There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

Enter key words, topic, or specific references to posted chapters...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Never forget the rule of thumb, these people have nothing to offer and nothing this world wants by way of insanity and way of terror. This terror has caused companies and capital to abandon them and this is just how they fight and take it back, oddly legal. It is a game and a tactic to them which stirs the soul into believes their way of business is also a reflection of their history. That history and the lack of change have caused companies and capital to flow to other parts of this world and the economy of control to fall victim by the free market. It does not matter how strong your economics are, the use or the link with terror is a good way to go belly up and bankrupt.

If it is not noticeable yet, there is a major problem with politics and the political state of affairs. Maybe the entire political process has to be thrown away and replaced by something that guarantees the right results each and every time, why waste time on something that does not work and produces hilarious paranoia. The entire network and link of power must be thrown away and replace by random selection; almost like the old days when the king would choose a random successor who has all the qualities and blessings of the heavens. They do not have the blessings of the heavens.

I thought the rest of the world was going to love us if we elected B. Hussein Obama! Somebody better tell the Indian Muslims. …And now they're Obama's problem. If Obama wants his detention of Islamic terrorists to be dramatically different from Bush's Guantanamo, my suggestion is that he cut off -- so to speak -- the expensive prosthetic limb procedures now being granted the detained terrorists. … No, you didn't read that wrong, because the VA won't pay for your new glasses. I said $75,000. I would have gone with hanging at sunrise, but what do I know? - Terrorists’ Restless Leg Syndrome, by Ann Coulter, November 26, 2008; -

We are and will be living in an age where trust in government is completely broken and bankrupt. The reason is because the accounting is not accurate. Liberals, or self declared liberals, call themselves conservatives and the policies they forward or advance are logged in the history books inaccurately. We are living in a spend more for a little less society. Those other societies where spend more for much more will thrive and grow much quicker. Government leaders are basing their entire control of government and economics on this model; spend more for less and less. If conservatives are going to propose conservative policy, make sure the accounting is correct. If liberals are going to implement all conservative policies, make sure they have the accounting and not claim the credit and trick the public into this deception. This was how the problem and the inaccuracies began with deception and eventual loss of trust.

Talking about the names for the Vice-President nominee floating around in Republican circles, Rush Limbaugh said on his show that airs on 600 radio stations nationwide, “I’m going to give you a name that would make me jump for joy — Bobby Jindal. I did an interview with Bobby Jindal. He is the next Ronald Reagan if he does not change.” Jindal, a 36-year-old Republican born in India, took over as the Louisiana governor last month after a resounding poll victory. Talking with a caller, Limbaugh, who has been critical of McCain for not being conservative enough, explained why the Republican Party should choose Jindal to run with McCain. “He’s young. He’s the guy who beat the liberal Democrat machine throughout Louisiana. He did it on 100 per cent conservatism,” the transcript of the show reads on Limbaugh’s Website. But then the host of the top rated national radio show regretted that Jindal does not stand a chance. “I think he may be too conservative for McCain. That depends on who they think McCain will need or want, but Jindal is very young, and he’s only in his first year as Governor.” - Limbaugh: Jindal The Next Reagan, by anonymous, -

What do we get instead? We get Mafioso cousins, people who do not have the educational merit to teach kindergarten kids, we get backslapping clubs, we get a mockery of the royal court or the majesty of power, and we get some high school John Hughes movie about bad experiences at the hands of something more bizarre. Power and governing is from the heavens and these people are not from the heavens. You got to get rid of all these problems and all the problems they bring into the sphere of power. Like the military, it will fall and collapse quickly if the organization is not preserved and runs amuck.

Is it bad domestic forces which produces good foreign policy or good domestic forces that produces bad foreign policy? If some terror plot hatched back in the 1990s; then the intention is to capture the audience and unleash some sort of foreign policy based on an entirely spearheaded failed domestic one. Why would hate groups who did not believe in the right of the individual to exist or those who did not value individual talents want to hatch some contrived foreign policy based on foreign terrorism? It is the most bizarre episode of history when the little guy, whom fairly or unfairly, gets enough criticism as it is already, becomes draped in a flag of terrorism, hate, and some global foreign war to spearhead an entirely separate matter about socialism and some kind of bailout or foreign aid. What is going on here and why is opportunity becoming so evil?

The Abramoff-Reed Indian Gambling Scandal is a US political scandal involving the work done by lobbyists Jack Abramoff, Ralph E. Reed, Jr., Grover Norquist and Michael Scanlon on behalf of Indian casino gambling interests. The lobbyists are accused of orchestrating lobbying against their own clients in order to force them to pay for lobbying services. In the course of the scheme, the lobbyists are accused of illegally giving gifts and making campaign donations in return for political favors to several senior Republican politicians, in particular Tom DeLay, Conrad Burns and Bob Ney. In addition to his involvement in the Indian Gambling scandal Abramoff is under investigation by a grand jury in Guam over possibly illegal contract payments and money laundering and was indicted on August 11, 2005 by a third grand jury in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for bank fraud arising out of an unrelated business deal. - Abramoff-Reed Indian Gambling Scandal, From -

The problem is really easy to explain but not so easy to enforce, playing with the lives of others is not a good recipe to political management. Like any other company or organization, you need good people and you need to make sure they are the most qualified. Everybody wants power and to be in some position of control but nobody wants to face the hard cold reality, the political breed sucks. People pay a lot of money for nothing. They pay so that the next guy down the line who wants to give a crap will put the effort in while the ones in power collect the checks and public accolade. That is government and that is why government is viewed as lazy, inefficient, a dead end idea, and not market competitive. This stigma still applies today and power rests among families, organizations, and a chaotic way to life.

The political system has chugged along with horrific results and dangerous experiments in history. It respects freedom and it tries to abide by the rules and tenets the founding fathers laid forth, but it does not handle problems and stress well. Our experience alone indicates a major break down and near clinical insanity and criminality. How do you manage or allow the government to run with this nutty off the charts insanity and criminality? The rule of law has been broken and deafened, replaced by the rule of thugs and the gun. We are in some whacked out state of rule by the gun and human destruction. Those who make it to the top are angry and resentful and hang onto hate; when the slightest challenge arise or the stress of failure, they destroy because they are a failure. Politics is a culture of failures but it has survived because it respects freedom; their freedom over others. Now, paranoia and surveillance is so widespread and needed; life is almost gone.

“The current administration is unwilling to act in concert with others” …We should have allowed the International inspectors to do their jobs... we didn't do that... I was told by the former Prime Minister of Lebanon that he had no weapons of mass destruction. All of our Arab allies told us, including President Mubarek of Egypt... (Pause) I have always tried to be responsible with my language and I have never accused the President of lying, I would say his administration certainly misrepresented, starting with the fact when we were told... now we know that is just not true... almost six years after this we have a pretty clear record of what they said and didn't say. (Pause) If you recall the war speech... I said to Colin Powell you are going to war... Cheney was doing this all the way up to the invasion of Iraq... I do not think they were direct and honest at all. (pause) ...before I take a trip I always find out who is paying and who is involved... – America Our Next Chapter, by Chuck Hagel, Hannity and Colmes –

The reason why the political breed is not the most ideal is bizarre. Maybe this lack of royal blood or the lack of some royal court to teach future leaders what a proper way to govern is or should be. Maybe some educational qualification or intelligence exam must be given to ensure the ability to govern supersedes the ability to ambition and greed. Maybe a lie detector or some method to weed out the incorrigible and those who are obviously not quality or qualified can let down the pressure of a volcano of insanity and deficiency of qualifications by those who seek power. Power has led to near paranoia and round the clock surveillance. It is a bad state of affairs when the conditions turn south and head for the bottom like a hooked fish while the quality of the personnel does also. This material culture and lack of internal governances seem to act contrary to reality. When things get bad, the personnel are just as bad. When it is good, they turn blind. There is a lot about politics and the political system which makes no sense and a lot of people who accept it.

But the best answer to the terrorists is to dream bigger, make even more money, and visit Mumbai more than ever. Dream of making a good home for all Mumbaikars, not just the denizens of $500-a-night hotel rooms. Dream not just of Bollywood stars like Aishwarya Rai or Shah Rukh Khan, but of clean running water, humane mass transit, better toilets, a responsive government. Make a killing not in God’s name but in the stock market, and then turn up the forbidden music and dance; work hard and party harder. If the rest of the world wants to help, it should run toward the explosion. It should fly to Mumbai, and spend money. Where else are you going to be safe? New York? London? Madrid? So I’m booking flights to Mumbai. I’m going to go get a beer at the Leopold, stroll over to the Taj for samosas at the Sea Lounge, and watch a Bollywood movie at the Metro. Stimulus doesn’t have to be just economic. - What They Hate About Mumbai, by Suketu Mehta, Op-Ed Contributor, November 29, 2008; The New York Times -

These people are trouble. Their politics is trouble. Their lack of proper upbringing and talents are trouble. Their lack of mission is trouble. It strikes the conscience as someone pulling strings and sabotaging the rule of law to humiliate both sides to play God and to make everybody guilty for living free. It is very difficult to put a finger on and it is very difficult to describe, a good start is to get rid of all the people in government and start over with random selection and good qualities of decent upbringing. Government service can be a good way to make a living but it must cease to be this protection scheme, prison system, open door of traitors, and some paranoid trip down failure and flawed life experiences. These people are really horrible and no damn good, they have no business and no welcome mat to be in the circles of power no matter what their family name is or what force is behind them. It is reaching a breaking point and a plateau of sheer paranoia and this is getting really annoying.

Power and governance is from the heavens. If the blessing of the heavens is not there, no amount of money is going to make up the difference. It is a dangerous experiment. It has always been a dangerous experiment in time. All of this money and wealth has taken the blessing of the heavens and replace it with a quick buck or some scam to get rich quick by raiding the treasury or fiscal budget. This is and has been a dangerous experiment but the people on duty do not care one way or the other and it brings back the next one and next one and so on and so on. It is really annoying. We need to open it all up and try to break the pattern by relying on random selection to let the strong and the smart to rise from the ashes. Like the phoenix who rose from the fires of history, this blessing from the heaven must also raise and it needs not pull these acts we see by the force or the residual latency of fighting the truth. Fear and abuse by your own community is not a way to the corridors of power.

Limbaugh: I want to know. I look at Iowa, I look at Illinois—I want to see the murders. I want to see the looting. I want to see all the stuff that happened in New Orleans. I see devastation in Iowa and Illinois that dwarfs what happened in New Orleans. I see people working together. I see people trying to save their property…I don’t see a bunch of people running around waving guns at helicopters, I don’t see a bunch of people running shooting cops. I don’t see a bunch of people raping people on the street. I don’t see a bunch of people doing everything they can…whining and moaning—where’s FEMA, where’s BUSH. I see the heartland of America. When I look at Iowa and when I look at Illinois, I see the backbone of America. - Rush Limbaugh Attacks Black Katrina victims and praises Whites as the Floods hit, by John Amato, June 17, 2008; -

If a human being is so threatened and their right to exist is so threatened, then it is time for the military. It is not a time to let the bottom of society rise by the force of fear. This is not the way to live and these people are not the answer to life. This world has to face the truth and face the fire to realize life cannot exist like this. The best and the brightest, those determined to be principled and honest by reporting everything truthfully, those not imposed and motivated to lie and cheat all the time, those not stupid and greedy to corruption; cannot live like this and fall victim to the trash of this world. It cannot continue.

Massoud said he had nothing against the Chinese but wanted to embarrass Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf for cooperating with the Americans. You know, the Americans who had just footed -- you should pardon the expression -- a $75,000 bill for his prosthetic leg. Pakistani forces stormed Massoud's hideout, killing all the kidnappers, including Massoud. Only one of the Chinese engineers was rescued alive. As a result of the kidnapping, the Chinese pulled all 100 engineers and dam workers out of Pakistan, and work on the dam ceased. This was bad news for the people of Pakistan -- but good news for the endangered Pakistani snail darter! In none of the news accounts I read of Massoud's return to jihad after his release from Guantanamo is there any mention of the fact that his prosthetic leg was acquired in Guantanamo, courtesy of American taxpayers after he was captured trying to kill Americans on the battlefield in Afghanistan. - Terrorists’ Restless Leg Syndrome, by Ann Coulter, November 26, 2008; -

If life and the existence of the human being is a random flip of the coin or has no value any longer because two forces are pulling harder downwards, then it is time for the military. You cannot have a society and a government where the existence of the human being is determined by how angry this group is or that group is. You cannot let those behind it turn their sights and turn their melancholy on this world where serious and detrimental results are imminent and inevitable. You got to stomp it out and if not, let the military wipe it out. We will repeat this, you cannot have a government and society where the life of the human being, that from the heaven, not able to self preserve itself or persevere over this evil. If this nation has gravitated to this level, then it is time for the military to stomp out this evil and drive it off the border where it cannot do any harm or wiggle into government power. It is reaching a point of near paranoia and impractical insanity and this is not an understatement. These people are not only out of control, they are a major threat to human existence. They define it as hope and how life is supposed to be.

Global Terror Alert:

We have detected a plot and a conspiracy within the US government to what appears to be the upper echelon of a large terror group. As we were closing in and undercover a jackpot of information, they struck with a two prong attack to assert themselves. The first was to use a technology called an APS high frequency crowd dispersal technology to numb the hands so that penmanship was difficult and painful. When this was ignored for four to five months, they began to use the technology in all parts of the body, specifically targeting vital organs to see if any long term or terminal results would occur. This fell in step with a second massive attack on the financial district of formerly Bombay, India; what is now Mumbai, India. The reports are being written and under the duress of their Supreme Commander who tipped us off about an imminent attack.

Mumbai, India's financial capital has been targeted before. In March 1993, a series of car bombs were detonated at public landmarks across the city, including the stock exchange, killing 257 people. Those attacks, in which the city's underworld played a key role, followed Hindu-Muslim violence in the city during December 1992 and January 1993. Working-class Muslims were the principal victims, often shot at point-blank range by members of the city's police force. - Mumbai Attacks Show Method Amid Madness, By Sumantra Bose, BBC News (London School of Economics), November 28, 2008; -

The plot has to do with intercepted communicates which were so highly encrypted; we did not even spot it until after the fact. They communicate point to a domestic plot to alter foreign policy, “the Indians stole Manhattan.” We do not know who the “Indians” are and how they stole “Manhattan” but it refers to some domestic plot originating with 911 and the bombing of the World Trade Center then leading to some sequel after the 2008 Turkey elections, the end of the Bush era and the beginning of the Obama administration. We know it is a domestic hate group and they are seeking to alter foreign and trade policy using frowning clowns.

We all have children and grand children, he does not have a market on that or any of my colleagues, we all are concerned about the future of this country, but we have an honest disagreement here and that is what Democracies are about. Now, the fact is we can talk all we want and we can go to all the specialists in the world, the fact is the Iraqi people will determine the fate of Iraq. The people of the Middle East will determine their fate. When we continue to interject ourselves in a situation we never understood, we never comprehended, and I think after four years it is becoming quite clear of that, that tells us something very clearly, and we now have to devise a way to find consensus with our allies, especially the people in the Middle East, that is going to require to find a political framework for some progress with the Israeli-Palestinian issue, it is going to require listening to our allies in the Middle East… someone is not listening here, there is a major disconnect, we are talking about the future of our country, the future of the Middle East region is at play here… - Chuck Hagel, Meet The Press –

The biggest foreign policy push in the last eight years has to be the Iraqi War. It was not the rule of the heavens but it had the interests of the heavens and the dollar. The effects of the Iraq War can be advantageous if viewed from greater than substance. It was good diplomacy for a region which was armed three to four times as much as other regions, a red hot spot. It allowed an opportunity for a new presence and new beginning but not defined or able to define it because politics always reverts to the gravity of being local, you must aspire to goals and aspire to something precious. Everybody was a hero now and the nation came together during good times.

By way of terrorism, the Iraqi War was a sign of good will in a region which encountered ongoing warfare and terrorism since the early 1940s; terrorism after World War II became so pervasive but unaddressed by the governments there. It causes a lot of desertion and dissent like the Vietnam War but it was not naked aggression or civil war; it was not a war on terror either. It caused a massive injection of the green back into the Middle East economy and a lot of flow to and from that region. It was some sort of vendetta and return to the 1960s era way of doing business; by the barrel of the gun. Good or bad it was a costly war and was not discoursed in fair and honest discussion.

In July 2006, a series of bombs planted on Mumbai's commuter train network killed 183 people. Other Indian cities have been regularly targeted as well, particularly Delhi, the capital. - Mumbai Attacks Show Method Amid Madness, By Sumantra Bose, BBC News (London School of Economics), November 28, 2008; -

The timing of 911 (original) has to do with the month of September. It is symbolic with terrorist groups who are black, red, or otherwise. The Indian 911 (sequel and eight years later) marked some ending point or symbolic denouncement. We know it is about killing Indians and trade, hence the World Trade Center before. We know it is about hate groups who liken Vietnam to The War on Terror; the War on Poverty and the Great Society of the 1960s.

In October 2005 bombs exploded in crowded Delhi markets on the eve of the festive day Diwali, the festival of lights. More than 60 people were killed. Most recently, in July 2008, bombs exploded at a number of congested public locations in Ahmedabad, the capital of the western state of Gujarat. Gujarat, one of India's most prosperous states, saw large-scale killings of Muslims in 2002 after an arson attack on a train in the state killed 59 Hindu nationalist activists. More than 50 people were killed in the Ahmedabad bombings. A previously unknown group, the Indian Mujahideen, claimed responsibility. The Ahmedabad attacks were particularly vicious in that bombs were detonated outside the emergency facilities of city hospitals just as people injured in other explosions were being brought in by ambulances. - Mumbai Attacks Show Method Amid Madness, By Sumantra Bose, BBC News (London School of Economics), November 28, 2008; -

We know it has to do with free trade and Indians or Asians, who want to trade or seek exclusions in their own stock markets; to manipulate the manure so the economy can grow bolder. We know the US coalitions are both Caucasian and black unions of harmony. These terror plots never work to create harmony because tax dollars are always unaccountable. Terror plots never work to achieve any of those goals.

The Indian government blamed Pakistani religious radicals, and embarked on a major military build-up on the border with Pakistan, to which Pakistan responded with its own mobilisation. The stand-off eventually wound down later in 2002 after months of tension and brinkmanship. But frontal assaults, usually carried out by two-man teams firing semi-automatic rifles and lobbing grenades, were the favoured tactic of the insurgency in Indian-administered Kashmir between 1999 and 2003. - Mumbai Attacks Show Method Amid Madness, By Sumantra Bose, BBC News (London School of Economics), November 28, 2008; -

This sinister terror plot is currently being investigated and not fully understood due to the speculation and lack of evidence. The individual who made those statements had done so under extreme duress and risk. We know it was an effort to promote a disadvantaged and alienated group who would not otherwise seek honest discussion or diplomacy. These groups are below the radar and use trickery and deception to force others into a position of surrender or full compliance, some 911 or 411. Was this a coup by rogue forces that were stacking the Pentagon for some imminent war or was it to simply create the image and iconoclastic symbolisms needed for resume fraud? We know it involves money and illegal aliens, foreign nationals, some alienated groups, and a gigantic pushes of hate and finger pointing by draping the little guy in some race of terrorism flag. When hate is advanced, the usual parties to reap the benefits are the left who lack financial usurpations to stimulate and bail them out a victory.

The show will be held at the New Amsterdam Theater in New York City on October 18th to raise money for victims of Hurrican Katrina. Local Limbaugh affiliate, AM 770 WABC, is promoting the event. Limbaugh's website,, quoted the conservative talk show host as saying, "...we're doing this to promote Hurricane Katrina relief and to fund it. You know, I do this sparingly these days, ladies and gentlemen. Sort of like the old Rush to Excellence Tour that we used to do, it's about an hour and a half to two hours. It goes until I decide I've said enough, and when I feel like it's over, its over." - Rush Limbaugh Benefit For Hurricane Katrina Victims Sells Out in 20 Minutes, by Corey Deitz, -

Before the attacks on Mumbai, the APS technology had been used as an intimidation by high level Pentagon cronies of the Bush Administration to suggest “watch what you say to us.” It then became a standard policy to silence the investigation on them when this plot was detected and the undercover personnel revealed. There are many theories involved and we will begin with what is concrete and certain. They have set in motion some terror network and high level penetration. The specific goal is stalemate. To keep the forces of good in a stalemate using lies and deception; torture is only being used to keep their secrecy and to advance this stalemate. They are overtaking and hijacking the right wing with agitators and imposters from the left wing. After the election of 2008, Bush administration cronies along with imposters began to target us in order to silence this final apprehension. It may have been to open a door for the new administration, we do not know yet.

What we do know is they set it in motion from the inside and high up. They did not want us to dismantle it under their watch and we do not know if it will be addressed properly on the incoming watch of Barrack Obama. They asserted this guilty as sin plot in the final period of 2008 when no chance of escape was available. The methods to apprehend them and the personnel used to apprehend them, in the act, were revealed as side by side government agents investigating this plot and used as feelers. Some plot was released inside and within the military empire and set into motion with massive funds and power.

In the Bombay I grew up in, your religion was a personal eccentricity, like a hairstyle. In my school, you were denominated by which cricketer or Bollywood star you worshiped, not which prophet. In today’s Mumbai, things have changed. Hindu and Muslim demagogues want the mobs to come out again in the streets, and slaughter one another in the name of God. They want India and Pakistan to go to war. They want Indian Muslims to be expelled. They want India to get out of Kashmir. They want mosques torn down. They want temples bombed. And now it looks as if the latest terrorists were our neighbors, young men dressed not in Afghan tunics but in blue jeans and designer T-shirts. Being South Asian, they would have grown up watching the painted lady that is Mumbai in the movies: a city of flashy cars and flashier women. A pleasure-loving city, a sensual city. Everything that preachers of every religion thunder against. It is, as a monk of the pacifist Jain religion explained to me, “paap-ni-bhoomi”: the sinful land. - What They Hate About Mumbai, by Suketu Mehta, Op-Ed Contributor, November 29, 2008; The New York Times -

It is controversial and inconsequential, a conspiracy. This plot is intended to unify and create harmony but being so manipulative and disgusting, it puts a wedge between the leaders and the ground forces. The troops are cut off from the decision making or the real events and ordered to obey. We were punished severely for defiance in 2002 and threatened with life imprisonment if mental competence or cooperation was not displayed; some sort of benevolence or cow tow. They wanted us retarded and so we got retarded for three years in order to win back our freedom. This game is the same; let’s get retarded if we are not allowed to get smart. The same as the US foreign policy. So why were we kidnapped by imposters who wanted to work close with us and wanted full access into our life? Were they the same or just terrorizing us into dropping it and running; made us steel; bread for whine; promoting our steel; bread for war?

I think the Party has lost its way because the conservative wing of the Republican Party has always advocated a non interventionist policy. Senator Robert Taft didn’t even want to be in NATO; George Bush won the election in 2000 campaigning on a humble foreign policy, no nation building, no policing of the world; Republicans were elected to end the Korean War, the Republicans were elected to end the Vietnam War, there is a strong tradition of anti-war in the Republican Party. It is the Constitutional position, it is the advice of the founders to follow a non interventionist foreign policy, stay out of entangling alliances, be friends with countries, negotiate and talk to them, trade with them… - Ron Paul on the Republican Party, Presidential Primaries 2008 -

What does this conspiracy entail? These are hate groups and controversial groups who are forcing their way to victory. Specifically, the terror plots are meant to help the little guys rise in power and to acquire material support. They live by a oath of death and one of these terror or controversial groups will rise out of the ashes eventually. We neither support nor have the military power to engage all of them at this time. We allow them to thin each other out and prepare for the ultimate victory of one of them. Again, they are controversial. We have posted terror alerts and bulletins to every major terrorist enforcement and government in the world to be weary of these groups and this plot.

Right now we know several things for sure. They are not with us; their goal is to put us in state of stalemate by using imposters and rivals to get close. Their goal for the past ten to twenty years has been to extinguish the rapid economic growth in Asia, a left over of the Vietnam era and the domino theory. That major defeat left them dispirited and they began to target Asians and Asian governments. The suspects are racial hate groups consisting primarily of white and black opportunists. Even if they target Asians, their goal is to control Asians using liberalism and make them “sit down or fall down.” The World Trade Center was targeted for contributing to this massive economic victory and civil war. The second attack on Asians and whites came on Thanksgiving Day of 2008, a new economic Asian epicenter.

Just as cinema is a mass dream of the audience, Mumbai is a mass dream of the peoples of South Asia. Bollywood movies are the most popular form of entertainment across the subcontinent. Through them, every Pakistani and Bangladeshi is familiar with the wedding-cake architecture of the Taj and the arc of the Gateway of India, symbols of the city that gives the industry its name. It is no wonder that one of the first things the Taliban did upon entering Kabul was to shut down the Bollywood video rental stores. The Taliban also banned, wouldn’t you know it, the keeping of songbirds. Bollywood dream-makers are shaken. “I am ashamed to say this,” Amitabh Bachchan, superstar of a hundred action movies, wrote on his blog. “As the events of the terror attack unfolded in front of me, I did something for the first time and one that I had hoped never ever to be in a situation to do. Before retiring for the night, I pulled out my licensed .32 revolver, loaded it and put it under my pillow.” - What They Hate About Mumbai, by Suketu Mehta, Op-Ed Contributor, November 29, 2008; The New York Times -

Due to an unusual level of hypocrisy and cynicism, several under cover personnel were able to get close and interrogate one of their leaders and a few surrogates to figure out if they were linked to the events ten years ago. Going on simple intuition and memory, those leads were orchestrated into a jackpot of surprise. We had captured and are closing in on one of their top leaders and he was panicked, he began to finger those in this plot and conspiracy. We knew it was a success when the APS technology began to increase and get turned up causing excruciating pain and intimidation. We are seasoned commandoes ready for world war and the end of this world, ready for anything or anyone.

Huey Long was the kind of man you’d be hard pressed to not like. In the 30s he was planning a bid for the presidency; a move which would have easily derailed the Jewish, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. For the Jewish Mafia, this simply couldn’t happen. At the time of Long’s popularity, Adolf Hitler, was also coming into power and two men opposed to the rule of the international Jewish Crime Network would mean a crushing defeat for Jewish controlled Russia. FDR had plans to move the United States into an era of communism under the guise of democracy. It was Roosevelt that popularized the very word ‘democracy’ in American political speech. Long was keenly aware of these tactics and the Jewish Mafia’s ability to take control of the economic arena by way of the establishment of the Federal Reserve. - Interesting Write-Up of Huey Pierce Long, November 18, 2008; www. -

We do not know if it was a real threat or a novelty but it caused tremendous pain and infliction of emotional distress on loved ones as they too got this special treatment. It was coming from the Joint Chiefs of Staff and was backed by Bush Administration cronies. We had been warned by their chief of staff to watch our words and several other threats to be quiet while they advanced an unconditional pardon for those in this plot and conspiracy; a get away was in order. Once they acquired and used the space age weapons, it ruled out any intervention or rescue effort. We can only do the best we can. It is so high up and so embedded in corruption and financial criminality, we roll the dice ourselves.

Their message is insanity. Their method is hypocrisy and cynicism. Their goal is material support and power for the little guy. They are losing badly and they blame Asians for advancing past their intelligence levels. We had nipped and snuck up on one of their leaders who was known to be a recruiter and linked to this liberal church. There were under cover people listening in and monitoring every single action and words. Their leader had the same level of surveillance on us not knowing it was a trap. The goal of these terror and hate groups is simple, to assert dominance and authority and to win back this distraction of stalemate. We are the ones in a state of panic and we are the ones who are captured and in danger. It is a hydra head and the second Indian 911, on thanksgiving, was to be a distraction of this hydra head. It will now take another ten years to investigate maybe as it grows and the hydra monster asserts itself. They are trying to grow it out so it overwhelms the investigators while an unconditional pardon is brokered.

(The Political Sphere: Property versus Democracy) The two forces held in tension within the political sphere throughout modern history, property and democracy are so tightly linked in Macpherson’s thinking that they must be considered together. An essay entitled “A Political Theory of Property,” first published in his collection Democratic Theory (1973), can be regarded as the centerpiece of Macpherson’s contribution to contemporary political thought. Its explicit treatment of changes in the nature of property as a political issue over the whole course of modern history marks the resumption in his mature period of a theme that was a cornerstone of his formative years; in the years that followed he then edited a volume titled Property and wrote a number of new essays on the subject. “So all roads lead to property”: the point of convergence for most of the main currents in his other writings." - Leiss, William. "C.B. Macpherson: Dilemmas of Liberalism and Socialism," CTheory Books, Montreal, CA. 2001: page 104. -

We doubled and tripled checked with other high level sources, never making a move until a lead was secure and certain, this rules out disinformation. At some point, the fake act revealed we had a genuine and authentic leader who wielded massive power. What were suspicious was the sloppiness and the use of trickery. We detected a high degree of indirect support for both Israel and hate groups simultaneously while playing the race card. Again, the little guy was not known to be whose. Eventually, after several years we sprung the trap and his entourage scattered. He spent the next three months trying to trick and silence undercover agents who had his full dossier and file. We witnessed and measured the degree to which he worried and lied blatantly to cover up what was already a string of lies and deception by an imposter. We said nothing, only traded notes back and forth while sending in new faces to measure and ask for an explanation. It might be a mix-up and miscommunications.

Gandhi first employed non-violent civil disobedience as an expatriate lawyer in South Africa, in the resident Indian community's struggle for civil rights. After his return to India in 1915, he set about organising peasants, farmers, and urban labourers in protesting excessive land-tax and discrimination. Assuming leadership of the Indian National Congress in 1921, Gandhi led nationwide campaigns for easing poverty, for expanding women's rights, for building religious and ethnic amity, for ending untouchability, for increasing economic self-reliance, but above all for achieving Swaraj—the independence of India from foreign domination. Gandhi famously led Indians in protesting the British-imposed salt tax with the 400 km (249 mi) Dandi Salt March in 1930, and later in calling for the British to Quit India in 1942. He was imprisoned for many years, on numerous occasions, in both South Africa and India. - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, -

We are dealing with failures that are angry and hanging and honing their life and pride with violence, intimidation, conspiracy, and mostly terror. We do not know who is the little guy is, they are doing that and making these decision with terror and fear. The insanity and madness gives them a sense of power and self assertion. Targeting Asians, in this case Indians in South Asia, is how to strike at this intelligent approach. It invokes a sense of cleverness, practicality, and a superior racial unity. It is a senseless and total lack of intelligence, pure brutality and brute force intended to intimidate and terrorize. We experienced two full years of this from the neighbors upstairs and then a complete scatter and cessation when the trap was sprung.

The obvious novelty is the use of frontal assault tactics instead of timed explosive devices. This is new in the urban Indian context. There was one notable exception - an attack by a five-man squad armed with rifles and grenades on India's Parliament in New Delhi in December 2001. The attackers were narrowly prevented by alert staff from gaining access to the building, where hundreds of parliamentarians and ministers were attending a session. They were gunned down near the entrance by security personnel after an hour-long battle. Nine guards and parliament stewards also died. This attack led to the crisis of 2002 between India and Pakistan. - Mumbai Attacks Show Method Amid Madness, By Sumantra Bose, BBC News (London School of Economics), November 28, 2008; -

They too were in touch with this suspected leader who had made contact with us and boasting as he was basting in the sunlight of his victory and prize, our soon to be death. He wanted to know what our reaction was to his grandeur before the nails were put in the coffin. Our response was to show him the undercover agents and the methods used to apprehend him, his terror network, and the evidence we had on him. He offered to pay reparations but never wrote down or went beyond a gentleman’s agreement. Every deal or offer for three full months was hearsay and apologies. It was heartfelt but never responded to fully, this hope was never taken away and he continued to sing like a bird for the investigators who were listening in. We heard him give out the orders but did not know or were able to decrypt them. He even told us what he was doing to boast. The people upstairs, identified as authentic and not imposters, verified his orders with angry and fist shaking defiance or day long foot stomping.

As I read about Ann Coulter having her jaw wired shut, my thoughts turned to the election reporting and commentary. I realized that never in our history has so little been said with so many words. I also thought about how screaming has become an important part of our news process. I thought about several other self absorbed news show hosts or commentators who could use some time with their jaws wired shut. During the campaign, we watched as so called news reports became screaming editorials, politically based talk show hosts literally screamed for attention, and panel discussions became shouting matches. To take us even further from the truth, anger and fear tactics were thrown into the mix. …The weapons of choice became smoke, mirrors and increased decibel levels. I once heard it said, 'You will often find that the louder the volume, the bigger the vacuum.' During this election, the giant sucking sound was not jobs crossing the border. The giant sucking sound was the sound of the "Media Bullies" trying to suck us in as they shouted down anyone with a different opinion who was willing to appear on their shows. - The Giant Sucking Sound of 2008, by Tom Gerdy, November 29, 2008 -

The Indian 911, some near perfect identical, highly planned and organized, terror operation was announced a week before it occurred. Everybody heard it but did not even know what it meant, it was encrypted. These hate groups were angry with the financial collapse and stumbling errors with the bail out. Their side was getting bashed and tormented by those who were closing in on their charade and poser scams. They were unraveling and soon to face massive pressure. The Indian 911 was to assert and protest this harm on them while draping the flag and terrorism flag around the little guy. If you drape the terrorism flag around the little guys, they skirt them off as fallen messiahs or comrades.

You will see and witness ten full years of risk taking and very high level deception to “test the waters” from the little guys. Anybody who takes these wild and extreme risks is either crazy or suicidal. We do not know if it is sheer stupidity or sheer courage. They are spies and exhibit all the characteristics which we had been shown as a parade of advancing armies to surrender or be destroyed. They showed up and showed us their army before engaging and destroying in 1998 to 2001. We were given an option or a choice to surrender to them or not and we chose not to, so they struck out at the nation and also every aspect of our life. Be weary of these controversial politicians and imposters wrapped in opportunist and terrorist garb claiming to be fiddling with the defense of the little guys. It is controversial and also a hornets nest of conspiracy and rogues. They have on both PLO and Israeli uniforms but draped in USA flags.

When help was called in 2002, a three year imprisonment was forwarded while a distraction of war was used to stack the Pentagon, who we asked them to call for assistance. They took that distress call, cut it off, and declared war to stack where they felt a rescue would be from. They refused to double check or at least listen to any information which was helpful, it was the Bush Administration morphing into an imposter, while do nothing made this kidnapping worse and worse. We do not know why or why they still refuse to investigate this fully but now, a second 911 has erupted onto the world to terrorize every single government what next surprise lay in wait. They are experimenting to see if anybody is bold enough to initiate a fight or take a stand against the people’s commissar. To do this is to cut off material support to the people themselves. They want to know whether or not they have a home when and if they offer some material support or offering; a bribe to the people’s authority.

Part of the problem is that there are so many media outlets that the competition for attention has become ferocious. At the Democratic convention, it was estimated that there were around 4,000 participants and 15,000 media related people in attendance. I never heard the figures, but I am sure there was a similar ratio at the Republican event. That disproportionate number of reporters chasing limited truths explains why Joe the Plumber got his 15 minutes of fame. Joe might be a nice guy but he is not news. The media glut created a situation where those covering the campaign felt it necessary to give us news 25/8. The extra hour each day and day each week were being used to invent or embellish stories that often weren't newsworthy. I am sure you remembered them. We often saw them displayed under a banner that said BREAKING. NEWS. What was presented to us as news was often as much fiction and fantasy as it was news. - The Giant Sucking Sound of 2008, by Tom Gerdy, November 29, 2008 -

This second time we avoided the authorities and took it to the public immediately and the media channels scaring off and making them scatter. They are and were kept in the dark even if an army of surveillance was monitoring and feeding the strategists. Their soon to be captured leader was closing in and asking if we had any final words. He was actually telling us the story and helping us write the book while revealing him and a lot of ears were listening in. When we were certain, we said go and also alerted the authorities all around the globe breaking this control and hijacking of authority. But it did not end there. We determined this was not insanity but a cogent and retentive (a repenting imposter with a good heart and a chance to be a good person again) individual who was in over his head. What they regret is being caught and apprehended publicly. They were trying to broker an unconditional pardon and were using torture and official military arms, a violation of the UCMJ and the Constitution, to seek this end regardless of the penalty.

Here is an interesting take by a non-Louisiana an on our own Huey Long. This cut is taken from the 'brave gentiles' section of the website of john Alan Martinson, Jr. Who describes himself as a black gentile? Mr. Martin son’s website has a wealth of information on the Jewish criminal network or "jcn" as he referrers to them. We’re especially thankful to Mr. Martinson for his turning us on to the works of Dr. Tony Martin, professor of Africana studies, Wellesley College, Massachusetts and the late Dr. John Henrik Clarke, who pioneered awareness that Jews were responsible for the African slave-trade in American history. - Interesting Write-Up of Huey Pierce Long, November 18, 2008; www. -

The single threat and thread is Asians. Targeting Asians is their strategy and the suspects are both black and white of all heritages and ethnicities. Their intelligence is being humiliated and their economic posture is unraveling with overwhelming debt. Meanwhile, the Asian economies are teaming up to produce cars and mostly electronic goods by strong partnerships and technology personnel. There is no way to catch up or defeat this business scheme because the level of engineering is beyond what the losing side can muster. The Indian attacks were to signal the motives of the first attacks and how invincible they are as failures. Their strategy of helping the little guy keep up will never catch up to the engineering numbers which the Asian economies have taken over and will dominate for the entire next century. Military arms will go to the technological victor.

They took the APS technology, what we had slowly leaked to one individual two years ago in 2006 and used it back on us not knowing whether it was enough to create a stalemate. By our response and the global reaction, they understood it as another failed brokering of this unraveling unconditional pardon. Their pardon was denied and ended by public sentiment and anger of this chicanery. This was the devil himself we were listening in on. They were gaining back this road of humiliating and shutting us down by breaking our spirits. This risk taking is an early sign of suicidal tendencies and insane posturing by failures whose gamesmanship is shock and awe. It is meant to foment sympathy for the devil and to seek material aid while making the little guy more powerful and righteous, more self confident.

Long was also a warrior for Black Gentiles, and often criticized by those sympathetic or working for the Jewish Mafia, because a powerful Black American culture would mean there would be no more scapegoat for the Jewish criminals (who would later open the NAACP and deny it a Black president for 60 years).Long advanced the literacy rate in Louisiana from 22% illiteracy to only 5%. Despite his loving empowerment of Americans, on Sunday, September 8, 1935, Long was in Baton Rouge at the capital building, attending a session called by Judge Benjamin Pavy, one of Long’s political enemies. Long walked down a corridor and Judge Pavy’s son in law, Dr. Carl Weiss, walked up to him and shot him in the abdomen. Long’s bodyguard’s rightfully riddled Weiss’s body with 30 rounds and then found that their charge thankfully wasn’t fatally wounded. - Interesting Write-Up of Huey Pierce Long, November 18, 2008; www. -

They claim they are learning from us daily and must keep us licked and locked up for the better of society. They are the leaders and they need us as a human experiment so that they can ascend to this communist messiah. It is not from the heavens but money to them; they are devoted to saving their comrades, socialists, and communists at all costs and risks. If this means the death penalty, then they are well past this point. They feel the people will understand and pardon their righteous and substantive effort. It is an underground sewage of immigrants, illegal aliens, and the flux of 1960s activist and social justice campaigners who do not want to go back to where they had been. The right of the individual and the trust between the individual and government is the needed sacrifice and this was their test. If you fail, you die; a vendetta of the Cold War and right wing challenges against the communists in history.

It was around that time, 1913, that the Jewish Mafia opened Wall Street and the ADL (Anti-Defamation League). The latter of which became a Jewish spy hub with a primary focus on denouncing anyone critical of the crime network as a mere anti-Semite (a term the Jews stole, as Arabs are Semitic people). In August of 1935 Huey “Kingfish” Long, announced his bid for presidency. In an effort to keep criminal Jews from becoming too wealthy and powerful, Long proposed the “Share Our Wealth” program which would cap all family assets at $5,000,000 and require that each household income could not go over $1,000,000 in annually. - Interesting Write-Up of Huey Pierce Long, November 18, 2008; www. -

The strategy to help the little guy regain power and authority was deeply rooted in political parties in the United States or European nations. They mirror and duplicate with near identical goals of the “opus dei” and “Zionist” religious clandestine factions to dominate the world. Those two groups do not abide by the Constitutional upbringing which was advanced by the founding of the nation, the right of the individual to exist and the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. Rule and power to them is not from the heavens but the economic system, jobs, and money. Now they are in serious trouble because they Asian economies have dominated the high technology sector for the next hundred years or more. This too was revealed by their captured leader as why they were destroying our computer equipment, it symbolized this Asian elitism and a stalemate which they were symbolically killing and blowing up. He had indicated why he destroyed the four thousand dollar laptop or the ten high end gaming machines back in 2006 with no intention of repayment, only reaping the victory of emotional distress.

The perpetrators were not members of the main homegrown Kashmiri insurgent group, the Hizb-ul Mujahideen ("Warriors of the Faith"). The fidayeen technique - a rudimentary form of "shock and awe" warfare - was introduced into Kashmir by Pakistani radical organisations that entered the Kashmir insurgency from the mid-1990s onwards. The large majority of fidayeen attacks in Kashmir were perpetrated by one such organisation, the Lashkar-e-Toiba, headquartered in Pakistan and founded and led by Pakistani religious radicals. The Lashkar-e Toiba did over time recruit a handful of local Kashmiris as fidayeen cadre, but most of the attackers were Pakistani nationals who had crossed into Indian-administered Kashmir. - Mumbai Attacks Show Method Amid Madness, By Sumantra Bose, BBC News (London School of Economics), November 28, 2008; -

The Indian 911 was an assertion, rapprochements which investigators were asking from the suspects. Rather than give up, they created opportunities and freedom for those who were under the microscope to give them confidence and to say “do not give up.” This opportunity broke the détente and declared cease fire, thus the rapprochement itself. This is a skilled political tactician who can easily outfox the authorities as they are witnessing before their very eyes. As we have said, they are huge and to not take it lightly, it looks surreal and feels like a fantasy; but they do not shoot blanks and are dead serious. They have a lot to loose and the risk taking they are displaying is never before seen. It is near suicidal and sheer madness of lunatics. It is not going to lessen the pressure or scare off the governments of this world, terror never works even if they are the victims or the ones fixing it. We do not care who fixes it and we know that is a hoax intended to scam others into trust and material support. We can even rationalize it and verbally word it lucidly if they care to also.

This is the same sort of risk taking we observed before 2001 and by the same people. It is a slew of them and a mass movement to overwhelm in unison. The distraction takes the media away from the epicenter. At the same time, the hydra grows to a unanimous level and proportion. Their supporters know that targeting Asians will not incur any punishment; it has been done twice blatantly without any remorse or punishments. It is very unlikely the investigators working this matter will alter from this set plan and strategy. They have their own investigators and team of conspirators. There are strings attacked to any such investigation. Targeting Asians revives these threads and strings. It is happening all over the world in stupid and thuggist societies who do not have a foot in high technology economies.

"Abdullah Massoud ... had earned both sympathy and reverence for his time in Guantanamo Bay. ... Upon his release, he made it home to Waziristan and resumed his war against the U.S. With his long hair, his prosthetic limb and impassioned speeches, he quickly became a charismatic inspiration to Waziristan's youth." -- The New York Times He's not a one-legged terrorist -- he's a freedom fighter living with a disability. I think we could all learn something about courage from this man. "He lost his leg in a landmine explosion a few days before the fall of Kabul to the Taliban in September 1996. It didn't dampen his enthusiasm as a fighter and (BEGIN ITALS)he got himself an artificial leg later, says Yusufzai."(END ITALS) -- The Indo-Asian News Service … Karachi? Hey, how do I get into this guy's HMO? - Terrorists’ Restless Leg Syndrome, by Ann Coulter, November 26, 2008; -

These terror groups claim they are against Israel and the USA but they are the little guy themselves. It is one little guy against some rival gang of thieves, warlords. They forget what we are against, the little guys who do this. We want them destroyed and eviscerated immediately no matter where they hide out at. We are after the root cause of this little guy and his rampage through the world of the big guys. We captured one of the leaders who call the strikes on US soil but his lawyers and protection racket is too powerful to have government cronies act on it. The socialists control the economy and hate the Asians for this stalemate in the high tech and even the space war levels. They have cronies in the Pentagon who are using what we leaked to them two years ago, as a torture device to this unconditional pardon and eventual get away.

MY bleeding city. My poor great bleeding heart of a city. Why do they go after Mumbai? There’s something about this island-state that appalls religious extremists, Hindus and Muslims alike. Perhaps because Mumbai stands for lucre, profane dreams and an indiscriminate openness. Mumbai is all about dhandha, or transaction. From the street food vendor squatting on a sidewalk, fiercely guarding his little business, to the tycoons and their dreams of acquiring Hollywood, this city understands money and has no guilt about the getting and spending of it. I once asked a Muslim man living in a shack without indoor plumbing what kept him in the city. “Mumbai is a golden songbird,” he said. It flies quick and sly, and you’ll have to work hard to catch it, but if you do, a fabulous fortune will open up for you. The executives who congregated in the Taj Mahal hotel were chasing this golden songbird. The terrorists want to kill the songbird. - What They Hate About Mumbai, by Suketu Mehta, Op-Ed Contributor, November 29, 2008; The New York Times -

High technology is their weak point but the thug-gocracy is using the political system to set loose or set in motion hate groups who have access to these weapons. They do not represent the high technology world nor were ever invited. Yet they hang on like a rebel yell to this thug-gocracy and special ops to set in motion some clandestine plot to “civilize” the new and upcoming Asian economies. They are stalking and trying to hang on to power while the world changes but they claim others are stalking them or they are talent agents. These terrorist attacks are a promotion to others and serves as their self confident. They do not rule from the heavens or get their power from their either; hell.

We do not care who they are or what they drape each other in. We know them as nothing more than imposters which were caught red handed. They threw up their hands and said “hope and change” and ran off into the crowd. Next thing we know, they came back with Bush cronies and began using an APS torture technology on us for four full months and then escalated it to vital body parts for one full month now. At the end of the month they were asked if they wished for a space war or shootout, to assert themselves and we got this, a tirade of killing Indians. They had announced and fingered the Indians as stealing from them a week before the attacks even took place. We had picked up on it and deemed it as unusual, bizarre, out of nowhere, and not funny. Their comedians are not funny whatsoever.

Mumbai is a “soft target,” the terrorism analysts say. Anybody can walk into the hotels, the hospitals, the train stations, and start spraying with a machine gun. Where are the metal detectors, the random bag checks? In Mumbai, it’s impossible to control the crowd. In other cities, if there’s an explosion, people run away from it. In Mumbai, people run toward it — to help. Greater Mumbai takes in a million new residents a year. This is the problem, say the nativists. The city is just too hospitable. You let them in, and they break your heart. - What They Hate About Mumbai, by Suketu Mehta, Op-Ed Contributor, November 29, 2008; The New York Times -

We knew we had them and we knew we were talking to their supreme commanders. All were facing the death penalty and conspiracy charges; they were over their heads already and knew they had been entrapped by the public disclosure. The authorities behind it had to respond and quickly with some explanation if any and form some scrape goat or cover up. These are Supreme Commanders and material was moving fast to their forces, we knew this; they were also imposters, vicious spies and saboteurs trained to take open ended calculated risks never before witnessed as dirt stupid and a baffling stupor. We do not care where they are from or who they choose to be tomorrow. We do not care if they are the President or a street sweeper; the rules of the game are the same, Constitutional merit. We will follow all leads and leaders, even if it leads us to Israel or the USA. That is what the problem is right now. We cannot wage war on their leaders at this time for some reason.

While we are pinned down and not able to wage war on their leaders, they are cutting a rampage in the world. They are stacking the military. They are refreshing their forces with men and materiel. They can claim who their mortal enemies are or who he the little guy is, we do not care. We follow all leads to their holy land and all gut feelings to utopia. We do not care if the Promised Land is a lie or hope and change, it is a suspect now. This unconditional pardon idea and the torture to broker it is an unconditional stink from the sewage of desperate hope and vile meanness unimaginable. It is an army of lunacy and rule not from the heavens but hell and opportunist see no evil imbec-cilian docile buffoons. Who is the turkey now on this thanksgiving and who is not so at ease with this new found glory? It is one hydra going off after the other until the lunacy is a red dot in the distance. It is beyond a reasonable doubt, without any measured hesitation, this is a grotesque rogue and traitor force sneaking around as imposters seeking a stalemate by kidnapping us for this stalemate and morphing into anything that arises.

Premier Khrushchev anticipated the new correlation of forces in his foreign policy address to the 20th Party Congress in 1956. Soviet H-bombs and missiles, he said, had rendered the imperialists’ nuclear threat ineffective, the U.S.S.R. an equal, the Socialist camp invincible, war no longer inevitable, and thus “peaceful coexistence” inescapable. In Leninist doctrine this last phrase implied a state of continued competition and Socialist advance without war. The immediate opportunities for Socialism, according to Khrushchev, derived from the struggle of the colonial peoples, which the U.S.S.R. would assist through foreign aid, propaganda, subversion, and support for “wars of national liberation.” - The Sino-Soviet Split, -

One of these cells will win the prize eventually as kin of the hill. Maybe by waging war on humanity, they will advocate peace and broker some Nobel hoax retarded into submission or submission. This extreme risk taking benevolence is has been eight years long and widening out to an open ended gamble with massive bail outs and trillions of misspent dollars. Rule from the heavens is no more; it is rule from the dollar and socialism from her on. Why have we been retarded by insane criminals and a clown posse of hope? (Note, they just hit with a massive jolt on the hand again while reading this; this is their Supreme Commander, a fool in hiding. A soon to be dead one if he continues to play this game with the authorities and this “are you scared yet” jackass god damn game with this world. There are a lot of ears and eyes looking at their Supreme Commanders now with utter disgust and homicidal intentions.)

About the APS satellite; if you are new to it then you will revere it. If you are not new to it, then it is a spent used toy to play with until something bigger and better comes along. The APS satellite was new and they did not know how to use it. We do not have it and with the massive rush of new Generals and mix of career politicians, can be a very bad mix. These positions are not open to any fool who can survive the bureaucratic butt kissing. It seems as if someone has implemented do nothing and opened every single door hoping some order will arise, like hope. We tend to not do not need or use the APS satellite, it was considered low tech and primitive but to those desperate it is a rocket ship. It has only been deployed for a year or so in active service which means it is outdated. They stacked the defenses to outrank for an anti-war protest. They realize their rules are now obsolete and new ones are coming.

This risk taking is obviously the ownership of extremists and dogma from the nation of losers and do nothing while they borrow their way to fame and glory. Here is the bottom line; they are not only retarded, but criminally insane. It is more than a joke; it is an obvious explanation only others can think for them. Retardation and eating scraps off the floor does this to the hope of Supreme Commanders who wish to kidnap their ways to fame. We did not even get to read their books on their father, which all of them printed, which shed some light on why they ended up taking such extreme risks while our book never got to see the light of day. People were buying their junk and our junk was being burned as witchcraft or threatening their state of sewage disrepair.

The Soviet successes in outer space just 40 years after the Bolshevik Revolution were powerful evidence for Khrushchev’s claims that the U.S.S.R. had achieved strategic equality and that Communism was the best system for overcoming backwardness. Sputnik restored Soviet prestige after the 1956 embarrassment in Hungary, shook European confidence in the U.S. nuclear deterrent, magnified the militancy of Maoist China, and provoked an orgy of self-doubt in the United States itself. The two Sputnik satellites of 1957 were themselves of little military significance, and the test missile that launched them was too primitive for military deployment, but Khrushchev claimed that long-range missiles were rolling off the assembly line “like sausages,” a bluff that allowed President Eisenhower’s opponents—and nervous Europeans—to perceive a “missile gap.” Khrushchev in turn tried to capitalize on the apparent gap in a series of crises, but his adventurous policy only provoked perverse reactions in China, the United States, and Europe that undermined his own political support at home. - The Sino-Soviet Split, -

The bottom line is we do not deal with or work closely with terrorists, unless kidnapped, but we follow every lead, such as our own kidnapping. They have heard this before and now are on our side. If this means calling them retards or mean names, sniffing their kids god forsaken underwear, or trying to figure out how any human being can stand their stink; then it does. It is hard to keep up good spirits when terrorized for a decade and fatally wounded. Wounded or not, in 2008 they wanted us quiet so they could give new orders, “drop it and run” which has not been fully explained.

The FBI Miami shootout was a gun battle that occurred on April 11, 1986 in Miami, Florida between multiple FBI agents and two heavily-armed and well-trained gunmen. The firefight claimed the lives of special agents Gerald Dove and Benjamin Grogan, as well as the two robbery suspects, William Russell Matix and Michael Platt. In addition, five other agents were severely injured during the gunfight. The incident is infamous in FBI history and well-studied. Despite outnumbering the suspects 4 to 1, the agents found themselves pinned down by rifle fire and unable to respond effectively. Although both Matix and Platt were hit several times in the firefight, both fought on regardless and continued to injure and kill the officers. This led to the introduction of more powerful handguns to prevent a repeat of this action. - 1986 FBI Miami shootout, -

We do not care who they think they are or what the hell they think they are, there are many ears and eyes on them and it is with homicidal intention to their injustices and imposters. It is very risky to do nothing now. They are a practicing religion of meanness nobody wants or likes. People are getting very inconsequential while they play this hoax and charade to its end, they know they will not get away with it but they know what will happen if they do not try. The only hope and change they have is to say to the investigators and those apprehending them, they mean them no harm or were only acting out this homicidal rage which we know is also an imposter and lie. Take their best shot while they can and if they can.

So were the actors and players in this bad theatre of charades doing what they were supposed to or not? We do not know, the last eight years has been clouded by total blackout and secrecy. Old issues dating back to the Vietnam War resurfaced such as war trauma, benefits denial, and material aid to spouses, stress on the family, prisoners of war, re-education, old and new heroes, sheer incompetence, civil war, democracy, and rule by the blessings of heaven, and disaster. Did the left wing and the liberals make a good case for criminal intent? Is it possible to compare Vietnam with the Iraqi War? Although it was risky and this was risk taking, how did the liberals and the left take this old news?

The frugal Eisenhower thus tried to play down the importance of Sputnik and to discourage a race for arms or prestige, but he was frustrated by a coalition of Democrats, journalists, academics, and hawks of both parties who insisted that the United States not only leapfrog the Soviets in space and missiles but also increase federal support to education, extend more military and economic aid to the Third World, and expand social programs at home intended in part to polish the American image abroad—in short, pursue the Cold War more vigorously. - The Sino-Soviet Split, -

This is the voice of the right and how they were put in a stalemate by the left and the liberals. How they did this was a big monstrous accounting imposter. The liberals and the left wing are constantly trying to seek a balance of power and a stalemate; to break détente and peace by forwarding rapprochements while declaring peace or some treaty. Was this another stalemate? Did it behave to reinforce the right of the individual to exist or exterminate it? Was it so threatened that it had to strike back as an angry imposter? This is the voice of the right wing and we are not exactly sure who is the agitators here, we us or them. So let’s check, double check, and run endless tests until we get it right and can determine this. This was not forced requisitioning, extorting resistance, and hustling socialism to some super level which others needed badly. What in the world are we witness to?

A still more energetic U.S. riposte would await the end of Eisenhower’s term, but “Mr. Khrushchev’s boomerang” (as Dulles termed Sputnik) had an immediate and disastrous impact on Soviet relations with the other Communist giant, China. Under their 1950 treaty of friendship, solidarity, and mutual assistance, Soviet technical aid flowed to Peking during the Korean War and helped support China’s successful Five-Year Plan after 1953. Western observers looked in vain for ways to split the Communist bloc. As early as 1956, however, Chinese leaders showed displeasure over Khrushchev’s denunciation of Stalin, the Kremlin’s tendency to treat the Chinese party as it did those of the lesser satellites, and the new Soviet leaders themselves, whom Mao evidently considered mediocrities. Mao also denounced “peaceful coexistence” as decadent and revisionist, a position shared by the tiny Stalinist dictatorship of Albania. Russian leadership in the world Communist movement was thus challenged for the first time. - The Sino-Soviet Split, -

If their world view is that of prison guards and every human being was their subject or prisoner whom owed them an obligation or did not have the right to exist, then this prison was a club. They are charging money and accepting high bids for reserved VIP rooms and cells. It comes with the best accommodations as long as you are willing to jump through the hoops. They forgot won aspect of this which conclusively allays to the superior poignancies of an imposter; the jail house does not say “conservatives” or “Republicans.” Capitalism is a system which advances the most individualism. This is some foreign system and they are running into that building for shelter and comfort which makes it difficult to chase them off or out.

These new developments which we were now heightened to and calibrated to decipher with the new spectacles of glass eyes, allowed us to understand and rationalize what the love affair was all about and why it was being used to an utmost effectiveness. Terror is a very good way to get the message across when all other ways do not. If both the Caucasians, Asians, Blacks, Latinos, and others kept cow towing to this rhetoric and bigotry of fundamentalist patriotism or voting power, we all will be reduced to the same stature of an outcast and struggling minority group. Does that scare anyone?

Someone wishes us to take it seriously when we do not. This is the purpose of the threats, name calling, phony charges, and bizarre erratic behavior we are seeing to scramble to a stalemate. It is fair to say it is being used to lure the suspects into a bolder and more risk taking role where we can assess how far they wish to take this. Obviously, they want some star wars shooting match. They are still the sheriff or the new one. They are and have been stacking Generals, this was a wrench in their gird loins, and outranks everybody. They know the rules of the game are about to hang them and change so they must take what they can now. They feel it is back to a stalemate and are parading, new found glory globally, now that they are ready for some space age shoot out. Hope is a code word for stalemate and cousin is the uniformed officers. This is about stalemate and a balance of power.

Are the right to exist and the right to trade or conduct the people’s business, adhering to the individual talents which is protected and valued? This second 911 suggests that trade, free trade, market economies, and a free flow of good thoughts can be terrorizing. Why these little guys have chosen to deplore it and deploy a quick and easier argument is not unknown. What it does is create dissent and cause people to think twice whenever the upstairs neighbors stomp on the floor or engage in daily harassments to bully or scare federal authorities to pay up to their authority. We see this type of behavior and high level risk taking from 1990 to 2008 and they are meant to respond to societal issues with shock and awe. It is the devil’s advocate and a method to antagonize someone until they either give up or surrender. There has to be an easier way to life.

When you are on the losing team, you become desperate and hungry for a winning one. You can look for the answers by walking the earth or talking to anybody on earth to see if they can help you or guide you along the path of life. It sounds like a romantic story but this is how great thinkers solve life problems. When you are an outcast and nobody understands because you are a self destructing person looking for a quick response; the choice is clear and obvious; an education and schooling. But ask what economic or political system teaches this merciless way to live and breathes down the neck of people who are precious and talented? The choice is clear and there must be a better way to this lazy way of life where trickery is no longer needed; the begging days must end.

Based on speculation that mercury poisoning may trigger the symptoms of autism, chelation therapy is widely used to treat autism; with some surveys suggesting 2–8% of children with autism have had the therapy. Parents either have a doctor use a treatment for lead poisoning, or buy unregulated supplements. There is strong epidemiological evidence that refutes links between environmental triggers, in particular thimerosal-containing vaccines, and the onset of autistic symptoms. There is no scientific support for chelating therapy as a treatment for autism. - Chelated Therapy, -

Let’s whistle the tune and see who shows up. Let’s put an APB on each and every continent and sit back to see who calls or wanders in looking for a promotion. Let’s pretend we are easy victims and even spongy suggestive softies to see if our wipe is so soft and pleasant, they will absorb everything we have to offer. We know the unions are the soft and absorbent type behind socialism but who is this behind terrorism? Who is so willing to violate the Constitution for money or benefits that the right of the individual is treaded on and so threatened the bill of rights is a pink slip. Who does that sound like and who in this world makes a joke on Thanksgiving about killing Indians because they stole from their great and greatness of their grandfathers? Yes tan and feather them before throwing them into the harbor for el-Diablo revolution and an easier way to life.

The thiomersal controversy describes claims that vaccines containing the mercury-based preservative thiomersal contribute to the development of autism and other brain development disorders.[1] The current scientific consensus is that no convincing scientific evidence supports these claims. Thiomersal, also spelled thimerosal, is an organomercury compound used as a preservative in vaccines since the 1930s to prevent bacterial and fungal contamination. [4] In July 1999, following a review of mercury-containing food and drugs, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) asked vaccine makers to remove thiomersal from vaccines as quickly as possible, and it was rapidly phased out of most U.S. and European vaccines. - Thiomersal Controversy, -

The allegory is a mixed signal to what kind of age we are approaching where the supreme consulate will concoct some 1960s like plot to send waves of immigrants with nothing but the shirts on their backs across the borders to seek jobs and overwhelm the community social problems. They are wild and unknowing but they seek freedom and jobs. This nation and all nations of this world can do better than turn their back or tell them to go home. This anthem of the elites can afford to pay blue collar jobs which cost more than Nobel laureates and imprisoned professors of university. That is the contradiction and the game with these folks; with one hand behind their backs they seek an easier way to life. The club to get-mo is warm and fuzzy and does not like any talk back or challenges, it likes peace.

In 1993, Hindu mobs burned people alive in the streets — for the crime of being Muslim in Mumbai. Now these young Muslim men murdered people in front of their families — for the crime of visiting Mumbai. They attacked the luxury businessmen’s hotels. They attacked the open-air Cafe Leopold, where backpackers of the world refresh themselves with cheap beer out of three-foot-high towers before heading out into India. Their drunken revelry, their shameless flirting, must have offended the righteous believers in the jihad. They attacked the train station everyone calls V.T., the terminus for runaways and dreamers from all across India. And in the attack on the Chabad house, for the first time ever, it became dangerous to be Jewish in India. The terrorists’ message was clear: Stay away from Mumbai or you will get killed. Cricket matches with visiting English and Australian teams have been shelved. Japanese and Western companies have closed their Mumbai offices and prohibited their employees from visiting the city. Tour groups are canceling long-planned trips. - What They Hate About Mumbai, by Suketu Mehta, Op-Ed Contributor, November 29, 2008; The New York Times -

Does any human being deserve any other sort of treatment but peace or is this the right to survive? Saying no to a bully or the brethren, highly homicidal religious (preferably Muslim) terrorists does not work. It never did work as a good way to self preservation or survival. So why then is this peace movement or anti-war group so belligerent now? Why are they judging others as traitors and criminals who go against the people; candid and candor to conduct terror organizations against them because they merely disagree and wish to protest? There must be an easier way to life besides harassing them into surrender and espousing the eye for an eye of killers devout to not kill. The 1960s radicals are not only activists now, they are militant and mad as hell that anybody, such as the Democratic Party or the left wing, would lie to them or break a promise and evict them because their right to a house and a job was taken away by a red man. Check your underwear because there is a brown man under the bed and in your stock market now.

11/30/2008 11:19:03 PM: Ann Coulter did not break her jaw and it is not wired shut. She just did a show the day after Hannity left Colmes with Pat Caddell. Ann is about to drop her house on the mainstream media, June of 2006, when she began writing the book. It is about her dropping her house on them. Of all the newspapers, Page Six is guilty of just about every false report about Ann. The use of the APS satellite on us is still ongoing but those behind it got a little surprise and warning. I cannot say much besides their body shaking and the sensation someone was behind them and tapping them on the shoulder. They can confirm that. Ann did not break her jaw she has not been sleeping well and been up late recently. The story of Stein was false. The country singer was false. The broken jaw was false. It was a trick by her stalkers.

As the old folklore goes, “it takes a lot of potatoes to catch a terrorist, but we can do better than this.” Why would anyone spend more and more money on frivolous liberals who want to go to war against anybody who threatens Americans abroad and desperate to find an easier way? What good is debt for these innocent victims and this evil world where no man can break the bread of steel? Human beings are not evil when they are determined, knowing, not existing wild, and metaphysically challenged to the epistemology of attacking genius. It is not practical to expect genius from every human being but common sense, practicality, surprise, mystery, open mindedness, and education can fight this stubborn world.

The antithesis of this jingoism and carp diem is simple. Terrorism and violence is not being given proper debate and the honest disagreement is being avoided by a sober easier way. We know it is about blaming Indians today for something tomorrow and we know it is also about world trade and free trade. However, the link and this necessity or practicality to target Asians is not understood fully. Their problems are so severe, almost every country is closing their borders and opting to kick out any foreigner who looks like they came to their country with a hatred of others they refuse to make life easier or pay up to the people’s revolution. This set up of political systems is so strange it is secret and on horseback in the middle of the knight but it is so embarrassing it cannot and should not be avoided. Is that lunacy or the invisible hand of the mark-up? If they are not interned, deported, harassed, and sued like trash; the likelihood they kill is new standards. What kind of animal are we?

I'll tell you.... I'm going to give you a name that would make me jump for joy. It's not going to happen because he's not been... Bobby Jindal. I did an interview with Bobby Jindal. He is the next Ronald Reagan, if he doesn't change. Bobby Jindal, the new governor of Louisiana is the next Ronald Reagan. He's young. He was just sworn in for his first term. He's the guy that beat the liberal Democrat machine throughout Louisiana. He did it on 100% conservatism. ...This guy could be the next Ronald Reagan. If McCain chose him, here's a southern state; this is Louisiana, but I think he may be too conservative for McCain. That depends on who they think McCain will need or want, but Jindal is very young, and he's only in his first year as governor and doesn't really have... He came from the House of Representatives. - Rush Limbaugh: "Jindal is the next Ronald Reagan" , by anonymous, February 8, 2008; www. -

The worst part of this terror plot is it blames. There is a duty to inflict mental grief and emotional distress. The bully children of bullies do not like those who are more valuable and it is improbable if they ever will because they blame. Well in this game it is us or them. A good shouting mat should blow them up with the math of why they are so stupid and ignorant no help is needed. In the wild, only the strongest race will survive begging for more before that threshold is reached where the fun is or has been taken out of the equation. This is because children who get bullied usually bully back the malarkey. What is the government up to? Who has to know this? They are struggling to keep afloat and solve this second wave of terror on Indians. The invasion and invention of the horror is how it causes you to become reclusive and also delusional to this sober approach.

The life ending tragedy here is when human beings cannot transform or change any more to the opportunities of this world. You can see the hurt; how can any human being turn their backs to it? it is not only foolish propaganda but a government struggling to survive in a changing world which is unfriendly to a gonad of truth. The voice of the people has judged. They are not only a customer; they are the judge and executioner. That is who and what we are dealing with; they are not getting away with anything but the shirt they came here with; send them home. It is an evil world where only the strongest and superior survive arrogantly. The invective being they can and should fight back; be the voice of the river in history.

(Conclusion: The Liberal State) When introducing the section on the “Five Themes” above I outlined the liberal state’s role as the mediator between the spheres of economics and politics. As noted there, the liberal state historically has allowed contending groups to press their demands for the extension, maintenance, modification, or dismantling of social institutions through structures of party politics and civil liberties that have varied widely in the degree of their dedication to the values of justice and equality, all the while seeking to prevent a fall into overt class warfare and escalating violence. In his mature period, Macpherson paid more attention to the virtues of the liberal-democratic tradition, and especially to the great importance of the commitment to civil liberties within it, than he had earlier. - Leiss, William. "C.B. Macpherson: Dilemmas of Liberalism and Socialism," CTheory Books, Montreal, CA. 2001: page 109, 110 –

When lies and economies are open ended, people die. When economies are free and open ended, people thrive. This world needs an immediate implant and implementation to meet that most basic and fundamental necessity, trust. We trust that if you are brought into an evil world, you will also like us. If you do not like us and our arrogance, then boo. So you see, terrorism is a reflection of the evil in this world. It is never a reflection of the good, it overlaps and tries to be the good but it must always mirror the evil. Who needs jobs? So what exactly are they trying to teach us and why are they so supreme they can re-educate anyone but themselves? What type of an idiot would kidnap another idiot and educate them? Maybe they should be shot for trying or deported and sent home for knowing? They need jobs and we need them gone. That is the puzzle of this particular type of terrorism.

The Sino-Soviet split shattered the strict bipolarity of the Cold War world (though the United States would not take advantage of that fact for more than a decade) and turned the U.S.S.R. and China into bitter rivals for leadership in the Communist and Third worlds. The fundamental causes of the split must be traced to contradictions in the Soviet role as both the leader of the Communist movement and a great power with its own national interests. Before 1949 the U.S.S.R. had been able to subordinate the interests of foreign Communists to its own, but the Communist triumph in China, paradoxically, was a potential disaster for the U.S.S.R., for Mao and the Chinese would inevitably refuse to play the role of pupil. Once the Korean War was over and Stalin dead, the Chinese asserted themselves, learned the limits of “Socialist internationalism,” and angrily began to plot their own course. While the ideological rift served, in the short run, to invigorate both Communist rivals as they competed for prestige and influence among the world’s revolutionaries; it destroyed the myth that Communism transcended nationalism and power politics. This meant that the U.S.S.R. was delicately situated between the nuclear-armed NATO powers and the fanatical (and numerous) Chinese, and to appease either meant to alienate the other. Accordingly, Khrushchev played a risky double game from 1958 to 1962, alternately holding out hope for arms control to the NATO powers and leveling demands backed by rocket-rattling. - The Sino-Soviet Split, -

The general mindset is if we did help this form of terrorism, no harm will ever take place. This attitude of arrogance where rulers are measured by how they bend over backwards to fix problem or else the people will pay for it or incur some wrath. But wait, if they were attacked; would they act like this? The general attribute is if we did not destroy our friends and neighbors we will not block them from rationalizing why humans are the way they are and begin to rid this world of all the evil which it mirrors. It is an evil on evil crime; and I on I way to do business. Who has to know but those who are victims? Now is the people who are victims smart enough to understand this or even think hard enough to do anything about it? Then why complain about jobs or in this case, the Indian economy. It is their economy, why are we sending martial comforts in ships to other countries? Why in hell are we tinkering in their homes and stomping on the floor day and night to be heard or scared into a frightful deranged look ready on the moment of go.

The scientific consensus—including scientific and medical bodies such as the Institute of Medicine and World Health Organization as well as governmental agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration and the CDC —rejects any role for thiomersal in autism or other neurodevelopment disorders. Multiple lines of scientific evidence have been cited to support this conclusion: for example, the clinical symptoms of mercury poisoning differ significantly from those of autism. Most conclusively, eight major studies (as of 2008) examined the effect of reductions or removal of thiomersal from vaccines. All eight demonstrated that autism rates failed to decline despite removal of thiomersal, arguing strongly against a causative role. - Thiomersal Controversy, -

Does anybody know what it feels like to be kidnapped and in a house where the neighbors stomp on the floor all day and scream out “we do not know what to do” as the voice of terrorism? In the last six months that “code” has been used more than one hundred times by hate groups behind this exclamation marked how angry they are and how dominant they can be when looking like a real family. We do not need to hear speeches about their nonviolence; we need them to get the hell of our country and life. Again, they need jobs and we need them gone it is the Rubik’s cube of terrorism which they cannot crack. They feel the mystery of hope is the blessing of heaven when all they want is to rule with the dollar and material goods. That is basically why these economic centers are blowing up with debt and charges.

Mao was a romantic revolutionary with an unquestionable bent for cruel or irrational theatrics on a gigantic scale. In the mid-1950s he paraded the slogan “Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom,” ostensibly to encourage the voicing of new ideas on national development but perhaps rather to entice potential dissenters into revealing themselves. In 1958 this campaign was suddenly replaced by the “Great Leap Forward,” by which all 700,000,000 Chinese were to form self-sufficient communes devoted to local industrialization. Large-scale industries and infrastructure collapsed, much to the disgust of Soviet guest engineers. - The Sino-Soviet Split, -

So is the wrath of God this underground voice which proclaims them as a dirge and a parasite to humanity and if the world does not rid them immediately, some ill fated consequence or violence will beset this world? This is the obscurity which plagues our life also. Why do we have to live with this fear or with these terrorists? Why can’t they form some hate club and get-mo of that stuff in life which has kept them alive so far. We know it has to do with the economy of the Indians or even Asians. Why is this tragedy a plague on our life where nobody can win, nobody has the right to exist, and where happiness is a pursuit nobody can own? If foreigners come to America and gather the intrinsic value of what it cost to live in fear, then they will understand this fight. That Constitution is there for a reason and to be held like a birthing baby. Any harm to it and the might of terror will beset those who come here for that reason. The little guys against the big ones who end up paying for this flag weeping Constitutional party.

I do not know whose jaw is wired shut but it is some type of rich deception or some harassment bullying. Imagine yourself the owner of a newspaper and it went out of business because your reputation is muckraking or worth less than the paper it was printed on. Imagine how the readers would feel when and if they are misled. Imagine how the owners feel when they are blacklisted as a liar. Also, I feel like I am in competition with Rush, John Lott, Sean or Drudge, and a few other deranged fans; which I am not, but they think they have the inside scoop and are very close to Ann. They do not know a god damn thing about her or me. Not a damn thing. Like the media they ride it as long as it takes them.

We cannot bear to listen to reports of women and children ripped out of their homes and skirted off in the middle of the night because they lost. We cannot have parents scared into believing if they do not immigrate they will not fight the people’s fight or the people’s revolution. Sometimes, it does not matter what the facts are and what the truth is; mothers and children must grow this thick skin and assert themselves as supreme disciplinarians of humanity. This world cannot bear the thought of babies crying in the night because the truth has set them free. This fight is for the children and the orphans of oppression and this smelly hateful way of life.

This action was based on the precautionary principle, which assumes that there is no harm in exercising caution even if it later turns out to be unwarranted. However, the removal of thiomersal coincided with statements from scientific bodies indicating that it was harmless, sparking confusion and controversy that has diverted attention and resources away from other efforts to find the causes of autism. Thousands of lawsuits have been filed in the U.S. to seek damages from alleged toxicity from vaccines, including those purportedly caused by thiomersal. - Thiomersal Controversy, -

There is a feeling in this world of a coming widespread need for military intervention. Not to assert power but to burn books or provide cover fire when kidnappers are threatened by federal agents. We cannot have these parents scared about this but we can have these particular ones over here. Then next week, it can be someone else’s turn to play along as kidnap victim. It is a way of life to this world and a way to an easier life. The need and the use of militaries will become so pervasive the stock market will begin to sell shares in them. These particular terrorists are shamans to the coming storm. Guilty as sin is not the prevailing order of the day, the stock ticker is. We have a major problem here and it is called widespread and pervasive military needs. Sovereignty works only when sovereignty can have a sober and wishful view of this world.

Scared yet? Well reality can be when terrorist get that part of reality wrong. But who is scared of reality when reality never fears itself, legality? Losing touch with reality yet or just in need of an Epsom salt bath? Not even near the edge yet, hold the horses back before it gets fun. Why is it a mental illness to kill the devil? Why is reality so threatening, the courts must ask if people are mentally competent when dealing with terrorism? Where did this reality and this sober way of life get so real it terrorizes or retards people into nod shaking agreement? There is a trick going on in the left wing and the liberal camps and it sounds like they are not one of us.

Cathleen Morrison, head of the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, said in a television report on CTV that while it is correct to say that the disease primarily affects Caucasian populations, the term “Caucasian” includes people from South Asia, North Africa, the Persian Gulf, and Israel, who are equally susceptible to the disease regardless of skin color. She added that cystic fibrosis is the most common fatal genetic disease among young people in Canada, and that it affects just as many girls as boys. - Students at Canadian University Stir Controversy by Pulling Out of Cystic-Fibrosis Event, by The Chronicle of Higher Education; -

We have heard their catch phrases and lack of understanding. They say they are learning to be like us and we have a lot to teach them, but we are just not like them or liked by them. What is there to like? Why are they so particular to know how we feel about them or should feel when they say we are not liked them. Losing touch with reality yet or just a cold slobber of sober reality to why we need them gone and they need jobs? When we say gone, we mean immediately and not in learning ode to themselves. When someone says they “do not know what to do” they actually are trying to say “step down” now before pushed down. That is the cold hard and sober reality when and if the liberals wish to declare it. so why have they resorted to terrorism and kidnapping while espousing Constitutional merits and flag draping goodness for the little guy who needs every help he can get? Why are these particular terrorists giving thanks to their bread to steel way of life while in learning mode?

Just how seriously he took this element is shown ip the following passage: “The absence or severe restriction of civil and political liberties must be held, on the ethical [i.e., developmental] concept of powers, to diminish men’s powers more than does the market transfer of powers. “26 In view of the intensity of his battle against possessive individualist assumptions, this is an eloquent testimony to his equally strongly held commitment to civil liberties. When he concluded his evaluation of four models of democracy in the last paragraph of The Life and Times of Liberal Democracy, he states that his preferred model - participatory democracy - must, include “the heart” of the earlier liberal democratic model worked out by J. S. Mill. And in an essay, also published in 1977, “Do We Need a Theory of the State?” - Leiss, William. "C.B. Macpherson: Dilemmas of Liberalism and Socialism," CTheory Books, Montreal, CA. 2001: page 109, 110 -

Learning mode needs to kick in bankrupt. You see, this particular terrorist group we know to be a discovery of a hate groups, is corn fed and wheat whipped by economic conditions as an excuse to have an open ended debate about terror. It is a group who feels an open ended debate should and will be needed, for them only, when they loose control of our life. They are welcome in foreign lands but never at home when others are not liked them. This world has set in motion a psychopathic transformation and it involves this wild and unknowing way to live life while the economic changes forces them to use terror to obtain what they would not otherwise. Killing Indians marked the end of an eight year period of killing Americans and Westerners in foreign lands. Does that make more sense than to label it hate or survival? What is more, the Constitution protects this sewer filled approach to life where rule of law is never grounded on the heavens but hell.

Reporting from Washington — President-elect Barack Obama signaled this morning that he would push for a bigger economic stimulus package than he previously discussed, pledging to create 2.5 million jobs in the effort to combat what he called a “crisis of historic proportions.” Obama said he would offer a two-year stimulus proposal instead of the expected one-year one, calling it “a plan big enough to meet the challenges we face.” “These aren’t just steps to pull ourselves out of this immediate crisis,” Obama said in his weekly radio address. “These are the long-term investments in our economic future that have been ignored for far too long.” - Obama Will Create 2.5M Jobs in Two Years, by Christi Parsons, November 22, 2008; (posted on Los Angeles Times -

It is simple to understand. Their genetics is so horrible they must treat each other or this other, in this way. Underneath this rage was another story and history which came naturally and surfaced as a reality, the Asian economies. The people in this world do not like them and what is less impressive; do not trust them worth dirt. Heck, even they do not trust their governments. They can drive their cars off the cliff and into the ravine but the global economies is just very unfriendly to terrorists. Especially those who are engaged in kidnapping very important people or some royal gesture which everybody knows is wrong except those in learning mode. You see, the problem with these people is they drive their cars in circles and wonder why they have not gotten anywhere but are self explanatory and liked as superior. They are just not like any other creature we have encountered and have a leg up on why they need us more than we need them. The world views this as economic might because it is a cold sober way to view reality and terrorism.

That’s why it wasn’t strange that Malik al-Shabazz (may Allah have mercy on him) was killed, while you have climbed the rungs of the presidency to take over the leadership of the greatest criminal force in the history of mankind and the leadership of the most violent Crusade ever against the Muslims. And in you and in Colin Powell, Rice and your likes, the words of Malcolm X (may Allah have mercy on him) concerning “House Negroes” are confirmed. You also must appreciate, as you take over the presidency of America during its Crusade against Islam and Muslims, that you are neither facing individuals nor organizations, but are facing a Jihadi awakening and renaissance which is shaking the pillars of the entire Islamic world; and this is the fact which you and your government and country refuse to recognize and pretend not to see. - TRANSCRIPT: English Translation of Zawahiri Message, November 19, 2008; ( posted on -

The bottom line and the honest truth is they were never granted permission to be on the borders but they like to blow things up or fly planes into permanent objects to symbolize change occurring. The bottom line is simple when this horrible genetics is allowed on the borders and allowed to be a permanence, things can get hairy even knuckle dragging goodness to make them one of us. That is a buzz word for only being honest and having an honest discussion about who they are and why they are here to terrorize the good folks. If it is in their nature to treat each other with such horrible directions; to try and always get the first punch and the sucker punch; then it explains why they are bankrupt and belly up in debt. One move and their world can turn into hell; and so we get the tale of terrorism behind this other tale of asserting power, confidence, settling a score, and economies blowing up or bankrupt. We can see what the global economic model is doing to their likeability. The worse the economic conditions, the more likeable they become to each other. We are talking about raging mad likeability.

Eisenhower conceded to this mood in 1958 by sponsoring… National Defense Education Act, accelerating weapons programs, and deploying intermediate-range missiles in England, Italy, and Turkey. He also acknowledged the expanded Soviet threat in his State of the Union address in 1958: “Trade, economic development, military power, arts, science, education, the whole world of ideas—all are harnessed to this same chariot of expansion. The Soviets are, in short, waging total cold war.” A similarly total American response to this challenge, requiring virtually wartime levels of national mobilization to outdo a totalitarian system in whatever field of endeavour it chose to emphasize, would, in Eisenhower’s mind, however, have undermined the free market and fiscal soundness that were the foundation of American strength in the first place. Liberal economists argued in response that a sharply expanded role for the federal government was a matter of survival in the “space age” and would even stimulate economic growth, military prowess, and social progress. - The Sino-Soviet Split, -

Eventually, they will spread their wings over this land and other lands and either go belly up or kidnap others to show them how honest and trustworthy they are. Their life and job depends on it. If they do not, they will go belly up and bankrupt to the socialism which is touching the nation and the world. Economic conditions are not an excuse or any excuse to have an open ended debate on what terrorism is or isn’t. if you do not know what it is, then you should not be alive or breathing. When was the last time they look in the mirror and called themselves a terrorist, fat and pathetic, a little stupid, cantankerously vile and manipulative, or an embarrassment to themselves and their national pride? They should because every bit is true. Catching them and apprehending them is a joy also; almost like playing in a pig’s pen, it really truly stinks.

What are terrorists transforming into if not a human being in learning mode? Nothing. Terrorism is not something you can teach someone. There is no way to teach this. It either comes from the heavens or not. This sewage is not from the heavens but it cost a lot more than we would like to think about. That is the magic of it all, anything left after terrorism is not left for the heavens. This is why you cannot teach the topic of terrorism to those who already know what it is but in learning mode. What they wish to do is simply learn another way to say look in the mirror or kiss my material goodness. The reason why people resort to this determined point where they stop learning mode, is because they hit nothing and nothing hit back.

A still more energetic U.S. riposte would await the end of Eisenhower’s term, but “Mr. Khrushchev’s boomerang” (as Dulles termed Sputnik) had an immediate and disastrous impact on Soviet relations with the other Communist giant, China. Under their 1950 treaty of friendship, solidarity, and mutual assistance, Soviet technical aid flowed to Peking during the Korean War and helped support China’s successful Five-Year Plan after 1953. Western observers looked in vain for ways to split the Communist bloc. As early as 1956, however, Chinese leaders showed displeasure over Khrushchev’s denunciation of Stalin, the Kremlin’s tendency to treat the Chinese party as it did those of the lesser satellites, and the new Soviet leaders themselves, whom Mao evidently considered mediocrities. Mao also denounced “peaceful coexistence” as decadent and revisionist, a position shared by the tiny Stalinist dictatorship of Albania. Russian leadership in the world Communist movement was thus challenged for the first time. - The Sino-Soviet Split, -

For the glory of power and nothing else, this nit picky way to look for confrontation and enemies, is difficult to chase down or apprehend when it blows up in the faces of those doing the chasing. The paranoia is the shame of living with it. There are those who claim to be on our side and those who claim to be in learning mode but not earful to decide yet. They just flirt with the sameness of economic benefit and who next to accost for a meal. It is a special line for those in learning mode and who is ahead of everybody else who is not in learning mode but waiting in line for directions. When asked about it this bread to steel transformation of theirs, they gleefully answered with the genius of an addicted cheater. We could see them and this learning mode but they could neither. It is a very clever trick if ever seen from afar. We share their gift of life and their learning mode as a challenge yet to be overcome by. Fear the better and you will fear the death; that is bread to steel holiness.

The president-elect said he had already directed his economic team to come up with a recovery plan that should result in 2.5 million more jobs by January 2011. The president-elect had not mentioned that number before. “We have now lost 1.2 million jobs this year,” Obama said. “And if we don’t act swiftly and boldly, most experts now believe that we could lose millions of jobs next year.” The plan would include jobs rebuilding roads and bridges, improving schools and building alternative-energy technologies. Details are to be worked out in the weeks to come. As he crafts the proposal, Obama is also putting together an economic team he plans to introduce within the next few days. - Obama Will Create 2.5M Jobs in Two Years, by Christi Parsons, November 22, 2008; (posted on Los Angeles Times -

What exactly is a stalemate and why is terrorism free to float the idea it is some redemption? Risk taking is a part of life but this is suicidal thoughts. Whether or not perspectives and perceptions allow others to view it as extreme likeability, extreme dislike, courage under pressure, stupidity gone wrong, rig amorous arrogance, or some down right criminality and cruelty we do not understand. Terrorism mirrors the evil world and thus it learns from it. Is it easier to rid the earth of terrorism or the evil world? It depends on this learning mode human beings are constantly kept under pressure by. Now we can see a little easier and understand what is not there to like. There is a warning in this and that warning is how the learning mode is prone to failure. Most especially the case is when human beings lose touch of reality or when no reality exists. If you create an evil world and allow it to fester untouched, do not expect terrorism to disappear overnight, it mirrors the evil world in the same learning mode. The longer the evil world grows mighty and bankrupt, the more likely terrorism will spread like wildfire. Liberalism is the fuel and the combustion of it.

11:40:30 AM: They hide because they are so embarrassing. Who in the CIA, White House, and Pentagon would go out into this world and snatch royals and torture them? Sounds like terrorists or some hate group. Well, they are in executive positions now, I can promise you and assure you with 100 per cent confidence and they are merciless, guilty as hell. Trust the government is a big fat lie, they are an embarrassment, both to themselves and this nation. But terrorism and this conspiracy is making them heroes, an urban legend.

Liberals never truly learn from conservatives. They just put them in stalemate. Then or until the next learning mode is needed, another stalemate is created. That is not conservatism, that is liberalism in learning mode but proud to be conservative and in a stalemate finally. It sounds like terrorism and how it is doing the right thing for some greater good, it is just not beneficial and able enough to collect a return. It is not conservatism; it merely mirrors liberalism the same way liberalism is on learning mode. Anyone who says terrorism is conservatism is either a liar or liberal in learning mode. All leaders, mostly uneducated ones, are stuck in learning mode. The pseudonym they associate with their career or resume is probably a false representation of who they really are; an arrogant puppet to populism. Now ask why terrorism and populism go hand in hand but do not fear each other; such the case with socialism and communism. Anybody who plays this game of stalemate is a liberal or a liberal in learning mode. They do not mature or ripen to this individualism of self combusting, orgasmic explosion of feeble helplessness. When you mature to and out of this learning mode, so to speak, you do not need to bow down to anyone and become self actuated or self sustaining. You do not need input to tell you what to do or who to say it to.

When you wrap a glorious sadistic body up in a flag, you wreck a nation to lies and might even bring harm to yourself, a self inflicted open wound. Human beings with open wounds like to pardon themselves while torturing others to silence or placing them under surveillance. They are too comfortable with open wounds and too paranoid to suffer from another one in learning mode. We have seen the sewage of leaders who lead their nations down a road of impeachable and arresting guilt; populism becomes a filthy sanctuary for this learning mode of liberals. Now for the glory of power and the rule of the dollar, they subservient the notion others wish to express gratitude to their flamboyant learning mode which is just a mirror to evil. That is terrorism; it is hollow and mirrors evil. Blame is a great road to serfdom and bankruptcy.

The solution is startling. Through this final conceptual twist, the ultimate aims of democracy and the system of property are no longer opposed but identical. The chances of really bringing this about depend upon our making a basic choice between two competing sets of objectives, and we should not be surprised at finding out what our options are: We may just go on behaving as insatiable consumers. Our demand for the means of a full life may just be a demand for more consumer goods. But it need not be so. We may pick up again what is a very old idea, the idea that used to prevail before the market economy converted us all into consumers: the idea that life is for doing rather than just getting. You may ask, can the right to such a full and free life of action and enjoyment be made an individual property, i.e. a legally enforceable claim that society will enforce in favour of each individual? There is no intrinsic difficulty about this. - Leiss, William. "C.B. Macpherson: Dilemmas of Liberalism and Socialism," CTheory Books, Montreal, CA. 2001: page 106. -

People who claim to be fighting terrorism are merely expressing how worthless of a leader they truly are. Why we do not know but it mirrors what terrorism mirrors. Someone will struggle and survive this easy way to life and sense of urgency; terrorism does not ripen like socialism or communism, therefore, it cannot be predicted with the same factors such as riots, food riots, or stalking and following those humans who can get very angry and talented. What they failed to report was any of this and thinks the heavens had clocked them on the head and made the time theirs when the reality of time and space determined this. The rule of thumb is we do not negotiate or work with terrorists and it is their prerogative to initiate this learning mode; not for us to worry as an easy let down.

“Political power,” he adds, “then becomes the most important kind of property”; and with this statement we arrive at the single most important feature of contemporary political life. Although Macpherson does not use the expression, what he has achieved here is the concept of the politicization of property. Some speculations on the broader implications of this concept will be offered in the concluding chapter. - Leiss, William. "C.B. Macpherson: Dilemmas of Liberalism and Socialism," CTheory Books, Montreal, CA. 2001: page 105. -

The attempt to ascend the loss of human character and capture the possibilities of the curiously sadistic mind is the motive to the madness of terror. When the authorities are not bright enough or gifted enough to understand this, bad things can happen. Stones can be left unturned and money wasted to buy artificial fixes. We wish there was an alternative but we are not talented enough to jolt this leaning and learning mode into a higher plane of candor or debate. The best way is to kick it and make sure it is smashed so that it does not embarrass the thinking class, those from the heavens. Bread to steel is how mentally tough and how relaxed this idio-synchrousy can become. Capture the possibilities and you can capture the attention and mind of other human beings, terrorism is an easy way to fulfill this. This hope is to make a choice to cooperate.

The essay “Human Rights as Property Rights,” first published in 1977, provides an elegant and forceful resolution to the longstanding tension in Macpherson’s thought between property and democracy. In his formative period that unresolved tension seemed to have only one, possible outcome when the demand for genuine democracy and equal rights was pressed. This was the conventional socialist solution of “abolishing” private property in the means of production, taking it (with or without compensation) from its owners and setting up “socialized” property, which of course meant in practice (except for the anarchists) that it would be owned by the state and managed by the public-sector bureaucracy. Now another way is perceived, contingent upon seeing individual property essentially as “the means to a full and free life of action and enjoyment.” - Leiss, William. "C.B. Macpherson: Dilemmas of Liberalism and Socialism," CTheory Books, Montreal, CA. 2001: page 106. -

So why was a second 911, what we called or identified as a sequel of near perfect planning, chosen at the end of 2008 in front of the eyes of those who knew something was wrong but did not know when it was going to occur? There is someone out there who is matured and not in learning mode who is able to tip us off prior to the event and not even go noticed. This individual is so elusive, they could stalk or follow our spouses and we would not even know until after the fact. Perhaps they were done. Perhaps they had one last message to those poor onlookers who were struggling at their power and trying to get off the floor. Maybe it was leaked to show off a new period or some level of elusive flirtation only the most genius can perceive or see? Then again, this elusive character has failed to report any of this and was acting out a sense of robbery and patriotism. Two simultaneous dislikes in one singular thought not apprehended by any reality or sense of understanding. There was a sense of goading much like the parade of tickling might which mysteriously surprised everybody with the first time around; a sense of unity silently disliked and unwanted.

Those bonds went sour as the housing market plunged this year and credit costs skyrocketed and have pushed the state's largest county to the brink of bankruptcy. The county is trying to avoid filing what would be the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history over $3.2 billion in bond debt, nearly double the record of $1.7 billion set in 1994 by Orange County, Calif. The SEC accused Langford of taking the undisclosed payments and benefits from Montgomery investment banker Bill Blount, whose firm collected more than $6.7 million in fees on county bond transactions. The money was allegedly routed through Al LaPierre, a lobbyist who is a friend of Langford. Langford, Blount and LaPierre have denied any wrongdoing and asked that the lawsuit be thrown out. - Birmingham Mayor Arrested on Federal Charges, Associated Press (, December 01, 2008 -

If the authorities have learned something which is a stark learning mode to the previous 911 in 2001; it is to arrest the right parties and focus on real threats. In this case, we had caught and had gotten an admission from who had claimed to arrest us or stood silently and quiet while it wrecked the nation and the world. This sequel had nothing to do with foreign policy but trade policy. It was not military response coming. What changed was the ones behind the last one had scattered and tried a diversion to allay the fear it was domestic in origin. Well it wasn’t, it was just genius being disrupted by a stalemate. That genius was disrupted before and this time; it was so obvious who the victor was what the grumbling was about; Indians and Asians. This was no national hero ploy, it was merely an effort to regain some confidence, assert some power, and to admit to a contraband of imposters who made the global economy collapse. If this was what they were giving thanksgiving for, then it was no turkey basting in the sun.

By 1960–61 the economic chaos had become so severe that famine claimed 6,000,000–7,000,000 lives. Nevertheless, the Chinese leadership seized upon Sputnik as proof that the “East wind” was prevailing over the “West wind” and insisted that the Soviets use their new superiority to press the revolution worldwide and, to the same end, provide China with atomic bombs and rockets. If the imperialists insisted on unleashing nuclear war, lectured Mao, and “half of mankind died, the other half would remain, while imperialism would be razed to the ground and the whole world become Socialist.” The Soviets were appalled, especially since their superiority was, for the time being, a sham. At a November 1958 summit Mao learned that the Soviets would insist on retaining control over any warheads sent to China and would not share missile technology. When the Soviets also failed to back the Chinese in their 1958–59 conflicts with Taiwan and India, Sino-Soviet tensions increased. - The Sino-Soviet Split, -

Before 911 and during the 1990s, the whites were doing it to the blacks and the blacks doing this to the whites. Now it was involving the Indians and Westerners who did nothing wrong but to exist in a foreign land. Again, it is another false method to blame human beings for this evil world and inhabited by imposters at every turn. If you create the problem, then you can react or respond to it perfectly. Until anybody understands that, you cannot respond appropriately or with flawless might. The almighty bail out was brought to the forefront of economic and foreign policy to restore trust and it ended up wrecking the economy even more. It is a vicious cycle of violence where every thirty or so years, a mortgage outlives the person who owned it. However, this time that vicious cycle did not lead to an overthrow of the government or some change in power where people were forced to do things the market economy upheld freedom. This general notion and this forthcoming hope and change for the best of this world is on its last leg and if the politics does not change then kiss the worthless goodbye. The junk of this world has not more prices or value to fix itself with.

"We are glad the mayor will finally have his day in court," the chief of staff's statement said. Langford has said the investigation was politically motivated. He contends Martin, who was appointed by President Bush, has targeted Democrats. Langford, who was elected mayor in a nonpartisan vote, was a Democrat when he served on the commission and identifies himself as a Democrat. Blount is a former state Democratic Party chairman and LaPierre is a former state Democratic Party executive director. …He walked into a business meeting with two police officers carrying submachine guns, props meant to generate interest in his "top secret" finance plans. He also announced a longshot bid to bring the 2020 Olympics to Birmingham, and his critics have even gone as far as to call him "Mayor LaLa." The former promoter and television reporter has been unapologetic about his conduct, saying it's his job to sell the city. - Birmingham Mayor Arrested on Federal Charges, Associated Press (, December 01, 2008 -

Maybe a little bruised and confused; forces were closing in and making it clear they had what it took and had who they wanted. Those forces were visible and seeable to the naked eye and this began to open up an avenue to read more to the methods and even methodology of a very secretive and Cosa Nostradamdus like group in history. How long they were there we do not know but we know them to be soothsayers and charlatans who wish to lead and drive that which it knows to be now, you see us as we see you. This suspect and effort to pardon was trying to relive history and find the same power or glory which tradition suspected of them. Like the headless horseman whose sleepy hollow tally-wagged a reignited and reinvented a new person to the same vocabulary. Words and meanings are so peculiarly important to liberals even if they are hollow and empty.

Voinovich, Vladimir Nikolaevich. Born 26 September 1932 in Dushanbe.,,While in the army, he began to write poetry, but then he switched to prose. His first story "We Live Here" was published in Novi Mir in 1961. Other published works include "Half a Kilometer", "I Want To Be Honest", "Two Comrades", and "Degree of Trust". In 1962 he was accepted into the Writers Union. In 1968 he became involved in dissident activities. In part because of his portrayal of Soviet society in "The Life and Amazing Adventures of the Soldier Ivan Chonkin", he was excluded from the Writers Union in 1974. In 1980 he emigrated, and in 1981 Leonid Brezhnev signed an order stripping him of his Soviet citizenship, claiming Voinovich had: ...systematically taken part in activities hostile to the USSR and has brought harm to the prestige of the USSR by his activities. - Encyclopedia of Soviet Writers, Vladimir Nikolaevich Voinovich, -

The brain rush was now whether or not the government was so corrupt or blameless to help themselves. The amount of evidence is slim but the fat chance a real outcome can be achieved is the dangling process of vindication winding in and winding out to a blameless economy. The Indians were mad about how they and foreigners were cut down in history while the terrorists helped themselves to this. Nothing was poured back into the sands of time, only a new and fresh way to look at it, under a cloud of deception and soothsayers, the massive socialist achievement advances forward in debt and owned by foreign interests. Judging by looks, on paper it appears sound but what was this dark and sinister secret we had yet to hear or know about? Was it the victims of the past or a new day celebrating a sadistic way to carry forth foreign policy?

It turns out that the Indians are the ones that ran the real estate scam when they sold Manhattan. It's a book on Teddy Roosevelt, Commissioner Roosevelt: The Story of Theodore Roosevelt and the New York City Police, 1895-1897, by H. Paul Jeffers. Here are the relevant paragraphs about this. "A persuasive case can be made that the city of New York began with a swindle. For generations school children have been taught that a slick trick was played on unsuspecting Indians by the director of the Dutch West India Company, Peter Minuit. In 1626 he purchased the island of 'Manna-hatin' for sixty gilders worth of trinkets, about twenty-four dollars. What Minuit did not know at the time, however, was that his masterful real estate deal had been struck with the Canarsie tribe, residents of Long Island; they held no title to the land they sold to the Dutch. In due course, the intruders from Amsterdam who thought they had pulled a sharp one on the locals were forced into negotiating a second, more costly deal with the true landlords of Manna-hatin," which is what it was called, Manna-hatin. - Indians Scammed Us Out of Manhattan, by Rush Limbaugh, November 21, 2007; -

If money is a trust relationship where something tangible is paid to another person for the relationship or the experience; then the tangible exchange here was very negative. We trust that credit will go to other more meaningful relationships in the future where something other than the history of this tangible relationship has been paid and need not be pay back again. Intentional infliction of harm or violence outside of war and declared war is so irresponsible; legal pursuits will never solve the complacency of living among terrorists and kidnappers who find entertainment in the duress and emotional distress of those who native to the clouds of deception or disillusionment. The tangible payment here was blood money and it is nothing to be thankful for or joking about. Then again, with one hand patting their backs and with the nakedness of their glorious super sized or biggie power, this sense of guilt and obligation remains elusive to those in learning mode and with open wounds. Rally the troops they are back for good this time.

Voinovich wrote back to Brezhnev: I have not undermined the prestige of the Soviet government. The Soviet government, thanks to the efforts of its leaders and your personal contribution, has no prestige. Therefore, in all justice, you ought to revoke your own citizenship. In 1991, M.S. Gorbachev restored Voinovich's citizenship. Since 1995 Voinovich has undertaken painting and has had several exhibitions. - Encyclopedia of Soviet Writers, Vladimir Nikolaevich Voinovich, -

We are central to the future of the Pentagon and global military affairs. We are not imposters and are being faced down and threatened by imposters who have wrapped themselves in so many flags of different nations, we cannot tell the little guy from the other little guy. We believe the effort under covered was an attempt to target the Pentagon from within, to put it in a state of flux and stalemate. What used to be a state of civil war was now open terrorism by rogues and hate groups. At the heart of their belief system is superiority over other nations and races; and this particular plot was over control of the Middle East which is slipping from Jewish dominance. We believe the plot is to stack Generals and high level officers who are also Israeli spies working with terror experts. The suspicion of civil war has been removed and the obsession with terrorism is now agitated for power. They felt we were on their turf and they had full control. It is massive risk taking and extremism only spies and saboteurs would suicidal engages us with.

At any rate, the original story of Thanksgiving is BS, we'll set that straight later today, and now we find out that the Dutch got swindled. (Laughing) The Indians can't catch a break. Well, they are catching a break in Seattle. Don't forget the story, the update we had earlier, that Thanksgiving is a time of mourning, as is being taught in public schools, because the Indians have nothing to give thanks for today, because they got swindled out of everything that was theirs, which is not true, at least as far as the original story of Thanksgiving. - Indians Scammed Us Out of Manhattan, by Rush Limbaugh, November 21, 2007; -

We know this to be a rogue faction and a hate group. They appear to be honest about others but never about what they are up to, who the little guy is and who this civil war and terrorism is for. We detected this rogue faction to be high up and running loose trying to target specific vital key power facilities. We were targeted for information and to clone our talents and expertise with imposters. Meanwhile, we were back on the ledge and being pushed off the ledge unless we allowed them to take a full mode and surrendered our individualism and independence. They are wishing a stake in the final victory and final process. They were using war as a means to pull a fast one on those unsuspecting; however, we were very unsuitable targets who were surprised by them sneaking around. They felt we were on their turf and they had full control. It is massive risk taking and extremism only spies and saboteurs would suicidal engages us with.

Prior to 1998 we had been looking into the Opus Dei sect and clandestine Zionist activity as the source behind the terrorism. It was only a lead based on empirical data of attacks over the past 30 to 50 years. Those working on it before were not able to make any conclusive progress, the trail ended or was so murky there was nothing to go with. What we saw was back talk from one terrorist to the next. One terrorist is thou others.

NEW ORLEANS — New Orleans ranks as the most violent U.S. city, with more than 19,000 reported crimes and 208 murders in 2007, according to a study released Monday. The study published by CQ Press, the book publishing arm of Congressional Quarterly, examined six categories — homicide, rape, burglary, robbery, aggravated assault and motor vehicle theft. The rankings include all cities of at least 75,000 residents that reported crime data to the FBI in those crime categories for 2007. "Based on a per capita basis, New Orleans has the No. 1 crime ranking using FBI statistics," said CQ spokesman Ben Krasney. New Orleans was well ahead of second-place Camden, New Jersey, and third-place Detroit, according to the study. St. Louis, Missouri and Oakland, California, rounded out the top five. …"It's unacceptably high, whichever figures you use," said Rafael Goyeneche, executive director of the Metropolitan Crime Commission of Greater New Orleans, a crime watchdog group. "But the question now is what we are.” - New Orleans Ranks as Most Violent U.S. City, Study Finds, November 24, 2008, -

Our majestic and invincible sleuthing capabilities and political connections enabled us to track down and confront these viscous and blatting ferocious terror organizations as they tore a path through history and snuck past checkpoints, compromising security forces and rendering personal vehicles into terror instruments of mass murder. We will fight to the end and stand vigilant to feed the breast of democracy and freedom as the dignity of humans are trampled on by inconspicuous outsiders who find no home or comfort with our patriotism and pride. We will fight them to the end and leave no rock unturned in this century to stamp out fascism and racial hatred for the freedom and dignity of those who stand with the people to declare their freedom and right to vote. This free speech will never stop naked aggression but if one body in its way is enough to sacrifice for the greater good or the nation, then it is one body worth it. We have shown them our raw talents and naked superiority which they fear and run from each and every moment the instance of thought is given to who they are dealing with. These terrorists will not break the freedom of democratic beliefs with unifies and brings hope and jobs to the good people of this earth.

“Cyanide” lyrics by Metallica

Sleep and dream of this
Death angel's kiss
Brings final bliss
Come believe me!

Empty they say
Death, won't you let me stay?
Empty they say
Death, hear me call your name?
Oh, call your name!

Suicide, I've already died
You're just the funeral I've been waiting for
Cyanide, living dead inside
Break this empty shell forevermore

Wait, wait patiently
Your death-black wings
Unfolding sleep
Spreading on me



Say, is that rain or are they tears?
That stained your concrete face for years
Crying, weeping, shedding strife
Year after year, life after life

A narrow freshly broken ground
A concrete angel laid right down
Upon the grave which swallows fast
It's peace at last
Oh, peace at last



It's the funeral I've been waiting for!

“Indestructible” lyrics by Disturbed

Another mission
The powers have called me away
Another time
To carry the colors again
My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend
To win the honor
Of coming back home again
No explanation
Will matter after we begin
Another dark destroyer that's buried within
My true vocation
And now my unfortunate friend
You will discover
A war you're unable to win
I'll have you know
That I've become

Determination that is incorruptible
From the other side
A terror to behold
Annihilation will be unavoidable
Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible
Take a last look around while you're alive
I'm an indestructible master of war

Another reason
Another cause for me to fight
Another fuse uncovered
Now for me to light
My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
Without a regret
A declaration
Embedded deep under my skin
A permanent reminder
Of how we began
No hesitation
When I am commanding the strike
You need to know
That you're in for the fight of your life
You will be shown
How I've become



Determination that is incorruptible
From the other side
A terror to behold
Annihilation will be unavoidable
Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible
Take a last look around while you're alive
I'm an indestructible master of war

“Destroyer” lyrics by The Kinks

“Getting Away with Murder” lyrics by Papa Roach

Talking To The Walls lyrics by Finger Eleven

No hostage has been held like I've
Been holding mine but I'm just fine
Since I've been without you
No prisoner could climb the walls
That I've built up in my mind
Since I've been without you

But I'm holding down and out
I'm desperate without you

Look at the shape I'm in
Talking to the walls again
Look at the state I'm in

Bent and broken is all I've been
No universal truth this time
No other universe but mine
Could ever feel as unaligned
Since I've been without you
No instances from time to time
Feel like things will turn out right
Since I've been without you

No universal truth this time
There's no universe for you and I
And there's no one to make me realize

“Look What You’ve Done” lyrics by Jet

Take my photo off the wall
If it just won't sing for you
'Cause all that's left has gone away
And there's nothing there for you to prove

Oooh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
Oooh well, it seems likes such fun
Until you lose what…you… had… won

Give me back my point of view
'Cause I just can't think for you
I can hardly hear you say
What should I do, well you choose


Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
A fool of everyone
A fool of everyone

Take my photo off the wall
If it just won't sing… for you.
'Cause all that's left has gone away
And there's nothing there for you… to do.


Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool… of everyone
A fool of everyone
A fooo-oool of… everyone!

“Indians” lyrics by Anthrax

We all see black and white
When it comes to someone else's fight
No one ever gets involved
Apathy can never solve

FORCED OUT - Brave and mighty
STOLEN LAND - They can't fight it
HOLD ON - To pride and tradition
Even though they know how much their lives are really missing'

On reservations
A hopeless situation
Respect is something that you earn
Our Indian brother's getting burned
Original American
Turned into, second class citizen


Cry for the Indians
Die for the Indians
Cry for the Indians
Cry, Cry, Cry for the Indians

Love the land and fellow man
Peace is what we strive to have
Some folks have none of this
Hatred and prejudice


TERRITORY, It's just the body of the nation
The people that inhabit it make its configuration
PREJUDICE, Something we all can do without
Cause a flag of many colors is what this land's all about



About Me

My photo
My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.

You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest