There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

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Wednesday, December 31, 2008


The year is ending and 2009 has come to an abruption. The state of affairs globally is the worst financial disaster since the Great Depression days and the people who endlessly and tirelessly pushed up and us to this poignancy is making careful addresses to the matters now that it is all out there for the world to view. Therefore, the insecurity they feel and the uncertainty of their success has been taken down several notches as forces are gathering a storm in this so called perfect storm of theirs. There is no chance in hell we are or would side with anything other than the side of good but how come those behind it insist they are the same and the side of good when nothing has indicated such? The only thing we see is a swaying sewage of political forces, a penchant to fight as the gravity of their existence shocks and pulls others into this perfect storm, and the overbearing idea they demand freedom when we are advocating the purest form of freedom necessary to stop this evil plot and effort.

Indeed, the seven "principles" of Kwanzaa praise collectivism in every possible arena of life -- economics, work, personality, even litter removal. …When Karenga was asked to distinguish Kawaida, the philosophy underlying Kwanzaa, from "classical Marxism," he essentially explained that under Kawaida, we also hate whites. While taking the "best of early Chinese and Cuban socialism" -- which one assumes would exclude the forced abortions, imprisonment of homosexuals and forced labor -- Kawaida practitioners believe one's racial identity "determines life conditions, life chances and self-understanding." There's an inclusive philosophy for you. Coincidentally, the seven principles of Kwanzaa are the very same seven principles of the Symbionese Liberation Army, another charming invention of the Worst Generation. In 1974, Patricia Hearst, kidnap victim-cum-SLA revolutionary, posed next to the banner of her alleged captors, a seven-headed cobra. Each snake head stood for one of the SLA's revolutionary principles: Umoja, Kujichagulia, Ujima, Ujamaa, Nia, Kuumba and Imani — the exact same seven "principles" of Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa was the result of a '60s psychosis grafted onto the black community. Liberals have become so mesmerized by multicultural nonsense that they have forgotten the real history of Kwanzaa and Karenga's United Slaves -- the violence, the Marxism, the insanity. Most absurdly, for leftists anyway, is that they have forgotten the FBI's tacit encouragement of this murderous Black Nationalist cult founded by the father of Kwanzaa. – My Triumph Over Kwanzaa, by Ann Coulter, www.anncoulter; December 23, 2008 -

The same analysis and conclusions made during college in the 1990s will be made now; they are incompatible to the cornerstones of the nation and the reason why the United States was formed; however, they came here for another reason and to live out another reality which has cursed both the nation and this world. We cannot merge with this reality and this failed effort before, during, or after it becomes the spearhead for change in this world; therefore, they are incompatible to the human race and the global peace of this world. This was the same words which caught their attention and eyes back in the 1990s and the same words which blinded them into action and destroying the nation, others, and this world. It is very unfortunate they were not aware of what they set off and started; but we can know more stop them then stop the bad and evil in this world. These people are pure criminal elements; it is undisputed. They are also homicidal maniacs who refuse to go away or step down. The reason why they are slaughtering people around the world has to do with actions against them and warnings they have received to vacate and stop their offensive. They feel kidnapping and working closely with others is a way they can become staff or feel better.

The British security forces learn that a militant group attached to the anti-nuclear movement plans a significant act of terrorism; however their plant is unmasked and publicly killed during a protest march. To find out what is being planned, they recruit the services of the SAS. SAS officer, Capt Peter Skellen (Lewis Collins) is picked for the mission. After faking his dismissal from the SAS for beating two visiting counter-terrorist officers in a mountain training exercise, he goes under cover to infiltrate the militant group by seducing its leader. Despite his convincing efforts, he is detected meeting his wife. Knowing this, the terrorists decide they can use Skellen as a part of their plan and do not let him know that he has been found out. The group kills the secret service go between after tailing Skellen to a meeting and later take his wife and child hostage. - Who Dares Wins (film), Wikipedia -

The Obama administration is unequipped and politically insignificant to have any impact on the financial crisis. Their forces and efforts have been weakened tremendously by failed economic policies and government policing efforts. The reason for this is their basic political philosophy which has not only created the problem and the mess we are in; it carried this political philosophy into economic strategy. If they wish to fix the economic crisis, this particular administration must go after those who caused it and then line everyone up in a circular firing squad because their politics is a conflict of interest. The market is the best instrument whenever a circular firing squad is created, not government. The market system acts like the wrath of God and inevitably seeks and destroys this sort of political chicanery and plot to destroy the world. It goes after the failure and the lack of thought, it goes after the reputation and ethics of distrust, and it forces governments to become fiscally logical, behaving, and more in step with what this world wants and needs; the ultimate removal and destruction of evil and weak forces trying to destroy the strong and talented ones.

Before he can report what he has learned to his superiors, the groups hijacks a coach carrying a military band and use their uniforms to gain access to the American ambassador's residence. They take over the building and demand that a nuclear weapon be fired at the Holy Loch submarine base in Scotland. When it becomes clear that negotiations will not work, the SAS is sent in to deal with the terrorists. During the siege, Skellen is disarmed, but manages to send a Morse code light signal through a bathroom window. The SAS leader signals back that a raid will begin at 10 a.m., so Skellen can be prepared when the power is cut. At the appointed time, Skellen disarms a terrorist. He kills several more in the dining room before rejoining his SAS colleagues who have now entered the house. At the end, he comes face to face with the group's leader. As he hesitates, she goes to kill him, but is killed by SAS soldiers. The film ends in a politically divisive manner with an on-screen list of notable terrorist incidents accompanied by a menacing rendition of the British Labour Party's Red Flag anthem. - Who Dares Wins (film), Wikipedia -

The Bush Administration has declared victory over the matter by denouncing the lack of freedom the failed efforts produced, if there was a goal of freedom, the result was not the same. The Obama Administration will come into power in 2009 with the idea they are taking over where the last administration left off. We will know how similar or different their principled freedom truly is in this perfect storm because they will either destroy their political base each and every single time they fix the financial crisis or restore the trust and compatible freedom this nation and the world has granted them. How they take over and fix this incompatibility to freedom or economic logic will be the result of their actions, not their words or intentions. The capitalist system does not fuel itself on broken words or a curse life; it demands solid working results which has been very lacking because no determined and unified effort was ever made to substance previously and worse heretofore. However, if they do not, the destruction will be two or three times the acceleration and volatility. This is no time for a standoffish attitude or a stalemate, it is time to wipe out and finalize what needs to be done and gone. Unless the new and incoming President learned a valuable lesson from the Bush Administration’s blatant lie about “mission accomplished” the reality of poor management and bad quality of work or leadership will hit deeply home, the pocketbook. This date will go down infamy as a romance with the enemy within.

Unlike the football coach who said, “The great move was to call a pass play; the problem is it got intercepted.” When he, this move of his, the fiscal crisis response of his, not only is the greatest blunder of his, it is the greatest blunder of all time. It cost him the Presidency. When John McCain suspended his Presidency and said, “The package as it stands won’t pass” I was on your show doing hand stands. I said, “Yes, this guy is going to embrace the Gingrich plan which provided for insurance and for loans but not for passing out checks.” Then I said he was getting behind this 750 billion dollar bailout by using tax money around Obama’s neck and he is going to clobber him. And then they made it even easier for him, they loaded up the package for him with 150 billion in earmarks, McCain is betting wild, and then what does he do? He suspends his campaign, goes back to Washington, and meekly and supinely votes yes; and absolutely and supremely in that moment throws away all the credibility he had built up during the convention of saying he was not like George Bush because the moment he cast that vote, everybody said, “you are just like George Bush, you are backing his pathetic bail out.” - Dick Morris, The Top Five Blunders of 2008, The O’Reilly Factor, December 2008 -

Politics is no excuse for bad economic theory or criminal insanity which leads to the FBI joke of a crime spree. People are so distraught over the way their government is acting or the events reported to them, they have no choice but to laugh at the joke or be part of it. The joke is what it is, bad politics or leadership leads to disaster and this political crime spree or a culture of corruption described in earlier chapters. When that crime spree refuses to step down, it refuels the joke. The worst part is we know about it and they do not. We know what they are doing and they do not. They just follow and say what we say or do what we do; but the joke is simple to understand.

December 27, 2008 Who in their right mind would let Ann's staff near their kids or even their spouse? They are so angry, disgruntled, meek, delusional, and inadequate the only things they have to fight with and about are striking out at others; even her own family members. Did we mention they were behind two attempted kidnappings foiled? Now who would let these homicidal staff members near them? Who the hell would work with them knowing they either were behind or tried to foil the apprehending process of homicidal terrorists who were and are attacking the nation? Do you or anybody trust them with or around your family; how about your spouse? Soon they will be into cloning important people or switching people at birth. Arguing with the spouse and bad mouthing about made up or false material was just an indication of who they truly are. These people are in the business of kidnapping the family members of others for political benefit and to destroy their work and evidence brought against them. If that was not enough already, they refuse to assist to free and stop those who were about to. They feel that keeping quiet or to themselves would go unnoticed. They call this a fearless fight and freedom. They claim they will not release the grip or the surveillance on others while this is winding down. Worse, they are stomping on the floor and claiming to become bolder and learned how not to make mistakes the next time; as if nobody would protest or care.

We live in an archipelago of purchasing power and low quality is always the problem. So in order to gain or achieve a higher quality, we trade. We trade with ourselves and others depending on what we feel will make us friendlier, more marketable, more presentable, and more loved as a human being who must eventually fight or support militaries. The military of course never expresses their thoughts or how they see things; but they observe and they try not to interfere unless absolutely necessary. This is because the human race cannot rely on military might or militaries if they wish to survive this next century; so they move behind the scene and quietly to not alarm anyone but the importance of a strong military cannot be overemphasized or oversimplified. If you want to fall in love, have a family, and try to be happier; then great and do so; but that is not our concern or how we manage our time and resources, personal entertainment and happiness is not part of this archipelago of purchasing power; instead it is a personal one.

…she spent most of her time raising money for her campaign, writing a best selling book; as a first lady her only experience was health care reform and because she did everything on experience she had to do things like coin she was dodging sniper fire in Bosnia. She had to fabricate the experience but it was a deeper blunder than that; the Democratic Party does not value experience. They want change that is why they are Democrats. Running on experience in the Democratic primary is like running on free love in the Republican primary. - Dick Morris, The Top Five Blunders of 2008, The O’Reilly Factor, December 2008 -

We cannot spend time on why the left wing is bankrupt and what changes need to be made to restore the trust in government and the trust in the economic system which makes this or that currency more competitive. Competition comes from the heavens and when it is blessed with talent and the right to exist, it thrives. If you threaten this it becomes a lie and a threat, we like to call it something different; we call it a communist and terrorist cell who managed not only to sneak into our life, kidnap us, but also doo-doo on the market system. It is an ugly business they are in but someone must lie and trick the people into duping what we are up to and how they can achieve these same goals. How do you market a communist and terrorist cell when they superimpose themselves onto the purchasing power of a nation or the block the global purchasing power? This purchasing power is supposed to gain and increase over time with the talents of those individuals who make it up; why then do we get less and less while paying more and more? This is the problem and it is not inflation, it is economic and monetary policy which is sinking the yeast like growth of global purchasing power. We just got taken, and are forced back to the primitive days when human beings used bones or throwing stones to buffer transactions because of this problem with governments and the entire existence of the left wing or liberal forces.

Practice in the municipal bond underwriting business in which underwriters feel compelled to contribute to the political campaigns of elected officials who decide which underwriters are awarded the municipality's business. Rules curtailing the practice were promulgated by the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB), though underwriters still seek to gain influence with elected officials through other means. - Definition of Pay to Play, by Financial & Investment Dictionary, -

We cannot allow this contrarian mindset that utopia will arrive if the quality of their work is only a symbol of who they truly are; a mortal enemy whose goal is to become an antagonist. That contrarian view is very skeptical and shrinks matters. If the nation is going to believe in change and change so we can believe in, then trust is a fundamental factor in believing; not the chagrin of mesmerizing messiahs and shamans. How in the world do you go before the public and tell them to believe in something when the trust needed for this belief system is not there? How do you restore trust in the lives of others, or use only the market system and material goods, when people demand an end to this pretend game of politics? When the injuries are real and when the world is in crisis, the first and only issue is whether or not pretending is good enough. Pretending ends when real injuries and devastating effects are real; unless we are dealing with something else we are not surprisingly aware of; maybe something around the corner so devastating we are not able to recognize or see yet.

1: of or relating to holism 2: relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts - Definition of Holistic, -

The people behind the attacks on the nation and this communist and terrorist plot were stepping forward. However, in 2008 and late 2008; they were getting long term contracts, bail outs, nine figure bonuses, and gravitas to why they were innocent instead of why they were guilty. In other words, they would not address the evidence accumulated on them, only why they were innocent and committing a major deception; economic and material aid. This communist and terrorist cell was suggesting they were and has been giving material aid to our forces and this excused them of all the criminal and homicidal insanity which they covered over or were able to perpetrate. Therefore, all of this material aid and bonuses led to more doors being opened for them while those who were seeking to stop them or uncouth the surprises they had in wait; the carnage has not stopped and they had not put an end to their fearless fight, they were now arguing why they needed more support and aid. We were telling them why they deserve none or had to be stopped and prosecuted fairly and justly. It was harassment tactics straight out of the sewers of hell and Middle East foreign policy; notably written by none other than Middle East foreign policy experts; the war on terror.

The SA-10A launch complex consists of a missile battery which includes a battery command post and engagement control center, the large CLAM SHELL 3D continuous wave pulse Doppler target acquisition radar, the FLAP LID A I-band multi-function phased-array trailer-mounted engagement radar with digital beam steering in hardened sites, and up to 12 semi-trailer erector-launchers which mount four tubular missile container-launchers. …Missile guidance is of the Track-Via-Missile (TVM) type with the FLAP LID guidance radar capable of engaging up to six targets simultaneously, with two missiles assigned per target to ensure a high kill probability. Maximum target velocity is stated as 4200 km/h with the battery capable of firing three missiles per second. If the battery is employed in rugged terrain or forest then the engagement radar system can be mounted on a special trailer-mounted extendible 24.4 m high tower to improve radar coverage. The use of this extended-range radar for low level engagements increases the system's range to 43,200 m from the original 32,000 m. In its sealed container-launcher cylinder the missile is considered to be a round of ammunition and is said not to require any check-ups or adjustments for a period of 10 years. …The S-300PMU2 Favorit can engage targets flying from 10 m to 27 km above the surface at a speed of up to 10,000 km/h. It is claimed that it has a kill ratio ranging from 0.8 to 0.93 against aircraft and from 0.8 to 0.98 against Tomahawk-class cruise missiles. - S-300PMU Surface-to-Air Missile System, -

So 2008 was a very important year. Even though they had managed to fatally wound us and steal ten full years; they were now in more danger as the public began to catch on and scrutinize their foiled attempts. Now the chicken game they had been playing with us; got transferred overnight to the public and around the globe. With every intelligence agency in this world after them and with the public sentiments gorging their eyes out; it was not known how much longer they could hold out or keep up this fearless and suicidal plight. Even creating jobs or seeking material aid for the military was not strong enough to balance out what was occurring. Even more carnage and killing would not stop the amassing pressure and force against them which was growing daily. Those leaders and those people they had won were slowly realizing what was occurring and abandoning them for the other side. They were even arguing about traffic tickets they had written to us or how they had more influence over our spouses; by the way, why are they so interested with our spouses and care so much about matters left to marriage and family? 2008 became a year of awkward twist as it united some families and was horrific for others but the clash was ongoing and burning out slowly by a standoffish attitude and lack of action.

One Iraqi intelligence agent told prosecutors he and colleagues were forced to keep paper records and use carbon paper for copies because every time they set up an intelligence center, the United States would bomb it, Rowan says. The IIS "ran out of Xerox machines," to copy their records, the Iraqi agent told prosecutors, he says. Prosecutors charged most of Saddam's spies with acting as agents of a foreign government instead of espionage because the spies were instructed to gather information on opposition groups or attempt to influence U.S. and international policy in favor of Saddam's regime, rather than steal government secrets, Rowan says. …He traveled to Turkey in December 2003, where he allegedly spied on U.S. military movements in preparation for the Iraqi invasion, the indictment says. Samir Vincent of New York pleaded guilty in 2005 for acting on Iraq's behalf to influence U.S. and United Nations officials to repeal sanctions against Iraq, court records show. Jamal Bidawid, 67, of Sterling Heights, Mich., was indicted in August for allegedly passing reports about Iraqi opposition groups in the United States to the IIS. At least one of those reports was allegedly transmitted by Iraqi intelligence to Saddam's office, court records show. A judge dismissed the charges in November after Bidawid died in a hot tub. "It was somewhat surprising to me that most of these guys were here to keep tabs on the Iraqi expats," Rowan says. "It shows (Saddam) was sufficiently concerned about what people were saying in Dearborn." - FBI Team in Baghdad Uncovered Extensive Iraqi Spy Network in US, by Donna Leinwand, USA Today (Deseret News, Salt Lake City, UT); March 03, 2008 -

There had been massive attacks on the nation prior to 1997 but nobody was able to piece together what they meant or whether some odd was happening. It is a far stretch to suggest random and senseless violence on such a level has no meaning and no possible advantage; why would anybody risk so much to achieve so little? So you must link the attacks to some larger grand deception and strategy before you conclude a closer investigation is needed. Otherwise, senseless and random acts of violence are always some negative event which has no meaning and is overlooked as beneficial to some phantom or enemy operating within your borders. There are a lot of random and senseless acts of force in this world; however, there are certain and particular ones which surface and are scrutinized or used to complete this grand strategy or foiled attempt; to link them is the hardest part of the puzzle. When you know what they are looking for, you will then begin to see what they need or want.

But there comes a point there changes in degree fuse into a change in kind, where the essential tradition is not amended, nor modified, but violated; when the changes enacted are no longer adjustments which allow the central principle to survive n altered circumstances, but revolutionary acts conspiring to deny those principles. Faced with such conditions, the conservative’s characteristic mood no longer avails. By acquiescing in the established subversion of its principles, that mood becomes a silent partner in the work of destruction. The conservative must then consider what techniques are available to him, within the moral universe he cherishes, to restore his tradition. It is just such a condition which today prevails in America, indeed throughout the West, and it is just such a condition which confronts the young man or woman who, grasping the essential lessons of our tradition, decides that he or she is a conservative. Frank S. Meyer, writing in Modern Age, notes that in our era “a revolutionary force” has shattered “the unity and balance of civilization.” In such an era, he says, conservatism “… cannot be limited to that uncritical acceptance, that uncomplicated reverence, which is the essence of national conservatism. The world of idea and symbol and image has been turned topsy-turvy; the life-dream of civilization has been cut off and dispersed. - Revolt on the Campus (1961), by M. Stanton Evans (Article Can a Conservative be a Radical),; November, 2008 -

Inasmuch as violence in urban capitals; the murder rate in Washington DC was once more than 500 per annum. If you discern this number to the low quality of manufactured goods, then the low quality is the root cause. If you take those two statistical numbers and compare the attacks on 911 and Mumbai; you get a low quality and a malice or culpable intent which should not be discovered in the “excusable or forgotten” pile. The idea is to target and root out this low quality; not profess killing them is beneficial and something we all can agree on; they call this a human sacrifice and sacrifice of warfare. It is an offering to the Gods of how vigilant their fight is and the blood oath to the end. The problem here is the low quality and how the different families reject this intermingling relationships; it is a tactic and becoming a very powerful and credible strategy. It is so powerful, we were kidnapped for ten years and our life destroyed to nothing and nobody even noticed or who was doing it. They even admit they wish to pay reparations but do not wish to go any further in this ultra secret life.

NEW YORK – Investors are preparing to close out the last three trading days of 2008 with Wall Street's worst performance since Herbert Hoover was president. The ongoing recession and global economic shock pummeled stocks this year, with the Dow Jones industrial average slumping 36.2 percent. That's the biggest drop since 1931 when the Great Depression sent stocks reeling 40.6 percent. The Standard & Poor's 500 index is set to record the biggest drop since its creation in 1957. The index of America's biggest companies is down 40.9 percent for the year. With these statistics ready to play out this week, it is little wonder why investors are all too happy to close the books on 2008. Analysts are already looking toward January as a crucial period for the market as it tries to recover some of the $7.3 trillion wiped from the Dow Jones Wilshire 5000 index, the broadest measure of U.S. stocks. "It is hard to gauge a recovery because there are so many things out there that are interactive with each other," said Scott Fullman, director of derivatives investment strategy for WJB Capital Group in New York. "Nothing is in a vacuum. Anybody who is managing money has to be on the cautious side for at least the first six months of 2009." - Wall Street Faces Record Losses in Last Week of 2008, by Joe Bel Bruno, Associated Press writer,; December 28, 2008 -

In 2009, it is easier to see or experience how they are orchestrating it as it happens but it takes time and patience to sneak up and observe patterns of it while it is occurring. If you tip them off prematurely, they will scatter and run into the bushes as all guerilla groups do. They do have extraction and backup plans while behind enemy lines as well; observing it and figuring out the intentionality of it is how to stop them. Who’s right to exist is being threatened and whose right is it to take action or non actions? It is very hard to take any action when they are on the staff or manage to breach the security of the nation. It is impossible when the political system is being exploited and kidnapped. When the enemy has implemented a deception strategy to seek a pardon using both an offensive thrust and a defensive thrust; it is hard but not impossible to pin anything on them; however, the calming effect is heightened and raised when they do this. It has less chance for success when the pardons are from those who orchestrate and defend against it.

Constitution only works in a moral society: Don’t believe the conventional wisdom of our day that claims the Founding Fathers were anything but orthodox, Bible-believing Christians. They were. And they were quite adamant in stating that the Constitution-as brilliant a document as it is-would work only in the context of a moral society. “Our Constitution was made for moral and religious people,” stated John Adams. George Washington said, “Of all the dispositions and habits that lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.“ James Madison agreed: ”We have staked the future upon our capacity to sustain ourselves according the Ten Commandments of God.“ The founders knew they were bestowing upon us only an ingenious political system of checks and balances, limited government, and a legacy of human and civil rights. It would be up to future generations to make it all work. But it would only work, they warned, if the society was girded on a bedrock of solid values and Judeo-Christian principles. - Rush Limbaugh, Source: See, I Told You So, p. 82-86 Jul 2, 1993, -

This ongoing chase can be or is exciting to see this chase and not so exciting when you are falsely accused of it. It is exciting to see the forces of this world amass in some final show down and fight to the death even if those who engage in this particular line of work are not accustomed to such. Anything can happen in this dangerous world and any sort of threat will arise when dealing with a vicious and homicidal world who declares themselves in exile and fearless to the end. We too were fooled by the false notion it was some training exercise or events which were to train us for some inedibility; however, pretending ended in 1998 with real injuries and fatal wounds. Do not let that same surrealistic feel hamper or stifle the aggressive requirements needed in this matter; it is not a training period, it is the real thing and these are real enemies.

Meyer concludes that a conscious conservatism is required, a conservatism which will “select and adjudge.” This, compelled by his altered circumstances, the young conservative is led to break with the “natural piety” which is most congenial to the conservative temperament. He is required to be, in the non-pejorative sense, an ideologue—with clearly conceived notions of how principles and institutions and men affect one another to form a culture and a society within it. If that much is granted, the alleged “radicalism” of today’s young conservatives becomes comprehensible. Confronted with an established revolution, the conservative must seek to change the status quo; he has no other means of affirming his tradition. And in seeking that alteration, he must invoke certain of the techniques which are effective in producing change. - Revolt on the Campus (1961), by M. Stanton Evans (Article Can a Conservative be a Radical),; November, 2008 -

Again, it is a tornado that sucks you in and pulls you to the bottom unless you can fight your way out of it. We showed and describe how we fought out of it even if it was such a complete surprise and such a clever deception. You are dealing with very powerful and evil political forces who will seek any end to achieve what they have invaded the nation for; this world. If nobody has noticed how stupid they are and how they manipulate and exploded on the electoral process because they feel it is their home and want to follow their destiny wherever it leads them; then the issue of self determination and inevitability of the communist plots hatched in the 1960s will be better understood. Why else would they do this? After the collapse of communism, they had to figure out how to reorganize and what they were going to do with a failed and foiled effort. We are seeing it now and to a horrific consequence.

In her latest attempt to appeal to America's idiot sector, conservative nutbag Ann Coulter said on Monday's "Hannity and Colmes" that she will join host Sean Hannity in his fight against Hillary Clinton because she "does not want to be fitted for a burqa." This after Hannity implied America will be blown up by terrorists if anybody but a Republican candidate is elected in 2008. What do you think? Has Bland Coulter run out of people to offend? Will a Hillary presidency result in the end of the world as R.E.M. knows it? Leave your feedback in the comments section and then check out Coulter's ridiculousness in the video below, courtesy of Fox News. - Coulter to Fight Clinton Campaign,; October 09, 2007 -

We knew they were looking for targets in 1999 and baiting someone to come into the tornado malaise or maelstrom so they could sack them and destroy them; that warning was posted from afar and dates back to 1999. It was a dual trap and they had all the doors sealed and covered so no escape was possible. Again, this is a changing equation and has participle efficiency when defense and offense is known; it is similar to an amassing army who you know has your capability and plans. The astounding participle effect is you do not have to work as hard to achieve what was once impossible or lacking success. The more you can have the enemy work for you, the less you have to work to achieve success. All the enemy has to do is make it convincing to certain people and win the trust of the public. How they do this and how they orchestrate this is what we ran into as far back as 1997 which took ten years to investigate further. So why would they kidnap us and propose trillions in spending and bail outs? What possible end or goal is there? They are facing the prospect of execution if they orchestrated the terror plots around the globe while this celebration was going on after 1989. All they are doing is just keeping to them while it is being unlocked and force amassing.

But if “conservatism” means, as I believe it should, a view of man, society and the moral order; if it means philosophical convictions, rather than surface characteristics, then today’s young rebels are, for the most part, true conservatives, and represent an authentic continuity with the great ideas of the conservative past. Conservatism, as I conceive it is not primarily a matter of mood and temperament—although it cannot be denied that certain matters of tone and style are, all things being equal, more consonant with conservative principles than certain others. But conservatism is first and foremost a set of principles, a way of looking at man and his universe. And the other things are not equal. There are two points of philosophy which have, through the ages, characterized the conservative. The first is the belief that ours is an ordered universe, informed by the purpose of a Divine Being. The second is that man, in seeking his place in this universe, is hampered by an imperfect mind and a vagrant will. Upon those postulates, the conservative constructs a view of society, of man’s place in it, and of the institutions suitable to man. - Revolt on the Campus (1961), by M. Stanton Evans (Article Can a Conservative be a Radical),; November, 2008 -

This was not freedom and they were not free; however, they were declaring everybody free and this world was free for some odd reason after the fall of communism. Had they accepted that victory and celebrated it as the world was; they would not be in the problem or trouble they are currently regrettably. We were and had been in celebration mode until we ran into this electoral protest and exploitation by homicidal maniacs. They were and had been in a revisionist mode waiting for something to turn up and did not want to celebrate the collapse of socialism and communism; they were panicked instead and striking out. Furthermore, they were trying to obtain more power because they had lost so much and one way to protest was to kidnap and end this celebration, mission accomplished. The work they had done in over a century was now very visible and in the open danger; but they were not. They effort they put forth was so vigilant, the delivery of some end point never arrived; instead it was turned upside down on them. They felt the fight and the strategy of the communist and socialist movement was invincible and now they had turned homicidal and criminal insane in this celebration. They were running out of time and we admit proudly how we were and had been celebrating their ultimate demise and waiting for some destruction as they burned out; but they kidnapped us and disrupted our life so badly we had our life stolen for celebrating this and resisting their effort to change our minds.

Why loans: In the final moments of December of 2008 bailout bills were being rammed down the combustion chamber of the Senate even if they had no impact on the final outcome of the financial disaster of not only the world but the nation. The stock market dipped below 8000 and loitered like a feeding animal there. In so far as financial impropriety, at least four nations indicated to have been fooled and ensnared by some "ponzi scam" which used the money from new charities to payout the rewards of those leaving the systemic failure. The problem with my analysis on the bailout loans has a spatial time reference and the process of appreciation and depreciation. Under the current risk factors, very few banks are willing to take the risk and the eventual default of the loan which will cause their bank to faultier. If a 10 Billion loan is produced by the only entity willing to act under these circumstances, the government, then when that loan defaults or has to be paid back, the endless wheelbarrows of worthless notes will have a rapid decline on the fundamental value of the original loan. Even if it is secured with equity, the depreciation rate must outpace the loan itself. – On Financial Crisis of 2008, by Author, December 31, 2008 -

The problem with this terror and communist cell is how they want protections and assurances; but when it comes to offering it, they have nothing to give or nothing others want. Their sole purpose is to orchestrate events which they can profit or benefit from, then demand the prosecution of it be lackluster or insufficient. So they want protections and assurances; the only problem is they cannot offer it or the same unless one of their comrades is in charge or opens that door. That door has a cost and a price; it is called corruption and extortion. They do not offer it until they get something from it. that is the issue in 2009; how we got to this point and near collapse of government and the market system; then the people seeking protections or protections from prosecution and why; and then the history of this plot and the orchestrated events which were intended to open doors and to cleverly win trust and support for their leaders who were more than able to pull off the final deceptions and complete this plot. To do so, they had to find out how strong the resistance was and who or what forces were amassing if any. If it was clear sailing, then there would be little of no resistance; however, if their plot was hatched and foiled, then they wanted to know who in the government was bold enough to take a stand or to resist their leadership and rule by the sword.

First of all, I'm getting a little fed up with people trying to make money off my book. Worthless little cable TV shows with teeny-tiny audiences, ridiculous legislators and tabloid newspapers are all trying to make a name for themselves off the profundity of "Godless." …Yes, the Democrats' pit bull, Rahm Emanuel, is a former ballerina. And they wonder why the concerted effort of the MSM (as we call the mainstream media) and the Democratic Party can't lay a finger on me. A ballerina. Hey, if the padded, silky shoe fits ...The establishment's current obsession with me is the MSM's last stand. They've deployed the whole lineup of yesterday's power brokers against me, and all they've accomplished is to make my book the No. 1 book in the country. In other words, their efforts to defeat me have just created more people like me. Now who's stuck in an unwinnable quagmire, losers? Take note, conservatives: No American need ever fear the liberal establishment again. It's all over but the sobbing. - I’m Getting a Little Fed Up with People Trying to Make Money Off My Book, by Ann Coulter; June 15, 2006 -

The situation feels like an open door which they use to gain advantage and victory over and if this ends up being under surveillance twenty four hours or our spouses confronting them, then it does; they feel the potential opportunity to gain and capitalize anyway they can. They had orchestrated a very elaborate way to capitalize on warfare and now that same war was being used back to capture who were the masterminds. If they viewed the Vietnam War with similar advantage for our forces, then this was their artificial means to create the same results; this time it was for their own benefit if they could pull it off or gain a successful completion of it. So what they orchestrated was the damage they had incurred by the Vietnam and what they learned; then they used it back on the same people who became animated by the entire chaos of the 1960s; this time they exploited the only outcome of the 1960s; expertise at warfare and the destruction of the global left wing movement. By targeting spouses or family members, they were able to argue and capitalize on the effort when in full swing and endanger them when it was coming to a crashing end. When you have at least four intelligence agencies chasing you, it is only a matter of time before the military forces catch up also.

(Response to ignoring others) I don't know, I think being called a she devil by a trial lawyer... I just want to take the opportunity on this show to say, "No... I will not date you." Yeah... sailed up every time he attacks me. ...This is a little weird; I mean this would be like Mitt and Ann Romney going around like stalking Bill Maher. - She Devil, by Ann Coulter, Hannity&Colmes, 2007 -

If the nation has an opportunity to go down a certain path of change, then let it be voluntary and let us not focus on forcing the change with the wrong one. We are not following them; this game to suggest the world is following them or their lead needs to end, they are following us and it is disturbing the way they do it and the science they use to justify their lack therefore. It was the invention of attacks and horrors which has brought this communist and terrorist cell to the forefront of this world and now it will not be the pardon process of theirs to implement a rescue for “their people’s” situation or desperation. Even if they do not have a lot of life, the nation does and the nation can afford to make these changes with and without them. What they did or have done is inexcusable; it is unforgettable. This process or effort to forgive their gonad deception does not need to take place or be argued whatsoever. So the pressure of their work is collapsing on them as we speak silently about it as well; but it is very hard to celebrate your own kidnapping let alone your spouse or your own family.

BEIRUT, Lebanon – Crowds of thousands swept into the streets of cities around the Middle East on Sunday to denounce Israel's air assault on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip. From Lebanon to Iran, Israel's adversaries used the weekend assault to marshal crowds into the streets for noisy demonstrations. And among regional allies there was also discontent: The prime minister of Turkey, one of the few Muslim countries to have relations with Israel, called the air assault a "crime against humanity." Several of Sunday's protests turned violent. A crowd of anti-Israel protesters in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul became a target for a suicide bomber on a bicycle. - Across Mideast, Thousands Protest Israeli Assault, by Bassem Mroue, The Associated Press writer (; December 28, 2008 -

That is the problem and the dilemma only the new administration of Obama can tackle or ignore in the first twelve months. If the Obama administration wishes to restore the trust in government and end this siege; end the financial loss and destruction of lives and life savings, then the opportunity is there for the taking. We did not observe any mission accomplished thus yet, so we cannot say what mission was accomplished except disaster. If this War on Terrorism is the same as the War on Poverty, then we know for certain what type of evil lurks behind it. The first and only part of change we can believe in is to restore the trust in both the market system and the government and let matters fix itself with some assistance and support. The process to convict and prosecute is there also for the taking if the new administration so chooses. There is no time to capitalize on crisis or to push through health care bills which could never pass before. The system which gives and takes life must be healthy and restored before you add more burdens to it. It is true, people are under duress and under duress while under duress; it is not the time to be pretending or playing with the lives of others, leave alone their own. They can’t keep on fighting it in other words so blatant. They cannot keep on fighting their fight once caught and prosecution needed to protect the nation from all enemies foreign and domestic.

ANKARA (Reuters) – Turkish warplanes bombed Kurdish guerrilla targets in northern Iraq on Saturday and Sunday, Turkish army sources said. Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) targets in the Hakurke region of northern Iraq were hit on Saturday night and several other targets near the Iraqi-Turkish border were bombed on Sunday afternoon, the sources said. The strikes in a mountainous border area claimed no civilian casualties, said Lieutenant-Colonel Ihsan Kamal, commander of the border guards' operation room in Iraq's largely autonomous Kurdistan region. "This is becoming routine, Turkish warplanes targeting the border area. We are not worried about civilian casualties because these areas are deserted," he said. But he added he had no idea of PKK casualties. Turkish army sources said the army was also carrying out operations against mobile PKK groups spotted inside Turkey near the Iraqi border. Ankara has stepped up military action against the PKK in recent months as casualties on both sides have risen. Turkey, the European Union and United States call the PKK a terrorist organization. Around 40,000 people have been killed in fighting between the PKK and the military since 1984, when the PKK took up arms with the aim of establishing an ethnic homeland in southeast Turkey. - Turkish Jets Hit PKK Targets in North Iraq, by Selcuk Gokoluk (Sherko Raouf and Giles Elgood contributed to article); December 28, 2008 -

The primary problem has been around for centuries, what is money and how is money created? What the liberals did and what they wanted from us was some economic theory to support both their political and economic machine. However, what they said and what they did made no sense. If they acted out of ruinous urgency, then they sure violated every rule and law on the books in the name of this financial meltdown. The only possible way to fix or to revolt against the current wealth destruction is to go after those behind it who manufactured economic and banking laws which ended up as worthless bank notes and investments shenanigans called Pansy-Scheme” chagrin At the heart of the financial meltdown is both the investment sector and failed banking policies. What are these failed policies? How did the banks justify the problem and the business plan? How or who gave them the cover fire to create such an obvious error? Was there a collaboration or some racketeering method which began with political orders to the banks, then the banks encouraged by investigators who showed them real profit, then those profits were the incentives to produce more of this banking and political miracle? We know the incentive was profit, but how did this profit gain justified and causing a stampede? We know it was a date to remember and someone had to take the other out because they were flirting with disaster; however, flirting with disaster and bedding it are two different matters altogether.

KAMPALA (AFP) – The Ugandan army on Sunday accused Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) rebels of hacking to death 45 people in a church in northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo. An aid official speaking to AFP on condition of anonymity confirmed Friday's massacre, saying the killings took place in a Catholic church in the Doruma area, around 40 kilometres (25 miles) from the Sudanese border. "There are body parts everywhere. Inside the church, the entrance and in the church compound," the aid official said. "We got information the rebels cut 45 people into pieces," added army spokesman Captain Chris Magezi. "They were cut with pangas (machetes) and hit with clubs but some luckily managed to escape. Our forces came to know about the killings while pursuing the LRA yesterday (Saturday) and the pursuit is on for the killers." Magezi said the victims, mostly women, children and the elderly, were mutilated in the style used by Hutu extremists during the 1994 Rwanda genocide. - Ugandan Army Says Rebels Kill 45 People in Congo Church, by AFP staff,; December 28, 2008 -

First, the housing crisis triggered the collapse of so many banking irregularities because they ended up with mortgages which were written out of left wing and political correctness. If the war on poverty was the power which ordered the banks to extend home ownership at the cost of a resisting market economy or a defiant market reality, then this lie was at the root cause. In order to give a mortgage, you have to have at least ten, twenty, and thirty years of non volatile growth. These mortgages were so awful and produced so many bonuses they ended up lasting less than ten years before they defaulted. Then mortgage sharks refinanced and also offered incentives for solid mortgages to seek out home equity loans. The problem is the bonus system which like the home industry is a quick way to sell, ditch, and seek instant gratification at the behest of the long term effects and risk of collapse. If it is or was a strategy to fortune and wealth, then it was a very dangerous and almost criminal insanity way to partake in market leadership.

First appointed Fed chairman by President Ronald Reagan in August 1987, he was reappointed at successive four-year intervals until retiring on January 31, 2006 after the second-longest tenure in the position. He was lauded for his handling of the Black Monday October 19, 1987 stock market crash, which occurred very shortly after he first became chairman, as well as for his stewardship of the Internet-driven, "dot-com" economic boom of the 1990s. This expansion eventually ended in a burst in March 2000 leading to an economic downturn, including negative GDP growth in the first quarter of 2001. After 2001, some congressional leaders and others criticized him, for certain statements they found to overstep the Fed's traditional purview of monetary policy, and for other statements they saw as overly supportive of the policies of President George W. Bush. In 2004 Business Week Magazine criticized his keeping of low interest levels too long and his concurrent praise of sub-prime lending vehicles such as ARMs as leading to a housing bubble. Some, including Nobel Prize-winning economists Joseph E. Stiglitz and Paul Krugman, attribute a large degree of culpability for the devastating Economic crisis of 2008 to Greenspan. Stiglitz stated that Greenspan “didn't really believe in regulation; when the excesses of the financial system were noted, (he and others) called for self-regulation—an oxymoron.” Greenspan, according to The New York Times, says he himself is blameless. - Alan Greenspan, Wikipedia biography (December 2008)-

The next problem is the banking industry. The banking industry has always been under the control of tipsy and tethering corruption and greed. Banks operate on what others do not know and cannot find out because they try to have consumers, any consumer, make deposits so that they can write out loans which adds and adds to this risk of collapse. The theories derived to justify how banks work are so lucrative and elusive, it is near mental insanity. So we can discuss all the bail out spending in the world from one, two, or three trillion dollars of government spending, eventually this debt will catch up to the same banks who proclaim debt is the way to create both money and wealth; jobs. Issuing loans never creates real money what it does is add to the risk of what they call “a run on the bank” where the bank is not able to honor the bank notes they issue. But where is the mother ship and where is this “doughnut” factory at? The doughnut factory is at the central banks and the federal reserves that control the interest rates and eventually the pool of currency.

Henry Merritt "Hank" Paulson Jr. (born March 28, 1946) is the United States Treasury Secretary and member of the International Monetary Fund Board of Governors. He previously served as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs. Born in Palm Beach, Florida, to Marianna Gallauer and Henry Merritt Paulson, a wholesale jeweler. He was raised in Barrington Hills, Illinois as a Christian Scientist. Paulson attained the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America. A star athlete at Barrington High School, Paulson was a champion wrestler and stand out football player, graduating in 1964. Paulson received his Bachelor of Arts in English from Dartmouth College in 1968; at Dartmouth he was a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Alpha Epsilon and he was an All Ivy, All East, and honorable mention All American as an offensive lineman. He met his wife Wendy during his senior year. …Paulson was Staff Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense at The Pentagon from 1970 to 1972. He then worked for the administration of U.S. President Richard Nixon, serving as assistant to John Ehrlichman from 1972 to 1973, during the events of the Watergate scandal for which Ehrlichman was convicted, and sentenced to prison. - Henry Merritt Paulson Jr., Wikipedia biography (December 2008) -

There is logic in creating a central bank similar to creating a European Union or even a single currency. However, the problem with the fundamental basis of a bank has not been addressed because it has existed ever since the creation of the bank was started. So how can you blame a bank when it is centralized? This is like blaming a local government for running a deficit and not being able to accumulate debt and fiscal deficit. How can a local government run a fiscal debt repeatedly and how can they balance their books? Can they turn to the federal government for money? The simple interest answer is no. Local governments cannot run a debt level spending and cannot create this money on the local levels but why then does the central bank do it?

Ben Shalom Bernanke (born December 13, 1953) is the incumbent Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve. Bernanke succeeded Alan Greenspan on February 1, 2006. He is ranked 4th most powerful person in the world in an annual ranking by Newsweek. - Ben Shalom Bernanke, Wikipedia biography (December 2008) -

Devaluation is practiced all over the globe. It is the worst form of monetary policy imaginable with the floating system of money because that currency which is undergoing devaluation ends up in the hands of other banks who do not know how to deal with another countries currency that is now worth half or less than what it used to be. However, governments have figured out a way around this problem with devaluation because it was a strategy to win elections all over central and South America. If you review the electoral policies and strategy of South America, devaluation was practiced with mind boggling failure because governments would promise social programs and utopian leftist public programs then once the election was won, they devalued the currency to pay for it. What they failed to realize or failed to conjure up in their experience was the retaliation of the other banks that had their currency or was trading their currency which got dump and went tinfoil belly up. This retaliation ends up in a spiraling inflation and unless more devaluation or monetary policy counteracts this inflation, it never stabilizes and bottoms out.

It's bad enough that the Republican Party can't prevent Democrats from voting in its primaries and saddling us with The New York Times' favorite Republican as our presidential nominee. If the Republican Party can't protect an election won by the incumbent U.S. senator in Minnesota, there is no point in donating to the Republican Party. …Then one heavily Democratic town miraculously discovered 100 missing ballots. And, in another marvel, they were all for Al Franken! It was like a completely evil version of a Christmas miracle. … You would have to go back to Reconstruction to find an election that was stolen by the Republicans this way, but it's all in a day's work for the Democrats. That's why they were so testy about the 2000 Florida election. It was the one time in the last century Republicans wouldn't let Democrats steal an election they lost by less than a thousand votes. - One Plus One Equals 20 Extra Votes for Franken, by Ann Coulter,; December 17, 2008 -

How did this strategy to win elections for the liberals and left wing end up as a positive or effective way to win elections? It became a common practice with central banks however, instead of devaluation, the Federal Reserve or the central banks merely closed and opened the currency flow and called it debt. The reconciliation process was skipped completely and whole heartedly like what we see on the private levels with Enron or others. It is a form of cooking the books but they call it wealth creation and monetary policy. This was and became an economic strategy and an incentive which justified the risk in terms of bonuses and mega million dollar pay outs. The problem with enforcing criminal insanity and this sort of greed goes bank to the beginning of the banks, it is based on things you do not see or know about. How do you enforce collapse when it will occur five or ten years from now? How do you predict the “run on the bank” will or will not happen when the bank insists that they are creating money based on issuing more and more debt? Now the wait and the argument will be when and if the volatility of the market will cause the crest, the trough, and the trigger of a collapse.

On December 15, 2008, the Honorable Louis L. Stanton, a Federal Judge in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, appointed Irving Picard as Trustee for the liquidation of Bernard L. Madoff Investments Securities LLC (“BMIS”) pursuant to the Securities Investor Protection Act (“SIPA”) as set forth in the attached order. …Once a list of names and addresses is assembled, the Trustee will mail notice of the liquidation proceeding and claim forms, with the permission of the Bankruptcy Court, to customers and creditors of BMIS. Claim filing instructions including information such as the deadline for filing, will be mailed with the forms. An update will be posted to this site once the claim materials have been mailed. In addition, once available, the claim forms and related materials will be available for downloading on this site and at - Bernard L. Madoff Investments Securities LLC, -

Keynesian economics foresaw the crest and trough of the market system as a stubborn appeal to their formulas. Therefore, the Keynesian economist, along with their comrades the communist, always came up with some economic plan or economic stimulus to shock the market to a new level of growth. They call this a recession where the market is not reacting to their best economic theory. Therefore, these stimulus packages and comrade economic plans end up as billions and trillion dollar formulas to “tool” up the market to their new formulas which is geared to prevent collapse. The problem with this mindset and this form of economic theory was evidentiary with the 1970s recession and energy crisis. Inflation was double digit, energy shortage created waiting lines, and a new vocabulary was created such as stagflation. Then, to counteract these phenomenon price controls were used to brake the inflation which then led to some other problem such as a drop in exports or other nations dumping goods to become competitive because they held the currency also.

Since then, highly irregular counting methods have added to Franken's total bit by bit, to the point that Coleman is now ahead by only 188 votes. As long as Coleman maintains any lead at all, Republicans don't seem to care that Coleman's advantage is being shrunk by laughable ballot "discoveries" and disreputable standard-switching from precinct to precinct -- depending on which method of counting ballots is most advantageous to Franken. Consider a few other chilling examples of Democrats thieving their way to victory over the years. In 1974, Republican Louis Wyman won his race for U.S. Senate in New Hampshire, beating Democrat John Durkin by 355 votes. Durkin demanded a recount -- which went back and forth by a handful of votes until the state's Ballot Law Commission concluded that Wyman had indeed won by (at least) two votes.
- One Plus One Equals 20 Extra Votes for Franken, by Ann Coulter,; December 17, 2008 -

The rule of thumb is not exactly as the story tellers said it would be because the more the government poured measures into this trough or recession, the more the risk a larger problem was in the near future and the guarantee that they must double the work and double the emergency economic plans which are designed to counteract and fix the artificial growth. The Federal Reserve cannot fix this, it can create the conditions which may or may not restore the confidence of creditors and consumers to spend by increasing the pool of money in circulation and calling it debt or temporary debt until the restrictions are brought back. How the economy is brought back is where the money is created, the banks. The banks make and honor money. The banks make and create trust. If they lie about their age to appear younger, changes will not fix the why they lied to those who wandered in their banks and put their life savings in their hands. It is also a marketing trick and an incentive to lure the nature of the bank so they can swallow up other banks with how youthful and pleasant their appearances are.

Can we say the entire liberal economic school and the policies of madmen are a bleak reality we can or cannot justify? The answer is who knows or who knows better? If we look at the policies of the 1920s complacency to the 1930 Depression to the 1940 come back; we tend to think the recovery came in the 1940s and whatever they did. So we tend to think how Social Security was a way to create wealth, the spending by the federal government was a way to fix problems, and the wealth creation was not debt or devaluation so long as you can call it something else. What that something else is; is back to the original question, what is money? Is it a bank note in the here and now or is it a bank note in the future? The joke is of course the one who scratches their head because we can neither determine the future with a crystal ball or say how the banks operate is a deadly attack and protest against governments and election victories.

Democratic lawmakers say the measures would not go far enough. The business groups say they might do more harm than good. Meanwhile, benefits consultants and other pension expert tell the Post that the plan would likely have only a modest impact on plans. Bush's proposals were made in response to the meltdown of the Enron Corp. Many Enron employees lost their life savings because of their large investments in Enron stock, which plunged from a high of $90 a share in November 2000 to less than a dollar a share when the company filed for bankruptcy protection in December 2001. The Bush plan aims to increase diversification in workers' investments, improve the information they get about their plans, restrict "lockdown" periods, and encourage companies to provide outside investment advice. Workers could not be barred from selling company stock in their 401(k) after they had been in the plan for three years. The plan would also bar company officials from selling stock they own outside such plans during a lockdown. Senate Majority Leader Thomas A. Daschle, D-South Dakota, said Bush's ideas "would do little, if anything, to restore public confidence in the private pension system." "While it is encouraging that the administration now seems to recognize a need for government action in this area, the administration's proposal actually addresses only a small part of the problem - and does that inadequately," Daschle said. Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-California, who has introduced legislation to limit the amount of any one stock an employee could hold in an account, said the Bush proposal "would not stop another Enron." "We need to stop the all-eggs-in-one-basket syndrome," Boxer said. - Criticism for Bush's 401(k) Proposals, Washington Post staff writers,; February 05, 2002 -

All we know is how volatility ends up leading to triggers on the crest and the trough. That volatility is a mirror reflection of consumers and their human nature. If they lose trust, they will act a certain way. If they trust the market and the money, they will act a certain way. So if you give them a room full of bank notes and tell them to spend it as if the world has ended, most people will. See the joke? It is how they feel and what they do not know. If the bank note is real, then they are viewed with trust and trust the market. If the bank notes are worthless and some never ending novelty, then chances are they will be lynched by the next morning or sunrise. Now we have described the life of the banking industry and bankers, they live on the edge of being lynched or suicide. That is the joke; they range from deranged psychos, to blatant pathological liars, to meek salesmen, to robots who do what they are told; who would ever know?

(CNN) -- John Walker Lindh spent his formative years in an affluent Northern California community known for its tolerance and open-mindedness. So how did he end up training in al Qaeda camps and fighting on the Taliban front lines in Afghanistan? In interviews conducted with CNN and U.S. military and intelligence sources, the once seemingly typical Marin County, California, teen revealed a journey of spiritual zeal, linguistic and cultural education and battlefield training that ended with Walker Lindh bloodied and dazed after a prison uprising last November near Mazar-e Sharif. …An emotional Walker Lindh addressed a Virginia court at his sentencing hearing October 4, more than 10 months after U.S. military forces detained him in northern Afghanistan. He apologized for fighting alongside the Taliban, saying, "had I realized then what I know now ... I would never would have joined them." The 21-year-old said Osama bin Laden is against Islam and that he "never understood jihad to mean anti-American or terrorism." "I understand why so many Americans were angry when I was first discovered in Afghanistan. I realize many still are, but I hope in time that feeling will change," he said in a 14-minute statement, according to The Associated Press. …"He was a soldier in the Taliban. He did it for religious reasons. He did it as a Muslim, and history overcame him," his attorney, James Brosnahan, said in July. "John loves America," his father said. "And we love America. God bless America." - The case of the Taliban American, Robert Young Pelton interviews Taliban American John Walker Lindh in Afghanistan, -

Since the beginning of time and apparently more visible during the era of Caesar, money had people scratching their heads. The banking system was an accidental beauty of trade and exchanges in relationships of those who have and those who also have. However, when the bank extended this relationship into a three way puzzle between those who have and those who also have; the last man out, the ones who do not have anything to offer had to get a cut and a piece of the action. So now debt was restructured into what we know as fiscal policy and debt. People who had or have now wished to extend their relationship to those who have not. However, to make the agreement scrumptious, they said not so fast unless you agree to make this worth our effort. Thus, debt now was an instrument to and of the poor and the rich but how you call it was based on how the bank operated. You cannot tell if the bank is of the have or have not. You cannot tell if the bank is in a three way relationship with say… a communist and terrorist cell! If it is, then it is advisable to withdraw all funds and do what they call a “run on the bank” to call them to action.

Afghanistan was a long way from the Washington, D.C., suburb of Takoma Park, Maryland, where John Walker Lindh spent his earliest years. His father was a Catholic who worked as a government lawyer, and his mother was a health care aide who became a follower of Buddhism. He was the middle of three children. …When his son was 10, Frank Lindh accepted a job as a lawyer for Pacific Gas & Electric, and the family moved to Marin County, just north of San Francisco. …He was also very interested in spiritual matters. Walker Lindh told FBI interrogators that he became interested in Islam at age 12 after watching the movie, "Malcolm X," which discussed Mecca, Saudi Arabia and the religious pilgrimage Hajj. In early 1997, as he turned 16, he became a Muslim and regularly attended a mosque in Mill Valley, California. He used the names Suleyman al-Lindh and Suleyman al-Faris. - Tracing the Life of John Walker Lindh, -

This call to action is also called a correction or collapse. When the bank is a criminal enterprise, you get a call to action because the depositors or those who have now know they have not. It is a complex x-ray trick how a have not; someone who does not have a real bank note, calls those who have to action or correction however, the seed money which the bank issues out to the have not has something very important we must examine. How legitimate and how trustworthy is the see money issued out to the heathens if you are Christians and infidels if you are Muslim when it is not see through? What is the labor required to see through what is going on and how politics has a major impact on this three way relationship between those who have, those who also have, and lastly and not forgettable, those who have not? We like to call this the liberals and the left wing but others call them a communist and terrorist cell that may have kidnapped us so we can answer this and solve this head scratching problem for them, bank on it.

Despite Walker Lindh's independent spirit, he was eager to absorb… Walker Lindh's quest for knowledge about Islam carried him to Yemen for nine months in July 1998, according to interrogation reports. After going home to California, he returned to continue his studies in Yemen on February 1, 2000, and then left for Pakistan that October. In Pakistan, Walker Lindh enrolled in an Islamic fundamentalist school, known as a madrasah, where he became interested in the Muslim fight in Kashmir. Encouraged not to tell others he was American, he joined the Harakat-ul Mujahedeen-Al Almi (HUM), an organization blamed by Pakistan for terrorist attacks and failed assassination attempts on President Pervez Musharaff. Soon Walker Lindh became disillusioned with the HUM's cause and, after undergoing 24 days of military training, he instead chose to join the Taliban, according to interrogation reports. He told the FBI that he spent seven weeks at an al Qaeda camp -- al Farooq -- about a two-hour bus ride from Kandahar, beginning June 1, 2001. Three weeks were devoted to weapons familiarization, one week to studying maps/topography, one to battlefield training and one to explosives. Walker Lindh said he did not undergo any WMD training, although he said he believed al Qaeda offered such training in Kandahar. Walker Lindh told interrogators that bin Laden visited the camp several times, usually with one of his sons. Walker Lindh and four others met bin Laden on one occasion, and the al Qaeda leader "made small talk and thanked them all for taking part in the Jihad," according to the FBI report. - Tracing the Life of John Walker Lindh, -

It is true, debt creates money. However, it is also true that the same debut must be able to say some commodity or some GNP can cosign that debt. So how much politics and how much debt can so called cosign for this imaginary GNP or is it the other way around; how much GNP can extend this relationship to the so called debt, those who do not have? Now we are back to the housing crisis and the problem with debt. Debt does not create money even if we just said it. You cannot say it and then not say it and then mean it only by saying it but was mistakenly said it a second time as if the first time was not really what you just said or the second time was what you truly meant. So unless there is real money there in the coffers of this miracle, the currency or commodity being used can never be put to good use. It is not a process or inflation where the taxonomy is ostensibly a problem with prices, instead it is a problem with currency that never was created and never had any value to begin with; that is the reason why the mortgage problem and the collapse of the housing industry is so difficult. It is a contract that cannot be honored no matter what the economic conditions present.

"I was a student in Pakistan, studying Islam," Walker-Lindh told CNN in a non-American accent, which he attributed to the fact he been speaking Arabic exclusively for months. "I came into contact with many people who were connected with the Taliban. "I was in [Pakistan's] Northwest Frontier Province. The people there in general have a great love for the Taliban. So I started to read some of the literature of the scholars and my heart became attached to it. I wanted to help them one way or another." In secret documents summarizing his interrogations by U.S. troops and FBI officials, Walker Lindh said that he studied Arabic and Islam in Yemen starting in July 1998 and, after a brief return home to California, he returned to Yemen. He went to Pakistan in October 2000 and joined a radical Islamic group, getting military training to fight against Indian forces in Kashmir. After becoming disillusioned with the cause, according to interrogation reports, Walker Lindh asked to join the Taliban. Because he was not native to Afghanistan and did not speak the local languages, Walker Lindh said he joined the "Arab group" -- or al Qaeda, headed by bin Laden. Aware of al Qaeda's anti-U.S. position, he agreed to attend their camp, the documents said. Walker Lindh told interrogators that he declined to take part in operations against Israel and the United States, but continued with his training and even met bin Laden. "At some point during the training, Lindh said he had been offered to swear allegiance to ... al Qaeda," an FBI document said. "Lindh stated that he declined, however he swore allegiance to Jihad" -- or holy war against enemies of Islam, as defined by al Qaeda. - Tracing the Life of John Walker Lindh, -

So the politics of this problem with debt is the problem along with the people who are behind it. If the market is based on confidence and a laboring perseverance, then the trust of that same market is how the economy operates. The salesman only deals with salesman. The plumber only deals with the plumbers. The heathens only deal with the heathens. The police only deal with the criminals. That is how money and wealth is created and how politics is now derived. So how much trusts exist in this political scheme? With head scratching might, it is the same trust we crush Civil Wars with and rebellious factions of those who both have and do not have. When this trust is gone, those who have stop dealing with those who also have. The ones who have not were never really an issue so we can forget this three way relationship. What are they going to do protest, kidnap someone, mug them, or even cause a revolution? Now we are scared because there is no trust, the ones who have not are now scratching their heads wondering why those who have and those who also have do not want to extend debut to their once unshakeable three way banking system? This phony money was being used to take us out and make us drool over the fantasy they had something real and something meaningful and the date built up to 2008 and carried over to 2009 and more.

Edward S. Walker was born in Abington, Pennsylvania, he is a former U.S. Ambassador to Israel, Egypt, and the UAE and is a Middle East specialist. …Ambassador Edward S. Walker, Jr. is an Adjunct Scholar at the Middle East Institute’s public policy center. Ambassador Walker served as MEI’s President and CEO for over five years, from 2001 until August 2006. … In the course of his career, Walker worked with every Israeli Prime Minister since Golda Meir, with Presidents Anwar Sadat and Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, with Presidents Hafez al-Assad and Bashar al-Assad of Syria, with King Fahd and Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, and with Kings Hussein and Abdullah of Jordon, among others. - Edward S. Walker, Jr., Wikipedia biography (December, 2008) -

How many people came out and said they owed 10, 20, 30 or even 70 thousand dollars more than their homes were now worth because investors were flipping houses and banks were issues out mortgages like a sausage factory? It stopped the house flipping and it also evicted a lot of people who should not have bought a home with so much uncertainty and lack of long term prowess. The banks are the people who own the mortgage and have the most to loose because soon; this low quality of mental thought is going to really affect their hearts and minds; their own pocketbook. The money created was not real; therefore, the money cannot be reclaimed because it never existed. How investors and mortgage lenders ended up with millions in bonuses or vacation homes is not clear. It was not real wealth and real creation of wealth, it was creating debt and then selling it to someone who did not suspect or was not aware enough to stop it or to question the level of evil taking place or how they are being intentionally lied to. That is the low quality and this is the same people we had run into back in 1998 when they are very alarmed and felt a conspiracy was closing in on them and they were on the run or in hiding until they could strike out and paralyze it.

During his time as Ambassador to Israel, Walker worked closely with Prime Minister Netanyahu in preparation for and during the Wey negotiations. He started the negotiations with Libya which lead to Libya's decision to abandon its weapons of mass destruction programs and pay almost 3 billion US dollars in compensation to the families of Pan Am Flight 103 as well as UTA Flight 772. In Egypt he worked with Vice President Al Gore and President Hosni Mubarak on a major initiative to reform the Egyptian economy. Walker also worked with US and Egyptian intelligence officials to counter the terrorist threat facing that country. Walker previously worked with Colin Powell in the new Bush Administration as assistant secretary of state for Near-Eastern affairs, a position he had previously held under Madeleine Albright during the second Clinton administration. During that time he helped initiate and negotiate U.S. policy toward Iraq and engaged in recalibrating U.S. policies toward Iran and the Middle East peace process. Currently Edward S. Walker, Jr. holds the Christian A. Johnson Distinguished Professorship in Global Political Theory at Hamilton College. He formerly served as the Linowitz Professor of Middle East Studies in 2003 and 2005. During the Fall 2008 he is teaching "Global Challenges" and "Terrorism, Islam and Counter-terrorism". In the spring 2009 he will teach "Democracy, Religion and International Cooperation" and "International Decision-Making." - Edward S. Walker, Jr., Wikipedia biography (December, 2008) -

So the have not created a plan and said to the haves and also haves; if you let me have debt, I can show you how to produce what is called the “fractional proportion on deposits!” and the haves and also have said “eureka.” Tell us what a “fractional proportion on deposits” is? Does it work and can we bank on it? the have not began to scratch his head and said, “let me call my boss” and they call the governor who then called the President, who then called God and God said nothing so the President hung up on the governor and then the governor hung up on the have not and the have not said “of course it works why would I lie about this?” So they traded and the beggar left with his new bank notes which he was trading back and forth with those who have and those who also have. The have not became local heroes who now not only invited his family from a tiny island somewhere but nowhere, the have not invited an army of have nuts! They too were heroes now and they began to use those same bank notes to become local heroes with the people and ran every office imaginable over the administration of trade and commerce.

Now the have not were able to extend this miracle to the banks and guaranteed the have not relation would be enforced by the might of the office of the have and also have also. If there was or is any disapproval or disagreement in this business plan; one of the local heroes only has to “had to talk” with the haves and also haves; and job termination was avoided and how the trust became the market system. This section and the following sections are very hard to explain, so it must be read as if someone has or haves. This is who and how the market was created by three people, the haves the have also and of course our friends, the have not. But wait, if this is such a successful way to do business, why can’t the haves and the also haves take the have not to the national level and even the highest offices in the land? It is not only a miracle but now a business plan! The more you extend debt to the have not, the more you create wealth and the government would back this and guarantee it with not only their bank notes and a central bank, but the might of their offices.

Moscow Treaty on Strategic Offensive Reductions: Today, President George W. Bush and President Vladimir Putin signed the Moscow Treaty on Strategic Offensive Reductions. Under this Treaty, the United States and Russia will reduce their strategic nuclear warheads to a level of 1700-2200 by December 31, 2012, a level nearly two-thirds below current levels. This new, legally-binding Treaty codifies the deep reductions announced by President Bush during the November 2001 Washington/Crawford Summit and by President Putin at that Summit and a month later. It is part of the new strategic framework that the United States and Russia have established. This framework includes a broad array of cooperative efforts in political, economic, and security areas, and marks a new era in our bilateral relationship. - -

Things began to get clearer now because the way to help and fix the have not relationship was to just open a bank and have other have not heroes make a meager deposit and then money can be created. If five dollars given to the bank, they will lend out two dollars so long as they get back another five dollars and the miracle is produced. So long as this seed money was available, money was created. Now the local heroes had a problem because the haves and also haves moved on to bigger and better places. The bank still was working but the bank notes were no longer as strong with this withdraw of those who have. The local government began to experience trouble because their bank notes no longer was this strong as they had said to other governments who were that real and stronger. So this local government would not accept that government’s currency and they called the government and the government said “no gold” we have it all and we have a central bank. So now there was an intermediary to equalize and keep harmony. This bank was just as good as that bank on the local level because the central banks said so because the Bill of Rights said each others talents are his own.

Over time, something bad happened. The see money was creating banks everywhere while the central banks said this bank is backed by that bank and the central bank said so. It was now a cartel and a bulging cute club of pretty people who knew better. The miracle was widespread and money was being created by seed money and bank notes between those who have, also have, and the have not. So long as money was created by debt and bank notes, money was created and harmony was preserved. Everybody was happy and they got stronger and stronger. Everybody now was the miracle and happy because nobody had to beg for anything any longer. If the seed money was needed, the central banks simply printed it with simple interest and extended their charitable miracle. To justify this miracle they called it wealth creation and an economic plan because they were heroes and very have now. Every single industrial sector and market area connected to this miracle which was nothing more than a printing press and a boss.

When the boss says print money, they called it debt and a miracle. Now the business was widespread and growing but the cosigner was the commodity or the amount of business, the central banks call it GNP. Each GNP area was divided globally but was not allowed to print its own money; only the central bank was allowed. If one central bank printed money, all of them did and harmony was kept. So why then would this GNP not trade with that GNP or accept their miracle? We have the have, the also have and the have not. The answer is easy, trust. If the have trade with the have and trade with the have not, then trust and harmony is good. When the political government loses this trust, it collapses. Why? The see money is the problem not now but in five, ten, twenty, and even thirty years.

The five-Party Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) of 1991 continues in force unchanged. (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, and the United States are Parties to START.) START's comprehensive verification regime will provide the foundation for transparency and predictability regarding implementation of the new bilateral Treaty. As noted in the Joint Declaration on the New Strategic Relationship also issued today in Moscow, the United States and Russia also will continue discussions to explore additional ways to enhance transparency and predictability. - -

This miracle now can only be sold to this other miracle then that real miracle can only be sold to this real miracle. Why would anybody buy what they need if they have it already when they can get it for much less from that other miracle? Unless everybody has what they need, then no miracle ever can take place. However, when someone needs a miracle, they call the other miracle and trade for their miracle. It works well and even better when one miracle trades with another miracle. The end result is purchasing power and how this power is determined is based on the economic principle of comparative advantage; it is more profitable to consume a commodity when you have a surplus of it then to buy it from someone else who invests labor, transportation, and other costs to manufacture the goods or services. Over time, the purchasing power increases as your comparative advantages also grows because now you have a bigger market and more demand.

So let’s divide up each miracle again and look at why this miracle is different than that other miracle. We have three factors which begins this beautiful disaster; seed money, frictional proportion on that seed money or how much wealth (in terms of loans) can be twisted by the seed money, and a business plan or how to make that seed money a miracle over a set period of time. If you kidnap or scare the depositors, they run to another financial miracle or withdraw their money. If you orchestrate a terror plot to suggest you are some counter terrorist force, they may not withdraw their miracle until otherwise. We have three parties who partake on this same beautiful disaster; the have, the also have, and the have not. Why is one miracle different than this other miracle and vice versa? Is it a political phenomenon or is it merely head scratching politics which can lead to World War as history has indicated it does.

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT I): The agreement essentially freezes at existing levels the number of strategic ballistic missile launchers, operational or under construction, on each side, and permits an increase in SLBM launchers up to an agreed level for each party only with the dismantling or destruction of a corresponding number of older ICBM or SLBM launchers. In view of the many asymmetries in the two countries forces, imposing equivalent limitations required rather complex and precise provisions. SALT I, the first series of Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, extended from November 1969 to May 1972. In a summit meeting in Moscow, after two and a half years of negotiation, the first round of SALT was brought to a conclusion on May 26, 1972, when President Nixon and General Secretary Brezhnev signed the ABM Treaty and the Interim Agreement on strategic offensive arms. - -

Why would someone make money and how do they make money? Now the issue of liquidity and credit become significant factors in the differing miracles and banks. However, when the politicians assure and back up this commerce with might, it is guaranteed a good transaction and trust will be reinforced. It is easy to trade commodity for commodity but it is not workable because not all people have that particular commodity which someone else wants and needs. Someone else is willing to buy a particular commodity if it is less expensive and more of value to them. That is wealth creation. This item is bought, then it is converted to this other item, then it is sold to others at a higher value and what they need more than and at less cost than if they had it themselves. So no problems, right? Wrong, we have a major problem. That problem is called politics and the government. That politics is called debt or a run on the bank where depositors feel it is necessary to pull out or withdraw their money for discovering the total lack of trust or who they are doing business with. It happens all the time and throughout the history of banking usually leading to lynch mobs who go after the bankers’ misdeeds and greed. Therefore, government likes to strike out when and if they do not get what they want and to keep abreast of the market “armoney” showing some leadership potential, harmony, good sound business acumen, and a proper mentality which can recognize danger instead of insane risk taking or homicidal terror plots. They use that same money to show their might and stewardship. That is power and that is influence in this evil and battle for commodity. If you do not have a commodity you can no less produce “armoney.”

MOSCOW, November 10 (RIA Novosti) - Mayors of 15 Czech cities are to ask U.S. president-elect Barack Obama to abandon the Bush administration's plans to place a missile defense radar in the Czech Republic, a member of the European parliament said on Monday. The agreement to station U.S. radar near a military area about 90 kilometers (55 miles) southwest of Prague was signed on July 8 by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg. "Heads of local administrations [near the proposed radar site] are planning to ask Obama to pay attention not only to the position of the central government of this country, but also to the opinion expressed by local residents," said Giulietto Chiesa, who is visiting the Czech Republic on behalf of another 18 European MP who oppose U.S. missile shield plans for Central Europe. According to recent public opinion polls, two-thirds of Czechs are against the planned stationing of a U.S. missile defense radar base on Czech soil. - Czech mayors oppose U.S. missile shield plans; October 11, 2008; -

At the heart of this problem are the central banks and the Federal Reserve. While they
Tried to cure inflation by decreasing the interest rates, they no less froze the credit markets by encouraging the destruction of artificial money at the expense of the real one. Governments are not in the business of making companies competitive or in the business of running them. Governments merely create the climate which is ideal for the market system to flourish; however, it is very difficult to do this when you have a communist or terrorist group on your border usurping opportunity or terrorizing your work force and talents. Crime is a big issue and so is the cost of crime. Human deficiency such as unhealthy and lazy workers is a major issue and so are their intelligence levels or lack thereof. If they are just stupid and violent, chances are they will not be sought after to carry this miracle out. If they have a false religion or believe in no principles whatsoever, only freedom, chances are they will be executed by the market system or receive a pink slip beheading. There are costs and efficiency ratios with each miracle or economy; to say there is not is a lie and to increase that cost of efficiency is disastrous; only a communist or terror cell would do such a thing and attack those who do not wish to join their parade of material delights.

Is there enough to suggest the Securities and Exchange failed to regulate the banking industry or understood them enough to do the good quality of work needed to resist the wanton “business plan” or “political crime spree” which may work on paper but never works in reality? Moreover, most investments funds who manage the money of investors seek out solid stocks and mortgages are always a prime source of long term and safe investments. Why would they turn away what had always been considered a safe investment if the problems were identified well before 2002. This is a handful of people who lock the doors behind them and engage in wild eyed risk taking while promoting anyone who pats them on the back; so yes, there is criminality here and if it led to the loss of entire life savings; then severe punishments yet to be dished out at this time due to the near crisis and doomsday business plan.

The point with loans during a crisis is very easy to understand. If the housing crisis caused a 75 billion dollar loss or “hole” then over the coarse of one, three, or ten years; the recovery process is brought back to the original median of 75 billion and with no interest. So if it went down 10 points, then a loan of 10 points is needed until it goes back up 10 points; no problems. However, we are not dealing with real wealth and real wealth creation; therefore, when it is gone, it is really gone; that is unless you change the politics or the circumvention process. To do so, you have to restore the trust or resort to outside personnel who follow every lead to its end without any political inkling of whose feelings they will hurt or whose cousin will not be granted a federal appointment. That is called cronyism and so long as cronyism exists, work is not performed or not done right.

Therefore, the tax dollars would be to serve as a buffer to ensure the housing crisis did not have a negative impact on industries and companies; but would not also serve as a welfare payment which ended up as bonus money or salary. There is a hospital period to recover and become stronger; but no wealth is lost unless it never existed. Now, with the bail outs in chaos and cahoots, the idea the money is going to be traceable is nearly gone and ostensibly lost because the circumvention of the accounting process had been made from the top of the decisions. Even if the money was not recoverable, it would irregardless end up in the pockets of someone if not anyone. If you wish to see it a different way, then look at the bailout money for the automakers. The foreign automakers that set up factories in America are not asking for a hand out or bail out, they are asking for the right or the change to compete. They did not go to the government and kept their competitive goals on the idea they were vying for a chance to compete and not influence over the competition process. It is a poorly worked out and poorly executed business plan which was the way the Bush Administration went out with a bang; except this was no bang for the buck.

The United States is opening formal negotiations with Poland and the Czech Republic about basing elements of a U.S. anti-ballistic missile system in those countries. State Department officials say the system is intended to defend against missiles fired by so-called rogue states and not aimed against Russia and its large nuclear arsenal. VOA's David Gollust reports from the State Department. The United States had been discussing the issue with Poland and the Czech Republic for some time, but it is now ready to begin formal negotiations with the two NATO partners about hosting elements of a U.S. anti-missile system. Officials here say the decision to open talks was conveyed to the two governments last Friday. They say if the program goes forward, a number of interceptor missiles would be based in Poland while a sophisticated missile-defense radar would be situated in the neighboring Czech Republic. The Bush administration says the system would be aimed at protecting both Europe and the continental United States from single missile firings or small salvos of ballistic missiles launched by so-called rogue nations, by implication countries like Iran and North Korea which have both missile and weapons of mass destruction programs. Russia has been a persistent critic of the proposed European installations. On Monday, Lieutenant-General Vladimir Popovkin, chief of the Space Forces branch of the Russian military, told reporters in Moscow the placement of the U.S. facilities in the two former Warsaw Pact states would create a clear threat to Russia. - US Opening Anti-Missile Talks With Poland, Czech Republic, by David Gollust, (State Department); January 24, 2007 -

Whether you agree with the bail out plans whisked through Congress and signed by the President or not, they became very controversial during a period of emergency and crisis. Whether or not they were intended to be a small step in a series of steps to nationalize or suggest this for the private market is not certain. We do not know a lot of things which occurred in the past eight and more years because everything collapsed in 2008 with the capture and the identification of a communist and terrorist element along with a plot to overtake the government based on all things contrary, economics. However, the one aspect of the bail out which was suspicious along with the various speeches about them was the “freedom” and the lack of criterion for declaring freedom. It felt like the jail doors and the laws of the land were all the sudden suspended during a political crime spree and the goal was simply freedom. Therefore, no real stipulations on spending were imposed or some restrictions outlined to avoid the suggestion they had been nationalized; thus, no user manual or customer manual came with the 750 billion dollar bail outs.

If the housing crisis peaked in 2006 and has loss 35 per cent since, then the recession with grab the 30 year cycle which did not overlap the current cycle. Furthermore, at 2% growth a year, that is 25 years to recover which is consistent with my thirty year cyclical housing cycle. However, the stock market and the housing market are two separate things and not closely interweaved. The equity structure is much more long term and the volatility is never on the same trajectory. I agree on the trillion 12/15/2008 11:21:53 PM dollars and how much you throw on it to eventually fix it before it fixes itself. I also agree on the analysis of how far away from the fundamentals we were and you must find that solid cyclical and thirty years cycle I mentioned. The reason has to do with generational, educational, and cultural factors which follow political cycles. – On the Housnding Crisis, by Author, December 31, 2008 -

Where did the money for this bail out and economic plan originate from, a bank? If it came from a bank, how did one dollar become one thousand dollars in thirty days? Government does not create wealth, they merely print money and tax; printing money is a tax on the currency and dollar. That same tax is also called inflation; so if you print another dollar for the same problem, then you redistributed the wealth by fifty per cent. When you print money it is like a loan; loans have to be repaid with interest and show some progress or real result. So if you print money and the crime rate shoots up to double digit, it was not repaid and the benefits not reaped. If you print money and the education level is below the poverty rate, then you never reaped the benefits of what loans are meant for or how business is done. In life, you get rewarded for good work and a level of competitive standard, not a slow penchant to gravitate to the bottom. So, if you print money, which is already very cautionary and to be avoided, then you must show some real investment and real outcome to justify it was a good investment. This bail out sends a message to the world that if 343.44 trillion dollars is not printed, then the GNP of 200 trillion will be lost and gone; if this does not happen, then we all loose and the country doomed; or people die, there is not too many choices. In so far as pretending, in times of crisis and emergency, if you do not have the answers or qualifications, does not fake it during crisis for political expediency or expenditures. When the government is willing to pink slip behead these misfits is fine with the market system; the market system is not going to complain when it grows stronger.

With a currency this weak, it is surprising if or whether any foreign and free trade will emerge out of it. The only people who will honor currency so devalued are domestic banks and domestic central banks. However, there are countries out there with stronger currency and more purchasing power. Therefore, when you run economic policy based on these trillion level debts and say it was not devaluation, then you are going to create so much loss in purchasing power that no outsider will wish to do business with unless they are willing to accept the worthless bank note. This is the whole point of trade, to issue this bank note out and for it to honor a purchasing power. That power must be real or else there is going to be severe and devastating impacts. However, there are governments out there who have figured out a way around regulators and fiscal monetary policy to suggest their money is stronger than anybody else is because they can buy much more with it.

This was the whole point of communism; to take away this entire idea of prices, purchasing power, savings, and long term financial gain or sustainable economics. By moving the chessboard in this way and without any announcements of the true tactics or hidden tactics, some leadership and clandestine groups (notably illegal and enemy ones) are causing others to accept a domestic and foreign policy written by this terrorist and communist cell we have been warning about. Therefore, if we do not wish to partner with them for fear of attack, surrender, or ultimate destruction; their planners would figure a way to unload it on us and make up this lack of choice they have, then decrying how choice was denied to them by blaming those who failed to act on their lead. That is the way to create a first strike and to invent the science they need to win. In this game and the global game, the way to win is a balance of terror, a balance of power, and what is typically described as a stalemate, an impasse to some secret treaty which prevents victory in the here and now while the democratic process allows the penchant to gravitate take full effect. This was a strategy to implement and impose communism on democratic nations all over the globe and it was not only a fierce strategy, it won all elections.

Health care: The foreign bankers and investments firm said it best with their final recognition they had been duped in a panzer scheme and lost trillions. It is like a bomb which goes off in your hand while you are dismantling it; you can either run and set it off or dismantle it given the impossibility. Even if we are to consider the cost of living allowances (COLA) and why the differentiating factors between foreign companies here in the United States have an advantage over others, the mitigating circumstances of nationalizing health care is not a basis to conclude it is the reason why competition is stifled. The reason why competition is stiffed is because people do not wish to wear a hat when they go outside, they do not wish to diet and take good care of themselves, and most of all they do not wish to cut down on the suicidal bombings of embassies. Those factors alone will win the argument on why the cost of living allowances are so out of thwack and in serious disrepair; if you take good care of it you get maximum miles and some clear sustainable gain. Even if the pay structure of the pensions are not address in a falling economy, by the time those changes in the valuation of the dollar is finalized; the exchange rate will make them the wealthiest class in the world as retirees because of this cost of living allowance. Thus, the pension must adjust accounting with the changes in the market and bankruptcy. What we are seeing is a "WACO" style dialogue both before and after hostilities erupts; almost like a food riot. – On Health Care, by Author, December 31, 2008 -

Once again in 2009, the debate about universal health care and a single payer has come up without the proper and honest debate about the fundamental problems. The fundamental problems are very easy to understand; first, if health care is nationalized then doctors will resort to black market and private business which can no less be denied to them. However, the cost and the payment go back to the private sector and why it is required. Second, if a hybrid system is implemented and a stipend and savings allowance is granted, then the redistribution of wealth and a cap is back to the private sectors and how people can get this stipend back if they do not use it; should it come from their pensions and accumulated assets when they pass away or should it be a yearly matter? These are only opinions which indicate a lack of debate but they also suggest an inopportune time to engage in this high level dice rolling we have witness from government agents who do not understand the term caution and fiscal cautionary steps. All they care about is nothing.

To privatize and offer universal health care adds issue to the payment system and who will become the payee, not the payer. To nationalize health care will drive doctors and other services into secrecy and circumventing the laws even if they are the smartest in society and most valuable. A new banking system will be created to address their massive talents and services to humanity; people will seek them out for all the good work and the seed money they can produce which will fuel more intelligent debate and business. We do not wish to see this and do not wish to deny payments of services or steal the existence and talents of anyone. We merely say an honest debate is needed and the current economic climate is not the time to utilize hair brained politics. A lot of head scratching is going on and a lot of angry sentiments are brewing because people are disgusted with a very poor sector and the very poor quality of their life.

… Ladies and gentlemen, calls himself a "constitutional professor" or a "constitutional scholar." In truth …was an anti-constitutionalist professor. He studied the Constitution and he flatly rejected it. He doesn't like the Constitution. He thinks it is flawed. Now I understand why he was so reluctant to wear the American flag lapel pin. Why would he? He says, "And to the extent as radical I think as people tried to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn't that radical. It didn't break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution, at least as it's been interpreted. The Warren Court interpreted it in the same way that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. It says what the states can't do to you. It says what the federal government can't do to you, but it doesn't say what the federal government or the state government must do on your behalf." Good Lord, ladies and gentlemen! I don't see how he can take the oath of office, which is this: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and I will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." Rejected the Constitution. Now, what about early voting? Do they all think that … has stepped on the Constitution the way his friend and self-described communist and anarchist… stepped on the flag? By the way, as I said, forget the $250,000 that you're protected against tax increases, and forget … new figure of $200,000. - 2001 Audio: Obama Shows His Disdain for the US Constitution, by Rush Limbaugh; October 27, 2008 -

The Troubled Assets Relief Program or TARP does not give us a conclusive outline of what is or is not going on, they merely suggest something very bad and very secret. It is uncertain what the goals were and whether or not it was a business tactic to prevent a hostile take over, a subsequent merger at times of crisis, or self execution due to failed government policies and policing. If the 800 billion dollar bailout was seed money to create 19.099 trillion in new wealth or money; then here we go again. How this wealth creation and real wealth is created is the goal of this communist and terrorist cell. Was this an effort to restore a sinking confidence in government or some other sector of the economy? During a crisis, the last things you want to do are lie or pretend. The last thing you want to do is ignore the problems in first place. The last thing you want to do is play Russian roulette with your own career; it can and has shown to be life threatening. If we are dealing with a communist and terrorist cell, then we know or already expect matters to become life threatening.

If it is their goal to win back and take back the confidence and trust for their history. It is their goal to how unreliable this wealth creation process is or exploits it to meet the needs of the global left wing and liberal attacks in this world. If they do not, the result will be disastrous for them and their existence in a world undergoing massive transitions. Similarly, we are prepared to help the Obama administration fix this problem and fix the economic woes. Speculations from financial accountants feel it was to stop the widening gap between the failed mortgages and the increasing losses of two final price plateaus. However, our methodical calculations indicate it will cost 343.44 trillion dollars to fix this economic problem. If they choose a policy with a brake system, then naturally monetary and banking policy will be less emphasized.

…The bad thing in Russia is that the dissenting youth are in no way in charge. Indeed the former KGB characters who form the core of the ruling group tolerate little real opposition. The truth is former President and now Prime Minister …is running the show with just the smallest deference to the Russian Constitution. A week ago, … submitted to Parliament a new “treason bill.” According to Associated Press reports, the proposed legislation “extends the definition of treason from breaching Russia’s external security to damage to the nation’s constitutional order, sovereignty and territorial integrity.” The proposal has set off alarm bells from almost all dissenting groups within the Russian motherland. They see the bill as being a new tool of the government along the road to make any and all dissent illegal and subject to the harshest penalties. By no small coincidence the timing of the Prime Minister was interesting. He waited until the day before a new opposition party, Solidarity, was opening its headquarters in Moscow. “It returns Russian justice to the times of 1920-1950s, when independent evaluation of the situation in the country…to say nothing of the criticism of the regime and unsanctioned communications with foreigners, was interpreted as treason to the motherland,” reads a part of a statement released Wednesday by a group of human rights activists, including the head of the Moscow Helsinki Group, …among others. - Putin's 'Treason Bill' Strikes Fear, Outrage in Russia, by Caspar Weinberger Jr.,; December 22, 2008 -

Local governments cannot run a debt level spending and cannot create this money on the local levels but why then does the central bank do it? This is where the previous administration and the Bush Administration must answer to the new incoming administration of President elect Obama. Before the bailouts, the fiscal budget of local governments who were on sound footing was at most 1 to 2 billion with a shortfall of only 5 billion at most. After the bail outs came out, the fiscal deficits of very left wing localities; and this hoax financial miracle described, grew to over 30 and even 60 billion, that was after only six months time with a projected forecast this shortfall was growing increasingly with the bail out to fix it. so this phony wealth creation and this artificial economy had a devastating impact on how the left wing and even some Republican strongholds operate, it was wealth that never existed so it cannot be determined where the money actually went when it was never real to begin with. Unlike inflation, the tax on the currency is spread in prices, cost of living, and a decrease in services.

Inflation therefore gives the feeling you are paying more and getting less because the currency does not work as hard for you now. Your purchasing power was squandered by debt and the government running up trillions in debt or bailing out those who have typically been on the butt end of jokes and the FBI assassination lists. Why is violence so prone to these subjects and not others? Because the FBI and military are also lazy people who always seek that political expedience which the liberals and left wing exploit out of the political system and their limp wrist management style. It is two foes, when one goes up, the other goes down; and we like to think vice versa. There is no way to call in and authenticate the currency in circulation; at most a proper accounting and IOU can be written in case of disaster. This guarantees restoration and a return if the currency is so deflated and spirals out of control. Real assets will return and real wealth will recover; it is this artificial market and playing along which has people concerned because now they have linked it and have spread the disease to the housing market where there is no recovery possible until corrections evict the same effort.

The people who had printed their own money or entangled everybody else in their business plan; made a quiet bonus and huge payments because they were paid already and the government ended up with the worthless bank notes and worthless result of the scam. They were able to do this because they got cover from those who were in charge and the ones we blame for our own kidnapping. We were snatched because they knew it was crashing as far back as 1998 and they created some model, like a mouse wheel for us, so they could invent their own phony science using others who were more talented and in their eyes, did not have a right to exist. Their ultimate goal is not to save the world, their ultimate goal is the control of it and this means both the right and left wings of political parties. Do we see those behind this or the political crime spree up in arms and assisting to detangle or dismantled what they created or do we see them sipping champagne and keeping quiet to themselves? Does anybody trust these people who like to kidnap others, orchestrate terror plots, strike out at family members of their political oppositions, or bad mouth spouses to prevent them from being happy; does anybody trust them to honestly have a change of heart all the sudden and facing the terror of military retaliation? It did not stop them before, why would it stop them now?

When people are hurt, they attribute it to the actions of other people. The problem with inflation is how it affects each group of people differently. Some benefit and some do not. It is made worse by the faulty policies government adopts, wage and price controls. One group is set against another group. The inability to keep up with prices and the cost of living is an indicator of how the inflation is growing faster than the economy. Is it inflation itself or the wages of workers? There is no solution so far, only remedies that makes inflation worse; usually wage and price controls. Lowering interest rates and expanding the supply of money to the banks encourage people to spend more. This only works if they can repay what was borrowed but puts more financial controls and obligations to an already fragile household. This goes back the idea that you can spend your way out of recession. Liberalism cannot tolerate economic freedom while conservatism cannot exist without judgment for freedom.

“We used to think that you could use ‘spend your way out of recession’ and increase employment by cutting taxes and boosting government spending. I tell you in all candor that that option no longer exists. It only worked, on each occasion since the war, by injecting a bigger dose of inflation into the economy followed by a higher level of unemployment as the next step. That’s the history of the last twenty years.” - James Callaghan, British Prime Minister, 1976 Speech at Labour Party Conference, UK -

William McChesney Martin, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, 1951-1970 “monetary and fiscal policy is equally important. Stressed the independence of the government but there is none. People are irresponsible to the needs of government but they want government to be responsible to their needs. The cause of this is the political system itself which creates huge fluctuations which cannot be understood or properly addressed. Fiscal and monetary policy must be independent of government itself. That is how the housing downfall took thirty years to ferment into a intoxicating disaster. Government is not able to criticize the public but the public is given full allowance to criticize the government and this removes the working functions of a complaint process.

“The time has come for decisive action, action that will break the vicious circle of spiraling prices and costs. I am today ordering a freeze on all prices and wages throughout the United States for a period of 90 days. In addition, I call upon corporations to extend the wage-price freeze to all dividends.” - Richard Nixon, State of the Union Address; January 22, 1971 -

In an effort to hold down inflation, the Federal Reserve produces the highest interest rates possible. When the economy is terrible they release the money supply and lower rates to bottom levels. Supply side economics relieves this pressure and the same way free trade does. Monetary policy is needed to control or slow over speculation but it neglects the need to increase speculation abroad to spurn free trade. Without free trade, the pressures inside an economic system cannot channel to other areas of the world and become a destructive force at home. Wages and price control is a prime example of what can happen. Economics has a political effect on people, mostly psychological. Part of that psychology is to blame others when they are hurt by economics. The rate of inflation determines how people vote.

“Now here is what I will not do. I will not take this nation down a road of wage and price control however politically expedient that may seem. Controls and rationing may seem like an easy way out, but they are really an easy way in to more trouble. To the explosion that follows when you clamp a lid on a rising head of steam without turning down the fire under the pot, wage and price controls only postpone a day of reckoning; and in so doing they rob every American of a very important part, their freedom.” - Richard Millhouse Nixon, Address to the Nation; June 17, 1970 -

Left wing monetary and fiscal policy does not work whatsoever. There are no pressure valves when you do not have free trade and tight fiscal spending. Instead of dying and having their problems go away, government and fiscal policies worsen the need for wage and price controls. The left wing does not sustain itself in the economy and it must die off, but like inflation and unemployment, they come back next time twice as strong and twice as angry. The rule is simple, what society does not want and need is pushed off the economic radar screen. It is a harsh and tough way to view it, but it promotes responsibility and most of all strong fiscal and monetary policy. Now the left wing wants to reorganize the entire way people do business and they feel by winning elections, they can tax those who enjoy a better life at the behest of those who do not or cannot. Socialism and taxing will destroy and close everything down in a free trade environment. It will produce a backlash, tremendous complaints, and a host of fiscal and monetary problems which are irreversible. It is irreversible now and on an inevitable path to the inevitable living off debt and bad spending policies.

President Bush said Saturday his administration was acting to protect investments of the 40 million Americans who have put $1.5 trillion into 401(k) retirement savings accounts. “Turbulence in the markets reminds us that every investment carries some risk,” Bush said in his weekly radio address. “Yet American workers also have rights that must be respected and enforced.” The $1.5 trillion in the hugely popular 401(k) accounts “is real money for real workers, and we must do all we can to help make sure it’s there for them when they retire.” Bush announced that the Labor Department will begin implementing retirement plan protections Monday that Congress approved this year as part of a bill to overhaul corporate accounting practices. Under terms of the new regulations, 401(k) participants will be given 30 days’ notice before being locked out of buying or selling in their accounts when administrative changes are ordered. “This important protection will help ensure that workers don’t get stuck in a bad investment simply because their employers block them from accessing their own accounts,” Bush said. Another regulation, which bars corporate executives from selling their stock during such blackout periods, is being enacted through a regulation from the Securities and Exchange Commission. “If you can’t sell on the shop floor, you should not be able to sell on the top floor,” Bush said, adding that both rules will be in effect by early next year. Even though the rules already were required by Congress, White House aides sought ahead of time to portray the president’s radio address as evidence of presidential news-making on the economy. - Labor Dept. to Implement 401(k) Protection, Bush Says, Los Angeles Times staff,; October 20, 2002 -

What defines mission accomplish best for the eight years of the Bush administration, and the long string of leaders before him; came to a career ending halt when an Iraqi journalist threw is size 10 shoe at the President on a weekend trip to the Middle East while the Senate was up all night in high anxiety if the bankruptcy of the car industry would be spoon fed to the Barrack Obama administration or else it would crash into a cauldron of built up tension in the urban areas of America. Who would of thought a single incident where an Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at the President of the United States would cause the shoe manufacturer to jump from 15,000 shoe sales a year to a whopping year end rush order of 380,000 new orders for the same shoe thrown at the President? That was the chaos of 2008 and the ridiculous docile meaning of this trip while Congress was in session all night on a Friday; mission accomplished again and again. Maybe there will be more shoe throwing to come with all these rush orders and heroic displays of cat like instincts because it is all fun and games when it turns global.

A MAN stole a birth certificate and cash from a house in Leamington in a distraction burglary at the weekend. A child related to the victim answered the door to the man who showed her an ID card at about 11.35 am on Saturday. While the child went to fetch the elderly householder, the thief went upstairs to look around the house in Buckley Road, Leamington, before running out. He left in the direction of Black Lane, towards Red House Farm, and may have used the cut through that goes to Eadon Court. The offender is white, aged between 50 and 60, and was wearing blue jeans and a white T-shirt with a red stripe down the sleeves. A police dog and handler searched the area. - Con men steal cash and birth certificate from Leamington home; September 03, 2008 -

It was no riot or martial law situation which highly defined civil war; but it was the affirmation of why and how the nation had been brought to DEAFCON 5; if not by a teenager and his computer or maybe blog sites. The nation, and specifically the economy, was in a state of emergency because the political system had broken down and produced an atmosphere in government called “a political crime spree” by an FBI special investigator; we coined the situation in 2006 as a culture of corruption and a lack of competition. We are experiencing what is called a lazy and laissez scare; however, the pretend must end when there are real injuries. We can blame these injuries on those who like to pretend about whom they are and who others are not. It is just a way to move the chessboard when the other player does not move the way you want them too.

So this game of politics was highly defined in 2008 and will be even more highly defined in 2009; where did politics and culture become so psychotic and so dirt stupid confident? This is about destroying people’s lives and how pretending can also cause the same results. If you do not trust your own kids with these people, why work with them or put them in power? There is nothing to pretend about when the injuries of real human lives are at stake; hopefully for those who do not allow the existence of others to flourish. Unless these two Presidents have a sound understanding of this, then the countdown has already begun and is full swing now. What they did, but most important, what they did not do or did not say plays a part in determining who did what to whom and for what reasons. On the national security level, when the enemies of this world obtain five strategic moves on the chessboard; it makes you wonder if you are doing a good job, are on the brunt of their jokes, or cannot stop this inescapable feeling they try to trail behind you with.

Clear Channel Communications purchased its first FM station in San Antonio in 1972. In 1997 Clear Channel moved out of pure broadcasting when it purchased billboard firm Eller Media which was led by Karl Eller. In 1998 it made its first move outside of the United States when it acquired the leading UK outdoor advertising company More Group plc which was led by Roger Parry; Clear Channel went on to buy many other outdoor advertising, radio broadcasting, and live events companies around the world, which were then re-branded Clear Channel International. These included a 51% stake in Clear Media Ltd. in China. In 1999, the company acquired Jacor Communications, a radio corporation based in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 2000, Clear Channel acquired AM-FM, Inc., which was created by the merger of CapStar Broadcasting and Chancellor Media Corp a year earlier, both controlled by Billionaire mogul Tom Hicks. In 2005 Clear Channel Communications split into three separate companies. …On November 16, 2006, Clear Channel announced plans to go private, being bought out by two private-equity firms, Thomas H. Lee Partners and Bain Capital Partners for $18.7 billion, which is just under a 10 percent premium above its closing price of $35.36 a share on November 16 (the deal values Clear Channel at $37.60 per share). - Clear Channel Communications, Wikipedia -

Emasculating to some post date affair where we had to take them out; our romance with this terrorizing experience was being reported as some revolting experience against both their success and power. Meanwhile, we spent the entire year of 2008 listening to a communist and terrorist cell lie about how they were promoting us and how much we had to benefit from them if we just kept quiet and let them do what they do. The most upsetting part was how the authorities and most of all the public had been alerted while this was going down. They were crying and weeping, coughing and yelling, begging and pleading, but most of all they were not telling the truth about what they were or had been up to. Instead, they were plotting more terror plots and looking for some way to strike back at those who felt a deep conviction to smash them or jail them; whichever came first. They turned their hoax of promoting us now into another terror plot. The staff who you worked with and who was on your own team was now striking out at and trying to kidnap your own kids when you were not looking or when you could not see them; worse they expect to remain on the staff. It is a miracle how these people think and how they get things done.

NEW YORK, Aug. 29 /U.S. Newswire/ -- ABC Radio Networks said today it has completed an agreement to bring New York's top talk radio host Sean Hannity to a national audience. "The Sean Hannity Show," broadcast on WABC each weekday from 3 to 6 pm (ET), will be syndicated across the United States starting Sept. 10. "I am so excited about extending 'The Sean Hannity Show' to listeners across the country," said Hannity. "I can't wait to get started on great discussions with people all over America." "We are introducing the next major talk show talent in network radio," said Traug Keller, president of ABC Radio Networks. "ABC Radio Networks has a long-standing tradition of supplying quality ... - Fox News Channel's Talk Show Host Sean Hannity Signs Long-Term Contract With ABC Radio Networks; Show Will Be Syndicated Nationwide, by US Newswire,; August 29, 2001 -

The nation was teetering on vast ruin and income loss unprecedented in history and life savings being vanquished overnight by the mere idea that this same political system intended to work for the people ended up manufacturing a total lack of trust and the stubbornness of leaders to restore it while election fraud became a winning strategy in various states and even the office of the President. So the country was leashed along while the national security had their feet held to the fire of DEAFCON 5 and the looming question what came before the other, trust in government or the collapse of the global capitalist market system because the quality of human beings sunk to an all time low; mission accomplished! There was a near riot of felons in the country and it struck first and struck deep into the hearts and minds of the national security sectors, mission accomplished.

Limbaugh, 57, told the New York Times the new contract with Clear Channel Communications will pay him about $38 million a year. He said he would also receive a $100 million signing bonus. The 20-year-old Rush Limbaugh Show reaches an audience of up to 20 million listeners a week. It is syndicated on about 600 radio stations across America. The show airs on weekdays for three hours each day. His existing deal, which was worth $285 million over nine years, was due to expire next year. Credited with pioneering talk radio and almost single-handedly saving AM radio in the US, Limbaugh was hailed by Republicans for providing a media alternative to the networks and CNN, whom they accuse of liberal bias. His earnings put those of America's television news broadcasters into the shade. It is claimed he will now earn more than the four most famous network news anchors combined. …He is regarded as an enormously influential figure with rank and file Republicans in US elections, while Democrats have accused him of dirty tactics. - US talk radio host Rush Limbaugh signs $400m contract, by Tom Leonard,$400m-contract.html; July 02, 2008 -

The mere repetition of those two words either brought people to tears or made them burst out laughing because it was a state of absolute disaster on all fronts. It felt like a foreign government had invaded, but this was just so much more real because they said it was their home; that defines mission accomplished. It is the most incredible thing any human being will ever witness or observe; cyber attacks from overseas and homicidal neighbors behind terror plots while a kidnapping was ensuing. It is a small indention on the mind when homicidal maniacs, being seduced by your spouse, calmly claiming to be good with kids while they struck out at anything or anyone who encroached on their foiled plot and SOB conspiracy; if they were on the staff, they were not going to be for much longer. We are talking about making people feel they are loosing control or touch with their own life even if they present no reason to be, to strike out and make them feel uncomfortable or apprehensive. We are talking about people who come into our life to make you feel you have no control and are resisting their power. They want control of your own life and you do not even know who they are until you find out they are a communist and terrorist network. How do we come to peace with this?

Clear Channel Communications is a media conglomerate company based in the United States. Clear Channel, founded in 1972 by Lowry Mays and Red McCombs, wields considerable influence in radio broadcasting, concert promotion and hosting, and fixed advertising in the United States through its subsidiaries. Clear Channel is the largest owner of full-power AM, FM, and shortwave radio stations and twelve radio channels on XM Satellite Radio, and is also the largest pure-play radio station owner and operator. The group previously was in the television business until it sold all of its TV stations to Newport Television in 2008. The present head of the company is Mark Mays, and its headquarters is located in San Antonio, Texas. The term "clear channel" comes from AM broadcasting, referring to a channel (frequency) on which only one station transmits. - Clear Channel Communications, Wikipedia -

This type of incorrigible and evil human breed circumvent our borders, unleash socialism and communism behind enemy lines, become stealth candidates and Manchurian harassers, sabotage and prevent victory at our orb séance wars, they suck us drier than the global economy, and for the past thirty or so decades strike out when they cannot get what they want. Now they claim they can help, were wrong and merely in learning mode. They claimed we had a lot to teach this world and they had learned a lot from us. This will indicate the state of mind they are in and how it is worsening as they strike out when and if they cannot get what they want; however, they claim we were doing this to their imaginary friends. We were not pretending but they claimed to have injuries by others who were not stuck in a life of reaping benefits from society or the market system by way of insanity and pretend. They fleetingly admit they are more powerful and can always take the first punch because they pretend so lethargically well; a lazy and laissez scare by the left wing. It was an Aloe Vera type of moment when the bail outs surfaced and crashed the New Years party.

How easy is it to get false ID, steal the numbers that identity you, and commit credit card fraud? …But today hundreds of databases already exist that contain detailed information about your personal life, your buying habits and other lifestyle characteristics. Various companies offer services that provide address, criminal, civil, and professional history as well as a list of assets and bank account numbers. Also available are your Social Security number, last six addresses, current phone number and names and phone numbers of neighbors. Some large, prestigious companies offering such information include Lexis-Nexis and West Publishing Company. Many smaller companies also provide similar services. Identity theft is getting easier and faster. Today, you can steal someone's wallet or purse--or find the right database on the Internet. This information is available in minutes with only a few click of your mouse. Here are economical products that can quickly uncover personal details. - How To Steal Someone’s Identity, by Robert Sherman,'s.identity.htm -

The work was so poor and the quality of this work so hidden, they also claimed we were liberals and then let the wing which was the oddest “reinvention” of ourselves; become the driving force reinventing them but never wishing to be the same as they had claimed we are all the same; naturally by this all knowing and all powerful idiot and pretender. We feel it took twenty years or more for this communist and terrorist cell to create the near identical meltdown of the communist system so they can have a better explanation of their own economic system and the capitalist system. The only way to take down or tear apart the capitalist system is to first create so much disaster from the floating point system or a crime spree. Then have the public ask if a return to the gold standard is possible because the gold standard for currency became obsolete the moment global trade became widespread. Therefore, if you self destruct the currency; then you can stop global trade or free trade because there is no currency system any longer to support it. It is just trillions in debt and some ever growing monster to shake the carrot of socialism before the very eyes of those who are losing their life savings and lifetime of work. This is how you stop global trade and promote nationalism; bring back the gold standard because the floating system was created to meet the needs of global free trade while it has upset so many who tried to cheat it or beat it.

The S-300PMU [SA-10 land-based, SA-N-6 naval version] surface-to-air missile system is able to engage a number of targets simultaneously, countering intensive aircraft raids at low-to-high altitude. The SA-10 offers significant advantages over older strategic surface-to-air missile systems, including multi-target handling and engagement characteristics, a capability against low altitude targets with small radar cross-sections such as cruise missiles, a capability against tactical ballistic missiles, and possibly a potential to intercept some types of strategic ballistic missiles. The first SA-10 site became operational in 1980. Over 80 sites were operational by 1987, when work was progressing on at least another 20 sites. Nearly half of these sites were located near Moscow. This emphasis on Moscow as well as the deployment patterns noted for the other SA-10 sites suggested a first priority on terminal defense of command-and-control, military, and key industrial complexes. A program to replace all of the older strategic SAM systems with the SA-10, well under way by 1996, has been considered by experts to be one of the most successful reequipment programs of the post-Soviet armed forces. - S-300PMU Surface-to-Air Missile System, -

If self destructing the currency system, the banks, and the housing industry was done in this deliberate and intentional way; then it was an act of revenge and humiliation; the same documented reports we are seeing everywhere. What the left wing needs is a way to restore their celebrity stature and win back or strike out in a way to throw others in a fit of rage so they can assure their positions as victims and not pretending to injure a lot of people. They do not call it treason when they are victims. Again, when real injuries show up and occur, the pretend must stop and end. How do you stop a market system that is destined to injure the weak, lazy, and those lacking talent and qualifications? Do we make them celebrities or war heroes? We do not think the Bush Administration gave any thought to this pretend mode and we know for certain the incoming Obama Administration has no intention of dealing with pretend because of the entire mess of ignoring it for eight years by the Bush Administration.

Billy Joe "Red" McCombs (born 1927) is the founder of the Red McCombs Automotive Group, a co-founder of Clear Channel Communications, a former owner of the San Antonio Spurs, Denver Nuggets, and the Minnesota Vikings, and the namesake of the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin (an honor given in recognition of a fifty million U.S. dollar donation to the University). He was named one of Forbes magazine's top 400 richest Americans in 2005. While at The University of Texas, McCombs was a member of the Alpha Tau Omega, Gamma Eta chapter. McCombs was born in Spur, Texas, and started out selling cars, dropping out of college to do so. At the age of twenty-five, he owned his first dealership, selling Fords. He eventually owned fifty car dealerships throughout the United States, most of them in Texas. - Red McCombs, Wikipedia biography, December, 2008 -

Their brand of holistic political suicide is demented and deranged while they suck you dry or fear monger rumors of innuendoes nonstop. Bad mouthing and slander was now common practice by those who are typically on the butt end of jokes or military commando raids. Again, this is a mindset and a dangerous person who strikes out if they cannot get what they want, the same terror plot we are trying to destroy and separate from. We are asking them if they are human beings, they are not asking us if we are human beings; we know who they are. Something must be done and must be said about the level of poor quality of work, the lack of market competitiveness, the lackluster rule of common sense leadership solely, and the degree of bad education and ambition. It feels exactly as described and a gloomy communist and terrorist cell which slouches its way into our life, clouds our thoughts and mental clarity, and kidnaps us to arrest the resistance to this poor quality of work and leadership. They pussyfoot in the lives of others and trample on it thinking it is soft mud, but there is no pussyfooting in their life and how they lie, cheat, and steal. They are lazy and weary eyed when they go to work, but come nighttime they are animated when it comes to lying, cheating, and stealing; mission accomplished?

America, no less the world, does not care if the leader of the free world is black, Caucasian, Asian, or other so long as they do a bang up job and a high quality job we do not have to die over. Furthermore, America cannot be a racist nation when Asians and Arabs make up a large and ever growing proportion of the economy. The Japanese alone took out and won 30% of the industrial sector which they exploited for being of such poor quality; Americans felt a calming effect. Every time people were accused of being racist, they bought imports for the fear they contributed to this racism and the eventual decline of the lead foot wing and liberal political standards. The cold hard reality which the Obama Administration must face at the time this is being written is the inescapable feeling his fellow Americans are more real than the left wing. However, this inescapable problem he is facing has a pretend aspect to it which has not been addressed for a long time and has led the nation down a road to either doom or DEAFCON 5. WWWhat the impending financial meltdown, the national security spontaneously exploding and splitting; will teach President elect Obama and the former Bush-curacy is how quickly to sober up and how difficult becoming the President of the United States of America and the leader of the free world has been. It is all downhill from here.

Hillary was going on the old model of getting the Democratic nomination which was the knock out, win a big primary and you would knock your opponent out; and that is how it has always been and she figured if I win a lot of the 26 primaries, particularly the California primary on super Tuesday, Obama would have to pull out. But what she didn’t realize is the reason why candidates have to pull out, it is because their money dried up when they lost those primaries, they were willing to soldier on like McCain did; but their money was drying up. But Obama’s money was from the internet and Obama’s people were grass roots people who didn’t much care if he won or loss; they were just in it for the cause. So Obama was able to reload very quickly, people clicked and all the sudden he had new money. Hillary, when she spent all her money on super Tuesday, was broke and she was facing twelve days of eleven primaries of one right after the other; and those eleven primaries she could not compete in, she had no money for; Obama had all the money he needed because he had just clicked the internet and the result was he not only won all the eleven primaries in a row, but he won them 2 to 1, 3 to 1, and 4 to 1. - Dick Morris, The Top Five Blunders of 2008, The O’Reilly Factor, December 2008 -

Other economies in this world thrive because they are not racist. When people have their own purchasing power and stand for their own life; they have a tendency to find a place in this world. So racism never really enters the mind of others; only trade and purchasing power. When you are dealing with a communist and terrorist cell that are homicidal maniacs or a daily deadly adventure of a menacing fright; trade and purchasing power is the last thing on anyone’s mind. We do not care what they call you, us, or them; the idea is their purchasing power or lack thereof, will be affected tremendously when they are identified and convicted as a terror network. People may choose not to trade with them or make them stronger so they can get the leg up or take that first punch and strike. People do not want to deal with knee jerk reactions or retaliations when the investigation is ongoing or yet to be completed. So it is not a matter of racism but purchasing power, individuality, choice, and a different world then the sewers of hell. The sewers of hell will paralyze you in an instant because the low quality and the way the body rejects it is so dominating. It is like being married to a farm animal; you cannot be proud, it has its own practicality, you do not want to admit the obvious, you are looking for something better, and you know something is wrong. The farm animal don’t give a damn what you think or feel as long as it gets what you want.

… Filed the defamation suit in U.S. District Court in Richmond. It also names as defendants the …, its Washington bureau chief and four reporters. … Represented telecommunications companies before the Senate Commerce Committee, which … chaired. … had turned romantic. The article said that both … and … denied any romantic relationship, but the lawsuit says most readers would find that obligatory. "That The New York Times would make such aggressive and sensational allegations and insinuations in the face of on-the-record denials by … and Senator … only reinforced the message to readers that the … York … in fact believed that … and …. had indeed engaged in an `inappropriate relationship,' a relationship that was romantic, unethical, and a conflict of interest," the lawsuit says. "Otherwise, reasonable readers would conclude, … York Times would never have printed the story at all." The … maintained its defense of the story in a statement Tuesday. "We fully stand behind the article. We continue to believe it to be true and accurate, and that we will prevail," the statement said. "As we said at the time, it was an important piece that raised questions about a presidential contender and the perception that he had been engaged in conflicts of interest." Richmond lawyer W. Coleman Allen Jr., who represents …, said she waited until after the presidential election to file the suit because she didn't want it to become a distraction. The lawsuit claims that other media outlets were … it printed a story "to pack the maximum sensational impact with the minimum factual support." The lawsuit contends she suffered an "avalanche of scorn, derision, and ridicule" that damaged her health. - Lobbyist Sues New York Times Over Article Hinting of Relationship With McCain, by The Associated Press Staff,; December 30, 2008 -

How many people could claim radio hosts and a few “other” corrupt politicians in Washington DC were now taunting them (during their shows) about whether or not they were sick and tired of being discriminated and hated on, whether or not they were tired of being poor also, if they had enough of DEAFCON 5 level terrorism and communism, and learned a lesson on how tough America was or how tiny the world felt? How many people were called phony soldiers, taunted about being a chide of jokes about Guantanamo prison, were illegally wiretapped, tortured with every method in the books, had foreign invaders taunt them about why they had no right to existence or how their individual talents belonged to a group of deranged homicidal thugs and felons, and could proudly boast about mission accomplished?

01:18:32 AM Okay who is the jackass who brought us to DEAFCON 5 and why is this jackass blocking the prosecution and capture of a communist and terrorist cell? That is an act of War; it now is at DEAFCON 5, bring me that jackass so I can interrogate this moron. It is enough to have this person arrested and charged with why we are at DEAFCON 5. Why are they complaining about the capture of a communist and terrorist cell? The Pentagon should be fueling up the B52's; we are talking war crimes. Who are this jackass and moron running the nation? It is like the country got invaded by them. If you have a communist and terrorist cell here, then we are on and in DEAFCON 5 until otherwise. If anybody gets hurt at DEAFCON 5, they get the death penalty. Let them know and let them understand their actions can lead to innocent people hurt at this level. I hate to break the news to you but why are we at DEAFCON 5? Any particular guesses? Could it be their vigilante efforts? They need to come out and they need to accept responsibility so we can call this alert off. It shows you what kind of people they are and what they were willing to do; how far they are willing to go to escape capture. We cannot live the rest of our life at DEAFCON 5, who are these leaders in charge? It would be wise to have a proper debate and cover every lead.

The radio was now pissing off the wrong people and claiming to be the right ones. How did we get to this point? How many people after ten years hear their kidnappers over the radio give those details of their own kidnapping; then become fully animated and enraged by how offensive the entire situation had been and were now? How many people get to hear what they did to your spouse over the radio by those who did it? How many people have to listen to every smear imaginable levied on your family by the same people who were behind both your kidnapping and your spouse? The worst part is their physical appearance and where they contrive the notion of being blessed by the heavens. How many people get the honor to rise to the ultimate peak of mankind and to lead the most powerful thrust to crush the enemy forces of the left and evil in this world and listen to this chatter while mission accomplished was ringing in their ear? If these radio hosts want to piss off someone, piss off the people who have a lot of room to grow and a lot of mind bending brain cells out of use. Fighting fire with fire is dangerous. Fighting terrorism with terrorism is dangerous. Fighting communists with real foreign spies or real foes is deadly.

When election fraud and political felony crime sprees grip the nation and take it down, it is wise to change and change quickly. Why these so called flowery people perfumed the idea they could wait till the last minute to do this, is exactly why the nation was at DEAFCON 5; it was a coup and a near invasion foiled to avoid any if all changes to restore the government trust in human beings. Were these individuals human beings or were they just looking for something and looking around? It was time the nation and the world changed and America chose a President who brought us here and the next one who was so hated before but was now forced to save the nation by restoring the trust his own legacy was doomed to destroy. It was not Shakespeare or Oedipus, it was for real and that reality was becoming more and more sober with DEAFCON 5. At DEAFCON 5 there are only a handful of options, several not even sober enough to mention for the gory details but nonetheless, that level indicated fishing bombs, B52’s, tantamount global hostility, and the unspeakable idea that trust had to be restored immediately in government and market strength allowed a right to exist untainted by bad quality and worse human beings.

12/20/2008 3:01:53 AM President Bush made a very dangerous mistank. He should have cracked down on the corruption and not waited until the last moment or after the fact. Secondly, he should have ordered the private banks to extend the loans with the FDIC guarantee of 1 trillion guarantees. This way, the liquidity would be double safeguarded by both the banks and the government. However, three months is not enough time to act negatively. Instead, he chose a fixed dollar amount, a variable rate, and too little of help; had no Senate Republican intervention needed had government intervention been needed. The risk now is that loan being converted to the government fiscal spending budget because it is now open ended if they fail in 3 months. The banks had not spent any of the bailout money except to buy other banks. This government acting as the private market was how they got in trouble and in this mess to begin with. Drafting a plan and sticking to it at each time frame is a very good idea; there are powerful forces and interest groups at work inside the problem. At least President Bush recognized how we got in this mess and took steps to avoid it before it was too late.

This low quality and poor quality is not a definitive sign of a communist and terrorist cell. However, many high level cold warriors who had been in charge during the 1960s and the Vietnam War gave accounts of a phantom like communist cell so powerful they could not catch them less stop them. This phantom can be seen in the 1960s and specifically the events of the Vietnam War. Therefore, only handfuls, which have since passed away, set the bait and set the trap to see who would show up and who would make contact. Small signals and small traces were detected around 1995 and then in 1998 it took off like a truck without brakes. It wasn’t until 2006 that work on this was even began due to the severe defilations, fatal injuries, and character destruction. This communist and terrorist cell was able to literally strip our life, kidnap us, and was one step and a heartbeat away from removing us completely and finalizing the next step, warfare. They had managed to invade our military records and every aspect of our life because the penetration was so severe and almost fully complete, only one last office to go, this one.

This communist and terrorist cell, that which had been a theory, was livid because of some conspiracy theory and a devastating impact on the market economy due to the poor quality of work and leadership. The question was whether they had superimposed onto the left movement, duped it, or was merely trailing it and the corruption? It was a lot worse than imagined, it was all of the above and once complete spilled over to the right wing and the conservative movement. They had managed to penetrate the right wing and the conservative movement but the poor quality was very obvious and the lack of leadership so blatant, nobody noticed. You heard it right, the work and the leadership was of such poor quality nobody noticed and nothing was done to stop this poor quality and highly dangerous game to rule the world.

Circumvention of our borders and causing massive social problems and the “perfect storm” is not where it ends. They are trying to get financing by claiming to be enablers and promoters of a massive voting base. They chose money and lies over principle and the right of the individual to exist based on their talents; but what is odd they believe strongly with individual liberties; just not others. They want our life and soul and bad mouth our spouses or our private life in order to create bad conditions or a harassment of stalking so that fiancés to leave or to stop loving those who did nothing wrong but seduce their selfish and guilty life. If and when you cannot deal with their treatment and kidnapping, some industry standard of their holistic politics, they offer you drugs (oxy or smack) or some communist messiah to band-aid their work and abuse.

On this day in 1968, as part of the Tet Offensive, a squad of Viet Cong guerillas attacks the U.S. Embassy in Saigon. The soldiers seized the embassy and held it for six hours until an assault force of U.S. paratroopers landed by helicopter on the building's roof and routed the Viet Cong. - On this Date January 31, 1968: Viet Cong attack U.S. Embassy, On This Date -

But wait; what we are seeing is something different. We are observing something on the perimeter of the defense with a similar message as we have and the gall and ability to either steal, spy on, or acquire our work and material before it is released or ready to be presented for maximum effect. These same people are on our staff and they claim they wish no government, no taxes, and no interference to what they are doing or how they exploit the electoral process. So they expect us to roll over while the tanks and the planes fly by because they refuse to pay for the bombs which we need or the bullets that are required to stop homicidal maniacs or an elusive communist and terrorist cell. They forgot how the cost of national security is also based on how big the enemy forces are unless these same people expect us to mine for bombs or grow bullets on trees. There is always some form of government and when crisis or global chaos erupts, security is very important if not crucial; not anti-government or anti-tax proponents who are spying on us. We also have laid out the financial and economic blueprint for a new defense posture where the total market worth or aggregate is the financiers behind global militaries and peace keeping forces. We want to keep the peace and catch the criminals; not emphasize helping the poor or disadvantaged who must learn how the market system works and how it sustains itself.

We beat them on every front; our ideas are all in line, we convey a message that is not convoluted or lack some clarity of thought; and we do not do home invasions or make up stupid fake stories to sound like others by calling it foreign or domestic policy. Does it explain why we were kidnapped and held down or oppressed and tortured? We exploited their low quality and now they wish to stay or come on our staff so they can keep an eagle eye as a communist and terrorist group? We exploited their weakness as a business strategy but we did so fairly and honestly; we played the game as it is in accordance with. These people are homicidal maniacs and they have no desire to play the game as it should. They have come out and gave hints about what they are up to but have not fully restored their right to take any action or move the chessboard before the investigation on them is completed. There are a lot of people working on this as it is being written and they become frustrated when those behind it move the chessboard on them or add ten more years to the investigation and evidence gathering process. Soon, it is going to be a police state and all the funds of the government will be to prosecute and apprehend this money making industry of felons.

The lawsuit cites accounts from other media, political pundits and the … public editor…, that interpreted the article as meaning that … and … had an affair. In what the lawsuit calls the most damaging passage, the article said two former … associates had warned him that he was risking his career, and that he "acknowledged behaving inappropriately" and "pledged to keep his distance" from …. The story also pointed to a fundraiser that … and … attended in Miami in 1999, when they flew back to Washington along with a campaign aide on the corporate jet of one of her clients. "… relationship with … was entirely professional, ethical, and appropriate," the lawsuit states, adding that it "was not different in kind from the cordial yet professional relationship that hundreds of lobbyists have with hundreds of members of Congress." … A constitutional law professor at Tulane University, said key to … case will be how the court defines her -- as a public figure or a private figure. Public figures have to meet a higher standard of proof, and show malice by a news outlet. … Also said the Times could be protected if it accurately quoted … former aides about their perceptions of his relationship with ... "If all those statements are true, then it seems to me the Times is not at fault for reporting that," … said. "It's essentially hard to win a defamation suit," … added. "The idea is the First Amendment has its thumb on the press' side of scales." - Lobbyist Sues New York Times Over Article Hinting of Relationship With McCain, by The Associated Press Staff,; December 30, 2008 -

Even if they are the ones who strike out when they do not get what they want, they keep you under close watch and know when you go to sleep and your travel itinerary. They argue and demand to know about the sex life of you and your spouse for some reason; as if it concerns them. These are people who have a religion which denies them healthy relationships and encourage them to make friends or do business. They have a godless religious passion to deny positive aspects of life and to grow as an individual and escape the human condition. One part of this is controlling the powerful sexual impulses and the powerful temptations encoded in genetics and human biology. We want to know if they are human beings and if they have any desire to become human beings. It is an unwanted degree of attention and the goal ends up sucking or swiping everything so they can claim they are a miracle. This communist and terrorist cell claims to put us under investigation and sucking us in this tornado to see where it spits us out; to do this they lie about who they are and what they are up to. Such tactics are very questionable but this is a professional, high level, and vicious breed of human beings who do not understand why they cannot strike out at others; they feel the same and equal about, and their motif is very similar to communism if not identical. They are going down and the only way to share power is to push down or terrorize that division or that splitting process.

Another way is to take over the right wing so that the defenses are incapacitated and paralyzed. They plan is suicidal and their goal is eventual warfare as we have witnessed; however, they must come near the force or suck off the same capability by stealing it if they have a chance militarily. They do admire us but this admiration is in solace to the terror which they imposed on the cold warriors and the military during the Vietnam War; TET is a near identical plan and how effective it was. That is the Viet Cong society described and why it is related to the war on terror. If they had a case or were trying to win victory based on the merits of their arguments, they forfeited this the moment they struck out at others or kidnapped them to make them feel their pain.

Radford's stunning admission presented President Nixon with an unprecedented challenge to his wartime authority by the military's top uniformed commanders -- and with a delicate political situation. According to White House tapes released by the National Archives in 2000, and first published by this author in the Atlantic Monthly magazine in April 2002, Nixon wanted to prosecute Moorer for espionage but was convinced by Attorney General John N. Mitchell that the ensuing controversy would imperil Nixon's secret foreign policy initiatives and do grave damage to the armed forces. Instead, Mitchell was sent to confront Moorer and tell him, as Mitchell put it, that "this ball game's over with"; Radford's home was wiretapped; and he and his immediate supervisor were eventually transferred to remote posts. But the president and his men had no doubt about the ultimate consumers of Radford's espionage fruits. "(T)he whole concept of having this yeoman get into this affair and start to get this stuff back to the Joint Chiefs of Staff," Mitchell told Nixon in one tape-recorded conversation, "is just like coming in and robbing your desk." - The Men Who Spied on Nixon, by James Rosen, www.foxnews; December 15, 2008 -

If there was some grain of sand which could compel others to retool or retook their side, the liberal and left wing cause, then the moment the insatiable and uncontrollable urge to strike out or strike at others, like the communist and terrorist cell as described, broke their case and arguments in two sinister pieces. This long string of decadent events, a long history of rupturing others, a long history of usurpation of the strength and quality of others, and the constant urge to paralyze the military and the forces of good on this earth really worked against them and is as close to an act of warfare as you can get without the evidence readily available. All we know is what we observed and what they showed us as a temptation and compelling reason why they took such a drastic risk and giant leap of faith.

So they suck you dry, harass you incessantly, and then expect you to pay them or give them some impossible political goal; such the case with the UAW and health care. Our observations were based on that holistic type of politics where they strike out viciously and mercilessly, yell “shut up” when they are kidnappers and terrorists, and this same kind of mindset the years leading up to 2001. They were homicidal and striking out because they wanted us to accept their new leaders of the Viet Cong society. When they were blown and made a fatal error, they took a page out of the history books and launch a TeTsy like offensive while squeezing their targets on Washington D.C. and other major power areas as a diversion of a “peace movement” and this war on terror. Again, they did this so that we accept their leaderships and leadership. They did this so that we would be sent to Africa in 1999 to establish the cyber and satellite warfare program there which was the last choice and the least ideal candidates to share this form of military dominance with.

Incredible as it may sound in retrospect, there actually was a so-called "Fairness Doctrine" in force in the United States from 1949 to 1987. Its ostensible purpose was to compel radio and TV stations to broadcast statements of opinion that "balanced" those being expressed voluntarily. Since a substantial majority of the statements being broadcast voluntarily were more or less conservative, the effect was to force broadcasters to air comparable programs expressing liberal sentiments. …Thus, last year Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif, told Fox News Sunday that she was "looking at" a new Fairness Doctrine. Talk radio, she complained, "tends to be one-sided. It's explosive. It pushes people to, I think, extreme views without a lot of information." Apparently, she doesn't want them to hold such views without first getting a heavy dose of what she regards as the correct information. …The "fairness doctrine" was abolished in 1987 amid a good deal of bipartisan self-congratulation, and it seems likely that it still retains most of its unpopularity. Logically, it simply cannot withstand analysis. It certainly doesn't follow that every political viewpoint that manages to get expressed must be accompanied, or followed, by an equivalent expression of the opposite viewpoint. One can support laws against murder without necessarily insisting on equal time for the arguments in favor of it. - Beware of the ‘Fairness Doctrine’, by William Rusher,; November 24, 2008 -

That was their goal, military dominance and to fuel the acquisition of the SDI program while it was snuck off like Ethel and Julius Rosenberg had done previously. We are sad to say we foiled the effort, stopped the, and wait for their destruction as eagerly as they are, a fine cloud of total deception. Now they claim they are merely sinners and were doing it “for the people”; but we do not see anything about their holistic approach to even suggest they rule democratically or their power is democratic, it is a grand deception filled with lies dating back to World War I and even to the beginning of the invention of religions. We see nothing about them religious or for the people. Striking out in such a blatant way was just selfish and a way to rob others of their soul possessions. They did this so we would bond with the leaders of their war on terrorism. They did this so that the financial and economic power was diverted from civil war to aid their leaders who were also anti-war and needed SDI to become anti-nuclear forces. Their objective is simple to understand, either they get what they want or they will strike out, if they are uncounted or exposed, and then they will take down the capitalist system and wreak so much havoc everybody will be disgruntled and loose both trust and faith in it.

We had been hiding a lot from the Clinton Presidency and even the Bush Administration because we knew they would never provide an honest debate while forcefully taking the secrets of this nation. We managed to do this under tremendous odds and literally having our life ripped apart and family destroyed. The entire nature of the threat was not understood and it hit us in 1998 unlike anything we had seen. It was as if there were hidden snipers positioned everywhere and if you went outside, one would hit you or the other to push you back inside or something. So we tried to go on vacation, taking time off and even moving or being exiled out of the country. If they were like all the others sent before, then it was clear they had their eyes on SDI but would we ever get an honest debate or would they take it without permission or authorization? Both the “pretend” right wing and the real left wing are fighting but they are trying to pull us in so that they can lie for the left wing and place the power in the hands of the communist and terrorist cell. With the collapse of communism and the liberal church, they are one step and a heartbeat away from doom.

This is the most dangerous form of politics and the most daring we have ever witnessed since the bombings and radicalism of the 1960s and the near societal collapse in the United States and even the world. These people are not only dangerous, they are homicidal and lunatics who will stop at nothing to win or destroy their enemies. If this means imprisoning or pinning crimes on others for no reason, then it means just that. If it means the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people to win, then it also means it will be so until debate stops them or some forceful method. However, do not ask for and expect and honest debate even if the words are about democracy, they do not rule democratically, they rule to win and only win over internal forces trying to stop them.

The lesson here is a simple one, your leaders are embarrassing jackasses and not only are they good at it, they are also homicidal when they are threatened with the prospects of losing, being deservingly humiliated, and are such an evil threat to this world military force is needed to remove them at times. The ulterior lesson is also simple, if you do not get real leaders or new ones, those homicidal jackasses will increasingly become more homicidal and more of an embarrassment to your country, your life, and this world. They need to receive the blessings from the heavens but the election system and the system of democracy allows for so much corruption and malfeasance, even the FBI wishes them for dead now after they have witnessed their clever and trickery which is nonetheless who they are asked to become also if they wish to keep their jobs. Luckily, most of the brains and the power are kept secret with the military forces that actually have to do the suffering and the crying as well as the rage of witnessing this boil under their skin. If you put into power liars, cheaters, and a bunch of goofs; do not expect the world to love you and do not expect any different. These types of personnel have nothing to offer others, except themselves and their cursed life, and they have nothing others want but they pull the trick off very cleverly while the world is gripped by their malfeasance and now total collapse.

Back when there were only three TV stations and no Internet, talk radio or Fox News, it used to be so easy for the MSM to destroy reputations — Joe McCarthy, Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, Robert Bork, Dan Quayle, Oliver North, Clarence Thomas, Pat Buchanan, Newt Gingrich, Paula Jones and Linda Tripp, to name a few of the MSM's prey. Liberals aren't having so much fun now that the rabbit has the gun. …Oh, the civility of having only three TV stations back in our parents' day! It was even more civil in the Soviet Union where there was only one TV station. In precisely five minutes on the Media Research Center's Web site, I turned up some random examples of the sort of civility we got from the MSM before the alternative media allowed conservatives to be heard, too. These are all-new quotes I've never even seen before. There are about a hundred more in my book "Slander." …Ah, the civility of the old media! Sadly for the MSM, the Silent Majority is silent no more. - I’m Getting a Little Fed Up with People Trying to Make Money Off My Book, by Ann Coulter; June 15, 2006 -

These answers began to unravel in 2008, ten years after being kidnapped out of college and not a chance in hell to start life or get back in it. However, we had been stopped on the borders and other insurgents were sent to the Canadian territories at or around 2002 to 2007 to rowdy up the political forces in favor of the unions and the liberals and it was mostly for labor unions and union policies. We also know that the ultimate goal was socialism but why target the father of cyber and satellite warfare or kidnap him which such blatant violation of the law and without official ways to identify them and prosecute? Was it all the same phantom and how could it be so big and large to pull this off? Are we loosing our minds or is this for real? We took this to the public and unleashed it beginning in January of 2007 and the attacks were immediate. It was not until April of 2008 when reinforcements arrived and it had snared a vicious plot also within the unconscionable, the infallible conservative movement; the party of Reagan and Cold Warriors.

We had known this involved very radical and disgruntled political forces inside the United States and expanded outwards when the Vietnam Era began. The forces of anti-war were fervent and the communist threat was brewing to an end. Naturally, the communist overpowered both the corrupt and legitimate governments and the world was a mess. However, the events of the 1960s were being fueled by the attacks on Saigon and the US embassy and the people fighting it were the allied forces. Reagan attempted to restore the forces of good but the forces of corruption and greed were riding both the surf of and the karma which the Vietnam War was still embattling. A lot of expertise and a lot of gain were fomented when the left wing attacked. In doing so, the left wing and specifically this communist and terrorist cell were disaffected harshly and it made them even more homicidal. They felt it paralyzed them, made them helpless, and a phantom right wing conspiracy was at work on their artificial religion and life.

"[Coulter's] sort of like a train wreck," said Ariens, who affirmed that Coulter definitely has a following. "You do want to watch the train as it goes down the track, but if you expect it's going to derail at some point, you kind of want to see what happens." So far, none of the major television networks have said they will refrain from inviting Coulter on their shows. "The decision to put someone like Ann Coulter on our air is not one we would ever take lightly," said a CNBC spokesperson in an e-mail to "However, when you talk about banning someone from the airwaves because of their views _ whatever they may be _ you are getting into dangerous territory." But several media critics said they're not so sure Coulter's popularity will extend past her current book tour. "[Networks] love people who kind of speak their mind, and they know Coulter is a lightning rod, and anything will come out of her mouth, and it will make great TV," said Gemma Puglisi, pop culture expert at American University in Washington, D.C. "But there are lines you cross, and boundaries beyond that line when you're being really offensive." "There will be a time when Coulter will care [if she offends people]," added Puglisi. "[It will be] when it affects her bottom line." "I certainly don't think she's untouchable," said O'Brien. "I think there is something that will be her last straw, and I really don't know why we're not there yet. "In six months, there will be less of Coulter, not none, but less," added O'Brien. - Ann Coulter: Marketing Genius? (Will TV Ever Turn Its Back on Coulter?) By Emily Friedman,; October 17, 2008 -

We also picked up on this early and even received intelligence from defectors of the former communist forces who went to the British intelligence services. It was happening all over the world and it came out of Vietnam and the US embassies. We began to report these irregularities and what appeared to be surreal encounters with a communist cell. They were trailing and stalking and without proof, it looked like an internal attempt to win and beat us while promoting Middle Eastern interests. It felt like a foreign spy agency and it acted just like one, not giving any care whatsoever when we identified ourselves as US Army personnel.

We have heard a lot of arguments about people being hard wired to be heroes and to act with the intention of rescuing others and it leading either further injuries or even lawsuits. In normal conditions, there is no specific generalization; however, in warfare we tend to call this sort of heroic act target practice. Some people who have the best intent and intentions literally run into machine gun fire convinced the bullets will either go around them or drop before hitting their body. After extensive testing and mounds of empirical data, we found out with certainty this was not true and this was not the case. Thoughtless courage and hardwired to rescue people can be of such low quality it harms both the rescuer and the victim. The research showed that indeed the bullets actually pass through the person who is hardwired to be heroes and those who are not. Therefore, the myth the bullets either went around them or dropped off was not substantial until proven further. It takes a lot of courage to perform daring feats and it takes some degree of thought to carry them out with a standard or quality worth worrying about. However, it is difficult to say a Good Samaritan applies to professional acts of courage. If you are in the business of rescue, then naturally you would not wish ill intentions on others. – On Heroes, by Author, December 24, 2008 -

What was weird and it was confusing at first because it looked like and felt like some training or innocent “mentoring” or “advice.” Then they became pushy and demanding, they flipped on us and were now avoided vehemently if possible. It was not possible and we were kidnapped. This began and set off a chase for ten years in 1998 but this problem dates back to the late 1970s. While they had a massive downfall, the liberals and the left wing, we were magnified and doubling in power and influence on the goodness of life and the principles listed. We were straight shooters and did not play this evil game or this promotion they claim for us. Therefore, to bring us back to them, they decided to argue the Vietnam War and the affect it had on them globally. Because there was a large percentage enveloped by the Middle East and religious conflicts; we distanced from all religious groups except Christianity but even that was unreliable and socialist. Apparently, this was an internal conflict and deeply rooted in US politics and it had a big deal with the black movement and the liberal church. They claimed they were the “judges” and some interrogators and we were merely brought before public trial; similar to the show trials in communist countries. We avoided the matter because it was not our specialty, cyber and satellite warfare was and we were attempting to set it up without them and free of their influence, grasp, and power.

Getting There: August 8, 2003 - Friday night while driving to the Cintas center at Xavier University in Cincinnati to see Sean Hannity - It rained so hard in the hour before the show that you could only see the road through the 2 or 3 inch clear wedge trailing behind the wiper blades as they were…That didn’t stop 4000 fans from spending a close-up night with Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter, two prominent and very popular conservative commentators who can be seen regularly on FOX News’ Hannity and Colmes TV show every night of the week. Both have written best selling books on politics, spending a large portion of pages skewering the hypocrisy, rhetoric, lies, and slanted distortions of the lunatic leftists in politics. …Hannity got on his biggest roll of the night when he talked about the aftermath of September 11th, which happened to be the day after his show went syndicated. …Three laughing excited women walked out of the signing room where Hannity and Coulter were signing their books. “They are so great!” Dory continued “I told Ann “I am your #1 fan, and I’ve been waiting to meet you for long”, and Ann responded “I’ve been waiting to meet you, too!” So I asked them about Bush on the Aircraft carrier: “He was SOOOOO HOT in that flight suit!! We loved it!!” …she had been a conservative, and she said all her life, but especially when she was 10 years old and learning about politics, which confirmed her views. - Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter Show Up for a Night - Live in Cincinnati, by HighWheeler, Free Republic; August 09, 2003 -

This plot had to do with Ann. Apparently, at the same time in 1998 when this plot and campaign of siege was hatched several agents of influence were put in position out of nowhere and they had tremendous power and control over the lives of others. We also see a link to the Cuban plot at or around the same time in 1998 involving a kidnapping of a child. This plot was similar but it had not solidified. What it had was a goal was to target other conservative leaders and the goal was to circle them, penetrate their circle of friends, and ultimately make them love these penetrations or face destruction. We had already been targeted for annihilation back early on because it was obvious and also was misidentified as official business because the SDI program does have a secret status. The terrorists were at first mistaken as security and defense forces until they hit and like a ton of bricks. When the authorities were called in 2002 of a massive surge, a false arrest occurred.

Apparently and as unbelievable as it may sound, our life partners were also targeted for annihilation. However, she managed to escape and camouflage herself having witnessed what just occurred. She was also given final warning and orders to seek cover and safety immediately and the massive attack was not defensible or even stoppable. The threat was an open ended prison term with no charges or any solid proof of what was really occurring or what was happening in the nation and the world. The communist were pissed and mad as hell and they wanted blood that was what was happening. They were scared at if their strategic and military planners miscalculated, some disaster and surprise was pending by security forces and the side of good. We were not ready yet and only waiting to see their faces before opening up and springing the chain of events to follow.

On Civil Rights: Chivalry is male chauvinism to radical feminists. Feminism is one of those issues which have established itself in the political correctness hall of fame. As such, it is not fashionable to take issue with or poke fun at the philosophy which underlies the movement. Those who have the courage to do so are quickly impugned as women-haters, bigots, chauvinists, sexists, and a host of other epithets. Name-calling becomes a substitute for meaningful debate of the issues. I believe feminism started out as a genuine and sincere effort to improve conditions. The original concerns of feminists, such as equal pay for equal work, were laudable and justifiable. Then gradually there was a shift in their approach and in the type of women who were attracted to groups like N.O.W. The profile of a NOW woman came to be that of a loud, militant person whose views were based on the belief that women no longer needed men. It degenerated to the point that men would wonder if they should open a car door for women. Chivalry had become synonymous with male chauvinism. - Rush Limbaugh, Source: The Way Things Ought To Be, p.185-93, -

There was a male assigned to antagonize our career. Likewise, there was a female to antagonize this copartner and life partner. She had risen to the inner circles and the prominence of Washington D.C. We were already there and she was able to rise with us. However, on the path to success she managed to snare a few people who had the same plot and the same little scam we had detected to make us love them or destroy us. They were not after military arms or secrets, they were looking for access and something else; control. Unlike anything they had seen before, our best of the best showed them something they will never forget and were taught a lesson unlike anything they will ever see or speak about again; getting busted right before the media and in the total open.

Around April of 2008, the defenses forces joined up and were complete again. The guy was with the girl and for a month it was very heart warming and things stopped. The attacks became so fierce almost like a first strike but no crime or no reason was there to do so. It was clear this terrorist and communist cell had hit twice with a massive first strike. Over the course of three months all hell broke loose. Emails were read and accounts shut down indiscriminately to prevent contact or checking of notes. The big question was who and what hit us and why. The answer has to do with the life of the girl and how she had been targeted for this political rise.

Coincidence or not, a few of Coulter's book releases have, in fact, coincided with a remark that has ignited a media frenzy. After 9/11, and around the time of her book "Godless: The Church of Liberalism," Coulter appeared on NBC's "Today Show," where she reiterated statements from her book in which she pegs 9/11 widows as "broads" who were actually enjoying the media attention. Her comments about McVeigh and The New York Times were also made around the same time she released her book "Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right." "She's absolutely one of the best marketers," said O'Brien. "There is a reason her books do well, and I don't think it's necessarily about the content, but that people want to hear what inflammatory thing she's going to say next." Chris Ariens, editor of media news Web site, said that he thinks Coulter genuinely believes in what she talks about, but can't deny her financial motivations. "There is a bit of marketing," Ariens told "I don't think she says outrageous things necessarily solely to sell a book. I think she believes the things she says, and doesn't care what other people think." "I think there's a reason the shows go on when her book is on sale," said Ariens. "And then, she's often booked to talk about her comments, but then ends up selling more books." - Ann Coulter: Marketing Genius? By Emily Friedman,; October 17, 2008 -

There were several books being written by several people who were part of this communist and terrorist cell who we identified as aggressive after 1989. not only did they begin writing this book, with the idea these penetrations would be loved or they would destroy others, the person they were amazed with managed to survive and escape but was communicating she had been taking prisoner, being watched, and feared the risk of attacks similar to what we had gone through. This communist and terrorist cell was ingenious and acted with near perfection using the instruments of government and the hostilities of any open society to fight a proxy war.

And liberals agree with Ahmadinejad on the issues! We know that because he was invited by an American university to speak on campus. Contrary to all the blather about "free speech" surrounding Ahmadinejad's appearance at Columbia, universities in America do not invite speakers who do not perfectly mirror the political views of their America-hating faculties. Rather, they aggressively censor differing viewpoints and permit only a narrow category of speech on their campuses. Ask Larry Summers. If a university invites someone to speak, you know the faculty agrees with the speaker. Maybe not the entire faculty. Some Columbia professors probably consider Ahmadinejad too moderate on Israel. Columbia president Lee Bollinger claimed the Ahmadinejad invitation is in keeping with "Columbia's long-standing tradition of serving as a major forum for robust debate." Except Columbia doesn't have that tradition. This is worse than saying "the dog ate my homework." It's like saying "the dog ate my homework" when you're Michael Vick and everyone knows you've killed your dog. Columbia's "tradition" is to shut down any speakers who fall outside the teeny, tiny seditious perspective of its professors. - Tase Him Bro! by Ann Coulter,; September 26, 2007 -

They chose two up and comers who had began their life together and grew up together by mutual friends. They targeted two almost identical families with identical siblings. Two smartest, the two best looking, and the two most likely to be a total match. They chose one who was near physical perfection and athleticism and disfigured that so badly the left wing and liberals were hungry for attention. The other was manicured and perfumed to excellence with no regards to whether or not she was purposely ticking them off to a near homicidal rage or was a total mismatch.

So the one thing we know absolutely is that Bollinger did not allow Ahmadinejad to speak out of respect for "free speech" because Bollinger does not respect free speech. Only because normal, patriotic Americans were appalled by Columbia's invitation of Ahmadinejad to speak was Bollinger forced into the ridiculous position of denouncing Ahmadinejad when introducing him. Then why did you invite him? …At Syracuse University last year, when liberal hecklers tried to shut down a speech by a popular conservative author of (almost!) six books, College Republicans began to remove the hecklers. But Dean of Students Roy Baker blocked them from removing students disrupting the speech on the grounds that removing students screaming during a speech would violate the hecklers' "free speech." They had a "free speech" right to prevent anyone from hearing a conservative's free speech. That's what colleges mean by "free speech." (And by the way, my fingers are getting exhausted from making air quotes every time I use the expression "free speech" in relation to a college campus.) "Tolerance of opposing views" means we have to listen to their anti-American views, but they don't have to hear our pro-American views. (In Washington, they call this "the Fairness Doctrine.") - Tase Him Bro! by Ann Coulter,; September 26, 2007 -

The same duality was deployed on them but the injuries are real, this was no exercise and training, it was a real live communist cell and terrorist cell after SDI and a lot more. One they took down from perfection and the other they tried to make perfection of; only because the brains behind that was a woman and the partner, she built the character over the years and had trained him at life being older and almost like a sister-mother figure. When they disfigured, harmed, and destroyed this “brainchild” the scream was heard. Their willingness to imprison us outpaced their willingness to justify it. However, the argument was always based on a Ted Bundy type of right wing image or some mad-hatter gunman who randomly shoots people in shopping malls or schools. It instills fear and the need to act in the name of responsible government vices which helps to cover up mistakes and blatant lies.

Who cares if Palin was qualified to be President? She was running with John McCain! There was no chance that ticket was going to place her anywhere near the presidency. In fact, I can’t think of a better place to put someone you wanted to keep away from the White House than on a ticket with McCain. Palin was a kick in the pants, she energized conservatives, and she made liberal heads explode. Other than his brave military service, introducing Sarah Palin to Americans is the greatest thing John McCain ever did for his country. …In time, HUMAN EVENTS’ 2008 Conservative of the Year will be ready to be our President and someday can sweep into office and dismantle all the heinous government programs Obama and the Democrats are about to foist on the nation. Who knows? She might even be able to run as the candidate of "hope" and "change." - Sarah Palin: Conservative of the Year, by Ann Coulter,; December 22, 2008 -

That scream began at or around 1998 and blew up into an almost homicidal rage around 2002 which got the attention of this world and just about everybody. One was security and the other was the brains and military family. That was not her planning at work, it was his, and she was ordered to go and get help as quickly as possible after the request for reinforcement led to federal imprisonment and targeting the Pentagon by the leadership of this cell. If a rescue was pinned down and if a rescue was in order, then they took them out or weeded them gone. Keep in mind; this was a communist and terrorist cell, real life spies who were mad as hell and wanted blood and expertise to continue their mission of control, command, and intelligence.

Therefore, they had close allies on the left wing and could enable the resources of the liberals and left wing while superimposed on the right wing and the conservative side who they had managed to acquire control of. But this was not what was actually occurring and happening, a proxy war was in full swing. They targeted the father of cyber and satellite warfare and were manicuring the career and rise of someone who amazed others. What they were kept away from was who ideas and planning they were facing or who was the strategic brains which was closing in on them, the father of cyber and satellite warfare. To their shock and awe, most if not all of the invisible movements were based on the attacks they had been volleying back around 1998 to 2002 and then a new strategic approach was tried in 2007; destruction did not work, how about friendship and subordination.

Set in modern day New York, Leon (Jean Reno) is a top-flight hired gun who carries out the occasional hit for Italian boss Tony (Danny Aiello), part father-figure and part manipulator. Leon is truly exceptional at his job, as we see in the opening scenes, embodying an ability to appear or disappear at will with total ruthlessness. However, he does abide by the traditional honour code of "no women, no children", which is a welcome contrast to the psychopathic killers found in many films. Strangely, Leon seems to derive little from his work, spending his spare time training, caring after his plant and letting Tony "look after" his money. The twist comes when Leon spies his next-door neighbour's annihilation in a furious gun battle, the result of trying to trick the wrong people. - Plot Summary, by Damian Cannon (Movie Reviews, UK 1997), Movie: Léon (aka The Professional), 1994 -

On one side, one person was snared and collecting intelligence. On the other side, that same intelligence was used to snare them and those behind it. It caused them to think a conspiracy was underway and some love triangle or connection but they were not able to piece anything together. We had all the right and indicated we were being held as a prisoner or were kidnapped. The surveillance and watch to counter this intuition and suspicion was increased to near home imprisonment and the big brother house where everything and all contacts were monitored. These so called police and government agents noted unofficially and phantom like, made the mistake when we sought authentication and verification. That was the first mistake and first signal of something wrong.

The second major mistake was in 2008 when the two ends were tied and we became alive again and had broken their espionage cloud of oppression. Their story made absolutely no sense and no honest debate and fact checking was taking place, none whatsoever. Anything you say could and would be used you in a court of harassment or was reversed and used against you in order to antagonize and badger you for some mental insanity of incompetence case. By being on the opposite side but on the same staff, the idea of probable cause was undisputable.

This was occurring under 24 hour watch and you had to be very careful of what was said, spoken, or even revealed in your own home. It sounds like the original mistaken identity and a training program; where it was not who you thought and turns out to be live fire; they were shooting real bullets and until you notice this certainty of avoidance; verify who they were or what they were up to. Nothing can be ascertained or assessed by what they showed and revealed to you; they merely pursued you relentlessly. It was just merciless pain and hurt for no reason but absolute control and a robot terror like mentality would befit what they were up to or planning.

As Leon watches, interested but uninvolved, he sees the daughter Mathilda (Natalie Portman) walking down the hallway, laden with groceries. Creeping under the gaze of a particularly twitchy villain, Mathilda knocks on his door and silently pleads for sanctuary. As a dedicated hit man Leon has no wish to compromise his position yet, after several long seconds, he inwardly relents and grants Mathilda safety from the men who've wiped out her family. Thus begins a new phase in Leon's life, an interruption to his endless routine of training and action. He certainly doesn't want this change, and neither does Tony, but Mathilda manages to convince him that saving her life makes him responsible for it (so he'd better get used to her). However, when Mathilda discovers that Leon is a "cleaner", her course of action becomes clear. - Plot Summary, by Damian Cannon (Movie Reviews, UK 1997), Movie: Léon (aka The Professional), 1994 -

At the core of this hostility and discontent was the frothing anger of being un-American. They had been pushed to the breaking point and pushed to the point of homicidal lunacy. They called it “fighting against Americans” and branded their fight and war by two attacks, 911 and the Indian 911. Those two symbols were enigmatic to a symbolic fight and war and it was confirmed a communist and terrorist cell was behind it, mission accomplished.

To shorten this section of the plot and conspiracy, we skip a little and focus on the girl codenamed “Ann” and the boy “Alex” to keep absolute secrecy and for mission integrity; and what was career ending for these penetrations and seductive fingering process to make them sing in back slapping spasm of ecstasy. Not only was her life being manicured but a circle of friends was being formed to circle her. This circle of friends were the wrong ones and she looked for those who presented the most threat or had the most likeability to be psychopathic and near homicidal stalkers. We knew what had been unleashed and intelligence had picked this up also but the finer details were not present or allowed for eyes weary of this danger. Again, they wanted SDI and finally came so close to it; almost gift wrapped for them by some defection and ten year kidnapping or the destruction of the human soul. Therefore, three tiers were formed to counter measure and counteract the campaign to bad mouth, smear, and kidnap; then re-orchestrate career ending mistakes to win back what the attacks were intended on achieving. Here is how the three tiers functioned and how people read too much into it. Some people see a love story while others see a “close encounter” with an alien; it really depends on which side of the aisle you see the smoke coming from.

Despite their phony championing of “women’s issues” (i.e. abortion) there was not one Democrat woman who could win a head-to-head contest with Palin. Especially not if we got to see their faces. Democrats may have a fleet of women politicians, but they don’t have a deep bench of attractive ones. You don’t even think of most Democratic woman as women: Rosa Delauro, Nita Lowey, Patty Murray, Janet Napolitano -- and the list goes on. Oh, sure, there are the odd female Democrat sex kittens -- your Janet Renos, your Donna Shalalas -- but they're the exception to the rule. …The Obama campaign was so alarmed by Palin’s speech; it loudly dismissed the speech saying she didn’t write it. At least that’s what a press release written by an Obama campaign staffer said. Indeed, the first words out of every Palin critic's mouth were: "Good speech, but she didn't write it." So I guess all liberals were reading the same talking points written for them by the Obama campaign. At least Palin pays her speechwriters. Neil Kinnock is still waiting for his check. - Sarah Palin: Conservative of the Year, by Ann Coulter,; December 22, 2008 -

From 1993 to 1998, both Ann and "Alex" had a public image of 9 or 10 while our (hint) personal life was equal, a 9 or 10. Then from 1998 to 2002, Ann's public image began to decline and his (typo) was destroyed. If you measured their public image in 2000, hers was a 7 or 8 and his went from a 9 to a 2 in only two or three years. Meanwhile, her personal life was still a 9 or 10 but her relationship with myself slipped also to a 2 because as that public image and that war with her enemies became more intense and raging; her public image slipped to an all time low of a 2 while she kept her private life at a 9 or 10; but my relationship with her secret. It was sealed along with my relationship with her whom also dropped to an all time low because of that war.

With a syndicated column published throughout the country, six books _ all of which were best-sellers _ and, according to Media Matters, more than 200 appearances on MSNBC, CNBC and the Fox News Channel to date, Coulter hasn't had a hard time finding a place to express her opinions. And some argue that Coulter uses that to her advantage, appearing on shows purely to make a scene, and consequently, generating more press for her books. "I think [her comments] are highly calculated," said Liam O'Brien, an expert in media criticism and pop culture at Quinnipiac University. "I'm not sure she knows what trigger on which verbal gun she is going to pull at any given moment, but I think at any particular time, she has three or four of these things that are controversial and inflammatory enough to get national press notice above and beyond whatever the topic is of her book or the talk show." - Ann Coulter: Marketing Genius? By Emily Friedman,; October 17, 2008 -

What they did to me almost crippled me and it might have and may have been Ann's idea that she had to figure out how to be this safety net and pay the bills; my entire life was blocked and shut down for good. How "Alex" was going to pay the bills or make a living was a mystery considering how badly this war was raging to get to the finish line. "Alex" had given and transferred everything "Alex" had to Ann as a backup; therefore, when AL "Alex" was taken out, she kicked in and took over. When "Alex" was in federal prison for three years and spending two years to walk again; she did my work and was the backup. Ann was running everything, maybe even into the ground. She had gained and was able to become self autonomous, not needing or relying on anybody; thus, built an entire empire and the chips had not fallen yet. The chips will fall in 2008.

Like most Democrats, both Obama and Biden boasted of their humble beginnings, while having fully adopted the attitudes, pomposity and style of the elites. Meanwhile, Palin is the sort of genuine American that brings out the worst, most egregious pomposity of liberals. For weeks, Carl Bernstein was showing up on TV to announce: “We still don’t have the date of first issuance of her passport.” Members of the establishment would be astonished to learn that more Americans have guns than passports. …Liberals were angry at Palin because they thought she should look and act like Kay Bailey Hutchinson: Upper crust, prissy and stiff. Palin had a husband in the Steelworkers Union, a sister and brother-in-law who owned a gas station, and five attractive children -- one headed for Iraq, one a Down’s syndrome baby and one the cutest little girl anyone had ever seen. In a nutshell, Palin was everything Democrats are always pretending to be, but never are. She didn’t have to conjure up implausible images of herself duck hunting as Hillary Clinton did. Nor was Palin the typical Democratic elected female official who went straight from college into politics, like Nita Lowey. - Sarah Palin: Conservative of the Year, by Ann Coulter,; December 22, 2008 -

When her public image began to drop and her not showing while "Alex" was trying to find her to move away or get out of dodge's shooting match; "Alex" could not find her. "Alex" drove to so many states and took so many leads; it was years until "Alex" finally gave up. After "Alex" gave up her public image went rock bottom where his was already. She used my work to take her staff, which was the primary principle behind my own kidnapping, to the very top while "Alex" was pushed to the very bottom by them. The more they pushed me down, the more she used my stuff to push them upwards. They are all trying to make it to the finish line as one unit and this was how they showed us how they were doing it. There were a lot of people out there trying to save their butts and try to make it to the finish line, we were the finish line. They were using both Ann and "Alex" to reach this finish line and the deception was so intense and so evil, we were waiting for them to cripple us or take us out.

Convincing Leon to take her as an apprentice, so that she can go after murderer Norman Stansfield (Gary Oldman), proves tricky but eventually Leon allows himself to be worn down. He kind of likes having Mathilda around, even if she does force a few changes of address (he's deeply paranoid of being noticed, for good reason). Gun cleaning, target practice and assassination theory provide a form of courtship for Leon and Mathilda (although more at the father-daughter level), drawing them closer together. Each has the ability to salve the internal pain of the other, providing elements which their lives were previously lacking. Eventually though, the Stansfield problem forces its way into their happiness. He's more than just a drug baron regrettably, not that this dissuades Mathilda. - Plot Summary, by Damian Cannon (Movie Reviews, UK 1997), Movie: Léon (aka The Professional), 1994 -

Ann provided this safety net so that if they did; we would at least have something or could rely on some sort of financial security. She knew after 2002 that things were dire and the level of danger shot up there. In 2008, her public image was at an all time low, rock bottom. Ann's private life was kept at a level of 9 or 10 in order to combat this phenomenon of her being destroyed by the left wing and the liberals. She took this staff of conservatives to the top using my work and she was setting them up for a big surprise; taking me out and holding my public image at a 2 in 2000. Henceforth, this war which cause a tremendous decline in her public image, from a 9 to a 2; was counter reacted by her lifestyle and private life to hold her mental stability at a 9 or 10. Meanwhile, that private life to keep her mental stability at a 9 or 10 cause their secret relationship to hit rock bottom and a 2 because stalkers, spies, terrorists, and saboteurs were swarming around her when she reached the top. So a third layer over a period of ten years went like this; in 2000 it was Ann 9, Alex 2, secret relationship 10.

Brenner learns that the officer is Captain Elisabeth Campbell (Leslie Stefanson), the base commanding general's daughter and army captain in psychological operations. Later that evening, she is found murdered. Brenner and another warrant officer, Sara Sunhill (Madeleine Stowe) are brought in to investigate, as both are part of the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command. They find Captain Campbell's body staked down with tent poles, strangled, and presumably raped. When they arrive at General Joseph Campbell's (James Cromwell)'s home for debriefing, they are perplexed when Campbell's adjutant, Colonel George Fowler (Clarence Williams III) asks Brenner to notify him first before arresting anyone. They search Elisabeth's home off base and find her surroundings typical of a career Army officer, with one exception: through a false door in the basement, they find what appears to be a sexual dungeon of sorts, with handcuffs, harnesses, and multiple sexual aids, including a camera connected to a VCR. Sunhill goes to their car to make a call from her cell phone, and while Brenner gathers the tapes, he is attacked by a masked figure armed with a steel snow shovel. The culprit manages to disorient Brenner long enough to steal the videotapes. - Plot Summary, Movie: The General’s Daughter, Wikipedia -

In 2002 it was Ann 7, Alex 2, secret relationship 4. In 2006 it was Ann 3, Alex 3, secret relationship 9. In 2008 it was confusion by the three layers because the secret relationship between "Alex" and Ann restored her public image to a 9, reduced her private life to a 5 and dropping quickly, and her secret relationship was back to a 2 because it was now sparring against her private life and all the stalker who wanted to stay at the top and did not know Ann had taken over for "Alex" when he was crippled. In the time from 2002 to 2008 Ann also became a prisoner but when this secret relationship came out, rather than instant freedom, there was a sparring match from both her public image and private life with her secret relationship. Everything changed and her public image was restored but she was still a prisoner and so was "Alex". This caused her private life and secret relationship to reach an all time low of a 2 as they sparred and pulled Ann in both directions. "Alex" had destroyed the left wing and Ann had bloodied their nose along with small cuts. Those who benefited and rode her "camouflaged" financial safety net, because the risk and possibility of being crippled more heavily was real and ongoing, were in for a surprise.

Brenner then questions Elisabeth's close confidante, Colonel Robert Moore (James Woods), who also works in psy ops. Though cordial and somewhat cooperative, Moore is evasive when questioned, and gives an alibi of being in bed asleep at the time of the murder. However, this proves false when Moore's fingerprints are found on Elisabeth's dog tags that were found in her duffel bag several yards from her body, along with her clothing. With this find, Brenner arrives at Moore's home, where he then arrests him on charges of conduct unbecoming of an officer after Moore refuses to give up more information on Elisabeth. He then hauls him off to a lockup on base where he tries to strongarm him into a confession, but without success. However, Moore is later released by the officer in charge of the jail and restricted to house arrest. Brenner returns to Moore's home and finds loud opera music blaring from inside. He beats on the door and window but receives no response. He then breaks down the door after Moore's cat, with blood-covered paws, arrives at the window. Brenner, Sunhill, and base provost marshal William Kent (Timothy Hutton) venture inside and find Moore dead on his couch with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to his forehead. Fowler attempts to close the investigation at the crime scene, stating that Moore killed himself out of guilt because he killed Elisabeth. However, Brenner isn't convinced, stating he intends to keep the case open. They threaten each other's careers with their knowledge, but back off. - Plot Summary, Movie: The General’s Daughter, Wikipedia -

Once "Alex" was freed and no longer kidnapped, Ann’s job was done. The process was now to capture those behind this and the operation to steal SDI and cyber and satellite warfare. Now her job is done and she needs to be retired. "Alex" had already been fatally wounded and hit rock bottom and kept there by the same people who wished to make it to the finish line. Now "Alex" can ride the wave Ann had created, Ann can ride the wave that "Alex" created, but the terrorists and communists are slowing finding out why they cannot. That is what is going on with Ann and "Alex" and this three tier; public, private, and secret. The manipulation of those three was coordinated by "Alex" and Ann was simply a backup when "Alex" was taken out early. Ann did not them and did have the "win at all cost" which shut down both the spies and terrorist on the right wing, the entire left wing, and the attacks by the phantom left wing who had captured and kidnapped "Alex" once they knew a lot of people were involved in Alex's life and they had been under surveillance unwittingly. Now they had proof they were and were confronted about this. The secret is the three tiers and how it is a backup system; the entire work is Alex's and it was passed to Ann so that crippling "Alex" did not stop it from happening.

Further cover-ups are revealed, and it's later learned that Elisabeth was sexually promiscuous with virtually all the officers that made up her father's staff. It's also revealed that Elisabeth was an honor student at West Point until her sophomore year, and barely managed to graduate. Both Brenner and Sunhill visit Dr. Donald Slesinger, the academy's psychiatrist with a kind-but-firm demeanor, after receiving medical records from Captain Goodson, Moore's lawyer (and presumed homosexual lover). Slesinger refuses to discuss the case until the agents tell him of Elisabeth's death, which visibly upsets him greatly. Through Slesinger's spoken accounts and his records, it's revealed that Captain Campbell had been gang raped by fellow trainees during a training exercise while a cadet at West Point. She was separated from her group and was raped many times, and Elisabeth did not know the names of her assailants but one, who later gives up the information after being confronted by Sunhill in a locker room. The agents then pay a visit to the general, who corroborates the story. Fearing that the assailants would never be caught, General Campbell acts upon the advice of another general and decides to cover up the incident; as such a scandal could destroy the academy. While Elisabeth is recovering in a hospital, the General forces his daughter to cooperate by persuading her to forget that it happened. This denial of justice psychologically damages Elisabeth, causing her to partake in various violent sexual activities which culminated in an act of defiance that finally goes too far. - Plot Summary, Movie: The General’s Daughter, Wikipedia -

In 2008 both Ann and "Alex" had to face the usual problem of having staff they did not pick and had no knowledge of what was occurring; but they were intervening and did not understand they were not hand selected where "Alex" and Ann are hand selected and do know what was going on. Both of us were forced to work with people we did not choose and this also presented problems and head butting because we preferred not to work with them and their constant insistence we were subordinates or under their control. When the government is involved, help or assistance always has red tape, some strings, or a nut case who is clueless but wants a piece of the action so they are not blamed and exposed as the problem, thus a termination of duty and job. In the end, the government is accountable and they had performed so poorly and caused such poor managements that the government was near collapse. With her public image restored and her name back, the fight now was raging in her private life, Alex’s public life, and the secret relationship. Those who had been snared were not going to give back "Alex" his public image or let his secret relationship affect their private relation with Ann which was used to imprison her also. She was hurting them badly during this raging war with the left and the left trying to overtake the right wing.

Separately, Leon and Mathilda are stuck in opposing aspects of a childhood time warp; he is an adult with the emotions of a kid (his inability to read and write reflects this), while she is treated as a little girl despite having grown up prematurely. Hence, they are fellows in spirit and ambition. The stunning performance leeched from Portman anchors Léon, as she moves easily from vulnerability to callousness to affection, although Reno is also convincing. The sticking point arises with Oldman who makes his role so over-the-top and violently dangerous that it's impossible to believe in his position (obviously the whole tale requires suspension of disbelief but, somehow, this aspect is just too much). Léon is still strikingly good though, stylish, bloody and a fine meld of American/European precepts. - Plot Summary, by Damian Cannon (Movie Reviews, UK 1997), Movie: Léon (aka The Professional), 1994 -

In hurting them, Ann admitted she had messed up by using her privileges as a woman. If life is unfair and women have more privileges then those privileges were used as a weapon, who it was used against is not know, maybe even "Alex". Even if Ann had messed up and admitted this, she threw it on Alex’s lap and restored her public image while the gap was big between them. Constant gifts from men, constant bombardment of dates, constant attention and stalking, constant excess of those privileges without rejecting them caused trauma on everybody who was caught in it. By accepting gifts and accepting those advances; tensions were not reduced on three tiers; public, private, and secret. It also indicates a psychological problem with managing good relations with those you care for most at the expense of seducing delusional and sadistic homicidal lunatics. It is a sort of female snuggery and the violence is aimed at those you love most. She did have a tremendous impact on the stalking and the kidnapping. Once it was made known we had a twenty year relationship, the kidnapping stopped almost immediately and then they declared war on us both. They were distracted and then became angry again trying to separate and isolate both so no communications was possible.

Another “lifelong Republican” says that I have gone too far. He writes, “I have always been a fan of your previous writings. Your latest ‘interview’ with Ann Coulter has left me shocked and dismayed. … You have lost all integrity in my mind. Your inability to question her regarding this outlandish rubbish is disgraceful.” I guess he missed my review of Coulter’s last book, How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must). The e-mails I enjoyed the most were those that said I was worse than Coulter herself. One guy wrote, “As a sycophantic piece of s***, your review of Coulter's latest piece of s*** is exceeded only by it.” Another writes, “[Y]ou revealed yourself to be just as vicious as Ann Coulter -- and that's saying a lot.” I plan on adding this to my résumé. So, for those of you keeping score, conservatives cannot write about people they agree or disagree with because it makes them “hucksters” or Hitler. Instead, we should be writing about issues we don’t care about and people with no political relevance. Fortunately, HUMAN EVENTS has no need for articles on Brad and Angelina and their new baby, so keep those emails coming! - Coulter Foes Launch Hate-Filled Attacks, by Lisa De Pasquale;; June 12, 2008 -

Ann had gotten and was passed what "Alex" had and now was viewed as abusing that secret relation by creating the impropriety of accepting those small gifts of adoration. This ended up creating an army of stalkers which made any possibility of love miserable and impossible. When it is thrown on their lap you do not have a clue what to do or say; it makes you disappointed and miserable and it makes the person who is doing it unworthy of love. When strangers create the idea they are in some fantasy relation with someone's loved one and you play along, it has an affect on someone’s psyche and how much control they have over who you love. When they express their love and want some feedback, it shocks and disturbs the calm or trust. When they give too much attention, even if it makes no difference or changes nothing, it is very distracting and can cause tremendous anxiety by the snuggery of that game.

Colonel Kent happened upon Captain Campbell after her father had left her naked and tied to tent stakes (in a reenactment of the rape with assistance from Colonel Moore, and designed to elicit a response from the General). Kent, who has a sexual history with Elisabeth, strangles her after his advances are spurned. Kent also reveals to Brenner and Sunhill that he buried some antipersonnel landmines near them (known as "Bouncing Betties"). He trips the wire to one, and walks into its path, killing himself. Brenner and Sunhill throw themselves to the ground, managing to escape unharmed. Parallel to these events, Brenner and Sunhill manage to invalidate General Campbell's reasons for the cover up by swiftly bringing his daughter's assailants to justice. As General Campbell prepares to get on the plane to accompany Elizabeth's body to the funeral he is confronted by Brenner. Brenner lays the burden of the death of his daughter on the General, stating that his betrayal of her was what killed her and that Kent had merely put her out of her misery. Brenner notifies the General that he will be court-martialled for conspiracy to conceal a crime. As the General steps toward the plane, one is given to see that it is his end, as well as his daughter's, that he is approaching. The film ends with a montage of Elizabeth's happy childhood and Brenner and Sunhill departing in opposite directions and an admiring glance by Sunhill at the departing Brenner. - Plot Summary, Movie: The General’s Daughter, Wikipedia -

There was no effort to end it immediately and stomp on that fire, maybe it was to capitalize on some guarantee. Thus, a potential problem was ongoing for a long time and it was not rejoicing when it is thrown on someone’s lap. Capitalizing on this contest may be repellant but to the most disturbed it becomes a very bizarre experience of hope or fantasy. There is an expectation to this sullen effort and the most disturbed is whipped to a determination of anger. "Alex" was caught in this troth of uncertainty which was linked to so many stalkers and admirers when the fire was never extinguished before. It was a nail biting wait to see how long this would continue and how messed up things could get when Ann admitted she had messed up by entertaining it and capitalizing on the admiration of other men. Once "Alex" restored Ann’s public name, her private life was a sticky point because her unwanted admirers were kicked into panic and their destruction was now aimed at "Alex" to drive him away or make him so unhappy he took it out on Ann because it had been this same type of phantom and thief.

Dr. P: Thanks for meeting me. I come here a lot, its quiet, helps me think. Roger: I lost my job yesterday. Dr. P: Yes, sorry about that. It was a crappy job anyways. Well heck I have good news, I’m offering you a truce. (Roger shrugs) Seriously Roger, enough is enough. Roger: Fine. Just leave Amanda alone and you will never see me again. Dr. P: Well, here is the thing, its not that easy. Normally, I’m not the type of guy who falls in love with a chick, its not what I do. But with Amanda, something just clicked. Roger: You barely even know her. Dr. P: Hey, hey, hey, take it down will you. Act like a man will you. Sorry buddy, but I have to see where this thing takes me. (Gets up to leave) Hey. (Hands Roger vanilla envelope) Roger: What is this? Dr. P: It’s a refund, half of your tuition. Roger: Why half? Dr. P: Well, you did learn something. Hell you even kissed my girl. Roger: (Throws envelope) I don’t want your money. Dr. P: Just trying to be a gentleman alright. (Picks up the envelope of money) You don’t want me to take the gloves off Roger, I gotta go. – Doctor P and Roger dialogue, Movie: School for Scoundrels, 2006 -

They were beaten so badly they wanted to turn their anger mostly on "Alex" because they exhausted themselves trying to win the affection of Ann. However, their way is to destroy others if they are not adored and affection reciprocated; that is the left wing and liberals. It is their hate and they never get reciprocity. Not many people on the top with commit to that affection on the bottom and reciprocate their kidnapping attempts but that is their politics and why warfare breaks out. It is also the basis of socialism and communism when the rights of everyone are not the same and the demand for social justice is terrible. That was their communist and terrorist cell we were looking for. They knew they were about to loose a lot of privileges and the change had negative impacts on them so they watched menacingly to control it and even strike out when they could or nobody was watching. Who was watching? The only people watching were hate groups who had the same central powers and had affixed on two targets they deemed to be easy prey. The most damning aspect was it was official government sources who managed to penetrate government already and were about to loose these privileges; their power was falling fast if not already.

You can see how the interaction of the three tiers was transforming as one or the other was also to equalize. In some instances the transformation was overnight and so horrific; it was a matter of time before the inevitability of being hunted down was a real possibility. The behavior was so appalling and the value of the targets so mismatched that no other outcome was possible. They were caught in a squeeze and three tiers, two tiers they visibly saw and one they did not or were not allowed to. Now they demanded to see the third tier and be part of their private life which lit up their conspiracy and diminished the idea we were conspiring for them. They menacingly refused to back down still but would not win a violent clash or some severe retaliation, such as rightful imprisonment. The only way was to overlook and avoid any attention to the matter or cover it up to hide the communist and terrorist cell which was operating behind the scene menacingly to agitate and throw everybody in a divisive rage so the hate policies would become most important part of their politics and power. That hate was holding her prisoner and forcing her to marry someone they approved but was unfit to be honest of what was actually occurring or supposed to take place by all the pressures on her personal life.

Nixon's team of in-house investigators -- informally known as "The Plumbers," since their primary mission was to stop leaks of classified materials to the news media -- discovered Radford's covert activity in December 1971, during their probe into a sensational series of stories published by the syndicated newspaper columnist Jack Anderson. A thorn in Nixon's side since the 1950s, Anderson had obtained highly classified minutes of NSC meetings about the India-Pakistan War then roiling South Asia, and published excerpts from the documents just days after they were typed up. In addition to disclosing sensitive information about the movement of a carrier task force in the Bay of Bengal, the series showed the Nixon administration had deceived the public about its true aim of supporting Pakistan in the conflict, and later won Anderson the Pulitzer Prize. - The Men Who Spied on Nixon, by James Rosen, www.foxnews; December 15, 2008 -

From 1998 to 2008, the capitalization of male adulation also was the cause of her sky dive in public image and the egg hunt to dig up dirt which causes so much laughter and pain for her enemies who expected to nail her also. They were not aware of three tiers but knew something was not right and disinformation had whipped them in frenzy. Women prolong pain with this snuggery of the heart but it was used as a repellant on stalkers. These people can spend years obsessed with finding dirt or chasing after some myth only to find a dead end and a lot of wasted effort. It might burn them enough to never make them try it again. This did not work on the most whacked out and emboldened them to become controlling and violent even if they had no real relationship with her, they were mere helpers and deranged fans. Accepting their gifts, giving them attention, exchanging emails, and even debating them were dangerous and wrecked several tiers of Ann’s life because that negative form of admiration, inappropriate behavior, affects those she truly loves (parents, spouse, or siblings). It is very hard to tell who is right in this matter when nobody is right and it is all a deliberate attempt and a personal war to maximize the hurt on each other.

Many of those writing the negative e-mails are outraged that a conservative would ask a conservative author questions from a conservative’s perspective for a conservative newspaper. One person writes, “You are so unfair and unbalanced!” Well, there goes my shot as a Fox News anchor. But lest you think he might have any intellectual points to make, the rest of the e-mail refers to me and Coulter in a sexual manner. In fact, several e-mails included this kind of rhetoric. I would quote them, but to make it decent it would look like Morse code. Another person writes, “So how does it feel to interview Hitler reborn first-hand? I think I would need about 20 showers just to feel normal again after being in the presence of such a pathetic excuse for a human being.” I was actually surprised that it took more than 12 hours since the interview was published to get the first Hitler comparison. The comparison of [insert Republican’s name] to Hitler is as hack as “I just flew in and, boy, are my arms tired.” - Coulter Foes Launch Hate-Filled Attacks, by Lisa De Pasquale;; June 12, 2008 -

This three tier matrix system is essential but there is a raging fight in the right wing. The matrix must be kept in balance; but what caused this matrix to go so out of whack? It is this fighting in the right wing and on the conservative side which cause the three tier matrix to go cahoots. It was also the left wing running loose with no chain and no oversight. The left wing was already an enemy and a transparent enemy; there was never any enforcement. If victory was assured, then it had to take over and disarm the right wing and the defense forces. It had to trick it to follow and to obey. If the fight against the left wing and liberals were to have any success, the assured destruction had to be addressed and this meant a raging fight on the other side to control it and take it over. This church had a message that if they were not in power and if there tricks were not in place, hate would be widespread and terror would run free; however, socialism was also part of that collaboration. That is not the case whatsoever; it does not work with others, only them. This hate is only regional and not a global phenomenon and it is being used to promote this left wing economic defiance of market reality. There is so much appalling behavior taking place under their leadership and management that you must ask if any leadership is in place whatsoever and why the truth is so far away from the reality.

Today, conditions in… are as chaotic as they were in 1993. The population is plagued by widespread famine, disease and 400,000 people are internally displaced. Pirates operate… because there is no effective government. The government, which came to power in 2004, controls little territory and provides little governance. It is severely threatened by an Islamist insurgency being waged by… group which is intent on installing the … Courts Council. Even though… does not pose a strategic threat for America that justifies the use of American ground forces other than a few unannounced special operations personnel seeking high value targets? …more than a nuisance to our… commerce and the majority of... are not as yet a threat outside that country. …want American warriors ashore in anticipation that …She explained “I would not be here seeking authorization to go ashore if the United States government … were not behind this resolution.” Rather than looking for another war for American soldiers to fight, Rice should push those closer to the problem to do the fighting. …neighbors haven’t provided much help. …President Bush could send American troops to… as one of his final acts in office much as his father did… say “No American administration is going to want to see chaos in…” But how will the newly-minted President Obama deal with… - Stay Out of Somalia, by Robert Maginnis,; December 23, 2008 -

With SDI, it was guaranteed that victory and this balance of power and terror was impossible for the left wing and the liberals. The only way to win and overthrow the government was to take over and siege the right wing put to do this, the left wing had to first penetrate, then get rid of nodes, block any future leaders, and replace those nodes with the left wing. There was appalling behavior and evil events unfolding and to survive Ann had to swim in it while "Alex" tried to fight it and was taken out quickly. This caused a big gap between Ann and "Alex" after ten years of being a prisoner. Ann was able to cope with it and swim in it because she was not the brains behind it, she was merely reporting it. The opposite was true with "Alex", he could not swim in it nor report it and play along, and he was the computer digesting the numbers.

The reality is simple to understand, our world has transformed into a very dangerous one and the threats which we most fear have become not only real but more real than we wish to deal with. At the same time, the individual liberty of the human species is being challenged by a menacing left wing and liberal threat who views individual talents and individual existence a threat to their lack of quality and poor aimless marksmanship. The worst case scenario would be to have a society where this lack of quality goes unpunished and is a ticket to carte blanche leadership. The worst case is if we cannot stop the bad guys when they launch not only some cyber attack but attacks at the fundamental existence of a nation declaring it a victory for democracy and individual liberties. That is the fear and that is the sober reality, it is and has been a dangerous world which those behind it do not even notice. The only time they do notice it is when it is too late or when the clean up is so overwhelming nobody can help to fix it. this is also what we are witnessing in 2009 with a new administration and the endless need to restore trust and restore legitimacy to government rather than enforce the failed social changes implemented by the War on Poverty and the Great Society; nonetheless, the New Deal of post Depression Era 1940s complacency. There is and never have been any crime committed with a strong defense, the crime is with who the staff are and what the politics is about; corruption and criminal insanity. - How the World Changes, by author, December 30, 2008 -

The chips had finally lined up in 2008 but the big gap between "Alex" and Ann was slowly being fixed because it super risky and a final escape had to be figured out by those who were behind this mess. Ann went to the top with Alex’s work while "Alex" sunk to the bottom with Ann’s work; there were two forces acting on this quality; two phantoms yet only one goal and we had already known them to be a communist and terrorist cell. Once they linked, the network became clearer because the focus and emphasis was directed all towards the black movement and this church that has supported their rise to power. Now the surveillance teams ran into each other and crises-crossed so evidently clear who had been behind the mysterious phantom enemies. When confronted they knew it was too dangerous to reply so the public assumed the worst because it was even worse than that. We are talking about prosecutions on a scale unheard of and for crimes against the state beyond treason. This cell was elusive for over 30 years or more and winding to an end but the levels traumatized the mind into thinking some mental disorder or one had lost their minds. It was real and this was so impacting on them they had to scramble a last ditch effort before world war was lost forever to the victors. They are so weakened they cannot afford a violent clash internally or globally; but what was the alternative when they no longer could rule democratically or properly. It was a matter of time until they bled to death.

Unless people want to give up their freedoms, we must get square, transparent, and concrete guarantees as we approach a very dangerous century. Communism has not morphed into some war on terror and we know it to strike out at or kidnap when they do not get what the want. Once detected, the best course of action is to intern and prepare to deport this left wing and liberal problem which cloaks itself under the individual liberties and freedom of societies who are no less in danger by them. we do not suggest the current path to socialize and even form some prison camp out of a free society, we recommend the severe threat of deportation and denial of citizenship because of poor quality, living behind enemy lines, and even unaccountable bad leadership which already throws security and defense forces in a tailspin once they are on their trail or chase. The poor quality has to be addressed and the guarantees assured or severe and quick defense is pending. We have seen none of this and entering an age of high technology and even attacks in cyber space or some non borderless world, hostile nations and their hostile computers can strike at any given time and on any particular target. Cyber terrorism is a short cut to DEAFCON 5 and it is not for any other purpose than to wreak havoc or to create chaos in the life of others with no meaningful gain. It is like an internet joy ride but this time the people driving are homicidal maniacs who pick up socialization skills in chat rooms and blog sites. - How the World Changes, by author, December 30, 2008 -

The beehive, if this was completed, could all be populated by the left wing or at least the power and control. How to make others go to the liberal and left wing or populate the left wing was the trick still not answered fully. It was not successful with or possible by either Ann or "Alex". The attempt almost destroyed them. In 2008, things came to a stop on both the right and left side. Ann was fighting for her soul with "Alex" because her private life caused a serious disappointment when the war against the liberals was raging. The far left and a few on her staff and right wing tried to destroy her, control her, or make her love them. They did the same to "Alex" but it was coming from the left wing and the new revelation in 2008 was the right wing was taking credit for the kidnapping and would be blamed so the left wing was victorious. What Ann did was play along to gain momentum and to use their wind before stealing it. These are very dangerous people and psychopathic spies. What "Alex" did was to fight it and be defiant so the matrix on both sides stayed equalized until an open surge was possible to crush the blockade and the blockage. This was how the 1960s communist and terrorist cells were overtaking the government and turning the world into the left wing. Worse, nobody even noticed it or cared so long as they were not fired from their jobs and the debt provide for this.

"No one has been reluctant to book [Coulter], and we've had as many requests as ever _ probably more," Coulter's publicist, Diana Banister, told, arguing against speculation that Coulter may soon be less prominent on news talk shows. Banister also had no explanation for an open letter to readers that appeared on Coulter's Web site Tuesday, claiming that her "career as a media figurehead is over." Members of the blogosphere speculated that her site had been hacked. The letter was removed midday and replaced with Coulter's latest column, opining about the Republican presidential hopefuls. Coulter's comments, as controversial as they often are, make great television, several media told, but the more outlandish and offensive she gets, the more likely it is that networks will begin refusing her a spot on their programs. In the meantime, though, Coulter may be playing her cards just right: ruffling the feathers of her critics, while her own market value and name continue to grow. - Ann Coulter: Marketing Genius? By Emily Friedman,; October 17, 2008 -

There were people who wanted to take control of both of their lives and even cleverly follow the cyber and satellite warfare program. We knew the level of engineering was strong in both the Asia Pacific region and in the United States; however, this communist and terrorist cell were pushing us to the African continent to introduce cyber and satellite warfare and this was an abolishment and complete insanity. There were absolutely no way we were going to even touch or entertain the idea given the overwhelming and the onslaught of global warfare if one stupid mistake was made. We witnessed such poor quality of work and such poor management skills, near insanity and lunatic dependency; it would be in their right to shut it down and anybody who even tried to attach themselves or follow us. We are not entertained by the idea of a dirt civilization swimming in the clean waters of this program and the power it can generate. That power is used for good and to destroy and crush the enemies of this world, no less them. We got no support from the Bush Administration, attacked by the Clinton one, and now will throw it on the lap of the Obama Administration on January of 2009 given this is a left wing and a liberal enemy threat which was at its strongest under the Bush Administration.

The contrived incident that launched the Israeli attack was an alleged attack by Hezbollah into Israeli territory where they were alleged to have ‘kidnapped” two Israeli soldiers and subsequently launched a rocket attack to cover their retreat. The conflict killed over six thousand people, most of whom were Lebanese, severely damaged Lebanese infrastructure, displaced 700,000-915,000 Lebanese, and 300,000-500,000 Israelis, and disrupted normal life across all of Lebanon and northern Israel. Even after the ceasefire, much of Southern Lebanon remained uninhabitable due to unexploded cluster bombs. As of 1 December 2006, an estimated 200,000 Lebanese remained internally displaced or refugees. During the campaign Israel's Air Force flew more than 12,000 combat missions, its Navy fired 2,500 shells, and its Army fired over 100,000 shells. Large parts of the Lebanese civilian infrastructure were destroyed, including 400 miles of roads, 73 bridges, and 31 other targets such as Beirut International Airport, ports, water and sewage treatment plants, electrical facilities, 25 fuel stations, 900 commercial structures, up to 350 schools and two hospitals, and 15,000 homes. Some 130,000 more homes were damaged. - Israeli Invasion of Lebanon, 2006, by Brian Harring – TBR April 1, 2007; -

There was a lot of appalling behavior and now none of it is even address while this idea we would gleefully and presumptively hand over cyber and satellite warfare to the African continent as had been proposed in 1999 after the attacks on the embassies; not before a world war we will not. The people behind this have been outlawed and until things changed and their life restored, no such thing was so entertaining. They have no such right until the engineers and computer scientists say it is so; these people are unqualified and ambitious while they force us to live at near poverty to fulfill their ambition. This is the case in 2008 and waiting for their life to be restored while living on only $400 a month, that is the insanity of this matter. If you want to get really mad at this world, then this is a really good lesson on how to deal with a bunch of god forsaken culprits. All they care about is their jobs, what they can take, and themselves. We sit here and wait while they claim we must help theirs elves and they did nothing to put us in this situation where we literally are running the world at near poverty levels and fatally injured. It is the craziest and the most appalling thing any human being will ever witness by a bunch of deadbeat cannibals. They deserve to have their citizenship stripped and deported for inaction and a false action no matter how vehement their demands for jobs are or what their rank truly is.

There needs to be total restructuring and total reorganization. Political correctness and unqualified cronyism is not wanted at these levels and we would even go so far as to desire a steward who was not heavily in debt and had quality as a political focus. There is too much appalling behavior under both the right and the left leadership of these cannibals swimming in a sea of fifth and it angers everybody why the right personnel are such a far reach? There is this sewage of powerful politicians who keep insisting we work with the poor or allow them into the deepest reaches of power for mere image and publicity. It strikes you as nonsense because now the feeling is you live in this ghetto of poor people, which we are currently, while their dreams are stolen and we are to hold on to their work which makes us sink to the bottom while their work takes them to the top; so we do not deserve what they dispense and they do not deserve what we dispense while they keep insisting how unfair this world truly is.

Inside the Nixon administration, however, where officials were still reeling from other high-profile leaks -- like The New York Times' publication of the Pentagon Papers in June, and the paper's disclosure of key details in the United States' nuclear arms talks with the Soviet Union -- the Anderson columns inspired outrage. A joint Plumbers-Defense Department investigation quickly zeroed in on Radford, who was known to have had contacts with Anderson, a fellow Mormon, and to have enjoyed access to virtually all of the documents the columnist had published. Under intensive polygraph testing in late 1971, Radford denied having leaked the India-Pakistan documents to the columnist. (Anderson died in 2005 without ever disclosing who had been his source, but he told author Len Colodny in November 1986: "You don't get those kind of secrets from enlisted men. You only get them from generals and admirals.") However, the young stenographer did eventually break down and tearfully admit to Nixon's investigators that he had been stealing NSC documents and routing them to his Pentagon superiors. Radford later estimated he had stolen 5,000 documents within a 13-month period. - The Men Who Spied on Nixon, by James Rosen, www.foxnews; December 15, 2008 -

If they wish to pull some rank or make some demand from us, maybe a test can be given or some academic test to find out how well they adapt to their leadership and how dirt stupid they truly are before they declare how tough or powerful they feel. It is quickly becoming a sewage you must swim in to survive and to survive you must abide by the rule of the gun or the rule of the dollar, which are petty dime store and street corner thug management. The stuff that is happening is appalling and very difficult to focus on quality. The terrorist attacks were a response to the mounting avoidance to and a dialogue with the people who were doing this back in the late 1990s and this was their way of saying “you will do as we say and you will work closely with us militarily” when we were trying hard to ignore and avoid this same church.

This trick, this hate and this terror was some hoax to make the left wing more powerful while behind the scene and their message is how things can spiral out of control if they are not in the leadership position or powerful; but to do this others must be sensitive to their cause and their religion which totally overlooks quality of the message or messenger. That message is more democratic but their rule is far from democracy because honest disagreements or honest debates are censored as insensitive to their cause. That terror is why they chose democracy but do not chose to rule democratically because it defeats their goals. They are angry, they are on the edge, they are maniacs, and they are pushy about it. They have no worry or no concern about who they sack or impose that message on and it is so oppressive it makes this world homicidal even if they feel resistance or defiance to their rule is hateful. Quality and the talents of others are thrown out the window while they accumulate expertise to rise and make others sink with their work.

We can give one particular case of this kind of unreliability or even lack of transparency in government being produced by the Middle East office and the policy experts there. If you look at tourist ads about Israel, you see serene beaches filled with models and pretty girls in this quaint and buyable package. If you watch the news reports you see people living as if nothing was going on or daily life is immune to the near criminal insanity of one mafia family vying to beat or outdoes the other. If you listen to the speeches of all sides, you see how the issues are covered over and never addressed which creates this state of war and near belligerence for each other. Then when you look in the history books you will see gross injustices committed by all the parties involved and nobody wishing to take any accountability or steal the show. However, the moment we go to war and the moment something important is perplexing us, they show up and leech off the idea we had, forgettable and conspicuously, are overwhelmed by poor quality and aimless bad leadership. Expletives aside, we can expect a terrorist hit or some sort of retaliation from the terrorist wings particularly soon and right on time. - How the World Changes, by author, December 30, 2008 -

They had been testing us and they wanted to steal this expertise and we can see now what they were and are up to. They wanted their work to rise to the top while we sank to the bottom with their sewage. This is also how and why we are running it while on the bottom while the sewage has floated to the top; it was a series of staged events. The debt is keeping that sewage afloat while they figure out how to keep this balance so that they are not defeated eventually and rightfully put in their place by the market reality. The Mumbai attack had the exact similarity about working closely militarily and with their leadership. We had wished to avoid this church way back when they did this and we still wish to avoid them now for making this threat about what will happen if we avoid them. We do not wish to work with them closely militarily and have this burden we must work with the poor to please or appease their power. They also have brought us to the boiling point while simply “making us aware” of how angry and how ingenious their merciless dependency is.

"I hope... gets the message before this becomes an all out war in which... has everything to lose. We will not stop until the situation in... becomes normal and quiet and is totally different then the one that prevailed until 11:30am … time... when our restraint came to an end and we went out and did what we had to do and what any country in the world would do under these circumstances." - Dan Gillerman, Former Israeli UN Ambassador, FoxNews, December 29, 2008 -

Keep in mind, this is a church and this church, as described above, has a level of criminality which is so despicable and appalling, they must remain in hiding. In addition to this, they have a long record of upsetting even their own follows and oppressing other countries to the point of armed rebellion just to get rid of them and drive them out. Yet they insist on some superior or mental flawlessness which keeps them in hiding and quiet while debt accumulates to astronomical proportions. They are also notorious for trying to upset others by making unwanted decisions in their life and to always be pulling the strings or calling the shots from underneath the tables; these things are so repugnant but it remains part of their history and tradition. If they wish to make decisions for others, let it be the most logical and to rid them of this earth for becoming so upsetting and so flagrantly religious in their criminality.

Most other nations would lynch them immediately for the mere thought of trying such chicanery and lying fortitude. We know they are on the right wing and are trying to unify the left wing to it with progressive changes. We know this church will always gravitate to the left wing while we fight this gravitation to them so they send out their hunters to speed this process up. We know they are not as conservative and right wing as they make it and the imposters are just as wacky as their church leaders who direct their actions and do not respect their individual autonomy. But ask, why do we have to be affected by them or have such harm affect their life, is it a true religion or some clever trick of the mind to win at all cost and at any criminal insanity to existing problems which makes them very pushy and hell bent to win at all costs? How can the market and the system of capitalism survival while this threat is living under one side that thrives and one side that dies off? Who is going to beat who to the punch and who is going to use armed rebellion to deal with their homicidal and vicious intentions? Who is going to put who in prison first about a message of why they should not be locked up for communism and terrorism, not once but twice?

Johnson, frustrated with his inability to reach a solution in Vietnam, announced on March 31, 1968, that he would neither seek nor accept the nomination of his party for re-election. General William Westmoreland, commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam, requested an additional 206,000 troops to finish off the weakened enemy forces. Johnson denied Westmoreland's request and replaced him with General Creighton Abrams. In May 1968, the U.S. and North Vietnamese began peace talks in Paris and reached a formal agreement in January 1973. Fighting between the North and South continued in Vietnam before the war finally ended on April 30, 1975, when Saigon fell to the Communists and the last Americans left Vietnam. - On this Date January 31, 1968: Viet Cong attack U.S. Embassy, On This Date -

When people here about this appalling behavior, they are ready for armed rebellion; that is how disturbing this church is and this idea in 1998, with the attacks and bombings on the US embassies, we would mysteriously be guided by an invisible hand to the region of Africa for three years so we can introduce a thriving cyber and satellite warfare program for them. This will show you the level of insanity and mere nonchalant criminal lunacy of this church who feels not only are they the same as us, they do not have to respect the existence of others or the right of the individual talents to exist autonomous of their majestic services which panics and enthralls them to attack royals and others who come from this lineage. It also shows you from 1998 to 2008 what kinds of actions need to be levied and placed on these people. If this is who they are and what they are about, then armed rebellion and insurrection is the only way to preserve this nation or global peace. They just will not abandon the idea that they have nothing to offer and have nothing others want while they intercede and try to make unwanted decisions for those unwary or weary of what they are doing but in an unwinding manner.

Now the nation has undergone over thirty years of their inclusion and rise to the corridors of power which they still do not understand or have respect for those who occupy those most sacred corridors. Their criminal insanity and criminal lunacy applied to both economic and political policies have nearly wrecked the nation while other trading partners are made to feel guilty or selfish they cannot compete or had their life stolen. Most other trading partners simply ignore the harassment and are not within enough touch to be affected by this meandering horde knocking on the doors of mankind. It has wrecked the economy and caused artificial crests in the economy and then led to a market correction where urban dilapidation becomes a progressive plan to nationalize or socialize society so they are not exposed for what and whom they truly are, a major threat.

These irregularities now have not only paralyzed the national security front but also affect the banking and industrial sectors into abolition of market trust or the fear of the capitalistic system. They fear an armed clash because they have no chance in hell unless they can overtake the right wing and overthrow the government. If they had been able to acquire us early on, this may be closer than everybody realizes. Now we are stuck with the idea they failed and wait until this failed effort wishes to honestly address the problem before their tanks and planes come storming across the plains much like our planes flew into targets or bombed our life to hell in a hand basket. Let us hope they are wise enough to not call out the forces of cyber and satellite warfare or the official response to their blind armed incursion on the right wing and the last stronghold before we are struck with responding with overwhelming and deleting force. Following us with dependency and following our work with ignorant mismatch goals will never work; that will agitate this unwanted attention and unwanted syndrome no matter who they claim to be. If they cannot stand on their own two clay feet, then do not stand on ours for a better view. The political system has born unto this world a psychopathic problem which requires a psychopathic response and adjustment. Did we mention before it is too late because it is almost too late for us until we sprung this trap regarding what they were up to and what we were sent to do also.

The timing and magnitude of the attacks caught the South Vietnamese and American forces off guard, although they quickly recovered and recaptured the occupied areas. Militarily, the Tet Offensive was a disaster for the Communists, who suffered devastating losses. However, while the offensive was a crushing military defeat, the Communists scored a huge psychological victory that would ultimately help them win the war. The graphic images of U.S. casualties suffered during the offensive helped stoke anti-war sentiment among the American people, who had grown tired of the long conflict (active U.S. combat troops had been in Vietnam since 1965; the U.S. first sent in military advisers in 1961). The public was disillusioned by earlier overly optimistic reports of progress in the war and disenchanted with President Lyndon Johnson's handling of it. - On this Date January 31, 1968: Viet Cong attack U.S. Embassy, On This Date -

Henceforth, the solution is clear and obvious. Restore the trust and the power, hold those responsible and accountable so that trust is restored and good relations returns. The talents of the individual and the industrial world will respond and pick up on this major accomplishment by recognizing this church is finally done and gone. Instill and install the instant gratification of knowing this will never be a final chapter in a long and winding history of a threatening criminal church whose arm twisting and unwanted thwarting of life and society will not be tolerated. Lastly, to send a clear message to the world that armed rebellion is not a real and immediate threat because the system of justice actually works and the process of accountability is viably sound and in good healthy condition. So this is what they are up to and the last strong hold is the right wing or the conservative end where the defense forces and barracks are. If you invade that firebase and take it over, there will not be any response or defenses left because the enemy has all the access they need to fight this secret war and defeat anybody before the fight even starts. If they take over the right wing and the conservative end, serious and detrimental consequences are inevitable as we have just observed and witnessed and now are telling about. Oh it is real and it is alive; but it is just as dangerous as we are willing to be; let’s hope it does not take planes and columns of tanks to make this clear and level headed.

When you restore trust and honesty in government, a lot can happen and this paralysis of the mind and life will help to kick the engines of the market and eventually kick the threat down the sewers it crawled out of. It is there, it is dangerous, and it needs to us to adjust to it with equal force because there is a higher philosophical need to get rid of this so called “dying breed” of toughness that is nothing more than a pushier way to spread a criminal religion on this world. We know and are well aware they are and were the ones behind the terrorist attacks on the nation and we have finally apprehended and confronted them about this sojourning and melancholy affect on our own life. It feels like you are jumping in ice cold water, the body shakes and rejects it and if exposed too long, the human spirit will die.

The Tet Offensive was planned as a massive, simultaneous attack on the major cities and provincial capitals of South Vietnam. It was scheduled to take place during Tet, the Vietnamese lunar New Year celebration, which was traditionally a time of decreased fighting. In December 1967, following an attack on the U.S. Marine base at Khe Sanh, 50,000 American troops were sent in to defend the area, thereby weakening U.S. positions elsewhere. This American response played into the Viet Cong’s strategy to clear the way for the surprise Tet Offensive, in which Communist forces attacked Saigon, Hue (the imperial capital) and over 100 other urban areas. - On this Date January 31, 1968: Viet Cong attack U.S. Embassy, On This Date -

What makes these people so much more and so superior to suggest they are any different? Why are they such a tough breed to be able to jump into a freezing sewage and play gleefully when those they attack and imprison have so much difficulty and are handicapped by their thoughtless and mind paralysis; or is that the trick of the mind which they have used to become this powerful phantom to do what they did at any cost to human life and to harm mankind on such an evil level? Maybe they will finally get it and maybe we will finally get them before this is all over and done with. In telling us our life is a heartbeat away from being destroyed if we do not surrender to their forces, we can now say the same; their life is a heartbeat away from being meticulously and flawlessly destroyed regardless and without any thought. Will they surrender before they get uglier?

So why would someone wish this to happen to us and then tell a story of either their life or how they feel by harassing and attacking on a daily basis for ten years to tell a story? Who in this world has a story so bizarre and so off the charts insanity; yet they wish to be the rescuer of our own fate and the rescuer of this matter? Again, if our observations and data are correct, they were doing this globally and this was their foreign policy, it was happening on a vast greater level. Why did these people kidnap us and wish this to happen is the first question. The second question is why did they sit there and wait until they were arrested when the charges and the situation was so off the charts of criminal insanity? The third question is whose life is this and why do they insist we are part of a larger freedom thrust to bring a second or third tier in absolute cahoots and disarray? Whose life story is this if not ours and why do they wish this on us so they can be viewed as a liberator and working closely to not free us, but them? We have other plans for them once they are charged and prosecuted; we have no intention of releasing them, granting them total freedom, letting them do this on another individual, or helping any aspect of this plot and evil acts, mission accomplished.

Later in the article, the Romers write: “In short, tax increases appear to have a very large, sustained, and highly significant negative impact on output.” …Now here’s the rub: all this talk about a $700 billion stimulus package. I hate to be the one to pull the plug, but government cannot spend our way into prosperity. The wish list of Democratic spending initiatives includes short-term tax rebates, massive new transportation bills, even more education money, exotic green-technology spending, a big-government embrace of health care, and heaps of cash for UAW-Detroit carmakers. None of that will stimulate economic growth. Economist Paul Hoffmeister has it right: We need to invigorate incentives to produce and invest. Let me take it even further. We need to revive the dormant animal spirits, which have been beaten down by a brutal bear market in stocks, the ongoing housing slump, and all the myriad blockages to credit availability. A bunch of new spending won’t do the trick. Lower tax rates will. Government policy must make it clear that new successes will be handsomely rewarded. This will be Obama’s greatest challenge. While he may not raise taxes in 2009 -- a good thing -- he hasn’t yet come up with a new bolt of electricity that will hardwire the serious risk-taking that lies at the heart of free-market capitalism. Right now, the missing electric bolt is lower tax rates and greater rewards for new risk investment by investors, successful earners, and business. - Obama's Pro-Growth Economic Team? By Lawrence Kudlow,; November 25, 2008 -

This is espionage on a level never seen; this is surprise and usurpation of the trust of others never before seen; this is manipulating the consciousness of the human species and public unlike ever seen; this is just sneaking around and trying to steal the reality of this world unlike we have ever seen before. It is literally homicidal and it fits the profile we have described as homicidal maniacs; the odd part is they wish to be viewed as rescuers and standing for or stinking up the concept of freedom. Why would anyone stink up this world on such a proportion and step behind freedom or a rescue effort for themselves? (Note: “Laura I.” says they are trying to do their best with true honor on 12/28/2008 2:14:37 PM while this is being written), mission accomplished? They pushed us away when and if they are supposed to be our voice; then force us to merge when it is not; therefore, it feels as if the right wing and conservative movement has been shut down while the doors on the left wing and liberal side is completely open. So now, they are coming out and stating they are guilty as sin and learned new things from us or their failed efforts. However, the larger plot and the larger effort has not been addressed; they are merely creating a distraction after being caught so that other primary forces can storm or sneak up to enable and forward this larger plot and it has to do with the bail outs and the change occurring.

If this is the biggest begging effort we have seen in over a century, what makes them feel we would overlook what their efforts are and how much force is going to be leveraged to destroy this effort? Did they feel the world would bend over or roll over the minute they saw them make their charge and slipped past the borders? This idea of building a monster and becoming God; some transformation they were and are undergoing is going to be met with equal and greater force to prevent this transformation from taking place and repeating itself. This is as wild as insanity gets and it is the biggest appeal for freedom imaginable. Are they going around bragging about what they had done and why or are they embarrassed of it now they have been caught red handed? The question here is whether or not they can merge with us or coexistest with us and whether we have any desire to merge with their communist and terrorist cell? The answer should be no but we were not tricked into saying yes at anytime; instead we were imprisoned and had ten full years stolen until we surrendered to their forces.

Something similar is true internationally. European countries seem to show more compassion than America in providing safety nets for the poor, and they give far more humanitarian foreign aid per capita than the United States does. But as individuals, Europeans are far less charitable than Americans. Americans give sums to charity equivalent to 1.67 percent of G.N.P., according to a terrific new book, “Philanthrocapitalism,” by Matthew Bishop and Michael Green. The British are second, with 0.73 percent, while the stingiest people on the list are the French, at 0.14 percent. …When liberals see the data on giving, they tend to protest that conservatives look good only because they shower dollars on churches — that a fair amount of that money isn’t helping the poor, but simply constructing lavish spires. It’s true that religion is the essential reason conservatives give more, and religious liberals are as generous as religious conservatives. Among the stingiest of the stingy are secular conservatives. …In any case, if conservative donations often end up building extravagant churches, liberal donations frequently sustain art museums, symphonies, schools and universities that cater to the well-off. …Conservatives also appear to be more generous than liberals in no financial ways. People in red states are considerably more likely to volunteer for good causes, and conservatives give blood more often. If liberals and moderates gave blood as often as conservatives, Mr. Brooks said, the American blood supply would increase by 45 percent. - Bleeding Heart Tightwads, by Nicholas D. Kristof, The New York Times; December 21, 2008 -

While in prison and the screaming and yelling was ongoing, the calm of a coma and massive psychoactive drugs became silence and was close to fulfilling this scare tactic. What were once daily fist fights and total chaos was now a calm of drugs and a near coma. The story begins here with the rise and the sordid snaring of these merciless plotters and homicidal lunatics caught red handed. Several clones were produced in the early 1990s by arid opposing groups who were total mismatches but also using the proxy war to fulfill their political objections. None of them were allowed the closeness and proximity of access. One was and one female got very close and did identify as being stopped in her tracks. This was confirmed around April of 2008 when her world collapsed and her career work had to be burned; that book now had to tell the story or this story. It meant that she would be fingering and an actual accomplice to the crime itself had she written the script.

We do not like it when we here public officials demand people be tested because they had manicured and targeted the most amazing “Ann” they had seen while a kidnapping was ongoing; only because she was the life partner of the person working on this case or his own case; she would be at the finish line also or at least he was supposed to be. These moves and these political moves had been discussed back in the early 1990s and even before then and now they had silenced one end of it and left the other open ended if they could. They soon closed that open end confirming we had our suspects. You can learn a lot from two soccer players on a field who maneuver past defenses and score goal after goal.

You can learn a lot from veterans who have taken the field and irradiated the reasons behind the sentiments and hatred for the low quality and bad leadership. We wonder if they are human beings or some clown alien lout dressed up for nothing; we were not that impressed and never had been even if they are still closing off streets while they take their pets out for a jog. But this is part of the problem when you are dealing with homicidal maniacs who refuse to give up or go away. Some of the UN officials have stepped down and some of the politicians got away by stepping down. The only ones left were the hardcore and leaders. It took ten to twenty years to weak out the weeds. How does anybody get any work done when they leech off your life and stalk you in order to steal anything you have of value to them?

Coulter refused to apologize, and explained her response to Mrs. Edwards in a subsequent column: "Edwards is...the trial lawyer who pretended in court to channel the spirit of a handicapped fetus in front of illiterate jurors to scam tens of millions of dollars off of innocent doctors...Apparently every time Edwards began a story about his dead son with 'I've never told anyone this before,' everyone on the campaign could lip-sync the story with him... If you want points for not using your son's death politically, don't you have to take down all those 'Ask me about my son's death in a horrific car accident' bumper stickers? Edwards is like a politician who keeps announcing that he will not use his opponent's criminal record for partisan political advantage... As a commentator, I bring facts like these to the attention of the American people in a lively way." – Ann Coulter, Wikipedia biography (December, 2008) -

The most daring and most paralyzing aspect of this was the Iraq War. The Iraq War has symbolized the last eight years and what happened to us after 2002. As in clear print, the quality of work was so poor it was beyond embarrassing and the idea of waging war without any debate was brought before the public. They still do not know what the entire situation was about; it is about Middle East policy and waging war without a proper debate or accurate information. They had called this Middle East policy for almost fifty years. In 2008 with the collapse of the entire global economy and life on earth, it was mission accomplished all over again, kettles and buckets to catch the lies and the liars.

Resolution 233: The situation in the Middle East (6 Jun)
Resolution 234: The situation in the Middle East (7 Jun)
Resolution 235: The situation in the Middle East (9 Jun)
Resolution 236: The situation in the Middle East (11 Jun)
Resolution 237: The situation in the Middle East (14 Jun)
Resolution 238: The Cyprus Question (19 Jun)
Resolution 239: Question concerning the Democratic Republic of Congo (19 Jun)
Resolution 240: The situation in the Middle East (25 Oct)
Resolution 241: Question concerning the Democratic Republic of Congo (15 Nov)
Resolution 242: The situation in the Middle East (22 Nov)
Resolution 243: Admission of new Members to the UN: Democratic Yemen (12 Dec)
Resolution 244: The Cyprus Question (22 Dec)


It was used as a proxy war against the highest levels and the most secretive parts of the allied defenses. It had its advantages, without a doubt, but the process of war and this secret war was not debated properly even if it had to do with Middle East policy and decades of suspicion. To do this, the economic engines of the American society and the discontent of the US political system were used to empower and enable the deep divisions which allowed a multifaceted array of lunatics to seek power and assembly; any voice possible in the highest of the allied forces. This is how far and how high the communist and terrorist cell had penetrated and they were so secretive and elusive, they ran circles around everybody and nearly wiped us out just trying to avoid them and flee them.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 (S/RES/242) was adopted unanimously by the UN Security Council on November 22, 1967, in the aftermath of the Six Day War. It was adopted under Chapter VI of the United Nations Charter. The resolution was drafted by British ambassador Lord Caradon and was one of five drafts under consideration. It calls for "the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East which should include the application of both the following principles: (i) Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict" (see semantic dispute) "(ii) Termination of all claims or states of belligerency" and respect for the right of every state in the area to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries. Egypt, Jordan, Israel and Lebanon entered into consultations with the UN Special representative over the implementation of 242. After denouncing it in 1967, Syria "conditionally" accepted the resolution in March 1972. Syria formally accepted UN Security Council Resolution 338, the cease-fire at the end of the Yom Kippur War, which embraced resolution 242. It is one of the most commonly referenced UN resolutions in Middle Eastern politics. - UN Resolution 242, Wikipedia -

Therefore, after our false arrest for nearly stopping them cold and exposing this plot in 2002; we were taken out and crippled for almost five years or until late 2006. Many changes were forwarded when we were blocked and taken out. After the federal imprisonment in 2002, Ann began to release our work and her books beginning with Slander to taunt them. Her columns made them suspicious and feel they were being watched closely even illegally wiretapped. They were not; she had been in contact 24-7 with this end of the plot and was also acting in concert with the planning. She merely was a parallel universe of what was going on and was not acting on her own; what she did is the exact same as what we did on this end, a big surprise and a very big mistake on their part.

Ann’s job was to confront those behind it to see if they were conscious and aware of what they were doing and they fought her nearly to the death. In 2008, when she made contact online, she had been surrounded and a prisoner in her own home but they did not know what was happening to them; only curious how she was doing it and capitalizing on her silence. They were and had been exploiting her. They were claiming they wished to promote her and help her now. So she took them to the top while they shook us to the bottom and held us down there until help or their demands were met. In 2003, those behind this unified; used the Iraq War to debate and argue what were once controversial aspects of the Vietnam War they knew nothing about. They knew they had us and it had to do with the Vietnam War but it was not. It was a completely and wholly different situation and matter which they did not know a damn thing about or both Ann or “Alex”.

December 27, 2008 Who in their right mind would let Ann's staff near their kids or even their spouse? They are so angry, disgruntled, meek, delusional, and inadequate the only things they have to fight with and about are striking out at others; even her own family members. Did we mention they were behind two attempted kidnappings foiled? Now who would let these homicidal staff members near them? Who the hell would work with them knowing they either were behind or tried to foil the apprehending process of homicidal terrorists who were and are attacking the nation? Do you or anybody trust them with or around your family; how about your spouse? Soon they will be into cloning important people or switching people at birth. Arguing with the spouse and bad mouthing about made up or false material was just an indication of who they truly are. These people are in the business of kidnapping the family members of others for political benefit and to destroy their work and evidence brought against them. If that was not enough already, they refuse to assist to free and stop those who were about to. They feel that keeping quiet or to themselves would go unnoticed. They call this a fearless fight and freedom. They claim they will not release the grip or the surveillance on others while this is winding down. Worse, they are stomping on the floor and claiming to become bolder and learned how not to make mistakes the next time; as if nobody would protest or care.

You have to understand that “Ann” and “Alex” are the best of the best; not bad. He is much better than she “behind enemy lines” and he was in touch with Ann since the 1980s. What they did and fail to recognize was the flood of ridiculous people they kept on showing. It was relentless and when it began, they were not treated as a communist and terrorist cell. When you have 500 or more people encircling you, the best thing to do is to find out what they want and what their demands are. If you cannot meet it, then it you exploit them as they exploit you. This communist and terrorist cell began as a cupid service, it was not a prostitution ring even if the candidates were ridiculous and they felt they were pulling a fast one on you. They were never able to hold their tight grip and control; therefore, they abandoned it to prevent an escape and struck out repeatedly when it was known they were unsatisfied; however, we did nothing wrong and did use several of them before they used us; their goal is to exploit us. Primarily, it was to exploit us but he had always been a “stud” like figure and this is why Ann and he was such a good match. In 2008, there was a sense of being attacked online or otherwise if we even spoke or emailed each other. The effort to do this and jump in with guns blazing was met with a counter force; one which did not see any benefits in it and had an ongoing plot on her and myself. They made it clear and so we had to make it clear while Ann took them out with a history of monumental dates ten years ago or more.

It began as an effort to get close and marry us. Then they were interrogated because it was not known whether or not they were helping the effort to find Ann or the reverse. If they send someone, it is picking a needle out of a haystack; what are the password and the password system. If Ann was on the other end, then all we have to do is relay a password; if not, they are treated as “unfriendly.” So the process of interrogation can begin to determine how unfriendly they were. They were ridiculous and the best way to dispose of the effort is to use them or abuse them. Their unfriendly nature comes out quickly. The best way is to put them in a situation where they are not able to lie out of it and make them know lying is not allowed. The best way is to play along and waste their time and effort while exploiting the fact they were a communist and terrorist cell who is trailing you and doing evil things to you which you do not understand. It is odd to see and hear homicidal maniacs blame their victims. The date they were going to take us out was never discussed; it was merely an ongoing flirtation with a quiet conspiracy to do it behind everybody’s back. Our romance with this communist and terror network was being reported as a flirtatious gesture to gain from their power when it was a fight to the death; a fight they also describe as “fearless” and “helping the people.”

Sarah Palin wins HUMAN EVENTS’ prestigious “Conservative of the Year” Award for 2008 for her genius at annoying all the right people. The last woman to get liberals this hot under the collar would have been … let's see now … oh, yeah: Me! The entire presidential election year was kind of a downer for conservatives. Once the “maverick” John McCain won the nomination, the rest of the year was like watching a slow motion car crash. Except at least a slow-motion car crash is occasionally entertaining. So it was going to be a long year. Until Palin. …Pre-Palin it had been one race -- boring old “You kids get off my lawn!” John McCain versus the exciting, new politician Barack Obama, who threw caution to the wind and bravely ran as the Pro-Hope candidate. And then our heroic Sarah bounded out of the Alaska tundra and it became a completely different race. This left the press completely discombobulated and upset. They didn't know whether to attack Sarah for not having an abortion or go after her husband for not being a sissy. - Sarah Palin: Conservative of the Year, by Ann Coulter,; December 22, 2008 -

Both Ann and he were trying to marry and had they not put such an effort; we would have ten years ago. We no longer can control the damage on them then they were able to deny our kidnapping and standoff with homicidal maniacs acting cute or sexy. We did nothing wrong, they did; but this is part of their game and how they cover it up. They were never the police or some legal effort when they did it, but they morph into one when caught. They wanted us to join them and now want to join us since everybody knows what they are up to or shown to operate. If there was a violation of the law, then it is a matter of false interpretation and legal defense for the accused; however, no intentional or effort was made to violate the law but an effort was made to encourage them to. We have the brake system and principles; they have no brakes and are ridiculous. It is a chase between homicidal maniacs and the best of the best and you have to choose who is supposed to win and why they are not allowed. They wanted a fight and to strike out viciously if you tried to escape or end their effort to kidnap you; how do you rationalize this and criminalize a determined effort to escape homicidal maniacs who lie blatantly? How do you get any work done when they steal everything and throw you in a fit of rage?

This only works when you are the best of the best. You can rule out random or events not being manipulated by someone to determine when they give up and whether or not they are still there. Their story will never make any sense and they will lie, cheat, and steal to tell you anything you want. Those who are caught lying are confronted. It becomes an opportunity to gather more information on them. One example is if they try to marry you off early, they will send a very anxious person as we described. So you exploit them, see what they are willing to do, how far they will stretch the lying process, what type of person they are, and how badly they wish to “sell” you their broken or miserable life. It is easy to interrogate a female on how many partners she has been with, whether she has ever had a sexually transmitted disease, and what her level of knowledge is. We did not hear, initially that is, “oh, our girls follow a five step process to ensure our clients get the best in life.” These is how you extract information and then play along to see how far they can carry a lie or how well they are trained to lie. There was a point where an escape was real and they began to “recycle” the same people who had failed previously and that was even more ridiculous.

The Setup: Sean Hannity had called the local radio station…A couple of days before the show, Sean had heard about a boycott in Cincinnati by an organized bunch to protest the show. This bunch has been trying to get Cincinnati boycotted by all types of entertainers. But Hannity isn’t your average entertainer. Sean allowed a boycott representative named Nate Livingston on his radio show two days earlier and challenged him and questioned him about both his motives and the fallout damage he is doing to the people he claims to be helping. Livingston said he was organizing a boycott of the show, and that there would be about 125 protesters there that night. Hannity bet he couldn’t get even a dozen. Hannity also asked him if he would go out to dinner with him that night. Livingston was so confounded by the offer that he was speechless for a long moment before he declined. …“We had the media for years - giving us the liberal point of view, and now we are fighting back!” “We have the fastest growing talk show in history”. He mentioned that the boycotters had managed to get only eight people outside and the crowd laughed and clapped. After his inspiring introduction, he then introduced Ann Coulter, “A good friend of mine, this woman is FEARLESS”, to more wild applause and a long standing-O for Ann. - Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter Show Up for a Night - Live in Cincinnati, by HighWheeler, Free Republic; August 09, 2003 -

When you are the best of the best, their effort is to convince you otherwise or how they are also the best of the best. Other than this, it is very difficult to waste time. When they know you are only interested in marriage and family, they set their game plan differently than a prostitution ring would. When you make their job harder and harder and they pour over the effort; they become stressed out and angry. The point is to end the effort and ridiculous siege. They are so good at lying; they try to present themselves as an enabler and not a dead end wall. Had they not tried to pull down or ruin the life of the best of the best; then both Ann and he would have had no obstacles back in 1998 to meet. To each effort we made, there were at least 20 other efforts to confuse and cause a mess or block any escape. This is the fear, if they release control the kidnapping would end and the control could not grow stronger. Their effort is to gain total control. They cannot say we did anything wrong when they were being apprehended and brought to this point, a kidnapping to make opportunity, phony science, and to gain total control of our lives for a defection. Were we able to tell they were homicidal maniacs? Yes, we were able to tell they were a communist and terrorist cell but it better to gather evidence and gain the pattern which can corner them or spring a surprise at a much later time when escape was more difficult. They are not denying who they are, they are protesting we were so successful in catching them; it would have been much worse and they are even more clever and elusive than what is being described.

Our effort is to frustrate, destroy, exploit, gain advantage, extract information, and not cause alarm while they did this or became bolder. Our effort is escape and evasion if possible and if not to play along when they struck out and retaliated. The boldest effort of all was the imprisonment and thus the games ended there. The game plan changed when it was not known if they were friendly or not by identifying themselves as some police force or legitimate authority. Now it is much harder to say “this” or “that” was a communist and terrorist network sent to destroy us before they completed their plot and plans.

The Times, which last month mocked Sarah Palin for getting taken in by a French prank…got taken in by a French prank, printing a letter Monday allegedly from Bertrand Delanoe, the Mayor of Paris, calling Caroline Kennedy's bid for a U.S. Senate seat as "appalling" and "not very democratic." …It is our practice to verify the authenticity of every letter we publish. Like most of our letters these days, this one arrived by e-mail. We sent an edited version back to the writer of the e-mail and did not receive a response. …We will be reviewing our procedures in an attempt to ensure that an error like this is not repeated. Back on November 6, the Times’ Republican-hostile reporter Elisabeth Bumiller mocked Gov. Sarah Palin in a story relishing the post-election backbiting emanating from the John McCain campaign. Bumiller concluded by recapping a prank interview Palin conducted with who she thought was President Nicolas Sarkozy of France but was actually a French radio prankster. …Ms. Palin appeared to believe that she was talking to President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, even though the prankster had a flamboyant French accent and spoke to her in a more personal way than would be protocol in such a call. At one point, he told Ms. Palin that she would make a good president some day. “Maybe in eight years,” she replied. - The Times Falls for French Prank After Mocking Palin for Similar Gaffe, by Clay Waters, ; December 23, 2008 -

There is much more to the story naturally, this was ten years of full scale conflict to control the life of two people while they tried to escape or play along to apprehend them. The process of ignoring them had to be abandoned early and the effort to apprehend them necessary. We did noting wrong to get to this point but the “antagonizing” and “the same” effort is used back at you with blatant lying because a lot of pretending was going on; if we were in constant contact then it would be easy to instill a password system to gauge what sort of effort was underway. Eventually, it morphed into prostitution or something like that but no funds were ever discussed or no evidence presented. They wanted something from us but these insignificant dates were leads to a bigger flirtation and romance with an open door. They were able to get us up against the wall and on our backs; yet the demands were never announced, until the bail outs. Their political punch now was a red cherry cool aid of socialism and wealth distribution schemes.

I assume Palin was chosen because McCain had heard that she was a real conservative and he had always wanted to meet one -- no, actually because he needed a conservative on the ticket, but that he had no idea that picking her would send the left into a tailspin of wanton despair. But if anyone on the McCain campaign chose Palin because she would drive liberals crazy, my hat is off to him! True, Palin made some embarrassing gaffes. She complained … Speaking to military veterans… She bragged… She told one audience about recent tornados in Kansas that had killed 10,000 people. In fact, a dozen people were killed in the tornados. She referred to the “57 states” that make up the U.S. …It seemed like the media would introduce an all-new double standard each day throughout the two glorious months of Palin’s candidacy. …Liberals also suddenly decided that a woman with children could not handle the stress of higher office. Until Palin reared her beautiful head, this is precisely the sort of thinking liberals would have denounced as the Neanderthal, backwards, good old boy network attitude that had created a “glass ceiling.” - Sarah Palin: Conservative of the Year, by Ann Coulter,; December 22, 2008 -

They were recycling people when they ran out and the new ones were worse and even more ridiculous. If they were the police or trying to act as the police, then this was never present before 2002; after 2006 they acted more like a prostitution ring which was never detected either prior to 2002. They were hungry and they wanted a date when this would end; that is when resistance would cease. The suggestion and impression, was uncertain but clouded by the suggestion Ann wanted to take them out because she had a history of such. Either she wanted to ask them or they wanted to demand this date which created at least four fantasy “love triangles” or fictitious “on air” marriages. It was a messy situation that was getting messier; there was only ten percent left to go until it came to a screeching halt.

As the U.S. military converged on Baghdad in April 2003, an FBI team of document experts followed closely behind. Their task: to sort through Iraqi intelligence documents for any hint of ongoing terrorist plots against the United States. What the team uncovered amid millions of documents gathered from warehouses, secret government stash houses and the Iraqi intelligence ministry was an extensive network of Iraqi spies operating in the United States. Using the documents, federal prosecutors in Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, New York and Indiana have brought charges against 12 people. Other investigations are under way. "There are millions and millions of government documents over there that are being cataloged and examined," says assistant U.S. attorney James Conway, who prosecuted Sami Khoshaba Latchin in Chicago. Latchin, 59, was convicted last year of acting as an agent of Saddam's government, conspiracy and immigration violations for serving as a "sleeper" Iraqi agent. A Chicago jury found that the Iraqi Intelligence Service (IIS) instructed Latchin to immigrate to the United States, blend in and eventually provide intelligence to Saddam's government. The cases began with an FBI task force in an abandoned, vermin- infested house on the grounds of a former regime recreation area near the Baghdad airport. As U.S. soldiers secured the Iraqi ministries, they began collecting documents, says FBI Special Agent Richard Kolko, who led the Baghdad-based team charged with analyzing the documents. "It started as dribbles, and then it was truckloads and truckloads," Kolko says. "The amount of material was staggering." - FBI Team in Baghdad Uncovered Extensive Iraqi Spy Network in US, by Donna Leinwand, USA Today (Deseret News, Salt Lake City, UT); March 03, 2008 -

The problem is simple to understand, had they not done this or targeted us as defectors, we would not purposely present ourselves as very unsuitable candidates and victims. We were the best of the best and we had to present ourselves as unsuitable kidnap victims, we think we achieved this to great success. We think we have encouraged them to a point where the general public is disgusted with them. We think we have caused tremendous pain and may have shut them down finally as a communist and terrorist network. We think we might of and may have ended their plot and effort to invade the nation or unleash terror plots. We know how much we suffered to achieve all those goals. We know what it took to reach this point of achievement even if they do not wish to give us any credit or admit what was truly happening to us and to them. Had they not done any of this, both Ann and he would have been together and had a normal relationship. We did take them out on many difference occasions using their octogenarian greed and want for what was impossible. This is their tradecraft to obtain the impossible and to antagonize those who were cognizant of the matter at hand. We were not intimate with them and they wanted a level of intimacy that would lead to violence and even civil war.

We never sought them out; we were the best of the best, evidently revealed after and when they had little chance of disproving thus. Instead, both of us, Ann and I, were forced to work together and to do everything we described to survive the kidnapping effort, to present what they were doing, to show they were homicidal maniacs, and to enable those who had been or wished to capture this network and horrifying menace. They will see first hand how difficult the effort is and the level of expertise we have even if we did most of the dirty work and the most impossible. They are suffering now where once they were sadistic kidnappers and only wished to inflict pain and destruction on the life of others. Had they given thought to how we had suffered and why they will or are suffering now; then the homicidal maniac effort would make more sense for them. They cannot say they were about peace after the fact and after being caught. They wanted us as defectors and to exploit where we would take them and kidnapping us made this more of a reality when it was ridiculous; after they struck out violently and attacked both the nation and certain people, the game changed on them for the worse. Again, it is odd to see and hear homicidal maniacs blame their victims. Did they take us out or did we take them out on some merry scary ride of the pit of hell? Who wanted what from whom and how were they willing to go about changing what they could not have? Who keeps on demanding intimacy and a level of intimacy which only their money can speak for?

Wisam Noman al-Anbuke and Raed Roman al-Anbuke were charged last year with passing information to Iraqi intelligence about Iraqi dissidents living in the US. US authorities believe the Iraq Intelligence Service was involved in trying to locate, intimidate and kill Iraqi defectors and dissidents, as well as terrorist operations including an attempted assassination of President George Bush senior. In January the publisher of an Arabic-language newspaper in Chicago, Khaled Abdel-Latif Dumeisi, was found guilty of conspiracy and acting as an unregistered agent of Iraq. Mr Dumeisi - who is Palestinian-born - was accused of spying on Iraqi dissidents and contacting at least four Iraqi intelligence officers. - BBC News Update, by the BBC News Service; March 2004 -

The Iraq War gave them a head start and expertise just in case something changed. Meanwhile, Ann debated the Vietnam War with her other book Treason which outlined how debilitating the left wing and the liberals were during the Cold War and trying to please the Vietnam conflict, to achieve victory, because the left were a sewage of political division. They anchored their progress with the black movement which we were ripped apart with in 1998 to 2002 and were the attacks in Africa and the World Trade Center. They also wanted us sent to Africa for three years because the African region was avoided in the college studies and analysis besides the terrorism in the East African region. They demanded we set up the cyber and satellite warfare program in Africa and used the terrorist card like the race card and the war on poverty.

He became a legal permanent resident of the U.S. in 2000. Several years later, after the Iraq invasion, U.S. military discovered Iraqi Intelligence Service documents that described the work of someone called "Adam," later identified as Al-Dellemy. They showed he had been passing along U.S. information since 1989 and was paid for his efforts. He shredded incriminating documents at the Iraq Embassy in 1990 and organized social gatherings. He used his restaurant to gather information about Fort Meade and the National Security Agency. And he lied to FBI agents earlier this year to cover up his actions - "long after he became a lawful permanent resident of the United States," Maryland U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein said in a statement. - Laurel Man an Iraqi Spy, by Tricia Bishop,; December 23, 2008 -

With great contradiction, the Iraq War was used for many reasons but was mainly paralyzing in prosecuting those behind this terror plot, a stalemate. It was used to merely complain and “debate” the Vietnam War era and promote Israel in the Middle East by taking what was to them a safe position. Investigations had not been completed and honest debate was not given to civil war, warfare, and foreign policy. This had nothing to do with Civil War. Iraq was used to complain and argue Vietnam and a lot of people died because this goal was not about Civil War; this was the left wing and the liberals and their aim was to beat us internally and here in the United States. Keep in mind, there was a limited and closed opportunity with Iraq; firstly, you always support your military when they are in combat. You can argue it later and after the fighting but this rule cannot be placated.

Agents and analysts labeled and assessed every bag and box, interviewing the soldiers to determine, down to the room and the desk, where they had found the papers, Kolko says. They found that the intelligence ministry had organized itself into regions with Iraqi analysts assigned different countries, including bureaus that focused on the United States, Europe and Russia, he says. "They had a fairly qualified service in place with a global reach," Kolko says. Defense Department officials scanned the documents into a computer system that gave U.S. intelligence agencies immediate access, Kolko says. The translators scoured them for links to the U.S., especially passport numbers, phone numbers or addresses that might lead agents to an Iraqi operative living in the states, Kolko says. Back in the U.S., the FBI began working with the Justice Department's counterespionage attorneys to find and prosecute suspected Iraqi agents. The cases "really all fell into place after the fall of Iraq," says Patrick Rowan, deputy assistant attorney general for national security. "The military knew where to look, obtained the documents and passed them to the FBI." Prosecutors used a file seized in April 2003 from an IIS house to build a case against Khaled Abdel-Latif Dumeisi of Oak Lawn, Ill. Dumeisi, code named "Sirhan," was sentenced in March 2004 to three years and 10 months in prison for gathering phone records and other information about Iraqi opposition leaders in the Chicago area that he transmitted to the IIS in Baghdad. "They did have very good records," says Assistant Attorney General for National Security Ken Wainstein. "Kind of low-tech, but good records." - FBI Team in Baghdad Uncovered Extensive Iraqi Spy Network in US, by Donna Leinwand, USA Today (Deseret News, Salt Lake City, UT); March 03, 2008 -

If the kidnapping effort was paralyzing, then the Iraq War made it difficult to stop them and their new expertise in warfare; but when you are nearly cripple and disconnected from those you love; it is not a real concern until back on their feet again. No matter how you flipped the coin on Iraq, you will not find culpability or some left wing or liberal plot; however, it was used as part of their promotion scam and also to beat the internal forces back. It was also used to argue the suspicion of being watched with no regard to the near surveillance and breathing down our backs to intentionally injure us and kidnap us. If this was a liberal religion on a witch hunt, then anti-war is a great way to conduct it. Loyalty and insubordination is also another great way to purge political dissent when proper debate is not given.

A 67-year-old Maryland restaurateur, known by the code name "Adam," pleaded guilty yesterday in federal court to spying for the Iraqi government - including Saddam Hussein's regime - since 1989. According to court documents, Saubhe Jassim Al-Dellemy used his Laurel restaurant to gather information about nearby U.S. agencies and their employees, including where military officers lived. He gave the data to Iraqi Intelligence Service members and officials, who sometimes met at the restaurant. Reached by telephone yesterday at the restaurant, Gourmet Shish Kebab, Al-Dellemy declined to comment. He could face a maximum of five years in prison, a $250,000 fine and deportation. Sentencing is scheduled for March. "The FBI is committed to rooting out and prosecuting those individuals who enjoy the benefits of residing in this country but who are acting on behalf of hostile foreign intelligence services," Amy Jo Lyons, special agent in charge of the FBI's Baltimore field office, said in a statement. Since coalition forces invaded Iraq in 2003, the U.S. Justice Department has charged at least a dozen people with acting as intelligence agents for Hussein's government. - Laurel Man an Iraqi Spy, by Tricia Bishop,; December 23, 2008 -

Ann did what they did and rode that wave until the real boots on the ground was back; we were back in 2006 and put it together around that time and began to get attacked viciously again for the nest two years until a big surprise came in 2008 and we finally found each other after years of trickery and deliberate attempts to block us. Their worst fear lobotomized the thought of capture and prosecution; someone knew all along. Who and could they stop them? Iraq was a knee-jerk response by the liberals and left wing to engage but with stalemate and no culpability; it washed their hands of guilt. It will be very hard to apprehend this communist and terrorist cell using the arguments of Iraq because it brought them global acclaim much like Vietnam did. So they won that and carried it off meeting the right wing half way. That is how good and how clever they are, they are geniuses.

An American woman has appeared in court on charges she acted as a spy for Iraq while Saddam Hussein was in power. Susan Lindauer, 41, of Takoma Park, Maryland, made no plea when she appeared before a court in Baltimore. The former journalist and congressional aide are accused of conspiracy to act as an unregistered foreign agent of the Iraqi Intelligence Service. She is also charged with taking money from the Iraqi government. If convicted she could face up to 25 years in jail. After she was arrested, Ms Lindauer shouted to reporters: "I'm an anti-war activist and I'm innocent." "I did more to stop terrorism in this country than anybody else. I have done good things for this country," she reportedly told WBAL-TV outside the Baltimore FBI office. …The White House says Ms Lindauer is a "distant relative" of Chief of Staff Andrew Card. She is said to have worked for magazines such as US News and World Report before becoming a political spokesperson. She reportedly worked for the then Democratic Representative Ron Wyden before joining the office of former Democratic presidential candidate Carol Moseley-Braun. A spokesman for Mr Wyden - now a senator - said she had worked for his office for a "short period of time". Ms Moseley-Braun's spokesperson said the former senator did not remember Ms Lindauer. The charges against Ms Lindauer are included in a case against the two sons of a former Iraqi diplomat. - US Charges Woman ‘Spy for Saddam’; by the BBC News Service; December 30, 2008 -

During our imprisonment, Ann debated the Vietnam War based on our life work and tried to convince this plot they were wrong and needed to stop, they refused. They no less blocked her and she camouflaged herself and the three tiers of our life began to equalize and adjust. It went dead and blank on this end and this panicked her also. However, to summarize what was occurring in Ann’s life from 1998 to 2006, she deliberately tried to stop this and she deliberately stalked or confronted those who were either doing it or was behind it causing them to grab her and try to destroy her. She had to lie if she wished to survive until the federal imprisonment ended and the cyber and satellite warfare parts explained. Now, a secret tier was being affected by the debilitating work of Ann and it confused them, embarrassed them, and outfoxed them using her genius. She also encrypted her work because they cheat and steal it before it is printed so they are viewed as the groundbreakers and leaders. However, when they ride the wave like this, it is hard to tell who is cheating and who is not. So they censor the most truthful statements while they are quick to spread and bad mouth the most offensive or false, mission accomplished.

The most striking part of the story is how this army of plotters scattered in 2008 and an entirely new mentality was presented as not threatening and transparent. It was if nothing they were up to applied now and nobody had to make any changes or step down. The exit strategy of the Bush Administration was near silence and scandal yet to be honestly debated or investigated. The incoming administration of Obama was some left wing and liberal rescue of the conservatives and Cold Warriors which was as absurd as the effort. It was near ingenious but when a real life communist and terrorist cell is identified, fought, and destroyed (on live TV like the Vietnam War of the 1960s); that pending idea of some career ending mistake was very real and unbelievable. However, the climate and the atmosphere which caused so much paranoia and near global war was now sugar coated with a branded goodness which was not authentic and a total farce of what was actually occurring and happening. The record keeping and the history of records had gone cahoots. Now the left wing and the liberals were merely out collecting the prizes and the rewards. To do so they pulled the same tricks of the trade, race, spending, taxes, and much more.

The U.S. Department of Justice has filed a criminal complaint alleging that Mouyad Mahmoud Darwish, 47, informed the IIS of Iraqi volunteers being trained by the U.S. military in Virginia and made efforts to conceal the activities of Baath party members in the United States and Iraq. A supporting affidavit submitted with the complaint alleges that Mr. Darwish's recognizance for the IIS came to light through an informant and through confidential IIS documents. They were obtained by the U.S. military after the invasion of Iraq. Mr. Darwish currently resides in Canada, but was living in Maryland, where he worked as a restaurant cook, during part of the alleged conspiracy. He faces a maximum sentence of five years if he is convicted of conspiracy to act as an agent for a foreign government. - Iraqi Canadian Charged with Spying for Hussein, by Kate Hammer of the Associated Press; December 30, 2008 -

There was no real best part of this entire lifetime affair and flirtation with homicidal maniacs. The best part is the fierce fighting and behind the scenes of intelligence agencies and armies collapsing on the leads they were redistributing around to lure more advertisement foliage and dollars for higher ratings. They would turn cotton mouthed and speak as if their life depended on it before the public. They walked around in life with a scarlet letter which truly coaxed how courageous they were and also how stupid. The life of multi-million dollar salary had a hitch, were they going to enjoy it under these circumstances or would they choose the best outcome for their career by providing full and unrestricted cooperation while demanding the same by investigators? If there was some enjoyment or some pleasure; then it was the idea closure was closer and restoration was a glimmering hope.

According to Michel Juneau Katsuya, a former CSIS agent and security consultant who specializes in counterintelligence, it is unlikely that Mr. Darwish's alleged spying activities were contained south of the border. After 21 years working for CSIS, Mr. Katsuya retired in 2000, about the same time that Mr. Darwish allegedly began gathering intelligence for the IIS. Mr. Katsuya said that about that time the IIS was "extremely active in intimidating, reporting and eventually even assaulting some dissidents here in Canada." At least a dozen people have been charged with spying for Mr. Hussein since the U.S. invasion of Iraq. One of Mr. Darwish's alleged co-conspirators is Saubhe Jassim Al-Dellemy, 67. He pleaded guilty to the same charge in Maryland last week. Mr. Darwish was arrested as he attempted to cross the Peace Bridge in Buffalo after border agents conducting a secondary inspection discovered he was the subject of an active FBI warrant, Customs and Border Protection spokesman Kevin Corsaro said. - Iraqi Canadian Charged with Spying for Hussein, by Kate Hammer of the Associated Press; December 30, 2008 -

How did 2008 end besides a new President? In 2009, there was still someone who was working very close to us now. If they had been behind the attacks, then they changed their tune and signed aboard as a new and reborn protector. However, their single minded approach was still to control what we said and how they either liked or did not like what was being discussed. Their single minded approach was to say how we only needed to please them and to focus on them if we wanted any help or how they were helping. Again, we are not able to identify them but we can only report the observation. Similarly, they were intruding into very intimate levels which only man and wife are the author of and the authority over. To suggest they were invited or welcomed at this level indicates how they changed their tune and morphed into something special now; even if they were never.

One example of this single mind approach was to release information or present new data. They wanted to be some researcher or to help; that was not a problem. However, when work was being completed, they would steal it or take it and try to get the punch in order to suggest they were in the lead and did not care how others would feel about their behavior and intrusion; some test of their new role. Now, they were getting results so long as we did not identify them as behind it or collaborating with a terror and communist cell intent on empowering them. That was the intention and goal in the first place, to steer the momentous situation to the enemies and to keep the block. Also, they were going in and involving themselves by telling us what they wanted or allowed to be printed; thus, continuing this head butting in our own life. They were in our marriage, they decided what went on the front pages of our web pages and allied blocs and blogs; further the poverty, they said we only had to worry about them and to focus our attention and effort to them.

Coulter also cited the 2002 Senate testimony of FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley, who was acclaimed for condemning her superiors for refusing to authorize a search warrant for 9-11 conspirators Zacarias Moussaoui when he refused to consent to a search of his computer. They knew that he was a Muslim in flight school who had overstayed his visa, and the French Intelligence Service had confirmed his affiliations with radical fundamentalist Islamic groups. Coulter said she agreed that probable cause existed in the case, but that refusing consent, being in flight school and overstaying a visa shouldn't constitute grounds for a search. Citing a poll which found that 98 percent of Muslims between the ages of 20 to 45 said they would not fight for Britain in the war in Afghanistan, and that 48 percent said they would fight for Osama bin Laden,[110] she asserted "any Muslim who has attended a mosque in Europe -- certainly in England, where Moussaoui lived -- has had 'affiliations with radical fundamentalist Islamic groups'", so that she parsed Rowley's position as meaning that "'probable cause' existed to search Moussaoui's computer because he was a Muslim who had lived in England." Because "FBI headquarters...refused to engage in racial profiling" they failed to uncover the 9-11 plot, Coulter asserted. "The FBI allowed thousands of Americans to be slaughtered on the altar of political correctness. What more do liberals want?" – Ann Coulter, Wikipedia biography (December, 2008) –

Our position has not changed and is a committed fight to the death to dispose of them for doing this to begin with and to carry it on ignoring what had already taken place. However, the process of disposing them was not readily available because they were morphing and hiding irregardless of the situations. They seem to want to be on the team and to work closely with them but the simple fact is we cannot stand them and wish to do more harm to them; to deliberately hurt them for putting us in this mess and situation. We have no intention of catering our work to theirs or joining board their ship in hell. Nobody was amused and they were merely testing the waters to see what they could still get away with and how they can turn a death penalty conviction to a medal of honor candidate; a spy to hero transformation. Who in their right mind would wish to be ordered around by these people and work with them and they felt we were discriminating them or treating them unfairly.

The statement says that St. Thomas values “the diversity of viewpoints reflective of a larger society” and “also recognizes and accepts its responsibility to respond to the dynamic tension that exists between the challenges of contemporary living and educating within the living Catholic tradition.” “The university exists as an environment which not only allows, but encourages, members of its community to ask questions and openly explore challenging ideas in their personal search for truth,” the statement continues. “Open forums through which controversial issues may be addressed in a responsible and educative manner will be available. More important, the university will ensure that these dialogues occur in an arena free of reproach or reprisal. While the university cherishes free expression, it recognizes the difference between freedom of ideas and freedom of behavior. In discussion and debate, members and guests of the university community are expected to treat one another with respect and dignity.” - On Free Speech, Father Dennis Dease (President of University of St. Thomas),; April 25, 2005 –

In 2009, the situation was still ongoing and the people behind this agreed to stop the attacks so long as we did what they were asking and to focus all attention on them; to make a deliberate effort to please them or to work with them by focusing only on their wishes and demands. It was merely another trick and one trick after the other by some sort of menace to get in the show and declare they the king of the show, so they said we had to have some tunnel vision attention for them and they were going to order us around now or still. If they were a spy and terrorist cell, then this is obviously a very unreasonable and ludicrous demand irregardless of who they were reborn into now or how they were working side by side with us. We are shutting the door and locking it, not opening it up and granting them new opportunities by their good works given they agreed not to attack us any further. The left wing and the radicals have this problem with tunnel vision and their selfish “take what we can get” or “we will take it” mentality. Working with them is an exercise in and mouse trap in hell where you have to beg and plead for freedom and for easing up of their oppression. It then turned global as we thought it would, did, or was.

At the end of 2008, we saw more terror plots and announcements by those behind it how they were only concerned about economics and material goods. At the same time, we never said the Palestinians were doing this or the suspects were Arabs. What we said was a communist and terrorist cell approached us and paraded a very dark secret after we were kidnapped and they made themselves look as if they owned the world and could do and have anything they wanted. We said we observed them to act like Ethel and Julius Rosenberg’s having studied every spy ring and espionage plot ever uncovered. We never said the Palestinians kidnapped us and were attacking us daily. We never said the Arabs were viciously attacking and harming our kids by coming on our staff and striking out at us when and if they did not get what they wanted. This was the whole point of denying them SDI and denying the left wing what they were trying to obtain through force, secrecy, and terror plots. The message has to be sent and made clear, we do not care who they represent or whose voice the claim to be for; it is not ours and is not protected by the Constitution.

…Perspectives differ, and as I stated earlier, to a certain extent we must leave the answer “to the eye of the beholder.” But the reports I have heard from people whose views I respect suggest that her performance went far beyond the bounds of what is commonly accepted as civil discourse. Although her presentation may have been meant as an “act” or “shtick” to entertain by provoking those who disagree, such behavior unfortunately contributes to the growing dark side of our culture — a disrespect for persons and their sincerely held beliefs. Such hateful speech vulgarizes our culture and goes against everything the University of St. Thomas stands for. - On Free Speech, Father Dennis Dease (President of University of St. Thomas),; April 25, 2005 -

Some of the stuff they were doing at the end of 2008 was wiping out our computers, blocking our internet, slowing down the speed to a 16kb router or dial up, reading our emails, stomping on the floor all day, bad mouthing and fear mongering, lying blatantly, trying to resolve the situation with reparations, and treating us like terrorists and criminals when they were. They weren’t destroying and breaking thousands of dollars like they had previously. Instead, they were calling us liberals and left wingers when we were not; they were. They were fighting our fight and stole our power we were winning back; they turned into homicidal maniacs along the way. They feel and felt they were the same the moment they step foot on the borders. At that moment, they became a protected class, allowed to dominate and take over, and exploit just about anything they would and could get their hands on. Who cared if it ended up in the enemies hands, it was just their right as a citizen. So exploiting us by kidnapping us was angered and threw us in a fit of rage. We have to send a clear message, they are not our voice and we do not care who they represent; they will receive the death penalty if there is solid evidence they are running a secret war behind enemy lines; they are advised to vacate and to seek shelter beyond the borders before the evidence is presented with the same secrecy they disgrace.

However, we were kidnapped for ten full years and our life stolen or destroyed. There was nothing to be proud of; just the hope a chance to restart or start over would arrive one day. We never said the Palestinian people were doing it or Arabs; so why would those behind it say they wished and wanted to promote us? Why did they say we work side by side and are on the same team or staff? Why do they keep saying we will give our life for them? By being on our staff, they feel we risk our life for them and they have exclusive rights to kidnap anyone they chose and for whatever reason, even an entrapment trap or cruel hoax. Now they are facing not life imprisonment but execution for being behind some orchestrated terror plot and a ten year effort to torture and terrorize us so we would become reluctant and scared of their intimidation and superiority. That is the Ethel and Julius we are talking about. They made us even reluctant to speak to our own spouses and become so unhappy with how they also destroyed them or bad mouthed them. No wonder she seduced them and made them feel loved as she broke their hearts slowly. That is what they did to her when they bled her marriage. Marriages are not a swamp you drain when ordered to.

The pattern of behavior we noticed is how they are anxious to be helpers and assistants one day; and then like a flip of the coin, they turn into homicidal and deranged suspects where they strike out at your own kids and family and tell you it is about their kids and family. You see, this is the problem with them. Nobody is going to follow them into the bread basket of hell but they are very anxious and exuberant to be your helper or staff. If you can live with your children reporting to you how they tried to harm them or bizarre incidences, then you are in their world and living their miracle. They calmly claim it is about their kids but never gave us any report of ten, twenty, or more years being kidnapped. They do not go before the television and “blink” SOS messages about how they are prisoners or how oppression has affected them.

…launched the deadliest attack against…in decades on Saturday in retaliation for rocket fire aimed at civilians in southern… … told reporters Monday, while "… is looking for children to kill." "…is targeting deliberately kindergartens and schools and citizens and civilians because this is according to their values. Our values are completely different. We are trying to target… which hides among civilians," …The strikes appear to have gravely damaged… ability to launch rockets, but one medium-range rocket fired at the… city of …l since the beginning of the offensive, and the first person ever to be killed by a rocket in …a city of 120,000. …The White House said… was showing its "true colors as a terrorist organization" and called for it to cease its rocket attacks. "In order for the violence to… must stop firing rockets into… and agree to respect a sustainable and durable ceasefire," said National Security Council spokesman… only beginning, and that "the worst is not behind us — it is still ahead of us" during a briefing to southern communities. - Israel at 'War to the Bitter End,' Strikes Key Hamas Sites, Fox News staff,; December 29, 2008 -

They do not produce the same reports or tell the same story; yet they insist they are on the same staff and fighting the same fight. We cannot have these people running loose behind our borders and the prospect we wake up one morning kidnapped or wake up one morning sleeping next to one of them or living next to one of them. Yet they claim it is their home and they will fight to the end until these changes. The same people have been here for nearly a century and this is why it is so difficult to get rid of them or dispose them. They first question is how they got here and the next question is what they have in mind for this country or the world. You can literally smell the quality of their work and why they are who they are.

On this day in 1968, as part of the Tet Offensive, a squad of Viet Cong guerillas attacks the U.S. Embassy in Saigon. The soldiers seized the embassy and held it for six hours until an assault force of U.S. paratroopers landed by helicopter on the building's roof and routed the Viet Cong. - On this Date January 31, 1968: Viet Cong attack U.S. Embassy, On This Date -

So when our planes fly into buildings or when our planes bombs innocent people, who do we blame for the creation of this evil terror plot? Do we blame yourself or those behind it and masterminding it? We are not fighting their fight but they are fighting ours; and when we do not, they strike out with quiet might about the effect terrorism has had on their life. These people get close to you in order to strike. They tunnel vision for their interests only or else they will strike. They kidnap your kids and torture or maim them so they do not go and tell what they did. It is like when a child comes to their parents and say “that man hurt me and tried to kill me” who do you believe? Why would a kid make this up and describe the ones who were least suspected of it and who courted the parents as trustworthy staff members? It does not make sense unless we are dealing with a Julius and Ethel problem as described. They got the death penalty too but they were not the slightest bit repentant or scared of what they were doing to this world. So we have a criminally insane colony of people who is causing other people to go on television or write about how they got kidnapped or was a prisoner of war; something like the Patty Hearst case in 1974; or the Charles Manson case and the Ted Bundy case where the public reality was altered and terrorized.

… Register volunteers to fight against the… in either the military, financial or propaganda fields," the semi-official news agency said. …In the most dramatic attacks Sunday, warplanes struck dozens of smuggling tunnels under the …cutting off a lifeline that had supplied…with weapons and … with commercial goods. The influx of goods helped … defy an 18-month blockade of……leaders have said the operation might be long. "The goal of our current operation is to ... create a situation where…civilians living in the south of the country no longer have to live in constant fear….Since…withdrawal from…in 2005 after a 38-year military occupation…have repeatedly returned to the territory to hunt militants… bogged down in urban warfare. …The carnage inflamed … public opinion, setting off street protests in…communities in … and the … Bank, across the … world, and in some … cities. - Israel at 'War to the Bitter End,' Strikes Key Hamas Sites, Fox News staff,; December 29, 2008 -

We observe with near perfection a backbone to these terror plots. The backbone is freedom and the ultimate message is the right to self defense or to wage war by attacking collaborators and agents of influence we describe as a communist and terrorist cell. They are the moving the chess board and making us move a certain way as our own kidnapping describes. We feel they are avoiding an honest debate and have resorted to these terror plots so that it is indisputable how they can open doors which were typically shut. These terror plots and the risks involved are acts of opportunism, nothing more. They are not senseless and random acts of violence; they symbolize things and tell a strong story about the people behind them. It is this symbolism why they resort to violence and striking out. There is a process of rejection here and these people have a torrent of things going on which prevents them from communicating. They live such a secret life they are worse than real life spies. We do not care who they represent or whose fight they claim to be fighting for. They have been advised to turn over this deadly and devastating plot over, assist in its dismantling, aid and support the troops who are making this real; and to cease all operations before a philosophical adjustment is made to meet the same level of this secret war being promoted. They will face ultimate destruction by any means necessary by the authorities so long as this secret war is being conducted on these borders.

Something similar is true internationally. European countries seem to show more compassion than America in providing safety nets for the poor, and they give far more humanitarian foreign aid per capita than the United States does. But as individuals, Europeans are far less charitable than Americans. Americans give sums to charity equivalent to 1.67 percent of G.N.P., according to a terrific new book, “Philanthrocapitalism,” by Matthew Bishop and Michael Green. The British are second, with 0.73 percent, while the stingiest people on the list are the French, at 0.14 percent. …When liberals see the data on giving, they tend to protest that conservatives look good only because they shower dollars on churches — that a fair amount of that money isn’t helping the poor, but simply constructing lavish spires. It’s true that religion is the essential reason conservatives give more, and religious liberals are as generous as religious conservatives. Among the stingiest of the stingy are secular conservatives. …In any case, if conservative donations often end up building extravagant churches, liberal donations frequently sustain art museums, symphonies, schools and universities that cater to the well-off. …Conservatives also appear to be more generous than liberals in no financial ways. People in red states are considerably more likely to volunteer for good causes, and conservatives give blood more often. If liberals and moderates gave blood as often as conservatives, Mr. Brooks said, the American blood supply would increase by 45 percent. - Bleeding Heart Tightwads, by Nicholas D. Kristof, The New York Times; December 21, 2008 -

The military exercises in the Middle East needs to stop immediately and an adequate debate given to a total lack of Presidential leadership in this matter. This is not about freedom and this is not about democracy. This is about giving an honest debate before going to war. This is no exercise to define what jihad is or whether it is a crime spree and bail out. This is about who has a legitimate complaint and who is not listening and kidnapping people randomly to teach them a lesson or terrorize any other person who happens to step in their traps. This is about an ongoing terror plot and the inability to seek answers from those who are masterminds of it but they seem to know before it happens; their record is near perfect. If the bail outs were not the last straw, then the inadequate and insufficient incompatibility of this insane moron being yelled at and demanded to answer the allegations and prosecution of them without delay; is falling to deaf and quiet ears. If feels like we are asking them “are you a human being” and they do not know. They only know what we tell them or what we say about our goals and mission. There is no leadership and what little there is, it is a criminal element or some crime spree.

… Said Monday the country is engaged in a "war to the bitter end" against… and said the military operation against the terror group would continue and intensify. "We have stretched our hand in peace many times… "But this is an all-out war against…and its branches. The restraint that we have demonstrated is the source of our strength when it is time to fight." …obliterated symbols… devastating a security compound and flattening a five-story building at a university closely linked to the Islamic terror group. …a "closed military zone," citing the risk from retaliatory Palestinian rocket fire. - Israel at 'War to the Bitter End,' Strikes Key Hamas Sites, Fox News staff,; December 29, 2008 -

The basis of United Resolution 242 is almost the same as the first proposals in 1942. What UN resolution 242 states are three fundamental problems with Middle East politics? First, any land that is acquired by naked aggression or acquiesced by aggression (tanks and planes) must be returned. Unless there was a state of war and not an invasion, where one side is forced into a mutual agreement; you only have aggression and not naked aggression. Second, were there any outstanding disputes or claims against those who had used aggression to acquire this land? Third, if there was an outstanding complaint or claim, was it resolved properly or given proper resolution; why or why not? These are the basis of the 1967 peace accords written up by the United Nations and ignored by either party. Ignoring those resolutions then caused the United States to draft its own watered down version of the 1967 accords. Some say the US version was weak and was used to argue a more favorable position for Israel without giving thought to what would have occurred if this did not happen; would they have a fair chance in life or would they resort to stealing? Once the United States intervened, the United Nation Resolutions became obsolete and unconditional towards the Middle East policy for the next half century. It caused governments to topple and people to get injured or killed. It caused massive injection of capital into only Israel while blockades were formed on anyone who stood against the US resolution treaties. So over the years, a reality was manufactured with all the capital and seed money intended to criminalize all who were or had been involved.

…CIAs conundrum--What to give to an Afghan Warlord? It's a gnawing question for the CIA as it struggles to get the upper hand on the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan; how to get those powerful tribal Warlords on your side without causing a stir. … And so the agency has apparently been doing some thinking outside the box. "Whatever it takes to win friends and influence people," said one agency veteran to the Washington Post today. So what's a spy agency to do? Maybe there's a clue in Dale Carnegie's runaway 1936 bestseller "How To Win Friends And Influence People". In Part one, Carnegie suggests you "arouse in the other person an eager want." In part four he advises you "make the other person happy about doing what you suggest". So what we have here is "arouse' something in the person whose support your seeking and make him "happy" Hmmmm! I think we're on to something and according to the Post that something is Viagra. "CIA Finds RX for Befriending an Aging Afghan With 4 Wives", reads the Post headline. Among other gifts according to the Post, the agency has been handing out Viagra to various influential Warlords. Makes sense. Much more subtle than a satchel full of cash or a new gold chain. And it jives perfectly with Carnegie's advice. So next time you see an Afghan Warlord and he's smiling, you can reasonably assume……he's on our side. - Spies, Warlords & Viagra, by Stu Schutzman; December 26, 2008; -

We feel these attacks were orchestrated and similar to the 911 attacks and the Mumbai attacks. The reason why has to do with several personnel who we caught and several personnel who were trying to attack us. Every time we are arrested and placed in prison; a war starts and massive people die; however, the people who are doing it are hated and despised by us. Were they are kidnappers? The evidence suggests yes when the foot stomping finally ended on the morning of December 27, 2008. What is most suspicious and affects us the most is the time of the incidents and how imprisonments coincide with each other; November 2002 and then June 10, 2006. The timing of these events is propping up at critical moments and they upset you. You want to side with them but you know now they are orchestrating it. When they were warned about this; they said the harassments had to end and it was about protecting their kids and family. We are not their family we are their kidnap victims. If these events and terror plots are orchestrated to invent science or confidence, to bring others back when they veer off the tunnel vision for their goals or a normal life, then it shocks people back to some unified suspicion of them. We are the ones who were kidnapped and we are the ones who are being called a terrorist and criminal and we happen to come from royalty. Where the hell did this slacker of a sewer get this from? How do you end a kidnapping when you are not allowed to take action or know who they are? Read the accounts and what is going on with this government.

Devaluation is a dangerous economic policy and even more dangerous when not reported as debt because it does not signal a problem to those who are hooked and now stuck to the bottom as the economy takes a dive south. That cyclical cycle is about 15 years delayed from when it was to occur and the high tech industry took it outer space. In other words, had it corrected before the high tech boom, things would be much better. Now the failure to recognize the dangers and perils may extend the recession period. That is a scary idea and a horrific political crime by those who ignored the entire matter for political gains or purely criminal greed. The policies of the 1960s might have cut the 30 years to a 20 year and the recession should have occurred then. That recession would have been small and also survivable. Which would have recovered and recovered until the high tech boom brought the second level of growth or a big expansion in the economy. Now the feds have frozen the banks for the next several years until the recession is over and the cyclical cycles catch up; this means it will and must bottom. – On the Housnding Crisis, by Author, December 31, 2008 -

If we look at the casualties involved and look who is behind it; we had captured several of their enablers, recruiters, and foiled their plot. Was this how they celebrate Kwanzaa or some ritual celebration to trick and fool others? They literally steal our words and refuse to address the core of the case. It is some type of diplomacy trick or some political deception. The people who are enabling this should be tried for war crimes and this huge terror plot; they want the benefits of it but do not want to deal with how those benefits were created or who had to die to capitalize on it. It is disgusting and the human body rejects it like a foreign disease. Our story is very similar to the events in the Middle East. It involves terror plots, world war, and military action or inactions. Moreover, HAMAS may have once had a legitimate complaint or fight. If you look at the events and the kidnapping done to us and the torture, sadistic harassment, and what was described; we managed to keep the good fight even if the same people tried to transform us. So maybe HAMAS was once a bystander as we were and woke up one day living under tyranny and oppression and they could not escape. We were fortunate to escape and even if we identified ourselves as US Army commandoes, it had no impact but made the attacks increase. Who is or what the hell is this espionage network we are describing if not a terrorist and communist one? They do not understand and are super mad why they do not have the right to self defense and felt a conspiracy was underway to evict them and dissolve the left wing. They seek parity and a balance of power but do not understand how this world works or who makes it work.

The study, which included extensive brain imaging, is the most dramatic demonstration to date of so-called blindsight, the native ability to sense things using the brain’s primitive, subcortical — and entirely subconscious — visual system. Scientists have previously reported cases of blindsight in people with partial damage to their visual lobes. The new report is the first to show it in a person whose visual lobes — one in each hemisphere, under the skull at the back of the head — were completely destroyed. The finding suggests that people with similar injuries may be able to recover some crude visual sense with practice. “It’s a very rigorously done report and the first demonstration of this in someone with apparent total absence of a striate cortex, the visual processing region,” said Dr. Richard Held, an emeritus professor of cognitive and brain science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who with Ernst Pöppel and Douglas Frost wrote the first published account of blindsight in a person, in 1973. The man in the new study, an African living in Switzerland at the time, suffered the two strokes in his 50s, weeks apart, and was profoundly blind by any of the usual measures. Unlike people suffering from eye injuries, or congenital blindness in which the visual system develops abnormally, his brain was otherwise healthy, as were his eyes, so he had the necessary tools to process subconscious vision. What he lacked were the circuits that cobble together a clear, conscious picture. - Blind, Yet Seeing: The Brain’s Subconscious Visual Sense, by Benedict Carey, The New York Time; December 23, 2008 -

We are not saying that HAMAS or Israel is innocent. What we are saying is how we observed something evil and we are just sitting here in limbo. Proper debate and investigation is not being conducted before warfare is engaged and the killing begins. What we are saying is a logical peace and calm to counteract the observation of homicidal maniacs and criminal insanity. First, any land that is acquired by naked aggression or acquiesced by aggression (tanks and planes) must be returned. Unless there was a state of war and not an invasion, where one side is forced into a mutual agreement; you only have aggression and not naked aggression. Second, were there any outstanding disputes or claims against those who had used aggression to acquire this land? Third, if there was an outstanding complaint or claim, was it resolved properly or given proper resolution; why or why not? These are the basis of the 1967 peace accords written up by the United Nations and ignored by either party. Ignoring those resolutions then caused the United States to draft its own watered down version of the 1967 accords.

Who has ever seen such a thing and in what region of this world? What we are saying is the most terrible imaginable; Israel is operating like the Kremlin and moving the chessboard for us by staging very proactive and violent provocations which was also tried on us for ten full years. As US Army commandoes we tried everything in our arsenal; stating how this terror group bought the nation to DEAFCON 5; they are going to keep going and attack until the end or someone stops them. Their strategy is to declare themselves US Army commandoes also; that is what this face off is all about and standoff. This is what they were asking us, who are brave or strong enough to stop them? They tried to make us an example and to tell us how they taught us a lesson to keep our nose out of their world. They felt a larger group or effort would be behind us to smash or resist them and this is why they went after the Pentagon. This is who we called and who brought us up; this is where we got our power from; we wonder if they are still alive or also had to flee? We issued the warnings about which we ran into, who ambushed us, and what they were looking for; it was a trap to ensnare a rescue and smash them. We issued a head hunt was out to figure out who was resisting them or who was sneaking up on them; they were being investigated and so put four times the investigation on us. The witch hunt must have taken effect with the Iraq War but it was okay in terms of strategy.

…Same African doctor had emotional blindsight. When presented with images of fearful faces, he cringed subconsciously in the same way that almost everyone does, even though he could not consciously see the faces. The subcortical, primitive visual system apparently registers not only solid objects but also strong social signals. Dr. Held, the M.I.T. neuroscientist, said that in lower mammals these midbrain systems appeared to play a much larger role in perception. In a study of rats published in the journal Science last Friday, researchers demonstrated that cells deep in the brain were in fact specialized to register certain qualities of the environment. …All of these types of neurons, which exist in some form in humans, may too have assisted T. N. in his navigation of the obstacle course. In time, and with practice, people with brain injuries may learn to lean more heavily on such subconscious or semiconscious systems, and perhaps even begin to construct some conscious vision from them. - Blind, Yet Seeing: The Brain’s Subconscious Visual Sense, by Benedict Carey, The New York Time; December 23, 2008 -

There is going to be an honest debate and there is going to be demands for answers. It is a matter of time until the public hears of how their government and their life is being stolen or thrown away. It is only a matter of time until every single eye views this book and the work of two partners and life partners. It is only a matter of time until the web blog discuss a new vision and a clearer mind. It is only a matter of time until the walls become smaller and padding brought in. These people want in and they do not want a disruption in their personnel and material. They are willing to do anything; anything, to see their people on the staff and every form of oppression to remove anybody who disrupt this grand strategy. Right now, the crisis with both national security, government, the financial markets, the housing crisis, the banking shut down, the pending recession, and the trillion or so of bail out and spending; will try to cover over what the missing link and missing problem is; we must have an honest debate before warfare is ever engaged or proposed.

In an April 2, 2008 column, she characterized Barack Obama's book Dreams From My Father as a "Dimestore Mein Kampf." Coulter writes, "He says the reason black people keep to themselves is that it's 'easier than spending all your time mad or trying to guess whatever it was that white folks were thinking about you.' Here's a little inside scoop about white people: We're not thinking about you. Especially WASPs. We think everybody is inferior, and we are perfectly charming about it." Ironically, the year which saw the liberal Barack Obama become the first African-American to be elected President was also the same year when Coulter declared victory in her long-running war against Kwanzaa, the African-inspired year-end celebration. She stated in a December 24, 2008 column: "This is a holiday for white liberals -- the kind of holiday Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn probably celebrate. Meanwhile, most blacks celebrate Christmas." She called upon the President elect to say no to Kwanzaa: "Next year this time, we'll find out if our new 'Halfrican' president is really black or just another white liberal. If he's black enough to say the 'brothers should pull up their pants,' surely Obama can just say no to Kwanzaa." – Ann Coulter, Wikipedia biography (December, 2008) -

If there are real injuries, then pretend homicidal maniacs, and criminal insanity ends. We are not going to put up with thirty more years of communist or terrorist plots being orchestrated by staff members or deviant sexual menaces. We are not going to watch as purchasing power and government is shut down because the enemies of the world exploit the electoral process. This is a momentous moment and a window of opportunity to bring back the future of the unborn and make this earth a more mental clarity then it was. It is unfortunate it had to fall on the back of the new and incoming President Barrack Hussein Obama and his party. The goal is a two step process; the first process is an eviction process and the second part is the restoration process. These people are pure criminal elements; it is undisputed. If left untouched, their staff will populate and knock out everybody on the right wing and the defensive line using private armies, property rights, a fraudulent financial plan, and this idea we cannot exist without their permission or oppression.

So, this is who we are dealing with and this is what they are up to. The only thing they regret is being caught and how we caught them. Do not let these people on the borders; they are as criminal as you can become and worse, they wish to help and work close to us while we are in discombobulated about their ticks and antics. They are criminals but feel we are also and just the same dirt they come from or the same stink. They feel we steal and are felons just like them and they will imprison you for no other reason but this. Their goal is to be on the staff and to steal as much and with as few obstacles as possible; these particular criminals will never consider the governing principles of the Constitution no matter how much they draw protection from it. The worse part is how they follow you everywhere and ruin every aspect of your life until you give them what they want; inclusion to the kingdom.

“Lame” lyrics by Seven Mary Three

There’s a tall, a mulatto, boy I know
And he comes to every party -- stands alone
Viewing them the rest, from the corner of his glance
It gets so clear, he’s not judging anyone
The way his arms float around his cage, he’s caged
Canary sings, silently rings, his voice to rage
The way they stop and stare, the way they turn their heads
It’s enough to make him want to, run away
But he stays he stands his ground

And I’m so lame
The way I condescend without ever, knowing his name
He keeps it in a box, hangs it from his ear
Looks at everyone without the slightest fear
It’s making me so, ashamed

Slender body, slip through his glance
I don’t give him a single chance
The way he’s rocking back and forth
Makes a buzzing in my ear
Constantly reminding me that I never stop to hear
Him say hello, hello

And I’m so lame
Like a moth bumping off his GODLESS flame
I cannot condescend or even apprehend, what comes over me
When I see his shameless face

So rage, please rage, against me
Beat me down, beat me down, forgive me
For what I’ve done, I’m so lame, I’m so lame, I’m so lame
So lame, so lame, so lame

“Drive Away” lyrics by Gratitude

If you ever see her, lying hurt
Don't just stare
Please get up, get up, get up
Get up and help her
And then check her pulse
And give her air
And then listen and breathe
And keep checking and checking…her heart

Don't drive away
Don't leave her this way
Don't drive away again

I could never say the things
That kept me up
Just lay there listening
To your whispering
Maybe you were supposed to help me
Learn to love you more
Help me to notice how we're
Different, different, different
All right, all right

Don't drive away
Don't leave her this way
There's not enough hours in our days
Don't drive away
Don't drive away
Don't walk out on her again

(Don't drive) away
Don't drive away
Don't leave her this way
There's not enough hours in our days
Don't drive away
Don't drive away
Don't walk out on her again
Again, again, again


“Love Story” lyrics by Taylor Swift

We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes
And the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a balcony in summer air

See the lights
See the party the ball gowns
See you make your way through the crowd
And say hello
Little did I know

That you were Romeo you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you please don’t go, and I said

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I’ll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess
It’s a love story baby just say yes

So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet 'cause we’re dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Let’s escape this town for a little while
Cause you were Romeo I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
But you were everything to me
I was begging you please don’t go and I said



Oh, Oh

I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said

Romeo save me I’ve been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head, I don’t know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said

Marry me Juliet you’ll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad go pick out a white dress
It’s a love story baby just say yes
Oh, Oh,
We were both young when I first saw you…

“Stay with You” lyrics by The Goo Goo Dolls

These streets
Turn me inside out
Everything shines
But leaves me empty still
And I'll, burn this lonely house down
If you run with me
If you run with me

I'll stay with you
The walls will fall before we do
Take my hand now
We'll run forever
I can feel the storm inside you
I'll stay with you

Fooled by my own desires
I twist my fate
Just to feel you
But you turn me toward the light
And you're one with me
Will you run with me?


Now come in from this storm
And I taste you sweet and warm
Take what you need
Take what you need
From me

Wake up this world
Wake up tonight
And run to me
Run to me now


“Round Here” lyrics by The Counting Crows

Step out the front door like a ghost
Into the fog where no one notices
The contrast of white on white
And in between the moon and you
The angels get a better view
Of the crumbling difference between wrong and right
And I walk in the air between the rain
Through myself and back again
Where? I don't know
Maria says she's dying
Through the door I hear her crying
Why? I don't know

Round here we always stand up straight
Round here something radiates

Maria came from Nashville with a suitcase in her hand
She said she'd like to meet a boy who looks like Elvis
And she walks along the edge of where the ocean meets the land
Just like she's walking on a wire in the circus
Parks her car outside of my house

Takes her clothes off
Says she's close to understanding Jesus
She knows she's more than just a little misunderstood
She has trouble acting normal when she's nervous

Round here we're carving out our names
Round here we all look the same
Round here we talk just like lions
But we sacrifice like lambs
Round here she's slipping through my hands

Sleeping children better run like the wind
Out of the lightning dream
Mama's little baby better get herself in
Out of the lightning

She says "it's only in my head"
She says "Shhhhh I know it's only in my head"
But the girl on the car in the parking lot
Says "Man you should try to take a shot
Can't you see my walls are crumbling?"
Then she looks up at the building
Says she's thinking of jumping
She says she's tired of life
She must be tired of something

Round here she's always on my mind
Round here hey man got lots of time
Round here we're never sent to bed early
And nobody makes us wait
Round here we stay up very, very, very, very late

I can't see nothing... Nothing round here
Will you catch if I'm falling?
Will you catch me if I'm falling?
Will you catch me cause I'm falling down on you
I said I'm under the gun around here
I'm innocent I'm under the gun around here
And I can't see nothing
Nothing round here

“Shattered” lyrics by OAR

In a way, I need a change
From this burnout scene
Another time, another town
Another everything
But it's always back to you

Stumble out, in the night
From the pouring rain
Made the block, sat and thought
There's more I need
It's always back to you

But I'm good without ya
Yeah, I'm good without you
Yeah, yeah, yeah

How many times can I break till I shatter?
Over the line can't define what I'm after
I always turn the car around
Give me a break let me make my own pattern
All that it takes is some time but I'm shattered
I always turn the car around

I had no idea that the night
Would take so damn long
Took it out, on the street
While the rain still falls
Push me back to you



Give it up, give it up, baby
Give it up, give it up, now

How many times can I break till I shatter?
Over the line can't define what I'm after
I always turn the car around
All that I feel is the realness I'm faking
Taking my time but it's time that I'm wasting
Always turn the car around

How many times can I break till I shatter?
Over the line can't define what I'm after
I always turn the car around

Don't wanna turn that car around
I gotta turn this thing around

“Achin to Be” lyrics by The Replacements

Well she's kind of like an artist
Sittin' on the floor
Never finishes, she abandons
Never shows a soul

And she's kind of like a movie
Everyone rushes to see
And no one understands it
Sittin' in their seats

She opens her mouth to speak and
What comes out's a mystery
Thought about, not understood
She's achin' to be

Well she dances alone in nightclubs
Every other day of the week
People look right through her
Baby doll, check your cheek

And she's kind of like a poet
Who finds it hard to speak
Poems come so slowly
Like the colors down a sheet


I've been achin' for a while, now, friend
I've been achin' hard for years

Well she's kind of like an artist
Who uses paints no more
You never show me what you're doing
Never show a soul

Well, I saw one of your pictures
There was nothin' that I could see
If no one's on your canvas
Well, I'm achin'
To be

She closes her mouth to speak and
Closes her eyes to see
Thought about an' only loved
She's achin'
To be
Just like me

“Broadway” lyrics by the Goo Goo Dolls

Broadway is dark tonight
A little bit weaker than you used to be
Broadway is dark tonight
See the young man sitting
In the old man's bar
Waiting for his turn to die

The cowboy kills the rock star
And Friday night's gone too far
The dim light hides the years
On all the faded girls

Forgotten but not gone
You drink it off your mind
You talk about the world
Like it's someplace that you've been

You see you'd love to run home
But you know you ain't got one
And you're livin' in a world
That you're best forgotten around here


You choke down all your anger
Forget your only son
You pray to statues when you sober up for fun
Your anger don't impress me
The world slapped in your face
It always rains like hell on the loser’s day parade

You see you'd love to run home
But you know you ain't got one
'Cause you're livin' in a world that you're best forgotten
And when you're thinkin' of a joke
And nobody's gonna listen
To the one small point
I know they been missin' round here


You see you'd love to run home
But you know you ain't got one
'Cause you're livin' in a world
That you're best forgotten
And if you're thinkin' of a joke
Do you think that they'll listen
To the one small point
I know they been missin' round here


“The Angel Song” by Great White

Fallen angel ripped and bruised
Think on better days
Life is rude, treats you bad
Tears your wings away
Raise your eyes to star and sky
Believe in fly aways
Take your dreams, your broken schemes
And sweep the past away

Fly lonely angel
High above these streets of fire
Fly lonely angel
Far away from mad desire

Hollywood ain't paved with gold
It's just a trick of light
Sunset falls on stars of old
And blinds you with its light
A spider’s web of tangled lives
Lays stretched across the hills
From distances it's glistening
Like El Dorado's halls


The dream was light
And fragrant nights
But how were you to know
The streets are hard
They're mean and scarred
Where only fools find gold


Fly lonely angel
Spread your wings another way
Fly lonely angel
Find a better way
A better day

“Under the Milky Way Tonight” lyrics by The Church

Sometimes when this place gets kind of empty
Sound of their breath fades with the light
I think about the loveless fascination
Under the Milky Way tonight

Lower the curtain down in Memphis
Lower the curtain down all right
I got no time for private consultation
Under the Milky Way tonight

Wish I knew what you were looking for
Might have known what you would find
Wish I knew what you were looking for
Might have known what you would find

And it’s something quite peculiar
Something that’s shimmering and white
Leads you here despite your destination
Under the Milky Way tonight


Under the Milky Way tonight

“I’ll be You” lyrics by The Replacments

If, some temporary lull
while I’m bored right outta my skull
Man, I'm dressin' sharp an' feelin' dull

Lonely, I guess that's where I'm from
I was from Canada
Well, I best become unstunned

And if it's just a game
Then I'll break down just in case
Oh yeah, we're runnin' in our last race

Well I laughed, half the way to Tokyo
I dreamt I was Surfer Joe
An' what that means I don't know

A dream, too tired to come true
Left a rebel without a clue
And I'm searching for somethin' to do

And if it's just a game
Then we'll hold hands just the same
So what, we're bleeding but we ain't cut

And I could purge my soul perhaps
For the imminent collapse
Oh yeah, I'll tell you what we could do

You be me for a while
And I'll be you

A dream too tired to come true
Left a rebel without a clue
Won't you tell me what I should do

And if it's just a lull
Why am I bored right outta my skull
Oh yeah, keep me from feeling so dull

And if it's just a game
Then we'll break down just in case
Then again, I'll tell you what we could do

You be me for a while…
You are me for a while…
You were me for a while…

And I'll be you (hey)

About Me

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.

You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest