Remember the enemy to the stupid is the truth. Remember the enemy of the smartest is the truth. Remember the enemy to the left wing is a respectable life and Constitution. Remember that we live in an evil world and there is a surplus of all the above and they are not only violent and hostile, they think they own us, won us, and this country is theirs. Remember what will happen when you put one of these animals on both sides and have them play fight; we get terror plots and the return of communism all over again. Remember what happens when our nightmares are a reality and come true; how annoying it is to listen and put up with this imbecile harping and barking daily; torturing and using cruel intimidations to seek pity and understanding. Life can imitate itself when it is a fraud and a total scam in history.
Jesus, stop rolling off about taxes. You cannot build your entire career on taxes and lies. There is much more than this, “excuses… manage… taken over the auto industry… dictating pays…” All you have to stand on is taxes? (Sean says “yep” and “friends over at the Heritage Foundation). This is why everybody thinks you are a joke. “Ruin your career… fund raiser with you… I deserve it… other people’s money…” So Sean is saying he is pure evil, a communist mole, has friends, and can defeat anybody with taxes and his “Reagan stories.” Considering what people know about this spy group and terrorist group; he is pulling the biggest grand deception this world will ever see. He has taxes, ruins careers, has fund raisers, has friends, and copies everything we write or work on. Pretty damn smart and lazy as hell; you cannot max out with so little and so much evil. I will stop here, “virtually impossible to kill it.” – Interview with Terror Suspects: Rush and Hannity Get in a Fierce Fight: How to Fight SATWAR, Hunt Aliens, and Supernatural Forces Destroying, by Author, June 23, 2009 –
Did we mention meddling and rummaging through every single aspect of life beyond their own; they are in last place and they got there not by a quick sprint to first, but cutting down trees and polluting streams and rivers. We know the army of the demon is using crime to wage war on America and to exploit a communist plot, to edge ruin, and to supplemental an already social disaster. This is why they fight the same battles against the establishment and seek or recruit “messiahs” while placing them in death traps and murder plots. The dumb and stupid of the world get their training at the school for scoundrels and terrorism; thus we must be the luckiest human being to be kidnapped by their spy masters, union bosses, and terror-militant wing. There is a reason why this country blocked these types of radicals at the begging of the century when they faced harsh criticisms for a historical hoax and selling fraud.
Everybody says either you are a psycho, hit man, or so bone obsessed and insane, we do not know if you are a threat or a deranged fan. We know you all are very angry while you conceal your face and hatred. It is all about brainwashing us and we are your children, “you will do this” or “you must seek my approval and permission.” You told me you are IRA and I risk some wrath; but I am not sure if you are lying or serious. I know you are anxious to join forces and join but we are the opposite and hate your guts. We have a list of charges on you and you pretend it is invisible or delusions. I am sure the accusation you are a dictator is also nonsense; but both side will present an honest and truthful representation if we will ever resolve this honestly. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Beat It, Untouchable, Got Caught, Now Trying to Beat it Again; by Author; June 25, 2009 -
Do not worry about what country or nation they claim, worry about why this world is trying to kill them and why they flood here to kidnap us, torture us, make us their staff, and then claim they are only asking us hard questions and oppressing us to shut up because they are superior. There is a reason why this world wants these particular people dead and why they come here to invade our life, try to be some god forsaken moral support, our masters, and subjugate us using surprises and ruinous elections and tax policies. So remember those words and understand they are the enemy and no friend to this country or the world. This is why the Constitution demands protections “against enemies, foreign and domestic”; but are they domesticated? Is what they claim true or is it this weasel duty they describe as their fate and destiny here on earth as a criminal syndicate wishing to steal everything and overpower the good graces of mankind?
When Ann and I began this in 1989 we were actually hunting an alien, a devil, and some super natural force; we did not know. The reason has to do with the war powers act and how the enemies are deciding our fate and how we have evidence to suggest there is a set course, a fate and a pattern. I have not and probably will not ever disclose who has the evidence and who showed us something was out there or some alien deciding the course of human events. However, let’s say that my unit is the most armed and if it was an intergalactic attack; I would have been ready and I have the armament to handle anything. You have no fight and we will arrest and put you in jail your entire life for this same “no fight” left. You cannot be ramming this stuff about Iran, communism, espionage, and kidnapping us down our throats and life 24 hours and every hour of our life until we go insane, attacks you, or commits suicide. You all did this before 2001 and are doing this from 2006 to 2009. – Interview with Terror Suspects: 1961 to 2001, The Communist Plot Forty Years Later and the Revolution in America, by Author; June 22, 2009 -
What exactly is weasel duty and why is it a death sentence? Weasel duty is the mortal enemy and the antithesis of the mission we are on as the founders and the flagship of satellite warfare and the future of this nation and the world. Weasel duty entails living as a prisoner to a police force, a surveillance effort, and life as a prisoner while Israeli and foreign spies try to pound you into the ground for what is otherwise described as “hate and racism” policy in the United States. Either we refuse to live with fugitives and serial killers or there will be war and massive retaliation. There are times for peace and times for much needed anger. Is it the ruinous ways they win elections or just the ruinous election itself which leads to more ruinous laws and policies by a ruinous bunch who are free? What makes this same ruinous bunch think they are free and the police when the military wants them dead and has an order to shoot on sight if they are a terror suspect or lied about it?
We were on a search and destroy mission to determine who out there, if they were out there, were on our levels or had advantage; if this supernatural being and adversary existed. I can tell you right now, nothing in this galaxy could take us on, nothing. I had battle plans and attack plans so sophisticated; I wanted my first alien battle and combat at age 20 to 28. What makes you think you will scare me or my teams? I also have psychopathic psychic commandos to trace where the signals and where the HQ is in case it was a monster or alien. Maybe there was something dressing up and pretending they were God. I am not joking about this. If there was satellite warfare alien out there; they were marked and dead. – Interview with Terror Suspects: 1961 to 2001, The Communist Plot Forty Years Later and the Revolution in America, by Author; June 22, 2009 -
There are people in this world who reach the bottom and stay there for a reason and there are those who reach the top, by destiny or hard work, and just stay there irregardless. These people deserve what is coming and all that is coming with the fury and might of this country or its future leaders. There is not one case or claim of mistreatment by us or unfairness; however, we have a massive problem with them. They have a massive problem with this country and their enterprise will and has to be shut down immediately. That is weasel duty and what the future orders of us and the masters of war; that is our destiny and true calling. This is also their fate and reproductive disaster which aimless spending will never fix or address. Do not try to be part of greatness when you are a hypocrite and scared of the country of who yields it.
I can roll off how many traps I had thought out and created; much the same how I caught your spy group and is very annoyed by this ongoing effort. I am almost ten years behind schedule and behind in my work and mission thanks to your terror plot and kidnapping. Your rank and hidden ID of your leaders ought never to show your face again if your fingerprint is on this mission and sabotage. You might be the alien and the goof we are hunting or the closest thing to the search and destroy mission. You are not an alien, super natural, know what we have and our ability, our capability, and wish to steal and rewrite our life or “join us if you cannot beat us.” All they do is piss us off and say we are terrorists, violent, they are the police, share our life, get behind them, give them respect and recognition, and shut up and go away. – Interview with Terror Suspects: 1961 to 2001, The Communist Plot Forty Years Later and the Revolution in America, by Author; June 22, 2009 -
There are times when words are inefficient and not hitting home due to the impossibility of who we are dealing with or engaged for. You do not point satellite weapons at the founders of it for frivolous reasons or law suits. If you do, then be prepared for war and to be hunted down and treated like fugitives; there is a verification and certification process. There is a zero tolerance on terrorism and torture; no less frivolous law suits meant to extract information, anger, or some emotional response. There is a threshold in this world and we have gone well beyond it and are way past all the barrier and caution. We need results and immediately; we need these people gone or hunted down like animals so a fair and proper trial is available. We cannot have more and more fugitives demanding we share our life and loved one; no less claim they are with us to the end after being caught or with their fingerprint all over this.
You walked into this mission and tried some insane and crazy stuff and you know you regret every single bit now. That was our mission after the cold war to figure out who else had satellite warfare, to sneak in and up on them, to observe them and for them to meet the founders and commanders; voila. It was the only and final book in my life and stretch into five or six right now. I can retire my entire life with the deco-drama and our mission itself. Look at it now and you all think you are superior and have total control, we are behind you, you can come and go when you wish, call us when you want, do terror plots, and rewrite our life or take us down and out when and if you want. Wait till the Generals and the world hears this; they will equalize and make you a celebrity. – Interview with Terror Suspects: 1961 to 2001, The Communist Plot Forty Years Later and the Revolution in America, by Author; June 22, 2009 -
It is time to put away words and demand action and results. That is the problem results and the cause; frivolous, veneer, baseless, and radical left wing accusations and legal suits. We just watched and did nothing while trillions of dollars disappeared off the face of the earth and three buildings collapse for no reason but myth and black magic. We cannot have terrorists, fugitives, radical communists, and cold blooded brutes that lack an education and life; pretend their way into ours and dress up as every enemy imaginable to advance their leadership and these insults to this future we are protecting and put our life on the line for. It is either time to deport and fire them or be forced to foreclose and wage war on them. We cannot be kidnapped by fugitives who are slipping around trying to share our life and steal everything including our biography, national destiny, and entire soul. The more reality hits them the quieter they become. Silence as a strategy does not work well and is effective with the problem of scarcity. Similarly, there is a threshold where a loser crosses into a traitor and spy.
I got a lot of people their new job and recruited them and they will look at you and get nauseated or this domination daily for over ten years and still ongoing with this APS satellite to our center mass. You are worthless. Go tell your leaders and espionage handlers they are worthless and we know everything. We were hunting a monster or a supernatural being; not an idiot and spy. It was so disappointing living with you, sharing a cell, smelling your body odor and feces round the clock, and listening to you anger us almost hourly to a near homicidal meekness and loudness which is based on your cowardice and useless life. – Interview with Terror Suspects: 1961 to 2001, The Communist Plot Forty Years Later and the Revolution in America, by Author; June 22, 2009 -
Weasel duty is whether or not leaders, future leaders, and current leaders are made, taught, a process of natural selection, or some other such as kidnappings, artificial boosters and experiences which are intended to cater a political party or experience and why the future leaders are weak, frail, failures, and ignorant to facts and truth. That is the basis of the weasel duty of the ill hand cream we gratefully dislike but came from for no reason than to make, turn us into, or recruit us for; the future leaders of this world and top military thinkers. So why weasel duties are still a mystery and why those behind us or it still not behind bars or executed for treason and espionage is open ended still?
“I arrest… book is the best you ever written… war on terror is over… destruction of Israel… (Morris is not trusted)”, so we wish to know when you all are going to step down and go away before you fall down and on your own sword? When will you admit you are beat and just go away or will you keep setting up meetings since 2006 with terror suspects and have the police enforce their failed efforts again? When did the police know they were in a high profile case and an evolving terror plot? I hear Bush was doing the same damn thing in the state of New York. Then you put the same people on your show and let them lie about it like right now. I think a list should be created and posted public-ally for every single suspect, law enforcement agency, left wing leader, and this entire plot. Then we watch and make sure all of you suffer for your entire life until we hear the full truth and nothing but the truth. You cannot get a job, travel, associate with anybody, etc… – Interview with Terror Suspects: 1961 to 2001, The Communist Plot Forty Years Later and the Revolution in America, by Author; June 22, 2009 -
Weasel duty is the idea that you must strengthen their law suit and case as they rip you apart and plant you into the ground about frivolous and deranged law suits they use to succumb power, turmoil, helplessness, and disgust while some dark and mysterious figure waits for you to knock on their doors and ask for help or a rescue. Most of all weasel duty is about contributing to the violence against the liberals and the left wing; a war which they are losing badly and on their last breaths. Maybe they do not understand human beings or get along well with them because they are some other creature? Thus, silence suits them well when scarcity and reality hits their life and the wrath and greatness of their country hunts them down and stops them dead? What are we supposed to do celebrate their life and lies?
“You have a much distorted view… Hezbollah... Iran… destruction of the state of Israel… nicer to people them will be nicer to you… Israel has bent over backwards to bring peace… just haven’t worked… position of strength.” I will stop the pathological lying because your adventures are documented and your terror plot is also documented. What you did to our mission and life to control, get rid of us, and keep pressure up for nothing and lies. Here is the problem: 1. we are the US military and the most elite, got it? 2. We do not like spies, it does not matter what country you are from or claim to represent. 3. I do not like terror plots, being recruited for it, and then made to leave the country for not signing on board or how you wish to sign on now. 4. I do not like what you did to my spouse and my family. Do you think for one moment, I wish to hear you escape and excuse this communist spy network and terror plot about Israel? I doubt it very much. Even this ongoing effort daily from 2006 to 2009 to make us behave and be nice to you; has not answered five important questions above. – Interview with Terror Suspects: 1961 to 2001, The Communist Plot Forty Years Later and the Revolution in America, by Author; June 22, 2009 -
Weasel duty also entails the idea that Asian economies and soon South Asian economies stole your life and made you unemployed or penniless. This is because the free market allows people the freedom to better themselves and seek and education and escape this same weasel duty; however insipid and reclusive remedies are applied to the idea you must either be their lawyer, add to the strength of their “hate and racism” laws, and consciously push or advance radical left wing and communist psychological delusions and déjà vu with destiny in order to make lengthy an extortion effort and a hostage situation where extortion, terror, and intimidation arrives by way of terror plots, kidnapping, harassment, home invasion, arrest and imprisonment, and the blatant use of the legal system to surpass at the same time usurp all the laws in a blatant use of the legal system to oppose the future or rewrite the future of every single human being on this earth.
Weasel duty is the grainy or sandy effort, not really real to the mind yet but a very lengthy question, why those who created it are not behind bars or eradicated for all the right reasons, erased from weasel duty itself? Either it is contributing to the violence against liberals or a true expression of passion and commitment to play soldier to an endless and tiresome gesture we can escape this duty and also those who govern it. The discounted math evolving from weasel duty is the same grainy idea it is an open ended question and a mystery still. It is not what they do but how they do it silently and say it is hope or no big deal. Why are they in our mission and the mission of this great country when they bring neither or a good experience? Why are they meddling with our lives and lying about this?
Sometimes trying the diplomatic approach does not get through to the people who are in last place and utterly pathetic of how they expect others to treat them or give them. Consider a baby who as a dirty diaper, most women would not do that job and if they did, expect a large compensation. Now consider the big ape we are dealing with who is in last place, orders the country in last place, controls our life and ticks us off in last place, and stomps on the floor because they are angry about last place; is it about hate and racism as they try to make it or is it because the stink is so unbearable even we do not want to change their own diaper? Exactly, if they can sit there all day and wage war on us or stomp on our garden and tomato plants; then when it comes time to wiping and cleaning that big fat bottom; they are the only ones who can stand their own stink. Don’t order or ask anybody else and don’t yelp when they find out it stinks so badly, they are by themselves and alienated. So why do they need the police again or is that the only way they can win when in last place and jail is the next trinity in their well documented life? - Interview with Sue the Feet Stomping Momma, by Author; Thursday, June 25, 2009 -
Why is the recalcitrant idea the government is harboring, training, and promoting this such an evil and awful idea while they launch secret trials and a beleaguered idea they have a law suit pertaining to slavery, hate, and racism in America which is to line the pockets of the left wing and dispel all the existing knowledge about them into the ocean of doubt and mystery? It is an abuse of power and a catastrophic violation of the mission we are on and was a direct insult to the railroading of our mission in life, this country, and to fellow human beings. Who wants to be on this death sentence and weasel duty or do we need to justify the need to hunt it down and kill it with every possible means available and necessary because it is a reluctant seat to a view of the whole mess?
Weasel duty was also a hidden gesture and also a broken deficient ceramic heater purchased at Wall-mart gone wild and nuts in thinking. To think they are and were with us all along suggest we are hunting and killing them for no reason; then it suggests we are in favor enough now as before in joining their planning and political experience to pound the government and others in to the ground in the name of hate and racism law suits, which by the way were defeated one by one in the course of ten years with the homosexual chance our spiral bounded mess was bias or could not understand the truth clearly enough to rule in favor or tell the story after they were done with us and would continue to engage in warfare with us to supplement their dutiful weasel duty on the mission of the United States military and the future.
This game or political charade is a propaganda ploy to influence and farther a very dangerous infiltration. Had we not stepped on them and not been chosen for some terror plot recruitment; we would be sitting right next to them and not know it. We need them to stop propagandizing about hate and racism when they are not cooperative to the truth and telling the truth. All they do is spend to win elections, devalue when convenient, and wreck the financial sectors. Now unemployment, the result of this charade of debts, has nearly collapsed the entire global economy with near 10 to 20 per cent unemployment. - Previous Chapter: The Royal Red, White and Blue Spanking, by Author; June 27, 2009 -
Weasel duty is a conscious death sentence by the “army of the damned” (as our capture terror suspects describe themselves) to act and feel “too big to fail” while law suit after lawsuit are levied against us which only pertain to hate and racism; the oppression of the left wing and a spy organization who must now find their way back home and demand “we are and were with them all along” for the joy ride. Weasel duty dispels the idea and orders to fire them immediately for the gregarious and drum stick like chicken leg which discounts math and never intended on measuring the mission we are on and the importance of it such as their efforts to steal or wreck it. If it is their mission and we work for them; can they at least take some quizzes and tests to determine if they are phony and a fraud?
They (ruinous bunch on weasel duty) are pulling a grand deception and a grand illusion on all human beings and must face crimes against humanity. They cannot keep using hate and racism as an excuse in America. If they do, they must be gone and removed. Send them back to Eastern Europe where the propaganda is more effective. We give and gave them a royal red, white and blue spanking and they never converted or transformed into real and decent Americans. We know this is a new species of human beings and we know it is an enemy force on our borders and in our lives. - Previous Chapter: The Royal Red, White and Blue Spanking, by Author; June 27, 2009 -
Weasel duty is a moniker of a trap which right now we have no answers but demand one from this weasel duty so we can erase this black panther like mess from the process of reparation and leveling the future of this country with for reparations when they not only wrecked it, held it hostage, kidnapped the leaders, terrorized and tormented it, and then demanded payments year after year for over two hundred years. No, weasel duty is the similar aversions we are experiencing right now and the infectious and finalizing moment we come forward with what we have and ask the same. A laceration to the idea a crime was commuted and a process of resolution and punishment is available. Again, it is a wall and an enemy to the mission we are on and were on; now passed to those who are paid to finish it.
The onslaught and terror plots are for propaganda and some public deception to encourage more taxes and more spending. They even write books as if they “inherited” this problem when they know damn well they are the problem. They copy royals and leaders of this work; thus, use materialism as another excuse for this collapsing royalty. Shut down and destroy the propaganda onslaught, slander, and blame for the most minor matter. We need them or this dead or gone; we do not care who, what, where and why; it is that dangerous and they are gaining that much ground. They will rewrite our life and our future but will also violate every law on the books and claim “this is war.” - Previous Chapter: The Royal Red, White and Blue Spanking, by Author; June 27, 2009 -
Weasel duty was a mission of what we saw and observed, military masters who can take this enemy to the sixth, eighth, and sixteenth dimension of reality and apply computer wizardry and recursion to keep them there while they try to teach and act like a professor about asymmetrical warfare and how they will be hired in loving memory of the country they are fighting for and claims loves them. Not only is it a penchant for a nuisance to this erstwhile problem but it will also be a perpetuating and evolving solution. The tyranny is why they are not fired immediately and on sight but become a pliable annoyance that sticks to anyone who does not make a mess out of life? Don’t try to buy into or be part of greatness when you are scared of the same country and same people who yield it.
These people love to see the defense forces wrecked up. They love to usurp everything the country is founded on. They love to see people tormented and tacitly ambushed and attacked by hostile flunkies and barbarians. They love the idea they cannot do anything right and we have to not show anger or excitement to get rid of them. Meanwhile, they pounce on the boniest fact and the least credible or baseless accusations. While they dream about the day we will share our life with them; they call everybody a “bum drawing a government check” and refuse to acknowledge we may be from royal heritage and run wars or go into this service not because of some “bum syndrome” but this is the role and tradition of royals and powerful leaders. What do they have to stand on? Why are they mimicking and copying us? Why do they copy our words? Why do they insist they are the teachers and we are the students? - Previous Chapter: The Royal Red, White and Blue Spanking, by Author; June 27, 2009 -
What is weasel duty and how to you get fulfilled by it or know your own identity and destiny? They live by the sword; they will die by the same sword. If they live on immigration, they will die of the same abuse of powers. That is not the right wing but is instead the liberals and left wing who define their political future, welfare payments, voting base, and tradition of nationhood in America. Why are they with us to the end all the sudden? We were just their hostages and they refuse to go away; now we are propositioned with the idea we must seek permission and their approval over our own life, private life, and business affairs. Did we mention the stalking of our loved ones and the stalking of spy hunters and military families by serial killers and terrorists who infiltrated as race bullies?
There are a lot of questions to think out. Do we need to be taught how to be royals or manhandle a very dangerous enemy? Is that what they wish to teach us or wish to know? They love the idea we are terrorized by them and cannot stop the bad or stop them. They are “too big to fail” or “the army of the damned” who are “fighting the same battles.” To them it is only “scandal” and they claim to be a human being or mega-special. Nobody is disputing them there; they just demand the truth about this communist and terrorist plot or infiltration which we are very close to destroying while it self implodes. They do not need help or our assistance there; but we will give them more help than needed in destroying this enemy and threat. Keep in mind the tests and the battles we fought with them; as we spanked them red, white and legally blue and honorably; they cannot achieve anything respectably or can become a real American. They are just too stupid for this. - Previous Chapter: The Royal Red, White and Blue Spanking, by Author; June 27, 2009 -
Consider how this will contribute to the violence on liberals and the left wing when what they read is the absolute truth and no other voice can tackle fact by fact, line by line, and charge by charge? Is there only silence or a pink slip beheading in the making? There is not a moribund of homosexual risk involved in winning what they set out to step on or change the minds of; the masters of the world and the masters of warfare. That is weasel duty and that is their death sentence either by use of hyperbole or kidnapping this mission and now claiming they were and with us all the way to the end. We by bad fortune was misplaced into a manufacturing facility of robotic royals who keep insisting the courts will resolve this mess and our life when there has not been one clear or redacted answer to each escaping question we have brought forth. Why must we keep educating the same problem about the same problems? Why must we keep defeating the same enemies and fight the same problems over and over as if World War arrived at our footsteps again?
Those on the left wing or liberals who are fighting to have a future need to fear this threat; 9 out of 10 times they will seek action, thus the wrong action, to anybody who opposes them or speaks the truth about their grand deception. It will wreck their life and keep them dumb, stupid, and powerless. We don’t like them; but they love us and others when we agree to follow them or live with their evil oppression. They answer to nobody; not even the right wing or the conservatives who have the truth about this world. The advantage is to wreck and obstruct anybody; we are their prisoners and also their food. - Previous Chapter: The Royal Red, White and Blue Spanking, by Author; June 27, 2009 -
So maybe our imagination has escaped the mess or problem, but those in control and power at this time are all guilty of harboring a terror plot, homicide, several left wing terrorist groups, and this weasel duty gone awry. So this idea we were inadvertently picked up by some future leadership manufacturing facility (a terrorist recruiting tool) and put through legal training which we refused from them after ten full years of post secondary schooling by an espionage group who were being directed by Israeli handlers and the Democratic Party of the Americas; then made to feel inadequate in every aspect of our life for the guilt and crime of perfection and natural motor skills of perfection, lead them to this mission we are on with founding satellite warfare and now the instant gratification they can be shot dead if they do not give us a higher effort and answer some very important and needed esoteric related to a terror plot and various other plots to overthrow the government and do the same exact thing.
Their goal is to look like America and have the exact same history. However, we all know good things can happen when they are dead and gone. However, they always say how the truth hates America and if we speak the truth about this or them, it will continue to hate America. Weary of them, they are determined to destroy America and not restore the government while kicking this spy and terror plot out. We cannot destroy America and Israel simultaneously because there are striking differences and very little similarities. We can give them a red, white and blue to test each and every part of this. We are not here to “destroy America.” We are here to destroy them or stop them; not destroy America. - Previous Chapter: The Royal Red, White and Blue Spanking, by Author; June 27, 2009 -
How do we identify those in the world who die inadvertently and unnecessary with this problem or those behind it? Maybe these delusions are now going to be more real if they refuse to respond cordially and forthrightly because the mission we were on previously was of the highest and cannot get any further until this matter is concluded and we arrive at closure. Is there a grainy effort to the lengthy time we must wait for this arrival or will we be asked to live deficient of what is real and what we truthfully deserve to this reclusive seated view to a mess made by an entire mess of human beings? These people have declared war and we must respond in kind and equalize their philosophy of regrets with a deterrence and future prevention method. We must cement their future and cut around the bone before yanking the head of the beast off. If it is their mission and we work for them; can they at least take some quizzes and tests to determine if they are phony and a fraud?
Regardless of why we are hear and what we are doing, this spy and terror group is so deceptive and elusive, the CIA and FBI cannot trap or catch them. Their royalty and power comes from materialism and debt; both of those realities are almost gone; they have no other royalty afterwards. Another dangerous phenomenon is how they are on both sides and not just one side. They have the advantage of numbers and spending. They portray America around the world in the same dangerous and inciting manner; to anger the world. They are not helpers, the help they always are first with hurts every single time. Debt is the source of their power and right now they are terrified of being exposed. Debt is the result of spending and winning elections. - Previous Chapter: The Royal Red, White and Blue Spanking, by Author; June 27, 2009 -
Weasel duty is quickly finding us by killing other human beings legally and dutifully. There is duty in killing although it can run against our own belief system at times. Robbers and muggers are shot dead; do we or must we loose sleep over it? Why then is the legal system so hypocritical? Why are we living with fugitives who wish to share our life and do the same? We do not advocate the killing of human beings; we advocate the duty of killing human beings; so thou shall not kill unless called to duty; this is a call to duty. This is who we are and who we fight; either we are human beings or they must expand on who they are trying to act like or become. There is no need to copy cat and steal our big biographies and life. They will be caught in a moments notice. To avoid this duty of killing, they must either define who we are or defend who they are. We see neither of the above; all total lies, and just lip service to a fat lip. There is duty in killing and honor; and it stands how honorable this gesture is to the militaries of this world who are no fewer hostages to criminals and fugitive leaders themselves.
We cannot have the damned of this world controlling and in our life every single day with battles we do not want them. Most especially, we cannot have them on the right wing and controlling or infiltrating the right wing to make the battles of the damned now our fight and unification while the political system drives and drifts into oblivious future chaos. Or is it daily chaos? We cannot have the damned of this world with power over our life, the country, the future of the world, and most especially with surveillance methods that make us “talk” to them daily, weekly, or for kidnappings. This is the same problem with communism but now it is in control and power of the right wing where it is too difficult to see them or escape their feeding frenzy; this is what we ran into and uncovered. - Previous Chapter: The Royal Red, White and Blue Spanking, by Author; June 27, 2009 -
This is the conscientious mechanics of declaring war against humanity, mankind, the masters of war, and the future. Trying this last ditch effort was an act of suicide and this same death wish or sentence, hiding it was an act of war and treason, and coming back to the scene of the crime to finish it up or contain it was why the job needs to be completed and done immediately. People are tired of this retaliation and their life slipping away by quiet fugitives who lack any mental faculty. These are not human beings and if so, they might wish to expand on who we are also. This demand to stop criticizing them or embarrassing them is not a demand; we want them gone and to get out of our mission and life story. We founded it and we are the recruiters; so we never invited them or recruited them; they are illegal and infiltrators to be shot on sight. This is why we need the terror plot details to bag each and every one of them immediately; it contains the espionage network and the spy ring.
The widespread use of terrorism in America seems not only a way of life but deep rooted in left wing politics and opposition Parties. It is a parity of one group who “must stop and obstruct” the other. It is so widespread; we wonder if this is merely a unique case to over emphasize the dogma with left wing and liberal excitement for communism and radicalism? The reason why so much is happening and why it is state sponsored; intended to give the recipient a “unique experience” and “chosen political viewpoint not much different from others similar” is due in part to a total lack of leadership while greed and power is kicked up to the maximum hilt. Maybe this battle zone is because we were kidnapped but this battle zone appears to be state sponsored and even a climb by some secret police group and terror squad to “steer hate and racism investigations” to a higher sensitivity for multiculturalism and preferential treatment of specific targeted groups. We are dealing home grown and state sponsored terrorism of the worst kind. - Previous Chapter: The Royal Red, White and Blue Spanking, by Author; June 27, 2009 -
So what exactly is the problem with the weasel duty? The problem is how we were gracefully capture and made prisoner to fix an worthless debt, drafted and forced to soldier in law school, and fed lies daily by terrorizing our life with retaliation if we did not listen to some race bullies about how their banks were thieves, how their government were just police thugs, how working and achievement gets nowhere, and how gratifying life on the bottom is while we encounter medical problems through poisoning, tampering with our water system, aerosol biological weapons sprayed on our clothing and vehicle hand parts, and day after day of bombardment by a Vietcong experience where things were stolen, vandalized and destroyed for retaliation from 1989 to 2009 while we figure out or tried to figure out who was going to win this marriage with destiny.
It appears to be a tradition of both sides or a tradition being relived by other groups singled out. By choosing those more talented and with the desired abilities; a major sacrifice is being tried on a risk factor which is out of this world. The only reason why the worst in this world would choose the best to walk a day in their life or experience how insane they are is because they are a problem and a major threat in a serious jam. It is exaggerated and if you have traveled around the United States; people treat each other with fairness and hospitality. This group is as out of touch with reality as needed and possible to steer policy and future leaders to the issues which affect their life and foreign policy; one particular case is the influence of Israel in America and the financial sectors. - Previous Chapter: The Royal Red, White and Blue Spanking, by Author; June 27, 2009 -
The courts are not going to resolved this because the left wing and the global communist movement has just thrown every legal complaint imaginable at us while not responding to a single one from us. Not one and we are still being retaliated against by stomping on our garden plants, frivolous arrests and imprisonments, gross miscarriages and low standards of existing by judges, wiping out hard drives, disrupting internet service day after day, forbidden to work or become self sufficient, yelling of insults, screaming into our windows, stomping on the floor to disrupt our sleep vehemently, and using extraordinary force and crimes to suggest this will go away and life will return to normal without any mention of what occurred. It is time for some real retaliation and some real surprise and results from this weasel duty, we do not need more gridlock or hostage reports by the police and law enforcements units who are taking claim to this problem.
The thought of poor and hostile people adopting minorities and teaching them or modifying their behavior to fit the flaws and imperfections of the weakest elements in society and their plight to assimilate and be considered “normal” or “harmless” is a show of this same lack of leadership and totally insane climate of state sponsored terrorism. Doing this to adult is a whole new playground. However, these troublesome government or private sector immigrants who “hit it big” and now can pay for the political upbringing of others who “share their views” is pure sadism and speaks for their parental skills; it shows their selfish and self serving intentions. - Previous Chapter: The Royal Red, White and Blue Spanking, by Author; June 27, 2009 -
They want us in jail and to watch every move so they can use it back on us and pound our life into the ground so theirs can grow better. Now the arrival of the final hours and when the curtains are lifted; will they pretend nothing happened and their fingerprints never on the scene or case? This thing or monster does not grow to this size unless someone is sucking down tax payer dollars for no reason and did not deserve to be violating every single law written by the future of the country; but why is it happening and still real? We are ordering they and this effort fired upon sight and knowledge. They are responding with brutality and the same bag of tricks or their excrement of confidence. Are we somehow disconnected from their life or are they from ours? That is weasel duty and it is to be terminated on site and immediately or be hunted down like a gonad of an animal injured and hurt badly now. Why are we living with fugitives and traitors wishing to share our life? Why do they feel they are the police and run the jail system?
We know what it is about and we know what the reasons behind all this terrorism are for or about; hate and racism policy. It is the left wing agitating for a total lack of government and a feeling of neglect and powerlessness. We even know which foreign countries are collaborating and acting in unison with this domestic and state sponsored terrorism even if they wish to point out how strong they are against it. These are persecuted groups and nations whose goal is to terrorize others until their life changes for the better or they feel better about themselves. The way they have chosen to deal with this persecution is to terrorize the life of others and have them speak on their behalf or do their dirty work. - Previous Chapter: The Royal Red, White and Blue Spanking, by Author; June 27, 2009 -
Consider the mission we are on and the ramifications of satellite warfare and who this was done or tried on. We are comparing two human beings, one with a death sentence and death wish, the other destined for greatness and with a fate already written. Does that explain more clearly why weasel duty is a death sentence and will need immediate and forthright comings instead of this ten long year affair of resisting weasel duty and making a weasel out of a mole hill? That does not and has not contribute to the cost of this weasel duty on our financial matters, the vandalism, the days in jail or before superior court failures, the constant “reeducation” of equalization in quarter-mastering one of them with us for 24 hours of guard duty where we are to associate and sympathize our captors and come away with a better understanding of them instead of us. Who the hell is writing this and doing this because it is not accidental and like a broken record day in and day out as if it will affect our future standing and leadership, this same weasel duty.
These people will attack the country and other countries so long as their life is neglected and their fears and weaknesses not addressed. However, their goal is to present themselves as sophisticated, the same, friendly and kind, with shared and equal values or goals, and as smart or smarter. Nothing can be any further than the truth considering the academic scores and their inability to fix their own life. This is an image problem and it is worsening by the moment. Whatever they did to alter that image before is now being lost and this makes them violent and even homicidal. We are talking about the weakest and most hated of all human beings on earth who finally found freedom in America. We did not say freedom from free markets and freedom from self sufficiency; we said they found freedom in America. To keep this, they must terrorize others and make them more and more sensitive to their experience and their political views which benefit only a few certain groups who lag or are not who they present themselves to be; a secret police. - Previous Chapter: The Royal Red, White and Blue Spanking, by Author; June 27, 2009 -
Incredibly, none of this has been addressed while the idea is they can topple government and launch more law suits to expand liberties and seek reparations. What about this reparation and injury to a mission which has yet to have a price tag associated with it and billed to the same people who wrecked it or tried to steal it but damaged it profusely beyond recognition? When does this same weasel duty turn into a death sentence or has it already? In other words, to cover it up they launched the biggest cold blooded attack to blame some other nation and group who they paid a few dollars for, then jumped in the driver seat and drove the nation to hell in order to be a hero, then sought every conscious effort imaginable to block and prevent the discovery of this terror plot which was meant to “bury the Republican Party” and collapse the Pentagon into a witch hunt for this same weasel duty we were hit with a clandestine frivolous law suit and unclaimed left wing blame to the right wing seeking perfection and a more determined effort.
The only reason why the worst in the world would do this on the best in the world is not the result of power or superiority; it is because of a deep sense of desperation. To spend 24 hours a day watching one or a few people in order to study them and “use back” something they are not aware of 24 hours a day; is just whom we are dealing with. They view it as oppression and a “special detainment” in their prison system. They are not going to waste their time with street sweepers or flunkies; instead, they want to adopt and choose someone who can rapidly assimilate and seek the most popularity or acceptance. If they can steer them to gravity and death; then no harm; if not, then they destroy their hostage and move on to the next. It is state sponsored and it is intended on rewriting the future of the United States and this world. They have earned the death penalty and we advocate and openly encourage their slaughter if they so choose a shooting war. They certainly have enough charges and offenses to start one. Slaughtering them is not an offense or a bad act; these people and this home grown leftist radicalism; does not believe in freedom or self sufficiency. They believe hate and racism is being imposed on them and they cannot escape a hostile world and government. - Previous Chapter: The Royal Red, White and Blue Spanking, by Author; June 27, 2009 -
The drunken slobs also tried to blame the Middle Easterners so we would entangle our destiny with theirs to the end; we were supposed to be with them to the end of time like a romance novel. The drunken beast was the voice of and the anger of union violence and insurance claims. Now to fix the plot there are trillions missing and unaccounted for; they lost it in the final hours. Communism and left wing politics never pays and ends up this way; why they try to cancel out the cold war is questionable. However, there was this idea that if it involved oil and banks, Israel directed America to her destiny which was a child’s play to hate and racism all around the world.
When human beings step over that line, to the dark and evil side, then laugh about it; slaughter is what they are asking if anybody can figure out what they are up to and who is behind it. We know that too. They have been warned and the legal actions filed against them as a terror group who waged war and usurped the laws and the life of others in the most self serving manner possible. If they do not think slaughter is a reasonable adjudication; they must present a case which can rationalize the idea they can violate every law ever written or principle created to govern human interaction. If they wish the truth and seek it; then it is time to say so. Their fate will be adjudicated for them based on the way they treat others and type of offense they levy on the lives of their subjects or victims. This is no victim but a total mental case and sociopath who needs to be destroyed so others can live. Heaven forbid if someone believes when an Arab or Jewish child tells the truth. - Previous Chapter: The Royal Red, White and Blue Spanking, by Author; June 27, 2009 -
It is time to ask if words can defend or avoid this duty of killing and this necessary evil with living with fugitives who kidnap and demand we share their life while they violate every single law on the books to appeal to the failure and empty faculty their life truly is. This was why freedom and freedom of speech was created, to avoid all of the above but now it has trapped our enemies by using their own liberties and abuse of powers back on them with no excuses necessary or provided. They came to us before, why are they running now and avoiding the entire matter? Is it because of the duty in killing or them violating it?
The reasons why they are extremely angry and hateful toward human life is because their fate is being adjudicated at this time; and has been. Looking good and feeling better by the moment is not happening to them while it is happening to others; somewhere and in the near future. That deep emotional hurt churns their already failed course of life to the department of darkness and the reaches of hell. Their fate is being adjudicated and their inability to adopt followers or surrogates to do their dirty work is limited. Their inability to state a solid and credible case is getting fugitively more visible. They are not charged with a reality that is in harmony with reality or this world; but they wish to discharge some other reality or life in some dimension foreign to the thinking class of humans who have to live with them. It is like a piece of cheese and two mice; the stronger wins. Terrorism and abduction makes their case so much stronger; attacking and waging war on the country also makes their case very powerful; maybe not legal or respected; but more strong. - Previous Chapter: The Royal Red, White and Blue Spanking, by Author; June 27, 2009 -
As we have written before, militaries do not dictate the war powers act; the enemies do and they have already. Why is this ruinous bunch that stand on freedom and a great country ordering the masters of war and those who founded the future of the country for the next 200 years; and why is there a creed to shoot them on sight for sheer silence and making us super duper angry and hateful of life itself? We blame them for making us wish we were cold blooded killers like them. They are to be shot on sight for the same crime and charges to a terror plot where we were supposed to get behind them and become their moral support and staff. Why are they in elections and allowed to win elections when they are being hunted and are also a ruinous bunch so stupid they admit to this entire book and what they did, just silently and clandestinely?
When you have nothing to offer and nothing to say; all that is left is to take and steal from others. To them it is a cultural advancement and a new freedom until the impulse to steal is hungry again. That is their reality and their world foreign to others. The Obama administration of the 44th President associates with this “experience and political view.” They share and undergo very similar dual universes as their political and voting base depend on their trickery and oratory skills to dull the senses and sneak attack their way to more obligations. President Obama has a political view which is not the same as others but needs them to give him this reality. - Previous Chapter: The Royal Red, White and Blue Spanking, by Author; June 27, 2009 -
After they wage war, it is our duty to kill and injure every one of them with each breath of fresh air and clear conscience. Why would they keep silent now when their life depends on it? So once again, is it the ruinous elections or the fact this ruinous bunch is breathing in them which makes it even much more ruinous where their answer to scarcity is spending and their answer to terror plots or communist plots is sheer silence? Maybe there is a problem with freedom and how they have arrived to the freest nation with only their ruinous reputation and a tomato plant refusing to wilt but scared of the greatness of the same country they want to be part of but are just a complete moron and loser? These attackers forget that goofy stupid human beings come in all shapes and sizes; but are not formed and fitted by one race, gender, or callous.
Without people who are charged with this reality; Obama and the left wing are nothing. It is up to them to instill doubt and replace with an image that is superior, capable, powerful, respectful, caring, kind, and all the accoutrements which normal human beings have in their arsenal of mental clarity. It is a drift from the Constitutional merits and fairness expected in leaders and powerful people; instead it is a house in collapse and ready to fall; call it what you will, his Party is attacking and they did infiltrate the right wing because their worst fear is a shooting war and the fair or truthful adjudication of their fate in America and this world. Similarly, the stigma that Arabs are incapable of telling the truth and how criminal it is to put some blame on Israel is quickly dissolving. This problem of stigmatizing anybody who refuses a party line because they are decent and honest; has a direct assailment to the idea that Arab people lie about Jews incessantly and all of them wish them dead. - Previous Chapter: The Royal Red, White and Blue Spanking, by Author; June 27, 2009 -
When will we get the truth or does weasel duty get more realistic and intense; grand delusions will become real events and reality for a more real reason? Then why are they still retaliating and telling us they wish to resolve this peacefully and honorably? We can bag this and end it today no less fix this immediately when and if those caught and behind it cooperate and begin to talk in order to shore up this same weasel duty and death sentence. Nobody said they had to be mean or annoying; why do they have to teach us how to act or behave behind them; what if we are ahead of them and wrote the future? How will they fit in and how will they enter our mission or be a recruit when we said the army of the damned need not apply or ever? If they wish to fight a war and hijack the satellite warfare aspects of robotics; then that is coming also in their future. This is why we do not like dumb people trying to build stupid robots who try to kill us or kidnap us to teach us the stupidity of hate and racism.
We know it is an effort to elicit an emotion of fear and helplessness. To create the idea this world and those in it cannot be trusted and human beings are an existential threat. It is to elicit the dark behavior patterns we typically see from parental abuse or bad adoptions where this is not supposed to happen; they are expected to treat people a certain way; meanwhile they have rewritten the rules on how others must treat them. It is a very primitive system and operates much like a two way street; if you do not treat them the way they expect; you will be attacked and belittled. It does not matter who is right or telling the truth. It is about who is in power and control. This expectation to be treated as a high asset and a potential friend excludes all facts and truths; however, it is described as empathy for people who “had a hard life” and “grew up underprivileged and poor.” The truth must be a two way street; otherwise, they revert to terrorism and refuse to obey any laws governing human interactions. - Previous Chapter: The Royal Red, White and Blue Spanking, by Author; June 27, 2009 -
So why are they in our life and sharing life with the greatest country when they are a ruinous bunch who dare we with the worst forms of human behavior and bring out our worst side; are we to be an animal like them or hungry and begging also? Shall we not take a bath and meddle with their life and tell them their hairy head does really stink like their back side. They think we are the same and we look down on them; the truth is we wish them dead and to face hell with that ruinous life. That is why there is a shoot on sight for this spy group and ruinous terror conspiracy driven to silence. They know it is the truth. They want rewards and payments from greatness but when it comes to the wrath of or from that greatness and mission; they turn into some other species and go into this same weasel duty we speak to them about.
Oddly enough, Coulter kept bringing up John Edwards, whose political career is pretty much toast -- so it's not a point that actually supported her claim. Moreover, she and Kondracke are glossing over the long history of other Democrats' careers being derailed by sexual hi-jinks: Gary Hart, Eliot Spitzer, Brock Adams, and Jim McGreevy are just a few of the names that come to mind. Meanwhile, it's not hard to come up with Republicans whose infidelities have been glossed over and "forgiven" (by the pundit class at least). Some of them are major figures in the party even today. To wit: John McCain, who cheated on his injured first wife and eventually married his mistress. That didn't stop him from being the GOP's 2008 presidential nominee. Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana, who despite having been caught up in a hooker scandal (in which it was revealed he had a fondness for diapers), retains his senior Republican positions in the Senate and is a lock to be the GOP's nominee for his seat in 2010. - Kondracke, Coulter claim Republicans fire their immorality cases like Sanford. Riiiiiiiight, by David Neiwert, www.crooksandliars.com ; June 25, 2009 -
The worst part of this leads to the right wing when we know it then leads directly to the leaders of the left wing who are trying to seek this reparation and insurance money to bury us, this mission, and this great future of this country. We demand they contribute and deliver before they too become victims of the circumstances. We demand the jack off cock play be removed and much better and higher quality people do the right and perfect job us is used to and expect. If they do not, then do not act superior and stupefy us with this fear of greatness and the truth when it is merely the pot luck of weasel duty. They are plotting weasel duty on the right wing now and are ready to hijack our mission; but have a shoot on sight decree in place to ward off further efforts until we get the terror plot and bag this conspiracy of a spy ring.
Rudy Giuliani, who cheated on his first two wives, and even used public money and policemen to carry on his affairs (including having cops walk his mistress' dog), Yet Giuliani regularly appears on Fox and other networks as a national Republican mouthpiece. Newt Gingrich, who, as Steve Benen notes, "obtained his first divorce in 1981, after forcing his wife, who had helped put him through graduate school, to haggle over the terms while in the hospital, as she recovered from uterine cancer surgery. In 1999, he was disgraced again, having been caught in an affair with a 33-year-old congressional aide while spearheading the impeachment proceedings against President Clinton." Yet some quarters have anointed him the front-runner for the GOP nomination in 2012, and he certainly remains one of the most prominent Republicans in the snake-oil biz. Sure, Republicans fire their immorality cases. Except for the ones they don't. Which is most of them. - Kondracke, Coulter claim Republicans fire their immorality cases like Sanford. Riiiiiiiight, by David Neiwert, www.crooksandliars.com ; June 25, 2009 -
Weasel duty is no fun anymore unless we have the tools to rid this evil weasel and mole hill. We are talking about trillions of dollars missing, trillions in debt to the ruinous failure of the left wing, trillions of lost or stifled opportunity fallen victims to insinuations and insults by the left wing, and more frivolous legal battles about hate and racism or more liberties for the left wing and more quarter-mastering them with the country for increased and higher weasel duty. This is armed robbery as we have ever seen it or witnessed; maybe even a communist plot and a government take over. At some time, we must equalize the score to a worthless and broken bunch who are now caught and asked if they know anything about weasel duty and what it engulfs is in? Can we see them yet or what they are up to or do they see us first and know what they are doing when blind as a bat and dumber than hell?
Here's a dumb-@ss quote of the century nominee for you. Rush Limbaugh says that Mark Sanford left the state to cheat on his wife because of Obama. Seriously: "This is almost like, 'I don't give a damn, the country's going to Hell in a hand basket, I just want out of here,'" said Limbaugh. "He had just tried to fight the stimulus money coming to South Carolina. He didn't want any part of it. He lost the battle. He said, 'What the Hell. I mean, I'm -- the federal government's taking over -- what the Hell, I want to enjoy life.'" "The point is," he added, "there are a lot of people whose spirit is just -- they're fed up, saying to Hell with it, I don't even want to fight this anymore, I just want to get away from it." - Limbaugh: Obama Made Sanford Cheat, by Ed Bravton, www.scienceblogs.com ; June 26, 2009 -
Hey weasel, can you hear and understand this weasel duty? Do you fear the wrath of greatness and the mightiest nation on earth as a weasel or are you immune to this when silent and being hunted down for welfare fraud or a ruinous life? Don’t tell us our wars, life work, missions, and future is contributing to the violence on liberals and left wing failures when it is intended for this reason. If they do not like it then pay the debt and stop imposing ruinous elections on our life and get out of our mission; they are banned from satellite warfare altogether and there is a shoot on sight decree in place until otherwise off high alert. This is the last and final shooting match on earth and it is called satellite warfare; thus the founders of it have written a manual to be studied carefully. Targeting and kidnapping the people who founded it and give the orders to the entire global forces is not the wisest and smartest way to fight the last shooting match on this earth, steal it, or hijack it.
They fear the greatness of the same nation they wish to be part of and that is a hypocrite and liar we fear and do not like much. We fear their terror plots and kidnappings while they fear our missions and wars. This is the last and very last war on this earth; like it or not. It is the very last war they will live to see and they made a very big mistake with the founders and the masters of it. That is the thanks we wish to share for turning us into angry cold blooded killers hunting down a piss on cock play of this same weasel duty.
Some people do understand danger and even claim to be the police; but are they too stupid to understand a grand insult by their own country? Right now the last shooting match on earth is not worried about cruelties to this terror and spy ring we caught; we wish victory and worry about pissing us off while we win. They have thrown out the rule books and laws and only worry about winning; so we must win. Trash must respond to trash and we will expect that same trash to deliver us their trash. We are going and have won the last shooting match and they will find horror when locked out of this and on the receiving end also; pat the terrorist and spy ring on the back for that one.
We love when the sound of liberty rings in their ears and they hear what terrifies them into being honest and cooperative; this is the last shooting match on earth and we have on it and dominate it. It is our mission and we wrote the manual; thus we banned them completely and have a shoot on sight decree until they bring forward this terror and spy ring so we can bag it next week or in a decade, the sooner the better for all of us. We appreciate how they handled the last shooting match on earth and how it is their last chance but are now locked out and told whenever they are ready. Take that warning seriously and who we caught and what we want from them. They are not going to and never won one battle in the last shooting match on this living earth; we reversed and won back every scrap they won or got from the kidnapping. We can do it again and again; but we will let the others earn their rank and finish the job for good and the goodness of our hearts and minds.
You kidnapped us and are super spies so you tell me what the hell you want; you waited a long time for this day, so I am all ears dear. “Ask the hardest questions… now having a tough time… thanks for telling us… reversing course (you are welcome, kidnap me anytime you goof and do my spouse the same also – why not recruit me for a terrorist group or spy group and ask me a litmus test)… promised these jobs (so I lied)… well where is it… America’s compensation Tsar… stuff it in their pocketbook… most of the people in that room are overpaid (crime does not pay Sean no matter how much it will benefit the country; you can draft us for a terror war but we just don’t like you).” Yes you are correct, you kidnapped me and were angered when I joked and act stupid, such the case now. – Interview with Terror Suspects: Rush and Hannity Get in a Fierce Fight: How to Fight SATWAR, Hunt Aliens, and Supernatural Forces Destroying, by Author, June 23, 2009 -
The trap and reversal, once kidnapped, we pulled on them can be done hundreds of times until this enemy is gone. It is the last and final shooting match on earth and we have defined it clearly and concisely as much as it can possibly get. You will not beat robots and satellites; but propaganda is how they wish to finish this out and having full access to the public. The terror plots are intended for weasel duty and to strengthen the law suits which are rewriting the Constitution, our life, our wars, and the power structures of the world. What they cannot get right is the financial and economics part but we are blessed with ruinous and traitorous elections to push us to some explosive inability to pay any of it back.
Had you asked me, “do you or any of these Generals have SDI and can we see it before we do business” I would have laughed and smack the shit out of you. That wig you and Rush wear would be crooked. I would pull your hair follicles out and make you glue it back or else I would call the police after I had my way. “Kim Jung is watching… disaster… walk all over him… doesn’t know what he is doing…. Over his head (Rush is the best fighter I have ever seen, he will be alright and give any enemy out there the red, white, and blue palm; so F you butch). You make it sound so innocent and easy. Look at you now and how you flip flop like a catfish on sand. You are like Rush and the guy upstairs, you do not know who is winning and who won. We caught you and know what you are up to. You know you can’t win, why even try? – Interview with Terror Suspects: Rush and Hannity Get in a Fierce Fight: How to Fight SATWAR, Hunt Aliens, and Supernatural Forces Destroying, by Author, June 23, 2009 -
People are getting very impatient and how they are dealing with the last shooting match on earth; apologies make us even more livid to the problem and this foot dragging daily harassment and intimidation by worthless union goons. There are a lot of people who are hungry for this last shooting match and their true identity while others who have no delivered anything but more problems. So, we will make this clairvoyant, clear and convey as much message as we can; this is the last shooting match on earth and already they are asking for all the hurt this world can muster and feel we are wishing to be the bottom of dirt and like them. Our traditional enemies and global enemies even wish to work with us to resolve issues honestly; this idiot and thief is the worst of this world and even worse than the most hated enemies of this earth.
At least you did not wear fake eye glasses to improve your looks; instead you copy us or use it to control people. You are a pinko but want a fight, but you are in a lot of trouble. You are right now getting the fight of your life and gave us one hell of one also. Now you violated every single law and are up to no good but you feel you are not a threat and you hold your head up high even if you were “set up” and angry about being caught. You have a dark side nobody will ever believe or know yet; wait till they see it. You are very unsuccessful at trying to be like us and that anger comes out sometimes with “go away.” - Interview with Terror Suspects: Beat It, Untouchable, Got Caught, Now Trying to Beat it Again; by Author; June 25, 2009 -
The authorities are behind it and they did this daily when they imprisoned us to suggest ticking us off was to make us behave. It is a form of control and it was on the federal and state levels; but now their jobs and future is severely threatened and in deadly jeopardy and jealousy. It is like a trick or some joke intended for the last shooting match on earth as their secret weapon; some species not known to man but despised and wished dead immediately. You get kidnapped, put in special detainment, and driven insane or mad by a total jackass and idiot drunk and high on drugs pretending to be a good parent who want us to be a dirty rotten imbecile and more stupid than they are.
Yeah, well then you can tell us the full truth and the communist and terrorist plot. Sean, we knew we had a mole and an inside job. We know what you want and were looking for; you think we are sloppy and forget easily. Sure you asked years or upwards to 10 years ago clandestinely and we had to trap you and flush you out. Now you forget we had to drag you out by your ears and there is camouflage and phony uniforms in your trunk; the same ones we were after. Also, you got the rape kit (duct tape and plastic hand binders), said the same things, wanted the same things, and you claim you were honestly only trying to ask us the hard questions. Remember Blogo, Sanford, Paling, and the media war? Is it a surprise to you what occurred on Sept. 10, 2001? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Beat It, Untouchable, Got Caught, Now Trying to Beat it Again; by Author; June 25, 2009 -
We do not need to know how bad their feces smells or how the joke is on us to suppress our anger with the worst of this world. They do this all the time and suggest it is religious and hope compelling them to make us behave and control us. This is why they have the death penalty and are hiding a terror plot; they are sadistic in nature and extremely cruel because the world is mean to them or what they are up to in order to control and make us behave. It is the same religious teaching which demands obligations for the poor, advances hypocrites for hate and racism, and the same religion of rape and stupid lies. Guess who that is and why they are doing this? It is some type of payback and some sort of trick by the government to tick us off for wars which contribute to their abuse and violence; the reality and political reality terrifies them because they are silent and slip around surprising and usurping the talents of others. They think it is power.
It is odd how the Republican Party did not worry or knows what you all are up to; so what are you claiming to be? Are you saying we got captured and Republicans won our freedom or your spy and terror plot nailed us and stole our life and you almost got away with it? Karl says, “Released” and I would dare him to tell us the story why we are “released.” Had you been SDS or a left winger; we would be calling you communists; now as Republicans we are forced to call you the Gestapo. Karl has released us and won our freedom. However, he has given up his. He knows I will fire him and demand the story and this plot or else all of his associates with receive conspiracy charges. Look at it now grow bigger and people get sicker. Who said they were “released” and innocent? Can they give me one or two names in the Republican and Democrat side? Can you tell me who at CIA and Pentagon or FBI said you were “released?” - Interview with Terror Suspects: Beat It, Untouchable, Got Caught, Now Trying to Beat it Again; by Author; June 25, 2009 -
We want this joke and secret weapon dead and gone and we demand this terror and spy ring immediately unless they do have a death wish and destiny with the mightiest nation and the last shooting match founders on this earth. The joke was actually on them and they are in our mission and the last shooting match on earth. We can quiz them and test it; thus prove they are phony and frauds. We want the people behind it and the joke is now on them and the joke is on them. It will get funnier and funnier each day they delay and challenge it. We can pull anyone into or recruit anyone who delivers and gets a medal in solving this problem with their secret weapon of human feces.
Karl says, (Israel) “we do not want a medal… the people will decide… it is up to you… we know that is not true… you cannot speak the truth to your enemies and adversaries.” If you do not want to get fired or arrested; you may want to tell your boss if you are spying or violated every single law and got caught; yes or no. No need for psycho babble, it is yes or not. Did you get caught for spying and a terror plot? Karl is saying he does not want a medal for spying for Israel and another country still not mentioned. I would think not and to keep it under wraps if you wish to avoid jail and severe punishments. The people of Israel have no say and the aliens on earth will not care either. If you admit it, then you have to give back the money they gave you. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Beat It, Untouchable, Got Caught, Now Trying to Beat it Again; by Author; June 25, 2009 -
We know they were doing this from 1998 to 2009 as a harassment tactic while in private, public, and incarceration; it is nonstop to anger and suggest we are violent and also contributing to the violence of liberals and our wars contribute to violence and hate towards them. They cannot do this and expect no retaliation to the people who founded the last shooting match on this earth and run the show for it. Life is going to get really nasty for them. We used the last shooting match on earth for a good reason and cause; we are powerful enough to be used as bait and to bring them to their knees in a snap. We came prepared for a fight obviously.
Read the fifty page detailed history and full story up to the time I was arrested and insulted by your Gestapo and terrorism. Now you act exactly like Stein and what he said in the transcripts on Monday, June 22, 2009 as a fill in. Why do you think the Iranians would side with me or every military out there? Now who are you talking to again and who owns the final shootout on this earth? What are you trying to steal again and what terminal effect will it have on our own military and personnel? Sounds to me you are searching for the equalizer and have been for over ten years in this kidnapping and recruiting for ‘moral support’ and murder and our “call it off” raid on your spy and communist group? So why are you suicidal and why are you raising hell in my life still and stomping on my tomato plants? Can you at least guess? That is only what you did to me; now tell me what you did to Ann and who or what we are dealing with? You just want to call me anytime and terrorize me anytime you wish or arrest me for terror charges correct? Silence, what silence? For a death squad, you must have everything backwards. What is this about moral support and hope again? We know everything and you do not want to die? - Interview with Terror Suspects: 1961 to 2001, The Communist Plot Forty Years Later and the Revolution in America, by Author; June 22, 2009 -
Here is the problem with living with thieves and fugitives who lack some mental faculty and have genetic failure in their blood and drunken breed. We are not dirty rotten imbeciles or pretend to be kidnapped by them so they can show us anger and stomp on the floor every single day and bring us to near homicide so they can say “gotcha.” Well shoot, because we gotcha also and if they wish to survive and not be in trouble with the last shooting match on this earth; they will deliver and with immediacy. It will be very hard to fight this when the entire world is against you and wish you dead. But this is what they get for being awful and a complete idiot of a terrorist and thief.
Yeah and I don't disagree with that now but he is a Republican so he will be gone, not be running for President unlike John Edwards with all his staff knowing. That is right and if he is, Republicans vote these guys out and we will see what happens with him and Ensign. But I mean, one point I think needs to be made is politicians; both Republican and Democrats; the Republicans are gone now so it is hard to remember names like... they have affairs at a rate of approximately one million times that of the general population. There was one serious study of the sexual behavior of Americans done out of the University of Chicago a few years ago, peer review that went on for years and years, and only about fifteen per cent of man and about eight or ten per cent of women, I think the women's rate has been growing since the study came out ten years ago. Meanwhile, politicians; it is like fifty per cent. - Ann Coulter on Hannity, www.foxnews.com; June 24, 2009 -
When we say we want a demented and evil terror poo-tang plot of cock play; we mean not a decade later or lasting; we mean immediacy and with fury. Yes with the fury and wrath of the mightiest nation on those who destroy and try to steal it or stall it. Even our global enemies agree with us and view us as fair and respectable. This joke on them is going to last a long time and will keep putting pressure on them for the people behind it and the terror plots. If we do not get that fury and fire in the head needed to win this; they will be the victim of the circumstances and deserve no other fate and broken life. We hope they are thrown into the street and their kids suffer from the meanness and cruelties of this world and we sure wish we could be as rotten as them to impose such a enjoying and relaxing thought. We used the last shooting match on earth for a good reason and cause; we are powerful enough to be used as bait and to bring them to their knees in a snap. We came prepared for a fight obviously.
I think it is the whole personality of politicians that you can see in those Sanford emails... he is so full of himself and to think he could get away with it, I was not a huge fan of his. I wouldn't have known one way or the other but in general; politicians, and there are some honorable politicians, and god bless the many of them; but they are narcissistic and they need people to love them, they think they are and also they were all nerds who could never get a girl to kiss them in high school. I mean, look at these guys; from Bill Clinton to this guy, it is not exactly a hunk of burning love here. That is a lie, people can see you Sean. Do you have a mirror? You know you were not a nerd in high school, stop pretending to be one. Yes, it is a character issue. It is one thing; I think it is silly the hypocrisy point... I really did not believe any of that Christianity stuff. No, it has wrecked their lies, it has wrecked their marriage, it is just wrecked their children's lives; of course they believe it, and they fell so I do not think it is a question of hypocrisy but a question of character. - Ann Coulter on Hannity, www.foxnews.com; June 24, 2009 –
The joke is on them but this is about victory not cruelties. We have not won until every one of the leaders is dead or behind bars; then the spy ring disbanded and terrorism halted. That is how angry we are with how they handled and messed up this last shooting match on earth and then tell us how they are with us to the end and not dead yet or losing. They got more fight and more matches for us to defend against and stay up all night checking every corner of the house and dark alley. Keep in mind, the effort is to tick us off and make us homicidal mad by liberal standards; and then suggest our life and work contributes to the violence on liberals and left wing because we are jealous and powerless. It is actually to advance future law suits to advance hate and racism policies for the left wing and liberals; to rip off the country and seek reparations and obligations when they wrecked it with this ruinous failure and ruinous elections. They are a joke and a big laughing stock and now got the surprise of their ape grown life.
"Before we get to that, I have to say, I got to move it along, I have a very hectic day; Mark Sanford is sleeping on my couch tonight. I got to get home; I didn't leave him the key. I guess if I was him I would just insist I was down there working on the South American free trade Act, SAFTA, as I refer to it. You know Bill, if I am going to row the boat across the river to watch Hamilton and Van Buren shoot at each other, I don't want to see them start flinging cream pies and that got a little too lovey-dovey there. Did I hear you say you two might go camping together? If you do, I want you to invite Cheney and me because I am going to be laughing so hard Cheney is going to have to shoot me in the head to put me down. - Dennis Miller on O'reilly, www.foxnews.com ; June 24, 2009 -
People are sick of this and the people behind this and wish them dead. It is a shame we are not dirty rotten imbeciles and use the law in a gotcha moment; instead we use the last shooting match on this earth to pressure them and equalize the score; we do not care about cruelties but only victory. So if it is hate and racism they espouse or the same hypocrite policy written by Neanderthals, then that is what they will get but in its worst form; it will not stop and they cannot stop the effects of this mistake or kidnapping the wrong people to try this on. We literally write the future and create the destiny of the world we live in while they mess it up and demand we kill them today or to go and tell our body guards to kill their babies while they cuddle them and attack everyone. It is very hard to argue and win when we came to the last shooting match on earth prepared and ready to finish the job.
(On Barney Frank) Here is what I am buying about Barney Frank; he is one of the smartest guys I see on TV on a regular basis from that side. I don't agree with anything he says except I do think he is smart. I also think he is not dis-involved in this as he lets on with... I will say this, I can never understand why he is such a sourpuss when you think about it he out; his sexuality is out there and he slipped a noose on running a male prostitution service out of his own apartment; and he still has the gig; at least his friend did; all these things are well known and people still like him and he still has the job. I always look at him and I think, 'can't you just have a little more fun with Barney, you got a great life. What are you so cranky about all the time?' Well, I think we are all unhappy right now as I am part of it, yeah I wished we were all a little happier; I am going away for two weeks tomorrow for Japan; quite frankly I am going to try to get my head off of it because I think we can all have these disagreements we have but boy the sultry tone of it all has got me all bummed out. I do not know what he ate for dinner but I will say this, if he is actually threatening Hawaii, now he might intimidate Barrack Obama, but I trust he does not want to start screwing with McGarrett, Magnum, and the ghost of Don Ho because then he has got some real problems. ...Listen, he drops a bomb on me in Hawaii, the way I am looking at it, it is a short trek from paradise to heaven. - Dennis Miller on O'reilly, www.foxnews.com ; June 24, 2009 -
We hope they realize what this silence will do to them and did already. The joke is on them not us, this is our destiny they are reading and watching smash up their efforts. We mean every single effort and why they are terrified of being caught and preventing punishment. Their church and religion has been doing this all over the world as well; meanwhile they say we kill poor people for no reason and contribute to the violence on liberals because we are hateful; we are honest and if that kills them then the joke is on them not us. We have not had one complaint filed or any real legal suits while their leaders said we beat and reversed every law suit and entrapment they put us in.
(On Ed McMann) Sweet man, let me tell you a quick story about Eddie. He calls me, they been on the air for ten years, (Star Search) he says we are doing a retrospective on the people who have done well on Star Search. Now I lost to Sinbad when I was on Star Search, my first time out of the box, so I say to Ed 'Ed, I can't come on I am not a Star Search success story, I never won once. He says, 'you didn't win once, who did you loose to?' And I said Odysseus or something and he said, 'you mean Sinbad' and I said yeah I knew it was a one name mythical sailor; he never took himself seriously, he laughed so hard at that he says, 'yeah, I wouldn't come on either kid if I lost." All I know this, I don't know who sits at the right hand of the father but they better move over one because that is Big Ed's spot and I know he and Johnny are going back and forth now having the fun that we were privy to for thirty years. He was a great man, a sweet man, an ex-Marine who stayed grounded; the very best Hollywood had to offer. I will say a prayer for him because I like that cat. Just like the Blue Angels Billy, six inches off each others wings. - Dennis Miller on O'reilly, www.foxnews.com ; June 24, 2009 -
That is their joke and power of stupidity; their religious opposition and church hiding war criminals and fugitives. That silence is going to kill them because people will never respect them if they are in the last shooting match on earth and can be terminated immediately. We want them to know there is fairness on earth and truth; they fear it and moreover, they fear the greatness and might of the strongest and most truthful country on this earth; us. Open their eyes and look at their past and destiny; it is going nowhere but straight to hell. They can take their terror plots, human joke, and union goons to hell with them in a hand basket so long as their secret police accompanies them also as bald face lies. The more they refuse an education or a bath, the more they impress others.
6/19/2009 7:17:52 PM Sean says, “this is something we want to be part of… well intentioned” and we wish to strangle him, fire him, and make sure he never is in our life again. He merely claims he is well intended with a load of lies and deceptions. If he wants to play the game of suicide, as Intel indicates it is all he thinks about, then keep quiet and skirt around as a terror suspect and fugitive while we demand he tell us and talk. The British were laughing and saying “he cannot make things stop… too far ahead.” - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who Would Ruin 20+ Years of Happy Love and Relationships by Bombarding Us with Ruinous Weasels? By Author, June 19, 2009 -
Apologies make it even worse and the truth will show the long list of death penalty charges. Welcome to the last shooting match on this god forsaken earth; they lost and got banned before it even started. We also wish them ill health and to be dead and gone so we can make some real progress and get real work done to our victory and this wrath they fear from the same greatness they wish a part of or to share as a bunch of losers and vile fugitives. We are sick and tired of this and their gaseous bag of feces dirty tricks. The only way to win is legally and we want to restrict their mobility, rights, ruinous spending, ruinous elections, and get them to tell the truth and give us this terror and spy ring. They better deliver because this is the last test; moreover, they pretend as if this is comparable to killing thousands of children and innocent civilians in combat and war when it is much beyond such and protecting powerful political spies behind this but in office currently.
Sean we are not recruiting you and do not wish you anywhere near us. If you know who your recruiter is, then please tell us who your recruiter is. It is similar to a draft or military service, you must talk to a recruiter first and if asked; tell us who the recruiter or how you knew about this. Both Ann and I are fed up and sick of your face, tricks, and lies. You are and have been skirting around as a terrorist trying to tick off and piss us off like the people upstairs who stomp on our tomato plants when they have a federal indictment at this time open on them. Someone is not playing around with them or you. You are sneaking around trying to smear, lie, and bring out raw animalism; to tick us off and make us emotionally react to your dirty tricks and propaganda. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who Would Ruin 20+ Years of Happy Love and Relationships by Bombarding Us with Ruinous Weasels? By Author, June 19, 2009 -
So repeat for the founders of the last shooting match on earth why the dumbest, the worst, the most whorish, the most hated and alienated; would hijack or try to steal the most vicious, mightiest, and great nation or military in the world for the last shooting match on earth and keep it a secret or silent while they snuck around and used their bottom dwelling as a joke to tick us off and make us angrier and angrier as they screamed how we contribute to hate and racism on liberals and left wing worthlessness; they are the secret police, we are caught and gotcha while we owe them extortion rewards, tribute, medical care, welfare and entailments, and are paralyzed by frivolous and frothing legal suits of a delusional weasel duty? Why would they hijack the founders, the military leaders, the mightiest and best, and the smartest that are writing destiny and already destined? Would they care to tell us honestly before it is too late for them, or is it already? Is the joke on us or them? We need this terror plot and conspiracy dead and gone with immediacy and with the wrath of the mightiest military on earth; it is game over.
Sean knows that if he tells the full story of me and Ann; we can bag this terror plot and get all the people behind this using every aspect of the law and stop them for good. However, he wants to gamble his future and career for this broken and suicidal mission he is on. I have documented it so that if he does go into self destruct and drink the cool aid, we will know at least what happened and made an effort to document what we knew or could find out. They will also claim it is conspiracy, he was a victim of the system, and he fought the law and the law won. There was a reason why they were trying to recruit both Ann and myself and why they got close and did what they did. Sean is going to take the terror plot to the grave and as a fugitive. Great Americans do not do this stuff only terrorists and fugitives. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who Would Ruin 20+ Years of Happy Love and Relationships by Bombarding Us with Ruinous Weasels? By Author, June 19, 2009 -
We would love to see their union and their local, no less the secret Gestapo and thought police, get in a fight with the CIA clandestine services that despise them and have a reputation for extreme hatred and cruelties towards these types. We could add to the potty by adding in the Pentagon in a show of force and this human joke. We would love to see them harassed daily for the rest of their life and in such a maddening way they kill their own or their kids. That is exactly what they did to us. We did not get a day break or any let up in a full decade, not one day.
Sean finally writes his suicide note to us. There is a reason why you are risking life and limb keeping Ann and I apart or ruining our relationship. You keep claiming you are angry and we are upset with you but never telling why or the full story. You keep claiming it is a “personal problem” and a “personal feud” but not about politics because you are now “with us all the way.” You want to try to exploit us “all the way” and “engineered a plan to get rid of us” as you just said on 6/19/2009 7:36:08 PM; but you did not say why, for who, and how. When did you begin this and why? Sean says he was “hired” to do this and paid by “senior advisors… outraged from the Osama community… sought emergency treatment… after vicious attacks…” - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who Would Ruin 20+ Years of Happy Love and Relationships by Bombarding Us with Ruinous Weasels? By Author, June 19, 2009 -
Welcome to our revolution and our destiny, we are the authors, the authority, and the founders of the last shooting match on earth. So this is their destiny here to fear the wrath of the country they clam up to because they cannot live up to what it reasonably expects? You cannot have losers and lying fugitives living in a country where they fear the wrath of the same nation; it is self defeating. Their response to scarcity and reckless spending is more quiet solitude. That is the terrorist and terror plot and the crime. Make this stop if they can; the joke has been on them and we hope CIA decides to rip them apart limb by limb like how they deny the future of the unborn and our victory on our own turf and life. Next time they decide to kidnap and promote us, at least get it right.
The problem in America is very much unique then this world but there is a dual reality and very simple philosophy to disjoin the two. The problem is this world sent to America their poorest and their sickest with the hope and prayers from the graces of the mightiest mountains; they would be cured of what holds them down in life. So the poorest of this world brought with them a philosophy which contradicted the legal battles they country would inevitably seek from them because those earlier legal battles struck at the identity of the world also. They found the greatest in this world is whom they feared and whom they sought power over in an evil and vicious manner which stretched out a lengthy process of seeking pity from the mostest and the mightiest.
Yes and Sean finished the job; there you go Sean; “is dangerously close” and is a hit man and a political assassin, an IRA terrorist. You had admitted this already. Now you are in hiding and will commit suicide taking it to the grave; at least we make an effort to write or document what you did or tried; we reversed every single bit because we knew every single aspect and even hunted you down and were chasing you and you did not know. Even up until June 2009 you had no clue and did not even know. That is how delusional and how deranged you are and getting. Intel says all you do is think about suicide and you do not want a trial or to say your side of the story. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who Would Ruin 20+ Years of Happy Love and Relationships by Bombarding Us with Ruinous Weasels? By Author, June 19, 2009 -
Today, the smartest and the richest come to America because those are the industries still alive and who refuse to seek the pity of others. Yet we find out a dark and decrepit secret about the liberals and the left wing; they exploit everything above and beyond their own life and even their own country while they pounce on others for the smallest and little mistake. They fear the greatness and go after the frivolous or smallest. Even the smartest need not apply to their vile and evil philosophy to impose violence on those smart and great. The seeds of hate are thus sowed by the plight and the politics of the poor in America where in the future marketplace, pity all they have to fight with and Barger for power. In so far as enemies, they found plenty of them abroad and overseas when things were fine until things really fell apart at home also.
Sean says, “engagement with… (So he vies this as an engagement)” and when people hear this they will celebrate your suicide. What you regret was getting caught and tried for over a year to finish the job and to get others to finish your failure which we had already known and had full defenses up. We could have and would have taken out your Achilles heel and you think you are in control and so masterful; you cannot fail and get caught. Name one successful attack and ambush? Thousands and tens of thousands were reversed; all you got was an APS satellite you hit my body and Ann’s body with; to scare her. It does not scare me and I will put you in jail for a long time. You all were even hitting Ann with this and we are spy hunters, not spies or terrorists. We have family members in the FBI and are a military family. That is how vile you are and a total effer; police my big fat ass; a total spy and terrorist trying to escape and cover up. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who Would Ruin 20+ Years of Happy Love and Relationships by Bombarding Us with Ruinous Weasels? By Author, June 19, 2009 -
When a large proportion of the population relies on the pity of the greatest; they sow the seeds of hate; thus begins the left wing legal crusade with the nation and other nations as well concerning the annoying freedoms and the rebuke of this pity seeking by those who seek to destroy the greatest and the mightiest from within. It is a grave pity in a world where grammatical perfection is needed along with world class smarts or initiative. However, all they can bring to the table is a world class criminality and a political philosophy to go along with it surreptitiously designed to riddle other into a position of need and trust; to seek pity or the insult of trying. What is left out of the equation and never spoken word are the grammatical methods which teach the human soul what it fears most, the truth. In order to obtain that super or world class intelligence, life must be near perfect in every stage and not be riddled by a broken philosophy that aims to contradict the process of success itself.
Last week, massive protests roiled Iran in response to an apparently fraudulent presidential election, in which nutcase Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was declared the winner within two hours of the polls closing. (ACORN must be involved.) Obama responded by boldly declaring that the difference between the loon Ahmadinejad and his reformist challenger, Mir Hossein Mousavi, "may not be as great as advertised." Then, in a manly rebuke to the cheating mullahs, Obama said: "You've seen in Iran some initial reaction from the supreme leader" -- peace be upon him -- "that indicates he understands the Iranian people have deep concerns about the election." - OBAMA TO IRAN: LET THEM EAT ICE CREAM, by Ann Coulter, www.anncoulter.com ; June 24, 2009 -
An election in Iran during the month of June 2009 was a direct challenge to the internal changes which were similar to the era of the Cultural Revolution in China. Those periods are dangerous and create divisions; however, the Iranians are showing their legacy as an empire and the lack of inferiority which brought them to be an empire before. Therefore, the age of the internet, scientific rebirth, and excitement for the information age is challenging the fundamentalist movement and striking a balance with their involvement and their part in this global change. There is a great scientific pursuit in the Iranian student movement and they see how the world is also encouraging them to pursue that greatness which was once part of their empire.
Even the French condemned the Iranian government's "brutal" reaction to the protesters -- and the French have tanks with one speed in forward and five speeds in reverse. You might be a scaredy-cat if ... the president of France is talking tougher than you are. More than a week ago, French president Nicolas Sarkozy said: "The ruling power claims to have won the elections ... if that were true, we must ask why they find it necessary to imprison their opponents and repress them with such violence." But liberals rushed to assure us that Obama's weak-kneed response to the Iranian uprising and the consequent brutal crackdown was a brilliant foreign policy move. (They also proclaimed his admission that he still smokes "lion-hearted" and "statesmanlike.") - OBAMA TO IRAN: LET THEM EAT ICE CREAM, by Ann Coulter, www.anncoulter.com ; June 24, 2009 -
The future is the internet and communications and we see prime examples of every aspect of this in the election of June 2009. The Iranians know their religious teachings lead them to not only show their wisdom and share it with the world and that is what they want from their civilization. The same changes are occurring in China also and the economic success is clearly visible in every aspect of Chinese society. There is no argument which can deny the need for reforms and a greater involvement with what is occurring in the world at this time. Plugging into it may be the hard part but we are seeing people standing up and their rights and their freedoms to be included.
As our own Supreme Leader B. Hussein Obama (peace be upon him) explained, "It's not productive given the history of U.S.-Iranian relations to be seen as meddling." You see, if the president of the United States condemned election fraud in Iran, much less put in a kind word for the presidential candidate who is not crazy, it would somehow crush the spirit of the protesters when they discovered, to their horror, that the Great Satan was on their side. (It also wouldn't do much for Al Franken in Minnesota.) - OBAMA TO IRAN: LET THEM EAT ICE CREAM, by Ann Coulter, www.anncoulter.com ; June 24, 2009 -
The problem with the banana republics in the world who conduct and win these ruinous elections and live out a political fantasy about how they can impose their will on others as they shed the cloth of mystery and lies about how they are fed up other banana republics who try to challenge powerful regimes in a less than favorable and lackluster manner, merely steal the voice of democracy and others. This is very similar to the liberals and left wing, they occupy ruinous elections and impose their will on powerful truths thinking it will last and their totalitarian measures are designed and perfected to hold down or oppress anybody under the sun. The opposite of this is occurring in America and the world. Yet even if it is the opposite of the political experience in America, these ruinous regimes drift and drive their political fantasy deeper away and deeper into ruinous policies until they run into that final challenger which ends their political career and charade.
Liberals hate America, so they assume everyone else does, too. So when a beautiful Iranian woman, Neda Agha Soltan, was shot dead in the streets of Iran during a protest on Saturday and a video of her death ricocheted around the World Wide Web, Obama valiantly responded by ... going out for an ice cream cone. (Masterful!) Commenting on a woman's cold-blooded murder in the streets of Tehran, like the murder of babies, is evidently above Obama's "pay grade." - OBAMA TO IRAN: LET THEM EAT ICE CREAM, by Ann Coulter, www.anncoulter.com ; June 24, 2009 -
So the world is sick and tired of these political agents who can remake themselves as anything and anybody to oppose what needs to happen in America and the world never realizing how imposing their will on others is a fantasy also that has no way of ever lasting, it drives away the American experience. The left wing has two inescapable problems fatal to their lifespan and shelf life. The first problem is they are fearful of foreign policy that contributes to the violence against liberals and left wingers because it destroys their financial scams and excites a rival or powerful challenger on the global stage. Those prosperous and victorious wars and those heroes go on to become national security and policy; the nightmare of all liberals and left wing financial gains; the left does not want anybody to impose their will on them even if that is the sword they wield trying to be everything to anyone.
If it were true that a U.S. president should stay neutral between freedom-loving Iranian students and their oppressors, then why is Obama speaking in support of the protesters now? Are liberals no longer worried about the parade of horribles they claimed would ensue if the U.S. president condemned the mullahs? Obama's tough talk this week proves that his gentle words last week about Ahmadinejad and Iran's "supreme leader" (peace be upon him) constituted, at best, spinelessness and, at worst, an endorsement of the fraud. - OBAMA TO IRAN: LET THEM EAT ICE CREAM, by Ann Coulter, www.anncoulter.com ; June 24, 2009 -
The second problem with the left wing is not their ruinous elections or the mystery uncovered about them as time reveals this political fantasy and demented greed; instead it is the fear of greatness and the superiority of their own nation. Not only do they drive away the voices of others as time goes on, they fear the might and the truth about their own country and how they hoodwinked others for a political experience that never ever lasts by stealing the voice of perfection and small steps which help to prevent the inevitable, driving away the voice of other powerful regimes who will outlast them. That is the problem with these banana republics and it is the same experience in America and Iran at this time along with other nations who are witnessing the upsurge of technological advances remaking their own revolution and culture. These so called “Tea Parties” erupting all around the earth are a once in a lifetime event; however, they strike the goofy banana republic and cause severe and painful death to dictators by making them impose their will to stop the inevitable.
Moreover, if the better part of valor is for America to stand neutral between freedom and Islamic oppression, why are liberals trying to credit Obama's ridiculous Cairo speech for emboldening the Iranian protesters? The only reason that bald contradiction doesn't smack you in the face is that it is utterly preposterous that Obama's Cairo speech accomplished anything -- anything worthwhile, that is. Not even the people who say that believe it. The only reaction to Obama's Cairo speech in the Middle East is that the mullahs probably sighed in relief upon discovering that the U.S. president is a coward and an imbecile. - OBAMA TO IRAN: LET THEM EAT ICE CREAM, by Ann Coulter, www.anncoulter.com ; June 24, 2009 -
The United States does not meddle with ruinous empires; we destroy them when they become a threat. Governments are not “accidentally” removed and they perish for a reason, typically the audacity to live out a political fantasy that never lasts and participate in the same ruinous manner to steal voices and intimidate powerful challengers who will last the good for nothing effort. This is also like financial and the technological revolution in the world. The liberals and the left wing fear this market reality. Therefore, instead of doing something about it and actually joining the breakneck speed; they sit there and watch while they talk smack about how they are actually doing something about it or changing the technological reality. That is what we see from these banana republics and their ruinous outcomes where we slowly learn about their political façade and adventures in a very powerful and courting perfect political reality.
Two weeks ago, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman was exulting over the "free and fair" national election in Lebanon, in which the voters threw out Hezbollah and voted in the "U.S.-supported coalition." (Apparently support from America is not deemed the vote-killer in Lebanon that it allegedly is in Iran.) To justify his Times-expensed airfare to Beirut, Friedman added some local color, noting that "more than one Lebanese whispered to me: Without George Bush standing up to the Syrians in 2005 ... this free election would not have happened." That's what Lebanese voters said. - OBAMA TO IRAN: LET THEM EAT ICE CREAM, by Ann Coulter, www.anncoulter.com ; June 24, 2009 -
President Obama should go in front of the Iranian public as well as the Israeli legislature and tell them directly, “you cannot stop a global revolution with spending.” This will definitely and inevitably put an end to the near criminal pathology and the missing the point going on at this time. The people do not care about the greatness of America stomping on the ruinous empires of enemies; however, we can easily see a lot of people excited about the future and who have a much better chance with it. He ought to tell these dictators he wishes to dine with about political lessons and acumen he knows and can help them with before it is too late. He ought to meddle and tell evil dictators to step down or go away before something bad happens and their populous rises up and silences their political fantasies which we can easily see and already know. There is a reason why the Iranians are rising up and it has nothing to do with America or even Israel; it is about them and who they are.
But Friedman also placed a phone call to a guy at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace -- which he didn't have to go to Lebanon for -- to get a quote supporting the ludicrous proposition that Obama's Cairo speech was responsible for the favorable election results in Lebanon. "And then here came this man (Obama)," Mr. Carnegie Fund said, "who came to them with respect, speaking these deep values about their identity and dignity and economic progress and education, and this person indicated that this little prison that people are living in here was not the whole world. That change was possible." - OBAMA TO IRAN: LET THEM EAT ICE CREAM, by Ann Coulter, www.anncoulter.com ; June 24, 2009 -
We are fortunate we do not live in a country going through this same struggle and ruinous political adventures. America no less Israel can be the earmark which the Iranians can look at and admire for the long lasting and wisdom in this technological period where only a few are plugged in while the rest stand and fall about nothing. We are fortunate we are not rioting in the streets over oppression and control of dictators and banana republics so ruinous, they explode and go away right before our eyes. It is ill-fully known politics does not attract the most liked and truthful characters; but must we be witnessed to a painful death by a puppy dog who only wishes to run free and enjoy the air? We do not live in Iran and have to endure this oppression, dictators, slave mentality, or the evil which the world is pale about and painfully experiencing. So why can’t the leaders of the world get it right and make a speech which can at least challenge the notion we do not meddle in the struggles of ruinous empires and regimes who come and go like a company in bankruptcy?
I think the fact that their Muslim brethren are now living in freedom in a democratic Iraq might have made the point that "change was possible" and "this little prison" is "not the whole world" somewhat more forcefully than a speech apologizing for Westerners who dislike the hijab. Obama -- and America -- are still living off President Bush's successes in the war on terrorism. For the country's sake, may those successes outlast Obama's attempt to dismantle them. - OBAMA TO IRAN: LET THEM EAT ICE CREAM, by Ann Coulter, www.anncoulter.com ; June 24, 2009 -
So is it really about hate and racism when a national right or left wing political party stalks, kidnaps, and takes our life over to scream insults while they demand us to “go away” and “leave them alone?” Or is it the mob and a very dangerous crime syndicate that infested and bred its evil political reaches in every aspect of human life so that a bloated and global plot would fall on us or smash us in the end? Let’s just say there is nothing respectable about redistributing wealth and moreover there is nothing respectable about the left wing other than the number of wars we have engaged with them and been in where they were on the opposite side deliberately or intentionally.
We tell you to “go away” for a different reason; it is not the same and everybody knows who you are. You do this also and pretend to be influential. I see it as excellence just like you but only some can say you are a divisive character; it is just way too much and not intellectual curiosity. Do you see how your two brains are tangled in your professional life and people are criticizing you severely? You cannot even explain and pretend to be childish and playful. You work in the media and scorn people but you still have not learned how to deal with danger. It is like a clown or a very dangerous hidden person. We will gladly save you if you are a master but trying to impersonate us is a far cry and got you in trouble. Pinkos do that also when in danger or trouble. However, you have this really dark side that hits back and like a cement wall of lies and it is murderous. Then you will call and ask how we are doing or feeling; how we feel about you and pretend to be friends. Do you honestly think we understood you a little better after you went through this transformation we are nauseated by? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Beat It, Untouchable, Got Caught, Now Trying to Beat it Again; by Author; June 25, 2009 -
Like the information age, we are privy to read what appears to be the god honest truth and simple and easy terms for anyone to identify with. We can go to web site proclaiming to educate us with every single detail of life and with all the truth we know is the pinpoint accuracy of the problem. But then comes the shocker, they are only employees of a bigger crime syndicate or a political party in the business of redistribution, left-right wing shenanigans, and a slew of political follies. It is bias made to look innocent, respectable, honest, caring, and even professional. It is the perpetuation and endless discourse in insults meant to discourage one side from stopping the other; worse it is dangerous and near cannibalism. That is who we are and were dealing with and that is why they feel they are our bosses.
So ask why too must we be made to look like the fool when their bosses are the ones who are doing this and they are reporting it? Why would anybody wake up every single morning and create an insane planet or political system where their bosses made them do things they would rather kill themselves for if ever caught? The same holds true for the internet and the people behind them. It is not what they tell you, it is why and who they are telling you this for. It is objective but it describes the world we live in to a distorted naked truth. Someone has control of our life and theirs but they must figure out how to keep business from the winning side. There is more evil in this world than holiness and at this time the market is controlled by the evil side by the left and right.
I am not going to get into the stealing elections part and how dirty you all play or are. I had researched and studied the book on “influencing elections three months prior to the election event.” It is how the CIA topples governments and orchestrates coups. You all read it and grabbed me while in college. The worst part is how you are skirting around as a fugitive, using your kids, stalking Ann and I still, using your marriage to cover up and over what you did, and using the media to ignore the entire matter by suggesting you have rank and seniority when we are the recruiters. You screwed up that part also and forget who or how you got in this. You keep saying you are the employers and we are in your mission; it is our life. You are in my life and want me to ask you for permission of my own life? To seek approval? Is this a joke or are you in Iran right now? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who Would Ruin 20+ Years of Happy Love and Relationships by Bombarding Us with Ruinous Weasels? By Author, June 19, 2009 -
Maybe out of bipartisan or objectivity, we learn about our own death; but then maybe they are fools also and worry if anybody will hire them after they find out what they are up to and what they did. This is why our kidnappers ended up on the wrong side of the law and also the bad side of the law. They are not who they claim to be and all things similar; are pleading a case we are also the animal and left wing nut they are trying to dominate and take over the world. We know at this time they are trying desperately to fix the media and their control of it so they can profuse our life with this massive hemorrhage to the brain which sounds innocent but results to death always. The idea of course is how there are really no good guys when you are dealing with all bad ones.
“You are a great American… well intentioned… want to help… with us all the way… moral support… with us all along… more powerful… moral cause worth getting behind” I have never seen total lies used to cover up a terrorist plot and radical left wing infiltrators before in my life but now I have a birds-eye view and can study you. We also know how all of these stories end and what you all are capable of. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who Would Ruin 20+ Years of Happy Love and Relationships by Bombarding Us with Ruinous Weasels? By Author, June 19, 2009 -
For a flimsy, robotic, twig like, veneer, slap on a brand, bitter half taste of reduced lemonade, and a poorly feeble excuse of numbers; this army of the damned and communist (add terrorist) plot is not about freedom or on freedom mode. What they are is in and have been on attack mode for nearly a full century. Yes more than one hundred years in the United States and other countries as they try to seize the markets and the resources of this world. Is it precarious how evil exists everywhere and why we cannot stop the bad from fearing the wrath of the mightiest nation on earth or also how they fear the greatness and talents of people worth so much more than their material royalty reduced to debt, a life of crime, and political discourse of a crime syndicate?
Why family members of real life FBI agents would fall in love and associate with him or them is unexplainable and why they are in our life is a total lie; that lie is the exact same deception and delusion of the terror plots. Read the write up about Sean and Intel informing us he is suicidal. Even if they loose their job; they will never tell us the full story and will drink the cool-aid. Rush is teaching Sean and the spy ring what to do and what works, "get behind us" and "we are with you all the way" and "go away and leave us alone." Rush is the thinking arm, Sean is the emotional arm, and the ones who do the dirty work are upstairs (Hierarchy: Israel, Clinton, unions, them). Lets see how long it takes them to come forward and tell us the strong story or how they are with us all the way. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who Would Ruin 20+ Years of Happy Love and Relationships by Bombarding Us with Ruinous Weasels? By Author, June 19, 2009 -
Maybe their American experience is truly turning into a complete and utter nightmare like so many youths who spend their lives in prison. Now those who can stay out of jail are finding fancy bothering the pillars of might and greatness in America and the world; the CIA, FBI, and the Pentagon. Without those three endorsements, trade and the free market is nothing and about nothing but cutting down trees and polluting streams and rivers. So do not be fooled and express the contempt and genuine homicidal impulses at this enemy who came here to wage war and rewrite our lives, they deserve everything they have coming while it is clearly obvious we did not deserve a damned thing they tried, tried to market and sell, tried to show and recruit, and tried after all failed anxieties to shove down our throats and implode on our life with this kidnapping and conspiracy of the same.
Sean keeps saying 06/18/2009 we are the moral support after we caught them and if they “saw a group on the street… lend moral support”; I find them to be kidnappers and a bunch of terrorists to be honest and I or others really do not need a lecture or to be taught about moral support by anyone. I have no idea why he keeps ramming this down our throat and selling us their junk life and total mess of a life which they tried to rewrite our life and got caught as terrorists with more charges than the Black Panthers. Sean is talking about race bullies. Why would that “moral support” causes him to be suicidal if caught? Why would we hire him and not fire him? Who decides that one? Even if they starve, they will keep silent and deny it all. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who Would Ruin 20+ Years of Happy Love and Relationships by Bombarding Us with Ruinous Weasels? By Author, June 19, 2009 -
When you compare Bush and Obama, you get the same thing and the identical message. Both insist they are good for the country when they are far from the loneliness of the truth. They claim the country loves them and we also know it does not and is not their servant. Now we can apply this same arrogance and egomaniac nonsense to the relationship with Iran. Iran views America as the “Great Satan” because the media orders them like the certain political parties who are in disrepair and seeking pity from the world.
But wait, are you detracted now or are you keeping the pressure up? What ever happened to your promise of “hands off policy”; why are you breaking that hundreds of times and still meddle in the private life of life partners and happy people? That is terrorism. That is sadism. That is violence for gain or benefit. Nobody would do that to you and even you do not expect that; but you are quick and willing to violate the respect of human beings and their life or privacy. So keeping us prisoners or some big brother house where we are always under surveillance feels like a prison or some captivity. It is not just us either; it is a lot of others. Remember when you were giving out flowers, dinner gift certificates, and a lot of prizes; you pretend it is some equalizer. You are not an icon but much bigger than that; but you are not comfortable with who you truly are and Rush is the same way; a monster underneath. Always stealing from us day and night with an obsessive drive; you claim your intentions speak for it. Where have we seen this before? Perhaps with polygamists and child molesters; this idea of being protectors and guardians while harboring some love hate relationship? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Beat It, Untouchable, Got Caught, Now Trying to Beat it Again; by Author; June 25, 2009 -
Similarly, deep down in the Kremlin and Russia; the former communist movement wishes to replay her cards and they have a secret admiration for Israel because Israel is a second home for Russian Jews and orthodoxy. The problem with America is the reverse. Deep down it is the Americans who want Iran because of the same reasons; it is the bastion of conservatism in the Middle East and the gateway to solving all these problems. Iran is the might of the Shiites but right now both Israel and Iran are prisoners and hate the superpowers for breeding this hate and pity seeking legal battle.
Sean says, "weak... look at them trying to determine if we like them...“ Sean let me make this crystal clear for your inferiority complex and bipolar problems. I run the show and set the rules for a program I have spent twenty years developing. It is not for your types and you will suffer abuse because you do not know who you are and how to get along with the elites who expect high standards from you. Go get on medicine and treat your bipolar problem; there is no medicine for an inferiority complex; you are either with the program or not; you will not surface and change it. I keep on stopping you thieves and another one pops up. Let me make this crystal clear; we do not like you or care about your standards; it changes daily. The program is not designed for you so do not say how weak it is or how we are trying to seek something from you. We could care less. Do I make my point crystal clear? Your reputation sucks and so does your work which is based on our life. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Sneaking into the Pentagon or CIA to Seek Approval and Recruit, by Author, June 17, 2009 -
The left wing and the liberal movement is transforming into Kafka-else at this time in history. They have literally taken over where the communist movement left off but have not given up on their taxing and costly crusade against humanity and the demands of the angry and despised. These demands are of course to share the life of others or with others in a taxing and costly manner dangerous to their own welfare and the nation. Thus, we get ruinous elections after the other. Furthermore, on National Security and military areas; you would think they imploded like our foes and superior mortal enemies who are a rusted image of a broken war for the hearts and minds of planet earth and the apes among us. Not so and not the case. The left wing and the liberals are near identical; well at least they say and do the same things, copy-cat. They are still in dead-lock similarity but panic mode.
We do not care about this problem with wars that emphasize violence on liberals and we have already defeated the Nazis and communists; no need to change the program, got it you idiot? Your problem is bipolar and also an inferior complex where you keep acting tough when the program is not designed for you; nobody is seeking your approval or popularity; your approval or morals; you are spineless. I can test your honesty and sneakiness. You are the ones in the bushes; nobody else lives there. Here is the problem; you don't fit in the program; much like the Constitution so you change it to your liking. Here read this, this is the entire 911 sequences and plot to call off the raid on your bunch and tally wag bipolar problem. I am not here to seek bipolar begging or seek your junk. You are the one who is trying to sign up and do not know how to act around royals or elites. I am done with the nice act and changing my tactics to the devils advocate and an annoying liberal to express my dislike of you. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Sneaking into the Pentagon or CIA to Seek Approval and Recruit, by Author, June 17, 2009 -
The rule of thumb is simple. The more taxing and costly the liberals and left are; the more they creep onto the conservative and right wing. The more communist and terrorist they become; the more of the same. They are the enemies so long as they skirt around the issues with silence and conspiracy in their blood and their sourpuss tradition of ruinous elections. It is bad enough how they invited every single cold blooded murderer and drug dealer on this earth to immigrate and share in the treasures of this mighty and great nation they cannot live up to or stay close to. The liberals and left wing fear greatness and they fear that same greatness from the mightiest nation on earth. Who why are they still here oh so mean to us? They are the enemies. What are our nemesis doing here and in our life; is that their life mission? So they are the enemies and worse off, their policies and philosophical beliefs seek to equalize with a great and mighty nation that gets worse and worse; doomed from inside.
Here read what is contributing all this violence on the liberals and left wing. Nobody is trying to lower themselves to your problems and bipolar life. You got some nerves trying this stuff but that shows how or what type of person you are. We do not beg or plea with you daily to sign up and you really do not run the show or have some program we are interested in. You do not have the resume and qualifications; why even try? You still are begging for a break and how much we are in love with you when we pity you and know you will get abused around the best. Your cause is not liberty, your cause is to lower the standards and not tell us what you are up to; admit it and don't try to ram it further or else you will be hurting more. Okay, I have had enough of this; it is going to be the same god damn thing with these people; stop one, get two or more and how much we wish to talk to you. Crystal clear and so you can understand; we are not out to seek your approval unless you are seeking it from us; but we know you are trying desperately to sign up or come on board and we are ready to kick you in the water and untie your pirate ship. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Sneaking into the Pentagon or CIA to Seek Approval and Recruit, by Author, June 17, 2009 -
Before any group, political party, or race declares themselves as a hated or victim of racism; we would like to ask if there is any reason fathomable why any human being would feel this way and treat them with such careful or careless consideration. When and if a revolution or insurgency pops up in the world; we want to ask and we wish to know if the rebellious junta and mutiny has any reason whatsoever to be oppressed or to have another military wish to harm them. That in itself is civil war and we need to have real and honest answers before involving ourselves in the Middle East, in Arab nations, in religious entanglements, and in oppression of militaries. We also wish to know how active their espionage programs are in the United States, and then compare it to what we know about them before offering any support or access to our life and country. Is there any reason whatsoever to hate, oppress, discriminate, starve, or escape the gripes of what should be on the bottom but is in a death defying political career?
We have just been kidnapped for a full decade, our spouses life ruined, our biography rewritten, imprisoned on false charges twice, got our clearances revoked or blocked, and have had every charge levied on the right wing and capitalist done on us. We defeated every legal suit, frivolous or delusional, won the freedom of our spouses, won back our life, caught the 911 terror masters, foiled a communist plot to overtake the country and world, pushed the left into the weak sewer and pit they crawled out of, educated every single General living on earth, restored the power and pride of the military, prevented future attacks, addressed the communist detente, and did a few other things. The least we can have the Pentagon and CIA do is address this constant baseless attack and this idea we are bums who draw a government check, fake royals and loons, hypocrites, too poor and weak to be self sufficient, and can be bought in a moments notice. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Sneaking into the Pentagon or CIA to Seek Approval and Recruit, by Author, June 17, 2009 -
The political charade and the malfeasance of this captured spy group and masterminds are reaching its boiling points. They know if they ended the premier debut of their new act; the stealth bombers would be on their way. That is the truth, when you strip all the smoke and mirrors from this impasse, dilemma, circumvention of the laws and monumental chaos; the stealth bombers would arrive tonight. So not only do we know, they know and they refuse to really address the matter. Moreover, in the previous chapter we described the total lack of parental spanking and even in some instances how spanking makes them more worthless and even more unstoppable. A truly stupid act and a defiant political act of treachery which has led the United States and so many other nations down a road of pitfalls at the hands of the creepy left wing and espionage masterminds of the world. The United States government at this time is even taking orders from the people we caught and how they sound off tactics and strategies meant to incapacitate and embattle the defenses against them.
So we will just let the attacking forces bill the Defense Department for all of this "stolen goods" and "damaged property" or bill of sale which we get accused of daily by some material royalty so artificial they are suicidal now and an excrement of confidence. It has to be worth something and this constant and police or political pressure by New York and a few capture moles can at least bill the Pentagon and CIA for some of these "legal suits" and this "contributing to the violence on liberals" which defines "hate and racism" in America. These attacks must stop and someone must begin to verify and begin to accept responsibility. The education alone is worth something and not intended to cause more attacks on the country but it is coming from "pigs" who want us to call them "dirty pigs" and a few stalkers and trouble makers. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Sneaking into the Pentagon or CIA to Seek Approval and Recruit, by Author, June 17, 2009 -
So the bigger spender is actually the loser when it is all said and done? That is the debate, how big can you spend and how large can you lie. Politicians are mere enablers, worthless to the cause; it is the spending and the lying which are the true guts and bones of the fish. They say if you live by the sword, you die by the sword. If you live by the lie, you die by the lie. If you live by immigration, you die by immigration. If you live by the debate, you will forever be debating. If you live by the party, eventually the enemy will figure a way to take you down.
Good things must not last forever, or do they? Again, there is smoke and mirrors everywhere and voters are not only misinformed; they readily ingest massive disinformation by the same politicians who lie and spend their way into power; maybe not for themselves but certainly for someone else. Being misinformed and having a voracious appetite for disinformation is a recipe to produce an idiot, a liar, a gullible tax payer, and a serf out of who they wish to become. We don’t really know who we are dealing with so we cannot determine what human beings truly wish to become or transform into; good or bad?
So a trillion limit, take it or leave it, has to be worth the education alone. They have one week or seven days to bill the Pentagon, take a leave it and file a documented bill of sale, service, or damaged and stolen goods. Take it or leave it, no other complaints will be considered legitimate after the seven days. No further legal law suits will be accepted or filed as legitimate after the date posted, we are being accused of the kitchen sink and near criminal behavior which increases surveillance and this meddling. It is attack after attack by them. If they loose two trillion dollars and get fired, it is no fault but their own. If they feel the need to file a request for payment or bribe, and request for extortion, then two trillion will be our limit and last call. Last call, means last chance. That is the least the federal government can do and if New York is serious; they will not walk away from two trillion dollars. It just has to be documented. We have documented our complaints and dated them until it can be resolved or the investigators complete the case. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Sneaking into the Pentagon or CIA to Seek Approval and Recruit, by Author, June 17, 2009 -
These points were cleverly taken to heart in Albany, New York (Not Iran) in the month of June 2009 as a coup led by a sports team franchisers upset and blocked the embattled state to delay the coming storm of tax increases and spending proposals. Even the rich are fleeing the state; imagine what is occurring with the poor. In Iran, eighty five per cent of the population voted in the June 2009 elections as free speech and protests were at a level which was only seen in the late 1970s when the Ayatollah led a fundamentalist revolution. People are rising up and in the oddest parts of the world; the powerhouses and the powerbases. It won’t be long until there is a shooting war or some semblance of the McCoy feuds. To quote the governor of New York, “The People’s business is being denied at this time because of Constitutionality.”
Go and sneak into the CIA and see how they treat you. Call them every single day. Keep asking them to have talks and a conference with you. See what happens and how far you can get away. When you are in a danger zone; you run the risk of bodyguards, security, and being told to leave. It is how you preserve mission integrity and morale. Walk in there or an impermissible zone and pick a fight and lions and tigers will show up with official badges and markings. Don't do it and if you are in pain; then do not walk into a danger zone injured; it invites the killer instincts. Acting tough and losing badly is a very weak trait. Also, nobody wishes to talk to trouble makers. If you sneak into or break through a military checkpoint or gate, sneak into the CIA, or take pictures of the Pentagon all day long; first they will be a little ticked off and then they will open up on you after asking nicely. Don't fight it. If you are an official police, take your squad car and park it in the CIA or Pentagon and sit there. Eat a fat donut while you are at it. Do not say anything or do anything, just sit there; then drive around. We need to address this death wish and suicide by cop killing. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Sneaking into the Pentagon or CIA to Seek Approval and Recruit, by Author, June 17, 2009 -
The lift wing, in their response to the issue of scarcity is strangling the financial freedom of both the rich and poor; but the affect on general quality of life and freedom is disastrous, almost despotic and nonsense. Politics is beginning to become a team sport to steamroll over the other team while the victorious people are also the most stupid and vile. They have no life already and fear the sanctions of greatness which they have rejected from the start and which led them to the bottom where they engage in nightmares about being starved when the exit missed and the brake peddle is never considered.
How do we sign up after one week? Who is your recruiter? We need a business card. One week and only one week to play a lethal and real card or shut the elf up. At least show me some terrorist recruitment tool which I can stuff down your pathetic mouth and confident excrement we stepped on. Tell the police recruiters to take their squad car and park it in the CIA and Pentagon or shut up. This harassment and intimidation goes on day after day and year after year and all you left wing communist have left is lies, empty promises, terrorist recruitment tools, corruption, and this lie and empty promise we are trying to seek permission or your approval. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Sneaking into the Pentagon or CIA to Seek Approval and Recruit, by Author, June 17, 2009 -
It is merely a state of existence where regrets dominate over stupidity; and an odd mix of sadism and anger breeds violence. Constitutionality is what the governor drinks from when man is killing man or when ape is killing ape; it is what makes the country great and those in it much greater because it is designed to smash the left wing and the liberals for immigrating to its home. This is why they seek to overwrite, violate, and trash it by violating every meaning in our existence and nationhood.
There is the truth and there is the challenge, take it or leave it but for gods sake, STFU. Stop this nonsense about your liberties, there is the ultimate expression. Why are you oppressed and discriminated or targeted because of your race? Who is stopping you from this challenge and open challenge we keep hearing of about how we are seeking your approval and permission. Maybe you are a jackass and will not go away or shut up? Maybe you are so stupid and worthless you do not know what to do; so we give you what you are telling us. If you truly wish to talk, then here is the chance in one week. After that, do not use the excuse you are the police, you wish to talk, or we are seeking approval. After one week, you are not interested in talking any longer. If you are this stupid and crazy, then we will definitely know you are for real. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Sneaking into the Pentagon or CIA to Seek Approval and Recruit, by Author, June 17, 2009 -
In response to the debate, an upstate University Professor, James Gardner (not of the Rockford Files and who does not drive a Camaro or lives in a trailer unit in California) has written a book to fit in with the timing of the Albany melee. The governor went on a scornful rampage the following day to drive back the coup in the legislature because neither party was happy with the results; people were still fleeing and mostly the rich and successful. The issue is the term limits and trying to remove the falsely guided egalitarian legislatures who occupy a position for up to three decades, yes 30 years in a state assembly while the entire state goes up in smoke. They cannot escape the idea how bigger spenders make bigger messes; but the Buffalo University professor came out to ask what political campaigns are for when the voters have already decided and made up their minds prior to the election. He says that personal persuasion is only a way to determine how people think and the electoral process stops at the waters edge.
The cyber war and attacks. Official business and surrendering property. In order to file a claim for cars, houses, internet service, or police services; you must first document the time, place, and costs. then I will contact the federal government or ask you to bill the Pentagon, CIA, or FBI; you must fill out a claim before you ask for payment. If you are the police and offering police services, your supervisor must be told of the services and sign off on it before you request or resort to cutting off services or disrupting official government services; it can cause you to loose your job. The military can demand the surrender of your business or home but unless you are instructed to file a claim, there is no crime. It is up to you whether or not you wish to bill the government or the military. If there is a legitimate complaint and a real deficit in payment then the best way is to bill the appropriate people and clear the cloud of suspicion. It sounds like fear of punishment or arrest by this police, vigilante force, and harassment effort. We have the power and ability to file a complaint and cut off their services or surrender any property if we are attacked, in hot pursuit, and an invasion is in progress. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Sneaking into the Pentagon or CIA to Seek Approval and Recruit, by Author, June 17, 2009 -
This is the legendary “army of the damned” and therefore, every effort they try to get ahead actually ends up as debt, two steps backwards, or some new mess of a disaster. Even when they tried to recruit and reunite with us; the same result occurred; the world wants to strangle and kill them. Is it not a surprise to everybody why they live on the idea it is hate and racism which binds them to a fate so misconstrued they really are lost for words? But then is this not them who refuse to do the right thing and choose the best and perfect calculus? How is it we discovered a terror and communist plot to overthrow the government so logical and visible; we cannot arrest, stop it, or kill it? Why is this or does anything work? We must be drowning in lies and people must be loosing their life savings and future because it is a bad dream and not reality? We know it is for real and they contacted us and told us everything about what they want us to do or become. The effort to take them dead or alive is ongoing and it should kick up ten times more.
Disrupting service and official business or investigations by the federal government. Furthermore, I do not spend money or my own money on official business but we do report when a fight or a problem exists which can make matters much worse. It is up to the police to cooperate with the federal investigations and if they wish to bill for services and make it official; it can save their job. There was a cyber war with this enemy and a lot of property damage along with vandalism. If they want compensation; they must file a complaint and bill the government first and foremost. We were in hot pursuit and they might have destroyed things or were caught in the cross fire. Honestly, we do not know. If they cyber shoot, then it will have return fire. If it was friendly fire, they have to report it and make a claim. We do have well trained bodyguards and security as royals but we hardly use them because we are skill and well trained commandos. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Sneaking into the Pentagon or CIA to Seek Approval and Recruit, by Author, June 17, 2009 -
We cannot figure it out either or how these matters crop up with such feminine confidence and religious appeal. How is it you try to better your life and end up with massive debt, total failure, and endless excuses to escape a fate so twisted it is embarrassing? Is this to merely anger others or is it to create a climate where death by suicide exists on sides, the right and the left? If so, then this is why they are copy-catting, mimicking, using identity theft, and rewrite our biography and biology to fit their total imperfection and warped reality of stupidity. So we did not capture a communist and terrorist plot, cell, or masterminds; we caught an idiot pretending to be one. This is why the localities are warped and on their knees with debt. This is why politicians are in a game to be the biggest spenders only from who spends on them for lies. Politicians are enablers; they are not spenders but instead lie for those who do. We were their recruits and future goon leaders.
Here is the problem. When Reagan was in power, he addressed the oppression and the “hate and racism” by allowing a few of you to serve and take orders from him. Now you criticize his work, steal it, reverse it, and then do the same tricks Ann was showing you (photo ops, first time ‘best friend’ pictures, rumors and innuendos, and total lies) as a broken and pathetic political career. You all are complaining about the country and at the same time you take advantage of it or demand we open the door for you. Now you tell me and us you are in control, served under God knows who, and have a resume to show for it. That was Sean’s full deception and spy ring trick. You were demanding actions to the complaints your “doomed fate” and “army of the damned” experience was in America and it clearly shows you took advantage of the kindness of others. Show us your death wish. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Sneaking into the Pentagon or CIA to Seek Approval and Recruit, by Author, June 17, 2009 -
This communist and terrorist spy group who kidnapped us and who we apprehended and caught actually think we are starving them and preventing them from getting ahead or improving their lot. They immigrate here and play all these tricks on us; then grab at straws about how they are being starved, we are in the way, we will not share with them, we are oppressing them, we are their prisoners, we are this and that; what about them? Who are they? So why do we get these results and all this failure if it is intended to better their lot and not make them starve or go blind? So why are they being hunted down and why are they behind the terror plots, is it because others are starving them or is it because they are being hunted down for no damn good reasons? This political message of how the left is not easily scared or scared off is not convincing but what is more convincing is the argument of their stupidity.
Then you try to present yourself as family or close friends; my god, if we had best friends likes this; we would be terrorists and communists. You do it to women and those you are obsessed and stalking; trying to hurt for denying you and rejecting you. We really make superior staff for both you and Rush as he has explained with the “dog and cat” analogy. It is sick and disgusting behavior when people figure you out. Does it matter who you are or if our allies? You worship the devil. That is pushing the naughty limits don’t you think? I hope you do not have video and watch it of us and get your kicks or joy. At least you know what to bargain and deal with; or use to lure us to this spy ring and terror plot. We caught you coming out of retirement and a 40 year hibernation to fix this problem with your plot and ruinous elections. So you will be a martyr and will go down with guns blazing to keep up this protest and reversal? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Beat It, Untouchable, Got Caught, Now Trying to Beat it Again; by Author; June 25, 2009 -
Maybe we are not the most intelligent bunch to make an appearance on this earth but we know traitors and spies when we see them no less a cold blooded murderer who should and will be shot. Our hell on this earth came at their hands and lies; people suffered from their inability or defiance to do the right thing and choose the best answers; they call it superiority and we call it pure stupidity. Who is right and who is wrong here? Can they at least or are they able to at least give us a decent and respectable answer before they wrap the flag around us or pull this seniority and rank game they are also trying to suggest we take orders from them and have to share our reality with them now? There is a limit to everything and they are well beyond it. They are not getting starved; they are getting hunted down like an animal for a very good and very healthy reason.
You are the losers and in last place going after those in first place or royals. Worse you’re the Gestapo and the police are the only way you can win; so we guess last place is where all the threats are and why you need the police. You are not and definitely not protecting America or know anything about the country you live in even if we have to listen to you daily excuse your behavior about how it is your home. You are in last place, after that it is jail, what home is that? So why are you doing things which will affect or exert this stink of yours to our life and spread this anger about you nobody cares or knows what to do? Drink the cool-aid, “we can improve the system… insist everybody goes… (communist plot in reversal and law suits for reparations of hate and racism in America) 6/25/2009 7:19:37 PM”; yes we know all about the communist and terrorist plot and what you had been up to. Why do you think you are in so much trouble and pretending to be fitting in and have no worries? We know all about the improvements you had been trying to do before disaster befell you. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Beat It, Untouchable, Got Caught, Now Trying to Beat it Again; by Author; June 25, 2009 -
Something is going on in the world and it is not as if change or reform is occurring in some back draft of the Amazon or in the jungles of the rain forest. It won’t be long until the economic, cultural, political, and military significance sound off massive demonstration and demands for reform and restoration. It is too bad Obama, the current United States President, cannot be part of it as he leads the opposition side and those who will be on the receiving end or the damage. It is the left who is strangling the global economy and taxing all decent and rich people to hell. People are begging for freedom and not to be some victim of social justice as their financial freedoms are depleted by animals with oratory skills. Does that contribute to the violence on liberals or is it their unmanageable reality which finds value and friendship in subjective and personal experiences others do not identify or associate with? Maybe we are in the same dual reality and rivalry as Iran?
Whether it is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Weather Underground, Central Park rapists, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Jim Jones and the People's Temple, welfare recipients, Palestinian terrorists, murderers, abortionists, strippers or common criminals -- liberals always take the side of the enemies of civilization against civilization. In the view of The New York Times, every criminal trial is a shocking miscarriage of justice -- except the ones that actually are shocking miscarriages of justice. - NYT: DUKE LACROSSE PLAYERS KILLED MEREDITH KERCHER, by Ann Coulter, www.anncoulter.com ; June 17, 2009 -
Several states in the union toyed with disaster after the collapse of the economy. Both California and New York were pushing close to 50 billion is deficit spending and lost tax revenue; but rather than making necessary reforms or efficient changes, they skirt around the topic and manipulated the system to hide this effort to better the state which in almost all instances lead to failure and debt. So in the state of New York, the Buffalo Sabre’s franchisee that in the last month was active in the national political issues moved his residence and had spent over 5 million on the past election to support the Democrats for reform policies. That investment was ignored and as usual from politicians, empty promises are sacrificed at the behest of seniority and political poison who have been sitting around for over 20 years in Albany, the capital.
Thus, in last week's Times, Timothy Egan wrote about a shocking miscarriage of justice being carried out against a "high-spirited" American girl accused of murder by a crazed prosecutor in Perugia, Italy…Amanda Knox, her erstwhile boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito, and another man, Rudy Guede, stand accused of murdering Knox's roommate, Meredith Kercher, on Nov. 1, 2007, at the house Knox and Kercher shared with two other girls in Perugia. Egan triumphantly cites an "outside expert hired by CBS News" who calls Knox's prosecution, "the railroad job from hell." Egan does not mention that the "outside investigator" is Paul Ciolino of the "Innocence Project," whose investigations always seem to conclude that the accused is being railroaded. - NYT: DUKE LACROSSE PLAYERS KILLED MEREDITH KERCHER, by Ann Coulter, www.anncoulter.com ; June 17, 2009 -
So the coup in the northeast sector of the United States was congruent to the reality which was a very similar sentiment of the tea parties all over the United States for tax reform and the restoration of trust and livable conditions. People do not trust their leaders and they have a lot of reasons to feel this way. However, the California coup had not transpired and the budget plans did have a chance to be deliberated. In Albany, the individuals who led the very distasteful counter-offensive were digging in for a fight. A defection by two Democrats in the lower New York districts put the favor in the Republican side where a new majority was voted in and a new leader replaced what had been twenty or more years of incumbency.
True, the defense has tried to minimize all the evidence by throwing out the old "contamination" chestnut, but without proof of systematic contamination of the evidence, this is just a boilerplate defense, much like "but he hit me first." (Next the defense will be vowing to look for the "real killer.") …These are only a few examples of the wildly deceptive account of the Amanda Knox trial printed in the Times. The reason this is important is that this is how the Times portrays all criminal prosecutions: Ruthless prosecutor railroads innocent bystanders for mysterious reasons. (Unless the victim is a late-term abortionist or the accused is a Duke lacrosse player.) The only difference in the Knox case, compared to run-of-the-mill criminal cases, is that the copious foreign reporting on the case makes it child's play to see how egregiously the Times is lying this time. I don't know if Knox murdered her roommate, but I am sure that America's news coverage of this case is a crime. - NYT: DUKE LACROSSE PLAYERS KILLED MEREDITH KERCHER, by Ann Coulter, www.anncoulter.com ; June 17, 2009 -
Moreover, it was reported how the budget was rammed down the legislature by the most powerful New York politician, Sheldon Silver, who yields power from the lower end and out of New York City. That budget was filled with hidden taxes and just about every kind of tax imaginable to mankind. Nothing was spared and if it breathed air, it was taxed. There were luxury taxes, there were property taxes, there were things which no human could imagine or fathom could be taxed such as diet soda. If the term oppression had liberty than taxing was a really good way of making people feel that pain. So the removal of the leadership and the power drastically altered the next few months where the tax policies and the backroom side-skirting now has to deliberate and be debated before seeing light in the laws.
Psychiatrists explain that married people tire of one another after 10 or 20 years (it used to be seven years, as in that Marilyn Monroe/Tom Ewell film "The Seven Year Itch." Must be inflation.). Good marriages are the result of hard work. Forsaking all others is more than a wedding promise. It is a daily denial of one's lower instincts. Temptation is everywhere. The key to overcoming it is to realize you are fighting an adversarial force that wants to destroy you, embarrass you and cause ridicule to be heaped on the God you claim to worship. - The Voice Claims Another Victim, by Cal Thomas, www.townhall.com ; Friday, June 26, 2009 -
We love to see bad politicians toppled, made to suffer, and even arrested; so this was a step in a good direction and a positive future. Again, you play by the sword, you die by the sword. This is about power and the raw animalism of politicians who are here to not only express it but abuse it. In all fairness and honesty, we have much better things to do in life than to waste our time and breathes on such a vile creature invading and threatening our life but it is beginning to become enjoyable and so easily as the naked emperor and curtains fail to hide the experience and tricks of these people. We have also seen these types all over the world and we know they excuse themselves by doing a few good things to balance out all the bad things they have their fingers in. So this problem with scarcity continues to be rejected in the biggest states in the Union by the same people who claim to be doing good and respecting the laws of the land.
There was a time when a divorce would disqualify someone from public office. Now people admit affairs and expect to stay in office. "It's just sex," said defenders of Bill Clinton. One might as well say, "it was just a gun" that killed my spouse. Adultery wounds in ways a bullet cannot. One can potentially heal from a bullet wound, but a shot to the soul and to the trust that must be central to any marriage is nearly impossible to repair. The wounded spouse always wonders, "Will he/she do it again?" - The Voice Claims Another Victim, by Cal Thomas, www.townhall.com ; Friday, June 26, 2009 -
What exactly is that statement meant when it is repeated on both sides of the aisle? When terrorists say, “contributing to the violence against liberals” do they mean we are not “down with the struggle and not with the revolution” or do they mean we are phony soldiers? Well, to have a phony soldier, you begin with a phony war, a phony draft, and a phony fight; then complete it with rewards and enormous honors and you fulfill what is called phony soldiers. This is the army of the damned and they fight the same battles.
Not since “The Passion of the Christ” has a film depicted a public execution in such graphic detail. In the approximately 20 minutes during which the killing unfolds, the camera repeatedly returns to study the battered face and body of the title character (Mozhan Marno) as she is stoned to death. Buried up to her waist in a hole dug for the occasion, she is pelted with rocks and profanity by the male villagers, including her father, husband and two sons, until she dies. - A Film About Iran Whose Time May Have Come, by Stephen Holden, www.movies.nytimes.com ; June 26, 2009 -
Although erstwhile and insipid remarks, it this thinking process is a barbiturate to the chance of clear thinking. It is a laceration to the inner depths were disease and sadistic impulses breed and fester like a grainy and sandy life experience where reality is hostile and not real to the mind; the minds seeks comfort and safety; thus, it creates myth, fantasy and various coping mechanism. The fantasy can be very lengthy but is this phony soldier or does it contribute to the violence against liberals and the lift wing?
The condemned woman is innocent of the charge of adultery brought against her by her sadistic husband, Ali (Navid Negahban), who wants to get rid of her so he can marry a 14-year-old girl. According to ancient Islamic law, a wife’s adultery is punishable by death. Ali pressures the corrupt local bigwigs to prosecute her based on the rumors he ignited and false evidence they coerce from a widower for whom she has worked as a housekeeper. - A Film About Iran Whose Time May Have Come, by Stephen Holden, www.movies.nytimes.com ; June 26, 2009 -
We take back the beginning and ask who in this world do we know who would actually snatch college talent or graduates in the middle of the night and try to turn them into the excrement of confidence or phony soldiers? Yes, snatch college graduates in broad daylight and turn them into financial guardians of the liberal and lift wing; thus, handling and cooking the books for spies, terrorists, radicals, politicians, union goons and a host of crony crooks and criminals? Government is their bank, the public is their customer.
Visually as well as narratively, the movie embraces extremes. The village is arid, the countryside around it paradisically lush. In one scene birds flying out of the bushes are compared to angels as John Debney’s mystically overawed music pours on the syrup. Almost everything is either-or. Soraya is a beautiful martyred innocent and Zahra a stormy feminist prophet. With the exception of the mayor (David Diaan), who has qualms about the execution, and Mr. Caviezel’s reporter, who appears only briefly at the beginning and end of the movie, the men are fiendishly villainous. - A Film About Iran Whose Time May Have Come, by Stephen Holden, www.movies.nytimes.com ; June 26, 2009 -
Who would do such a thing? Who is capable of such a thing: who has a rap sheet already to be this talented and this skilled? Who in their right mind would pull a grand hoax on this nation and be actively seeking personnel to fill financial positions where they are the guardians of war criminals, liars, terrorists, liars, cheaters, thieves, and a whole slew of miscreants? Can it be the army of the damned, or maybe the lift wing, or even bigger and bolder liberals, or maybe real life communist moles who have infiltrated government? Who can lie, cheat and steal on this level and with this much bold excrement?
How do you stump the best investigators, the best spy hunters, and the most analyzed terror plot ever? How do you call off a raid on the left wing and liberals when they are protesting a war which they felt contributed to their demise and incited violence among their ranks; no less all of their political careers? Can we build a list of suspects and begin to rule out the most obvious choices or leads? When they say they are the police, “pigs” as they call them; it is no joke or effort to ridicule. They have stumped and know how to stump terror and murder investigations with this phony soldier and phony cop scam. What they do is dress up as the opposite or the most effective enemy.
In this account and others, the Myerses seem less like shady characters out of a spy novel than like some of the more adamant residents of the leafy, left-of-center New York suburb where I live. They, too, as the Post has it, manifest "a deep and long-standing anger toward this country," and they certainly share Mr. Myers's rage, as recorded in his diary, at America's oil companies and health-care system. - Liberal Discontent and the Spies Next Door, by HARRY STEIN, www.online.wsj.com ; June 26, 2009 -
The ordeal and the observations we randomly discovered by infiltrating and launching counter offensives to shut down each and every one of the frivolous legal complaints say they suffer from fear of prosecution for war crimes. Even the left wing is going after the terrorists as cold blooded murderers; thus, we can fight them at some other time. Right now, we need to worry about the crimes already committed. We need to worry about the emissaries sent to defend and make legal excuses. We need to worry about the cover up and the efforts to blame some other known suspect or enemy.
That the Myerses' politics appear indistinguishable from today's garden-variety left-liberalism has not been lost on conservatives. One wag on the Web speculated that the couple would beat the rap by pleading insanity based on Bush Derangement Syndrome. "Here's the shocking part (kidding)," noted Gateway Pundit's Jim Hoft. "A Walter Myers from Ashburn, Virginia donated to the Obama Campaign this past year." [Espionage then and now: Hede Massing (above) and Walter Kendall Myers and his wife, Gwendolyn.] Reuters - Liberal Discontent and the Spies Next Door, by HARRY STEIN, www.online.wsj.com ; June 26, 2009 -
We were never “down with the struggle” being “pigs” and we had law suits filed against us for this “war” where military actions against the left wing contributed to the political demise of their career and also incited legal violence against their organization. It was an impolite and pliable annoyance intended to stick and make an utter mess. It was intended to chase away demons and human courage; a right to be honest and fair about the entire matter. If we have defeated and escaped every single “law suit” filed on the right wing by the left wing; why do they keep saying to let the courts fight it out when they add more charges on their rap sheet and have not reconcile those already guilty of?
In fact, the alleged spooks are walking clichés, their every political and social attitude reflecting the mix of self-righteousness and naïveté that is the basis of post-1960s liberalism. Hugely privileged -- the great-grandson of Alexander Graham Bell, Mr. Myers went to prep school and sailed a 38-foot sloop -- the couple idealized the poor. Seamlessly, they moved from antiwar activism to pro-abortion activism and then, in the fullness of time, along with everyone else, to environmentalism. He was an academic -- enough said. She got into politics, like so many others, via the McGovern campaign. They grew pot in their basement. And, yes, they spied on behalf of Castro's murderous regime not for the money but on principle. They'd been searching for a sense of meaning. - Liberal Discontent and the Spies Next Door, by HARRY STEIN, www.online.wsj.com ; June 26, 2009 -
The attacks on women within our society and at the work place is reaching a novel point where a double standard applies when it is meant as a pernicious attack rather than a comedic talking point to raise alarm to serious life issues and concerns. Conservatives like to criticize a lot and when they do not embellish conservatism, they get labeled a hypocrite and not living up to the same standards which they level others with and demand respect for. However, cross current to conservatism is the idea that all women stick together and share the same experiences; thus they have the same haircut, they run at the same speeds, they do things always together and are a support group, do not date until they are in their 40's (again), and most of all have it good until someone does them in. These attackers forget that goofy stupid human beings come in all shapes and sizes; but are not formed and fitted by one race, gender, or callous.
But here's the thing: What makes them clichés is that there are so many others like them. In left-of-center precincts across America, from the Upper West Side to the studio lot where Sean Penn is filming his latest movie, and including countless college campuses in between, Fidel Castro is even now regarded with understanding and, yes, something like affection. True enough, some have qualms about his abuse of political prisoners and, even more so, his treatment of gays and people suffering from AIDS. But, overall, people have a soft spot for the guy who not only took on the big, bad U.S., but did so with such élan. Castro would certainly be welcome at any dinner party -- as opposed to, say, a Republican! - Liberal Discontent and the Spies Next Door, by HARRY STEIN, www.online.wsj.com ; June 26, 2009 -
So these comments about underage children meeting predators or known sexual offenders and superstars are insignificant to say the least condescending to many family oriented values. It is the same abuse that women and most especially young girls complain about all the time; such as this demand for family orientation and to understand how they can improve their own situation. Life for a woman is not merely encapsulated around care of young children or infants; that now is the reservation for men while women are the bread winners as in the case of many conservative women and future leaders.
"I would say that you and anybody else are extremely naive to believe the very convenient excuse of David Letterman the other day. He took a couple of days for him to think of that excuse; but ah no, he wasn't talking about my daughter who was there with me at the game (the 14 year older) he was talking about some other daughter. Well I think it is a weak excuse and regardless it was degrading comment about a young woman and I would hope that people would really rising up and deciding its not acceptable, no wonder young girls especially have low self esteem; in America. And we think it is funny for so called 'comedians' to get away with being able to make such a remark as he did; and that is acceptable... “– Sara Palin Responding to David Letterman; June, 2009 -
There are two levels to the spy group we caught or are in the process of apprehending and annihilating. They are targeted and have exposed themselves in the United States; they militaries of the world are on them and a hair trigger from raiding or dealing with them appropriately. So there is a national level and a local level. Like all insurgencies, their goal is access and to defeat security. Therefore, they must go around the barriers that defense forces erect and also those that develop while the effort is put forward. So access is the first goal and problem. We know this to be bugging our house, living in close proximity, using locals and union agitation techniques along with harassment to drive people out of their homes or off their property. Some event must upheaval them from their current address.
“I connect the dots to a degrading statement made about young women and that does contribute to some acceptance of abuse of young women. Let me read to you something I received in the middle of the night... Take it how ever you want to take it. It is a comment that came from the heart, Willow would no doubt want to stay away from David Letterman after he made such a comment and you can interpret that however you want. No it is not in bad taste. Hey, maybe he can't be trusted because Willow has enough of these types of comments so maybe Willow would want to react to him in a way to catch him 'off guard!' That is one way to interpret such a comment. Here is the problem Matt, the double standard that has been applied here... family is off limits... but here again... “– Sara Palin Responding to David Letterman -
The next part after access is daily harassment. Consider what the goal is with the 911 plot and the terror plots of the past. If it is and was a hate group; we would not be yelling at them day after day to go away and to consider the costs associated with their superiority or supremacy which is a grand hoax to affect our way of thinking. These are hardcore and professional spies; trained to agitate and fight to the death. What will stop them or the only thing on the landscape which is effective enough is “death by cop suicide”; other than those last seconds of derangement; they basically have no life or other life goal. This plot by the left wing and communists is about hate and racism. The brainless effort is also the reason why it fits them so quietly and uniquely; we are dealing with people who a truly stupid and have a lot of emotional problems. They are as close to a child molester and a rapist as you can possibly get without stepping over that line.
I am willing to bet one million dollars, if I had it, that once you are fired for conspiracy and terror charges; you will keep silent. You will keep silent even if your employers demand to know the story and the spy ring. Even if you are starving and your kids were in rags, you still would act like Rush right now. I cannot believe how awful and worthless your breed is when you say, “I am sick of being discriminated and poor.” You deserve to burn in hell and you are the antichrist and devil. A worthless breed that worries all the time about whether others will find out how worthless and troublesome you truly are; wait until the pressure and the hooks are sunk in you to make you talk or tell us the real story. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who Would Ruin 20+ Years of Happy Love and Relationships by Bombarding Us with Ruinous Weasels? By Author, June 19, 2009 -
After choosing a target, the politics of their “hate and racism” is reached by playing polar opposites. This too fits the psychotropic problem of observing them as having a bipolar disorder. We are talking about pure treason and with the intention of usurping the law and overthrowing a legitimate government. When they choose a good target; they consider the race of the individual first and foremost. The goal is to produce hate towards that particular race by proximity and access. So if they choose a black individual; they will introduce what appears to be hate groups, KKK slogans, and a host of white supremacist propaganda; maybe even in a harmless manner. The idea is to produce severe problems with that particular race day in and day out. To be and become the polar opposite and to scare and anger them to violence or some outburst while acting pathetic and useless; this then brings out the animal nature of human beings if done day after day without someone noticing or knowing.
Let’s see if we can count how many criminal acts that are… hum, one, two, three, and four… It is an insult you are passing out tea party tickets 6/25/2009 9:46:47 PM; you make it rotten; just like Iran, and just like America. Look at you now try to throw the blame back on me and Ann when you can face life imprisonment for kidnapping and then death for a terror plot or conspiracy. Tea Party tickets, “appeal to them and use this to… about to engage in behavior that has an impact on their family or children… exchanged emails with…” Yeah and I walk in a bar and score all the time also Sean. I honestly think you are a total nerd and a loser in high school and got worse as you got deeper in trouble and your life of crime. I am sure Ann loves your life of crime and what you are up too right? When you get a woman to stick up for you; let me talk to them before the bust and then after, cool? Just remember it is very serious for you and the way you act makes it worse and worse; you stonewall and drag your feet while you say you beat it and your intentions judge it. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Beat It, Untouchable, Got Caught, Now Trying to Beat it Again; by Author; June 25, 2009 -
We had a front seat and were able to observe them at work through the touches and magic knowledge of the neighbors who were taking orders and escalating the situation to Israel as they were caught red handed. Similarly, they were also being coordinated but loosely with the 911 suspects but they followed the same chain of command and orders. It is a think tank at the national levels meant to relay strategy, denounce opposition, call in hits and assassinations, and also garner promotions and finance. The local levels are where they get their hands dirty.
Would others among Castro's legion of liberal admirers likewise be inclined to spy for Cuba? Probably not very many. But probably more than you think -- if they were cultivated properly, as the Myerses were, and asked very nicely. Why? Because it would be cast as work on behalf of suffering humanity, in the struggle against the forces of rapacious exploitation. This is the romance of the left. Many conservatives wonder how seemingly intelligent souls, who recoil at the horrors of the Nazi camps or the torture cells of a Pinochet, can regard the despots of the left, many of whose murderous totals are even higher, with apparent equanimity. It is because in the emotion-fueled world of liberalism, it is words that matter most, and professed intent, not the facts. - Liberal Discontent and the Spies Next Door, by HARRY STEIN, www.online.wsj.com ; June 26, 2009 -
We have observed and had been surreptitiously creeping up on them for decades; now they are seeing us and we are also seeing them; brandishing our weapons and ears. We will win this one and the stealth bombers can arrive by dusk if they are not careful with the US military and the most powerful military on this earth. We don’t like them one bit and most especially what they are up to or toying with us. So if harm or some future predicament falls short of their expectations; we feel no remorse and need no explanations from spies and moles who vow to die at the hands of others and not fall on their own swords.
It has always been thus. Back in 1951, a former Soviet operative in the U.S. named Hede Massing, a key prosecution figure in the Alger Hiss case, wrote a memoir detailing her espionage work. "'What about loyalty to my country?'" she recalls one prospective recruit to her network asking plaintively -- an objection she successfully countered by arguing that "loyalty to humanity" takes "precedence over any other kind of loyalty." In various guises, such a sentiment is heard even more often today. Reportedly, the Myerses told an undercover agent they looked forward to sailing "home" -- meaning to Cuba. It is the same word by which their foolish, starry-eyed predecessors used to refer to Stalin's Soviet Union. - Liberal Discontent and the Spies Next Door, by HARRY STEIN, www.online.wsj.com ; June 26, 2009 -
The reason why we chose blacks as an example is simple; that is their biggest card, the race card. Had they chosen a Caucasian target, they would either use a Hispanic agitator or an Asian one to drive them away from debate and use the blacks to draw them in. That is how they play their strongest card. Thus, the white target would get day in and day out of scorning, stalking, and threats by Asians or Hispanics while blacks stayed away or befriended them.
Hey Sean, you are almost home, try harder, you are almost there and it is almost stolen and a total lie. Dig faster and try harder, you are almost there Sean, tell Rush do not give up and full speed ahead on the USS Weasel. You are secretly and fighting the gospel truth and a conspiracy to infiltrate our side. You just say your tax policy justifies all other lies and I do not think that is true. Sean just said he is “appeal to them and use it to… deeply misleading” and he says “sick and tired of them attacking this woman.” So Sean admits that Paling was created in order to “use this to appeal to them.” There it is, Sean says this is about “pay to play” and “exchanging it for a new system.” We call it soft money, self interest groups, and campaign finance laws. You call it pay to play instead. Sean escaped the Blogo controversy also. He is still holding his ground and says to dig deeper and full steam ahead; we are almost there, moral support, with us all the way, will stop when they pry his cold dead fingers from the microphone, and seeking approval. “He breaks his word all the time but nobody pays any attention to it… mocks… what he does…“ - Interview with Terror Suspects: Beat It, Untouchable, Got Caught, Now Trying to Beat it Again; by Author; June 25, 2009 -
On the flip side if the target or recruitment was intended for an Asian leader, they would use white subjects to be the devil or warp the mind. First is the ability to sell Catholicism on a higher level; another very strong card. What is more, using a white “rabbit” for the chase or cat and mouse game tarnishes and exacerbates the problems which traditionally are reserved for blacks and whites. The goal is to put the power in the blacks and thus they will gain because they are playing that card; race and hate in America. So the whites will be presented as utterly stupid, useless, angry, terrorizing minorities, uncontrollable and on automatic to attack like Nazis, and some genetic reject who has to be killed and disposed of. It is how you either sell Nazism or promote communism; two birds with one stone.
Let me repeat what was said in the last message. You are suicidal and in serious trouble. At most you will reveal the infiltrators and the spy ring on the right side but the truth is it all fits perfect as you are the eyes and ears for the left wing. This is your attack on us. When you are on the ropes, fired, and family is in the sewer; down and out like the ones upstairs; you will show us how suicidal you truly are as the terror suspects. Before, you said you were going to take your family with you; Intel says that was a false alarm. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who Would Ruin 20+ Years of Happy Love and Relationships by Bombarding Us with Ruinous Weasels? By Author, June 19, 2009 -
These are hardcore communists who take their orders from the national level. We had just observed them sound off medical insurance and “burying the Republican party” because the government will be in every aspect of human life to reduce cost or track abuse of spending. This is the left wing; they will only side with communist and weak policies meant to obligate, slow down, make dependent, make violent, and destroy the country no less the world. By using white subjects and bragging about how much of an idiot or how superior they are as flunkies and high school drop outs; they sound off this defiance and fight. The goal is to present the white race as worse than blacks; so you literally get an urban dweller who engages in the osmosis of urban dwellers and crack pipe behavior. It is a very bad and sorry sight; but it is skirted and sold as superiority. Who in their right mind can turn down violence on such a problem, exactly and it is intended towards the white race.
You keep saying to both Ann and me, “we are with you all the way.” Just like the dirt bag with the federal indictment upstairs, following to the kitchen, bathroom, etc… You have a mental disorder so severe you are dangerous and we are paralyzed to get rid of you. They keep telling us upstairs you all do not know what to do now, only lie and act like fugitives, suicidal also; “we don’t know what to do” and “they know everything” and “we do not want to die” is what she keeps screaming down here even if we want you captured dead or alive and to bag this spy ring and terror plot; our own kidnapping. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who Would Ruin 20+ Years of Happy Love and Relationships by Bombarding Us with Ruinous Weasels? By Author, June 19, 2009 -
Asian subjects or Hispanics present a problem to this group. The reason is the simplicity of selling the white-black plight and the slavery that exists between the two where one is constantly trying to humiliate and dominate the other. When an Asian target, selected for recruitment is chosen, something happens when you introduce white subjects who smell twice as bad as blacks, are twice as violent (or pretend to be), are twice as stupid, and are three times as needy and pretending to be superior or powerful. We will not even observe the total lack of academic merit or this idea how jobs make them confident and more of a nut bag, the point is they are a major nuisance and worse a communist element who is waging war on the country and have engaged in terrorism, cold blooded murder, and lawless usurpation of the Constitution.
You lie incessantly and are shameless. You do this or stalk us to torment us; you oppose us to torment us; and you are behind the kidnappings and the terror plots intended to torment us. You are not with us until you decide to break the silence and you will eventually in the gutter and prove how suicidal you truly are and neck deep in this terror plot. You know it, the upstairs people know it, I know it, the federal investigators know it; but you throw out the grandest act we ever have seen from your IRA or terrorist group of spies here in America. Not a bad effort had you not been caught and ripped apart by the security forces and Reagan Generals. I bet you are with them also; and want to sign on board. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who Would Ruin 20+ Years of Happy Love and Relationships by Bombarding Us with Ruinous Weasels? By Author, June 19, 2009 -
We cannot overemphasized this point, nothing is going to save them, not even black people, adopting minority or poor infants, and most especially the political operatives on the national level. Doing fund raisers, concerts, or wrapping the flag around them is not strong enough to save them. We can bag and bury this terror plot and communist plot today; then dispatch stealth bombers to the nation who is behind this by nightfall. That is something for them to think about or consider as a reality. If all of the above is true and we have finally uncovered this terror plot and attempt to manipulate and overthrow the legitimate regimes and governments of this world; they are in a serious predicament as we speak and the federal raids and soldier campaigns to eradicate them is for real. This world does not like or appreciate this type or these particular useless fags in our life and worse destroying our future purposely and daily. They know and have all the ability to stop the inevitable and to address this problem respectably or not; it is up to them.
Yes, you all were in the process of “remodeling… saw us as a threat… different…” or this 180 and reversal because we were supposed to deliver you jobs. Why the hell would we deliver jobs to a communist and terrorist plot? I am on a god damn mission, stop asking me for jobs and shut up; you are really screwing up my efforts to observe the footsteps and set my traps for an alien. For real, are you a complete fool or just a moron? I am not interested in bagging a communist and terrorist group and plot. Put my god damn seek and destroy mission back or else I go public with this. You will not like your life and you will be laughed at for messing up my god damn after the cold war seek and destroy which was so secret; we knew this thing was coming and I know how to beat it. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Beat It, Untouchable, Got Caught, Now Trying to Beat it Again; by Author; June 25, 2009 -
Spanking makes them more of a child molester, a worse rapist, overcome with sensitivity for each other and false images of them being victims of abuse. Spankings happen for a reason and this little tiny bunch to demand freedom, seek political asylum, to immigrate and torment us, and to also usurp and tear down the country. Stealth fighters are used on them because they have chosen this type of war and this stealth level; if they wish to come forward and address the matters; then it can arrive by dusk as mentioned. Now who wants to be entangled and to be mixed up with this bunch and this problem? Exactly, nobody in this world cares about them or for them no less wants them; why they chose America to immigrate to and try this on is beyond cognition or logic.
So why are the Irish upstairs moral support, is the stomping on my garden plants and pouring beer on them is your response to this lethal threat? If so, then let’s ask if they want the feds to serve the federal indictment on them next week instead of trying to get something bigger on them and put them away for life? If they want a mega fight; tell the prosecutors how they are with us all the way now and they are our moral support; this is their response and we are jealous and weak. Say that when they see their life gone and get a federal indictment for kidnapping and terror plots. Want to stomp on the floor more and stomp on more plants for this "moral support" and "with us all the way?" Tell the upstairs people to send a message how serious they are about this and how it usually ends up as a shoot out with the feds, "we did it for our family and to improve our life." We are not the same species and communists; thanks for kidnapping us and testing who we are and how it blew up on them. It got done back on them but we did not kidnap them; they stalked us and our spouse. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who Would Ruin 20+ Years of Happy Love and Relationships by Bombarding Us with Ruinous Weasels? By Author, June 19, 2009 -
As we said and are trying to warn, we are not cold blooded killers; these people must be stopped and destroyed. It is not their reality which can stop this or prevent future harm, we are sounding the alarm about the left wing, the liberals and this communist and terrorist group we were kidnapped by and are trying to apprehend as we speak on the national and local levels. They are that stupid and this much of a problem and spankings always work no matter what they say. Spankings always and already have worked but they just have not had enough.
Now someone is messing with my computer, internet, etc... But they refuse to bill the Pentagon or CIA when I am fighting a war. All expenses and damages if any must be at least filed or documented before you throw another accusation at us. It is you also. How about giving out flowers and Ruth Chris gift certificates. If you have a complaint or wish to bill the Pentagon or CIA; you got one week to file it or have your lawyer (Sotomayor) contact mine. Don't try to lie about it or bring it up over and over. You can file a billion dollars if you wish but do not say no chance to complain or document it was ever given. You must state for the Pentagon a legitimate claim. I get a stipend such as housing, food, etc... You cannot adjust that how you see fit. If you have services or wish to sell them a house, you contact them or my financial accountants (Ann). Bother or stalk her for money, she is a lawyer. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who Would Ruin 20+ Years of Happy Love and Relationships by Bombarding Us with Ruinous Weasels? By Author, June 19, 2009 -
Wrapping the flag around the double stinky and stupidity body while stealth fighters fly by and show their belly is exactly the problem and worse the effort. It is a worthless and useless bunch and there is a huge surplus of them in our life, this particular state, and certain areas of the country. Now they are a major threat and a rival military. They are cold blooded killers and need to be or deserve to be destroyed but that is what victim-logy and lying is about for a spy, traitor, or a communist mole who refuses to take the protocol of cool-aid and cyanide. They have changed it to death by cop suicide and no longer are ignorant to this tradition.
We have just been kidnapped for a full decade, our spouses life ruined, our biography rewritten, imprisoned on false charges twice, got our clearances revoked or blocked, and have had every charge levied on the right wing and capitalist done on us. We defeated every legal suit, frivolous or delusional, won the freedom of our spouses, won back our life, caught the 911 terror masters, foiled a communist plot to overtake the country and world, pushed the left into the weak sewer and pit they crawled out of, educated every single General living on earth, restored the power and pride of the military, prevented future attacks, addressed the communist detente, and did a few other things. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who Would Ruin 20+ Years of Happy Love and Relationships by Bombarding Us with Ruinous Weasels? By Author, June 19, 2009 -
These people think they are victims and we are not their genuine victims. Worse off, they feel they are being starved and abandoned because they are smarter, superior, and with a substantive quality nobody can understand or know. They also think or feel they are being hunted down by the world’s security forces for no god damn reason and we love to waste our time and life harassing them day in and day out because we do not have more important or better things to do. Imagine that, they are being starved or we are hunting them down for no reason or no good reasons. Why then are they in our life and doing this? Why then have they broken every single law ever written and find no solace and comfort in their own homeland? Why? Maybe we got them wrong and maybe we cannot see anything as they claim. Maybe they are only trying to better their life and we are in the way or trying to be a “statist” by erecting barriers or hindering the need for them to better their plight? Why then do we get these results and specifically this particular result?
The least we can have the Pentagon and CIA do is address this constant baseless attack and this idea we are bums who draw a government check, fake royals and loons, hypocrites, too poor and weak to be self sufficient, and can be bought in a moments notice. We are prisoners? We are oppressing the left wing? We are fighting wars which contribute to the violence on liberals? These are our masters? They threw the book at us? They won back the cold war? We are cop killers and resist their success? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who Would Ruin 20+ Years of Happy Love and Relationships by Bombarding Us with Ruinous Weasels? By Author, June 19, 2009 -
These people pretend to be caught in a difficult situation and how they are some victim of the circumstance when they are not. They pretend they are not easily scared off or easily scared. We wonder about the messages they are convey and ask if it is more convincing to just admit they are really stupid and helpless; then wait for the pity and mercy of others? They are no damn good and we know it. The rule of law they follow is we are racists and hate filled; but they are never communists or spies who deserve some form of punishment or wrath. So it must be true that if we are dealing with communists then they are also dealing with racists; either one is true or both. Who would you rather be a racist or a communist? We know we cannot escape that reality can they? We try to make an effort to not be racist; do they put forth any effort to be a communist such as not having kids or horrible ones; and the ones who get horrible grades or never go on to a thinking sport. Why?
So we will just let the attacking forces bill the Defense Department for all of this "stolen goods" and "damaged property" or bill of sale which we get accused of daily by some material royalty so artificial they are suicidal now and excrement of confidence. It has to be worth something and this constant and police or political pressure by New York and a few capture moles can at least bill the Pentagon and CIA for some of these "legal suits" and this "contributing to the violence on liberals" which defines "hate and racism" in America. These attacks must stop and someone must begin to verify and begin to accept responsibility. The education alone is worth something and not intended to cause more attacks on the country but it is coming from "pigs" who want us to call them "dirty pigs" and a few stalkers and trouble makers. I hope when you are rotting in jail, Israel volunteers to bail you out as spies and terrorists. We will see about that and how they react when you rot in jail. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who Would Ruin 20+ Years of Happy Love and Relationships by Bombarding Us with Ruinous Weasels? By Author, June 19, 2009 -
This overwhelming idea cannibal, barbarians, and those in last place do not want to be the first to go is as insane and ludicrous as the same ruinous elections and financial plans we see from the left wing and the criminal syndicates barking down “go home” at us. The problem with them is they are in last place and we are in first place; but do their police and this Gestapo care about the wrath of the mightiest nation; that is the question. If they do not, then why do they live under it or break it? That is why they are traitors and live a secret life so despicable they feel as if they are victims and in pain. We need to send in the US Army and destroy with near cold war madness and mastery; an idiot and a loser in last place telling those in first places to go home or how they are merely staff.
Did we mention meddling and rummaging through every single aspect of life beyond their own; they are in last place and they got there not by a quick sprint to first, but cutting down trees and polluting streams and rivers. We know the army of the demon is using crime to wage war on America and to exploit a communist plot, to edge ruin, and to supplemental an already social disaster. This is why they fight the same battles against the establishment and seek or recruit “messiahs” while placing them in death traps and murder plots.
Ann ignored it and said she felt you were behind it. I have seen you and you are a total criminal and weasel. You are a god damn communist mole and terrorists; did you forget to mention the Clintons? Oh you are so honest. Ann did not go to the Yankees game and went to a tennis game and then you come out with all this tennis crap. Ann said it was an anonymous pitch and someone made it up and she ignored it to figure out who claimed it; nobody did and she felt you were a "handler" who was recruiting and contacting her clandestinely. You all have violated every single law on the books and waged war on the country and you sit her and lie about this romance with Ann with shows the fraud and the fear of punishment. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Will Have to Take Them Out Now, They are Going in the Same Direction; by Author, June 10, 2009 -
Before they blow up their urban centers and drive the nation to ruinous debt by using spending to win them; remember who is being asked to leave; the first place or the last place. We can see the BS contrived for last place and the notes from the underground meant to take them to first place quickly. The only problem is the big space in between filled by terror, extortion, intimidation, crime syndicates, and terror plots. Soon we will have to send in Delta Force and the Rangers to take out their warlords and kill off everyone in the State of New York before they spread criminal syndicates all over the US and the world or grow the Democratic Party so big we are doomed.
Sean says, "Truthful" and "genuine" to the allegation by Ann. So Sean was up to know good. He is a cold blooded killer. He thinks Ann is in love with him and likes him; he is a dirty stupid Irishman and I don't mean to be up front but I have to deal with his contact upstairs. To them it is all about the unions. Sean admitted it and Ann threw him off with tennis. She said her father took her brothers and her to a Yankees game but nobody did as friends. I too have never been to a Yankees game. Ann said she ignored it and it grew bigger and bigger but she did take a defensive measure. Also, I asked her basic maneuvers we work on; did you throw flares, yes; did you get in front or rear, rear; did you do a counter, yes. Sean is stalking her as a handler he says "contacting to... relations and problems..." and 8:16:37 PM taping. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Will Have to Take Them Out Now, They are Going in the Same Direction; by Author, June 10, 2009 -
Now we must put up with some sinister plot to overtake the US and this weasel duty of being in last place and using the police as the Gestapo and union goons. When in last place the only people willing and able to help this bold and audacious menace are the police in Eastern Europe; shall we unleash them in America? So why then are the police in New York behind home invasions and terror plots in the name of hate and racism again? Is it because they are in pain or is it because they need a shoulder to cry on?
Now I have to be angered every single minute of every single day for a full decade, imprisoned, and listen to Romeo and the damned act and pretend they are cool and powerful. I happen to be on a very, very prestigious mission while yours will land you in jail your entire life. Sean says he wants to participate; maybe in the next lifetime when you come back as a weasel. You all are getting the full force of the law and the might of this country. If you think the public will save you, then that is your option, full speed ahead and dig deeper and faster. Who the hell is this woman acting like she is incoherent or psycho rambling? You cannot even get this mission and you sit there and act like you are in last place and falling; oh wait, backwards you act like you are in first place when truly in last place. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Beat It, Untouchable, Got Caught, Now Trying to Beat it Again; by Author; June 25, 2009 -
Who is also asking other to leave or invading their life to share it; is it the first place or the last place? Now we know why they are called traitors, not trusted, and wild hostile losers looking for a nation to let them roam free and brave; no other out there would ever tolerate and accept them; how did we managed to get kidnapped by them and become entangled by their sinister laws and gulag prison camps where the police are more underhanded than eastern European countries they derived from? Now who is it that does not want to go away and who is telling others to go away because of hate and racism problems?
New G. said because of our record and past; then because of his record and their shows; “nobody wants to help us” now. He knows the link with Vietnam and why this is also about Vietnam. That mole is from a US Army family as well; a traitor. New G. is in with him and he knows he is on the cover of USA Today; the front cover and who is reading this. The R revolution is over New G., “it is very sad… clearly the direction they are going in… do not care if your loved ones live or die.” Keep him in mind when they cart around their daughters Jackie, Liz, and several other psychos. Liz went bananas then put the cute face on. That is why these are the best spies and the most dangerous we have ever seen before. They beat the McLean and Portland Spy Ring. We would have never caught them but them trying to convince us this was racism and hate; a mass conspiracy to destroy them or the left wing. New G. said they are going in the same direction as us but we do not know who they are. Could New G. be doing bribes for the “army of the damned” and is testing people before kicking them out? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Will Have to Take Them Out Now, They are Going in the Same Direction; by Author, June 10, 2009 -
Is it the first place or is it the last place; we know which place we are in but do they know which place they are in or do they need to be put in their place for operating a criminal syndicate with such near misses and banana republic freedoms? We know this is a loser and a movement created for that sole purpose because you do not set the agenda or order people around while in last place and this material royalty of such fantasy, it caused the greed to collapse the global market and financial stocks. Did we mention ruinous elections and the debt who won them?
If they are that much of a champ, they can face the fire and fight the battles and doom we smashed and know all about. How did we get a black-eyed or a ruined life? Well, it took a few hits to make us made and give two black-eyed back. Of course, they will change or impose policy which protects the loser of a fight instead of the winners or who started the fight. That is what happens when you live with human lackeys that get shoved around because they are utter disappointments and do not want to leave or quiet down because they are in last place and demand welfare or government payments to substantiate or keep their lavish and broken lifestyle worthless to all except them and ruinous elections. At least learn to read and understand simple truths; that would help tremendously before they show us that dark and demented side of a loser who does not want to admit it or keep it ongoing. After last place the only other place is jail. What a joke they try to pull about how they are the heroes of the people and wish others to leave or go away.
Sean is stating how Israel has to take out Iran now and always looks at both sides of the problem and always adjudicates both sides legally, honestly, and fairly; this is why the conflict is almost a century long conflict and Israel has a long list of UN Resolutions demanding they bring to justice those who murdered UN observers, Lords, and to return the lands taken by the Palestinians. Oh nothing is going on with Sean and they were never caught as a communist and terrorist group in America. They were never caught spying and bribing politicians. It is just self defense and he has to take us out and now because it is mere self defense; we know what they are up to and will stop them or bring them to justice. Sean, you will have to kill over one million people; are you up for the challenge? You have to bomb and kill at least three governments, six intelligence agencies, and a lot of Special Forces commandos. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Will Have to Take Them Out Now, They are Going in the Same Direction; by Author, June 10, 2009 -
These people are clearly predators and bullies; however, when we tell them to fire, they go and hire the wrong ones again. Their credibility and honor in sponsoring or in positions which require some degree of honesty is unknown and open ended. This incompetence in firing and hiring suspects or the usual breed of suspects is nearly patronizing and solicits violence and severe anger to the pathological and criminal resistance. They must stop telling us “whatever we need” and insist they are on the staff or this total ban and “shoot on sight suspects” can be ignored or circumvented. This is pure and arrogant incompetence by predators and bullies. We do not care about what they did; we want every one with their finger print gone and this nightmare to end. The religion of last place is not going to turn them magically in to those in first place and vice versa; however, the religion of last place can be a quick fix to a worthless life or some secret worship of the left wing and the devil. If we could just educate and talk sense into our leaders most especially the 43rd and the 44th; the 45th would not be in such dangers.
I doubt if you will pass my background check, note my background check or get caught doing something really dumb. Yes, you got caught for a communist and terror plot because you went back to the scene of the crime when the military and special psychic commandos were going through for seek and destroy to finish it and find this god damn alien and supernatural force. Oh I am really terrified of you and all these goons and tough guys; wait till you meet the supernatural beast. You will loose your reality and your sanity; and that sucker will eat you alive. You do realize I am pretty high tech and I am sneaking a peek and observing the footsteps. We active a trap or node, then get rid of it when we do not get the response we know them for. Your stupid insane and nauseating lies fling insults and smears. That is our Neanderthal, not our alien and predator. We need the masters and leaders pulling your strings and then their strings. They respond and activate a node on the supernatural levels and I have lots of notes pertaining to this. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Beat It, Untouchable, Got Caught, Now Trying to Beat it Again; by Author; June 25, 2009 -
We are in the last shooting match on this earth and we cannot have one or even two sneak past us. Nobody goes from first place, if ever in first place, to last place unless they skipped the reform and rehabilitation parts of jail. Chances are they figure out a way to circumvent some process and went from last place to first place quickly and using some secret advantage of numbers similar to our enemy-allies and mortal enemies. Now the reality is hitting home and the last place is more suitable for the left wing and liberal movement because in last place the notes from the underground become the audacity of BS. When in last place you really do not have a home, instead you have a way to show who and what you are so that your actions do not affect or have measurable control over those in first places or going there without you.
Mark was not able to add anything to the above like Rush yet he is not supporting it or existing next to it. We have our space and he has his; he just loves life while we are having a horrible time but is or them behind this? So we are not happy and they are; thus, we are and “were” hating life and jealous? How perfect can our life become with them near or in it Mark? If he is linked to Rush and goes along; then he is a conspirator and involved. Is he toothless or with us all along and to the end? Mark is involved and very eloquent about it; but he just does not want to get involved in Rush’s problems and exploit their close allies. The first book I ever read on Israel was “Israel Alone” by Moshe Aryans. Look up “Israel Alone” and their book and ask Mark where all this suspicion came from? So they want a war and fight on the soil of the greatest and mightiest country? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Stand Up for the Right Side of the Struggle, by Author; Monday, June 22, 2009 -
We also keep hearing smack about this “whatever you want” or need while this total ban is in serious predicament. It is as if this case and terror plot is a complete mystery and we are not allowed and cannot seek the truth or get it right. If anything, we must quit or work for them and this horde of bully staff that are incompetent when it comes to firing and getting rid of this problem. There is a reason a shoot on sight for suspects has been passed down and why a lot of people are genuinely upset and near homicidal. One day it is about meanness and the next is about the meekness of a child molester and rapist who is or has been with us all along. Who is playing with whose mind here?
I am not hear to question your tax policies or how much money you have or make. I am hear to confront you for being a communist and terrorist group operating in the United States on a level so invisible, the CIA and FBI look foolish. You made us the fool also and we are winning back our life. Sean describes what you tried to do as “asking us the hardest questions” and Ann has confronted him on each and every fear, suspicion, and “law suit” as you said before you took off to your surfing ground. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Welcome Back: 1960s, Asking Hard Questions, Media, Frudge (banned), JFK-911 Plot and Movie; by Author; June 24, 2009 -
What is the big mystery to getting rid of and firing them? At most we get silence and sneaky retaliations while our demands are to stop meddling in the life of others altogether. The worst is the retaliation and the thousands of terror attacks, efforts, or ambushes along with the damages, vandalism, and police blaming us. Would it matter if they are directly behind it or ignoring and falsely answering us; we caught them in the act and meddling in our life and mission; now "we are dead?" The problem is when they are in government and staff; then all hell breaks loose and no results are possible because of this stonewalling.
Mark says “wishing to spread this… everyone in the room… infected evil… British hospital (Rush sounding off socialized medicine)…” if he is linked to Rush, then he is a suspect but he makes zero or no comments to suggest he is in or out of it. 6/22/2009 1:41:44 PM “Like the big shots… between patients… love the character…” Mark and Rush Limbaugh know we love the Jews and would never go after their spying efforts in our life and our mission; considering they might have wrecked it or stole it. The Vietnam War is and was not about liberals Mark and it did contribute to a lot of head bashing, dog chewing, and water gunning violence on liberals and the left wing. Is that embarrassing or are you doing it back on us; to blame us and make us repent? Mark knows the book “Israel Alone” was a diplomatic book and intended to spread the war and conflict with the Seven Day War in 1967. One year later, the TET offensive and all hell broke out in America. “(Union goons upstairs are stomping on floor heavily) Headache pill… go home… (Stormed out of building and such reasonable people today)” - Interview with Terror Suspects: Stand Up for the Right Side of the Struggle, by Author; Monday, June 22, 2009 -
So while this utter incompetence to fire the right people and get the right people in there; they meddle with every single aspect of life on earth while words and phrases are meant to cover up what they are doing such as “we are with you all the way” or “whatever you need” and “moral support” or “seeking approval.” If we have to repeat the same things over 100 times and wage war or near war to have real results and to stop state sponsored terrorism or harboring fugitives; then stop pretending to be staff scared out of their wits about the greatness and truthfulness of the country they seek to reap from, share and get a piece of, or exploit to their ends.
This is not staff and this is why a total ban has been imposed. This is how the problem begins and why we cannot get rid of them; we let one in and it grows bigger and bigger until nobody can get rid of them or fire them. Yet they call this the police and legitimate authority. Fire them and all of them before real problems are ever lasting. It is almost like a fugitive being raided and the same meekness of that rapist and child molester attitude. If they can respond to it and are conscious of it, then they can get results.
Mark is asking “what is our solution… very wealthy people (why they fear the mightiest and greatest nation but wish to rob it and seek its treasures)… company town… artificial process… reflects the market… pick up tab (called free market and best answer; who is complaining and have the charges on them for kidnapping; it is like they are completely unaware of what they are up to and doing)… not important… universal point… did not mean to insult you.” Is he the contact to this spy ring if so then he understands a charge d’affaire is and has been filed on them but we cannot identify them; so this is on the lethal and death penalty level; those are the rules of the game. We can tell they do not respect the rules and are not even aware of what they are doing or the charges on them; yet they respond to them. How do you read the charges and respond to them while not aware of what you are doing? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Stand Up for the Right Side of the Struggle, by Author; Monday, June 22, 2009 -
The people behind this ordeal and nightmare are not important, of worth, intelligent, and near victims. They have unleashed a nightmare on America and the world where they are caught in dire fear of the greatness of this country and our greatness. They insist and still insist they can beat us up and give us a spanking at any time so we behave around them. What is truly happening is we live with fugitives and a worthless breed who is an animal but the materialism and royalty covers up this raw idiotism which keeps them down? So now, in an effort to “beat us up” they resorted to kidnapping and seizing our life for this “total invasion” where they tick us off and make us so angry every single day. By angering others, they can impose total control and surrender terms because “if you cannot beat them, you must join them.” That is how insane this terror plot and communist recruitment is.
Mark is trying to argue he is a genuine capitalist and Republican or conservative like Rush. He is trying to make the case we are “big government” and not “the big F’ing military.” We happen to come from a spy hunter family and royalty; so communist or left wing impulses are very rare along with the many wars we have been in and shed blood over; and him or them? “Gladly agree to… plane to Edmonton… how many Americans agree to do that… that is socialized health care.” They are unconscious and do not understand who they are dealing with and what they are encircled by or the reality; what charges have you committed and done while he is using our fight as an argument like Rush. However, they respond to the world of trouble and the near death penalty with loaded legal defenses for a terrorist and spy group. This border Mark speaks of is a perspective; it depends on how you play the same fact or evidence. Whose side are you on? Like Rush, they are demanding recognition and respect for this material royalty and disastrous politics or financial history of liberals. How do they remain material royals? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Stand Up for the Right Side of the Struggle, by Author; Monday, June 22, 2009 -
The people behind this are liberals and left wing. While they “beat others up” and this kidnapping, which sounds more like a rape attempt if they were not hidden or unknown, they want to have the police ready and the police to turn their back or make arrests. It adds to the insult and anger. That is the terror plot and the agitation to make us mean and angry while they are victims and being assassinated because we are jealous or trying to revolt against their power. This is why the police have their hands all over this and the district attorneys and judges are involved in a murderous homicidal rampage. This is their last chance and they fear the greatness of this nation and our greatness; so these lies and scandals are to rise up on a system and overthrow the government.
Is this some joke? We are not behind the terror plots or meddling and conspiracy; are they? Why then are they defending or responding with no care for their history and what they are charged with? Mark, who do you know does this, the right wing or left; the Republicans or Democrats; the liberals or conservative? Who do we know kidnap and has a major problem with terrorism, hate, racism, and frivolous law suits about the cold war? We do not want and wish them in our mission; worse, even near us and “moral support” and “stand up for the right side of the struggle” or “with us all the way and to the end.” This is what they call sociopath and psychopathic behavior intended to drive us into terrorism and communism (ultra right wing) or with the left and liberals; is there a real human being out there? I would say you are under arrest but I have no police powers thanks to spies and rewriting my life; this is clearly a spy ring and communist propaganda; they are conscious of it. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Stand Up for the Right Side of the Struggle, by Author; Monday, June 22, 2009 -
These are hardcore communists. They are stuck. They know we are mean and will kill them in warfare, slaughter them with no conscience. So unless they can make us sympathetic and hold us down with some secret police; they have no chance if a shooting war erupts. They do not think we know this. They do not think we know what they are doing or can catch them. We know they are worthless and animals; thus, the goal is moral support and recruitment. They told us it works every single time and this is their secret weapon. They have been using these secret weapons since the 1960s and picking it up because they are in dire consequences. When we talk to their hidden leaders, they say “we are dead” and we wonder who we is.
I do not and would not describe it as asking us questions; more putting us in a situation or predicament where we must agree or crash and burn, get scorned all day, and face some endless consequence; thus the way you push others into the secret levels and this secret police hunting us; or the thought Gestapo who disapprove. How you interview someone for over a decade is hard to imagine or how they describe it. Also what you are asking and demanding; it is close to extortion if not blackmail and intimidation-threats. Fear of harm and punishments to make us behave or not resist your success is how your words describe terror plot recruitment. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Welcome Back: 1960s, Asking Hard Questions, Media, Frudge (banned), JFK-911 Plot and Movie; by Author; June 24, 2009 -
It is high in government and the police system. This was like putting us in the same cell with them day after day and being angered by disgusting and outrageous behavior while we bonded in struggle, oppression, and the same battles. Take a god damn bath and get a life. We can do the same thing back once we catch up and apprehend this problem. They even admitted it was intended to “tick us off” and “make us behave” while they “recruited and promoted us.” They are god damn spies and terrorists snaking in the life of others and even sitting right next to them while pick pocketing and plotting their deaths.
Controlled demolition Mr. Stein, “annexing a fifth of the economy… we think the United States has to do it now too… saw the payment system… the welfare state… the state… made them expensive… we can’t afford it now… the problem… a tough problem or budget one… changes the relation between nation and state… elections become about health care… Europe, Canada… how do we reduce the waste… waste time… foreign and defense minister are no longer involved (elections)… important things like jobs and health care… unaffordable… can afford to have a welfare state… do not have a credible military like the United States has… if go down that route, the entire system will be affordable (bail outs and spending on left wing and communism using banks and financial fraud)… why system so bad… leader in medical technology… leader in care… always loved debating the issues… my child Mr. Smartly was panicking… nightmare trip here… airport… airspace (how they are sabotaging our planes)… exactly… 6/22/2009 2:15:00 PM we are the experts on this… can handle it… (Laughing at us and joke) the whole Winger, that is the word we are looking for (Chinese terrorists)… whole health care is the nexus… want government to make decisions for me… a child (like military style and hours of exercise and combat)… regulate opinion… speech… once you accept you are not a self reliant child, a ward of the state… Quebec (prisoners of Canada)… fought for freedom… problem with these systems… becomes the defining (political victory and burying the Republican apparatus or free market)… “This border Mark speaks of is a perspective; it depends on how you play the same fact or evidence. Whose side are you on? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Stand Up for the Right Side of the Struggle, by Author; Monday, June 22, 2009 -
These people are empty and have a worthless life, yet they hold and cradle each other as if they are an innocent and precious baby in need of protection and protection. They tick off and anger people for up to a decade, two decades, and target companies and individuals, along with the police, because they keep saying an assassination plot on them is out there. So on one level the street trash is doing it, on the other is the police who insist they are searching for an assassination plot and coddling those behind this and this death trap. It is how they fight back when about to lose or die. Now they cover up the matter by insisting or pretending they are all the sudden protectors but were never animals and not an animal. That is the problem with materialism and this material royalty; it insults them and they are pure mean. Now we are pure mean and there is a great demand for death squads.
We have made all efforts to answer you and my lawyer has and is invited to your parties all the time. So we did try to put a stop to it and tell you we know everything you are doing and to be alerted of a coming wall of retaliation and a wrath so large you may want to take your own life. Shall I mention what you did to our negotiator and how you had murder plots, tried to “indirectly rape” her, and a host of surveillance and peeping tom jokes? Now you took two people and camouflage had to be used and evasion or flare methods. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Welcome Back: 1960s, Asking Hard Questions, Media, Frudge (banned), JFK-911 Plot and Movie; by Author; June 24, 2009 -
These are union tactics and this slew of law suits and accusations which is how they begin the kidnapping and some “litmus test.” Here is the bottom line, they have to be fired immediately and removed from power. If we authorize a war on them and equalize the charges; all of them should be thrown on the street for silence, protest, and this cowardice of pretending to beat others up when it is them who is getting the genuine slaughter. The first people to go are the politicians and the police. Then shut down the entire region if necessary until the people behind it are caught, brought to trial, or exterminated for being an active communist and terrorist cell. This cannot be in government and this conspiracy cannot be widespread regardless of how many of them are starving.
Controlled demolition Mr. Stein, “[Break] what are you thinking and why are you calling… (2:24:40 PM chides us as if he is scared ‘ooooo…’) we do not have a choice in this, is that right… not a normal market… in favor of having as much medical care… itemized on bill… he does not care, he is just processing it… (Mark says the guy upstairs is being blackmailed by his checkbook and union job, friends, innocent actions; we know he has an open indictment and felt someone was blackmailing him and taking major risk; Mark says we have to give him the money or control; huge, the same “company town” he just said)… disastrous unless you can do that.” I think it is fair to say that he is not pretending and knows exactly what he is doing but has no care or worry about what they did or tried; these are war crimes and crimes against humanity; maybe even genocide and the use of agitation and meanness to conjure up death squads and military retaliation for kidnappings and torture. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Stand Up for the Right Side of the Struggle, by Author; Monday, June 22, 2009 -
This has been going on for over a decade. We keep getting arrested while we are getting meaner and angrier about this entire matter. The police are siding with terrorists and communists; saying how they too are angry and mean, thus, joining in the melee and beat down. This is labor and the unions. We are not sure what to do with all these fugitives and worthless people either but this has to end. The people with their fingerprint on it needs to be removed and fired immediately; with no questions asked. If there are any other reports or turn up of this to suggest it travels from one state to the other, follows us to the top of the government, is trying to set up shop in the satellite warfare arena, and is propositioning us by trying to beat us up or anger us day in and day out with no stop for over a decade; then we are not going to “go home” and flee the country as they seem to suggest is the only resolution.
Given I am not hear to confront you about your tax policies or how much money and influence you have; I do not like how you are attending fund raisers, using our work, saying your work and intention is Godly, you are our moral support, we must ask or seek permission-approval from you, we must forfeit our work to you and your royal heinous, and acting as if life is grand and nothing is going on while you are near suicidal and death. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Welcome Back: 1960s, Asking Hard Questions, Media, Frudge (banned), JFK-911 Plot and Movie; by Author; June 24, 2009 -
They think a conspiracy exists on them and their power and wealth is being stolen; thus debt. There is no political will to hunt down this debt and problem. Meanwhile, they use terror plots to suggest they are right wing and will accept blood money because it is so beneficial. Our view is the death penalty for anyone with a fingerprint on this from police to politician. That is how dangerous this is and how high they are shooting for. We are the founders of the last shooting match on earth and our treatment must be set in stone and made clear; our “beat up” must be equalized with any means necessary so long as the people behind this is too scared of the wrath of the country to live in it also. Maybe one of us is just lying a little but if they do not want the death penalty, those lies better start to be information and truth. Who in their right mind would not kill them? They keep claiming they have a “death sentence” while they demand welfare and to share our life so they can increase the numbers.
Controlled demolition Mr. Stein, “[Break] I think it is fair to say that he is not pretending and knows exactly what he is doing but has no care or worry about what they did or tried; these are war crimes and crimes against humanity; maybe even genocide and the use of agitation and meanness to conjure up death squads and military retaliation for kidnappings and torture. It is obviously a trap and to “call off” the arrest, raid, and prosecution of this group because we “know everything now.” Also, notice how they do not mention how those explosives got in the building and whether it was in a suitcase or some rapid mobile container to be carried in by staff, no crowd control, firemen, etc… They refuse any details at all; only the reasons and the issue. There is no way to catch them until we get the details and evidence for war. Go and check the security cameras, witnesses and all entrances. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Stand Up for the Right Side of the Struggle, by Author; Monday, June 22, 2009 -
We will be glad to let this animal loose in their life and pretend nothing is going on or give them assignments in the last shooting war on earth and who we really dislike at this time. Who are the recruiters and who are the ones who founded this? Then who caught a very sneaky enemy infiltrating and caught them, caught a terror plot, and flushed them out and down the toilet. Now this ruthlessness can easily be applied when we let them in and loose in their life if this is the fate this moron and idiot is asking. If they are terrified now, then they will magnify that fear 100 times or more when we get what we want more often than not. We want the people behind this and are getting sick of asking nicely and getting beat up every single day by the same people who are utterly worthless and have no fight in this.
Controlled demolition Mr. Stein, “[Break] do you see yourself as a thug Mr. or a terrorist? If you are a terrorist, you can be defined as a freedom fighter, “cancer treatment… disastrous campaign… higher chance of survival… allowed a certain drug (generic or cheap foreign prescriptions)… why important to make own decision… reform it… laughable, this is the innovation of the citizenry… why are you making such a fuss… arm amputated… abysmal service… applaud both sides on this border… cost never factored in… born by me… quality of life… most effective drugs… quickest way (home remedies and apothecary homeopathic, feel good or better)… best and brightest… (Has not advocated legalized narcotics or suicide)” - Interview with Terror Suspects: Stand Up for the Right Side of the Struggle, by Author; Monday, June 22, 2009 -
This is already very bad and can get much worse for them. So if they fear the greatness and wealth of the country or hate it; then they know what is written on the wall. Now who wants to kill them after a lot of day in and day out agitations; surveillance, financial fraud, cold blooded murder, espionage, delusions, serial killer pathology, kidnapping, attacking family members, using surveillance to anger us, accusing us of being butchers and terrorists, claiming every law suit for oppression on earth on us, ambushes, attacks, and the last shooting match on this earth? It is clear they are contributing to the violence on liberals because they cannot do anything right and tick people off to a point where they must commit suicide because people wish them dead or want to kill them.
We are clearly dealing with a much unknown element and various hypocritical statements on some DMZ or border while they charge over it like war on liberals. It is always the peace, muzzle us, use police and laws and treaty, and then violate them completely while we are pounced on and attacked in some surprise or terror plot. Thus, a thug is an underestimation and understatement. This identical war on terrorism makes us want to kill them and stand up for the right side. However, we need the details and not the reasons, issues, or the war on terror itself. That is who we caught and who took us hostage in 1997 or tried to get close and talk to us earlier. They took Ann and me hostage and refused a prisoner swap because they were in love with us or wanted to mate because they screwed up our marriage and romance. Mark says, “Giving up?” The CIA and FBI want a clandestine retaliation and another terror hit from your group, if you wish to give up; either on me or this country. End of day. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Stand Up for the Right Side of the Struggle, by Author; Monday, June 22, 2009 -
The question is whether or not he, they or it will make it to retirement. We caught them and they do not know how we did, what we used to catch them, or why we know everything. Yet the idea still up for grabs is whether the Gestapo will make it to retirement, the street crew and those who do the dirty work, the terrorists, or the real ones behind this; the spy master. Logic tells us they will clean out the ones who can take them down and leave no evidence. So the first target is us and that was already done and failed in 2006 and then one last effort in 2008 before they changed up and switched to being on our side and getting behind us.
Look at Sean, half is stuff comes from either Frudge (banned) or Ann (you already said Frudge (banned) paid for advertisement on his web page, so that is why you spies use the Frudge (banned) report all the time; media coverage); now you found a big source and the odd thing is how we feel about you and what you had been up to. Your source is the same “target” you tried to recruit, hire, trick, imprison, abuse, murder plot, rewrite our life, target every single aspect of our life and rewrite it and make it go away. So the FBI and CIA are looking at you and I know they want to hire you because you are the voice of the Republicans and excellence; they want to work for you and wish to sign up as I do also or Ann. Keep trying to promote us and stand on your tax policies or wealth. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Welcome Back: 1960s, Asking Hard Questions, Media, Frudge (banned), JFK-911 Plot and Movie; by Author; June 24, 2009 -
If we are chasing aliens and a Neanderthal walked into our trap; then we have everything on them and can decide who retires and who does not. The question is who will take out who first in the captured spy ring in order to free their names and life which they worked so hard but now know; they can spend the remainder of their life and retirement penniless and behind bars. Did we mention the risk of the spy masters and the spy group we captured in this trap; they too are at risk by their own and by the evidence we accumulated for over ten years and stretching back to almost sixty years of US history and democracy.
So you respond to the “Governor is after Sean as a running mate” and how your buddy disappeared without telling his staff or family. He may be hiking, on a cruise, or out and about in South America; but he just disappeared without notifying anyone or any family members. I was going to guess you had a golf tournament and he was upset you invited Sean instead because you love us real men, right sweetheart? It is an emotional level with you and you love kids running about doing your dirty work; but you have a real affection with a few. I do not think you goons are worried about anyone but yourself; so what do you care about the Governor? You tell me, Sean keeps pursuing him about the President in 2012. Maybe Sean and the Governor have a dual universe and a parallel life? We are in good relations with South Carolina. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Welcome Back: 1960s, Asking Hard Questions, Media, Frudge (banned), JFK-911 Plot and Movie; by Author; June 24, 2009 -
We have thought out every realistic situation pertaining to satellite warfare. The best deterrence is to not start one. This means that once it starts, there is no way to stop it. It never stops and will never stop. These are the same people who kidnapped us trying to share power and shoot very high; yet the problem is there for them to read and know a war and secret war has been launched on them. If they have a complaint, they may address or defend their reputation; they face banishment forever. We cannot afford one of them or this control, oppression, or mess they have exploded on this country with. They fear the wrath of greatness and do not get along well or fit in whatsoever. Thus they hid and act in this bizarre manner of the uncertain and the hell in wait.
1960s and JFK: We know it was LBJ and the Texas cell we are dealing with (Rush confirms), “make sure you do not get sick, it isn’t going to work out this way.” You were shadowing US Army Generals like you shadowed Ann and figure out who Ann is, who the Generals are, and worse who their protégés are. The communist killed JFK but were very found of him, “yeah” (Rush conforms). The 911 was how they address their return and the dark clouds and power rolling in for a very important reason; their new introduction and debut; the new fix. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Welcome Back: 1960s, Asking Hard Questions, Media, Frudge (banned), JFK-911 Plot and Movie; by Author; June 24, 2009 -
These same people also think or believe they can just start and stop this entire fiasco when and if they wish depending on how angry or needy they become. There is no control in this and in satellite warfare; control is both worthless and useless. There will be perpetual and constant uprisings, counter measures, and retaliations. We want this bunch exterminated and a secret war on them to hunt them down and to bring them to just for merely copying or shaking their fist at us; they have no voice in this matter. Don’t start it and it will never end; it is really easy to get along with the model for satellite warfare considering it is the last shooting match and who comes to the gun fight with the bigger gun wins forever.
You were hoping someone out there was going to make a delivery and fix this but you hounded me day and night about it and knew I had been chosen and was hiding something. This is the biggest communist plot in the world and has put America under total invasion; so a delivery was coming and you felt I was the messenger or the “master spy.” You tested me and then offered training where I lacked because you got me mixed up and confused for the Va. Tech shooter; the same school I went to. You felt I learned satellite warfare there; I did not. Read what Ann has written about the Va. Tech shooter. There is a gigantic cell around DC and a massive spying effort; we were captured by it. You were trying to signal to take me out also before this happens; and it was over a woman you are stalking. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Welcome Back: 1960s, Asking Hard Questions, Media, Frudge (banned), JFK-911 Plot and Movie; by Author; June 24, 2009 -
They can throw the card down which will trump all others when and if they want; it does not matter if we are decent or barbarians, nobody will ever know. That is the trick and who we are dealing with. They control nothing and control has no impact on the outcome. Unless you have the biggest gun in the fun; you run the risk of the entire ordeal collapsing on you and imploding. We hope control and oppression can save them also and we hope their lies and deception will prevent this wrath and destiny which is winding up and from the greatest and mightiest truth out there. We do not want those behind this book anywhere near or to step a foot in any facility that deals with or is a subordinate to this program and problem; so far as a verification and authentication process is establish to ensure compliance of “free jackasses.”
Who are you after or are you asking me who I am after? I am not sure who I am after yet. I think it is you, but maybe, I am not sure yet, are you? So why are you recruiting the best and telling me you are the best? Do you think I respect you? Read what Sean said about how they have to reverse everything, it is called camouflage and misinterpreting what I said and what you wanted me to say. Do you see my style and Ann’s style? We pull you in, block the exits and entrances, then turn on the lights and call the cavalry; now you are so far ahead, you have no logistics and support. A really aggressive and stupid attack if you ask me even if you managed to cause so much damage and total invasion and rape. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Welcome Back: 1960s, Asking Hard Questions, Media, Frudge (banned), JFK-911 Plot and Movie; by Author; June 24, 2009 -
We expect the search for perfection and the truth no less the real substance which will keep this alive and keep them out and banned forever. There is nothing to stop this once it is started; we hope they learn the lesson and warning as the new secret war has began and will not end until forever or they are gone. That is no joke; there is a shoot on sight decree and delivery order for this problem because once it starts, there is no way to end it. Take that seriously and understand it is there for a very important and substantive reason. It is destiny and our only chance to survive this. If this enemy wishes to see anger or express control; we have no words for them. It is written on the wall and there for them to violate at their own risk. We are not here for them or to have annoying angry calls every single day of every single hour for over a decade. We too want this closure and peace.
We want to know your future plans and not “get behind us” or “moral support” or “promoting us” or “tax policies” or “divine angle who always intends the best” 6/24/2009 1:36:36 PM or “resisting your success” or “too big to fail” and “supporting our troops” or “not going to get paid until you work for us” or “get government off our backs.” That is not what I am talking about, what is your future, “an absolute 180… dashing Wall Street executives… we have to pay them appropriately… all fine now with… running the show… (why are you so worried about Obama, this is about you and me) voters are livid… see Obama doing what Republicans are… bailing out… tried to ruin this guy… just like the Clinton travel office… get rid of someone who is a thorn in the side.” You said this at the beg-ginning of the show “I know liberals and they are nuts.” You and Sean are so shifty. Right when I got you, you disappear. Then you reemerge as someone else and a new life. Are you looking for a new body now to co-hebetate? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Welcome Back: 1960s, Asking Hard Questions, Media, Frudge (banned), JFK-911 Plot and Movie; by Author; June 24, 2009 -
We cannot afford one or a tyrant who wishes to shut up the mental process, perfection, and exercise this control and oppression because they are insulted by our true royalty. If they have a problem with that, then do not live in the mightiest and greatest country or near the most fierce and new cold warriors; we wrote the rules, we founded the hell, we have thought out every aspect of how to fight it. If they do not have the genetics and scientific excellence which we expect; than go home and do not come back; that is how this will end. We have become this great and the country is this much of a master; if the enemies fear this, then do not live or try to reap the treasures of the same greatness and perfection. The wrath of the country will end their dangerous fortitude and adventures of backwardness.
Benjamin N.. We would like you to ask him to step down Rush. I know much more about this than you give me credit for and I am asking you to ask him to step down and order him. I have a care package for you if you cooperate with me. So I am going to ask you to play a card which can cause an end to your spying career. I will also mention that I had been biking in DC the second day the Holocause Museum was open and took my bike in there and met a girl named “Lara” who flirted and disappeared when I went back to find her. (Intel says they were checking me and my bike was over a grand in cost) so she knew I was not a joke and had rock star looks and near hulk muscles. Clinton kept on driving by when I was down on the mall also. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Welcome Back: 1960s, Asking Hard Questions, Media, Frudge (banned), JFK-911 Plot and Movie; by Author; June 24, 2009 -
In order to fix the capitalist system you really need to begin asking the fundamental questions such as banning the left wing. The advantage of numbers and the ways the left wing implement frivolous and ridiculous policy is a constant canceling of truth, reality, and reality itself. So this idea that President Obama is going to clean up, overhaul, or revamp the entire regulatory system which governs Wall Street and capitalism is like asking Elliot Spitzer to clean up politics. The problem with the left wing is much too severe and the greed of numbers too deadening as it cancels out progress and real sustainable development. You would have to hone into the engines of scarcity at the same time place restrictions which advance sustainable development and perpetuate sound economics.
1960s and all the assignation plots. Now is it beginning to make more sense and who is behind it and why? It is the same terror plot “gin up hatred… people don’t care about you… bothered about this big time… just trust me… in this audience… my oral cavity… on the fence about this… one question not asked about this… that is the whole point…” Exactly as how I describe as daily agitation and Molotov terror plots. I did not say the event did not take place, I know who is behind it, how, and also why. What exactly were you trying to fix besides the black movement and subjugation, the thought police, and the secret police? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Welcome Back: 1960s, Asking Hard Questions, Media, Frudge (banned), JFK-911 Plot and Movie; by Author; June 24, 2009 -
Another problem with the Presidents very audacious plan to revamp and overhaul the capitalistic morals is the inability of the left wing to fix politics. The right wing, like it or not, traditionally fixes the left wing by engaging in warfare. After war, the reduction of the problems and the nuisance of power decreases; furthermore, the banking system and warfare is much interconnected. Once again, the banking system cancels out the real market gains. In previous chapters the discussion of the banking system and how it operates in secrecy is damaging to the same lies used to manage the ways they do business; it is impossible until those lies are made honorable again. To clean up lies in banking, there really needs to be an overhaul of the political system and the fundamental personality of the human individual.
(Trying to fix or plug the damage) Media. “The state run media, it is not going to happen… will be the ones to bring pressure… kicking and screaming as dragged to be covering this…” So Rush knows there is a real conspiracy and a communist plot out there. Is he recruiting left wingers or angering them to gin up outrage? Who is recruiting who here? Are we recruiting him or is he recruiting us with anger and outrage? So Frudge (banned) is his surrogate and why he and Sean use the front page and drum up moral support everyday from there. Frudge (banned) also has that secret life where he disappears and nobody knows where he is. Maybe Ann should get with him. Rush says he is “driving out homosexual demons… I command you to leave… for once he was honest… unclear when the video was made… doesn’t want the police involved” 2:07:40 PM. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Welcome Back: 1960s, Asking Hard Questions, Media, Frudge (banned), JFK-911 Plot and Movie; by Author; June 24, 2009 -
So if Obama really wishes to overhaul the regulatory system which government and Wall Street interact or place restrictions on each other; he will need to fix real political problems and the constant annoyance of the left wing on business matters or official business relations. To do this, he must advance the idea they are deadening, canceling, and a negative impact to capitalism itself and thus, the need for these bail outs which paid for some of the most risky investments, most dangerous mortgage loans, most deceptive junk bonds, most austere housing policies, and most defeating tax system. If Obama can fix the politics and the political reality he himself is trapped in and will be trampled over, then he will fix and overhaul the world we live in while Wall Street will follow. Fix life and reality and economics and business will follow instead of canceling each other out.
Let me clarify. The internet at this time is making a clear message to the media; this country has a wrath and these leaders have invaded and rewritten our life and country. Everybody is mad including me and what was done or tried on us. The media today is on very shaky ground and it can get much worse. It is clear people get most of their news from the internet and they do not get paid for it or have to pay for it. You can learn a lot from people who are busy bodies or news junkies who track this stuff such as this entire matter. It will be a great book. If you are in the news and do not hit like a ton of bricks, you are brain dead or have a royalty which is ending; a death sentence. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Welcome Back: 1960s, Asking Hard Questions, Media, Frudge (banned), JFK-911 Plot and Movie; by Author; June 24, 2009 -
The left wing is in grave financial and political problems. The reason is scarcity and the fundamental way people wish to view power and politics. We ourselves are hostages to the worst in this world. The worst in this world are hostages to the financial systems and the inability to improve or improve their lot. Most of those problems are defined by competition and a total sense of corruption and a total lack of confidence in the police force to cover up what is already there. Therefore, the politics set as a goal the ability to spread investments and wealth while the private markets do a complete turn around or run around. It is not the system; it is the bad formula and the bad mixtures in the system which advances a more broken system and intolerable conditions to match political objectives and unrealistic words and meanings. Yet the left wing is just discovering this and only realizing this slowly and fastidiously disaster impales them to be a little more honest or act a little bit more reasonable, business will just do whatever it wants and wishes.
We are over about you playing golf and the Governor Rush, “Bush, Obama… the common man… do not think about anything out there… not doing well… mad at myself… no fun to be out there playing.” We are done with this topic okay. I appreciate your apologies to the United States and this world and will have further questions for you tomorrow. I am glad you rested up and know you are not an integral part of my life, my human course in history, and my ratings have nothing to do with you being in it. This weekend and last week was not about Rush, it never has been ever. I hope you finally realize this and come to your senses about our ratings and you educated Sean on this as well. “Return nations wealth to its rightful owners… if you know Karl Marx… black caucus… health care… reparations for slavery… what will you do to make reparations for slavery?” Aloha. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Welcome Back: 1960s, Asking Hard Questions, Media, Frudge (banned), JFK-911 Plot and Movie; by Author; June 24, 2009 -
In order to overhaul the capitalist system and the way investments or capital flows to businesses, the President must acknowledge how this would not be happening if he were not born. In other words, our problems are caused by others while their problems are caused by them. So to fix this life reality and what our own kidnapping and being taken hostage by the left wing and the current political leaders of the nation have done; we must make the left wing go away and then worry about or focus on the right wing. The right wing is capable of very bad things also; nothing.
How we teach the left wing about why this world hates them and why they are the source of our problems; is as difficult as asking them to get out of our life and drop dead. They won’t get it and it makes them more violent and blaming. Their goal is to share our life and place these problems in our life; then make grand speeches about fixing us or helping us when it was them to begin with. They are the mortal enemies and they wish us to think the right wing is our mortal enemies when they are not. The left wing is the most vile and most worthless creature on this earth; how we present that message to them and ask them to get the hell out of our country and life is up to them to figure out. Right now, all of this is nothing and getting nowhere.
If my estimation is correct, the ghosts of the past have all come back and have made a return at or around 1991-2001. The reason has to do with hate and racism in America and the 1960s revolution; the birth of liberalism and the wars which contribute the violence on liberals and the left wing. This is why we have several familiar players and teams but the dynamics and roles are different. We have the Bush family who represent both the state of Texas and the CIA during this period of turmoil in the 1960s. We have the Kennedy family and New York. We have the street teams and scrawny and scraggly hippies who are far out. We got a whole new era of music and rock and roll. We have DC and politics; the real power. Of course, we have us; the Vietnam crowd, the Vietnam era Generals, and the cold war blazing. - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
Teaching the left wing manners is a task in itself. It is not the ideal of living a proper life which plagues our quest to know who we are; it is the President, past and future, who have failed to recognize and figure out what the problem truly is and who it is as well. The President has yet to figure out his own Presidency and most observers feel he is doomed and damned from day one. Therefore, if he is going to figure out a way to get the left wing out of our life by changing the regulatory measures with which both the right and left does business; he is gravely mistaken and in complete error. Ever since the end of the Reagan era, the government has been a complete disaster. Too many people were threatened and too many people tried shifty ways around the right way to live and govern.
The objective of the right wing is to depart and escape the left wing; so long as the left wing is embolden and unrestricted; there will be problems and the rift or gap widens. To teach the left wing manners and how to live a proper life is impossible because it deals with reproduction and political pressures. By decrying a flagship of regulatory measures intended on disrupting and angering the right wing more and more; he is doing a disservice and ignoring the real problems with the left wing. Compare the problem to checking into rehab every few years. First, is it mandatory and second is it necessary?
What has changed? The left feels it is a conspiracy by the CIA and Pentagon to destroy the left in America. They feel communism was also destroyed intentionally and did not implode. They feel their plans were sabotaged and their politics worthless. They feel muzzled and censored; they do not consider the left wing and communism’s death as natural and an intentional act by the CIA and Pentagon. So they reverse and seek revenge; to trap the next wave and next leaders. They know they are working on the same future and same project. Enter us, the US Army and heavily armed as usual with the latest weaponry. - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
When the President is ready for bigger questions and more mental challenges; we have a few which do not pertain to the regulatory structure of doing business or investing in debt and banking debts. Then why must we all live under the same rules? This is similar to Civil Rights; can we live under the same rules which can comparatively have the same outcomes? Then how on earth will the President fix the civil rights movement to match what is occurring in the country when it has nothing to do or is related to the right wing? Similarly, it is a whole new set of rules intended on producing the exact same outcomes but everybody is expected to live under the exact contradictory ones. You are changing the fundamental way the world views our mortal enemies and how we interact with mortal enemies. The President is not trying to fix the economy or overhaul the regulatory procedure. What he is doing is redefining the left wing and increasing the security for them. That is a threat and both an act of war and treason.
These terror plots are always from the same egg. That egg is a question which asks who is truly behind this unmanageable reality and seeking control over our life by instilling it with total invasion and chaos? Whoever is behind this unmanageable reality is very taxing and costly to our own reality, but why? Why are they promoting and pointing a finger back at us and telling us we are so jealous we must resort to violence or become angered? Are they loved as a nuisance or a fugitive or do they have special powers and intelligence? If it is a combination of both, then it does not show in academic scores, looks and appearances, long term visions, and life goals.
First, who is the legendary communist “shadow” or agents operating behind the scenes in the 1960s? By our estimation, it is Rush . He boldly claimed and took responsibility for the kidnapping and new details we had no idea about. Ann confirmed this and he was also behind her taking along with Hannity. We have “Sirhan” and “terror plots” and bombs. We have serial killers from Kansas. We have an obsession with multiculturalism. We have all the same ingredients but things have changed and the left is panicking and near dead. They must rebuild and energize. - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
So the imaginary reality or this unmanageable reality is the tell all and peering x-ray of a human nuisance or mortal enemy who is trying to either blame or tell us we are jealous and surprised by their power and control over our life. If the President himself is unable to isolate the problem of this nation, what makes him think he will fix this world or the capitalist system? It is easier to fix himself or his appearance. That is the reason why the left wing is seeking control over the life of others; it has to do with their appearance.
If the President himself is unable to fix or isolate and answer truthfully and forthrightly the questions, how will he ever come up with the answers? This is like the massive debt and the trillions still unaccountable at this time, how do you diagnose a very easy problem and then use aimless spending to fix it? That is very important, to isolate the problem, to diagnose it correctly and honestly, then to apply realistic and manageable solutions. This mortal enemy is so bone insane and borderline stupid, this appears to be an impossible thinking process and a political damnation.
One of the realities they are trying to redefine is the nature of beauty and human sexuality. Why is beyond the scope of confusion or chaos; to create a unnatural order so bizarre or misunderstood; surgery is out of the question. So if you begin to notice stalking, terrorists, and your life being rewritten by ugly and demanding people; most likely they are going to wed you to an overweight mate who will keep you around as a prisoner so long as you behave to their liking and tenets. That is the most annoying cupid act to "help" and rewrite your life or rewrite your natural destiny you will ever witness or experience. That is disorder and chaos of this terror and communist plot. It causes you to feel the impulse of violence on them and an equal level of sadistic homicidal impulses when such a ridiculous proposition is tried day in and day out year after year; and then for decades. to them you are merely a prisoner they wish to mate with and seek benefit from. – i-Rush Interview: Unmanageable Reality, by Author; Thursday, June 18, 2009 -
The left wing is no miracle and they are trying to redefine reality or criminal behavior. Some nations call this class warfare but we call it an unmanageable reality which begins when they are born into a hostile world. Fetuses die today in the womb by the actions of their parents so it is not unlikely the world they are born into is even more hostile to them or will be. Their reality is incompatible to a world where the real and honest reality is incompatible. So we are doomed irregardless of how much regulation is imposed or how much more control they can seek over our life. Until the left wing is dead, gone, or not as costly; we will be jealous and even disappointed they share the same country and life with us.
Who is JFK? We do not know but we think it might be the same two suspects; Hannity and Rush. They got us first and came to us not knowing who we are and what we are up to; were we on their team and sent by the Generals to scour through or scout out new territory? They latch on us and the chase is on. Security ordered on both flanks; routes to trap them, I want every clue checked and traced. If he and they are out there; they will be ours. I have double layer teams; I got the most advanced surveillance and methods fresh out of college in 1997-1998. They hit first and try to contact us, the Catholics. They are in the defense system and want in on our mission, negative. We get fired. - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
Deregulate or regulate human beings to hell. They are suicidal and mortal enemies and we know the world has turned hostile on them. They are no damn good and use materialism as a new form of royalty to disrupt the old forms. They are being hunted down and the effort is going to increase with every slip up and lie. We see this all over the world at this time as people demand access to the free market and sustainable development so they are not viewed as a fool in life. Human beings view themselves as failures but our enemies view themselves as superior and our masters. Hence, they do not want a trial but they have not written a suicide note to explain all of this or the entire operation.
What would you like me to do?” Sean just said, “this is why we need them” as if we re idiots; you seem to think we do not know what you are up to and why you are doing this; we only sprung the trap when it is impossible to get out of it. I am trained to take down an alien, I am not going to let it get away or take any chances considering it murdered a lot of our soldiers in war. I do not need a lecture or hear you call me “boss” you idiot and mole. Do you read English or in total denial? You think a communist and terrorist plot is no big deal and we need you or need to cut a deal with you or else you will attack and cut our life down again because you are not scared at all of the consequences. Why are you telling me my best friend, combat assistant, and life long partner is in love with you and you were “hot” with her? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Beat It, Untouchable, Got Caught, Now Trying to Beat it Again; by Author; June 25, 2009 -
We can bag all of them out of jealousy, hate, anger, and racism. The terror plot, this sneaky hate and racism policy initiative has finally realized they it is stalking us and we are the genuine victims; we are right behind them and jotting notes or writing what they are up to; but now everybody is picking up on their weasel duty and daily stalking efforts. We are actually the bad guys and following them now while they try to sign aboard and get in line for this higher ground. They are completely alienated and feel we are all jealous, are we really jealous or are they truly hurt?
Next, we are under siege. Source and targets unknown; they ready to rip our heads off and demand to be our security and protectors. We give them chase throughout the DC area and MD. I take them to certain parts of the city where their “turf” and emissaries are known to be stronger. I try to go out at 3 am down to the mall and around 16th street, through Georgetown, etc… no contact. Negative, they hit and disappeared. All the sudden they are on me again, this time captured and prisoner. I cannot even go out; they are hitting hard as hell, to rip our heads off. After several years, I call for FBI and others; I need to hurry up and get married. I have to write this book; I want to hear what they have to say while I am on this project. They take me out. Ann kicks in and takes over for me while in heavy battle around DC. DC is now under siege by Black Panther snipers, I have a communist spy group (Clinton on me and do not know it yet), and they are impeached. They are taken out. - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
Who is jealous and who is hurt? Are the kidnappers hurt or are their victims? Are terrorists hurt or are their victims? Is a rapist hurt and jealous or are their victims who strike them as attractive and needy? Maybe the surveillance makes them so jealous they refuse to stop stalking and are making us get rid of them while they hide this? Maybe this is weasel duty and the life of a fugitive and felon? Some reckoning and arrival is soon to catch up with them and we are all jealous? Are blaming the mortal enemies or trying to be like us? Why are we jealous of our mortal enemies? We cannot escape them or their control for a reason; no less their lies and espionage. It is no wonder their success ends when they go to jail or are executed for crimes against humanity or terrorism. Maybe they are slippery enough to apply some of the substance and principles of sustainable development and perpetual growth?
This is why the world rejected colonialism and why they also rejected Europeans. They view it as rejecting their success and also contributing to the violence on liberals; a hate crime and not war; global struggles. So they did it back onto victims and the replayed the same battles and said "conspiracy" and hypocrisy were in the way of their predatory manners. That is how insane the enemy is. They are trying to seek victories over legal and illegal battles already defeated by the US in order to rewrite history and change reality to an unmanageable one. Then the exit strategies are to blame and cause to surface this emotional anger with mortal enemies; who they are. Ask who is behind this unmanageable reality and is now alienated and wounded badly. If you are wounded badly, would you give us details of controlled demolition if your life depended on it? Exactly, it torments us and tortures us. Blame it on our mortal enemies and this unmanageable reality. Blame it on this terror and common plot to make us one of them or reverse the reality and roles.
The story is documented and kicks in from here. However, the Bush family is not our communist spies, they are enablers. Newt has since taken over that position. They cannot be cornered as communists, more socialist, but they let the street crews, liberals, and students pressure them before they go wimp on us. So we got Bush and what they are up to. They are also experts in espionage and this time era; they move the pieces. Is someone going to hit the return of the radical left? None. Only ones being hit are the Vietnam crowd and military; we got major problems. Flank go behind, lets do a probe, changeup. Finally, got them to follow me to North Carolina and the outer banks for a meeting; after this I have a facial and know their agents. They are black; however, the lady is the leader. Who is the lady or ladies? We still do not know but she shadows Clinton and knows our family, Ann and her family, the upstairs people well; she “wants to help us.” - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
They are behind the attacks and terror plots much the same as the hostage taking and kidnapping of our life. We do not know if it is deregulation or regulation which should be killed; but the "interpretation" and "subjective" perspective is the "end of a honeymoon" and they deny ever existed. They love affair with them and their success (America they call it) versus trying to flush them out and get rid of them by tricking them and prosecuting them. We are spy hunters and a military family. Why in hell would family members of real life FBI agents would fall in love and associate with these spy masters or psychopathic psychologists erasing or reversing our brain patterns; then rewriting our life until we work for them or seek payment by them is unexplainable. Why they are in our life at all is a total lie; and that lie is the exact same deception and delusion of the terror plots which plagued this nation and world for the past twenty years and kept us prisoner to it.
So this reinvention of the communist and terrorist spy mole we caught, also this i-Rush phenol-phantoms upstairs, are trying very hard to redefine why birds die when they run into planes or die when they raid the crops of farmers. You cannot redefine why bank robbers die in the act of robbery and call it courage. You cannot redefine the act of dying by felons who are hunted down like animals for their despicable life. Birds are not courageous when they raid farmer’s crops; they usually end up as a meal or fertilizer for the same crops they raided. There is no courage in this but we can easily see the effort to redefine the criminality and the delusional insanity of these animal nuisances. To call this jealousy of animals is a good description of who and what they are. It is pressure for an unmanageable reality; how do you spend your life on this project and gain acceptance when it is so hated and shifty? People make a career out of this and we can easily see them now and caught their top leaders red handed. We wish to bag all of them and shut down this espionage ring and gonad terror plot.
After 1999, the attacks are so severe we go into hiding and escape to the beach. Ann is supposed to go there and meet me. There are two failed meetings; she is really upset and angry and not in the mood for romance. They shut me down and prevented her from marriage. New plan, go to beach, no security, pick random hottie and hide behind her to see if they attack her and go after us. 2000 attacks hit but after 6 months delay; all hell breaks out and faxes going off and emails. Ann is told to go into hiding and do not come out; I go mobile and travel around the USA. No security, go in the bush; Ann wait until further orders or meet up in Canada; let me shake them and trap them. After a year arrest about some note and emergency message to Pentagon after 911 of being under attack at beach; trying evasion methods, trying brute force if on back up. - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
We are left with an ill feeling the left wing is practicing in a religious pretend mode where they define all truth with hope and a lack of brain worthiness. The religion of hope and change we can believe in is beginning to look and sound like the same characters we label felons, traitors, fugitives, dictators, tyrants, the devil, union goons, and terrorists but the list grows on us daily. This religion of hope and unity also is the same obnoxious breed who does this sort of thing to anger and exasperate scientific thought and careful analysis with terrorism and radical appeals we fear their same religion and worship of chaos, an unmanageable reality, and redefining control over talented human beings. This hope is ruinous to the country and this world but they sing with eyes closed and jump into quicksand with euphemism and gleeful reproach.
Whoever and whatever it is; they are a spy agency and communist. It is Israel and the communists in collaboration with the Catholics; our 911 plot. They are too big to fail and fight; thus we are severely injured and near shut down. Flash to year 2005 and coma; voice is gone, 25lbs of fat, very bad situation and health. It will take a year of rehab. From 2006 to 2008 is the rehab periods and a slew of concerts, dinner every night out, a few dates, new clothes, new hair, etc… Ann returns, we talk and she tries to get me back on my feet starting in 2005. She comes back to DC in 2006. I buy my first property and a few cars in cash in 2005; same with Ann. She is a millionaire now and a celebrity; why is she still here with me? - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
Doing this to two people is one thing but when it clearly defines what they did to their own country and how the wrath of the country is the hell that waits for them; it is clear they should be fired immediately and even made to suffer and surrender without a blink of doubt or guilt. Worse was not what they did to us but the way they did it to our families and the gesture of quiet fortitude and humor afterwards as if their destiny is not being tested and a test is not underway to determine whether or not they deserve some reward for their unbearable and palpable brush up with celebrity criminality. It is not what they did or tried on the country which will do them in; it is the quiet solitude and the aftermath of pulling a grand deception to cover it up.
We would love to see their union and their local, no less the secret Gestapo and thought police, get in a fight with the CIA clandestine services that despise them and have a reputation for extreme hatred and cruelties towards these types. We could add to the potty by adding in the Pentagon in a show of force and this human joke. We would love to see them harassed daily for the rest of their life and in such a maddening way they kill their own or their kids. That is exactly what they did to us. We did not get a day break or any let up in a full decade, not one day.
In 2006, problems arrive at work. First legal problems and customer problems; blame and being framed; agitation and anger beginning again. Sounds like the unions and the left wing picking up where they left off. Massive legal problems and also daily agitations; attacks now fervent online and in cyber war manner. Book is being advertised but the details are not known. They are blocking and attacking to do something, it is not known yet. We lost close to seven years of work and were disabled for seven years; Ann is working double time and overtime supposedly in New York. - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
Welcome to our revolution and our destiny, we are the authors, the authority, and the founders of the last shooting match on earth. So this is their destiny here to fear the wrath of the country they clam up to because they cannot live up to what it reasonably expects? You cannot have losers and lying fugitives living in a country where they fear the wrath of the same nation; it is self defeating. Their response to scarcity and reckless spending is more quiet solitude. That is the terrorist and terror plot and the crime. Make this stop if they can; the joke has been on them and we hope CIA decides to rip them apart limb by limb like how they deny the future of the unborn and our victory on our own turf and life. Next time they decide to kidnap and promote us, at least get it right.
Our religious teachings demand we do not hope cars with no wheels start and we hope we get a million dollars for that cock play of nonsense also. Their religious teaching says it will and they can if they bombard us with enough efforts. People are nauseated by this religion and their brainless study of truth defined by emotional greed and a feeling of being drowned by God or his agents. We are so nauseated by their comical religious appeals and cock play with destiny; we hope they die and go to hell before we are killed off or become their prisoners or kidnapped captives where we must share out the rest of our life with costly and taxing political policies they challenge us to escape from. So we hope they die and need help while we wonder and hope they do not ruin our life with some brainless piss on hope. This world has turned mean on them, they are not mean or fierce; they are not even human beings any longer, if so what are we?
Both Ann and I move for security reasons and for a second trap. We know who we have and set a plan. I will use the Canadian border to my advantage; Ann will meet me up there as we planned in 2002. We were going to work something out and thus I return to Canada and Toronto, Ontario frequently. We are talking and flirting online; but there are a lot of “chasers” and someone is watching me; Ann says it is them and to be careful, they are all over her also. We are under watch and captivity and cannot flush them out; we do not know who they are. - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
If they do not come forward with all this hope and terrorism we had to watch and deal with; this terror plot we demand along with the details from those we captured trying to recruit us; we will be force to make bigger and blow hot air into their hope. That wrath is getting bigger and bigger by the moment and their duck like cement feet is going nowhere with it. Their hope is being roped and at the end of it is a noose. All our values and religious teachings are on the lines while fugitives fresh off parole teach each other the choice and will power of hope they no less can talk about or explain unless they are intoxicated and jobless. There is a huge deficits in what they have to do and did; with what we know they did and want; thus, hell awaits and the wrath of this great country which we know they are trying to destroy with this obnoxious hope and the unity of insanity. We suggest they understand we know everything and know they are not mean but the world has turned really mean on them. It is up to them to make noose of it and not up to us; here is our destiny.
This same hope by a worthless piss on religion that goes through the same alter of failure to the powers of voting the same day with no sense of duty is disgusting. Some smiley observations to their crass and homeless misunderstandings; the constant nonsense about how they are protectors, desired, a shield of hate and racism to minorities, have the best answers, are slightly wanted, our masters, defending hope success, can cut down trees fast and pollute rivers with no effort, have the best answers or can think out life, wreck others who think out the best answers and think out life, promoting us and our talents, fighting jealousy, and loved while laughed at beaten with political reality; is this same empty cock play nonsense and lack of reality. They fear the greatness, brains, and talents of the mightiest country on earth; worse they fear the mission we are on and trying to get rid of them.
Weasel duty is remorseless and with no fear. Let the public and the world know what they are up to and why they wrecked the country or waged war with this terror plot and hope; they are the next victims and going through the same experience as we are. We are to fix it and were recruited to fix this drop dead disaster of a mortal enemy. That same impotent cock play has also gotten them a slew of death penalty charges while they humorously and innocently yell from upstairs “hope” and begin stomping on the floor as if they feel the power of God and how it redirected their brain cells to homicide and cold blooded sober reality. The world is mean to them but they fear the wrath of the mightiest country and its greatness which they struggle to find themselves in. Of course the worthless endeavor is at our behest and end up costing us our entire life savings and future. We hope they can return the gesture in return for their destiny.
Are they going to bombard Ann’s position or mine? They go after mine; it is on again. 2006 we get the first real “positive identification” and proof of this effort by a home invasion. All security is alerted, FBI is alerted and on the scene; we have not sprung the trap; we do not have a positive ID yet. It has been almost ten years since they began to stalk and rewrite our life. They always return to the scene of the crime and are very bold; never thinking they will be caught. We know they are communist already and this is about the 1960s. The infiltrations and intelligence tell us the entire plan, reason, and what they want. I confirm and verify it is happening on this end also. - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
Some advice for weasel duty; put the damn beer can yelling in bars down and hit the god damn books before telling us about hope and change we can believe in. There are a slew of death penalty charges if the upstairs management and emissaries wish to hurry up our way so the authorities can begin this wrath and fear of their own country. Now does that make them hope or check their pants? Does that make them want war or get embolden to keep retaliating day and night, even stomp on our gardens and kill our tomato plants? The militaries of this world and the real human beings who have to survive this ordeal are hungry from the same death penalty charges and have become stalwarts of military change and hope. If it is their mission and we work for them; can they at least take some quizzes and tests to determine if they are phony and a fraud?
We have a clear and concise message, also mission, for those who are infiltrating the right wing, the Republican Party, and the conservative movement and bombarding it with this broken fate and life in order to spread the blame, share the destiny, reap the reward, control the engines of fate, and take control of a nation. If they fear the fate and the wrath of this country, swear upon the bible to never live under it or with it. We have already sown our destiny and sworn in because we are the recruiters and the last people to be doing this upon. It is long gone and time for them to pack up and leave before the truth surfaces and their fate apprehended. We are not happy, pleased, and surprisingly discoursed by their work done or being done no less the recruitment effort by spies and infiltrators sneaking around as the police and future leaders.
From 2006 to 2008; it is all online. Ann and I are talking and scouting who these new arrivals online are and if we recognize any of them or words and phrases they say to us. They never show their faces and use fake pictures when we begin to get a fix on their locations. I try to scout if it is male or female with sexual or lewd comments. I try to figure out if they are looking for romance, sex, or marriage. I do what I need to in order to corner their intentions and plans. All of this is relayed to Ann. She will do as usual and duplicate it and contact them to do back what I find out they are doing to me. That will get her in there and also make them excited here. The fun begins in 2007 when the first 20 chapters of the book are online. It describes me as the father of cyber warfare. I am hit constantly by cyber warfare and a challenger as usual. They are superior and we are subordinates. They are recruiters and our teachers. No ID and no knowledge that they are but it is the same recruitment effort and defection attempt. What interest them the most is satellite warfare? A trap is set. Walk into it if you are this bold and daring. - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
This problem with human beings is a worthless broken bunch now. They have no future or nobody who wants to care for them or why they live under a system, nation, and country with the ultimate wrath and punishments; yet they have no fear or care for it. Nobody wants human beings as worthless and so broken they do not fear the wrath of the country they live under or the mission it is on. We know and understand they want and wish this mission, but the truth is it belong to us and we are the recruiters for who caught them trying to steal the same mission they now hate. They hate their country, its mission, and the wrath of the same destiny. Now why would a bunch of failure and twig like frail fugitives live in or under a country with such a wrath upon them?
We no less are going to compensate them for limiting their liberties than they are quiet about the same liberties they have abused or mistreated badly. There is lying and then there is gross lying and unrecoverable mistakes to this death sentence and weasel duty. Why they lock us out of our life and destiny, lock the country out of a healthy and pristine destiny, lock us out of what they are up to and did, lock out everybody but themselves, a rap sheet so long they cannot begin to describe it, and skirt around in this manner which degrades our mission and our country is beyond the words itself. How do they sugar coat it and make good light of these lies or total lies? They may decide to clear the record so they can not be terminated on site. We do have a few of them and much more of a list to put in the same trap; to make it all stop and go away. After ten years there is a long trail and many mistakes.
In 2008, Ann and I close up the loop. All hell breaks out. First person on the scene is Rush, Ingraham, Hannity, Edwards, The Clintons, (Horowitz is with us all the way also) W, and McCain and Osama. Out of all of them, Osama is the most hidden and elusive. Relations sour with the upstairs people. They are probing and want to know my relation with Ann. It is Hannity and the Clintons. It has to do with the home invasion and Clintons “turf” in New York. - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
This weasel duty is not going to receive any compensation or reparation for oppression; the debt and payments to them through time and sharing their broken political philosophy and criminality is unbearable. They compensate for this criminal gesture and lying capability with hostility and violence where their mental faculty is also as broken. Meanwhile, their leaders are getting dumber and spending more and more on their hostility and using the spending to gain power while we fall frivolous victims to the abuse of immigration and what the country was founded on; no words to describe it from these bunches yet still.
The hardening of their cock play is maddening up, irritating, and exasperatingly ludicrous; but now they fear the wrath of the country and the rubber chicken snapping back with equal elasticity on the jerky losers. We are set in life and we have the fate all human beings wish to be or become. How jealous can their cock play be now figuring this out and defeating every single effort and still not having their names and badges for the wrath to come? We do know it was a failed effort and a limp chicken we are dealing with; why try this on the most powerful military on earth and those who govern it? Even women look at them with this cock play and become nauseated by the idea it can be real and part of their own life; they think it is some badge of honor of a real and deeply passionate life. Why then are the grotesque and repulsive looks doing the same to our men with this same gay risk?
From there we are here. Intel then tells me they had infiltrated and knew it all. I asked Ann and she said she had most of it. I had the remainder. So Ann and I will be the active nodes while Intel will hold and keep safe the whole entire situation along with how they obtained it. When I was arrested; they stuck with Ann. In that time, she interviewed thousands of people and they were able to fix their targets and coordinates on the source, ring leaders, and expand it until they had it all and knew it all. So when they told me; I knew we had all of it and then went on full attack mode. It has been back and forth trading shots ever since. - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
This weasel duty and how we end up falling victim to loose dirt under our own nails and their worthless demands, inescapable debts, and broken life mission; to terrorize human beings. So they are either going to defend human beings or define themselves as some other species; but make real clear the fate of this country and the wrath of it which they refuse to live under or protect. Instead they terrorize people and insist their hostility is based on their empty anger and genetics. This country has a devastating wrath and if they do not fear that same wrath and punishment of the same country they claim to love or protect; then it will dispense and disruptive and equal callous effort upon them which punishments dispensed cannot word favorably. They need not live in or be born into a reality and experience which is silent or so depressingly a nuisance as what is needed and what has yet to arrive.
Now if they fear that wrath and that fate, then they have no business and no reason to stay, claim they protect it, claim they live under it, claim they are the master of and for it, and have no reason to live but to terrorize other human beings. If they can word it more accurately than us, then we would wish to hear it and not feel their wrath or broken fate. They are in our mission, our country, and that same wrath we dispense belongs to us and they have no say until they can word or choose not to remain silent about this as a total nuisance. We have been pushed to the limit and accused of just about every possible evil on earth by the left wing; it is snapping back on them in a more truthful manner and they need not act hostile or quiet to the wrath and hell that waits. There is a truth and genuine reason why these human beings and this bunchy breed are hated while their cock play to be tough and hostile is worse than obnoxious.
As a recruit, they wanted to control and attack to “breed” some attack or declare it a “terror plot.” They need an alibi as usual. Thus they use the union agitation plays and experience of a full century to implement the same propaganda and effects globally using the directives of the Israelis. They will target a subject or hostile, dress up as America or American spies, agitate and keep them prisoners for decades and years; then try to shift that blame to America or other countries. - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
Hell awaits this weasel duty. If they do not fear it and hate it; then they have no business pretending to or stepping foot on our lands and our mission. We never did invite them and never did recruit or want them; why do they want our mission? Did we reverse the story or did they write it backwards as usual and now got a surprise of their life? Is there duty and identity in contributing to the violence of liberals, left wing, and is their duty in killing while on this mission? Is there is not then the window of opportunity to file a claim will be closed sooner rather than later but shortly because we know what they know also.
Before it was to terrorize us with the law and now it is to terrorize us with a reality so broken and misplace, they can find tutelage and duty in killing themselves no less have us hunt them down for the same reasons. We are well past the point of return so the threshold is not going to compensate or return to their mission or effort to steal it from us based on hate and racism laws. This is satellite warfare and also the mission of the United States for the next 200 years and they have made the biggest mistake on earth to be messing with the founders and the recruiters of that fate and destiny. This weasel duty is the same cock play we cut off and stomped on for all the right reasons but it refuses to die graciously. They find comfort on the bottom and find comfort with a useless life. What are we doing in it now?
The people you are after are politicians and thinkers; very prestigious and powerful. This is an insult to their power and life, their position in the army of the damned and too big to fail. The people behind this are politicians on the left wing who are very weak and liberal; very weak and very angry. They use their racketeering scams and criminal elements to do their dirty work; thus, the army of the damned and mob elements or the unions. This is why the penetrations and the police force problems; they work for the same bosses on the left wing. They have a very high breaking point and are not fazed by the stuff they are reading; they know what they are doing and what needs to be done; they know we are the best and took them down and made them crawl. - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
We will choose who we want and need but for god sakes, shut the hell up about our mission; nobody is playing games and gambling with the future here. There is a very deserving and real reason why these people are hated domestically and internationally. Need they be quiet about it and make things worse? This cock play by the left wing and unions is supposed to make us fear them or instill a sense of pride to how tough they are or how their cock plays is not big enough to match the mightiest military and the greatest wrath on earth? Did we mention the mission which this same cock play is trying to snake and skirt around because they cannot think things out and fear the hell that waits? Leave the cock play to the private life and not warfare and human struggles.
Our only effervescent advice to this cock play by left wing losers and a broken future of political fugitives sneaking around is do not live in a country you fear, do not play with a military trained to defeat you on and off the battlefield, do not pretend you do not fear a wrath waiting to happen, and most of all do not live with masters and leaders who hate you and you cannot defeat or out think. It feels like stupidity gone wild and asking for more freedom. Yet this cock play and terrorist recruitment by the liberals and left wing is made to look and feel right wing and a death sentence for no reason other than oppression. Why do they come to a country they mess up and fear then make unreasonable demands and ask if we fear them? We are not the problem and we do not have a federal indictment being levied by livid masters of wars who already know this is a big problem. If they fear the wrath of their country then do not contribute to the problem.
That is how they do it and why they know about it before it occurs. They select the hostile group, choose a uniform, and put them under clandestine siege forever or until retaliation. When I did not respond, they wanted to send me to Africa for three years and I turned it down. I was to install CCTV security cameras; what they use on us for probably all of our life and was in wait but I left and joined the army after getting with Ann in 1989. This is also why the blame is to “bury the Republican Party” and “if you saw a group on the street… wouldn’t you want to give them moral support” and “with you all the way and to the end.” Their Israeli handler was informed that if he pointed the APS satellite at us one more time; we would seek revenge and he said, “We are dead” (Netanyahu). - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
On a last and final note about weasel duty; this emotional cock play by fugitives and losers is unbearable at the same time very noticeable. This world has changed the formula of warfare and dutifully killing human beings. Where security in numbers and the human wall of serfs and peasants was a formidable and comforting thought; it now has been replaced by advanced metals and robotics. Satellite warfare and robotic warfare is as it worse and the killing ratio is unbelievable; beyond nuclear and even nuclear Armageddon. We do not wish to hear or care for hope when we live in a world where hope is mere mulch for a robot and automated processes in satellite warfare.
Yes and Sean finished the job; there you go Sean; “is dangerously close” and is a hit man and a political assassin, an IRA terrorist. You had admitted this already. Now you are in hiding and will commit suicide taking it to the grave; at least we make an effort to write or document what you did or tried; we reversed every single bit because we knew every single aspect and even hunted you down and were chasing you and you did not know. Even up until June 2009 you had no clue and did not even know. That is how delusional and how deranged you are and getting. Intel says all you do is think about suicide and you do not want a trial or to say your side of the story. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who Would Ruin 20+ Years of Happy Love and Relationships by Bombarding Us with Ruinous Weasels? By Author, June 19, 2009 -
Here is the truth about the liberal media. They or it must be fired or forced to produce the full truth while doing a near perfect job. Otherwise, they will always exploit the news and the turmoil in our world to peddle their reality and donations. It is no longer about freedoms or the freedom of speech today; but the secret life, hidden agendas, hidden motives, and doing the minimum for the country they claim to love or the truth they claim to profess is in serious disrepair. Until this is fixed, the messages sent around the world and via the same media channels with expound evil and add more enemies to an already troublesome and lurid world. The media orders them like the same political parties who order us while in serious disrepair and seeking pity mode. Ask what kind of a jackass would make a mess like this and keep it a secret?
You have not apologized and even made several references how you will beat us and turn this around, “sorry… but you are on your own” 6/19/2009 7:41:53 PM and we make super clear you are a cold blooded murderer and terrorist. Take it to the grave and deny us the terror plot and the plots to destroy America and others. You deserve everything coming to you and where you are going. The most disgusting part was using Ann to cover over and suggest she was this gullible and was madly in love with you; you knew the mission and what you had to do and say. Rush even came out and said it, “Bush finished what the Clintons could not.” - Interview with Terror Suspects: Who Would Ruin 20+ Years of Happy Love and Relationships by Bombarding Us with Ruinous Weasels? By Author, June 19, 2009 -
This annoying cock play by a brainless and worthless enemy on our own soil; who is confident enough to start and not fight a war is fantastically now a war of minds. If they wish to be part of that destiny and victory; they better bring with them the brain and mind before they are ridiculed and riddled with holes. We do not need them or care if they are mulch because the robots that will fight do not see them in this manner either. It is a war of minds and science which they are an obvious failure and drag to this recruitment process; no less hijacking or stolen effort. From here on we are best friends with robots and resort to family values; not their hope or silent political reality which has death penalty charges heretofore. Let’s not get too far from reality and too far ahead of ourselves. We have launched the first tests and the first missions; thus we seek real answers and claim the first superior truth in the matter.
Controlled demolition. I think the agents who dressed up as firemen that day concealed the method they used and when asked, Rush said it was in Tel Aviv now. In other words, he knows what I know. He knows where the evidence is and the records show he tried to answer it while I was playing him as the liar; but sometimes it is for fun and games only. In that melee, people snuck into the building. There are also issues with bones and cremation; but the idea is if they were so advanced, why would they resort to a primitive method? It is archaic and intended to not leave evidence or traceable footsteps; like our own account, they reverse the entire tables. Those who wore black before now wore white; those who wore red were now wearing black. - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
The problem is we have leaders who are at a deficit and slowly going backwards with reality and worse political reality. Where they once had numbers; they now screwed up the calculus of economics. We actually have the worst leaders with the worst answers or lies. They spend aimlessly thinking spending will win elections and fix this disaster and terror plot we are trapped in. They made the problem and the solution gutless and a coward to the reality. They made their power and reputation a gutless and false royalty which can collapse at any moment with no thought or brain power of going away peacefully. They are so hated, they joyride their ways to military adventurisms and add more and more enemies to their patriotism; then lie about it as if we are getting a favor and paid for it.
Furthermore, these political leaders and this breed of some other form have not defended or defined who we are; hence, have no clues who they are or why they are in such trouble. They feel their own lies are silent because their intentions justifies itself; let us judge them and let the crimes and terror plots judge them irregardless of their deep convictions or intentions. These silent tricks are intended to have lasting effects on the life of others but are not healthy and helpful to the mission of this country or the world; it is self serving and intended to get them reelected and reemerging as a potential jackass in the pool of already existing jackasses. Arresting is the feeling of a real political reality and we have yet to feel real and honorable ones. Someone however, has done some really bad stuff to us and this mission and they refuse to fix it or admit to it because we defeated and won every legal suit intended on burying us in the rubble of a terror plot and false recruitment.
Rush may be back with the answer or is getting it. However, he did say where it was and why. I told the people who were getting very bold how the FBI can pick them up and the CIA is asking to go clandestine on their ass if they make another false move. Their secret war is getting hot and out of control; escape and getting us before we get them is the only moves left. However, Intel is who they really want and who can take them all down at once. The question is what will they tell me and what will I ask or leak out? If they wish to correct it or have a talk to correct it; please let us know. We will amend the record. - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
So they feel this thievery as the lies which will benefit this mission and our mission; our destiny and the destiny not even in super duper dispute as we make more clear and more concise what we are dealing with, who we are dealing with, what they did, what we want, how they did it, and what needs immediate action and to redress what they hope and tried to change. The mission and satellite warfare was stubborn to their appeal and did not go along with the nonsense of their cock play or the lies which courageously accompanied them. We will make more clear this destiny as they are destroyed and weakened; however, this super duper disputed fact and purpose to clear out their lies and make way for a splendid fix to this problem is the same mission of the country, our destiny, and which brought us to victory.
The mission of satellite warfare was intended to be honorable and the most prestigious a human being can experience. We did not intend this insane enemy to make an insurgency and capture us but we amusingly let them for a wrath waiting for them. It was not a choice, they made it so difficult to respond and identify who did it or where it was from. So they not only tried to steal and wreck this mission; they said it was their destiny and intention to stop us which has now become their destiny and broken record we keep hearing whizzing by us. These people need to be asked politely to leave the borders and if they refuse they need to have the ultimate wrath of the same greatness on top of them until they starve or spit out a terror plot and those behind it.
What they want is satellite warfare. They have no idea we are the founders of it and masters of it for over 20 years. I can describe in electrical engineering terms every part and node to it. Satellite warfare is the last shooting match on earth and the next chapter called “Weasel Duty and Satellite Warfare.” It is the last and remaining shooting match and these is what they are after or want; SDI is included in it. I did not mention this. They do not know who they have and what they are in, no less that they are playing and toying with. They kidnapped the founder of it and also; well, you tell me. It is almost like kidnapping the President; the only problem is he is not very smart and cannot tell me anything about satellite warfare until I write a chapter on it. That is why I say I founded it and they got the founder of it. Netanyahu got it right when he said, “we are dead.” - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
We cannot emphasize how this is unbearable and they need to earn their rank and pay their due in this war with morons and feet stopping neighbors who have us under surveillance hoping we will get giddy and drunk with their refusal to get out of the country, our life, or face the ultimate wrath. They keep bringing out this emotional appeal and think they are making us wiser and better leaders to govern their recruitment and destiny. Those are the orders and we demand them to earn their pay and duties for their own sake. This is why you do not deputize jackasses and espionage spies who meddle in the mental health of others or try to brainwash them with dirty tricks and war crimes intended for sick penis rodeo of theirs.
Whoever is in charge will make their people suffer and also starve; so they have a genuine reason to wish them dead; we will be fine and we are destined for greatness already. Take out their trash and dump it on someone else’s life; but not ours and we will wait for this to be a reality so they have a future in a country which has turned hostile to their stupidity and false lies. Ask them nicely to leave and make this problem go away and if they do not; do not waste the years we have while they are acting confident; just get rid of them because the total death penalty charges are so damning and so dangerous; we can arrest the one in charge of the arrest procedure as on a brainless weasel duty.
That is a warning for this spy group and the teams surrounding us. Both the CIA and FBI wish to get in this fight and cut you up; I know the Pentagon will retaliate on a moments notice; so that basically means you are dead also. Count the seconds to arrival and let the show and game start. Welcome to your future, it will not be as pleasant as you make it. If decide to challenge them, I can tell you the CIA will be so brutal you will not be the same ever again; thanks for the revenge on us and taking revenge for the cold war and Vietnam War on both Ann and myself. We know they are the best and we know they have a high breaking point but flex and are pliable. - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
There is a lot of payback and we have not retaliated because they put us under surveillance and are hair trigger to terrorism, terror plots, and claiming to be the police. We want them dead and legally to restore and preserve our sanity and this mission. We will let the trash deal with their own trash if they wish a pleasant future with us and our missions. We are not cold blooded killers but they sure wish it on us and want to transform us with this day and night harassment, threats, agitation, and brainwashing. They call it ticking others off until they become homicidal and terrorists also. We get their voodoo and head shrinks every single day for the past decade and more. It is like some magic pill to make us their ethnic hero and how they got this way. They were starved and came to America for a reason and this sounds like why. Now that trash and idiot is in our mission and wrecking our life and nation. They are famous and celebrity trash now; worse their leaders are in major bargaining trouble. They face the removal and total damnation of banning; check their underwear and ask them for an honest reply.
How they got all this access is still a mystery like why three buildings and the military headquarters collapsed and the Republican Party was buried by their tricks and lies. They did it so they can clean it up and kill the beast to make matters right with the mission. Our destiny is already written and we refuse it to be changed by drunken faggots who cannot get along with anyone or tell the truth about what they did or why they are behind terror plots and communist coups gone awry. They are in the trash dump already, why are we being forced in it and asked to join them with this kidnapping? They call it hope and weasel duty. Someone has to burn that trash eventually because we did it also and really badly. We are feeling fine and quite happy to explain the future and how great the ordeal made us; yet the anger and negative parts are now put back on us by sore losers and deadly terrorists. Why, isn’t trash supposed to be burned and disposed of properly and not dumped on us? The answer to scarcity is not increased silence and screaming in our kitchen windows “shut up” or “goes home.”
We have not gotten even yet but we will and you will spend the remainder of your life in prison or as best friends with CIA who knows we caught you and also how you are on their turf. I suggest you go home and get off their turf no less stop stomping on my garden, killing my tomato plants, or making me so angry by stomping on my floor and invading my life to mess it up more. It is between you and CIA clandestine now; leave me out of it and alone. I will bet one million on CIA and say you will not make it out alive or recognizable. - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
Now in the name hate, racism and race bullies; we have to be pushed into a cold blooded communist and terrorist like them as they tell us how angry and reciprocal they are upstairs and above us. We ignore it and let the trash take their own trash out if they are to be on good terms and equalize with us or our mission. We are not recruiting and do not want them near this mission or ever to have a finger print on it or else the death penalty and charges will be linked to their effort. Those charges and those precedents; the experience we had to fight through and our ordeal is still after ten years not near closure and being added to daily by the same people who now say they are with us and our moral support to the end. There is something wrong when we wish them dead and they feel they are our moral support, can survive this and will be with us to the end and victory.
We demand an immediate and truthful answer or it is their head; not ours. There is a reason why people are suffering and also starving for our attention; it is because these people waged war on this country and it is a challenge to catch them if we can or dare. So if their own people starve and resort to hanging them; we will not loose sleep but we might view it as a gesture to right the wrongs of this world in a very bad way to apprehend terrorists, fugitives, and agitations meant to keep us inoculated and pissed off for over a decade by a underhanded weasel and drunk idiot. Nothing they can do will change our fate and they will never be viewed or accepted ever again. The world is mean to them but they fear the wrath of the mightiest country and its greatness which they struggle to find themselves in. Of course the worthless endeavor is at our behest and end up costing us our entire life savings and future. We hope they can return the gesture in return for their destiny.
I do not wish to get involved in your secret war with them so keep busy and have fun while they want to talk to you about what you are up to in our life and our turf. I think it is fair to say you threw the rule book away and are animals; so they know how to deal with you and your types. My theory is you are a child molester and when the cavalry arrives; you crawl, beg, and whimper how sorry you are. My theory is you are a rapist and predator also and know no laws or abide by them, hence the terror plots. My theory is you are a fool, gutless coward, and can only tick people off or make them so angry they wish to strangle you; then you become a thief and fool, a child molester and rapist again. It is the only life your kind knows and lives, but we know what you are up to now and why; you are spies and saboteurs. You know this and I know you know this. - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
So when their constituents and political base hears this; they will go ape wild on them and demand answers also. The truth hurts but knowing it will hurt this breed even more. They may claim they are hunting us and we are in their lies, but if the truth and the real reality is theirs to own, they will provide answers and not watch as their suicide is a stronger reality and for real. They will also not fear the greatness of the same country they claim to own and tell the truth and the story of this mission they tried to wreck and rewrite as their own. If they began with a legal bombardment of baseless law suits; then it led to the biggest loss of their career and future political life. Our kidnapping and the terror plots to turn us into liberal and left wing “moral support” or “with them to the end” did not work and will not. This legal weapon of mass destruction and the pending claim for reparations has a slew of death penalty charges and tremendous fraud to answer up for. So we caught them and they ignore the truth of being caught and are now trying harder to sneak by and this by. We know they are all Presidents and armed robbers.
Weasel duty will run smack into satellite warfare and our destiny. It will face off with the robotics and the mulch of civilizations we lived through and know about. We do not need them. The country does not either. Is that what they fear or are fighting with this terror plot and kidnapping? It is too bad we already know the answers and wrote the book and destiny which harpooned our mortal enemies to their current helplessness. Do you want or wish to deal with this threat ever again and the filthy fight they put up with the best and this wrath of greatness? Yes it is contributing to the violence and end of liberals and the left wing, we would prefer it no other way. It is a shame they figure out how to strip the blame and share it on the right wing and rig it so the Republicans got buried by a terror plot and hope. Now they seek reparations for hope, hate, and racism while their claims are merely fabricated our nightmare, a fraud, and a religious trick to steal our true worth and set theirs to their liking.
Right now who we caught and have is the defensive unit. It is the job of the defensive unit to wreak havoc, stop us, present as much obstruction and trouble as possible, to rewrite our life, and to keep us under watch and surveillance. The job of the defensive unit is to “call it off” and put so much pressure we “call it off.” Now you have major problems and similarly, know we have the offensive unit as well and have trapped them and wiping them out also. It is not what you know and what we know; it is what nobody else knows or what we are not telling. Correct or not; in this instance we caught a spy and terror group who is being hunted down by security forces and in tatters; near dead and gone. Just a few more mistakes and a little longer and they will finish the job on you all. Now you want that fight with CIA or not? They have a reputation to uphold and stand on; unless you truly are cowards and pansies who act exactly like child molesters in the final hours. - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
Our destiny and fate is already written, it is their leaders and those whose finger prints are on this who need one and to be in good standing; so they can deal with their trash pile and problems while we wait for the wrath and hell upon them. If they need a destiny then we just denied them one and will forever until they make good of the one they tried to steal, destroy, and then escape from. They may feel differently but when they are starved for all the right reasons and others have a happy destiny, they can be quiet again and sit there and stomp on the floor all day so we get more and more ticked off with them. That was the most outstanding strategy and self inflicted starvation we have ever encountered or will. We are still waiting for answers and the truth or wonder why it is taking so long while they tick us off every single day? Is that supposed to change our destiny or change the reality or just strengthen their law suit and this legal claim it is about hate and racism? It has not strengthened it and they are done and over as cold blooded terrorists and armed robbers.
Weasel duty is for weasels and crazy spending and budget plans along with overhauling the financial sectors will not address scarcity or this problem with an idiot regulating a system which rewards the opposite human beings. Similarly, these lies and spending adventures will not combat or make go away this very dangerous predicament or make more precise and concise the mission at hand or the one we had been on. It is required and the above is just real weasel duty which needs immediate attention but is dutifully being neglected by this deaf defying act and fear of "their" country and wrath of "it's" owned greatness. These are very proud people but the problem is they have nothing to be proud of and worse, we are living in their trash dump and criminal life. Everybody is getting angrier about the same problem of them ticking us off so we too are recruited as terrorists while the greatness of and the wrath of the nation starves them. We will let trash without a destiny deal with trash that ruined it; ours is not going away and we are not going to share ours with trash.
It is like South America all over again and death squads. We have no idea what you are trying to do or whether you wish to say “terror plot” by attacking and agitating us for a decade nonstop and still have not caught this conspiracy but we did catch you. You will not blame another group for your handiwork. Dick Cheney and the upstairs people (linked to Hannity and Clinton and are fierce Irish proud; they go bananas the moment you call them drunken failures) are somehow linked to union agitation and throwing Molotov terror plots or recruiting tools. Even after a full decade they still cannot make us or call us a “terrorist” but are trying hard; 10,000 attacks and 30 in the past month or so. It is to anger others and they sit as victims or pretend they have nothing to do with this or it is not their intention; a conscious effort to meddle and lure us to be one of them; an ape and Neanderthal; meanwhile, they say America is doing this to them and they have a hard life already. - Summary of The New Cold War and Why. Back to the Future: 1961 to 2001, Forty Years Later and the Communist Revolution in America; by Author; June 21, 2009 -
The big and final question is whether or not he, they or it will make it to retirement. We caught them and they do not know how we did, what we used to catch them, or why we know everything. Yet the idea still up for grabs is whether the Gestapo will make it to retirement, the street crew and those who do the dirty work, the terrorists, or the real ones behind this; the spy master. Logic tells us they will clean out the ones who can take them down and leave no evidence. So the first target is us and that was already done and failed in 2006 and then one last effort in 2008 before they changed up and switched to being on our side and getting behind us.
I miss Paul Harvey and his acknowledgement of those who had been married 50, 60, even 70 years. Those people are my role models. I'm sure they heard the voice, too, but they told it to get lost and it did. Pushing against weights builds up the body, pushing against the voice builds up the soul and improves a marriage. You can never take a marriage -- or the voice -- for granted; it's always on the prowl looking for new people to destroy. - The Voice Claims Another Victim, by Cal Thomas, www.townhall.com ; Friday, June 26, 2009 -
If we are chasing aliens and a Neanderthal walked into our trap; then we have everything on them and can decide who retires and who does not. The question is who will take out who first in the captured spy ring in order to free their names and life which they worked so hard but now know; they can spend the remainder of their life and retirement penniless and behind bars. Did we mention the risk of the spy masters and the spy group we captured in this trap; they too are at risk by their own and by the evidence we accumulated for over ten years and stretching back to almost sixty years of US history and democracy.
FINAL VOTE: 219 - 212 PASSES (click for source)
Their names were:
* Mary Bono Mack, Cauli-for-nia (Land of the Loons)
* Mike Castle, Delaware (home of Joey "Budweiser" Biden)
* John M. McHugh, NY (the Liberal State)
* Dave Reichert, Washington (the Other Liberal State)
* Chris Smith, NJ (Where Republicans are Democrats too!)
* Leonard Lance, NJ (See above)
* Frank LoBiondo, NJ (See above)
* Mark Kirk, Ill (Barack Obama Land!)
And even though this bill still has to go through the Senate, I think you should help me give all of these fine 8 traitors a friendly "Eff You," don't you? - 8 Republican Assholes Who Helped Cap and Trade Pass the House, www.feedyouradhd.blogspot.com ; Friday, June 26, 2009 -
Now does that sound like a traitor waiting to be hung or a great American and human being who are with us to the end? It is liked pouring ants down the pants of an un-bathed female; first it is a disgusting thought, then it is hard to keep silent about and lastly, it turns out to be a very bad experience for everybody involved; that is weasel duty also. Gutless and stupid, they fear the greatness, brains, and talents of the mightiest country on earth; worse they fear the mission we are on and trying to get rid of them. Why they live and call home the country they fear the greatness of is an unmanageable reality and weasel duty. That is the excrement of their confidence and why they hate the greatness of the nation but do not sense the fear for this same wrath; they cannot escape the reality and life being hunted as a jackass and worthless cold blooded killers who have no answers and stare back with this blank weasel duty they want to sign up for every single day.
There is some kind of financial hit today from two obvious places. It is about a college loan totaling 22K which should have been included in forced bankruptcy in 1998 and Newt comes back and rubs it in again with Hannity. I have sent six letters to them to contact the FBI and how they were circumventing the law and obstructing justice. These three are behind this. It is like a replay of 1998 again and with a knife on our back every single day when another one is already in our back. We did not kidnap them to “ask the hard questions.” Nor are we behind murderous terror plots because there was so much profit involved. This is how insane they are and what it feels like; madness. Will any of them retire or will they go after each other so they can retire? - Grievances and Pressure from Birmingham, AL; Madison, WI; and San Diego, CA; Still Ongoing; by Author; June 26, 2009 -
So repeat for the founders of the last shooting match on earth why the dumbest, the worst, the most whorish, the most hated and alienated (stop there); would hijack or try to steal the most vicious, mightiest, and great nation or military in the world for the last shooting match on earth and keep it a secret or silent while they snuck around and used their bottom dwelling as a joke to tick us off and make us angrier and angrier as they screamed how we contribute to hate and racism on liberals and left wing worthlessness; they are the secret police, we are caught and gotcha while we owe them extortion rewards, tribute, medical care, welfare and entailments, and are paralyzed by frivolous and frothing legal suits of a delusional weasel duty? Why would they hijack the founders, the military leaders, the mightiest and best, and the smartest that are writing destiny and already destined? Would they care to tell us honestly before it is too late for them, or is it already? Is the joke on us or them? We need this terror plot and conspiracy dead and gone with immediacy and with the wrath of the mightiest military on earth; it is game over.
"Army" lyrics by Ben Folds Five
Well I thought about the army
Dad said, "Son you're effing high"
And I thought, yeah there's a first for everything
So I took my old man's advice
Three sad semesters
It was only fifteen grand spent in bed
I thought about the army
I dropped out and joined a band instead
Grew a moustache and a mullet
Got a job at Chic-fil-a
Citing artistic differences
The band broke up in May
And in June reformed without me
And they'd got a different name
I nuked another grandma's apple pie
And hung my head in shame
I know, I've been thinking a lot today
I've been thinking a lot today
Oh, I think I'll write a screenplay
Oh, I think I'll take it to L. A.
Oh, I think I'll get it done yesterday
In this time of introspection
On the eve of my election
I say to my reflection
"God, please spare me more rejection"
Cause my peers criticize me
And my ex-wives all despise me
Try to put it all behind me
But my redneck past is nipping at my heels
I've been thinking a lot today
I've been thinking a lot today
I've been thinking a lot today
I thought about the army
“Fire in the Head” lyrics by The Tea Party
Silent, knowing, always in time
See how this love stays divine
See how this love stays divine
Hoping, knowing, always in time
See how the love stays divine
See how the love stays divine
This is the way step inside
And I’m waiting
When I return to her I find
And I’m waiting
Flowers of evil in my mind
And I’m waiting
Dancing with fire on the edge
And I’m waiting
Remembering all of what she said
And I’m waiting
Hoping the rains will wash away
And I’m waiting
Hoping a guide will show the way
And I’m waiting
Dancing with fire on the edge
And I’m waiting
Remembering all of what she said
With this fire in the head
Silent, knowing, always in time
See how this love stays divine
See how this love stays divine
This is the way step inside
Hoping, knowing, always in time
See how the love stays divine
See how the love stays divine
This is the way step inside
"Rooster" lyrics by Alice in Chains
Ain’t found a way to kill me yet
Eyes burn with stinging sweat
Seems every path leads me to nowhere
Wife and kids and household pet
Army green was no safe bet
The bullets scream to me from somewhere
Here they come to snuff the rooster
Oh yeah
Yeah here come the rooster
You know he ain’t gonna die
No, no, no, ya know he ain’t gonna die
Walkin’ tall machine gun man
They spit on me in my home land
Gloria sent me pictures of my boy
Got my pills ’gainst mosquito death
My buddy’s breathin’ his dyin’ breath
Oh God please won’t you help me make it through
“Prayer” lyrics by Disturbed
Another dream that will never come true
Just to compliment your sorrow
Another life that I've taken from you
A gift to add on to your pain and suffering
Another truth you can never believe
Has crippled you completely
All the cries you're beginning to hear
Trapped in your mind, and the sound is deafening
Let me enlighten you
This is the way I pray
Living just isn't hard enough
Burn me alive inside-eh
Living my life's not hard enough
Take everything away
Another nightmare about to come true
Will manifest tomorrow
Another love that I've taken from you
Lost in time, on the edge of suffering
Another taste of the evil I breed
Will level you completely
Bring to life everything that you fear
Live in the dark, and the world is threatening
Let me enlighten you
This is the way I pray
Living just isn't hard enough
Burn me alive inside-eh
Living my life's not hard enough
Take everything away
Reach out to me, reach out to me, reach out to me, reach me no one
Turn to me, return to me, return to me, turn to me, cast aside
Return to me, return to me, return to me, turn to me, leave me no one
Turn to me, return to me, return to me, you make me turn away
Living just isn't hard enough
Burn me alive inside-eh
Living my life's not hard enough
They take everything away
(Repeat chorus to end)
“I Dare You” lyrics by Shinedown
Hell----oh, let me introduce you to;
The characters in the show
One says yes, one says no
Decide - which voice in your head you can keep alive
(Chorus 1)
Even in madness, I know you still ba ---lieve
Paint me your canvas so I be----come
What you could never be
How dare you to tell me to walk through the fire
Brand my soul and call me a li----ar
How dare you to tell me to walk through a fi----re
I dare you to tell me
I dare you to
Hell----oh, are you still chasing
The memor---ies, in sha---dows
Some stay young, some grow old
Come alive, there are thoughts unclear
You can never hide
(Chorus 2)
I dare you to tell me to walk through the fire
Burn my soul and call me a liar
I dare you to tell me to walk through the fire
I dare you to tell me
“Fly from the Inside” lyrics by Shinedown
Here's the weight of the world on my shoulders
Here's the weight of the world on my shoulders
On my shoulders
All alone I pierce the chain
And on and on the sting remains
And dieing eyes consume me now
The voice inside screams out loud
I am focused on what I am after
The key to the next open chapter
Cause I found a way to steal the sun from the sky
Long live that day that I decided to fly from the inside
Every day a new deception
Pick your scene and take direction
And on and on I search to connect
But I don't wear a mask and I have no regrets
I am focused on what I am after
The key to the next open chapter
I can't escape the pain
I can't control the rage
Sometimes I think that I'm gonna go insane
I'm not against what's right
I'm not for what's wrong
I'm just making my way and I'm gone
Here's the weight of the world on my shoulders
“Smooth Criminal” lyrics by Alien Ant Farm
As he came into the window
Was a sound of a crescendo
He came into her apartment
He left the bloodstains on the carpet
She was sitting at the table
He could see she was unable
So she ran into the bedroom
She was struck down
It was her doom
Annie, are you OK
Are you OK
Are you OK, Annie?
Annie, are you OK
You OK
Are you OK, Annie?
Annie, are you OK
You OK
You OK, Annie
Annie, are you OK
You OK
Are you OK, Annie?
Annie, are you OK
Will you tell us that you’re OK
There’s a sign at the window
That he struck you
A crescendo, Annie
He came into your apartment
He left the bloodstains on the carpet
Then you ran into the bedroom
You were struck down
It was your doom
You’ve been hit by
You’ve been struck by
A smooth criminal
So they came into the out way
It was Sunday
What a black day
I could feel your salutation
Sounding heartbeats
Annie, are you OK
Will you tell us that you’re OK?
There’s a sign at the window
That he struck you
A crescendo, Annie
He came into your apartment
He left the bloodstains on the carpet
Then you ran into the bedroom
You were struck down
It was your doom
Annie, are you OK
You OK
Are you OK, Annie?
You’ve been hit by
You’ve been struck by
A smooth criminal
Annie, are you OK
Will you tell us that you’re OK
There’s a sign at the window
That he struck you
A crescendo, Annie
He came into your apartment
He left the bloodstains on the carpet
Then you ran into the bedroom
You were struck down
It was your doom
“Thrash Unreal” lyrics by Against Me!
If she wants to dance and drink all night
Well there’s no one that can stop her
She’s going until the house lights come up
Or her stomach spills onto the floor
This night is going to end
When we’re damn well ready
For it to be over
Worked all week long
Now the music is playing on our time
Well we do what we do
To get by-high
And then we need a release
(Bah, bah, bah… bah, bah, da bah ah-bah.
Bah, bah, bah… bah, bah, da bah ah-bah.
Bah, bah, bah… bah, bah, da bah ah-bah.
Bah, bah, bah… bah, bah, da bah ah-bah.)
You get mixed up with the wrong guys
You get messed up on the wrong drugs
Sometimes the party takes you places that you didn’t really plan
On going
When people see the track marks on her arms
She knows what they’re thinking
She keeps on working for that minimum
As if a high school education gave her any other options
Oh he knows
They don’t know nothing about redemption
They know nothing about
Some people just ain't the type for marriage and family
No mother ever dreams that her daughters going to grow up to be a junkie
(Bah, bah, bah… bah, bah, da bah ah-bah.
Bah, bah, bah… bah, bah, da bah ah-bah.
Bah, bah, bah… bah, bah, da bah ah-bah.
Bah, bah, bah… bah, bah, da bah ah-bah.)
No mother ever dreams that her daughters going to grow up to sleep alone
(Bah, bah, bah… bah, bah, da bah ah-bah.
Bah, bah, bah… bah, bah, da bah ah-bah.
Bah, bah, bah… bah, bah, da bah ah-bah.
Bah, bah, bah… bah, bah, da bah ah-bah.)
She’s out of step with the style
She don’t know where the actions are happening
You know the downtown club scene ain't nothing like it used to be
You reach a point where there’s not a lie in the world
That you could use to make the boys believe your still in you twenties
That kid keeps getting younger till they’re a baby
She’s not waiting for someone to come over
And ask for the privilege
She can still here that Rebel Yell just as loud as it was
In 1983
Oh they know
There ain't no Johnny coming home to share a bed with her
And she don’t care…
No mother ever dreams that her daughters going to grow up to be a junkie
(Bah, bah, bah… bah, bah, da bah ah-bah.
Bah, bah, bah… bah, bah, da bah ah-bah.
Bah, bah, bah… bah, bah, da bah ah-bah.
Bah, bah, bah… bah, bah, da bah ah-bah.)
No mother ever dreams that her daughters going to grow up to sleep alone
(Bah, bah, bah… bah, bah, da bah ah-bah.
Bah, bah, bah… bah, bah, da bah ah-bah.
Bah, bah, bah… bah, bah, da bah ah-bah.
Bah, bah, bah… bah, bah, da bah ah-bah.)
And if she had to live it all over again
You know she wouldn’t change
Anything for the world-irls…
“She Hates Me” lyrics by Puddle of Mudd
Met a girl, thought she was grand
Fell in love found out first hand
Went well for a week or two
Then it all came unglued
In a trap, trip I can't grip
Never thought I'd be the one who'd slip
Then I started to realize
I was living one big lie
She effin' hates me
She effin' hates me
La la la love
I tried too hard
And she tore my feelings like I had none
And ripped them away
She was queen for about an hour
After that, she got sour
She took all I ever had
No sign of guilt
No feelin' of bad
In a trap, trip I can't grip
Never thought I'd be the one who'd slip
Then I started to realize
I was living one big lie
That's my story
As you see
Learned my lesson
And so did she
Now it's over
And I'm glad
Cause I'm a fool
For all I've said
La la la la la la la la la love
La la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la(and she tore my feelings like i had none, just)
La la la la
She effin' hates me
“Ever the Same” by Rob Thomas
We were drawn from the weeds
We were brave like soldiers
Falling down under the pale moonlight
You were holding me
Like someone broken
And I couldn't tell you, but I'm telling you now
Just let me hold you while you're falling apart
Just let me hold you and we'll both fall down
Fall on me
Tell me everything you want me to be
Forever with you, forever in me
Ever the same
We would stand in the wind
We were free like water
Flowing down
Under the warmth of the sun
Now it's cold and we're scared
And we've both been shaken
Hey, look at us man...
This doesn't need to be the end!
Fall on me tell me everything you want me to be
Forever with you
Forever in me
Ever the same
Call on me
And I'll be there for you and you'll be there for me
Forever it's you
Forever in me
Ever the same
You may need me there
To carry all your weight
But you're no burden I assure
You tide me over
With a warmth I'll not forget
But I can only…
Call on me
I'll be there for you and you'll be there for me
Forever it's you
Forever in me
Ever the same
Forever with you
Forever in me
Ever the same
Ever the same
"Now Comest the Night" lyrics by Rob Thomas
When the hour is upon us
And our beauty surely gone
No you will not be forgotten
No you will not be alone
No you will not be alone
When the day has all but ended
And our echo starts to fade
No you will not be alone then
And you will not be afraid
No you will not be afraid
When the fog has finally lifted
From my cold and tired brow
No I will not leave you crying
And I will not let ch’ you down
No I will not let ch’ you down
I will not let ch’ you down
Now comes the night
Feel it fading away
And the soul underneath
Is it all that remains?
So juss slide over here
Left your fear in the fray
Let your soul hold on to me
Till the end of our days
“Hollywood” lyrics by Saliva
Here I am again
Sitting watching all these people that I’ll never see again
Good bye to all my friends
I'm leaving this place and I’m never looking back again my friend
'Cause I’m going to Hollywood
I'm chasing my dreams again
'Cause I’m going to Hollywood
And I’ll never be the same
It keeps turning 'round
And everything seems fine and dandy here in tinsel town for now
What do you make of it
When everybody's doing drugs and making promises like this
'Cause I’m going to Hollywood
I'm chasing my dreams again
'Cause I’m going to Hollywood
And I’ll never be the same
I'm going to Hollywood
I'm chasing my dreams again
I'm going to Hollywood
And I’ll never be the same