There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
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Sunday, May 31, 2009
Looking Good and Feeling Better by the Moment: THE MASTERPIECE
While writing this chapter, there were two system viruses which resulted in the hard drive being wiped out and confusion of massive data lost. Obviously it touched a nerve. But then, there is a reason why we work in the depth of the night while we listen to complaints by some “police” or “partner” screaming back about how we should go to bed and they cannot stay up with us. It is not consensual what they are doing and their presence is not welcomed. That is the same attitude with the country. We are at the point where we wish to see them dead no less listen to problems about having a nervous breakdown and unable to keep up and stalk us in the middle of the night. We are dealing with a very stubborn and very difficult human being who has all sorts of personality disorders and is driven to the point of angst by their victims. They insist on sharing life and following others to the point where they will get killed trying.
The way to make them angry and make mistakes is to lock yourself in and limit all your social contacts. Let them come to you if they can and show you their strength and ability. Who is it? How are they doing it? Are they willing to obey the laws? How far will they drive? How much risk can they tolerate? When is enough? When they have a mission; they have tunnel vision. Once there is a decade of events to analyze; the capability, the tactics, the access, and the game can be changed completely. Shut down and isolate all their “open doors” and let them create new ones as if they did not exist. If you know they are chasing and in pursuit violating the laws; lock yourself in and jot down every movement to see who and what they are up to along with what they want. Set the signal flares on the perimeter and know when they are close. It is also good to have support and security hiding to film and catch them. Let them list out how they gained this new access and how long it takes them. If they have gone this far, then they will keep going. - Are They This Stupid? By Author; May 31, 2009 –
So in the month of May 2009; there were two hard drive incidents intended to throw a wrench and make us a wreck again. There is really nothing you can do with this nuisance but sit and wait until they make a mistake. It is futile to yell at them or make them understand it is not their home or their work. They do not understand or care if they are invited or welcomed; they are there for a reason and it will get them killed if they make a mistake. You can spend all day and night yelling at them to get out, they will calmly wreck things or vandalize your life. It does not occur to them how it may not belong to them and they are no where near partners or the slightest bit influential; always insisting they are there every step of the way to make history. It is someone you really wish harm on and really want to hurt and they just point the finger back and ignore reality. That is who we are dealing with and who this is.
When you lock yourself in, there are only a few ways to watch and conduct this “special detainment”; to violate the laws and to show the capability or ability if any. This is a group in America in the top 5 power and control level. They are in our house, using advanced surveillance, stomping on the floor while we write humiliating things about them, and on the internet. We can see how aggressive they are and how daring. As a matter of fact, this group is in the top 3 big nuisances in the United States and this world but they call themselves “the army of the damned.” Now which of the top three enemies acts this way or is willing to take these risks? - Are They This Stupid? By Author; May 31, 2009 –
Looking better by the moment is how we should be describing this moment in history and it is no longer for “Schlitz and Giggles”; we are talking about real mail order brides. Looking better by the moment is the curse of both the Bush administration and the soon to be victim of genuine victims, the Obama administration. To cajole and egg them to do the right thinking by the moment, we are somehow lost in the moment but end up on the side which is desired; as opposed to the desired outcome. So if we can get them off the desired outcome, we can return to being desired and the nation will gratefully prosper and truly be safe. So looking good and feeling better so hand in hand but for this crass little vile enemy we caught; nothing looks good and neither do they in the war of words.
"Wasn't that bail out supposed to calm the market? So they were lying to us, give us a trillion dollars and that will calm things down, we will start lending and 'oh everything will be great'. But exactly the opposite happened so can we revoke the bail out now? I don't see much evidence of that, every time the bail out would fail, thanks to the free market Republicans in Congress, the market would go up the next day. And this whole thing, it's always the same thing with liberal Democrats trying to gin up anger at the rich.” - Ann Coulter on Your World with Neil Cavuto,; October 10, 2008 -
We can review history and even United States history from 1850-1940 and ask what was the steamroller pride of the liberals and why they emerged out of the turbulent period with so much favors and riches when America was built around and on freedom. How did such a vile enemy and such a crass denouncement of human intelligence and spirit because such a nom-de-cloture to the table tops of everyday life? Was it a fight for freedom or was it about freedom itself which damned them and hog tied her majesty’s secret service around a curse of the human spirit? History is telling us some truths and that history is not looking very good at this moment but feeling good has more sway in the nom de guerre of rebellious market realities.
“Will Higher Education be the Next Bubble to Burst?” So asks a recent op-ed in the Chronicle of Higher Education. The question is powerful. Data points: 1. Over the past quarter-century, the average cost of higher education has risen at a rate four times faster than inflation—twice as fast as the cost of health care. 2. Tuition, room, and board at private colleges can cost $50,000 per year or more. 3. The market crash of 2008 inflicted terrible damage on college endowments. The Commonfund Institute reports that endowments dropped by an average of 23 percent in the five months ending Nov. 30, 2008. - Bursting the Higher Ed Bubble, by David Frum, (News & Opinion); May 28, 2009 -
We are nowhere near cold blooded murderers or killers; but why then does it feel so equalizing and comforting to kill this enemy and this floor stomping troublemaker who is on our shores and in our life demanding we share it with them because they stand for hate and racism policies? The feeling of being raped over and over; day after day; hour after hour; has something to do with the inability to wish death on these people. The only response we hear from them as a response to the complaints or the “death penalty” charges are “it is only oppression” and “go home.” We actually hardcore communist spies and labor union agitators screaming nonsense and proving how stupid they are and the history of the military with this type of left wing enemy.
"Another term out there that slipped into the discussion is the notion that American interrogation practices were a, quote, "recruitment tool" for the enemy. On this theory, by the tough questioning of killers, we have supposedly fallen short of our own values. This recruitment tool theory has become something of a mantra lately, including from the president himself. And after a familiar fashion, it excuses the violent and blames America for the evil that others do. It's another version of that same old refrain from the left: 'We brought it on ourselves'." - Dick Cheney, ,; May 20, 2009 -
As a country and as a military tradition; we have a history and a culture of how to deal with this type of threat and people; now they demand rights and liberties while they usurp them in a gross manner. That was the terror plot and what 911 was about; trying to stop us and this. They feel they pay taxes and decide the rules or how the game of life is played. It is the leaders who are accountable for this; there is a total lack of leadership and worse no intention on addressing this matter; they just keep borrowing and borrowing as if the country would die without them.
"You cannot win wars with apologies. One of the things that Cheney said in his speech is, when terrorists see us divided, debating whether they should have constitutional rights, they don't stand back and reassess their opinion of us and say, "You know what, maybe we're wrong about the United States." What they see is weakness. Obama was all over the notion that Guantanamo Bay led to the creation and recruitment of more terrorists, ignoring the fact that we were repeatedly attacked by terrorists long before Guantanamo Bay was opened as a terrorist prison, ignoring the fact that, as Andy McCarthy pointed out to me in an e-mail, the number one terrorist recruitment tool is a successful terror attack. And there has not been a successful terrorist attack on the United States since 9/11, eight years, and the terrorists, we could say, suffered a defeat in Iraq. Then we have the story out of New York that these four guys who were converted to Islam while in US prisons -- see, here's another thing. Obama wants to bring all these people from Guantanamo Bay to prisons in the United States. He made the case, hey, we got terrorists here. We got Ramzi Yousef. We've got the blind sheik. We've got all these people in our prisons, and our prisons are safe; they're not escaping, they're not getting out." - Rush Limbaugh,; May 22, 2009 -
They expect us to waste our violence on ethnic rejects and immigrants this nation has always despised and rejected. If we do not throw our life away to stop them; they will steal it and rewrite it. That is the only way to stop them and now; all they are saying is stop us if you can because we are the police and the Gulag Gestapo. As this Gestapo and secret police; we have sat there for over a decade of kidnapping, racial problems, pure hate and mobster like drive-by hits, accusations we are violent and cannot sacrifice or follow their leadership, accusations we hate America and Americans, and some of the most baseless and worthless appeals to share our life and to turn us into some begging serf or the landed gentry. We had caught spies and terrorists; then we were forced to adjudicate their fate by flushing them out of hiding. They are still kicking and screaming refusing to come out of hiding while claiming to be the police and an anti-terrorist group. We do not dispute they are cold blooded; but the truth is they are no anti-terror group or hostage rescuers; they are trying to take over the world using the left wing as a voting base and the right wing as the leadership of some grand deception.
When I was in 10th grade; I was asked to choose one topic that interested me and to go down to Washington DC and research it. What caught my eye was Executive Order 9066: The Internment of the Japanese during World War II. After I chose this topic because Betamax, Sony, and Toyota were showing up everywhere, my teacher, who had been a beauty queen and married to a US Army Colonel said "do you know who the Kobayashi’s and who the Yamamoto's are?" Asian Americans have prospered in America very well but are the least likely to be a political nuisance; thus, they are targeted by the most liberal and most predatorily of political enemies and spies. Then the Army wife said, "His father is head of the organization and would love to talk to you; let me give you his number." From there we met in Washington at the Library of Congress and he showed me how to go through the Archives and the documents the United States government has. So I had a pleasant experience interviewing and listening to real people who were not mad and were very successful, very. Consider this before you throw this case at me again or try to harass and corner me by putting my back on the wall; I am the one who brought it up to the Reagan and adjudicated it before I was old enough to drive a car. Do not test my wisdom and my patience by sticking my face in the mess and telling me how it feels. - Dear My Michelle, by Author; May 23, 2009 -
They are not dealing with normal people but royals and the masters of war; so they had to put in two false imprisonments and still cannot address one charge regarding trashing the Constitution or creating a crater out of a terror plot and attacks on this country and her future. Is this some collective suicide; some last act to end the life of everybody in the family by the parents? What about the future of the unborn? We are the future and read what being good got us or fair. All the evidence and reports, indefensible suggests the left and this spy group has earned the right to be slaughtered by our forces or their own for this fiasco and disaster. The kook-aid is their preferred way to die in mass suicide; we hope we do not have to do it for them with some slaughter or wild chase where we get injured or fatally wounded. We hope they do a mass suicide and understand their predecessors when they drank the dark juice of the devil. Now they are trying to make it look like murder and how they are fighting terrorists. Wasn’t the usual preferred way was a mass suicide on some tropical island where nobody can stop them or bother them?
“These recruitment tools were in vigorous use throughout the 1990s, and they were sufficient to motivate the 19 recruits who boarded those planes on September 11, 2001. The United States of America was a good country before 9/11, just as we are today. List all the things that make us a force for good in the world - for liberty, for human rights, for the rational, peaceful resolution of differences - and what you end up with is a list of the reasons why the terrorists hate America.” - Excerpts of Dick Cheney’s Speech on National Security, Terrorism, and Torture, by Dick Cheney; May 21, 2009 -
To these people it is about control and superiority. If they win elections, they write the rules and the biographies; not just ours but everybody’s. Soon we will not have a future and they stole the unborn future of this world already. We only live in the present at this time. They could be dirt poor and illiterate; it is still about control and superiority. They could be kings and queens; Hollywood damsels; even superstars. There is no way to defend them or protect them from harm; either it is going to come legally or by the same underground sewer system they emerged from as the Gestapo Gulag supervisor. There is a reason why our arms are bloody and with bites all over while we have them by the ear and dragging them; it is painful for both. They feel superior to the matter and have us under control and in a position where they can strike 24 hours with full access. Then do it. Fear, terror, and intimidation is not working; no less terror plots to express a demented love of the country. This kidnapping is surpassing the decade marker and this war is almost 70 years in history.
Here is a test. Go and grab a human being, of any race and ethnicity. Then water board them five times. Then water board them 10 times for no reason. Then see if they are ready to kill you and why. Do you have a case on them really or do they? Try it, these people will be very surprised how many times it takes before that person says I want to kill them and ready to kill someone. Don’t forget to blindfold them also, that is very important because you must blame someone or make them look like a monster and fugitive. 911 were to boost their cause and to also put a face on the problem. We are all Arabs and we are all terrorist trying to share the life with goons and moles caught red handed. You do not even have to tell me what people are going to say after you snatch them and water board them 5 times for no reason. Most people are not this stupid but we are dealing with an enemy and a terror plot that is. They want us to revere them and share our life with them or else. - Dear My Michelle, by Author; May 23, 2009 -
This is why there is so much violence involved and we are nowhere near violent or cold blooded murderers but this “left wing conspiracy” is on the ground and bleeding badly; we need to kick the hell out of it and make sure it does not get any medical help. Let them kill each other while we help them; they can waste their life on each other as ethnic rejects trying to pitch to every minority or talented person out there on earth. This is why they will do anything to avoid a shooting war but surrender. The level of violence to be imposed on them is beyond the human threshold. They should blame their own leaders for the level of violence this world will unleash when and if it began. People view it as an opportunity for all of the abuses and gross raping of the country’s treasures, including its most prized residences. They don’t seem to be intelligent or moral enough to get it. They are threatening the existence of mankind. They are threatening the masters of war who make these decisions over mankind. They have earned the death penalty; there is no need to beat that accomplishment. You cannot beat that level of violence and injustice, why try? Their politics is identical and the same way, why try to beat it?
So it is clear that what divides us as a nation, and what divides Barack Obama, on one side, from Robert George and Douglas Kmiec, on the other, is not whether the being whose life is taken in abortion and in embryo-destructive research is a living individual of the human species—a human being; it is whether all human beings, or only some, possess fundamental dignity and a right to life. Professor Kmiec and I affirm, and the President denies, that every human being, even the youngest, the smallest, the weakest and most vulnerable at the very dawn of their lives, has a life which should be respected and protected by law. The President holds, and we deny, that those in the embryonic and fetal stages of human development may rightly and freely be killed because they are unwanted or potentially burdensome to others, or because materials obtained by dissecting them may be useful in biomedical research. - Obama and His Pro-Life Apologists, By Robert George, ; May 29, 2009 -
They are stealing the future of others, rewriting their life, and stealing the future of this country which has yet to be born. All of this to demand we share our life with them and to listen to day in after day out screaming how violent we are and must go home. If things get out of hand or their control; they do a terrorist hit and we go to jail for no reason or some secret CIA rendition program which is intended for the most troublesome and elusive enemies; how is it they turned the tables and truncated the entire National Security field to cater to the liberals, Persecuted Jews and Catholics, ethnic rejects who struggled in America, useless laborers, and a host of social problems and a pool of sick and low scoring rebellious people who refuse to be oppressed and are about lawlessness, hostile liars, and why they are in this particular predicament and peril? The violence on them is unequal at this time and reaching a volcano like point where normal human beings are transformed into extremely good commandos and warriors by ugly and worthless subjects of the devil. There are two metamorphosis going on here; one good and one bad; one strong and one weak; one truthful and one a total fraud; one lawless and one on the verge of reality. They do not understand America has never been kind to them and they will continue to suffer while others are happy and actually alive.
“But the result, of ginning up anger at the rich, "the wealthy"; is always the government gets more power. That is really what the war is and people have to understand that it is between individuals and the government and you know, you wonder why you have conspiracy theory-ists worrying about the Trilateral Commission as there is a crisis with not only our own government but along with other governments who seem to be trying to acquire more and more power for themselves... at least with a free market they are willing to lose, but there is not; in the hands of a few plutocrats. It is the market and if the market goes down, decisions are made by millions of people... Well, I would say Republicans are not blameless, in particular our President." - Ann Coulter on Your World with Neil Cavuto,; October 10, 2008 -
When the former Vice President rose from the dead and made an emotional second coming, he said in simple English verses that if the United States, meaning the Obama Presidency, does such a foolish act as to remove or dismantle the terror policies which the Bush administration had put in place, “the nation will be attacked again.” This set off a shock wave felt across the Atlantic and temperamental people were truly scared; someone was threatening America and the world for no reasons but to suggest they know something we do not. The desired outcome is how evil and lies has no power on the history or the soil of our soul. No matter how much police and no matter how bosses and intrusive this vile disingenuous creature we call a human being gets, we will still avoid them first and deport them when that is impossible.
"The infiltration of the right wing is very subtle. While everything looks like the Republican or the right wing; what the ultimate goal and the secret grand deception being pulled on the American public while they sleep is the rewriting of the Constitution. therefore, these claims of being conservative and Republican is actually the same strategy of the left wing and the liberal Democrats to rewrite and change the fundamental way reality interacts with the free market. When these problems such as using spending to win elections or bloat out social problems; the system is on automatic and cannot be stopped by anything but the electoral process. Therefore, the fiscal budgets on the local levels are maximized while the economy is good and tax and debt is also maximized when things go sour or south. This strategy was deployed in World War II and it is called the "stepping stone" tactic where ground is conquered and never given back or corrected. All you need now is a judgment or ruling to put the nails in the coffin." (From this Chapter, "Feeling Good and Looking Better by the Moment" by Author; May 28, 2009)
Who and what we caught is a very left wing and hated group whose political policies resulted in total destruction of the United States and literally a meltdown of the entire free market system. They are so hated, useless, and despised; they hide and play this game of hate and racism where an inferior breed of low quality is hostile and tough to anybody who misrepresents or fails to meet their obligations. Fearless and extremely troublesome; the moment the fear of losing their job is a reality; they stop in their tracks. They won’t get another job. This is because we are speaking about as low in the barrel as the bottom gets. They have no respect for human life and claim it is all for oppression; it is merely oppression and not failure or low academic scores. Also, they pounce on others for the smallest threat and safety problems while ignore the most vile and most dangerous ones. They know things are being fixed and people have reached the limit of tolerances for fiscal debt and mismanagement.
Charges brought against three members of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense under the Bush administration have been dropped by the Obama Justice Department, FOX News has learned. The charges stemmed from an incident at a Philadelphia polling place on Election Day 2008 when three members of the party were accused of trying to threaten voters and block poll and campaign workers by the threat of force -- one even brandishing what prosecutors call a deadly weapon. - Charges Against 'New Black Panthers' Dropped by Obama Justice Dept, by Fox News, ; May 29, 2009 -
They are the fringe and deep into communism as the only way out and rescue; now they are a total failure and their politics does not work; neither does their sorcery, trickery, or atomic annoyance. We are talking about worthless people trying very hard to be heroes and patriots when they get it totally wrong because they are foes and foreign spies. We are talking about terrorizing others when their mind is bone blitz dead space, so they look back with this blank stare no even aware of what is going on. Or do they? They use this tough act, hate and racism, on others until capitulation and agreement is surrendered. They are all spies who are working for Africa or Israel; real moles who come to America to usurp the Constitution and gain from the welfare system; then demand more and more rights or civil liberties. That was the terror plot we uncovered and infiltrated; it was what 911 and what led up to this spontaneous combustion.
The three black panthers, Minister King Samir Shabazz, Malik Zulu Shabazz and Jerry Jackson were charged in a civil complaint in the final days of the Bush administration with violating the voter rights act by using coercion, threats and intimidation. Shabazz allegedly held a nightstick or baton that prosecutors said he pointed at people and menacingly tapped it. Prosecutors also say he "supports racially motivated violence against non-blacks and Jews." The Obama administration won the case last month, but moved to dismiss the charges on May 15. - Charges Against 'New Black Panthers' Dropped by Obama Justice Dept, by Fox News, ; May 29, 2009 -
This creature really is not the police but they want to be. They want to be the judge, jury, and executioner to what they call reckless executions of police powers and stomping on the Constitution until it gives up or surrenders to their might. We hear the same from the enemies over there, and then ask why they are over here. Maybe they have a good explanation and value their First Amendment and Fifth Amendment to due process and cruel punishments twice. They can throw money or their shoes. They can scream from the roof tops how we resist their successes; it is clearly obvious they have no power, if ever before. We only had to live through the ordeal where they jumped up, hit some imaginary ceiling, and lay there in bleeding help. The state of New York calls this the “No Rescue Clause” where citizens and soldiers do not have any duty to uphold the Constitution and cut of the same mold and mildew. Hence we label the state and their rude charisma a bone of traitors we cut into and deeply bled no matter who attacked them and no matter who they are fighting in this world.
Many hope, and many others fear, that President Obama will choose a crusading liberal activist to energize the Supreme Court's progressive wing. Such an appointee might push to expand racial preferences, abortion rights, and especially welfare rights for poor people; to strike down the law barring openly gay people from the military; to recognize gay marriage (which Obama has opposed); to end the death penalty and curtail gun rights (both of which he has supported); to free Guantanamo detainees unless they can be convicted of crimes (which would reject Obama's policy); and much more. The preceding parentheticals suggest some of the reasons I'm cautiously betting that Obama will choose a moderate liberal who believes in judicial restraint. By this I mean deference to elected officials unless they violate clear constitutional commands or show gross irresponsibility. The lack of such restraint is what I mean by "judicial activism." - Obama’s Ideal Justice, by Stuart Taylor, ; May 09, 2009 -
The President did not react in such a rebuking and emotional manner, stating facts and listening closely to his advisors who were circling him and stoking the smoke signals. Blow on it too hard and it will combust. Odd, who caught who; Obama took that criticism and within seconds did a counter-attack to the Vice President, “Nobody has ever escaped from a super-max facility.” Obama was responding to the “Al Qaeda recruitment program” being conducted when they kidnap and torture as a way to keep some semblance of order and morale; however, the media reported the story as coming from Guantanamo Bay.
But nominating a crusading liberal activist could seriously jeopardize the president's own best interests, in terms of policy as well as politics. And although some of Obama's past statements are seen by critics as a formula for judicial activism, he has also shown awareness of its perils. As a matter of policy, consider Obama's most important responsibility: protecting our national security from jihadist terrorism and other threats. As I have noted briefly, the intersection of law and national security will provide the most consequential cluster of issues that the Supreme Court will consider over the next decade or more. Obama surely understands that the Court's response to his national security policies will be more important by far to the success of his presidency than any decisions on abortion, race, religion, gay rights, crime, or free speech. - Obama’s Ideal Justice, by Stuart Taylor, ; May 09, 2009 -
Thus, both sides began a feud to make one or the other look better by the moment when nobody was feeling good about either of them. Why? One clue had to do with a politician and his wives who were cast on a reality show called “I’m a Celebrity, Get Me out of Here” where she substitutes for him in order to be helicopter into the Costa Rican jungles to live and fend for herself while he rebuilt his political career and took care of the kids. Another clue to the story had to do with a Chicago based “shock-jock” with “ultra right wing” impulses being water boarded on national television and forced to relive the terrifying experience of drowning as a child.
Obama's national security policies are already under relentless attack from leading advocates of liberal judicial activism, such as the ACLU. Indeed, most (or at least many) lawyers and scholars who favor a liberal activist approach on social issues also tend to support relatively broad judicial power to overrule the president on national security. The justifiable rejection of President Bush's wildly excessive claims of near-dictatorial war powers by the five more-liberal justices -- including Souter and swing-voting centrist Anthony Kennedy -- has a downside for Obama. The justices, followed by the lower courts, have now asserted far more power than ever before to oversee and second-guess presidential decisions about national security. - Obama’s Ideal Justice, by Stuart Taylor, ; May 09, 2009 -
The “ultra conservative radio host” no less died again and came back to life to decry, “Water boarding is torture” in a mere six seconds of charity and no laughter. It was truly terrifying to watch and no laughing matter to hold your breath for. The third clue sprung out of bamboo fixtures and talk shows from the Vietnam era and asked if we always water board terror suspects or just the Arab ones? If so then why, when they have the death penalty already and are facing war crimes; furthermore, they have been snatched from the battlefield? Why are they spared a quick death and paraded around the globe as propaganda machete?
Still other lawsuits demand the release of any detainees in the war on terrorism who cannot be convicted of crimes, and publication of classified CIA documents that Obama would rather keep under wraps. A reported, perhaps tentative plan by administration officials to use "military commissions" instead of ordinary courts to try some of the detainees for war crimes would surely bring more legal attacks. And for the foreseeable future, squadrons of liberal lawyers will be suing a range of companies for cooperating with the president on matters such as wiretaps, "renditions" of suspected terrorists to other countries, and other actions deemed by Obama to be vital to national security. - Obama’s Ideal Justice, by Stuart Taylor, ; May 09, 2009 -
Those three events caused people to look between their legs and ask if they still were courageous enough to “debate this one.” Those three ankle-biting fixtures of the American landscape including the reiterations of the founding fathers when they stood on the shiny city on the hill over there; and gave that famous speech, “The once wise Chinese philosopher once taught man how to fish; and thus, he would not starve.” People were scared out of their wits but they stood with their hands on their chest and proudly looked at the horizon and off into some new religious awakening or period of recursive discourse which the American society is so familiar with. If America had the reported three or even five Great Awakenings where our destiny and identity are revealed to us; then this must be the fourth or the sixth; it all depends on which side of the aisle you will fall. Boy, are people falling and fast; they are falling for all of it quicker than the economy goes south; that way. “America will be attacked again” must have made infant babies cry and mothers scream out the almighty Jesus to save them from evil.
The more the courts smile on such lawsuits, the harder it will be for the president to protect the country. Indeed, some human-rights and civil-liberties activists have done their best to hamstring virtually all of the surveillance, search-and-seizure, detention, and related powers on which the government depends to find and disable suspected terrorists. It's unclear how Obama would fare in such cases with the current Court. But he would surely run the risk of seeing some of his key security policies overturned if he were to choose someone who turns out to be more aggressive than Souter in curbing presidential war powers. - Obama’s Ideal Justice, by Stuart Taylor, ; May 09, 2009 -
The dualism of reality is how things can go really bad but we somehow manage to be bullet proof. Maybe it is the resilience of the human spirit and maybe it is the soul of the world on the edge of collapse and total destruction; do we let it beat us or do we beat back? The genuine enemies out there would say “beat back” and we would say the same thing and in unison. Altogether, people are truly getting it and realizing the secret of life. No matter what is happening in the world or our life; we look better by the moment. However, it is these people we call genuine enemies who try to look good also and it makes them feel lousy and evil. History is not a bombastic combination of ad hoc and de jure something; but making sense of what we observe and what we know to be true can somehow make us look better by the moment; even if we do not. That is the secret of the welfare system and the “inherent implosion” of the left wing written by the stars and celestial alignments of all the perfect sequences and timing.
This logic argues for a nominee likely to be relatively deferential to presidential power. But not that many prominent lawyers combine that kind of deference with a liberal activist approach to social issues such as abortion, race, and gay rights. As a political matter, Obama would benefit considerably from a quick, relatively easy confirmation proceeding. The lopsidedly Democratic Senate would eventually confirm just about anyone Obama might choose. But Republicans will be looking to drag out the Senate confirmation process and to portray the nominee as a liberal activist determined to override the will of the voters. Such efforts will be more successful if the attacks ring true in light of the nominee's record. This could burn up precious floor time that Obama needs to push through his hugely ambitious policy agenda. It could also endanger some congressional Democrats in 2010 elections and thereafter. - Obama’s Ideal Justice, by Stuart Taylor, ; May 09, 2009 -
We pretend to be listening, so long as they pretend to be caring and all knowledgeable. This is about having a deep sense of love for; and also caring deeply about; and having the courage to stand up and say, “We caught you red handed, come out with your hands up and where we can hold our breaths.”
Now consider what Obama has said about judicial activism. Conservatives point accusingly to his stated preference for judges with "the empathy to understand what it's like to be poor or African-American or gay or disabled or old." Such critics see this as an endorsement of judicial activism (as well as of judicial bias). But Obama, an accomplished constitutional scholar in his own right, has also displayed understanding of the case for judicial restraint. In his 2006 book, The Audacity of Hope, Obama spoke favorably of "moderate nominees who can garner some measure of bipartisan support." While that can be seen as political positioning, Obama also cautioned against bold judicial social engineering in a 2001 radio interview in which he spoke approvingly of "redistribution of wealth." - Obama’s Ideal Justice, by Stuart Taylor, ; May 09, 2009 -
There is an increasing military consensus to suggest the actions in Iraq diverted the battle away from Afghanistan; thus taking the focus off Osama Bin Laden who was at the time cornered in the mountain ranges between Afghanistan and Pakistan. If in 2002 the United States military, coming off a reconstruction period in Vietnam and a major test of victories in Kuwait, was on the level of 100 and even 120 per cent power levels; then after the invasion of Iraq and the fiasco of diplomatic lies and bungling, the power level of the United States military dropped to 40 to 45 per cent while the situation in Afghanistan was neither improving or threatened. There was a very long period of bland and battlefield shuffling which did not lead to some particular goal.
What Obama needs, in short, is an intellectually stellar, not-too-old, Hispanic woman lawyer with empathy for the powerless; views on social issues that are predictably liberal but not so activist as to inflame the Right; views on presidential war powers that are predictably deferential but not so much so as to inflame the Left; broad real-world experience; and, of course, rapport with Obama. No such human being exists, I suspect. I also suspect that the president may come to see the opportunity to choose a new justice as a lot less fun than a law professor might imagine. - Obama’s Ideal Justice, by Stuart Taylor, ; May 09, 2009 -
Even with a change of administration and a change of leadership, the public and global sentiments were at a boiling point and even allied nations began to severely criticize the effort to avoid a lot of open ended problems yet to be resolved. Many experts have warned how an over extended foreign policy will lead to a slow death and a slow denigration of leadership and morale. We can literally see and feel the post Vietnam reconstruction era slipping out of our hands and grasp. Do not forget how at this time there are trillions of tax dollars which pulled a similar disappearing act while the effort to sort all the inconsistencies and disjointed propaganda efforts are met with little cooperation and immense obstructions. It was bad enough we fell for and were attacked by a terror plot but now we had to deal with the thought of our life being rewritten and our gains disappearing in broad daylight. It is consistent with the reckless spending and the known fact how trillions of dollars are still missing and unaccounted for. It is not limited to only the 44th President; it is reckless spending of other ones also.
The President speaks of human rights, and I do not question his sincerity. But he does not understand the concept of human rights, as Professor Kmiec and I do, to refer to rights—above all the right to life—that all human beings possess simply by virtue of our humanity. For the President, being human is not enough to qualify someone as the bearer of a right to life. Professor Kmiec and I, by contrast, believe that every member of the human family, simply by virtue of his or her humanity, is truly created equal. We reject the idea that is at the foundation of President Obama’s position on abortion and human embryo-destructive research, namely, that those of us who are equal in worth and dignity are equal by virtue of some attribute other than our common humanity—some attribute that unborn children have not yet acquired, justifying others in treating them, despite their humanity, as non-persons, as objects or property, even as disposable material for use in biomedical research. - Obama and His Pro-Life Apologists, By Robert George, ; May 29, 2009 -
Omnipresent cannot make it anymore clear to these mega farmers and even the State of New York where the hub of immigration and illegal immigration leads to massive social problems and the insistence that profit and industry is going to benefit in the long run. If they wish to eat and pay the bills, they must go out and harvest their crops or else another company or the country of Mexico will open up their own farms and find their own way to do business. There is no reason why these problems end up destroying our food supply and even economy because someone lied to Congress. It is not the CIA or the FBI who is lying to Congress but we think it is refugees who are seeking political asylum as terrorists, enemy combatants, mobsters, gangsters, and some underclass intent on causing as much trouble as possible.
President Obama knows that an unborn baby is human. He knows that the blood shed by the abortionist’s knife is human blood, that the bones broken are human bones. He does not deny that the baby whom nurse Jill Stanek discovered gasping for breath in a soiled linen bin after a failed attempt to end her life by abortion, was a human baby. Even in opposing the Illinois Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, which was designed to assure that such babies were rescued if possible or at least given comfort care while they died, Barack Obama did not deny the humanity of the child. What he denied, and continues to deny, is the fundamental equality of that child—equality with those of us who are safely born and accepted into the human community. - Obama and His Pro-Life Apologists, By Robert George, ; May 29, 2009 -
Omnipotent are also talking about kidnapping the nation once they are on our soil and lying to Congress and the public about how they are seeking freedom and liberties but forget the most essential parts; they are not political refugees and have the death penalty, what they call a "death sentence" because they are communist immigrants and dependent on others to fulfill their obligations. We do not need to be kidnapped by people who want to educate us or have special access to teach us about the homeland or rummage through our history, finances, and biography; no less shut us up or "stop us if they can." We are talking about a serious threat and a serious problem while they pretend to be not the problem and lie to Congress and the public about how it benefits business or the country.
I have no doubt that the President regards it as deeply unfortunate, sometimes even tragic, that the problem giving rise to the woman’s need for an abortion exists; but there is equally no room to doubt that President Obama regards it as fortunate that a solution to the problem—in the form of abortion—is available. For someone holding this view, and many people in the academic world hold it, abortion is not in itself a bad or wrongful thing, any more than a knee replacement operation is in itself a bad or wrongful thing. Of course, it would be better if no one ever injured a knee and found himself in need of a knee operation. No one regards knee operations as desirable for their own sakes. No one deliberately injures himself just so that he can have a knee operation. And people don’t have knee operations performed on them for frivolous reasons. But a knee operation is not something that one would discourage or be personally opposed to. It is a solution to a problem, and should therefore be made as available and accessible as possible for people who need them. For those who share President Obama’s view of the moral status of the child in the womb, the decision to abort may be more wrenching for many women than the decision to have a knee operation typically is, but it is like a knee operation precisely inasmuch as it is a legitimate solution to a problem. - Obama and His Pro-Life Apologists, By Robert George, ; May 29, 2009 -
These are felons and fugitives ad some are even spies and enemy combatants; they are not omniscient refugees and seeking political asylum. They, like all human beings, seek freedom and what chains bind them or cause them to be the enemy; the chain gang. Now they are calling us and accusing us of being liars, by kidnapping and a "special detainment" when they trashed the Constitution and were behind terror plots. They are saying we are obstructing and denying them freedom and financial happiness when it is a total lie and they came here to persecute us and take over the world. Even when caught spying, they ignore all legal obligations and legal punishments. They are saying we are the problem and this is their country and home; however, we have to listen and be sensitive about their homeland while they leech off the welfare system and cause incredible insanity and violence on the country.
With states facing nearly $100 billion in combined budget deficits this year, we're seeing more governors than ever proposing the Barack Obama solution to balancing the budget: Soak the rich. Lawmakers in California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York and Oregon want to raise income tax rates on the top 1% or 2% or 5% of their citizens. New Illinois Gov. Patrick Quinn wants a 50% increase in the income tax rate on the wealthy because this is the "fair" way to close his state's gaping deficit. - Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich, by Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore, (Opinion); May 18, 2009 -
America needs to be healthy, strong, and self sufficient; thus, the market goes through these periods where it re-energizes by addressing what others refuse to address. People are not on the job and they are not addressing the reason why the global economy is not vivacious, strong, and self perpetuating; thus, these slumps is when it cleans out what it should have a long time ago. We cannot escape the problem of scarcity but we notice human beings approach the problem very flawed and deal with scarcity very badly and this leads to greater disaster. This search for people who believes in democracy and is willing to be followers is leading to disaster with spending and taxes to win elections. The natural flow in this world is downwards and magnetic weak. Therefore, until the economy can cope or remove this weak force; the economy goes up and down; now it is down and out. The only way to fix it is to diagnose it properly; not borrow more. You cannot stop trade or people working; they will trade and work regardless of what you want or demand. That is the free market and it can be great for both good and evil.
Mr. Quinn and other tax-raising governors have been emboldened by recent studies by left-wing groups like the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities that suggest that "tax increases, particularly tax increases on higher-income families, may be the best available option." A recent letter to New York Gov. David Paterson signed by 100 economists advises the Empire State to "raise tax rates for high income families right away." Here's the problem for states that want to pry more money out of the wallets of rich people. It never works because people, investment capital and businesses are mobile: They can leave tax-unfriendly states and move to tax-friendly states. - Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich, by Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore, (Opinion); May 18, 2009 -
We also detected a major threat and danger. A hard-nose and very radical left wing group had infiltrated the right wing because once the cold war collapsed on the left wing; they were afraid and feared a shooting war. This new species is virtually undetectable and extremely dangerous. We do not necessary like the left wing or communist spies but we do recognize how they have a limited purpose. The same applies to the shambles of the right wing as a result of this tornado and wind storm. The left has occupied the right wing for some time because these problems never get any attention or ever get resolved. It is bad enough how they occupy and infiltrate the left wing, now they are doing it on the right wing also because America is a very rich country and the educational system is the best in the world.
And the evidence that we discovered in our new study for the American Legislative Exchange Council, "Rich States, Poor States," published in March, shows that Americans are more sensitive to high taxes than ever before. The tax differential between low-tax and high-tax states is widening, meaning that a relocation from high-tax California or Ohio, to no-income tax Texas or Tennessee, is all the more financially profitable both in terms of lower tax bills and more job opportunities. - Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich, by Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore, (Opinion); May 18, 2009 -
If you want to win elections; then you say things which will make people do things you would not otherwise expect them to do; you expand your audience to new territory by spending. However, if you want to create a system that is sustainable or apply sustainable development so that your urban center or local government does not collapse or has to sell junk bonds; then you apply hard truthful and fundamental core values of right wing and the lessons learned from studying the cold war enemies. No better place will you find a depository of human evil or a rush to power; thus, leading to an ultimate collapse. The violations and the injustices to economic sustainability cause poverty and worse, so much debt the free market is unrecognizable. This is not the time for all of this chicanery and deceit.
Updating some research from Richard Vedder of Ohio University, we found that from 1998 to 2007, more than 1,100 people every day including Sundays and holidays moved from the nine highest income-tax states such as California, New Jersey, New York and Ohio and relocated mostly to the nine tax-haven states with no income tax, including Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire and Texas. We also found that over these same years the no-income tax states created 89% more jobs and had 32% faster personal income growth than their high-tax counterparts. - Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich, by Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore, (Opinion); May 18, 2009 -
In a previous chapter, it was stated how the basis of the American Constitution was a combination of English Common Law and a biblical interpretation of evil. However, there are parts which left out the crimes against nationhood; thus a section in the Constitution which deals with treason, dereliction of duty and various petty misdemeanors considered acts against nationhood. The problem and the conflict are over nationhood and what is the source of it or the power of national identity. When you read history books or the history of liberalism, the same thing, there is a constant theme to the British Empire and how their dealings intertwined with history itself.
Did the greater prosperity in low-tax states happen by chance? Is it coincidence that the two highest tax-rate states in the nation, California and New York, have the biggest fiscal holes to repair? No. Dozens of academic studies -- old and new -- have found clear and irrefutable statistical evidence that high state and local taxes repel jobs and businesses. Martin Feldstein, Harvard economist and former president of the National Bureau of Economic Research, co-authored a famous study in 1998 called "Can State Taxes Redistribute Income?" This should be required reading for today's state legislators. It concludes: "Since individuals can avoid unfavorable taxes by migrating to jurisdictions that offer more favorable tax conditions, a relatively unfavorable tax will cause gross wages to adjust. . . . A more progressive tax thus induces firms to hire fewer high skilled employees and to hire more low skilled employees." - Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich, by Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore, (Opinion); May 18, 2009 -
If you read the history of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East; you begin to see why the stretches of English history intersect with modern history and national identity. Even American history and nationhood is both revelry and a bad understanding of the constant weaving of an English empire. English common law is an interpretation of evil as defined by biblical understanding; yet it left out nationhood and national identity. So what is this source if not the English? Is it France or maybe Spain? Can it be more powerful if it is America? How do we understand nationhood and crimes against the country if it is not defined by the bible or English common law?
More recently, Barry W. Poulson of the University of Colorado last year examined many factors that explain why some states grew richer than others from 1964 to 2004 and found "a significant negative impact of higher marginal tax rates on state economic growth." In other words, soaking the rich doesn't work. To the contrary, middle-class workers end up taking the hit. Finally, there is the issue of whether high-income people move away from states that have high income-tax rates. Examining IRS tax return data by state, E.J. McMahon, a fiscal expert at the Manhattan Institute, measured the impact of large income-tax rate increases on the rich ($200,000 income or more) in Connecticut, which raised its tax rate in 2003 to 5% from 4.5%; in New Jersey, which raised its rate in 2004 to 8.97% from 6.35%; and in New York, which raised its tax rate in 2003 to 7.7% from 6.85%. - Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich, by Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore, (Opinion); May 18, 2009 -
First, there is no philosopher in history who was able to define evil or treason. No philosopher in existence has ever made an attempt to link liberalism and atheisms or some further existence into damnation. There were a couple philosophers who felt the need for government was to prevent evil and not produce it yet the great thinkers only saw murder as the reason. So by definition of English common law, murder is the act of poisoning nationhood. In order to define evil and question whether or not government is truly evil, you must define and describe the source of this national identity.
This result was all the more remarkable given that these were years when the stock market boomed and Wall Street gains were in the trillions of dollars. Examining data from a 2008 Princeton study on the New Jersey tax hike on the wealthy, we found that there were 4,000 missing half-millionaires in New Jersey after that tax took effect. New Jersey now has one of the largest budget deficits in the nation. …Those who disapprove of tax competition complain that lower state taxes only create a zero-sum competition where states "race to the bottom" and cut services to the poor as taxes fall to zero. They say that tax cutting inevitably means lower quality schools and police protection as lower tax rates mean starvation of public services. - Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich, by Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore, (Opinion); May 18, 2009 -
It may not be a bulls-eye but it is pretty close to perfect to say liberalism and radical lift wing attempts to rule out how truth and justice describe nationhood. If anybody analyzes the reason or prudence of an argument which has a goal of shattering truth and presenting instead a perspective which is subjective or cannot be transcendental beyond the creature who possesses it and bear its fruits, then the national identity of liberalism is not based on what we call tradition, classical understandings, biblical interpretations, English common law, or truth. However, is there enough there to skip the understanding part and jump smack into treason or what the Constitution describes in full detail as high crimes and misdemeanors?
They're wrong, and New Hampshire is our favorite illustration. The Live Free or Die State has no income or sales tax, yet it has high-quality schools and excellent public services. Students in New Hampshire public schools achieve the fourth-highest test scores in the nation -- even though the state spends about $1,000 a year less per resident on state and local government than the average state and, incredibly, $5,000 less per person than New York. And on the other side of the ledger, California in 2007 had the highest-paid classroom teachers in the nation, and yet the Golden State had the second-lowest test scores. - Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich, by Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore, (Opinion); May 18, 2009 -
Liberalism is about history. It does not say we live in history or evil, it says to each his own history. That is liberalism and pure form of individualism and liberation of the single unit yet how can liberation of the single unit lead to collectivism? It is because it is a state of mind and not a real understanding of one’s life or others. Can we jump and skip to a spy or some communist element? Yes. Liberalism was designed for a practical purpose and that purpose is called false consciousness.
Or consider the fiasco of New Jersey. In the early 1960s, the state had no state income tax and no state sales tax. It was a rapidly growing state attracting people from everywhere and running budget surpluses. Today its income and sales taxes are among the highest in the nation yet it suffers from perpetual deficits and its schools rank among the worst in the nation -- much worse than those in New Hampshire. Most of the massive infusion of tax dollars over the past 40 years has simply enriched the public-employee unions in the Garden State. People are fleeing the state in droves. - Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich, by Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore, (Opinion); May 18, 2009 -
False consciousness has never been described by any classical philosophers and was developed instead my Marxists. False consciousness says that the one reality we live in is not real and there is another one out there which respects others so much it will leave the present. It is not a time warp but instead designed for people who are oppressed and do not know it. So how do you know when and if you are oppressed if it is a false consciousness? You don’t. What you know is who and what opposes your false consciousness or reality without truth. That is liberalism and that is the nationhood of liberalism, a downright dirty mind of respect.
We have some sympathy for Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was elected to fix this mess six years ago. His original mistake was to accept a token bipartisan fix when he was most popular, and once the unions crushed his reform initiatives in 2005 he had little leverage over the Democrats who run the legislature. So he's now decided to settle for the lowest common denominator reform that both parties can agree to, which isn't nearly enough considering the magnitude of the state's fiscal and economic problems. – California Reckoning, by Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore, (Opinion); May 18, 2009 -
False consciousness also treats humans as subjects. A subject of false consciousness does not know of a pending peril or danger and thus must be rescued by some hero or some force of parenthood. Typically, the state is that parent and takes over the role of caring for each his own history without the undue criticism which breaks up this unity or sense of unconditional love “to each his own” deserving share. To the liberal or Marxist, to each his own means a parent and child relationship and it is the duty of the parent to prevent this peril or mistreatment. This is why liberalism is a very liberating philosophy which is grounded on a certainty of existentialism and the might of Marxism and Leninism.
Alas, the cap is far weaker than the Gann Amendment that passed with 74% of the vote in 1979, as the sister initiative to Proposition 13, and helped usher in a decade of budget surpluses. The Gann Amendment -- until public unions neutered it in the early 1990s -- imposed a ceiling on spending at the level of population growth plus inflation; when revenues exceeded that limit, the money was returned to taxpayers. – California Reckoning, by Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore, (Opinion); May 18, 2009 -
It is very hard and difficult to connect all the dots or put the entire schematics of the human mind and the mantra driven calculus of treason which defines evil and the betrayal of nationhood. We do live in both a suspicious and evil world where pressures of this evil lead others to suicide and doom if they fail to discover a way out of it. But how do we deal with mass suicide and massive attacks by the enemy forces when they claim the same nationhood but such a gross and different reality? What is the tipping point and boiling point or is it just a spy and enemy group hiding underneath?
By contrast, Prop 1A allows revenues and thus spending to grow each year at the average rate of growth of tax receipts over the previous decade, or at the rate of population growth plus inflation, whichever is greater. Revenues above that amount are pushed into the reserve fund to be spent at a later date. This gives incentives to legislators to raise taxes whenever possible, because the spending cap rises along with revenues. Prop 1A also allows the legislature to raid the rainy day fund to pay for "capital outlay purposes" -- roads, bridges, schools and even pork projects. – California Reckoning, by Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore, (Opinion); May 18, 2009 -
So what is hiding underneath? There is an idea that if human beings do not get what they want and need, a grossly defined and perfunctory limit will be reached where the human being transforms. What exactly the human creature transforms into is expressed in poetic and surrealistic descriptions such as unwashed, uneducated, uncivilized, living on meager subsistence, and a flower in wilt; your common insect. So to be liberated and free of this transformation, liberalism seeks to smash the crystal palace of hope we call the glass house of reality. This reality is they are victims of some future peril and victims of a lack of care and comforts. So how did we go from “to each his own” history of singular unit to collective thoughts of victory and fame; unity?
Given all of this trickery, it is no wonder polls show Props 1A-E are likely to lose. The only initiative ahead in the polls, Prop 1F, would block pay raises for lawmakers if they fail to balance the budget. One recent poll found that 72% of Californians agreed that "if the measures on the special election ballot are defeated, it would send a message to the governor and the legislature that voters are tired of more government spending and higher taxes." That's a good message to send. California politicians have operated for years as if the purpose of government is not to provide reliable public services at low cost, but to feed public employee unions. Sacramento also needs to rethink its highly progressive antigrowth tax code, where the tax rates are the highest outside of New York City. – California Reckoning, by Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore, (Opinion); May 18, 2009 -
Now we can add the incendiary device of revolution and radicalism. There is absolutely no way to define revolution as it entails theories and concepts which are meager to the description and the senses; however, it is an abrupt rewriting of our own reality by the use of societal change. There are clever ways to seek this change or prevent it. But again, there is a lost contemplation that what we are doing or preventing is evil and has no national identity to it because in the future what we do with change or lack of change will invoke suffering on others regardless of how we pass in time. The change could lead to a greater number of suffering or a reduction of suffering but no change will also benefit the same. Are human beings crazy yet or just getting there and need a push?
We know stupid people oppress and stupid people become very angry and violent because if they do not they get ridiculed to pieces. Yet we also know “to each his own” is a severe form of individuality and selfishness which respects the strengths and weaknesses of both the mighty and the weakest link to some bottom of change depending on who is on top. So who is crazy and who is bottom and top? Again, if you ask the Department of Homeland Security in 2009 they will say that liberalism is on top; if you would have asked the same Department of Homeland Security in 2004 they would also say liberalism is on top.
I have heard about the new "Voyage a deux" on the "Love Boat" and the "gang of conservative political sluts" parading their loyalty and unshakable blood bond considering the roster is the top terror suspects on board the Vacation Cruise to set sail to the Middle East. Now to celebrate the arrival and the 100 birthday of Tel Aviv, Israel; the cities birthday; another "all star roster" is hosting a concert with such names as U2, Madonna, Cold Play, and others. I have to hand it you this terror and spy group; you all are like death and so annoying. This is why I want to impose the harshest anti-spying, stalking, and harassment charges on them; then tell them to pack up and leave. Do not come to the other side and wreak havoc; stay on the left where abuse is common. They are bad followers and subordinates and make even worse leaders and bosses. They call it hate and racism in America; this idea life is a two way street and we are stuck with them and these obligations. - More on the Subtle Infiltration, by Author; May 30, 2009 -
Then if you go back in time you will get the same answers but some are even stronger and stronger. That is the problem with liberalism and why it is so bad to identify and define. It is about dangers. It is about treason. It is about hating your country. It is about wishing to kill your fellow human being with this imprisonment of “to each his own” and not festering up to the true meaning or the menacing definition. Worse it is about being the secret police and to act in this uptight manner where “to each his own” is rescuing others by sharing life but it is not “his own.” The singular unit is now in a duty state of being where it must rescue others but for what reasons?
If I was Al Qaeda, I would sink the ship because the top suspects are all on board the same Titanic. You get rid of all of them at once and you have a clean get away. It is night and day, evidence would disappear overnight, holes and investigative tools disenfranchised. It is supposed to be a romantic escape for conservatives before the fall; who the hell would design a Love Boat cruise at this time when there is a terror plot investigation in full swing with both the top liberal and conservatives? It is not how you fight terrorism; it is who is truly behind the terror and what you want us to think about you. That is the problem with this. You take out the head masterminds or get a primary witness on board or sink that ship; you will end this investigation. You will halt in one shot; 50 years of the Cold War and capturing this group. So this is not just the ship to hell, it is going to celebrate in the Middle East while a terror investigation is going on "top names of leading conservatives will be on board." It is no surprise the top suspects are on that list and so are their brains dead following. If you want to throw a wrench in the truth and this hunt; there it is. - More on the Subtle Infiltration, by Author; May 30, 2009 -
If you ask an angry white man, he will explode and say he has no duty to rescue anyone, not even the black man. If you ask the black man, he will also explode and say he has no duty to rescue anyone, because he is oppressed and needs payment or proof that his labor is not the slavery of salvation. If you ask the pretty and precocious female, white or black, she will say she only follows what her husband and lovers tell her to do. So to each is own really has no meaning and is only about control. That is the problem when you run an asylum and blame others for hating Americans when the best answer is the truth and high quality or bottom pit self sufficiency.
I will comment on the statement you had made about "we were even going to throw a fund raiser for..." and how you play on the guilt and kindness of others. You will take them down. You are just like those liberals who adopt minorities to use them and change how others view you; your intention of letting them choose a life knowing the truth or understanding why they are angry with you; is the gateway of your problem. Do you honestly think I or anybody is going to believe that you throwing a fund raiser will wipe the evil of your life away? I cannot even understand your thinking and how you can live with yourself. You throw the truth and what we have on you out there and we will talk about fund raisers and for whom. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Innocent Bystanders, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
Does it make any sense or have any other prudence than getting others in trouble? No. So that is the reason why fear and also peril is so intermixed with visions of secrecy and the frightful refusal of heartaches. Liberalism is taught and is a condition where someone tampers with the mind at an early age and drives it into absurdity or a state of utter confusion. People do not grow up or are born crazy and evil; it is taught and conditioned as might and power. It might not look like it but there is a tremendous degree of danger if they get caught doing this secret act. Can we just conclude they are spies and communist yet? Yes. Are we legally bound to keep them alive? When?
There is some game between you and it involves how Republican you are and how conservative when you all are rejects and infiltrated. They are doing the double act also. Why are we taking care of them? We are deciding their fate and they cling on us for a rescue. You all keep saying the taxpayers will decide ultimately. You parallel it with the stock market. Sean Hannity is even worse. Right now, he is worse than you Rush and this cat and mouse game; he is taking assignments off my work (and others and we hate him) while Mark Levin was literally duplicating it to be an opposition or "rival." Everybody is asking why you stress how conservative you are or how large and much bigger you are; you are moles and infiltrated; we are made to feel belittled by you while you do not have a clue. Let's see how long you can keep the act up and keep it going. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Innocent Bystanders, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
Democracy can be a very unusual idea. Democracy was invented by the Greeks at or around the 5th Century to celebrate this each his own history. They called it the spirit of reverence which permeated all of society and forced upon mankind a new way of thinking about the irreverent human. Democracy is a derisive way to say power. It is a scornful way to say enemy. Democracy is a disdainful way to say it works for all of us. Even the Greeks found out the hard way that Democracy had its limits and produced both treachery, corruption, and a slow inevitable decline. So does the enemy know this? The enemies of this world have figured out that in order for Democracy to work; we must have a national identity and nationhood. Can it be that “to each his own” or can it be the oppression of the truth? How can they be the same or have the same message?
Secondly, there is a long history and a book on your exploits; a very important book. Have you addressed it line by line or trying the "bottleneck" part? If the CIA or FBI could catch you or get rid of you; do you think I would write that book or explain what happened to us and this country? We are the future and you tried to steal it. You have another future for it. You tried to replace this future and we not only stopped you; we were and are able to corner and flush you in the open. The tricks do not work on me and the guilt trip does not either, "innocent bystander." Can you explain how we are nominees for the highest medals the military is has available if you were not this evil and this dangerous; instead an innocent bystander? How? Do you think Generals are looking at us and calling us "phony soldiers" or think we are bunkered in the "southern command?" I scanned my DD214, expert marksmanship qualification (1 jam, 39 hits: perfect); and my training papers with honors. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Innocent Bystanders, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
There are no leaders when all leaders agree. Yet there are some leaders who agree that there are no leaders but the truth. So why are all leaders’ liars and make empty promises to become elected when they know it will ruin the country? When things are good, social programs explode and Democrats win elections; when things are bad Republicans cut taxes and ask Democrats why in hell they spent so much to win elections? So why is it the Republicans who go into debt spending and finance this electoral brokenness? Is it because there is no nationhood or is it because they are all liberals?
Thirdly, there is a lot of data out there and in this book. Can you spot the lie? You speak of gross errors and such confident reprisal and rebuke; can you clarify or quote for me one misrepresented fact? Is there maybe a serious mental flaw or very elusive trickery? Is there one hole in the story and one elusive trick? Even the story of Ann Coulter and I being together for 20 years is not challenged any more. It is seamless. Look at the date I put the blog up and how I was waiting for this girl I had been looking for but had told to stay down and under cover. "Privileged and wealthy" was how you argued and justified what you did. You made sure to write our life to look as if we were wash outs and washed away. We were the embarrassment of the United States and you all decided who would be or not. We caught a large spy group and a very evil political bunch; trying to replace the future of the United States. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Innocent Bystanders, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
This problem is massive and it is not understood fully because in order to stop the bad and evil in this world, the only effective reason so far known to mankind is force and killing. Ask the enemy. Their pejorative is to decry how others are the problem when they are never one. When they are on or have snuck to the other side they are always the problem and the enemy is never one. It works out pretty good for them. But is that nationhood or an act of treason so treacherous even a master spy cannot explain or figure out? Then why do so many of them do it and commit this act of treason?
Do I pounce on you the moment you make a little tinnie-winnie mistake or slip up? I do with Annie only because she said the "I love you" thing and I get turned off really easily. I have a short attention span with women when it comes to love. So I will look for inconsistencies with Ann but I do not pounce on strangers for no reason. You keep telling the public how it is a vicious liberal attack and Party betrayal; you keep making these absurd statements about how out of the blue you are number 1 on the most deadly and wanted list; they are trying to capture you and any of your friends "dead or alive." I am keeping you alive at this time and you know it; I am making you much greater than you truly are. You just won't and will not see this or admit; you need me buttercup. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Innocent Bystanders, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
The most dangerous politician is the ones who steer others to do things for them with not knowledge of their true intent. They even trick and fool their spouses. They call these people puppet masters and spy masters and only enemy forces do this; we know of no friendly allies or nobody of our forces who do this type of espionage; furthermore, we know what each spy group is after or is trying to achieve. How is it that this particular one we caught had two or dual goals which benefit two enemies? Are they so threatened they need the maximum support or the maximum ferocity of defeat because the military matches their balance of power. They claim it is for money and how they make a living when we know it is a master strategy and can verify it.
"I tell the truth... about Democrats." You fluctuate between terrorists and a doubt agent calling artillery shots behind enemy lines and serve as a special ops reconnaissance unit in our camp. You are the eyes and ears of hate and racism in America which you put all your bets on; it will rewrite the Constitution. I will not sit here and catch you in 1000s of lies; I will let you explain as you have in detail about what you were up to and why. I cannot believe a human being would be doing this in our country and trying to make us look or appear as traitors and terrorists. Our intelligence and blood lineage is superior to you and you treat us as serfs and slaves; how do you find the strength to treat royals or masters of war this way? Then you say how threatened you are and how you are terrified? That is just who you are "divisive" but that is not what we caught you for or what you were up to. That is just surface level and "cum si cum ca" stuff. I probably would shrug it off and laugh; but what you are being charged with is no joke even if you are. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Innocent Bystanders, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
There is a fundamental flaw in character and a widespread problem with this case. The basic problem is or has been in existence for a long time and it surfaces when you have mission critical or emergencies. The government beast is accustomed to failure and thus nobody wants to work with those who seek government jobs and benefits. The fundamental flaw in their character is they are taught failure and to rely on others for their pride and work; but when it comes time to produce results, 10 people do the work which only 2 are needed while the work which requires 100 people may be staffed by half of the requirements. It has to do with funding and administering this culture in government. If you want to stamp out the flaws or failure in government, you have to start with the people who occupy the space and suck up the oxygen. Could it be we are judging them wrongly and do not understand some new form of consciousness or state of mind where they are superior to most other human beings?
I know why you stalk us and watch every single move; you study us and use it back on us or against us when you do not like it; worse, and then you copy and trying to steal our work and abilities. Am I threatened? No, you have a massive hill to climb and many answers to give. There is no short cut and there is no real way you can do this but to figure out how to deal with a rival or victim who will beat you; I do not think you are a master; I think you have a slave mentality which will greatly impede your strengths and power; an imposter who is shot full of holes. Sean Hannity is full of holes. Maybe spying for a foreign country or being the most vicious and elusive communist and terrorist moles on earth is not far from this same problem with spying on us and using it back and against us? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Innocent Bystanders, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
When we got results and we outranked any living failure they had to show for the poor quality of work; what we got was mistreatment, grand deceptions, dictatorial treatment by despots who were seeking medals and honor, dogma of “we are not the problem” when they are “clearly a problem”, and this back and forth adversarial relationship which defines the relationship – there is a reason why nobody wishes to work with them and put up with them. You can sum it all up with the term “high quality” and how government work or service severely lacks or trails the needed work to be done. It is a widespread problem and a debilitating culture where they are terrified when things do work correctly and diminishes the demand for funding or increased benefits. It is not just government but an entire culture lax to the idea they are death to life and work. Things do not work right when they are around. People are not happy when they are in the room. With their leadership, nobody needs enemies. They are best left as subordinates or a disposable trouble make; that is the only use you can get out of them.
What you did was came along and tried to change this reality and self image. (Chelsea and other women) The women were psychos and meaner than hell; tacky, stupid, and did not get it; meanwhile, they felt superior and were worthless. At most they were total sluts and looked for a reason to put out on their terms. I abused them and played the game back at you. They hate you Rush and whoever put them up to this; their life is over if they get caught. Now you act like some protector and "Christ" like by getting crucified by us? You wait until I pressure them; they will be deported. Waiting and praying you are successful is a crime while a fugitive. I hope you can win also or "reflect the heat" onto someone or something. You painted me with inferior motives and with some throw away life where I had to subjugate myself to your total control and brainwashing. I played along little by little to see where it got and went; a terrorist plot and group; and communism. That is how I caught you. That is how I know you are lying, how you lie, and what you are lying about. You injrect some foreign or false reality on the strong and self reliant; those who do not have the same slave mentality or truly hated and persecuted; that false reality cause adverse reactions, allergic reactions, kryptonite weaknesses, and toxic and deadly biographies. You are stealing the future from others and this country. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Innocent Bystanders, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
We have to recommend the only evaluation report which can equalize the treatment and the idea we are dealing with despots and dictators. Get rid of them and make sure they never work in government again. It is a character and a very difficult person who negotiates back and forth between power relationships and forgets that “others should and will be insulted no matter how they appeal and how forceful they become.” This is why good work and critical work never gets done. This is why not everybody can join the Special Forces or when mission critical work and personnel need special care, they do such a chop up job, you want to bash their head in a nerf wall to ask them what the fundamental flaw in their human character truly is and why won’t it disappear or just go away. It is a culture in government and it has been taught many excuses to survive the game of power. The market place is the same problem but the personnel are not sheltered by failure and bad work. Good enough for government work has to be considered as a bad approach or an excuse for failure. Get the right people and do the right job.
Ann trusts me. We have a very close relationship and she gets criticized when she does this with men. Ann fights this all the time but knows I would never leave her. My main martial arts teachers are Hispanic, South American, and they speak several languages. They are not inferior people or have some complex you describe. People do not see me with Ann so they think I am available and I use the opportunity to "understand them." Until psychopathic morons came in my life all the sudden and this had to stop while I had to abuse your goon squad who wanted a piece of the action or to share our life. Why you kidnap me and flood my life with homosexual solicitation is beyond my grief and grievances. I did not know who was doing it or why so I began my own search and set up a trap of my own design because I was fed up with being messed with and nobody was there ever to hear my complaint. I wanted to strangle whoever was behind it and doing it for "hate and racism" in America. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Innocent Bystanders, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
Some examples we can cite with prolong this torture and debilitate the function of government or law enforcement and military tasks are refusing to take the risky or dangerous tasks. The skill levels and the risk is much too advanced for this creature. They are reluctant to accept assignments which will test them; however, the demand for benefits and salary never is challenged. Also, the insistence of contracting out high quality workers while administering bad work is their leadership. They work one or two hours while contractors do the rest; but they receive the awards for good public and government service. Therefore, when someone or something surfaces which actually hits the mark or gets the job done; all the sudden it is their show and their pride on the line; never those who actually get results and are behind high quality work. Again, there are a lot of reasons why government does not work and it comes from the top when it belongs on the bottom.
Rush's voice is changing and he is about to break down. He has the coughs again and the bitter taste in his mouth. He is now truly oppressed and lost his freedom. What he despised the most and what he will die for fighting? He loves America for this. I knew you were doing it as I know you are doing it now because you are introducing an entirely new reality foreign to me and anybody who knows me. Yet this same reality follows me around and is in the shadows. Every move I make is watched and then used back on me. I am under surveillance 24 hours and don't even have a job. If I had a job it would be one thing; I am not even allowed to work or have an income. I must be really important or maybe a terrorist recruit will full military honors as a master of warfare? If so, can you tell me? "A new Black Panther Party... polling event... Black Panther members... prompted government to sue the men... scaring voters... career lawyers from Justice Department... blatant form of voter intimidation... now Obama Justice Department dropped the case." - Interview with Terror Suspects: Innocent Bystanders, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
We must recommend and also make evaluation on the ill fated and degree of poor quality or the mistreatment of others by this culture of failure who are more concerned about policy and saving their own skin then applying correct diagnosis and solutions to real problems and real threats. We must express a severe dissatisfaction in their service and also insistence on servicing with us or alongside those who recognize or are more sensitive to high quality work and ethics than a hole in the ground. Again, this is why government does not work and this is why these public workers always seem to circle the victory when they were of no help or not very helpful whatsoever. Always meddling and wishing to help when not wanted, they purposely find humor and pride in screwing up one situation after the other. Now if it were that easy to throw them in the street or get rid of them, then it is long overdue. It is like a disease of feebleness which accompanies government service or jobs, atypical of a norm or how tradition sets precedence and when change is sedentary.
You do know that your nephew was given a federal appointment by W to the federal bench. It is no small potatoes. Also, you said something about another relative who got into West Point; officer in demolitions probably or military intelligence. My point is they do not take the first ten applicants. Also, you said it was a big deal when your family was appointed to the federal bench so now H.W. must have had a big deal about this Obama appointment. So this nominee who is a Puerto Rican native of New York who comes from the most liberal Appeals Court in the United States is just like you all and meant to replace another very liberal Supreme Court justice, Souter. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Innocent Bystanders, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
People are fed up with the fundamental way government is run and this constant reward system for very low quality and bad work. Not many people wish to work with them on important matters or critical mission sensitive items because they take the joy and fun out of life itself. It has always been known and always been in existence how this government culture is defined by a few and the rest. The few get the work done and the rest occupy the oxygen needed to do it right. We have no choice but to identify them as a serious threat and a major problem who proudly and quickly jumps on our victories and mission critical work like a South American dictator on vacation. All that is missing is the colorful print shirts and sunglasses, synonymous with the cops in Russia. Ii is a culture of failure that is teeming with criticism and a desire to horde medals and orders others around because of seniority, rank, family name or some nitwit paper shuffle to boons-waggle others into complacence and following. They treat you with ultimate cruelty thinking you will eat out of their hands when you need to be rescued.
Caller just said "I love my job and want to thank you... train hunting dogs." Rush freaks out and his mind goes blank; does not compliment him and after a few minutes says something about "will kill him." So the caller trains the dogs, then hunters go hunting with them. Rush is our "national coach!" He used to be a trainer and recruiter but had an accident and had to coach after the accident; but he will be alright and is recovering from a fall. Get well soon Rush! We need you on the job! - Interview with Terror Suspects: Innocent Bystanders, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
It cannot be overstated how this personality type and this character flaw must be excluded from government and public service while they try to act feeble around chosen supervisors who act in a kind but also similarly feeble. It is this same work ethic which drives these people to government jobs while they draw pensions which do not equalize properly with the value of their career. Meanwhile, the accusations and the animosity are always showing how cruel others are or how they simply refuse to help someone less advantaged. Cruelty is not the problem and this work ethic draws a pension which can last upwards of 30 to 40 and even 50 years long. This is a serious problem. It is a culture in government and permeates the way government functions. It is a hierarchy where feebleness tends to survive longer than strength of character or high quality personnel. It is a hierarchy that rewards for work that the market place or free market may devalue or tend to overlook as insignificant or meaningless; regardless, the draw on the pension and social security is enormous and leads the country down a pathos of socialism and even communism by apparatchiks who act more than a despot would to seek accolade that is undermining and undeserving. These people are not grounded in reality.
Rush did not take it to that Jesus lover lady who called in, "You know what Jesus said... moderates..." Rush replies and says that he did not sell out his race but Obama did because he is the magic Negro. He keeps calling Ann "a nice Jewish girl" when Ann writes all the time "now (he, she, they) are with Jesus." So Rush cannot be a communist spy or an Israeli one; neither can Bush, Rove, or Cheney; and they cannot be connected to Hannity or the Clintons and the army of the damned. These are real Americans and they love America; they are our coach! These people hate the unions and they would never attack America or give us a hard time! Never! Never! All you have to do is search "Jesus" and "Rush Limbaugh" and then "antichrist." It proves that Rush loves us and would never ever do anything bad to protect America. Rush is Jesus. You are like Moby Dick and too big for me to land by myself. You want us to cut the line ore pressure; maybe ram the boat; it is just like a giant whale and the man of the sea. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Innocent Bystanders, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
Unfortunately, this mental disease and feebleness is a standard bearer of widespread government sectors and is the standard acceptable norm. Unfortunately, it even afflicts the military and security fields where years of service and seniority loosens the constraints for the capacity of results. Years of services ends up as a badge of honor or some worship ritual of human sacrifice. The attitude should be to eradicate and stomp out this expanding feebleness as it grows government to enormous size and to include any rank and file if necessary to get the job done; so four stars or three stars of brass rank, throw that person in the street so we do not have to know about or listen to how cruel this world is or is getting. People are fed up with whoever created this mess and laid out this culture of government service where shame and quality begets a measure of who embellishes it. It is bad on morale. It is bad for business. It is bad for new recruits. It is bad for everybody. A message and a shock wave has to hit like the tsunami of government debt and problems; throw them in the street if the perfect blend of inaction, action, kindness, and cruelty is not figured out or properly executed.
If you saw Karl Rove and James Carville debating in the "Speaker Series" Karl Rove said how people reacted negatively to George W. Bush or his top officials because they were not able to "put country first... above all other ideals." Then Carville comes back and mentions how Texas, the Governor, and how secession is the rescue and this "country first" sacrifice he is talking about. You can the Karl v. James debate and listen to Rove explains why Bush dropped so quickly and was caught in so many lies. So why am I taking care of you when you stole everything or tried to steal everything? Why am I deciding the assignments for you and teaching you how to be like us? Isn't that a thief and a mole? I have no doubt you will seek revenge and some massive attack again. Do I feel vulnerable now or while kidnapped? It is like you all are doing it to terrorize us and make us feel defenseless. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Innocent Bystanders, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
We have seen first hand how this spy group and this brainwashing psychological warfare expand through the ranks of government. There is a constant and never ending placement of an idiot in all aspects of our life to manage and govern as some artificial protector and overseer. Their story is how they wish to help and is worried about our protection. Our story is a non-consensual and humiliating captivity where we are pushed to the brink of destruction if we deny them communism and a demeanor they view as behaving properly. It is the devil himself and a sadistic torturing experience at the hands of an idiot seeking respect and total subjugation. How it ended up in the lap of the conservative and Republican movement is beyond the pale because self sufficiency is not and never stressed; they seek total dependency and total control while pushing for terror training and infiltration of the government. They also call it “love of their country” and “so well intentioned it does not have to be disclosed.” Every single job was one idiot after the other whose soul was missing but they had a mission to eat and get rich.
So the left wing is telling the masters of war to side with them and to give them what they want or am asking for; meanwhile the right wing is electing the same Supreme Court Justices; what is the difference if any? If we want this terror plot prosecuted or if we want our kidnapping and communist moles prosecuted; we must pay ransom or open the flood gates. The left wing has now infiltrated the right wing with this “rewrite the Constitution strategy.” So why are we taking care of you (along with others) when they stole everything or tried to steal everything from this country; they are saboteurs and insurgents? Why am we deciding the assignments for you and teaching them how to be like us; how to hunt? Isn't that the thief and a mole? I have no doubt they will seek revenge and some massive attack again; eventually. Do I feel vulnerable now or while kidnapped? Does this country feel vulnerable to them now that we let them be heroes? Are they doing it to terrorize us and make us feel defenseless? They keep demanding we work for them. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Innocent Bystanders, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
The trauma and ordeal is so shocking, it took over two years to discuss the details and the pain and hurt which is real. The hard part is flushing them out and hunting them down. They need you to follow but are in a ferocious pursuit to put an idiot in charge of life from sunup to sundown. You are at their mercy and medical care. Furthermore, an idiot as a boss is the same experience as rape and what they call “total invasion” or “a death sentence”; it is a near death experience but is so widespread in government, the entire system is about to collapse due to feebleness and failure. Their message is not cruelty but to seek kindness and compassion, a sensitivity re-education to their politics and outstanding political dominance or power. They are actually criticizing you for being cruel and selfish to them as they seek sharing and collectivism; to break the individualism and perform what they call an exorcist. We are talking about pure idiotism and stupidity. We are talking about sadism and serial killer derangement and behavior. This went on and on during mostly the Bush administration while the conservative Republicans took credit for the fine work of art. It is like Orca at Sea World and the handlers who ride on top of the Killer Whale. The sooner they die the better.
Admit it, all you wanted to do was submerge and let us see you briefly and how “heroic” and friendly you are. Then your plan was to go underground and below the surface; never again seen. You had no idea the harpoon was shot in you a long time ago and “she” was getting dragged through the water riding Moby Dick. So when she popped up and I saw her on your fat butt; I knew that moment and the fight was on. I was laughing and also scrambling for a major engagement. I had not seen her in person for over 7 years but was talking to her as only partners on a mission; now she was also telling me she was in love still; regardless of how life turned out and how my life was rewritten as a failure. I am mentally perfect and physically a natural who adapts with pure control over my motor skills. How I got this way was a total mystery and also my trap I set. That trap took ten years to bait and catch the Moby Dick. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Innocent Bystanders, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
People must understand and those who are not sensitive to our needs must understand that we were kidnapped by a very left wing and government employee’s group who needed our services or chose us as leaders for no reason and against our will. They were not asking and had no intentions for consent. After being held captive, we were tortured, brainwashed, and mistreated for years on end; even lasting to this day by means of attacks and daily ambushes. The cornerstone of their plight is to put an idiot to dictate and govern daily bits and pieces of our life trying to expand our sensitivities and knowledge to their camp. It is a complete idiot and their goal is to make a sissy who as the ring leader describes as their quest, “to make you behave and show respect.” So something was to come out of this insofar as reward; also a constant pursuit to play cupid and match make a very left wing dictator as an actual loving entity of the family.
"President Obama today kept talking about how the practices at Guantanamo Bay and the fact that it exists as a prison acted as "a recruitment tool" for terrorists around the world, and we know that the waterboarding of three of the terrorists down there helped to prevent -- or did prevent -- an attack on Los Angeles. So a logical question for those of you in Los Angeles would be this: "How much of a recruitment advantage or tool would a successful attack on Los Angeles have been after a successful attack on New York and Washington?" If they had hit Los Angeles after New York and Washington, what about that recruitment tool? Do you think they would have been able to recruit terrorists all over the world in far greater and far more numbers than because of the existence of Gitmo?" - Rush Limbaugh, ,; May 22, 2009 -
So most people do not understand how we react when we are introduced to this idiot or complete feeble despot who we had to be tortured and mistreated by for over a decade but was trying to expand and further infiltrate the United States government. People do not understand how it feels to be a prisoner of war or how you can flip on a dime the moment this torture or captivity begins again. It is like waking up one morning knowing your identity as the most popular and most athletic; one of the smartest and most talented; to one who is humiliated, degraded, and pursued by a complete idiot and sadistic sissy. To be ruled by an idiot, they must make you one of them and another sissy; thus severe torture and demands to behave were invocated by this liberal and left wing bunch we managed to flush out, confront, and control. They had been so successful and totally unaware of the events until we sprung a trap and identified them as a sleeper and super secret terror operation behind the United States government.
"He's holding onto the warrantless wiretap program, or warrantless searches and wiretaps of foreign terrorists. He is reserving for himself, Obama is, the right to do enhanced interrogation techniques. He said that in his speech today. He's reserving the right while ripping the previous administration. Obama, folks, I'm going to tell you something. It was never more clear to me than today. They say he's cool. He's not. He's cooled, and this guy is angry. This guy has a chip on his shoulder. He is angry that anybody dares challenge him as president on any decision he makes or any speech he makes. He's angry that anybody dares challenge him on his policies. And he has a partisan anger directed at Bush and Cheney and Republicans that he mostly manages to keep beneath the surface. But a speech like he made today that's defensive, it came roaring into plain view by everybody. We've got sound bites. I'll let you hear some of them as the program unfolds. Here are a couple more before we go to the break, Vice President Cheney explaining the "recruitment tool" theory." - Rush Limbaugh, ,; May 22, 2009 -
The level of infiltration is still not yet fully known but the military is prosecuting their infiltration at this time. What is for certain, their work and more than a decade as their captive and treated like an animal has caused the most charismatic and most popular in school to flip on a dime and become battled hardened and ready. To them, that is not behaving and resisting their success while acting cruel to their cause and expressing a severe insensitivity to racism and hate in America. That was who is behind it and that was what they did to promote communism and liberalism. People do not understand the long term damage of this psychological treatment and war, to reprogram and to have open access to our life and government; this was how “a village raises a child.” It is a massive infiltration and insurrection; they deserve death and are the devil. There is no question about it and cannot be contested. Maybe we do not understand properly because we are not government employees or slaves to the machinery.
“Part of our responsibility, as we saw it, was not to forget the terrible harm that had been done to America and not to let 9/11 become the prelude to something much bigger and far worse. That attack itself was, of course, the most devastating strike in a series of terrorist plots carried out against America at home and abroad. In 1993, terrorists bombed the World Trade Center, hoping to bring down the towers from a blast down below. The attacks continued in 1995, with the bombing of U.S. facilities in Riyadh; the killing of servicemen at Khobar Towers in '96; the attack on our embassies in East Africa in 1998; the murder of American sailors on the USS Cole in 2000; and then, of course, the hijackings of 9/11, and all the grief and loss that we suffered on that day.” - Excerpts of Dick Cheney’s Speech on National Security, Terrorism, and Torture, by Dick Cheney; May 21, 2009 -
This is a spy group and they had a tremendous amount of political coverage. They also claim to be the police or functioned as the police while identifying themselves as conservative and Republican when they were not; far from it. They were advancing communism and terrorism and wish an expansion; a new king to rule over other idiots in hiding. So for over 10 years it was day to day meddling and pressure by idiots who blamed the world and others for being cruel and people do not understand how fragile the mind is now and how it snaps easily.
"I know, but what's going to facilitate it? What's going to be the catalyst or the event that does it? See, I think you're wrong. I think if there's another hit, if there's another hit, guess what? All of this is to set up blaming Bush and Cheney for the next hit. Because, if you listen to Obama with this nonsense that Guantanamo Bay was a recruitment tool for Al-Qaeda terrorists, nothing could be further from the truth... They were recruiting before we opened Guantanamo Bay. We got hit by them before Guantanamo Bay. The number one recruitment tool for them is a successful attack. 9/11 itself was the giant recruitment tool. There has not been an attack on our soil since. But they're running around setting all this up so that torture and suspension of rights causes it. They're going to get away or try to get away with blaming Bush if there is another attack. It remains to be seen if they succeed with that, but I know that that's what their intent is." - Rush Limbaugh, ,; May 22, 2009 -
Why we were chosen for some experiment or to be a hostage and undergo such harsh treatment and abuse of power for so long is unspeakable. However, it does how who is behind the 911 plots as they felt we were friends and responding to their medical malpractice. This was how they taught others to behave and transform them into a sissy or a feeble idiot to obey some other idiot who was in hiding and never show themselves. Anything can trigger a sensation of anger or the same experience of them hiding and changing the environment; again, they consider it some exorcism and associate it with teaching extremely disciplined military soldiers on a mission how to behave to their wishes. They deserve death and for the terror plots and 911 plots, they will rot in hell. Now they said “you are not our friends” as they make an appeal to the public for a continuation of their life.
Now my life partner, Ann, was totally in love and would or could prove it. You were forcing her to confess to mistreatment or neglect; she was riding Moby dick, the sperm whate; but he was not happy and nearly had a nervous breakdown learning she was the partner of the hostage and recruited target. I refused and was headed out of the country and to Canada to start a new life. I was so defiant I gave up my citizenship and military benefits. You call me a traitor? You call me a terrorist? I refused to be your recruit and fought to the death with you. Let me know when we get there. I think the records will document and tell the full story; leaving out the level of fight and all the efforts to escape, evade, deny torture and interrogation, take you to court, file complaints, and to try to deal with the matter as best as we could. We tried everything; even waiting for a full decade; after a full decade the bite on our neck was not done or near eased. Now you all were still complain and in an even more fierce manner to shut us up. You even called reinforcements as if you expected justice. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Innocent Bystanders, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
If you review and analyze the details of the terror plot and this particular new breed of human species we call a sleeper cell, it is clear how they behave in a deceptive way to curry the favors and actions of others inadvertently or perniciously. Therefore, they are acting to rally and herd human beings who do not know they are being tricked to one side or the other while the true intentions have a calculatedly precision to a beneficial outcome. They do not call it spying but instead scandal. What that scandal is about or wants is support and unity. So if they conjure up dogs to attack the USA or other laughable allies, then they want all human beings to fight dogs of war. Where do we know this toying and tinkering with other people’s false consciousness from or meddling in a way to change their reality to one which has no reality? What is the easiest way to do so? Thus, who do we have and who are we dealing with?
Ann brought me the head of Moby dick and his fighting dwarfs. The injuries and pain healed instantly like a miracle and my life was coming back; the silence was broken and the flood was soon to follow. To see the shock on your face and also the reaction of your spy ring when I told you to look on your back and take a look who is riding on top of you made the ordeal all the while. It was like revenge and victory finally. If death is magnetic, then it won’t be long. The pain and the torture of looking at the harpoon in your side which I shot ten years ago; still holding strong was euphoric; my trusted partner caught her a fat sperm whale. You were just too big to land and we were hoping our SoS got out and reinforcements like to land a big Moby Dick one man cannot land even if the hunt and kill was honorable. It was an honorable kill. You did everything Moby Dick would to get away. Let us know if there is one misrepresented fact or one single lie. All you could do was write books as our rivals; this time we work for you; you all had been counseled and threatened about slander. You committed it already along with 10,000 other charges. You are taking this book and rewriting it to force us to surrender again; this time you are the boss infiltrating. It kicked up! - Interview with Terror Suspects: Innocent Bystanders, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
The problem with the liberals and the left wing is how they are engulfed by a slave mentality as it prohibits them to grow effectively. As the pressures of scarcity and market reality, an unlimited supply of labor and a readily overlooked pool of candidates, allows them to grow; they increase their demands and wish to be the slaves of others. Thus, they will return day after day to the impossible and wish a collective answer for exchange of to share the life of others. Marx wrote about this regularly and how it took away his manhood and angered the left wing; however, when you come back day after day to the prospects of dependency and sharing the life of others who wish to strangle you defecates the pride of the effort; there exist a severe slave mentality on automatic and so strong it conjures up evil and personality disorders which are the root cause of bad academic scores and repeated accidents or clumsiness.
“9/11 caused everyone to take a serious second look at threats that had been gathering for a while and enemies whose plans were getting bolder and more sophisticated. Throughout the '90s, America had responded to these attacks, if at all, on an ad hoc basis. The first attack on the World Trade Center was treated as a law enforcement problem, with everything handled after the fact: arrests, indictments, convictions, prison sentences, case closed.” - Excerpts of Dick Cheney’s Speech on National Security, Terrorism, and Torture, by Dick Cheney; May 21, 2009 -
The point being is how scarcity or market reality, when a wasteland of inefficiency and backwardness overcomes the liberal and leftist creature; an odd observation occurs. That odd occurrence is the wish to delve deeper in collective existence and to begin demanding to be the slave of others by pursuing them; if for any other reason than it is to anger and throw them in a fit of outrage. However, when you ask them why or the reason by which they behave in this odd and awkward way, they will tell you the truth and how they are cursed with a slave mentality. Slave mentality is engulfed with dogma and heroism.
“That's how it seemed from a law enforcement perspective, but for the terrorists the case was not closed. For them, it was another offensive strike in their ongoing war against the United States. And it turned their minds to even harder strikes and higher casualties. 9/11 made necessary a shift of policy, aimed at a clear strategic threat: what the Congress called an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. From that moment forward, instead of merely preparing to round up the suspects and count the victims after the next attack, we were determined to prevent attacks in the first place.” - Excerpts of Dick Cheney’s Speech on National Security, Terrorism, and Torture, by Dick Cheney; May 21, 2009 -
Slaves aspire tremendously to become police officers because they are no longer a problem or a criminal. They wish to exert power and dominance over others slaves not so fortunate. This curse and this damnation invite accidents and doom. So as a rule, accidents and horror follow the liberals and left wing. A sound policy of rescue must always be present or else they are doomed. As they grow, their tentacles reach out and pursue others and this is when accidents happen and bad events can crop up with stark frequency. People now see them as the antichrist and also plagued with a curse, so they run for the hills or do things just to get away from this pesky nuisance and damnation. The sooner they die the better.
“We could count on almost universal support back then, because everyone understood the environment we were in. We'd just been hit by a foreign enemy, leaving 3,000 Americans dead, more than we lost at Pearl Harbor. In Manhattan, we were staring at 16 acres of ashes. The Pentagon took a direct hit. And the Capitol or the White House were spared only by the Americans on Flight 93, who died bravely and defiantly.” - Excerpts of Dick Cheney’s Speech on National Security, Terrorism, and Torture, by Dick Cheney; May 21, 2009 -
When a captive or among this group of left wing radicals and spies, there is an almost inspiration and dream to fulfill a collective driving impulse to deliver or liberate the soul into a slave mentality in order to share life with others. It is a combination of disorders which is so strong; the combustion of orgasmic violence and sadistic injustices on others is every temptation. Shame and self control is almost nonexistent. It is a state of lawlessness and criminal efforts to escape capture or stealth hooliganism. The goal is to be the slave or the servant of others and to share both pain and riches.
“Everyone expected a follow-on attack, and it was our job to stop it. We didn't know what was coming next, but everything we did know in that autumn of 2001 looked bad. This was the world in which al-Qaida was seeking nuclear technology and A.Q. Khan was selling nuclear technology on the black market. We had the anthrax attack from an unknown source. We had the training camps in Afghanistan and dictators like Saddam Hussein with known ties to Mideast terrorists.” - Excerpts of Dick Cheney’s Speech on National Security, Terrorism, and Torture, by Dick Cheney; May 21, 2009 -
When this type of new species of human beings has this focus day-in-and-day-out; the demands to share life with “some other living creature” reach an ultimate fulfillment where rank is determined by how subservient the master-slave model becomes. This is the ultimate existence and state of life for the left and liberals; reaching the pinnacle of rank to the liberal and left wing while the other goal is pursuit of another living creature resembling food. The superiority is achieved by accomplishing this rank above all other slaves who could not or was denied this special assimilation to a targeted host.
“In the years since, I've heard occasional speculation that I'm a different man after 9/11. I wouldn't say that. But I'll freely admit that watching a coordinated, devastating attack on our country from an underground bunker at the White House can affect how you view your responsibilities. To make certain our nation never again faced such a day of horror, we developed a comprehensive strategy, beginning with a far greater homeland security to make the United States a tougher target. But since wars cannot be won on the defensive, we moved decisively against the terrorists in their hideouts and sanctuaries and committed to using every asset to take down their networks.” - Excerpts of Dick Cheney’s Speech on National Security, Terrorism, and Torture, by Dick Cheney; May 21, 2009 -
When we are able to observe this slave mentality and this rank and file of the left wing and liberal domination; we can see how the infestation pollutes the right wing and the conservative movement where principle is more subjective and perfect. The worst form of this slave mentality is achieved on the right wing where it denotes a severe oppression. Thus, when the same slave mentality becomes an infestation and corruption it breeds the worst form of all and this way to exist begins to manifest and gains absolute power and control over every living object that is not into this slave mentality and rank and file.
“We did not invent that authority. It's drawn from Article Two of the Constitution, and it was given specificity by Congress after 9/11 in a joint resolution authorizing all necessary and appropriate force to protect the American people. Our government prevented attacks and saved lives through the Terrorist Surveillance Program, which let us intercept calls and track contacts between al-Qaida and persons inside the United States. The program was top secret, and for good reason, until the editors of the New York Times got it and put it on the front page.” - Excerpts of Dick Cheney’s Speech on National Security, Terrorism, and Torture, by Dick Cheney; May 21, 2009 -
It is only noticeable by the shame it contrives but this is also why the liberal causes adopt to it readily and with much enthusiasm. We can observe this disorder and we can reproduce it in heavier and more negative forms while they come back day to day observing the same events as a form of superiority over others. Regardless of how powerless and feeble this human species becomes; they cannot fight the impulse to become the slaves of others as the pressure of scarcity and depleting resources gives them a true identity and defines who they are. This is an extremely proud state of existence and brings in many accolades from both sides.
“We had a lot of blind spots after the attacks on our country, things we didn't know about al-Qaida. We didn't know about al-Qaida's plans, but Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and a few others did know. And with many thousands of innocent lives potentially in the balance, we did not think it made sense to let the terrorists answer questions in their own good time, if they answered them at all. In the event of another terrorist attack on America, the Homeland Security Department assures us it will be ready for this, quote, man- made disaster, never mind that the whole department was created for the purpose of protecting Americans from terrorist attack.” - Excerpts of Dick Cheney’s Speech on National Security, Terrorism, and Torture, by Dick Cheney; May 21, 2009 -
Henceforth, everything becomes an existential threat and a total lack of substance while big, strong, smart, tough, and slaves works more and more to achieve power. Now the slave mentality cannot tell the difference between good and evil government, power and abuse of power, false spending when things are good and debt when things are bad to win elections, and who is to be trusted or a foe. It is a mental state of delusion and is observed as severe personality disorder or criminality. It is also a life aspiration and goal to telegraph a romance and power to achieve and inspire others to become slaves. Attacking others is merely retaliation for the embarrassment of the ordeal and the superior intelligence. This is our feeble and lame enemies who seek to make sissies out of us and have invaded our life and country with poetical demands and voting rights. It all collapses with debt and also espionage against their own country because they had to emigrate from the homeland also as a traitor who was underground and rising.
“And when you hear that there are no more enemy combatants, as there were back in the days of that scary war on terror, at first that sounds like progress. The only problem is that the phrase is gone, but the same assortment of killers and would-be mass murderers are still there. And finding some less judgmental or more pleasant-sounding name for terrorists doesn't change what they are or what they would do if we let them loose. Keep in mind that these are hardened terrorists picked up overseas since 9/11. The ones that were considered low risk were released a long time ago. And among these, it turns out that many were treated too leniently, because they cut a straight path back to their prior line of work and have conducted murderous attacks in the Middle East. An estimated 14 percent of those released previously are believed to be back in the business of jihad.” - Excerpts of Dick Cheney’s Speech on National Security, Terrorism, and Torture, by Dick Cheney; May 21, 2009 -
Even if it is an engorgement of severe slave mentality; the material gains are androgynously and bravely interpreted as self-fulfilling or even winning with respect and pride intact. Slave mentality has a long history of tremendous wealth building and also investments that have engorged the movement into a tour de force of feeble obligations for whomever they can subjugate and deny. The problem with it is naturally how widespread and acceptable this behavior has become; as new generations are taught this similar tradition and scorned to respect their elders and fellow playmates. To them, everybody is an enemy until they participate and contribute to the slave system which is cursed and pursued by frequent accidents, pain, and shared tragedy. Their fate was adjudicated in stealth court.
“I think the president will find upon reflection that to bring the worst of the worst terrorists inside the United States would be cause for great danger and regret in the years to come. Another term out there that slipped into the discussion is the notion that American interrogation practices were a, quote, recruitment tool for the enemy. On this theory, by the tough questioning of killers, we have supposedly fallen short of our own values. This recruitment-tool theory has become something of a mantra lately, including from the president himself. And after a familiar fashion, it excuses the violent and blames America for the evil that others do. It's another version of that same old refrain from the left, we brought it on ourselves.” - Excerpts of Dick Cheney’s Speech on National Security, Terrorism, and Torture, by Dick Cheney; May 21, 2009 -
It is a state of powerful demands but a similar state of powerlessness where magnetic and gravity like forces simulate a feeling of drowning and the body reacts violently for air as it is naturally trained to do. This is the same feeling but it is an invisible force and a lacks any fight except the slave mentality; that is the river the violence carries them backwards to the ocean from. If these spies and nuisances were to say this and express their true existence; they would be arrested and beaten severely; thus conspiracies and theories of hate and oppression breeds from the slave mentality asymmetric to the efforts put forth.
“What is equally certain is this: The broad-based strategy set in motion by President Bush obviously had nothing to do with causing the events of 9/11. But the serious way we dealt with terrorists from then on, and all the intelligence we gathered in that time, had everything to do with preventing another 9/11 on our watch. The enhanced interrogations of high-value detainees and the Terrorist Surveillance Program have without question made our country safer. Every senior official who's been briefed on these classified matters knows of specific attacks that were in the planning stages and were stopped by the programs we put in place.” - Excerpts of Dick Cheney’s Speech on National Security, Terrorism, and Torture, by Dick Cheney; May 21, 2009 -
Who and what prehistoric life taught them this behavior is unknown but where others are not able to communicate, the slave mentality interprets it as power and opportunity. Thus, they carry on as if nothing was going on or they did nothing wrong; they know if they spoke or broke the silence they would be arrested or killed immediately by who they call equivalent Gulag Gestapo or paramilitary counter-terrorist force. To the trained eye and to the third eye; the footsteps of them running and coming to kill every form of life are pervasive and very annoying to say the least. Annoying others is a good thing to this spy group and threat; so reaching the rank of police is a serious achievement and shows how dominating they have become.
WASHINGTON, May 19 (UPI) -- Former White House and military officials say ex-U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's arrogance helped derail the presidency of George W. Bush. As revelations of Biblical-themed intelligence report covers favored by Rumsfeld put the former defense secretary in a bad light, other high-ranking Bush loyalists anonymously came forward to tell GQ Magazine that Rumsfeld's presence in the White House was a key reason for Bush administration's downfall. …The magazine said its interviews revealed that former Bush administration insiders blame Rumsfeld for hindering the White House's performance on everything from Iraq to America's diplomatic relations with other nations to the safety of U.S. troops -- even for Washington's response to Hurricane Katrina. "In many ways, Rumsfeld was more interested in being perceived to be in charge than actually being in charge," a Bush national security adviser told GQ. - Bush loyalists come out to savage Rumsfeld, by United Press International, (Top News); May 19, 2009 -
The reason why they put others under surveillance or contrive this bizarre idea their own government is untrustworthy and also spies; has to do with a code of silence of their slave masters. The leaders are real genuine traitors and real communist spies who have not been caught yet. They have not reached the rank of slave master or the real rank and file hierarchy. The slave mentality acts very similar to a abundance of hormones where pain and hurt is associated with hate and racism, a xenophobia of some natural enemy who will arrest, beat, or kill them upon finding out their true intentions, power. Power is the reason to keep and breed slaves. Power is the reason why the slave masters deny an open rank and file unless severe mental disorders or criminality is displayed. The training begins with being a victim and daily attacks until the impact of such is real and a reality. It is about spies and it is about power. If they break the code of silence or show cold feet, they will be disposed of and deemed expendable. Keep in mind, it is a magnetic force similar to gravity which drowns them and fights them.
Blistex11 Says: Memorial Day Tally of Bush/Cheney "crimes" (The Human Cost): WTC Deaths on 9/11 - aka their watch" - 2,819; Iraq Deaths - 3,441; **Iraq Wounded: **6,260 Legitimate Cases of Crimes Against the People for Bush Cabal. If it were just one, it would still be criminal enough to prosecute these thugs. May 24th, 2009 at 10:10 am - Anonymous Blog, by “Blistex11”; ; May 24, 2009 -
Harvard economic historian Neil Ferguson (Author of “The Ascent of Money”) and colleague Simon Shaman; has indicated that the economic impact of both the Bush administration and the Obama caricature of liberal economic upbringing may severely hinder and stifle the technological advantage and also the current scientific changes in American culture, what we coined “cultural advancements” produced by the intersection of a huge historical intersection between economic, religious, political, traditional, and military revolutions. It is happening on all of the above and the resilience of the greater society is being tested by the left wing and liberal tradition of fighting and how the “more the fight, the more the victories” (Patrick Buchanan, May 999, 2009) arrive...
LONDON, May 19 (UPI) -- British House of Commons Speaker Michael Martin announced Tuesday he was resigning in the face of a scandal over expense claims made by members of Parliament. Martin, a Labor Party MP who was heavily criticized by all three major British parties for failing to deal effectively with the expenses scandal, told Parliament he would step down from the Speaker's post next month, The New York Times reported. "In order that unity can be maintained, I have decided that I will relinquish the office of speaker on Sunday, June 21," he said in a statement that offered no further details on his decision. - British House Speaker resigns amid scandal, by United Press International, (Top News); May 19, 2009 -
If we review the events in the stock market pre-911 and correlate the history being made in the stock market; we see something odd. Here is what happened before 2001 on Wall Street. The DOW was near sedentary and the capital investments went to the NASDAQ indices fueling what they call the “clicks and bricks” revolution in the high tech stocks. Stock splits were occurring in more frequency per month then ten year cycles. Tech stocks were being traded in excess of 200 per share and they were doubling and tripling without any foreseeable end yearly. People who owned Microsoft and chip making “blue chip” stocks became millionaires in less time than it takes to conceive an infant fetus. There were more millionaires and billionaires invented from 1997 to 2000 then the history of the world. Then overnight, people lost their life savings again.
With the move, Martin, a former sheetmetal worker from Glasgow, Scotland, becomes the first House of Commons speaker to resign in more than 300 years. His resignation marks the highest-level casualty in the scandal, in which MPs where shown to have accepted taxpayer reimbursement for such dubious claims as maintenance of their country estates. Martin's authority to maintain decorum in the House was severely challenged Monday as heckling MPs ignored his calls to order and demanded his resignation. - British House Speaker resigns amid scandal, by United Press International, (Top News); May 19, 2009 -
It was the typical boom and bust of old times and what they call the “boomtowns.” However, this boomtown did not have real estate or real property, it was the virtual world and it was on appearances and paper numbers. The lake dried up so quickly Roth and traditional IRA accounts lost 25 per cent in one month and in a year were almost worthless; or back to normal however you see it. If there was a need for a terror plot or a bail out to suggest New York, the bankers, and the liberals on Wall Street were doing a good job and did not deserve cruelty; then this was the time. The old message that everyone was welcome was not only stupid but exposed a serious threat to America. It was a trick to open the door, proclaim expansion and money was prosperity, and then resulted in undesirable outcomes and the United States getting walloped by the left wing and whistling liberals. This was no terror plot or spy plot, this was total invasion and if you were in the way you were labeled “mentally ill” and asked to “shut up and go away.”
Last week’s briefing brought home to me the difficult challenges faced by the Central Intelligence Agency in the current threat environment. I realize we are at a time when the balance between security and liberty must be constantly evaluated and recalibrated in order to protect our nation and its people from catastrophic terrorist attack and I thus appreciate the obvious effort that you and your Office have made to address the tough questions. At the briefing you assured us that the [redacted] approved by the Attorney General have been subject to an extensive review by lawyers at the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Justice and the National Security Council and found to be within the law. - A Letter to Mr. Muller, by Jane Harman (Chair of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Intelligence), ; February 10, 2003 -
Politically, they were attacking and wishing a fight; they were on maximum attack and the revenge of the communists was in full swing. Somehow, this was driving politics and most of all the rewriting of the Constitution which said, “Hands off” and “stop meddling and tinkering.” The liberals were mad because they did not understand how to control the monster and beast of technology and world trade. They need blame and to get the media and press off their backs for snookering them into high tech stocks which busted in an almost ridiculous valuation trick and fraud. Who would pay 400 dollars for a share of stock in some web site still under construction? Furthermore, companies were at each others throat and threatening each other to grasp the internet and underworld of the future. The mob wanted a piece of the online world to muster their tradition of underhanded kickbacks, protection rackets, and various back room industries.
It is also the case, however, that what was described raises profound policy questions and I am concerned about whether these have been as rigorously examined as the legal questions. I would like to know what kind of policy review took place and what questions were examined. In particular, I would like to know whether the most senior levels of the White House have determined that these practices are consistent with the principles and policies of the United States. Have enhanced techniques been authorized and approved by the President? - A Letter to Mr. Muller, by Jane Harman (Chair of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Intelligence), ; February 10, 2003 -
Sex was everywhere and worse so were those who could take their business online and use the far reaching anonymity of the cyber world. Who would know and who would care so long as the stocks dictated the course? Things were discreet. Things happened in the privacy of others homes. Love was in the air. People lost jobs quickly. The media was not sure if there would be television left. The phone company saw long distance bargains blow up their long distance rates online. Wireless companies decided on broadband services and investments in this technology. Newspapers were reading about their stocks and demise online and the instant their life went to hell. So the scientific and technology of this era caused animosity and change; meanwhile, it was unusual for others to stay away from. That is the backdrop of pre-911. We were being attacked heavily and we were scrambling to figure out who it was and how to fight them because they were so heavily camouflaged and encircling the capital. The CIA was being attacked, big bombs were going off in the US, mass shootouts and gun battles were erupting frequently, and
You discussed the fact that there is videotape of Abu Zubaydah following his capture that will be destroyed after the Inspector General finishes his inquiry. I would urge the Agency to reconsider that plan. Even if the videotape does not constitute an official record that must be preserved under the law, the videotape would be the best proof that the written record is accurate, if such record is called into question in the future. The fact of destruction would reflect badly on the Agency. I look forward to your response. - A Letter to Mr. Muller, by Jane Harman (Chair of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Intelligence), ; February 10, 2003 -
At the same time, the graduation rates in high school and college entrance slowly sunk. Those self actuated and destined with brains and innovative initiatives carried on while others slacked and lagged; trying to anchor and blame their way to Fannie Mae. Things were happening in the academic world as well. If you took a political science course, there was mass panic. If you took a history class, there was tremendous blame and lies. If you took a religious course, it taught about sexual abuse. You can tell things are night and day; everything was just not right and very messed up. We had been captured by some political entity wishing a heavy fight and a near death struggle to experience a death defying stunt to spoon feed ideas about racism, hate, and what was deemed a right wing conspiracy and oppression by a very fierce and lawless bunch of whiners who saw us as friends and allies. It took a long time to track and hunt them down but we did eventually.
Thank you for your letter of 10 February following up on the briefing we gave you and Congressman Goss on 5 February concerning the Central Intelligence Agency’s limited use of the handful of specially approved interrogation techniques we described. As we informed both you and the leadership of the Intelligence Committees last September, a number of Executive Branch lawyers including lawyers from the Department of Justice participated in the determination that, in the appropriate circumstances, use of these techniques is fully consistent with US law. While I do not think it appropriate for me to comment on issues that are a matter of policy, much less the nature and extent of Executive Branch policy deliberations, I think it would be fair to assume that policy as well as legal matters have been addressed within the Executive Branch. - Response to Ms. Harman, by Scott Muller (The CIA General Counsel), ; February 28, 2003 -
What Neil Ferguson and his economic colleagues are suggesting is a loss of advantage in the technological industry because the social and political problems are so severe. If the urban dilapidation and local governments did not blow up from spending when their regions prospered, then it did when the economy collapsed. The feeling is total terror of being garnished, collection agencies, and mass bankruptcy or foreclosure. People are being lied to and mistreated. People are hoodwinked and snookered by brown-nosing politicians who want a fight but run the moment a real fight is on. If you look at the period of the late 1990s, people are being denied the truth and told they can trust New York and Washington DC.
“I believe this information will confirm the value of interrogation of detainees, and I am not alone. President Obama's own director of national intelligence, Admiral Blair, put it this way: High-value information came from interrogations in which those methods were used and provided a deeper understanding of the al-Qaida organization that was attacking this country, end quote.” - Excerpts of Dick Cheney’s Speech on National Security, Terrorism, and Torture, by Dick Cheney; May 21, 2009 -
Washington DC was under attack and in clandestine ways because we were in it and got targeted. We were recruited for some very psychopathic and angry group who felt we were allies and partners. Our objective was not to run, hide, or play dead; it was to remove the camouflage and flush them out and down the toilet. They cannot fight without camouflage, which is of vital importance about this enemy. They are afraid when we remove our camouflage as well because they cannot blame or play “secret police” any longer when verification is policy. Therefore, if you instituted verification immediately, they would perish or take off immediately because without camouflage they are dead meat. It is like the sun on their skin, a flower wilting, blood suckers who are afraid of daylight, and the same self destruct mode of suicidal enemies who wish to take us down that path. This is an elusive enemy and those lies are intended to push, prod, or trick anyone down that path where they are in hiding and ready for a fierce fight.
“Admiral Blair put that conclusion in writing, only to see it mysteriously deleted in a later version released by the administration, the missing 26 words that tell an inconvenient truth. For all the partisan anger that still lingers, our administration will stand up well in history, not despite our actions after 9/11, but because of them. And when I think about all that has come - has to come during our administration and afterward - the recriminations, the second-guessing, the charges of hubris - my mind always goes back to that moment.” - Excerpts of Dick Cheney’s Speech on National Security, Terrorism, and Torture, by Dick Cheney; May 21, 2009 -
People are being denied the truth and blame is spread like manure to grow or sprout more and more conspiracies if a terror plot was not enough already from this backwards and defiant government. They will attack you and make your life hell if you do not share life with them. They will hunt you down and terrorize you the moment you do not want them in your life or show sensitivity to the cultural advances which is fancy wording for stupidity or criminal behavior. There is a serious and major problem with the political class and the level of criminality and lying. We are talking about pure evil and the use of cold blooded murder as a way to victory and fame. We are talking about debate which is supposed to get at the truth and a political class who are changing or trying to change that reality with mass propaganda and blame. They are invincible. They are in control. They cannot be denied. They are unstoppable. They are seeking friends.
“To put things in perspective, suppose that, on the evening of 9/11, President Bush or I promised that, for as long as we held office - which was to be another 2,689 days - there would never be another terrorist attack inside this country. Talk about hubris; it would have seemed a rash and irresponsible thing to say. To the very end of our administration, we kept al-Qaida terrorists busy with other problems. We focused on getting their secrets, instead of sharing ours with them. And on our watch, they never hit this country again.” - Excerpts of Dick Cheney’s Speech on National Security, Terrorism, and Torture, by Dick Cheney; May 21, 2009 -
This political backwardness and class have you under surveillance but nobody is big enough to put them under pressure or make sure they do not lie, cheat, or steal. Unless you remove and get rid of 85 per cent of the political class on both the Democratic and Republican sides; nothing will ever change and this political breed of Neanderthals will never go away. It is the truth and people must adapt and accept it like death. Death is unpleasant and we are obsessed with avoiding it but when it is certain and unavoidable; we cannot keep the charade ongoing. The same with this terror plot and this communist conspiracy to change the truth and reverse reality; it cannot be done unless it is underscored by severe oppression by both sides. There are no winners and losers here, only winners. Truth seeking is not their objective. Upholding the constitution is not in their means. This is about changing reality and the truth to fit their control and “everyone is welcomed and good” schematics or epistemology.
“After the most lethal and devastating terrorist attack ever, seven-and-a-half years without a repeat is not a record to be rebuked and scorned, much less criminalized. It is a record to be continued until the danger has passed. For all that we've lost in this conflict, the United States has never lost its moral bearings. And when the moral reckoning turns to the men known as high-value terrorists, I can assure you they were neither innocent nor victims. As for those who asked them questions and got answers, they did the right thing. They made our country safer, and a lot of Americans are alive today because of them.” - Excerpts of Dick Cheney’s Speech on National Security, Terrorism, and Torture, by Dick Cheney; May 21, 2009 -
These British economic historians have also notated how Obama is not a Keynesian exponent because the proportion of debt to spending is not the same formula and guidelines which John Maynard Keynes had investigated. What school of thought the 43rd and 44th are grounded in we do not know because no philosophers had ever written or thought out with rational identity redistribution of wealth or some new economic path for the communist and socialist movements. The closest we ever get will be populism and also existentialism in terms of philosophy and a tradition of philosophical heritage or lineages. We can also investigate “utilitarianism” (Jeremy Bentham) and religious fundamentalism or regions to determine if anything sounds vaguely familiar.
Sean of all people knows the Republican Party has been infiltrated by the left wing. He knows first hand they are a radical "Special Forces" Group of spies that the CIA cannot detect and the FBI is not even able to catch. This Freedom Concert is a direct insult. The Virginia assembly of the Republican Party asking him to be the voice of the Party is how apathetic they are to the situation. We know and we had detected a massive infiltration and why, it is very subtle and to rewrite the Constitution. - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Republican Party has been Infiltrated, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
The Marxist and the communist reworked the meanings of radicalism and also civil war. They espoused civil war as a class conflict between inequality and oppressed groups; that is all it was about and a serious approach to poetry and syllogisms. So what Obama is trying to discover is not yet known but his options are shortening as it did for the Bush administration that was also on this search. We know they were searching because they had our work and goods while terror and a nightmare took place in broad daylight during their watch and “constitutional upbringing.” The Bush administration is just as guilty and just as deeply involved as the Obama as current. We must return to the record and those who were on the ground or commanding the heights; they hover and fly above the battle while they only come down for a good reason or an emergency, they were shot down.
Sean is suggesting that Ann has a son now who loves tennis. He needs to know that tennis has been my teenage love and I have one of the most beautiful and aggressive games he will ever witness; I played very young and resemble Ivan Lendl and Boris Becker. I have tunnel vision like shooting firearms; it is natural skills, not taught. Sean also needs to be upfront about what he is trying to do and how he is pulling Annie to the dark side. He has been caught infiltrating the right wing and Republican Party along with Rush Limbaugh and a few massive contingency. - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Republican Party has been Infiltrated, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
We were being juxtaposed with formulating and working on a very secret project and refused because it was inhabited by liberals, the radical black movement, Nazis and communists weirdoes, despots and bankers who watched us 24 hours, and a host of totalitarian and left wing contrivances made to look like innocent communism. We were told we were being “interrogated” about what we knew and it was not a recruitment attempt for an ultra secret communist plot and terror ring. That was what we were told and informed any other would incur a massive fight and massive resistance by obstructing justice or elusive harassments day in and day out.
Sean said something which really irked me, "liberals are sanctimonious" to follow Rush's lead today, "their pusillanimity" which are all phrases from Annie's work. The author of sanctimonious is from me. Liberals are materialists. Sean is so deceptive; he boasts how much charity he gives and how much money he gives out. The term "sanctimonious" is from deep and very advanced religious teachings; specifically the debate between the protestants and Catholics. Sanctification is a process where actions stress the religious process instead of the justification process. Unless you spend years studying this; you will use it with no knowledge or idea what it is about. Sean is a classic example of a hypocrite because he is sanctimonious. He does not understand what it is or where it is from. I can gauge and probe him on his religious beliefs. - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Republican Party has been Infiltrated, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
So if liberalism works, this tax and spend when things are good and go in massive debt and blow up or raid the treasury when things get bad; we will survive this ordeal with the clothes on our back. If we do not survive this massive and humongous economic disaster; they chances are the country and the world will slip into slow and encroaching warfare, yes civil war. There is no way the events and the blatant violations can go unaddressed and with no verification or accountability. Even the Bush administration set up a “TARP Commission” to determine where the trillions of bail out dollars went and the director of it does not know. The argument how the Bush era kept us safe is a lie. The suggestion the Obama one can is already a big and getting bigger lie. Perjury at this level is punishable by death.
The point is the Republican Party has been infiltrated and in a very big way. I personally would not even get near it or those who are messing it up. We had detected and caught a few of them; then interrogated them; they are a hard left group and psychopathic. The "hits" and assassinations are coming from an inside source on the right wing and we know it is the same people. The hits and ambushes I am receiving are coming directly from this same infiltration group. Who the hell would join the Republican Party when it has been infiltrated and the top leadership has to be replaced? It is suicide. Who would sign up when they know or find out they are being tricked, were fooled, and in grave danger? I would stay away until we can take them out or the FBI can come in and get reinforcements. They will claim they are reformed by then or rehabilitated. This is a very dangerous group and very professional spies; extremely difficult to detect and very stubborn when flushed out. You are in danger. - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Republican Party has been Infiltrated, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
Nobody even knows where trillions of tax dollars went and they feel compelled to catch master spies and the fiercest terrorists on the planet? We are talking about trillions of tax dollars disappearing over the course of four months over a trillion dollars vanished in thin air while two Presidents sat on guard. Now is this a good indicator of their ability to stop attacks on the United States or terrorists who are intent on destroying the country or the world? Trillions of dollars disappeared in thin air and they wish to be nominated for Nobel Peace Prizes and Congressional Medals of Honor? How can this be? What did we say about an elusive and camouflaged enemy who was hunting us and wanted to steal some specific military technology and policies? We also know the region it came from, the Middle East, and why “weapons of mass destruction” and deterrence or pre-emptive attacks. It is all about lying and blaming; that is what the terror plot and the communist group was in search of. We are and were blamed; set up to look like escape goats or playing the same game of “catch us if you can.”
You saw me shoot the harpoon at the big whale named Moby Dick! He rammed us and we went flying. You went after the shooter of the harpoon because it hit the monster and the rope was attached to Ann but it was too big so she took 7 years while dragged and hanging on to the harpoon line. Neither job was fun or pleasant. I shot the harpoon and Ann just hung on for dear life; never letting go. I honestly thought she let go after a few years. She did not tell me; I nearly fainted hearing this. So why are we taking care of Sean (along with others) when they stole everything or tried to steal everything from this country; they are saboteurs and insurgents? Why am we deciding the assignments for Sean and teaching them how to be like us; how to hunt? Isn't that the thief and a mole? I have no doubt they will seek revenge and some massive attack again; eventually. Do I feel vulnerable now or while kidnapped? Does this country feel vulnerable to them now that we let them be heroes? Are they doing it to terrorize us and make us feel defenseless? They keep demanding we work for them. You all did everything to get away once you “suspected” you had been harpooned for a decade by the hunter of the Moby Dick legend. Someone has to tell the story of the satellite warfare program; that is that someone? Will it be Clinton, Bush, or Obama? All you spies and moles can do is copy us while brain dead and useless. - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Republican Party has been Infiltrated, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
So we may loose the technological advantage now due to serious and gross injustices by both the politicians on both sides. They have no fight and no record in this fight. Trillions of dollars disappeared and if we survive it; they will say “not good enough to catch us, you loose.” If trillions of dollars leads to a tsunami of debt and financial inflationary meltdown, they will deny, blame, divide, police, and obstruct. This means another terror plot to wash away the financial meltdown we saw prior to September 2001 and the tinker parade of our retirement funds and “long term savings.” Lying has become a way to prosperity and also a harmless approach to oppression; but it is much more severe than that. Just when we have them cornered, on the ropes, and so badly beaten; out of nowhere are the devil and the antichrist to save the day and their skin. The word and term is war crimes and gross injustices so unspeakable; they have no other recourse but to rewrite the Constitution or die; just drink the kook-aid like the propaganda describes them, peaceful and never disturbing other comrades or Americans.
I shot that harpoon over 10 years ago and it took off and I just gave up. I decided to switch my citizenship and refused to join a terror or communist group who wanted total control and subjugation; while they promoted me behind the scene and shadows; a real shadow government of terrorists known as the ‘army of the damned.’ Sean, there is not one lie or misrepresented fact; challenge it if so. It is your life and career on the line to debate the exact meaning. You describe it as “revolting against your success.” We describe it much differently. You describe it as “resisting your superiority.” We describe it much differently. You call yourself the police; we describe you as moles and a communist and terrorist threat behind the 911 plot to alter the hate and racism laws in America. Because it is about superiority and not morals or the truth; all you can do now is write books to suggest you are still the bosses and the leaders of this world. You are still hunting and not the hunted. The only option or strategy is the unlocked door; to beat this and to seek leadership; but like your predecessor; we know you are coming because it is a booby trap meant for you to take it; take it. You are walking into the CIA and FBI while turned around looking at us. That is why you are writing duplicate books while challenging us or holding us prisoner at this time; to beat this and us. Someone has to tell the story of the satellite warfare program; that is that someone? Will it be Clinton, Bush, or Obama? All you spies and moles can do is copy us while brain dead and useless. - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Republican Party has been Infiltrated, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
The British economic historians also said the only economic might who took a light hit or were unaffected by the financial disasters was China. Japan lost 25% of their economic value and the United States is approaching 40-45% of value loss. The data and reports suggest the eye of the storm has hit bottom but digging out and climbing over the dead bodies is the difficult part. If the cleanup is not immediate, those same bodies will deliver a stench so long as we are in that same hole. The answer is easy, trade. There must be trade and so far, nothing has ever stopped trade or barter from occurring. Not even the police or communism can stop the black market or transactions which are somehow insulated from the left wing and dependency. Now all the sudden, trade stops and trillions disappear. The reason why is dependency and a total lack of self sufficiency. We cannot stress this over and over again; nothing in this world has ever been invented which can stop or derail trade from occurring, nothing; but some ghost has just discovered it, debt.
On the flip side, imagine a boat with two people and a shark following like Jaws. Where he is and what does he want? Are we food? So when Jaws is following us; we are scared but not going to back down; catch it if we can. Jaws rammed us thousands of times. We threw bait out there; presented ourselves and harassed or played with Jaws; then it rammed us and we flew in all directions. The harpoon might have struck but the assistant went with it and was nowhere to be seen. Ten years later; a trap was made to bring Jaws back and to try a second time; this time on our terms. This time we knew much more and know it will ram and it is not friendly; it is a killer and butcher. The water has blood all over. It swims like a whale and even makes whale noises. In 2006, the assistant holding on the harpoon line showed up and said “it’s a go.” Go means go. We both make our move to secret hide outs chosen for a reason. I am not told of the surprise and it is not made known. When are we going to get married? It is safe up there. You can come out also. I am ready for war when it erupts. I am to meet and have a secret meeting in Canada to discuss this more indebt or where the Jaws is; I want to hunt it. Tell me the names; don’t tell me it’s a surprise! They are too elusive. Now it is time foe them to get a surprise they will never recover from. It was designed this way. Drink the kool-aid and save us from the disgust of fighting this monster. - Interview with Terror Suspects: The Republican Party has been Infiltrated, by Author; May 29, 2009 -
Politics make it impossible to recover because we know these people to always want a fight. They even brag about “the more fights we get in, the more victories.” My god, what have we woken up in? California is racking up a fiscal debt of 40-60 billion a year, each and every year we are in this financial disaster. Two consecutive years without relief will bankrupt and deem them unable to pay back the debt, insolvency; total meltdown. New York, the financial capital of the world, is on the brink of running the same level of debt and ever increasing each and ever year afterwards. So what do these states and politicians do? They raise the tax on the rich instead of asking if they spent too much or is demanding way too much from tax payers. They want a fight. They know we will fight them to the death and for the truth, but they still want to fight. They could be missing an arm, leg and a nose; they want to fight; not a real fight but just a fight.
Rush, you have not given me a good enough reason why you are kidnapping royals, if you are royals, if you are some above royal appointments, and who you are trying to be. "We cannot stop them" is basically all you are giving "you cannot deny it." What you did was grab two people, one male and one female, to rewrite their life. Had you done this to Prince Charles or Queen Elizabeth; their security would impose a death penalty on you. Do you still think you caught terrorists or felons as you keep saying? Do you think you are national heroes and have a deep love of country as you try to use as an excuse? Do you think your intentions speak for it as you repeat over and over and blame us for your anger, demise, and downfall? To me, you owe the public an answer much better than this. Now you are applying that same excuse to the 911 plots. The book on the FARC hostages being shot down and taken hostage is the exact same account. You should be on Pelosi every single day Rush for lying to Congress and then taking this to the public in order to cover it up and lie a second time about lying the first time. She lied for Bush and Bush refused to rescue her. Depending on the final charges, that can be conspiracy to terror or torture. - Interview with the Terror Suspects: We Are All Royals! By Author; May 26, 2009 -
What is the result? A total and complete exodus; so not far from the distant future, our advantage over this technological advancements and internet capital of the world will fall in the hands of the futures market or AIG, which will then fall on hard times and bankrupt, which will then have the government storming in and kicking down the doors for a bailout, which will then fail and they own it; which will then be redistributed to whoever wants to loose their life savings on the futures market because it is rigged by the banks. Welcome to the world of the derivative and a not so free market anymore where jobs wash away terror plots and communist conspiracies to overtake the government. Everybody is welcomed in this rich and prosperous nation we have because it will not last and the political pressure is so mismanaged, we are and will be on the brink of civil strife and warfare over a piece of cheese in a mousetrap so complex; we got who we wanted trapped in there and suffering badly. So do we go after the mouse trap or the mouse?
I will tell you who you are; you are the legendary spies acting behind the black movement and who was sneaking around for the better half of the century. You were growing and expanding, infiltrating deep in government and all the sudden were thrown off by us. So you grabbed us and this is when it began in 1998. You said yesterday you "follow the money" and how it led to some "love story"; just not your love story and involving you. So you acknowledge you are in a love story but it is just not your love story. We can reproduce the crime and determine the punishments and crime. All we have to do is snatch royals and determine who you are and what you are up to. To say you are lying or it is a scandal is a total hoax "they are contradicting themselves... do I want her to fail on the court... yes... to better the country." - Interview with the Terror Suspects: We Are All Royals! By Author; May 26, 2009 -
Let’s return to the dialogue between the economic historians. On Thursday, May 21, 2009 the 44th President said this, “We will not release anyone in America who will endanger the American public” and it was directed to a few critics on the other side who were speaking on behalf of the Bush administration about the closing of “Gitmo” terror prison. A few Senators also threw their hats in and said this, “America is not Guantanamo” and we can see the animosity going around here. If the past is a hindrance to the future then maybe “we are in love with America… because… sexual freedoms” (Shaman) or some celestial marriage and courtship occurring.
So you just admitted you are "liberals... a man denied of liberty... because of his race... “And that was your operation and why terrorism is used to embolden what I know you are doing. You want me to conclude and hold the position you are cops-police, tough on terrorism, and fighting for minority rights. Then you want either myself (why pressure to go to law school) or Annie to "do your dirty work... because you do not have the power... now he has appointed one... write the opinions about... customary... exchange of views... use race and minority status... feminism... to criticize me or anyone who opposes them." Rush you are above the Black Panther, that is all I have to say; you are giving the illusion you are fighting them. You are using blacks and the black movement in America to destroy, gets rich, and advance communism. You choose all those goals to advance communism and snuff out self sufficiency and liberties; but you put this illusion of how you are fighting it. Let us judge you; your standards are disgusting. You are talking to the Reagan Administration who brought the internment of the Japanese to issue and resolved it at age 15; now you say I am a sore to you? Who are you super royals? Wish to tell the true story? - Interview with the Terror Suspects: We Are All Royals! By Author; May 26, 2009 -
The two economic historians recognize the relationship between China and Britain over the span of nearly five centuries and even before that during the Emperors and royal courts. They both cite to be purveyors of “collective implosions” and how dangers “internal are more severe than external.” However, the fault of the Bush administration and this “kept America safe for seven years” (Coulter) was better described if nothing else a Constitutional crisis which “over-extended foreign policy” and “accept opportunity to face dangers honestly” (Shaman). To any country in existence, that is the most dangerous course and the most irresponsible endeavor depending on which side of the public you stand on, if any. If anything else will do in a country, it is a bad and horrible foreign policy and we know the Middle East foreign policy to be total disaster. It is such a disaster we are kept away from it and spies and moles are allowed to run free through out the land and our lives.
Another problem is the carnage. If you think the SDS and Weatherman in the 1960s are dangerous; take a close look at the carnage and reports about your group. We are talking carnage on a level which has no excuse while you say "we are at war." Again, you show this bullet proof mentality and ignorance that cannot be broken. To suggest you are royals and fighting terrorism is just an illusion as you describe it "distracting our ability to oppose them... I am the one doing the heavy lifting... do you know where Colin Powell stands... Tom Ridge... so what we are doing here is trying to save our party... they are useless... that is where we are." If your intentions are so good, then you can give us the details because we wish very similar goals. You are not working those goals and you are not being talking about what they truly are. - Interview with the Terror Suspects: We Are All Royals! By Author; May 26, 2009 -
The economic historians state the moment the 44th President came into office, there was an instant feeling of a secret “collective moment” and “euphoria.” There was no sense of collective implosion but this severe internal problem was definitely visible and known. What to call it and how to address it was a different matter because, “growth of the electorate the moment the election was over.” Obviously, there are some historical problems manifesting here in the melting pot because the “biggest recipients” of the last three governments suspects “pork barrel politics” is at play and which led to flaws in “the way the market system is regulated” (Neil). Again, we do not or are not allowed to sense this collective implosion which is quiet frequent and known by every single economist who breathes air and eats regularly.
What does the Bush family have to do with the Mario boat lift and flooding America with the mob? Why Cuba and Guantanamo Bay (Bay of Pigs)? These god damn spies are everywhere. With the charges you have, you are going to get killed if you stay here and will have to seek political asylum elsewhere as felons and fugitives. The charge d'affaire was filed on your spy group and conspiracy already and a demand for answers and confession is out there. Things can change over night and day. You are not a refugee or seeking freedom. Also, do we need to know or forced to be sensitive to the homeland? Must you kidnap us about your homeland and plight when you are all spies? You are facing lethal actions by the FBI, CIA, and Pentagon for spying and a terror plot. You all think it is some game and mere oppression to train us about the homeland. Shut up about illegal immigration and refugees. - Interview with the Terror Suspects: We Are All Royals! By Author; May 26, 2009 -
It is a slap in the face of those economists who do truly wish to see the country and this world succeed; to prosper as a strong, healthy, and educated populous. At the same time, the immorality of the public is reaching a level where nobody wants to recognize them as dogmatic in being dependent or similarly dogmatic in becoming ants for some queen or baby factory. Wall Street is relentless for profit while they also sit and watch with nothing but demands. “Wall Street… is not perfect” (Shaman) where a sweet spot cannot be found between working and being lazy for profits; to make rewards easier and punishments impossible; we are entering a new economic philosophy that runs contrary to our traditional understanding of how trade, free trade, and the economic market systems truly work.
I will also emphasize how this is about the Clintons. I also emphasize how we were on the road to end the Cold War until you knocked us off and pretended to be the police and arrested us for no reason. When we asked for ID, you refused and pretended to be on the same side, our partners, and even far more superior and our bosses. Now the information is out there and you keep saying how heroic you are and refuse to provide the spy group or the secret moles you have doing your dirty work. If you have the same goals, then we could and would protect you. Now you got both sides after you for the truth. You decide if you wish to fight one side or two sides because right now you got two sides about to destroy you. You are lying and pulling a grand deception on all of us. You said or told us repeatedly how we must share life (royal court) with you or else be tortured and scorned at by using terrorism. You said or told us repeatedly how we must save the black movement in America or be subjugated or else the same punishments; you were looking for some "secret plan" of the future and if we did not give it to you; we were issued a "death sentence." Is it Fundamentalism and the welfare system or religious persecution; or European style socialism and exodus from the homeland? - Interview with the Terror Suspects: We Are All Royals! By Author; May 26, 2009 -
Our goal to transform or make the heap a shiny hill might become impossible, read that carefully; it is not impossible but becomes impossible because of the political criticism run contrary to how we understand the market system to work. The public and the rich demands a free trade system where rewards are easy and punishments are impossible and there is no system alive which embody that trait; communism used to. The “predictable imperfections” (Shaman) inherent in the leftist system led to the “US being morphed into a kinder” sort of politics, how can you beat that? How can you criticize or fight it? The historians agree the goal of the government is to produce or advocate to “establish a society as moral” and one based on “mutual concerns” (Shaman) but when you hate the country and what it stands for; you hate freedom and what it delivers. Supposedly, this moral populous is about hate and racism and terrorizing others with terror plots involving proxies of 1960s hippies who hate Vietnam and religious affiliations. Now who is on drugs and imprisoned to compel them to take drugs?
The excuses you give is always "seeking knowledge... more educated... wanted my help... all the sudden I am the primary problem with the Republican Party." I will say this once again, after the Cold War; you all had to find an answer and some new course. You are a massive spy master and the people you hide and are coddling all will be charged with espionage and terrorism. Maybe you are avoiding an audit. You use one on me and look for the most stupid excuse to scorn or push me down; yet when it comes to who you are; we cannot debate it or prove it. I have proved it. I have debated it. I have done all of the above in the most acceptable manner while you did none. Now you want the reward and the medals of the hunt. You have nothing to show for it, nothing. At most, you told the truth yesterday "we follow the money... there was a love story... did not involve us" and want us to trust and what they call blind trust. You are nuts. This is how totally insane you and your spy group is. Are you sure Ronald Reagan did not set you up or trap you with some elite military unit? Maybe so secret the CIA and FBI does not even know? This is about the 1960s you know this right? - Interview with the Terror Suspects: We Are All Royals! By Author; May 26, 2009 -
If any student of history has studied all the great empires and civilizations to determine why they die off or decline; it is both a combination of internal and external forces; however it is the internal ones which eventually due them in. All civilizations implode and before they do; erupt in civil wars. They go through this period called “internecine war” where a warlord emerges and unites the battered country and clans. It is written in the stars of yester years and if any historian has studied giant empires like the Greeks, the Persians, the communists, and now America.
Because the President does not believe in the profound, inherent, and equal dignity of every member of the human family; because he does not believe that babies acquire human rights until after birth; because he does not see abortion as tragic because it takes the life of an innocent human being, he is utterly and intransigently unwilling to support even efforts short of prohibiting abortion that would plainly reduce the number of abortions. Moreover, he is adamantly in favor of funding abortions and abortion providers at home and abroad, and has already taken steps in that direction by revoking the Mexico City Policy and proposing a budget that would restore publicly funded abortions in Washington, D.C.—despite the well-documented and universally acknowledged fact that when you provide public funding for abortion, you get more abortions. - Obama and His Pro-Life Apologists, By Robert George, ; May 29, 2009 -
All these empires and civilizations suffer a cyclical period of 30-50 years where they rise and fall; then recover. During that rise and fall but mostly in the fall or the trough (economic term for the crest or high period and trough of the low period) stages, those affected and those paying attention are impaled and compelled to seek virtues about who they are and morality of the overall society and this is to prevent some recurrence. We see how the society hardly if ever seeks or comes to this virtue and thus end up repeating the same cycles. It is all throughout history and interweaved in over two millenniums of life and death. Only the morals of the society will decide what will be repeated and what will not. So the goal of government is to “re-establish society as a moral” one based on “mutual concerns” (Shaman).
Keep in mind, if I were given a good option to make the left wing, liberals, and Democrats disappear overnight; do you think I would deny or obstruct it; "we must stop them... we are stopping you... distracting our ability to oppose them..." as you put it; do you think anybody watching you would back down? Do you understand the logic of your argument? You are still trying to stop and oppose us, what you call stop us; now if you had the plans to stop the left wing, communists, and liberals; would you? I do respect them and do not violate their rights; but I think we all hate each other and must be civilized about this. You keep saying how you love each other and how you stand by each other; now you complain about how you do all the heavy lifting. I hate you Rush but have I ever violated your life, privacy, career, etc... If so, write it and put my name on it. You know and I know it is a total lie and if you wrote anything down; it can be your demise. You just said it "credibility." - Interview with the Terror Suspects: We Are All Royals! By Author; May 26, 2009 -
What is this wisdom and truth of life which compels us to discover it? It is easily described as a broken educational system or is it a love of country both we and our enemies proudly profess? In civil strife and wars, internal threats and internal dangers are so severe; finger pointing is directed at this love or hate of the homeland. That same finger pointing is about the overall morality of the country; whether it is moral enough or a total lack thereof. Insofar as the economic climate, trust in government and trust in contractual agreements are the very fabric of all transactions and currency. When that is corrupted by the bondage of this sexual freedoms or obstructions; regional outbursts erupt. To a certain extent, jobs and financial security correlate with sexual freedoms or obstructions. However, repeat felons, communist spies, and evil cannot take advantage of the United States or seek political asylum by mutinying for liberation and freedom from the federal grip over their cursed and damned life.
Are you sure Ronald Reagan did not set you up or trap you with some elite military unit? You are supposed to take the kook-aid like all the previous comrades; why you are a terrorist is a stark bizarre event; you are supposed to be cuddly, harmless, and not a war monger. Rush says "blow me away." My security forces and bodyguards are not happy with you Rush; so be careful what you say or do. I have no intent on sharing with you or sharing; that is all you need to know. You are a god damn real mole and communist spy and you want to share the hunt and victory of the Cold War? This nation will tell you the same; you give us who are in the terror plot and you will survive this ordeal. To suggest your "recruitment effort" and "how beloved and respected" you are is a joke. Rush, I got you and Sean to say "I love your show" and want it even more now; my merciless and butchery day in and day out has finally worked and you better write it down if you want to report it or accuse me. Going on the "stealth" mode is not the best way to defend your opposition, demand your rights, or save your life. - Interview with the Terror Suspects: We Are All Royals! By Author; May 26, 2009 -
The goal of all countries and nation states is to discover truth and we know the truth is singular and universal, there is no grey area. How you apply it and how you execute it is something else to beholden. A political truth is not the same as a regional truth; but the experience of both impales the observer to sense the same events when they are two special ones separated by distances. It is a delusion and an imaginary problem. So one war here is peace there; yet the sensation is the same and both sides repeat the same verses as if their own. The Marxist thinkers called this phenomenon “false consciousness.”
If you gamble your life away and go in stealth mode now; you are insane and stupid. Get the hell out of stealth mode if you value your life. Are you sure Ronald Reagan did not set you up or trap you with some elite military unit? If so you have been caught red handed; care to test it? Your brother David is still writing poetry about your adventures with this country. Here is the worst part; this is about the Clintons, Democrats, and liberals; but look who they are laughing at? The only country coming to your aid is the US and Israel; nobody else is or did. Do you think I would walk away from this opportunity? Do you think in my lifetime I will ever catch an idiot and the devil again? I am a family man and love with all my heart; all my heart and soul; do you think I am this evil Rush? Do you think I am ask evil as you are to be kidnapping me and cutting my knees each and every time I am happy or escape? I could be a very good liar or a better spy? The book "Out of Captivity" describes the exact same ordeal being hostages by terrorists or a guerilla group; that book is about Columbian FARC and DEA agents. - Interview with the Terror Suspects: We Are All Royals! By Author; May 26, 2009 -
There is a universal consensus how President Obama, the 44th President, is not a Keynesian economist and a similar consensus on what George W. Bush was and where Barrack Obama is leading the country and the world. The strongest case of this is the percentage of overall debt and fiscal debt compares to the overall Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The percentage of debt yearly is approaching 13% of the GDP, not the reverse, and is well over 100% as aggregate national debt. Even third world countries did not or were ever allowed to run up this high of a financial disaster in order to win elections until crisis or collapse caused tax hikes and price freezes by saturating the currency to curb lending. There is no wealth being produced, only the curbing of lending which “impedes the bounce back” (Shaman).
I'll take comments now. "Will stay married... those who waited will be really mad... rioting in the streets... (talking about the love story of Ann Coulter which does not involve him, Sean, Maher, or any of these men)"; Rush is taking calls now; 1:22:51 PM There is such a thing as "guilt by association" and those who wish to take the last stand and go down with the ship; have the chance of a lifetime. Rush says he wants a teaching career and loves to be water boarded to determine if he is telling the truth. Rush is now telling about a story that got everybody in the White House in tears "a very touching story... explains who they are... doing extraordinary things... “You were a tremendous help Rush and your spy group were the ground we stepped on "it happened during... who is apologizing for America... it was not good and just... it is now, but it wasn't... her father died... she was diagnosed with diabetes... she has done it all... that would not be possible if that was not the country she believes in... just look at how she triumphed... I do not think we need to know how... anti-minorities.“ - Interview with the Terror Suspects: We Are All Royals! By Author; May 26, 2009 -
So all historians are coming to the same consensus of how we got here and how those in power handled it when it turned into a larger disaster with debt. It may end up causing a serious detriment and becoming a determining factor in the technological debate and advantage. There is no doubt nobody is in charge and nobody is on duty when trillions of dollars vanish and life savings is lost overnight; yet both and all these political foes claim they delivered the nation from evil and protected it’s clutches from another terrorist attack. How can two enemies claim the same goal when it is a war with two opposite goals? One genuinely loves the country and the other genuinely wishes to blows it up and or destroys it. So why do they both say the same thing and act the same way when we already know and completed the investigation and trapped them. Their world can change overnight if the evidence on them will implicate them to this end.
Rush you are worse of a weasel then Sean. You all still think this is about control, subjugation, superiority, terrorism, the army of the damned, and lying about your true motives and intentions. This is a game about global dominance and control and you are talking to the masters of war. It is not as if you are in the minor leagues here. "How can you oppose this woman... have you no heart... “My reply is this Rush. Have you ever been in battle or combat? I shot the enemies and they drop. Sometimes, they attack us and ambush us to win and we come close to death. But after the fight; they are missing limbs and I may have shot off randomly and missed but they should not be there to shake my hand or tell the story; that is their triumph. I am not a cold blooded person; but there is a logical reason why we cannot shake hands; I have my arm. That is why I am a good person and do not wage war frivolously or irresponsibly; I understand they are real bullets and how much hurt there is. Your regret is you were caught and cannot win still. I step on people every single day and I just cause so much pain and hurt while I thought I was making us stronger and healthier. Maybe you all are just slaves and really sick? Maybe you do not notice or know this? Do you hear anybody say "you do not make us free or self sufficient?" - Interview with the Terror Suspects: We Are All Royals! By Author; May 26, 2009 -
So the story of America and the history of the world undergo something like this. New York and Washington DC is the core of eastern liberalism. Go west and manifest destiny or life changes to a more laid back way of riding “coach class.” New York is saying “I love New York” and “everybody is welcome.” Like all ladies and pretty pundits, I love New York does not mean “I love America.” When the stock market goes nuts; people love it. When it goes south, the wrath of the devil and barbarians conjure up ways to beat down sissies. The game is lies and the cost is how it is good and plentiful when good; then meaningless when bad. So “I love New York” is now “you do not have a chance” and “why even try.”
To answer caller "is Rush a sodomite and homosexual?" During the 10 years undercover and as a captured hostage; there were gross sexual perverted solicitations. It began with men showing the size of their "third leg" while we exercised to groping and "top dog status gay gets the pick" (Jonathan Edwards); Rush has never expressed a direct "homosexual tendency" or "closet homo" mindset but as his kidnapped victim; there were at least 20 efforts which were level 10 over the top. They are really interested with male on male sex or bizarre sex. Keep in mind how most if not all of these spy masters sexual liberation and are very adventurous have with sex. Jim Jones himself was a closet homosexual. When they asked who in Guiana had sex with Jim Jones, all the black men raised there hands. They are not intelligent enough to understand what they are doing; they think it is to please their boss and spiritual leader. So it is consistent and Rush may be obsessed with me or Ann for other reasons to include sexual. This is why the reports of "peeping tom" and total intrusions to include invasions of privacy. They bug our bedrooms but claim it is for a good reason. They do not mention how they are perverts and wish to share life with us or wish to share when we do not nor have any intention. The worst part is they do this to Annie and I know what they do and how they do it. - Interview with the Terror Suspects: We Are All Royals! By Author; May 26, 2009 -
We can see it and how Washington DC and the Pentagon are chuckling and ready for a massive fight. The stock market is an intrusion on all our lives and we cannot avoid it. This means the state of New York determines who gets to play the game and who can step foot on the playground. We know that answer, “everybody is welcomed” when we know it is “peace through superior firepower.” We have liar and a spy in our midst. When they say “everybody is welcome” they act out “everything to everyone” which leads to trillions of dollars disappearing with no idea where it went or when it will show up. The Midwest and the derivative market is much worse; it is almost like knocking on heavens door and asking Saint Peters if you are allowed in when everybody is welcomed. This is not the free market, it is tax and spends markets where debt shoots up and stays there upon each collapse.
There is no direct reports of Rush soliciting but there is no effort of him stopping it; so had I been a homosexual and if they could create one; he would be in love now. It is recruitment and they take targets and create or produce recruits by brainwashing and psychological warfare; they did try to produce strong homosexual "suggestions." Whether it was for Rush or not is not known but he felt the love story with Ann involved him; I had been with her for over 20 years and was so happy and so in love. It must be pointed out we were and had to go undercover; so males act differently then females; females can get a prosecution or blackmail easier. I must act gullible and metro or super model like; feminine and undisciplined. Ann has to act the reverse; male, all-welcome, gullible, never complain, strong, tough, and manlier. Women tend to shy away from sex or adventurous sex when they are this powerful. You create the character and become your character in every aspect of life. - Interview with the Terror Suspects: We Are All Royals! By Author; May 26, 2009 -
Increases in taxing to offset the disaster exacerbate the exodus of the smart and talented people while a permanent underclass is a new discovery. The debate goes like this, “how do you expect us to survive this financial disaster” and the response will be this, “how do you expect us to survive your lawlessness and reproductive freedoms?” The cost of educating one child and newborn far exceeds the tax that same infant will produce over the lifespan of that human life unless they sell drugs or some contraband where they become special members of an elite imprisoned as political prisoners. The police are not involved but they must figure out how to have an income and tax others; so business is actually good and they are hiring.
I was able to abuse only a few of them to counter-attack; then they got smart about it and gun shy. My goal was to abuse them severely and use their strategy of exposing or showing their command structure. They had captured us and had a vicious bite; thus, could not and would not let go. They are very, very careful. They make few if any mistakes and even if I abuse them; never complain. It is a state of total lawlessness. Anything goes and anything is fair game. If you can, make them horny and they will loose their virginity; and their husbands will know, just not who they were with. See, they want to share life and talk to you; so if you limit this to only women and make them horny; they loose their virginity while we are happily in love. They had no story to fit what they did and what we did. We did "probe" them for homosexuality and got very high results back; almost instant and "no questions asked." I would have to say yes to Rush. Rush is so demented and out of touch with reality, he views himself as a super model and "exclusive"; so not just any gay can have him or share his swine-flu or anthrax-spore bung hole. All these guys are cut from the same mold but it took over 10 years to flush them and look at the fight they put up even if caught. Everybody is watching how they operate and the fight they have with this country. - Interview with the Terror Suspects: We Are All Royals! By Author; May 26, 2009 -
Just like warfare, it is good for business and it is a really good reason to tax the rich. It is a really good way to promote totalitarianism, absolute power, communism, and terror plots. Each and every time the police attack the police or start a fight; they get stronger, not weaker. If it does not kill them, what is the harm? Maybe total insanity and psychopathic losers who wish to share our life and hold us prisoners? I love New York is not the same as I love America, why try, why get invited, why be disappointed, and why fight? If you are going to fight, is it about freedom or terrorism because there is very little difference between the two; very, very little. Excellence and correctness is not in their blood or future. That blood can run thick for eternity for all we care; they know we will fight them to the death for all the right reasons but this is why they attack the country and subjugate our life. Now they are forced to fight or perish and go away; how much fight do they have left?
It is a repeat of the same things so I will end it here. Rush is in a state of shock and not able to step beyond the borders and prison he is in. Sean is going around pretending to be some southern farm boy when he is just a Yankee factory worker desperate for the inclusion of those who give him a strong image; he never lived in the south or stepped foot on a farm, that is a lost Yankee. The Yankee liberal lost their industrial base and still have their elite schools. They have a lot of problems and overdid themselves; it is really bad stuff. It is a bad act by a very apathetic loser. They did the same thing to me and I have commandos who are true Virginia farm boys and southerners. You become your environment. You do not even know who they are. Rush has to read that book "Out of Captivity" and understand how similar the account and story is before he claims who their spy group truly is or their love of country and goals. - Interview with the Terror Suspects: We Are All Royals! By Author; May 26, 2009 -
So this conspiracy goes like this, “is helps to let a few terrorists in once in a while and have them spread hate and racism because it makes us look like victims.” Hell even we do this and trap them also but they were not Middle Eastern born or anywhere near Middle Eastern looking. Now if you do not have anyone who can fit this profile, you have to call the civil rights division of the FBI and ask them if they have any undercover police officers who fit the bill. Now you are going to “dial up phony soldiers and wannabes” who wish to spread hate, fear, and racism in the United States; but they call it persecution. You see how the story changes, we come here because we are perfect and seek perfection; we transform into being persecuted while the enemies do not and never. They instead, stay on this permanent level and become the tormentors and those who grow up to be persecutors and not the persecuted.
Here is an easy rule to follow. Do not bring enemies who we fight on the battlefield to the US or else we will have to fight them here. This is occurring now and it is about World War II; they think they are superior and this is their homeland or write the rules. We must share our life with them and they are the royal permanent underclass. Your spy group and immigrant class lied to Congress about all of this and illegal immigration while you got rich and destroyed our country. Sean says I am not a Yankee factory worker who is desperate and dependent seeking your vote and approval. They are breaking into this because they are losing the south for the first time. They say it is a conspiracy and they want to fight. A Yankee desperate for southern pride and self sufficiency or a country life style where the outdoors is emphasized because it shows a dominating maleness that is not threatening to America. - Interview with the Terror Suspects: We Are All Royals! By Author; May 26, 2009 -
We also see it this other way to unite the country. There are playground bullies who do not like those who look the best and are the smartest. They have the ability to negotiate life obstacles much better and gain acceptance much easier. They go on to marry and live normal lives. However, they do get bullied and picked on by those who have their future already determined. So this political class of permanent damnation spends heavily, acts big, and pounces on everybody while they claim they are the police, protectors, and no more bullies than the next guys. Years go by and that playground bully spent all their life away but they do not have the ability to recover or meet the current pressures. Now, what would the smartest squirrel do if it needed a nut and no nut was available?
The problem is self sufficiency and desperate or destitute Yankee laborers and liberals who are suffering. The south and southerners is more self sufficient if you believe that; they have a thriving industrial base at this time because they are from self sufficient farms, not labor unions. The north lost their industrial base but still have the educational system they built up. They still have their elite gentry and liberal cronies. Is this to extend their power and influence into the next century? It will be their last act and will finish it. Things do not work correctly at this time if Obama is paying attention. There are trillions of dollars missing and it will take time to sort this out. Where did trillions of tax dollars go, in someone's pocket? The entire state of New York is pushing for this Supreme Court nomination and a quick fondling; pushing this nomination and a quick confirmation. CIA already said they know their side lied to Congress and did this because they know who the enemy is. Then to cover it up they took this to the public and lied again and so we are here trying to round them up and catch what the CIA and FBI could not or beat at their own game. They play the same games and with the same rule book; must they say the same things? - Interview with the Terror Suspects: We Are All Royals! By Author; May 26, 2009 -
Revert back to what he only knows how; return to the playground days of being a bully. In this case, he or she has to figure out how to get near the house and family of the smart and cool people who moved on. How do you get in that house and terrorize that family? Do you join some radical 1960s groups who have much experience? Do you sign up with the police? How is that super squirrel going to do this and return to the good old days when they were superior and want to be superior again? Pretend to be smart or smarter is the wrong answer. Join a terror group? What in hell are they going to do? Trick the children and the kids in the house? Bug it and keep it under surveillance to see when the door is open? How about blackmail? How about kidnapping? How about everything we have documented and even heard from those who did it?
Authors Joseph Cronin and Howard Horton (respectively a past Massachusetts secretary of Education and the president of the New England College of Business and Finance) comment: “The middle class, which has paid for higher education in the past mainly by taking out loans, may now be precluded from doing so as the private student-loan market has all but dried up. In addition, endowment cushions that allowed colleges to engage in steep tuition discounting are gone. Declines in housing valuations are making it difficult for families to rely on home-equity loans for college financing. Even when the equity is there, parents are reluctant to further leverage themselves into a future where job security is uncertain. - Bursting the Higher Ed Bubble, by David Frum, (News & Opinion); May 28, 2009 -
Let’s ask inevitable consequences and fate for the same group but let’s say they assembled and became a political nuisance. It is almost like a show or a concert; you are either on the stage or in the audience. The theatre is the threat but the reality is the propaganda and the show. Whose show is this when it is not ours? How do the former enemies who are now terrified, seek security? Where they were once enemies and fighting because they want a victory; they are now seeking protection and security. Is it freedom they seek or more fighting? How about getting or being expelled?
From an economic point of view, in other words, a college degree costs more and more and returns less and less. Kind of like a hot stock with a price-to-earnings ratio of 32, it’s a prelude to a crash. Why are the wages of the college-educated declining? A big part of the answer is that the pool of college graduates is rapidly expanding. It’s not surprising that as college becomes more universal, the return on a college education falls. As the number of job applicants with degrees rises, employers become more sophisticated in assessing the value of any particular degree. The degree itself matters less than the institution that granted it, the subject areas of concentration, and the grade point average earned. A 4.0 math degree from Cal Tech is a very different thing from a 2.8 communications degree from San Francisco State University. - Bursting the Higher Ed Bubble, by David Frum, (News & Opinion); May 28, 2009 -
How about getting their life and rights stripped for all the right reasons and none of the wrong ones? These are traitors and they are looking for some future where they used to be enemies and behind enemy lines; they know nothing other than terrorizing and a life of camouflage. Now there is no camouflage, how do they survive and escape dangers? Are they still a victim with no camouflage or some new group and new identity? If they are, then it is being defined right now by the liberals and the left wing. This is what we ran into and we are a hair trigger away from destroying them for all the right reasons and none of the wrong ones.
In their own ways, universities indulge in some of the worst faults of the corporate sector, overcharging their customers in order to allow managers and staff to engage in wasteful or destructive activities that could never be justified on their own. With the boom lowering, universities have begun feverishly looking for solutions to their problems. Options include broad admissions of international students, many of whom attend U.S. universities less in hope of obtaining a U.S. degree than of gaining entry to the U.S. labor market. Over the longer run, however, universities, like other troubled institutions, will have to rethink the fundamentals of their work. - Bursting the Higher Ed Bubble, by David Frum, (News & Opinion); May 28, 2009 -
This hostile and primitive political force plays illegal and dirty, they abide by no rules, they are the root of despots and evil, and they are here now and still attacking but without camouflage. How or what event stripped that camouflage off them and exposed them as predators and vicious spies? What overnight event and life shaking event pushed them from the finish line to dead last and a total collapse from a prison warden to an enemy combatant and fraud? Was it the 911 terror plot or was it the collapse of the financial markets and disaster in the currency? When trillions of dollars disappear in less than four months; all the alarms and every signal flare should be shot off. We have an enemy who is telling us they kept and are keeping the nation safe from attacks and terrorism when the evidence says otherwise. They go around and claim to be persecuted but the moment they are persecuting for real; they can do no wrong. So their blood runs and it is not for the wrong reasons, God is unleashing hell and had enough also; but to them he is a terrorist and they are victims; that is persecution.
Why does it take four years to complete a BA degree? Maybe liberal arts studies make more sense later in life? But this rethinking should not stop with the universities. The entire American education establishment needs reform. Maybe tough high school exit exams would serve the needs of employers who currently insist on a BA not for its own sake but as proof that a student was not too lazy or aimless to get one. Indeed, it could be that when the job market attaches less value to a piece of parchment, universities will at last lay aside their often ugly political preoccupations and rediscover their true mission: the pursuit of knowledge as a good in itself. - Bursting the Higher Ed Bubble, by David Frum, (News & Opinion); May 28, 2009 -
The unbending question is the following, is anybody on duty? First we have trillions of dollars disappear and not even the federal government knows where it went or can answer. Then we have very bizarre anomalies and a terror plot such as building 7, alien kidnappings and magic passports. Then we have a President reading children books saying mission accomplished and ducking shoes. Then we get a few suspected moles who give us details about the terror plots which freak us out and ask if they are the devil. Why are Navy ships named after our nephews being attacked by an unlimited supply of religious disbelievers while hippies tell us how insane our lack of or existence truly is? Are we being terrorized by religious people or an unlimited supply of hippies? Who do we hate here and who is being hated on?
I will give you some facts that I still remember which will shatter all your grievances or attempts to bone wiggle around the Reagan Era and the end of the cold war; a possible shooting war after. First, the men and head of the Japanese American families were not interned; it was the entire family to include women and children. Second, less than a handful of spies were caught only in Hawaii for spying and never on the mainland. Third, those who served in the military or had family who volunteered for the war were never excluded or spared. I also made a small size model of a typical internment camp to include guard posts, entrances, water towers, buildings, farms, etc... I did have to do some work on the project. All this was occurring in the 1980s when Japan slowly became an economic giant and a dominant high tech industry leader. I saw it also and before it happened. These were hallmarks of the New Deal and FDR administration (Sec. of War Stimson). They were also the irony which resurfaced in the 1980s with trade policies and destruction of property or seizure. You all screwed up bad and when you did; you affected a lot of others badly. Enough so that they problem relish the thought of you all being hanged for being felons and fugitives. . - Dear My Michelle, by Author; May 23, 2009 -
Then we get the former attorney General of New York, celebrating the bang up job he did to clean up Wall Street by frequenting out houses while the toxic assets and world’s biggest scams are invisible. Terror plots are so mythical and legends, embassies in Africa magically fall down for no reason as if they were constructed like a village straw hut. Are they mythological or are we being accused of some mental illness and need to be institutionalized? That is what the arrest warrants and the court papers say as the official response to all this insanity and chaos. That is the official government answer to this, “mentally ill” and in serious need of “medication.” Oil and banks lead to mental illness and murder; shall we ban or set up internment camps for all bankers and oil tycoons?
These were not freaks or high school drop outs. They were very nice and honorable people; they would not lie or try something sneaky like you are such as sneaking around or forcing others to your side. Most of if not all these families were business owners, had boats and property, and enterprises which are and were considered very successful. Very few were common laborers or social outcasts; they were very involved in their communities. Like myself, I was snatched out of the night and my property wrecked for no reason but to appeal and express anger over the Reagan Administration and listening to a 15 year old kid in high school learning the ropes of DC. So I had the power and ability to choose any case or bring up any topic and issue; that is well connected and power; even at age 15. . - Dear My Michelle, by Author; May 23, 2009 -
A long time ago we got a period of mass terrorism and guys named “Unabomber” or shootouts which made police officers feel inadequate. We get technology stocks so ridiculous and social security which now was eviscerated by toxic assets and Fannie Mae blunders. Is everybody truly welcomed in America and is there such a thing as a terrorist and a spy? Then why are we treated as if we are the problem and the spies and terrorist when we stepped on and crushed who the CIA could not beat and for whom the FBI used to chase but could not catch? Is there anybody on duty is that also too invisible to see or answer? Keep in mind, in warfare when you are about to loose; atrocious acts blamed on enemy forces tend to rally and boost the enemies also.
I am insulted and angered by your pithy little moment in my life. If I had the power and the well connected resources to adjudicate in one semester a long case which could not get attention; what makes you think I would bend over backwards for an ounce of yours? You people make me sick and I am thoroughly sick now after being kidnapped by a bunch of barbarians who have a disorder which causes bad grades or academic failures. To me it was maybe the pain you felt; but I was imprisoned by you goons, my life was stripped, and then you had to stick my face in it; or do it to me. You liberals and communists are such superior and powerful people always wishing a challenge and a fight. You all are some type of hidden curse and mole in our society where spying is how paranoid and unwinding you truly are. . - Dear My Michelle, by Author; May 23, 2009 -
Pay careful attention to the use of propaganda and also the cover up phase. These are professional operatives and liars who are in a world of trouble on all front lines. Their power is slipping so quickly, it scares us. You have to and are compelled to pity them if you did not know how dangerous and vicious they truly are. It is so pathetic and so ridiculous it is murder. Now we hit the jackpot and in two weeks we are shut down and look at the current events or news in the world from May 08, 2009 to May 22, 2009 and how they return fire and flood propaganda while gag and censor us.
You all pounce on others for the smallest things and try to seek gain and shove it down the throats of others never respecting them or the laws. It is like some game you must win. Imagine how I feel about you left wing spies and nuts; how you claim to water board me or torture me because you are angry and losing. Your problem is you want to share my life and demand love from others. Your problem is you snatch people off the street and cannot understand that if you water board someone for no reason then stupidity or adventure; they most likely want to kill you. If you only water boarded them five times and claim it is no big deal; they will sue you for millions and make sure you are an international criminal on the run. You all have really messed up and made me really upset and angry; so if I am well connected and hold the power of this earth in my hands; let's just say the feeling of me crushing you and hearing you spit out the last bits of truth and justice is an uncommon valor I cherish. . - Dear My Michelle, by Author; May 23, 2009 -
For more than a full year, we had them cornered and on the ropes; ready to give in and break; then all the sudden they come storming back and find some whole and political cover to smash and deny anything they did and told us about. So first they told us and chided us, then were terrified as it leaked out, and then they stormed back and denied it again as some mental illness and delusion. It is never them because nobody is on duty; it is invisible. So it all came out after some statement by a Congressman about “recruitment” and “Al Qaeda” on May 20, 2009 and the introduction of top Bush administration officials to unify a counter-attack. That was the conspiracy.
You trash the Constitution and pounce on others over the smallest things. Nobody wants to relive a holocaust unless you wish to relive battles in history? You have a choice in the matter, not us, we have to deal and cope with your reckless decisions. You are materialists and in deep pain; desperate is nowhere near where you all are. We are talking near death. Do not associate your case, the black movement, the holocaust, or the typical liberal and left wing; to the same cause I had adjudicated. The Japanese have twice your academic scores today, they are peaceful and happy, they are very successful, and they do not scream and shout for our attention. Now, I have to hear this every single day and feet stomping, "go home" yelled at me, how you all are the police, how you do not want to die, how it is your home also and you wish to share my life, how your evil is only oppression, and how you are in pain by my scorn and power. Listen carefully, . - Dear My Michelle, by Author; May 23, 2009 -
Consider this also; a bad cop who is reading off a teleprompter and must stick to the script. We are not allowed and cannot have a different message but they have a message and talking points which must follow or else be quieted. No matter how wrong they are and how bad of a job they do; the only permissible message is “the message.” Even if “the message” is a total scandal and conspiracy; no other messages are allowed. They determine who can have “the message” and deliver “the message.” So they are policing or using some monopoly on the police force to silence anybody except “the message” when it is such a gross violation of the Constitution and a disaster; a ghost is on duty all the time.
There is a threshold in life where you must be destroyed. You have passed this many times over and then repeat it again as if it were an assembly line. I have stared down evil and to crush it makes me cherish life all the more pleasant. You deliver that message to whomever you are an emissary but do not kidnap my life, our country, our side, or the world and say how patriotic and sensible you are fighting for freedom and Nazis. You keep attacking and attacking, then the country, and keep saying how it is a hate crime. You all follow me in my own residence, love life, and I lock myself up to keep you out; that is the type of nuisance you truly are. You seek pride out of it and how terrorized others feel by you; then you beg for mercy or any sort of charity. What the hell is going on with you and are you this worthless? If so, leave before we have to hunt you and capture you dead or alive. Do not tell us more excuses or how unstoppable you are. . - Dear My Michelle, by Author; May 23, 2009 -
This is why all the camouflage and a shadow government who never comes out of hiding, “the silent majority” so desperate and dependent; it must be hidden. So shameless and unspeakable, nothing must ever be repeated. Lastly, so evil and so maniacal homicidal; nobody can survive. Now that is what I call the police and propaganda because we also know them to be criminal elements, the army of the damned and good for nothing and no damn good. The best cops are the ones we cannot see but constantly fear while they shadow and follow ferociously the money. We know for a fact and we stand firm on this strategy, without camouflage, this enemy and elusive left wing communist conspiracy to overrun the country and the world with defective babies and personality disorders cannot fight. If you take their camouflage and take away where and what they hide behind; they are incapable and feeble to attack. There is not much fight in them and their predicament is much worse when there is nowhere to hide or lies to rally behind; that is the grand deception and flooding our life with propaganda.
Your new stunt was the Arabs and interning Arabs or terror plots; here is a message you can deliver, your charade and spy group will perish in my lifetime like it or not for the past decade of terror and scandals. This I will promise you. You will not get away and have not. What makes you think this fortune will change? Coming to my residence and watching me 24 hours write your biography to adjudicate your fate? Is this making you look and feel better or what will? It took a lot of work and a long time to catch up and catch you in the act. You deliver that message to the masterminds and the top leadership of the army of the damned (and tell that fat cow Sue to stop stomping on the floor every time I read or sit down to write my book, it is getting old and is beyond insane and psycho). It will come to an end in my lifetime, do I make myself clear? What part do you spies and criminals not understand and need clarification on? If I need to talk to you and need your comments and opinions; I will ask for it. I do not need it forced fed. To think you are trying to beat us and make us go away or die angry, using our own name, is a complete joke and a total insult. You all know now how bad you screwed up and just how much trouble you truly are in, so stop lying about it and pretending to be so aloof and unaffected; I will crush you and cherish it because you are that evil and that nuisances. . - Dear My Michelle, by Author; May 23, 2009 -
Here is what we also know about this matter. It is wise and also less of a mess when they are taken out immediately and snuffed out early. The reason is they grow and expand, and then they rise with the chaos and mismanagement. Once they are so far deep and so neck over in gross violations; the only way out is murder and homicide. This is why these spies and homegrown terrorists are so dangerous. They are not Middle Easterners or South Asians wishing to relive the 1960s; these people are a real and living army and the best way to victory is to compel their enemies to lay down their weapons and if not, take them away. That is the conspiracy.
Why are you ranting about the state of California, biggest economy, biggest importer of oil, and then Obama's new energy policy for fossil fuels? Now you go off on global warming and liberal environmental policies? We were talking about banks and oil; the monopoly of the Middle East, the United States, and foreign or domestic policy. Why are you now talking about domestic nuisances Rush? "The domestic wrecking ball... thought he was joking now... glad he is going to die... actually said reaching life expectancy... I do not share your attitude." Why are you mad about making a joke out of it? Now you are talking about the gas tax, the emission and environmentalist in California, and black politicians? What does this have to do with banks and oil? Energy policies will determine the fate of the Middle East? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Oil and Banks, by Author; May 31, 2009 -
In real combat and long stretched out campaigns; when things are not going right or when nothing goes right, the last option before defeat is to attack your own forces and sneak past your own defenses and blame the enemy. This will cause your own side to be more ferocious and to use any means to defeat an enemy you know has you beat already. This is how you play the phantom enemy while attacking your own side; even the military can tell you how training exercises conducted under these terms changes and alters the mind. Imagine what it would do the civilian population and the feeble media? Even Hollywood movies such as “Hart’s War” or “The Hunt for Red October” play on the same theme. We are dealing with people who are no strangers to warfare and neither are we. When you have a phantom or shadow government; you must put a face and complexion of an enemy if there is to be one. These are not real characters and you must replace fantasy with real people.
If you must know, someone disconnected a nerve ending near my chest and it is because of the heart machine or that chest problem I complained about. You had just gotten the APS technology, used it to decimate my hand, then aimed it at my heart or chest without any idea of what you were doing while saying you "were only warning" us. You are not able to identify yourself, you have not stated real threats, you have merely indicated how you cannot get your way and now issuing a warning which has caused bodily harm and made both death threats and intimidation. Who is chasing a terror plot and who is in hot pursuit? Who is being investigated and who is pretending to be the police while they drive off the moment an ID check is made on them? Who is in the shadows and avoiding identification while claiming to be the police and exercising police powers? When the evidence surfaces and when the case is finished, you and your top officials will earn and well deservingly the death penalty for many war crimes, violations, and the use of terrorism. Worse, your derangement is how you are my partner and working with us at this time so you must impose orders and threats. You can even bug my home and employ espionage, then give it to foreign governments and my work or military secrets; you still have the death penalty and violated the most egregious protections and rights. What is next? Bugging embassies and military bases? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Oil and Banks, by Author; May 31, 2009 -
The best way to fight and gain victory is to cause the enemy to never fight you or never resist; how you do this is unknown. These are not Middle Easterners reliving the 1960s; however, the appearance is just that and revitalizing the same movements. They need a game plan and right now, there is none out there or a future. They felt the defense forces penetrated and sabotaged their course and history in America and the world. This made them feel better and grow stronger so long as nobody paid any attention to it. Now we are in the get away and cover up parts; they must overwhelm and flood propaganda and play on the “mental illness” and “mental liabilities” of others. When you have a bungled recruitment or a screwed up defection; the only ones who linger are the victims and genuine victims. The hard part is determining and figuring out who are the genuine victims and how complex this terror plot truly is. Who are you going to believe and side with; those who did it or the same people who tried to clean it up, and then cover it up?
"Limiting our dependence to those evil Arabs" is the monopoly you are taking credit for? Rush you all are surrogates for Israel and communism. They caught a few of you before but could not take all of you down. You do not believe in self sufficiency and threaten anybody regardless of their rank or position while you are feeble and demand they share life with you. How many times have I told you and warned you about sharing my life? I do not care if you torture me, hold me prisoner, tell me it is only oppression, disconnect the nerve endings in my chest, eviscerate my hand in a reckless or gross injustice, try to brainwash me, or sit here and tell me I am right and you are merely breathing down my back because you are paranoid or terrified. You are playing a very dangerous and reckless game of Russian roulette with the country and the world. You are such a domestic nuisance; you are linked to attacks on the country, other allies, and the military leadership. You also have made valid a level of government penetration and infiltration to increase your power and influence while we made clear you are caught red handed and to vacate immediately. Look at how desperate and vile your pursuit is. You have no life and no shame. How do you think the Arabs will view you? You look for and start trouble because you are so desperat4e. There is a reason why your world can change overnight and if the evidence surfaces today, they will cart you away and your demise is imminent. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Oil and Banks, by Author; May 31, 2009 -
The higher they get and the more serious the charges against them become; the most they are compelled to homicidal tendencies and near serial killer level reprisals. What other recourse is there and what else is there, losing their life savings or job? How about admitting they are wrong and deleting their life work? They are in a very dangerous game but they have no other choice or game to play with; thus, it gets more and more dangerous for them until some threat of a raid and they jump out and grab an innocent bystander or family member. That is how they work and how they use fear as a way to escape or cover up for blunders and getting busted for operating deep behind enemy lines. Take them out and quickly before it gets more and more dangerous; the debt levels prolonged this and also put their backs on the wall because nobody was on duty; and if they were then they lied grossly.
"More valuable than saving a life... do you people realize how much I am hated... or envied... been taking grief from... truth about ethanol... use me to make their point while saying I am useless... something about me which renders these people insane and irrational... I wish I knew.“ I do not think your future will be kind to you. You are a total fake, a spy, a terrorist, and lie blatantly with no remorse to people and they wish to catch you in your pure evil and elusiveness as the communist enemies we know, got it? If your submarine life did not surface to brag or show your belly; nobody would have ever thought it was you; not even Annie. I harpooned you and she hung on for dear life and rode you right into my life and trap. Look at you feeling all good and looking so harmless and indignant. You suck Rush and you trick kids and women to some web of deception where death is real. We did the same and used your own strategy to your rock star image you goon. You are so good at what you do, I heard they laid off 2000 people at Clear Communications and more blood bath is coming for you; so talk quickly and help or else you may be hitting rock bottom and staying there. Kidnapping is not a way to brag about how powerful and how influential you are. I flip out now because of the torture and undercover work; but I still will not share my life with you and be your partners you terrorist and communist mole. You are so evil you know we will fight you to the death and you come back charging each time. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Oil and Banks, by Author; May 31, 2009 -
The point of “I love New York” is how you begin your journey and career and then end up with some higher moral order which delivers an implausible wisdom to move to Florida and private neighborhoods where nobody is welcomed. Like life, you begin with the mindset that nobody is invited and die with the wisdom of nobody being welcomed. How and why that is the history of America is the result of being unloved and working to the bones for a peace and quiet isolated from others who try and try but never have a chance to experience the power of Washington DC and the rich traditions of the rest of America. It was Virginia and the southern tradition of farming which born into the world so many founding fathers.
I have been shut down and experiencing temporary problems. Someone has laid down obstacles and locked all the doors. As I said, my hard drive was zeroed and my internet frequently goes blank. When I had my own web sites and online business; you used the service to wreak havoc and destroy my expensive computers. Why should I keep buying service or equipment when you have not been accountable for your actions and vandalisms? These companies in high tech are not desperate and seeking my business Rush, they never are. That is similar to you self declaring how you are promoting me when I hate your guts. You got it? You want me to get quicker internet so you put this bottleneck at 16kb in the most annoying way. You track me and sabotage stuff I write so I have to correct it all the time or you sneak stuff in using my life when I state clearly I refuse to share my life with you. I have no idea who you think you are and why you torture me to share my life when I hate your guts. You try the same with my spouse and even hold her as a captive and prisoner. Do you know how to do anything without terrorizing people? When we demanded a response you all said, "its only oppression." Who is seeking freedom here? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Oil and Banks, by Author; May 31, 2009 -
We can clue them in on a little secret and a military secret. We know who hates and loves America when we meet Miss America herself. Now we have to meet the founding fathers and peer into our future. We can clue them in on a secret, we know the liberals hate America and a lot of conservatives hate America also; maybe they can see the trap they walked into and how they were filmed caught in the act. Similarly, we know who loves America and who America is fighting for; they guy with Miss America. How is it that the enemies declared those two terrorists, mentally ill, criminals, and have brought us to this point where they lied so transparently to the interrogators and prosecutors?
I asked you if you had a soul. You told me it was “scandal” and could not answer. I asked you if you can give me a reason and make an appeal; we got the most evil and blatant lies I have ever witnessed. Then you and a few co-conspirators used the media to bring on friends who hate you while you proclaimed how loved and how conservative you were as Republicans. What the hell do you want to hear from people and what the hell do you want from us? Worse, I heard your answer a long time ago, check the records, "I cannot change who I am." You were decrying foul and injustice because we really did not care who you were or how fake you made us feel. So we are real and you try to make us fake and we blow up angry. Meanwhile, you are sitting there and telling me how "I cannot change who I am" and telling us we have to because we are "revolting... resisting success." I hope someone punches you in the face one day and God unleashes his wrath on your life. The power and the might of God when he is angry is how I see your life and future. We are talking about day in and day out of unleashing the wrath of God on you and your colleagues. I do not even wish to mention your family and how they write poetry about your exploits. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Oil and Banks, by Author; May 31, 2009 -
Now maybe they can figure out an excuse to fit the reality or fit the reality to the excuse; but the fact is someone is rewriting the Constitution, history, our future, and worse our biography. We just happened to catch them red handed and are on the verge of destroying them and it is not because they love America either. To suggest this lie and while the camera is rolling is a gross injustice and a genuine traitor. We can see the genuine traitors and know who genuine traitors are now. We also happened to be kidnapped by them and walked into their terror plot; now they are spreading propaganda about how they love New York and in America either everyone is welcomed or nobody is; take it or leave it.
Now you are saying how you are not going to fund or will cut off financial means? Haven't you done enough already to be making another threat or stupid appeal? You took the APS satellite, there is a hunt for it and your spy group; you then demanded we work for you if we want compensation; I said I hope you have a receipt or some proof of purchase. It is not your property and also you do not have the right to use it as a phantom or in the shadows of hell. You are a god damn spy group and enemy pretending to be an employer. I am just showing how you refuse to take some action to reimburse or try to make an effort to address what you have done. None; It is the same with the military. You all refuse to board and shelter injured soldiers fighting for your future and freedom. Instead you try to kill them and declare yourself the police and are in charge. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Oil and Banks, by Author; May 31, 2009 -
We are born into this world suspicious of the world we live in and to say we have some already determined game plan laid out at this moment is a long stretch of both time and the imagination. However, to also say there is a search for this game plan and a determined reason to live it out is an overture of our ability to coexist with the government and ruling body which causes our original predicament, we were born into this world suspicious of it. So not matter what system of government we use and no matter which game plan we choose; se seem to be trapped by some other forces which seek to interact with who we are and what we want out of life, if anything to be accepted as a human being and respected as one also. That is leadership. It is what we recognize and view pure leadership.
I had told you if you had a soul; I can send a Special Forces group to reclaim this dirty bomb and to track this spy group or terrorist group the moment you give me details and names. What did you do? You said you would not be taken alive; then you began to suggest some rampage; never once thinking maybe you should be gone first. That is your game, we have to be gone first; we have to share our life with you; we must be tortured to behave and be terrorized because you want us to work for your spy and terror group; and we are the first on the list while you are the last. Now who do you think that is or sounds like? Do you think that person is capable of terror plots and gross violations? Do you think that person is capable of slaughtering our won military? Don't even mention the word Bush, Cheney, or Rove and others and do not use Ann Coulter in the same sentence as those people. I know Ann and I taught her as she taught me; she is my best friend and for life. Don't ever pull that hoax on me or suggest I am this blind and stupid. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Oil and Banks, by Author; May 31, 2009 -
Governments are easy to create and fix. The more perfect they are, the less conflict; thus, the less the conflict the more imperfect they become. So no matter which system of government we choose, whether this is dictatorships, theocracies, oligarchies, Plutocracies, kleptocracies, authoritarianism, a police state, or even democracy; the result is always the same. Religion is not the same. Religion does not abide by the same rules and thus is in perfect unison and union with government. We can reproduce it over and over and get the exact different result. So why then does the stigma of revolution and revolt end up in the dictionary or encyclopedia as a bad word and is it because we live in a bad or good world which we are suspicious of for being born into someone else’s mess? Liberalism and even conservatism do not follow the same rules.
"People living in total fear of one man... did it... oppressive government" do not compare me to you, I know you are not about self sufficiency and this is about how you wish to share my life and want me to work for you or get on some payroll. No funds and no reimbursements until then. No coverage for the medical and vandalism. You caused permanent and crimes so unspeakable, you make excuses about how you are America and liberated and upheld freedom. Quick to the lie but never considering the truth as a way of life; keep saying how it is scandal and you have a soul. I call you the antichrist. This is not going to save your butt. You came to America and you abused every rule ever written. Who are you to be doing this? Then you said this was war and bad things happen; so you suspended the Constitution and you never served a day in the military to be doing this? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Oil and Banks, by Author; May 31, 2009 -
The problem with Democracy and also its most powerful ability as a government mechanism of law and order, security, healthy tax policies, fairness, and reality with powerful truth is the ability to make critical decisions. It makes critical decisions because the answer comes from within; those inclusive in democracy are the ones who make critical choices. On Monday, May 18, 2009 the official Israeli government statement about the Obama administration was to describe it as “the most aggressive” cabinet to Israel in the history of mankind.
Only the military has the authority and power to suspend the Constitution. If it is war; show some proof or formal declaration so we can identify you out of the masses. The way you behave is similar to abortionists; you have no shame but are embarrassed to admit what your life is or where it is heading. Maybe you are beyond desperation and wish to act goofy? You are subordinates and you are privileged; yet you hate the country and hate it for not loving you back. That is your fundamental problem; we do not love you back. You do show admiration, such as with Ann but you rape her to get what you want or admire. 1:78:52 PM I believe I just heard for the first time an apology from you. Then you will and are ready to turn over and cooperate with the Federal authorities? I have Special Forces ready and willing to make history. Are you truly sorry and truly wishing to help and stand up for America? How much is that apology worth to you if we already have the evidence and your life can change over night? It is up to you. It is an offer you cannot refuse but I do not accept your apology yet. You have not proved anything to me; "it makes no sense” is how you respond to that comment? - Interview with Terror Suspects: Oil and Banks, by Author; May 31, 2009 -
What “the most aggressive” decisions and partnership with Israel will determine if the monopoly with security and banking in the United States and the Middle East. Some people say the most aggressive to the security of the United States is Israel and some would also say the most aggressive problems to the banking industry produce a world where militarization and monopoly is part of sheer conquest. So when we have to tackle the most aggressive policies, we have to review the near disaster of decisions the Obama and the 44th administration has produced. When you are dealing with a monopoly in security and warfare; you are dealing with cold blooded murder and also barbarianism.
Since you are being elusive and coy on this subject again; I will mention what this is about. This is about US history from 1850-1940. It is about Japan and dropping the atomic bomb. It is about internment camps and my research in sixth grade. It is about conservatism and the Vietnam War. It is about the Pentagon and American society. It is about the military and liberals. It is about dropping the nuclear bomb on Iran or some Middle East power. It is about espionage charges for spying for Israel. I had written in college about a new conventional level and how the missile gap was no longer a worthwhile debate because we had reached a conventional capability where this gap between conventional and nuclear forces was almost on the same par. Bush or Cheney got my reports in college and tested it with real human lives not even knowing what the hell we are working on or the subject matter. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Oil and Banks, by Author; May 31, 2009 -
There is no usefulness and nothing good out of warfare; war is a way to survive how flawed and disastrous life can be because of bad government and worse human followers. We do not want any ally to use the term “aggressive” to describe the United States because it shows a serious lack of concern to the future of the United States and even rebukes the appeals by those inside the democratic process to determine their own fate. So there is a sense of misjudgment with the Obama camp and even worse is the bad policies and history of the Middle East creating this “aggressive” and combustible mix.
Also, he invaded Iraq to acquire this new bridge of conventional and nuclear forces which you were going to sell off to other rogue nations. Iraq distracted everyone. It pit the Sunnis against the Shiites and the United States tends to favor the Sunnis because of the royal families and lineages. Now you want democracy in Iraq by pitting the Sunnis and Shiites in vicious Civil War? You got my reports on terrorism and knew I had noticed a problem and analyzed all the attacks, type of targets, casualties, and who were behind them. This is about dropping the nuclear bomb or why. Then you took what I wrote and knew you were on the wrong course so the Bush administration had to get you back on it. You used the terror plots to kill in cold blood and to make this new discovery or tipping point of our career in your camp and expertise. That is how evil you are. You use new technology on us without even understanding or reading the user manual while you demand we furnish it. If you showed yourself I would ask the US and allied Generals to take you out and wipe your ass for once and for all. So do not lie to me about what this is about when I already know it and using it on you by asking if you wish to explain. All I get are lies and how America liberated the world and has done so much good. This is not about America, but it is about you and this terror and spy group. You keep making the topic America and how proud your tradition and history is. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Oil and Banks, by Author; May 31, 2009 -
It comes down to the banking industry fueling the policies of the Middle East. There is a lot of oil and bankers hold onto both the currency and bank shares floating around the universe. When you have this level of greed and power in competition to become the worst cop and police on earth; the only outcome to an already horrible outcome is a monopoly. There is a lot of money corrupting the process and a lot of problems with the system of democracy fueling the Middle East meltdown. These countries are arming and they have been arming ever since the 1970s. It has not and will not stop until a more serious approach is put forward on the table.
We keep on asking your messengers if they wish to test whether or not they will get killed and they stomp on the floor and the police drive by every single time. This is not the police and the story changes from how they are scared and do not want to die and testing whether attacking the military is lethal. Here is some advice, it is much easier to strap a bomb to your chubby body and walk into a military base. At least you will not have to listen to ridicule and be humiliated by us. You make it harder only because you wish to blame and take others down with you. I knew something weird was going on and even thought I was loosing my mind until I began to live in other areas. It is like you break into homes and bug or set up surveillance. First it was about protecting us. Then it got sick and crazy where no ID or complaints every got anywhere. Screaming at you day and night the moment you appeared or stomped on the floor while the book was being written. It sounds like an unknown partner or some shadow spy trying desperately to share our life when we hate your guts. Just strap a bomb to your body, cop or not, and walk into a military base and you will get the answer you are asking. I also know you are behind the terror plots and have been. - Interview with Terror Suspects: Oil and Banks, by Author; May 31, 2009 -
To compare the dropping of the nuclear bomb in World War II to any situation in the Middle East is a gross injustice. America was involved in a ferocious World War, she was attacked by armies whom were already engaged in combat, it was just a matter of time until something worse was to come. The use of the atomic bomb was to prevent a ground assault on Japan which was a determined search to stop the killing. There is no determined search to stop the killing or conflict in the Middle East and it is a complete irresponsibility to compare World War II with the Middle East.
Many hope, and many others fear, that President Obama will choose a crusading liberal activist to energize the Supreme Court's progressive wing. Such an appointee might push to expand racial preferences, abortion rights, and especially welfare rights for poor people; to strike down the law barring openly gay people from the military; to recognize gay marriage (which Obama has opposed); to end the death penalty and curtail gun rights (both of which he has supported); to free Guantanamo detainees unless they can be convicted of crimes (which would reject Obama's policy); and much more. The preceding parentheticals suggest some of the reasons I'm cautiously betting that Obama will choose a moderate liberal who believes in judicial restraint. By this I mean deference to elected officials unless they violate clear constitutional commands or show gross irresponsibility. The lack of such restraint is what I mean by "judicial activism." - Obama's Ideal Justice, by Stuart Taylor, Jr., ; May 09, 2009 -
The problem with the Obama cabinet, even with the Bush administration, is a total lack of judgment. It is not a lack of concern but a misappropriate talent to make very poor if not disastrous choices as crisis and disaster settles in. An example of making a bad choice is stepping on the gas peddles when experiencing ice on a slippery road. Nobody in their right mind would ever, in fear or courage, step on the gas peddle as a solution to dangers to traction and road hazards. People have reached their limits and this domestic nuisance who have us in some “special detainment”; who invited themselves in our residence to study and watch us for whatever reasons; just does not stop. They add more and more to the list of already unbearable terror plots and complaints about communist spies and foreign espionage from Israel and left wing causes. It is not the first time and they will do it again and again. Why Obama is there at this particular time and with these particular issues; sounds like a conspiracy and a really stupid one unfolding.
But nominating a crusading liberal activist could seriously jeopardize the president's own best interests, in terms of policy as well as politics. And although some of Obama's past statements are seen by critics as a formula for judicial activism, he has also shown awareness of its perils. As a matter of policy, consider Obama's most important responsibility: protecting our national security from jihadist terrorism and other threats. As I have noted briefly, the intersection of law and national security will provide the most consequential cluster of issues that the Supreme Court will consider over the next decade or more. Obama surely understands that the Court's response to his national security policies will be more important by far to the success of his presidency than any decisions on abortion, race, religion, gay rights, crime, or free speech. - Obama's Ideal Justice, by Stuart Taylor, Jr., ; May 09, 2009 -
If you look at the history of the United States, a threshold is stepped over or on from 1850 to 1940. This period of history seems to determine the future course of the United States and even the global world and it is also the darkest period of American history. While it is the darkest period, there is very little choice or option to correct it because it would fundamentally alter the financial and mindset of the public. To correct and to take serious the events prior to World War II would self destruct the concept of government dismantle the idea life can be more realistic and dangers avoidable. Who is going to get to them or get them first? Will it be their side who is embarrassed and do not want to pay for their evil actions; or will it be the FBI and CIA who are playing catch-up and cat-mouse with them? Their people can suffer heavily for the stupidity of their leaders and communist moles screeching around as a friendly shadow government trying to be our partners.
Meanwhile, in moving from campaign mode to the presidency, Obama has had many reasons to worry about such judicial second-guessing. One federal District judge has rejected the administration's claim that it can detain suspected jihadist fighters captured outside Afghanistan at Bagram Air Base without judicial oversight. A federal Appeals Court has rejected the White House's efforts to use the "state secrets" doctrine to block lawsuits by former detainees who claim they were tortured. Still other lawsuits demand the release of any detainees in the war on terrorism who cannot be convicted of crimes, and publication of classified CIA documents that Obama would rather keep under wraps. A reported, perhaps tentative plan by administration officials to use "military commissions" instead of ordinary courts to try some of the detainees for war crimes would surely bring more legal attacks. And for the foreseeable future, squadrons of liberal lawyers will be suing a range of companies for cooperating with the president on matters such as wiretaps, "renditions" of suspected terrorists to other countries, and other actions deemed by Obama to be vital to national security. - Obama's Ideal Justice, by Stuart Taylor, Jr., ; May 09, 2009 -
The one message "we' the authors of this book wish to express to the President and any future President of the world is the grade by which the United States academic system graded it. It is running the world and it is the battle plans by which US Generals get their intelligence and training from. It is no surprise how 3 out of 5 college professors gave it a "D" grade with notation about lacking information or incoherent sentences. Consider the computer science and electrical engineering background to understand and manage real war fighting combat teams in satellite warfare and to engage an enemy whose sole intention is to kill in the most merciless manner. People are going to be hospitalized because their life and this country is reaching an unbearable joke because of a political class who should be pink slipped or guillotined; whichever is more meaningful and effective. Did someone put crazy potion in their food or are they born dead like this and talk about gibberish? How do you become so screwed up as a human being or is it us? We know they screwed us up and told us to shut up and go away at least 20,000 times in twenty years. That is a lot of abuse from an idiot and a communist mole who is afraid of a shooting war.
Summary. I and we have been waiting for you and I have at least four contingency plans; trust me; I can change the program and the recursion easily. You are playing the political game of automatic; so bring it; I am the master of recursion. I been doing recursion since age 16 with math and algorithms. Take it serious. Rush, you and Rove, Cheney, Hannity; you all are playing on fears and this "we will be attacked" and hear it is. The same pile of junk you had been saying all last week and on Monday we see it. Your turn around is a few days for a mole and spy group. - Interview with Kidnappers and Terror Suspects: “Chasing the Big Ones”; by Author; Wednesday, May 27, 2009 -
The Presidents know how experience is some code word or operative word for a special dopamine where people are snatched and kidnapped against their will to have barbarians cut them down every single day and experience relentless day in and day out oppression and sadistic torture in the most free country and largest military nation on earth. It is not unusual how the people behind this remain silent and hidden. First it was the grades and then it is some special "experience" a spy group has in store leading to "terror plot one" about hate and racism in America. Put them on trial and put them to death so they never repeat this uncanny ability to rewrite history and invoke total destruction and lawlessness on the country. These Presidents are a complete joke after you read about them and see real leadership and power. Had we not been kidnapped and forced to do some dance to bitch about how evil struck our life and how college leads to kidnappings; they might have gotten away as a royal joke which they still are. If they are to be respected, why are they quiet and not addressing these issues? Are we crazy or nuts or is their lies spewing out of our grand deceptions? Who is evil here on earth, the dumb ones or the smart ones? Who has to die, the dumb ones or the smart ones? Who is putting up all the fight and attacks, the dumb ones or the smart ones?
We are under statist attack. Who is trying to advance and grow? Will the real statisticist please stand up? This is the attack by the army of the damned and radical terrorists. Rush said Colin Powell said had asked them to be less radical; that was not the message. They wanted an attack from Obama. Here it is. What do they do, advance it. Clever and undetectable as usual but not good enough; watch. Your attack will be beaten back and Obama will be paralyzed by this while the CIA is upset with Pelosi lying. So hit back. This is and was not about gay marriage either or firemen in CT. You are completely out of step and your goon squad on PR mode "If Obama... America Will Be Attacked." - Interview with Kidnappers and Terror Suspects: “Chasing the Big Ones”; by Author; Wednesday, May 27, 2009 -
According to eyewitnesses, the entire Congressional chamber was choking up at the story of a Hispanic female who after Puerto Rico was added into the union; was born in the Bronx, New York and suffered from a father dying to childhood diabetes. Then she moved on to law school and the United States legal system as a liberal and Democratic fixture of the political system. We cannot stress then danger of and the threats of the left wing and liberals. Even a nomination like this from Obama during a period of almost economic collapse and near double digit unemployment across the boards is threatening just about every political candidate on earth; he would choose a henchmen and a very biased individual seeking the empathy of others and with a story to match the greatest spy novels and action adventure story.
These people are a game of death and after they are caught and defeated, they want to get out of it and are trying hard to cover up the handiwork of genuine traitors. We need them gone so we do not become that game of death. Empathy cannot be applied to everybody who had a bad life or underwent tragedy. We had more than a lifetime of that as a kidnapped political prisoner of uneducated material royals who hate real royals and feel they are traitors and are rivals. Who is a fraud here and why are we in this argument? If they are so capable and tough; get a doctorate or fix the country. Go be a master of war as we are. Go write the next 200 years of history; but whatever they do, do not sit there and tell us what they can do or who they are. We did it. We made our own history and wrote our cherished life; why did theirs turn out so wrong? Why is this grand deception so pervasive and cross current in all matters? Why is it a forced or artificial reality; do we live in a bubble and videotaped as some experiment to make us behave?
We are under statist attack. Drowning and treading water; you moles are as defiant as we know you and so tricky. I am not worried or mad. I am not even panicking. Celebrate and have a special day; it will not last long. This is how and what Mark Levin describes as "attack by the statistics"; a traitor selling his books to the enemies as I have. Almost fitting to the tee of you "rewrite the Constitution" strategy and surpass or usurp it; the military can declare martial law and suspend it. You should read the law and what they can do; if we are under statist attack and "America will be attacked." If there is a major crime or terrorist plot at work; the military authority does not need to seek authorization due to the level of attack. They will discuss it after the battle and attack because it benefits the enemies. - Interview with Kidnappers and Terror Suspects: “Chasing the Big Ones”; by Author; Wednesday, May 27, 2009 -
This began as a game of death by communists and terror master spies. They begin the game of death but the moment they cannot win; the rules change and they have to get out of it because now they are terrified; they were once courageous and invincible. There will never be any mention of surrender or turning themselves in. To point things at others and not use it over and over like Russian roulette is one thing; however, when it is their turn there is no second guesses or this game of death. That is why if you point or wield a knife at people; be intent on using it because it will be used back. Don't complain about how it was only a game; you don't point things at people and expect to escape on your terms. You do not do this over 100 times in six months either. They love to wield things or point things at others but do not know others would never give them this opportunity.
Summary. I have had enough of the Sotomayor and your mole and spy group dialing up "We will be attacked." I am not going to take any last comments either because you are a pile of junk or junk should be burned and incinerated in an oven like all trash. It is clear who we are dealing with and it is clear how defiant and uncooperative you truly are. You have not learned anything and are still attacking while drowning and being watered by the truth. You water board for information; we water board for the truth; that is the difference when it is the same act. I have said already, if it is not in the Army manual; then it is governed by the UCMJ. It is taught in SERE's school; not interrogation school. Nobody asked any questions or administered justice; Bush’s contractor strategy of getting wealthy and dirty. - Interview with Kidnappers and Terror Suspects: “Chasing the Big Ones”; by Author; Wednesday, May 27, 2009 -
Deranged criminals and suicidal felons distraught over life or this world typically commit something called “suicide by police shooting.” What they do is threaten police officers or even charge into the line of fire of an opposing army to be cut down in a hail of gunfire. From what we know we are dealing with people who are of the same mentality. They try to do well and to commit terror plots only to get caught not in the act but pulling a grand theft or fraud; mostly for money or some gain. They try to indicate they are not who the public thinks but are lost for words when it all collapses on them. It is like a Jewish soldier who dresses up as Nazis to terrorize the neighbors; he wants an invitation to dinner next week and will keep doing this until that invitation arrives. He does not realize none will and so he may try this 10,000 times and upwards thinking the next one will tip the scales. This is who we are dealing with on the perimeter, but it is not the center core of this group. They treat us like children then deny us the ability to identify them as communist moles. We are just not as brilliant and evil.
The center core is pure espionage moles and double agents. These are hardcore and seasoned operatives who will be executed by governments for mutiny or a clandestine guerrilla junta. It is not as if we are doing this for fun or kicks. Our life and our survival are on the line. They have stolen or tried to steal our life, the future of the country, and waged war in a callous and unrelenting manner because they view the country hostile to them. It has a Constitution and people love how fair it is. Do we need an unrepentant person to tell us how tough they are while they demand bias and special privileges? The report and book on them suggest the most Neanderthal ever to exist on earth; some say it is an entirely new species of man. Reading about them makes people want to kill. That is how Neanderthal they are. They think it is brilliance and success. They think we are revolting and leading revolutions because we are jealous or revolting against their success. Could it be, or maybe somehow correlated to how psychopathic, sociopath, criminal, undeserving, intrusive, and most of all Neanderthal they are as a royal joke? Maybe we left out some clue or fact about them so far? This is so we share life and meet their obligations; not to invigorate freedom or take us to some new level of existence. We are stuck with Neanderthals who are tough and biased but very police. Now how many of them do you see on our borders and why are they here? How did so many get here; was it some exchange slave educational program designed for laborers? We asked around; how did so many of them get here.
Summary. Water boarding was never sanctioned but did these people have the death penalty and like Timothy McVeigh, would it matter? It is not supposed to be applied in practice but I can see instances where it may if the full truth is provided. The military is trained to give you a trap and they have a contingency if you are captured; it is a trap used to identify you and trace it back; that is why I had surrendered and told Ann it was too dangerous and do not come in the trap. I only keep my commandos close but she was told to go and to hide; while I tried a trap. - Interview with Kidnappers and Terror Suspects: “Chasing the Big Ones”; by Author; Wednesday, May 27, 2009 -
We have learned many things about this "army of the damned" and the moles that created the "total invasion plans" and terror plots. They will not and are not being offered a way out even if there are threats and intimidations daily; so if they intend on using it, then understand it will be used on them and with no doubts. We know they will beg for mercy and seek pity with no remorse for what they did or how they terrorize others. We know this already and studied them; we have to turn it up to maximum so they know this is no game and they cannot walk away from the game of death they created. Similarly, you do not play with the military or commandos like a toy; they are lethal and their reality and world is lethal. No excuse in the world will ever bridge these two gaps and reality. This is their goal, to seek this pardon or terrorize others until they get it. These “masters” and a royal joke sit around all day and think up scams, clever get backs, in your face moves to humiliate whomever is under surveillance, and a deranged mix out of a spy movie. They feel it is brain power and intelligence; some creative genius to be respected because it is so cruel and so evil.
That is who we are dealing with and who keeps on doing this. We watched them for over a decade and studied every move or effort; they view and see it as special powers; a toughness of experience. They watch you and put you under surveillance in order to use back or use against you something they do not like. To make you behave, they pummel you over small things and let big things like terrorism and communism go unchecked. Who is this royal joke and pain in the ass psychopath skirting around as a teacher and some recruiter? They are trying to adopt and make friends when who they adopt and make friends with hate their guts. You are not allowed to see them or know who they are. Then they act like Darth Vader and declare you their sons and daughters while you feel angst and the overwhelming nausea. It is like having a child molester trying to brag about you or wishing to be partners in crime; but you are the prosecutor sent to take them down and get rid of them. Why are child molesters desperate to make friends and demanding others sign up or give them empathy? Could it be them or is it us? Maybe we are not bending over backwards; but they are really mistreated and hated; do we write hate laws to protect them? It doesn’t work for these people when they copy our work, words, and steal our reality.
Summary. So my surrender was designed to trap you and you went to town with me to include feces, strip searches, daily fights, and drugs; while some Black Muslim and Jew jumped me (Jew held me down while the black Muslim blindsided me) because I pounced on you all; you fear me in hand to hand. You know I am perfect and make little mistakes. You ruined my trap and ruined my strategy to trap the police or “federal judges” to trace the MRI satellite that does not work. You will spend your life on a dead end. That is who you are dealing with. Ann was screaming and mad at me for making that decision; near hysterical at the mayhem and abandonment. It is called uncommon valor and she turned it around and showed me a very risky move on her part. - Interview with Kidnappers and Terror Suspects: “Chasing the Big Ones”; by Author; Wednesday, May 27, 2009 -
The kidnapping is a clear indication of how deranged they are. The brainwashing and putting us through some harsh experience for a decade will show the total disrespect for human life. The game of death and the constant and increases in surveillance or intrusion of privacy while the Constitution was being trashed and terror plots in full swing is an indication of who they are. Now the effort is to beg or figure a way out when there is none. They keep searching and hoping when there is none. This is why we tell them, "If you are going to point a weapon, make sure you use it; it will be used on you and in the most surprising ways." This is no game and there is no such thing as pretend pain or hurt. They have garnered enough problems and retribution for three or four lifetimes on earth. Imagine who we are dealing with and why they are here. If they are so tough and from the mean streets; why can’t they invent a life or make something of their life? Why do they have to listen to us about how they are in our homes, wiping out our hard drives, teaching us terrorism or trying to pull us in a terror plot, trying to cozy up and metastasize us into left wing spies; those are grand adventures to be met with a fight to the death. What makes them think they are this smart and this good while they cannot fix their life now or fix the financial woes of this country? Use that brain power and magic ability to fix GM or Chrysler before their life savings and material royal joke disappears. Royals are usually uniformed soldiers also and command power. They don’t live in the sadness of a joke or written about as a shadow pest. Again, the point of failure is this brain power or lack of it while an abundance of evil and clever tricks is endless.
Let's talk Sotomayor. Why is Bush Senor the one behind the Sotomayor problem and then why is James Carville (your dinner party guest with Mary M.) telling Annie how Obama wants us to have a specific experience and viewpoint which will add to their... What the hell are you all doing and do you even know your own country and nation? Do you even know who you are or do you just hold property and have money that you do not deserve? Let me guess. There is a lot of self hatred in your race? You all see and recognize the hate and racism because you also produce it? You come from the mean streets and are as far from royals as you can get? Immigration laws were never enforced or this stupid; until communists flooded here or until the jobs dried up? - Interview with Terror Suspects: America Will be Attacked Again! By Author; Thursday, May 28, 2009 -
These stories are about how hard American life is in the ghettos and growing up in the mean streets of New York. They depict poor people who come to America under the poorest conditions and who go through the system of the underprivileged where fighting daily is a ritual and incarnate of a barbarism we would rather not see or hear about. We have a major threat on the borders and chipping away at our future and just about every federal government on earth is directing its resources and intelligence arm at this threat to understand it better and to prosecute it. We cannot deny the similarities between Obama and the Bush family but we can point out what is clearly visible and maybe too late. How many people get to wake up and see traitors everywhere and communist moles talking to them live over the radio about terror plots? From what we have seen and our experience, there is no confidence in anything but we do not know who is behind it and why we feel like strangling them for the trickery and total invasion of our life. Why don’t we invite all the poor people from third world nations to come here and do the jobs we refuse to? Would that make them feel better or would that make New York feel wrong about the history of US immigration policy? There is a reason why we have terrorists, communists, and the walking dead here in North America; and it did not have anything to do with the Magna Charta or the Constitution.
"Foreclosures in California... " yes California. They need some legal contract which is not marriage for gays but can serve similar to a will. It is like marrying your brother for benefits. If there is something other than marriage, maybe people will be more open to listen. God help us if they begin to adopt children and be a real family. I do not mind companionship and heirs but do not call it marriage. Now this Sotomayor and the homosexual marriages on the right wing; pop up and out of nowhere. It is clear the right wing has been penetrated. These people love to adopt minorities and it is torture because they are unaware of what they are doing. The children are used as a way to assimilate and gain acceptance. These people love to adopt minorities and poor children; then they play with their minds and make them angry. - Interview with Terror Suspects: America Will be Attacked Again! By Author; Thursday, May 28, 2009 -
There is a reason why hate laws in America are very controversial; they lack all sense of truth. There will be no good laws when they are all barbarians and poverty stricken flunkies. If these Presidents and the future Presidents feel our pain and wish to empathize with us by "giving people the benefit of the doubt"; then understand how a lot of people came to America for the wrong reasons and a quarter of the population is currently behind bars. How we got the experience of this twice is bedeviling both the CIA and the FBI; but it has to do with the 911 terror plot and hate and racism in America. If they feel our pain and with to empathize; then they will instill the truth. The truth is you fire the bad right wingers and get rid of the left wing altogether; which leaves you with normal, strong, and a healthy future of human beings who strive to be perfect and can fight wars on the battlefield and the classrooms. There is no need to take a side or a position when you have one enemy on our shores and in our lives acting like two sides or two choices. Now we are hearing their side of the terror plot and their defense lawyers. Hate is real and this human species is a completely new type of evil. They have the ability to look normal and assimilate as if they are not psychotic and sociopaths.
"President Obama has nominated Federal Appeals Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court... Sotomayor was previously nominated to the federal bench by President George H. W. Bush... Sotomayor was later elevated to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York by Bill Clinton..." - The Kudlow Report, May 26, 2009 -
The legal system and the courts are occupied by a parasitic disease. That disease is narrowly focused on hate and racism and forcefully trying to alter the landscape of both America and the world to some chaotic malfeasance where the left wing and liberals dominate. One particular example which we can indicate extreme bias is with minorities or races. Asians are single out as liberals but retain some of the most right wing and family oriented values in American society; no less the highest academic test scores. That is a clear bias and discrimination. These people are trying to have it good with all races when this is impossible. It is impossible in America and impossible globally. The worst part is how this problem grows daily. From what we know and how our life has run into the very incompetent and malicious side of government; there is no confidence in any of these people. We do not know if it is a mental disease; drugs being put in their food supply; or just a prejudice by political objectives. It might even be some excrement in the water supply which causes human beings to act with such failure and dishonesty. They also think they are tough. We cannot alter and rewrite how others feel about them; that would take a lot of money. To make them liked, we have to make them material royals again.
Why are you turning on Bush Senor? Why there is a picture of Annie with Estrada in DC when she said she does not know him and someone snapped a picture? It is like if Annie went somewhere, a picture is taken and I am out of her life and now competing to stay in love with her while she tells me "what the hell are you talking about" or "look what they did." She mets them once and is married to them or best friends. Rush you were doing the same insane love fest. I do the same but it is just attending social events or party; then I find out I have a stalker and my residence is bugged. I find out I am now a prisoner or kidnapped. - Interview with Terror Suspects: America Will be Attacked Again! By Author; Thursday, May 28, 2009 -
Insofar as Middle Easterners, particularly Arabs, they are a minority and a newly introduced race much like Hispanics, blacks, and others; however, they are denied any preferential treatment because the policies of Israel are being imposed on American society and even in the police system. It is a company and the machinery of the Democratic and liberal party; thus it never works and is radical in its approach because they rise from the mean streets and suffer from the stigma of being incompetent, traitors, mentally ill, and your typical screw up. To let these people in and to let them govern or intrude into the life of normal adults is suicide, worse tyranny and terror. We do not need to empathize with the worst of the bunch and those who are constantly starving for our attention because of their politics and forcefulness in our lives and country. We do not need to feel their pain; we need them to live up to the standards expected of them or be destroyed once and for all. We need them to be perfectionists or not interfere with it; we also need them to be truthful about very critical matters such as terror plots and politics. Let’s put it this way, if the American hate this enemy; then so do the Arabs; they steal everything and rewrite the future and human biographies. They can stomach genocide and murder for political objectives that are meaningless and so flawed.
"President Obama has nominated Federal Appeals Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court... Sotomayor was previously nominated to the federal bench by President George H. W. Bush... Sotomayor was later elevated to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York by Bill Clinton..." - The Kudlow Report, May 26, 2009 -
The infiltration of the right wing is very subtle. While everything looks like the Republican or the right wing; what the ultimate goal and the secret grand deception being pulled on the American public while they sleep is the rewriting of the Constitution. therefore, these claims of being conservative and Republican is actually the same strategy of the left wing and the liberal Democrats to rewrite and change the fundamental way reality interacts with the free market. When these problems such as using spending to win elections or bloat out social problems; the system is on automatic and cannot be stopped by anything but the electoral process. Therefore, the fiscal budgets on the local levels are maximized while the economy is good and tax and debt is also maximized when things go sour or south. This strategy was deployed in World War II and it is called the "stepping stone" tactic where ground is conquered and never given back or corrected. All you need now is a judgment or ruling to put the nails in the coffin. Think like the enemy and understand the army of the damned is “too big to save.” Why even try? What the hell are we going to do, give those brains and tutor them day and night until they are real human beings and a harmless species? Are we going to send them to some remedial school where they begin as goons and gangsters; then end up as a cherished royal family of Hollywood like stardom? Can we do this?
The objective of the left wing and the liberals is to humiliate and denigrate others day after day and prolong what they consider a freedom to totally invade the life of others or dominate them. They chose us and did this to us because we are fierce anti-communist and come from a spy hunter family and tradition; we make the perfect target or victim. It is to prove their superior power and power over others. This process of humiliation causes them to associate with “the Gulag Gestapo” or “The” Nazis. Deep down it is just a liberal who is trying to degrade and humiliate all other human life and in the most vile and crass ways. If the evidence on them surfaces, which we know the military has at this time and is using to draw up battle plans, then their fate has been adjudicated and it will be very difficult to say “stop” when there was twenty years to spell it out and take action. Now who waits till the finish line to make us burst out laughing one moment and wishing to strangle them the next? Everything about them is big except their thinking capacity and academic might. The world has change and it demands a different species to occupy hostilities.
"Well you know, I think experience is everything and people have different experiences. I think you want a richness and a diversity on the Supreme Court. I think this was what the President was striving for and she has a life experience that she brings, by the way, with an impressive background in the law unlike me, she was I think "summa cum laude" and I was like "thank the lorde." - James Carville, Good Morning America (ABC news); May 27, 2009 -
This is why if they keep hiding and telling us they are the Nazis and wish to share our life; or hide in order to conceal how they want the advantage for the communists; we have no choice but to identify them as Nazis and impose the humiliation of punishment they choose as their preferred treatment of others. These people have no respect for human life and they hide when the order is to give a speech to the Army and defense forces to explain their behavior and give proper action to show some form of repentance. We got nothing, not even a peep from this “in hiding” or “hidden” mole who claims to be the secret police and Gestapo; like hate and racism terror plots we encountered. It feels like a bad adoption but legally it is called a nonconsensual abduction with no evidence or with no visible trace because a left wing and master plan to control the country was operating it. That is odd because we have an almost identical terror plot which also had no evidence and was orchestrated for the same reasons. They use the media to talk in code and to keep each other abreast. There are three groups in America who is this big and this much of a threat; why would they choose us?
Why are you not emphasizing firing all these people? You know they infiltrated the government and so did you because you told me what you did and the terror plots. How come Obama does not begin the firing process? "We need cops... we need highways... people are going insane in this economy... where all this money gone... did to save all these industries... it didn't work wherever it went?" At least you follow orders well. Can you tell me who is involved in this kidnapping and terror plot? I want the names and the dirty bomb; we have commandos on 25 hour alert Rush. Your Dick said "America will be attacked" and not more than four days later; what you described as "rewriting the Constitution." - Interview with Terror Suspects: America Will be Attacked Again! By Author; Thursday, May 28, 2009 -
After studying them for a long time; we know what they fear and what aversions they are allergic to. They cannot get out of this in a respectable way. Like the terror plots; dressing up or becoming the Gulag Gestapo is intended to favor the communists when the public is outraged. It is deadly propaganda by this spy group and an inside job. The idea is you cannot be doing this game such as pretending to be Nazis to put advantage or brainwash others to like communists. Now since they are the Gestapo; they will get Gestapo treatment and punishments. This scares the heck out of them because they are actually liberals and communists who despise the Nazis and vice versa; we are in the middle of it. If you study these people long enough, you will learn something important. People are no damn good. You put faith in a system of laws you call your country to fix them. When it is as awry as is now; a shooting war is not far off. There is so much corruption; even the police cuss or scream insults at the most educated in society.
These people do not respect human intelligence; they respect despotism and dictatorial insignificance. Everything must be pampered or nothing can. They must be respected or nobody can because the call it discrimination or preferential treatment. If they are not the truth or have it; then there is none. Every sentence must contain idiot or Neanderthal in it if it is to make any sense. Every god damn thing in our life has to be this street tough and always seeking social justice when they are just as stupid as the people creating this royal debt. That is the messed up part; the Neanderthal is occupying every single sentence and they are in every part of our life. It is scary because they are so hated and so much trouble. You want to kill them or make them go away before something bad happens or a 30 million dollar law suit. We weren’t this lucky; we were dealt a terror plot and all kinds of really odd behavior. Others were lucky, they got flattery and stupidity; we got violence and some pressure or force we could not control; to join them. It is like a draft or very similar to it imposed on the public by this shadow government missing the master plan and our future. They did it for the Middle East and its future.
"Decline... on the brink of a mental health disaster... this story could drive you to a mental health hospital... (weak) government taking money to support mentally deranged (animals)... run it in too the ground and now they are walking the streets." They just said Monday is the last day for GM before "court protection." Now I understand what this "rewrite Constitution" and court protections is all about. Things don't work and the people who get paid don't work either. Rush still does not mention Bush Senor and Sotomayor; that is really radical. - Interview with Terror Suspects: America Will be Attacked Again! By Author; Thursday, May 28, 2009 -
Who is this? None of the efforts were ever to suggest communism is bad; only Nazis are bad; thus, we know it is not the Nazis. We know it is the liberals and the most and best way to show they this game is has to stop and end is to impose their work on them and not let them have any propaganda opportunity. If you learn how to play their games, you can bring them to their knees and put them in so much pain as liberal cartoons that bang into things all the time and keep going shameless. It goes on forever; you say 2 they say 3. If you say 6 they say 5 and so on. Like always, you tell them to knock it off or tell the truth; they say they are the New York Police. That is a liberal and a genuine traitor for you. That is also a communist. We say communists; they say Nazi and so on. All you have to do is look at the crime. Even poor countries do not brag about their crime rates; they find better excuses such as the weather or heat.
The entire northern Yankee elite system; whose sprawling urban areas have been turned into dilapidated “fixer-uppers” feel a conspiracy did this or destroyed their royal stature which they got from jobs. Where did this royalty go or did it ever exist? Did it exist on paper only and can we see it and touch it? Even the southern states are now beating the northern liberals and eastern liberals in the game of industry. Now that is really embarrassing because the “country people” are not known to be as intelligent and high class. They are known to be moral people and indoctrinated by a small town religion. If they were this intelligent; they can fix it or end the debt problem. He have to listen how brilliant and how austere they are every single day; why we cannot challenge and second guess their derisive decisions meant to pamper their luscious being. Look at their laws and how they treat their own kids. Their kids are taught to be angry because even they know they are not being treated fairly; they are desperate to move to a thriving locale where community leaders do not call each other “noble comrade.”
Rush says we are watching the "greatest economy in the world crumble." Uh, Rush do you know how much debt there is and what your royal and superiority is? Debt. When did it work or well? Did it work well at maximum capacity? How about full employment? How about 45% employment? When does it work well? In debt and when both social security and Medicaid is 600 billion and the revenue of the government is only 450 billion? When did it work or am I missing your "no mistakes", "excellence", and "one hand behind your back." - Interview with Terror Suspects: America Will be Attacked Again! By Author; Thursday, May 28, 2009 -
Now if they were communists; we would research how they prefer to treat others and let them verify the “due onto others” clause of their existence. They are not going to complain unless they truly are who they say; moles and the most dangerous sleepers on earth. It is better to use the communist disguise because the communists were more apathetic to their captured war criminals than the Nazis. That is how you play on their levels and make them tell you who they truly are; what is used back on them and what their morals are flexible to. We had compiled so much data on them and know they are communists and have self hate; so they claim the opposite as an identification defense to deny the truth; they are a pile of junk that has no respect for human life while they skirt around pretending to be the Gulag Gestapo and Nazis. Half of them are mentally ill or with some form of learning disability; while their leaders are near genius and so demented, using “serial killer” to describe them does not do justice.
Until you sit down and write me a computer program; I think you are stupid. I want to see 900 pages of flawless computer code and algorithms; I did this at age 18 so you can also. I have written operating systems before age 19 and was tested in open lab with "pop quizzes" on how logical my mind is. Until you can write an operating system; do not tell me you are my teacher or wish to make me experience; to have a particular experience of America that is important in my career. I am retired why am I being taught by moles and spies? I hold no government position; why am I going through training and recruitment? Why do I have to have the communist experience and be in some fake holocaust? - Interview with Terror Suspects: America Will be Attacked Again! By Author; Thursday, May 28, 2009 -
It is not harassment; it is over 10,000 terror hits and ambushes in order to draw us out and expose our defenses. Here are our defenses; if they do not come out of hiding and give a speech to the Pentagon and masters of war, police or not, they will incur the wrath of this country and all the pain of a mole and genuine traitor. Under those circumstances and tremendous danger, most people would do the best speech and explain to the standing Army who will allow them to explain and seek justice. This however is a spy and a communist; but they claim to be the police and the state (NY at this time). That is infiltration on the worst level and refusal to explain or give the best speech to the Defense Department or the masters of warfare.
Even if their life is on the line and political power is coming to an end; the police or pretending to be the Gulag Gestapo is supposed to save their rear ends and just call off any hunt or excuse them. We will just roll over and let invading armies take over or launch one terror plot after the other for propaganda and to fulfill investigations in hate and racism. Now in the month of May 2009; they are on a rampage to wipe out hard drives. Add a few hundred dollars to the already thousands to be billed and the labor of cleaning up their wonderful “teaching skills.” We have a shadow terrorists parading as a oasis of wisdom and a prophet or teacher; then using the US government system to adopt someone who despises them. When asked what they expected they said “to behave around us.” Maybe we are reading this wrongly; but did they say behave when we were also being recruited and told to join due to a draft system and a war to destroy reality and the country?
There is going to be a shooting war soon if we do not get to the bottom of this and thanks to some kidnapper and police; we wasted a lot of time in prison and wasted a lot of time flushing you all out in the open. That is treason and obstruction of justice, police or not. Did you hear me? There is going to be a shooting war soon and someone better explain where six years of work went. I can push the lines globally back overnight. Someone is wasting a lot of our time and better understands what the issue and problem is. We need the truth and there is going to be a shooting war soon now gives me back six years and my cursed life. You all waste money, trillions are missing, and spend six years of my life away as I rot in prison. What is wrong with you? Are you on guard or duty? Let me guess, you kept the nation safe from attack? Do you realize how mad people are with your communist and terrorist plot? Do you realize how sick and tired they are of this grand deception and trickery? There is going to be a shooting war soon. - Interview with Terror Suspects: America Will be Attacked Again! By Author; Thursday, May 28, 2009 -
They need to be taught a lesson about kidnapping and brainwashing others. They need to be taught a lesson about espionage or invading other sovereign countries. They need to be taught a lesson about respecting the rights of others. The best and most ideal outcome is to pit the military against the police and get them to tell the truth; a Nazi to be punished using plays and punishments out of their own playbooks. No police, or legitimate one, points weapons at the military and does not pull the trigger because if they do it more than three times; there will not be three responses. This is not the Middle East and spies who play tit-for-tack with the military or police powers. The lesson to be learned is never ever dress up or pretend to be Nazis or else we will also and punish them as if we were also. The only way out of this matter is to give a full disclosure and a full explanation to the military authority and the allied troops; they are the ones who will be fighting the wars and the lies which we are in now. They are not going to leave and they are certainly not going to leave us alone either. What is left for the liberals and left wing who is trying to blame it on the right wing or conservatives?
Biden. At the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO Biden said, "What am I going to do when the teleprompters fails?" If I was Biden I would step down for health reasons while the chance is there. It will collapse on him and Obama is going to be removed for doing the opposite of what is needed. Remember, when you loose traction and gas it; then the car hits a pedestrian and little children? It is hard to explain why you gassed it "we needed immediate action and change; it would have been worse had we done nothing." The wrong answer. Cut the federal puppet strings and watch as the local political bases eat each other up. That is where the mismanagement is from. The spending is used to win elections and when it collapses; they have to have federal funds for schools, jobs, government employees, etc... That is how debt is a gigantic crater and how you destroy business and industry. Now you will never get those jobs back and never get to explain but we can see how far a proper and honest explanation goes. It has been a full decade and we still cannot get the full story and the truth. - Interview with Terror Suspects: America Will be Attacked Again! By Author; Thursday, May 28, 2009 -
This is a deadly game and beyond deadly game to be playing; police, liberals, communists, or some playground Gulag Gestapo. 10,000 terror hits or pointing weapons to harass others will not get 10,000 responses; it gets one and the last one. That is the way the best in the world play this game. There will only be one response no matter how many times we encounter. When there is a positive identification and when they are ready to throw in the towel and come clean is the best response time. To them it is a game they can win and keep playing no matter who they kill and no matter whose rights they violate and why. We must decide if this country will be an oppressed and beat up country or restored as a beneficiary of freedom and the free markets. These people being written up about; are over. They outspent the last century and tax the hell out of their own kids to self serve the idea they will feel good and look better. Most parents sacrifice their life and their happiness to give life to their children; this human species reproduces like coconuts and screws them left and right. They make them angry and stupid. They teach them hate and the false wisdom which will eventually lead to what is being written on these very pages.
Some pro-choice people think that the killing of unborn children where there is no grave threat to the mother, though bad and unjust, should not be made illegal at least in the earliest stages. Potentially we would have significant common ground with these fellow citizens in the form of policies to discourage abortion and reduce the number of killings. For example, we could join together to oppose the funding of abortion at home and abroad; we could work together for bans on second and third trimester abortions, on abortions for sex-selection, and on particularly heinous methods of abortion, such as partial-birth abortions; we could agree on what Professor Hadley Arkes calls “the most modest first step of all,” namely requiring care—at least comfort care—for the child who survives an attempted abortion and is born alive. We could provide desperately needed financial support for pro-life clinics that assist pregnant women in need—need that is not always financial, but is often emotional and spiritual—and encourage and help these women make the choice for life. We could enact waiting periods, informed consent laws, and parental notification laws that have been shown, in research by Michael New and others, to reduce abortions. We could reject the funding of embryo-destructive research, and join together to support promising research and treatments using non-embryonic sources of stem cells. - Obama and His Pro-Life Apologists, By Robert George, ; May 29, 2009 -
Even cold blooded homicide is permissible because they are at war with this earth. When they are ready to throw in the towel is the ideal time to teach them this valuable but essential lesson. Being their victim and hostage is a terrible ordeal. It is a similar feeling to a rapist who comes back to the same person over 10,000 times and even dresses up as the police. It is easier and much less aggravating if you can ID them and take them to court immediately; however, we were not given this luxury and even today they are acting in this elusive manner skirting around as patriots and some national hero. This is why the century has been so bloody violent. First they come here. Then they invade the lives of others. Then they continue this day in and day out. Then they want to share life and the talents of others who do not consent or respect them. Then they call it hate and racism. Then they launch total invasion and terror plots, maybe even show off using superpowers and other espionage royalty. Now we have a full fledge civil war and a total national security mess where for each time we fire them; they fire one of us. The truth is not a two way street. They either accept the one way reality or relive the battles already fought during the last century as blood was spilt for the same reasons. Kick them out of power. Outlaw and ban these people once and for all; banish them to some distant universe where they are of no harm or “meagerly existing” as our rivals trying to outdo all of our life efforts.
CIA. Pelosi lied to Congress and it was because she was protecting Bush. Bush did not lie to Congress but Pelosi did. The CIA knows she lied to the Congress while she is telling the public Bush had lied and she wants a truth commission headed by Conyers, the most intelligent and trusted man in Congress. I would have chosen him to head CIA and Obama is an idiot to pass over Conyers for such an important position. Get your facts straight and the story right. Now the Congress voted last week to strike down Gun-toting-mo which Obama wants to close down; they call it the "Republican Revolution." Dick Cheney said "America will be attacked" and they sided with him; yes the Congress sided with Bush cronies and terror suspects who are lingering around. I do not see this attack. What the hell are they talking about and why are they panicking? Why are they making a big deal out of nothing? Are they spies and moles or something we do not know? Now Obama is paying tribute to Bush Senor and bringing back "the gang" which Bush had been endorsing and conservatives are flocking to rush this nomination, "they will get what they want." We have terrorists still trying to prove they are in total control and power. They are even going against the Pentagon and Secretary of Defense. - Interview with Terror Suspects: America Will be Attacked Again! By Author; Thursday, May 28, 2009 -
If a shooting war ever erupts between the communist and the Army, we are not going to stop it. It would be a god send. It is like shooting a terrorist who is holding you hostage for over ten years. Shoot them several times and make sure they do not get up! Stick them in ovens to make them admit who they are; anything to equalize the injustices; they have the death penalty anyways. If it came down to two armies or some underworld called “the army of the damned”; we will sure advocate the removal of this vile pile of junk we know so well and candidly. We are saying this is what you get and why. This is what you get for introducing the communist to North America and these shores. Now it is almost impossible to get rid of them and to remove them from our life while theirs tanks and goes in self destruction. They are just taking us out with them. The best thing for the future of this country is a shooting war between the Army and this communist group and their spy masters. If anything, drive them long gone and out of North America so they cannot kidnap anybody nor do any harm; such as terror plots for recruitment.
It's unclear how Obama would fare in such cases with the current Court. But he would surely run the risk of seeing some of his key security policies overturned if he were to choose someone who turns out to be more aggressive than Souter in curbing presidential war powers. This logic argues for a nominee likely to be relatively deferential to presidential power. But not that many prominent lawyers combine that kind of deference with a liberal activist approach to social issues such as abortion, race, and gay rights. - Obama's Ideal Justice, by Stuart Taylor, Jr., ; May 09, 2009 -
What we are saying is whoever did all this should be shot for treason and espionage; to bring this enemy to these shores and to let them roam unchecked and with so much power they were able to cause total invasion on our life; the country; and then blame the Nazis when they are the communists and infiltrated the police. You cannot be bringing these people here and let them kidnap us while they force us to accept communism and speak harshly against the Nazis for them. This is about hate and racism in America and we really hate and apply racism to this problem. Now they want death by police suicide but refuse to actually give the police a positive ID who they are. If they want to run into a hail of bullets and suggest they will shoot it out; stop saying they are the police and let us hear what they have to say without the deceit and trickery. We know they did this to stress the importance of the left wing, liberals, and hate and racial laws in America while they are also behind it. That is the only bright and happy thing in the future of America; the rest is all unplayable debt.
In the now-famous firefighters' case, Ricci v. DeStefano, the New Haven Fire Department administered a civil service exam to choose a new batch of lieutenants and captains. …But when the results came in, only whites and Hispanics scored high enough to earn promotions. …Seventeen of the high-scoring whites and one high-scoring Hispanic sued the mayor, John DeStefano, and other city officials for denying them promotions solely because of their race. The district court ruled that there was no race discrimination because the low-scoring blacks were not given promotions either -- citing the landmark case, One Bad Apple v. The Rest of the Barrel. (That's the sort of sophistry we're taught in law school.) - I FEEL YOUR PAIN. NOT THEIRS. YOURS, by Ann Coulter, ; May 27, 2009 -
Whoever introduce the communist legions to North America and let them dominate the public or the state by controlling the police force; should be shot and given treason or a war crimes tribunal. The United States may have been the greatest economic might ever on earth; but it is time to show the mental faculty and not the politics of hunger and invasion. Anybody can cut down trees or till fields. Anybody can dig a hole. Anybody can strip the environment of all it resources or pollute every known stream.
We want to see something else and that is the ability to score among the top 10 in this world academically because we are in a high technology revolution. We need immigrants who possess these skills and this mental superiority; not be bothered by a few Neanderthals who are lackeys and scream at us how brilliant they are. Why? Fix the damn economy and fix your broken mess of a life if brilliance flows from the same confidence. Show us the immaculate report card or the ability to sit down and write 900 pages of computer code for an operating system. What don’t they get? A monkey in a zoo can be taught to steal; but no less does this on his own.
It is not like one or two people are a problem; we are talking about an army of the damned. There is an army of worthless and useless people competing against economies where crime does not even exist. The greatest economy on earth has turned into the world’s largest prison system and welfare system. What does this tell you? Could it be maybe an over abundance of laborers or a total lack of care for their own future and life; or maybe they just don’t want to go away and their life is so screwed up they resort to violence and frequent outbursts. The problem is how it is happening in our own home and why a shadow government of criminals and thieves are following us and ramming our own life raft. They keep ramming us and we keep trying to shoot at them or shoot them down; it is big and hungry. Why is it here; go bother the government or someone who sympathizes or cares about them; not someone who truly despises them. Read why.
It starts with the leaders and trickles down to some foreign network from the homeland here to harass and intimidate us to surrender the country to their demands. Now it is terrorism and communism; but that strategy almost got them a shooting war. Toying with the masters of war got them nothing but a broken and ended fate. What more is left? This is total insanity and lawlessness. They deserve to be shot on the spot and the moment there is a positive ID for putting the global defenses in a state of panic and doing this round the clock chase. This is what you get when you introduce communist spies and worthless followers to the richest country on earth; a total mess, overflowing prisons, bankrupted governments, stupid schools, and massive debt. Who let them run free and unchecked when they are lawless and pretending to be Nazis but are terrified of them in real life.
As a political matter, Obama would benefit considerably from a quick, relatively easy confirmation proceeding. The lopsidedly Democratic Senate would eventually confirm just about anyone Obama might choose. But Republicans will be looking to drag out the Senate confirmation process and to portray the nominee as a liberal activist determined to override the will of the voters. Such efforts will be more successful if the attacks ring true in light of the nominee's record. This could burn up precious floor time that Obama needs to push through his hugely ambitious policy agenda. It could also endanger some congressional Democrats in 2010 elections and thereafter. - Obama's Ideal Justice, by Stuart Taylor, Jr., ; May 09, 2009 -
They are ruthless and are pretending to be Nazis until they can torture others into coming to compliance or their political camp. It is not the full truth only an enemy they despise. When you torture others into submission by becoming what you despise; they flock to you or grant you something important, do not fall for this trick. Do not fall for this trap, it is meant to cut down anybody rescue or bring others into this insanity. We do not dress up as communists or Nazis and invade the life of others or torture them until they say what we are demanding; we prefer the truth. This is not about the truth; it is about feeling good and making others agree when they are better. We pretend back until they reveal who they are and come out of hiding. You bring these people here and let them run free or have access to other’s lives and you will have a shooting war; they do not respect any human life or anybody. The only positive outcome is a shooting war between the Army and the communist forces underground; and we sure hope the Army wins that one. A lot of military enemies and political foes felt they were ruthless and look where it got them; they know fertilize plants. We wonder if this human being might be on the same trajectory. If so, then they are not far away from some ultimate reverse evolution.
To be sure, there is "precedent" for racial discrimination by the government, but Plessy v. Ferguson was overturned in 1954 by Brown v. Board of Education. If Sotomayor had another case in mind, she wasn't telling: The lower court's dismissal of the firefighters' case was upheld by Sotomayor and two other judges in an unsigned, unpublished opinion, titled, "Talk to the Hand." Not only that, but Sotomayor's fellow Clinton appointee, Jose Cabranes (who sounds like an "empathetic" fellow), issued a blistering dissent from the appellate court's denial of a rehearing specifically on the grounds that the case "raises important questions of first impression in our Circuit -- and indeed, in the nation." - I FEEL YOUR PAIN. NOT THEIRS. YOURS, by Ann Coulter, ; May 27, 2009 -
The true powers and the real armies of the world may be served well to listen carefully to these words and our ability to catch and observe this enemy on our territory. The one aspect of the left wing and the liberals which is by far outstanding is their ability to deal with their enemies; they are ruthless. By being so, they can use violations of the law and lawlessness to their advantage. The way to fight them is not to join them when you cannot beat them; the way to fight them is to make them acknowledge who they are and make them fear their own. If they are pretending to be the Gulag Gestapo, then apply all the rules and playbooks of the Gestapo. Either they are pretending to be real Nazis and communists or they break every law on the book and ever written for some other reason. Maybe it is an accident which rewinds and automatically plays over 10,000 times or lasts for more than twenty years? That would be a good excuse and explanation if it made any sense. We wonder how great they ever were or if their academic scores can speak louder than their mouth? To be great you must know the world and reality. To be truly stupid and a complete idiot; you need to be reading about yourself or how mistaken you truly feel while looking so good and so pretty ugly.
Now consider what Obama has said about judicial activism. Conservatives point accusingly to his stated preference for judges with "the empathy to understand what it's like to be poor or African-American or gay or disabled or old." Such critics see this as an endorsement of judicial activism (as well as of judicial bias). But Obama, an accomplished constitutional scholar in his own right, has also displayed understanding of the case for judicial restraint. In his 2006 book, The Audacity of Hope, Obama spoke favorably of "moderate nominees who can garner some measure of bipartisan support." While that can be seen as political positioning, Obama also cautioned against bold judicial social engineering in a 2001 radio interview in which he spoke approvingly of "redistribution of wealth." - Obama's Ideal Justice, by Stuart Taylor, Jr., ; May 09, 2009 -
They will call you a despot and they will proudly claim to be dissidents. We saw this from the communists during the cold war; they prolong the suffering. Over the span of time, the left wing and the liberals use the elongation of time to play psychological games and to call others names while they are incapable of seeing themselves. Racism and hate is very similar because they have no other cards to throw down but to pretend and dress up themselves as others. By elongating and delaying they are able to blame and also be ruthless at the same time until others agree or face a “death sentence.” We are not exactly sure why wars are so prolific in the 20th century but we gathered enough evidence to suggest it is an inferior and criminal breed that really bothers and angers others. It is day in and day out of shameless lying or spending to win elections when it leads to draining life savings and the debt of a royal joke. It feels like these people are dead already and a total joke; so why is our life brought to this point of meaningless also? They have to stop us is what we keep hearing; doesn’t the market system do this good enough and doesn’t massive debt also do this already? Who and why do they “must stop us?” they don’t want to fix anything, they just want to arrest, imprison, and then stop us again and again; to warm us maybe?
If it were merely "empathy" that explained liberal judges' lawless opinions, one might expect some liberal judges to have empathy for the white and Hispanic firefighters being discriminated against today, and others to have empathy for the hypothetical black firefighters discriminated against in times past. But all liberals only have empathy for the exact same victims -- always the ones that are represented by powerful liberal interest groups. As Joe Sobran says, it takes a lot of clout to be a victim. Thus, the media and Democrats seem to find successful Hispanic attorney Sotomayor much more "empathetic" than successful Hispanic attorney Miguel Estrada. After aggressively blocking Estrada's nomination to a federal appeals court during Bush's first term solely on the grounds that he is Hispanic and was likely headed for the Supreme Court -- according to Senate Democrat staff memos -- now Democrats have the audacity to rave that Sotomayor will be the first Hispanic Supreme Court justice! - I FEEL YOUR PAIN. NOT THEIRS. YOURS, by Ann Coulter, ; May 27, 2009 -
That is the whole point of self sufficiency and sharing the life with others; it pays no regard to their wishes and their best interests. The best interests of the country and this world is to smash and get rid of the left wing and so far this century, every violent war on this earth has been the result of this same enemy pointing the finger and accusing others of hate and racism when it is them who are truly ruthless and lawless. When your back is against the wall and when you have nothing in this world; blame and accusations is all you have along with harassment and the above viewpoints they implant in others. You have to fight ruthlessness with greater ruthlessness but legally, honorably, and truthfully. They will never go into the battle with you because they are the devil and the antichrist. It is as if they are on some reverse evolutionary tract where the left wing turns into the right and the right wing turns into a demented left. They don’t even know who the hell they are and the story keeps changing day after day; “we are superior” and “we are angry” and “we don’t want to die” and “go home” and “we are corrupt” and “this is not our home.” How about shut up and leave us alone? How about doing something important instead of stealing it? How about leaving royals alone? How about letting people get important work done rather than overwhelm their life with threats about who is behind all this terrorism meant to alter the hate and racism laws in America? How about that part of American they left out? How about throwing them in the street and strangling them until they learn how to live life respectably instead of pounce on others for the smallest thing or demon fantasies? The world is evil and hostile to them. Everybody in America hates them. America is not fair to them. Enough insanity is enough.
North Korea. Rush says Dick Cheney runs North Korea. He does not. Shut up and move on. Hey Rush, remember the story about the South Korean ex-President who jumped off the cliff and wrote a suicide note because they are investigating him? Hint? He violated a few laws; you all violated all the laws; left not one standing. I already know what Rush is going to say, "that is not hate and racism in America... that is conservatism." Everybody in this world including China is listening in. All of the Middle East is listening. - Interview with Terror Suspects: America Will be Attacked Again! By Author; Thursday, May 28, 2009 -
The problem with the United States is the total lack of immigration laws. Anybody who had two feet and a drive to work could walk across the borders. It was only recently when the jobs dried up that immigration began to provoke people to ask why they were in need of a job. The same people have snuck into every known government position and more; the elite castes. They are actually in power and able to challenge anyone. We know the enemy is here and that same enemy has infiltrated. We are forced to talk to them every single day and they scream and shout the same hypocrisy and ignorance; meanwhile they shake their fist at the proud citizenship, property they own, and engage in this tough act “if you don’t like it then you can leave.” It is called a total lack of standards. We know they are hear and we know what they are doing; it does not take a genius to figure this out when there is a terror plot and trillions of dollars missing while we are kidnapped and called every name in the book by people dressed up or pretending to be Nazis. What is going to happen when they meet someone meaner or more powerful? What is going to happen when someone puts them in their place finally? Will they bounce right back and be at it again and again? It is a joke to think they are going around blaming royals, the smartest people on this earth, the free market, Constitutional laws, and the military authority who are responsible for keeping them out of our life. That is the problem with National Security.
If Sotomayor is not more empathetic than Estrada, liberals at least consider her more Hispanic -- an interesting conclusion inasmuch as Sotomayor was born in New York and Estrada was born in Honduras. …The truth is liberals couldn't care less about Sotomayor being Hispanic. Indeed, liberals often have trouble telling Hispanic people apart, as James Carville illustrated on "Good Morning America" Wednesday morning when he kept confusing Miguel Estrada with Alberto Gonzales. "Empathy," in Liberalspeak, is nothing but raw political power. - I FEEL YOUR PAIN. NOT THEIRS. YOURS, by Ann Coulter, ; May 27, 2009 -
It is like making cars. If you cannot make a decent or high quality one, then leave. We do not need this junk or how this is their home and they need jobs. We do not know what to do with a political pile of junk either but if they are running around acting like Nazis, then maybe they should be treated the same way and even worse. The masters of war and the royal system of this world will not stop this shooting match but they must decide who wins it and unleash hell on the human spirit who produced and born in this world this pile of junk. Power over others; the police, economy, government officials, judges, entertainers, etc… are all power relationships and everywhere; must it be a two way street and not the truth in the same space and time of occupation? Acting as our trial lawyers or finding minor flaws in their political enemies is not strong enough; but that ruthlessness has now gone way off the cliff and into communist plots and terror plots. If they have not made it yet; then they are in serious trouble. You need to work hard and study like normal people to advance with academic merits. In the high technology sectors, the top five engineering schools are all located is Asia no matter if this battle is about hate and racism. These people look stupid and very desperate. They look like they cannot compete because they are high on food which makes their belly swell up and they refuse to bath or loose the weight.
North Korea. Admit you just tripped up. We are talking about a lot of people in this world and "shedding that skin" is going to be very difficult. Nobody is going to wish business with these people or advance debt and failure. That is a prime example of this failure. They do not go after kidnappers and terrorists but they sure are willing to promote hate and racism! Anger everybody and steal everything; then put the face of a minority on it. With high technology, you all are an intelligence liability. Make fun of terrorists and kidnappers like North Korea Rush. You all are moles and you have infiltrated the CIA, government, and the police system. Just remember where all that debt and oil comes from. - Interview with Terror Suspects: America Will be Attacked Again! By Author; Thursday, May 28, 2009 -
Ruthlessness is on their side. How do you deal with happiness or life when you see this slime ball human with their hands all over your life day in and day out; wishing to share and ambush you because you cannot detect their surveillance in your own home? It is not happening in public, all access has been shut down, and they must come into the residences and bug their homes. To continue the kidnapping and harassment, they must figure out how to gain access to terrorize someone. The police are apathetic; they came from the same sewage system with exploded on the landscape. These are not very good families; they come from the mean streets and taught to be tough; to hate the country and its laws. They are taught to rewrite the laws and to rewrite the lives of others no matter how much fight they put up. It does not matter if it is royalty, a common man, or a homeless down and out person missing a life. That is the problem; this human species is blind to the idea of family, good families, and proper behavior. Jobs are the only thing they get this special treatment and royalty from and it is a very bad act by a very hostile human element. That is liberalism and that is material cultures which erupted in 1850 and began to die out around the 1940s. They lack total morals and worse; they partake in this grand deception.
They all emerge from the same urban landscape or some complete hole-in-the-wall isolation out of touch with others or society. These bizarre and arrested development breeds a climate of violence and corruption; no less indoctrinates them into radicalism and community organizations led by real socialist and communist spies trying to win at the game of politics. It is the same mold cut from the same teachers and then done for the same reasons. They have infiltrated and used ruthlessness and deception (trickery and fraud) to gain access to the lives of others for the sole reason of sharing and subjugating them; to tell them they are selfish or need to leave immediately for not sharing their life. It is like the prison system where control in the prison is by placing a well connected social network in jobs and positions. The people in the prison are not there to stop it or oppose it; we are talking about the warden and staff. That is where we are at right now and if anybody has to leave, then it is the ones who have 10,000 charges not the ones with one response.
"The Constitution is a document of negative liberties," Obama said in that interview. "[It] says what [government] can't do to you ... but it doesn't say what [government] must do on your behalf.... I am not optimistic about bringing about major redistributive change through the courts. You know, the institution just isn't structured that way.... The court is not very good at it and politically it is hard to legitimize opinions from the court in that regard.... So I think that although you can craft theoretical justifications for ... bringing about economic change through the courts, I think that as a practical matter that our institutions are just poorly equipped to do it." Obama also suggested then that "unelected judiciaries making laws in what is supposed to be a democracy" undermined the legitimacy of their decisions. Former colleagues at the University of Chicago Law School, where he taught, have described the president as skeptical of the courts' ability to improve on the political process in resolving big public policy issues. - Obama's Ideal Justice, by Stuart Taylor, Jr., ; May 09, 2009 -
The problem with the people we are dealing with and thriving to apprehend is they feel a power or some power over us. Whether it is financial, public service, police powers, or some meaningful reason; they feel it is sorcery and power over others. We do not know if they are pointing the finger or accepting the blame; however, anyway you look at it, it is irresponsible, gross injustices, a genuine traitor, and very close to both Nazism and communism. There is absolutely no way to avoid a similar trial and similar punishments because the similarities are so stark and so unbridling. It is an unabridged effort to impose evil on others and hope for a desired outcome. However, they are manipulative and cunning to be there every step of the way to determine this outcome by using oppression and corruption. They need to address this and directly; not in hiding or by some shadow government; before a shooting war erupts and their slaughter becomes some national prize. These are serious charges they and the locals are harboring.
All of this suggests that Obama's nominee may disappoint believers in crusading judicial activism. It also suggests that the president may have a very hard time finding his ideal justice. Even if he can make a list of candidates who are liberal -- but not activist -- on social issues and not so liberal on curbing presidential war powers, he would feel pressure to cross off any who happen to be white males, in order to diversify the Court's demographic profile. He also wants to diversify the professional profile of a Court now consisting of nine federal Appeals Court alumni, eight of whom studied law at Harvard or Yale. - Obama's Ideal Justice, by Stuart Taylor, Jr., ; May 09, 2009 -
The promise of peace and prosperity when and if the truth is released and clearly present in a verifiable and written form; one side will get the death penalty while the other is exonerated. These lies are a recruitment process, they are intended to recruit and encourage followers to not give up or give in. This was and still is a very unpleasant experience; almost life ending. How do you recover from being the victims of the worst human beings on earth who think they are special? They take it one step further and try to beat you up even if they are a terminal joke who has not graduated from a proper education and upbringing. However, the same people who claim to be the police will go from a phony word to real enemies and real threats because the gap between their words and their existence is so grossly uncelebrated. This undeclared dead spot, where blame and lies exist, is where they live. Calibrated on fluctuating and bending back and forth; they know the truth will hang them. They know they must hang the truth or those who will use it on them.
What Obama needs, in short, is an intellectually stellar, not-too-old, Hispanic woman lawyer with empathy for the powerless; views on social issues that are predictably liberal but not so activist as to inflame the Right; views on presidential war powers that are predictably deferential but not so much so as to inflame the Left; broad real-world experience; and, of course, rapport with Obama. No such human being exists, I suspect. I also suspect that the president may come to see the opportunity to choose a new justice as a lot less fun than a law professor might imagine. - Obama's Ideal Justice, by Stuart Taylor, Jr., ; May 09, 2009 -
This idea we are being used as propaganda for some “future recruitment” camp or were put into some terrorist recruitment program is true. The entire world was put in this recruitment and propaganda. It is a war and it is murky who the bad and good guys are. It has been this way for almost a full century in the Middle East and the foreign policies of the United States there entangled us with more and more obligations until our policies were overbearing and even over extended. That is how you become weaker and weaker; worse and worse. Six seconds of sewage water boarding is torture by radio shock jock lung capacities. Liberals are always challenging the notion they are tougher and more evil; but when it comes to the Constitution or lawless retribution; they are out of this world. What we caught and detected was the most elusive and deceptive spy group who had infiltrated the right wing and in the worst way; the fear of a shooting war after the cold war collapsed on the communist forces. Seeing them bleed in a deserving way is not a crime; bleeding on us is. We do not have time to bleed or to think about why this enemy is; we encourage their destruction if all of this is true and the way they live like thieves and terrorists.
At Notre Dame, the President offered to work with pro-lifers to draft what he called “sensible” conscience protections for pro-life physicians and other health care workers. This favorably impressed some in the pro-life community, especially since one of President Obama’s first acts was to rescind conscience protection regulations supported by the pro-life community that had been put into place by the Bush Administration’s Department of Health and Human Services. Here, alas, I must urge caution. It seems to me overwhelmingly likely that the key word in the President’s offer is “sensible.” What is “sensible” to him, I predict, is precisely what is regarded as sensible by the Committee on Ethics of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, namely, requiring physicians to refer for abortions, even if their consciences forbid it, and allowing pro-life obstetricians and gynecologists to refuse to perform abortions only when it is clear that an abortion can be provided by a willing physician in the area. For physicians and surgeons who believe that abortion is unjust killing and a grave violation of human rights, this is not sensible. It is ominous. I beg the President’s pro-life supporters urgently to request from him a statement clarifying the meaning of “sensible” conscience protection. If it means weakening current laws, so doctors will be compelled to refer for abortions and in so-called emergencies even to perform abortions, then even here pro-life citizens have no common ground with the President of the United States. - Obama and His Pro-Life Apologists, By Robert George, ; May 29, 2009 -
It is not difficult to figure out what is going on. If you grab people off the street for no reason or “suspect” they are up to no good and water board them ten times, chances are they will want to kill you. So if the charge they are trying to kill you did not exist before, then it does now. If you deny you were trying to recruit, kill, or mistreated them by saying, “we did not water board you 10 times, we only did it 5 times” they will sue you for millions and make sure you spend the rest of your days in obscurity and poverty. If you then say, “I really do not care what you do to me or what I have to do to stop you” then you will get the death penalty and a wrath so uncaring; you will wish you were dead. This is who and what we are dealing with and who is behind the terror plots and the massive recruitment propaganda. They somehow feel the catastrophe of being beaten and wish to outdo others in a kitschy and big-city like experience. They have no fate and now their reputation went from desperate to terminally a joke.
The common ground I am interested in is with pro-life Americans who, like Professor Kmiec, have supported the President politically. The election is over, and the current question is not who anyone thinks will do the best job as President, or even whether one may legitimately support candidates who deny the fundamental dignity and right to life of unborn human beings and who promise to protect and extend the abortion license and expand the funding of embryo-destructive research. The question is: On which issues will we support the President’s direction, and on which will we challenge him because he is heading in the wrong direction? Those pro-life Americans who voted for him and support him should not object when we speak for the most vulnerable and defenseless of our fellow human beings, even when that means severely criticizing the President’s policies. They should stand with us on common ground, and join their voices with ours. - Obama and His Pro-Life Apologists, By Robert George, ; May 29, 2009 -
Now, only lies and corruption can fix it. So this detainment is how the recruitment process works; apparently those behind it are compelled to hide the truth knowing how it will get them the death penalty or severe punishments. How long and how much they can hide, how long they can keep this going on is being tested at this time. It is about hate and racism in America and it is about the future of it in America; if we survive the damned curse of it. The fact they are here puts this curse and hex on us. The fact they insist we are a threat is the curse and hex. The fact we are a prisoner and they are always paranoid of their government and others is pathetic because they screw their own kids. They are the damned and they came here to invade and hold us hostage so they would not be persecuted; when they come to the realization they are not welcomed and have no future left; then this exploration and desperate discovery and operation can end. The truth can come out and they can be brought to justice where they get the “death sentence” or charges open ended and still amassing at this time. Their case has been adjudicated by their victims and the public needs to read what the reports and case involves; they too will be charged with a duty to destroy this kind of ham sandwich missing the bread.
According to liberals, the right to kill babies was enshrined by the Founding Fathers in our Constitution -- and other constitutional rights are celebrated in public. …This is a "constitutional right" like no other.Even its supporters are embarrassed by the exercise of this right. They won't practice the right in public -- they won't even call abortion by its name, preferring to use a string of constantly changing euphemisms, such as "reproductive health" and "choice." … Liberals can be all sweet reason as long as their preference for abortion on demand is lyingly called a "constitutional right," immutable to the tiniest alteration by the voters. In the minuscule areas where abortion policy can be affected, Obama has shown his passion for compromise by always taking the most extreme pro-abortion position. - NOTRE DAME HOLDS FIRST ALAN KEYES FUNDRAISER, by Ann Coulter, ; May 20, 2009 -
The charges on them are almost equivalent to those imposed on the Nazi leadership but it is an attempt to sway the opinions of others so they can deny ever doing it. So they are real enemies and genuine traitors; who are out looking for real enemies and genuine traitors to them; the world is being written by them and so is the future at this time. They are terrified and they are damned; they must set up this gulag or prison camp and that is how the recruitment process begins. Prisons are the University Crime and where people go to find themselves or to prove themselves. We release paroled convicts into society when we should deport them to some other dynasty or country so they stop coming back the next day and blaming or trying to hold us prisoners again and again. In their mind, we are in their world and they are the same as us; we are oppressing them so they must oppress back. The University of Crime becomes the Liberty University the left wing and this curse on our nation or world in civil war mannerisms.
Liberals were awestruck by Obama's statesmanlike speech at Notre Dame, but whatever he says about abortion is frothy nonsense because we're not allowed to vote on abortion policy in America. If it's a "constitutional right," we can no more vote on abortion than we could vote on free speech. With Roe v. Wade, abortion supporters ripped the issue out of the democratic process -- limb from limb, you might say -- and declared their desired outcome a "constitutional right." They have hysterically defended that lawless decision for the last quarter-century. All of Obama's soothing words about joining hands and not demonizing one another are just blather as long as that legal monstrosity remains the law of the land. Showing his open-mindedness, Obama asked, "How does each of us remain firm in our principles ... without demonizing those with just as strongly held convictions on the other side?" (What do I have to do to get you murderers and you non-murderers to shake hands and be friends?) A good start would be letting us vote.
The truth is, they are damned and while they live, they curse us and the country. The truth is they have power over others and use government to abuse that power. The hatred for these people abroad and at home is real but they live in a country which will not let them get away and will fight them to the death. It is a country founded by everything they violate and do not believe in. Why they are hear claiming to be royals by job and material power over others when we know it is all debt and this royal lie can end any moment is unique. We can either learn with this the right way or not; but a shooting war is going to be really difficult to avoid when it entails and engulfs our life with terror plots and kidnappings. Will we ever get the truth and bring them to justice for the gross injustices and war crimes? If they are terrified, can they show one case or instance where senseless or random violence was used on them? Can they show torture or any kind of illegal and cruel acts? These are baseless claims and excuses meant to open a way to escape and rally the public and world behind them. What they are mad about believes in communism and now they are missing a future and country.
On his third day in office, Obama overturned the "Mexico City Policy," which prohibited U.S. taxpayer money from being spent on overseas organizations that perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning. Obama has filled his administration with Planned Parenthood veterans and friends of partial-birth abortionists. As an Illinois state senator in 2002-2003, Obama repeatedly blocked and voted against the "Born Alive Act," which would have allowed doctors to give medical care to babies who somehow survived abortions and remained alive, wholly apart from their mothers. Here's my idea for how we can "live together as one human family," as Obama proposed at Notre Dame: Go ahead, demonize pro-lifers, Obama -- call us "right-wing ideologues." But just once, support one little policy that will save a single unborn child. - NOTRE DAME HOLDS FIRST ALAN KEYES FUNDRAISER, by Ann Coulter, ; May 20, 2009 -
These people are really stupid and many believe they have a serious learning disability or some mental flaw. A personality disorder is too insignificant. If you are stupid and do not have reality, what other option is there but to attack and what is behind this pain or fear? Most violent fugitives, felons, child molesters, rapists, and even terrorists and spies; will openly admit how terrified they are if caught. Now they are signaling us out again and saying how terrified they are when we already know. When you live life in this manner, what else is there but to take and what act of pride can there ever be but to steal or pretend? Now how do we empathize with this bottom dweller and explain to this world their hatred is real and honest? We cannot even stand them or their political charade and evil; no less cold blooded murder. We foiled and bungled their recruitment camp but they will not and have not admitted we foiled it. Instead, they insist how they stopped us or how we scare the hell out of them or say things offensive. It keeps going on and on while we sit and wait for the 10,000 attacks to end and the 1 response send them to orbit like space trash that doesn’t burn well in hell.
"Mother" lyrics by Pink Floyd
Mother, do you think they'll drop the bomb?
Mother, do you think they'll like this song?
Mother, do you think they'll try to break my balls?
Mother, should I build the wall?
Mother, should I run for President?
Mother, should I trust the government?
Mother, will they put me in the firing line?
Is it just a waste of time?
Hush now baby, baby, don't you cry
Momma's gonna make all of your nightmares come true
Momma's gonna put all of her fears into you
Momma's gonna keep you right here under her wing
She won't let you fly, but she might let you sing
Mommas will keep Baby cozy and warm
Oooo Babe
Oooo Babe
Ooo Babe, of course Momma's gonna help build the wall
Mother, do you think she's good enough
For me?
Mother, do you think she's dangerous
To me?
Mother will she tear your little boy apart?
Mother, will she break my heart?
Hush now baby, baby, don't you cry
Momma's gonna check out all your girlfriends for you
Momma won't let anyone dirty get through
Momma's gonna wait up until you get in
Momma will always find out where you've been
Momma's gonna keep Baby healthy and clean
Oooo Babe
Oooo Babe
Ooo Babe, you'll always be Baby to me
Mother, did it need to be so high?
"Goodbye Blue Sky" lyrics by Pink Floyd
"Look mummy, there's an aero plane up in the sky"
Oooooooo ooo ooo ooo ooooh(x 2)
Did-did-did-did-you see the frightened ones?
Did-did-did-did-you hear the falling bombs?
Did-did-did-did-you ever wonder why we had to run for shelter
When the promise of a brave new world
Unfurled beneath a clear blue sky?
Oooooooo ooo ooo ooo ooooh (x 2)
Did-did-did-did-you see the frightened ones?
Did-did-did-did-you hear the falling bombs?
The flames are all long gone, but the pain lingers on.
Goodbye, blue sky
Goodbye, blue sky.
Goodbye. (x 2)
"The 11:15 from Newcastle is now approaching"
"The 11:18 arrival...."
"Young Lust" lyrics by Pink Floyd
I am just a new boy
Stranger in this town
Where are all the good times?
Who's gonna show this stranger around?
Ooooo I need a dirty woman
Ooooo I need a dirty girl
Will some woman in this desert land?
Make me feel like a real man?
Take this rock n roll refugee
Ooo Babe, set me free
Ooooo I need a dirty woman
Ooooo I need a dirty girl
Ooooo I need a dirty woman
Ooooo I need a dirty girl
(Phone Ringing)
[Man:] "Hello?"
[Operator:] "Yes, a collect call for Mrs. Floyd from Mr. Floyd.
Will you accept the charges from the United States?"
(Phone is Hung Up)
"He hung up. Is this your residence, sir?"
"I wonder why he hung up..."
"There must be someone else there
Besides your wife to answer."
(Phone Ringing)
[Man:] "Hello?"
[Operator:] "This is the United States calling."
"Are we reaching?"
(Phone is Hung Up)
"See he keeps hanging up."
"But it's a man answering."
(Operator cuts connection)
“Lame” lyrics by Seven Mary Three
There’s a tall, a mulatto, boy I know
And he comes to every party -- stands alone
Viewing them the rest, from the corner of his glance
It gets so clear, he’s not judging anyone
The way his arms float around his cage, he’s caged
Canary sings, silently rings, his voice to rage
The way they stop and stare, the way they turn their heads
It’s enough to make him want to, run away
But he stays he stands his ground
And I’m so lame
The way I condescend without ever, knowing his name
He keeps it in a box, hangs it from his ear
Looks at everyone without the slightest fear
It’s making me so, ashamed
Slender body, slip through his glance
I don’t give him a single chance
The way he’s rocking back and forth
Makes a buzzing in my ear
Constantly reminding me that I never stop to hear
Him say hello, hello
And I’m so lame
Like a moth bumping off his GODLESS flame
I cannot condescend or even apprehend, what comes over me
When I see his shameless face
So rage, please rage, against me
Beat me down, beat me down, forgive me
For what I’ve done, I’m so lame, I’m so lame, I’m so lame
So lame, so lame, so lame
"The One" lyrics by Soil
How long have I been standing here my friend
Has it been so long?
I've been spreading myself so thin
And I've been so wrong
I wanna be the one you run to
And I wanna be your only one
I wanna be the one you turn to
And I wanna be the one
Why did all the good times turn to sin?
And has it been so long
I've been standing here in my footprints
And I am so wrong
You shine on me all the good times with you
Where all the smiles belong
You trust in me to save the last tear for you
Cause I've been so wrong
Hey now it’s been so long
Hey hey won't you believe in me
Hey now I've come so far
How now won't you believe in me?
Frustrations...My aberrance
My time...In my life
I can't be what you see in me
I can't be…
"Our Lips are Sealed" lyrics by The Go-Go's
Can you hear them?
They talk about us
Telling lies
Well that's no surprise
Can you see them?
See right through them
They have no shield
No secrets to reveal
It doesn't matter what they say
In the jealous games people play
Our lips are sealed
Careless talk
Through paper walls
We can't stop them
Only laugh at them
Spreading rumors
So far from true
Dragged up from the underworld
Just like some precious pearl
It doesn't matter what they say
In the jealous games people play
Our lips are sealed
Pay no mind to what they say
It doesn't matter anyway
Our lips are sealed
There's a weapon
We must use
In our defense
When you look at them
Look right through them
That's when they'll disappear
That's when you'll be feared
Hush, my darling
Don't you cry
Quiet, angel
Forget their lies
“Bleeding” lyrics by Flickerstick
See you down on your knees
But I know your beggin' please
Why you still here
So mean to me
So you, you, want to know
But you'll never be with me
How far will you drive?
How far will you drive?
Tonight I'm gonna be
Another catastrophe
Better than the first time
So why, why, why'd you go
You’re tearing me down so low
I knew you'd be here tonight
(Chorus, x3)
Everyone is here with me
But there just here to be seen
Maybe I could, watch them bleed
If they weren’t so effin mean
(Chorus, x3)
So why, why, why'd you go
You’re tearing me down so low
I always knew you'd be here tonight
Can't we get it right?
And for once try not to fight
And I could still be bleeding, bleeding, bleeding, bleeding, bleeding
Watch me get it right
(Chorus, x3)
How far…
You say it's over
You say it's over
And I think you believe yourself, when you say
You say it's over
You say it's over
And I think you believe yourself, when you say
When you say (repeat x4)
"Sound of Madness" lyrics by Shinedown
Yeah I get it
You're an outcast
Always under attack
Always coming in last
Bringing up the past
No one owes you anything
I think you need a shotgun blast
A kick in the ass
So paranoid
Watch your back!
Oh my here we go
Another lose cannon gone bi-polar
Slipped down couldn't get much lower
Quicksand's got no sense of humor
I'm still laughing like hell
You think that the crying to me
Looking so sorry that I'm going to believe
You've been infected by a social disease
Well then take your medicine
I created the Sound of Madness
Wrote the book on pain
Somehow I'm still here to explain
That the darkest hour never comes in the night
You can sleep with a gun
When you going to wake up and fight
For yourself
I'm so sick of this tombstone mentality
If there's an afterlife
Then it'll set you free
But I'm not going to part the seas
You're a self-fulfilling prophecy
You think that crying to me
Looking so sorry that I'm going to believe
You've been infected by a social disease
Well then take your medicine
When you going to wake up and fight for yourself? [X3]
"Lifeline" lyrics by Papa Roach
When I was a boy
I didn't care 'bout a thing
It was me and this world and a broken dream
I was blaming myself
for all that was going wrong
I was way out there
on the wrong side of town
and the ones that I loved
I started pushing 'em out
then I realised
That it was all my fault
I've been looking for a lifeline
for what seems like a lifetime
I'm drowning in the pain
breaking down again
looking for a lifeline
So I put out my hand
and I asked for some help
we tore down the walls I built around myself
I was struck by the light
and I fell to the ground
Is there anybody out there (anybody out there)?
Can you pull me from this ocean (of despair)?
I'm drowning in the pain
breaking down again
looking for a lifeline
You know a heart of gold
wont take you all the way
And in a world so cold
its hard to keep the faith
I’m never gonna fade away!
I've been looking for a lifeline
for what seems like a lifetime
I'm drowning in the pain
breaking down again
looking for a lifeline
Is there anybody out there?
Can you pull me from this ocean of dispare?
I'm drowning in the pain
breaking down again
looking for a lifeline…
“Time is Running Out” by Muse
I think I'm drowning
I wanna break this spell
That you've created
You’re something beautiful
A contradiction
I wanna play the game
I want the friction
You will be the death of me
You will be the death of me
Bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it
Our time is running out
Our time is running out
You can't push it underground
You can't stop it screaming out
I wanted freedom
Bound and restricted
I tried to give you up
But I'm addicted
Now that you know I'm trapped
Sense of elation
You’d never dream of
Breaking this fixation
You will squeeze the life out of me
How did it come to this?
You will suck the life out of me
Our time is running out
Our time is running out
You can't push it underground
You can't stop it screaming out
How did it come to this?
"Love like Rockets" lyrics by Angels and Airwaves
I held my head as it left the ground
The belts grew tight as the blast grew load
A loving wish whispered in my ear
Please lead with grace, all the best, my dear, yeah, it’s like
I held your hand as I pulled you in
Your lips sealed tight, ready to begin
I kissed you first, then you kissed my ear
If I ask you once will you ask me every year?
Do you feel alive? Imagine, imagine
Do you feel alive? Imagine, imagine
The sun it set in the night time sky
The stars they cast a glow upon my eyes
The earth itself a burning ball of light, yeah, it’s like
And our first love was ignited late that night
Do you feel alive? Imagine, imagine
Do you feel alive? Imagine, imagine
The stars in your eyes light up the sky
With thoughts, light and fire and sound
The stars in your eyes light up the sky
With thoughts, light and fire and sound
The stars in your eyes light up the sky
With thoughts, light and fire and sound
The stars in your eyes light up the sky
With thoughts, light and fire and sound
The stars in your eyes light up the sky
With thoughts, light and fire and sound
The stars in your eyes light up the sky
With thoughts, light and fire and sound
About Me
- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest