the banks, right? Wrong. Obama and Geithner have one advantage over Bush and his Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson: The virtue of hindsight and lessons learned from past mistakes. But the Troubled Assets Relief Program has been an unprecedented, trial-and-error intervention in the banking system since Paulson first devised it last fall. And it still is, to some extent. - 4 Myths About the Obama-Geithner Bailout Plan, by Rick Newman, www.; February 19, 2009 -
Then there is this sense of bone insanity, such the case with medical care or coverage. It is expected that both Social Security and even worse Medicaid and Medicare will be bankrupt when and if the housing market collapses (Note when and if). Therefore, these intelligent government officials deserve a willful and intentional flogging for the blatant indentured servant and ineptitude of a butler mentality, “Lower Health Care Costs and Ensure Broader Coverage: Affordable and quality health care is key to strong economic growth. We are bringing our health care system into the 21st century with information technology, which will save billions of dollars, and are taking key steps to ensure broader coverage in this recession.” When new home sales are slipping it does not matter how much you spend, people will always be sick; they sit at home all day and watch TV now. On the books, it looks like the new and existing construction is the true biggie spender but it is actually the medial care and social security, “Modernize Roads, Bridges, Transit and Waterways: To build a 21st century economy, we must create jobs rebuilding our crumbling roads and bridges, modernizing public buildings, and putting people to work cleaning up our air, water and land.”
Requiring more accountability from banks that get bailout money is an essential step forward at this point. Ideally, that would have been baked into the bailout at the beginning, but it wasn't. If done right, more accountability will improve confidence in the government and the markets. But it won't change the essential problem, which is that many banks - including some of the biggest, like Citigroup and Bank of America - still face deep losses that constrain their ability to lend, and maybe even their viability. An insolvent bank is a disaster, whether its books are open or closed. The bailout will be good for Wall Street. The markets enjoyed a bailout bump in the days prior to Geithner's leaden announcement. Why? Apparently Wall Street expected a renewed bailout plan to generate stability or other conditions favorable to investors. …For bank shareholders, that's terrible news, because they could lose much or all of their investment. Eventually, a stronger economy will benefit Wall Street, because stocks will rise once the banks and their borrowers are healthier. But traders don't want results eventually. They want results now. The bailout will fix the housing problem. We keep falling for this one. - 4 Myths About the Obama-Geithner Bailout Plan, by Rick Newman, www.; February 19, 2009 -
There are parts which sound like a Republican wrote because it throws around words like “tax cut” and “job growth” or “tax credit.” However and partial to the debate is the aimless and willful ineffectiveness of the Stimulus Bill by targeting the wrong people again and again, “Tax Cuts to Make Work Pay and Create Jobs: More than 35 percent of the package will provide direct tax relief to 95 percent of American workers, as President-elect Obama pledged, and spur investment and job growth for American businesses. To gain the support of the needed Senate Republicans, the amount of Make Work Pay Tax credit has been scaled back, the AMT has been added, and several business tax incentives have been added (cancellation of debt income).” It sounds great but the problem is still ineffective, one case in hand is the 8 dollars a month which the tax credit will put in the hands of each and every American, 8 dollars a month which accumulates to be a large bottle of aspirins, so much for the medical overages. Was there any sense of responsibility or some systematic discernible sanity? "The removal of $200 million in proposed spending to renovate the National Mall,” count on all the frowns from the children when they find out the fish pond and the water garden was stricken from the bill, it is a sad day and sad future.
There have been several government and industry programs so far that have been designed to reverse the housing bust, slow the ballooning foreclosure rate, and keep more homeowners in their homes. None have worked on a large scale. There's a reason: This is an extraordinarily difficult problem to solve. There may be as many as 5 million mortgages still at risk of foreclosure. Workouts and loan modifications may help save a small portion of them. But the vast majority of troubled mortgages aren't held by the banks that issued them. These are the mortgages that have been broken into components, bundled into securities (now derided as "toxic assets"), and sold to investors around the world. To renegotiate any one of those mortgages requires the participation of multiple parties, including some who will lose money and expect to be compensated. Now, multiply that by 5 million. - 4 Myths About the Obama-Geithner Bailout Plan, by Rick Newman, www.; February 19, 2009 -
So they trash the Constitution, our life, our reputation and honor, our entire essence and we deserving trash their spending bill. How unfair and how much more unity can we tolerate? Here is the overall summary and analysis of the entire bill which can be found on; it is a striking surprise how it looks the same in the fry phase, worse in the juvenile phase, and is total insanity by the time the 44th President signs it and steals the bragging rights. Just remember that to all actions there are reactions and to which stupidity defines, reality corrects. Here is the entire skeleton of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 which ends up totaling $787 billion in increased federal deficit and debt for the first 3 weeks of 2009:
The bill provides an estimated $575 billion in appropriations and direct spending.
• Health Care spending is too controversial:
1. $87 billion in expanded Medicaid coverage to the poor
2. $19 billion for updating health information technology
• Education spending is too inefficient and should not cost more than $25K for eight years of post graduate schooling:
1. $500 increase in maximum Pell Grants (to $5,350 in 2009 and $5,550 in 2010) for low-income students
2. $54 billion to states and local school districts
3. $12 billion for special education
4. $1 billion for Head Start
• Infrastructure spending is a long list but it does not boost the economy, it encourages people to trade by lowering transportation costs if anything else:
1. $29 billion to modernize roads and bridges
2. $18 billion for clean water, flood control and environmental restoration
3. $8.4 billion for transit
4. $8 billion for high-speed rail
5. $7 billion to expand broadband coverage, mostly in rural areas
6. $5 billion to improve Defense Department facilities, including housing for troops
7. $4.5 billion to make federal office buildings more energy-efficient
• Energy spending is an ad-hoc think thank of spending expenditures, you can make the case of putting energy efficient windows in each car dealer showrooms to make the windows bigger and better or just give current home owners a foreclosed home so they make it efficient. There is no surplus or line of homeowners ripping their windows off and adding thermal ones:
1. $30 billion to update power grid
2. $6.3 billion to improve energy efficiency in federally-assisted multifamily housing
3. $5 billion to weatherize low-income homes
HHS bureaucrats will soon be empowered to overrule your doctor. Doctors who don't comply with the government's treatment protocols will be fined. That's right: Instead of your treatment being determined by your doctor, it will be settled on by some narcoleptic half-wit in Washington who couldn't get a job in the private sector. …At every other workplace in the nation -- even Wal-Mart! -- workers are being laid off. But no one at any of the bloated government bureaucracies ever need fear receiving a pink slip. All 64,750 employees at the department of Health and Human Services are apparently absolutely crucial to the smooth functioning of the department. With the stimulus bill, liberals plan to move unfirable government workers into every activity in America, where they will superintend all aspects of our lives. Also, thanks to the stimulus bill, the private sector will gradually shrivel and die. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the cost of servicing the bill's nearly trillion-dollar debt will shrink the economy within a decade. …The new liberal version is: There are those who look at things and ask, "Why on earth should the government be paying for that?" I dream of things that never were funded by the government and ask, "Why not?"
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 provided an estimated $212 billion in tax cuts. Imagine the world we could be living in if people would or could get it right?
• The one time payment of $250 to those who receive Social Security or government disability is asinine.
• The $8 per week tax credit of up to $400 for individuals who earn less than $75,000 a year and up to $800 for families who earn less than $150,000 are trivial considering the magnitude of the problem and fulfilling $8 in rent ludicrous.
• Most first time home buyers are unemployed at this time or soon will be, thus, nobody is fixing up their homes under this housing market condition unless they are unemployed and can do the work themselves to alleviate the stress. Jurisprudent of the $8000 credit for first time home buyers is like throwing a mortgage into the wind between January 1, 2009 and December 1, 2009. Nobody is standing in line to fix up or remodel their homes which suffered a 40% price drop in the last two stimulus package spending sprees.
• A tax credit of $2,500 for higher education is asking for pressure to reduce the cost of education and the problems of bad education, again college degrees being thrown into the wind.
• New car buyers deducting the sales tax from their taxable income if purchased in 2009 is similar to Christmas in June; however, it is so generous and so political etiquette to do so. We can see the hordes and the armies of single mothers standing in line to purchase a new SUV and add another 30K to their budgets.
• The 44th President and his Gung-Foo gang has declared 24 million epileptic seizures of panic by exempting from the Alternative Minimum Tax in 2009 forgetting how tax breaks need to work for the right people, not the wrong ones who are not driving the economy. Who is it that owns the majority of debts and payments in the toxic economy presently? Tax breaks is like losing your virginity to these people and a major milestone; however, it should not be feared like the end of the world.
• Then there are the Bush Administration left over and linger on and on items. The Earned Income Tax Credit expanded to low income families – that pay no taxes – with three or more children and the expansion of $1,000 per child tax credit to more low-income families offsets the increase of welfare to single moms and the problem with the education spending bill or the escalating calamity of spiraling social programs to encourage more children for the tax buck. We as military observers love more children from broken families and disparaged conditions; don’t we? It is right there in front of them if they care to look or open their eyes; there is no need to kidnap people and force them to save the black race as with our life events turned out to be.
• Then the Stimulus Bill adds $20 billion in tax cuts geared towards business by implementing incentives for renewable energy tax credits. A tax cut for a company or business that is efficient? Is that not overstating the obvious or what the basis of competition is or should be? Unless the government wants to restructure the entire energy industry or crisis; there is very little gain. Renewable energy at this time is extremely expensive and must be budgeted or invested for ten or so years before a return is made; yet the prospect of the same business being around or profitable by then is slim.
• The last part of the Stimulus Bill might come as a shock to some and even incomprehensible. However, it says that a provision is included to cap executive pay at $500,000 to eliminate the “golden parachute” affect on tax dollars and bail out money. Any bank receiving federal funds cannot do this; so is FEMA signing on yet? Do we remember in New Orleans in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina when people began to use birth certificates and false identities for relief aid? Imagine, these are people who are governing our lives and who we place trust in if we wish to live or survive this.
The soon to be 44th was and had been showering the media airwaves with humbleness and appeal for bipartisanship by claiming the Stimulus Package of 2009 was “not perfect” and how the Bush Administration had caused the fiasco; we would beg to differ. How can he argue the spending and stimulus package is humbled and not as perfect as the arrogance of the right wing and the conservatives wish? So after only three weeks we can come together as a divided country and reasonably assume this regime change is a total waste of time, no less effort. What they want is for us to work harder for them and to drum up support as the kick the ball back and forth and weave and dive between the bodies in the defenses; they are scoring on their own side and see their goalie now. So we beg to differ with the three week old President when he humbly claims it is “far from perfect” and people are suffering and will suffer more. That same perfection turned down the line item veto in these times that try men’s souls.
Zimbabwe’s fledgeling power-sharing Government staggered into its fifth day yesterday as fears grew that a shadowy cabal of President Mugabe’s top security bosses are edging towards a military coup. …Yesterday charges against Mr Bennett were altered from treason to plotting “insurgency, banditry and sabotage” by allegedly funding the MDC to buy arms in 2005, supposedly with the intention of destroying a telecommunications station outside Harare. The charges appear to have been brought under the Public Order Security Act, which carries a maximum penalty of ten years in prison. He is expected to appear at Mutare Magistrates’ Court today for a bail hearing. The arrest of Mr Bennett, who was still in detention yesterday, has raised fears of an impending coup to prevent Mr Tsvangirai from wielding power. The MDC is blaming the Joint Operational Command (JOC), a powerful group of military, police and intelligence chiefs who it said had “planned, directed and operationalised” the arrest to force the MDC to withdraw from the Government. - Robert Mugabe henchmen bent on sabotaging fragile partnership, by The Times Staff,; Februrary 16, 2009 -
There were Republicans lying vociferously to get behind the bill because it was a matter of life and death when it did nothing to address the housing and banking problem or the total lack of government. If the banking industry was a problem and was the Titanic; then they made it worse. If bad debt and overspending was the problem, then they made it twice as worse. If the Government had been taken over in a hostile scenario by Enron-like fugitives then it was now a hijacked Enron. If these people do not deserve to call themselves Americans and somehow snuck under the radar, then it was too late. The Stimulus Packaged was a clear sign of the years to come and how immediate action was needed to remove or impeach the bad government of George W. Bush and now even worse; using his name as an excuse to lie more or make things worse. That is a clear signal of an enemy on board and sealing the doors so nobody can get out.
The JOC has been in de facto control of Zimbabwean politics almost throughout the country’s existence. A leftover of the former white-minority Rhodesian government, it includes General Constantine Chiwenga, commander of the defence forces, Lieutenant-General Phillip Sibanda, head of the Army, Perrence Shiri, head of the Air Force, Happyton Bonyongwe, the director of the Central Intelligence Organisation, Augustine Chihuri, the police chief, and Paradzayi Zimondi, the prisons commissioner. Mr Mugabe is its chairman. In the 1990s the JOC was amalgamated into Mr Mugabe’s administration and grew to have subcommittees in every province, district and town. It is served by numerous covert branches of the security services. Its remit is to undermine all individuals or organisations suspected of being opposed to Mr Mugabe. Their methods range from assassination, abduction and torture to bugging, disinformation and framing operations. “It appears that a distance is growing between Mugabe and the generals,” a Western diplomat said. MDC lawyers saw Mr Bennett in custody on Saturday and released a statement from him. “Whatever these challenges, if we remain unwaveringly dedicated we will achieve peace, freedom and democracy in our lifetime, believe me,” he said. - Robert Mugabe henchmen bent on sabotaging fragile partnership, by The Times Staff,; Februrary 16, 2009 -
Another problem is the use of new and infrastructure projects. This boomtown mentality is to scream on the rooftops of a new and exciting development, a new business, and to lure investors and new inhabitants. However, boomtowns go bust because they put the glam and the glitz on the entire facade as urban decay and bankruptcy take hold. This is who we are dealing with and how they are conditioned by previous economic failure. All we have to do is look at the vast wasteland of urban decay and dilapidated build now die later urban areas struggling to fill pot holes in their streets or being overcome by flood and natural disaster. However, they live on the charity of the government and it is the same endless cycle until the debt piles up and there is no way to answer how that same debt will ever be paid off. A good word is total bone insanity.
As social and political conditions developed in Russia however there was an increasing tendency towards nationalisation of many industries including Sugar, Oil, the control of Foreign Trade, spices, coffee, clothing materials and matches. This tendency, as institutionalised in a decree of General Nationalisation of June 1918, had two main roots:- (a) The displacement of those independent workers committees that had gone beyond the Bolsheviks decree of Workers Control of November 1917 to closely supervise the operation of privately owned industry. (b) The establishment of state control in the hope that this would facilitate the Bolshevization of Russia at a time of civil war. In rural areas across Russia a Peasant Revolution had taken place, without particular reference to Marxism that tended towards the seizure and reallocation of landed estates and the establishment of peasant ownership of small plots that would be worked with limited equipment virtually on a subsistence basis. This new system however tended to produce less of a marketable surplus than was required to provide for the needs of the urban population. A Bolshevik policy (1919) of control over the peasants newly assumed lands and actual seizure of any marketable surplus from the peasantry resulted in a complete lack of incentive to produce any surplus in the first place. - Lenin's New Economic Policy, -
Boom town mentality is now government mindsets where spend now pay later adds more and more debt to the urban decay and facade. Worse people are suffering but they are suffering for all the wrong reasons. Get that in their thick head, their populous is suffering from lies and all the wrong reasons because they are misinformed and misguided to why their life savings is disappearing. Welcome to the city limits of Enron! In Enron, they do not round up the criminals; they take away all the guns so that the bad is unstoppable. That is the problem; round up the criminals and expel them before something bad and worse happens such as civil war and bloody revolution. They will trash the Constitution and put on the warmest smile and the cutest face.
By 1920-21 the levels of production in both the rural and more particularly in the industrial aspects of the Russian economy were running well below pre-war levels. There was an actual flight from the towns as the then urban population (who often, as individuals, had rural connections) moved away from urban unemployment and privation and towards a rural existence where they could have more hope of providing some of the basic necessities of life through their own efforts. …Although Bolshevism in Russia depicted itself as a movement of "Workers and Peasants" when it came down to it the Peasants real concern was land and its control. The period of peasant apparent co-operation with the Bolsheviks (1917-1920) was a period where landed estates were broken up in the interest of the peasants. Thereafter a underlying difference in aspiration between urban Communism and rural peasant life became a factor to be reckoned with. - Lenin's New Economic Policy, -
Nationalizing banks or the economy is the same as the policies imposed in post-revolution Russia with forced requisition. Nationalization causes famine because when the nominal price is not understood or known; people starve. This means that if you nationalize or socialize a bank; farmers tend to not work as hard or horde. The same applies to any other industry; no less the black market. Then again, the federal reserves and the bankers are very close to defining communism or socialism because if you do not know what the nominal value or the natural cost is (applied to an apple or a blue chip stock) you are a communist. With the debt the way it is and the pathological lying of the government and crooked ET finger like political leaders; nobody knows their future and fate. All they know is famine, fear, unemployment, unplayable debt, and someone saying to nationalize the entire encompassing economy which we know will cause famine because people horde when they do not know what the nominal or natural price is. Was the Federal Reserve and the Bush Administration socialists or even communists, probably or close to retards as you can get. A lot of dissent says yes candidly.
Lenin had already been contemplating the adoption of a new approach towards the encouragement of production and had even submitted a draft outline of such a new approach to the Central Committee of the Communist Party. The serious implications of the Kronstadt revolt lent urgent political motivation to attempting to achieve some reconciliation with the peasantry if Russia was to progress towards the revolutionary goal of Communism. Given these realities Lenin's draft outline provided the basis for the development of what became known as Lenin's New Economic Policy. The early stages of the development of this policy contemplated how the peasantry could be encouraged to produce more food for the towns and, in the later stages of planning, was extended towards encouraging economic exchange between town and country and to encouraging industrial production. Lenin was prepared for some adaption of away from any attempt to immediately establish Communism as he fully accepted that Russia had not yet gone through the "Bougeois Capitalist" phase of the ordering of economic relations in society that was held to be strictly necessary in Marxist theory in order to provide the right conditions for a large and disaffected proletariat to demand Communism. - Lenin's New Economic Policy, -
Nationalizing a bank or company means no paycheck or missing income. It means someone caused this and won’t say. Nationalizing banks means admitting how socialism and communism was not a failure. What happened to Hayek and Ricardo, the father of free trade and global capitalism? The miscarriage of justice is how the media should have been posting alerts all over warning people of this Enron takeover. Run for your life, the scrubs of Enron have taken over and you are as good as dead because they will bankrupt your life, lie to your face, and turn around and declare free housing and rent just to win the hearts of the voters. Run for your life because when you are in the city of Enron, nobody wins and everybody looses their life savings. They just do not know it yet because it is debt and unless they move; their life savings is already happily drained from the banks. That is the magic of debt, you do not have to tell anyone and you can be quiet like our little communist and terrorist group we caught acting on behalf of a foreign government.
Some compromise was therefore to be expected with the present aspirations of numerous peasantries. As far as the encouragement of agricultural production went the New Economic Policy accepted that peasants should only suffer the requisition of a graduated proportion of any surplus they produced. It was implied that the remainder of the surplus was eligible to be freely marketed to the benefit of the producer. The return of a free market as countenanced by the New Economic Policy gave rise, before long, to the emergence of a class of wholesalers known as the nepmen who soon controlled the majority of retail trade in Russia. A recovery of economic activity in both rural and urban areas and between country and town was thus facilitated. Lenin could however console himself, and reassure those who hoped to work towards Communism, by pointing out that the Bolshevik's retained control of "the commanding heights" of the economy - the large industrial plants, banking and foreign trade. - Lenin's New Economic Policy, –
Not more than three weeks into the Presidential Administration of the first African American President of the United States, Barrack Hussein Obama, he and his gang of Chicago “Gung-Foo” patricians refused to exercise the change we can believe in and veto the stimulus package because it violated the same rule which caused the need to have a stimulus package; do not refinance the house when you cannot afford the house to begin with. In layman terms this is privatization gone bone wild because had this been an enterprise called Enron, there would be arrest warrants fresh off the presses. Needless to say, we do not really live in reality any longer; but instead we live in a miracle of the 44th President who really is not powerful enough to fix the economic woes of the country but also has neglected the other things which should be focused on, one example is to reform the welfare system.
Not more than three weeks into the first African American President’s term; there is already a movement to impeach him for not Civil Rights violations but Bragging Rights violations. If the 44th truly wished to help his people escape the chain gang being marched down “Oppression Street” then he would have issued an across the board bipartisan claim to the line item veto which would remove all the stupid change we cannot believe in. That was a fatal mistake and one which he will not outlive because if he did inherit the financial crisis of George W. Bush; then he certain used it as cover to lie much more. That is the difference between the two; neither are who they appear to be or claim to sufficiently represent. So steadfastly and irreconcilably into the first three weeks, the 44th has ruined his entire Presidency. We all can sleep better now knowing the 44th President turned down the line item veto as the collapse of the economy was sputtering towards a near Great Depression and opted to fund pork spending and social programs which have a residual level beyond ten years; in other words, the funding for them might outlast the recession or the economic depression depending on how the housing market and the banking system is fixed.
This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weisshaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky in Russia, Bela Kun in Hungary, Rosa Luxembourg in Germany, and Emma Goldman in the United States, this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality has been steadily growing. ... It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the nineteenth century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire. There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistically Jews. - Zionism & Russia, lecture 7, by Valdas Anelauskas,
The reason why the 44th wants the line item veto is because of the situation he is in. he knows he is not powerful enough and no less intelligent enough to fix the situation; however, he can fake it easily by asking for a line item veto which would shave off the delay time, or change we can believe in, down to half the time spending bills linger in the House of Representatives and the Senate. It is a massive deterrent to do the right thing and not only this; people are loosing jobs at a rate of 10,000 and shooting high 100,000 per month (600,000 in one month); and Mugabe thinks he is king of this world? That is not change we can believe in and not asking for the tools to fix very complex machinery, or just pretend to be, is how you get your hand caught in the teeth of the gears. It hurts and will hurt and not only this, the Republicans did not take him out; he took himself out in only three weeks.
In the 1930s a number of young men at Cambridge University were recruited as Soviet spies. They became known by the KGB as the 'magnificent five' but were better known in Britain as the Cambridge spy ring. They were not motivated by financial gain but by the belief that capitalism was corrupt and that the Soviet Union offered a better model for society. The Cambridge spy ring was informally led by Harold 'Kim' Philby. He and his friends later moved into jobs in British Intelligence and the Foreign Office where they had access to top secret information. They spent their working lives passing valuable information to the Soviet Union. - The Cambridge spy ring, (Britain Betrayed); September 13, 1999 -
During harsh economic times or volatile ups and downs; risk shoots up there. It is so risky, people stop taking baths for fear they might smell too good while others do not. However, the people who always manage to beat everybody else to the soup lines or the unemployment lines are those with the least education, the least talent, the least social gain, and the least likely to succeed. During these times specific races become bold, aggressive, angry, and very confrontational; least unfair. So sticking to this rule, the 44th has beaten everybody to the punch once again; this mistake is unlike any other. With this much layoff and this much financial chaos, the 44th will roll back 50 or so years of image repair by the Vichy Civil Rights groups. They along with their brethrens are back to being poor, destitute, living in slums, and looking for a handout. You cannot work 50 years to break out of this chain gang only to be put back in the same line.
From his entrance into Democratic leadership circles in the 1950s through his years in the Kennedy administration and up until his last days, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., was always at the vital center of American politics. For more than half a century, the master historian recorded his experiences and opinions in journals that together form an intimate chronicle of life at the highest levels of American politics and culture in postwar America. This extraordinary volume contains his candid thoughts about the signal events of our time, from the Bay of Pigs to the devastating assassinations of the 1960s, from Vietnam to Watergate, and from the fall of the Soviet Union to Bush v. Gore. Filled with Schlesinger's trademark acerbic wit and tremendous insight, Journals is a fitting tribute to a most remarkable American life. … There are times, as when the Rolling Stone publisher Jann Wenner says, in 1975, that recession "greatly contracts one's scope for frivolity," that Mr. Schlesinger seems to do something of which he accuses Ben Bradlee's profanity-laced memoirs of John F. Kennedy: putting his own language into others' mouths. But by and large, steadily allotting about 18 pages a year (1999 is unaccountably missing), this book creates a moving and monumental 48-year chronicle. - Journals: 1952-2000 by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Stephen Schlesinger (Editor), Andrew Schlesinger (Editor); Synopsis by Janet Maslin (The New York Times),; Publication Date: Oct 2007, ISBN-13: 9781594201424 -
This stimulus bill is at most going to buy two years, at most, of road paving and infrastructure repairs. It relieves the pressure valve on only a few local units on the steppe plains; but it does nothing to relive the pressure valve building up like a volcano spewing lava before blowing its fuse and exploding. The problem is government is merely “buying time” and like George W. Bush; President Obama is merely buying time before the market collapses and deflationary prices fall to the nominal or natural levels. To do this or have this nominal and natural level; we have to strip all the debt off the backs of the taxpayers and relieve the engines of inflation, taxes, cost of living changes, welfare reform, the drop in prices, and just about every Consumer Price Indices, Gross National Product, Gross Domestic Product, and median income level. So who has the correct Keynesian calculation when the prices and cost of living has just reverted back to Depression era 1930s levels?
The Politics of Hope and The Bitter Heritage brings together two important books that bracket the tempestuous politics of 1960s America. In The Politics of Hope, which historian Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., published in 1963 while serving as a special assistant to President Kennedy, Schlesinger defines the liberalism that characterized the Kennedy administration and the optimistic early Sixties. In lively and incisive essays, most of them written between 1956 and 1960, on topics such as the basic differences underlying liberal and conservative politics, the writing of history, and the experience of Communist countries, Schlesinger emphasizes the liberal thinker's responsibility to abide by goals rather than dogma, to learn from history, and to look to the future. Four years later, following Kennedy's assassination and the escalation of America's involvement in Vietnam, Schlesinger's tone changes. In The Bitter Heritage, a brief but penetrating appraisal of the "war that nobody wanted," he recounts America's entry into Vietnam, the history of the war, and its policy implications. The Bitter Heritage concludes with an eloquent and sobering assessment of the war's threat to American democracy and a reflection on the lessons or legacies of the Vietman conflict. - The Politics of Hope and The Bitter Heritage: American Liberalism in the 1960s, by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. (foreword by Sean Wilentz), ; ISBN: 9780691134758 -
This stimulus package was worthless and the Republicans are probably already sharpening their spears to do battle with the wooly mammoth. It is going to get worse and when it does; the vanity and pride of the liberals will take hold and that is when the trouble will erupt. The liberals cannot live on food lines or apple carts; they must make ends meat with lavish condos and vacation resort villas. No less, Obama or the 44th will aggravate the blacks to the asunder of knowing he missed a tremendous opportunity for the bragging rights of not knowing how things could have been on the other side and on his wish list. As cruel and oppressive as American and the world is, when a black man messes up this badly, they keep quiet and do not come to his rescue for fear they will never come back or go back to how it was. That is the sickness of the matter because in hindsight things look much clearer. So we are sitting here with hindsight asking if things are not much clearer. The people who are affected the most by clowns instead of real political leaders are those who have the least education, the least talent, the poorest of the poor, and those who have no time to spare if they want to make it.
(Publisher Synopsis: Princeton University Press) The Politics of Hope and The Bitter Heritage brings together two important books that bracket the tempestuous politics of 1960s America. In The Politics of Hope, which historian Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., published in 1963 while serving as a special assistant to President Kennedy, Schlesinger defines the liberalism that characterized the Kennedy administration and the optimistic early Sixties. In lively and incisive essays, most of them written between 1956 and 1960, on topics such as the basic differences underlying liberal and conservative politics, the writing of history, and the experience of Communist countries, Schlesinger emphasizes the liberal thinker's responsibility to abide by goals rather than dogma, to learn from history, and to look to the future. Four years later, following Kennedy's assassination and the escalation of America's involvement in Vietnam, Schlesinger's tone changes. In The Bitter Heritage, a brief but penetrating appraisal of the war that nobody wanted, he recounts America's entry into Vietnam, the history of the war, and its policy implications. The Bitter Heritage concludes with an eloquent and sobering assessment of the war's threat to American democracy and a reflection on the lessons or legacies of the Vietman conflict. With a new foreword by Sean Wilentz, the James Madison Library edition of The Politics of Hope and The Bitter Heritage situates liberalism in the convulsive 1960s--and illuminates the challenges that still face liberalism today. The Politics of Hope and the Bitter Heritage: American Liberalism in the 1960s (James Madison Library in American Politics), by Arthur Schlesinger,; ISBN: 9780691134758 -
The above speech at the Caterpillar factory is a prime example of the ferocity of this Indonesian-Chicago “Gung-Foo” we are experiencing. It is true that when heavy industry or the economic sector which promotes growth drops, construction, the housing industry slumps and is affected. It does not take a rocket genius to figure out if they open their eyes and look around how bad the construction or the new home sales prices are. The bottom is falling out of the housing industry and it will soon be cheaper to buy a home; than not. Yet the answer has not been satisfactorily answered, how do you fix the housing market when the bottom fell out of the prices no less free up the banking industry that are holding onto to these incendiary mortgages? Is some insurance company going to offset the loss or is FEMA because a tsunami of debt has just landed on the White House? Now we go back to the same problem with Enron as the government model; how did we get there and why are we here? Can anybody put a face on the problem or place some guess why all of these toxic assets are floating around the economic system being traded as if they are the second coming of Christ? You do not redefine the house or seek another mortgage if you cannot afford the original one or the mortgage itself; that is suicide.
Requisition: 1 a: the act of formally requiring or calling upon someone to perform an action b: a formal demand made by one nation upon another for the surrender or extradition of a fugitive from justice2 a: the act of requiring something to be furnished b: a demand or application made usu. with authority: as (1): a demand made by military authorities upon civilians for supplies or other needs (2): a written request for something authorized but not made available automatically 3: the state of being in demand or use. – Definition of requisition, -
So expect bloody revolution, the ocean to open up and swallow mankind, food lines as far as the eye can see, or little tiny diminutive people storming across our border with pick axes in hand telling the government to stop requisitioning their farm subsidies. Yes, a farmer revolt is underway because sooner or later they too will be in the bread lines or unemployed. This is the magic formula the “Gung-Foo” squad is operating on and it is quite frankly, far removed from reality. As far as the Republicans and the spirit of bipartisanship, they too are quite frankly irrelevant now also. All they can do is bitch and whine about pork spending and social programs with a shelf life of a full decade or even two decades when the entire economy has broken down. Why? Someone grab the 44th and shake his tree and out of his narcolepsy (random sleeping spells); it is called debt. There is too much debt and too much toxic assets, it will require 344.77 trillion dollars to fix; and that is just until our kids go to college and move out.
The distinction between real and nominal value occurs in many fields. From a philosophical viewpoint, nominal value represents an accepted condition which is a goal or an approximation as opposed to the real value, which always is actually present. When measurement is involved, the real value has the characteristics of a non-mathematical transcendental number. In all measuring situations, improving the measurement technique will always begin yielding unpredictable least significant digits. For example, a 1 inch long gage block will measure to be exactly 1 inch long until the measuring techniques reach 1 micro inch accuracy. As techniques improve beyond this threshold, it will become clear that 1 inch is not the real value of the gage block length - it is some other number that is always out of reach, but definitely not 1.000 000 000 0 inches. Only counting can yield an accurate and reproducible real value, see metrology for an explanation. - Real versus nominal value, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
All we have to do is revisit the National Economic Plans (NEP) of the post Soviet Union and how it affected farmers who understood commodities. Unless or until you know and understand the nominal and natural prices; you become reluctant to buy, sell, and the gears of the economy slows. With the Federal Reserve and the federal government collaborating to dish out bad monetary policy or hidden dangers; the natural price and the nominal values are lost forever. They are also buried under debt piles and false bank notes as we are witnessing now. The first hit and the biggest card the left wing and the communist were playing; was of course the race card. So we knew and know who they were the moment they began to make contact. We were able to trace, duplicate, and manipulate the words and actions they were feeding us; hoping to flush out and fixate their coordinates and location; how were they doing this? We want to see them at work and see them in action.
The woman on the bar stool -- long blond hair, short black skirt, spiky heels, chain-smoking Carltons -- looks like she's waiting to be picked up. But Ann Coulter is actually waiting to speak to a conservative gathering at Hunan on Capitol Hill about her favorite topic -- why President Clinton should be impeached. …Two years ago, Coulter was an obscure Senate aide. Now she's a fixture on the shout-show circuit, which led to a book contract, which led to an ad featuring a sultry-looking Coulter with the headline: "Bill's Last Blonde?" "Bill Clinton's worst nightmare just came true…Meet Ann Coulter, the constitutional lawyer turned journalist who finally puts the case for Bill Clinton's impeachment to bed." So to speak. …Lunatic? Insane? Coulter's inflammatory style, not surprisingly, has its detractors. …Coulter seems to delight in making trouble for her employers. "I had vituperative arguments with Regnery that required a number of tantrums to pull off," she says. She is "still bitter" about the publisher's refusal to use her favorite chapter title, "Fellatio Ad Absurdum." "They thought it was too racy. . . . They kept coming up with these stupid titles," she says. (Chapter headings include "Blasting the Bimbos," "Prevaricator in Chief" and "A Cancer on the Country.") - The Blonde Flinging Bombshells At Clinton; Pundit Is Conservative In Politics Only, by Howard Kurtz (Washington Post Staff Writer), ; October 16, 1998 -
When you drag or pull in the housing market and create this tornado of a perfect storm, nothing is escaping or breaking loose. Look at the cost above, 344.77 trillion in derivative and nominal values over the next century. So the goal of the communist and the socialist is to blur this natural price and it will blunt trade and global economics. Saturate the market with false bank notes and soon people will give up on capitalism. Saturate life with dirt stupid or low quality oppressors and all hell will break out on earth. put this animal junk and low quality in power and life will end; expel them and deport them before worse things happen. Just look at what they did and how meticulous they did it; especially to us who they wanted too badly. With all this debt and fiscal spending or stimulus bills; the natural prices will never be known and lost. So we know they are pathological liars and we know there is a conspiracy by socialists and communists who have invaded the government and boldly shake and rattle the life of others to say how they are together with us.
She acquits herself of the charge of using her sexuality to hawk the book. "I'm not, they are," Coulter insists. "I did draw the line at a completely absurd radio ad they wanted me to read. It was ridiculous. I've written a serious book. It went something like 'They call me Bill's last blonde, I'm keeping him up at night.' They begged and pleaded. I crossed my arms and just said no." Coulter does more than play a conservative on television. She advised Paula Jones's lawyers in their suit against Clinton and helped Jones find new attorneys when the first pair quit. She referred Linda Tripp to her attorney friend Jim Moody (Coulter and Moody are both Deadheads who followed the Grateful Dead to dozens of far-flung concerts, she says). Coulter says she suggested to Moody that Tripp take her tapes of Monica Lewinsky to independent counsel Kenneth Starr; he had already thought of the idea. …On the romantic front, Coulter seems to flit from one relationship to the next. After moving here, she dated a Democratic Senate staffer whose legislative efforts she opposed. Then she began seeing Bob Guccione Jr., the controversial founder of Spin magazine, until becoming disenchanted in March. Now she's involved with an FBI agent. - The Blonde Flinging Bombshells At Clinton; Pundit Is Conservative In Politics Only, by Howard Kurtz (Washington Post Staff Writer), ; October 16, 1998 -
Just like a bad movie or the intermission period, let’s review why Marxism or collectivism did not work as it intended to. The problem with Marxism or for this matter aggregate collectivism with the intention of maximizing production is the fundamental basis of labor. Labor is the unit contained in the price of a commodity or product; thus, the nominal value and natural cost was controlled by the input or labor. When monetary politics eschews the problem with liquidity; the nominal or natural value of a commodity changes but the input or labor remains the same. That is the flaw right there, you cannot avoid the aggregate supply and demand and also the monetary supply of money; no less avoid another economy which has a more powerful currency. If you can avoid and block out all of those factors; than the labor cost will be the single unit and what determines the overall price; no less avoiding reality and arcane market principles.
Sophism can mean two very different things: In the modern definition, a sophism is a confusing or illogical argument used for deceiving someone. In Ancient Greece, the sophists were a group of teachers of philosophy and rhetoric. The term sophism originated from Greek sophistes, meaning "wise-ist", one who "does" wisdom, one who makes a business out of wisdom (sophós means "wise man"). - Definition of sophism, -
This fatal flaw and error of socialism and communism was to redefine the cost and price structure of an economy where the quantity of assets (or toxic assets) is of more importance than the quality of some other asset. Thus the labor, if held in complete unity; cannot tell the difference in price. Similarly, the quantity of labor is never the same or the same input because technology increases this cost; thus, the cost of the labor become much more expensive than the cost of buying the same commodity from a less expensive and higher quality supply. It is easy to explain and very easy to visualize but at the heart of the economy is the derivative or the natural price, not the nominal cost of labor; unless free to choose.
Ricardo's most famous work is his Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. Ricardo opens the first chapter with a statement of the labour theory of value. Later in this chapter, he demonstrates that prices do not correspond to this value. He retained the theory, however, as an approximation. Ricardo continued to work on his value theory to the end of his life. This book introduces the theory of comparative advantage. According to Ricardo's theory, even if a country could produce everything more efficiently than another country, it would reap gains from specializing in what it was best at producing and trading with other nations. (Case & Fair, 1999: 812-818). Ricardo believed that wages should be left to free competition, so there should be no restrictions on the importation of agricultural products from abroad. The benefits of comparative advantage are both distributional and related to improved real income. Within Ricardo's theory distributional effects included that foreign trade could not directly affect profits because profits respond only in changes to the level of wages. The effects on income are always beneficial because foreign trade does not affect value. Comparative advantage forms the basis of modern trade theory, reformulated as the Heckscher-Ohlin theorem, which states that a country has a comparative advantage in the production of a product if the country is relatively well-endowed with inputs that are used intensively in producing the product. (Case & Fair, 1999: 822). - David Ricardo, -
It is much too complicated to explain who and how purchasing power determines how people make decisions or builds up an advantage of failure and fault in a market system. The rule of thumb is with increased purchasing power; the maximum freedoms are achieved because low quality is such a bad problem. Thus, you get more and more for your money and not less and less. It is too complex to explain but it is also overstating the obvious; low quality is a problem and as it grows to a bigger problem; the price falls and salaries drop; not the opposite as the supply of labor becomes a widespread problem. Economies do not build on the advantage of low quality and if low quantity is a problem; than it is much cheaper to seek out a supply chain who can produce the same resource at a lower input cost. This is why the market reality flows to the advantaged and not the reverse flow unless it is too much trouble or will correct again and again.
Published Works: * 1965 The MacArthur Controversy and American Foreign Policy * 1967 Bitter Heritage: Vietnam and American Democracy, 1941-1966 * 1967 Congress and the Presidency: Their Role in Modern Times * 1968 Violence: America in the Sixties * 1969 The Crisis of Confidence: Ideas, Power, and Violence in America * 1970 The Origins of the Cold War * 1973 The Imperial Presidency — reissued in 1989 (with epilogue) & 2004 * 1978 Robert Kennedy and His Times * 1983 Creativity in Statecraft * 1986 Cycles of American History * 1988 JFK Remembered * 1988 War and the Constitution: Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt * 1990 Is the Cold War Over? * 1991 The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society * 2000 A Life in the 20th Century, Innocent Beginnings, 1917-1950 * 2004 War and the American Presidency * 2007 Journals 1952-2000 - Arthur Meier Schlesinger Jr., -
On a similar note, socialism and communism cannot compare prices or nominal values; the natural price of a commodity. The reason is because one economy differs greatly from the other solely on transportation and markup costs. The cost to bring this commodity and that commodity to market varies greatly and causes forging of partnerships or franchising. Unless all variables are free, it is impossible to compare one economy of scale to the next, least they be free. It is an intelligent decision by businesses to follow the laws of scarcity and understand scarcity is the cornerstone of supply and demand economics; though it is much too complex to explain advantage or comparable advantage in trade and specifically prices; monetary policies.
The economic calculation problem: Hayek was one of the leading academic critics of collectivism in the 20th century. Hayek believed that all forms of collectivism (even those theoretically based on voluntary cooperation) could only be maintained by a central authority of some kind. In his popular book, The Road to Serfdom (1944) and in subsequent works, Hayek claimed that socialism required central economic planning and that such planning in turn had a risk of leading towards totalitarianism, because the central authority would have to be endowed with powers that would impact social life as well, and because the scope of knowledge required for central planning is inherently decentralized. Building on the earlier work of Mises and others, Hayek also argued that, in centrally-planned economies, an individual or a select group of individuals must determine the distribution of resources, but that these planners will never have enough information to carry out this allocation reliably. The efficient exchange and use of resources, Hayek claimed, can be maintained only through the price mechanism in free markets (see economic calculation problem). In The Use of Knowledge in Society (1945), Hayek argued that the price mechanism serves to share and synchronise local and personal knowledge, allowing society's members to achieve diverse, complicated ends through a principle of spontaneous self-organization. He coined the term catallaxy to describe a "self-organizing system of voluntary co-operation." In Hayek's view, the central role of the state should be to maintain the rule of law, with as little arbitrary intervention as possible. - Friedrich A. Hayek, -
In the case of the United Sates and the vast economic downfall and collapse, the toxic assets were banking irregularities. Not only was it a culture of failure but it was a culture of criminal behavior to have business plans based on debt financial soothsayers. It is called a lie or a fraud. That lie and fraud is deeply rooted to the banking system and most of all the monetary policy of the government. For instance, a bank receives what they call seed money and then loans this out in bank notes or the risk of fractional proportion on deposits. If debt creates more money, then what is there to stop debt? It is pure insanity of numbers and an unintelligible idea that debt is the way to become richer. Now the market is saturated with debt, bad assets, worthless bank notes, and a confused government asking for more trouble.
The fact that business leaders and owners of capital, as well as the higher grades of skilled labor, and even more the higher technically and commercially trained personnel of modern enterprises, are overwhelmingly Protestant. …Participation in the above economic functions usually involves some previous ownership of capital, and generally an expensive education; often both. These are today largely dependent on the possession of inherited wealth, or at least on a certain degree of material well being. A number of those sections of the old Empire which were most highly developed economically and most favored by natural resources and situation, in particular a majority of the wealthy towns went over to Protestantism in the sixteenth century The results of that circumstance favor the Protestants even today in their struggle for economic existence. There arises thus the historical question: why were the districts of highest economic development at the same time particularly favorable to a revolution in the Church? The answer is by no means so simple as one might think. - The Protestant Ethic and Capitalism, by Max Weber; Chapter 1: Religious Affiliation and Social Stratification -
The money does not disappear because it never existed; if it did exist than it is only in the form of a promissory note or a bank note. However, banks cannot honor their bank notes and deposits when people begin to take their money out and invoke this stampede called a run on the bank. The government is not able to stop this either unless the problem with debt is under control. How do you refund an economy which is fueled by 60 per cent debt and only 40 per cent real assets? This means that to embark to the same plateau before this run began; you must buy back the problem. What price are you going to pay to buy it back, the nominal or natural value? Again, how do you determine the cost of a derivative, the single unit which multiplies over and over again when the derivative is so screwed up you cannot tell what is reality?
The emancipation from economic traditionalism appears, no doubt, to be a factor which would greatly strengthen the tendency to doubt the sanctity of the religious tradition, as of all traditional authorities. But it is necessary to note, what has often been forgotten, that the Reformation meant not the elimination the Church's control over everyday life, but rather the substitution of a new form of control for the previous, one. It meant the repudiation of a control which was very lax, at that time scarcely perceptible in practice, and hardly more than formal, in favor of a regulation, of the whole of conduct which, penetrating to all departments of private and public life, was infinitely, burdensome and earnestly enforced. The rule of the Catholic Church, "punishing the heretic, but indulgent. to the sinner", as it was in the past even more than today, is now tolerated by peoples of thoroughly modern economic character, and was borne by the richest and economically most advanced peoples on earth at about the turn of the fifteenth century. The rule of Calvinism, on the other hand, as it was enforced in the sixteenth century in Geneva and in Scotland, at the turn of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in large parts of the Netherlands, in the seventeenth in New England, and for a time in England itself, would be for us the most absolutely unbearable form of ecclesiastical control of the individual which could possibly exist. - The Protestant Ethic and Capitalism, by Max Weber; Chapter 1: Religious Affiliation and Social Stratification -
So the money and toxic asset does not disappear, it never existed. Moreover, nobody wants to buy the false debt or bank note with another false note or bank note because it accelerates the problem. The problem is it never existed. The problem is how many times you have to go through the books now and say the same thing, “it never existed” and was only debt? We know from derivative markets they are devastating; you live or die, sink or swim; but you can never tame it. The derivative market is so dangerous it is thought to be corrupt and controlled by the bankers and fund managers. It is not a real situation; it is all paper ideas which lack the cosigner, market reality. The money that disappeared is printed false notes; money printed for no reason other than to call it debt. Unless that debt is paid back, then there is no reason.
Such cases are not isolated, but these traits are characteristic of many of the most important Churches and sects in the history of Protestantism. Especially Calvinism, wherever it has appeared, has shown this combination. However little, in the time of the expansion of the Reformation, it (or any other Protestant belief) was bound up with any particular social class, it is characteristic and in a certain sense typical that in French Huguenot Churches monks and businessmen (merchants, craftsmen) we re particularly numerous among the proselytes, especially at the time of the persecution. Even the Spaniards knew that heresy (i.e. the Calvinism of the Dutch) promoted trade, and this coincides with the opinions which Sir William Petty expressed in his discussion of the reasons for the capitalistic development of the Netherlands. Gothein rightly calls the Calvinistic Diaspora the seedbed of capitalistic economy. Even in this case one might consider the decisive factor to be the superiority of the French and Dutch economic cultures from which these communities sprang, or perhaps the immense influence of exile in the breakdown of traditional relationships. But in France the situation was, as we know from Colbert's struggles, the same even in t he seventeenth century. Even Austria, not to speak of other countries, directly imported Protestant craftsmen. - The Protestant Ethic and Capitalism, by Max Weber; Chapter 1: Religious Affiliation and Social Stratification -
What good if any was the debt? The debt or the disappearance of this money caused actions and things to be done. It tricked people to do things and that is the problem because we do not know if what was tricked or asked was the right thing. Based on our accounts and what we observed; we must say no, if the debt was about making heroes a bunch of terror plotters, then the debt was evil. It fed and fueled the profiteering and the rock bottom low quality of evil.
Even liberal historian Richard Reeves"" blanched at Reagan's low ranking in 1989, saying, "I was no fan of Reagan, but I think I know a leader when I see one." Reagan changed the country, Reeves said, and some would say "he changed the world, making communism irrelevant and the globe safe for the new imperialism of free-market capitalism." In Reeves' most inspiring line, he says Reagan "was a man of conservative principle and he damned near destroyed American liberalism." By 1996 things hadn't gotten much better for Reagan in the historians' view. A poll of historians placed Reagan 26th of 42 presidents -- below George H.W. Bush, his boob of a vice president who raised taxes and ended Republican hegemony under Reagan. - WHY WE DON'T CELEBRATE 'HISTORIANS DAY', by Ann Coulter,; February 18, 2009 -
So we are not sure what to say to the bounty of hordes who line the streets with all the change we can believe in or the mounted perverts in the media slobbering to have one romantic night with change they can believe in; or the rest. Was George W. Bush a waste of time or was the 44th, Barrack Hussein Obama? Campbell Brown of CNN speaking with Robert Reich said if speed is of the essence then why or how will the President know when he is off course? When you are in a cab and running a marathon, you are not driving the bus, someone else is, so you never truly know when and if you are off course. Keep in mind, the kiddo George Bush valiantly ran in the streets, chugging water bottles on his marathon eight years, fighting off caribou and vultures, and look down at his feet to make sure they were planted.
Being gracious winners, this week, liberals howled with delight at George Bush for coming in seventh-to-last in a historians' ranking of the presidents from best to worst. This was pretty shocking. Most liberals can't even name seven U.S. presidents. …So congratulations, George Bush! Whenever history professors rank you as one of the "worst" presidents, it's a good bet you were one of America's greatest. Six months after America's all-time greatest president left office in 1989, historians ranked him as only a middling president. (I would rank George Washington as America's greatest president, but he only had to defeat what was then the world's greatest military power with a ragtag group of irregulars and some squirrel guns, whereas Ronald Reagan had to defeat liberals.) - WHY WE DON'T CELEBRATE 'HISTORIANS DAY', by Ann Coulter,; February 18, 2009 -
After this long grueling marathon, he finally looks up and sees a cab which he sprints towards for the finish line because it was mission accomplished. Who wants to break the bad news to the 43rd about the rules and regardless of how much time is left in the race, you cannot take a taxi cab to the finish line after all that hard work and broken effort. Now Obama, the 44th, he is under a different type of guise but just as equally a waste of time because he does not even try when the gun goes off and walks briskly while waving to the crowd straight to the cab waiting to rush him off and take a sneaker for him to the finish line. So either one of them was a waste of time or both of them were but together, they are a bad combination.
Unlike some recent presidents with Islamic middle names, he didn't run around comparing himself to Lincoln constantly. Arthur Schlesinger Jr. ridiculed President Calvin Coolidge as a hayseed who slept too much and took decisive action only once in his life. Schlesinger never tired of pointing out that Coolidge slept 11 hours a day, as if hours of sleep is the true measure of presidential greatness. Perhaps Schlesinger's venom toward Coolidge was meant as penance for his once mistakenly admitting that Eisenhower was a good president -- another hated (Republican) president among historians. - WHY WE DON'T CELEBRATE 'HISTORIANS DAY', by Ann Coulter,; February 18, 2009 -
If this comedy routine was too much to bear already, let’s switch over to the eastern front where our terrorist and communist cell has decided to play mind games with us and do a second 911 acrobatic aerial stunt into not buildings but residential houses now. We had just finished out the week and were preparing to interrogate them on Beirut and the people who attacked the marine barracks and the embassies. All week long, they were hitting on our spouses, stalking them, asking if our spouse-mistresses wished any further payments, and this fabricated fantasy created by delusional nonsense of homicidal maniacs too meek to ask a female out or learn how to piss off a married woman (or soon to be).
Unlike some recent presidents with Islamic middle names, he didn't run around comparing himself to Lincoln constantly. Arthur Schlesinger Jr. ridiculed President Calvin Coolidge as a hayseed who slept too much and took decisive action only once in his life. Schlesinger never tired of pointing out that Coolidge slept 11 hours a day, as if hours of sleep is the true measure of presidential greatness. Perhaps Schlesinger's venom toward Coolidge was meant as penance for his once mistakenly admitting that Eisenhower was a good president -- another hated (Republican) president among historians. - WHY WE DON'T CELEBRATE 'HISTORIANS DAY', by Ann Coulter,; February 18, 2009 -
On the eastern front, our homicidal terror and murderous communist plotters were agitated by the weekly events and the ridicule of their pride and vanity. They were angered and sent into a raging homicidal tirade knowing that all females on earth did not wish to have sex with them or cared to be showered by gifts to make them strip into something more comfortable, such as a car trunk. No, this time our 911 suspects went after spouses; specifically 911 spouses. How is that for class envy? As far fetched as this sounds already, they were now going after spouses; but not for sex, they merely wished to blame it on the weather. Yes, the terror suspects, in their grandeur delusions about spouses, wished to blame 911 on the weather.
For babies, marriage can make the difference between life and death. White babies born to unmarried moms are 70 percent more likely to die in the first year of life, while black infants born out of wedlock are 40 percent more likely to die before their first birthday. So, who are the under-reported victims? There are, to be sure, some big exceptions to every rule. And, Coulter recognizes this. Alas, not all women in the hood can find a big-bucks job on The View, spouting illiterate talking points to clapping seals. So, their children are less likely to see their first birthday candle. And, their children’s cries are less likely to be heard on The View because . . . ? “But, at least Coulter’s enemies aren’t judgmental,” I hear liberals say. Or are they? Perhaps this is just a red herring or a form of projection too. - Guilty: Liberal “Victims” and Their Assault on America, Why Ann Coulter’s Guilty is Innocent; by Ben-Peter Terpstra, ; February 18, 2009 -
Our suspects made a few observations about themselves and relayed their introspection and exponential growth to us. A few of their comments suggest they were now “rehabilitated” and were convinced now (where they had not been previously) we are not a fraud or might resist. They wanted us to know we were their kids and being their kids, they were still the smartest in the room and the house. They wanted us to go away and leave them alone so they could conduct their business as they see fit. Yes communism and terrorism is privatizing as murder incorporated. Get in their way or become an obstacle to global domination and you become a statistic with the acronym of 911.
In 1941, a few days before the outbreak of the war, I graduated from the Department of Physics and Mathematics at Rostov University. At the beginning of the war, owing to weak health, I was detailed to serve as a driver of horsedrawn vehicles during the winter of 1941-1942. Later, because of my mathematical knowledge, I was transferred to an artillery school, from which, after a crash course, I passed out in November 1942. Immediately after this I was put in command of an artillery-position-finding company, and in this capacity, served, without a break, right in the front line until I was arrested in February 1945. This happened in East Prussia, a region which is linked with my destiny in a remarkable way. As early as 1937, as a first-year student, I chose to write a descriptive essay on "The Samsonov Disaster" of 1914 in East Prussia and studied material on this; and in 1945 I myself went to this area (at the time of writing, autumn 1970, the book August 1914 has just been completed). - Alexandr Solzhenitsyn: The Nobel Prize in Literature 1970 (Autobiography), by Alexandr Solzhenitsyn,; (From Nobel Lectures, Literature 1968-1980, Editor-in-Charge Tore Frängsmyr, Editor Sture Allén, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 1993: The Official Web Site of the Nobel Foundation) -
Our beloved political opponents, those who called us liberal one day and conservative the next, wanted us off the eastern front and back in jail. So they tried to pin this one on us again or to suggest we are united with them or mentoring under their careful attention and delicacy. Dysfunctional and ubiquitous in the same time and space, they were not changing minds and were not able to criminalize those outside of their comfort zone yet they were making bold statements to the police and military forces having a tailgate party in the fox holes, “you need evidence to arrest someone.” Keep in mind, we were not allowed this lavish life of being falsely arrested twice and having five years stolen while in federal prison and inoculated with the latest mind altering or erasing drug.
I was arrested on the grounds of what the censorship had found during the years 1944-45 in my correspondence with a school friend, mainly because of certain disrespectful remarks about Stalin, although we referred to him in disguised terms. As a further basis for the "charge", there were used the drafts of stories and reflections which had been found in my map case. These, however, were not sufficient for a "prosecution", and in July 1945 I was "sentenced" in my absence, in accordance with a procedure then frequently applied, after a resolution by the OSO (the Special Committee of the NKVD), to eight years in a detention camp (at that time this was considered a mild sentence). - Alexandr Solzhenitsyn: The Nobel Prize in Literature 1970 (Autobiography), by Alexandr Solzhenitsyn,; (From Nobel Lectures, Literature 1968-1980, Editor-in-Charge Tore Frängsmyr, Editor Sture Allén, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 1993: The Official Web Site of the Nobel Foundation) -
So on the eastern front of the battle scope, our terror and communist suspects were rattling their sabers and daring us to come up with the evidence to pin them with the 911 incidence and targeting spouses. There is a tad bit of serendipity and even déjà vu in this if anyone cares to open their eyes. All the sudden and like a mighty cloud that rolled in, evidence must be presented to their lawyers if the terror plots were going to stop or some form of conviction. Furthermore, it wasn’t as if they did too much already, they were now saying how there was no way out of the situation for them; least to say for us. Who was kidnapped here and who is the prisoner or hostage here? Who is exercising their first amendment and in need of the second amendment just to ensure they have a right to exist? We will say this again, terrorists take hostages and use them as bargaining chips to get something in return for the sparing human subjects of violence or harm. They are not going to ask for evidence or exercise first amendment rights no less take a stand for the Constitution, God, or freedom. Yet they did manage to blurt out their grand strategy which went like this, “we want the same power and authority as you have.”
I served the first part of my sentence in several correctional work camps of mixed types (this kind of camp is described in the play, The Tenderfoot and the Tramp). In 1946, as a mathematician, I was transferred to the group of scientific research institutes of the MVD-MOB (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of State Security). I spent the middle period of my sentence in such "SPECIAL PRISONS" (The First Circle). In 1950 I was sent to the newly established "Special Camps" which were intended only for political prisoners. In such a camp in the town of Ekibastuz in Kazakhstan (One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich), I worked as a miner, a bricklayer, and a foundryman. There I contracted a tumour which was operated on, but the condition was not cured (its character was not established until later on). - Alexandr Solzhenitsyn: The Nobel Prize in Literature 1970 (Autobiography), by Alexandr Solzhenitsyn,; (From Nobel Lectures, Literature 1968-1980, Editor-in-Charge Tore Frängsmyr, Editor Sture Allén, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 1993: The Official Web Site of the Nobel Foundation) -
Whose voice is that if not us saying, “We want the same power and authority as you have?” The communist and terrorist cell lost a lot of power and gain during the Cold War, from 1950 to 1988, and was salvaging their takeover. They were reuniting the family and regrouping the Communist International Congress (COMITERN) meeting which took place at or around Washington DC in the late 1990s and up till 2001. The most important and first priority was to save or reinvent the black movement, the liberal expansion, and to subjugate anyone outside of their comfort range. They kidnapped us to interrogate us, tortured us to make sure we were not hiding from them, and pursued us to guarantee we would never become competitive again. It almost worked and they almost got away; they did kick us out of the capital and steal five years by imprisoning us with no evidence suggesting we were delusional and making things up about them. They were going on the airwaves to say they were not evil but were gold, a blessing to our lives, and here to ensure the stock markets keep their values; hence, socialism and the conversion of communism over to nationalization.
One month after I had served the full term of my eight-year sentence, there came, without any new judgement and even without a "resolution from the OSO", an administrative decision to the effect that I was not to be released but EXILED FOR LIFE to Kok-Terek (southern Kazakhstan). This measure was not directed specially against me, but was a very usual procedure at that time. I served this exile from March 1953 (on March 5th, when Stalin's death was made public, I was allowed for the first time to go out without an escort) until June 1956. Here my cancer had developed rapidly, and at the end of 1953, I was very near death. I was unable to eat, I could not sleep and was severely affected by the poisons from the tumour. However, I was able to go to a cancer clinic at Tashkent, where, during 1954, I was cured (The Cancer Ward, Right Hand). During all the years of exile, I taught mathematics and physics in a primary school and during my hard and lonely existence I wrote prose in secret (in the camp I could only write down poetry from memory). - Alexandr Solzhenitsyn: The Nobel Prize in Literature 1970 (Autobiography), by Alexandr Solzhenitsyn,; (From Nobel Lectures, Literature 1968-1980, Editor-in-Charge Tore Frängsmyr, Editor Sture Allén, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 1993: The Official Web Site of the Nobel Foundation) -
Even the mafia is upset with these people because they have to live here also and with this stigma branded on their chest as some pariah with a global manhunt after them; it is not going to be long until things get worse. You do not want to stir things up if you are swimming in sewage or smell like you have. It is really hard to keep the mouth shut when all it takes is one person and one allegation. Even the mafia knows when to call it quits and when to stop because they can also loose their jobs; they know when acting against God is beyond insanity. A radio host named Alex Jones sums it up best while interviewing an author named Mark Dice on the stimulus package. Jones says, “… these religious groups practice their religion in secret because it is worshiping the devil” and then he goes on to say “there is a time when you have to show your true colors.” It was not a sermon straight out of the bible but it will do for now. He does go on in the same show to protest the arrest of 911 truth seekers who were arrested for opposing the government or protesting; that is not terrorism and the truth is not a crime. The political climate at this time is toxic and much too polluted to drink, less swallow.
Such an emergence seemed, then, to me, and not without reason, to be very risky because it might lead to the loss of my manuscripts, and to my own destruction. But, on that occasion, things turned out successfully, and after protracted efforts, A.T. Tvardovsky was able to print my novel one year later. The printing of my work was, however, stopped almost immediately and the authorities stopped both my plays and (in 1964) the novel, The First Circle, which, in 1965, was seized together with my papers from the past years. During these months it seemed to me that I had committed an unpardonable mistake by revealing my work prematurely and that because of this I should not be able to carry it to a conclusion. It is almost always impossible to evaluate at the time events which you have already experienced, and to understand their meaning with the guidance of their effects. All the more unpredictable and surprising to us will be the course of future events. - Alexandr Solzhenitsyn: The Nobel Prize in Literature 1970 (Autobiography), by Alexandr Solzhenitsyn,; (From Nobel Lectures, Literature 1968-1980, Editor-in-Charge Tore Frängsmyr, Editor Sture Allén, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 1993: The Official Web Site of the Nobel Foundation) -
As they had previously told us, “there was no way out of this”; we rebutted with an offer for defection stating how we knew several allied foreign countries were behind it and how military retaliation was planned if they would accept the offer to be proactive and turn themselves in to the authorities; textbook Cold War spy defection. This was an act of war and military invasion and force was being offered as a trade in to help protect the country. It was denied and turned down as expected. The people who we had caught or was suspicious about turned out to not only be our kidnappers but some of the most evil human beings on earth, so hardcore they would not assist the military in conducting a military strike against their homeland; yet they live here and trash the Constitution and demand we follow it strictly because we had no evidence on them. It just does not get any better than this if you can believe that crock of god damn dung infested human life. This tipped off the foreign countries that were behind this to show their colors or face annihilation.
But not all the Protestant denominations seem to have had an equally strong influence in this direction. That of Calvinism, even in Germany, was among the strongest, it seems, and the reformed faith more than the others seems to have promoted the development of the spirit of capitalism, in the Wupperthal as well as elsewhere. Much more so than Lutheranism, as comparison both in general and in particular instances, especially in the Wupperthal, seems to prove. For Scotland, Buckle, and among English poets, Keats have emphasized these same relationships. Even more striking, as it is only necessary to mention, is the connection of a religious way of life with the most intensive development of business acumen among those sects whose otherworldliness is proverbial as their wealth, especially the Quakers and the Mennonites. The part which the former have played in England and North America fell to the latter in Germany and the Netherlands. That in East Prussia Frederick William I tolerated the Mennonites as indispensable to industry, in spite of their absolute refusal to refusal perform military service, is only one of the numerous well-known cases which illustrates the fact, though, considering the character of that monarch, it is one it is one of the most striking. Finally, that this combination of intense piety with just as strong a development of business acumen, was also characteristic of the Pietists, common knowledge. - The Protestant Ethic and Capitalism, by Max Weber; Chapter 1: Religious Affiliation and Social Stratification -
Once again, during the process of interrogating and consulting with our captured “informants” who we think is a General Consulate operating under the guise of citizens for a separate and foreign entity; they strike again. This time they managed to remove one of the 911 widows and sent us a Valentine’s note to add insult. If there was not enough insult and blatant violations, then we were not yet at the tipping point. This is our person and group and this is how they operate, it is exactly the same. There are no boundaries to the blind rage or the aimless homicidal maniacal tirade they set off on our life and society. We did finally flush a few of them out into the open and they struck not once but twice to say it was them. First it was the Mumbai incident and now it is a local level 911 type right on an Al Queda cell in Buffalo, New York.
Orchard Park police are investigating a particularly gruesome killing, the beheading of a woman, after her husband — an influential member of the local Muslim community — reported her death to police Thursday. Police identified the victim as Aasiya Z. Hassan, 37. Detectives have charged her husband, Muzzammil Hassan, 44, with second-degree murder. "He came to the police station at 6:20 p.m. [Thursday] and told us that she was dead," Orchard Park Police Chief Andrew Benz said late this morning. Muzzammil Hassan told police that his wife was at his business, Bridges TV, on Thorn Avenue in the village. Officers went to that location and discovered her body. Muzzammil Hassan is the founder and chief executive officer of Bridges TV, which he launched in 2004, amid hopes that it would help portray Muslims in a more positive light. The killing apparently occurred some time late Thursday afternoon. Detectives still are looking for the murder weapon. "Obviously, this is the worst form of domestic violence possible," Erie County District Attorney Frank A. Sedita III said today. Authorities say Aasiya Hassan recently had filed for divorce from her husband. "She had an order of protection that had him out of the home as of Friday the 6th [of February]," Benz said. - Prominent Orchard Park man charged with beheading his wife, by Gene Warner (The Buffalo News), ; February 13, 2009 -
We know the Mumbai incident was a test. The test was this, “if you knew it was us, how come you did not stop us?” The second peculiar and unexplainable incident appears to be a hit on the 911 widows and the same trauma we were put through. So there are hostages and those who are fighting the terrorist, we are fighting them. Yet the second suspicious event was sealed by a love letter and February 12, 2009; two days before Valentine’s Day. Were they in love again or just not letting go of their vicious bite and the bite they had on our life? This second hit may end up as one of the scores of sordid events by this clown but by far not the first. Summarily, this 911 like hit was blamed on the weather and the automatic pilot hijacker who grounded the plane as they grounded the country.
In history there have been four principal forms of ascetic Protestantism (in the sense of word here used): (1) Calvinism in the form which it assumed in the main area of its influence in Western Europe, especially in the seventeenth century; (2) Pietism; (3) Methodism; (4) the sects growing out of the Baptist movement. None of these movements was completely separated from the others, and even the distinction from the non-ascetic Churches of the Reformation is never perfectly clear. Methodism, which first arose in the middle of the eighteenth century within the Established Church of England, was not, in the, minds of its founders, intended to form a new Church, but only a new awakening of the ascetic spirit within the old. Only in the course of its development, especially in its extension to America, did it become separate from the Anglican Church. - The Protestant Ethic and Capitalism, by Max Weber; Chapter 4: The Religious Foundations of Worldly Asceticism -
It is like a wild animal, who thinks they are the Lion with a roar, and this is their roar. So this Lion would not let go of the bite they had on others or us; let alone this country and the world. The lies and the deceit were piling up now in 2009 and it was obvious the country was headed for some bloody revolution, cleaning out process, or a reckoning. Furthermore, the foreign countries are being protected because those they sent enjoyed the privileges of what they are trashing, the Constitution, yet they refuse to stop or come forward knowing a military force will be sent to either invade or retaliate for the communist and terrorist invasion; let alone the vast encirclement and stalking.
For the damned to complain of their lot would be much the same as for animals to bemoan the fact they were not born as men. For everything of the flesh is separated from God by an unbridgeable gulf and deserves of Him only eternal death, in so far as He has not decreed otherwise for the glorification of His Majesty. We know only that a part of humanity is saved, the rest damned. To assume that human merit or guilt play a part in determining this destiny would be to think of God's absolutely free decrees, which have been settled from eternity, as subject to change by human influence, an impossible contradiction. The Father in heaven of the New Testament, so human and under-standing, who rejoices over the repentance of a sinner as a woman over the lost piece of silver she has found, is gone. His place has been taken by a transcendental being, beyond the reach of human understanding, who With His quite incomprehensible decrees has decided the fate of every individual and regulated the tiniest details of the cosmos from eternity. God's grace is, since His decrees cannot change, as impossible for those to whom He has granted it to lose as it is unattainable for those to whom He has denied it. - The Protestant Ethic and Capitalism, by Max Weber; Chapter 4: The Religious Foundations of Worldly Asceticism -
It is going to require a bloody revolution or some type of massive counterforce to stop this communist and terrorist revenge on the nation. The atmosphere is insane where the people who intervene and take action are on the good side and the ones who are guilty somehow became the rescuers; in all it is total failure and low quality. We knew we were dealing with a foreign government and we knew they had step over the line with reckless abandon to trash the Constitution and wage war on the country. The problem was they called it their home and they set up shop on someone else homeland; thus, seek the privileges to create the story as it is. It is going to require either a bloody revolution or some equalizing force to stop them or to end the lying, deceit, corruption, and complete trashing of the constitution.
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) has moved the two rifles that she kept under the bed to protect her upstate New York home, her spokesman said Monday. "Given that the location of the guns has been disclosed, they have been moved for security reasons," Gillibrand's spokesman Matt Canter said. She relocated the guns over the weekend while upstate to endorse Democrat Scott Murphy in the March 31 election to replace her in the 20th District, he said. He also said Gillibrand, mother of a 5-year-old and an infant, kept the ammunition separate from the empty guns, and then later called to add that the rifles were locked in a case while stored under the bed. She had refused to describe her gun safety measures. …Gun-control activists questioned the safety of placing guns under a bed where children can find them and burglars look first. The National Rifle Association said it is up to gun owners to safely store weapons. - Gillibrand removes guns from under bed, by Tom Brune,; February 16, 2009 -
The problem is they have the bragging rights and so long as they do, they trash the Constitution. Unless you wish to spend your entire life in battle with them or some foreign force who is behind the terror plots or enjoys kidnapping the least candidates to try out their brainwashing and psychological warfare methods; these strong forces clashed and are still clashing. These people are just outright insane and arrogant and they feel privy to exercise that insanity on the lives of others with no regards to the harm or the damage they are investing in. we are beginning to learn more about the situation as the events unfold; however, after grilling them about Beirut, Lebanon in 1982 and the scores of US embassy attacks; something just tells you what kind of a menace this problem truly is.
Many people, including her own parents, call her crazy, but Christina Raines maintains she is only crazy in love with her notorious, headline-grabbing fiancé, Drew Peterson. After a strange, weeklong split, Raines has reconciled with Peterson and is planning a summer wedding, despite Peterson’ remaining under a heavy cloud of suspicion that he murdered his third and fourth wives. The pair sat down with TODAY’s national correspondent Amy Robach for an interview marked by Peterson’s braggadocio and Raines’ continued assertion her intended is no criminal. Raines, just 24, told Robach she ignores talk that her future husband is a murderer, despite her father Ernie publicly declaring he fears for his daughter’s life. ‘A good heart’ “[Drew] has a good heart,” Raines told Robach. “[He’s] very caring and I don’t think he will ever hurt me or anyone else.” Peterson, 55, a former police sergeant in Bolingbrook, Ill., is under police investigation for the disappearance of his fourth wife, Stacy Peterson. The 25-year-old woman went missing in October 2007, and while Drew Peterson told police he had received a call from Stacy telling him she was leaving to be with another man, the couple’s neighbors reported Peterson carried a 55-gallon barrel out of his home shortly after her disappearance. - Drew Peterson Fiancée: He’ll never hurt me, by Michael Inbar, (www.msnbc.msn); February 13, 2009 -
These people are weary and conscious of the situation they are in. they are acting with a willful and intentional motive. It is well thought out, well planned, and has the utmost consequence to benefit them regardless of the effect on the nation or the state of global security. They intentionally use deception to avoid prosecution or avoid retaliation or invasion by the military. They know it is an act of war and they know the foreign allies, or the claim, will have a military response because it is an act of war to brainwash and manipulate the world to their cause. The Stimulus package of 2009 gave us an indication of how bad the situation was and how high this problem had gotten. They are not stepping down and they are in no way wishing to be honest or help in the capture or killing of this enemy; a communist and terrorist group operating behind enemy lines in the United States granting clemency for foreigners.
WITH three Afghan government ministries in Kabul hit by simultaneous suicide attacks this week, by a total of just eight terrorists, it seems that a new “Mumbai model” of swarming, smaller-scale terrorist violence is emerging. The basic concept is that hitting several targets at once, even with just a few fighters at each site, can cause fits for elite counterterrorist forces that are often manpower-heavy, far away and organized to deal with only one crisis at a time. This approach certainly worked in Mumbai, India, last November, where five two-man teams of Lashkar-e-Taiba operatives held the city hostage for two days, killing 179 people. The Indian security forces, many of which had to be flown in from New Delhi, simply had little ability to strike back at more than one site at a time. While it’s true that the assaults in Kabul seem to be echoes of Mumbai, the fact is that Al Qaeda and its affiliates have been using these sorts of swarm tactics for several years. Jemaah Islamiyah - the group responsible for the Bali nightclub attack that killed 202 people in 2002 - mounted simultaneous attacks on 16 Christian churches in Indonesia on Christmas Eve in 2000, befuddling security forces. Even 9/11 itself had swarm-like characteristics, as four small teams of Qaeda operatives simultaneously seized commercial aircraft and turned them into missiles, flummoxing all our defensive responses. - The Coming Swarm, by John Arquilla (teaches in the special operations program at the Naval Postgraduate School and is the author of “Worst Enemy: The Reluctant Transformation of the American Military),; February 15, 2009 -
Worse, they know the military will attack them and seek retaliation by either capturing or killing those behind this. If not those directly behind it, then the country who instructed them to act on their behalf; they fear the wrath of the military but are so deranged they trudge onwards and act in this manner ignoring all the warnings and consequences by screaming “fait accompli.” We knew we hit the jackpot after over a decade and had finally flushed them out into the open. They also knew they had made a terrible mistake and walked into a very bad situation, one which had no way out. we managed to flush a few of them into the open and to prevent a complete breakdown or a global manhunt; they know if they cooperate a military force will invade the country they act on behalf of; and we know they are allies or claim to be.
In the years since, Al Qaeda has coordinated swarm attacks in Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Turkey, Yemen and elsewhere. And at the height of the insurgency in Iraq, terrorists repeatedly used swarms on targets as small as truck convoys and as large as whole cities. This pattern suggests that Americans should brace for a coming swarm. Right now, most of our cities would be as hard-pressed as Mumbai was to deal with several simultaneous attacks. Our elite federal and military counterterrorist units would most likely find their responses slowed, to varying degrees, by distance and the need to clarify jurisdiction. While the specifics of the federal counterterrorism strategy are classified, what is in the public record indicates that the plan contemplates having to deal with as many as three sites being simultaneously hit and using “overwhelming force” against the terrorists, which probably means mustering as many as 3,000 ground troops to the site. If that’s an accurate picture, it doesn’t bode well. We would most likely have far too few such elite units for dealing with a large number of small terrorist teams carrying out simultaneous attacks across a region or even a single city. …Yes, the swarm will be heading our way, too. We need to get smaller, closer and quicker. The sooner the better. - The Coming Swarm, by John Arquilla (teaches in the special operations program at the Naval Postgraduate School and is the author of “Worst Enemy: The Reluctant Transformation of the American Military),; February 15, 2009 -
We know they are here in desperation to entangle us in foreign wars and foreign entanglements and if the situation does not spell out their problem; then what does. If they cooperate and if they turn themselves in, then there will be a massive retaliation for the acts of war and trashing the Constitution while claiming it is or was their home. It is not one violation; it is over a thousand of them and more to come. We know what they are up to and unless they are self sufficient and excuse themselves form holding power or representing some foreign firebase to advance an insane global struggle; their life will be hell from here on. As their captured General said, “there is no way out of this” and “why can’t you just go away and forget about this.”
The idea of a man's duty to his possessions, to which he subordinates himself as an obedient steward, or even as an acquisitive machine, bears with chilling weight on his life. The greater the possessions the heavier, if the ascetic attitude toward life stands the test, the feeling of responsibility for them, for holding them undiminished for the glory of God and increasing them by restless effort. The origin of this type of life also extends in certain roots, like so many aspects of the spirit of capitalism, back into the Middle Ages. But it was in the ethic of ascetic Protestantism that it first r found a consistent ethical foundation. Its significance for the development of capitalism is obvious. This worldly Protestant asceticism, as we may recapitulate up to this point, acted powerfully against the spontaneous enjoyment of possessions; it restricted consumption, especially of luxuries. On the other hand, it had the psychological effect of freeing the acquisition of goods from the inhibitions of traditionalistic ethics. It broke the bonds of the impulse of acquisition in that it not only legalized it, but (in the sense discussed) looked upon it as directly willed by God. The campaign against the temptations of the flesh, and the dependence on external things, was, as besides the Puritans the great Quaker apologist Barclay expressly says, not a struggle against the rational acquisition, but against the irrational use of wealth. - The Protestant Ethic and Capitalism, by Max Weber; Chapter 5: Asceticism and the Spirit of Capitalism -
That is the problem and this is why they are sneaking around operating behind enemy lines; they want to know if we can stop them or if they will win when and if the real fighting begins. Right now, they risk invasion and retaliation; thus they must remain absolutely quiet and defiant; or pretend again and offer us disinformation. These are acts of war by a foreign adversary claiming to be allies or friendly; yet they have citizens here acting on their behalf who claim they are protected and this is their home. At the same time, they refuse to cooperate and promote more immigration and more welfare or social programs; imagine another trillion dollars worth.
When the limitation of consumption is combined with this release of acquisitive activity, the inevitable practical result is obvious: accumulation of capital through ascetic compulsion to save. The restraints which were imposed upon the consumption of wealth naturally served to increase it by making possible the productive investment of capital. How strong this influence was is not, unfortunately, susceptible o exact statistical demonstration. In New England the connection is so evident that it did not escape the eye of so discerning a historian as Doyle. But also in Holland, which was really only dominated by strict Calvinism for seven years, the greater simplicity of life in the more seriously religious circles, in combination with great wealth, led to an excessive propensity to accumulation. - The Protestant Ethic and Capitalism, by Max Weber; Chapter 5: Asceticism and the Spirit of Capitalism -
They were seeking reparations and to advance a political objective. Now after being flushed out and broken almost; they wish to roll over and pay reparations “unlike the other enemies who lack total responsibilities.” That is the problem and why such a goofy attempt was made to kidnap us; they see pride in their work. They view themselves as a moral force even if they trashed the Constitution. They feel that attacking the nation does not warrant war crimes; but it is not what they did but for whom and why they did it. There are instances where you must adjust to and it may warrant further explanation; however, these are war crimes and this is a communist and terrorist cell that snatches the least likely people to use their most powerful weapons and tactics on. It is a death match and it is to determine whether or not they will win or can win. If they cannot then they must not risk war or must regroup or retool their global strategic efforts.
WASHINGTON - Relatives of some of the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, hijackers responded angrily Thursday to what they described as the White House’s failure to accept responsibility for the terrorist attacks, which killed nearly 3,000 people. Family members were among those in the crowded hearing room to listen to national security adviser Condoleezza Rice tell the Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States that bureaucratic structure was to blame for the administration’s inability to counter the attacks. “No one wants to take any responsibility. Three thousand people died, and all they want to talk about is structural problems,” Bob McIlvaine of Oreland, Pa., whose son died in New York’s World Trade Center. “They should be ashamed of themselves.” - Victims’ families unhappy with Rice: Lack of accountability alleged; refusal to apologize cited, by staff and news services reports,; April 08, 2004
They are well aware that if they cooperate and give us the details or tell us who is behind all of these terror plots and attacks; a military force will be sent to retaliate to either capture or kill them. They know a foe and foreign nation will be invaded and this is what they fear. They did not come here to see this or to get their goals and objectives squashed or destroyed. They have a love of another country much greater and above their love for this one or the Constitution; less those who live under it and find comfort with this. They are here to ensure others join them and become as angry and resentful as they are; yet have the same love for another country or a foreign country. They are not doing it for money or stay up all night to stalk us because they get paid by the hour. We have tested them and we understand who they are, what they want, and how far they will see it through. We let them chase us so we could capture and kill them but during that time; we tried to collect as much information and test them as much as possible to learn more about them.
One of the fundamental elements of the spirit of modern capitalism, and not only of that but of all modern culture: rational conduct on the basis of the idea of the calling was born--that is what this discussion has sought to demonstrate-from the spirit of Christian asceticism. One has only to reread the passage from Franklin, quoted at the beginning of this essay, in order to see that the essential elements of the attitude which was there called the spirit of capitalism are the same as what we have just shown to be the content of the Puritan worldly asceticism, only without the religious basis, which by Franklin's time bad died away. The idea that modern labour has an: ascetic character is of course not new. Limitation to specialized work, with a renunciation of the Faustian universality of man which it involves, is a condition of any valuable work in the modern world; hence deeds and renunciation inevitably condition each other today. This fundamentally ascetic trait of middle-class life, if it attempts to be a way of life at all, and not simply the absence of any, was what Goethe wanted to teach, at the height of his wisdom, in the Wander-Jahren, and in the end which he gave to the life of his Faust. For him the realization meant a renunciation, a departure from an age of full and beautiful humanity, which can no more be repeated in the course of our cultural development than can the flower of the Athenian culture of antiquity. - The Protestant Ethic and Capitalism, by Max Weber; Chapter 5: Asceticism and the Spirit of Capitalism -
We cannot emphasize how dangerous this communist and terrorist group is. It will get worse for them and if that causes them to become more ferocious; then two terror hits in four months while being interrogated to say it was them is clearly their forte and signature. They are moving into the field of hijacking planes remotely now to show superior control over this and blame the weather as they rebel against God and nature. They will need to be destroyed and based on the charges; will put up a fight to the end. The level of violations is so grossly against them and the fact they are acting on the behalf of a foreign nation claiming to be a friend or ally is beyond repair. Yet their goal is very simple and very straight forward. How they execute or deploy it can become very sophisticated and very genius because it does not work and goes against cogent, coherent, rational, intelligible, logical, and reality. It is bone insanity and pure blind rage.
“We had to beg for this commission. We’ve had to beg for answers,” Kristen Breitweiser, co-chairwoman of the relatives’ group September 11 Advocates, said on MSNBC’s “Hardball.” …Many of the relatives said the public should have been warned about the potential for attack during the summer of 2001, when intelligence officials were said to have detected a surge in communications among suspicious operatives. But during three hours of testimony before the bipartisan commission, Rice denied that the Bush administration was negligent, countering the testimony of former White House counterterrorism coordinator Richard Clarke. Clarke told the commission last month that the Bush White House ignored the urgent threat from the al-Qaida terror network. “I am angry at the lack of accepting accountability — that’s what the president should have done, accepted responsibility,” said Beverly Eckert of Stamford, Conn., whose husband, Sean, died at the World Trade Center. “Instead, it’s been outwardly directed, not just at the terrorists but at previous administrations.” - Victims’ families unhappy with Rice: Lack of accountability alleged; refusal to apologize cited, by staff and news services reports,; April 08, 2004
This is an extremely dangerous group and they are linked to various international and global players worried about the balance of power and how they are losing ground or control. The power structures in this world are changing and they are affected negatively but still feel superior or dominant. Thus, the suicidal and near doomsday debt spending and gross violation of financial principles; had they been a private company or firm; they would be arrested immediately and charged with fraud or various crimes. These people are not able to explain anything; however, if and when they do, it is a bundle of lies or a blunder of failures. They are discouraged by this and seek to change the minds of others or ask for another chance, and then another, and then another; thus the debt racks up with their insanity.
BOSTON – The wife of disgraced money manager Bernard Madoff withdrew more than $15 million from a firm co-owned by her husband — including $10 million on the day their children turned her husband over to authorities for overseeing an alleged $50 billion Ponzi scheme, the top securities regulator in Massachusetts said Wednesday. Secretary of State William Galvin said Ruth Madoff, 67, withdrew $5.5 million on Nov. 25 and $10 million on Dec. 10 — the day before Bernard Madoff was arrested — from Cohmad Securities Corp., a New York firm co-owned by her husband. …A telephone number listed to Ruth Madoff in Palm Beach, Fla., rang busy and a number in New York had been disconnected. A Cohmad spokeswoman in New York said the company had no comment. Ira Sorkin, a lawyer for Bernard Madoff, said he had no comment on the withdrawals. Galvin said the discovery of Ruth Madoff's withdrawals raises questions about whether there was a broader conspiracy behind Bernard Madoff's actions. Madoff has projected himself as someone who acted alone. "As you know, the tale is being told that it was just Mr. Madoff who apparently worked 24 hours a day, shooting out false invoices and statements to people," Galvin told The Associated Press in an interview. - Official: Wife pulled $15M before Madoff's arrest, by Glen Johnson (Associated Press),; February 12, 2009 -
These people have no care in the world for anyone or others; so long as they are in control and asking the questions. They will kidnap you, harass your spouses and engage to rape their privacy, pretend they are in a love connection with anyone, and attack or wage war against the country to profit and wedge a unifying atmosphere where everyone is a victim and is in grief. Yet they are acting on behalf of another country and if this is disclosed, military retaliation is imminent. They know they are going to get attacked and they know the military has orders to capture or kill them; no less than they can stop this or talk sense to anyone after they are still trying to change the minds of others.
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – California, which is on the brink of running out of cash, will notify 20,000 state workers on Tuesday their jobs may be eliminated, a spokesman for Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said on Monday. The announcement came a day after California lawmakers narrowly failed to pass a $40 billion budget that would have plugged the state's deficit with a mix of tax hikes and spending cuts. "In the absence of a budget, the governor has a responsibility to realize state savings any way he can," said Aaron McLear, a spokesman for the Republican governor. "This is unfortunately a necessary decision." The layoff notices will affect about 20 percent of state workers, McLear said, adding the cuts would extend to every part of state government. …California, America's most populous state and the world's eighth biggest economy, has experienced a dramatic fall in revenues because of the housing downturn, rising unemployment and a sharp pullback in consumer spending. - With no budget, California to cut 20,000 state jobs, by Nichola Groom (Editing by Peter Cooney, Reuters),; February 16, 2009 -
Things are going to get worse now because they have showed themselves, were caught red handed and then were flushed out in the open. It took over ten years to flush them out and get them to just show themselves. They are that secretive. They have that much to loose and are outer space secretive compared to military standards delineation of mission security. We are observing how competitive they are and their tolerances; when they will pop or give in. Everybody has a breaking point. Yet they do not have an argument, only ambition and profiteering, now the effort has created bigger problems than they had ever imagined. It is sabotage on a grand scale and the pursuit to escape all responsibility. They will blame us for everything and criminalize our life but when it comes to asking them if they are a prisoner or avoid free speech as hostages; they just tarnish and trash the Constitution with a reckless abandon and expect some payment or obligation to come from it. If that was not enough already, they turn the chin up and say nothing when asked about the matter. Who does this sound like and why are they here?
Beverly Eckert's husband Sean worked in the World Trade Centre. He died on 11 September. She, along with other victims' families, forced the formation of the 9/11 Commission. …At that point we began to say our goodbyes. I consider that fate was merciful to us in that we had the opportunity to say goodbye. So many others didn't. …I think we have the right to defend ourselves but the foreign policy we've embarked on is frightening. The world is worse off politically, and in terms of violence, than it was before. I believe terrorists should be brought to justice but I also believe there were failures within our own government that allowed the attacks to occur. So it wasn't anger that I felt but it certainly was determination. I began with other family members to work towards getting an investigative commission to look into 9/11 and that was very difficult. There was a lot of opposition to that within government, but we overcame it and the 9/11 commission was formed. …However, after that I had to step back. I had given all of my energy and time to 9/11 issues. …I am now looking to find something else constructive to do to continue to honour Sean's memory. At the moment I'm gathering some of his things for an open house I'm going to have on the fifth anniversary of 11 September, to remember him. - 9/11 experiences: A widow's story, by BBC News Staff,; September 08, 2006 -
If the reality and the reality of the country is not in danger, they feel powerful and invincible due to financial or economic low quality. They have not given up the economic fight and expect a miracle to occur. Then we get trillions of dollars in new debt to bail out the old debt and the misspent efforts. They want us to agree with them and share power even if they are in the situation they are. It is just incredible how they wish to share power and lie on a pathological level or act like such a sociopath serial killer. Not only are they cold and manipulative, they are numb inside because if it ever got out or they were ever caught; they will and deservingly have suffered tremendously. We are not here to extend this generosity either. They live in fear and claim to be fearless and not a phony soldier among their ranks; yet the problem is how they are cold and numb inside and will become worse as severe abuse gathers against them, so they hide and pretend to be on the other side or not who they truly are.
If you do not veto this bill and ask for the line item veto as you have the support of the bipartisanship of the Congress; you will see this happen over the next year. The stock market will lose progressively 500 each month. The money markets will be saturated with bad debt. People will write off debt and demand government to offset them. The housing market will collapse. Trade retaliation will become the order of the day. The banks will revert to more debt and false bank notes. You were not here to support or continue what George Bush lied about; your job and duty is to reverse it when and if you know it. I seem to have loss my mind and panicked by the recent notion we are being attacked again with the 911 matter resurfacing suddenly; is there anything real? Worse, they blamed it on the weather; we can get out of the way of the weather or move out of a flood plane. Terrorism and natural disasters or weather problems is not on the same plane. - Dear Mr. President, by Author; February 15, 2009 -
Do not assume they are going to step down and in no way are they being slandered; but they blame others for their predicament even if it is all lies and deceit to save their skin or lie their way out. What is the alternative? The only way they are hanging on for dear life is because there must be an enemy. Something must be evil, such as a terrorist group less themselves, to give them power or sanctify their problem. If you surround them with normal people; they loose all their power and are threatened. So this is why they must resort to terrorism and must have an enemy; they are the enemy. That is the only way they can survive; to hope some enemy comes to save them or their own demise.
ALBANY - Gov. Paterson has secretly granted raises of as much as 46 percent to more than a dozen staffers at a time when he has asked 130,000 state workers to give up 3 percent pay hikes because of the state's fiscal crisis, The Post has learned. The startling pay hikes, costing about $250,000 annually, were granted after the governor's "emergency" declaration in August of a looming fiscal crisis that required the state to cut spending and impose a "hard" hiring freeze. One raise was approved as recently as last month - when Paterson claimed the budget deficit had reached an unprecedented $15.5 billion. …Paterson's top aide, William Cunningham, a one-time law partner of the governor's father, Basil, saw his pay jump 5 percent to $178,500 - just $500 less than Paterson himself - from $170,000 on Nov. 7, after he was promoted from a temporary "acting" secretary to permanent. …Disclosure of the secret pay hikes comes as Paterson is under attack for spending well over $20,000 in state funds on a four-day stay for himself and several aides during President Obama's inaugural last month, and for planning a state-funded junket to Davos, Switzerland, which he canceled only after his plans became public. Paterson, in his budget proposal outlined in December, demanded that state workers who belong to the Civil Service Employees Association and the Public Employee Federation forgo negotiated, 3 percent pay hikes that would kick in April 1 or face massive layoffs. - GOV'S HY-PAY-CRISY, by Fredric U. Dicker, ; February 16, 2009 -
We flushed out their first wave and their General Consul; their highest operatives. They censor others and become or grow angry when censored; the problem is they are not being slandered. They just do not want to help capture or kill this communist and terrorist group or round up those behind it and shut down the foreign countries that attacked the United States. They are weak but here to act bold. It will not take more than a month to fold them up like an accordion or stretch their menacing meaningless life out until it breaks or snaps back. A sound cruel but this is why you do not trash the Constitution and get in this situation them in, with no escape or way out of the matter.
Again, not one question has been answered correctly and thus your staff earned deservingly an F grade. There is no bipartisanship or any support from those who count. Do not listen to those who do not count; listen to the people who count and know what they are doing. Even the Republicans will advise you to listen to us; our business is warfare and nothing more. We teach the topic and course; not how to be removed and impeached from office in less than 12 months. Again, the problem is not “shovel-ready”; new buildings and roads, and the blatant mismanagement and underwriting of fraud. Not one answer was transparent, direct, or honest; that is called obstruction of justice and a total farce. So if you wish to be vexed as the biggest leech on the nation and the global economy; then do so, because it has the worst punishments out there. Worry about what those who count know about you; not what those who do not count do not, listen to those who can get you out of this; you need to collective and seek the keys to life; not lie about it. - Dear Mr. President, by Author; February 15, 2009 -
So it is clear what it will require to stop evil, this communist and terrorist group, the secrecy level, the blatant violations of the constitution, and for them to vacate or step down. They have to be thrown out and kicked out as a domestic nuisance; there is no other way with this particular type of inferior human breed and menacing jackass. Like the serial killer types; their homicidal antics are to preserve some weak, demented, sadistic, warped violent and criminal figure who blurts out with child molester like screech, “I didn’t mean to hurt anyone, I swear I did not want to hurt anyone.” This is who we are dealing with and the females or the people who protect them; it is some Texas Chainsaw Massacre group of macabre challenge. The females are kicked into a near murderous rage to protect who they gave birth to or who clings on to them for dear life. The males are not the threat as they are dealt with traditionally when warfare and conflict arises; it is the females who protect them; they are like child molesters and are coddled as if they were some precious jewel who meant no harm.
This nation is headed for war; there is no doubt in my mind. How we get there is not in my pay grade. Consider what will happen when you loose the support of the armies or the protective services of this country and her allies. Think about your future and what you will tell your supporters. If you are the worst affected, then you are to reverse the damages and the work of lies that became law, not make more. Again, we all go through some sort of abuse in life but we walk away as better citizens, not worse or a serial liar. Instead of worrying about food stamps, food riots, overcrowded jails, and relief; you began with a wish list and this is a dangerous way to play your game. You do not have the money to play that game and neither did George Bush. We are dealing with one enemy pretending to be two or more. He chose a very good successor in you; but someone else also chose a very good one in me. - Dear Mr. President, by Author; February 15, 2009 -
Now we understand people are not always perfect and there are winners and losers in life; but this is beyond insanity. Our guns and ammo are being taken away, military leaders and intellectuals are being kidnapped by spies and terrorists, jackasses are rewriting our biography and life, and we get blamed for being hateful and even being racist. the fact is our rights are being stolen, our treasury raided, our military disgraced, the national debt is unplayable, the prisons are overflowing, lies and crime are rampant, we have to fight tooth and nail just to get the police off of us or to stop uphold the Constitution, and the country is near civil war. At some point logic and reason says to either deport these people or round them up and make sure they are not a danger to themselves or to others.
Dear Mr. President; I and the American public and her protective services have graciously attempted to aid and comfort your plight as the 44th President. Either you are the biggest leech on this nation and the economy; or your staff is the most blatant pathological liars this nation has ever witnessed. Our business is war, nothing else. Do not mistake our business with what yours is about. In this climate, we hold the truth cards and we have the trump cards simply because we deserve it and we know how to do our job quite well. I have demonstrated this war fighting ability by asking you for a line item veto; not for my best interest but yours. Your people will suffer and they will greatly on your lies and missteps. So either you are a petty liar or a grand petty tyrant. There is no thought and no answer; no planning no explanation; no worth and no gain. - Dear Mr. President, by Author; February 15, 2009 -
Half of them are under the spell of foreign spies, must we be also? Furthermore, they worship immigration and welfare from the homeland which makes this cycle of problems worse and worse while our life gets less and less. Now who answers to whom here and who is going to fight to the death for the Constitution and this sacred oath? When is enough too much and when is this problem going to either go away or get better; or does it really take a bloody revolution to kick them out and subjugate the bad who will never stop? The reason why people need guns is to make sure this is guaranteed and when the bad gets out of hand or steps past that invisible fence, they are in the line of fire and feel punishment is forthcoming. The debt and the constant struggle with this inferior breed of human beings should be a good and clear indicator of a major problem and a nasty storm coming.
WASHINGTON — In 1994, Rush Limbaugh was a field marshal in the Republican revolution, rallying troops fervid in their passion and determined to shake Washington upside down. Fifteen years later, Republicans are politically hobbled and Democrats are armed with a change agenda and equally determined to shake Washington. …Obama is "obviously more frightened of me than he is Mitch McConnell. He's more frightened of me than he is of, say, John Boehner, which doesn't say much about our party," Limbaugh said on the air referring, respectively, to the GOP leaders in the Senate and House. That may be cause for personal congratulation (not to mention a bigger audience). But not all Republicans are comfortable with Limbaugh's suggestion that he, by default, has become the party's unofficial leader. "He motivates a core Republican, who is a very important part of the Republican coalition, and we need those guys to be interested and active," said Jan van Lohuizen, a GOP strategist in Washington. "But it's not enough. The Republican Party has shrunk and it needs to be expanding." - GOP uneasy about Rush Limbaugh's self-coronation as party leader, by Faye Fiore and Mark Z. Barabak,; February 9, 2009 -
So the state of the nation is not that she votes into office petty despots or dictators who get blamed for the national crisis or the global problems. They cause them. The errors and the flaws are bone right annoying yet why are the prisons overflowing? Why are 40 percent of the black population jailed and progressively more with less education and life opportunity? Why are there so many lies with this gonad of raping the privacy of others or inviting self-inviting a domestic nuisance into our homes and life? Why are home mortgages not at their natural and nominal price? Why are banks saturating the economy with toxic assets and debt? Why is the federal government throwing money at the States like a dime store tramp? Why is the welfare system creating the incentives for the above and a society that is seriously unexplainable?
To some people, Limbaugh crossed a line when he recently rooted for Obama's downfall. Asked to write 400 words on his hopes for the president, Limbaugh said: "I don't need 400 words. I need four: I hope he fails." "That sort of thing is going to turn off moderate voters," said David Barker, a political scientist at the University of Pittsburgh and author of "Rushed to Judgment: Talk Radio, Persuasion, and American Political Behavior." "It's going to repulse some people." However, few Republicans dare cross him. Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.) recently learned the perils when he defended McConnell and Boehner in an interview. It's easy for Limbaugh to criticize Democrats, Gingrey said, because he doesn't have to work with them every day. After he spoke, Gingrey's office was flooded with calls and e-mails from angry conservatives. He spent the next day apologizing on cable television and Limbaugh's show for "those stupid comments." - GOP uneasy about Rush Limbaugh's self-coronation as party leader, by Faye Fiore and Mark Z. Barabak,; February 9, 2009 -
Most especially, why in the first three weeks and during a time of extreme crisis was social programs or pork spending, that cost ten or twenty years, hurried through an emergency relief bill called the American Recovery and Restoration Act of 2009? Why are people loosing their entire life savings? Why is the stock market almost below 7000 points? Why in hell are people so upset with government and so called global leaders and shamans? Most of all why are upcoming leaders and military personnel kidnapped, their spouses sent to help and nearly raped, then prevented from even talking or emailing as one rescue after the other is foiled by a communist and terrorist group bent on global domination? One word fits, war. One person makes perfect sense, a petty dictator. One name now comes to mind, Obama. It just so happens, his mom was a single mom but the welfare system was not what it used to be then.
BUFFALO, N.Y. - The commuter plane that crashed near Buffalo was on autopilot until just before it went down in icy weather, indicating that the pilot may have ignored federal safety recommendations and violated the airline's own policy for flying in such conditions, an investigator said Sunday. Federal guidelines and the airline's own instructions suggest a pilot should not engage the autopilot when flying through ice. If the ice is severe, the company that operated Continental Flight 3407 requires pilots to shut off the autopilot. "You may be able in a manual mode to sense something sooner than the autopilot can sense it," said Steve Chealander of the National Transportation Safety Board, which also recommends that pilots disengage the autopilot in icy conditions. Automatic safety devices returned the aircraft to manual control just before it fell from the sky, Chealander said. During a Sunday briefing, Chealander described the flight's frantic last moments, which included a steep drop and rollercoaster-like pitching and rolling. - Plane that crashed near Buffalo was on autopilot, by Larry Neumeister (Associated Press Writer),; February 15, 2009 -
Presidents elect Obama’s trillion dollar spending plan and goal for government to create two or three million jobs is a senseless violence on the economy and the global market place. There is no logic or thought behind it beyond immediacy for action and the fear that inaction would cause local governments to reduce their spending and taxing diet. Local governments who have a voracious appetite to tax must consider the effect of a contracting economy rather than rely on the government for their mismanagement and corruption. When your state runs up a thirty or sixty billion dollar fiscal deficit in less than six months; then you have to ask if there is a problem with spending or how much of that loss with be returning? The reason why a market system corrects is over speculation, creating a run on the banks, over lending and bad banking policies, and mostly false wealth which cannot be honored or causes a break down. In this case, debt was the trigger and lending to people who had no possible chance of repaying the loans taken.
While the GOP's star has fallen, Limbaugh's has soared, in part because of Barack Obama's decision to pick a fight with him three days into his presidency. "You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done," Obama said while hosting Republican lawmakers at the White House. The radio host happily responded on his next program. "I am Rush Limbaugh, the man President Obama has instructed you not to listen to!" he crowed. Limbaugh's listening audience is relatively narrow—predominantly white, male and politically conservative—but highly motivated. Many of the 20 million or so who tune in each week are willing to use letters, phone calls and e-mails to be heard. They can make a difference. Among their achievements, listeners helped kill President George W. Bush's Immigration reform effort. …"The question is, are we going to have an all-white-man litmus test under the Republican Party? Or is there room for diverse opinion on environmental issues, on the issue of right to life, the issue of taxes and spending?" said Rich Bond, former chairman of the Republican National Committee. - GOP uneasy about Rush Limbaugh's self-coronation as party leader, by Faye Fiore and Mark Z. Barabak,; February 9, 2009 -
Debt being the source of wealth creation and jobs is a political act of criminality intended to win elections. Markets are always struggling with low quality and high prices until it saturates into riots or civil war. If you do not address and beat that low quality down so it is under control, it will grow or explode on society. Debt used as wealth creation triggers the correction period where life savings are gone overnight because it was never real wealth. Debt cannot be a source of investment when there is no chance of repayment; again, this is a criminal act much similar to the run on the bank where bank notes or investments can never be honored. The only entity honoring it is the government but more debt is used to make the payments to honor the previous debt.
"To quote Yogi Berra, I didn't say half the things I said," controversial political commentator Ann Coulter said, beginning her highly anticipated lecture in Kendall Hall. …Coulter's lecture centered mainly on the media's portrayal of liberals as victims, the focus of her newest book, "Guilty: Liberal 'Victims' and Their Assault on America." She made many mentions of the "liberal hoaxes" in place to "promote the horrors of America, the horrors of racist America." Once you're a victim, Coulter said, one can "commit crimes, slander the president, tell lies and you'll get a standing ovation of the media." "Just like Nazi Germans made people believe Jews were the oppressors in order to oppress them," she added, "the media makes us think Republicans are our oppressors to oppress them." …Coulter continued on the theme of victimization throughout the lecture, saying the "real victims are usually the ones portrayed as the villains, and the real villains are usually the ones portrayed as the victims." She also said the media deliberately portrays liberals as the wounded in order to garner sympathy. "He who is offended first wins, and liberals are always, always offended," she said. "The Marine motto is 'First to Fight.' The liberal motto is 'First to be offended.'" Perhaps Coulter's most controversial point was her discussion of President Barack Obama's middle name. "Doesn't the middle name of 'Hussein' reinforce the image of Democrats being soft on terrorism?" Coulter asked. - Coulter: Liberal media bias creates 'victims', by Allison Singer,; February 18, 2009 -
It sounds like the same dilemma the government is going through; borrow and spend to create jobs with no chance of repayment; then using that debt to write off jobs and new wealth being created. How close is this to say Enron? What happened to Enron when they wiped out the life savings of so many people and devastated their life with lies and deception? Debt is not a way to create jobs regardless of the long term problems at the local levels; it is delaying the inevitable and prolonging the division between what is real and what has not been addressed properly.
It took the United States only thirty or forty years to go deeply in debt and with local or state level dysfunction where they depended on the federal government for bail outs. These financial problems and worse the social problems are permanent and getting worse. You cannot spend to fix and when it is financial, you cannot use debt to create wealth. Government does not create wealth, it must come from somewhere and that somewhere is the private sector. The lack of quality in the private sector and the permanence of these problems are devastating on the economy and the market viability. So this trillion or more spending package will create more debt and more permanent problems and make the society more violent and closer to exploding. So before you fix anything, you have to diagnose it and check to make sure what you are fixing is broke.
Social fascism was a theory supported by the Communist International (Comintern) during the late 1920s and early 1930s, which believed that social democracy was a variant of fascism because it stood in the way of a complete and final transition to communism. At the time, the leaders of the Comintern …At the Sixth Congress of the Commitern in 1928, the end of capitalist stability and the beginning of the "Third Period" was proclaimed. The end of capitalism, accompanied with a working class revolution, was expected, and social democracy was identified as the main enemy of the Communists. This Commitern's theory had roots in Grigory Zinoviev's argument that international social democracy is a wing of fascism. This view was accepted by Joseph Stalin who described fascism and social democracy as "twin brothers", arguing that fascism depends on the active support of the social democracy and that the social democracy depends on the active support of fascism. After it was declared at the Sixth Congress, the theory of social fascism became accepted by the world Communist movement. - Communist International (COMITERN), -
The wording in politics is not at that level of perfect observation; instead the problems contained in the market do not suggest racism or market hate; it indicates a lack of support and logistics. Single motherhood produces liberals, despots, dangerous social policies, human cruelty, conflict, and the seed experience needed to promote communism and even more powerful is socialism. The idea that single motherhood and military families is a disturbing issue but proportionally trails the societal norm. The reports indicate it is the seed and also the engine of war, violence, conflict, crime and a host of social problems. That incubator is the phenomenon called “political development” when population increases fuel the social demands for government services because the cost to lift each human being out of poverty or a standard of care which is respectable; is enormous.
At the same time, Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), under leadership of German chancellor Hermann Müller, agreed with anti-communist parties that "red equals brown". This led to mutual hostility between social democrats and communists, which were additionally intensified in 1929 when Berlin's police, under control of the SPD government, shot down communist workers demonstrating on May Day (Berlin's Bloody May). This, and the repressive legislation against the communists that followed, served as further evidence to communists that social democrats were indeed "social fascists". In 1931 in Prussia, the largest state of Germany, Communist Party of Germany (KPD), which referred to the Nazis as "working people's comrades", united with them in unsuccessful attempt to bring down the state government of SPD.[4] German Communists continued to deny any essential difference between Nazism and Social Democracy even after elections in 1933. The KPD, under the leadership of Ernst Thälmann, coined the slogan "After Hitler, our turn!" – Strongly believing that united front against Nazis wasn't needed, and that the workers would change their opinion and recognize that Nazism, unlike Communism, didn't offer a true way out of Germany's difficulties. See also: Wilhelm Hoegner and Walter Kolbenhoff. After Adolf Hitler's Nazis came to power in Germany, the KPD was outlawed and thousands of its members, including Thälmann, were arrested. …Leon Trotsky argued against the accusations of "Social Fascism". In the Bulletin of the Opposition of March 1932 he declared: "Worker-Communists, you are hundreds of thousands, millions; you cannot leave for anyplace; there are not enough passports for you. Should fascism come to power, it will ride over your skulls and spines like a terrific tank. Your salvation lies in merciless struggle. And only a fighting unity with the Social Democratic workers can bring victory. Make haste, worker-Communists; you have very little time left!" - Communist International (COMITERN), -
Nowadays, it cost more to raise a child than an adult. When foreign countries take an activist role to curb the problem of infancy mal-parenting; it shows they are taking a step towards peace; some countries even go so far as to limit the number of family size. President Obama should recognize this and propose some type of active program to educate others to the dangerous road of teenage pregnancy or illegitimacy. President Obama should propose some type of planned structure which can reverse this or stamp out the playground fever and how it leads to this long lasting trend with violence. Do not kill the fetus or argue how they are brought up in this world with such poor living standards, stop the process of violence and the low quality of politics it eventually and sarcastically results to.
However, in the same essay, Trotsky made it clear that any cooperation with the social democrats was only tactical and temporary, and that in the final analysis, the social democracy would have to be defeated and subverted by the revolutionary faction: "The front must now be directed against fascism. And this common front of direct struggle against fascism, embracing the entire proletariat, must be utilized in the struggle against the Social Democracy, directed as a flank attack, but no less effective for all that... "No common platform with the Social Democracy, or with the leaders of the German trade unions, no common publications, banners, placards! March separately, but strike together! Agree only how to strike, whom to strike, and when to strike! Such an agreement can be concluded even with the devil himself... "No retraction of our criticism of the Social Democracy. No forgetting of all that has been. The whole historical reckoning, including the reckoning for Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, will be presented at the proper time, just as the Russian Bolsheviks finally presented a general reckoning to the Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries for the baiting, calumny, imprisonment and murder of workers, soldiers, and peasants." Ernst Thälmann, the leader of the KPD, denounced Trotsky's position as the worst kind of "social fascism": "In his pamphlet on the question, How will National Socialism be Defeated? Trotsky gives always but one reply: 'The German Communist Party must make a bloc with the social democracy...' In framing this bloc, Trotsky sees the only way for completely saving the German working class against fascism. Either the Communist Party will make a bloc with the social democracy or the German working class is lost for 10-20 years. This is the theory of a completely ruined fascist and counter revolutionary. This theory is the worst theory, the most dangerous theory and the most criminal that Trotsky has constructed in the last years of his counter revolutionary propaganda." - Communist International (COMITERN), -
There is a reason why the most radical, the most dangerous, the most violent, and the most terrorizing and communist in society are super sensitive to speech, voice inflexion, and pursue censorship of other speech beyond their own. First and foremost, they are underground. Second, it is a code work of underground groups who communicate using hyperbole and flowery poetry. Therefore, this speech Nazi like inflexions and word play is the sensitivity to both their cause and the inability to strike them or end this stalemate of a war like group. If the language is accurate, this country would be at war with the left wing, the liberals, and those destroying and overtaking the country by force.
“Precious” lyrics by Depeche Mode
Precious and fragile things
Need special handling
My God what have we done to you?
We always try to share
The tenderest of care
Now look what we have put you through...
Things get damaged
Things get broken
I thought we'd manage
But words left unspoken
Left us so brittle
There was so little left to give
Angels with silver wings
Shouldn't know suffering
I wish I could take the pain for you
If God has a master plan
That only he understands
I hope it's your eyes he's seeing through
Things get damaged
Things get broken
I thought we'd manage
But words left unspoken
Left us so brittle
There was so little left to give
I pray you learn to trust
Have faith in both of us
And keep room in your heart for two
“Personal Jesus” lyrics by Depeche Mode
(Reach out and touch faith)
Your own
Personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares
Your own Personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who's there
Feeling's unknown and you're all alone
Flesh and bone by the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer
Take second best
Put me to the test
Things on your chest
You need to confess
I will deliver
You know I'm a forgiver
Reach out and touch faith
Your own
Personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares
Your own Personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who's there
Feeling's unknown and you're all alone
Flesh and bone by the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer
I will deliver
You know I'm a forgiver
Reach out and touch faith
Your own Personal Jesus
Reach out and touch faith
Reach out and touch faith
"Happy Endings" lyrics by The All-American Rejects
Time does tell
That even if they say so
She’d be the one that would know
That I did do what I’ve done
And I, I wouldn’t call it cheating
I’d just say I was leading her on
Why walk while I run a-way
You- you ask me what went wrong
Me- Ill write you this last song
Please- just tell me one way we can win
One- more thing before I go
Two- the one who loves me so
Three- don’t make me count to three again
Happy endings
Just what did you do, if you’re a dream then come true
Stop pretending
That what you mean isn’t what you say
Hopeful dreaming
Of times before the pain, wishing it was still the same
Loving, leaving
Round and round and round we go again
Walks a-lone, have often lead to thinking
My love for you is sinking to what seems an all time low
Or high, the limits never ending,
And don’t you know I’m sending
There’s no venture I won’t go
For you
She walks away, she talks away
She walks away
She walks away, she talks away
Away, away...
“Your Hero” lyrics by Finley
Human races seems so amused
By the news of everyday
We got suffocated, paralyzed
There’s no reaction
We got used to being
Surrounded by disasters
But it’s time to face a truth
Now it’s time to make a move
Your hero
Can save me
‘Cause we don’t live
In happy ending movies
You’re Hero
Only tragedy is around
Name these countries we
Consider far from home
But they’re nearest than we knew
Now we got to make a move
Just Because ….
Your hero
Can save me
‘Cause we don’t live
In happy ending movies
You’re Hero (your hero)
Can save the world
From all the times we crossed the lines
And same the same mistakes
Your hero
Your hero (your hero)
Can save me (can save me)
‘Cause we don’t live
In happy ending movies
You’re Hero (your hero)
Can save the world
From all the times we crossed the lines
And same the same mistakes
Your hero (Your Hero)
Your hero
“Think Twice” lyrics by Eve 6
When all is said and done
And dead
Does he love you?
The way that I do
Breathing in
Like me
Tonight’s fighting
I feel the hurt
So physical
Think twice when you touch my girl
Come around and feel the burn
Think twice when you touch my girl
Come around No more
Think twice when you touch my girl
Come around No more
She spreads her love
She burns me up
I can’t let go
I can’t get out
I said enough
Enough by now
I can’t let go
I can’t get out
Wait till
The day
You finally see
I’ve been
Cause in my fingers and my tease
Cry on my shoulder begging please
What is it you really want?
Or time to get angry
You can’t waste it
When I showed up
And he was there
I tried my best
To grin and bear
And took the stairs
And didn’t stop at the street
And as we speak
I’m going down
I said enough
Enough by now
I can’t let go
I can’t get out
“Useless” lyrics by Depeche Mode
Well it's about time
It's beginning to hurt
Time you made up your mind
Just what is it all worth?
All my useless advice
All my hanging around
All your cutting down to size
All my bringing you down
Watch the clock on the wall
Feel the slowing of time
Hear a voice in the hall
Echoing in my mind
All your stupid ideals
You've got your head in the clouds
You should see how it feels
With your feet on the ground
Here I stand the accused
With your fist in my face
Feeling tired and bruised
With the bitterest taste
All my useless advice
All my hanging around
All your cutting down to size
All my bringing you down
All your stupid ideals
You've got your head in the clouds
You should see how it feels
With your feet on the ground
“Times Like These” lyrics by The Foo Fighters
I am a one way motorway
I’m the one that drives away
Then follows you back home
I am a street light shining
I’m a wild light blinding bright
Burning off alone
Its times like these you learn to live again
Its times like these you give and give again
Its times like these you learn to love again
It’s times like these time and time again
I am a new day rising
I’m a brand new sky
To hang the stars upon tonight
I am a little divided
Do I stay or run away
And leave it all behind?
Its times like these you learn to live again
Its times like these you give and give again
Its times like these you learn to love again
It’s times like these time and time again
“Eraser” lyrics by Smile Empty Soul
Some days are better
They’re better than others
Can’t run forever
You’re pushing me under
What a way to live my life
I’m hiding from the battles
I don't want to fight
What I’ve become
And now it's going grey
All the lines are blurring and decayed
I can't recall exactly who's to blame
Is it me or is it you
Something isn't right
Of all the things that we could do
We just wanna fight
Someday I will find the courage, to embrace you
Someday I will find the strength, to erase you
Some days I think I’m nothing without you
Sometimes I wish that I could just kill you
What a way we live our lives
It’s hard to breathe
It feels like I’m infected by my dad's disease
And now it's going grey
And you're the one I chose to feed me pain
And I’m the one you bring home so ashamed
Through their eyes
And I see myself in heaven
If I can free myself from this hell
"The War Is Over" lyrics by Trust Company
The hours
Devour me
My life's wasted waiting here for you
There's nothing left of me
Lost in a void I don't see
There's nothing left to believe
The end is now
(I surrender)
The war is over
The rain is falling
And all that's left has blown away
Your eyes are haunted
By what you wanted
I surrender (I surrender)
The war is over
The anger
I keep for you
The bitter lessons I will keep for me
There's nothing I can do
To save you from your own hell
There's nothing left for you
The end is now
(I surrender)
The war is over (It's over now)
I can see it
I can see what you've become
I can feel it
As everything goes numb
The war
The war is over
The war is over
Talking to the Walls lyrics by Finger Eleven
No hostage has been held like I've
Been holding mine but I'm just fine
Since I've been without you
No prisoner could climb the walls
That I've built up in my mind
Since I've been without you
But I'm holding down and out
I'm desperate without you
Look at the shape I'm in
Talking to the walls again
Look at the state I'm in
Bent and broken is all I've been
No universal truth this time
No other universe but mine
Could ever feel as unaligned
Since I've been without you
No instances from time to time
Feel like things will turn out right
Since I've been without you
No universal truth this time
There's no universe for you and I
And there's no one to make me realize
“So Alive” by Love and Rockets
I don't know what colour your eyes are, baby
But your hair is long and brown
Your legs are strong, and you're so, so long
And you don't come from this town
My head is full of magic, baby
And I can share this with you
The feel I'm on a cross again, lately
But it's nothing to do with you
I'm alive
Oh Oh, so alive
I'm alive
Oh Oh, so alive
This drug makes me crazy
Makes me see you more clearly
Oh, baby, now I can see you
Wish I could stop
Switch off the clock
Make it all happen for you
Don't know what colour your eyes are, baby
But your hair is long and brown
Your legs are strong, and you're so, so long
And you don't come from this town
My head is full of magic, baby
And I can share this with you
The feel I'm on top again, baby
That's got everything to do with you
“Christmas in Dixie” lyrics by Alabama
Written by Teddy Gentry, Randy Owen,
Jeff Cook, and Mark Herndon
By now in New York City
There’s snow on the ground
And out in California
The sunshine's falling down
And, maybe down in Memphis
Graceland's all in lights
And in Atlanta, Georgia
There’s peace on earth tonight
Christmas in Dixie
It's snowing in the pines
Merry Christmas from Dixie
To everyone tonight
It's windy in Chicago
The kids are out of school
There's magic in Motown
The city's on the move
In Jackson, Mississippi
To Charlotte, Caroline
And all across the nation
It's the peaceful Christmas time
Christmas in Dixie
It's snowing in the pines
Merry Christmas from Dixie
To everyone tonight
And from Fort Payne, Alabama
God bless y'all, we love yaw
Happy New Year, good night
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas tonight
“I Hate My Life” lyrics by Theory of a Deadman
So sick of the hobos
Always begging for change
I don't like how I gotta work and
They just sit around and get paid
I hate all of the people
Who can't drive their cars
Bitch you better get outta the way
Before I start falling apart
I hate how my wife
Is always up my ass
She always wants to buy brand new things
But I don't have the cash
I hate my job, all of my rich friends
I hate everyone to the bitter end
Nothing turns out right
There's no end in sight
I hate my life!
How come I never get laid
Nice guys always lose.
How could she have another headache?
There's always some kind of excuse
I still hate my job
My boss is a dick
I don't get paid nearly enough
To put up with all of your shit
I hate my job
All of my rich friends
I hate everyone to the bitter end
Nothing turns out right
There's no end in sight
I hate my life!
I hate that I can't tell
When a girl's underage
You know, I tell her she's a nice piece of ass
Then her daddy punches me in the face
So if you're pissed like me
Bitches, here's what you gotta do
Put your middle fingers up in the air
Go on and say "F@ck you!"
I hate my job
All of my rich friends
I hate everyone to the bitter end
Nothing turns out right
There's no end in sight
I hate my life!
So much at stake
Can’t catch a break
I hate my life
No, it's nothing new
Hear “it sucks to be you"
I f@cking hate my life
“Over My Head” lyrics by The Fray
I never knew
I never knew that everything was falling through
That everyone I knew was waiting on a cue
To turn and run when all I needed was the truth
But that's how it's got to be
It's coming down to nothing more than apathy
I'd rather run the other way than stay and see
The smoke and who's still standing when it clears and
Everyone knows I'm in
Over my head
Over my head
With eight seconds left in overtime
She's on your mind
She's on your mind and
Let's rearrange
I wish you were a stranger I could disengage
Just say that we agree and then never change
Soften a bit until we all just get along
But that's disregard
You find another friend and you discard
As you lose the arguments in a cable car
Hanging above as the canyon comes between and
Everyone knows I'm in
Over my head
Over my head
With eight seconds left in overtime
She's on your mind
She's on...oh...
And suddenly I become a part of your past
I'm becoming the part that don't last
I'm losing you and its effortless
Without a sound we lose sight of the ground
In the throw around
Never thought that you wanted to bring it down
I won't let it go down till we torch it ourselves and