These were the men who — in the wake of WW I and the economic destruction it wrought — returned the world to the gold standard, used interest rates to bolster the value of currencies and let stock speculation run rampant. In short, they helped lay the groundwork for the Great Depression. In Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World …The one big worry is that in the 1920s, the banking system in the U.S. was about $50 billion, which was about 50% of GDP. The banking system and the shadow banking system now are about 150% of GDP. In Britain it's 350% of GDP. The worry is that the financial system has become so large relative to the size of central banks that we've created something of a Frankenstein. No one really knows whether we can handle a financial system that's 150% or 200% of GDP. - Q&A: Lessons from the Great Depression, By Barbara Kiviat,; January 06, 2009 -
There is a reason why this world is conflicted and at war with itself or others. Day one and week one is financial disaster. Day one is a lesson in peer pressure, enormous pure pressure. It cannot get any worse only devastating and life threatening. We live with a puppet government now. Until the pool of candidates is untainted and dismantled, we will live in fear or doubt always suspicious of that sneak and weasel that lie and cheat. It is like a catching a catfish and fishing it as it dives to the bottom, the more force you exert, the quick to the bottom it goes. So the leaders are spies and fakes and we uncovered a plot which only had two or three pieces to go until the reached a level of power to control, destroy, and rule with absolute despotism. Welcome to the world of corruption and left wing politicians. The problem is qualification, cronyism, low quality, and a host of star power and low intelligence; are a growing problem as the economy shrinks and constricts resulting from irreversible fiscal debt and expenditures.
These were wild and not so admired people who exist in nature wild. They rule with the dollar or the might of violence and terror. Their country has painted them with a stigma they hide and wish to rewrite but cannot. Their leaders have abandoned them and soon the world will also. Their arrogance and pride is broken and it ruptures into what Marx and Engel’s describes as a self combustion of spite. That is why they stalk us, torture us, and denigrate us; not because they are truly powerful but because they are truly weak and rule by the dollar which is almost gone and dead. It is a merciless way to protest and live but we know them as simple, practical, and willing to drape the flag of terror around the little guy or put the blame so callously on others by blaming them into submission. Where their leaders failed is their ability or willingness to follow every lead and root out the problems or the enemy. They are paying heavily for this now and their lackluster hunt to follow all leads, only leaders who fool and trick them. Had they followed every lead and understood what their own nation was about, they would not be in a treasonous trap by their own stupidity and anger. Those two ingredients temper and sparkle them into ideal terrorists. Again they were abusing peer pressure and most of all collective pressure. – Collective Pressures Methods, by Author; January 17, 2009 -
It takes a half decent President to recognize what is wrong with both the country and this world. Even if this world is evil and the leaders are puppets or fakes, it does not mean we must question everyone or treat everyone as if they are an enemy. We do not have to transform into a creature of stupidity and evil also. That is the divisiveness with an enemy on board, within your border, and in our life. This problem is low quality and the market has a magical power to extol suffering and pain to the same low quality; but the lying and the faking of pain must be addressed. Their pain is artificial because it is manufactured and comes from an assembly line of low quality; markets thrive by exploiting this same low quality and poor leadership; creating reality out of synthetic science is the reason for terror plots. It is also called conspiracy.
…Think I'm being cruel? Imagine an America with 60 to 70 percent fewer juvenile delinquents, teenage births, teenage suicides and runaways, and you will appreciate what the sainted "single mothers" have accomplished. Even in liberals' fevered nightmares, predatory mortgage dealers, oil speculators and Ken Lay could never do as much harm to their fellow human beings as single mothers do to their own children, to say nothing of society at large. But the Times won't run that series because liberals adore single motherhood and the dissolution of traditional marriage in America. They detest the military, so they cite a few anecdotal examples of veterans who have committed murder and hope that no one asks for details. - Murder Spree by People Who Refuse to Ask for Directions, by Ann Coulter; January 14, 2006 -
The final speech George W. Bush made to the public contained both suspicion and also the act of taking the right actions. If that was the final message then it was repeated again in the most selfish way, by restating it. It is hard to criticize because it says this happened and this action was taken, what is the problem or where is the mistake? If the regime was another puppet regime, then it took the right actions while it did not deny the lingering or swarming allegations. The basic responsibilities were fulfilled and nothing more. Let’s not push the situation further or open that door now. This is the same message the incoming President Obama stated, let’s not open that door which suggests enormous mischief and trickery. You cannot shoot this trickery with a BB gun when it gets obnoxious or beat it with a bat when it is out of line; yet they are behind terror plots and that is why people feel victimized or are genuine victims. So when these enemies become maliciously oppressive or sadistically step on the Constitution, you have to use the little tiny squirt gun. Eventually the stupid pet trick will be bled out of the stupid pet who’s guilty.
Dear BHO; I myself want to extend my best wishes to your announcement of this spending plan. Right now and with the near break down of government, we see and recognize the reasons or the causes of this political crime spree. Therefore, utilizing each and every tax dollars to its maximum and to kick out corruption, crime, and stamping out this fire was a magnificent move of any commandant. We have not gone through the details of the spending plans and measures; but I know it will bring many smiles to the faces of people who currently are afraid of their own government and how their money is being maximized. You are proving to be a very strong choice for this country and this will become our legacy. - Response to President elect Barrack Hussein Obama, On Trillion Dollar Spending and Job Package to Rebuild America, by Author; 1/8/2009 12:15:19 PM -
We know these matters never ever go away. Lyndon B. Johnson after choosing to step down as a one term President; could not deal with the guilt and had to depart to psychiatrists as the paranoia and guilt gradually overcame the solitude of keeping secrets. Eventually, the doors which are locked will or must be opened to free the spirits chained by this lingering doubt. However, the President has made clear he acted in the best interest of the nation when this or that situation became necessary to act; thus, was swift, confident, and not bearing of any change. It does not sound nincompoopsie but it lead to a lot of inauguration problems and may have helped to sell the celebration tickets.
There are fifty items which need to be on the check list of the country. We will try to emphasize ten each month with a six month two cycles each series yearly. The end goal is to perpetuate the market system but most of all perpetuate the conditions which promote this feeding and fueling process. Keep in mind, government employees; most especially federal government employees have a sense of pride and feel their service is the ultimate expression of their existence. If you take this pride away and their diligent work, then the pinnacle of their professional career is tainted by the idea they were part of the problem and never was any damn good to the solutions. This is no time to impose a progressive tax or to increase the rate of property tax; it will worsen the trigger methods; politics and property. - On 50 Changes Needed So We Can Believe In Government, by Author; January 9, 2009 -
The speech did not calm or clear the last eight years or the little voice in the head which did not want to thank back the dishing out of support which tells us a little about how uneasy the situation became. You got the feeling a real connection was not possible and caution was being used to prevent a full embrace which would eventually be corrected or eventually lead to ill fated disaster. It was a speech of a guilty conscience and a fighting spirit which was ready for the inevitable. It was an appeal from a transition point, one which was changing but addressed two audiences, one fortunate to survive the situation and the other not fortunate to escape the guilt. There is pain and guilt in the voice and what was once a big voice was growing smaller. Maybe the goal eight years ago was to make as much money a leader could make, you get the feeling someone got caught trying and was concerned with some enormous mischief still brewing but not fully known.
It is a merciless way to protest and a wild in nature uncivilized disgruntled human being who hangs onto hate and has their own country displeased and dissatisfied with their world view, their history, and the hate they caused living life granting immunity to illegal aliens, raiding the treasury, causing havoc and crime, wrapping the little guy with a flag and holding him like a football; then living life based on simplicity and freedom of hope. Those people are getting decimated by the economy and the educational system. What we ran into and was struck by, knocked our life off the stratosphere and out of orbit was a plot to overthrow the government and socialist terrorists clandestine maneuver against the successful economies of the world. They wanted to hurt them and explode things so their economies would sink with the weak of this world. Either they kept them afloat or they sank also. This was the motive behind our kidnapping, which was a global plot back when we were strolling along the road of marriage and family; we were about to meet Teddy Bundy and his partner Charlie Victor. Both were very powerful and in high political offices. Again they were abusing peer pressure and most of all collective pressure. – Collective Pressures Methods, by Author; January 17, 2009 -
One of the problems that are not directly said is how Obama had asked for the remainder of the TARP money before he takes office. Obama is being criticized for a new spending plan but no mention was made about his recent request for the 350 billion allotted by the Bush administration. People felt it was just a done deal but very few stipulations were ever disclosed or known. Now that disaster has caused tighter spending criteria and much more spending and problems. So there is a sense of hypocrisy in the final days of the Bush Administration. So he is not only inheriting the legacy of the previous cabinet, he is inheriting their reputation and record; add his own problems. Collective pressure is the problem.
Now we have this bail out and spending package pegged at one to two trillion dollars. If we look at the history of the past 30 years, even 60 years, we see a very disturbing problem. That problem is the first strike phenomenon and the restoration or fixing process. The mentality of the politicians and leaders has produced permanent problems which will take one or two generations to fix if ever. The policies of the past 30 years led to double digit crime and injustices. It led to massive fiscal debt and this spent your way out of problems mentality where the problems exceed the expenditure. So we get what we have here; budget battles. Is it worth it and is the same characters and mentality going to turn things around as they feel confidence about?
…A 1990 study by the left-wing Progressive Policy Institute showed that, after controlling for single motherhood, the difference in black and white crime disappeared. Various studies come up with slightly different numbers, but all the figures are grim. A study cited in the far left-wing Village Voice found that children brought up in single-mother homes "are five times more likely to commit suicide, nine times more likely to drop out of high school, 10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances, 14 times more likely to commit rape (for the boys), 20 times more likely to end up in prison, and 32 times more likely to run away from home." With new children being born, running away, dropping out of high school and committing murder every year, it's not a static problem to analyze. But however the numbers are run, single motherhood is a societal nuclear bomb. - Murder Spree by People Who Refuse to Ask for Directions, by Ann Coulter; January 14, 2009 -
It took the United States only thirty or forty years to go deeply in debt and with local or state level dysfunction where they depended on the federal government for bail outs. These financial problems and worse the social problems are permanent and getting worse. You cannot spend to fix and when it is financial, you cannot use debt to create wealth. Government does not create wealth, it must come from somewhere and that somewhere is the private sector. The lack of quality in the private sector and the permanence of these problems are devastating on the economy and the market viability. So this trillion or more spending package will create more debt and more permanent problems and make the society more violent and closer to exploding. So before you fix anything, you have to diagnose it and check to make sure what you are fixing is broke.
In a front-page article on Jan. 2 of this year, The New York Times took a brief respite from its ongoing canonization of Barack Obama and returned to its series on violent crimes committed by returning GIs, or as I call it: "U.S. Military, Psycho Killers." The Treason Times' banner series about Iraq and Afghanistan veterans accused of murder began in January last year but was quickly discontinued as readers noticed that the Times doggedly refused to provide any statistics comparing veteran murders with murders in any other group. - Murder Spree by People Who Refuse to Ask for Directions, by Ann Coulter; January 14, 2009 -
The bottom line is government does not create wealth; it merely redistributes it, or borrows it from someone else. Therefore, while other economies are getting healthy and growing stronger; the failure to exploit or tackle the low quality remains unchecked and unbalanced. All you have to do is look at the level of crime, social problems, delinquency, and social unrest for the past 35 years. That is 40 per cent of the population down the drain and out of the game and it is a life lasting and impacting scenario. So the government wants more of this because it is too overwhelming already. Other economies will exploit this and this permanent weakness but the devastation of not having free and open trade is deadly. That is not even a road we wish to consider or forebear. This world is getting stronger and other economies are getting better while social problems and a left wing puppet regime ignores the data and facts, refuses honest and open debate, and drives the economy deeper into the red and lights the fuse. So they are beyond help and recognition; must we be also?
So there is a check list which is like a bill of health on both the nation and the world. If you decide to assemble government and utilize government to create the conditions which prosper the proper development of the economy; then at least understand what chances you have or what you have created. These are fifty things which we need changed so we can believe in something if not anything. Here are the first ten proposed with 40 others left to cancel out by reptilian proposal or agreement. So the fifty can only stay ten if there is no agreement to add 40 more proposed. The key to the fifty is to have agreement before adding them to the list of 50. We will start it off with ten off the top of our heads and let the public decide if there is any other kick start program which needs to be implemented to cause a recovery and reduce the full impact of the correction in the market. We do not know how much of the market will survive because the debt level made it impossible to determine what was real and fundamental economics. We will know once the correction period is over and the leaves hit the ground. - On 50 Changes Needed So We Can Believe In Government, by Author; January 9, 2009 -
This trillion dollar spending package is as much of a mistake as those born in it. All it will do is give a small level of expertise to those who lack it; then after, they will have a lifestyle they cannot let go of. So more must be poured into the formula until the real economy recovers and that won’t occur until the banking system is reformed, the housing market mess tackled, the business loans out of default, and the consumer confidence back on track. How did we get off track and so far away from basic economic principles? Was it deficit spending and big federal spending or just the same on the local levels? It is an incubator of doom and gloom which breeds more and causes humans to be animals by animating the idea they can vote their way to prosperity. This spending package is a total mistake and the same mentality lacking an honest debate.
Each and every dollar should be used to stamp out crime, corruption, and this political crime spree. I highly recommend each and every Congress member to support your flagship of hope and change. I feel it will help and assist to restore local integrity and national defense and security during a time which is crucial to national security. Every dollar is going to national security and each dollar is being used to strengthen the country five and ten years down the road. We do need to act and act immediately to stop the destruction of this country. The role of government is solely based on the immediacy of your actions and what impacts will result as people feel good about themselves and others. We have the enemy on the run and terror plots almost gainfully arrested. Now that is freedom and the ultimate expression of the dollar. - Response to President elect Barrack Hussein Obama, On Trillion Dollar Spending and Job Package to Rebuild America, by Author; 1/8/2009 12:15:19 PM -
The honest debate is the following; the left wing, the liberals and the permanent underclass is at war with America. The honest debate is they lie, cheat, and spend thus the way to do it is to make others sweat and cause government to spend money on them. We are not saying black people are at war with America or this world, we are saying their social problems are. Yes, you heard it correct, we need to cut the race out of the problem, and make it clear and concise; the social problems of blacks are a detriment and severe threat to not only America but the world. However, they view others as racists and hateful yet unable to either understand or recognize the problem. The leadership needs to read the reports and the observations and have an honest and truthful debate while the country is in a state of war with a terrorist and communist cell.
So you think there is suppression of talent and thoughts here? We did stop you in your tracks and your terror and communist plot. But beyond and besides this, you feel I or who clipped the mental mind and spirit? Do you see others who have said this and who tell them to come forward if they feel I paralyzed or did something to their minds or denied them their first amendment? We have to kick you and water board you just to get answers. 12:53:02 PM That tells me you are a terror and communist plot so camouflaged and evil; you still blame and cover up how evil and maniacal and lunatics you are. You burned the candle on two ends and so did I but you kidnapped me, I never kidnapped or came to your life. I never wished to join your terror plot or the Bush family; they sent us Christmas cards for no reason and out of the blue. Now you lie and claim no sexual or other impropriety was discussed. 12:55:38 PM You all are a terror and communist plot; you are here to cause as much pain and harm on others; to drop this egg of evil; to paralyze their life and mind. Yet you show no remorse. You are and still are behind the attempt to rip Ann from me or reverse me from her. Yet you still claim I steal everything from you; ask her if I steal everything and from who? 12:57:18 PM – Entry Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
If these matters are not properly debated and blatantly ignored by the media and ground zero of the Obama administration; an explosion will be invisible in the life of others and that explosion causes them not to trust the government and most of all the new Obama cabinet. His selections were substantial only in choosing what works and continuing what does not; now the question will be whether or not the part which does not work can reap the benefits of that part of his cabinet that does. The choices the Obama administration made signifies he is an enabler of this same plot we described and has overlapped our own life. It feels the same as a terror plot raping the lives of everyone now. Therefore, President Obama put very powerful people in very key places while controlling the areas he knows is a lost cause; we now have a hybrid problem.
We want to know about this terror plot ransom. Are you saying if I can arrange a payment by the US military; you will talk to those behind this (Israel and Kremlin) to stop the terror plots? Do I make the check out to the Bush family or you Rush? 12:59:21 PM Or shall I make three checks out to Rush, Bush, and Obama? Oh wait, we left out the Clintons! What is the amount if we are to consider this and cannot catch you all? If I cannot catch you or stop you; I will consider and promote this; what is the amount? 1:01:25 PM There is no record of you asking for a rescue, are a prisoner, or kidnapped. You and all members of this terror plot have no injuries or grievances pertaining to a hostage taking or kidnapping; if so, it is not present. 1:03:29 PM we have a terror plot, you have asked for ransom, you are not a victim or a hostage of it, thus, there are only a few other choices. I am the rescuer and the commando inside the terror plot; I have and am trying to understand you all and your group; thus, I have never seen a real terror or communist cell let alone a human being so evil. I do not even know how you all operate but I know I have a lot of injuries and damages; so do others. They and I had our life destroyed; are you a victim or not? As the rescuers and commandos, I am able to report to others and fully execute my duties which did not happen when on duty or near military service; you wanted the best and more expertise. You want to pay me? 1:08:13 PM – Entry Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
The spending and use of debt with the economy shrinking and cost of living accelerating will trigger all the negatives. What are all the negatives? There is inflation, recession, distrust, liquidity, lost wealth, depression, transparency, despair, more unemployment, and price fixes, false constrictions, wasted capital, and compounded lost savings. The idea is not to worsen the problem with lies when people were lied to already. Pissing off the wealthy is not the fix. Ignoring corruption because government broke down is not the fix. There is a supply demand problem going on and until is calms down; none of the problems has been fixed yet the problem is obvious and ignored. It is a political problem which affected the economic problems.
1. A government we can believe in and we all can agree to. If local governments and banks have looted their treasuries and squandered the community bank rolls; then expect violence and riots to erupt soon. The violence is they do not like or want the experience of being taken on a ride through hell by the local government. Meanwhile, the federal government is focusing on security and expecting some quelling period where government is restored properly. The longer these honest debates are ignored and passed over and the more lies and false statements we hear; the same conditions await an entire new cadre and staff of leaders. The only way to break this chain and chain reaction is to use random selection and start over with sane people. The words are mismatched with the events and this causes distrust and a state of war while crisis brews. - On 50 Changes Needed So We Can Believe In Government, by Author; January 9, 2009 –
The wording in politics is not at that level of perfect observation; instead the problems contained in the market do not suggest racism or market hate; it indicates a lack of support and logistics. Single motherhood produces liberals, despots, dangerous social policies, human cruelty, conflict, and the seed experience needed to promote communism and even more powerful is socialism. The idea that single motherhood and military families is a disturbing issue but proportionally trails the societal norm. The reports indicate it is the seed and also the engine of war, violence, conflict, crime and a host of social problems. That incubator is the phenomenon called “political development” when population increases fuel the social demands for government services because the cost to lift each human being out of poverty or a standard of care which is respectable; is enormous.
So comparing the veterans' rate of murder to only their male counterparts in the general population, we see that Iraq and Afghanistan veterans are about 10 times less likely to commit a murder than non-veterans of those wars. But as long as the Times has such a burning interest in the root causes of murder, how about considering the one factor more likely to create a murderer than any other? That is the topic we're not allowed to discuss: single motherhood. As I describe in my new book, "Guilty: Liberal 'Victims' and Their Assault on America," controlling for socioeconomic status, race and place of residence, the strongest predictor of whether a person will end up in prison is that he was raised by a single parent. - Murder Spree by People Who Refuse to Ask for Directions, by Ann Coulter; January 14, 2009 -
Nowadays, it cost more to raise a child than an adult. When foreign countries take an activist role to curb the problem of infancy mal-parenting; it shows they are taking a step towards peace; some countries even go so far as to limit the number of family size. President Obama should recognize this and propose some type of active program to educate others to the dangerous road of teenage pregnancy or illegitimacy. President Obama should propose some type of planned structure which can reverse this or stamp out the playground fever and how it leads to this long lasting trend with violence. Do not kill the fetus or argue how they are brought up in this world with such poor living standards, stop the process of violence and the low quality of politics it eventually and sarcastically results to.
There was growing resentments in America towards talented Caucasians and Asians during the 1980s when Japan began to import low cost cars and electronics. Soon China and Taiwan began to import low cost electronic goods while Japan retooled their products to the top end of both automobiles and electronics. This fueled the resentments with manufacturing and labor based groups who already despised the Japanese from World War II. The German imports also received opposition which hinted towards some World War II animosity. it was mostly extremist groups on both sides, right and left, and they usually lack any education and exist wild in nature. When the internet arrived and exploded, the amount of wealth and the level of resentment exploded in proportion. If there was a God, then he was bone mad at them and very displeased. Again they were abusing peer pressure and most of all collective pressure. – Collective Pressures Methods, by Author; January 17, 2009 -
There is a reason why the most radical, the most dangerous, the most violent, and the most terrorizing and communist in society are super sensitive to speech, voice inflexion, and pursue censorship of other speech beyond their own. First and foremost, they are underground. Second, it is a code work of underground groups who communicate using hyperbole and flowery poetry. Therefore, this speech Nazi like inflexions and word play is the sensitivity to both their cause and the inability to strike them or end this stalemate of a war like group. If the language is accurate, this country would be at war with the left wing, the liberals, and those destroying and overtaking the country by force.
Now that resentment of talented Caucasians and Asians was exacerbated by the level of wealth and buying power they achieved in a very short period of time. The permanent underclass were going nowhere unless they could exceed the engineering feat or academic success. The American experience went from doing ethnic laundry to the richest neighborhoods very quickly. The emphasis was quickly eroding the 1960s radicals and their plight for labor groups and race. The stigma which rode this phenomenon was Reagan, conservatism, and California which began this supply side theory early in the 1970s. Now there was a hijacking taking place and it aimed directly at supply sliders and this reversing trend. Everything Reagan did and everybody he chose as future leaders were nearly destroyed and reversed. the internet shook up their plans and made world trade explode. There were no borders and they wanted to strike out at free and world trade. They had to take over the government quickly because we were rising up the ranks. We believe a bloody and merciless terror campaign was used to advance this. Again they were abusing peer pressure and most of all collective pressure. – Collective Pressures Methods, by Author; January 17, 2009 -
When these groups are interested, they will show how murderous they are and can get beyond the clan or cult. So in order to win the affection of others, they must show how and why they have a blood bond; they murder as a business but it is directed at enemies and other groups outside the ring or circle of fire. Terrorism is this morphing process. They learned that by turning on the cult or clan, they will cause severe dissent. So they must direct their anger and murderous impulse outwards or else start an internal war. A family or single motherhood is the seed of this violence and lack of love which can severely affect their business. Therefore, husband and wife teams must be carefully selected or else this affection and love of life will ruin the transformation they put you through.
Another aspect of this long term stalking and comrade messiah has to do with family name and military service. All of the suspects had parents who served in either World War II or Vietnam. Most of the people who were stalking Ann had parents who served in World War II. The Greatest Generation produced the weakest one also and the most hateful and dependent; that is a collective breed of violence waiting to rupture with warped patriotism and a lack of education. Most of the people who were stalking I served in Vietnam and was there also with me in the early 1970s. If this was an anti-war protest and the theme was socialism and terrorism; then the resentment with the Asians erupted by this idea their parents had fought against the largest economies in this world and those who did not have parents or came from countries who were engulfed in World War II, were now engulfed with terrorism. The liberal and left wing human God was angry and losing their majesty with accumulating debt and financial fraud. They could not rule from the heavens and had to rule from the dollar and this was getting bad. If there was a God, then he was bone mad at them and very displeased. Again they were abusing peer pressure and most of all collective pressure. – Collective Pressures Methods, by Author; January 17, 2009 -
These radical and foreign espionage groups are so integrated you cannot tell who they are and who they work for. They are so integrated in society, they argue it is their home and their violence is merely for public good or a sense of patriotism and self defense. However, their language is very sensitive. They are easily insulted and become very animated by the slightest “hyperbole” of a terrorist or communist cell. That is how they exist; the language never matches the events happening. The best way to understand it is to review the chapter on serial killers; the socialization of serial killers is very similar. It produces the same outcome, a very dangerous, violent, angry, and resentful human creature willing to and programmed to protect the group or the cult-clan. A good selection choice is naturally criminal elements or gang members who are socialized to this secret life already.
2. In these volatile and critical moments, protecting those who do the right thing is vital. The impact of those who do not do the right thing is always a problem. Incentives and rewards must be catered to making right choices; such as long term industries and tax cuts; reward those who will be around and encourage their talents. A strong national security has not been present for some time; in cases where those safe guards are breached we must rely on forces to remove the involuntary process of enemies and enemy combatant forces who tend to deprive life and happiness. There will never be an honest debate so do not expect justice to magically happen. There is a lingering threat and information to suggest the country is being attacked again; they might resort to violence or this deprivation; again to show their strength and intimidate others to run or surrender. When government does not or cannot provide this basic comfort or becomes a new bank for giving bad people a better life with bad political policy, a lot of distrust and problems brew. You cannot ignore it and throw a price tag on it when trust is not bought and traded like a commodity; that is the fundamental problem with government at this time. The market responds best to individualism because the deprivation of enemies is so perverse and pervasive. Collectivism therefore denies this protection to those who will weather the brunt of bad monetary or socio-economic plotikets. - On 50 Changes Needed So We Can Believe In Government, by Author; January 9, 2009 -
There are many ways to alter the word and meaning of speech. The most easiest is to form logical arguments; syllogisms, red herring, circular reasoning, hyperbole, cynicism, double negatives, and many tricks or word smiting. There are other methods to alter speech to contain secret or other hidden meanings such as spoonerism; where a similar word that sounds the same is used to change the sentence. Other methods are allegory, metaphor, and of course imitation; what is said is repeated. All of those methods are harassment and badgering tactics used to intimidate or cause violence to the mind of argument and debate or to create a hidden meaning or objective. The sexual content and sexual connotation can also be applied as having some hidden suggestion which arouses the mind and makes suggestive repetition to incur an action or event. Allegorical or metaphorical, words and meanings can be omni poetic, omnipotent, and omniscient to wage war and siege or paralyze the mind. It is both a dance of lovers and animals whom exist by the raw nature of impulse and conviction.
We would also like you to consider tax cuts for industries that show high prospect of growth and greater supply and demand for national security long term strength. By allow the dollar to work for us; we can restore both the trust in government and stamp out this political crime spree afflicting the local and grass roots efforts. So we value the approach you have proposed and I am sure it will be met with tremendous amity during this hard time and crisis. We will also need spatial time lines and a business plan much like a five or ten year plan; how much debt or loss to purchasing power will we need to forfeit for this particular first defibrillation of the banking industry. It is a clear sign of reformed banking policies which led to this situation. We need more strong thinkers and personalities such as Bush and yourself. - Response to President elect Barrack Hussein Obama, On Trillion Dollar Spending and Job Package to Rebuild America, by Author; 1/8/2009 12:15:19 PM -
There is no such thing as violent speech or offensive speech. All words and speeches offend and are directed at a target or goal. However, in political meaning the words are words of war. Some speech, when not containing a selfish intent or a personal meaning, can be soothing and entertaining. They have a tendency to be universal and not some specific cause or intent. The minute someone takes a position or use speech in the political context, they take a position. If they wish to use words of war, then the speech is intended to provoke a fight; there is no merit or scientific approach to rely or convey any intelligent approach. Racism is a combination of those two extremes. Sensitivity to speech by these groups is at a greater heightened level because that is who and how they exist behind enemy lines. When communications break down is present, there is either a danger or hostility near or looming. Those who are inferior or deranged will always be ultra sensitive to any speech that insults them or toughens their pride.
Secret meeting with you; when and where? 1:08:42 PM Inside the beltway losers like you or like me? I do not hear you say you woke up on morning and were in a terror plot or had terrorists all over you. I could have had dinner with them? Dinner with genuine conservatives but I instead chose to what? 1:10:22 PM When did this happen and stop calling me “Obama” like Rove does. Do not call Ann “Sarah” either; it is not nice. Rush “Islamic or Shia” financing does not explain what happened to all of you from April to December 2008. We can trace that you know. Your gang has a chance to flee or get hunted down. You are holding the line and want ransom now. 1:13:48 PM Using insults to the Obama administration who will pay you and will cut the check. Not so fast loser; you will and must go through me; ask around. Say what you want, you must go through me first until this is over or I retire again. 1:14:59 PM That is not ransom, it is a bail out and spending package. What was a close one? How can you talk to me while I type this? You are using the top secret NSA computer spying technique? 1:16:14 PM how did you all get it to extort money and federal funds? 1/14/2009 1:17:17 PM you are not one of our psychic commandos; so you cannot read minds “walk the plank” 1:18:22 PM? You can audit me, I have been kidnapped as I have indicated; I am retired from the military and now in some terror plot; my expertise is satellite warfare; that is my life, satellite warfare. I eat, drink, sleep satellite warfare; every thought in my head is about satellite warfare; I am obsessed with it and live it. There is nobody alive on this earth at my level; so you mess with me and you messed up badly. –Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
Public speech is always criticized as dangerous or hostile depending on the merit or the level of science applied. Scientific data and logical thought is not hateful or hate speech because the truth does hurt and will hurt others. Speech and words are regulated by slander and defamation torts which protects others from smears and falsity which causes violence or adverse affects on their life or livelihood. This violence on others is vague but it has a business sense because reputation is based on bad mouthing or scientifically debating others when you have a reason to debate them. The chance or the possibility of debate to produce a valid or credible outcome; so hate speech can also be a calming obstruction of justice and blocking the logical or scientific stimulation of words and meaning; furthermore, the point is simple, the most dangerous groups are ultra sensitive to speech because they use it to exist in a hidden underworld where rogues and unknown elements breed and fester. It is the sewages of broken lives and broken meanings.
The story begins when Lyra Belacqua— a supposedly orphaned, twelve-year-old girl residing at Jordan College, Oxford—secretly enters and hides in the 'Retiring Room' in the college, despite resistance from her dæmon, Pantalaimon — an animal-formed, shape-shifting manifestation of her soul. Inside the room, they see the Master of the college putting poison into wine intended for the visiting Lord Asriel, Lyra's uncle, in an attempt to assassinate him. Lord Asriel later enters after the Master of the college has left and discovers Lyra hiding there. She immediately warns him that the wine is poisoned. Rather than punishing her for being where she should not, he allows her to stay hidden if she will spy on the other attendees at his upcoming meeting. When the meeting commences, Lord Asriel shows the resident scholars pictures of the Aurora Borealis (the 'Northern Lights' of the title) and the mysterious elementary particles called Dust. Shortly after, Lord Asriel travels to the Arctic North, and Lyra continues her studies at the college. - Plot Summary, Novel “Northern Lights” and Movie “The Golden Compass”; Wikipedia -
This terror and communist plot involved ways to train the mind to act naturally by protecting and viewing those beyond the group, gang, or clan as enemies. The way to stop it or them is to seek honest debate and to put pressure on them so honest debate thrives. Stopping one or two people is easy for a despot but when the public discourse is totally lacking in science or honest debate, doom is looming. You have to bring back honest debate or well thought out accurate debate and speech or else war and warfare will be based on lies and deception of enemies. That is the whole point of a terror plot, to train the mind to act naturally by attacking it until it sees the created enemies and the imaginary friends. By kidnapping or abducting someone, the stimuli and the attacks can be ongoing and repetitive to allow the etching process and the magnetized memory of events, faces, and experiences. You can literally dress up anyone and cause or create any enemy and this is our little plot of communist and terrorists; this foreign government group operating behind the borders as allies.
Culturally and politically, 1968 was one of the most turbulent years America has ever seen. As the Vietnam war became the longest war in U. S. history, American casualties passed the 30,000 mark. When the Viet Cong mounted their Tet offensive, anti-war protests grew larger and louder on college campuses. At Columbia, students seized the office of the President and held three persons hostage to protest the school's ties to the defense Department. Two Jesuit priests, Phil and Daniel Berrigan, burned hundreds of draft records at a Selective Service center in Maryland. Following the April assassination of Martin Luther King in Memphis, riots erupted in 125 cities leaving 46 dead. After Senator Eugene McCarthy challenged incumbent President Lyndon Johnson over his support of the war, Johnson withdrew from the race. Senator Robert Kennedy entered the race after Johnson's withdrawl, only to be shot and killed on the night in June that he won the California primary. "Hair," a controversial new musical about draftees and flower children, introduced frontal nudity to large audiences. Feminists picketed the Miss America pageant, black students demanded Black Studies programs, and Eldridge Cleaver published "Soul on Ice." – The Chicago Seven Conspiracy Trial, by Douglas O. Linder, -
It is very difficult to catch this elusive and dangerous enemy with one or two years of activity or operations on a target. However, when you have ten or twenty years, then the chances of learning, understanding, and fighting them is more favorable. It could be a stranger trying to ask directions from your child or it can be a deranged homicidal serial child molester who is intent on doing serious harm. It all depends on the data and what the serial killer shows to be contained in his effort. What is the malice and harm? What is the level of effort? How much resistance was laid out? How did the escalation process work? What happened when the child screamed or ran? All of those factors give us a profile of who and what we are dealing with and what measures are needed to strike or retaliate if it is a foreign enemy or a hostile enemy on the borders.
When “the Gobblers,” who have become a recent urban legend, kidnap her friend Roger, Lyra vows to rescue him. But instead, an important visitor, a woman named Mrs. Marisa Coulter, offers to take Lyra away from Jordan College to become her apprentice. Lyra assents, but before she leaves, the Master of the college entrusts her with a priceless object (with the condition that she keep it absolutely secret): an alethiometer. Resembling a golden, many-handed pocket-watch, it can answer any question asked by the user. Although initially unable to read or understand its complex symbols, Lyra takes it with her to Mrs. Coulter's flat. Soon after, Lyra becomes suspicious of Mrs. Coulter's motives when her dæmon (a golden monkey named Ozymandias) searches Lyra's room for the alethiometer. - Plot Summary, Novel “Northern Lights” and Movie “The Golden Compass”; Wikipedia -
This is a hostile and dangerous enemy; the worst we have ever seen or witnessed. The level of power and how high they have penetrated government is threatening; so is the inability to get rid of them. They morph your voice and somehow end up on the staff as help. These predators and social animals view others as stupid or weaker; so they feel success is likely and probable. However, what happens when it is the defense forces and military commandos sent to intercept them and also wage war? This is a foreign enemy who claims special rights and protections on the wild claim it is their home. What happens when they are unaware and commit ten and even twenty years; then ignore the matter entirely? How do you erase ten and twenty years of evidence and effort or ignore a compilation of that much evidence and malicious intent along with escape methods reserved for only espionage agencies and global warfare?
3. People want to trust their government and the way is an honest debate; they trust the new administration of President Obama to be a groundbreaking movement to restore this trust. He of all people has the most to loose in this matter so he must explore all truth and all options. This is no time to let a terror plot kick up or continue; especially if it is detected internally. This is why the American public invested trust in the new administration of President Obama; he inherited the failure of the Bush administration and the lack of awareness. The public voted him into office; not to wreck and drive the country to ruin because the left wing has become powerful enough to block the same honest debate; he must not break the chain of democracy if he stands for and fights the same fight. This is a repeat of section 2: trust of government or why there is a lack thereof. - On 50 Changes Needed So We Can Believe In Government, by Author; January 9, 2009 –
So there is a point and a threshold where lethal force is so needed and desperate to expel and adjust to homicidal maniacs and predators who engage in this activity to overthrow the government or take over the world. We are well past the point and threshold of this lethal force requirement. Yet rather than the logical outcome, we have this enemy festering and formidably morphing into and cloning their victims to cover over the adjustment and threshold of accountability. When this type of angst is directed at foreign enemies who feel angry and dubious in their superiority; they need to come out and say what their intent and true intentions are or face the tumult of it having been decided for them. There is a point where violence must be employed and deployed on foreign enemies who are here to do harm; thus, the line of lethal force was crossed many times over. They have their choice in the matter and so do we. One thing is for certain, they cannot adjust to the situation by ignoring it or covering it over.
You do not know what she told me 20 years ago; I cannot discuss this, it is too personal. You took her soul. You caged her spirit. You will suffer and surface or drown holding your breath. We see the conspiracy bobbing up and down or gasping. There is nothing good out of this. There is really no happy ending; there will be scars and disappointment, feelings of despair and discontent. It is not a happy story because there are so many problems and so many things wrong. There is danger at every corner for those who were wronged and those who wronged them. Even I do not like it but I do not have many options in the situation; it is about then end and if both Ann and I will be safe. I struggle with Ann but she was wrong and dealing with those who wronged her; they are powerful. (Added) the plane crash landing in West Manhattan on the Thursday; yes it was odd timing and also very almost the same spooky feeling. Ann said it spooked her and was right there in front of her. So that was twice a scare. 5:49:01 PM –Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
Peer pressure is the enemy of the market. The markets respond best when individuality is the central tenets. It does not make any sense and you could be the devil or a retard; the market reacts best to individuality. Peer pressure is the basis of Democracy and the reason why we are here now. In this type of market, it is best to return to individuality and not result in the pure pressure of collectivism. The entire basis of collectivism is peer pressure and also the defamation and the murder of the Constitution. Therefore, this will be the age of the individual, the computer age and high technology age where individualism is dispersed and not dependent on the collective. Data indicates the Bush administration ignored the signals and the need for individualism and data indicates the Obama administration has no use for it because his political philosophy is based on the collective. This is not the peer pressure he wants to exploit or lie about. Abandon this political view and mentality before the collective admonishes this mistake much like it did the previous one of George W. Bush.
At a cocktail party hosted by Mrs. Coulter, Lyra discovers that Mrs. Coulter heads an organization known as the "General Oblation Board" and that this board is, in fact, the "Gobblers" who have been kidnapping children. Horrified, Lyra flees Mrs. Coulter's flat during the party. While being pursued by "Gobblers", Lyra is rescued by the Gyptians, nomadic, canal-boat-dwelling people, who afterwards reveal that Lord Asriel and Mrs. Coulter are none other than Lyra's father and mother. She also learns that many children like Roger have been disappearing from among the Gyptians, and that the Gyptians are planning an expedition to the north to rescue them. During her time with the Gyptians, Lyra intuitively begins to learn how to operate the alethiometer. - Plot Summary, Novel “Northern Lights” and Movie “The Golden Compass”; Wikipedia -
It is Barrack Hussein Obama’s first day at work as the leader of the free world and the President elect. The most important aspect of his job is to defend the country from either harm or destruction. The President is obligated by the Constitution and the oath of office. We think our terrorist and communist plot has made contact finally and has been caught with their hands in the cookie jar. We also think we know what this massive plot was about; it was a second tier to add onto the 1960s instead of reversing it. It was a way to use the criminal genius of bankers and financiers to use debt to create wealth in order to win elections for doves and make it impossible to repay the debt or reverse the damages caused by invisible doves. It was an indirect way to transfer trillions of dollars to the local levels and offers a pardon for the same people who it were behind the terror plots; the charity to wash their hands.
After Ann fixes her life; we have my life and the wrongs in my life; so it is not a good situation and nobody is happy; this is why these people need to be gone immediately and for good. There is no guarantee this will end on a happy note but Ann has to present her case and fix the wrongs on her life and then my life. We both are doing this. This is what terror plots involve; there is no accountability and danger. Reality and justice is broken; will it return? We hope that genuine victims can return to life while the guilty and evil are properly punished; they have no right to continue their life. Look how long it took to catch you, twenty or thirty years. It took ten years to just escape and tell the story or compile the case and look at your situation and ours now. Your whole intention is pure 100 per cent oppression and terror. – Entry Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
In the first few weeks of 2009, our terror plot began to communicate and establish a point of contact with military personnel for whom they kidnapped. We did not know what the effort was for but any kidnapping is illegal and protected by both the legal system and the Constitution. Regardless, we were issued a ransom effort and no money amount. The reason why they are telling us or the point of contact is to determine if the public sentiments are in their favor. They are testing new policies and changes which we have tried to relay.
Ann is on soon; but I can sum it up, you live in fear now. It might surface any moment or any day. Your terror cell may be arrested soon. You are being blackmailed but the only thing is the military wants nothing; they want to snare the whole thing. You have now lost control and are in more trouble than ever. Yet your power and performance is strange. 1:05:37 PM communism and terrorism used to be invincible, what is it now? Strange? In fear? One step from doom? You all are the oppressors, why ask why? 1/16/2009 1:06:50 PM Oh here is Ann now. This is the voice of God is her first statement. Do you know what the voice of God is, he acts a certain way but you must not loose faith. 1:09:21 PM Guests? Why is Ann in FL? Authentic victims yes blacks. Then a change occurred. Yes this is my voice. Communism began to use slavery at or around the 1900s. Then by 1960s they sought social justice. – Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
Therefore, our kidnapping was a test run and this ransom or extortion effort is also a test run to forward support or anger for a pilot plan of their think tanks. The reason why terrorism and terror plots are becoming widespread is because of an imposter. The imposter is becoming as much of a phenomenon as terrorism because the message does not match or can become the calculus of the messenger. Therefore, the new wave of politicians is mismatches and incompatible to the mission or the reality of the world we live in. We had won the lottery and was chosen as messiah and trained to react naturally to some impetus or stimuli to affect our political leadership and loyalties. The criminal charges for this attempt are still pending because they are linked to a terror plot.
Ann now will throw a secret only you know. Oh. 1:14:28 PM beginning to describe how dangerous the detainees are? Held out on “us” and do what “they can” to hold us. “Intimidation” they are the… terrifies liberals, they are the victimizers, not trying to pay attention to TV, Republican attack machine, (Rush says not one) there is not a Democrat one, fake national guard document, Obama inventing story, crowd said kill him, proof of this, golden boy and new golden boy… who wins? 1:16:50 PM – Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
Their predicament is just as badly as ours because while this incompatibility exists the language becomes a mismatch with the message. This is because when we deal with terrorism; we have concluded that when fear becomes the engine of it and the benefits outweigh the costs; it becomes more prevalent. So these lies perpetuate and propagate and those same lies, like bullets, are used to terrorize other human beings and to seek control of them or their lives.
It is my suspicion or strong opinion, they are direct agents for Israel much like a foreign agent would be; however, there are no barriers or checks; it is widely accepted. Why is government enabling radicals, leftists, and foreign agents who have a record of espionage and attacking the nation? “It cannot explode?” 1:07:28 PM So there is a lot of errors in the vetting process “to calculate dependent care” 1:08:50 PM so you doubt that is the case going on here also. You all are god damn sneaky, almost undetectable and unstoppable; we had to read your mind and bring in ultra secret methods. 1:09:58 PM Had we not had the top 10 of ultra secrecy, you would have won unanimously. You have acquired the top 8 and only need two more keys to power. After this you win and can take over the government and destroy or achieve any corruption. Yes you were “caught stealing” something… but this is much more serious. Let’s say this, you know how good you are and you ought to know we know everything. Madoff cannot repay his deeds and neither can your terrorist and communist cell. 1:14:29 PM –Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
This has something to do with financial warfare, terrorism, the liberal and left wing, financial obligations, destruction of the economic viability of the world, and lying about it for political treason and criminal homicide. It is like breaking the doors down when they are on the phone with the investigators and those who had been hunting them down; there is a paper trial. They have made contact with us only because they were not aware an effort was waged to capture them dead or alive for espionage and now a terror plot and looting afterwards. The terror plot is seeking self reliance, hands off individualism, expanded surveillance ability, pension and cost of living increases, a stronger voice, more police authority and autonomy, and a full pardon. This is how dangerous the situation is.
1:11:18 PM Holding on to the bitter end! “Bait” and it “posted online” and “world domination is not enough” the “media is not covering enough” and… wow too fast! (its my voice okay) Tell the media what is going on, financing terrorism, media does not expose, NY Times puts this on the front page, indignant defense, dip them in hot oil, nothing unusual, wing man we knew but did not print it, printed our own version, two comments in a row, being bullied, secret terror program, quoted favorably “the old story go after ethnic New York.” (had enough Rush?) Voice of God? Ann added three things you did not mention yet. – Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
After having to spend three false years in prison and getting in fist fights with just about every nut bag out there in the streets; you soon learn their fighting system and style. We are dealing with a very dangerous individual. This individual is the weakest of the bunch and also the craziest. Their style of fighting is personified by a street attitude and the image they portray; therefore, how they act in front of a crowd is one thing. The way to break this individual and these types of fighters down is to lock them in a room with you and meet them face to face.
Rush says he is freaking out. Mind reading? (wants to know why we are doing this) we ran this guy… republicans are so stupid, soft on terrorism, assume office of Presidency, liberals went crazy about this, Thomas Hitler Dewey did not recognize or respond, (Rush says we are going to broadcast Obama’s… when he uses Hussein? Rush is lost and is freaked out). 1:18:52 PM I am keeping score, Ann has Rush on a two for one run. He is breaking down. Ann says they want to know about our relationship and twenty years 1:21:45 PM; they are still interested in her and stalking but not fully convinced. – Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
Most likely, they will act and carry the same act of how tough and invincible they are to its end and keep this act going as a way to protect themselves. However, let them know when they pick a fight and put their dukes up, anything after is their own fault. They are no less a victim then a jackass. They are no less tough than a crying begging baby. So we are in this mess and the nation is in ruin because inferior people hate Americans! We are finally arriving at the land of the free and we do not know why or how come it took so long. It is a terror plot and remains unresolved.
In calculus, a branch of mathematics, the derivative is a measurement of how a function changes when its input changes. Loosely speaking, a derivative can be thought of as how much a quantity is changing at some given point. …The derivative of a function at a chosen input value describes the best linear approximation of the function near that input value. For a real-valued function of a single real variable, the derivative at a point equals the slope of the tangent line to the graph of the function at that point. In higher dimensions, the derivative of a function at a point is a linear transformation called the linearization. A closely related notion is the differential of a function. The process of finding a derivative is called differentiation. The fundamental theorem of calculus states that differentiation is the reverse process to integration. – Definition of the derivative, Wikipedia -
A specter is haunting our lives and nation; the spectator is an inferior explosion to create ghosts of the past to exercise the magic of self liberation. The way to explode forward is to become important and harder to fight by destroying those hexed apropos which haunt our past and future. The historic spirit of our past need not be a new struggle with our future unless that spirit goes away or voluntarily is destroyed for its inequities with the truth. Exploiting the democratic process and leadership by the sword or lies is not the spirit of democracy or democratic rule; so the fight has not changed, only the spirit of the past. If human beings were honest with each other; we would either accept peace or war.
Yes, you use these terror plots to train the mind to the experience of Israel and you had Bush train or recruit them as suspected. 12:20:43 PM Rush you are those birds, we try to scare you off and tell you “no” but you all do not understand “no” because you claim it is conservatism and you are the voice of America. “It is our fault” or yours? 12:21:54 PM So when Ann comes on, you want to indicate with her what you and Bush were up to and this ransom, then go into your voice and Lisa. She will say no if you ask and be direct, so we know who does not understand no and how they do it. 12:23:24 PM Yes, they are “going to remember the attacks and not the efforts.” That is what I said. You kidnap a kid in order to call the police or blow up the house; are you the villain or the hero? – Entry Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
However, due to the revolving nature of the English language and the fine sanguine nature of our enemies; we live in struggle and conflict until semantic words and syllogisms can bring us closer to peace or war. Having an inferior plan for life and business is not a Constitutional basis to be important or strut around proclaiming to be much more than the animation of that same inferiority. This is the problem with debt and the same problem with the banking industry ever since they were invented. This used to be the banking policy of consummate liars and it has a bromide aversion for far left wing goals or some grand strategy.
Derivatives are financial contracts, or financial instruments, whose values are derived from the value of something else (known as the underlying). The underlying on which a derivative is based can be an asset (e.g., commodities, equities (stocks), residential mortgages, commercial real estate, loans, bonds), an index (e.g., interest rates, exchange rates, stock market indices, consumer price index (CPI) — see inflation derivatives), or other items (e.g., weather conditions, or other derivatives). Credit derivatives are based on loans, bonds or other forms of credit. The main types of derivatives are: forwards (which if traded on an exchange are known as futures); options; and swaps. Derivatives can be used to mitigate the risk of economic loss arising from changes in the value of the underlying. This activity is known as hedging. Alternatively, derivatives can be used by investors to increase the profit arising if the value of the underlying moves in the direction they expect. This activity is known as speculation. Because the value of a derivative is contingent on the value of the underlying, the notional value of derivatives is recorded off the balance sheet of an institution, although the market value of derivatives is recorded on the balance sheet. – Definition of the financial derivative, Wikipedia -
The more America becomes inferior, the more she becomes oppressive; it is these people, the left wing primarily, who is responsible for this oppression and level of crime and violence we are experiencing. How they went from stupid and worthless to homicidal and annoying tormentors we do not know but we have to discuss this terror and communist foiled plot. The first part is to rid the problem with the conservative and right wing where penetrations and infiltrations have orchestrated defections and kidnappings. We want the enemy on the run, not running with us.
Ann was being stalked and harassed and she kept quiet while she plotted her revenge and restoration; much like I did. Watch how fast we move the pieces or how fast I can move them. She drove you all absolutely nuts, in a rage, and obsessed with her; yet she said she was not interested. I am driving her nuts in the same way; that is how she expresses her feelings and pain. I bitch at Ann like any spouse about her work. Ann is very careful and very cautious to even make me mad or make me think she is up to no good; she has always been like that, you see why? Not only were you all stalking her, you all were plotting her demise and even death, she told me and the death threats. Ann is record keeping and right now there is a problem with the records. I am unlocking her encryption. Do you see how powerful her encryption is? “Damn straight you do/did?” 1:39:10 PM ; exactly, why you collapsed on her and encircled her. So you are worried she or someone is stealing from you? 1:39:57 PM No, what your mistake was is you took the bait and made the same mistake with me; you did not know who she was or me. 1:40:36 PM then you showed yourself; we never show our self, not even now. You all took the first strike and took false action and you claim it is because you are conservative or power. – Entry Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
The tables are reversed and oppressive forces are now in control of the same enemy and the same terror and communist cell; we did not and had not known this until they took so much care to make sure nobody was looking. What they regret most is thinking nobody was looking and trying what they tried when others were looking. This creature is building up a wrath and an explosion of low quality; but it is already obvious they began some plot thinking others will rescue them by terrorizing the nation while the gutters keep bulking up. The only right they have to stomp on the floor everyday or scream angry words why they kidnapped us is how they expect to be rescued from the gutters of hell. Their police force is even worse; they no less speak English now then understand the laws which they have to live under.
4. A double safe guard which can oversee and balance the checks which cause these breakdowns to occur; preferably a market or private watchdog to weather these types of perfect storms and crisis which attract both the worst and the best of this world. When people become despair, they will fight. Some people are born violent and bred to be oppressive. We will not beg them to ease their oppression, this need to stop and they need to be gone. That was the core of the terror plot yet to be apprehended. People do not want war but when driven to despair they will be war like. People want a better life and if you make them beg for their basic Constititutional rights, the right to exist and be talented and intelligent, there will be despair and backlash. Right now there are so much chaos and blatant violations anchored to this same terror and communist plot; to deny it is dangerous. To not deny is even more dangerous so this is not a zero sum game or brinksmanship by the left wing. - On 50 Changes Needed So We Can Believe In Government, by Author; January 9, 2009 –
We had never seen anything like this so maybe the blood, sweat, and tears was a test to make sure nobody could detect them; it took almost ten years to reach that inner core and layer before we got the password. So we knew when the back end was digging no further and it was time to introduce ourselves. It makes no sense and does not help the plight of the country to have to deal or cope with laborers from other countries who come here and engage in espionage or join the Democratic Party to destroy the nation and all of her resources. It is too easy to come here from the gutters of some nation and just cut down trees or pollute the rivers and streams; then when this is done; expect to be rescued for flirting with danger and standing off the military. Now we have to deal with trillions of debt and looting the federal treasury because local corruption is Enron rampant. What is next after this or some militia force to overtake the federal levels? This is called profiteering and it will continue so long as terror is benefiting to the same low quality of human subjects.
Astrology: 1. The study of the positions and aspects of celestial bodies in the belief that they have an influence on the course of natural earthly occurrences and human affairs. 2. Obsolete Astronomy. (Noun) The study of the alleged influence of the stars, planets, sun, and moon on human affairs. – Definition of Astrology, -
They are in a ring with giants and the most powerful on earth; if they even make one or two moves forward; the other side will move two or three moves towards them to push them closer to their goals. This is the type of character we are dealing with and how they wish to be known as victims or martyrs when they are not. They are a common street thug who, when the doors are shut and told to put their dukes up, either close their eyes as a strategy or stops the pretending. This person is who they call a pretender. Even in a fight they are still pretending and can never be taken seriously. This is the type of human being who will go to the extremes of oppression to declare how invincible they are when they are the weakest and craziest of the bunch. These are the types who avoid fights until they can sucker punch you.
…Because interest rates are at zero. We've injected all this money into the banking system and banks have lost so much capital that their inclination is to hoard capital. It's going to be very hard to get it out the other end. That happened in 1932. By 1932, the Fed finally realized it had to do something, and there was a very large open-market operation — basically, buying bonds — and recapitalization of the banking system, and that stopped the run on the banks temporarily, but credit continued to decline. …To what extent do you think it's possible to prevent financial collapse — as opposed to just dealing with it after it arrives? In 1926, the central bankers in your book were already worrying about many of the things that would eventually lead to the Great Depression. They saw it coming but didn't stop it. - Q&A: Lessons from the Great Depression, By Barbara Kiviat,; January 06, 2009 -
Real money is produced by real people. Real change is made by real people. Real stupid is made by really ugly matters. We are and have been in a really ugly matter and we are and deserve to survive it; who doesn’t? How many times are they going to fabricate terror plots or strike out before realizing what we have in store for them? Does anybody know why they are striking out? They strike out to relieve the pressure on them and to stop the criticism which they know is true. This is the voice of a consummate liar.
However, when the doors are shut and locked and when they are told to merely make a wrong move; they freeze up and gesture back that they truly are. This is a lesser dirt breed who is frustrated with criticism and being known as “un-American” or an enemy. This is a lesser dirt breed who is tired of being a permanent underclass. This is a lesser dirt breed that is unable to win using the conventional rules. This is a lesser dirt breed that has powerful emotions inside them which they cannot control or discipline, much the same as a serial killer who acts on sadistic impulses or strikes out uncontrollably at innocent people. Their control and oppression is a form of psychosis where they learn to legalize or act out this sadism or hatefulness of others. It becomes hard and difficult to either stop them or arrest them so long as they are stuck in pretend mode. Also, the market reality and financial reality also compresses their fantasy and pretending until it is explosive and combustible. These people are a walking and talking time bomb and they are now in the business of kidnapping and terror plots.
Destiny: 1: something to which a person or thing is destined : fortune
The best way to deal with these types is to come up behind them and “push” them every time they make one step. They know they are going into the direction of civil war and they protect themselves by the idea they are victims of bullies or some military defense force who is trying to deny them opportunity or steal what is rightfully theirs. It is an elusive pretend act and they will keep on coming at you until you can isolate them and confront them one on one with the method indicated. Their tactic is fear. Their goal is to make you surrender to their control. You cannot prove they are picking a fight but they use the law and legal merit as a tool and a weapon to suggest they are being oppressed. This is just how they fight and who they are. You have to stay focused and use their tactics against them. They only have a few weak points and Achilles heals. The moment they start a war or civil war; you must tell them who you are and what to do and ask them if they wish to show you restraint and discipline if they ask for mercy.
(Rush is back: became aware of this, this show, tracking affiliates, offer his opinion, doing what they could to intimidate, news reporters signaled, they must have a voice, heard the Democrats, amazes him how… just caved, examples are great and amazing…) Ann is going to show him mind reading. Americans are the leaders of this free world but there is a lot of evil. (how to stop it) recognize it, stop making payments, love tsunami to give charity, want terror attacks for donations, fixated with crocodile tears (Rush is lost and panicking, says lost George Allen) Virginia, richest person and kid, called Macaque, they are not poor but not wealthy, we cheer them also (bing), Allen makes a joke about this, tell them what real America is like, ran hundreds of articles about this (bing), how does he become the victim of this? – Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
Outside of civil war and warfare; you are merely a thug and some pestering defense force. These are people who are trained to destroy nations and promote communism. You cannot send militaries or death squads as previously tried to drive them out or off the borders. You have to be tacit and tactful with these types of deranged and delusional lunatics. Again, they are the weakest and the craziest. They have no restrictions on the menu of tactics they are willing to employ; you do. Their goal is to transform and brainwash you into one of them which we have documented and observed for ten years. They will succeed unless you present yourself as an unsuitable donor and scare them off. We have yet to scare them off or get them out of our life; we think they are preparing another strike and are mad and frustrated because their plot was foiled after so much work and preparation.
Law of diminishing returns: An economic law propounded by David Ricardo, also called the law of diminishing marginal returns. It expresses a relationship between input and output, stating that adding units of any one input (labor, capital, etc.) to fixed amounts of the others will yield successively smaller increments of output. In common usage, the “point of diminishing returns” is a supposed point at which additional effort or investment in a given endeavor will not yield correspondingly increasing results. - Law of Diminishing Returns, Economics Dictionary -
So they completed 60-70 per cent of it and only have 30 or 40 to go; otherwise, the effort was totally lost. This is the only reason why they have stuck around and are still around now, they have more strikes coming. Of course they want you to overreact and get “shaken” by a rage filled hatred for their poor quality and lack of ethics that is how they fight on the street and in the sewage. That is their stink and the usual candor they use to survive in the underground sewer they are in. Are we going to change them or do we think they will change? It is doubtful.
5. Restructure of the payment systems. There is massive debt and the prospect of not being able to reclaim this freedom. Part of the problem is the banking system and how its nature has been for centuries. Yet the current banking irregularities and corruption is only regional; then it spreads globally by scamming other financial institutions by tricking them. Unless bankruptcy is intended to chain the assets of the nation or the treasures meant to be preserved and cherished; we will find them auctioned off to the lowest bidder just to pay off escalating inflationary pressures. If debt is 200 per cent of the total GNP; then the economy must grow 100 per cent to just break even; a zero point system where volatility is not more and more debt. The ultimate expression of the dollar and freedom is not debt. Courage under fire and courage under these troubled times is the essence of the human spirit or the defeated nonchalance of bad pedigree. You cannot have a government with this character or characteristic. - On 50 Changes Needed So We Can Believe In Government, by Author; January 9, 2009 –
In ten or twenty years, we have observed them to become more bold, more boisterous, more disgruntled, more angry, and begin to lose their minds. They have never been dealt these recent blows and were trying to figure out how the global defense forces always were a step ahead of them. They were wrestled and ruffled into a shock of finding out we knew everything about the terror trestles and what they were up to; we explained to them the entire case from start to go; how things happened and what events either did or did not take place; and we told them to not make one false move while the investigation was winding down. We are seeking to prosecute them and to hold them “fearlessly” for every charge.
Johnny Utah (Keanu Reeves) is an FBI agent and former Ohio State quarterback who, with his partner Angelo Pappas (Gary Busey), is investigating a string of bank robberies. Suspecting a connection between the bank robbers -- known as the Ex-Presidents because they use masks of former US presidents -- and local surfers, Utah goes undercover to infiltrate the surfing community. Knowing little of the lifestyle, Utah convinces surfer Tyler (Lori Petty) to mentor him. In the process, Utah develops a complex relationship with Bodhi (Patrick Swayze), the charismatic leader of a gang of surfers who accept Utah into their midst. While Utah goes undercover in the hope of finding the bank robbers, he finds himself increasingly attracted to their adrenaline-charged lifestyle. The Bodhi/Utah dynamic gets more complicated as Utah begins to zero in on Bodhi as the likely ringleader of the Ex-Presidents. Utah learns that Bodhi and his gang rob banks in order to fund their lifestyle, and as a form of rebellion against a social system that they believe "kills the human spirit". This creates an internal struggle for Utah, as his fondness for Bodhi and the lifestyle he epitomizes conflicts with his duty and responsibility as an FBI agent. By the end of the film, Utah lets Bodhi seek his own death surfing the giant waves of Bells Beach, Victoria, Australia. – Plot Summary to Movie Point Break, Wikipedia -
This cornucopia of messianic vibrations to soothe the pocketbooks of consummate liars is the method to this madness. These bailouts and the open ended debt spending is an elaborate and sophisticated kick back strategy contrived to win elections and foster left wing localism. It is a bromide refusal to stamp out what is a raging fire on the streets to keep up with the “Jones-ser’s” that prefer the fetal position of petrified government policies that must be fueled by debt and deaf defying federal spending. Most people see terror plot of some communist groups but we see corruptive practices which will make the founding fathers roll over in their own graves.
The Bush administration late Thursday night rushed $20 billion in emergency funding for Bank of America as the bank reels from its ailing Merrill Lynch deal and a plummeting stock price. The Federal Reserve and Treasury Department will also backstop about $118 billion of the Charlotte bank's assets, meaning taxpayers would take on any losses past a set amount. The capital injection would come from the government's $700 billion rescue fund and would be similar to assistance provided in November to hobbled Citigroup. …But now analysts wonder if he should have passed or forged a better deal. They also question whether the bank did a good enough job examining Merrill's toxic loan book during a frenzied weekend of negotiations. The new round of assistance signals a ratcheting up of the government's scramble to stabilize the nation's financial system. The Senate on Thursday voted to release the second half of a $700 billion bailout fund, a victory for President-elect Obama. - Bank of America Gets 2nd Bailout Deal, by Rick Rothacker and Christina Rexorode,; January 16, 2009 –
It is bad enough how they fight with their psychopathic wallets; but some of them choose to skip that process and use the gun because they have no wallet to fight with. Who in their right mind would logically compel or be forced to rescue the gutters of humanity or left wing labor groups? It runs against the logical presumption of the human mind to choose low quality. However, this is why they tend to associate a holocaust like Armageddon to the Vietnam War and how beneficial terror and war can become. This is the most dangerous enemy of this world.
"In short, a bad situation could become dramatically worse" if Washington doesn’t go far enough to address the spreading crisis, the Democrat said as fresh economic reports showed an outlook growing increasingly grim… The president-elect cast blame on "an era of profound irresponsibility that stretched from corporate boardrooms to the halls of power in Washington." But he added, "The very fact that this crisis is largely of our own making means that it is not beyond our ability to solve." …Obama laid out goals of doubling the production of alternative energy over three years, updating most federal buildings to improve energy efficiency, making medical records electronic, expanding broadband networks and updating schools and universities. "It’s a plan that represents not just new policy but a whole new approach to meeting our most urgent challenges," Obama said. - Obama: Only Government Can Fix Economy, by Jennifer Loven, Associated Press White House Correspondent, -
That is how special they are but when it comes to principle or something worthwhile quality to counteract how low quality they are; the police is nowhere to be seen with their wallets. If they had a wallet to go on a lunatic fringe with, they would, but since this is a gutter of laborers who terrorize others to make them obligated and making payments; they grow bigger and stronger while this gun gets bolder and less accurate. Why in hell would anybody rescue these people when the goal should be to evict and deport them back to the gutters of hell they wish to create here? We just got kidnapped by them and we ran into their terror plot, exposed it, and are fighting it to the death.
Enter Jim Webb: the enemy and the opponent. 1:27:30 PM Webb calls them job killers and crooked nosed. (Ann is calm, Rush is totally shocked) Now he is asking if she is a friend. He knew what it meant but nobody was laughing! What did we do with the Indians? (Mumbai) (Rush: where did Allen go wrong) He apologized, he never should have apologized… (Rush says sorry) the moment you apologized you admit there is merit. Synthetic scandal. Rush now says he never apologizes, and admission. 1/16/2009 1:30:17 PM (Note: this is the best they have ever seen Ann and it is the entire story of us; they now know the extent of what is known; we are dead on bulls-eye as indicated; this is our communist and terrorist cell. These are real spies and a real espionage effort by foreign enemies claiming to be rivals or staff, their homes). – Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
This homo-septic gutter has skipped the debate and honest debate of life; need they pretend it is how civilized their politics is? Who would arm the labor movement or anti-war forces because they abuse their power and feel others are obligated to rescue them arrogantly. If they have the wallet, they fight with their wallet; if they have a gun, they fight with the gun. They think it is a game like the stock market where they doo-doo on others to make a profit. So there is a correlation between these terror plots and stock market indexes; even the reverse of them because free trade exploits how low quality they have become.
The odd thing about the central bankers of the time is that you read their letters to each other, and they really were very worried in a way; I don't think Greenspan was worried enough two years ago. But they had these intellectual blinders on and basically were so rigidly tied to the gold standard that they had almost given up almost all degrees of freedom. They didn't do anything but agonize. …I think we'll remember it for another 30 years and then maybe forget it. [John Kenneth] Galbraith has this fantastic line where he says you basically have these things every generation. But you need the old generation to die off and forget the lessons. …Monetary policy is fine for steering the economy while it's on level ground, but the minute you go into a ditch, monetary policy isn't enough to get us out of it. Variation in interest rates is normally an effective way of steering the economy, but then you get into these crises where the whole machine collapses, and all you're doing is pressing on the accelerator and spinning your wheels. - Q&A: Lessons from the Great Depression, By Barbara Kiviat,; January 06, 2009 -
These terror plots are like produce and fruit to obligations only the devil can pray for or hope with. Why it is ongoing and why we are still under constant pressure is the unrepentant part misunderstood. The terror plots are a form of solidarity and the raiding of the federal treasury is the diversion to the obligation of that same solidarity because now it is about self defense and victimization to profiteer victimization. The insurance for that same victimization are trillions in federal payments and debt. We saw it first hand from 1998 to 2002; then from 2006 to 2009; and were constantly recruited when we were not locked up for defiance and insubordination. They take measurements and test if the brainwashing and pressure is working or not periodically. It is daily crisis even in federal prison where knuckles are the rule of law; but the people behind it are the same people who profess it because it produces trillions in federal treasury payments to the local levels.
We can take a breather. Rush is a big figure in this. He had been parsing out little by little; now he got the full Monty. He did not ask if Ann and I are together, he already knows. 1/16/2009 1:34:33 PM (Rush is back) “her tone” now he insults: poor oppressed, victims, running the country… (He says I am Obama and what they created!) He does own the Democratic Party! Screw McCain. See who wins? The foe, the spokes-voice all have accents; Kos, Soros, Arianna, etc… Buy America, bet short stocks, self fulfilling… blah (pause and slow now); go into our relationship Ann! – Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
This is exactly what is happening to them; the true person inside them is trying to come out because of all the pretending and hate filled regrets. They are behind the terror plots and they are seeking something very important out of it. There is no way anyone would take these chances unless they are seeking something crucial. Even with every intelligence agency and military in this world after them; it is something they really need and truly want. We were not able to interrogate their leaders to extract what it is they truly want or need. They refused to disclose this and their objectives but we know it is linked to the terror plots; perhaps material aid is one of the objectives because they have been cut off behind enemy lines suddenly. We know their economic plans and long term economic strategy blew up on them and they do-do good on their own plight. We know it has to do with something in their grand strategy for this world. It might even be the trillion dollar bail out and it might even be another hair brained kidnapping or terror plot.
If these terror plots are intended to first trick the mind into believing World War III is real and we must support the most ferocious and blood thirsty or the most flowery and anti-war; then the fatal error will be when anti-war and peace movements collide with our own military stratagems and cut off our oil. In warfare, oil depots are the first and foremost hard targets. Therefoes, we must be absolutely sure not to make a bad decision with both allies and not instigate them to be bad enemies by insinuating they are weaker and have total control of us after they have shown to be after us and willing to kidnap and maim others to get what they want. However, their expertise as merciless and ferocious blood thirsty killers; even if their goals are closely assembled to anti-war and flowery financial political movements deserves us to have a second look and a more powerful objective view of who they are and what they are up to. It is not how they wish to help; it is how powerless we are to get rid of them. Why do they wish to help now when before it was merely a terror plot? - On Killswitch Theory, by Author; January 9, 2009 -
Again, these political actors and saboteurs represent the weakest of the bunch, the craziest, the pretend phase, and a global movement which took tremendous loss and defeat. Not many are willing to stick with the program or stay with them as they drive off the clinging of the cliff. They represent the religious and the morals of the weak in this world or those who are invincible and pretend. We think the grand strategy is oppression and the legality of oppression. They want to be viewed as some legitimate government or have a public image which covers over what they are, who they are and why they are.
God bless America and Soros says sell sell sell! He admitted to collaborating with the Nazis “if I did not then someone would.” Rush is a Nazi and is confronted. Says “Moving on up” and “there were two.” To clear the playing field and who you have to beat! Obama says “will never go after family” now talking us. Sealed divorce records (marriage records) can he get them? Rush is insulted, he does not and did not have it, a joke. Dumped on him as result and made him insane and obsessed. There is a implausible claim, the only reason “why I had an affair” we have a Republican sex scandal is because there is no sex! Someone’s divorce record must be unsealed! Accused of having an affair and alas, was not. Thank you Ann (Rush was lying). Saying it to be liked and was lying. 1/16/2009 1:41:29 PM He was on the wrong side and constantly creating fake hooks. Nobody is defending racism. (Ann is laughing at them) – Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
Now, with the terror plots foiled and used back at them; they are back to being a villain and their public image is back to the disgusting sewer they crawled out of. The terror plots or plotters did manage to enjoy the limelight briefly; but were eventually foiled and exposed which then sent our superstars into a near dead silence and avoidance of the matter. Once the superstars over the situation, they were not and scrambling to avoid it if they could. One quick way to cover over or sugar coat it was to offer reparations for being caught kidnapping a husband and wife team sent to investigate and observe their movements. What they did was mistook it as new recruits and suitable candidates to transform into the living dead.
6. Cost of living tax cuts. The left dominates and crush others with a progressive tax; now it is debt instead of a progressive shrinkage. Unless that cost of living is addressed, the payment and true amounts are doubled even tripled which will spurn tail spin level inflation. There is a blockage and a bottleneck and when that inflation kicks in and avalanches; it will be too late. In an economy which is ten times the strength, the notion of a tax policy ten times the cost on the weakest links is a progressive recipe for disaster. It is the idea that local governments did fail and cannot continue with this point of failure. Therefore, if a progressive tax is imposed on the crest, then rapid actions must be made when the economy shrinks and troughs. Therefore, there must be immediate tax relief and immediate rate changes if the lowest sectors are given a chance to survive the crisis. Imagine the pressure and build up if this is carried over two, three or five years. We are talking about people who live paycheck to paycheck; they will eventually end up in a bath of social programs and the reverse effect of political developments which must cater to these problems. This is the problem with the permanent underclass; volatility is what they shoot for but ends up again on the bottom. Bottom line, government does not create wealth, it only destroys it. That cost of living is going to trigger double and triple level inflation when the economy constricts because spending was debt on banks and those who cannot pay back loans. - On 50 Changes Needed So We Can Believe In Government, by Author; January 9, 2009 –
The FBI or the military cannot just kill them or slaughter them for no reason. There has to be a good reason to employ lethal force or escalate the situation to one of life threatening. They are going to say the same and copy your work; you escalated them to a pinnacle of threats or became life threatening to them and they have a right to defend themselves. This is the same communist and terrorist cell that was harassing us in federal prison also and we had to fight each and every victim they sent at us. They eventually put us in maximum security and inoculated us with so much psychoactive drugs you could not breathe and slipped into a coma. This is how they pretend or act out their invincibility. They also know the odds are against them in civil war; so they also must figure out how to commandeer the military forces and use it back on those who are not in pretend mode or faking their own death. This is how they play the game and how they see government as an insurance policy for their existence; by faking their own death, they can capitalize and seek the benefits of being victims.
Rush, there is racism and discrimination in other cultures. It is not only blacks. 1:23:16 PM I have told you, this is a regional problem not a global one. Human beings interact with other human beings; what “liars, character assassins, and insane?” 1:24:49 PM there are light skinned types in all races and some social hierarchy; you are trying to reverse the genetic and program code. Your most powerful weapon is blacks and the communist have utilized this tool and strategy with perfection and success. I do not want to educate you, I wish you to educate me. (Caller) “These guys are crawling all over the woodwork” is right; they only need two pieces before they can defeat us by force. 1:36:35 PM “know you are dangerously close” who me or you? 1:37:02 PM And did you see my encryption if you saw her? 1:42:22 PM Yes or no? “It is an insider game” really? “You need someone you trust?” Did you see my encryption or not? 1:43:03 PM Tell me and how scared you are of me? “Did not grow at all” – did you see my encryption if you “damn straight you did” Ann? As I said, you need two pieces to dominate and win the entire game; to overtake the world; you will begin to loose all the pieces; do you see my encryption? 1:45:51 PM Stop playing dull, “stupid… being recorded.” So you are “caving in and joining” because you are the last one standing or it “will blow up” 1:47:08 PM – Entry Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
Again, this is the first time they have been shown and are being allowed to view the operation of how the world is defended against lunatics, homo-sided maniacs, left wing terror plots, and a host of other gonad filled global problems. It is the first time they are made to feel their minds are slipping into the twilight zone and they are one step from losing the edge of reality they calmly walk on. This is the first time the world is allowed to watch and see who they are dealing with and how animated and adamant they become with all the peering eyes on them. We are merely military observers and advisers who they attacked and saw as a threat to their terror plot. It is the first time they were explained and told about how unsuccessful they had been or why; they have never seen this and neither know how to defend against it or how to act without the pretend and protection of the communist and terrorist villain act. They feel history is created by this so called villain and villain act; one a psychopathic killer, the other a bread winning innocent demeanor.
A key goal enunciated by the President-Elect concerning the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan is that it should save or create at least 3 million jobs by the end of 2010. For this reason, we have undertaken a preliminary analysis of the jobs effects of some of the prototypical recovery packages being discussed. Our analysis will surely evolve as we and other economists work further on this topic. The results will also change as the actual package parameters are determined in cooperation with the Congress. Nevertheless, this report suggests a methodology for ensuring that the package contains enough stimulus that we can have confidence that it will create sufficient jobs to meet the President-Elect’s goals. - The Job Impact of The American Recovery And Reinvestment Plan, by Christina Romer, Chair – Nominee – Designate, Council of Economic Advisers, ; January 9, 2009 -
The reason we showed them was for them to beat it. We want them and others to know they cannot hide and they cannot be afraid any longer of this villain we have cornered. We want people to be bold while they are being attacked by this terror plot and to stand up for their right to exist as a human being of quality and error free thought. We want the cannibals frustrated each and every time they go before the public and tell the world we are criminal felons or as criminally insane as they are. We want them to crawl in the sewage they do-do greatly on themselves so that we can explain to them how we are and were never the same.
1:42:06 PM Rush is serenading like a dog who rolls over. He was totally lying to them and has to govern like a conservative. Backing down… we will find out what they do! 1:43:00 PM we do not know how they will turn out. (Rush says he has a mental blockage) The guy is a full fledge leftist (Rush is) he admits it. “That shows the victory” Ann says she is scared. (Security come down… eyes, scan) 1:44:18 PM Pull the plug. – Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
We want them to feel the wrath of God and to keep explaining how we are all united by some determined or relentless recreation of the truth about substance (See the chapter on religion called “Yes We Kant.”) One of us is a villain and one of us is allowed to become a hero. One of us will dive down to the debts of hell while the other is fighting the purgatory of limbo they have created on this earth. So they need to beat it when we have all their plans, objectives, motives, and remotely view their operation. We want them to come out and show us how invincible they are or can become. We want them. We want to see their talents. We want to see the future and to learn from it. We want to be able to debate them and ask them questions also. We want to them to beat it.
“Will not fall for demagoguery when it is being offered” 1:47:58 PM and “most people are trying to be fair and play by the rules” but “if you are a Democrat then it does not matter.” “If the Democrats had any class or shame…” So you want to cave in and join before you are the last standing; tell me about the ransom, I know you are hurting inside Rush (wink-wink). 1:53:47 PM “So it ain’t going to be there…” and “jobs” and “everybody is discriminating you” and “you do not have a chance”; so the ransom is the social chaos. The economy and real estate is the ransom? 1:55:11 PM Also, you should know that in the future, there will be more, and they will keep you and the terror and communist cell guessing and making mistakes; whoever survives or is standing as you say. Then reverse it by going on collection mode. This was not a pilot program; it was an accident when you all entered our life in 1998 or before. All you need is two pieces to win everything and pull the moat up 1:59:31 PM. Do you want to give out orders or let “our people” know who is what and for real? Give them a command about how you feel and what you observe Rush 2:02:16 PM; tell them what you want them to do. “Warning Obama to be careful” yes! 2:12:35 PM Clinton, Panetta, Holder, spending package… all errors and puppets of masters; now you want new masters or old ones who caved in? 2:14:11 PM – Entry Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
Naturally, they will put us under surveillance for twenty four hours and even climb in bed with our spouses to get their point across. Hence, the need for their terror plots. When the other side has all their plans and mobilizing to stop and smash their offenses and terror plots; they cannot go before the world and demand an end to the invasion of privacy. Nobody wishes to live under their oppression or control. Nobody wants to live like this while in their deranged and delusional prison. They are going to do everything they can to seek some advantage or steal something of value which they can use to feed on or fight over with the living dead in the sewers.
…While taking government funds could help stabilize the bank, it also brings criticism from those who say the money isn't being used to revive the economy, as intended by Congress. Banks that have taken the aid have come under fire for paying bonuses and spending money on stadium naming rights and other expenses not seen as crucial to a national recovery. …The bank said the government money has allowed it to provide more loans than it would have otherwise. Bank of America also has noted that it has modified nearly 200,000 troubled mortgages in the first nine months of this year. It plans to disclose more information about loan originations as part of its fourth-quarter earnings report today. - Bank of America Gets 2nd Bailout Deal, by Rick Rothacker and Christina Rexorode,; January 16, 2009 -
We or they are not going to walk away empty handed if they are trying to pay reparations and make the situation go away so they do not get prosecuted. We want them to know and we want to send all the messages we can to them how we know and what we know. If they try to move the chessboard for us as they always do; we try to ignore them and let them slaughter their own people or their wounded. They manipulate what they have in order to achieve the maximum results. They do not consider how it is not their choice or control to do so. They do not consider ethics or substance and what lying about what they are up to can hurt them badly; especially when they are a real communist and terrorist cell.
7. Welfare and inflation. The welfare system is more than generous to a family unit so long as they do not have exponential problems such as a single parent household or child stipends of two or three folds. The idea of the welfare system has never been to create and incentive to reproduce or increase the payments of the family units; therefore, a cap should be progressively in place to ensure the welfare system is not taken advantage of while the family unit payments spiral out of cost or control. This promotes crime and also violence with the pressures on a single family unit and any two parent household. There should and must be a system of relief in case emergency actions and widespread problems erupt. The price tag of this fix is a clear indication of the problem and what to expect. However, allow relief in case of harm; not take rash actions and thoughtless failed policy which has bred and led to this crisis. - On 50 Changes Needed So We Can Believe In Government, by Author; January 9, 2009 –
Here is the problem and here is the problem we have with these people. They are trapped in our world. Even if they are trapped in our world, they feel there is a conspiracy and they are dominant or in charge. They feel they own everything and have a right to everything in our world. Does anybody see their dilemma and who or why they are what we describe? So when they are in our world they have to pretend to be either like us, with us, or on our staff; it is our world. They have to pull off an elaborate act and say the same things we do, act the same way we do, and fight the same way we do; when it is all said and done, they will claim we are united and one with them. That is not true and they have emotional problems and a big psychological one also.
Knew it was your fault. (Rush grabbing ankles – Clinton). Rush is scared to ask about us. He says he can assume the worst. Did not get intimidated or manipulated “by these people” and made people laugh. Thanks for coming by? Why is Ann in FL? A poem is never finished it is abandoned. Hint to Rush and George Will. 1/16/2009 1:46:27 PM – Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
The fact is, they do not even know who their enemies are and they no less understand the wrath of God. They do not even know how hated they are or why because all they do is record and replay what others say and do. This is why they have this problem and are so hated; but they do not know who their enemies are or whether or not they are. All they do is record and replay until something disrupts the record and replay mode of existence. Now ask why they are behind the terror plots?
…The bank's problems mean more anxiety for a city that has already seen its second biggest bank, Wachovia, sold to San Francisco's Wells Fargo. The plunge in Bank of America's stock – down more than 40 percent this year – is another blow to shareholders, who have lost billions. Bank of America began seeking government assistance in December as Merrill's fourth-quarter results worsened, sources familiar with the situation said. Lewis even sent lawyers to New York to see if rising losses equated to a “material adverse” situation that could let the bank escape the deal, The Wall Street Journal reported. Worried about the possible fallout for the financial system, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke urged Lewis to complete the deal, with a promise that the government would step in with a rescue package similar to Citi's, the sources said. The deal closed Jan. 1 as planned. The Bush Administration has kept the Obama transition team apprised, the sources said. - Bank of America Gets 2nd Bailout Deal, by Rick Rothacker and Christina Rexorode,; January 16, 2009 -
The charges against them carry an immediate death penalty sentence. If they were videotaped and recorded; then they should begin by moving in next to little children, always having loved ones near or trying to use the cover of marriage and family to deflect any response for the charges on this plot. If the defense forces did video tape and record them; and if they knew all along; then to watch them squirm and fight is the satisfaction of entertainment value and educational merit by giving them the control over their own life; they seem to know what they want and know how to beat it, so beat it. Who is suffering at whose behest? Who is begging who for attention? Who is stalking who? Who is putting who under scrutiny for what? Who is fooling who here? Are they trying to push us into world war three or merely trying to scare us there?
8. Energy in all socialist countries reaches the scarcity of shortages. Therefore, prolonging this problem leads to subsidies in energy needs such as electric and gas utilities. Again, it is not a fair assumption to nationalize energy companies or needs. These problems are best left to the private sectors however; the lowest price adjusted to the cost of living must be aligned. During these crisis periods massive fluctuations occur where inflation reigns down, prices shoot up, and unemployment drains the communities. It is an angry market who wants change also; it is a market which forces a sober reality. This is the wrath of the market and how it punishes those naughty and nice. The most which can be done is to monitor the price of energy based on the scarcity of it; the data indicates a surplus and a drop with a shrinking economy. The demand stays the same or increases but the supply is now widened due to the lack of efficiency. People become better penny pinchers when crisis and hard times arise. We cannot insulate every single home to a set standard or set a national thermometer control; but prices and inflation are the main problem. Even if demand is constant and price is lowered, inflation will eventually blow the market up. People tend to riot more violently when they are neglected; market solutions are the best way to solve crisis and people become eager to work and show a quality over others. The demand will drop and the supply will increase as the economy slows; there will be problems irregardless. - On 50 Changes Needed So We Can Believe In Government, by Author; January 9, 2009 –
They idea is to ignore them if we can and for them to do as they are asked and told. Now they admit to the world they are not in control and have joined the forces of good in this world. Now they have abandoned the terror plots and have decided to drop their grand strategy and run after the most priceless and precious of human existence. Once their control is defeated, they are telling the world they will no longer beat the tundra into talking for them.
So now they have to figure out how Ann got all of this and knew all of that when they could not detect and also blocked all communications. They read everything and knew all data. That just summed up our life! Our life! Our life is my life and now they know it. 1:48:36 PM So let us see how Rush and Lisa react now; they are the core. – Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
Again, the whole idea is to ignore them. When they kidnap others because they are ridiculous, preposterous, or ignored and alienated; they are going down a deadly road. Their life has just changed and might even end quickly when and if they chose to ignore the right to exist or individual talents. Their game is to beat others to a point where they say the same things and repeat the same words they do; record, repeat, and replay mode. If you show them this vulnerability; you lure them and they are predators who cannot resist the opportunity to exploit others. They will feed like any other predator would off the idea nobody can see them for who they are.
Also in 1968, two groups met to discuss using the upcoming Democratic National Convention in Chicago to highlight their opposition to the Vietnam War and establishment values. Although there was some loose coordination between the two groups, they had different leadership, different agendas, and favored different forms of protest and demonstrations. The more politically focused of the two groups was the National Mobilization to End the War in Vietnam (MOBE). The group more focused on promoting an uninhibited lifestyle was the Youth International Party (YIPPIES). In addition to these two groups, organizations such as the Black Panther Party and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference also planned to have representatives in Chicago to press their complaints concerning racism in American policies and politics. – The Chicago Seven Conspiracy Trial, by Douglas O. Linder, -
So the whole idea behind this control of human beings, oppressing human beings, setting up this human shield of patriotism, making trial runs for this gigantic human prison they seek, is to ignore them and this control. This communist and terrorist plot does not realize how good it feels and the near orgasmic feeling of hating them for all the right reasons; but this was their own motive for orchestrating it. It feels like their guilt and cloud of terror was lifted one sunny day. It feels like the military broke down the doors and killed every single one of them in a flash of them laughing at others or humiliating them for doing their own thing or ignoring this sewage of disrepair.
Rush now says he is “asking quietly and patiently” to remove him. Says Ann was going to name her dog after him? His god son or some insane brooding ritual of cult and terrorist groups. Rush says he needs to be neutered. This is where the mulatto part comes in; they are into single motherhood and mulattos. They wanted me for a Tiger like character who had their plight. 1:52:31 PM Rush now says the conservatives know the full story and the inevitable is coming, “for the sake of the country.” Caller says what is best for the country Rush? Insult him, being pestilent, not his attitude; why are they taking shots in the Republican Party; says to hit back. Rush just said to hit the Republicans back for “negative ads.” 1:54:21 PM “This started the decline.” Rush has the power Ivan assigned to him and responsible use? Says, “Nobody inspired him.” – Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
If they are bullies and wish to portray themselves as bullies; then the chessboard changes for them. Now force and maybe lethal force is needed to break and mash up this bully and predator life. We want to send a bully back; to tell them to get to work and fix or dismantled their terror campaign before they land in our world again and again. Their charade has backfired on them and they are in some others world and in a world of trouble; they are facing lethal force so long as they keep asking why their arrest is not immediately presented and why nobody stops them; or even cares in stopping them.
Rush says these court harassments our the result of failure to pay their ransom. He says that they have to take action on brutes unless some payment or ransom is made to the courts. If there is anybody who is going to point the finger at others; let’s not confuse what this case is about. It is like his political machine takes action and he explains it or sides with you. Here is the problem, we never asked him the question; look at the record. He is asking, not responding. Both Bush and he is some spy network, verified. We are being asked for ransom or some type of payment; maybe saleable secrets? Not only are they behind a terror plot, they want ransom if the attacks are to stop. So let’s ask Rush; ransom means no more terror plots or my kidnapping ends? You said I was going to jail and your network is trying to jail me unless ransom is paid or pay the ransom and the terror plots stop? 12:52:15 PM “scare tactic” and “just never cease” and “sneaking suspicion” and now he is going into Madoff and “denying it” 1:09:47 PM. - Personal Diary, by Author; 1/12/2009 -
There is a point where criminals, enemies, and murderers for other nations reach a point where they go no further. They are at that point. Well, then roll the dice and take more terrorizing chances instead of trying to steal something useful or annoy the investigators. Why the hells would we given them anything or advise them what chances they have against us? We no less care about them then care more about escaping our own kidnapping and returning our life. Why the hell would they keep working with us or seek to stay on the staff? Now they are trying to use the after effects to see what they can get or whether they can escape. So they can abandon it or face even more turmoil. The danger of abandoning it will also be fatal if not never ending.
(Commercial for BJ… sexual implying Ann linked) Ann did not have or was involved in any sexual contact with another man. She says she was and has been totally faithful and to challenge anyone. There were so many rumors and there is an example of one of them or who was behind it; revenge. “Get used to it… just starting” 1:59:22 PM. Before they operated freely and had Presidential cover; now they are behind enemy lines and under pressure. Will they abandon the effort to take over America and the world? Or will they write a new poem as Ann says? Rush is left with the biggest problem of his life, how did we know? How did Ann get all of that and so naturally? Was it memory? Was he memory or knew detailed events. Rush and this terror and communist cell also is broadcasting around the globe how little they are and how defeated they have become. Even with 24 hours surveillance of us and watch, they still cannot answer the question. They assume we know everything also if we knew that much; which was confirmed with them previously. Rush did not even bother to ask if Ann knew me and Lisa did not even dare to ask who knew. They know now because they are the terror and communist cell as described; nobody had to tell them how much danger this country is in. Nobody had to tell them how much is known about them. Nobody had to play their game. – Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
The whole point is for them to act like themselves now that we are in their world again and again. Maybe we do not or cannot arrest them but have chosen to surreptitiously use lethal force after presenting it? Maybe we have no thought of arresting any of them and maybe we do; what is it to them? Why do they care what we are up to or chalk and shake the stick of arresting them immediately if they were not invincible? Why do they give so much attention and care to someone else’s life when they have to worry about this?
We have a few voices but cannot tell if it is the FBI, CIA, military or some police force doing it; however, it is no hoax. They want ransom in order to end the terror plots and this entire demented situation. Their MO is to act like the FBI or CIA and never to show ID or some way to pin them for it; they could very well be, but someone has given them a lot of access to pretend whoever they wish to be. They are always the tougher ones and the ones who take the first strike or actions. They won’t identify themselves and insist they are in control and working with us. They keep intervening and we cannot tell who or which side it is; they all want a piece of the action or to put their hands on it or control. We had them and were closing in and now; we are back to saying anyone who confuses the case or the investigators. Unless they know the trail or ten years, stay the hell out of the investigation part until given permission or given orders. It feels like they are still trying to cover it up by not showing their face again but keep us under surveillance. We are so close to catching them and they keep on giving orders and proclaiming how they are in control and the masters. This is a god damn terror plot and over twenty years of investigations; who the hell is this buffoon and fool? It is not a police officer; I have never seen anyone so stupid and so clueless. - Personal Diary, by Author; 1/12/2009 -
They have to live with the fear and ferocity that if they were in a sting and were recorded; then lethal force can waken them in the fearless night. That was one of their tactics of terror; to use the police as a decoy in the dead of night where nobody can here you scream for help or plead for the truth. That is who they are and how they terrorize you to stop chasing them or stop recording. If they are not worried then they should not be worried because it is based on previous and recorded events; not what they can conjure and make up now a days. They have history on their side and their story.
9. During crisis and hard times, prisons become a way to a better life. Therefore, medical care and food stipends should be curbed to prevent the incentive which dictates a “hibernating” period where safety is best under the care of federal powers. With local governments nearly broke by corruption; there will be prison riots when shortages begin to affect the massive crime sprees. If the banks are frozen, then expect some shrinkage effect to curse local governments. It pays to clean the streets regularly and foster a crime free community. The way to a better life is to address the problem with all economies, low quality. That is the business strategy of all economies. What is low quality is not relative or perspectives; that is political insanity. That same insanity was the core of the terror and communist plot. We have to crack the nut of low quality and the corruption will crumble with it. - On 50 Changes Needed So We Can Believe In Government, by Author; January 9, 2009 –
The problems when we know about all of their plans and know everything they are up to; is the effects on their followers. Their leaders are completely ineffective and they are or have been recorded as some spy ring or mortal enemy; criminally insane and a lunatic on a quiet rampage. Let’s say you are a police officer and stumble upon a criminal element running in and out of a building. You go for a closer look and get caught. They take you inside and torture you and ask you who you are and who sent you. You act and pretend and they send you off thinking you have nothing they want or should be fearful of. Then the next time, you come back with six armies of this world and surround them. Who is being ignored and who is in control? Who is powerful and in charge? Who is giving the orders and who is in serious trouble? This is how the game works.
Ann Coulter's new book is one that everyone concerned with the left's assault on reason should get a hold of and read. Coulter is often compared to Senate-seat-thief Al Franken, but there is really no comparison and not only because Coulter is funny …what you learn is that conservatives are liars -- in other words what you learn is a lie. … Get a serious look into the strategy of the left which has been consistent since Rousseau and Marx and is summed up by Coulter in this pithy phrase: "Speak loudly and carry a small victim." Coulter's book could just as easily be called "Hypocrisy" since she shows relentlessly and unmercifully how embarrassing it is intellectually and morally to be a liberal these days. Every page is filled with the pleasures of seeing the self-righteous skewered and the guilty held to account for their unreported crimes… arm you for the battle. - Coulter's New Book: Weapon of Mass Destruction, by David Horowitz, ; 1/15/2009 -
This is who we are dealing with and how to ignore them so long as they break their control and pursuit of kidnapping others. Right now, their building is surrounded while they demand we go away and leave them alone. They are saying it was a simple mistake and they had made a small error which can easily be fixed; just go away and give them a chance. Is this entertaining and even educational or some joke and prank to seek revenge? We want to send a clear message to them about stinking up the room and angering others because of the sewage they live in fits their home.
Except for Richard Nixon, no president since Harry Truman leaves office more unloved than George W. Bush. Truman's rehabilitation took decades. Bush's will come sooner. Indeed, it has already begun. The chief revisionist? Barack Obama. Vindication is being expressed not in words but in deeds — the tacit endorsement conveyed by the Obama continuity-we-can-believe-in transition. It's not just the retention of such key figures as Secretary of Defense Bob Gates or Treasury Secretary nominee Timothy Geithner, who, as president of the New York Fed, has been instrumental in guiding the Bush financial rescue over the last year. It's the continuity of policy. …While still a candidate, Obama voted for the expanded presidential wiretapping (FISA) powers that Bush had fervently pursued. And while Obama opposes waterboarding (already banned, by the way, by Bush's CIA in 2006), he declined George Stephanopoulos' invitation (on ABC's "This Week") to outlaw all interrogation not permitted by the Army Field Manual. ¬ - Don't Believe Bush 43 Got It Right? Just Ask (Or Listen To) Obama 44, by Charles Krauthammer, ; January 15, 2009 -
One of the things they love to do is go into a room and black flag it to ask if they are any better than treated or perfumed sewage. This communist and terrorist plot does not realize how good it feels and the near orgasmic feeling of hating them for all the right reasons; but this was their own motive for orchestrating it. It feels like their guilt and cloud of terror was lifted one sunny day. It feels like the military broke down the doors and killed every single one of them in a flash of them laughing at others or humiliating them for doing their own thing or ignoring this sewage of disrepair.
Not from any change of heart. But from simple reality. The beauty of democratic rotations of power is that when the opposition takes office, cheap criticism and calumny will no longer do. The Democrats now own Iraq. They own the war on al-Qaida. And they own the panoply of anti-terror measures with which the Bush administration kept us safe these last seven years… Which is why Obama is consciously creating a gulf between what he now dismissively calls "campaign rhetoric" and the policy choices he must now make as president. Accordingly, Newsweek — Obama acolyte and scourge of everything Bush-Cheney — has on the eve of the Democratic restoration miraculously discovered the arguments for warrantless wiretaps, enhanced interrogation and detention without trial. Indeed, Newsweek's neck-snapping cover declares, "Why Obama May Soon Find Virtue in Cheney's Vision of Power." Obama will be loath to throw away the tools that have kept the homeland safe. Just as he will be loath to jeopardize the remarkable turnaround in American fortunes in Iraq. - Don't Believe Bush 43 Got It Right? Just Ask (Or Listen To) Obama 44, by Charles Krauthammer, ; January 15, 2009 -
Remember, they are in our world now and we know everything they are up to; if they make one false move, we can push them two places closer to their goals; no pretend time. This is how we defeat them, we tell them we know and to do it or beat it. They are now in our world we are no longer in their world. They are not able to pull off this trick or fulfill this control when they are in our world and their world has ended. They are the weakest of the bunch and the most deranged; we are not in their world any longer and we want to send this message loud and clear to them why or why not. We want to send them a loud and clear message “oh really, so we are now in their world and their power?”
1/16/2009 2:07:14 PM “look alike as a commentator” he says he just saw it! Snarledly has to confirm it and does, pounding the desk. Too big and too strong? 2:08:01 PM Ah so now “prepare for impact… lifejackets” or straight jacket? Everything you have on that plane is gone and ruined. Your computer on that plane? Why computer? So Rush is saying he wants to ruin, destroy, or tamper with evidence; computer? 2:09:49 PM He is talking about the home invasion and the surveillance afterwards when I was arrested. How did they gain access and tamper with technology. “They need it by Monday night” and explains they did not destroy it because they needed it. Says they checked it but I have a biometric device and passwords on all computers. Also, I have distributed them to others. There is no way to bypass the biometrics Rush; yet they did fingerprint me. So the home invasion and arrest was to gain access and was related to my computers and you all did not destroy them. You are so kind, thank you. 2:13:04 PM Rush claims this is evidence he wants us to succeed, he did not destroy my computers and my policies are what is important; not the struggle or what they did and are. Why saddle them with more liberalism and socialism he says 2:14:08 PM. – Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
Mission accomplished, was the chapter which describes their despicable efforts and now their quiet solitude as they wait prosecution and lives in fear. They live in the fear of knowing we know everything and might have recorded them or released it all to the world. If we did this, then every single army in this world would invade and would demand immediately what we know to be true; they live in grave fear of the inevitable. They can protest and strike all they want until the terror chickens roost.
That war extended to the streets as well, with almost daily demonstrations gathering in the South Loop. On Oct. 11, a Loop rally turned violent in the notorious Days of Rage riots, when members of the Weatherman faction and other anti-war groups ran amok in the city streets, breaking windows, fighting police and leaving an assistant city corporation counsel, Richard Elrod, partially paralyzed when he tried to seize a demonstrator. It ended with the jury deciding that five of the defendants-- Rubin, Hoffman, Hayden, Davis and Dellinger--had incited riots but had not conspired to do so. Defendants Lee Weiner and John Froines were acquitted of all charges. But Judge Hoffman sentenced all seven defendants and two defense lawyers to contempt-of-court jail sentences. Eventually, all of the contempt sentences and the riot charges were either dismissed by higher courts or dropped by the government. At the time, it was the Trial of the Century, but in the end, the Chicago Seven Trial seemed to mean nothing at all. - The Chicago Seven Trial and the 1968 Democratic National Convention, by Robert Davis,; September 24, 1969 -
Right now, they are still playing the game and what left they have of it. They still insist we are in their world and we cannot ignore their power. They still feel that until some warrant is issued for their arrest; they are still as powerful as they have always been. But wait, the investigation is not done and more and more intelligence services and armies are catching the bug and the hatred for this putrefied underground sewer of former communists and presently radical terrorists. They feel we have some inkling of care if they are struggling and are not making it in this economy; they feel we have this kindred feeling they are unified and family. It is incredible who they present themselves as and how powerful they feel.
I do think there is a wider issue [of] investing so much power in the hands of people like Alan Greenspan and saying, 'We'll just trust you because you said it's O.K.' — I don't think anyone is going to do that for another 50 years, until we forget about this mistake. All of the people who were running central banks allowed the financial system to become so large and leverage to become so pervasive. That they allowed banks in Iceland to become 850% of GDP is crazy. The Royal Bank of Scotland had the largest balance sheet in the world for a while. That made no sense. Central bankers in the 1930s and '40s were not important people. Government basically told them what to do. This whole mystique of, just give it to this élite group of men to run the world economy — I don't think we're going to allow that to happen again for a while. - Q&A: Lessons from the Great Depression, By Barbara Kiviat,; January 06, 2009 -
Even while they are petrified and stank up the whole room, their power and musk is invincible. How they do it we do not know; but it is still an ongoing mystery. They do not steal feel they have a chance and nothing can stop them so long as they are not arrested nor have a warrant out for being masterminds of a terror plot. So they fly around and spend their six figure incomes (some with nine figures) while they attack who else but commandos and military personnel. It is their way of making the market work for them. In their minds, every human subject is in their world and they are God himself; who would know? Their politics and economic policies are based on this “who would know” way of living. Who would know and who cares? Who wants to see their cards? Who wants to see their sewage? All they care about is what they are going to win by playing.
10. If severe economic and stages of emergency erupt, then a special task force must be instituted to monitor the situation much like the meltdown of a nuclear facility. Based on what we know and have observed; there is brewing sentiments and hostility. It is merciless and vicious. The human character is warped and has transformed because we intercepted and foiled a diabolical plot. There is a transition point underway while this is being chased down. There is nothing good about the plot and the actions or acts they were behind are not excusable. There are tolerances and temperature levels before an avalanche and melt down is unpreventable. If this is the case, then proper warning and proper federal emergency management is needed; thus, some communication system and openness to certain areas and people. Miscommunications can worsen and trigger a stampede; so communication and openness is a certainty of this. Crisis is a window of opportunity to put better quality where low quality caused it. Government is gravely bogged down by inefficiency, products others do not want, and personnel who ought to be shot for treason or the proximity to this problem. - On 50 Changes Needed So We Can Believe In Government, by Author; January 9, 2009 –
So we are here to send them a little hello after they decide to abduct and interrogate us about what we know or do not know about them. We know everything about them and are busy working on World War III when they decided to pull off this stunt. As we see it in our world, if they push us to that point, we will be ready and are. Why waste the heartache and the misspent saliva on the path of victory? Either we, in our world, go with victory or the path to victory? We are going to send another clear and unquestionable message to this communist and terrorist plot; they have no chance in hell and we have sent this message loud and clear to them. What part of it did they miss or mistook as their own voice?
We know after two years of observation and intelligence that the people upstairs are speaking on behalf of initially Clinton, then Rush, then the collective union movement, and finally Israel. All of that was then linked locally to the indictment of the mayor for kick back and local corruption (union and Sicilian). We are sitting on an Al Qaeda cell; so they must and will make contact when they are caged. They are paranoid and suspect the plot and master plan had been blown. It was as if an onion had been peeled and the last or most powerful voice so far has been Israel. If Rush is accurate, the voice of the Kremlin was linked to himself although he is the least of all on the list and contradicted all positions of the suspects. Therefore, Rush is linked to the Kremlin as suspected with the details of the kidnapping and details only the kidnappers could have known; Sean was lured by Ann with the data and profile built on the suspects; both has confessed and admitted to this; and the ones who took credit or was the voice of the kidnappers ended up to be those who contradicted the suspect lists and then Israel; so why is there the link between Israel and the Kremlin; the two most powerful voice of the suspect list? They are all interlinked in various or a spaghetti network. So who is the brains and who is the killers? We have the plot and we know what the terror plots were for or about. - Personal Diary, by Author; 1/12/2009 1:27:39 AM -
We are not worried as much as the path to World War III then the victory of it; however, it is not out of the question to get rid of them before this reality sets in and we are back in their world. They are the ones who do not know they are mortal enemies and feel we are on their staff or terrorizing us to laugh at them until we can move on them with lethal force. They can say whatever they want so long as they live in our world and there is dying with each joke about them. Using terror plots to make us love them was foolish and even stupid; but it almost worked handily. All we needed was for them to contact us so we could turn the recorders on and begin our campaign of living in our world. They are in our world when we have everything and know everything they are up to. We are in their world so long as we cannot ignore them but we tell them to beat it. The whole game is to keep them guessing until they admit what we have on them or recorded when they refused to be ignored; that is the psychic part about it; they are the real deal. They are looking right at us and we are also.
The cyber attacks are coming from the NSA and a rogue force inside the NSA. These people burn the Constitution to prove they are superior or are better and have been behind the cyber attacks for at least two years. However, two years does not link them to 1998 or 2001 so it is hard to tell if they are simple rivals, rogues, or moles. NSA is near impenetrable and these people are official and they trample on the Constitution. They are using satellites and have a lot of expertise. They only do the denial of attacks. Then there is another group who reads emails and turns the bandwidth down to 16k as if spy ware is slowing it down. There was a group who came here after Ann made contact and was emailing; so they began to hit on her and more blatant with the flirtation around April 2008. This NSA source had come around at or around 2006 when I began to blog about cyber and satellite warfare; they are NSA and uniformed, I think. They harass and step on the Constitution but it is too difficult to trace them and court martial these cowards. They are paranoid someone is watching them and knows. - Personal Diary, by Author; 1/13/2009 –
Yes, their god forsaken pit of hell that spins like a tornado and sucks us to the bottom with them. It is almost like conducting military exercises but doing it for both educational and entertainment value. We too enjoy watching the enemies suffer while their own hands are wrapped around their necks and they fight off their imaginary friends or some invisible enemy attacking them. It is happy hour and hilarious to see them jump up and down and wrestle with their invisible evil and enemy; the one inside them and the one we want to come out and face us for some ultimate show down and victory. This communist and terrorist plot does not realize how good it feels and the near orgasmic feeling of hating them for all the right reasons; but this was their own motive for orchestrating it. It feels like their guilt and cloud of terror was lifted one sunny day. It feels like the military broke down the doors and killed every single one of them in a flash of them laughing at others or humiliating them for doing their own thing or ignoring this sewage of disrepair.
11. The accost of education is near the ceiling. It should not take more than a year’s worth of salary to educate one person if they were willing to work hard and do better work. During hard times, education either suffers or is neglected because work is sparse. Education cannot stop and the process of learning. This recession period and vital stoppage of growth must not dent the minds of the future and the prospect they can learn from it. Things slow down, people are despaired, some read and learn their way while others wreck and destroy their way out of despair. So this crisis will become a legendary learning lesson about which we live with and the problems we are permanently cursed by. Life is not theoretical and clearly if it had been then it broke down. President Obama inherited the reckless behavior of the Bush era but this is a long pedigree of failure. It is now at a stand still. If the honest debate and public discontent worsens by the lack of honest debate and clear headed reality; then a revolving door will and constant illegality will be present, that is the power of crisis, very little room for mistakes or lies. You must have the best and the most honest to carry the same talent to an accurate level. - On 50 Changes Needed So We Can Believe In Government, by Author; January 9, 2009 –
These terror plots and kidnapping or intimidation is meant to produce fear and a sense of how angry they are or how eager they want to strike out; so lets get real with this act and lets not hesitate because they know the mother of all inventions is this invisible fear and hesitation they have as a meek bunch of the weakest and most deranged. We are trying to pull that individual out from hiding and drag the invisible carcass through the fires, the snow, and back again; until the invisible carcass is visible. We cannot fight a visible enemy as they have indicated; knowing everything they are up to or everything they have in store for us; we can only fight the invisible at this time. Least to say, they are in our world until something changes.
Having found Roger, Lyra now determines to deliver the alethiometer to Lord Asriel, believing that he needs it for his purposes. He is imprisoned at Svalbard, the armoured bears' fortress, because the church opposes his experiments on Dust. As they travel to Svalbard, bat-like cliff-ghasts attack the balloon; Lyra is thrown out but lands safely, only to be captured by the armoured bears. She tricks the usurping bear-king, Iofur Raknison, into fighting Iorek Byrnison, who regains his throne. Thereafter, she travels to Lord Asriel’s cabin, accompanied by Iorek and Roger. - Plot Summary, Novel “Northern Lights” and Movie “The Golden Compass”; Wikipedia -
Fortunately, all of that propaganda they had been putting out was not used or enabled some massive immigration plight and we do not have to deal with them calling the United States a safe house or their home. We are glad we were able to stop them finally and at the last minute now that they were and had been blocked on the borders and the waves of immigrants had a higher selection process where the quality of the individual aligned properly with our quality. We are fortunate a flood of them did not awaken our reality senses with a feeling of disgust and crime; or even a sense of being invaded and a prisoner. We are luckily spared the rod because if this was allowed to occur, then we would be in grave danger and they are amassing a viable force to reverse any gains or summon the idea they have not been arrested and are in the safe house.
Lyra is then taken to the experimentation facility in Bolvangar, where she discovers that the children are being subjected to an experimental process called "intercision" which severs the tie that binds them to their daemons. Inside, she locates Roger and devises an escape plan. She is caught spying and narrowly escapes suffering the intercision process herself; she is rescued, unfortunately, by Mrs. Coulter, who tries to take the alethiometer. Narrowly escaping her clutches once again, Lyra leads the other children from the facility and is rescued by Lee Scoresby in his hydrogen balloon. With them are Roger and an armoured bear called Iorek Byrnison. Iorek is an exiled bear prince who is a perfect example of his culture. - Plot Summary, Novel “Northern Lights” and Movie “The Golden Compass”; Wikipedia -
Had they amassed this force and asserted it on these borders; they may had sought some military balance by hitting the right targets. However, with the new administration of President elect Obama and the removal of the Bush administration; this high quality work and alignment with quality can counteract the political crime spree and food fight we are engaged in also. They mad sure we joined their riot and food riot by angering us to this place and time in history. Here is the trick and the goal of their plot; that is there to resist them? If they take over the right wing and the traditional conservative plight against this communist and terrorist cell; then they could not come on the borders or take it over. So the question now and the high level head scratching which makes them walk with a limp is whether or not anyone is looking and if anyone knows? Are they going to be arrested or are they in a dangerous predicament of lethal force if guilty and one of the conspirators?
Bush is dropping your spy and terror egg all over isn’t he 1/14/2009 12:30:29 PM? More lives and life savings have been lost under you and Bush than any other. Listen to your and their attitudes. Ann is not allowed to date Rush 12:35:17 PM; but there are reasons why she is forced to or I do also. They are timed and in synch with my life; I have confirmed this with her and researched the dates. I can confirm this. She made a few mistakes and wanted to deliberately hurt you jackasses too badly. I would hurt you badly and know you well or how you abuse others; the most evil human being alive and you are in the part of principle and truth. You are in the party of substance and spirituality. Do you see a problem or a contradiction? 12:38:11 PM So you are here to pander? It is a liberal game? If you are the most evil human being, we have to pander to you? 12:38:50 PM if you are arrested for war crimes and a terror plot, do we need to pander to you anymore? Nobody was able to stop it right 12:39:36 PM. Stop what, tell us, what are we stopping; we have to understand it first. 12:40:05 PM they are unhappy about something? Who is unhappy and pandering Rush? They lost? 12:40:41 PM Ah a pre-emptive strike, a war to stop another war, a proxy. – Entry Personal Diary, by Author; 1/14/2009 -
We will know soon and so will they, who and what they are; along with how much trouble they are in if any. They are the ones who are invincible and they are the ones who claim they are in control and own other human beings; we make no claims and do not act like we are almighty laughable. They are the butt end of a joke and they act as if they are invincible. They even record us and replay it so they sound like us and act with identical candor. It is the most incredible criminal element you will ever witness while we record and observe how they behave under pressure from outside their organism. It is they who feel other human beings are obligated to them and are their prisoners of oppression.
Obama opposed the war. But the war is all but over. What remains is an Iraq turned from aggressive, hostile power in the heart of the Middle East to an emerging democracy openly allied with the United States. No president would want to be responsible for undoing that success. In Iraq, Bush rightly took criticism for all that went wrong — the WMD fiasco, Abu Ghraib, the descent into bloody chaos in 2005-06. Then Bush goes to Baghdad to ratify the ultimate post-surge success of that troubled campaign — the signing of a strategic partnership between the U.S. and Iraq — and ends up dodging two size-10 shoes for his pains. Absorbing that insult was Bush's final service on Iraq. Whatever venom the war generated is concentrated on Bush himself. By personalizing the responsibility for the awfulness of the war, Bush did his successor a favor. Obama enters office with a strategic success on his hands — while Bush leaves the scene taking a shoe for his country. …The very continuation by Democrats of Bush's policies will be grudging, if silent, acknowledgment of how much he got right. - Don't Believe Bush 43 Got It Right? Just Ask (Or Listen To) Obama 44, by Charles Krauthammer, ; January 15, 2009 -
It is they who are being executed by market reality and beheaded with pink slip efficiency for poor quality or guilt by appropriations. Do others need to suffer for their demise also? Do people have to be taxed for creating jobs or living a life as a national treasure? It is they who take it too serious and strike back with terror plots and ridicule or ridiculous gestures they are invincible and loved. The military and leaders of the world feel the fight in their eyes and why this fright belittles them; they get to smell and feel the hunt to make them who they are; future powerful leaders. This is how this world hunts and how it makes enemies out of leaders. It is very similar to combat and having or acquiring the feeling which makes your strengths even stronger and long lasting. We do not call it leadership training we call it pure satisfaction and something they will never accentuate by duplicating their entire life.
…When it was announced, Lewis called it a “deal of a lifetime.” Asked if he paid too much, Lewis said he probably could have spent less but didn't want to risk Merrill surviving on its own or linking up with another rival. “I don't know anybody who's perfect at picking the absolute bottom,” he said. “I don't know if I'll ever get to do another acquisition during my career,” he added. “This is too important not to get right.” Analyst Nancy Bush on Thursday said the bank is being unfairly lumped with Citigroup, the New York firm that has become almost synonymous with the banking meltdown. Like Bank of America, it received $25 billion from the U.S. Treasury in October. The following month, the government pumped another $20 billion into propping up Citi, which is now selling off its brokerage and other units. The government also agreed to backstop $306 billion of Citi's riskiest loans. - Bank of America Gets 2nd Bailout Deal, by Rick Rothacker and Christina Rexorode,; January 16, 2009 -
The main problem with the bail outs, what analysts and media overt observers called “a knee-jerk reaction” is the use of the money. It is a prime time for acquisitions and takeover whether they are from the private or public sectors. When the economy falters on such a level and the banks are completely frozen no matter if you were a homeless hobo or Jesus Christ himself; the prospect of chaos is real. Moreover, the prospect for corruption and a balance of failure tips in the favor of those supporting government and big government over spending. So the bailouts were dangerous close to disrupting the natural order of the market and if the impetus of them were to take over, then it is occurring on both the private and public levels. All we have to call it is debt and bail out or spending packages to revive the econo-mommy. It is a great strategy and a great way to make a lot of people mad but the media is scared to portray the country as it is or how badly it can get messed up. To win elections, you must cater to the status quo and if that status quo is not who they portray themselves to be or who you need to survive in this world; then we are doomed. So far, the data and observations say we live with vicious terrorists and blunt communists who like to hide behind words and conspiracy.
Bank of America Corp. reported Friday fourth-quarter losses…The bank reported a net loss of $1.79 billion and a loss per share of 48 cents in the fourth quarter. That compares to net income of $268 million and earnings of 5 cents a share in the fourth quarter of 2007. …Early Friday, federal officials invested $20 billion more in Bank of America in exchange for preferred stock with an 8 percent dividend. In addition, the government agreed to guarantee BofA against losses on a pool of $118 billion in residential and commercial real estate loans. BofA will be responsible for the first $10 billion of losses. After that the government will assume 90 percent of the additional losses. The additional $20 billion makes Bank of America the largest recipient of federal cash during the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program adopted last year by Congress. Bank of America got $15 billion from that program in October. When it bought Merrill, it got the $10 billion that was slated to go to the investment bank. With the latest injection, the bank will have gotten $45 billion. Citigroup had been the largest recipient. - Bank of America Loses $2.39B, Receives More Bailout Funds, by Staff – Atlanta Business Chronicle, ; January 16, 2009 -
As far as this terror plot we detected, all someone has to do is declare an innocent bystander a radical group or a leftist and they will soon be disgruntled and so harassed; their life is turned upside down and thinking the government is behind it; it is, but it is also this terror and communist plot we have identified. These groups are blaming each other and trying to ruin each others reputation. Whatever is necessary so long as they are not the bad guys? That is the problem with these radical and left wing 1960s people holding public office or hearing stories about their predecessors; they begin to act out the pain or the experience they felt and is how you struggle with political enemies. So they jail and send out this message that if you want to join the struggle, you have to feel the pain of both sides. It is all the same people and a central leadership whose forte is low quality in all pursuits. It all traces back to the FBI and rogue political forces. The conspiracy and the problem is apparent, beat it. People all over the world recognize this cheap imitation and poor quality so they exploited it and now this transformation has taken place from a communist threat to a terrorist one.
Having found Roger, Lyra now determines to deliver the alethiometer to Lord Asriel, believing that he needs it for his purposes. He is imprisoned at Svalbard, the armoured bears' fortress, because the church opposes his experiments on Dust. As they travel to Svalbard, bat-like cliff-ghasts attack the balloon; Lyra is thrown out but lands safely, only to be captured by the armoured bears. She tricks the usurping bear-king, Iofur Raknison, into fighting Iorek Byrnison, who regains his throne. Thereafter, she travels to Lord Asriel’s cabin, accompanied by Iorek and Roger. - Plot Summary, Novel “Northern Lights” and Movie “The Golden Compass”; Wikipedia -
The moment we can get past that semantic error, we can utilize military justice and raid their enemy efforts; this same terror and communist plot. This plot was some conspiracy to put the government on trial or to sack those who they felt symbolized their radical history. They were inferior to not only this war and threatening the nation, they were being executed and pink slip beheaded by market reality. This made them strike out senselessly and randomly at us. It made them kidnap us and commit suicide by not knowing what they had done and where it would lead. They were enthusiastic about social change and this was how they invited themselves to reality or to escape the rat hole they crawled out of; homo-septic.
Despite being imprisoned, Lord Asriel has become so influential that he has accumulated the necessary equipment to continue his experiments on Dust. After explaining to Lyra the nature of Dust, an emanation from another world, and the existence of parallel universes, he departs, taking Roger and much scientific equipment. Lyra pursues them, having discovered that she has indeed brought her father what he wanted though not in the way she thought. It was not the alethiometer he needed, but Roger: the severing of the child-daemon tie releases enormous energy, which Lord Asriel needs to complete his task. Roger dies when Lord Asriel separates him from his dæmon, and with the enormous energy released -- combined with his specialized equipment -- Lord Asriel is able to tear a hole through the sky into a parallel world. Lord Asriel walks through into the new world. On Pantalaimon's advice, Lyra follows. This concludes the first novel, with the trilogy continuing in the next book, The Subtle Knife. - Plot Summary, Novel “Northern Lights” and Movie “The Golden Compass”; Wikipedia -
We are sure nobody wants or can utilize any help they have to offer or the pain they can soothe. Although they deny all of this and argue it intellectually backwards in academies or radio annoyances; their movement is dead and so is their soul; defeated by a market execution. They provide no guarantees this cannot happen and will not in the future. Now they are all chained together and declared themselves an oppressed group and one gagged because of their political beliefs. They seemed to have arrested us and harassed us in some role reversal and cross examination; all total they ended up with multiple death penalty charges which they do not seem able to accept responsibility for. Why? Are they too conservative for this or too liberal? Are they too right or left wing to speak the truth? What is the problem with this inferiority and their pride or do they not hear our speech? The days of anti-war and anti-racist propaganda are over; most trading nations and rich countries are minority or of other races; so it is not so black and white anymore. However, the conspiracy lives on and is still alive because they are chained together and consider themselves an oppressed group.
More disturbing is Barack Obama’s tax relief program under which there would be alleged tax cuts for 95 percent of the American people. Under Obama’s plan the majority would not only pay no federal taxes but would actually get government checks, presumably for just being alive and breathing, while a tiny minority of their fellow Americans would pick up the tab. …“In one stroke,” they write, “this would transform the majority of voters from taxpayers into tax eaters, and leave an increasingly small minority to pay the bill,” putting those who actually pay taxes into “much the same situation as landlords in New York City: hopelessly outvoted by their tenants, who use their political clout to limit rents and landlords' profits. “For the economically well off,” they warn, “it effectively could become taxation without representation, which, as the founders of our nation warned, leads to tyranny.” - Stimulating Bankruptcy and Chaos, by Michael Reagan,; January 09, 2009 -
There is no differentiating what a strong economy and how a stormy economy comes back to become a stronger economy. However, we look at this the principled approach to the Obama reform government; of hope and change; will have to be to revive the strong economy and eventually affecting the permanent underclass or some form of welfare reform. By spending trillions to fix an already broken or misspent effort, the same weaknesses and waste is not or is never addressed; what make an economy strong and how quickly it recovers. Therefore, government does not create jobs and what jobs it creates will, eventually or destined long term, to affect the private sector by draining either talent or vital life force; power. When the government is so engaged and so forceful in the private and industrial sectors; the actions suggest a financial war or even a criminal element seeking retaliation or even stopping this war on criminal elements.
Israel and Palestine (featuring Hillary Clinton): It would appear that the world’s most boring and predictable soap opera will be back in prime-time programming again this year: the tedious tale of two countries whose Wikipedia article length -- much like Paris Hilton’s -- is proportionate only to the amount of drama they cause. It will cause many headaches for new Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Third Battalion of Desk Jockeys at the United Nations as they try to figure out how to stop the world’s longest war using mere words. But really, here’s all Clinton needs to say: “Hey Muzzies, knock it off. If one more rocket ventures off your turf, I don’t care if you get turned into a parking lot.” Then we all need to let them duke it out once and for all like a couple of ferrets in heat. - Top 10 Political Stories To Watch For In 2009, by Rachel Marsden,; January 02, 2009 -
Politics is very similar to military thought. Warfare is considered a mere extension of the political system and the ability to impose one’s will on a subjugated individual. Hence, politics is a symbiotic system and closely related to military thought; when the economy tanks or soughs, military recruitment is reinvigorated. However, when an economy is thriving, the military must kick the engines of recruitment and seek out the talent it needs to survive. So, nobody is blaming Obama for the inevitable which is to put back in our reach a vital and thriving economy based on the strong assumption it will and can weather the storm before other economies beat him to the punch and the purse. Now, this result will lead to endless red tape, bureaucratic shuffling and red tape, and of course dead debate which goes nowhere but debt. Was this a form of warfare and using finance or logistics to wage war with the United States by loading it with lies and obligations to destroy the economy and the future of the unborn? Is this a new era of financial warfare from within and internal forces?
Like millions of my fellow Americans I want Barack Obama to succeed in governing America and reviving the economy, despite my opposition to his candidacy. I had hoped that being the cautious man he appears to be, President-elect Obama would avoid taking extreme positions and policies vis-á-vis the economy and settle for the tried-and-true approaches to economic stability. …Obama himself has acknowledged that the nation faces monstrous deficits in the future, but seems not the least concerned that his stimulus programs will send the deficits soaring to previously unseen heights. - Stimulating Bankruptcy and Chaos, by Michael Reagan,; January 09, 2009 -
Presidents elect Obama’s trillion dollar spending plan and goal for government to create two or three million jobs is a senseless violence on the economy and the global market place. There is no logic or thought behind it beyond immediacy for action and the fear that inaction would cause local governments to reduce their spending and taxing diet. Local governments who have a voracious appetite to tax must consider the effect of a contracting economy rather than rely on the government for their mismanagement and corruption. When your state runs up a thirty or sixty billion dollar fiscal deficit in less than six months; then you have to ask if there is a problem with spending or how much of that loss with be returning? The reason why a market system corrects is over speculation, creating a run on the banks, over lending and bad banking policies, and mostly false wealth which cannot be honored or causes a break down. In this case, debt was the trigger and lending to people who had no possible chance of repaying the loans taken.
Let us see what they have for us and how much fight they got. They seem to indicate how blood will be in the streets if they act or do not act; a stalemate. So we need to have the financial and how much each boss is asking from the federal government; what are the locales asking for and how much will they be given. We ask that anyone with looted material from dead people to please return it and will set up a check point to ensure none of them get away. It is similar to a riot and looting; we all can win. So we need to know how much they are asking for and how much was returned. We do not want anything from the bail out or the spending trillions; just our share for a strong future and nation. So we ask for the requested amount first before we know how much they made out with us. - Personal Diary, by Author; 1/10/2009 4:02:46 PM -
Debt being the source of wealth creation and jobs is a political act of criminality intended to win elections. Markets are always struggling with low quality and high prices until it saturates into riots or civil war. If you do not address and beat that low quality down so it is under control, it will grow or explode on society. Debt used as wealth creation triggers the correction period where life savings are gone overnight because it was never real wealth. Debt cannot be a source of investment when there is no chance of repayment; again, this is a criminal act much similar to the run on the bank where bank notes or investments can never be honored. The only entity honoring it is the government but more debt is used to make the payments to honor the previous debt. It sounds like the same dilemma the government is going through; borrow and spend to create jobs with no chance of repayment; then using that debt to write off jobs and new wealth being created. How close is this to say Enron? What happened to Enron when they wiped out the life savings of so many people and devastated their life with lies and deception? Debt is not a way to create jobs regardless of the long term problems at the local levels; it is delaying the inevitable and prolonging the division between what is real and what has not been addressed properly.
In the war on terror, the best way to prevent being a military target or involved in the profiteering of a terror plot is to turn down the gratuity and request loan payments. However, any acceptance of money with the intention of profiteering will with 100 per cent guarantee conspiracy charges and an act of war on the country. We did not get a dispersement sheet yet so we cannot confront the terror plotters and the recipients; loans to supplement a refusal will be provided; refusal to assist can lead to severe punishments and cause treason charges. We do not have the data sheet and what they have in store for us yet so we cannot make out or made out with what they are flashing. If they want to finger us or why we are poor, liberals, etc… then training us to react to their control or code work is too dangerous to ignore. - Personal Diary, by Author; 1/10/2009 4:02:46 PM -
President George Bush made his last press speech on January 12, 2009 which sounded like a caged bird. If there was evil present then it was now silent. However, there were three identifiable things which rose to the top or could be understood with all the mumbling. President Bush said “another attack on… homeland” and “those decision… had he known what he knew now” and felt being “used… people serve him.” There were other things which he said with double meaning such as feeling isolated or Obama feeling isolated; but you walk away thinking how a liar or thief can get the courage to call you a brut or someone who might feel a slight of anger at him. Most critics, even those who were most loyal to HW Bush Sr. felt a bad karma after Colin Powell defected to the Obama camp and they blamed his father’s staff for the continuance of these failures. The Iraq War is a complete mystery; we spent five out of the last eight years in prison or officially locked up and now are struck with the idea of not being able to explain either; we are not a caged bird and the crisis has called us to duty. The Bushes will always say how they did the right thing and always had the interest of the country in mind or even how he had to suspend his principles to face evil or financial crisis; so after eight years we are still in crisis and a lot of people want them to remove this suspension of principles; Obama is included.
“Hey Man, Nice Shot” lyrics by Filter
I wish I would've met you
Now it's a little late
What you could've taught me
I could've saved some face
They think that you’re early ending
Was all wrong
For the most part they're right
But look how they all got strong
That's why I say hey man nice shot
What a good shot man!
That's why I say hey man nice shot
What a good shot man!
Hey man, has gun…
Hey man, have fun…
Nice shot!
Now that the smokes gone
And the air is all clear
Those who were right there
Got a new kind of fear
You'd fight, and you were right
But they were just too strong
They'd stick it in your face
And let you smell what they consider wrong
That's why I say hey man nice, nice shot
What a good shot man!
That's why I say hey man nice, nice shot
What a good shot man!
I wish I would've met you…
I wish I would've met you…
I'd say nice shot!
"Rooster" lyrics by Alice in Chains
Ain’t found a way to kill me yet
Eyes burn with stinging sweat
Seems every path leads me to nowhere
Wife and kids and household pet
Army green was no safe bet
The bullets scream to me from somewhere
Here they come to snuff the rooster
Oh yeah
Yeah here come the rooster
You know he ain’t gonna die
No, no, no, ya know he ain’t gonna die
Walkin’ tall machine gun man
They spit on me in my home land
Gloria sent me pictures of my boy
Got my pills ’gainst mosquito death
My buddy’s breathin’ his dyin’ breath
Oh God please won’t you help me make it through
“Everything to Everyone” lyrics by Everclear
You put yourself in stupid places
Yes I think you know it's true
Situations where it's easy to look down on you
I think you like to be the victim
I think you like to be in pain
I think you make yourself the victim almost every single day
You do what you do
You say what you say
You try to be everything to everyone
You know all the right people
You play all the right games
You always try to be everything to everyone (Ahhhh!)
Yeah you do it again (Ahhhh!)
You always do it again
You say they taught you how to read and write
Yeah they taught you how to count
I say they taught you how to buy and sell
Your own body by the pound
I think you like to be their simple toy
I think you love to play the clown
I think you are blind to the fact that the hand you hold
Is the hand that holds you down?
(Ahhhh haaa!)
Spin around and fall down
Do it again
You stumble and you fall
Yeah why won't you ever learn?
Spin around and fall down
(Ahhhh haaa!)
Do it again
Yeah, you stumble and you fall
I wonder if you'll ever learn
Why don't you ever learn?
Come on now, do that stupid dance for me
(Ough yeah)
You do what they tell you to do
You say what they say
You try to be everything to everyone
You jump through the big hoop
You play all the right games
You try to be everything to everyone
Spin around and fall down
“Indestructible” lyrics by Disturbed
Another mission
The powers have called me away
Another time
To carry the colors again
My motivation
An oath I've sworn to defend
To win the honor
Of coming back home again
No explanation
Will matter after we begin
Another dark destroyer that's buried within
My true vocation
And now my unfortunate friend
You will discover
A war you're unable to win
I'll have you know
That I've become
Determination that is incorruptible
From the other side
A terror to behold
Annihilation will be unavoidable
Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible
Take a last look around while you're alive
I'm an indestructible master of war
Another reason
Another cause for me to fight
Another fuse uncovered
Now for me to light
My dedication
To all that I've sworn to protect
I carry out my orders
Without a regret
A declaration
Embedded deep under my skin
A permanent reminder
Of how we began
No hesitation
When I am commanding the strike
You need to know
That you're in for the fight of your life
You will be shown
How I've become
Determination that is incorruptible
From the other side
A terror to behold
Annihilation will be unavoidable
Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible
Take a last look around while you're alive
I'm an indestructible master of war
“Fly From the Inside” lyrics by Shinedown
Here's the weight of the world on my shoulders
Here's the weight of the world on my shoulders
On my shoulders
All alone I pierce the chain
And on and on the sting remains
And dieing eyes consume me now
The voice inside screams out loud
I am focused on what I am after
The key to the next open chapter
Cause I found a way to steal the sun from the sky
Long live that day that I decided to fly from the inside
Every day a new deception
Pick your scene and take direction
And on and on I search to connect
But I don't wear a mask and I have no regrets
I am focused on what I am after
The key to the next open chapter
I can't escape the pain
I can't control the rage
Sometimes I think that I'm gonna go insane
I'm not against what's right
I'm not for what's wrong
I'm just making my way and I'm gone
Here's the weight of the world on my shoulders
“Don’t Know What You Got” lyrics Cinderella
I can't tell ya baby what went wrong
I can't make you feel what you felt so long ago
I'll let it show
I can't give you back what's been hurt
Heartaches come and go and all that's left are the words
I can't let go
If we take some time to think it over baby
Take some time, let me know
If you really want to go
Don't know what you got till it's gone
Don't know what it is I did so wrong
Now I know what I got
It's just this song
And it ain't easy to get back
Takes so long
I can't feel the things that cause you pain
I can't clear my heart of your love it falls like rain
Ain't the same
I hear you calling far away
Tearing through my soul I just can't take another day
Who's to blame
If we take some time to think it over baby
Take some time let me know
If you really wanna go
Do you wanna see me beggin' baby
Can't you give me just one more day
Can't you see my heart's been draggin' lately?
I've been lookin' for the words to say
Don't know what you got till it's gone no
Don't know what it is I did so wrong
Now I know what I got
It's just this song
And it ain't easy to get back
Takes so long
“Watch the World Die” lyrics by Everclear
I am still living with your ghost
lonely and dreaming of the west coast
I don’t want to be your down time
I don’t want to be your stupid game
with my big black boots and an old suitcase
I do believe ill find myself a new place
I don’t want to be tha bad guy
I don’t want to do your sleepwalk dance anymore
I just want to see some palm trees
I will try to shake away this disease
we can live beside the ocean
linger far behind
swim out past the breaker
watch the world die x2
I am still dreaming of your face
hungry and hollow from the pain you took away
I don’t want to be your good time
I don’t want to be your fallback crutch anymore
walk right up you brand new day
your same horizon in my own weary way
I don’t want to be tha bad guy
I don’t want to do your sleepwalk dance anymore
i just want to feel some downside
I just want to find some place to be alone
we can live beside the ocean
linger far behind
swim out past the breaker
watch the world die x4
Yeah, watch the world die
yeah, yeah watch the world die
Whoa, yeah, watch the world die
yeah watch the world die