This is not about Arabs or the Muslim religion. This is about the United States because the attacks are more common and fiercer here. It is about liberals and how liberals interpret Shania law or Constitution. Religious law differs in every aspect than Constitutional law; this is because the source of law in religion is natural. Therefore, legal scholars form a basis of interpreting region and then natural law. In the positivist or natural law philosophy, legal interpretations and Shania laws apply to everybody; not just strangers or nationalist domestic enemies. In other words, if you believe in natural law and wish to debate communism, socialism, and freedom; you can either side with natural law or other liberal interpretations. We call these nations within nations; traitors, alienation, and those who are underground or criminal elements. Others call it the public enemy or a menace to society; we typically associate it to the liberals, communists, crime organizations, or some deviant or criminal group. The two most powerful nations within a nation are divided between two realities; the left wing and the right.
Their laws and legal system state they are perpetual victims and superior bosses; willing to circumvent all barriers and security to keep them out. Remember, when you decide to write or contact someone in the most unwanted and intrusive manner; you must have a goal. If it is to taunt and terrorize someone; then we will know this. What exactly are we supposed to say? How are we supposed to feel? What are we expected to do, stop them? Maybe we are encouraged to call help or call in muscle; a fight is being picked by this enemy. We know this was or is about Vietnam and the Cold War; however, the tables have been turned and it is backwards; a double reality or backwardness. They call this effort numerological linguistics or brainwashing. Are we supposed to grab a bullhorn, run on top of a building and start acting hysterical? How do we stop them if they are human form and yelling back; what are they yelling back? These warnings are about stop; stop them; and cease our efforts. Are we merely messengers or expected to actually stop them and rewrite the rules of civil war? As a sex offender and serial rapist; why don’t they just stay away or get the hell out of politics so others do not have to get creative on them?
After twenty years of this, we can actually answer this question and expose those behind it. Then we seek their arrest and prosecution in both a criminal and civil legal complaint for misrepresenting their citizenship and why they are here on earth and this country. What does it matter who they are or what they believe in? or are they trying to tell us something special about them we must beware of? What do we care what religion they are or who is killing who? We only have one road map and we know when it is forged or a counterfeit. How do we stop it or are we being warned? We think this event can be traced to the 1980s or before at CIA. It involved some coup and then a coup de grace to put back the fait accompli. We think it involved an exodus, the Navy, and some gateway to the Middle East. We think it traces back to the 1960s and Civil Rights or hate. Whatever it was, it led to some retaliation on the Pentagon, FBI and various other old guards. We think it involved a siege and what happened in Vietnam; in Saigon and also in DC. There is something about the Navy, the 1960s, the CIA, and the post Vietnam period when terrorism erupted in the Middle East; this had to do with the Democratic Party in the 1980s.
This story has to be told because it shows the worthlessness and evilness of the most useless human septic species we have ever seen or experienced. First they come to us, as strangers, and tell us about how we have to help them and the 1960s to a new level. This new level is not a specific race; it is liberalism and a conspiracy to slaughter them or push them to civil war. They claim they are only sending us an invitation and only wish to promote us. At a rate of less than 100 times a day, we ignore them and they claim it is a conspiracy. A stranger walks up to another stranger and immediately, it is a conspiracy. The next thing we know, our life is hijacked and we are some political prisoner. The unwanted contacts now are over 100 times a day and can reach upwards of 500; still, they claim a conspiracy is underway. Then the United States is hit with repeated and endless violence; a crime and murder spree involving very poor nations and drug cultures. They now claim others are trying to slaughter them again and it has to do with their religion. Edging on 200 times a day, they pick things up to an unspeakable level; the country is pounded by terrorism and a crime spree and we are imprisoned.
These people came to us out of nowhere, invaded our life in the most condescending and arrogant manner, ordered us around and made demands, and then claimed it was only self defense. As strangers, they claimed some intimate relationship or cosmic bond. They claim this is about religion and someone is slaughtering their religion; not one but an umbrella called liberalism and the left wing. So what do they do? They enroll us into a burglar apprenticeship program after ten full years in college, demand payment for it, and expect this to awaken some sleeping conscience we have for crime and murder. Their magic touch awoke a powerful spirit and human inside us called the devil; filled us with rage and anger; then asked if we believe them. We believe during Prohibition, organized crime and crime families slaughtered them until the 1960s when the entire left wing and liberal system mobilized for legal or religious recognition. We believe that once defeated by a gang war; the gangs were under one leadership. However, we do not believe this is about choosing winners and the slaughter of a religion called liberalism or how that army of the damned in this world has organized into a fiercer criminal syndicate. We know them to be cowards and liars of the worst type.
How do you chase off a serial sex offender or a sadistic terrorist? So the self defense claim and the status of placing us in some burglar apprenticeship program is really repulsive and annoying. This maniacal psychopathic serial killer watching us likes a sex offender and creating some dossier which is completely backwards and in error; was also slightly annoying. That was just the tip of the iceberg; but the warnings, death threats, and self defense jumbo needs to stop with the 100s of daily attacks and peering stranger who watches us closely and is angered when told to go away or leave. You can pander to someone 200 times a day but do not get mad when they say no and get very angry; this does not give you the right to speak or use anger back; that is not self defense. What it is or was is an act of war. We have the dead bodies and the entire story along with their entire master plot to prove it. If anybody has been sleeping through all of this, let us point out the entire Constitution has been violated; that surely verifies an act of war and we are defenseless. Can you get anymore insane, anymore annoying, or anymore offensive then what we have seen; or is this still not the end of it? So as a creepy ass sex offender or sadistic lunatic, we could not think of any particular reason why anybody would want to harm or could harm them. Maybe they could help us answer that one and get to the bottom of this?
In the world of the Middle East, oil is the engine of economics. However, the politics is not. What then is driving the political backwardness of the Middle East? Is it the name of the leaders? Is it the unions and their strikes in the auto industry? Is it the banks that facilitate the global trade and use of oil? Is it the infrastructure or an industry to profit from these other industries? Is it the muscle business? What possible reason could the world view in the Middle East which can suggest the name of the people has something to do with why they cannot fly on planes or civil liberties? This answer in a backwards world is easy to answer; weak on crime. When nation states are weak on crime; those who are not die. When nation states are weak on crime; the world is backwards. When the nation states are weak on crime; we have terrorism and violence. When the nation states are weak on crime; people hurt for money. This weak on crime is in the muscle industry; also the illegal narcotics; therefore, it will not be long before we cross paths. So why are human beings weak on crime? Is it their religion or lack of it which leads to the political ideology we now have come to despise by escape; a new left and new crime and murder spree?
Are there really dangerous forces trying to kill this domestic menace? When politics refuses to change why human beings are weak on crime; we get violence and the worst and most brutal. We get crime and murder sprees. We get coalitions of socialism, criminal gangs, crime organizations, and this problem with the police. So this is about the politics of crime fighters also. With the police comes terror and prison. Who is saying the police are backwards or weak on crime? Who is this speaking and trying to outspread others? So why democracy and bad people the engine of this police when we know better in this world? The fingerprint of this war on poverty is all over the war on terrorism and this is why good people die, violence is breeding, liberal and left wing cacophonies of terror, and the emergence of this new enemy call global socialism. This is an evicting game changer, how to make a death threat all day to authorities, a scam or hoax that works all the time, skepticism, winning and loosing, obstruction of justice, oppression, and the new violence of the left wing. This is called the muscle industry and the militant wing of the left or radical underworld figures. This is their lawsuit for waging war on the slums of the world and on poverty.
Can we prove there is some form of violence directed at this liberal and left wing bunch who have invaded America? This is an elaborate plot created by a criminal mastermind and genius. It emphasizes three elements; the winner, loser, and the pressure. The use of terrorism is a catalyst for socialism, a new stage of super communism where crime and poverty breed a fire breathing new enemy. The targets are the traditional pillars of trust such as crime, profit, winning, airports, planes, expansion, movement, and growth. However, one is weak on crime and the other is not. One is considered a treasure, while the other is chasing and antagonizing. One is known for courage under pressure, the other is not. So out of the business and industry of muscle is this new enemy who is hurting for money; a new pilot chase problem where violence is the result of two sides and two traditional arch enemies. Who will terrorize the other in this balance of power? Who will outsmart the other and compel the society to break, crumble, and give in?
Are we getting the full story or is the truth being suppressed by the enemies of mankind for legal or strategic reasons? By using democracy and crime; they favor the worst as the chips worsen and fall by gravity and traditional beliefs. Violence against their domestic and nationalist forces is the basis of this lawsuit and the new beast of burdens. The entire system of crime and poverty has collapsed, or has it? The reason this enemy is more powerful, deadlier, and expanding is because now it is for profit only. It is about power and the mightiest; a master-slave relation. You can cut it down the middle and it will fall to either side; both good and evil must need it for survival, such the case with oil and banks. Survival of the fittest has become a game of thievery, stealing, and a ruthless domination by criminal elements on each side; it is now called the survival of the bloodiest. Both sides declare violence and a law suit, a threat, but one side bleeds to death; not for one or two reasons but for all the right ones. How? How is violence and the police an intersection point? Why is a rogue and secret police attacking us at a murderous rate? A victim is created on both sides of the puzzle.
The police are very instrumental in a wild and crazy world. We are witnessing the wildest and most insane we have ever experienced or seen; no borders, total access, and total invasion. However, somewhere in this crime spree, war on drugs, and political insurgency; the elements of the axis of evil were not able to scare others properly, smuggle enough World War II surplus or Vietnam era surplus to be a real military threat, advocate enough second amendment problems, and wreaked havoc on their environment. This weak on crime mentality shifted the sand and the lines drawn in the sand; a parasite to humanity and mankind but their awesomeness was measured by the smell of their feet and imagined feelings how each of them have special gifts when executed by their mob and noticing a miracle as their shoe flew from their body and so did their soul.
Coincidently and conditioned by greed, narcissism, the unknown, betrayal, uselessness, and really bad choices in life; it eventually did them in. They picked too many fights, acted awesome-less, was nearly useless by now, hurting for money, and intelligence was catching up to them. We could call this a mugging or burglary; however, we are too sophisticated and erudite for a lower state of existence. Chaos and crime drives the personality, character, and risk taking by the security forces or police. This is the royalty and elite of the crime world; a world according to thieves. Their ability to match power, to be identical, to have the same possessions, and to survive is matched. We are at and in an intersection; an internecine period where life becomes a suspended annihilation by the forces of poverty and religious impedance. This is how survival of the weak and strong keep skin in the game; how they make a case for or against violence or wars against them. They are able to get up in the faces of their arch enemy every single day and keep them as captives or political prisoners.
At some point, the tide turned and this turned into a suicide mission. We think that turning point was 2008 when we captured and interrogated their leaders. We basically had the road map and were comparing how much they had or what they knew. We also had known their mission and objectives. Whatever we do, they do also but try to beat it. If this was a collection effort, then they were going to blow up a few things if their money was not returned. Nobody had their money but was stolen; so we were used as bait and ordered to take them to who did. We see a long string of corrupt banks and laundered banks looted or raided by federal and US forces when this crime spree erupted in a non-violent way. Nobody got hurt so why are they so hurt?
It is like the drug wars, nobody ever makes it to retirement; now they are out of jail and want their money back. Nobody was involved in these attacks indicate similar possibilities. Here is another complaint which surfaced. The rules of surveillance say to only be an observer; not to use it for participation or to facilitate a kidnap plot, espionage, abuses of power and terrorism. How is it we are repelling attacks all day long, fingerprints all over the crime scene, and this ability to use surveillance without admission about facilitating a crime, being a member of terror-gangs-drug plots etc.; and abusing the rules of surveillance and apprehension? It says clearly about participation and withholding crucial evidence. It is clearly a suicide mission and it is clear we cannot trust them; they will prove this.
Here is another big complaint. This dirty bomb plot and what was asked for in details; know what the facilitation and suppressions are about; we can ask why they are seeking out NORAD II when we know they are trying to target NORAD I; to learn more. First you have to use surveillance and gather intelligence. Then you have to demand the money back for BCCI or these other bank accounts; drug money and organized crime slush funds. When asked about banking; there was empty silence. How do they expect a Supreme Commander undercover to understand what the enemy is doing to our strategy when our own forces do not have this information? It is like a stab in the dark and we do not like it; to determine what can be picked up and how they are calibrated. NORAD II tracks them by their heat signature; logs their longitude and latitude; and alerts when two or more are in the same room. That is the basis of satellite warfare and the new weapon systems; do not get caught and do not become an opponent.
Militaries are redesigning and reorganizing. NORAD II an invention of satellite warfare and a Supreme Commander of it. It goes off the same principles as MRI and protein energy release to a digital heat signature. NORAD II does not like opponents and we asked told them to end this dialogue and conversation with us in 30 days if they can defeat it. We know it is a suicidal mission; hence the speeches and bombardment of 100s of efforts daily. As no excuses or legal goals surfaced whatsoever beyond attack and suicide; the checklist of outcomes shortened. The only way to guide the ship is to have the roadmap; so who is looking for their captain or roadmap now that we know what they are up to? If it is our creation, how do they or can they dispute the chase or efforts to destroy or disrupt it? Now the legal claims or the propaganda, scare tactics, and terror is working for them or how they have some ownership; standing still. To them it is still up for grabs and not over even if it pertains to someone else’s life and not being invited in it.
Let’s examine what we uncovered and where this world is headed by the opposition to the road map and the leaders of it. These bad choices and the path of betrayal grew them to enormous power by mental illness; double crossed over the top levels; their mental destruction was soon to do them in or make them act out this insanity; what they call rage and power of a maniac. In their mind though, they were awesome and the smell of their feet proved it. So it began to spill into the right wing and conservative side because that is where jobs are created and where the economic engines of life and death are supposed to be. How would this pest and menace take it over, dominate it, or make it their servants? As the spoiler, they had a major public image problem.
For each raid or robbery by the federal forces; they slipped deeper into poverty. They doubted the pressure of others to fight. Oil nations hated their guts. In the end, they were escaping the reality of being a total loser; and nobody wants to talk to total losers, not even hookers in life. All they had left was their religion or lack thereof; a lackluster and spit shine of a life not in one peace. The problem is their religion will not save them; it might help their public image and reputation. Propaganda perpetuates lies, public image, and is impact on how humans make choices or avoid; a system of aversion, perversions, solidarity, and danger. Words mean danger or even less danger. Words mean the police or less. The police mean humanity is safer. How is the relationship between the police and conspiracy derived by the meaning of power? How can the police jeopardize the liberal war on poverty?
"This is a major difference between the two parties approach to foreign policy... liberals think we can get the world to like us... you can't force people to like you but you can force people to fear you." - Ann Coulter, The Glen Beck Show,; Christmas Holidays 2009 -
This new enemy of the world brought what they did best; betrayal, treachery, stealth, criminal insanity, and a wealth of prison experience to a new strategy point; the police. This was how they lived and died. This was where or how it all intersected. This was how they played and begged afterwards. This was how and why they hurt for money. It is the problem of their world; the sensation other humans are weak on crime when they are actually not; the spoiler and the terrorist, they ruin it for everyone. It can be about what the police do or do not. It can be about how they say or do not say things. It can be about what is legal and what is not. So this weak on crime and game of betrayal eventually caught up with this monster and this new criminal Nazi organization; their future lived on the element of surprise and stealth; now they have none and their future is bleaker.
This police and enemy of mankind are telling us to leave after being caught for a slew of death penalty charges. It is not suicide; it is suicide to fight them. They claim to be some superior race driven nation based on the collective and labor party; a form of tribalism. We respect the American Indians, white and black groups, and other minorities; they need not perpetrate another terror plot on them either or some revenge to make the tax dollars stick to their victim appeal. We are talking about pathological lying or the effort. The conflict and constant in your face made all humans suspects and Nazis by the insanity of the effort. What is true is how weak on crime police forces; always leads to violence and political revolution; even communism and terrorism. Trends in crime determine their message or race; the boss.
What detrimentally did them in was not communism; it was their greed, narcissism, penchant for betrayal, constant loyalty to nothing, uselessness, bad choices, and of course this awesomeness we call the power of their feet; to run at or away from a problem. Facing the charges they face, they seek to create a nation within a nation; just secretly and with a more dangerous security structure. They ride the political system and police force until others cannot stand them, stand up, or are standing; neck deep in death penalty charges and royal or superior opponents; they tell others or force them to leave. This is an enemy who not only deserves severe punishments; they do not deserve to live in the US of A. Whoever the police are or how long this weak on crime rodent has been around; it has to go. The question is who is behind it and why are they here? They feel they are on a reservation, are natives, and this is a separate nation; we are treading on their land. However, we have never seen Americans act in this manner nor have such disrespect for the human race; it is their religion and lack of spirit; not who they claim they are. Now they are dressing up as some militia and American Indians to become more appealing and bullies.
This is about the police, plea bargains, us against them, and cooperating. Therefore, when it is us or them; what they have on us and what we have on them; you must understand how the legal system works or does not. They have graduated and will say anything or do anything to save their skin; so have their police force; terrorism is only an extension of the government as Clautschwitz said. Who are the most organized and who is the fiercest out there? Who is the best? Who are mommy and daddy? Who is more corrupt and will admit it? Who is unemployed and a worthless liar? Who is invading the country using immigration or liberalism? Who is their lawyer or political hostage taker? Who has the best defense and who is DC going to erupt on for this terror plot and complete state of illegality? It seems like a master hostage taker, a master terrorist, a super enemy, and a vast problem where they are a nurse one day, a nipple the next, and then a terrorist-kidnapper in the end. The line has to be drawn in the sand when it comes to murder and this crime spree, no protest needed or necessary; it is time to spank this monkey.
So why were they the new police or our new political police? This was a very odd eruption; a volcanic blast into the future. This was not about tax funds but private ones, it was about victims or the science of becoming a liberal victim; an evolution or transformation. Why were we not at peace or one piece by this flash pan propaganda? Was it some dual reality or alternate state of consciousness where evil is nonexistent? We call this weak on crime or a dual reality. Here we are not at peace, they were the police or claimed to be, living in or through our life, engaged in the most heinous crimes or acts against other human beings; and then we had this legal system that abides by no rules or truth; only who was more dominant or had the most votes. Why is this nation and this world in trouble or turmoil by this idiotism and this special breed of awesomeness that disappears in less than 24 hours?
This topic is about human beings; who a person is and who they become. It has nothing to do with religion; instead evolution and transformation. Terrorism and disasters stress this evolution. This is about danger and the human struggle. What is it about this particular human being that has driven them to the United States, to invade it, to make it their home, and to focus their rage and anger on others? Is this about human characteristics such as greed, anger, intelligence, image, self worth, etc… or how appealing others are; their opinions? This very criticizing and paralyzing weekend crime mentality has steepened this nation to a point of violence and utter catastrophe; debuted by a debt ridden terrorist surge globally by socialist Nazis and crime gangs.
Crisis and crime stresses or builds up pressure for reform. We see the group mentality globally; the nation within a nation domestically. Although they take many forms, it is hard to seek out any other breed of human species or pedigree this foul and this evil. No other civilization has come close to what they are selling or why. They claim to only be doing what other groups have done; to form a nation within their group while using us as a guinea pig and some test subject. These suspects are linked to foreign countries and their slander is directed at certain groups. What is this objective?
This is about terrorism plots, murder for profit, and a new form of a global enemy that has hit home. This is DC or NY dialogue; it is not up for debate or protest. If they feel it is a “special state thing” then they need to go home; you do not protest murder with murder; the blind with the blind; power with power; nor wreak havoc on DC and the nation because your feet foul up the room and you hide it well. This will be their last chance before total banishment or some catastrophic outcome; do not mess it up and understand there is no second chance. There are no more enemies abroad; only domestic. The business of muscle stresses size, not worth or value.
In other words, when you remove the communist forces; you only see the Nazis or the bullies of power. We will know if they only wish to fight or if this was declaring war on the entire nation; a state of anarchy and lawlessness at the police and government levels. They said they were prepared to die one day and then how they only want to fight or protest the very next; oddly, they refuse to face the reality. Whomever and whatever the source, whether or not it has reached the national levels or not, has to go because the siege on the capital must end and immediately before the entire world falls to the hands of criminal left wing elements. Is a thief a Nazi or do they commit non violent acts? When terrorism targets them domestically, they justify their sins and create another reality. Weak on crime now leads to death; the right won; but the police are left wing; now the perfect crime has been committed, a protection ring.
The standard bearers are always a measure of seniority. There are groups who have been in or around the core of American history for over 100 years; however, they have not been known for their imperfections or ease of traitor mobility. In other words, with seniority comes a core of the future, a vision. However, when you fill history with so much treachery, double talk, double talk, and horseradish trading; you have the politics of mobility. There are no more enemies but the ones at home. If we take away the communists, we always have the Nazis. We get a loud weak on crime conspiracy of cronies. Propaganda makes this louder and even more invisible by relaxing our judgment. Propaganda impedes on the image of normalcy; out of order or places of contradiction. Trade is complex and brilliance; why is this problem not so complex or brilliant as money?
So what exactly is the problem with human beings if power is the essence of freedom? The tormented soul seeks to become happy, even content with their world; how do you train it to the condition of judgment? Human beings would never side or agree with this evil if they knew what it was or who they are; so how do you relax this judgment or impede on the contradictions? It is about danger and death. Can you see danger and death or are there relaxing factors to impede the judgment process? Is that a crime? So there is one future and only one enemy; and that enemy is at home. So when we look at other groups who have been around for 1000s of years; we can see their character and personality; not why they came to America or seek freedom. To have freedom, you must throw it all on the line or use what you own; the power of talent. When that rule is broken, then the laws of dangerous or risky behavior apply. So why do they attack 200 times a day or become angered when forced to share? Is this chaos and insanity the torment which drives them into abusive and unhealthy relationships where attack is the only escape?
If we did not know, then we will find out; because this enemy was coming and in a steadfast and orderly manner; contradictory to the anarchy and chaos they live by. We can narrow the enemy list now. There is one enemy and one political meanness; weak on cries. They say they will do anything to help others; however, when it is about helping them, can we see it clearly? Can we have it in writing and enforce this by Constitution? It is weak on crime and the power of this world is hapless to the prospect that who a person is has something to do with who they become later in life. Propaganda and character is about transformation. The laws and Constitution now do not work effectively for criminal elements; we narrow the criminal elements down to their road map and distance of vision.
Credibility is propaganda; the most powerful propaganda is a dead body. So why do they transform into the police or this monster terror plot when speaking about civil liberties or freedom? If these terrorist and criminal elements had a different expectation; then it has to be revealed and eradicated. Nobody cares if they loose their job or if hundreds of jobs are on the line; there is a long line of candidates and not enough of goodness or justice to go around. The entire labor and left wing movement has been reduced to nothing or terrorism; take your pick and make your future. So scarcity applies to goodness also. Is this world that evil where the police are irrelevant?
It is like a Fibonacci puzzle or the Tower of Hanoi; when it came to warfare, they were already dead. When it came to national security, they were genetically weaker. When it came to brains and substance, they were driven to the point of insanity. However, when it came to a fight and bullying others; they had a willful and intentional complaint others could not ignore. This was oppressive. This was not man versus beast, this was man versus man. As military leaders, we know human conflict; we create it or combat it best when in one peace. How do you achieve short vision when there is a long term road map and powerful sustainable forces? If there is no evidence of a struggle or robbery; does this mean it is a nonviolent crime from abroad?
If we wrote a book on how to defeat the human soul, the human species, and the book on how to be the most fierce and powerful military; there are only ten chapters. When they take that same ten chapters from us and use it back on us; we know who and what they are up to. Why is this foreign or so un-American? Who is this police and why are they here seeking freedom? Is it a mental illness of who they are or their religious disbelief? Why do those beliefs end up in violence if it is police associated? Do we eradicate the enemy or the beliefs? We need to know because there is an eradication order for this enemy; it better use the freedom of speech. If this is a material problem, then we cannot eradicate stupidity.
So yes, they live in a puzzle they know nothing about; yet they feel they ruin it better than who wrote it or know this better. They live in life and threaten it even if they work harder at it. Both sides can be a danger to themselves and others; just do not say so for legal reasons. But why attack 200 times daily and claim to be a victim? Why burn down your community and act angered or upset with others? Why deem others a threat when the contradiction compounds and is life threatening? You don’t pick fights you cannot win and you certainty do not go around and tell others you can when you cannot. If you do not know, then say so, do not ask. So why we are we still not at peace and this creature is feels they are the police or some form of awesomeness? Is it a terror plot and a deadly invasion, a really cheap mission? They claim to be a victim and must receive relief or some form of payment; they claim to wage war and are superior in this fight now. So their fight and this eagerness for it have not have over yet while the financial crisis builds up pressure. Is the police the source of this pressure and financial crisis?
We identified ourselves and the military has stated we are a miracle. We are not a bigot, a hypocrite, a foul foot odor, or dirt bag dunce; why are we treated as such and made to suffer from the poverty of some domestic enemy? Is this orchestrated intentionally to change or mind and compel us to comply with this enemy police? Are we to change our beliefs or ask why our beliefs-intelligence did not change our life? It angers the mind and the idea this enemy must be eradicated; but do we attack the beliefs since they have attacked our essence? We identified our history and long military record to World War II and Vietnam. Now we identify a new much bigger one. How do we combat this enemy and how does this enemy wish to end this; is it their belief or their material? They have admitted what they are doing in America and to America is a death sentence; who do we punish; their beliefs or their material? It is to their advantage to cooperate instead of conspire or obstruct justice; they must go away, but how do they wish this to end? We know it has to do with a weak on crime way of life and how it leads to violence.
We also say we were flying normal when an attack or invasion came; we got behind them, showed our belly, and told them to land or disperse. They refused and attacked; we were shot down and imprisoned. They deny we showed our belly and demanded they land; no ID or no story; a crime was underway. They had a police to fix it or arrest us for catching them. So why did they make us poor, destroy the nation, taunt us for ten full years, terrorize us, put us in prison for 2 years, and continue to taunt and make death threats when we admit we are poor and not interested? Why would a criminal or terrorist organization do this when a crime spree and murder spree began around the 1980s and has not ended?
Are they fearless and courageous as they want us to think? Why when this was ongoing and still ongoing are we being taunted about how big their homes are and how our spouses want to have sex with them? Who is this enemy who attacks 200 times a day and kidnaps or murders? Why are they targeting Delta Force, HQ, and NORAD? We know they seek a dirty bomb for this super secret defense network; but do they wish a fight or to declare war if this is a domestic enemy? They claim to only shadow and assassinate the employees. How would they take down NORAD and how did we know they were chosen for this mission? We have problems with informants also; we are at ground zero also; we have the identical problem and the effort to erase the evidence secretly. To win, they need to remove NORAD; all of them and relax the system with oppress them. How do you find the new security posture?
They feel no sorrow. When you are pilot and flying over the ocean; there is no 911 police. If an enemy plane arrives or shows up; they or you will show your belly; we contacted them, we saw they stole a plane, and they began to attack. We caught up to them and have damage everywhere and their missile pods are all empty; nothing left. They were an escort and we did not know then, but know now; the beast thinks we are an escort service and was messaging us. Then began to shoot us down in a stolen plane with illegal markings; on radar, it shows they did the most annoying pursuit, our many evasive maneuvers are insane and the best in the world; and they locked and would not let go; even until 2010. They claim they are behind the destruction of the USA and are finished; we said they were a total loser and does not even know or has any radar working. They compound lie after lie until they blow up and are ready to die; they have no radar or the most sophisticated one? So why are they still attacking; is it the belief or the material? What they feel is a Nazi environment; everybody is a prisoner; who wins are the most criminal and most dominant. In the way are little old ladies, women, children, and Christians. It worked out well and they did not need to come to us anymore; we were on their HQ and nest.
It is time to send them a message; to show them why this world has more good than bad. When military pilots see arms or a terror plot; escorts for a bomber or mother load; they will demand you land and radio base. Why in hell are we at fault? They will report and tell base, they will come up and take a look; report it all and come closer. When they got close; we saw and did not say a thing; they did not know or knew. When base and the ground units arrived; we landed with them and was a prisoner; a part of their conspiracy of silence. Then a ground fight erupted. They took off and we got back in our invisible plane and they tried to get away; we tailed them and finally when they shot off all of their armament and were low on fuel; we detached and headed home; but wanted to teach them a valuable lesson first.
Why rescue them if they are vicious killers and dead already? We then sent a search and rescue party to look for their life raft if they care about their pilots. The ground crew was nearly wiped out; a massive fight on the ground; we can fly off to safety; even shot down and injured. We still have fuel and can have a new plane or become fixed. However, many others were not this fortunate and did loose their life; condemned by this weak on crime rodent to death. So the police are there for this startup and to cut the teeth on a life of crime. The Constitution does not work for them and oppresses them; they are under attack and this is war; innocent people die in war but restraint is the emphasis of these terrorists; they hide it well. We are in their nest and recruitment HQ.
Sneaking up on military pilots testing out a plane and trying to steal it in mid air is what they tried. We grounded it, crashed it; and then used our brains to escape. Over the ocean, you are helpless; no rescue is out there. We had to play along or wait. They were trying to shoot us down; we made it hard and flew in an evasive manner, to suggest we did not want danger. Now they claim they are flying with no radar or had none; at the level and the top game they have. They do not know who it is and we are by ourselves; they disavowed everything. They cannot explain where all of their armament went or if they saw one of the military jets out over the ocean being tested. They said they did not see it, did not try to steal it, and never once tried to shoot it down. So why does the radar and air traffic say otherwise; also the ground units? How did we describe everything we observed, saw and described what we felt they were up to and doing? We even tell who did it and why; total losers. Our goals are being implemented but we waited until we had everything or knew who was behind it.
The police are confused but we are not. This is a pilot program. These criminals are hurting for money. They have a reckless belief what they do will not have consequences. They feel invited when not and blame others. They do not know what their feet is for but they vote with them. They breath life into nothing and seek loyalty to this. They bring a knife to a gun fight and it is a mother-son team. The story teller is who did it; the suspect has no evidence and has super natural powers. They have a perfect score. They are going to beat the system. It is up for grabs. It is free. When we hear it, the meaning rings true.
So how the hell do they end up with the conclusion they are the police or have some cosmic connection to the land, the history, the people, and some superior form of livelihood or existence? Did their religion or belief tell them this or did the force of their material drive them to this violence? We know they have a cosmic relation to trillions of dollars in debt. Is it their belief system, the weak on crime religion, their willingness to fight, or only heir material? This police force is waging war on the country and it always leads to violence. If they are threatened, then make up heir mind if it is their material or beliefs; something must go and die. Their lies and deceit exploit the political system and override it to relax the defenses; now it is weak on crime and dependent on those who are not.
All serial killers target women or children; however, not all are women and children. Although this case involved female subjects who were the victims of violence and corruption; we believe the police were instrumental in a conspiracy and cover-up to hide the activities of the union, the liberals, and the left wing. As we know it today, the left wing is viewed with severe doubt and doubles as a criminal enterprise for both labor and crime families. We can remove from the profit sheets labor; so that only leaves crime to fuel this crime spree or murder spree. Globally, labor has collapsed and the innovations of technology inculcate the industrial countries to seek other markets. Thus, our 20+ year ordeal was worsened by the police and their role became instrumental in the final cover-up and silencing of this case; the terror plots.
Women and children make a crime more clubbable and easier to commit. They are salient to the power structures of militaries, authorities, and the police; they need the most protection and are easy to corrupt civil rights or civil liberties; yet they avoid manual or heavy labor. So why is this nation under attack by criminal elements when it always leads to violence; is it intended to be propaganda only? They are willing to profit off the attacks and murder of outside terrorist groups? Something must die; will this be their material or beliefs? We know the crime is out of this world and highly profitable. The rung ladder tells us who is behind it; on both sides. By targeting women and children with violence; a stronger protection ring is formed and so is the ability to break out of it. So serial killers can embolden and add sandbags to their own position or base.
They claim they had nothing to do with out expulsion or these disruptions; no less terror plots. However, every suspect was caught and fits either Catholic or Jewish 1960s legalism heritage. It cannot be labor either. This is about the cold war, weak on crime, the mob, corruption, police, unions, racism, labor party, and power. It is also about war with the British-French-Portuguese emporia or colonialism. We see this arrogance repeated and this traitor marksmanship rising again. They are facing expulsion and serious risk. Their religion leaves much to be desired and so does their intelligence and penchant for crime. We are trying to expel them and forbid them from having access to this case or investment; however, they keep violating, disrupting, terrorizing us and acting as if they have won ownership of it or us. How the hell did they win ownership of this? Explain that one for the next book, did they invade? Are they the police or are they the same but weak on crime?
One important factor in determining the role of the police and what the public calls, “fighting city hall” is the home invasion in 2006. The suspects both were from a police background or family. They were hoping that in the end; some cosmic relationship would save them or prevent their implication in the entire matter. Moreover, the onlookers invoked a “hands off policy”; abetting and aiding the crime as they were directing it and the principle contact and recruiters; the final suspects upstairs. These are problems with newcomers. We grew up with American Indians and white people; this bunch is foul. Inferior groups or those who lack some organized police or legal system is vulnerable to this form of total invasion when primitive or civilized. They need protection and organized protections also; a nation within a nation.
A serial killer and serial liar has no respect for human beings even if they claim women and children are important to their life. They have no respect for human beings and human life; none. They continue to use the argument they are a police or secret police who have captured a suspect when they are or were behind this. What next, private armies and for hire militaries? When the police system and authority break down; the only protection is the private levels; however, this is the mafia and what protection rings are propagating. In their mind, it is about recruitment and jobs. The only way to resist it is to become anti-Americans abroad; targeted at home by a secret police. There is only domestic enemies now and a shortage of goodness; a breeding ground for crime by psychotic masterminds and violent criminals.
This is a peculiar thief and police force, they are better targeting women and children. When you increase your vulnerability; you increase risk. When they increase our vulnerability; we are put in danger and risk. Everything they overhear, they broadcast or use to pressure others; to take the first strike. They steal domestically to use it domestically; to win and to dominate or bully. This is insanity and it needs to be destroyed. They have nothing to do with American Indians, decent white and black people, other minorities, and what this country was founded on. It is clear and overt or clandestine measure is needed immediately. We would like to know in writing who disagrees.
The debate is won before it even begins; should the effort be put forward? We encourage them to understand this cosmic relationship and hope they better themselves before the beginning of the end. Weak on crime beliefs always leads to violence; even in their criminal hierarchy. When they are hurting for money, murder becomes very profitable because of number one. We call that the anti-Christ; not Jesus. The sensation of getting expatriated is real; they call this hate or a form of racism. We feel they are negatively affecting the Christian future or the course of cosmic relations to sustainable spiritualism. Others have a cosmic relation with crime and these criminal organizations; to exploit propaganda. The police are there to help and for a startup in a life of crime or to cover-ups the recruitment effort.
What is directly damning to the entire role of the police are the frequency, proximity, and role they played when the attacks became furious and nonstop. It was if they were ordered to turn their backs again. Thus, when questioned about police reports; they indicated a complete ban on all police reports levied against any of these suspects and the principals behind this terror plot. In addition, they had no enthusiasm to pursue any case or seek the truth behind any of it. What they were most interested in was charging us with some form of violation and had the community become the eyes and ears so that this could be enforced. In other words, if we advanced one step; they took three. That was how they sought damage control, silencing witnesses, and preventing this case from ever seeing the light of day.
Do not try to argue or talk about this with the other side; they are here for violence and to violate all the rules ever written. They calmly claim this nation is at war and in war, innocent people get killed. You cannot blame security forces for death of innocent people; they abide by the laws of warfare and must seek mercy from participants. This is very vague and even condescending; it sounds like a fairy tale or some romance story. It is always about money, never weak on crime. We know this problem and this enemy always leads to violence; always, what is their message now? Is it peace or how they do not want to fight? So why are we under attack; FBI agents slain; CIA agents blown up; Delta Forces wiped out; and soldiers blown up while asleep? They have this talent on making others a criminal or to feel guilty; they watch others 24 hours and study them in order to be as powerful and to steal character talents.
We report upwards of 20 to 200 attempts by the contacts and emissary upstairs daily; factor in the math and what the goal is. It was not wanted, liked, and is in your face type maniacal Charles Manson type. When asked who they were, the national suspects caught for these terror plots said “powerful union leaders.” When asked why the female had a sexual interest; we did not get any response. One day they are terrorizing, the next they are a nipple, the next is an onslaught of sexual advances, and the cycle repeats until it works. We think it was some exchange or trade; to try and also fix this cosmic conspiracy they had but would not or could not mention anything about. We think the kidnapping attempt and overwhelming effort was to disrupt and to taint the genetic material while using what they could steal for profit, gain, and protections. Nobody puts this much effort or walks with such clumsy feet unless they have a specific intent or are seriously threatened.
So the fury of this conspiracy began around the summer of 2008 and continued on until 2010; about the same time we prosecuted this case and handed it over to the federal authorities and the US attorneys. This is how we have chosen to end this cycle of repetitive stupidity and insanity. It is clarifying but a very unusual display of clandestine- secret dangerous and risky behavior with no relaxations or invitation; only extremely forceful dirty noise. This is as dirty as it can get; nasty as it will ever be; and in your face as needed. Terrorist recruitment is now about the dirtiest, most brilliant crime or murder. These are the teachers of the new global reach; the most vulnerable and most feeble. They demand debate and come to the same debate loaded with lies, deceit, bias, and psychopathic criminal instincts. These are professional agents and foreign agents; paid for and supported by various enemies and an axis of evil. A domestic enemy is immune from all foreign ones; their weak on national security opens the door.
Principle to the location, proximity, and how pressure was constant 24 hours a day was upstairs. We know security is about those same three elements; how did it become a terror plot and conspiracy? Any stabs? There were three subjects behind terrorizing us day and night; confessions; details; pleading-begging to drop the charges; and a host of other bizarre and lunatic behavior such as wishing to mate with us or disgusting sexual offenses; plunges, drilling, feeling, and air pumping. As powerful union expectations by recruiters; they expect us to focus and give 80 percent of attention to them a day; to be tormented and possessed by them. They felt if they could not stop or defeat this, they would please us or go out of their way to do anything we asked, that was the fake story. The real story is so long as it did not involve the federal or world forces. It was wrong before and now it does again; they know where this is headed. The police are pleading their case and fighting for their side; it is about jobs. The goal of the terror plot is access and total invasion.
Meanwhile, the police were playing the devil’s advocate; we all were suspects. However, they state they do not like our attitude and a total ban was being enforced on us. This weak on crime monstrosity made us smaller and smaller. This meant that we were getting death threats daily. We had bio-terrorism suspects. We could be beat up or ran out on any given notice. We also could have a shotgun, an unregistered and illegal weapon on the premise by the “powerful union” lunatics upstairs pulled on us or threatened as a scare tactic. The shells for this shotgun were being left around the building and in our garden at the same time we were being notified they were prepared to use it. How can the police be behind all this? The police are not in the business of control and power. Now they are in the business of recruiting and this startup in crime or terrorism; this is why the facts and story are tampered with or missing. The missing parts erase the effort or where it leads. So we got half the story and a backwards reality; to bizarre and jumbled to even comprehend for over 20 years. Now they claim to be cornered and only wish to debate this world.
We need protections; but are those protections free? Someone is going to pay. Do we just charge the tab and the trillions in debt to the people? How about an audit? The role of the police is vital here because it implicates behavior that may warrant life imprisonment or the death penalty. We documented all and passed it along to the FBI and federal authorities; not leaving out any detail. So why are the details missing and still not known? But still, there was a complete ban on police reports and if we called 911 we could never get any assistance or backup; only arrested by false charges, malicious prosecution, false imprisonment, slander, and filing false police reports. Yes, while false police reports were being used as not only a scare tactic but the basis of false imprisonment; a total ban was imposed on us for being terrorized day after day for upwards of 2 to 6 hours to silence this conspiracy and terror plot. Who is talking to us and keeps trying to teach us a lesson by sniping; trying to take our head off? It seems as if every turn in the road is an interview or start up; a recruitment effort where you kill or be killed. It is impossible to prevent a beat up; that beat up can be 20 to 500 times a day.
So what is a terrorist recruitment plot and how does it work? Keep in mind how they got caught and why. This is a terrorist recruitment plot and if the communist still existed; it would be called that. However, they have changed the formula and emphasizing how vulnerable, weak, and laughable the security and situation has become. These are not the alpha male of the human race; these are the most vulnerable, the ones who get beat up and robbed easily. So the objective of a terrorist recruitment plot is basic and also complex. They want to get to know you; if you delay or sabotage the interview, they will wait and wait. They want to know your dislikes and exacerbate the likes and dislikes they require and need to make you a killing maniac and lunatic. They want to disconnect words and meanings; to use the street code of the street and underground; here image and meaning are illogical. We have their Generals and primary thrust; we cornered them and exploited their eagerness for a fight and total invasion; it is fear driven; it is driven by their exposure and catching the opposing King.
The underground is now a buyer and hiring. This enemy has a goal of digging an underground tunnel to the boss; who is the boss when it is kill or be killed? A terrorist recruitment plot is both a crime spree and a murder spree. The objective is the barriers or security; what is in the way and how much do they know? If we ask them, they say it is only a fight; when their leaders talk to the public, they say it is a war and innocent people are killed in war. When they talk to us; it is like a romance story about how we are the same and how superior they are; how weak, clumsy, vulnerable, and arrogant the outside world has become. What they were ultimately trying to buy or seek was NORAD and HQ. Want to know why the fire hydrants are no longer there; what they were willing to do? The mockery is how there is an increasing unemployment line and they are the ones who put potential recruits in that line and are dying to talk or interview. The more they are in our life, the easier it is to duplicate us or become very similar to our own life; so access makes them stronger and more the same. They wish to debate but have a speech prepared about how they are ready to die if caught or captured alive.
Who is in the way and why have they decided it is over and must be killed? If the Constitution is not working for them; if little old ladies, women and children are in the way; if they must control the most vulnerable and feeble; the science of victim hood; why are they attacking in a possessed manner? They already have the advantage of being the must vulnerable and most feeble; others are the most talented, intelligent, and beautiful. In federal prison, we had to fight each of them daily, with a perfect record we were beaten up when it came to the Black Muslim and Jewish ambush. They feel it is heart and also street credibility when they are beat up and dominated; defiance. They even agree to be butchered and killed by their masters; you see it in prison. It all starts with the most vulnerable and the feeblest. It ends up the same any way each and every single time; the police is needed to cover up the evidence or kidnapping effort. This is the most deadly and lethal in the underworld. This enemy kills what is in the way or what torments them. When they say peace, they mean remove it. When they say laws, they mean kill it or destroy it. When they say they do not want to die, they mean attack and fight to the death. This is how federal prison operates and who runs it. They bug and use surveillance in prison similar to residential homes. They listen in and use it back on their prisoners. The brains are the most feeble, weak, and psychotic. The most criminal are the most violent and risk takers. The degree of murder, killing, robbery and evil is not even comprehensible; it is not even detectable.
Therefore, when 200 or 500 efforts are made daily; the ownership or the attention per day and Diem is on this nuisance and attacking group. The evaluation process is intended to torment your dislikes; to sway or alter your likes so you are the same as them. They will give you a daily target, an antagonist to chase and torment your life; it is killing or is killed. However, the odd and most insane part of this is the characters. Who exactly are you expected to kill? As a terrorist recruitment plot, the victim is a Christian, little old ladies, women and children; those are the tormentors. If they do this long and hard enough, the goal should be a killer of what torments the recruit. Why? If the goal is to alter or overthrow the Constitution; then the most vulnerable is the protection clause; that is the goal of all orderly societies. This is about expectations and disappointments. They claim this is what socialism is going to be and what the police will become. It is not criminal elements; it is power and the same as us; we must help them and be broken to subjugate their clandestine effort. Their argument is how they are ready to die for the effort and their crimes; debate was abandoned.
This criminal element and this terrorist recruitment plot must produce and evaluate how well a person kills; if they can do this like them; and most of all if they can unload rage and anger on little old ladies, women and children, and start up a life of crime. Like a home invasion, when thieves breach your home and hold a gun to your family or children; you have very few options and are under their power. If they tell you to kill your own; then they will state the reason why. We saw this over and over; how to isolate a loved one and use dislikes against them. The most effective way past a barrier is through it. Do this enough and a startup in crime will become the only escape; however, until a transfer of money is made, there is no evidence or transaction.
So why are the police involved in this also? Is this weak on crime mentality there to facilitate crime or a murder spree; or are they there to foment public discontent with the police also? The police have many reasons to complain and not give a damn when a crime and murder spree is in full swing. Survival to this criminal group results in a military or ruthless skill sets; the bloodiest and most ruthless butchers where truth and honor is tossed aside for domination, overbearing, and domineering cowardice by a predator who is best with women and children. They all transform into victims of each other; that is the secret and that is their personality disorder, a mutest deception. The energy and drive to this criminal fusion of the left wing, slum lards, liberal monikers, and violence driven crime spree is murder.
We know this by the constant effort; over 200 per day for over 10 full years. For every 50 contacts; we get one miniscule tidbit; the police excuse again; the same weak on crime problem. This is just how they operate as a communist bunch; however, the formula has changed. Who wants to beat up the most vulnerable or rob them blind? This interview or chase shows them how good you are and cuts the teeth of two sides; how good you are or they are; the most vulnerable in the criminal element. Eventually, you will start up and have a life of crime or killing; it proves them right and erases their violations or sins. That is just how liberalism forms a death trap they win. In the end, the terrorist recruitment or evaluation period will have your full attention, ownership, rattle your nerves, and instill fear and paranoia. In the end, they ultimately win when you are filled with anger, rage, and homicidal impulse towards the most vulnerable.
Why can’t we stop and prevent this when the warning signs are nowhere and everywhere? It is a state of chaos, total confusion and finger pointing; just no good and high quality work; to effort to verify or pursue where the evidence leads. Again, the use of the police is to blame the barriers; the protections; the good versus the evil. Ultimately, your ease to rape, murder, or violate the most vulnerable is the result of the abuse and trauma at their hands. This is why it is ludicrous when it is going on. This is why we misinterpreted it initially as a training exercise. They want to be the teacher in life and to bring focus and ownership to them; so this crime and rage on the possessed or feeble; the little old ladies, women and children, and communist demons are invincible; how do you seek defense from it?
How do you catch a pathological lying terrorist and a serial killer? There is only one escape or way; to kill or be killed. They want to help and want you to cut your teeth with this terrorist recruitment plot. The police view everybody as possessed. Ultimately, we end up defending them and they end up not protecting us; it is based on the most vulnerable, feeble, and dirtiest ritual of criminal elements. To rid this or eradicate it, the belief system, the ideology, or the material must be destroyed. This means severe oppression or severe punishments; even the failure of targeted religions. This is called being crucified by the anti-Christ; not Jesus. So when they are recruiting or extending this “invitation”; you either live or die according to their rules and defiance.
Every aspect of life is disrupted and oppressed; you are expected to clean up the Exxon Valdez disaster; that is their debate and sensitivity as a slum lard. You are their pupil and they are teaching you the power and secrets of human sacrifice; this axis of evil and the body of the anti-Christ. The clincher is you cannot say no; never during this long endured event are you allowed to say no. They claim this is the nature of socialism and nature of the future; total lawlessness and anarchy. You live by only defeating them or their crimes; we defeated them 10 for 10 and had more to offer a free public trial. They were dragged into court kicking, screaming, yelling, plunging, stabbing, shooting, and lying all the way to the alter. Power is how you survive but no is unacceptable; they come to you and are eager to debate as they call it; they call it war and innocent people die. So millions of people have to die at their hands; we disagree and seek justice based on our secret expectations.
This was what ensued after we caught and rounded up the entire suspect list and the entire plot and began to interrogate them beginning in the summer of 2008. We got all of this in one year and much more. In one instance, the police were called and used to kick us out of the public library for using a monitor for a laptop. There were trumped up charges and attacks around the clock; even in our own residence and constant surveillance. The harassment technique is called nit-picking and it is intended to run outlaws out of town; in these instances it was used by the unions and local authorities to conspire and cover-up the rampage left by decades of union violence and bio-terrorism; the left wings primary ammunition dump and salvos on the national political level. It was day after day of being terrorized and scare tactics again; nothing worked or ever did but the effort was relentless, in your face, and while in our living rooms.
This is their prison system and Gulag; a new way of life for the world. This is their vision of America and the leaders of the free world; they are not asking for help; they have a gun on the head of this world. The message by this terrorist plot was clear; nobody escapes their reach or demands. It is not just a parade of idiots; it is the obese special kids talent show for woos and oh. Things are wrong; why do we have to point out each of them when expectations take care of this problem? Is that an attack also? Their behavior is disgusting and appalling; why are they the most critical and demanding? The white race is known for psychotic behavior; the black one for violent behavior; the Asian one is in the middle of this. However, the victim list is oddly in favor of the most vulnerable and feeble. Why place so much effort and so many mistakes on us if exacerbating dislikes is the only way to win or make recruitment? So the police establish and determine a futile inability to fight back or speak out; even when robbed, mugged, or correct. This is about respect for being weak on crime and the violence or toughness it produces from slum lards.
There is a state of no surrender. As we mentioned, we could have day long death threats or a shotgun pulled on us by a felon or convict; it would not matter. Their essential point is to implant this bad experience between their police and our state. Such the case before when they tried to implant a bad experience, a total disaster, between the police and our worth. We do not expect to be buying their expectation or disappointment. Why are these protections not free? The message was the exact same, racism. They were claiming to be the masters of all race but were good for nothing; no education, labor unions and left wing liberals, a nuisance to industry and the national destiny. The police experience was made to be a bad experience so that credibility and slander would take effect; the same basis of the environmental terrorism, the bio-terrorism, the bombing plots, and every form of terrorism imaginable. Now we also had a new form; police terrorism. It was total insanity, arcane lies, and the only way out was arrest or suicide. These rules and these lessons are from the same leadership, same playbook, and same captured recruiters. In their world, there is two ways to the truth, not one.
"It is the perfect solution for politicians who do not have to fly commercials air and let the rest of us be treated like sheep for no purposes whatsoever... this was all part of the selling points for Obama... what are all of these liberal Islamist going to do when they look at the President of the Great Satan and he has brown skin... if he does that, if he institutes racial profiling at airports, I will vote for him... The full body searches allow these government employees to see, as I say, 2 million passengers a day in the United States, nearly a trillion per year; to see them completely naked. And oh yes we are promised by the government these images won't be saved... liberals keep claiming they are so interested in their civil liberties but they are willing to violate the civil liberties of 2 million Americans a day instead of upset Muslims." - Ann Coulter, The O'Reilly Show,; Christmas Holidays 2009 -
It is the old enemies with new lies. During our round up and arrest phase; we ran into several comments which raised alarm and suspicion to other nations. It involved the Catholic Church because our principle protector of the poor here is the left wing and labor unions. Thus, the Catholic Church was on trial after the implosion of the left wing, communism, and the outbreak of Saints and religious wars intended to radicalize the religious dominions. It was odd how several countries kept showing up on the target list but left us scratching our head. Several of them include the Philippines (Mary Cone), Argentina (Evictor), Somalia (Idid), Sudan (Jonser), Tanzania, Yemen, etc… they appear to have a long political history which run contrary to the future destiny of the world; a form of reverse evolution was taking effect. This entire suspect list played into what we called a terror plot-dissident trap. Drugs and crime is a way out of poverty.
If this involved the liberals or the Catholic Church; the two principle authority of the labor movement and left wing; then they felt a conspiracy was at work with the death of several 1960s leaders and a gigantic downfall from 1960 to 1990. After 1990 they struck back and tried to either equalize the score or seek some form of stalemate; they claim their power was stolen, they have all the votes, and it is all a conspiracy by jealous opponents or political oppositions. We also have this eerie catastrophe with the police and the demise of the urban centers in the United States backing them up. These are the primary impetus and the basis of all of these derangements and showdown; the worst and the majority of trouble makers in our history have come to life finally and finishing out their defeat as the price of wages, labor, and Marxism has collapsed and nearly disappeared; shall they disappear with it? These problems are indicated in the works of economic sustainability and totality for National Security; the core of these books and our scholarly works. Their leadership is the liberal educational system and their politics. All of it is weak on crime and very violent. They expand using religion or political security.
We ended up rounding up or defeating a civil war bunch that globally were sabotaging or using the Democratic systems to terrorize our life. Most of their efforts were rhetorical and only meant to terrorize others. However straight forward and blistering honest they got, the truth behind their efforts was always dual in reality or not exactly as intended. So when they were caught and being exposed, their duality and severe mental disorders became relevant to the meaning behind their words and actions; they were saboteurs and spies; the principle behind this terrorist plot and massive surge. The intent is to radicalize and brainwash all those entangled by disaster; to blame one side or the other; just pick a side based on how life experiences turned out. As a major gamble, the propaganda and anger was real because if we analyze the Exxon Valdez or the Bhopal, India spills; the human loss and economic loss is not only a hollow cause but persistently lasting over 30+ years. Those who grew up inside this dissident trap have their entire reality and politics warped. It goes back to oil, militaries, and corrupt banks. It goes back to the history of the mafia during the cold war; crime during the cold war made huge profits and grew to gigantic size.
So we can see the push-pull affect of these terrorist plots on the police. Meanwhile, we were being pressured and scared into silence by this allegation we had severe mental illness and were delusional; a basis unfounded and ungrounded but only by bias and false judgment. So we also have legal cannibalization along with the violence; to use the legal system as an instrument of both warfare, psychological warfare, terrorism, and most of all criminal elements. The legal system became an instrument of criminals and the axis of gateway to not only cover-ups but to silence all political opponents and carry forth these large scale terror plots and propaganda campaigns. The enemies of the past have a new uniform and way of thinking. They have a new way of wining and defeating the forces of goodness.
It is a shame they associate their life and efforts to our life or even the United States; at heart is a broken allegiance and a sworn crime spree of a traitor, spy, terrorist, and enemy on our soil. Furthermore, it is bounded to a religion or religious conviction to the interest and future of the poor and labor wages. It is bounded to the foreign policy of the United States. It is bounded to the use of foreign aid and military arms sales and the prospect of civil wars. Whatever the claims, they are cannibalizing everything they touch or are near. This is duty and service to the community; now a criminal enterprise and loyalty to nothing. Why did they need the maker of the roadmap if they oppose everything we do and say? They usurp and circumvent the essence of the country and a healthy future.
So how do we seek justice in an era where “no peace… no justice” is repeated again and again? These terrorist masterminds we caught define peace as the ability to wage war on enemies and annihilate them; war thus is subjective and a perspective. They also link financial motives and economic motives; not criminal reasons; and thus we have and are receiving a very bizarre phenomenon and bunch who have arrived in not only our life but the national political scenery. They leave a wake of dead bodies and empty lies. They copy and clone us so that we cannot criticize them or detect them easily. They illegally and surreptitiously spy on our most private lives; every minute of each waking day so they can learn or seek advantage by exploiting our political prisoner and captive status. Who is the most feared and most brutal during a crime and murder spree? You need a psychotic to be the brains and a monster to be the pain. They have abandoned the debate process and imposed total invasion; a death sentence if caught.
The brutality they seek and acquire power is so disgusting; they enforce a complete dead silence and severe punishment for any snitching or truth telling. Yet while this is considered or concluding; they criticize the left wing or communist movement as insufficient to their cause or destruction? We were approached and propositioned by them; they are one in the same; a mole and a deep cover spy ring. We are seeking a total lock down; a campaign to remove all of them; and an identification process to severely punish and destroy each one of these alien like pests. They are no police as they claim; they are criminal and terrorist elements. So the police are able to destroy enemies and not have any retaliation; no peace means any justice. No other element in society can usurp the legal system than those who ruin it.
Many governments usually assign military officers to carry their “football.” That football is a very important system to the national security and future of the nation; thus, protected by military might and highly trained security personnel. We describe our outing and ordeal as a kidnapping because we never made it to our destination. If or had we been on our way to some school, teacher or pupil, then someone or something grabbed us and threw us in a trunk of a vehicle. We became lost, confused, disoriented; no less distraught by the predicament and dangers. This same group claiming to be similar or wishing to “only talk” then put themselves between what we had to do and what they had to do; either as a teacher or beginner; they did not know from day 1 to the ending day what they were doing or why; if we ask them if they were aware of what they were getting into; they deny it all. Denying it is one thing, being straight forward and honest about it is an entirely other universe. These subjects and this spy ring we caught are never on the winning side of any civil war; at most they are there as spies or saboteurs. They are not joking or playing around; they leave a swath of dead bodies.
The kidnappers merely claim how it did not turn out the way they expected or wanted; also there is no evidence terrorism or espionage was ever committed. We know all of that to be false or total lies. So now with almost 20+ years behind us; the idea or theoretical explanation of what happened is unspeakable; this is why. We not only caught them red handed; we fixed the national destiny; we wiped them out; and now we seek their federal arrest and prosecution. What we want to see and hear to the end of this is the vow it will never happen again or arise; however, since the summer of 2008, the nation has been hit and plagued by terror hits, shooting sprees, criminal hijinks, political chicanery, a police civil war, and the usual bread basket reversal which becomes a heavy laden nuisance to our national destiny and careers. We now know who is behind it and what they are up to finally. Not only is our future at stake; theirs is over. There is a climate of lies and a large scale propaganda campaign underway with these terror plots. This was no hunting accident or made to look like one; this was a serious enemy and criminal element on the prow. Why does it feel like an ongoing beat up even if it is winding down and ending? Is this police brutality or the absence of it? What evidence is there and can be present a strong case against this terrorist recruitment plot?
One of the characteristics we noticed with this entire case is the similarity they have to the mob or crime families. Even the police resemble mobsters and the corrupt practices we can only attribute to areas such as Cooke County Chicago or headquarters of the mob in New York City. Now the same form of elements were playing a high stakes game with technology; an industry they either have not penetrated or are trying to. We know their first targets were the major players; the regulatory and oppressive nature of the courts. We also know the unions are trying to penetrate the high tech service sectors by representing employees in the high technology field. One way of penetrating or seeking a foot in the industry is to use the legal system to usurp or surpass the consciousness of others; to fool them into follies and scams. Regionalism determines a human ability to resist; to cease and desist this frenzy of criminal and murderous impulse; a major conspiracy and deployment.
Once this is done, the rich high technology sectors must pay into the legal and political system; a monopoly of left wing and liberal votes in the wake of the 1960s and crime. The use of destruction is how they cleanse the system and redistribute wealth; civil war; sustain progress; remove all political enemies. Once again, the lunatic and maniacal derangement of this bunch is psychopathic; they are communist and their goal is to redistribute wealth by choosing winners and losers. The essence of such is control and regulation of all aspects of human life; thus, humans are their enemies and so is the intelligence which belittles their lack of a human soul. There are no more borders beyond good and evil; total control and domination. So while they rise to power and become heroes domestically; they will kill off or destroy allies abroad using murderous criminal elements. The only way out of this trap is payments or some tribute to their leaders; a legal judgment by a secret court.
The essence of their plot and politics is to use terrorism as an instrument against mankind; thus, slandering opposition and increasing their credibility; they respect nobody; only profits and ratings. They view America as a tough place and view themselves as tough Americans. Crime is valuable because it helps their credibility and toughens their character; not much can be said for their intelligence or scholarly pursuits; a trash dump of ghetto decline. Behind all of this are major forces; we were forced to speak to them and were pressured by them. They include Israel-KGB elements; a Zionist-Catholic circle of power; labor and unions; those who come to America due to alienation and civil wars. Race is important to this plot; so is light skin in that same racial group. To make this work, you have to have a nation within a nation; to demand respect for each; sovereignty. To avoid the embarrassment and humility of the sting from reality; a relaxation or religious immunity must be more powerful. This is a cat and mouse game between weak on crime governments and those escaping this ferocious violence.
How do you police this freedom or lack of truth? They claim the most vulnerable are the victims; not the problem. Others are terrorists and trying to kill their reputation and credibility. So we know it is a crime spree and murder spree, but we are the deniers and in defiance because of our views on crime. Our views on crime leads to violence; not the police; not a particular religion; not the races involved; truth or not, they need no invitation. This is called severe fantasies about death and faking your own death when you are a danger to yourself and others. Hence we get this 200 per day effort to talk to others, be unwanted and alienated, and constant harassment by the most feeble and vulnerable.
This is confirmed to be a suicidal effort; having beaten their pilot program 10 for 10 and denying a least damage outcome; they claim we have cornered them and blood is on our hands; not theirs only ours. They are the most suicidal, the worst imposter, the most dangerous, and the most ridiculous. When we look at the objectives and why self reliance is a problem; we also see the most controlling and spy like psychotic. It is a particular religion, a particular region, a particular race and mentality; it is also about history, tradition, and seniority. This is their patriotic transformation. How do you achieve this effort and placate the counter-measures; who is this powerful and with this level of access, security, and voice? Who is able to slaughter federal agents, military soldiers, and police cadets and become heroes because of their views on crime? We could take a stab at it or them; to see where it leads or why? They could do the same and did. So projecting their life or failure onto others or this world is what is occurring.
Although the use of the police and authority is a clear sign of coercion and political espionage or usurpations; it feels almost like a mob war. We think the sensation of a mob war is due to the attributes of characters involved and the pedigree conspiracy has taken hold of the entire situation; control is the only means to suppress a retaliation or investigation. When a mob element does an assignation; they team up and try to take down a boss because of a lack of generosity; a collective mindset and cannibalism. Although a hidden threat, the infiltration seeks to get close to the mob boss being teamed up or targeted; generosity is the motive or collectivism.
They are mute but claim we cannot do anything about it; one of us must fall on the sword and commit suicide. Now the options are being limited so the truth surfaces. We compare that same mentality to religious cults and other collective organizations. We were kidnapped and drafted to be part of this antagonizing group of human life. All of these groups have their own crew and their own internal personnel. The level of lies, betrayal, half truths, image of toughness, and dirty tricks is a signature of particular families and character makeup. Who is always hurting for money and this desperate; almost like a maniac? Who is loyal to nothing and fights to the death until condemned to death by their boss and masters? Who has this level of fascination with small arms and massacres? Who is this communist and this weak on crime? Regardless, they rule by secrets and ruthless violence; it is considered superior power.
The second part of this police and authority abuse is the use of profit and demands. What is the motive of a crime spree and murder spree? What is this mother-mother load? This bunch intercepted us and snatched us with the attempt to first help them. When we refused to help them, they sought some reward or tribute to let us go; to avoid punishments. The truth did not commute us and cornering and catching them did not exonerate us; so why is the sting this lasting? Is it a counter-measure and this constant effort to match or beat? So part of their inquisition and objectives are for others to impress or pander to their power. The crime world has to modernize as technology challenges them. Killing as an industry has to seek educations and seek scholarship in electrical and computational sciences. They like the Unabomber before must impede, blow up, stop, or hinder this threat. So the future of the left wing and the future of those weak on crime is being tested in the United States; what can we tolerate or stop? Have we stopped it, rounded up their leaders and spies, and reduce the danger levels or the disaster?
The underworld wants high technology personnel to pay up or make a lot of money for their new found glory in the high technology sector representing or working together with very intelligent human form. Even if there is a mismatch between how ridiculous this criminal element is to their inability to escape the ridicule of the most intelligent human forms on earth; they do not give up pursuit or determination; nobody escapes them or their legal domination. We gathered a compilation of jokes describing their follies or regret and it was an endless list of ridiculous behavior by the most unintelligent species and most ridiculous human behavior this world has ever laid eyes on. No wonder they hold communism, terrorism, and collectivism close to their pirate hearts or fly the Jolly Rogers to dignify their sinking life.
This was an advanced degree or some course on a law degree. Beyond this, they really do not have any future whatsoever. They are heavily involved in cyber-terrorism at this time and have gained some reputation in the industry; we were their test subjects to test their safeguards and security. So this ridiculous parade of idiots is their new nom de guerre; it is their new character makeup; a new transformation of the most vulnerable and most criminal; religion is their public image or media propaganda invasion. From heretofore, crime and high technology is a marriage made at college; then afterwards. We had been or made to think this was some honors, magnet, or elite program our masters had enlisted in. Then we were given a huge bill for refusing to be a common cat burglar or a goon. These people have a doctorate in crime, corruption, profit, and murder.
To conclude, this police power and abuse of government authority; both the local, state, and federal levels is not as straight forward as they claim. To those behind it; it is a cruel joke; a mental illness. To those seeking relief and to escape their erratic and bizarre lying paternalism; we hold nothing of their life close to ours, nothing. In the end, it is a test of power and a show of force; to see what they can or cannot get away with and to determine if they have any if at all a future now that collectivism and the left wing has collapsed. Therefore, their religious affiliation and their civil war immigration pattern is pursuing and nipping away at our life and national destiny; as the truth finally begins to come out; nothing is straight forward or the truth to them. Their dishonesty is why they are here and what they are doing to others; not what others are doing to them or are happening to their life. With the advent of increasing poverty, they can only grow and become stronger. Quality of human life is replaced by the mechanism of quantity and power; their religious affiliation or lack of any real one.
These terrorist-terror plots are a niche in the wall of deception. The killing and dead bodies are only meant for propaganda; it is the credibility and slander they are after because that translates into votes. It is the difference between a Congressional seat and a revolution; a game changer tactic. When they exhaust their effort, they will pretend it never happened or go back to their rudimentary ways; living on the pity-kindness of others. Do not be fooled by how they play this game or how you become entangled with them; you can sit next to one of these spies and terrorist plotters not even knowing a maniac and pathological liar is entertaining you with looks of joy, compassion, or admiration. They respond to money and if that money is not seen or thrown on the table; they become violent and demanding. It is a shame because now, they have to figure out how to get out of this predicament or seek some other safe haven to sink their nasty hooks and foul life. We also hope they learned a lesson about policing this also; that is their future. That was the football we were carrying and now a total lie to punch a hole in or catch trying.
Before, the world we lived in was bifurcating; now it was merging and transforming. Now there is a missing side and enemy; only a winner. So the characters did not change but the world did by removing one side and one loser. There is a world within a world due to this dual reality and it is in a state of chaos, cahoots, and lawlessness. The natural order is being challenged and tested by this animal and raw impulse of crime and murder. It is about power and domination; who can bully who and why. The people we have or are studying appear trapped in a fantasy world. It is a world where deviant behavior does not apply to them or does not exist. Deviant behavior is the science or the logic of right and wrong; a moral compass. In this fantasy, the subjects are very controlling and domineering; thus, they abduct, try to seduce, and stalk human subjects with the idea they are either mating, respecting them with love, pouring affection to their wants in life, or even adopting a new family member. The problem is you are never allowed to view your new “mommy and daddy.” Their identity is hidden so you cannot go to the authorities and file a police report. So identity and police is also another selling point. They said it was profit across the board; we will verify it how the stars and the cosmic relationship lined up and who emerged. They will torture you and attack until you are filled with blind rage and homicidal impulse; their power and transformation.
So we circumvented their security and set a clever trap; the “end all” way to make them scream and come running on our command. How do they talk or contact us? Is there any other way or method in this form of genius and espionage known? How do they get out of the trap when it is designed to track their electronic signature and verify they are human forms? Humans are fallible; Gods and non-human creatures must intervene or plead their case in order to keep their infallibility. So we will. So he and they must. Did they? Did we log this from 2008 to 2009 as expected and as described; then what we got out of it and why? The tensions of circumvention are there when both sides wish to win. When will one side be exonerated and win? It comes down to eradicating either the material or the belief structure. This enemy has fused into one side and one force; our life.
We were testing them and also tracking them. So all humans leave evidence but when two or more does not; we know it is a criminal conspiracy; we know their electronic signature and had known with the MRI vision of satellite warfare; how do they circumvent this when their expulsion is on the line? How do you blame a computer or non-human? You could hire a master programmer or ace to find it or destroy it. We even know when two or more of their leaderships are in the same vicinity; total technological innovation. How or are they able to circumvent this? So credentials and verification is extremely important; a part of trust and betrayal to send your own into a losing battle and lie perfectly about it. Nobody likes this loser and this weak on crime problem; not even the criminal elements who risk it all. We ended up catching up and surprising them with the mother load. This is the dirty plot and the effort to locate the final victors; what barriers are established if any? They need this to plan but got a big surprise they did not expect.
This fantasy in their minds was not a kidnapping or abduction; it was a special gift of family and them opening their arms or reaching out to someone who needed them. So who needs them? Apparently us. Psychotically domineering and a maniac with control; they saw this adoption right or ritual a way to order and seek commands; to regiment and discard any respect for other human beings and benefit from a ticking time bomb. The effort was long lasting and their persistence is unrelenting; however, the goals of slander or discrediting while destroying a human being is intended to force the hand of others; to target specific government or propaganda goals. The material of a human body is the most effective form of propaganda. We were selected for a specific reason; we reversed all of those reasons back as they stole each one. What they did not want was in our possession still in 2008 after the decadence and disaster.
In their mind and fantasy, they are some kind of secret parent and their goal is to create a genius like terrorist so delusional; it is an extension of their own hand. This fantasy never worked because it was a sting and a trap; set by us over ten years ago and dating back over 20 years. A gingerly fingerprints in the trap means a valid explanation and story; suspects are tracked and leaders or masterminds are a threat to the military. We cannot baby sit everybody; so they are able to accomplish this crime spree and murder spree while a military threat on a computerized tracking grid. We wish to verify and seek credentials. We seek to exonerate and lessen the workload. So confused and cornered; they sought to corner us and seek a call; either they would get one or we would deliver one; here it is now. This was an ongoing secret effort by the left wing to take over America; now with new lies; a new future based on a broken past.
Chaos, confusion, and lack of information are an advantage. We did not know when the arrival of them would be or when the trouble would begin; however, we knew they were going to come and make an effort to reach us if not kill us. This is inevitable and can be predicted 20+ years ago as we describe. We can duplicate this again and again; to see the discomfort and cut off any or all public contacts; this compels the masterminds and the leaders into total war; the panic goes into crisis mode and risk of exposure. When it comes to destroying humans, there are only ten chapters; we wrote the book on that and it is being read. There are two sides and two realities; however, there is only legitimate cause; one winner or predictable outcome. This can be predicted and forecasted 20, 40, and 200 years.
So they have no choice and we were prepared to even debate them or school them. We have come clean, will cooperate and refuse to leave out any detail. We did not need redemption, relief, medical care, or exoneration 20 years ago; now we do and have the list of grievances. So the terror plots appear to be an act of war; but the murder and crime spree is being reported as only defiance and a criminal fight by the underworld; teachers and interviewers; a massive propaganda effort and a massive new strategy under the radar. How do we verify this and get to the bottom of it; what possible method or way can we do this and capture it while in progress? We were not prepared to be adopted by a Satan like monster or the story we told. To suggest after all of this murder and crime; killing was not the end result of targeting the most austere and threatening of their enemies. We even describe to the fine detail the murder plots they had and the primary culprits.
Suspended annihilation works in two ways. We were good enough so as to not be detected or suspected of designing a clever trap; but we confirm and can provide the forensic evidence of this and verify with other investigators how they knew. They too saw us in action and were not ready for what was about to happen. It is all total lies until we have what we want or are looking for; then the chase is on. This is about patience and perseverance of the patients as well; we have no option and have no choice in this matter. It is the Exxon Valdez accident repeated daily upwards of 200 times by attacks; why did it not work or injure properly as expected? What possible miracle or reason can we logically and scientifically muster from the efforts?
So this fantasy of these espionage masters and terrorists is fueled by their intelligence and challenge; their game is if we cannot beat them, then we would be forced to join them. However, the nature and the character of crime globally have changed drastically. They seek to open markets and seek to expand this religious aficionado. Their subtle presence and surveillance began when we were very young and they checked up or would call; in the most unwanted way; we were already around loved ones or those who cared deeply about our well being. Is this really about our well being and wishing to help? Is this about our startup in crime and our leadership skills in killing the human being or military affairs? Who is the best? Who is the most feared? Who are the survivor and winner? All evidence leads to us and we have the scars to prove it. We also have the story of the lifetime; we have their “clandestine” story and public relations effort captured. How does it feel or where is it leading to?
We can laugh about this or cry; we choose to laugh; but so can they. So why are they not laughing? Are they this deadly or already dead? With this degree of danger, you would expect them to say something if not anything; this is extreme behavior and risk. Why are they trying to huddle with those who are fighting them or missed the battle with them daily? Were they even there or present, maybe silent? Where is this silence leading if not extreme risk? There is a criminal and civil law suit out there; matching this silence and public image problem. So we can picture them as invincible and even super human; but we will know how many rounds each electronic signature can muster. We too are interested in their bunker mentality and science. If their electronic signature changes with growth and protein calibrations; then we can measure it. Is it matter, material or an invisible silence; the essence of power? Their electronic signature is like DNA; it is measurable and finite; they must be fired up when we walk in the room or stand next to them; a partnership. Their claim of being set up and undergoing a CIA interrogation was rejected and dismissed as a lie.
Disaster now chases them. Before the supernova, they chased disasters and victims. So they had to chase off and then adopt; isolate us and use character makeup that were so domineering, terrorizing, demanding, scolding, and drive us to such unhappiness and despair; either we were a danger to ourselves or others; they would come in the game with skin and be the police. To say annoying, a nuisance, a mild dislike, an aversion, and a total homicidal impulse are an understatement. Imagine the relatives of those who died or were slain by this murder and crime spree? They have the most skin in the game. The pressure and criminal conscience from those charges is enough to stop them; but it doesn’t, it is still ongoing. They refuse to leave and refuse to surrender; a peculiar defiance level never before witnessed. They claimed it was a conspiracy on them and we would be bait; then we would lead them right to this other rival or master they sought out or wished to flush out.
In this hope also was the experimentation with our sex life or private life; to ruin it repeatedly and be the mother of monsters to remove all affection for females. Then in the late 1990s, they began to flash naked men in public who eagerly wished to show off their bodily organs at the moments notice. Somehow their wish was a new flagship of civil rights and liberal laws which we would be aboard also. We eventually caught the SOB and ripped them up in pieces; however, it did not come without tremendous cost and tussle. Chasing a maniac and a ridiculous sadistic killer is not the most lively activity on earth; being their victim or focus of rage never is; however, it is also why it never or would work; we could always pretend and let them do a pickup as their mastery finally worked. We have defeated the most vulnerable, the feeblest, the most psychopathic, the most deadly, and the most sneaky and defiant. How does it feel? Is it a religious experience or moment to transcend some ultra consciousness or reality? Is it a perpetual feeling or a healthy sensation? Let’s ask them and why.
So did it work? Did things turn out as expected? Well, it did not and additionally, we knew and were tipped off before the beginning of the end. In the end, they could not figure out why we never lost and called us a master strategist, the best in the world, brilliant tacticians, and a tour de force they had never seen or witnessed. We were made to feel like their Champs Elisee; a Cote D’Azur for bullying winners and a gateway to the future. Even a sadistic, cold, psychopathic, and demonic monster was able to rationalize the strength, challenge, and the danger they were in. They were able to dignify and meaningfully rationalize their extreme risk and dangerous behavior; total lack of respect for human beings. Meanwhile, we had an opportunity to finally study and measure their real strength, power, deception, and evil; how long would they last and could they ever pull off the decade long abuse we had to take before setting the trap and moving the pieces so that he and they would not get away and had to come on command?
Are they as powerful and domineering as they claim; this awesomeness and reality? After approximately 14 to 16 months, they had nothing left; they exhausted their cards and all of their filthy evil; relying on us skin or body; to live life through some other or acquire power and strength through them to carry out all of this deception and fraud. We taped them during those months and they even knew it; but were their best act what the situation needed or were their deception and lie easy to pick apart? Domineering, controlling, sadistic, demanding, exploitive, lawless, evil, murderous, and abusive was just the tip of the iceberg. They even had a cookie cutter life which could dispel any suspicion or paint a grim alibi that those who were on to them would look stupid and even foolish. Well, if we look stupid and foolish; then they have to match the expertise of that and produce a human being who can answer the coming Armageddon of questions. There is no way after ten years would they or could they pass a polygraph; we made sure of that. They have two choices, to laugh uncontrollably or fail a polygraph; we even drafted the questions and discomforts; the likes and dislikes. It is not voodoo or black magic, it is the truth; the roadmap. As a science, you can always disprove it or apply it like calculus; knowledge is difficult to steal.
"Drop the political correctness when it comes to boarding airplanes... we are repeating the worst mistakes of the Bush administration... the objective of airport security seems to be to make it more and more unpleasant for Americans to fly and make it easier and easier for Radical Muslims to fly, to the point of now doing these full nude body scans for everybody boarding an airplane." - Ann Coulter, The Glen Beck Show,; Christmas Holidays 2009 -
They never at any moment in this knew what forensic evidence we had or compiled; no less what was going to happen; but they claim we are totally blind and they still have a chance at winning; it is still up for grabs because money decides it all. We cannot afford justice and our life is so broken at their hands and guilty supervision; we could never achieve it or begin to restore it. Their message is nobody gets away and no matter who wins; the victims always end up in a holocause or a disaster. So catch them if we can and did. Ask them if they ever felt insecure or whether the chance of losing at the game of global power and total military world war; they will say never; they were sure of it. Ask them now and they will refuse to answer and crawl or beg; they know we had beaten them at everything, “they never loose” and have a perfect record all won back at the final hour. So some are tormented by victory and some laugh at this image of the world.
Is there a difference between war, crime, and terrorism? Ask them if war was on their minds before and they will say yes. Ask them now and they will cry and panic about what they will tell their forces or men who rely on their intelligence and expertise. They did not betray their men or their forces yet; however, there are no guarantees in life and most especially is when you are this evil and sadistic. They tried to probe and determine how much others knew or if anybody was out there and on to them; there was not; just us and the public at large. So when they kick up their crime spree and campaign of terror again; we will know it is them and what they are doing again; we can even time them to see if we have the masterminds; who else is on their chain of high command now that they risk detection and solid leads? So we have to crack it and get the keys; the code to their world, and once we have that; they are defeated. We will know the moment it kicks up again; also be much more prepared. We will know if any other person is in their fantasy or still living it out. So is there a difference between good and evil or is it only about profit?
In all the cases with these terror, espionage, and sleeper agents; there was a severe and malignant personality disorder which caused them to behave in an apologetic manner but severely disconnected the worrisome or sorrowful feeling to additional injuries to other human beings for whom they had focused all of their rage and attention on. In other words, they would give a lackluster effort, almost lazy in appearance; then when this broke down or failed; their immediate remedy was to strong arm the situation and suggests more harm and worse repetitions would be needed. Therefore, if others did not accept their fleeting lethargy of an apology, move on, and forget it ever happened; they would escalate the violence, the harassment, and do whatever is necessary to win the situation. Hence the dates we report catching them in June of 2008; when it severely picked up in retaliation; and sporadic or on-off and then on again assaults or ambushes.
The goal is simple, a victim. It does not matter how they get there, the stoic and emotionless approach is a cold, calculating list resembling a formula where one ingredient after the next is added using no control measure or safety regulators. Their goal is not the premeditation of the effort or cause; their goal is to focus their rage and anger on a specific subject; attack and place them under siege by terrorizing them or assaulting them 20 to 500 times a day; upwards of a full decade and beyond; then in the uttermost stoic manner and completely violating the individuals; violate their rights in any form possible. We time stamped over twenty years of this for them to go back and check; why it did not or never worked as planned. Hence, we were the target of this abuse and day long; sometimes night long effort. They said they had suspicions and double or triple checked; they said they were losing their minds about a breach in security. They could not figure out how; but used terrorism to determine who was there or chasing them (it was the kid you idiot). That is how they probe and check for a leak; they murder. They know the police or federal government would never let them go on a rampage or blow up buildings, blow up military barracks, or slaughter innocent human life. This is how they conduct security and determine if the coast is clear or if someone is chasing them. Living bodies are more profitable but dead ones are also.
The goal is not direct violence, the goal is to agitate, annoy, disrupt, oppress, torture, and a form of very high psychological warfare. It is subtle silence and also tormented silence; an obsession to this poetic romance and lack of science. Control and pain was the overall indicator of whether or not it worked. That was not the entire plot. The use of the police was some form of safety valve. In this criminal insanity and maniac like homicidal impulse; they were using the police to detect some form of second degree violence, fueled by anger and madness towards the torturers or the terrorists-spies. Not having any family or blood relationship; they claimed and under duress of capture continue to claim a family association or some borderless dominion over the life of others.
The goal is to fuel desires and delusions, to sound insane or crazy, to not be able to detect or capture them, and to be a victim of deception and psychological warfare. So the police are used to make arrest or follow up on rage and anger fueled self defense because nobody wants to be killed and nobody will sit there all day long while being attacked or assaulted by professional killers and terrorists 20 to 500 times a day. Fear and no escape are continuously used to scare the hell out of someone or rattle their nerves in the most outrageous madness fueled violence on either side. In the records, we indicate the use of deception and trying to use lies or deception as a weapon; without violence or direct force, the deception and lies are injuries to the victims, their family, and the entire population; to drive them into fear, to suggest accomplices even more deadly, to cause severe breakdowns in trust or spread a form of mental illness and disease throughout the population.
The goal is so that others beg or form a bond with their captors and whoever imprisoned them. The goal is to have human captives eat out of their hands and cringe the moment they raise their voice or hand. There were times when the effort actually began to work because we were immune and undercover; the nerves rattled and the sensation they had gotten the better of you; your shattered nerves are uncontrollable. These are not amateurs and their professional ability to torture and terrorize others is no joke; neither is how they cover it up or use the abuse of power and authority to further the damage. The suggestion is madness and anger is fueling this standoff or conflict and it boils over with violence against some innocent, hardworking, white, labor union, and serial killer terrorist plot.
This is the science of murder; first degree and second degree by the doctors of it. That is the conspiracy and the only way out; to blame the victim or to make them attack similar to how victims of rape, victims of abuse, victims of violent crimes retaliate and express their outrage. This is what they call a professional terrorist and the most evil terrorist we have ever witnessed; when it involves violence, there is no forensic evidence. When they are in a clever trap, they tell us the details and use ace level poker skills to cover up or scam others, to explode deception everywhere. When there is no way out or nearing the end, they carry on in life as if it was the happiest time of their life even if there were millions of witnesses.
Another abrogated or malignant characteristic of these terrorist and espionage spies is their deviant and non-existing purse of behavior. Deviance is the logic of right and wrong; but to this bunch, there is no such word. If it applies at all so they can give the appearance of civility or by no fault of their own; then it does not apply to them. We describe them as child molesters and very good at this trade. We also describe how they would warp reality when we listened to songs, showed affection and love to others, or expressed some sense of happiness. It was as if we were owned by them and talking to them. So affection or sexual attraction was us talking to them or some denial of outsiders. Songs and emails to spouses or love ones were actually written or dedicated to them. How many centuries have this criminal bunch taken to perfect murder and crime?
If they were powerful union members or leaders; then the miscarriage of justice is easy to explain; they must share in every form of life with a captive or prisoner. Love, sex, and affections must be given to them first before it is even approved or allowed. They would even pretend to speak on behalf of our spouses or loved ones; to use isolation and lie or deceive in order to fuel anger, resentments, and rage. They would constantly bombard us with allegations they had sex, they were in a code of secrecy and romance, we were outsiders, we were warned to stay away, or we had to mind our own business or stick to our assigned “sex partners.” It was a trip into hell watching their behavior and deviance. The moment we talked to our spouse, they would sit down and claim we had to also show the same or equal amount of love. The moment a love song was dedicated or heard, it became a nerve shaking scare about how we owed them love and affection also; to share it or else retribution would arrive somehow. If there was such a thing as a rapist, then this was sky high and out of the ball park level. Their real trade or expertise is child development and molesting those vulnerable.
We do not know why there is no complaint about meanness or abuse by their own siblings, family, or kids; it might be a rule to only harm outsiders and not this family we were in on. The mysterious part about this outward appearance was the shy and demure day to day deception. The use of this deception really surfaces when we interview and interrogate them about various things we had caught them for or they had been calling us over the years anonymously about. In other words, when you see a dead body show up in your community or the news that resembles a friend from 10 years ago, childhood, or some business contact; you know it is them. When you see dead soldiers who resemble or look like one of your current friends; you know they blew up the barracks.
That is how they send death threats or address it. Then there were the suspicious or profiling errors such as the North Hollywood bank robbers, the Virginia Tech robbers, and the Fort Hood shooter; to implant or suggest some threat and danger which pointed to us or made us feel uneasy. The deception is when their investigators and police actually take it serious or use it as ammunition to humiliate or suggest probable cause. This is a complete nut and a total psychopathic demonic terrorizing loser of a serial killer. It is too bad they got caught and showed us who they truly are for the cameras. The sight of them exploding in panic and hyperventilating with each false lie or deception brought the grin back from ear to ear. They hated this happiness and their street crew made sure to say so and to stop. Terrorism is a warning system; an early alert method.
In or around 2006 to 2008 the entire State of New York seemed as if it was on attack mode. They call this open door a bunker mentality; it is focused on who and what is attacking every minute of the day. What happened was we had 20 or more criminal events and they all traced back to the same group. However, 10 of those events painted us in a very negative light and they also traced back to a history of firebombing and arson; some secret movement within the state chartered by the liberals, left wing, unions, cronies, and most of all the communist party international. We knew who as on us and who it was; however, it began to appear as the top 10 families in the State of New York was telling us this was their state, they owned it and ran it, if we wanted freedom or no further injuries; then we would vacate and back away immediately. So why is New York a big problem and also on the list of victims? Could this be the result of a weak on crime culture or a controlling nature of crime outbreaks?
In hot pursuit and on the verge of cracking the case, this was not possible; furthermore, if terrorists or the communist movement was attacking, the public deserved to know and so did the security forces. Their confidence is being bashed and tested; but so isn’t ours; however, we have identified it as the eye of the storm; a major safe haven of terrorism and socialism; a breeding ground of misfits and trouble makers; underworld or mafia power; and various espionage interests. The entire State is plagued with labor union money or a weak on crime plague; yet their expectation and intelligence is hostile. The State of New York has very close associates such as New Jersey, Florida, Ohio, California, and Texas. It had been a nerve center for communism previously and is the eye of the storm for the new underworld, mafia, socialism, and Nazi labor party.
The attack in New York from 2006 to 2010 was much more blatant than what occurred in Virginia. This time we did not have bodies and dead federal agents; what we got was letter after letter for bills and threats of garnishments, eviction, assault, prison, and day to day harassment and intimidation. It was a concerted attempt to play the 10 events to these families advantage and they were either helping the communist or were them. This was their new flagship and pilot program; terrorism, drug wars, corrupt police, police courts, socialism, labor union leaders, and what we understood as perestroika. What we did not understand was why they were attacking themselves or their own future; the casualty list indicated the loss was their own personnel or people. All of the states involved in the terrorist plots or region had a long history of mafia and underworld activity; was this aimed at the police or some concerted effort to regroup and surge? If this was the case, then it led to the top 10 families in all of these states or the police force.
The FBI terrorist attacks on the US indicate a disturbing pattern. From 1984 to 2001, most if not all of the groups were liberal or criminal organizations. They include radical Puerto Rican organizations, environmental groups, the Jewish defense leagues, a few abortion groups, a few individuals, and a limited Arab population. Most significant is the casualty list; these groups were not taken serious and were more involved in vandalism or arson; a few had violent shootouts with police. However, the violence was isolated to another group and category, crime and the underworld. Drugs and the expectations which drug money fueled a lot of violence. Now the police are on the list of victims; why? It has to be more powerful or beyond the scope of the police.
If we expand our reach and look at the global list of terrorism; we see bigger numbers. Specifically, those who are fighting terrorism and the drug wars but in the Middle East; we have the same pattern; small less than 50 and rarely more than 100 casualties. Again, we have a subtle form of witness intimidation; abuse of police powers; and the goal is to obstruct justice or prevent a damaging trail from breathing. Meanwhile, the deception tactics are a no-brainer and case closed for the next victor. The only way to achieve any of these objectives is to implement three focal objectives; access, proximity, and determination. Thus we keep hearing the “prepared to die” speech or the various rambling by psychopathic losers.
That is not the story and the entire story. Someone had forgotten to leave out injuries on our forces and service men and women. In the terrorist attacks on embassies or military installations, there were at least 100 or more casualties and huge devastation; so we know who is behind it and why; retaliation. The little day to day stuff went unnoticed; but the big mother loads were all an act to equalize or retaliate. This was also the same work we had been conducting in college in the early 1990s, reviewing the global terror plots or strikes to understand their global reach or pattern. We determined that no matter how much the Arabs hated and fueled the animosity; the Jews would ignore it and then focus their rage on the Arabs in one single event which either doubled or keep the casualties on par; a game of tic-for-tack with dead people. Perhaps someone was trying to send us a message and a little bit of love.
Even in 2009, it was very hard to lessen the pressure of the 20 or more events. The injuries were piling up, we were denied justice or any grievance process, we were told to vacate and leave, harassments were daily and hourly, trips were limited to 2 per month beyond our residence, and all correspondence was forwarded to the FBI so that new contacts could be formed. What was used was not working so the effort had to either kick up or expand. Furthermore, the entire state of New York erupted to cut our throats by sneaking up and also trying to fire bomb our residence if that did not occur already; why? Did we have some unique skill set only they knew about and could tame?
The data indicates they are not linked to the mob, the left wing, liberals, communist movement domestically or globally, and in no way could be related or in the mechanics of the new socialism; the drug war, criminal crime spree, financial frauds, and the entire racketeering and protection racket. How would the FBI stop the entire state because they were clearly saying either you vacate and leave; or you will forfeit your freedom, peace of mind, and be terrorized daily-hourly so long as you do not cooperate. The source of this were the labor unions again and the long history in the State with this problem. The goal was to justify weak on crime and vigilantism; by the left wing. What exactly does vigilantism and terrorism have in common with propaganda and reforming the legal system?
So terrorism is a form of vigilantism by the communist and new socialist underground where they seek social justice and spring drug lords and military factions who either come to America or needs the help of America. To do this, we have to review the Oklahoma City attack and the Whacko base siege. We had identified in the early 2006 period a plot we called “The Midwest Plot” which was based on immigration patterns from 1860-1940 to the middle states or Midwest. It is determined the most powerful and the center of this storm is the Midwest, the primary immigration to Chicago and Kansas City; then stretching down to the oil riches of Texas and banking. Those two centers controlled legitimate forms of business from Florida and California. All of this either fled, were hiding from, or was the brainchild of New York traitors and spies. This is how they are conditioned to redeem and repair their careers; by using violence and terrorizing others.
Corn fed and industrial rich by labor and union money; the politics of the middle states became the most stable and the most unwanted. When you have this surge or immigration pattern, you also get their politics; we call this weak on crime or liberalism. We have a lot of expectations and ever since the fall of communism; those expectations have not and are not met. Why or how is it we are denied some peace, celebration, marriage and family? Could it be because of the war on crime or the new super socialism about to emerge around the globe? Where did the communist and criminals go; all we see are Nazis, liberals, underworld, espionage spies, and debt. This is how they are conditioned to redeem and repair their soul; by using violence and terrorizing others. What about our skill sets threw them into so much panic and to take such extreme risk or exposure? Whatever it was, they did not see it coming or when it arrived could get out of the way.
It does not matter how much you debate or argue the case, when it comes to labor or left wing politics; it is never conservative or wanted; for each dollar you create, you end up spending three or costing the entire society ten more. You also exacerbate the issue of crime and the underworld. So weak on crime plagued the middle states and the police problem. Apparently, some distinguished military soldier decided to take out half of the federal forces in those middle states. Then in November of 2009; another one of his "suicidal" compadres decided to shoot it out with an entire room of unarmed Army service members who were preparing to deploy to Afghanistan. So if weak on crime was the criticism; then it struck home and hit harder. We mean harder than ever before.
So what did all of that and the awakening period of 1993 to 2001 have to do with global events or big game changers in the war on evil? We don’t know but we can always find out! Why in hell are the police chasing us and killing off their work mates? Why not fire and insulate the law enforcement from this threat or put out an APB, 50 states and more, on the character or physical-material problem? So why are the new socialist movement, the new labor movement, the left wing and the liberals telling us this is their country and to get out or be captured? Are we really in danger or is this just a cruel hoax? How come they prepared a death speech for the public but we did not?
So the battle of New York, for the hearts and minds of the nation, was extremely important. We had 20 or more events and 10 of them caused severe injury and were being used as trump cards to shut us up, obstruct justice, raid our homes, destroy our marriage and family, imprison us, solicit money, and fire bomb our homes so that we could vacate and escape. They only wanted to help us out and teach us a bit about America and how much they love the country. We also document every event, what was said, who said it, why, and what they wanted or tried to achieve. This was not clandestine and subtle like the Virginia attacks and the 1998 sit down with the FBI; this was on a different level and much more in the open. Let’s clear the air, they are the teachers of freedom and here to seek this also. This is how they keep skin in the game.
But why in 2006 and will those behind it ever show up or walk into the sting and trap? Acting like a moron to fit in and a drunken idiot is not fun and it is beginning to get old and crusty; we want a change and the sooner the better. Undercover work sucks that badly, however, when your life is in danger and you are being hunted by some enemy on your own stomping ground and residence; then you have to draw the line somewhere if nowhere; they called this form of invasion total war. Was this now about college and educational systems; or was it about privatization and whom was better? Again, we have a teacher and pupil problem; thus, we have a pupil student relationship. Thirty years speaking on behalf of anonymity has led to a slope of intersection; the possibility of being caught finally and destruction. This is a self inflicted wound by a masterful teacher and enemy to mankind.
While we are on the topic of suicidal maniacs, Nazis, labor movements, and the fall of communism; let’s discuss some observations and analysis which are very significant to either the entire matter, part of their playbook, or some sequence of events which illustrate who they are and what they seek to achieve. The battle of Virginia and New York sounds like a page out of the American Revolution, the Civil War, or the history of the United States. How did it turn into a terror plot, the axis of evil, and the conversion process of the labor movement from communist Nazis to socialist Nazis? How the hell did they turn into a global terrorist network and narcotics armies who are armed to the teetch and can outspend the top 100 corporate institutions? With that kind of resource and espionage backing; they can be a new country or a new political enemy; a winning strategy for old lies. So the ghost of the cold war did not survive the ordeal or history.
The single most characteristic of these people is the total lack of invasion and the feeling of being violated on a level of rape, being beaten, or helplessness. One of their favorite harassment or total invasion tactics is to talk to us or signal when we engage in bathroom activities. The goal is to share the experience together and bond, to say we are one or reach is not an issue. The old saying about how your life does not stink applies. However, whether it is the topic of sex or any bathroom activity, this is an enemy who understands no borders and tries as hard as they can to annoy you or strike some emotional response. Watching people undress, watching others in the bathroom, watching people undress or have sex; talking to them or telling them subtly or making noise every single time is hard to prove and file a criminal report for. In their fantasy, they are a police force and some guard; a security force whom has been threatened. This also corresponded to the reports of rape, allegations of attempted rape, and various cases which involved rape-murder-abductions. Such a close friend and family member this menace has become.
These people are detail oriented and pay careful attention to detail; they think of crime and torture on an obsessive level; how to injure or violate others. They consider everybody their children so age does not matter; resistance and fight does; that is what they are focused on, the degree of resistance if any. This is also how they avoid danger or violence; but to use it as a self defense argument (I raped the child, the child shot me six times or sought revenge; therefore, I am a victim of violence and not guilty; freed of any sins. In the victim world, there is no sin and evil; only violence upon them.) This victim world and a victim of revenge or retribution was the entire 2006 to 2010 stand off with the State of New York involving social justice, vigilantism, vandalism, terrorism, fire bombings, and gross abuse of power. They have gone from mafia robberies to legal and insurance fraud; to dignify their criminal genius or superiority. How do you stop a murderous maniacal maniac when they call you a bully or an oppressor? Their own side robs them and clubs them over the head.
It also shows how used to the situation you become and how you can severely injure them in public when this secret group is confronted and federal prosecution is sought. The theme once again is weak on crime and the mentality of why; total invasion and violation of other human subject while an angelic family like appearance is advertised. There is also a list of cases and mounds of allegations of this sort of activity committed by the same people. It also corresponds to the unwanted contacts we describe and how they date back to the early 1980s regarding terrorism. Why they hide all of this is as confusing as why they do not end this and disclose everything they were up to; everybody involved or a roundup. It is not necessarily about who they are or what they are up to; it is about what we feel comfortable with and if not; to leave or go away quietly. It is never about them, it is about their ability to focus their rage on another human being and not to loose that focus of rage. So how do you terrorize or intimidate someone when you do not know them, have their number, know who they are, or know they are about to spring a trap on you? Can you do this every hour for over three years? Can you use the police to implement scare tactics; how? The only way is to achieve three objectives of security; access, proximity, and determination.
Their message is simple to decipher and understand. They are not violent and this is total invasion and psychological warfare. We will give, break, and be subjugated under the rules of lawlessness. They have nerves of steel and can shatter any resisting human being by rattling their cage hourly and in their residence. They are fearless, invisible, untouchable, and blood thirsty; to be feared and respected. Nobody can stop them or do anything which will effect their life because globally and nationally, they have all the votes, we are their captives, we are a terrorist force, we are weak and they are the police, and we are being told to pack up and go away before there is more trouble and more problems. This by the way is the same identical message we had been getting, the same subliminal and suggestive thought by the global terrorist movement, and now in your face day to day proof. If and when they are upset or displeased; nobody gets to live or has any privacy as a captive; we all suffer and even them. They also claim this is or has been interwoven into history for over 200 years; they were the first ones here and hold seniority and control.
Although it deals with communism, the left wing, religion, immigration, racism, hate, and acceptance; their expectations are rock bottom when it comes to others. However, when expectations conform to their demands; it skyrockets. So their physical or outward appearance is not evaluated but is considered repulsive; it is their demeanor and appalling behavior that cannot be avoided or ignored. The problems with obesity, narcissism, hygiene, grooming tactics, charisma and personality, cupid play, interactions with others, and their skin problem are all overlooked. It is not their outward and physical appearance we are discussing; they are. There is nothing about them to suggest superiority; but in their mind, they slice hotter than diarrhea. We know at the core of their reactor is the radical left wing and the bias of the liberal political anarchy. We know they are criminal elements and we know their life is about weak on crime and how tough or homicidal they can get. Again, we have a subtle form of witness intimidation; abuse of police powers; and the goal is to obstruct justice or prevent a damaging trail from breathing. Meanwhile, the deception tactics are a no-brainer and case closed for the next victor.
This is what you call as worthless as it can get because nobody wins and nobody can say or do anything; it is total invasion and hell. They keep overemphasizing language to hide evil or hate, outward or physical appearance, and this weak on crime reality where facts and the truth are obsolete. So why are they terrified of criminal elements and wish to die at their hands rather than at the hands of the federal forces? They are terrified of the Colombians and the drug culture; yet speak in nostalgic harmony with it. Is this more of their hypocrisy and bigotry exploding before our eyes? Redeeming, there is advantage in being weak on crime, spewing out sugar coated language, and relaxing the barriers to sin and evil.
There is brilliance and genius in being weak on crime; but why would they try this in America or try to invade or take over the military, government, and the police? To their reality, this is not over, it is still up for grabs, and the sting or the fear lasts a really long time. They are going to survive this and outlast this nation, this world, and us; we are only along for the ride. So weak on crime is a very powerful political strategy but a very awful military or police one; socialism and this new drug war with zonked out Nazi substance abusers is how they keep skin in the game and is represented. It is about democracy and representation isn’t it; also tax dollars and how those tax dollars are spent, spoken, and their outward appearance. So the brilliance got them there; now how do they get out if not a death sentence?
It blew us away when we heard some of the things they were saying or had been saying. It was as if we wrote every part of their script; however, they were the enemies. We do not support the period of error-ism or to terrorize people using the police; however, someone does or is trying to implant this toughness in our mind’s eye. So after being blown away by this terror plot, we decided to explore the minds of serial killers, delusional and tormented violent criminals, and those who feel abused and have special powers or black magic. It seems as if the goal of their speeches, lies, and essence is for others to support their plight; to support terrorism; to lower expectations or relax our senses. Their goal is to support terrorism, killing, and criminal rampages.
We found there were similarities, there were hidden secrets, and there was these high degrees of intelligence to have others leave them alone. You are in their trap and their game; you do not leave it or survive; the goal is to win, like a game of cat and mouse. There are other similarities that are stark and repeated. One similarity was violence on women. Whether or not this was violence on domineering or controlling women; it did not matter; they came from some line of previous psychosis and mental torment. So the families of psychotics breed from women or their views of women. In no instance or very few instances, did any of these serial maniacs and killers breed some male mental illness; it was always women who were the impetus behind it. This causes the severe violence on women and bizarre relationships with both other men and women. Every source of warped reality or torment came at the hands of females; there was no violence but it led to violence. The winds of change were blowing harder than ever.
Another similarity which is profound and evens a stark copy is the reason for killing. The forensic doctors describe three main factors; brain damage, constant abuse, and mental illness. Those three ingredients, real or imagined, purposely or unintentionally, weaved a web of deception and violence. In many instances, the serial maniacs describe how they are responsible for the deaths of victims; but they refuse to say anything about it. In other words, they were not aware they were doing it or whom. These killers, intentionally or not, purposely or not; honest or in the most gross error; indicate it never came across their mind who was doing the killing; was it them or the victims? They were somehow impartial to the judgment process even if their warped reality was not even able to make judgments on right and wrong. Some even blamed their victims for following them or would not leave when told to; so they became agitated and angry.
It is difficult to believe a female would pursue for sex or a child would seek them out at such a young age for sexual deviance or mischievous. So this angered them and fueled their rage on the child, female, or combinations of the two including men. They wanted these people to just go away and killing was some form of escape. There is a sense their views on crime is extremely bizarre or apathetic to pathological lying. So these serial killers and mass maniacs, focus on victims and the process of becoming a victim. It is not about fault or honesty; only the process and game of how a victim is created. In the eyes of these serial killers, some repentant, the suspects do not even know they are being investigated and about to be destroyed or killed. They never once made frequented the aspects of hate, racism, superiority, or crime. So these delusions and fantasies also revolve around sex, narcissism, and how others are bothering them for sex or attention. This is absolutely true and a daily occurrence, they however, cannot provide a logical reason or purpose for it. A child or a female would not automatically run from a human subject not knowing who they were.
What we are seeing is something more sinister. There are two enemies and both interpret the events in some dual reality or universe. Things are backwards and left out because of this weak on crime mentality; however, the callous manipulation of facts and evidence is there. It is the science of victimology. How do you create or artificially set someone up in a trap? How do you bring out the terrorist and serial killer in normal human beings of high intelligence or moral fortitude? How do you torment and torture grown human beings and use the law or the legal system as a weapon to suggest terror and fear; to make them feel they are a serial killer or some goof to be toyed with by some God like evil manipulator? We saw this to the science and tee; by the same people we describe as the factory or manufactures of terror plots and global Nazi communism; a new breed of socialist maniacs terrorizing our soil and homeland. These captured suspects are arming time bombs called the human being and killing off oppositions; to invoke this atmosphere of lawlessness, compounded lies, corruption, and this terror plot. It is a science to them and they have cleverly began to scientifically explore how far they can go with it; not stopping because in the eyes of the law; they are already dead and have a death sentence.
Forensic Psychiatrist, Doctor Michael Stone of Colombia University, divides this science into two worlds; one where the killers are aware of what they are doing and one where they are unaware of it. These are very same people; however, they do not commit the act or transform their black magic and super powers to killing; they recruit and arm the time bombs of human life. What they are going to say to debate their innocence is how others did not even know they were doing it or they worry about violence upon them. They forget the rest of the story; but this is or was how the communist and radicals sought social justice terrorizing the other side. It never dawned on them they were behind it; because their weak on crime views place the blame on enemies, others, and prisoners. They know they are being investigated and they are aware that if it ever gets out, they will have no way out; so they double, triple and quadruple check to make sure no evidence is left and if any is, it has to be destroyed and a suspect crated to place doubt on their guilt. They have the brainwashing and propaganda machine down to the criminal science; taking it past the investigation period and suspect profile periods.
Forensic doctors have a way to measure or detect awareness or a state of consciousness. One way is a categorization scale, hinging on how aware they are of what they are doing and what the thought of the killer is or was. In other words, was it intentional and calculated? To determine this they isolate the brain region where lies and stories are created under magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). An MRI shows when a person is lying or what type of lie it is by the region or location of the lie. Under heavy questioning, the degree of lying can be measured and the awareness determined. There are two types of lies according to these doctors; spontaneous and rehearsed lies. An MRI shows the energy release of humans and non human objects; to peer into their makeup and what lies beneath. To match them up when there is change or significant relapses of it.
The next method forensic doctors use to determine the state of consciousness or the malice of the killers is their history. If there is no history of violence or abuse; then you do not automatically have a ticking time bomb; someone has to arm it. To arm it, you fill it up with power or what our suspects, under interrogation called rage, anger, or focusing their rage on a specific person. Hate or acceptance is personal and insulting; thus fuels this madness and failure of the intellectual expectation. The expectation of the truth, peace, justice, and doing the right thing is obviously low and measurable. Neurologists have identified three factors to determine states of consciousness during the life of an individual. Keep in mind, the enemies of mankind view human beings as children and kids; so age does not necessarily determine when they will intervene or intercede; as we pointed out, they tried this on us at the age of 28 and above; insisting we were their children or some lower form. None of the suspects have a college education and steal most of their material or intellect from those who are very educated; all they do is package the product by stealing it or espionage. As a competitor, they copy others or the product.
So when we look at age or determine when this state of mind was altered and by whom; we get the suspects and their science to rescue-destroy terrorists or leaders who can do what they do. They gamble with their own life by living it through others or targeting them. The reason is their view on crime the hatred it has caused them. This political bunch seeks freedom and is despised and fearful their life can end at any moment. So there is some form of abuse or deviant behavior trawling and lurking beneath. This bunch is told to die, go away, and to leave others alone constantly by society and also cannot fix their life or find some road map worth bragging about; thus, they self medicate and abuse illegal substances because they are tormented by effort, charisma, failure, and a total lack of mental pursuits. How they view themselves and others is a big factor of their anger, violence, and predisposition of violence or calculating criminal homicide. This is also the engine of genocide and therefore, involves women and the violence on women.
Forensic doctors identify three causes of this violence; that measures the degree of malice or the state of mind. However, they also state the formula or how these masterminds build a killer, arm the ticking time bomb, and create this psychopathic serial killer. The constant or persistence of abuse and brain damage causes a trauma to the mental health of a tortured or abused captive. Thus, prisoners are tortured and abused. That brain damage and the memory of brain damage prevent subjects; even leaders and high ranking officers; from restraint or control. However, the view of crime or the affection to a leader or movement; tends to channel and direct that violence on an enemy. To focus that rage and anger on a target; that target is determined by their views on crime and politics. The love of crime is a romance story to criminals; however, they are also terrified by the lawlessness and murder which violent crime entails; these are masterminds, they are non-violent. However, if they were weak on crime before; they are terrified by the drug culture and these armies who they try to gain approval and street credibility for. On the street, they survive by fear and victory on the battlefield.
Another trigger which can cause this rage and anger is oppression. Severe oppression or abuse at the hands of a tyrant or apologetic loser; will cause these control mechanism to break down, loose trust, and to seek some escape. We are dealing with enemies, spies, and terrorists in a criminal conspiracy and crime spree; therefore, the likelihood they wish an escape or leak is very unlikely. So slavery and oppression, being a captive or kidnapped for prolonged periods of time; enrage the outrageous or repulsive expectation to act like a human being and not apologize or lie about it. We see this with police officers who are in close proximity or uncover the den of one of these serial killers; to actually see the victims and what they were capable of. This is a loan wolf.
This psychopath is a total criminal loaner, but in a fight; the resistance is what kills their nonviolence or pleas for acceptance. A child or a female victim is less likely to fight back or resist to the opposite or the same gender. Hence, the police will never get this resistance and will jump heavily on violence towards them or the process of justice. So this fuel of oppression and possession is the fuel to this rage and this angry attempt to end the standoff-danger. Who is imposing the danger or creating danger? Those who have warped views on crime and take enormous risk at the hands of tremendous failure? We have a gutless fugitive class and their attempt to be some God like parent. Their business humiliates and degrades human subjects to jokes. It takes work to scrub all of the dirt off their face but they are too lazy for this and much too arrogant to notice.
We can break down their characteristics even further. In all cases and interviews with serial killers or lunatics; we have the repeated and same characteristics. We have female interactions which break down severely due to trust or paranoia. We have female role models who display awkward or humiliating experiences; that which evens the public despises and tries heavily to avoid. We have bizarre sexual habits, keeping of dark secrets, embarrassment or lack thereof; and this pursuit or obsession with love or acceptance. We tend to view this as deviant behavior and a weak on crime culture. Finally, we can identify a very tormented or tortured childhood at the hands of a very domineering or controlling female; to be scolded and brought to the point of insanity daily by a slow on crime reaction or instinct.
Heathens and helpless to the truth; it is not that these killers and their baby factories do not realize it; it is they cannot do anything about it or change who they are; worthless and violent. This problem with love and acceptance drives them to madness and fuels their violence. Yet they love the crime world and refuse to step to the other side while tormented and terrorized by their own. So like these children, they create a fantasy world or have these delusions daily until it numbs the mind and soul. That process of denying truth and facts is also the same peeling cry for peace and destroying victims. They will state the same thing, millions of people are being killed by their own mom but they did not know they were doing it also. This state of denying the truth also breeds narcissism, love, peace, and this warped view of themselves and others.
So all of these killers have one single common thread; there is no escape of this one and single thread, the female species; specifically violence on women. As they begin to see the evidence against them or this nightmare; they begin to destroy the evidence in order to escape or create a power relationship. They begin to bully the situation or use the same weak on crime character they were taught and bred for. They are bed for low expectations but high demands. They are bred to love and fuel the left wing, communist leaders, and the liberal appeal for acceptance or relaxation. It also sounds great! Even if they are physically repulsive; all of these killers are unable to connect reality. Disassociated with the fear of rejection; they cope with problems by destroying the evidence; only allowing what sounds good to them; danger. What is danger to the criminal mind or the mind of a psychopath? This is why we describe various time periods where the appearance of this enemy was so disgusting, obese, and repulsive; we had to be taken down to their levels or made to walk in their shoes. All of these killers and suspects have a problem with domineering, controlling, and psychotic females; all of them but so do us; they are the enemies.
So why is this widespread problem in this country and all around the world? First is embarrassment; we are humiliated. We too seek to grow our expectations and view the market system as allowing us to grow beautiful as we increase in value; so why not the left wing? Why are the liberals so much more of a victim? Doesn’t their expectations grow or with the country? We all cannot be beautiful or the leader. The reason is psychosis. This new war on drugs, Nazis, communists, terror plots, serial killers, and brain damage or sleazy women who wish to be our mommy; is a state of psychosis. It is how the enemies of this world subjugate and imprison the human soul; to torment it and terrorize the human being in the most violent manner. This is how they win and praise nonviolence while creating the circumstances of genocide and murder. So dead bodies are embarrassing; much more embarrassing than words can describe to an angry mute lunatic.
The forensic psychiatrists have determined that psychosis is a state of mind where people cannot tell the real world from the fantasy one. Laws and government are there to protect this, not obstruct it. We have two worlds and two realities with the right wing and the left wing; however, this is an enemy who seeks to torture us, bring us to violence, and create the conditions for murder and rampages; a crime helps them facilitate this terror plot. Immigration and labor wages are tormenting them or this narcissism. Apparently, these spies and terrorists are in the business of psychiatry also; however, their reproductive rights and freedoms are to build monsters.
We caught their leadership in the act after twenty years of attacking. This is what we are observing; we are some child or breeding ground for them because our genetic quality or material was very high grade. This fantasy becomes stronger and stronger with victims; and becoming a victim even if it is not real. Terror plots make this fantasy come true and are real; a killer is on the loose and they hate them. It is similar to the criminal world where life is based on criminality; to be feared or die at the hands of a more powerful criminal. That is their nightmare and it is real because of either stupidity or their views on crime. The same rules apply with terrorism. They built the monster and now they are terrified by it; the concept of crime, the system of poverty, and the left wing. Do they really expect ownership or leadership of it?
So we can now make some quick and summary conclusions. The evil factor in all crime or killing is based on the split between those who are aware of their actions and those who are mentally ill or unaware of the consequences. It is a convoluted reality to these garbage pale kids who exactly they are or try to become considering fear is how they survive on the street. Is this the new cold war or the war on crime, war on poverty, war on oppression, and war on terrorism? Why is so much tax dollars being sent to them if they are not a victim but a nuisance, menace, and a Trojan horse? Why are they tormented and need this messenger service? Why do they have so many problems with the opposite sex? Why are they in our life and accuse us of the same problems?
It is time to end this new pilot problem with the liberals, left wing, terrorism, crime organization, drug wars, bullying, oppressing, private wars, and a crime spree. If it is not overt, then it needs to be covert and kicked up to a full power and swing. It is time to kill and destroy this deadly enemy; to make sure they will not be part of our world, our nation, and not able to oppress or out their enemies. The truth is their weak on crime mentality and lies always leads to violence and terrorism. They want us to be their messenger; so they will be ours. I have documented ten and upwards of twenty years of this interview and kidnapping recruitment plot. They are hurting for money right now. We are testing their soul since they have ruined ours or tried; we seek error free or perfection; good high quality work, not total lies and conspiracy.
Our soul is impeccable but after them; it is near mush. They are scared of a major surprise but do not know what it is or how. They claim our surprise is oppressing them for no reason. These people bully us and are lunatics; also total losers. It has to do with satellites and also their interest or beating us. They view us as their pupil, we are punished, we are guinea pigs they are testing, we are dying to be recruited, we are told to shut up, and their weak on crime way of life always leads to violence. They are sneakier than a spy; more vicious then a terrorist, and just blame others when it is them.
To the criminal element; we are not some special needs child; they are. We are not losers and considered the total package. Is the left wing and liberals really bullies or a victim? We know both sides are oppressors. Look at how this loser and terror plot is oppressing; they use terrorism to restrict civil liberties even further. Victim hood is the impetus or the catalyst of this raging fire; the fuel of terrorism and bullies. However, we can isolate it down to a few gross groups, ethnic religions, and the usual political problems. This is the weak on crime or the nature of burrowing with the culture of poverty. It is not always the case how poverty produces crime; however, there is a strong correlation between crime and a slum lard.
Stories are both created and fabricated to fit the crime. In other words, no crime took place when the truth or evidence does not fit the story. They might fabricate a complete and total lie; or they might have no explanation; just an appearance of stupefy or silence. We must have a total match in their story and freedom of speech; not snuffing or deny it. Their power in telling lies is an oratory skill, not a moral fortitude or view of crime. They know they are criminals but in their fantasy; all criminals are prepared to die or get away. Their worst fear is another criminal who is more vicious or victorious. When the fight is fire hot or fierce; madness and psychosis begin to detach them from reality; thus, we get peace or acclimated calm in a climate of hostility or discord.
Victims are angry and seek justice. It is a complete farce and hoax; deep down they are terrified of the ending. There is no human being who is not terrified of a painful or drawn out death; the same applies to justice. Their goal is to switch lives; we are them and they are us; they use our story and we reject theirs. Their mistake was they chose to target a really good investigator and undercover secret agent. Nobody is trying to contact them or use their story; we can assure of this; we can also disprove this severe narcissism and total conspiracy. You will never have the truth when a story is fabricated to fit what can be seen and what is not.
Oddly, every single one of these suspects has prepared a speech on how they understand the crime and are prepared to die. This is a clear sign of their mental illness and scientific approach. We have used the forensic scale to grade them a 22+ based on the scale of Dr. Michael Stone of Colombia University; you cannot possibly become more evil or murderous. The effort to cover it up or kill off the investigators is homogenous to the degree of their efforts of obsession with crime. They know the risk and they also accept the consequences; hence it as lasted, expanded, and drawn out even in 2010.
It is in their right to roll this dice daily as we observe and document. The degree of stupidity or severe psychosis is their inability to realize their psychiatric report is being prepared as they are doing it or trying to stop us. Had they been in a mental ward and displayed this degree of terrorizing fortitude; they would be put to death. The scale of evil is above 22 and they are fully aware of it; however, most humans find them an ugly joke and a pencil neck annoyance. Therefore, we believe it is associated to super powers or black magic; a mythological and demon like fantasy of an utter jackass or idiot. Idiotism is not a mental illness and on a military scale; is worthless. They must be some sort of officer rank and provide the thinking brilliance; thus, the signs and signals of who they are or their character is pervasive.
Clearly, each one of these suspects has either a history of substance abuse or is heavily involved in self medication. The damage to their brain is therefore severe due to this continuous history of substance abuse or inability to end it. Now we have the drug wars and a way for this problem to grow very strong. We are not talking about casual or recreational levels of abuse; we are talking about 30 pills a day; 3 cases of beer a week; and god knows what else to make the party bigger and bigger. This pattern of brain damage is appearing in the drug culture and with severe paranoia for each other. They are so terrified of each other; they are driven into hiding or underground.
Materialized and paternal by the left wing; made to be a pupil of cries or the machinery of poverty is dangerous. However, they hold closely this romance with crime and the cries of this terror plot which is a total disaster to society. Like the Exxon Valdez or other mass scale tragedies; it is as far as the eye can see and lasts upwards of 30 years. So the volume of substance abuse fuels this manly madness and severe impairment of judgment. If they are not the most unwanted or the most dumb among us; then they are on that path and road map. The story of rags to riches, the freedom of rags to riches in American history, and this long enduring fight with organized religion is ongoing.
In our last summary conclusion; we will add to the work of Neurologist Jonathan Pinkus of the Veterans Administration. Doctor Pinkus has studied this problem for the military throughout his career and he says that any person with a mental illness, good or bad, can be subjected to torture. Some demented cruel human being can torture them with mental or physical abuse until they are forced to get even. The only way to even the score or stop a psychopath or maniac, is to live under their control or demands.
The strategy of winning is a calculation. So if we are to see this as a zero sum game; then no victims or no victory is the advantage of the criminal world. However, in our understanding of terrorism; we must come to the conclusion that violence is matched or some form of overwhelming force must be applied to the source of this lawlessness, drug war, and weak on crime political domination. To not do so would be the same suicide as doing so. Therefore, we can sew together their account, our account, and the evidence of all these terror plots to conclude they will not stop at anything and will kill as many US soldiers and police officers as necessary to prevent violence on them or to avoid arrest. This is the science of crime, murder, and serial killing. A violent retribution, a vigilantism, and a way to score heavily by those weak on crime; the police. This police is even heavier and bigger in breathing; it is a monster and a serial maniac.
To place yourself in their pathology or use proximity and access; is or will become a nasty nightmare only they cannot escape. They must even the score but when it leads to court and evidence; the real story emerges. The laws are there for human beings not the zombie dead of this world who feed off or on the living; they will always terrorize each other and make all kinds of claims or psychotic claims. Real or imagined victim status is their crowing achievement; when a victim, you facilitate the police and are able to marginalize the truth; the violence is how the process and road to justice occurs; most police officers or military tacticians understand this; but this enemy is bone blitz dumb or stupid. They want power but do not stand for justice. So crime is bad but weak on crime is a road to violence and ruthless murder. Poverty is just an excuse to get there and to form a political career around. It has now become a formula to religious impulses and even civil war.
Real victims to make their victim fantasy more and truer; just like a breeding ground or factory for terrorism and crime; we would like to ask them what the hell they think they are doing talking to us for over ten full years and continuously contacting us illegally as if our life was theirs and we wish to pamper their life? There is a point where you have to stop and show how it was not endless or continuous for ten, twenty, thirty, or forty years. That real and imagined process of creating fans and enemies; is the power and fear they condescendingly are a tyrant of; but it is essential in killing or murder. This is the mind of a serial murderer; we lack the forensic evidence to link them or catch all of them; we caught their leaders. We do not need to continue the debate or know how skillful they are terrorizing us or others.
No human is born into this world self anointed as the police. Clearly they are not the police and if they were rogues, then these terror plots removed them off the weak on crime list and put us on it; but we are not weak on crime, they are and that is their politics or what is happening globally. This particular murderer is brilliant and a complete mess and nuisance. How do we know this? Why is this chase continuing when we are dealing with an idiot and idiotism of the criminal leaders and parents of serial or psychotic maniacs? That is another issue about their parent status and the kids; accepting responsibility for them. Do not push them on others or invade their life using terrorists and spies to enhance crime. Clearly we have an exception to the rule and this human being was anointed by some being to police the human race and mankind.
There are simple rules we can decipher from the glory of winning and capturing this new socialism, crime spree, murder spree, drug fueled violence, and the coming answer to poverty for the left wing. Since communism has collapsed, the rate of crime in the world has erupted in fury. There are more have not countries in the world looking to redress the problem with poverty and they turn to the United States for this answer. How America and society in general have chosen to address poverty is horrendous; crime and liberal socialist initiatives. But the root cause and problems are easily extracted and confirmed in interviews with those caught for heinous crimes and governance of a world slipping towards chaos and anarchy.
Understand, as a pilot program at this time and for the last 20 years; this new socialism push has represented themselves in a very threatened manner. That is to say the group is under some kind of pressure, attack, and run the risk of not being able to answer the questions. So they extend this crisis to the world and the larger society through terrorism; to create disasters everywhere and the sensation they are not alone. This growing and widespread “man-made disaster” is the result of expansion by the same problem and people. So they have represented themselves in a fraudulent manner while expanding or trying; hopefully, an answer will arrive or they will kidnap someone powerful to use as a lab rat. So we have a breakdown in trust that is growing larger and larger by the expansion rate. That expansion rate is also fueled by a general breakdown in government and this weak on crime mentality. Whenever those two combinations interact, violence is imminent. As they grow stronger, they taunt others to stop them if humanly possible.
The entire world is facing an erosion of the value system. The entire world is being corrupted once again by the same criminal elements. The cosmic relations are breaking down and the value systems we typically rely on are becoming unhinged due to the artificial conspicuous lies that prevent violence. A political culture weak on crime leads to the disappearance of values and violence. It is not money doing it either, it is poverty, bullies, ruthless victories, and the same lies for criminal elements. It is organized and a master plan; a master stroke of the left wing. We have caught the leaders behind the conspiracy to suck the liquid values from us and other human beings. Weak on crime has taken this nation to its knees.
These blood sucking leaders include other political groups alienated and typically considered to be a gang or hate group. They give off a calm, quiet, even pleasant appearance; that is until the lights and eyes are not watching them. A dark side comes forward, one that is emboldened by severe psychotic and internal rage; their hate is driven by their stupidity and worthless life. Their road map is to be a danger to themselves and others; to attack like a civilized ticking bomb programmed by the weakest, dumbest, most hateful, and most psychotic. They are the former communists and now terrorists. Escape is difficult but not impossible as we have determined; catching them is even harder.
So nobody wants them and calls them bastards and all opposite representations negative to their goal. Nobody wants to breed crime or to feed the women who seek out husbands who invent this; however, the value system society draws from has broken down. It is not chaos or random events; we determined it is a calculated, masterful, and military strategy at a level not even noticeable to 99 per cent of the human species. So we can look outwards and see this same effect globally. Most if not all of these nations have very similar problems, a pattern emerges. They all have two or more violent struggles, organized crime elements, and some form of drug or narcotic culture. Poverty is an endless road they travel in time and easily explained. Until there are better than bad guys in the world, the advantage is for the 99 per cent of the human species.
This low expectation problem with religions was not invented for the poor or intended to become the politics of the poor; religion was invented to provide a long lasting and perpetual spirit which can be the work of an entire life. Why some of them keep sending the other bills for services and problems is odd because it indicates a hemorrhoid type of oppression instead of a miracle to the human soul. Poverty breeds crime, not religion; but religion was not invented for this or a life of crime. Religion was not invented for a rogue or secret police force unruly and trying to dominate. So their view of the new socialism has crossed paths with the living side. Although nearly identical to communism before, their spies and operatives live by the same rules; extreme risk taking and suicidal pursuits. If they are caught, it is a death sentence; hence, we get the plot and the new SOB story.
The crowding out effect is taking effect. When you relax reality, it reverses and gets backwards. In the eyes of those we caught and intended on stopping; the new socialism and this crime and murder spree is extreme risk taking; not for the weak; not for those inferior; and not for the losers. If any of them are caught, the hate and malice of their practice will become obvious. So if caught, like before when communism was enemy number one, it is a death sentence and they have a speech about how they are prepared to die. The only difference is how it is the same people, the same crime, the same goals, and the same problems. This is how they chose to repackage it and call it terrorism or the new super socialism. It is still a dead sentence waiting to be won by either side. The problem they face is the poverty and crime; with drugs and narcotics fueling the astronomical profits; violence is inevitable and so is their reputation.
Now the flagship will be to turn medical problems and costs into profit for the same crime problem. The same people and the same leaders keep sending us the same bills and costs. What is different is the packaging. They wish to help whom though and why? It must be us because they made us in the eyes of their own life; a total disaster. So while all of this frustration and feeling of defeat is now surrounding the winning side; we are immune and should begin slashing and cutting to reveal what the real problem is. Nothing is wrong or criminal with life, reality, or this road map unless or until they are in it. Now defeated and pressured, they do not know when to quit or leave; so all they can do is attack and dove tail how it is the police instead of terrorism. This is why we report 20 to 500 ambushes and attacks per day.
The similarities are very striking and transparent. What industry on this earth is strong enough and armed heavily with the revenue to match oil producing countries? Who on this earth is constantly in conflict with the US authorities? Can we emphasize how they take advantage of the kindness of others and are a predator again? So this is a very sensitive man who the left wing and communist spies have a strong conviction for. Most especially is the controversy of the civil war in Yemen which has lasted since the 1950s. This also is the same time as Vietnam and the communist build-up resulting from French colonialism. That civil war in Yemen then spread to the civil war in the Sudan and Somalia. Any historian or student of the Middle East understands the dynamics of civil war in Arab nations as a religious war; not civil war. Also, this is why there is some link or similarity with Iraq; the Arab club of nations has battled the Baath Party since the 1950s as each jockey for a position of leadership and military dominance. We can cut this Romeo into any purity; it will always be the same.
When you have to give or issue 200 warnings per month; it indicates a severe and perverse problem. It points out a determined enemy. It shows an expanding or very powerful conspiracy. It indicates a mindset and mendacity to violate the rights of others. It shows a human species who has absolutely no respect for others or human life. This is most easily discernible when terror plots are able to take the most unwanted or highly suspected and commute or pardon their entire life; gone in one day is their entire life unwanted. So if there is power in murder or some black magic ability to give life or sentence death; then we have seen and witnessed it. After one or even five warnings; it is time to take down a pest of this magnitude; we are talking 200 warnings per day or month. That shows how much they respect human beings or why they are involved in terrorism and mass murder, shootings, or genocide.
What is also equally fascinating is how they would not stop or fluctuate between a teacher and a nuisance pest. One day we would be in the US Army medical center getting treatment for some bizarre ailment; the next we are using contaminated water or some bio-terrorism is put on our clothing. The open wounds and skin diseases then ended up at the Veterans Administration who denied treatment. The path leads to Medicaid fraud or creating disasters for profit using the human body. But wait, we know this is a two headed monster; so if we do not pay this criminal group tribute, they will punish society with socializing medicine or jacking up Medicaid costs. What is this socialized medicine for or is this part of the pilot program we were hit with and by? We know it will save GM and the financial woes of the union labor groups who are seriously threatened; but on this scale it is dangerous.
The idea is to line their pockets or be upset and punished; not fix the problems or answer the questions. What happened to the do-it-yourself model where you order the supplies and the instructions are included? For five dollars and postage, you can treat anything antibiotics or vaccines can cure; this saves millions of dollars. A high tech assembly line is also the wave of the future where procedures are holy automated by robotics. A meal at a hospital cost more than a five star restaurant. Therefore, something is going on and it has to do with doctors, medical aid, relief, and cost. We concluded that if these costs were not lowered, the social security and pension funds will bankrupt in less than a decade, maybe more time if the debt do not keep up. So for five bucks and some postage, we can rid society of half the medical insurance costs; meanwhile pressure is placed on legalizing narcotics. There is a climate of irresponsibility and a circus atmosphere called business. The tedious effect and attacks leads down a road of debt and extreme risk taking. Anytime you remove accountability, you hit the wall of extreme risk taking and criminal violence.
So we begin to see the same problem, new lies for old ones. We see the use of security or protection; access, proximity, and determination. We see the hoax or scam to allow this opening or opportunity. Then we see the cover up when it blows up; witness intimidation, 200 terrorizing events daily, obstruction of justice, death threats, legal accosting, and abuse of authority. All of the above is intended to terrorize or rattle the nerves of someone by a maniacal terror plot that has no respect for any human life. We also notice how many parts of a body an insect has, in order to fly away; we have the head, body, abdomen, legs, and then wings. The dual reality is used as a deception while a hoax or conspiracy is alive in the real world. The police are powerless to drug cartels and begin to sign up on the payroll or leave the hostile environment before some form of harm or crowding out develops.
The point of this double headed stalker or shadow is how things are always up for grabs. All things fall apart. It can fall both ways; for the criminal elements or for communism and socialism. If they need drug dealers or high time smugglers; decimate it, they level an entire community and call it bad labor policies or tax cheats. You cannot prove it but it is there in the form of weak on crime or lies. It might sound powerful but when you actually see the physical appearance of those behind it, the joke is severe and shocking to the mind. Again, they think they are some hot steaming turn, awesome, walk in a room and strike a pose, and have a blend of narcissism and psychosis which is fitting of serial killers or homosexual maniacs. The appearance is almost identical to a 401k, an employer, or a matching fund. For every amount you invest, they will return and match it; in the end, what you have in your retirement fund is based on your decisions, not them.
There seems to be this special fantasy of pretending to be bigger than life itself; we see this in prison and how that fantasy is extremely dangerous. Almost like the insanity of a bird with plumes that hunters and prey shoot. Although there is no privilege and it there is not one ounce of gain; this loser wants some gratification or some freedom of benefit when it is so disgusting and foul. So this privileged class and special status is trying to trick and fool others into their life; using females and financial disaster was a major recruiting pitch; so wasn’t terrorism, fear, and murder. Can we understand more about this knife fight between martial arts masters and knife wielding child molester loser or is the story and fate always written by them? The entire story is how tough and capable they are; so why is there hair everywhere? It is always about trying to win freedom from something, someone, or a disaster. So if you see Charlie Manson wielding a knife and acting insane, grab a bat and rack his fat ankles to see who is more easy to scare.
Terrorizing others has become a science. It begins with resistance. It is so perfected; it has become a foreign policy of countries in this axis of evil. A large majority of this axis is located in or around the Middle East where poverty and disease stricken the most disadvantaged. We cannot see it but it is there to orally swallow. You have to ask how they live under each other and with homicidal maniacs running loose all over their city. Material to the core, it is one payoff after the next; then arm flailing and shouting about corruption and cleaning up the streets and government. If this sounds like Gothic city, then perhaps it is. So why use Arabs or Muslims to tell what a European or immigration story is; the Arabs only have oil and religion. Do they worry about the environment or the Green Party? Do they care what Gothic officials or what they think of America? Like the war on drugs and the loads of accolade it provided on the streets; the answer is no, no, and no. This is not about Muslims; it is about agreement with Muslims on violence and crime.
What the Arabs do like is military arms. Like gangland USA and now South American nations; they have an oppressor and fuel the arms market with the pick axes to revolt against tyrants who ruin their profits and oppress them to the core. If you want to be big and stand big; you will need much more than oil, religion, and the sands of time. So there was a time in the 1980s when the Middle East looked like gangland USA and this drug war erupting all over the world. What it did was severely incapacitate the military, screwed up a lot of foreign policy, wreaked havoc, and doubled if not tripled the social problems; a complete and total disaster. The Arabs did not try to kill or remove the infidel; they lived large with their masters, a partnership in time. So why is the stigma of weak on crime sticking to the Middle East after gangland USA? We can conclude that whomever was in charge of foreign policy and the Middle East strategies; sold a lot of military weapons.
We know the answer to that question. There is a new enemy and a new grand strategy on the forefront, it is called super socialism. Super socialism is the merge of left and right left wing and communist forces that belittle the reality of this world and replace it with a state of chaos where the respect for human life breaks down and narcotics and money flows like blood. The bible predicted this Armageddon like social disease as the coming of the end. It also said that out of the ashes of this ruin would emerge a leader and his arch nemesis. So we see how the axis of evil has merged and come together as the army of the damned who is still too big too fail and has the control over every aspect of business, government, investments, resources, disasters, accidents, insurance, fraud, and life changing fate. Socialism is as violent and military as the left wing and poverty will ever get; it is a state of perpetual crime and murder.
Terrorism now is a game changer and it turns the tables or accelerates this axis of evil at a spinning rate. Somebody has to step forward and fix this; to arrest it. It will either be someone from our side or their side; but someone has to step forward. Who will this be and why; we will set the trap, wait, and tell a few jokes as they step into the claw hammer of a global world conspiracy. In this asylum of mazes is a core; the answer and the core are sealed; will they step into it or not as trip wires are placed everywhere? If they put a fingerprint on it or near it; we will know and the beginning of the end will commence. If this is too big to flail or as game changing as we were fooled into believing; then we will know what hocus-pocus is laying in wait. Are they man or are they metal? Is this a knife fight between a martial arts master and a homicidal maniac; or just a fantasy? We will know because they will have to change this world and save their skin in the game problem; and quickly before it avalanches. Who are these leaders; that is, who is our leaders?
So why are victim cards and the use of homicidal handicap on the surgery table; the flagship of the left wing, labor groups, and global liberalism has been sunk like the invasion of Europe in World War II. Why are there no stark differences anymore between a homicidal maniac and a victim? If we study the life and tribulations of serial maniacs and homicidal arm candy; we see how they were raped severely by masters or elders; severely abused by torrential female love; and have a combination of mental illness abusively spanked by mysterious ballet slippers. What possible puffy reason could there be to use the status of a pinky victim to justify the nature of a homicidal shovel wielding sickest spy, terrorist, or terror plot? The high life and times of serial killers illustrate this nostalgic and humongous collective pride. It is about waging wars and seeking a form of social or political change. So serial killers illustrate this victim status and power very lustfully; so do terrorists and those oppressed. So what does it feel like or look like when in a crime spree and sitting next to a homicidal lunatic?
When relief or police actions are needed; governments tend to throw cash at victims to make them go away or cough up some incriminating evidence; it is called a buy off. Federal funds, when used improperly, can lead to recruitment for criminal organization, terrorist organizations, or even spies from foreign nations or the cold war. So if you are a criminal organization and have a problem with another homicidal arm candy competitor, a murderous game of natural selection, you have to do something to boost your problem with relief. The people who are so much better will or might be entitled to some form of relief; this is because nobody likes a loser. Governments are apprehensive to provide military relief because they care enough to weed out homicidal maniacs and criminal organizations. This is when conspiracies are born and become the nipple of the mentally ill or smelly stupid. These people are not only sick, they are not the least funny; a form of group or racial superiority fueled by a jackass or fantasies. A dogma of hiding and then being caught for extreme risk taking or dangerous behaviors.
Occasionally governments let a few in and become very confused due to labor laws and pressure from politicians; everybody cannot be a victim just the same as nobody can possibly be a homicidal killer. They do this to maybe keep others on their guard and to portray powerful or an all master omnipresent feeling. Although we have high expectations from government; occasionally they tend to disappoint and mess things up badly; however, they are willing to throw money at the problem; a good sign. Politicians and the police need all of the facts and investigate things thoroughly so they can avoid detection; therefore, they treat global crisis and events like a crime scene. A crime scene always has a dead female; a serial killer; confused family members; delusional police; and the facts never match the events. So the government as the police model is an awful way to start this world off or begin the debate. Governments are on our side, they are not this bad and this demanding. You see, conspiracies begin to manifest and they always benefit those who fake their victim stature because they know the check is in the mail; conspiracies feed other conspiracies until it is too fat to be real.
So are all governments’ homicidal maniacs or are they all victims; or some combination of the two? In it’s present form, all oppressive governments are stupid and take form of a farm animal when their Karma reaches a stink we can smell. The mere fact they are sweet on crime or taste as sweet as yellow corn from the Midwest, is enough to suspect we are dealing with an alien or some outer space form of SOB. We think all of the above is becoming more true because the political will and the pressure by democratic forces and the drug trade have made this problem greater. With the collapse of communism; the only remaining enemy for liberals is Nazis. Thus, we see the left wing become communist Nazis; a way to better themselves. We could invent a new enemy such as Popeye but that character is only a cartoon and not as real as we wish. So political will has something to do with debt and being weak on crime. That is fine until they get together and decide to have a party. Now we end up with organized crime and their military wing; Nazi like crime and lies. A little child could walk down the street and be gassed by a polluting obnoxious trash truck.
More of the same, we could drill deeper and try to go past economic sustainability and global totality security; however, we could not focus all our concentration to this drill point and know the road ends there. Economic sustainability and totality are the two concepts of all work from 1989 to present; all written in college and thoroughly researched for this book. There is not a textbook on it or the other stopping point of satellite warfare; they are major global transition points. Therefore, the author of this text is the father of those three concepts and has over 20 years of college level experience on the topic. As the core of a drill point; it is either you grasp the three concepts or not; there is no half truths. There are more people against it than for it; but then there is only a very small number who know how to profit from it; so it works out fine. It is easier to throw money at the problem and disrupt a rescue then it is to tell the truth and risk being exposed while in hiding. The weak on crime road always ends with violence no matter how rich or how happy the participants are.
So are all police departments or police officers victims or are they all serial killers; or some combination of the two? We know it is a science to brainwash and arm a human being; we know someone is lurking and trawling in a predatory manner in our lives and watches us very closely. More of the same, the question whether or not police authority is a victim or has been targeted in the same manner we were. If so, they will be on the receiving end of abduction, invasion, terror plots, surveillance, extortion, and various homicidal impulses by the liberals and left wing enemies. The key to this enemy and their power is access, proximity, and intelligence-surveillance. If those three elements are denied or compartmentalized; to combat an internal problem, then this enemy is helpless and powerless. However, their intelligence is or has been traced to foreign espionage agencies and they are armed with the most devastating high tech gadgets. They are trained to steal information and in the most stealthy manner; to sneak up like a foul septic tank on an unsuspecting victim. They do this to military personnel also with the hope of recruiting them or pitching them. What we saw or experienced was something new; a new and more dangerous eruption of violence and countries.
Therefore, when they blow up Marine bases all over the world or embassies; then target Delta Force or anti-terrorist forces to screw up the electronic surveillance and air power for smugglers and drug barons; they can take a cut of the profit from two sides. It is not their airport or planes who are a disaster; it is always others. It is almost as good as focusing all that rage on one or two targets; you take a cut from everybody or else they die a heroic death. How they cover their tracks is blaringly undetectable; blame the military. Instead of blowing up HQ; all they have to do is choose an easy target and blow up police headquarters and make it as if the military was invading. This begs the question once again; are all police officers victims or serial killers; that is if not a killer like them. Now every police officer is looking for neo-Nazi looking crew cuts or veterans; now there is a champ.
Why is there an enemy lurking or trawling, watching us closely, and trying to match us or be like us? We have not figured this out or what is the exact form of derangement; is it a stalker or just a humiliation tactic; to harass and then dispose? We traced this crime spree to various propaganda ploys or disasters; vigilantism, acts of outrageous hate, military suspects, plane crashes, bank robberies, smugglers, and various organized crime medals. This is considered their Congressional Medal of Honor award and the most courageous or heroic act of evil; a parade pinning ceremony.
The parade of idiots has a medal pinning ceremony also. At the heart of this are socialism and the new Nazi like communist invasion by crime groups, liberals, and the left wing. These government officials and peering eyes can stare at the words and phrases all day or for the next century; we know the dynamics of civil war and violence. They will be on the receiving end no matter how many lies or how weak they become; this is the nature of crime and being weak on crime. You die a romantic way and with protesting poetry; however, weak on crime never retires or makes it to retirement. How it did before must be a miracle of America or some worldly movement. This dragnet is just beginning and will get bigger as time passes. As they have stated repeatedly, if they are caught, then they are ready to die for their crimes against mankind and waging war on the United States. This is the nature of socialism and how it ends. The communist have been defeated and now we must fight the Nazi and the oppression of labor again. It is the same problem repackaged and resold to a new crowd. We can test that courage as well.
The concept of the police is being tested. When we analyze the degree of animosity between one world and the other; we can see a cancer and malignant tumor growing. Planes and airports are an industry that communism does not have. Although, dangerous to their system of government; the dangers are real and most airport administrators are in a state of panic. The airplane and travel industry is severely incapacitated and regulative; every form of behavior is regulated and restricted. Regardless, the lack of common sense and the lack of measures to promote freedom is ignored. Like all other security risks, those weak on crime attack the concepts which most threaten them and create some dictator who grows more powerful on the fears and lack of common sense of others.
So security, risk, and vulnerability lead to a history or record of safety. Safety gives us a microscope into the concept of the police and that intersection where one goes up and the other goes down. The reality looks the same and the goals appear the same; they are not. This is the enemy of mankind and they want to stay until removed or violence erupts. To suggest they are innocent and not usurping or breaking the laws of the land is absurd; we get upwards of 500 attempts daily and this constant lie about peaceful transformation and oppression. It is not oppression at work nor is it freedom; the label and package is lying. The history of this inferior criminal problem is becoming more severe and more violent; scarcity and stupidity does not fix itself; this enemy to mankind is not self correcting or invited.
When do they become the same or if ever reach that same point; because that is the intersection of the new socialism and the recipe for the assembly line of terrorism. The use of terrorism, violence, and crime suggests they are the same and powerful. If you want to be terrorized as we were; then this enemy will come to you and will never leave until you are either dead or gone. When and if they want a partner or an inside job; they are not playing games. This is what a weak on crime world has produced. It has led the entire left wing and liberal side to cry bloody murder, racism, racial profiling, and they use terrorism to accentuate this emotional rejection. It makes you want to murder them or butcher them; but that is their goal; the master martial arts master and the homicidal knife yielding maniac in a fight. When the master decides to break the arm; they try to wield the knife with their toes and it is really scary sight because you do not know if it is a serious threat.
Their story is the same; they came to America to make the life of Americans harder or more difficult. We know off hand who this is and what they are about. It is not even worth talking to them or debating; however, we mention upwards of 500 efforts daily and it is not because we feel they are wanted, special, powerful, or special. If they are as determined as they are trying to portray themselves; they will change the world and stop making effigies or speeches about it. The trap is set and we will bait it and wait patiently while sharpening our spears; will the wooly mammoth cometh? It is blatantly obvious how the story is the identical twin to terrorism; they have come to America from the poorest of the poor, all are in some narcotic culture, and they wish to blow up everything and make life harder for mankind. Now is this human species and inferior breed offering respect or demanding it through violence and oppression?
We have a criminal conspiracy underway. An inferior and rodent like menace of this kind reacts and portrays themselves like the silver screen but always engulfed by violence; either their community or by those they claim whom loved them. They serve one and only one purpose only; to facilitate a crime and to pull off a cruel hoax. We call this a criminal culture where political will leads to theft and robbery; there is no evidence of struggle or robbery however. This human species and inferior breed is offering respect or demanding it through violence and oppression? Furthermore, an inferior and rodent like menace of this kind reacts and portrays themselves like the silver screen but always in engulfed by violence; either their community or by those they claim whom loved them. They serve one and only one purpose only; to facilitate a crime and to pull off a cruel hoax. All are on a parade of idiots; self medicate with some form of illegal drug, and score low on every intelligence test but high on criminal genius. The evidence is the oppression or what this criminal menace to mankind calls their political power and will. Oddly, they call it a debate and control while efforts to rid them is global.
Hiding delays the violence at their hands or others. How did the ordeal affect us psychologically or what did it do to warp our reality or pollute our minds? We have formed severe biases and professional opinions having had an up close and in your face situation with these people and this criminal breed. They are deadly serious and not playing games with this world. They are there to win, not loose. Although we will survive and prosper without them; their effort is clandestine and intended to be a criminal organized act; to attack a healthy life or business and bring it to ruin or seize it. As we said, their fate is written and known; it always ends in violence; either at their own hands or others. We know this and they also know it; but when you are a danger to yourself and others; you are weak to lies and a criminal bearing. We call it extreme risk taking while they claim it is the nature of the business; the rewards supersede the risk. A cruel hoax is exposed when the truth is revealed; however, it does not necessarily end with a cruel hoax.
This is the worst, most oppressive, most evil, most deadly, and sneakiest devil this world will ever face or encounter. We could come up with many examples of those killed, intimidated, violated, raped, accosted, harassed, treated like dirt, made to feel guilt, terrorized, tortured, toiled like a doll, brainwashed, and made to feel life cheated them or was stolen. It is a hard call anyway you slice it; how you view yourself when others had it so much worse; remember, their goal was recruitment initially and why. So we will survive with life long injuries or feelings of content and guilt for those who did not. Although they claim they do not wish trouble, for us to go away and leave them alone, how these murders and terror plots were not a valid declaration of war with the United States; it sure feels like one and the injuries are incredibly identical. The poor has tried this before and it led to World War and invasion; a first strike. They have tried this religious hoax of an uncanny idiot before; however, ruthless violence had a negative effect than fear.
These dissidents are what we call the "Children of the Corn." They will have a warped view of society, their country, their leaders, and be dragged through humiliation and a lot of pain and suffering. That is the result of terrorism. However, when you are a child; there is no evil in you; you are dependent and need the care of others. So these large credibility efforts and large scale propaganda campaigns, psychological warfare, must be dealt with overwhelming force and with severe punishments. Our efforts to reverse the brainwashing on our life and on the grand scale has met tremendous resistance and barking back. Like a pack of lunatics and blood suckers; they grow and more lunatics and blood suckers are being manufactured like a field of dreams and a crop of corn left to die by the seasons and disaster. Obviously, kidnapping is to seek affection, love, and to create some new opportunity; this is why it sounds like a rape or abduction; however, the stories are in very stark contrast. The language covers up any evil. We are made to feel they are victims, are hurting inside, and living in a hell they need help to escape; we know that is a total lie and a total fraud. Hiding worsens the violence because it shows the weak on crime problem. Their goal is to expand, not self correct or end this life of crime or weak on political will catastrophe.
Furthermore, these disasters only benefit those who want to exploit it and victim hood. This game changing debate affects one side and brings social justice nearer and quicker; it is a fair debate now. So from cradle to grave; these disasters produce the children of the corn and it has to be reversed; we think they got that from either World War II or Vietnam. Another across the board reversal of reality is the police. It foments and creates humility and an internal growth of either a cancer or tumor in the police where civil war breeds and radicalization; such the case with these religious wars. The police are being radicalized by this psychological warfare and use of terrorism, disaster, and dissidents. Not only do they look stupid, they are distasteful, disagreeable, and the customer service problems become radicalized or extreme. We cannot fight them when they are a victim or dissident; we can inform them about their behavior and try to reverse the brainwashing or reprogramming. Victims are powerful and virtually without sin or judgments.
From continuous and random efforts to contact us and plead their case or demand we drop the charges we gathered in catching this rogue and espionage terrorist plot; apparently sugar coated rhetoric and an entirely new language has been fabricated to overlap the existing one to cover up and to hide the inept danger and espionage efforts. For instance, it is not really espionage, only debate and oppression. Instead it is how they are the source of ideas, others steal or use them as a precursor to morality and all new things; and we live in this world where we revolve around them. Then it is not really terrorism. Instead it is protest, pressure tactics, harassment, and power enforced by war. Nothing sticks and nothing is for real. They even hold claim to some special steward of the world we live in where they uphold liberty and laws so that others can remain employed regardless of the crimes or criminal violations not reported. Thus, all of this espionage and corruption is about jobs; keeping others employed; a special protector; and collecting dues while representing chosen targets or high profile clients. They expect payment and their special espionage language is a bickering fabrication that overlaps our existing one; this new language is trouble free and does not have crime at all because they are the police. It is a mental insanity. It is a total sign of a lunatic. It clearly shows the presence of a deadly and dangerous enemy lurking and hiding beneath. This is who we caught.
A cruel hoax is exposed when the truth is revealed; however, it does not necessarily end with a cruel hoax. This human species and inferior breed offering respect or demanding it through violence and oppression? All are on a parade of idiots; self medicate with some form of illegal drug, and score low on every intelligence test but high on criminal genius. This criminal menace is always tapping into some form of other human life and sending those increasing costs and bills. Then they blame others for defiance but produce no bill or charge; just one lie after the other. So real oppression is when you cut off their federal funds and breathe fire into their hoax and crime spree. When federal funds are extinguished, it breaks their machinery, extinguishes the violent crime spree, and puts an end to this profit fueled greed in hiding. Greed is good; crime is not; this is weak on crime, not crime itself. So we can debate them with real oppression by cutting off federal funds or seeking it as a criminal conspiracy and a cruel hoax in hiding we call a terror plot and super socialism; the world's worst enemy and most violent offensive ever in history.
While they try to figure out a way out of this trap and how to lie out of the fact they contacted us about terrorism in the 1980s and continue to do so today; the prospect of being caught and taken to trial does not budge their carefully witted and crafted common sense. In the eyes of most thinking folks, they look dumber than dumb; a complete and total joke. However, in their eyes; the bragging rights are coming with them and to their grave. This clearly shows the low existence and the degree of criminal pathology we were being stalked by 30 years ago when this began. It also shows the degree of derangement and psychosis their mentality has repeated in their mind; a lack of fact and fiction; an inability to operate life on the shears of right and wrong. In other words, while being brain dead and claiming to possess special powers; they were the bunt of jokes and a laughing stock; however, they told others they were powerful, possessed power, had control, could fight their way out of this, and were special.
Another observation was the behavior in the final moments; from springing the trap on them to slowly showing how much we knew; how much we have; and what we did to them while they were doing this to us. They still insist and brag they got the better of this fight. They still stamp their feet in protest. They stick together on the idea they can make noise and a ruckus. So day in and day out since being caught in January 2008 to June 2008, they hide and dealt with severe panic. Then they kept repeating these phrases upstairs, "they know everything... we want war... we do not want to die" over and over; almost as if telling themselves what they had to do in order to win this or stop their inevitable downfall and death. Around July 2008, they went in full attack mode; both online and physical. Based on our questions and observations; these crimes and terrorist plots are designed so that they are undetectable and so that they could not be caught or killed before, after, or during them.
If you are in the business of terrorism, overthrowing the government, oppression or unspeakable acts; how do you call the police or seek protections? We see this now and what happens when the unexpected occurs; exposure. Considering a crime and felony is in progress; this bunch goes in a bank and tells everybody to lie on the ground and do not look at them. They try to load up what they can take with them and find a safe; they try to crack it and it has gold in there. So they change the plans. Not knowing what had happened, they suspect the police are outside and someone pressed the panic button on them; but they see nothing. So they try to carry gold instead of cash. When they go outside; they go home and notice the police waiting; so they decide to go to the safe house and notice it is bugged and surrounded. Panicking, the police give chase and they drop all the gold and loot; that is about all of the story they can tell; a few minutes having their way and ordering others down; even abusing a few of them. That is the part they can only remember and brag about.
Some of it sounds too good to be true or unbelievable. If you ask a computer programmer to write 20,000 pages of code and sabotage it; he can leave out a comma and go back and make it all work again. That is the trap they are in; a very elaborate maze where we were checking them for extra-terrestrial or super natural powers. An extra-terrestrial is a being from another universe, planet, solar system, dimension, or galaxy. A super natural being is human beings that possess power or strength other humans do not nor has some characteristic unknown or exclusive to a human species. They have neither; only stupidity and criminal genius. Some of them are drunks, felons, lie-cheat-steal through life, and extort what gains and benefits others deserve. Do not worry about who caught them so much as who they are and who you are up against; they designed this so it could not be detected, defeated, and so they would not be caught and captured. Are they really the police and are they really in power and control?
Imagine how they feel and what emotions they have; some people laugh while others cry. So a brief moment of fame is about all they enjoyed and got paid nothing; they risked their life for peanuts and if not, then it is traceable and evidence. We already know this is a crime not meant to be detected or a terrorist plot where they could not be killed caught or injured; they can even call the police and claim how stupid they are and we got a taste of that also. As terrorists, they even designed it so they have protections and can seek police protection while guilty as sin. The harsh reality is they gave it their all and got nothing; not a red cent; not even a book deal.
Another observation is the issue of rape, murder, and torture. When asked about rape; the suspects claim it is only "an effort to indirectly rape"; thus is not really rape. The victim says it is to implant a "recurring rape dream" and to pressure males and females to have sex when their life or soul is annulated. Indirect or not; they refuse to answer any questions or give any details. Is there a reason why they cannot provide an accurate account or the full truth without fear of punishment or even death? Could it be a trap and a trail we elaborately designed so that a bear trap would stick to their leg until someone unlocked it or until fear overcame them? Remember, they designed this crime so that they would not be captured alive; we let them in and let them say or do what they intended; and then it took over a decade to trace and flush them in the open or down the toilet. So it is not really rape or a rally for rape; it is how sex is used as a weapon and they are never to blame. This also means rape is used as a form of warfare and to destroy a potential enemy; sex, the truth, rumors, lies, slander, and their credibility; all are weapons of warfare and propaganda. Why did they wait so long if no crime ever took place?
B. Rush Limbaugh addressed this on Thursday, November 26, 2009 and we were only listening. He made only four comments; that were all and all four are time stamped. He also claims these terrorist plots, murder-rape-kidnappings, and felony charges are merely “11/26/2009 2:21:01 PM designed to frighten and scare people…to terrorize them… to put them in panic more than a scare tactic.” He already claimed people fall for these hoaxes or not all the time whether or not they are directly involved, asked for it, and takes credit for it. All they do is profit and exploit them but they are involved in the cover-ups only. They only use them to recruit and use it to increase their power, profit, membership, etc… they just did not do it over and over again or admit to it. - “Saying the Same Things, Our Side, Limiting the Damage”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; Nov 26, 2009 –
The attacks are mostly banging, noise making, psychological warfare on the radio, calling in guerrilla radio leaders, and trying to break down the power and wall they were facing. Their way of fighting is not opposition, struggle, or some evidence to suggest a robbery or kidnapping; they fight by hitting a wall; backing up and hitting it harder and harder. If they cannot; they will blow it up. They are very violent and will use it; they claim it is not what we can do to them but what they can do to others. Hence, the use of terrorism has a tremendous backup and restores their name or credibility. They know if they cannot fight; are facing arrest and are blocked by local or federal forces; the only way to overthrow the government is to introduce some game changer or some mega hit; a terrorist plot.
The odd part is the profit level they achieve when things are ruined, fail, and sink; they become stronger, more credible, expand, and grow; terrorism is that steroid to shock the system. It is easier to fight when on the same side but harder to stop. The only way to stop it is to remain in hiding, conspiracy, and a clandestine traitor or spy program; a mole. It is odd how none of the leaders involved during this time spoke out or has any clue now; not the least bit of involvement. If they were or had been the police; then they were now in hiding while the search dogs and rescue effort was in full swing; can they live forever as a fugitive? A cruel hoax is exposed when the truth is revealed; however, it does not necessarily end with a cruel hoax. This human species and inferior breed offering respect or demanding it through violence and oppression?
We did not see a let up in this effort to fight out of it; we got the full barrage of laughable playbook already known and already witnessed in so many other cases or historical precedents. These tactics are the same reasons which made the unions in America a despicable name and a sore to the business and reputation of American power. However, they do not see themselves as a joke or ridicule. They do not know and cannot tell how their common sense is a complete joke or how badly they screwed up. It is across the boards; every move they made previous was not even wiped out; the mental shock to their brain is forever etched on this power they claim as anger, rage, lunatic fringe, and psychosis; the science of being a victim; and abuse; how being terrorized and fear can be a weapon and a weakness.
On 12/17/2009 12:11:10 PM, Bin Limbaugh must have overheard or listened in. After waking up and watching the Quinn Show at 4am; he said, “She does not know when others are using her at 12/17/2009 12:08:34 PM.” This was basically the same thing he was doing to me or trying. He then says, “Basically the same thing we were saying… now all we are doing is trying to limit the damage.” Nobody was talking to him as usual and it is really annoying when you learn you are being stalked and some intruder is in your bedroom making comments about really scaring you such as watching you 24 hours, taunting you, and shocking your mind to a point where it refuses to work properly afterwards. He says all of this terrorism is to break us; to make us a socialist; he says it used to work but now it does not. They-he insists this is only competition and about winning. It shows how competitive drugs, guns, crime, murder, and white supremacy can really be competitive; we will break and become socialist as we see ourselves and our lies. - “Saying the Same Things, Our Side, Limiting the Damage”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; Dec 17, 2009 -
The left wing in America is facing a breaking point; they are and were never wanted. Most of them spend their life trying to hang on until crime either washes them away or submerges them into a life not worth talking about. However, they reproduce onwards and claim they are special and have special powers. As we said, the entire world was laughing at them and the degree of debate and fight they had. In addition, once the final breakdown occurred in the communist movement; their credibility and future was in direct terminal decline; it was ready to implode. That is not the only problem; financially the nation is at terminal risk of meltdown and the debt level is astronomical. Most households are heavily in debt and misspend allocations reserved for important item purchases. Meanwhile, what little resources available is wrongly spent or reallocated; the essential and important substantive purchases are either neglected or ignored. Thus, local governments are dependent; states run deficits and financial scams to fix a problem that does not need fixing; and the bills are pushed on some other person who will not fight back or complain; the future generation.
During this period where we caught and observed their behavior, the people behind the WTC-911 attacks and every form of terrorism ever invented; we see an invented or fabricated reality; a total lack of sanity or a total disconnect. We knew the end of the cold war threatened the machinery of communism; even in America. We knew they rode our wings and tagged along wherever we went; could we get rid of them or scare them off; to act appropriately and not move so much while in quicksand. What we saw is like a drowning person and how you have to fight them or else they pull you under; that is the left and they are as communist as a human being can possibly become short of murder or killing another human being for a good reason or a very bad reason. But here is the problem they need from us; what are they fighting for if not anything? Communism ended and left them with a broken and laughable life. China is one of the richest nations on earth and taking part in modeling their economy like Japan. There is an overwhelming surplus of laborers in America and the immigration levels are still skyrocketing because we need quality to match other nations of the world. We need brains and courage; not a laughing stock and a fugitive looking for a job or a meal ticket.
These issues are coming to light and surfacing and this credibility or claim how superior and powerful they are is not only a candid joke; it shows the degree of insanity and disconnect from reality when their life is a complete disaster and trash dump; the ghetto of humanity that nobody wants, not even wishing it on your enemies. It could be a disease or it could be a mental illness; however, we describe two realities involved and how they see it and how we see it. Let's review for a brief moment the entire case and what it led to; capture and observing those captured; what they said, what they did, who they are, and what the quick thinking led to or got them into even more trouble. They have the death penalty already; can they get into more trouble? Will it be all day trying to rattle our cages, terrorism, scaring others into agreeing with them or going along? That is all the fight they have and have left; thus, they showed us several pieces of their handiwork and why we describe them as serial killers who use parenting as a method to produce a ticking time bomb and serial killer pathology. We knew this was them and we knew what they were up to.
Meanwhile, if we fight the fascist police or his secret police; we are powerless and must be broken. He says he wants “to keep us in bondage… make us feel guilty… disperse, go home and take care of yourself… we are not the problem in the world and until you realize this, shut up and go away… 12/17/2009 1:42:00 PM.” So the psychological warfare or the deception is to change us internally; by seeing ourselves, he is able to change how we feel about ourselves because he is the same. So we are cop killers, we are revolting; we are disruptive, etc… “This is about rules… not listening and not about him 12/17/2009 1:45:58 PM… they can lend money and buy treasury bonds anytime… why take that risk?” I do not want to know more or need to. They-he insists this is only competition and about winning. It shows how competitive drugs, guns, crime, murder, and white supremacy can really be competitive; we will break and become socialist as we see ourselves and our lies. - “Saying the Same Things, Our Side, Limiting the Damage”: Interviews with Terror Suspects and Captured Spies in the US, by Author; Dec 17, 2009 –
This serial killer pathology we describe and the use of the media to bring them to us; is a classic tale of creationism and evolution. If you have ever read the works of Dostoevsky, Nabokov, or Kafka; then you know the evolution of their species; a communist and what Kafka called a cockroach. How you get there is a brainwashing methodology which was used on us and which we try to describe as re-education into this "Americanism" or "Folk culture" or "Heartbeat of America." It is a very troubling explanation of what is happening to America at this time but the trial of the groups behind the attacks on America and the invention of terrorism since the 1970s as a weapon of social change is also troubling. Free trade led to the end of monopoly for labor and the left wing; the control they had on the market was finally broken and in pieces. In its place was a criminal and murder spree fueled by drugs, sex, guns, and this usual lack of political will and fortitude. The business of abducting women and children has been born and is for profit only.
Labor and the wages of labor globally collapsed. Everybody knew the genie was let out of the bottom after the 1970s; we had no idea it would lead us here and some fight to the death with radical communists, is really spies, Churches claiming to be for Jews and Catholics, and the entire global labor movement. We have our future in tow; they have no future and must work twice as hard knowing ours now. So just when they felt they had kidnapped us and broken us; we calmly surprise them how we are doing things to them as they are doing things to us. They say nothing; we say everything; that is the difference. We rat and spill the beans on them; they want us to cover up and conspire with them by accepting their offer to be their leaders. They wish to share power and said they were 80 per cent done; this is only about money and money only.
So you can see what this evolution has led to. Moreover, you can also watch a Hollywood movie called "The Watermelon Man" made in the 1960s about a white Caucasian male who wakes up in a nightmare of having turned black or into a different race group. The problem with these people we have caught is not their race, ethnicity, weight, hair color, eye color, nor any physical makeup; the problem with them is they are communists and we hunt down communists and destroy them. How they hide and hid this for over a century is yet to be described; how they can hide it all now is also unbeknownst to us all.
This evolution and kidnapping is real. It is this grip or lack of grip on reality which defines the thin ice they live on and the shear reality it all can crash on a snap of a finger; so when these masterful and methodical terrorist plots are crafted; they design it so they cannot be caught, cannot be detected, and so they cannot be found guilty immediately; a reasonable doubt in a court of social opinions. If you ask the leaders of the world, they will tell you this is a very masterful way of using propaganda and to abuse property rights in order to perpetuate and grow stronger on lies, deceit, and fraud. That is brainwashing, it is an evolution and environmental terrorism; we are not doing enough and they become stronger when things sink, fail, and are destroyed. What has changed and will we continue to experience this ordeal that has moved into our life and become a fog of death over this nation and her future?
There is a crime and murder spree; they are weak on crime. If they are at the federal level and wreaking havoc on the life of others or this nation; a clandestine or overt effort must be brokered to destroy them. We cannot have this enemy running loose in government or some police force. We grew up with American Indians and white people; this bunch is foul. They have no respect for human beings and human life; none. They continue to use the argument they are a police or secret police who have captured a suspect when they are or were behind this. Everything they overhear, they broadcast or use to pressure others; to take the first strike. This is insanity and it needs to be destroyed. They have nothing to do with American Indians, decent white and black people, other minorities, and what this country was founded on. It is clear and overt or clandestine measure is needed immediately, send them to absentia and end this global political will fortitude problem.
The Great Satan needs to bite the head off of this domestic enemy; to send them a clear message and to let them know the Constitution is there for a reason; not to have a spy agency or terrorists pretend they are masters over the human race or targeted leaders and prominent officials. It helps to know they are somebody and someone important or educated. We would like to see some credentials before a grave mistake is made or someone gets hurt. It would be nice to make sure the people behind this can be located and deemed not a fugitive or with a warrant for their arrest; it sure sucks not knowing while they scream and accost you daily. They do claim to be the police so we do claim they show ID so we can verify they are not using false ID or credentials. This does not sound like an American and is as un-American as you can get. This is why it is called extreme risk taking and a crime spree; get caught and it is the end of the road for this road map; a death sentence.
They cannot survive so they have appointed themselves our masters and also God. All they do is bully others and tell them what to do or shut up, go away, or go on a murder and crime spree. It would be nice to find out who is behind this and check their credentials if any. We know several foreign back nations involved. Why is the FBI taking so long to take them out; the military has got to be worried or getting angry. Now they are pretending to be NORAD and still no credentials; no verifications or knowledge. If the FBI has given up or CIA has given up; please notify others such as the Pentagon so they can figure out how best to deal with this total and complete disaster of an enemy attacking. We need to start with credentials; who they are and who they claim to be. What they tried and how far along they achieved. What is the best and most efficient method to fix this or get rid of it? Who do we know has a problem or does not want this problem to cease and be gone? Is it in writing or can it be verified? Why is this taking so long and what needs to happen? Why is there total chaos and a bottleneck?
We would like to know in writing who disagrees. Every fact and truth in this world is duplicated and used back on us; however, it is real and dead bodies and terror plots are everywhere; but it is not even real. All it is are total lies used to make their claim to victory or insanity more appealing and sellable. It has to be destroyed either overtly or clandestinely, most especially at the federal level. After this insanity; it is hard to trust the Irish, Italian, Jewish or these bullying groups who have no claim to America. They want their own nation above the Constitution. Now they claim we are their slaves and workers and this country needs them to pressure us to fix it; nobody needs them to be a manager, spy, nuisance, or a deadly terrorist. This Great Satan hoax needs to bite the head off this foreign foe. It is their fault if they cannot make it and declared themselves God and our masters to survive; they act like our masters because they cannot even survive as a lunatic or weak on crime.
This is not the end. When you foil or have a terrorist plot; you also have the trial. The trial is meant to alter the environment; to change the laws which govern or regulate human inerrancy or human discourse. Thus the political correctness we are gagged by is actually a debate; a dialogue; a social trial between two sides. On one side is a prosecutor and defense. On the other side is their offense and defensive team; the stronger will survive and the more powerful force will succumb the ordeal; that is war and that is a standoff. That is what is occurring in the world after the post Cold War era; a period where credibility is lost; then a period where it is returned slowly. That is occurring to these spies and the machinery of the left wing; they are trying to regain their footing and power; however, they exist on thin ice still and live for not tomorrow but only today.
What they do today has serious of not fatal consequences on them long term and they could care less or care less about who they kill and injure. To them it is about power and greed. To violate over four pages of felony charges shows what kind of people they are or how corrupt their police system truly is. To log 20 to 500 attacks daily for over 10 years shows the blood thirsty or the candor which they operate under to seek surrender. To put this nation and the world through the ordeal as they look more and more like the joke they truly are is also the labor and quality of their work; how much did they want for that work if it is hidden and cannot be marketed or sold? So they will get nothing out of it while we will get the entire pot of gold and the entire goose of the future; the golden goose we were and had been. The golden goose got their life back and their health restored once again; and the world will live to tell about it.
In addition to their actions; what they spend today will have a serious consequence on what they have tomorrow. There are two primary founders of the national debt; China and oil producers. Both China and the Middle East said in 2008 and the energy crisis that the debt to GDP presently is unacceptable and they fear their promise to the public investment threatened by default or inability to pay. Therefore, both China and the Middle East requested that the debt to GDP level drop from 14% presently (13% in 2008 and 16% expected by 2012); to a more respectable 3% before any future investments are discussed. Therefore, every financial knob was pulled by the 44th Presidency of the Osama administration to lobby and give speeches about tremendous financial outsourcing and recovery expected in 2010.
There is a reason other nations are scared of these pick-picketers and financial liars; they lie profusely, even pathologically. The truth was unemployment went from 8% in 2008 to 10.2% by the end of 2009. The claim 1 million jobs were created was made more true by the fact over 330,000 dollars was spent to create one 40,000 dollar job yearly. Then when asked of administration officials where the money went; nobody knew. Not even those who administrated the money knew who and what it was spent on; what they began to speak out about was the bonuses and million dollar bonus salaries to uphold a pristine image in the community and a lavish lifestyle that got this nation into financial crisis and total disaster. We described all of them on the right wing and left wing as the Ben Maddoff of politics, policing, and our financial future. They sell more stocks and shares while being arrested or falling in a nose dive.
The truth is they have overstayed their welcome and now use debt as a charity and to cling onto the history of their past accomplishments or destructive power on enemies. We call this the Midwest plot and link it to crime families and communist spies who became super active and propagated after the 1960s; they used the Vietnam War and other wars to boost their credibility while slandering their political enemies and demanding some repayment or debt because of the left wing and communist votes of the 1960s era counter-culture of the left wing. We also call it the use of immigration, illegal immigration, greed and criminal acts to peak out, push forward, and then decline rapidly as each weapon used to build power (immigration, slavery, labor, natural resources) because a weapon of their demise; the inability to debate or argue scarcity as their source of power. Hence, the inability to use money, power, and influence to dominate, control, and regulate the everyday life of other human beings more talented and much more skilled than these buffoons of a species. The legal presence and the use of Democracy is much to be desired also; hence, the legal system and the use of authority and crime is similar to the use of terrorism to fashion new changes to an already broken system.
The worst part is how the damage is done; toxic assets are everywhere; and those houses with those fraudulent mortgages sold have already procured maximum bonuses on their sales. Who to blame now and who will be stuck with the hot potatoes? Will it be the Asian economies who are blamed for taking all the manufacturing jobs; or will it be the Middle East oil producers who are blamed for being terrorists or supporting it? This is about credibility and how our future is at risk by this criminal enterprise; their past and now their future. So there is no love lost here and the usual suspects have not only overstayed their welcome; they seem to possess some form of power to make it worse and worse. In the eyes of the world, they are not only lunatics but a laughing stock and total joke. In their eyes, it is an attack on their culture, western culture, their pride and prejudices, and their future or homeland.
They are using something to advance further into this ghetto like existence where money and politics come crashing down, health care. Our observations were the events that transpired in and around Washington DC-VA in the post cold war, from 1988 to 2009. The power structures and level of authority in this world changed rapidly. We did not think or notice the end of the cold war would be a tipping point for a fight on terrorism or credibility; to restore the old and brainwash the new. However, we were decimated and wiped out when we had the future and working on the new and upcoming century; a period of victory and a time to celebrate. So we identified the people behind this socialism and this push to advance it using the already disastrous medical system; we live in a society where nothing works and nobody is able to escape this toxic pollution of human life; that is or who was behind it, its creation, and its future.
On the topic of health care; what we wanted was lower cost, competition and open markets, no protectionism, and analysis of which illness cause bankruptcy and must be subsidized. $30 a month is a fair price to pay for a general health care plan and it is cheaper to subsidize than socialize it. Cost and corruption pile up with government intervention and it drives the market underground or seeks cover. An example of poor management and overhead is crime, the legal system and the total social disaster. If you have a baby and do not have medical care; wait until you do. Ask why there is none available; not why a child is covered or what fault of the parents; such the case with food. In order to have a baby, you have to feed it. Car insurance cost more than medical insurance and nobody even notices how expensive that is or what the reasons behind this is about; nobody. The entire legal system and process of democracy is broken and malfunctioning; it must be interoperable with reality and the future but it has been hijacked and taken over by the ghost of Ben Maddoff and the police science of this Neanderthal breed we call zombies; this is how the zombies attack. They lack intelligence and debate; so they resort to crime and terrorism.
With the supply and demand shortage; we were convinced $30 was a threshold and purchasing power or entrepreneurship would drive the cost down to a bare minimum; socialism would reverse this and bankrupt the country. However, when we sink, fail, and go bankrupt; the left wing and the former communist forces capitalize on our loss or oppression. Do we see this or bear witness to this right now? So what is going on and what is wrong if not a pending civil war and tremendous breakdown of the legal, prison, and social order in the United States? Failure has become a standard and so has the science of a victim-killer. You are lucky and a prize if you are raped, robbed, murdered, assassinated, exploited, or have an injustice performed on you; then the government will come running with a plastic baby doll to cuddle and heart warm your story how they only wish to promote you or help; that is the left wing and that is the liberals practicing what they preach about first strike, first punch, and a dirty shot or trick. Is it any surprise where the nation is headed or how our future is at steak?
So when we caught up with their dirty tricks and attempt to kidnap us because we had the future and the new grand strategy for the nation, and by the way the entire world; they dispelled our allegations and tried to simply take or steal our work. Millions of people if not billions of people saw with their own eyes; a live and real time online debate as it happened before their eyes. Millions of thinking stone healthy human beings saw how we took them down, made them crawl, made them squirm, plead daily, whimper, and beg; all to drop the charges and cover this entire master plot, fixing communism, future of the left wing, and proper use of terrorism unfold. We have two realities; we have two worlds; we have two sides; we have two police forces; we have two spiritual forces; we have good and bad, right and wrong, intelligence and stupidity; and then we have one nation under God, indivisible, and with liberty and justice for all. Now can this human form swear allegiance to this simple and basic truth or not if they wish to live here and under these terms? If so, then this will be their test and redemption.
When we caught them and questioned them; they informed us they were spies and worked for a foreign ally or country; doing illegal activity and need our help. We then filed a charge d'affaire, a typical protocol once they identify themselves as espionage agents, saboteurs, or acting on behalf of a foreign nation. They ignored it and we sought to bring this to trial; standard and typical protocols. All they have to say is we have a mental illness, need to go away, are being evicted, and they think we are paranoid and a threat. We will expect the full truth, full answers, and all parts and pieces of this plot and massive effort to destroy the nation and the world with it. Another clear signal is the use of our work and how they copy it. If they feel we are imagining or have a mental illness, such the case with lying, then do not use what is soured and so controversial. They claim to be on our side, will take a bullet for us, will kill and murder if necessary to protect the nation; however, when it comes to answers or the truth, we get absolute silence. What we get is severe abuse, harassment, terrorized, and awkward forms of protest meant to rattle our cages or scare us into silence. They claim this is their power and superiority as a police and oppressive master who is demanding and with insatiable greed for power. The reason they are swaggering is because they got caught and what they tried; not because others are lying to them.
It is clear as light and day; one is quiet while the other is willing to answer any question honestly and truthfully. Oh yes, and one of them tags along and is using illegal surveillance to bug or film us at home, work, and in the most intimate situations with our loved ones; can they at least admit to that if not espionage and terrorism. Can they at least admit to being a false police and a big brother whose only goal in life is to terrorize others, lie about it, and either steal their power or try to lie, cheat, and steal to win at all cost; even if it leads to their death and destruction? There is nothing left, nowhere else to go, no more excuses, no more sympathy or remorse for them, and no more of this wiggle room they seek to invent or create by attacking and killing. Remember, this game is about what we can do to them; not what they can do to us; if they keep silent, it will get progressively worse until total collapse or implosion.
There is another side and we are blind and do not have access to evil; ask why? They cannot just throw their hands in the air and pretend to be us or live life through us; we never even invited them or permitted this; so why do they and why do they continue to try? Is it because we love them or is it because they are hated and despised; thus, live life thru other human beings? What did their religion say about this and who did they persecute about this? That is who they are, a complete and total fraud; no less a phony mistake on our life and now a disaster to this world. We would love to hear them try and talk their way out of that instead of utilize the playbook of secret and illegal plots and conspiracies which profit on their death or destruction. If there is a term for true slavery and true oppression; then we bear witness to it right now. They claim they are ready to die, fear for their life, and we are either the source or who did this to them. None of this is true, because the real story has not been told or being offered.
Now let us try to describe what we described; the effort to contact us from 1980 to 2009; how we traced them and these anonymous calls; how we cornered and built up a profile of the suspects and what they either wanted or demanded from this crime spree or killing spree. If we were to catch a serial killer of the likes of a Ted Bundy or a Charles Manson; we would have to multiply the degree of effort, acts, or violence by 20 or 50 times; that is who we caught and how much of a fight we were in. We can even outline, document, and teach the pathology of a serial killer or a monster; then find a perfect fit or overlap unlike any other fit and match possible. We also questioned them for nearly two full years and built up an understanding while hiding what we knew or had known. So why were they shadowing our life, pretending to be parents, and doing evil things to us and skirting around as some hero or reformer? That is fine, until things began to wind down and the real nature of their life was larger than life itself. The danger with this bunch is not what they did; it is how badly they wish to escape or evade capture.
It is like ice skating and getting whacked; where have you heard this before? So each and every day; it was a walk on thin ice for them and we had to hold their hands or else we also would be pulled into the freezing cold. It was not we cherish or thank them; it was they who put us in the middle of a freezing lake and they who eventually gave up and we both agreed to seek safety; no lost love there at all or whatsoever. That was all we agreed on; to make it to shore. Now they claim what happened in the middle of the lake was an injustice to them or a threat to their life, an inconvenience? How the hell did they get or we get in the middle of a frozen lake, standing on thin ice, and fighting for our life while holding hands with a serial killer and a butcher? Can anybody take a guess how, because it makes a really good movie and so does the trial for them; a fabulous story for a book if you do not throw up in the middle of it. This is the Olympics of political futures, so the wicked witch of the East meets the wicked one of the West. The police can be a major stink bomb and inconvenience by those same forces weak on crime; labor, liberals, and the left wing. What is their point?
There are more complaints about this resistance and police. Vital and essential information is blocked all day, hacking efforts all day, intercepted day long itinerary all day, and forcing us to throw hands in the air. Those actions led to both military and police deaths; therefore, impeding and harassment of intelligence led to murder charges. Then we were told to shut up with some chest machine used 4 to 6 hours a day; and then we were blamed when they went after their captured leaders. He is addressing what he wants; if they will pull the trigger for him because he is in a trap. They were in charge of their own trial and claiming there was violence or threats on them; a victim and in a state of panic. They want to know if he can do it himself or need him. If they have a better story or can fill in the blanks; we would love to hear it and why. This is a complete moron and absolute insanity; no victim or law abiding citizen. Everything they have yet to touch or be near has turned to blubber; yet they insist and force the idea they are the police, in control, manage our life, and an unstoppable muscle industrial base far superior than anything imaginable. Did we forget to mention the crime rate and who is behind it?
The crime rate makes them crime fighters. Before the kings of evil and the royal weak on crime family were together and motor boating around the world. The collapse of labor froze their hand. Now they had to face crime and those behind it. Now the bullies and the bully pulpit were in turmoil. This claim they are the police or superior is going to get them killed or others killed; this is extreme risk taking and behavior. They keep saying how we are being watched and there is danger. We see how they are watching us and also participating. The reason why they are inconvenienced is because they would rather be tottering around the block looking pretty and acting sweet. However, when a crime spree and a murder spree is underway; this idiot can only watch in horror and act in delight at the same time. What can they get out of it if anything? This is why weak on crime lives by the sword and then dies by it. It always leads to their own suicide or murder. Looking stupid and less pretty, they wonder why anybody would inconvenience them? To dispel the notion of weak on crime and disaster; they must engage is dogma and acts of overkill.
Their complaint is why we are repelling multiple attacks by them, resistance. Most likely, they have not been connected to reality or are living in some fantasy world. NORAD I, the usual radar defense, has to be baby sat and our forces are being slaughtered by their plot to remove all instruments of social order impeding their ascendance. Part of the security problem in uncovering a plot was suppressing vital intelligence and reports. In the end, who has the most on whom wins. The other problem was constant harassment and some imprisonment which severely delayed or caused error in work. What we saw was the use of authority and the police to hinder an investigation which could have and should have ended a terror plot and standoff with two civil war forces. One side was emboldened by evil and the other was not; zero tolerance on those weak on crime and this offensive act of outrage.
So who exactly is inconvenienced by this? Then it was the lying and compounding one lie after the other when we know all of them form partnerships and blackmail each other with serial killer or initiation killings. They can tackle this from bottom up or top down; we went downwards and intersected with this force on the same road; they are going up the road to NORAD I, II, III, and IV. We were taken and kidnapped; made to come along or participate and we resisted incessantly; thus, was punished and tortured incessantly. Now the story is how they are ready to die and are very inconvenienced by the entire matter or terror plots. It is like burning down your own home; then seeking a rescue; that is the terror plot and the same authorities. They are telling us to shut up and mind our own business. We have the road map and asking to see theirs or verify their identity; who is their leaders? So the forces on us at this time and for the past ten years are for nothing other than this espionage and terror plot; the trap we set was not for a mouse or little child. The skill sets of abilities are very unique and secret; even more secret than ours.
As a Supreme Commander, if you target NORAD I, II, III or more; duty and responsibility brings you closer to justice any way possible and repel any up comer attacks; it is hard to do this when under attack and repelling 200 or 500 of them a day or ordered to go home all day long. This was just in our residence and by labor unions. So the "he is a threat and a danger to others" is hogwash and so is the "he is writing threatening letters to." Who is me and what did me do; this is one selfish bastard? All they say to hide this effort is they have no fear and will not be threatened or intimidated. So if someone puts their body in front of this god damn terror plot and fight it, they will know how it feels. Now they find out they are talking to the Supreme Commander and why; but they giggle and upkeep the pressures? Do we care if they are weeding out their forces and choosing new leaders based on their criminal resolve and fortitude?
America is not a prison or a Gulag looking for a new warden. We seek their expulsion and seek those weak on crime; not open the doors of tribute and try to make it work for those known to be weak on crime. The rules of surveillance are clear; no participation and how gross error in facilitating crimes is punishable by death determined by the severity of the crime being committed. As a Supreme Commander, we would like to warn other ones about this enemy and how they will be greeted by this enemy, their police, and their political disaster. This terrorist plot or what we have described is the furious fusion of those on the left wing and the result of the collapse of labor and liberal policies. Throwing money on top of it does not fix or begin to address the disaster underneath or being unearthed. It is a grotesque sight trying to act stronger. It is the moral vacuity of a repugnant and miniscule slug in a coup de grace. Who is stronger or who is better?
So what is the exact complaint if this is the Olympic ice skating championship of politics and military futures? Let’s see if we can summarize what they did and what they tried to do with a 20+ year investigation into this terror plot, contacting us, terrorizing us, and then trying to cover it up as if nothing wrong took place or whether any of it could be proved. Not only did they try to wreck the 20+ year investigation; they went so far as to destroy the people who were investigating and building a case on them; now they refuse to glue back that 20+ years of work and even if they are on the suspect list; refuse to acknowledge any of it or report it. We call it murder, they call it freedom. There are only small amounts of evidence; unbelievably the struggle and robbery is humongous and stronger. This is because the left wing collapsed and so did the efforts of labor with it.
Do not claim to watch us or hold some security position when a fugitive and weak on crime. Short of exposing their private parts, they terrorized the primary investigators for not one year, two years, or even three years. In court we can ask them how many years it took terrorizing the primary investigators before they realized they were in a sting or an elaborate trap they had no escape out of? In court we can ask them if they had ever killed a vulnerable person such as a woman and child; someone not a legal combatant. We can also ask what they did with the bodies of those who opposed them. Then we can ask why in 2008-2010 they terrorized the people they are pursuing three fold; not decreasing it but increasing it as if it was working as planned. Did it occur to them at any time; they might be on the suspect list of a 20+ year investigation? If so, then why did they try to wreck it, refused to glue parts of it back together as ordered, and then decided to blame and lie their way out of murder and terror charges?
Do not come to parties or invite themselves into our household; stranger or not. It is reported they stopped short of exposing their private parts similar to sexual favors to get out of a traffic ticket. We had tickets written incessantly as if the opportunity and door was being opened; they call this an invitation. We are sure this demand for sex was reported as expected by three subjects; a man, a woman, and an underage child; another slew of unwanted invitations. Not only was their repugnant and grotesque effort struck down; they became disenfranchised by failure and grew angrier as their demands were bouncing back and not denting the case against them whatsoever. They began to expect more, demand more, and order us around. The degree of lying and illegal activity would make dead people roll over in their corpse.
Do not create a dossier or watch us like lab rats and get it all backwards; even children know when in danger and try to annoy this predator. Not only is it a total climate of lies; there is not even an effort to seek the truth or be helpful in searching for it. All we hear is how it is a conspiracy and we are being expelled; they are and were behind our expulsion. So go back to the primary suspects and ask them how many years they terrorized us; was it one, two, three, or more years; then ask them if and when they suspected they were the primary suspects in a sting and an undercover investigation? After failing to wreck this 20+ year investigation up; did they make any effort to glue it back or simply expel those who they could not dent up or destroy? Any guesses why there is a link or connection to narcotics and drug wars?
How many times must it be repeated or must we anger them? The complaint or grievance is this big difference between hands off and hands on. How is it we planned our security and planned ways to preserve our identity from these suspects 20 years ago and now they insist on wrecking up or weakling havoc on every aspect of this investigation which we tried to address 20 years ago? Did it occur to them we were VIPs and secret service procedures were in play? Maybe that is what they walked into but did not see; thus became the main focus of all this unwanted attention. Do we care if they are weeding out their forces and choosing new leaders based on their criminal resolve and fortitude? This invitation was so exclusive, we were destined to be a burglar’s apprentice and if we worked hard; we could make it to the rank of master serial killer. We had a drunk and his lewd wife ordering us around and demanding they were on our side and ready to kill or strike. They did and it was with terrorism after 2008. Right now, we lost our rank and were nothing more than a common thief and a sex toy; our punishment in their growth system. Right now, they were not accepting no and we were being ordered.
These other suspects follow the police rule. In their minds, they are the police and we are their prisoners or in their prison system. They steal your life and take what they want. Like them, they are mute; ghosts and rarely express their thoughts. The way they communicate is dead bodies or terror tactics. We identify a constant and persistent use of chemical agents (blistering, skin irritant, wart or welting agent) used like pepper spray. We compare it like a shooting or this bullying tactic; a feeding frenzy or crime spree. Now when our history or education is dignified; we get to see them and where they made a mark trying to be exonerated. The claim was how they were not hindering or impeding medical relief; they were increasing a rescue or breaking down barriers for socialized medicine.
Is the new enemy of mankind a death sentence and this socialism? When they were behind the terrorism, they claimed they were working with us to stop or prevent this violence on their side or communities; almost like crime and a weak on crime mentality. Either it is us or them; however, this mentality of incessantly Romeo style bickering always leads to violence because of the bullying religion and the total loser. We can now see the maniacs, serial killers, the role of the female, their autism, the severe problems with the opposite sex, and their utterly dysfunctional or drifting essence in life.
The moral vacuity imprints itself on others while they hide their identity. They are losers at academics and losers at physical motor skills. But they feel a confident inferiority because of pragmatism and they are parents or some manager of destiny and life. We are not bullies, murderers, vigilantes, or this tough liberal connection; neither is south of the Mason Dixon Line. Many industries have moved south in search of non urban or small town atmospheres; to get away from the history of labor problems and the vacuum of urban crime. This below the Mason Dixon Line was a historical political fight; but even today, the chance of a better education is more common in the south than in the north where elite colleges cost ten times more than state funded colleges. So urbanism and crime is determined by north and south polarities; the basis of industrialism. This new socialism is the new poverty. These are key fights or very strong political bases of power; they form the structure of leadership. Hence the Midwest plot and the period of 1850 to 1940.
So why is freedom important? Here again we run into the “us” sovereignty matter with liberals and the left wing; propagation, provocation, inculcation, privatization of education and cost. The spoilers to the system were the teacher unions more of the same as the police and labor unions. The division south of the Mason Dixon Line is how Constitution is not a consumer good; to be bought and paid for when in a police system and a Psion of that system. That is the corruption and the same system of protection we attribute to criminal organizations and crime families. This is an inferior problem who wants to be the parents, God, and the managers in life. To this super secret bunch, respect is bought and stupidity is paid for in blood. This is the imprinting process to the moral vacuity; propaganda and current events fill up this dead space.
Immigration and the Mason Dixon Line problem with poverty. The reason we describe it as a kidnapping is because this terror recruitment plot is the same program for a mute or disturbed child; however, we are not bullies, murderers, union, left wing, or liberals. In other words, if you talk it or speak it; you will be caught or punished; so it is a form of autism. This south of the mason Dixon line immigration was odd beginning around the 1980s. These are the typical problems with newcomers who flood to America in search for freedom. The pressure on us and this union, liberal, commonest, pressure has not ceased. It is also related to organized crime and terrorism; a recruitment or copy cat. As the police, they keep us as prisoners; on their terrorist list.
The game is to pick on those who are most vulnerable and most powerful. By power or abusive power; by intimidation; by malpractice of torment, medication, temporary or temper mental problems; you form this emptiness and void to imprint. To hold a captive or prisoner; the basis of attack and rip apart work and possessions; are total losers. Then the attacks turned into a mob mentality of threatening them and how they are the police in numbers. They do not fit in south of the Mason Dixon Line or when integrity and honor counts; a scarcity and severe criticism for goodness by the nation. No other civilization has come close to what they are selling or why. They claim to only be doing what other groups have done; to form a nation within their group while using us as a guinea pig and some test subject. This is why crime is a nation within a nation; why espionage flourishes in these ethnic or religious groups. These suspects are linked to foreign countries and the slander is directed at certain groups. This is the future of law enforcement in America; weak on crime and how it always leads to violence. So civil war causes a resurgence of religious motivations or pulses.
Even after jokes rip them apart, we are the ones who have a dangerous problem. They shift from a torturer and hostage taker to a nurse and high priced hooker. They trump up charges all the time; or how they are helpless and defenseless; a form of mutest. Now we are mute; avenged. We are not interested in mistresses or hookers; marriage and family only. It feels like we have no choice; either be ordered along or face some guillotine. It is very difficult to identify those behind it; they drive off before you can get their plates or stop them. We had to set a trap and got a bigger surprise. The last time we snuck up on them like this; planes flew into buildings. This time, we snuck on them and jumped on top; so no planes or massacres. These are the people who are doing it and behind this entire killing spree or crime spree.
If this has to do with military service or watching us with surveillance and spies; then the military psychiatrist who treated power can be relieved of their duties. We are neither liberals nor wishing to join a killing and crime spree. Mental illness and bullying is not how we hunt and detach; to become a God like being on the battlefield. Someone is going through cold war files to obtain military service records of veterans. They obtained our service record and had access to them. So they did walk into a trap knowing what to expect or was closely watching and duplicating by upping it a notch. Our power of paranoia is a healthy form; it is deprived from the breakdown in trust; not mental illness or abuse. Our PTSD signature is the kind that shows up early in the career of soldiers and lessons with conflict. This form of PTSD results from an early detachment phase early in careers; immediately after you step beyond the line and into the clandestine world. Some people take longer to adjust to the dual reality; where your mind is and where others are or this world.
So the entirety of satellite warfare caused an adjustment problem and still does; but as a person grows stronger and begins to get healthy again; they become stronger and is immune to persistent or frequent anxiety attacks or crashes. This enemy is the cause of this. As a human being grows stronger from the detachment; they become invincible to the detachment and is able to shift four-six multi-tasking realities at once; even at the 16th plane. That is just part of satellite warfare and artificial intelligence. The final objective of this or other books was to produce a manual and the bible for this future; to bring the mind out of the cave and into the satellite warfare reality. The manual does the adjustment and properly instead of being weakened. However, a spy and terrorist entered the picture and the story in the final authorship of this book; we were test dummies and they also become one; why was not revealed until we caught them and interrogated them. The terror plots and kidnapping finally surfaced in the late 1990s out of nowhere and were watching us like a stalker and shadow for our entire life. That is how and why it is mixed into this story and out of place; a mismatch and a nuisance to this entire matter.
How do they send a warning or generate a rumor mill underground? There is a long list of this relationship between murder, terrorism, and organized crime or the communist movement; schools, malls, List, Shawcross, 22 caliber, Zodiac, Manson, Bundy, Amy Baker, Fort Hood, Virginia Tech, Alaskan mafia, Michael Ross, Nathan Bar-Jonah, and new gambling or computer crimes. Most are drug related killing or revenge killing; all killings are motivated by some form of revenge or objective. When we get to drug wars; we get power and sides; the game triples for profit. We also have a new emergence with Ben Maddoff, Bre-X, banking irregularities, and other humongous disasters and scams. Now it is easier to see and link to organized or power relations; cells of the family and organized crime globally; we know it was the communist movement and labor; the left wing and liberals. All of this is an early warning system similar to NORAD I, II, III, and IV. It shows the progress of the police and how close they are to danger. This is about control, fantasy, pain, and power. It also shows why they need not show up or play this deadly and dangerous game any longer; do not keep coming around every day as a serial sex offender or some bully trying to be a boss.
We care enough to chase them off or make them go away; to start a revolution with their names on it; bully another country or group of people. These crimes a designed to be either compartmentalized, an invisible mastermind, or have missing pieces; nothing pertaining to the suspect or the perpetrator is relevant so long as you have another suspect. So you have the police problem, the decoy, and then the perpetrator; but the forensic evidence never leads to either of the three. That is as good as a criminal conspiracy can get. We can name off numerous similar cases where money was taken or a body was found; the police got a tip on who did it; yet the forensic evidence could not profile the fantasy.
These spies form alliances and it also proves mental illness and some bullying technique; a case how the police system needs policing also; or the governors of each state. A governor who makes such a gross error is easily influence to commute a guilty or innocent fugitive and gang. We can name off three specific cases which proves this true; The Zodiac Killer; The Dunbar Heist; and the Loomis-Fargo Heist. We can name three more directly related to events in our life; The Case against Kathy Bush, The Navy SEAL murder at Ocean City, MD; and the murder of anchorwoman Anne Pressley. All of those crimes were done by the same group and so far; there are things missing. It proves whomever is behind it is only a mastermind; not a real threat. Those who commit the crimes are true soldiers and courageous. Part of this assimilation is how they pretend to be inconvenienced; however, when they fully complete the pieces of the secret; it implicates them.
Instincts tell you the more you try, the greater the risk; yet the façade of strength, stronger, and some idiotism power is paraded which breaks all the known rules of the fugitive codes. Ask anybody who knows crime how to judge this criminal or set a value on him and her. This is why all of them are linked to bound, torture, and killing; murder on those vulnerable places pressure on them and their partners in crime. In the gang world, it is called initiation killing. In the spy world, it is called forming an alliance. The simplest way to form this form of blackmail is to target women or children; someone who is less likely to resist or fight back; then the targets of their sadism can increase in skill sets. When a human being is vulnerable, their inhibitions are severely incapacitated. Any guesses why there is a link or connection to narcotics and drug wars? When you involve fantasy, you compel others to do and act as a master wishes. This is not about crime or acts done to violate others; this is about reporting it.
Why should weak on crime or their religion be banned from public service of any form? The police become involved when they do not report the entire story; what they report is how those guilty were inconvenienced while the trail was disconnected leading to the leaders or masterminds. The presence or inability of the police to capture or stop a serial killer or sadist indicates their regional mobility. While their own forces can taunt both sides; the reality is certain for those who oppose these criminal elements. Therefore, fear is a control factor and these monsters are the creation of those behind it. A regional serial killer shows their skill sets and also the weak on crime mobility; what the risk factors are for each area and how much control they have over their own side. Now they have a winning formula; the unbeatable destruction of the United States and every nation state. Their leaders are awaiting expulsion.
There comes a point where crime profits exceed the biggest companies; then there comes a point where murder and killing leads to higher profit; then there comes a point where that demand fuels the need for more serial killers, kidnappers, terrorists, and a global industry. Who is the most powerful of them all? Simple, the espionage spies we caught and the former communist forces; they have the banks and total control of the money system. They have the military arms, the submarines, and the ability to cause revolution and total destruction. So they are the ladder and the new leaders. They claim they are too scared to tell the truth so they must keep killing and attacking. They spend all their time acting awesome, but when it comes to why they are not, they are too scared.
The domestic and foreign spies behind this have two options; fix it or admit to it. However, we also have someone’s flagship espionage and military foreign policy. It is better for them to admit it so it can be a diplomatic problem; not a military one. Someone has to go and dismantled their strategy or stop it. Somebody has to bury it; we can try diplomacy but they keep claiming how scared they are to tell the truth. That is not pertinent or even true to this case; they are worse off without the truth. Also, we do not want another New Orleans to happen and a drug sting or declaring the entire area a total disaster because of a drug war. Avoiding prosecution will be difficult; fixing it is the best outcome; telling the truth is unacceptable to make this end. Meanwhile, they claim they are not declaring war and we have their military strategy; so they wish to keep up the attacks and even if we know who is behind it; they lie incessantly or deny it. It is impossible to avoid a criminal or civil trail; the truth is the best outcome and let the chips fall. The role of the police can fuel or determine civil war.
The role of the police can fuel this terror plot, agitation, spoiler-bully; and shutting life down to figure out who was doing it. In 1998 right after college, the FBI was informed of these attacks and asked to assist; but how do you explain it or this terrorist recruitment plot; how do you describe total insanity or chaos; isolating us, watching us, and forming total lies; trumping up page after page of lies or police charges. It begins with contacting us; and then it leads to constant and unwanted contact about how powerful and deadly weak on crime truly is. The message is to shut up and to support the weak on crime team because it leads to communism in the past; now it leads to violence, drug wars, organized crime, and a bold labor like Nazi to adjust to this world. This insanity is making us all Nazi like; and it is because of a weak on crime mentality. We are being kidnapped, taken hostage, told to shut up and bullied by these religious and criminal misfits if we do not want to die at their hands.
The role of the police in conspiracy and investigations is part of this. They work hand and hand to determine the outcome and decide who wins, who loses, and who dies. This enemy and police force claims we have put them against the wall and driven them to violence; blood is on our hands with this killing and crime spree. The challenge is the inability to match their violence or brutality; the inability to match their criminal genius and street credibility; the challenge is the incapability to be a criminal and focus all human rage and homicidal impulses on another human being. If the weaklings of this world cannot meet this challenge; they can die or go away because this powerful and numerical enemy does not even give a damn about anybody or the future. What we are watching is a complete trouble maker and a very unhappy human being. The amount of trouble and disasters they create is somehow related to why they are also the police. This problem needs to back off and let the truth come out; otherwise, they can get ripped apart by the forces churning; the worst way out. What the message is about is violating the rights of others so long as it is about jobs.
Courage and fear is easily tested. People who dive and lunge at others; those who jump out of planes or helicopters; people who show abnormal intelligence and enjoy it; those who are happy and content about others; then to define the meaning of love, respect, and fear. Leaders who show and display this are rare; least to say, they become irritated and annoyed by a spy or psychopath who displays none of the above. So we now have this oppressive and weakling like menace to mankind who is now trying to dignify all of their weak on crime and global policies by declaring them the police and showing no courage, no leadership, and most of all no understanding of others or their world. This was a concubine service and a prostitution service; a system of genetic study and a fascination of whom and how we beat those 10 for 10; not even trying. Thus, what they learn and what they can steal with help them to victory if they can ever figure out what we know or how. It is the muscle industry and also the sports world; an underground of various problems. There is courage and fear on both sides; however, if they board a plane headed for hell; the passengers may kill them or throw them off.
The road to hell begins with dialogue and participation; the need to form a partnership with an anomie of mankind. Who is this new enemy for old lies? Well, they order people around all day long. They taunt those who put them at risk all day long. They use criminal elements to spread fear and provide intelligence. They make use of those alienated such as brutal killers or even serial killers to instigate fear and reprisal. They have a master plan which is policed by authority and power. These are the same people who lunge at helpless women and children, are overbearing and dominant, and become bullies not because of their courage but the little voice which tells them to dive and plunge into danger, enjoy it. We have seen this enemy all over the world; why on earth are they here seeking freedom and claiming to be the police? Do not let them go to residences, they will case it; then lie incessantly.
Stop acting as if nothing is wrong, they did nothing, and going to social events for VIPs; there is a scientific formula for violence. It is always about others angering them; never how they anger others; what their problem is or why they get beat or decimated. It is the same rodent like species who always fantasizes about domination, being the police, and oppressing others. It is the same human enemy who in a prison system; survives naked and is easily robbed and beat up; so they are now introducing the new world order and socialism; a fusion of all the weak on crime elements of this world. When the value system and the core of these sources of values are broken down or defeated by attrition; a perverse and succumbing new enemy emerges. That new enemy worships this form of leadership and is bred by a raw animalism only the criminal elements possess. As we said, weak on crime always leads to violence; do not propagate it and claim self defense.
Never give up and always ask why? Let’s say there is an enemy out there in this world that looks at this domestic nuisance and enemy; and truly wants them dead. Is there any possible explanation why or how beyond the scope of crimes or offenses? In other words, is there any reason we can come up or motives which can explain why someone would want to kill them? We can make a list and begin to get to the bottom of this. We need their full cooperation and the truth if this is ever going to end; we suspect it is a terror plot and this murder and crime spree peddling socialism and a new enemy of old wars. However, it is not immediate to the mind why anybody would want to waste their time either trying to kill or save this worldly bag of feces. We don’t even think it is worth the time spending every minute of every single day saying no to them or trying to escape their paw print in our life. The legal case and terror plots clearly highlight why they need not show up or play this deadly and dangerous game any longer; do not keep coming around every day as a serial sex offender or some bully trying to be a boss; their career is ending.
What possible reason is there and who would harm these highly valuable targets? The only reason we can think of or comes to mind is if this sex offender and psychotic mess decided to make an entry and become a serious threat. As repulsive as it may sound, we still do not think anybody would take them serious or waste their time; so how did they manage to capture our curiosity or attention? We can think of several very reasonable explanations but none of them entail self defense or defense of the nation. To add just a little more water to dilute the insults or disaster, this menace we have filed formal charges against for terrorism, murder, kidnapping, and a host of other charges; are back at it with more gusto; it seems as the government is feeding them the insanity they need. Do we need to make a case how the government is a new criminal organization not reporting the violations or complaints? They claim it is not their spirit or material; we are blind to evil. We are very impressed with their cosmic relationship with us and other strangers; so impressed, we prepared to impart some wisdom to them over 20 years ago. We know who they are, do not repeat the same mistakes and keep showing up; nobody will miss them. We made sure of this and why through this legal suit and their prosecution; catching them was a horrific ordeal. Watching them try to get away or lie was earth shaking.
They claim to be in charge of this and giving out orders, others are suppressing information. We did not know they were in charge of their own trial and managing the entirety of this. If so, it should be out today or tomorrow so they can save their skin; to lie out of it by acting like the winning side. Since they are our masters, they can disclose the release date and exact date when it will be posted. Blocking it before led to deaths and now they want us to hurry; so write it and hurry up; or shut the hell up. The best one so far was being in charge of their own trial, erasing or destroying evidence, and intimidating or killing witnesses. So the pressure and spying is a tradeoff between saving their skin and facing the fire; the intrusion and unwanted contacts or orders. We had no idea we were here to save them and we are very happy to hear they are in our homes, looking over our shoulder, and violating all of our rights hourly so they are saved. The human sacrifices can also stop and the list of problems can stop also whenever they are ready. What reason did they have to keep asking if others needed them or now? If it was a fait accompli; then why are they still lingering with a coup de grace?
Sex offenders and serial rapist are not victims; so they do not qualify to order others around and are ordered by courts to stay away from those who complain about their little game of pursuit and terror plots. We did not know we were boarding their plane nor did we know they were trying to board ours; we must have the story backwards now? We can also give many examples of how repugnant it feels when they fantasize about this cosmic relationship with us or how it was some romance story; or how they were wrong and working with us on the case still; they are still us and holding on tightly. So why would a serial sex offender continue to show up at social events and parties to honor or celebrate the life of those who accuse them and caught them; is that self defense also or detrimental provocation? Do not put this on the victims or suggest they are suppressing information; one warning should be enough to get through to this pathological liar and their police. Now they encourage us to hurry because they want to see our work and need it. Maybe if they had an education and was not running from the law or a terrible decimation; things would turn out better for them?
Clearly this was an attack and an act of war to claim self defense or imminent threat. It has taken a very long time to catch them; describe their evil; capture them in action; and seek this official protection order from a Supreme Commander. They have ruined the lives of decent human beings and claimed there is imminent threat of danger to their life with no expulsion of circumstances or full acknowledgements. Therefore, this total lack of respect for human life is deemed an act of war cosigned by an axis of evil and terrorism. Do not show their face on the political scene again and violate the protective orders. This applies to both sides and whom we caught usurping the laws and political system; their authority is being challenged. This is a psychopathic stranger using any escape or excuse possible to violate the rights or invade the life of others; for sexual or other reasons. The use of pictures, information, events, sponsorship, employment, money, and influence is how they exploit and recruit. We see the links to the underground and crime organizations that attack and panic others. The reason why they are panicked and risk exposure is because they are so unloved and hated. Beyond a protection order, if this enemy and terrorist group violate any future decrees or legal complaints; a Supreme Commander can only verify it is an act of war and with no respect for human dignity or life.
If danger is their life and this is how they chose to live it, taking extreme risks and dangerous behaviors, then nobody said they were not in danger or why; they did. If they violate the protection orders to stay away or never be caught with a fingerprint on satellite warfare or this road map; danger begets the face of those who laugh at it. Beyond a protection order and Constitutional merits; we have no other defenses or deterrent method; thus, it will be viewed as an act of war and another plot similar to the one we have here. There is no need to explain it or go through the same processes. Sex offenders typically use restraint in order to encourage or force submission; once submission is available, the crime can then take place safely. In all sex offenses, there can be a lack of struggle and an absence of robbery. Nobody ever said this spy and psychopathic loser of a menacing stranger was not in danger; danger is their life. We have proven our case and caught them in action; do not repeat the same mistakes or violate the protection orders or the Constitutional merits. This was serious and is deemed an act of war; not crime or terrorism.
Take the protection order serious; it is backed by a road map they have been expelled from and banned by; do not show up or show their faces after the protection orders are legalized and formalized. They must be verified and with public authorization. This means there is no excuse or any grounds for self defense; it is an act of war. If their fantasy deems them the delusions of being the police; then this protective order should be sufficient to indicate a decree to vacate and legal protections; do not try what these terrorist tried and push the system to its very end; a surprise is waiting. We have proven this and taken it to trial; do not repeat it or try it again; such the case as 100s of times daily. There will not be any second chances or some twenty year effort again to catch them or study them in action; a formal protection order is being levied and is filed by what was supposed to be a Supreme Commander of a global war and theatre. This can be verified by all nation states and vote. All Generals of this world can read it and verify it if they wish; it is an authentic document and manual.
The first part of this is the terror plot and criminal charges. The second part of this is the civil suits and protection orders. Those protection orders which clearly define what they did and tried disprove any self defense or the prepared speech they have about how they are ready to die. It is being authenticated and verified using military Generals and other Supreme Commanders; they learn from the one before them. A Supreme Commander has or had put his body between terror plots and has taken action or legal actions to address this new enemy and some new global cold war; so the effort was to go through or circumvent him. The story about his secretary and her engagement has not been fully told; but the terror plot was similar on staff as well. They can continue to pretend nothing is going on or nothing is wrong; look where it got them. They can read about the details and their trial; everybody is sick and tired of this enemy. The lesson is simple, do not target or kidnap a Supreme Commander or his secretary; then do not continue it once caught and captured. Nobody forced them to violate the protection order but someone forced us to enforce it.
Do not take the law into your own hands. They can dispute the claim and we can show the lack of financial utter failure. So not only is this a simple legal matter; it is also a global one and a teaching tool for military leaders. It is humiliating and also frustrating; it leaves your blood boiling. The formalization or legalization aspects are before the US attorney’s office and federal prosecutors. That is the first step and has been filed in November 2009. The bottom line is to leave Supreme Commanders alone, do not taunt and call them about slaughtering their men and military forces, do not come to the US and try to launch some pilot program with communism, leave their secretaries alone and fiancés, and most of all 100 or 200 and more confrontations a day shows an enemy who is gravely mistaken and in a state of utter failure. There is more to the counter offensive or protection order but this is a good start after a long ordeal. One last veneer advice, do not show up at our social functions or celebrations; that is in violation to the protective order. We can deal with them easier once the self defense claim and the pathological lying is removed; do not repeat this problem and think a different result will surface. This was beyond the scope of humiliation but at least we are taking steps to do something about it; also, they do have bragging rights. Bragging rights is not something we can change or take away from them.
Champagne Supernova Lyrics by Oasis
How many special people change?
How many lives are living strange?
Where were you while we were getting high?
Slowly walking down the hall
Faster than a cannonball
Where were you while we were getting high?
Someday you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova in the Sky
Some day you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova
A champagne supernova in the sky
Wake up the dawn and ask her why
A dreamer dreams she never dies
Wipe that tear away now from your eye
Slowly walking down the hall
Faster than a cannonball
Where were you while we were getting high?
Some day you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova in the sky
Some day you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova
A champagne supernova
'Cause people believe that they're
Gonna get away for the summer
But you and I, we live and die
The world's still spinning round
We don't know why
Why, why, why, why
How many special people change?
How many lives are living strange?
Where were you while we were getting high?
Slowly walking down the hall
Faster than a cannonball
Where were you while we were getting high?
Someday you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova in the sky
Some day you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova
A champagne supernova
'Cause people believe that they're
Gonna get away for the summer
But you and I, we live and die
The world's still spinning round
We don't know why
Why, why, why, why
How many special people change?
How many lives are living strange?
Where were you while we were getting high?
We were getting high
We were getting high
We were getting high
We were getting high
Don't Look Back in Anger Lyrics by Oasis
Slip inside the eye of your mind
Don't you know you might find
A better place to play
You said that you'd never been
But all the things that you've seen
Will slowly fade away
So I start a revolution from my bed
'Cos you said the brains I had went to my head
Step outside, summertime's in bloom
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your face
You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out
And so Sally can wait, she knows it's too late as we're walking on by
Her soul slides away, but don't look back in anger I heard you say
Take me to the place where you go
Where nobody knows if it's night or day
But please don't put your life in the hands
Of a Rock n Roll band
Who'll throw it all away?
I'm gonna start a revolution from my bed
'Cos you said the brains I had went to my head
Step outside 'cos summertime's in bloom
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your face
'Cos you ain't ever gonna burn my heart out
So Sally can wait, she knows it's too late as she's walking on by
My soul slides away, but don't look back in anger I heard you say
So Sally can wait, she knows it's too late as we're walking on by
Her soul slides away, but don't look back in anger I heard you say
So Sally can wait
She knows it's too late as shes walking on by
My soul slides away
But don't look back in anger
Don't look back in anger
I heard you say
At least not today…
Wonderwall Lyrics by Oasis
Today is gonna be the day
That they're gonna throw it back to you
By now you should've somehow
Realized what you gotta do
I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do about you now
Backbeat the word was on the street
That the fire in your heart is out
I'm sure you've heard it all before
But you never really had a doubt
I don't believe that anybody feels
The way I do about you now
And all the roads we have to walk along are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I would
Like to say to you
I don't know how
Because maybe
You're gonna be the one who saves me?
And after all
You're my wonderwall
Today was gonna be the day?
But they'll never throw it back to you
By now you should've somehow
Realized what you're not to do
I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do
About you now
And all the roads that lead to you were winding
And all the lights that light the way are blinding
There are many things that I would like to say to you
I don't know how
I said maybe
You're gonna be the one who saves me ?
And after all
You're my wonderwall
I said maybe
You're gonna be the one who saves me ?
And after an
You're my wonderwall
Said maybe
You're gonna be the one that saves me
You're gonna be the one that saves me
You're gonna be the one that saves me
Rock N Roll Star Lyrics by Oasis
I live my life in the city
There's no easy way out
The day's moving just too fast for me
I need some time in the sunshine
Gotta slow it right down
The day's moving just too fast for me
I live my life for the stars that shine
People say it's just a waste of time
When they said I should feed my head
That to me was just a day in bed
I'll take my car and drive real far
They're not concerned about the way we are
In my mind my dreams are real
Now you concerned about the way I feel
Tonight I'm a rock n roll star 2x
I live my life in the city
There's no easy way out
The day's moving just too fast for me
I need some time in the sunshine
Gotta slow it right down
The day's moving just too fast for me
i live my life for the stars to shine
The people say it's just a waste of time
When they say i should feed me head
That to me it's just a day in bed
I’m gonna take my car and drive real far
To where they're not concerned about the way we are
In my mind my dreams are real
Now you concerned about the way I feel
Tonight I'm a rock n roll star
Tonight I'm a rock n roll star
Tonight I'm a rock n roll star
You're not down with who I am
Look at you now, you're all in my hands Tonight
Tonight I'm a rock n roll star
Tonight I'm a rock n roll star
Tonight I'm a rock n roll star
Its just rock n roll
Live Forever Lyrics by Oasis
Maybe I don't really want to know
How your garden grows
I just want to fly lately did you ever feel the pain
In the morning rain
As it soaks it to the bone
Maybe I just want to fly
I want to live I don't want to die
Maybe I just want to breathe
Maybe I just don't believe
Maybe you're the same as me
We see things they'll never see
You and I are gonna live forever
Maybe I don't really want to know
How your garden grows
I just want to fly
Lately did you ever feel the pain?
In the morning rain
As it soaks it to the bone
Maybe I will never be
All the things that I want to be
But now is not the time to cry
Now's the time to find out why
I think you're the same as me
We see things they'll never see
You and I are gonna live forever
We're gonna live forever
Gonna live forever
Live forever
Message In A Bottle Lyrics by Sting & Police
Just a castaway
An island lost at sea
Another lonely day
With no one here but me
More loneliness
Than any man could bear
Rescue me before I fall into despair
I'll send an SOS to the world
I'll send an SOS to the world
I hope that someone gets my
Message in a bottle [x2]
A year has passed since I wrote my note
But I should have known this right from the start
Only hope can keep me together
Love can mend your life
But love can break your heart
I'll send an SOS to the world
I'll send an SOS to the world
I hope that someone gets my [x3]
Message in a bottle [x2]
Walked out this morning
Don't believe what I saw
A hundred billion bottles
Washed up on the shore
Seems I'm not alone at being alone
A hundred billion castaways
Looking for a home
I'll send an SOS to the world
I'll send an SOS to the world
I hope that someone gets my [x3]
Message in a bottle [x2]
Sending out an SOS
Love The Cocaine Lyrics by Buckcherry
Oh yeah!
You wanna find it
Come on, yeah
I’m on a plane with cocaine
And yes I’m all lit up again
Cough up love and touch up
Your mama says packin’ lines is sin
And yes I’m all litup again
On the couch, in my bed
And yes I’m all lit up again,flyin’
I love the cocaine, I love the cocaine
Mama can you wait,mama can you wait
I’m on a train and ride on
You know the train is stayin’ off the track
I’m in touch love, from this crutch
Well you’re on ten but buddy I’m on eleven
And yes I’m all lit up again
On the couch, in my bed
And yes I’m all lit up again, flyin’
I love the cocaine, I love the cocaine
Mama can you wait, mama can you wait
I love the cocaine, I love the cocaine
Mama can you wait
Oh can you wait long?
Solo break
Crack the door for the curious girl ’cuz she’s waitin’ she’s been waitin’
Chop a line for the fiendin’ man ’cuz he wants one
You know, you know you got to
Can you feel it, can you feel it tonight
Are you high, lord, tell me are ya fuckin’ high?
In the moment, you are just so right
You’re right love, oh you’re right love
And yes I’m all lit up again
On the couch, in my bed
And yes I’m all lit up again, flyin’
I love the cocaine, I love the cocaine
Mama can you wait, mama can you wait
I love the cocaine, I love the cocaine
Mama can you wait, oh can you wait long
Oh yeah
You wanna find it
Alright.. yeah
Jars Lyrics by Chevelle
Hold onto chance
Lest we bleed ourselves
Save for the pets
They’re the loneliest
Put into jars
We’ll save this earth
Put into jars
We’ll save this earth
We can’t both become the same pawn
That's made to fall
Oil that tastes like
Blood stole the summer scent
From me to you
You're stabbing me through you
You're stabbing you through him
And betting most of
This world
We’ll add enough of the world
Steal from yourselves
It never felt so good
And feed from their hand
Confuse by opposites
Put into jars
We’ll save this earth
Put into jars
Keep safe this earth
Feeling manic for a day
Depends on the trend
Depends on the surface
If the sun never sets
This world
We’ll add enough of the world
Is the main thing you’ll shout
Till the bitter end
Into Jars
Bullet the Blue Sky Lyrics by U2
In the howlin' wind
Comes a stingin' rain
See it drivin' nails
Into the souls on the tree of pain.
From the firefly
A red orange glow
See the face of fear
Runnin' scared in the valley below.
Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue
Bullet the blue.
In the locust wind
Comes a rattle and hum.
Jacob wrestled the angel
And the angel was overcome.
You plant a demon seed
You raise a flower of fire.
We see them burnin' crosses
See the flames, higher and higher.
Woh, woh, bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue
Bullet the blue.
Suit and tie comes up to me
His face red like a rose on a thorn bush
Like all the colours of a royal flush
And he's peelin' off those dollar bills
(Slappin' 'em down)
One hundred, two hundred.
And I can see those fighter planes
And I can see those fighter planes
Across the mud huts as children sleep
Through the alleys of a quiet city street.
Up the staircase to the first floor
We turn the key and slowly unlock the door
As a man breathes into his saxophone
And through the walls you hear the city groan.
Outside, is America
Outside, is America
See across the field
See the sky ripped open
See the rain comin' through the gapin' wound
Howlin' the women and children
Who run into the arms
Of America.
Running To Stand Still Lyrics by U2
And so she woke up
Woke up from where she was, lying still
Said I, gotta do something about where we're going
Step on a steam train
Step out of the driving rain
Maybe run from the darkness in the night
Singing ha, ah la la la de day
Ah la la la de day
Ah la la de day
Sweet the sin
Bitter, the taste in my mouth
I see seven towers
But I only see one way out
You got to cry without weeping
Talk without speaking
Scream without raising your voice
You know I took the poison from the poison stream
Then I floated out of here
Singing ha la la la de day
Ha la la la de day
Ha la la de day
She runs through the streets with her eyes painted red
Under a black belly of cloud in the rain
In through a doorway
She brings me white gold and pearls
Stolen from the sea she is raging, she is raging
And the storm blows up in her eyes
She will suffer the needle chill
She's running to stand still
By The Way Lyrics by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Standing in line to see the show tonight,
And there's a light on,
Heavy glow.
By the way I tried to say I'd be there,
Waiting for.
Dani the girl is singing songs to me,
Beneath the marquee,
Steak knife. Card Shark., Con job. Boot cut.
Skin that flick, she's such a little DJ.
Get there quick by street but not the freeway.
Turn that trick to make a little leeway.
Beat that nic but not the way that we play.
Dog town., Blood bath. Rib cage. Soft tail.
Standing in line to see the show tonight,
And there's a light on,
Heavy glow.
By the way I tried to say I'd be there,
Waiting for.
Black jack.. Dope dick.. Pawn shop. Quick pick.
Kiss that dyke, I know you want to hold one.
Not on strike, but I'm about to bowl one.
Bite that mic, I know you never stole one.
Girls that like a story so I told one.
Song bird. Main line. Cash back. Hard top.
Standing in line to see the show tonight,
And there's a light on,
Heavy glow.
By the way I tried to say I'd be there,
Waiting for.
Dani the girl is singing songs to me,
Beneath the marquee... of her soul.
By the way I tried to say I'd be there,
Waiting for.
Ooh ahh, 'guess you never meant it
Standing in line to see the show tonight,
And there's a light on,
Heavy glow.
By the way I tried to say I'd be there,
Waiting for.
Dani the girl is singing songs to me,
Beneath the marquee,
Of her soul.
By the way I tried to say i know you,
From before
Standing in line to see the show tonight,
And there's a light on,
Heavy glow.
By the way I tried to say I'd be there,
Waiting for.
There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
Enter key words, topic, or specific references to posted chapters...
About Me
- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest