We will go on record first by stating that we can fix the economy conclusively; however, it will require at least 344 trillion dollars to restore the years of bad loans, the creation of wealth using debt, and to apply the masking tape needed until the next correction arrives. All of this debt is causing the bankers to become confused on what is a good or genuine asset and what is a worthless bank note. We have gone on record many times as the first to signal tremendous problems and a government which is sticking its head in a guillotine either out of stupidity or some lack of care. We also know the motives behind the kidnapping now and the result, failure.
"We're going to be having conversations as this process moves forward directly with these folks on Wall Street to underscore that they have to start acting in a more responsible fashion if we are to, together, get this economy rolling again," Obama said. "There will be time for them to make profits, and there will be time for them to get bonuses," Obama said. "Now is not that time." …Obama's strong words overshadowed the other part of his message that he wants to roll out, in the coming weeks, new plans to regulate Wall Street and get more credit flowing to consumers again. The president considers such steps to work in tandem with the economic stimulus measures unfolding in Congress. One idea under consideration by the Obama administration is the creation of a "bad bank" that could take over the soured debt, like defaulting mortgages, that have corroded the balance sheets of banks and helped choke off lending. The president did not talk about that proposal or any others. - Obama calls $18B in Wall St. bonuses 'shameful', by Associated Press Writer Ben Feller, www.yahoo.com; January 29, 2009 -
But again, even if 344 trillion was spent to buy ten more years; this does not guarantee the economy will return efficient, competitive, and free of this lingering doubt. If that amount is not available, then it cannot be fixed; so do not act too little and waste the effort on too late lost causes. This is like buying a home and not having the necessary funds which pollutes the economy with toxic assets. Define how many years the public wishes to buy and the amount; then write it off as debt. We have an artificial economy so we need to decide once and for all how many years we wish to buy or whether or not we want to buy anymore using the fiscal debt of the country. This is all we are doing, buying time and buying four, eight, or twelve more years with this stimulus package and bail out package. Eventually, the losses and the negative equity must be written off or reconciled on someone's books unless the government owns it.
"Well, there is no way it can work. It never works and it is not going to work. We will be out of the recession by the end of the year if the government does nothing. I think this is going to delay it and it is a little hard to prove that but big government does not work in Cuba, it has not worked any place, it is not going to work." - Ann Coulter, The Early Show (CBS); January 29, 2009 -
The problem with the financial disaster of 2008 and the slow and politicized effort to restore government is a direct result of leadership and political criminals. There is no mistake about it, political and financial lies destroy lives and leads to entire life savings disappearing. Had the United States been called Enron and not a public institution; there would be warrants for arrest immediately. However, we are left with decades of having to sort out this problem if ever.
At the Bretton Woods Conference in July 1944, international leaders sought to insure a stable post-war international economic environment by creating a fixed exchange rate system. The United States played a leading role in the new arrangement, with the value of other currencies fixed in relation to the dollar and the value of the dollar fixed in terms of gold—$35 an ounce. Following the Bretton Woods agreement, the United States authorities took actions to hold down the growth of foreign central bank dollar reserves to reduce the pressure for conversion of official dollar holdings into gold. During the mid- to late-1960s, the United States experienced a period of rising inflation. Because currencies could not fluctuate to reflect the shift in relative macroeconomic conditions between the United States and other nations, the system of fixed exchange rates came under pressure. In 1973, the United States officially ended its adherence to the gold standard. Many other industrialized nations also switched from a system of fixed exchange rates to a system of floating rates. Since 1973, exchange rates for most industrialized countries have floated, or fluctuated, according to the supply of and demand for different currencies in international markets. An increase in the value of a currency is known as appreciation, and a decrease as depreciation. – “Currency Devaluation and Revaluation”: History of the Federal Reserve, by Treasury Department, United States Government, August 1999 -
If you analyze the economy of Japan, you will see the largest and fastest growth of any other. Similarly, the six other dragon economies in that region sustained double digit growth for almost a full decade. This is unheard of industrial and modernization growth. (Example: a Datsun B200 could be bought for $4000 US and last 200K miles; a Honda motorcycle could be bought for $3000 US and lasts a decade or more). However, they collapsed but not fully such the case with Thailand or Indonesia. Japan in the 1990s had a monetary problem; again, this is a banking irregularity. The yen was being traded by money markets at an incredible profit margin and now things stood still.
1. A government we can believe in and we all can agree to. If local governments and banks have looted their treasuries and squandered the community bank rolls; then expect violence and riots to erupt soon. The violence is they do not like or want the experience of being taken on a ride through hell by the local government. Meanwhile, the federal government is focusing on security and expecting some quelling period where government is restored properly. The longer these honest debates are ignored and passed over and the more lies and false statements we hear; the same conditions await an entire new cadre and staff of leaders. The only way to break this chain and chain reaction is to use random selection and start over with sane people. The words are mismatched with the events and this causes distrust and a state of war while crisis brews. - On 50 Changes Needed So We Can Believe In Government, by Author; January 9, 2009 –
So the Japanese government implemented eight stimulus economic plans which received widespread criticism worldwide and could not bring back the trade advantage they had previously. Even producing some of the most stylish and most cherished products during this time period did not work. So they had to reorganize their banking system and also their business strategy; which was now in a position to focus on high technology electronics. So the high tech boom is the impetus and stimulus which brought back the Asian economies. These stimulus packages had no impact and no favorable return on the plateau the Japanese economy reached. Global trade responded to a different stimulus.
The end and final result will be the return to the antebellum period in the 1860s. This mismatch between the government and the economy, a financial war and political divide, is causing secession. When debt is never ending and debt is paying for two additional years, or five additional years, or even thirty additional years; it is clear the trust in government has broken down. Kidnapping as a government tradition or policy, is and has been a failure. It should never be debated again but those behind it need to be caught or killed as it was the precursor of the terror plots and the effort to steal the secrets of this world.
The film opens in 2029 Los Angeles which has been devastated with nuclear war and where machines control the world and are bent on the extermination of human race. To this end, the machines send back someone from the future to May 12, 1984 (a cop mentions that the day was Thursday; May 12, 1983 fell on a Thursday). This mysterious muscular man (Arnold Schwarzenegger) obtains weapons and begins hunting down anyone listed as "Sarah Connor" in the phone book, successfully killing two of the three listed. When he attempts to kill the last Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), he is stopped by another time traveler, Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn), sent back to protect her. - Plot Synopsis: The Terminator, www.wikipedia.com -
In the following years, a debate has surfaced about whether or not to restore the trust in government and end this pathological lying, false vexation, slander and smears, character assassination, false error and dereliction of duties, and kidnappings or terror plots using cynicism and hypocrisy. We now live with an invisible despot and tyrant who does all of the above and violence to our life and future; it is a political problem which the General Accounting Office identified as a lack of political will.
This problem with the welfare system and debt is enormous. When these periods of decline exist; the wealthiest and most beneficial are those who caused it. The progressive taxes and progressive cost of living never adjusts to the decline or constricting economy; those who do pay dearly are those on the fringe of the economy where it expands and becomes wealthy. Here is the problem, to keep individual income or life savings, a new currency must be created. If the failure of the government continues, the only recourse is to seceded financially and creates some lasting currency unless people want to loose their life savings with no accountability.
While hiding in a parking garage, Reese explains to Sarah that the man after her is actually a Terminator, an android assassin. These Terminators were invented by Skynet, a form of artificial intelligence created by Cyberdyne Systems. In the near future Skynet gains self-awareness, takes over all military hardware, and initiates a nuclear war against humanity. Skynet does order that a scant number of humans be kept alive in order to be used as slave labor to do the jobs that Skynet and the machines cannot. John Connor, Sarah's son, rallies the few remaining humans and leads a human resistance (called "Tech-Com" once by Kyle Reese in the movie) against the machines. - Plot Synopsis: The Terminator, www.wikipedia.com -
The excuses of public good, government purchasing junk bonds, the excuses of financial fraud, the excuses of winning elections, the excuses of trillions in spending, and the Troubled Assets Relief Program or TARP; fuels and funnels this politicization and problem with the liberals and left wing even if they claim to be the right wing or conservatives. You cannot fix the economy when the problem is low quality. Markets all around the world are obsessed with high quality and they exploit low quality; so if the problem is the politics of low quality, then the government is not able to fix low quality because it is not market reality. You either choose high quality or low quality politics. If you choose to restore trust in government then there is at least a chance.
In a last-ditch effort, Skynet sent a Terminator back in time to kill Sarah before John is born, preventing the resistance from ever being founded, allowing the machines to win by default. Realizing this, John sends Reese back in time to protect her. The Terminator feels no pain, has no emotions and will stop at nothing to accomplish its mission. Time travel can only send living tissue or an object covered with living tissue back, preventing Reese from bringing any advanced weaponry, and 20th century small arms are not enough to destroy the Terminator's hard metal endoskeleton. - Plot Synopsis: The Terminator, www.wikipedia.com -
We will say it again; we can fix this problem with the economy. The cost to fix the economy is the problem; it always has been because it is debt. Debt does not fix economies nor does devaluation strategies. To requite the chapter where the economic disaster is discussed in detail “Oops Mission Accomplished” the problem with the government and problem with the economy is explainable and understanding.
It is their goal to how unreliable this wealth creation process is or exploits it to meet the needs of the global left wing and liberal attacks in this world. If they do not, the result will be disastrous for them and their existence in a world undergoing massive transitions. Similarly, we are prepared to help the Obama administration fix this problem and fix the economic woes. Speculations from financial accountants feel it was to stop the widening gap between the failed mortgages and the increasing losses of two final price plateaus. However, our methodical calculations indicate it will cost 343.44 trillion dollars to fix this economic problem. If they choose a policy with a brake system, then naturally monetary and banking policy will be less emphasized. How many years more will that amount buy and get because that is all the debt is for. - Diary Entry, by Author January 29, 2009 -
The Federal Reserve neutralizing the interest rates is a clear signal of severe problems. They have a climate to avalanche inflation with a wide open market in decline. This will breed the deadly and dreaded stagflation when the economy shrinks, unemployment increases, and prices are out of control. However, the restrictions can control process. So beyond prices, the Federal Reserve has really no voice in how the economy corrects itself. The government monetary and fiscal polices do. Do not assume anymore than price controls; it took decades to just understand this.
If trust in governments is not restored the risk is fatal. The truth and trust does not cost a red cent and to quote various chapters written years ago “this problem does not cost anything to fix.” The problem with government does not cost a red cent to fix. The problem with the economy does not cost a red cent to produce. Now, the severe paralyzes has wiped out the credit markets because the assets or the junk assets are not conceivable. We will never know how junk they are because debt is fueling them and propping up their values.
This problem also prevents Skynet from sending back any T-800 endoskeletons, as only a flesh-coated T-800 can be sent through time. With its disguise of real living tissue over metal, it is indistinguishable from normal humans, so no one will believe Reese's story. After Kyle finishes his story, he and Sarah are attacked by the Terminator again, resulting in a chase that leads to the police stopping and capturing Reese. At the West Highland Police Station, Sarah is told by Lieutenant Ed Traxler (Paul Winfield) and Detective Hal Vukovich (Lance Henriksen) that Reese, who is being questioned by psychologist Dr. Silberman (Earl Boen), is crazy. - Plot Synopsis: The Terminator, www.wikipedia.com -
If this trust is not restored and an honest debate not provided, severe financial problems will be visible and occur. Just look around and open the eyes. This repetition of severe financial disasters, another Depression like famine, will cause an 1865 like antebellum attitude; secession. In order to have a life savings or a life free of debt problems, a new lively currency must be created to escape the bad government and this same communist and terrorist plot we had identified. They wiped us out also. They literally made us worth nothing and rewrote our entire biography and the only response we got was “do you want the conservative movement to be successful?” We are dealing with the most fake and evil human beings living on this earth we have ever heard a polluted mouth and mind create, evil.
This idea they were fighting evil was always offset with deeds so evil; you could not tell whose side they were on or who they were taking orders from if anybody. Mostly, it was an indignation of “what they did to me and my family” or how they must act immediately, this same “knee jerk reaction” before something happens; good or bad. So not only did they acquire power, they were holding on desperately trying to appease the forces of good and bad not knowing if the bad side of them would be exposed or removed because they were the most evil human beings we had ever seen. Furthermore, if not the widespread kidnapping and oppression or errors; then it was the showmanship and the day to day begging to give them a break. This is why the founding fathers invented free speech and the First Amendment; so terror plots do not exploit it to quiet others while they exclaim and whimper about how they are in exile or on the run. - Diary Entry, by Author January 29, 2009 -
When a new currency secedes because of junk bank notes; credit being wiped out; and vast banking irregularities; there will be civil war. When food stamps are worthless and non honorable or worthless, there will be a food riot. You have to put the commodity in the hands of people because the prices and cost of living is out of control and insoluble. Good luck borrowing money to control prices or inflation. Good luck borrowing money to provide seed money for a broken and irreparable banking industry wracked with debt and junk bonds.
The only way to fix this is to prevent the secession and the usurping issue of slavery. This is a return to 1860s antebellum period as we indicated in various chapters before and was preventable. Many people and many eyes read the chapters and reports generated, even the President of all nations in this world. The only way to restore trust and confidence is to take on the market system; accountability. Life choices have and can have detrimental impact on the wallet books.
How does the government expect people to buy food, pay their workers, buy clothes, take vacations, buy new products, and educate their kids? How do they expect us to do the same after we were and are now kidnapped by the same people behind this; the communist and terror plotters who watch us round the clock and administer every aspect of our life to show us they wish to help and care; care enough to not release us as indicated. Now they want ransom for the attacks to stop or ransom if our life is to be restored after they rewrote it.
RIYADH (ResourceInvestor.com) -- Though no mention was made of it in its final communiqué, OPEC member finance ministers will be considering the possibility of moving the organization’s crude oil trade, which accounts for around 40% of global supply, off the U.S. dollar peg following a proposal put forth by the Iranian, Venezuelan and Ecuadorian delegates at the OPEC 3 Summit in Riyadh to base it on a stronger currency. The financial merits of such a move are clear with the dollar continuing its descent: the declining dollar makes oil prices rise faster than they would if this were not the case. Moreover, OPEC’s dollar-based revenues and accumulated surplus income is declining along with the value of the U.S. currency. - OPEC Considers Move Off U.S. Dollar Peg, Will Russia Be First? By Andrew K. Burger, www.resourceinvestor.com; November 19, 2007 -
When people have a commodity and a sense of purpose; they will peg that commodity to some worthy money system. It is impossible to remove free trade completely; however, wiping out the banking system with a tsunami of debt or bad assets is a good way to cause a lot of trouble. So the longer they wait, the sooner the arrival of this will occur. The most debt they pile on, the worse the situation and the less the purchasing power for everyone; price control again.
The economy is not going to trail government. It is the government who trails the private sector and when government causes the private sector to break down or stop; that government is in a world of trouble. When people get made enough at their governments; there will be blood in the streets and food riots. It is not unique to a region or any one particular nation; it is just how human beings are when oppressed and attacked by criminals. Ask yourself, how do businesses pay their workers, how do they remain competitive, how do they modernize their equipment, how do they keep the efficient flow and cost cutting effort to make them more competitive?
Bad government and overburden governments, a prison system overflowing, medical expenses as far as a life can make it all make people scream and shout for nothing? So as this failure worsens and a new light forms, a new government, the old currency and the failure of the old currency, will secede from what works and what is strong and viable. We were put in the exact same position by the exact same terrorists and criminals but we have yet been able to secede or resolve the matter legality. Our Constitutional rights were violated each and every minute of the ordeal and for eleven whole eye popping years.
Again, the liberals and left wing are teaching others how life can be rewarding and even fulfilling while falsely arrested and in one of their prison systems. They need to be arrested and put in prison to make them human beings and not the most enemies we have ever had to deal with. In war, injuries and problems are only a few seconds, a few days, a few months, or a few years. This enemy operates a little differently by affecting life much worse. Remember, there is more car assembly plants abroad then there are prisons in the United States. This considering how complaints and blame is being met by one prison holds only a few hundred people who have not been tried or determined. So this is much more of the insanity and reckless irresponsibility of the Bush era as their collective failure made them no hero. Do you want to blame the blacks or the whites or maybe the religious fervor in prison? Do you want to blame the people who caused it or those who are doing it? . - Diary Entry, by Author January 30, 2009 -
Clearly, it is an act of war by what we are trying to report; a communist and terrorist cell who is in position and penetrated on a level we have never seen or have experience about. Usually, people run away from communists and terrorists; they are now going into public and telling the public to relax, they are safe, and they are in control. The same terrorists claim they did this for conservatives, the nation, and they had to put away a few principles to cope with disaster and crisis. These are pure hardcore bred criminals, terrorists, and espionage agents who take tremendous risks; there is a reason why we even are panicked and alarmed after eleven years being kidnapped and two false arrests and years of torture in prison by the same thugs.
Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal noted at the OPEC 3 Summit that non-OPEC oil exporters would have to participate in the establishment of any oil trade currency basket as they account for the majority of world crude oil supply. …Kuwait in May moved its national currency off a US dollar peg to a currency basket, and it is looking increasingly likely that its fellow Gulf State and OPEC member the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will do the same. The dollar’s ongoing fall effectively imports inflation to nations whose currency is pegged to the US dollar. The dollar’s sustained decline has triggered a monetary policy review, UAE central bank governor Sultan Bin Nasser Al-Suweidi told a Bloomberg News reporter in South Korea on Friday. He added that any such plan is “not to drop the dollar peg but maybe to reduce it to a basket which will consist of more dollars, but not totally 100 percent.” The possibility of OPEC doing so should require some time for further study in order to formulate a currency basket, as well as come up with a workable plan to launch a new system without disrupting oil trade, however. - OPEC Considers Move Off U.S. Dollar Peg, Will Russia Be First? By Andrew K. Burger, www.resourceinvestor.com; November 19, 2007 -
That is where this Trusted Asset Relief Program (TARP) program is headed and where the new fiscal spending is aiming for; failure and widespread lies. It is the same people doing the same things over the course of changing conditions. They are applying the same politics; the same spend, spend, and spend recklessness; the same lies; the same hoax and fraudulent claims which plague the left wing and liberals.
Even some of the same characters on the conservative and right wing are so weak to say the exact same thing. It feels like a cross fire of machine gun or an ambush by two enemies on one side. That is why they created the first amendment and to make sure that false claims about being oppressed or prisoners is not abused or rot into terror and communist plots about being a chain gang and oppressed while their voices are gagged and overthrowing the market system and government is some liberation of the weak and moral heartbeat of their world.
Dear Congress; I would like you to consider the Fairness Doctrine and encourage the conservative gang of radio hosts to not hide or honor terror plots. These are some of the most dangerous human beings we have yet to encounter, domestic or otherwise. Their goal is to gag others and trash free speech much like the Constitution. We have captured and caught a few and while they hide behind each other, we know part of the terror plots are being broadcasted via conservative radio. They are the most dangerous of all. The open orgy and the professing love to our spouses while on the air are just an example of the wild insanity and the defiant recklessness of air way thieves. While they hide behind the work of others, none of them can prove any sense of intellectual bearing or academic proof. It is not a positive influence. This constant struggle with radio DJ’s who think they can have sex with anybody’s wife or spouse is a disgrace but shows you where the terror plots were coming from also and why they penetrated this network. Consider shutting down the industry if the industry does not collectively punish and ban the few behind this. They cannot use the industry to rally behind if it is linked to terror plots. They are all nuts and crazed, none of them want to step down or consider how stupid they look. - Diary Entry, by Author; January 25, 2009 -
We hope the President can understand the difficulty of the situation and his traditional political philosophy and ideology. You must adjust to problems and the best way to solve them is to understand what caused them or the derivative. To utilize the tradition aimless spending policy to social ills will always create the same result; the need for more spending to address the same problems.
Another factor the President needs to understand is regionalism. Racism is regional and the problems of the United States are unique to North America. The incomes of blacks in America are vastly unequal to those in Africa; thus, some form of inequality will always be. Also, some of the busiest executives and heads of multinational companies are not black and white. They range from all over the world and their economies represent their way of doing business.
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama issued a withering critique Thursday of Wall Street corporate behavior, calling it "the height of irresponsibility" for employees to be paid more than $18 billion in bonuses last year while their crumbling financial sector received a bailout from taxpayers. "It is shameful," Obama said from the Oval Office. "And part of what we're going to need is for the folks on Wall Street who are asking for help to show some restraint, and show some discipline, and show some sense of responsibility." …Yet Obama's stand also came just one day after he surrounded himself with well-paid chief executives at the White House. He had pulled in those business leaders and hailed them for being on the "front lines in seeing the enormous problems in our economy right now." The president said the public dislikes the idea of helping the financial sector dig out of a hole, only to see it get bigger because of lavish spending. The comptroller's report found that Wall Street bonuses were down 44 percent, but still at about the same level as they were during the boom time of 2004. - Obama calls $18B in Wall St. bonuses 'shameful', by Associated Press Writer Ben Feller, www.yahoo.com; January 29, 2009 -
Recently, the 44th President implemented and Executive Order the Bush signed into law restricting aid provided by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) to fund abortions with foreign assistance. This again was the singular vision of the Bush Administration and the constant nightmare of the verbose and unexplainable problems encountered the last eight to ten years under Republican rule but left wing problems and fierce battles. It felt like there was no President at all. So the Executive Order by Obama to nullify the Bush Executive Order over foreign aid and abortion was regional only. You can see the height of irresponsibility by how bias and self interest was implemented to be global foreign policy.
JEDDAH/ABU DHABI (Reuters) - Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said on Monday near-record Gulf Arab inflation would fall "significantly" were the oil producers to drop their dollar pegs, in contradiction to Saudi policy. The pegs restrict the Gulf's ability to fight inflation by forcing them to shadow U.S. monetary policy at a time when the Fed is cutting rates to ward off recession and Gulf economies are surging on a near five-fold jump in oil prices since 2002. Rifts are growing across the world's top oil-exporting region on how to tackle inflation which hit a 27-year peak of 7 percent in Saudi Arabia in January and a 19-year peak of 9.3 percent in the United Arab Emirates in 2006, the most recent figure. "In the short term free floating ... will not fully dissipate inflationary pressure, although it would significantly do so," Greenspan told an investment conference in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia's second-largest city. - Dropping Gulf dollar peg would ease inflation: Greenspan, by Souhail Karam and Stanley Carvalho, Reuters Newswire; February 25, 2008 -
The Catholics do not realize that a good strategy to Jihad is to have 5, 10, or even 15 babies and to refuse to deal with current financial problems because in about forty or sixty years from now the future will have to kill them and war will be rampant all over earth. If the Soviets had finally penetrated the Middle East and had an open door as America “faced-off” and put them in a stalemate; then the root cause was Israel and the CIA. All we have to do is trace the population increases and this phenomenon called political development where population increases leads to social programs or warfare; militarism is a signal the oil reserves of this world is being threatened. It is not good military strategy to let a mortal enemy acquire such influence and such access to cut off the global reserves of oil and affect the economies so religiously.
Ann, Barack is reaching out to Muslims? The Clintons are Israeli spies or closely linked to a similar group; their emissaries just got spooked by me and had to throw their cards down for me to see. I “made them a deal they could not refuse.” Barack is not reaching out to Muslims only to Bush and his Hussein crowd. The Baath Party is socialist and has been since the 1950s. The Baath Party was used to go after the overthrow of the Shah. Thus, the US foreign policy and the spies there were covering up; they are moles. Bush worked for Israel, Barack only has a major staffer who is. Now they are reversing it by reaching out to Muslims? His goal is to clean up and cover up what they did. Obama is the messiah, after he fixes the economy, he will make blacks the richest bunch in the world. Leon Peonatta was the most genius stroke so far. So afar the power has not left the left wing and has not been directed or channeled to a specific outcome; only a lot of talk and hot air. - Diary Entry, by Author; January 25, 2009 -
This is why Jihad is so dangerous internally to these churches and religions. When the US foreign policy after the 1940s was so skewed towards creating a maximum Jewish state; it literally knocked out the issue of abortion in Arab countries who were now anti-Israeli and American foreign policy but forced to side with the Soviets and communism if they wanted defection and military support. When you are in a war of words, it is difficult to decide who is going to prevent a military from stealing your oil or raiding your treasury of trillions of dollars. A vote for abortion is a vote for war unless a lot of questions are answered thoroughly.
1/30/2009 10:58:02 AM Dear Barrack Obama, you have not vetoed the new stimulus package and the Republicans have not loaded it with so much pork and social programs yet so I am holding out to some end point. So far the expected is blatant but it is not enough for me to advise you or panic. You have not vetoed it and the Republicans have not sabotaged it. I am disgusted, how can you ask me to be more disgusted? If I get more annoyed and of higher anxiety, I will get a stroke or some medical emergency; so shush and eat pie all you doofus’; the conservatives are the most ridiculous bunch at this time. The only people who are capable enough of destroying the Republicans or the conservatives are themselves. – On Stimulus Package of January 2009, by Author; January 30, 2009 -
As a caller from New Jersey on the Rush Limbaugh show said, “A dollar spent by someone who did not earn it comes from someone who did.” This means that if someone was vocalizing this embarrassment they were by stealing the voice of conservatism or right wing policies; they can help the left wing tremendously. Debt and banks are the same way; they have a tendency to exploit and use usury. They live and feed off the talents, looks, and intelligence of others; then blame them for the problems they are experiencing. The only people who are capable enough to destroy the Reapublican Party are the same people who do not understand their own problems.
Ann is the most wonderful and loving spouse. However, people need to have hands on cockpit feel about what is going on in her life and how she is facing overwhelming pressure and evil I spent twenty years with her and love her more than she knows. She has proven herself in the oddest way but I know she loves me more than anything in this world. Our love is not the problem; it is the outside world interacting on us. So far, that outside world has destroyed both of us and made us hate our life, feel useless and worthless, and gave us an identity of who we are not and who they are; the most evil human beings on earth, our terror and communist plot. I would like to think we destroy this source before it destroyed us. – What it is Like to Be With Ann, by Author; February 1, 2009 -
Rush Limbaugh had been actively denouncing the success of Barrack Obama by focusing his attention on the failure of the nation. This is like the liberals and the left telling the leaders to help them or else the nation with suffer. We also see their idea that their success is a painful outcome to live the rest of our life with as they grow and grow and become more hostile. It is the policy and the goal of each and every President to do the right thing, to uphold the Constitution, and to make the country successful; if this means their own removal and the removal of their political base, then it is their duty and oath of office. It is not the proper attitude of defenders of freedom or soldiers who are in a fierce battle or fierce fight with the invisible. So this hoopla about making the country fail so that the right policies are never implemented is a traitor talking to another civil war traitor.
Consider all the secrets you have and the years trying to date every conservative man alive; the drinking and partying; and the recent pouring of love for me; is there anybody alive you can have and keep a meaningful relationship with besides a few floggers on Free Republic? Maybe you should take a course and read a book on how to be a girlfriend or a wife? Maybe you should consider when enough is too much. It’s like a drinking game; drink too much and you puke; win the game and you make everybody puke. If you win the game, then you are the only one sober and alive. So they ruined your life and love life; must you act like them now? How the hell do you play your cards when you are holding theirs? You may want to look at your cards for once. For a soccer mom you have one busted up life. I thought my life was busted? Ask who is defending you? Exactly. The terror plots were for ransom and money from the federal treasury. Stealing, rewriting, blocking, and attacking our life, yes both you and I, was to gain a payment or surrender. Now it is only for payment and not surrender. - Diary Entry, by Author; January 25, 2009 -
So these spies and political enemies operating on the auspices of friendly or hostile governments; do try to be sincere and humble but it is like a perfumed and petrified gnome, it collapses and they revert to who they always will be. Call it thievery or call it identity theft; we are experiencing a vast onslaught and outbreak of this where working for one of these predators is a sure formula for being mildly kidnapped, mildly raped, and mildly used. What makes them feel they protect the Constitution or embellish it when they cannot even tell the truth about who they are? Kidnapping and stalking high value targets you either admire or despise is like spending their money surreptitiously because it is so intrusive and such a violation of privacy; but we are not dealing with human beings and had not been. We are dealing with a very clever criminal element.
I would think we fire them until they give us the war they waged on us. I would think they know what pain and subfreezing is by now. They broke and busted our life only because that is their identity; us and them. It is not what they did but why and for whom. It is their game to fulfill the needs of others and it makes you hate your own life and someone you love more than anything in this world, even your own life. It feels like a pie and they just help themselves to any piece of it and you have to ask if you get the last piece? They trashed us, the country, and the Constitution and now we have self hate when it is them who we hate with a passion. They better open their eyes and who is selling a car with no wheels. Their fat and pudgy way of arguing or seeing things stinks, not a blessing to anyone. I love Ann more than the world and she loved me; will we survive this? She needs to know how much I love her and how much I tried to fix everything. – What it is Like to Be With Ann, by Author; February 1, 2009 -
Nobody was or was not claiming these people were helping the left or the right, they were. Similarly, nobody was claiming they were or were not for democracy, they were. All he and they were doing was channeling the anger and resentment and dumping this anger, resentful disgruntled directness and blind religious wanton rage by targeting military personnel or fostering future leaders of the free world. What they claimed was never trying to decide outcomes and we know this to be absolutely untrue and a blatant lie. Even if they were trying to decide outcomes, they were claiming they were not a communist and terrorist cell as we had already known. Now their contacts and emissaries are claiming they did no such thing and if they did will pay reparations. These people just throw out the idea that trashing the Constitution, treason, and espionage does not apply to them.
Dear Ann; maybe people misunderstand me or maybe you misunderstand me; so let me clarify. If you are a swinger and are promoting a swinger life, then I want nothing to do with this perfect storm. I feel you are irresponsible with how you present yourself and do not feel some reckoning will ever come. Maybe you did have murder plots, maybe they did try to ambush you or blackmail you, maybe they did try to rape you, and maybe they did do everything in their powers to by wasting so much effort and stalking; it is less costly and less trouble to kill someone. I had this happen and came close to that same end. You have to produce or create as much diversion and repellant as you can muster from every ounce of your 100lb body. If you want to go to pool parties, the super bowl, concerts, or have romances and boyfriends; it’s fine. What I am resistant and angry with am you kicking a storm up, maybe a perfect storm, and then having it pull and drag me in. Then as usual, I am on the sidelines as you are whisked from one VIP party to the next and pictures are taken which does real damage to your life. So what goes on in Ann’s life stays in Ann’s life. – Diary Entry, by Author; January 31, 2009 -
The key to this terror and communist plot is not the sewage, disgust, anger, or blind outrage; this is a psychological war they are engaged in and launched on us. They will be as close as possible and they will seek to ascertain as most access as needed. However, the key is the direction, the angle of attack, the way the gun is pointed, and where the disgust and blind rage is directed towards. As we have reported, when they claim to be conservative they are using this door to exploit a defection much like Cold War policy. It works better when suitable human beings are chosen. It works only when it is not detectable and not a sting; they walked into a six to ten level trap; each time it grew a layer was formed.
When a government devalues its currency, it is often because the interaction of market forces and policy decisions has made the currency's fixed exchange rate untenable. In order to sustain a fixed exchange rate, a country must have sufficient foreign exchange reserves, often dollars, and be willing to spend them, to purchase all offers of its currency at the established exchange rate. When a country is unable or unwilling to do so, then it must devalue its currency to a level that it is able and willing to support with its foreign exchange reserves. A key effect of devaluation is that it makes the domestic currency cheaper relative to other currencies. There are two implications of devaluation. First, devaluation makes the country's exports relatively less expensive for foreigners. Second, the devaluation makes foreign products relatively more expensive for domestic consumers, thus discouraging imports. This may help to increase the country's exports and decrease imports, and may therefore help to reduce the current account deficit. - “Currency Devaluation and Revaluation”: Under What Circumstances Might a Country Devalue? By Treasury Department, United States Government, August 1999 -
So this war on terror is very similar to the war on drugs. First, to build up a private army and buy or overthrow weak ones using assassination, murder, or political coup detest. Second the war on terror is to expand the needed argument with prison, everybody is a criminal and therefore oppression and fascism is a necessity. These are very controlling and the most evil human beings we have ever witnessed or encountered. They are at the pinnacle of power and wealth but this lifestyle is all debt and fiscal false monetary policy. now, after eleven years and catching up with these kidnappers, terrorist cell, public relations experts, damage control specialists, and how they make contact; we find out they only claim the effort is to win the public relations effort and they do not trust us and must watch us obsessively. This church and the alliance system, based on World War II standards, has been ongoing and formed over an entire century. Was this the same Middle East policy and the moles we detected previously? If so, they are in a very angry and dangerous game.
When I graduated from college in 1998; I had a job with the Department of Defense for $30,000 teaching computer security and analyzing global systems. The pay was peanuts but the abuse was so strict and so demeaning. Getting exploited was a good way to describe it. Once fired for tedious matters, it was not but a few months until the first bankruptcy occurred. The pressure was so debilitating. Not knowing what the hell was going on; a single accident and a nightmare was odd. Then the attacks came after we were followed all over Washington DC and the suburbs. By the middle to end of 1998 the attacks were so severe; there would be fist fights on the side of the road, surveillance while on vacation to North Carolina during the winter, and sometimes vicious attacks a dozen times a day. If the opportunity to murder someone was available, then these people would do it to alleviate the amount of labor and the obsession they put into this. - Diary Entry, by Author January 29, 2009 -
The reason why this terror and communist cell wanted to take a big move and make such a giant leap of faith in 1997 is because they were on the verge of the global stage. If the new mission of communism was out there, then the global stage was 1997. Like China, they were advancing in high technology and targeted personnel for this, Asians. But on the other end, Russia was seeking a new identity and redefining the left wing. They wanted to share the stage with each other and did. They knew we were working on economic sustainability and this threatened them directly or had a severe life source which they knew they would and could exploit to advance either socialism or otherwise. The goal is to direct this emotional rage or disgruntled outrage at someone or something. So they had to give you a chaser or some human figure to symbolize the goal.
The film begins showing a young orphan Simon Templar living at the St. Ignatius Orphanage in the Far East, with other orphans. The orphanage is run by a strict priest who doesn't care for the orphans. After the priest punishes the orphans because Templar wouldn't say his given saint name, Templar and the boys rescue the girls who were locked away. Templar plans to run away from the orphanage. Before he can escape, Templar tries to kiss his first love, but she dies after the priest's dogs push her over a railing and she falls. Fast forward to present day, where an adult Simon Templar (Val Kilmer) is a professional thief nicknamed "The Saint". To throw off law enforcement, he assumes the names of various saints. Templar's usual modus operandi is mentioning that he was named after a saint. …Templar is in Moscow, Russia, where he plans to steal a microchip during a political rally from Ivan Petrovich Tretiak… Templar, in the guise of Thomas More, has become attracted to Dr. Russell, but he reluctantly steals her formula in order to stop Tretiak from killing her, a threat that arose when Simon said he wouldn't do it. So he ultimately ends up turning it over to Tretiak. However, the formula is incomplete, and Tretiak becomes intent on capturing both Templar and Russell in order to force her to complete it. - Plot Synopsis: The Saint, www.wikipedia.com -
This was the left wing and the liberals. However, the story of them being celebrities in the 1940s or before came from a century of deceit and warfare with each other. In World War II itself, there were 55 million deaths. Therefore, there is blind rage and downright bad blood and feelings. The lack of rational thought and the absolute inconsideration to the Constitution was so blatant, the tables were reversed. They became the enemy and the devil in order to they were holier than thou or a force of change.
2. In these volatile and critical moments, protecting those who do the right thing is vital. The impact of those who do not do the right thing is always a problem. Incentives and rewards must be catered to making right choices; such as long term industries and tax cuts; reward those who will be around and encourage their talents. A strong national security has not been present for some time; in cases where those safe guards are breached we must rely on forces to remove the involuntary process of enemies and enemy combatant forces who tend to deprive life and happiness. There will never be an honest debate so do not expect justice to magically happen. There is a lingering threat and information to suggest the country is being attacked again; they might resort to violence or this deprivation; again to show their strength and intimidate others to run or surrender. When government does not or cannot provide this basic comfort or becomes a new bank for giving bad people a better life with bad political policy, a lot of distrust and problems brew. You cannot ignore it and throw a price tag on it when trust is not bought and traded like a commodity; that is the fundamental problem with government at this time. The market responds best to individualism because the deprivation of enemies is so perverse and pervasive. Collectivism therefore denies this protection to those who will weather the brunt of bad monetary or socio-economic plotikets. - On 50 Changes Needed So We Can Believe In Government, by Author; January 9, 2009 -
They wanted to win and kidnapped or exploited the lives of others in order to fill them with psychological problems, a disorder, emotional pollution, and a voice which was soothing as they made contact. The primary contact was the Catholic Church and those labeled conservative. It is obvious why they put all their eggs on the golden goose. It is obvious the level of damage and the danger they have put themselves in and at this level, it will be and is fatal. There is no recovery from the most evil and diabolical plot or effort ever witnessed. The reason why they do not trust and must watch everybody is because they are raw sewage and the low quality is a problem; safety is not kidnapping others and applying oppression and deprivation like murder.
The film tells the autobiographical story about two boys, Norman (Craig Sheffer) and Paul (Brad Pitt) growing up in 1920s Missoula, Montana, under the watchful eye of their father, a Presbyterian minister. Their mornings are spent in school and religious study, while their afternoons are devoted to fly fishing in the nearby Blackfoot River. At home, however, the family's stoic emotions hint at trouble to come - Norman matures and channels his rebellion through his writing while dating Jessie Burns, while his reckless brother Paul turns to gambling and liquor. As adults, Paul is a rebellious journalist, and his brother, Norman is a level-headed, grounded teacher. The film chronicles their intertwining and often conflicting lives, focusing on Norman's point of view, as they grow up in the shadow of their minister father. A great deal of the film surrounds the men's love of fly fishing for trout in Montana's rivers, and their shared experiences through it while growing up. - Plot Synopsis: A River Runs Through It, www.wikipedia.com -
We had been hit up by just about every single one who was conservative and Catholic but the message was liberalism and what we identified with one hundred per cent positive incidence; a communist and terrorist group. If you wanted to survive the attention and labor they put forth on your life, which murder would be easier and less costly, they you lived. If you were not able to help them or fix their situation, then you die broken or otherwise. That was the end result and why these individuals are more evil than any human being on this earth; the internal infliction of emotional distress and the level of malicious intent is beyond recognition. It is so in tune with World War II enemies from both the left and the right wing and the message is the same, to trash the Constitution under the mantra of conservatism primarily and the right wing. If they can fulfill this high value target, they will have the last piece and the defenses of this world.
Upon Reese explaining his mission, Silberman concludes that the story is merely a delusion, constructed in such a way that it requires no evidence, preventing anyone from refuting it. However, the Terminator arrives at the police station and asks to see Sarah, but the desk attendant denies it access. After examining the room and uttering the catch phrase "I'll be back", it leaves, then returns seconds later by plowing a car through the front of the building. …Reese manages to escape and rescue Sarah. They hide out in a motel, where Reese teaches Sarah to make pipe bombs from household supplies. Sarah calls herself "some legend", and asks Reese if he is disappointed with her, and then if he's ever been in love. After replying no to both questions, he confesses that he is in love -- with her. - Plot Synopsis: The Terminator, www.wikipedia.com -
As we have tried to repeatedly state; these are not human beings you want to bring in and get close to. We were unfortunately ensnared early on by them and now they state we make them nervous and they do not trust us. While they wish to promote us and be the leading voices; they are now taking a very strong position against communism, liberalism, and telling lies. Imagine where they were when the scandals erupted like a volcano from 2000-2008, imagine where they were when the secret arm of the government sent us a distress signal about the Bush Administration and the increase of the debt and fiscal spending during his rule and risking attack or reprimand, imagine the stimulus and bail outs in 2008 when the Bush Administration taught the liberals and left wing how to negotiate difficult fences and security procedures.
Ann still sticks to her story: 1) the attacks on my life and her life drove her to blind hate and wishing to retaliate or debate to stop them. 2) She has and is a good spouse. 3) She did it for us and most of all for me, who she set out to marry twenty years ago. 4) She is building a bridge to the future and making sure we have something to retire and restore the damage on our life; both of our lives were stolen; severe crisis and financial crisis; our biographies rewritten or changed; and two kidnappings or attempted abductions; and unwanted attention and a raucous rape of individual privacy. If all of that does not make you blind to rage, then what does because it came from a source; a communist and terror plot in 1998? She could have walked away with everything and won when she was ahead; but the failure to recognize problems is and has been very troublesome. This is the same problem in her private life also. Now she has to redefine her life and goals again; how her mistakes and failure to recognize problems has impeded or ruined those life goals. Ann made a career out of it. She made a career being skirted off to dinner, VIP dinners, and cocktail parties and this nightmare does not end. It maximizes influence and power and it gets you in doors and clubs.
Now imagine them today hounding us and blaming us we are attacking the conservatives or the right wing. They are taking the lead when they know no resistance is there. They are the voice today because they know we are struggling and it is an easy fight. To wound your rival or enemy and weaken them so they do not defeat you was and is their battle strategy. To belittle and bleed you is what they did. To deny aid and comfort is what we experience unless it comes like a waterfall from the liberals and left wing; stating we are stingy with public relief and federal spending. Before you mistrust or distrust others; ask if there is a reason why you are a linked to a communist and terrorist plot or uphold the Constitution.
They make sure to injure and wound you before the fight so they can be the strongest voice and have a more equal playing field. So today, the voice of the right wing and the conservatives is under duress and the ones who did it or got them there are screaming blame. They refuse to answer any direct and truthful questions; but they can dish out some serious hurt and mouthy lies about who they are. The General Accounting Office, the accounting watchdog, had already contacted us and took tremendous risk to relay what they observed as an anomaly and suspicious behavior by who they could not understand either. Half of the half of the nation is nationalist and domestic only focused; so they love to overlap the left and the liberal cause who are strictly to expanding social goods which can maintain the power over the entire process. This sort of nationalism is the most dangerous of any other time period.
At first, Reese thinks he has made a fool of himself, but Sarah feels the same way, and they have sex. …In the ensuing chase, Reese jams a pipe bomb into the Terminator's abdomen, blowing its legs and one hand off, but also killing himself. The Terminator, still partially functional, drags itself by its remaining hand to pursue Sarah, until she finally crushes it in a hydraulic press, destroying it. …The end of the film shows Sarah pregnant, and traveling in Mexico on November 10, 1984. - Plot Synopsis: The Terminator, www.wikipedia.com -
The last ten years is a clear indication of creating as much of a mess as needed or possible. Then to hire three or four people for the work which only one person is needed to do to mess up the situation more. So if the Bush Administration was behind it then they did nothing to lessen the irresponsible backlash which they felt was needed to trail the events. We know that no one was trailing them and trying to collect their backwash.
The problem with big government is the efficiency and low quality; you cannot make such a mess by violating the Constitution so badly without any signal of a awakened government and you cannot continue to hire four people to do the job of one. So forget about the 850 billion stimulus package of the two week Obama administration, it is merely a flanking maneuver which should run into a veto. It is a probe to determine whether or not others are on to them and what they are doing to the country and the world. We see this act as a vacuum is created with a total lack of leadership on the right wing and conservative end.
She records audio tapes which she intends to play for her son, John, at some point in his life. She reveals that John is Reese's son, conceived during their one night at the motel six months before (see Predestination paradox).[3] While Sarah's gas tank is being filled, a young Mexican boy takes a picture of her, the same picture John will give to Reese in the future. Ironically when Reese looked at this picture in the future he used to wonder what she was thinking about. Sarah pulls out of the gas station and drives into the distance where storms are approaching over the mountains. The end credits start to roll as her Jeep disappears. - Plot Synopsis: The Terminator, www.wikipedia.com -
What the communist and terrorist administration were claiming was how our protests and complaints were not being met or not being answered honestly. The complaint is we were kidnapped in college by a communist and terrorist cell who was a predator and stalking us by using surveillance and vicious attacks to implant their identity, cause blind outrage, pretend to be our protectors and admirers, pretend to be business partners or neighbors, they wanted to learn our power, they wanted to be friends, they wanted to help, and kept falsely imprisoning us to promote Civil Rights policies which was decimating them. Their political invasion and political insanity was eviscerating the country but most of all their political base of idiots and jackasses. However, they are not as weak as others claimed and we show how powerful and vicious they have become. The next level of attacks will be much more fatal.
However, Templar, normally a loner and Dr. Russell have fallen in love with each other. Templar then has to save both of them while simultaneously exposing Tretiak as a criminal. …His generals and aides begin planning their revolution to take control of Russia. As Dr. Russell works to complete the formula, Templar confronts the Russian President Karpov in his residence in the Moscow Kremlin and tells him to admit to Tretiak's accusations publicly, just before Tretiak-loyal Russian troops arrest the President. Tretiak is exposed as a fraud as the failed cold fusion reactor Tretiak presents as evidence begins working in Red Square before a large group of Russians. Tretiak and his son are arrested by the Russian troops and are later convicted. - Plot Synopsis: The Saint, www.wikipedia.com -
The events of the Bush Administration suggest they had cover and knew we were coming. It surreptitiously indicates the inclusion of the entire family and administration to reach out to their enemies. If you count the number of scandals and how many people were netted by all of this insane clown gamesmanship; it is hard to think they did nothing but derelictions of disorder. To create as much chaos as possible and to train the Obama administration in 2009 for this; that was exactly what they did with us. As sneaky as they were and how they were penetrating the highest levels; we caught them red handed changing the outcomes and it was all the government administrators from 1990 to 2008; which was our rise and fall. How they knew about us or wished to find out is also part of the problem; how do they search for a high value target and neutralize it? Abortion policy is not going to save them but it is a vote for war unless we ask them a direct question.
The most important aspect with a prelude to a devastating recession is the regressive tax, the cost of living and trusted depreciations. People who were affect a progressive tax will be re-affected even worse when the economy shrinks by 20 or 30 per cent. They will not survive the times unless the progressive tax levied on them due to cost of living expenses are not revoked or reversed. Similarly, welfare payments and social programs are worth much more during these times of contraction because the cost of living changes so tremendous. As a general rule, those who paid a progressive tax when the economy was 100 per cent will now pay two to three times as much when it contracts proportional. Why? The cost of living has adjusted and the price structure has changed in a negative way. Everything must change with the downfall. - Stimulus Tax Cuts and Spending, by Author; February 1, 2009 -
This communist and terrorist cell does not even feel guilty; so how can we take the time to mourn them or their existence? All they are or about is deranged lunatics who keep insisting we were following them and now are following us. Its over, we beat it. They are now loyal followers and passed on their powers being a lubricious laughing stock. Can these criminal elements get any holier or crazy? They can no less save their church then follow us to the might of victory. This whole matter was about their church in disarray and how we had to follow them dive down south to the pit of hell and sewage. How they save their church and follow us to victory; is as big of a joke as they made it.
Eleven years after Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) destroyed the original Terminator that was programmed to kill her, two men arrive in Los Angeles from the year 2029. The first is a Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) identical to the one that Sarah first encountered, while the second is an unknown man (Robert Patrick) who dresses as a police officer. John Connor (Edward Furlong) is now living with foster parents. - Plot Synopsis: Terminator 2 Judgment Day, www.wikipedia.com -
The whole point of their insanity is their religious inflictions or lack of might which tensioned up under market forces. Now, the free minds of this world liberated their determined search for substance without their annoying methods of following us or recording what we say and do so they can say and do it also. We know less can justify them than they are willing to also. Nobody anointed them to some grand wizardry which brought the suspicions of intelligence agencies and militaries because of their oppressive following and how they eat each other up in a maelstrom of lies to steal the life of others who deserve more. Luckily, they did not declare earth their home or mother ship. Luckily, they did not run across massive resources to make their military might reproduce with grand deception while they used it to make others love their lunatic despotism and charity.
Here is the problem and we cannot make it simpler. There is a huge dubious debt. That debt is being financed by tax dollars. It is not being used for National Defense or some immediate and pending threat such as armed aggression. Our leaders and political culture sucks if not failures that occupy office and use it as a business enterprise. We have to pretend we like this game to fulfill needs when they make you or we hate our life. We hate them and we hate the effort to implant their worthless and broken identity on us. They make living life impossible and a daily hatred for them; not self hate; it is us and them. We need them to feel pain and suffering and to experience the reality of life which they bear burdens and hardships on others. – What the Problem Is, by Author; February 1, 2009 -
It always ends up in some crazy insane shootout of euphemistic or exuberant collective religious group where they are asked to come out with their hands up. Then all the sudden the voice of God intervenes and tells them to wait and to not follow the orders of others who belittle or threatens them. So if they hear or heard God, then they know he knows everything about them and can whisper a few of their thoughts back to them until they figure out how real the situation is even if they have not been arrested or allowed to run amuck and head for the bottom while being chased by new students eager to show them a bit of human pride. We can even tell them what to say beginning with “we give up, what you want us to do before it is too late for us.”
He has grown up being told by his mother that he would someday lead the remnants of the human race to victory against the machines. Sarah's experiences have significantly changed who she is, making her tougher and more vigilant, but also more desperate to warn humanity about the threat of the war of the machines. While previously attempting to destroy the headquarters of a computer company, Sarah was arrested and remanded to the Pescadero State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. - Plot Synopsis: Terminator 2 Judgment Day, www.wikipedia.com -
If God was so caring and was watching over them; how come God did not talk to them and tell them to stop or give up before lethal and deadly force is needed? What is he deaf too or already dead? Are they suggesting they are not guilty as charged and had no care in the world about a communist and terrorist plot to overtake the life of others and to oppress them into surrender by intimations and harassment tactics from the sweat shops of hell and wet ear sewage slime? How can they be loyal followers now when they were the enemy before?
Grazer is a high tech satellite that's just been deployed and it's spying ability is working. Now the two military technicians, who know the access code, are seeing each other on the side and are off for a week-end getaway. They board a train. Later the train is hijacked, and the two of them are brought to the leader, Travis Dane, the man who designed Grazer but was fired by the government before the project was completed. He is now working for some terrorists; he takes control of Grazer and uses it's weapon system to attack some installations over the world. He then reveals himself to the people who fired him and announces his plan to hit the pentagon, which will cause the nuclear reactor that's under it to crack thus destroying Washington. Dane has managed to keep his whereabouts a secret but unfortunately for him and his cohorts, Casey Ryback, the Navy Seal turned cook is on board with his niece and is causing all sorts of problems for them. (Written by rcs0411) - Plot Synopsis: Under Siege 2, www.imdb.com -
If they were that good as they claim, how did they get caught? Are we supposed to jump up and say peace now and peace forever after they launch a terror campaign? Real money is produced by real people. Real change is made by real people. Real stupid is made by really ugly matters. We are and have been in a really ugly matter and we are and deserve to survive it; who doesn’t? How many times are they going to fabricate terror plots or strike out before realizing what we have in store for them? Does anybody know why they are striking out? They strike out to relieve the pressure on them and to stop the criticism which they know is true.
Meanwhile, the Terminator and the unknown man eventually locate John Connor. The "police officer" is revealed to be a machine trying to kill John; the Terminator protects John and reveals what is happening. He is a Cyberdyne Systems Model 101, reprogrammed by the future John Connor to act as his protector. The other Terminator is a T-1000, an advanced new prototype, programmed to kill John. It is made of "a mimetic polyalloy", essentially liquid metal, allowing it to emulate almost anyone or anything of equal size. - Plot Synopsis: Terminator 2 Judgment Day, www.wikipedia.com -
How can they be the staff or keep trying to strike out when they are stuck in this disarray of their existence or how they are incompatible to the quality we must judge them by? Their life is wantonly calibrated to oppress human beings or make them guilty of being obligated to some deranged messiah on the verge of collapse and a market driven execution. Their whine was so phony it intoxicated no one, less made them follow. Their oppression was merely based on this lasting bad taste they were truly unpatriotic or felt criticized as un-American.
Ann is the most wonderful and loving spouse. However, people need to have hands on cockpit feel about what is going on in her life and how she is facing overwhelming pressure and evil. I spent twenty years with her and love her more than she knows. She has proven herself in the oddest way yet I know she loves me more than anything in this world. Our love is not the problem; it is the outside world interacting on us. So far, that outside world has destroyed both of us and made us hate our life, feel useless and worthless, and gave us an identity of who we are not and who they are; the most evil human beings on earth, our terror and communist plot. I would like to think we destroy this source before it destroyed us. – What the Problem Is, by Author; February 1, 2009 –
Who took them to this godless stature but themselves and who was it who had the downfall to the pit of the sewage hell they crawled out of? Who said they had to be thugs if they wanted power and to become thugs if they wished to be successful? Did God himself? Then why didn’t God tell them to change a long time ago because he hoped for the best? Why did God teach them to become lunatics and oppressive conspirators in a terror plot which now has gone sour because God himself intervened and rained on their black parade? Luckily, they have not fully immigrated here and called this their home; they place they wish to die in. Luckily, they are understood and will leave and vacate if implicated and guilty.
When John learns that the T-1000 will likely kill Sarah and then mimic her, he and the Terminator go to rescue her. Initially, Sarah is terrified by the Terminator, but after seeing it fight off the T-1000, she accepts that they need its help. As they escape the city, the Terminator tells her about the future of Skynet, the sentient computer that will destroy humans. He tells her about its creator, Miles Bennett Dyson (Joe Morton), who designs a learning computer that launches nuclear missiles to destroy most of humanity, an event referred to by the survivors as "Judgment Day". - Plot Synopsis: Terminator 2 Judgment Day, www.wikipedia.com -
We hope they understand this and how we have laid down the strongest case to deter them as they tried by kidnapping us prematurely and stealing our life. When you steal someone’s life it is murder and when you are confronted about it; you must address it properly or face the punishment of that act. Laying down deterrence to your own prosecution is not really the right or proper answer but it can lead to even higher forms of punishments; it is not a test to see when and if some decoy will be arrested.
The whole point to their strategy is deception, proxy or decoy matters, and then stealing the true or hijacking the real matter. They know the counterfeit of the matter themselves and do not waste their time on their own decoys and proxies. Does anybody think they themselves are taking their eyes off the target or goals which are important? We want people and future leaders to have the blood guts to hunt and we want nothing to due with the current cronies or criminal elements who were involved with this state of disaffirming disrepair.
The heating oil shortage ends when it was revealed that Tretiak hid stolen oil to start the shortage. Days later, Templar and Russell return to England. Russell eventually presents cold fusion to the world at a London news conference. Templar (in disguise) attends presentation by Russell and the police notice him. Templar quickly flees and eventually they catch someone who they think he is, but it's just a civilian. He drives by, smiling and waves at them. Not long after, a halo is shown over his head. At the end, it is heard on a radio broadcast (voiced by Sir Roger Moore), that $3,000,000,000 were donated to the Red Cross, Salvation Army and the United Nations Children's Fund (for which Moore, who played The Saint in the 1962-1969 TV series, is a "Goodwill Ambassador"). The funds came from Ivan Tretiak's Swiss bank accounts. It is obvious, that Templar (who had access to Tretiak's accounts) donated the money anonymously. Also, a non-profit foundation is being established to develop cold fusion technology. - Plot Synopsis: The Saint, www.wikipedia.com -
Again, we do not know if they are even human beings. They reach this point where they are so powerful they are not aware of the effect and how they are angering others. They now less can perform good work but they can no less keep this quietness ongoing without angering others into action. It is a catch me if you can and also an arrest me when you want me to stop. It is some escapade and flirtation of the devil and evil only the pit of hell understands as suicidal. The more they push and pussyfoot into the dark, the worse it gets for them; the more they become suicidal. There is no brake system on these people only a system of secrets and the ability to oppress; even when caught and beyond the edge of return. We truly feel they are suicidal.
When a deadly satellite weapon system falls into the wrong hands, only Agent 007 can save the world from certain disaster. Armed with his license to kill, Bond races to Russia in search of the stolen access codes for "Goldeneye," an awesome space weapon that can fire a devastating electro magnetic pulse toward Earth. But 007 are up against an enemy who anticipates his every move: Alec Trevelyan, a.k.a. Agent 006, a mastermind motivated by years of simmering hatred. As Bond squares off against his former compatriot, he also battles Trevelyan's stunning ally, Xenia Onatopp, an assassin who used pleasure as her ultimate weapon. When the horrifying extent of Trevelyan's plan is revealed, Bond must call upon his sharp wits and killer instincts. (Written by Robert Lynch) - Plot Synopsis: Golden Eye, www.imdb.com -
We truly feel they will exhaust their options before transforming into a very hateful and deranged creature that is fighting for their life. We feel the ordeal of redemption and escape is so vigilant; they will explode in some final strike or some grand display of violence; or terror plot. From what we have observed and what we hear from them as they make contact; they are cornered and caged yet they obsessed with their fear to a point where they must fight if they wish to escape their own work. Human beings do not violate all the laws on earth or put forth a near deadly effort and become obsessed with fear; it is a severe indication of who we dealing with and what they have next in store. What they are saying is how they are victim and any movements on their posture will result in another deadly strike out. They are caged, they are cornered, they do not feel guilty and sorrow; they regret they were eventually caught red handed by military forces who understands only several valid tactics during warfare or global struggle.
If they are suicidal then why don’t they save us the work? If they do not have the hunt, then why occupy the space? Let those who have the hunt and can do a good job have a chance to show their might and their convictions. It is time to let them shine and let this demented joke crash and burn. If it was a mistake, then avoiding it will cause more problems. This is not one act or a single act as they use back on us. One act is or can be a mistake. When it is ten years and dates back to the 1960s, it is no mistake but has become a strategy. Perjury is inexcusable in this matter but is always tried back on us and this is why they do not understand why the anger and how the resentment is growing daily for their gore and blood fisted shaking. The defense of a mistake is only applicable to a single event and needs to stop being used as some defense to avoid the situation.
The battleship Missouri is about to be decommissioned. Casey Ryback is Captain Adam's personal cook. And Ryback is always butting heads with the ship's XO Commander Krill but the Captain always intercedes. One day, after the President visits the Missouri, which is also the Captain's birthday; the Captain learns that a helicopter has been cleared to land on the ship by Commander Krill, which he was not informed of. When questioned Krill tells the Captain that it's a surprise for his birthday, the Captain then allows it. Later after another one of their scuffles, Krill has Ryback locked in the freezer. During the party, the rock band reveals themselves to be mercenaries, led by William Stranix, a CIA operative, who is in league with Krill to unload all of the ship's nuclear warheads. They lock up all of the crew and make preparations to remove the warheads. And Krill remembers Ryback, Stranix sends two of his men to take care of Ryback, only thing is that Ryback took care of them. Upon discovering their bodies, Stranix deduces that Ryback is more than a cook. He then sends Krill to check on him, and Krill discovers that Ryback's a NAVY SEAL, who got busted down to a cook after an incident in Panama. And Ryback continues to create trouble for them, so Stranix tries to hunt him down. Along the way, Ryback meets Jordan, a former playmate, who was supposed to entertain at the party but was also forgotten. (Written by rcs0411) - Plot Synopsis: Under Siege, www.imdb.com -
We think they are suicidal and we know they are trying desperately to make others move on or forget they existed. We also know the longer they wait and the more they fight the situation; the worse it gets for them. They anger others by making a chase. The only people who are judging them for a vigilant fight are those who they seek approval and attention from. Had they turned their attention to their own following; then it would be different.
How can you complain about closing down Guantanamo when there are more automobile assembly lines than prison assembly lines to breed this form of social breakdown? If the people who voice this complaint were paying for the cost of keeping these people alive for the rest of their lives, then maybe they ought not complain and blame about how one prison is being closed in a moat that has not been pulled up. So let them complain about one prison and the most deadly criminals in the prison system while they have yet to count the number of prisons in the United States or the cost of social programs and benefits the prison systems provide. Who do you want to blame for the problem with the prison system? Do you want to blame the blacks or the whites or maybe the religious fervor in prison? Does anybody know what the chit chat is all about and how glorified these godless leaders are or have become? . - Diary Entry, by Author January 30, 2009 -
It is like these violent shoot outs with messiahs and shamans; the longer the shoot out; the less chance of come out of it alive because they anger and wound others by prolonging it. Their argument is based on a self arrogance of being powerful and how they cannot face this type of humility or defeat. This is the same reason why they are deranged suicidal lunatics. Their power would end immediately and come to a crashing halt. However, they humiliated us with so many ways and years of imprisonment and injuries in order to cover up how they would be if it got out.
We were not conspiring with them and were even set on killing or capturing them. As homicidal killers and maniacal lunatics; they cannot say humiliating us is how they feel about the matter or how angry they were. These matters need to be addressed forthrightly; not used to cover up who they are. They humiliated us and in the worst ways possible just to tell us how powerful they were and how arrogant; not pleading with us about how humiliated they felt if it ever got out they were in some terror plot.
Eventually, Sarah, John, and the Terminator arrive in the desert at the camp of Enrique Salceda, who has preserved an underground weapons cache in the event that the war actually happens. Sarah plans to take John and flee over the border into Mexico. During the time at this camp, John bonds more closely with the Terminator. Sarah soon believes that by killing Dyson she can prevent Skynet from being invented, preventing Judgment Day and the war with the machines. After she leaves, John and the Terminator figure out what she is going to do and drive after her. At Dyson's home, Sarah shoots him in the arm, but finds herself unable to kill him in front of his family. When John and the Terminator arrive, they inform Dyson of the consequences of his research. They convince him that they must destroy everything related to his chip design including the CPU and arm from the previous Terminator. - Plot Synopsis: Terminator 2 Judgment Day, www.wikipedia.com -
We think they will strike out again and have a grand stand off which is very violent and a total violation of how they got here to begin with. If you have an escape convict who is armed and deadly; who is convicted and has the death penalty; what is to say they are sorrowful and apologetic? This is near warfare and global domination; there are militaries amassing. If it is that painful for them; why would they try and suffer through the ordeal? Why play this game with being arrested or dragging others into their tornado as we were or had been humiliated by. Their mistake was they did not know who we were and did not know who their enemies are.
We first see John and Jane Smith, a couple who have been married for "five or six" years, attending marriage counseling. There, they tell the story of their first meeting in Bogotá, Colombia, where they met while both were secretly on the run from Colombian authorities. They quickly fell in love and were married. John later states that Jane "looked like Christmas morning" to him on the day they met. In reality, however, John and Jane are both skilled assassins working for different firms, both among the best in their field, and each concealing their true profession from their spouse. Under these cover stories, John and Jane balance their apparently mundane marriage—which both of them find after a few years to be growing dull and suffocating—with their secretive work. After meeting with Eddie, the Smiths decide to fight together to preserve their marriage. - Plot Synopsis: Mr. and Mrs. Smith, www.wikipedia.com -
If it were not for all of these frivolous wars; we could have conscripted and had a paid staff of very trustworthy personnel on the hunt and pouring through documents or focusing their attention on the data collected. Now we have to rely on other channels and possible disinformation or unchecked personnel. We could have sounded the alarm and had massive mobilization to the front and to intercept each and every effort. Instead, we were taken out for five years and our life was so turned upside down; not even marriage or a personal life was left unaffected. We could have been five years ahead than now and ten to fifteen years ahead with other matter even more important. Now that they are on the staff we must shut everything down until the entire network and terror plot is taken down and dragged away.
They kidnap Danz from his high-security prison in order to give their employers something they want more than the Smiths. However, Danz confesses that he is merely a setup hoping to get a leg up on the business, hired jointly by their employers after they discovered that the Smiths were married in the hopes of having each Smith kill the other. John and Jane decide to forgo their separate contingency plans and make their stand together. In the final part of the film, the Smiths—now working smoothly together as a team—defeat an extended attack by a large number of SWAT-like armed forces during a long shoot-out inside an IKEA-like department/home-improvement store. The film ends back at the marriage counselor, where the happy Smiths state how much their marriage has thrived, realizing how happy they really are. John then tells the marriage counselor to "ask us the sex question." He raises ten fingers and whispers "ten," and the movie ends. - Plot Synopsis: Mr. and Mrs. Smith, www.wikipedia.com -
The bottom line is this, we are not letting them get away and certainly not letting them on the staff after five years of humiliating us and imprisoning us to cover up this secret they had. They took a massive chance and they were scared their power was going to be humiliated while they tried to flirt and coax the public into making them future leaders. Now it is winding down as they scatter and figure out whom of them will be captured and who will initiate the chain reaction which will eventually hit them and all the work they did while this incubated. We want future leaders and personnel to get the hunt and to become merciless with these people; they are homicidal lunatics and others cannot even distinguish them. They are keeping this secret in order to rise and become distinguished future leaders who are unified by some terror plot which bonds them in some blood oath in the future after they complete quest of theirs.
Arizona petty criminal Herbert "H.I." McDonough (Nicolas Cage) (known as "Hi") and policewoman Edwina (Holly Hunter) (known as "Ed") meet after she takes the mug shots of the recidivist Hi during his many trips through her station. …Learning that Ed's fiancé has left her, he proposes to her after his latest release from prison and the two get married. They move into a desert mobile home, and Hi gets a job in a machine shop. Ed discovers that she is infertile and the couple tries to adopt, but none of the agencies will accept them because of Hi's criminal record. The couple learns of the "Arizona Quints," sons of locally-famous furniture magnate Nathan Arizona (Trey Wilson); Hi and Ed kidnap one of the five babies, Nathan Junior. …At the McDonough residence the next day, Glen stops by to officially fire Hi and reveals that he has deduced "Junior's" true identity. - Plot Synopsis: Raising Arizona, www.wikipedia.com –
We want to intercept them and meet them before or when this occurs. We want to corner them and trap them as they did to cover up who was behind it. You have to have the hunt for these people first and to underhand how good and how sadistic they are. Count how many years and how they were able to grow and become stronger within those years. Each and every single of them is headed for a downfall but there are much more important things which make it more precarious they are on the staff. We had to figure out a way around this also and did. Then you want to witness with your own eyes that they truly are while we ask them if they are even human beings.
It is like a chain reaction, once their circle has been defeated and the chain reaction is set off or allowed; the clock starts and winds down with random chain reactions. If they try to control the chain reaction, then it will be the biggest mistake in their life. This is how we caught one of their recruiters and leaders; he felt he was cleverer and could trick everybody by being the good guy and the one who would accept all the blame. What he was doing was matching our moves so what we put out there, they would match. He got a nice surprise knowing how long we had known and how he was lured. But again, it is used to send out a clear message and to deter any other effort. They know if he was tricked so badly and was captured so easily; then the chances the others will is slim if not none. We want people to enjoy and catch the fever so to speak because they are so evil and deceptive; so elusive you would not know if they sat next to you and killed you for no reason but being some enemy who opposed them.
Dear Ann; the karma is so bad and has gotten so bad; I am convinced it is not others but you. Victim or not, the entire point is this karma and negativity. You have pulled me into it and kept me in it thinking under any circumstances; which there are a lot to suggest you are unfaithful or having too much fun, after so much work who would have guessed. Do not keep feeling your way through this. If they have pictures of you at these private parties or blackmail you to suggest you are the perfect victim; then hiding stuff and keeping your mouth shut is going to work against you. The first amendment is there to ensure you are not a prisoner; free speech. So if there are pictures or many of these get together; it is fine but do not bring me in this storm again or throw it on my lap. If you do not care for your life, then do not expect me to either. Now there is a perfect storm. It was needed to win but you have an absolute mess and are hanging on a thread of memories. If you wait too long the fruit will not ripen but turn sour. – Diary Entry, by Author; January 31, 2009 -
They are very powerful and very organized but this is not going to save their leaders. They are so disturbed they have been pounding out excuses and false explanations like a caged animal which is stripped clean each and every time. When they give us something, we show them something they did not know or had even noticed; how long ago we knew. Then the next day they take vacation or begin to cry and beg for some way to assert themselves. One of the suspects tried to come across as a gang rapist and tried to brag how good he was at it while being staked out.
Sarah, John, the Terminator, and Dyson break into the Cyberdyne Systems building and retrieve the parts from the first Terminator. While preparing explosives to destroy all of Dyson's research, security alerts the police who show up in force. When the SWAT team enters the building, they mortally wound Dyson who stays behind to trigger the detonator. Sarah, John, and the Terminator escape in a SWAT van, with the T-1000 in pursuit, first in a helicopter then a liquid nitrogen truck. - Plot Synopsis: Terminator 2 Judgment Day, www.wikipedia.com -
It is like tripping over a dead body and the immediate reaction; the emotion you get because it is a real dead body. We too were animated by how powerful and how capable they were. It was exciting to see us take them on and feel the sound of victory and defeat. These are the best spies and master spies on earth; we have never witnessed this level of capability ever before. Think they are sorry or apologetic for one event or twenty or thirty years of it? They were trying to act so angry and displeased with us. Then they turned around the next day and would act as if they were so remorseful and sorry. What about their blood pact and how there will be blood when they set off to unleash this next phase of their growth?
Ben Sanderson (Cage) is a depressed alcoholic Hollywood agent who has lost everything and almost everyone due to his incessant drinking. After finally losing his family and his job, he rids himself of all his possessions, and decides to commit suicide by alcohol consumption in Las Vegas. After arriving, he meets Sera (Shue), a prostitute, and a deep friendship and understanding develops between them. …On his second day in Las Vegas, Ben finds Sera, on the same street where he met her, introduces himself and offers her $500 to go to his room for an hour. Sera agrees to go to his room, but she gets confused when Ben does not want to have sex with her. Instead, they just talk, and in the process they create an odd relationship with each other. - Plot Synopsis: Leaving Las Vegas, www.wikipedia.com –
Here is the part they left out. At the end of their training program, they will either follow you or make you follow them. So they want you to claim this. Then they feel you are just as much of a criminal and a thief as they are so you must prove how daring you are. Sneak up on the enemy or past enemy lines and say hello to them to signal success. The problem is how they are unified with you but you hate their guts and how criminally insane or what sort of thief they are. They do not see it that way but a form of graciousness to how similar they are with others.
A band of thieves and a band of robbers who fight to the death together and are facing such disarray they must rely and recruit aggressively and quickly. So they give you awards. Then they wish to show appreciation by giving you their throne; it is as lunatic and criminally insane as can get. The feeling of being the leader of their homo-septic cult fills your bearings with feelings indescribable; it feels like climbing some peak or falling off it. You know you have their leader or a big fish when they give you the throne; you know you deposed whoever it is. Sorry, is not who they are or what they are about.
We wish everybody was theirs for the adorning process; but it was so exclusive and so invitation only; the rotten egg never spoiled the affair. We were made to feel so important now that we were given the throne to abysmal hell and a basket full of rotten eggs to throw at others. They also felt there were some unification process and some demoralization going on. So you just sit there quietly while they recall “good times” when they had kidnapped your and tried to censor or quiet you.
…Hi and Ed wearily sneak Nathan Jr. back into his home and are confronted by Nathan Sr. while putting him back in his crib. After Nathan Sr. learns why they took his son, he is uncharacteristically understanding of their predicament, and counsels the young couple. When they say that they are breaking up, he advises them to not act rashly; perhaps someday, medical science will catch up with them, just as it did ("with a vengeance") for him and his own wife. Hi and Ed go to sleep in the same bed, and Hi dreams: Gale and Evelle elect to return to prison; Glen gets his due from a Polish-American police officer after telling one Polack joke too many; and Nathan Jr. gets a football for Christmas, from someone other than his family, and later becomes a football star. The dream suggests that Hi and Ed will, in fact, grow old together, enjoying holiday visits from a horde of well-adjusted children and grandchildren. - Plot Synopsis: Raising Arizona, www.wikipedia.com -
Now, everything was good again because they decided to release you or end the kidnapping; on top of that, they would give you the throne as a gesture of good will. You were now the new messiah and were going to change this homo-septic spawning into believing you and you were going to educated them so they could adorn you with multifaceted gifts they had stolen or wanted to steal. Any morsel they jumped on and would ingest fervently now because the unification process was complete. They stated how we graduated and were granted more freedoms even if they refuse to let up the attacks.
Their relationship, however, is ultimately doomed; Sera has to promise Ben that she will never ask him to stop drinking, and Ben is not allowed to criticize Sera's occupation. …However, after spending some time together, they both become more and more frustrated with the other's behavior. ...Shortly afterwards, she is raped and beaten by three teenagers, and the injuries she sustains make her occupation publicly obvious. After being evicted, Sera receives a telephone call from Ben, who is on his deathbed. She goes to visit Ben, and they have sex for the first time. They fall asleep, and when Ben wakes up, he looks across at Sera, who is lying on top of him, and dies while holding her as she sleeps. Throughout the movie, there are cut scenes to Sera explaining "what happened" to an unknown person (most likely a therapist). - Plot Synopsis: Leaving Las Vegas, www.wikipedia.com –
They were one of us and our soul had them from the start. They were transformed and inspired after ten years of kidnapping us and revealing who they were or what they wanted. Does anybody feel they are human beings or merely suicidal maniacs with a friendly penchant or lunacy? We were waiting for them to say something incriminating such as “Eff you racist pig, at least we can be proud of that” the world was now theirs and the world called them father nobody. They do not know who their enemies are or what separates them from us. What is even worse, they do not know why people are angered by them or how hated they are; what they are good at is assembling, sacking or attacking others, kidnapping, arguing about how angry they are, and lying incessantly. The terror plots are just an indication of how well they lie and how powerful they can deceive others.
This time they are outdoing their New Deal, Fair Deal, Great Society overspending extravaganzas, cobbling together an $825 billion package they laughingly call a stimulus program, allegedly designed to put unemployed Americans back to work and get the economy back on track. The Wall Street Journal calls the gift package "A 40-Year Wish List" -- a gravy train the paper called "a political wonder that manages to spend money on just about every pent-up Democratic proposal of the last 40 years." …Among the giveaways being financed with our grandchildren's money, as cited by the Journal, is a cool $50 billion for the National Endowment for the Arts, hardly an engine for creating employment for the unemployed. - Unclogging the Liberal $ Pipeline, by Michael Reagan, www.humanevents.com; January 28, 2009 -
They are so evil, they consider others stupid and this is how you lure them in and make them show themselves; you give the predator a good victim or target. They are careful and elusive, never leaving one trace of evidence, but once debunked, it is easy to see them and what they are up to. Their weakness is they do not recognize danger and they do this when only in numbers; never taking such risk alone or by themselves, this is how they earned the name homo-septic. In public they never say anything dangerous but do not be fooled by what is going on when they begin to tail you and follow you. It is so subtle you do not notice it until bad things begin to happen and your life slowly drifts to nowhere and straight to the bottom. They will first take you to the bottom early, and then keep you there no matter how talented and smart you are, and then they will do things to “suggest” what they want. What they want are attacks on the nation.
Awkward high school sophomore Samantha "Sam" Baker (Molly Ringwald) struggles to get through the day of her sixteenth birthday, which her entire family forgets because her older sister, Ginny (Blanche Baker), is getting married the next day. She is also plagued by her ongoing infatuation with the very popular and very attractive senior, Jake Ryan (Michael Schoeffling). Her day at school fares no better when she finds out that her completed "sex quiz," which she surreptitiously slipped to her friend, never reached her (and, unbeknownst to either of them, was picked up by Jake Ryan himself). - Plot Synopsis: Sixteen Candles, www.wikipedia.com -
What they want is some terror plot. What they want is to police it and you are chosen to be their sacrifice. What they want is SDI or something of value for their effort. What they want changes based on what they can get. They are saying they will invest in you if you agree to do something or give them something; if not then they seal your fate. We think they knew early they were after some jack-post or some part of the government so exclusive none of them knew about yet. They live such a secret society and act with such elusive mannerism, it is obvious how and why they make these mistakes and claim it was an error.
About the only jobs it might create would be for the bureaucrats who would oversee the grant or an artist or two who specialize in exhibiting jars of urine containing a crucifix as their contributions to the nation's culture. Then there is $1 billion for the notorious Amtrak system, which can't even run its trains on time, a trick even the late Benito Mussolini managed to pull off during his notoriously inept regime. Amtrak hasn't made a dime in profit over the last 40 years. How many unemployed bank tellers, secretaries, reporters or computer technicians will get work at Amtrak? - Unclogging the Liberal $ Pipeline, by Michael Reagan, www.humanevents.com; January 28, 2009 -
When you keep them animated and going, they lead the pack and lead the homo-septic to some grand strategy or leaders. We were and are able to fool them with good acting and just as much elusive personality to suggest we were not commandos or anything such. We can fool them so long as they can fool us; if you hide your intentions, you can get them animated and have them flirt with you. If you are kidnapped, then you have no choice or no escape; your chances are almost none; they are on a mission. If you disrupt or deny this mission, then they will strike out and turn violent. You have to look for some way to escape or scare them off; they are powerful and exploit the political system expertly.
So when you get the chase and hunt, you can practice and become more powerful around them as they lie, cheat, and steal their way to your heart also. Keep in mind, they are implicated in a terror plot and those behind it were defeated by official military forces who were fooled initially by the karma they gave off with the homo-septic civility. They will fight to the death for you but they will never let you fight them or allow any pursuit of life, liberty, or happiness.
Another important aspect of relief is to determine who will survive? Do you save the toxic assets or provide relief to those who can survive the lingering momentum of the recession and signal of a depression? The best course of action is to unchain those who can fend for themselves. It is just like warfare and situations where the utmost pressure and dangers are present. Security is in numbers but when the survival rate is so low, it is best to let people fend for themselves. So adjusting and adapting to the pressures, the conditions, and the bad times is essential to determine who will survive and if there will be any survivors. - Stimulus Tax Cuts and Spending, by Author; February 1, 2009 -
Ask them about the future of the unborn and they will gravitate to the here and now or the conditions which bind them like a ball and chain. Keep in mind that is ultimately left with the broken heart or the flirtation with homicidal lunatics. They were able to control the right wing and the cold war movement the past ten years or more; we could not detect more because the effort to animate them was not begun before our kidnapping and ambush. They knew we were coming and they were ready. They sent their bests to intercept our best and put us in a stalemate. Now the game has changed on them.
Here is the problem, the stimulus plan and this new bail out is just another way of buying more time. For two trillion dollars, we used to buy at most five or ten years of peace. Now the price tag of 10 trillion will not even buy five years but the "leaders of the freed world" wants to trick us and say it creates jobs and is essential to the preservation of the country. That price tag and how long we buy is getting more expensive. What used to be 1 dollar for freedom is now 1000 dollars or more. Freedom is like air and sun, it is nature. the problem is we wake up every single morning angry and upset about our life which the government has to accept responsibility for but they are so dependent they hope and pray this bail out and stimulus plan of so far two trillion will give them five or ten more years. So the problem is they trashed our life and make us feel useless but the truth is; it is their identity and not ours. They are using our face and our voice to pull off this grand deception. The problem is they still claim they are and were wronged. – What the Problem Is, by Author; February 1, 2009 -
Having spent ten maybe twenty or more years and wanted something for having kidnapped us and trying to make us defect; it is almost sad to deny them the effort. That determined idea they will and would fight to the death for you and you were bonded with them to the death as well; is their trick. You cannot even see them until they reveal themselves; and they did. The best way to deter them is to make them sweat. Make them put 200 or more per cent of effort in until they leave you alone or stop kidnapping you, play along; then break their heart and make them suffer for terror plots and harassing others. Show them how much you love them and appreciate them by sending armies and intelligence agencies after them while they figure out who their enemies are and why. Give them just enough to keep them interested and animated but never fully enough to let go.
3. People want to trust their government and the way is an honest debate; they trust the new administration of President Obama to be a groundbreaking movement to restore this trust. He of all people has the most to loose in this matter so he must explore all truth and all options. This is no time to let a terror plot kick up or continue; especially if it is detected internally. This is why the American public invested trust in the new administration of President Obama; he inherited the failure of the Bush administration and the lack of awareness. The public voted him into office; not to wreck and drive the country to ruin because the left wing has become powerful enough to block the same honest debate; he must not break the chain of democracy if he stands for and fights the same fight. This is a repeat of section 2: trust of government or why there is a lack thereof. - On 50 Changes Needed So We Can Believe In Government, by Author; January 9, 2009 –
If you are kidnapped then you are in the fight of your life; they sealed your fate at the start. It is impossible to escape that fate or try to complain using legality; our best efforts and with every move in the book has concluded their lock is so deadly, there is no escape. If you try to employ some self defense or right to self defense, they will arrest you as we had been. If they do a home invasion, you are at fault and will be arrested. They will pin your case against them down for years until you vindicate yourself or come up with legal fees. They did this twice and deleted five full years from our life and put us in a vegetated state for one year. Their lock is deadly if you are alone or if nobody is aware what is happening to you. However, the only way to lure them and make contact is to be alone; they will check you fully before employing a deadly lock. You are as good as dead if this happens; we guarantee this unless you can show why they would pursue you for years on end.
It starts with gifts or Christmas cards by political leaders. It begins with people you do not know but who know about you; that is the first sign of something wrong. Most people are flattered by the attention of world leaders or Presidents. It is so elusive; you cannot tell when they target you or your family. That is how it starts but it is not how it ends. That is how they get your attention but once the attacks begins; they are watching intensively to determine how capable you are to sneak past the enemy while they trail you or follow close behind as support. It is almost undetectable and we can tell you that the last administration is guilty as sin and the next won; will reveal this also. We can tell if it has gone on for twenty or more years and who is behind it. They had been under surveillance for a long time and were double crossed time after time by other leaders or previous ones. This is why they are angered and turned homicidal. They are just as happy to return the military effort on them as the violence which they had unleashed on this world.
Director Howard Deutch and writer John Hughes follow up their "Pretty in Pink" success with another teen movie gem. "Some Kind Of Wonderful" takes the plot of "Pretty In Pink" and switches the sexes. Eric Stoltz replaces Molly Ringwald and Mary Stuart Masterson replaces Jon Cryer. This involving teen melodrama features excellent performances by the entire cast, with Mary Stuart Masterson being nothing short of exceptionally in her sensitive portrayal of the drum playing tomboy who is madly in love with her best friend. She all but steals the film. Unfortunately Stoltz pays little attention to Masterson, as he is infatuated with the most popular girl in school, played by "Back to the Future's" Lea Thompson (who won Best Actress at the "Young Artist Awards" for her portrayal). - Plot Synopsis: Some Kind of Wonderful, www.hollywoodteenmovies.com -
These families are super and ultra secret for a reason; therefore, when they give you the attention or send you greeting cards for no reason; watch out! You may be in sixth grade and not remember some incident or meeting where they examined your potentials. You may have run into them at a party or some social affair which caught their attention or affection. If you are the best of the best; the likelihood they will see potential is high. They want to know what they can get from you and they want to know how far you can take them if anywhere.
Most people see mental illness and they blame the victims of having one also; it is total pathological lying by this homo-septic secret society. They have taken the animosity a little too far with the kidnappings and the terror plots. We do not know if they will try it again or resort to the same plans and strategy they had learned; but if they do, there is not much more they can throw at us or someone else. They cannot sneak up any higher and supplant the government as high as we saw. We can inform them they had been under surveillance and observations thirty years ago and they took the initial move by making contact.
The plot follows five students at fictional Shermer High School in the widely used John Hughes setting of Shermer, Illinois (a fictitious suburb of Chicago based on Hughes' hometown of Northbrook, Illinois, which was originally called Shermerville; Shermer is a street in Northbrook, and the school in Northbrook, Glenbrook North High School is on Shermer), as they report for Saturday detention on March 24, 1984. While not complete strangers, the five teenagers are all from a different clique or social group: The Criminal: a troublemaker who continually causes problems at school pulling the fire alarm (usually causes trouble at school and is a regular in detention).
You are dealing with a pretender so the best way to fight a pretender is to let them become who they are. We know who they are now. We have ten years of data and incident reports. There was a reason why they made it so difficult to identify them pin them down; there is a reason why they are taking such tremendous risk and near suicidal missions. As their reality slips further and further; they will grow into fruition and must accept defeat for their death defying defeatism. We are lucky and fortunate they were not allowed full admission or full access into the government where they can really do damage or become super dominating. We are lucky they were denied early full citizenship and do not call this their home or a fight to the death. If they are able to do this or complete this event; we are really in trouble because they are really homicidal lunatics behind the terror plots.
When Thompson has an argument with her rich hotshot boyfriend (Craig Sheffer from "Fire with Fire"), Stoltz manages to score a date with her on the rebound. The plot thickens as the emotions run hot, Masterson gets extremely jealous and bully Sheffer plans to get back at Stoltz by inviting him to his party with the intention of bashing him up. …The key ingredient to the film's success, apart from the winning performances, is that writer John Hughes has given all the characters depth. Teens can easily identify with the characters and all the emotions on show, love, hate, insecurity, rejection, peer pressure and self-discovery. "Some Kind of Wonderful" is easily one of the most outstanding teen films of the 1980's. It oozes charm, sensitivity and a special quality that leaves the audience and the characters understanding themselves a little better. - Plot Synopsis: Some Kind of Wonderful, www.hollywoodteenmovies.com -
These people and this particular movement, the communist and terrorist cell, still hold onto the idea we are unified with them and they have exclusive access. Even if they exploit the electoral process, even if they have been fingered, even if the investigation is ongoing or winding down; they feel it gives them this exclusive access to anyone or anything; the rules do not apply to them or the arrogance of their despotism. Again, they feel we are the homo-septic and the criminals like them. They feel they are spies like us and fight to the death defending the same things. It is a trick of semantics and they are being confronted about this while their mouths dry up, sweat profusely, squirm under duress, and display the pathological expertise of their lying ability. They may wish to wizen up or show a widening of some form of being a human being rather than ask if others are. That is the problem and why we are on trial by them; they feel obligated to interrogate others when they are not even human.
The Princess: a wealthy, popular and spoiled girl skipping school to go shopping at a mall. The Brain: an intelligent but socially awkward nerd bringing a flare gun to school (in a Para suicidal gesture) that accidentally discharged in his locker, causing minor property damage. The Athlete: a state champion wrestler taping a fellow student's (Larry Lester's) buttocks together. The Basket Case: a misfit, somewhat of a Goth, and self-described "compulsive liar" nothing better to do (according to her). The students pass the hours in a variety of ways: they dance, harass each other, tell stories, fight, smoke marijuana, and speak on a variety of subjects. Gradually they open up to each other and reveal their inner secrets. - Plot Synopsis: Sixteen Candles, www.wikipedia.com -
So why is it so difficult to apprehend them if they stand for freedom and are charged for being a communist and terrorist cell? Protecting their people and doing everything to prevent harm to women and children is a good escape decoy; but no less have the truth either. Are we to suggest they are under some spell and false consciousness or they just not caring and don’t care to bother? If they are protecting their people then they can give straight answers so proper aid can be given if any. However, they always take the first strike and the sucker punch; they always do some knee jerk response out of nowhere or start killing before the investigation is even complete. Stop declaring war on us and calling us terrorists, spies, liberals, or closing every door as if we caused this mess. If they merely take orders then take orders; if they are the leaders then it will be over soon, there is no assistance coming. They are already implicated in terror plots and kidnappings which flushed them out from hiding; even if they are still making raids.
If they are allies and unified, then follow every lead. If they are allies and unified, then recognize the danger and the situation. Do not try to control it or operate behind the scenes or behind the borders of other nations. Do not try to engage in espionage behind enemy lines and claim it is their home. Their eagerness to strike out and violence should be at the right and not the wrong situations. Their eagerness to strike at us and claim to be on our staff is how they got in this situation. If they are trying to do everything they can, and then begin with telling their people why retaliation or criminal convictions might be discovered soon so they are not affected and can prepare for the shock. If they love their family and worry; then consider what can happen to them. Let us finish the investigations before declaring war on us.
Sam panics as the quiz contains personal information, including the fact that she is a virgin and is saving herself for Jake. …A running subplot involves a geeky freshman (Anthony Michael Hall) who continually (and unsuccessfully) tries to bed his love interest, Sam, to satisfy a bet with his friends. The character's name is never given explicitly, but it may be "Ted," as he refers to himself as "Farmer Ted." Bryce also calls him "Ted" immediately before he shows Sam's panties in the bathroom. He is credited solely as "the Geek." - Plot Synopsis: Sixteen Candles, www.wikipedia.com -
How elusive and how evil are they? It seems as if you hear two things or more when they speak. If they say they want to help, they actually mean they are seeking it. If they say they do not know what to do, it means they are striking out and stirring things up for violence. If they say you are poor and helpless, it is how they feel. If they say war on terror, then they mean it is a war on poverty. The problem with these people is how they are trying to take over the other side or the military defenses that have the duty of stopping them.
The whole idea behind treason or sedition laws is the violation of a dereliction of duty and to suppress their religious or political convictions because they can conflict with their service or durable duty. Well, obviously this deception is how they become more durable and elusive; it is the same thing we say or do. We do not see how it is promoting us when the logical thought or effort is to get rid of them before something else terrorizing occurs or some ambush erupts. The worse part is how it affects us. The worst part is how we are made to feel obligated or we have treasured the king and despot. If they are so hated, get the hell off our staff and vacate the borders before the hunt begins. What other choice is there?
There are a lot of deceptions and much more lying on the global stage when it comes to terrorism or communist plots. Specifically, we can create a list and determine which nation has produced the most terrorists and why. We can surmise who has set up some visible sausage factory and is churning out terror as if it is an assembly line. It is true; people do have the right to defend themselves. However, when the weak and the angry in society attack those who are the most talented, the highest quality, the most honest, and the most deserving; their right to exist ended; that is not self defense and that is not the right to exist, it is kidnapping them and then calling them a terrorist.
In the auto-shop room during the dance, Sam and the Geek begin talking and Sam confesses her love for Jake. Upon hearing this, he tells her that Jake had been asking about her at the dance, and they agree that Sam should just go and talk to him. As she's leaving, he reveals the wager to Sam, who, in her excited state, agrees to loan him her underwear to help him win a dozen floppy disks. Later (after a peepshow of Sam's underpants for $1 admission, which she does not find out about until the next day), the Geek and his equally unwelcome friends, Cliff (Darren Harris) and Bryce (John Cusack), crash the senior after-party at Jake's house — during which the entire house is completely trashed. - Plot Synopsis: Sixteen Candles, www.wikipedia.com -
We also cannot pick up on the fervent of anti-trade partner angst which also became this cauldron of insane mob like bedlam for German or Japanese free trade. These affected people have taken their anger for the free market to another level because it enables the strong and punishes the weak. However, there was a time when this world was undergoing change and countries were defended by only wooden sticks and not planes or tanks, anybody could invade them and anybody would if a world struggle was ensuing. We would wish human beings to be a little different and to lack with much more thought or consideration for their fellow human beings; however, we are not dealing with normal human beings at this time. You cannot call the Filipino people terrorists or the French terrorists; but they no less cannot attack others and call them one either.
So we have to put into context what we observed and this terror or communist plot, where is it coming from, why is it designed to manufacture such anger and internal rage when the people doing the attacking are of such poor quality and of such celebrity stature? Why have they resorted to this sort of deception to unify or seek others to surrender? What possible reason is there to have the plan originate from the weakest links and the most demented and psychotic breaches of politics; then have the attention and blame directed and diverged to the right wing or those who are escaping the prison of the weak? How did this happen and what kind of devil would engage in this kind of deception where they manufacture elaborate terror plots to market themselves as heroes?
Why did the Fed feel the need to take such dramatic action? It's an indication of just how precarious things are in the financial markets. The fear is that if an investment giant like Bear Stearns fails, it could spark a run on other banks with sizable exposure to troubled credit markets, creating a domino effect of defaults. …Are other banks in serious trouble? Yes, and everyone is asking who's most at risk. Some of the names mentioned most frequently are UBS and Lehman Brothers, both of which have a lot of exposure to subprime and mortgage-related securities. Shares of UBS dropped more than 14 percent in Zurich on Monday, after news reports suggested the company is weighing deep cuts in jobs and assets and might sell off its U.S. brokerage business. …"All of them could cause significant market volatility," Randy Frederick, director of derivatives at Charles Schwab & Co Inc., told Reuters. "Fear is higher now than it has been in a long time." - Fed Intervention Changes the Rules, by Michele Norris and Adam Davidson (also NPR’s Jim Zarroli, Chris Arnold and Uri Berliner) -
What we observed was the communist and terrorist cell operating within the borders of the United States. They turned on anti-union and free trade symbols. They were attacking both the nation and those who defended from this kind of tinkering or high level coup d'etest. The attacks produced anger and so much resentment; it drove you to a homicidal rage which was very difficult to temper; but so was the effort for ten years to avoid psychopathic stalkers and lunatic maniacs’ intent on calling you a terrorist and one of them.
This is their initiation ritual we stumbled upon and was caught up in and we hope it leads them down the criminal justice system where their death defying feats leads to their death denying punishments. What they have done is produced an assembly line in the United States to churn out both leaders and followers who are ticking time bombs and we have described it as we were kidnapped, tortured, and was made to feel as though they were a support group and was promoting us.
The truck crashes into a steel mill, causing the tank to rupture and liquid nitrogen to spill everywhere, freezing the T-1000. Even though the Terminator shatters him, the pieces thaw and reassemble. The T-1000 and Model 101 begin to fight, and the T-1000 stabs him through the power cell with a metal pole, deactivating him. The T-1000, disguised as Sarah, goes to hunt John. As John is confronted by two Sarahs, the Terminator, who had reactivated itself using an alternate power source, finally destroys the T-1000 by shooting it with a grenade launcher which causes it to deform and lose balance, and ultimately fall into a vat of molten metal which destroys it. - Plot Synopsis: Terminator 2 Judgment Day, www.wikipedia.com -
These terrorists are merely promoting themselves and using the kidnapping as a surrogate to carry out their terror and communist plot which proved to be a fatal mistake because it was a trap for them by the most unsuitable subjects; the people chasing and hunting them down. Yet, the attention to stop them is not given and they constantly place the pressure on us while their assembly line rolls out more and more global terrorists and more and more excuses about what they are up to. This is the weak that attacks the strong and blames the strong for not being a part of their union or labor orients. If they gave up and abandoned this strategy; they will falter overnight.
If these political enemies and crackpots tell the truth now; they will receive the wrath of God and harsh punishments; this is who and what we are dealing with. So we do not understand what the ridiculous problem is or why force is needed. If you kidnap and attack an unwary force for ten or twenty years; they will become homicidal and strike back or retaliate with massive effort to destroy the near psychopathic and sadistic policies. However, we are dealing with the weak, the sewage, the worthless, and the sordid unwanted and alienated people’s who desire to be heroes and celebrities. Catching them is the trick as we have shown; so many people benefit and the greed they exert are phenomenal.
After John throws the parts from the first Terminator into the molten metal, the Terminator tells him that he too must be destroyed to prevent his technology from being used to create Skynet. He tells Sarah that he cannot self-terminate, and she must lower him into the steel. John tearfully begs the Terminator not to leave, but the Terminator insists it must be done. As he sinks into the molten steel, he gives a thumbs up. The film ends with a voice-over from Sarah, in which she describes her newfound optimism regarding the future. - Plot Synopsis: Terminator 2 Judgment Day, www.wikipedia.com -
The police and the abuse we received was also a surrogate to make their ultimate victory. By abusing this right to police; they can make any demands they desire based on what political goals they can achieve. They can even deploy cronies or corrupt officials who receive kick backs or some benefit of capitalization for being part of this unholy union. We have seen and observed time and time again the same people behind the terror and communist plot befriend and sit next to the soldiers who are fighting this war and also how proud they are to introduce the vigilant fight to the world. They forgot the part that indicated how they were behind it or why it came out of their political camp as a global strategic initiative to expand and control.
Beginning in the 1930's, "The English Patient" tells the story of Count Almasy who is a Hungarian map maker employed by the Royal Geographical Society to chart the vast expanses of the Sahara Desert along with several other prominent explorers. As World War II unfolds, Almasy enters into a world of love, betrayal, and politics that is later revealed in a series of flashbacks while Almasy is on his death bed after being horribly burned in a plane crash. (Written by Anthony Hughes) A burn victim, a nurse, a thief, and a sapper find themselves in each others company in an Old Italian villa close to the end of World War II. Through flashbacks, we see the life of the burn victim, whose passionate love of a woman and choices he made for her ultimately change the lives of one other person in the villa. Not only is this film a search for the identity of the English patient, but a search for the identities of all the people in the quiet old villa. (Written by Sarah Greenberg) In a crumbling villa in WWII Italy, during the final days of the European campaign, a young, shell-shocked war nurse (Hana) remains behind to tend her doomed patient - a horribly burned pilot. Through the gradual unraveling of his life and the appearance of an old family friend (Caravaggio) and a young Sikh sapper (Kip), the question of identity is explored. (Written by Gustaf Molin) - Plot Synopsis: The English Patient, www.imdb.com -
This plot is so successful and so demented; they can literally expand and grow to double the size over night. Therefore, one terror plot can cause their ranks to jump from 10 million to 25 million; not a bad political strategy if you were on the throne of those 25 million anxious followers. Meanwhile, military aid and the most advanced equipment are flowing to empower the same people who set up the assembly line and the political strategy. What we can do is make a list and determine who is the guiltiest of nations for producing this massive weak force to attack the strong forces of the world.
If you let these people or their types on your borders to engage in this sort of political shuffling; the perpetual resort will be the massive increase in crime or terrorism. This is a clear indication how they cannot be allowed to step foot on the sacred land and be allowed to declare it their home. Once they declare this their home, the next step is to launch raids or overtake the government so they can attack and set up this sausage factory to produce the maximum terrorists possible to carry out the attack and imprisonment of the strong forces. The police merely add to the poor quality of work and the force needed to achieve it.
At night's end, Jake finds the Geek trapped under a table and they begin to talk. Jake inquires further about Sam; the Geek explains the situation. Jake makes a deal with the Geek: If the Geek lets Jake keep Sam's panties, then he will let the Geek drive home his inebriated, stuck-up, prom queen girlfriend, Caroline Mulford (Haviland Morris), in Jake's father's Rolls Royce. Jake later uses the excuse of finding them together to break up with Caroline (who had surprisingly fallen for the Geek, and thus doesn't mind the break-up very much). Afterward, Jake drives to the church just in time to meet an incredulous Sam after her sister's wedding. The movie concludes with them sharing a kiss over a birthday cake with 16 candles. - Plot Synopsis: Sixteen Candles, www.wikipedia.com -
This is as poor quality of work and achievement as one can get but it is also coming from the sewage and underground homo-septic breaches of the political underground. Why are we supporting it and why are we blaming ourselves when they seek to make us feel guilty or create some emotional sensitivity for sadistic homicidal maniacs who give orders and take directives from the book of why they are no longer respected or celebrities?
So this is just their way of unifying, attacking what is outside and inside the union, and directing their efforts to advance labor or the forces of the weak who are struggling. We can no less avoid it then avoid war with the communist and terrorist forces. We really have no say now then when we were kidnapped ten years ago and put through a horrendous ordeal to make us or to see if we were one of them. They want the numbers to go up but we are not one of them; we were investigating this rotten psychotic sewage system of human beings. It is true, their hands kill 100 to save 1 million but those one million are not innocent and they choose the 100 who did nothing wrong and are. The logic and the fix is backwards; but this is how they exist in a market system which demands they be normal human beings or show high quality before they are executed by market forces and reality. Labor and hard work has never been an issue; their tactics and goals have.
All Things Considered, March 17, 2008 • The Federal Reserve moved quickly this past weekend to prevent a bankruptcy at the investment bank Bear Stearns, but it had to change its rule book in order to do so. …The Federal Reserve took dramatic measures over the weekend to reassure the increasingly anxious investment community, including negotiating the bargain-basement sale of Bear Stearns, one of Wall Street's biggest and most storied banks. The Fed's moves raise questions about just how deep the financial industry's woes go — and what other banks might be at risk. …What other measures did the Fed take? Perhaps the Fed's most significant move over the weekend was the creation of a new program to give emergency loans directly to the 20 largest so-called "primary dealers." These are investment banks that do business directly with the Fed and which purchase the majority of Treasury securities. In addition, the Fed lowered the discount-lending rate — that's the rate which it charges banks for very short-term loans — by a quarter-point, to 3.25, on Sunday.
People do have a right to defend themselves. However, they also have a choice to know who is attacking them. That is the reality and this is the reason why they have lost their minds; their reality is attacking them and killing them. The way to fight is to destroy that reality but they cannot reinvent themselves or change who they are. Their only choice is to strike out, become homicidal, and become angry spies or lunatic maniacs. If this communist and terrorist cell has a right to defend them; then they must declare others have a right as well. They cannot attack or kidnap people and go before the public and suggest they have a right to defend themselves when they have an assembly line to churn out more like them. The part which angers them the most about the world and the market reality is how it exposes and humiliates their low quality; they are angry because they cannot compete with other high quality and valuable human beings.
What they are worried about is the ultimate and final showdown with the wrath of God. That wrath of God is the most violent and most deadly game on earth; there is nothing else in this world more deadly then the wrath of God. So they play a suicidal and dangerous game after being caught and also before being caught red handed. These wild and belligerent people feel it is their home by some odd accident or event; so they attack others based on the notion they are defend “their” home which is how the conversion process occurs to be one of them. Is it family values and do they embellish the essence of family values?
4. A double safe guard which can oversee and balance the checks which cause these breakdowns to occur; preferably a market or private watchdog to weather these types of perfect storms and crisis which attract both the worst and the best of this world. When people become despair, they will fight. Some people are born violent and bred to be oppressive. We will not beg them to ease their oppression, this need to stop and they need to be gone. That was the core of the terror plot yet to be apprehended. People do not want war but when driven to despair they will be war like. People want a better life and if you make them beg for their basic Constititutional rights, the right to exist and be talented and intelligent, there will be despair and backlash. Right now there are so much chaos and blatant violations anchored to this same terror and communist plot; to deny it is dangerous. To not deny is even more dangerous so this is not a zero sum game or brinksmanship by the left wing. - On 50 Changes Needed So We Can Believe In Government, by Author; January 9, 2009 –
Most people see it as a death sentence while others see it as freedom and the beauty of struggling against some force trying to apprehend and imprison them. That is not the issue, the issue is they are weak, they are wild and belligerent, and they call it their home by some accident of 20, 40, 60 or even 100 years ago. If it is their home, then they do not have to lie or sneak around declaring it is. The part which angers them the most about the world and the market reality is how it exposes and humiliates their low quality; they are angry because they cannot compete with other high quality and valuable human beings.
It is difficult to know who these people are and what they are capable of. Their wars kill innocent people. Our wars kill the most evil and guilty. They say we are killing their children and do not care about innocent lives. We have never attacked or kidnapped anyone to make them strike out or become angry; a way to defend from or fight off a predator. What about the future of the unborn? What about the internal pain they feel when they find out their entire life is a lie or they must go into the sewer if they wish to deny themselves.
The movie is set in December 1987. L.A.P.D Detective Roger Murtaugh is depressed about getting old, having recently celebrated his 50th birthday, and received messages from Michael Hunsaker, an old war buddy from Vietnam he realizes he has not seen in 12 years. Called to investigate a suicide, he is horrified to find the victim is Amanda Hunsaker, daughter of Michael. Elsewhere, younger L.A.P.D. Detective Martin Riggs, depressed and suicidal following the recent death of his wife, nearly kills a disarmed suspect after entering a psychotic rage during a drug bust. Weary of his behavior, Riggs' superiors transfer him to Murtaugh's unit, making them very reluctant partners. - Plot Synopsis: Lethal Weapon, www.wikipedia.com -
Our wars do not kill innocent people and we do not attack people randomly because we give good thought and good quality to our work; we also debate it thoroughly because that is freedom and that is how it is the essence of family values. Not being overrun by demented lunatics who feel they are hip and powerful to beat it down. We have figured out what their problem is and why they are not gifted in our world. They are merely sneaking around and trying to generate the necessary forces to either unify or overthrow the government and it is not that far from being complete.
A significant danger is that by increasing the price of imports and stimulating greater demand for domestic products, devaluation can aggravate inflation. If this happens, the government may have to raise interest rates to control inflation, but at the cost of slower economic growth. Another risk of devaluation is psychological. To the extent that devaluation is viewed as a sign of economic weakness, the creditworthiness of the nation may be jeopardized. Thus, devaluation may dampen investor confidence in the country's economy and hurt the country's ability to secure foreign investment. Another possible consequence is a round of successive devaluations. For instance, trading partners may become concerned that devaluation might negatively affect their own export industries. Neighboring countries might devalue their own currencies to offset the effects of their trading partner's devaluation. Such "beggar thy neighbor" policies tend to exacerbate economic difficulties by creating instability in broader financial markets. - “Currency Devaluation and Revaluation”: Effects of Devaluation, by Treasury Department, United States Government, August 1999 -
Everybody is trying to have a normal life and to do so we must get rid of them. That is the only way we are allowed a normal life; we have to figure out how to get rid of them. It is a dead give away when we are trying to go to work or conduct a normal life and we see them with bomb shelters in their basement or caches of weapons. We would love a normal life and to have a normal life without this threat and this weak link. It is their purchasing power; the only way they can achieve any purchasing power is war or terror plots; we tend to value the market as the way to sustain life and grow as an individual.
That competition process makes people grow instead of sneak around and proclaim it is their home. Soon, if we are not able to catch and round up the sources of this; there will need to be a forceful measure to intern them and prosecute; there is no chance to let them move on and bury this entire matter they unleashed on the world. These militaries will amass the force and the power to catch each and every single one of those behind this; why fight it? Why take orders from them if they are in government and why allow them to detain you or imprison you in order to harass and intimidate the fallacy they are strong and can compete? How can they compete now since they are fighting the entire world?
…Riggs and Murtaugh go to question a pimp known to have connections to Amanda. Finding a drug lab on the premises, they engage in a brief gunfight with the pimp (who is killed in the process), where Riggs saves Murtaugh's life, leading to respect between them. Having found the drugs and with the pimp dead, Murtaugh assumes the case is closed, but Riggs finds it suspicious that the only witness to Amanda's suicide was a prostitute named Dixie, who was working away from her usual location. They deduce Dixie was the one who poisoned Amanda, then posed as a witness to cover her actions. …Riggs (a former Special Forces soldier in Vietnam) finds part of the bomb, a mercury switch, knowing only a professional would use such a device. A neighborhood child also remembers seeing a man at Dixie's earlier, who had a Special Forces tattoo similar to Riggs' own. Seeing a connection to Vietnam, they decide Michael Hunsaker knows more than he has admitted and Murtaugh confronts him at Amanda's wake. - Plot Synopsis: Lethal Weapon, www.wikipedia.com -
The problem with these people is how they keep up or how they claim to be normal. They keep us under constant surveillance and keep tabs on us as if we are kidnapped or hostages so they can keep up. They expired a degree of years living undetected and now claim it is their home and their right to keep us under constant watch so they can keep up and help. So by default, living or sneaking around this long has given them the legal right to demand rights and protections, as their home. We are not allowed to chase them off or deny them the chance to play cupid with our life or constantly disrupt our life with the poor quality and the relentless effort. The problem is how they are keeping up and how surveillance is a big part of their effort. They also record, replay, and re do everything we do to suggest we are a surrogate for them.
If there is a limit on the left wing and the liberals, then the threshold has been exceeded many times over. It is that time to ask for something important and to make clear; when we demand for the capture and turn over of terrorists and communists who are behind kidnappings and terror plots; we mean business and snapping to attention. Any slouch can create deadly consequences; if they wish to have some show down or some vivid attack on the nation, then come forward and make this known and present rather than employing cynicism and hypocrisy which is impossible to act upon. The whole idea is we want to and are eager to act and it is very difficult when hypocrisy, cynicism, and a political crime spree are rampant.
Chris Taylor (Charlie Sheen) is a young, naive American who gives up college and volunteers for combat in Vietnam. Upon arrival, he quickly discovers that his presence is quite nonessential, and is considered insignificant to the other soldiers, as he has not fought for as long as the rest of them and felt the effects of combat. Chris has two commanding officers, the ill-tempered and indestructible Staff Sergeant Robert Barnes (Tom Berenger) and the more pleasant and cooperative Sergeant Elias Grodin (Willem Dafoe). - Plot Synopsis: Platoon, www.imdb.com -
How are we going to stop an enemy when the requirement is not available to act on them because they are playing this game with the militaries of the world? The language is not there and the honest debate is ignored while words are empty and lies cover up real events? The war on terrorism is supposed to happen like such; they choose one side and we choose one side and let the heavens and the wrath of God decide who the stronger part is. If they are strong and competitive as they feel; then they will be victorious; why pay the game to their ends?
How do you deal with this sort of enemy? Their goal is terror, intimidation, defiance, and to trample on the Constitution. They have already concocted or orchestrated attacks on the country; all we need now is the military parts. However, there has to be an effort to dismantled or apprehend them first and if not then the process to expel them very necessary. That will be the only other way to stop a terror plot when they paralyze the police, disrupt the government, and prevent retaliation or legal actions. The terror plots did arrive by a foreign enemy; so they are a foreign enemy.
A line is drawn between the two officers and a number of men in the platoon when an illegal killing occurs during a village raid. As the war continues, Chris himself draws towards psychological meltdown. And as he struggles for survival, he soon realizes he is fighting two battles, the conflict with the enemy and the conflict between the men within his platoon. (Written by Jeremy Thomson) A gritty and emotional look at the lives of a platoon of American soldiers as they patrol, fight and die in the jungles of Vietnam as seen through the perspective of a young recruit. Two veteran sergeants clash when one of them precipitates a massacre of villagers. (Written by Keith Loh) - Plot Synopsis: Platoon, www.imdb.com -
If they cannot compete and are of such low quality, then stop spending the money of the treasury or printing money which is charged to the future of the unborn. If they are a communist and terrorist cell, then vacate the borders immediately before the military and the authorities take the actions needed to capture or kill it. If they are in government and managed to penetrate this far, then once the final plot is apprehended and complete; they are just as guilty and only regretful because they were caught. They are not doing any good spending the money of everybody and charging it to the future of the unborn because they cannot compete, they think we are one of them, and feel this country is unified because they managed to sneak around and live here for several decades. The idea is they are not and have never been the masters of this situation nor are the leaders of the free world. We do not need more imposters to play this game or to mess it up.
Soon, the government will have to pay or purchase the incarceration of this massive communist and terrorist plot which financed some underground freedom movement to escape every government on earth that can compete or wish to compete with high quality. What do they expect the world to do; sit quietly while they throw away the future of this earth with cynicism and hypocrisy of imposters and clowns? If it continues any further, there will be drastic and force applied by official and visible military forces of the United States Government and her allies. How do you arrest the genuine victims of terror plots while enabling and awarding those behind it? How do you explain this to the public? How do you explain it in a court of law or was that the false arrest attribute?
In the first book, The Bourne Identity, Jason Bourne suffered amnesia. Over the course of the book he regained his memory with the help of a Canadian economist, Marie, and later found that he was previously an operative from the famed Special Activities Division of the Central Intelligence Agency in an elite project in Southeast Asia and Vietnam codenamed Medusa. After a tragic accident involving the death of his family, he joined Project Treadstone 71, where he was used as bait for the infamous European assassin, Carlos the Jackal. Bourne took credit for various kills in China and the rest of Asia, acting as a rival to the Jackal, in order to draw him out of hiding and into the hands of the U.S. Government. - Plot Synopsis (book by Robert Ludlum): The Bourne Identity, www.wikipedia.com -
If we do not get any results and this “lead” foot dragging and suicidal terror plots; the need to act will be more pervasive then the lies. If we do not get good quality work, then there will be hell to pay on this matter; the issue is clear and obvious. Avoiding it is also clear and absent without leave; it is a treasonous dereliction of dirty. This was not about democracy and if it was then the result would be democratic and free. This was about exploiting democracy for control and power to carry this terror plot forward and to explode it all around the globe. It used to be five or six countries and now it has expanded to 20 or 30 and growing.
5. Restructure of the payment systems. There is massive debt and the prospect of not being able to reclaim this freedom. Part of the problem is the banking system and how its nature has been for centuries. Yet the current banking irregularities and corruption is only regional; then it spreads globally by scamming other financial institutions by tricking them. Unless bankruptcy is intended to chain the assets of the nation or the treasures meant to be preserved and cherished; we will find them auctioned off to the lowest bidder just to pay off escalating inflationary pressures. If debt is 200 per cent of the total GNP; then the economy must grow 100 per cent to just break even; a zero point system where volatility is not more and more debt. The ultimate expression of the dollar and freedom is not debt. Courage under fire and courage under these troubled times is the essence of the human spirit or the defeated nonchalance of bad pedigree. You cannot have a government with this character or characteristic. - On 50 Changes Needed So We Can Believe In Government, by Author; January 9, 2009 –
The United States is not Tel Aviv and Damascus or Wall Street. This crap needs to be constrained and be done and gone. We saw the low quality of the work and how it caused so many people to loose their life savings. We saw how they are doing the terror plots and seeking some bail out when it fails. We saw how they are of such low quality, they claim it is their home and can attack others because their low quality is rejected and told to vacate. We tried and saw how they do not seek avoidance policies and wish control and confrontation. So using terror and confrontation, they employ the multifaceted levels of control.
The left and our enemies cannot advance without this confrontation and these terror plots; furthermore, a clash with the militaries of the world would wipe them off the planet. They will never survive a full clash under the current circumstances and premises. The only other option to save their skin is to spend and destroy the market system or wipe out the life savings of others. Did they fully complete this yet or are they not fully done yet? So why are they keeping the pressure up on us and trying to pin us down with all the spending and looting of the treasury?
In a climactic scene at the end of the book, the Jackal escaped and Bourne was almost killed as he was believed to be a traitor by his uninformed employers. …At the beginning of The Bourne Supremacy, Bourne has recovered from most mental and all physical injuries and is teaching Asian studies at a university in Maine under his real name of David Webb. …The reader is then privy to a secretive conversation between high ranking US officials in which they discuss the fragile situation in China. A rogue high ranking Chinese official who is one of the most well liked, respected men in China is planning a hostile takeover that will send all of Asia into a giant civil war disrupting world order. - Plot Synopsis (book by Robert Ludlum): The Bourne Identity, www.wikipedia.com -
When do they come to the realization they are defeated and have self defeated their life? They are in desperate shape but they cannot risk a military clash abroad or domestic. What they are doing here and operating so strongly has not been answered either. Restructuring government was to address this, not ignore it after 911; thus centralizing the war on terror and rewriting the rules of the game. Now it is impossible to stop this plot because they run the defenses. You cannot tell the King or the despot he is wrong; ten years being kidnapped proved this well.
…Knowing Webb's mistrust of the US government, and deep-seated emotional instability due to a brutal attack in Vietnam that killed his previous wife and two children, they hatch a plan to abduct Marie, throwing him back into the primal state in which he existed as Delta in Medusa. …Soon thereafter, Marie is abducted by unknown men while Webb is at the University. Webb returns to the house, finds clues to her abduction, and immediately phones government officials, threatening to leak information about Treadstone and Medusa in an attempt to get assistance. He finds out information has been manipulated in order to make him seem crazy and delusional, and that his only course of action is to follow the instructions left for him by the kidnappers. He turns to the only person he thinks will be able to help him, Alexander Conklin, the very man who recently had ordered "Bourne" to be killed. - Plot Synopsis (book by Robert Ludlum): The Bourne Identity, www.wikipedia.com -
This lack of defense while occupying offices intended to protect the nation is abhorrent. While the nation is being destroyed by low quality and communist and terrorist groups; there was a total lack of defense and the defamation of a political system that produces crime sprees because it is exploited so badly. What kind of a breed of human beings would even try this? What sort of human being is so stupid to watch it while it is happening and think their leaders were not this same group? We get taken out for five years and we see all of them promoting each others and taking each other out to dinner. How in hell are we to make sense of this? These people cannot risk a clash so the only way is to sneak into the government quietly and use the military to fight their wars or settle their vendettas with foreign governments. Scared yet or scary yet; no debate is given to what is truly occurring because these people are snaking around and trying to employ a strategy to keep up.
Dear Ann; the karma is so bad, the jealousy so unnerving, and the annoyance of your pictures so uncanny. We are two different people and have two different lifestyles; they are rubbing this in and emphasizing it. Do not bring me in this when those you run with are behind it. Those close to you behind this and you are protecting and dining with them. I have no idea what the hell you people are up to but it is really bad. I only know the gist of it and there is still twenty per cent missing. I do not mind you pursue life, liberty, and happiness; but telling me to sit home while fatally wounded was too sweet while your VIP gets together or ticket sales; so I asked if someone would come here and maybe spend some time with me while I got some medical care or a better situation because I got fatally wounded. I never said you had to be; but you keep saying you have to be and on your terms as if you own me or other nightmare. I never said you had to suffer with me, I said we are two different people and you keep arguing. They are flooding you with invites and know you have a man hidden; and you play off it well. That is why they were doing it, they knew. Just remember, If you wait too long the fruit will not ripen but turn sour. – Diary Entry, by Author; January 31, 2009 -
It is not a situation where they are high quality; it is a problem with them keeping up and how. Once they sneak in or infiltrate; we end up fighting their wars or fight; why and how is this occurring? We cannot take action or utilize swift action because they sugar coat and use cynicism and hypocrisy. They call this their home while masterminding terror plots or financing an assembly line to create maniacal lunatics and homicidal terrorists in society like a ticking time bomb? The worst part is the inability to take swift legal action and confront them the moment they do this. There is so much deception and so much elusive consternation; you have to charge all of them with the death penalty and treason.
If they (governments) let this crap fulfill their mission, we all and this world will be fighting for the rest of our life; that is the future of the unborn and they are guilty as hell of treason. We will be fighting for the rest of our life and there must be immediate results to this matter. We have stung them and fatally, we want it to last the rest of their life. We have recorded them in the act and are prepared to utilize it to get what we need to crush the left wing and the former communist and terrorist forces. Their worst mistake is to fight this and to keep the pressure on us; it is and will be a deadly strategy to earn them the death penalty and treason charges.
Maximus is a powerful Roman general, loved by the people and the aging Emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Before his death, the Emperor chooses Maximus to be his heir over his own son, Commodus, and a power struggle leaves Maximus and his family condemned to death. The powerful general is unable to save his family, and his loss of will allows him to get captured and put into the Gladiator games until he dies. The only desire that fuels him now is the chance to rise to the top so that he will be able to look into the eyes of the man who will feel his revenge. (Written by Chris "Morphy" Terry) In Gladiator, victorious general Maximus Decimus Meridias has been named keeper of Rome and its empire by dying emperor Marcus Aurelius, so that rule might pass from the Caesars back to the people and Senate. …Taken into slavery and trained as a gladiator by Proximo, Maximus lives only that he might someday take his revenge and fulfill the dying wish of his emperor. The time soon comes when Proximo's troupe is called to Rome to participate in a marathon of gladiator games held at the behest of the new emperor, Commodus. Once in Rome, Maximus wastes no time in making his presence known, and is soon involved in a plot to overthrow the emperor with his former-love Lucilla, Commodus' sister, after whom he lusts, and also the widowed mother of Lucius, heir to the empire after his uncle, and democratic-minded senator, Gracchus. (Written by Thalya) - Plot Synopsis: Gladiator, www.imdb.com -
Getting caught is one thing; what they do afterwards can be so much worse. What they regret was not seeing it, knowing it, and being recorded; they still are wondering if they can escape or get away. They are still scratching their head and losing their minds asking how this happened when they were watching every move and had us under surveillance. It is because we are commandos and the official military; they just have not been told this yet or explained what is going on until we charge and prosecute them.
Their demand for a pardon and legal defense is nothing more than another attack on the nation and the world; it must deservingly receive a response and a candid debate since they refuse to provide for this. We want the good people on earth and the armies of this world to rip these people apart and defeat their attempt to keep up and cause a stalemate; we know what this satire and steal mate is about. We want our militaries to crush the enemy and to strike so much fear in them they never ever reappear or vacate our borders immediately.
This all plays into the plan set into motion by the US government to get Webb back to Asia. …The rest of the book consists of Webb-turned-Bourne trying to track down and capture the imposter while Marie tries to escape and find Bourne in order to tell him the part of the truth that she knows. The U.S. and British governments coordinate the scenario, eventually losing control and all the characters stories become intertwined in a massive web of lies and violence. The story is set during the British negotiated handover of Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China on the expiration of its ninety-nine-year lease on the New Territories. Southeast Asia is particularly volatile and fragile, and mistakes cannot be tolerated by any world power. - Plot Synopsis (book by Robert Ludlum): The Bourne Identity, www.wikipedia.com -
We do not want to deal with false religions or this bad mouthing of others so the government with offer huge spending programs intent on making the future of the unborn fight for the rest of their life. It has an effect on the economy. The future is now a prisoner to the stubborn treason of the present and they will and must fight for the rest of their life now because their future was also stolen. Our life was also stolen by a vicious kidnapping to sell low quality and homicidal maniacs who were sneaking around and had planned beyond the pale evil on someone else’s borders; it is not their borders. If it was their borders, they can abide by the rules and the Constitution.
If they cannot preserve the laws or resist the freedoms to exploit and destroy others; then do not try to pretend they are part of the effort to resist this and defend against it. if they are of such poor quality, then let us come to them; do not come to us and demand an answer as they did. The answer they get might not be the answer they want to hear. You cannot do home invasions and claim you are not a terrorist. You cannot mug someone and claim they were a terrorist. You cannot rob someone and claim you are a homo-septic, like them, and they are a thief. Now their minds have either split into a warped one or a two sided beast. Their minds, if split, are paralyzed on one side and working on the other.
The movie opens with an introduction to the guide, Bill Parrish (Anthony Hopkins), who doubts that he will live for many more years. Indeed, he is approached in his home and work by what he thinks are hallucinations, wherein Death himself has come with the intention of escorting him to the afterlife. Bill, touched by his dream-like brush with mortality, expresses his desire for his daughter, Susan, to live a life with passion. She is considering marriage, but her father is not favorably impressed by her relationship. When she asks for the short version of his impassioned speech, he simply says, "Stay open. Who knows? Lightning could strike!” Shortly after hearing this advice, Susan meets a vibrant young man of whom she is instantly enamored. Immediately after this encounter, the man dies of collision with two cars. Death returns to Bill's home in the form of the young man, explaining that his impassioned speech has piqued his (Death's) interest after an eternity of boredom. Given Bill's "competence, experience, and wisdom", Death has chosen him and tells Bill that in return for an extended lifetime, Bill shall be his guide on Earth. - Plot Synopsis: Meet Joe Black, www.wikipedia.com -
Eventually, it will turn homicidal and the impulse to strike out will become overbearing. When your mind split and one side has lost reality; soon it will overtake the other side and loose all reality and become the devil in a cage. This is who we are dealing with, the devil in a cage and now caught red handed. They had us by the throat and now we surprised them with how there was a sting by the military forces of this world to nab them and figure out who and what they are up to. The reason why they cannot see it, know it, or are aware of it; is because we observe and are the masters of the situation; they charade has come to an end. It came to an end when they decided to kidnap us. All the surveillance in the world to keep up with us will not save them now.
The novel follows David Webb, alias Jason Bourne, as he works to find his old enemy, Carlos the Jackal, who is trying to kill him. As the Jackal enters old age and his infamy fades, he decides that he will do two things before he dies: kill Webb/Bourne, and destroy the KGB facility of Novgorod, where the Jackal was trained and later turned away. Carlos the Jackal uses a diverse collective of aged men devoted to his handiwork known as "The Old Men of Paris." Webb sends his wife and children to live with his wife's brother, John St. Jacques, in the Caribbean for protection while Webb himself works with old friend and CIA agent Alexander Conklin, and to a limited degree, the CIA, to hunt down and kill the Jackal first. - Plot Synopsis (book by Robert Ludlum): The Bourne Identity, www.wikipedia.com -
When we ask them “why should we answer you or give you what you want”; we do not care about attacks and terror plots; that will be a deadly mistake for them; deadly. Taking on the military and all the militaries of this world by making the future generations fight for the rest of their life is also a deadly way to say this is our home. Their home can end quickly and they can find themselves in jail or otherwise. It will not be long until the sting will last forever and catch up to them; they picked a fight with the wrong people and a sting against them because we are unsuitable defectors. Are they?
Are they willing to give us results or not or are they just willing to make the future of the unborn fight for the rest of time? If they had been recorded and we did penetrate their terror and communist network; then their home will end tomorrow or shortly. What they do until that time is up to them but it does not concern us unless they concoct some escape and evasion effort to reign down military action on them before they are apprehended and convicted.
Webb poses as an important member of Medusa (a newer version than the original he was associated with during the Vietnam era) (see Jason Bourne), now a nearly omnipotent economic force that controls the head of NATO, leading figures in the Defense Department, portions of the American and Sicilian mafia, and large NYSE firms. The plan is to use Medusa's resources to contact the Jackal. Webb just misses the Jackal several times, including when the Jackal locates Webb's family in the Caribbean, before Webb stages his own death and convinces the Jackal that he has succeeded. In a final confrontation, the Jackal is finally killed and David Webb returns to his family. - Plot Synopsis (book by Robert Ludlum): The Bourne Identity, www.wikipedia.com -
We want to tell the authorities and the militaries of this world they no longer have to be scared. We have finally caught them in the act and are scurrying to crush the communist and terrorist cell. Their suspicions were correct and their fears were valid. This is a powerful enemy and they are evidence proof; almost nearly impossible to apprehend. We were able to utilize tactics and strategies never before seen to collapse on them and isolate and compartmentalize. There were other objectives not yet announced such as tracing their leadership and determining how many forces they had on tap and not yet conscripted. We also risk the dangers of not knowing how powerful they are and we had to employ special tactics to camouflage and survive the ordeal.
Their military and even their officials do not even know or understand the methods employed and we will or can disclose such once it is over and those loose are apprehended. We do not want to fuel them or power them up again. We do not want them to have a morsel to use back on us or the next effort to crush them. We try to be as honest as possible with the idea that what we say and do can have a reversal and negative impact on others who are in the field or in combat currently. We are professional and commandos who are also the masters of the situation.
When we say maximize, we mean just that, perfect; nothing less than perfect. Whether anyone achieves it is another tale. You must understand how these wars are fought and how they are tricky and difficult; a lot of dangers exist and if they can seek an advantage, they will. We have tried to explain who we are the best way we knew how. We tried to show what we saw and observed and the real events which led us here. We also tried to explain why the massive blackout and the years of secrecy until we were certain we had our terror plot and those behind it.
Notably, during his time on Earth, Death's personality alters to become mildly curious, ruminative, and gentle, having been worldly, sardonic, and arrogant until he reveals his appearance. Death then places himself at Bill's right hand, under the name 'Joe Black', and establishes his place in Bill's home and work, instructing Bill to reveal his identity to nobody. …This last task is complicated when the Board of Directors of Bill's corporations are urging a union with a larger company at the instigation of Susan's fiancée …He returns to visit Bill, who describes his late wife, to whom he was strongly attached. …Realizing that Joe could end his delay at any time, Bill unprecedented arranges for dinner with his family two nights in a row, prompting them to be afraid. …In his speech at the lavish gala celebration, Bill Parrish fondly expresses his appreciation to his daughters for their work preparing it as well as his love for both of them. Joe later escorts Bill out of sight over a nearby bridge, presumably to his own death. Joe then sends back to life the young man whose body he borrowed, allowing Susan that chance to pursue a relationship with him. Susan tells him she wishes he could have met her father, indicating that she understands (as hinted earlier) that Joe Black was Death, and that her father is dead. The story ends as both of them are watching the fireworks celebrating her father's birthday. - Plot Synopsis: Meet Joe Black, www.wikipedia.com -
They still do not believe we were able to catch them and while they viewed us as peasants and low class. That is the problem with these people; they do not know when they are defeated and when brakes are needed. That malfunction and that failure lead them down a road of criminal insanity and homicidal lunacy. They have no brake system; only the notion this is their home and they have the criterions to call it their home; it is just another false claim criminal’s make; these are not criminals, these are spy cells with sophisticated methods.
More than 10 years after 'Terminator 2', John Connor now exists only as a drifter - living 'off the grid', so no more Terminators from the future can hunt him down. Unfortunately, SkyNet does send another one back - and this one is called the T-X, even more powerful & advanced than the dreaded T-1000. However, another CSM-101 Terminator is also sent back to protect John against the T-X. Now, Skynet is patiently assuming control of civilian computer systems, under the guise of a computer virus. – Plot Synopsis: Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines, www.imdb.com -
We had to reach deep into our own methods to match their level of sophistication which topped the ten levels in difficulty. Anybody in this world can read carefully and notice who we have and the level of sophistication involved. We are trying to explain who we are dealing with and stumbled upon accidentally when ambushed by them. Now we need them done, gone, and off the staff unless they wish to debate this matter honesty or unless otherwise.
We also crossed checked, double checked, and even gave them a chance to dispute or explain otherwise. If they try to lie, we hit them and ask them again. So we are getting closer but we are not yet there. You will see professionalism never before shown to the public and it will have a tremendous deterrent effect. These people have brainwashed each other they are invincible and other humans are weak and vulnerable to their evil power. They have never met us and these sort of bizarre situations never occur with strangers.
John has also met his future wife, Kate Brewster, whose father - a U.S. Air Force General - is in charge of the military computer systems & is leery of up linking SkyNet. However, when the SkyNet virus infects the U.S military computers & leaves the country open to attack, the machines begin their horrific takeover. Soon a nuclear war will result - and the war against the machines will begin. Can the outdated CSM-101 Terminator eliminate the highly advanced T-X - or will a darker future await man following the nuclear attack? (Written by Derek O'Cain) – Plot Synopsis: Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines, www.imdb.com -
They are not here to negotiate, they are here to fight and destroy us. They were one step from this goal and we sprung the trap on them. Anything we did was legally scrutinized by federal prosecutors and lawyers. Also, we have made sure to not only record but to document everything; from incidents to areas of doubt or controversy. This is no fly by night operation and they are very powerful to be doing this behind enemy lines; these are the best spy masters walking this earth. Some of them are not who they say they are or claim to be. They are that good and we will collapse it on them and their undetectable effort.
On top of that, someone was going around pretending our life was a pie and they got the biggest piece. They are targeting people and the end result is a busted life where you feel worthless, useless, and not able to meet your own needs or your family. If you criticize yourself, then you insult them or insult their identity as a terror and communist plot. On top of that, the effort by law enforcement was to make us feel worse and avoiding questions about what they did and why. That is the problem here, not what they did but for whom and why. What they did will not get them the death penalty, for whom and why will. Now they are sneaking around still, putting their hands in the air; not over surrender but victory. – What the Problem Is, by Author; February 1, 2009 -
So this is who has arrived and how they play this political game where we are not able to respond or take action on them. They are elusive and use cynicism and hypocrisy to its maximums while pretending and an imposter. It is treason and they are in direct risk of dereliction of duty; but we are dealing with a communist and terrorist cell who likes to roll over and crawl up when danger erupts. This is why action is so futile or difficult; they are pathological liars or deranged lunatics.
Whenever you have peeping toms and thieves keep you under surveillance so they can keep up; that defines them but does not defend them properly. If they can get away with this and are undetectable, then they will utilize it as a way to maximize their gains or advantage. Who is going to step in or stop them? Like the banking system or the problem with bankers; who would know or understand their lies; their grievance is how others know or how they must always be investigated; that is their complaint because they can only win trust when others are blinded and kept dependent.
…John Conner, now an adult, in fear of the events that took place at a young age, lives off the grid--no phone, no job, no credit cards. After failing twice, SkyNet sends their most advanced machine to date, the T-X or Terminatrix, to not only kill John, but his future wife as well. Once again, a Terminator is sent to protect John and his future wife, and has a small upgrade which allows it to mimick humans more. Not knowing how these terminators were sent, considering he thought he destroyed SkyNet, John will soon learn something that will change his life...forever. (Written by Hayden) – Plot Synopsis: Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines, www.imdb.com -
Again, they have to go and we need them gone as soon as possible with or without proper debate; they are a communist and terrorist cell network. They strike out and mastermind terror plots in front of everybody and for everyone to see; but they claim we do not have enough on them or will get any evidence to such. They have stated with clear and vicious interlude they must keep the pressure up on us; to do so they must escalate these terror plots higher and higher, they must become more and more sophisticated. Their bombs must get bigger and escape detection. Their targets must become more high value and more precious. There is no way to keep this pressure up beyond a durable surrender or higher escalations of this terror plot. Cloning us, recording us and replaying our life, matching us and constantly antagonizing to keep this pressure did nothing but risk the future of the unborn and put them closer to us.
We want them done and gone finally. We want a normal life and this is the only way to have a normal life. We are asking them what the hell is wrong with them and if they have some malfunction which prevents them from being human beings? Why the hell would we keep or ask for a staff that is not determined to fight this war and this problem with human beings being of low quality their only way to compete is labor or effort; are we supposed to slave over how to please them or how they work all day to imprison or beat it? The whole disenfranchisement of our society and world is based on the reality of their malfunction and the process of transforming into a threat we will have to fight the rest of our life. The whole idea is how they exploit opportunity to beat us or beat it. the whole idea is how they existed for so long unnoticed and now flood the world of this so called no threatening essence to exist we described. It is so disgusting they cannot even respond honestly or forthright. How do they figure they will receive more and more opportunity when the effort to capture and apprehend them says they will get none and no more?
Hunsaker admits he is involved in a heroin-smuggling operation run by Vietnam War Special Forces troops, known as 'Shadow Company' (see Air America). The scheme is masterminded by a ruthless retired General, Peter McAllister (Mitchell Ryan) - the former commander of Shadow Company - and his chief enforcer, Mr. Joshua (Gary Busey). Hunsaker was laundering the profits through his bank. McAllister had ordered the murder of Amanda when Michael wanted out and unsuccessfully tried to alert Murtaugh to the scheme. As Murtaugh attempts to make Hunsaker reveal the entirety of his operation, Joshua makes a surprise appearance in a helicopter and shoots Hunsaker dead with a sniper rifle. …Riggs and Murtaugh then head to Murtaugh's home, knowing Joshua will head there to attack Murtaugh's family, who are absent. - Plot Synopsis: Lethal Weapon, www.wikipedia.com -
Until we get this communist and terror plot; there will be nothing and no aid or assistance; their goals and effort to take hostages will not produce any gain or opportunity. The worst part is how their policies accelerate the process of others loosing their entire life savings, so it is a double strike on the nation. What they do and what they do not reveal for us ends up to maximize why we are trapped and must fight them for the rest of our life. They took the first punch and took us out early and now they want us to fight the rest of our life for them; how ingenious.
All you have to do is pretend you are our side and it will cause us to fight for the enemy! All they have to do is circle us when they feel we are ready for their support. They only need to cut the phone lines and have political cover to crush any rescue effort for ten years to complete this defection. We are going to fight for them or are we moving to crush and destroy them once and for all? Are we fighting for them by kidnapping us or are we assisting and moving to arrest them and sting them so badly it will last the rest of their life? Now who is fighting for whom?
While Joshua is arrested and led away without incident, Riggs, wanting revenge, proposes "a shot at the title", which Joshua eagerly accepts. Sanctioned by Murtaugh, Riggs engages Joshua in hand-to-hand combat on Murtaugh's front lawn; after a brutal fight, Riggs locks in the Triangle Chokehold. Riggs releases the pressure and says "You're not worth it" Riggs is the victor. As he's being arrested, Joshua overpowers two officers and attempts to shoot Riggs. Riggs and Murtaugh both draw and fire, killing Joshua. Murtaugh and Riggs are now solid friends, and Riggs spends Christmas Day at the Murtaugh home with Roger's family; Riggs brings his dog Sam to be a friend to the Murtaugh family cat, Burbank (which proves to be disastrous). Riggs also gives Murtaugh a symbolic gift: the unfired hollow-point bullet which he had been saving to commit suicide, as he does not need it anymore. - Plot Synopsis: Lethal Weapon, www.wikipedia.com -
When you look at how they fight and how the left is doing this; you must ask what the ultimate goal is. Are they more important or less quiet? Are they harder to fight and weaker economically? Are they invisible and infallible as they feel and proclaim? Then why if they have all of those factors would they manufacture “Pear Harbor” like terror plots to seek more authority or expertise?
Men in Black follows the exploits of agents Kay and Jay, members of a top-secret organization established to monitor and police alien activity on Earth. The two Men in Black find themselves in the middle of the deadly plot by an intergalactic terrorist who has arrived on Earth to assassinate two ambassadors from opposing galaxies. In order to prevent worlds from colliding, the MiB must track down the terrorist and prevent the destruction of Earth. It's just another typical day for the Men in Black. (Written by Keyser Soze) The adventures of two federal agent men Agent Kay and Agent Jay also known as "The Men in Black," who keeps an eye on aliens in New York City must try to save the world after the aliens threaten to blow it up. Jay and Kay's mission is to foil the plot by tracking down the terrorist, thereby preventing the earth from being destroyed. (Written by Anthony Pereyra) - Plot Synopsis: Men in Black, www.imdb.com -
What is the missing link here because it has to be right in front of us and we can either pick up on it or determine where it is coming from? Why is their war not being debated properly and the right war not fought at all? Isn’t that the entire point of going to war; to seek the right outcomes? Then why do we need a proper and honest debate? If you read carefully and go back to see who or why propaganda is deployed; it makes it harder to fight it and harder to fight; why? If it was so obvious and people look so stupid and futile; how is it being done undetected or without proper scrutiny? Did we miss something or read too fast over the evidence?
6. Cost of living tax cuts. The left dominates and crush others with a progressive tax; now it is debt instead of a progressive shrinkage. Unless that cost of living is addressed, the payment and true amounts are doubled even tripled which will spurn tail spin level inflation. There is a blockage and a bottleneck and when that inflation kicks in and avalanches; it will be too late. In an economy which is ten times the strength, the notion of a tax policy ten times the cost on the weakest links is a progressive recipe for disaster. It is the idea that local governments did fail and cannot continue with this point of failure. Therefore, if a progressive tax is imposed on the crest, then rapid actions must be made when the economy shrinks and troughs. Therefore, there must be immediate tax relief and immediate rate changes if the lowest sectors are given a chance to survive the crisis. Imagine the pressure and build up if this is carried over two, three or five years. We are talking about people who live paycheck to paycheck; they will eventually end up in a bath of social programs and the reverse effect of political developments which must cater to these problems. This is the problem with the permanent underclass; volatility is what they shoot for but ends up again on the bottom. Bottom line, government does not create wealth, it only destroys it. That cost of living is going to trigger double and triple level inflation when the economy constricts because spending was debt on banks and those who cannot pay back loans. - On 50 Changes Needed So We Can Believe In Government, by Author; January 9, 2009 –
We have tried to document a very sinister event and a series of events; one that afflicted and had personal impact on our life but ended up with the nation and the entire world loosing their entire life savings. If you want to make a case for some godless liberal SOB plot to find a messiah; link it to some vast orgy of single motherhood or illegitimate child rearing; or take a stand on the future of the unborn and the compassion of life and humanity; the clear reality is sober. The market reality; the pink slip beheading; the financial execution meant that if you had a child or begin to rear a child in this world; you are making a long term commitment to fight to the death for that child and your own life.
The novel opens in a Confederate military hospital near Raleigh, North Carolina, where the male protagonist, Inman, is recovering from a recent battle wound. Tired of fighting for a cause he never believed in and longing for his home at Cold Mountain, North Carolina, pushed by advice from a blind man, and moved by the death of the man in the bed next to him, he steals out of the hospital after nightfall and sets out west on a walking journey of approximately 250 miles. - Plot Synopsis: Cold Mountain, www.wikipedia.com -
Having a child is a symbiotic relationship in a very dangerous world and where political philosophy and personnel is of such poor quality; the only way to vent and express anger is to kill others or engage in a political crime spree. Having a child to be a victim or to be disadvantaged is a whole entire matter which the laws are warped and skewed for. Surely, the reports of a messiah complex or illegitimacy leading to crime and violence; like the derivative; begins with the calculus of a very long term commitment which the market economy has always tried to cope with by applying scarcity and the law of diminishing returns and resources. However, this terror plot centered on victimization and unification; a process to voice and union and a secret war which was new and surfacing after years of deserving persecution.
Like the same terror and communist plot to reverse the arguments or turn the table; the left wing and liberal movement enjoys the waiting process and seek disaster to fall in line or become a potential victim; maybe of violence or military raids. However, this financial bailout was the last straw and the impropriety which led up to it will signal a new era of prevention. The political system was now courted by disaster, enabled by exploiting the electoral process, and paralyzed by a political crime spree to finance a culture of corruption and foreign pockets of old guards angry at the way life turned out for them. Trillions of new and proposed spending did not signal the cautionary and the warning signals to stop tinkering with the currency system, devaluing, and a mile high club of debt.
“Smoother oil price movements are the main benefit. People do not realize that a lot of movements in the oil price, quoted in US dollars, are caused by fluctuations of the dollar versus the major currencies,” Pavel Erochkine of the Centre for Global Studies in London told Resource Investor. “As the U.S. dollar is likely to continue to fall, oil prices will be automatically pushed up by this trend. So, if dollar falls further, as is widely expected, $100 per barrel oil could become a permanent reality. $100 per barrel oil makes headlines and creates political pressure on OPEC to pump more oil. So, another key benefit of moving to a basket of currencies is to avoid this extra political pressure.” …“It is perfectly practical. I have been studying the oil market for many years and see no unsolvable problems. There are technical issues, of course, but it is possible,” he added. Russia, which in 2006 overtook Saudi Arabia as the world’s largest oil producer, may be the first to move its oil trade off the US dollar and begin trading in euros, Erochkine continued. …The possibility of Russia applying for OPEC membership made the rounds at the OPEC 3 Summit, as was the likelihood that Brazil would do so. Brazil’s Petrobras announced the discovery of the Tupi oilfield in ultra-deep water off Brazil’s Atlantic coast. - OPEC Considers Move Off U.S. Dollar Peg, Will Russia Be First? By Andrew K. Burger, www.resourceinvestor.com; November 19, 2007 -
It was time to ask real questions and get real answers which were not lies and cynicism to prevent apprehension, capture, punishment, and attack. That is the atmosphere with the incoming administration of Obama after a decade long fierce fight with kidnappers and terror plots. We will see if it leads anywhere or whether the doors have been shut and warfare is needed to control or contain the left wing of this global free trade market world. If they want to be part of it, then they better make it work instead of insisting on wrecking it and waiting for the last minute to surge or push through barriers erected in morality and ethics.
I would also think we fire them until they give us the war they waged on us. I would beg to contend they know what pain and subfreezing is by now. They broke and busted our life only because that is their identity; us and them. It is not what they did but why and for whom. It is their game to fulfill the needs of others and it makes you hate your own life and someone you love more than anything in this world, even your own life. It feels like a pie and they just help themselves to any piece of it and you have to ask if you get the last piece? They trashed us, the country, and the Constitution and now we have self hate when it is them who we hate with a passion. They better open their eyes and who is selling a car with no wheels. Their fat and pudgy way of arguing or seeing things stinks, just not a blessing to anyone. I love Ann more than the world and she loved me; however, will we survive this? She needs to know how much I love her and how much I tried to fix this; they are still kicking and fighting. She was a miracle. – What the Problem Is, by Author; February 1, 2009 -
They call this a riot and a mob coup where they quietly break down the doors and set up hallmarks of their achievement falling to the enemies. It was time to determine if government was a collection of bad or poor quality work or some instrument we can appreciate and respect; if that be the case, then trust and truth will be applied voluntarily and not by force because in this world we live in which is becoming more violent, sneaky, and dangerous; we can only stop the good. The bad of this world; well, they have books and reports written about them by people who are affected by them and want to educate them on what their dilemma and problem is.
The narrative alternates back and forth every chapter between the story of Inman and that of Ada Monroe, a minister's daughter recently relocated from Charleston to a farm in the rural mountain community called Cold Mountain from which Inman hails. …At Cold Mountain, Ada's father soon dies, and the farm that the genteel city-bred Ada lives on, named Black Cove, is soon reduced to a state of disrepair. A young woman named Ruby, homeless but a stronger worker than Ada and resourceful, soon moves in and, through hard labor, helps Ada clean the place up and return it to productivity as well as change as a person from being a learned girl, knowing nothing that could help her live, to a woman who can fend for herself. - Plot Synopsis: Cold Mountain, www.wikipedia.com -
Of all the individual choices President elect Obama made which will forever land him the hall of fame blunders was his use of race on Asians. Kenya and Asia are a world apart with geo-political and regional strategies which differ always like black and white. To use the Hawaii and the gullibility of the Hawaiians to suggest he was “in with the struggle” and were an insider to the gateway of the east was a bold striking black eye to his own merits cause. It insults the same race he approves of. Again, Hawaiians and Asian cultures are two vast sums and oceans apart; to pull off his race card and messianic message was tack and lacking severe intelligence.
All of the crazy stuff they once couldn't get passed is now in the pipeline, starting with the stimulus package. What's interesting here is the question of exactly where Barack Obama stands on all of this Democratic squandermania. When he spoke with the Republican leadership on Tuesday, it was obvious he hadn't the vaguest idea of what's included in that $825 billion stimulus package. Yet he's the one who is going to have to scramble to find ways to borrow all that money to pay for the items in the bill. According to House Minority Leader John Boehner, the president was learning some of what is in the package at the same time Republicans are learning about its provisions. My question is if when Obama sees all of the gaudy stuff in the bill, will he rear up on his hind legs and veto the thing? If he doesn't, he will be acknowledging that the real power lies in the hands of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, a couple of whackos, and for the next four years he'll be doing their bidding. - Unclogging the Liberal $ Pipeline, by Michael Reagan, www.humanevents.com; January 28, 2009 -
People do not care about race and they do not care about government so long as things work properly and justice is readily available. There are things in life requiring attention; having a broken life is a recipe for a lot of taxes and a lot of government. Having terror plots and foreign enemies acting behind the scenes is also a formula for a lot of problems and a lot of government to fix those problems; however, financial problems caused by broken lives is an individual responsibility and not the curry favor of government to silently dish out or administer like a doctor. This is because wealth does not come from government, the source of wealth is the private sector and it must stay there. Remove low quality, low quality leaders, broken lives, and broken leadership; wealth returns and a strong economy thrives.
So this stimulus plan and how it is going to create wealth is a farce and another spending phenomenon yet to be understood. It is just buying time and ensuring the interest on the debt does not go into default and cause real problems. This stimulus problem is only a probe to see who is scared and who is in control; but on face value it is as worthless and useless as the asinine buffoons behind it. That is the problem and that is why people do not trust government, the world they live in, and now whether or not their life will ever be fixed or brought back to life. – What the Problem Is, by Author; February 1, 2009 -
However, now a day this is all Washington can churn out; terror plots or this tacky liberator and messiah complex. When the majority of Asian societies were based on internecine warfare or struggle with internal threats; to suggest this sort of hoodwinking was clever or would work is the same arrogance and tacky approach only poor quality human beings can manufacture. The United States is not Asia or vice versa, that is a land of Oz or utopia. So this type of policy again is regional now.
7. Welfare and inflation. The welfare system is more than generous to a family unit so long as they do not have exponential problems such as a single parent household or child stipends of two or three folds. The idea of the welfare system has never been to create and incentive to reproduce or increase the payments of the family units; therefore, a cap should be progressively in place to ensure the welfare system is not taken advantage of while the family unit payments spiral out of cost or control. This promotes crime and also violence with the pressures on a single family unit and any two parent household. There should and must be a system of relief in case emergency actions and widespread problems erupt. The price tag of this fix is a clear indication of the problem and what to expect. However, allow relief in case of harm; not take rash actions and thoughtless failed policy which has bred and led to this crisis. - On 50 Changes Needed So We Can Believe In Government, by Author; January 9, 2009 –
The same tricks pulled on Asia will not work on the United States such as multiculturalism or race baiting for influence and power. Power can easily and readily be sold like a commodity. Asia spent the majority of the last century on civil war; that is a deadly game and that is as real as it gets. So if there is pride in the Obama staff; the least they can do is respect others as they wish to be respected back. The tacky beggar skit is dead with the blooming of a thousand new flowers east of the oceans you are looking at or towards. That is not the worry, the worry is a predator who chooses their victims and use them as a shield.
8. Energy in all socialist countries reaches the scarcity of shortages. Therefore, prolonging this problem leads to subsidies in energy needs such as electric and gas utilities. Again, it is not a fair assumption to nationalize energy companies or needs. These problems are best left to the private sectors however; the lowest price adjusted to the cost of living must be aligned. During these crisis periods massive fluctuations occur where inflation reigns down, prices shoot up, and unemployment drains the communities. It is an angry market who wants change also; it is a market which forces a sober reality. This is the wrath of the market and how it punishes those naughty and nice. The most which can be done is to monitor the price of energy based on the scarcity of it; the data indicates a surplus and a drop with a shrinking economy. The demand stays the same or increases but the supply is now widened due to the lack of efficiency. People become better penny pinchers when crisis and hard times arise. We cannot insulate every single home to a set standard or set a national thermometer control; but prices and inflation are the main problem. Even if demand is constant and price is lowered, inflation will eventually blow the market up. People tend to riot more violently when they are neglected; market solutions are the best way to solve crisis and people become eager to work and show a quality over others. The demand will drop and the supply will increase as the economy slows; there will be problems irregardless. - On 50 Changes Needed So We Can Believe In Government, by Author; January 9, 2009 –
These people are too inferior. Whether they are on the right wing or the left wing the formula is the same brew of constant disappointment and always trying to hide or be some phantom in our life where they never show any ID, authentication method, or even passwords. They just expect you to trust them at face value and will never show themselves; they are the terror and communist plot and their goal is and was to be on the staff. There is never any verification or authentication method. The inferior level will disgust anybody exposed to this group or conspiracy; it is so difficult to recover from but it is so widespread on both the right, left, conservative, or liberal side.
Inferior motives view you as opportunity, money, and a chance to promote until some later time where they make their sneak attack. Until then they keep taking sneak peaks and it is extremely annoying. They feel important and they feel you make them harder to fight or stronger. It is an odd dilemma; they want to be staff at the same time they feel they own your life. All they can do is strike fear in others and make them prisoners, belligerent, and war like. They want war and are saying they want war by hiding the terror and communist plot. We can only stop the good, the bad has never been a voluntary matter or situation. This problem is not going to involve voluntary actions.
Nico Toscani is a martial arts expert who was recruited by the CIA when he was in Japan, he would be sent to Vietnam. While there he witnesses the sadistic treatment of prisoners by Zagon, an interrogator, when he clashes with him, Nelson Fox, his friend tells him to get away. Nico goes home to Chicago and becomes a cop. 15 years later, when he busts a drug dealer, he tells Nico of a major deal going down, when he busts them, he discovers a cache of plastic explosives. And before he knows it everyone he arrested is released and when Nico tries to find out what's going on, a brick wall thrown in front of him. But Nico isn't about to let that stop him. And before long Fox calls Nico to warn him to back off and it's not long after that that he is arrested and suspended from the force. And when a bomb is set at his church, which kills the parish priest, Nico wages an all-out war on whoever's doing this. (Written by rcs0411) - Plot Synopsis: Above the Law, www.imdb.com -
These were the same people who were behind a terror plot and they were identified early as a communist cell. Again, we witnessed this and document it. They always insist on helping but the level of stalking is so intrusive and disrespectful; they claim you are “hating” them and denying them opportunity; yet they are always in the way and keep saying how they “get the message.” Nobody wants to hate them or hate; they do not want to work with them or deal with the daily anger management or misery. This is the problem and why this formula does not work, they are too inferior and their pride is constantly interfering with their ability to please or gain approval from anyone.
This crisis is not the case of being hated or disliked, people want to be free and to live their own life; not be pursued, stalked, and having to deal with inferiority every single day and yelling at it when it wanders way past the tolerance levels. When you are this inferior, you cannot be judgmental and test others daily and constantly to customize or suit your demands. When you are this inferior, you cannot stalk and follow people in their own homes, work, or otherwise. All of this is considered common staple and proper behavior from the left and right wing; it leaves you scratching your head. We are in this predicament and conundrum because inferior groups hate Americans and they more they hate them, the more they need to oppress.
Inman also continually tries to hide from men known as the Home Guard. The Home Guard's purpose is to search for Confederate soldier deserters. He meets a preacher called Veasey, whom he catches in the act of attempting to murder his impregnated lover. …Inman, after finding Black Cove empty, sets out to find Ada on the mountain and he unexpectedly encounters Ada in britches, shooting wild turkeys; however, both have changed so greatly in their appearance and demeanor since they parted that it is some moments before they recognize one another. Inman takes up camp with Ada and Ruby, where Ruby, after fretting that Ada will dismiss her now she has a husband, and Ada reassures her that her ideas are the priority, gives Ada and Inman her blessing, and they make love. - Plot Synopsis: Cold Mountain, www.wikipedia.com -
The problem has to do with their pride and how inferior they present themselves. The problem is how controlling and annoying they are when you do not wish or want them in your life. The problem is they are too inferior to be helpful or lead you to a better situation; so they cannot lead, follow, nor leave you alone. However, this matter with the terrorist and communist plot is how they also prevent retaliation or proper identification of them. This is the problem and how they are protecting a bigger plot and something even bigger which involves them becoming more authentic. They feel powerful on both the right and left wings but they are covertly too inferior and evil inside. It used to be they did it in the dark and now it is a growing boldness to blatantly act this way with the lights on.
It is hard to make sense out of it but; we have one message for them, it is time to prepare the battle plans; they cannot hide a terror or communist past or future which was foiled and being evaluated as with some chance of success. They are evaluating us and evaluating the situation to determine whether or not they can complete or take a few steps; to continue this march to being a feared and terrorizing helper. Again, we are dealing with individuals who are so inferior; fear is all they have to fight with and when terrorizing others becomes a way of life; then their way of life has to end or end abruptly. They cannot use the Constitution as toilet paper or keep insisting this is their home.
They happily begin to imagine the life they will have together at Black Cove and make plans for their future. As the party begins the trek back to the farm, however, they encounter the Home Guard. A shootout commences in which Inman kills or chases off all the members of the Guard except for a seventeen year old boy who flees into the thicket and is cornered against a rock ledge. Inman, reluctant to shoot him down in cold blood, tries to convince him to lay down his arms and leave, but is shot and fatally wounded by the boy when he approaches. Ada eventually gives birth to her and Inman's child and raises her at Black Cove, where she lives with Stobrod and the now married Ruby and Georgia boy and their children. - Plot Synopsis: Cold Mountain, www.wikipedia.com -
Inferior or not is not a concern for these people; they merely sneak across the borders on the right wing or the left wing and squat and occupy the staff or positions so they can meet the right people or have a voice through networking. It is a colony of unlikable cockroaches that infest your own house and you feel helpless. They try to get on the staff or do what they do squeeze what they can from you, to exploit the political system, and to spread a feeling of utter corruption. They are very inferior and they want a voice or to control the lives of others; the way to provide for this is via debt and false or fraudulent banking policies which raised trillions of dollars in debt. So long as they can keep this debt alive, so long they can stalk and try to be close to those who the FBI wants them for dead. What other choice is there?
This stimulus is merely to pay debt; a huge debt in excess of 20 trillion and the way the money supply is being managed will cause civil war and secession between the haves and the have knots. They need a currency they can control and contaminate. They need people and targets to kidnap or oppress. They need victims or else the worthless ingratitude of their audacity and vile hope will perish or wilt away, that is the problem can they accept it or reality? If not then force will be arriving and their will be bloody revolt because the disgust is so pervasive and nocturnal. Death beguiles the one who beguiles more heartily and so far, we have not seen human evil on this level and there is a lot of competition to be the best. – What the Problem Is, by Author; February 1, 2009 -
So they have spilled over to the other side and they want a voice where they were before openly a laughing stock. Now they have become tormentors and sadistic stalkers terrorizing their opponents. Getting close to people gives them a voice and stalking them until they are on the staff is how they sneak into the show; it is too bad they had to resort to terror or communist plots to achieve this; we saw them early on and were very alarmed. They seem to be never alarmed, only inferior and demanding. Ask them where they got their knowledge and they will say how they stole it; but the truth be told, they are on record and replay mode. The majority of them do not have any formal education but instead some special training program we were drafted by; we were conscripted into their army of inferiority; thus began the story to capture or kill this terror and communist plot.
If these people respect the rights of others, agree to the idea they can have a right to exist and to confront and debate openly and honestly, then we are worlds away from head scratching homicidal conspiracies or how dirty government can be when it wants to get rid of certain people. We are dealing with inferiority and a stalker who uses hypocrisy, lies, and semantics to prevent retaliation or military attack; but they are the enemy and behind enemy lines.
So its fluffy and predictable. It's unrealistic and sickly sweet. Who cares...this film pretends to be nothing more than what it is intended to be. Light romantic comedy. …Since stars like Cary Grant, Kathrine Hepburn and Irene Dunne, lit up our cinema screens in the 1930's with films like The Awful Truth, Bringing up Baby and My Favorite Wife, Hollywood and of course the movie going public have reserved a special place in their hearts for RomComs, screwballs and battle of the sexes comedies. - Plot Synopsis: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, www.imdb.com -
That same paranoia of their inferiority and pride is why they struck out or became homicidal lunatics from 1998 to 2009. Regardless, they feel they are chained to the court room and must duplicate this on others who neither deserve it nor wish to listen, no less deal with them. They are inferior, not a comedic act, it is difficult to have them stalk you and insist on helping when it inflames and infuriates so many. They should not be here and maybe feel pain and grief of being born; but we did not copulate with their parents no less advocate it.
Identical plots, Identical jokes but none the less jokes and plots that will never go out of style and will always be relevant in any age or location, whether it be New York of the 30's or New York in the present day. …This plot seemed quite original and as a battle of the sex’s comedy, they seldom come as good as this. Again the formula was followed and we were under no illusion on what the final outcome would be, but their journey to this ultimate destination is what we find entertaining. This type of film has been popular for seventy plus years and their similarities are what make them so. Instead of slamming them watch some of the predecessors and appreciate their origins. (Written by Scaramouche2004) - Plot Synopsis: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, www.imdb.com -
So when their parents decided to have sex, they committed to a fearless and fight to the death, that of the unborn future. We are sure they have stories of fights and battles; but this does not make them anymore or less inferior to the situation; the market executes them and their reality with a gonad of truth. If they agitate this, they can get seriously injured because it is a deadly global struggle which has led to millions of deaths. It is not hate or hateful; we view it as a market execution; a market reality where competition exploits the low quality of human beings and their determined pursuit of substance (Please see chapter “Yes We Kant” for religious interpretation).
We cannot celebrate or define this American dream where humans are motivated and have success stories being executed by a lazy-fair or a laissez-scare. It does happen occasionally; but you have to kill the wildlife, cut down the trees, mine the gold, and plunder the environment; that defines the labor movement. Now their business model has led to a near collapse of the entire global financial markets and all the banks; the reality of the same business model is people lost their life savings and how difficult it is to get back to the real economy or the fundamental economic survival of those who are not as inferior.
The owner of a large bookstore chain starts putting the owner of a small local bookstore out of business. Meanwhile they have been corresponding over the internet without knowing who either of them are. They can't stand each other in person but over the internet they are very attracted. He finds out who she is but she doesn't know. He starts to like her more but she still hates him. He has to fix it. (Written by Deirdre Dear) – Plot Synopsis: You’ve Got Mail, www.imdb.com -
Low quality, inferiority, and incompetence is the transparency of the market but a game of political leaders who possess this same inkling of doubt. It is similar to love and marriage; everybody is not the same beauty and you look for your equal or the best you can find within reason. However, there is a match and a mate for everyone; how low you wish to aim is up to the reality of the mind to fix. This game of love and passion is the same in politics; not all are protected with the same honesty and rights and the equality part comes as the pieces learn what is most free; free on the lazy bottom or free on the scrutiny of the top. Today, we are pagan-nistic and plagued by low quality on both the top and bottom, it is both agony and agnostically terrifying. Who wants to buy a product that does not work or a produce you fall ill for?
That is the reality which abridges a market execution and drives them deeper into homo-septic behavior while ascending to the FBI’s list of pleasant wishes. That business model gets more inferior over time and space if not financial disaster. It leads to terror plots to make them important and harder to fight while they benefit from the deaths of innocent human lives they decided were too good for their sensitive plight. Now how do we resolve that unless or until we unleash the best of our military to hunt them down and capture or kill each and every single one behind this? Is that too much or too reality based; a business plan we cannot get along with? Then why is the same problem our helpers or wishing to become so? It is silly to play these word games to make them Presidents year after year when they are war criminals and liars with a penchant to terrorize others or kidnap the public.
The movie focuses on an old man reading a story to an old woman in a nursing home. The story he reads follows two young lovers named Ally Hamilton and Noah Calhoun, who meet one evening at a carnival. But they are separated by Allie's parents who disapprove of Noah's unhealthy family, and move Ally away. After waiting for Noah to write her for several years, Allie meets and gets engaged to a handsome young soldier named Lon. Allie, then, with her love for Noah still alive, stops by Noah's 200-year-old home that he restored for her, "to see if he's okay". …It is evident that they still have feelings for each other, and Allie has to choose between her fiancé and her first love. (Written by Jessica Cymerman) - Plot Synopsis: The Notebook, www.imdb.com -
There is no holocaust occurring; it is merely a market execution and lack of reality for the left wing and those too lazy or scared to commit to high quality. There is no need and no right to shout the same efforts of anti-war and racial equality. The market and the world has alienated them because they refused to commit to this high quality and respect the essence and existence of others; so their right to exist must end when they commit to this and walk past that line. Maybe during the heydays of radicalism, special interests were “incendiary” to their struggle; however, the same market reality and learning process has not changed like the astrology of their sensitive plight. It is great publicity to plug into and to make youth groups angry or riot about; however, their moral mistake does lead to death and this war to define the right of the individual to exist based on their own talents and values.
…Kathleen Kelly, owner of a little and famous bookstore for children's books, has an affair. Being together with Frank Navasky, a well-known journalist, she betrays him by e-mailing secretly and anonymously with a (also betraying) man whom she met in a chat room. Suddenly, her business gets endangered by the opening of Fox Books discount store just "around the corner". She meets Joe Fox, son of the owner, and soon gets annoyed by his arrogant way of managing business matters. Although getting advice by her anonymous mail-pal, she has to close down her store. But Joe Fox's life suddenly gets out of control when he learns that his anonymous mail-pal is nobody other than Kathleen Kelly. (Written by Julian Reischl: julianreischl) – Plot Synopsis: You’ve Got Mail, www.imdb.com -
This astrological community education and how they raise a child by raiding government was not what we wanted or wished to plug into; they were thrown out and hunted down for a terror and communist plot which has a second coming after the first wave. Are we supposed to sit here and act quietly or are we to come to arms and to smash them with all the might of this earth? Then why would the President spend trillions on this effort or to deny what is crucial to the survival of this world? We cannot harbor or enable this inferiority and the near homicidal politics which prevents the military might to stop the bad and evil of this earth.
This is what people are tired of and fed up with, word games to prevent military solutions of a problem which requires one. This is a problem which requires swift and federal military defiance to lay down the law for this world. The scary part is they do it intentionally and the glibness of the effort; they know it and use the semantic word game to achieve it. To top the insult off with the inferior life, this is a phantom and invisible comedy routine who likes to lie in our beds when we are near civil war with their lies and word games. How in the world do you run a company, a business, or a government this way; it sinks on the softness of the inferior motives and the selfish lazy-scars.
...The movie starts in a nursing home with Duke reading to an older woman, whose memory is slipping from her more and more everyday. Duke reads the story of two lovers who meet in the south at a carnival. Ally was 17. A city girl from money, and Noah was a country boy. …The two spend the whole summer together but Ally is forced to move and go to college although she was willing to give it up for Noah. Noah writes Allie 365 letters and she never gets them. So he restores the house him and Ally went to one night out of 'labor of love'. Seven years pass and Allie meets and falls in love with a wealthy soldier Lon. When seeing Noah's picture in the paper, Allie is drawn back to him. They spent a few days together and she doesn't want to leave. Allie has to choose between her fiancé and Noah. (Written by Stephanie) - Plot Synopsis: The Notebook, www.imdb.com -
This hate in a free trade and global economy is a myth because the majority of resources and high technology reside in non white and black countries. The global joke is why everybody is asking whether these same people understand what is wrong with them and why they are who they are. They do not understand what their problem is but insist they are smarter, more caring, and more competitive by self annoyances. They craft these terror plots to benefit from while their leaders are more important and become harder to fight; but when they loose those benefits or when they are implicated and get stripped of any gain; they begin to cry about how they did nothing. That is the entire point of a conspiracy and terror plot; then the whole point is to pressure them with the gain they received.
Yet this inferiority of leadership values arises and is ignorant to the idea they are qualified to be the king of a throne reserved for someone else. It is their essence not just a political theology. In the chapter called “Mission Accomplished” a clear analysis was made to how market economies do not value hate; they exploit how low quality leadership and other markets have become; then when accused or made to feel guilty; they buy to seclude this voice and to escape this guilt. Every market on earth hates low quality and exploits it and the value it wants to charge others with. They want more and more for their money; not less and lazier; they want human beings to have a determined search for purity and substance; a clear mind; not some inferiority complex and raging pride. That always leads to warfare or slavery.
John Carpenter's slow and deliberate immersion of the daunting and worrying fable of the corrupt, deceiving and indifferent economic, social and political society, that has wrapped itself around its people and who in turn have blindly accepted their fate. Multicultural in more forms than anticipated, are the leading and upwardly mobile alien race who have gelled themselves into the Human psyche and exploited it to its full potential. This is the story of an everyman, a no one, a Nada who stumbles upon their secret, via an underground movement, whose mission is to sabotage their plans and awaken the world to its sinister plans. - Plot Synopsis: They Live, www.imdb.com -
The clear head of politicians. The sanguine of proper education. The reality of words and the unfaltering need to make them bend or glue them together. The ability to match the message and the messenger to a perfect fit and blend. Slandering others or more talented people is not a good business strategy no matter what region or world you come from. Why in hell are we teaching or screaming about how to be a normal human being and not some alien lout who has invaded our world and our nation? Why does it have to be their home when we never said it was or will be? We told their emissaries we wanted this terror plot and those behind the communist take over and they said it was their home; no less ours.
With the help of a pair of sunglasses, that shows the world as it really is, not in color, but a black and white parallel world that the sub-conscious has chosen to ignore. With subliminal messages as "OBEY", "CONFORM", "MARRY AND REPRODUCE", "CONSUME", "WATCH TELEVISION" and "SLEEP". It is through this thought control that the aliens have this world tied up and neatly packaged for its own manipulative uses, to further themselves at the expense of the meek, mild and the lowly sufferers of a job less and hungry world. This is the battle of self-awareness and one mans struggle with a reality check that has these alien beings staging war against the up-rising and rebellious armies from the gutters and streets. They Live You Sleep; where will your consciousness take you when the sleep is washed from your eyes. Welcome to the real world. (Written by CinemaFan) - Plot Synopsis: They Live, www.imdb.com -
So slandering people and the 12,000 terrorist hits on us is their new business plan and strategy; if that proves successful, then false imprisonment is also their business plan; we had two false imprisonments and five years of missing in action because of a terror plot we ourselves foiled. Are we to say that is not a death penalty offense? Stepping on the Constitution is not a good business strategy; it never was or has been. Then why is it? If they cannot vacate the effort and the border; then we have no choice but to unleash the wrath; you cannot invade the country with a terror plot and expect no retaliation or response because it is “our” home. Once this plot is foiled and they are captured and killed; it will not be their home and their right to unleash a terror plot; that is called being arrested for the right reasons, not covering up the right reason. Why is the military debating their leaders and demanding Congress to act on this lead? What the hell is the malfunction of these people or are they just too inferior to care?
Racism is only regional and expands when immigration is broken down or out of tack. Trade and free trade can be reasonable and regional depending on the commodity and price. You cannot force others to buy your goods and the minute you rip them off; it will be the end of your career if it continues. Bad mouthing, smearing, and playing this semantic game is the stuff of homicidal lunatics and a deranged stalker lurking in others life as some predator ready to strike out.
9. During crisis and hard times, prisons become a way to a better life. Therefore, medical care and food stipends should be curbed to prevent the incentive which dictates a “hibernating” period where safety is best under the care of federal powers. With local governments nearly broke by corruption; there will be prison riots when shortages begin to affect the massive crime sprees. If the banks are frozen, then expect some shrinkage effect to curse local governments. It pays to clean the streets regularly and foster a crime free community. The way to a better life is to address the problem with all economies, low quality. That is the business strategy of all economies. What is low quality is not relative or perspectives; that is political insanity. That same insanity was the core of the terror and communist plot. We have to crack the nut of low quality and the corruption will crumble with it. - On 50 Changes Needed So We Can Believe In Government, by Author; January 9, 2009 –
It is a wily and wild human being who lurks underneath the reality we are accustomed with or need; they exist in the wild not even conscious of this because they are dirt stupid and too inferior to care one way or the other. The Presidents of the United States need a proper education on reality and why they are spies and saboteurs; they make things impossible for others while offering no relief or understanding. They are willing to exploit others if they can have a moment of fame and feel the warmth of the limelight. This mindset typically leads to socialism or communism; then terror plots to make them more important and harder to fight off.
Even if we restored the economic sensitivities and stamped out corruption from government to a spit shine Rome once was; it is not enough to stop World War three. What it will do is make people happier while the big issues are worked on carefully. When you have a mob barking down your every move, it is difficult to concentrate on those things which are important and that which is the source of life. Therefore, destiny of this world is no less close to the people who live it then those who ruin it.
Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise is an agent of an Impossible Missions Force (IMF) team, an unofficial branch of the CIA most likely modeled on their elite Special Activities Division, led by Jim Phelps (Jon Voight). The team assembles for a mission in Prague to prevent an American diplomat from selling the Non-official cover (NOC) list - a comprehensive list of all covert agents in Eastern Europe. The mission goes hopelessly wrong, resulting in the deaths of the diplomat and every team member except Hunt. Fleeing the scene, Hunt meets with Eugene Kittridge (Henry Czerny), the CIA-based director of the IMF, at a café. Kittridge discloses that the NOC list in Prague was a fake meant to draw out a mole that has infiltrated the IMF and made a deal to sell the list to an arms dealer known as "Max." Suspicion now falls on Hunt, the only survivor of the botched mission, who makes a daring escape from the café and flees into the city. - Plot Synopsis: Mission Impossible, www.wikipedia.com -
The inevitability of this world is based on human biology and that biology needed to be fixed a long time ago before it chained the human soul to a destiny so perverted nobody can describe the experience. Meanwhile, the devil is always willing to burn down the jungle and free the slaves who only want to swing from one tree to the other for what love they can find and trade. They like us have nothing else to offer in this jungle where animals are born one day and eaten alive the next. So we can civilize people but we cannot change their biology or what forces act upon that biology; we can say things with resonates this same biology to vibrate good feelings and this idea they are loved and cherished.
Hunt returns to the IMF safe house, where he discovers that fellow agent Claire Phelps (Emmanuelle Béart), Jim Phelps's wife, actually survived the mission. He begins correspondence with Max (Vanessa Redgrave), warning her about the fake NOC list and offering to deliver the real one in exchange for $10 million and a face-to-face meeting with the mole, nicknamed "Job." …Phelps, presumed dead in the Prague operation, says that Kittridge is the mole and is trying to tie up loose ends by arresting Hunt. Hunt reflects on this, while mentally piecing together clues he has discovered along the way and concluding that Phelps is the mole, Job. Hunt pretends to accept the story, understanding that Krieger has assisted Phelps, but is still doubtful about Claire's place in the conspiracy. …They are interrupted by the arrival of the real Phelps, armed and demanding that Hunt hand over the money paid to him by Max. Hunt does so, and then puts on a pair of glasses with a camera built into the bridge; the image of Phelps' face is transmitted to the video watch carried by Kittridge, giving the latter undeniable proof of Job's true identity. - Plot Synopsis: Mission Impossible, www.wikipedia.com -
If anything, they are slaves to each other and the machine of the political system will continue to give meaningless speeches and propose wasteful spending policy until they change their destiny and offer something if anything to the inevitable consequence of human life itself. Some animals are born one day and eaten alive the next; the comedy routine is somewhere in between because it is the biology of human life. To change that biology, human beings have decided collectively to use warfare and adjust this misguided and misappropriated biology.
The film opened on October 6, 1971. Jacob Singer (Tim Robbins) is a U.S. soldier in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Helicopters pass overhead, carrying supplies for what appears to be preparation for a big Viet Cong offensive. Without any warning, Jacob's unit comes under fire. The soldiers try to take cover, but begin to exhibit strange behavior for no apparent reason. Jacob tries to escape the unexplained insanity, only to be bayoneted by an unseen enemy. …As the hallucinations become increasingly bizarre, Jacob learns about chemical experiments performed on U.S. soldiers in Vietnam. His surviving platoon-mates confess to Jacob that they have been seeing horrible hallucinations as well. Jacob loses an army buddy in a car-ignition explosion while reaching down to pick up a quarter. - Plot Synopsis: Jacob’s Ladder, www.wikipedia.com -
So restoring the trust in government and encouraging people to work harder and enhance their value so the quality of life can magnify their effort is the goal; but secondary to that effort is the ability of this world to wage war on each other on a level never before seen. In the next two hundred years, the use of gun power will be less emphasized while the force of destruction harnessed by technology grows two, three, and four times the size of the human mind. When we get there, it will be too late and the human biology will not change anymore. We may already be there now and that alignment of the astrological charts where change stops and destiny is fulfilled.
The salacious leadership of the Obama administration has an opportunity to beat the political prostitution of the lubricious Bush years. We need more leaders to think like this and most of all; the entire nation deserves to have a chance to survive and escape the chains of the left wing. Cornucopia of messianic vibrations to soothe the pocketbooks of consummate liars is the method to this madness.
For some reason, we are dealing with political forces and operatives who do not like losing. Whether it is in fist fights or intellectual battles; they always take the cheap shots, the weak shots, the meaningless shots, and the last shots. The only effective way to deal with such a weasel surfacing and becoming a physical human being is to isolate them and they will pick a fight as always. Keep them in the collective purse and they will use peer and collective pressure by imposing their worthless and useless identity on others; hence, do not expect things to magically turn right or change as they say. Therefore, to prevent violence or some eruption, it is better to focus on policies which emphasize individuality and do not let this problem with absolute criminals grow stronger and more artificial. The terror plots had a goal of trying to prove themselves before the public. - Stimulus Tax Cuts and Spending, by Author; February 1, 2009 –
These bailouts and the open ended debt spending is an elaborate and sophisticated kick back strategy contrived to win elections and foster left wing localism. It is a bromide refusal to stamp out what is a raging fire on the streets to keep up with the “Jones-ser’s” that prefer the fetal position of petrified government policies that must be fueled by debt and deaf defying federal spending. Most people see terror plot of some communist groups but we see corruptive practices which will make the founding fathers roll over in their own graves. Entangled and caught up in a web of bad government personnel is fitting of the situation.
The problem with Ann in 2009 was easy to understand. She went to or wanted to attend a lot of cocktail parties and social events. In doing so, she upset those who felt she was "making herself available" or would "put out." So they were upset or disappointed at her for not putting out. Alex was upset and disappointed at her for simply attending so many and going to so many dinners or dates. It was a mish mash of uneventful things with photos and salacious stories with told a different story. It was a list of incidences and various incident reports untold by anyone so far. It seemed as though this nightmare would never end even if it was so damaging already. It was the classic story of how the media is used as an instrument of propaganda and which usurps the public trust of government. What people saw and heard had nothing to do with what the story was about or how true it was. – Diary Entry, by Author; January 31, 2009 -
Again, liberals are inherently blaming other political forces and dupe the message. So the real cause and the real blame is the Bush Administration and even as far back as the Carter Administration. Blaming the 44th President is covering up a lot of Gatorade which they spiked with kool-aid. The General Accounting Office had contacted us clandestinely and surreptitiously to alert us they were under siege, panicked, and also had an answer. They informed us about several suspicious events which indicated a conspiracy were in command. So these so called conservatives and ultra conservatives are missing the boat when they said “Bush inherited Obama and Obama inherited Bush.” They need not live in the present and current and look for or root out the root causes.
10. The accost of education is near the ceiling. It should not take more than a year’s worth of salary to educate one person if they were willing to work hard and do better work. During hard times, education either suffers or is neglected because work is sparse. Education cannot stop and the process of learning. This recession period and vital stoppage of growth must not dent the minds of the future and the prospect they can learn from it. Things slow down, people are despaired, some read and learn their way while others wreck and destroy their way out of despair. So this crisis will become a legendary learning lesson about which we live with and the problems we are permanently cursed by. Life is not theoretical and clearly if it had been then it broke down. President Obama inherited the reckless behavior of the Bush era but this is a long pedigree of failure. It is now at a stand still. If the honest debate and public discontent worsens by the lack of honest debate and clear headed reality; then a revolving door will and constant illegality will be present, that is the power of crisis, very little room for mistakes or lies. You must have the best and the most honest to carry the same talent to an accurate level. - On 50 Changes Needed So We Can Believe In Government, by Author; January 9, 2009 –
All events on earth and life are explainable; however, their religious convictions blame some higher entity for their own misdeeds and greed. So these conservatives were actually liberals who were blaming, unfairly or not, because they refused to look for the source and the cause of this science of life. We will repeat this for the authorities; we were targeted before even graduating from college and it was the biggest, most vicious, and most deceptive cell or characters anyone will ever witness and see. They copy and clone everything you do and come up so close you wonder if they are fearless and psychopathic; if they were carrying explosive anger and will exhaust ten, twenty, or more years to just murder you when it is cheaper to do this when they were younger and less powerful.
Even this flurry had no lasting negative effect on the world's stock markets. Share prices wobbled in London and slumped in Paris only to rally again; in Zurich the rebound was strong enough to lift the market 5% by week's end. On the New York Stock Exchange, after some nervous selling in the first hours of Monday's trading, a strong surge of buying sent the Dow-Jones industrial average up 15.49 points to close at 877.60, its high for the week. - Weathering the Fallout, by Staff, Time Magazine; December 01, 1967 -
When you look at the economic factors from 1970 to 2009; all the credit goes to the government. We will state again, government does not create wealth; government is a support group and unless they can be perfect; they really are of no help whatsoever. So we will and wish to train their minds to the power and strength of perfection instead of this lazy-scare of their politics and economics. The Bush Administration tried to pull off a Don Quixote’s cycle of euphoria and has been because you can tell when the nation is being attacked and you are reading children’s books to preschoolers.
There was a financial slump and so called recession from 1970 to 1980; then there was a “mild” and “artificial” recovery period; then there was free trade and then the high technology boom. Those two factors itself was the major impetus and cause of economic growth. The period of 1980 to 1990 was to cut cost and maximize the bang for the buck and it felt like growth, it was not, it was a mild recovery compressing and optimizing finally government, society, politics, and the economy. This is why supply-side economics is so powerful; it negates inflation and encourages more logical energy policies.
Apart from causing interest costs to rise, the mini-pound should benefit U.S. consumers. However, the price of British goods shipped abroad will fall not by the full 14.3% devaluation but from zero to about 10%, depending chiefly on how much of the final tab represents transportation, import duties, U.S. distribution and profit markups. Auto dealers expect to cut prices of British cars by 5% to 10% within weeks. On the other hand, importers predicted that the cost of a bottle of Scotch will drop only a few pennies-after the Christmas holidays. Devaluation will shave the profits of some American-owned firms with large British operations. Food-packing H. J. Heinz, for one, figures on a 16¢-a-share decrease in its earnings; yet altogether, predicted Heinz President R. Burt Gookin, devaluation will mean "no more than a ripple in the U.S. economy." - Weathering the Fallout, by Staff, Time Magazine; December 01, 1967 -
In times of recession, supply-side policies are the best way to optimize and create this sensation of growth but it is maximum bang for the buck which spurns the stimulus and growth. It is the difference of waking up one morning and one dollar being able to buy two loafs of bread and not just one; it is good for business for some and bad for others. Being stingy is an excellent method to wealth and the frugality of balancing books; stinginess always creates anger, rightfully or not. Therefore, unless there is a second resurgence of the high tech boom or the years of internet explosion around 1995 to 2005; the only other methodology to stimulate the economy is to cut cost and most of all endless debt. The interest on the government debt is much worse than the yearly fiscal spending. That interest grows exponentially year after year.
Dear Mister President; you have not vetoed the new stimulus package and the Republicans have not loaded it with so much pork and social programs yet so I am holding out to some end point. So far the expected is blatant but it is not enough for me to advise you or panic. You have not vetoed it and the Republicans have not sabotaged it. Irregardless, I am disgusted, how can anyone ask me to be more disgusted? If I get more annoyed and of higher anxiety, I will probably get a stroke or some medical emergency; so they can shush and eat pie all doofus long; the conservatives are the most ridiculous bunch at this time. The only people who are capable enough of destroying the Republicans or the conservatives are themselves. You will probably view the Congress as a wild bunch of canine animosity. – On Stimulus Package to the President, by Author; January 30, 2009 -
In the second week into the Obama it was announced that a “Stimulus Package” was needed to address the failure of the TARP program which was now being reported as doling out millions in bonuses salary and with a return of 28%. Therefore, for every dollar spent only 30 per cent or less was effective. Effective at what we still do not know because Fannie May announced the same week they were going to redirect the bad loans and mortgages to rent only until someone or a private company can buy back the losses. Unless Fannie May or Freddie Mac is willing to write off (like Enron) trillions of bad loans and loss; there is no entity out there who would logically make such a commitment. This pretty much sums up the last week of January and two weeks into the Obama Administration.
Since the 1930s, various international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have been established to help nations coordinate their trade and foreign exchange policies and thereby avoid successive rounds of devaluation and retaliation. The 1976 revision of Article IV of the IMF charter encourages policymakers to avoid "manipulating exchange rates...to gain an unfair competitive advantage over other members." With this revision, the IMF also set forth each member nation's right to freely choose an exchange rate system. - “Currency Devaluation and Revaluation”: Effects of Devaluation, by Treasury Department, United States Government, August 1999 -
The problem with an economy completely paralyzed as it is and the head scratching about how government and bad policies led the economy to the brink of endless spending and bail outs; the jam on the head was not addressing simple things such as education. For the millions of people who lost their jobs and got a layoff notice in the last months of 2008; no proposal was ever made to advance their degrees or retrain them to some useful college level program. When students cannot find jobs straight out of college, they have a tendency to go back to school and pursue advance degrees. What is going to happen when the storm passes and the problems were not or are not corrected? Maybe some new courses could prevent it and maybe it is the governments’ initiative to sterilize and strengthen this effort? Maybe there are specific books which can really drive home the point of contentions.
Jacob is then approached by a man named Michael Newman (Matt Craven), who claims to have been a chemist working with the Army's chemical warfare division in Saigon where he worked on creating a drug that would increase aggression in soldiers. Tests of the drug (code-named "The Ladder" in reference to the effect) were first given to monkeys and then to a group of enemy POWs, with gruesome results. Later small doses of "The Ladder" were given to Jacob's unit, through the platoons' C-rations. However, instead of targeting the enemy, the men in Jacob's unit attacked each other indiscriminately. We finally learn that Jacob never made it out of Vietnam; the entire series of experiences turns out to have been a dying hallucination. Jacob's experiences appear to have been a form of purgation in which he releases himself from his earthly attachments, finally joining his dead son Gabe to ascend a staircase toward a bright light. At the end of the film, a message states that the U.S. Army allegedly experimented with a hallucinogenic drug called BZ, but the Pentagon denies it. - Plot Synopsis: Jacob’s Ladder, www.wikipedia.com -
We did not say to offer a stipend or loans for art history, music, or the classics; nor did we encourage the government to saturate society with left wing lawyers; we are speaking about stepping back and asking what the problem is; low quality. It is a good opportunity to educate and use the time, valuable time, to go back to school and advance educational pursuits. This time the students do not have to work two jobs or raise a family. It is just a time to tighten up the monthly costs and get more education so that when the economy returns; it will have the opportunity available. Otherwise, even if the economy recovers the shortage of good personnel or talent is absent and will fall prey to the same problems which plague and paralyzes all economies; lack of brains.
Again, it took almost twenty years for the DOW to surpass 10,000; it is lingering at 8,000 and in the last month lost 4 per cent of the Gross National Product. There is no way to stop the problem when it had been neglected for so long and for so many decades. It is just one of those things you must apply prevention to instead of wait and act with bigger government. This entire collapse was the result of big government. What institutions in society or the world can cause such devastation on the lives of others and cause so much income loss or destruction of life savings? Can we reasonably say the banks? Can we reasonably say government and big government policies? Can we say some kind of big monster or problem on the top of our minds? So it is a systemic failure caused by a political base which lacks the political will to address collectivism and collective failure.
1. Sometimes when bad things happen and worse things are unpreventable or beyond your control; quitting and stepping down is a way to just say how sorry you are or how awful you feel for any harm or bad blood. If you love someone and want them to love you as much; if you put so much into a dream of a life not many find or can have; walking away from what torments and haunts you is a good way to say sorry and to make sure any harm was not intended. Life is very unpredictable and so are human beings; but what you can and cannot do helps to define how you feel or the disgust you must live with. Ann’s recent announcement she is leaving the industry or going to take a second position; to quit and live out what she described and wrote as living out the role of the traditional female is respectable. Walking away from evil is never a crime. If unintentional harm beset the one you love or whom you love; then it is a good apology and an acceptable one. . - Diary Entry, by Author; January 24, 2009 -
In the end, understand we live in a world of diminishing and scarce resources. Unless these energy concerns, food concerns, and natural resources or manufacturing concerns are addressed; the overall impact to the purchasing power of a nation is critical or devastating. How do you buy these goods when you are neck deep in debt and your purchasing power is so reduced by debt and constant fiscal stimulus packages, bail out funds, and more payments to companies for yearly bonuses or vacations? This is the problem; eventually this debt will impact the idea that resources or some diminishing good cannot be bought or is sold to a currency which has a greater purchasing power or potential.
The Larger Sense. Devaluation may enable Britain to boost its exports (notably autos, appliances and aircraft) enough to erase a quarter of its trade deficit, but it will hit the pocketbook of every Briton. Grocers warned that food prices will rise at least 5%, starting with imported fruit, meat and vegetables. The cost of living normally jumps when food-importing Britain devalues. This time the price increases seem likely to touch off a new round of wage demands that Prime Minister Wilson, no longer armed with pay-freeze powers, will have trouble restraining. Promising that his complex web of economic restrictions and new taxes will somehow enable Britain to raise its output, cut unemployment and limit inflation to 3% next year, Wilson last week rebuffed Tory efforts to topple his government. - Weathering the Fallout, by Staff, Time Magazine; December 01, 1967 -
That is a scary conclusion and a very terrifying idea that to build a healthy society and economy; you have to worry not about prices but your purchasing power. The process has already begun and strong economies are aligning and forming trade partnerships so this crisis does not spread like it did. Who in the world is going to trust the bank system, the government, the eruption of constant ponzi-scams, and reports of terror plots and imprisonment by those behind this and raiding the treasury? Unless government is restored, it will have a very negative impact on the reputation and the future business of the country.
"Devour" lyrics by Shinedown
Take it and take it and take it and take it and take it all
Take it and take it and take it until you take us all
Smash it and crash it and thrash it and trash it
You're only toys
Try it you'll like it don't hide it don't fight it, just let it out
Steal and shoot it and kill it or take another route
Take it and take it and take it
You know they're only toys
(Chorus 1)
Devour Devour
Suffocate your own empire
Devour Devour
It's your final hour
(Chorus 2)
Devour Devour
Stolen like a foreign soul
Devour Devour
What a way to go
You want it you want it you want it
Well here it is
Everything everything everything
Isn't so primitive
Take it and take it and take it and take it and take it all
Nobody nobody wants to feel like this
Nobody nobody wants to live like this
Nobody nobody wants a war like this
(Chorus 1)
(Chorus 2)
What a way to go
Diving down…
Round and round…
Diving down…
Round and round…
(Chorus 1)
(Chorus 2)
(Chorus 1)
(Chorus 2)
What a way to go!
“Change” lyrics by Taylor Swift
And it's a sad picture
The final blow hits you
Somebody else gets
What you wanted again and
You know it's all the same
Another time and place
Repeating history
And you're getting sick of it
But I believe in whatever you do
And I'll do anything to see it through
Because these things will change
Can you feel it now?
These walls that they put up
To hold us back
Will fall down
It's a revolution
The time will come for us to finally win
We'll sing hallelujah
We'll sing hallelujah, oh
So we've been outnumbered
Raided and now cornered
It's hard to fight
When the fight ain't fair
We're getting stronger now
Found things they never found
They might be bigger
But we're faster and never scared
You can walk away
Say we don't need this
But there's something in your eyes
Says we can beat this
'Cause these things will change
Tonight we'll stand and get off our knees
Fight for what we've worked for
All these years
The battle was long
It was the fight of our lives
But we'll stand up, champions tonight
It was the night things changed
Can you see it now?
The walls that they put up
To hold us back
Fell down
It's a revolution
Throw your hands up
'Cause we never gave in
We'll sing hallelujah
We sang hallelujah
"Given Up" lyrics by Linkin Park
Wake in a sweat again
Another day's been laid to waste
In my disgrace
Stuck in my head again
Feels like I'll never leave this place
There's no escape
I'm my own worst enemy
I've given up
I'm sick of feeling
Is there nothing you can say?
Take this all away
I'm suffocating
Tell me what the f@ck is wrong
With me
I don't know what to take
Thought I was focused but I'm scared
I'm not prepared
I hyperventilate
Looking for help somehow somewhere
And no one cares
I'm my own worst enemy
Take this all away
I'm suffocating
Tell me what the f@ck is wrong
With me
Put me out of my misery
Put me out of my misery
Put me out of my
Put me out of my f@cking misery
Take this all away
I'm suffocating
Tell me what the f@ck is wrong
With me
“Naked” lyrics by Goo Goo Dolls
Yeah I'm fadin'
And I call out
Never been, never felt
Never thought I'd say a word
Yeah I'm fadin'
And I call out
No one hears me
Weighed down
Safe now
You're naked inside your fear
You can't take back all those years
The shots in the dark from empty guns
Are never heard by anyone
Never heard by anyone
Yeah I'm hiding
In the fallout
Now I'm wasted
They don't need me
Don’t want me
Don’t hear a word I say
Inside your head
No one's there
And I don't think I'll ever be
And I don't care
You're naked inside your fear
You can't take back all those years
The shots in the dark from empty guns
Are never heard by anyone
Never heard by anyone
By anyone
By anyone
"Should've Said No" lyrics by Taylor Swift
It's strange to think the songs we used to sing
The smiles, the flowers, everything
Is gone
Yesterday I found out about you
Even now just looking at you
Feels wrong
You say that you'd take it all back
Given one chance
It was a moment of weakness and you said yes...
You should've said no, you should've gone home
You should've thought twice before you let it all go
You should've know that word, bout what you did with her
Would get back to me...
And I should've been there, in the back of your mind
I shouldn't be asking myself why
You shouldn't be begging for forgiveness at my feet
You should've said no, baby and you might still have me
You can see that I've been crying
And baby you know all the right things: to say
But do you honestly expect me to believe
We could ever be the same?
You say that the past is the past
You need one chance
It was a moment of weakness
You said yes...
I can't resist... before you go, tell me this
Was it worth it...?
Was she worth this...?
No... no no no...
"Thinking Of You" lyrics by Katy Perry
Comparisons are easily done
Once you've had a taste of perfection
Like an apple hanging from a tree
I picked the ripest one
I still got the seed
You said move on
Where do I go
I guess second best
Is all I will know
Cause when I'm with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into your eyes
You're like an Indian summer
In the middle of winter
Like a hard candy
With a surprise center
How do I get better
Once I've had the best
You said there's
Tons of fish in the water
So the waters I will test
He kissed my lips
I taste your mouth
He pulled me in
I was disgusted with myself
Cause when I'm with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into...
You're the best
And yes I do regret
How I could let myself
Let you go
Now the lesson's learned
I touched it I was burned
Oh I think you should know
Cause when I'm with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into your eyes
Looking into your eyes
Looking into your eyes
Oh won't you walk through
And bust in the door
And take me away
Oh no more mistakes
Cause in your eyes I'd like to stay...
“Breakdown” lyrics by Seether
The sun is gone and the flowers rot
Words are spaces between us
And I should've been drown in the rivers I’ve found of token lost
And I should've been down when you made me insecure
So break me down if it makes you feel right
And hate me now if it keeps you alright
You can break me down if it takes all your might
'cause I’m so much more than meets the eye
And I’m the one you can never trust
'cause wounds are ways to reveal us
And yeah I could have tried and devoted my life to both of us
But what a waste of my time when the world we have is yours
So break me down if it makes you feel right
And hate me now if it keeps you alright
You can break me down if it takes all your might
'cause I’m so much more than all your lies
Hate me, break me down
So break me down
So break me down
So break me down if it makes you feel right
And hate me now if it keeps you alright
You can break me down if it takes all your might
'cause I’m so much more than meets the eye
“The Hit” lyrics by Smile Empty Soul
Hey record company do you need a hit?
Cuz I need a hit too, to give me a different view
Hey Mr. Producer do you want a hit?
Cuz I wanna hit too, to keep me from hitting you
Just being in the same room with you
It makes me wanna get high, so I can forget you
Just being in the same room with you
I think I’m losing my mind
But I got nothing to lose
Hey landlord do you need the rent?
Cuz I need the rent too, so I can afford food
Hey baby do you need some of my time
Cuz I need my time too, to not think about you
Take me away from these people, that want shit, from me,
Just tell them, I’m busy, so fuck off, and die
Hey record company do you need a hit,
Cuz I need a hit too, to keep me from hitting you
Just being in the same room with you
It makes me wanna get high, so I can forget you
Just being in the same room with you
I think I’m losing my mind
But I got nothing to lose
“Desert Moon” lyrics by Great White
Let's shake this town baby
Come with me
I need a little lovin' company
C'mon now
I know where we can go
This is the time
T'stay out all night
I've gotta fire
Like a heavenly light
C'mon baby
Let's take a drive
C'mon baby
Let's do it right
Time to dance
In the magic light
Of the desert moon
Let's lay it down
Under a cactus tree
Give a little lovin' ecstasy
C'mon now
It's time to go
Little baby
You're a beautiful sight
I've got the love
And we have the night
C'mon baby
It's time to fly
Come on honey
Let's get it right
Make romance
In the magic light
Of the desert moon
“Fall for You” lyrics by Secondhand Serenade
The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before?
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core
But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won’t live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find
This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed
But I have loved you from the start
So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in
I'm yours to keep
And hold onto your words
'Cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight
When you're asleep
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won’t live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You’re impossible to find…
There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
Enter key words, topic, or specific references to posted chapters...
About Me
- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest