Once upon a time when we were younger, we met people we thought were our friends in life. We grew up with them and hung out together. Then we all broke away and went off to make something of ourselves and the toils of being young and reckless ended with some new path in life. However, when you live around Washington DC and meet the wrong people this does not happen. Moreover, that summer does not end. It follows you throughout life and the wounds of some political experience becomes a fairy tale about how political wounds are almost identical to the tattoos forever lovers get together to share an experience or symbolize some life journey.
"I am becoming your go to gal on... I wonder if she also mentioned this as part of her defense, because if you are a liberal you have to cite which victims are related to you in the official victim category; that her husband is a veteran too. I wonder if she makes him call her Senator, 'do not call me maim.' This is the liberal worldview to have an opinion you must be part of an officially certified victim group, so Barbara Boxer sees a black testifying before her and she thinks it is appropriate to cite other blacks which has nothing to do with anything happening at the time... he was fantastic, and by the way he like the Hispanic plaintiff in Ricci... do you know any Hispanics who oppose abortion and do you know any Puerto Ricans who supports the death penalty? So you are not really supporting Puerto Ricans here, it's just we just call ourselves Puerto Ricans to promote left wing positions which is the theme of this book (Guilty by Ann Coulter), Liberal Victims and Their Assault on America. They claim victim status to create real victims as Sotomayor did with Ricci." - Ann Coulter on Glen Beck (Green People and Insects), www.foxnews.com ; July 17, 2009 -
If life is a tragedy and a triumph; then those in between each outcome share the same life experiences as the military and what is to become of the new cold war and the last shooting match on earth called satellite warfare. What is different than the 1960s and the last Armageddon on planet earth is the outcome. Everybody in the military saw their government as evil and filled with bad people. They saw the world as some big nest for liars where each tried to jump off and fly to some new reality but could not make it there exactly. They saw warfare as a very unrewarding and disastrous profession where the devil punishes much greater than the rewards. They saw a big gigantic void between the world they wanted and the one they knew.
Jealousy at a very young age, “infect the champion… step on it.” (Someone said my brand new 1986 Honda Interceptor when I was 17 was a deep pilot fantasy to fly into planes and also how I used to ride wheelies into a brick wall to test my skills; how close to the wall can you lay down the front wheel and are you calm, cool, and collective enough to test this? Someone is shadowing and stalking me and that someone is Fairfax County Police. When I was doing it, I remember a police officer who kept watching me while in Tyson’s Corner (Ski Chalet parking lot). My riding buddies in high school included an Iranian from the Shah; European looking and assimilate easily; decent and good people who fled after Vietnam. In 1994 they were marketing a Hispanic and outrageous riding buddy for me and had a shadow on the Fairfax County Police when I got home and the Clintons took over DC. Tonight we ride! Everybody was gone and moved away. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Wrong Guess Again, We are Not Factory Pilots Flying into Religious Walls, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
Luckily, today the people who suffered and felt the pain and the sting of complete earthly morons and human dirt bags we are currently embattled, caught, took to their knees and gave an ultimatum to will understand the fine gesture back and suffer the defeat they once thought was another victory. We have broken their spell and curse on this country and if this means them waving the white flag and us turning our backs and not accepting it the next time; then it is painfully true they need to either put down the white flag or crawl away with the lies they have infested or infected the champions with. This is about the greatest country and military in the world and what they are doing trying to hang out with them or us.
"(On Green People) You have come to the right person on this because I will give you the official ranking of Liberal Victimology and the furbished louse war or the vermin the Greens are trying to protect with this energy bill would rank below a black person. Blacks are the original certified victims because unlike the rest of them, they really were victims. They weren't really helped by liberals, but at least there was slavery, there was Jim Crow. Don't tell me gays, women, immigrants; they have suffered at the hands of America the way black people have. That is why everybody wants to be black as Larry King said about his son, as if being Larry King's son is not being a victim enough. (On Americans wanting to be black) Liberals do because that is official, the top victim status, so being black trumps being an insect... Once you have the liberal victimology playbook, it all makes sense. Why does she cite that her husband is veteran?" - Ann Coulter on Glen Beck (Green People and Insects), www.foxnews.com ; July 17, 2009 -
This is about the meek silence and the near criminal insanity of living with an inferior and worthless breed that makes more noise on their chrome bicycles before topping a residential zone speed limit. All that noise has to amplify some success or some masterful measure of academic genius. So failure with this obnoxious, silent, and fool-aid drinking laborer with the gut and the bad looks; is just part of the ordeal with life; the other part is having to witness and listen to them spew out lies and ridiculous baseless catch phrases about how powerful and more powerful they are flunking out of school and lining their pussyfooting purse with gestures that never get anywhere or convinces anybody but their friends. They do not have the soft and adorable genes but they hire those who do as some false advertisement phenomenon. You can also find them on social dating or networking sites posing as other people or stealing pictures from the cute ones or the normal looking ones.
So once upon a time it was a sham they immigrated to our life and decided to occupy or invade it. It is still a sham today but then how do we think America feels having to listen to lies and ridiculous demands for obligations to some trash dump political fantasy of some persecuted victim group trying to act like an outlaw and renegade? They are not allowed to pollute the rivers or cut down all the trees any longer; plus they are expected to get an education and show some measurable form of greatness we can verify besides a criminal insanity and a tough spoken street lingo reserved for MTV videos and urban lore. It is more than fitting and ridiculous of the clowns we see. At most, they will run into some tree or damage someone’s lawn with the bad handwriting. Clearly, the technology revolution bounced off them and keeps moving on to the best students we grew up around.
So as I'm flying home from lunch, I'm watching television and I see that the word has leaked out that Obama is hosting a dinner with conservative media pundits at the home of George Will. I said: I wonder who these people are? [Laughter] In the media, one of them is going to have to leak it. Sure as heck, one did. Now, we all know who were there. And let's see -- I can't remember all the names, so I won't mention any. But let me tell you Obama's purpose. Does anybody really think that Barack Obama had dinner with a bunch of conservatives hoping they would change his mind? CROWD: No! - Rush Limbaugh, Rush Limbaugh CPAC 2009 Entire Speech -
We do not know exactly who this other person trying to tattoo us with the same political wounds are but we grew up quickly and fell into our natural positions as the masters of warfare while they seemed not able to redirect their life onwards without us or us knowing they were doing something sinister or taking us hostage and inflicting the same political wounds we never agreed to be tattooed in our life. However by choice or some other odd reason, we had fierce warfare with them and ground breaking combat. If they do not or cannot understand some severe derangement is plaguing the relationship and it has been a fantasy to chance this relationship by changing it further; then let us clarify the facts. We know it is about shouting “go home” and to exert their power or drugged out superiority.
I did exercises to increase my Judo courage, Zen, and martial arts. I could slide the rear wheel and come out on a wheelie before hitting the billing wall. The only spectator was Fairfax County Police or someone who ran my license plate. I did this once or twice only and someone copied it but they were already one me. You have a factory pilot riding right into the brick bilking wall (on a 1989 Tom Cruise edition Ninja fully prepped and with factory racing stickers) and then sliding the wheel and coming out on a wheelie. I thought it was awesome for a college kid, they did not. I would ride my motorcycle and sit at Gravelly Point where National Airport was to ask if hijacked planes have a blind spot to be boarded. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Wrong Guess Again, We are Not Factory Pilots Flying into Religious Walls, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
The fact is we have at this time a spy group or some clandestine beast like monster operating as if they were the Kremlin in and outside of Washington DC proclaiming we are friends and they have a 1900 line where we call in and get one of their operators and customer service representatives. Somehow or another, we landed into their camp and as staff were promoted to some head inquisitor position to propagate lies and a life identical to espionage lies. Then we are to proclaim how we will stand and fight on any moments notice to defend our friends around the world with the gesture that the mightiest power and the strongest military on this earth cared deeply for Neanderthals and some damned life where silence replaces reality and the truth.
My conclusion was no and we moved to the movie Executive Decision and Stealth entries on planes and how to make an entry while in the air. Someone saw something different as my mystery partner. Then arrested me and said, “so what… we guessed and guessed wrong… we want to promote you… we have the money… it is about profit.” From there I began to work security jobs and high end real estate “for insurance reasons only.” I even did security for the Saudis at the Islamic Saudi Academy in Alexandria, Va. So where they are and who is I supposed to meet; Bin Limbaugh or Bin Hannity; or their mentor Bin Kennedy? That is your mole-sleeper. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Wrong Guess Again, We are Not Factory Pilots Flying into Religious Walls, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
Succinctly, the search for fault and answers is a life long journey to blame the environment, those who beyond the ethnicity, those beyond nationalism, those beyond nationalism, those beyond a particular religion, and blame those beyond this alliance of worthless failures and friends. Even murder within the group is blamed beyond the group. The idea is you cannot break or go beyond the circle of friends or else murder will be a significant part of your life and so is becoming a hostage. It is going on in the nation’s capital and whoever it is we have them surrounded and nearly defeated. Apparently, it is some embassy party where the friends’ network becomes a brawl to keep us in the basement with our family so we stay friends and agree to espionage and treason.
They are blaming us for sending the wrong messages, what Katherine Moynihan and these girls were doing while they used adorable cute skinny girls to market a beast and psycho chubster who “cannot be overruled.” Why does the date 1988-1989 so important to them and Bin Rush-Hannity? Why I am constantly evicted from college and the song “Can I Graduate?” They keep on blocking it and humiliating us with this common nigger insult; when will they answer me? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Wrong Guess Again, We are Not Factory Pilots Flying into Religious Walls, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
So if they sound like friends or some predator off on some journey to create genuine victims by proclaiming themselves as friends and lovers; then a tattoo of experiences is how they symbolically garner sympathy and also extol a real relationship and experience. But is it a real experience or a severe delusion and derangement of a brain dead and nuisance who refuses to go away when told to do so by the military authorities and while being charged for what appears to be a communist plot and a terrorist plot? Now our friends are going around and telling the world they will not back down and will defend anyone in their evil axis of alliance and friends when and if the devil tells them to; a marvelous ending to the story.
In 1996 and then someone slammed the brakes that week and I plowed into the back but did an emergency maneuver and my leg was smashed-foot peg broken; and prevented a near collision. I thought my right leg had been decapitated and could not feel anything or could put my leg on the peg; it hit the ground and was dark. I had one gear and traffic was everywhere. The car drove off but was a Chinese couple in a Nissan-Terrell. The collision was violent and I could not feel anything in my leg; nothing there. I did slide the rear wheel out with the other leg and took a side hit and recovered; but the foot peg was gone and I looked for my leg in the street and did not see it. My reaction was instant and it could have been much worse. The couple was Chinese maybe Korean. I was ran off the road by a white Cadillac in 1987 going to NRTW (anti-union) and then again in 1989 on 495 while doing wiring-construction (Democracy Plaza in MD). This is why I never wanted an entourage again or come close to me. Someone was playing head games in a dangerous way with me. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Wrong Guess Again, We are Not Factory Pilots Flying into Religious Walls, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
If they were friends, we were held in their basement with our girlfriends. We also had a vicious struggle with them and killed a few terrorists, and then we escaped and came back with an army and killed off a few more until they flew the white flag over this friendship and tattoo network. So much for the summer love and party where we were being held in the basement and they were telling others we were there to party and have a good time with them. The reality and the truth of the matter is we circled them and destroyed them to a level where they are waving the white flag; friends or not. If that is the case, then do not show up at our events, military balls, military parties, and events or try to suggest they are on the VIP list or organized them.
The arrests were the result of two separate investigations that used the same informant, a man who moved easily between the world of the rabbis and the world of Jersey politics. The rabbis are charged with operating money laundering network by funneling cash through yeshivas and non-profit organizations they were associated with. The politicians are accused of taking outright bribes in exchange for favors. …U.S. Attorney answers questions at a press conference in Newark addressing the federal investigation of public corruption in which 44 individuals were charged today. - Massive N.J. corruption sting targets mayors, legislators, rabbis, by Ted Sherman and Joe Ryan (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
All of this is an recipe for hurt and pain; also do not talk to us or make an attempt about how they feel suicidal and wish to die; the term go away and a nuisance is some comic relief on their part and bipolar lifestyle where they are lazy one moment and furious the next, or silent one moment and unable to stop talking to others, or even trying to act like some family unit when it is being used as a way to dignify their criminal and homicidal life. There is a point where kidnappers figure out it is futile and the public will bash their head in, to drink the kool-aid if they wish to die, and to leave their hostages and captive alone. The first part is to stop talking to them about wishing to help or being worried about their life.
I had just come back from Va. Tech; going from GA. to VA. And dropped in on my school mates (it was the Korean, UK Hwang (minister’s son) and Chris Lie-big (union lawyer father) - the union boss; they were behind this invasion of our friend circle and college experience). Then I purchased ten gallons of gear oil for my RX-7 sports car and left it in the back seat at Pep Boys in Annandale, VA. When I got back from returning an item; five gallons was dumped out on the brand new carpet and perfect car. More car vandalism but I blew it off as the cap missing and no safety plug. The car was totaled but I did fix it and dealt with it; I had just gotten out of the Army in 1994 and my Porsche mechanic was going to retune and revamp the car just purchased. That was the beginning in 1994 with vandalism of cars. The feeling I got almost made me faint. Funny how Jason Conte put gear oil all over and next to my car in 2006 and indicated who was behind all of this? It is the union-Irish upstairs (Clinton-Zionist-unions-Irish-Moynihan-Kennedy in DC-NY) and their master spies or police force. That was why he put gear oil all over and vandalized my restored classic Trans Am. It is some jealous police officer or union. It has to do with their cars and bikes. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Wrong Guess Again, We are Not Factory Pilots Flying into Religious Walls, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
The reason why the origins of this are Midwest has to do with the American Indians. The reason why it resembles the history of Texas and some cessation drive is the last stand at the Alamo. It is a deranged and humiliating attempt to relive history and put the lives of others under total siege; they will even call American Indians their partners and also “common niggers” which is a vocal and favorite verse we were inundated with while claiming to represent them. One other verse heard all the time was “nothing but bums who draw a government check.” If this is the Seward spy clan on the run, then there are battles ongoing in the state of New York and Alaska regarding this Midwest plot where we are their prisoners. It is just unrelenting siege and chaos in the Midwest states from Michigan to Texas and New Mexico. It is a major spy ring or recruitment camp; we are at the eye of the storm. It also has to do with expansion and growth; for profit only. Murder and terror is merely a vehicle to those ends. It has been a nightmare and they are facing total destruction and negative equity in toxic assets; the albatross of America.
The movie is dated. The date indicates when they knew or developed some master plot; when we knew and got it. We are being briefed and asked to find a solution to this and apply satellite warfare or something powerful enough to match their troop movements. This terrorist and sleeper communist mole is being tracked and they do not know it. They do not know a clash and an interception is imminent. We understood they might take the ship and the satellite phone is there as requested. I was looking for the girl and she was supposed to jump out of the cake and was with the band; where the hell is she? She looks exactly like my high school teacher at that age (age 70); smoking hot and married to a military officer; Mrs. Elder the Presbyterian. I recognize her and how smart she is; they were retired and on their last mission under Reagan and at the Pentagon. – The Zionist, The Irish-Catholics, The Labor Unions, and a Hodgepodge of Pure Psychopaths? By Author, July 17, 2009 –
This spy group and terrorist sleeper massaging our life plans on limping, crawling, and carrying each other’s body away and leaving the so called summer party when they were before beating us up and telling us why we were at their party to begin with. It is the same people from high school all over again who got beat up when they raided military balls and state department dinners. You do not invite yourself as a terrorist group and expect the military forces who attend these parties and balls to not kick into action and go into hand to hand combat and rip their limbs apart for no reason but attending the party. It does not happen like that and war between Army commandos and terrorists does not erupt because someone touches or said something to the other’s girl. They act like aliens because they are not accustomed to the values and ethics we are brought up with. They are accustomed and cultured by the lies of their state history.
"There's no other word that fits than outrageous," he said. Christie called for the resignation all public officials involved in the sweeping investigation. "If you're charged with a crime and you hold public office, you should resign. Resign immediately," Christie said, addressing the media in a barber shop at what was to have been a campaign block walk along a West New York street. He called the arrests "just another really tragic day for the people of New Jersey." Weysan Dun, head of the FBI's Newark office, called the case unprecedented in its scope. "The fact that we arrested a number of rabbis this morning does not make this a religiously motivated case. Nor does the fact that we arrested political figures make this a politically motivated case," he said. "This case is not about politics. It is certainly not about religion. It is about crime and corruption." - Massive N.J. corruption sting targets mayors, legislators, rabbis, by Ted Sherman and Joe Ryan (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
We know we had circled them and were in the process of destroying them before they waved the white flag and we came back with the entire US military and then some. We know they have heavy casualties and inflicted severe wounds in the struggle; therefore, they are seeking medical care at this time. It is a desperate attempt to walk away from this but at this time at least six of the terrorists are sharing one hospital bed and they have some rag tag medical school drop out attending to their needs. The experience will allow them a proper political experience about the medical industry and their frustration will grow and grow where they want to exploit the banner of cost cutting to the medical industry as they share one or two beds with all of their wounded. That is how you join their group and clandestine operations as the super secret police station.
In the charging documents, the single informant is named only as a "cooperating witness." Officials would not identify him, but several sources with knowledge of the investigation separately confirmed that it was Dwek, who was indicted in May 2006 for a $50 million bank fraud. According to court documents, Dwek was accused of depositing a bogus $25 million check at the PNC Bank in Eatontown and spending $22 million of it before he was caught. He then tried to deposit a second bogus $25 million check at a different PNC branch before he was confronted. That case is still pending. His criminal defense attorney did not return calls to his office. The brazenness of the intertwined schemes played out in stark language, captured by hundreds of hours of hidden surveillance tapes recorded by the FBI. - Massive N.J. corruption sting targets mayors, legislators, rabbis, by Ted Sherman and Joe Ryan (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
You would think there would be some disenchantment with either the Democrat or Republican Party; but we are either dealing with some very stupid people or they like to gamble with the money of others in a ruinous pyramid scheme to live out the same fantasy as Bernard Madoff the notorious Wall Street hoodlum who drained people of their life savings to pay out bonuses to his family and employees. When you murder the Captain and his cook seeks revenge on board the Missouri; it is like trying to sell veneer and a wooden argument as red cherry, mahogany, and even rare teak. The good and the bad movie about showing wounds and boobies can work for both sides; but who is telling the truth and who is lying about a criminal life by ruining the ending. The story about showing your boobies should end with the good guys winning, terrorists and spies dead, and the guy always getting the girl. What is going on or are we merely talking about others who share the same experience on the scene we are watching also?
Today, July 20, 2009, marks the 40th anniversary of the first moon landing by astronaut Neil Armstrong. Almost everyone who was alive at the time will remember the day. They will remember where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news. I, too, remember where I was and what I was doing on that day, However, I did not hear the news of the moon landing for several more years. I was a prisoner of war in North Vietnam and on July 20, 1969, I was in a small box that sat out in the sun in the third month of a prolonged interrogation about what the Communists were convinced was an escape attempt. Although we did not hear any news about the actual moon landing, the Apollo program did affect us in an interesting way because we thought the landing had happened several months earlier. - A different take on moon landing, by JAMES H. WARNER, www.herald-mail.com
There may be a demand for veneer wood posing as high quality and expensive teak; but you cannot put it on the same market and charge the same prices. Now they think they run the free market and run our life into the ground with these ruinous elections and scandals. This fidelity with the law and love story with America is unbearable. If they are “freaking out” and know it is “total lies” then why keep walking away and say “they decide when and if they want to play with the lights?” The idea is to walk away while you can and with your life. It is documented and their public trial is Hollywood already which dates back well past 30 years. How many people get to see deadly jackasses who think they have a drunken supply of wooden glue attend a military event (because they would never miss one of our events such as Vietnam) and be kicked out each and every time by the most deadly lethal commandos on earth; only to have the same ripped up shirt biker come back? These types make the best target practice because they somehow get up again and again; and looking clean as a whistle.
One morning in late December 1968, we heard the customary hiss as the loudspeaker system began warming up for what we anticipated would be the usual propaganda session from radio Hanoi. To our surprise, however, at 8 a.m., instead of radio Hanoi, we heard a man with a British accent say, "This is the BBC Hong Kong. The American astronauts become the first human beings to come under the gravitational influence of another celestial body." And then the radio went dead. We never knew whether they wanted us to hear this or if it was a terrible mistake by someone who had been surreptitiously listening to the BBC. - A different take on moon landing, by JAMES H. WARNER, www.herald-mail.com
Now they do not have one army after them but several and they feel parading on bikes is going to dignify or paint some other image people have or the pain that is coming to them? If intelligence were a master trait, then the lack of intelligence is their master trait because demanding to know who and where bodyguards are or when they will arrive is why they got kicked out of the military ball and party. Now they turned it into a nightmare but still won’t leave the party and claim to be throwing it themselves; it is unbelievable how the same people who hijacked are now the people in charge and throwing the party from which they were thrown out repeatedly. They claim they are returning because there is unfinished business with the wives and they have not raped each of them fully or achieved a proper erection; but when we asked their wives; they told us another story. This is not how you avoid violence and it is nowhere near power or an icon of power; two arguments out of hundreds for calling us a “common nigger” daily for 10-20 years. It is also documented.
Later that morning, our political officer called Ken Fisher, who was the senior officer in our cell, out to interrogation and demanded an explanation of our conduct. Now, we didn't hear the whole news report from the BBC, so we assumed it meant somebody had landed on the moon. Ken explained since Americans were the first to land on the moon, it must belong to us. Therefore, we were just showing respect for our country by saluting when we saw it. - A different take on moon landing, by JAMES H. WARNER, www.herald-mail.com
We know we had and have currently a very low standard, bottom level ruling, and dangerously clever spying and espionage group who has fallen for an even more clever trap and has been trapped and nearly destroyed. What made them so elusive and powerful was the ability to hire the best lawyers and talents while arguing the winning story while overlapping a Neanderthal-alien like creature who took such extreme risks they were compelled to a final mistake of releasing what they had been up to out to the public. With the end of the cold war, there are serious and chaotic logistics problems for spies and deadly terrorists. To compensate for this disconnect from a master, the usual suspects concocted a grand heist to rejuvenate, seek protection, and try to perpetuate the use of insurance industry loopholes for murder-profit scams which became the flagship of the 911 terror attacks and prior to such. It is only in the trial run phase and already a complete disaster for them.
Corey's Radio Blog: Radio has long been used as another weapon in war, mainly as a propaganda tool. From broadcasts aimed at Iraq by U.S. forces against Saddam Hussein, to North Vietnam's "Hanoi Hannah" during the Vietnam War, "Germany's Axis Sally", and Japan's "Tokyo Rose" in World War II, Radio has been used by the good guys and the bad guys. - Radio's Role in War, by Corey Deitz (About.com Guide to Radio since 2002), www.radio.about.com ; May 24, 2008 -
To enable such a grand heist and scheme, there must be some host or body. The usual suspects and the family of traitors in the United States provided an excellent platform to dive into this post cold war period with gusto and fury. We ourselves were recruited for this plot or solicited as the upcoming leaders which caused serious problems with citizenship and denouncing all loyalties. So how do you take a Neanderthal like alien species alienated and totally disconnected from tradition and culture; then make them act relatively normal on the national political levels so nobody notices? You do this by giving that same Neanderthal-alien the winning arguments then overlapping it to a client. What you get in return is total insanity but it is more powerful and dangerously insane. Essentially, you are asking this gigantic plot of communist, spies, and traitors and practically and feasibly denying God himself by calling it liberalism. So who and what are powerful enough to carry such a demented plot to the national and global levels with minimal detection and maximum detection?
At a restaurant in Staten Island, the same informant met with Smith, the Democratic Assemblyman and a three-term Jersey City councilman, and an unnamed city official, seeking help expediting an anticipated zoning change. After Smith briefly left the table, the informant, carrying a courier envelope stuffed with $5,000, asked the unnamed official, "So what are we going to do? Give it to him after?" He replied, "Give it to me and I'll have to give it to him." "But the guy understands I'm looking to get expedited?" The same informant allegedly used his long-time connections within the large Syrian Jewish enclave in Deal and others to launder $3 million in checks between June 2007 and July of this year. Meeting with some of the community's most respected religious leaders, he laid out a scheme to exchange cash and assets he wanted to conceal in bankruptcy, by giving the money to charitable organizations headed by the rabbis, who paid it back in cash in exchange for a percentage of the "donation." - Massive N.J. corruption sting targets mayors, legislators, rabbis, by Ted Sherman and Joe Ryan (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
The Zionist system in America and the world is controlling and dominant in two specific industries; the banking system and the real estate market. Banks are the vehicle to mortgages and loans, therefore, it is easy to compel others to offer loans for real estate and exploit the system in favor of the Zionist movement. Similarly, the connections between the banking and real estate industry are closely linked to the current financial meltdown where a massive bubble was perpetuated by debt and expansion of debt by the banking system for decades. To make this error and error free process; several financial institutions began to insure the risky loans and the risky mortgages no logical person would ever disclose to regulators or investors. Therefore, the national debt was created by both the Republican and Democratic Party; politicians were bought like pancakes; and the financial and free market was driven into the ground by the liberals and Zionists who had a traditional footprint in espionage, traitors, communism, Nazism, unionism, academics, and purely material conquests.
The charges note that Ben Haim, the principal rabbi of Congregation of Ohel Yaacob in Deal, would take checks ranging from tens of thousands of dollars up to $160,000 made payable to a charitable, tax-example organization associated with his synagogue, and return it in cast less a cut that was typically 10 percent. The complaint said his source for cash was an Israeli in Israel. Kassin, a revered figure in the Syrian Jewish community, similarly handled money exchanges, according to the complaint. In October 2007, the informant met with Kassin at his home in Brooklyn - a modest, two story brick home with a small patch of manicured grass and air conditioners in several windows - giving him a $25,000 bank check made out to one of the rabbi's charitable organizations. He said the check "is from some partnerships that I have with people where I'm not - I don't show up too much." He said he was looking to shield the money from an ongoing bankruptcy proceeding. - Massive N.J. corruption sting targets mayors, legislators, rabbis, by Ted Sherman and Joe Ryan (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
That is good for starters. How do you perpetuate it to match or beat what we had and developed called economic sustainability? After the cold war, there was a serious financial problem, the bills had to be paid and the sleepers-moles had to stay loyal. How do you do this when the entire cold war shut down the enemies and the financial systems are in tatters? The first and easiest way to financial success is marriage. Liberals and our traditional traitors, moles, and spies were playing cupid with the most secure in National Security. Thus, from 1988 to 2008 we saw twenty years of aggressive “marrying off” to achieve security by female and male spies targeting national and international leaders. We also had detected a baby factory where the best eggs and the super semen were used to incubate babies that looked nicer and displayed a physical attraction to cover over all the mistrust and psychopathic insanity. Marriage was and became a big problem for the Zionists, unions, left wing, and liberals.
According to the criminal complaint, Kassin retrieved a large volume from another room and began to write out a check from his charitable organization to the informant, minus 10 percent. Julio LaRosa, acting special agent in charge of the IRS Criminal Investigation Division, said traditional money laundering was once confined to narcotics traffickers and organized crime. "Based on the allegations contained in today's complaints, money laundering has no boundaries," he said. The most startling of the allegations in the myriad of criminal complaints may be the attempted sale of a human kidney. Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, 58, of Brooklyn, was charged with arranging to hook up a donor for $160,000. - Massive N.J. corruption sting targets mayors, legislators, rabbis, by Ted Sherman and Joe Ryan (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
The next form of achieving security is some system which can support a non free market or the remnants of a spy, mole, and sleeper system based on communism or behind the lines black-market underground of crime, drugs, and off the books activity to prevent detection and accounting accuracy. We were taught by the “army of the damned” how crime was a hybrid form of this “common battle” where social disasters were the result of criminal syndicates and enterprises. You could do to an urban center what a nuclear bomb or weapon of mass destruction could not and leave the life of the most disadvantaged and stupid spiraling to hell and create the begging society of dirt bags and inhuman aliens. They would worship a cabbage if needed so long as they got the narcotics which fueled their crime sprees or terrorizing political fantasies. We will call this the underworld or the underground.
Surveillance tapes show the informant met with Rosenbaum in Tinton Falls last year, looking for help for a friend's fictional uncle who had kidney disease. Rosenbaum told the informant, "Let me explain to you one thing. It's illegal to buy or sell organs. So you cannot buy it. What you do is; you're giving a compensation for the time...whatever." Rosenbaum was recorded explaining about finding a donor in Israel and stated that "there are people over there hurting," referring to people willing to sell one of their organs. "One of the reasons it's so expensive is because you have to shmear (pay various individuals for their assistance) all the time." He said once he had brought a willing donor to this country, "it's beyond my control, but said he took care of the donor before and after surgery. "You have to baby-sit him like a baby because he may have a language problem, maybe not," he said. He said he would accept cash as payment. - Massive N.J. corruption sting targets mayors, legislators, rabbis, by Ted Sherman and Joe Ryan (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
Well, we have a major problem here with half the business enterprises in the state of New York City or Chicago because drugs and crime went out with hair bands and cocaine induced parties of yesteryear. People were now interested in drugs which had purpose such as GBH (date rape), ecstasy, or worse crystal-mesh (crank). Those drugs mixed well with the working cultures that had two or three jobs and needed that extra sense of addiction. The latter forms of barbiturates were now replaced by a super set of drugs to include new and portable opiates such as oxy, hydro, and your garden variety hallucinogens.
DEAL -- That the wealthy town of Deal has a Syrian Jewish community at all owes to its place as a summer escape for Syrian Jews from Brooklyn, more than 10,000 of whom visit each summer. Indeed, in the Syrian Jewish community, Deal is known as "Brooklyn South," and the approximately 1,000 who stay there year round have built a dozen or so Orthodox synagogues, several religious schools and a wide selection of kosher restaurants. - N.J. corruption arrests strike core of Deal's Syrian Jewish community, by Jeff Diamant and Vicki Hyman (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
The dirt bags now were sophisticated rock stars that had the financial ability to keep an addiction. Drugs are basically out of style and do not supplement the majority of underworld profit; however, if you are a spy master fighting in this war then you realize your soldiers have no future. No drug kingpin has ever made it to retirement. The urban centers are human disaster areas where murder, crime, rape, and high school drop outs peaked and then leveled off. Business closed and left and mayors began to realize how evil and bad the free markets were to them and their political philosophy.
The arrest today of at least three prominent Syrian Jews as part of a wide-ranging investigation into political corruption and money-laundering brought an unwanted spotlight to the community, which has long tended toward insularity. Indeed, nearly all of the Syrian Jews approached by reporters declined to comment about the charges. "These are only allegations. All these people are innocent until proven guilty," said Yosef Reinman, a rabbi and author in Lakewood's sizable Orthodox Jewish community, which is less than 20 miles from Deal. Reinman is not Syrian but has worked with Syrian Jews for more than a decade. "Even if some of them did stuff over the line, it should not reflect on the community," he said. "They help the poor. They service people in hospitals. They go to visit people there, entertain them, cheer them up; it's a very big thing." - N.J. corruption arrests strike core of Deal's Syrian Jewish community, by Jeff Diamant and Vicki Hyman (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
Essentially, there is severe discontent and anger with the spy masters who dropped narcotic and other nuclear bombs in the communities we called the disadvantaged or struggling. Meanwhile, bullies emerged with the winning argument about their family and kids needing basic necessities and there are no jobs; how do they support their families? So the drug culture was a total failure but it fueled this underworld to overthrow and take over government as everything was for sale and all forms of political corruption became cool and hip ways to earn a living when the free market let them down. To get ahead, you had to be the most bully or tough; the dumbest creature in society and displaying near genius of a communist mole or sleeper spy.
The Syrian Jewish communities in Brooklyn and Deal are known for their ability to flourish financially in the secular world, particularly in the garment and electronics industries, while retaining centuries-old religious customs and traditions. "It's a community that is committed to its rabbis and their rule," said Jonathan Sarna, an American Jewish history professor at Brandeis University. The Syrian Jewish community is also noted for adherence to the absolute authority of its religious leaders, and nowhere is this more evident than in a 1935 ban by Syrian rabbis against intermarriage, including people who converted to Judaism and who are openly accepted in most other Jewish communities? The decree is believed responsible for one of the lowest rates of intermarriage of any Jewish community. - N.J. corruption arrests strike core of Deal's Syrian Jewish community, by Jeff Diamant and Vicki Hyman (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
Well, here is the problem when the cold war ended; so did the war. The lives of those soldiers are even more worthless now than it was before because the urban centers hit rock bottom and stayed there. The life expectancy of these large population centers dropped off to the same life cycle as automobiles. So that is a lot of people, liberals, and left wingers who wish to overthrow the government and socialize the entire society. What the hell are they doing in our world and life demanding things? So we get to the mid 1990s and the beginnings of what writers call “the Bubble Culture.”
The penalty imposed for marrying outside the faith or to a convert is severe: excommunication. "It really was designed to ensure that blood would be preserved," Sarna said. "There was a strong sense that it would dissuade individuals from temptation, knowing the dire consequences of marrying someone who did not have a good Jewish pedigree would really, they thought, dissuade you from even having a first date." - N.J. corruption arrests strike core of Deal's Syrian Jewish community, by Jeff Diamant and Vicki Hyman (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
The Bubble Culture is a really neat way to describe a really awful person or a complete disaster. The Bubble Culture is the way to stay in power or portray you as powerful and with longevity. We are watching and dealing with the entire collapse of the left wing and communism; what is the impact on the lives of those who are behind enemy lines and desperate for solutions but refusing to surrender or discontinue what was previously overthrowing the government and taking over for the free market? Debt was one way and a good way to create longevity, stamina, and cover over the reckless and near insanity of the left wing as they trudged and nudged their way to the top by ruling on the bottom.
The publicity surrounding today's arrests was a major blow to the tight-knit community whose leaders have long guarded its reputation and independence with care. "We would prefer that you not discuss it on the news. It's not good for anybody -- especially us, " said a man outside Brooklyn's Shaare Zion today.He said he'd been receiving calls about the news all morning after declining to discuss the allegations. A young man grabbed the notebook of a reporter as he approached shoppers on Norwood Avenue, Deal's main drag, saying he was upset the reporter was interviewing people about the arrests. The man, who said he was 25 and worked in the community, followed the reporter for a few blocks and urged people not to speak with him. "It's a community that had deep suspicion of publicity, of talking too much," Sarna said. - N.J. corruption arrests strike core of Deal's Syrian Jewish community, by Jeff Diamant and Vicki Hyman (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
The engine, the players, the political machine, the lack of winning side, the use of winning arguments, the hatred and usurpation of the free markets, the never ending overwhelming feeling of total invasion and domination, the denial of the true meaning of capitalism, the master-slave feeling of working in a positive free market, and the parasite of the left wing was not only Zionist now. It was now the entire American-British left wing, labor unions, criminal elements, and your slew of walking dead or worthless humans who managed to crawl over each other and dust themselves off in America by acting like the strong and healthy ones there already. We are no exception to the rule and were infected by this parasite of life also.
There have been stories of Syrian Jews who have spoken to reporters, even on pedestrian topics, being scolded or shunned. Sarna said that one member of the community who spoke to the press about a subject as mundane as property values "was kind of warned by the community, 'We prefer not to draw attention to ourselves, not to talk to reporters.'" There have been Jews in the land now known as Syria since Biblical times, and Aleppo in particular was a center of Jewish learning. In the early 16th century, Jews expelled from Spain made their way to Syria, where the Ottomans extended a relative welcome. Another wave of Jews came from Italy and France in the mid-17th century; they had been granted special privileges to trade without paying taxes, said Yaron Ayalon, a doctoral student in Near Eastern Studies at Princeton who will teach at the University of Oklahoma in the fall. Many of the Jews became traders in silks, spices and other luxury goods. - N.J. corruption arrests strike core of Deal's Syrian Jewish community, by Jeff Diamant and Vicki Hyman (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
If we recall the time right now, 1990s, we are living 30 years into what is considered the cyclic rate of revolution as it peaks and troughs based on age and life cycle changes every thirty years of new generational goals. This was the yuppie culture, the post 1960s period, and the experimentation with race policies to address the centuries of institutionalized racism and the legacy of slavery. All of that was wiped away by the left wing and the Bubble Culture. Take a close hard look at what is going on and how the end of the road was a heavy hit and downfall beginning in 1989 and lasting up until 2009; we got this demonstrative and monstrosity of events leading from recruitment, terror plots, to a road to World War. The use of terrorism and 911 like terror plots were intended to boost and incapacitate the old guards while the new guards replaced them for some super socialism period we are in now.
Syrian Jews began emigrating to the U.S. in the early 20th century, but left Syria in droves after pogroms sparked by the 1947 U.N. partition of Palestine. When they arrived in America, they didn't find welcome among the Eastern European Jews already settled in New York, Rosse said. The Syrian Jews were considered uneducated, they didn't speak Yiddish, the language of the Lower East Side, and they spoke Arabic-accented Hebrew. "It was just a very rough start for them," she said, and that contributed to their effective isolation. Though Syrian-American Jews eventually assimilated in many ways, including dress and language, they have retained their traditions, including naming practices, religious customs and a cuisine that relies heavily on rice dishes and dried fruits and is more closely related to the Arabic cuisine of Syria than other regional Jewish food ways. - N.J. corruption arrests strike core of Deal's Syrian Jewish community, by Jeff Diamant and Vicki Hyman (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
The basis of this new path or financial success of the left wing is based on privatization and taking over or total invasion of companies or other large bodied control mechanism Lenin called the commanding heights. To be in the commanding heights and the ultimate leaders, they must show practicality and dominance and take it over. The way to this end by the Democratic model in America when communism and their Marxist philosophy collapsed is based on Hinduism. We met one of their emissaries from Russia in 2006 and she (Thank you Julia from Rockville, MD now living in Orlando, FL) explained it as “control-Shiva.” Then in 2009 their captured spy masters repeated the same philosophy of terrorism or the incorporation of it in left wing politics as “the proper use of terrorism.”
UK Hwang and Chris Lie-big are from across the tracks; they are all US Navy backed and Irish; we had no Irish or Catholic in our circle of friends until 1987 when they invaded our school and took over. Then it was wild and extreme parties or massive drinking problems. We left and got girlfriends; then I married-engaged to Ann and moved on. Chris showed up after I was arrested and the bungled 911 recruitment while in Alexandria jail because he was a defense lawyer. It was the most humiliating experience; he showed no interest and asked me what was going on or what I did. It is insane and an insane story being recruited, chased by Zionist and sleeper moles, my entire life turned upside down, and someone trying to kill me and my fiancé off. All because we looked awesome and had genius genetics; a symbol of perfection? There is when the US Navy came in also, high school and when Irish-Catholic and labor unions came in 1987; the downfall. I went from a straight A to a C student and lost all my power, friends, and almost my entire life. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Wrong Guess Again, We are Not Factory Pilots Flying into Religious Walls, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
We are left thunderstruck at the idea you can incorporate the Hindu God Shiva, which is the God of Destruction, to the liberal religion of terrorism and come up with an ingenious economic business plan worthy of the Conservative Financial School of Bernard Maddoff and ripping off the entire world; how do you get there or this heaven? Why is it from Hinduism when liberalism has no religious impulses or perspective to morality and truth? In the liberal world, profit, usury, opportunism, and greed fuel the near criminal impulse and fanatical need to steal or destroy others. Now the army of the damned and the left wing has adopted a God called Shiva? How do you save the world or save the left wing by incorporating the God Shiva to Democracy, left wing politics, and communism?
Only after 1989 and spending all of my life with Ann and moving on was my genius status returned and life became hell in 1994 as my home was invaded also which set off one eviction after the other. It was all evictions, firings, recruitment, chasing around town, demanding SDI and military secrets, and total siege by 1998. By 2002 we were in federal prison; by 2006 we were headed out of the country and to denounce our citizenship - no way are we going to be a new recruit and an Irish-Catholics-Union-Terrorist working for high school friends. It is all right there and when all this insanity began in 1986 with this job fighting the unions. It then lead to the Irish, then Catholics, then Fairfax County Police, then High School, then big DC bosses, then communists, then more bosses globally, and then the national level and the clandestine levels; now they admit to calling us a common nigger for over 20 years while pretending to be friends-partners. They are ruthless and pure genuine criminals who “think we are stupid.” - Interview with Terror Suspects: Wrong Guess Again, We are Not Factory Pilots Flying into Religious Walls, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
The extent of the debt cult and the philosophy of it to profit from murder once they were completely trapped and could not move any longer was the same plot they put us in and said; so you will go to jail also as their human experiment and not even comprehending what in the world was happening. Attacks were coming daily, being called a common nigger was upward of 20-100 times, our family members are targeted, FBI agents shot, chemical and biological agents released, and the entire reality and life was hostile. Who are they and why are they here or recruiting us? If they keep this up, we will have to leave the country or join up and hand their heads over to the proper authority; you can only take and stand so much of this and having life becoming a terrorizing experience each and ever single day. This was state sponsored and part of government service but we are being accused of being crazy or mentally ill? This was no accident but how was it allowed to take place? We will discuss this as the investigations pour in.
It has to do with the police and being jealous about vehicles. It has to do with sitting at Gravely Point in Alexandria and watching Valerie Plane land in National Airport. It has to do with riding wheelies directly into a wall and sliding the back wheel, then wheeling out of the hole. They always try to run me off the road on my bike. Then the trainer of Fairfax Country Police motorcycle unit was run over. It is the Fairfax County Police Department and the tickets also; that is when this began and the paper trail to Bin Hannity and radio Hanoi-Limbaugh.) If this is a Zionist-Calcoholic problem; then they penetrated Fairfax County Police using the Democratic or other machinery. This goes back to high school and the legal battles with unions at age 16; Then the US Navy-Moynihan family keeps reoccurring, which led to the Clinton one and Kennedy one; and now the paper trail to Bin Hannity and radio Hanoi-Limbaugh. Why should I meet Jonathan Pollard if he was a Zionist mole in the US Navy? What is the problem with the Navy or is calling us a common nigger daily to punish us and behave? Now it is about SDI and Satellites from Texas. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Wrong Guess Again, We are Not Factory Pilots Flying into Religious Walls, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
The way to understand this is to break down the conceptual view Democrats and liberals view society and government. Government is a safety net, an insurance policy or contract to control the commanding heists and provide security to those who need it the most or the most disadvantaged. The banking system is highly regulated; thus the investment banks and financial investors are also highly regulated by the central banks and also mostly the Federal Reserve. What has been happening on the open market ever since the Carter Administration has been a serious disarray of collapse, followed by stimulus packages that add debt and depth to this problem, and then the empty politics and rhetoric that follows? You have insurance and you have risk; how do you make the life of those who live out extreme risk and bottom feeding political demands more valuable when it is already worthless and in collapse? Easily when you understand how they did this as their urban centers collapsed.
Bin Limbaugh blames Bush and said, “This is Bush’s fault.” Radio Hanoi-Limbaugh says we “must be stopped” when a kid like Terminator I and II and that is what they did and how it was documented; this is the future war and meeting John Connor; the same feeling and experience. They know when the trap was on them and why; who or what. They were trying to stop John Connor from being the commander of the resistance and failed because of Reese and Sarah (Ann and I). Rush is crying 7/24/2009 1:40:20 PM and not calling us a common nigger right now. How did they know about the gear oil dumped in my brand new RX-7 Turbo in 1993? Nobody knew or was told. I did have full coverage insurance but could not claim it; they safety cap was missing. It is clear someone on the police force did it and is vandalizing machines. Each time I get a vehicle, it is vandalized or destroyed; Virginia repealed the car tax also in 1995. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Wrong Guess Again, We are Not Factory Pilots Flying into Religious Walls, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
The use or arson and insurance fraud, whether it is in the automobile, medical, or otherwise; has been coined by the moniker “ambulance chasing” by a new breed of liberals and left wing legal onslaughts on America. Their goal is to seek reparation over the most minute and also the disaster inherent in the system. We do not know if it is the companies or their clumsy employees or some bickering combination of the two; we know the unions and the Irish-Zionists are behind it all. It is a system almost similar to martial arts where an opponent is put in submissions and dangerous predicaments; some are death grips and death traps. Abusing the insurance system is basically the poetical form of communism and Marxism where maximizing security for society becomes a government endeavor and removing the market forces which compel people to do what they would otherwise not or to perpetuate talent, genius, skill, studious behaviors, and ask if longevity is attached to the Godly gestures.
They were kidnapping us and teaching us to take risks while trying to be close friends until Ann came in 1989. It took over twenty years to determine or meet up with who was behind this puppet master trick or our kidnapping; they are recruiting and making us defect. At the 10 year reunion, my classmates moved on but the circle of misfits were angry and upset; all had broken lives and working as bartenders or some bad boy life. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Wrong Guess Again, We are Not Factory Pilots Flying into Religious Walls, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
Without longevity there is no God and no genius. No miracle ever takes place and nothing of the likes of economic sustainability which is the incorporation of totality and total reality. If you do not have the grace and fortitude to incorporate total reality, then you are a novice at economic sustainability; there is no escaping the model and the course. Truth and a determined approach to political and financial truth is the calibration method to the economic sustainability model. This other model is alien and foreign to the logical systems which the free market espouses or perpetuates, does it work or is it a fraud and a lie such as the panzer-scheme of the Maddoff School of Conservative finance? So you insure a few buildings called free trade and world trade, make a few bad loans, do something so insane such as insure them, and them package them as retirement funds and triple A stocks, and let it fly internationally as world and free trade. It won’t be long until those toxic assets wipe out every economy in this world and the United States leadership claiming “buyers beware.”
Bin Limbaugh said this is like “Macarthur surrendering to Hirohito… like Al Qaeda… cannot attack the United States… victory… what was so bad about that… you do not get peace until there is victory… is this unfair, too powerful…” Bin Limbaugh knows who the two are and said, “They are going to get hell when they go home.” That is all we need for today; when it began, who was involved and why; “maybe the media loved JFK more than they did Obama… they have given up their profession… their professionalism… they are upset… breaking America apart… businesses.” They are leading us to this moment and to meet the people behind all of this; the Kennedy mole-sleeper ring and Texas. Ann and I did not or were not aware of them nationally until… a sneak attack. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Wrong Guess Again, We are Not Factory Pilots Flying into Religious Walls, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
No, it did not stop there; we have a murder plot and a terror plot and a host of other significant factors which lead us to the trail to the bottom dwellers, their cult like insanity, and their leaders who thought the coast was clear to introduce themselves as the army of the damned and wishing to promote us or recruit us as teachers in life. They have no education, only the raw talent to criminal behavior and scandal; then the will and fortitude to make a mad dash to power using materialism or even murder for profit scams. We were supposed to be a foot soldier while our family was to collect some tribute for our own death and recruitment. As insane as it sounds; business is good for them obviously. It is an open challenge to upset the militaries of the world and to suggest they are more powerful, more dedicated, more deadly, more terrorizing, more baldy, more able, and much more superior in power.
We can stop it here and say there is nothing to discuss or nothing to negotiate or copy from us. You need not agree or concur; nor inject any input besides what we keep saying; when you are ready to turn over your spy ring and terror plot, we will turn it over to the authorities and they can investigate themselves and selfishly arrest their political job and career. Understand? Of course we know… now Rush is talking about Cheney and targeting “Al Qaeda operatives” or the resistance “leaders… that is the story… when it comes to National Security… CIA had a plan to kill… (The resistance and we did capture but have not killed their leaders) I should hope that was happening… (again it is about them when it is not) just an attempt to cover up… all the purpose is for… then give cause to… because of torture.” - Interview with Terror Suspects: Movies, by Author; July 13, 2009 -
We are in a global balance of power and they have shot off the first shot; can we match the balance of power or not? That is why they came to us and why they are asking the most elite of commandos on this earth. This is why they have used verbal abuse and called us “a common nigger” to create an effigy of our leadership or destiny. When you call someone or a human being a “common nigger” for upwards of 20 years and daily upwards of 20 times to suggest they are poor, stupid, and beaten; you forget what is really going on or who is luring you in a trap so deadly you will never recover from it. They should have chosen their words more carefully, not used or paraded their worst behaviors, and formed political reality from being better astute observers of power and life.
As I said, the raid is on and being conducted and you see JC and the Terminator; you have the whole story. You can now interpret and decrypt it. All you can say is Dick Cheney? He did have my US Resolve nuclear first strike strategy which is based on mutually assured destruction, the strategic triad, and what they call synergistic force of the strategic triad. The Bush administration had a lot of my stuff. How or why I have no idea and am still trying to figure this out. So Hanoi-Hannity was right, you insects did guess wrong and it was not about jobs as he was boasting; now it is about his value and our value; we were called a common nigger every single day for almost 20 years. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Movies, by Author; July 13, 2009 -
How they get out of this death grip we do not know yet but it is being applied by the most elite military commandos on earth and they have gone on a murderous rampage and their bodies are visible. The murder has occurred even if they claim they are being murdered or have a death sentence. They also claim to be the police before the murder-terror plot and claimed to be the police with twice the fury and confidence afterwards as victims. The public was forced to watch as people were eaten alive by sharks and the survivors in a ruinous trap paraded before the public to speak about deadly sharks and those who hunted them or killed them.
Let’s see how good O’Bin Hannity can defend himself regarding having the book thrown at him and spending all day long calling us a common nigger and stealing wife-fi from the public library when no weapon, no forced entry, no victim, nothing indicates any panic, harm or reason to police this further? Calling someone upwards of 20 times a day and for 10-20 years is intended to humiliate them and dignify his life; can he or we name a female who he is trying to humiliate in a different manner or the charges she is accusing him of? - Interview with Terror Suspects: US Army Commandos versus Religious Zionist Terrorist Masterminds, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
As masters of war and military teachers, we kill them and we can now see clearly why. Why come and sit through our classes and try to steal all the material? Why target our families or try to speak to us by throwing water on our face and calling us a “common nigger” daily and upwards of 20 times when they wish to help or keep saying they wish to help. How about obeying the laws and leaving people alone instead of flipping them out and talking to them every single day or hourly? We are dealing with Satan himself and people who cannot control the impulse to humiliate, destroy, rape, pillage, and call others a “common nigger” every single day for upwards of 20 times daily and upwards to 20 years.
Dignifying his life and humiliating or threatening ours to ask “so what… we guessed wrong… sue us.” There is no truth in this because it was intended for a reason and to conceal some secrets or embarrassing information which is true and will substantiate evil, a common enemy to us all, a menacing pride, and a lot of other things such as a 911 terror plot and murderous rampage. Was 911 fueled by hate and kidnapping; a terrorist recruitment to powerful families of Zionist wishing to be masters of the human race? - Interview with Terror Suspects: US Army Commandos versus Religious Zionist Terrorist Masterminds, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
Now they feel an excuse to all of this behavior is necessary or available. How, the dead bodies are there and the terror plot is there already; the crime has occurred and there is no legal defense for murder or terror plots for profit and private use only. So how and why was the housing industry used and then the banking industry to devalue and win elections, and then to insure worthless values and fantasies as a commodity and sell them while the United States government cosigned all of this and dished out trillions of dollars still unaccountable while those behind this retired and never have to work another day in life? Murder has now become the most profitable industry alive and kicking so long as the political will is not there to crack down on those behind it; the left wing, the liberals, and the Democratic Party.
7/24/2009 7:08:25 PM O’Bin Hannity says “President said officers acted stupidly… no defense… no coherent… acted stupidly during arrest… lay it to rest… had refused to do it before… “O’Bin Hannity had said it was “not over yet… remove her Burka” and now “rush to judgment… teachable moment… not jump to conclusions.” There are a lot of blacks who feel President Obama is a Jim Crow black and not a dignified racist. I did not know O’Bin Hannity is being defended by Osama and his administration? They must all be in one story or one side? I guess if there are murder charges; he will also defend O’Bin Hannity and Limbaugh. - Interview with Terror Suspects: US Army Commandos versus Religious Zionist Terrorist Masterminds, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
You can also see their spokespeople or emissaries who are viewed as straw men or scapegoats. You have to have some exit strategy or prevent the raid of this spy-terror-mole-sleeper group. Consider all those charges and everybody can see the wild, crazy, and extreme risk taking; no less the extreme lies and extreme criminal gestures of those who have to obstruct justice and prevent a raid on the top leaders. Well, too late because they have been raided by Army commandos and undercover agents who are blessed with fury and truth; the same God war wrath they fear in greatness and perfection. That is the only game in town right now, so either you are being chased or chasing something not yet fully understood.
So 911 and the terror plots used to be “the proper use of terrorism” and now “a teaching moment.” The two must be symbiotic and interact. So if Bin Hannity had a child accuse him of molesting or rape; it would be a teaching moment? They would ask the kid questions, a rape kit, and various other things such as his mental state and behavior. If there is a pattern, then it is an orchestra and calculated and intended with severe malice or injury. There is no teaching moment after twenty years and possible other victims; such the case with over 3000 murdered victims of hate crimes. - Interview with Terror Suspects: US Army Commandos versus Religious Zionist Terrorist Masterminds, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
If you are being chased than you best chances will be with the left wing where this originated from and to benefit by burying the free market and the political philosophy of it. It is the only game out there right now and the military has done most of not the entire elbow pushing, now comes the time to grab the rock and smash their heads in and ask what brains are for, brutality? This type of warfare is much more sophisticated than your garden variety felon; this is reserved for spy masters, moles, and high level espionage masters of rank General and above. This is above the brain pattern and understanding of the Kremlin or any other spy agency out there. It comes from the experiences of those in the most criminal, secretive, and cheating positions in life and how they survive the ultimate trap to prevent ruin and defeat by the system for which they antagonize as the antagonist.
O’Bin Hannity is defending the home invasion and it has a duality case of the Duke Lacrosse Rape case. Ann’s case also is in process in Europe as Knox-Kercher Rape-Murder Trial in Italy. The missing student case is Aruba and Johan has been adjudicated already and investigated. Can we see the connection from US commandos to her religious books? If he wishes to read the brief; I would encourage Bin Hannity to; it was a dual case and dual precedence. O’Bin Hannity says, “Union leaders acted appropriately… there will be no apology.” - Interview with Terror Suspects: US Army Commandos versus Religious Zionist Terrorist Masterminds, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
Eventually, they blew up and demanded we tell them how we trapped them, brought them to their knees, and for some odd reason they kept throwing out a police badge but never the identification of anyone who could take any responsibility. The reason why they were arresting us originally was to prevent a tort civil suit for slander; then the reason why they multiplied that scandal to a terror plot and 911 was to prevent that law suit and a raid on the captured communist-terrorist sleeper mole cell. Then the reason why another bout with the same people a third and final time was because they are brought to their knees by all of this combat and were trying to wave the white flag to get our attention.
You go in court and I will rip you apart. I have all the briefs and adjudication and this was a hate crime that was not investigated thoroughly but this other one was. So the defense of “acted appropriately… union leaders acted… there will be no apology” has ignored the investigative process and the dual case. You can say “STATE laws indicate” and then challenge it in the Supreme Court where things bribes and localism have no bias. - Interview with Terror Suspects: US Army Commandos versus Religious Zionist Terrorist Masterminds, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
They key to this is they use the police as a machinery of politics and watch you with the most sophisticated surveillance, not to help but to catch you doing a little problem and then pouncing on you with full force by calling you “a common nigger” daily. Eventually, they wish you to show them pain, behave and call them master; some subjugation to a terrorist group and admission to be a slave or face destruction. We have the most lethal bodyguards, who lead them on and can end it immediately, but their bosses must be dead and gone first or some effort made to capture them dead or alive as 911 sleeper terrorists. This is the most deadly, the most ferocious and mean, the phoniest and criminal, the greediest, the most racist and hateful, the most oppressive, and the most genuine of a beast they can produce. When we say this is the most deadly sleeper-moles out there, we mean the most deadly and brutal. Kind to minorities and different races is a total practical joke at this level and with this raw intention of power and demented sadism; oh and the trail of millions of dead bodies is a big indicator also.
Why did they stop and when did they stop? “We better warn every blue dog Democrat they better keep their pants on or be blackmailed… didn’t like what they were doing… Mr. President we are dead unless we get this done, let’s cut a deal.” Bin Hannity has demanded he take this terror plot to the public; “the people wanted this… they desperately need this… jobs” not Pelosi, Schumer, Boxer, Waxman, and all of these leaders the Irish bacteria is calling off as his bosses. They would never support this type of behavior or 911; killing black people in cold blood and for no reason but to prevent a raid on the Kennedy family for being a spy ring and sleeper fixing evidence. So no facts right and no evidence of any of this; Obama should crack your head open and if he decides to I would applaud him. Want to test this or are you going to call him the magic Negro and us a common nigger? - Interview with Terror Suspects: What is the Bin Hannity-Kennedy Spy Ring Fantasy? By Author, July 23, 2009 -
They now need adorable or porn faces to penetrate other countries and Supreme Court systems. They need adorable and cute faces to win trust, suggest a kind disposition, and market sex-rape-murder for profit and private use only. That is how deadly they are and why child molestation and kidnapping is not far from their abilities; however, they need genetic greatness to multiply and surrogate. The investigation was complete and unraveling it was needed in 2006 in three stages. The final stage is a getting sued and a Supreme Court Case where they are sued for every single violation in the book and ignoring every one also called the Constitution; no less using murder to surpass, suppress, and usurp it by misrepresenting every single clause for this same spy-terror-sleeper plot. It is upsetting to be a hostage and to be called a “common nigger” for up to 20 years while a cock play and love story is being fabricated by the destruction of your life being rewritten and explained as only oppression; do as you are told or else be punished.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 I have had several literary professors who “are astute observers of life” comment on the constant resistance to “a fair and speedy trial” and the “lascivious contradictions and behaviors” of the same people who claim to be our partners in crime and are “full of broken promises… and are hiding (O’Bin Hannity).” Here are what the literary professors are saying, “their random outbursts… controlled of emotions… openly displays a capacity for tremendous atrocities on women, it is unimaginable… some of these women - openly show a measured need for sex… grossly embarrassed and exaggerated their positions… the complexity of their character and their bawdy outbursts… a melancholy dislike of who they are and even worse a nonchalant boast of who they are becoming.. Would sit at dinner parties and suggest their willingness to cut their wrist with a butter knife.” Those are just some of the comments I am getting from professors who are astute observers of the news, media, and these clowns. - Interview with Terror Suspects: London Calling: Very Eloquent Legal Defense and Badgering, by Author; July 22, 2009 -
So the fist arrest and the second arrest by the same police officers were to prevent a raid; this is clear. In both instances, they are making a meeting and in their own way and are checking us out prior to this. The charges on them are so severe, a nuclear bomb has been reserved for their headquarters if they do not surrender and will be the final military response to all of the above. There is no military commander who will disagree with the idea that waging war and murdering should lead to haven and profit by adding one God named Shiva and studying our life destined for legendary status already. Now they were trying to steal the future leaders and military masters of war and got a deadly surprise and raid; they got a thirty year sting on them. The white flags have been banned because it is a trick; it is all or nothing now. The worst fear is we have the ability to unravel it all without them or their cooperation; that is their fear and what they had been experimenting with in 2008 before abandoning a counter-offensive in 2009.
Here is another one, “women would faint upon meeting a character” such as the likes of this bunch or “they would traverse from one soiree to the other to be with… and then return to the Lady of the House they would loose interest with after a years passing.” I am thunderstruck at the nature of their scalawag pride and the open confession to the most bipartisan and unbiased attempt to discuss the raw endeavors of their life and now seek an audience to the unfolding of the sweaty cloth they need not take off before our eyes. It is painstakingly obvious to compare a sporty fist-bump to the intractable search for a life preserver missing the rope and punctured by their fistful tail; “people are blown up by laughter… the fraud they are trying to uncover is a stark one to the one they wish to recover… a constant swaying of disbelief your audience does not have the capacity to believe anything you say.” - Interview with Terror Suspects: London Calling: Very Eloquent Legal Defense and Badgering, by Author; July 22, 2009 -
Now the President is defending them of charges regarding calling us a “common nigger” for upwards of twenty years when it was only about race and master-slaves to their bottom feeding liberties. This now implicates the entire financial heist to every President since 1988 and the fall of the communist forces. How do we know and how do we unravel all of it without taking a rock and smashing their brains or having them humiliate us every single day with this tirade about a “common nigger” or “shut up” upwards of 20 times a day? It is their freedom and liberties to use the police to gain total access while telling us we are stealing or hacking into their life; then using that to bog us down or threaten a third arrest which has no logical explanation and is completely in the open now. How have we made it much harder for them to seek an acquittal and also safe passage or escape? So taking this to the public while they go foolishly golfing is going to allow them to walk away with a slap on the wrist?
Bin Limbaugh comments, “He is going to make clowns out of all of you and you will not enjoy it for the rest of your careers…” huh? Is he asking us or telling us 7/22/2009 2:30:07 PM; “she is under magnificent care.” 7/22/2009 9:40:50 PM Sean O’Bin Hannity says their rational is “why keep fighting if nobody is going to win this… they will die in the end so what does it matter?” So they were going nuclear and “this is not over yet” because there is no point in us fighting them any further because “they” are going to die anyways. So why pay taxes if it is just going to them? It makes no sense, right? Why keep the Irish and the unions unless we license them and can revoke it now that we know they are all the same and 911 terrorists? - Interview with Terror Suspects: London Calling: Very Eloquent Legal Defense and Badgering, by Author; July 22, 2009 -
It is all or nothing now; there is no way out and no way to reverse the damages of this plot even if they are trying desperately and have showed signs of giving up before going nuclear in 2009. Someone will be ripped apart and is not going to survive; it is not a game of chance any longer. Once in the open, there are no more cards and no more protections; thus, they see us and we see them clearly. It is an atmosphere of tremendous danger and turmoil politically. It is a story that is in the final stage and where reinforcements are called; snipers and elite commandos position themselves in observations posts; laser guided bombs ready for counter attacks or some massive strike; and a few jokes here and there to pass the time well after the ordeal or the anger inside settles for that calm while chaos and discord is erupting and rupturing reality. There are two realities; the mob or the authorities; which is the better choice or is there?
NEWARK -- The bribes went down in diners, living rooms and parking lots. New Jersey Assemblymen took them, mayors took them, and so did dozens of others. Orthodox rabbis, acting more like crime bosses than religious leaders, laundered millions through synagogues and yeshivas in Deal, one of the state's wealthiest towns. And a Realtor tried to sell an informant a black market kidney for $160,000. U.S. Attorney, FBI hold press conference on corruption arrests. - Massive N.J. corruption sting targets mayors, legislators, rabbis, by Ted Sherman and Joe Ryan (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
The Democratic Party, what is traditionally the party of the poor and destitute who managed to crawl over other immigrants and make it to America, has taken the master-slave relationship outer space. We are talking about kidnapping two people and we are talking about calling them a “common nigger” in upwards of 20 times a day, for 10-20 years; then using every nonworking excuse imaginable to suggest it is merely oppression and they are more powerful. Now we hear their leaders denying they did any of the above when we caught the same people who did it and they told us about the 911 plots and all kinds of other plots and sordid stories.
Those were some of the allegations federal prosecutors made today in what could prove to be the biggest New Jersey scandal of them all. The revelations came after hundreds of federal agents swept across the state, arresting public servants and religious leaders as part of a two-year investigation into corruption and international money-laundering that authorities described as unprecedented - even in a state known for its scandals. - Massive N.J. corruption sting targets mayors, legislators, rabbis, by Ted Sherman and Joe Ryan (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
One of the things we heard was how they did not handle this appropriately, there is massive fallout now, and they are doing everything they can to avoid violence. There are good bodyguards and then there are super commando bodyguards who are beyond the scope of lethality. It is like showing up or crashing someone’s military ball or party and meeting lethal commandos; and then coming back again and again; this time to have sex with the wives who are running scared. Who do we know would do something like such? We know they will never turn down our events, must we hear this anymore?
It was a sting operation that could have been taken from the pages of an Elmore Leonard novel: the FBI and IRS agents arrested five rabbis, two New Jersey state legislators, three mayors, political operatives, and many others, as part of a probe that spanned from Hoboken to Israel. Other records were taken from Saint Peter's College in Jersey City and from at least one synagogue in Deal. Meanwhile, a top member of the Corzine administration unexpectedly resigned after agents arrived at his home and office with evidence boxes. - Massive N.J. corruption sting targets mayors, legislators, rabbis, by Ted Sherman and Joe Ryan (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
We do not see this at all, we see an effort to make a clean get away and also taking the plight or situation to the public and saying “the people wanted this” or “they desperately need this.” That is not how you avoid violence and it “is only oppression” and “we are more powerful” when it is right there for them to dispute and neglect. We have inched along and fed them a bit of bait to coax them deeper and now are at the point where we can openly confront them. It is very hard to make the case for “avoiding violence” and “only oppression” when they are running up against and smashing into body guards every single day. They know what that result has led to and this flurry to wave the white flag as their entire reality collapses and the world wishing to butcher them up some more. We can see the veneer and the knuckleheaded insanity throughout their arguments and legal defense.
The president's overall approval rating remains higher than his marks on particular domestic issues, with 59 percent giving him positive reviews and 37 percent disapproving. But this is the first time in his presidency that Obama has fallen under 60 percent in Post-ABC polling, and the rating is six percentage points lower than it was a month ago. Obama has taken on a series of major problems during his young presidency, but he faces a particularly difficult fight over his effort to encourage Congress to pass an overhaul of the nation's health-care system. The legislation has run into problems in the House and Senate, as lawmakers struggle to contain spiraling costs and avoid ballooning the deficit. - Poll Shows Obama Slipping on Key Issues: Approval Rating on Health Care Falls Below 50 Percent, By Dan Balz and Jon Cohen, www.washingtonpost.com ; Monday, July 20, 2009 -
We did not appreciate being kidnapped for 10-20 years by anybody or any race, then had water thrown on us daily or being kicked around and called a “common nigger” for some master-slave relationship where we are ordered to fix the financial system and just left the country or went fishing. It is going to be very hard to answer this question in a court of law or not be ripped apart as it was intended for murder, rape, power, and greed. The primary people behind it are the Zionist and the Irish; what makes up the Democratic Party, this anti-Vietnam coalition, the Viet Cong Society, and the liberal traitors who keep trying to gain more and more access to our life using brutality and lies to achieve a master-slave relationship where debt is almost as needed as human blood. There comes a point where “avoiding violence” runs smack into a wall of lies and deceit; and that is what we have with this entire surge and terror plots.
Since April, approval of Obama's handling of health care has dropped from 57 percent to 49 percent, with disapproval rising from 29 percent to 44 percent. Obama still maintains a large advantage over congressional Republicans in terms of public trust on the issue, even as the GOP has closed the gap. The erosion in Obama's overall rating on health care is particularly notable among political independents: While positive in their assessments of his handling of health-care reform at the 100-day mark of his presidency (53 percent approved and 30 percent disapproved), independents now are divided at 44 percent positive and 49 percent negative. - Poll Shows Obama Slipping on Key Issues: Approval Rating on Health Care Falls Below 50 Percent, By Dan Balz and Jon Cohen, www.washingtonpost.com ; Monday, July 20, 2009 -
We live in both dangerous and desperate times. Part of that danger is hidden and part of is it not so hidden. We can deal with the unhidden aspects of life by using what was once the legal system. However, there is a big and huge problem with the left wing and this surprise or resurgence of the human rodent we canned and used to call a Neanderthal. Victims are being produced. There is machinery which is both hidden and visible with the sole intention of producing the maximum pain and suffering, then calling it victimology. This victimology is the job of the government to apply justice and a fair and balanced approach. This is a very dangerous profession this victimology and so are the people behind it because it is the only way they can win and advance an even sinister dark secret. Left wing and the Democratic Party is not a victimless crime; it is treason and kidnapping; a life of crime and espionage. They just are not aware of it yet and not allowed to view the well hidden aspects of it.
At the same time, there is no slackening in public desire for Obama to keep pressing for action on the major issues of the economy, health care and the deficit. Majorities think he is either doing the right amount or should put greater emphasis on each of these issues. On health care, the poll, conducted by telephone Wednesday through Saturday, found that a majority of Americans (54 percent) approve of the outlines of the legislation now heading toward floor action. The measure would institute new individual and employer insurance mandates and create a government-run plan to compete with private insurers. Its costs would be paid in part through new taxes on high-income earners. - Poll Shows Obama Slipping on Key Issues: Approval Rating on Health Care Falls Below 50 Percent, By Dan Balz and Jon Cohen, www.washingtonpost.com ; Monday, July 20, 2009 -
The life of liberals is very dangerous. Not only are they victims of victims; they are unwanted by the no-victims and those who are healthy and strong. So in all they are victims of victims who are also victims of convictism. This is why they call their life or their training program “hell tough” and a “death sentence.” Regardless of their approach and need to produce more and more victims; they live a silent, sedative-sneaky, and very controlling life as a rodent and prey of the leading militaries. Many of them came from parents who are or were victims and many came from parents who were victims of victims or caused a victim because they were themselves a victim. So this is all they know and their history is defined by the same destiny. Life among them and life creating victims is a dangerous one; but we view it as one worthless and silent. We too view it as a death sentence and we were in this machinery to create us as one of their victim-victims.
More than three-quarters of Republicans are opposed. About two-thirds of those with household incomes below $50,000 favor the plan, and slim majorities (52 percent) of those with higher incomes are against it. The income divide is even starker among independents. Republicans have hammered the president and congressional Democrats over the cost of a health-care overhaul and its potential impact on the federal deficit, twin issues that have emerged as a possible brake on any new package. Obama's approval rating on his handling of the deficit is down to 43 percent, as independents now tilt toward disapproval (42 percent approve; 48 percent disapprove). - Poll Shows Obama Slipping on Key Issues: Approval Rating on Health Care Falls Below 50 Percent, By Dan Balz and Jon Cohen, www.washingtonpost.com ; Monday, July 20, 2009 -
As part of this human rodent life and life cycle, it is common gesture to dispel the truth and deny the process of causing or making a victim ever existed; thus, we have a deafening stupidity and mute like rumbling rubbing up or infecting the champions and those in first place. This dangerous life creating victims, commonly defined as murder and an act so vile, you need a dead body to actually finish the punishment process; has dangerously met their match and was destroyed. We did not say apprehended, we said destroyed, but before they were we got off the last shots and did hit us in the most vital areas and organs. Now we are genuine victims where we used to be healthy males and females hunting them down or on some other life mission to reproduce and have a nice genius like family everybody dreams of.
The arrests were the result of two separate investigations that used the same informant, a man who moved easily between the world of the rabbis and the world of Jersey politics. The rabbis are charged with operating money laundering network by funneling cash through yeshivas and non-profit organizations they were associated with. The politicians are accused of taking outright bribes in exchange for favors. …U.S. Attorney answers questions at a press conference in Newark addressing the federal investigation of public corruption in which 44 individuals were charged today. - Massive N.J. corruption sting targets mayors, legislators, rabbis, by Ted Sherman and Joe Ryan (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
Victimology is a buzz word and is quickly forming this new cold war where a mad rush to power used to be how you create victims; now it is the de-escalation or the unwinding process to take it apart as it fights for survival. Victims of power are now victims of power are either serious disrepair or decline. Which is worse the greed of power or the greed of the powerless? The reason why it is so tough or pencil necked in America is the Diaspora or flight from persecution in Europe where they were oppressed or once victims of power. So they crept, clawed, and made their way to America and found not only freedom; but normal, neat, healthy, and strong people to exploit and lie to. As they see it, kindness paid is kindness received. So this machinery of victims originates in Europe and is the result of a master-slave, power-dirt, military-dead, and other relationship.
Some people view this victim of victims, or the machinery of making victims; part of power and the de-escalation of it also. When it is power, they define it as Nazis or the Gestapo. When it is in de-escalation mode, they call it communism. When they are making the machinery to total control and total annihilation; then it is both. It really depends on which side of the fence you get hit by. We call it total invasion. Right now it is not a crime because it is power and when power is the definition of crime; it is really not a crime. What is a crime is the rewriting of the evidence and the factors which can stop, apprehend, or kill this menacing victim on victim relationship we have going on out there. It has infested the entire society and so dangerous; we call ourselves victims and we demand relief.
The people behind this call themselves victims and do not wish to die at our hands for causing our victimhood or what we call the communist-terrorist sleeper mode of domination and total control. There are a few scholars who have met the beast and a few military veterans who have fought it and spayed it. It is churning out victims at an astronomical rate and what we called a demand for relief and financial bail out. So who are they and what do they want from us? How do we kill it or them? You have come to the masters of war with a masterful question; and we have it readily available. Try not to laugh too hard while recovering or trying to survive your lifelong and life ending wounds; they are for real and they are on a murderous rampage. The problem is you will not know this until you become one of their “Statists.” They are going to go nuclear and we knew this already and could not halt their advance.
So how do you hide a communist and terrorist plot so sinister; murder and global domination for the devil and the most criminal in society are behind it? First is to seek out the richest and the most powerful nation; the ones with all the trees, food, and pooled wealth. Then you set a trap and see who shows up. Our observations and trap lasting over thirty years indicated pure raw power as the objective regardless if terrorism and murder was the financiers. Then the people who wandered into it had layer after layers of onion peel until the central core was detectable and visible as pure animalism and raw criminal malice. You bury both a communist and terrorist plot to take over government and take over the world by using the playbook of victimology. It is the rank and file of liberals and an organized system to assign points and values according to the legal scales the trial lawyers can exploit and advance the left wing victims. Who the perpetrators were-are the 911 communist-terror plot and the recruitment.
So basically, for the past ten years you and your “police officers” have been trying to or are calling us a common nigger; then without fear or sense of danger decided to begin arresting us. Your story is we exaggerate or do not voice your concerns; but the truth is you are advancing low standards and a lack of educational merits; thus, you cut and shave facts off at a rate of 80 per cent to the story to fit your demands. This is why you butcher up basically this whole entire matter; your story is completely upside down and when asked who has academic merits or has more facts; you left out so much facts, cut corners, and presented such low standards; it clearly supports the allegation that you not only engaged in extremely dangerous behaviors but you still are. Hence, you still are calling us a common nigger and the method you shave off 80 per cent of the story results in a measly one lacking the evidence and facts to nail you for calling us a common nigger or the 911 plots, or the recruitments, or the Kennedy sleeper ring, or the vast data we have about you. You said “100s of people are involved… they will kill us.” - Interview with Terror Suspects: Wrong Guess Again, We are Not Factory Pilots Flying into Religious Walls, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
On the surface level of this is hate and racism; two very broad and “subjective” topics the Supreme Court is unable to conclude on. We are left with this confusion and the history of total lies where the true defendants are animals and the greatest and most talented end up as a liar. How it gets like this we do not know. Typically, clandestine work is based on the principle of “do not trust anyone” and now we see clearly why; they are everywhere and playing with our minds. We cannot get a straight answer while accused of being stingy while trust and honesty is stampeded and power becomes a mad dash of ape like humans. If power is about dominating or force; then we have found who is behind it. It is almost like shark attack victims who speak out against hunting them. We are dealing with a monster much more destructive than a common shark.
Did I hear fear and panic in your voice even if you are still calling us a common nigger? Your only comment about the 911 terror plot, the unions upstairs, how it is exactly the same courting as with Ann who had been preventing this, was “they are extremely angry.” Well, what if a barbarian took a rock and smashed the head of their kids, does that justify how angry they are or whether I have to listen to a psycho-fat cow every single day call me a common nigger for three years while telling me I am hot and have to move because she is a fat slob and has dog crap all over the house? She turns out your emissaries (The Bin family, Clinton, Moynihan, Irish, Union, and Israel) all in one. This is your bottom up and total lack of thinking process form of freedom and professionalism; just terrorizing people daily and refusing to go to school or better yourself while you oppress them and call them a common nigger? If you’re extremely display of dangerous behavior meets someone more brutal one day and smashes the head of your kids’ then throws their brains at you; does that change your view of brutality or does that make you angrier? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Wrong Guess Again, We are Not Factory Pilots Flying into Religious Walls, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
When the second tier is analyzed we see it is Party and philosophy. The use of bigotry, cynicism, and hypocrisy to argue both sides of the story and even foment outrage by using charged statements and reverse psychology is typical of this spy ring. Criticisms throw at targets are reversed and backwards and criticism thrown at them are reversed and backwards. Therefore, all attacks are reversed and the gates are opened similar to parting the seas. Most if not all of the captured suspects had no academic work or any philosophical work we could corner or nail down as the source and isolate or destroy. What they do have is a blueprint for America based on the 1960s and a communist plot to unite the North and South; a tested military strategy that is already tested; and a nationalist movement so strong and globally recognized.
At least you had the common courtesy to shave off 80 per cent of the terror plots and say “people think we are stupid and we are not.” Now you want a 911 Truth Commission and the truth from us? How about you? All my police reports end up having 10-20 per cent facts and missing 80 per cent shaved off or missing. I find you obnoxious and repulsive more than stupid. I think your behavior is off the charts. I think you perpetuate brutality but never can fix it until something as awful as smashing the head of your kids with a rock ends this tirade and killing spree you are on. I do not know what will stop you or change your bloodthirsty and homicidal impulses. I also think you will expect silence from others and try to dance around this or try to as long as you can; shut up and common niggers are all you have to offer to this world. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Wrong Guess Again, We are Not Factory Pilots Flying into Religious Walls, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
The third tier to this ultra secret and the most clandestine spy ring ever captured, cornered or engaged with in combat for over thirty years is ethnicity. Ethnicity implicates immigration and also party affiliations; therefore, certain ethnicities view their family name and heritage based on Party or elite friendships and alliances. The right to assembly and the right of private organization and funding is based on the power and the circle of elite families recruited for each cell or ring. So ethnicity usually dignifies Party, business venture, power base, customers, and political battles. This is Saigon and South Vietnam all over again; reliving the 1960s and the advancement of communism; however, this time they want to know if we defeated them yet and have taken the first strike; they are on attack and have for over ten years.
Why would spy hunters defect and sign up with moles, communists, and deadly sleeper terrorists? Let me ask you a question; how about my back pay? Someone has to explain why I have to bill you and file all kinds of complaints, take this globally, complain about evictions, bankruptcy, garnishments, bad-bad credit, total disaster and all kinds of vandalism and property destruction while you openly say “if you want to be paid… you will… come work… grab your ankles.” If you want or wish, you can call me a common nigger again on the air and in front of the world. Or you can keep saying how your sidekick is of slave blood and you killed many blacks on 911. We have heard the account of the home invasion and Jason Conte and his wonderful father. We can also go back and check the records and ask blacks how they see this; not your blacks or magic Negroes; real blacks. It was like that Chairman of the Black Caucus and Barbara Boxer; why don’t you just call all of us bad names instead of do what you did and lynched her or me? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Wrong Guess Again, We are Not Factory Pilots Flying into Religious Walls, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
This is Armageddon all over again. The people we are dealing with who are below insects do not understand or realize how much others dislike them, despise them, or can restrain themselves properly to go away or excuse themselves. They feel we are champions and it is up to them to infect us and finish the job for some boss who the Lord has betrayed or abandoned. It is a blended combination of morphing and bizarre fantasies no less political fantasies which has the Democrats and Israel cosigning their career and orders to us presently. To this terrorist sleeper and communist mole, there is no danger and only peace; we are murdering them but they do not have to explain or live by any rules. It is just about winning and power; thus we do not have the votes to stop them; but if we do it is murder because they claim they do not want a fight and all this debt is proof.
See how you like it when you have to tell blacks why you call them a common nigger everyday for over ten years and they want to crack your head open and say how it was for all those dead lynching of firemen and black people. Oh, “the people wanted that also”, good one! I hope the President cracks your head open for the “magic negro” one. Wait what about this one, “we are more powerful… we are superior” and I bet we are too stupid and dumb (like the cops) to figure you out! Right, that means blacks love it when you call us and them a common nigger. I get it; those damn people still cannot figure out how you did 911 or can figure you all out; we are too dumb! Listen to the recent common nigger excuses and the legal defense “police chief… uncooperative… exaggerated story… has black friend… racial profiling courses…” They want us to call them master and to accept being a slave. That is why they are sneaking around calling others a common nigger daily, upwards of 20-100 times a day “to destroy us… rip apart like chopped liver”; and would do this for upwards of 10-20 years. What is the penalty for this torture and upwards of two decades? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Wrong Guess Again, We are Not Factory Pilots Flying into Religious Walls, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
The next level or the fourth level is religious. We were able to nail this one the most and find the most overlap because the meaning and the destinies are traceable through centuries of work and religious scholars. We can trace this school of thought or lack of morals farthest in history and as far back as the beginning of trade and wealth. If you are going to incubate the most powerful and the most threatening spy group on this earth and have the devil or barbaric cannibals as the customers; it will be layers of work and also far reaching. Religious concepts have goals and destinies; therefore, when we apply economic sustainability and begin philosophical and economic knowledge; we can prove and debase the deceptions and religious delusions intended to seek blame outside of the religion or human being who possesses it.
The who idea was to get America to "move on" from the Lewinsky scandal. Since then, the Soros funded group has morphed into just another arm of the democrat party. I have referred to Soros as a real live version of the James Bond villain Ernst Stavro Blofeld, or even a non endearing version of Mike Myers’ Dr Evil. But there is absolutely nothing funny about Soros, and unfortunately, there is no 007 working to stop him. But make no mistake; Soros is just as dangerous as anything to come out of Ian Fleming’s fertile imagination. - George Soros Group Attacking Sarah Palin Again, by anonymous internet blog (This site is not authorized or operated by Governor Palin, her staff, or any other candidate or committee), http://sarahs-accomplishments.blogspot.com ; Friday, July 17, 2009 -
The last and final level is not scientifically provable at this point and is still ongoing. It involves genetic code and also “alien origins.” We do not know if planet earth is being bombarded by evil or satanic like subliminal or subsonic noises such as one word phrases thrown at us. We do not know if one experience has four stories or sides to it when it should be only two. All of these layers and this ability to seek blame and search for victims or zero tolerance to the truth; implicates the predator like and the criminal like political discourse we are observing and verifying as high level and master sleeper cells. Heck we do not even know if the Presidents are aliens and some alien leader will finally show up one day.
As this little primer points out, Soros is an evil man who has spent a lifetime destroying others for his benefit. He survived WWII by being a Nazi collaborator. He made in billions by manipulating currency, and profiting off of others suffering. He is very far left leaning, is most definitely a communist, like Barack Obama. My friend, the Red Diva has put together a great bit of information on George Soros, a follow the money sort of thing that I’d like to share with all of you. With her permission, of course. - George Soros Group Attacking Sarah Palin Again, by anonymous internet blog (This site is not authorized or operated by Governor Palin, her staff, or any other candidate or committee), http://sarahs-accomplishments.blogspot.com ; Friday, July 17, 2009 -
We have witnessed and documented their exploits of ten full years in our life and not one solid defense or alibi has been presented. Meanwhile, they insist we do not or cannot stop them or have any evidence to stop them. That is the entire reason why they are being charged for espionage and subverting the laws to engage and cover up various treasonous and a process of waging war on the country and human life. They merely call it profit, growth, and gain; thus, we are in the way and they have zero tolerance to any form of government except criminal and raw animalism. This is also why the use of religion or the lack thereof was how we could define, stop, and ask for interpretations; the biggest obstacle for this spy group and terror ring on a murderous rampage. It is also why terror plots revolve around it.
The previously mentioned ACORN involvement in the Democratic Party, LaRaza and Supreme Court appointee Sotomayer and this newest MoveOn.org effort are also obvious attempts by George Soros to bring this coup against our Democracy and convert it to Socialism. The fact that he "owns" the Democratic Party by the very donations that he makes both personally and through his front groups directly involves him in the attempts to ruin, both politically and personally, Governor Sarah Palin. His goal of a Socialist America is directly threatened by her and her supporters from grass-roots America. He knows that as long as she is speaking out, people will listen. He recognizes that the best way to halt her progress is to provide reasons to doubt her veracity. - George Soros Group Attacking Sarah Palin Again, by anonymous internet blog (This site is not authorized or operated by Governor Palin, her staff, or any other candidate or committee), http://sarahs-accomplishments.blogspot.com ; Friday, July 17, 2009 -
Religions are the biggest obstacle and barrier in the way; the malice and moral intent to perpetuate life itself. If this spy group can infiltrate religious groups and control them; then they can pit one on the other for favorable status and to blame outside of the religion itself. That is the key in this; to seek for blame and cause outside of the religion but to never provide sufficient cause within or break the silence of guilt and this fugitive on the run status. The church leaders know it was heresy and battles they were not able to combat in the 15th and 16th century which also led to the entire system of religion to scatter. That was not the age of robotics then and probably made no sense and could be classified or viewed as clinical depression. Why are we so mean to a worthless dirt bag life we have been kidnapped by? Well, let’s ask them and find out.
What he hasn’t counted on is that the American people are not excited about having strings attached to our arms and legs and manipulated to do his bidding. Many of the American people are not, that is, because it does appear that the Democrats in America are willing. So far, they’ve been doing his bidding with what must be considered, by Soros, as disastrous results. This latest attempt will end the same way. Part of the methodology George Soros uses behind the scenes is known as the "Cloward – Piven" strategy. Cloward-Piven is a strategy for forcing political change through orchestrated crisis. - George Soros Group Attacking Sarah Palin Again, by anonymous internet blog (This site is not authorized or operated by Governor Palin, her staff, or any other candidate or committee), http://sarahs-accomplishments.blogspot.com ; Friday, July 17, 2009 -
When you have this spy ring and “army of the damned” in controlled of these major institutions; they can impose a strong answer and use surveillance to break down and ruin their opponents. They can surreptitiously wreak havoc on unsuspecting victims such as spouses and children; corrupt them or kill them off as a way to inflict pain and suffering. The more pain and suffering they can inflict; the more fear and resentment society will have. Then they can invade both sides and use hate and racism against each other in a stalemate and a delusional indignation to the free market which was not intended for any of the above; so why is it across the boards a problem? Who let this disaster of a human being on a rampage to leave the free market in utter shambles?
First proposed in 1966 by Columbia University political scientists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, the initial plan was to bankrupt the welfare system in America and introduce what could be considered as a radical change in replacing it. The main idea is to use a strategy of introducing crises. The Cloward-Piven approach in this instance called for the welfare rolls to be swamped with new applications which would result in economic collapse leading to political turmoil and ultimately to Socialism. The welfare crisis that bankrupted New York City in 1975 was the result of the use of this strategy by The National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO), founded by African-American militant George Alvin Wiley. - George Soros Group Attacking Sarah Palin Again, by anonymous internet blog (This site is not authorized or operated by Governor Palin, her staff, or any other candidate or committee), http://sarahs-accomplishments.blogspot.com ; Friday, July 17, 2009 -
If it is a financial scam; then most if not all human beings have lost their accumulated wealth, their family name, and all dignified beliefs they are royals or elites of some privileged class. The debt levels and the cost of medicinal care to keep all of this alive are in deadly downfall. In other words, when the debt either is halted or ran into the ground; nobody will be of some privileged class. The market will recover and go on; but it will be a free for all and some supernova like rebirth. It is the same financial fraud and scam of Wall Street no less a particular political philosophy and political suspect. The people we are dealing with who are below insects do not understand or realize how much others dislike them, despise them, or can restrain themselves properly to go away or excuse themselves; yet they are full of lies, thievery, and think they are sexy to the winners and champions. To them it is about power and raw animalism or disgusting behavior.
From the NWRO grew new movements such as the Living Wage Movement and the Voting Rights Movement, both of which are reliant upon ACORN, a George Soros front-group, depending heavily upon the financial support from another George Soros front-group, Open Society Institute. The Cloward-Piven plan uses "aggressive community organizers" to create a crisis of militancy. Intimidated by violence, politicians would appeal to the federal government for assistance in handling the "crisis" through carefully orchestrated media campaigns by leftwing journalists to introduce a federal program of income redistribution much like Mr. Obama’s "share the wealth" plan during his presidential campaign. - George Soros Group Attacking Sarah Palin Again, by anonymous internet blog (This site is not authorized or operated by Governor Palin, her staff, or any other candidate or committee), http://sarahs-accomplishments.blogspot.com ; Friday, July 17, 2009 -
We can narrow all of this down by genetics or blood line, religion, ethnicity, Party, and what they used to boost religion and the army of the damned; hate and racism. It all goes to a particular Party and a specific group, region, elite, and circle of associations and businesses contacts. Those same businesses associates have now compelled the government to take over private enterprise in order to salvage the entire free market and economic system from total meltdown. For some reason, they are hanging on to a lifeline, the media and feel the public discourse will be some successful exit strategy. That is the rescue, the public and taking this fight to the public.
Although the goal of the Cloward-Piven strategy itself was a Marxist society, George Soros has adopted it to his ideas of Socialism, put it to work in the Democratic Party, and with his careful honing of some of the "rough spots" made it into a much more efficient weapon against the American people than the original developers could have hoped. This is the strategy George Soros is using against Governor Sarah Palin. It can be seen in the fact that as this article is written, twenty ethics complaints have been filed in Alaska by Alaskans who have been "bought and paid for" by the George Soros-funded and Cloward-Pivens Strategy-driven Alaska Democratic Party. It is the same strategy Soros has used and is using to force Socialism on the American people using one of his puppets, Barrack Obama. - George Soros Group Attacking Sarah Palin Again, by anonymous internet blog (This site is not authorized or operated by Governor Palin, her staff, or any other candidate or committee), http://sarahs-accomplishments.blogspot.com ; Friday, July 17, 2009 -
Thus, we have the trillions of bail out, the final two minutes of the conspiracy, and the trap sprung on them which collapsed their life and voices overnight. They are in a do or die mode. They call it a “full court press” in the panic and final hours; a zone defense where it was once “one on one.” They also have unlimited fouls and cannot foul out because they accept no responsibilities and can think out causes or truth. This is the danger with a homicidal, psychopathic, and lying cheat. It is like holding a mirror up to them and seeing nothing but a foggy mirror. It is an empty shell with a human dermatitis sewn from the lives of their victims and prisoners. We saw their work and were disgusted even if we are the masters of war and deal with cruelty and human mutilation constantly.
“Weapon to prevent embarrassment… victim of it 8:27:51 PM… Remind us when it is over… not over… Saudi wife… take off her bursa…. Clear by the day… accused of stabbing New York in the back… property tax… landlords step up… ruins everything he touches… a really good guy until he starts talking politics and I cannot stand him… To measure his success… to wake people… and his”; and then Bin Limbaugh said they would go nuclear if we did not give them Ann and keep this ongoing. Why they want Ann is not certain but Bin Limbaugh says it is an “iPhone” and O’Bin Hannity says “to call your Congressman if you want to do that… nobody has ever laid a finger on her or touched her.” - Interview with Terror Suspects: Why Don’t They Give-up or Surrender? By Author; July 17, 2009 -
The goal now of these armed robbers is to keep their jobs and just walk away while demanding payments from us. That is how the standoff is permitted; they must demand payment or some owed obligation. When targeted we can shut down all obligations and access to see who will sniff it out and find a hole in our defenses; it is do or die. We know also they are signaling their political bosses and telling them they cannot reverse the damage done and also are blocked. When the raid began; the cards accumulated and the defense positions denied them an exit strategy. Now they are stuck in the trap or maze and are trapped; they wait for a rescue and the failed attempts. We also can see how their political wing has kicked in as their militant wing was shut down to prepare for an extraction, pardon, or full acquittal.
O’Bin Hannity hits first: “The only way to get to the truth is financial…” 7/17/2009 8:09:13 PM I do not think you can base this case or your perverted life on financial reports or how much you are worth you psychopathic loser. Do you know what a communist and terrorist spy is? His guess said it is a “pipe dream… deficit spending… cannot afford this.” O’Bin Hannity says he still does not have the answer and guest says “this is insane… will trim (his life down)… this is ludicrous… help-saving plan (hurting him badly)… this is nuts… also insane… why not wait until you buy it, just insane…” - Interview with Terror Suspects: Why Don’t They Give-up or Surrender? By Author; July 17, 2009 -
We have at least ten cards being played in the political landscape above; now we can compare them with the remaining cards we have because they do not have any further cards. We currently know they are out of ammunition and if they shoot at us; the response is massive and they are out of cards; so they stopped. The only equalizer in this world when they have exhausted all of their political cards and their military cards are trumped; is nuclear and we knew this and were trying to set them up for this card. They even took it and we can prove it when the time comes. They could have one eye; weigh 400 lbs., live in a zoo, eat insects and play with dung; they feel loved and see themselves as a gift to our lives. It is power to them. They do not understand any form of real or relationship beyond a criminal one where they steal everything and hide this.
O’Bin Hannity now says, “Critical step forward… controlling vital health care…” this is how insane this nutcase and terrorist is. “I am going bankrupt… I am in trouble and want to spend a lot of money… we have to spend money to prevent going bankrupt… “Guest says “THE ONE YOU ARE IN NOW IS NOT WORKING” and O’Bin Hannity says “Now we have to spend more” and guest says “YEAH WELL THE ONE YOU ARE IN NOW IS NOT.” O’Bin Hannity may want to draft a contract or some legal binding exchange of money if he is using this strategy. “So we are not going away… stuck… struggling… stimulus did not work… am I wrong in thinking the more and more I get into this… America could be headed for a lost decade?” Guest says “we?” Bin Hannity means B. Ann and B. me. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Why Don’t They Give-up or Surrender? By Author; July 17, 2009 -
Right now, the threat is visible and we know they are out of cards but have not left the poker table; why then is the brinksmanship working in their favor? They are going full steam ahead and will keep communication silence and ignore all the defense forces with their weapons drawn and spot lights on them. They are heading for a trap and trying to make it to base where some defense is laying wait; it is nuclear and in the Middle East. How they play that last card is up to them or if they get themselves blown up in the process. We also already know their most powerful cards and how they play it; so religion, hate, and racism will be the strongest and it will have to carry out the remainder of this.
Now O’Bin Hannity says that there is phenomenal growth with him in Ann’s life and he has so much to offer her; to shower her with how much he is worth (HE IS SAYING HE IS WORTH MORE); his guest says “stocks went up 101 per cent” and he is riding it as far as he can with Ann or I; but is enjoying it. He is not able to stand on his own two feet and collapsed and began to copy everything from us; also is still pursuing closely, all of them are. “O’Bin Hannity, Sir O’Bin Hannity does not have faith in the stock market… government… what should I do with my money” and guest says how bad times are coming for him “will want to have sufficient cash… will want CDs… bonds…” in other words; his assets might be frozen if he gets in trouble. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Why Don’t They Give-up or Surrender? By Author; July 17, 2009 -
We have our defenses and armor lay out and also is taking a defensive position knowing the trails that lead into and out of this trap. We know where our forces are positioned, where theirs are, and where they must head as supplies and ammunition is quickly diminishing. To survive this, they are going full steam and heading northwards to the Land of Oz; there they expect to meet the Wizard and Dorothy. They do not realize that was who they were chasing and had; to capture the King or Queen; they must face the Terminator and the killing machines of the defense and resistance forces. We know they are not shooting blanks; do they think we are also? Full steam ahead it is because “the people need this desperately and we will get it for them.” That is the age of robotics. Why are we so mean to a worthless dirt bag life we have been kidnapped by? Well, let’s ask them and find out.
7/17/2009 8:43:35 PM O’Bin Hannity says he is just trying to warn us and not recruit us; thus there is no murder or terrorist plot; no recruitment for some radical left wing plot. He is also saying no further open discussion is needed, “we guessed wrong… seeing for who he is… weak and capitulating… I hope those words are strong enough for you.” Not good enough Sean. You have not given back what you took from others 8:49:19 PM. He is trying to nail us for something also as if it is no big deal. Brag and boast for over a full year about someone else’s life you demand full control and power over? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Why Don’t They Give-up or Surrender? By Author; July 17, 2009 -
So why do we have a problem with either George W. Bush or Barrack H. Obama? Let’s start with W and mission accomplished before the massive fall. Both of these Presidents need to know everything we do is a victory and we are cautious and secretive. We are low key and we are perfectionists. It is not a problem of which battles he is fighting or which team he is on; his problem is he is a failure and one of them. The same can apply to President Obama. This time, reverse the story and understand we had a communist mole or a terrorist sleeper and reversed our attack. This time, it is not the same battle or side; it is the victory. Our attack was reversed again; this morphing process. It is still about hate and racism; just this time, we are on the opposite team and enemies fighting the same battles and people. But are we really or is it a sneak attack?
You can end this standoff and this wild off the charts murder spree right now and it is not about conformity; my hair is half way down my back; I do not think anyone feels I am a strict tyrant breathing down your back or arm twisting unless you wish to file a complaint on me with the CIA or Pentagon? Do you think you will survive on their turf playing this game and announcing you are going nuclear? How long can you drive while we knock out your tires, axles, and you run out of gas? You better figure something out and stop saying you are going nuclear to equalize and match us because you have no conventional options remaining and if you did; it is now gone. “They are going to try and hide… disguise it… Pat said… not working as objective fact… nobody is listening to him anyways… it is higher… it is unbelievable.” So we will ask you why you tried to engage in conspiracy to hide a 30 year sting just to catch you. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Why Don’t They Give-up or Surrender? By Author; July 15, 2009 -
Now we are pushing daisies with the previous President and what they did but also have to defend and define what the current one is trying. This is why it hasn’t stopped and why they all act like some communist dictator who demands we bow to a buffoon hairdo. To reverse our attacks and then to attack also; they must be a mole and a sleeper cell; one on our side and the other is on the other or demanding how they can turn off the lights at anytime. This is also why they said to throw the truth and ethics out; doing not worry about the Constitution; to them it is about power, winning, and how their life is victory. The gap between a real human being and the gap between lies and the truth are two different matters altogether with these Presidents after Reagan.
Now they are agreeing and say “we know the statistics… everywhere it has been tried…” so why is David Limbaugh trying to say we are arm twisting and trying to make him and Levin conform? You want to listen to rock, metal, surf, ride wheelies, and have long wild hair like me; oh, it must be the ripped jeans I always wear or the orange slacks and fur vests? You want to follow me and conform? Yes, everybody knows “there is a conspiracy” and they said, “my god, come to our side… will have to kill us; 7/15/2009 8:20:37 PM” at least it is on the record. We are not predators so we do not have to join any side. I did not know we are or were on any side? I had no idea there were two sides. I thought it was all silence and shut up? Odd who we are dealing with (Hannity-David Limbaugh-Pat Waddell) and we got no information or intelligence to solve or end this standoff. Ann hangs around all communists; all of them are. No wonder they attacked her and had her as a prisoner. Let’s end it there, they are hardcore and so deep they must take the cyanide but chose to go nuclear because martial law is what they fear. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Why Don’t They Give-up or Surrender? By Author; July 15, 2009 -
We know it is a communist and terrorist recruitment effort to suggest they are the voice of the poor and America. Thus, the teacher is in for a surprise when they meet the professors. If you see it as one voice and one teacher; then you will see the control and the one-sided bias intended to lure, drag, trick, deceive, or subjugate. They will try to appear logical and even reasonable; the peace movement and academic pursuit to stupid human beings who cannot sue or fight back. So when they are on the same side; the “against me” is terrifying. Then when they are not on the same side or political party; the “against us” is not as terrifying but just as terrifying for the US and the country. It is intended to portray the left, radicals, moles and sleepers, a pure criminal and thief, and this nuisance as powerful and even in total control. You cannot get more murderous and off the charts insanity. Meanwhile, they will claim self defense and even murder against the free market, capitalism, against me, and then against us.
Recorded: Sean Hannity had no comments to Bin Limbaugh’s announcement of conspiracy and going nuclear; they said they know there is a conspiracy and “for god sakes join their side… have to shoot them.” All Sean has is death threats again; this time not on Ann but I and I will flick him the finger! You said that 10 years ago and look at you know. You Irishman are more stupid then we thought. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Why Don’t They Give-up or Surrender? By Author; July 15, 2009 -
So now we can step back and listen to the bit of hints and allegations leaked out, overlap and compare our own experience, and coordinate the counter-attack which not only destroyed the opposition but left them crawling and waving the white flag. They could not take another decade in fierce battle or combat with the US military forces that nearly wiped them out and kicked them off planet earth. Let’s rephrase that comment and say, they wave the white flag to address tend to those severely injured and figure out how to retreat and surrender honorably and in total silence. It is like crawling through a jungle, getting lost, seeing no enemy forces, calling your support and troops to hurry up, finding out quickly you are sitting on top of the enemy camp, and noticing they have encircled you and have pointed their guns at you with big smiles on their faces.
You ask what human being can stand that and what level of torture that is; ask the one person who can defend you, Jill O’Bin Hannity and we will ask my sweetheart Annie who you “seek an erection” from (UK calling!). Are you kidding me; on TV and right in the open with millions of eyes on you “we do not want anybody to know he was held captive… my concern is to get him home” which is another one of your hidden hints and allegations but did not answer why calling me a common nigger for over 10 years was necessary then or now. Ask and let me interview J-Lo Bin Hannity before you say the name Annie again and fist bump her; wtf. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Why Don’t They Give-up or Surrender? By Author; July 24, 2009 -
All you can do is put a smile on everything while they take you down the road of their life and misery. You are trying to collect evidence and bring them to a point where real legal actions are much more than baseless accusations or hints-allegations-innuendos. How can a master spy-mole do all this to the super cumulative elite commando forces who are superior at undercover and have the most devious and ingenious traps for enemy idiots and bombastic combatants? This is an insult. The abuse is an insult. Rewriting our life was an insult. Stealing every single aspect of our life and asking if we wished to defect and join a communist-terrorist sleeper cell was an insult. How can they do this to the best of the best using the system of freedom and liberties; worse, the most elite commandos while completely hidden and out of sight; the same near 911 attacks missing the murder plot and the same faces behind it? Then how can they target our fiancés and go on television and tell a completely different story or a total lie?
What was that and can you answer that one? So you will go on some shooting rampage and then do like VA Tech, malls, Columbine, etc… and blow our brains out and then yours? We have the same behavior and the same rampage here. You are not going to survive and someone will go delta on your ass; why you wait to kill yourself is insane. So I did not appreciate that either. We do not need traitors as police officers; why? All you do is say how tough you are or how brutal you can be; well so can others. Now it is about how suicidal you are; you screw your own if you could get away with it. What if you cannot? What finally ended you calling me a common nigger every single day or has it? I think you all will do some mass suicide or blow your brains out before facing the final hours. I think you will inflict as much or go bananas or a rampage before then. Then you will do this now or try to dignify it. To do so, you must destroy others and use utter violence and murder if that is available. Ask, if it is available before and then now? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Why Don’t They Give-up or Surrender? By Author; July 24, 2009 -
You sit you wait; you maneuver and position the pieces; you stage layers of camouflage and package it to unravel like a demolition trap; you try to smile and play your cards right while they exercise their freedom to throw all their cards down before you do. If they are displaying extreme behavior and are of extreme risk taking; then they will leave a trail and after all the data is collected; we can formulate the entire case. It is more difficult than the 911 truth commission which lacked anything we are introducing here with our own mission disrupted by master spies in 1998 and being under siege until 2009. The feeling and experience is similar to the movies Terminator I and II, Under Siege I and II, Die Hard, and any bank robber movie where a standoff is taking place with the real police. This time, we actually have more problems when the police are in the movies and think we are the bad guys. You make one mistake and they will blow you away like a 911 memory.
That is how you got away with calling us a common nigger and got President Obama to eat out of your hands and play patty cakes with you Zionists as you murdered and plundered every treasure known to mankind. This was never about race or policies and you kites win all the time like the fat cow and her devil kid upstairs who retaliates up to 20 times a day. Why stop now? You think they will read a book on you when you are in prison or know how blacks wish to crack your head open every day to pay for the crimes on humanity and these charges? You keep saying this is not about race and never had anything to do with race; so why are you calling us a common nigger for over ten years and maybe upwards of twenty but we did not know you did; there was incidents similar and it was much worse than using a common nigger slander. Remember that slander law? Two clauses must be proved; loss of business and malice.
Does anybody feel these people are playing around with us or have considering the charges on them and the search for an exit or escape? The most logical off officers will do what we did and with an execution style of near genius. We were also looking for an alien and wished a shootout with them to see what armaments they had and to do some target practice back. That is legendary to boast the first shootout with aliens and shooting a space ship out of the sky. Jokes aside, all you can do is pretended and kiss their feet, a few may lunge and pretend to have outrage, some may even try to brandish a knife and exaggerate their fight and position to boastfully hide the weeping process. Play the same game at work others do; they are not kidnapped or a hostage, that is the difference. So we heard this, “we are the good guys” or “last man standing” or “we are on your side” or “we are with you to the end” or other various comedic routines by a murderous, terrorizing, and ferocious mole-sleeper group. These are the most dangerous of them all and after they are implicated with war crimes or terror plots; the magnitude of danger thickens and quadruples. Camouflage and undercover methods are no longer effective or safe for either side.
You could have gotten off with just slander as you claim; but you freaked and had to do 911 to cover up a bungled recruitment and the Kennedy sleeper ring; no less the Valerie Plane and the US Navy Capt. Troy Barnhardt (Valerie Plane look alike), Gail Springfield from Massachusetts, Maggie Fairfax the IRA labor organizer, and Cassandra Church the dominatrix. You had to get me kicked out of my own house and smash up our home with invasions before you could make me move in. Then you checked to see if I was noticing anything odd. Alice, the princess red hair, was a total loser who looks like the North Hollywood shooters and works with “retarded kids.” Did they ever sabotage the US Special Forces in any hostage rescue or provide intelligence which prevented anybody from going Delta on their ass? How is it we caught them and them refuse to fork over details and plans when we know they are doing this? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Wrong Guess Again, We are Not Factory Pilots Flying into Religious Walls, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
Believe it or not, there is turmoil, confusion, ambivalence, and senseless guessing by the bottom feeders and psychopathic losers in America. The most flawed and the religious insurrection of their brainless endeavors to pass-fail by chance and no dutiful or determined effort has lead to a bottom feeding level greed and ambivalence where anger and treason fuels hate, greed, and murder for profit. It is not just one religion but is an entire persecuted political Party called the left wing who likes to call themselves the right wing at times to play with our heads. They have before them a broken political system, demented and brain dead soldiers who want blood or a future, and a political philosophy that is incapable or incapacitated by either the truth or reality. Logically, debt begins to look like hope and a real solution to longevity, no more than devaluation and also currency manipulation to trigger the loan industry.
There is a paper trail and it is over Rush. She was a nice and very generous girl; too bad she was an emissary for two bank robbers in North Hollywood; you’re Terminators. Remember that movie you said, the house, the job, the baby room and clothes was all ready for a hoax or to collect the semen; you need semen, fresh but did not know how to ask. It was Alice the communist and total wacko red head with the widow mom. She evicted me after I laughed at the wedding dress one morning and striking a pose, weird. It was so Presidential for a physically repulsive girl. It is on eBay as I told every girl; for real. You need as much as you can get for a reason. Let me ask about the Virginia Tech shooter again. I am as perfect as a human you have ever witnessed and that is why Ann is totally in love with me and risked her life. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Wrong Guess Again, We are Not Factory Pilots Flying into Religious Walls, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
While coming to us and asking us this question about their current predicament in 1989 regarding the future of the left wing; we were not aware of their presence or question. We did not know the Zionists and communists of the world were using our body as a facilitator of a human lab to determine if we could produce a perfect solution to match their ingenious murderous rampage for profit. So they watched closely and built a rapport of what we had in common and what we admired in each other. To project their life on ours and to try to market some packaged effort why we would either join or become their leaders. This disastrous and insulting gesture led to and became the 911 terror plot and the road to ruin we are witnessing. They were watching and jotting notes down about our life and packaged it as some insurrection and hijacking where we only had one choice and chance.
"He set a standard for all of us. He made television news what it became." …Cronkite was the broadcaster to whom the title "anchorman" was first applied, and he became so identified in that role that his name became the term for it in other languages. (Swedish anchors are known as Kronkiters; in Holland, they are Cronkiters.) …"Walter Cronkite was and always will be the gold standard," said ABC News anchor Charles Gibson. "His objectivity, his evenhandedness, his news judgment are all great examples." …But when Cronkite took sides, he helped shape the times. After the 1968 TaT offensive, he visited Vietnam and wrote and narrated a "speculative, personal" report advocating negotiations leading to the withdrawal of American troops. "We have been too often disappointed by the optimism of the American leaders, both in Vietnam and Washington, to have faith any longer in the silver linings they find in the darkest clouds," he said, and concluded, "We are mired in stalemate." After the broadcast, President Lyndon B. Johnson reportedly said, "If I’ve lost Cronkite, I’ve lost middle America." - Cronkite – News Media ‘Gold Standard’, By Frazier Moore, AP Television Writer, www.sweetness-light.com ; July 18, 2009 -
It seems as if ever since the end of the Cold War, there has been a left wing and labor organization of a monstrosity we would rather avoid, skirting around like a drunken fool trying to scare the hell out of people into supporting the Democratic Party and worse; their hate and racism policies which are having a severe destructive consequence on the country and global free trade. They feel it is a conspiracy and it is within their genetic stupor to scare us into agreement. When this did not work and people saw them for who they were, drunken fools making as much salary as the most educated in society, they decided to start murdering people for no other reason than profit.
I love the reaction of the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administration on this, the back pay, and the daily foot dragging; no less the total lies. I have never ever seen such awful parents who teach their kids brutality and then tell them to smash into walls until their brains spill out or their heads are smashed with rocks. That pleases them and they start them young. They tell their kids to smash the heads of to bring out this fear but they wish to say they are cannibals and ferocious with blood all over their mouths. Really? Great parents who use their own kids to get what they want in life and smash their head and rip their arms off to show their party loyalty; unbelievable stuff and cannibals who teach brutality as a way of life; so we will say this again and request a larger and large security detail on this. Did they ever sabotage the US Special Forces in any hostage rescue or provide intelligence which prevented anybody from going Delta on their ass? How is it we caught them and them refuse to fork over details and plans when we know they are doing this? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Wrong Guess Again, We are Not Factory Pilots Flying into Religious Walls, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
After thirty full years of diligent study, undercover, infiltrating, and pursuit; we have finally captured our deadly and drunken intonation of an idiot. This idiot is union, it is of the ethic pride we all hate, they have been butchered by military enemies and foes in the world, and they are responsible for lots of misery and miserable feelings. But why are they on a murderous rampage on our soil and why are they recruiting us no less trying to scare the hell out of us to recruit or dignify our enrollment in what has been recognized proudly as “the army of the damned” and the religious underworld? Are they this drunk and violent; or is what they are telling us “do you think we are that stupid” meaningful to the demand for reparation and medical care? We got them and we know we got them; thus they know we got them badly. So what do we do with the village idiot and drunk?
In the fall of 1972, responding to reports in The Washington Post, Cronkite aired a two-part series on Watergate that helped ensure national attention to the then-emerging scandal… We don’t normally post articles about the death of celebrities. But given our interest in media bias, we thought we would make an exception. It is also entertaining to see the unintentionally ironic things that some are saying about Mr. Cronkite. The man, who perhaps as much as anyone, lost the war in Vietnam and wasted the lives of so many Americans, Vietnamese and Cambodians. That Mr. Cronkite is considered the gold standard for objectivity and honesty for the news business, tells you all you need to know about the standards of the news business. Alas. And speaking of honesty, we could find no links using Google to anyone calling newscasters in Sweden or Holland “Kronkiters’ or ‘Cronkiters.’ We did, however, find some people who were highly skeptical. Still, it must be true. - Cronkite – News Media ‘Gold Standard’, By Frazier Moore, AP Television Writer, www.sweetness-light.com ; July 18, 2009 -
For the past ten or more years, we have been yelling and screaming at some clandestine group who shared our life as they wrecked it and pushed us through daily harassment, captivity, and some form of persistent terror in life; hate and racism in America. We really did not know who they were or what they wanted but we understood the behavior as hostile and understood they hated greatness or to see human form happy and content with them. We did not know they were a clandestine communist-terrorist mole operating behind the scenes for profit and were killing off people for profit solely so others would think they are powerful, tough, the police, and a homicidal maniac. What the hell do we do with them if all they do is get drunk, reproduce and demand more and more rights and liberties? Their entire day consists of insulting everybody and having no education or explanation besides a raw criminal hospitality and murderous welcoming process to recruit others.
It depends on what works and what is going on in order to interpret these things. I am big on war and Reagan knew this. The Terminator is just the beginning but about war and Generals, JC. Other movies: Forest Gump! They Live! Total Recall! Watch Total Recall and look at the date on this; it begins in 1986. I come in Peace! First Blood! National Treasure, Titanic, Fight Club, Grosse Point Blank, Universal Soldier, Who Dares Wins - Final Option, Lethal Weapon (copying your charisma but not your stupidity, psychological warfare), Die Hard, the Steven Seawall movies up to 1998 only, Time Cop, Pulp Fiction, Raising Arizona, Face Off, Point Break, Gladiator, Sneakers, and a few others. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Movies, by Author; July 13, 2009 -
If after ten years we have some human form of an insect tapping our feet, flirting with us daily in a innocent manner, chasing us around to fill our life with hope messages, and blowing kid like kisses; while being kidnapped and our life being rewritten by the same people we are trying to get rid of or chase off; then how come when we agree to their terms a blood sucking “Hilda” creature shows up wishing to be our servant and assigned slave? What happened to the models and the smoking hot gals kicking our feet and blowing kisses; why the flaring nostril princess with greasy hair when it comes to a real meeting? One other thing, how come they cannot take no for an answer? Why is no always a yes and why is never rewritten as forever? Love is forever and this is pure hate. We know what they will and have said, nothing; total silence and conspiracy. Withstanding, what are we expected to say to them or do? They are behind many of the murders and killings, both crime related or otherwise, no less the global terrorism and espionage.
Bin Limbaugh comments, “He is going to make clowns out of all of you and you will not enjoy it for the rest of your careers…” huh? Is he asking us or telling us 7/22/2009 2:30:07 PM; “she is under magnificent care.” 7/22/2009 9:40:50 PM Sean O’Bin Hannity says their rational is “why keep fighting if nobody is going to win this… they will die in the end so what does it matter?” So they were going nuclear and “this is not over yet” because there is no point in us fighting them any further because “they” are going to die anyways. So why pay taxes if it is just going to them? It makes no sense, right? Why keep the Irish and the unions unless we license them and can revoke it now that we know they are all the same and 911 terrorists? - Interview with Terror Suspects: London Calling: Very Eloquent Legal Defense and Badgering, by Author; July 22, 2009 -
Who the hell is this clandestine group and why the hell are they behind terror plots, communist moles, invading or penetrating our life, keeping us as a hostage-prisoner, acting like some host; and all because they hate greatness and the greatness of the country they invaded? Did they immigrate to our life the same way they did in search of prisoners, jobs, and criminal homicide; and then call it profit? It is worse enough they are best friends with the most striking female form but are we as powerful enough to engage in bestiality or the fat-chubby best friend we are actually avoiding? Did we mention their men and what their men were doing to show how tough they were and how powerful they wished us to perceive them as? Why invade the life of others to be mean and tough? Having lost on the conventional levels and after ten full years of injustice and combat with the military; they vow to go nuclear and this is not over. How do they scare the hell out of others now if still in this drunken stupor and reproducing?
7/22/2009 7:10:20 PM Sean is one of those people who cannot tell when someone is upset with him or if he hurts others. As a bacterium who is dividing, his primary objective is to infect and split into two single cells. He feels that Ann and I are getting aboard the USS Bacteria and he is the captain. “The worst used car salesman who uses everything”; hey O’Bin Hannity, did you ever noticed when peddling uphill it feels a lot different then when coasting downhill? If your legs hurt and you are having it all you got, chances are it is uphill and not downhill. The bus to Hope left a long time ago; “he has already pulled this trick on us before and it has disastrous results… but we passed it anyhow.” Why are you trying to sell the Kennedy family to the Republican side? - Interview with Terror Suspects: London Calling: Very Eloquent Legal Defense and Badgering, by Author; July 22, 2009 -
It is the duty of America to make sure this insect like human rodent is not and cannot be immigrating into our life and usurping just about every aspect of it and rewriting it to some leadership at the bottom whose standard of behavior cannot look upwards and understands no standards of quality. To wreck what was once carefully achieved and orchestrated perfection and then fulfill the insult by suggesting they were or are the police by callously and maliciously false imprisoning us, not once but twice, is the defining moment of this European jackass who was once butchered and now trying desperately to mate with us or be our best friend. Are we to express the same sentiments and butcher them also because there is real and genuine anger with this rodent like insect who wishes to show their worth and explain how sensitive their personality is? This was why they were butchered and this is why they came here to escape it and seek freedom. How did they ruin this now and become an enemy being hunted down for a communist-terrorist plot?
“Damn sure want to sell the President… have beers with him (Ann said she never had a beer with your likes or the Kennedy’s; we don’t like them)… (or grab Jill O’Bin Sanity’s mushy cushy and smack it hard)”; is this how you are going to fix the communist forces and this terror plot? I see, so you are the voice of the damned; maybe one of the widows will beat you up and fly planes in the Kennedy pocketbook; how would you like that? It is a spy family and a sleeper cell; why you are the “new” leader. Wow, you go from cell to sleeper to cell the Presidency! I also think that may be illegal. The President is New York and made of families? You Irishman are all alike, I love it! - Interview with Terror Suspects: London Calling: Very Eloquent Legal Defense and Badgering, by Author; July 22, 2009 -
The final conclusion and with all the grace and truth of this world is they must be killed off. The laws of scarcity dictate this. The laws of the cold war dictate this. The laws of the Constitution dictate this. The laws of behavior dictate this. The stars even dictate this because our destiny was rewritten but whoever was backing or behind this insanity failed to achieve some measurable outcome or result as they intended. Instead they got a sting and are caught in a major trap to nail to the stake, the 911 terrorists. We are the champions and the masters of war for a reason; that same reason is why we successfully made them crawl in the final hours and wave the white flag. Only the prosecution and arrest periods remain. As the champions, we do not embody this ape like form or character where other human form is repulsed and nauseated by certain behavior and efforts. Why stay and be mean or stick to others?
It depends on if you know the story such as A River Runs Through It, Legends of the Fall, Sixteen Candles, Some Kind of Wonderful, Meet Joe Black, Field of Dreams, Beaches, Grease, and the Vietnam movies (Jacobs Ladder, Crimson Tide, Uncommon Valor, 300, Executive Decision, 007 after 1998, Saving Private Ryan and Blackhawk Down (story of the original Rangers and Vietnam when they were reactivated) was then we hit the ground also and got shot down. We also got stuck, injured and need a rescue trying to do a rescue and hostage rescue. We are big on Vietnam and war films. It is the development of the Terminator character and General. It is not about you, you are the nuisance and menace in the movie always. You have no idea how despised you are and you demand jobs and want to be hired? We have to share life and our life with you? You control us and own us? We share the blame? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Movies, by Author; July 13, 2009 -
When you hate the greatness of your country so much as to take it hostage, usurp it, lay siege to it daily, and even disfigure it beyond recognition; your country will hate you back equally or with double the passion. It is very similar to raping a child or a gender based person who is vulnerable and helpless. The problem here is this clandestine group we are standing off has nothing to offer. To them it is about jobs, power relationships, a master-slave mentality, a partnership with the devil, perpetual pain and suffering, and some false discourse about being or becoming the boss when placing us under surveillance and cloning our life. It is amazing they managed to call it profit seeking and even the truth when this insect was merely the insanity we describe and the criminal homicide others were seeing on the national and international levels. They basically waged war and we are at war with them. Why stick around another day to be mean to us? When do we get to equalize and retaliate with equal meekness and murderous criminal homicide? Or do we ever get this chance?
Watch Terminator I and determine how the relationship changes and why they become partners. Who is he the Terminator? Who do you know beat the hell out of the number one spy and terror group in America and have those crawling on the ground unless they want their squirt gun mashed and for us to target practice on an alien if we catch one? It is the story of the military and is the post Vietnam era. The movie is factual, the Terminator will kill you but they sent another alien after him more clever and deceptive. Do the good guys always win or get hurt badly winning? Why is Sarah Connor scared of the Terminator but not when it is Judgment Day? Who taught JC to be a great military leader and the leader of the resistance? Is the story about us or them? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Movies, by Author; July 13, 2009 -
So what are we to do when they begin to kill off these insect like human rodents? Shall we join and sign up with this massive recruitment drive to call 911? Are we compelled to join in and declare it “for profit only?” We hate their guts but they seek freedom in the greatest nation on earth and with the most perfected people alive. Isn’t it confusing why they are butchered on one continent and then invade the next to flee the butchering? So we know we have a major problem and there are people who have immigrated into our life of greatness and power because they hate greatness and power all the same. They hate this country and now call it home; a curse of world events. They despise public leaders who are decent and honest; but they are in some form of perpetual pain and suffering as the permanent nuisance of this world. Are we to wash this away and grant them continued freedom or shared power status as the greatest on this earth; only but to spread and control the lives of others and share or infect the champions of planet earth.
So you think you can upset and piss off the Terminator daily by calling him a common nigger and hold who he is assigned to protect; Reese says, “he will find you and he will kill you… do you hear me… there is no escape… he will find you until you are dead…. He will not stop until you are dead.” Well, you found us; you happy? If you know the story as you say and have the same experience, they you know the danger and are silent and hiding everything you are telling me. Why? It might be because you are the enemy, have a death wish, are a serial killer, and love to see death and destruction; can you stop it or do you cause it? It is pretty damn clear you are behind it and wish to be the same rescue which is your holocause as a corrupt police chief living in America and taking this global. Get the hell out of my show and life before you are thrown out on your head; understand English or do you need a classical literature interpretation? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Movies, by Author; July 13, 2009 -
Now this same universal nuisance and criminal jackass is running around pretending to be bosses; powerful and profit seeking miserable creatures who cannot be happy or leave the happy people alone. They must pull them to the bottom and recruit them or demand leadership. The problem is America is great; they are not going to rewrite this. It will not change the minds of others no matter what they do. Even if they tried to occupy it that fears the same fate and reality; hence, there is a reason why there is a lot of anti-Semitism and hate in this world. Hate, as like happiness, is the anger human beings genuinely feel with this homicidal jackass invades their home, work, government, and life; no less tries to mate or murder their spouses. America is traditionally on the forefront of happiness and greatness; so we expect her to also be the same traditional moral voice and global leaders on this problem. Lying, cheating, stealing, and even murder has taken a new turn; for profit only and to instill so much fear, recruitment is a certainty.
The movie Raising Arizona is about you trying to kidnap Nathan and who the cops are. What is the date on that? Remember Reese, the date, what is the date? Why you do this everyday and say “you can be a member and take part… for just $20 a month… you too can have your voice heard… find out the insider view.” Thanks for the long and endless explanation and beating around the Bush, “they never surface again... this is how far they will go to protect themselves.” We will reject that; you will turn over as we ordered you to the spy ring, the leaders, and all the details or face the wrath of not doing so forthrightly and complicity; it is your fate and your life on the line and your decisions have an impact on events to come and the future. “The appropriate role of judges… “ we did not ask if you are a judge and “deciding cases”; we said if you know your future; you will do the right thing and not hide or cover it up which will cause it to get much worse. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Movies, by Author; July 13, 2009 -
Let’s take the case with the big financial companies and what we call the surrogates of Wall Street. There is a lot of anger towards financial groups such as Goldman-Sack and companies like the American Insurance Group (AIG). We have already compared them to the people who were arrested and charged for looting the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funds. What they do is turn around and declare it as profit, then ask for more and more to keep the “bubble society” aghast and thunderstruck by this near criminal chicanery and pure criminal insanity. Most if not all of these “sensitive and caring” financial characters are offensive and behind all of this “leveraged outputs.” It is really offensive and people have had enough of this; least they be reminded they were butchered in Europe and fled to America in search of either freedom or a new life. Shall we return to this again because the sentiments are very much the same even if we were kidnapped one day and dragged through some recruitment process by 911 terrorists around Washington DC?
One last thing and thanks for waking us up today. Sarah Conner, John Conner, and Reese or the Terminator does not live upstairs with the police chief and unions. Do you got it or are you this delusional, “trying it… overruling… nobody can overrule her… we are stuck with her.” This is what I am talking about and how you now think you can steal our story and say; no need to go further with this; we have it and replaced it; you can now leave and go away. So if they are they can beat the Terminators and real one! Do not play war games with the real thing and play with your lies as you do. “We are a better Secretary of Defense… we can beat you and did” and wish us to know you have it and want us to give it to you and then to go away and get lost; first, you have to beat the Terminator and survive; that you have not done and are in serious dangerous peril right now with this acting and total lies. They think they are the greatest General ever. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Movies, by Author; July 13, 2009 -
The same people behind all of this “sensitivity” and “power”; to which effect they have declared a profit out of, are also behind all of this banking irregularity and the entire palm smacking high fives of mission accomplished. To them it is some hypnotic trance about their power, leverages, and control; a three pieced, double-breasted criminal homicidal human insect whose only result-driven life is off a god damn cliff. Now they are in a standoff and face pages of felony charges by the masters of war who were on some other mission whom they tried to steal and declare theirs? Does it sound like a crack Fein in search of crack or sex? This results-driven and results-fueled insanity and monstrosity; is pure criminal greed and pure corruption and evil. So why are we being recruited again and why are they here seeking profit and recruitments for a communist-terrorist plot which is now so smashed up and in disrepair; they openly denounce the task and signal how they are on the Titanic?
I will make this clear. I don’t really enjoy civil rights policies from these two and applying this idea how their father, grand father, and his father served in this war and that one; when the problem is we cannot get rid of a military embarrassment. Now they have to be placed in our elite units. They cover up and try to paint over their military embarrassment and low quality. They lie, cheat, and steal their way to the stop. If you listen to John McCain on Met the Press, you will hear him talk about accountability and the military. This is the embarrassment of bias and bigotry taken to the officer rank. We do not support the worst students who are always embarrassed and think they are in first place and are meek and hide their backwards reality. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Movies, by Author; July 13, 2009 -
So the problem is not how America is a great country or how she used to be a happy one. The problem is how an insect like rodent is trying to occupy her happiness and make her fear herself and this same greatness. It is just through their eyes and experiences. So the worst part about this is how the people behind it are also behind the criticism and anger; they have been here and done that before; they know history and their fate. They call it murder or a death sentence. They do not realize they face a mob of murderers now and the person who caused it was the same people who fled them before in search of freedom from the greatest nation on earth.
This problem and these moles are in the military but they insist they are the bosses, civil rights, and it gets to be impossible to get rid of the unions and the left wing. If it is that embarrassment then they can speak about all these problems rather then swim backwards and wait for a rescue. I do not like how these people have embarrassed the military and force their way into our life either. These types are the last in their class, make a mess, least intelligent and desired, and feel they are in first place and courageous. Soon they will use the military to impose their life and mess on ours no less against our will and consent. This is about the last place and the first place; thus, the role of the government. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Movies, by Author; July 13, 2009 -
Understand they are happy and content; they will not only murder you but butcher you in a higher form than the apes you are fleeing and the same sensitive life they are trying to escape. If they do not know what self-sufficient and talented truth is; we suggest they learn real quickly. Do not return for the 12th year to be mean to us and have us yell 100 times a day “go away” or “leave us alone” or “what do you want” or “why are you doing this.” We will find you and we will hunt you down; now less say what is being said and met with utter silence and “leveraged results.” There is a reason why these people were butchered and it is not because they are happy and it is not because they were great; pure criminal insanity maybe.
You are some sort of joke and clown but more vicious than butchers, serial killers, and murderers. Rush says, “Are you thinking about leaving us (Ann and I)… General Powell… Colin Powell… John McCain… inflicts the most harm… why is this… feels he faced a lot of heat… celebrations… over wealth… (Rush says both of them are celebrating the end of wealth and our life story, both Ann and I).” We were never interested, married, or had any inkling of romance with them to begin with but we know how to exploit our surrounding and catch a thief and mole. Here we go again about talking to us as if we are their girlfriends and life partners. They see the damn same delusions with the movie Terminator and think it is about them when we are talking about them. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Movies, by Author; July 13, 2009 -
If we look at the full course of this, the entire 30 year sting and investigation, we too see a lot of “serious misjudgments.” Let’s repeat that, we see a lot of “serious misjudgments.” We too are scratching the peach fuzz on our naked heads and wondering also. These serious misjudgments are inexcusable, inescapable, and carry a death penalty ruling if caught. There is bad judgment and then there are gross injustices and appalling miscarriages of justice; we get the full Monty of both. We got their death sentence and cursed life no less; the fat chubby one who uses the pictures and misplace.com accounts of the cute and adorable ones. We are dealing with a creature that has an odor so foul they do not understand any other way but managed and controlled leverage; what they see as power.
Rush just mentioned and indicated two major problems; major league problems and their family secret. They got the whole story wrong and think they can steal and rewrite ours but now cannot; so they tried to clone it and it makes you laugh and nauseated. See how they are communist moles and why they act this way; they do not think CIA has encountered this before or if the FBI can identify it. Rush says “Osama just dropped charges to the new black panthers… speech he is giving… economic growth… right here… primary audience… wants to govern to the same people… he needs cover.” Rush we know this and Osama just got nailed. We know and had known; how do you think you got in this peril and predicament? Why is your life the way it is but you trudge on and onwards full steam? You just said it was the Titanic, “he wants out of there alive… (chuckle) used poor African country as a prop… would not have waited to give a speech like this… just cover… for an American audience (acting powerful)… detachment from current economic…” - Interview with Terror Suspects: Movies, by Author; July 13, 2009 -
We and a lot of others clearly and forcefully dictate how it is malice and culpability; they need not respond or apply. The joke, and it is a sick one too, is we are not mean enough to do the dirty work such as chase them out of Europe with only a hand basket and make them come to America where they are made fun of for being poor and highly discriminated. There are much more evil people in this world that has the same “leveraged power” and results-driven “sensitivity” to butcher them and match their powerful approach to life. They too suffer and know it is needed or reasonable; thus who is behind all of this maniacal and criminal insanity which has now turned into or morphed into a homicidal global rampage to recruit more and more “for profit-only seeking nuisances” trying to infect and capture the champions. This new game is not only about fear; it is about murder for profit and recruitment; some new machinery of the left wing to perpetuate their final onslaught and conquest.
One last thing and thanks for waking us up today for this show and to be on time. The foot stomping really annoyed me and begat at 11:35 or so. Sarah Conner, John Conner, and Reese or the Terminator does not live upstairs with the police chief and unions. Do you got it or are you this delusional, “trying it… overruling… nobody can overrule her… we are stuck with her.” This is what I am talking about and how you now think you can steal our story and say; no need to go further with this; we have it and replaced it; you can now leave and go away. So if they are they can beat the Terminators and real one! Do not play war games with the real thing and play with your lies as you do. “We are a better Secretary of Defense… we can beat you and did” and wish us to know you have it and want us to give it to you and then to go away and get lost; first, you have to beat the Terminator and survive; that you have not done and are in serious dangerous peril right now with this acting and total lies. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Movies, by Author; July 13, 2009 -
So this world has been here and done this before but is there anywhere left to go after the bottom? This is about the bottom and not being able to see upwards or the people who are above the bottom. This is about the bottom acting as if they are above the law while on the bottom and in this hypnotic stupor street corner thug possesses as their powerful approach to life and survival. We know what the response to all of this criminal insanity is already and where it was once mob rule and butchery; it is now a daily game to tag and yelling “go away… leave us alone… are you insane… are you trying to get yourself killed… what are you a 911 dirt bag?” You cannot make the greatest and the smartest the recipient of lying bankers or the mate of nostril flaring chubby girls who knows a smoking hot friend we all would love to meet; and stop going to the concerts and parties to step on the beer bottles and make us feel guilty after cracking their head open and having the leave the party early due to “medical emergencies.” If this world is not thunderstruck and disgusted by the left wing and what they transformed into; then they ought to listen and hear them daily.
Rush comments: “Call mom… (think she is mom “Clinton” and the Democrat of Ma Barker)… mom mad as hell… give us the answers to the test… tell them what they are going to do about a bully in school.” Rush and whoever this mom is does not realize both Ann and I are full adults and our intelligence is four times that of theirs. WE do not like them or even wish them in our life but they keep saying how they are some mom and a big bully in our life. These communist, bastards, liberals and labor unions (mother goose) are bone insane and so psychopathic. Now they think they are a bully and mom; much more powerful than anything out there. They also think Sarah, John, and Reece live upstairs and we are the Terminator living in the same house. They stalk us every single day and fart off one of those fat stink bombs like they do in public to show their power over us. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Movies, by Author; July 13, 2009 -
This was the same god forsaken reason why we got those old and traditional trials for being “un-American” and how bankers and financial wizards were also terrorist masterminds off on a murder for profit scheme so clever; we are all victims of it now. We are worth exactly one dollar and whatever our masters decided for us even if they are the worst in the world and face a butchering squad. They do not see it the same way or in the same light. Instead, this is about power and raw power. It is about being the recipients of a devil like creature who wishes to be our parents and mentors while using debt, profit, and power as a means to control those who resist it. These same fine diplomatic points are being made which we saw being made centuries ago.
Good news: So I write my college thesis on a strategic triad and also a nuclear policy which is based on satellite warfare. The part I had left out is SATWAR and the manuals. In it I write, “The gap between conventional arms and nuclear arms is nearly equal and technology is rapidly advancing the dynamics of both.” So someone steals this and does 911 and then goes on a bloody murder spree globally and no new weapons or delivery. Bush starts brown nosing and also sniffing out if his Generals are hording and hiding secrets; meanwhile, I am rotting in prison in a coma and my fiancĂ© is worried sick trying to call off this death wish and sentence by them. I know they are a sleeper mole, some rogue or terrorist group but I cannot corner and trap them because they are so well hidden and using the state so cleverly to do the dirty work. How do you retaliate on a communist shadow pursuing you as your mom and dad; wishing to dictate and help by making you poor and a total mess? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Movies, by Author; July 13, 2009 -
The point is the Europeans kicked out this super-semen species known as “businessmen and laborers” and America is also. How they got to be called the Bonus Culture or the express their creative joy over the same country ready to end their criminal adventures is ridiculous. So they created an enemy. That same enemy demands they perfect and restrain their behavior; if they cannot then at least be respectable about it and get lost or get the hell out of our life. We do not need to know it is their home or how hard their great-great grandfather worked picking lettuce for some powerful landed gentry; we are or come from that same landed-gentry background. This is no game or recruitment as we mistook it as before also; this is some last ditch effort and a serious attempt to find the ultimate high; this drunken stupor.
Hanoi-Limbaugh said, “You cannot get any higher… already being leveled against them.” WE know this and we know they have total invasion and the infiltrated the Presidency after 1989. We stopped you. You may want to ban them from all defense, military, and security details until we can resolve and round up all of them; while you can; we surprised them and had a similar run-in and they pulled out weapons, duct tape, and hand binders. If you get in a run-in with them; Bin Limbaugh says, “Knew they would be best friends.” Yes, Ann and I are best friends; thank you for commenting. They say you are so insecure and deranged. Why don’t you break the silence and stop telling us to shut up and then go away! Go find someone who likes you or respects you to give love to; stop being meek and silent and just go away or die. What a total loser. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Why are you Flipping Out over Movies? By Author; July 15, 2009 -
Now they demand we pick lettuce for them because they are feeble and dependent on our talents? Now they feel they can immigrate to our life and rewrite it because they are in total control and we are their prisoners in life? If they cannot be respectable and graceful about this; than maybe a dose of heavy breathing English will get the point across after ten full years of this and intractable ability or demands to keep it ongoing and endless while this communist-terrorist group is being hunted down dead or alive. They are not in a power relationship; they are being hunted down as a nuisance and enemy of the state. People do not want to do business with them and this is where they stray from the debate or the US model also. We will say this again, there was a reason, maybe good or not, why they butchered these people and it is not because they are freedom loving and respectable humans. Need they be the bonus culture and our bosses now?
I tell Ann and we kiss every night before bed Hanoi-Limbaugh; did you know this? I say, “Give me a kiss sweetheart… I love you” every single night. Ann says, “I am so in love Alex and you know this.” Ann tells me I am her master almost weekly. I never hear a damn thing about you or Bin Limbaugh; I hear it from you all the time. This shows you how insane you are. Now you want my wife just like that? Let me think about it and get back to you tomorrow okay! I am her master, she is proud and says this, we kiss every single night; and you keep saying “this is not over yet… we will be back.” Bin Limbaugh is crying and hurt 7/15/2009 2:44:02 PM; imagine how Sean feels. Ann is a human being and she has biological needs like all other women; but I thought it was just her and me. Where did all of this come from? She tells me it is casual and business relationships; interviews and how she is always organizing. She is just power and makes critical decisions. Now she has obsessed slaves who throw themselves at her; then turn into terrorists. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Why are you Flipping Out over Movies? By Author; July 15, 2009 -
We have been studying this monstrosity and the core of their leadership or the machinery of their crimes. All they know is how to get drunk, make insults, do dirty tricks, and then parade their kids to suggest they are a family unit or some proper business entity in life. What is even worse, they use the most vulnerable and the most helpless to further their life of crimes by suggesting they get drunk and fling insults at others every single day for some higher purpose or prudence. When you have a life of crime, there is no higher purpose; not even your kids can justify it or what you have done. Why they use this method to argue or to make more difficult the hope message or the total lack of education and rational explanations; we are quietly amused by also. The way they have chosen to leave this earth is one which is unspeakable and so disgusting; they are in a mute silence while the captured leaders are spewing out logical homicidal impulses to the disgust of the public domain.
7/15/2009 2:50:58 PM Stop sniffling and crying as if you are deranged and have some relationship with her; you are a peeping tom and ordered to let go of the bite on her life. Either that or openly and directly discuss this. One failed date should have ended this and a full year of this already should be enough; nobody else is carrying this out. Not even MSNBC or the liberals. Hanoi-Limbaugh sees this as his “destruction” and taking his entire reality. It is called head fucking you in espionage terminology and Ann is one of if not the best in the world. This is why you are so dangerous and will attack on a nuclear level. This is why the military and the role of the military are essential to stop the bad in this world; there is no legality or no criticism you level us with. You treat us like criminals and your girlfriends; we have to bend over backwards and have our reality overwhelmed. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Why are you Flipping Out over Movies? By Author; July 15, 2009 -
You have to literally tell them 100 times a day to behave or stop interceding in our life; they do not understand the idea others may be happy or happier without them. Why they do not understand is rationalized as infecting the champions. The excuse being given has to do with the future of the unborn and their kids which is even odder because all they know how to do is get drunk, reproduce, and tell everybody to go to hell and shut up. So if killing their kids and putting an end to this walking dead life of getting drunk and reproducing and flinging insults every single day; then the only way to shut this machinery of terrorism and murder for profit is just that; take away the machinery of war or the excuses they use to wage war. The reason why they need the labor unions is because it offers them more security and more abilities to get bone drunk and have lots of babies so they can insult or offend others with greater passion. It transfers this power to the next generation and the bad seed without any threat of job loss. They always screw it up though. They are going to go out and end the cold war in the most disgusting, disrespectful, and uncomfortable way possible; taking over. Losing means they get to take over because they are so much better and insulting.
In this case, it is a baby factory and some demand for jobs and payments; power and votes. Until they themselves can understand the punishments and the hurt they have caused for others; why should they parade their kids to suggest some higher meaning for murder or terrorism? We do not care if their union jobs depend on it or they made serious misjudgments; there is no excuse or 100 chances to be reborn. You quiet them when you take away what drives them to criminal homicides or insanity; you quiet the zoo of drunks who keep reproducing and live a life full of dirty tricks to get ahead. Take away their kids and you take away their excuses and how they impose this drunken pain and rowdy fulfillment on the suffering of others. You may not recognize them but you will recognize their kids; it is their kids who are paraded and used to hide their constant hole digging life.
(Caller says invaluable to country, looks great and healthy… teaches students… get the idea… you are much more intelligent… they are afraid of you… Bin Hannity, Glen Beck…) well they are much more afraid of Stark Levin than me… I can communicate (thoughts and ideas)… reason I can speak the truth is I am one of them… (We all know you are above the fray, know who you are and trying to make a living and be a good person) I never forget who made me successful; it is all of you… high expectations… number one radio show in nation… I would begin to loose self respect… (Caller says we all love him and truly respect him… it bothers him everyday… those are the babies Obama Bin Lying throws in the garbage, you can abort… I am sorry about that…) So Rush is a pro abortionist and wants to have dinner with “feline-Nazis.” 7/27/2009 1:44:42 PM So powers are all about profit and not the future of the unborn or genuine victims; genuine hostages are not terrorists. – Interview with Terror Suspects: Killing Their Kids, by Author; July 27, 2009 -
We know these people we are observing are connected to the Democratic Party, Labor Unions, the Catholic Church of America, and Israel. We were forced to muddle through this for over ten years while kidnapped. Even the pretty people have the same life; but what they get drunk and have all these kids for we do not know either. We think it is about politics and domination and the drunken rowdy fits sometimes lead to rape and illegitimacy or murder. We do not know, but disconnect the thinking process and unleash the hunger or search for some master. We are for certain they do not care for their kids and screw over their own; using them to parade their follies because all they know how to do is get drunk and barrage others with insults and dirty tricks their entire life of crime. Why they are in America is even a murkier and muckraking lie to be told also. Who their master is we really do not know unless it is some process of getting drunk and reproducing to insult others or infest the champions of this world.
These people are hoping to screw the mental fortitude and health of others on such a level; they must side with their hate and racism policies or face terror plots such as 911 where murder became astronomical profit and the ability to cover it all up and carry on in life as we have our life and the national destiny rewritten by some insect we must share freedom with. If nobody has notice yet, we are dealing with world class dirt bags and imbeciles of an extraordinary kind. The degree of criminal intent supersedes Kremlin or KGB masterminds. So this intention of getting drunk and having babies span across both the pretty and not so bright jackasses we are standing off; however, they usually use the princesses to market some repulsive creature we cannot overrule or escape the thralls of. Unless we see something which is a stark difference or some counter-force to this bodacious observation and study of our communist-terrorist problem; we must assume they are in power and have taken over; this also applies to Goldman-Sack who is acting suspicious also. We know it carried over to the Obama administration and began with the Clinton and this past struggle with the left wing. It is not just about scaring the hell out of others and altogether at one time anymore. Now it is about shovel ready and bailouts.
Even Poniewozik can’t stick with that claim. He went on to honor Cronkite for trusting his audience enough to abandon a "false even-handedness that flies in the face of reality." If writers want to appreciate Cronkite’s bias, that’s much more honest than claiming he wasn’t part of the historic CBS effort to paint the world in liberal hues. Here’s the end of Poniewozik’s appreciation: Cronkite was TV's patron saint of objectivity, in an era when audiences still believed in it (though he became a liberal columnist after retiring from TV). And yet ironically his most famous act as a news anchor was a rare occasion when he ventured an opinion. After reporting in Vietnam in 1968, Cronkite commented on the air that "it seems now more certain than ever that the bloody experience of Vietnam is to end in a stalemate." President Lyndon B. Johnson remarked that if he had lost Walter Cronkite, he had lost Middle America; soon after he announced that he would not seek re-election. - Time: Cronkite, the 'Patron Saint of Objectivity' -- Well, Actually, Thankfully, No, by Tim Graham (Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center), www.newsbuster.org/blogs ; July 18, 2009 - 09:02 ET -
It is strikingly odd because on Friday July 17, 2009; Walter Cronkite died in his Manhattan apartment at the age of 90. For those who lived through the most turbulent period of American and Cold War history and those who began the journey with the US Army Office of Strategic Services Officers (OSS) as they traversed the globe to fight this secret war; it came to a very violent and a very moment of reality during the 1960s. Walter Cronkite who was the “most trusted man in America” chronicled the Vietnam War. Thus you can view his work as he interviews soldiers immediately after battles, filming combat sites immediately after the shooting stops, and living a scalawag sort of life with the news immediately upon getting it.
The work chronicling the Vietnam War, “The Television War” which was his best work; pitted him against Generals and the Pentagon for the sheer reason why officers and strategist tend not to deal with daily events and witness the cold hard reality of foxhole duty. This is a nasty war we are in and this is an even nastier enemy we are fighting. They will not stop on oral commands, ethical principles, or mental linguistics of thought clarity. What is effective to combat the bad and the evil armies wishing to attack, conqueror, and dominate for whatever reason is the barrel of a gun. So the amount of killing Walter Cronkite witnessed and the atrocities he saw day in and day out going from one intense battle after the other in one of the most fierce some wars of our time changed his reality and view of war, human beings, and the slaughter of life when two powers fight it out.
Despite his comments on the war — or because of them — Cronkite cemented a reputation as a straight shooter. His successors, at CBS and elsewhere, would later be denounced as biased hacks for far less opinionated statements. Maybe Cronkite benefited from working in a time when Americans simply had more trust in authority. But it may also be that he earned that trust — that by calling a quagmire what it was, he showed that a false even-handedness that flies in the face of reality is not the same as honesty. And more important, he had faith that his viewers, even in a painfully divided period in history, were sophisticated enough to understand this. What finally distinguished Walter Cronkite, perhaps, was not the trust his audience placed in him. It was that he was a good and wise enough newsman to place his trust in his audience. - Time: Cronkite, the 'Patron Saint of Objectivity' -- Well, Actually, Thankfully, No, by Tim Graham (Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center), www.newsbuster.org/blogs ; July 18, 2009 - 09:02 ET -
When and if you see human bodies’ scattered everywhere or human mutilation on a day to day basis for over a full decade; it will have severe consequences in warping your reality. Therefore, let the military professionals fight this war and let them decide how to handle an obstinate, unrelenting, intractable, and peasant like annoyance. There is no weapon against the bad or evil; they must be destroyed and if that means a bullet to the head; then it does. When you are in a war as he saw the US and allied forces; you have exactly two options; to kill or be killed. Most choose to kill in the most efficient and meticulous way they know how and that is what he lived through for over a full decade. Some people can live a normal and honorable life; this insect obviously cannot. Yet they are so inferior and so dirt stupid in their hypnotic state; they feel they are the masters and the Lord will never save us from this terror plot and recruitment; but they will and are recruiting for a new cold war we know all about.
After the end of Second World War Stone traveled to the Near East to report on the efforts of displaced Eastern European Jews to enter Palestine. In the resulting book Underground to Palestine (1948), Stone wrote that the displaced persons made strenuous efforts to reach the Jewish homeland of Israel although it would have been far easier to emigrate to the United States because, they have been kicked around as Jews and now they want to live as Jews. Over and over I heard it said: "We want to build a Jewish country. ... We are tired of putting our sweat and blood into places where we are not welcome.”... These Jews want the right to live as a people, to build as a people, to make their contribution to the world as a people. Are their national aspirations any less worthy of respect than those of any other oppressed people? - Isidor Feinstein Stone (December 24, 1907 – June 18, 1989; born Isidor Feinstein, better known as I. F. Stone and Izzy Stone), From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
News reporters of the entire 1960s and the Vietnam era witnessed the rift and the split in the leaders that emerged from the rugby match of World War I and II; which then led to near rodent like lying and perpetuation of propaganda and ethnic medal ceremonies to address what was consuming the West and the anti-communist forces; hate and racism in the free market and capitalist countries. Well, when you are a rodent like creature or live a life much lower than a common insect; it is very difficult to avoid the issue of hate no less racism. It helps to have your head in life and this “ruthless sense of purpose” we keep hearing about as an obstruction to the dumb and dumber. What is most strange about this “cult of personalities” is the proximity they live to each other. There is a massive conglomeration of liberal leadership and this 1960s cult at or near ground zero to our economic engines and what drives the entire global economy.
Stone shared the Zionists' aspirations and strongly supported the creation of the State of Israel before it was recognized by the government of the United States. Like other moderate Zionists, including the distinguished diplomat and later Israeli Minister Abba Eban, Stone also supported a bi-national state in which Jews and Palestinians could live together. As the years passed, however, Stone the gadfly become increasingly sympathetic to the Palestinians' plight, attracting Eban's displeasure. Fellow gadfly, Noam Chomsky claimed in a 2009 interview that Eban had disparaged both himself and Stone as "neurotic self-hating Jews". - Isidor Feinstein Stone (December 24, 1907 – June 18, 1989; born Isidor Feinstein, better known as I. F. Stone and Izzy Stone), From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
This ground zero is the entire stock market and financial district in America, an island which is not more than 10 miles in length but the concentration of this problem is immense throughout the entire state. It is an untraceable mad dash to power by the most uncivilized or desperate in the state of the union. It is some metaphor for an oven which feeds the fire by using bad immigration policy to create even worse national and economic ones. Even if his work on Vietnam was a show stopper; he will not be missed for his views and his inability to recognize the problem and why Generals and military tacticians are more keen and knowledgeable; what he had was reality and the cold hard reality of man killing man taken to the living, smelling, and witnessing the most intense kill zones and tragedies man could produce; then watching the ape like characters who either caused it and created it lie desperately to cover up their embarrassment or flaws.
In 1964, using evidence drawn from a close reading and analysis of published accounts, Stone was the only American journalist to challenge President Johnson's account of the Gulf of Tonkin incident. During the 1960s, Stone continued to criticize the Vietnam War. His newsletter enjoyed a circulation of 70,000, and for the first time turned a profit. Hundreds of articles originally published in the Weekly were later republished in The I.F. Stone's Weekly Reader (1973), and in three volumes of a six-volume compendium of Stone's writings called A Nonconformist History of Our Times (1989). - Isidor Feinstein Stone (December 24, 1907 – June 18, 1989; born Isidor Feinstein, better known as I. F. Stone and Izzy Stone), From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
At some point, he too will loose faith and will adopt a severely warped reality of knowing it is not just the enemy but also on his side. So when it was on his side and the Generals and Pentagon on the other side and perplexed about an elusive and commanding menace; he became the enemy also and no longer a voice of reason. He also becomes a menacing voice because we cannot stop the bad and all these lies and criminal like impulses of apes, insects, and rodents living among us and sneaking up to our lot and taking it by exploiting their liberties and usurping ours. The reality of ground zero and war is the reality of peasants and war; thus the Generals who were the masters and jaded him also as an antagonist of the Vietnam War and what we are staring down of the barrel now; hate and racism around the world. If you see mass killing and do not understand it or why; then this happens on television and this “Television War.”
In March 1992, British journalist and writer on religion Andrew Brown quoted a Soviet Embassy attachĂ©, KGB Major General Oleg Kalugin, as saying, "We had an agent — a well-known American journalist — with a good reputation, who severed his ties with us after 1956. I myself convinced him to resume them. But in 1968, after the invasion of Czechoslovakia … he said he would never again take any money from us." In June 1992, Herbert Romerstein, a former investigator for the House Committee on Un-American Activities, and Eric Breindel, the late neo-conservative editorial writer for the N.Y. Post, claimed that the unnamed agent was I.F. Stone. - Isidor Feinstein Stone (December 24, 1907 – June 18, 1989; born Isidor Feinstein, better known as I. F. Stone and Izzy Stone), From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
It is not about the future of the kids or about our future even. It is has to do with the future of the unborn and this health insurance we are currently seeing as some Bernard Madoff quick fix and sign into knee-jerk law before it is too late. It is them who are punished for your sins to begin with why is this so obnoxiously different? The days of “kill the spies” or “kill the ape” are gone and dulled by the left wing, the Democratic Party, and most of all the liberals who now claim some victim rank and file. We must restore and reassure the days where we do “kill the apes” are our future and not watered down by the unions or some religious misfit. We know the fear of being raided is real with this group and they fear most a raid and some military campaign on their life, sins, or even kids. What is going to stop them if calling them a dead sappy ape does not?
Andrew Brown subsequently conceded that when he had "used the phrase 'an agent' to describe someone who turned out to be I.F. Stone", that he understood the term, “agent” to mean “useful contact,” and that the “take any money” reference simply meant that Stone would not permit a Soviet employee to pick up the check for lunch then, or in the future, as had sometimes been done before. He adds that New York trial lawyer and author Martin Garbus recounted that in September 1992, while at the Moscow Journalists Club; Kalugin had explained to him, "I have no proof that Stone was an agent. I have no proof that Stone ever received any money from the KGB or the Russian government, I never gave Stone any money and was never involved with him as an agent." - Isidor Feinstein Stone (December 24, 1907 – June 18, 1989; born Isidor Feinstein, better known as I. F. Stone and Izzy Stone), From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
Walter Cronkite was a good liberal media mogul; however, his legacy and his pseudonym as being a member in the “Viet Cong Society” is tarnished by his relationship to the same people the Pentagon and CIA had known was quirky and too sincere to be wrong. How then did his sincerity and trust end without any change or misgivings, any regrets or the inability to view the Viet Cong Society through the same reality and explain the same contusion to the experiences he had lived and forgiven? It is strange how such a major and big media symbol can exist without some sort of symposium on the mistakes, realities, and broken public discourse that seem abandoned and dead finally. We will never know but without some trail the Viet Cong Society and the idea it centered around a few well known and prominent individuals in the media will remain not so much a mystery anymore but hope and silence we are arresting as part of that history a lot of people find worthless, menacing, and meaningless to not only their life but the country itself. History is stoic but the truth is a passion.
All the problems with the American health care system come from government intervention, so naturally the Democrats' idea for fixing it is more government intervention. This is like trying to sober up by having another drink. The reason seeing a doctor is already more like going to the DMV, and less like going to the Apple "Genius Bar," is that the government decided health care was too important to be left to the free market. Yes -- the same free market that has produced such a cornucopia of inexpensive goods and services that, today, even poor people have cell phones and flat-screen TVs. As a result, it's easier to get your computer fixed than your health. Thanks, government! - TAKE TWO ASPIRIN AND CALL ME WHEN YOUR CANCER IS STAGE 4, by Ann Coulter, www.anncoulter.com ; July 22, 2009 –
It you are a casual observer and watching how the doom and Armageddon of the nation is transforming the voting base and dynamics of the Republican Party and the right wing; then you will notice the phenomenon of the imperfect cards. When things get worse and more wrong; certain Republicans play the most imperfect cards imaginable to appeal to the overwhelming pressure of their voting base and progressive lot. Therefore, the failure of the Republican Party is based on a canceling effect within as wealth is destroyed by both sides of the aisle trying to play the imperfect cards to an already All-American broken system. Philosophically, you cannot become something you are fighting and then overcome it at the same time; so the personnel is bad and wrong for the job when you are fighting imperfection and a coarse dialect which underscores the debate as hate and racism.
We already have near-universal health coverage in the form of Medicare, Medicaid, veterans' hospitals, emergency rooms and tax-deductible employer-provided health care -- all government creations. So now, everyone expects doctors to be free. People who pay $200 for a haircut are indignant if it costs more than a $20 co-pay to see a doctor. The government also "helped" us by mandating that insurance companies cover all sorts of medical services, both ordinary -- which you ought to pay for yourself -- and exotic, such as shrinks, in vitro fertilization and child-development assessments -- which no normal person would voluntarily pay to insure against. This would be like requiring all car insurance to cover the cost of gasoline, oil and tire changes -- as well as professional car detailing, iPod docks, leather seats and those neon chaser lights I have all along the underbody of my chopped, lowrider '57 Chevy. - TAKE TWO ASPIRIN AND CALL ME WHEN YOUR CANCER IS STAGE 4, by Ann Coulter, www.anncoulter.com ; July 22, 2009 –
The debate is about financial freedom, economic sustainability, self sufficiency, and escaping the mind blowing outrageous behaviors of the most stupid human beings ever to sail to America and this world. So on one hand there is a severe sensation of personnel withdrawal and an insect we are trying to squash, then on the other is the almost mimicking and copy-cat feeling of murder for profit and corruption we are having shoved down our throat as the impetus behind 911 and who is making this call to God. All of these elusive operatives are able to exploit and usurp the liberties and freedom we enjoy; then replace it or rewrite our life with oppression and the chaos of this monstrosity where masters become peasant like union spies and religious misfits just pretending to be venomous buccaneers in our life seeking betrayal. Even the Republicans who are honing in on this problem realize it all surfaced during the Bush Administration and was resurgence after the Reagan years.
But politicians are more interested in pleasing lobbyists for acupuncturists, midwives and marriage counselors than they are in pleasing recent college graduates who only want to insure against the possibility that they'll be hit by a truck. So politicians at both the state and federal level keep passing boatloads of insurance mandates requiring that all insurance plans cover a raft of non-emergency conditions that are expensive to treat -- but whose practitioners have high-priced lobbyists. As a result, a young, healthy person has a choice of buying artificially expensive health insurance that, by law, covers a smorgasbord of medical services of no interest to him ... or going uninsured. People who aren't planning on giving birth to a slew of children with restless leg syndrome in the near future forgo insurance -- and then politicians tell us we have a national emergency because some people don't have health insurance. - TAKE TWO ASPIRIN AND CALL ME WHEN YOUR CANCER IS STAGE 4, by Ann Coulter, www.anncoulter.com ; July 22, 2009 –
With all this chaos and the use of imperfect cards to bend over backwards to a voting base doomed by failure; it is easy for peasants to pick off their masters with union like clarity and this “Obama-care” we keep hearing about. This lingering myth about the McCain-Palin express, which was the Republican answer in the 2008 elections, being able to put a full court press on the right people is false. This is a prime example of playing to the wrong audience and putting the full court press on the wrong people. It is the use of the imperfect or alienated cards which had been avoided and severely hated. These cards are so embarrassing and so well hidden; candid discussion is near treason; however, when they are labeled right wing and Republican, they tend to garner more life and more importantly more value.
The whole idea of insurance is to insure against catastrophes: You buy insurance in case your house burns down -- not so you can force other people in your plan to pay for your maid. You buy car insurance in case you're in a major accident, not so everyone in the plan shares the cost of gas. Just as people use vastly different amounts of gasoline, they also use vastly different amounts of medical care -- especially when an appointment with a highly trained physician costs less than a manicure. Insurance plans that force everyone in the plan to pay for everyone else's Viagra and anti-anxiety pills are already completely unfair to people who rarely go to the doctor. It's like being forced to share gas bills with a long-haul trucker or a restaurant bill with Michael Moore. On the other hand, it's a great deal for any lonely hypochondriacs in the plan. - TAKE TWO ASPIRIN AND CALL ME WHEN YOUR CANCER IS STAGE 4, by Ann Coulter, www.anncoulter.com ; July 22, 2009 –
The uses of imperfect cards only appeal to the left wing base and the liberals but end up as a philosophical misgiving and wreck. You end up canceling out votes where you loose Republican votes but gain worthless Democratic ones. The shortcomings of the Republican Party are the fact there are more imperfect than perfect people in this world; thus, the use of the imperfect cards instill a sense of how unfair the system truly is. That is the age of robotics. Why are we so mean to a worthless dirt bag life we have been kidnapped by? Well, let’s ask them and find out.
Now the Democrats want to force us all into one gigantic national health insurance plan that will cover every real and mythical ailment that has a powerful lobby. But if you have a rare medical condition without a lobbying arm, you'll be out of luck. Even two decades after the collapse of liberals' beloved Soviet Union, they can't grasp that it's easier and cheaper to obtain any service provided by capitalism than any service provided under socialism. You don't have to conjure up fantastic visions of how health care would be delivered in this country if we bought it ourselves. Just go to a grocery store or get a manicure. Or think back to when you bought your last muffler, personal trainer, computer and every other product and service available in inexpensive abundance in this capitalist paradise. - TAKE TWO ASPIRIN AND CALL ME WHEN YOUR CANCER IS STAGE 4, by Ann Coulter, www.anncoulter.com ; July 22, 2009 –
If you keep on playing the same cards and the same people; you will loose out on the philosophical debate and the left wing is always desperate and anxious for a chance to prove them. They yearn for that chance to desperate win and show some worth or some opportunity. So these mad dashes to power on both sides are the result of the imperfect cards and the same communist-terrorist plot we had uncovered as so berating and homicidal; we have trouble prosecuting it and others have problems seeing it. It must be invisible. This mad dash to the abuse of power always dooms the nation and collapses the economic system to either corruption or bad policies. It does not matter if they like us or not; we will know that once the shooting starts and the reality of the war we live in and fight becomes not overseas or abroad; but coming home and a reality in the homeland also.
Third-party payer schemes are always a disaster -- less service for twice the price! If you want good service at a good price, be sure to be the one holding the credit card. Under "universal health care," no one but government bureaucrats will be allowed to hold the credit card. Isn't food important? Why not "universal food coverage"? If politicians and employers had guaranteed us "free" food 50 years ago, today Democrats would be wailing about the "food crisis" in America, and you'd be on the phone with your food care provider arguing about whether or not a Reuben sandwich with fries was covered under your plan. Instead of making health care more like the DMV, how about we make it more like grocery stores? Give the poor and tough cases health stamps and let the rest of us buy health care -- and health insurance -- on the free market. - TAKE TWO ASPIRIN AND CALL ME WHEN YOUR CANCER IS STAGE 4, by Ann Coulter, www.anncoulter.com ; July 22, 2009 –
The rule is the left wing is evil; a universal rule. The other rule which is growing and expanding is the right wing is because of these imperfect cards and trying to appeal to them; that philosophical debate is neglected and being replaced by tax policies, reckless debts, corporate welfare, trillion dollar bail outs, and a learner’s permit to hell. Liberals and the Democrats live on a learners permit in life no less a learner’s permit in economic and financial dealings; if you give them full power or even let them into power; that learner’s permit will turn into vehicular homicide; trust us. The way to properly apply that learner’s permit is to tinker and meddle with the financial and banking industries as we have now; a total and complete disaster with no end in sight. Will we get the same pure raw reality of killing as we saw when two forces clash and one must be the winners or else both will lose it all?
Kalugin's testimony also contradicted Romerstein's allegation that Stone was a Soviet "agent" in interviews he gave I.F. Stone's two most recent biographers, historian D.D. Guttenplan (author of Holocaust on Trial) and former Washington Post writer Myra MacPherson (author of the Vietnam War classic, Long Time Passing). Guttenplan reported Kalugin’s denials in articles in the Nation and the New York Post. To Myra MacPherson Kalugin said: “We had no clandestine relationship. We had no secret arrangement. I was the press officer... I never paid him anything. I sometimes bought lunch.” - Isidor Feinstein Stone (December 24, 1907 – June 18, 1989; born Isidor Feinstein, better known as I. F. Stone and Izzy Stone), From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
When and if you let the radicals and the peasants dress up as the leaders in this mad dash to the abuse of power; you will deliver a future riddled by death and destruction. Hopefully it will be the right people and not the wrong ones. Hopefully, the graces of the most powerful and most trusted in our world will stop and put a deadly end to this immediately and eradicate the looming and pending evil which seeks to besmirch our life with lies, innuendoes, and this goofy good feeling they can actually be our neighbors and immigrate to our life for the sole purpose of infecting the champions, royals, elites, and the masters of war. When you flip the system upside down; the truth becomes lies and the peasants the masters. The people we are dealing with who are below insects do not understand or realize how much others dislike them, despise them, or can restrain themselves properly to go away or excuse themselves; yet they are full of lies, thievery, and think they are sexy to the winners and champions. To them it is about power and raw animalism or disgusting behavior.
MacPherson notes, however, that writer Max Holland, an expert on the Kennedy assassination, persisted in repeating allegations about Stone accepting money from the Soviet Union, even while acknowledging the unreliability of their source (i.e., Oleg Kalugin): As for the conflicting tales woven by former KGB agent Kalugin about his relationship with Stone from 1966 to 1968, Holland correctly notes that "Kalugin seemed incapable of telling the same story more than once." Still, this did not keep Holland from repeating the damaging and long refuted lie that Herbert Romerstein, former HUAC sleuth, developed after talking with Kalugin, that Moscow Gold subsidized Stone's weekly newspaper. No where is there any evidence that Stone took money for anything except a possible lunch or two. Nor is there any evidence, as Holland points out, that Kalugin was able to plant stories with Stone. - Isidor Feinstein Stone (December 24, 1907 – June 18, 1989; born Isidor Feinstein, better known as I. F. Stone and Izzy Stone), From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
This is what we have now and have meticulously destroyed them with clarity and military greatness; hence their white flag and efforts to escape (aka crawling away) with their life and conspiracy silenced. The surprise they got reliving Saigon and South Vietnam is the blindness to the reconstruction period after which recovered and was able to defeat them as they adopted the same sweaty war strategy of peasants and defeated the greatest military in the world and two standing armies on two continents. The learner’s permit is bankrupt while the other side has risen as the masters. That is no learner’s permit any longer and there is a reason why the enemy forces are crawling to get away with their lies. The imminent and destructive forces, the capability already demonstrated is so damn near perfect they are back to being the army of the damned; not the masters or a gang of raw and pure homicidal scalawags off on a meeting with destiny.
In his own memoir about his years as an undercover KGB man working as a Soviet press attachĂ© in Washington, Oleg Kalugin revealed that he routinely met with many journalists in addition to Stone, including Walter Lippmann, Joseph Kraft, Drew Pearson, Chalmers Robers and Murray Marder of the Washington Post, and others. According to Kalugin, I. F. Stone followed a practice of having lunch with a Soviet press attachĂ© from time to time, but broke off this luncheon relationship after his first visit to the Soviet Union in 1956 and after hearing Nikita Khrushchev's "Secret Speech" denouncing Stalin and the tyranny of his regime. When Stone returned home from this trip to Russia he wrote in his newsletter: "Whatever the consequences, I have to say what I really feel after seeing the Soviet Union and carefully studying the statements of its leading officials. This is not a good society and it is not led by honest men." (Italics in original) Stone's comment that "nothing has happened in Russia to justify cooperation abroad between the independent left and the Communists" cost him several hundred subscribers to the Weekly. - Isidor Feinstein Stone (December 24, 1907 – June 18, 1989; born Isidor Feinstein, better known as I. F. Stone and Izzy Stone), From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
So if the right wing and the Republican Party continue to play or put forth the imperfect cards; they will loose the philosophical debate and that will signal their doom and destruction because the Democrats and the left wing demand a fair and just reality where they will level the playing field and bury anyone in the way. What we detected was one of the most powerful conspiracies and plots ever to hit the planet earth; even more powerful than communism, liberalism, and evil. It is hard to believe how all of that can be best by a bunch of raw animals and homicidal scalawags; but they have outdone themselves and expanding quickly. By refusing to vacate on both sides but constantly putting forth ridiculous and imperfect cards; the fight intensifies. They know they will be destroyed once they lost the philosophical debate.
In 2009, Klehr and Haynes together with Alexander Vassiliev, a former Russian KBG man turned journalist, published a new book, Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America. The book was partially financed by the Smith Richardson Foundation, which also hosted a symposium to publicize it in May 2009 at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington. The authors cite a KGB file (allegedly seen by Vassiliev while in Russia) that explicitly named "Isidor Feinstein, a commentator for the New York Post" in the 1930s, as BLIN and indicating that in 1936 BLIN "entered the channel of normal operational work." Another note supposedly listed BLIN as one of the New York KGB Station's agents in late 1938. Klehr, Haynes, and Vassiliev claim that Stone "assisted Soviet intelligence on a number of tasks, ranging from doing some talent spotting, acting as a courier by relaying information to other agents, and providing private journalist tidbits and data the KGB found interesting." - Isidor Feinstein Stone (December 24, 1907 – June 18, 1989; born Isidor Feinstein, better known as I. F. Stone and Izzy Stone), From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
Therefore, our little 911 plot and the communist and terrorist sleeper masterminds we happened to “discover one fine day” are playing murder-profit-corruption in some New York-Chicago way to liberal politics and the damnation of the federal attenuation to close down this baseball game of crooks and criminals. It is hard to hide all of this after the post World War II split much similar to the Sino-Soviet split in the communist treasure troves. The same split is occurring with capitalism. So this refusal to vacate and crawl away with their lies, even if imminent destruction is pending, is being globe trotted around the globe by a beleaguered fool as murder-profit and merely power and worth. Pure raw animalism and material culture gone bananas and absolutely homicidal and insane; when they throw a white flag, it is nothing more than a trick to buy time; therefore, we have banned all white flags from them. It is all total lies and their criminal insanity or homicidal impulse needing a breather.
Specifically, they state that "Pancake" was supposed to help recruit and support anti-Nazi resistance activity in Berlin, Germany, at this time (1936-38). The authors admit that Stone broke with the KGB after the Nazi-Soviet Pact of 1939; and they speculate that later Soviet contacts were in the nature of trying to reactivate the previous relationship. They conclude: "The documentary record shows that I.F. Stone consciously cooperated with Soviet intelligence from 1936 through 1938 [the period of the Popular Front]. An effort was made by Soviet intelligence to reestablish that relationship in 1944-45; we do not know whether that effort succeeded. To put it plainly, from 1936 to 1939 I.F. Stone was a Soviet spy", Jim Naureckas, writing for FAIR counters that Klehr, Haynes, and Vassiliev's allegations, if true, indicate merely that Stone was “just gossiping,” and he assails the authors for their “nefarious” and “tendentious” magnification of “relatively innocuous behavior” on the basis of one anti-Nazi maneuver. As for Stone being listed as an “agent”, Naureckas points out that Walter Lippmann is listed as an agent as well. - Isidor Feinstein Stone (December 24, 1907 – June 18, 1989; born Isidor Feinstein, better known as I. F. Stone and Izzy Stone), From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
For those who love to gamble in the financial districts and cow-tow the country down a dark and evil path of murderous plots while the entire system is collapsing; then instilling the nation and the world with being left out and being out of touch with reality or the truth is the same drift of exacerbating the voting base into the doom and failures of debt and more debt to keep alive the bubble in their head and political fantasies. They tell us we were kidnapped and if the Lord was not going to help us or finish off the job, then they would; now we offer the same remedy to the same plot. The joke was and always had been about them, not us. Similarly, if they loose the philosophical debate, then do not come back again and expect no severe recourse or retaliation. We know unification is currently underway and attempts to fix the communist-terror plot are visible because we do not have the votes to step on this insect like rodent. We also know they expected victory because it was the same winning strategy in Vietnam; but they did not expect to face the Terminators and the killing machines of the resistance.
Author Max Holland weighs in that, while in his opinion there is no question I.F. Stone was a "fully recruited and witting agent" from 1936 to 1938, Stone "was not a 'spy' in that he did not engage in espionage and had no access to classified material." Reviewing Spies in the Nation (May 25, 2009), I.F. Stone's biographer D.D. Guttenplan writes, “Spies never explains why we should believe KGB officers, pushed to justify their existence (and expense accounts) when they claim information comes from an elaborately recruited ‘agent’ rather than merely a source or contact.” He says the authors of Spies distort the report from VENONA 1506 (October 1944) and never prove that BLIN was Stone in 1936. He adds that their charges merely show that Stone “was a good reporter” and notes that when Walter Lippmann is quoted in Spies as having professional contacts with “a Soviet journalist with whom he traded insights and information.” This is the same man (Pravdin) whom Stone is said to have avoided. - Isidor Feinstein Stone (December 24, 1907 – June 18, 1989; born Isidor Feinstein, better known as I. F. Stone and Izzy Stone), From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
There was a reason why they were crawling and also hiding this murderous life and plot we discovered as they recruited and subjugated the nation to this sleeper communist-terrorist plot being fixed currently. Being out of touch with reality and instilling a sense of utter failure or imperfection is no excuse to rule or becoming more powerful. It will result in total and inspirational military wrath to prove that point and if the Vietnam War is their winning strategy; then there will be bodies everywhere. We will wait patiently for this standoff to end and the plot to turn themselves in; it is to their benefit to use their freedom of speech and not crawl away with lies or wave the white flag. This is about our freedom, not theirs. If they wish to crawl some more or face some unstoppable wrath as the Lord did nothing for them; then at least put the lazy effort in the philosophical debate and historical record, not lie about it using a conspiracy, and then calling it hope or “Obama-care.”
Keep in mind how this is not a game and can end very quickly. Flying a white flag constantly for breathing room while arresting others on frivolous and baseless charges; cannot compare to the real thing where federal and military forces gather around their fantasy and compound for some standoff and surrender. So we detect much more fear and much more real blood. It is a kabuki threat and a theater of pain orchestrated by the most criminal and stupid. It is a life trap and a death sentence where they kidnap a new recruit and call them “nigger” every single day; upwards to 100 times daily while sharing life with them and also calling it an internship. The odd part is when the recruiters come out and begin to explain their policies and what they are marketing such as the history of slavery and the liberal movement. We are in the age of robotics. Why are we so mean to a worthless dirt bag life we have been kidnapped by? Well, let’s ask them and find out.
The next part of this recruitment is life cycle and opportunities where the recruiters actually show you their global network and who is plugged into it such as militant and spies of foreign enemies list. Spy work is treated as if it is a common job but the problem is you do not get a chance to say no. So their fear is much more real than ours but they hide it well and act more powerful when they know how real this silence can get. Anyone caught doing what they are doing and with such murderous rampage or future threats to attack on the nuclear level if jobs and their demands are not met will not incur one generation of pain but several others along with their genealogy. This secret plot to infect and kill off the champions is the same fear they feel for the greatness of the country and the mightiest militaries on earth. It is too bad they are always on the receiving end no matter whose team they are on or which side of the coin they flip-flop on.
KABUL (Reuters) - The U.S. military denounced on Sunday the release of a video showing a soldier captured in Afghanistan, saying the images were Taliban propaganda that violated international law. The U.S. military has confirmed the man in the video is the soldier it says went missing in late June. The video has not appeared yet on websites regularly used by the Taliban or al Qaeda. In the video, the soldier appeared to be in good health and is occasionally shown eating. His head is shaven and he has a slight beard. He is sitting cross-legged on the floor in traditional gray, loose-fitting Afghan shalwar kameez clothing. - FACTBOX - Transcript of missing U.S. soldier in Afghanistan, by Reuters staff, www.in.reuters.com ; Jul 19, 2009 1:08pm IST -
There is something very odd going on. It is as if the scene from the Movie Under Siege is replaying aboard the USS Missouri when the star of the show says, “something is going on, go check with the Captain” only to find out the Captain has been overtaken and murdered by terrorists seizing the entire ship itself. That is what is going on and the same feeling of being aboard a hijacked ship on the high seas and they are searching for weapons, do not know you are the Terminator who will kill each and every one of them on board, and there is a pretty girl who has to help you but is a little emotionally attached because they fed her some drug to incapacitate her.
The video is cut in places and a voice speaking in English can sometimes be heard in the background prompting him. Below is a transcript of a two-minute portion of the video which appeared on the Internet video sharing website YouTube (www.YouTube.com): U.S. soldier: "Well I am scared. I'm scared I won't be able to go home. It is very unnerving to be a prisoner." "I have my girlfriend who is hoping to marry. I have my grandma and grandpas. I have a very, very good family that I love back home in America." Voice off camera: "Miss them." - FACTBOX - Transcript of missing U.S. soldier in Afghanistan, by Reuters staff, www.in.reuters.com ; Jul 19, 2009 1:08pm IST -
So relax, everything on the ship has been taken over and the Captain has been shot. The only thing which stands between a highly trained and professional killing crew onboard and the details of what they are doing on board is still a mystery. We think it is about sharing hospital beds and cost cutting because they are desperate and share on bed with three or more patients. We think it is about companies like AIG, Bear Stearns, or Goldman and Sack; all of whom are private companies and cannot bill the US Government for any services but got a very huge payment exceeding half a trillion dollars. We think it is about some lawsuit where they all spring out of their hideouts and walk away from the scene of an armed robbery much like the North Hollywood Shooting back in 1992 when two Terminator like bank robbers casually walked away from a guerrilla war zone.
Soldier: "And I miss them every day that I'm gone. I miss them and I'm afraid that I might never see them again and that I'll never be able to tell them that I love them again. I'll never be able to hug them." Voice off camera: "Any message to your people?" "Yes. To my fellow Americans who have loved ones over here, who know what it's like to miss them: you have the power to make our government bring them home." "Please, please bring us home so that we can be back where we belong and not over here wasting our time and our lives and our precious life that we could be using back in our own country." "Please bring us home. It is America and the American people that have that power." - FACTBOX - Transcript of missing U.S. soldier in Afghanistan, by Reuters staff, www.in.reuters.com ; Jul 19, 2009 1:08pm IST -
We also think it is about the Kennedy family, the Clinton family, and the Obama family all sharing the same hospital bed simultaneously with hobos and dirty rotten scoundrels they hate with a passion. It is kind of hard to describe because it felt like just a kidnapping but it turned out to be so much more. It is about a ship and some special commando who protects the Captain. It is about some hippie like band who is the entertainment and were flown on the ship for a birthday party. It is about a pretty girl and the commando, who only the Captain knows who he truly is but has been murdered, fighting an entire ship crawling with terrorists. It is about 16 inch cannons hurting their ears and old timers who think this is some war and flashback.
That is the truth and it is denigrating but he left all of that out trying to suggest the Irish were the best police when they may be the worst; such the case here. There is a long history of bad police and they had to impose four year BA degrees. All the sudden, they are still calling us a common nigger for over twenty years after the Jim Crow periods. The Irish make horrible police; not all but in general and it is documented. Do we call them a common nigger for no reason or are they always instigating this common nigger problem to dignify common knowledge? Bin Hannity says alcoholics, rowdy, mouthy, drama lushes, and all kinds of names such as bastards are not used to identify his police union. We do not overemphasize that but we did bring it up as a precursor to why this behavior we are seeing is this way with the police. We do not hide the statistics of prisons or the single mom problems. - Interview with Terror Suspects: We Do Not Appreciate the Nigger Comments Either, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
Wait, is that the only movie or is there some other sensation or surrealism of an experience that is transcendental and very difficult to get off? It is about some story about the Terminator and JC and having no fate and a child who was labored by a woman named Sarah and some future leader who sent a guy back in time to protect her and also inseminate her as an alien chases them to kill the future leader of the resistance. It is very easy to describe now and almost Hollywood. So what does this have to do with a communist plot and a terrorist plot which dates all the way back to the 1960s? What does this have to do with the Bush or Obama administration?
Now Bin Hannity is saying 911 is some “sensitivity training” and similar to his defense of kidnapping us, calling us a common nigger for 10-20 years and clearly there is some form, maybe not much of extreme behavior or risk taking here. Bin Hannity has not once acknowledged this and so has this police union of his. Make sure we enroll or sign up for it next time or get paid. Bin Limbaugh says we will never “get paid” unless we come on the force and are recruited, “if wants to get paid… work for us.” Now we can fine tune the questions for court. He will have to show us how in the 20 years he need to give us some sensitivity training or why 3000 had to be killed for this also. - Interview with Terror Suspects: We Do Not Appreciate the Nigger Comments Either, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
What the hell does this have to do with AIG, Bear Stearns, and Goldman and Sack getting paid by the government but not billing them and not listed as a “government industry and services” company? There are people right now who are upset with them for accepting half a trillion in FEMA money and buying expensive hookers, fine caviar, distressed property, rival companies, and lavish government trips and dinners? Why do we care if the Kennedy family, the Clinton family, or the Obama family sharing a hospital bed and charging the federal government for the most expensive fish oils and fine wines money can buy? What we and the public heard was how they would defend any friend of theirs and use the might and wrath of the United States to retaliate against anyone who gets in the way.
If you ask me; calling me a common nigger shows how callous his 911 plot was even if it was for sensitivity training; we call it murder and will kill much more people for the same reasons. I also do not see any remorse, regrets, or even care; it is pure profit such as killing spouses. Maybe he could have commented on our book needing sensitivity training or some point where our book indicated such need; why now and 20 years later? All the sudden, calling us a common nigger is sensitivity training and now we are taking extreme risks because we are called this over twenty times a day by this police union? How about, “we got the wrong person… and we made a serious mistake which will require our entire life to repay. We did not know it was concerning the murder of 3000 people or other events that were life and death but we are and were in the way and will accept full responsibility. We do not care what the reason was; it is and was still murder. We will deny and refuse any blood money arising from it.” - Interview with Terror Suspects: We Do Not Appreciate the Nigger Comments Either, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
Why are the people on the radio telling us about our own kidnapping, a communist sleeper mole system, a terror plot, and various failed recruiting methods which failed ten and even twenty years ago? The reason why military commandos surrounded them and bombarded them with the armament intended for aliens and supernatural powers is not about being finely tuned and mistreated at the same time; it is because we do not like them and never did. So they got lucky with us and raised the white flag at the right time because the final blow was inches away. They now have a near death experience and wish to thank us for the experience! There is some bonus and payment; a transfer from the federal government to this secret ship and party we just described.
Do you also respond to the charges with Ann? Now Bin Hannity is saying our predicament now and what he did is proof we are not together. How is J-Lo Bin… is she still living in sin… how many men was she with Bin Hannity… and the exact same pressure which drives people insane and he calls it driving girls crazy and how to get a date or get sex. Bin Hannity cannot be going around calling others a common nigger because he has a black friend. Bin Hannity says, “Now it is going to be harder to explain… now my kids will know who to thank when they grow up conservative… alright my friend.” Our kids will also Bin Hannity and we are showing you so much love as you describe it. Our kids will know how many times Annie had to go to you and risk it all and what it got her or why she need me to crack your skull open and have a look. You still say it is still not over and you are determined to rape her or drive us insane. How many times did she rescue you or came to your rescue? Count from 1998 to 2009 how many times she came to mine or me to hers? Explain that one in court. - Interview with Terror Suspects: We Do Not Appreciate the Nigger Comments Either, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
When you know who the character is and why; you can understand the story and who is in the movie. The problem with the communist and terrorist plot members is they see a different story, a different interpretation, and a different subjective experience unique to their own views and according to the political experience. They watch the same movies and see themselves as the main characters living out reality; thus, their delusion and their derangements are growing like a tumor the size of a grapefruit. That was the pimple that exploded on us and why we are disgusted. They are showing it off and we popped it and it got messy. But are we on the same page now or not; because in all of those movies, the bad guys die. Struggle with the military forces does not lead to a love story or a quick scene to three people on the same hospital bed.
Eventually, you will call me a common nigger; I promise you, everybody knows what is going on inside you and your career. Ask J-Lo O’Bin Hannity how many times her husband has been yelled about leaving Ann or I alone and stop trying to rape, injure, or murder no less call one a common nigger. Ask her how many times can she count as Ann yelled at these people and went insane and ballistic because they called me a common nigger and she tried to get them off of me; look at the video from 1998 to 2008 and ask J-Lo to count how many times Ann Coulter had to rescue me from her husband. What did he just say? He and this JC Watts were teaming up on us and trying to do the same thing. Ask JC Watts and Newt Gingrich how many times and what happened to her when she did; then ask how many times she has come to the rescue of Bin Hannity or Bin Limbo. They refuse to recognize what they did or what we did to get here or why they are in dire straits. J-Lo O’Bin Hannity and Ann can touch base because the public wants them dead. - Interview with Terror Suspects: We Do Not Appreciate the Nigger Comments Either, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
You would think there would be some disenchantment with either the Democrat or Republican Party; but we are either dealing with some very stupid people or they like to gamble with the money of others in a ruinous pyramid scheme to live out the same fantasy as Bernard Madoff the notorious Wall Street hoodlum who drained people of their life savings to pay out bonuses to his family and employees. When you murder the Captain and his cook seeks revenge on board the Missouri; it is like trying to sell veneer and a wooden argument as red cherry, mahogany, and even rare teak.
Before you cite Ann or me; make sure you cite one instance she has rescued you or protected you from danger. Now cite how many times she did me and what that cost her; you are a complete idiot to say she is in love with you “just so we all know it is a nightmare.” You finally speak from the heart and have overcome the meekness of your evil and rancid obsession with her which had been a murder-rape plot but she outfoxed you and I smashed you as you turned the corner. It was a serial killer waiting, preying, and following her as a business collegiums and friend. However, we cannot wait until you produce a body, we have 3000 already and millions of others. You may want to check how professional I was and how I was both her boyfriend and security; how I treated her and spoke to her. She was hysterical and I was also when I saw what she was doing and how close she was to you; you’re up close and in your face strategy. - Interview with Terror Suspects: We Do Not Appreciate the Nigger Comments Either, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
Maybe we should begin to debate the reason or purpose why other empires have starved for hundreds of years this terrible bunch who have now invaded America and torture, torment, and terrorize the greatest and brightest because they look and feel repulsive and wish to infect everybody else. There is some logic here and even more logic why they may need a bit more than water boarding; we should consider some of the methods to punish this weasel breed of incivility who has immigrated to our life with demands for much more than our life and soul.
You will get that one added on your case also. As the military arresting dangerous cold blooded murders; I will ask you to cooperate and what you do after that is up to you as a complaint but none was ever filed to the Pentagon or CIA. Had you documented some official complaint; there would not be some suspicion or credibility problem now. If you had a real complaint, you begin with “Hi, my name is… “ and we can know who is passing judgment and accusing us; we are totally blinded and have to flush the 911 terrorist out and we get these clowns. They think this is some game they can win and dignify their life and it is clear the extreme risk taking is off the charts. - Interview with Terror Suspects: We Do Not Appreciate the Nigger Comments Either, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
There may be a demand for veneer wood posing as high quality and expensive teak; but you cannot put it on the same market and charge the same prices. Now they think they run the free market and run our life into the ground with these ruinous elections and scandals. This fidelity with the law and love story with America is unbearable. If they are “freaking out” and know it is “total lies” then why keep walking away and say “they decide when and if they want to play with the lights?” The idea is to walk away while you can and with your life. It is documented and their public trial is Hollywood already which dates back well past 30 years.
Look, we have a right to ask you why you are calling me a common nigger for 10-20 years. If you are more powerful, more superior, make more noise, or are the police; than say so. You had been using those arguments before. Now are we supposed to expect a mass kool-aid party or some mass police suicide as each of your spy and moles blow their heads away you are dragged into court? Wonderful, you have to dignify your life and we wait for you to blow your brains out. So there might be a major problem with the police union and what you have said. Ask your wife and let her read all of what I have written and then debate me as Ann has debated you. I want to know what she has to say and we have heard your side and how you see it; let’s hear her and the police wife. I did not appreciate two events on this page, one was calling me a common nigger for over 10-20 years and this standoff to rape the person who has been trying to get you off of me and stop trying to recruit me for 911 and go on some murderous million man death march. - Interview with Terror Suspects: We Do Not Appreciate the Nigger Comments Either, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
Based on what we witnessed and observed, it is highly advisable they do not come and wave the white flag as they drive the isolation factor which their life is based on into a point of no return and a death sentence. As cold blooded and murderous sleeper terrorists; that death sentence is not symbolic but explains their life of crime and espionage. There is not need to discuss anymore white flags or how defection and teaching us about their whereabouts in our life is a rewarding experience we cannot neglect or overcome. The morphing from a human rodent to an insect and then back to some weasel alien is to complex and difficult of an ordeal. Take this serious and listen to the words carefully; as the founders of the last shooting match on earth, we have figured out it is a waste of time to extend kindness and the phony gesture for a white flag as they go full steam ahead into our bow and close the proximity to the Land of Oz. They are already in a trap; now there is a no surrender policy being enforced.
Every single day you say there is something wrong with you and every single day you go on and drive off or keep up this standoff. Go turn yourself in and stop calling me a common nigger to dignify your life. Now go ask the police and listen to them; turn yourself in or blow your brains out. Every single day you describe what is wrong with you and it is much worse than that. Why it leads to rape and murder, we still do not know. If it hurts that much, then stop calling me a common nigger and at least give me a good reason and not total lies; let me define my life and defend my life. I feel you are so stingy you do this with the truth and you know it. But who you are and what you are is such a common enemy; your only way to fight is what we know about you; you are the worst mole-spy-sleeper-terrorist we have ever seen or captured. Do you think you have the capacity to inflict tremendous atrocity on others, if so what the hell are you in our life or in power, whoever the spy rings and moles you represent. It is not they, it is you; we have never spoke about they; only you. Let’s keep hearing how you just hide a spy ring and deadly sleepers while acting dignified 7/24/2009 9:47:03 PM. All you want is to win and in this case, win big! - Interview with Terror Suspects: We Do Not Appreciate the Nigger Comments Either, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
Therefore, the best for of prevention is to keep this zero tolerance and to inform them that what kindness and graciousness they were granted before will never be offered again; no white flags need not apply; this means they are permanently fired and to not come back and ask the same questions again. So if they have to wave a white flag again; it will be phony money and not redeemable as a joke any longer. They forget why they waved the white flag to “call it off” in the first place and now must figure out why it will never be accepted again. Maybe it was the silence and maybe it was something they did or the stupidity which repeated itself day in and day out in an almost intractable manner of dysfunctional psychopathic dependency and obligations.
You ask what human being can stand that and what level of torture that is; ask the one person who can defend you, J-Lo O’Bin Hannity and we will ask my sweetheart Annie who you “seek an erection” from (UK calling!). Are you kidding me; on TV and right in the open with millions of eyes on you “we do not want anybody to know he was held captive… my concern is to get him home” which is another one of your hidden hints and allegations but did not answer why calling me a common nigger for over 10 years was necessary then or now. Ask and let me interview J-Lo Bin Hannity before you say the name Ann again and fist bump her; wtf. - Interview with Terror Suspects: We Do Not Appreciate the Nigger Comments Either, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
We are almost certain the complete morons and serial killer nitwits who will be following in their footsteps will read about their predecessors and the joke of a life they lived among the greatest human beings on this god forsaken earth as both a menace, a nuisance, an enemy, and some target practice in a war and conflict they have no chance in winning. We are talking about some really poor people with some really bad if not psychopathic and bipolar attitudes about being dirt bags. The more they starve the worse they become; it is documented. They would rather eat Viagra then the truth. They live a criminal existence full of lies but feel superior to the most genius and greatest armies. The most bird legged and penciled necks of their breed brag tales about fighting UFC martial arts masters when they are considered a joke there also; even Hispanics openly joke at their street mentality and total lack of professionalism; they claim minorities love them. So maybe 800 years of water boarding is too light of a treatment.
What was that and can you answer that one? So you will go on some shooting rampage and then do like VA Tech, malls, Columbine, etc… and blow our brains out and then yours? We have the same behavior and the same rampage here. You are not going to survive and someone will go delta on your ass; why you wait to kill yourself is insane. So I did not appreciate that either. We do not need traitors as police officers; why? All you do is say how tough you are or how brutal you can be; well so can others. Now it is about how suicidal you are; you screw your own if you could get away with it. What if you cannot? What finally ended you calling me a common nigger every single day or has it? I think you all will do some mass suicide or blow your brains out before facing the final hours. I think you will inflict as much or go bananas or a rampage before then. Then you will do this now or try to dignify it. To do so, you must destroy others and use utter violence and murder if that is available. Ask, if it is available before and then now? - Interview with Terror Suspects: We Do Not Appreciate the Nigger Comments Either, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
Here is the problem with this debt culture and bubble boy we keep hearing about. The central banks have a grand master plan to offer paper money which is based on devaluation of currency called mega debt, not just debt. Then they go and lend trillions at 1 or 2 per cent and the industries such as credit cards rake it up and turn around and lend the same devalued currency for 20 per cent. On top of this, they charge merchants 2 to 8 per cent for each and every merchant transaction; so what was lent at 1 per cent has bubbled to 40 per cent and all of the fees and cost ends up punishing none other than the consumer because these people are just lazy and worthless but they want a fingerprint in every part of society and to tax every aspect of life itself.
Do not go on some 911 rampage and then blow your brains out; oh, when are you going to stop calling me a common nigger and just skip some parts and blow your brains out? Tell all of your police to do the same and end this before dragged into court the hard way. When you realize you have no way to save your skin and cannot survive, blow your brains out and stop this selfish, insignificant, and stop calling me a common nigger 20 times a day; you have no way to survive this and are on a rampage. Are you really the policed, we will see and next time say “My name is officer… and I called you a common nigger because…” so we can cut some parts out of this and not sit here and tell you how you will not survive this stand off and have no way out of it or defense. When you are ready, what makes you think you will survive this, the facts or the truth? How many violations have this group or union racked up or is it pages and pages? You just walk off but not walk away from the job; that is the problem. Just cooperate and do as you are asked before you really get in some insane predicament; we see this every single day and even the constant acknowledgement and effort to hide it all. - Interview with Terror Suspects: We Do Not Appreciate the Nigger Comments Either, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
There are a lot of bad things in life and not just cigarettes and sin taxes. Tax Twinkies and Ho-Hoe’s. Tax the most fattening foods. Tax those obese for making machines work harder. Tax those who do not have a diploma or college degree, not advance them. People are sick and fed up with stupidity and stupid government. Taxes on gas do not reach the roads they were intended to fix; it goes into some slush fund. The business schools who are teaching these people entrepreneurship should be shot for treason. We are talking about pure criminal greed by bottom feeders who feel they own the world and who have been mistreated as some scourge on life and America somehow became stuck with them, mission accomplished!
The best common nigger defense they have been able to produce was “we guessed and we guessed wrong, so what… total disaster, just want out… full acquittal… why keep fighting, they are going to die anyhow… this is about profit and affording to… we do not know how it is going to turn out yet… loosing credibility.” We hear the same excuses being used with the 911 legal defense and the charges pending about murder-communist-terrorist plots. When are they going to get rid of these so called bottom feeders or bottom rule police officers who want to be called master? Someone is going to go delta ass on them and this entire matter. The record will show their police and union of police chiefs kicked us out of the public library and banned us forever; based on the charge we were “stealing wife-fi” when they were hacking, doing denial of service, and violating every single privacy law imaginable. Public library internet access is not considered “stealing wife-fi” unless it is abused or indicates forced entry. - Interview with Terror Suspects: We Do Not Appreciate the Nigger Comments Either, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
We know America is much greater and her wrath is much more precise and deadly. They don’t even spank their kids and they grow up to be thugs and ape like no less funeral flunkies. Now consider the toxic assets and what they did to National Security; the same thing. You have toxic wars mixed in with value blue chip stocks. It is abhorrent what these people are doing. They deserve death and to be killed off as an inferior breed who likes to menace the greatest, smartest, most ethical, and whose destinies are already preset. Now they want to usurp, overthrow, and rewrite the Constitution to prevent this raid on their spy nest and terror plots. If we can add a new amendment to starve the hell out of terrorists, radicals, and cold blooded murderers; we will rejoice also. As a matter of fact, bring the British to America to chide and prod them until they tell the truth about this problem with bottom feeders and labor unions. We want the truth and an end to this nonsensical whimsical which mess up life and calls us a common nigger by denigrating all of what life is about.
To steal wife-fi, you have to show hacking for some form of forced entry; however, the police chief and calling us a common nigger upwards of 20 years has not addressed any of this. We will clearly see this and their criminal lifestyles unravel to suggest “shut up.” It is called extreme behavior and risk taking but now is suicidal and destructive to their defense. Obama will be impeached if he is implicated and keeps protecting them or 911 teachers. They hack into everyone’s account and it is well known because of this police fantasy and total control while calling us a common nigger every single day for upwards of 20 years and upwards of 20 times a day. Now ask a black man how he would see it or if he wishes to feel the same outrage listening to this forever? This is about humiliating others who are the focus of jealousy or some advanced life by a dirt bag or bottom dweller. Who the hell goes around and calls others a common nigger and a threat to them? Now you do not want to step down or give up. You hide and conceal this and the record shows this is clearly evident. You have lost your mind and are insane; why are you on the job and not thrown to the wolves or dipped in hot oil? - Interview with Terror Suspects: We Do Not Appreciate the Nigger Comments Either, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
Whether or not it is one person or several million people; if the sign and the warnings say do not wander into the demilitarized zone (DMZ) because it is manned by infrared human seeking machine guns programmed to shoot anything living or breathing from all directions or until it runs out of ammunition; it means do not wander into the DMZ or sneak across it to do a surprise attack. It means do not send emissaries or some diplomatic party to talk it out or strike a deal. It means do not try to stretch out the DMZ to fit more and more people. How they will defend against satellite warfare and robotic automation of defensive war is beyond the scope of their stupidity or criminality. They have finally been cornered and forced to admit they are inferior and a slave breed living in a great country and with greatness they are blind to and destroyed by.
You cannot call minorities a common nigger for that long when they are professors and masters of war or self sufficient. If we were 911 terrorists or suicide bombers; that would be different; but there are a lot of open charges right now such as the 911 terror plot and why they feel they are the police before and even more so after. Now we get called a common nigger every single day since this began because they are the police chiefs and it is totally illegal. It is called total invasion and total humiliation to surrender or be recruited. It is similar to a gun being held to the head of someone and demanding money; we hold a gun to them also but listen to what we are saying, “Stop calling me a common nigger every single day and stop calling me your partner; this is beyond humiliating and stop trying to stalk-have sex with my wife. Your career is ending.” Read what they are saying and us trying to kill them and say stop or get down now! You are in a sting and your career will be life ending. - Interview with Terror Suspects: We Do Not Appreciate the Nigger Comments Either, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
The people we are dealing with who are below insects do not understand or realize how much others dislike them, despise them, or can restrain themselves properly to go away or excuse themselves; yet they are full of lies, thievery, and think they are sexy to the winners and champions. To them it is about power and raw animalism or disgusting behavior. The sign says it will let you go as far as you wish until it opens up from all directions and keeps it on with robotic infrared until nobody walks further. Why chance it if it is one person or one billion people? That is the age of robotics. Why are we so mean to a worthless dirt bag life we have been kidnapped by? Well, let’s ask them and find out. Did you mix toxic assets as a way to preserve the black movement by making toxic loans, toxic investments, and toxic lies; then integrate it all into one neat little package called a financial melt down and disaster of an unimaginable magnitude and debt? Somebody now has to go through and pick up all those dead bodies and tag each one. Those toxic assets became a chain reaction to the Titanic and now everybody is in the water drowning; who to save?
Then we heard this one, “He is very angry… ready to kill someone… doesn’t want to die… do not know what to do… it is all profit.” Somebody and eventually will go delta ass on them, keep up the common nigger attacks, and when they do, do not throw out the police fantasy because it will be blown away by the forces of a bony argument and not a silent coward chance of this plot not in tatters. Wait until the plot is finally apprehended do throw out a police card, master card, or common nigger card; got it? That is 10,000 senseless common nigger attacks, worse excuses, and constant attacks and first strikes, and now the charging process before the real masters and the real authorities. How do you get the labor unions to keep you on the job? How? Clearly if the book is being thrown at you and you argue about wife-fi; you are either a madman or lost your mind. Do you think one year would be tolerated by your leaders? Now try upwards of twenty years and the charges you have racked up. Now read the home invasion and ask if it matches those accusations. - Interview with Terror Suspects: We Do Not Appreciate the Nigger Comments Either, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
Liberals are like nomads and they roam while trying to loiter on the lands, life, and private affairs of everybody; then do not expect some massive recourse or snap on the elasticity of their lies and regrets. We also regret they walked into a kill zone and whether or not it is one or one billion people; the machine guns opened up from all sides and the computer did not stop or listen. There is not excuse that will compel a computer to back down or not kill them. If they follow the rules; then less danger arrives; especially if they cannot read warnings. So the next time they wave a white flag, we advise nobody accept it.
Bin Limbaugh just said they “nation of cowards… are not brave enough” to resolve this honorably 7/24/2009 2:35:48 PM. We have dumb and dumber talking and Bin Limbaugh puts on Obama with “we have two good people in a situation… both overreacted.” No one lied, is lying, and the other is dumber than dumb. Now who is doing what? If Obama does not crack down and resolve this; the black community will turn on him for lying and cheating about calling others a common nigger also and siding with modern day slave traders and pirates; both white and black slave masters. I am not going to call them master and if they call me their master; I will remove my Rambo knife and carve that on their peach fuzz head. Call the bastards master, not us; never ever use a police card or fantasy to this ever again or else the delta ass effect will take place. If the delta ass effect takes place; you will not have a life or a country left to argue for; you have been deported and asked to leave immediately. - Interview with Terror Suspects: We Do Not Appreciate the Nigger Comments Either, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
Blame the human operators or whoever created such a wise defense of this scenario. If the sign clearly says they are approaching a DMZ or some form of secret military installation and how it is being defended or what is defending it; that in their right mind would be so stupid as to say they are more powerful and can do whatever they want? What is it going to matter when they are dead? The computer looks for a beating heart and any sign of life and the guns hardly ever miss. So once we take over the base; the chances of getting in or raiding it is impossible to none. They cannot come close, go near, or say how they run the place when nobody runs it; a computer does. They may back down but that computer will not. That computer is not programmed to accept surrender either and there is a reason it let things fly for so long. It is not turning its back to the problem or does not care; it is programmed to kill at a maximum depending on how much human threat is presented.
When someone asks you politely why you are badgering, pestering, and calling them for over 20 years a “common nigger”; at least be honest about it such as this. Because I am one, because you think I am one, because I think you are one what is this to you, or because you threw the book at me and I cannot win or “destroy you… chopped up like liver.” That would have been a more honest answer not “we have to stop them.” Your police officers accused me of stealing wife-fi at the public library and trying to punch the guy who kicked me out when none of that even took place; the officers said this, “he is the administrator (John Payne) and can revoke your rights if he has a good reason.” Then I said that was ridiculous and unsubstantiated and asked the officer if everybody in New York were traitors and he said, “Look, this is New York and we are all liberals. If you do not like it, get out of New York.” Read the home invasion again and read the last twenty years and see if you do not see a pattern developing about your Police Chief. - Interview with Terror Suspects: We Do Not Appreciate the Nigger Comments Either, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
The reason why the computer let them in so far or made them think they were clever and got that deep; is the calculus of factoring in how fast they can pull back and whether or not the guns can circle them and leave anything to pick up. Now they claim they wandered in there and are afraid the guns will go off as they are programmed to so they are huddling together and squatting their way to peace but the guns are better off not to get activated. Very smart to sit in a kill zone and huddle together as they cannibalize each other out of fear and paralysis; but this is exactly who we are dealing with. Want to know what the leaders who lead them in there are trying to say? “Those guns are not real and we are much more powerful than anything they have; this is why we are still alive and they are powerless to our inching into their life and problem with us.”
“I called you a common nigger because you are the common enemy of everybody to include every race, creed, ethnicity, and those who know you as a common menace and threat” and “because it is humiliating and warranties”; that is also an excellent answer; you feel I am a common enemy and a menace to life. I would ask you if you would like to be called a common nigger for over 20 years; you will say the same thing. Why? I will then ask you for some fact or show your complexity and fraud. So you stick that in your Police Chief pipe and answer the question directly why you keep hacking in my life, accounts, violating every rule in the book (even murder and terror plots) then accuse me of stealing wife-fi or stalking you when I am not doing either? There is no victim and nobody said I put a gun on their head or forced an entry to their home; I have all of the above. Why are you calling me a common nigger again upwards of 20 years and now say you are the police and have a black friend? The book is being thrown at you, wife-fi is not a big concern on your priority list, got it? You can loose your life and the wife-fi will go on and not miss you. - Interview with Terror Suspects: We Do Not Appreciate the Nigger Comments Either, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
No, nobody is joking and we are dead serious; a computer monitors all life signs and it is not a malfunction; it is programmed to trap the maximum amount of people so they cannot get out of the kill zone because they knew and know it is suicide and criminal insanity; the work of a madman to do such a thing. Well, it is either to defend the base or have a horde of thieves, idiots, worthless morons, and failures storm across and redistribute the supplies and resources to their armies. You have to choose who is going to be fed and who is not; and in this war, we do not have to move a muscle; why do they when they know they are in a kill zone? That is the exact same genius of the people we are dealing with and have observed making some intrusion and illegal entry to our life; they call it brilliance and how much more powerful they are and we led them to a kill zone; what they are in right now. The computer is hoping one bullet will travel through several hundred humans to save costs and to ensure sustainability. That is why it is delaying to line up the targets and the intrusion; it is honing in not back up.
So had you or could you have said, “I called you a common nigger for 19.4 years because I am one, what it is to you?” We would not have to ask you again, and again, and again. I would say the same thing like the wife-fi and stealing it from the public library; I have a right to know who is accusing me or who passed judgment. That rodent might be in danger from you all and we need to talk to them and crack this! Do I call you a real Nazi every single day? I even document you did this and with the intent to destroy us, impose malice, and had no reason to run down that path. Now you think I am your master. You are getting the book thrown at you for being a homicidal terrorist recruiter and you want to spend all day calling me a “common nigger?” You lied about that even and you painted a false picture to remove any guilt or evidence. We go into court and that goes on TV I will rip you to chop liver. This is a hate crime and we can easily see it from a rodent creature of an insect like you all. So dignified your life each and every time you called me a common nigger and used it up to 20 times to show the ferocity and fury you felt for me by your terrorist group; if that helped to cover up the 911 plot than “better for that gook than this one!” Race was never a problem here. This is some Cracker Jack police fantasy, it is empty. - Interview with Terror Suspects: We Do Not Appreciate the Nigger Comments Either, by Author; July 24, 2009 -
Here is another example of which these people are stalwarts of, bringing the kids and the family for a picnic across the DMZ. We know that picnic basket is filled with goodies and we know the picturesque image and reputation speaks for itself. Some people like to just go on and on like their reproduction and inability to raise kids’ property; so they just keep expanding and going on and on; where to now, immigrate to Mexico where drugs are legal and cheap? Consider the politics of Africa and what the officials of that region call, “the politics of hunger.” How many African leaders does it take before they destroy their country and send it plunging into the dark abyss of war and genocide?
It allowed you to identify who was back there and whose chain of command they were under. Then we could trace them slowly. It was the same ones. 7:27:48 PM We can trace and call off the chain of command unless it is a spy or “security” terrorist group; Security services. They are marketing this and also as some secret service type entourage; “presidential approved… government funded” as Bin Hannity describes. We can tell when a shadow or showdown in on. It is too late now because they are all linked and the same group; all one group and one chain of command called “Zionists.” Bin Limbaugh says, “they will kill us… involves 100’s of people… cannot turn it over and for private use.” They need the genetics and if they cannot, they “infect the champs” before they get rid of them. The death trap is impossible to escape or get out of; we tested and tried. It is murder and a homicidal terrorist; “capable of tremendous atrocities against women (girlfriend).” - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Lubrication of Terror, Pain, Hurt, Hate, Humiliation, Destruction, and Denigration; by Author; July 23, 2009 -
Africa has for centuries been a struggle in the minds of the world and where starvation and hunger leads to death; hence, hunger in Africa, leads to genocide and wars. Whether or not it is about humanitarian aid or feeding armies of corruption or primates; to nomadic tendencies in search of game or water; the migration and movement of one tribe to some other tribal land; end up in war. Why? Because the entire continent is congenial and habitat for the rule of the gun and what is called the politics of hunger which is exasperated by the legacy of colonialism and the charities of the same colonialist. Irregardless of this, does anybody know what the position and the political philosophy of the left wing and liberals is towards Africa? The Irish and the unions feel they are the most powerful, the most dominant, more powerful than any other political force they have ever witnessed in this century or their worthless life.
The end of the cold war cut them off from the communist but caused the Zionist and Israel to kick up; so they need to play cupid, aggressively match their spies, and seek protection or a master because the spy ring is disenfranchised globally. They fear raid so protection is best if they can marry them off to military, security, or genetic perfectionists. The raid was the result of something in 1998-1999 and then trying to shut down the Pentagon and this raid by the Pentagon and CIA; they felt the Kennedy sleeper ring was going down or a raid in progress, then called 911; “insulting the boss… but he did… both sides of the incident… only people who knows are the people who were there…” Now it is a “hidden legal defense… accused of being a racist police officer… very uncooperative… get the chief… dealing with a racist police officer… had no idea who we are messing with.” There is a long pattern of behavior and the most humiliating experience; calling someone a common nigger would add insult regardless of what race. - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Lubrication of Terror, Pain, Hurt, Hate, Humiliation, Destruction, and Denigration; by Author; July 23, 2009 -
To them this is raw animalism and being one with nature; to eat off the ground and to hunt animals and kill them for the sheer excitement of knowing if they do not, they will perish. Imagine that, the politics of hunger says who is more powerful politically will perish if they do not eat. So out of that urbanism legend and sense of inclusion; what the left wing calls unity; comes tribal and warlords who also know they will perish if they are not the most powerful. Now, why can’t President Obama or President Bush just call it like they see it but instead sneak around the office of the President blaming others for being their “liberal friends, democratic allies, and those in need of help on the other side.” Why does anyone think both of those Presidents and even those worse before them said such a ridiculous thing and convinced themselves of this by rewriting the lives of others?
Calling a minority a reckless and a dumb common nigger is what they did repeatedly and when offended and ignored; they arrested and falsely improvised for the brutality. This is common with them, common how they hate perfect or intelligent people, and common verbal intent to maim or injure. They have no offense in this matter and are perpetuating brutality and terrorism; then call it “random outbursts… uncooperative behavior.” Well, if they get called a common nigger every single day upwards of 20 to 100 times a day; they would also display this form of behavior or “distrust.” The reports are consistent with the trauma and the reports; to say they have a black friend is nonsense and a lie meant to prevent a civil tort case which is now a 911 cover up and counter-raid on the Irish-unions-Kennedy spy ring. When you murder or do terrorizing plots; you cannot say “we did not end his life; we rewrote it and killed it.” Calling someone a common nigger is the exact same charge. It is intended to have maximum malice by a Zionist terrorist spy ring. - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Lubrication of Terror, Pain, Hurt, Hate, Humiliation, Destruction, and Denigration; by Author; July 23, 2009 -
It is no mystery what we have here and what needs to be done. It is no mystery the evil has landed and killed the eagle who was supposed to land. Yes we know they parade around and do these dances which make them feel better or share in some voice of power; maybe beat the drums here and there wishing rain would not wash them away or how they will fight every effort to damage their credibility even more. We know better and we know all the face paint, the spears, and the drumming up of protest or support is not going to make a damn worth of jackass we have been privileged to witness and be part of as a victim of it. How many more Presidents will it take to run America into ruin or has that already been accomplished? We would have to say it has already been accomplished also and this is the final hours. If they have a miracle or a get out of jail card, they better start using it when it counts.
You cannot call people a common nigger for upwards of ten full years and say you have a black friend. You cannot go on a murderous killing spree and massacre UN, Red Cross, relief, and other humanitarian aid; then say we would never call you a common nigger; “we guessed and guessed wrong, so what… just in case you were interested” and mass murder people and then deny this. There is too much evidence against this communist and terrorist group. On the scales of ethics, racism is low level while murder and terrorism is advanced brutality or criminal impulses. This shows the use of brutality for over ten full years to murder or inflict as much pain. Is this our message or is it “stop… get off of him (or her)… leave them alone… she is in love… stop humiliating her… follow the law… tell the truth… you are a 911 terrorist and killed blacks also…” Oh no, they are not capable of calling anyone a common nigger especially disabled veterans, minorities, and super stars. They admit to lynching blacks by blowing them up; but not racism; race never entered the picture. - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Lubrication of Terror, Pain, Hurt, Hate, Humiliation, Destruction, and Denigration; by Author; July 23, 2009 -
We are not satisfied with the African leaders and stand at the forefront of the political spectrum to ask how many African leaders of their communities have run their nations into poverty or debt; destroyed their future and waged war on their own people to cover over such outrageous liberalism with Marxism? So if we know how many have already, we will know how many more it will take. We can clearly see why they view each other as heroes and brothers in arms; we can clearly see why they choose each other to be kings or their leaders; this messiah complex where they must fight and be more powerful or die from the politics of hunger. It is also clear at whose hands they choke off and starve away and strangle with and for. It is pretty damn clear had they gotten that extra grade, taken that extra class, gone to class as expected, maybe put off having kids longer, and built up a more credible life around their laziness; none of this would be happening, but it is.
Even the Democrats and the liberals have denounced them and wish them dead for 911 and terror plots. The “police chief” and “police officers are speaking out” defense they are spreading is nonsense and makes no sense because they are capable of tremendous atrocities and have. The women are also maniacs and attack physically and verbally anyone to cut them to pieces. So calling them a common nigger for ten years might work for them or cause severe injuries. Bin Hannity-Limbaugh is using the Harvard Professor aggressively to explain this, “officers are speaking out and defending their actions.” So they are using a few blacks to cover up the daily harangue about being a common nigger we describe the experience as, “calling… when his friend was there… police abuse of power… racial profiling.” It is to make others turn on the police for being dumb as Bin Limbaugh said earlier. - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Lubrication of Terror, Pain, Hurt, Hate, Humiliation, Destruction, and Denigration; by Author; July 23, 2009 -
What makes this so much more energizing and fulfilling is how the liberals and the left wing are teetering on the brink of collapse and Armageddon and they are suggesting they will take us down with them unless we cooperate or do as they say. So we will parade our life before them and let them ask if they really wish to take us down with them or if they wish to make a clean getaway while they can. As we said, the computer calculates their failure and mistakes along with the threats; so it compensates. Why they think it is success and interpret it as how sneaky they are is not understood fully. Everybody in the room is laughing at them when they said they are going to penalize us more and more and will take us down with them unless we unite and do as they tell us or face some end or pain of some ending.
You cannot call others or anyone a common nigger because you have a black friend or your black friend was there when it happened. The charges on them indicate severe anger, a capacity to inflict tremendous atrocities, and a wanton and secret lascivious life. This began in Virginia and also a home invasion and vandalism of vehicles back in Virginia; the same MO. There is a pattern of unprofessional and brutality; thus, calling others a common nigger is not haphazard to them or outrageous behavior; it is a homicidal terrorist group. Their intent is to kill if they can and if not to maim and injure. When you call someone a common nigger upwards of ten years; your intent and malice is to inflict severe injuries, brutality, and not let up; advanced 911 killing. It is not an insult or common disagreement. - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Lubrication of Terror, Pain, Hurt, Hate, Humiliation, Destruction, and Denigration; by Author; July 23, 2009 -
Most likely, there is infrared radar on them and filming every vile second of their life and lies; but that radar is preprogrammed not to respond to their rhetoric, psychological warfare, or to give a damn. How must we? Why do we have to listen to the little mutt yapping day in and day out about how angry they are and how they are ready to murder someone; then parade their ape like children to ask for money and more services? It seems like a highly developed form or oratory skills which can cover up the bombastic yelping heard in the background but will expose their inability to admit defeat and just go away or die. To call it powerful and big is similar to asking what exactly is powerful and big about it. Do they mean a big fat lie or a big fat moron? Or do they mean a big fat failure and a big fat phony trick?
As spy masters and who are world class terrorists; racism and hate is fueling their life. The charge of calling someone a common nigger every single day for upwards of ten full years on non white victims; is a petty crime to the charges of 911 and this secret police and murder for profit spy ring. To suggest they did this to save others or cloaks it with hope; camouflages the voice and the identity. It is only about power and winning; not ethics or preventing injury. Using an AK or an M16 does not change the bullet. The bullet is intended to inflict even less harm. For them to deny or suggest no exchange of words ever took place or subliminal messages is ludicrous; that is like loving the 911 victims so much they killed them or was in a conspiracy to kill them. This is why widows and women faint when they meet him. - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Lubrication of Terror, Pain, Hurt, Hate, Humiliation, Destruction, and Denigration; by Author; July 23, 2009 -
What is big and what is so powerful about it when it is life ending and a life threatening emergency. Before it was an order to reduce our caffeine levels and not fight their authority. Now it is watering our plants only once a week to avoid them being stomped on or beer poured all over them. What next, investing in the Bernard Madoff school of Wall Street picks? Did we mention their uncanny ability to make predictions and also pick stocks? Now it is stimulus round three and more trillions of dollars into the oven and baking away the life of others. The more and more money they bake away in the oven; the more lives are lost and perished because of their left wing insanity and radicalism of authority and power.
This is the problem with a bigot and a cold blooded spy; do we trust them or their words? Look at Sean O’Bin Hannity and ask if you trust his words and if he is capable of tremendous atrocities and then lie about it or says he loves the victim. He loves attacking us and he loves putting our life in peril every day as he laughs at us. The only defense Bin Hannity can state is “has a black friend… has no facts… was not there” to the calling others and minorities a common nigger for upwards of ten years, killing off firemen, and telling undercover agents he loves them and does fist bumps. So Bin Hannity is all the sudden deciding to tell the truth and is not a maniac or a super insane Irishman? He is an ape, “thank you buddy.” - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Lubrication of Terror, Pain, Hurt, Hate, Humiliation, Destruction, and Denigration; by Author; July 23, 2009 -
Here is another catch-22 for which we now know about the cowards and the phonies we are having a standoff with. They bring a squirt-gun to a spitting match and expect to win. They also bring that same squirt-gun to a showdown with the greatest masters of war on earth and expect to survive or live to tell of the ordeal. Yet in the backrooms we tell them that if they did have a squirt-gun and we will give them an even more gigantic water pistol; they are still a coward, a phony, and a complete joke because a master of warfare and someone of double and of trillions more worth would not gamble over what security he has left and neither would they as a phony liar and scrambling to just get up after being hit so hard and crippled by the cripple they created; to think we would entertain the idea they were some serious threat or had some weapon or threat we consider real is a hoax and the real trouble they are in. Well, let’s ask them and find out.
Cultural traditions retained by many Syrian Jews in Deal include lighting an extra candle on Chanukah and briefly laughing together each Saturday night while observing the conclusion of Shabbat, the weekly day of rest. "I think it's a community that has been deeply proud of its identity and its success in America, of the fact that it has managed through several generations to maintain some of its distinctiveness, unlike other sub-ethnic Jewish groups," Sarna said. "No doubt this will lead to some introspection, especially if significant members of the community are taken into custody." - N.J. corruption arrests strike core of Deal's Syrian Jewish community, by Jeff Diamant and Vicki Hyman (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
As much as we are worth and command of this subject, that is just a warning and how much danger they are in because they have pointed just about every known weapon on this earth, and exhausted every felony known to mankind; when we are looking for some alien who has much-much more amusing weapons in their blood. We have a Neanderthal waving his wooden spear and screaming in ape language. We have also told them we find them annoying with blindfolds and have put their “more powerful union” rulebook of weapons on the table and ask if they were true cowards and menaces, or just for kicks real and uptight about how we would never play some game with them. In other words, the opportunity to stick the little squirt gun hitting us up their bunghole has not amused us and so are the cowardice and the empty threat to escalate it. To begin a squirt gun fight, they can open a salvo and see if they can get a second one off; maybe the first one will never arrive. The trick is to find out and trip over regrets.
As a real estate mogul, Solomon Dwek was a colossal failure. But when the soft-spoken Deal businessman started wearing a wire for the FBI, he became the star of one of the largest and most complex corruption stings in New Jersey history. For years, Dwek was best known as the portly son of a prominent Jewish family who disgraced his community when he got caught allegedly trying to pull off a $50 million bank scam. Today, law enforcement sources confirmed Dwek has secretly been serving as "CW," a charismatic informant who was somehow able to span the incongruous worlds of Jewish rabbis and Hudson County politicians. - Cooperating witness Solomon Dwek emerges as cornerstone of N.J. corruption sting, by Joe Ryan and Maryann Spoto (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
If they know or feel the pressure; then maybe they will know who they are and what we know about them. We do not miss or give second chances; why do they? Do not expect one and do not come crying to us for one and if they can follow this rule; their life will be much easier. Do not give your master a second chance because he will most likely not give you one. So we will either try prosecuting them or demanding they be hung. Outstandingly, they will be hung at our disposal and our timeline. That is just how we play this game and this standoff where their actions are empty and angers just about everyone because they bring a squirt gun to a real shooting match and expect some miracle or intimidation factor. So we laugh and squirt one back at the ridiculous squatter. We do not sit there day after day and minute by minute in slap fights; when we smack them they know they got smacked by God. Did we mention the mark and how long it lasts?
With nothing but a wire and a talent for getting close to power, Dwek was allegedly able to ensnare 44 public officials and religious leaders in a massive web of money laundering, corruption and fraud. "One person was able to deal with all these people," Ralph J. Marra, the acting U.S. attorney for New Jersey, said during a press conference announcing the arrests. Marra and investigators who oversaw the probe declined to name the informant. But sources with knowledge of the investigation confirmed the witness is Dwek, the 36-year-old son of Rabbi Isaac Dwek, a leader in the Sephardic Jewish community and head of the Synagogue of Deal. In court papers, Dwek is identified as a cooperating witness, or the "CW," who used his connections as a Monmouth County real estate developer to meet with dozens of politicians, public officials and rabbis. - Cooperating witness Solomon Dwek emerges as cornerstone of N.J. corruption sting, by Joe Ryan and Maryann Spoto (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
We also will make it very clear to the squinter that the squirt gun is going up their backwards bungalow whether they like it or not; and unless they wish to change the rules of the game; they will either volunteer to stick it up their foxhole or we will gladly do it for them. They are welcome to make a second, third, and fourth effort; they know how it ends every time and how quickly. They are welcome to try to squeeze off the first shot and see for themselves who has better aim and quicker reflexes with squirt guns. Also, they need to stop waving it around as if we take it serious and take them serious; we will document it before we make them pay for it dearly with the ink they wrote this with; their blood. Yes, it is always others who are not genuine and they who underestimate themselves in a real war with real masters who were their victims. Now they think we do not see them or can reach out and smack the hell off their peachy fuzzy wig.
Authorities said it was mid-level public operatives -- including Edward Cheatam, the affirmative action officer for Hudson County, and Ronald Manzo, brother of former Assemblyman Louis Manzo-- who introduced "CW" to elected officials. "The (informant) would meet them in parking lots, in luncheonettes, diners, offices, basement boiler rooms and bathrooms, and the politicians willingly put themselves up for sale," Marra said. Outside court today, several of the attorneys and supporters of the arrested politicians and rabbis called Dwek a quiet and deceptively charming man who used his connections to turn on his friends after he got in trouble with the law. "Our belief is that Mr. Dwek used his closeness and the sterling reputation of his family to manipulate individuals who trusted that he never would have involved them into criminal activity," said Michael Bachner, an attorney for Mordchai Fish, a rabbi at Congregation Sheves Achim in Brooklyn. - Cooperating witness Solomon Dwek emerges as cornerstone of N.J. corruption sting, by Joe Ryan and Maryann Spoto (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
We welcome the challenge. We will make it clear that when the first or even before the first squirt of their repulsive joke is in our life; it will be the last and end quickly. We do not play games and carry out such a threat to such a lame effort. That is a real and measurable threat; not an act of their stupidity as we have documented as a lie of regrets. If they wish to change the rules of the game, they better do it while the window of opportunity is there; however, it is shortening and the mousy jackass act is annoying. They keep telling us they are more powerful and we keep telling them for the 100th and 10,000th time, do not bring a squirt gun to a gun fight because you will have your head blown off and it will hurt more than they can imagine.
While law enforcement officials were rounding up the targets of the sting today, Dwek was nowhere to be found. His tan-colored ranch house in Deal was quiet. Though two Lexus sedans were in the driveway, a woman who answered the door said the family was not home. Neighbors on the tree-lined street said they had seen Dwek and his children in recent weeks. But there was no hint the father of five was secretly working as an informant. Dwek and his wife, Pearl, had been prominent members of Deal's tight-knit Jewish community. Dwek was known as a budding real estate mogul who snatched up more than 200 properties in central New Jersey. He served as vice president and chief executive of a Jewish school, the Deal Yeshiva. He was also known as a generous philanthropist and a prolific donor to political campaigns. - Cooperating witness Solomon Dwek emerges as cornerstone of N.J. corruption sting, by Joe Ryan and Maryann Spoto (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
It is like point a squirt gun in a real gun fight and asking why a ski mask is needed. Take it off and we can have some fun and target practice; we need practice too. Now either they are dealing with a master of war and their boss or some jackass who is a fast talker. They are a joke already, need they be more of a joke because we would never give them a second chance or miss. To find out if poison will kill you, you have to be brave enough to swallow and not squish it around. They are fighting for their life and do not know if they will make it. Scratching what is left on the peachy fuzz like idea there must be an answer to their predicament is how hilarious they look.
In 2006, his reputation crumbled when he was accused of depositing a bogus $25 million check at the PNC Bank in Eatontown. He later allegedly tried to deposit a second $25 million check at a different PNC branch before employees caught him. He was charged with bank fraud and faced a maximum penalty of 30 years in prison and a $1 million fine, federal officials said. With his stunned family in the courtroom, Dwek appeared in court with his feet shackled and his hands cuffed behind his back. Federal marshals had taken his belt after his arrest, so Dwek was left to plead not guilty in court while clumsily tugging at his pants to try to keep them from falling down. - Cooperating witness Solomon Dwek emerges as cornerstone of N.J. corruption sting, by Joe Ryan and Maryann Spoto (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
We will also make very clear to the little boy with the squirt gun that if he or she was in a gun fight with real aliens and had that squirt gun; they would shave their head, cut their ears off, and put a golden earring on their sniffling nose. An alien is not going to play games and hit with such shallow demeanor or without proper camouflage. If they cannot see this then their job is to sweep the street of the dung at the OK Coral. A squirt gun when in a futuristic gun fight with aliens is like molesting their own children, it just does not agree and right; but that does not and never stops them. Again, the next time they wave a white flag, it will not be acceptable or worth anything.
Charles Stanziale, the Newark attorney who represents the company in the bankruptcy proceedings, called Dwek "an extremely intelligent man who has a phenomenal memory." Although millions of dollars flowed through Dwek, he was neither flashy nor a braggart, Stanziale said. "He lived rather modestly, relatively speaking. No fancy, fancy cars. He certainly wasn't a fashion plate," Stanziale said. He said Dwek often wore jeans and white short-sleeve shirts that looked like they came from discount big-box stores. "He was not a guy who lived in comparison to the way (disgraced financier Bernie) Madoff lived,'' Stanziale said. The amount of money and property involved in Dwek's fraud case was so complex the court appointed Freehold attorney Donald Lomurro to help sort out his business matters. - Cooperating witness Solomon Dwek emerges as cornerstone of N.J. corruption sting, by Joe Ryan and Maryann Spoto (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
Maybe their egos do not understand the ludicrous idea you can quit in a gun fight when you brought a squirt gun to one? In other words, what the other guy pulled out was not or anywhere near what you expected. We can talk all about what they are up to after we kick down their doors and prosecute them; no need beforehand. The only reason why they kicked down our doors and arrested us was because nobody was looking from 1998 to 2001; nobody expected them either and we all paid dearly for that mistake. This time, things are much different and they have nowhere to hide or know what to do after being captured alive and in a state of obnoxious behavior. We are banning their white flag and wish for peace; they keep on waving it in a frivolous and meaningless manner.
Lomurro said he met Dwek at least once a week from May 2006 to January 2007 in his efforts to untangle the financial mess. Sometimes Dwek showed up without his attorney, even though he knew it could expose him to legal jeopardy. "As a resource, Solomon had tremendous information which he shared freely with me,'' Lomurro said. In the months after his arrest, Dwek began serving as an FBI informant while free on bail, according to sources close to the investigation. He began meeting with rabbis and other figures in an international money ring that allegedly laundered tens of millions of dollars through Jewish charities and non-profit organizations in New York and New Jersey. Over two years, he was allegedly able to launder more than $3 million by posing as businessman trying to conceal criminal proceeds. - Cooperating witness Solomon Dwek emerges as cornerstone of N.J. corruption sting, by Joe Ryan and Maryann Spoto (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
What stops them is to be made an example, for their own people to witness their impotence, to see them crawl and beg for mercy while living this lie and criminal life full of felonies lies and deeds. Then what stops them is having a fair trial and being hung from a tree of their liking and choosing because we love to work with them and make sure we accommodate their every wish. When people see this, they will know and they will see for themselves firsthand how stupid they truly are to back and support an idiot who brings a squirt gun to a gun fight with aliens. We do not get in some squirt gun fight with them or their kids even if both of them ask us every single day if we can play fun and games with them.
In a separate operation, Dwek and a female FBI agent posed as a businessman and his secretary when they met with an alleged human organ trafficker in Brooklyn. Dwek made a $160,000 deal with the broker to find a donor in Israel willing to donate a kidney to his secretary's critically ill fictitious uncle. In June 2007, Dwek also began meeting with Hudson County public officials. This time he posed as a developer willing to pass along bribes to get properties built in Jersey City and other areas. According to court papers, Dwek skillfully passed bribes along to public officials. While allegedly talking about a $10,000 payment to Assemblyman Daniel Van Pelt (R-Ocean), Dwek joked he was neither a Democrat nor a Republican, according to the criminal complaint. Instead, Dwek said he was a member of the "green" party. "Green is cash," he said. - Cooperating witness Solomon Dwek emerges as cornerstone of N.J. corruption sting, by Joe Ryan and Maryann Spoto (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
So we are dealing with a slave breed who wants us to justify or add a little charity in their dish and we find them so annoying we would never engage in anything that would justify their life or what they are up to. To suggest we would talk to them and had been, voluntarily or otherwise, is insane. What we will do is offer them all the talk and conversation after we kick down their doors and put them in custody so we can record and document everything said and everything they did. That is the only time we will ever talk to them and let them know we did not appreciate the endless efforts to talk to us when they had an ape like kid to tell all their life problems to. Why tell us about their broken and worthless life or lies and use flattery after they were raided and defeated? So we will talk to them more in detail and much more in depth after we kick down their doors and raid their little spy ring and terrorist plot to recruit us and imprison us with lies.
Once again, the ability to underestimate their success is a remarkable tale of who we are trying to get rid of and out of our life. It was but no chance they tried to be our partners and subjugate us; now it is by no chance they wish to be subjugated and remain partners. How they will defend against satellite warfare and robotic automation of defensive war is beyond the scope of their stupidity or criminality. They have finally been cornered and forced to admit they are inferior and a slave breed living in a great country and with greatness they are blind to and destroyed by.
The television war continues and the era of revolution is beginning to sound more and more like Saigon and fighting VC in the street of the heartland. Now how does one agree with the authorities and remain in a standoff with them? You would think once they agree, the cloud of control ends, and the turnovers of those powers are all that remain. Well, we are waiting for the standoff to end and turning over the communist spy and terror ring whenever they feel the impulse of freedom and morals in their system. It is hard to have a standoff when you are waiting for the other side to turn over their power and control. We have basically given up and informed the allied forces to start the military responses and the danger to inform them who is the master and who is the slave or peasant. They have and are the ones waving a white flag, wishing to crawl away with their lies; it is clear we cannot accept their white flag and how worthless of a gesture it truly is.
“Weapon to prevent embarrassment… victim of it 8:27:51 PM… Remind us when it is over… not over… Saudi wife… take off her bursa…. Clear by the day… accused of stabbing New York in the back… property tax… landlords step up… ruins everything he touches… a really good guy until he starts talking politics and I cannot stand him… To measure his success… to wake people… and his”; and then Rush said they would go nuclear if we did not give them Ann and keep this ongoing. Why they want Ann is not certain but Rush says it is an “iPhone” and O’Bin Hannity says “to call your Congressman if you want to do that… nobody has ever laid a finger on her or touched her.” - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Lubrication of Terrorism: It is Not Over Yet!; by Author; July 17, 2009 -
The problem is so severe and the psychosis and impulse in their mental state so dysfunctional; we will have to slaughter them or impose severe punishments for even looking at or talking to us. The people we are dealing with who are below insects do not understand or realize how much others dislike them, despise them, or can restrain themselves properly to go away or excuse themselves; yet they are full of lies, thievery, and think they are sexy to the winners and champions. To them it is about power and raw animalism or disgusting behavior. They do not understand war is real and they toy with the people who they fear the most and despise how well put together or perfect their life is. Yet the recidivism and the constant recurrence of kidnapping, torture, and how their church and religion of stinginess to the truth is more powerful and unstoppable. Danger and death is no fault but theirs. Bringing them to justice dead or alive does not matter.
O’Bin Hannity hits first: “The only way to get to the truth is financial…” 7/17/2009 8:09:13 PM I do not think you can base this case or your perverted life on financial reports or how much you are worth you psychopathic loser. Do you know what a communist and terrorist spy is? His guess said it is a “pipe dream… deficit spending… cannot afford this.” O’Bin Hannity says he still does not have the answer and guest says “this is insane… will trim (his life down)… this is ludicrous… help-saving plan (hurting him badly)… this is nuts… also insane… why not wait until you buy it, just insane…” - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Lubrication of Terrorism: It is Not Over Yet!; by Author; July 17, 2009 -
Clearly, the only solution is to begin their trial and then destroy them as they have taken this off the charts menacing to waging war, terrorist plots, and even trying to fix a communist plot to take over the world. We can yell at them all day and for over ten years; it is never over and their total control over our life cannot end and will never end. So we will advise the Pentagon and any other security service how it is harmoniously backed by both the Democratic Party and a few others in the US and militarily backed by Israel and other radical and extremely left wing groups who are bone insane and raw animals. During their trial and public trial is when the outrageous behavior came to light and really emphasized who they are and who they think they were.
O’Bin Hannity now says, “Critical step forward… controlling vital health care…” this is how insane this nutcase and terrorist is. “I am going bankrupt… I am in trouble and want to spend a lot of money… we have to spend money to prevent going bankrupt… “Guest says “THE ONE YOU ARE IN NOW IS NOT WORKING” and O’Bin Hannity says “Now we have to spend more” and guest says “YEAH WELL THE ONE YOU ARE IN NOW IS NOT.” O’Bin Hannity may want to draft a contract or some legal binding exchange of money if he is using this strategy. “So we are not going away… stuck… struggling… stimulus did not work… am I wrong in thinking the more and more I get into this… America could be headed for a lost decade?” Guest says “we?” Bin Hannity means B. Ann and B. me. - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Lubrication of Terrorism: It is Not Over Yet!; by Author; July 17, 2009 -
Our advice is simple, peasants are not masters and the only way they will or can teach-learn is either death or destruction. It is like the devil, if there was a solution, they would not be here in modern times pretending to be the Catholic or Jewish church, no less the unions and Democratic Party or the Irish union on the Republican and right wing side. It is hate they harbor and breed; then infest the life of others with as some peasant and Neanderthal who feels more powerful and has to harass, accost, terrorize, kidnap, and then wage war with a 911 style murderous rampage. It is never about anyone, only their selfish life, how much they are worth (typically nothing or massive debts), demands for liberty and freedom, and this insect like search to blame anything beyond their life, soul, problems, and messed up life. Stupidity is not the word; callous, cold, vicious and trying to apologize is how they get here and are intractable to leave.
Now O’Bin Hannity says that there is phenomenal growth with him in Ann’s life and he has so much to offer her; to shower her with how much he is worth (HE IS SAYING HE IS WORTH MORE); his guest says “stocks went up 101 per cent” and he is riding it as far as he can with Ann or I; but is enjoying it. He is not able to stand on his own two feet and collapsed and began to copy everything from us; also is still pursuing closely, all of them are. “O’Bin Hannity, Sir O’Bin Hannity does not have faith in the stock market… government… what should I do with my money” and guest says how bad times are coming for him “will want to have sufficient cash… will want CDs… bonds…” in other words; his assets might be frozen if he gets in trouble. - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Lubrication of Terrorism: It is Not Over Yet!; by Author; July 17, 2009 -
They stop looking and talking or the killing and destroying them must begin; there are no two ways to evil and this constant daily tormenting and pestering of over a full decade. What they want we do not even know or care but they seem to demand we mate and accept their love while we scream at them what their problem is and to get lost upward of ten and twenty times a day. Normal humans understand after a day of being yelled at; this is yelling daily and lasting over a full decade while they inform us how they can wipe us out in two seconds and how they are more powerful. It is one thing to do it to each other or their own people, it is another to try it on the people they wave the white flag to and tell they do not want to fight with.
7/17/2009 8:43:35 PM O’Bin Hannity says he is just trying to warn us and not recruit us; thus there is no murder or terrorist plot; no recruitment for some radical left wing plot. He is also saying no further open discussion is needed, “we guessed wrong… seeing for who he is… weak and capitulating… I hope those words are strong enough for you.” Not good enough Sean. You have not given back what you took from others 8:49:19 PM. He is trying to nail us for something also as if it is no big deal. Brag and boast for over a full year about someone else’s life you demand full control and power over? - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Lubrication of Terrorism: It is Not Over Yet!; by Author; July 17, 2009 -
We have been gracious from the get go once the cold war ended. We have hidden our powers and tried to live properly and a low key life where we had an important mission to accomplish and a lot of problems and distractions; but now it is pretty darn clear how we can tell this communist and terrorist plot to go away and stop one hundred times a day; they do not think danger or any restraint is powerful enough to knock out or end their deranged and hypnotic state of murderous rampage. Did we mention the thief part? We are well beyond the death penalty areas already and a conscious conspiracy to hide a terror plot and mass recruitment for profit and loot. It is the same 1960s experience just on an off the charts insanity level.
Ann is going to say the exact same, “we are dealing with severe hate and racism on minorities while bigots and hypocrites try to terrorize any race-gender; proclaim them as police officers and offer some protection racket supported by union drunks and white males of Irish decent.” It is a hate crime by one race on another and a severe hatred for interracial couples who are rich, genius, and near professors. This is verified and clearly visible as some bar fight brawl over a girl who is trying to stop a beating of her husband by white and uneducated subjects; then they grew tired and tried to rape her. It is in the record also as “indirect rape” by Bin Limbaugh. It is in the open and indefensible because they walked into a trap and was documented each step of the way. Do you see the cook dancing and his attitude? - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Lubrication of Terror, Pain, Hurt, Hate, Humiliation, Destruction, and Denigration; by Author; July 23, 2009 -
Something has to give and someone has got to stop being stingy with the truth or face some form of destruction. We are not the army of the damned and never once express interest or wish to join this doomed group of ethnic failures and dirt bag whole diggers who keep asking where the Lord is and how we are ever going to be rescued? There is a reason why they are waving the white flag and on the verge of total destruction; did they forget? If they do not wish to die or be charged for a foiled communist and 911 style terrorist plots; crawl away with their lies while they can; do not push onwards and further. If this continues, the military has no choice but to beginning bombing and killing them wherever they are hidden and expanding in the world. Hopefully it is not in the United States and in close proximity.
There was a full year struggle to prevent this rape; and that is recorded while they laugh it off as 911 terrorists full steamed to recruit us or destroy us. Calling someone a common nigger for upwards of ten years would produce this time bomb and result. We can test this and pick a minority and do the same thing for five years and see what will happen to their attitude or happiness. Ann was literally beaten up by them and she was trying to stop it. Bin Hannity and Bin Limbaugh hide their internal anger and conflicts well; but it is clear they are monsters and this is also a race crime; they killed black people and called us a common nigger for over ten years. Are we saying it is okay to call others a common nigger for over ten full years and upwards of twenty targeting them? Does it say this anywhere or is there one single event which indicates this? - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Lubrication of Terror, Pain, Hurt, Hate, Humiliation, Destruction, and Denigration; by Author; July 23, 2009 -
This is not Saigon or South Vietnam; so the need to replace our life with the sensation or experience of being invaded by the Viet Cong needs to end and stop immediately by the unions and left wing. We do not care about hate and racism at this time; we care about destroying them once and for all. That is what they need to worry about and a proper public trial and defense where they will use their first amendment and liberties. If they do not then they will get the death penalty and the suffering of their friends, family, and people will be equally severe. This has gotten to be way off the charts insanity and brainwashing and recruitment by a vicious sleeper and terrorist group claiming to be in love with us and wishing to infect the champions. We do not need to return to that war unless there is a shooting match; so declare war if this is needed. There is a reason why they are waving the white flag and trying to get an acquittal and escape with their life.
Ann will say it is total lies also. Bin Hannity now says “it does not matter what race… do you respect policemen.” We do not respect any policemen who wish to cover up the 911 terror plots, a Zionist conspiracy, and upwards of 10 maybe 20 years of calling minorities a common nigger and then saying, “we have a black friend.” Our message is the same and consistent; you cannot do that, stop it. Your message is zero tolerance on government. None. The intent of your words and actions is the key here, “I tried to save their life… we offered them protection… I did my best to prevent this… I love my wife… it is not over yet.” There is a big hole and a big pattern here. We do not care if you have 100 black friends; you cannot call other minorities a common nigger for upwards of ten and twenty years to inflict maximum injury; then say “we guessed wrong, so what”; Ann views you all as worse than racists, but insects. If what they said is true, why are they not next to Ann at the Time 100 dinners? Are they this sneaky and this clever to do 911 and get away with it? - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Lubrication of Terror, Pain, Hurt, Hate, Humiliation, Destruction, and Denigration; by Author; July 23, 2009 -
Again, we are stingy and they are more powerful. It is never about living a respect life or success the respectable way. Why their ethno-nationalism insanity is here in America we do not know or care; they will have to be destroyed if they do not utilize their first amendment rights and give proper defense to this communist and terrorist plot. There is danger and there will be some form of violence to the plot and group. They are basically convincing us and the world they need to be slaughtered and no voice or force will ever change this. We are not Catholic or Jews nor do we like the Irish and their unions; so keep the police away and understand that this is their fault and no one else’s. The pain and mistreatment they feel or wish to infect the champions with is by no fault but their own.
Calling us a common nigger for ten years caused blind hate and severe trauma to her because she is married to that minority; and she heard it while you said “don’t ever talk to her, we warned you… (site banning) she loves us… she is our partner… she does not care about anyone… she does not care about you… you are a common nigger.” The extent you tried to block Ann and I show and display a severe internal hatred of you as a white male who has an internal maniac terrorist personality. To say Bin Hannity and Bin Limbaugh did not mean it is petty. The terror plots indicate the same thing, no effort to talk it out or seek justice ever. Your life ended and your reality is so hostile, the word a common nigger is small chump change. It is intended to prove you are smarter, not dumb, inflict terror, maliciously wound and beat up, subjugate others and most of all tick us off daily. That is why you called us a common nigger for over ten full years; you cannot murder us because we are the masters of war. - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Lubrication of Terror, Pain, Hurt, Hate, Humiliation, Destruction, and Denigration; by Author; July 23, 2009 -
It will not matter one bit if they are dead or alive but they refuse to defend themselves when a public trial is behind held for this communist and 911 terrorist like recruitment gone bad. It is up to them to fix this and return it to a good relationship or change the relationship. We suggest a policy of truth and do not try to perjure them because the charges are so severe. We are not sure why they refuse to accept a declaration of war and refuse any military solution to their problems but must behave in the most repulsive and animal form while demanding freedom and usurping our liberties.
Combat with you for over ten years left you smashed and waving the white flag; on your knees and crawling. 7/23/2009 8:40:05 PM The caller is correct, “disability” and the Bin Terrorist brothers do not realize I have a military disability; I am disadvantaged. He is correct on that; I am a disabled veteran above 30 per cent. I have been in the satellite warfare conflict for over 20 years and the leading expert with the maximum combat hours; nobody comes even close. We fight odds upwards of 1000 to 1 and win. To say we have only 30 per cent disability is shorting us and exaggeration. We are hunted by armies and can be attacked on a moments notice by aliens or some rogue. To treat a disable veteran in this manner is exactly who we are dealing with and why they are calling others a common nigger for more than ten full years. It is intended to subjugate and disarm a victim. It is intended to take the first strike and keep taking the first strike as indicated, as reported. A female had to scare them off like some bar fight; then they attacked her and almost killed her also. - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Lubrication of Terror, Pain, Hurt, Hate, Humiliation, Destruction, and Denigration; by Author; July 23, 2009 -
The problem is whether or not others know and know they are trying to fix or change the bad situation and change the relationship by going public and taking this fight beyond their screwed up disaster. They are now infecting the public in a malicious and callous manner to spread this life of crime and corruption; thinking they will be more powerful than the charges; then telling the federal forces who are not playing “the people wanted this” or “you do not have enough votes to stop us.” Where is their white flag again? Are they suggesting they did not and will not surrender peacefully?
Bin Hannity is saying, “Susan, where is the evidence of that… scared to death of what is going on… (who the terrorist going nuclear) chooses his staff and anyone he wants… not interested in the other point of view (facts)…” what is our message? Is our message self sufficiency and strong healthy humans or sitting there for over ten years murdering firemen and calling disabled military veterans a common nigger for over ten years and trying to rape the woman who is telling them to “leave him alone and go away we have to get married and have kids.” Check the records to see if it finally worked! Obama even said it was a “beat down” by some police force. - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Lubrication of Terror, Pain, Hurt, Hate, Humiliation, Destruction, and Denigration; by Author; July 23, 2009 -
We are going to say this again and what is becoming a daily phenomenon; it does not matter one bit if they are dead or alive but they refuse to defend the charges and use the first amendment as a defense to change the relationship and severe problem they are facing or standing off with. This is the fallout of a bungled-foiled 911 style terrorist plot and a sleeper communist to take over the world gone bad fix-it-upper attempt because they military and defense forces are on them and know everything. We do not wish to mate or for them to even look at the masters; we are the masters of war and cannot keep repeating why they cannot capture the King and toy with the Terminator.
Why did they stop and when did they stop? “We better warn every blue dog Democrat they better keep their pants on or be blackmailed… didn’t like what they were doing… Mr. President we are dead unless we get this done, let’s cut a deal.” Bin Hannity has demanded he take this terror plot to the public; “the people wanted this… they desperately need this… jobs” not Pelosi, Schumer, Boxer, Waxman, and all of these leaders the Irish bacteria is calling off as his bosses. They would never support this type of behavior or 911; killing black people in cold blood and for no reason but to prevent a raid on the Kennedy family for being a spy ring and sleeper fixing evidence. So no facts right and no evidence of any of this; Obama should crack your head open and if he decides to I would applaud him. Want to test this or are you going to call him the magic Negro and us a common nigger? - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Lubrication of Terror, Pain, Hurt, Hate, Humiliation, Destruction, and Denigration; by Author; July 23, 2009 -
The whole point of this is we cannot be happen while they are alive and they refuse to exercise the liberties granted to them while usurping others in the most insulting manner so they can infect or invade the champions with some worthless and debt ridden life they feel is more powerful. It was them who flew the white flag and we are good people whose kindness is obviously being taken advantage of. We advise banning their white flag also in the future and forcing them to adhere to judgments already decided on their behalf. It is up to them if they wish to resolve it peacefully and honorably. So far they have proven to be very untrustworthy and even flying the white flag is a fraud and bicameral fraud. Their entire life is a total lie and they do not know other than a life of raw criminal insanity.
Friday, July 24, 2009 O’Bin Limbaugh said this, “know what they are doing… not distracted from medical insurance debate… there will be a vote before August.” If people check the records it was us who lead the charge and the counter-offensive on Bin Limbaugh and Bin Clintons in July 2008 when we knew what their surge was about. We informed the entire 2008 election was to cover up 911, the fallout, and about medical care only. That is the big three on the table and on the record. That was the three pronged surge and we countered it by placing counterforce in the positions needed. Even if they were still bombarding us with the common nigger agitation; Bin Limbaugh is keying in now “community agitator… ACORN leaders… Cambridge professor… police academy… good role model handpicked… for profiling training.” It was Limbaugh to take the first strike and slap with the medical insurance debate; it is in the records. He is the top dog on the left wing and as the communist spy master; numero-uno dog we sprite after. - Interview with Terror Suspects: How Many Times Do They Show Anger or Hear Go-Away? By Author; July 24, 2009 -
Maybe we cannot learn or change how messed up and how rewritten our life is; but experience as the founders will impart tremendous wisdom to those who follow in our footsteps. We will never be happy again and while this insect like left wing nuisance is alive. Do not complain when danger arrives or when war is declared; we keep hearing apologies also day in and day out and this toilet bowl life being flushed. We keep hearing about partnerships and how this is their home. What we do not hear is the god honest truth if their life depended on it. In the future when they wave a white flag, it will not be accepted. This is clearly the problem now and some state of silence or fugitive on the run life while nothing has changed the philosophical debate. They just feel they can immigrate and invade our life and this is about raw animal power and a mad dash to abuse it.
The best common nigger defense they have been able to produce was “we guessed and we guessed wrong, so what… total disaster, just want out… full acquittal… why keep fighting, they are going to die anyhow… this is about profit and affording to… we do not know how it is going to turn out yet… loosing credibility.” We hear the same excuses being used with the 911 legal defense and the charges pending about murder-communist-terrorist plots. When are they going to get rid of these so called bottom feeders or bottom rule police officers who want to be called master? Someone is going to go delta ass on them and this entire matter. The record will show their police and union of police chiefs kicked us out of the public library and banned us forever; based on the charge we were “stealing wife-fi” when they were hacking, doing denial of service, and violating every single privacy law imaginable. Public library internet access is not considered “stealing wife-fi” unless it is abused or indicates forced entry. - Interview with Terror Suspects: How Many Times Do They Show Anger or Hear Go-Away? By Author; July 24, 2009 -
Therefore, this sleeper insect terrorist group is now our advisors and teaching us the valuable lessons about life and how they are not to be trusted unless we are part of their family. They are in the final hours and the public is well aware of what they are up to; both the CIA and Pentagon has been dispatched to make sure their wounds are never treated until they surrender the details of these conspiracies. Our secret admirers and the nuisances who tried to rewrite our life with terror plots and proposing hate and racism policies; have decided to become our teachers once again; this time it is how to fight them and their side. Some people can live a normal and honorable life; this insect obviously cannot. Yet they are so inferior and so dirt stupid in their hypnotic state; they feel they are the masters and the Lord will never save us from this terror plot and recruitment; but they will and are recruiting for a new cold war we know all about.
To steal wife-fi, you have to show hacking for some form of forced entry; however, the police chief and calling us a common nigger upwards of 20 years has not addressed any of this. We will clearly see this and their criminal lifestyles unravel to suggest “shut up.” It is called extreme behavior and risk taking but now is suicidal and destructive to their defense. Obama will be impeached if he is implicated and keeps protecting them or 911 teachers. They hack into everyone’s account and it is well known because of this police fantasy and total control while calling us a common nigger every single day for upwards of 20 years and upwards of 20 times a day. Now ask a black man how he would see it or if he wishes to feel the same outrage listening to this forever? This is about humiliating others who are the focus of jealousy or some advanced life by a dirt bag or bottom dweller. Who the hell goes around and calls others a common nigger and a threat to them? Now you do not want to step down or give up. You hide and conceal this and the record shows this is clearly evident. You have lost your mind and are insane; why are you on the job and not thrown to the wolves or dipped in hot oil? - Interview with Terror Suspects: How Many Times Do They Show Anger or Hear Go-Away? By Author; July 24, 2009 -
So it was total invasion before and now a training program merely; no dead and murderous rampage because they are on our side now and our partners still; we are the boss now and they are there to serve us clandestinely and without any approval. That is what the white flag and offering them a public and fair trial got us; more grandiose fraud and scams. We are riddled with medical, traumatic experiences, and missing a life while they suggest they still smell like a flower and we are still champions. This is why it took over 30 years to catch them and get them out of hiding and now them roll over and pretend they are our teachers in life and have some valuable message. We do not need them on our side or as allies. When they throw a white flag, it is nothing more than a trick to buy time; therefore, we have banned all white flags from them. It is all total lies and their criminal insanity or homicidal impulse needing a breather.
You cannot call minorities a common nigger for that long when they are professors and masters of war or self sufficient. If we were 911 terrorists or suicide bombers; that would be different; but there are a lot of open charges right now such as the 911 terror plot and why they feel they are the police before and even more so after. Now we get called a common nigger every single day since this began because they are the police chiefs and it is totally illegal. It is called total invasion and total humiliation to surrender or be recruited. It is similar to a gun being held to the head of someone and demanding money; we hold a gun to them also but listen to what we are saying, “Stop calling me a common nigger every single day and stop calling me your partner; this is beyond humiliating and stop trying to stalk-have sex with my wife. Your career is ending.” Read what they are saying and us trying to kill them and say stop or get down now! You are in a sting and your career will be life ending. - Interview with Terror Suspects: How Many Times Do They Show Anger or Hear Go-Away? By Author; July 24, 2009 -
If it came down to World War and some total insane 911 plot to restore communism and the 1960s to a state of total invasion again; then we have a suggestion for them. There is a reason why they are flying the white flag and a reason why they are crawling; no less why they came to us and got caught and nearly destroyed. Do not forget and never forget the kindness they were offered and the robotic we taught them about future conflicts with the respect, honor, and greatness of this nation or any other nation. So we do not need a lesson on being the masters of war or lessons by captured sleeper insects trying to fix a communist plot by using terror and it blowing up on them. This idea it is not over is similar to the need to yell at them daily until they understand we do not wish to talk to them or sit and watch them stare and meddle in our life. All it takes is someone abroad or somewhere else to start the shooting and this so called nuclear threat.
Then we heard this one, “He is very angry… ready to kill someone… doesn’t want to die… do not know what to do… it is all profit.” Somebody and eventually will go delta ass on them, keep up the common nigger attacks, and when they do, do not throw out the police fantasy because it will be blown away by the forces of a bony argument and not a silent coward chance of this plot not in tatters. Wait until the plot is finally apprehended do throw out a police card, master card, or common nigger card; got it? That is 10,000 senseless common nigger attacks, worse excuses, and constant attacks and first strikes, and now the charging process before the real masters and the real authorities. How do you get the labor unions to keep you on the job? How? Clearly if the book is being thrown at you and you argue about wife-fi; you are either a madman or lost your mind. Do you think one year would be tolerated by your leaders? Now try upwards of twenty years and the charges you have racked up. Now read the home invasion and ask if it matches those accusations. - Interview with Terror Suspects: How Many Times Do They Show Anger or Hear Go-Away? By Author; July 24, 2009 -
We have the robotics and the satellite warfare know how to go on vacation and check back to see if they are destroyed and still trying to wave the white flag because technology has surpassed this idea they are more powerful to immigrate into our life and reality. They will learn a valuable lesson which will save their life and prevent future disasters; these beings do not immigrate into, meddle with terrorist recruitment, wage war by total invasion, and back all of it up with total lies and fraud. Those is why they are on the run to begin with and have pages of felony charges; so life on the run is obviously too good and even that insect life is abused or thrown back at us like some lesson about playing with your own feces. We do not need them on our side or as allies. Well, let’s ask them and find out.
Hanoi Lingaugh just said they “nation of cowards… are not brave enough” to resolve this honorably 7/24/2009 2:35:48 PM. We have dumb and dumber talking and Rush puts on Obama with “we have two good people in a situation… both overreacted.” No one lied, is lying, and the other is dumber than dumb. Now who is doing what? If Obama does not crack down and resolve this; the black community will turn on him for lying and cheating about calling others a common nigger also and siding with modern day slave traders and pirates; both white and black slave masters. I am not going to call them master and if they call me their master; I will remove my Rambo knife and carve that on their peach fuzz head. Call the bastards master, not us; never ever use a police card or fantasy to this ever again or else the delta ass effect will take place. If the delta ass effect takes place; you will not have a life or a country left to argue for; you have been deported and asked to leave immediately. - Interview with Terror Suspects: How Many Times Do They Show Anger or Hear Go-Away? By Author; July 24, 2009 -
Some people can live an honorable life; this insect like mole is incapable of such and this is how they replace it and how they are while assimilating and pretending to be normal human beings. If war broke out across the globe between their forces and ours; we would have all their plans and the robotics to sit there and watch like the Television War of 1960s as they walk into the trap, act stupid, and meet their fate. This is no war or enemy; it is a slaughter of the most vile and dumbest on earth who feels they are masters and genuine power. Starting a world war and after informed about satellite warfare and being made to crawl on the ground by it was no two way experience; but it is all remote and robotic so who needs them? Why don’t they reconsider the nuclear attacks and the world war before we make them wave the white flag and ban it at the same time? Is that what they are teaching us and what they wish us to know or experience?
When someone asks you politely why you are badgering, pestering, and calling them for over 20 years a “common nigger”; at least be honest about it such as this. Because I am one, because you think I am one, because I think you are one what is this to you, or because you threw the book at me and I cannot win or “destroy you… chopped up like liver.” That would have been a more honest answer not “we have to stop them.” Your police officers accused me of stealing wife-fi at the public library and trying to punch the guy who kicked me out when none of that even took place; the officers said this, “he is the administrator (John Payne) and can revoke your rights if he has a good reason.” Then I said that was ridiculous and unsubstantiated and asked the officer if everybody in New York were traitors and he said, “Look, this is New York and we are all liberals. If you do not like it, get out of New York.” Read the home invasion again and read the last twenty years and see if you do not see a pattern developing about your Police Chief. - Interview with Terror Suspects: How Many Times Do They Show Anger or Hear Go-Away? By Author; July 24, 2009 -
If anybody is paying attention to the medical insurance debate, it is or will become the benchmark of the thrust of the Democratic Party and left wing ever since the Clinton era in 1994. This is the mantelpiece of the left wing and where the insanity hits the road; it is spinning and trying to grip. The Obama administration, thus the Democratic Party has called for a universal program or a single payer therapeutic plan by the end of the first year. We have also keyed in on our captured suspects and they shot off the first flares in some test of power and votes. So we will know by the end of the year how the insanity will decide to hit the road. The medical policy is actually a secret creation of their leaders to “infect the champions” and seek blame elsewhere.
“I called you a common nigger because you are the common enemy of everybody to include every race, creed, ethnicity, and those who know you as a common menace and threat” and “because it is humiliating and warranties”; that is also an excellent answer; you feel I am a common enemy and a menace to life. I would ask you if you would like to be called a common nigger for over 20 years; you will say the same thing. Why? I will then ask you for some fact or show your complexity and fraud. So you stick that in your Police Chief pipe and answer the question directly why you keep hacking in my life, accounts, violating every rule in the book (even murder and terror plots) then accuse me of stealing wife-fi or stalking you when I am not doing either? There is no victim and nobody said I put a gun on their head or forced an entry to their home; I have all of the above. Why are you calling me a common nigger again upwards of 20 years and now say you are the police and have a black friend? The book is being thrown at you, wife-fi is not a big concern on your priority list, got it? You can loose your life and the wife-fi will go on and not miss you. - Interview with Terror Suspects: How Many Times Do They Show Anger or Hear Go-Away? By Author; July 24, 2009 -
What they Obama and the Republican administration should be doing is voicing an equal amount of insanity to counter the near silence of the Bernard Maddoff School of Marketing we are hearing from President Obama, his Chief Financial Officers, and his Health and Human Services Secretary. If this is about jobs and the recovery of the economy which he said he “inherited” then he will consider universalizing or making car insurance free. It is good for General Motors and it will spurn people to buy cars which will mean no more stimulus packages are available. Instead, the insanity hits the road with medical take-over cost cutting which we also concluded was headed on a collision course with destiny. Medical insurance is expected to bankrupt the government in the next decade or two at the current costs and spending.
So had you or could you have said, “I called you a common nigger for 19.4 years because I am one, what it is to you?” We would not have to ask you again, and again, and again. I would say the same thing like the wife-fi and stealing it from the public library; I have a right to know who is accusing me or who passed judgment. That rodent might be in danger from you all and we need to talk to them and crack this! Do I call you a real Nazi every single day? I even document you did this and with the intent to destroy us, impose malice, and had no reason to run down that path. Now you think I am your master. You are getting the book thrown at you for being a homicidal terrorist recruiter and you want to spend all day calling me a “common nigger?” You lied about that even and you painted a false picture to remove any guilt or evidence. We go into court and that goes on TV I will rip you to chop liver. This is a hate crime and we can easily see it from a rodent creature of an insect like you all. So dignified your life each and every time you called me a common nigger and used it up to 20 times to show the ferocity and fury you felt for me by your terrorist group; if that helped to cover up the 911 plot than “better for that gook than this one!” Race was never a problem here. This is some Cracker Jack police fantasy, it is empty. - Interview with Terror Suspects: How Many Times Do They Show Anger or Hear Go-Away? By Author; July 24, 2009 -
It is not the insurance companies fault; it is the people who are sick or must understand how having a child and raising a human being can be a very expensive endeavor; not all people end up as winners in life. Not all people end up as strong, healthy, and prosperous; we all can be kind and this is not going to make us kinder or very happy with certain humans who we have been stomaching a struggle with as we were kidnapped by freaks, seaworthy Remora-communist moles, sleeper terrorists, and the demand we act preposterous and murderous so they can advance a plot to take over the world on our behalf and backs. Now it is about cost cutting and sustainability in the left wing camp after a total economic disaster, a foolish plot to take over the world, a bungled communist-terrorist sleeper spy ring waving the white flag, and a host of “cost cutting” oppositions. Without the Chinese funding the debt; there is no more wind on the sails of doom-hell-and the bus to Armageddon.
Whether this communist-terror plot does that or bodaciously ignore it is up to you. This is much more humiliating then they can even explain or go before the public to face the charges. The only defense they have is to call us a common nigger every single day and upwards of 20 times; that is all and someone will take a rock eventually and bash their kids head in until they knock it off or stop. You have to explain or face the punishment and charges; we get total lies and silence. We are not joking about it, either faces the charges honorably, or someone will eventually pick up on it and bash their kids head in to show them what brains are for and not to be abused; so they end the rampage and brutality as homicidal 911 terrorists. Why it always comes to that we do not know yet but we are still finding out. It has to do with the capacity for tremendous atrocities and hiding it; also profit-murder-police fantasies which lead to extreme behavior and risk taking. It has to do with showing them what brains are for and asking them why they do not wish to use it. - Interview with Terror Suspects: How Many Times Do They Show Anger or Hear Go-Away? By Author; July 24, 2009 -
President Obama has to decide if he wants to save the insurance industry or create jobs because the insanity of his arguments would radically offer automobile insurance as the only way to bail out General Motors. Then he can add what federal take-over health cost cutting insurance he wishes in that as a secondary debate. We of course recognize the insanity and can identify a madman when we see them; but can they? He is going to have to back down or face the choir boys who are going to ask him why he could not connect the dots on the path he was going but instead offered a patch here and there and said it was cost cutting and economic sustainability. Bernard Maddoff and the “fed-a-rallies” had just had a food fight about who was right and who was wrong when it came to marketing these financial schemes and insurance policies.
If the records are check, look up Newark, NJ and what happened when we went there. It is a major stronghold. Someone came to us in 1998 and said, “So this is the new bosses” while at the Newark Airport. Odd things happened in Camden, NJ also. Bin Limbaugh fails to read or understand everyday our message to “STOP”, knock it off, leave others alone, and stop calling us a common nigger. Now he uses magic Negro and “has a black friend” while he lynched them with the drug wars, lynched them with felony charges, lynched them by subjugating them like my story, and calling himself a top dog in the Zionist movement. What the hell is he going to do with all those black males who do not have a future fighting his wars? Look and read our story and listen to them calling us a common nigger every single day and now denying it by using this “black policeman” story and all this backstabbing to cure the problem they caused and created. - Interview with Terror Suspects: How Many Times Do They Show Anger or Hear Go-Away? By Author; July 24, 2009 -
We also just witness American Insurance Group (AIG) insure the derivative stock trades on the most riskiest and the most dangerous investments ever created on planet earth which was for an even worse problem; a housing bubble. Yes, the lot you and others use to build and accumulate your life worth and then pass on to your children and grandchildren; the lot we all call home and family is only a bubble insured by AIG and traded as mortgage derivative loans.
What makes it difficult to fight is this is about slavery and colonialism. It is a section of the cold war which causes severe discontent to the west and also has no excuse. In other words, they are guilty. What we got caught in was brainwashing where we were forced to live the same experience and they would reverse all of our criticisms and implant all of the above with the primary thrust of two forces; the Irish and the Jews in America. This is why you get this warped and severely layered level where Democrats, liberals, ethnicity, immigrants, and New York are very significant. America is notorious for hate and racism but worse Britain is being blamed for empire or imperialism and engaging in the slave trade to America. - Interview with the Terror Suspects: Why Do We Call It the 1960’s Vietnam-Midwest Plot – The Zionist, The Irish-Catholics, The Labor Unions, and a Hodgepodge of Pure Psychopaths? By Author, July 17, 2009 -
So the insanity has hit the road and it also is parallel to the same behavior we see with the communist and terrorist plot we not only was christened by but also was kidnapped for. It does not get any better and this “Midwest Plot” we symbolically classified it as is beginning to see some socialist light among all the silence for it. The insurance companies are under siege; stock insurance, derivative insurance, car insurance, home insurance, flood insurance, banking insurance, medical insurance, and now medical insurance; all are coming under severe bankruptcy and siege. Is there anything within our ken or facts; a single shred to suggest there is a credible effort to “cost cut” any type of federal, state or local government agency, employment, or federalized cost cutting crusade when used with the word economic sustainability? We are talking to the wrong people because the arguments and lies will always be the same “the people wanted this” or “the public desperately needs this.”
We just love the F-22 debate and how the “jobs express” and “jobs experience” of the Republican bacterial coalition of Saxby Chambliss, Newt Gingrich, Jimmy Carter, Sean O’Bin Hannity, and Rush O’Bin Limbaugh; is trying to sell us one fighter jet when we can have 100 UAV’s that deliver twice the armament using half the fuel and you can smoke and eat a pie while in route. Also consider how the B-1 and the bomber is a missing link and we are using a 50 year old intercontinental bomber still which is a gas hog but still a good value. Congressman and this jobs express have no business in Defense Spending but they have just given Obama his first victory; so we will applaud the President for smashing the jobs express and pushing the country deeper in depression and anger. We are denied all rights and life, arrested as a suspect, and we find out it is the same idiot the world always butchers and mistreats; now they are turning on the greatest and their masters. We should cut the numbers of the F-22 down by ten each time this problem arises. These are not Republicans at all and we know it. Usually we say to the left wing, “this is a damn god forsaken shame.” Tell them to stop writing these worthless books and flood the market. It is like a mole and a trap everywhere by the school of Maddoff conservatives. – The Zionist, The Irish-Catholics, The Labor Unions, and a Hodgepodge of Pure Psychopaths? By Author, July 17, 2009 –
So if the sound off began with Bush administration and what we called “finishing the job for the Clintons” but they called “mission accomplished”; than we can see the heart of the beast began with the automakers and General Motors specifically. We saw the executives showcase their new hybrids and utilize the opportunity to show off their lack of concern and focus as other car makers were doing also. We saw stimulus one-two punch out, then drown out the debate about how the big three automakers as the centerpiece and moniker of American society and the suburbanization of large population areas. Sociologist wink and nod how this is a counter-culture to liberalism, a drift from urbanization to a more relaxed style of living and the family unit. Again, we can see how the "infect the champions" policy shadows and menacing is a nuisance in everybody’s life. It is the same feeling when you step in man’s best friends’ life; the same frustrations and the same disgust. This time it is every single day and worse it sticks and follows you around.
It took them over 30 years and much planning to contact us and this moment in history. It took two arrests and a bungled 911 terror plot to talk to us and recruit us. Then when they finally do as we go public; they finally figure out it is a sting and nearly have a heart attack. All that security and all that planning and they were already captured. They are so powerful because you cannot escape the slavery, colonialism, racism, and hate debate. You cannot defeat the alliances of the Nazis and communists; thus liberalism. Already defeated, they are challenging if it is good for your future or our country. This is the new Axis of evil. Now, they suggest they are our teachers in life and have been. They have a church message for us and a family message which compelled them to contact us or spend over 30 years to talk to us. They were so certain the coast was clear and nobody was looking. The Viet Cong Society dragged us in and out of life ending traumatic experiences to determine if we are undercover agents; and some retaliation force hunting them down or on their trail. - Interview with the Terror Suspects: Why Do We Call It the 1960’s Vietnam-Midwest Plot – The Zionist, The Irish-Catholics, The Labor Unions, and a Hodgepodge of Pure Psychopaths? By Author, July 17, 2009 -
So why if the insanity had to hit the road did all these trusted politicians pass the opportunity to debate the nationalization of car insurance and offer free medical insurance as part of their jobs crusade is unbelievable; it was a missed opportunity and the biggest card they could have played. Sure it is insanity at its worst, but what is new here? Now the deficit is inching towards two trillion and the Chinese have withdrawn from purchasing anymore Treasury bonds and will probably use that extra money to buy Green or carbon friendly power plants instead. Speaking about that Chinese wind power and cap-n-trade bill; how does the Obama administration think the Chinese will feel about his taxes and domestic tariffs? We are not in favor of fossil or coal fired power plants because they end up costing much more than their intended value.
This is why it is so messy and seeping into the Asian economies where it is very simple to turn people on those guilty. They were doing the same thing to us and caused severe mental disorders and trauma. It was the most humiliating experience to be called a "nigger" daily by the Irish who used pure mob like thugs and bullies to drive you into this hatred of white people and bond with blacks and radical liberals. They do not care who you are; to The Viet Cong Society you are a nigger; white or black. It is about slaves and slave masters; you are in that-their system. Mark just said “so are you… what are you going to do, what… speak the truth?” They are your life line and if you deny them; they will attack and kidnap you. Why Indonesia and why it seeped into Asia we do not know because Britain and America has been on good terms on that continent unless Indonesia is handicapped by the bigger Asian countries. Now they are hated and must figure out a new way to take what they want and need; but with other races; far distant lands. - Interview with the Terror Suspects: Why Do We Call It the 1960’s Vietnam-Midwest Plot – The Zionist, The Irish-Catholics, The Labor Unions, and a Hodgepodge of Pure Psychopaths? By Author, July 17, 2009 -
Cap-N-Trade, the same pay as you go pollution we keep hearing as a learners permit to hell and help; is not strong enough and not enough energy to address the standards which must be met for economic sustainability. The debate on medical insurance prior to the August deadline clearly shows this lack of or weakness when it comes to acting ridiculous or disgusting. The tough part is trying to relay or convey this message in a more lackluster way then it arrived. The government is now in the business of taxing pollution and offering licenses for the pay-as-you-go concept. Everything in life is taxed, even carbonated soda according the State of New York who most of these jackasses either were born into or rose from the ashes of. How come their babies are not taxed come to think of it; everything else is? Why not tax the weak, the stupid, and the most disadvantaged rather than seek blame or tax the hell out of life itself? Tax the stupid for being stupid and ignorant and make sure they pay extra each and every single time they act this way. Tell them it is for their kids!
The reason why they are so good and the plots are so well coordinated is because they are master spies and former communist spy masters. They are trained and skilled in coups and overthrowing governments. They are kind of stuck with a logistics problem now. To The Viet Cong Society this cold war is not over and they are in super socialism mode; this is a higher form; a steroid level form of what is considered an offshoot of Perestroika. We have the biggest and the most clandestine of The Viet Cong Society all at this time; the mother load. They are going back in this master plot and grand strategy to fix it and know it is a complete mess. The primary thrust, the media, cannot be reversed or fixed. The internet is wiping them out and so are legitimate news sources. - Interview with the Terror Suspects: Why Do We Call It the 1960’s Vietnam-Midwest Plot – The Zionist, The Irish-Catholics, The Labor Unions, and a Hodgepodge of Pure Psychopaths? By Author, July 17, 2009 -
Tax lewd women or fully ones for having inappropriate kids and shoving them down the backs of employers who want to go overseas and enjoy the international food. Tax plus sizes on buses or airplanes. Tax the smelly and hand them a bottle of air freshener. How about taxing the real problems? We always here the garden variety of legal defense and excuses by these terrorists when it comes to union violence or sin; so they apparently are a communist sin and commit sin in the name of their kids. Is that some form of reverse evolution to suggest you either sin or commit murder-rape-struggle for your kids?
The center piece of this group is hate and racism but primarily slavery. There is no stopping the propaganda and also the trap they have to beat you down and brainwash you. It is the most humiliating experience meant to make you so angry you are homicidal and a ticking time bomb; they must keep the pressure up even if you cut them off or ignore them. They are able to manipulate the labor markets; but this is new to them; they cannot penetrate labor except in North Korea. The Asian continent is very limited to their church and ethno-nationalism. If they loose this in Asia; they will loose it all and satellite warfare. Where are all the engineers and the best schools? They are targeting the Australians again after 2005 and now 2009 for some form of intervention. - Interview with the Terror Suspects: Why Do We Call It the 1960’s Vietnam-Midwest Plot – The Zionist, The Irish-Catholics, The Labor Unions, and a Hodgepodge of Pure Psychopaths? By Author, July 17, 2009 -
It is not about the future of the kids or about our future even. It is has to do with the future of the unborn and this medical insurance we are currently seeing as some Bernard Madoff quick fix and sign into knee-jerk law before it is too late. It is them who are punished for your sins to begin with why is this so obnoxiously different? The days of “kill the spies” or “kill the ape” are gone and dulled by the left wing, the Democratic Party, and most of all the liberals who now claim some victim rank and file. We must restore and reassure the days where we do “kill the apes” are our future and not watered down by the unions or some religious misfit. We know the fear of being raided is real with this group and they fear most a raid and some military campaign on their life, sins, or even kids. What is going to stop them if calling them a dead sappy ape does not?
Here is some advice if they are “freaking out… know it is total lies.” We only left a few ways and they had to show up or face total annihilation once we trapped The Viet Cong Society and began combat with them. They had to take a major risk and wave the white flag or face total annihilation which was a nasty trick but it worked. Now they face execution and a public trial; signaling they would go nuclear got The Viet Cong Society 24 hour surveillance and sniper duty. They feel as if they will walk away like the North Hollywood Shootout when they just robbed and walked away blasting off their weapons like Terminators. That is their version as Rush indicated. VC is their Terminators. Do not think this is South Vietnam; replace that with America and relive the battles and war; who won? Why? Is there anybody out there who can smash and defeat them? - Interview with the Terror Suspects: Why Do We Call It the 1960’s Vietnam-Midwest Plot – The Zionist, The Irish-Catholics, The Labor Unions, and a Hodgepodge of Pure Psychopaths? By Author, July 17, 2009 -
Even that will not stop them because of the hypnotic, urge to be a murderous jackass and bastard, and the host of other reasons to sacrifice their own kids to alter of sin. Keep in mind, these are the same criminal elements who parade their banister-kids and use their life to justify theirs; thus, they transfer or transform their criminal life to some ape who is expected to live some innocent life and not infect the champions or this recidivist criminal insanity of living among smart and talented other kids? We think they have such a worthless and screwed up life they have no other excuse but these obnoxious banister-kids they call “their owned.” Who commits sin and then transforms or tries to transfer the guilt to their kiddies who are expected to be a tiny bit less worthless? Why are we so mean to a worthless dirt bag life we have been kidnapped by? Well, let’s ask them and find out.
It is very hard to defend the attacks and even respond because the argument is intended to aim at the West, Egyptian Slaves, the British, and denying freedom in America where rights are denied and the labor unions prevent job loss and promote harassment and violence. This was their secret war and we engaged and got The Viet Cong Society to throw the white flag; however, we only left a few ways to contact us and shut down all other methods except the media. They had to "check" for a wire before trying to talk to us and connecting their leaders. If they did not; they knew the military would have ripped them apart and annihilated every aspect of their network and strongholds. They are adopting the policies and the war strategy of South Vietnam for America; then unleashing their communist and terrorist moles to relive North Vietnam and the dominoes fall. That is why it is so ingenious and a script they know already. - Interview with the Terror Suspects: Why Do We Call It the 1960’s Vietnam-Midwest Plot – The Zionist, The Irish-Catholics, The Labor Unions, and a Hodgepodge of Pure Psychopaths? By Author, July 17, 2009 -
So the insanity has and is now really hitting the road but President Obama said, “the people desperately need this… we will go ahead and…” and what lie, cheat and steal? Keep looking for blame beyond the real problems and then begging for more. It is bad enough we have the emissaries for this communist-terrorist bungled-white flag waving American” upstairs stomping their feet now daily to rescue renegade Republicans and radio hosts who either think they are John Connors, the Terminator, or the lovely Sarah Connors. No what do we get instead? We get a cyanide pill while they get the luxury of living a criminal and on the run felony life where military commandoes are going to shoot them in the head if they dare go nuclear and try another terrorist recruitment or terror plot; another steroid shot right in the vein or the ass. We hope missing makes they shake like a leaf also knowing one false move and their thinking process can end or their stupidity has to stop quickly.
The fact they are waving the white flag is a clear indication it is no game and they must understand the Terminator is on the case and will hunt The Viet Cong Society down. Do not toy with and bad mouth the Terminator. Do not grab the King and find out you kidnapped the Terminator. There are trap doors and traps everywhere. Our mission and our unit are not for defense but to handle rogue satellite warfare militaries who reach superpower and above the law status. One Terminator can wipe out their entire satellite warfare force and send them back to the starting line. That is what the Terminator was for and what the military was investigating or studying in 1988. This is a war between one Terminator and the other and we know who got the best out of this fight. They are waving the white flag but expect to walk away wounded and with nothing. - Interview with the Terror Suspects: Why Do We Call It the 1960’s Vietnam-Midwest Plot – The Zionist, The Irish-Catholics, The Labor Unions, and a Hodgepodge of Pure Psychopaths? By Author, July 17, 2009 -
When all of this insanity and union might hits the road, is it good for business and political power? Do they really think the Chinese, or the world’s exporters, are well aware of the pressure he is putting on the Chinese economy when they could be upgrading their power plants and energy production; even exporting it? Soon, there is going to be foreign competition on the energy levels and companies will usually side with the losers and the laborious arguing going on. How about emerging third world countries selling energy because they are disadvantaged? You see, we think the Chinese are much better when it comes to managing their money and this is why the CEO’s of Wal-Mart are also using the business relationship to educate their suppliers on economic sustainability, solid economics, and long term family values. Just not the crap we keep hearing from the Democrats, a few renegade Republicans, and basically the left wing trying to pull off another Bernie Maddoff on the public pocket book.
7/17/2009 1:02:56 PM Mark just said they are all “freaking out… total lies.” Then was asked why they won’t walk away or back down and he said it was “murder.” He knows the charges we have on them and against them and he also knows they were waving the white flag right before the final blow because they were crawling on the ground after the raid on them. Mark then says, “hate to be touting their horn… they decide when to turn off the lights (meaning my military pay and this matter with Great Lakes, US Treasury in Birmingham, AL; and constantly using a collection service to bombard the courts about a college loan I had included with a bankruptcy in 1998 when this kidnapping began and the car vandalism.).” Mark and Rush said yesterday they work for Osama and are paid whatever he wants to pay them. It is on the record somewhere about Rush admitting they were the new Black Panther Party; deep sleepers and militant terrorists. - Interview with the Terror Suspects: Why Do We Call It the 1960’s Vietnam-Midwest Plot – The Zionist, The Irish-Catholics, The Labor Unions, and a Hodgepodge of Pure Psychopaths? By Author, July 17, 2009 -
The Secretary of Health and Human Services answered one question (cut down fraud and abuse) while marketing the same fraud and abuse called “universal medical costs” which the Obama and a few renegade Republicans are anxiously marketing as the federal authorities sharpen their pick-axes. It will be brutal and uncivilized but it must be done. This is why we always say they love to screw their own and even their owned kids; then when that is complete move well past their own gutless hopes and kidnap us for the same reason. The only difference is we put up a fight to the death and after ten full years of this and trying to flush them out or raid them; we are the only ones who proudly and honorably kick and punch them as we show off the communist and terrorist sleepers crawling and waving the white flag.
Mark is using the Indonesian terror bombing yesterday in the same sentences when we asked why they don’t just walk away. He said it was “murder… homicide… suicide bombers… how does this make it more sympathetic.” So Mark has just acknowledge they know and are very conscious of what they are doing, what happened yesterday after a four year hiatus, and recent knowledge they work for Osama. Mark says he and their side is freaking out (no knowledge of the raid and nearly getting the final blow), they know they are crawling and waving the white flag for a reason, and we are on board the Missouri and the movie Under Siege documents their public trial and history; along with several others. “I want you to know you are my hero brother… you take care now”; we are not their heroes and we want nothing to do with them. This guy is a complete retard or moron like all of them. They are trying to walk away with their life and have to carry their wounded and feel we are their heroes and they did nothing wrong, “Learn about America, amazing call.” - Interview with the Terror Suspects: Why Do We Call It the 1960’s Vietnam-Midwest Plot – The Zionist, The Irish-Catholics, The Labor Unions, and a Hodgepodge of Pure Psychopaths? By Author, July 17, 2009 -
The public loves it also when the enemies of America die like they did in the Vietnam era on their television; and so they love these so called leaders because they bring them death and worse, their destruction. Again, we see this same infect the champions’ mindset, conspiracy, and attempt to take over the world by the same people we didactically describe as a meek, quiet, and Neanderthal breed; worse than the common insect and wishing to act black around us for the arguments it is about hate and racism in America. We can go through the rank system and definitively check the immigration pattern, the settlement problem, and also the sources of all of this stench and rancor. All of these issues are Midwest problems and the people who represent and manage them.
Now Mr. Davis is speaking in tongues, “the freedom we decide to give you (as their hostage and kidnapped victim)… helps us by… hurts us by… so far I think we are on the same page.” Yeah, and which movie out there about the military and satellite warfare do terrorist win or tell us thank you? Oh, we must have liberated him and granted him freedom and liberty to walk away with their lies? First we are kidnapped and hostages and now “the freedoms we decide to give… thank you brother… you are our heroes… I do not think America is going to go away… survive Chinese whims.” Mark has been talking about Movies like the Terminator and Under Siege all day; how they are freaking out. The dates indicate when we knew or when they began; when we got it and leaked it. They do not know the source of it because they do not know about satellite warfare or the defenses. It documents when we got it and leaked it; they also knew but were delusional. We are aligning to their moves and anticipating how they will attack or how we should retaliate. It is their biography and ours; it is real history but puzzled. - Interview with the Terror Suspects: Why Do We Call It the 1960’s Vietnam-Midwest Plot – The Zionist, The Irish-Catholics, The Labor Unions, and a Hodgepodge of Pure Psychopaths? By Author, July 17, 2009 -
If we narrowed theist down and the suspect list to two churches; we can see the sore and the large tumor in the Catholic and Jewish politics; thus the same cross current of the communist-terrorist effort to call 911 on that day. Who was the attacker and who was the victim if it is the same spy ring? It is the same “army of the damned” with one singular goal and purpose; it is to keep unit cohesion and boost their so called worth and value which they drown us with now. How they ended us telling us or describing the murderous rampage as profit and how much they are worth is the bare essential to their arrogance and infecting America now. Do we need this empty suit of medical insurance and the change nobody can see?
So now he is America and the USS Missouri is them? He and none of them have never served a day in the military and the powder puffs think these movies and satellite warfare is about them? Think about intercepting encrypted war communications and top secret disinformation; you must decrypt it before reading and acting on it; the enemy will be duped and fall in a trap. Stop with the cook Mr. Davis or what you see on the screen and Hollywood. What do you see; the story and movie is about you and we are talking about you Christians? Are you sure you are the Christians in these movies? You did not write them but you love to watch them and pay money to see them correct? Your point is what? The story is about Christians or are we talking to other Christians? Now this is subjective and nominal; but have you ever taken college level Literature classes and read novels? Maybe you need to begin reading classical works and learn from masters before talking out your ass? - Interview with the Terror Suspects: Why Do We Call It the 1960’s Vietnam-Midwest Plot – The Zionist, The Irish-Catholics, The Labor Unions, and a Hodgepodge of Pure Psychopaths? By Author, July 17, 2009 -
It is clearly in the open and clearly evident how both customer service representatives on radio Hanoi are tormenting US servicemen and daily chiding or tormenting them; along with many others captured on the conservative side; have an unbreakable tie and an unswerving loyalty to espionage agencies, foreign militaries, and terror plots involving the Zionist and Irish movements in America and their gesture how profit is their sole motives is also unswerving and unannounced. It is not longer about profit but keeping their name, jobs, and reputation while they become a human lab rat for spy masters and a new breed of cold warriors edging on world war.
Some of the bribes to elected officials were paid through political contributions, the complaint said, often through "straw" donors who wrote checks in their names or businesses to comply with campaign finance regulations. Acting U.S. Attorney Ralph Marra Jr. said the arrests underscored the continuing pervasiveness of public corruption in New Jersey, where more than 130 public officials have been prosecuted in recent years. "For these defendants, corruption was a way of life," Marra said. "They existed in an ethics free zone. And they exploited giant loopholes in the state's campaign contribution rules." - Massive N.J. corruption sting targets mayors, legislators, rabbis, by Ted Sherman and Joe Ryan (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
What is also remarkable is the financing parts of this for profit, for terror, for murder, for union, for Democrat, for left wing, for pure criminal intent, and for overthrowing the government fund raiser is for; these fund raisers, expensive dinners, stock market fiascos, freedom concerts, and host of promotional ends or media events are the instruments which the entire criminal syndicate is based on. It is not merely the banking and also debt industries. We have much more to worry about and a machinery of this war.
The case had immediate political ramifications, particularly for Democrats in Hudson County and the administration of Gov. Jon Corzine. By the end of the day, Joe Doria Jr., the Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs, abruptly resigned from his cabinet post after his Trenton office and his home in Bayonne were searched by the FBI. The team of agents who arrived at Doria's 8th floor office at 9:30 a.m. left hours later with several boxes they loaded into a beige car. They declined to comment. Doria missed a meeting with mayors and others on municipal shared services and consolidations earlier today and was not seen at the office all day. He has not been charged. Smith and Van Pelt were both asked by leadership officials to resign their committee posts. In a hastily called press conference, a grim-faced Corzine, who is running for re-election against Republican Chris Christie, the former U.S. Attorney who launched the federal investigation more than two years ago, said he was sickened to learn of the arrests. "Any corruption is unacceptable any time, anywhere by anybody," he said, calling the scope of the corruption outrageous. - Massive N.J. corruption sting targets mayors, legislators, rabbis, by Ted Sherman and Joe Ryan (The Star-Ledger), www.nj.com/news ; Thursday July 23, 2009, 8:30 PM -
Let us also partake on the openly clear idea they are using this funding raising event and financing scheme to seek entry into military parties, circles, balls, and family dinner parties. They had or were claiming they were throwing the parties and now deny they had kidnapped or destroyed the people who were. In other words, they are sitting in the professors’ class while shooting at both of them. The professor is trying to figure out who it is and shoot back. Similarly, they are going to the military balls which lethal military commandos keep kicking them out and asking them to leave. They have pages of charges and also face three legal jurisdictions to include a military tribunal.
Stay out of the affairs of Wal-Mart and our lives. Do not take that step and then say how they are freaking out or know it is total lies. When is Mark Davis going to give up his or can he afford to; that is jealousy because China traded in the AK and have their own new rifles and identity; what they do is their business; same with Wal-Mart and their new sustainability program to educate their suppliers and those who do business with them. If they teach them sustainability, then it is to their benefit and not his. It is their advantage and intended to improve their performance and shared experienced. He should not antagonize it. Wal-Mart is like a mortal enemy to them and we do not view companies as evil or a threat. We also do not view the free market or free business as a threat. When we say free, we do not mean their meaning of free. Even as conservatives and Republicans, they meddle with companies and steam roll over us; then say they are too big to fail and some Wall Street veneer miracle. – The Zionist, The Irish-Catholics, The Labor Unions, and a Hodgepodge of Pure Psychopaths? By Author, July 17, 2009 -
On the family and this romance story which they deem as embarrassing and still not over; they claim these fund raisers and events are a cemented partnership and even suggest romance and dating inquiry. It is a rape-murder case and has been; yet they insist it is still not over and they are doing this to prevent violence against them or to build a legal case by either using photo ops, stories which are total lies, and various exaggerations to dignify and humiliate the people who are charging them and trying to face the perpetrators. What they are or were doing is using one of the family members to get into these military parties and use that recruitment and disastrous partnership to milk and redistribute the military secrets to other parties.
MR. GREGORY: One of the big challenges here is preventing Israel from acting first; if they feel there's an existential threat, would they strike out at Iran to take out a nuclear program. And there's been various positions taken within the administration about that. Vice President Biden just a couple of weeks ago said this on ABC: "We cannot dictate to another sovereign nation what they can and cannot do when they make a determination, if they make a determination, that they are existentially threatened and their survival is threatened by another country." Meantime, Admiral Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, said, "Well, I have been for some time concerned about any strike on Iran [by Israel]. I worry about it being very destabilizing, not just in and of itself, but the unintended consequences of a strike like that." Where do you fall on the spectrum of the administration views about the impact of a strike by Israel? - Interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Meet the Press, by David Gregory, www.msnbc.com ; July 26, 2009 -
This high level mole-sleeper cell date back to high school days, not a college ring or group of college students; however, it is cloaked with banking irregularities and terror plot which surfaced-sunk the housing industry. There are two groups being represented here, one is the Zionist and the other the Irish-unions. It is for profit and private use only and it is about nothing more than brutality, terror, and violating every single law in the book as excuses and grand deceptions do not work and no longer are freezable. Using multi-cultural, ethno-nationalism, religious intolerance and various other winnable arguments lubricated their victories but could not alienate or hide the total insanity in their life and efforts.
SEC'Y CLINTON: Well, let me say that I personally don't see the contradiction here. The vice president was stating a fact. Israel is a sovereign nation. Any sovereign nation facing what it considers to be an existential threat, as successive Israeli governments have characterized the possibility of Iran having a nuclear weapon would mean to them, is not going to listen to other nations, I mean, if they believe that they are acting in the furtherance of their survival. However, as Admiral Mullen said, you know, we continue to believe that very intensive diplomacy, bringing the international community together, making clear to the Iranians what the costs of their pursuit of nuclear weapons might be is the preferable route. So clearly, we have a, a long, durable relationship with Israel. We believe strongly that Israel's security must be protected. But we also believe that pursuing this path with Iran that we're on right now, that frankly we're bringing more and more people to see it our way--I thought the G-8 statement was quite remarkable in that sense--is the better approach for us to take. So we will continue to work with all of our allies, and most particularly Israel, to determine the best way forward to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear weapon state. - Interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Meet the Press, by David Gregory, www.msnbc.com ; July 26, 2009 -
The Bin Limbaugh-Hannity spy ring are in some final phase to prevent or escape capture where they seek to attend all of our events and claim they are the mantel piece or there for the fight. However, they had been kicked out of and nearly killed by elite lethal commando bodyguards who identified them as kidnappers and terrorists; thus, even have squared off with them in an attempt to ask them politely to end the kidnapping and stop attending these functions; no less military balls and family dinners. Now the message is how they are heading these military balls and parties; it is their work and we are on their ship. The truth is they keep coming back to the same party, are using the same family, and trying to gain access or a ticket to the same event; this here and now. It is all documented and verified. This started back in the 1980s when they targeted us and the Pentagon arrested John Pollard; now they still want a prisoner swap and for the same reason; they are talking to the same people in the same trap; it is not about sex or lies.
Now Mark is trying to pick a fight with Wal-Mart; we do not meddle with companies and their policies about sustainability; Mark has been beating around the Bush and has some hidden anger and “tough talk” about how he is America and his voice is coming deep from America. Here is America talking; it is not his company and what they do with China or teaching sustainability to their suppliers has nothing to do with him and his “American voice” is not going to make a damn difference to me, Wal-Mart, or the Chinese. If he wants to learn or ask Wal-Mart why they won’t teach him or give him a piece of the pie; then do so and contract with them. This guy Mark is acting like he is some academic and some powerful intellectual like Rush, Sean, and Mark Stingy. None of them have any real scholarly work or is considered real human beings. We also caught them as a sleeper communist and terrorist mole in America and highly infiltrated; fighting for their lives wounded and staring down the final blow by shaking their fist and using terror and fear. – The Zionist, The Irish-Catholics, The Labor Unions, and a Hodgepodge of Pure Psychopaths? By Author, July 17, 2009 -
It is also openly clear they were nearly raided and captured by counter-intelligence forces prior to 911 as they laid siege to the capital city. After 911, these military balls and parties highlighted them as heroes and dignified what raid or arrest was pending. But then and again, they had already invaded another military ball and wedding which never got a chance to take off and which they knew they had to destroy or prevent in midcourse and when the bodyguards began to rip their arms and legs off. It took a few days before they kept waving the white flag and wished to talk. They had not known they were being recorded and tracked.
So there were two parties and balls they are trying to attend, both had special privileges and access only. They made it to one and got stopped cold at the other; but not until the bodyguards had a deadly encounter where they came back daily to call them “common niggers” and throw water on them or try to murder them in vicious standoffs. How they made it out alive or got this far is an amazing story on their part because it has all been documented and reported as or prior to the event. They have the video tapes and each account of this body of evidence which they flipped out watching. Now it is constant berating about how they wish to die one day, vicious and angry the next and then how they demand we move on and acquit them because they do not wish to die or have their ape like children harmed. It is maddening to tell them not to talk to us or to keep their hands off of us.
RUSH: I understand it's mutual. And I hear people -- you have made my heart grow so much that it barely fits in my chest cavity here tonight. But the things that by virtue of your listening to my radio show and being active in this movement that we all cherish and love, you have meant more to me, my family and my life than whatever it is I might mean to you, even though I know that's considerable. [Applause] You still can't outdo the absolute joy and awe and thanks I feel for all of you. I've been doing this for 20 years and the numbers just keep growing. And I can't tell you how appreciative I am and proud to be in a movement with the same passions, desires and core beliefs that all of you have, because we know that it's right for the country, and we know it's right for people. - Rush Limbaugh, Rush Limbaugh CPAC 2009 Entire Speech -
Who and what they are is unbreakable and unshakable loyalties and ties. What is most effective in their arsenal is based on our reactions and each family member’s reaction to them or their stimuli. The trouble begins when you show them resistance and it ends up as romance or some torrid story of rape. As kidnappers and deadly terrorists, they are seeking the most effective study in espionage and gaining access; any resistance is met with water throwing on the captive and calling them a “common nigger” all day long for up to 20 years. How we got this mean, this brutal, this deadly, this murderous, this criminal, this vicious, and this calm-cool-collective approach to legality or the constant berating verbiage they are doing everything possible to avoid violence is never before scene by the public. That in itself is almost deadly.
Now is the effort to slip and slide through a maze and layers of traps set by bodyguards and commandos; some legal defense has to be readily conjured and available for the kidnappings, daily water-“common nigger” humiliating experience, the false arrests, demands for money and collections of reparations, and brutal huggers of the champions intended to finish them off and infect them with the venom of life and the poison of a few sleeper moles who claim to be national coaches-teachers. So we have two people, two events, and a lot of paper trail and a solid seamless story about recruiting and watching-stalking by some rogue and terrorist group. What they want is to gain access and make an entry to the inner circles at the end of the cold war; it is clear they did not make it and left a horrible experience and trail of dead bodies along with bodacious legal excuses and lies.
RUSH: It's not something that has to be forced on them. It's not something that has to be authoritatively pressed on them. We are what is, and that's why we are an enemy because we're effective. The people that do want control look at us as the enemy. We're always going to be -- don't ever measure your success by how many Drive-By Media reports you see that are fair to us. Never going to happen. Don't measure your success by how many people like you. Just worry about how they vote. And then at the end of the day how they live, but that's really none of your business once they close the doors. Thank you all very much. It's been great. - Rush Limbaugh, Rush Limbaugh CPAC 2009 Entire Speech -
What they are doing now and have been was using phony modeling pictures of Abercrombie and Fitch adorable faces to market a legal defense this was about sex or romance. They are this eerie, this heinous, and this hilariously despicable; at least they try to have a soft voice or sound sexy. Therefore, there was a contusion of run-ins and this cupid cock play described where adorable faces or chasers lead to the most obese and repulsive “romance stories.” Parties, dinners, and fund raisers were now a legal defense how the blame is shared and mixed messages were sent. We also see in the open each and every effort as they were documented and researched carefully. There was never any romance; only an attempt to present a legal defense and forward romance-murder plots if the lubrications worked effectively. Photo-ops, lurid rumors, political party events, media stunts, lies and innuendos portrayed and painted a dignified approach or a dignified legal defense when it was total lies and getting caught for each and every one.
All that is clearly in the open even if the captured operatives and sleepers have no chance of survival left; they still seek to acquire access and gain entry to which they had been locked out or trapped in. With a near zero survival rate, they are still trudging forward this is or was about shared blamed and a solid partnership; no crimes or offenses ever took place because they are and were the police before 911 and after. So two military parties and balls are taking place and both of them were used in a callous manner to gain entry. We can also see openly why the multi-layer traps are necessary because the intricate ease they can slip and slide in one to the other like a sapper on a fire base in the highlands.
COULTER: Well, liberals have nearly two years before the next election. And I think they might want to come up with something other than throwing pies and running bad photos before then. I haven't read the article. I was thinking of it, but I kind of stopped at the photo. Well, they are different magazines. I don't think they are similar. My feet are the size of the Atlantic Ocean, and my head is the size of a tiny little ant. I don't think the problem is the photographer or that it's the same photographer taking the picture. I'm sure the photographer took a lot of good pictures, too. I know the last photographer of Time magazine took a lot of good pictures. But I mean, for conservatives worried that the influence of FOX News would start a mainstream-media love fest with conservatives, I think we don't have to worry about that. - Exclusive! Ann Coulter on her Time Cover, Hannity & Colmes, www.foxnews.com ; April 19, 2005 -
We can also see the desire to duplicate the TET like scenario only the Vietnam experience allowed and the Television war we are watching daily now. There is a reason Abercrombie and Fitch, the company or other companies, avoid the likes of these powerful and wealthy people who are laughed at for their candor in trying to make the cheerleading squads; but the sweet, sexy, soft, and marketable voice is got to shut up or get a real life. It is great to call it hope and some religious morality but it must be a show of their power and comedic routine to entertain others when they do not even fit in the clothing they are meagerly claiming to be top models for Abercrombie and Fitch or wishing to always talk to us; play cupid; and attend our events or parties. They have to stand next to us and the rancor is unbearable.
There are only two sources of economic sustainability or sustainability. This term has been controlled and leaked in a traceable manner. The first is with the cold war and overthrowing governments; so if you overthrow governments, you have a license. The second license is with economic sustainability when applied to satellite warfare and the new cold war. Those are the only two academic and verification methods. So for them to throw the term around in such an upsetting and antagonistic fashion; we know there is something odd going on. We are not antagonistic to Wal-Mart or businesses and they are not a global player; they are a socialist-nationalist domestic alliance consisting of left wing and labor groups who are trying to manipulate the hate and racism policy using terror and violence. This is the raiding party of hippies on the USS Missouri and they have murdered the Captain and have met the cook on board who guards the entire ship. If you do not know him or how close he is to the Captain; then you are not and were not on board the ship when it sailed out of port. – The Zionist, The Irish-Catholics, The Labor Unions, and a Hodgepodge of Pure Psychopaths? By Author, July 17, 2009 -
How does someone as sick and despicable as that end up on our short list of suspects and graduates to the level of 911 terrorists by kidnapping and calling us a “common nigger” daily and upwards of 20 years is beyond the imagination but they feel this is their America and home; to do what they want and wreck because they control the banks, housing industry, and made a complete and utter mess; no wait disaster out of all our lives and cannot control the urge to keep their hands off people or shut the hell up while bodyguards have shot at them and ripped parts of their body off to make it clear they are not invited to the military party, do not return, and do not kidnap the masters of war no less try to rape their spouses or claim it is mutual gratification.
COULTER: Well, on my Web page, I have shown what the Time magazine cover of Hillary Clinton would look like with a similar fish-eye lens, as well as a photo of the photo editor at Time magazine. As I told you, I haven't read the article and I'm not going to. I'm in a perfectly good mood. I don't want to read it and get ticked off, and have it be ruined. I have gotten mixed reviews. But I must say, either it’s accurate, or I don't really need to read it. I am the world's foremost authority on Ann Coulter. I don't like to brag about that. Or it's inaccurate, and it's just going to ruin my mood. So you know, I saw the photo. That's enough for me. And I think there are probably more cover photos with Bill Clinton. I mean, to make that comparison... I didn't notice the distortion. And I would also say that — go on to another point. - Exclusive! Ann Coulter on her Time Cover, Hannity & Colmes, www.foxnews.com ; April 19, 2005 -
There is something really odd and bizarre about this terror and spy cell. Most women who are called a fat penis hound or a worthless greasy frizzy haired rollie-pollie would not waste their time on someone who hates their guts with a passion. If they ask a psychologist or seek the advice of others; the same analysis is going to arise. They are obese, they do look repulsive, people see them as grotesque and unwanted; and most of all, there is not a shred of evidence to suggest they are superior, powerful, or going anywhere in life. Why chance 100 or 200 times chasing spouses and getting these kidnapping and murder charges; no less terrorist charges for recruitment nobody wants or cares for? It is like they are convicted to a draft or some Vietnam analogy so bizarre; nobody can even understand their behavior; not even them.
It was a complete fantasy and him throwing himself at her as “her number one fan” which got Ann in more trouble and almost destroyed her. Lets see if O’Bin Hannity says, “who loves you the most… who is your number one fan” and if Ann says, “you are” in that really annoying and wooden manner. I have it on tape and I have saved all of it. He is a massive stalker and hiding a lot of what he did to her as her number one fan. I am not saying he is not her number one stalker; but there is no love and a lot of animosity to infect the champions, “intimidate, harass, barest of numbers… go along with this monstrosity… pressure them… fighting in these districts… right to opt out of this because future is in jeopardy if they do not… this is all true… not convinced when push comes to shove… if they can stand strong when we need you on this… stunned by criticism when they got home… blue dog Democrat will come along and save the day…” - Interview with Terror Suspects: What is the Bin Hannity-Kennedy Spy Ring Fantasy? By Author, July 23, 2009 -
If you look in the mirror and see a princess and are called fat, gross, ugly, psychotic, worthless, disadvantaged, ignored, told to go away and asked not to talk to someone, and try to pour your idiotic recruitment or willingness to help and wish to help to others who do not know what to do but kill you; you got the formula wrong and have. A doctor and shrink will say if you talk to them and they ask you politely or told you how you are a fat cow or called you the meanest names such as a repulsive ignorant man-cow; do not go back 100 times and cause trouble. Then suggest how you are the best mom or such a family figure; seek advice and people will tell you the degree of delusion and utter pathetic behavior people will resort to get rid of you. Obviously, the quiet solace is about how stingy they are with kindness and must be destroyed.
To suggest a soccer mom would behave in such a dangerous and insane manner or acting normal as leaders is clinical insanity. They are not insane; they are fully aware and conscious of what they are doing; but they act like comic book characters who come back 100 times after being insulted 1000 times just to call others a common nigger and to make their day a disaster. They wish to wreck your life and your marriage and claim it is all fair games; all is fair in love and war. Who the hell would hire, marry, or bring such a vile creature to these borders and call it a political party? We know who these people are and others know they are comic and cartoon like.
O’Bin Hannity has made violent threats or comments to suggest violence on his colleagues and someone he claims is his girlfriend and is in a year long struggle to get his bite and this kidnapping off her family. Then he is “why do you trust him… put your confidence and trust for so long… someone who is wrong so many times”; the point is he is doing this to scare the hell out of the public, the authorities, the people who were undercover, using those undercover as a hostage and get away, and threatening retaliation if all of those above do not back off while he is on a homicidal rampage or was stopped in the middle of one. Wonderful immigrants who have come in our life and government looking for freedom and respect aren’t they? All we here is how powerful and how much better they are; it is all criminal acts, none is academic or rational thought. It is like the abuse of a violent drunk or a child molester. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who is the Bin Hannity-Kennedy Spy Ring? By Author, July 21, 2009 -
These moms and females need clinical psychiatry no less a diet and lessons on human beauty. When men puke at you; do not flirt or get angry when they run or throw things 100 times for you to leave them alone; but this is to cover up what were a mistake and a game of cupid 20 years ago. This is about pride and people who are not going to make it through this ordeal and upcoming wrath. They should blow their brains out but take a hard look what they are doing and how they drive off. How many police departments act this way or might commit suicide as if it is Russian roulette? There is something wrong and deadly when princesses resemble cows and farm animals; and they demand you love them or frame you to cover up some murder plot in the open. We are not even allowed to confront the people doing this because they are so special and superior. The Abercrombie model always leads down to the fat farm of the Zionists, Irish, and unions; the insanity starts when we are teenagers. This also has to do with Jonathan Pollard because we had to meet him when we surrendered in 2002. Now they have a total disaster on their hands.
Wonderful fight this drunken Irishman and the union upstairs (Clinton-Israel coalition) has going with the Democratic Party. The worst part is they keep saying we love them and are their girlfriends. The worst part is they keep arresting and trying to suggest we are murderers; they have been butchered before and suffer discrimination, hatred, and severe poverty; yet they insist they are teachers in life and the “national coach.” The worst part is they keep saying we came here to ask them for medical care – we are not; they are “Kennedy is… not about money anymore” 7/21/2009 7:28:37 PM; no the Irish and Catholic Church is; the unions and GM. Bin Limbaugh said it is for the Democratic Party. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who is the Bin Hannity-Kennedy Spy Ring? By Author, July 17, 2009 -
Any police officer who might commit suicide daily or is so corrupt; it all can collapse soon is in the wrong business. There is no reason to carry a gun or tell others to shut up or how powerful and superior you are. We see this lot and in the union thugs. It is like a single cell bacteria that must be killed. Their world can collapse at any time and their life is so phony; people wish to kill them. Exactly, they are in the wrong business and wrong field. These people will not make it and they take extreme risk to injure and harm others before they blow their brains out. We are their captive and we are called a “common nigger” every single day and do not appreciate it or the love taps, the lewd behaviors, and the 20 plus years of stalking and recruiting when we were teenagers. Like the Terminator movies, we were targeted then for termination by the usual suspects on the left and on the bottom. We were targeted as a teenager and still are.
7/21/2009 7:35:33 PM O’Bin Hannity just said, “if I want to take… we are that powerful… blue dog sitting in that office… they have been burned… taking over banks, financial institutions… what does it mean to me… not going to put up with this… all these lies, Hannity was right (Mr. Prez)… tax the rich to get it… sense of complacency.” O’Bin Hannity does not realize the CIA and Pentagon is reading this and knows who we are dealing with and what weapons we have against a common drunk. This is as insane and the devil can get; as criminal of a rampage the world has ever scene. Obama is their chaser and enabler; to pardon them like Watergate. Both the right wing and the left wing are trying to end their careers. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who is the Bin Hannity-Kennedy Spy Ring? By Author, July 21, 2009 -
So here is the question, was a rescue effort to salvage and relocate the former communist spies, moles, and sleepers propagated in 1989 as we had indicated and if so why did it lead to a 911 terror plot where those who were the police and trapped now on the VIP list at military balls, dances, funerals, and inner circles? Could it be the master-slave problem or is it what we indicate as severe and abnormal behavior reaching well past serial killer mentality, behavior and genius? Hate is not how we describe it nor come near to documenting. Then again, if this rescue and sting was not staged with the movies we indicated, these wonderful prizes would be eating out of the hands of their masters and seeking income, careers, payments of bills, and not wishing to take extreme risk for Georgian peanuts.
Now, there is an enormous amount of work to be done between the United States and Russia. We're working on reducing our nuclear arsenal. We're going to work on reducing fissile material to make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands. We're working to combat the threat of violent extremism. Russia has been very helpful in our United Nations efforts vis-Ă -vis North Korea. The Russians joined the G-8 statement in Italy talking about the need for Iran to come to the table either in a multilateral forum like the P-5 Plus One that we're part of, or bilaterally with us. And so there is an enormous amount of hard work being done. And we view Russia as a great power. Now, every country faces challenges. You know, we have our challenges, Russia has their challenges. And there are certain issues that Russia has to deal with on its own. And we want to make clear that, as we reset our relationship, we are very clearly not saying that Russia can have a 21st century sphere of influence in Eastern Europe. That is, you know, an, an attitude and a policy we reject. - Interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Meet the Press, by David Gregory, www.msnbc.com ; July 26, 2009 -
We know this is about super socialistic expatriate-a-vicious. Rescue, what rescue? The USS Missouri? Who is John Connor? Aliens who pretend to be our parents so hang up the phone immediately? Who the hell is the Terminator? Is it a love story or a horror one about aliens in the White House, men in black, special weapons, and even the living dead? This must be an Executive Decision? We do not have the full story or the truth; what we have is silence and hints-allegations which if proved to be correct; will indicate the masterful positioning of these people to move the chess board as Secretary of State, CIA, Health and Human Services, and the Police. We were writing the grand strategies and the new master plan; how did they screw it up so badly and superimpose what they call a bad guess? Proliferation, pre-emptive strike, new cold war, mission accomplished and total disaster? Was this about jobs, terrorism, terror pits, the police or a good and bad movie about boobies? If so then were they a bunch of boobies? Or only afterwards?
“Weapon to prevent embarrassment… victim of it 8:27:51 PM… Remind us when it is over… not over… Saudi wife… take off her bursa…. Clear by the day… accused of stabbing New York in the back… property tax… landlords step up… ruins everything he touches… a really good guy until he starts talking politics and I cannot stand him… To measure his success… to wake people… and his”; and then Rush said they would go nuclear if we did not give them Ann and keep this ongoing. Why they want Ann is not certain but Rush says it is an “iPhone” and O’Bin Hannity says “to call your Congressman if you want to do that… nobody has ever laid a finger on her or touched her.” - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Lubrication of Terrorism: It is Not Over Yet!; by Author; July 17, 2009 -
There is nothing mutual about this or that kind of behavior pattern where you use cute and adorable pictures to market a maniac and a vivacious bloodthirsty nincompoop who keeps on calling us a “common nigger” every single day and refuses to die or stop talking to us. Go and use surveillance on someone who enjoys or likes them; not those who hate their guts and wishes to kill them. Do not come to the events and come back when we are hosting them and when lethal military bodyguards have done everything beyond drop a nuclear bomb on their adorable modeling lifestyle as a superstar in our life. This cannot get anymore psychotic than what we are watching as a movie to our own life. It is like being aboard and making it about the Missouri and World War II; or some random Hollywood movie about commandos, terrorists, and some girl with boobies. These other people have checked their underwear plenty of times because they sure messed up that many times also.
“The Way it is” lyrics by Tesla (Keith, Luccketta, Skeoch, Hannon)
Doesn't matter who gets the best of who, or who can hurt who the most, no
It never was meant for it to be that way, never should be that way at all
The way it is, that's the way that it goes, happenin' day after day, yes
That's the way it is, that's the way that it goes
Workin' in the strangest ways
Even though we could never seem to work things out
I still love you just the same, I do
I miss your smile and that sparkle in your eyes
You're so beautiful, never change!
What it is, and what it was, what shall be shall be, yeah
Sometimes it happens in the strangest ways
Sometimes it's hard to believe (do you believe?)
Do you believe, can you believe?
The way it is, that's the way that it goes
Workin' in the, workin' in the strangest ways
Now it really don't matter who, who gets the best of who
It never did and it never will, no
It never was meant for it to be that way, why must it be that way at all?
That's the way it is, that's the way it is
That's the way it is, that's the way it goes, yeah
Yeah, that's the way it is, that's the way it goes
That's the way it is, that's the way it goes
I see it happen day after day, yeah, yeah
Now I'm workin' in the strangest ways
Yeah yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Can you believe, do you believe? Do you believe, can you believe?
That's the way it is, that's the way it is, yeah yeah yeah
That's the way it is, that's the way it goes, yes it do
Alright! "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Tommy Skeoch"
Never Let You Go lyrics by Third Eye Blind
There's every good reason, for letting you go
She's sneaky and smoked out
And it's starting to show
I never let you go, I never let you down
I never let you down, I never let you…
I never let you turn around, our back on each other
That's a good idea; break a promise to your mother
Turn around your back on each other
You say that I’ve changed
Well maybe I did
But even if I changed
What's wrong with it?
I never let you go
And our friends are gone and gone
And all the time moves on and on
And all I know is its wrong, it's wrong
If there's a reason, it's lost on me
Maybe we’ll be friends, I guess we'll see
I never let you go
I remember the stupid things, the mood rings, the bracelets and the beads
Nickels and dimes, yours and mine, did you cash in all your dreams
You don't dream for me, no
You don't dream for me, no
But I still feel you pulse like sonar from the days in the waves
That girl is like sunburn
I would like to save
The girl is like sunburn
I would like to save
She's like sunburn
“Motorcycle Drive-by” lyrics by Third Eye Blind
Summer time and the wind is blowing
Outside in lower Chelsea
And I don't know what I'm doing in this city
The sun is always in my eyes
It crashes through the windows
When I'm sleeping on the couch
When I came to visit you
That's when I knew
That I could never have you
I knew that before you did
Still I'm the one who's stupid
And there's this burning
like there's always been
I've never been so alone
And I've, never been so alive
Visions of you on a motorcycle drive by
The cigarette ash it flies in your eyes
And you don't mind
And you smile and say
The world it doesn't fit with you
I don't believe you
You're so serene
Careening through the universe
Your axis on a tilt
You're guiltless and free
I hope you take a piece of me with you
And there are things I would like to do
That you don't believe in
I would like to build something
But you'll never see it happen
And there's this burning
Like there's always been
I've never been so alone
And I've, I've never been so alive
Where's the soul?
I wanna know
New York City's evil
The surface is everything
But I could never do that
Someone would see through that
And this is the last time
We'll be friends again
And I'll get over you
You wonder who I am
And there's this burning
Just like there's always been
And I've never been so alone
I've never been so alive
I go home to the coast
It starts to rain
I paddle out on the water
I taste the salt
I taste the pain
I'm not thinking of you again
Summer dies and swells rise
The sun goes down in my eyes
See this rolling wave
Darkly coming, to take me home…
"Wounded" lyrics by Third Eye Blind
The guy who put his hands on you
Has got nothing to do with me
And the bruises that you feel will heal
And I hope you come around
Cause we're missing you
You used to speak so easy
Now you're afraid to talk to me
Its like walking with the wounded
Carrying that weight way too far
The concrete pulled you down so hard
Out there with the wounded
We're missing you
Well I never claimed to understand
What happens after dark
But my fingers catch the sparks
At the thought of touching you
When you're wounded
Lemme break it down till I force the issue
We miss your face and you know I wish you would
Come back down to the Delva Bar
You tell em’,"That’s just my battle scar."
I wanna kiss you, and knock em down like we used to
You’re a marigold
Till you're walking down shaking that ass again
Then you walk on, baby, walk on, you walk on
On and on
You’re an angel in the pit with her hands in the air
And we're missing you
Now its fall and your shoulders get tighter
Nervous flicks on your lighter...boots
You’re pissed off poets
Your women's groups
And the friends with you we should've known this fool
Well i guess we missed the mark
Still my fingers catch the sparks at the thought of
Them touching you
When you’re wounded
Lemme break it down till I force the issue
You never come around and you know we miss you
Well nobody took your pride away
I said," that’s something people say."
Back down the bully to the back of the bus
Cause its time for them to be scared of us
Till you're yelling how we're living cause you got the ball
And then you rock on, baby, rock on, you rock on
On and on
You’re a summertime hostile with her socks in the air
You’re screaming I don’t care baby I don’t care no
You say you don’t know, you say here we go now
All i know is we're missing you
You say you don’t know, you say here we go now
All i know is we're missing you
Show up, show up wounded
Show up, show up wounded
“Achin to Be” lyrics by The Replacements
Well she's kind of like an artist
Sittin' on the floor
Never finishes, she abandons
Never shows a soul
And she's kind of like a movie
Everyone rushes to see
And no one understands it
Sittin' in their seats
She opens her mouth to speak and
What comes out's a mystery
Thought about, not understood
She's achin' to be
Well she dances alone in nightclubs
Every other day of the week
People look right through her
Baby doll, check your cheek
And she's kind of like a poet
Who finds it hard to speak
Poems come so slowly
Like the colors down a sheet
I've been achin' for a while, now, friend
I've been achin' hard for years
Well she's kind of like an artist
Who uses paints no more
You never show me what you're doing
Never show a soul
Well, I saw one of your pictures
There was nothin' that I could see
If no one's on your canvas
Well, I'm achin'
To be
She closes her mouth to speak and
Closes her eyes to see
Thought about an' only loved
She's achin'
To be
Just like me
“Movies” lyrics by Alien Ant Farm
At slow speed, we all seem, focused
In motion, we seem, wrong
In summer, we can taste the rain
I want you
To be free
Don't worry
About me
And just like
The movies
We play out
Our last scene
Two can play, this game
We both want power
In winter, we can taste, the pain
In our short years, we come long way
To treat it bad and throw away
I want you
To be free
Don't worry
About me
And just like
The movies
We play out
Our last scene
You won't cry
I won't scream
In our short years, we come long way
To treat it bad and throw away
And if we make, a little space
A science fiction showcase
In our short film, a love disgrace
Dream a scene to brighten face
In our short years, we come long way
To treat it bad, just to throw it away
I want you
To be free
Don't worry
About me
And just like
The movies
We play out
Our last scene
You won't cry
And I won't scream!
“How’s it going to be” lyrics by Third Eye Blind
I'm only pretty sure that I can't take anymore
Before you take a swing, I wonder what are we fighting for?
When I say out loud, "I want to get out of this,"
I wonder, is there anything I'm going to miss?
I wonder how it's going to be
when you don't know me
How's it going to be
When you're sure I'm not there
How's it going to be
When there’s no one there to talk to
Between you and me
'Cause I don't care
How's it going to be
How's it going to be
Where we used to laugh, there's a shouting match
Sharp as a thumbnail scratch
A silence I can't ignore,
Like the hammock by the doorway we spent time in
Swing's empty
I don't see lightning like last fall
When it was always about to hit me
I wonder how's it going to be when it goes down
How's it going to be
When you’re not around
How's it going to be when you found out there was nothing
between you and me
'Cause I don't care
How's it going to be
And how's it going to be
when you don't know me anymore
And how's it going to be?
I wanna get myself back in again!
The soft dive of oblivion!
I wanna taste the salt of your skin!
The soft dive of oblivion…oblivion!
How's it going to be
when you don't know me any more
How's it going to be
How's it going to be
“Semi-Charmed Life” Lyrics by Third Eye Blind
(Do-do-do, do-do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do-do)
I'm packed and I'm holding
I'm smiling, she living, she golden
She lives for me
Says she lives for me
Her own motivation
She comes round and she goes down on me
And I make her smile
It's like a drug for you
Do ever what you want to do
Coming over you
Keep on smiling
What we go through
One stop to the rhythm that divides you
And I speak to you like the chorus to the verse
Chop another line like a code with a curse
I come on like a freak show takes the stage
We give them the games we play,
She said
I want something else
To get me through this
Semi-charmed kind of life (Baby, baby)
I want something else
I'm not listening when you say
The sky it was gold, it was rose
I was taking tips of it to my nose
And I wish I could get back there
Some place back there
Smiling in the pictures you would take
Doing crystal-myth
Will lift you up until you break
It won't stop
I won't come down
I keep stock
With a tick-tock rhythm
A bump for the drop
And then I bumped up
I took the hit that I was given
Then I bumped again
And then I bumped again
I said
How do I get back there to
The place where I fell asleep inside you
How do I get myself back to
The place where you said
I believe in the sand beneath my toes
The beach gives a feeling
An earthy feeling
I believe in the faith that grows
And the four right chords can make me cry
When I'm with you I feel like I could die
And that would be all right
All right
And when the plane came in
She said she was crashing
The velvet it rips
In the city
We tripped
On the urge to feel alive
But now I'm struggling to survive
Those days you were wearing that velvet dress
You're the priestess, I must confess
Those little red panties
They pass the test
Slides up around the belly
Face down on the mattress one
And you hold me
And we're broken
Still it's all that I want to do, just a little now
Feel myself heavy on the ground
I was scared; I'm not coming down, no-no
And I won't run for my life
She's got her jaws now locked down in a smile
But nothing is all right
All right
Good-bye (4 xs)
The sky it was gold, it was rose
I was takin' tips of it to my nose
And I wish I could get there
Someplace, back there
In the place we use to start our lives
I want something else…
“Can't Get Away” Lyrics by Third Eye Blind
I miss the sand on the concrete floor
I miss the way it was before
No one even knew me
Your eyes looked right through me
And I’m taking off your clothes
And you bloom like a rose
Can’t get away from you
I can't get away from you, ah ah ah
And where the ocean meets the land
Is like the sliding of your hand
Prickles up my skin
And I can feel the changing weather
While alone along that coast
Sense memories of your ghost
Away from you, I can't get away from you
I can't get away from you
I can't get away from you, oh oh oh
Deliver me (Turn to me and one thing that trips me up)
Shut me up (One thing that trips me up, one thing won't give it up)
Deliver me (One thing close to me and one thing that trips me up)
(One thing reminded and I go walk alone)
Deliver me (One thing won't let me go, no and I can't go home)
Deliver me
Through the airport corridors
In magazines in stores
If I see your face once more
Cause you know I can’t ignore it
I recognize that pose
When you bloomed like a rose
I can’t get away from you
I can't get away from you
I can't get away from you
I can't get away from you
The jeep gets broken on a blown out road and I’m a tourist with a real light load
And with the government hold another month away, the messed our places where we always stayed and it's
Funny how we always pick these spots
Feelings like a have in the land of have knots, sleeping on cots
Wishing that I had some tater-tots
And there’s postcards written
I know I’ll never send
The moment is gone and won’t come again
I ride with souls who find no peace
Still I look to you to find release (find release, find release, find release...)
I watch the travelers return
Through the panic doors
Walking through the airport corridors
Welcome back now from the foreign shores
And I walk alone
And the ghost that I carry is yours
Tiger shark in the azure blue
I hope the vision you had returns to you (returns to you, returns to you...)
10 Days Late Lyrics by Third Eye Blind
Click your heels
And feel you come for me
Care free, she's got something big to tell me
At the ocean
Talk back at the ocean
There's no simple way
To let you know
Funny how she always cried out daddy
I got a big surprise, she said
I'm in trouble now
And it cannot wait
She's ten days late
Boy, your life got complicated
Well I can't wait
To see this through
She's ten days late
Ten days late
Low ride bicycles go cruising by
I laugh
I don't even know why
Talk back at the ocean
Consequence and ozone
Catch a glow
Ah ah
Oh no, baby, oh no no
Give me a minute now
To figure out my state
Oh I know, she's ten days late
And I don't know
Where to take it
But it's still great
Knowing you
She's ten days late
Ten days late
(Time has come for you to choose
Baby daddy keep your boo
Many blessings come to you
Baby daddy keep your boo
Baby daddy keep your boo
Baby daddy keep your boo)
Your eyes look to me for what to do
I can't lie
I don't know
At the ocean
Talk back at the ocean
No one laughing
Now what do I say
I walk away but, oh no
Don't go
At the ocean, and
Talk back at the ocean
Give me a minute now
To figure out my state
She's ten days late
And I'm never going to fade it
I guess I'll always be
Knowing you
(Ten days late)
Knowing you
Knowing you
(Crawl...on...the bedpost)
“Camouflage” Lyrics by Third Eye Blind
Justice comes into your life and then you’ll know
You’ll know
Justice comes, justice let it come
I get the justice coming for you and I
I get the joy joy when it comes my joy, I get the joy
When justice comes to everyone
Why does a willow weep when all I see’s a tree grow
All in camouflage everyone I know
We walk along like sequel, you’re a cameo
You’ve got your joy
So find the people of your own
I’ll take in anyone who’s taking off their camouflage
Go on check it
I’ll take in anyone who’s messing up the sabotage
To yourself don’t destroy
I’ll take in anyone who’s taking off their camouflage
Gimme the ball, gimme it all, big orange ball
Roll up over fields
I shame the devil cause I throw it down so hard
I rock the big line, I rock the back yard
Be a dream in color even on a winter’s night
Thinking George Seurat, afternoon bathed in light
Get your joy no matter who says it’s right
Their cover’s blown
Find the story of your own
Check it
I’ll take in anyone who’s taking off their camouflage
Go on check it
I’ll take in anyone who’s messing up the sabotage
To yourself don’t destroy
I’ll take in anyone who’s taking off their camouflage
Ok, ok, ok
In the geometry of, prism of my of my eye will flow
I ask the questions and wonder why,
Only to roll in a big orange ball that floats in a summer sky
(secret words never to be printed)
Take it up from the underground, proactive and soul,
Play a vital roll that’s what you are
Check it
I’ll take in anyone who’s taking off their camouflage
Go on check it
I’ll take in anyone who’s messing up the sabotage
To yourself don’t destroy
I’ll take in anyone who’s taking off their camouflage
Darwin Lyrics by Third Eye Blind
Can I Graduate lyrics by Third Eye Blind
Taste Of Danger Lyrics by Third Eye Blind
Good For You Lyrics by Third Eye Blind
Burning Man Lyrics by Third Eye Blind
Thanks a Lot Lyrics by Third Eye Blind
“Hey Man, Nice Shot” lyrics by NIN
I wish I would've met you
Now it's a little late
What you could've taught me
I could've saved some face
They think that you’re early ending
Was all wrong
For the most part they're right
But look how they all got strong
That's why I say hey man nice shot
What a good shot man!
That's why I say hey man nice shot
What a good shot man!
Hey man, has gun…
Hey man, have fun…
Nice shot!
Now that the smokes gone
And the air is all clear
Those who were right there
Got a new kind of fear
You'd fight, and you were right
But they were just too strong
They'd stick it in your face
And let you smell what they consider wrong
That's why I say hey man nice, nice shot
What a good shot man!
That's why I say hey man nice, nice shot
What a good shot man!
I wish I would've met you…
I wish I would've met you…
I'd say nice shot!
“Mother” lyrics by Danzig
Tell your children not to walk my way
Tell your children not to hear my words
What they mean
What they say
Can you keep them in the dark for life
Can you hide them from the waiting world
Ooooh mother
Gonna take your daughter out tonight
Gonna show her my world
Oh father
Not about to see your light
But if you wanna find hell with me
I can show you what it's like
Till you're bleeding
Not about to see your light
And if you wanna find hell with me
I can show you what it's
Tell your children not to hold my hand
Tell your children not to understand
Ooooh mother
Do you wanna bang heads with me
Do you wanna feel everything
Oh father
Not about to see your light
But if you wanna find hell with me
I can show you what it's like
Till you're bleeding
Not about to see your light
And if you wanna find hell with me
I can show you what it's like
“Bad Day” lyrics by Fuel
Had a bad day again
Said I would not understand
She left a note and said I’m sorry I
I had a bad day again
Spilled her coffee broke a shoelace
Smeared the lipstick on her face
Slammed the door and said I’m sorry I
I had a bad day again
And she swears there's nothing wrong
I hear her playing that same old song
She puts me up and puts me on
And had a bad day again
Said I would not understand
Left a note and said I’m sorry I
I had a bad day again
And she swears there’s nothing wrong
I hear her playing that same old song
She puts me up, and puts me on
Whoa… had a bad day again
Said I would not understand
Left a note and said I’m sorry I
I had a bad day again
She left a note and said I’m sorry I
Had a bad day…
UGH hUGH,UGH hUGH, UGH hUGH alright oooo alright!!!!!
“Van Demand’s Land” Lyrics by U2
Hold me now, oh hold me now
Till this hour has gone around
And I'm gone on the rising tide
For to face Van Demon’s land
It's a bitter pill I swallow here
To be rent from one so dear
We fought for justice and not for gain
But the magistrate sent me away
Now kings will rule and the poor will toil
And tear their hands as they tear the soil
But a day will come in this dawning age
When an honest man sees an honest wage
Hold me now, oh hold me now
Till this hour has gone around
And I'm gone on the rising tide
For to face Van Demand’s land
Still the gunman rules and Widows pay
A scarlet coat now a black beret
They thought that blood and sacrifice
Could out of death bring forth a life?
“Fast Car” lyrics by Tracy Chapman
Um, got a fast car
I want a ticket to anywhere
Maybe we make a deal
Maybe together we can get somewhere
Any place is better
Starting from zero got nothing to lose
Maybe we’ll make something
But me myself I got nothing to prove
Um, got a fast car
I got a plan to get us out of here
I've been working at the convenience store
Managed to save just a little bit of money
Won’t have to drive too far
Just cross the border and into the city
You and I can both get jobs
And finally see what it means to be living
See my old man’s got a problem
He lives with the bottle that’s the way it is
He says his body’s too old for working
I say his body’s too young to look like his
My mama went off and left him
She wanted more from life than he could give
I said somebody’s got to take care of him
So I quit school and that’s what I did
remember when we were driving
Driving in your car
Speed so fast I felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us
And your arm felt nice wrapped round my shoulder
And I aye I… I aye I
And I had a feeling that I belonged
And I had a feeling I could be someone
Be someone, be someone
Got a fast car
Is it fast enough so we can fly away
We gotta make a decision
We leave tonight or live and die this way
got a fast car
We go cruising to entertain ourselves
You still ain’t got a job
And I work in the market as a checkout girl
I know things will get better
You’ll find work and I’ll get promoted
We’ll move out of the shelter
Buy a big house and live in the suburbs
got a fast car
I got a job that pays all our bills
You stay out drinking late at the bar
See more of your friends than you do of your kids
I’d always hoped for better
Thought maybe together you and me'd find it
I got no plans I ain’t going nowhere
So take your fast car and keep on driving
I remember when we were driving
driving in your car
Speed so fast I felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us
And your arm felt nice wrapped round my shoulder
And I had a feeling that I belonged
And I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone
Got a fast car
But is it fast enough so you can fly away
You gotta make a decision
You leave tonight or live and die this way
“You're Crazy” lyrics by Guns N Roses
I've been lookin' for a trace
Lookin' for a heart
Lookin' for a lover in a world
That's much too dark
Because you don't want my love, no, no
You wanna sati-satisfaction
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, ow!
You don't need my love
You got to find yourself another
Another piece, another piece of the Action
Yeah, ow yeah, look out
Say where ya goin? What you gonna do?
I been lookin' everywhere said I
I been lookin' for you
Because you don't want my love, no, no
You wanna sati-satisfaction
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
You don't need my love
You got to find yourself another
Another piece, another piece
Of the action
You're crazy, hey, hey
You know you're crazy, oh my!
You're fuckin' crazy, oh child
You know you're crazy
Ay,ay,ay,ay,ay,ay,ah,ah,ah,ah, yeah!
Woh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh na,no,na,no,na,no,na,no,na,no,no,no
No,no,no, no, no, no, no,no,no,no,no,no
no,no,no! Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, Oh no, ow! -Woooh, yeah!
Say, boy, where ya comin' from?
Where'd ya get that point of view?
When I was younger
I knew a Motherfucker like you
And she said
'You don't need my love
You wanna sati-satisfaction,' Bitch
You don't need my love
You've got to find yourself another
Another piece, another piece
Of the action
You're crazy, hey, hey
You know you're crazy, oh my!
You're fuckin' crazy, oh child
You know you're crazy, Ay, ay, ay, ay
You know you're crazy, Hey, hey
You're fuckin' crazy, Oh child
You know you're crazy, Ay, ay, ay, ay
You're fuckin' crazy, Yeah
You know you are!
Bring it down!
You're fuckin' crazy!
“Indestructible” lyrics by Disturbed
Another mission
The powers have called me away
Another time
To carry the colors again
My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend
To win the honor
Of coming back home again
No explanation
Will matter after we begin
Another dark destroyer that's buried within
My true vocation
And now my unfortunate friend
You will discover
A war you're unable to win
I'll have you know
That I've become
Determination that is incorruptible
From the other side
A terror to behold
Annihilation will be unavoidable
Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible
Take a last look around while you're alive
I'm an indestructible master of war
Another reason
Another cause for me to fight
Another fuse uncovered
Now for me to light
My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
Without a regret
A declaration
Embedded deep under my skin
A permanent reminder
Of how we began
No hesitation
When I am commanding the strike
You need to know
That you're in for the fight of your life
You will be shown
How I've become
Determination that is incorruptible
From the other side
A terror to behold
Annihilation will be unavoidable
Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible
Take a last look around while you're alive
I'm an indestructible master of war
“Beat It” lyrics by Michael Jackson (Metal version by iFob)
They told him don't you ever come around here
Don't wanna see your face, you better disappear
The fires in their eyes and their words are really clear
So beat it just beat it
You better run, you better do what you can
Don't wanna see no blood, don't be a macho man
You wanna be tough, better do what you can
So beat it, but you wanna be bad
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it beat it
Just beat it beat it
Just beat it beat it
Just beat it beat it
They're out to get you, better leave while you can
Don't wanna be a boy, you wanna be a man
You wanna stay alive, better do what you can
So beat it just beat it
You have to show them that you're really not scared
You're playin' with your life, this ain't no truth or dare
They'll kick you, then they beat you
Then they'll tell you it's fair
So beat it, but you wanna be bad
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it beat it
Beat it, beat it, beat it
Beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or who's right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it
Beat it, beat it, beat it
Beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or who's right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Just beat it, beat it
Beat it, beat it, beat it
“Disarm” lyrics by Smashing Pumpkin
Disarm you with a smile
And cut you like you want me to
Cut that little child
Inside of me and such a part of you
Ooh, the year’s burn
Ooh, the year’s burn
I used to be a little boy
So old in my shoes
And what I choose is my choice
What's a boy supposed to do?
The killer in me is the killer in you
My love
I send this smile over to you
Disarm you with a smile
And leave you like they left me here
To wither in denial
The bitterness of one who's left alone
Ooh, the year’s burn
Ooh, the year’s burn, burn, burn
The killer in me is the killer in you
Send this smile over to you
The killer in me is the killer in you
Send this smile over to you
The killer in me is the killer in you
Send this smile over to you