There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

Enter key words, topic, or specific references to posted chapters...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


The World of a Rapist and Sexual Offender: by the author of Satellite Warfare and Sustainable Economics.

Sexual predators operate in a secretive manner. They feed on and utilize trust as their main propulsion system to gain access or to obtain trust in day to day activity where the vulnerable and the weak are prey. It is no surprise why they refuse to fight or show violent tendencies; however, when isolated with a vulnerable person they show a different side to their personality. Trust can be established day to day utilizing bullying tactics. Those bully tactics give a semblance of power and order; two other primary sources of quality characteristics the sexual offender duplicates. Anybody who preys on the weak, vulnerable, or those under the guardianship of adults; is not looking for a fight or not expecting a victim to resist; they seek to replace the parent structure or manipulate the support of the target, a highly desired person. Their attitude while it may be the most sensitive and relaxed; is far from this calmness. It is the attitude of the sexual offender that lies, cheats, and tries to bully their way into or out of situations. Therefore, a system or environmental supports allow the sexual predator to climb the ladder or open doors in life; to win the trust of others and to hide a perverse secret they do not know how to tame.

Essentially, the world of a sexual predator is a web of deception. The goal is not money, career, or otherwise rewards which are high assets or proven to be a measure of success. Instead, this web of deception feeds on trust and seeks access. Similar to a robber, the sexual offender seeks out a victim; someone vulnerable, full of riches, and has that reward they so desperately need to continue this web of deception. The purpose of this web of deceit is to reinforce an image problem. When one person is asked who or what kind of person the sexual predator is; they may get varying degrees of opinions or altered observations. This web of deception is geared towards an image of an honest or decent person who fell through the cracks or has a few problems. By forming this web of deception, the environmental factors are there to allow the sexual predator to advance or conquerors their prey. In the eyes of others they appear pretty or attractive. In the eyes of their conscience, they overcame a tremendous obstacle in life.

As pervasive as a sexual offender may appear; the bottom of their character exists on the inability to tell the truth. This web of deception, similar to a ruse or scam; is designed to lure in and hook unsuspecting people who are not aware of who they have in front of them or why that person is acting the way they do. They are defeated by life or society. They were not good enough to join the athletic teams or drama clubs as they choose. They did not obtain the requirements others had while in school. Somehow or for some reason, their image is impacted and their secret life seeks to restore or reinstate a dark and bizarre character that enjoys bothering, pestering, bullying, winning over, or a cat and mouse game that allows them to breed or stay. Essentially, the web of deception is to grow or to seek progress. The truth is what will deny or prevent this progress and growth from occurring. The ability to exploit the kindness of others or conceal a bad attitude begins to signal suspicions and even cause the insightful observer to question why things are so out of place. They are out of place because the web of deception has moved the pieces to their liking.

Violence is a gigantic weapon in the arsenal of the sexual offender. Violence is viewed by society with severe impunity. The ability to get along with others or the ability to coexist with peers is vital to a successful life. However, a sex offender will question or challenge these bedrocks and try to break down the inhibitions which prevent normal or good people from going stray or turning bad. By stalking or casing a victim; a sexual offender will try to win trust and break down these inhibitions. Similar to alcohol or drugs, once the influence of a controlled substance is in the bloodstream of a human being, it impacts and alters their state of mind and emotional state. A human being, no less a victim, is more likely to go wrong or do bad acts when under some controlled substance then when not. Violence is prone when this mixture is involved. Violence is what the sexual predator avoids at all cost; even to the point of silence and being a victim. The ability to hide or conceal gives them the power to call the police, utilize a female partner, and invoke violence or fabricate an assault.

The mentality of a sexual offender is basically one which is altered and has no value in society. They view severe criticism or efforts to stop them as a grudge. They see the world in personal terms, as a narcissist would. They feel that grudges and bias is affecting their day to day growth when it is not. They are incapable or unable to see reality and their lack of it or attitude feeds this wanton desire to be free or get rid of oppressive mechanisms in their life. This could be people who tell on them, fight them, or even impose violence on their efforts. In the world of a sexual offender, violence is intolerable because trust cannot be established when violence is present. To establish trust, you must take the violence away from or figure out a way to make a human being a proper prey, a desirable victim, or a valuable target. To have pretty people impose violence on a sexual predator is the most insulting and the most humiliating experience imaginable. Trust, violence, and image all come into play when this web of deception is present; however, it is the final test of truth and character which becomes a failure to the sexual offender. They are incompatible to criticism and they are allergic to those who resist.

We are seeing a huge outbreak of sexual offenders as technology and the ability to communicate with anonymity are cheapened. Technology allows the sexual offender to expand their horizon and seek public places more frequently. They can become anybody they want. They can tell any lie they like. They can have the most sophisticated web of deception; so long as they are in their home and behind a computer. Some of them display extra-ordinary intelligence while some have the IQ of a retard. Whatever the case, the lure of vacation spots, the tanned bodies of well taken care of family members, the richest clothing and fine goods, the new town or new condo development near the beach, etc... all lure the sexual predator to America where you can find action and is an even better place to live or get laid. These environmental factors attract more and more of them; among the hordes of young males or young females looking for adventure and fun. Society sends mixed messages and this predator often confuses messages but makes no effort to clarify or verify if they are real. The truth is lost and their cunning ability to act on impulse is heightened, mistaken for stupidity and poor judgment.

Unfortunately, the support system which the sexual predator got the most joy out of; the sex industry, has revolted on the internet. The financial mechanism is no longer there for communities that suffer from poverty and unemployment. Dilapidated homes and foreclosed property means people are sick and unkempt; not well taken care of. Thus, America is no longer the hot spot to live and work; no less the number one vacation spot to get laid. This is where it turns dangerous because the sexual predator resorts more to youth and new victims that have this well-kept appeal. Age and threats of violence cause them to gravitate to a more susceptible and higher yield for their pleasures. These basic pleasures, whether on the internet or at the new hot vacation spot, all increase the pressure to have illegitimate children, out of wedlock pregnancy, drugs and drug related crimes, and the spread of medical problems throughout the criminal world. The media and the support system in the public arena, full of first amendment and self-expression, is the biggest hub of sex offenders because their ability to fight back is enhanced by societal mixed messages. Women who dress provocatively; adults who are friendly; victims who take care of themselves; sales people who need a job or a sale; all of these messages are confused in the mind of a sexual offender. If the individual is warped and their reality is so biased and insane; they will hear two or three sentences in one. Which one they choose is determined by the ability to get away with it or the ability to escape any harm.

The internet and technological advancements increase the productivity and the customer base of prostitutes, drug dealers, and the underworld. However, the unkempt and the slow demise are apparent as a political fuselage of more criminal activity and left wing national problems. Not only is the world dying; the underworld is getting sicker and more desperate. Blame this on the sexual predator because it was them who became the buffer zone between two worlds; where heaven collides with hell and where bad guys mix with good ones. Because the world of the sexual offender and the sexual predator is so ugly, genetics is vital to the survival of the species. If an image problem is not addressed with an infusion of genetics; the species will die. Therefore, the sex offender world must devise new and more appealing campaigns to lure the genetics they need and want; in order to establish this image or ensure the survival of the species. Typically, those channels of genetics come from minorities or immigrants who are new to the country and who fall easily to the smallest lies. Not only are they blind or weak like a child; they believe and eagerly seek acceptance and assimilation by these highly organized criminal and political groups. The sex offender world not only surrounds trust; but it comprises mostly of genetics and an ugly image. The ability to call the police and use violence or assault as a camouflage to conceal what actually took place or the invention of lies; enables the sexual offender to greater risk. It is not only a sophisticated high tech game, it is one fabrication after the next to conceal or hide what actually took place.

What exactly is the danger? Power and politics when up against evil, crime, and the left wing; is centered on rights and oppression. Society views these individuals as deranged, fanatics, unequal, undesired, ostracized nationalist, traitors, etc... They have nothing to ground them to reality or the society; so they pursue or look for something. Technology has definitely given them this avenue into the public domain and so has the media. Sex offenders are fascinated with film, movies, amateur video, family pictures, and a view of others a parent typically assigns through the life cycle of a child. A viewpoint omnipresent is also all encompassing and others expect gratitude for this unbiased or all-encompassing view. Spies and dangerous assassins have characteristics the sexual offender has to hone or perfect in order to survive. The use of kidnapping or abduction is just a day’s work in the world of a sexual predator. Furthermore, political enemies and the worst offenders, those with a death wish or some inescapable crime; will all fall into this sex predator or offender role. How they express it is how much trouble they will put themselves in; whether or not it is inside their marriage or outside of it.

In a prison setting, the sexual predator is the most feared. They are more likely to be on the staff than any other inmate. Their ability to utilize trust or win over trust supersedes all others. They are considered delicate and light; an intellectual point of view. A sexual offender is less prone to violence or violent crimes than other prisoners; they avoid attention and remain low key. A sexual predator makes the idea spy no matter what side they are on; the staff or the enemy. Their web of deception is the most complex out of all other thinking felons; therefore, their image remains the best or the most impeccable. As a mole or a spy, they make the most ideal and the most rained; an ability to form this web of deception and utilize trust to assimilate through society and into families. In a prison setting, they rise to the leadership and become the most feared and powerful; often able to mix with normal people and hide their evil. It is very difficult to describe how or why a sexual offender is so dangerous unless there is a body or unless a crime has been committed.

The most difficult sexual offender to catch is the ones who utilize a female or a partnership. To the average police officer, an abduction or pitch by a sexual offender may be imagined or part of their web of deception. It may look like a grudge or incompatible relations. It is not. To the police, when a complaint is logged; it merely looks like an argument, mental illness, unable to get along, or some personal grudge. This is who the underworld would send to violate or penetrate the staff of their enemies. When or if the police are involved; a sexual offender, usually a female, will invent a story of being raped or how the threat of violence is real. Again, this is part of their web of deception and ability to bend or sink into the ground as it changes. It is part of this game to establish trust and paint their prey as the bad guy or the offender. It is not and the goal typically does not work unless it is very sophisticated and elaborate. Criminals and felons of this caliber have sophisticated means of communication and elaborate languages. The danger is of course when they become staff, become employed, become a functioning human being, and share in the riches of America and the world.

About Me

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.

You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest