The whole point behind this book is to relay how elusive the political problems are in this world and how enduring they become when they are behind enemy lines. They become a threat and squander their way into becoming reality, but who can you work with? Can you work with the conservatives or the liberals and why? The political season in crisis is some hijacking and occupation by jackasses which we really do not like “perfecting” or just cannot work with because of the ethics violations or the problem with truth telling. Are people born into this world neurotics or sociopaths or do they undergo a transformation like a serial killer does? Are they hateful overnight and liars naturally due to some genetic link or malfunction by a political breed of jackasses and elite losers? There comes a time where you can take so much and need to start smacking hard or letting bullets fly because you are being invaded by the devil and they have no intentions beyond winning.
Some are even neurotic and the goodness in them disappears quickly. They are not born into this world “fighting” and overnight have the goodness drained out unless they are the devil or some threat. People are not born into this world understanding what liberalism or conservatism is, they are made to hate it because the goodness is drained out by the devil and the enemy. Be forewarned and keep the distance or else the collateral damage will spill over. Some republicans and right wingers wish to save and rescue the African American church, the liberal church, and nation from communism and to promote it as Godly or omniscient. The problems as observed were an elusive and overt kidnapping which forms the backbone of a conspiracy. That conspiracy is so dangerous it has a tremendous affect on the lives of others and even World War III.
They are keeping enemies alive behind enemy lines. This is the spy ring and the Waco style raid gone badly and chaos and with big bucks and money on the line; the media is willing to pay massive dollars and so are a lot of people who like control and power. This is about saving communism and the rewards are huge for anyone on the left or right wing. The way to do it is to keep the enemy alive behind enemy lines. Why are they throwing a card down which is a license to kill when we know they are the enemy and behind enemy lines? Again, never asking and always trying to be in control and holding down the death penalty charge on the spy ring and terrorist cells. If they are not going to ask a question and keep this code of silence, then they should be deported immediately.
Sandbagging and overreaching is the basis of radicalism. It is a problem with students who pretext themselves as “ahead of the curve” but are “behind the times.” It is a common annoyance of teaching the class and learning from the students or those lower in status, lethargy of the brain very close to jaundice of the brain. Now the teacher is very defensive and feels the effect of dwarfism, maybe even severe ignorance or incompetence. It is impossible to determine whether a mortal enemy is left wing or right wing, Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative; they are simply enemies and mortal enemies who string up a long list of ethical problems and scandals. When lethargy and jaundice of the brain strikes, it expands and hijacks more brain cells but in other human beings, just ask them and they will gleefully parade it in the most disturbing manner. Life is supposed to get tough and hard for them but the election of 2008 says otherwise, it says they are safe and good people after all.
There is no excuse and not one victory and it gets worse and worse; not one complaint addressed and buried week after week in new political stunts. We are being buried and distracted by endless complaints, no truth and not once asking of direct questions or verification in a war zone. Who is this total jackass SOB story about? We are dealing with an enemy who gets the lowest SAT scores, is incapable of answering direct questions, refuses to ask direct answers, and likes to stalk us or claim some superior God given trait. However, we never jumped into this argument because they made it about race and correlated low IQ with the debate and argument which lacked any fact checking, evidence, or a scintilla of prerequisites. This political jackass and this god damn playbook of trash dump fortitude, is the worst one in the class and puts out the worst effort while their defiance and protest is highest. We need to know why the truth is too good or such a poor life for these people who claim to be mortal enemies.
We are being buried and distracted by endless complaints, no truth and not once asking of direct questions or verification in a war zone. Who is this total jackass SOB story about? We are dealing with an enemy who gets the lowest SAT scores, is incapable of answering direct questions, refuses to ask direct answers, and likes to stalk us or claim some superior God given trait. However, we never jumped into this argument because they made it about race and correlated low IQ with the debate and argument which lacked any fact checking, evidence, or a scintilla of prerequisites. This political jackass and this god damn playbook of trash dump fortitude, is the worst one in the class and puts out the worst effort while their defiance and protest is highest. They coddle defunct babies or diseased babies, but never the perfect ones or the ones with an unborn future because they cannot relate to what they are not in possession of. God does ask questions and wants direct answers such as “May I” or “can I” or “would you like to go out.”
Ever wonder how the left wing and the liberals can “red-bait” you and get away with it or end up with some lubricious statement such as, “we are going to let you go this time.” If you see reality or the truth as water and we live in some medium which flows into cracks and all spaces to fill an empty space, then that sense of mental clarity can be water. At the same time, stalking people and rummaging in their life like a rapist or a peeping tom can be intrusive if not a delicate idea. How did their lawyers get a license to kill and how did they steal ours?
Some Clinton Backers Won't Go Quietly
Filed under: Election News, Barack Obama, Democratic Convention News
WASHINGTON (Aug. 14) -- Still sore from an epic primary battle, some of Hillary Rodham Clinton's supporters aren't buying the unity theme planned for the Democratic National Convention. They weren't mollified when nominee-in-waiting Barack Obama gave prime-time speaking slots to Clinton and her husband, the former president. Instead, they're itching for a fight and plan to wage one in Denver.
(Full story)
When we say delicate, the minimum error is removed and the vagueness of asking for consent or direct questions offer a face value before the overreaching occurs. Sandbagging and overreaching is the failure to ask a simple question which leads to an open end or continuous loop of problems. You can avoid a lot of problems, such as consent, by simply asking “are you a communist and a terrorist?” That is the problem with these teachers and their ambitions; we do not know who they are and what they want; however, they stalk in order to rummage.
When you look at a monolithic and phony enemy, ask what two characteristics are behind most if not all of the problems? This world can rule out fate, inevitability, same probability of success, and a certainty based on truth. The world is unpredictable because of the human element and its will to survive and become either hostile or not. What is the problem with a hostile creature that sandbags and overreaches when the flow of the river underneath rises to a sanctity that predictability can occur in a maximum value or 9 out of 10 times? The basis of this hostility, extremism, dogma, violence, and lack of purpose is the selfish inquisition of sandbagging and overreaching. Substance and merit is locked out of this cavalier and unexplainable God like existence called a dime store parade of trash dump lies.
How is it that you can sprint to the finish line and then find out you never crossed it or was allowed to? Instead of outrunning the lethargy and jaundice of the brain from the liberals, left wing, and communists; you now have another problem with crossing the finish line, why? Is it because you are the enemy? Is it because the devil or a communist is red bating you and wanting you to defect or demands a surrender to their olive breach? Why play the antagonist game of taking opposing positions while arguing a lack of commitment and a lack of submission or subservience? Is this an enemy or an ally or is this only a freak of nature, challenge, or miscommunication? Let’s first explain the problem.
Jason: They’ll kill you for giving me this.
Pam: 415-71 isn’t much of a code… on his way already.
Jason: why’d you do it?
Pam: this isn’t what I signed up for; what they did to you, Blackbriar; this isn’t us.
Jason: Then do something about it. Everything you need is in there. Everything?
Pam: David, why don’t you come in with me? It’ll be better if we do this together.
Jason: No, this is where it started for me, this is where it ends.
- Conversation between Pam Lundy and Jason Bourne, “The Bourne Ultimatum”, 2007 –
People fight wars because they want a better life and a better future. There are some people who do not fight for the same reasons and they do not know what is more precious than life itself because they live a life which is so low on the standards level they misjudge others and either are homicidal or thieves. Wars are supposed to be fought for a better life and a better future and the sacrifice is simply because the cause is more precious than life. Criminals fight to the death also and it has nothing to do with a better life, only the chance to get away or escape. Then enemy we are dealing with and the monolith is nothing more than a thug and a worthless human being who single goal is to wreak havoc or invade our life.
When you read what they are up to and who they are, ask what is precious to them and why they even try or bother. You will also see a pattern of behavior behind the lies which defines this enemy both online and in real life where they allow any threat and thug to just rummage their way through our life, our world, and our effort to rid of them. They do the same thing with immigration and justice. They do the same thing with truth and finances. You will also see how big the threat is and how it needs to be gone immediately; yet look at the cards they play and their god damn playbook which they so graciously and kindly wished to help us with while they had every safety net and protection available before we sprung the trap on them.
If they were not behind enemy lines before, they better see very clearly they are now and ask how they got here or how they forced themselves onto us, onto this nation, and forced themselves behind enemy lines. So long as they are behind enemy lines, the effort to rid them will be the order of the day and it will increasingly be impossible from here on for them. From here on it will be impossible for them to remain hidden or even behind enemy lines. That conspiracy charge is just waiting to creep up on them and how they do not like us or how they do not care one way or the other. While we are trying to reverse this immigration policy and online internet conspiracy now; they seek to create a safe haven and a nest for terrorists and a very secretive spy ring who increasingly grows bigger and stronger with the nation while they wait anxiously to cut the throats of the enemy and this paralyzes the nation itself into the abyss. So long as they are here, we will be under a constant threat and at peril.
Now let’s explain why this hostility, extremism, radicalism, lack of change, ignorance, arrogance, stubbornness, violence, low down standards, and lack of truth problem exists. It is because of a follow the leader, top dog habitual fortitude of sandbagging and overreaching. Then it is a hostile view that all threats must be eliminated without considering principle, truth, or merit. There is an air of self interest and secrets which can also be prosecuted and eradicated when the code silence is broken. It is the secrecy drug dealers and hit men live or a mob lifestyle. Spies, political operatives, enemies behind the line of fire, and a political breed of jackasses all live this lie and this level of secrecy. Does it mean they are dealing drugs or are a pitman for the mob? No.
There is a reason why an alien lout, the enemy, and the devil are acting this way. It is not a mental illness to kill the devil. Also, they are behind enemy lines. When you are behind enemy lines, you know the gap between what realities is and what is not. To get to that reality, the first step is to come out so that a dose of reality can be sacrificed. You cannot claim to be superior, you cannot claim to be conservative or liberal, you cannot claim to be some political breed of jackass or screwball, and you cannot claim anything until you either wash ashore or float to the top. Nobody can scrutinize and nobody can dish out any judgments and reality until this creature that has washed on these shores overtly show us the effort to dominate the world or take over the world and we can then deal with this threat with invisible forces and invisible commandoes. This enemy is behind enemy lines and too big of a threat and too much of a threat.
In the ten years of being a hostage and captive to this conspiracy, 7 years had the appearance of a normal life while every single movement was observed and criticized. This is a possessive and intrusive political jackass. We do not know when it began and ended but we only know the activity period and the effort stage. From 1998 to 2008 (2006 to 2008) there was some sort of “protective blanket” which made them feel invincible and protected. Again, this monolithic threat is bipartisan and envelopes both parties with the notion that a third party will never survive.
In 2006 there was a massive surge which put us near or around the Canadian border where a real life communist cell and Al Qaeda cell had existed. There is no mistaken identity but there is no effort to verify or check identity to say it is a clear case of fraud or murder. When the entire legal system and the police are so sloppy, there is no way to surmise concrete evidence or the existence of this conspiracy behind enemy lines. Everybody knows you will not and never beat the police, outrun them, or escape their surveillance. However, we were able to have a peek at what they were up to and document, analysis, and also penetrate their entire abilities.
Father Accused of Holding Family Captive
LAVONIA, Ga. (Aug. 13) -- When police finally searched the squat white mobile home where they say a man held his family captive for three years, the place was so filthy and bug-infested that one officer had to wear a gas mask and another refused to continue. Thousands of roaches and other bugs crawled in and out of drawers, cupboards and furniture. Spoiled food littered the place, and a long-ignored plumbing problem left the floors rotten and mattresses moldy… "We had no clue," said Sonya Savage, who has lived there for a year. "I never even knew he had kids in there." The stench still lingered among the moldy mattresses inside. "He was very respectable, very kind and very serious," said Alma Medina, the park's property manager, who lived three homes down. "You'd never imagine he would live like this." - The Associated Press. –
This is without question and with 100 per cent certainty a soviet sleeper cell and a spy ring. This is why they are moving quickly now to end the charade understanding the chance of survival will be slim to none. They know now they lost control completely and the cover up is coming apart. Here are the main day to day daily facets to break someone down and a total lack of professional quality to produce a “vague” atmosphere of care and consideration. There is no doubt who is behind it, which is “trailing” or “shadowing” them, and the existence of a conspiracy behind enemy lines. This was apparently about protection behind enemy lines and a race issue which lacked any overt racism, the communist golden goose.
• Vagueness and the inability to double check or verify facts
• Personal authority and some human authority to break all rules
• No, you are the thief, not us game
• Why bother beating us or why bother at all
• Beat them to the intersection and right of way
• Protection and boldness
• Very low IQ favoritism
• Labor orientation and wealth based on labor movement
• Race card (what you are doing has an impact on minorities or non white races)
• We did not know
• Go home (we were here first and thrived)
• Patriotism and service
• Companies falsely billing and getting rich based on false billing or accounting
• Observing criminal activity and opportunity to “trail” a subject, target, or politician (even commandoes or soldiers)
• Lack of cooperation and ability to fact check or verify
• NFL draft system and “trading players” between families (monolithic enemy)
• Total lack of consent and ability to identify the perpetrators or the subtle act but it can last for over 10 to 20 years
• Protective blanket to erase or cover up once detected
• Price swapping and “false identity” (paying for something you do not want)
• Use of terrorists and the terrorist card to bolster gains (social justice or racial hatred) and to produce the Hitchcock “phantom police chase syndrome”
• Expand the race problem but do not address the reach of the racism or underlying problem with communism
• Cover up phase and the actual criminal murder part (the actual crime is in the cover up phase and not the beginning parts which can be very brief to only one or two years)
• Paper trail and code of silence is near KGB and double encryption KG-99 US military phase key double loop frequency hopping (indicates a clandestine attempt to overthrow or forcibly overthrow the government with silence and conspiracy)
• Proper threat attention and funds (either no security or totally false security and horror)
• An atmosphere of total thievery and criminal enterprise to “shadow” with a spy cell or terrorist cell
• A game of “our side” or “outsider” where force or conformity is used to impregnate a trespassing mindset or behind enemy lines mindset (you are under siege surrender now and nobody will be hurt including your family and love ones)
• A complaint to the police will result in stepped up efforts or being buried in legal problems
• Lack of training, education, or certification of politicians (mandatory course to address corruption or problem awareness; a general refusal to up the IQ favoritism and standard of judgments)
• Behind enemy lines and the impossibility or punishment for telling the truth, seeking the truth, or asking for the truth (this threat will be present so long as the truth is not present or punished because the enemy is behind enemy lines and in control of your life)
• We caught you and will let you go (we will not let them go and will eradicate them as too big, too powerful, and too much of a threat) this is not a two way street or some power sharing, this is a real life threat which has no excuse and layers of death penalty decisions – this is a major threat but they feel they are in power and control and thus “will let us go this time”
• No liaisons office to military to ensure proper or equal military response (in our case and our attempts to contact the military, a cover up team imprisoned us immediately for 3 years and crippled us even though we identified ourselves as commandoes who were ambushed by a spy cell and terrorist cell). They cut off your communications and keep you under watch to make sure you do not communicate with anyone but them (this is why the psychic commandoes are very effective – we have the ability to do a satellite ID immediately and respond with SATWAR in an instant)
This “monolith” is a legal bury process by a bipartisan enemy. It is both hostility and a lack of accuracy or truth, a penchant to perpetuate incompetence and a lack of standards. If the devil can be brought to accounting or truthful responsibility, conspiracy then can stop them from stalking us and our love life. We also can end this hostage and kidnapping. We can rescue the satellite warfare program from terrorists and a spy ring and we also can keep nailing them for conspiracy while behind enemy lines. We can free the next 200 plus years to a more perfect blend of life absent of the insane political jackasses we are witnessing as political squatting of meandering Neanderthals. The military will be safe and our likelihood and probability in World War III increases even if we cannot predict outcomes. We end up protecting and ensuring the precious and what is more precious than life itself. It is the perfect blend of truth and betrayal and the first step is to see who has whose cards. Order and peace can be restored free of the liberal, left wing, and communist death strangle. It is an escape hold and we reversed their submission hold on us. Now the evidence leads to conspiracy and who did what to whom.
The problem with this conspiracy is who goes to jail. Ask who goes to jail. Now ask who went to jail and why? Did anybody go to jail or is this the goal? Did the wrong people go to jail or is this the goal? Now ask when the right people are going to jail and why they are not in jail if they are implicated in a conspiracy involving a terrorist cell and a spy ring? Who ends up going to jail and what is this conspiracy for? Is it to cover up lies or reveal them? Now are those lies the result of truth seeking or corruption. Lying is not the problem because you must lie in order to tell the truth when you are behind enemy lines.
Our worry is which side the enemy is on and what this conspiracy involving the terrorist cell and the spy ring is all about. Was it about the satellite warfare program? Was it about making communism healthy again? Was it about the welfare state? Or was it about global domination and control which puts favor towards communism which is procreating in the new world of capitalism. Maybe it was just to keep the armies strong and lively while new aid was invented for the former military forces that are at risk of invasion and destruction. They fear an invasion by the right wing and the anti-communists.
This conspiracy entails the question of who did what to whom and for what reason. Was it to promote anti-communism or was it to preserve the weak on communism stance which both parties have been known to struggle with. They also need to understand the punishment for conspiracy and being quiet while playing along with a terrorist cell and spy ring who is trying to win World War III. Not only this, it almost cost us this and 200 plus years as we were mortally wounded, kidnapped, tortured, and our private and love life torn apart by the devil incarnate.
When you do the math, it comes out to a lot of lives and a lot of money; and also a threat which is too powerful and too dangerous. Reparations and restoration is not only deceitful, it is just not enough to address the issue or lack of care for the issue. We want the perfect blend and nothing else. We will maneuver as a large single body on both sides of the fence until we get this perfect blend and opposition on the correct side of the borders. This is what we are doing now until this conspiracy surfaces and the ring leaders in peril.
They can repeat our words and fall in line but we need to know if they had any if all regrets and what that regret was about. Just like a hostage rescue and head counting, some of the terrorists may have slipped into the line of prisoners and they must be interviewed and identified. That is the best way to escape and the only way, to get into the victim or hostage line when they were actually terrorists or steal a uniform of a murdered hostage rescuer. This is no joke, this is the devil incarnate and they are amateurs. However, these amateurs like to come to you and us; moreover, they like to say and do the same things we say and do but when asked, they speak an alien lout language we are not familiar with. That is why they call it a hijacking and a rescue which brakes the mold of this conspiracy and very subtle nuances.
Part of the problem and the biggest problem is an enemy who we cannot convince of or who will not acknowledge the problem with sandbagging and overreaching. What makes it even a bigger problem is to convince that enemy to own up to or accept some accountability or accounting of the problem which they do not even acknowledge? The way to acknowledge is to remove the vagueness and price swapping; the fraud and phony issue. Debates are meant to bring closer this acknowledgement and the accounting can then be executed. Instead, we get attacks, kidnapping, hostage taking, ultimatums, antagonism, and total meaningless and hollow hot air of empty existence. Make them or stick their nose in their own defecation or mess.
This is without question and with 100 per cent certainty a soviet sleeper cell and a spy ring. This is why they are moving quickly now to end the charade understanding the chance of survival will be slim to none. They know now they lost control completely and the cover up is coming apart. Here are the main day to day daily facets to break someone down and a total lack of professional quality to produce a “vague” atmosphere of care and consideration. There is no doubt who is behind it, which is “trailing” or “shadowing” them, and the existence of a conspiracy behind enemy lines. This was apparently about protection behind enemy lines and a race issue which lacked any overt racism, the communist golden goose.
• Vagueness and the inability to double check or verify facts
• Personal authority and some human authority to break all rules
• No, you are the thief, not us game
• Why bother beating us or why bother at all
• Beat them to the intersection and right of way
• Protection and boldness
• Very low IQ favoritism
• Labor orientation and wealth based on labor movement
• Race card (what you are doing has an impact on minorities or non white races)
• We did not know
• Go home (we were here first and thrived)
• Patriotism and service
• Companies falsely billing and getting rich based on false billing or accounting
• Observing criminal activity and opportunity to “trail” a subject, target, or politician (even commandoes or soldiers)
• Lack of cooperation and ability to fact check or verify
• NFL draft system and “trading players” between families (monolithic enemy)
• Total lack of consent and ability to identify the perpetrators or the subtle act but it can last for over 10 to 20 years
• Protective blanket to erase or cover up once detected
• Price swapping and “false identity” (paying for something you do not want)
• Use of terrorists and the terrorist card to bolster gains (social justice or racial hatred) and to produce the Hitchcock “phantom police chase syndrome”
• Expand the race problem but do not address the reach of the racism or underlying problem with communism
• Cover up phase and the actual criminal murder part (the actual crime is in the cover up phase and not the beginning parts which can be very brief to only one or two years)
• Paper trail and code of silence is near KGB and double encryption KG-99 US military phase key double loop frequency hopping (indicates a clandestine attempt to overthrow or forcibly overthrow the government with silence and conspiracy)
• Proper threat attention and funds (either no security or totally false security and horror)
• An atmosphere of total thievery and criminal enterprise to “shadow” with a spy cell or terrorist cell
• A game of “our side” or “outsider” where force or conformity is used to impregnate a trespassing mindset or behind enemy lines mindset (you are under siege surrender now and nobody will be hurt including your family and love ones)
• A complaint to the police will result in stepped up efforts or being buried in legal problems
• Lack of training, education, or certification of politicians (mandatory course to address corruption or problem awareness; a general refusal to up the IQ favoritism and standard of judgments)
• Behind enemy lines and the impossibility or punishment for telling the truth, seeking the truth, or asking for the truth (this threat will be present so long as the truth is not present or punished because the enemy is behind enemy lines and in control of your life)
• We caught you and will let you go (we will not let them go and will eradicate them as too big, too powerful, and too much of a threat) this is not a two way street or some power sharing, this is a real life threat which has no excuse and layers of death penalty decisions – this is a major threat but they feel they are in power and control and thus “will let us go this time”
• No liaisons office to military to ensure proper or equal military response (in our case and our attempts to contact the military, a cover up team imprisoned us immediately for 3 years and crippled us even though we identified ourselves as commandoes who were ambushed by a spy cell and terrorist cell). They cut off your communications and keep you under watch to make sure you do not communicate with anyone but them (this is why the psychic commandoes are very effective – we have the ability to do a satellite ID immediately and respond with SATWAR in an instant)
There are a lot of sites out there who treats you like an enemy or makes you an enemy. There is a despot on both sides, the left and right, who are blocking any pursuits of truth. It is a protection racket which is the nemesis of the truth or truth telling. If you visit the web site, there is a woman on there who is trying to emulate female conservatism and it is a mantle piece taken from other female pundits with zero intellectual merit and spirit. In short, they are using conservatism to terrorize people around a click of gang members who love each other absent of any IQ ratings.
This mortal enemy will start the conspiracy charges on their long list of thievery to steal 200 years of political real estate and jeopardize World War III. We are talking about corruption and favoritism with a theme of low IQ and labor orientations while conservative “violence” or strength is used maliciously. There needs to be a list and a generation of sites who are hostile and engage in this type of practice. Immigration is borderless like the internet or online world. Enemies, threats, bullies, thieves, and the long list of political jackasses and stalkers are given free reign and free ability to access our life, determine when and how to ambush others, and not even know who or what they are trying to perpetrate. To them communism, liberalism, and the left wing is about control and slandering others based on a low IQ favoritism or vagueness.
Favoritism when it is biased towards the lower end and based on the philosophical ideology of existentialism is not conservatism. Moreover, it is a brainless approach and a slanderous approach which terrorizes people into belying they are either right wing, conservatives, or justifiably in a position to criticize. Thus, even on right wing or conservative sights; you have the issue of brainless anonymity and the impression that you are talking to an official representative who can actually legitimately represent the voice which they claim or engage in such brainless icon worshipping it becomes a cult phenomenon. Here is an example of pure brainless meanness and insensitivity under the guise of and the official voices representing the web site "" without even debate or fact checking.
We need to build a list to find out if this is merely disinformation, propaganda ploys, or more liberal and left wing influence peddling. For all we know, these could be crack addicts who stay home all day and collect welfare checks pretending to be site administrators and the conservative voices or liberal voices. we need a list of these hostile sites, the propaganda they are putting out there, and the effect it is having on others (i.e.: terrorizing and bullying people to misrepresent). Here was one of the worst cases and pure brainless threats, keep in mind this is becoming widespread on the internet with the intent of keeping anonymity. At least we know what to expect rather than some terrorist ambush or some crappy trumped up charge based on a trash dump of a playbook straight out of hell.
Most people, young students or those curious, who experience such bullying will not return or even consider a political philosophy which lacks any meaning beyond terrorizing or brute violence. Most people associate that slanderous meaningless approach with labor and liberalism; however, it is becoming the staple and leadership of conservatism. These sites are ran almost like a traitor would and their immigration policies which let communists and traitors run amuck in our life and without any protections or ability to complain; that is why they call them traitors, they bypassed the borders and are behind enemy lines to do more damage.
Old 08-10-2008, 05:16 PM
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Originally posted by politicalboy View Post
His handle lost me Ando.
He's a miserable, liberal stalker. A run of the mill troll who proclaimed he was smarter than the average person and even had a girl friend a long time ago.
I tried to love you for years upon years,
You refuse to take me for real.
It's time you saw what I want you to see,
And I'd still love you if you'd just love me.
Old 08-04-2008, 11:46 AM
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andophiroxia andophiroxia is offline
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I think he just has problems... I really can't follow his semi-coherent thought if at all.
I am a mean, horrible person. Not at all pleasant to talk to.
"Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 and the attacks and prepared for war; liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers."
Karl Rove
"How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."
Ronald Reagan
The political left and the so called “party of bipartisan masters” have something to not only prove, but prod others with. This of course is how their political machinery, spite of evil, hate filled and hollow life, meaningless oratory, and high priced or lack of manicures outweigh any and all things more precious than life. They are and have ascended to be Gods and they are the political minutia who can overrule and overtake anything in their way or in opposition to them while they are behind enemy lines. One of the ways of proving this or making this known was to break all the rules, create as much offense as possible, steal everything humanly possible, and then manipulate the machinery of corrupt administrations and influence to either cover it up or brag about a parade of damned monkeys who are sneaking around on both sides acting like they are Presidential or more important than World War III.
Luckily, there are a few people and who remain close and tight to their life work that are able to see past this lack of preciousness and total lack of discipline while this enemy is behind enemy lines and trying desperately to smash up or break through our forces. There is so much opposition to military service and rhetoric about it; currently working to clean up the vast mess some of these so called fine Americans or not really enjoy making. The worst part is of course not the act itself, but the indefensible way they argue for it and stand firmly while bickering over how one small detail was in disagreement to their political machinery and also this mentality for land grabbing and lack of morals.
There are insufficient protections against an enemy who should be at a distance and not able to bypass the borders or internet virtual world to wreak havoc and rummage through every parts of our life. We are not able or intelligent enough to decide whether we wish to or want to be bullied and harassed by an enemy or traitor who either wandered or bypassed the borders. There are protections for service members who either have to serve or are transformed from ordinary citizens to war heroes and legends. There are only protections for financial problems but a total lack of security and protection when an enemy threatens much more than just finances. It is odd how these same problems had surfaced back during the 1960s with the same list of characters and the same issues which refused to leave quietly or go away.
You wake up one day and your life changes from perfect to a disaster and you have an enemy and abductor who say they want to help but actually kidnapped you because they have a serious problem and malfunction. The only thing they did was arrest us and perpetuate the abduction more claiming to be the police and in total control with no regard for terrorist cells or spy agencies. Ten years later and after two false or trumped up imprisonments, massive medical problems, defacing or mutilating someone’s appearance to suggest humiliation or inferiority, two terrorist hits, not one accurate police report, World War III threatened, and total tyranny or dictatorial stalking and political conspiracy there is one financial protection.
On December 19, 2003, the President of the United States signed into law H.R. 100, the Service members Civil Relief Act. This law completely rewrites the Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act of 1940, expanding many of the previous law's civil protections.
For the purposes of this Act:
(1) SERVICEMEMBER- The term `service member' means a member of the uniformed services, as that term is defined in section 101(a)(5) of title 10, United States Code.
(2) MILITARY SERVICE- The term `military service' means--
(A) in the case of a service member who is a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard--
(i) active duty, as defined in section 101(d)(1) of title 10, United States Code, and
(ii) in the case of a member of the National Guard, includes service under a call to active service authorized by the President or the Secretary of Defense for a period of more than 30 consecutive days under section 502(f) of title 32, United States Code, for purposes of responding to a national emergency declared by the President and supported by Federal funds;
(B) in the case of a service member who is a commissioned officer of the Public Health Service or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, active service; and
(C) any period during which a service member is absent from duty on account of sickness, wounds, leave, or other lawful cause.
(3) PERIOD OF MILITARY SERVICE- The term `period of military service' means the period beginning on the date on which a service member enters military service and ending on the date on which the service member is released from military service or dies while in military service.
(4) DEPENDENT- The term `dependent', with respect to a service member, means--
(A) the service member’s spouse;
(B) the service member’s child (as defined in section 101(4) of title 38, United States Code); or
(C) an individual for whom the service member provided more than one-half of the individual's support for 180 days immediately preceding an application for relief under this Act.
(5) COURT- The term `court' means a court or an administrative agency of the United States or of any State (including any political subdivision of a State), whether or not a court or administrative agency of record.
(6) STATE- The term `State' includes--
(A) a commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States; and
(B) The District of Columbia.
(7) SECRETARY CONCERNED- The term `Secretary concerned'--
(A) with respect to a member of the armed forces, has the meaning given that term in section 101(a)(9) of title 10, United States Code;
(B) with respect to a commissioned officer of the Public Health Service, means the Secretary of Health and Human Services; and
(C) With respect to a commissioned officer of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, means the Secretary of Commerce.
(8) MOTOR VEHICLE- The term `motor vehicle' has the meaning given that term in section 30102(a)(6) of title 49, United States Code.
The problem with this enemy is simple, they are behind enemy lines and they feel their political machinery is the minutiae master. This is the enemy and an enemy, it is not a master and this is why they are behind enemy lines. The reason why we are forced to arise now is also very simple, they refuse to leave quietly and wish to take out as many of us as they can because they are behind enemy lines. Either we both win or we both loose to the enemy. This enemy and their buffoon like religion is not persecuted or anywhere near a victim than they are the devil; however, to declare themselves some master or some God like figure in our life and who abducts us to stick a flag on territory they claim is grossly exaggerated and erroneous.
We do not want them and want them here and they refuse to see it any other way. They feel they now are compelled to “let us go this time” or “compelled to release us” now that they racked up an unaccountable log of errors and evils and racked up every violation imaginable. It is rather convenient for them to say how they can “see it our way” now or “were only trying to help.” What do we do with this playbook of theirs and the threat of it when it is nothing more than a trash dump of more trash dump of thoughts and ideas of how angry and stupid they truly are or how powerful they feel and want us to believe. What kind of religion is this?
This is an enemy and this enemy is a traitor, nothing short of that definition. How long can you carry a lie which is so erroneous, you end up with 100 violations of the death penalty? Then turn around and claim some fetish, error in communication, cooperation, helping; and finally seeing it right our way when this alien lout and political breed of jackasses would not even be given a moment of worry or thought, not one lousy minute or one lousy night of sleep. Worse of all they want to make it a race problem but not about racism. This entire affair was solely based on race or issues pertaining to race and some rescue by the church of communism and liberalism.
Now this traitor is on the verge of public humiliation and a legal whirlwind. When a traitor is on the verge of being exposed or a world of hurt and trouble, they act in this manner and as arrogantly as possible with these near ludicrous statements and defenses. For an enemy to say how they are fighting on our side, fighting for us, fighting for our future, fighting for us or them, and fighting for the future of this nation and their family; while providing such a god damn chase and total lack of accounting or mental talent is not only terror but plain scary.
How does a human being become so stupid, ignorant and hateful to be doing or saying anything like the such when snuck here quietly and refuse to go quietly also? That is the political machinery that is hollow, meaningless, and leaves a wake of destruction across the fruited plains and the world while they immigrate more of this problem until it is unmanageable and such a threat; they nearly cost us World War III and still feel they are not behind enemy lines or did anything wrong. Is this the problem why they came here and why they gobbled up everything for the liberal, left wing, and the political machinery for communism which we can confirm and verify?
We can go through and ask the same questions. What did they know and when? That is not the problem however. The problem is premeditation and who they are doing it to. They are using politicians to access government, create some target list, and then specifically know who they are doing it to. You have a problem with what they know and when. What they do and how they do it. Then you have the full life cycle of this political machinery and the aftermath. It is a full cycle of a traitor and how large it grows into and why. Then you have a problem of slowly telling them and information meant to end or stop this near murderous ambush.
It does not end there. Gloriously, you have years of escalation and escalation until everyone is buried in blatant legal corruption. Why would an enemy parade this type of behavior then lie about it blatantly in the media before billions of global onlookers? These people do not even know what a traitor is. They do not even know what the enemy is. They do not even understand what the truth is for. They apparently are using a defense of sacking political oppositions and not knowing or not able to even double check, verify, authenticate, debate, or consider principles, standards, or civility. How does this happen and occur?
They did not get set up because nobody went or came to them. They were bunkered and in a position. We did not fire on them but we were approaching this bunker and they were firing on anyone and anyhow. They claim they were firing indiscriminately and on innocent people in order to produce a specific result which they observed from us; they claim they are innocent, the same, competitive, superior, masters, our side, and we are in love with them or have some fetish to be ravished by some devil conquest. When we observed the near gross error and problem, we identified ourselves and asked questions.
If you are a traitor and an enemy and being asked for identification and a check is being run, what would you do? Even if you were the police or some authority figure and a check was being done to identify you, what would you do? Why did we get overpowered and why did we get captured and murdered or left for dead? This caused them to chase and hunt us down because their cover was blown; they were a traitor and the enemy. We had to escape them now and thus had every type of fetish for them, the left wing, liberalism, and communism. We even had a fetish for terrorism which they spun and wove to bolster the effort and create more pain and injury. It sounds just like the Waco compound and a cult like religion. You will see and understand the life cycle of this conspiracy and why they were not able to pull it off to the end.
This is an enemy who feels we have a fetish with them and they are locked and glued to us. Our spouses have a fetish with them and are begging to be raped by them or rescued. They feel that by not asking, knowing, or asking if it is true; they are entitled to something or can push something on others which they know is a blatant lie. Yet they claim to be masters and also of greater capabilities to even a communist and terrorist spy ring. All along we thought it was one in the same and how they were doing it and getting away with it but now they do not even know and refuses to find out because they just do not know. This is a creature that is a complete lie, living an evil lie, and a salesman of lies. By being vague and not knowing, they can hide it all while they block every effort to check accuracy and double check if this is a traitor and enemy.
To this enemy, the mere act of asking a yes or no question is well beyond their perfumed grandeur and nuances. They are living in such a lie and with so much deception, there is not one effort to check, double check, or ask a simple and direct question. Everybody has a fetish for them, everybody has some hidden dream to be ravished, race and racism dominates their mind, favoritism is based on low IQ, and there is just no escape or any way to protest, identify them, or ask them to leave quietly. Ask why and ask if it is merely a mistake or a parade and attempt to recruit which we gleefully ended up with the bragging rights?
To make this full cycle of conspiracy work, they must show us 200 years of political real estate and provide the manuals for the satellite warfare and cyber warfare program. They have to provide two individuals in the military and are known to be psychics and commandoes. They have to produce some feasible victory in World War III and tell us why an enemy would want to murder anyone who would or could deliver this. Was it a conspiracy on our part or did we panic because we were behind enemy lines and forced to submit and defect because of some fetish for this total unreliable traitor? Why in the world would an enemy do this and what is on their mind now they know they are not and will not be able to complete the full cycle or “competitive challenge.”
The problem is not much different or any less pleasing when the same enemy begins sandbagging on your side. They damn up the idea that truth can exist and red bait you by calling you phony soldiers or some next new insult which again, sandbags the truth and the oncoming flood. It is not about competition, merit, or substance. Instead, it is about brokering power, selling influence, and living a life the Great Gatsby would be ashamed of. Again, they are not as bad or as terrible as the enemy but there is not much change in climate or the corruption level because the cosigner is a shared interest or some threat of material loss. This is how they fall in our lap and how we get all entangled and tangled up with them. They must stick it in and rummage through the lives of others in order to keep it alive and remove all threats. Pure competition and merit is not enough to keep enemies alive and the truth becomes the next best threat. All threats must be eliminated and killed and that is the basis of existentialism. All you have to do is ask them to define conservatism and define existentialism and the two will be compatible; the same creature and the same enemy.
It is not about competition or truth to this enemy; it is about power, finality, influence, cowardice, insults, lack of truth, and back room dealing even with the enemy and political threats. The word for it is called existentialism and the belief that battles are over individual pride or honor. The game of existentialism is the intentional perpetuation of a lie and as mentioned the basis of liberalism and left wing politics is solely if not originated in philosophical sophism for existentialism and the next level on the ladder rung populism and progressivism. The cosigner of this school is property rights but it is not about competition or the truth of merit. It is about instead favoritism for low IQ and slandering. Libertarianism and the total absence of truth or organized government is a more accurate discipline which places this belief system or cult into the category of conservative Democrat and backroom redistributions of wealth we are locked out of.
When and if a threat and an enemy is this big and this powerful to do such vile and despicable record keeping, then they need not breath another breath. Find your salvation not in this one or the next. This monolith need to be gone and off these shores as soon as feasibly possible instead of propped up and made strong by the welfare state and bipartisan bickering of amateurs. We just happened to be fortunate and the lucky recipients of their god damn playbook which is a trash dump of thoughts and ideas of how angry and stupid they truly are, then how powerful they feel and want us to believe. Worst of all, we are supposed to take this and bow down to it. No, this enemy is too big, too powerful, and way too much of a threat. Can anybody understand why they are hiding and try to make it impossible for anyone to trace them? What result is this world going to produce if and when amateurs with cunning deception run the lives of others or are waiting for their demise because of some incompatible criterion which is not that perfect blend. This is no game by amateurs when it is repeated over 10, 000 times and is the standard of behavior from shore to shore. This enemy is too big of a threat and such a sore mark to both the freedom and the future of the world.
U.S. Supreme Court
TAGGART v. WEINACKER'S, INC., 397 U.S. 223 (1970)
397 U.S. 223
No. 74.
Argued January 12, 1970
Decided March 9, 1970
Following the issuance of an injunction enjoining petitioners, who were picketing on the narrow sidewalk adjacent to the doorway of respondent's store, from trespassing and interfering with the right of ingress and egress, respondent ceased operating its business and leased the premises to other store operators. The Alabama Supreme Court, which affirmed the injunction, found that the picketing "obstructed customers using the entrances to the store," based on affidavits filed by respondent, petitioners not having filed counter-affidavits. Held: In light of the obscure record, the physical circumstances of the narrow sidewalk, and the state courts' finding of customer obstruction, together with the fact that only a bare remnant of the original controversy still exists, the writ of certiorari is dismissed as improvidently granted.
There is a reason why an alien lout, the enemy, and the devil are acting this way. It is not a mental illness to kill the devil. Also, they are behind enemy lines. When you are behind enemy lines, you know the gap between what realities is and what is not. To get to that reality, the first step is to come out so that a dose of reality can be sacrificed. You cannot claim to be superior, you cannot claim to be conservative or liberal, you cannot claim to be some political breed of jackass or screwball, and you cannot claim anything until you either wash ashore or float to the top. Nobody can scrutinize and nobody can dish out any judgments and reality until this creature that has washed on these shores overtly show us the effort to dominate the world or take over the world and we can then deal with this threat with invisible forces and invisible commandoes. This enemy is behind enemy lines and too big of a threat and too much of a threat.
People fight wars because they want a better life and a better future. There are some people who do not fight for the same reasons and they do not know what is more precious than life itself because they live a life which is so low on the standards level they misjudge others and either are homicidal or thieves. Wars are supposed to be fought for a better life and a better future and the sacrifice is simply because the cause is more precious than life. Criminals fight to the death also and it has nothing to do with a better life, only the chance to get away or escape. Then enemy we are dealing with and the monolith is nothing more than a thug and a worthless human being who single goal is to wreak havoc or invade our life.
Noah: any sign of Bourne? (Incoming cell call) Noah Vosen.
Jason: This is Jason Bourne.
Noah: I was wondering when you were going to make this call. How did you get this number?
Jason: You didn’t actually think I was coming to Tudor City did you?
Noah: no, I guess not but if it’s me you want to talk to, perhaps we can arrange to meet.
Jason: Where are you now?
Noah: I’m sitting in my office.
Jason: I doubt that.
Noah: Why would you doubt that?
Jason: If you were in your office right now, we would be having this talk face to face.
- Conversation between Pam Lundy and Jason Bourne, “The Bourne Ultimatum”, 2007 –
If they were not behind enemy lines before, they better see very clearly they are now and ask how they got here or how they forced themselves onto us, onto this nation, and forced themselves behind enemy lines. So long as they are behind enemy lines, the effort to rid them will be the order of the day and it will increasingly be impossible from here on for them. From here on it will be impossible for them to remain hidden or even behind enemy lines. That conspiracy charge is just waiting to creep up on them and how they do not like us or how they do not care one way or the other. While we are trying to reverse this immigration policy and online internet conspiracy now; they seek to create a safe haven and a nest for terrorists and a very secretive spy ring who increasingly grows bigger and stronger with the nation while they wait anxiously to cut the throats of the enemy and this paralyzes the nation itself into the abyss. So long as they are here, we will be under a constant threat and at peril.
Be forewarned and keep the distance or else the collateral damage will spill over. Some republicans and right wingers wish to save and rescue the blacks, liberals, and nation from communism and to promote it. They are keeping enemies alive behind enemy lines. This is the spy ring. The Waco style raid gone badly and chaos and with big bucks and money on the line; the media is willing to pay massive dollars. This is about saving communism and the rewards are huge. How did their lawyers get a license to kill and how did they steal ours?
The plot to stead a spouse, take over the world, steal the satellite warfare program, claim 200 plus years of unborn future, save communism and liberalism, get rich off of the delusions of the human race, and not ask once for any permission or consent. A simple yes or no would have gone a long way and stop these stalkers dead in their tracks while they were behind enemy lines and attacking to forcibly overthrow the government.
Alex grew up in and around Washington DC and had many insiders around him as a child. Along came the liberals and the Democrats who disrupted the order and decided to make Alex some new next best leader for the left wing. They began early and even the presence of powerful ties, they did not back down and even broke up his circle of friends in high school.
Alex disappeared for several years while in the Army and this freed up this grasp. Ann had been with Alex for over 20 years and she knew about this early on. Hence, the personal vendetta with the Clinton was actually over Alex and his “old friends” who he did not even know were doing it. They are trying to corrupt people at a very young age.
Alex detached from all friends and began life with Ann in 1989 after a failed fiancé and near miss marriage. In 1993, Ann came to Washington DC to impeach the Clintons and it was related to a long presence in Alex’s life. Ann was marking her territory.
The ordeal left the Clinton’s impeached. Alex used to ride his bike on the C and O canal or on the mall and the Presidential limo always came around. It was no biggie however. It is almost like catching a serial killer in your own neighborhood. The impeachment and the seedy affairs left the idea that Ann was a “diva” or “trophy hunter.” Perhaps she was really interested in powerful men.
This tipped off a long and enduring feud with the Clintons which will last almost two decades. The Clintons and the Democrats had been there before Ann arrived in Alex’s life because they grew up as starlets 6 miles outside of DC. Alex is one of a kind brag but a modest one). Clinton felt Ann was giving them too much attention and they did not suspect it was over Alex until 1998. Things really became “serious” career wise in 1998. Alex has uncles who are high tech CEO’s or high ranking diplomatic ties from prestigious other families. They were well respected as military family and admired.
In 1998, Alex became a hostage and prisoner and at first unsure what or why. The accounts are listed and events. At this time, Ann was very agitated but looking forward to a long union. It was suspected that the two were interconnected or on a road which intersected. They were almost identical. Someone intercepted this and Alex was locked up for 3 years after it was believed a conspiracy was hatched by some ring leaders of the 1960s and even the death of JFK. There are many insiders around DC and most in Virginia were either military or lifetime government employees. Back in the 60s, 70s, and 80s it was not a very big area.
From 1998 to 2008 is documented. Someone feels it is a conspiracy or some right wing plot hatched and seal through a marriage or love connection. It is only similar to a military family and the usual military system. There is no script and Ann and Alex write their own. They have been best friends and closer than man and wife since the 1980s.
This matter is about trade offs and going back and forth between Ann and Alex and the Democratic Party; even the Republican Party was not immune either. It was more of a personal vendetta which on the surface engulfed the Clintons.
Here are some facts:
• Who will rescue the blacks or forced to? Who will then rescue the Democrats or will the Republicans do this? They claim they rescued us, but never asked.
• Alex was the one being stalked and watched but manicured for defection from his family roots and ties
• Ann hates liberals and Bill Maher was bait for the Clintons which made them very jealous and even wishing to express this admiration (call it revenge for what they did to Alex).
• Bill felt that Ann was interested or they had a chance (Maher made all of them jealous) it was to also sprinkle seeds on the path
• Alex was already being shadowed and they had plans for him which Ann intervened and intercepted – they would not waste that much time if it was not important or a master stroke
• Maybe there was some competition going on, maybe not
• This was about revenge and vendettas which dates back to the 1960s and 1970s with big names and families inside the beltway, much to complex to explain
• Regardless of what is actually occurring, there is a triangle here and it is almost a tug of war to see who can pull the other to them. Ann is on one side, Alex is in the middle and the “left wing and liberals” on the other side
• Winner rules this universe
• They think it is a conspiracy and did not know about Alex and Ann until 1998 when they sprung the early traps to scare them off, instead they felt it was a conspiracy and it kept escalating more and more
• Alex is being stalked and he knew it and Ann was the voice of the entire affair; she is his immediate family and confronts both the Clintons and the liberals; the Democrats and also the left wing Republicans
• Nobody knew Alex and Ann was on a mission in 1988 and it was by chance and accident they pulled a power move in 1998 on them which disrupted and knocked both of them in a tail spin and a long period of being stalked and abducted
• They were trying to teach Ann how to cheat or (make her think about being raped) was bombarding both Alex and Ann with temptation or sexual offers, even homosexuality. They suspected and launched 100’s of investigations because they could not figure out how the two was beating their KGB like special tactics or outsmarting spy masters
• Ann calls them names and insults them when she has too. Other times she cannot afford to call others names for insubordination and must tease them or lead them down a dark angry fit of jealousy of “fire of the brain.” She is and has been taken and someone should ask her if she is happy with or wishes to stay with Alex.
• The timelines and the personality of each are near identical. What they write in books is near identical and the same. Their interests and life goals are almost identical. Every thought and experience is nearly identical and there is a reason, they are.
• Alex is the one in the middle and was stalked first, and then both Alex and Ann were staked and watched because it was almost a “shooting non shooting war.” Ann had to intervene and become the voice as Alex tried to manage or figure out how to bypass the blockade and murder attempts. The book explains why.
• Check, double check, and verify the information. You will notice very little or no lies whatsoever, none. If you ask a CIA master spy, they will say one word, “incredible.” It is a stroke of master genius never before seen or witnessed. Ask the professional what type of talent and how long it takes to produce such a production?
Keep in mind that most of what is done to Ann is also tried on Alex to establish this “love connection” which involved police surveillance and KGB spymasters. They did not know how we were doing it and how we were beating them. Meanwhile, there is a tactic called “bait and hook” which the liberals and communist feels their trash dump of life can lure others. Here is just a small sample of what was tried through the years and involving Ann which is based on their dysfunctional marriages or sexual trysts and or affairs. They wrote the book on scandals and have a century of misbehaving and screwing each other and screwing each other up. To them life is a competition of trust, betrayal, secrets, lies, abusing each other, etc…
• The church’s ways of selling sex (improve your image and stay a virgin). Keep in mind, Ann has been with Alex for over 20 years and ask if after what they were thru, she would do that or could even get away with it to her partner
• How to cheat on a spouse (sneaking into buildings, stalking, offer sex and tell them to “call us”, baiting and hooking, the liberal hooker service (sex on demand and mob influence), sex outside of marriage or deep relationships, etc. Ann is in a deep relationship and has been and the goal was to “prove” or “uncover” this love connection and deep relationship of hers which even soviet spymasters were not able to crack
• Edwards (love connection) vs. Ann and Alex (love connection) – was won obviously by one of the parties
• They were in her building and in his residence also (look at police complaints and reports in 1996, 97, 2000, and 2001). It is easy to be undetectable when stalked by your annoying enemy
• The hooker secrecy and service is a high end and top end “exclusive” and “members only” which ranges up to 5 grand for one pop or (anything goes)
• If you read reports by Alex, it is nonstop, machine gun like offers and challenges, and the word used is “advertisement” but it is not (stalking, pursuit, intrusion, invasion, surveillance, invasion of privacy, and murder)
• The effect also is to destroy, rape, discredit, and bombard with disinformation until you are so distracted and buried. Right now, if we even paid attention or gave it thought, we would be buried in engagements while we are buried at this time with legal or ethics violations yet resolved or allowed any closure (we are talking millions and decades to litigate by these stalkers and liberal communist political machinery). You have to stay focus, complete your goals, and not worry about them on the periphery or jumping out. They do this all the time and have you so engaged for months over a few dollars or how they want your attention and are seeking it.
• Sneak into the celebration and life is grand again
• Who will rescue the blacks or forced to? Who will then rescue the Democrats or will the Republicans do this? They claim they rescued us, but never asked.
After they were in her building, she moved and Alex bought his condo at that time also on a ski resort. That deed is currently missing and was to be sold to “open up” the path options. Also in 2005 Alex was released from prison nearly crippled and without speech or a severe speech impediment. To treat someone who was in mourning or was holding on this way was once again, the problem with the ethics and constantly violating every rule in the book in order to create the maximum offense. Ann acting the way she does is only due to what they did to her and Alex. Rather than respond or ask “directly” they kept the vague and charade fraud ongoing. She also put fire in their minds and drove those nuts as they began masturbating in the sinks and bathroom stalls. (That is actually the mastery of Alex and his writing skills, Ann emulate Alex a lot just like a good spouse would, a shared partnership and shared event.)
Now how would we handle it and what are we supposed to say to them or wish to? They try to murder your spouse (jog anybody’s memory) and kidnap or abduct you for almost a decade and now they admit of only a few things (over 30 police investigations of love connection and “we will let you go this time”) while all of this remains out there and they running loose. What about this church and this effort to uncover the “conspirators” behind JFK and Texas? That is crazy and they are still looking for this “plot.” Stalkers make the worst helpers. Stalkers are sneaky and want to sneak into the celebration and the party which they are not invited to.
The problem is how we hate them after this ordeal and are not approached and asked directly. We have this secret fetish for them (blacks, church, hookers, communism, and being kidnapped and abducted) because we truly want to help them and their voting power. If they ask we do not need to yell or scream. They play the guessing and vague game and we must now go through and clarify and explain each and every seething ordeal and how that affected our life. We are locked in a spy game above CIA levels and even above the capability of KGB spy masters. Even those people cannot match or reproduce the levels are witnessing. There is no trickery, our life was invaded and we had to figure out how to deal with this communist threat and the mastery of their spy masters whose goal was ultimately to murder and steal one or both spouses.
Ann is innocent and has been with Alex for 20 years and this was how they throw themselves at her feet. When she refused and tried to hint of the “love connection” with Alex back in 2002 or before, they decided to grab Alex and begin some spy game between spymasters. Now, defeated they cannot meet the demands and are employing PR and damage control, they are sneaking into the hostage and victim line after the siege is broken and crushed by the hostage rescuers. Look at the cards and who dealt them.
We know for a fact they are trying to flee and either stealing one of our uniforms or trying to get into the victim line where Alex is in and was undercover. Alex is armed to the teeth and did come prepared because of his commando status and also his military bearings; his military buddies are also kept abreast of the dire predicament. They just gamble and roll the dice more and more until it escalates and escalates. It is nothing more than an invasion, one has official status and one is below the radar and behind enemy lines.
Just keep in mind, Ann has been with Alex and in a deep relationship. Nobody can even claim a kiss (why kiss someone you do not even love), second dates, love letters, or any “libel or slanderous” statements which can be challenged and asked directly. The entire charade is hints, allegations, and innuendoes. Now we have a direct challenge and yes or no questions for the first time and data of over 20 years. Who can do this and who is able to reproduce the exact model? Who out there is this gifted, skilled, or brilliant? If so, then stand up come forward and lets have a little talk. Was it a conspiracy, a trap, or a sting? Or was it two people who woke up one morning with a gun to their head and a mystery on their hands?
Ann’s effort to confront this enemy did not work. Instead, it lead to a worsening of a situation where they were calling her names, smearing her already controversial reputation, a wildfire of stalkers and deranged fans, more deranged fans for Alex, and all sorts of blaming (hoe, PMS, obscenity, pornographic, lying, elitism, disloyalty to masters, and a general worsening of this standoff with a mortal enemy). Ann is taken aside in August and asked what is wrong and why they are still running on empty but with the vitriol of victory beneath their beltline?
Ann is a girl who loves to cause trouble and ignores any complaints or input. Apparently it is all fun and games to her. Alex getting ripped apart and the communists dominating all victories are just fun and games. No complaints are legitimate and input needed because she is Christian or professes that also and our love. To her we approve and want to fight next to her or with her. We pray for the day that all the people she… and pray that the world may improve or our life might improve if… but she does not understand how others feel about her. She has a problem with what she says, seeking approval, and reckless consequences. If that is the same game as liberals, then she is doing the same thing to us. To Ann, it is more than a personal matter; she is taking it as a personal attack on two people and not one or an unborn child. She feels they must be stopped at all cost and Alex’s voice must be heard finally at all costs. Regardless, the situation is deeper in peril and worsens.
This is about a war with communists not getting them horny, being their high priced hooker, some arm candy prize, or getting Alex ripped apart and banned from every site including all of Ann’s own sites. How do you offer an excuse besides, “I love you and I cannot live without you?” There is no excuse and not one victory and it gets worse and worse; not one complaint addressed and buried week after week in new political stunts. We are being buried and distracted by endless complaints, no truth and not once asking of direct questions or verification in a war zone. Who is this total jackass SOB story about? We are dealing with an enemy who gets the lowest SAT scores, is incapable of answering direct questions, refuses to ask direct answers, and likes to stalk us or claim some superior God given trait. However, we never jumped into this argument because they made it about race and correlated low IQ with the debate and argument which lacked any fact checking, evidence, or a scintilla of prerequisites. This political jackass and this god damn playbook of trash dump fortitude, is the worst one in the class and puts out the worst effort while their defiance and protest is highest. We need to know why the truth is too good or such a poor life for these people who claim to be mortal enemies.
Serial killers when put in this situation need to reclaim their maleness and women want to voice their disgust also. She is a total disaster and watching the video tapes of her has gotten to be an exercise is nausea and disgust. Yet not one complaint from her partner of 20 years ever registers and she claims we are on the same page. Smack them, do not excite them and bolster them, shut up if you cannot be direct, do not make it worse, at least get one victory or two, Alex is mortally wounded - please shut up if you are drawing fire to him. This was the problem with the very first girlfriend and constant “hysterical crying and idiot proclamations” about “giving up.” Be perfect and get the perfect blend; no excuses please and when it buries you and what is precious, stop and think. They coddle defunct babies or diseased babies, but never the perfect ones or the ones with an unborn future because they cannot relate to what they are not in possession of.
• Russia cleaning up the world when the perfect blend was a total failure by "non asking" and "just say no" forces
• UNIFIL says Israel is violating 1701
• Islamic resistance to Russia is too strong but the problem with terrorism has a code of silence
• More code of silence from 2005 and a surge in 2006, 2007, and finally 2008
• Claims by leftist forces of a license to kill and kidnap, then defense lawyers and DA's office claiming they "will let us got this time"
• Drilling issue in Congress and other places goes deaf and all the comparators enjoy a long summer vacation at tax payer expense. The spy ring is now missing but could another surge of activity for this conspiracy of asking
• Georgia, like invasion USA, is handed over passively and anti-communist forces are forced to go to the table in a diplomatic silence of charade to complain more
• Still not one "big fish" caught and everything is blamed on a felon with a rap sheet who operates like KGB spymasters
• Banned from almost every site on the internet in 2008 by this tyrant monolith; yet not one direct question asked (even banned from Republican sites)
• The ally spy ring of religions and links to the liberal wings in America is buried by a diplomatic disaster in Georgia
• Disaster and complaints everywhere and everybody is on vacation during an invasion and a photo op
• Military forces overstressed, near broken, soldiers getting killed, more ambushes and suppresses, more unknown and unidentified threats (100 per cent resistance now is 80 per cent and a new invasion)
• Both online life and life in general has open access and doors open everywhere for enemies and threats to just come in and invite themselves (who is doing this and letting enemies invade or rummage through everyone's life). Meanwhile the problem with stalkers drops and diverting to a new climate of "unity" and "can do change."
• Another war which is essential squandered by this diplomatic silence and disaster (where are the yes or no direct questions)
• Alex begins to turn on Ann (who picks up on the weird vibes and says they must be stopped) and tells her to lay low or to watch their movements in the grass instead of sacrificing the 20 year relationship after they decided to "let us go this time." This mortal enemy is a reaching our levels and comforts but are reactionary while stalking us; never once asking us but stalking heavily based on ambitions and power grabs
• The stalker problem did not and has not gone away; instead it is not as vocal or "licensed to kill" anymore; they did not stop, only more quiet and they know they cannot win and need to figure out which line (hostage rescuer or hostage line) will best increase their chances.
• Stalker problem tries to make it appear they are helping Ann while also helping Alex (we must marry them and are torn apart by their silence) so they now increase efforts thinking it will coddle and coo the complaints
• Ann is told to back down and she responds but clearly with some confusion and self purpose (they almost wrecked everything and now said how they did not and wanted to restore it because they are not liars and forgot to ask), more and more mind games from an idiot and total jackass
• After Ann backs down, Russia invades the next day to protest or to signal a new master stroke to humiliate and create as much offense as humanly possible. Life is supposed to get tough and hard for them but the election of 2008 says otherwise, it says they are safe and good people after all
• So far not many victories at all and the elections of 2008 signal this pattern of no victory, we want total and absolute victory, not compromise or amnesty, we want them gone as the enemy and mortal enemies (no to fait accompli), this is no safe haven
• Masters of the world do not act or silenced like this yet not one suspect produced indicating a serial pathological conspiracy and a large problem with execution or enforcement; where are the real masters
• Was this a victory or a defection behind our own lines? The enemy was now agreeing to defect if they can stay behind enemy lines and in power
“4am” lyrics by Our Lady Peace
I walked around my good intentions
And found that there were none
I blame my father for the wasted years
We hardly talked
I never thought I would forget this hate
Then a phone call made me realize, I'm wrong
And if I don't make it
Know that I've loved you all along
Just like sunny days that
We ignore because
We're all dumb and jaded
…And I hope to God I figure out what's wrong
I walked around my room
Not thinking
Sinking in this box
I blame myself for being too much like somebody else
I never thought that I'd just bend this way
Then a phone call made me realize I'm wrong
…And I hope to God I figure out what's wrong
I hope to God I figure out what's wrong
And if I don't make it
Know that I loved you all along
Just like sunny days that
We ignore because
We're all dumb and jaded
…And I hope to God I figure out...
“Keep Away” lyrics by Godsmack
Sickness spilling through your eyes,
Craving everything that you thought was alive (hive hive hive).
Stab me in my heart again,
Drag me through your wasted life,
Are you forever dead?
Do like I told you
Stay away from me
Never misunderstand me
Keep away from me.
Twisting everything around that you say, yeah
Smack me in my mouth 200 times every other day, ooooh
Rag me I don’t hear you anymore, ah yeah
Not yet, find out what it means to me
I don’t know who you are.
Do like I told you
Stay away from me
And NEVER misunderstand me, yeah
Dragging on so lonely aren’t you tired baby, yeah
Breathing life into your lungs,
Are you immune to me?
Oh yeah yeah yeah
Do like I told you
Stay away from me
And NEVER misunderstand me
Keep away from me
Never misunderstand me, ah yeah yeah yeah yeah.
“American Psycho” lyrics by Charger Treble
What’s the problem with the human race?
(With someone like you)
No matter where I turn I can’t escape your double face
Don’t want to listen to the radio
(Cause they don’t know)
Or stick around just to hear I told you so
How could we make it without you?
I should have known better to doubt you
Thought Id heard the end of it
And now I know how far you’d go
To be the next freak show,
American Psycho
Cover of the magazines,
Patron saint to troubled teens
Wish I never heard your name
Tomorrow could be just another day
Means nothing to you
A misdemeanor or a felony, that’s ok
Don’t want to wait for a second chance
(So take a stance)
It’s your turn for the spotlight, the big dance
Then I wanna know
What I already know
What am I suppose to do
When you know that it’s all true
That you stole, that you lied
That you knew
Prim Donna self absorbed
Wide awake and never bored
Party binge and purgency
And see results of plastic surgery
Spotted at the hottest shows
Interview on Charlie Rose
They all want a piece of you
And now I know how far you’d go
To be the next freak show,
American Psycho
Cover of the magazines,
Patron saint to troubled teens
Wish I never heard your name
Then I wanna know
How far you had to go
Now I already know
How far you had to go!
“Somewhere Out There” lyrics by Our Lady Peace
Last time I talked to you
You were lonely and out of place
You were looking down on me
Lost out in space
Laying underneath the stars
Strung out and feeling great
Watch the red orange glow
Watch it float away
Down here in the atmosphere
Garbage and city lights
Gonna save you’re tired soul
You’re gonna save our lives
Turn on the radio to
Find you in satellite
I’m waiting for the sky to fall
I’m waiting for a sign
And all we are
Is all so far
You’re falling back to me
The star that I can see
I know you’re out there somewhere out there
You’re falling out of reach
Defying gravity
I know you’re out there
Somewhere out there
Hope you remember me
When you’re homesick and need a change
I miss you’re purple hair
I miss the way you taste
I know you’ll come back some day
On a bed of nails I wait
I’m praying that you don’t burn out
Or fade away
You’re falling back to me
The star that I can see
I know you’re out there
You’re falling out of reach
Defying gravity
I know you’re out there
Somewhere out there
You’re falling back to me
The star that I can see
I know you’re out there somewhere out there
You’re falling out of reach
Defying gravity
I know you’re out there
Somewhere out there
You’re falling back to me
I know, I know
You’re falling out of reach
I know
"Outshined" lyrics by Soundgarden
I got up feeling so down
I got off being sold out
I've kept the movie rolling
But the story's getting old now
I just looked in the mirror
Things aren't looking so good
I'm looking California
And feeling Minnesota
So now you know, who gets crucified
Show me the power child
I'd like to say
That I'm down on my knees today
It gives me butterflies
Gives me away
Till I'm up on my feet again
I'm feeling outshined
Someone let the dogs out
They'll show where the truth is
The grass is always greener
Where the dogs are shedding
I'm feeling that I'm sober
Even though I'm drinking
I can't get any lower
Still I feel I'm sinking
So now you know, who gets crucified
“Grand Theft Autumn” lyrics by Fall Out Boy
Where is your boy tonight?
I hope he is a gentleman
Maybe he won't find out what I know
You were the last good thing about this part of town
When I wake up
I'm willing to take my chances on
The hope I forget
That you hate him more than you notice
I wrote this for you (for you, so...)
You need him
I could be him
I could be an accident but I'm still trying
That's more than I can say for him
Someday I'll appreciate in value
Get off my ass and call you
But in the meantime I'll sport my brand new fashion
Of waking up with pants on at 4:00 in the afternoon
You need him
I could be him
I could be an accident but I'm still trying
That's more than I can say for him
(Won’t find out)
He won't find out
(Won’t find out)
He won't find out
“I Don’t Care” lyrics by Apocalyptica
I try to make it through my life, in my way, there's you
I try to make it through these lies, that's all I do
Just don't deny it
Just don't deny it and deal with it, yeah
Just deal with it
You try to break me,
You wanna break me...bit by bit,
That's just part of it
If you were dead or still alive
I don't care, I don't care
And all the things you left behind
I don't care, I don't care
I try to make you see my side
Always trying to stay in line
But your eyes see right through
That's all they do
I'm getting tired of this shit
I've got no room when it's like this
What you want of me just deal with it
If you were dead or still alive
I don't care, I don't care
And all the things you left behind
I don't care, I don't care
(Nothing can care about, nothing can care about)
(You won't be there for me, you won't be there for me)
If you were dead or still alive
I don't care, I don't care
And all the things you left behind
I don't care, I don't care
"Bad Girlfriend" lyrics by Theory of a Dead Man"
My girlfriend's a d@ck magnet
My girlfriend's gotta have it
She's hot can't stop up on stage doing shots
Tip the man he'll ring the bell; get her drunk she'll scream like hell
Dirty girl getting down dance with guys from outta town
Grab her ass acting tough
Mess with her she'll f**k you up
No one really knows if she's drunk or if she's stoned
but she's coming back to my place tonight
She likes to shake her @ss
She grinds it to the beat
She likes to pull my hair when I make her grind her teeth
I like to strip her down
She's naughty to the end
You know what she is no doubt about it
She's a bad bad girlfriend
Red thong party's on love this song sing along
Come together leave alone see you later back at home
No one really knows if she’s drunk or is she's stoned
But she's coming back to my place tonight
I say
No one really knows just how far she's going to go
But I'm gonna find out later tonight
Doesn't take her long to make things right
But does it make her wrong to have the time of her life
The time of her life
(My girlfriend's a dick magnet)
(My girlfriend's gotta have it)
She's a gold digger
Now you figure out its over pull the trigger
Futures finished there it went savings gone
The money spent
Look around and all I see
Is no good bad and ugly?
Man she’s hot and fixed to be
The future ex-Miss…
“Broken” lyrics by Lifehouse
The Broken clock is a comfort
It helps me sleep tonight
Maybe it can stop tomorrow
From stealing all my time
And I am here still waiting
Though I still have my doubts
I am damaged at best
Like you've already figured out
I'm falling apart
I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart
That's still beating
In the pain
There is healing
In your name
I find meaning
So I'm holding on (I'm holding on) (I'm holding on)
I'm barely holding on to you
The broken locks were a warning
You got inside my head
I tried my best to be guarded
I'm an open book instead
And I still see your reflection
Inside of my eyes
That is looking for purpose
They're still looking for life
I'm hanging on another day
Just to see what, you will throw my way
And I'm hanging on, to the words you say
You said that I will, will be okay
The broken light on the freeway
Left me here alone
I may have lost my way now
But I haven't forgotten my way home
I'm still holding) (I'm holding on) (I'm still holding)
Barely holding on to you (I'm still holding on)
Barely holding on to you
“Last Train” lyrics by Lost Prophets
One! Two! Three!
To every broken heart in here
Love was once a part, but now it's disappeared
She told me that it's all part of the choices that you make, now
Even when you think you're right
You have to give to take
But there's still tomorrow
Forget the sorrow
And I can be on the last train home
Watch it pass the day
As it fades away
No more time to care
No more time, today
But we sing
If we're going nowhere
Yeah we sing
If it's not enough
And we sing
Sing without a reason
To ever fall in love
I wonder if you're listening in
Picking up on the signals
Sent back from within
Sometimes it feels like I don't really know whats going on
Time and time again it seems like everything is wrong in here
But we sing
If we're going no where
Yeah we sing
If it's not enough
And we sing
Sing with out a reason to never fall in love
To never fall in love again
“Sugar We Goin Down Swinging” by Fall Out Boy
Am I more than you bargained for yet
I’ve been dying to tell you anything you want to hear
Cause that’s just who I am this week
Lie in the grass next to the mausoleum
I’m just a notch in your bedpost
But you're just a line in a song
(A notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song)
Drop a heart and break a name
Were always sleeping in, and sleeping for the wrong team
Were going down, down in an earlier round
And Sugar, were going down swinging
Ill be your number one with a bullet
A loaded gun complex, cock it and pull it
Is this more than you bargained for yet
Oh don't mind me I'm watching you two from the closet
Wishing to be the friction in your jeans
Isn’t it messed up how I’m just dying to be him?
I’m just a notch in your bedpost
But you're just a line in a song
(Notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song)
Down, down in an earlier round
And Sugar, were going down swinging
Ill be your number one with a bullet
A loaded gun complex, cock it and pull it
Were going down, down
(Down, down)
Down, down
(Down, down)
We're going down, down
(Down, down)
A loaded gun complex, cock it and pull it
“Take me Away” lyrics by Lifehouse
This time what I want is you
There is no one else
Who can take your place?
This time you burn me with your eyes
You see past all the lies
You take it all away
I've seen it all
And it's never enough
It keeps leaving me needing you
Take me away
Take me away
I've got nothing left to say
Just take me away
I try to make my way to you
But still I feel so lost
I don't know what else I can do-ooo
I've seen it all
And it's never enough
It keeps leaving me needing you
Don’t give up on me yet
Don’t for-get who I am
I know I'm not there yet
But don't let
Me stay here a-lone
This time what I want is you
There is no one else
Who can take your place?
I've seen enough and it's never enough
It keeps leaving me needing you
“Life is a Dance” lyrics by John Michael Montgomery
When I was fourteen I was falling fast
For a blue eyed girl in my Homeroom class
Trying to find the courage to ask her out
Was like trying to get off of a water spout
And what she would've said I can't say
I never did ask and she moved away
But I learned something from my blue eyed girl
Sink or swim you've got to give it a whirl
Life's a dance you learn as you go
Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow
Don't worry 'bout what you don't know
Life's a dance you learn as you go
The longer I live the more I believe
You do have to give if you want to receive
There's a time to listen, a time to talk
And you might have to crawl even after you walk
Had sure things blow up in my face
Seen a long shot win the race
Been knocked down by the slamming door
Picked myself up and came back for more
Life's a dance
Life's a dance
Life's a dance
Take a chance on love
Life's a dance
You learn as you go

There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
Enter key words, topic, or specific references to posted chapters...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
ann coulter,
satellite warfare
About Me

- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest