There was once upon a time when the forces of evil in this world worked hand and hand with those who fought for the freedom and future of this world. Things happened during that World War which caused the governments of this world to declare those same allies mortal enemies and the devil themselves. Something happened during that war to make the forces of good to conclude these same allies were on earth to threaten the right of the human being to exist and thus to always and until the end of time to threaten the self existence of others. One side was captured and the other side was defeated, yet the history of this did not speak the truth of this connection between the past and the future. The claim is going to range from working close on challenges, objective politics, promotion and salary requirement, and nothing will ever be written down or provable.
The North Hollywood shootout was an armed confrontation between two heavily-armed and armored bank robbers, Larry Eugene Phillips, Jr. and Emil Matasareanu, and patrol and SWAT officers of the Los Angeles Police Department in North Hollywood, Los Angeles, California on February 28, 1997. It happened when responding patrol officers engaged Phillips and Matasareanu leaving a bank which the two men had just robbed. Ten officers and seven civilians’ sustained injuries before both robbers were killed. Phillips and Matasareanu had robbed several banks prior to their attempt in North Hollywood and were notorious for their heavy armament, which included automatic rifles. - North Hollywood Shootout, -
War is part of life and some nations have fought for freedom and the forces of good on earth for their entire history. Others tend to play along. All human beings must understand that killing is a part of life and there are very limited settings which justify it. Warfare and survival is definitely one of those settings; however, what most human beings do not understand is the atmosphere which it takes place in. It is like a switch which must be turned on and off. If you cannot turn it on, then you cannot turn it off. However, most people understand this and can easily cope with this transition from war to peace relatively easily. Professional soldiers are and have always been accustomed to it and do not see it as a reason to affect the mental toughness and psychology of those who engage in it. It depends on how happy you are and how your life is going. It depends on if you have any control over your life and emotions. The point is, struggle, warfare, and conflict is a part of life and there are some who have no control of any of this or their fate. We cannot help them but they can help us and the authentic authorities; they can tell the world what these leaders are up to and what they are looking for. Honesty has never been a crime but it will soon be, maybe deservingly.
We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war. - This Is War; September 12, 2001
Do not bee fooled by staff or those who claim to be allies and friends but do not forget that some are more honest than others, it just takes the right situation and they are intent on creating and putting you in all of those situations until you are an ally. They will track you down, turn your life into a nightmare, and try to make you one of them. If they fail to or conclude you are not the potential recruit you had appeared to be, they will struggle to dispose of you before you run to the authorities or turn them in. This is a nasty game they are playing and nobody is on duty to watch them whatsoever. In the end, we discovered this official government was a communist and terrorist cell who had a code of silence and comrade system. When they are comrades, it is impenetrable. Nothing is written down, everything is allegory and innuendoes, and they even promise to pay reparations by hearsay; it is a trick, these are the most dangerous and most merciless enemy we have ever seen.
"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity." -- Ann Coulter, National Review Online, September 2001 -
The trickiest part was how they made you think you were the enemy. It was drowned into you daily as some kind of indoctrination. They were using hate and racial issues to invoke a sense of total chaos and total homicidal anxiety. It felt like sewage. The people would act nice. They would manipulate and display a meanness you will never see in your life. If this does not work, then they will call in a saboteur on the force of good who had risen to the upper staff level. That individual will antagonize and make you feel you were an enemy, humiliated, could not win, did not have a right to exist, and were not conservative or even allowed to be a right wing capitalist. The idea was soothing when it was a sewage and hell when truth and right wing or capitalism was desired. If and when they are confronted about this, they give the saddest story and claim you are one of them; now they understand and wish to promote you.
"Anorexics never have boyfriends. ... That's one way to know you don't have anorexia: if you have a boyfriend." -- Ann Coulter, Politically Incorrect, July 21, 1997-
We can issue this warning; prior to September 11, 2001, they were so active and hostile we were not allowed and could not even go outside without a brutal attack. When we took this to the authorities, we were issued a three year federal prison term and two years to learn how to walk again. Therefore, every chance of avoiding the authorities must be made because they are not playing games or shooting blanks. We had been deemed crazies and delusional, even mentally incompetent to even stand trial for our own defense. Had this been another human being or someone not as able to defend or trap them, and then god knows what would have occurred. These are not allies and they are sneaking around on our staff and wait until they are removed or this is broken. They have been there for ten years waiting for something or someone to come and remove them or stop them. It is impossible to attack them even if they are a communist or a terrorist cell; if you call the Pentagon, they arrest you before you can talk to anyone who knows or have ever seen this before. They will hound you, antagonize you, and copy or use anything they can steal or take. Until they are removed or caught, they see no evil.
"I think there should be a literacy test and a poll tax for people to vote." - Ann Coulter, Hannity & Colmes, August 17, 1997-
It is suspect with almost 90 to 100 per cent accuracy; some sort of contact was made by this terror group back in 1997 or 1998 which has lasted a decade. They are both elusive and very good, knowing how easily it will be if they leave any trace of evidence. They learned this so called “conspiratorial” way to live by the experiences of the black movement. Therefore, in instances where no evidence is readily available, they wish to use the mind game back on others. It is some type of reverse psychology and mental game to achieve social justice and ultimately socialism or communism. The word they wish to throw around has nothing to do with the right of the individual to exist.
"The presumption of innocence only means you don't go right to jail." -- Ann Coulter, Hannity & Colmes, August 24, 2001 -
These hate groups were able to superimpose themselves onto the racial tensions and at times severe gaps between hate groups and communist or labor unions. However, this is trickier and more elusive. They are seeking charity and some grand payoff. They are very pro labor and pro union, they feel their religion and powers is being threatened and have gone into a protectionist and lock down mode barring all outsiders or threats to the system which they have built around, socialism and communism. The people who pose the most threat are westerners and nations westernizing because nobody trusts them and they have nothing to offer others. Trust is constantly broken down and the difficult to getting rid or firing them is so blatantly austere it is near terror.
Dr. Theodore John Kaczynski (born May 22, 1942), also known as the Unabomber, is an American mathematician and social critic who carried out a campaign of bombings. He was born in Chicago, Illinois, and excelled in academics at a young age. Kaczynski received an undergraduate degree from Harvard University and earned a PhD in mathematics from the University of Michigan. He became an assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley at age 25 but resigned two years later. In 1971, he moved to a remote cabin in Lincoln, Montana. From 1978 to 1995, Kaczynski sent 16 bombs to targets including universities and airlines, killing three people and injuring 23. Kaczynski sent a letter to The New York Times on April 24, 1995 and promised "to desist from terrorism" if The New York Times or The Washington Post published his manifesto. In his Industrial Society and Its Future (also called the "Unabomber Manifesto"), he argued that his bombings were extreme but necessary to attract attention to the erosion of human freedom necessitated by modern technologies requiring large-scale organization. - Theodore “Ted” Kaczynski, Wikipedia -
The reason why trust is so difficult or is constantly broken has to do with their mental fixture. These are war like people who are belligerent and defiant. They are not bred to the good families we wish leaders and powerful people should be. Instead, these people feel invasion and contest is necessary to determine dominance. Everything in life is a contest and when they siege your life, every aspect is overwhelmed by church members. Ultimately, the goal is some connection, powerful relationship, and charity. They scold you and they will put so much pressure to seek this conformity and also ridicule anyone who is not like them or resists.
Ann Coulter: "I can tell which ones don't need to be looked at, I can tell you that. Old ladies, old black men, little children, blondes, blue eyed. Do this experiment. I've done it many times: go around wherever you are, and you can always exclude about 80% of the people there, and I know once again Congressman Honda will not tell us the other factors that are going to be so crucial in figuring out which ones the terrorists are." Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA): "You know there's another form of terrorism in the country, and that's the kind of terrorism that you spread. It's through racial profiling, and you're simply out of step." Michael "The Moralist" Medved: "Congressman Honda, do you really want to compare Ann Coulter to the people who attacked the United States on September 11? ... You want to stand by your accusation that Ann Coulter is a terrorist?" Honda: "Her comments and everything else engenders fear in people, it creates fear in people and it brings up other people who are out of step who will listen to that and turn around and target other people and were about educating people about what's the best way of proceeding and misinformation and using race as the soul ingredient is out of step." -- The Michael Medved Show, March 18, 2002 -
Imagine how the world would be if everything was a contest and the right of the individual was in constant flux. These are people who have nothing to offer to others, nobody wants to deal with them, nobody wishes to understand their politics, they cause deep resentment and divisions, they are formally classified as hate groups beyond the fact they use racial issues to exacerbate both race and terrorism. It is a contest and this contest is by a rival who is belligerent, determined, war like, dominant in numbers, and very oppressive. They use surveillance to keep you as a prisoner. This kidnapping can last an entire lifetime. They learned this from the history of racial tension in America and the process of imperialism and colonialisation. When they do it, it is completely flawed, when we do it, life can be very perfect.
The U.S. Supreme Court made history Thursday by striking down integration plans in school districts in Seattle and Louisville, Ky., that used race as a way to determine which schools students should attend. The 5-4 decision was split along liberal-conservative lines with Justice Anthony Kennedy tipping the balance in the combined opinion on Meredith v. Jefferson County Board and a similar case, Community Schools v. Seattle School District #1. Liberals were generally dismayed by the ruling, which they feel undoes decades of race-based school integration schemes. But conservatives were pleased to hear Chief Justice John Roberts say, "The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race." Probably no one was happier to hear those words from a Supreme Court justice than Ward Connerly. The chairman of the American Civil Rights Institute, he has worked tirelessly for years to oppose or reverse laws that use racial and gender preferences in schools and workplaces. I caught up with Connerly by phone Thursday evening at his home in Sacramento, Calif. - Race Integration: Interview with Ward Connerly, by Bill Steigerwald; June 29, 2007 -
This religion or the basis of this family goes back to biblical times. They feel very threatened and have launched an army to spread over the earth with charity in mind and no prisoners mentally. Our observations indicated the fusion of the likes of opus dui and the Zionist movement; two of the most powerful religious secret organizations on earth. Keep in mind, religious or not, they are very oppressive and determined, war like, and their goal has something to do with their self preservation threatened by economics and change. Both their power and their power base is shrinking and losing touch with reality because the world is unwilling to listen or bow down to this total disrespect for the right of the individual to exist or the value of individual talent. They will destroy everything and feel it was merely a contest. If you have ever heard a scripted dialogue between two or more people, then you also know how difficult it is to detect before irregularities and odd events begin to occur.
Current New Mexico governor and former Clinton administration official Bill Richardson has been on tour, bragging about the groundbreaking Clinton administration negotiations with North Korea -- keeping his fingers crossed that no one has access to news from 1994. In 1994, the Clinton administration got a call from Jimmy Carter -- probably collect -- who was with the then-leader of North Korea, saying: "Hey, Kim Il Sung is a total stud, and I've worked out a terrific deal. I'll give you the details later." Clinton promptly signed the deal, so he could forget about North Korea and get back to cheating on Hillary. Mission accomplished. …Yes, you read that right: North Korea promised not to develop nukes, and we showed how much we trusted them by agreeing to no weapons inspections for five years. The famed "allies," whom liberals claim they are so interested in pleasing, went ballistic at this cave-in to North Korea. Japan and South Korea -- actual allies, unlike France and Germany -- were furious. - Clinton’s New Glow Job, by Ann Coulter, April 18, 2007 -
The reason why westernized groups or economies who are westernizing are a major threat is because of the lessons with huge economies such as China, Japan, India, maybe Brazil and other maturing economic and manufacturing areas. Japan alone wiped out 30 per cent of their labor base and triggered a shock to their life. This other human being not of their race had done not so bad globally. China nearly wiped out another 30 per cent of their labor base and triggered another shock to their life. So they are made and they are angry with a 60% economic loss; only to regain 20% of it because nobody trusts them and they have nothing to offer; meanwhile, these big economies are partnering up to grow the global economies and invest in other areas. This is a major threat. This is a major threat to the lock they have on America and even the world. The church of liberalism is unraveling and quickly in debt.
Which brings me to this week’s scandal about No Such Agency spying on ‘Americans? ?' I have difficulty ginning up much interest in this story inasmuch as I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East, and sending liberals to Guantanamo. – Ann Coulter, On Spies and Traitors, Live and Let Spy; December 21, 2005 -
The cyber and satellite warfare was some contest to them. They did not know what we were working on and we did not know who they were. They had been stalking two people rising through the ranks and becoming the poster boy and girl. This stalking to achieve some response or to antagonize this stalemate was detected as far back as the mid 1990s. This is the same time when bizarre events and fresh faces began to arrive with no knowledge of who or what they were. All we know is they came from a different religious group and were ignored. Once ignored and passed over, all hell broke loose. It began with clearance, then it was financial sabotage, then it was credit reports, then it was banking irregularities, and eventually some false imprisonment and blame. The topic of course was race and why the trust was so off the whacky list.
Only one policy has ever been shown to deter mass murder: concealed-carry laws. In a comprehensive study of all public, multiple-shooting incidents in America between 1977 and 1999, the inestimable economists John Lott … how did that deranged loner get a gun into this Gun-Free Zone? It isn't the angst of adolescence. Plenty of school shootings have been committed by adults with absolutely no reason to be at the school, such as Laurie Dann, who shot up the Hubbard Woods Elementary School in Winnetka, Ill., in 1988; Patrick Purdy, who opened fire on children at Cleveland Elementary School in Stockton, Calif., in 1989; and Charles Carl Roberts, who murdered five schoolgirls at an Amish school in Lancaster County, Pa., last year. Oh by the way, the other major "Gun-Free Zone" in America is the post office. But instantly, on the day of the shooting at Virginia Tech, the media were already promoting gun control and pre-emptively denouncing right-wingers who point out that gun control enables murderers rather than stopping them. Liberals get to lobby for gun control, but we're disallowed from arguing back. That's how good their arguments are. They're that good. - Let’s Make America A Sad Free Zone, by Ann Coulter, April 18, 2007 -
Since the 1990s, it has been a trade back of blows while trying to wait out the storm and for them to pass or leave. The extent of the surveillance and the extent of their tinkering were not known. A herding process was underway to “net” as much and as many as possible to determine how powerful and how big of an army they had sent. It was huge. Even espionage was a contest and some war like acting out. Their mistake was to parade and try to create a defection and why their oppression was so “intimidating” and “dominant.” This is a terror network and they are not playing games with future leaders. They are teaming up as the economic conditions worsen; they are preparing or have launched some revolution to take back the karma. It is all a lie and a deception, a localism of home grown hate groups who do not howl but resort to secret and clandestine hate groups to overthrow the government. We were able to capture and confront a few of their primary leaders.
For years, the Rangers and Delta Force soldiers who fought the Battle of Mogadishu on Oct. 3, 1993, had a serious beef. Until the publication of Mark Bowden's 1999 book, Black Hawk Down, their daylight raid was widely perceived as a failure even in strict military terms. But the Rangers in fact succeeded in snatching and imprisoning the two Somali clan officials they were after. Had you known that? I hadn't. Like everyone else, I mainly remembered seeing the body of a dead American being dragged through the streets. You can't blame the surviving Rangers for seeing the film of Bowden's book, now in theaters, as an opportunity for vindication. It's also a highly effective film, as vivid a fix as most of us are likely to get on what bravery and professionalism means in the modern U.S. military. Everyone should see it. (See it twice, actually—it takes repeat viewings to comprehend the rush of characters and events.) - What Black Hawk Down Leaves Out, By Mickey Kaus,; Jan. 21, 2002 -
This hate group and this terror network overlap the economy and have the goal of hijacking or populating it to the end. It is about populating the nodes and cell. It is important to push out the existing node in order to populating it, which is their goal. Agitating each node indicates whether or not a hit or a terror plot is needed. We observed this back in the late 1990s which was the precursor and the spearhead behind 911 and the Indian 911. The threat is global westernization and free trade. With the best engineering economies and schools in the near Asian regions, this blend of westernization is very difficult to target and control. The trust relationships are more in their favor then these hate groups.
He seemed to be suggesting that nothing in economics can generate the exhilaration consequent upon revelation of inner truths. Empirically, and unfortunately, Pigou may have been correct (p. 116) …Reagan could not solve the simultaneous equations of general-equilibrium economics. But he carried with him a vision of a social order that might be an abstraction but which embodied elements that contained more light than heat. This vision or that of classical liberalism generally, is built on the central, and simple, notion that “we can all be free.” Adam Smith’s “simple system of natural liberty,” even if only vaguely understood, can enlighten the spirit, can create a soul that generates a coherence, a unifying philosophical discipline, that brings order to an internal psyche that might otherwise remain confused. A motivating element is, of course, the individual’s desire for liberty from the coercive power of others—an element that may be almost universally shared. But a second element is critically important: the absence of desire to exert power over others. In a real sense, the classical liberal stands in opposition to Thomas Hobbes, who modeled persons as universal seekers of personal power and authority? (p. 117) - The Soul of Classical Liberalism, by James M. Buchanan (Director of the Center for Study of Public Choice, George Mason University), The Independent Review, v.V, n.1, Summer 2000, ISSN 1086-1653, Copyright © 2000, pp. 111–119 -
The problem with economists and politicians who use economics to justify their politics is the correlation between and even differences of tax breaks (or reductions) and good behavior. Tax breaks are meant to encourage good behavior not socialism or a thugocracy. People are catching on and they are beginning to notice the irregularities. These are very oppressive and war like breed of humans whose religion run against the right of the individual to exist and the individual talents of those who are entrepreneurs. That is the difference; economic conditions create this solidification, solidarity, and team and gamesmanship. Oppressive is not the right word, terror is more accurate. They are very pro labor and they are aggressively seeking charity in a near extortive way. This hate group is growing fast and furious as imposters. If you have ever heard a scripted dialogue between two or more people, then you also know how difficult it is to detect before irregularities and odd events begin to occur.
Among the many liberal ripostes to John Lott -- he was funded by gun-nuts or Republicans, he is "vicious," he should not be able to make a living -- this argument does not appear: He is wrong. Newsweek quoted a Stanford University law professor, John Donohue, who has "spent years reviewing Lott's data" saying only: "What a lot of people worry about is that if it really is the case that the results aren't good, then he's really peddling a false message." Wait a second. But if Lott's results are good, then its gun control advocates who are peddling a false message. One position or the other is going to cause more people to die. So which is it? Gee, if only we had someone who had "spent years reviewing Lott's data." How about Donohue? Why didn't it occur to the Newsweek reporter to ask Donohue why he was unable to cough up an attack on Lott's research? …"People" probably worried that if reports of Stalin's systematic starvation of 10 million Ukrainians weren't true, then those who said so were peddling a false message. (None more so than The New York Times, which whiled away the years of the Ukrainian famine denying it.) That's not believing different facts; it's squirting octopus fluid on the facts that exist. - More Facts, Fewer Liberals, by Ann Coulter,
The most important aspect is this lack of trust. People do not trust them. They do not have anything others wish for or want. It is a very difficult relationship with them. They are not very intelligent. They are very dominating. Their domestic policy is being converted to global terrorism where they are not only behind it but fighting it to wrap the flag around the little guy. Domestic companies are abandoning them quicker than foreign ones. The trust relation domestically is no longer, they can only rely on foreign or international forces (detected this goal by our kidnapping). Their politics is nothing but cronyism. The only remnant of their life is quiet and silence but this terror network is hitting back and in the most merciless and brutal ways. They do not see the problem; they see only others as hostile or threatening to them. It is near insanity and madness from them.
WHILE ostentatiously pursuing an "investigation" of the Marc Rich pardon (which will lead precisely nowhere), Mary Jo White, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, has stubbornly refused to indict top Democratic and union officials directly implicated in a money-laundering scheme uncovered by her own office some years ago. In what is now called the Teamsters Swap Scandal, prosecutors working for Mary Jo White won three guilty pleas from top Teamsters aides back in 1997. Two years later, the Teamsters' former political director, William Hamilton, was convicted for his role in the kickback scheme. But for four years now, the Big Kahunas implicated in the money-swap operation have been largely forgotten by White's office. One big fish studiously ignored by Ms. White is the current chairman of the Democratic National Committee and Clinton pal, Terry McAuliffe. At the center of the money-laundering scheme was Ron Carey, who had been anointed Teamsters president by "the most ethical administration in history" as part of an ingenious plan to "clean up" the Teamsters. When Teamsters legacy James Hoffa Jr. later challenged Carey for the union presidency in 1996, Carey's aides -- and perhaps Carey himself -- decided to give the Carey campaign a boost using general union funds. … After sitting on evidence for four years that implicated Carey, the tough-talking Ms. White finally indicted him only days after George W. Bush were sworn in as president. But even a Republican in the White House hasn't prompted Clinton-appointed White to blink in her intractable refusal to pursue McAuliffe. - Mary Jo White Wash, by Ann Coulter,
The problem with liberals and this other terror group is they are very biased and hateful. They may not be violent or so disgusted by temperance, but resistance can be more violent than terrorism itself. When liberal governments refuse to prosecute terrorists or criminals who repeatedly display bizarre or erratic lunacy, as we are witnessing, bad things happen. The rule of law gets transferred from the heavens and principle to evil and monetary interests. This is a dangerous path especially when dealing with two terror groups and the bigger one must win.
The fight is not in the left wing, it is in the right wing because we do not want their help or want to be on their staff. Until the housing crisis is settled, the big 3 bail out cannot be one move but three separate moves. The benchmark is 12 months on any loans. The housing crisis will take more time than the big 3 crisis. There liquidation must be set to address the equity of the movement. It is not the business of the government to make cars or tell companies how to be profitable. The depreciation of GM is the stumbling block of the other big 2 because they are the last one to be marketable sold. The climate of this is bad but recovery has been an issue for at least five years. In that time Ford has shown to be the most favorable asset followed by the others. The public knows they did not hope and change hard enough because trust must be restored, not a bail out. These bail outs are big and can be broken up into small parts to be liquidated to new management. A loan does not suggest success or competitiveness; the same argument used on us. The President should know what regulatory changes are needed to create a good market and to restore trust in the markets. Nationalizing companies is not the answer and socialism is not either. – On Why the Bail Out was insanity and delaying the inevitable; 12/5/2008 10:33:34 AM -
Terrorism a like a mafia war, the bigger dog gets the last bite. Those bites hurt enough to cause the other dog to let go of its bite. The problem with these liberal governments who spread out like a cloud around the world is they will coup the governments, sabotage the economies, overlap communism and socialism, and wreak havoc when given a chance. It is not a rule and leadership from the heavens and can range from the dollar to hell; we cannot even rule out the devil because it depends on economic conditions. When economic conditions worsen, they solidify and being to partner up. Terrorism is some new tool to wrap the flag around the little guys who have nothing to offer and has nothing others want.
If Chicago had been hit, I assure you New Yorkers would not have cared. What was stunning when New York was hit was how the rest of America rushed to New York's defense. New Yorkers would have been like, 'It's tough for them; now let's go back to our Calvin Klein fashion shows.' - Ann Coulter, On Selection of Terrorists; May 17, 2003 -
The attacks on Mumbai can be summed up very nice and neat. It is a response to economic policy. It is a vast and growing desperation by those, who primarily occupy the United States of America and elsewhere, rule by the dollar and the duller. This removes any doubt. There is a long history of misplaced and misspent power. These leaders who rule by the dollar will get it wrong no matter what they do because they have nothing to offer but the dollar, they have everything people want as the dollar, they have something about them which nobody wants; yet they have this secret question to ask. It is not the rule from the heavens and leadership in this world has transformed into this type of rule back around the 1990s. Terrorism is not pretend game but it is a game played by those who like to pretend; it is filled with surprises, terror, and is meant to remove the cloud of trust, truth, and solid thoughts.
Amanda Knox, the American student accused of murdering Meredith Kercher, her British flatmate, claims she regrets having lied in police interviews to incriminate an innocent man. Ms Knox, 21, said she was "afraid" but believes she will be acquitted in the end. On Tuesday Paoli Micheli, the pre-trial judge, ordered both her and Raffaele Sollecito, her former Italian boyfriend, to stand trial on December 4 on charges of murder, sexual assault and theft. …The judge refused a request by defence lawyers for Ms Knox and Mr Sollecito to be released and placed under house arrest while awaiting trial, ruling that they must stay in prison in case they flee or re-offend. - Amanda Knox regrets’ lies over Meredith Kercher Murder, by Richard Owen (Rome), Times Online (London); October 30, 2008 -
This rule of the dollar is defining their future. It is this secret question which they wish to ask but are scared to confront others face to face with, so these sadistic and megalomaniacal games surface to restore their anger against mankind. It was a huge socialist and communist movement who possessed the right and the power to rule by this blood method, they feel justly to rule out the right of the individual to exist because money is made and taken away by blood only, humans. Life is only in the here and now and this is their response to existing problems. They feel the rule of the dollar also has the right to spending rights and they are the customers. It is just free choice spending paid in blood terms.
New Orleans was the first home of the American Mafia. Crime family roots in that community extend back as far as the U.S. Civil War. For much of its history, the New Orleans Mafia isolated itself from underworld organizations in the rest of the country. This must be partly due to friction between Palermo Mafia authority and the rebellious Monreale-based Stuppagghiara group that took hold in the Crescent City. - Crime Bosses of New Orleans; -
Most people do not notice it but now they do. There is a war raging and roaring in the streets and there is a transformation taking place. The question is to make others notice this quicker and more to their side. It dates back to the founding of the country and this world. These particular people, no less their religions, are selling a war to the permanent underclass of this world. The dollar is to be paid in blood where it used to be paid in government intervention. Now that government and that “tradition” have been silenced but not permanently defeated. As long as the dollar rules, they will pay back their defeat in blood terms. It is a way to show how committed and honorable they are. It is a massive and vicious war which used to be fought by large armies but are now scattered and acquired by sewage of so called powerful individuals.
Asked about her parents, Ms Knox said she spoke to her mother Edda often, "about all kinds of things. We cry together, and she makes me strong. We both hoped I'd be able to get out of prison on house arrest, but it didn't happen. Since I've been here I've been closer to them, and to my sister, and my stepsisters. I love them all very much and I miss everybody." She said her father Curt "makes me laugh a lot, he tells me a heap of funny stories about the things that happen to him when he's in Umbria. Like when he gets lost coming to see me in prison, or when he's cooking in his room. Once he set off the fire alarm with all the smoke." She said she "deeply regretted" having falsely accused Patrick Diya Lumumba, a Congolese bar owner in Perugia, of being the murderer during testimony to police - which she later withdrew - in which she admitted being at the murder scene and hearing Ms Kercher's screams. Mr Lumumba is suing for damages, and has described Ms Knox as a "compulsive liar". "I'm very sorry about the way Patrick reacted" she said. "The first thing I did was to ask his forgiveness. I felt I was being pressured by the police so I mentioned him, but I'm really sorry". Asked what she missed most, Ms Knox replied "My freedom". - Amanda Knox regrets’ lies over Meredith Kercher Murder, by Richard Owen (Rome), Times Online (London); October 30, 2008 -
The goal is hard to determine because they govern by overlap and sameness. At heart is an imposter and it will not be noticeable until it is too late. This is their game of surprise. It is their game of mystery and ambush and we were given fair warning 12,000 or more times observing it. They want human beings to overlook what they are or the events for whom they are also behind. The value of their dollars is meant for their war and in war, people die. This however is a secret war and they are secretive. They are angry and upset to the idea it was a conspiracy to defeat them and make them violent or destructive. Therefore, their right to spend their money, kept alive by debt and taxing, gives them this right to spend and this rule to the dollar. They choose terrorism and the rule of the dollar. It is a raging war globally and has been where the permanent underclasses are fearful and arm themselves in a mutiny. It is a way to strike back at an evil world.
Ironically, for all of [liberals'] love of conspiracy theories — the rigging of the 2000 election, vote suppression in Ohio in 2004, 9/11 being an inside job, oil companies covering up miracle technology that would allow cars to run on dirt, Britney Spears' career, etc., etc. — when presented with an actual conspiracy of Soviet spies infiltrating the U.S. government, they laughed it off like world-weary skeptics and dedicated themselves to slandering Joe McCarthy. – Ann Coulter, On the Bush Administration; November 8, 2007 -
It is hard to do anything about it when you are the ones behind it. what is more, when the people behind it claim it is their home, how they share the same house, how they are seniority, how they are more powerful, and how they also have a right to protest or imprison others for treating them with a fear their actions may lead to punishments; they must understand truth, principle, and those who deserve it. From live contact and real up close clandestine observations we know they to be selling a war. It is a war of choice and spending. It is intended to be sold to the underclass by a large church like body; this was and has been their tradition, to help the permanent underclass. Now it has turned radical and holier than thou, bread to steel type of insanity. It is a determined struggle and they are determined soldiers for the underclass. The mantra which their militant attaches and liaisons scream with screeching terror is the following. This words and phrases occur with frequency and near mantra like rebel yell:
• We do not know what to do
• We do not want to die
• Want to help
• Whatever you need
• We were wrong, sorry
• Go home
• Symbolic acts to suggest they are homicidal mad (responding to how we feel)
• Acts (symbols) of power, dominance, and ludicrous ridicule
There is a pattern here. When the odds are against you, you step down. When you are guilty or so guilty, you step down. What are we seeing now? Every act of domestic terrorism from 1990 to the present had one or more of those same embellishments. It is a signal to back off the chase and back down before something bad happens. It is a signal of some arrival, supposedly a communist messiah, which we were thoroughly exiled and examined for the job. What it was and what they fail to enforce is a ten year long kidnapping. These are very dangerous people who act and function normally in life, they just are ruled by the dollar. An army who you can pay for anything to include sex, privileges, access, crime, power, influence, and so long as they can buy food or gain from; their determined struggle has no bearing on governing from the heavens but no matter what they do or say, they do not have anything people want and nothing to offer, how do they tell those who see them as religion they lied or could not save them?
The Democrats are giving aid and comfort to the enemy for no purpose other than giving aid and comfort to the enemy. There is no plausible explanation for the Democrats' behavior other than that they long to see U.S. troops shot, humiliated, and driven from the field of battle. They fill the airwaves with treason, but when called to vote on withdrawing troops, disavow their own public statements. These people are not only traitors, they are gutless traitors. - New Idea for Abortion Party: Aid the Enemy; November 23, 2005 -
The pattern of behavior of human beings, which they tried to justify with our kidnapping, was when and if the left loses control and omniscience, they fell threatened and they must stop this while they can and to do grab on or do this, the leadership hopes to keep advantage. Does anybody believe this? The goal is to control or determine whether or not the right wing will reinvent them for this threat. The little guy is rooting for the right wing. This “us and them” idea is an obligation now for the other side to save them or face our own demise because they are the staff. Do we stop or do they stop? What is going to stop this; some messiah or some communist new idea to deprive the flag flying ceremony? What is this flag waving ceremony about? How did it become such a terrorizing lie on the world? This ghoul staff needing reinvention has just placed the karma on the side of the left wing and the lies of the world. Worse, it is debt and not profit debilitating the world. The left is about peace but they have trouble with allowing others to speak freely and openly about what they are up to or why they do not deserve praise.
Q: You are pleased by this decision a lot, a little bit, what? A: I am very pleased by the decision because the majority opinion represents a complete reversal of the (Grutter v. Bollinger) decision that was handed down June 23, 2003, involving the University of Michigan (which upheld the right of universities to consider race in admissions procedures in order to achieve a diverse student body). So I'm very pleased with it in that regard. I would have been ecstatic if Justice Kennedy had said, "I favor total colorblindness." He didn't say that. Q: What was the worst aspect of the plans that were being used to try to balance the school systems in Seattle and Louisville? A: The worst part was that they were really selecting these kids on the basis of race. They were saying in the Louisville case that the minimum percentage of black kids in a school would be 15 percent and the maximum would be 50 percent. That was essentially a quota, and the court has always come down against quotas. - Race Integration: Interview with Ward Connerly, by Bill Steigerwald; June 29, 2007 –
The transformation is a religion war where Lucifer has fallen from heaven. Now we are dealing with not only people but a religion people do not want to deal with and for whom has nothing to offer. Companies are abandoning them and authentic religions are easily able to identify their weak, complacent, and near fatal history. They are fighting history and so are we. Therefore, if their religion was this authentic, then it is time for them to sell a war to human kind and this world. We are dealing with sadistic and megalomaniacal dunces who wish to rule the sewer system with the dollar and power. They are so awful and stupid, the FBI and other government law enforcement groups want them dead because they are rivals and also FBI agents and law enforcement colleagues. It is that bad and terrorism makes the pill easier to swallow.
StlToday: WASHINGTON-The Senate unanimously confirmed Stephen Limbaugh Jr. to the federal court in St. Louis Tuesday. Limbaugh, currently a Missouri Supreme Court judge, won final approval to serve on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri after being nominated by President George W. Bush in December. Limbaugh is a cousin to conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh. ...Well, Rush, your water carrying for George Bush and the GOP has finally paid off. My condolences to the people of Missouri. - Limbaugh's Work for George Bush Pays Off: Cousin Now A Federal Judge, by Logan Murphy,
The primary motive and religious movement of these megalomaniacal leaders or their leadership in the United States has to do with a fraud they are native to the land. It is confusion and anger. It is a way to say they are blood thirsty, not thrifty, and angry. Thrifty is not in their vocabulary because the dollar is worshipped. There is no real reason, it is despair and the senseless acts and symbols are merely meaningless. To their leaders and planners however, the value is much more, change and advantage. They adopted the guerilla tactics which were extremely effective during the Vietnam War and had made an effort to recruit one of us, those who were there and were fighting this war. Their approach was sad and emotional. It is not worth mentioning or the money of time. It is a waste of time and spending and will eventually be a septic thought. When the debt reconciles with the market, how terrorizing those lies will be known. Fighting or fixing terrorism while behind it is not good enough reason.
The man responsible for keeping Americans safe from another terrorist attack on American soil for nearly seven years now will go down in history as one of America's greatest presidents. - Bush 7 Terrorist 0, by Ann Coulter, June 11, 2008 -
This particular hit on Mumbai came at a critical moment and signals had been detected encrypted. We had the encrypted sources. During this period, power and control was slipping quickly as federal authorities and commandoes pulled their trap, deception, and double crossing secret. They used this attack to gain footing on a slippery slope, right in front of our faces to stick another finger in the eye. Yes, while we were even watching and placing them under surveillance, we too were. They feel we are phony soldiers and full of hot air. We make false promises and false threats, their threat is real. It was intended to regain and impasse and to restore a stalemate for this commando operation so to speak. The movie “Who Dares Wins” (British) or “The Final Option” (United States) will explain who and what this operation is all about. It was the source and the planning methods back in the early 1980s with a global contingent of undercover authorities. The people behind this had been targeted, detected, and events transpiring. The world just witnessed how elusive and bold they are, right before their eyes, that is them.
In anticipation of their surrender strategy becoming substantially less popular in the wake of another terrorist attack, the Democrats are all claiming that the threat of terrorism was nonexistent -- notwithstanding 9/11, the Cole bombing, the bombing of our embassies, the bombing of the World Trade Center, the Achille Lauro, etc. etc. -- until George Bush invaded Iraq. - The 'Bumper Sticker' That Blows Up; July 18, 2007 –
Other reasons for this particular “hit” was the usual motif of this terror network and patriotic religion; a game, a promotion, an new opportunity, US politics and interests, desperation, show of force and power, symbolic event, and lastly “how to speak to them” when angry. This is their way of saying, “you do not speak to power this way.” They are asking the same reason why they are not released and set free. Their law and forces kidnapped us so that we let them go and now this was just another desperate attempt when law and order has broken down. There is no trust left with the government and this hijacking of the American forces has not ended. The same sentiments are widespread and all over America or the world as neighborhoods and the permanent underclass get angrier and bolder to adopt the rule of the dollar. We were sneaking around to get a good look at them face to face and now we know we are. There is no honest discussion taking place whatsoever. There are no honest disagreements or debate; it is all trickery, lies, and deception.
Liberals are hopping mad because Rush Limbaugh referred to phony soldiers as "phony soldiers." They claim he was accusing all Democrats in the military of being "phony." True, all Democrats in the military are not phony soldiers, but all phony soldiers seem to be Democrats. – Ann Coulter, On Rush Limbaugh, 'Pretend to be all you can be' October 3, 2007 –
We have tried to advise the leadership both internally and abroad here in the United States to intern, exile, vex, or deport this threat immediately before their voice leads to another terrorizing campaign on this world or even their own. The problem with this terror network here is based on the right to exist and the talents of those who have the right to exist. It is not an honest discussion and is responded with kidnapping and federal imprisonments. This happened twice to quiet and censor our leadership and voice. Now the game of the old guards are to blame us by saying our mouths are wired shut and we are the ones who kill our babies. That is a blatant lie and a deception, the President of the United States even confirmed this.
When they are ready to answer why they are kidnapping royals or people they know nothing about and use a high tech satellite to silence them, please come forward and we can have an honest disagreement. This is no General, it is an imposter. It is a crony. It is a scared weakling who needs to be dragged by his feet to the fire for playing this game with others while taking massive risk to destroy his own country who views him as both an embarrassment to himself and the nation. We need an honest discussion with this communist and terrorist cell in the business of kidnapping, fraud, and wrecking the economy by seeing no evil. We need to know why they refuse to rule from the heaven and must rule from the shooting dollar. Enjoy your satellite and hang on tight to it because now you are nothing more than a sneaky traitor with a bull’s-eye on your life. An honest disagreement is a joke with this rotten slew of sewage and everybody can smell it. You are no General but a clever imposter.
We have tried to advise the leadership both internally and abroad here in the United States of what we observed and saw. The old guards have turned into criminally insane megalomaniacal losers on learning mode. They will not let go of the usurping and debilitating rule by the dollar and blood. They are merely on learning mode and wish us to reinvent them, us, and this nation. There is a problem with inventing them or reinventing this nation when it says clearly why or why not. It is not our job or duty to make them powerful or excuse how their life is a curse. Their life is a curse on themselves and others for the same reasons; they have nothing to offer, they are not wanted, companies are abandoning their lies, they blame others for killing their babies, they rule by the dollar and deception of blood, and they must demonstrate to us, themselves, and the world why that is not possible.
Mr Guede, who may be called as witness at the forthcoming trial, has said he saw a man "resembling" Mr Sollecito standing over Ms Kercher's body with a knife in his hand and heard Ms Knox's voice. Speaking while she waited for the ruling on whether she could leave prison for house arrest at a farm in Umbria run by a Catholic charity, Ms Knox said she was "very angry" with Mr Guede. …In what the US Democrat presidential nominee may regard as an odd endorsement, Ms Knox also said she would vote for Barack Obama as a "good American girl" because he "is on the side of the weak". Ms Knox said she regretted she could not vote in the US election. "Oh, I'd really like that" she was quoted as saying. "I'm a good American girl and I feel it is my duty to vote." She said that her mother Edda Mellas also backed Mr Obama whereas her father, Curt Knox, was a John McCain supporter. - Amanda Knox regrets’ lies over Meredith Kercher Murder, by Richard Owen (Rome), Times Online (London); October 30, 2008 -
This nation and other nations will make these self evident rights clear. They cannot rule by the dollar while unqualified to reinvent others and carry this deception to a blood thirsty level. They must demonstrate they are not on learning mode, are qualified, and do not need terrorism to humiliate or quiet others. They cannot see themselves and if they do, they are not willing to exonerate others; so they hide these problems while manipulating the dollars. It is not honest but they do not know if this world or their own nation wants them to reinvent themselves because they only rule by blood, dollars, and this economic condition which pushes them closer to socialism and communism. Simply put, they are a curse, their life is a curse, and they want this nation and other nations to give up their right to exist or their talents so they can benefit by the dollar or the blood of rules. The right to exist is being challenged domestically and it will be tested internationally by the dollar. Meanwhile, we are forced to slug through this game of chicken and terror with psychopathic liars and secret old guards trying to find the answers to reinvent themselves.
I'd build a wall. In fact, I'd hire illegal immigrants to build the wall. And throw out the illegals who are here. [...] It's cheap labor. - Fox News; O'Reilly Factor; Transcript via Media Matters; April 14, 2006 -
We are trying to view them even if they are a phantom. The antithesis of their jingoism has to do with progressive challenges and problems. An example is a progressive tax and inevitability because their values and selfish right to exist is protected by this evil. The concept is identical to the timings and time of these attacks, the time frame and the symbolism has to do with a progressive atmosphere, it defines the level of need. Therefore, a small attack is just the jingoism for a forgettable time frame. A gigabyte is a signal for a calculated genius of who they are also. During times of revolution, it is important to know how they get this communication and this encryption so that we can intercept it. We hope their leaders will be honest and help us because that is the game of chicken they wish us to jump in or jump up for; that is control and manipulating others for it. It will worsen and exacerbate matters quickly. It is a trap most likely to agitate and make human beings under their control or spell. We cannot spend day and night on why the septic tank acts this way or how their evil captures our attention and admiration. When they do it, they want us to make a move, with or against them; both are a trap, we know this. Their emissaries intend on saying it is about them and it is not.
Damn that Bush! If only he had ignored the crazy Muslims and dedicated himself into sending flowers (and more nuclear reactors!) to North Korea, we could be actively helping Kim develop his nukes like the Clinton administration did. As Richardson said, Kim "wants us to negotiate with him directly, as we did in the Clinton administration." To go on TV and propose negotiating with North Korea like Clinton did without ever mentioning that North Korea cheated on that agreement before the ink was dry would be like denouncing American aggression against Japan in 1942 and neglecting to mention Pearl Harbor. Anyone who is either that stupid or that disingenuous should not be allowed on TV. …Kim is crazier than any leader even South America has been able to produce. In fact, he's so crazy; we might be able to get the Democrats to take action. Someone tell Nancy Pelosi that the "Dear Leader" is an actual pederast. Then we'll at least be able to read his instant messages. - Clinton’s New Glow Job, by Ann Coulter, April 18, 2007 -
This attack on Mumbai was a game of chicken to suggest our mouth had been wired shut and we are the ones who kill our babe. It is and was more of this cruel hoax to humiliate others and this nation into a game of blame about why we did not do anything about it. We did not create it or do it therefore; we cannot help them or accept responsibility. They can no longer blame us then them because we did not hatch it or were behind it. Again, this silence and secrecy refuses to exonerate others and they know this. The President of the United States has confirmed this, there is a code of silence and honest debate is thrown out to sack the Constitution with dollars or the lack of them. If they come out and admit their problem or fault, what they knew or did not know our own welfare might have a chance or this world. These leaders are psychopathic and feel others are obligated and do not have a right to know this. They were liberated by this attack on Mumbai and will not say who was behind it; we cannot accept responsibility for them or this valve of truth they turn on and off when they see fit. If they need to reinvent themselves, then they are in learning mode and not qualified to lead, do not fake it.
I was not enthusiastic about the last Gulf war. Of course, it goes without saying; I rooted for our team once the shooting started. But I wasn't for that war. I was also against sending Americans to the Balkans. My point is, I'm genuinely against America deploying troops without a really, really good reason. I just can't imagine anyone not seeing 9/11 as a really good reason for wiping out Islamic totalitarians. – On Iraq, Ann Coulter; May 17, 2003 -
There is a valiant effort by the forces of good to break this encryption we had detected by the capture and surveillance of a few suspects. The authorities are aware of the detection and the pattern; however, the tragedy like all crimes and horrific trauma is it cost human lives and national treasures to combat evil and murder. Naturally, the goal of the terrorists is to blame the authorities and make them ask if some reinvention or honesty is needed. The investigation is not done and the level of elusive manipulation so clever, those fighting it are fighting even fatally injured and what they can. It is like war, you cannot change how the enemy kills by diversions or this kind of tactic. It is their hope we do not get closer to solving this and their hope we will not take the next step closer to them. It is convincing. It is their hope that if we do, they will cut off every logistic support we have and our way to eat or sleep, unless with them in the sewers. That is the rule of the dollar, a curren-tocracy. Who is blind and why are they so unqualified? Even if they killed everybody on earth, we cannot loose force or focus on the targets. That has been tried repeatedly and in very criminality insane ways and yet to be resolved still.
When we were fighting communism, OK, they had mass murderers and gulags, but they were white men and they were sane. Now we're up against absolutely insane savages. – On Terror, Ann Coulter; August 16, 2004 –
We do not know what else to offer this world or those affected. We do not know what to say to those who are affected but we have paid a price not mentioned already. We are not behind it and we have something to go on but the monster is trailing and following us now and have struck. That is how dangerous they are and it makes you be very careful and tactful with them. The last time we were kept in a cell for three years and near death by drugs to make us “mentally competent” and sane again. None of these injustices have even been addressed but the leaders have come out and making a get away, by way of insanity. We have sent out not a call to action but a call to honesty so we can know for sure who they are and what they are up to.
HAVANA, Cuba (CNN) -- But the gang held knives to the throats of others and threatened to kill them if the vessel was not given enough fuel to carry them to the United States. President Fidel Castro joined attempts to persuade the hijackers to free the passengers. After about three hours, military officials boarded the ship and freed the hostages without firing a shot. The executions come in the wake of two plane hijackings in recent weeks and amid a crackdown on civil liberties that has unfolded as world attention has been focused on Iraq. Since the U.S.-led war on Iraq began last month, 75 dissidents have been sentenced to as many as 27 years in prison. - Cuban Ferry Hijackers Excuted – State TV (CNN Miami Bureau Chief John Zarrella contributed to this story.),; April 11, 2003 -
All governments act homicidal when threatened. Some do it for the right reasons, some for the wrong ones, and some hide and cloak so nobody can tell the difference. When these governments act with hypocrisy, to declare their right to exist dominant before others or anybody else, they rule out the reason why they stepped on this. When they cannot win or wish others to give them a job or a political career because ours is so truthful and honest; then the basis of the Cold War was just ended. The communist threat had just ended. The terror network and world of conflict is clearer to new tomorrow. It is sad and tragic it took our demise and our horrific ordeal to justify their leadership which has been and remains so gutlessly unqualified and hurried, they lie and cheat.
It was this idea (Be nice!) that fueled liberals' rage at Reagan when he vanquished the Soviet Union with his macho "cowboy diplomacy" that was going to get us all blown up. As the Times editorial page hysterically described Reagan's first year in office: "Mr. Reagan looked at the world through gun sights." Yes, he did! And now the Evil Empire is no more. – Ann Coulter, Are videotaped beheadings covered by Geneva? September 20, 2006 -
Communist and socialist governments always do this. They blame others when angry and people who did nothing wrong but existing in some higher state of life clear to substance and their individualism. Governments challenge this right to exist because their right to exist ended; and now they stepped over the line to a state sponsored terrorist or a traitor to their own cause. It is a call to honesty and a call to principle so that this circus and charade can fix itself via market orientations. We cannot be continuously forced to buy their junk and jingoism of rule by the dollar, liberals and liberalism, now skirting on our side and flirting with our existence. They make rules and they decide who can speak when they are on our staff. This is the problem right now, they are on the staff and it is quiet obviously. Until they are gone or off the staff, that deadly threat will be present. A nation of imposters is a deadly idea and a flirtation with the devil. A nation with a growing curse is a deadly downfall. The rule of the dollar and of imposters is both taxing and tax saving, do not be fueled.
Ironically, for all of [liberals'] love of conspiracy theories - the rigging of the 2000 election, vote suppression in Ohio in 2004, 9/11 being an inside job, oil companies covering up miracle technology that would allow cars to run on dirt, Britney Spears' career, etc., etc. - when presented with an actual conspiracy of Soviet spies infiltrating the U.S. government, they laughed it off like world-weary skeptics and dedicated themselves to slandering Joe McCarthy. - Ann Coulter, On the Bush Administration; November 8, 2007 -
The forces of evil have joined their comrades in on our side and staff to now rule by the dollars. They have been transformed by this bread to steel process but are not honest enough to disclose of this higher state of openness, sincerity, integrity and truthfulness. Meanwhile, they are partnering up to immigrate more of their forces to this fight and to fuel the market of labor goods. We cannot stop the bad only the goods on earth. That secret is a costly one but what good are secrets in this world to the forces of good? They feel their cursed life is being denied and their right to exist is threatened; so they kidnap and they harass others to cooperate, and then claim they are working closely, are partners, merely promoting us, want to help, and wish to only benefit. The truth is they have nothing to offer, nobody wants them doing this, companies have abandoned them and this irregularity, and their life is terrorizing or terrorism. If they can be honest about this then we can be honest to them about how we will deal with them and this threat; the President has confirmed this. Their charity and curse is terrorizing, it is not some smaller potato but the same right to exist. Accurate accounting and trust cannot be restored while they are on our side, on our borders, or working closely as staff.
Liberals are hopping mad because Rush Limbaugh referred to phony soldiers as "phony soldiers." They claim he was accusing all Democrats in the military of being "phony." True, all Democrats in the military are not phony soldiers, but all phony soldiers seem to be Democrats. - Ann Coulter, On Rush Limbaugh, 'Pretend to be all you can be' October 3, 2007 -
Their goal is to spread terror so that if not taxed into the sewage, or progressively taxed by time and crisis, disaster and terror will erupt in a furious human carnage. We just want them to go away or be honest. They do not want to go away and want jobs; we need the jobs and them gone. It is an evil world and this is how they get the punch in or the quicker punch, cruel hoaxes and a determined game of chicken as we get closer or close in on their terror networks. There is a transformation ongoing and that transformation is invisible and terrorizing.
The amazing part of the great Danish cartoon caper isn't that Muslims immediately engage in acts of mob violence when things don't go their way. That is de rigueur for the Religion of Peace. Their immediate response to all bad news is mass violence. That's a "dog bites man" story and belongs on page B-34, next to the grade school hot lunch menu and the birth notices. After an Egyptian ferry capsized recently, killing hundreds of passengers, a whole braying mob of passengers' relatives staged an organized attack on the company, throwing furniture out the window and burning the building to the ground. Witnesses say it was the most violent ocean liner-related incident since Carnival Cruise Lines fired Kathie Lee Gifford. The 'offense to Islam' ruse is merely an excuse for Muslims to revert to their default mode: rioting and setting things on fire. - Ann Coulter, Muslim Bites Dog; February 15, 2006 -
If the rule of the dollar is denied or gone, serious and imminent taxing right will be disaster to the people’s businesses. To tax those more valuable is to help or hold the value of public safety and this is not the case; when they are honest, we can deal with them properly and decisively. This kidnapping and elaborate defection racket was just an example of how terrorizing and disastrous it can be for their army and spies. They have sent emissaries to carry this out and to broker some deal or some solution; honesty. Trust must be restored immediately and soon or else this right to exist will have honorable consequences. These terror plots and these events come together nice and neat like a ball and chain they are truly; and is the progressive jingoism of their taxing beneficial obligation to mankind. The liberal church of terror and liberalism that is unwilling to be honest and go away guilty. All classical liberal economists are socialists at heart who must conform to market reality.
My thesis here is that, despite these successes, we have, over more than a century, failed to “save the soul” of classical liberalism. Books and ideas are, of course, necessary, but alone they are not sufficient to ensure the viability of effectively free societies. I hope that my thesis provokes interest along several dimensions. (p. 111) …Dictionary definitions of soul include “animating or vital principle” and “moving spirit,” attributes that would seem equally applicable to persons and to philosophical perspectives. Perhaps it is misleading, however, to refer to “saving” the soul so defined, whether applied to a person or a perspective. (p. 112) …Few would dispute the suggestion that an animating principle is central to the whole socialist perspective. But many professing classical liberals have seemed reluctant to acknowledge the existence of what I have called the soul of their position. ...In this respect, political economists are plagued by the presence of the “every man his own economist” phenomenon. Scientific evidence, on its own, cannot be made convincing; it must be supplemented by persuasive argument that comes from the genuine conviction that can be possessed only by those who do understand the soul of classical liberalism. True, every man thinks of himself as his own economist, but every man also retains an inner yearning to become a participant in the imagined community, the virtual utopia, that embodies a set of abstract principles of order. (p. 113) - The Soul of Classical Liberalism, by James M. Buchanan (Director of the Center for Study of Public Choice, George Mason University), The Independent Review, v.V, n.1, Summer 2000, ISSN 1086-1653, Copyright © 2000, pp. 111–119 -
The rule of the dollar is now a game of right to exist. Good versus evil, honest versus liars, militaries versus terrorists, imposters and spies versus the wrath of God; and mind over matter. Do not mourn them and feel their guilt, they have not guilty. This idea that if socialism and nationalization of the market company or the private sector is denied, capital will disappear and communism will be imminent is a lie; communism and socialism collapsed and imploded as a failure. The real market will be restored and returned to the goods of this world but this lie is immense. The market will return but they will not, that is the trick. The trick is to say if they are gone, then the market will die or never return; it will return better, stronger, more efficient, and happier they are no longer there. We cannot fight a war when the enemy is on the staff or make the staff up. We cannot muster little tiny steps when history demands big ones. If they refuse to come forward, then a massive wrath will be needed. We cannot have this cowardly tiny step when the enemy is running. Wait until a meteor of nuclear rain flashes across the sky to wake up this sleeping soldier. They love and know war on the winning side only wait till they know how it feels on the losing side. Terror is no phoniness or some sleepy soldier.
But Hobbes failed, himself, to share the liberal vision; he failed to understand that an idealized structure of social interaction is possible in which no person exerts power over another. In the idealized operation of an extended market order, each person confronts a costless exit option in each market, thereby eliminating totally any discretionary power of anyone with whom such a person might exchange. Coercion by another person is drained out; individuals are genuinely “at liberty.” (p. 117) ...It is not at all surprising that those who seem to express the elements of the soul of classical liberalism best are those who have experienced genuine conversion from the socialist vision. I entitled my lecture in the Trinity University series “Born Again Economist." (p. 117) …I remain puzzled by how it would feel never to have seen the light, to have understood all along what the liberal vision embodies but without the excitement of the experience. (p. 118) - The Soul of Classical Liberalism, by James M. Buchanan (Director of the Center for Study of Public Choice, George Mason University), The Independent Review, v.V, n.1, Summer 2000, ISSN 1086-1653, Copyright © 2000, pp. 111–119 -
To the rule of the dollar, terrorism is a bloody profit. War has always been a good business but now it has been and transformed about the goods. It socializes all those programs needed; universal medical benefits, loans, military might, unification, seasoned leadership, etc… That is horrific and terrorizing to them; why they mirror this evil. To restore trust, they must be gone and kicked hard out of this learning mode and reinvention of their lies. We cannot be guilty or made to feel this guilt. If they did nothing wrong then be honest about it but if they did then be gone and make this a quick fight and one for the goods of heart. They are elusive and guilty of conspiracy with the almighty. Their game is they are the all mighty and all knowing, but will they become more violent or just so oppressive we get homicidal and disgusted? Everybody is homicidal when threatened but some are honest when they have good and when they do not have the good, they must.
I'll give you one of my favorite pieces of advice, Mary, and that's, "Don't get in an argument with fools, because after awhile nobody will be able to tell who's the fool, you or the fool. I know the desire is to inform 'em, and the desire is to educate them and to change their mind on things, and there's a way to do it, but debate will not do it. You know, ridiculing them, asking them provocative questions and so forth to which the answers are obvious, but even then it's going to be very tough because you're not talking about people who have arrived at an opinion after an intellectual process. You know how hard it is to argue with emotion. Okay, you say you love country music. I say, "I'm not a big fan of it," and then I say, "You're wrong." How can anybody be "wrong" liking a kind of music? You can't be. Your tastes can be questioned, but you can't be said to be wrong in those kinds of likes, and that's what we're talking about with people liking Democrats. They like Democrats because Democrats put down who they think are the enemy, and if they ever did take a moment to think about it or educate themselves they'd realize how wrong they are. But then we get to the problem they don't want to know that they're wrong because that's crushing. You have to understand, there are a lot of people out there who don't want to be right. They don't care about being right or wrong. They want to feel good, and anything you do that gets in the way of that makes you the enemy. - A Conservative in Connecticut, by Rush Limbaugh, October 13, 2008 -
The attacks on Mumbai revealed a hidden agenda, a secret promotion. There is a fear of certain societies and civilizations. That fear causes this terror network to scream, pout, demand, and promote who and what they want for the future. They cannot change who they are so they must cause this maelstrom of clichés intended to make people react in a positive way but they inevitably become disgusted. The esotericism of that determined entrepreneurship can be embarrassing for some, winners and losers have a better chance in life and it is part of this didactic giddiness. There must be some inner joy to partake in this almost reverse psychology and dandiest cynicism.
…Lott said he supported affirmative action, regretted voting against the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, and that he'd give "The Bernie Mac Show" another try. What the Lott incident shows is that Republicans have to be careful about letting Democrats into our party. …This whole brouhaha is about a former Democrat praising another former Democrat for what was once a Democrat policy. Republicans made Southern Democrats drop the race nonsense when they entered the Republican Party. Democrats supported race discrimination, then for about three years they didn’t; now they do again. They've just changed which race they think should be discriminated against. … Left the Democratic Party that year to form the communist-dominated and Soviet-backed "Progressive Party." Much as Thurmond's Dixiecrat Party was expressly pro-segregation, Wallace's Progressive Party was expressly pro-Soviet. Indeed, this was the apex of Moscow-directed subversion of U.S. politics. - Democrats: A Lott of Trouble, by Ann Coulter, ; December 19, 2002 -
The pattern of behavior from both left and right is appalling and we must ask if there is any difference or just vocabulary? They are so oppressive they cannot tell the truth from us or them. It is a criminally insane flurry to grab the reigns of control based on dollars and vocabulary; never a call to pursue every lead, which is the utility and guilt of the classical liberals; they go on learning mode after they create the crest and the need for corrections. They are learning how others cope with them by not coping with how they cope with others. It is not a call to honesty but only a call of control and power for capital. Now the world has rejected socialism and they go on learning mode as the staff. Government is not in the business of running companies, making them competitive or paralyzing them so badly they must beg for assistance. Where government has failed is by propping up these charlatans, who inadvertently or not created a paralysis of situations to broker more paralysis, this was the whole point of stalemate, rapprochement, and impasses during the cold war. It is a balance of terror and an evil balance of power by the powerless; and it will led us again to disaster, inflation, corruption, and a horrific life experience.
WHILE having dinner recently with John Lott, author of "More Guns, Less Crime," (PAPERBACK) one of life's enduring debates came up: Are liberals evil or just stupid? I was surprised to discover that Lott vigorously disputed those of us staking out the evil position. Lott couldn't even be fairly described as calling liberals stupid. They just believe "different facts," as he put it. Facts other than his number-crunching study analyzing 18 years of crime data from every county in the nation, for example. That study famously demonstrated that concealed-carry laws reduce certain types of crime. Lott's results contradicted the prevailing liberal ethos on guns, and liberals are hopping mad about it. Consequently, it was kind of a shock to see the hard-nosed economist getting all gooey-eyed and "We Are the World" sappy when discussing the people who have declared World War III on him. He adamantly refuses to believe that anyone would knowingly support a policy that costs lives. This is where economics and politics clash. As Franklin D. Roosevelt's pal "Uncle Joe" Stalin summarized the politician's view: "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." Pumping fresh data into the evil-or-stupid debate, the week after our dinner a liberal weekly published an article on Lott. It was not immediately clear what prompted Newsweek to write about him. There was no new law, study or sensational crime in the news. (The school shooting in California came days after the article was published.) …The article also revealed insights only a telepath or psychiatrist could claim to know, such as Lott's purported "need to attack." It was reminiscent of the FACT magazine article published during the 1964 presidential campaign that quoted numerous psychiatrists saying Barry Goldwater was -- in their professional opinion -- nuts. - More Facts, Fewer Liberals, by Ann Coulter,
The strongest argument against what they are doing this curse and frustration with a learning mode while on the staff or in controlling the market itself. Sports athletes make enormous salaries and so do entertainers. To them it is a contest and entertainment but not a serious academic pursuit; however, they want others to consider what excesses are right and wrong. Why limit the salary of doctors or surgeons who have a life of intelligence while imposters run the show by refusing to restore trust and value? When you claim to promote others and control their careers, they are driven to privatization or the black market, doing side jobs to make up for the valuation problem. But if doctors spend enormous amounts by going to football or basketball games, their value is reduced by distractions. There is a band aid for every ailment but not the massive or fatal wound.
HAVANA, Cuba (CNN) -- Cuba has executed three men convicted of hijacking a passenger ferry to sail to the U.S., Cuban state-run television reported Friday. The firing squad sentences were carried out immediately after a Cuban court found the men guilty of terrorism. They were part of a gang of approximately 10 involved in the April 2 hijacking in which the ferry, carrying at least 30 men, women and children, was forced to sail into the Straits of Florida, but ran out of fuel 30 miles from Havana. Cuban officials towed it back to the Port of Mariel. In a statement, the Cuban government said: "The maximum sentences [were] given out ... in response to these dangerous acts by the hijackers, [who] not only endangered the lives of many innocent people, but also endangered the security of the country." - Cuban Ferry Hijackers Excuted – State TV (CNN Miami Bureau Chief John Zarrella contributed to this story.),; April 11, 2003 -
The classical liberal wishes all utility in the market to have an equal chance while it erodes from other values and forces them into a precarious position or humiliation. They are not the talent scouts for doctors but they have control over them; hence, doctors are their own economists and talent agents who know best; why the learning mode? Quality doctors and human beings are sought by the market but this is a utility of the market which produces this excess of correction because nobody has the time to argue with their lack of trust and entrepreneurship. Sometimes the effort can outfox the result and other times the result is inescapable or inevitable.
Why is it so hard for politicians to understand that the government doesn't create new expenditures? Even without new taxes, the money has to come from somewhere. Either cut other government spending or require a lot of government borrowing or print up money. But there is no net increase in real spending. The question is whether we get more of a return from spending the money on what companies and citizens would spend it on or on what the government would. …In fact, our nation’s bridge system is far from crumbling - the number deemed "structurally deficient" has fallen every year since 1990, dropping by a total of almost 50 percent. And fewer bridges are being listed as deficient for a simple reason: Real spending on maintenance is higher now than in any previous decade. …By any measure, even "structurally deficient" bridges" are extremely safe. …Similar discussions can be provided on crumbling roads and alternative energy policies. A stronger case can be made for building new roads, but opposition by environmentalists in the Obama administration ensure that is not really being considered. Yet, not only are the need for expanded government programs being exaggerated, the need for government works programs based on the New Deal makes no sense. …But the hysteria seems more aimed at generating support that Rahm Emanuel noted was necessary for major new government programs than in making sure that money is wisely spent. - The Money Has to Come From Somewhere, by John R. Lott, Jr., Fox News; December 01, 2008 -
Who has the capital now? First it was utility and now gross excesses because opportunity exists in the market but takes away from the quality of human beings; that is liberal economics, mere entertainment. Do not blame the doctors or challenge the doctors, blame the entertainment industry, it is a wacky crescendo of a once matured over speculated market. This open door economics blames the quality in society for denying those who strain this social degradation and correction because the crest and volatility will correct when values and trust break down. It is not an efficient market but it makes use of that sector which needs it for utility while exacerbating the need for socialism to protect correction or a dive when trust goes south. Efficiency and quality may not be a significant factor for human growth but over time it will be in determining talent and a total lack thereof for this want or wanton need. We cannot adjust to them so much as they can adjust to those who have higher intelligence, but making absurd claims is this appalling gap between left and right wing. This problem is even the solidarity inside the right wing and it is insignificantly detrimental.
The Progressive Party platform excluded even the mildest criticism of Soviet aggression. It will come as no surprise that many American celebrities supported Wallace. The Progressives received 1 million votes nationwide, about the same as Thurmond's Dixiecrat Party. Thurmond went on to reject segregation, become a Republican, and serve his country well as a U.S. senator. By contrast, running a communist-dominated presidential campaign was Wallace's last hurrah. … Kennedy said that the book deserved "to be read by all who care about the American dream." The American dream: communist totalitarianism. Why wasn't the lecherous liberal asked to retire for his flattering remarks about a proven Soviet fifth columnist? In 1999, the Clinton administration dedicated a room at the Agriculture Department to Wallace. At the dedication, former Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern gave a speech explicitly praising Wallace's pro-Soviet positions, such as the idea that the Cold War was "overdone" and that "problems" between the nations "could not be resolved by military means." - Democrats: A Lott of Trouble, by Ann Coulter, ; December 19, 2002 -
Economists like to control capital and force others into more conservative positions by challenging not the problems but the quality of why they are in learning mode. That is the rule of the dollar. Without capital, the doctor is nobody but without the doctor, the liberal economist is worthless. So we get entangled with these hair brained staff who have no clue what rule from the heavens are and need to always be showed this sleepy soldier learning their way to the next correction. The problems are hidden and the need to expand so great socialism is likelihood and a rational logic. Conservatives will keep cutting spending while demanding more; liberals will consider the same while demanding expansion and growth to avoid spending and getting less and less. Some nations consider it imperialism and near colonialisation because the control and distrust causes paranoia around the blackened earth. It is just the rule of the dollar without principle. We can build amusement parks or sports teams all day long but unless the controlling economy can support it, there is no value in debt. There is a reason why these people are acting this way and it has something to do with why they have nothing this world wants or wants to need for survival.
They are not addressing this breakdown in trust and politics, what regulations will make them more profitable. Obama has 12 months to restore trust in government but we are not hearing what political changes are needed to be profitable. The river is raging and only the strong will swim when it is too dangerous for even lifeguards. Those who need rescue will pull them down and attack them. Address the politics and regulation first but this is not the role of the government to make companies competitive or profitable. Obama is in charge, he must make the regulatory changes to make them profitable and being unqualified to make a profit is not good enough even for the President or his dream team. Restore the trust and the market will fix itself. Remove the protest and blocks before it ruins you; resort to a policy of truth and restore the trust or we all pay. This is no time for rhetoric and political games and also during a vicious fight and war with terrorists on our own staff. The capital must reach the right staff and one might need to be sacrificed, but this argument is used back on us by the right wing and imposters. – On Why the Bail Out was insanity and delaying the inevitable; 12/5/2008 10:33:34 AM -
The melancholy mindset is an open door and do nothing lack of reality. Either their leaders become retarded or honest; there is no way out of it. However, they are in charge of the political system and are accountable to the deceptions and lies now turned merciless and greedy. Their power must be dissolved and their evolution to peril must not be given a chance to test the will of human souls. The weakest and most evil in society can also be the toughest and most stubborn. Furthermore, the classical liberal must expand and must grow the curse out by expansion; this creates conflict and distrust; they are desperate of losing power or insolvency. Terrorism can be a powerful tool to quiet others and this expansion; most especially when they are also behind it. It becomes the wind under their wings. Mumbai was this promotion and during a critical time by the same suspects who were being questioned while it occurred. They saw it as a joke and turned their attention immediately to economic theory only, not the root cause or who was behind it while suspects. Again, trying to sell the investigators junk they do not want or wish to see; they want the truth and immediately.
This deranged phantom monologue and dialogue began to unravel back in 1998 and is still unraveling but whomever this phantom is they put a block on our life in 1998 and then falsely sentenced us to three years in federal prison, for what is still not yet clear. It is believed to be marketing some war or secret war that is very evil; Reagan was even kept away from it but his removal was not able to promote; they became very active. These people are deranged and this derangement causes them to talk to others as a phantom when not invited or wanted. Kidnapping allows them to have this access and to tell others how they feel (such as stomping on the floor for two years) because nobody wants to talk to them but they wish to talk to others most if not all of the time in a meaningless and deranged manner. The problem with this phantom is how you cannot stop them even if you disagree or do not want to join. They make it impossible to turn them over to the authorities or make a positive ID. Once they talk to you, once you notice they are totally psychopathic, there is no way to turn it off or make them stop. You begin to notice suspicious events and near criminal unaccountability. They hide how psychopathic and homicidal they are; anger them and they become sadistic kidnappers.
Mumbai, being so heavily emphasized on westernization, was defined by economic theory. It was a promotion of this threat or challenge by rivals as described as the rule of the dollar. If they say no the danger is worse than if they say yes. That is the game of independent thought, power or influence. This is a merciless way to play a hoax or continue an incorrigible protest; it is how they fight to stay unified economically and religiously. They are scared into and herded into this axis of dollars while the advantage goes to the little guys of that same dollar protection scheme.
The amazing part of the great Danish cartoon caper isn't that Muslims immediately engage in acts of mob violence when things don't go their way. That is de rigueur for the Religion of Peace. Their immediate response to all bad news is mass violence. That's a "dog bites man" story and belongs on page B-34, next to the grade school hot lunch menu and the birth notices. After an Egyptian ferry capsized recently, killing hundreds of passengers, a whole braying mob of passengers' relatives staged an organized attack on the company, throwing furniture out the window and burning the building to the ground. Witnesses say it was the most violent ocean liner-related incident since Carnival Cruise Lines fired Kathie Lee Gifford. The 'offense to Islam' ruse is merely an excuse for Muslims to revert to their default mode: rioting and setting things on fire. - Ann Coulter, Muslim Bites Dog; February 15, 2006 -
They must keep their Generals at work and their intelligence bigger and stronger than rivals working on civil war. Now we are compelled to open the odious door of terrorism while the door of civil war remains open. If they are honest and dismantle this, that door shuts and they will be dealt a near suicidal blow. Neither side wishes this because they move in unison for this stalemate. The honest discussion and transparency will lack evidence and lack political will. It is just a contest between two or more very oppressive and war like people who are calling each other liars; the rule of the dollar. It is the same religious groups who claim religion and tactics to invigorate the self confidence of revolutionaries. Those behind it see this as a zero sum game because they know how to play this bred to steel game. It is not one or two people; they are everywhere and make you feel you are helpless to the threat. This is how they define their citizenship and the precarious essence of their worthless gutless conviction.
Ever since the Reagan Administration ended, a phantom began to show up and talk to us. We assumed it was the link to Reagan and anti-communism which both of our families, Ann and myself, spent fighting our entire life. Nobody would have suspected anything until odd events began to occur after Reagan and beginning with the Bush Administration. Naturally, it was ignored and military service was pursued along with nearly ten years of college. These suspicious events began to show up again, rarely while in college and like a storm after. We do not know what it is or why it is but we know it has to do with the Bush Administration and how close both Ann and myself were to the Reagan administration and the military. We also know it involves SDI and new defense weapons that not even Reagan told Bush about. We know it has to do with Cuba and several right wing leaders who call themselves conservatives and extremists. They are nothing but a pure fraud. Once they talk to you, once you notice they are totally psychopathic, there is no way to turn it off or make them stop. You begin to notice suspicious events and near criminal unaccountability. They hide how psychopathic and homicidal they are; anger them and they become sadistic kidnappers.
On a final note, terrorism is here to stay so long as the political will and the tactics of the teachers of it benefit. Never negotiate and never broker deals with those who use terror or are known to employ terror networks. Honest people will never benefit from terror or this contest of no thoughtful ending. They are equally stubborn, they are equally forceful, they are equally prone to danger, they are equally angry and they are equally seeking justice or some benefit for their cause. Maybe an immediate ceases fire or immediately compilation of all sides without addressing the issue; the favor goes to those in control and is compelled to act immediately for public safety. Progressive taxing is not an achievable public safety, nor is tax breaks to the mafia or terrorist hate groups who need help adjusting to the new market realities. Who would have thought it would make them near invincible and immortal enemies?
In Godless Ann Coulter wrote, “Liberals are perennially enraged that Republicans are allowed to talk back.” As such, this has spawned “Hugo Chavez Democrats” that make it their life’s work to get conservatives blacklisted from the media. The Left’s perpetual whining is usually funny, but not so much when the spineless surrender to them. Last month Daily Kos turned their attention to columnist Rachel Marksmen. Marksmen wrote a column for the Toronto Sun and appears frequently on Fox News and CNN. Daily Kos objected to her recent column on water boarding and this joke Marsden made on CNN: …Our coaches didn’t call it torture, just an exercise in “mental toughness.” So think of it this way — terror suspects are getting some free mental toughness training courtesy of the U.S. government. Daily Kos posted contact information for Marksmen’s Toronto Sun editor and encouraged people to get her column removed from the newspaper. …Make the Toronto Sun aware of how abhorrent and completely UNCANADIAN they are for publishing such tripe. If they don’t want to live in a country with morals and humanitarian ethics? They know where the door is. I suspect that the rest of Canada won’t lose any sleep in their absence. - Hugo Chavez Democrats' Systematic Removal of Conservatives, by Lisa DePasquale, December 11, 2007 -
These are not conservatives but their staff is pushing and trying to siege this movement known to be principled and religious. Those on the staff who are hanging on to a favorable staff and standing benefit greatly when defenses are stacked in their favor. Street smartness to this threat is only for those who know it so well or can think with such trite evil and criminal insanity. Yet they claim to know better and can do a better job with this public safety. So two sides sacrifice for one cause and it is a rough and harsh way to live on the street where life can be hungry one day and heroes the next; and those who take and can steal this wind for the people, are no phony soldiers of the people. Tax breaks and good behavior are synomonous for a talented and thriving society.
Recently, Rush Limbaugh read on his radio program much of John R. Lott’s article titled, “Is There Really a Bias Against Women in Politics? History Suggests Otherwise.” Before he did so, I called in to his program to express my comments about this, as Rush had announced the day before that he would address it. On two occasions, I have sent Rush copies of my book, “The Curse of 1920: The Degradation of Our Nation in the Last 100 Years,” along with personal letters, with no response. The response from Snerdley, the call screener, was similar. “I think I will pass on this one,” was his reply when I told him what I wanted to talk about. Now, I know he receives many calls, and has to decide where the show format will go. This is his right and responsibility. However, I find that there is an aversion on the part of people like Rush, Sean Hannity, and others to be entirely realistic as to what the sole solution is to this cancerous problem of feminism that leads not only to our political struggles, but to our political suicide. Conservatives want to defeat Democrats and their destructive feminized policies, yet they refuse to be honest with reality. In Lott’s recent article, he aptly noted that the growth of government and taxes have been directly due to women’s suffrage. And as obvious as it should be to both of these men, and to anyone, the only solution to this problem is therefore to repeal those rights-caused and effect. - Opinion, by Gary Naler, author of “The Curse of 1920: The Degradation of Our Nation in the Last 100 Years,”
They are stealing work and also creating opportunity because war is a good business when crisis grips this world. If it is not a secret, then the militaries of this world will deal with honesty and this terror network promptly and decisively. Ruining and running to stand still, the economic pressure will not change this reality where the last bits and pieces of life is hate or hatred of this oppression. They are tempered to steel now and bread is flowing on all sides of this stalemate. Why is the fear factory growing and becoming ever present to challenge the wit of a presumption that we cannot stop the bad, we cannot stop them, and their circumcision must be the reason why they are good or on the side of good?
Which brings me to this week’s scandal about No Such Agency spying on ‘Americans?? ?' I have difficulty ginning up much interest in this story inasmuch as I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East, and sending liberals to Guantanamo. - Ann Coulter, On Spies and Traitors, Live and Let Spy; December 21, 2005 -
War is business and terror is also so there is nothing anyone can do about this if it is in constant stalemate. Caution aside, ask why it is becoming widespread and who gains when public safety is so threatened? It is prosecuting and paralyzing to quality while the sewage is wrapped in a flag of terror. When the bread is steel no more, this will go away because it mirrors itself. That is a holocaust this fierce religious family does not wish for or want of this world. It is the work of God until another God more powerful can stop this vicious penalizing phenomenon; the political will is not there. Both sides want and need this peace and terror because it is so beneficial to their economies; however, it is not civil war and cannot be compared to the Generals who fight this. If they wish civil war then they would not resort to terrorism and if they want evil to be gone, they would not resort to terror while the culpability was very guarded.
Just this year, CPAC claimed not to have invited Ann Coulter to speak, but CPAC LIED – it did. Having refused to allow me to register for CPAC 2008, Lisa De Pasquale, CPAC Director, is now refusing to refund my registration fee – claiming I actually attended CPAC! According to De Pasquale … Coulter wasn’t invited to speak … but Coulter spoke. I wasn’t allowed to attend … but I attended. Is De Pasquale as petty and vindictive as to threaten me with physical expulsion from the conference, claim to have refunded my registration fee, and then, after the conference, refuse to refund that fee claiming I attended? Did she forget that she threatened to have me removed from the conference if I attempted to attend? De Pasquale’s vendetta against me began years ago, when I distributed a Coulter-critical press kit at CPAC 2002. Since then, De Pasquale has been Coulter’s attack dog, doing her mistress’s bidding. In 2006, De Pasquale published a defamatory essay against me on Human Events Online. ANN COULTER'S PLAGIARISM it was quickly removed once its voluminous errors were brought to the attention of the Editor. At CPAC 2007, De Pasquale conspired to have me illegally expelled from that year’s conference, ANN COULTER'S CRIMINAL INTENT resulting in a physical assault. CPAC Obstruction of Justice CPAC obstructed justice during the ensuing police investigation. De Pasquale’s most recent episode proves just how delusional she is. But then, that only makes sense, as she has been Coulter’s puppet for years, defending Coulter’s most asinine words and deeds. De Pasquale’s website The Lotus Bloc provides insight into her psyche. Seeking to be perceived as beautiful on the outside, Lazy Monday De Pasquale has proven her ugly on the inside. - Is CPAC Director Lisa De Pasquale Delusional? By Daniel Borchers, March 14, 2008; -
By kidnapping the most unsuitable people to compel them into a position or defection, they revealed their invisible hand and the strategy of high level investigators. Those on the staff and those who were behind it were kept in the dark about what they were doing and who they were chasing. Had they not been imposters, they would not be in the dark. The fatal mistake was the claim they were conservatives and did not respect the right of the individual to exist; also they knew the conservatives had new weapons which they had never seen or heard of. Now it was elusive and before them and they took this bait when they were not supposed to; they were supposed to keep away and told or fought for a decade while we heard all kinds of lies and deception. Both the right and left wing have death squads but only one is official. There is an official secret war where the staff is not qualified to be on the staff. However, this threat is so good at lying and deception they scam their way into bigger and a mightier curse while not noticing how big the audience truly is. It makes them Gods but also Godless.
I'll give you one of my favorite pieces of advice, Mary, and that's, "Don't get in an argument with fools, because after awhile nobody will be able to tell who's the fool, you or the fool. I know the desire is to inform 'em, and the desire is to educate them and to change their mind on things, and there's a way to do it, but debate will not do it. You know, ridiculing them, asking them provocative questions and so forth to which the answers are obvious, but even then it's going to be very tough because you're not talking about people who have arrived at an opinion after an intellectual process. You know how hard it is to argue with emotion. Okay, you say you love country music. I say, "I'm not a big fan of it," and then I say, "You're wrong." How can anybody be "wrong" liking a kind of music? You can't be. Your tastes can be questioned, but you can't be said to be wrong in those kinds of likes, and that's what we're talking about with people liking Democrats. They like Democrats because Democrats put down who they think are the enemy, and if they ever did take a moment to think about it or educate themselves they'd realize how wrong they are. But then we get to the problem they don't want to know that they're wrong because that's crushing. You have to understand, there are a lot of people out there who don't want to be right. They don't care about being right or wrong. They want to feel good, and anything you do that gets in the way of that makes you the enemy. - A Conservative in Connecticut, by Rush Limbaugh, October 13, 2008 -
The bottom line is if they had ruled from the heavens and the dollars, those pitfalls and perils would not have been tripped over or stepped on. This contest and war like determination to destroy others would understand the heavens and what is asked. They cannot state with lucid harassment how they are on learning mode, that is the criminal insanity behind the kidnapping itself which was so angry and terrorizing; they became the primary suspects. Their dollar was not louder or more terrifying than the heavens and the wrath of God awaits their despicable actions; still not reconciled. We all know and have observed how elusive and ingenious they are to parade it before our yes like eyes, not even noticing an attack was pending.
However, the knee-jerk outrage toward conservatives isn’t limited to “Kossacks” who get perverted self-satisfaction from firing off angry e-mails. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid basically sent the CEO of Clear Channel an extended, letterhead version of a Cossacks e-mail. …As we all do remember, Rush auctioned the letter on eBay and donated the winning bid of more than $2 million to the Marine Corps - Law Enforcement Foundation. …Like Rush, Rachel Marksmen turned the attempts to silence her as an opportunity to help a good cause. … Marksmen told me, “Liberals are just projecting when they think that attacks actually cripple conservatives. They only serve to spark new ideas and push us in new entrepreneurial directions.” In fact, Marksmen inspired me to embrace my entrepreneurial spirit and create “Muhammad the Teddy Bear” – the perfect Christmas gift for your favorite infidel or apostate. (Long live capitalism!) Aside from the Left’s knee-jerk reaction to whatever it deems over the line, they also make knee-jerk pronunciations before a conservative even opens his or her mouth. ESPN announced they were bringing in Rush Limbaugh for a short segment on their NFL Sunday Countdown and every two-bit sports reporter had an opinion on how Limbaugh was undoing the 13th and 19th Amendments. Limbaugh hadn’t even made his infamous comments about the media’s coverage of quarterback Donovan McNabb and sports reporters were already shocked and offended. Apparently, the separation between sports and politics is more sacred to the Left than the “separation between church and state.” - Hugo Chavez Democrats' Systematic Removal of Conservatives, by Lisa DePasquale, December 11, 2007 -
This was the same surrealism; you wonder what they are there for and why they are so particularly interested with you. They do not say and you have to confront them, but they disperse quickly and cannot be avoided. You cannot swim with it nor against it, must you camouflage like them. They wish to work with you and they wish to be partners in war. Eventually, their madness and criminal insanity will be very evident. The rule of the heaven will be squashed 12,000 times if necessary. In the end, they will say or claim the same thing; they wish to help, work with us, are on the staff, and trying to promote us as protection. How do you bow down to that?
MUMBAI, India — The only gunman captured during the terror attack on Mumbai says he was promised that his impoverished family would get $1,250 if he died fighting for militant Islam, security officials said Wednesday. The captive, 21-year-old Ajmal Amir Kasab, is from Faridkot village in the Punjab region of Pakistan, according to the two Indian officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss details gleaned during a week of interrogation. …Kasab also said the gunmen took amphetamines to stay alert during the attacks, the security officials said. - Mumbai Gunman Was Promised Cash for Family if Killed,; December 03, 2008 -
The bottom line and end of the line is how they are bread to steel. That steel is set loose into society and this world to be a victim and a sacrifice of their own political machine. It is good to watch what is said near them or about them. It is good to turn the back when and if necessary or face two false arrests, they are bred to steel and their nerves are to steal. It is a bizarre backwardness which they cannot notice and their followers are irrelevant about. Nobody wants to deal with their base and they have nothing to offer with such ear shaking silent hate. Only until you catch their surveillance machines or their espionage terror network does the honesty and truth come out. Both sides claim we are on their side and now they claim they are the staff. The old guards need to reinvent themselves because they are in learning mode and hope to change after the facts and evidence. When they are ready, we can properly fight this war of theirs and this problem with the liberals and left wing. Everybody has a right to exist and everybody has a right to value their individual talents when they are ready to live this part of their nation who sees them for who they are. When they are on the staff and rule by the dollar or oppression, make sure they are honest about why they do not wish to step down immediately.
NEW DELHI — An Indian naval vessel sank a suspected pirate "mother ship" Wednesday in the Gulf of Aden and chased two attack boats into the night, officials said, yet more violence in the lawless seas where brigands are becoming bolder and more violent. Separate bands of pirates also seized a Thai ship with 16 crew members and an Iranian cargo vessel with a crew of 25 in the Gulf of Aden, where Somalia-based pirates appear to be attacking ships at will, said Noel Choong of the International Maritime Bureau's piracy reporting center in Malaysia. "It's getting out of control," Choong said. A multicoalition naval force has increased patrols in the region, and scored a rare success Tuesday when the Indian warship, operating off the coast of Oman, stopped a ship similar to a pirate vessel mentioned in numerous piracy bulletins. The Indian navy said the pirates fired on the INS Tabar after the officers asked it to stop to be searched. "Pirates were seen roaming on the upper deck of this vessel with guns and rocket propelled grenade launchers," said a statement from the Indian navy. Indian forces fired back, sparking fires and a series of onboard blasts — possibly due to exploding ammunition — and destroying the ship. - Indian Navy Destroys Pirate 'Mother Ship' in Battle, by the Associated Press (posted on ; November 19, 2008 -
When this was detected and began in the 1990s, the intent was to flood our life with an army of pretenders and staff. What that staff was for they did not know, they sat and waited for us claiming to be and cloning every word and movement we had made. We tried desperately to avoid them and pretend back, we did not see or noticed them. This game continued and they began to get rowdy and angry. Then around 1999, the attacks began after they had been fingered and marked. When this new staff did not get any payment or treasures, they created some sort of financial scam to appease the effort, we believe this to be both 911 and the Iraq War. It was an army of staff but they were not worthy to the high technology boom which had been occurring; they wanted to sneak, peek, and conquer.
The Rangers who criticize Clinton say he shouldn't have been spooked by a mere 18 American casualties. ("We kicked their butt, but that was at a tactical level," one Army commander told the Wall Street Journal. "At the strategic and political level, when you have some casualties, it looks like there was a problem.") That seems right—though it's the opposite of the standard conservative criticism of humanitarian "nation-building," which holds that such interventions are only justified if they meet what Charles Krauthammer calls the "paramount criterion: costlessness." The problem is that there were more than 18 Americans dead. There were also hundreds and hundreds of Somali dead. The raid's defenders see that as one of its achievements—in military terms, the casualty "exchange ratio" was very favorable to the U.S.. We kicked their butt! "If they did the exact same mission today and captured two of bin Laden's top guys with the same numbers, that would be considered a triumph," Bowden says, accurately. But we're trying kill to al Qaida members. We weren't in Somalia to kill Habr Gidr members. We were there to help, remember? The mission was to capture Aideed without killing hundreds of people, and as the film of Black Hawk Down makes graphically clear, this was not accomplished. With such a favorable "exchange ratio," Phase II of the Somali mission was rapidly approaching destroy-the-village-in-order-to-save-it territory. - What Black Hawk Down Leaves Out, By Mickey Krause,; Jan. 21, 2002 -
The Iraq War was controversial. With unassailable hindsight, there were deceptions taking place which others did not know about. America has always been on the side of good even if evil human beings inhabit and occupy it. Therefore, by accident or purposeful intent, the swinging pendulum of a good side and the use of military force are also being populated by the wrong staff and personnel making it difficult or impossible to challenge a new staff who now have gained expertise and can be a tremendous threat to harass and antagonize the forces of good. Terror and murder is a horrible way to gain expertise when you are not the perfect fit or the right staff. It is impossible to make the forces of evil go away when they have this expertise and use the grand deception to populate the staff of both sides.
3. Did Clinton cave in after the raid and sell out the Rangers? "There's no doubt that the perception people have of this episode is that it was a total fiasco. But this was a successfully completed mission. … The failure was Clinton's decision to pull out the day after this happened. The truth is he lacked the kind of moral personal force that it took to persuade Congress and the American people that even though this is not popular, we have to do it."—Bowden, in an interview with Elizabeth Snead, reporting for the Washington Post …A few days after the Rangers' deaths and the humiliating CNN coverage, Clinton did completely reverse course. He announced it had been a mistake to "personalize the conflict." He sent in more firepower, but only to cover a U.S. withdrawal. Nation-building was over. The key anti-Aideed Clinton official was removed from his post, and Oakley was sent back in to negotiate. Within weeks, Oakley was flying Aideed to a peace conference on a U.S. plane. - What Black Hawk Down Leaves Out, By Mickey Krause,; Jan. 21, 2002 -
Although military support is good and patriotism has its limits, this type of military support from 2002 to 2008 was not wanted and was not good for morale. It might have been for the immediate and short term; however, it contained a hidden agenda to constrain a clear reality. There was a deception at work and a surprise not discovered yet because of this grand deception and trick which nobody knew about until it was too late. This caused morale to plummet once this deception was discovered and then many people felt cheated by how large and how austere the effort to trick others was. Murder and terror is a horrible way to trick people but we are also dealing with this reality even if we did nothing wrong and follow every lead. It is very similar to the financial bail out environment and the collapse of the entire capitalistic system by those who only calmly claim their goal was only to help poor people or those disadvantaged.
Q: Who was being hurt most by that system -- black kids, white kids, or both? A: Both. That's why you had parents from both groups involved in the lawsuit. They were saying, "If you are a black parent, my kid has to go on an hour and 15 minute bus ride across town to go to a white school driving past his neighborhood school." White parents were saying, "Well, so does our kid." So they were both upset that their kids were being used for this ostensibly social experiment, the value of which has yet to manifest itself. There is no proof that a racially integrated school is somehow infinitely better than a school that is not racially integrated. I think most of us want racial integration, but the question is at what price should we favor the government orchestrating it for its own purposes? - Race Integration: Interview with Ward Connerly, by Bill Steigerwald; June 29, 2007 –
There is the same deception but this time it was no war on poverty, it was a war on terror. Iraq made this case stronger while it allowed years of expertise for some surprise not yet discovered. Iraq made this deception stronger and more compelling but was also damaging to the military reputation and various ways of becoming less beneficial as the truth comes out. War was not compelling enough to suggest civil war was being addressed or properly addressed. We identified this plot as a massive anti war effort and a socialist plot which derived from conservative or right wing groups who was trying to overpower the classical cold war power base. Those same people claimed to be something they were not while they claimed others were something they were not and how awful the effort was. This grand deception made them feel so much better about being “un-American” and alleviated the pressure of being criticized by overwhelming the classical institutions who criticized. But wait, there was more expertise in this effort because an egg hunt was also underway and it had to do with SDI, Texas, Walker, Cuba, and the Bush Administration. That threat was already arrested and prosecuted but an appeal was underway. Iraq made this more compelling and hardened on the move.
Thousands of police surrounded Bangkok's Government House - the prime minister's residence - and the interior minister entered the compound to negotiate with leaders. Brief scuffles were reported but the Prime Minister, Samak Sundaravej, has pledged to negotiate an end to the crisis rather than try to drive the protestors out by force. He is also seeking arrest warrants against eight leaders of the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), which organised the protests. The PAD has set up a stage in the Government House enclosure and were urging people not to leave. "If we leave before this government resigns, that means we are defeated," said Chamlong Srimuang, one of the group's leaders. "If we have been arrested, others will carry on." Despite calling themselves the People's Alliance for Democracy, the protestors want to replace elected politicians with legislators appointed by the bureaucracy and the army. On Tuesday 85 people were arrested after they attacked the state broadcaster's office armed with a pistol, catapults and golf clubs. …They finally occupied the building and twice succeeded in taking the channel off air. They later overran government house. - Police Seek Arrest of Thailand Protest Leaders, by Thomas Bell; August 27, 2008 -
They felt we were looking for something so they joined the treasure hunt and wanted to ask if they were getting closer. Afterwards, they wished to sell the effort before it went belly up or was bankrupt. Banking irregularities began to become so pervasive. It was not until after 2001 that we began to suspect they were behind the events and now had superimposed on the forces fighting evil. In ten years, we delivered and did not give them what they wanted. Meanwhile, the attacks and the idea we worked to the bone and would not share with them what we had upset them. Their forces eventually thinned out and or moved on but those who rose to through the ranks began to also sign up on the staff which took some time to now determine how many had survived the investigation and prosecution of them while it was happening. When they found out how close the defense forces and the investigators were along with the near SDI sort of secret levels; they had a face of fright and scattered.
There is a difference between conservatives who read my work, those who try to write it for me, and those who steal it before it is even seen for some self gratification and no good. I have detected and know who is doing it and if you read this, I will make you suffer later. It is planet of the apes now a day. We have conservatives listen in so they can get the punch and jump as a team player. They do not want to wait in line or deserve their own talents like everybody else and nobody liked them to begin with because they are a no good thief while too stupid to know it. We had detected a few because only the good and the few deserve to stand on their own works. Everybody waits for some miracle and these people like to steal it and claim they are one. Are they truly bread to steel or only nerves of steal?
Many in 2008 went into a near shock period where they began to give out charity or went quiet from January to the end of the year. Now they were on the run and it was not long before what they said and did caught up with their history. This was the largest attempt we had seen to engage in espionage and use terrorism to paint them as some liberators or heroes. They had taken their time and built up their forces to a near invincible level for something big and now we had exactly what they had suspected and wanted. They knew they were on the chase and knew we were hiding it; that is not even in dispute. We had even met their previous agents and were imprisoned with them; again, claiming we had failed to steal and they were protectors or some line of defense.
Mr. Samak told a hastily arranged meeting of foreign journalists, "They want bloodshed in the country, they want the military to come out and stage a coup again," he said. "I will not resign, I will stay to protect this country." Thailand's army chief said that his forces would not intervene in politics for a second time in two years. Following a violent assault of the national broadcaster on Tuesday morning the protests quickly took on a peaceful mood. By the afternoon the broadcaster's office resembled a hippy sit-in, as demonstrators lounged in the offices and sang along to protest songs outside. There were similar scenes at government house. Dressed in yellow, to symbolise their loyalty to Thailand's revered monarchy, thousands of protesters thronged the gardens, keeping time to the amplified music on plastic castanets distributed by the organisers. …"Thaksin and now Samak stand for something that is diametrically opposed to the PAD's interests," he said, noting that recently elected governments have threatened the status of the traditional royalist and military elite. "The PAD is the spearhead of a conservative alliance that wants to stop this," he said. Much will now depend on how the crisis unfolds over the coming days. - Police Seek Arrest of Thailand Protest Leaders, by Thomas Bell; August 27, 2008 -
Had this happened to foot soldiers and not the person who they least expected, it might have worked. They targeted royals, the smartest, and the best by disfiguring them daily until some surrender was intolerable. The deception might have been transferred to them and stolen, or a defection and traitor produced. Had it been a one man operation, they could easily have wiped it off the believable or achievable reality charts. They came close and they got close; always thinking they were one step and a heartbeat away from ultimate achievement and success. We like to disagree (honestly and not with petty standards) with that full blown idea of scam, hoax, and fraud. We hope they learn a lesson and scatter or step down before it is too late because there were many eyes on it or them before; and now even more eyes on them. We know their final game is suicidal and a gamble of “come get us if and when you can because we are the staff on both sides.”
Q: Who was being hurt most by that system -- black kids, white kids, or both? A: Both. That's why you had parents from both groups involved in the lawsuit. They were saying, "If you are a black parent, my kid has to go on an hour and 15 minute bus ride across town to go to a white school driving past his neighborhood school." White parents were saying, "Well, so does our kid." So they were both upset that their kids were being used for this ostensibly social experiment, the value of which has yet to manifest itself. There is no proof that a racially integrated school is somehow infinitely better than a school that is not racially integrated. I think most of us want racial integration, but the question is at what price should we favor the government orchestrating it for its own purposes? - Race Integration: Interview with Ward Connerly, by Bill Steigerwald; June 29, 2007 –
We do not and will not owe them an explanation, they owe us and this world one, most especially is when they are caught red handed. This little game of control, dominance, and pretend is quickly losing its touch and the lies are very evidentiary. They are forewarned that if they take that next step, they are doing so as guilty as hell and challenging the authorities to come and get them if they can. Their comrades will attest to what will happen when bad bacteria are didactically denitrified before the shameless public and the highest levels on this earth. We encourage them to consider their family, their career, and their reputations before making that untimely career ending choice only they are accountable for. We can only stop the good but the bad we give a chance to determine their gamesmanship and how clever they think they are trying to lie their way out of their own determination and trap. If this an open ended problem and is their calculative circulation open ended when it is no longer disputable? The question is not who they are; the question is how they managed to take out the security and managed to pit two hostile sides against those who defend the SDI program. Beyond Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, this is or has been the weirdest episode of liberal and left wing lies we have ever observed by the conservatives; it is deadly.
At the Palestine, Texas, camp, Koresh "worked it so that everyone was forced to rely on him and him alone. All previous bonds and attachments, family or otherwise, meant nothing. His rationale was if they had no one to depend on, they had to depend on him, and that made them vulnerable."[2] By this time, he had already begun to give the message of his own "Christhood," proclaiming that he was "the Son of God, the Lamb who could open the Seven Seals."[4] Lois Roden died in 1986. Up until then Koreas had been teaching that monogamy was the only way to live …In August 1986, Koreas began secretly sleeping with Michele Jones, his wife's younger 12-year-old sister. In September 1986 Koreas began to preach that he was entitled to 140 wives, 60 women as his "queens" and 80 as concubines, which he based upon his interpretation of the Biblical Song of Solomon. [2] Koreas then built up an entirely new theology around his "marriage" to Doyle. This theology was called the "New Light," with a doctrine of polygamy for himself, which he called "The House of David." According to this doctrine, Doyle was supposed to have a daughter named Shoshanna who would then be married to Koresh's firstborn son Cyrus. However, Doyle failed to conceive, so Koreas then transferred his attention to his wife's sister. Former Davidian David Bunds said that Koresh's doctrine of polygamy "rose out of his deep desire to have sex with young girls. Once he was able to convince himself that it was God's will then he was able to be free of guilt and have sex with as many young girls as he could get his hands on."[5] - David Koresh, -
When someone is on a suicide mission, they need a team and a staff to support this suicide mission. These people create that opportunity and are on a suicide mission. There were some very important observations noticed while kidnapped and disfigured badly by these people. The most relevant are of course the motive, economics. No matter what you did, how hard you tried, where you went, or how much you plead with them; you are the enemy and your right to exist does not apply or is given any consideration. Stalking and even espionage and near imprisonment of surveillance was because of an economic goal.
Authorities were investigating whether the blast was the result of a suicide attempt by a doctor who owned the building but was being forced to sell it after a bitter divorce. A police official with direct knowledge of the case told The Associated Press that the man recently sent out a rambling e-mail to his ex-wife in which he contemplated suicide: "When you read this ... your life will change forever. You deserve it. You will be transformed from gold digger to ash and rubbish digger. You always wanted me to sell the house. I always told you I will leave the house only if I am dead.’’ …The explosion and fire created a horrific scene on the Upper East Side. Heavy black smoke rose high above the land marked, 19th-century building on 62nd Street between Park and Madison Avenues -- just a few blocks from Central Park. Debris was strewn everywhere. Four of the injured were pedestrians -- some of them found on the street covered in blood. ... The building was worth nearly $5 million based on a 2004 assessment, and was to be sold at auction to pay the judgment against Bartha. ...TV host Larry King, who had been in his hotel room nearby, described the explosion to CNN as sounding like a bomb and feeling like an earthquake. "I’ve never heard a sound like that,’’ King said. ...The building is located in an upscale neighborhood where the 2000 Census said the median price of a home was $1 million. - Blast rocks Upper East Side, by Adam Goldman, The Associated Press; July 11, 2006 -
These omnivorous terrorists and oversimplified enemies were created to support their suicide missions; ultimately they needed a legitimate reason to do what they were up to. It is a flank and an ambush on two sides, the right wing and the left wing. This was not about terrorism as they claimed; it was merely for selfish reasons. Every single rule including mass murder, homicide, and rules of kidnapping were viciously violated. If you ask them why or what motive; it ranges from promotions, anti-terrorist operation, and the most whacked out and fake claims; yet it looks so real and nearly impossible to differentiate.
There are more and the same complaints to this staff. We are sick and tired of daily anger management working with them and their failure. We do not have the time right now and during a big threat of war on the international front to write a manual on how not to be a traitor or a jackass. If this manual is needed, please enlighten us. We do not have the time to write a manual to address this failure, how to be normal, or why terrorists should not kidnap royals and disfigure them. If these terrorists need to be taught this, then they will give up the right to exist themselves. There is no need to protest this criminal insanity either and why it is such a major and overwhelming threat we do not know but the attacks on the Indians in Mumbai revealed a motive behind the madness. We understand they wish to help and stack the staff; this was the same demand back in 1998 and even before that. We are in this mess and war because of them and it is not how they wish to help but how they are hated deservingly and hate back with a terrorizing criminal insanity.
Nothing was real and every move you made had some more powerful one by them. You are the prisoner and you are some sort of individual in their dungeon. The motive is economics solely and no matter what you do or say; you cannot even get them out of your own house. It is like the feeling of Cold War espionage but this time the enemy was the staff and they did not need input, worthy of hearing complaints, criminally insane, and much worse than the communist threat. The mere idea of a terrorist and communist spy cell fighting and opposing an enemy is one thing; being that enemy and being so criminally insane was another. They are stacking the government and specifically the military for this war they are promoting illegally. They need the SDI without proper debate or honest discussion because they are on a suicidal mission. They have to get on that staff and use enablers, agitators, kidnappers, and blockers who invoke this defection.
This is what they do not understand, they are hated on a carte blanche level and they hate back like the devil on a rampage; meanwhile they are banking up the wrong tree. Take that bite and bark to the other side, we do not staff their side with right wingers but this was tried unsuccessfully to acquire SDI. They can help all day, but at the end of that day they will be more hated. This claim they are friends or our masters is a total loser they are neck deep in losers. Henceforth, the staff on the right side is pathological liars and claiming we are enemies and left wing liberals that was an utter failure also. This is why they are hated when they do not wish to help and when they do. At no time was any effort made to work with them, never, this criminal insanity is bankrupt.
The way they had pursued us and tried to recruit or cause defection to their side, cleverly remaining a phantom, disfiguring you and immobilizing you like a serial killer would to weaken you so you could not run or call for help, and the feeling of total alienation where they were fighting you twenty four hours a day when you did nothing wrong or even wish to talk to them; it is like a plane hijacking but you cannot boycott them or avoid them. They were behind it and they wanted to ask if you wanted to help; then they turned around and said they wanted to help. This was not a bad radio act or some counter terrorist group; these were real life terrorists and their staff on your staff or wishing some bail out. After they were spooked and a trap sprung on them, they implemented hands off, unimpeachable and non culpable policy but were still sneaking around; this time a contest to create emotional distress and some losing side because they had disfigured you so badly.
The individual must be respected based on talents and choice; not criminal insanity of terrorists. If they wish to boycott the rescue plane or boycott the staff plane, then please do so. We know human beings will break and when threatened because they are criminally insane, they transform into homicidal killers. It was tried on us while claiming we are some enemy or the enemy. They will break eventually or turn homicidal; we got a massive headache by the ordeal for over ten years and the rest of our life. This endless ridicule and failure is deserving of their dishonesty and lies. Every group on earth has armies and a degree of militancy to protect their survival, their race, or their political agendas; we stand on our honesty and talents which allows us to choose our staff and associations. This is honesty and rule from the heavens. We neither wish to feel their pain or entertain their staff being on our staff which as brought massive exclusions on us because of this, that is criminally insane.
These people have reached a level of homicidal and criminally insane politics and it was kept a hidden secret until they could figure out what next to do or who else they had to get rid of. This war on terrorism was not a war on terrorism and this war on poverty was not a war on poverty whatsoever. This war was and is intended to stack the staff at the highest levels and we believe to acquire SDI which had already been tried. Their suicide mission needed this. These politicians, military staff, and businessmen were not observing this world or using espionage for observing, they were using it to end all and for all. It is a dangerous climate for secrets and national treasures when nobody is honest or telling the truth; furthermore, the case with the atomic spies, the Rosenberg’s signal a very dangerous ability of the enemies. They needed this before and now need SDI for this suicidal mission. This was not about the enemy having nuclear arms; this was about what the enemies needed for this suicidal mission. There was no concerted effort by any allies except one, the liberals and left wing. Also, when diplomacy failed, they made sure to identify themselves around 1999 why they were doing this and the rule of thumb is to ignore them.
We were contacted on December 4, 2008 by a group who is going around as a phantom wishing to negotiate, bargain, run this world, etc... Everybody is sick and tired of this. These individuals on both staffs are not asking questions and if they do it is not the right questions. They either play along on the staff and others are sick and tired of this. Why are they jumping in and asking questions now? What time reference brought them to this point of prosecutions? If they wish to ask questions, a good start is to ask the right people instead of the wrong ones. This rule by the unqualified and unknowing is torture and oppressing yet we are not able to make them competitive or make them adhere to the trust of the market system if they have nothing to offer or nothing others want. We are in this mess because of them and their failures, not their talents. They are the ones who are screaming at the talents of others and rivals while on the staff of both sides.
Criminal insanity and economics went hand and hand. Mass murder was what they were behind; they had irregular troops and agitators. To start wars or some conflict, maybe even a race riot, then they would annihilate and eviscerate the retaliation. It comes from the pages of the mafia, the IRA, and other terrorist organizations; but the primary motive is economics. It was not about anyone but them. It was not about the truth or any sort of honesty, it was real and their goal is to go on a criminal rampage to hurt others by stalking and keeping constant pressure to favor their side. Not only were they eager to hurt others, they called it peace. Hurting others who did nothing wrong is how they get their point across while they insist they merely wished to help and observe as a phantom. In order for this conspiracy and plot to work, they must be on the staff of the right wing, the conservatives, and the Republican Party; by default the left wing with gravitate and become and open ended exclusion over time and when economic conditions worsen. Therefore, the fight is inside the right wing movement, not the left wing; we are not on their staff.
The reason they wish to help does not address why they are hated and do not have anything to offer or can satisfy what others want. This world is homicidal because of this and they worsen the feeling of being under siege and taken prisoner by a communist and terrorist cell. If they wish to help, boycott the rescue plane and boycott the side of good or those who have talents and blessings from the heavens. Eventually, that formula will make them break and they will turn homicidal and deranged terrorists. It is happening all over the world now and the words are hollow and stifling. Keep in mind that all human beings become homicidal when and if their existence is threatened. Economics and free trade threaten this particular group because they are liberals and left wing radicals; if and when that existence is threatened, they will assemble secret armies and militant hate groups to protect their interests or preserve their race. We do not wish to feel their pain either; it is violent and insanely suicidal.
These spy masters were so hated and deservingly so for this eagerness to hurt in a homicidal way and the reason came in two directions; one was how they were on the staff and the other how you were the enemy; a terrorist or some liberal or left wing threat. Nobody can work and nobody can get hired, existence ended. The message was they wanted you done and gone; your right to exist ended the moment you resisted or were defiant. There were three elements; enablers, those guilty as hell, and then those who observed and watched but did nothing; all three guilty of conspiracy and an alliance with a homicidal devil. This was the comrade system and in the comrade system, punishment inside the system for loyalty is dangerous but then so was going public and now they took this eloquent bail out to the public as we did also. We were not on any of their staff so the rules never applied but they insist and still instill the notion we had been and are. In this climate of wanton hardened “crime spree”, not petty juxtapositions, even the right path will be occupied by the wrong personnel who will get what they can get out of it.
…someone making the transition alienated a sizable portion of the audience before uttering the first multisyllabic word.” …In early September 2003, Colorado’s Gazette sports reporter David Ramsey wrote, “Hiring Mr. Right Wing to talk about football is wrong.” … In his oh-so narrow no-spin zone, would demand a congressional investigation.” Yes, imagine the outrage! Oh wait, that quietly happened a few months ago and conservatives didn’t make a peep. This season Keith Doberman began making weekly appearances on NBC’s “Football Night in America.” No protesting in the streets. No calls for congressional investigations. Not even any token media reports of angry reactions from conservatives. Like Limbaugh, Doberman started in sports reporting and later moved into political punditry. Olbermann’s a pompous jerk, but who cares if his parent company hires him to talk about football for five minutes? Perhaps Olbermann will say something offensive on “Football Night in America” and awaken the conservative beast. However, the difference between conservatives and the “Hugo Chavez Democrats” is that conservatives aren’t offended by the mere presence of those with whom they disagree. Whether it’s Ann Coulter, Rachel Marsden or Rush Limbaugh, the Left will always be more infuriated with their existence and success than by what they actually say. - Hugo Chavez Democrats' Systematic Removal of Conservatives, by Lisa DePasquale, December 11, 2007 -
Communism did hurt a lot of people no matter how badly they claim to only be helping poor people or the least of income and talent. The churches who insist their religious fervor is only based on this deception and lies are just as criminal as those who profited greatly off this grand deception before they disappeared or went into hiding. They need to understand that people have no compunction to jail them until they tell the truth or are honest enough to restore trust in government and life itself. These are predators and predators hurt others no matter how they claim to only be harmless. When they are predators, nobody wants to talk to them and they have nothing others want, this is why they are predators. They cannot achieve goals in a respectable way like most other talented and honest people. This is not hate or some conspiracy at work because the world hates communism, it is mental sanity and a war for survival.
That said, once we had committed ourselves to the effort, I believe the United States should have seen the mission through even after the battle on October 3—especially after the battle. … This story would have had a much more satisfying ending if he had been delivered up in chains. ...The lesson our retreat taught the world's terrorists and despots is that killing a few American soldiers, even at a cost of more than five hundred of your own fighters, is enough to spook Uncle Sam. Apparently, Bowden believes a) it was foolish to try to arrest Aideed; b) arresting Aideed wouldn't have produced "lasting peace" in Somalia, would have "just given the Habr Gidr leader a more fervently motivated following, and would have elevated a two-bit Somali warlord to the status of an anti-imperialist hero in many parts of the world;" but c) once the 18 Americans died we should have kept on trying to arrest Aideed in order to establish the principle that killing Americans is a bad idea. This is a reasonable position, though it's not mine. As Bowden half-acknowledges, the Rangers' very "success" at killing their foes undermines the need for additional punishment. Bowden's book concludes that while we lost 18 men, "the Somali death toll was catastrophic." Shouldn't that—if publicized—have been enough for deterrence? - What Black Hawk Down Leaves Out, By Mickey Krause,; Jan. 21, 2002 -
Liberals and most especially the left wing are still hanging on with a death grip about their little financial bailout where they appeased the public into believing they were actually doing a good job and no grand deception was taking place. We have heard it in history, in the liberal media, and from a political system which is as silly and deadly as those who have invaded it and refuse to abandon it; “our objective was to only put people in homes, when the housing collapse began, there were no problems or cooking the books.” This is almost as close to communism as we have ever seen and it is almost near perfect to the excuses we got for our own kidnapping and terrorizing ordeal with the liberals, labor unions, left wing, and communist and terrorist cell. The left wing was quiet while the spies on the right wing and staff grand stand about how we are revolting against their success. That is this grand deception we have and are seeing and it is deeply rooted in communism and terrorism as described. Why? It gets results and shocks people into this near confusion to be powerless and adore them; that are a predator and how a predator uses deception to gain favor.
As mentioned already, some of the very first female settlers in New Orleans were prostitutes who were released from French prisons. For those men not “lucky” enough to snag one of these fine catches, there were also the “casket girls” These young ladies were imported by the Ursuline sisters to provide suitable wives for the male colonists. These upstanding, middle0class ladies were called “casket girls”, either because of the style of hats they wore, or because of their Government Issue chests of clothing and linen (it all depends on what history you read). Anyway, they first began arriving in 1728 and continued to come until 1751. However, prostitution had its roots in the very foundation of the city and continued to play a prominent part for many, many years to come. … Many of the houses were staffed by the Madame’s stunning octoroon and quadroon “nieces”, who were usually girls whose families had fallen on hard times. The popularity of female Creoles of color in the bordellos caused many old-line Creole families to send their strictly raised daughters to convents until they were old enough to marry. - New Orleans History, Part Three; “Casket Girls and Prostitutes”, -
Helping the poor and causing a world war or financial collapse is what we hear all the time. We wish to jail them to force them to become honest, meanwhile, they have been and are getting away with murder only because others are honest and they wish to terrorize them into surrender. The use of the police or death squads is becoming a very real phenomenon. Communism always hurts others no matter how different they are or how much they wish to help the poor. It is only when this religion is on the side of the good and even the police force that hurt is magnified many times over. Half the police force is still investigating a right wing conspiracy while the economy collapses because their presence makes this deception so difficult to arrest.
One of the most notorious crimes of the 19th century involved the 1890 assassination of David Hennessy, the first superintendent of the New Orleans police department. Nineteen members of a Sicilian gang were accused of the crime but they were acquitted of the crime in 1891. An angry mob then proceeded to break into the Parish prison and hang 11 of the accused men. For years afterward, the slur “Who Killed the Chief?” could lead to an outbreak of violence against Italians. The upstanding Italians of New Orleans have long been plagued by the reputation of their notorious kinsmen... as New Orleans was a port of entry for many Italians into the United States. It also served as the beginning for many of America’s first Mafia families, who later moved on to Chicago and New York. - New Orleans History, Part Three; “The Mob in New Orleans”, -
Even these investigators are not able to make this connection between the economy collapsing and how they are not able to form some reasonable assumption or thought why it is. A good start is why they force themselves on others. Another good start is why the right of the individual is so threatened under their stewardship. The most culpable reason is they have nothing to offer and nobody wants them, for the right reasons and not the wrong ones. Even these investigators cannot even form some mental clarity to understand what they are doing and how they are doing it. this invasion by the left wing and their rise to power has created so many problems and a total breakdown in trust because the liberals and the left wing are a church of deception; their removal and ban is the solution, not their rule and involvement, this is how we got here and how this mess got this way. We jail them because they are the enemy; they jail us because we are honest about them. They are beautiful this way.
Aren't dreams of murderous dictators, gulags and death camps at least comparable in evil to segregated lunch counters? The dust jacket on "American Dreamer" featured a nauseating statement of praise by U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy. Kennedy said that the book deserved "to be read by all who care about the American dream." The American dream: communist totalitarianism. Why wasn't the lecherous liberal asked to retire for his flattering remarks about a proven Soviet fifth columnist? In 1999, the Clinton administration dedicated a room at the Agriculture Department to Wallace. At the dedication, former Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern gave a speech explicitly praising Wallace's pro-Soviet positions, such as the idea that the Cold War was "overdone" and that "problems" between the nations "could not be resolved by military means." … Republicans should ask Lott to step down as leader, but only for all the nice things he's said about Teddy Kennedy. - Democrats: A Lott of Trouble, by Ann Coulter, ; December 19, 2002 -
The left wing insistence on spending, taxing, and helping those who need to help themselves has led to their end. How that end occurs is up to them, we perceive their record and pattern violent and terrorism; so if this is how they wish to leave this world, there are plenty of missiles to stuff the rear end of that turkey when and if they are ready. That is just how the world works, they either hate it or hate back. They also told us the same damn thing about kidnapping, terrorism, communism, and socialism; “we were wrong”, “whatever you need”, “we only want to help”, and “we want to work closely and disagree.” These new breeds of Cold Warriors are handicapped by the idea they can win on merit and stand proud next to the truth.
…‘Nice to be back here at the Fortress of Decrepitude. Bet not many ladies come here twice.' She shook her head. 'Have I missed you,’ she sighed, glancing toward me. ...‘Come on, it’s folksy.’ ‘It’s not folksy; it’s put on for faux-sh@tkicker appeal. The guy went to prep schools and Yale, it’s not like he doesn’t know better. It’s his aw-shucks anti-intellectualism signal flare saying "Hey dumb people, vote for me!"’ ...‘I’m writing... HILLARY IN 2008!!!’ ...‘Was it good for you?’ she said, catching her breath. ‘Not really.’ ‘Good,’ she cackled. ‘You must really hate Conservatives, huh?’ ‘Not really. I have close friends who are Conservatives. I’m not so threatened by people who disagree with me that I need to reduce them to cartoons to vilify, or hateful misrepresentations like Der Ewige Jude. There are people I disagree with that I respect quite a lot. Your shtick is calling anyone who disagrees with you to be shot for treason.’ ...‘Well, you must know better. You’re just an entertainer. It’s a complicated world. If you can ease people’s confusion by presenting a preposterously oversimplified worldview where one side is all good and the other all evil, great for you. People don’t make the New York Times bestseller list writing considered, balanced analysis. People want an uncomplicated reality. There’s a nice living to be made in providing it to them. But I don’t think you really believe much of it, just like I doubt the Verizon guy walks around saying "Can you hear me now?" when he’s off-camera.’ - Back in Ann Coulter's @ss-Saddle Again, by an Anonymous Deranged Stalker (yet caught),; May 10, 2005 -
We are sorry also because this stand off with the left wing and liberals always ends up a violent clash or a world war for parity. They can keep on using this deception and ride it to the very end, the pattern of behavior is the same; a violent clash or a world war depending on how big the spread of this stand off becomes. What this plot involves is a duality, an effort and back effort, to create a near paralyzing pressure to make the nation polarized and distrust while some grand deception was unleashed with almost undetectable and near paralyzing political trickery. There is so much deceit and poor work ethics in government at this time, the nation is near collapse.
…But that was before Minnesota encountered the pushiest, most aggressive, most unscrupulous person who has ever sought public office, Al Franken. …Democratic counties keep discovering new votes for Franken and subtracting votes from Coleman, claiming to be correcting "typos." In all, Franken picked up 459 votes and Coleman lost 60 votes from these alleged "corrections." As the inestimable economist John Lott pointed out, the "corrections" in the Senate race generated more new votes for Franken than all the votes added by corrections in every race in the entire state -- presidential, congressional, state house, sanitation commissioner and dogcatcher -- combined. …To understand what is happening in Minnesota, one must turn to the Washington state gubernatorial election of 2004. …Franken can pretend to be generous -- by not demanding that all rejected absentee ballots be counted -- while in fact being manipulative -- by requesting that only the ballots with votes for him be counted. That's exactly what the Democrats -- led by Franken adviser Berendt -- did to steal the 2004 election in Washington State. …But first, Franken will need the names. Then he can check voter registration lists, ask around or, in a really aggressive move, call the rejected voters directly and bully them into admitting who they voted for. If they say "Coleman," I promise you they won't get a call back to ensure that "every vote is counted." There is absolutely no other reason to get the names of those whose ballots were rejected. We'll find out in the next few weeks if Barack Obama's "new politics of hope and change" includes turning the cleanest state in the union into one of the dirtiest. - The Cleanest State Meets the Pushiest Person, by Ann Coulter,; December 3, 2008 -
As the federal authorities announced on December 9, 2008; we are witnessing an age of “political crime spree” where unscrupulous political operatives claim to be one thing, say others are another, and achieve some manipulative and artificial result which favors ultimately the unassailable left wing who by penchant of gravity, pull others into this cauldron. We witnessed this from 1997 to 2000 by the left wing radicals and then from 2006 to 2008 by right wing radicals and wonder what the difference was because there were none whatsoever. It was the same source both times and to create the same result with no compunction about what was legal and what was near murderous illegal. The politicians do not understand that if and when they restore the trust in government their chances are much better and this insane risk taking and the long term paralysis of their economics. It is a hard pill to swallow but what choice do they have now? Taking corruption to the public and asking for a pardon, even an apology from them, has been a poorly thought out parody between government and really bad governments.
“God is A Bullet” by Concrete Blonde
There's a green plaid jacket on the back of the chair
It's like a moment frozen forever there
Mom and dad had a lot of big plans for their little man
So proud!
Mama's gone crazy 'cause her baby's shot down
By some teenage car chase war out of bounds
It was the wrong place wrong time wrong end of a gun
Shoot straight from the hip, yeah
Well, it could have been
It could have been your brother.
Shoot straight shoot to kill, yeah.
Blame each other, well, blame yourselves, you know
God is a bullet has mercy on us everyone
They're gonna call me sir they'll all stop picking on me
Well I'm a high school grad I'm over 5 foot 3
I'll get a badge and a gun and I'll join the P.D.
They'll see
He didn't have to use the gun they put in his hand
But when the guy came at him, well he panicked and ran
And it's a thirty long years 'fore they're givin' him another chance
And it's sad, sad, it's sad
Shoot straight from the hip, yeah.
Gone forever in a trigger slip
Well, it could have been
It could have been your mother
John Lennon, Doctor King, Harvey Milk
All for goddamn nothing
God is a bullet has mercy on us everyone
God is a bullet has mercy on us everyone
“Jonestown” lyrics by Concrete Blonde
Sheep are running scared tonight
The cows are coming home
They cling together terrified
Afraid to be alone
The bees are buzzing around the queen
Waiting for a word
They are the scene
Collectively absurd
They're looking for Jesus
They're looking for more
Just what are they looking up here to me for?
They're looking for someone
They're looking for Christ
They're looking for some human sacrifice
It looks like Jonestown again
It looks like Jonestown
It looks like Jonestown again
It looks like Jonestown
They don't know who to run to
They don't know where to go
Unless you tell them what to think
They don't know what they know
Repeating the commercial
Something they have heard
From someone not they someone else
Somebody good with words
They're looking for an answer
They're looking for more
Just what are you looking up here to me for
They're looking for Jesus
They're praying for Christ
They're looking for some human sacrifice
It looks like Jonestown
It looks like Jonestown
It looks like Jonestown
It looks like Jonestown
“Someday” lyrics by Concrete Blonde
Say it's been too hard
Say it's been too long
You say it's all too much
The thrill has long been gone
Well I thought you could
Yes I thought you could
And you thought you could too
But it's a place in time
Where the years behind are piled up high
But never mind
Its time to crash and burn or fly
And I thought you could
You know I thought you could
You know I thought you could too
Go to sleep now
Go on dream away
Is it easy, easy babe?
And I hope
And I dream
And I pray
That sometime
We’ll find a way
Some say easy come
Some say easy go
Some say time flies by too fast
Some say it drags on all too slow
Well I thought you could
Yes I thought you could
And you thought you could too
We’ll never find
The heart to start all over again
We’ll if I was one
Then I tried to be a friend to you
You know I tried
Go to sleep now
Go on dream away
Is it easy, easy babe?
And I hope
And I dream
And I pray
That sometime
We’ll find a way
Go to sleep now
Go on dream away
Is it easy, easy babe?
And I hope
And I dream
And I pray
That sometime
We’ll find a way
“Cyanide” lyrics by Metallica
Sleep and dream of this
Death angel's kiss
Brings final bliss
Come believe me!
Empty they say
Death, won't you let me stay?
Empty they say
Death, hear me call your name?
Oh, call your name!
Suicide, I've already died
You're just the funeral I've been waiting for
Cyanide, living dead inside
Break this empty shell forevermore
Wait, wait patiently
Your death-black wings
Unfolding sleep
Spreading on me
Say, is that rain or are they tears?
That stained your concrete face for years
Crying, weeping, shedding strife
Year after year, life after life
A narrow freshly broken ground
A concrete angel laid right down
Upon the grave which swallows fast
It's peace at last
Oh, peace at last
It's the funeral I've been waiting for!
“Indestructible” lyrics by Disturbed
Another mission
The powers have called me away
Another time
To carry the colors again
My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend
To win the honor
Of coming back home again
No explanation
Will matter after we begin
Another dark destroyer that's buried within
My true vocation
And now my unfortunate friend
You will discover
A war you're unable to win
I'll have you know
That I've become
Determination that is incorruptible
From the other side
A terror to behold
Annihilation will be unavoidable
Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible
Take a last look around while you're alive
I'm an indestructible master of war
Another reason
Another cause for me to fight
Another fuse uncovered
Now for me to light
My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
Without a regret
A declaration
Embedded deep under my skin
A permanent reminder
Of how we began
No hesitation
When I am commanding the strike
You need to know
That you're in for the fight of your life
You will be shown
How I've become
Determination that is incorruptible
From the other side
A terror to behold
Annihilation will be unavoidable
Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible
Take a last look around while you're alive
I'm an indestructible master of war
“Destroyer” lyrics by The Kinks
“Getting Away with Murder” lyrics by Papa Roach