This secretive group does not obey warnings or stop when retreat is called for. In the end, they feel insulted, act like a victim, may have injuries or wounds, and do not wish to get hurt so they dive deeper into secrecy or usurping the laws. The dilemma if caught is the impact on the organization and the secrecy difficulty. This dangerous interlude, fantasy romance, business partnership, inclusion into an exclusive or secretive group, and casual brush in soon turned into death threats, murder plots, terrorizing people inside their homes, home invasion, spy or peeping tom cameras, verbal abuse or assault, he said she said, bacteria attacks, terror plots, and lawsuits. The people on the other end wanted to put the best face on an idiot or moron mentality which became aggravating to listen to apologies, excuses, or more warnings. If this was about money, then money was missing or there was a demand for business and services. The secret group would go to elaborate measures to pamper others for no reason but fantasy or an undesired adventure into insanity.
Although a well thought out, a well executed, and a mischievous scam with the highest secrecy and clandestine clashes; the crime has to be put together and those involved have not forwarded any assistance or help to solve the terror plots, invasion of privacy, kidnapping and a host of other felony charges. Additionally, it is in small claims court, criminal complaints filed, and also heading to civil federal court. On the line are damages totaling more than a billion dollars. However, it did not get this way by itself; it began as a civil dispute for 100 million and damages were set according to the impact it had on two people trying to start a family or get married. It began as a simple civil complaint and a reasonable sum of damages; it ended as utter insanity and corruption. The people guilty and behind this are truly ready to die but they want it to be known they do not wish to be hurt before that consequence takes effect; they are logical, rational, and were caught trying abhorrent experiments on human beings. Their actions were deliberate and their explanations show their thought process is purposeful and so evil; manipulative does not compare.
From 100 million it grew to over 1 billion in less than two years. Furthermore, the behavior of those involved is rationalized and explained but the explanation is insufficient or lackadaisical. The truth is they are a secret revolutionary organization invading or producing tremendous harm, danger, and disaster to the life of others. In so doing, people are more pliable, listen like thieves, succumb to trickery easier, are in pain or suffering, and the barricades and inhibitions are broken down. Those behaviors are to impose one's will on another and to subjugate them by pillaging their life. By doing on to others what they had done or feel was done to them; they can get agreement or unification; a process of solidarity and acting in concert or jointly. The problem with this is the degree of consensual or efforts to stop them, resist, prevent further damage, and chase them off. It is an unrelenting 20 year or more ordeal where stalking does not properly describe the behaviors or the deliberate intentions. There is genius and brilliance in the communist and the revolutionary forces; yet they hide this very well with adventures in marriage, courtship, friendship, stalking, employment, participation, and seeking others who can conceal their retarded or idiotic goals. They constantly are seeking to be normal or seeking a normal life when they are not.
The worst part of all is the trap both sides had deployed; one using one clever web of deception and the other using another clever web of deception. In the end, both traps are revealed and the more powerful one will remain victorious. To the casual observer, the do onto others what they do upon you; becomes a curse for both sides. Now it is up to the courts to decide if and when someone has stepped over the line or if the face of evil is as bad as they say it is? If evil is as bad as they say, then the damages will suit the billion or more in damages. If they are broken people who waged war upon the wrong victims and lost; then they must make an effort to reduce this damage and seek remedial or a lessening of damage because the cost of their actions were so disastrous to their own future and life. Speculating and theorizing about the behaviors of others does not win court cases or a billion dollars in damages; you must prove the motive and intent; make it known these people are serious and very dangerous. It has to be brought out and made clear they are predators who lure and coax people into harm or peril. Then it has to be proved they have a goal of robbery, use kidnapping, violate the rights of human beings, and act so vile they cannot speak but the crisis has grown to an disproportionate size; thus, indefensible. If you are a terrorist, a spy, or a criminal fugitive; how much worse can life get or become?
There are three identifiable immigration patterns. First is the high tech boom and the scientists who come to America and go west to Silicon Valley. California has a high density of Asians, primarily Japanese; and this allowed an easy transition. New York had a concentration of Chinese and could not compete with the high technology growth; thus, a boom and bust occurred. The second immigration pattern is from former communist states. These states have a profusion of mafia and crime bosses who were secret agents or former spies. They fed this immigration pattern and furthered the infiltration of the police and government. Now the future of the communist states was in the hands of people who invent insanity and disaster. The last immigration pattern is from Central and South America; although a blend of criminal and migrant workers; they over capacitated the public system and caused more pressure on taxes and public assistance. All of these immigration patterns contributed to the decline and bankruptcy of each state where the concentration flowed. In California the vast expansion of government to equalize these events led to disaster.
The people behind this felt a conspiracy in America was at work to force them into squalor. What they knew or read in the works of Friedrich Engel’s and Karl Marx were coming true; their excursions into the labor movement led to declining wealth and a return to poverty. Furthermore, during the 1980s; the advant garde of the drug wars brought back the images of communities with burnt out homes and garbage heaps. There are many impetuses to this return to the decadent utopian but one such factor was the Vietnam War and the arrival of the Asians in the 1980s. Hence, there is an adversarial relationship with the Japanese in New York: 1) birthplace of FDR 2) GM factories in upstate NY 3) labor unions and Irish heritage 4) stocks and rents in these auto companies. While this anti-Asian sentiment was forming due to the devastation of the auto industry collapse; the relations with Russian and Chinese organized crime picked up steam. Now they were flooding into America and settling in NY with a new frontier as the leaders of the new world; immigrants from South and Central America began to arrive for a piece of the construction, real estate market, and also drug wars. This is the staging point of land sales and real estate property; the imminent collapse of the banking system and monetary system.
Based on the interviews conducted from June of 2008 to 2010; research has been made to trace the origin of this secret and revolutionary group, identify their goals and objectives, and to analyze how well thought out their operations were or how each piece fit the puzzle of their crime spree. There are both criminal and civil law suits levied against the principles of this secret revolutionary organization we were in ferocious battle with hourly and daily. The complaints of these legal actions date back to the 1980s so this is a concerted and deliberate effort on the part of those captured to end the life of and deny all rights given to human beings. They were finally stopped in 2008 and provided the basis of the legal actions to come. If this is both a civil and criminal matter, then seeking relief from the courts is the next step and closure process. No matter how awful or traumatic the event, the final step to recovery is closure and relief; regroup and rejoin society so the pursuit of happiness is possible. It is not and continues to be an ordeal whether we have money or can pay our way out of this. Our life is a mess and a total disaster now; but those who started this and sought it through to the end have nowhere to run or hide. All data indicates a restoration attempt underway and a serious effort to expand due to pressures from population and government.
This was about land sales and a restoration so that financial ruin could be avoided. The gambling plots, construction companies, spying and invasion of privacy, terror or bomb plots; were mere vehicles to achieve this end. The market had denied them opportunity resulting from scams or idiotism, they felt it was a conspiracy, and using pretty faces and psychotic babble made things worse. We not only defeated them royally, they feared reprisal and kept taunting how our life was a disaster, we had no money, and jobs were on the line. This personal vendetta began in the 1960s with the Pentagon and the police whom struggled with this secret revolutionary organization while beating them over the head and dragging them away. They felt they were superior, did well and had a morality to prove it, had jobs, and were sophisticated by Marxism; not the cavemen and fugitives they were portrayed as in the media. So the police abused them at home while the Pentagon bombed them into terror and now they were sick of it and striking back. The liberals and labor unions are uniting or acting jointly. America is being used for this total transformation from poverty to job.
On the surface it looks like derangement and petty stalking; it is not. There is a purposeful attempt to seek suicide, a deliberate plan to terrorize, and the totality of robbery. Yes life is now messed up. Yes there is less money. Yes jobs are at risk or at stake. Yes we know everything. Yes it is a total disaster. All we can do is what decent, normal, and respected people can do; seek relief, damages, and any other legal recourse available. Similar to victims of robbery, the first process is to identify the assailant and decide if recovery is possible; there is not much available in terms of duration, goals, and level of execution. The next part is deciding whether or not they will sit idly or allow you to take legal action against them if they are a secret revolutionary organization. The source of information is from "Cited Work from Essential Works of Socialism", by Irving Howe; Irving Howe and Holt, Rinehart, Winston of Canada, 1970; Chapter 2: The Social Democratic Tradition, Terrorism and Populism by George Plekhanov.
At the dawn of the communist and revolutionary movements, Friedrich Engels the father of communist ideology wrote about the filth, trash, excrement, poverty, and result of industrialization in Manchester, UK. Then a working class Irish district, his notes on industrialism and communism were based on observing the Irish. The inhabitants on the Irk River live in squalor surrounded by trash and excrement; while the river is overflowing with coal ash and sewage. All houses on this garbage heap have dirt floors, blackened by soot, and the stench is so overpowering no human can bear it; yet the squalor becomes the topic of Engels to illustrate the demand for rapid improvements.
"(P. 31) But the bourgeoisie defends its interests in the most vigorous fashion. It has at its disposal not only the power of property, but also the resources of the authority of the state. Every attempt the worker makes to free himself from his present bondage meets with the open hostility of the bourgeoisie... the middle classes treat him as if he were an inanimate object and a piece of property rather than a human being, and for this reason alone he is the declared enemy of the bourgeoisie. I have already given a hundred examples, and I could have given another hundred, to illustrate the fact that under present circumstances the worker can only retain his self-respect by rising in anger against the middle classes. There can be no doubt that the worker is well able to protest with all the fury at his command against the tyranny of the capitalist, if only because of the way in which he has been brought up - or rather his lack of proper upbringing. In addition, the fact that there is now a large hot blooded Irish element in the English proletariat also stimulates the workers' animosity against their oppressors."
"This applies in particular to the dictatorship of the working class, whose present task is not only to overthrow the political domination of the unproductive classes in society, but also to do way with the anarchy now existing in production and consciously to organize all functions of social and economic life." (p. 94) This is also the same views which drove Stalin to form the Gulag and which drove the Soviet economy into famine. It is a form of Nazism and an inquisition to make the system pure again. Therefore, communism must eradicate what or who threatens it which begins with denial of rights. If you do not kill off what threatens the government; they will revolt in the name of the people or the collective. This is much different from the Trotskyites who felt the only method to political overthrow and reform was peaceful or oppression. So one form (Bakunin) is radical and extremist protest while the other form is peaceful and nonviolent resistance. Both forms must eradicate what threatens the system.
"...And finally it will not allow it because such a guardianship would be harmful, for the conscious participation of the producers in organizing production cannot be replaced by any conspiratorial skill, any daring or self sacrifice on the part of the conspirators. The mere thought that the social problem can be solved in practice by anybody but the workers themselves shows complete misunderstanding of this problem... Once the proletariat has understood the conditions of its emancipation and is mature in its own hands in order to finish off its enemies and build up social life... would bring new disasters, but of panarchy... And until the working class is sufficiently developed to be able to fulfill its great historical task, the duty of its supporters is to accelerate the process of its development, to remove the obstacles preventing its strength...That is how we understand the seizure of power in the socialist revolution. (p. 94)."
"They must put forward the demand for a democratic constitution which shall guarantee the workers the 'rights of citizen' as well as the 'rights of man' and give them, by universal suffrage, the possibility to take an active part in the political life of the country... such a political program would arouse sympathy for our revolutionary party among all those who are not systematic enemies of democracy; it could be subscribed to by very many representatives of our liberalism as well as by the socialists. And whereas the seizure of power by some secret revolutionary organization will always be the work only of that organization and of those who are initiated in its plans...(p. 95)" Plekhanov says political emancipation is achieved by the liberals and cannot exist unless there is democracy. Once initiated the political force of the liberals will unite until all emancipation act in unison or jointly against the government. Plekhanov says the liberals are this secret revolutionary organization and this is confirmed by the Turner Diaries.
Although the worker's party and radicals sought both socialism and the overthrow of government; their main objective was wages and what Plekhanov called property propaganda. "Struggle for wages, a reduction of the hours of labour, and so forth. Bakunin himself felt that such tactics were not very revolutionary... the more the class consciousness of the proletariat develops, the more it inclines towards political action and give up 'riots'... personal attempts against public edifices, against individuals, and even against property... individual hereditary." So the political force of the liberals act jointly and compel emancipation; while the worker's party and labour unions reach a stage where they give up rioting and expect peasants to take to the streets because their wages are developed in stages. Although they seek absolutism and describe decadent utopians; there is a double origin which then causes the worker or peasant to be vague. When highly defined and sophisticated by Marxism, a morality develops from a large heart and doing well. This is the basis of both black liberation and white supremacy discovered from 2008 to 2010; the terror and bomb plots.
This is a hybrid of radicalism, vulgarity, and extremism all rolled up into labor unions, labor leaders, mafia, and drug war narco-states. They are getting this self determination and political theory from several places. One of the people is M. A. Bakunin who was known to be a radical and violent revolutionary. Bakunin invented the "dabbling" in order to "infect until revolution." If you apply this to the black and Irish politics of hatred; they seek emancipation, another Bakunin theory. Plekhanov said the entire Russian experience was about revolution and emancipation. What this plot learned was how to emancipate. Next was revolution and domination; one in the same. So we are not only defending against revolution; we are being dominated. Obviously, the doing well and sophistication is part of this white supremacy and black liberation in attack and robbery mode.
"...Members they opposed - on paper, of course the 'revolutionary struggle,' the purely 'economic' struggle. But this struggle, developing naturally, must inevitably bring about the entry of the proletariat into the arena of political struggles... But in a society where the distinction between capitalist and labourer has disappeared, there is no need of such a government... but emancipating the peasants (overthrowing the government) will have prepared the way for weakening... (Drug wars and the narco-state) But how to emancipate the peasants before overthrowing... This is Bakuninism, but perfected Bakuninism. Bakunin himself urged the workers to fight for a reduction of the hours of labour and higher wages. (pp. 96-97)” Bakunin goes on to describe the increase of wages forms "large hearted" humans and how a morality trickles down from "the habit of doing well" or some state of being that is natural and highly sophisticated.
"The anarchists of our day seek to 'make the workers understand that they have nothing to gain from such child's play as this, and that society can only be transformed by destroying the institutions which govern it.' The raising of wages is also useless. '...they are not there to prove to us that whenever the worker has succeeded in getting higher wages, the prices of articles of consumption have increased proportionately.' ...We know, thanks to Kropotkin, that the anarchist ideal has a double origin. ...drawn from the vulgar hand books of political economy, written by the most vulgar... Even Bakunin has been 'sophisticated' by Marxism. (pp. 96-97)” Again Plekhanov cites Bakunin for his famous vulgarity and radicalism; then Kropotkin who says labour wages is not enough to fulfill revolution or the overthrow of government. Unless prices of consumption are lowered, there is no gain and no revolution in progress. Prices must benefit the consumers or the proletariat who seeks wage increases.
Plekhanov then cites another thinker he calls a decadent utopian because he "has the courage of his anarchist opinions." So the anarchist is the highest order or stage of Marxism while the minority is in constant economic and political struggle. "In fact the anarchists combat democracy because democracy, according to them, is nothing but the tyranny of the majority as against the minority. The majority has no right to impose its wishes upon the minority... the bourgeoisie want to exploit the proletariat, and do it remarkably well. They thus follow the anarchist precept, and the 'Companions' are very wrong to complain of their conduct. They become altogether ridiculous when they combat the bourgeoisie in the name of their victims. 'What matters the death of vague human beings' (pp. 97-98)."
Again, the double origin and this struggle with the Marxist shifts the blame and keeps them alive to say you are the devil not us; we stand united and in solidarity. If the gesture is beautiful, then it is a double origin. Only the victim or the Marxist, the worker and peasant, can be a victim because they are defined highly and not vague human beings. Bakuninism is the most radical, most violent, most sophisticated, and most developed of the Marxist theologians. Their goal is not communism but the overthrow of the government in the name of socialism and democracy; the worker's party.
"(P. 31) It is natural, therefore, that it is when he is taking action against his oppressors that the English worker is seen at his best. It is then that he appears to the fullest advantage - manly, noble and attractive. We shall see that all the vigor and activity of the worker is concentrated upon this struggle. We shall see that even his efforts to cultivate his mind have a direct connection with his fight against the bourgeoisie. It is true that we shall have to report isolated cases of violence and even brutality. It must be remembered, however, that in England the social war has been openly declared. There are occasions on which it is in the interest of the middle classes to wage this war with the weapons of hypocrisy and to try and cover up their deeds under the disguise of peace and even philanthropy. When this happens, the worker can reply only by tearing off his mask of hypocrisy, so as to reveal the true state of affairs. Acts of violence committed by the working classes against the bourgeoisie and their henchmen are merely frank and undisguised retaliation for the thefts and treacheries perpetrated by the middle classes against the workers."
"(P. 32) ...For after all he contributed more to society than the idle rich, and sheer necessity drove him to steal in spite of his traditional respect for private property. We have already pointed out how crime has increased as industry has expanded. It has been shown that there has been a constant relationship between the number of arrests and the annual consumption of bales of cotton.
The workers, however, soon realized that crime did not forward their cause. The criminals, by their thefts, could protest against the existing social order only as individuals. All the mighty forces of society were hurled against the individual lawbreaker and crushed him with their overwhelming power. In addition theft was the blindest and most stupid form of protest and consequently this never became the universal expression of the workers' reaction to industrialization, although many workers doubtless sympathized privately with those who broke the law. The first organized resistance of the workers, as a class, to the bourgeoisie, was the violence associated with the movements against the introduction of machinery."
"(P. 34) But the workers are also learning from practical experience that trade unions and strikes are not of themselves sufficient to break the might of the middle classes. The real importance, however, of trade unions and strikes is that they constitute the first attempt of the workers to put an end to competition amongst themselves. They are based on recognition of the fact that the power of the middle classes over the workers is due entirely to the existence of competition between workers themselves - that is to say, their lack of solidarity and their internecine rivalries. Trade unions have proved to be so dangerous to the existing social order simply because they have - if only to a limited degree - firmly opposed that competition of workers among themselves, which is the very cornerstone of modern society. The workers could not have chosen a more vulnerable chink in the armour of the middle classes and of the present social structure than by organizing trade unions and strikes. The sovereign power of property must come to an end if competition among workers is impaired and if all the operatives are determined not to allow themselves to be exploited by the middle classes."
"(P. 34) ...Necessity will force the trade unions to bring to an end not merely one aspect of competition, but all competition. And this result will be achieved. Every day it becomes clearer to workers how they are affected by competition. They appreciate even more clearly than the middle classes that it is competition among the capitalists that leads to those commercial crises which cause such dire suffering among the workers. Trade unionists realize that commercial crises must be abolished, and they will soon discover how to do it."
"(P. 44) But the perfecting of machinery is making human labour superfluous. If the introduction and increase of machinery means the displacement of millions of manual by a few machine workers, improvement in machinery means the displacement of more and more of the machine workers themselves. It means, in the last instance, the production of a number of available wage workers in excess of the average needs of capital, the formation of a complete industrial reserve army... to be cast upon the street when the inevitable crash comes, a constant dead weight upon the limbs of the working class in its struggle for existence with capital. Thus it comes about, to quote Marx, that machinery becomes the most powerful weapon in the war of capital against the working class; that the instruments of labour constantly tear the means of subsistence out of the hands of the labourer; that the very product of the worker is turned into an instrument for his subjugation... the instruments of labour becomes at the same time, from the outset, the most reckless waste of labour power, and robbery based upon the normal conditions under which labour functions."
When you can make others hungry, scared, or stop them from achieving their ends; words are more convincing. When they can bring you to your knees, make you hungry, make you feel trapped or desperate, and stop you from achieving a standard of living; than their words are more convincing even to the most educated human being. Therefore, abusing and luring someone by targeting them is intended to break them and subjugate their will to live. It is well thought out and will result in an adversarial relation or a sworn enemy status. Unless it can be executed properly, there is no advantage and it will blow up in their face. Now they claim our life is a mess, we have no money, we do not care, this is war and more important then the truth; and they only want to help. So when you can take them down, hold them down, and keep them down; it is more convincing and they will listen as if their life depended on this.
Karl Marx described the world we live in right now magnificently in 1848. He said, "(P. 16) The discovery of America, the rounding of the Cape opened up fresh ground for the rising bourgeoisie. The East Indian and Chinese markets, the colonization of America, trade with the colonies, the increase in the means of exchange and in commodities generally, gave to commerce, to navigation, to industry an impulse never before known, and thereby, to the revolutionary element in the tottering feudal society, a rapid development. ...Modern industry has established the world market, for which the discovery of America paved the way. This market has given an immense development to commerce, to navigation, to communication by land. ...We see, therefore, how the modern bourgeoisie is itself the product of a long course of development, of a series of revolutions in the modes of production and of exchange.
(P. 22) The first premise of all human history is, of course, the existence of living human individuals. The first fact to be established is therefore the physical organization of these individuals and their consequent relation to the rest of nature. ...Men may be distinguished from animals by consciousness, religion, or anything else. They begin to differentiate themselves from animals as soon as they begin to produce their means of subsistence, a step which is conditioned by their physical organization. ...The mode in which men produce their means of existence depends in the first place on the nature of the means of existence themselves - those which they find at their disposal and have to reproduce. This mode of production must not be considered merely from the aspect that it is the reproduction of the physical existence of individuals. ...definite individuals, who are productively active in a definitive way, enter into these definite social and political relations. ...The growing competition among the bourgeois and the resulting commercial crisis makes the wages of the workers ever more fluctuating. The unceasing improvement of machinery, ever more rapidly developing, makes their livelihood more and more precarious; the collisions between individual workmen and individual bourgeois..."
This vulgarity and severe abuse is a test. It is a test for socialism because socialism is the death of a civilization. Political thinkers created socialism to deliver the rights of humanity and dignity to the labor party or workers. Socialism is virtually impossible without democracy. Therefore, democracy is being exploited so that vague irregularities can be erased and freedom has absolutism. Socialism was invented to fulfill a total transformation from vague to highly sophisticated, defined, and absolute. This state of courageous opinions or security; flows from doing well, being real victims, and escaping a lesser form of human existence. So comfort and struggle is important because when it comes to the reality of eviction; absolutism and security prevents wishy washy people from evictions or business cycle irregularity. Marxism was highly thought out and disproved; the anarchism of Bakunin had not been due to the double paradoxes and how chaos has double meanings. Having a job is a big life changing event; but so was not having one. What stood in the middle of this change were the labor unions and liberals.
Fascism and Stalinism are commonly compared. Both forms of governance have similar methods but different social needs. Fascism is for socialism what Stalinism is for communism. The communist view fascism as the final stage of life, a form of death, a total disaster, or the result of a hated government; an end to a healthy or thriving civilization yet they do not see themselves. Now the rights of man can be restored by socialism when this death or total disaster is present. "Fascism might be analyzed as 'the last stage of capitalism,' or it might be seen as a new kind of society superseding capitalism; but no matter what designation one employed, fascism still seemed a cancerous growth, a horrible affliction, that had arisen out of a detested society. In some tragic sense it thereby reinforced the socialist conviction that major changes were needed if humanity was not to destroy itself." So nothing could produce a restoration, taken from Stalinism, except 911 and these terror plots. Regardless, they have no clue what socialism is or how to make it work. They know it has to do with the growth of government as population declines instead of increases. Marxism was a social transformation and so were these terror plots.
At most they were asking for communism to be fixed or socialism to be explained to them. Predeterminism is when your life has been decided before birth. Self determinism is when life is decided after birth by events or changes. Absolutism is when the human rights of mankind are in the hands of government and delivered by socialism or Marxism. The leaders of the communist world do not have a clue what socialism is or how to make it work. At most it is a welfare state but they eradicated property and the housing industry to the tune of 2 trillion in bail out dollars.
Similar to Wal-Mart, the momentum favors the Asia Pacific Rim as annual growth during severe economic depression exceed 6-10 per cent. The socialist do not have a clue how to make economies work or can deploy any counter-measure to match or beat this rapid Asian economic growth. So they seek genetics and to hide the idiotism described. When SATWAR was introduced and indoctrinated by its founder; satellite warfare also severely challenged this absolutism or the courage of their opinions. The same impact was felt with their ability to seize power or humiliate others. What did work was hearing or feeling the impact of their intelligentsia saying no or antagonizing the situation each time help was needed or reinforcements called. "(P. 2) ...Revolution as the road to a new Asiatic despotism that the later course of Russian history seems to have confirmed."
So here we are in late 2006, 2007, and 2008; I am up all night talking to people who are there to make sure things are okay. I only complain about subtle and vague harassment by Sue Place and Chris Young. I write on a blog with samples of my work, researched for over 20 years of my college career, I am waiting for a girl to show up and finish off the remainder of the books or the ending. There are things going on but it is nowhere near what they were or will become. I do not leave the house but only for groceries twice a week and purchase a freezer stocked in case of emergencies. I am seen by the local police between the hours of 3am and 5am riding my bike for exercise.
Then in the Summer of 2008 a series of events begin which trigger interviews with the people at the focus of this investigation. None of this is consensual or a proper legal defense; however, they begin to "spill the beans" on each other. With hindsight, it is believed they did this to show good faith and expect some client-doctor relationship. The interviews last for over two full years and span over 18,000 pages of data. This data ends up at the HQ of the FBI in Quantico, Va. At most, a casual observer would describe a secret organization at work, doing many illegal activities, and a host of crimes committed or finally solved. They explain in detail why they did it and how. If not they reproduce it or use the media to contact or make clandestine communications. The results of those interviews are shocking and time stamped in a book and personal diary.
At the same time, a legal defense is thrown up by the labor unions, a secret revolutionary group, and the people who reside at 6901 Buffalo Avenue. They attack on the hour and it feels as if every move is being watched, rules are being enforced, bodyguards are scrutinizing the close up meetings, and a form of captivity. The activities, though kept clandestine and not consensual, span from attempted murder, attempted rape, torture, infliction of emotional distress, false detainment, malicious prosecution, harassment, discrimination, and just about every single denial of privacy or human rights. When asked what their goal is or what they seek to achieve by attacking so ferociously; they said they demand we show pain and some form of crying. So this was also a punishment which had no legal defense or was not a legal remedy; but the scam is to make it look, feel, and sound as if it is a legal defense. They go so far as to impersonate the police, FBI, and loved ones in order to hide this criminal mischief or predatory behavior.
In the Summer of 2008, the female spoken of for almost two full years arrives. They see her and know her immediately. They have had contacts with her and know her intimately. What erupts is the beginning of insane comments and behaviors, beginning with "They know everything... they know what we are up to... we are ready to die" spoken by Sue Place almost daily. From 2008 to 2010, either Sue Place or Chris Young sit down daily with the people who we interview. They are chased off constantly but insist on sitting in and provide every single detail; as if they were powerful leaders or accomplices of an inner circle of a secret revolutionary group. It was made clear they were not welcomed in these talks, the information was bland and not useful, and an effort was always made to chase them off so that work could be accomplished. They grew homicidal and the legal defense got more and more bizarre. It is believed they felt if they were truthful and honest; no punishment or retaliation would come back to them. They were wrong because many crimes were identified and solved by their secret actions and failure to consult real lawyers. All the information was being fed to the FBI and it is unsure who is the puppet master or must pay for the labor cost, damages, and medical bills.
At this time, there is not enough evidence to suggest the same mistakes are repeated, there is no retreat, and those behind it do not wish to deal with the cold hard reality. We know there is a gambling plot. We know this is about jobs or money. We know there is a terror plot and the police tipped off the leaders so they could protect their women and children before harm arrived. We know there were mistakes made but the blame and the direction where the trail leads has not surfaced. We also know these people do not retreat, they use genetics or white supremacy plots to hide the failure and idiotism of a buffoon. We know they drink themselves to death and self medicating erupts the volcano of personality and emotional disorders. We know they scare off and try to jockey for position, leverage, and power before adverse action is taken on them. In the fix are the police and many of them having family members who are on the force of good?
The question is when it is all said and done; do they want to deal with it? If they do not wish to deal with it; then it must be escalated and those behind it made accountable. Those behind it do not want to stop or put the brakes on until they are looking for cans or bottles down by city hall. They all share in a common goal or some benefit if they can achieve the intended deceptions. It would be best to put as much pressure on any curious outsider or peering eyes before things get too out of hand. So they must form a web of deception and trap those who are chasing them or on their tracks. By the time the lies are done with; nobody can reverse what they had done or figured out who had done it. It is difficult to imagine why the same mistakes are made, and then repeated, and then an atmosphere of fear or being defensive permeates a culture that refuses to retreat or accept accountability. Even in the case of Shawcross, 22 Caliber Killer, McVeigh, DC Sniper and now Thang (Alex); a female or females were radicalizing them and they identified themselves as the police, state police, and a high official.
The people behind this know how to make murder look like an accident. They did not cut the brake lines; what they did was lure me away from the house for a few months (job) and then cut the spark plug wires. Now the computer recognizes a power loss, adds more fuel, and the fuel rail keeps feeding the pistons until it goes out the back or blows up. If this was an effort to lure me into a shop; then it is to steal it by copying the key and pass lock key. If it is to get the car to blow up; then it would have looked like an accident and the investigators would not know due to the fire. So the pictures and the mechanic; along with other witnesses indicate whomever did this was a very skilled hit man and knows what they are doing. The brake lines need to be checked also. I had been wondering how and why two planes in NY had engine problem on the same month; one was a fireball the other landed in the Hudson Harbor. The car had been sitting there for 4 years; now the process is underway to figure out what exactly they did.
So if we cannot stop them, then we will make sure they do not get away with it. If they seek a violent death, then sooner or later, someone will take them out to save their skin and get away with it. What they want to do is tell others to back down or retreat; and when the consequences of their actions arrive, they want to play it off or not be accountable. Again, there is a time to retreat. Even in war, all you can do is retreat, take a defensive position, and wait until backup or reinforcements. So this is an idiot who does not know how to win or if they can win; but they also do not want to get hurt. Now it is beyond the scope of insanity and they still order us to retreat and go into attack or defensive mode; war and shootout mode. So we make sure they cannot get away with it and they make it worse and worse; even when caught. So now they know we are successful, they send imposters to pick up or collect from us. The only lifeline is to fight and apologize to their own leadership or rank; that is the only door not shut by us. They need our genetics and mental gift which is denied.
So they cannot win and say it is now about money. Others describe them as idiots or buffoons; I describe them as blood thirsty, crazed terrorists, psychopathic, and with severe temper problems. After they crash into you all day; you become angry and have a short fuse; quick to anger; a ticking time bomb. Getting into a fight with them is one thing; telling them they do not know when to retreat or reverse is impossible. They make it worse while saying how they can make it worse for us. When they cannot win, it is always about money. Either they do not care, worry incessantly, are insecure, clamp on you for dear life, or fight you in order to say how sorry they are; the end result is always the same. Why would anybody retreat while facing an idiot or buffoon? So if we cannot stop them, we can make sure they do not get away with it. Oh, they also want to mate with minorities but act like they are the Klan when and if it gets out; an alibi. We know them as communist terrorists; the police know them as fugitives and felons.
The question is whether or not the police were complicit. Well, if they are; you do not want to start pointing fingers when the problem has not subsided. Also, the police have bungled so many arrests, made false arrests, kept the pressure up, and were not told of a pending bust or exposure; they now run the risk of disciplinary or career ending penalties. So they are defensive and may be behind the "we think it is best you move immediately." At most they do not want to deal with it and had their listening posts wondering if a federal sting was on them about this gambling plot and terror plot. Again, when you are kept in the dark and do not know; the best action is no action or observation.
If you make a false move or the wrong move; you will be held accountable and you will become defensive. So the police are under the microscope also but they were on top of us and put pressure from the get go; nobody called them to back off and things got really insane. The best action is no action and to observe where it is headed and to whom; if they keep mixing up the pot or making it impossible to fight the bad guys; chances are they are tipping them off or grew up with them. If we do something, they match it or beat it so they can stay in power and have total control over the bust process and new intelligence. The police are a double edge sword; so you must be very careful instead of smug silence and not wanting to deal with it anymore.
You have to ask if picking cans and bottles out of the trash is what life has in store for them. They claim they are powerful and not inferior. So by needing us and using us the way they did, they could hide this moron and idiot side to their good looks. A pretty face and a deceptive demeanor is what they are shooting for; however, nothing can hide the darkness of their life now. So stop, retreat, or reverse is why they beg for meals and wear all the bling they once had before losing their job, family, life, career, or end up in jail. Lying is some form of God, gold, or saving grace. Now in an elaborate trap after putting us in one to shut down our life; we have escaped and won. They called it a blockade. We called it much more than a blockade but this is a good start.
Ending, the police are on to them and backup or reinforcements are on the way; but they do not want to get hurt by this. About all life has left for them is a drinking binge, getting caught trying to escape, or picking cans out of the trash for a few bucks. They do look good at it and they must be ready to die or something. What they are saying is jobs are on the line, our life is a mess, we do not or refuse to leave, we refuse to shut up, we are the blame and did it, and they need us to hide behind because they do not want to get hurt but are ready to die if it comes down to this. There is no cure for stupidity and a professional appearance hides the idiot or moron history. So the best gift or prize of all to keep this control or terrorize a human being; would be to have a child with him or her. Obviously this has been going on for a long time and many people have complained to deaf ears or gross negligence.
In addition to bacteria, flesh eating bacteria, pricking someone in the butt as they sit on a car seat or bike seat, using shingles in bars or public places, spy cameras or peeping tom cameras, recording devices, and clandestine surveillance; they are cutting wires on cars or luring someone to a regular schedule. It was reported to the police a prowler was heard and seen while working outside. The only clue the prowler left going out the back door was the failure to put the dead bolt back. What was missing was a mystery at the time but emerged as a condo deed; worth over 10K dollars.
The people behind this know how to make murder look like an accident. They did not cut the brake lines; what they did was lure me away from the house for a few months (job) and then cut the spark plug wires. Now the computer recognizes a power loss, adds more fuel, and the fuel rail keeps feeding the pistons until it goes out the back or blows up. If this was an effort to lure me into a shop; then it is to steal it by copying the key and pass lock key. If it is to get the car to blow up; then it would have looked like an accident and the investigators would not know due to the fire. So the pictures and the mechanic; along with other witnesses indicate whomever did this was a very skilled hit man and knows what they are doing. The brake lines need to be checked also.
So not only are we dealing with McVeigh and the DC Sniper; we caught them bullying, harassing, and terrorizing the people who caught them 24 hours a day. The Trans Am may have been vandalized for a "distressed property sale" but the malice or potential for danger indicates what has been reported; attempted murder and the ability to conceal any footprints leading there. The analysis says whoever this male is; they reached under the vehicle or layed on the ground to slice the spark plug wires which caused the computer to go haywire and more fuel to be pumped into the engine. When the car was driven; the cockpit filled with carbon monoxide and toxic fumes. The sensation of a car on its last leg; the transmission being shot; and the inability to back up or reverse was once enthusiasm for a near perfect vehicle. So smashing the hood was only the start of this; they were tampering with a motor vehicle.
The Trans Am was bought off eBay in cash from NJ. It is a rare vehicle and was restored to showroom condition. The report on the Trans Am was the beginning of this in 2006 and what occurred after. Sue Place came to the jail after I was arrested and said she wanted to help. I told her and gave her the keys to my Trans Am so she could use the title to put $3000 in bond. She said she knew a bail bondsman who would but I needed $300 in cash. Then the vehicle was flooded as I was arrested at 12am after coming home with the hood down. It rained for days and filled the cockpit. Then the only person who made comments about the Trans Am or asked about it was Rick Johnson the landlord. After talking to him on the phone about being woken up repeatedly because of a night shift and harassment or unwanted attention upstairs; he asked what I was going to do with it. He said it cannot sit there and Sue Place said I was lucky he did not call and have it towed away after 30 days.
So Rick Johnson after knowing it had been repeatedly vandalized said, "I don't care what you do with it but it cannot sit there. I asked if I can put it in the back and he said only between the trees so nobody can see it. I think they made copies of the trunk key and could not get in so they climbed through the rear window which was smashed in. It is hard to tell what exactly they did but they were watching all the time. After this (Winter 2008) the car sat in the back for three years. It had problems when it was moved; as if the transmission gave out. It felt like the car had to be scrapped. Then Tom the Handyman and his US Army brother asked how much I wanted for it and I said $7000. He said no way and said he would give me $4000 only; without knowing anything. I could not understand why they pestered me about the car still and demanded a lower price. So only Rick Johnson and his staff were placing pressure on this car or the events leading up to their capture; the Summer of 2008 is the turning point where it blows up on them. A major break occurs when a fiancée enters the picture around May of 2008 as the email to the FBI indicates. What transpired was total lunatic behavior and insanity. Immediately, Sue and Chris Young go and get married. After a week, Tom the Handyman is sitting at Tops supermarket and tells me they just got married last week. I suspect this had to do with child support or public assistance eligibility.
So the plug wires had been cut before Rick Johnson asked the car to be moved to the back. The car would not even stay on. It was humiliating to constantly make excuses while they were on the attack. It had to be jumped and then moving it was a horrible ordeal. The car now was hidden in bushes and anybody could tamper with it; as ordered by Rick Johnson. It felt as if someone vandalized it to the extreme and it was time to sell and cut the loss. I began asking if Tom the Handyman and his brother wanted my fish; he said yes. I asked him how much and he came off very negative at the idea I was selling it to them. I said maybe I will give them away. He emphasized it had problems and his brother was interested. It upset me when I heard $3000 or $1500 for the car. I remember Tom and his brother moved in when they were busted, Summer of 2008. Not long after the entire lot was filled with Rick Johnson's staff and employees. Moving the vehicle to the back was the worst idea possible but the car would not move or stay on. Therefore, cutting the spark plug wires in combination with running someone off the property would have produced a disaster or possible explosion. The fuel in the pistons would have caught fire and left nothing to piece the crime together. At most the vehicle would have been put in a shop and a hefty bill charged as some ransom.
The only other weird or unusual event was the smashed in rear window. It looks like someone did this to cover up the basement water dumped in the trunk. Around Summer of 2008 to the end of 2009; the basement flooded a total of 15-19 times. There were times sewage filled the basement and it stunk. The person dispatched to clean it was Tom the Handyman. The water or sewage had blackness and a distinct smell. When in October of 2010 while fixing the car; opening the trunk revealed 5 gallons or more of this same basement water. If a key was made; then only the trunk key was possible. Also, the cabin was full of spiders and the car was as worse as it could get. After four years, the change was striking and so was the nose dive into mistreatment. Pictures were taken of the cut spark plug wires as they are related to the crash of the Airbus in NY Harbor and the 911 Widow crashes during the winter of 2009 in Clarence, NY. While the interviews were going on; these events alerted the FBI who were getting the reports, but it made no sense at the time.
In the case with the stolen property deed and how paranoid or hysterical it must be to report a prowler in your apartment; the missing or stolen deed did not lead to a sale but a foreclosure. The condo fee was not paid and the blockade prevented a sale for 50%, 70%, 90% or even 120% of the purchase price. The condo was the largest item besides the rich, gorgeous, and well educated girlfriend. The perpetrator of the impersonation of the girlfriend and lawyer was Sue Place whom was ridiculously married the moment they were caught during the summer of 2008. If this was some death pact or sworn allegiance; then the attacks soon to follow were as described in the emails to the FBI. They were seeking a violent death and wanted to die or prepared to see this through. This violent death is why the cocktail of insane is documented.
So the emphasis was on the car and a $300 gas bill in 2006 and 2007. At or around this time Chris and Sue Young tried to portray them as helpful. They had run up their gas bill and had the gas turned off in solidarity. So they set up elaborate room "doors" with plastic sheeting and were heating each room with electric. I felt they were nuts but they managed to make it through the winter; then they said Sue got an extra job to pay off the high gas bill. So around 2007 apartment B was not the only apartment with a gas problem or a $300 bill. I reported how they would cut off the electricity to the freezer and refrigerator and the fuses blowing daily. Then it fixed itself until 2009 when the same problem was used to silence or shut up any calls for backup. Chris Young was the one behind it and clandestinely sending a message of warning; or else the same electrical problem would continue for half or a full day. I also would be in this back and forth game with them where they turned on all the lights in the common area and I would have to turn them off.
In 2009 I stopped turning them off and they would be on 24 hours. When the electricity was knocked out; the common areas always had backup or some source. In the dark, they would never follow you around, stomp on the floor, send warnings, and had to stop terrorizing someone due to the lights. The phone records should also show they are lying and Rick Johnson lying about the entire matter. At no time did they call in sick and the phone records will indicate this fraud. It was as if they were psychotic lunatics at night; but come sunrise, they went to work and acted normal again. Sue would parade her son around with her niece as if she was the mother of the year. Then she used this parade of folly to indicate some sex or child they wanted from Thang (Alex). It was odd but it was reported to the FBI while it was occurring and while the interviews were being conducted from Summer 2008 to Fall 2010. So the sexual advances and the blockade of financial disasters may be some prompt to have a baby. I recall baby clothes all over the basement and on the clothes line I use frequently. I did not know who or why they were hanging there for four years or which female put them up there. If the door for public assistance or child support was open; getting married closed it in the Summer of 2008.
It is obviously clear the people behind this have mistaken Alex or Thang as a Catholic when he is actually Protestant and thinks very differently. It is not to say Catholics are all stinking drunks, rapist, labor union bullies, toy with people, stalk them to inflict emotional distress, force them to do things they do not feel comfortable with, or would continuously torture and terrorize a human being. It indicates these problems are a significant problem within and unique to Catholicism; notably liberal Democrats and radical left wingers. There is a clash of two cultures and two systems of ethics here. It is far beyond seeking respect or unwanted attention from the wrong people (labor unions, mafia, left wing or communist radicals, Democrats, terror suspects, a spy or espionage unit, and the usual suspects). The pattern of behavior, the cosmetic appearances of the suspects, the behavior traits, the history of ethnic clash, and the footprints all lead back to the same conclusions or ethnic and religious profiling.
First, Chris and Sue are stinking drunks. They buy their liquor from the same place and return the cans at the same place. They stack the empty cans wall to wall in the residence and it is difficult for Rick Johnson or anybody else not to know this. The level of alcoholic consumption can only indicate one thing about the two suspects. The daily self medication also breaks down inhibitions; causing sexual or lewd behavior; and either hostile or verbal outbursts. Furthermore, the presence of a tremendous amount of alcohol and the ability to hide the behavior is two separate matters. The game with law enforcement and the courts is whether anybody believes them or "they said he did it." Keep in mind both Chris and Sue consume on average 2-3 cases per week of Labatt beer. Since 2006 there has not and was not a week they skipped purchasing at least 2 cases of beer. The return on the empty cans exceeds $50-$60 and inside the back stairwell are wall to wall empty cases. Ask how many cases of beer the average human being consumes and compare the difference. Is it two or three cases per week? Who would believe anybody who drinks this much alcohol can be behind such grotesque behavior? Who would believe they are in total denial or would not act properly?
One of the chants Sue Place would say during one of these meetings is, "we want to help." Fort stinking drunks and people described as retarded psychopaths or terrorists to appear helpful is a twist of fate. Perhaps for selfish reasons, the only reason to be helpful would be to expand borders behind your own life or your privacy zone. Being helpful does not indicate you are needed or wanted, it means you stepped past that line of privacy. When you lack education or have a low IQ, being helpful can lead to never being helpful or criminal liability and negligence; this is two cases in the same criminal scam. When someone is not smart enough to be helpful, they get caught and they were caught. For stinking drunks, constant abuse, constantly terrorizing of others, and constantly up to something all the time; aiming too high or under the influence of some controlled substance is highly probable. Anybody who looks at this case will say the same thing, "First they aimed too high and are too inferior. Second, they got violent and hostile when told to get down, stay down, go away, or stop."
The behavior of a stinking drunk, an Irish decent, and a Catholic heritage; puts an image in the mind of others which is difficult to deny. First they liked what they saw. Then they wanted to look helpful. They did not want to back down or be told no. So the refusal to back down or get down got them taken down, maybe by force. There is no evidence or indication Rick Johnson ever tried to be helpful. He is so absent it looks unhelpful. He is so biased or vindictive to Alex or Thang; one can say he used this lack of helpfulness to aid and abed Chris and Sue Young. So there are two sides to this story; being helpful and not being at all. Was this crime done and then repeated over and over supposed to change the life of Alex or Thang; or theirs? If so Rick Johnson did not have a life changing moment. Sue and Chris Young did not have a life changing point. Who did? If they kidnapped Alex or Thang; what did they want or ordered him to fix? Why make it integral to his own life or force him to live it and act out their problems in his own life? Is this acting out process how they stay under the radar for so long and remain undetected or stealth? Does anybody believe them?
It is hard to assume that if a crime was being committed; a total lack of help could lead to complicit or criminal negligence. Instead, it leads to an eviction, a rent refund feud, and a near warrant for the arrest of Alex or Thang a second time; this time the tables were spun around again. We now see this $5,000 bond and false or trumped up charges again and again. It is the same arrest just different people. Was there a robbery or was someone ripped off and scammed? If so who is behind it and who was allowing it? We know who is behind it after the interviews. They indicated they could not stop population decline. However, the laws of physics demand the pressure on government be the result of population increase, not decrease. These problems indicate being trapped or facing severe hardships; how each person copes with adversity is unique and even secret; but it must be within the rules and honorable. You cannot fix life and problems with a crime spree or terror plot; then lie about it; and then impersonate those involved to conceal or mislead investigators.
Without remorse, the high taxes, social disaster, and this war among families is also a reverse trend or this backwards pressure on government. There is billions and trillions at risk in the underworld and the legitimate world; a slippery slope of the housing collapse. All of these factors have an adverse and devastating impact on their political finances, future, debts, and most of all tourism. Now they were no longer interesting but full of angst and hate; broken and lost once again. Crime and this bias to the poor made them a pariah to the rest of the world; so they invented ways to win, cheat, and steal by calling others retarded land grabbers, inferior, hateful, thieves, a menace and nuisance, or terrorists. The whole point was to follow the money and the money did not want them around until they fixed things.
These people feel down and out. They feel hated on and wealth is in the hands of other races. Those who feel defeated and hated are behind this entire fiasco of nonsense and crime mixed together in a cocktail of insanity. At the core of their plot were tourism, the poor, and the 20th century history in Asia. Tourism and poverty was what they aimed at and failed; opting for banana republics. If you are fighting for jobs picking vegetables, then you know you messed up in life or are in a vulnerable position. The labor unions, the Democrats, and the liberals are not going to invent a machine to fix life itself. So the mafia rigged politics at the state and local levels in order to run it like a Casino. They always came out on top.
The people behind this feeling hated on even tried to place a black face on the matter. It is typically blacks who feel hated on or was easy to exploit; now all of them are in the same boat. No matter how hard they tried, they could not make the racism stick financially and with the Asian story. Worse, this was about fixing life and they were also behind the drug wars and social disaster of mafia wars. What started as crime and drug profits now became a war against the government, military, and America itself. It all came down to tourism, poverty, picking vegetables, feeling hated on, immigrants, crime, and who had the money and why. So a robbery was in progress or some catastrophe was imminent if they could not find someone to fix life itself. What they found out was life cannot be fixed and they were cornered while the police were on to their terror and bomb plot; it focused on gambling and indigenous rights.
Although we can sit here comfortably and listen with amusement their expansion plans for the communist, labor unions, and criminal poor; it is impractical and not feasible to use the military as an instrument of expansion. In 2008 after having given up on using or seizing the military with political means and utilizing terror attacks to enable a military expansion; they abandoned the idea we would help them fix life or enable their expansion efforts. Again, it is immoral to sit idly while the instruments of power enable evil or usurp the laws created to protect life and not exploit profit. So this underworld and cocktail of insanity had tentacles in the drug wars, labor unions, military problems, and the best thing that could happen in their life is someone giving them enough attention to punch them. If it came down to it, the moment their ability to argue is taken away; their annoyance and motives cease to exist. So far nothing has worked and we have escalated this situational crisis to new levels.
The material of this terror plot or bomb plot indicates a family war in NY and the US. Essentially, the debt and collapse of the financial markets show the failure of certain families and criminal elements to protect the assets of the rich and powerful. We know the drug wars produced a social disaster. The documents indicate Alex or Thang was kidnapped and ordered to "fix" something but they were also claiming it was "a conspiracy" to ruin them or oppress this terror group (Irish, Black, Democrat, Catholic, labor union, etc). We also know them as doing assassinations. All mafia leaders or those who started the drug wars have been taken out. All of this drug war, social disaster, exacerbating poverty, blame on Irish and blacks, and filling up the prisons also had a financial toll. The people involved are broken and going nowhere. They are playing a game with the perception of others or reality. They deny things that are indefensible. They use attacks in order to be left alone and stand their ground.
We have massive unemployment. We have cities wiped out. We have a welfare system. We have jobs going overseas. We have criticism and political insanity and instability. Worse, we have a housing collapse. One or two trillion dollars of stimulus or bail out made the problem worse. Those who refuse to help them or involve themselves in crime are ordered to leave, threatened, and some even killed. With no error, the worst and the most dangerous need the smartest and the best to fix this social disaster. If they do not and they cause a business loss of 1 or 2 trillion; they will pay with their lives. Therefore, a war has begun in NY and among the criminal underworld. The objective of both sides and all parties is to kill the top leaders of each side or lure them; an Al Qaeda like tactic. This degree of paranoia, miscommunications, total disconnect from reality, self medication, exacerbating the problem, escaping the accountability, and perception and denial has become over the top insanity and criminal idiotism.
So not only does nothing work, things do not work. Does anybody believe they did it or someone else? Like the TV show Ripley's Believe it or Not, this problem is acting it out in real life. We have to ask why such extreme risk and secrecy is being deployed. How does the accounting work if there is any accountability? Thus a game of trust. Do you trust your partner enough to live with them? Do you trust them enough to watch them 24 hours a day? Do you trust them enough to keep a secret when partners? Can this be tested? Is reality actually perception or the inability to make the human being confess and tell the truth? We know the three apexes to this case. The first is the communist. The second is the criminal or mafia. The last is the religious or political management. These criminal misfits have started a war with the protestants while hiding they were either Catholic or Jewish. They called it hate and were upset over the image or racial profiling of being inferior and full of hate.
The problem is with the Jewish and Catholic managers. They utilized toxic assets to cancel out negative equity and lower debt payments. Hence, they shut down and wiped out the banks. The problem is the banks are backed by FDIC and federal government warranties; so now the toxic assets are guaranteed; a gigantic hole they thrown anything in. For the government to commit to this was similar to signing a bad check or cooking the books. So if you are running a city, a company, or a market system similar to a Casino; and if you did truly cook the books; the chance of lying about it or asking for government help is a death sentence. It works well until someone finds out. Now the catastrophe shut down the banks and the entire global system; nobody is able to dump their currency and remove the negative equity. Worse, nobody knows where the money disappears and goes to, what countries benefit.
As mentioned, in the interviews we spoke to either Jewish or Catholic labor leaders; the majority Jewish. We too were paralyzed by the entirety of this. The people behind this were the labor unions. They had been behind the drug wars, narcotic profits, smuggling, black market, crime, racism, illegal immigrants, socialism, unemployment, harassment or verbal abuse, bullying tactics, terrorizing others in their home or at work, serious sex offenses, illegal land sales, a scant Casino plot, racketeering, and now spying, recording devices, construction fiascos, poverty, and much more shenanigans. We had found their leaders whom started this and interviewed them as they confessed to the terror plots or over 18,000 pages of data.
Although mere strangers and undesirable acquaintances; they kept trying to make others feel, look, and think you were a deadbeat daddy. The Jews were ultimately behind this constant attack and who cooked the books financially. Now they wanted others to share in the pain and worry, no less the charge of being a thief. Even as we directed the FBI and investigators to whom did what or why; they kept the assaults as strong and as bothersome as humanly possible. It was illegal, with ferocity, with malice, and only intended to inflict emotional distress or kill us. Furthermore, Bernie Maddoff had stolen entire fortunes of clients and friends; nobody knew where 50 billion dollars went or if it could be recovered. Now the government had paid 2 trillion and nobody knew how that would end either. So once the negative equity and toxic assets are removed; the banks are surely on the verge of collapse and ruin. This was their politics and American story; how they lived a criminal life.
If we are to make a checklist, we have the same mistakes by the same people. Alex or Thang is not Catholic. He is not family. He is not homosexual. He is not a bastard or benevolent. He is not passive. He is not a stinking drunk. He does not like or follow Catholic orders. He may be a minority. He can fight alone or by himself. Bullies do not have any power over him. Bullies or terrorists do not manage his life. Problems and trouble makers are not powerful and hated. Getting beat up or attacked does not indicate any control or subjugation. Therefore, based on the definition provided by Clausewitz; one cannot impose a will on another unless war is waged in this fashion to destroy, kill, or make them a prisoner. They could also commit suicide during the process and so could those behind this or who started it. So this is why they ordered him to write and had "trainers" or "coaches" to guide him through a maze they were stuck in. Alex was now stuck in this maze or death trap they called it, also a death sentence. They undertake insane risk resulting from this death sentence. They are trying to lure and trap people in this game or death trap. So unified and under a blood oath; they are molesting and trying to kill other human beings; moistly aiming as high as they can from as low as humanly possible. The game is to determine who is real and will take the most extreme risk.
If we made a checklist of what hurt them or angered them, it would include the following. Alex or Thang is not gay. He is not the number 1 fan of or as supportive of the Irish and black plight as they fantasized or imagined minorities would become or be. He is not as interested as they are and did not enjoy one second of this ordeal. He does not care and involves them. Alex or Thang is Protestant. He has a girlfriend and has been engaged. Finally, the joke was on them; furthermore, the ending and how this turns out matters more than beating up or bullying someone. They truly believe they are Alex-Thang; and thus he is them; the same or unified. This deranged and altered state caused Sue Place to impersonate his girlfriend and speak on her behalf in the most psychopathic and controlling manner. Even today they claim he is Catholic, not Christian, a subordinate, owes them, does not care, etc... So this was a case of minority rule and being beat up by the numbers. Money can also be factored as numbers and a bully. The truth is known they aimed too high.
So we have the black liberation, the indigenous plots to gain the trust of Indians and dark skins, we have the slave mentality and extreme risk taking, and we have what plagues and racks a particular religion while the other partners stand in judgment. We have this idea life and reality is mere perception. If enough people buy into it; than minorities must accept it or leave; majority rules regardless of the evil. The worse this gets or their life gets, the more they demand money. The more evil and rotten, the more their cost increases. We have all the pieces to begin prosecution and holding them accountable while they deny it or how it ever happened.
There are other people involved in this and in another state. In April of 2008 a female came into the picture. Seeing or hearing her presence; an attack or bully team was dispatched to worsen the matter and add more criminal charges to this case. Although this occurred in another state and being handled by the FBI, a confrontation elapsed. We, both the girl and I, wanted to know where this was leading and what kind of action or appropriate legal defense they had. We wanted an apology and a cessation while we rebuilt our life. The bullying became so severe and erupted in such a ferocious manner; an SOS had to be sent to the FBI handler and agent on this case. The immediacy was so impacting there was not enough time to explain everything. Insofar as bullying, harassment, or some type of captivity; it was now being done to a female but the same conversation with the culprits was taking place. We demanded an explanation. We demanded they stop. We told them we would not allow them to hurt our family members or stand idly while this happened. We warned them that some form of lethal force or self defense measure would be deployed if they did not cease, disburse, and await conviction by law enforcement. A fight erupted. Then it sparked up and erupted again; and again.
There was a tipping point. There was a point when Sue Place was hysterical, "They know everything... we are ready to die... we are at war." I describe only what occurred inside the residence at 6901 Buffalo Avenue because I never left my own apartment. How can someone be an aggressor if they must defend their living space and loved ones in their own home? After a few months, we began to receive information on a bomb plot and terror plot and this was forwarded to the FBI without any hesitation or ability to solve the crime. We wanted this solved and ended; they wanted to carry this on, apologize, ask for pity, ask for forgiveness, and worse make it clear they would kill us both. They began or already began discussing how to kill the girlfriend to Alex and it got quite scary; he began to argue with the girlfriend about taking too many chances and letting the FBI handle this. Insofar as hindering the case, Alex and his girlfriend never imposed any camouflage or deception to prevent solving the case; they wanted to sue in civil court and had planned to for years and years. So a feeling of elation and terror is mixed in with a romance and a male protecting his family while never leaving his own home. Now it was up to investigators, the FBI, and local law enforcement to piece it together. A victim only helps the police or leads them to who did it; they do not attack or prevent the crime from being solved.
In the documents leading up to this; I describe a financial mess and an emergency. I describe how it was transcendental to my own life or crippled it. I indicate repeated claims of a conspiracy on the liberals, Catholics, and labor unions. I indicate witnessing them behind a terror plot, reporting them to the FBI, and not being able to answer or say what they looked like and who was part of it. Only in 2008 did this surface finally and a meeting held in my residence daily. Sue Place and Chris Young were the lookout and armed guards of this meeting. They filled in the details which were either missing or could not be clandestinely sent for fear of detection. They had been and were inventing life long debilitating injuries or problems using vicious and ferocious stealth attacks. Only a sniper or serial bomber can inflict such sudden and unannounced damage or carnage. Hence, the multiple use of bombers and snipers.
At the core of this problem is the adversary. They wanted to know who knew and how much was known about them. They suspected people were on to them and this revitalization program. They indicated severe consequence or catastrophic suffering if Alex and his fiancée did not help. So they needed college educated and genius level thinkers. By kidnapping them, they would know if anybody would save them, could save them, or if anybody would believe any of this. While a senior in college and finishing a second college degree, Alex reports to the FBI severe attacks, suspicious injuries, bizarre and odd people, and erratic or dangerous behaviors. Essentially someone had wiped him out financially and emotionally. At the time, nobody could stop them. At the time, the police appeared to be the suspects and the guilty party - harassment, bullying, ignoring problems, ignoring people with personality disorders, and a hands off policy no matter what type of evil is present. These attacks and daily annoyances made everybody sick or disgusted.
Sue Place is the individual who notified the FBI they wanted to die or sought a violent death. They felt everything about them was known and their antics were a death sentence. They presented two police presence; one good and one bad. After two years of interviews and data of this Marxist group, the matter had been split in half and down the center. Each word or phrase had two or more meanings. Each line or phrase had a different meaning to the person it was said to. It depended on whether or not one sought the truth or another perception. They kept asking who in the world would believe you let alone save you? It felt like a mind game with a serial killer. Throughout this interview and over 19,000 pages; all the suspects were only worried about appearing fake, not forgiven, their image among their own, or this bully and majority status as elites. Yet in each human brain there is only one voice and they sought to become that voice while claiming others heard three or more voices; it was theirs. Every human being hears one voice and when they heard this voice talking or thinking out loud; they got hysterical and attacked with fury.
At no time did they show any remorse, let up, show empathy, or any feelings towards their enemy. They would focus all their energy on small details. They would concentrate on the slightest opportunity. They said to be quiet. They would rush you or bulldog someone if they did not cooperate. They said we "never get kicked out" and needed "a lifelong of protection." They were selling this and packaging it in the form of a new political product or path; a new revolution and form of Marxism. If you refused to be quiet when ordered, they would storm you and mow you down. If you tried to defend yourself, they would call the police and report you to their teammates. A strategy of talking to them began; they would listen and pay close attention to the smallest detail or movement. This is also how they focused on the property deed of the condo in Virginia.
There was an endless level of verbal altercations; a form of assault intended to cause a human being to be forgetful, hysterical, miss details, lose focus, and have a horrible day. After an initial attack, a bunker mentality was needed and it caused caution or paranoia. These distractions were intended to shut down any productivity; thus a night schedule was needed. The pursuit would have to end unless they quit their day jobs and did this full time. So there was always some form of control measure or security while a surgical emergency procedure was being conducted; to fix this illegal and legitimate financial disaster in the US system. When the time elapsed and they could not force anybody to tell them what to do; trillions of government bail out money was used and squandered. This is why the details and intricacy was already known or had to be put together. The people behind this were desperate and demanded others cooperate or be seriously injured. They refuse to pay any labor cost and this also indicates they had plans for the person who either fixed or failed; nobody would know or can trace it. So if a leak happened or if someone is told, then who would believe them or who would ever believe this? Murder is how security is up kept with this criminal nuisance.
Phone records show a conversation took place between Rick Johnson and Thang (Alex) in late 2006-2007; the only one. Why didn't he say, "Keep away from them" or "he is trying to ignore you and avoid you, just keep away." Instead, Rick Johnson said, "you should be up by 10am anyways" which was misleading and contrary to "they said he was doing it" when asked if there was a habitability problem. Now he owes two people a rent refund and a rent reduction. When you rent an apartment or share a building; it does not mean you forfeit your rights, give access to strangers, allow loved ones to be contacted, impersonate friends or family, look for property to steal, share life and difficulties, make demands or detain strangers, molest tenants, accost tenants, verbally assault tenants, etc... and then plead for understanding hourly.
A reasonable person would not conclude after 25 letters they are making an effort to keep away or avoid him. A reasonable person who hears about a change in schedule, playing music to avoid clandestine communications or unwanted attention, calling the police and documenting the sneaky behaviors, demanding a rent refund, getting evicted if a rent refund was not made; and filing charges for unspeakable yet indefensible acts the actions of doubt or purposeful mistakes. So when they say "he did it" they make the problem worse and lack the merits which led them down this road of self destruction. It sounds as if they are trapped, have their back against the wall, and grabbing at straws or any alibi possible.
Based on witness statements, this was about a murder and another murder that was supposed to take place but could not or was not achievable under the circumstances or bungled at the last minute. At no time was stay away, keep away, go away, or stop ever mentioned or cross their minds. There are no records of this and when murder or death was mentioned; all of them including their leaders said the same thing, "we are at war... it is impossible to prevent people from getting hurt." When asked again what they wanted or how they wish this to end, one of their leaders said, "We want you to commit suicide." These statements fit the witness accounts and the charges. They never once said "if you do not keep away or stop, we have no choice but to escalate this and use lethal force." What they did was concealed and hid this clandestinely with utmost expertise; then made endless death threats or used the death of others to send one warning after the other.
There are many reasons why someone would impersonate another or steal their identity. It does not suggest pure malice or violent intentions. What it does is cause anguish, it denies happiness, and it is a form of harassment or bullying. Now with the possibility of "they said he did it" and a habitability problem he was the sole culprit; two parties are owed a rent reduction and a rent refund. The harassment problem was not so egregious the FBI had to be called in 2007 and not until May to August was the FBI partner called a second time; another ferocious attack and much worse. The dates and the emails indicate the same events took place. If a fugitive calls the family or a girlfriend of a neighbor or impersonates them after finding out their identity; then a threshold has been reached. They are no longer victims or under attack. They cannot say "he was doing it" when hiding exactly what the problem was or had been.
The interviews took place from Summer 2008 up until Fall of 2010. All of it was forwarded to the FBI for analysis. The problem with the construction industry is the mafia and labor unions. The monopoly is in the hands of the Irish and Italians; however, the wages and lucrative contracts lock other competitors out. In less formal and stringent construction businesses, the Hispanics are willing to work for less and produce the same or higher quality; an eagerness to work for less and not more. So not only is a fix needed before financial disaster; the immigration problem began to push this monopoly to the brink of destruction. The real estate and construction problems indicate a white supremacy and even a radical or labor union presence. In a debt economy or a shrinking labor pool; the thrash of lucrative contracts or gambling plots whips up a riot and even extreme violence. So when you bomb embassies in Kenya and Nairobi; you are teaching how to build and how to acquire lucrative contracts as the underworld has or had. It is to benefit their home and their plight.
The one thing with New York that is beyond comprehension or repeats over and over is extremism. They are too stupid. They are too nosy. They are too helpful. They are too ignorant. They are too hostile. They are too self defensive. They are too insecure. They are too talkative. They are too in your face. They are too demanding. They are too lawless. They are too dependent. They are too lost or wander aimlessly. They are too belligerent. They are too trusting. They are too intrusive. They are too liberal. They are too insignificant. They are too comfortable. They are too materialistic. They are too greedy or selfish. They are too violent. They are too phony. They are too drunk or intoxicated. They do not obey warnings. They do not know danger. They repeat the same mistakes over and over expecting a different result. There is no harmony in their life and they become defensive or hostile on a moment of notice. There is nothing about them that is just right or perfect; nothing. There is nothing about them that is flawless or worth discussing openly. There is a sweet spot in life where things flow flawlessly. There are ways to make business and government work properly. So this is radical. These are radicals and extremist in sheep’s clothing. Even the state police are blind as a bat and cannot tell friend from foe. It has become a way of life, a cultural disaster, and a standard of living.
The information indicates a racketeering effort by the mafia, communists, labor unions, and a form of white supremacy groups. They are telling blacks and minorities to go away or else some form of harm is directed at them. These problems along with other problems begin when they do a sneak attack or stealth jolt. When you compare Timothy McVeigh and the DC Sniper; you see how the two compliment each other. The formation of groups and problems unique to that group by an external source such as McVeigh v DC Sniper is an example. The interviews conducted indicate they are portraying themselves as the most rational and most reasonable; thus, view those who detect them as enemy.
The labor unions, mafia, and communists were all doing the same thing; thus, nobody could tell who they were or which group. If the minority target did not obey warnings; there was either harm, escalation, or some police abuse. At the epicenter of this was a locale or hub where most if not all politics had blue collar roots. Even the elite’ harbored sympathies to labor unions or the left wing; constantly emphasizing their parents and this blue collar inclination which expanded power and mistrust throughout America and the world; greed and power. On appearance, they look clean, articulate, and very smart. So the presence of this minority state and this police abuse or oppression divides and causes ideological indoctrination. If detected or caught, they do not know what to do, do not want trouble, do not want to get hurt, and are ready to die.
Prostitution is a gateway to the underworld. One female can steal the entire life of a human being or inflict mega damage. Prostitutes frequent specific locales such as truck stops, strip bars, massage parlors, and recently online or Craig’s List; it was odd how they were now on the same web sites but there was no indication of any stalking as reported previously to the FBI in 1998. Most prostitutes whom go to truck stops do not contact those they do not know or dealt with before. They typically have clients who call them much like any other ice breaking legitimate business. When hookers stray or take on their own enterprise, the Craig’s List killer shows up. The hysteria causes hookers to bond closer to their bosses. The people we were interviewing had been on Craig’s List and knew it was a favorite site. An FBI team had been investigating hookers on there and asked for a closer analysis and a contact was made with a Pittsburg female to scope how an intro was made. It is done via text messages on a cell phone as all others. So these technologies enabled females to work for themselves and stray from organized crime. This form of terrorism is similar to the serial killers and Jack the Ripper. Both the FBI and Alex had been suspicious of Craig’s List and for a good reason. There was a string of suspicious murders of females from 2008 to 2010 as part of these interviews and dialogs; to establish credibility and authenticity.
The charges filed on Chris and Sue Young, the civil and small claims filed on Rick Johnson, the books written and the millions of dollars spent on legal defense or seeking damages; have nothing to do with the details indicated in a very complex matter. The first four paragraphs indicate clearly a drunken and permanent state. The complaints made to Rick Johnson in almost thirty letters show complicity, criminal negligence, and even criminal liability. The charges filed on those who committed the acts show bullying, harassment, terrorizing him in his own home, a lack of defense or self defense, unwanted communication, a feeling of desperation or helplessness, and lewd or lascivious sexual acts done to humiliate or destroy a human being. The financial trail of destruction reaffirms a rape and pillage mentality while the comments or explanation indicate a similar attempt to copy cat the Jaycee Duggard kidnapping case in California. The FBI has the murdered victims names and how the ransom note or death threats were delivered; a real death threat. Alex was mistaken as a Catholic and the suspects are Irish and Catholic acting out how business is done or secrets never to be told. It has been pointed out how the property of Rick Johnson was damaged or if typical forms of harassment were used. All those involved are focused on Alex and he reports only what occurred or observed.
They could present a more credible case by indicating, "I was hit by a car and he refused to call an ambulance; he even got in his car and tried to run me over." Instead of this, the legal culpability is handled with being like others, being as ruthless or worse, trying to sit next to them or get in the way, and doing it back or switching the blame; an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. They still have not answered the most important questions: 1) how do you know he is not a secret agent or undercover? 2) How do you know he and Ann are not lovers or married? Worse how did you know and contacted her? Can you prove or dispute you did not? Who has the burden of proof here? What they say and do now can have a detrimental impact on any civil or criminal suit levied at a later time. What they say and do now can have an adverse impact on their future and life. Fixing life and making problems go away is how they got in this predicament.
Instead a case has been built against them and it sounds like they are yelling back "shut up, go away, leave, we are going to get you" as a band aid to a serious criminal and civil matter. It looks even worse because they have not made any effort to seek a dossier or some verification that indicates he is not undercover or an informant for a federal agency. Not seeing it or having it does not make it true. Seeking the truth and claiming to be a secret agent are two different worlds. So the burden of proof is on those implicated to provide over 18,000 pages of flawless data if they wish to beat it. They do not know if he is a secret agent so arguing he is or not is impossible. He could be a spy or a terrorist but this is not a proper legal defense.
They used rent and essential living arrangements to impact the lives of others negatively. They did this by their schedule and convenience. By using recording devices or holding hostages; they could paralyze the life of someone or shut it down. This hold or blockade was broken in the Summer of 2008; so they began to explain why they did it or the anger they felt getting caught. This shut down or total paralysis was lifted and things improved or began to return to normal; but the damage and the disaster lingered long after and may for a lifetime. All they can do is deny it or shift the blame other than surrender; however, they made clear they are not sorry and do not have regrets.
What it sounds like to a casual observer is Thang (Alex) is a very well put together person who has undergone severe if not torturous abuse. It sounds like no matter what they do to him or try on him; Alex is able to beat it before they even begin, but they do not know it yet. So attacking him, intimidating him, telling him to shut up, obstructing justice, and lying are the repertoire of normal human instincts when trapped. Impersonating or acting like someone else does not make matters better or problems go away. Contacting their loved ones or making death threats does not improve anything. So it starts with nosy or minor theft, little things; and then it leads to terror and bomb plots where they keep emphasizing they are ready to die or do not know what to do; a cocktail of pure raw insanity. Not knowing what to do and being ready to die are two separate matters, so isn't telling someone you are waging war on them.
To simplify the matter and four years of data; There is an utter failure to address the complaints or the typical labor union harassment, bullying, intimidation, terror, kidnapping, beating up, disregard for the law, and verbal assaults. All of these behaviors and character traits are notorious with labor unions and criminal elements. Furthermore, there is an effort to mislead and conceal all of the illegal activity after four long and arduous years of it. It can only be self defense if it is happening inside the home of the occupant whom filed the charges. The labor unions were so lawless and flawed; they had to play this game in order to prevent their own expulsion but nothing they could do fixed life and fixed the complaints logged against them.
The people culpable and involved in this were getting jobs or some benefit by having sympathies to the devil. While Thang (Alex) was in fierce battle with the mafia, labor unions, black liberation, a terror plot, the Irish, and the Italians; they sat in a rosy smelling good position and criticized with prejudice and a lack of truth seeking to further a disaster and to criticize for having such a messed up or problematic situation. They bragged about how they were on the state police force and bragged about being in the governor’s office frequently. They bragged frequently about this prejudice and sympathies to the mafia, labor unions, and how well connected their NY politics were. It was almost as if they were untouchable or the state police while terrorizing one person who was in battle or in ferocious combat with this problem; they forced Thang (Alex) to fight for his life and then told him to go away or sought his eviction when they lost the battle.
Therefore, the reason why it is a complete and total disaster is because they refused to fight the labor unions and mafia; but would criticize the smallest problem with those who were or whom was terrorized and in ferocious battle in their own residence hourly. They repeatedly bragged it was their home, their state, their country, and we lived in their world and had no rights. Worse, they stood in judgment each step of this four year ordeal with the intent of bleeding Thang (Alex) as much as possible and never escalated or referred this to a higher judge of the truth; they refuse to document or write anything down, and they refused to describe what they were doing and up to while claiming to be acting only in self defense or protecting their family. It would have been easy to call the landlord and to file a report as Thang (Alex) had done with the FBI while he interviewed them over a terror plot.
This plot exist in order to say America is evil and is sympathetic to the mafia, black liberation, outcasts, labor unions, and a cash jackpot of tough sympathies only a distraught gambler would see to the end. Those with the most to loose were the Catholic, Jewish, Black Liberation, and mafia. So this plot is to emphasize they are in charge and the boss. We cannot have this fester and to suggest the mafia runs the former communist movement or will fix it; is the wrong answer. Yet they keep quiet and live in a small world where the big picture is a far stretch of the imagination. The reality is they do not complain when and if they are an earth shaking hurricane. The reality is they complain when others are. They hate themselves and rely on minorities or black liberation to boost their self defense. While in battle, they felt no shame or emotional hurt; once defeated or destroyed, they whimper or apologize; fear consequences. So evil is now in the eye of the beholder; are we living in it or not?
When they got a coup, or caught, it should have been the end of this. It was not. They sought a violent death and wanted to fight a coup detach. Now we know who they are and what they are up to. They said it had to do with population loss and pressure on the government dependency. They could not stop either and the strain caused them to flow into the other side, impersonate the good guys, and sought rapid expansion. They said they had to do all these things if they wanted to stay in power, stay in control, and win elections. So they were on the attack mode after the collapse of the left wing and this collective or Marxist flow in the labor unions and mafia expansion. The politicians and police had sympathies to the Irish, Italians, black liberation, and Democrats; where the mafia called the shots. To suggest they were the police or government while harboring these sympathies was gross injustice, derelictions of duties, and near treason; a crime of the heart. Both sides were acting on behalf of the American people and everybody who wanted to be a hero was speaking on behalf of the American people. The problem was nobody was sane or had any special intelligence.
As evil and harboring these anti-government sentiments aggravated them; they acted out this violent and psychopathic reality. They united while on attack mode and would criticize or play God with others. These biases and how well they were connected had no security; only crime and violence. Thus, it was easy and a cruel hoax to play the good-cop and bad-cop using us; a terror plot we were interviewing for the FBI. So the work and the leg of these battles were performed by those not paid or deputized with any police powers; but those criticizing were. These biases allowed relief for this strain and allowed expansion. The truth was we were at ferocious battle with the labor unions, mafia, left wing, and had no sympathies with the devil. If criticizing meant getting paid; they got paid. They said they were and had been overthrowing or trashing the Constitution because it did not work for them. They said they were waging war and this is how they justified the stalking, murder, plots, and vicious malice.
The value of the Irish, Italians, Jewish, and mafia hit rock bottom after the 1980s. So they pretended to be black and told others to leave or shut up. When it suited their needs, they pretended to be American Indians or indigenous people who had their own police, cigarette industries, or Casinos. It is fair and easy to say they are insane or disconnected from reality. So impersonating a girl fiend or family member was not all the characters they impersonated. Looking rosy and smelling nice made life easier and criticizing so much more believable. Having the police in your favor or biased to the dollars of nonsense indicated power and image. So being so hated and so disconnected from reality allowed them to act black and shadow this black liberation.
The hidden secret here is a recruitment attempt which was bungled badly. When they realized there was a female and a fiancée involved; they spread the disaster to two people and began to plot her death. The truth was had it not been for this female and partner in life of Thang (Alex); he would be forced to be Democrat, liberal, labor union boss, mafia soldier, or even worse another Timothy McVeigh or John Muhammad. The hidden truth is had it not been for this female partner; Alex would suffer from poverty for his entire life resulting from this total disaster and total insanity. The hidden truth is their IQ and how one party can escape while the other cannot; on the line is their life worth and fortune, not Alex or his life. No matter what they did Thang (Alex) was safe but they did not want to deal with this reality or deal with being humiliated. America and NY used to be a great but it has fallen to the prey of those who are poor and going nowhere because of this total disaster. It takes a lot to become an American and to survive the process of greatness in America; however, these people are going nowhere and they just stick to anything or refuse to stop. That is how they end up such a huge threat.
In all fairness, NY is a great state and has a history of helping many people. VA is also a great state and has a good history. So someone or something is radicalizing them and bringing out the worst in them. This history of helping many people become self sufficient or Americans has been hijacked or fallen to the forces of evil and crime. It is in the hands of people who are going nowhere. It is being threatened by former enemies who are not done yet. It is being made to be a total disaster also. If NY did not have a record of helping people, they would be out of business. Now the state has to be judged according to the total good and total bad it produces yearly. The people are angry, disenchanted, feel cheated, and radicalized. So this is the bias and the impact of these sympathies for the devil, the labor unions, the mafia, and the left wing. The state has become a hostage of those whom they helped or had given freedom to. Now we must feel sadness and cry when the bad guys fall. This is why the Constitution and the federal government do not work for them anymore. This extremist and radicalization, to bring out the worst in others, has something to do with government going out of business and not helping anybody anymore.
Helping others by hurting them is not what we expect from human beings. However, it is unfair to whites who are decent and mean no harm to others. Most disturbing is how all of them or the entire community stands there in approval; even taunting whom they focus their attention on. So if this keeps up, whites will be unfairly treated while blacks get more radical and angry by what they are hearing and seeing. Now everybody wants blood and retaliation much the same as the Middle East and terrorism; a fight over real estate, land sales, indigenous, and the story of America. The whole point is to make others look bad, humiliate them, taunt them, and drive them into insanity. Then make a third group radical or extremist so the victims can flee to that camp. Whites do enjoy a greater comfort level while blacks do have more hardships; but the end result is pure anger with everybody. NY was a high value target; VA-DC was another high value target; and Thang (Alex) had been one also. So those enemies were now fans of the mafia and the labor unions; this black liberation and radicalization process. The evidence fits the crime, the motive, and the terror plot. So hurting others is a crime and it fits the goals of the people who committed strings of them at a time.
In none of the letters were broken windows, alcohol consumption, drunkenness, up keep and property management, theft, or verbal assault mentioned. The complaints do not indicate a psychotic or socialpathic atmosphere; a sexual offender or molester; someone who does not care nor has any respect for other human beings. When it began the police were called up to 8 times per week for vandalism, assault, stolen property, a prowler, etc... until they got fed up of the back-forth incidents. A home invasion occurred after only 3 months of living at 6901 Buffalo Avenue, Apartment B; and then a long and arduous string of malicious prosecution and criminal activity. This rental agreement and living arrangement was used to impact, form an adversarial relation, and paralyze the life of Thang (Alex). When it did not work or the result unachievable; they tried double, triple, and quadruple the attacks.
There is a connection between self medicating with alcohol, the impact of this level of consumption, and the behavior described. There is a reason why they said they were not inferior and do not hate. There is a reason why they said "you" now know what it feels like to be inferior, an idiot, humiliated, and when life is a total mess. There is a reason why they said to fix it or join them to overthrow the government. There is a reason for all of this instead of shifting the blame or pointing fingers. They were and are sick of rejection. They are sick of hearing no and sick of being treated as if they were criminal felons, labor union thugs, mafia hit men, or this terror plot. So these reaffirmations are merely to say they are the American people, they are the police, they are reality, they are in total control, and others must do as they say. They do not obey warnings but they make many of them and are demanding if not a sadistic tyrant. So making others feel like an idiot and causing problems in their life either falls on an adversarial, hostage, or trusting relation with a psychopathic felon. They decided to use Thang (Alex) as a messenger to the FBI for some other crazy reason but it was not consensual. They said we were at war and it was important; now they refuse to pay the fees, labor, or damages. They are sick and tired of being rejected or hearing no; so they are now in control and crashing into others or kidnapping them until something changes in their life.
There are events taking place which indicate non-consensual or under extreme protest. There is a habitability problem and over 25 written letters. There are criminal charges, civil law suits, and damages from lost property or wages. These letters indicate protest, denial of protest by Rick Johnson, a lackluster effort or habitability problem, operating an unsafe business, ignoring and compounding criminal and civil matters, deception, and a lack of accountability. This is also a criminal matter and crimes have taken place in a non-consensual basis or a provocation. There is no effort to avoid the ending or culpability. At most it is negligence or complicit actions done incognito or without scrutiny. Rick Johnson owes a rent refund for the battles and the constant harassment by the labor unions on his property and described in over 25 letters about habitability or violations of the Tenant's Rights Guide. There were so many violations it became a criminal matter and for the state of NY to resolve also.
In none of the letters were broken windows, alcohol consumption, drunkenness, up keep and property management, theft, or verbal assault mentioned. The complaints indicate a psychotic or socialpathic atmosphere; a sexual offender or molester; someone who does not care nor has any respect for other human beings. When it began the police were called up to 8 times per week for vandalism, assault, stolen property, a prowler, etc... until they got fed up of the back-forth incidents. A home invasion occurred after only 3 months of living at 6901 Buffalo Avenue, Apartment B; and then a long and arduous string of malicious prosecution and criminal activity. This rental agreement and living arrangement was used to impact, form an adversarial relation, and paralyze the life of Thang (Alex). When it did not work or the result unachievable; they tried double, triple, and quadruple the attacks.
Rate: $10 per incident or rent reduction
Rate: Minimum of 10 incidents per day from 2009 to 2010 (began around Aug of 2008)
Total: $100 per day/cap
2009 Total for Rent Refund: 12 months of terror or 365 days, 24 hours, and round the clock
2010 Total for Rent Refund: 9 months of terror or 270 days, 24 hours, and round the clock
Not included: $270 mysterious hot water bill, stolen deed on condo in VA ($15,000), damages to cars, verbal abuse and assaults, basement flooding in 2009 a total of 13 times with sewage, damage to convertible while arrested, a $5700 ECMC bill, and pending medical treatment for open wounds or injuries; also daily battles and chasing them off. Rick Johnson kept the property well kept but refused to address the behavior of drunks, bullies, and sex offenders; he refused to admit 2 cases of beer weekly were behind this. That level of alcohol is now a criminal matter.
Grand Total of days: 21 months or 635 days
Grand Total capped: $63,500 in damages
Asking $5,000 or maximum under the law as a temporary fix (compounded life problems resulting from living at 6901 Buffalo Ave)
There is an utter failure to address the complaints or the typical labor union harassment, bullying, intimidation, terror, kidnapping, beating up, disregard for the law, and verbal assaults. All of these behaviors and character traits are notorious with labor unions and criminal elements. Furthermore, there is an effort to mislead and conceal all of the illegal activity after four long and arduous years of it. It can only be self defense if it is happening inside the home of the occupant whom filed the charges. The labor unions were so lawless and flawed; they had to play this game in order to prevent their own expulsion but nothing they could do fixed life and fixed the complaints logged against them.
In 2010 both Sue and Chris Young (upstairs) explained why they did what they did:
1. Wanted everybody to know they were not fake (humiliating)
2. Wanted everybody to know they were ready to die and did not care, "why don't you go to hell"
3. Wanted everybody to know they are not inferior and hate
4. As retaliation for uncovering their scam or plot and tipping off law enforcement and the FBI
5. To make sure Thang (Alex) knew what consequences a racist can do to his life or the control level
6. To inflict severe emotional distress and win or gain his trust
7. To make sure Thang (Alex) knew what it was like to be inferior
8. To make sure Thang (Alex) knew what it was like to be a minority
9. To make sure Thang (Alex) knew there was no escape and they were in total control
10. To make sure Thang (Alex) knew this would never end and they will find him or his family
11. To make sure Thang (Alex) knew he needed them and was in a position of vulnerability; do not criticize the hand that feeds you
12. To push Thang (Alex) away after mistaking him as a minority and a Catholic and displaying a drunken lewdness or molestation typical of Catholics or acceptable
13. To make sure Thang (Alex) sent bomb plots to the FBI and let them know they had waged war and a war was underway
14. To indicate to the FBI and the world an emotional state and a way of thinking not normal to others; how they felt, how angry they were
15. To make sure Thang (Alex) knew they were powerful labor leaders and the best in the world
16. To make sure Thang (Alex) knew he was their God or leader
17. To make sure Thang (Alex) recognized them or was tricked into thinking they were family, close relatives, or parents
18. To help and do what they could even if they were too stupid or psychopaths; to appear helpful and part of something
19. Wanted everybody to know Thang (Alex) would not "dare to punch" them
20. To make sure Thang (Alex) knew the next step of this case was jail. They said this was a robbery and they were looking for something to steal or of value. Now they were very angry and very troubled by how it turned out; they made this known daily and hourly.
Pending suit for civil claims of harassment, bullying, terrorizing, stalking, infliction of emotional distress, racism, continuous unwanted communications, dereliction of duty, and other civil damages
Pending criminal charges by state and federal authorities
Everything they said or did was forwarded to the FBI in the form of emails, diary, or expert analysis. Most of what they tried to send was false or misleading; thus, had to be check or verified. They wanted the information to be anonymous and the source to be kept secret under the lawyer-client protections. I refused service and wrote over 25 letters to the landlord indicating I wanted these clandestine and anonymous talks to stop as I was working on and dealing with enormous problems in my own life. Mr. Johnson allowed this hatred and racial harassment to fester until it was a total disaster and a criminal matter; meanwhile, he invented the idea he could not tell who was doing it and misleading investigators about this sympathy for the labor unions, mafia, and terror plotters.
Seeking a compensation of $5000 for labor wages while using me as a messenger to the FBI and then denying of any such. Counter claim is not valid (fabrication) and letters to the landlord indicate this was not consensual or done under some form of force or subjugation. They did not miss work or showed any discomfort while attacking Thang (Alex) to invent a catastrophe so they could look better or superior. They made it a racial matter with outrageous comments. The landlord is liable for criminal negligence and operating an unsafe business - thus owes a refund of $5,000 in rent refund to recover some of these damages.
2010: 9 Months (Jan - Sept)
2009: 12 Months (Full)
2008: 4 Months (Sept - Dec)
Rate: $150 an hour (expert in field)
Total: 25 months, 100 weeks, or 500 business days
Grand Total: $75,000
There is an utter failure to address the complaints or the typical labor union harassment, bullying, intimidation, terror, kidnapping, beating up, disregard for the law, and verbal assaults. All of these behaviors and character traits are notorious with labor unions and criminal elements. Furthermore, there is an effort to mislead and conceal all of the illegal activity after four long and arduous years of it. It can only be self defense if it is happening inside the home of the occupant whom filed the charges. The labor unions were so lawless and flawed; they had to play this game in order to prevent their own expulsion but nothing they could do fixed life and fixed the complaints logged against them.
Pending suit for civil claims of harassment, bullying, terrorizing, stalking, infliction of emotional distress, racism, continuous unwanted communications, dereliction of duty, and other civil damages
Pending criminal charges by state and federal authorities
The lack of self control and consideration for the rights of others is related to consuming at least 2 cases of beer weekly; stinking drunk is the only conclusion. Everything they said or did was forwarded to the FBI in the form of emails, diary, or expert analysis. Most of what they tried to send was false or misleading; thus, had to be check or verified. They wanted the information to be anonymous and the source to be kept secret under the lawyer-client protections. I refused service and wrote over 25 letters to the landlord indicating I wanted these clandestine and anonymous talks to stop as I was working on and dealing with enormous problems in my own life.
2010 List to the FBI: shows the volume of information and the enormity of the data flow; overwhelming amounts and misleading information
2009 email showing contact of family member by this labor union and 2006 emails about the same situation
The people culpable and involved in this were getting jobs or some benefit by having sympathies to the devil. While Thang (Alex) was in fierce battle with the mafia, labor unions, black liberation, a terror plot, the Irish, and the Italians; they sat in a rosy smelling good position and criticized with prejudice and a lack of truth seeking to further a disaster and to criticize for having such a messed up or problematic situation. They bragged about how they were on the state police force and bragged about being in the governors’ office frequently. They bragged frequently about this prejudice and sympathies to the mafia, labor unions, and how well connected their NY politics were. It was almost as if they were untouchable or the state police while terrorizing one person who was in battle or in ferocious combat with this problem; they forced Thang (Alex) to fight for his life and then told him to go away or sought his eviction when they lost the battle.
Therefore, the reason why it is a complete and total disaster is because they refused to fight the labor unions and mafia; but would criticize the smallest problem with those who were or whom was terrorized and in ferocious battle in their own residence with the labor unions, mafia, and interviewing those behind a bomb plot. They repeatedly bragged it was their home, their state, their country, shut up and do as told, and we lived in their world and had no rights. Worse, they stood in judgment each step of this four year ordeal with the intent of bleeding Thang (Alex) as much as possible and never escalated or referred this to a higher judge of the truth; they refuse to document or write anything down, and they refused to describe what they were doing and up to while claiming to be acting only in self defense or protecting their family. It would have been easy to call the landlord and to file a report as Thang (Alex) had done with the FBI while he interviewed them over a terror plot.