This is the full account of the “chaos” this new spy group wreaked in only a two months time. Understand how we feed intelligence back and forth and how they want retaliation so they can reaffirm this right wing conspiracy and secret war on them. They think if they can abuse and torture the most precious of the leaders, they will flush out and jump on the trail of some secret government or effort to destroy them. The truth is the truth destroys them and they are too stupid to know this or realize. Meanwhile, the effort after effort and living an angry and corrupt life got them nothing but a world of trouble where confidence in their leaders is meek and a testament of how cowards exist among us hidden from dangers which they are in. For this breed and group who spend until life is a reality of hell, they finally figured out and realized it was all a trap and a sting, yes an orchestrated effort by the military authority to fight and defeat the ghost of the communist state.
It's time to live in reality, folks. With Dallas billionaire Ross Perot, what you see is what you get. Step one: Look at his latest explanation for quitting the Presidential race in July. Now, forget that stuff about a revitalized Democratic party and his desire to avoid throwing the race into the House of Representatives. Stay with me. The real reason for Perot's abrupt withdrawal? He feared that GOP dirty tricksters were out to smear daughter Carolyn with doctored photos and disrupt her August wedding, see? And he discovered later that the Willie Horton crowd, those boys-will-be-boys Republicans, were planning to tap his office phone. You all know what I'm talking about. It's simple. - Ross Perot Plain as Day, by Wendy Zellner, ; November 09, 1992 -
The arrest warrants have been issued and a complaint filed to the government who was behind this to vacate or face retaliation and destruction if the arrest warrants are ignored. A state of martial law is looming for attempting to steal SDI and hijacking the satellite warfare program and using it on us as a method of rescue and escape. We will make this real clear how an entire new cadre and roster is being trained for this particular emergency and their orders are clear and concise about waging war on the United States and trashing the Constitution to no perils. These new recruits are hungry for an example, a good hunt, and a fine kill. This is as good as it gets and as evil as human beings will ever become. We already have a confession and over six months of very concise details.
What you see is what you get: If Perot's lying now, he's just another cynical politician, slinging innuendo and rumor with the best of the dirty tricksters. And if he's telling the truth now, he was fibbing in July, right? Sure, he was just trying to protect his world-class daughter. Couldn't ruin the happiest day of her life by revealing the sordid GOP plot before--or even immediately after--the big event. Never mind that Perot says daughter Carolyn and the rest of his world-class family have faced down death threats from the Vietnamese. Forget that Perot says five Black Panthers once infiltrated his front yard only to be scared off by a guard dog. Carolyn would have been dev-a-stated if she had learned about this Republican Mickey Mouse salad before the wedding. - Ross Perot Plain as Day, by Wendy Zellner, ; November 09, 1992 -
We knew they were on the loose and operating but did not know when if ever we would make contact and run into them. Never did we expect to be kidnapped right out of college and put through a ten year ordeal of being broken down and our life rewritten by lies and deceit. All of our work was now in the hands of the White House and they were skirting around acting as if they were some godsend and blessing from the heavens so precious we could not live with them or among them. This is about religious persecution and police powers. It is about the use of the military and how they transported their religious persecution into foreign and domestic policy to fight the wars and battles of the damned whose leaders are all communist spies in deep cover. Now, we have cornered them and forced them to lay down their cards or pick up their Kalashnikovs which are replaced by Army issue until they complete their tasks. Keep in mind; this is just two weeks out of ten full years of this insanity which leaves permanent if not debilitating mental and emotional trauma being terrorized by communists and liberals. The idea is simple, nobody has any say, just be grateful to survive and what we have if anything.
What happens when two cops stop loving their job...and start living it? This 'emotionally riveting, powerful and unsparing film (Variety) exposes the plight of two narcotics officers who cross the line...and become enmeshed in the dangerous but intoxicating underbelly of the drug world. Jason Patric (Your Friends and Neighbors) and Golden Globe nominee* Jennifer Jason Leigh (Dolores Claiborne) give rich, full-blooded performances (Entertainment Weekly) as undercover officers Jim Raynor and Kristen Cates, partners who become lovers and addicts as they infiltrate the local drug scene in order to bring down a suspected drug lord (Greg Allman). But as their relationship intensifies and their drug use turns to abuse, the fine line between the good guys and the bad guys becomes as blurry as their drug-induced vision. - Synopsis: Rush (1994), Product Description, -
I moved to (X identity) approximately 50 days ago. I began to utilize the local businesses and frequent the bars up and down (X location) Avenue. There have been a lot of problems with the locals. Many of them are upset and angry about their disposition and they make it well known they wish to move to another place. They ask me why I decided to live here. I began to notice new faces from different areas crowding around the usual places I went to. What began as simply hanging out at a bar increasingly transpired into random and unannounced appearances to avoid the hostility? I chose different times and even afternoon hours skipping Friday and Saturday nights. I ignored it and focused on having a good time and enjoying myself. I am a happy person. I do not have a “Robin Hood” complex or some personality disorder which worsens this.
Thursday, March 19, 2009 let’s talk world war now. Does your military or foreign military wish to surrender? You need to tell the JCS and Pentagon now! We will really go full blast and full throttle on you all. Who is it and can we have the names? If you want war then let the Pentagon know right now so they can prepare. All the names and all the spies in the Pentagon, yes or no? “Yes, do not like to be used as a political weapon.” If there is one more incident where you target us or if I hear a hit by your group; we will not hesitate again. So you failed in the prisoner release rescue. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, “Do you want to fight this out?” by Author; Thursday, March 19, 2009 –
This hostility from the locals led me to cease the interactions due to verbal scolding, name calling, and what appeared to be a “gang mentality.” To me, it felt as if they were staking ownership to the neighborhood, the property, and the businesses. If this gang mentality was broken, more and more problem along with an increased quantity of individuals was involved until they made conditions unbearable and you had to leave. Even though the owner of the bar was friendly and agreed with me as to the nature of the problem, he informed me I could not go to the bar anymore because “they” paid his bills and he could not risk the deep financial problems.
Who is the military, Israel as I said? “Free… yes who is free… someone is using the teleprompter? Obama? You will not see it?” So you are covering up now Rush, Intel just told me it is a lie; do not lie to me Rush, they just called me. So you admit it, “where are you getting this… you are printing it.” We know you are a General but I need the military wing and the people who wear uniforms, you know, the General I was dealing with and will smash. He is scared beyond belief of me and rightly so; you are. “They are deadly… the worst mistake ever made.” So you all want to play this the hard way… Ok, your choice. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, “Do you want to fight this out?” by Author; Thursday, March 19, 2009 –
After only 30 days, I stopped going out and frequenting public places in order to avoid these individuals upstairs. They presented themselves as not hostile and friends. Who would have know they were emissaries for this situation and my particular kidnapping. I began to stay home and enjoy the company of one of the building residences. In the 3rd week in this apartment, I bring a U-haul trailer filled with computers, carpet steamers, and 20 high end vacuum cleaners. I am stopped twice by the Sheriff’s Department at NOCO, where the (X location) Airport is. I explain the whole matter and he doesn’t believe me. The officer begins running my plates and everything.
Who sells insurance? It is a yes or no question. Do not explain. I need an answer by tonight. If I do not get one, you will have perpetual and internecine warfare, endless until we have a winner. Do you want this or not? Why did you or they drive off or not furnish a certification process? Obama did it really? No he did not… he may read it off a teleprompter and we know it is linked to Clinton directly. So you wanted to “air the death threat… from angry Bob.” Do they want a military ass whooping; they are 911 suspects and linked to a cover up. It is a yes or no; if yes then they must comply fully. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, “Do you want to fight this out?” by Author; Thursday, March 19, 2009 –
They also ask where I am going and what I am doing in this area. I tell him I just moved here. Again, they do not believe me and search the truck. The next morning, I begin unloading the U-haul. As I am unloading, a guy comes up to me and asks if he can buy a vacuum cleaner. Not knowing the situation, I agree to give him the best model I have as a “gift” for $30. He then asks if I want to sell the entire lot of equipment and I tell him no. Never seeing him again, he tells me his relative has a cleaning business and to keep him in mind if I do. While paying me, he comes into my apartment and pulls out a huge wad of cash. I was impressed and he says he is here to visit the guy with the red pickup truck.
(Pre-show) So Rush, Ann says you and this group are so insanely jealous of us. You had followed us and targeted me when I was not only 16 waiting to see where it would lead and this “vast right wing conspiracy.” You noticed the presence of US military Generals, then sent George Bush to take us and them out or any other US General if they popped their head up or came to our defense. You knew after satellite and radar school you were on the trail of SDI and wanted to steal it and destroy us. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 24, 2009 -
When I moved into the building, I was informed that a girl named Lisa Joseph lived next door and a family lived upstairs. I spoke to the family who lived upstairs on many occasions but this was all. On the second week living in this building, an unusual character began appearing every single time I worked on my car, moved my things in the building, or would come home. The unusual frequency in which our paths crossed and the inordinate attempts to befriend me made me weary of the information he was telling me, both about him and others in the neighborhood. I began to grow both suspicious and very annoyed. I began ignoring him and when he would “run-in” with me I would ask him if he lived in the building. Each and every time he was asked about his residence, he would tell me “I live here with my girlfriend, we share the apartment.” What I could not understand was why he would always ring the doorbell and why the front door was always unlocked. After all this hostility in the first 30 days, I began securing the property especially at night.
You knew we were perfect and perfectionist, we had been hand picked and trained. Our resumes were perfect in 1998 and from there you or this spy group destroyed us and abused us so badly; you trashed the Constitution. However, we were quiet and suffered while we tried to gather intelligence, understand what was occurring, and flush you out. Then after 911, we sounded the alarms and Bush and your group shut us up and tried to either kill us or make it go away. It was not until Ann came in were you broken and knew it was a sting and a set up. You knew the game was over then and called the other side to clean up for you and pretend a mistake was made and we were “liberals and commies.” - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 24, 2009 -
As I began to notice this hostility and securing the property to ensure nothing would happen, this character named Jason Conte informed me how a group of 4 black youths had been suspiciously loitering around my pickup truck. I informed him I wash that car every day due to the amount of bird droppings every morning. I also told him that the minute my truck is damaged, I would know. He informed me that if his careful eye were not present that night, the four black youths would have damaged the vehicle. I asked him who they were and he said they lived in the back. I went to confront the 4 blacks youths he noticed and did not find any such residence as he indicated.
So that was where the hatred originated; back when I was 16 and how both Ann and I had a perfect life until 1998. I cannot even get a bank account now, have massive medical issues, and cannot even pass a background check from all the daily abuse. You attacked me hourly at work and had me man the phones as angry people called in minute by minute to rip us apart. I finally just called it quits after all the verbal abuse. I was fired from almost every job. I had legal problems and expenses unmanageable. All because we had been handpicked and had a perfect life. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 24, 2009 -
Three (3) days after this incident, there were 6 small dents on the hood of my pickup truck. Things up to this point did not receive any of my attention or care. Jason Conte and Lisa Joseph, the tenant next door would argue and fight day in and day out. I heard them screaming, yelling, and throwing things at each other in the middle of the night which made me increasingly weary and suspicious of any contact with them.
Then the war began and the first salvos from 1997 to present. You knew we were getting specialized training and leadership coaching; you hated the rich and hated the elites; hated the military and wanted to bust it and destroy what work was done after the Cold War ended badly for the left, unions, Jews, and liberals. Your spy group and high level moles were the only ones strong enough to accomplish this mess and stop this mission. You failed and were broken and got the ass whooping of you life and knew you had to go into exile and hiding on your knees. You knew the US military was too strong for your psychological and spy group. You stepped on a booby-trap we had set and it was too late. Then you said I would or we would give you the tools to finish your mission and changed the tune. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 24, 2009 -
Items began disappearing from the basement and things misplaced. In one instance, I placed a brand new push broom in the common area of the stairs for the tenants to use when the grass clippings accumulated inside the building. The afternoon it was placed out there, I saw Jason Conte pick up the broom, move it outside and never returned it to the place I left it. The next day it was gone. My drum sets downstairs were moved around and one of my drum sticks were thrown in front of the main doorway. I did not pick it up as I wanted whomever who put it there to kindly replace it. It was subsequently thrown away by someone.
Ann said she had to stop them and confront them either face to face or look them in the eye. She wanted to know who they were or if they were who we are after. Some were just terrible people, while Ann refused to shut up even if she looked so badly. She said there was terminal damage and blind rage for what they did to me and her. If you watch “The Professional” that is the feelings when we first began and it was when I was targeted as a kid while mentoring under a few Congressmen to combat union violence at age 16 at the National Right to Work Committee. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 24, 2009 -
As the tension between Lisa Joseph and Jason Conte increased to daily bickering and screaming; matters worsened. On Friday June 02, 2006 I had my first barbeque in the backyard. I left the coals to burn out and at 11:45pm I went to the back to extinguish them. As I was coming down the stairs in the pitch dark, I saw a figure coming out of the building as if he appeared from the basement. I yelled at the subject and asked what he was doing. The subject approached me and said “it’s me.” I became alarmed and yelled back “who is me and what the hell are you doing back here.” He did not even say his name, who he was, or anything; instead he became argumentative. “Hey man, I have a right to see my girlfriend.” I replied, “Who is this?” The subject said, “Don’t I have the right to come see my girlfriend?”
Around age 16, they followed me through life and got a “union lawyer” to break my circle of friends in high school and lure me away, into drugs and alcohol, and crime. I ignored it and just moved on and joined the military and began life with Ann; but they did not give up. I was already in another program set up by Generals and they tried to cause a defection. They knew I was in a program and replace it with their own mentor program which I was not allowed to quit or complain about. They put me in a god damn communist spy and terrorist program then charged me of it so I would serve the time for them because they were so arrogant and powerful. I took a lot of abuse for foreign spies and saboteurs but they insist they are in charge of military personnel and I must obey them. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 24, 2009 -
As the subject approached me and was two feet in front of my face, I recognized him. Upset with the whole matter and being startled, I informed him that if he is a residence he needs a key to the building and he cannot be sneaking around the property in the middle of the night engaging tenants who lived there. He began to argue the matter and I told him I am not exactly sure what is going on and to consult the landlord. He then left the property walking around the building and I put the coals out and secured my hibachi.
I developed this and our life plan at age 20. I wrote the entire program and every single detail. All of Ann’s strategy is based on my design and domino chain reactions. When she began to instigate and abuse me, people turned on her and was ready to smash her and rightly so. Ann has permanent damage and used to not be this way; she is usually quiet and submissive; never instigating stuff with me, never ever. There is a reason why she is head over heals with me and has been and she is best to explain that than I am. I do and will put her in her place when needed, but rarely need to exercise this. All the sudden she is all over the place and in self destruct mode. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 24, 2009 -
When I came in from the back, I knocked on Lisa Joseph’s front door. I informed her that if he is a resident, he needs to obtain a key and the front door must be secured in order to prevent damage and theft to the property. I begged her to lock the front door and told her the story about her boyfriend in the backyard and emerging from the basement. I also told her how I did not understand how they share an apartment but he does not have a key to both the front door and her door. This would be my first encounter with Lisa Joseph as I have never spoken to her. Lisa Joseph informed me her boyfriend is crazy and he is stalking her. She also told me of her desperate attempts to ask him to stop coming on the property and calling her residence day and night. This is true, Jason Conte will stand at the front door for more than 15 minutes ringing the doorbell and calling the apartment with a cell phone when Lisa Joseph is both at home and not at home.
You failed at stealing SDI but that is what you truly wanted. You managed to get something we threw out as a trap. It is a trap and just blew up on you again because I set you up with a first strike scenario. Now we have first strike if you do not obey the arrest warrants. How many times must we set you up to show how stupid and blind you all are? You make a bigger and bigger mess; but flushing you out was hard. As you said, you want “as much power and authority” as we have. You felt if we joined forces and joined up with the socialist, you would be invincible because communism collapsed and you were searching for an answer or a future. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 24, 2009 -
Therefore, he does not know when she is there. As I heard the story, I began to grow both worried and weary. I informed her of both local and federal laws which make these actions illegal. I tried to counsel her on the appropriate course of action and why I cannot take any actions against this individual. She became very argumentative and told me there is nothing she can do, he has done it before, and even if the police are called, he continues and continues. I told her I just caught him sneaking around the property in the middle of the night and she said she had no knowledge or idea. This was contrary to what Jason Conte said about visiting his girlfriend. I told her this was enough evidence to have him arrested for breaking and entering, trespassing, and also harassment.
I provided this invisible egg but you had to knock out my mentors and destroy any of them so you used me as bait while circling me. Annie pulled you away and caught your eye as a new recruit. You were so impressed and I asked you, “do you see how powerful her encryption is” and you said, “Your damn right I do.” Ann is a decoy and you got the real deal now and did not even know. You were seduced by my backup and spouse; she is mad as hell for attacking her family and you see her courage. It is personal. You asked her why she “did not stop you earlier, if she could” and I have yet to answer that one. I am answering that one right now. It is your responsibility to stop yourself, not mine. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 24, 2009 -
After a very passionate and stubborn appeal how nothing she can do will prevent her being stalked and called day and night, I told her I would call the police right now and implicate her if she did not for breaking and entering. She finally agreed and said she would do it the next morning. I told her this is not a wise idea; her call should be at the same time my call was made with two witnesses. I told her he has a violent disposition and if she feared for her life, no action is considered an invitation of his advances. She then informed me that both Jason Conte and her father were police investigators. She said she would call her father about this matter. This comforted me but it did not make any sense.
Now you are playing the victim, the straw man, the “we were wrong again” cards, and every excuse imaginable. (Show starts) Let’s talk about when I was 16 to 38. Who is Chris Lie-big or Chris Amolsch and why were they there when I was forced to plead guilty? “Stole their wealth…” 8:09:30 AM so they were “one angry guy” about how life turned out for the left wing? (Back) So you admit you targeted and preyed on us while teens and the Generals would retaliate and retaliate! They would kick you out of DC and you could not fight back because Reagan was in charge! Then Clinton tried and got knocked out and that lead to increased hostilities. You kept stacking DC with Navy pilots, anti-Vietnam Congressmen, liberals, etc… to knock out the Generals, said it was a right wing conspiracy. It is called child molestation. Now it is called kidnapping and torture. The charge is also called espionage and an act of war on the nation (terrorism.) - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 24, 2009 -
From here the situation worsens. One hour after catching Jason Conte trespassing and breaking and entering, he returns to the property. He begins ringing the doorbell and calling Lisa Joseph as usual. She is home and awake but does not open the door for him. As he is pulling out of the main driveway, he screams the following into my window, “Hey you god-d@mn (bleep), if you f@ck with me again, I’m coming back and I’m going to f@ck up your motherf@cking (bleep).” He then got into his vehicle and peeled away before I could come to the window. I did see his vehicle and him get into it. I called the police and reported both the breaking and entering and the verbal threat. The police came over and informed me he is just spying on his girlfriend because he is jealous. They said they would keep an eye out.
If you were a soviet or communist spy, where would you stake out? If you wanted SDI where would you stake out? Along comes a 16 year old on a red white and blue Interceptor motorcycle riding wheelies around 495 who hangs out or visits the residences of Generals. Got your attention now? So you send in spies who are also 16 to move into the area and they get moved out because Reagan was in charge of DC. I was polite and they bent over backwards to be our friends and pushed drugs and alcohol, etc… I left the group and began to think about marriage and my future.
From here, things become serious and detrimental. I returned my damaged pickup truck to Virginia for several mechanics to take a look at. I also bring back to New York my convertible Trans Am to make a switch. On the second day it arrived, I had a mechanical problem and the car would not start. I walked to 7’eleven across the street and began asking for a jump start. Jason Conte, a friend, and a high class model appeared in his usual silver Buick Century. The girl walked directly in front of me and she smelled very nice. His friend in the back had his arms in towards his body and continued to look at me. Therefore, I looked at him back studying his movements. Jason Conte was ducked below the dashboard and I could not see him. As the model got into the car, I recognized Jason Conte but only faintly due to his baseball cap. He stopped the vehicle in front of me and began heckling me.
You sure did hit the jackpot and so did we. You got your man and so did we. 8:23:35 AM I will let you comment from there. We knew what you were up to and I was trying to be polite and ignore you. I was building a life with Ann and we both had a perfect life and were on a mission you wrecked. Now your forces say they are on the same mission or took it over from us. We asked for ID and to identify yourself and you drove off last week. You claim you are on the same mission, correct? You all took over for us and are our handlers. You want us badly enough to do 911, lets just say that. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 24, 2009 -
He informed me that if I looked at him one more time, he would get out of the vehicle and “bust me up.” It was the feeling they were corrupt police officers and something sinister and terrorist was being quieted. I told him I was neither worried nor looking at him, I was more interested with his friend in the backseat who had a beard and I did not recognize. He became increasingly hostile and I told him, “Look, I am not trying to start trouble with you. I am trying to get a jump start for my vehicle. However, why don’t you come to the property sometime or sneak onto it again and we will see what will happen.”
“They do not loose money, we do?” Well, that is why they call it the left wing and the right wing. You play both sides for the same goal. We play only one side and follow all the rules and are honorable. So your charges are “annulled contracts… voided agreements… “And a host of complaints? You said yourself, you do not call it communism but Constitutional and your parents were federal judges and were very hateful about the country. That right there is enough to ID you. We know your spy group is the invisible hand in the USA. It is also behind Cuba and South America. You prey on people who do not know or know you; or what you are doing, a puppet master around the world. Your complaints are the rise of the unions, the violence, and the drop off at or around 1960 to 1979. The left wing was destroyed in the US. You see it as a crime; we see it as a blessing. So we put you in this position and we created this mess you are in also? - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 24, 2009 -
Keep in mind, they do not even know who I am. I could be the future President of the United States or God himself. They do not have a clue because they knew who they were dealing with and why. So we knew and they knew we knew, and they knew we knew that they knew; and how this game is ongoing. Will they come out and be flushed out of hiding? I did not inform him of anything about myself, my military record, or my combative and military prowess. When I said this, Jason Conte slammed the vehicle into park and opened the door. The person in the back seat was now seated behind Jason Conte when he was first seated behind the model. As Jason Conte gets out of the vehicle, the model grabs him by the arm and makes a plea for him to get inside and continue. Jason Conte complies as he begins to scream off a series of “outcomes.” “I am going to drop your ((bleep) motherf@cking ass you (bleep). I should do this right now god dammit.” The car drives off and I get a jump start. The store clerk (Arab) and the night clerk at 7’eleven was witness to this and was outside sweeping, asked why that occurred.
You just said you were on the same mission and now two opposite goals. “One of the most deceitful and shameful… acting shocked and stunned… like they knew nothing about it… innocent bystanders… off the hot seat… to big time power brokers… you would tell him to go to hell… taken a blood oath… loathe and vilify but desperately need… all smoke and mirrors… just a joke… toxic assets are just another bail out.” We know about the bonus and payments Rush. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 24, 2009 -
The antique restored Trans Am was brought to New York on June 4th; it broke down on June 6th due to a bad battery. It had been bought at auction in NYC-NJ and customized for two whole years where the interior was gutted and replaced. A lot of work and customization went into it and the evidence will show it was vandalized and purposely destroyed by rain and flood damage. The story begins again in June of 2006 and Jason Conte emerged onto the property on June 8th against my instructions. June 8th will be the start of a 3 day ordeal where the police were called a total of 7 times. On each occasion, I was scolded by both Jason Conte, and several officers who knew Jason Conte on a first name basis.
Rush, we know you are a cell and how cells work. You are completely independent. You are playing two sides to use as camouflage and know Clinton is a “foreign dignitary.” You are indignant. I want to know about union violence and terrorism in the USA today. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 24, 2009 -
On June 8th, Jason Conte showed up with a new passenger and no model. He began the usual barrage of doorbell ringing. No calls were made, only ringing the doorbell. After 10 minutes, I looked out the window and saw him. Due to the escalation of the situation, I also grabbed a personal defense weapon just in case his threats were true. When I went to open the door, I asked Jason Conte if I could “help him.” He became belligerent immediately and began arguing about how I need to go back into my apartment. I was not sure what he was ordering me to do as I wanted him to stop ringing the doorbell because it is very loud. My exact words spoken when I was ordered back into my apartment were “are you trying to pick a fight with me and is this why you are here?”
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 (3rd hour) So they are some mob element who is in charge of labor unions. They are obsessed with others "stealing" and "taking" from them but are so corrupt and oppressive. Rush described it as merely scandal and admitted he was a "Constitutionalist" but did not know what it was. This is why they are targeting us and was behind the union violence and terrorism. This was why the overtones were communism but it was somehow the voice of Israel. They are using foe-reign policy by replacing it as Israeli politics to replace the people and mission. They are behind the propaganda and death squads in Central and South America and the downfall of Iran and Cuba. The goal is some "mole" or "cell." - The full 911 confession and why the "damned" are priceless to terrorism or have so much expertise (union violence and fear of the left wing and labor) by Author, March 24, 2009 -
Jason denied this and said he was only there to see his girlfriend. Out of nowhere, his friend in the passenger side began criticizing me. “We are here peacefully and you come out here and start harassing us when we are only here to visit a friend. This is wrong and I am going to call the police about how you are harassing us.” I did not tell him I was not even talking to him nor did I notice him. Now he has a cell phone, appears to be calling and then begins arguing how I am being abusive to both. His voice tone increases and Jason Conte does not say a word. Protecting his friend, I ask if he too came to the property to start a fight. He says he is calling the police right now. Just as he says this, his story takes a total reversal. “I am sick of this you (bleep).”
They targeted us as teenagers and knew we were in a training program and would be a problem later on in life. So they tried to take us out and use "terrorism" as an excuse or union violence when they were behind it. Now they took over the conservative movement and replaced it with some mousy New York stand up comedy type. They have total control and never speak the truth. So the communists were behind the mob or had penetrated. This was also the immigration and welfare reasons to bring the homeland here. - The full confessional: The damned has waged war on the United States of America (the weak, the labor, the left, the crooks and criminals, and those with a death sentence). The full 911 confession and why the "damned" are priceless to terrorism or have so much expertise (union violence and fear of the left wing and labor) by Author, March 24, 2009 -
I replied in kind to these gestures and the week long, also decade of being terrorized by these groups or group. Now this was the boldest and most transparent they have ever been. My ultimate goal is to flush them out and capture their leadership. I reply as usual to set them up, “Excuse me? Now I think you are trying to pick a fight.” This unknown person begins to roll out a series of outcomes similar to Jason Conte at 7’elven about how “your (bleep) ass is going to be busted open.” While becoming more and more belligerent, the unknown passenger steps out of the vehicle and puts his hands out. “Come on motherf@cker, I’ll kick you’re a@@.” My exact words were “You mean you two want to take me on?” The passenger begins controlling the situation and Jason Conte does not say a word or look at me. The passenger looks me directly in the eye as I walk towards him. When I approach him, Jason Conte closes in, the passenger begin waving his hands saying, “Come on right now.”
The reason why they wanted SDI was for black market and Israel. Israel was caught and punished severely and now they changed the tactics and got forceful. This time they are going to retaliate if someone was in the way. They are like WACO and will shoot it out with the cops or military personnel. It was easy for them to pull off a home invasion and second arrest. The entire state of New York is a nest for them. Florida is where they go when they retire and buy real estate. Their goal is absolute power and omniscient domination. This is as violent as they get. If morals and ethics are imposed by the right wing and conservatives; their industry will suffer. - The full 911 confession and why the "damned" are priceless to terrorism or have so much expertise (union violence and fear of the left wing and labor) by Author, March 24, 2009 -
It is undisputed. No lawyer would dare defend this; why would a fully trained certified New York judge? I am a master with weapons and one blow can break him arm or cause a severe fracture. If the arrest records are true, then here is the proof. I could have in outrage put both in a hospital permanently. With a license to kill and certification by the Pentagon, this is clearly provocation and a setup, a conspiracy. To test them and gather this evidence, it would be suicide without a weapon or to control the matter. However, it is easier to neutralize permanently when they are not aroused and appeased. Any trained killer can recognize the limits and how best to deploy; these were merely stupid drugged out street punks who happened to be on the police force. So why don’t we begin to fly Predator drones and bomb a few bad police stations to prove a point? The point is clear.
If taxes are imposed, they will go belly up. So this is some early detection system but meant to mix communism because it is based on the underground and black market. If they do not stop the conservatives and hit them hard; the entire left and labor movement will go belly up and thus, their power will be gone. Most especially are the immigration issue and the "ethnic" groups who will be severely affected. - The full confessional: - The damned has waged war on the United States of America (the weak, the labor, the left, the crooks and criminals, and those with a death sentence). The full 911 confession and why the "damned" are priceless to terrorism or have so much expertise (union violence and fear of the left wing and labor) by Author, March 24, 2009 -
I brandished a personal defense system as the passenger waves his arms as if he is striking. He just stands there. The passenger continues to scream obscenities but does not make a single movement except flailing his arms. When Jason Conte sees this, he begins walking towards his car screaming “oh yeah motherf@cker.” I began to go inside and lock the door as Jason Conte is chasing me with a tire iron. He makes as though he is going to smash the window to the door and begins screaming and trying to open the door with the metal iron. Seeing this, I go upstairs and lock my apartment door. Both Jason Conte and this unknown individual proceed to their car as I begin calling the police to have them removed. While I am calling, Jason Conte begins walking towards my Trans Am as I am watching. I do not see him go up to the car, only walking towards it.
The reason why they were desperately salvaging the black movement and Civil Rights is they were some invisible rival and a dark cloud over America. They choose and recognized Ann as some "potential queen" to run their show; not know what this was about or the booby trap they had stepped on, designed by the military to hunt them down. Immigration is a big deal for them and so isn't the labor movement. Rush says the blacks are "the population bomb" (by Paul Erhlich) which we knew; they cannot feed themselves on the African continent. They grew to enormous size and status with all the crime and black market drugs; also real estate. However, when it comes to being competitive, they are some ghoul and genetic disease. This causes a breakdown "in trust... with population... if feed itself." Some kind of pressure on the leadership. The use of fear "to frighten and scare people... is just the beginning." They are able to think on this level because it is nothing new and they are used to it. The full confessional: The damned has waged war on the United States of America (the weak, the labor, the left, the crooks and criminals, and those with a death sentence). - The full 911 confession and why the "damned" are priceless to terrorism or have so much expertise (union violence and fear of the left wing and labor) by Author, March 24, 2009 -
Two police officers arrive and Jason Conte magically shows up simultaneously. I explain my side of the story and Jason Conte explains his. I do not know his account or what was said. The officers then scold me and tell me they are very close to arresting me if they have to come back again. They take me into my apartment and scold me how Jason Conte is only trying to see his girlfriend and I need to avoid him. I told them, I live on this property, I pay both utilities and rent, Jason Conte pays not a cent and wrecks the place up. They disavow my account and tell me if the situation occurs again, I will be arrested for aggravated assault. As the officer is leaving, I ask the officer, “officer you know there has been damage to my truck and items stolen, what if he walks up to my car again and damages it. Are you saying I do not have the right to prevent the further destruction of my car and further damage?” The officer then tells me if I strike Jason Conte while he is damaging my car, I will be arrested. The best thing is to allow him to see his girlfriend as he requests.
Rush said, they abused and tortured us because we showed no "pain and agony." In order to join them and be with lunatics, they must see "pain and agony" and would hit us hourly and daily until we showed this but never did because as real commandos we have such a high pain tolerance. They are trained to break down quickly to their handlers and masters. (Rush admits he toured Israel) and we knew they were linked up. So the mob (as Rush says) "are damned also... fight this battle." They are an oppressed group by the government and police? So now they are harassing back "when bought and paid for... annoying the left." So they are the damned and in charge of the group who are fighting the same battle. - The full 911 confession and why the "damned" are priceless to terrorism or have so much expertise (union violence and fear of the left wing and labor) by Author, March 24, 2009 -
All the officers leave and everything returns to normal. Jason Conte returns to the property 10 minutes later and begins the barrage of doorbell ringing. I ignore him and he is doing a barrage of doorbell ringing. Lisa Joseph is home while all this is going on but does not come outside. At no time did she leave the property that day. While Jason Conte is ringing the doorbell, the alarm on my Trans Am goes off. As I look outside, I do not see anybody but I see Jason Conte on his cell phone next to his vehicle getting ready to leave the property. He stays on the property while the vehicle alarm is discharged. The police are called immediately. The low quality of work and the blatant corruption is not reproducible or replicable. They want reciprocity or their wrath.
Thus, they attacked the US because "they were loosing money." 10:51:17 AM "So long as they did not endorse anybody... it is happening in front of our faces." This is why they are heavily involved in communism and terrorism; it is linked to the mob, the damned, immigration, the Democrats, spies and moles, terrorists, etc... They view it as union violence which we began in 1986 at age 16 training under several Congressmen. They had staked it out targeting future leaders because they were moles and spies. So they were communists as we had described and recruiters. It is about the damned and the blacks have a death sentence. Now the liberals and bankers! How they got so powerful and who sent them to the USA. Why are they so rich? - The full confessional: - The damned has waged war on the United States of America (the weak, the labor, the left, the crooks and criminals, and those with a death sentence). The full 911 confession and why the "damned" are priceless to terrorism or have so much expertise (union violence and fear of the left wing and labor) by Author, March 24, 2009 -
Reciprocity is their goal. This was obviously a complaint for their obsession with Ann and how Ann and I have been together for over 20 years. Also, Ann found me and it was clear they were chasing and on her tail trying to destroy her. She found them and got a confession from them and they viewed it as her being in love or courting them. It is on the record of their confession. She threw bait and our work out for years and they swarmed to it. The years of feeding her intelligence paid off even if we were abused and destroyed and would not survive much longer. They know they have been had and know they are under investigation; the only way out is to settle out of court or make the incident never reappears in the media. If it ever gets out the damages will be irreparable and irreversible.
3/26/2009 8:18:57 AM So “chaos everywhere” is the Armageddon you associate with World War II, Vietnam, Israel, Iraq, and conflict. You emulate the policies of each with no ability to tell why or what it is about. Also, the victory is about “no friends.” That sounds like an ally system and alliances instead of understanding the reasons and cause which define liberalism or communism. - The use of fear the Government: The Confession of Communism and Terrorism (union violence and fear of the left wing and labor to fight the same battles against the official government) by Author, March 24, 2009 --
It will signal more reinforcements and a spy group detected and on the run, a botched overthrow and insurrection. Keep in mind also how Ann and I began to communicate and get back in the groove slowly after 2005 and a recovery from a year of being comatose. The kidnappers were convinced we were playing games with them and courting them; not asking them what they want and when they would stop. When will they stop? This is as bold as a foreign immigrant group gets with the military authority and the prospects of martial law to restore the lawlessness they have exerted in effort to rewrite the lives and biographies of political targets. They forget the part where they molest and prey on unsuspecting teens or kids to rewrite their lives.
So this alliance and axis system is liberals and their inability to understand why or how this get the way it does. Then it is “the solution” or “the way out” as you sees as control and power. That is existentialism and pure liberalism coming from a conservative. Do you pretend to care and act as if you want to resolve and solve it while collecting intelligence and information or are you running the liberal wagon by pretending to care? We have to thank someone? - The use of fear the Government: The Confession of Communism and Terrorism (union violence and fear of the left wing and labor to fight the same battles against the official government) by Author, March 24, 2009 --
I informed the dispatcher how the police were here not more than 10 minutes ago. I was scolded and lectured on a pending arrest if I confronted Jason Conte again. I then requested the same officer so I could interrogate him on why he invited Jason Conte back to the property given numerous reports of property damage and stolen personal property. When the police arrive, they deny inviting Jason Conte back and make a call to “pickup” Jason Conte. In 30 minutes I call the police a total of 3 times within 1 hour informing them of his whereabouts. “Oh, he is parked across the street and just sitting there.” “Oh he is now going north but honking at me as he is driving by.” “Oh he just drove by again honking his horn.” “Oh he is now waving at me and sees me at my window and honking his horn.”
We already know “outsourcing” and “IBM jobs being outsourced” relate to India and Mumbai. It was a rival to you and the Hollywood clan. I also know how my political career began on the left and I was made to be a party “apparatchik” to promote your books and insanity. Ann right now is a good old apparatchik and it has angered me; but she said it is just like working in a company or having to loose your soul for business. She is trying to convince me that our love is much deeper and more important than this surface level crap you threw at us and have us entangled with. - The use of fear the Government: The Confession of Communism and Terrorism (union violence and fear of the left wing and labor to fight the same battles against the official government) by Author, March 24, 2009 --
I thought this would be the end of this matter with information he was being questioned. It is now Sunday June 11. Sunday evening rolls around and it is incident free. At 8pm Jason Conte rolls around this time by himself. He begins the usual barrage of door ringing. After 10 minutes I cannot take it anymore and look out the window to see what he is doing. Jason Conte begins yelling the same things, “you ((bleep) motherf@cker, right now (bleep).” Without a word spoken, this is the first words out of his mouth. I begin explaining to him, “If you are looking for a fight, you will get one. However, it will be on my terms and when I am ready.” After hearing this, Jason Conte begins screaming obscenities and takes his shirt off screaming, “get your ass out here motherf@cker, right now.”
You all had Ann trained to be an apparatchik and she retaliated and encrypted your ridiculous nationalism. You all are not conservatives but the central goal is protectionism or sectionalism. The apparatchik system is the alliance system you speak of and it is impossible to escape the dissent. I was stuck in there and it was the axis of evil and the weak and dependent. Again, you describe the chaos which is waging war on America and the terrorism began in 1989 to 2009, to see if anybody would step in it and challenge you. - The use of fear the Government: The Confession of Communism and Terrorism (union violence and fear of the left wing and labor to fight the same battles against the official government) by Author, March 24, 2009 --
Lisa Joseph while this is happening is at her window but she does not say a word. I begin criticism of Jason Conte emphasizing my 10 years of education, retired military status, and full honors in every endeavor ever taken in my life. I ask him if he has a high school education and he answers no. I then ask him why in the world I am wasting my time on a day to day basis. He replies with “eight years of boxing motherf@cker.” As he is getting angry and upset in front of his girlfriend, he brings a dog out from the passenger seat and holds it by the collar. He then says, I got someone for you to meet and lets the dog attack while he is holding it. It begins snarling at me even though I am inside the apartment at the window.
You view Armageddon as chaos and so Vietnam is chaos, Israel is chaos, World War II is chaos. But lying is never self defense or reasoned. Your alliance system is designed for liberals and “the damned” as you call them, a holocaust. So we must repeat the apparatchik party line, what you call “Teleprompters” (by driving others to the other side as you torment them with nationalism and labor union alliances). You also view antiwar the same way and this dove war. The use of terrorism strengthened the alliance and made you priceless. It brought back the apparatchik system and alliance system for whoever was in charge. - The use of fear the Government: The Confession of Communism and Terrorism (union violence and fear of the left wing and labor to fight the same battles against the official government) by Author, March 24, 2009 --
Jason Conte then puts the dog back in the car; Lisa Joseph and he begin talking. I cannot hear what they are saying even though I am trying to decipher it. He then takes two running starts and tries to scale the building wall and reach his hand inside the apartment. After the second attempt to bust the screen window open, I open the window and remove the screen. “I dare you to reach inside my apartment, it will be the last time you do so.” Then I slammed the window shut after giving him another opportunity to break the screen fixture. He does not try a third time and I call the police for the 6th time in 3 days.
Keep in mind; I lied down a trap that if you step in, will never get out of. Had I used SDI, you would hide and could not be flushed; so using satellite warfare, I am able to corner you and determine who you are or certify you. The alliance system you formed is now threatened and in jeopardy. I also took out the apparatchik system and blocked the conspiracy and brainwashing. You are a spy group and “fighting the same battle as the damned.” You are forming an alliance system globally using terror and fear. - The use of fear the Government: The Confession of Communism and Terrorism (union violence and fear of the left wing and labor to fight the same battles against the official government) by Author, March 24, 2009 --
When I call the police, I tell them the above events. They inform me an officer will be sent again. When the officer arrives, he talks to Jason Conte first because he is still outside. I shut the window because they scream and shout at each other all the time and begin crying, therefore, I do not know what was said. When the officer finally comes to the door after talking to Jason Conte, he informs me that if the police are called one more time; I will be arrested. He did not indicate what charge or motive. However, I heard him call Jason Conte by his first name when he pulled in. I explained to him again the events and tell him this is outrageous with a high degree of arrogance. The officer becomes agitated and gets both intimidating and aggressive towards me. I tell him “I can’t believe I am the victim and you want to treat me like this.” I close the door on him and go inside.
3/19/2009 8:06:15 AM Rush, please tell me about the home invasion in June of 2006 before we discuss world war. Based on what you said, you had been watching me for over 25 years and want to know why we would join the unions; only because you would force us to join and change our minds. To turn this trend around and win back the ground you had lost before. It began with eBay and online. This was about taxing or “Tex-in?” Who destroyed my computers and hacked my system? So you want the “Obama Party to be the one behind this”? They are upstairs and did not speak on your behalf consistently. Yet you drive me to them because “full fledge hatred for these people.” 8:15:38 AM So you are saying if I “had continued, it would lead to civil unrest this summer.” “It was un-American.” So you see these “people as illegal” and we cannot target them but you drive us to their arms. “Suggest we join unions.” Why do we “join unions”? I have only worked against them in 1986. You sat and waited 25 years to seek revenge? They were pushing the Obama camp and liberals further and further with all he chaos. - Details of the Home Invasion by Terror Suspects and Communist spy master; by Author; March 19, 2009 -
Once inside, I call the dispatcher and request the supervisor in charge. The dispatcher connects me to Lt. Catalano. I inform the Lt. of the past 3 days and inform him of the arriving officer’s threat of arresting me if he comes here again. I also advise him it may be wise to send an officer who does not know the accused one a first name basis. This way, he will make an effort to gather information, determine the ringleader, conspirators, co conspirators, accomplices, and the barrage of lies and deception. Lt. Catalano then asks what I want from him. I tell him it would be nice to have some facts to the matter so I can decide how to seek a positive outcome. He informs me the fact is if the department receives one more phone call from my residence, I will be brought into custody and having a ride downtown for the night. I took this threat very seriously and was appalled. All they are saying is “how much money do you have and how much are we going to take from you?” Again, the corruption in New York and the police force in the USA.
I see, “the more chaos, the more Obama will be cherished to do something about it.” Hence the racial and horrendous comments daily screamed in my kitchen window and daily harassment and car loads of teens to jump me. So you admit you had someone do it and also knew all about it and “had we see it in embarrassment.”8:20:32 AM you wanted to trace and know who in 1986 trained and recruited me when I worked at the National Right to Work Committee. “You also voted for this?” All the political leaders involved are gone now (Reynolds, Spitzer, Schumer, and the army of NY Italians). So you know all the details; as I had imagined. You are telling the truth. So you wish to say we “are dining off you.” 8:24:16 AM - Details of the Home Invasion by Terror Suspects and Communist spy master; by Author; March 19, 2009 -
I asked for an explanation, probable cause, or a motive or intent. He refused to answer the question or any logic to the matter and hung up the phone while I was in mid sentence. I called back and requested the Lt. by name. This time I wished to clarify what he said. I state clearly if my life or property was being attacked, or I was being threatened and intimidated; it is my report of such which will be the guilt? He explains that this is the final decision, if I call one more time regardless of the situation, I would be arrested and taken into custody. “Look, do you understand, do not call us again. If you do, you will be going downtown for the night.” After this, the phone is hung up by the Lt. It is inconclusive, but perhaps for a psychological evaluation or some mental treatment which could take months and my eviction, property seizure, and loss of all my military benefits.
Then it involved a very jealous boyfriend who was a cop son and in the drug trade who felt he was a mob hit man. Why two male and female couples? I see, it is a “fast Eddie… PR firm… to sell this message” You want this message of unions and the left wing out there. So you are merely a PR firm, “free federal cash available” if we work for you and want to be paid though? The money has stipulations and strings. Ah, so you must steal SDI or any defense program to keep the control of this “strings.” Yes, “kneecap busted” and “union thugs.” That is who we are looking for and you “obviously” 8:39:14 AM. It took you 25 years to seek revenge and abuse me? Why not when I was a child and a teen? - Details of the Home Invasion by Terror Suspects and Communist spy master; by Author; March 19, 2009 -
Outraged, I called the dispatcher and asked the name of the Captain. She asked why and I explained what transpired with Lt. Catalano. She advises me to hold and directs me to Lt. Catalano again. Being very careful to avoid blatant arrest, the Lt. asks me why I was calling back and I state how I disagreed with his decision to arrest me and wished to speak to the Captain or someone over the age of 40. I try to form a logical sentence and a logical structure which he can understand. As direct as I can I give him a summary of the past 3 days as the premise, I inform him 7 calls and reports of harassment and threats should be enough to warrant legal statements of all parties and to inform me of any criminal wrongdoing if there are any facts.
You say the “market was plunging and unions” extinction. You say “they love it” and “won’t identify that person.” Rush who is Chris Lie-big the son of the union leader in my high school buddy system; “he is getting even?” They are in disarray and reorganizing, to use to their benefit? Saw danger during this also? Oh I see, you are manicuring his career and “wanted me on his team but did not know.” So he is a future leader and union leader/left wing politician. Ah, so who is Ann Ciparelli who used to live next to Reed Larson (leader of the anti-union movement) was who? You do not know; okay. So he is going to be President or some Senator later on and wants me on his team and you all are recruiting me because we went to high school together but I changed my life and shut everybody out. “We cannot prove anything? 8:45:22 AM Ah, so this is my bonus?” - Details of the Home Invasion by Terror Suspects and Communist spy master; by Author; March 19, 2009 -
All these calls and incidents should be the denouement of the story. I then state the conclusion and motive, the harassment needs to stop and my property needs to secured, protected, and assured. As an officer, there should not be a speech on right and wrong or the protection of life and property from some goon with no life. The Lt. advises me then whether or not I should reconsider living somewhere else. I tell him I get the feeling this is what the locals are telling me and why this is transpiring after I disavowed the gang mentality and ignored their solicitations. (I did not inform the police that a local businessman refused me service due to intimidation. Instead this businessman said “I have nothing against you, but you got to understand they pay the bills. Just let things boil over but you are in the wrong place because (X identity) is a very blue collar town.”) How did we know or was it only a guess?
So it was a conspiracy, man and wife teams, and goes back to my high school; you are driving me into their camp because I cut off my friendship and hate their guts. They also wanted me to always do drugs and drink heavily when I had straight A’s. After that crowd my life went downhill until I got with Annie. Then it went to vandalizing of my sports car and convertible. My car was trashed and it is a collectors item; super rare. Then I was arrested for a home invasion; it is like the criminals are the cops and blaming those arresting them. “That is the scandal” and “the way they want us to?” So they feel they are my boss and want me in a circle of spies and left wingers. - Details of the Home Invasion by Terror Suspects and Communist spy master; by Author; March 19, 2009 -
The Lieutenants then says “we are sending officers out there now.” Somewhat unsure what this meant, maybe overkill or pretend time, I try to tell him I did not ask for officers, I just wish to know what is going on and who is telling the truth. It is very difficult considering the suspect is a high school drop out union hooligan, has a felon record, admitted he is obsessed and jealous with a girl, and does not pay rent or has a real life. You can bend over backwards to be kind and polite but this was taking it way to far and even biased. If we had been treated with a small bit of respect and had they listened to just one word, maybe they would not predetermine and prejudge our death sentence imposed in 1998 by some ghost like and timid government officials who sought revenge and to steal something really big, ten to twenty times as big as they were. We had to figure out if it was a domestic or foreign nuisance who got control of the police. The infiltrated the White House and sounded off total invasion. This is only two weeks of total invasion, not a dull and boring full decade. This is the feeling of total invasion; we knew after a few months in 1998, they are not shooting blanks and this is not a training exercise by a coach looking for debate or solutions.
They wanted to know how to reorganize the left wing; I see. You all are hardcore spies and communists. You confirm it is a conspiracy of 25 years ago and I was being stalked and watched closely to be an inner circle of spies. You know trouble and war is coming and checked, double checked, and abused the hell out of me. So is this about war or taking over the government? Oh… you all did not know at all. You knew I had Generals everywhere in my life and wanted to steal something. I see now… you had no idea where it led and you made a mess out of it. So you also admit you are a high level spy and the best in the world or one of them? Wow! I have never ever seen anybody this good. Who is better, me or you? Oh, you only want me to follow your teleprompter and you will pay for it. 8:53:04 AM But you know “he is not a savior and cannot even make a cabinet.” You blew my mind up and into pieces so I would follow your teleprompter and you would pay for it. It is about moral people and sins. - Details of the Home Invasion by Terror Suspects and Communist spy master; by Author; March 19, 2009 -
Three police cars arrives, one being the previous officer who knew Jason Conte by his first name and who gave me an ultimatum next time he came out here. The first word out of his mouth as I opened the door was “why are you calling us out here again and what do you want.” The officer was bald, big, goon looking (Officer Warn) and knew the accomplice on a first name basis. How do you get him to listen when it is about a family friend on their payroll? While I am talking to the officer, Lisa Joseph emerges from her apartment. She begins to interrupt the conversation with the officer and begins telling the officer I am threatening her by sneaking around the property, locking the door constantly in a paranoid manner, and how I was hiding behind a corner one day and jumping her. Now I am painted as some raging and rabid dog running loose; a threat to public safety. I just got set up again and again; it is lies perpetuating because they want a specific outcome. They are trying to break you for that outcome.
Can you explain why the people upstairs are the emissary for the Clintons, the unions, Israel, and you? How close are you and the Clintons? Why are you driving me into their arms and their political protections? I see, “I was put in there” and you “need to know who did it.” So you are hunting someone and want to know who is hunting you? Ah, someone was hunting you for the “death threats and the terror plots.” So you did the home invasion as a death threat; you know how it went down then. Was it a hit or merely a death threat? Who is the Clintons Rush? So they are “foreign dignitaries” or as we call it spies 8:58:48 AM. Do you work for the same people? “It is being suppressed.” So you too know they are real live spies. You think I am also a foreign dignitary because of my royal background (not really royal, but good family until you all messed it up and ripped us apart.) Do you know of anything they did or have done Rush? - Details of the Home Invasion by Terror Suspects and Communist spy master; by Author; March 19, 2009 -
As I heard this, I knew immediately what was going on. Falsification of facts, trumping up charges, malicious prosecution, reckless endangerment, and intentional infliction of harm; negligent or not, she was making up matters to worsen or have me arrested. After the long barrage of attacks, she seeks cover inside her apartment as the police begin repeating her blatant charges. They warn me again, “look you cannot call us again and if you do, you will be taking a ride downtown for the evening.” They ask me if I understand English, I tell them I have 10 years of education and whether they can state the same? Then the officer asks if there is anything else and I reply, “well, since you are here and I cannot get the truth from anyone around here, will you go up to her apartment and find out for sure if Jason Conte is trespassing or breaking and entering because there is missing property already. I need this information so I figure out how I am going to prevent damage and theft of my own property.” I have tried to appeal to them as a citizen and then a VIP and nothing works, it is a brick wall. They do not care and all they want to say is “we don’t care what you are going to do about this.” Infringements of rights and trashing the Constitution or not, they don’t care because it is about their kids and jobs. We are the crazies! They are the prison guards and it is the same warden.
(The Clinton’s as “foreign dignitaries”) Can you tell me of one or two (prosecutable espionage acts)? I can help you later; a fair trade. “They are the focus of the debate and the subject now?” (Diversion tactics to blame right wing and boost left wing) Do you work for them or do they vote for you? They give money to Democrats? Ah, you are the money bag and the master! Master! We saw how good you are; and you saw how good I am; you see all those armies and all those support Rush? Do you see how powerful I am? I can crush you in war faster than you can believe it. “You think this is choreographed.” I am for real, ask me or challenge me. If I can give you an ass whooping and catch you red handed; then you definitely have been beat and “very special people.” “The backbone of America… makes us very patriotic?” I cannot say or tell you what I believe or why okay. The final conclusion is the home invasion was a conspiracy by union thugs. Did you or Clinton do it? “What is worse? Neither is attractive but what is worse?” - Details of the Home Invasion by Terror Suspects and Communist spy master; by Author; March 19, 2009 -
In the most clear and concise manner as possible, I ask him if he knows who is telling the truth and the facts surrounding why Jason Conte is attacking me in public places and my own residence. I asked the officer if Jason Conte was trespassing on the property, was invited, or were there any calls made from Lisa Joseph as she indicated to me. The officer in a lazy voice says, “Look, that is his girlfriend, they have been going out for over two years.” I then inform the officer, “If this is true, will you please take a formal statement and account from her.” It is like talking to a brick wall or an idiot. You have to get a lawyer and sue the hell out of them if you want the total invasion to stop.
I will tell you how I know after the show and when you tell me okay. I will unlock all of it. I knew you were trailing me in 1990 when I was in the Army. The reason I knew is because “you got back at me by making me thank myself” yes. I was on a mission and you ruined that mission so I changed it; I had to re-strategize even if I had an important one. You did not stake out the radar school but you knew I might have SDI and a big load. You know it is big load “loved and adored… what are you doing… not picking my team.” You put me in dire straits and abused me knowing we were special. So I had known in 1990 Rush and changed; then by 1998; knew it was burning bright my mission. “Terror plots… this country.” 9:17:01 IS “we can invade the life of legal citizens who receive bonuses… on privacy… UN American to enforce our laws… join unions.” Yes, that is what you did. “You will get us… get us a loan we cannot pay back… force those who can pay their mortgages pay ours too.” Yes you did that Rush! - Details of the Home Invasion by Terror Suspects and Communist spy master; by Author; March 19, 2009 -
Two officers finally go into her apartment and closed the door. They knock on my door and in a lazy and upset voice, tell me “it’s her boyfriend and she asked him over.” This was a totally new story from what she had been saying. Also, the police are sounding are saying, “We told you so, shut up, we have been telling you this over and over again.” They even have the nerve to keep asking me if I “understand English.” From this statement, I begin to call lawyers and prepare for a court trial. This is the only action I can take and the police will not co-operate or assist in anyway. I will sit upstairs with the neighbors for dinner or cocktails and the things we repeat are acted out by Jason Conte, the police, and Lisa Joseph. From that, I am careful what I say now knowing that they are responding in fold. My honest opinion is the building is under some kind of surveillance and they know when and if anybody is home. When I first moved in, I felt someone was moving things around so I went and padlocked every door and the front door.
3/20/2009 8:54:34 AM At least you acknowledged you know about the Pentagon warrant. It is targeting “private citizens…” Rush, don't you listen to them and worry. You keep spilling the beans on them and let me corner them with "when did you know and why didn't you say so?" Then I will nail them with "why did you act if you knew this information." If the police were tricked why didn't they arrest them? That is the question, so do not listen to them, you are safe and you got a plane ticket out if you survive this. Let them squirm and wilt in the sun as the Calvary chases them down like dogs and let them smell the doo-doo they stepped on. I have the Pentagon putting together a wish list to include SU-35 for our fleet of pilots for you. You can bring along a few close comrades or Princess Lisa D. if you so choose. Tell her to pack up and get her best dresses; the prince has to look his best. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 20, 2009 -
After Lisa Joseph makes the police statement, I begin to acquiesce a lawyer; there is none it is all rigged. I speak too many. Furthermore, I cut off any and all “arguing” with them stating how I have gotten a lawyer and I do not wish to discuss anything. The next day, Monday June 12, 2006; Jason Conte comes over again during light hours. He comes to my window and begins a campaign of “make-ups.” Whether or not he knows the lawyers have been called is uncertain. He brings a different friend who looks harmless. Jason Conte begins a passionate display of words about how “I’m about to break” and asks if his girlfriend is cheating on him.
The police issue is an FBI matter. Right now it is an internal problem and they better get to the bottom of it because you said it was a cover up and an attempt to resolve this out of court or settle. That is not my mission or problem; why you got me in this is beyond me; so I will leave those charged with this to work on while I deal with more important things not disclosed at this time for obvious reason. We sprung the trap on them in April of 2008 and they took off before it was a hot zone. I am going to post the diary I took of day to day events, car license plates, attempts on my life, and what it feels like. You are on the winning side now! - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 20, 2009 -
This fine example of a citizen and family man begins to ask if I can tell him how many guys she has slept with in the past week and to watch for more. He also comes up to the window and asks if I will shake his hand in a passionate redress. I tell him I cannot and Lisa Joseph emerges in the window. Jason Conte and Lisa Joseph begin to argue about how he “made love to her last night” and this is how she treats him. I shut the window. Keep in mind, they end up pulling off a total legal blockade, then begin bombarding with garnishments and legal demands for money after rewriting our biography and pillaging anything they could get their hands on. These legal threats and garnishments from the same warden lasted from 2006 to 2008 but ended in 2009 once the trap was sprung on them.
I do not hear anybody tell me they have zero or no confidence in me. The FBI is already working on this case and I will put the report sent to the Washington DC office later in the week; they look good and can give the report immediately or are on top of it. It is incriminating to say down right corruption and trashing the Constitution by the police. When people read it, they will be as shocked as everybody who witnessed it. How can we beat the DUI charge? - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 20, 2009 -
Tuesday, June 13, 2006 I go to the bank for maybe 15 minutes. I forgot some boxes and must return home. While inside, I decide to call the bank due to two unauthorized transactions with my credit card. After several conversations with the bank representative, I go into the kitchen and get a drink of water. I HEAR A LOUD “BANG” WHICH I THINK CAME FROM THE BASEMENT. It sounds like someone dropped a 50 lb. rock on the wood floor. Unsure of what the noise was, I return to my desk (right at the front window with my car directly underneath). As I begin to make another call to the bank representatives, I see two kids walking by the hood of the Trans Am motioning as if he is about to scratch it with a metal pipe. As I watch I am horrified. He does not scratch it and I begin talking on the phone. I do not have my car alarm pager with me.
“The US Congress… a mob against the AIG people” here is the game plan Rush. You keep on implicating them and admitting guilt and we will keep expanding the nest and spring a trap on them; we call this type of operation or counter-intelligence move “a sweep” Rush; lets sweep the dog dung and stomp it out of fire. All you got to do now is pretend you are a major 911 terrorist, a master Rushin’ spy and now a major big time axis of evil arms merchant! That is all you have to do and I will have the Pentagon write a warrant for their arrest. We call this “double-agent” also; how bout it partner? - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 20, 2009 -
As I am talking, I look to see if the kids are still outside and begin to see a dent on the hood of the car. I finish the call with the bank and call the police approximately 30 minutes later. As I go outside, Lisa Joseph walks outside and I ask to speak to her (coincidently). She denies everything and calls her kids. She states her kids know better than to touch the car and would never. When the kids approach, they tell her “all we did was this” (runs his hands as if he is petting the car). When the police arrive, I tell him the story and the kids admitting to touching it. They tell me I cannot prove anything and begin stubbornly questioning why I am doing a damage report. We argue and I begin to tell them “I do not need legal advice, I have hired a lawyer. Please take the damage report because this is why I called you.” Even with those words, the officer begins a series of facetious comments objecting my comments while he is writing the report. He does write the report but does not even take any action or question the suspects. I asked him to take a formal statement and he refuses. After an argument, he leaves.
“There is no accountability… everybody looks the opposite way” talk about “things you don’t care?” That is your miracle Rush, if they quit or leave, they will never find a job until this case if over. So we can squeeze them then also and put the wrench on their head to spill the beans! If they want to work in the industry they better play ball also! Hell yes Rush! I need more ideas how to make your team suffer partner; your work is my work and vice versa okay. If you wan the heart machine that belongs to the Pentagon, they bought it and hold the patent; then check in and certify and they can be “issued a patent.” They are in violation of the patent laws also. We certify them because it is not allowed off our borders so if we find them off the borders, they are dead; property of the US military. They can also show us the sales receipts; if they want a refund and to be paid. If we find out it is Israel as you said, then we will ask for some proof. It is good to check in so we can avoid friendly fire. It is not 911 suicides as you had said. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 20, 2009 -
Note, after bugging the phones failed this warden (same one behind the kidnapping) cuts off the phones and the entire outside world out of frustration. They want to know how Ann and I communicate and relay intelligence. How did we set them up and beat them to a pulp at their own game or show how stupid they truly were? This was a “fact finding” operation to determine if they had the capability to figure out how we were communicating or not and how we had infiltrated their entire spy ring and excoriated a death sentence for the warden on down. It was a macabre of guessing on their part and the devil at the gates and knocking on our doors daily.
Did you say “they are gone…” you fed them just as we had practiced and lured them right to us. 9:17:06 AM “something to think about... part of the mob… “We know they are the mob Bush; it has to do with LBJ and a man named Murtheson; an oil tycoon from east “Tax-us.” Ah the banks and the hatred of the banks “the next President… we will need another trillion… “- Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 20, 2009 -
On Thursday June 15, 2006; 2 kids walk past the Trans Am and kicked it. Seeing this, I ran outside and asked their names. They tell me they live in the back and their names are Tyler and Chris. I call the police over and tell them of this, however, these are two new kids. The police begin the usual stubborn plea how this is getting nowhere. I ask them if they will talk to the parents and the kids and the officer agrees. The kids and the parents deny everything. The officer gives me a number for Dan Johnson of the juvenile squad or surveillance team. He says to call Dan for help. I do so and during the conversation Dan says something that I felt compelled to comment to. He says “I thought we were on the same team.” I began criticizing them for their ineptitude and total disarray in the matter. Dan suggests I get a camcorder and film the car 24/7 for evidence.
So your group and terror plot had Annie C. as the next President and first President until I came along and wrecked it. You said there were “tapes… need a sink… sat down to watch ‘Psycho’… called the white house for technical assistant… still looking into the matter until the deadline came… included movie ‘clueless’… gets worse and worse… he is the man of the world… demands respect… even by people on our side… “So are you a spy group and a terror cell as I keep calling you? “Presidential gift… who cares whose screw up it is… its Obama’s… best at accepting the buck… “I have never seen a spy group infiltrate the White House and did not know it occurred now a day. (Says “total invasion” when infiltrate the White House!) So do you all do this when we get new weapons and military systems or was there another reason? - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 20, 2009 -
There is paranoia and then there is extreme paranoia. We are dealing with predators that put things in people’s drinks or follow them to figure out how best to strike and injure them. Dan sounded eclectic, an open mind, to the situation or had risen above the mess. I told him this was beyond me; I will ask some friends to keep an eye for me. We know it is the warden on down and the antichrist who is waging war on the nation or the world using the military and the political system. If they infiltrate the White House, total invasion is possible but this was no education or training; it was not a practice run; it was real! We will stick with our test proven and ultra level strategy of wait until we see the whites of their eyes and bayonet methods. Their game and hoax is this sense of courage and supremacy beyond all other humans; lets see how they perform when the order is to fix bayonets and to wait until they are too close to run off in the bush.
So Obama was meant to be our mentor and enabler until all hell broke. You were training us for the next “pick up.” However, the goal is the Presidency and a mentor program? Awarded two billion and more including stock purchases plan? Oh, you all infiltrate the right wing so you can use the corporate system and Wall Street to make the payments and finance the spy group. Printing money only helps the local levels and the banks. That is a lot of money and very difficult to defeat you; to outspend you there has to be at least 60 trillion dollars. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 20, 2009 -
There was already a grand strategy and trap, they were adding more and more daily to overwhelm it. That grand strategy was devised for a reason and to ensure they could not escape nor had a clever excuse again and again. Who is in total disarray here and why? Why do we have a death sentence all the sudden and told to fix the black movement or add more Civil Rights issues? Who is drafting us and who is this warden and spy masters? They are world class if not meticulous and perfect, just evil and the antichrist; a mortal enemy and a foreign saboteur out to settle a score and ousted for justice. They are trying to reproduce or recreate a holocaust and a storm of chaos so we begin to love, need, and unite with political foes we hate and who are mortal enemies.
“These are angry… deadly… mad people” you damn right Rush; we can bring it out of anybody. 9:53:42 AM About “Mark on Monday” Rush, we do not speak to them directly. I speak only to you; he is not an official representative of this kidnapping. You are and I have to only talk to you; I have no idea who Mark is or if he speaks for someone. I am only speaking to those who are involved and related to my kidnapping or have emissaries who have spoken to me. His emissaries have not spoken to me. So the announcement is null and void and rejected. I encourage the audience to turn their radio off and not let Mark ride the coattails of Rush. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 20, 2009 -
On Friday June 16, 2006; the kid with the metal pole is outside with his brother digging up the lawn. I get my camera and take 2 pictures for evidence. In one, I wait for the mother to turn towards me before snapping. She begins screaming and yelling about how I am taking pictures of her kids. She calls the police and tells them I am a sexual predator taking pictures of her kids. A female officer comes over and knocks on my door. I get a lecture on pedophiles from the female officer. In response, I tell her to speak to Dan Johnson as he was the police officer who told me to start doing this. She totally refuses to hear the story and continues to question my motives.
We reject your “demand to talk to them… they did it” and bringing Mark on during a terror plot investigation. So you tell the Generals and the fro-reign military the Pentagon wants to talk to them directly and they know what they mean. None of this bonehead fat DJ crap, directly; does not insult the Pentagon again. Mark on Monday is rejected and unacceptable Rush. You speak for them or nothing. The Pentagon wants the Generals not Mark; they want the operators and those who have hands on. Do you see DJ’s speaking for the Pentagon? Why don’t you bring Bush on and terrorize us to bond to him and see him as priceless. So Mark need not speak for you or the USA or US Generals. What an insult, when the Pentagon says a warrant is out, they better drag their saggy ass immediately and not get some two bit Brit to speak for them. Do you hear me, they want to act priceless or get another ass whooping? - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 20, 2009 -
Without any proof, she makes me acknowledge how I cannot take pictures of kids and whether or not I know better. I get upset and ask if she wishes to see both the camera and the picture. She says “no” but would not stop. I tell her to call Dan Johnson and in a condescending manner, exclaim “I know Dan Johnson, I work with him.” I finally had to play along with her lecture and acknowledge everything she says. She also asked me if I spoke English in the beginning of the conversation. I felt that was uncalled for. Disgusted I go back inside and notice the officer and Lisa Joseph outside talking for over 15 minutes. Who is in total disarray here?
You tell Mark to not even leave a trace. We do not talk to Brits about representing America. They saw how the Pentagon issued the warrant; they can speak directly to them, not me. Those Generals are talking to the Pentagon, not me okay. The guy upstairs will anger me and follow me all over and I will yell at him to go away or leave me alone; he is arrogant and the type to walk in a room and fart just to piss you off. He is the emissary for two primary groups; Clinton (Democrats) and Israel. If I want to talk to Israel; I will yell at him while he angers me day after day and follow me and cause so many problems. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 20, 2009 -
Saturday June 17, 2006; I decide to install a high end set of fog lights on my Trans Am. As I am working, the guy in the back (drives a red pickup) comes to my car and asks to talk to me. I tell him maybe later because I am busy. He begins getting belligerent and gets up into my face (touching my nose with his mouth) and begins making all kinds of verbal threats (shooting with a gun, friends, etc…). Shocked by the whole matter and the very bad breath, I tell him to take 3 steps backwards. He refuses and continues a barrage of threats and demands. He identifies himself as the father of the kids I took a picture of (which I did not, I took a picture of Lisa Joseph’s kids); and how I am a pedophile and need to move out. I explain the matter and he refuses to believe me.
If I want to talk to the British, I will send a message out for official responses. These Generals think we are stupid and easy to fool. You think we are stupid and do not know? You tell those Generals I know exactly who they are and how they operate. I would drag them into a room (by their curly hair) and ask if they are ready to do as they are told and if not drag them back out of the room and try it again. I know Generals when I see them. Those Generals are wussies; do you understand; arrogant fussiest. Don’t play that act with me and perfume your stink. They better take it more serious next time. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 20, 2009 -
Knowing where this is going, I make several warnings about backing up, if not I will take action. He refuses and a violent stand off occur during such he closes his eyes as a method of defense and “curls up.” No force is placated and he backs down without recourse. He begins to say, “You better watch your step”, “we have a lot of money”, and “You might as well move out of (X location) now because you have no idea who you are messing with Jason Conte’s father is a cop for one thing.” Those were only the main points, he said a lot. Losing, he begins to make further threats about how he is “going to shoot you with a slug.” As this is happening, a car speeds into the driveway filled with male subjects. Jason Conte runs out towards us. Fearing an ambush, I go inside and lock the door. Lisa Joseph does not unlock it for him (not today). She called and said I was starting a fight and to come to her friends aid. This is an obvious ambush and set up but it is also an ambush, so let’s make the fight fairer and come back out with the situation under control. The police did not see it as fighting fair or a balance of resistance; they viewed it as refusing an “ass whooping” and union violence by them. This was clearly the mob and it is clear as day.
The reason why the Pentagon wants to talk t them will be known when I hear them. You heard the warrant at sundown; they can respond. Then I will show you why I respond this way and seek my approval now. You are seeking approval from your captive and hostage? If you want to torture you hostage, do not seek their approval. Remember I said, the moment you seek approval to take me out; you will know it is a trap. So you messaged on my heart your finger went off the trigger but you used it to scare me off and shake us. Then you said we had to work for you and the Pentagon also. It is US property and I only speak on behalf of the US Army, not the British or Israel. If they want to rock and roll then tell them to put the finger back on the trigger and harass me every single day for the last 4 months. I sat there quiet until you admitted it for four months at level 2 pain; it feels like a mild heart attack. So F you and your arrogant skid marks; go wash your ass and clean your underwear now. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 20, 2009 -
Sunday June 18, 2006; Jason Conte spends the night and my neighbors and I are working doing chores. To free up space, I have to move everything in the basement. I ask the neighbors upstairs if the music is too loud and they tell me not at all and to turn it up. Out of nowhere, Jason Conte emerges from Lisa Joseph’s apartment and begins says, “I got a problem with the music. Turn it down now!” I tell him what they keep telling me, “I’m not doing anything wrong” and walk away. Jason Conte then goes into a fit of rage. He begins asking me if I want to “go at it now” and runs outside. I ask him to move out of my way and whether or not I can go back to work because he refuses to let me work. He wants me to fight him and I tell him, if you want to talk to me, you can come inside and sit down to talk. He begins screaming on the top of his lungs, “Right now m-f@cker, and get your (bleep) ass out here now.” He is standing in the front foliar outside and as I continue to work, he punches the overhanging roof as hard as he can break it like a super hero goon.
When the Pentagon says sundown and you do not say a word; we got a major problem. Matter of fact, we know we got a world war with the access of evil and a major spy league who is willing to attack America and engage war on capitalism and go before the public and make speeches and win their hearts and minds. Sundown means sundown; Mark can kiss our asses. Do you understand; tell the Pentagon themselves if you or they wish to fight their way out of this. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 20, 2009 -
He then says, “… Bust you up in one second if you do not leave (wants me to vacate the building immediately) … pull my finger and see what happens, you think I am playing around?” Screaming and yelling obscenities while I ignore him and work, he destroys the property. When I finish, the police are called as well as the landlord. The police speak to the landlord and they are giving verbal verification that Jason Conte does not live at that address. Both officers refuse to take a property damage report at the same time, DO NOT ASK THE LANDLORD IF HE WANTS ONE. I gave them the phone and told them I want them to talk to the landlord. The phone is disrupted several times and the officer repeatedly says, “I cannot hear you, please repeat.” With verification, the officers are told of the lawyers and they respond in kind, “let the courts handle it.” I told them Lisa Joseph was standing outside and witnessed everything. I ask the officers again to file something and they refuse stating, “You are not the landlord.”
3/24/2009 8:48:58 AM “still covering up… Irish prime minister… to thank the Irish prime minister… Irish prime minister… Irish prime minister… thanks himself… got it right for the Irish prime minister… “(new quote clip) 8:50:26 AM “this could really help Obama… such a brilliant effort… no seriously angry leftist… not funny…he has a death sentence (blacks)… trying to make you (rush) most hated and leader of the Republicans… (Note how delusional he is and won’t ask directly but is timid out of touch with reality) “One of the most popular people in this country… (Mark Leavin book promo of the rat pack and inner circle)… taking away your liberties… usurping the Constitution… daily basis… blunt tough talk from honest people… confusing to the governed… emotions easily manipulated… (Mark is a legal scholar and runs… for Edwin Geese) left labels him mean while left labels Obama compassionate… heart cold as ice… it is number 1 wherever books are sold… (Nobody will beat me as the father of satellite warfare)… you use the names of Ronald Reagan, Ann Coulter, mine, etc… then claim how you are promoting us or one of us. You are on our sides and working for us by asking, “Who is worse.” - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 24, 2009 -
On the evening of June 18, 2006; I attended the Blake Shelton concert in the City of Tonawanda. It was a great concert and I was still talking about it to the neighbors upstairs when I got home. Due to the weather, I began disassembling a very large air conditioner which cools my computers. Jason Conte comes over at 10:00 pm and I know he is in the building. Around 10:30 pm I eat dinner, like always, Jason Conte magically appears every single time whether it is at 8pm, 9pm, 10pm or later. At approximately 11:45 pm I hear at least 6-10 people running up the stairs loudly. I open the door and look out; Jason Conte is standing outside the door waiting. Now who opens a door to the residence of someone and walks into their living room to spit on them and runs? I am supposed to obey him or be like him? The man is a felon and has no life; he obviously has severe emotional and personality disorders. Who is this warden and who is this spy?
Rush, do you really think you and Sean was seduced by Ann because she is secretly in love with you and want to make you and him the leaders of the Republicans? You two have no education on the college level and she is doing this for you two bozos? You must be too timid or a buffoon. She is a decoy and ensnared you while I confirmed you as the targets. Then you confessed and the Sean confessed “I am sick and tired of being poor… I am tired of being discriminated against.” What are you two black and Civil Rights recipients? Why would she make you leader of anything if you two are terrorists and some spy group? “You say no to socialism and no to…. Don’t understand it… the negativism came from the Democratic Party…” Rush you are the most oppressive and conniving criminal I have ever seen; bloody homicidal and moral-less no matter what side you are on. Both you and Sean have a dark side which is so aggressive and oppressive and overpowering; you two are barbarians. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 24, 2009 -
The embodiment of a drugged out goon immediately begins screaming in a fit of rage, “Get you’re a@@ in your apartment… if you know what is good for you… I’m going to bust you up…. Pull my finger and see if I am playing around.” He wants me to vacate the property immediately if I know what is good for my health. I leave the door unlocked and tell him in good faith, “If you want to sit down and talk, you may.” No matter how angry you are and no matter how despondent you become, the moment you enter the residence of another with the intent to harm them, it is fraught with peril. It does not matter how angry or violent or right you are; nobody cares.
Unless you can define war, you and Leavin does not know liberty or tyranny; you are in my world now and the world of Generals. Such hard and honesty as you say because voters are emotional. “Learned from their own knowledge… “Wonderful, you are nuts and crazy; you need to be certified and not “self proclaimed” or “self anointed as the voice of conservatism… You hate the USA” conservatism and how it ends up for you conservatism…it all depends on how life goes for you. What if you fail or are not good enough? What if you are not smart enough to lead? Is it tyranny? Again, this is Aim Rand individualism libertarianism and existentialism. Who rejects you or is not you; is an enemy. Who you have no control over is the enemy because you cannot tell the truth or want to. Your group only wants to be the leader when you are near the bottom; you got nowhere else to go. Mark Leavin is in your inner circle obviously. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 24, 2009 -
After several minutes and while working on the air conditioner, Jason Conte opens the closed door, spits on me, and runs. When I open the door, he grabs the door and pries it open in a fit of rage and screaming. Lisa Joseph is there with him along with another white male. All three will not let me close the door and a struggle ensues where they repeatedly come in the apartment, run out, force the door open During the early period of the struggle, I had no weapon. I was forced to get one after a 30 minute struggle while Lisa Joseph called the police and gave both male subjects orders and directions. I only recall some of their words. It was bedlam and verbal scolding and verbal attacks to raise the level and escalate the control factor.
I am not able to take you seriously while you have an army of angry people cling on to how conservative you are (such as blacks or whites of slave blood). Your clowns are butting heads with Generals and the Pentagon yet you refuse to back down and think you are the police. You flood the airways with propaganda and try to make a buck like some bad preacher peddling fear. I need to ask you scientific questions (math, physics, and electrical engineering) to see if you are insane or logical. What is the truth when you are logical? You are trying to control the minds of people and are not qualified or trained; you must be certified and tested (some graduated of the EIB advanced conservative institute BS). Half the shit you learned you had copied from me; you make a horrible military recruit and want to lead military men to doom. This is some support group for spies and terrorists who steal the identity and use the names of celebrities. You do admit you steal the work and identities of others because you are “too big to fail.” - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 24, 2009 -
Jason Conte says, “Pull my finger… I’m going to crack your jaw in one shot… I’m going to smash your head… (With two butcher knives that Lisa Joseph handed him) come on, I’m going to throw these at you (I am unarmed and getting ready to dismantle him with wrist locks, he does not attack or throw the butcher knives. Unskilled and untrained, he wishes a knife fight)” In response, I tell him go ahead. I repeatedly ask him if I can close the door and he has the choice of coming in or closing the door. After hearing his threats and seeing Lisa Joseph make a phone call, I feel compelled to utilize weapons in self-defense. Again, the struggle lasted over 30 minutes and immediately after, the police were on the scene. I called them and told them two people had just tried to come into my apartment and I chased them off.
If you want to debate me, then try it. Conservatism is perfectionism and not only this; it has religious overtones. It is not oppression and some battle for terrorism to see who the biggest criminal who must take what they cannot earn respectfully; but you define country club and debt as some special privilege and money with no consideration of royalty. A disgrace of royals and you attack them also with no etiquette. It is Andrew Dice Clay conservatism and intellectualism identity theft. Now sit your fat ass down and mousy voice. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 24, 2009 -
They said an officer was already called and they would not respond to my call. During the struggle, I heard Lisa Joseph give orders and begin talking to the police. I screamed, “Get out of my apartment NOW!” three times to the police. She also tells him he will get hurt badly if he comes into the apartment. Jason Conte does not listen to both Lisa Joseph and the other white male who is holding him back. Finally, the other white male joins in. Lisa Joseph hands him two butcher knives from her kitchen cutlery after Jason Conte asks for 1 (one). The odd part is how there is no foot stomping from the super secret upstairs people who are emissaries for the same people and trying to be diplomatic as if they too are being super persecuted and in danger. They have a family and are so scared to get involved are they? A total act and setup by a clever spy and organized leader; the people upstairs are speaking on behalf of this captured warden and spy master. They fear and plead for reduction in tension because they know the peril and desperation which led them to these acts.
It is impossible to fight you and explain to you “wants control… tied to executive pay… (Liberals) and banking business…” we know you all are moles. 9:40:08 AM “using mob rules… giving money back… 100 per cent tax rate.” How do they come up with this stuff? Are they totally evil and can think this evil? “Afraid… look what they have done… his cut (oh they get a big cut out of this)… not being paid… “So they are disgruntled liberals who did not get paid. I am asking who the hell these people are and what is wrong with them (all NYC goons “how you doing” mousy and gangster “Benji” types). If I go through a military checklist, you flunk all of them. Do you know what royalty is or can act with grace? - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 24, 2009 -
Somehow, several officers come over with a Lt and a Captain. I see them drive up just as I begin to call them after the struggle. However, Jason Conte was outside waiting for them and his friend fled the scene prior to the arrival. They listen to his story and come into my apartment. I tell them the whole story and they tell me “We told you we were going to arrest someone if we were called one more time. We have to arrest someone before one of you gets killed. Unfortunately, it is going to be you.” I get upset and begin questioning their motive. They tell me I had to have incited the situation and people do not do this for any reason. They also tell me they do not believe me and I will get a chance to tell my side. Outraged, I ask about my convertible, securing my property, and a lot of other financial matters. They said “You are lucky to have your shirt.”
Why can’t people see through you (ahh) “nobody to oppose you… a shame… agree somebody better stop it now…(Obama) President will speak out against… his group… exact chaos he wants… take over private sector… (Buffoons) not even bothered… dire straits economy is in… not willing to voice… “This is a soviet strategy and a planned event; they know it also; knocking out everybody. Seeking total surrender which is impossible… never let up. They are a spy group, acting as renegades and private investors (oppressors) “look out… get down”; some bad boy or boy band version of a conservative. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 24, 2009 -
When I am at the Police Station, I ask if they towed my car. Also, I ask to make a formal statement of the events. They tell me, “as soon as the arresting officer takes his statement, you will get a chance to tell your side.” I wait for the official story to be printed up. THIS CHANCE WAS NEVER ALLOWED AND THEY GAVE ME A DEPOSITION. IN PROTEST, I TELL THEM THIS ISN’T THE TRUTH AND I WANT TO TALK TO THE CAPTAIN TO TELL THE STORY AND TO COPY WHAT I SAY. If you read the deposition, you will see a willful and intentional effort to misrepresent and conceal VERY VALUABLE FACTS in a cover-up. I spend 30 days in jail because I do not know anyone. I am unable to contact a lawyer whatsoever. I finally choose pro se after three weeks of trying. Please read my meticulous and legal response to the court; the five motions rejected by the court, the counter suit, and the request for an accurate police report. This was a totally stonewall offense meant to produce maximus outrage; and a complete trashing of the Constitution by the left and the union goons in New York.
These are union leaders and alienated “conservatives.” They are so alienated but found a home in the conservative moment. They admit it is a scam and a fraud. The financiers are liberals but they are mad because they do not get paid. They control the valves on the right wing. They can turn away or let through who they want with no truth. Will anybody detect them or notice? Who will trigger the trip wire and feds are on them now? They are moles and frauds. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 24, 2009 -
While detained and forced to endure this legal circus; the jailhouse is utterly infested with disease and bacteria. The County is near bankrupt and dilapidated. The roads are unpaved and with holes everywhere. Who is going to pay for the massive medical problems this time, this “oh so holy” warden we are trying to capture or kill? After only one month in this jail, there were flesh eating bacteria, new warts, corns on the foot, fungus on the foot, and cysts on the body and private parts. How do you explain this to a judge or someone prosecuting it? Also how do you explain who they targeted and also put a “death sentence” on because they are the damned and fighting the battles of the former communists? They deserve a death sentence if they cannot provide a valid explanation or an honest answer, any more clever tricks or circus like legalism of lies. Does that scare them or make them act responsibly? Then perhaps a military force invading their homeland and foreign leaders will.
8:24:10 AM So this is the “evil axis” or did you say “access?” I do not want to talk about Annie right now, please wait. Let’s talk world war and the War Powers Act Rush. I am assured you that the Pentagon are fueling up the planes right now as we speak and have jelly and donut crumbs on the target lists; your foreign military Generals did not say a word and did not respond. It is because you are money and we see your prisoner rescue attempt; which like always ends up as a fat boneheaded attempt of some buffoon who does not know when they have been deflated. Not only this, you did a bribe on the air and said we had to work for you or come aboard now because you crafted a new diabolical and evil plan. All you have is a high frequency technology which induces pain; other than this you only have brawn. You have nothing else. You brought the bird nose baldy (Jason Conte) back to restore your fond reputation and confidence because you could not blurt out "ass whooping act." - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 20, 2009 -
Two weeks after I come home from (X location) County Jail, Jason Conte decides to go on a weekend terror campaign. He smashes up the front door window, places two dents on both of my quarter panels on the Trans Am, vandalizes the $900 rims, enters my apartment a second time and takes several items, cuts the neighbors hose to the kids pool, dumps a bag of trash outside the front door, and calls the police for disturbing the peace on me. The police like usual, respond in a flash; threaten to arrest and tow my vehicle, and state if they get one more call they will arrest me. In response, I call both the state police and the FBI the next day. They finally agree to document the entry but refuse to do a damage report on the car or the property. I tell them, why you are arguing about how I did not witness a misdemeanor when you have more than enough forensic evidence for a felony arrest. They make no comment to such. Familiar with the situation now, they are giving the appearance of diligence and improve on their customer service politeness. However, they see no evil.
They might say to you what they will do but you refused to talk to the Pentagon, let the Pentagon talk to you now. I can guarantee you they are going to make those responsible for this so sorry you will never ever try this again. It is called a proper ass whooping, now do you want to try this again? I also see you harass me with the heart machine now and am merely trying to be a nuisance where you were once a global threat. I can tell you now the Pentagon was looking for your sundown "peep" and you said nothing, not even “thank you may I have another sir." - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 20, 2009 -
Jason Conte has been a nuisance to the tenants. Everybody has called the police and they do not respond in kind. Jason Conte blocks the doorway when people carry groceries into the building repeatedly and wants others to hold the door open for him. He used to bring over a large pit-bull and tie it to the gas meters until the Gas company complained. He basically terrorized me and other tenants at the approval of the (X Location) Falls Police, this is obvious. The question is why and who is putting him up to this? Both his father and grandfather have some involvement, what I do not know. The locals tell me stories about drugs, family relationships, and some business enterprise stating how this “has always been, where have you been?” The Police know this, get calls, refuse response, and scold the complaints. Double talking, they always say “did you witness… then you cannot prove it.”
“…stupid if they show up” is that the response from your Generals? 8:30:14 AM You should consider what the consequences would be otherwise, Madoff. They have something that belongs to the Pentagon and they did not verify or authenticate to make sure they are for real and we will not shoot them inadvertently if a world war broke out. If we catch them with looted or stolen goods; the Pentagon may use friendly fire. Do you understand? It is to your benefit as an ally to check in and to signal the Pentagon who you are. They said at sundown there was a diarrhea squirt by your terrorist group and you said it was 911 suicides to do so. Is this true? - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 20, 2009 -
What prompted the entire situation to begin with was Lisa Joseph’s refusal to lock the door even as items were being stolen from the property. It was a setup and we got a confession by the master mind, this ongoing chaos and how meticulous they are. Even after manipulating the appearance of the situation and broadcasting how she was being stalked and harassed by phone calls, she still continued to give the appearance that she was locking the door only to unlock it at 2am every night. During the course of a week, 3 different cars entered the property after 2am. I witnessed two different male subjects, the third was Jason Conte driving a Green Dodge Neon (other cars Gold Ford two door, Light color SUV). All those vehicles spent the night and were gone by noontime. After orders from the landlord to secure the door following reports of trash dumping and stolen property, Lisa Joseph still refused to lock the door. As the police are called, Lisa Joseph fabricates a story how I am harassing and locking the door on her friends, even if she is unlocking the door nightly at 2:15am.
F your damn staff, clear communication, and your supporters Rush for making this nightmare real to the United States (Ezra Pound, radio entertainer). All we have is eyewitness accounts but checking in will clear up any doubt. Like yourself Bush Limbo. Did I not give you my word and guarantee, I will allow you to defect if you cooperate fully and 100 per cent, fuck your staff and family; let them sink for being stupid and quiet. You and I are the ones who take the risk and we are the ones who deserve any credit and safety. You help me and I will help you okay, not those damned and doomed partners. You let the Pentagon deal with them okay; I will guide you to safety as I always do. You have my word Rush and my honor as a soldier, my word. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 20, 2009 -
This girl Lisa then tells the police I am hiding behind corners and watching her friends. Are we this interested with them? Are they such a blessing? The truth is, every time I hear a sound, I am not sure if one of her friends is breaking and entering in the basement. When a car pulls up, I have to witness the event just to prove of a conspiracy and malicious intent to drive me off the property because I refuse the “gang mentality” of the neighborhood. The gang mentality of the neighborhood attacks anything that appears “elitist or intellectual.” In response to the appearance of elitism and intellectualism, is a stubborn and arrogant argumentative charge of blaming.
“Rivals… dishonest, disingenuous… to tax a certain people at 90%... as if they had no idea this was happening… damned office… Pelosi’s office… Barney Frank’s office helped write it… Obama signed it… never would have happened if they did not… and they act like they were blind sided… detest them… mad… if you are not mad at the assault on liberty… act as potentates… incompetent power… vent your anger… “Slow down Rush. “Democrats worried… not going anywhere… anger caused Democrats to loose 50% of their seats… if you are angry direct it at your government… will explain later… claim was blind sided… did not stop them… CSPAN reported a different story… “Wow machine gun response to the above warrant. You really do not like these people Rush and rightly so; look at the mess and all the trouble they got you in; you will never enjoy your life work again. Look at how quiet they are while you are spit on in your own homeland Rush… you mad? Damn right, on our own soil Rush. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 20, 2009 -
To prevent him from straggling in or any other wanderer, the landlord was asked to order Lisa to lock the door for fear of damage or stolen property. Who is going to be accountable? Once it is discovered how the door was being unlocked daily at 2:15am and discovery of over 25 bags of trash, the landlord was called and a note posted on the door to remind Lisa Joseph of this. I informed the landlord that Jason Conte must be the individual dumping the trash because it is occurring between 2am – 5am, two days before trash day. I also told the landlord this trash was attracting birds which carpet bombed my vehicles daily with droppings. This was a set up orchestrated by the same people we had been charged with capturing or killing. This was merely their emissaries and diplomats; the goon squadron.
“This whole thing is a joke… a farce… a lie… to cook up artificial outrage… about bonuses… a freak show and circus… it is worse… this has to be a violation of oath of office… “Rush those god damn wizards are fuckers. It is me and you Rush we are buddies and you speak for me. You and I share work and I give my work to you such as the heart machine and the APS on my hand when you eviscerate it. “lying through their teeth… we have been had… been insulted… intelligence insulted… played like village idiots… suckers… who will believe anything… to protect their dirty little rear end… without uttering profanities.” Fuck yeah Rush! Warrant for their arrest, let’s go for another one! They defied the Pentagon and the orders to check in and warrant. Rush I am voting you for a medal of failure; for real. Never get mad, get revenge! - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 20, 2009 -
The landlord was fed false information and lies while the people upstairs were manipulating and orchestrating this ambush; it all leads to the same warden and this master spy we spoke of. After capture he admitted this and the 911 plots. Why would they keep their mouths shut and keep this harassment and torment ongoing if the order to capture and kill them has been issued? The landlord says this is outrageous and puts an end to the matter. Lisa Joseph then complies to the orders which then lead to the 3 day ordeal with Jason Conte. This ordeal has cause increasing suspicion with those involved. All I get in response is argumentative bickering and a stubborn appeal how each party has done nothing wrong. The most problematic aspect of this is how I cannot get the truth from anyone. I would hope that we can at least agree to the truth and the outcome. If we cannot agree on the truth, then there is a serious problem.
They need another warrant for their arrest Rush, by sundown, do something else okay. We need them to pull another evil plot or a terror plot Rush. Let me in on it and tell the Pentagon on them so they can key in and get these bastards and losers Rush. Look at your ratings, no joke, they are skyrocketing. We are talking around the globe and me and you can keep this going and set every one of them up and get the Pentagon to cast the net on their bony asses. Set them up Rush, just like before… just like we practiced. Look at them running for cover Rush… its working. You will get a major bonus when you sign up with us okay, I promise and we will negotiate this later. Just screw them over and betray them a little more and bring them out… flush them like I taught you Rush. Let my commandos feed on their foot full of corns. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 20, 2009 -
The Trans Am that was damaged has sentimental value. Since age 16, I have loved riding in and the ownership of a Trans Am. I was never able to afford one. The Trans Am was a gift from a series of car dealers. Although not an expensive car, it is unusually rare highly prized when fully restored. Furthermore, 5 professional mechanics have customized it making sure every single detail is fit and according to my love of this car. It is through their hard work and mine that I feel a sense of pride and a sentimental value. To smash the hood of a vehicle that is waxed every single day at noontime is devastating and inflicts a high level of emotional distress, to say it plainly. Antique and restore cars cannot be priced properly. The excuse by the police of “why don’t you insure it if it means that much” is a blatant and clever excuse. So why don’t we go and hide in a hole for fear of an ambush by the police and a mob squad? They say they fear us now where they once did not; why would they use fear as a weapon and an excuse? Why don’t they die and we can not be aggravated by their fears and demands for safety?
3/25/2009 8:10:53 AM Sacrifice? What are you asking from me or the military authority? “Will we stop looking for validation in the wrong places… you like to wait until you know what you are talking about… not as smart as those people…were lying left and right… promised one of these bonuses… no sympathy for this guy… going to be trashed… nothing more than an act and a show… power grab… to lure more people… resignation sent (long overdue)… class envy for elites and rich… you are no good… exactly the reaction… ginned up…” You are the only in trouble Rush so you have to justify and state why you are priceless or why liberals are priceless. Why is your group worth the paper it is printed on? - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 25, 2009 -
I did not move here to be attacked daily by a gang mentality. Truthful or not, I will not even consider listening to individuals whose activism and exploitation of matters in order to neutralize disagreement. I will not let leftist liberal activist win by holding me hostage with hostility and then allowing poor blacks and poor whites to wander around the neighborhood peacefully, while my perfection and elitism / intellectualism is violated by a gang mentality of conformity. There are days when the entire street is filled with black people even if the neighborhood is predominantly white. Unfortunately, it is wracked with unprofessionally voiced efforts towards neighborhood conformity which I recognize and do not listen to no matter the degree of truth. Professional behavior and etiquette stands above and beyond all other. Perhaps it is what the shop owner said about how the area is very blue collar which has brought me to this conclusion.
Your defense lawyers have now used a defense of “it is not what we did but why.” So you admit you did it, but you do not accept any responsibility on why or whether it was an accident or mistake. You claim it was a mistake and you are fixing it. Again, you portray yourself as a teacher or mentor and you are kidnapping the most powerful people and trying to change the minds of others you claim are teaching you. Something is wrong here and one of us is lying very badly. You claim terrorism and hostage taking is only to educate or re-educate us to our own work? The records show a block and sabotage every single time you spoke regardless of truth or not; you wanted total domination and control, no questions asked. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 25, 2009 -
Racketeering, criminal mischief, criminal enterprises, organized crime, and a host of other intimidation factors are very hard to avoid and prosecute. This is especially true when it follows the victim. However, within my own residence there should be some comfort much different from the societal cancer. I need to prosecute this matter and ask your assistance.
The most disturbing aspect of this is the thousands of dollars in lost wages, property damage, scolding from the police, refusal of service, etc… Verbal threats about Conte Sr. and his inherent power in the community, the police telling me “have you given serious thought to just moving somewhere else”, and a total lack of empathy as I am arrested and face 7 to 10 years in state prison. I get a plea bargain for 1 year from the DA and he refuses to take any action at this time while he does not show up for court. UPDATE: EVENTS WHILE IN JAIL, POST ARREST, FURTHER PROPERTY DAMAGE, ETC…
You sat there for a full decade and obstructed and blocked every single piece of work and now you claim you are promoting it and teaching us our own work? What do you not want us to know about your group or our group? So you are the leader and the teachers, your inner circle? You all brought us here and we owe you for the “promotion” and how you improved our life? You state your intention was to improve our life, but we merely refused to work for you and would not work for you so we were never paid. Could it be that you got an ass whooping of your life and finally figured out it was suicide? You had an armed insurrection and an armed, using force, and did not think the military or US Army would break you; and in the end it was suicide for you again and again. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 25, 2009 -
While in (X location) County Jail, I meet and get to interview the arrested leaders / officers of Local 91 who turned states witness. I begin getting intelligence from locals and people who grew up with Jason Conte, Lisa Joseph, and others. I will follow up on this. What I find most troubling is how Jason Conte is coming over on a daily basis and the terrorism is revived. They have made several comments such as, “we don’t want any trouble” or “we’re corrupt.” They also have said, “He’s a cop.” They think I am a “Cop” and this is a game between cops and robbers? I do not know what this is about but they are all unified and angry. The Republicans and conservatives were blamed by it even if it sounds like the damned and the spies fighting their battles with full dedication and identity theft. Rather bold for spies and liberals if you ask us because now they face a life of damnation and the harshest punishments to spill the beans of the 911 terror plots and this new spy group.
What are you doing now? Are you fighting or committing “on air suicide?” Your objectives can be summarized: confession, details, no punishment or “too big to fail”, on your side, being paid a lot of money, a monopoly and total domination, “we” are the teachers and leaders, done on purpose and for a reason (who is worse), and you are some true path or true act? Ah, you want “to be released.” 8:35:18 AM “who are the largest givers… who are the real Americans… asking for sacrifice… “So you are stating you are above the law… “Not Asians” (Intel said you made a major mistake with a few minorities); “going to get outsourced… lying off American workers… asking Americans to sacrifice… - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 25, 2009 -
This only is an account and daily diary entries to log the events for a snapshot of a few months. The entire matter began in 1998 and lasted more than a decade. This is only from April 17, 2006 to June 10, 2006 and describes one typical week while under attack. To begin to imagine and feel how fierce the fighting was for a decade, try to put one or two weeks into context with a full decade. It is logged and the damage done in the records where no excuse is good enough or believable. They do not have to come out and say it nor act in this timid and meek manner. All they are saying is “how much money do you have and how much are we going to take from you?” Before they came to us, now we came to them for an explanation. We came to their headquarters and nest.
So what is new here Rush? People know my book is the real deal and our work is the real deal, which these bozos are I have yet to figure out. I got a “D” grade on the original book while they tried to steal it and what we were working on. They trashed it and tried to steal it, rewrite it and put their names on it, and would not give me any credit. Mark is going to defend them and his “one stop book” which is to match it. You do not believe in the truth. You censor and shut it up. You ignore it and say it is change. The truth is conservatism not you or Mark. The truth is also liberalism; you represent liberalism more than conservatism. You are doing the good work for liberals. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 25, 2009 -
Again, the corruption in New York and the police force in the USA. Keep in mind, we already got a confession from the captured leaders. This was chaos intended to drive us into the harms of others who we had extreme hatred of. It was topped off by the idea they could steal and loot what they could get their hands on. They have the harshest punishments imaginable coming. When will they stop? This is as bold as a foreign immigrant group gets with the military authority and the prospects of martial law to restore the lawlessness they have exerted in effort to rewrite the lives and biographies of political targets. They forget the part where they molest and prey on unsuspecting teens or kids to rewrite their lives.
“Got all the mileage they can out of it” You all are so pathological liars, the cops do not know if you are insane or criminally insane. We are talking about the absence of truth and free floating propaganda. I see Jinda (the hut) and Rush are Mumbai 911 partners as we said already. One of us is telling the truth while the other is a total liar. Now it is not lying that is the crime but the motive and the intent. Is your lying self defense? In the case of Ann Coulter, Ann did and was lying but it was because of self defense and being raped by your barbaric politics. You are barbarians, no rules, no truth, anything goes, homicidal and murderous impulses, etc… lying is not the problem, it is the issue of self defense. It is about what you are hiding and why. You do not want to give up your individual liberties nor do you want us to? We have to show you pain and agony but you claim it is about individual liberties? - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 25, 2009 -
Even though they use kids, love, and all kinds of tricks and clever excuses; the fact is their attitude is consistent throughout the years and century. “We don’t care”, “do what you have to”, “go to hell”, “you are either for or against us”, “this is our home”, “we will do whatever we want, stop us if you can”, “this is about our safety and future”, and a host of other left wing propaganda and appeals. Thus the problem with these people in times of war and conflict where they lie under tanks and step in front of columns of militaries only to find out they just stepped in a war zone and bullets are flying all around. So why did they bring their kids to a war zone and use them as a shield? Is it because they care for their kids or merely asking us we do?
I see you all drove off and am not stopped yet. Now you claim satellite warfare is your dominion and refuse to give it up or tell the truth. The Pentagon and my officers and cadre of armies are reading this; you and they are in violation and gross violation; you will be destroyed and are in the fight of your life; do not step over that line again and again. Right now, you are in a world of trouble. You have a major problem with perfecting or a perfect eviction process. You chose the wrong victim and the wrong country to pull this hoax on. You and this group have a major problem and are reckless and irresponsible; never wishing to tell the truth. You said it best, “we pay more and we must get more back or else destruction.” You haven’t paid me crap and stole everything and you want it all and to get more back? What did you pay me? Why are you getting so much in return? - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 25, 2009 -
They claim we refuse to leave and vacate their life because this is their home. They claim we stalk them for personal gain but now want to be like us and become part of our life. We see them as a domestic nuisance and an enemy foe from a distant land; they view themselves as superior. We issued the public notices and warrants for their arrests based on the laws we know well, they pulled every trick in the book to avoid any sense of honesty. They want to live here and stay but do not seem to get it. That is the problem they do not get it. So we must go undercover after being fodder for them and having our life dominated and under search and seizure by some domestic evidence who is the enemy of the state; some new large global contingency of the damned and the broken.
Remember I would not talk to Mark so you pulled a Mark. I demanded these “foreign Generals” last week and said I had known it was Israel and “the damned.” You do not and refuse to tell the truth; you claim it is conservatism. You are not addressing the issue, was a crime committed by your inner circle and group? Mark is the voice for Mark, you, and Israel or these military Generals and his staff? There is a warrant for their arrest if they are in the US; if they are foreign (which they are) they will be destroyed if they ignore the warrants and the certification process which is getting out of hand. So your show is about how priceless the damned are and how it is about domination and total control. - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 25, 2009 -
There is more to this story but this was merely two weeks. The residual damage and the life long problems are never addressed by these people. It is the most irresponsible and imbecile human being you will ever get to know and how they destroy and run your life and theirs into the ground while you escape and try to flee from them or capture and kill them. They are waking up in a new world which they fear and one which is hostile to them or their secret devil worship.
Okay this is not an education but a defense of Judaism. He is saying Judaism is conservatism and the Constitution. He is saying the Constitution resists change and is designed to resist change. He claims they are the fathers of satellite warfare and the heart of the military. Obviously they are trying a hijacking and a theft, after the crime. They do not want to “surrender their independence… promoting this quiet revolution… (Says we are revolutionists or radicals)… don’t know until we try our way… never know until we reach these people… (Rush says to attract them and lure them) challenge them… to deceive… on a dime they march… fighting with each other… debating about nonsense. “- Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 25, 2009 -
There is no need to argue or use fear as a defense or weapon on us. Do not waste more of our valuable time by trying to take us out again or harassing us afterwards with fear. Nobody gives a crap or fears them and if they did; they would not be doing this line of work. So take their best shot while they can and get it over with because that same bayonet will be used on them and with even more fury. Once you meet and have to talk to these inferior breed of humans, you will never wish any contact with others. If you live with these people and suffer their abuses, we guarantee you a first class ticket to the hell of their reality.
States we are a fraud and hijacked his movement. We run satellite warfare and want him and this group gone, or captured dead or alive as terrorists and charges outlined. “We have hijacked” he claims. “Trying to rewrite conservatism… keeping it to Hamilton, Jefferson… has a duty to support… Edmund Burke is so crucial… change is radical and destroys the society… why we fight it off (Unabomber manifesto origins)… must have a moral order… means to an end… there are not three braches to conservatism… legitimately denied them… rights rationed… if do not agree, take them away (Truth)… exploits something… man is imperfect… so institutions imperfect… so man exploits this.” - Interview with terror master spy and terror suspects, by Author, March 25, 2009 -
The worst part is how we have to deal with emissaries, Niagara Falls suicide diplomats and these dirt leaders who were once scream and shouting and now whimpering and crying out of fear. Fear is not a proper excuse nor is lying. You do not wage war on a nation or another nation then claim fear; they will destroy you and retaliate with a vicious might if you upset them even more; fear or not. If they do not like it, then get out of the warfare business as we are trying to rid them also. If you are fearful, then do not wage war and on the wrong people either. If you are fearful, then get the hell out of the business and most specifically satellite warfare where first strike and last strike are fatal and unrecoverable. We do not have time to educate them, we want them captured or killed for acting this way or aggravating us.
Rush what is the basis of your soul? I am not sure if you have one. I use US Army for my pride and strength, what is yours? Power over others or pain and agony? Our forces have “cut and bled you” slowly and meticulously; Ann had made you so hurt and in so much pain (not as much as Sean Humanity) but you were 10:10:18 AM “agitated… she refused to play” 10:15:54 AM So you played “knocking on heavens door” as the basis of your strength? Explain this one for us…. “Your doom…” Liberalism and communism has no religion; Jim Jones is a cult group. Can you explain how you and Jim Jones are different? “It is a scandal… Mr. Civil Rights is killing your civil rights…” Do you believe in truth and honor? “Only intended for use of your people… you push it back on who is blowing… now who is descending… now both ill and both sensitive… moved the outhouse in front of your door… you have an estate.” - Terror and Spy suspects admit to home invasion, by Author; March 17, 2009 -
There are three highly vivacious combat units in this world. These three groups have shown a recurring showmanship and ability to become mighty and resilient this century in warfare. We are not talking about across the boards victories; we are saying that when it comes to banging it up and world war, there are only three specific names. Those three are the champions of this world and they uphold and deserve the respect which others set the standards for.
Based on what you just said, your soul is liberalism and communism mixed with civil disobedience and radical violence; then packaged in scandals of religion only to be used when you are in trouble. That is why you gain so much and can profit or be so sneaky under the radar. You have a soul but you know it is a scandal and only use it when doomed or in trouble. So you call the communists and terrorists as your “magic genie” and “Simon says.” Was the hot economics college professor who gave me A’s on every test and paper one of your goon squads or just horny? She was super hot and I would wear red jogging shorts and tank tops to work out after class. She was married and loved it because it was inhuman and phenomenal body perfection. Look at the photos after 10 years not lifting or working out in 2007, perfect. So Rush fluctuates between human and spy; terrorist and freedom fighter; using religion, God and corruption. He says he has a soul and is aware of it; who forgives him? Do you feel pain Rush or empathize with victims? - Terror and Spy suspects admit to home invasion, by Author; March 17, 2009 -
This is a really stupid enemy. If they step on that line and step over it the speed they reached this conclusion will be too late; they might as well join the other side because we do not care for them or about fighting alongside their control or tinkering in our life. If our enemies are reading this and if they are in hiding because of the arrest warrants issued; listen carefully and take this serious, there are only two positive outcomes in satellite warfare; surrender and world war. First strike is the basis of it but this enemy has taken the first and perpetuated this for a decade, so now the last strike and the real challenge begins. There are only two outcomes; avoid annihilation or world war and we are not fearless of either and are open to both. Fear as a weapon and an excuse is typical of this coward breed in the wrong business and worse the wrong theatre of conflicts.
So Jason Conte the guy who did the home invasion just rode by revving up the motorcycle. He got his ass whooped and would have; he is a boxer, not a martial arts master who breaks and uses every submission hold; he cannot see what is coming or how fast the fight can end. You all are hussies and do not know when your ass is whooped. He has not come by in 8-12 months and all the sudden did today. Jason Conte is related to a police detective local here. So who are they and why are you linked to them? How many on the police force is a spy or under the pay of some dangerous felon communist group Rush? Name them and who we need to take out. You all do not know danger. You and he do not know danger right now; the police are trying to cover up their mistakes with the phony DUI charge. I thought you were going around putting stuff in the drinks of people so they pass out or wreck their planes? I even told the FBI I suspected this because of the surge in hit and runs in Buffalo, NY. - Terror and Spy suspects admit to home invasion, by Author; March 17, 2009 -
The reason why they act like such a moron is because they are not from here. If you crash a military party or celebration and pose as terrorists or some clever disguise; there is going to be a massive retaliation. The military tradition just does not like this type or how these Generals and foreign militaries is such an inferior breed while they run amuck and target the top leaders. Trashing the Constitution was one thing, inviting you-self to a parade and celebration was the last straw. Using fear as a defense and weapon to stick their snout in the dung heap they are in was the worst mistake of their lie. They are in the wrong businesses, spying on the wrong people, and hitting up or tricking the wrong country. If anything they learned a little about military families and military tradition in the United States; but this enemy just does not get it and their leaders will fear it forever.
I will post the home invasion and my day to day diary of how you all hit or do a planned hit. Is it textbook mob or a police mob hit? Who are they? You will see how bone insane and homicidal Jason Conte is; also how much of a pussy he is for being so overconfident. He cannot outrun a radio and he knows this; yet he cannot out shoot the US Army neither. What is left? Conte is like you; hired jackass talk but not a professional. He is not a professional fighter and in a ring with professionals; will be taken apart slowly. He also runs… and always fights in gangs and ambushes. Never one on one, eye to eye, closes the door; another super hussy scared of being outthink by a champion. If he is a champion and not a thug… he would have balls. Now that is what you are talking about, corruption with a soul. - Terror and Spy suspects admit to home invasion, by Author; March 17, 2009 -
The state of New York is probably the biggest culprit of all. It is the parasite which born the egg of the left. It is the most productive state in the Union yet most other states in the Union view it as a parasitic cancer for producing all of these problems. It is a bad experiment gone wrong and a global catastrophe. The only form of sanity for those entangled and stuck in the mess is an even worse insanity, totalitarianism, a police state, big government, and what we call a force of nature and physics of barbarians and a dirt breed of human beings; productive or not. The military authority is the supreme rulers and the authority on this earth; they are the last line of defense and are charged with the sole authority and goal to destroy anyone who displays a severe disrespect for rules not written yet. So they know it is a bad formula to nationhood and how to build a country.
Tell him to come back tomorrow and I’ll whoop his saggy ass and teach him how to ride bikes like a real man “bald bird nose fool.” Tell him to hit the gym also because I attack wrists and know 3-4 breaks on the wrists; really cool stuff. I hold his hands when he touches me and talk to him and in one second, buh-bye. That is how stupid you all are; not professional, stupid and arrogant. Tell baldy bird nose to come back for a real ass whooping. So the local police and the state of New York is tainted as 911 plotters; confirmed. That is how they knew me and Ann and how you got access to my home and destroyed my property (convertible, computers, etc… thousands of dollars and thousands of bail-bond). About your parents as federal judges; what else? You all are fucking spies. I know what they fear and asked them – losing their retirement and pension because of you. - Terror and Spy suspects admit to home invasion, by Author; March 17, 2009 -
The bad formula to nationhood begins with European rivalries. Several Europeans of specific heritage fought to control the United States or seize control of her assets to send back to the homeland. They claim the nation is their own, not in name, but in heritage and ethnicity and it usually causes severe breakdowns with other groups and foreign governments. They too get entangled in this huge mess and then try to target the military authority or infiltrate the power structure of this world. So now they are all caught up in this European heritage problem and a larger spy group. This new group has emerged out of hiding after the Cold War to blast off their last of their blanks. Who would have known they were shooting for real?
3/17/2009 10:43:43 AM Ah, so you say you did it to “move him… because they are in debt.” You do not even know what I am doing and insist you are so helpful. Yes the report will show “aggressive efforts to make him abandon his residence.” Did you say “loser pays” and I lost? So you still won at this time and we have to pay? Did you hear me when I said we are the US Army and you are in serious trouble? All of your staff, family, and life are going to be investigated by massive prosecutors and lawyers. I am directing them to audit and who the best chances are. 10:45:28 AM so you admit you knew us (Ann and I); at some earlier time and so did the people who did the home invasion. Prior knowledge and current knowledge at this time; the police department will love you for saying that; but then you tried to negotiate a lawsuit and settlement out of court with the home invasion. They local mayor said they were desperate for money and had to figure out how to make business. - Terror and Spy suspects admit to home invasion, by Author; March 17, 2009 -
The new spy group which emerged after the Cold War is more ruthless than before and evens more power driven than once had been presumed. They have worked hard for over a century and watched as their country defeat them. They watched as all the labor and power began to fade and die off. They failed and what is more, they were caught behind enemy lines with nothing to fight with but their mind and voice. They now know they have failed and there is no chance left. They know destruction is imminent. They were driven out of power by the military power that they tried to trick and fool in order to fight their wars and failure.
Don’t even say it, we know. Also, the case was won with the Duke Lacrosse players in NC; my lawyers paid millions to do the case! Ready? See how dumb you are, you do not see danger. They were freaking out when the Duke case was going on and backing down thinking I was being coached my million dollar attorneys. They were scared to go to trial and messed up badly. Then I filed a case with Andrew Cuomo. Is he on your payroll also? Boy the state of New York has really messed up for you. You got Cuomo implicated also, Reynolds is gone, Bruno is gone, the mayor is indicted, Spitzer is gone, who else? They going to love you and how you took their pension and life savings with a 911 plot; loyal and to the end right, “we had no idea” excuse? - Terror and Spy suspects admit to home invasion, by Author; March 17, 2009 -
Democracy is and was the most effective form of control and the most productive method to put the masses in a state of peace. It does not define if the goal is peace or war but it merely an effective method of control and rule by leaders. If you control the masses the end result will be war or some diatribe of peace. There is no real solid and proven formula. However, the sensation you have a voice or some say over the future, self determinism, was the most powerful invention in two centuries of warfare. It came from the French, the French got it from the Greeks, and then used it on the British as the British resisted and fought other European states over monarchy and dominion.
Admit the act we know. You tried to cover up the events from 1998 to 2006 because you had nothing; the only thing you had were bills and bad finances and a few incidents of a few beers at the beach. So you tried the DUI and that was as good as you could; but the collection agencies and notice to the courts here was major threat of garnishments; Madoff; loser pays huh. So loser pays with their retirement, pension and life savings! You got it… I’ll make a note for the police they refused to step down and dragged this out for a terror plot and cover up without even asking why. “Irate” says Rush; but in court they will say “we did not know.” Damn, you all have the police in New York on your payroll. See how your pride is soft and you cannot stand it? Oh they going to love you all and what you are up to, “federal power” Rush says. - Terror and Spy suspects admit to home invasion, by Author; March 17, 2009 -
So the sensation human beings get with democratic principles is a sense of home. That home can be the past, the present, or the future; it is up to you to define it and who you are. We as the military authority merely observe and when there is a severe or catastrophic event, are charged to duty and as human beings must do all we can. It is no feat of super humans or to be revered through history. It is part of being whole and total. It is part of being instilled by legends and to learn from them or their might. So democracy does not make humans any more powerful, evil, greedy, less greedy, selfish, ambitious, or dirt than they are already. The media and all the attention might but democracy does not.
3/26/2009 11:29:39 AM Rush says we "are not willing to be controlled by the army." Rush is some General or Commissar for the Army of the damned, too big to fail, and has an alliance system where they control everything. It is a mob system and style where you must show pain and agony to them and bow down. Their objective is to survive by control and persuasions of dictating "teleprompter" apparatchik of stardom and leaders. This is a system of iconoclasms or messengers who avoid the message, symbols, prose, and double talk; an underground and underworld by the enemies of the state, the damned, fighting the damned battles as lawyers and big payoffs of special interests. - The full confessional: The damned has waged war on the United States of America (the weak, the labor, the left, the crooks and criminals, and those with a death sentence). - The full 911 confession and why the "damned" are priceless to terrorism or have so much expertise (union violence and fear of the left wing and labor) by Author, March 24, 2009 -
So we know exactly what goes on in the minds of mere mortals. What was once economic, religious, and political conflict is actually a life experience of identity and the ad hoc of hodgepodge crescendos of beliefs, culture, personal gain, and some way to use that to control their fellow human being. This particular group we wish to smash up and destroy with reckless abandons always has a clever response. They come up with new and clever methods, temporary tricks, to defeat the looming control over their life by the military authorities even if we know who they are and why they are here as a foreign spy group. They flooded the land with people who were easy to trick and control.
Rush says, "Will not give a dime to the liberals" while he pushes others to that side. It is a total barricade and block where no survival is possible unless you join the left wing and the communists. They actually softening you up and make you embrace it; much like South America and the propaganda the Catholic Church and CIA cut a path of destruction through. The only way to restore sanity by the vacuum of this chaos is to introduce communism and left wing compassion. They will not let up and will kidnap and destroy you for a lifetime until that goal is achieved to bail out their work. After the cold war and the defeat of the left, this group and army of the damned came storming out. They began the attacks on America and wanted someone to step out or challenge them. - The full 911 confession and why the "damned" are priceless to terrorism or have so much expertise (union violence and fear of the left wing and labor) by Author, March 24, 2009 -
These ethnic leaders on both the right and left wing engage in long disconnected and illogical ways to explain either their intentions or goals, thinking or not, it will give them a soul of identity and nobody will notice or challenge them. Nobody will expose them because it is offensive. It is damaging to their image and stardom. It is an insult to their intelligence and hard work. They are so timid and meek they cannot ask a taken spouse if she wishes to date them and is the slightest bit interested. It is like they are conditioned by the idea failure is imminent and so is rejection. Again, certain ethnicities have a perception and an experience in America and it has led to being timid, sneaking around, and acting in this ruthless and impotent manner. Meanwhile, their leaders open the gates and flood the farm fields with more and more problems never looking back or addressing them.
They came to us and challenged us as we were investigating them and on their tracks. They were after the vast right wing conspiracy and Cold War heroes or the next wave and wanted to smash and destroy them for the insult. Part of it was to alienate and ostracize them as was the weapon used. Part of it was spending and the cold war strategy of spending to defeat or bankrupt the left. Now spending is to save them not defeat them. - The full confessional: The damned has waged war on the United States of America (the weak, the labor, the left, the crooks and criminals, and those with a death sentence). - The full 911 confession and why the "damned" are priceless to terrorism or have so much expertise (union violence and fear of the left wing and labor) by Author, March 24, 2009 -
The goal here is simple. If you are persecuted or can present a good case why you are fleeing dangerous, real or perceived, you can emigrate from the homeland. As illogical and disconnected as these ethnic groups are, it gives them soul and identity until the next catastrophe and disaster occurs. The goal of victim hood is to immigrate and then emigrate to some vast corner of the territory until a unity and gathering occurs. Their goal is to stay and call it home; even if this means kidnapping and destroying the military authorities using a foreign spy group. People are constantly in a state of perpetual searching of ways to feel powerful. Religious persecution is the best excuse on earth. Furthermore, ethnicity is a higher state above and beyond that religious persecution. Yeah, we caught them, where are our medals?
Lying to the liberals is a weapon while honesty is avoided and pretends to induce guilt. People lie when engulfed by a mob or trapped in a death trap. The enemy lies as a weapon and an offensive use; not as self defense to prevent destruction. This enemy destroys and wants to be known as unstoppable, an army too big to be stopped as the damned. They win many battles with lies and propaganda. It is impossible to flush them out. The only people who are visible are liberals and left wing "reception" groups who did nothing or cannot be charged. At most they are timid and very meek. They are desperate and need money. They want you to join their alliance and join the Diaspora and holocaust. That is the only way to be safe. They call it home. This is your home now. We are talking about day and night stalking and trickery to figure out where next to strike or what medical problem they can inflict. It begins with shutting off and shutting down financial pursuits, then it moves to entertainment and happiness, then it goes to medical and more impacting life issues. - The full confessional: The damned has waged war on the United States of America (the weak, the labor, the left, the crooks and criminals, and those with a death sentence). - The full 911 confession and why the "damned" are priceless to terrorism or have so much expertise (union violence and fear of the left wing and labor) by Author, March 24, 2009 -
So religion is used, we call it religious persecution, by immigrant groups because it is so difficult to prove. The world is undergoing a rapid transformation and power structures of elites are shifting overnight. It is derived from this religious persecution and victim hood. What is your excuse to be here or living on our bloody soiled history? Is your excuse world war, maybe Korea or Vietnam, perhaps even 911 or Iraq? Or is it the Cold War and the battle of the mightiest forces on this earth? It better be the latter or nothing because the world and the power shifts have changed drastically. What is being used against us and who?
By attacking, they put out reception committees and it is very safe in their care. They call this government. Rush was the architect of this and the administrator of it. When asked, he was able to describe over 20 years of details and confessions. The level of evil in the thought indicated how sadistic and how natural the thoughts came to them. They were calm, collective, and unrepentant when describing their work and what they had done. We had known they were communists in disarray searching for some plan or road map of the future. So they used warfare or conflict as an impetus to make others work for them. They said if this is what we want and how we are going to shut it off or turn them off war mode? Again, a holocaust and some sensation of drowning where you are helpless and must become an obedient servant and subjugate to a foreign spy group or military. They are targeting military leaders or people they view as easy targets. People who won't fight back or who they can trick easily or con. - The full confessional: The damned has waged war on the United States of America (the weak, the labor, the left, the crooks and criminals, and those with a death sentence). - The full 911 confession and why the "damned" are priceless to terrorism or have so much expertise (union violence and fear of the left wing and labor) by Author, March 24, 2009 -
This immigrant system feeds itself. It is like the government when it needs money, it taxes more and more to reckless ends. It steam rolls over any opposition because it is so thoughtfully challenged. Yet the reason is simple to explain, they only wish to come to America for personal gain; religious persecution is what the founding fathers wrote but did not explain because there was an order to separate religious convictions and state rule. This was the same mess occurring in Europe and the need to become rivals or unity. Sovereignty was the might of Britain who eventually was led astray when warfare and empire building was used back at her. What is the reason? The reason is religious persecution again, the same written by the founding fathers.
The excuse is they did not know or made a mess out of the situation; a sense of being caught red handed as a molester or tormentor. How they call it conservatism is beyond the imagination but we think it is for enabling and financing only. Their ratings and their paychecks are six to nine figures if they use that label and play their cards right. Then they can buy off any political force on the left wing or right; favoring the right wing. They are positive, inspires confidence, and for certain. The goal is strangulation of all sides, torture of all agents. They want to show and prove why they are right again. The attack is intended for someone who cannot fight back and total victory, it blew up badly. Votes of no confidence are everywhere; as we designed it. - The full confessional: The damned has waged war on the United States of America (the weak, the labor, the left, the crooks and criminals, and those with a death sentence). - The full 911 confession and why the "damned" are priceless to terrorism or have so much expertise (union violence and fear of the left wing and labor) by Author, March 24, 2009 -
So they come to America not for any other reason than personal gain and we get this ethnic rivalry between immigrants and the military authorities. They live here and work hard to become the elites only to ask why they are here, why is the government killing other human beings, and why are they so threatened? If our lost and decrepit insignificant immigrant class was looking for an answer or solution, then they found it with terrorism, 911, and even Iraq and using Israel as the beacon of foreign policy. To them it is merely a material world where greed spurns more and more greed; leading to the ultimate leader and a total state of grace in selfishness. Yes we have our tyrant and smashed up despot in hiding now.
Their primary angst is the Vietnam War and the government policies on anti-communism. They terrorized Central and South America to get this point across. It was resisting by blowing the fuses and surging chaos; in order to create a plight against them. After Vietnam there was a plight against all of this chaos. Primarily, it was a refugee and a rescue situation when things fell apart. Having these sympathies for communism, they want to use the policies against the communists to entice and create the plight against them. This is the plight of the damned in capitalism and communism. Neither system is compatible to the damned. The kinder they get the more merciless and violent the world becomes. Wave after wave of this kindness and mismanagement to use fear as a weapon and excuse. - The full confessional: The damned has waged war on the United States of America (the weak, the labor, the left, the crooks and criminals, and those with a death sentence). - The full 911 confession and why the "damned" are priceless to terrorism or have so much expertise (union violence and fear of the left wing and labor) by Author, March 24, 2009 -
The new enemy and this huge espionage conspiracy is about religious persecution again. We destroy them and kill them with military spending and they do the same with domestic spending now by adding trillions in bailouts and endless fiscal debt. The same spending strategy to destroy the left is being deployed to resist and destroy the right. Where they were once up in arms and fighting mad; they are now civilized and ideal subjects who are angry and want to determine their future and how their tax dollars are spent. It was merely a mistake, no harm intended. Treat them as a foreign enemy and a foreign foe as we had flushed them out and traced. We observed their behavior and conducted tests to trace them.
Israel being destroyed is not an option yet this is the battle and plight of the damned. The plight of the damned is contrary to the Cold War and the Vietnam War. The Asian economies prove this and how they have superseded expectations and Western economies. So the case against capitalism cannot be made by the damned as free trade ruffled their feathers and eviscerated their power base. The left and liberals were imploding and debt became a life source. Now the battle of the damned grew to the bankers and false bank notes. The bankers have an elaborate system to keep you in debt forever, they own you, and force you to make them rich. It is not conservatism or Republican Party line because of the tradition of sovereignty and anti-slavery. Yet the usury and the business aspects of financial conservatism cannot be excluded or despised. These bankers fueled corruption, the mob, immigration, crime, and a host of New York as the gateway to hell problems. So after the Vietnam War reconstruction began and investigations into how to prevent another loss to communism. - The full confessional: The damned has waged war on the United States of America (the weak, the labor, the left, the crooks and criminals, and those with a death sentence). - The full 911 confession and why the "damned" are priceless to terrorism or have so much expertise (union violence and fear of the left wing and labor) by Author, March 24, 2009 -
So if you read the founding fathers and the contexts of the Bill of Rights, the reasons for a standing army and the purposeful creation of a nation; we see clearly the religious persecution by Europeans and rivalry of other competing countries who were trying to land grab as much as they could fight for. This was until and independent and sovereign military militia led by the founding fathers drove out all European influences and rebuilt a new nation. But they could not remove the immigrant out of the immigrant system. The reason was because of this religious persecution.
That is what we escaped out of and the plot launched on us right after college because we were on their trail and was investigating them. This is a diabolical and the foreign policy of the left wing and the liberals in the world. We had taken this class and they designed it in college to pick our brains, to see what we knew about them or what was being done in the US. They knew the reemergence of Vietnam was a major problem and what got them in so much trouble before. In twenty years after Vietnam, it was a curse and they lost more than 50 per cent of their strength globally. This battle of the damned as they call it put them in a very bad position and a lot of debt. It is doom and the trap was sprung with satellite warfare and SDI which was the gold they were trying to claim also. - The full confessional: The damned has waged war on the United States of America (the weak, the labor, the left, the crooks and criminals, and those with a death sentence). - The full 911 confession and why the "damned" are priceless to terrorism or have so much expertise (union violence and fear of the left wing and labor) by Author, March 24, 2009 -
In the final days of March 2009 the state of New York announced they would lay off 9,000 state employees, halts the massive surge of taxes on all saleable goods, and was facing a catastrophe of 60 billion in fiscal debt every 3 months because Albany was not able to disconnect its dependency on the economy and Wall Street. To this gateway to hell, greed is good and the ultimate state of existence is total selfishness. Who needs two sides or a capitalist or communist when you have the antichrist and a single enemy with a single grand strategy? This is our access of evil and our spy group and they have been caught red handed and face doom with no escape or excuse needed.
Other issues unreported or still ongoing:
•Local 91
•Complaints to X location County Jail personnel
•More threats
•Strip Searches
•6 appearances in court
•Wrong person on docket, order to falsely release, bench warrant trick to regain control
•Rub it in my face
•More burglaries, clandestine entry (police called for burglary, no investigation or response), report of missing / stolen property – still no police response
•Mishandled property (keys, money order, convertible)
•Calls for disturbing the peace vs. all of the above
•Dereliction of duty
•Verbal scolding and stalking by Local 91 sympathizers (captured leaders now explain why union goons were used or why mob involvement.
•Utility bill complaints of high bill (extortion) – wrecks finances
•M and T Bank and their constant “cooking the books” and over $315 overdraft charges afterwards (extortion) – wrecks finances. They demand some form of payment or will take it.
•Assailant makes sure intimidation is known, visits dwelling every day and even continues violations, police are called repeatedly – they continue the intimidation as well (next time we are going to tow your car),
•Newspaper articles: mechanic ran over, officer faces drug charges, officers face DWI, more cases relating to this case.
•Sympathizers and cohorts
•Springing the trap
“Fly From the Inside” lyrics by Shinedown
Here's the weight of the world on my shoulders
Here's the weight of the world on my shoulders
On my shoulders
All alone I pierce the chain
And on and on the sting remains
And dieing eyes consume me now
The voice inside screams out loud
I am focused on what I am after
The key to the next open chapter
Cause I found a way to steal the sun from the sky
Long live that day that I decided to fly from the inside
Every day a new deception
Pick your scene and take direction
And on and on I search to connect
But I don't wear a mask and I have no regrets
I am focused on what I am after
The key to the next open chapter
I can't escape the pain
I can't control the rage
Sometimes I think that I'm gonna go insane
I'm not against what's right
I'm not for what's wrong
I'm just making my way and I'm gone
Here's the weight of the world on my shoulders
“Jaded” lyrics by Aerosmith
Hey...Ja Ja Jaded
You got your mama's style
But you're yesterday's child to me
So Jaded…
You think that's where it's at
But is that where it's 'sposed to be?
You're gettin' it all over me
X rated
My, my, baby blue
Yeah I been thinkin' 'bout you
My, my, baby blue
Yeah you're so Jaded
And I'm the one that Jaded you
Hey...Ja Ja Jaded
In all it's misery
It will always be what I love...and hated
And maybe take a ride to the other side
We're thinkin' of
We'll slip into the velvet glove
And be Jaded
My, my, baby blue.
Yeah I been thinkin' 'bout you
My, my, baby blue
Yeah I'm so Jaded
And baby I'm afraid ah you
You're thinkin so complicated
I've had it all up to here
But it's so overrated
Love and hate it
Wouldn't trade it
Love me, Jaded...yeah...yeah
(Guitar solo)
Hey...Ja Ja Jaded
There ain't no baby please
When I'm shootin' the breeze, with her
When everything you see is a blur
And ex-ta-ceez what you prefer
My, my, baby blue
I been talkin 'bout you
My, my, baby blue
Yeah I been thinkin' 'bout you
My, my, baby blue
Yeah you're so Jaded…
You're so Jaded…
'Cause I'm the one that Jaded you!!!
“Talking to the Walls” lyrics by Finger Eleven
No hostage has been held like I've
Been holding mine but I'm just fine
Since I've been without you
No prisoner could climb the walls
That I've built up in my mind
Since I've been without you
But I'm holding down and out
I'm desperate without you
Look at the shape I'm in
Talking to the walls again
Look at the state I'm in
Bent and broken is all I've been
No universal truth this time
No other universe but mine
Could ever feel as unaligned
Since I've been without you
No instances from time to time
Feel like things will turn out right
Since I've been without you
No universal truth this time
There's no universe for you and I
And there's no one to make me realize
“If You’re Gone” by Matchbox 20
I think I've already lost you
I think you're already gone
I think I'm finally scared now
You think I'm weak - but I think you're wrong
I think you're already leaving
Feels like your hand is on the door
I thought this place was an empire
But now I'm relaxed - I can't be sure
I think you're so mean - I think we should try
I think I could need - this in my life
I think I'm just scared - I think too much
I know this is wrong it's a problem I'm dealing
If you're gone - maybe it's time to go home
There's an awful lot of breathing room
But I can hardly move
If you're gone - baby you need to come home
Cuz there's a little bit of something me
In everything in you
I bet you're hard to get over
I bet the room just won't shine
I bet my hands I can stay here
I bet you need - more than you mind
I think you're so mean - I think we should try
I think I could need - this in my life
I think I'm just scared - that I know too much
I can't relate and that's a problem I'm feeling
I think you're so mean - I think we should try
I think I could need - this in my life
I think I'm just scared - do I talk too much
I know this is wrong it's a problem I'm dealing
If you're gone - maybe it's time to go home
There's an awful lot of breathing room
But I can hardly move
If you're gone - baby you need to com
“Unwell” lyrics by Matchbox 20
All day…
Staring at the ceiling
Making, friends with shadows on my wall
All night…
Hearing voices telling me
That I should get some sleep
Because tomorrow might be good for something
Hold on…
I'm feeling like I'm headed for a
I don't know why
I'm not crazy I'm just a little unwell
I know, right now you can't tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy I'm just a little impaired
I know, right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to be
Talking to myself in public
Dodging glances on the train
I know…
I know they've all been talking 'bout me
I can hear them whisper
And it makes me think there must be something wrong
With me…
Out of all the hours thinking
I've lost my mind
I’ve been talking in my sleep.
Pretty soon they'll come to get me!
Yeah, they'll taking me a home
Hey, how I used to be…
How I used to be, yeah….
Well I'm just a little unwell…
How I used to be…
How I used to be…
Well I'm just a little unwell…
How I used to be…
“Smooth Criminal” lyrics by Alien Ant Farm
As he came into the window
Was a sound of a crescendo
He came into her apartment
He left the bloodstains on the carpet
She was sitting at the table
He could see she was unable
So she ran into the bedroom
She was struck down
It was her doom
Annie, are you OK
Are you OK
Are you OK, Annie?
Annie, are you OK
You OK
Are you OK, Annie?
Annie, are you OK
You OK
You OK, Annie
Annie, are you OK
You OK
Are you OK, Annie?
Annie, are you OK
Will you tell us that you’re OK
There’s a sign at the window
That he struck you
A crescendo, Annie
He came into your apartment
He left the bloodstains on the carpet
Then you ran into the bedroom
You were struck down
It was your doom
You’ve been hit by
You’ve been struck by
A smooth criminal
So they came into the out way
It was Sunday
What a black day
I could feel your salutation
Sounding heartbeats
Annie, are you OK
Will you tell us that you’re OK?
There’s a sign at the window
That he struck you
A crescendo, Annie
He came into your apartment
He left the bloodstains on the carpet
Then you ran into the bedroom
You were struck down
It was your doom
Annie, are you OK
You OK
Are you OK, Annie?
You’ve been hit by
You’ve been struck by
A smooth criminal
Annie, are you OK
Will you tell us that you’re OK
There’s a sign at the window
That he struck you
A crescendo, Annie
He came into your apartment
He left the bloodstains on the carpet
Then you ran into the bedroom
You were struck down
It was your doom
"Youth" lyrics by Collective Soul
And you said we would be golden
When we grow old
And you said we'd never be broken
When we grow old
But if a river can dry to dust
I guess the angels we learn to trust can fly away
And like a mountain can lose its peak
I now know the heart can change its needs, quietly
And you said we'd never be parted
When we grow old
And you said I'd see you in heaven
When we grow old
But if a river can dry to dust
I guess the angels we learn to trust can fly away
And like a mountain can lose its peak
I now know the heart can change its needs, quietly
So goodbyes come tomorrow
Goodbye come tomorrow
Goodbye, goodbye
Yeah goodbyes come tomorrow
Goodbye come tomorrow
Goodbye, goodbye
And you said we would be golden
When we grow old
“Save Me” lyrics by Shinedown
I've got a candle,
And I've got a spoon
I live in a hallway
With no doors and no rooms
Under the window sill
They all were found
A touch of concrete within a doorway
Without a sound
Someone save me if you will
And take away all these pills
And please just save me, if you can
From the blasphemy in my wasteland
How did I get here
And what went wrong
Couldn't handle forgiveness
Now I'am far beyond gone
And I can hardly remember
The look of my own eyes
How could I love this
A life so dishonest
It made me compromise
Jump in the water
Jump in with me
Jump on the altar
Lay down with me
My hardest question
To answer is
Some one save me (x2)
Somebody save me
Somebody save me
Please don't erase me
"Devour" lyrics by Shinedown
Take it and take it and take it and take it and take it all
Take it and take it and take it until you take us all
Smash it and crash it and thrash it and trash it
You're only toys
Try it you'll like it don't hide it don't fight it, just let it out
Steal and shoot it and kill it or take another route
Take it and take it and take it
You know they're only toys
(Chorus 1)
Devour Devour
Suffocate your own empire
Devour Devour
It's your final hour
(Chorus 2)
Devour Devour
Stolen like a foreign soul
Devour Devour
What a way to go
You want it you want it you want it
Well here it is
Everything everything everything
Isn't so primitive
Take it and take it and take it and take it and take it all
Nobody nobody wants to feel like this
Nobody nobody wants to live like this
Nobody nobody wants a war like this
(Chorus 1)
(Chorus 2)
What a way to go
Diving down…
Round and round…
Diving down…
Round and round…
(Chorus 1)
(Chorus 2)
(Chorus 1)
(Chorus 2)
What a way to go!
"Dare You To Move" lyrics by Switchfoot
Welcome to the planet
Welcome to existence
Everyone's here
Everyone's here
Everybody's watching you now
Everybody waits for you now
What happens next
What happens next
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened before
Welcome to the fallout
Welcome to resistance
The tension is here
Tension is here
Between who you are and who you could be
Between how it is and how it should be
Maybe redemption has stories to tell
Maybe forgiveness is right where you fell
Where can you run to escape from yourself?
Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna go?
Salvation is here
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened
Today never happened
Today never happened before
“Burning Bright” by Shinedown
I feel like there is no need for conversation
Some questions are better left without a reason
And I would rather reveal myself than my situation
Now and then I consider, my hesitation
The more the light shines through me
I pretend to close my eyes
The more the dark consumes me
I pretend I'm burning, burning bright
I wonder if the things I did were just to be different
To spare myself of the constant shame of my existence
And I would surely redeem myself in my desperation
Here and now I'll express, my situation
(Chorus) (X2)
The more the light shines through me
I pretend to close my eyes
The more the dark consumes me
I pretend I'm burning bright
The more the light shines through me
I pretend to close my eyes
The more the dark consumes me
I pretend I'm burning
There's nothing ever wrong but nothing's ever right
Such a cruel contradiction
I know I crossed the line its not easy to define
I'm born to indecision
There's always something new some path I'm supposed to choose
With no particular rhyme or reason
(Chorus) (X2)
The more the light shines through me
I pretend to close my eyes
The more the dark consumes me
I pretend I'm burning bright
The more the light shines through me
I pretend to close my eyes
The more the dark consumes me
I pretend I'm burning
I feel like there is no need for conversation…
“Ever the Same” by Rob Thomas
We were drawn from the weeds
We were brave like soldiers
Falling down under the pale moonlight
You were holding me
Like someone broken
And I couldn't tell you, but I'm telling you now
Just let me hold you while you're falling apart
Just let me hold you and we'll both fall down
Fall on me
Tell me everything you want me to be
Forever with you, forever in me
Ever the same
We would stand in the wind
We were free like water
Flowing down
Under the warmth of the sun
Now it's cold and we're scared
And we've both been shaken
Hey, look at us man...
This doesn't need to be the end!
Fall on me tell me everything you want me to be
Forever with you
Forever in me
Ever the same
Call on me
And I'll be there for you and you'll be there for me
Forever it's you
Forever in me
Ever the same
You may need me there
To carry all your weight
But you're no burden I assure
You tide me over
With a warmth I'll not forget
But I can only…
Call on me
I'll be there for you and you'll be there for me
Forever it's you
Forever in me
Ever the same
Forever with you
Forever in me
Ever the same
Ever the same
“Wanted Man” lyrics by Ratt
Well, low dealer, with snake eyes
You cross me, you realize you're
You're hot leather, you're cold steel
You make a move, I'll make you feel like a
Human target, in my eyes
I've got you, well, in my sights
And by the rope, you will hang
It's your neck, from this Ratt gang
'Cause I'm a wanted man
'Cause I'm a, a wanted man
Well, gun fighter, you think twice
Are you fast, you heed my advice
I drink whiskey, you say goodnight
I'll put an end, to this here fight you're a
Human target, In my eyes
I've got you, well in my sights
And by the rope, you will hang
It's your neck, from this Ratt gang
It's really what you wanna be
A wanted man (a wanted man) (repeat)
'Cause I'm a, a wanted man
'Cause I'm a, a wanted man, yes I am
'Cause I'm a, a wanted man (repeat)

There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
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About Me

- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest