There is more to partisan politics than either increasing taxes or decreasing taxes. Each and every time an election is based on partisanship, delinking (discussed in chapter on economic sustainability and influencing elections prior to their conclusions) or removing the partisan must occur in order to “rid the bias.” We are talking about a breed of human beings who infest the lives of others and refuse to get out of it or leave when the evidence is against why they should stay. If you look at politics and war, that is both politics and war. This problem has been around for quite some time and all the sudden, the people doing it are heroes. They are heroes in our life but they have no fight in them. Their only fight is to get in our life and to not give us any choice, and then we are left with a giant mess and no way to complain or legally challenge them. Is this because they have fight in them or none whatsoever? It is because they have no fight in them and it is who they are.
After decades of comparing Nixon to Hitler, Reagan to Hitler and Bush to Hitler, liberals have finally decided it is wrong to make comparisons to Hitler. But the only leader to whom they have applied their newfound rule of thumb is: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. While Ahmadinejad has not done anything as starkly evil as cut the capital gains tax, he does deny the Holocaust, call for the destruction of Israel, deny the existence of gays in Iran and refuses to abandon his nuclear program despite protests from the United Nations. That's the only world leader we're not allowed to compare to Hitler. - You Can't Appease Everybody by Ann Coulter, May 28, 2008 -
If you are in a fight and a struggle to the death, it helps to not have the weak breed and the weak side on your team, and then hear them daily while they scream bold religious prophecies attacking you. It does not help or even aid our cause when they or the enemy is on our side. It will be a disaster. If we know what is going on, should we demand or have to ask when the next time an attack is imminent? Why do we have to prove anything and lie about it? How many times is wrong going to be that, wrong? It is a hole which this creature keeps digging and it is getting more and more hopeless for them. Why are we obligated to them and why are we obligated to losers? Just because we know what is going on and have the victory of World War III does not mean we are obligated to them or give it to them because they said to or bleed us until we did. If we know, then when are they going to tell us we know? That is a lie and what’s more a purposeful one for a specific intent.
That summer, in 1776, Gen. George Washington -- a charter member of the founding fathers -- rallied his troops, saying: "The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves. ... The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of the army." So Washington not only used the phrase "under God," but gave us one of the earliest known references to the rights of the "unborn." That's right! George Washington was a "pro-life extremist," just like Sarah Palin. There is no disputing that a nation "under God" was "good enough" for the founding fathers, exactly as Palin said. Meanwhile, on the House floor last week, Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee compared Palin to Pontius Pilate -- and Obama to Jesus. Cohen said: "Barack Obama was a community organizer like Jesus, who our minister prayed about. Pontius Pilate was a governor." Yes, who can forget the Biblical account of how Jesus got the homeless Samaritan to register as a Democrat in exchange for a carton of smokes! -“Lucifer is my Homeboy” by Ann Coulter, September 17, 2008 -
This big problem likes to make up things, such as how patriotic and welcomed they are. Never once double checking or fixing the problems they grow and grow until they overtake and eat up everything in the lake. They choke off the food supply. Now we either live in an empty lake or go and look for another. So now we are their messiah and their protégé, here to lead them to the Promised Land which someone said they were welcomed in. There is no security in the Promised Land and it is infested by people who have no fight and not a care in the world. They are over dopamine and neuron hormone complacent and sheltered. Not a bone of fight in them. Life is fantastic while they rob you. Life is fantastic while they arrest you. Life is fantastic watching rape day after day. Life is fantastic as some hostage and prisoner. All for a breed and species of human beings who make their religious conviction one with no fight and false but bold audacity.
We think they are rude, challenged, liars, unruly, deceptive, Godless, using a painful satellite on me (APS commando satellite, from “Day of Reckoning” – book on satellite warfare) at this time, put me in a dungeon to save black people, beyond redemption and invading the privacy of Ann to make more excuses, too labor oriented, dishonest, uncooperative, and really frustration. There is more to politics than ditsy female voices saying "up or down" on taxes or “it’s the economy stupid.” I am getting mad about some rogue who got in and lied to get and is using a painful satellite on my hand while telling me to "stop" or blowing up the pentagon or other buildings because they are dirt stupid. Did we mention the labor unions? We get no choice and they will end up perpetuating endless turmoil and war on these shores with the lies. First it was getting buried in financial extortion and buried by man-made medical problems; now it is another security breach and another major problem. Where is the President and the leadership or are they behind it all?
We are talking about standing up for the unborn. We are talking about stealing the future of the unborn at the same time. We are talking about stealing the unborn. We are talking about deranged morality that changes on a dime when they see columns of tanks and commandos perched to jump on their terrorist activity. We are talking about humiliating them in public as a loony predator and a loser who feels religion or a lackluster religion will shield them from the truth or this predator conviction to fool others and trick them into patriotism and taxes because they can do better and are superior. Now who is this and what kind of creature are we dealing with who has infested these shores and refuses to leave as they torture us with satellites and steal the manuals we wrote ourselves. Now they want a Presidential pardon or else they will blow up this world.
No matter who gets knocked out or is out of the race, they will always be represented like a powerful eagle eye. That is the meaning of superior and this church claims this prize. Not interested and resisting is the basis of their morality over others which makes them violent and in a constant flux to reform their church and get them out of our life. Are they an imaginary threat or is their mind so warped by their religion and morality for social justice they form this imaginary threat? Just remember, Hobbes and the Greeks linked the spirit of reverence on property; therefore, be honest and have some respect or be gone from our life. Who needs to be stopped, pay for everything, have an insane time in politics, and cannot understand that debt is no path to richness?
• Big act and act even bigger
• Until they came along “argument” we
• Cost 30 trillion to make 10 trillion (who gets the final bill)
• Don’t worry its just their money
• Don’t worry its another endorsement
• The big ones always get away
• Do they anticipate a fight or not
• Nothing going on but an imaginary threat (politicians)
• Debt or Rich? Creating success or massive debt? Liberal or Conservatives?
• When another Osama reemerges and pops out of nowhere
• Immunity from whose church? Immunity because of whose church?
• Penchant for lying and immunity? Murder?
• Wishes military advantage except an official one?
• We will stop if you give up or stop?
• Don’t know anything but worse refuse to ask? Stalk us to help and on our side and nation to help?
• Will not win?
• Accent even when behind enemy lines? Who are you listening to for “burph-day.”
• A problem is “this problem is huge?” Who is not interested or aren’t?
• We need puppet governments still
• All of them not a few or the other side, that is the trick; all of them are Liberals with no fight only criticism to fit in and win, but for who?
When you are beyond the point of redemption, abandoned debates, unwilling to tell the truth and be defiant, and must win or save communism to keep your religion and global stature; then beyond the point of redemption, the dirty bomb excuse is only to protect the conspiracy but we know there is no conspiracy because it has yet been hunted down or exposed.
• an “imaginary threat”; helping by stalking us and no choice?
• “Ann isn’t you interested?” Also, “you won the dung heap, how can you resist now, you win?” Why make this harder? How can you say no?
• Immunity from criticism when an imaginary threat? Just blame or all of this church?
• Banks acting risky and debt driven? Nobody is to blame? Nobody is guilty? Just too stupid to catch all the puppet regimes?
• They have a lot of fight in them? Don’t care about nonsense? Guilty? Powerful and those powerless?
• You know you want it also?
If you are currently one of the many who are carefully examining your limited options and dull choices, then view the coming transformation where religions are forced to resort to adopting a new perestroika to save the inevitable collapse of big government; the grim reality is that morality for the past 100 years has been focused on the idea that communisms must be a sanctifying grace of saving communists without being labeled a socialist first and foremost. This is a return back to the reformation age and the problems with institutions and morality, such as a total lack of them. In other nations, when you destroy the country with this much stress and anxiety, they coup you with the military, strip you of your wealth, and make you retire to some other Western nation with only the clothes on your back. Here, they bail you out so you can keep the mansion and motor home for retirement.
Are equality and tolerance historical Christian values? (Note she does not bother to use the more PR-friendly and inclusive phrase "Judeo-Christian values.") Ask the victims of the Inquisition or the Crusades. America's Christian founders may have preached equality, but they hardly practiced it. See slavery. Did the "ideal of equality and tolerance" only appear with the birth of the United States? Check out the preceding Age of Enlightenment. (Locke celebrated a state of nature in which people were happy, tolerant, free and equal.) And Jesus invented feminism? Then why did the "Christian nation" of the United States deny women the right to vote? Why has the Catholic Church refused to ordain female priests? Why do certain fundamentalist Christians insist that women submit to their husbands? - Ann Coulter's Religious War, by David Corn, November 24, 2003 -
The excitement is so feverishly overemphasized in the liberal and left wing camps they can foresee a day where they will never be labeled a socialist any further and have that permanent remembrance a fixture of their aging religion. This is why you do not abandon religion altogether and fix it; such the case in the 15th Century and a similar surge of rebuke and uprising. The religion was not broken, it was the refusals and the widespread cronyism commissions of the institution which hindered any credible reform. Eventually, it was beyond redemption and more than faithful church worshippers could stand or tolerated. This is merely an exercise into the same existence which was tried many times over but with less choices now, strike off communism and socialism from the list. That does not allow many choices and many chances but war and force was never taken off the list either.
What possible reason is there to meet with Ahmadinejad? To win a $20 bar bet as to whether or not the man actually owns a necktie? We know his position and he knows ours. He wants nuclear arms, American troops out of the Middle East and the destruction of Israel. We don't want that. (This is assuming Mike Gravel doesn't pull off a major upset this November.) We don't need him as an ally against some other more dangerous dictator because ... well, there aren't any. Does Obama imagine he will make demands of Ahmadinejad? Using what stick as leverage, pray tell? A U.S. boycott of the next Holocaust-denial conference in Tehran? The U.N. has already demanded that Iran give up its nuclear program. Ahmadinejad has ignored the U.N. and that's the end of it. We always have the ability to "talk" to Ahmadinejad if we have something to say. Bush has a telephone. If Iranian crop dusters were headed toward one of our nuclear power plants, I am quite certain that Bush would be able to reach Ahmadinejad to tell him that Iran will be flattened unless the planes retreat. If his cell phone died, Bush could just post a quick warning on the Huffington Post. - You Can't Appease Everybody by Ann Coulter, May 28, 2008 -
The financial crisis brings us back to the problem with the liberals and them calling themselves any other than what they are, self destructive. When they self destruct, they are using this predator existence to hide and to lure people deeper into their morass. As we can clearly see with the financial meltdown, the vast greed, lack of accountability, and risky poor decisions which do nothing but gamble further with this idea that you do not keep digging when the hole is big enough; instead you lie about it and lure others into your self destruction until they are trapped and unable to escape.
The financial melt down on Wall Street also shows how they are nothing more than what other they wish to call themselves, self destructive. The world is being pushed deeper into socialism with the tricked or fooled idea it is sound socialism. This is the same story with religion and fixing problems. Most troubling is the financial plan and the taught experience that financial corruption is moral and humanitarian “terrorism.” It terrorizes others when and if it explodes and “frags” their life. But until it does and until the truth is presented, nobody will ever know. Now you have a financial plan being broadcasted around the globe tied up and plugged into the idea that communism must be saved or else this world will become a Third World, the genius of the liberal lie. This is why they hate science, once science perfects them; their victim hood ends with their morality or lack thereof. When genetics unlocks their lie and the genetic code of the devil, it will eradicate them for nothing more than logic and science itself.
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Now the voice of finance is just the left wing erudite and rationalization, “you do this or else pain.” In the end, it will be a plan to save communism as described “or else pain” and “third world stature and class.” Most people would choose communism over third world poverty or financial problems. This financial insanity proves that the policies coming out of Washington DC and New York are transfixed not on the core of the problems but how to lay over them with lies and deceit. The policies are meant to let them off the hook and to not prevent any further or future self destruction due to personality failure or insane madness dressed up as successful; and then pampered as a messiah and sound businessman.
We think they are rude, challenged, liars, unruly, deceptive, Godless, using a painful satellite on me (APS commando satellite, from “Day of Reckoning” – book on satellite warfare) at this time, put me in a dungeon to save black people, beyond redemption and invading the privacy of Ann to make more excuses, too labor oriented, dishonest, uncooperative, and really frustration. There is more to politics than ditsy female voices saying "up or down" on taxes or “it’s the economy stupid.” I am getting mad about some rogue who got in and lied to get and is using a painful satellite on my hand while telling me to "stop" or blowing up the pentagon or other buildings because they are dirt stupid. Did we mention the labor unions? We get no choice and they will end up perpetuating endless turmoil and war on these shores with the lies. First it was getting buried in financial extortion and buried by man-made medical problems; now it is another security breach and another major problem. Where is the President and the leadership or are they behind it all?
This forced return to communism is a global financial strategy to hook up other economies to the engine of lies and never reporting accurately the real financial problems or accounting. It is a fraud and scam which has no accountability at the core. Like our situation, it will ask “either you do this or else this pain.” Eventually, this debauchery, that is in the end and not right now but beleaguered, will be a return to communism and a return to taunt capitalism for beating it many times over. When you have elites or the rich from a Godless church or a liberal lie to claim good religious intentions, you get financial chaos. You want your elites and rich moral, sound, and honest; not sick and weak as we are seeing now.
There is a third reason to talk to dictators, in addition to seeking an ally or as part of a policy of Mutually Assured Destruction. Gen. Douglas MacArthur talked with Japanese imperial forces on Sept. 2, 1945. There was a long ceremony aboard the USS Missouri with full press coverage and a lot of talk. It was a regular international confab! It also took place after we had dropped two nukes on Japan and MacArthur was officially accepting Japan's surrender. If Obama plans to drop nukes on Ahmadinejad prior to their little chat-fest, I'm all for it. But I don't think that's what liberals have in mind. - You Can't Appease Everybody by Ann Coulter, May 28, 2008 -
Liberals, the left wing, and the communist movement feel other human beings have an obligation to sacrifice their life in because they are Gods. Wars are not won over because of the more precious and life model, but instead a brainless silence of being oneself. That is why they are hiding and so elusive. They feel others are obligated to defend them and resort to the fundamental or orthodox way of being but now they need change as time changes reality. That is orthodoxy that is fundamentalism, that is existentialism, and that is liberalism. The problem is when they both expound and denounce the most precious in life itself by either lying or not able to defend themselves. That is their weakness and that is why they are so violent to anyone who defies that sanctity which cannot be spoken and is based on relationships and alliances. This applies to money also.
Bail Mary! Will Andrew Cuomo save capitalism?
By Mickey Kaus
Updated Monday, Sept. 22, 2008, at 4:49 PM ET
Priorities: McCain pledges to present a 'comprehensive immigration reform' plan to Congress (i.e. including some form of amnesty) "the first day" in office… Update: He's so desperate he's pandering in English! Speaking before “a largely Irish-American crowd," McCain focuses on "50,000 Irish men and women who are in this country illegally at this time," promising them a "path to citizenship" …I want to assure you that we will enact comprehensive immigration reform… Does the GOP base "get the message" yet? ... Progress! Note pro-Dem blog Think Progress eschewing official bipartisan euphemisms and calling it "amnesty.”.... [Tks. to J.S.] 10:27 A.M.
Lies do not win the hearts and minds of people. Once caught for lying, it is very hard to ever keep the trust of anyone. There will be a tsunami of backlash when you lose the hearts and minds of the strong and morally financed peoples of this world. When you loose the hearts and minds of others by lying you will feel the armies of God and mankind rumbling at your doorstep and it will be an uncanny business to show how professional you are or can be. Anytime the government makes a payout, it should be almost like a bank, it expects something back in growth return. Government is not theirs to tax endlessly or to bail everyone out unless it is warfare and a matter of life and death.
Honesty is a great policy, especially when it is responsible for World War III. We are facing this head on at the gate of insane politics and the next World War. Keep in mind that 700 billion went to someone and that is a lot of bribes and taxing the public many times over even if it is called a “bail out.” Banks know how a bank works and whenever you lend or bail out someone with 1 dollar, the interest on that dollar must increase with a sufficient tumult to make it worthwhile. This bail out contradicts the entire notion of a bank to begin with yet it spreads to trillions of dollars in other economies and linked to liberalism and their insanity.
Bail Mary! Will Andrew Cuomo save capitalism?
By Mickey Kaus
Updated Monday, Sept. 22, 2008, at 4:49 PM ET
McCain wants to fire Chris Cox as head of the Securities and Exchange Commission and appoint ... Andrew Cuomo, under whose leadership the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development damaged several New York neighborhoods when it permitted scam artists to bilk the government out of federally secured mortgage and construction loans in the late 1990's. …Seems like just the right man to solve the toxic mortgage crisis. ... P.S.: This wasn't a tiny fraud. It was a quarter-billion dollar scandal that severely disrupted the redevelopment of Harlem, among other places, by gumming up the market. But hey, it was non-profit fraud! ... Apparently, McCain's not just going populist left. He's going irresponsible, opportunist populist left. ... More Cuomo embarrassments here and here ("Mr. Cuomo's complaints that [a primary opponent] was not aggressive in investing state pension money in concerns that would further social causes, like affordable housing.")... See also Wayne Barrett (alleging that as HUD secretary Cuomo pushed Fannie Mae into the sub prime market) ... Note to my conservative friends: Hope Palin's worth it! ... 12:30 P.M. link
When you have elites or the rich from a Godless church or a liberal lie to claim good religious intentions, you get financial chaos. Any way you look at this it is liberalism and greed run amuck but calling itself other things by lying. Eventually, that lie gets fatter until that big fat lie surfaces too fat to do anything about it so it has to lie some more. Now you have debt and taxing the hell out of the public. You will notice how swarthy, annoying, and purely diabolic these politicians and commentators are when they refuse to reverberate good sound moral principles and economic theory when they claim to be capitalists and how they repeat and quote snippets for their spin networks used to trick and fool the public like a leaching and uncontrollable predator.
That is their religion, to fool and trick others and they make a very good living doing this day in and day out. Maybe elections are as worthless as the people who run for office? Maybe this is the root cause; politics is a worthless endeavor because it is filled with worthless people. The way to fix the financial lineage is simple, do not call financial endeavors less than a liberal when it traces right back to the success of this lying creature who never has an accurate accounting record or reporting. You can call them any name in the book or make any claim; the core of the problem is the same and will never get fixed until you side with prevention or even better deterrence.
As John Berlau and [6] Holman Jenkins have noted in the Wall Street Journal, if it were not for federal accounting regulations, the federal [3] bailout of AIG might never have been necessary. And banks, rather than dumping their own sub-prime mortgages at [3] fire-sale prices to meet reserve and regulatory requirements, [6] might instead have been willing and able to purchase or make loans to troubled financial institutions that now will have to be bailed out by the taxpayer. - “$700 Billion for Disastrous Financial System Bailout” by Hans Bader On September 20, 2008 ( - -
This is the same ridiculous thought or situation we are in where we must sue to find terrorists, communists, and win World War III. We cannot even write emails without them being analyzed by National Security experts and radio hosts. We cannot even choose who we wish to marry or talk to. There is something very wrong and it is breathing down our backs in the most intrusive ways then returns with a lie to justify what their maladjustments are, we are the threat and revolting against their superiority. This is the same dirt stupid creature for which the FBI wants dead no matter what name you call them.
Since 2000 to 2008 life was supposed to be comfortable and better under the leadership of the right wing and the capitalists. It was not, it became more of a hell while the left wing and every politician were scrambling to figure out how to fix communism. Society itself is drowning in problems and what is worse, self destructive people who are either managing it or proposing solution. The end result is disaster. Society is drowning but the life boat is not the true answer or the truth which makes it worse and worse.
Rush are you and Lisa conspiring behind Ann Coulter’s back or attempting to control her life as a “conservative” operative? Is Ann with a “liberal blogger” as you and Karl stated on, the imaginary threat, which got us banned on there for life? Are you asking her or telling her she is your messiah and won some pageant contest? Will you and a handful of other men and women continue to ban or harass myself and Ann in order to either propose or “help” her love career? In other words, read my emails, accuse us of being liberal bloggers, block 40 accounts because I was worried sick about Ann and she was writing back to me also. Only when she began to write back did you all panic. She tested you and I noticed. Bill is even worse off than you but all of you are mad, literally. You are worried she writes back, not read email. Did you give her choice or said only stop, what are we “stopping?” We were testing who was reading our emails to determine whose lap they landed on or who was most concerned. When are you all going to hit again or this nation? Then tell us to stop what… obligated? What are the “liberal bloggers” stopping? I never knew we were stopping something, what are we stopping? I will need the coordinates of the rogue elements who obtained a satellite and a recent weapon so I can confirm this with the top military brass, what is this dirty bomb theory? Will you provide this? Can you help or only hurt?
The way to view the current and future political explosion of self destruction and societal disintegration into hell and right wing and conservatism is not the most popular political ideology when you are facing hell itself. Surprisingly, it will be very difficult for the Republican Party to ever claim or dispel the repeated failures and scandals since 2000 and what is even more depressing, the abandonment of the last bastion of capitalism will put the morally and financially sound in the arms of the liberals and left wing.
I Hate Ann Coulter! is the first step toward ridding ourselves -- as a country -- of Ann Coulter. By examining her life and writings, interviewing high school classmates who remember Ann when she was a chubby brunette (presumably before she sold her soul to be thin, blond, and pure evil), and chronicling her "Black Tuesday" (6/6/06) Today show appearance [and release of Godless], when she stopped pushing the envelope and simply set it on fire, we hope to do our part to put her in her place once and for all. - How to Write Like a Liberal (If You Have No Ideas of Your Own) by Lisa De Pasquale, October 06, 2006 -
This same path is the same path of religion and why it is going backwards and disintegrating; people abandon it or live with the self destruction of the leadership. It will be a surprise if the Republican Party will ever win another election as a result of the last eight years and this is a scary thought. The leaders of both parties force voters and victims to abandon religion and principles because they are self destructive and predators. Therefore, the world is being pushed into liberalism for economic gain and this slippage is felt badly. In other nations, when you destroy the country with this much stress and anxiety, they coup you with the military, strip you of your wealth, and make you retire to some other Western nation with only the clothes on your back. Here, they bail you out so you can keep the mansion and motor home for retirement.
We Shall Overarch! A "message" for Obama
By Mickey Kaus
Updated Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2008, at 6:10 AM ET
Tight Like That: The New York Times reports on the tighter format of the vice-presidential debate: But would a looser format really disadvantage Palin in the encounter? 1) She seems like a scrapper who can handle herself in a "free-wheeling" exchange; 2) Biden, on the other hand, isn't someone you want to liberate. Set him free and who knows what he'll say. He's already way too free-wheeling. He needs limits, no? The tighter format will force him to focus; 3) Point #2 is doubly relevant given the difficulties Biden will have facing off against a woman. He's not supposed to condescend. He's not supposed to bully. (He's not supposed to be Biden, in other words.) Set him loose in an open format and it's a near certainty he would get the tone wrong, maybe even get carried away and go all Lazio on her.
What is the problem with Republicans and what is the problem with Democrats? Simple, they are stealing. Republicans sound exactly like Democrats, that is stealing. Democrats sound exactly like Republicans, that is even worse than stealing. The fundamental problem with these predators is they are real predators and they steal, but that is what makes them a good politician or delectable and selectable in the first place. They live a self destructive life and lifestyle their interests are so overspent by greed and bad judgment, they are on the verge of debt and bankruptcy. Oppose them or speak out and they will make you bankrupt and buried in debt, that is another problem with them. The new political climate has caused Republicans to be as self destructive as Democrats.
"Taxpayers deserve to be first in line in all of this," Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd told CNN. In an interview from the Capitol, the Connecticut Democrat said executive pay limits will be part of the bailout package that lawmakers are rushing to enact at the request of the Treasury Department and Federal Reserve. Dodd warned that if corporate executives participating in the bailout end up walking away with multimillion dollar compensation packages, "you'll have people storming this building if we don't understand that people are fed up with this kind of behavior." The financial crisis has become the No. 1 issue in campaigning for the Nov. 4 U.S. presidential election, and with many members of Congress also vying to retain their seats, lawmakers are reluctant to merely rubber stamp the Bush administration's plan. Dodd said he was angry as well. "This did not have to happen. This is not a natural disaster. It was a preventable, avoidable situation. But we are where we are," he said. – “Dodd said CEO pay limits needed in U.S. bailout plan” by Donna Smith, September 23, 2008; NPR Morning Edition -
In a two party system, such the case in the United States, Republicanism has been a measure of both moral America and financial superiority. For some reason, it is just as self destructive and nuanced in a very similar way to liberals. Liberalism is a total mismatch and incompatible to capitalism and conservatism. It is a new political source which cannot be identifiable at this time but this new financial backbone of Republicanism is both a mismatch and incompatible with the party because it sounds like the Democrats. Meanwhile, the Democrats sound like the Republicans.
Keep in mind that while this book was being written, we were being spied on and responded to or told to shut up. There were times where research was blocked, harassment, reading emails with colleagues and family, and the worst of offenses just to respond or criticize in a vile and devilish way. The liberals and the left wing are extremely angry we caught them in one of the biggest conspiracy and espionage rings ever in history and they just pushed the envelope more and dug a deeper and deeper hole; then called it help. Help is perfect and mutual.
In this accessible work of ethical philosophy, Susan Nieman calls for a return to the Enlightenment thought exemplified by such thinkers as Rousseau and Kant. An avid supporter of "rational morality," Nieman decries the false cult of victimization that turns sufferers into heroes, and she poses elegant but simple strategies for actively overcoming what she views as the cynicism of the current political climate. In a vision free of dogma, the author seeks to move beyond the strains of Marxism and science that dictate a pessimistic view of humanity, asserting instead that optimism need not be synonymous with naiveté, "An engaging analysis that will attract even readers who do not share Neiman's left-liberal premises." (04/01/2008) - Posted on eBay as book synopsis –
A reasonable explanation has been put forward by Susan Nieman in an interview on September 22, 2008. In her book called “Moral Clarity” she describes the financial meltdown of 2008 as an analogy of Sodom and Gomorra described in her book, “this is not about sex but banks instead.” Ms. Nieman describes the banking failure and the mortgage mess to financial rape and self destruction of a root problem with sex and relationships. She says that politics is filled with predators and thus financial rape is key to their life struggle and goals.
Rush and his liberal horde admitted this and I am worried sick and going crazy obviously. They tried to make me so jealous and divorce you, kick you out, tell you to fall in party line, etc… he keeps saying he is the boss and we are his subjects. He is a total loser. The only info I get about you is from him and the media and it is the usual; she is a slut, whore, witch, wench, cruel, sleeping around, you are engaged, you are dating all these guys, you are partying and staying out all night; but you said none of that was verified and fabricated. Now they will not and refuse to email you, even your closest friends and conservatives refuse to defend you. So I am worried. I know them. I know what they will do. I never knew you went out in public like you did and exposed yourself; I was waiting till we were more settled before even trying this. How can we become or get settled when we were marked for death by some communist and terrorist ring?
Ms. Nieman then draws on two periods which she identifies as the birthplace of civilized thought, Homer and Kant. Homer she says was a spiritual writing which became a source of courage. However, when people read it, they did not have to be a military hero to experience courage itself. The next period is the enlightenment era and specifically Emmanuel Kant. There is an emphasis on education and moral intellectualism. Most philosophers describe this as breakthroughs in communication where intellectualism began to rationalize morality, such the case with Kant and the German epistemology.
The administration, pushing for quick congressional action, has been resisting demands that executive pay limits be part of the bailout package. Lawmakers said administration officials are worried that the limits could discourage participation. The Senate Banking Committee plans a hearing on Tuesday on the bailout proposal. In testimony prepared for delivery, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said Congress should avoid slowing the bailout package down "with other provisions that are unrelated or don't have broad support." New York Sen. Hillary Clinton also called for controls. "We cannot give the firms a blank check. We can't give the Treasury a blank check. Taxpayers need to have some control over the purse strings and not be left holding the bag," she said on CBS' Early Show. She said that, over time, Washington must also do more to address the root cause of the crisis. – “Dodd said CEO pay limits needed in U.S. bailout plan” by Donna Smith, September 23, 2008; NPR Morning Edition-
There was one philosopher and thinker left out and needs to be mentioned once again. Thomas Hobbes is probably the best and the most formidable thinker of all because he read all of the philosophers before him then was faced with the problem of an imminent threat by the Spanish War and simultaneous a Civil War. The English Enlightenment period had upset the enemies and also caused domestic unrest. Therefore, Hobbes returns to the Greek adage or adaptation of “the spirit of reverence” but Hobbes describes this as private property. What he is meaningful is respect human life and their property; thus, he would have fought off the Spanish and the “Cromwell” English, R-E-S-P-E-C-T the song.
We Shall Overarch! A "message" for Obama
By Mickey Kaus
Updated Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2008, at 6:10 AM ET
Or something like that (i.e., "Prosperity for all, for a change."). ... Name a policy this doesn't overarch! ... Meanwhile it addresses the central and legitimate Dem complaint, which is that while the economy has grown quite rapidly, in GDP terms, median income has not. .. The main problem with the slogan: It's depressingly banal. But it's no worse than "Bridge to the 21st Century." ...P.S.: Economic egalitarians note that if the economy is growing, but the wealth isn't trickling down, that's almost by definition because it's been going increasingly to the top. The slogan implies that. But while it contains this buried "money-egalitarian" grievance, it doesn't imply a redistributive or egalitarian solution. If Obama could goose the economy so everyone was getting richer, nothing in the slogan would be violated if the rich were still getting wildly richer, making the overall income distribution more unequal. ...P.P.S.: Yes, this slogan fails to incorporate Obama's usual anti-Washington theme. No loss. Palin reduces that theme's bite, anyway. And if any Washington insiders can bring us "shared prosperity," don't we want Obama to make use of them? Most of Obama's economic advisers (Summers, Rubin, Tyson, Sperling, Furman) are Washington veterans. At this point in the economic crisis, that gives voters confidence, which is why Obama recently had his picture taken with some of them. ...
So what exactly is the problem with the banking crisis and the financial meltdown of 2008 and the notion that someone got very rich each and every time there is a financial bail out? Again, Republicans get rich on the Democrats mistakes. Then they both support the same legislation meant to rekindle this supposedly adversarial relationship by sounding off like the other. Meanwhile, the public is aghast and gasping for air as they feel nothing about how they were just tricked and scammed into more tax dollars.
The case for a two party system is shared by the idea that one must be wrong and the other has to be right. However, in the case with a two party system in America; being morally superior and financially sound is a dirty word avoided like obscenity. For some reason, that conception is just as self destructive and bothersome as the opposite of it, liberalism. It sounds almost as if the twang is the same sounding board of the liberals. We know the communist to be self destructive if not totally self destructive and now we hear the same twang and the same sounding boards. It is getting worse and it is spreading to all facets of other people’s life, even their marriages, families, and emails.
Ann, I am worried sick! I have no way to email you now or hear your voice. You are not able to hear me or write back. I have been blocked again and worrying. They hacked my laptop and destroyed my “superiority”, sound chip, blocked our emails, blocked me on every site, blocked your site, and still refuse to email you and resolve this as soon as possible. What is going on? Now I have a problem with a brand new satellite in military service and several people taking credit while saying “shut up” and “stop it.” I am worried sick. What did they do to you since we spoke or what else? We are giving them a choice. They give us no choices as a stalker and kidnapper. Ann has challenged you to verify the information on even after they cancelled my account on there for the 40th time. What in hell are you waiting for? Either you email her or get the hell out of your life because she is 20 years obsessed with you. She just opened her account up again last night with me. If they come in your house like they did mine, blow them away. They also set up cameras and listening bugs while you are away. At least with me they did.
These decisions and the culpability of why the free market needs a 700 billion dollar bail out will affect the hearts and minds of others and this world for a long time soon. Here is an example of why it will permeate deeper into the minds of others and deep into this lack of heart and mind in New York City where immigration, Wall Street, Mob families, training ground, and the gateway of communism begins.
Millions of American boys have dreamed of hitting a grand slam homer or pitching a no-hitter in Yankee Stadium because baseball’s greatest have performed there. Talented musicians and singers aspire to New York City’s famed Carnegie Hall, for they know it represents the pinnacle of their profession. For gifted physicians and medical researchers, the Mount Everest of medicine is the Mayo Clinic. But certain institutions can also bring out the worst in people. For the professional peddlers of anti-Americanism, haters of free enterprise, and true believers in global government, there is only one place that it really pays to perform: the United Nations. The UN Headquarters building in Manhattan has become the venue of choice for “diplomats” and foreign leaders to condemn America, our values and virtues. Since the 1960s, star billing has been promised to any dictator or despot who will take to this “world stage” for the purpose of denigrating the United States and our bounty, wealth and power. When they show up for the annual meeting of the UN General Assembly, it is guaranteed that their horrible harangues will be broadcast all around the planet. – UN-American by Oliver North, September 19, 2008 -
In 2000 we identified an unusual living organism that had entered our life and was in a heightened state of panic and excitement. We identified it as a communist cell and a terrorist cell trying to maneuver and circle our wagons for something not known at the time. When we tried to stop them or take them to court, men with automatic weapons kicked our doors down at 4am and skirted us off for three years. It took two additional years to just walk again. In 2008 and with vivid memory of what happened and those who did it, the only describable facet was an “attack on life itself.” Every single aspect of life was attacked from sun up to sundown and for such a long time. In 2008 and eight years later, we still see the same thing and the same person, odd isn’t it?
Liberals view talk as an end in itself. They never think through how these talks will proceed, which is why Chamberlain ended up giving away Czechoslovakia. He didn't leave for Munich planning to do that. It is simply the inevitable result of talking with madmen without a clear and obtainable goal. Without a stick, there's only a carrot. The only explanation for liberals' hysterical zealotry in favor of Obama's proposed open-ended talks with Ahmadinejad is that they seriously imagine crazy foreign dictators will be as charmed by Obama as cable TV hosts whose legs tingle when they listen to Obama (a condition that used to be known as "sciatica"). Because, really, who better to face down a Holocaust denier with a messianic complex than the guy who is afraid of a debate moderated by Brit Hume? There is no possible result of such a meeting apart from appeasement and humiliation of the U.S. If we are prepared to talk, then we're looking for a deal. What kind of deal do you make with a madman until he is ready to surrender? Will President Obama listen respectfully as Ahmadinejad says he plans to build nuclear weapons? Will he say he'll get back to Ahmadinejad on removing all U.S. troops from the region? Will he nod his head as Ahmadinejad demands the removal of the Jewish population from the Middle East? Obama says he's prepared to have an open-ended chat with Ahmadinejad, so I guess everything is on the table. - You Can't Appease Everybody by Ann Coulter, May 28, 2008 -
This taunt will be riddled with taunts and risky if not fail safe liberalism and the politics and finance of self destruction. Does that make you hate liberals and financial liberalism? Any way you look at this it is liberalism and greed run amuck but calling itself other things by lying. Eventually, that lie gets fatter until that big fat lie surfaces too fat to do anything about it so it has to lie some more. Now you have debt and taxing the hell out of the public. Again, the global war on capitalism and communism is made by a weak breed and a strong one; it is that fight in them not the filth of a fight itself. You want your rich and your elites of this breed and not a lie. This is the same predicament and impasse we are in now.
But at this point, the attitude should be reciprocal. The huge amounts we have contributed financially and in humanitarian aid to the world are nothing more than pocket change compared to the courage and lifeblood our troops have given these countries. In the sacrifice of her soldiers, America has given her all. She has nothing greater to give. Yet the world community has been stingy with their credit and generous with their criticism. Americans worried about our image abroad should stop pretending these countries’ opinions are disinterested and unbiased. Each of these countries in the BBC poll has an agenda, and the best interest of the United States isn’t on it. And rightly so. It’s not their job to look after the United States -- it’s ours. They will always put their country first, and we need to do the same. That means asking ourselves which presidential ticket makes America its top priority, not which ticket is going to make France and Germany happy. We want someone in the White House who commands other countries’ respect, not someone who caters to them so that he can make up for whatever approval craving wasn’t satisfied in high school. An American popularity contest around the globe is a losing game. When you’re the biggest jock on the block, people will always resent your gun power, even when it’s those guns that kept sauerkraut and bratwurst from replacing foie gras on Parisian menus. We need to stop running for Miss Congeniality on the world stage -- because that’s one victory that definitely won’t bring about world peace. - America Shares Obama’s Popularity Complex, by Elisabeth Meinecke, September 11, 2008 -
There is more insanity and stupidity in this church than meets the eye. They say they are mistreated and called names and how we do not give them credit. Credit for what, not having any fight or the fight we want? Whenever they have fight, it is never what we want and we get buried in legal problems and buried with injuries or medical problems. They call that the fight in them and how they are called names everyday. What is their fate or do they have any? Why are they here vowing to blow up the nation and anyone who stops them or gets in their way?
Can anyone explain has blocked both Ann and myself and knocked her web site offline? Is this her web site or is this theirs? Then can anyone explain why Rush and Sean was promoting, the imaginary threat reading our emails and love letters when everybody knows “it is the official water carrier of the Obama camp?” Are they liars or just lying? Give her choice and give us choice before you call yourself conservative and doing the right thing. We have been working hand in hand for 20 years and now, this is not her liberal stalker, and this is her liberal stalker who is claiming to be a conservative. It is a serial killer and predator who is fooling and lying to her. They prefer to avoid the dirty bomb but have no choice if their intentions are so wrong and misguided, especially when MAD (mutual assured destruction is locked on them). Is the President can explain that, then I would love to hear another lie, call the military Mr. President, Al Qaeda will strike and preparing to change. They are too jealous and angry and know Ann and I will secretly married. Will you admit this or keep lying and blocking us on every site and knock hers off?
So we foiled their stupidity and made them feel how others feel about them. Do they have any fight in them though or is it just false misapprehensions of who and what they are, dirt stupid? They claim it is a morality and a perspective hand delivered from God, the devil, or some other human being. Why? Is it because the problem was allowed to grow so big, they do not know what to do? So right now, it is so big, nobody knows what to do. Ask this question, do they have any fight? It is big, it is bold, it is dirt stupid, it is illegal, it is a terrorist, it has a dirty bomb, it wants a fight, it thinks it is a military, and it has no fight. That is communism in a nutshell whether you call it a religion or not. We do not but our enemies do call it just that.
Why are they dirt stupid? A typical fight that take 20 seconds ends up as a perfumed flaunt and pathetic flair of arm waving and goofy gestures to dispel courage or this total lack of a fight; then used to dispel how pathetic or cowards they are dirt stupid. A fight which is supposed to last 20 seconds only turns into a 6 hour golf outing and that is why they are dirt stupid. Even if a giant hurricane slams into them, nothing will deter this lack of fight. This is not how you run or manage life; it is utter and total insanity. If you are in a fight and a struggle to the death, it helps to not have the weak breed and the weak side on your team, and then hear them daily while they scream bold religious prophecies attacking you. It does not help or even aid our cause when they or the enemy is on our side. It will be a disaster.
In ten years, we have seen more insanity than normal people see their entire life. Mr. President are you aware of what is happening and who has a gun to our head or what they want? They got and are using the latest satellites on us at this time. That is how far up they are. That is how big this is. They are not scared of military intervention for a reason and that reason is they have a strike plan and a first strike. They will take the first strike when moved on. You better put your foot down and start getting rid of each and every one of them. They will take the first strike or block and torture us with the latest weapons in order to block unofficially this political plot. Their problem is they are undedicated and are hiding. They are angry they cannot reproduce even if we can agree they should not until we see improvement and vast improvements. I do not see much fixed but I do not have the coordinates or names I am asking for, yet. I need names and I need coordinates of this strike on us and the nation so we can have commandos check it out and investigate this dirty bomb, we know. Don’t be playing any game or lie to our face and torture us or read our emails. That is a traitor of the worst kind.
That is not all and why the FBI wants this dirt stupid conspiracy dead. There is a total lack of education and respect for what is most precious in life, we are talking about a degree of sneakiness we only get to experience with a jackass left wing or a hollow religion. They refuse to double check or fact check, ask if this is true or not. There is more to life than life itself and if you base it on either decreasing or increasing a calculation, then you are really not getting the full story. We are dealing wit liars and terrorists whose ultimate goal is to bring down the nation or to figure out a way to save communism. They only feel it is a different perspective and broadcast it will no idea what will happen or who it can affect. Does anybody think they have fight in them? Fight for what?
There is no amounts in the world which can make this problem go away; all it takes is a policy of truth and the replacement or continual eradication of liberalism and left wing morality. Inasmuch and insofar as that process, we have identified it as a singularity and a process of economic sustainability, the core of both cyber and satellite warfare and this book in totality. It is not only the victory of World War III but also the next 200 and more years of history and all future wars from heretofore. The problem with communism does not cost any money and the true religion of this world is not back by any amount of money because no amount of money in this world can fix it. The money makes it easier and helps to kill it because in this planetary system there exists, “know more strong thinkers.”
Do we think people who are this stupid know who the enemy is or can define what a traitor is? That is like looking in the mirror and not recognizing yourself. Who is that in the mirror and what is it doing to itself and others? When you have the power and the fight, you can then ask the right questions and act in the right way. When you only wear the uniform and steal the fire by snuffing it out, all you are is defiant. We have seen for more than a decade a level of defiance our enemies do not present in warfare itself. We do not see this or this insanity in warfare because ink warfare you are expected to be professional. You get only one chance to learn and get it right, failure is not an option. So why are we being screamed by this so called stupid military or terrorist cell? Why are they intending on blowing up the nation or taking hostages?
Where was the President and military for the past ten years? Are they obligated to fight and protect this dirt stupid breed who claims they are superior and refuse to leave or check facts? How can you do the right thing when you cannot even do anything right and lie about it? Wait, are they mad because they are forced to change and do the right thing? They are disgruntled because their religion says they can do this but reality says they cannot. That is why God is mad at them and the FBI feels they are so stupid they deserve to be dead. It is funny and a comedic joke how it sounds just like communism and left wing politics but is wrapped by something other. Disappointment is not a good word to describe this problem.
Stephane Dion and Canada’s Liberal Party apparently think they’re running in Australia’s last federal election. The environment topped that country’s list of issues -- with the winning party having made it a primary focus -- but only because things are going so well down there that they don’t have much else to worry about right now. You know your country is in good shape when you can concern yourself with fairy tales like anthropogenic global warming -- and maybe even convince your countrymen that it’s worth dialing back and living in a hut while some guy in India smokes out an entire village with his homemade car. Oh, but Stephane Dion isn’t just running for Prime Minister of Canada. He gives the impression he’s campaigning to be King of the World, complete with campaign ads featuring him speaking in front of the United Nations symbol, he’s adamant that the global temperature not increase by more than 2 degrees. - The Funniest Election This Year, by Rachel Marsden, September 19, 2008 -
Security is not about opening the doors and all inclusive, security is about rightfully restricting access and the reach of people whose inherent goal is to cause danger and pain for others and sneak around with no approbation about it. You have a species that will overtake the lake if it is introduced and will eat up everything, then move to the next lake and do the same thing for the devil and communism. Communism did not know what it was but had to compete and they called it religion. Does that let the communist off the hook or does it justify the religion? How about fix the problem and double check? Is that good security? Well good security is the best security just as honesty is good security.
Where the hell are the commandos? So where is security or are they lunching now that we are safe looking down the breach, lock pin, and hammer of World War III? We have a religion pardoning the communist. We have a conservative pardoning the liberals. We have a Republican pardoning the Democrats. We have utter insanity. We have a species overtaking the entire lake but have no fight and will eat up everything with determination and conviction. What to do?
It's time we all revive the revolutionary spirit of America's Founders and reinvigorate their legacy. I've experienced a renewed sense of appreciation and commitment to them, and in my new book, "Black Belt Patriotism," I talk about how a spark of their passion can turn into a raging cultural fire: "It doesn't take many people to foster a revolution. Jesus did it with twelve disciples. George Washington did it with his few suffering troops at Valley Forge. And we can do it today. We can set a new direction for America with people like you and me, who through our efforts in our communities and at the ballot box and in our personal lives can make this country everything it should be, everything our nation's Founders wanted it to be. America has fallen asleep at the wheel and it's time for her to wake up before it's too late. It's up to us; and this book is my way of showing where we can start." - The Coming Revolution by Chuck Norris, September 16, 2008 -
You simply cannot sit at the gates of hell and ask one question about a calculation and formula intended to fool and trick the most dirt stupid people. That is the entire problem with politics to begin with, it is infested by a breed of political jackasses and they are not only dangerous, they lie about it and we cannot stop them when they do. If they wish to help, then please do, but do not call it patriotism or being a good citizen. This is the same with selling a car, you cannot simply ask “do you want to buy a car” and flush them out of the showroom. That is the wrong attitude but it is also the weakly standard. Security is intended to keep this threat out, not to let them stay or break it down.
We are already dealing with a decrepit and vile creature that feels insulted and thus sits in our life to return the same insult or look for a way to insult when the real problem is they are liars and a dirt cheap breed who wishes to dominate others by not setting higher standards. Now it is this constant battle about what they can and cannot do or what we can and cannot do when the problem would be fixed in less than 24 hours if they were honest. We can finally rejoice and get rid of them if they were a little more honest. Instead, they are giving us the fight of our life and tell us to bow down to liars and cheaters. Otherwise, they are going to insult us or seek revenge because they can. Well we can also. Then we are going to go back and forth on this until we arrive at the gates of hell just like you are reading and nobody will see any evil or know of anything that just happened.
I am not going to shut my mouth because I did not have to say I was dating or went out with Ann for any reason or media myth. What I was forced to say is I was and have been with her for over 20 years. Why do I have to defend my name and hers? Secondly, when in April 2008 she and I finally got together and began talking after a sad and euphoric reunion, the magic marriage refuses to consider what they are impeding on or what is at stake, only their own selfish self aggrandized jealousy and failure created by a mind full of superstition, myth, and self destruction. She left you with pictures and memories of nothing and that is what it began with and ended with. Like liberals, that exercise is run over and over and the lap times increase more and more before the finish line. Why would they hide the coordinates of someone who just obtained a weapon from the military and may be offshore? When are we going to get the truth or who is behind it? When are we going to get hit and flanked again and will we be left for dead this time as you skirt Ann off to play act or pretend you are a protector and not a predator? There is help and there is hurt, there is no such thing as the help that hurts.
Is that patriotism or a political breed of jackasses who are absolute liars and useless menaces who think they can also? Try some honesty. We are not going to bow down to liars and cheaters no matter how much they lower our taxes or increase them. That a trick created by a bigger trick. That is a threat and that is why they are a threat. There is more to this story than simply asking if others want their taxes lowered or be freed from some dungeon; that put them there? The answer will be the same, a church, a political breed of jackasses, and a communist cell and terrorist cell trying everything to save their church and religion or else their American patriotism is not going to be believable any longer. Do not tell us about hope and lowering our taxes, tell us the truth and who did this or why. Who destroyed the nation and why? Who keeps hitting and attacking the nation to stay or say “stop.” Who is trying to overthrow the government with one line verses or tricks intended to dupe, fool, or hide some other dark evil secret yet untold?
The poor do fight the majority of wars but their patriotism is not the same as their morality. Nobody is going to trust a politician because everybody knows they are vile and start wars to begin with; but you cannot throw religion out the window and opt for no religion to be a normal person. Likewise, you cannot throw out conservatism or right wing leadership even if there are a few terrorists and liberal spies who run it into the ground or to save their church and morality. You give people choice and let them abandon and escape the communist stalker behind enemy lines or their cronyism. If you put the liberals, the left wing, the poor, and a dirt stupid political party in charge of the Cold War or a communist threat; you will get a disaster and a tragedy over and over until the enemy is killed.
That is not patriotism and that is not the moral fortitude we are looking in any leader whether or not they claim to be liberal or conservative. We are dealing with moles and spies sent by two threats, a communist and terrorist threat who wishes it to “stop.” They are shallow and also hollow and these one line verses are meant to uppity their ante into the realm of the mighty and powerful. They don’t make the cut and they are not telling the full story. Yet they sit at the gates of our life and unborn life and say “stop” or insult back the minute we catch them lying about something they were never invited to in the first place, our life. We are unable to escape this obligation yet to be fulfilled to them because they can also.
Do you redefine civil war or do you say it is a morality and religion of patriotism? Again, with the problem and the ghost of Vietnam, what happens when the war is against the rich and the poor must fight it? The richest class usually wins because they have the best equipment and personnel. This concept was hanging in limbo after Vietnam but has once again proven false by liberals. Liberals were the richest class but not the most fighting one because they supported the richest elite while manicuring the poor to be the voting middle class. Out the window went principles and civil war thus anti communism.
Herein lies the problem with not only this church of liberalism but this political breed of jackasses. We are not and in anyway fooled by their ability to lower taxes then pardon themselves on the nation when so many complaints have been levied about their rampage and violence on both the others and this nation. Hijacking both our life and the nation or using every political tool possible to save communism or labor.
The problem when you mix war, politics, religion, and even patriotism is the lack of patriotism. Patriotism is only a morality; it is not an income generating idea. Patriotism and left wing politics is never a good mix because the majority of the poor end up fighting wars for the rich or the powerful that have the money and ability to pay them. Yet the dilemma is when the war is gainfully against the rich, what now?
We are not and never have bee obligated to this devil or dirt stupid conspiracy yet they bury more injuries and medical problems on us and give no pressure valve, complaint, or escape. Is that patriotism and is that to be pardoned? The only obligation we have to them is to rid this nation and this world of this and to declare war on them at any moment for the amount of complaints they have produced while violently kidnapping us or hijacking our life because they feel we are obligated and must be forcibly broken to this obligation.
Religions as predators are dangerous because the first semblance of wars being fought for the “most precious in life” was back during ancient Greece. The first documentation of this was the Iliad by Homer and even before 5th Century Greece. The Iliad shows that the Peloponnesian wars were fought out of reverence to heaven, that which is more precious than life itself. It is very important because when you mix politics and religion, you must fight for a better life and what is more precious than life itself. Money is not more precious than life it only makes things easier. Did they fight for the same truth or the same values? Homer described it as heaven and worship of the Gods of antiquity and you cannot truthfully determine how precious their power was.
We hate this religion and this obligation. We are not allowed to complain or apprehend this fantasy obligation as it rapes and loots the nation with more lies and deceit to dupe and fool us into thinking they wish to help, are superior, or are so dishonest the FBI wants them dead for making them buried neck deep in this obligation. Is that to be respected and is that enough to sacrifice a nation for? We are being asked to sacrifice a nation and the freest nation to this church and this obligation they have to save themselves, communism, or labor. Meanwhile, they load more medical problems by attacking us and shouting with fists in the air “stop.” Stop what? Stop this obligation screaming them what this obligation is about? Why are we obligated and why must we be further obligated by lies and deceit?
"I have to say I'm all for public flogging. One type of criminal that a public humiliation might work particularly well with are the juvenile delinquents, a lot of whom consider it a badge of honor to be sent to juvenile detention. And it might not be such a cool thing in the 'hood to be flogged publicly." - Ann Coulter, MSNBC 3/22/97 -
This world follows everything we do and say. There should be a new rule that says if you are not honest you cannot claim to be either Republican or conservative because it gets very difficult to root out this obligation and this mentality of fixing the problem and being courageous and bold instead of creating enemies and acting all crazy normal like nothing is wrong. Eventually, the problems will be so unfixable everybody will be buried by a weak and stupid enemy acting bold.
I’m sure the Chinese will get right on that after they finish choking a rare species of tiger with another 100 tons of pollution and using their single carbon credit as a napkin after ingesting another creature from the endangered species list. The world wheezed a collective sigh of relief at the Beijing Olympics when no marathoners dropped dead from inhaling smog soup during their race. That’s where their bar lies. Maybe Dion could get to work building a bubble around those of us who reside in countries that fund the others’ pollution? It would do about as much good. - The Funniest Election This Year, by Rachel Marsden, September 19, 2008 -
How many times do we have to repeat ourselves? We know what is going on and we know what they are up to. We need names and we need coordinates so that we can dispatch the military and hunt down this dirty bomb. That is the only way they can and will be able to fight or keep fighting. There is no other way and we know for a fact the militant wing of the left wing are maneuvering and preparing to strike. We already knew this and were prepared to ask them if they wanted to blow up this nation and the world and they said yes and arrested us. Distraught by love and having loved ones destroyed, we were forced to abandon this only to greet it again reincarnated and born again. We not only got a second arrest but an attempt for a third one. Still, no intervention, no fact checking, no emails to see if this was true, and nothing but a hollow shell.
I will make this real clear, when things go wrong for them, they strike. They do not get out of your life or abide by the rules or even consider they may have an obligation instead of others, what they do is strike out. That is existentialism and the basis of it. We been playing this game for over 10 years now and it is time we get some real answers and results. We can start with both my life and Ann Coulter's life. Stop saying how we are set, we are trapped and stuck in a war which has surrounded us and striking the nation. You cannot come in or come out. They are doing this to Ann at this time and we can give examples. We will keep playing this game to see how long it is going to last and who is so blind and so out of reality; they are just sitting there on their desk while all of this goes down. They will strike when things do not go right and things are not going right. I do not see much fixed but I do not have the coordinates or names I am asking for, yet. I need names and I need coordinates of this strike on us and the nation so we can have commandos check it out and investigate this dirty bomb, we know. Don’t be playing any game or lie to our face and torture us or read our emails. That is a traitor of the worst kind.
There was a story on the radio once and it is about guilt. This couple had a bunny rabbit and went on vacation. Their neighbors had a big dog which is known or perceived to kill a lot of things like Cujo. One summer, the couple with the bunny rabbit takes off on vacation. Cujo the dog goes into the cage of the neighbors’ bunny and kills the rabbit. Then Cujo skirts around and puts the corpse of the rabbit in the kitchen for his masters to see. When Cujo's masters find the bunny they are in shock and panic. They decide to clean the bunny rabbit and put the rabbit back into the cage of the neighbors so that they find it and think it died naturally. So they washed it and dried it and put it back into the cage. When the neighbors returned from vacation, they came over to confront and get the real story. In order to do so, they said, "The bunny died before we left for vacation so we buried it, your dog must have dug it up." What is the true story and was the dog guilty?
The most frustrating is the need to escalate it until the liberals, the left wing, and the communists can no longer win debates. Henceforth, this undesirable way they act accordingly to those pretexts. When you mix unity, religion, politics, and the 1960s Cold War era; you get what we see now. It is a badly thought out and even worse a well crafted lie which is protected by lackluster claims to caution rights and good merits which is supposed to be the rock bed of conservatism and right wing unease with the militaries of this world. There has been so much killing and paranoia in this world it is not some joke to take lightly. The level of killing in this world is incredibly real and not stupid like this creature. Yes we can also! When the enemy is the boss, you cannot complain or expose them. You cannot tell the truth and you cannot tell them to stop. Yes they can also as we can or did.
Maybe the problem is becoming more and more patently obvious as the human creature becomes smarter and smarter, tripping over and exploding the mind that once was dangerous and a predator. Maybe the problem can be summed up easily and maybe not. It is a weak creature and a weak gene which makes life immoral and without any fight. They lie only because they managed to slip past and sneak across to the winning side using tools of immigration and bad politics. Now they are on the winning side and have no fight. The only fight they have is the fact they never should have been born so we are stuck with who they are but on the winning side. The winning side has the fight.
The way I see it, there are three major common-sense steps toward a voter revolution: First, examine your representatives from the top down, and ask yourself: Do they represent the people? Do they stand by the Constitution? Do they reduce big government, taxes and our deficit? Are they working to protect our borders and sovereignty? Will they stand up to governmental status quo and gridlock? Do they have the type of character that can resist the temptations of political power and special interest groups? Second, if your answer is "no" to any of the above, get them out of office. Petition their dismissal; publicize their political problems; and muster community consent in order to vote others in. Call them by name on blogs, and explain to people why they should be ousted; then do it. No more talk. Stay the course, no matter how long it takes. Third, fight to vote in solid, reputable, law-abiding, Constitution-honoring representatives. Half our problem today is that we have been duped to vote into office individuals who have no integrity. A politician's integrity must precede our interests because if leaders are above reproach, then they are more likely to do what they've promised. And if you can't find a more upstanding citizen than you are, then consider running for public office. It's time to get out of the bleachers and onto the battlefield. - The Coming Revolution by Chuck Norris, September 16, 2008 -
Nobody is revolting against their success, they should have never been born but we have a sense of morality to the unborn and the future of the unborn where we do not abort them, we ask they not be so insane or dirt stupid. You can call us any name in the world or cut us down and murder us; it is not going to make it any more true or false. It will not make them anymore true. We give this weak breed a choice and that choice is to tell the truth or their life story, they give us no choice even if it is worthy of telling.
The problem is patently obvious; they never should have been born and never should have snuck across the border because now they are on the winning side but not winning and lying through their teeth. That was the problem with immigration; it was used for the wrong reasons and to load our enemies on the winning land and side. It is and was used to destroy the nation, not build it. It was used to lie about being on the winning side and to rape or get in the face, the life, and order others around while marching them to some death bed or labor camp. Then claim how they are helping and fixing the problem because they want to be on the winning side. What is the problem with that and what is the problem with this creature that has no fight and is either on the winning side or trying to get on the winning side?
WASHINGTON September 23, 2008, 03:15 pm ET • Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke bluntly warned reluctant lawmakers Tuesday they risk a recession with higher unemployment and increased home foreclosures unless they act on the Bush administration's $700 billion plan to bail out the financial industry. Despite the warning, influential lawmakers in both parties demanded changes in the White House-backed proposal, and conservative Republicans recoiled at the prospect of federal intervention into private capital markets. Six weeks before the elections, both major party presidential contenders also insisted on alterations in the administration's prescription for the worst financial crisis in decades. Bernanke's remarks about the risk of recession came in response to a question from Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., who seemed eager to hear a strong rationale for lawmakers to act swiftly on the administration's unprecedented request. "The financial markets are in quite fragile condition and I think absent a plan they will get worse," Bernanke said. Ominously, he added, "I believe if the credit markets are not functioning, that jobs will be lost, that our credit rate will rise, more houses will be foreclosed upon, GDP will contract, that the economy will just not be able to recover in a normal, healthy way." GDP is a measure of growth, and a decline correlates with a recession. - Bush Proposes $700 Billion Wall Street Bailout Plan, Weekend Edition from the Associated Press (Weekend Edition Sunday, September 21, 2008 NPR public radio) -
It is patently clear but only to us. They think we are disgruntled at them and are revolting against their success. They have no fight and are weaklings with financial problems and low grades. They give speeches that are hollow or meant to fool others. They lie incessantly for a cause they know is not worthy but they are attacked so much for this plight. Now they wish to be on the winning side and on their terms while their entire communist world is imploding and they are running for cover or to cover their lies.
Get out and stay out of the life of those who are winning. Stop saying how weak and how superior their side is without having a fight. Stop demanding and waging war on the winning side and the side more precious than life itself because we are obligated to how weak they are and how dirt stupid they get in real global domination. They have no fight in them, they are just dirt stupid and they are on the winning side or snuck on the winning side. Now we are obligated to their church, their choice, their insanity, their lies, their corruption, their crime and inhumanity, and most of all their blame.
If you feel I have brought hell to your life or you have had to speak on my behalf and obliged yourself to saving me from this communist and terrorist intrusion, then I will apologize right now. I am not at any comfort to blame you either. I am so mad. I cannot tell you how mad I am with the left and the liberals being here and in our life. They feel that lowering the tax rate lets them in and makes things right. If my life and our time together was hell to you or brought you another life you would have had better, than understand from the deepest of my heart that I am sorry Ann. I am a magnet for loser and liberals; how bout you? It is the strangest feeling being so wanted by losers. They see me as a liberal and a messiah for them. They also think you are. We hate them and their guts but they feel we are obligated and want to meet them or have them in our life because we are obligated. Why are we obligated? It is me more than you because they do not like you, they like me. And if your or our life could have been better, then let it be my fault or understand how bad I feel to you and all the fun and good times we used to have. I have no room in my life to forgive them or fulfill this obligation they wish me to forget and bend over for. I am mad, very mad. How do we hurt them and make them suffer?
What do we do? We have all the fight in us and all the fight in the world to get rid of them when and if they wish to help. Maybe the problem is they are on the winning side and said we were. Now it is evident they were caught lying and we know them as the enemy while the communist know them as religious. Well, are they communist or are they Godless and the church of liberalism on the winning side? How many times do we have to ask the same questions and the same request for coordinates? If they want to stay here and be on the winning side, they need to give us answers starting with coordinates to their militant wing, no and ifs about this. How many times do we have to ask?
In Freddoso's book, he quotes from the dedication in the first edition of Alinsky's seminal book, "Rules for Radicals," where Alinsky wrote: "Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: From all our legends, mythology and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer." I suppose it could have been worse. He could have dedicated his book to George Soros. Even liberals eventually figured out that they shouldn't be praising Satan in public, so the Lucifer-as-inspiration paragraph was cut from later editions of Alinsky's book. (But on the bright side, MSNBC adopted as its motto: "Who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which.") -“Lucifer is my Homeboy” by Ann Coulter, September 17, 2008 –
How many times do we have to be attacked? How many years do we have to be arrested and imprisoned? How many years do we have to delay and argue? How many years do we have to live behind enemy lines while they strike us down daily because we are a hostage and kidnapped to become their protégé and messiah? We do not even like them, their religion, or can express how badly the FBI wishes them dead. Yet they insist and keep up this inanity of a lunatic kaka for as long as they can, then say it is both heroic and patriotism because they are on the winning side or snuck on it. How many times do we have to ask for the coordinates and who is behind or responsible for this.
After communism imploded the effort was unified as socialism. This church of liberalism and lies became some effort to save a false morality and their way of life. We had called it communism but the communist called it religion and we know it not to be religion at all, it is the devil. Yet killing the devil is a crime and killing the devil has been declared a mental illness punishable by false arrest and brainwashing or drug overdose. Even ten years afterwards, we are still waiting for the answer and when we can complain or challenge this enemy in court in order to win World War III.
This is my opinion, not Ann's. Stop using my own damn satellite on my hand you do not know what the results or outcome will be you piece of sh@t. Twenty seconds and your entire hand is numb and three months of this is pushing the envelope this time. If I find out who did or is doing it now, you will have a war for the rest of your god damn life. I will promise you this. You are a spy and you are a rogue who is in our life and refuses to get the eff out or leave. What is this church's problem and why am I obligated to them simply because they are going to lower the taxes and trick us some more lies? How many medical problem or life problems do they intend on giving either Ann or myself?
Since 1989 the attacks have not stopped and there is no effort and fight whatsoever. The only answer we get is the same lies, “we did not know this problem was so bad.” Is this our fault or is it because they are the problem and were behind it? Now we are not the problem anymore they just did not know how bad it got. They had no idea people were lying and refused to double check or ask if this was true or not. Instead they opted to stalk us and blame us for being either their messiah or not wanting them on the winning side or nation. We know they have a dirty bomb and think they can be as competitive and unofficial as our military that is on the winning side. They have no choice but the enemy does. Now who needs to be in prison and who tried to put everybody in their prison?
Obama tries to distract Catholic voters by appealing to their strong sense of social justice with calls for universal health care and government-mandated environmental protection. But, as many of the Catholic voters interviewed in the Times article made clear, for Catholics, as with all voters, political issues are not created equal. Obama is hemorrhaging Catholic support for the same reason John Kerry lost the Catholic vote in 2004: because most Catholics believe that some issues are non-negotiable. And as a popular new video ad by explains, there is no more important set of issues than the protection of our most basic values of liberty, family and life. Obama must have seen his Catholic problem coming months ago after losing the white Catholic vote in the primaries. It partially explains why Obama chose Sen. Joe Biden as his running mate. But the Biden pick reveals a certain level of cluelessness in the Obama campaign. Because while Biden is Catholic and originally from Scranton, P.A., he is out of touch with Heartland Catholics on the issues they care about most. - Obama's Catholic Problem by Gary Bauer, September 19, 2008 -
The problem with the leadership and the political wing of this church of liberalism is they lie and grossly. When they say they only wanted to help, they mean this.
It is one of the most low down and most vile things you will ever witness and feel. First they make aspects of them synonymous to your name and life such as bad credit, failure, stalking you everywhere, pedophilia, hookers, gays, bankruptcy, unemployment, getting yelled at every minute or daily, and some kidnap victim. You have no idea what is going on or why. All we were doing is talking back and forth and Ann kept on hearing, “Ann what is going on, is that you?” Then she would say, “Alex stay low you are under attack” and she would try to hold my hand or help while I would duke it out and hit them back. If you been in combat, then this was ten times the conflict level. It just never ends anywhere. They did the final and killer shot in 2002 which makes your body fall limp and never recover.
Given they have this problem with us being either obligated or approving of their plight, the next problem with this church of liberalism is they lie even more than humanly possible. After they help it is a change of story about being superior or legal. Now they feel superior means they are in control of everything.
The next is the intimidation part. It is the false Church and the labor movement who we dislike with a passion but they are predators. It is like a serial killer. You don’t know until it is either too late or right up to when they show themselves. Then they have to murder you for identifying them as a communist spymaster or terrorist cell, they call it religion. We call it communism. If you challenge this legally they arrest you then cripple for years. They will keep doing this until they are satisfied or convinced you are left for dead, buried alive in problems, legal problems, financial problems, subpoenas, and so traumatized and left for dead. That is why Ann is yelling at them and why they are doing what they are doing. When they found out, they offered to marry her and get rid of me for being a loser. The blacks, who were the original people who started it, came back and said they were still interested and worshiped our plight. But it was the same church and same plot to divide and conquer.
If that is not hard enough to believe and just makes you throw up. That is not the end of this religious and moral church we call the left wing, liberals, and the labor movement primarily of a Catholic and Irish 1960s vendetta with the Vietnam crowd and the military leaders who were fighting the communists. Now, helping, obligations, and superior meant causing a divorce and advancing a terrorist hit to its end. Not only did they fail in a terrorist hit, they had to create a divorce before they ended it. If they could not marry Ann, she would be a widow so they had to stalk her and convince her it was best to either divorce or remarry before fulfilling a terrorist hit. Meanwhile, we know they got a dirty bomb and hitting the military as hard as they can. They know damn well they are hitting the official military and the top leadership who they want to remove and replace in a conspiracy which has yet to end or stop.
They knew Ann and I had been together and knew their effort to produce forcibly produce a protégé and spy had failed. Ann knew they were going to murder me because I had too much fight so she began to fight harder and then get struck down more or attacked. They did not let up and then cut everything off to see if Ann could or would come and rescue. Meanwhile she was in trouble and being stalked by the same stalker but on the winning side trying to circle her and serenade her with gifts or problems. Her life literally was thrown away so long as she held out and the same happened here. Then they began to back up and observe taking what they can in some final defense. We had already known and so did they but what we wanted to know was if they were traitors and how far they would go.
But wait, there is more. We had wrote in 1995 that the technology level of defense forces were advancing to a level where nuclear war would be very close to conventional war. Now our entire military and defense forces are nearly broken by the winning side who is also playing to the liberals all allowing all of this to occur and getting full military honors and labeled a hero. Now after a full decade, they say they did not know how big of a problem this was. Could it be they were in on it or were also behind it? Instead of nipping this in the bud in 2002, they let it grow bigger and much worse thinking people would be so buried and intimidated they did not have to tell the truth or could lie out of it. All they had to do was marry off the spouse before she claimed to be a widow.
We know now, they have a dirty bomb attack on the military to cripple it because they run the risk of being beat forever. If they could get more weapons, they would block the idea they would be stopped by a dirty bomb plot. Now they had a brand new satellite we had or were developing and we had the manuals also. They wanted more weapons to use on us and were even testing it on us. Now you had infinite medical problems and a dirty bomb cover up. There is no way they can ever recover unless forcibly. Thus from 2006 to 2008 they kept on surging and using brand new military weapons to fight anti-communism on our own soil and called it patriotism. It was simply the communists on the wrong side and the winning side with this constant effort we had never approved to begin with. We could not say no and they refused to stop knocking on the doors and we never approved any of this or them on the winning side. It is a communist church and these were panicked communists.
Oh but wait because there is more. The minute this hits the media and blogs on the internet, it is like a deer in the road. Now we have a hit team on us using the official military while not disclosing coordinates and claiming how they were fixing it and taking bold moves now. It has always been bold moves and bad results. There is no way to lie out of this conspiracy and especially with the last line of defense but they claim they are the last line and we are back to dirty bomb and conspiracy while on the winning side. How would they stop us if we were the official military? How would or could they lie out of a conspiracy to save communism? How did they get a satellite not even one year old and use daily to produce so much pain, then turn around and claim they were security? Sounds exactly like a traitor and a spy who can get away with this until the political will and fight is there but that is the problem with this church and species.
This is the dirt stupid crowd of wannabe’s. This was the LBJ crowd and the JFK crowd trying to get even with and take over the nation from the Vietnam crowd and the Reagan crowd. The problem was our enemy and the communists were also on the winning side and in total control even if they knew we were military and of military. How do you carry an operation of the Vietnam crowd and the Reagan Generals? You are challenging an official military and stealing their wind to replace their fight against you and you have no fight whatsoever. You cannot admit to being a communist or a traitor but you must take them out before they take you and time is not moving that slow. Simply lying is not going to do it. You have to overthrow the government somehow and not lie about it but this is impossible because the military knows you are coming and already had defenses up and ready. The show will run really well when you get high quality people. Look at the trash dump breed and religion we got; worse, they feel they are the winning side. They are merely searching for weapons for some showdown.
Does it sound as if they are superior, wishing to help, or on the winning side yet? Well, then when will it? We had to go through all of that so some jackass dirt stupid breed can finally say we will change but are heroes. They feel they are still on the winning side and leading the fight because they are patriotic and heroes. There is something serious wrong with this creature and we need to find out what exactly it is which makes them so superior? What part of this was wrong and what part was significant to come to us, kidnap us out of college, and put us through this history lesson dating back to Vietnam and the 1960s.
What part of this story is so false and so grossly exaggerated we can only say “we want to help: or “we are superior” or “you have an obligation to us or we will be at war.” But wait we did not mention the pardon part and the use of the race card, the terrorist card, and the patriotic unification part after they were wrong and wanted to only help. So why are we being blamed, labeled disgruntled, and fight for our life to just tell the truth and the story of how we got disgruntled and why they will continue to be disgruntled and hurting for the next 200 or more years. How do you pardon a communist enemy who is on the winning side and is struggling badly or cannot seem to get it right? How do you pardon their security and radical militant wings who are targeting military personnel with a dirty bomb and whatever they can steal while breathing down our necks? How?
First, Ann Coulter. Don't think I am obsessing over here just because this is my second mention of her in two weeks. (Click here to see the first.) I don't recall having written about her madness before these latest strikes. But it was hard to resist returning to the subject after reading an account of a lecture she delivered to the impressionable minds of Northwestern University. She took the predictable potshots at liberals. And then she proclaimed that the war on terror is a "religious war." She explained, in a way: "This is a religious war, not against Islam but for Christianity, for a Christian nation. When this nation was founded, there was nothing like it. Our founders said there is a God and we are all equal before God. The ideal of equality and tolerance is like nothing that has ever existed in the world before. That, too, is a Christian value. The concept of equality, especially when it comes to gender equality, was not invented by Gloria Steinem. It was invented by Jesus Christ. As long as people look long enough, they will always come to Christianity." - Ann Coulter's Religious War, by David Corn, November 24, 2003 -
They have no fight and their religion is communism. The communist call it religion and can do better or are more superior. That is why they are completely lost, lunatic, and acting like an insane communist behind enemy lines, they are. It is labor, it is the Catholic Church, and they feel they are helping us. That is why they are up in our faces, scolding us daily, won’t get out of our life, tell us what to do and what we can do to please them, feel we are obligated for some reason, and steal our work while saying we approved of the message.
So to defend Obama, who -- according to his supporters -- favors appeasing madmen, liberals expanded the rule against ad Hitlerum arguments to cover any mention of the events leading to World War II. A ban on "You're like Hitler" arguments has become liberals' latest excuse to ignore history. Unless, of course, it is liberals using historical examples to support Obama's admitted policy of appeasing dangerous lunatics. It's a strange one-sided argument when they can cite Nixon going to China and Reagan meeting with Gorbachev, but we can't cite Chamberlain meeting with Hitler. There are reasons to meet with a tyrant, but none apply to Ahmadinejad. We're not looking for an imperfect ally against some other dictatorship, as Nixon was with China. And we aren't in a Mexican stand-off with a nuclear power, as Reagan was with the USSR. At least not yet. Mutually Assured Destruction was bad enough with the Evil Empire, but something you definitely want to avoid with lunatics who are willing to commit suicide in order to destroy the enemies of Islam. As with the H-word, our sole objective with Ahmadinejad is to prevent him from becoming a military power. - You Can't Appease Everybody by Ann Coulter, May 28, 2008 -
We know what they got and we know what their strike plans are, but we need to have them tell us for the record to confirm whether or not this is true. We know what they did or tried to do, but we need them to confirm this so we can go after their militant wing and the leadership. We have to record and confirm whether or not this is true so that they are not made a martyr or receive any further aid and comfort especially when their goal and intent was to kidnap and blow up the nation. Stop giving the aid and stop this church and their leaders from providing comfort while this unravels. Our enemies tell us they do not know how or what is coming at them either because they are behind enemy lines. That is why people do their own thing and not breathe down the necks of others or face a public denouncement to get out of our life and get out of our future and nation. If you can, make them get out of this planetary stem. They too did not know how big their problem is or was, they got a big problem.
As we noted yesterday, [7] federal regulation contributed to the mortgage bubble and meltdown, as regulators encouraged and promoted risky lending, rather than curbing it. Laws that pressure banks to engage in risky lending, like the Community Reinvestment Act, remain in full force, and the [8] government-backed mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which failed and were taken over by the federal government, are now [9] buying even more risky mortgage loans. “[10] Affordable housing” mandates continue to encourage risky lending. But politicians, seeking to avoid any responsibility for causing this mess, are blaming the mortgage meltdown entirely on the free market and an alleged lack of regulation. And journalists who recently (and belatedly) [11] admitted the role of federal affordable housing mandates in causing the mortgage crisis, like the Washington Post’s Steven Pearlstein, a long-time cheerleader for Fannie Mae against its critics, are now back to their [12] long-time role of cheerleading for more federal involvement in lending, and [13] claiming that the massive federal bailout proposal shows the need for still more regulation of financial markets. - “$700 Billion for Disastrous Financial System Bailout” by Hans Bader On September 20, 2008 ( - -
“Yes we can also” is a typical battle cry for political opponents. “Yes we cannot get out of other people life” is the part that is missing. In order for liberals, the left wing, and the communist to “yes we can” they need an enabler or something to forcibly use to get in the face of others and tell them what to do. That is the whole purpose of government in a nutshell, to be in the lives of others for a reason if not any reason and to organize. You cannot organize unless you have education or know what you are doing. Otherwise, you mess up or look for smart people to order you around while you mess up. It is a big act and we know this enemy to act extremely bold and big while taking more risky economic policies.
“There are so many people on here who are completely obnoxious and constantly post nothing but lies and ignorance. I know who they are and I don't want to have to constantly scroll through their posts. I want an ignore option. Sure this is a place to exchange viewpoints and discuss issues. But there are far too many people who continue to post the same thing over and over and it is the same old propaganda. I'd really prefer to not have my screen taken up with posts from someone who is cutting and pasting something about Obama being a Muslim while simultaneously having a radical Christian minister for the 300th time. I read it the first time, I know it's lies and I want to be able to ignore this person and others doing the same thing. Please politico give us an ignore option!” - Blog posting on enabling censorship for no reason or any reason, by CGP on September 21, 2008 -
The worst thing that can happen is for the United States to push an agenda which, inevitably, will succumb it to a third world status when the rich get richer and the poor get poorer but must now steal from the rich because they know no other way. In turn, the rich will retaliate; more and more to strike back and to push them deeper into their third world abyss which forthrightly or not, is their inevitable fate. We can accusingly and back-musingly sit here and toss the immigration issue around until it lands on someone’s warm lap; however, the general misconception which permeates the argument is these people are lying one way or the other. They lie about immigration because there is no real answer they can accept or are willing to put forward.
We are not here to advance their cause or have them steal our life and family. If they want to stop us or use the most modern military weapons to torture us, then tell the truth and come out and say it. It is imperative we keep them in the dark while it is imperative they not be. That was and has been the most painful endeavor you will ever witness. We give them a choice but they do not give us any choice because we are obligated to them and when they are on our side or the winning side. This needs to be dismantled and off these shores immediately, not aided and provided with comfort but that has been our ordeal the past ten years with the same stigma of this church and their followers or how they only want to help.
Before, if you said you were from the LBJ or JFK crowd, people freak out and run. Now it was easier to call yourself a Republican or even a Democrat so they did not run and say how the nation needed you or was in trouble. the problem was and is the goal of the nation was to get rid of the liberals when it was impossible; then when it was possible, they began showing up in every board meeting and breathing down our backs with the idea that they were also in trouble. they never knew how much of a problem they really were or what they were doing but they could tell others to do it so this world can emulate it. They are that superior and we are that obligated to them.
This world emulates everything we do and say. It is like they are a prisoner and are scared. We don’t care what they do so long as it is not what we are witnessing. We have the biggest military and the mightiest bite on this earth yet we have an enemy on our shores who does not even care. They feel they have a bigger bite and more power. So this world will do and say exactly as we do. If we say aid and comfort the enemy, then this world will aid and comfort the enemy. If we tell them fight or else, then they fight. This church does everything we say and do except tell the truth when the time comes to being judged. How can you beat them or not hate them? They blow up buildings and attack our military daily also. Everybody emulates them and their attacks. They have terrorists run for office because that was radicalism of the left wing. Now they got a dirty bomb and they know it will freeze up in our tracks like a Lebanese plot to stop them. We must be on the winning side also and so religious we tell the truth.
The list below is a guide written by a “liberal blogger” on how to be a Republican today. - 41 Things You Have To Believe To Be a Republican Today, 08 June 2007, -
1. Being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime, unless you’re a conservative radio host. Then it’s an illness and you need our prayers for your recovery.
2. The United States should get out of the United Nations, and our highest national priority is enforcing U.N. resolutions against Iraq.
3. Government should relax regulation of Big Business and Big Money but crack down on individuals who use marijuana to relieve the pain of illness.
4. “Standing Tall for America” means firing your workers and moving their jobs to India.
5. A woman can’t be trusted with decisions about her own body, but multinational corporations can make decisions affecting all humankind without regulation.
6. Jesus loves you, and shares your hatred of homosexuals and Hillary Clinton.
7. The best way to improve military morale is to praise the troops in speeches while slashing veterans’ benefits and combat pay.
8. Group sex and drug use are degenerate sins unless you someday run for governor of California as a Republican.
9. If condoms are kept out of schools, adolescents won’t have sex.
10. A good way to fight terrorism is to belittle our longtime allies, then demand their cooperation and money.
11. HMOs and insurance companies have the interest of the public at heart.
12. Providing health care to all Iraqis is sound policy. Providing health care to all Americans is socialism.
13. Global warming and tobacco’s link to cancer are junk science, but creationism should be taught in schools.
14. Saddam was a good guy when Reagan armed him, a bad guy when Bush’s daddy made war on him, a good guy when Cheney did business with him and a bad guy when Bush needed a “we can’t find Bin Laden” diversion.
15. A president lying about an extramarital affair is an impeachable offense. A president lying to enlist support for a war in which thousands die is a solid defense policy.
16. Government should limit itself to the powers named in the Constitution, which include banning gay marriages and censoring the Internet.
17. The public has a right to know about Hillary’s cattle trades, but George Bush’s driving record is none of our business.
18. You support states’ right, which means Attorney General John Ashcroft can tell states what local voter initiatives they have a right to adopt.
19. What Bill Clinton did in the 1960s is of vital national interest, but what Bush did in the 1980s is irrelevant.
20. Trade with Cuba is wrong because the country is communist; but trade with China and Vietnam is vital to a spirit of international harmony.
21. Be like Dick Cheney, who recently called the new Miss America unpatriotic - For wishing for world peace.
22. Be like Tom Delay [The Hammer!] - Doesn’t he look like a big, fat Adolf Hitler without the mustache?
23. With great power comes great responsibility — unless you’re Republican.
24. Republicans believe that if you enjoy sex, you are doing it wrong.
25. American justice should be blind, but Republicans prefer her deaf and mute.
26. Republicans believe that politics is only dirty if you do it right.
27. Republicans love deficits like Clinton loves sex.
28. The voter always wins — unless Republicans have their way.
29. The only time Republicans talk to blacks is when they challenge them at the polls.
My Additions: (Written by the author of blog)
30. Jesus loves you, and shares your hatred of homosexuals, Hillary Clinton and IMMIGRANTS.
31. Lou Dobbs is a saint!
32. Immigrants are contaminating America with Leprosy.
33. There is an urgent need to keep the ‘Cradle of the Confederacy’ safe from leprosy, pedophiles, Spanish and rampant godlessness.
34. Bilingualism is killing America. Kill the INVADERS! — Tom Tancredo
35. Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity of Fox News is the most FAIR & BALANCED newscasters in the world.
36. Miami a ‘Third World country‘— Tom Tancredo
37. Ann Coulter is the reincarnation of Mother Teresa. She is also a Tadpole.
38. You have to be “cockamamie” like Newt Gingrich: In a glimpse of what his candidacy might look like, he said he would shut down public schools that aren’t performing and offer a $20 billion reward for the first private company that successfully completes a Mars mission — Reported by the AP
39. Sen. Barack Obama is a dangerous “Madrassa” trained Terrorist, his real name is “Obama Osama,” according to Rush Limbaugh — The drug addicted radio talk show host most Republicans listen to.
40. Draft-Dodging makes you a tougher patriot. and it is “Godly” to do anything and everything to get elected — this includes cross-dressing to appeal to liberal New York of Flip-Flop like a Yo-Yo regarding a woman’s right to abortion.
41. Finally, you ought to be like Ronald Reagan, the president of “sunny optimism” — here are Ronald Reagan’s Top 10 Greatest Achievements. The I Hate Republicans Reader: Why the GOP is Totally Wrong about Everything.
If we say what is wrong with you, you have no fight whatsoever, the next morning we get a communist terrorist hit. See how this world works? They do whatever we tell them. They emulate everything we do and say as we are witnessing now but when we tell the truth or ask them to tell the truth, they attack and in the most polite an inauspicious ways. It did not happen and was not reality. That must be the winning side because this church does everything we do and ask of them, leave out the part about get the hell out of our life and our future. See the problem with this world? They do not want to do the right thing or their own thing. They want to do and say what we do and say but when it comes down to telling the truth or having this fight, we get the devil and a communist. They know and we know but do they really know yet? Let’s not stop with “get out of our life” and say “get out of our nation” as quickly as you can and stop claiming to be patriotic or the church of patriots. The world emulates everything we say and do.
Arguably the most useful bill passed by the Conservative-led parliament was one permitting the country to better select immigrants based on skill, set quotas based on immigrants’ country of origin (that is, other than Western countries which have already long been subjected to such quotas), and reject applicants without having to give a reason -- all thereby ensuring greater economic efficiency and cultural unity. The Liberals now promise to reverse the changes -- which they couldn’t bring themselves to vote against when they had the chance earlier this year - and stick taxpayers with an $800 million bill for immigrant integration. - The Funniest Election This Year, by Rachel Marsden, September 19, 2008 -
How do you say no or tell them no? the minute they are deported, interned, or face some military threat to stop them; they will hit again like 9-11 but this time they must stop an army whose goal is to stop them and make them surface or expose them and the lies. It is just like a serial killer or a child molester when the thunder of a military comes right at them and their deranged and sadistic God like triumph. They are not even scared of the military and like a parasite insists they are because the poor fight the majority of wars.
There is an aspect of immigration which is very disturbing even if it is intended to get rid of or replace an existing problem. This aspect is how the liberals and the left wing use immigration to win elections. When they do both immigrants and ethnicity, go hand and hand with “get in your face” and “tell natives what to do” or “get out of our life” democratic and leftist ideology. Now you have immigrants who do not even speak English in your face and life telling you what to do and say, then associating this to the Democratic Party or some liberal church.
The mortgage meltdown and the wall street bail out costing more than 700 billion is not only about admission costs, income qualifications, equal housing legislation, refinancing, fixed or variable rates, and credit history “liberalization” but instead it shows a total disregard for the status quo and the voting public in general. 700 billion is a huge amount and to think it was the salary for someone or a bonus for someone three years ago is hard to believe. It is hard to believe that part was left out because 700 billion went to someone either rich or poor, what would it matter who it went to?
On Princess Diana's death: "Her children knew she's sleeping with all these men. That just seems to me, it's the definition of 'not a good mother.’... Is everyone just saying here that it's okay to ostentatiously have premarital sex in front of your children?"..."[Diana is] an ordinary and pathetic and confessional - I've never had bulimia! I've never had an affair! I've never had a divorce! So I don't think she's better than I am." - Ann Coulter, MSNBC 9/12/97 –
For the rich of this world, this gross abuse of power was almost the trademark of another problem described as a diabolical plot by the church of liberalism to foment social justice and to save communism and the lies or the abuse of power was the interweaving thread between those who “prefer to remain silent.” It is nothing more than this audacious taunt and total disregard for power itself and instead is an abuse of it, not an expression of it by weaklings who have no fight in them. It is an audacious taunt and total disregard by a communist and terrorist cell which is linked to several churches but unified by a political undercurrent and insider status.
"My libertarian friends are probably getting a little upset now but I think that's because they never appreciate the benefits of local fascism." - Ann Coulter, MSNBC 2/8/97-
Regardless of which class or what class , even the status quo and middle class, they choose not to have any fight when the fight is needed and so crucial, that is war protesting. These people do not care that they go after and go after anyone who disrupts their calamities with a better calamity which they cannot get in with. That is the key to calamities, can they get in on it. Liberals and left wing radicals are locked out because the fight is not in them and they do not belong, therefore, they strike back at the empire and play “that game again.” Abuse of power when there is not fight is how we identify them when rich and when poor. They choose to not care and have no fight in them when it is time to fight and crucial is why they were a pariah back then and protesting war again which will eventually cause the FBI to want those dead for being nothing less than dirt stupid. They just think it is power and a conspiracy which they must stop before the economies of this world gets bigger than them, and then gets rid of them.
if you look and analyze ever Supreme Court case from 1900 to 2008 against either the right wing or the United States of America, you will see every single law suit has to do with the denial of rights. However, the cases and the Supreme Court do not list why or the purpose of a denial of rights such as overthrowing the government or a communist threat. Similarly, if you look at the dockets of the Supreme Court in 2008, they are overwhelmed by law suits from the right wing for all sorts of violations by the left wing who has typically been vying for their civic right and civil rights, even human rights. Now the problem is with slander, kidnapping, intimidation, harassment, thievery, lying, corruption, extortion, uncompetitive practices, lack of education, special needs, and Civil War.
“Alive” lyrics by POD
Everyday is a new day
I'm thankful for
Every breath I take
I won't take you for granted (I won't take you for granted)
So I learn from my mistakes
It's beyond my control
Sometimes it's best to let go
Whatever happens?
In this lifetime
So I trust in love (so I trust in love)
You have given me
Peace of mind
I feel so alive
For the very first time
I can't deny you
I feel so alive
I feel so alive
For the very first time
And I think I can fly (fly)
Sunshine upon my face (sunshine upon my face)
A new song for me to sing
Tell the world
How I feel inside (Tell the world how I feel inside)
Even though it might
Cost me everything
Now that I know this
So beyond, I can't hold this
I can never
Turn my back away
Now that I've seen you (Now that I've seen you)
I can never look away
And now that I know you
I could never
Turn my back away
Now that I see you
I could never look away
Now that I know you
I could never
Turn my back away
Now that I see you
I believe no matter
What they say
"Like a Stone" lyrics by Audioslave
on a cobweb afternoon
in a room full of emptiness
by a freeway i confess
i was lost in the pages
of a book full of death
reading how we'll die alone
and if we're good we'll lay to rest
anywhere we want to go
in your house i long to be
room by room patiently
i'll wait for you there
like a stone i'll wait for you there
on my deathbed i will pray
to the gods and the angels
like a pagan to anyone
who will take me to heaven
to a place i call
i was there so long ago
the sky was bruised
the wine was bled
and there you led me on
in your house i long to be
room by room patiently
i'll wait for you there
like a stone i'll wait for you there
and on i read
until the day was gone
and i sat in regret
of all the things i've done
for all that i've blessed
and all that i've wronged
in dreams until my death
i will wander on
“Running to Stand Still” lyrics by U2
And so she woke up
Woke up from where she was
Lying still
Said I - gotta do something
About where we're going
Step on a steam train
Step out of the driving rain, maybe
Run from the darkness - in the night
Singing ha, ah la la la de day
Ah da da da de day
Ah la la de day
Sweet the sin
Bitter taste - in my mouth
I see seven towers
But I only see - one way out
You got to cry without weeping!
Talk without speaking…
And scream without raising your voice
You know I took the poison
From the poison stream
Then I floated - out of here
Singing...ha la la la de day
Ha la la la de day
Ha la la de day
She runs through the streets
With her eyes painted red
Under black belly of cloud in the rain
In through a doorway - she brings me
White gold and pearls- stolen from the sea
She is raging… She is raging…
And the storm blows up in her eyes
She will...
Suffer the need him chill
She's running to stand!
“Heaven” lyrics by Warrant
Got a picture of your house
And you're standing by the door
It's black and white and faded
And it's looking pretty worn
See the factory that I worked
Silhouetted in the back
The memories are gray
but man, they're really coming back
I don't need to be the king of the world
As long as I'm the hero of this little girl
Heaven isn't too far away
Closer to it every day
No matter what your friends might say…
How I love the way you move
And the sparkle in your eyes
There's a color deep inside of light
Like a blue suburban sky
When I come home late at night
And you're in bed asleep
I wrap my arms around you
So I can feel you breathe
I don't need to be a superman
As long as you will always be my biggest fan
We'll find a way
Now the lights are going out
Along the boulevard
The memories come rushing back
and it makes it pretty hard
I've got nowhere left to go
And no one really cares
I don't know what to do
But I'm never giving up on you!!!!
I know we're gonna find a way…
It's not too far away
"Viva La Vida" lyrics by Coldplay
I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sweep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own
I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing:
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"
One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt, and pillars of sand
I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Calvary choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
Once you go there was never, never an honest word
That was when I ruled the world
It was the wicked and wild wind
Blew down the doors to let me in.
Shattered windows and the sound of drums
People couldn't believe what I'd become
Revolutionaries Wait
For my head on a silver plate
Just a puppet on a lonely string
Oh who would ever want to be king?
I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Calvary choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
(Ooooh Oooh Oooh)
Hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Calvary choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter will call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
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About Me
- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest