There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

Enter key words, topic, or specific references to posted chapters...

Sunday, May 17, 2009


To a certain extent, we are born into this world suspicious. We are suspicious of our parents and we are suspect they will not meet our needs so we express our discontent for being helpless in an emotional manner which more often than not, gets the job done. Much the same, we all have a certain healthy degree of hatred for our own country and even fellow countrymen who we see as maybe incapable of producing some valuable existence to our own being and our own life. However, how do the police and security agencies of the world see us? Can they recognize real threats or real dangers to not only their existence but more important our existence? We know this is about hate and racism in America. When it comes to hate and racism, they make no mistakes beyond the inability to determine what right and wrong is.

“As I said at the outset, I am reluctant to use the word ‘atheist’ to describe my own unshakeable disbelief. And that is not because I am ashamed, afraid or even embarrassed. But simply because it seems so is self evidently true to me that there is no God that giving that conviction a special title somehow dignifies what it denies. After all we do not have a special word for people who don’t believe in ghosts or witches. But on the other hand, that does not mean that I was scarcely worth bothering with a serious of this length. On the contrary, there is a long history of atrocities committed in the name of religion and an equally long history of truly heroic opposition. So in a sense, this series is well a tribute to those who have won for me and many others the right to stand up and be counted.” - Jonathan Miller, BBC Four, “History of Disbelief” Television documentary -

What we are experiencing and noticing is the weak and deranged in society acting dangerous and suicidal because they are either defeated or terrified by the world they ruin. The problem with the weak and the dumb is they ruin the world, reality, everybody, and now even themselves. However, as the potty of the damned and the army too big to be defeated, they are a political tour de fork. How did they get this way and what merges and fusions have smoldered their political movement to one on the verge of total destruction? There is an enemy and a terror group on our shores and working behind our backs and it is not the Japanese or Al Qaeda. Why we are not able to intern them or lock them up; no less report of their terror, rampage or acts to overrun the government is beyond cognizance. Now all of this energy has been redirected towards mountain people who refuse to shave? It is easier to look for enemies beyond our shores than diagnose the problem so we can stop the enormous spending going on.

"I was in Moscow. We were working on what we thought was one of the most important projects for our National Security policy, which was creating a brand new relationship with Russia and I was in Moscow and just completed a whole days negotiations with... Missile Defense and we had a joint press appearance when we came out of our negotiations and... Someone from the US embassy said the first plane had hit... then the second plane had hit. ...And so I was headed into a press event and was not going to rely on some report about a plane had hit... that I knew that the plane had hit at all, but then just when I was going to go into this press event... where the President was saying 'this act of terrorism will not stand' and I turned to my colleagues from the Pentagon and I said, 'will not stand' is exactly what the President's father said when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait.” - "American Perspective: Bush Administration and 911 Panel: Moderated by Ann Compton", by Douglas Feith, Former Defense Undersecretary for Policy, 2001-2005, -

We have a lot of people taking sides and defending viewpoints that convolute the overall reach of the arguments. First is the issue of war and prisoners. Second is the issue of war and total casualty. Third is the issue of war and civilian dead. Japan committed some of the most heinous war crimes and cruel acts to their prisoners. However, when it came to civilian deaths and overall deaths in numbers; it was Russia and Germany who won this title. Japan is blamed for some of the most ill treatment of prisoners and it is well documented of this.

“President Bush Sr. was not famous for coining phrases... He made one or two... the other only other one that I could remember was... the invasion of Kuwait 'will not stand'; and I said to myself what a remarkable coincidence that the President would use precisely that phrase and it is a phrase that connoted war. ...I took it and I still didn't confirm anything to the press... but something terrible had happened in New York. ...When something like this happens, some major event... very often, we will get more information from watching television and listening to the press then you will from the intelligence services. The reason for that is in part, there are more journalists then there are all over the place.” - "American Perspective: Bush Administration and 911 Panel: Moderated by Ann Compton", by Douglas Feith, Former Defense Undersecretary for Policy, 2001-2005, -

In so far as liberals and this communist and terrorist group we are dealing with; they argue against the dropping of the atomic bomb. They also argue how humane the communist are by frequently using labor camps to rehabilitate their dissidents instead of killing them or torturing them. Thus, oppression is widespread and the liberals, left wing, and communists are eager to imprison people but feel humane and civilized because it is only oppression. Keep in mind the overall deaths and civilian deaths at the hands of these people. Also keep in mind how many wars they started and how many people died after they started those wars. So the left wing may claim to be humane and how they only use oppression and torture; but the truth is the overall impact and the totality of the problem.

“Well one way that they came up right away was what the President said was our reaction had to go beyond the standard law enforcement approach that had been taking by the US Government for decades when we suffered terrorist attacks. But the 911 attacks were much larger than that representing an ongoing threat. And so, he was talking about the kind of things that Secretary Chertoff was just talking about, how do we prevent the next attack because there was a widespread view and well grounded fear that there were going to be following attacks. ...One of the things we had to do at the Pentagon was try to conceive of the nature of this war. Again, if you are at war you have an enemy. How do we define the enemy? If you are at war, it is very important to have a war aim. And we remember in particular in 1990 when Saddam had invaded Kuwait... so we were conscious if you were going to set a war aim, it has to be something appropriate and sensible and flexible because we were talking about this during a time when we were not even fully assure who had done this and how large the enemy network was. ...Immediately we thought about the danger to the Constitution. We thought about the fact that a series of terrorist attacks of this kind could transform the nature of our society." - "American Perspective: Bush Administration and 911 Panel: Moderated by Ann Compton", by Douglas Feith, Former Defense Undersecretary for Policy, 2001-2005, -

If we were to let the left wing gain power of every country in this world, by the time we liberated them again, the number of casualties would be astronomical. They may claim to be humane but almost every war in this century has been started by the left wing and radicals. Once those wars begin, there are cruel acts and killing on both sides. To say no war crimes and no inhumane treatment goes unnoticed during warfare is not reality, there are always acts of cruelty on and off the battlefield. However, this argument is very simply put on who starts the wars and how many casualties we can blame them for. To say it is merely oppression, which we hear day in and day out by our kidnappers is a complete and total lie.

“There had been a number of terrorist attacks over recent years... in every case what the United States government did principally was send out the FBI to try to find people that you could identify... what you hear from all of this discussion and it is very important people focus on it, this was a different case... we expect further attacks... it was successful. It caused us to completely rethink the terrorism danger because terrorist traditionally have gone after fairly small spectacular targets... this was the first successful act of terrorism of mass destruction, and the President... the single most important decision... said the that purpose of our reaction to 911 was to prevent the next attack. Now, no President (of the United States) had ever reacted to a terrorist attack by saying the purpose of the United States is to prevent the next terrorist attack. That was an enormously ambitious goal and that was immediately out of view of law enforcement, I mean you were now well beyond law enforcement into a war on terrorism. And by saying we have to prevent the next attack, the President was also broadening the focus of the people in government beyond the specific people and group that had perpetrated the act... but it might come from another terrorist group.” - "American Perspective: Bush Administration and 911 Panel: Moderated by Ann Compton", by Douglas Feith, Former Defense Undersecretary for Policy, 2001-2005, -

The communist and the left wing are constantly using the Japanese and the Germans as scapegoat to suggest the communists are humane or treat their prisoners well. The Gulag was a frequent and regular way to break people psychologically. To suggest random and frequent imprisonment is going to be needed for our future or to argue for communism; is to say the Bush Administration would speak out against this. It is not oppression, it is total invasion. It is an act of war and that war has massive casualty anyway you look at it. This spy group and this terror group we ran into are trying to present a half sided story and one which paints communists as oppressors and not barbarians. That is a total lie. Oppression starts wars and revolts and there is so much killing in war, the cruelty does not compare to water boarding or torture. However, we view a few cases with sensationalism and shock while we use it to speak for the overall condition.

“One of the things we discussed very intensely in those first few days after 911 was, if there were to be a series of attacks on the United States, we were all conscious of the fact that even past terrorist attacks that were less horrific and less costly... beginning in the late 60s and 70s... that is an enormous amount of person hours and it really changes life. One of the things that we are aware of is even when the hijacking dangers diminish, those security measures remained in place... People might demand as desirable... we basically viewed the stakes in this war as the free and open nature of American society, which is something the President incorporated into his big speech to Congress on September 20th. He basically defines the war aims (on terrorism) as preserving the American way of life, as a free and open society. So you basically define the war with reference to Constitutional protection.” - "American Perspective: Bush Administration and 911 Panel: Moderated by Ann Compton", by Douglas Feith, Former Defense Undersecretary for Policy, 2001-2005, -

In order to torture someone, they must first surrender. This is some agreement that they will be taken alive. Once an enemy combatant surrenders, then the laws of war, the Geneva Convention and even human rights kick in. Until an enemy surrenders, these laws do not apply to them. Civilians are not enemy combatants and do not wage war. Some are considered irregular or recruited in the cause; thus they forfeit the civilian ranks. Civilians do not surrender during war; they are not supposed to engage in it. However, there is another set of laws and guidelines for them to muster. There are human beings who are so cruel, so mean, and so dangerous that capturing them alive is suicide. Also the crimes they are charged with are so heinous an order of "dead or alive" dignifies the hunt.

“We were focused on preventing a next attack. It was quite clear the key to preventing the next attack was intelligence; and it was a different war from the kind of war where the cold war you could see when the enemy would attack you because he would have to move heavy armor divisions into Western military districts...satellites... here the intelligence we needed to prevent a next attack, if we were going to get it, was in all likelihood going to come from interrogating people we were capturing. So CENTCOM had a major combat mission in Afghanistan, holding on to these people saying detaining them is a major mission which is very hard for us to do on top of our other mission... can we get these people taken off our hands, can we move them somewhere? Well you can set up a proper detention and interrogation facility. ...torture is illegal and everybody knew that; and the President made it clear... lawfully and humanely... was entitled to Habeas Corpus rights. ...The basic idea was to create a facility where you could detain people, keep them off the battlefield... and where they can be properly and humanely... so we can could have a reasonably good chance to learn to prevent the next attack.” - "American Perspective: Bush Administration and 911 Panel: Moderated by Ann Compton", by Douglas Feith, Former Defense Undersecretary for Policy, 2001-2005, -

War is something you want to avoid and to suggest that mere oppression or denying the rights of others by a left wing and communist government is a peaceful act; that does not accept any responsibility for the capture and apprehending parts where warfare and acts of war may be needed. However, if a larger conflict and a full scale war erupts or slides a society into mass chaos; then the fault of those who never took any precautions or warnings must be equally damning as the people who commit a single act of cruelty and a single casualty. Would we risk mass casualty and war over one civilian being tortured or would we inflict one act of cruelty so that war can be avoided?

“I think it is a mistake to see a straight forward relationship between the recent retreat of religious faith and the concomitance advance of scientific knowledge. After all a relatively small minority of the increasing numbers of disbelievers has any acquaintance with modern science at all. And then on the other hand, there are a significance number of extremely accomplished and knowledgeable scientists who retain a strong religious belief notwithstanding. All the same, I do suspect the widespread disbelief in the modern world has something to do with science.” - Jonathan Miller, BBC Four, “History of Disbelief” Television documentary -

If the 1960s was the time period when the black movement merged with the plight of Jews in America, then hate and racism is a far cry from what is occurring in the world right now. America went through a period where she could not compete with foreign companies and then a period where she was punished by attrition for a legacy of racism and near cruelty towards other races in what appears to be some intersecting point of history where Asians were criticized for this bad reputation and both black and white had to endure it. It seems as if every race is looking down on the other but for much different reasons. One dominates the academic field, the other is always bottoming out, and the third is beaten up no matter what position they take. The term “reverse discrimination” is having a very awkward appeal.

“I think there must be some extent to which belief or disbelief is purely a temperamental affair and for reasons which are quite hard to identify, human beings have always sorted themselves out into those who visualize the universe in material terms and those who see it animated throughout by a supernatural intelligence.” - Jonathan Miller, BBC Four, “History of Disbelief” Television documentary -

The beaten up phenomenon is dangerous because historically it has produced terrorism. There is an active terrorist group kidnapping and beating up “targets” to purify and extort some warped reaction to all of this chaos. We are seeing an upsurge of racism and hate due to the inability to gain solid footing in the Asian markets and the last forty years of radical racial social engineering. While white people are caught between trying to prove they are not communist to Asians, they are caught between trying to prove they are not racist to blacks. So, we are seeing a massive upsurge of this same terrorism, called “white terrorism” in the 1960s, up until 2001 then it just disappears again. The use of racism and hate to promote communism has once again surfaced through the use of terror plots.

”In fact, intelligence, witch was once seen as the antecedent cause of all things, is in itself almost certainly a biological phenomenon. Far from being the initiator of things, we are beginning to recognize that intelligence is a relatively late arrival in the universe. Like the limbs and organs which until Darwin… “- Jonathan Miller, BBC Four, “History of Disbelief” Television documentary -

This chapter will discuss the common left wing syndrome of starving for the attention of others and the use of religion, revolution, and the coming technical Armageddon which should throw them into a super level derangement and fear. Put them in power and all hell on earth will erupt because the left wing is a reaction and revolution to an inability to compete or reject high quality work. It is a volcano of hate and racism where draconian measures are needed to stamp out radicalism and what is teeming with taciturn hard core crime. It is the heart and the soul of the underworld and subsequently the engine of the communists in America. As the police, it is terror when their fight is used back on others and closely related to hate and racism in the world. The left wing is a rejection of what is occurring in the free market and free world.

“I think we just lost an election and I hope the Republicans are not this insufferable every time we lose an election declaring the Democratic Party finished forever… over more then ten minutes ago, Americans forget how bad Democrats are and they come roaring back. No matter what the facts are liberal Republicans are always telling us to be more liberal no matter what the evidence is. But the evidence keeps proving them wrong no matter how many times we run this experiment… and they lost and now they come back and are blaming us again.“ - Ann Coulter on The O’Reilly Show, Fox News Network; May 06, 2009 -

What we know is the inefficient and ineffective power of government and the reports they write often about how we hate our bosses and why we strive to be independent and self sufficient. Least to say we would never choose to be their bosses because as ferocious followers and hostile barbarians, they act much like the way they come into this world suspicious of the person for whom they must make an emotional appeal to for the basic necessities and the overall luxuries which drives them to power and competitive rivals. The cowardice and atheism they display is an unspeakable symbol and proclamation of how much they truly hate their own country and how unhappy they are with it. All of this radicalism and student movements will take us back to the days of communism and the cold war.

“In every part of the world, religion has undergone a politically dangerous form of revival. Islam has undergone a widespread, though by no means universal, mutation and the non Muslim west is seriously threatened for the foreseeable future by swarms of these lethal mutants. But on the other hand, there is now an uncouth cabal of short sighted Christian fundamentalists in the White House who has established a morbid and I think a rather unhealthful liaison with the Israeli establishment, an alliance which only exacerbates the otherwise inexplicable suicidal reaction to be seen in Islam. So one way or the other, I think it is increasingly important to those of us who don’t believe to establish an eloquent…” - Jonathan Miller, BBC Four, “History of Disbelief” Television documentary -

We are born into this world suspicious of the world we live in and to say we have some already determined game plan laid out at this moment is a long stretch of both time and the imagination. However, to also say there is a search for this game plan and a determined reason to live it out is an overture of our ability to coexist with the government and ruling body which causes our original predicament, we were born into this world suspicious of it. So not matter what system of government we use and no matter which game plan we choose; se seem to be trapped by some other forces which seek to interact with who we are and what we want out of life, if anything to be accepted as a human being and respected as one also. That is leadership. It is what we recognize and view pure leadership.

“And thank you for bringing me in as I am a specialist on Democrat lies and this is the classic Democrat lie… “She touched me but I did not touch her”… she was told what interrogation technique would be used but so what. … If this was water boarding someone to the point of drowning, I think she would have noticed.” - Ann Coulter on Hannity, Fox News Network; May 08, 2009 -

We might be better to judge leaders by how their work relates to our life instead of what performance measures their party or contributors decide to give them as an advanced method to a contract for a position. Maybe we will better the idea that the true meaning of leadership is destructive in itself and maybe we will be better off with the idea that outcomes are what truly matters. This is why it is so difficult and nearly impossible to tell who is who in this world when they themselves do not know. What we get are clowns who end up as target practice for both sides as they cling onto other people or their works with the true sensation of being saved or protected by the an affiliation or name of another previous guest. That is the same state of mind that pollutes politics in 2009 and God knows how long before.

Obama is guilty like Bush and would prefer to be viewed as mean than a liar. Maybe after the first 100 days it is a repeat of all other administrations? The economy is going to collapse soon on him and it only takes GM and Chrysler to blame the salaries of the executives. Obama can walk on water but his image is he sinks to the bottom. In these times, people want trust and security and this administration provides neither. They want to be protected and the changes and police powers have offered neither. The worst is still yet to come and he knows it but has nobody left to blame. After 100 days people are terrified their country, their government, and inasmuch as what they know about the world they live in is disappearing. When the richest and wealthiest become the most taxing, when the politicians are behind terror plots, when the Democratic Party leaders are investigating a communist and terror spoof, and when the social fabric has run amuck and our future is run into the ground; there is no escape but the truth. What will come of this truth? Put one of these goons on the police force and all hell will break loose. Put one of these goons in the White House and we are seriously headed for terror. - Obama and his First 100 Days in Less than 100 Words, by Author; April 30, 2009 -

Governments are easy to create and fix. The more perfect they are, the less conflict; thus, the less the conflict the more imperfect they become. So no matter which system of government we choose, whether this is dictatorships, theocracies, oligarchies, Plutocracies, kleptocracies, authoritarianism, a police state, or even democracy; the result is always the same. Religion is not the same. Religion does not abide by the same rules and thus is in perfect unison and union with government. We can reproduce it over and over and get the exact different result. So why then does the stigma of revolution and revolt end up in the dictionary or encyclopedia as a bad word and is it because we live in a bad or good world which we are suspicious of for being born into someone else’s mess? Liberalism and even conservatism do not follow the same rules.

“It is not just politicizing it (speaking of water boarding) we are getting the same sort of sophistical arguments and outright lies as we did get under Clinton but at least in that case it was to defend a horny hick. Now it is to run down the policies that kept America safe for seven and a half years… the claim that water boarding constituted a war crime…. These lies they keep coming fast and furious and you have to spend a week looking up what the truth is and it turns up a lie and they move on.” - Ann Coulter on Hannity, Fox News Network; May 08, 2009 -

So how does this pertain to the age and the process of revolution? We are living in a nightmare and we call it reality. We perceive human beings to be a threat, violent, and dangerous but cannot explain our own form of behavior that is a striking resemblance if not identical in form. This age of revolution is the product of many century long battles and the evolution of science; thus, these forces have fused together in an almost evil manner we describe as an antichrist like conflict where bigger is better and power is to the victors. What is this revolutionary times and why is our nightmare so much more real today then it was yesterday?

“No, I think we have an idea of what the whole mentality of this administration is. That is what is so striking about the fly over-over the Statue of Liberty, the photo was released today and the Democrat who resigned over this… he keeps being described as if he is just a military guy like we are dealing with Patraeus here. He is a Democrat, he was in the Democratic assembly, he worked for Clinton, and now he is working for Obama. He is a Democrat and like Gary Condit will not be described in that way.” - Ann Coulter on Hannity, Fox News Network; May 08, 2009 -

Confronting our enemies is what a battlefield is for. To see them fight for their life is the medal of life and death. To know their life hangs on the balance of good and evil; mistakes and failures; lies and honesty; or what war practitioners and advocates call a death sentence. What is this death sentence and why are they bothering us to fix what was once communism and the inability to accept self sufficiency and self reliance? Why are we being challenged on this front by the very people who have flipped everything upside down through the annals of time and within the confines of books and knowledge? The answer is simple, atheism.

“For we stand before the question of whether there is even such a thing as liberalism as a clearly definable subject and whether this subject, should it not be clearly definable, can have a history. We touch here upon a general methodological problem. Toynbee, for example, opens his great work with the question whether England has a history; he concludes that the English nation as a society is so closely related to the society of Western civilization that one cannot write an English history without going into the entire history of Western civilization. It is in this sense that there arise the question of how liberalism is to be delimited and whether it has a history. And they arise more acutely because the case of liberalism is much more complicated than that of England.” - Eric Voegelin; Mary Algozin; Keith Algozin; Liberalism and Its History. University of Notre Dame: Du Lack, The Review of Politics, Vol. 36, No. 4. (Oct., 1974). pp. 504 - 520. -

In the span of our lifetime and this earth, man has created a reality which he fights for with his own life. He encapsulates this survival through the pursuit that some other man will inherently deny him this reality and the justifiable manner which he seeks to define himself as better, stronger, smarter, and even more powerful. This is not to say that we live in a world where this reality has been in existence well before man had arrived; it is to say how we know it to be our own reality and the past reality of the human species. But wait, something is happening here and it involves science. What is science?

African Americans and Jewish Americans have together journeyed a long, twisted path of enmities and empathies. Jews who currently oppose black goals as well as those who bemoan the dissolution of the civil rights alliance each have their antecedents to emulate, much as anti-Semitic African Americans and blacks who decry such prejudice each have their precedents to employ. Their joint, disjointed history points in no single direction. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

Science is now revolution. What is revolution? Revolution is the inexorable search for security, convenience, compassion, comfort, and most of all safety. That search can kill the soul and make others very complacent outside of our own abilities. Therefore, this fusion of reality to a new one which encapsulates science and the changes it produces is what we are experiencing for the new millennium. Revolutions always foster and breeds enemies for they are the partakers in that same revolution. So who is the enemy and who is to say we are not one also? If we are the boss and the producers of this reality and this same revolution; how can it be that we are not the enemy as well? The answer can only be two outcomes; science and the lack thereof. A science that exposes the true intention of human beings or exposes them as evolving towards atheism is within the specter of reality?

“If you look at an older standard work such as Guido de Ruggiero's work of the 1920's, you will find that at that time, at the close of the liberal era, liberalism still appeared to be an easily definable phenomenon. But if you look at the more recent literature, you will find that the prototype of Ruggiero's work has just about disappeared - today the question of liberalism are posed in broader contexts.” - Eric Voegelin; Mary Algozin; Keith Algozin; Liberalism and Its History. University of Notre Dame: Du Lack, The Review of Politics, Vol. 36, No. 4. (Oct., 1974). pp. 504 - 520. -

Is science the same as atheism? If you are privileged enough to follow the work of a British thinker (name) and study the academics of atheism, you begin to see some unusual candor. What exactly is atheism? Is it revolution? Is it religious revolution? Is it heresy? Or is it merely benevolence to the most powerful? Can we define revolution in the same ways we define atheism because the entire focus of revolution was to bring us to some other evolution of mankind where the absence of God or religion created a state of freedom and liberty from what was once definable criticisms. If collectivism was this definable criticism; then the revolution has already taken place with the fall of communism. So are we fighting the same battles now or are we on the opposite side of some other revolution in progress, a third party? Is there a religion which can expose scientific thought as groundless and with fortitude of an aimless spiral?

Today the media trumpet the views of African Americans praising Adolf Hitler or those claiming for themselves a greater victimization than that suffered by Jews during what we now call the Holocaust.1 Today Jews loudly condemn blacks for trivializing the Holocaust, for not recognizing its uniqueness. Little is heard of the 1930s and 1940s, a time when there was more black anti-Semitism and more Jewish racism among the mass of blacks and Jews as there is now, yet when leaders of both communities, despite being shaped by different historical and personal experiences, sought to make common cause against the common enemy of intolerance and hatred. Both saw themselves as objects of persecution and each other as means to ends. As opportunistic as they were dissimilar, they developed an organizational alliance to achieve acceptance and equality of opportunity in American society. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

The answer is we do not know. We know we live in revolutionary times and in revolutionary times, there are dangers and suspicions for real and make believe enemies. People die on a whim and with no value and respect to human dignity. Both sides, or for this matter, all three sides can proclaim all they wish; the inability to stamp out and the inability to remove this danger and suspicion is real. So why does the enemies even try? Why do they seek the powers of government and abuse it to its very ends in order to remove this overwhelming cloud of suspicion and the fostering of this notion we live in an atheist world where secularism is the identity of the same inclusion and denial of rights? Have we gone mad and lost our minds or should we merely begin killing all human beings on earth?

“Consider the work of Franz Schnabel, the Munich historian... penetrating treatment of liberalism. Here, while there is a chapter devoted to the type -concept of liberalism, the historical presentation can describe the phenomenon of liberalism only in the context of its struggle with other movements of the nineteenth century - reaction, restoration, conservatism, socialism, etc. It becomes evident that liberalism is no independent phenomenon; its essence can be adequately described only in terms of its confrontation with other phenomena.” - Eric Voegelin; Mary Algozin; Keith Algozin; Liberalism and Its History. University of Notre Dame: Du Lack, The Review of Politics, Vol. 36, No. 4. (Oct., 1974). pp. 504 - 520. -

Ever since the 1960s, certain words have been “coined” in the vernacular of the American vocabulary. One word which rings true is revolution, specifically left wing extremism and radicalism. If conservatives are reactionary; then a byproduct of this lawlessness is an equal return of the same. However, what we know to be true is gradual decline of the left wing and the increase of their efforts and speed to some fixed object or conclusion. You can say they hit or ran into a very real wall and pretend everything is alright. We have never seen such cowardice or atheism let alone heard a word from them.

Nazi and Fascist Anti-Semitism in the 1930s, and especially the horrors of the Holocaust, proved central to that development and the coming of age of the modern civil rights movement. Jews became more sensitive to cries of injustice, more ready for alliances with other underdogs. News of the Holocaust also made some other Americans uneasy or guilty about their own racist beliefs and practices. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

So it is due time they sequester some equalizer for this loss of happy endings or happiness to decide their fate. They need some political event or some grand master stroke which can suggest or even imply they are real and well intended. We and this world know them as very secure and especially secret; thus, always wishing to help if not in material needs then in truth and justice. We know they base their organization and existence on this deep sense of help of not only their own but for others less fortunate. So why they are so unhappy nowadays and why was the new millennium such a profound change of attitude for the left wing? What happens to the left wing when the world and reality disgusts those trapped in it? Can we call it something else besides the left wing?

“...the genesis of liberal attitudes from religious conflicts. From the conflicts between the churches, and from the conflict of both churches with state, there grew a new attitude of tolerance between the churches and of both churches towards the state... the insight that the truth of Christendom cannot be saved by the churches exterminating each other for the sake of dogma, the insight that the churches must somehow live together in one society.” - Eric Voegelin; Mary Algozin; Keith Algozin; Liberalism and Its History. University of Notre Dame: Du Lack, The Review of Politics, Vol. 36, No. 4. (Oct., 1974). pp. 504 - 520. -

Well, we can suggest a few reasons to be very unhappy. First is the inclusion of insurance to the derivative market where some of the most dangerous and risky bets are made. That master stroke and the use of some financial safety net for the most risky and the most dangerous is near suicide. Then they not only hid the dangers, they propagated it in a fashion which caused people to lose their life savings. The entire façade was made to look real by the empty promises of cracking down on salaries and even cleaning up Wall Street for years in some campaign to revitalize America and flush the lies down the sewer system. Naturally, they ask patience while they kidnap people who disagree with them entirely to fix what they could not fix or would not avoid. It is just, what they would call an unspeakable level of cowardice.

Farther up the parade of horribles was "walling," which I will not describe except to say Elliot Spitzer paid extra for it… It might be: waterboarding PLUS amputating the prisoner's healthy arm, or waterboarding PLUS killing the prisoner. But waterboarding on the order of what we did at Guantanamo would be a reward in a Japanese POW camp. To claim that the Japanese -- architects of the Bataan Death March -- were prosecuted for "waterboarding" would be like saying Ted Bundy was executed for engaging in sexual harassment. What the Japanese did to their POWs made even the Nazis blanch. The Japanese routinely beheaded and bayoneted prisoners; forced prisoners to dig their own graves and then buried them alive; amputated prisoners' healthy arms and legs, one by one, for sport; force-fed prisoners dry rice and then filled their stomachs with water until their bowels exploded; and injected them with chemical weapons in order to observe, time and record their death throes before dumping them in mass graves. - Watching MSNBC is Torture, by Ann Coulter,; May 06, 2009 -

That is just one reason, the others include the sub prime mortgages, worsening the sub prime mortgages for more than a decade, and the tremendous increase of undeclared debt by the banking industry. Naturally, all is insured so there is never a problem because the federal government is there to remove debt and risk. Now they are in for a really big surprise and one which will cause many of their leaders to the old tradition of hari-kari spoon fed. People are genuinely pissed off and unless they turn things around and restore the government and their country to a pristine shining hill; they will revolt and protest on a bonfire level to end and remove the corruption and sheer madness of government officials. It is not a matter of hating your country or other countrymen; it is an ongoing problem with hating your bosses.

And all the condemnations of Hitlerism by American government officials and shapers of public opinion, all the Allied talk of fighting a war against doctrines of racial superiority, fueled the righteous insistence of African Americans to end racism in the United States. African American leaders, particularly in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), used Hitlerism and the Holocaust to generate concern for the plight of blacks and support for the cause of civil rights. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

The free market system is not evil. It is a creature that has no soul and thus it works only as good as the people who claim to be capitalist. We know we are dealing with a very hardcore communist and terrorist group who do not work properly when they are living in either communism or capitalism. This is the same argument about the second amendment. However, the market has no soul and we cannot say it is a being we can regulate to make work because the more we meddle and tinker with it, the less it works. The more we put this creature we hate and despise, the less it works.

“The picture of liberalism changes because liberalism itself changes in the process of history. and it changes because it is not a body of timelessly valid scientific propositions about political reality, but rather a series of political opinions and attitudes which have their optimal truth in the situation which motivates them, and are then overtaken by history and required to do justice to new situations. Liberalism is a political movement in the context of the surrounding Western revolutionary movement; its meaning alters with the phases of the surrounding movement. Its field of optimal clarity is the nineteenth century, which is preceded and followed by fields of decreasing clarity in which it becomes increasingly difficult to establish its identity.” - Eric Voegelin; Mary Algozin; Keith Algozin; Liberalism and Its History. University of Notre Dame: Du Lack, The Review of Politics, Vol. 36, No. 4. (Oct., 1974). pp. 504 - 520. -

Again, our approach to the free market system is to fix the human being and the market will fix itself. In order to make this a reality, the left wing and this new species we are dealing with must stop blaming the free market system and look at what the real problem is. We are dealing with the devil and evil. We are dealing with a massive spy ring that is willing and waging war to transform our life into hell because they want to blame us, our talents, our life, and the freedoms of the market system.

They repeatedly pointed to what was happening to European Jewry as a means of advancing their own domestic agenda. They established an analogy between racial practices in Nazi Germany and those in the Jim Crow South to clarify and dramatize the nature of American racism to their fellow Americans. By linking the odious Nazism with Jim Crowism, these African Americans sought to make racial discrimination and segregation similarly anathema and to convince the white majority of the justness of their cause. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

To suggest the free market is not going to work or will never work is wrong. This new human species just does not want to admit the reality and those realities is how warfare will fix this problem very quickly and make that free market system work magnificent. What they have done and who they have targeted is clearly an act of war and an act of treason. We also know that if they tell us or if the evidence surfaces, there will be war or the court systems will be restored. We need the Constitution back and healthy but this human species we have in our life refuses and are still attacking our life. When we can get rid of them, the free market will work and well.

Benito Mussolini helped them considerably. Regarding Africans as “inferior beings” and seeing himself as defending “western civilization against the colored races,” IL Duce’s forces attacked Ethiopia in October 1935, slaughtering defenseless children and women in the country many African Americans regarded as the “Black Zion.” Mussolini then issued a Manifesto of Fascist Racism declaring theories of racial equality “absolutely inadmissible,” branding the so-called Semitic and Hamitic (that is, black) races as inherently inferior, and insisting that the purity of the blood of the superior white race not be polluted by miscegenation with blacks or Jews. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

The problem we have is the businessmen who come to America. America is the richest system and the best. However, these people inject such low quality and ridiculous image analysis of their human character and it ends up making both the right wing and the left wing upset not with the free market but the businessmen who wreck it and seek oppression over everyone. We can blame these lies and this evil on the banks and the politics of the liberals and left wing. As a human species they are difficult and very unwanted. As a political force they are the most dangerous. As a government they will instill hell and unleash the powers of militaries.

“Even if, as we have seen, the beginning of liberalism can be traced back to the early sixteenth century... it appears for the first time in the second decade of the nineteenth century when a party of the Spanish Cortes of 1812 called itself the Liberales. This was a liberal constitutional party which formed a front against attempts at restoration. From this beginning the expression "liberal" entered the general European vocabulary, and soon there occurred throughout Europe the formation of liberal groups, parties, and movements.” - Eric Voegelin; Mary Algozin; Keith Algozin; Liberalism and Its History. University of Notre Dame: Du Lack, The Review of Politics, Vol. 36, No. 4. (Oct., 1974). pp. 504 - 520. -

Do we wish to deal with these people? We get attacked daily and complaints are never addressed. The quality of work is so poor and the quality of the human species is so bad there is no difference between barbarians and terrorists, none. We have seen them at work and we have witnessed their recruitment process. We have sat here and asked if they will be forthright or if some future method be imposed by the military for not any system of government or any system of trade; but some human species we are dealing with who is cleverly hidden and manipulating our life. It is thousands of errors and illegal activity. The need to strangle them and drive them off the border is the games they play by not letting others respond.

If not quite first, Hitler and the Nazis went even further to avoid “racial contamination” by inferiors. Coming to power in 1933, they used the power of the state and their own paramilitary organizations to assault German Jews, boycott their businesses, and discriminate against them. Then the Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor and the Third Reich Citizenship Law (the Nuremberg Laws of September 1935) defined Jews by ancestry rather than religion, outlawed marriages and sexual intercourse between Jews and non-Jews, stripped Jews of most rights of German citizenship, and increased earlier restrictions on Jews in all spheres of German educational, social, and economic life. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

In warfare there is attrition. When we know of and about a terrorist or spy system that come here to attack the country or wage war; the military must destroy and retaliate. People come to America because they are persecuted, not because they want to persecute others using Democracy or Congressional meddling. To do this, they will strangle this enemy and in a way which will inflict maximum pain and to unleash the maximum hell. If they do not wish or want this, then they have an option and to contact the lawyers who still have not been contacted. It is as if they do not even care if the military is after them or their political suicide. We have posted the arrest warrants and the details of the terror plots. We have posted the thousands of attacks and ambushes over the twenty year period. We have posted the complaints and instead of getting a real accountability and historical record; we are attacked more and mistreated.

“In the first place, today "liberal" has become almost equivalent to "conservative," and indeed, this is because the movement of liberalism has been overtaken by new, more radical waves of revolution, in opposition to which it plays the role of conservatism; just as formerly, in the decade of 1810 to 1820, conservatism was conservative in opposition to revolution and to liberalism.” - Eric Voegelin; Mary Algozin; Keith Algozin; Liberalism and Its History. University of Notre Dame: Du Lack, The Review of Politics, Vol. 36, No. 4. (Oct., 1974). pp. 504 - 520. -

This is their last chance and they will be destroyed by the military authority. The argument they are too big to fail or are the army of the damned is not valid and unacceptable. Furthermore, the use of the police to suggest we are their prisoner and may have committed some little insignificance in their life and must have hell unleashed and be attacked is what makes their case worse.

Not till the approach of the Soviet armies from the east did the Nazis abandon their Polish “death camps” and march the surviving Jewish, Gypsy, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Serb, homosexual, and other “antisocial” prisoners to concentration camps in Germany, where millions more died of disease, exposure, and starvation en route to and in Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Mauthausen, Nordhausen, and Sachsenhausen. It was the ultimate triumph of racism in practice. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

We are speaking of a complete abuse of power, evil on an entirely different level, and a felon who is wracking up more and grosser violations and terrorism charges. There are also the people who are protecting it and the conspiracy of knowing they were doing it and part of a conspiracy. So there are people who are terrorists and then there are those who conspired with enemy combatants. Some in this terror plot are even Senators and high government officials. Some of these terrorists have infiltrated the police department and have attacked us viciously.

“Another change of meaning has occurred in America. in the American political vocabulary "liberal" generally means, not the European liberalism of the nineteenth century, which today is considered conservative, but, on the contrary, a politically progressive attitude. Roughly speaking, one can say that in America the Republican Party is called conservative, the Democratic Party, liberal-progressive. ...while the Democratic Party is liberal insofar as its program tends toward the welfare state, state capitalism, and a decided emphasis upon the interests of the labor unions. The shift of meaning toward the left goes so far that "liberal" is often used as a synonym for ‘pink’ or ‘fellow traveler’." - Eric Voegelin; Mary Algozin; Keith Algozin; Liberalism and Its History. University of Notre Dame: Du Lack, The Review of Politics, Vol. 36, No. 4. (Oct., 1974). pp. 504 - 520. -

They fear a military retaliation and they fear the military unleashing hell. If the military has evidence on them; they have no defense and live in fear. It is up to them to check or contact the lawyers handling this case to determine what sort of penalty they are seeking for them. Maybe it was a misunderstanding and maybe it was an act so egregious they must go into hiding and be on the run the rest of their life. Unfortunately, there is a paper trail and certain people end up suffering for the masses because their intentions might be less a problem than what they actually did. So if they feel the need to resolve and clear up this hunt for a terrorist plot and spy ring; then the more help and honesty they provide upfront, the more aggressive we can get them.

As soon as Hitler and the Nazis began their harassment of German Jewry, African American newspapers began highlighting the similarities of discriminations and oppressions in the United States and in Germany. Most of their editorials prior to 1936, however, were not at all sympathetic to the plight of German Jewry. The Great Depression engendered enormous anti-Semitism in the United States—by whites and blacks. Well over a hundred new anti-Semitic organizations were established in the second half of the 1930s alone, compared to just fourteen between 1915 and 1933. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

The police system is not evil and the police are not the problem. However, we cannot have these people on the police or on our shores. They are this dangerous and must be slowly attritional and the right human beings replaced. Our future and the future of the country is resting on how well we can get rid of this threat and if necessary to wage war on them for being terrorists and flipping the Constitution on its head and stomping on it with the ferocity of pursuit.

“This liberalism (American), plausible and tempting as it sounds, is weak because it greatly underestimates the motives and forces underlying the revolution. In fact, liberalism did not buy off the terrors of revolution at all but rather was forced to play the conservative role in the age of totalitarian regimes. Indeed, Charles Comte saw correctly that in liberalism there is something of revolution, but that revolution goes very much farther than liberalism wants. This becomes evident in the course of the revolution Permanente in the twentieth century.” - Eric Voegelin; Mary Algozin; Keith Algozin; Liberalism and Its History. University of Notre Dame: Du Lack, The Review of Politics, Vol. 36, No. 4. (Oct., 1974). pp. 504 - 520. -

Terror and espionage is an act of war and is also an act of warfare if they do not respond. We can only play by the rules and invoke immediate demands to leave and vacate the borders. What they do after that is up to them but we have alerted their messengers and emissaries. This has been a twenty year and more investigation and we have what we knew and are after. It is up to them to clear it up and it is up to them to contact the lawyers before it gets worse and worse for them. It will be suicide if they do not respond or do not address this properly. Poverty and being ridiculed did not drive them to murder, crime, and attacking America. Attacking and ambushing others is not a way of life and a way to communicating. If they are too stupid and have a major problem, then it is up to them to decide if they wish to live here in America and uphold the laws or be forced out and destroyed. Maybe they hate being destroyed but now they have a world of problems and it must be answered properly.

Indeed, throughout the 1930s and World War II most Americans were neither deeply touched nor troubled by the news about Jews coming out of Europe. A majority believed that Nazi persecution of the German Jews was either partly or entirely the Jews’ own fault—their being too powerful, their running the economy, their being too radical. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

You cannot wage war on the country and claim it is yours. You cannot wage war on the military authority and leaders and claim it is merely scandal and to show the evidence. You cannot ignore the matter and claim it your home or how you are free to do what you want. You cannot wage war and call it your home. Soon your home will have the military that will burn it down and destroy it because it was an act of war and we can resolve this quickly. When we want and demand the leaders of this spy ring and terrorist force who have been operating in the USA for almost a century; they should fear and they should act aggressively and quickly. The worst part was putting us under surveillance and abusing the powers granted to them in order to attack while we exposed and hunted this terror plot.

“The radical revolutionary must make the revolution into a permanent condition; there can be no compromise or stabilization of the achievements at a definite point. For as soon as a plateau of stabilization is permitted, the revolution is over. To keep a revolution alive one must carry it on further; it thrives on unrest, it needs a permanent opponent; it must meet obstacles to be overcome by its assault, etc. If there are no more obstacles, no more imperialists or deviationists, the revolution dies for lack of things to attack. Revolution can end only if it has reached its goal. And this is precisely the insight expressed by Trotsky in his idea of the revolution Permanente: revolution in the modern sense has no intention of producing a stable condition; revolution is the mental and spiritual condition of an act which has no rational goal.” - Eric Voegelin; Mary Algozin; Keith Algozin; Liberalism and Its History. University of Notre Dame: Du Lack, The Review of Politics, Vol. 36, No. 4. (Oct., 1974). pp. 504 - 520. -

It is up to them and there is no disagreement. It is not about a future event but events that have caused tremendous pain and grief for others. If they are unwilling to do this then do not interfere or get in the way of the military that will chase this group and hunt them down. Then do not get in the way of how they release the evidence or the plans which were to be some grand strategy to destroy and attack the United States and other allies. They do this all over the earth and use our own system to wage war on the entire world. The worst part was making demands and talking to us directly when the law says you must contact the lawyers and cannot intimidate or use the police to intimidate the witnesses.

Few considered the plight of European Jewry their plight too. Until May 1945 many remained unaware, did not care, or thought the killing of European Jews a Jewish problem for Jews to solve. Most African Americans, accepting the dominant culture’s values and prejudices concerning Jews, followed suit. An amalgam of religious folk beliefs and economic woes compounded their antipathy. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

For a sissy who would rather choose the big house than the poor house, their leaders are hardcore criminals but then their crime and regret is getting caught. Now they are caught and the only outcome is to destroy them and that is unconscionable but will be the only solution. That is war and that is why you do not wage war on the United States or claim it is yours or your home, you may regret this and hate it. Do not flood here and raid the treasury or the riches of the nation and do not come here and get in the way of those who are so much better and so much smarter. We are persecuted by those who are not. Most of all do not get in the way of freedom and try to blame this on political scapegoats. The worst part involved what was done to the prosecutors and lawyers and what was done to the military leaders when they gained access to their life and imprisoned them with a level of intrusion they are embarrassed about. The level of fear and the fright of retaliation are near death defying. There is a limit and a line and some people just keep going.

“The interweaving of liberalism, revolution, and restoration will become clearer with a brief reflection on Charles Comte's more illustrious namesake, Auguste Comte. ...In this study Goutier raises the question whether Comte was a liberal, or an executor of the French revolution, or a phenomenon of the restoration. And he shows very subtly that this question can be answ3ered positively in each case. For the French revolutionary movement went to an extreme, stopped, and then became retrogressive; the extreme under consideration here is that which overtook liberalism in the more recent revolutionary phase.” - Eric Voegelin; Mary Algozin; Keith Algozin; Liberalism and Its History. University of Notre Dame: Du Lack, The Review of Politics, Vol. 36, No. 4. (Oct., 1974). pp. 504 - 520. -

The problem with the Republican Party is the equalization effect of national unity. What is most significant about the Republican and conservative side is the enormous level of beautiful women while a scarcity exists with the Democratic Party and the left. Furthermore, the degree of deranged men and even genetic misfits pre-dominates the right wing and the Republican movement because they seek the liberating message and the lack of oppressive fixes when dealing with messes or low quality. So the maleness of the right wing is highly scrutinized while the effect of this same maleness becomes easy criticism because of the many flaws. Who is better behaved and who is known for high quality work? Who is going to win the cold war and saturate the military with strength and conscience?

Like many Germans and white Christian Americans, blacks viewed Jews as infidels, usurers, Christ-killers. Moreover, to the average African American tenant the Jew was the landlord, to the black worker he was the boss, to the black customer the Jew was the shopkeeper, and to the black domestic the Jew was the stingy woman whose house she cleaned. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

Furthermore, there is a noticeable exodus from the Democratic Party. This is dangerous because the behavior and future of the right wing is based on the disgruntled and oppressive way the Democratic Party and the left views minorities. It is labeled and leveled as a party who chooses minorities over high quality work. However, not all minorities fall under this stigma and the exodus of white males seeking some ultimate freedom begins to cloud the right wing with strong male tendencies and low quality expectations. Hence the equalization factor occurs where genetic misfits, male tendencies and strength, and low quality breed with a message of small government and individual liberties. The insult is in the outcomes.

“During the revolution Robespierre was the representative of deism; he wanted to establish a cult of the Etre Supreme, the Supreme Being. ...For Robespierre that was too atheistic. Of the two men, Robespierre was the conservative revolutionary, while Hebert was the radical revolutionary who wanted to discard completely the spiritual content of Christianity, even in the pale form of deism.” - Eric Voegelin; Mary Algozin; Keith Algozin; Liberalism and Its History. University of Notre Dame: Du Lack, The Review of Politics, Vol. 36, No. 4. (Oct., 1974). pp. 504 - 520. -

In so far as the inherent problem which will make the right wing more beautiful and true, the realistic message of the left wing is determining the dynamics of the right wing because they are in a fight for their own survival. The exodus of genetic misfits who recognized the oppressive natural tendencies of the left wing has now bombarded the right wing with problems while an open reception is made by suspects we had detected as foreign espionage agents, terrorists, and political operatives who have seeped into the enemy side and are behind enemy lines calling in targets and change. It takes change to fix things. It takes quality work to make stuff work. It takes people who do not drive others wayward or away to uphold a message of freedom and liberty. However, the genetic misfits and the exodus from the left wing produced a mismatch and a leadership which prevents any fix or real message.

Still others condemned Jewish organizations in the United States for African Americans, American Jews, and the holocaust being blind to American racism, resented the attention paid to German Jewry while the plight of African Americans went ignored, and feared that a focus on anti-Semitism drew energy away from the struggle against Jim Crow. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

At heart of the right wing and the Republican Party is the issue of self sufficiency. There are people who cry out maximum self sufficiency while being targeted and struck down by wishing this. Meanwhile, the left wing chugs along waiting for the next victim of the spies who are teaching others the humiliation and calculable message of the left. Self sufficiency is not the same as independence. This is also how we got the egg and the hatching of this terror plot from the right wing yet all the gains and all the results ended in the lap of the left or radical liberals. The right wing is being flooded with people who despise self sufficiency while they complain about it. The right wing is supposed to uphold high quality and a message of pursuing this goal of high quality work.

“And now let us examine Comte's position in the context of this tension between conservatism and radicalism. In relation to Robespierre, Comte was revolutionary; he did not want to return to deism and the cult of the Etre supreme. He became the founder of a new religion... Comte could also be seen as a conservative; for he did not at all want to renew the terror... he sought a new way to unite the spiritual content of the revolution with a conservative organization. He wanted temporal power of industrialists united with a spiritual power of intellectuals under the pontificate of Comte.” - Eric Voegelin; Mary Algozin; Keith Algozin; Liberalism and Its History. University of Notre Dame: Du Lack, The Review of Politics, Vol. 36, No. 4. (Oct., 1974). pp. 504 - 520. -

So instead of self sufficiency, the left wing is sending genetic misfits and their best to the other side in order to infect it is take it down. The message is not self sufficiency but instead a high morale for male tendencies while seeking female ends. They now ignore terror plots hatched by the same misfits while the gains and power is boosted ten fold by the left wing. They overlook kidnappings and radical left wing behavior while advocating the same low quality and lack of self sufficiency which the left wing is exasperatedly known for. The bottom line is the right wing is being transformed into a alliance system of genetic misfits who cannot find freedom or a guilt free conscience in the left or right wing; however, at least the right wing stands up for freedom while the left wing promotes oppression and the slow march to communism. In the end, the left wing has pretty looking men while the right wing has all the women who fled them and vice versa. This is the same disaster the right wing and Republican Party is having when the left wing and the Democratic Party set the agenda and future of the country.

Anti-Semitism also allowed African Americans to give vent to pent-up hostilities and indulge a sense of imaginary superiority. Thus, the Philadelphia Tribune warned its readers that “most of what is told about Jewish treatment in Germany is propaganda since the Jews control to a great extent the international press” and opined that to “be a Jew in Germany is hell,” but “to be a Negro in America is twice as bad.” The New York Age added: “If the Jewish merchants in Germany treated German workers as Blumsteins treat the people of Harlem, then Hitler is right.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

The disease of the left wing is carried into the right wing when an exodus is created; at the same time the women of the left wing try to pamper their men and attract more so they can attack the ones they did not want or need. However, it should be quietly noticeable that the majority of conservative women flock to the right wing which pulls the deranged mentality also farther right. So the women of the left wing pamper their men and let them get away with much adieu while the overall message is hidden with oppression. In this case, we are after the opposite effect and pathological liars who called in terror plots while on the right wing while the left wing executed it with near perfection and organization.

“In view of later events, one could say that this is the model of an industrial fascism under the leadership of a Gnostic sect. Seen from this point of view, Comte was a conservative. And finally, there is the Comte in whom the liberals of his time took satisfaction... he attacked metaphysics and religion from his scientistic position. Liberals like that. ...John Stuart Mill in particular fused into his liberalism much that he borrowed from Comte.” - Eric Voegelin; Mary Algozin; Keith Algozin; Liberalism and Its History. University of Notre Dame: Du Lack, The Review of Politics, Vol. 36, No. 4. (Oct., 1974). pp. 504 - 520. -

Both sides are inflicted with a sense of weakness that drives one to the other and vice versa based on need and party line. The goal is to grab the voting bloc and to give the appearance that neither side is this weak nor this flawed. There is a heavy emphasis on labor by both sides as a result and that also carries with it a mess of mental academics and a total lack of liaison leadership. We live in a world where there is an unlimited supply of labor on both the right and the left wing. We also live in a world where it is easier to be dependent then to make something of a life but when you realize this too late, you vote with the ferocity that regrets in life become political empty promises and the snookering of punches.

Not surprisingly, in September 1933, W. E. B. Du Bois responded with what he called “unholy glee” to the treatment of Jews by his beloved Germans: “When the only ‘inferior’ peoples were ‘niggers’ it was hard to get the attention of The New York Times for little matters of race, lynching and mobs. But now that the damned included the owner of the Times, moral indignation is perking up.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

This is why both parties are viewed with ineptitude and the overall unity of the country is preserved when you sabotage each opposing side. Both sides are now pathological liars and grotesquely engaged in low quality and bad work out of which hatches an egg of terrorism and communism. Someone went and crafted a clever way to keep the balance of terror and the balance of power using debt as a cushion and buffer of anchoring one side to the other as it drifts off the cliff and into hell. The important message of poverty is the problem which created it in the first place and why it will not go away yet by force? Is the poverty being created by women or is it being supported by the men? Who and what is creating this overall problem with poverty and fueling it with anger towards the right wing to suggest hate and racism in America is the basis of immigration?

“The revolutionary movement runs its course in great waves. In each of these waves there can be distinguished, first, the actual outbreak of revolution; second, the countermovement and organization of the resistance; and finally, a period of quiescence and adjustment, a stabilization at a new level, until the next outbreak.” - Eric Voegelin; Mary Algozin; Keith Algozin; Liberalism and Its History. University of Notre Dame: Du Lack, The Review of Politics, Vol. 36, No. 4. (Oct., 1974). pp. 504 - 520. -

So who is fueling and stoking this massive problem with the left wing and liberalism? Is the government or policies which wreck the free markets? Is it industry which produces the climate of welfare and massive immigration? Is it war and security where numbers decide who is first and who wins? Is it the educational system who teaches young children how to fail and not hit any life goals unless the government is there every step of the way? Is it the parents who are decimated by this and who born children into this world to repeat it? Is it history that covered up or glossed over the near criminal intention of politics and the greed to wealth, power, and ambition the old fashioned way; steal it? Or is it radio hosts and a humongous problem with the liberal media where spying for foreign firms and nations becomes a way of life and a salary bonus? Maybe it is the dogma the left wing is possessed by and the unwillingness to face cold hard reality?

More explicitly anti-Semitic than Du Bois were the Black Nationalist “don’t buy where you can’t work” campaigns. Marcus Garvey and Carlos Cooks, the leader of the neo-Garveyite African Nationalist Pioneer Movement, blamed the Jews, as lovers of money, for their own persecution. Sufi Abdul Hamid (labeled “a black Hitler” by Adam Clayton Powell Jr.), became a regular fixture on Harlem street corners in the 1930s, fulminating against Jewish merchants and employers while sporting a Nazi-like uniform. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

Maybe stealing fueled all this left wing dementia? Maybe the process of greed and power, the ability to steal and become wealthy in combination to the lack of police powers and corruption created a damnation which they fear as it burns with the might and wrath of God himself on their will to survive. Maybe it was the process of instilling people with victim hood and wishing to always be a rescuer invoked deranged fools to this fools gold where oppression and rescue are possessed by the same logic of insanity being reproduced. As manipulative and cunning as this enemy is, we know them to be near perfect and with criminal intent so pernicious, they can win each and every time while claiming to be sane and of healthy spirit. So power has given to us this evil we do not even know or wish to deal with yet that same evil now claims to be the same as us and also an exact duplicate.

“We can now distinguish three waves since the sixteenth century. The first begins with the Reformation, which begets the Counter-Reformation. The second wave begins with the French Revolution, which calls forth the countermovement of reaction and restoration. The third wave clearly begins with the communist revolution. The corresponding countermovement is not so clearly defined, however, since the third wave has reverberated far beyond its Western center and become worldwide in its effect.” - Eric Voegelin; Mary Algozin; Keith Algozin; Liberalism and Its History. University of Notre Dame: Du Lack, The Review of Politics, Vol. 36, No. 4. (Oct., 1974). pp. 504 - 520. -

Do we blame this on good old communism and the labor movement which prospered and ballooned to enormous size while social problems and disease decimated the environment and what was once pristine wilderness? We have to blame it on something or someone and if it is invisible and of a spirit form; then we must conclude it is either the devil or God himself paling around with failure and national debt. In this war and in the world we live in, our tumult of human incompetence is the consequence of warfare and conflict; therefore, our ultimate and untimely worry is of and for warfare.

Indeed, much of the black press initially put the onus of Nazism on the Jews themselves, claimed that German Jewry suffered less than African Americans, argued against aiding Hitler’s victims since Jews did not assist blacks, and, most emphatically, emphasized the hypocrisy of those denouncing Germany’s treatment of Jews but not the oppression of blacks in the United States. Because Jews would not hire Negroes in their stores, opined the Baltimore Afro-American, in those stores “you will find Hitlerism in its most blatant form exercised by those who are being hitlerized in Germany.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

We have described and explained what we reject and do not want; thus, we have also described in detail what must be done and soon. To suggest and to meddle with this matter is how criminal and rodent like sneaky the people behind it are. We do not subscribe to the communist or the left wing causes nor do we tolerate those always meddling to rescue us from the right wing and oppression. That is our complaint with communism and this rodent like subject matter. They are in our world and will behave themselves while in our country and if they refuse to then a quick trip to the docks is in good nature to their cause and plight here.

“The resistance assumes forms as different as the massive rightist reaction… of Fascism and National Socialism (which have their own revolutionary character), the resistance movement of the free world against communism (which can, however, join in the alliance with communism against the revolutionary character of Fascism and National Socialism), and the opposition of a neutral “third world” (which cannot be clearly outlined, since it is overshadowed by the movement of liberation from Western colonialization).” - Eric Voegelin; Mary Algozin; Keith Algozin; Liberalism and Its History. University of Notre Dame: Du Lack, The Review of Politics, Vol. 36, No. 4. (Oct., 1974). pp. 504 - 520. -

If they want to subscribe to freedom and the Constitution, then do so but never kidnap important military and future leaders to suggest they wish to help and rescue us from some invisible holocaust we had to flush out and down the sewage it emerged for. When you have such dead souls and widespread corruption by such an inferior breed of human beings all around the earth; determine what the quickest and shortest path to a goal is before that same goal overcomes and destroys the prestigious and pristine soul we call our world.

American Jews, wrote the St. Louis Argus, uses “the same tactics and methods to persecute and discriminate against Negroes” that Hitler uses against German Jews. “Why shed crocodile tears over the fate of the Jews in Berlin when here in America we treat black folk in the same manner every day?” the Oklahoma City Black Dispatch asked. “Why the comparison is so definite and clear,” it added, “we are almost wont to feel Germans secured the pattern of Nazi violence visited upon the Jews from white America.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

So we caught them red handed and heard what they said and we can say with confidence the last group, communists, were behind all of this chaos and confusion while real answers went unanswered or were blocked. We tried to inject some sense of reality and truth in the subject and got stalked and ferociously pursued by some domestic nuisance behind the terror plots and who keeps demanding and accepting us as left wingers and communists. We are not with this camp and we are not of this sort of kind; why do they bother? That is where we are at and their total destruction. It is non-negotiable and the events are so criminal and psychopathic, you must wonder if they are in some drug induced state of existence where cold blooded murder and pathological lying is the only semblance of truth and justice. Again, the insult is in the outcome and final conclusions.

“We have regarded liberalism as a phase of the revolutionary movement; now we should define its content… The political aspect of liberalism is defined by the liberal opposition to certain abuses, which are to be eliminated. Liberalism is above all against the old-style police state; that is, against the encroachment of the executive upon the judicial and legislative domains; in constitutional politics liberals demand the separation of powers. Secondly, they oppose the old social order, that is, the privileged position of clergy and nobility. At this point can be seen the weakness of a political attitude which is tied to the situation…” - Eric Voegelin; Mary Algozin; Keith Algozin; Liberalism and Its History. University of Notre Dame: Du Lack, The Review of Politics, Vol. 36, No. 4. (Oct., 1974). pp. 504 - 520. -

We caught a very stupid bunch of operatives who were sneaking around on both sides asking if we hated America and Americans when we hate them. We caught a very stupid bunch trying to get their greasy and grimy fingers in the treasures of this country and trying to teach or educate those who have two or three times the amount of education they have to fix and save them. We caught them engaged in kidnapping and worse behaving like the unions by locking out talent and vital personnel who either ran the show or had a right to their just talents.

The Cincinnati Union had no doubt that in segregating Jews Germany was “taking a leaf from the book of many American cities.” Complaining that African Americans had to endure greater persecution “under American Hitler’s,” the Amsterdam News sneered at those rallying to save Europe’s Jews “while Negroes were lynched, beaten and burned.” “Just how we can charge and snort about Fascism abroad and practice it here” disgusted the Des Moines Iowa Bystander. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

Most of all we caught this same left wing and communist group practicing a level of terror and violence on their own and us much like the unions who use the same draconian and dogma to protect what is “so called” theirs. They are saving their skin by selling out or screwing over anyone. They are protecting and have a code of silence before the wrath and the punishments arrive. So if they can weaken those who they fear and depend on, they may give them a little more or might even cooperate; but if they know who is behind it and know why; they will act like anyone who believes in self sufficiency and stomp on this or escape the insanity of these people.

“In the course of the revolutionary movement the attack cannot end until the society has become egalitarian. And finally, liberalism turns against the tie between church (no matter which one) and state; the movement becomes anticlerical. Economically, liberalism means the repeal of the old legal restrictions which set limits to free economic activity. There should be no principle and no motive of economic activity other than enlightened self-interest… A third front is religious. This must be distinguished from the anticlerical attitude whose goal is the separation of church and state. Beyond this constitutional demand, liberalism rejects revelation and dogma as sources of truth; it discards spiritual substance and becomes secularist and ideological.” - Eric Voegelin; Mary Algozin; Keith Algozin; Liberalism and Its History. University of Notre Dame: Du Lack, The Review of Politics, Vol. 36, No. 4. (Oct., 1974). pp. 504 - 520. -

Why would they shoot so high and why would they entangle and arrest the most talented and most valuable to drag down to their levels and pull them into this cycle of violence and terrorism? That is the mystery of their blame and the mystery of their police; why would the most talented waste any time with the most stupid and desperate? Could it be some problem with stupidity and some pathological level of lying which we do not know about and have yet to see? Or is it just a complete mess produced by a communist and terrorist group we caught, flushed out, and turning over to the military to destroy for the glories of our life, the nation, and our pride? It is a far stretch of insanity to suggest we chase down and are mouth watering to get our hands on worthless people and the most stupid breed in society; but then it is also a far stretch of their pride and pollution which invades our life and brings them to this level of confidence.

The Louisiana Weekly insisted that, given the racism in the United States, Germany had “a right to look askance at any criticism leveled at its persecution of unfavored people.” “We’re tired of reading our favorite dallies and their editorials about Hitler and his Nazis,” the New York Age chimed in: “It’s about time that the papers stayed out of the internal affairs of other nations and that they help the United States first sweep its own doors clean.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

It is clear the left wing and this communist group of union thugs are predators who have hidden motives. It is clearly obvious they targeted and unleashed some plot and conspiracy, then made all efforts within their means to erase all evidence. When the only evidence available surfaced, they began to react as expected when you loose control of a situation and have either moved on or forgotten about it. It is clear the same behavior is being relived and acted out on the big screen and in just about every local, state, and federal government office where the same predator has hidden and near terror intentions. Then like some Craig’s List killer who is an expert at this and who wanted a higher value victim; aimed high and was shot down trying.

All too commonly in the 1930s, Chandler Owen summed up, Negroes could be heard saying “well, Hitler did one good thing: he put these Jews in their place.” The Black Nationalist J. A. Rogers and the scholarly Kelly Miller reiterated these views in newspaper column after column. So did conservative George Schuyler. Traveling in Mississippi in 1935, Schuyler found “that Negroes of all classes from peons to planters are quite unconcerned about either the spread of fascism or the fate of the Jews. Indeed I am not at all exaggerating when I state that a surprising number of articulate Negroes seem to derive a sort of grim satisfaction from the Nazi persecution of the Jews. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

This cupid act of theirs is disgusting. The fact they are married or provide a family like atmosphere is the hidden danger of who is assimilated into society and how they gang up and gag others with this notion others are stealing from them or angry because nobody wishes to cooperate with them. We are talking about predators and we are talking about near serial stalking and hidden intentions, a ferocious pursuit and insanity about how they are powerful and in control. The deranged and unconvincing idea they are kidnapping victims to protect them or only wished to help is the same murderous rampage which led to the terror plots and to seek revenge on a world they hated and a reality they could not escape.

“The weakness of political liberalism is its belief in the redemptive value of the constitutional model constructed in opposition to absolute monarchy and the police state. The pillars of the construction are the demands for basic human rights, the separation of powers and universal suffrage. …actual English constitution practice was made known to a wider public only after the middle of the nineteenth century by the work of Bagehot… Finally, universal suffrage was originally in no way a political goal of the liberals; it was a populist element, and the older liberals sought to uphold in opposition to it the suffrage principle of property and education. Only under massive political pressure from below did it develop gradually into a liberal demand.” - Eric Voegelin; Mary Algozin; Keith Algozin; Liberalism and Its History. University of Notre Dame: Du Lack, The Review of Politics, Vol. 36, No. 4. (Oct., 1974). pp. 504 - 520. -

But wait, it did not stop there because once caught the relentless effort was now to either pin it on the rescuers or some other victim who was trying to escape the same stalking and their blame. Everybody was a murderer and terrorist except for the people who were behind it and did it because they became God and wished a holocaust on their victims so they would love them more or die resisting. Now how do you cover it up and remove two witnesses or victims to the act if they do not and refuse to trust that was behind it? Simple, pit them against each other, withhold the truth, and try to blame who they tried to murder on each other. All they needed was some note or confession which did not tell their story or left out the truth.

In response to an appeal from the Central Conference of American Rabbis for a “reconciliation of the proverbial friendship of our two peoples,” he retorted that Negro anti-Semitism was regrettable “but the Jew himself was its author.” And criticizing President Franklin Roosevelt’s decision to admit some additional Jewish refugees in 1938, Powell complained that as soon as they “were off the boat most of them would settle in the Bronx Alps” and take the jobs that Negroes deserved to have. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

What they want to tell the world is the ferocity of a demented stalker they truly are and always blaming the victim or the family of the victims. What they want to tell the world is how they are the devil and they will kill when others sleep. What they want to tell the world is how angry they are regardless of what they do and how nobody knows exactly who they are dealing with; this particular group we caught is as cold blooded as they get and if there was a crime; they are brilliant in pure evil to blame it on their own kids.

“Closely connected with the failure of the constitutional model is the collapse of the economic model. In its English conception the economic model was originally bound to the situation of a relatively low concentration of population and predominantly agrarian economy. The model of the natural condition, out of which Locke developed his constitutional construction, was the American pioneer society, in which every head of household is a landowner and husbands his piece of land with his family, making a living, and producing a surplus… The undesirable spiritual order is replaced not by liberalism but rather by one or the other of the emotionally as intensive ideologies.” - Eric Voegelin; Mary Algozin; Keith Algozin; Liberalism and Its History. University of Notre Dame: Du Lack, The Review of Politics, Vol. 36, No. 4. (Oct., 1974). pp. 504 - 520. -

We are talking a new species of human beings and the anger they instill in human beings watching them do this day and night. When you are exposed to them and are their kidnapped victim for a full decade; you will see firsthand exactly how evil and menacing this domestic nuisance truly are and why they are behind the terror plots. At any moment they can snap and we will hear the devil speak about crimes and acts so unspeakable it leaves the conscience paralyzed and in trauma. This is who we are dealing with and who has spread their dark cloud on America and the world. To say they are victims is to kill their kids in their sleep.

Various officials of the NAACP echoed such sentiments. Roy Wilkins thought that Jews were paying too much attention to “exaggerated charges of Nazi persecution and not enough to persecuted Negroes,” and that the government was doing too much to help European Jews instead of African Americans. “Our sometimes friends,” Wilkins said of Jews, “ask us to fight Nazism.” But too many Jews, he continued, “never gave a dollar bill to fight lynching or break down prejudice in employment.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

The fact is they are predators and what they do as political predators is so evil and so psychopathic; they have no way to live with themselves but blame. Bring them in court and break them down and everyone in this world will see a completely new species that has come here not in peace but to grow and tell us how helpless we are as their hostages. They know no other business or way of life. No other country will take them; need they fall in love with this one? Worse is when this pure unadulterated evil looses control and it collapses on them; their reaction is just normalcy and uneventful as if they can assimilate and pretend they are liked and the same as us. We are talking about pure evil and a whole other species who has to be a predator and who has to stay in hiding in order to gain respect or grow stronger.

Walter White, the NAACP’s executive secretary, privately considered African American anti-Semitism “legitimate,” a justified response to Jewish exploitation of and discrimination against blacks. He chided Jews for “doing to Negroes what they object to others doing to them.” He denied the notion that the increasingly prosperous and prominent Jews were “in the same boat” as the poor, isolated Negroes. And he scorned those who protested against Hitlerism but failed to demand that the United States first end its own persecution of minorities. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

We shall ask the entire world their opinion and how they will choose to blame for an attempted kidnapping of a family. They had been stalking and placing US Generals under surveillance, shadowing them to collect information. They did the same to us and attached to us also. We have a spy group and a terrorist group from the 1960s who tried to chase off US Army Generals who are our protectors; then replace the mom so that some Senator could declare herself as an inspiration and a mother like friend of the family. Then without any consent or knowledge, that same mother is watching every step by driving each and every family member apart so they can single out who they like or the strongest to take part in some spy group and terrorist organization waging war on the United States. There is evil and then there is evil in a class by itself. This is evil in a class by itself but we are not allowed to fight back or respond.

As late as December 1948, in a letter to a friend, White reiterated that Jewish merchants cheat blacks, that Jewish-owned theaters segregate them, that Jews in Hollywood stereotype African Americans, and that Jews contribute charitably only to atone for their anti-Negro prejudices. White ended the letter with a reminder that he had been candid because the correspondence was private: “I would not want to say such things publicly.” Publicly, White and the NAACP expressed dramatically opposite views. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

Furthermore, after being caught red handed she and they go after the family and the woman sent to protect the family and chase her off; who is already married to the most perfect of the batch of kids. Now the woman who is accepted is fighting with the woman who is hated and a predator so she will leave and not stalk people who do not know what she is up to and to end the kidnapping. It is not voluntary and that is the biggest problem while they snipe and whistle off how disappointed and angry they are about the whole matter. So we are being blamed for fighting and resisting a communist and terrorist group who became powerful in Congress or Presidential aids; then told we ruined their life when they are not even liked and sneaking into our life by being a predator and stalking an entire family? The stalking and shadowing by this spy group may have been for an entire century and not just a few decades because they were doing this to US Generals and Pentagon officials.

Almost from the very start of Hitler’s persecution of German Jews, when the Association was virtually alone in the black community in supporting campaigns to boycott German goods and the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, the NAACP focused on the plight of the Jews as a way of drawing attention to racial practices in the American South. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

Blame the people you go after and blame the victims who do not even know who is doing this. Blame those who believe in freedom and who ignores this effort. But do not blame the rescuers and their family. There are terrorists and there are rescuers; and then there are those who like to be seen caught in the act. Now who does this crap and who is such a predator to blame others for ruining their efforts? Right now, some lady named sue is telling us how angry they are and how disappointed they are after putting so much investment and attention into recruiting us. We hate them and do not even like them but as predators it took nearly twenty years to flush them out into public and to stomp them down so they would not try another terror plot or kidnapping. They blame us and try to use the law to shut us up or escape the death penalty? How can this be so because we hear it day after day from people who have access to our life while we try to drive them off and away?

The “unholy glee” of Du Bois lost out to the strategy enunciated in 1933 by William Pickens that the NAACP use a condemnation of Hitlerism to condemn Jim Crow, draw an analogy between the Ku Klux Klan and the Nazi Party, and demand of the American people whether or not they favor maintaining racial practices in the South just like Hitler’s racist practices in Germany. Official NAACP resolutions and editorials in the NAACP’s The Crisis as early as mid-1933 denounced the vicious prejudice directed against Jews by Hitler and equated Nazism with American racism, intending that those who abhorred the former would detest the latter. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

After 100 days in office, Obama is finding out that he did not cause the economic collapse directly because it coolly occurred during the Bush Administration. However, he really jumped and skipped around the cause of it, like President Bush, because it was heavily involved with the way they did business and the vision they both had for America. Can we say that both utilized a masterful double standard to avoid the matter or situation altogether? Yes. Neither directly caused it and neither took some action which directly led to it so when it happened; neither answered nor explained satisfactorily why it was this way. The reasons and the cause remain unanswered but the enormity of the problem is real and is very transparent. We have a runaway economy and it is expected to collapse soon.

Pickens hoped that Americans would not favor maintaining racial practices at home that were just like Nazism. Added Walter White: the NAACP needs “to utilize the present and wise concern over anti-Semitism to call attention more vigorously than ever before to bigotry against the Negro here.” Accusing the Nazis of “barbarism” over and again in the 1930s, White publicly expressed “wholehearted contempt for, and condemnation of, the unspeakable terror now being inflicted upon the Jewish people in Germany by the sadistic Nazi government.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

Where Obama lost all his popularity is with the massive spending. The economy hit rock bottom and unemployment was near 20 per cent in a few states and growing; the population did not change and the factors which spell out economic change did not change; but the ratio of working heads to the ratio of debt did. Those unemployed grew massively and those dependent or accustomed to government spending also grew proportionally.

Again and again he pointed to developments in Germany to fortify his case for abolishing racial discrimination in the United States. To arouse opposition to Jim Crow he emphasized the fundamental similarity between racial practices in both countries, scorned the “counterpart of Hitlerism existing in the United States,” and called upon all Americans, especially minorities, to fight fascism abroad and atrocities at home. “We Negroes know what this means since it has happened to us,” White said of Kristallnacht, “what happens to one minority can happen to others—a lesson which Jews, Negroes, and all minorities must learn.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

Did Bush or Obama recruit a new generation and an entire voting base who understood why or why not debt and big spending was how they operate government? Yes. Were they happy about it when they found out it was a cruel hoax and they were scammed? Maybe, do they care? Both of these Presidents are masterful at employing the double standard when and if needed. The problem is the missing ingredient, reality. Both George W. Bush and Barrack H. Obama want to be considered mean than a liar and that makes them guilty of the same crime. Now, we just need the evidence which can prove this. They are the same and they are just as guilty for 911 and the inkling of these terror plots.

While frequently associating himself and the NAACP with those protesting Hitler’s treatment of the Jews, White never ceased equating Nazi anti-Semitism with American racism, with demands that Americans “clean up our own backyard.” When New York City Mayor LaGuardia called for a protest rally at Carnegie Hall to denounce Hitler’s persecution of Jews, White telegraphed him and the announced participants about the upsurge of lynching against blacks, expressing his hope “you and other speakers will stress need of simultaneous American action to wipe out bigotry or racial hatred no matter who are the victims nor where such bigotry and oppression exist, including our own country.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

Where Bush beat out Obama is with General Motors and Chrysler. There are no more executives to blame salary caps and stock prices on any longer. The people to blame are the government and the Obama administration. How much to they make to be firing 50, 000 workers in order to liquidate the assets in order to pay off all the creditors at 0.53 cents on the dollar? At that price, the retirees can buy back the company and trade in their pension funds for the stock value in these harsh times. So Obama is right to be mad at Bush but he is avoiding the debate for some reason and merely spending his way which will make things much worse and when it collapses with great fury; the mess will be a huge greater mess. However, even Obama cannot blame the executives and the salaries they make when they are fired and nobody is left to blame but the Obama while Obama blames his predecessor. Who will they blame for General Motors and Chrysler when it wipes out their entire life savings and puts the entire work force in the unemployment lines?

He publicly mocked Senator William King of Utah for failing to support ant lynching legislation while wanting the United States to sever relations with Germany to protest Nazi atrocities. And concerning the admission of Jewish refugees, White wrote Secretary of State Cordell Hull that the NAACP shared the President’s “reported indignation at the outrages being perpetrated upon minorities by the Nazi government. But we would be even more enthusiastic if our government could be equally indignant at the lynching, burning alive, and torture with blowtorches of American citizens by American mobs on American soil which have shamed America before the world for a much longer time than persecution under Adolf Hitler.” Resolutions adopted at the NAACP annual conferences throughout the decade mirrored White’s efforts to equate the oppression of Jews and African Americans and to use events in Europe to change public attitudes in the United States. Numerous articles and editorials in The Crisis did so as well. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

Give Obama and the Bush administration for emphasizing the unemployment issue. Bush said no where Obama says yes. However, the policies they implemented are identical and yet one blamed the other and vice versa. You know something is wrong and you know the stock market is not telling the truth. It might have hit rock bottom and rockets up one week only to return the following week; yet the unemployment numbers racks up and increases. Now both General Motors and Chrysler are expected to liquidate. There is no way they can acquire a loan or government assistance to keep the size of the operation running. Then again, if you look at AIG and Bear Stearns, the same held true. If the toxic assets and the investments of the bank loans were considered their operating expenses; then the bailout was the same rule which now is viewed as bad for the nation. People are upset and disappointed and he snipes at them for not knowing why or a good reason. The reason is clear and the causes are unspeakable.

Far more than most non-Jewish publications, The Crisis forthrightly expressed “profound and poignant sympathy” for the plight of European Jewry, as well as claiming that blacks felt that way more than most Americans because “they have known the same type of persecution ever since the beginning of America,” because “Negroes are persecuted here in much the same manner that ‘non-Aryans’ are persecuted in Central Europe.” Both are “segregated, humiliated, and terrorized.” African American “feelings go out to the Jews. They know what Hitler means because they have known slave overseers, plantation riding bosses, high sheriffs.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, the Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

The left wing and the Democratic Party describe the situation as impossibility” and blames it on “the inattention of the last seven years.” We might be well to extend that blame another two decades and as far back as the New Deal. The principles behind economics has been violated over and over by liberals and the use of empty promises by government officials whose only ambition was to get elected or line their own pockets. It did not work for Enron and others and it will surely not work for them. After 100 days of shenanigans, Obama ought to know it is going to collapse soon and the levees are going to burst open along with the collapse. General Motors did not cause it and Chrysler did not cause it; what did has not been addressed or answered appropriately because the blame can be singled out. Will his entire administration see the writing on the wall and drink from the belly of the beast or only those who are truly behind this unequal and faltering affair? We are plagued with the idea they wish to share the success and now we are impaled with the same idea they want to share the blame.

And: “Maybe some day we will see that until a Negro can freely study medicine at, say, the University of Michigan, we cannot make a convincing argument as to why Jews should be permitted to study at Heidelberg; or that until we stamp out the rope and the faggot as amusements for sections of our population, we cannot make a good case against the cruelties of Storm Troopers.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

Every foreign government is pretending to be on our side and we are cooperating with them. Then again, so are the Obama Administration and the Democrats. What is the reality of every country in the world pretending to be on our side and having Obama pretend he is also on our side? Is there a risk in this or some negative problem or it there a missing ingredient of reality? Maybe that is why they share in our success and we have to share in their stupidity and anger. It is easier to watch it collapse on them and watch the USA be turned into Zimbabwe and just get rid of them or deport them once and for all. Deport them for their only crime, being such a wonderful human being. When the wealthiest and richest in society becomes the most taxing one also; there are serious concerns and major problems. It is easier to not work and close up shop.

And: “The tales of humiliation, terror and cruelty have a familiar ring to us. We know all about being driven off the streets, having our women kicked and beaten, being barred from public places, being at the mercy of hoodlums and bloodthirsty mobs, having ‘scientists’ prove us something less than human, being restricted in employment and residence, having separate schools set up for us, having our youth put on a quota basis in colleges and universities, and hearing and reading violent tirades against our race.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

The last twenty years looks identical to the nation of Zimbabwe and yet they still seek and ask for an American solution. How can this be? Is there a double standard? Is there a hidden empty promise or blatant fraud? The American police chiefs have an identical game plan as Zimbabwe. They are huddling together on the decks and we can hear them whimpering and sniffling while our demented kidnappers are trying to escape; must we join them? Now who is the threat and who hates their bosses? It won’t be long before we all hate our own country and we were not born into this world with this much hate. Who is teaching us to hate our own nation and our own countrymen?

And: “The only essential difference between a Nazi mob hunting down Jews in Central Europe and an American mob burning black men at the stake in Mississippi is that one is actually encouraged by its national government and the other is merely tolerated.” Thus, to highlight the harms done by American racism The Crisis spotlighted Nazi terrorism. And, by emphasizing the shared oppression of Jews and African Americans, The Crisis message, explicitly and implicitly, was that minorities must “unite to fight the spread of Hitlerism.” To underscore that tenet, The Crisis published numerous articles in the 1930s by prominent American Jews. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

When it counts, they better show their true colors or else others will and they have no right to be angry or complain about that. They want that American formula at home but when it comes to wars and civil war, no American solution is readily available because of them. It is Vietnam and the JFK and LBJ era all over again. They call themselves the police or traitors? They do not understand the inherent problem with the left wing and why they must leave or be forced out. The survival of the nation is on the line. They do not understand why nobody wants to do business with them or live with their tyranny and fascism. Nobody wants to be their victim but we are forced to become one. Does the President recognize this or not a damn fool of it? He must be ugly for loving us too much?

And to illustrate that they had done just that in the past, another series featured rabbis who had championed the cause of freedom and citizenship for black slaves, Jewish abolitionists, and Jews who fought alongside John Brown in Kansas. It concluded: “Jews and Negroes, because they often face identical problems and because they embrace a common destiny as victims of prejudice and bigotry,” should therefore stand together—“the struggle for racial equality is indivisible.” The Crisis also made the argument for an African American–Jewish American alliance by reprinting editorials from the Jewish press that called upon Jews to shed their racist prejudices and to fight with blacks for their common goals. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

The reality begs the question. Why are we hearing listening to some of the most deranged and homicidal terrorists pleading for our love and acceptance while the crime and the peril go unanswered? They know they stepped on dog doo-doo but pretend to not notice or care as they keep a straight face. Is there some missing ingredient or law? Is there a missing reality because their excuse is unemployment and how mad they are. So if it were not for their deranged affection; they would be some shooting spree at the work site by these people who claim others hate them and their country when all we hate is them self anointing themselves as our bosses. These are hard times when people need to be protected from the grasps of predators and psychopathic pursuit; it is not time to fill the police department with goons or cut the essentials of national security. The crime rate should be a good indicator of where the safest sector of society is the prison system. If that is not mismanagement and insanity, then what is?

In “We Must Stand Together,” the Jewish Frontier acknowledged the need for African Americans to give voice to their own grievances while condemning German anti-Semitism, and emphasized that Jews and blacks should struggle together against racial discrimination and bigotry. Likewise, The Reconstructionist proclaimed that now was the time for blacks to insist that the United States put its “own house in order and wipe out every last vestige of anti-Negro discrimination,” and that “If the injustices inflicted upon Jews in Germany will arouse the conscience of America to do justice to the Negro racial minority, it will be some consolation to us Jews.” The Jewish editorial concluded: “Both self-interest and our holiest traditions demand our making common cause with the Negro in his fight for equality.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

Welcome to the world of tyranny and rape by a breed of inferior goons we cannot even begin to describe. Kick them to the curb and they come back stronger. Break their arm and they proudly claim they are not hurt and a miracle. Get rid of them and they cry foul. However, when they kidnap and plot terrorism; it is called the police. Now, is there a missing ingredient here or is it just “we Americans?” Well at least tell the truth and leave when asked before declaring themselves one of us or our bosses. Who put who in what type of predicament? Who is the problem here, the idiot stalker or the military authority? Put one of these goons on the police force and all hell will break loose trying to get rid of them. Put one in the White House and we are doomed. Now is there a missing ingredient or any lack of clairvoyance? Maybe they are trying to hard and asking way too much; they again, maybe they are not asking.

Despite the widespread prejudices among the masses of both African Americans and American Jews, opposition to Hitlerism by their leaderships, to help their own causes, had begun to forge a commonality of purpose. Especially in New York City, which had large communities of blacks and Jews and was home to most of the major betterment and rights organizations of both groups, a common agenda emerged. The American Hebrew newspaper asked, “If Mussolini’s fascism and Hitler’s Nazism can join forces, why shouldn’t their joint victims, Negroes and Jews ally to fight them?” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

When the military goes into very high level operations and the most important situations; they become selective and know the importance of uncommon valor. They know about communication silence and they know how important it is to be selective. Some human beings do not perform as expected and are so worthless; they would screw their own kids to save their skin. Do we need to hear about how much they love their country or how unthreatening they are? Do we need to know how worthless their leadership and presence in our life is? Now they take that formula to the White House and ask why it is essential to have uncommon valor and substance before declaring yourself or your political party supreme over all others. As far as we know, they do not possess any talents or human trait worthy of mention and similar to us or not, can go to hell and burn there by themselves. How the hell do they impress this reality on us and this kind of personnel? How the hell do they get clearances or are even allowed into the corridors of power?

And no less than the NAACP, National Urban League director Lester Granger, and the League’s Journal, Opportunity, answered affirmatively for such an alliance to “erase the shadow of the Swastika from our land.” Utilizing the same analogies and arguments as the NAACP, the NUL condemned Nazi actions against German Jews while emphasizing the similarity of oppression of Jews and African Americans. Never failing to remind its readers that racial prejudice was just as sordid and cruel when directed against Mississippi blacks as against German Jews; the League also condemned black anti-Semitism, urging African Americans to combat it wherever it appeared. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

The general sentiment of the country is undesirable and even hostile. The government, being run by one failure after the next, has created a tremendous problem and a ruinous mess. People are genuinely angry and their complaints are genuine about the government yet the same ruinous failure and total lack of leadership remains aloof in the corridors of power. Both sides are mad and if they were not, then they must like losing their entire life savings or wracking up endless government debt. The only way the government is able to keep order or prevent revolution is to borrow money, devalue, or hire more and more government employees. Beyond this, there is nothing holding back the sheer gates of hell.

So did many other African American community leaders. Adam Clayton Powell Jr. was among those who took the lead in fighting anti-Semitism. He announced that the same psychology underlay prejudice against blacks and Jews and that Hitler’s persecution of Jewry and the plight of African Americans were inextricably intertwined. And he called repeatedly for a black-Jewish alliance “to stop Fascism.” Ralph Bunche similarly assailed black Anti-Semitism while stressing that the problems of both Jews and African Americans, “their grievances and their fears are cut to a common pattern.” Many followed in linking Hitler’s actions with the need for Jews and blacks to, in William Pickens phrase, “stand with unbroken ranks side by side.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

Irregardless of the truth and the facts, the Obama administration only views the right wing as extremists and the problem. So we must make it clear and concise in even more clear and concise mental thought that the right wing did not destroy the nation. Instead it is the left wing that portrays and tries to present themselves as myriad of left and right wing dictators which creates this unbearable benevolent beggar in search of pity and ruinous proclamations to suggest they are not the problem. This is a weak breed of human beings and they are flocking to both the right and the left extremes acting like which they are, a total jackass.

To underscore its necessity and the similarity of persecution, African Americans took to labeling racism in the United States as just a variant of Hitlerism. The Baltimore Afro-American termed the white South and Nazi Germany as “mental brothers,” the oppression of blacks as “American Nazism,” and the exclusion of African Americans from a college as “Nazis at Williams.” “From the way Hitler talks,” it editorialized, “one would think he is a member of the Ku Klux Klan and a native of Alabama.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

Barrack Obama could not have chosen a worse time to celebrate the history of the left wing and liberalism. Out of touch with reality, he missed all the miscues and missed opportunities and now we wait as the feds sit in their foxholes and prepare for the coming hell. They say they will buy back the toxic assets for only 20 million; this after 3 or 4 trillion is used as stimulus and bailouts of toxic assets. They say by circulating 2 trillion dollars in the banking system, it will recapitalize the banks while it sits there like a levee about to burst open. They say spending is the only way out of a recession and spending is not going to do a thing to save GM.

Indeed, the Afro-American christened Hitler as the Imperial Wizard of the German Ku Klux Klan, and columnist Kelly Miller termed him “the master Ku Kluxer of Germany.” Numerous editorial cartoons depicted Hitler as a Klansman and Klansmen as wearing swastikas, much as Nazis were transformed into “Crackers” and southern racists into Nazis (different names, said the Afro-American, but the “same result”). - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

Military veterans, combat specialists, right wingers, and conservatives do have a few bad apples but they did not ruin the country or this world. Some are extremists and very violent and the military and society expects extreme level discipline. The left wing and the liberals are a bunch who lacks total discipline and control over their life or lies and this breeds an half baked violent fool or some union goon who seeks pity more than they can portray leadership. In all it is a ruinous circle of ruinous competition and worse a shuffle to see who is more powerful, the left or the right. The military is the most powerful and the last standing; all others are non-essential personnel.

In like manner, the Amsterdam News called the exclusion of blacks from the major leagues “Nazism in Baseball,” racial segregation as “Nazism in America,” and the refusal of the Daughters of the American Revolution to permit Marian Anderson to sing in Constitution Hall as “Nazism in Washington.” Lynch mobs, added The Crisis, were storm troopers; terrorist attacks on Negroes who sought to vote in Brownsville, Tennessee, the “work of Himmler’s Gestapo;” and such terms as “Gestapo in Memphis,” the Himmler of the U.S.A.,” and “Fuehrer Crump” were the way a Crisis writer referred to the police of Memphis, its police chief, and mayor. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

They said the bailouts and stimulus packages are essential to a healthy economy and the audit raids are gearing up. You do not take government money unless there is a really good reason or whether you can pay it back. You never ask for a hand out unless you can bill the government for services or type of exchange which is accountable when the tax payers demand taxation with proper authentications. The mistake the Obama administration got the businessmen and Wall Street firms into is this irrational mindset where psychology is not able to fathom consequences. That bailout is going to have strings on it and when this is over, if it is ever over, the audits will hit like the flood of deflation and price bottoming going on. Then the levee will break and the trillions will begin to flow while the currency avalanches into inflation and the interest rates begin to bang it up.

Despite the estrangement between the mass of African Americans and the mass of American Jews, despite the disparity of their progress into the American mainstream, their mutual identification as victims of discrimination and oppression now held sway. As Scottsboro lawyer Samuel Leibowitz exclaimed to a Harlem Elk’s Convention, in urging them to reject anti-Semitism: “Both of us, Negroes and Jews are in the same boat together.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

If you have heard the speeches at the tea parties and the widespread protest across the land, people are truly angry and feel truly betrayed. It is not as if the lies had no meaning and no effect, they lost their entire life savings; they lost all the work they had ever put into their life at the hands of liars and scam artists. Meanwhile, the FBI and DHS doubled their forces and prepared for a mass chaos and crisis. We just happened to have stumbled upon the largest spy group and the biggest insurgency we have ever witnessed in the history of mankind; who would have known we would be kidnapped by them as they sought black magic and to change the laws by manufacturing incriminating evidence using terrorism to define hate and racism in America. People are slowly realizing they woke up in hell and a national nightmare produced by the left wing and the liberals.

Once the war in Europe began, censorship in Germany and the lands it occupied, as well as its desire to keep its mass murder of Jews secret, brought a diminution in news of Nazi persecution in both the Negro press and mainstream American press. But what was known, however fragmentary and piecemeal, caused some African American organizations and periodicals to increase their efforts to place the black struggle for justice and equality in an international context and to solidify the emerging leadership alliance of Jews and African Americans. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

The right wing did not destroy this county or this country. What did was immigration. The poverty of this world led to euphemism towards expansion and also unionization of jobs which blew the population numbers to a threshold where competition with new emerging markets would be scarce if not market suicide. Meanwhile, governments took advantage of this and reaped the profits from satellite companies or free trade which was monopolized by European powers. What the unions and the labor movement created was the largest surge in left wing and Democratic Party history where big government became the protector of the permanent underclass. Now the coal is running out and the shacks are in need of repair. The schools are empty and the babies are sick. Yet the show goes on, and on, and on.

Even more than in the 1930s, The Crisis employed the imagery of odious Nazism to call attention to American racism, to convince the white majority of the justness of the NAACP’s reform cause. Segregation in the armed forces was “America’s Mein Kampf,” violence against black servicemen was Hitlerism or the work of “cracker Fascists,” anti-black rioters in Detroit were referred to as “Nazi-minded mobsters,” and, almost without fail, Mississippi’s white supremacist Senators Bilbo and Eastland were labeled “America’s Hitler and Goebbels.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

We are reaching a period of serious and detrimental internal conflicts which are contrived by domestic nuisances who have industries and investments in a religious upbringing that has reached some stone wall or the infringements of being cornered and trapped. They feel it is a denial of their liberties and Constitutional rights while the need to increase government, crime, and social welfare is unimaginable. We know it is a conspiracy and it has to do with immigration and a feeling of being trapped by reality. We know it is a business plan and a religious upbringing which creates a certain reality where acting out a sissy is the impetus behind violence and insecurity; the relationship of fear and violence. Acting this out on victims, kidnappings, or what they call the proper use of torture and terrorism.

Similarly, the Urban League’s Opportunity entitled an article on Governor Eugene Talmadge “A Georgia Hitler.” More than a year after the war ended The Crisis continued to describe the KKK as Nazis and to accuse it of trying to build “an American Volkstaat.” The monthly kept labeling white supremacists as fascists or Nazis, and described violence against African Americans as “Southern Schrecklichkeit.” Knowing well the claim of the Amsterdam News in 1942 that “there never has been such general anti-Semitic sentiment in Harlem as exists right now,” and the 1943 warning of the Pittsburgh Courier of “the dangerous and disastrous spread of anti-Semitism among Negroes,” those African Americans engaged in the wartime crusade for civil rights nevertheless sought to exorcise prejudice against Jews. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

The best way to describe this spy group is a Stalin like imprisonment. It creates dissidents who profess individual liberties to rule out all other truths and criticisms, it produces a mass flood of immigrants and the use of immigrants as weapons of mass destruction, and it produces the help that hurts. The help that hurts is the core of the communist movement and the banking industry. Yes, credit and loans are help that can hurt if not in a proper balance. Those balances are economic sustainability; the perfect sweet spot between population, population increases, social programs, and scarcity of resources.

Describing anti-Semitism in the United States as “doing Hitler’s work here at home,” The Crisis observed that anti-Semitic actions in Boston and New York seemed “like something out of Berlin and Warsaw.” The cause of each minority is the cause of all minorities, it continued, and “every beating of a Jewish child is an invitation to the lyncher of Negroes.” At its 1944 annual conference, the NAACP adopted a resolution to eliminate anti-Semitism among Negroes. Among other prominent African Americans, Langston Hughes, Paul Robeson and Adam Clayton Powell Jr. concurred with Walter White’s assertions that anti-Semitism and racism are the same kinds of bigotry, and that blacks indulging in anti-Semitism are playing Hitler’s game. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

If this country and all others are to survive in this world, then we must severe and separate from this lazy bunch of demanding human inferiority of various ethnic groups. We are talking about the use of anything as a weapon to turn it back on us; the guns and butter debate again. We are talking about denying rights and denying immigrants who demand rights after they come here and become disgruntled from their ethnic experience and ethnic upbringing. We have to deport them to avoid conflict, deport them and get rid of them to find happiness; we have to take drastic actions just to avoid war and an outbreak of world war.

So did the Urban League, which established volunteer Service Councils to better relations between blacks and Jews.” No Negro is secure from intolerance and race prejudice,” summed up A. Philip Randolph at a Madison Square Garden rally of the March-on-Washington Movement, “as long as one Jew is a victim of anti-Semitism.” Shortly after the United States entered the war, the NAACP Board of Directors pledged “its unqualified and unlimited effort on behalf of the persecuted Jews of the world, which includes anti-Semitism in the United States as well as slaughter in Poland.” Little more was said or done for almost a year, until December 1942 when a delegation of representatives from major Jewish organizations submitted a memorandum to President Franklin Roosevelt on the deliberate, systematic annihilation of European Jewry. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

The reasons and purposes behind this new army of the damned who is too big to fail or be stopped; is the simplicity and ease of any foreign operative or group to be their leaders. We must remove this army and seek their destruction or else our own imminent destruction is unavoidable. That is the key, it is unavoidable because they must take and we must escape. We can only stop the good in this world and this army of the damned is very eager for spending packages, trillions in bail out plans, jobs and increases in wages, or a communist spy or antichrist of messiah like lies. It is a just add water timber box where their religious upbringing causes a more simplicity in deceiving and lying.

Using the information supplied by the World Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Congress (AJC) publicized news of the Holocaust and communicated hurriedly with the NAACP concerning it. As Rabbi Stephen Wise wrote Walter White in mid-December, there will be no Jews left in Europe at the end of the war unless the NAACP “associates itself with the action to prevent Hitler from accomplishing his purposes.” At its next meeting, the NAACP Board adopted a resolution that it stands “appalled at the cold-blooded campaign of extermination of the Jews,” and that it will do whatever it could to end this slaughter. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

We are not saying they are gullible and this stupid. We are saying the selfish nature and the degree of selfish religious upbringing makes them almost the same as us. Those lies and those business plans cause them to constantly seek incriminating evidence, a booster, or some contrived and manipulated way to incite incriminating evidence, seek power over others, or accuse others of denying their rights and privileges. They are not gullible but extremely deliberate and debilitating. They are not gullible and selfish to admit how having them as a labor force is a loosing strategy and a disaster. They can accuse others of what they wish, but when the truth reigns over the hatred of others and the accusation they hate their life, country, and reality; then we can obviously see them for their worth and values.

Thereafter, White and other prominent African Americans joined with major labor, religious, and liberal spokesmen at emergency conferences to save the Jews of Europe and appealed for action to stop the extermination of the Jews. They pledged “to do whatever we can to help rescue Jews from the clutches,” knowing, as White wrote the AJC that “if Jews can be slaughtered today,” Negroes will be tomorrow. And they contributed financially toward the relief of Jews overseas, knowing, in Lester Granger’s words, its importance “as another means of building goodwill between American Negroes and their fellow-citizens of Jewish faith.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

Anyone can step in and offer spending packages and some cash prize if they wish to be their leaders. Anybody can offer jobs or some material theft to be the leader of this army of the damned; they see it as a business plan and even ultra right wing thinking where their interests are threatened by weaker or defiant groups. The legal rationale and the legal arguments are exactly the same as terrorism, extortion, and a criminal enterprise. What they know and what they do is the proper use and the proper expression of this new species we have tripped over and was tripped up by. They rewrote our life to seek profit and even submissions and subsidy. Their argument is of course liberty and what others are doing to them. Thus, to initiate confrontation, to initiate violence, to incite clever and hidden tactics is how they trick and fool others. They are starving for attention and with the ruthless might of not being able to be stopped.

As the Holocaust intensified the insecurity felt by African American and American Jewish leaders, both reached out to the other. Jewish publications featured articles by and about African Americans. Editorials in the Jewish press, like “Defend the Negro,” sent by the Independent Jewish Press Service To all its subscriber newspapers, made the case for the civil rights of blacks. Numerous essayists stressed the commonality of African American and Jewish needs and goals, as did editorial cartoons, such as the Jewish Survey’s “Help Wanted—No Negroes, No Jews.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

This new starvation is a clever trap devised by spy masters and the police, still unidentifiable as a secret police “Gestapo” like in character, to cleverly recruit and hire political operatives on a commission base method. If ensnared in it, you must either produce the sales for them or suffer the consequences of not going the union and the violence imposed on the labor camps. This clever and proper way to use terrorism to win a commission in their army of the damned, Israel, or the communist forces; was to be a global strategy and economic espionage trap deployed by labor and union groups; the traditional left wing leadership. What they are demanding and engaged in now is economic espionage and this needs quite a bit of explanation.

That magazine similarly featured a picture of a Negro and a Jewish soldier, arms intertwined, in the battle against Nazism. Also in 1942, the Central Conference of American Rabbis began to adopt annual resolutions deploring discrimination against blacks and promising support in the struggle for black equality. In 1942 it issued a “Justice for Negroes” message calling upon Jews, “who ourselves have been victims of injustice,” to combat African American inequities. American rabbis then inaugurated an annual “Race Relations Sabbath.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

While in college; massive work was conceived in a filed called economic sustainability originally developed by the Agency for International Development (USAID). In an effort to sabotage and also torpedo this balance of terror, balance of harmony, and strive for perfection; some academics and college professors created this by forwarding and stealing the work. We did not know we are and were under surveillance and watch by a predator and master spy choosing his disciple and pupil with the material might of corruption and poverty. How do you devise a clever trap while you are imploding from left wing policies and crime?

So did the editors of the Jewish Forward and the Jewish Survey, arguing that “both their fates were becoming inextricably intertwined” and they needed to overcome their mutual oppressors. Jointly discussing the possibility of alliance, Rabbi Lou Silberman and Walter White agreed on the necessity of blacks and Jews pooling “our intelligence and idealism not only to defeat the Hitler’s and the Rankins of the world, but to root out the prejudices from our own hearts.” And in addresses to the NAACP, an American Jewish Congress officer described how the fate of Jews and African Americans “dovetailed,” requiring that they work together to challenge their common oppressors. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

How do you blame and accuse others if you are the master spies of the army of the damned? They created a world from the previous world where the proper use of terrorism would be on commission only but a recruitment phase and a world where they are in control of both sides of the debate; for or against terrorism. It is the same ideal of communism and they are to be paid as protectors and the military forces of this world. Can be beat it or did we already? Worse, it is such a gross act of war and such a war crime unimaginable; they are trapped behind enemy lines now and the coup attempts failed. They want and did get paid generously while we were rotting in prison and taken out for almost 7 years.

In 1944 the American Jewish Congress established a Commission on Community Interrelations, under social psychologist Kurt Lewin, to eliminate conflict between minority groups. It worked with the NAACP, as did the AJC’s Commission on Law and Legislation (changed to Commission on Law and Social Action in November 1945). Headed by Will Maslow, the Commission on Law and Social Action combated discrimination in employment, education, and housing against blacks as well as Jews. By so doing, by seeking to promote civil rights for all minorities, Rabbi Wise wrote the NAACP’s Thurgood Marshall, the fight against anti-Semitism is bound up “with the fight for the status and rights of all minority groups in this country.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

They now devised a way to suggest if we are to be paid for the last 10 years, we must sign aboard as they stole and are actively engaged in theft. The use of immigration, words, political office, the water system, businesses, etc… is their total warfare concept to promote socialism. They are starving for attention by taking the right and the left wing while the lines are being pushed back heavily around the globe. They have to figure out whether or not the right wing penetrated the left and the communist forces and launch and inquisition or cultural war to push them out or claim this victim hood of a right wing effort. They see things the same and in a state of disrepair where laziness of the mind becomes a reality of the demand or violence.

Thus, the 1945 platform of the AJC, “Full Equality in a Free Society,” promised Negroes “that in all the causes for which they struggle they can count upon finding the Jews and the American Jewish Congress on the side of justice.” Morality and self-interest had intersected. A marriage of convenience, said Will Maslow: “It was in our interest to help them. We had the staff, the money and the political muscle to do it.” Convinced that they had a common enemy in Nazism, both at home and abroad, the NAACP also forged bonds with the more conservative American Jewish Committee and Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. Previously concerned solely with anti-Semitism and the threat to Jews, such groups now redefined their mission to creating a more pluralistic and egalitarian society for all, and reached out to work with the National Association of Colored Women, the National Council of Negro Women, the Urban League and others. Together they promoted a liberal, reformist creed of equality. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

This is a group who is too good and special for the truth. They are too good to be destitute, broke evicted, unemployed, branded as liars and thieves, or declared an enemy and invading army; so what options are left for them? Those same options are what we are approaching and with the surmise of quickness. We have issued all the legal reprisals afforded by law. It is up to them to restore the government, the trust, and restore law and order. They claim we are at war and they have yet to declare it because they copied Vietnam and are avenging the losing streak of their ideological battles.

Believing that justice and social acceptance would come shortly after the war’s end, they concentrated on appeals to conscience and on the political process, abjuring mass pressure tactics. Far more than any comparable groups, they overwhelmingly voted Democratic. They joined in testifying before legislative committees for anti-discrimination and anti-KKK laws, as well as for higher quotas for Jewish refugees. Along with other Jewish and African American organizations they collaborated on celebrating diversity and inclusion, urging Hollywood to end degrading stereotypes, seeking to analyze and cure prejudice, mobilizing public opinion against intolerance, lobbying in favor of the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, campaigning for civil rights legislation, especially a permanent Fair Employment Practices Committee and challenging discrimination in the law. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

They all fight the same battles and the umbrella of nationalism and unionism gives them the injuries and the medals of the same battles. They are taught and brainwashed to think and feel this way as a superior motive of their religious convictions and liberties. What they lack is a proper education while polluting the minds of others with a very complex fighting method; do nothing or preach nothing. They know it was not the same battle, quite the opposite, and are merely occupying and copying the same “crime” “victim hood” and “plight” which left them broken and either blacklisted or ostracized as an ethnic nuisance. At heart is not the Vietnam War but a global strategy to overtake the government and to replenish the leadership of the left wing and communist forces. There are not many options for this bunch and the list is shortening; so isn’t this massive intrusion.

Well before the Supreme Court’s Brown decision in 1954, every single major Jewish civic organization had filed friends of the court briefs in behalf of the NAACP’s suit to end segregation in public education. This was the “democracy, liberalism, and freedom” that A. Philip Randolph lauded as the enemies of anti-Semitism and “the hopes of the Negro.” The Holocaust had both frightened Jews and blacks into a defensive alliance and emboldened them to capitalize on the revulsion and guilt engendered by Nazism’s horrors. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

Beyond the use of assault and accosting others, they really have no other valuable assets or worth. It is not as if anybody is standing in line to do business with them or begging to speak to their leaders shredding up contracts and obligations day and night with the fury of prosperity and eagerness. To them it is their money and they can waste it on anything they want or pay for terrorism plots, communism, or a reality of a left world. What stands in their way is a total lack of respect for human life and the Constitution where each and every man, woman, and child is afforded a chance at life, liberty, and this so called pursuit of happiness which has turned into captivity and an imprisonment while under illegal surveillance and being bugged by union goons and a secret police.

The descriptions by Private John Stribling Jr. in the Chicago Defender, among many others, of the “horrible odor of burned human flesh,” of “naked human bodies piled on top of each other,” of “bodies dissected for human experimentation,” of prisoners “blind, crippled, and half insane, they could barely walk,” brought increased sympathy for Jews and decreased “respectability” for racism. The shocking photographs and newsreels of corpses stacked like cordwood, of boxcars heaped with the bones of dead prisoners, of bulldozers shoving emaciated bodies into hastily dug ditches, of the barely alive liberated, living skeletons, lying in their own filth, their vacant, sunken eyes staring through barbed wire, proved a turning point in racial attitudes. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

We call them the new Gestapo but they see themselves in a much better light, desperate and starving for attention, a dogma of heroism common in land turtles. Some of them have reptilian tendencies and are smarter than monkeys in a cage. To us they seem unattractive but to the same species they appear to be a fever to reproduce. It is a shame we do not breed outside our species and it is even a worse shame this other species will gleefully and very eagerly to disguise this problem about the evil world and how suspicious people truly are. We do not interbred with them but they love to breed with us and the problem is the same. But now, they are transformed into a hyper state where new evils and a whole new species has been created out of the ghost of the past. That new species lives for oppression but also will kill the moment it is used on them because they are too stupid to be ridiculed into a reality of who they truly are; desperate and starving for our attention.

The horror of what has occurred in its name demolishes the doctrine of racial superiority, wrote Ralph McGill in an Atlanta Constitution editorial; and the editor of the Detroit Free Press, after visiting the concentration camps, stated, “I found in the hell that once was Germany an indictment of my own beloved America.” African American columnists elaborated upon this view throughout the year. Moreover, the theme of a common oppression made its way into the songs of William Grant Still, the fiction of Chester Himes, and the scholarship of Oliver Cox. Du Bois, whose Souls of Black Folk had contained numerous references to Jews as sly, dishonest, and unscrupulous, omitted them in a postwar edition, admitting that he “did not realize until the horrible massacre of German Jews, how even unconscious repetition of current folklore such as the concept of Jews as more guilty of exploitation than others, had helped the Hitlers of the world.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

They call that ethnic rivalries and the ability to use immigration as a weapon against perfect and talented people to ask if they hate Americans or America. If you do then why would you or should you be apologetic about it because it actually belongs to someone else. That someone else has a lot of military arms and a whole world of hurt in gear for them and this shoot it out and up mentality where they are in total control of reality and use terror as a trap to control both sides while pretending to be a victim in between it all.

The Holocaust, and all the depravity associated with it, had revealed the logical conclusion of prejudice, and many Jewish and African American commentators now made the “we’re in the same boat” argument as justification for a civil rights alliance. “The barbaric excesses of Nazism have made it impossible to escape the full implications of racial and religious prejudice, no matter what its form,” wrote Kenneth Clarke: enlightened African Americans and Jews must pool their efforts to overcome prejudice and discrimination. Much as a letter to the editor of the Norfolk Journal and Guide had prophesized, or hoped, in 1934: “When history is written a hundred years from now, Adolf Hitler of Germany will be given credit for Showing the world the absurdity of race prejudice.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

The truth is they are useless and we are better off to deport them or ask them politely why they wish to stay here or will stay here. The rivers are all polluted, the coals are all but run out, the trees are beautiful, and from sea to shining sea it is only geniuses and valuable people; who has time and room for this bunch? Who has time to ask if they are in control or whether they are hateful Americans who hate America, they are the enemies. It is very hard to embrace their filth and lies ringing in our ears and lasting till we die like a rotten egg hatching into hell; but then we are on the ocean shelf of discovering a new world and a new species of mankind, call it a revolution and call it revolutionary.

The “Final Solution” would ultimately lead to the demise of racism being socially acceptable, intellectually justified, or legally permissible. The magnitude of the Holocaust gave racial reformers a powerful weapon, one that became yet stronger as nonwhite nations raised the issue of race in international relations and the Soviet Union sought to exploit American racism for its own ends. Momentum for racial changes in the United States flowed from all the official condemnations of the Holocaust and official declarations in favor of nondiscrimination accompanying the creation of the United Nations and the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the establishment of the Commission on Human Rights and its special Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, and the UN’s adoption in 1948 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

These radio hosts and media problems feed the problem while they also try to push reality to a real level. They calmly claim to be conservative and Republicans which eases the caress of this problem or are they the problem. They claim they are here to grow and make the country grow bigger and stronger while the inherent problem remains unaddressed and threatening. The threat thus grows bigger, stronger, more collective, and even cleverer. Do they care? No, because we know they are nothing more than communist spies and they have already admitted it. To us and the other side they are nothing but a chaser, target practice to make good of blame and to transform the country into a hell we cannot escape. That is terrorism and that is why the truth is so difficult from this new species of human beings where evil is unlimited and inseparable with the new and old enemies.

Concurrently, the racial awareness catalyzed by the Holocaust along with the necessity of keeping the two-thirds of the world’s peoples who were nonwhite out of the Soviet orbit pushed liberal cold warriors into openly condemning racial discrimination and segregation in the United States—a process that would eventually result in the legal ending of those practices. Of course, it was not all onward and upward, not an unbroken line of progress from barbarism and indifference to compassion and liberality. Bursts of reform and of reaction alternated. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

Rush Limbaugh in a telephone interview on April 20, 2009; indicated how politicians were shaking hands with dictators who hated Americans and America. He then said a very important statement, “blames the United States for virtually every evil under the sun, largely evils committed by the very people who have run these countries into the ground… the purpose of education is to teach religion and hate capitalism… sending a message he is morally superior to every previous one.” The message was about what made America great? Was it reckless lies or a superior motive; the radio host chose superior motives?

While benign neglect, in the main, characterized relations between African Americans and Jews, particularized instances of conflict often made headlines. Prominent Jews bade farewell to their former allies and embraced neoconservative policies on affirmative action, voting rights, and the welfare state; and a new generation of African American scholars and demagogues employed anti-Semitism as a weapon in the battle for who will speak for Black America. Each often referred to the Holocaust, in one way or another, to make its case, as both anti-Semitism and racial prejudice and discrimination proved more resilient and pervasive than reformers had presumed. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

Was it this exceptional or the might of the military which guaranteed high quality protective services? In this world and this increasingly dangerous world, we think the military is the rightful owners of the nation and the justified voice of leadership; not invisible forces. The use of the military to stop the bad and to protect the good is in high demand. We feel it is the latter and the last mention, the military and the clear mental abilities of the most courageous and most powerful. It does not take money to reach that level or economic status to be a good decent citizen; however, politicians make no sense nowadays unless it is all lies.

Accordingly, the lessons once learned, the impulses generated the notion that justice and self-interest need not be opposites, become easier to forget as the Holocaust receded into the historical past. Who remembers Leon Bass? An African American in the 183rd Combat Engineer Battalion who helped bury the dead at Buchenwald, Bass consequently dedicated his remaining years to speaking out against anti-Semitism and racism. Or remembers Paul Parks? A black draftee ordered to go into Dachau as part of a burial squad, a stunned Parks wandered by the still-warm ovens and emaciated bodies until he encountered a Jewish prisoner who spoke English. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

Born into this world suspicious and even a suspect, this is the difference between capitalist and capitalism; wreck it and make it unworkable and people will flee it like racism instead of fixing it. To fix it humans must fix themselves; there is no need to fix enemies, fix what makes it undesirable. So this speech by Rush Limbaugh was as empty as the handshaking going on in South America and we really do not trust all capitalists and none of the former communists. So we do live in an evil world and if you ask the other side who is evil; they will say the capitalist. Then if you ask this other side which one is evil, they will say capitalism. So now we have a problem with a system and those in that system. Why ruin it and wreck it with regulation when it is the only escape and doorway to some other reality and new world we know exists but are not allowed to go through because of a domestic nuisance and a global terrorist group bouncing off communism and into us?

Why? Why the Jews? What did they do? Nothing, said the prisoner, nothing, they were killed just because they were Jews. “I understand that,” Parks slowly responded, “I understand that because I’ve seen people lynched just because they were black.” He returned from Europe determined to make his own country a better country, becoming one Of Martin Luther King’s negotiators in the struggle to end racial discrimination in the South and a key leader in the effort to desegregate the public schools of Boston. Or recalls Paul Cowan’s remembrance? One of the Jews who accounted for nearly two-thirds of the white volunteers who went south in 1964 for the Freedom Summer, Cowan would later write that “there was no doubt in any of our minds that we were risking our lives to achieve the very American goal of integration because our kinsmen had been slaughtered in Lithuania, Poland, and Germany.” - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

What Limbaugh is trying to say is how there comes a point of intersection where the bullies and the hooligans of this world will not bother us any longer and simply go away hurt and abandoned. They will respect the might of one country over the over and respect both their sovereignty and freedom. We know human beings to be evil and live in this evil world without a proper education; however, we rely on their parents to show them and teach them the respect for life and the underpinnings of truth and justice.

But, as James Baldwin reminds us in Nobody Knows My Name, too few Jews actually thought that way: “One can be disappointed in the Jew—if one is romantic enough—for not having learned from his history, but if people did learn from history, history would be very different.” For African Americans as well as Jews the unlearned and forgotten haunts. “Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?” Adolf Hitler spoke confidently as the Nazis prepared for the Final Solution. - Sitkoff, Harvard, The Achievement of Liberalism: "African Americans, American Jews, and the Holocaust." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 7. -

So like all these other self professed and educated teachers; they crumble when you ask them about history and the future. The reason is they are there for target practice. They are target practice for us and for our enemies as well. They are fodder and kindling sitting next to a raging fire and when they catch fire, they steal everything. By themselves, they are mere mousy and a click away from self destruction or being exposed as a fraud. What everyone would love to see is their backside as they are herded to the wasteland they created by being like us, saying things like us, and fighting for the other side while they call it harmless oppression.

Constitutional order, campuses and cities were engulfed in violence, and the American people became “unhappy, confused, adrift, distrustful, and divided. . . . What went wrong?” In politics, things certainly went substantially wrong for liberals—Richard Nixon elected twice, one term and out for a moderate Democrat from Georgia, then a Reagan-led and Bush-extended conservative reign. Democrats returned to the White House in 1993, only behind a candidate who received 43 percent of the vote and would not use the word liberal. Then two terms of erratic searching for a governing center, ending in impeachment-spiced confusion and the election of a Republican in 2000. How and why did liberalism lose its political and intellectual dominance? - Graham Jr., Otis L. , The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

What we see today is pure power and evil. What we see is a hooligan gone wild video on vacation. We reach a point where the bullies and the bad of this world merely give up or go away; however, there are a far and few who never give up and try really hard to be a decent person but just cannot. Those are the ones who you just cannot forgive and would rather forget but can’t. So he got it wrong and people were not amused by the afterthought during the midst of a revolution in progress. Their objective is to become and transform into the police and to create pockets of safe havens where they can spread and grow outwards or expand.

When Barry Goldwater conceded defeat to Lyndon Johnson in November 1964, having carried six states, not only the political but also the intellectual and moral supremacy of liberalism in American politics seemed to have reached a crest, with a long season of dominance ahead. The central feature of the liberal program, hesitantly begun by Kennedy and boldly pursued by Lyndon Johnson, was their sponsorship of the drive for black equality and an end to Jim Crow. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: It All Started in the Sixties." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

Why is the mere puzzle of evil and the fortitude of spies and enemies; they must expand if they wish to dominate, take over, and rule the earth. That is the bad and we have not reached this intersection where they will refuse or stop bothering us as a nation and as superior individuals. Their message is simple and shows the complexity of their character, catch us if you can. There needs to be an investigation into the states and the police system in each state because we know we are dealing with an overthrow and revolution by the left wing and the unions. As the police, these goons and spies can terrorize others or simply rewrite the rules and the evidence.

The central fact of liberal political life from the sixties forward was a deeply felt moral (and intellectual) superiority. The political opposition had fought the civil rights crusade; spoke the evasive banalities of “states’ rights” and of communist plots to divide Americans. No wonder that the bright and the young were drawn to the neighborhoods left of center. Yet as the Great Society rolled forward, one astute observer of American politics sensed that the liberals were headed for political trouble. Lyndon Johnson told Bill Moyers, after signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ending Jim Crow, that he believed he had “delivered the South to the Republican Party for a long time to come.” - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: It All Started in the Sixties." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

We all know this is about race and hate in America and the 911 and terror plots leading up to it was this return to terror which come and go in waves and phases of American history. If you are the few who subscribe to the idea that racism is so systemic in American culture it has left a legacy of a permanent underclass to wilt and die off by the inability to escape this severe and permanent legacy of institutional hate; then understand that in the last thirty years; the largest and biggest economies were not white or had the face of Caucasians fortitude. Understand also how the reaction to these changes are affecting people from the bottom of rung of white and black to the upper crust of white and black. The argument that racism and hate is permanent does not agree with the academic statistics which show a wide dispersal and bias to certain minorities who score higher on tests and tend to be more of an achiever than who we typically view as a victim of hate and racism.

This reads like a shrewd guess about the future, but it was both premature and flawed. LBJ, who quoted Martin Luther King Jr.’s phrase “We shall overcome,” still received a majority of southern votes in the 1964 election, Goldwater carrying only the five Deep South states.6 Positions taken on civil rights in 1963–64 had some political cost, but had not yet “delivered the South” to the opposition. The white South (and many voters elsewhere) would eventually turn more decisively toward the Republicans (or away from politics), but because of events ahead of LBJ’s comment to Moyers in 1964—things Johnson and his allies had yet to do, along with social turbulence and cultural trends that became associated, fairly or unfairly, with liberalism. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: It All Started in the Sixties." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

The truth and the reality of history is how white terrorism was used early in the 19th Century as the catalyst of social reform and as an impetus to embark on drastic measures to stamp out this wild and deranged rampage. It is believed that it has returned or morphed into something new. It has a blend which fused the many issues and goals that racism and hate in America has typically sought but could not because the majority of those who were the permanent underclass could not express themselves in debate or in an intellectual manner which could relieve the terror they were experiencing with their reality and world. Terrorism is a reaction and has a history of reacting to other movements which act on some group who is known for this kind of behavior. It is a return to the old way of doing business. It is a return by this communist master spy group operating in the United States and how they changed or rewrote the Constitution using multicultural issues and what was deemed a systemic and institutional form of hate and racism. It is hard to pass up when it attacks the country rewrites the history of mankind. It is hard to ignore when it is hear on our shores and not going away.

LBJ in his memoirs conceded that political defeat in 1968 owed to more than the signing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (though he thought he would have won if nominated). “The Democratic Party had pressed too far out in front of the American people . . . too far too fast in social reform,” he concluded. And “the disruptive methods of the radicals of the “new left,” at the Chicago convention and on university campuses” had frightened voters. But “I would not have abandoned a single major program” or “postponed a single law.” The people had faltered their government a bit too good for them, too soon. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: It All Started in the Sixties." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

There are a lot of economists who disagree with President Obama and several media channels who are hoping from one rooftop to the other on some sleigh from the past to cordially drive the demand of the economy out of the recession. Let’s make it clear that even if you and I were to study Keynesian economics for eight years in college and did this until we died the evidence to suggest conclusively Obama is a Keynesian economist can never be produced. So we should cover why Keynesian economics is reserved for math majors and skilled sophists or data analysis. Keynesian economics is reserved for doctoral candidates and mathematicians to argue about the impossible and reality.

Johnson’s error here was to see the Great Society as a single whole. Only a portion of Democratic Party–sponsored reform measures accounted—along with social turbulence—for the political upheavals that sent Johnson and then Humphrey into retirement. Within the Great Society were sectors of special vulnerability where the potential for political trouble was high. On the legislative side, one could say that roughly half of the Great Society had been widely discussed, reasonably well understood by the public, and popular. The banishment of Jim Crow in schools and public facilities, as well as an end to voting discrimination by race, were well understood, thoroughly aired, and backed by a national consensus that the white South would join much more quickly than anyone anticipated. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: It All Started in the Sixties." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

On the Cartesian paper, it sounds cogent but executing it is impossible and leads to a cold war between nation states. The President does not have a clue how to argue his expertise and can be tested or certified on this. The only valid argument for Keynesian economics is sustainable development and the chapter on economic sustainability. This is based on a proper balance between scarcity, demand, and resources. When it is not in balance, then you will never achieve it and slow fall to self destruction by the quick and slow methods. We have done the calculations for this economic downturn and know it to cost 345 trillion dollars but we do not have 345 trillion dollars to fix it. Even if the President spent 20 trillion and handed a check to every human being on earth for a million dollars; we still would be poor and lazy. Why work and why make it work?

But another large basket could be filled with measures only briefly debated before Congress and poorly understood by the public or, often, their liberal architects: certain augmentations of the welfare state, notably the war on poverty’s “community action” component and the parallel expansion of AFDC as well as Medicaid, which was tacked onto the Medicare legislation by Wilbur Mills with little congressional scrutiny; the expanded public housing program of 1968, rushed through in six months; the Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965, which increased immigration and ended the advantage given to nationalities that had settled and built the nation before 1920; bilingual education. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: It All Started in the Sixties." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

On April 14, 2009' President Obama made a speech on the eve of tax day. The President said, "to begin with, economist on both the left and right agree that the last thing the government should do during a recession is to cut back on spending. if every family in America, if every business in America cuts back all at once, then nobody is spending any money. Which means there are no customers? Which means there are more lay offs. Which means the economy gets even worse. That is why the government has to step in and temporarily boost spending to stimulate demand. That is exactly what we are doing right now." There is a lot the President has left out, most specifically is the banking system and the problem with debt.

In addition to Great Society laws and programs there was the post legislative cutting edge of liberal reform—the program building and rule-making activities of federal bureaucrats and judges, offstage, carrying on reform by taking initiatives liberals knew to be right even if not exactly demanded by huge lobbying coalitions or large majorities in the polls. These included the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill, the “black empowerment” strategy of the war on poverty, school busing to engineer the proper racial mix of students, “affirmative action” preferences in hiring, college admissions, and contracting for blacks that were soon extended to a broad range of certified “minorities.” - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: It All Started in the Sixties." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

This is not a winning formula and if it were, then poor nations would be in heavy debt and rich. Instead, countries who run up endless debt to cover previous debt, cook their books, embezzling funds or creating a slush fund, not disclosing damaging information which would change the minds of others, and deliberately attempt to snooker and sell a message which leads to more disaster because you are a disaster; discover what toxic assets are about, how unfixable a banking crisis can become, and why risk is shooting out of the roof. What are real assets when all this debt and false bank notes are floating around?

As it turned out, certain of Great Society liberalism’s politically costly associations—with the war in Vietnam, the hippie and protester riots outside the Chicago convention hall, flag- and draft-card burning, Black Panthers with fists raised and automatic weapons brandished—would slowly wane, while liberal social engineering was a growing presence. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: It All Started in the Sixties." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

Can we actually calculate and determine the worth of a person for five years, ten years, or even twenty and thirty? We could have ten percent real assets or 70 per cent real assets; what is the cost of the debt to keep them though or the tax? Debt is nothing more than an invisible tax government runs up or produces because it does not want to tell the public bad news or damaging news which will cause a loss in confidence or fortitude. It is like the Titanic and selling tickets for it, only the most special will be privy and privileged enough to come along. If what the President said is true, then our problems would be over a long time ago and we would not have any debt. There would be unlimited wealthy nations in this world and more overnight.

In retrospect, it was easily the most ambitious government project in modern history. Daunting handicaps had become attached to black America, entrenched during slavery and extended by discrimination and bigotry for decades thereafter. Then came the great black migration out of the rural South, a trickle beginning in the late nineteenth century, accelerating in the 1920s with restrictions on immigration, and then cresting in a wave of 4.5 million people from the 1940s to the 1960s. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: Liberal Race Policy After the End of Jim Crow." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

Irregular units are always inconsistent and we know it is similar to a British classical novel; we know that he knows we know; he is not telling the full story and the truth. Those lies are legitimately ticking off and pissing people off royally as they watch their life savings and their kid’s inheritance drain away which each lie. Then the banks will go to the government and say, "if we told the truth and how we operate, people would pull their money out immediately" and we would have more problems because we create wealth by issuing loans. They forgot to mention the part about paying back the loans and real assets. We know that socialism and communism does not work, why is there the need to lie about this?

The new urbanites brought with them mixed cultural resources—a blend of assets such as strong church and family affiliations and some middle-class work and saving habits, but also a Sharecropper culture of illiteracy, loose family ties, and dependence on white landowners. The timing of their migration was unfortunate. Most of these refugees with agricultural skills arrived just as the American economy was shifting away from heavy industry toward a postindustrial mix in which education and technical and social skills were at an increasing premium. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: Liberal Race Policy After the End of Jim Crow." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

there are also attempts to blame Bush for eight recalcitrant years of fiscal and governmental mishaps which are legitimate but this is the reason why we are alarmed by an intrusion and what we determined to be an espionage plot and saboteurs who kidnapped us and made unreasonable or insane demands from us to boost the power and black magic in the world. the whole point is they deliberately wandered into the right wing zone and seized the right wing when they were merely making this incursion to state it was not their fault, to blame the right wing for mishaps, to falsely protect the country, and to entangle the nation in a new war on poverty and terrorism.

Thus black populations gathering at the center of urban America after mid-century were a mix of a small, tenacious black middle class with a growing underclass–urban residents with what William Julius Wilson called “a weak attachment to the labor force,” characterized by out-of-wedlock births, single-parent families, crime, and welfare dependency. Most black Americans were not in the underclass. But the underclass was mainly black, and growing, as the sixties arrived. Their presence was marked by the statistics of social pathology. The urban crime rate rose 60 percent from 1960 to 1966, then jumped another 83 percent in the five years between 1966 and 1971; the National Academy of Sciences found that a disproportionate share of crimes of violence were by blacks (and against blacks). Births to unmarried women rose from 2.3 to 5.7 percent among whites across the sixties, but from 21.6 to 34.9 percent among blacks. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: Liberal Race Policy After the End of Jim Crow." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

What can you do for us and how will you reach out to us is up to them and not us to decide. We hold onto sovereignty and the ability to decry foul each and every time they put their grimy measly hands on our treasures. Will they ever admit it or claim a superficial individualism which propels them to success? Probably the later and a wealth of lie along with the poor mentality of being the same problem but repackaged and sold at a higher price. That is the whole point of not having the truth and the facts or getting all lies; the left wing is attacking and making a lot of sneaky sense in doing so. None of these politicians actually practice what they preach and they are all the same or working for all the same goals. Who would have known they are this stupid and this audacious.

Liberals, now not just sympathetic to the cause of black advancement but politically committed to it, struggled to find policy leverage. One of their first ideas ran into fierce trouble and got its author fired, shutting down a whole sector for discussion. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a sociologist who was assistant secretary in the Labor Department, in March 1965 produced a seventy eight-page paper entitled “The Negro Family: The Case for National Action.” Moynihan pointed to the increase of single black mothers and concluded, “The Negro family structure is crumbling.” Male joblessness and desertion was producing an illegitimacy rate of one-quarter among blacks, leading to welfare dependency and “a tangle of pathology.” - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: Liberal Race Policy After the End of Jim Crow." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

Economics is based on two master strokes of concepts. One is the supply spider which was the basis of Adam Smith and the other was the flip side, the argument of controlling the market and driving demand. It is how you distinguish the difference between a good accountant and God himself. John Maynard Keynes developed Keynesian economics in the 19th Century as experimentation with socialism; he did not intend on others actually using it to ruin the lives everybody at the cost of some. It is the conquering of demands and dominance of this same demand which worries us.

Moynihan attributed all this to historic racism and economic pressures and spoke vaguely and briefly of solutions through family-strengthening federal programs, not even hinting at black moral regeneration.13 Black leaders, at first welcoming a government official’s exploration of the black situation, by October were accusing Moynihan of saying in effect that blacks tolerated or were unusually inclined toward promiscuity, illegitimacy, and welfare dependency. “Blaming the victim,” charged Boston civil rights activist and psychiatrist William Ryan; “fuel for a new racism,” pronounced James Farmer of CORE. The uproar from the liberal and civil rights community ostracized Moynihan and led to his resignation. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: Liberal Race Policy After the End of Jim Crow." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

Also, Keynesian economics or controlling demand economics is crepitated with ending the Great Depression. Keynesian economics does not work and in a global economic dynasty, cannot reasonably offer the accuracy of "if all things were perfect, then it would be under control." The fatal flaw of Keynes’ models was the ability to control demand. In critical industries such as energy, food production, schooling, medical, and even military affairs; demand is too dynamic and calculations can only offer an intelligent decision; not harness the energy of the earth of offer unlimited security. The left wing and liberalism is wracked with indecisions but they use freedom to the hilt of this same pitfall.

“All public discussions in mainstream liberal circles of issues like the state of the black family . . . simply ceased,” reported Nicholas Lemann. What, then, could government do? Urban riots after 1965 lent urgency to the question. Nondiscrimination and universality of human rights were the philosophical core of the 1964 and 1965 civil rights statutes, and these measures were spectacularly successful in desegregating public accommodations and promoting the black franchise. But nondiscrimination did not turn public schools into engines of black upward mobility, and black economic advancement was slow. Was there a faster way to continue the civil rights movement? - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: Liberal Race Policy After the End of Jim Crow." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

Moreover, the analysis of many historians and economists; which derive the conquering of domination of the Great Depression to the attributes of John Maynard Keyes is inconclusive. Do you believe in God? If so then he is God. Many economists feel the reason why the Great Depression and the global financial collapse beginning in 1929 lingered for so long was because of failed efforts which made things worse and worse. Then it just blew up and there was a period of cooking off peace where the alliances of nations started a chain reaction of warfare. Here is what can be proved and what is provable. We live in a world of scarcity. That scarcity drives supply and demand prices.

A central new idea was to move beyond proving discrimination, which was difficult and expensive, to proving unequal social outcomes, which statistics could quickly confirm. Once discrimination in the form of unequal outcomes was established—“institutional discrimination” was the term invented for it, since no actual discriminator could be found—the remedy was black preferences in jobs, contracts, and university admissions until equal results were obtained. This was soon the operative meaning of “affirmative action.” - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: Liberal Race Policy After the End of Jim Crow." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

Furthermore, unless you print money or produce debt, you cannot drive demand; it is not an unlimited source unless you remove competition. With competition you get purchasing power and a stronger currency. With free trade you get a leaner, meaner, and more efficient guide to make these decisions. With free trade you form expectations and also a better reality. When you magically remove 20 million lives from this equation; there is a demand vacuum and the pressure valve for government services drops. People are less likely to complain. When you are at war or have been at war for five years, people get emotional and also ecstatic. The scarcity will always be there but the driving forces behind demand are not.

When the term first appeared in President Kennedy’s 1963 Executive Order 10925, it was understood to mean “keep your eyes open for a qualified black.” That it might evolve into something more ambitious and polarizing—black preference, special treatment, quotas—had been suspected by some of the legislators moving toward the law that killed Jim Crow, and strenuously and categorically denied by the chief sponsors of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Asked in 1964 hearings on the civil rights bill if the legislation would “require employers to establish quotas for non-whites,” Senator Hubert Humphrey assured the body that “proponents of the bill have carefully stated on numerous occasions that Title VII does not require an employer to achieve any sort of racial balance in his work force by giving preferential treatment to any individual or group,” - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: Liberal Race Policy After the End of Jim Crow." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

A lifetime of secret service protection and a life time salary is not bad for either the 43rd or the 44th and even the 45th and on. If they could just tell the truth or practice what they preach, maybe this country would not be so intrusive and why crime is such impossibility. Maybe George W. Bush felt Iraq was some magic equalizer and maybe he is one of the people we know as Lords of the underworld who are sissies and practice every bit of it as spies and criminal felons who take what they want in this world; however, oil is a big reason to this magical pressure valve behind demand.

Astonishingly, this plan for race-based quotas was adopted by Nixon in 1970 and was rapidly expanded to cover four categories of minorities—Asians and Pacific Islanders, African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans and Alaska natives—and applied to more than 300,000 firms doing business with the federal government, eventually affecting one-quarter of the American workforce. Affirmative action would be expanded by the entrenched liberal activists in the civil rights bureaucracies in the Justice Department, in a new independent regulatory commission (the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, EEOC), and in the line agencies (twenty-seven rights-enforcement offices were at work in line agencies by 1969). - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: Liberal Race Policy After the End of Jim Crow." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

Iraq certainly did not remove 20 million men off the face of the earth; but it remains a controversial war; we do not know and may never know. However, the fun part is to get rid of them after the crisis and when the dangers are over. There is no way we can have two conflicting groups butting heads and engaged in ruinous competition to outbreak and beat the other to the lie. They are alerted their jobs are on the line and the government must crack down on them eventually or at some point.

The “original, Kennedy-Johnson meaning of affirmative action, which meant nondiscrimination enhanced by outreach programs,” or “soft affirmative action,” writes Hugh Davis Graham, had given way to “hard affirmative action,” which insisted on equality of results and did not need to find discrimination in order to intervene to order race-based corrrection.17 The transition “occurred quickly and quietly” between 1965 and 1968.18 “The public had no idea,” added Stephen and Abigail Thernstrom. Equally fraught with political danger to liberals was another, faster path chosen first by HEW bureaucrats in 1966 and strongly followed by judges. This was busing public-school students as a remedy for segregated schools. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: Liberal Race Policy After the End of Jim Crow." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

Right now the Keynesian camp is using the classic butter or guns debate to use spending as a weapon like it was used on the left wing. They feel the Austrian School was flawed and did not have the right arguments when it said socialism and communism is a failure. The classic guns or butter debate is also where the Reagan Era Cold War spending debut became a terrifying global balance of fear and hatred for the “other side.” The pomposity and arrogance will always be there; however, one side has their hands all over the other and we know it is not the right wing that does this.

Uneasiness over the hardening of affirmative action was also expressed in the deliberations of the McGovern Reform Commission of the Democratic Party in November 1969 as it considered, in the words of member Austin Ranney, the idea of “our fellow black Democrats” that “something more is needed than a non-discrimination rule.” They debated establishing quotas for blacks in state delegations, voted 10–9 for language requiring delegations to have the same racial proportions as the local population, and then added women and “young people” without much discussion. Writer Theodore White was dismayed when he read the transcript of the meeting, for it meant that the Democratic convention in 1972 would be shaped by quotas. The “liberating idea” that blacks should not be excluded had “changed to become an intellectual prison . . . [in which] certain groups must be included.” This was for White “to plunge over a political cliff to disaster.” - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: Liberal Race Policy After the End of Jim Crow." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

We know for a fact how the left wing hates crime and these wandering hands on their own treasures by their own side. However, they loose more when they go after their own and we gain everything when we go after them. The more we fight evil and crime, the stronger we get. The less the left bows down as sissies to evil and crime, the more they spend. We are not at war with the left wing in this world because they are peaceful and oppressive. We are at war with them for who they are and who they claim to be; a far cry from the police or public safety. A much even farther cry from what we consider American and worthy of efforts. They cannot be arrested as the police. This is what they keep saying and making clear. The espionage operatives behind this are spread out in a unified effort.

Another policy arena where 1960s liberals sensed opportunity and reaped political trouble was indigent relief. The New Deal moved the “welfare” issue from local relief to a system dominated by federal payments to the unemployed, but Franklin Roosevelt more than once denounced “welfare” as a long-term policy. He persuaded Congress to replace these emergency measures with a permanent system of social security anchored in contributory old age pensions, with direct federal relief only for the blind and the uncovered, currently destitute elderly and with federal public works for the able-bodied. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: The Welfare Dilemma." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

In an effort to talk to Mexico, the Department of Homeland Security, the State Department, the President and just about every left wing politician has conceded down to South America and Mexico to reduce the supply of arms and drugs flowing into the country. Where they were once demanding the bail outs and stimulus behind the economic motives, they are now cutting off the supplies. So when it comes to drugs and weapons; it is the supply side of business. When it comes to unions, wages, and domestic spending; it comes down to the demands. If this is some test of how good of a leader they are or how they are a domestic nuisance on the verge of being evicted and facing harsh punishments; then it is un-American to deny them that fate.

Aid to fatherless children—through their mothers, who could hardly be in the workforce—was attached as the AFDC program and was expected to be minor. Caseloads were insignificant for two decades, then unaccountably boomed upward to 3.1 million recipients in 1960, then to 4.3 million by 1965, and rising. “Welfare” began to be condemned as a support system for female-headed families in which the mother and children were slum dwelling dependents of the state, shielded from any work experience, while the fathers escaped responsibility. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: The Welfare Dilemma." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

These people are not Americans and they make for worse leaders of America and her future. Why are they on the police force and claiming to be the police when we cannot ID the “Gestapo” like mannerism? They do not see it as communism or Nazism, they see it as their tax dollars, they are the police and they cannot be arrested; if so, then only by their own or when they decide to tell the truth. As the police they are acting very bizarre and very erratic, inconsistent and blaming others for imaginary crimes. They forget who is following whom and who the boss is. They forget who is trying to talk to whom and why. Nobody is trashing their country or them; they did this perfectly. Nobody said they were or has become the secret police, they did and are looking for a safe haven now that communism collapsed and we discovered the hard way this new species of theirs.

The engagement of liberals with the welfare issue was briefly the story of a failure, the war on poverty. After it was dismantled, their legacy became more an attitude than any particular program structure. Liberal opinion in the 1960s and after shifted away from the New Deal’s commitment to work and its wariness of the dependency effects of direct relief, toward the “guaranteed annual income” idea that Richard Nixon and Democratic 1972 presidential candidate George McGovern would espouse. LBJ resisted this leftward shift of liberal opinion on welfare but could not contain it. It was driven by the climate created by black urban riots in 1967–68 and a growing liberal sense, expressed most scoldingly in the 1968 Kerner Commission Report on urban riots, that nothing less than universal entitlement to welfare would quiet the black community and constitute “social justice” at last for the descendants of slaves. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: The Welfare Dilemma." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

The problem with the world we live in is the amount and cost of labor. For every 1 job, there are at least 10 people to fill it. So the proportion of human beings to the cost of labor is a major problem. With the federal government promising lifetime employment and also rich benefits, the cost of doing business is too great of a burden and companies cease to exist or find less expensive ways to exist. It is both the cost of labor and the benefits which the left wing is typically fighting for in capitalism and communism. So if you get this immigration, unlimited labor supply, and benefits from and for the federal government weighted down, there will be financial disaster.

This shift in elite opinion was paralleled; it appears, by a sharp change in attitudes among the poor, who moved away from earlier feelings of shame. Caught up in what historian James Patterson calls “the enhanced sense of entitlement that pervaded those turbulent times,” the black poor especially were becoming aggressive and litigious about their “welfare rights” and bottom jobs with their insulting wages.28 “Reports of resistance on the job circulated orally in the black community, among employers, and in white working class neighborhoods” in the late 1960s, Michael Piore wrote, a phenomenon reported earlier in an urban ghetto by Elliot Liebow in Tally’s Corner. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: The Welfare Dilemma." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

The use of federal debt is to cover up or gloss over the bad job the government is doing. Free trade maximizes trade. We want to maximize trade by using free trade. Free trade also maximizes consumption. However, free trade has been tarnished and smeared by debt and this problem with the left wing and an unlimited supply of labor. If we trace the debt amounts since the 1800s; it never exceeds 20 per cent until World War II. Wars have driven the debt up from the American Revolution to Civil War above 20 per cent but are paid back in one to two decades. Wars are like college loans. You borrow for four or six years and take ten to twenty to pay it back. It always works well when the system is in proper balance and sustains itself. During World War II, the debt was above 120 per cent and it has never balanced out. The United States government takes in approximately 450 billion fiscally and to single out either Social Security or Medicaid, either program costs in excess of 600 billion dollars a year. That is the magnitude of the problem; there are two very big social programs which cost more than what the government takes in yearly.

Liberals and advocates of the poor by 1968 had failed in two attempts to enact their guaranteed annual income. But along the way they had presided over and to some degree caused an expansion of the AFDC clientele from 4.3 percent of American families in 1965 to 6.1% in 1969 to 10.8 percent in 1974, and in the population on public assistance from 7.1 million in 1960 to 14.4 million in 1974. This income transfer drove down the proportion of Americans in poverty in a dramatic, unprecedented way, and was seen by many liberals as second only to ending Jim Crow as liberalism’s crowning achievement. 30 Liberals “clapped their hands with pride,” writes Patterson, at this “phenomenal reduction of absolute poverty” from 22 percent of the population in 1959 to 11 percent in 1973. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: The Welfare Dilemma." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

The problem is affixed with medical costs. Moreover, we have a very aggressive attempt and caught this terrorist group headed by the washed out and impeached government people playing with our health. In other words, part of this kidnapping was to grow out medical problems and release specific ailments which were meant to humiliate and cause a nuisance. We did not get hit with some life threatening medical problem yet; only low grade medical problems and several life threatening attempts to stop the counter offensive. So you heard it right, someone is playing with your health and purposely using the water system as a delivery system. The food system is so heavily monitored but the water frequently became a problem. Following us and kidnapping us as a voice also bewildered our medical skills.

The Great Society, along with economic growth, had moved 60 percent of the pre-transfer poor out of poverty in 1970 and raised America’s welfare expenditures toward—though hardly matching—the levels of the social democracies in Western Europe. What of FDR’s fear that these dollars (and food stamps and public housing and free legal services) would prove “a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit”? Patterson observes that “few people paid much attention to the Cassandras,” as welfare at the end of the sixties became one of the rights of citizenship. The zeitgeist did not lend itself to talk of obligation or to concern over what happened to “the human spirit” in its absence. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: The Welfare Dilemma." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

The idea here is simple. When you place social problems and matters such as social security and Medicaid to the states and local governments; they are much better equipped at handling the proper balance. When you put it in the hands of the federal government, it will always run up a massive debt. We see this at or near World War II and the New Deal. Hence, the pressure on the federal government to increase the debt is too overwhelming while fiscal responsibility is needed at the local levels. Economic guarantees cannot be used as a weapon like National Security.

Whatever one thought then of the Great Society and the rights revolution it had fostered, it had coincided with and was to some extent seen as associated with an ambience of mass media-transmitted images of antiwar protests, countercultural weirdness, drugs, the Manson killings, Black Panther fist salutes, feminist rebellion, free love, and urban riots. “In the public perception,” wrote James Sundquist of the Brookings Institution, looking back from the 1980s, “all these things merged. Ghetto riots, campus riots, street crime, anti-Vietnam marches, poor people’s marches, drugs, pornography, welfarism, rising taxes, all had a common thread: the breakdown of family and social discipline, of concepts of duty, of respect for law, of public and private morality.”34 Liberals would have said that they had made an unmatched record in attacking the causes of such social unrest and rebellion. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: The Great Society and the Sixties as a Republican Opportunity." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

The blame that free trade is the culprit is false. It begins with an unlimited supply of global labor. Then it is sabotaged by increasing cost of labor and benefits promised as part of employment. Then the consumption of the world increases and people want more and more for less and less so they seek out other channels or overseas manufactures. Now the society has a trade deficit and is importing more and more as it is consuming more and more. It is not making goods to sell back. It is not making goods other people want or need. So while we see trade grow two or three times, domestically we see companies ceasing to exist, benefits bankrupt, debt skyrocket, welfare out of control, and a host of social catastrophes.

This was Governor George Corley Wallace of Alabama, the public figure who first framed the language to exploit liberal vulnerabilities. In the presidential primaries of 1964, before urban riots broke out, Wallace, despite his unmistakably southern drawl and unimpressive physical appearance, won 34 percent of the vote in Wisconsin, 30 percent in Indiana, and 45 percent in Maryland. …call him the most influential loser in American politics. The years between 1964 and 1968 opened an opportunity to capitalize on the invisible discontent of Democratic voters. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: The Great Society and the Sixties as a Republican Opportunity." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

Free trade is good. It is not good when the topic is labor. It is never good when the topic is labor. We want as much trade as possible and not necessarily the most profit. But monetary policy says something different. Monetary policy says the supply of money and the supply of goods can be manipulated in a manner which can raise the debt levels. If you have a shrinking supply of goods and a growing money supply; there is high demand. If you have a growing supply of goods and a growing money supply, then there is debt? There is the stumbling block. Unless you are producing real wealth and equity; then every time you increase the supply of money it becomes more debt and more paper promises. You can lower the monthly payments or stretch out the terms which will cause more debt to accumulate until it all vanishes and blows up.

Two years later Wallace, now candidate of his own American Independent Party, moved northward with a language of populist protest far removed from the old racial appeals of southern politics, but portable anywhere in America. He did not attack blacks, but rather the elite Democratic establishment in Washington—politicians, journalists, judges, intellectuals—Who were reaching down into local schools and workplaces all over America, practicing “reverse discrimination” and imposing heavy costs on ordinary working people? His use of the “wedge” or “social issues”—court imposed busing, affirmative action, leniency on crime, welfare abuse creating a dependent class, rising illegal drug use, urban disorder, and elite domination from Washington and the eastern seaboard—moved a significant number of Democrats, in their view abandoned by their own party, to vote some other way. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: The Great Society and the Sixties as a Republican Opportunity." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

Free trade and labor does not work. There is an unlimited supply and worse a huge demand to reproduce. That pressure expands the welfare system and should be left to the state and local governments; not the federal government; that is the problem with the left wing. When you put this burden on the federal government, it will crash everything and everybody; not just one locale. Now you cannot contain the problem but think the Federal Reserve can just lower the interest rates. It cannot and the Federal Reserve and the chairmen of past pulled a hoax and lied about the role of the central bank.

Wallace polled ten million votes, putting Richard Nixon, with 43 percent of the total, in the White House. Liberals read the 43 percent as the true strength of their enemy, but 57 percent of the voters had voted against the liberals’ beribboned warrior, Hubert Humphrey. And Nixon, surely listening to Wallace’s language, had shown impressive skill in endorsing an end to segregation and discrimination while bristling with objections to using federal power to “force a local community to carry out what a federal administrator or bureaucrat may think is best.” Wallace had been blunter: “They say, ‘we’ve gotta write a guideline. We gotta tell you when to get up in the morning.” - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: The Great Society and the Sixties as a Republican Opportunity." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

The use of the Federal Reserve to expand debt is the reason why you would increase the money supply when there is no production occurring. That production is happening overseas or some place where labor is either cheap or under control. The Federal Reserve cannot determine the outcomes for this model even if every chairman forcefully said they can. They can easily use investments and expand debt and write it off as current profit when in actuality the profit is a heavy future debt which cannot be repaid because the minimum payments are so low.

Two books pointed out the opportunity in all this for ant liberals, especially Republicans. A writer and activist in the Nixon campaign, Kevin Phillips, described a seismic political shift toward The Emerging Republican Majority (1969), “the end of the New Deal Democratic hegemony and the beginning of a new era in America politics.” The Democrats had been repudiated by the voters, Phillips argued, for their “ambitious social programming . . . [and] inability to handle the urban and Negro revolutions,” and because the “Democratic and liberal record was one of failure—in global diplomacy, Asian warfare, domestic economics, social and welfare policy, and law enforcement.” - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: The Great Society and the Sixties as a Republican Opportunity." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

When you analyze the level of debt, the sweet spot which the US economy functions very healthy and robust, it is around 7 to 12 per cent of national debt. If you analyze when and where the problem shot out of roof, it is after the Vietnam War and the 1960s. Since then it has grown forcefully each and every year from 122 per cent after World War II to 50 per cent now. In other words, it never recovered and it never fixed itself. When you pal around with the monetary system, you can encourage lenders and banks to extend credit and lower their cost for loans which is the investments driving the economy but when these so called loans and investments make up 50 per cent of the national fiscal debt, it is scary blind to think there is any real wealth being produced or any responsible management occurring. Regardless, it is written off as profit and doing a good job.

The liberal party’s northeastern stronghold was on the losing end of a vast demographic shift of power to the Sunbelt, the South and West. Especially in the South, “obsolescent Democratic loyalties” opened up the colonization of a new Republican heartland that Wallace had only momentarily pulled into a fleeting third-party effort…They saw the electorate turning from the older economic issues toward “the Social Issue,” a combination of concerns over what they fuzzily characterized as “law and order, [racial] backlash, anti youth, malaise, change, or alienation.” “The law-and-order issue can be finessed” by Democrats, but occasional remarks against crime will not be enough. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: The Great Society and the Sixties as a Republican Opportunity." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

So when the wrong people are in charge of the banks or when the banks throw mankind in a loop because real trade, real money, real investments, and real harmony are being produced; we get wars and conflict. The debt and the investments of these banks are merely producing profits while making empty promises by valuing debt as real forms of income generation. The truth is good work is not being done, high quality work is being ignored, crime and corruption is out of control, and conflicts and tensions are magnifying to some explosion or spontaneous combustion.

And liberal thinking on the meaning of recent events was especially important, because the Democratic Party, perhaps for the first time, was coming under the control of one of its components, the liberals. Party reforms launched in 1968 by the left wing of the party shifted selection of nominating convention delegates from party regulars to activists in antiwar or women’s or other “rights movements,” and under the new rules 83 percent of the delegates to the 1972 Democratic Party Convention were from the ranks of reform activists, the rest from state-based party organizations, with a shrinking congressional component. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: It All Continued in the Seventies." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

You must have real money to trade. You must have real good to trade. You must have high quality goals to impress. You must have real production and not banks and investments which drive up loans and the money supply to a crashing halt. If a human being is so stupid or so brilliantly arrogant to borrow 40 per cent of the national debt with the expectation it will be repaid; then either they are crazy or really trying to promote socialism. Running up a debt to 20 or 30 per cent is a flaw of character unless they are kidnapped or a prisoner. It is a sign of arrogance and total mismanagement.

“We aren’t going to let these Harvard-Berkeley Camelots take over our party,” said an AFL-CIO official—but they did. An ideological upheaval had produced structural changes within the Democratic Party, moving its image and policies leftward. The convention in 1972 bypassed moderates such as Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson of Washington and nominated Senator George McGovern, whose views expanded the political problem. He urged withdrawal from Vietnam and called for a $30 billion cut in defense spending, amnesty for Vietnam War deserters, and a grant of $1,000 to every American to eliminate poverty and redistribute income. Historian Ronald Radosh spoke for Democratic centrists when he charged that the party’s left by the end of 1972 had firmly “identified the party with the rise of crime, the influence of drugs, the decline in moral standards, and the breakup of the traditional family structure.” - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: It All Continued in the Seventies." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

However, when you kidnap and hold hostages, blow their credit and loans out of the water and then deny them the right to work or a way to use their talents; they will either admit they are blessed with talent or just worthless. This is the argument of the left wing and the radical communists we have been dealing with and who kidnapped us to suggest we would fix them and their life when they are worthless and too stupid to figure this out. Child bearing is not in their future but the supply and the unlimited amount of evil in this world is. It comes down to a person’s own worth and how they use that talent while others try to steal this or oppress it because they are the left wing and communists who are real terrorists.

Let me see if I can defend Ann and see it from her side. When you are interviewing suspects and doing undercover work, it is dangerous. You have to do things which you would not typically do and seek the safety of who is causing you danger. In this case, you are sitting right next to the one who you fear; that is undercover work. I am not asking if it was dangerous; I know first hand exactly how dangerous it was. However, I did not have the choice of going to them, they came to me and I was not able to fight this off. Her message is “you do not have a chance” and “stop trying.” Her message to me is a pledge and a promise for a lifetime and she is very serious about it. - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

The central bank is being used as a weapon and was being used as a weapon to end capitalism. It is the improper use of the banking system and the money supply to win elections, a common strategy. At the heart of this engine are investments and loans. Increasing the money supply is relevant to the debt, the level of goods, and the strength of the currency. If you are not selling and only buying; then there is no real trade occurring. Trade is when one person buys and the other sells. Consumption economies are stuck in this buy mode and incapable of selling.

I will explain with an example, Billary Maher. He is a suspect with Barbara Olson. Do I believe that Ann is interested in him? No. Do I think she did stupid things undercover? Yes. Do I think Billary Maher is cover up or in a conspiracy? Yes. Do I think he can reveal information relating to Ann Coulter which can clear this up? Yes. Do I think he can reveal information about Hillary Clinton or Bill Clinton? Yes. Do I think he can disclose information pertaining to the death of or the problem Barbara Olson had with the Clintons? Yes. Do I think he was acting on behalf of the Clintons with Ann also? Yes. Do I think they kept her safe thinking they had a chance or could make good use of her? Yes. - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

Now we can put the conspiracy of 911 and hate or racism in America or the world as a pigment of rewriting the Constitution and changing the public mindset. We have the epicenter, the financial district of Wall Street and New York. We have the various ethnic groups commonly entangled in terrorism. We have several ethnic groups and religions that are linked to World War II. We have the radical opposition to Vietnam and capitalism. We have the Federal Reserve and the crisis with toxic assets and banking irregularities. We have the crash and the explosion of it all. We have the fine details of the plot and the people who were chosen or kidnapped to be cloned or married off into spy families.

You do not understand undercover work and what we do; I do the exact same and had to. They think she is a transvestite or a homosexual because they are getting intelligence and information. If they feel she is of use, they will not get rid of her immediately. If her suspect can put a good word or find out she is a source of information, they are eager to recruit her and present her to their bosses in order to impress them. She has to show some proof or some product they are interested in while they have to buy her off or exchange some funds regardless of the reason. They felt she was valuable but are they making money now? Are they coming to her rescue and for what reason? - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

We have the aftermath and the bail outs which sacrificed the free market for the control of government who stepped in to rescue the failure of these banks, companies, and a total collapse of the housing market. We have several events which lead up to and the chain reactions which build up as unemployment skyrockets. We also have an unlikable war and controversy over it. We now have our terror plot and what it was about, rewriting the Constitution and controlling the court and legal system while we head into peril and total collapse.

They are in a conspiracy. They are guilty of this and how the story has trapped them is why. Are they guilty? Yes. Did they try to rape Ann? I think they wanted to make money on her, felt she was a different type of person than they thought and stepped over that line and became entangled in this case. I have their files and so do a few others. I will know if it is about sex or romance. This is about Clinton and this is about Ann investigating Clinton. They kicked and threw back the investigation on her. They went after her and she said stuff like, “I do not know how many times I have been engaged”, “I ran naked in Central Park” and what appeared to be a treasure trove of dirty steamy secrets. - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

This is the plot to overthrow and take over America by the most vicious and criminal group on this planet; the army of the damned who make up liberals, left wing radicals, conservative spy masters, violent homosexuals, violent union groups or ethnicities, various civic and civil rights groups, and your typical left wing and liberal organization. Most of all we have the role of the police and the role of replacing the police for what is supposed to occur. We just witnessed and lived through a real life attack on the country and a real take over or overthrow attempt which we not only foiled but saw defeated as they were brought to their knees and feel their own sword.

So they stepped on and over the line to show they were real. They wanted her to show she was a real one also. Now they find out about me and the real story. What was their reaction? We recorded all of them from January 2008 to January 2009; even Bush left the country and was in total shock. Bush was in the conspiracy. He was the recruiter. They already had one potential recruit; was this spy or Trojan horse who was to go to him and change his mind or is she dangerous to this spy group and conspiracy? Their kidnapped new leader is actually her partner and life long best friend; so we had a lot of options. Again, who came to her rescue and when did they know if they had him kidnapped and she pleaded for his life? What did they want in exchange? - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

How is it we were entangled with communist spies or terrorists who were conservatives and claimed to be full blooded capitalists? When they say the “party of growth” they do not explain what the growth is or is for. They are growing the left wing and liberal side. They are growing the freedoms and liberties of the left wing. They are growing the army of the damned. They are growing the crime rate. They are growing the debt. They are growing the problem bigger while using the excuse of hating Americans and America; then using nationalism as a special privilege. The goal is to us the traditional cards of the left wing and radicals. The goal is to use those cards to radically rewrite the Constitution. The goal is to recruit the new wave of spies and plotters.

Rush just said they wanted “to be in his good graces and behave or else be punished” 12:08:38 PM Are they making money now? Are they telling the true story or made any effort to tell the true story? They said it was up to Ann. Look at their life and what is happening to it; why would they shut up the kidnap victims? Do they have massive pressure? Do they know there is evidence on them? Rush says “they are stunned… one of the nicest guys… they are shocked.” - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

This is why they are so undetectable and so brilliantly invincible; it works every time. No matter what they say or do, it grows and grows. Now all they need is a terror plot to impose an investigation into hate and racism in America and the world. You need a collapse. You need astronomical debt. You need to keep and hold the White House if you will rewrite the Constitution; so long as you keep the country safe nobody will notice. So what happens when you target the wrong person? What happens when there is a counter terrorist group? What happens when someone knows and is on the run? What happens when you are busted by the best commandos? Do you give in or do you wage war? You have to recruit the best or else they will notice. You have to drive away and block anybody who will speak out or know. You have to present a credible excuse or show which can quiet any accusations.

Rush repeats the same “if a liberal tells a whopper of a lie and nobody reports it is it a lie” and has not responded. Okay I will give the answer and it has to do with a communist spy group in America and the Irish. It also has to do with targeting enemies of the unions. He is not going to budge and there is no need to. Now Rush, do you admit or confess to “setting me up” and “introducing me” to C. Clinton? When you did, I went to town and tried to chase them off because they are nuts and keep attacking. These liberal women and left wingers rape you and if you have your fun with them; they come back again and again. However, they knew they had no chance against Ann; that is her message, “you do not have a chance, we are best friends and so close.” - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

So issues such as social security or health care can and should be left to the state government because the Constitution did not give the federal government the sole intention of hindering the entire nation at the expense of one or two states in disrepair. If the local and state governments are not healthy, then do not expect to take this to the federal levels and handicap the entire Constitutional merits of government itself. However, these false or mixed priorities end up blaming spending on defense or the use of tax dollars that were never spent. If the country wishes to stay together, then it better get the truth and the reality of power deep in its soul and the punishments for acts of treason or lying on this pathological and watermelon level.

I will tell you what the problem is and why excuses and lies are being used. There is a flaw in your character and this spy group. You are trying to make money and need it badly before things collapse. We are seeing it collapse. Your flaw is not the same as our flaw. We are not the same creatures, we are not pure evil, deranged and totally nuts. You see our flaw as how we help others. We tell the truth. Your flaw is you want to make money, end of story. But does it help people or hurt them? That is your flaw of character, we truly help people with the truth and you hurt them with lies but claim the same goal and reasons without the real story. - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

You cannot be eager to immigrate here and terrorize the military who is lethal and will unleash hell on you then act as if you are making every effort to contact lawyers or threatening a rampage because a warrant for terrorism is issued on your group or cause. Military Generals and leaders do not think on that level and how it appears to be atheism, communism, or some New York style of liberalism which spreads to Chicago and then Los Angeles as it makes rounds the globe. There isn’t a pound of cantaloupe in this fight and they do not give a god damn ounce of honeydew about it. Why should we?

Rush said it is “because they are responsible for it.” They are behind it Rush and I just said why or ate through your lies and escape effort. Now Rush mentions Mark Levin and cites his book as a lie and the media reports it as a lie. Rush says if the liberals tell a lie does it ever get reported as a lie? Now you got a whopper of a lie, this here, and he is saying why is this lie not being reported? He means the story about Ann. Her message was “don’t even try” and “you do not have a chance with me.” So going out to dinner, secret parties, and boosting the ego of these goons set them up for failure; but they never see the truth or espouse it. So to hell with Mark Levin and the army of the damned too big to fail; admit they do not have a chance and one with us! - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

This threat is real and these lies are real. There is massive trouble ahead and a massive domestic nuisance following behind. To put them in a position of oppression and to bring them along to carry the water is suicide no matter how breath taking they can stalk us or place us under surveillance as their prisoners. And when the cavalry unleashes the might and fury of this world we see them for who they are. When you are eager to come here and even more eager to act like Nazis and communists then lie about it and a Gestapo police who talk with syllogism and poetry; don’t expect mercy or ever to be let up. It will not let up and if there is a God out there, his fury and might will be unleashed and with the pain and might that is being ignored and abused. Who do we blame for that?

I was mad because it got all these goons in my life and I had trouble interrogating them all at once as they attacked in a pack. I got teamed up and the closest threat was Rush and Sean, not the real culprits. Rush says “everybody knows it is the fall guys… one person cannot do this” and he is double checking my story about the military who has the evidence on them and will attack. So long as they have evidence; it is their property. If it is not, then they can come down from the white castle and take it. Take it from me as they are doing; come and take my book themselves; I will smack the wig off of them trying again. The message is simple, “you do not have a chance” and “you do not have a chance with us” but they still cannot hear it. - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

After picking the minds of those who understand the difference and the healthy relationship between revolution and atheism we can extract some universal knowledge which can expand the scope of our knowledge and unshakeable determination to survive the misuse of those terms. In the BBC documentary called “A Brief History of Disbelief: The Final Hour” by Jonathan Miller he destroys the myth behind both science and religion and how it leads us into some outer existence which is either threatened or in danger, “all thinking men are atheist” (Earnest Hemingway).

So I will try to be as frank and truthful as I can to this communist and terrorist group who have us captive and under surveillance. If the military has evidence on you and you do not do as they say; they will attack when the group is weakest. We know how dangerous they are and how insane. This is the problem with communists and how they attack the country. This is the legacy of them destroying the nation and now; the military will take them out once and for all; it is up to them to stop the Pentagon and Generals; not my ability if I could. I am the lawyer and prosecuting; I am not the military and the Pentagon. I can change their minds but other than this; I am powerless to this matter. - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

The deist or the practice of deism in the history of atheism was the inclusion of God into some single cause. It merely suggests the inclusion of some substantive principles into this outer existence which is either threatened or in serious conflict. It exists in a state of both confusion and disbelief but it is incapable or unable to escape this outer existence due to some underlying factor yet to be discussed or exposed. Thus, the secret world of this outer reality is secretive, criminal, outlawed, unpopular or all of the above. Miller does not come out and say whether the root cause is radical Republicanism or Democracy; however, this form of outer existence is threatened by the idea it defies all institutions in society or those who threaten that single cause.

If they want the evidence and files on them; they must attack the Pentagon and find who the military has their file. To do so is war with them if they can do it. Bush failed and tried to break the back of the Pentagon; will they try again? If it is for the love of their country, then there is no need for secrets. The military has the evidence and files and they will destroy and take out this communist and terror group; I will rejoice when and if they do because I have seen them at work and have interrogated them while kidnapped and tortured by them. My whole life was rewritten and my wife savagely beaten down by barbarians and animals. They cannot complain or say stop so long as the evidence is there on them; that is suicide. - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

Miller traces the problem with British philosophy to several thinkers who either occupied England or the Americas. One of those voices was Jeremy Bentham the creator of utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is described as the greatest happiness for the greatest number; thus the impetus of social reform and change. Among his peers at the time were also the British social elites and a new evolution called Darwinism. Miller says that Charles Darwin attempted to flip everything upside down to make things bigger and better in order to challenge the status quo, the bourgeoisie, and the tradition of government. By flipping things upside down the Darwinists could challenge the religious teachings by proposing a problem with it and the lack of progress or science. It infused the idea of science as a method to describe a certain form of mentality for an “object in view” as Miller accepts.

If it took 50 years to catch them and learn how to destroy them; why would the military turn it over when it is crucial? What if the terror group changed their plans and leaders if they are tipped off? These people are maniacs and cold blooded terrorists. Is it our fault they immigrated here and trying to make friends? They need a country. When the Democrats are leading the investigation into a communist and terrorist group; you know there is a problem. You know there is a set up and trap ready. When the prosecutors and the lawyers are the right elements; the evidence will probably land on the FBI or Justice Department because “how do we know it is a liberal lie when it is not reported as a lie by the media?” - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

When you infuse the philosophy of man and the history of thought with this idea that science lacks any special interest or bias; you get a more credible and favorable model. It is very hard to accuse a scientist of bias or even lying because it is easier to prove an atheist than it is to prove and define a religious person. So if you remove the clauses for this form of persecution, we get what the founding fathers knew to be true but felt was unfair to express, America was founded on the principles of fairness and the persecution of many groups for their beliefs. Thus, he said to exclude all persecutions and seek an unshakeable form of existence which is not outside this deep fortitude of spirit. In doing so, the revolutionary gave rise to the essence of the nation and the problems of revolution will go away.

If anybody know this is true, ask Rush. Rush himself is bailing out and he knows how good the military forces are. He knows how much is known. How much damage will arise and come. Rush is trying to rescue the “crew… flight control… shuttle can descend just to get out of path of space junk… rescue shuttle get up there without the same risk” but fascinating. I am glad he is having fun and a great time rescuing them! I am sure he is going to have a massive book deal! So to answer his question about lies not being reported and the media; it is about money. I come from the military and if the situation was different, money would be on my mind and nothing else but this is a special circumstance. I do not care about money; I want to see these people suffer. I know them and know what they are all about. I have all their files and know. They want to live just as much as we do; but we do not worship the devil or practice evil as a sport. - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

In the case with evolutionists and this radical time period in both England and France, the threat were Robespierre and the Jacobins in France, then the Cromwell’s and the commoners who were well connected to America and it’s form of French Revolution. It is not to say that revolution is bad, it is to say that evolution is much interconnected with revolution but it has an aura of atheism as well. The idea behind evolution was mankind descended from apes and absorbed the voracious appetite for this knowledge and special science. Science is know to be an elite group of academics who proved comfort, convenience, complexity, and security all could be reasoned and explained rationally instead of emotionally. So the inclusion of the descendants of apes gave rise to a very powerful upbringing of thinkers and this renaissance period in England, France, and America.

Rush we come from a lineage of spy hunters and military families. There is blood, sweat, and tears; so to think this is about money or a job position as you try to cut us down with; is a big insult. I have seen people killed in cold blood and I have had my friends cut down. I have watched my own spouse taken captive and made to suffer for me being kidnapped and chosen to be a spy and head of some terror group. I have watched her risk it all for me! Do you think her pain is real? Do you think mine is? Do you think for one moment I think or anybody thinks you did this for the love of your country? For real, can you lie and act like a total pathological spy any further or much more? - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

When we speak about fundamentalism and how it leads us to different conclusions but we are bounded by the Constitutional merits which decry a God given right to exist for all of mankind; we take it serious. However, do the fundamentalists when they too are also expected to follow that same principle? That is where the sticking points in this evolution debate arise because if man is descended from apes, he ought to know better or become bigger. The revolutionists put aside spiritual pursuits for a new form of evolution and change which was the grandeur of the birth of a nation. Fundamentalism to Darwinism was the same crime as blasphemy lacking a religious overtone and this made the revolutionists more confident to overthrow the governments of the time and create some new world and new reality. A new leadership emerged from the ashes called secularism.

Let me explain about getting kidnapped by your group and secret spy operation. When I refused, I was tortured and brainwashed. To clean this up, we get Rush and this lady named Sue who is a dog shit Nazi. Supposedly, they are some white supremacy group when they are truly the unions and working for Israel and the Clintons. Who the hell do you think you are talking to and who do you think Generals will understand? They know what is on the line and how it can change overnight. That is your flaw of character, we truly help people with the truth and you hurt them with lies but claim the same goal and reasons without the real story. Rush just said Bush again. Rush said it is huge. He keeps saying this and we know this already. Rush, did I say “the military” or did I say two people? - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

What we know to be a problem with revolution and the left wing is how it chooses friendships and alliances over evidence. The facts do not include them and so they become unknown to only their friends and alliances. So secularism allows all religions to escape the notion they are persecuted and excluded from their own country where people are allowed to disagree but are not allowed to lie about the disagreements. Secularism allowed all people to secure rights particular to a country and a leader because as citizens they were participants in this oath and not a certain or specific religion. This is why the revolutions of the past have a very religious meaning and the stigma of another evolution to some other reality. We are not exactly sure ourselves what that previous reality was but we hope it is for the cause of freedom and liberty; not the flipping of it or reverse.

Why are you blocking my internet given the level of trouble you are in and what you are being charged with? Can you tell me? “They will support it… always political danger… engage in public debate.” So taking me out and while this investigation is ongoing; you feel you are debating us? I view it as obstruction of justice and treason, do you agree? Rush says it is about Obama and my situation is because of the damage I caused him “they will never admit it… his popularity” when he knows it is Sean and him; which was a quick shut down because Clinton and C. Clinton was mentioned. They know how deep we are and how much we knew. - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

The idea freedom and liberty have some general purpose is clearly stated as an origin from the either religious teachings or science. Both science and religious teachings can espouse the same respect of human life and progress, but when they intersect and stifle one or the other; we tend to get wars and struggles where science wins over religious teachings. Armies and militaries tend to leave the religious freedoms as a cause for suspicion; most especially is revolution. They want a better state. They want a bigger state. They want a giant too big to fail. They want a benevolent God to war over this same other reality. Therefore, revolution has some ethnic and traditional baggage which identifies the nationalistic feelings to necessitate change or a new reality. That ethic and traditional baggage is a world without religion or science, a world without oppression and violence, a world without revolution and resistance for a single cause of deism or a deity. A new reality is a world of colloquialism and even an unshakeable imperialism.

Rush, how many times have you taken out my internet or destroyed my equipment since 2005? It is documented you all zeroed my hard drive and I lost 120 GB of data. Did it stop the book or situation? No. Did it stop before? No. Do I or anybody view it as debating me and how much you love the country? No. Rush just said it, “famine-Nazis… slap his wife for shopping too much… “And making us “behaves” as he calls it by ripping us or torturing us. So Rush was to be some trainer and recruiter for a famine Nazi who is on a mission; their names are C. Clinton and K. Moynihan. K. Moynihan’s father is a US Navy officer and I can tell you they are Irish and know this plot; it is the communists and relates to the black movement. - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

Born into a world where scarcity is rampant and denies both civil and human rights to the depressed or destitute groups, there is a sense of complacency with inclusion because the reality has many suspicions already designed in the grand strategy. Most especially is when a person is born into revolutionary times and dangerous periods of military history. Naturally, the weakest and the least informed become the most of the suspicious. Revolution breeds this danger and it also breeds disbelief or the lack of inclusion; a fanatical violence to the outer reality. Without this determined search for substance and all things of substance, the revolution and the spirit of that revolution become a diminution of the meek and the product of the mighty in a science of numbers and gains. What burns the brightest during revolution is how religion has been around much longer than revolution but we can easily ask what is more substantive than not.

You keep on telling me it is debate and because I am liberal. You forget I am already married and when. They always are breaking up my love and marriage since 1986. I just reported this. They do not have a chance with Ann Coulter, she is a perfect 10 and my best friend in life. She risked it all to free me from these famine Nazis and I am dealing with a new dog shit Ma Barker named Sue. Ann beat them 10 out of 10 and so badly they will be scarred for life. The danger they are in is immense and so is he operation and mission they were on. They needed Ann’s hubby and a face to put on it. Do you think Ann is stupid about this? Ann is a subordinate; she only wants to be with me and have a real family. - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

Substance is the fuel of immortality. Substance is the core of the soul. It is the existence which lives on through time and it is the acquire logic of all societies and nations. To live on and to survive is the reason why government has power. But can there be a continuance of this revolution in might or will it be a conquest of suspicions? Miller describes this future pretense and predictor as “a future estate” and thus a participant in some other reality beyond this inner core. Atheism is therefore a trajectory to define a death using science, perhaps its own. It is the science lacking any further evolution and the inability to seek this inclusion or participation. It is a death sentence by the blind and the incompatible nature of human beings. Thus breeds radicalism and extremism to somehow figure out what other alternative is available when none is present.

Rush just said it, “bigger police force.” The goal of his group is a giant police force where America does not threaten anyone and is loved. However, it is all lies. They are terrorists and former communists. That is your flaw of character, we truly help people with the truth and you hurt them with lies but claim the same goal and reasons without the real story. If they can make a buck and get rich; then they will. Right now, they got caught badly. The wives club got beat badly. The Husband club got beat badly. They lied about everything even being friends with Ann. Right now they are trying to track her and she lost them. They do not know where she is and what she is up to. I talk to her every day and she is avoiding them. They are trying to find her right now and she is in hiding. You do not have a chance with her or me. You were beat badly by both her and me. I wrote the story and all the details. - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

Miller asks the questions which has been around for some time. Is radicalism produced by enlightenment periods or renaissance periods? He cites the Greeks and how they expressed this radicalism in traditionalism through a form of government that would cope with the dangers and suspicions. Atheism is supposed to be a form of death and a false imagination of some mortality by the lack of some other materialism. Miller says that pain and discomfort is a benefit that most human beings dread and resist. As a matter of fact, they even associate it with religion and the dogma of the church. Therefore, when religion was being rethought, the exclusion of the church provided the suspicions during revolutionary times and dangerous military history. People tend to associate pain and suffering with dogma and religious intolerances.

Even with all the surveillance and stalkers; they do not know or can find her. Why would they want to find her right now? To invite her to dinner or a convention, maybe to pick up her trail and who she is talking to? How do you pick up her trail if they lost it? They are in her house and staked her house out; how to pick up the trail again? Rush says, “So they can stop it… willing to intimidate anyone to get what they want… “Rush can you beat the military? The open challenge is there and so far; nothing, not even a move or head pop up. That is how scared and terrified your communist and terrorist group is right now; yet you fake this dog shit Nazi act to save your pride or take out my internet and still wreck my life. You are supposed to be a straw man and escape goat. - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

The formation of the United States and other countries were based on a mutual understand and respect for religious persecution. It did not say thou shall conform to the church, some reality or outline what this inner reality was to achieve; it merely set out the laws to respect it. So the Constitution outlined a period of history where suspicions were abound and post religious understandings were met. Now all religions and all religious beings could involve themselves without the fear of being persecuted. They had an equal voice in their government and a shared interest to the national happiness. It sounds odd and even foreign but it has only been around for a little over 200 years while other concepts have not lived so long.

Rush said it again, “spouse to this disaster.” It has to do with wars in Asia. It has to do with Japan. It has to do with the Navy. It has to do with the Army. It has to do with the Philippines. It has to do with the Jews. It has to do with the army of the damned and too big to fail. It has to do with rewriting the Constitution. It has to do with liberals. It has to do with communism. It has to do with hate and racism in America. It has to do with banks and Wall Street, New York and a few other urban gulags. It has to do with why they hate America and wants to drag us in this. 911 were not supposed to be a disaster but turning it around. The evidence was gone when the Israeli agents were told to leave. They are Israel and above the Kremlin. This is about a tradition as immigrants and spies such as the Rosenberg’s of New York. It is about using Democracy and legalism. It is about white terrorism and crime. - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

When religion or science is used as a weapon, revolution becomes a necessary evil. When the vehicle to this weapon is politics, we have what Clausewitz describes as the extension of politics to impose one will over the other. We can skip over the smashing and skimpy lawsuits because when reality becomes a weapon, there is no longer a reality. We live in a world that lacks this religious permutations but the worse world is where the lack of some awareness transforms into a trickery of manipulating the environment for a single cause and deity. There are many coping methods to this bizarre and highly developed freedom which we are taught to respect even if it is suspicious and even criminal. It is a highly and misspent enemy who becomes an inoperable model to ridicule and even kill, replace, restore, or has some lack of immortality and soul. We can bring out the suspicions and make the aware burn brighter for the spirit and soul which refuses or lacks this seriousness.

Rush said it again, “saying I am promoting all this… mad… President inflicted if to benefit from this catastrophe”; Rush is neck deep not fighting it but orchestrating it, we are fighting him and have been in many battles, many. Rush can even tell everyone how many battles we were in with him and how it went. Rush finally says, “we are not friends… were promoting it” as if he is a wizard and smart enough to figure this out. Also said Colin Powell was some wizard of his. Powell is a Bush crony Rush; a Bush crony is basically working for Israel and this terror plot. I am surprised they did not shut you up and Obama pulled the plug on you Rush; you say they pulled the plug on us? - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

The world we live in is under high stakes during revolutionary and dangerous military history because of the lack of seriousness and the product of fighting to stay alive for the sake of some freedom and liberty. It is a fight with those in a temporary moment which last on and on until some sparkle of victory is ridicule by the blood red faces of the ones doing the mocking. In the struggle and what is to be death, there is some seriousness which parlays a stronger message. Can that same message be the same as a business plan or a business model? So while this was being written they were out spending money and wasting their life away declaring how superior they were. Now they are worried about being evicted and losing their jobs but refuse to gainfully seek a proper education. That is our wonderful bully and our quiet devil worshiper.

You and I know there is a problem when the Democrats are investigating terrorism and communism. You need the right prosecutors not spies. That shows you how bold they are and how audacious. I will end with this last comment. I am very proud of Ann but was mad because she took some which were too risky and caused me to get angry or chew her out. Yes Ann gets chewed out. Now, she is showing me how a few men she knows is willing to help her when she is in danger and will not try anything or ask for sex or dates. Did these other men do that? No. They are and were suspects. - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

Some political movements and social animals describe death in symbolic forms and even prose. We associate death with the lack of a rebirth and even a spiritual might. That might reports to the public and excludes any threats, thus it reproduces many times over. However, the inability to escape that spiritual might is a form of death for those suspects and even in pain. It is a death sentence and one which has the footprints of some form of inner reality. We know because we are the ones who also escaped the same death sentence but the lack of fate and the inability for a future compromise becomes a real reality. It breeds this same suspicion and danger. We live in a secular world well beyond the suspicions of the past and more specific the traditions of the church or science. We live in a period of science and that system must be more attuned to religion and spirituality if it is going to avoid death.

They think they have a chance or can make a quick buck on Ann. Now they know they have no chance in hell; these girls know Ann is so much more than them. This is how deranged these spies and terrorists are. Now they are attacking and it is about Obama. Ann is and was in danger. Now everybody knows they do not have a chance or ever had. Will they try and will Ann respond still? I told her to ignore them and do not let them pick up her trail. I told her to wait for my orders because I am being attacked; things had changed and I lost their tracks momentarily. Ann said she is filled with blind hatred about this and want them stopped at all cost. I know Ann. Then men (and women) in her life are guilty and suspects; they think they have a chance because of a reason. The exact same is a duplicate in my life. So Rush, did you have a dinner party with Ann really or is it a conspiracy? Who is lying and why? Do you think you have a chance with her still? How about Sean? Can you pick up her trail because I know you lost it and tried to find her but could not? - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

Miller describes atheism as a time process. The intelligence of man “is a late arrival in life” and is based on many factors of education and experience but is “not limited to a biological condition.” Depending on the geographic location and region of inhabitance a person is born into, they undergo many revolutions and evolutions in their lifetime. We do not know if the biology is the defense of it or not. However, brain evolution leads to bliss and a condition known as nothingness where competing forces rule out each other or come to some harmony. It does not rule out spiritual quest or rejuvenations, it only seeks some homeostasis or harmony to the outer reality. Can evolution exist while revolutions partake beyond this state of consciousness or are we merely dependent on the inner reality? The structure of appearances, what gives us a reality, is often snookered by two origins to this modern mind and is also the source. Could that be a fight to death and even oppression?

Matters relating to Ann are to be taken up with me. This includes sex stories, romance, dates, dinner dates, etc... Even long term contracts. Matters pertaining to me are to be taken up with Ann as she is also my lawyer. The impulse and penchant of these people, the proclamation they are power and can abuse it and the cold blooded corruption is a testament of who they are. Intimidating witnesses, contacting them, contacting the prosecutors and judges, etc... Including death threats when accused of heinous crimes and charges does not speak about how evil and the pure criminality of this group or terror plot. There is no attempt to resolve it legally because none of the lawyers were contacted but they did say, "We have nothing to say to you." That was what I heard from the State of New York and Buffalo. Now it is how they love their country and what they did. This is about the Clintons and why they want or need my family; why did Bush need my family. - “Our Side”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 11, 2009 -

Miller says, “Religion is accused of preventing the evolution of the brain” and stifling progress and growth of human thoughts; therefore the need for scientific reasons. He also says proudly that “science is a temporal belief that within matter” we can unlock some secret not known to us by appearance or justification, our beliefs. Science can unlock the pathway to revolution or stamp out the mental deficiency to exist in some higher state of consciousness. This is why revolution is an expression of both birth and death. It is symbolized as some new reality that either carries regret or not. It is the inability to change.

The strategy and essence of these people or this very deep spy group is to fight fire with fire. First to the punch wins, knee jerk reactions show bravery and steel impulse, a real intent and no hesitation. So to fight terrorism, they use terrorism. To fight enemies, they use enemies. To fight danger, they use danger. To combat speed, they go faster. Is it high quality, hell no? Are they gross liars, hell yes? They have power, greed, and control in their eyes; when they see it nobody will stop them. If you walk in a room and they were doing something very wrong; you better run for your life. If they can win by blatantly lying, they will. They see or view it as mere oppression and it is widespread in politics. To them it is not traitorous. To them it is not terrorizing others. To them it is real and a super tough act. - Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 14, 2009 -

We live in a very dangerous time. We are headed towards some conclusion or outcome. That conclusion and outcome is fusing together with science and technology. Both science and technology was supposed to bring us power, might, security, convenience, knowledge, evolution, and a fine eloquence of distance to other humans; however, along with all of this safety is the safety of numbers along with an unverifiable moral reason to exist. Can it be that all moral reasoning is unthreatening or is it just an inability to resolve two moral reasons in battle? What is the resolve of this battle and who is the immortal who faces his death by the outer reality with unspeakable might?

To them it is not espionage. This is how they show their patriotism by attack their own country. Now they say we do this and we attack the country to gain power or a reputation. This is insanity and out of control and I am going to put my foot down and stomp on this fire by myself. Who wants to fight me can but I will not be intimidated as I do and while I do, by myself, a one man army; Stop me if you can and have the guts. I have been through it all "Sean said we have to kill him... god bless you, you are a great American." They are insane and in some zone of evil which makes them an entirely new species of life where the truth is a sign of inferiority or a second class citizen. It is a crime to be a real human being. - Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 14, 2009 -

This same posthumous fortitude is a compromise to what we know as reality and our own science of beliefs. Even our disbeliefs have reached some critical juncture in our own being where science and the escape of science have fused with morality. What are we escaping in this period of revolutionary science and the disbelief of security, convenience, comfort, and supposedly distance? Half of the society views the science as threatening while the other half espouses it as their religion. This is the most emblematic way to worship the devil with hormone enriched silence.

Listen up, in 1998 I got out of college and was heading to get married and work for the first time. I have always done my homework and was a good person, always. I am the coolest person you will ever meet and one of the most talented. I was so excited about marriage and family; I get serious looks. My life long bride and fiancé came to DC and said dating sucks. Next thing I know our life is turned upside down and both of us are on the run for our life while DC is attacked. For ten years, both she and I did what we could to survive and fight back or expose and fight for what we think is right and moral. You can read the portrayal if you have a problem with the facts and the story; do not tell me write it. Cite facts and cite specific written events and state why you are against it. So ten years later, I popped up under heavy encirclement and Ann had rallied so many eyes; the lights and cameras came on at once. Shocked into paralysis - those chasing us froze and disappeared only to show up months later still scared for their life and who knew. Overnight I pushed the front lines, by myself, to the other side and got the enemy and this terror plot on the run and in deep regret; overnight. Would you like to try it or reproduce it? - Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; May 14, 2009 -

By improving all the processes in life with innovations and some instant end point of luxury, we created this evolving “unshakeable future.” By combining the two extremes of religion and science we are able to unlock and unleash the future with an understanding of where it came from and what its sources promise. The human soul is promised a life free of suctions and dangers but is keep abreast of the reality which so many others lack. It is this promise or the lack of such which forms the revolutionary times which form governments. So why then are there suspicions and dangers during trivial times?

A pivotal issue was one’s understanding of the career of George Wallace. Astonished by his warm reception in northern primaries in 1968, Wallace declared, “They all hate black people, all of them. They’re all afraid, all of them. Great God! That’s it! They’re all Southern! The whole United States is Southern!” If Wallace said it, and it is a judgment about prejudice, then it must be so. But Nathan Glazer registered an early dissent in an essay on “The White Ethnic Political Reaction.” White “ethnic” voters were not, in his view, more racially prejudiced than Anglo-Saxon Protestants, but according to some polls, less so. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: It All Continued in the Seventies." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

When we step back and take a look at what this conspiracy is about and how big it is, it is obvious we are trying to resolve it in a peaceful manner but the reality is it has no peaceful resolution. It will require violence and also military force. Here is a quick recap of the accumulated data. This is the unraveling of a communist plot in America, a feeling of paranoia and conspiracy being foiled and vicious retaliation on those who foiled it.

They were, however, in the path of the black surge into northern urban neighborhoods and experienced firsthand what college based and suburban liberals (and Republicans) have not—housing and job competition with blacks. White working-class families found their orderly neighborhoods and schools increasingly populated by blacks, who, in the 306 liberalism after the sixties older residents’ view, brought female-headed and welfare-dependent families, crime, and an unreliable male workforce. Glazer cited a handful of sociological studies documenting these class and cultural conflicts, suggesting that the “real source of prejudice is not race at all” but “realities” that “cannot be wished away.” - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: It All Continued in the Seventies." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

When you are a spy group or espionage masters behind enemy lines and defeated, there is only a few options left. Those options include wreaking havoc and terror, blaming the enemies, stealing everything they have, copying and pretending to be them, and hope and pray they did not know and it was all a bad dream and accidental failure. We can tell them and let them in on a secret, it was not an accident but it was an accident how our paths crossed and how we were presented as a pot of gold to be stolen.

This brief treatment suggested a more complex understanding of the message sent by Wallace’s voters than the governor himself, and the liberals who disagreed with him on everything else, appeared to hold. It was all very easy for white liberals to condemn and label as racists the angry housewives shouting into TV cameras from South Boston or Chicago busing protests, but “real grievances of the lower-middle-class ethnic groups were overlooked,” Michael Novak had argued in his 1971 book The Rise of the Unmeltable Ethnics. Blacks move into their neighborhoods, “everything begins to decline” from crime rates to garbage collection to the quality of neighborhood schools, “white flight” (and black middle class flight) begins and property values slide, the realtor offers only $14,000 for a home worth more, the man sells, an incoming black family pays $17,000, and “everyone feels bitter.” - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: It All Continued in the Seventies." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

First, unions are never wrong. They compromise certain very powerful ethnic groups who compete for the resources of the country, even the world, and they are at a level of either middle class or a permanent underclass. Their message is how they are never wrong. They are not worried. They are not cowards. They are one of us and not to be blamed. Our evasions and severe methods to tell them no to their faces or keep their fingers off our bodies was stonewalled and ignored.

“Ethnic workers,” Novak went on, “have legitimate reasons for economic, social, and cultural anxiety about the black revolution.” But faraway “intellectuals,” Novak’s term for liberal elites, “lose nothing at all. It is for them a moral gravy train.”49 By the 1990s a small library of neighborhood studies had richly described the concrete resentments of the Jews and Italians of Canarsie, the white ethnics of South Boston and New York, and others whose cherished neighborhoods and local schools lay in the path of a spreading black ghetto culture.50 The political result of all this was vividly captured in Samuel Freedman’s The Inheritance (1996), whose subtitle, How Three Families and America Moved from Roosevelt to Reagan, announces the book’s story of the political journey to the right of key elements of FDR’s Catholic, ethnic base, whose party had “left” them. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: It All Continued in the Seventies." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

We are dealing with the leaders of the conspiracy and the espionage masters over the top of the Kremlin. They educate the Kremlin and the global communist movement on how to strategize and take it to the limit with the United States and her allies. They are power. They are superior. They are the managers on both the right and left wing and violence is how they treat their own slaves, rank and file, and those the same. Even in their defeat, they cannot seem to control the impulse to keep their hands off others and even with clear surveillance and total knowledge of what they are up to; the impulse to touch others and not obey warnings to keep their hands off our teammates is ignored.

Such perspectives were heresy within liberal thought. Many decided that people like Moynihan and Glazer were not liberals any longer, but “neoconservatives,” thus no longer a part of the conversation. The liberal project had not reached the time for extended soul-searching; there was too much to be done. Liberal reform ideas and energies in the 1970s ran strongly and found many outlets. The planning idea had lacked a champion after FDR, but it revived in the late 1960s. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: It All Continued in the Seventies." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

We are learning more and more about this group and their leadership by testing them. They had their chance to probe us and gather intelligence, rewrite our lives, and bankrupt our lives. Now it is well overdue to stomp on them and teach them a lesson. The reason is clear, they are molesters, predators, and serial rapists who have no control over their emotions and feelings because they are dirt stupid and only respond and communicate with pain, fear, and terror.

But with equal or more energy and creativity, and considerably more success, liberals pushed ahead with the work that had begun during “The Movement.” A main thrust was to expand the system of race, ethnicity, and gender preferences that embodied hard affirmative action. Unchecked by Republicans in the White House, the liberal impulse worked through executive branch agencies, and increasingly the courts. Federal regulators in the EEOC and the departments of Labor and Education were bent on equality in the workplace and rapid minority progress up the mobility ladder of higher education. Labor’s regulators (in the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) expanded the Philadelphia plan, issuing Order #4 in 1971 to push the requirement of racial preferences for black Americans in the jobs and subcontracts attached to federal contracts outward to all major cities and the 20 percent of the nation’s firms contracting with the government. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: It All Continued in the Seventies." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

When ultimate destruction or implosion is imminent, the only option is to blame the enemies, blame God, blame everything and anybody, steal everything they have of worth, copy them and clone them to steal their identity, and try to regain control and a winning position. This is the unstoppable army of the damned and the masters of communism over the strategy of the Kremlin. This is why their message as protectors is so difficult to shake while they ignore the demands to keep their hands to themselves or the observation of barbaric codes of conduct. They take what they want, promote sissies, and choose the big house (prison) over the poor house. That is the way the underworld works and how they achieve unachievable national and global victories.

Federal aid to education was a lever to thrust racial preferences into university admissions, and pressure from ethnic and women’s lobbies soon produced an expansion of those qualifying for compensatory advantage because of past discrimination. Women and most racial minorities, even very recent immigrants with no history of exposure to discrimination in the United States, were included…in which 10 percent of public-works funds would be set aside from competitive bidding and reserved for businesses owned by “Negroes, Spanish speaking, Orientals, Indians, Eskimos, and Aleuts.” - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: It All Continued in the Seventies." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

These ethnic groups are a diatribe of an inferior human species that is a cross between a veneer Neanderthal, and a terrorist; on our side they are extremists and on the other side they are enemies. However, it is clear on which side they are not who they appear to be and moreover liars, cheats, thieves, and weasel espionage agents and terror plotters. That is how the unions stay dominant and are never wrong. That is how their ultimate hand and control is overbearing. That is who they are and how they are hardwired to communicate and tackle a life of challenges and failures. We observed all of the above and we shot off all of our flares while evading them. How many collisions arose?

By the mid-1990s the federal government was running 159 preference programs for businesses whose owners were certified as “disadvantaged.” Illegal aliens were eligible for these as well as other entitlements. Thus hard affirmative action—racial-ethnic-nationality-sex preferences aimed (loosely) at filling quotas in jobs, contracts and admissions—had become a main track on which liberals carried on the civil rights struggle. They were commendably determined to hasten social equality, dangerously moving ahead as social engineers of a new spoils system, without broad public discussion and consent. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: It All Continued in the Seventies." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

To fight this inferior breed, you need extremists and champions. There is no other way. These people, specifically this group, is so clever and sneaky, so vicious and demented, they kidnap top military personnel and steal the most important weapons systems. There is not one clause in the Constitution they did not trash or violate while they claim to be the police or a protector. The shootings in America and the random acts of violence are to humiliate and insult the feeling of being a criminal they feel, it is a way to throw incriminating evidence back at their masters. They claim they are the police and superior masters but are a real life enemy force and military force globally.

The rights revolution, called “the longest-lasting legacy of the sixties” by Samuel Walker, a historian of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), was pressed ahead in the 1970s by cadres of activist lawyers working in public-interest lobbying groups often funded by the Ford Foundation after its 1970 decision to sponsor the growth of new advocacy organizations. The drive for women’s equal rights appeared blocked during the long, state-by-state battle that eventually prevented ratification of the ERA, but a string of successes profoundly altered the legal status of women. These began with the 1963 Equal Pay Act, included a major political mobilizer in the form of the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision establishing a legal regime for abortion, and added up to a series of laws and court decisions prohibiting sex discrimination in areas ranging from education, maternity leave, access to credit, and the sex-labeling of jobs. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: It All Continued in the Seventies." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

This general idea and this new development of how the right wing is the cause of the national problems are as dumb as the people who created it. We have right wing pretenders and frauds who are high school drop outs and who cannot even recite American history. There is a process of certification and some standards of achievements to become right wing; most especially is the need for the solid foundations in the military and a clear mental faculty.

The rights of prisoners, gays, the mentally ill, illegal aliens, and farm workers were expanded by lawsuits brought by groups such as the ACLU, La Raza, and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. “Millions of ordinary people—students, prisoners, women, the poor, gays and lesbians, the handicapped, the mentally retarded and others—discovered their own voices and demanded fair treatment and personal dignity,” wrote Walker, in understandably triumphant tones, since there had been in his view no losers and no costs. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: It All Continued in the Seventies." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

Now we have the dumbest and weakest of the breed demanding secession from the union when the ransom of this terror plot is to escape and freedom. If those colors were no stupid they will not run. We know what type of enemy this is and how to deal with stupidity. The bad and the evil in this world are stupid and we kill those who are major violators such as espionage masters who are behind terror plots. Forget the criminal justice system and forget the Contrition (which was trashed already) this group is waging war. We have used every legal means to acquire a response and certification to ID them and they have ignored all of them and demand secession while the lines are being pushed back two to three lengths of a century. Why the hell would we run and foil the charge at this time?

They described “a revolution that sought new civil and citizenship rights for a range of previously stigmatized groups—criminal defendants, atheists, prisoners, homosexuals, the mentally ill, illegal aliens, publishers of pornography, and others.” Liberal academic and activist Lawrence Fuchs, an early supporter of hard affirmative action who developed strong misgivings, heard U.S. Commission on Civil Rights vice-chair Mary Francis Berry insist in 1980 that the civil rights agenda included admission of Cuban and Haitian boat people, and was stunned by “just how loose the meaning of civil rights had become.” However one saw the social and political impacts of the rights revolution, it was clear that Nixon’s two electoral victories had not ended or even slowed that part of the liberal reform cycle broadening out from the civil rights movement. Roll on, liberal-left, with or without presidential leadership. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: It All Continued in the Seventies." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

We also know very detailed aspects of this terror plot and what they call, “the proper use of terrorism.” This violent left wing and union bunch, some on the right wing and who have the commanding heights, use the violence and terror to influence and decide investigations by the authorities and police. They claim they are the police and this incriminating evidence bolsters them tremendously. It can start a war and imprison entire populations. These people are as evil as evil will get and they are the antichrist. What have we been hearing from their leaders?

The story of Clinton-era efforts to reposition the Democratic Party is too close at hand and too erratic with cross-currents to permit a guess as to whether it will be seen only as part of the declensionist past, or in some sense an anteroom to a “New Democrat” future. Working from a base of ideas and phrases generated by the “communitarian” movement emphasizing the need to rebalance rights with responsibilities, and by the Democratic Leadership Council formed by southern elected Democrats in 1985 to find ways to “recapture the middle,” Bill Clinton won the White House twice without using the L-word—with 43 percent of the vote in 1992 and 49 percent in 1996. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: Experimenting with the Message and the Label: the 1990s." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

We hear the constant reverberation of hate in America, racism in America, and picking scabs which have healed. They have a gaping wound however. This gaping wound is bleeding on us and their kidnapping is to claim how they are protectors and our masters who suffered a fatal injury while performing their duties. Do not blame them and they are still the masters in their own universe. So we are given a portrayal of Barrack Obama as a benevolent dictator and our protectors, we are given the feeling to hate our own side and teammates; we are instilled with the idea we love what we truly hate. On our side they were blaming and could never be positively identified. As the police, they would never give us some solid evidence or concise method of capture and identify them. It is not their fault, they are the same as us, on our side, and nobody is to blame. They are our protectors and the soul of this country.

But he and Hillary were liberals, hoping to lead the next cycle of reform in the line of FDR-Eleanor and JFK-Jacquie. Historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr. thought their timing excellent: “The tide is plainly turning,” he wrote in 1992, “Governor Clinton and Senator Gore are indeed JFK’s children.” It was not to be. Only by “triangulating” away from early liberal positions was Clinton able to squeeze into a second term. He spoke of having found a “Third Way,” language used by center-tending former left parties in Europe, especially Labor in the United Kingdom under Prime Minister Tony Blair. The term developed no identity, the Clinton years no momentum. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: Experimenting with the Message and the Label: the 1990s." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

Quite a clever tactic and trick done on a national level and in the media for all to witness and observe; but it shows the audacity of this group and how they are legendary communist spies in panic and on the run. Their lines, which they cannot figure out, have been broken where it was once deemed invincible. They met and ran into the real US military and worse, they know it. We have captured the PR team and the stragglers while the real plotters are in hiding and in the bush listening. They are dead silent and know doom is very imminent with the evidence they have faux pawed by touching others while under surveillance and being probed, counter-insurgency.

Vice President Gore, running a bit left of “the Third Way” though inexplicably making no use of the most unifying of the sixties’ crusades, environmentalism, in 2000 lost the closest election in American history to Republican George W. Bush. At the close of the twentieth century the Democratic Party bore much resemblance to its nineteenth-century self, a minority party harbor for ethnic tribes with no compelling ideas or national business to transact. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Liberalism After the Sixties: A Reconnaissance: Experimenting with the Message and the Label: the 1990s." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

Keep in mind we had alerted the politicians to be careful with the bailout money and stimulus. We knew it as a trap and filled with strings and audits. We knew the effects were not immediate, a knee jerk reaction, and a countermeasure was being thrown out there. Unless you can bill the government for services or have done services which can be billed; do not write any checks for work not honest or a scam. The people who ignored the warnings may be obligated to pay it back or audited when the evidence is fully collected and we understand this better. There are always strings attached to government funds unless it is a bill of sale or a bill for services. They must prove of this certified and authenticated bill. We have not been paid and our life has not been restored but they are getting trillions of dollars in debt and it is used to humiliate and to blow your own horn and talk big.

How had liberalism come to this place? Here, as in so much else, most of the scholarship on the issue is drawn back to seminal developments in and expanding beyond the sixties. Even if one concedes the case made by some historians that modern liberalism wandered from its core (and winning) economic reform mission as early as the 1940s, the sixties seem in retrospect the watershed of liberal political misjudgments. Beginning in that era and gaining momentum into the 1970s and after, liberal policies on and communicated attitudes about welfare, crime, preferential treatment of blacks and other minorities and women, school busing, and national defense and patriotism, drove a wedge between liberal elites and the party’s base as well as the broader electorate. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "The Liberals’ Past and Future: Assessments and Speculations." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

We knew this is and were about hate in America and racism to drum in the 43rd and 44th Presidents. Our military report will show we were expecting trouble and an ambush but did not know when and how it was coming. We were not sure if we would survive the ambush but we did take defensive positions and also sent up decoys and evasive methods. We had intelligence of an ambush and used confusion and camouflage before a phalanx of ridicule and pushing the lines back overnight. We did run into a massive ambush and did call for reinforcements and backup twice or more; it was a communist spy group and they got quick victories and quick gains.

A persistent theme is policy decisions made without full and candid public discussion, often outside the relatively open processes of Congress. These include the move from soft to hard affirmative action and the vast expansion of bilingual education that were launched within new and little-scrutinized federal bureaucracies; the relentless incremental expansion of welfare; the long busing experiment in federal management of local education through judges. Even when Congress deliberated openly, liberal programs later to be deeply unpopular were sometimes adopted with explicit expert assurances that the policies would not do certain unwelcome things that they subsequently did—as, for example, the Immigration Act of 1965 both vastly expanded incoming numbers and radically altered countries of origin after solemn assurances to the contrary. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "The Liberals’ Past and Future: Assessments and Speculations." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

They also managed two devastating false imprisonments to grandstand the humiliation and senseless ridicule. What they foiled was a rendezvous with destiny and there are leaders nearly homicidal about what they did. We had to make it through a canyon and were ambushed in the canyon until a search party found us severely wounded and with much fight left. We were unarmed and in hiding because they are heavily armed and in a lunatic maniacal mentality where attack and overwhelming suspicion becomes thug culture-gone-wild but in a persistent stupor. We also know this hate and racism in America is pegged to using Israel as a beacon for US and foreign policy. They are acting out the movie 1984 and are using it as a training film. They are finished but are trying to secede while pushing us into the arms of the left wing and liberals. That is the unions and this is how they meticulously deploy union violence and terror.

A cluster of unpopular programs was only a part of the problem for post–Great Society liberals. If politics were a set of policy scales with weights marked “law” or “program,” unpopular policies might have been balanced or even outweighed by measures with the LBJ signature that had broad support—Medicare, aid to education such as student loans, subsidies to agriculture and medical research and municipal sewage plants, wilderness protection. But Great Society liberalism had other negatives beyond a large part of its policy portfolio. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "The Liberals’ Past and Future: Assessments and Speculations." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

how many people are special and privileged enough to graduate college and wake up one day kidnapped by a communist group who is pretending to be right wing hate groups while the real feeble stupid and poor on the left wing act cool, watch you day and night, pretend to wash your windshield in such a careful manner, and rewrite your entire life. Not many get this privilege to lead the traitors of this world to victory or can talk about it openly. It is not as if you go and look for them, they come and look for you. It is not as if you ask for them or need them, they need you. It is not as if you throw everything including the kitchen sink at them to say "leave me alone"; you are their captive and prisoner and while such must be tortured and feel terror and pain until you turn into a sissy also. These are not strong people and they are not being threatened by anyone; they have the death penalty and are guilty of both espionage and treason. The worst part is they honestly think they can get away with it and make it happen.

Journalist Kevin Phillips in 1982 perceived a “second social-issue wave” that had built up during the 1970s, “pivoting on religious, moral and sexual controversies.” There was underway, as he saw it, a “morals revolution” with which liberals had become identified, even if only partisans on the right thought them solely responsible. By “championing permissiveness, homosexuality and abortion while implicitly derogating the family, prayer and biblical teachings,” Phillips wrote, they not only lost Democratic voters but also energized the Christian right and brought some conservative nonvoters into active political life.65 What Phillips called the “morals revolution” James David Hunter (and then everybody else) called, with more subtlety, The Culture Wars (1991). America seemed increasingly dividing into traditional-religious-nationalist versus cosmopolitan-secular-globalist camps. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "The Liberals’ Past and Future: Assessments and Speculations." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

By acting so secretly and entangling so many people, the extortion of agreement and the use of torture and financial pain are reversed and people are challenged whether or not they want to give up their freedoms or bail outs. That is the clever evil and the despicable scam these people and so called police have done to this country. When they said they would clean up Wall Street, they meant get ready for the largest push and advancement of socialism in the history of the world. how we ever got the police to tell us they were or would clean up wall street and end corruption; then knock us out with the killer punch is beyond the scope of the imagination. Did they forget to mention something about who they were and what they were doing?

Republicans liked to oversimplify and exploit these alignments, since liberals, and the rest of the left, were entirely in the latter camp (along with staunch Republicans from the top echelons of business whose outlook was cosmopolitan and international). Looking back from the end of the century, Francis Fukuyama pointed out that the United States and every other economically advanced society experienced what he called “the Great Disruption” as they passed from industrial to information-based economies. Beginning in the mid-sixties and continuing through the century, “seriously deteriorating social conditions” unexpectedly built in behind economic change. Crime, social disorder, and divorce and illegitimacy rates shot upward, while trust and confidence in core institutions and even in fellow citizens went into a “forty-year decline.” In Fukuyama’s view, liberalism was not responsible for this values disruption. Liberals merely ignored or underestimated it, all the while parenting a welfare system that seemed an accomplice. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "The Liberals’ Past and Future: Assessments and Speculations." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

The worst part is how the communist forces are laughing and saying why the world prefers the simple life. It is insane. The tax codes are insane. It is used to punish and eliminate political enemies. It should be used to reduce crime and our economic stature should be for the reduction of crime, not to expand it or grow crime to an enormous global phenomenon. there is something wrong when each time a vote is cast and the public is terrified whether or not that vote caste will lead to trillions in bailout and stimulus packages which entangle more and more businesses to the demands of a bureaucratic system that is ordered to socialize or corner the American public into so called Keynesian economics by people who look nice and have great tans. We are talking fear each and ever time and election is held and a vote is cast.

But liberals in the 1960s began a politically sustained, policy-expressed emphasis on locating the victims of discrimination or disadvantage (the second would often suffice, as proxy for the first) on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation, and providing governmental advantage to these client groups. The impetus, of course, came from the civil rights movement. Its exhilarating example led to minority-group multiplication and mobilization—by feminists, Hispanics of various group names, American Indians, gays and lesbians, and the mentally and physically handicapped. A growing number of organizations and “leaders” speaking in their names emphasized their groups’ victim hood and claimed entitlement to the benefits of affirmative action, reparations, and apologies. The debate over such policies is robust and growing. The political implications are clear—the image of the Democratic Party caught up in a corrupting relationship with client tribes expecting governmental largesse, an arrangement justified by the “moral high ground” slogan of historic former wrongs redressed by rights. Equally worrisome to some observers was the power of identity politics to reorient public discourse and therefore civic culture. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "The Liberals’ Past and Future: Assessments and Speculations." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

The reason why the state of New York was attacked on September 11 is because the entire state is a safe haven for liberals. Liberals are traitors. Liberals are spies. Liberals are such a domestic nuisance wars have been fought over persecution. Is there a way to reverse this or take it back? Is there a way or method to pull off a grand deception or to use a mirror and see who is breathing back? As traitors, we must ask why their state was attacked, why blame was put on Arabs, why billions of dollars flowed into the state of traitors and liberals. Is it because they are no damn good or is it because they are really good at this game of terror and espionage? How many spies have been caught who lived or once lived there? How many terrorists?

When Ronald Reagan spoke of national revitalization, “the Democrats offered no commonality . . . no political culture—only a heap of demands piled on demands.” Even as George Bush in 1992 admitted that he lacked “the vision thing,” Democrats “stared uncomprehending into America’s post–Cold War identity crisis, barely aware that they lacked even the terms of unification. . . . They needed a whole that was more than a heap. . . . The Democrats [by the 1990s] were a loose, baggy party, the Left an aggregation of movements, grouplets, and ideological tendencies. . . . Since the McGovern convention of 1972, raggedly and selectively, The Democrats had taken much of their poetry from a Left that had no conviction that commonality was possible. . . . They trapped themselves in zero-sum programs—busing, affirmative action—that split their base . . . [and] could not agree on a common commonality.” - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "The Liberals’ Past and Future: Assessments and Speculations." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

New York is attacked because they are suffering and as liberals hate America. The people behind this know it also and concocted this evil of irreparable harm to benefit themselves and their cause. It was not and had nothing to do with loving America or hating fellow Americans. They hate their world and they merely exist in it as a domestic nuisance who attacks as a way to find some self worth. Even their police attack or conspire to this. Even the state of New York has invaded our homes and kicked us out of public libraries for just using the equipment. Do they do this to others or make it a way of life? Yes. So to fix America the answer is clear; get rid of what New York is about. The enemies and the terror and spies will do the reverse of this and boost them or say how we love them and need them when we don’t.

Americans, becoming, in the process, a ‘new class’ committed to an ‘adversary culture’ of collectivist values, therapeutic remedies, hostility to corporations, and even anti-Americanism.” Theodore White had sensed the buildup of centrifugal forces as early as 1978, wondering in his autobiography whether “America would be transformed, in the name of opportunity, simply into a Place, a gathering of discretely defined and entitled groups, interests, and heritages; or whether it could continue to be a nation. . . .” Liberalism had bonded with “Diversity,” a sometimes good thing that was increasingly being asked to serve as the central goal of national policy. Would America, worried Richard Morgan, become “simply a collection of ethnics huddled around a standard of living?” - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "The Liberals’ Past and Future: Assessments and Speculations." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

Even as the official and the best personnel on the hunt for this plot, we are viciously attacked by the victims and the state of New York. They are that stupid and filled with this much dogma. It has been more difficult chasing down this spy group and this terror plot after the attacks on America then before and the criticisms seem to fly off them and protect them because they are victims. So it is not reassuring that the people behind this were also using their diabolical evil to justify their life and to even be on the front pages of every newspaper in the world. We know them to be a domestic nuisance and not very praiseworthy as a species of humans. They try to be like us and they try to make us love them when we do not. We can chase them to the belly of hell and they will keep going even if the wheels fall off because their police are the same. Now does this sound as if they believe in freedom?

There is still some optimism in liberal—now “progressive”—precincts. Demographic trends promise victory, goes one view, because immigration brings a surging Hispanic vote that will “flip . . . the lower, ‘Latinized’ Sunbelt back to the Democrats.” Perhaps so, though President George W. Bush clearly thinks all Americans of Mexican descent are potential Republicans. Even if he is wrong and the Democrats inherit most of the Hispanic vote, winning by this arithmetic does not promise the challenge of nation-saving, brings no history-making moment. Liberalism had once aimed at more. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Looking Ahead." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

Now the state of New York has unleashed their political chaos and insanity on our life because they flooded the country with problems. They want to regulate the free markets, they want to pretend they are partners with America; they want to pretend they control the real estate which drives the economic system. So they flood very disrespectful people to our life while they gain wealth and riches from a homeland they could not. That is the ingredient of serial killers, not being able to seek life goals in a respectable and normal manner and then blowing up about how perfect they were when they do not even believe in perfectionism.

How again to be more than a 43 percent or 50.1 percent winner but a cause, rallying majorities for social transformation? That dream has a firm grip. Billionaire financier George Soros, remembering the 1890s and 1930s, imagines a meltdown of the global economy offering an opening for capitalism-fixers—which means liberals under whatever name, with a mission of building a “global New Deal.” But the strains of globalization remain below crisis level, and nowhere could one see the intellectual building blocks of a coherent international and national reform program to deal with a collapse or sustained malfunction of the global economy. The tea leaves are in a dark, deep cup. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Looking Ahead." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

This state is known to be a problem while it also has its hands all over the free market. It is detached from the rest of America and lives in an urbanism of anonymity. There are a few good things and a few good human beings out of the mess but they are far outnumbered. Now we are being attacked by them and their claims how the free market is evil when we know them to be the closest thing to communism and evil on this world. Hell we have filed charge after charge on the state of New York and even the military is ridiculed by their corruption and lies where we ourselves hunt this terror plot and wish to wage war on them. We find out, they are involved in this terror plot and also have a big reason to prevent or obstruct us from seeking justice.

On September 11, 2001, Islamic terrorists seized four civilian aircraft and drove two of them into the World Trade Center in New York and one into the Pentagon in Washington, killing more than three thousand people. A fourth hijacked plane, apparently headed for another target in Washington, crashed in Pennsylvania when the passengers, realizing the nature of the hijacker’s mission, attacked the terrorist at the controls. America was at war, President George W. Bush declared, and others called it the beginning of World War III. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Looking Ahead." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

The goal of liberals and for this matter the capital of liberalism is to oppress America. If you have not discovered this yet, then you have not discovered the true meaning of America and the heart and soul of the founding fathers. Anybody from the capital of liberalism or arise out of the ashes of this cauldron of evil must be suspect. Even the ones who call us their partners are filled with holes and act identical to communists and spies. They cannot seem to escape or control some form of insanity and mental disease of living in evil and this model of communism in America. So to put one of these monsters and oppressive human species on the top or the pedestal of power is suicidal. To let them lead and to seek power is suicidal. This is why we are doomed while they try to make the nation and the military love them when we do not. If you have something to prove, then go into and enjoy the belly of the beast.

These events supplied a decided sense of national crisis with no likelihood of early resolution, a lengthy struggle against global terrorism that was not at all what crisis speculators had envisioned. Where was any opportunity for liberal-progressives? Criticism of and disagreement with President George W. Bush had at first to be muted, even on domestic matters, but the opposition would eventually oppose. But with what message and effect? Big Government was back, but it was President Bush and his administration asking for increased spending for defense, strengthened intelligence capacities and border/immigration controls, and assistance to war-damaged facilities as well as crippled airlines. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Looking Ahead." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

We cannot stress the similarity between liberalism and communism. We cannot stress how vicious and terrorizing any race of this mixture is who picks up the bad character and traits of this evil culture. You would have to destroy all the tainted pollution and samples or quarantine it so it does not reproduce and get worse. Have we lost our minds yet or is it just the world we live in? Does anybody think they will just eagerly get on a boat and leave for a new world? Even if they were communist spies and a colony of devil worshipers, does anybody feel they will just voluntarily jump in a boat with dogma and sail to some safe island where they will not be a nuisance and enemy to others? Yes we blame the state of New York as a gateway to other similar sister cities. Yes not all Americans are of this rotten mix and do not know it. Yes the military is very weary and warning of it; so it must be near war and close to wartime. What they say and what they do now will determine their future in America.

A distinctive progressive response to the deadly global terrorist impulse and apparatus was going to be very difficult to fashion, especially because a part of the left initially seemed to be taking pacifist and “America is the problem” positions. Liberal writer George Packer nonetheless saw a silver lining, commenting that September 11 “made it safe for liberals to be patriots.” Perhaps so, but that pathway to leadership had been clogged by Republicans since the Democrats buried PT-boat skipper John F. Kennedy. The public had for two decades expressed more confidence in Republicans than Democrats in foreign affairs and national security issues, and by a large margin. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Looking Ahead." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

So who is trying to destroy the free market system and who is trying to put all of this oppression on America because they feel capitalism is evil? Is it the left or right? Then who flooded this land with real terrorists and sociopaths who go on radio shows or mingle with the rich and famous to spread this oppression from sea to shining sea? Now who can this be who attacked America and is behind the terror plots and a communist spy group so big the FBI has told the military they cannot take them out and doubled their forces? The FBI is relying on us to defend the nation because they do not have the power to take them out. That is real power and that is super power unimaginable. Now who are they attacking and what are we hearing from this crass little sissy we are trying to snap the neck of? Could it be the state of New York who has made this investigation so unbearable and a constant struggle to fight off their ambushes and attacks? Could it be a conspiracy to cover up the matter?

A few intellectuals, even before the 2001 attacks, had been reminding their readers that liberalism had in the first half of the century been wedded with nationalism, and labored to work their way back from a splintered multiculturalism toward a workable accommodation with national solidarity, the risky emotions of patriotism, even that discredited old idea, national identity. For those who followed the discourse of the public intellectuals, it was a mark of how widespread were these end-of-century reconsiderations in liberal territory when the dean of the multicultural left, Richard Rorty, urged the cultural left to drop its “semi-conscious anti-Americanism” and “start trying to construct inspiring images of the country” so that it can “begin to form alliances with people outside the academy.” - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Looking Ahead." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

Somebody out there is trying to blow a cloud of oppression, terrorism, and espionage over the foothills of America and through the farms and valleys which enjoyed quiet and quaint understanding. We are looking at them right now and in touch with them; we also informed them to talk and contact our lawyers but they rightfully screech or snap back how it is our responsibility to do this for them. They feel they have nothing to say and do not owe anyone any explanations or truthful answers. They feel they are in control and we are merely subjects in their dominion and breathe their air. If the military chase you until the wheels fall off the cart, does that sound like the police and the belief of freedom and liberty? Maybe it is stupidity? Maybe it is evil? Maybe it is an inferior breed and now in a class of evil we categorize as a new human species.

Liberals had lost their story. Republicans, sensing an opportunity, had substituted a new narrative, the liberal as tax-and-spend moral idiot. But this language, too, will age. Returning to the word Progressive may have more significance than is realized. It suggests a recognition that recent misjudgments are not the whole of a political heritage, and reminds that, a century ago, the no socialist left built a winning story around nation-building, along with the conviction that capitalism, alone, should not be given the only role in planning, or steering, a country. Wearier than most, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, thinking of the social pathologies that the welfare state had made worse, but perhaps also of four decades of public policy’s muddles and unintended consequences, concluded that “it is time for small platoons” of family, church, and neighborhood. That sounded like the end of a political era, without a hint of the shape of the future. - Graham Jr., Otis L., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Looking Ahead." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 11. -

They feel this and that but never the truth. They feel the truth will not get us to the same conclusions and the truth will not resolve this matter because they are one of us. The truth can take us to victory in one day. The truth can have every enemy on earth dead in less than 24 hours. The truth can remove all spies and enemies off the shores of America. The truth can round up the 911 terrorists today. The truth can also get rid of domestic nuisances and criminal elements from our society. What they do not like the truth? Now who is this talking to us and who is trying to say something which will either get them arrested or killed? This is who we are hunting and this is who the enemy is. They sent a few moles to our side and so that they can attack them.

During that period, two kinds of dialectic have taken place. The first has been between those who wield power in government and society, and others in established positions of civil rights leadership who have sought entry into the corridors of power on behalf of the previously disenfranchised. The second has been between people at the grass roots for whom experience is the best teacher, and whose vision has been less constrained by the customs or perquisites of power, and those who determine public policy. Occasionally, the two types of dialectic have overlapped and found some common ground. That happened in America during the late 1940s and the early 1960s. But more often, the two have diverged, calling into severe doubt whether the dream of liberalism can ever accommodate the reality of race. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

They crated a few targets on our side for both them and us to practice on. The truth is America and if they do not feel America then they do not know the truth. They can lie, cheat, and steal it as before but now the military is much bigger and much more dangerous. There is a reason why they live in fear and a reason why nobody wishes to do business with them. It is not because they are rich and others are jealous and envious. It is not because they are brilliant and not because they possess some special gift or talent others want. People will always trade and engage in financial matters; but they just do not want to with this state and a few other sister states.

Only by contrast with what had gone before could anyone speak of the 1930s as a time of positive change for American blacks. The system of Jim Crow remained deeply entrenched. Lynching continued to occur, gruesomely testifying to the degree that physical terrorism reinforced the customs of segregated jobs, schools, and social spaces. More than 75 percent of black Americans lived in the South. Fewer than 5 percent had the right to vote. White schools received more than five times the funding per student that black schools received. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: The Depression and War Years." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

If they do not like it, then there is going to be a ferocious war and the military will release the information and data to alert them and notify them to contact the lawyers and prosecutors handling this case. What they have done to the nation and how they did it is unspeakable. They sugar coat this new breed of evil as “the proper use of evil?” They blame and bleed the people who have to fight this and them? They feel they are the police and make no effort to call the Pentagon or the lawyers working their treason charges, terror plot, and conspiracy charges? It is up to them and if they fear the military or live in fear, then it is up to them to first let go, stop the ambushes, turn over the surveillance equipment, give us clear and concise answers when we have to round up and stop this evil. If they do not then they live in the fear they create and there is no one left to blame but the Generals sharpening their lethal spears and soldiers who love the ears of the enemies.

In spite of such experiences, blacks found myriad ways to sustain their communities and families, and even on occasion engaged in resistance—But always within a context of pervasive control. Yet the New Deal also offered some reason to hope. Federal relief checks came to blacks as well as whites. Some jobs existed in the Works Progress Administration. African Americans were appointed to federal offices, and there was even a “black” cabinet of highly placed officials who advocated change in race relations. Although the president would not support an ant lynching law, he acknowledged, with regret, the reality of white terrorism. And his wife, Eleanor Roosevelt, became a champion of civil rights, supporting black women leaders such as Mary McCleod Bethune, resigning from the Daughters of the American Revolution when they denied the black opera singer Marian Anderson the right to sing at Constitution Hall—even testifying by her physical actions to her convictions about equal rights. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: The Depression and War Years." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

What more do they want and how the hell do we stop them and their army of the damned from making evil a permanent fixture in America? They will not survive this and if they try to lie out of it, then it will get worse and worse. We cannot emphasize this, the nation and the country wants the people behind this and if they keep lying about it and trying to lie about their involvement, it will get worse and worse. They will not survive it, we posted the warnings, we alerted we have the Pentagon on the line and real Generals who hold their life in their hands, and we have done everything possible we can think of. What more do they wish to lie about and attack us for? We just said they will not survive this. If they do not feel it already then they are already dead. The truth can save their life and buy back their meager dealings in America. When it is all said and done, they must tell the truth to one group, the military. They need to explain why their face was ripped off.

When told at a Birmingham meeting of the Southern Conference on Human Welfare that she would have to take her seat on the “white” side of the room, separated from black delegates, she carefully placed two of the four legs of her chair on each side of the dividing line, showing her contempt for the whole concept of Jim Crow. By 1941 even her husband was ready to sign an executive order creating a Fair Employment Practices Commission barring discrimination against blacks in defense industries—especially when threatened by A. Phillip Randolph, the black union leader, with a massive march on Washington were he not to do so. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: The Depression and War Years." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

We know this war on terror or the overseas contingency operation is about Vietnam and the legacy of Vietnam. However, the modern element has been replaced with Israel, considered one of the smallest bullies on the planet. If and had Israel been Vietnam and not what we describe, then we would not only implement the draft but also stand proud with them in defense of the land they call their home. At home, we face the same dilemma. As the hidden element, we are the ones who really stopped the attacks on America and removed the chains around those who knew something was wrong. The real threats were being ignored for a few planes crashing into buildings and a few half hazard attacks for over two decades. Expect to feel helpless and what they call “total invasion.” Should we torture people who engage in total invasion? What is it?

It was World War II, however, that set in motion more dynamic and long-lasting grassroots change. The war jolted all Americans into new roles and responsibilities. More than two million blacks left the South for the North and West. The number of African Americans employed in manufacturing more than doubled, from 500,000 to 1.2 million. Black ballots were counted and mattered in the North and politicians inevitably became champions of those who voted for them. Blacks enlisted at a rate 60 percent higher than their proportion in the population, and experienced, especially in posts such as England, France, and Hawaii, a warmth of reception and level of respect that gave credibility to the notion that a better world of race relations might someday exist. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: The Depression and War Years." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

Did arresting us delay or promote this terror plot? It started as recruitment and some defection attempt; but did our arrest stop or prevents us from stopping them? That is the same effect of the terror plot, a hidden agenda. Why then were we finally freed to do our thing and finally given a chance to stop the real people behind this? Was it by chance or mere evil intent? If people knew and understood how evil and how diabolical this group is living and residing in America, then they will know what kind of challenges they face in the decades to come. They were going to war and we got in their way and stopped them partly by the abuse they dispensed while quiet. They will be quiet while dispensing more of this abuse on anyone. We have finally stopped them in their tracks but did we stop the attacks on America for good or for a burning moment only?

The very existence of some progress, on the other hand, made all the more infuriating the persistence of white racism, both inside and outside the military. Blood supplies were segregated, notwithstanding the fact that a black physician, Dr. Charles Drew, had perfected the means of preserving blood plasma. A black soldier was lynched in Georgia. When a black army nurse violated Jim Crow seating regulations on a Montgomery bus, she was brutally beaten. A black soldier in Durham was shot and killed by a bus driver when the soldier protested the discourteous way in which the driver treated him. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: The Depression and War Years." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

With all this torture and talk of bragging rights, you would think they know who the biggest bully out there is. Why they do not is because it is them. That is how they create the idea they are cleverer, do not expect the truth, and total invasion. They are ferocious followers and homicidal in their dependency on others. They are too secretive too be the good guys but they somehow are trying a new strategy and tactic to act like one and even join up with us or sit beside us. The new strategy is they are the future of America and this world. The new bully cannot be stopped and is a hero who can wage total invasion with no effort. We do not torture to promote total invasion or the feeling of being the police. There is a sordid power and a séance when someone is given a badge and a gun.

Symptomatic of the grinding tenacity of racism was the experience of black Soldiers… Precisely because of this chemistry—small, but important breakthroughs existing side by side with pervasive reminders of second-class citizenship—black Americans intensified their protest. The government’s sophisticated propaganda campaign against fascism and for democracy highlighted America’s vulnerability to the charge that it was the most racist country of all. “Our war is not against Hitler and Europe,” one black columnist wrote, “but against the Hitler’s in America.” - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: The Depression and War Years." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

If torture is this critical and if the information is this important; then it should be turned over to the military authorities who can study the events, what has been said, and apply their doctoral degrees and knowledge. You cannot use human suffering and death as a fishing expedition or some feel good way to express how unhappy you are. Using torture to extract information can be critical but it cannot be pardoned outright. It is left to the people who have charges that are well beyond redemption and the process of torture would not matter to them one way or the other. Torture is only significant and valuable when it is used in the proper and restricted ways. In this case, it has been and is being used, abused, and in a misappropriate way; thus it is the enemy. It is a weapon of the enemies. It is both an open target and a reason to stop.

The black press united behind a “Double V” campaign—victory at home for democracy as well as victory abroad, increasing the militancy of its demands, even as circulation soared by 40 percent. Membership in the NAACP skyrocketed to 500,000 nationwide—a 900 percent increase, with local chapters increasing threefold. Racial tensions mounted, with race riots breaking out in Detroit, Harlem and elsewhere—only this time with black reprisals as well as white provocation and aggression. Black protest organizations, as well as average black citizens—and especially returning black soldiers—were determined that after this war, change would happen and happen quickly. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: The Depression and War Years." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

Only a handful of people know who they truly are and those who accidentally find out disappear or kill themselves because they hate themselves. So this spy and terror group is much too secretive to be associated with the United States but they claim they are the leadership and also the nation itself. That is who we stopped in their tracks. They claimed this was about racism. They claimed the unions used violence and also decide who can work. They claim we are better off with them and the abuse then without. They claim they share our house and put a roof over our heads. They claim they only want to talk and complain about everything, a far cry from “they know about everything.” Had they come out and said they violated all these laws and took these chances for the state of Israel or some other foreign country, then we might believe them. However, they did not.

Black hopes hinged on pricking the conscience of white America, generating new resilience and determination on the part of a biracial liberal coalition of northern urbanites, union members, and minorities, and sustaining black insurgency in the face of inevitable and overwhelming oppression. The last proved the easiest to achieve. More than a million black veterans came back from the war, many of them intent on remaking the world they had left. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Postwar America, 1945-1960." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

This terror and communist group claims to be friends who are generous and all telling. When you ask them why, you get the answer to the mystery. Did they desegregate the south? No. Are we more eager to work for the UAW now then before? No. Are they willing to join the military? Yes. Are they willing to trust the military? No. You see, there are a lot of problems with these people and they are not happy at all with this reality they live in. It drives them to ask if we hate America or Americans; it drives us to be the boss and to be the same thug to them. But why, they are useless and worthless junk; why give them the time of day or the pleasure?

In Columbia, Tennessee, blacks insisted that there be a “new deal” in their community based on respect and dignity for blacks. Atlanta saw a registration effort that brought eighteen thousand new blacks to the polls in 1946, while in cities such as Greensboro and Winston-Salem a new black presence in politics resulted for the first time in aggressive candidacies for office. Overall, the number of blacks registered to vote in the South grew six fold from 1945 to 1947, from 2 percent to 12 percent. None of this came easily, and all of it occurred in the face of white terrorism. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Postwar America, 1945-1960." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

That is just the way bullies with a backseat operate. Israel displays identical features and characteristics; moreover, they are much to quiet and secretive to be liked us. Only a handful of people know who they are. So who was bully the nation and world for decades? Was it the Bush family? Yes. Was it also the Clinton family? Yes. Did it go back further than that? Yes. Did Reagan bully us? No. Did Obama bully us? No. Is Reagan and Obama the same? No.

Medgar Evers and his associates were met by white men with pistols when they sought to register. The only black man to cast a ballot in one Georgia district was murdered immediately thereafter, his assailants never tried. When Isaac Woodward got off the bus in his hometown in South Carolina proudly wearing his uniform, policemen beat him with Billy clubs and blinded him. A race riot greeted the efforts of blacks in Columbia, Tennessee, to forge a “new deal” there, and the response of white politicians to black voter registration drives …The key was whether the black insurgency could evoke a positive response from politicians across the nation. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Postwar America, 1945-1960." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

Was Reagan there for a war on America and the world? Yes. Was Obama? Yes. Were they both behind it? Yes. They are using the police to formulate this total invasion and the feeling of inescapable regrets because their objectives as bullies are to seek total subjugation and to pillage. Then they want to stick the stamp of approval on it that says “made in the USA.” Did we spring a trap on them and one they cannot get out of? Yes. Did we stop them? Yes. Are you safe? No. Do you need to listen carefully and understand carefully what politicians and this communist and terrorist spy is saying to you or demanding from us? Yes. Are they here to persecute others or are they here because they are persecuted? They calmly beleaguer a sound system which has many layers of this economic theory we have to drag out to sound as if it is about a better life or for economic opportunity.

After forty religious and civil rights groups visited him in the White House to protest the rise of racial violence, on the other hand, Truman seemed surprised (perhaps inappropriately so, given his Missouri background) …Truman appointed a blue-ribbon Committee on Civil Rights, featuring such luminaries as Charles Wilson, the head of General Electric, and Frank Porter Graham, the president of the University of North Carolina. Its report, “To Secure These Rights,” boldly acknowledged the severity of the crisis and recommended a series of changes, including a permanent FEPC, creation of a Civil Rights Commission, desegregation of the armed forces, abolition of the poll tax, and support for the legal assault on segregated housing. As a follow-up, Harry Truman became the first U.S. president to address a national meeting of the NAACP, pledging to close the gap between black and white. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Postwar America, 1945-1960." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

So with all this torture and with the real masterminds behind it in our special possessions; why do they have the upper hand and why are we still under surveillance as a perennial threat? Is it because of Obama? Yes. Is it because of Bush? Yes. So why is all of this torture methods and “enhanced interrogation techniques” relevant to the idea we have who we are looking for? It sounds as if they used all of our ammunition and stole our rations. Now we have nothing left to fight on with or for the real fight. This is the real threat of the plot and this is the same feeling of total invasion, a sense of helplessness.

In support of his words, Truman sent a special message to Congress in February 1948 embracing virtually all the recommendations of the Civil Rights Committee he had appointed. Political self-interest also weighed in. Facing an extraordinarily difficult reelection campaign, Truman knew his political success hinged on winning the support of labor and urban minorities. Clark Clifford, one of Truman’s chief political advisors, created a campaign blue print premised on such a strategy. Although Truman himself seemed reluctant to commit himself too overtly to a biracial liberal coalition, liberals in the Democratic Party forced him to become more assertive. Led by Minneapolis Mayor Hubert Humphrey, they generated a platform revolt at the convention that placed civil rights at the heart of the Democratic message. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Postwar America, 1945-1960." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

Because it is about Vietnam and a change or split between World War II and Vietnam; we tell them we support both when they support only one; and if they were Vietnam we would support them also. That is why. They did this to figure out who knew about them and who stopped them. They wanted to know how much danger they are in and whether they will have any arguments and debates in the future; if they can complain or blame. That is the problem with this group, they are bullies and their leaders blame while sneaking into the trenches with us or our side.

Although rabid segregationists such as South Carolina’s Strom Thurmond walked out and formed their own party, Truman used the energy of his new coalition to lambaste the forces of reaction and bring to fruition, on election day, the successful political coalition that Clifford and Humphrey had made possible. Other political developments, however, proved less promising, in terms of both implementing the party’s new commitment to civil rights and narrowing the options for pursuing change. Progressive industrial unions in the auto, electrical, rubber, and textile industries were key to the success of a biracial coalition. Many of their most effective organizers, however, were either Communists or individuals significantly to the left of the mainstream Democratic Party. A number of their organizing successes had promoted the idea of using interracial solidarity as a vehicle for creating major economic changes, both in social welfare programs such as national health insurance, and in the sharing of decision-making power between unions and industry. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Postwar America, 1945-1960." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

They see it as unity and reunification. They see it as a way to restore their reputation and image when they have nothing left. Free trade depleted their energy by 65 per cent. Vietnam took them down 70 per cent. How do you fight and become a bully when you are only 10 per cent real and psychopathic? Did the world turn on us or them? They are in pain but it is not fake pain; they are dutifully as artificial and full of themselves as any enemy can become. Now they are burning bright as incendiary as they can get. Did they stop us or did we stop them? The 43rd and the 44th were the biggest and most gifted bullies of them all but nobody was allowed to see this.

In the face of the rapidly escalating Cold War, these radical union leaders were attacked as Communist sympathizers and purged from the labor movement. As a result, the focus on economic and systemic change as a solution to racial inequality faded into oblivion, and more and more of the energies of civil rights groups went into legal challenges, within the constitutional structure, to patterns of segregation. At the same time, little was being done to enforce the new policies politicians had embraced. Though he won reelection, Truman seemed relatively powerless to secure enactment of progressive legislation. Although he ordered the desegregation of the armed forces in the summer of 1948, it was not really until after the Korean War ended in 1953 that integration took place. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Postwar America, 1945-1960." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

So why or how do they use the police to fulfill and make real the certainty of this total invasion? They want money and subjugation if not all else. They see it as unity and their home. They write traffic tickets monthly and weekly to probe and signal they are watching. It is meant to cause emotional grief and to make others uncomfortable, to intimidate. If you ignore them, they will pursue and make the effort more. If you roll over and tell them they are wrong or you did nothing wrong; they will increase it as a way to surrender.

A permanent FEPC remained a dream; southern politicians seemed more racist than ever, with the “liberal” Frank Porter Graham defeated in a sordid campaign for the U.S. Senate in North Carolina where his opponent circulated (cropped) pictures of Graham supposedly dancing with a black woman and accused him of being a communist; and average black citizens continued to suffer terrorist repression. When Isaac Nixon, a black veteran, ignored white warnings and cast his ballot in 1948, he was murdered, with an all white jury acquitting his assailant. Blacks who stood up for justice consistently found themselves victims of economic reprisal. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Postwar America, 1945-1960." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

They want money as an objective. These local governments cannot balance their books and openly look for victims. One method is to deny them their rights and some way to escape. Blame and the use of the police to criminalize others are as symbolic as “running a red light.” It is the same as having a perfect record all your life and all the sudden “going 7 miles over the speed limit.” But this is not their agenda; their agenda is to use the police as a weapon. When you are in a state of mind to win at all costs and to use anything as a weapon even if it means lying and becoming a terrorists; the answer is clear.

…the NAACP’s legal team had strung together a series of victories eroding the impact of the infamous Plessy v. Ferguson decision in 1896 upholding segregation. In Missouri ex.rel Gaines (1939) the court mandated that equal treatment for a black law student required construction of a fully equipped and staffed black law school in Missouri. Two 1950 cases extended the court’s dissatisfaction with how Plessy was implemented, one winning the Supreme Court’s endorsement of the idea that equality could be measured by psychological as well as physical evidence so that a student made to feel “inferior,” even in equal physical facilities, could still secure redress. Now, Marshall and his colleagues determined to take on the core of Plessy, arguing for its invalidation on the grounds that segregation, by definition, represented a denial of equality. The Court agreed in a 9–0 opinion masterfully orchestrated by new Chief Justice Earl Warren in order to signal the decisive reversal that had just occurred. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Postwar America, 1945-1960." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

It is not what you did but how to escape it. If it is for survival then there is no other choice. We were cornered to a financial stress that was unbelievable while garnishments were arriving quickly; bankruptcy was very easy to end the siege. Everything is a weapon until you are delusional and deranged you must offer some tribute and payment. The truth is if the local governments do not get 60 billion dollars to pay off the government spending spree; they will have to fire or lay off workers. It is easier to tamper with a red light camera and corner someone to pay a ticket. It is easier to nit-pick and writes tickets in a way to ask if the benefits of fighting balance the cost of subjugation. That is what they call the proper use of terrorism.

Marshall and others predicted that within less than a decade all segregated schools would disappear, with other forms of mandated separation soon to follow. “We have won,” black newspapers exulted. Yet the ruling meant nothing, or almost nothing, without enforcement. “The law is a landing force [of change],” one legal scholar wrote at the time. “It makes the beachhead. But the breakthrough, if it is it to be significant, [must be] broadened by forces from behind which take advantage of the opening to go the rest of the way.” Those forces were not there. In the dialectic between those in power who had the authority to create change, and those out of power seeking admission to the system, deafening silence greeted the petitioners. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Postwar America, 1945-1960." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

What would have happened if we did not stop them? As the police they are writing tickets and sucking our life from us. They are bringing us to court daily and blaming us when all they have to do is tell the truth and apply honesty and integrity. They were all over the DC area and using the police as a weapon to make us hate them. Magically, it stopped only when Obama got into office. There must be no argument and debate left because the 44th President stopped all of this while he is the biggest bully of them all? What is the argument and debate here about and who are they arguing for? We can give you a clue; they are marching towards and for war. So are we. If they slip, then we have all the right to exploit it. We can explain fully, they cannot. That is how and why nobody can escape and with some certainty they can blame back and argue.

President Dwight Eisenhower disliked the Brown decision. He believed that changing racial customs by force “is just plain nuts,” and that the federal government should “avoid any interference” in local racial situations. As a result, he did virtually nothing to make desegregation of the nation’s schools a reality, sending troops into Little Rock on 1957 only because the governor there, Orval Faubus, had directly challenged Ike’s authority as commander-in-chief. Although the White House had been known since Teddy Roosevelt’s days as a “bully pulpit,” it was, according to historian William E. Leuchtenburg, “an empty pulpit” when Eisenhower was president. “It is not too much to say,” He has written, “that a great deal of the violence, as well as the fearfully slow rate of compliance after 1954, may be laid at Eisenhower’s door.” That left the battle back in the hands of the people, many of them average black citizens who had experienced the resurgent hopes borne of war and protest, now angered and frustrated by the failure of those in charge to open the corridors of power for equal participation or to follow through with actions consistent with their words. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Postwar America, 1945-1960." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

Are they are real threat? Yes. Are they good bosses? Yes if you wish to work for the Kremlin in America. Do they want war? Yes. Will they step down? No. So how do you stop them if they can accuse you of being mad and disobeying them or trying to remove them? There is a word in the dictionary called insanity and madness. They are insane and mad because prosecutions for them are coming. The question is if force is needed or not? They say yes. We say no. We were and are able to stop their attacks; wouldn’t they love to know how? It is called honesty.

Thus when the protest began, it represented the crystallization of social forces already in place. Black institutions, headed by experienced activists who had thought through their agenda, were prepared to mobilize their resources. The genius—and difference—of the bus boycott was its ability to provide a vehicle for so many people to express their discontent; and the emergence of a vibrant young leader named Martin Luther King Jr., who discovered in his ruminations about how to justify breaking the law the philosophy of nonviolent resistance, rooted in the Christian Gospel, and informed by the impulse to speak truth to power through love. If the president of the United States was unwilling to expand the beachhead secured by the Brown decision, the average citizens of Montgomery would help transform that “landing force” of change into a real breakthrough. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Postwar America, 1945-1960." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

They are so clever and have been doing this for decades. Yes decades of spying and snookering the CIA, FBI, and military authorities. Obviously, a foreign word to their vocabulary as they wrap the flag around their faces; it is called the military authorities and a host of federal charges and warrants for their arrests. So did they stop an attack or preparing for one? That is what they must ask, are they preparing for one and can they be honest about it? There is no evidence we are terrorists or communists but there is a lot to suggest they are. Is it true that they are? Yes. So are they safe and why? Are we now and why? That is their conspiracy and that is what is behind the terror plots. It takes an extremist to fight an extremist. Thus it takes the boss to fight the boss; a bully to fight a bully.

Rosa Parks, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and the Greensboro sit-in movement represented the entry of new actors onto the stage of racial protest. Significantly, they were actors who accepted the values and principles of the American Dream and the American political system. Like the NAACP attorneys before them, they wished to join, not destroy or subvert the existing structures of society. Integration, not separatism, represented their goal. They believed that by making their case fairly, showing their good faith as citizens, they could prove the merits of being accorded equal opportunity. All they wanted was the right to be treated as individuals, regardless of their race. In the opening dialectic between those who held power and the organizational representatives of the disenfranchised, the failure of those with authority to respond to legal petitioning created circumstances where others had to find new ways of expressing themselves. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Postwar America, 1945-1960." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

We know they are former spies and masterminds who knew we are and were on their trails and closing in. They picked our minds regarding what we knew about them and whether or not we are friendly. Then once they found out we were, they broke away from the left wing and cracked down on or put an end to the terror plots with one final cook off. That final cook off advanced their ranks to nearly untouchable and even unsuitable levels because the punishments and the threats were so out of orbit. Nobody in their right minds could even think or could even fathom such a thing and it played on their kindness and goodness; but this is a very nasty enemy and one who has run out of debate and arguments.

The first came shortly after the Kennedy administration took office in January 1961. Although neither John nor Robert Kennedy had ever spent much time thinking or worrying about civil rights, the issue had in fact played a pivotal role in John F. Kennedy’s defeat of Richard Nixon. A black aide to Kennedy had written him a memo early in the campaign urging a “bold, national gesture” that would speak emotionally to black Americans. When Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested and sentenced to two months of hard labor in an Alabama jail, the opportunity suddenly emerged for precisely such a gesture. John Kennedy called Mrs. King to express his personal concern, and a day later his brother Robert called the sitting judge in the case and successfully sought King’s release. The tide of the black vote suddenly shifted, and Kennedy rode to his narrow victory largely on the basis of African American votes. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Postwar America, 1945-1960." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

Either they abandon their country or figure out how to escape the merits of the constitution. So when they break away and chase after evil or the worst enemies; they become invincible as moles. That is why they used terrorism and wars to penetrate and infiltrate our forces and defense. In this case, the prospect of some advanced military weapon or even the legendary SDI project was too tempting. Regardless of the risk, they would do it because the result would be so many times more; it was an equalizer when they had no more debate or argument.

When you hear the word "narrow-minded," does "extremely conservative" pop into your head? It might if you use as a reference tool. The online source to learn the meanings of words equates the two, based on information in the Random House Dictionary. The listing provides three definitions for "narrow-minded": 1. having or showing a prejudiced mind, as persons or opinions; biased. 2. Not receptive to new ideas; having a closed mind. 3. Extremely conservative and morally self-righteous. It also features a list of synonyms, specifically "bigoted, partial, intolerant, illiberal." A screen shot of featuring definitions for the word "narrow-minded." Entries from other dictionaries, including the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language and Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, make no mention of "conservative" in their definitions. - WORDS GET IN THE WAY, 'Narrow-minded' means 'conservative'; by Joe Kovacs, ; May 14, 2009 -

This is a search and some exploration for an equalizer but in order to stop the enemies; you must know what they are doing or have. The first card they threw down is the civil rights movement and the 1960s and we knew immediately to avoid them as they got closer and used more force. They were definitely not the police and if they were, they were making a lot of effort to conceal it while making offers and bribes. If they were legitimate then they would respond to some of the commands we were yelling back and forth or making some effort to document what they were doing. What can they do or acquire which will give them an equalizer? So why is their interest with military weaponry and systems we are involved with or working on? They say it is to stop terrorism but is it really?

When WND entered the term "conservative" into, results from eight different dictionaries were returned, with none using the word "narrow-minded" as a definition. The Random House definitions include as an adjective: * disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change. * Cautiously moderate or purposefully low: a conservative estimate. * Traditional in style or manner; avoiding novelty or showiness: conservative suit. As a noun, it includes: * a person who is conservative in principles, actions, habits, etc. * A supporter of conservative political policies. On its "About" page, explains it doesn't produce all the dictionaries appearing on its site. It merely makes them available. "In that respect we are more like a bookstore or library than a publisher," it states. "Thus any comments regarding the content of the definitions that appear on our site should properly be directed to the publisher or copyright holder." - WORDS GET IN THE WAY, 'Narrow-minded' means 'conservative'; by Joe Kovacs, ; May 14, 2009 -

The risk being if they failed then the consequences was unimaginable. Would they have a home to go back to and would anybody excuse them for these crimes and posing as the police to go after some made up enemy we fear also? Being part of the enemies gave them the ability to gain from near impossible odds and score higher. They knew the attacks would come or were coming because they were behind it. This is what we are seeing and this is what we are noticing with this group. Even though they are caught and captured; they know a full admission is better than what is to come, especially if they were detected, infiltrated, recorded, and have a secret file already prepared for capture. To them that is the most horrific event this century and all the more reason to push further into the violation; they dig deeper and deeper and in a suicidal manner.

The second moment of possibility occurred in the spring and summer of 1963. Although the Kennedy administration had severely disappointed blacks with its failure in 1961 and 1962 to advance civil rights legislation or protect civil rights workers engaged in voter registration activities, the Justice Department had increased fivefold the number of voting rights suits, and had increased ten times its number of black attorneys. Still, until the spring of 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. was accurate when he stated that “if tokenism were the goal, the [Kennedy administration] has moved us adroitly toward it.” Now, the explosion of demonstrations in Birmingham (“Bombingham,” as it was known in the black community) changed all that. As Bull Connor’s police dogs attacked women and children and fire hoses pinned peaceful demonstrators against storefronts and walls with the force of their water pressure, the world—and Washington—awakened to both the searing brutality of racism and the moral imperative of bringing racial change. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Postwar America, 1945-1960." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

When you make a list of who this world hates and who is on the bottom of the list, then you make a list of who is on the top, and then ask who you are and what you want; you can now plot as if you are a mastermind and a spy. What you will do is choose a goal. You will choose who to blame. You will choose a story. You will choose a victim. You will choose to blame someone. You will choose the heroes. You will choose the amount you seek to gain and who is in position to stop this. You will create the reversal of the domino effect. The only problem is we were fighting the enemies and now the enemies are fighting us; we know because they were trying to recruit us and they wanted us to say “we hate America” or “we hate Americans” instead of saying, “we only hate our bosses, despots, terrorists, and evil.” Now how do you stop the bad in this world when they are the good and who will rescue you?

The Kennedy’s finally understood that they had no choice but to join the cause. Mobilizing the entire administration, they lobbied with business and political leaders to promote desegregation. Between May and July, the president met with more than 1,600 leaders from religious, labor and business organizations, while Robert Kennedy orchestrated the day-to-day response of federal law enforcement officials to the ongoing crisis of the demonstrations. Culminating the administration’s new sensitivity to the issue of civil rights, President Kennedy went on television in June, and in an extemporaneous address …Finally delivering on what he had so long promised, Kennedy proposed a major civil rights bill that would mandate desegregation of public accommodations, promote school integration, and outlaw discrimination in hiring based on race or sex. It was a major step forward, reinforced when the Kennedy’s ended up supporting the civil rights movement’s March on Washington in August 1963, with the president hosting the leaders of the march after its conclusion. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Postwar America, 1945-1960." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

Where the Clinton and Bush Administrations were invisible, the Obama one faces God and natural destruction. Nobody has to help them; they will screw up everything and even decry their critics as extremists and of the temperance to hate Americans and America. One minute they are out spending as if God touch their golden hand, the next they are fighting for their life and jobs. One minute they are on the front lines of terrorism and the next behind the investigations of the masterminds. What is this war they are unleashing on mankind and on our soil to make it blood rich theirs? It is not as if they have a proper education or is of any use. Could they also be of some worth and of some social character which we find useful and not deplorable? Now they want war and see it as a way to escape the fine predicament they got themselves in trying to act like some Gestapo.

The third moment of possibility—and perhaps the most symbolic—came in the spring of 1965 when Lyndon B. Johnson, who inherited the presidency after John F. Kennedy’s assassination, personally embraced the civil rights cause as his own when he advocated transformative voting rights legislation before the U.S. Congress. Once again, of course, the precipitating cause was massive civil rights demonstrations. Thousands of civil rights protestors had descended on …Lyndon Johnson now changed his position. In language worthy of Lincoln, he told the Congress and the American people that for more than a hundred years blacks had been suppressed in their desire to become full citizens, and that the time had now come to right that wrong once and for all. Expressing his complete identification with the movement, Johnson closed his address by using the movement’s slogan as his own, telling the nation, “We shall overcome.” - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Postwar America, 1945-1960." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

There is a reason why getting the truth is so difficult and nearly impossible from these people. There is a reason why they justify the left wing and communism. There is a reason why they take and steal the lives of others and feel better or keep the truth secret. There is a reason why they would drag out a lie to its very end and in a homicidal manner. That reason is the largest surge in left wing history and the swarming of the right wing with spies, rogues, and some of the most violent and ruthless blood thirsty nuisances in mankind.

They believed that by simply pointing out the wrongs and dramatizing their absurdity and immorality, they would cause lasting and meaningful reform. Instead, all too often, government officials defaulted on promises, waffled on implementation of policies, and, on occasion, even actively opposed civil rights insurgents. Even those who epitomized white liberalism failed repeatedly to come through, acting as though they had the right and authority to dictate the pace of change and the terms under which it would occur. By mid-decade, a significant segment of the civil rights movement had determined that liberalism itself was the problem and that only by taking charge—defining their own agenda—could they achieve true self-determination. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Postwar America, 1945-1960." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

It is not about who they can claim to be. It is who we know them to working for and lying about. It is not about whom they bring onto their shows or who can speak on their behalf; no it is their inability to speak on their own behalf. There is a reason for all this confusion; there is a massive attack underway. Who these people claim to be is not who they are and what they claim to be espousing is not what we know them to be fighting for. They want to replace the right wing before giving it to the left wing. They want to make candidates like the 43rd and the 44th in the best light they can so this process of handing it over can be done with.

Part of that evolution reflected the daily frustration of the student portion of the civil rights movement with the failure of government officials to protect them. Some were already disillusioned with what they saw as the effort of adult leaders like Dr. King and Roy Wilkins to manipulate them, expressing, in Ella Baker’s words, anger “when the prophetic leader turns out to have heavy feet of clay.” But that frustration paled beside the rage they felt when local law enforcement officers oppressed them, and federal agents stood by and did nothing. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Postwar America, 1945-1960." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

They feel this country is too good and too important for them to tell the ruthless truth. We know this country is too valuable and worthy to lie about it. So something must give and someone must be dispensed the hard cold reality, what they are fighting for. They are fighting for us; whether they like it or not, it is for us. We do not fight for them and never have; they fight for us and they work for us. So why can’t they make work and why do they keep pulling bailouts out of their hats and black bag? Why is this problem with a yes or no answer so difficult? Why is it important who speaks on their behalf or who they know and what they know? Does being the media give them the right to muckrake or engage in yellow journalism? What is wrong with the media and why?

“It is not just liberals or Republicans but the entire media who are haranguing and heckling Republicans to stop being conservative… the Party is a lot smaller than conservatives… there are more conservatives than there are Republicans so it is not a coincidence that the people who want us to loose, the media and Democrats, keep telling us to stop being conservative.” - Ann Coulter on The O’Reilly Show, Fox News Network; May 06, 2009 -

So what is the problem? We have a hodgepodge of bipartisanship but the overlying factor they are master spies or political operatives in a destitute state of repair and reenergizing. They have been defeated badly and only finding this out now just how badly. So why is this bipartisan effort by a master spy group so unusual? Why is it they claim to be one thing but are another and can take or expel anyone they choose? How are they improving on their tactics and methods to placate this sensation of total invasion and total war? Now we get into the fine inner workings of the largest spy group and the largest conspiracy we have ever witnessed in the Post cold war era. Now we get into the fine details of what they grew up to become or what they morphed into.

To all of this, the federal government seemed to turn a deaf ear. After whites in Ruleville, Mississippi, fired into the homes of local blacks who were assisting the civil rights movement, FBI agents suggested that the civil rights workers were trying to extort money and that they had done the shooting. State troopers in Selma brutally jabbed voter registration applicants with cattle prods and Billy clubs, and all the FBI did was stand and watch. Even after repeated phone calls for federal assistance, it took hours for FBI officials to come and investigate imminent threats of violence to civil rights advocates. In Albany, Georgia, the federal government even sought indictments against some civil rights advocates for conducting a boycott of businesses that discriminated against blacks. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Postwar America, 1945-1960." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

We have several of their most important cards on the table. One of the cards is racism. The other important card is crime. The last important card is so complex people are committing suicide because of the overwhelming capacity to seize the liberal mind and to paralyze their lazy attack in a heartbeat. That last card is the guns or butter debate, the use of spending as a weapon on competitors and rivals. Well, that debate, the butter and domestic spending has been turned inwards with nationalist fuehrer. Yes, win at all cost, whatever it takes, and read my lips has been turned inwards and is being used as a weapon to win back the cold war. Yes, it is happening and reality. Yes, they know we also picked up on their master plot and grand strategy which is in some initial pilot phase. What they are doing is celebrating it on our soil by pretending to be fixing the nation and doing good work.

Symptomatic of the underlying grievance many blacks felt was the way that white liberals, at both the March on Washington and the Democratic national convention in 1964, insisted on depriving blacks of their own, independent voice and making them conform to white terms and standards. After white labor and religious leaders saw SNCC leader John Lewis’s speech attacking established politicians of both parties for failing to address black grievances, they censored his remarks and threatened to abandon the platform unless Lewis accepted their revised language. In Atlantic City, at the Democratic convention of 1964, black insurgents tested the resolve of white liberals by seeking, through the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, to replace the all-white, segregated Mississippi delegation. They had collected reams of affidavits; they proved, by using the rules of the party, that they had been unfairly excluded; …Using every political weapon at his disposal, including threats to take federal jobs away … - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Postwar America, 1945-1960." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

We are in a period of history where the same forces who were around in the 1960s and who were advancing hate and racism in America; are back again to finish up what they started, a disaster of a folly. The only problem this time is the biggest economic powers are not limited to the white race and only associated with Nazism. We are in a technical revolution and the highest academic scores will win; brains beat brawn; race and ethnic pride does not. We are in a scientific Armageddon where the presence of a permanent underclass is growing larger and larger but not naturally. The largest population growth is with this same permanent underclass while the most advanced societies are addicted to work and tireless schooling. The punishments are dispensed by who you are stuck with and who you cannot beat politically.

Finally, a growing economic radicalism took root among young activists in the movement. The more students from colleges, southern and northern, saw firsthand the poverty facing black southerners and the ways that credit, loans, and insurance policies were used to whip blacks into conformity with white expectation, the more they saw the economic system, as well as the political system, as part of the explanation for racism. Some, at least, began to ask why anyone would want to be integrated into a social and economic system that perpetuated such inequality. What was it worth to be able to eat at a Holiday Inn if one could not afford the meal? The desire for control over their own movement reinforced the evolving conviction that systemic, not incremental, change was the only answer. “In earlier days,” Roger Wilkins, nephew of the NAACP leader Roy Wilkins, wrote, “the overwhelming majority of Negroes retained their profound faith in America [and] her institutions. . . . [Now] there is a growing view . . . that white people have embedded their flaws so deeply in the institutions that those institutions are beyond redemption.” - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Postwar America, 1945-1960." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

How do you beat the left in politics when they grow two or three times the rate of the right wing? How do you beat liberals when all facts and all data suggesting they cannot compete academically is reversed and challenged as a reaction to their perspective and reality? Here is the solution, cut all federal funds and let’s see who takes it serious and can swim like an angel or drown with the devil. However, the governments of this world who we typically despised for being weak and frail find comfort in using liberalism and left wing politics to scare the hell out of this world. So while a small few in the world work furiously the majority of the world sits and tries to enjoy the rewards of the few.

Out of such experience emerged the political doctrine of the Black Power movement. More an expression of frustration than a coherent program of economic and social policies, Black Power spoke powerfully to the desire of many African Americans to be in charge of their own movement and aspirations. America, Stokely Carmichael declared, “does not function by morality, love and non-violence.” So why should blacks wish to become assimilated into such a nation. Occurring, as it did, at the same time that race riots broke out in areas as different as Watts in Los Angeles and inner city ghettoes in Newark, Cleveland, and Detroit, Black Power—and companion developments such as the emergence of the Black Panther Party—signified the degree to which the hopeful optimism of the early 1960s had been displaced by voices of anger that saw little if any hope for finding common ground with the larger liberal tradition. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Postwar America, 1945-1960." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

It gets much worse; their governments promote this because they are the ones who designed this business model and banking system where security is guaranteed to those who lack talents and some good character disposition. We are not going to change the human race but then, they better be terrified about the coming future and the coming technological Armageddon where automation and science crowds out the human species. To revolt and to fight against this, liberals must create a technology and robot which can defeat and reverse the discrimination or hate. They have to challenge this reality we live in and challenge this new movement acting upon them.

Even if the development of Black Power reflected the sentiments of only a portion of the African American population, the experiences that shaped its emergence suggested a degree of fragmentation and division that made unlikely the convergence around a set of common policies that had once seemed possible in the late 1940s and early 1960s. Instead, it seemed, race remained a reality within American society that the liberal tradition could accommodate, at best, only partially. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: The Post-1960s." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

It is a technical Armageddon which means they either ante up or go home empty. No matter how hostile and how ferociously annoying liberals become, they will never outsmart or beat a computer, no less the new generation of social weapons and military weapons which will crowd out the human species and this need for security in numbers. We are serious when we say the left wing is over and done; they will experience a severe downfall and trajectory to the pit of hell from here to the end of time because this technological Armageddon is so powerful we do not even understand it. It takes honor students to participate in it and we know they are much smarter than the average person who would react to an automated or robotic process.

Notwithstanding remarkable gains, both politically and economically, for a segment of the black population, race conferred a group identity that did not easily give way to an ethos of individualism and equal opportunity. Controversy after controversy heightened sensitivity on the part of blacks as well as whites about the underlying resonance of race as a social dividing line. And the degree to which poverty, housing segregation, and educational experience still revolved around racial variables suggested that the dream of a liberal coalition that would transcend race was a long time away from being a possibility. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: The Post-1960s." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

When this robotic and binary revolution is in full swing, the liberals will find it very difficult to argue what has traditionally been their meat and potatoes of political power. There is no longer a morality of racism or institutionalized hate. There is not a continuing open door to players but instead a cordial degree of technological merits and might to throw a hat in the ring as a serious player or a serious foe. War will be a waste of time when it is robotic and inexpensive. Liberalism will be an excuse to humanism or some tragedy which technology produced and they are reacting to it in some way to care for the injured and displaced. Their work is cut out for them because the power and the might of technology are tremendous.

No one used the political volatility of race better than Richard Nixon. Although in the 1950s Nixon was one of the chief supporters of civil rights in the Eisenhower White House, by 1968 he had become a specialist in using racial code words as a rallying cry for a conservative political resurgence. Issuing scathing denunciations of forced busing to desegregate schools, Nixon not too subtly suggested that he would cease heeding black America’s call for change by focusing on the “restoration of law and order” as his chief priority. “As we look at America,” he proclaimed, “we see cities enveloped in smoke and flame. We hear sirens in the night. We see Americans hating each other. And . . . millions of Americans cry out in anger: Did we come all this way for this?” - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: The Post-1960s." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

The coming decades will not benefit the permanent underclass one bit and that is the cold hard reality of this world and the coming rebellions. Mental clarity and scientific intelligence will be the source of attrition to strangle the left wing into submission and perishing. There is no other experiment available as the collision with history comes to an end might become explosive. Warfare will become very inexpensive in the future, humans less worthy and valued, and the cost of taking care of a human from cradle to grave an enormous disaster. People do not even have to leave their homes anymore to manufacture revolutions. So we are in this instructional and intersecting period of history now and have been.

As another measure of the ongoing and divisive salience of race for both blacks and whites, affirmative action became—with abortion—the single most polarizing issue in American society. Started in the mid-1960s by JFK and LBJ as a policy of seeking the inclusion of blacks in employment pools, affirmative action by the 1970s had come to mean, for whites, quotas, preferential treatment, and mandated violations of equal employment procedures in order to give blacks something they did not deserve; for blacks, on the other hand, affirmative action was a critical and necessary intervention to reverse centuries of discrimination by making employers look carefully at qualified black candidates for positions that were open. The courts for the most part upheld affirmative action policies, especially where a history of proven discrimination existed, but the larger battle was in the symbolism of using race as a category of political decision-making. Even though for centuries laws had been made solely based on race—slavery and Jim Crow as prime examples—now it became un-American to use the same criterion for seeking to redress injustice. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: The Post-1960s." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

We can trace the history of liberals in America and the hostility which their plight has been or is engaged in. There is a serious degree of radicalism and worse a history which identifies with World War II. We can even go farther back to the history of the world and determine what shaped and influence the modern liberal movement and how it breeds this sort of hostility and lawlessness. It is and will be a nightmare the moment every nation on earth sends America a nice gift wrapped population of their liberals seeking freedoms and escaping persecution from some form of government. Liberals are a curse and most especially when they start reacting to things such as the truth to tear it down. They are hostile because attacking someone is the only way to tear them down or spike their mind with suicide and murder they die of grief. So liberalism in America has turned into a deadlier than nasty war and can be described as a war with the insanity of Gestapo.

When in the 1970s network news anchors first started to use the phrase “reverse discrimination” as a synonym or descriptor of affirmative action, the cultural war was over. Blacks had lost, and they knew it, even if the policy of affirmative action itself had made a significant difference in the jobs many middle-class blacks, in particular, now occupied. Perhaps the most enduring manifestation of race as a shaping issue in America was the dividing line that separated those African Americans who enjoyed new opportunities to move to the suburbs, hold good jobs, and secure a decent education, and those who remained totally outside the mainstream, isolated by their race, class, and gender from even a chance to make it in America. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: The Post-1960s." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

These people have a legitimate complaint, “because they are liberals.” We are on the cutting edge of military strategy and warfare; being kidnapped by an ultra left wing and radical group pretending to be right wing. We too have been a victim of this government and if that who did it or were behind it was made out of some mold “we the people” could identify or destroy; maybe getting rid of them would not be so difficult. These people are protesting about a legitimate complaint. There is a lot of bad stuff going on and a government that has disenfranchised their own people with lies and deceit. If they are made better and more trustworthy, then getting rid of them would not be so difficult.

On the one hand, the proportion of blacks earning a middleclass income increased 250 percent from 1960 to the mid-1970s. Black enrollments in colleges leaped fivefold. But on the other hand, the unemployment rate for blacks in inner city ghettoes was more than 30 percent, high school dropout rates approached 50 percent, and the number of children born out of wedlock in the black community went from 17 percent in 1950 to nearly 60 percent by 1990. Almost a third of black America lived in poverty in the 1970s and ’80s, with a new category of black female-headed households providing the major reason. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: The Post-1960s." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

So how does the Department of Homeland Security handle the problem with this ultra secret spy group snatching people and making them Obama supporters by inciting a loving feeling about hate in America and racism? They release a report which identifies veterans as a potential threat excusing or excluding the left wing completely. The problem with espionage spies and moles that are operating behind enemy lines or portraying themselves as stupid and powerless, even brilliant and powerful, is what part of what they preach do they practice?

None of these trend lines shifted during the ’80s and ’90s. The bifurcation of the black community by income and education accelerated rather than diminished over time, with nearly two-thirds of black births in 2000taking place in single-parent households. Affirmative action—or “reverse discrimination,” as most whites called it—continued to divide the population providing a lightning rod for both white conservatives such as Pat Buchanan on one hand and black protestors such as Al Sharpton on the other. George Bush’s use of the Willie Horton ad in the 1988 election—a black convict, given weekend leave in Mike Dukakis’s Massachusetts, who subsequently raped a white woman in Maryland—demonstrated the political capital that could be seized by, once again, making race a dividing point in political decision-making. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: The Post-1960s." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

For decades and even a millennia, we had a domestic nuisance ask if we hate Americans and the land we live in, die for, and profess to defend; only to figure out they were lying and too stupid to ingest the concept they are bad leaders or were to stupid to hold power or wield it with the quality and perfection we typically believe true. We woke up one morning and decided the entire world was a veneer and a dream we created in our own mind so long as we had something good to say and a smidgeon of bad about others to show.

Although many social scientists now talked about the “declining significance of race”—William Julius Wilson’s phrase—two events in the 1990s suggested that announcing the demise of race as a pivotal issue in America was premature. In the early 1990s, Rodney King, a black man with a record of minor criminal violations, was chased by Los Angeles police for a speeding violation. Subsequently, as recorded by an amateur photographer using a new video camera, police officers with Billy clubs subdued King on the ground and struck him sixty-five times. When the officers were put on trial, an overwhelmingly white jury decided that no brutality had occurred, despite the videotape. A few years later, O. J. Simpson, the famous black football player and commentator, was arrested and charged with brutally murdering his ex-wife and her companion. A record of previous domestic violence was established, with 911 calls from Nicole Simpson. Most important, DNA evidence directly linked Simpson with the murder. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: The Post-1960s." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

Then we got a little curious and went to school where they taught us that history is made and history is free to every mind that knows it and studies it promising to never repeat it. We actually mean the bad parts. So what parts are really bad? Well if you ask the domestic nuisance they will probably say everything. If you ask the other domestic nuisance they will probably say nothing. Whose right? Who is so silvery clever they shine with metal might and bounce off anything with an unbearable power of death? It could be that these people are nuts and if you leave their fate and future to their own liking, they will eat it instead of take care of it.

What would have been required for liberalism to have passed successfully the test posed by the issue of race? Clearly, the total elimination of race as a category conferring group identity represents a utopian idea. Given the plethora of ethnic traditions in the United States, the persistence of cultural differences and collective pride in one’s origins should be a source of strength, not weakness. Nor is there an inherent inconsistency between embracing the values of individualism and equal opportunity on one hand and celebration of group identity on the other. The key, then, is not the elimination of race as a concept conferring difference and identity, but rather the elimination of race as an automatic signifier of inequality and invidious treatment. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Conclusion." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

Self determination is good so long as the victors actually won and nobody is angry, but why is this always such a far pass from grieving about regrets? People do things they should not and get caught; then Arabs kill them or slaughter them in cold blood and that is how the story was supposed to go but did not. That is what the history book said and taught us, why? Next thing we know radio hosts are 911 masterminds who are on a drug induced rampage pretending to be as handsome as Ted Bundy and as cute a lovable as Charles (Charlie as friends call him) Manson.

For that to have happened, the chasm between white leaders and black activists would have to close, and the disconnect between the average black person’s daily experience and the pronouncements of public policymakers come to an end. There appeared to be moments in the post-1930s world when that kind of bridging might have been possible. The rhetoric surrounding President Truman’s Committee on Civil Rights, and the strength of biracial liberalism at the 1948 Democratic convention offered hope. But then action failed to follow words, and in an age permeated by anticommunism and the fear that any criticism of America might be punished as giving aid to the enemy, that moment passed, with reliance on the courts the only viable means of seeking change. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Conclusion." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

What the hell is the problem here? Maybe it takes some pain. Maybe a little bit country and a little bit of sacrifice. Maybe it takes a blood bath to take the serial killer out of the serial killer? So history lacked leadership and was filled with insane and desperate people who did not enjoy killing each other but eventually had to; what now? Shall we follow their lead or just give them what they want, more pain? So the past is a hindrance to the future and the two are incongruent to how we see it; step out of it. That is the answer, a prisoner of the past will become the same prisoner in the future and it does not take an ounce of religion to believe this truth.

Then again in the early 1960s, particularly in 1961, 1963, and 1965, there were occasions when white and black political leaders came together, and when even the dialectic between average insurgents and public policymakers seemed on the path to open communication, trust and synthesis. The Kennedy administration’s responsiveness to the Freedom Rides and the Birmingham demonstrations—although only partial—provided hope that there could be more follow-through in the future and that a new coalition might be born. The same sense of optimism seemed warranted when Lyndon Johnson made voting rights a cause that he personally embraced, even though the foundations of a liberal coalition were already crumbling. But in the end, the follow-through proved inadequate, leaders faltered under the ongoing temptation to use race as a negative wedge that would bring temporary political advantage, and the disconnect between average people’s daily experience and the words that supposedly guided government policy became deeper and wider. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Conclusion." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

Jonathan Miller said it best when he said there had been heroic opposition to this undercover reality we are discovering. Why do human beings cling to things they know is false and even ridiculous to find an unshakeable belief they are real or living for some real goal? We are unshakeable on any path of flight from the battle to the fields and farms to the corridors of power to the remains of the bodies which built all of the above. Need ours be also? History is built on the bodies of the dead and when they come alive again, the fun really begins. It is a heroic idea that in battle, victories come from somewhere and power is a source or a course of something, we call it religion and not atheism but we know the only escape is to step out of it instead of in it. It is a mess.

Persistence, consistency, and vision were all necessary if the promise of incorporating racial equality within a liberal tradition were to be realized. If there had been agreement to “keep your eye on the prize,” and that prize were defined as making race a positive value within a commitment to equal opportunity, the test that race posed for liberalism might have been passed. Instead, the moments of brightness became shadowed by longer periods of darkness, and the gap between leaders and the experience of average citizens widened. Ultimately, race was the Achilles heel of the liberal tradition, challenging its capacity to grow and to evolve organically in service to democratic values. It remains so in a new century, still challenging leaders and average citizens to redeem the original sin of American democracy. - Chafe, William H., The Achievement of Liberalism: "Race in America: The Ultimate Test of Liberalism: Conclusion." Columbia University Press, New York, 2003. Chapter 6. -

Our relentless and determined pursuit of the truth and determined passion for justice or all things we can prove and demonstrate is the present reality; and so far that discovery is not the same as before. So far there is and has not been a human soul or enemy alive who can defeat it or has withstood the burn of the challenge. Like a flare, a few were shot upwards until they crashed and burned because they are inherently weak by the possession of falsity and worse a compassion for evil. Now how dumb is that and how stupid is the teacher for this? This was not a heroic opposition and far from a course on atheisms, religion, or revolution; it was and is pure evil.

Are people identifying with legendary spies and kidnappers or how they wish us to cooperate and work closely with them? Why do they ask this question? That is like asking if we wish to die. The destruction and damage was so severe, the extremists burned down their communities and looted those who had nothing to do with the matter while they were hooting about jobs, health care, and some promise of benefits. It sounded so good more and more people joined in. Luckily, no cops were shot and there were no high speed chases down the interstate over public tea bagging; a phrase coined to identify a “bona fide revolt of the American public.” So long as nobody is made stupid by the ordeal; we have no objections. We know stupid and stupid is in control where this reality we possess has no control, only reality and truth. there are tea bag marches planned up and down the east and west coast; that is what the DHS reports were implying and discriminatory about. Tea bag the devil to hell and when it is all said and done, throw them in the ocean and have a bash to belittle their sniffle celebration.

Sarah Palin was arguably the most influential person in 2008, but no one notices because she wasn't influential enough to overcome the deficits of her running mate and win the election. Until Palin, 45, burst onto the scene, Obama was headed for a Nixon/McGovern landslide. Palin may not have changed the election result, but she killed what otherwise would have been a rout. - Sarah Palin, by Ann Coulter; ; April 30, 2009 -

What we are observing is how right wing leaders are actually left wing practitioners. How they do it is based on what they preach and what they actually practice and who they let up or let through. By preaching they can actually act out an enemy or take orders from a foreign adversary. So we have the left wing who is the threat and who did destroy the nation because they have reproductive rights and voting privileges which cause serious economic ruin or ruinous competition with the right wing. It is bringing the entire matter to a cooking point where the fault line is about intelligence and global market value. The labor and unions have very little power left in the global economy but they call themselves the right wing and ultra right wing leaders.

John McCain was so preposterous a candidate (at least on a Republican ticket) that Palin was responsible for far more votes than the usual vice-presidential candidate. The biggest red flag proving her popularity with normal Americans is that liberals won't shut up about her. Palin is a threat to liberals because she believes in God and country and family — all values liberals pretend to believe in but secretly detest. There's a reason there's no "Stop Olympia Snowe before it's too late!" movement. - Sarah Palin, by Ann Coulter; ; April 30, 2009 -

Next we have the political secret agents who are pushed to the point of cooking off. That cooking off period makes them more and more liars and also powerless to preach and smaller on acting out what they preach. That makes them violent and builds others who are just like them, a spy who is very angry and ready to strike who they "perceive" is behind it, the right wing. Meanwhile, the threat of the left wing goes completely beneath the radars. That is our communist spy master and what they are doing in America.

The American voter can be hornswoggled occasionally, but we can generally spot a real American, and that's what Sarah Palin is. She really was a housewife who went into politics because she didn't like the way her taxes were being spent. She really did take on the old-boy network — the oil companies and her own party — and won. And yes, she really did walk the walk on abortion when she found out she was carrying a Down-syndrome baby. The combination of Palin's attractiveness as a candidate and her ability to expose liberals made her a celebrity among Republicans. The only thing I have against her is that she threatens to surpass me in attracting the left's hatred. - Sarah Palin, by Ann Coulter; ; April 30, 2009 -

This has to do with intelligence and the ability to practice what you preach. We cannot stop the bad and the evil in this world. Even the FBI and CIA cannot stop these homo erecto-saurus from destroying their own country and lives. Our only option is to when faced with evil, terrorism, conspiracy, acts of war, and treasonous trickery; is to kill and claim it is for survival and the fate of this world. So is it really for the fate of this world or just our own self benefit? Who would know? If they know then why don’t they stop the bad and stop us from technological Armageddon? Are they too stupid or just in control? Sooner or later people are going to get sick and fed up with this control or “innocence by association” act where we do not even know who is behind the smell of defeat. We just punch who we see in the dark while that voice yells back “don’t punch it is me.” Well who am I or me? Who the hell has got our leg and who the earful got is trying to grab our hands? It’s me, don’t punch, it’s me!

These legendary spies have taken up positions at commanding heights or bunkered in our headquarters which makes retaliation almost impossible. They are driving people to violence while using their own disposable heroes to increase the police powers which they have control over. It will reach a cooking off point. In the end, we end up embracing the people who fight racism and hate in America, the communists. Of all this fear about the right wing and communist moles or saboteurs who are inciting violence or using the right wing as some safe haven and cover to launch a platform to cozy and coax others to the left wing; can the Department of Homeland Security give us one example of a real threat or maybe a captured terrorist being interrogated for terror plots?

Liberals wouldn't attack James Dobson with the amount of bile they've directed at a 21-year-old beauty contestant. It's not just Christianity -- it's women liberals hate. From Jean-Paul Sartre, Pablo Picasso and Bertrand Russell, who treated women -- mostly their mistresses -- like dogs, to Teddy Kennedy and Bill Clinton in our own day, liberals are ferocious misogynists. They share Muslims' opinion of women, differing only to the extent that liberals also support a women's right to have an abortion and to perform lap dances. You'd be better off in a real burqa than under the authority of a liberal American male. - Liberal Taliban Issues Fatwa Against Miss California, by Ann Coulter, ; May 13, 2009 -

We know that terror plot was some protection for a larger financial plot. By acting so secretly and entangling so many people, the extortion of agreement and the use of torture and financial pain are reversed and people are challenged whether or not they want to give up their freedoms or bail outs. That is the clever evil and the despicable scam these people and so called police have done to this country. When they said they would clean up Wall Street, they meant get ready for the largest push and advancement of socialism in the history of the world. how we ever got the police to tell us they were or would clean up wall street and end corruption; then knock us out with the killer punch is beyond the scope of the imagination. Did they forget to mention something about who they were and what they were doing?

I'm not sure we needed a psychological profile of Prejean to figure out why she holds the same position on gay marriage as: the president, the vice president, the secretary of state, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, John Edwards and his mistress, and the vast majority of the American people. But what is crying out for an explanation is why every bubble-head TV news anchorette from a nice, churchgoing red state ends up adopting the political views of Karl Marx… the whole stable of TV anchorettes weirdly have the exact same politics as their liberal masters. It's the ideological burqa women are required to wear to work in the mainstream media. As with a conventional burqa, it enforces conformity and severely restricts the vision… Now, another beautiful Christian has thrown off the liberal burqa, thereby inciting mass hysteria throughout the liberal establishment. - Liberal Taliban Issues Fatwa Against Miss California, by Ann Coulter, ; May 13, 2009 -

They can teach a horse to count and even add, why is it so hard to teach a human how to use a gun? It is not the act of shooting a human being; it is supposedly who you shoot. So we all must be blind and we do not know who we are shooting because it is total darkness and we are stupid enough to shoot in the dark at anyone. People are getting fed up with brilliant spies who act stupid while they hold every aspect of our life in their filthy and stinky hands. It does not take being kidnapped for ten years to make this more evident and clear. Did we wake up stupid and not notice? What foreign competitors did not finish off, the automatic revolution and technological future will.

Therefore, with the prospects of a lack of vision and severe incompetence; social security and Medicare should be put back into the hands of the states for them to resolve rather than to impede the vision and clarity of the federal government. The communist were hoping for a waiting game and now the entire world blew up on them and they are teetering on terrified by their own strategy and waiting game. They came to us and we made it clear to them how inexpensive warfare will become in the future and how we are and were prepared for a technological market and military Armageddon. Are they now? Are they ready to give up the ferocity of their pussyfooting through life and pursuit to claim our life as theirs?

While only 4 percent of British and American troops captured by German or Italian forces died in captivity, 27 percent of British and American POWs captured by the Japanese died in captivity. Japanese war crimes were so atrocious that even rape was treated as only a secondary war crime in the Tokyo trial, similar to what happens during an R. Kelly trial. The Japanese "water cure" was to "waterboarding" as practiced at Guantanamo what rape at knifepoint is to calling your secretary "honey." …Meanwhile, the alleged "torture" under the Bush administration consists of things like: -- "failing to respect a Serbian national holiday"; or -- "forgetting to wear plastic gloves while handling a Quran." - Watching MSNBC is Torture, by Ann Coulter,; May 06, 2009 -

The reality of the new millennia is how things can change overnight with a binary precision and it is greatly in our favor and fancy will to enjoy it. The left wing and the liberals have done some of the most atrocious crimes and act in history but this will be their final stupid act in history. If they want to defeat the technology, they must first read, write, and also do math instead of terracing others with how irritating and humiliating their harangue is because they seem to be uselessly weak to reality. We cannot stress the truth and a life which is based on self sufficiency and freedom. Sissy acts and lawlessness by a deranged and mentally ill ethnic group or race is no longer a reality of our future. Institutions and organizations are going dilapidated and belly up. The window of opportunity for mismanagement is no longer open and now inescapable and inexcusable. Only real and real intelligent people will survive this battle for the future.

Finding out who started the tall tale about "waterboarding" being treated as a war crime after World War II would take the talents of a forensic historian, someone like Christina Hoff Sommers. After years of hearing the feminist "fact" that emergency room admissions for women beaten by their husbands soared by 40 percent on Super Bowl Sundays, Sommers traced it back to an unsubstantiated rumination erupting from a feminist rap session. But the lunatic claim was passed around with increasing credibility until it ended up being cited as hard fact in The New York Times, The Boston Globe and on "Good Morning America." One of the earliest entries in the "waterboarding as war crimes" myth must be this October 2006 article in The Washington Post, citing a case raised by Sen. Teddy Kennedy -- and heaven knows Kennedy understands the horrors of a near-drowning: - Watching MSNBC is Torture, by Ann Coulter,; May 06, 2009 -

The only way to react to technology and a computer is to build a better and smarter one and they are not it. Violent, hostile, and ferocious is even meaningless on the battlefield where lasers and drones shave off the hair of the gonad truth. The United States has always been dominant with military expertise and affairs. Peace has always been thru superior firepower and the most bang for the buck. The formula and the Constitution have not changed. Heck, they could wake up one morning a smoldering heap of disintegrated history and nobody would miss them. That is the world we live in and will live in where they can just disappear because a drone took its revenge on them while they were sleeping. The odd part is how the rules never apply to us, only to them.

The second amendment is just the same as America. Sooner or later, robotics will do the self defense and home protection. Take away the second amendment and automation will kick in and build a safer home which is terror proof or crime proof. How do we resolve this, do we get rid of the bad or do we constrict the entire world to suit those who are bad or a problem? How do we fight the bad in this world, through might or through death? A gun is not the only way to kill a human being and the second amendment is not the only way to a successful life of crime. Technology always simplifies life.

"Twenty-one years earlier, in 1947, the United States charged a Japanese officer, Yukio Asano, with war crimes for carrying out another form of waterboarding on a U.S. civilian. The subject was strapped on a stretcher that was tilted so that his feet were in the air and head near the floor, and small amounts of water were poured over his face, leaving him gasping for air until he agreed to talk." Even if that description of what Asano did was true -- and it isn't -- the only relevant word in the entire paragraph is "civilian." Any mistreatment of a civilian is a war crime. So every other part of that paragraph is utterly irrelevant to the treatment of prisoners of war, much less non-uniformed enemy combatants at Guantanamo, who could have been shot on sight under the laws of war. What Americans need to understand is that under liberals' own "laws of war," they will invent apocryphal incidents from history in order to give aid and comfort to America's enemies and to undermine those who kept us safe for the past eight years. - Watching MSNBC is Torture, by Ann Coulter,; May 06, 2009 -

When you know the answer of how militaries work and who has guns and who does not, then we will have the solution for America and even other nation building hoods. We have a serious problem with these people and this is because they are here. Hear on our soil not to seek persecution but to implement it on others while our determined search for knowledge and perfection goes unnoticed or uncared for. That is the magic of America, you are either here for the right reasons, you either love it or hate it, or you are stuck in a reality you will eventually despise and hate for the reality and essence of truth. We even have a more serious problem with them because they refuse to leave or leave us alone. Why, are they starving for our attention or are they trying to watch the technical Armageddon that is soon to light up the sky and their doomed assets? If they do not feel the fear and the might of the military now, then they better start because when the enemy is the same as us; we will have no other choice in this matter.

“Sometimes She Cries” lyrics by Warrant

Annie don't think
She's pretty no more
Starin at the stars
Through her back screen door

She tried and tried
To make it all work out
No matter what she does
She's left standin in the middle of doubt

In a lonely night
And in the pouring rain
You can count on me!

Sometimes she cries
When she's alone at night
Sometimes she weeps
When she's feelin cold and weak
Sometimes the pain
It just tears her up inside
Sometimes she cries
(Boohoo).... I wonder why?

Annie don't have
Her lover no more
Plays with her pillow
Stares at the bedroom floor

Used to have a million
They've come and gone
No matter what she does
She cant figure out what she's doin' wrong

In a lonely night
And in the pouring rain
You can count on me

(Repeat chorus)

Givin everything you’ve got
After all the heartache

(Guitars crying and weeping  )

In a lonely night
And in the pouring rain

Sometimes she cries
When she's alone at night
Sometimes she weeps (boohoo)
When she's feelin cold and weak
Sometimes the pain, ooooooo
It just tears her up inside
Sometimes she cries
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah

“Alive and Kicking” by Simple Minds

You turn me on, you lift me up
And like the sweetest cup I'd share with you
You lift me up, don't you ever stop, I'm here with you

Now it's all or nothing
'Cause you say you'll follow through
You follow me, and I, I, I follow you

What you gonna do when things go wrong?
What you gonna do when it all cracks up?
What you gonna do when the Love burns down?
What you gonna do when the flames go up?
Who is gonna come and turn the tide?
What's it gonna take to make a dream survive?
Who's got the touch to calm the storm inside?
Who's gonna save you?
Alive and Kicking
Stay until your love is, Alive and Kicking
Stay until your love is, until your love is, Alive

Oh you lift me up to the crucial top, so I can see
Oh you lead me on, till the feelings come
And the lights that shine on
But if that don't mean nothing
Like if someday it should fall through
You'll take me home where the magic's from
And I'll be with you

What you gonna do when things go wrong?
What you gonna do when it all cracks up?
What you gonna do when the Love burns down?
What you gonna do when the flames go up?
Who is gonna come and turn the tide?
What's it gonna take to make a dream survive?
Who's got the touch to calm the storm inside?
Don't say goodbye
Don't say goodbye
In the final seconds who's gonna save you?

Oh, Alive and Kicking
Stay until your love is, love is, Alive and Kicking
Oh, Alive and Kicking

“Whose Going to Take You Home” by The Cars

“Round Here” lyrics by The Counting Crows

Step out the front door like a ghost
Into the fog where no one notices
The contrast of white on white
And in between the moon and you
The angels get a better view
Of the crumbling difference between wrong and right
And I walk in the air between the rain
Through myself and back again
Where? I don't know
Maria says she's dying
Through the door I hear her crying
Why? I don't know

Round here we always stand up straight
Round here something radiates

Maria came from Nashville with a suitcase in her hand
She said she'd like to meet a boy who looks like Elvis
And she walks along the edge of where the ocean meets the land
Just like she's walking on a wire in the circus
Parks her car outside of my house

Takes her clothes off
Says she's close to understanding Jesus
She knows she's more than just a little misunderstood
She has trouble acting normal when she's nervous

Round here we're carving out our names
Round here we all look the same
Round here we talk just like lions
But we sacrifice like lambs
Round here she's slipping through my hands

Sleeping children better run like the wind
Out of the lightning dream
Mama's little baby better get herself in
Out of the lightning

She says "it's only in my head"
She says "Shhhhh I know it's only in my head"
But the girl on the car in the parking lot
Says "Man you should try to take a shot
Can't you see my walls are crumbling?"
Then she looks up at the building
Says she's thinking of jumping
She says she's tired of life
She must be tired of something

Round here she's always on my mind
Round here hey man got lots of time
Round here we're never sent to bed early
And nobody makes us wait
Round here we stay up very, very, very, very late

I can't see nothing... Nothing round here
Will you catch if I'm falling?
Will you catch me if I'm falling?
Will you catch me cause I'm falling down on you
I said I'm under the gun around here
I'm innocent I'm under the gun around here
And I can't see nothing
Nothing round here

“The Flame” lyrics by Cheap Trick

Another night slowly closes in
And I feel so lonely
Touching heat freezing on my skin
I pretend you still hold me
I'm going crazy, I’m losing sleep
I'm in too far, I’m in way too deep… over you
I can't believe you're gone
You were the first, you'll be the last

Wherever you go, I’ll be with you
Whatever you want, I’ll give it to you
Whenever you need someone to lay your heart and head upon
Remember: after the fire, after all the rain
I will be the flame
I will be the flame

Watching shadows move across the wall
I feel so frightened
I wanna run to you, I wanna call
But I’ve been hit by lightening
Just can't stand up for fallin' apart
Can't see through this veil across my heart, over you
You'll always be the one
You were the first, you'll be the last

Wherever you go, I’ll be with you
Whatever you want, I’ll give it to you
Whenever you need someone to lay your heart and head upon
Remember: after the fire, after all the rain
I will be the flame
I will be the flame

I'm going crazy, I’m losing sleep
I'm in too far, I’m in way too deep… over you
You'll always be the one
You were the first, you'll be the last

Wherever you go, I’ll be with you
Whatever you want, I’ll give it to you
Whenever you need someone to lay your heart and head upon
Remember: after the fire, after all the rain
I will be the flame
I will be the flame

Whatever you want, I’ll give it to you
Wherever you go, I’ll be with you
And whatever you want, I’ll give it to you

“Last Train” lyrics by Lost Prophets

One! Two! Three!

To every broken heart in here
Love was once a part, but now it's disappeared
She told me that it's all part of the choices that you make, now
Even when you think you're right
You have to give to take

But there's still tomorrow
Forget the sorrow
And I can be on the last train home
Watch it pass the day
As it fades away
No more time to care
No more time, today

But we sing
If we're going nowhere
Yeah we sing
If it's not enough
And we sing
Sing without a reason
To ever fall in love

I wonder if you're listening in
Picking up on the signals
Sent back from within
Sometimes it feels like I don't really know whats going on
Time and time again it seems like everything is wrong in here


But we sing
If we're going no where
Yeah we sing
If it's not enough
And we sing
Sing with out a reason to never fall in love
To never fall in love again

“Motorcycle Drive-by” lyrics by Third Eye Blind

Summer time and the wind is blowing
Outside in lower Chelsea
And I don't know what I'm doing in this city
The sun is always in my eyes
It crashes through the windows
When I'm sleeping on the couch
When I came to visit you
That's when I knew
That I could never have you
I knew that before you did
Still I'm the one who's stupid

And there's this burning
like there's always been
I've never been so alone
And I've, never been so alive

Visions of you on a motorcycle drive by
The cigarette ash it flies in your eyes
And you don't mind
And you smile and say
The world it doesn't fit with you
I don't believe you
You're so serene
Careening through the universe
Your axis on a tilt
You're guiltless and free
I hope you take a piece of me with you

And there are things I would like to do
That you don't believe in
I would like to build something
But you'll never see it happen

And there's this burning
Like there's always been
I've never been so alone
And I've, I've never been so alive

Where's the soul?
I wanna know
New York City's evil
The surface is everything
But I could never do that
Someone would see through that
And this is the last time
We'll be friends again
And I'll get over you
You wonder who I am

And there's this burning
Just like there's always been
And I've never been so alone
I've never been so alive

I go home to the coast
It starts to rain
I paddle out on the water
I taste the salt
I taste the pain
I'm not thinking of you again
Summer dies and swells rise
The sun goes down in my eyes
See this rolling wave
Darkly coming, to take me home…

“Bad Day” lyrics by Fuel

Had a bad day again
Said I would not understand
She left a note and said I’m sorry I
I had a bad day again
Spilled her coffee broke a shoelace
Smeared the lipstick on her face
Slammed the door and said I’m sorry I
I had a bad day again

And she swears there's nothing wrong
I hear her playing that same old song
She puts me up and puts me on
And had a bad day again
Said I would not understand
Left a note and said I’m sorry I
I had a bad day again

And she swears there’s nothing wrong
I hear her playing that same old song
She puts me up, and puts me on
Whoa… had a bad day again
Said I would not understand
Left a note and said I’m sorry I
I had a bad day again

She left a note and said I’m sorry I
Had a bad day…

UGH hUGH,UGH hUGH, UGH hUGH alright oooo alright!!!!!

“Disintegration” lyrics by The Cure

I miss the kiss, of treachery
The shameless kiss, of vanity
The soft and the black and the velvety
Up tight against the side of me
Mouth and eyes and heart all bleed
Run in thickening streams of greed
Bit by bit, it starts the need
Just let go
My party piece

I miss the kiss, of treachery
The aching kiss, before I feed
The stench of a love, for a younger meat
And the sound that it makes
When it cuts in deep
The holding up, on bended knees
The addiction of duplicities
Bit by bit, it starts the need
To just let go
My party piece

I never said I would stay to the end!
So I leave you with babies, and hoping for frequency
Screaming like this, in the hope of the secrecy
Screaming me over and over and over
I leave you with photographs
Pictures of trickery
Stains on the carpet
Stains on the scenery
Songs about happiness, murmured in dreams
When we both us knew
How the ending would be

So it's all come back round to breaking apart again
Breaking apart like I'm made up of glass again
Making it up behind my back again
Holding my breath for the fear of sleep again
Holding it up behind my head again
Cut in deep, to the heart of the bone again
Round and round and round
And it's coming apart again
Over and over and over

Now that I know that I'm breaking to pieces
I'll pull out my heart
And I'll feed it to anyone!
Crying for sympathy
Crocodiles cry, for the love of the crowd
And the three cheers from everyone
Dropping through sky
Through the glass of the roof
Through the roof of your mouth
Through the mouth of your eye
Through the eye of the needle
It's easier for me, to get closer to heaven
Than ever feel whole again!

I never said I would stay to the end
I knew I would leave you with babies and everything
Screaming like this in the hole of sincerity
Screaming me over and over and over
I leave you with photographs
Pictures of trickery
Stains on the carpet and
Stains on the memory
Songs about happiness murmured in dreams
When we both of us knew
How the end always is

How the end always is!

How the end always is
How the end always is
How the end always is
Always is

“Still Loving You” lyrics by The Scorpions

Time, it needs time
To win back your love again
I will, be there I will, be there
Love, only love
Can bring back your love someday
I will, be there I will, be there

Fight, baby, fight
To win back your love again
I will, be there, I will, be there
Love, only love
Can break down the wall someday
I will, be there I will, be there

Here we go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
things that killed our love
pride has built a wall, so strong
That I can't get through
Is there really no chance?
To start once again
I'm loving you…

Try, baby try
To trust in my love again
I will, be there I will, be there
Love, our love
Just shouldn't be thrown away
I will, be there I will, be there

Here we go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
things that killed our love
pride has built a wall, so strong
That I can't get through
Is there really no chance
To start once again

Here we go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
things that killed our love
Yes, I've hurt your pride, and I know
What you've been through
You should give me a chance
This can't be the end
I'm still loving you!
I still love you!
I still love you!

"Wake Me Up When September Ends" lyrics by Greenday

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends

Like my father's come to pass
Seven years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends

Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are

As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends

Ring out the bells again
Like we did when spring began
Wake me up when September ends

Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are

As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends

Like my father's come to pass
Twenty years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends
Wake me up when September ends
Wake me up when September ends

"Learn to Fly" Lyrics by The Foo Fighters

Run and tell all of the angels
This could take all night
Think I need a devil to help me get things right
Hook me up a new revolution
Cause this one is a lie
We sat around laughing and watched the last one die

And I'm looking to the sky to save me
Looking for a sign of life
Looking for something to help me burn out bright

I'm looking for complication
Looking cause I'm tired of lying
Make my way back home when I learn to fly

I think I'm done nursing the patience
I can wait one night
I'd give it all away if you give me one last try
We'll live happily ever trapped if you just save my life
Run and tell the angels that everything's alright...


I'm looking for complication
Looking cause I'm tired of trying
Make my way back home when I learn to fly
Make my way back home when I learn to

Fly along with me, I can't quite make it alone
Try to make this life my own

Fly along with me, I can't quite make it alone
Try and make this life my own


I'm looking for complication
Looking cause I'm tired of trying (tired of trying)
Make my way back home when I learn to

I'm looking to the sky to save me
Looking for a sign of life (sign of life)
Looking for something to help me burn out bright

I'm looking for a complication
Looking cause I'm tired of trying
Make my way back home when I learn to fly
Make my way back home when I learn to fly
Make my way back home when I learn to… (Learn to, learn to, learn to, learn to…)

About Me

My photo
My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.

You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest