1280 by 1024 good buddy, growth is good in a community and if you have seen massive growth, then you know the feeling of slippage. There is a type of growth that is good and one that causes you to loose the identity of yourself, others, and your community. Change is good but there is such a type which is so meaningless and worthless, it causes more problems and more tensions. Overall, growth and economic prosperity is good because it attracts new talents and the ability to rid and replace the political breed of jackasses and this elite loser we are having such a problem with. The right type of growth is good and the one which makes you understand who you are and what your life journey is. Growth is meant to produce anti-communist and not communist hysteria but both in both worlds can be very quick. The game is both extortion and reverse extortion by the liberals, left wing, and communists who say the same things and take the same position but do not accelerate it or build on it. They are not only on the borders they are on your own side.
Satellite bit rate bean counting, there is no such thing as a “non violent” human being; just look at history. There are innocent people on earth who do not deserve any wrath or the wrath of God; listen to people describe the world or sacrifice their own life. There are people on earth who do not have the death penalty because they are despicable or make some false claim to power; look at their commitment and loyalty. However, when you have an enemy on your own borders or in a position where you must deal with them day to day; this is a crisis. It is hell itself and a total breakdown of standards and security. When these people but on some charade and dumb act based on their kindness and try the game of “making friends” while hiding their predatorily intentions and hiding behind laws to promote an atmosphere for a thug life which bears no integrity or principles to exonerate this thug like religious defecation on everyone; you have a big problem and there is a tremendous ethical problem, even worse than enemies.
Digital signal processing damming, we call an enemy and enemy because they are an enemy, that is am an enemy. Insofar as thus, they do not have a dumb act in history to stand on or a sustainable and perpetual one to exploit or take advantage of. They do not claim to be something they are not. They do not feel proud to defecate on everyone on a daily basis. There is no unexpected results or this “take it or leave it” where they participate in intimidation and tampering to admit or hide this enemy. This is the problem when the enemy is actually on the borders, you cannot tell and you do not know how day to day life will be. The problem with citizens, neighbors, local leaders, coworkers, and people who you must deal with day to day or who you are not able to escape acting like a page out of combat manuals and shows up in your life incessantly “to help” and the result is being terrorized and a feeling of being clobbered over the head. This is a creature that does it and then says how sorry and worried they are; then they keep on doing it and say the same thing. Then they will ask if others have had enough and how much money they have, that is both extortion and reverse extortion. It is the same creature and same enemy.
Zoom in the graphics, growth allows us to rid the problems and attract new and better prospects. Our enemies will not see it this way or will be on the same page. There goal is to humiliate us and if they cannot then they will terrorize us while playing this charade game. When an enemy is not on your borders, they do not resort to some charade and pretend to be an ally or friends, thus there is predictable results and not this completely unexpected surprise. Also, there is no need and no problem to cling onto the truth for life or death or some plea of mercy by a thug whom is terrorizing others after they could not defecate on everyone. When the enemy seizes or grabs the mechanism of growth, then you get this meaningless and sputtering growth. You get endless ethical problems. You have the slippage of the most valuable and principle things in life and the exoneration of this thug atmosphere which we see in other countries but now are forced to live in our daily lives.
Turkey's Top Prosecutor Targets Ruling Party
by Ivan Watson
Listen Now [8 min 49 sec]
The Bryant Park Project, April 15, 2008 • Turkey's top prosecutor is making a play to ban the country's democratically elected ruling party from government. Its part of a long-running power struggle between secularists and Islamists.
- NPR Radio -
To the point of summarizing smearing slander, this was the most absurd and stupid graduate course ever witnessed. The professors and the teachers deserve to be dragged to the wood shed and flogged until they repent or become a little more real. It is a sense of jackass-manliness to grab innocent people off the street and enroll them into some graduate course intended to be conscription for the liberal and left wing army and the militant Godless church which is so dependent and despicable they need a divorce. They imagine they are some protector and a life companion of victims who are not anti-communist but are created and smashed to pieces so they are vulnerable and willing to give their heart and soul to the liberal and left wing sensitivities. They will even do this with spouses. To do this, you must first be accepted into a circle of friends and showed around.
An upright traitor, they want to show and prove how smart they were by hijacking two lives and enrolling them in a sick tormented course where he was a “prop” and she was the prize. This religious figurehead needs to be dragged to the wood shed and taught some manners and some bit of respect for the feelings of others. But then, they are not even human and do not view others as human beings. They need to stay out of the private parts and private affairs of people who hate their guts and fantasize about sitting across a table with them after they escape and in a future time after they heal from their injuries, this in order to slice their throats. They feel it is a conspiracy to rid them and kick them out of the country or of the earth. We feel it is justice and a fair trial. They need not dance the angry and upset N dance which we know they hold dear to their aching and despicable miserable heart while playing a dangerous game of penniless demanding and standing down with 24 trillion dollar hitters. Love is not for sinners and power is not meant to be for sinners.
To start banged up-off on the right foot, this must be some game we enjoy watching or hearing while we claim to love screaming and dying. Yes, things were going so well and perfect in 1998 and yes it seemed as if we would be married at or around 2000 or 2001. Back then we were different people and not filled with pollution, deadly poison, bleeding by cuts, and not smashed and broken. We had dream about being able to provide for our spouse and to be that dream come true love finally, the perfect marriage and family. Back then we were perfect and most of all normal people. Like so many stories which starts with classmates and where are they now; this was a complete sting on the liberal church up to their no good pestering pandering and kidnapping of youth and smashing them in pieces in order to fall in line with the liberal sensitivities, a power play to create figureheads and destroy the world trying. This was not semantics and word play, this was real and they were not. Their anger changes to a death going riot. They singled out the best and the most loved in order to create some future candidate to lead them into communism. What they did not was how it was already known and the cameras were rolling.
Coincidently just as unsure, along came something we know as a terrorist cell and a spy ring and they wanted to make a particular person for their political dreams. Underneath the malicious and murder was a decree of “bipartisanship” and a lying “liberalism.” These were homicidal lunatic inert jackasses who wanted to flaunt and show they had total control and would not rule out anything, not even terrorism and a communist spy ring.
Snapping ghost arms with a thorax might, they took two people who they knew were “poster” symbols and up and comers who they had been tracking and following since youth. They came from really good families but not necessarily powerful families. They began to tamper and tinker with their lives. They took hostage and kidnapped two people who they felt were on a collision course but who actually had grown up together and had spent their life together, two military family representatives who were carrying their family name and tradition. They said this was a conspiracy and evidence of one.
In a flash of a ju-jitsu guard posture, immediately they did what they feared. They wanted the two isolated and held down so they would not achieve their goals. If they made demands or ransom, then it was not heard. They rewrote everything, hijacked everything, and were ignored and frustrated. The girl was trying to ignore what seemed to be “love interests” and “competition.” She had to create a “character” to help with this hijacking and attack on her life. She had to defend who she was, what she was, and what she was up to. She created a character based on who she loved and admired, the one person who taught her how to fight and hit like 12 trillion bucks. She would profit off what their complaint and grievance was, reporting exactly as told to do so.
Heckled parsimoniously unfit, the guy was having a hard time. He was being viciously cut down. His finances were wrecked. When ignoring those weak on communism failed, they tried a new strategy called escalated stalking. One investigation after the other was implemented and every aspect of his life which personified how perfect, deserving, or substantively meritorious was wrecked, smashed, and broken; yet if there was a demand then it was not heard. (It will later be revealed how it was known but was held a secret in order to prevent the goal)
Gingerly and presumptuously starved for justice, every move he made was analyzed and cut off. It was a test of one “spy agency” against another. A real life spy game and the demand was his defeat, surrender, and life work surrender. What was he working on and why was he hiding it? They want the future of communism fixed, the communist and socialist military fixed, and a way to provide aid and comfort to this terrorist and spy ring which was the head of a monolithic monster who had hijacked the capital in order to fix it for the enemy. This was not to fix the nation, this was an effort to fix the enemy and nothing was thrown out. They wanted to send a message of bipartisanship and how they would pass anything through Congress and the Executive branch.
With Mr. Whipple like curiosity, they had begun with one person who in college would fix the world, they know now it is not one person, it is also a female. She is writing the exact work and what they are looking for. She is somehow identical to him and it was hard to keep up with how they were doing it. This was the best spy ring in history that was able to go deep into enemy terror Tory undetected and unnoticed. How did this or why was it allowed to continue when the mere twitch would cause a kidnapper and sadistic master to reply with vengeance and a wrath. In pissing off and avenging, you always hurt who you love the most. You always hurt those you love whenever you hurt yourself; was she hurting herself or not? A guy out of college was fooling the most sophisticated and most dangerous spy ring and terrorist ring. This girl was taking what they did yesterday and making it news today and she created a character which was identical to whom they had just kidnapped and was beginning to torture and murder. Was she good enough to complete their mission or was she a fake?
Unlike a Google search engine, the guy could not do anything. This was a phantom. The minute he was in his car or reroute somewhere, this spy ring boxed him in and acted like they were preserving his future. These people were fearless and they did not worry about vehicular injury or accidents, the government was paying for their insurance but not his insurance which caused stress. They showed him the ropes and how they think. They showed who their leaders were without revealing their identity. Immigration was stressed. How kind and good people they were was stressed with a show and tell or annoying constant “meet in” and introductions. Dinners in restaurants were “drop ins.” It was nothing but hell. The liberals and weak on communism coalition were being “modeled” as civilized people who are kind and compassionate. This was not one side it was bipartisan and the theme was weak on communism or communism itself that was injured now. They sent their best of their best to seize the future and now wanted to join forces.
Niggardly in a wheelchair race, they began to notice that both the guy and the girl were better than them. They looked better, thought on a genius level, and treated them like the N word. They had brought out so much anger and sheer human will, they were treated and met with the N word metaphor. They responded and acted in kind. Things escalated more and more until in 1999 it was futile. It was time to leave and go somewhere else in order to escape, fall in love, and lick wounds. Maybe they only wanted us to “leave” and lay low. Maybe they would finish and then stop. The girl was asked to meet at the beach. For some reason, she did not show up and was scared of disappointing or some fear. Maybe the failure of this enemy would take away the means of paying the bills or putting food on the table. At this time, the girl and the guy had been together for almost ten years. They were trying to get together and were not together yet.
Without any satellite honor or remorse, immigration was key, race and minorities was very instrumental in winning, being environmental and green was key, and trying to fund this was more key. The slightest detail was a crime. Every facet of life was argued and the best thing was not to make a move and stay low until it passed. Perfect people were now crucified and persecuted. They were now panicked and angered. Pollution and poison was now pumped into their veins and causing problems. They were not perfect any longer and headed for a breakdown (note over 10 breakdowns and verdantly crippling or murder). They showed how the left wing machinery worked, power, domination, at any costs. They showed what they were willing to do and how committed they were. They began murdering and claiming “credit” as though terrorizing others was a sunrise. They were showing off and flaunting how psycho they could get, would get, and out of anybody’s touched. Then all hell broke loose at or around 1999. We were locked out of the game even if we were mimicking the liberals and they mimicking a pretend weak on communism.
Dancing the same game like an N, the girl became worried and angry with what was happening. Ignoring them and avoiding them for a full year did not work. This was a kidnapping in full swing and a criminal enterprise on the hunt. One bankruptcy had already been achieved and it did not look good. A full year had passed and the attacks and pressures did not let up. Right now, it was known the skill level of this spy ring was world class. Could they match the 24 trillion dollar hitters? If so, then how do they explain the absence of a spy ring or the best of the best spy masters in the world? This is when it was known how good they were and who they were and all hell broke loose.
Feeling like a sexy fishy party animal, the guy now is stuck and has to be bait to figure out what they were up to. He then relayed it to the girl who created this character based on him. Then she would do exactly what they did to see if they actually were cognizant of what was going on. She went to them and was an attaché and liaison. They literally raped her and turned her into a scrap of cheap flesh which they were and she appeared to play along. Now all hell is expanding. She now would be him. She was viewed as fake and a “man.” She would repeat exactly what he said and did.
Sniggering less than able, here is the problem. The problem is multifaceted because it is a general hate with several people. The enemy had one person down and almost killed. Their goal was murder and was wondering why it was taking so long. He was on the border and going to cross. He was denied and stopped so that they could ask why it was taking so long. The girl now is panicked. She is on television with very blatant statements which draws tremendous suspicion and even more police investigations about a “love connection.” She was saying do not kill my husband. She was saying are you satisfied and when will you understand. She was saying why you are even complaining, we have heard enough from you because she was the spouse.
Mousy now by selective division, he was mad at her. He had been mad at her before for what he saw as “maximizing the political situation.” This was someone she was supposed to love and had spent 20 years with. They were baptized by fire. They had risked their lives. They were in the belly of the beast. They suffered unlike a human being should and they were still holding onto to this story which was going to the grave if they failed. It was going to the grave and he was trying to save it. They made this grave quicker so that the story would never be told. This story was to have the same fate of the past 10 years. The work of the guy and the girl was preserved but she could only work so fast. Most of it was completed while he was in federal prison from 2002 to 2005.
With a cold hard no in an asylum, after 7 years of lying in a cold cell in a ball or being drugged up to the point of not able to breath, the guy was not satisfied with the girl. He felt she had abandoned him which she was told to do in order to not “complicate” the situation. Where is she if she is not fake being tested or incapacitated? Is she busy acting Presidential or Vice Presidential? We know someone is there, but who is it because she does not make any effort. To deter criticism she looks sleazy just to camouflage the fact she is being hijacked, but how far did she take that camouflage if it was so fun and enjoyable? That is how you drop the bomb on a kidnapper and a stalker. Why try and why care when you have no chance in hell? If she is guilty then of being a whore or tramp, then she eventually become an honest person when the heart speaks louder. This is about the religious heart? She was told he is bait and she will be leveled if she came to him help. This was a terrorist cell and a communist spy ring who is homicidal and lunatics. They have masters who are the best in the world and near genius, cunning, and incredibly manipulative. This was the devil and no lout. There is no doubt this was the devil incarnate and using a “church” or religion to promote this other life.
Womanly loyal and fellow anti-communist, why the girl did what she did is not known, maybe guilt of watching. Maybe a sense of being helpless, it is not known. Maybe it was to maximize this “political gain” because it was the jackpot and the golden goose. All she had to do was pretend. The soldiers and troops are injured and there was a spouse hysterical and mourning. She told him she was there all along with angered him like the devil inside. She was saying and doing things which were so fake it sought “justification” instead of “sanctification.” Now it was one church against the other and this was so angrily received by someone who was near death. He was on his last leg and she was standing above him now with this. Soldiers are very smart at this level and when they are being executed or just escaped it.
Miserly and invited for a come back in time, we will not mention the rumor and the allegations of sexual trysts. This “pompous plume” of secret lover or this near communist “diva” mentality; the perfumed romance of some woman who was courting soldiers who were almost near death and with demons boiling in the veins; the wrath of God was not amused. Apparently, the story did not match and the enemy made sure it did not for the girl. They knew back in 1999 both the guy and the girl had a love triangle.
Stepping on the love in your pet yard, the girl looked like a tramp. She looked like her circles of friends were going to pay her to watch her HILF killed. She either played along or made it known she surrounded herself with them. She and them rummaged through this and were making a life very grand for their movement and new political circle. Her enemies surrounded her and created a political circle which if she wanted in, had to rid her spouse. She had to adopt a mulatto and have babies on a whim to their wishes. She played along and not many human beings are that cheap to not be disgusted. If you were the guy and watched this “opposite world” how do you reconcile her proposition or prosperity? They get on television and even tell the guy how they want and tried to get in her pants. They don’t say if they did and she plays both of them with her “secret lover” character. He is going to play this and hear what she says before snapping the rubber band on this air of perfumed fanatic fakeness. In pissing off and avenging her buddy, she managed to hurt him the most. You always hurt those you love whenever you sacrifice yourself; was she hurting herself or offering herself as a sacrifice to those who wanted to ravage her?
Frustrated like a shoe-gum apology, there is real pain and fake pain. There is real love and fake love. There are manipulators and cunning inert jackasses in this world. Was this some last dance before the new books and the new nightmare? The girl had come back to the guy and he was more miserable now then before. She said or claimed she had been along for the ride and was there through thick and thin. She even made it known by confronting the liberals and the left who were rummaging and trying to sell their services like a pitch made in sweat shop. Was she dying of a broken heart or looking for a new one? People were ravaging and bragging about a woman who was hurt and mourning. She was made to feel more and more vulnerable like a date rape drug to prepare her for a life as a concubine of some despicable rapist who admire and adored her.
Just like the Lara Logan nest in Kumbaya, was she brought to the point of vulnerability and despair where she would give herself to anyone or the mounds of tender hearts who threw themselves at her feet in order to hold onto that tenderness before? Was she creating a web or inviting her stalker to come closer so that she could look at them and drop the bomb on them? How do you make them salivate and what do you have to do to gain their confidence to avenge and win back the honor stolen from the man you faithfully professed “will never be substitute?” Do you ruin “you and him” so that you can find and hunt down who did this to him? If so, then there is a massive mess and a massive web of deception underway. The mad scramble is who is who and who did what.
Voted into hell and in the sperm bank line, what kind of despicable animal would make other human beings throw up like this? Or was she so intoxicated and drunk at parties being thrown for her she enjoyed the sensation of throwing up? Cheapen and made sleazy by tests of kidnappers who wanted to know how “rouse” they could take you before you gave up or surrendered. There was a feeling that only honorable and civilized people can swallow harder and faster or deeper; they were that tough and that real. Why are there a controversial war going on and another study of another war also underway? Is their some connection or dual universe? What are they trying to rewrite again, Vietnam or the future?
Toweled dry by deranged guzzling admirers, this terrorist and spy ring is trying to rewrite the lives of others and change fate by placing inevitable pressure on people who are already under tremendous duress. They interrogate and torture people with no intention of seeking the truth or the big picture, simply to write the story produce a desire result which can put one slab for them to step on. They claim the death penalty made this effort illegal and we came along and stole their show. Can a GED idiot felon debate college professors or subject matter experts who own the political real estate for the next 200 or so years? Then how do you explain this to some bubbling turf of a buffoon who is over bloated and sinking because they immigrated to the US rich and now are penniless in debt and are dealing with people of high caliber many times more powerful than their last bumbling can of tuna in the cupboards.
Sanctimoniously a new rock star emerges, asking was this attempt to look Presidential or was it this character based on him? She had created a character based on him and wrote as his pen name. She did the work and she did get the credit and certification. She was renowned and an expert but was she as good as he yet? After two months she was being yelled at and criticized daily for enjoying this Presidential image a bit too much. She was telling him one thing and running around with her enemies; note not friends but enemies, to parties and social gatherings. Justifiably, they were writing how sleazy she was and how they admired her. They threw parties for her which like any girl, felt pampered and loved. They basically declared her their pet and poodle to skirt around and who would promote them. They wined and dined her while “her man” was dying and asked her how much it meant to her. Her circle of friends wanted him out of the picture because she was money. What they do not know is how it is a character she created, it is not her. She created this character to keep alive a dream and to fulfill the idea that her man would put food on the table. He would provide for her even if he was near death. Now he could not watch any longer and was miserable.
Incidentally was my only choice, her circle of friends wanted him murdered or for her to end this love connection which they saw as a school girl crush. They destroyed every part of him and physically impaired his looks with medical problems. Life had changed and the feelings were gone because of her stupidity with this new circle of friends. They locked him out and made her life a fairy tale come true. They saw her as money, were there to protect her, she was Presidential, and they needed to find her a concubine. She was made to look like a cheap tramp that was in compliance to a circle of friends. They loved her and she promoted them and it is clear. Meanwhile, she would not let go and surprised him in 2008 by sneaking up behind him disguised and anonymous. She came up on him one night and blurted or began blurting out things which are “too the grave” level. You do not do this while a full fight is in swing with a communist cell and a terrorist cell.
Triangulated by ju-jitsu, missing 7 years, he began to investigate the past years. It was despicable and makes you weak. You body goes limp again and it is not possible to describe. This was not the first time this was the second time he had this conversation with her. He was fed up with her and near disgusted. Her entire circle of friends were either spying on her for dirt or covering up for her. They felt she was on drugs and wanted to help. They liked her ditzy and drunk and this gave them the chance to fulfill some sexual fantasy. To him, she was not and never really compassionate or loyal. Nothing makes sense. She pulls them in and then drops a bomb on them and they go berserk. When he reads about the historical record, her real guy goes berserk almost and it is called “friendly fire.” She leveled them with her heart and mind and it was payback. In pissing off and avenging her buddy, she managed to hurt him the most. You always hurt those you love whenever you sacrifice yourself; was she hurting herself or offering herself as a sacrifice to those who wanted to ravage her? In pissing off and avenging her buddy, she managed to hurt him the most. You always hurt those you love whenever you sacrifice yourself; was she hurting herself or offering herself as a sacrifice to those who wanted to ravage her?
Honorably molded into a very angry and wronged leader, what happened to marrying a normal girl who had that goodness you can feel so safe around? He taught her to be a military wife and she eulogized him by creating this character and keeping alive a dream. What people were watching and seeing was not what they saw. It is not describable in words. There is nothing to suggest who she picked this up from or how. Her life from 1989 to the present is a total match as if she is thinking of him day and night. Yet, why is he miserable? It is like tried failure and back in the saddle again. She keeps trying and trying and never gives up. Were they so battered and banged up now they were dying of poison? If you cannot be faithful then let go. Instead, she dropped a bomb on them for admiring her, gang rushing her, and throwing themselves at her feet. In doing so, she injured herself and sacrificed herself and you cannot escape the injuries because it is similar to a “suicide bomber” and what the left wing is all about. She is doing payback. Is she injured or just cold now and strung out and filled with venom, bites, and a life full of pollution? We know all about him. We know she was taught how to fight. We know she carried the dream alive. We know she created this character which is “manly” in his name. Was she injured and if so what was it, friendly fire or enemy fire?
In conscripting ways, did her circle of friends paint such a vile image and picture she could never escape? This was the same thing with tampering with witnesses. You hijack their life and you cut them down until they cannot escape who and what they created. You rewrite the entire story to how you want it to look or be. You rummage through the life of others in order to steal or smash up something. You earn the death penalty for this and in a legal trial will be exposed as the devil himself. This is the devil and this is not some victim or some powerful person who should not be doubted. This is a vile despicable creature and a predator who rewrites the life of others by hijacking it, jinxing them, and never understanding they are a human being with real feelings and emotions. This is a despicable animal and it is linked and associated with a large monolithic spy ring and terrorist cell which explains everything.
Conscripting also the unborn future, from her account, she claims it was enemy fire. From his account it was friendly fire. Obviously, in battle when you are compromised and being executed you must throw the bodies of the dead on top of you. You use them as a shield to stay alive. Did she use another person’s body to shield her while the enemy was swarming around? This is going to determine her conduct under what appears to be a full fledge attack on the nation by the left wing and two enemy cells.
In hindsight and not one single kiss offered, was she a victim or an active participant? How do you rise and get so powerful when the enemy is ravaging you and you are playing along? Her ability and his ability to “take it to the grave” are not in question. Their fearless ability to not retreat but go into chaos and insanity even if the body goes limp just hearing about it, being baptized by fire until death becomes a riot. That is the riot of the left and why they are who they are.
With 20-20 jackass hindsight, was she tortured or was she being worshipped for who she was presenting herself as. He sees it like a suicidal bomber; the enemy in Vietnam used the heart and mind to the maximum. When you sacrifice yourself, you do not become the ideal candidate of a fantasy or some life long dream. Disappointment is supposed to be restoring with pain, hurt, and a commitment to another soul on this earth which withers when this fixed “dream” is lost. Was it lost? Was it rewritten? Was it tampered with so badly it was raped into disappointment? Was it filled with betrayal and anger everywhere, a landscape of friendly fire while criticizing enemy fire?
With heightened distress for the unborn future, if she created a character based on him and to keep his memory or their dreams alive while telling the world how he did make a promise to protect her and make her dreams come true, then why were they not able to overcome how she thanked him? Was she fake or real? Was she able to be him totally? It comes down to friendly fire. Enemy fire is one thing, was this enemy fire and did she enjoy it too much or claimed another “character” created by the crisis which was fake? So far, she is getting even with those responsible for almost murdering her future HILF, but was she so poisoned that she was not able to see clearly? She had to do what she did because he was nearly crippled and in a coma. There is no manual and mistakes will be made. This is an enemy who does not carry business cards nor shows them. Was she as faithful and as loyal as she claimed or was she in compliance to the devil and their wishes. How do you hurt someone who loves you and admires you without your consent and permission? How do you hurt a stalker and a psychopathic lunatic who masturbates over your life while destroying who you love or what you love? How do you hurt or “heart and mind” someone who is so obsessed with your life, they have the death penalty? Do you stay faithful or do you become the cheap and despicable trash they are in compliance? What is right and wrong and did mistakes occur?
For example, the conservative author and pundit Ann Coulter, who had been stalked for years by mentally -unbalanced admirers and detractors, followed advice to conceal her actual address by registering to vote at a house just up the street from her actual address, in the very same precinct. She had actually spent nights at the address she listed, and received her mail at that house, based on advice from the FBI. (Many states have laws that allow domestic violence victims to list a mailing address rather than their actual address for voting purposes, but such laws generally don ’ t extend to victims whose stalkers are strangers rather than intimates).
But when Wexler ’ s office found out about this, they screamed that this was voting fraud, and did everything they could to try to get the (liberal) local prosecutor to indict Coulter. For more than two years, Wexler ’ s staff publicly and repeatedly branded Coulter a felon for not registering to vote under her actual daily abode. They did so even though she did not violate the law, since the address she listed was in the same precinct as her actual daily abode.
- Robert Wexler’s Hypocrisy and Residency Fraud | OpenMarket.org, by Hans Bader -
With sorrowful duress of a God, was it now a lie or a “oops sorry” we need to celebrate and this is our victory! Two lives, one near death and one so Presidential, she cannot even go into public. Two lives, one rewritten and the other rewritten in someone else’s name. Two special effects taking minutiae, that’s war and that’s life, why cry over spilt milk? There are issues about friendly fire. When you are issuing out the death penalty, then it is not friendly fire, it is enemy fire. We can do the forensics and prove it is not friendly fire, there is no need to hire lawyers to repeat this public statement on Sunday, July 27, 2008 “tried to produce a result we wanted… they came along and made it illegal… things are still going well…“ Right and wrong cannot defend the devil as a victim.
Snarling and besmirching marriage vitriol, we are talking about top down violations from murder, willful intent, malicious prosecution, malicious intent, assault, rape, tampering with witnesses, witness intimidation, kidnapping, incessant stomping on the floor above, obstruction of justice, extortion, bribery, theft, and “etc” that is endless. This is a criminal enterprise who superimposes a communist and terrorist cell which we were permitted to see and educated to believe in as “willing to pass anything through Congress.” We do not care if the enemy is made when they have the death penalty on them and do not wish a fair trial. When they want a fair trial and explain why their life is a joke and illegal, then they can express their anger in other ways; until then they are looking down the barrel of the death penalty.
Worthlessly after the fact of the biggest social event on earth, the records show clearly it was his work and he is certified with military expertise to back this up. His lineage and military family background is soundproof along with the elders who took care of him when a small child. He was destined as a great leader and she snuck up behind him after 7 years in the middle of the night and blurted out things “you take to the grave.” When you are up against the monolithic enemy of communism, when you fight the devil, and when you are the best of the best soldiers; you must understand no mistakes are overlooked. They are armed to the teeth, they are seasoned to psychopathic levels, they are affixed with techniques and equipment which is not mind boggling but clinically insane. They are not stupid, they camouflage and play possum to get closer and closer but they are armed to the teeth and should not ever be underestimated. These are people who qualify on shooting rages or can hit an enemy at miles away and nobody can see, hear, know, or do anything about it. That is a mark and the mark of the best soldiers in this world who go after and have to chase down the devil himself or alien louts.
Jackass-manliness, how much friendly fire can you watch or take? How much lying can you tolerate? How fake can you be? How stupid can we make this? How ignorant can ignoramus grow into? Is this a racial issue or about winning? Is this about democracy or anti-communism? Are these human rights for the devil that deserves to be dead? Do they view others as human beings or do they only care for themselves? Do they know right and wrong to be in judgment of others or to be judged? Do they belong here and are supposed to be here, not in this nation but on earth? How much benevolence and inaction can you take? How much asinine retarded crap can you tolerate by the N force? How much can you take before you say, this is not a human being and we have the proof to show it? This is the devil and we would gleefully love to hear how the devil the victim is if the devil does not want a fair trial and is looking down the barrel of the death penalty?
Retarded to the core, the issue is not how we deal with it, if it is a problem, whether it was dealt with properly; the issue is what do we do now that it is invading and on a rampage. You are buried in this and them, what do you do? So you or they want safe haven, sanctuary, conciliation, and to form a safe refuge on a military base for this? What is the real problem? Why is it so offensive and why is treating them as the N force not sufficient?
With an arm bar wrath to tit persuasions, we will never know and we will never understand after it is rewritten. Fate says that if you do everything within your means to rewrite an outcome, then it will never make a difference. You cannot change fate no matter how inevitable the conditions pound on it. There are only two people out here, if you take one away, the other will be by them. If you take both him and her away, then it will take another 20 plus years to let two 24 trillion dollar geniuses create themselves. Kids dream big when they are young and when they are near death, they live it.
Riddled by the truth, the bigger they are the harder they try falling; you have an enemy who claims to be an inner circle and has adopted you as a circle of peers and they are clearly stealing and wrecking the future. They own no political real estate in the future beyond their careful and careless expansion and growth. They want us to shut up or receive their wrath of this “inner circle.” We have the political real estate for the next 200 years and more. We are the military and the future of this world which will be endless warfare if this is not addressed. How do we reconcile this and deal with the grief two innocent people had to endure and willing to take to the grave secrets which make you go limp and fall to your knees in terror. How?
Like a brainwashed unclaimed dream, how do you repay them or make their life whole again? Why not let them talk and work this out even if we are still dealing with higher efforts to isolate and deny any communications at this time. Now they are attacking each other and telling the other to stop faking it because one is being rewritten a certain way and the other is being rewritten another way and it is contrary to what either of them want or wish. Maybe they want to go in the corner and hold each other while they accept their death and suffering? This is the vilest creature this world has ever witnessed and this creature we have around us as our kidnappers do not deserve to any redemption in this or the next lifetime. It is not how guilty they are, it is how far they take it, how they claim it is for their “family,” and it is what we keep hearing while they parse out little bits and pieces of why they will get away and never be charged. If they feel this will end in their life, they are mistaken. Their life has just changed also when they rewrote two other lives.
To whom it may are not and us, they should prepare for this change which they need no explanation or to even defend, it is indefensible. If that is the miserable life they wish for the world and their future or future generations, then the Gods have spoken and the Gods will unleash the wrath of this world with every single principle and bone of justice alive. The demons have and are released on earth and to put them back, this enemy must accept their fate and justice. If they wish a future and wish peace on this earth, they will understand fate, their fate, and how their inevitability of their pressure and kidnapping of others, does not change fate. They can rewrite it and it will always come up and come out the same even if they say to our face, “we tried to produce a result we felt benefited us and they came along and made it illegal.” This is why we deal with it as a death penalty case.
Like Vietnam yet or feel the same, some graduate course being taught by not only the communist and some breed of an inert jackass, we were made to enroll in an idiotic graduate course which hijacks the utter useless truth to their existence. This is about friendly fire and enemy fire. To them it is friendly fire and to us it is enemy fire. To them this is about enemy fire and to us it is also about enemy fire. To them it is about communism and to us it is about anti-communism. Friendly and kind, this was not friendly fire and we have the proof if the investigation will begin to break their backs and drive them out of the nation so that we can properly classify them as enemy combatants. This was not friendly fire but we are dealing with the devil who feels they are a dime store victim. Who was behind this and it? Why are they hiding like some humiliated idiot exposed as a breed of inert jackasses and elite defiant losers. Lastly, why is this political breed of inert jackasses and elite losers expanding and claiming the next 100 or 200 political real estate years? They are living on 12 months and a speedy trial. Their church, the Godless wreck it is, is trying desperately to expand and unite the world. Is this or was this about Vietnam or the future which was and is fate?
Just like an inert jackass kiss, the majority of the incidences occurred under the reign of blood and the bastion of right wing “bipartisanship” of the Bush Administration. His “neo-cons” went bananas on this world. His enemies became “bipartisan” heroes. He sanctimoniously gave away more billions in charity than any other administration to cover up the idea this was shark infested waters and selling a war to stay the course. It is a scandal ridden eight years and a nonstop nightmare. This insanity and picks up speed get that, picks up momentum in 2006 and is deflated finally in 2008 with a global campaign broadcasted around the globe and to all intelligence agencies on earth. Everybody could now hear the hot air spilling out like dead spittle. Even the geriatric old guards of Vietnam were called back into action and like a roving revolving door spun several times before getting spit out on the sidewalk. Some people like to sit down before they fall down but this inert jackass likes to spin in circles until they fall flat on the inert jackass.
Remotely amused, the use of remote views is new and an untold tale. Remote viewers grasp things out of the air and they feel the psychic impulse to go psycho on an enemy they know all about because they actually can see deep into their fleshy filth. In warfare, remote viewers have not been tested nor have their abilities. Nobody has seen it or has it ever been offered for demonstration. If some display of remote viewers is presented, then it is a serious crisis and a life and death emergency. They do not and never demonstrate this stuff and they do not address to vicious homicidal maniacal lunatics how they have all the information needed. This is not only sacred territory; it is protected with the most impenetrable innovation. The effort will be judicious and with a fair trail. Two worlds fused in one colliding and forming a third reality, a fate with liaisons and defense attaches. You may not agree with them but you will listen if you are smart enough to recognize your own life.
Remotely picked off with expert marksmanship and gamesmanship, they have their own world and their own kind is very sensitive to the touch which peers into the future. Sacrificing and murdering anti-communist blood in such a manner is a decree unlike any other. We can sit here all day long and pick off what we know is wrong, or listen to any defense or argument, but by same fate will hold true; remotely picked off with expert view. We can do this all day long and as long as it takes until, “we get the result we wanted to produce… what was beneficial to us… until they came along and made it illegal.” This is not about communism, this is about anti-communism; get the facts and truth straight.
Cougars on the hunt and unwanted blessing, some are geniuses and gifted and some are strong and powerful who must watch over those who cannot defend themselves but are an oasis of how the enemy is defeated. It is not some psychic connection but a way and only way we will survive on this earth terrorized by an enemy who is either communist or murdering anti-communists. This is probably why this inert jackass is so panicked and acting the way they are. They have their leaders and do not believe in things which they already know. These political leaders and politicians are nothing but empty fishy flesh on a hook, but they see it as off the hook. There is a wrath and one which is beyond this world and they are looking straight into the storm with this jackass-manliness which is looking back and saying whenever you are ready. This is an enemy who is defeated before they even begin but do we need to cough up their blood thrown at our feet?
On our feet, the trilogy of two people who started and begun this is where it will end. Two people is all it takes and will be all it takes. There will not be a third or a fourth trilogy to this tale. If you loose one, then the other has nothing. One is the anchor the other relies and leans on. Those two are out there by themselves and they have cried a river over the entire mess of this jackass-manliness N dance into stardom and fame. The two are camouflaged for a reason, they are the only ones out there and by themselves. Slander is nowhere near this jackass-manliness which has investigated and declared patriotic surveillance while acting like a traitor and a fraud. It is so damning and incriminating it id indefensible but that is why they have the death penalty levied in endless repetition, this is the devil.
Marching double time now, their fate is so uncertain and so racked with pollution, venom, and poison; they cannot and are not even allowed to go into the corner and take care of each other. To hell with this enemy and their charade religion intend to prey on others or to transform into some powerful super human predator; if it is true we will not pick them but pick them off the Godless church because that is who we trust. We do not need to hear anymore about this we need to see action and this enemy with their backs in retreat and broken in peace. The frequency of the death penalty on them will clearly show this is the alien lout. Their ability to injure and challenge at this level with reveal the genius of spy masters in battle. The level of seasoned experience is near commando psycho. It is the most sadistic and the most ferociously secretive we have ever seen in a terrorist and spy ring.
My church, your welcome temple, our meatless disagreement; and this is the work of the devil reincarnated at a very important transition point in history and denying the future of this world in some murderous tirade. And this is the result they wished to show the world and to flagrantly parade:
7/26/2008 7:51:23 PM
This is a final love letter to Ann. She is not responding to her emails and has not been very instrumental in responding to the most recent events or correspondences. If you see her or read this, please notify her that things have taken a turn for the worse and a human being can only succumb to a finite level of poison and toxic life pollution. This matter is not only a complete headache, a toxic hazard, and pollution to rot the heart; it is miserable. It is miserable to hang onto a surprise which was supposed to occur 7 years ago and is very late in passing.
Maybe the situation exacerbated itself and grew worse over the years but it is still a headache and a miserable pollution. Things have changed and life is more fragile now. Desperation is in the air. Confusion comes closer. The world is slipping off its base and what it holds dear and true. It is no time to be abusing the sacred relationship and partnership which has taken 20 years for an enemy to destroy slowly and little by little. They have the death penalty and it is not to be considered a social dinner or some cocktail party. We hurt those closest to us when we neglect them in our vengefulness and absence. We have heard this story repeated in military history and so many times over to have it repeated once again for show. Sometimes questions can be poison.
Recently, I have not been able to contact you and someone told me you had slipped into a mild depression and did not want to talk to anyone. I tried to email you and let you know I had important news and you must come immediately. However, we have been through this exercise before and to little avail, it produces frustration only and a sense of rebelliousness. You just cannot go around and tell everyone you are their closest friends and not have them believe it. Then turn around and tell them not to be jealous. Some things should never happen and this should not have happened. It was cruel and even crueler when someone is most vulnerable. You should have cancelled your email and made it impossible to contact you again and moved on to enjoy what your life has or has left to offer.
For some time now, life has been hell. The attacks from the left wing were obscure and it seem or appeared as some right wing attack now and vicious. They were angry and resentful like the left and it was not known why. Now, they say you are running with them and attending their parties and social gatherings, abandoning your 20 years which you came back to claim and he did not know what was going on. Once again, he was struck down and paralyzed while you either did not know or was “getting even” with those who took your life. You took from your closest buddy and your enemies, the ones who you run with, said they would gladly pay for more and gave you the world. Now they were telling Alex he was in the way of your “love connection” and how they “were your masters” or “owned you in the future.”
The worst part of the story is you play along and then drop a bomb on them when and if you are ready. Then everyone is leveled even your best buddy Alex who took you here from 20 years ago. Maybe it is guilt and maybe it is fear which drove you back to him and his comforts while he struggled to get back on his feet. What were for sure were the headache and the miserable index. Life was more miserable. Not only was the left after him and cutting him down, now it was the right and who you were running around with and attending parties with in some “one day fling.” You abused a trust and an insensitivity which most people hold sacred and take to their grave. But it was not the first time and you sought to prove yourself in the time he laid wounded and broken in despair.
You thought if you proved yourself and waited, then the chance to bring back his memory would be possible. So you waited and in 2008, you found him, your long lost buddy of 20 years who was broken, scared, and hurt. In the honor of both, we will leave it there and proclaim a tie. You have not and will never “disprove one way or the other” while creating a wave motion to the matter surrounding your personal affairs. This was no professional matter, this was strictly private and a personal affair and you made this known to him. The toxic and the pollution of your life are killing him. He is more miserable now then he was before and he has you to graciously abandon the second attempt. He even begged you to cease the hyperbole and the “wavering” statements and emails you send him. Never once coming out of the dark and letting the toxic and venom rot in him with rumors, innuendoes, and allegations; thus begging him to not exit and not forget what twenty years meant.
The more he questioned your motives the more you broken down in a seeming gesture of purity. The more he read and learned about the years that passed while he was fighting for his life, he could not and was not able to enjoy the party any longer. It has been a night mare for him and a cocktail party for you. Thus, your gracious exit is in order to obscure this secret and “to the grave pact.” You owe no debt and you will exit while you are released from any and all debt to enjoy your life and what you have left of it without causing more pain, pollution, or toxic which is numbing to say the least. Your silence is your redress and proof it cannot be and was all a sputtering party which only you are invited to. You know Limbaugh, Bush, and a lot of others cut a deal with the Kennedy’s and the left and we feel like African Americans on their beach compound. They all have their guards and we met them the hard way. Do you honestly think they give a crap about phony soldiers?
Wear that as your badge and understand how suffering never withers in the heart. You are asked to exit and vacate upon notice and acting in good faith with our immediate agreements and your swift nonchalant actions. Twenty years it shall be and left to the grave sight it was born of in 2008 with no more talk about what was once a miracle. That miracle is now a splitting headache and toxic pollution of the heart and the heart never withers in pain, it withers in silence. You have broken your silence, now be done and satisfied, closure has arrived. You owe no debts and are asked to leave a second time which once again orders to never break this twenty year compact and understanding which recovery and happiness desperately clings onto. This time you will bite the stick and not peddle slowly to some party which you are chaperoning or only invited to because your click has decided to make this nightmare ongoing and a surprise party for only their social butterfly.
I am going to make this very clear. We need to have a hard nose conversation, no game. At this rate, I will never marry again. I feel like you are “trapping” me. Soon I will not be able to leave and must marry you. I feel pollution in my life and bad people around me. I feel people using me and not being as honest as I want or wish.
I know you are trying to get even and hurt those who hurt you in 2002. Where were you in 1998, 2001, 2002 when I was at the beach looking for you all summer in Maryland? I was planning on living down there to get away from it all? Who showed up instead of you? I was arrested right before Christmas after the summer at the beach and 2003 was the worst year of my life You may see me remarrying as trying to “hurt” you. Obviously you were hurt and very badly. Obviously, you can be severely hurt and probably die of a broken heart if we are not careful. I believe you and I truly feel you have waited all your life for this and this moment. I feel you did everything you could in order to sneak up on me and surprise me. However, your surprise was 7 years late. You wrote something in 2002 which caused them to think of a right wing conspiracy and war was looming. That was the reason behind Al Qaeda to begin with. What you wrote got me arrested and the goodness in me killed.
It feels like you run around with these people loose and then you wander in when you ran out of gas or run out of people to tool over. Now I am stuck being the nurse. I miss out on all the fun and have to take care of her because she neglected our twenty years while running around thinking it will always be there. That is such a crappy feeling. It is like, “why did you neglect your love life before you decided to have all these clicks and personal relationships?” Then you tell me there is nothing to be jealous about. Well, so why would I not go find a 20 something woman and have the time of our life? Did this already occur and what happened? I got struck down my partner grows two arms because her life is filled with stalkers. Now she is rich and I am her new nurse and barely living. If any of this is true, just cancel your account and leave. Never show up or do that sneak up and surprise stuff again.
So the mystery is why these people would contact Alex and tell him to be gone because of some special relationship they have with Ann. Did she abuse their relationship and take advantage of a fragile word called LOVE and have too much fun and excitement while he was in the worst and most punishing time of his life? He was fighting to stay alive while she wined and dined those who were behind it thinking it would either help her or him? Did she abuse the work he had done in order to open doors for herself and then when the time was running out, decided the fun was over and she could not enjoy it any longer without damage to her reputation.
This surprise was supposed to take place a long time ago. Now it is ruined and we have a lot of pain to deal with. Then this delay got you more stalkers and people who grew affection to you single. So when you drop the bomb on them or have to in order to win back your life and our life; it is like friendly fire. You drop the bomb on everyone, even yourself because you cheapen yourself. When you drop the bomb, you take away what they love and why they stalk you. You take away that heart and mind, that which a sadistic stalker wants.
It is like cutting your hair to protest. Doing something to not be a sex symbol; obviously, you wanted to surprise me but for some reason, this got messy. Our relationship has given you and me a headache of our lifetime. Both of our lives are a headache. One of us does not and is not a normal person. The one who did most of the work or is the brains behind it is near dead and feels the other really does not give a shit. He is wondering why she returned and why his headache is pounding.
Could it be that deep down she is intended to make others miserable for what they did to her long time life partner? She somehow decided to make them miserable and pay? Is it possible that he feels friendly fire and slightly miserable and polluted? Does this remind you of Vietnam? That word pops up so often.
I think when you pump someone or two people with so much poison; it is so toxic that no matter what they do, they will not survive. They can sit there in the corner and hold each other terrified, but the inevitable will come. They know they have too much poison and toxic in them and all they can do is sit there and hold each other while waiting. Waiting for what we will never know or understand. Maybe they found each other again so they could get the chance to hold each other and wait for the inevitable. That is very depressing and gloomy but if there was goodness in us, then we need to find it for each other.
It feels like you run around with these people loose and then you wander in when you ran out of gas or run out of people to tool over. Now I am stuck being the nurse. I miss out on all the fun and have to take care of her because she neglected our twenty years while running around thinking it will always be there. That is such a crappy feeling. It is like, “why did you neglect your love life before you decided to have all these clicks and personal relationships?” Then you tell me there is nothing to be jealous about. Well, so why would I not go find a 20 something woman and have the time of our life? Did this already occur and what happened? I got struck down my partner grows two arms because her life is filled with stalkers. Now she is rich and I am her new nurse and barely living. If any of this is true, just cancel your account and leave. Never show up or do that sneak up and surprise stuff again.
How many times does this story play over for us? They F’d it up again. First it was a headache and now it is a complete headache. But you know what, it sounds like you aren’t too affected or very committed. I have no idea, only what I read and hear. I hear you are running around with your clicks and people; drinking and making all this noise in public.
So the mystery is why these people would contact Alex and tell him to be gone because of some special relationship they have with Ann. Did she abuse their relationship and take advantage of a fragile word called LOVE and have too much fun and excitement while he was in the worst and most punishing time of his life? He was fighting to stay alive while she wined and dined those who were behind it thinking it would either help her or him? Did she abuse the work he had done in order to open doors for herself and then when the time was running out, decided the fun was over and she could not enjoy it any longer without damage to her reputation.
I wonder if I am more miserable now. I wonder if we will ever have a chance to be normal or have a normal life. The pollution is intense. It makes me miserable. Everything does now and I need to know if you do also. Did your rapists get their hands you or come so close you had to cheapen yourself to fend or drive them back? Sometimes we have to do that and live with it. But imagine if a girl was raped and she did not tell her husband about it because she was scared, scared he would not accept her.
Action two reactions and four any means necessary, the two stalkers who are actually a bipartisan group of “anti-communists” were stalking and following the two, me and her, around. They walked straight into an ingenious trap which was unknown until the very last minute. In 2007, the entire satellite warfare book was being advertised and released all over the globe. This really signaled the alarms for the intelligence agencies and militaries of this world. They knew something was going down and something important. They did not know the levels of secrecy and how this began with two kids who others think are geniuses. It is called cradle to grave secrecy and commando-isms in a very unfriendly and non user friendly world. They saw through it early and knew to shadow. He picked up on this and was going around and giving this away all over the globe making as much noise and gaining attention and trust as possible. Things are moving fast and bait being thrown into the shark infested waters. Would they strike again or lay low in the Bush.
(From the website: http://sweetness-light.com)
Tanzanian Albinos Killed For Their Organs
Another beautiful stone in the gorgeous mosaic, from BBC News:
Tanzania albinos targeted again
Sunday, 27 July 2008
Tanzanian police say another albino man has been murdered - the 26th victim in less than a year. His wife, also an albino, was hurt in the attack. Unidentified attackers reportedly severed his right foot and genitalia. Witchdoctors want the parts for potions which they say make people rich, says the BBC’s Vicky Ntetema
In an undercover report last week, she was offered albino body parts by witchdoctors, who said their clients, included police officers. Jovin Majaliwa is reported to have been killed in his home in a remote Lake Victoria village after dark on Thursday - but police have only now released details of his murder. His wife, also an albino, was attacked but managed to raise the alarm. She is being treated in hospital. Neighbours have asked the police to look after two of her children who also live with albinism.
Our correspondent’s investigation revealed that witchdoctors are behind the killings. They use albino organs such as hair, arms, legs and blood to make potions which they claim make people wealthy.
The BBC has also obtained evidence that suggests the police are involved in the racket which is why it has been difficult to catch the culprits… One hundred and seventy three witchdoctors have been arrested since March, when President Jakaya Kikwete had ordered a crackdown of all those involved in these ritualistic killings for riches.
But the minister was not able to give details about what had happened to them.
Smelting and smelly in the belly of the beast, our stalker was hacking into our computers to follow us or dig for dirt and attacking by destroying efforts and a near suicidal effort which they could not defeat without being exposed; it was easier to stalk offline than online where electronic signatures and identities were not as anonymous as following someone in real life. All you needed was a trap and a way to lure them. This was clearly witness intimidation and tampering and the legal suit was already known and established as willful, two or more, and murderous, with the intent on overthrowing the government in an illegal surreptitious manner and killing defenders who were exposing this plot and effort by a terrorist and spy ring, a mammoth monolithic dinosaur which was undetectable before which the authorities knew was out there but did not know how to deal with. They too were paralyzed by the level of comportment and compromise. We see the level and the cards of race and terrorism or the idea of an enemy standing on positions similar to anti-communists. Their anger changes to a death going riot.
Punked, punched, and lynched like a soldier also; while in prison, it was clear she was neck deep involved and a primary suspect; not some innocent victim. Was she a secret agent or a spy or just a military spouse? It is there for the records from 2002 to 2005 in interviews and television appearances. She even stated how she wanted marriage and family and was looking but made no effort to “lure” a mate or display any interest. Why the clock is ticking really fast. Now you have nasty words and exchanges and also certain people trying to get real close to her while he was walking and able to talk again. Did she lure them or was she mourning? Did she create a fake political stunt to collect on the rewards of some fake mourning process? That is still unknown but in 2008 the stalkers and her “protectors” will never give he and she a chance to clear it up or talk. You can see the change through the years but something does not make sense, was she enjoying this too much while capitalizing on a mourning process by creating a character based on the man she spent her entire life committed to? Was she truly committed or seeking divorce and creating the conditions of disappointment?
And here is an update from Ms Ntetema, who had the temerity to report on this charming practice: (From the website: http://sweetness-light.com)
In hiding for exposing Tanzania witchdoctors
By Vicky Ntetema
BBC News
I am living in hiding after I received threats because of my undercover work exposing the threat from witchdoctors to albinos living in Tanzania. I do not regret it, even if I am very scared. Mine is just one life, compared to the several thousand people living with albinism in the country…
We are a whisper in the dark, was she one of them now? Seen the light and baptized to surrender by those who smashed her and her love interest? Was she still mourning or just being ravaged and rolling over now? More political stunts and stupid issues from someone who is playing some game in order to get even with an enemy; is she protecting herself just in case everybody turns on her? What if her plan blows up and her life long character is revealed as based on a real life character who she is writing about? What if he is a real person now and can talk or defend himself? Will she be out of the game or will she still have the light of youth and parenting which attracts a mate? She is screwed already and her life is over, she must accept that she may never marry and find true love and a real mate. They have won and stolen her life back in 2002 as relayed to her back then. They checkmated both him and her back in 2002. Did she surrender and made to surrender in order to have a chance to bring back and hold onto something which she could or would offer to him? How do you make things right when everything is such nothing now? There is nothing and nothing left and the enemy smashed everything while giving her a new life and rewriting her entire life. Did she move on and did she let go finally or was she just having fun and delaying the inevitable, there was nothing left?
Taming the lion with gay marriages, after federal prison and final relief for Ann which ended her mourning, the recovery process began for a year and half. Property was bought and funds accumulated for relocation because in 2006 the “bipartisan” attacks were full force again because college chapters were being sold on eBay for 99 cents. All online accounts were shut down. All banks and financial institutions shut down. All online commerce was shut down. All proceeds and funds cut off. In April of 2006 relocation to the borders were made and also an active Al Qaeda cell. She was also “hit” and smeared in June of 2006; was she still hiding some love connection? She announces to the world what is about to happen, their world was about to fall and collapse. Would she scream and yell if they began to murder him again or has she finally moved on after years of being pampered and perfumed by her “fans and peers.” Their anger changes to a death going riot. In June of 2006 came a vicious home invasion and a second false or phony arrest. This time blatant was an understatement, more scapegoats to cover up a huge conspiracy. This time all legal challenges were blocked and no police reports allowed even after 16 trips to the court to clear up the home invasion charge perpetrated in “the victims” name. Again, the victim was always the devil.
With equal lighting shame game the same never giving it up, it was the same story, the identical suspects, the same arguments, the same attacks, and the same manly-jackass N dance. This was no doubt the same leaders who were funneling and flaunting back in Washington D.C. This was not an isolated incident and a serious matter. It was happening in an active Al Qaeda cell with federal authorities everywhere and they demanded more funds to fight this. They said there were security holes everywhere and the federal government had to pay. The boxing in tactic was the same. The trip to the grocery stores turned into a roller coaster to hell again. Vandalism, voices being screamed in windows, death threats, overzealous district attorneys with corruption in their blood and dark secrets, it was the mother load kicked into political operative mode and being commanded and controlled by the same “central.” The lawyers for the Duke Lacrosse team actually litigate the identical case and a rogue DA.
A shot across the bow heard all over the world, the parts of this book were being distributed instead of being sold because it is so serious and they were in a full surge swing. It was death threat time for them. If they failed, then they will have their backs broken. This is so new all the intelligence agencies recognize it and are with mental clarity. The only other is the monolithic enemy and stalker who is on he and she for over a full decade. The kidnappers and terrorist had become obsessed and even a peeping tom fantasizing about some conquest which was coming true. After a full year of promotions, a home invasion and second arrest in June 2006 and 16 court appearance by judicious clowns, and a full nonstop onslaught of witness tampering and intimidation unimaginable. It is the devil and a stubborn fool alien. Their anger changes to a death going riot.
In a ten year summary, writing the book began in April of 2006 and continued until 2008. 2007 was dropping off leaflets and chapters all over the globe and pissing off this stalker who was trying desperately to head off the inevitable. In January of 2008, she came to the same web site as he, the first time ever and she brought her stalkers who were following her around and panicked now. Now you have two love birds in the same room and two stalkers waiting outside. What to do? In February of 2008 she makes an aggressive move and lures him not knowing who she is, ask how. He writes her and asks what she wants and she begins blurting out “cradle to grave stuff.” She knows who he is (blog or intelligence agencies trailing them and helping).
Quicker to the fool and punching, he had made so much noise it was impossible to not notice. In disbelief, he begins a verification process and a series of passwords. The stalkers are watching and also in disbelief. They relay their political bosses of the new developments and they begin “the show” or “their showdown.” From April to July of 2008 she gets love letter daily and they are communicating and talking aging as a couple. There was nothing left but a dream of two kids back in 1989 and how they dreamed it then lived it up till 2002; nothing left. He was destroyed and smashed up left for dead. She was pampered and perfumed into some concubine stature and egged for compliance and the party line. It was a new start and wiping the slate off clean because it is so horrible nothing can come near description. It was back to the old days and memories which were held onto. It was revisiting and trying to jog the memory back. It was back to the scene of the accident and asking, “So where did you go and what happened to you?” Two stories were told and two stories documented without any doubt or any element of question. But who were these stalkers and what was their identity because they were also the terrorist cell and the spy ring of 1998 while the left ruled and were in power. How did they survive?
Drowning in tears with tubes tied behind back, in June of 2008 he and she are back to being a couple. It was a dream comes true at last and the fulfillment of a long journey from 1989 to 2008. Reunited and overjoyed like two kids playing on a playground for the first time again, but only after one of them gets hurt. Inasmuch as it is such a sad rebuke to not be able to look at the person you love and to have a disunited breakdown and panic attack while overjoyed. The world was collapsing and reborn at the same time. It was a simultaneous fusion which is best left untold.
Slowed by a whining black pepper sneeze, the stalkers pick up on this and know this was no accident and begin making more comments. Their prisoners and their obsession were now almost loose again, should they be given freedom? The entire political leadership from the President, Congress, and the liberal media join in. The worst fears were now substantiated. While making statements to the world, the intelligence agencies of the world, the military, and the public; they begin a full onslaught. It was a crime to be happy now and criticize. A decree was spearheaded as usual, bipartisan, to separate them and deny them any communication. The decree also states they are not permitted to laugh, enjoy life, or be happy. If they broke the ruling, then an attack was impenitent. They knew they had been set up and they also knew there was no escape. As they continued the attacks, trump cards and the death penalty was thrown on the table. This was a devil that had penny dime store cards or an empty suit but addicted to the table which they were sprawled out on. The problem was evident, their gamesmanship and jackass-manliness drove them to break all the rules and side with the worst of this earth.
Asking for just five more intoxicating minutes, they began acting like sadistic dictators and tyrants as everyone knows them to be. She was being harassed daily and the honeymoon was now a return to venom, poison, and mental pollution. She was not allowed to pick her mate and not allowed to talk to him even if she defied this church of losers and terrorists and spy masters. It was three moles, a mound, or no such freedom. It is there on the record what was occurring daily and her defiance. The website, with Congressional approval and Presidential nod, cancels 15 accounts in 30 days to stop him and her emailing and talking. How did they know who they were and when did they know? Meanwhile, he was leading the charge and back in the saddle again this time with her. They saw for the first time what they feared in the last 20 years, two lives complete finally but so smashed up and without remorse now. They saw for their very own eyes their worst living nightmare and fear, two 12 trillion dollar hitters now in a 24 trillion hunt for them. They had nothing and nothing left to fight with, not even the law or the truth, they had to bang their shoes on the table to show their displeasure. Regardless, they proved what we all feared; this was the devil and not a common lout. It is there for the records and what was said and what was done. Also, the IP address of those behind it are and preserved for the record as it links back to 1998 and Al Qaeda guards and a spy ring of communist deception was compromised.
Just like the blog says kissing tit, she snuck up on him and they snuck up on them again. Now the question is what do we do and where do we go from here? There is nothing left, not even tears. In August of 2008 after reviewing the trilogy of her life, it was determined that both her and her enemies enjoyed this a bit too much and were celebrating while god awful night mare was in full swing. To this day, the record speaks nothing of the truth because someone rewrote the trilogy of him and her. She created the fictional character based on him to keep the dream alive. She had hung on and was plotting the reunion but would he accept her after everything and all of the disappointment? She made it worse with the lies, innuendoes, games, revenge, propaganda, dinners and social events, serial dating excursions, and this Great Gatsby lifestyle which they had experienced when they were younger.
Riding dirty and running the next morning “to the other side” of the charge, in pissing off and avenging her buddy by acting like a communist who was demanding right wing and anti-communist ends, she raised the devil and the guards. She managed to hurt him the most by hurting the enemy who had already captured and had plans for him because he was the master at playing their same game of shame. She learned the rock star game from him and his commando friends who operate under full deadly danger. You always hurt those you love whenever you hurt yourself; was she hurting herself or not? Could they fight the demons, the poison, the lies, the jealousy, hate, betrayal, thievery, corruption, wanton lewdness, and the personified evil which consumed and buried them? Was it to make it right or was it to seek a long endured divorce due to failure which earmarked 2002 and the worst year of their life? Their anger changes to a death going riot.
Copasetic snails hunting us, we are all haunted by heaven and hell and it is hard to tell the difference sometimes. In life and in the heat of battle, we talk to and treat those we love with a purposeful rudeness which many do not agree with or understand. If you can survive this asinine and ridiculous night mare by some jackass-manhood who is so religious and powerful, their church is despicable and dependent on deserving the death penalty. Then in hindsight misery, heaven and hell just collided to create a third world. Some third reality which is new and unexplored but two people are just trying to hand onto fears and suspicions which the devil has delivered daily with first class maleness a sense of conquest and total disgust to surrender. Now can two kids who dreamed a dream back in 1989 dream big enough to live so grand they can fight off the last battle in their life; to determine if they deserve each other can accept how disappointing, cruel, tragic, painful, and pure death the last ten years and now the nest ten years will become? The devil just never stops and will never leave our borders. Will we survive and should we ignore what happened as she was doing too hurt and too distraught to embarrassed and too humiliated to explain or too strong to face? Was she one of them now or that kid who dreamed a wet dream back in 1989 before he joined the military and set off to save the world from nothing special. Who the hell was she now and what the hell did they do to her while he was absent and missing?
Just like the fury of nutty professor suspended in fire disbelief, this was the most absurd and stupid graduate course ever witnessed. The professors and the teachers deserve to be dragged to the wood shed and flogged until they repent or become a little more real. It is a sense of jackass-manliness to grab innocent people off the street and enroll them into some graduate course intended to be conscription for the liberal and left wing army and a church which is so dependent and despicable they need a divorce. They think they are some protector some life companion. They want to show and prove how smart they were by hijacking two lives and enrolling them in a sick tormented course where he was a “prop” and she was the prize. This religious figurehead needs to be dragged to the wood shed and taught some manners and some bit of respect for the feelings of others. But then, they are not even human and do not view others as human beings. They need to stay out of the private parts and private affairs of people who hate their guts and fantasize about sitting across a table with them one day in order to slice their throats. They feel it is a conspiracy to rid them and kick them out of the country or of the earth. We feel it is justice and a fair trial. They need not dance the angry and upset N dance which we know they hold dear to their aching and despicable miserable existence playing a dangerous game penniless and standing down with 24 trillion dollar hitters.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Dear public; (for the record and the FBI)
The one and only “see, smart and conservative” is actually Ann. If you do not know this then does not get involved. Ann and I go back a long time. You can check the IP address, it will confirm this.
I am not the only person who knows who she is and she is not the only person on here who knows who I am. Explain that one politico and how these people know who she is and who I am?
Next, Ann is trying to get with me. I am not stalking her. Due to the hate mail, the death threats, and the long “tryst” of gossip, innuendoes, and allegations; I have decided that it is not in my best interest to have any further relations or associations with Ann.
I will say this publicly. She was been flirting or having some other relationship in her dating life which has caused so much pain for myself. To test her party loyalty and her ambition, I have had to fight for my life while she has screamed insults at some secret admirer and someone who is trying to use her to take the White House. I believe it is the liberal and church members. I believe it is powerful families.
Ann has been with one man her entire life, she can confirm this. She was secretly married in 1989 and her books are actually my work. She owes me nothing and it was my way of giving her a way of life being with her. Just like any spouse I am fine with putting food on the table and taking care of her. That is my gift. She owes me no debt.
Recently, she has contacted me and poured her heart out. I listened and I came to the conclusion that she is hiding and not telling me things I describe as “gossip, hints, and allegations.” Most likely, she will never find true love again. She might marry and she might “off the shelf’ fix her personal life. However, I did not find the death threats and the attempts on my life funny. It was a test for her by someone. She was not seeking a divorce. At least not to my knowledge and I had moved on after years of being separated from her.
This is her last chance and I want her to detail what she did and why someone thinks she is romantically involved with them. I am not stalking her. We can check dates; she is living her life through me. That is my role and I am fine with this. My work was our work and it was my duty after being crippled to give her a way to pay the bills and succeed. I am fine with this. I have no problem with this and I ask for nothing. I want to catch this person though who is tormenting her and I for a long time.
I blame her for screwing up my life. She either was flirting or dating as if it was a game or some female trap. She has proved to me she is a diva and no way over the hill. The only thing I have a problem with is in my letters and the headache I have being with her. She is running around and partying with some political operatives, friends or acquaintances, and she has no clue that they are or up to. This is a really ditzy girl because whoever it is feels they are connected and in love and wants me out of the picture, like pulling an OJ. I don’t care and I have never had problems finding or being with women. This was just stupid.
You will see that whoever this is has power. They control the left and right, a mole and a spy. They want to make her Presidential. They want the White House. They will not stop at anything and was testing her. She wanted me and got her heart broken many times in this life but she has yet to give up. She is trying to make up to me for this problem and I have told her what I want. I don’t want her money even if it is my work. She did the research however.
I will blog all my letters and have her reply. This includes the good ones and bad ones. I have never asked for sex or anything in them. I am strictly and very critical about marriage and family and to me she does not fit my model of a perfect wife. I have asked her to reply or write to me regarding allegations of her personal life through the years and she refuses. Thus, I have made it clear to her; never use my name or continue this love connection which got me 24 hours surveillance and stalkers you would not believe.
I have police agencies, fans, and psychopaths making a simple trip to the grocery store hell. Everything I do is criticized. I am made to feel as though I am not in some circle and she is invited but they think Ann and I have a mutual thing. Only up until June of 1008 whom I asked her to answer forthright, she refused. Which tells me she does not fit my model of a perfect spouse or wife; maybe she is too banged up or over her head.
People say she talks like a married woman and treats sex very experienced. She says she reads about it. Guys have called me and told me how they tried to get in her pants or marry her and I am disgusted. I asked her how they knew about me. She says nothing. I am not stalking her. I have asked her to tell me everything and what she did to create this situation. She says nothing and blames me for sending sex related emails constantly. I have not sent one like such.
Someone thinks she is a hooker or a right wing whore. She may be but as far as I know, she has been with only one man for 20 years. They got not one kiss or a tit honor. She did play their whore games as whore-able and fake. It was a lie but she was not a lie... The rest is a fiction. Her political views are actually mine. It is my voice. Her work on Vietnam is my work. I am a Vietnam expert and completed my thesis by age 14. I used to study it all day and read volumes of books at age 10. I think and am obsessed about that war reliving my own experiences. I was there and I know it firsthand. I was at the airport when artillery shells fell in Saigon. I heard the sirens and the panic when the VC attacked.
I love Ann but I do not love the current situation. I vowed to spend my life with her but I will not let go of how her “tryst” may have cost me my life. I want her to be forthright and tell me what happened and so far she has refused. In an attempt to resolve this I have asked her to delete her account in respect and to turn around and never give this another thought. Ann is a very good liar and keeps secrets to the grave. I am even better, trust me. I only lie in order to seek the truth or tell the truth; she is the same.
She feels I am mistreating her. I asked her for an a full explanation and to tell me what she did or what happened at these parties or dinners which caused several people to think she was interested or had some secret admiration for them. That is a joke. Look how I treat her and how they must treat her. I am not stalking her and I have asked her to not protect this person or persons.
They want her to fall in line, to go with the party agenda, to not criticize or rock the boat, to shut up. That is not me and I look down on her as I am now. She is not us; she is one of them so far. She can easily clear this up. It is the liberals and her enemies behind the fall in line and party agenda issue. It is that obvious.
I was tortured by her secret admirers because they felt it was a protestant or right wing conspiracy. They did not want the truth, they wanted a confession or play along. Ann has created a lot of drama and has asked me to stay with her which at this time I have refused and asked her to do one last act in my honor. Delete her account and throw our relationship in the ocean, never mentioning it again. Yes, a test to see if she truly respects and can honor my wishes. This is not about her, this is about me. First she says she did not cancel my accounts and now she says she did. First she said she did not flirt or run around with some circle to dinners, partying, or vacations, etc… and now she says she did.
Again, this is not my dream and I no longer know who she is. As far as I am concerned she is complaint to the “party” and how they want her to be. I will not mention what they want because I will not degrade her and her sexual exploits. If I find out she is unfaithful, she knows to never talk to me again. So far silence is all she has to stand on and she is engulfed and over her head. She called me for help. She knows I have asked her to avoid me and move on.
As far as I am concerned, her treatment of me makes her scum. The way her circle has treated me and what I have done for her life, I will never talk to her again and will make this known. To me she scum and I do not know her or who she is any longer. It is only a headache now and I am miserable with her no thanks to her circle and her enemies. They want the White House and she is going to loose everything good in her life if she is not careful. I do not want to be there when and if this happens. She did something or fooled around with someone in the personal or love category and they blew it out of proportion. I want to know who it is and want to know why she is protecting him or them.
She is playing me also okay so… I am going to make this real clear by always calling late or at the last minute as if she is invaluable. That is the stupid stuff I have to put up with and it is all a charade. Her views are my voice. That work is my work while she was with me and I swore I would do my best to give her a chance in life and give her what she wants. I am glad she was able to know love and to experience marriage. No sorry needed and no debt owed. It will be her loss not mines but she had a hand in that and I want to know what or why.
Was it the dinners, parties, and (creating the image everybody could date and sleep with her?) how she is the dating queen? She is single now for all to know and from what I am told there is a long line. I hope they do not get what I got from her “secret admirer.” It is their behavior and hers also that I have a problem with. She has not acted like a good spouse at all and it is clear until she says otherwise, read all the gossip and how many guys have been with her?
My relation with her has always been professional. I have reverted back to a professional relationship and asked her to take all of that to the grave. I am after this SOB and want to catch this SOB. That is all I am concerned about right now so she is actually single now and for real. Before it was for PR and image; she can stand on her own two feet now. She doesn’t need to visit some backroom with ankle pants dragging her down. I remarried or expected to in 2002. Right now I will go back to my professional status and this is what I got from her. I want my professional relationship okay, not some crazed secret admirer trying to test her by killing me. Now she is smearing me:
(Letter from the real Ann)
Why won't you do anything about this disturbed cyber ‘stalker’ who has become hatefully obsessed w/ me and, no doubt, other posters on your site?
You terminated his original user ID, "cyber_warfare_hq" but even after dozens of requests from me, you have allowed him to harass me w/ over TWO HUNDRED PHs.
Why can’t you block posters from sending PHs other posters? The subject lines of his PHs are pockmarked with profanity: “I want to f*ck you,” “Suck my d*ck, b*etch.”
Politico does not allow any profanity in your “Feedback” form, so you safeguard yourselves against the very thing you permit to happen to members of your site. I opened a couple of his PHs – accidentally – one contained nude photos he had taken of himself.
I caught just a glimpse before I threw up. It's crooked.
He follows me on every Politico thread, writing long, insane comments, hijacking threads, using profanity, posting personal messages to me, calling me names from "sweetheart and baby, to c*not and wh*re, using disgusting sexual imagery and portraying a personal relationship w/ me.
Why can't you do something about this, Politico?
In the meantime, I am asking everyone to hit the 'abuse button' whenever you see one of this little troll's posts.
Thank you.
This is why I am not able to explain, this used to be strictly a professional relationship. Now I will post my recent letter to her which will be on my blog, soon. I am finishing up the parts on her and need to make this official. Once I finish this, it cannot be reversed it will go into the book and become history for the next 200 years. This is no joke and no drill.
Just another thug “us first” corrupt life, on the website Politico.com and their effort to drive us apart or deny us the ability to talk or send emails and love letters; they would delete and deactivate accounts if we posted on comment. This is the devil behind a computer and what you find in other internet nations. They help to the atmosphere of the thug internet box life. They lack any integrity or principles and exonerate bullies and online thugs linked to political operatives and high ranking politicians. All of the politicians knew that Ann was looking for Alex for years and Alex never got any of her searches. Now, we are allowed to a week to talk before they begin deleting our account and also blocking our IP address to humiliate and tear us apart again. Love is not for sinners and power is not meant to be for sinners.
7/28/2008 11:37:14 AM
Since we were reunited and had such a good time, this website politico.com has deleted, canceled, and censored just about every posting both of us put up. In the last 30 days I have had 18 screen names and accounts “deactivated” in some witch hunt to kick me off the site and to prevent me from talking to you. It has left me angry and mad at you. Look at us, it was perfect and now we are ripping each other apart because of politico.com while your stalkers and my stalkers are laughing at us like sadistic kidnappers, thank you politico.com for the gift of marriage and family.
Politico.com ought to be whipped and flogged until they repent for being the despicable liberal and left wing stooges they are. Everybody in this world should know their site administration has done everything to terrorize and continue this bigoted rampage. Right as we reunited and you and I suffered so badly, they continue the nonstop and relentless blood letting of us.
Politico.com should have their site administration blacklisted and never allowed to work again. They ought to be taught a lesson and if legal charades are necessary they should receive harassment and conspiracy charges. This is a charade. Both you and I are so scared no of posting and we cannot post. Even so, they randomly read your emails and delete my account just to add insult and injury. This world needs to know what kind of people are behind politico.com; they are bigoted hypocritical stooges. They are promoting corruption and the liberal and left wing conquest of this world and this nation.
They do not give any reason. We get death threats and the FBI is investigating the Al Qaeda plot which leads here and they still with audacity have no concern about upholding this lunatic rampage intended to harass and terrorize others. This world needs to take a snap shot of the current politico.com staff and never accept their entry to this field again. They are a pale plague. They are inhuman and blood thirsty like cannibals.
In the past 30 days I have had to go to the library while they blocked all my IP address and my near panic to talk to you Ann. How they know you are Ann I do not know. How they got Congress and the Bush Administration behind them I do not know. How Rush Limbaugh laughs at us and says “they need this badly.” These people are inhuman and it is a conspiracy by liberal operatives who claim positions. They are blatant liars. Obama makes statements, Rush makes rude statements and laughs, Bush does also, it’s like a giant conspiracy by the living dead. It has left me angry and mad at you. Look at us, it was perfect and now we are ripping each other apart because of politico.com while your stalkers and my stalkers are laughing at us like sadistic kidnappers, thank you politico.com for the gift of marriage and family.
All of them are liars and corrupt and they call it “bipartisan efforts.” They are a fraud. I have denial of service. I have my IP address blocked. I have 18 accounts and screen names deactivated and a mad panic attack to talk to the woman I have been with for 20 years. they are heartless. They delete and censure all our post and only allow what they want us to say which is a liberal Republican and Democrat party line. They exploit us and intention and willfully use our love and despair against us to make us hurt more. the FBI is investigating death threats, stalking by Al Qaeda on this site, and witness intimidation and harassment and politico.com blatantly does it as if they know they are untouchable. They need to be whipped and flogged until they repent and tell the truth.
That is it. If you are the one who cancelled XXX and XXX; then I swear to God and my grave you will never ever be in my life. Either someone is reading your email and canceling my account or it is your stupid circle. You are stalking me and they are making it seem like I am stalking you. I am pissed and you better clear this up. Add two more accounts and I think it is you. Right after, on Rush’s show he was laughing. Right after I logged on he said, “I think we are screwed.” I bet you think it is real funny and really amusing. Thank you partner… The act about murdering me… thanks for that also, its too bad they did not finish it and pay you off right! My dreams come true also.
I am so fed up with you and these accounts cancel now. Add all my current accounts and figure out who is doing it? No it can’t be you. Oh it must be your friends and your lover who you are protecting. The one who laughs at me and says I is the ass. I really and truly hate you Ann and I will never respect you. Delete your account the end of this week and we will at least even. You don’t even talk on here anymore and all this is doing is pissing either me or you off. Then you do not clean out your laundry. Total nog @ss. They know it is you and they are stalking you online. They also have your IP address. All they have to do is do an IP search. (Look it up it has your address). I am so fed up. This is 18 accounts within one month. You are trailer trash truly or some damn wreck of life. I think it is you doing it… or “igging them on.” Well, your hubby is claiming you… because I hate you and will blog it now. What the hell are you doing?
Look, you want a write up on my entire love life? Fine, I don’t care. You want to know how many girls I have slept with and how many times I had sex. Do you want to know how many one night stands or what I hate most about women? I have nothing to hide and if you do not like it, then I am okay with it. They say you are cheap (trailer trash), over the hill, will never marry, and some bad stuff. Someone is saying “why the hell would you want her, we can do so much better and younger.” Note age is emphasized. Women on average live 12 years longer then men, so based on data, we will die at the same time in our life.
I will make this clear. If I have a problem with you dating, flirting, or something in your past, I will dump you or resolve it. End of story, and nothing more. Have you read the case with Jason Conte? He was trying to kill me in order to spy on his girl and work things out with her. I am not a stalker and I do not give a crap. I have told you about those FLA people and how some of them are into sex parties and sexual trysts. Even while married they like to wife swap, wonderful. I am not into this crap and you better get that straight okay. If you and I have a problem, I will go and find a nice normal and young girl with no issues. Yes you proved you are a diva and rule the day. I have no problem with that; you know what I have a problem with. Now who is trying to kill me and what did you do? Wait, what did you not do? Did you not go along with them and criticized them for not believing in marriage and family?
We have very little left, very little. Read my letter and be alarmed. Read them Ann, and understand I do not play games. This is not a game and I almost got killed. Your love life is almost identical but it is not the same. I have an open leash since “that happened.” You were courting me as my partner and life partner. I never saw anything in it okay. I even wondered what happened to you and looked you up and figured you were married and with a nice family. I honestly felt you married and settled down at age 39 or so. You have waited a long time for me and this is so messed up. Is it worth it? If so, then do not ruin it and do not mess this up more.
I have made my final decision. You will delete your account and take the last 20 years to the grave or you will spill your guts with me. You got to do it with someone, choose. You are a risk taker and now you look like a total fake and fraud. Someone and several people think you love them more than you love me. You did something and I will print this as a public statement. I am not going to obstruct any investigation or prevent any closure. It is your friends or your circle of “having a good time and enjoying yourself.” Who are you enjoying yourself with and why are we not allowed being happy? Are you a ditz or stupid? 10 of my accounts were canceled and deleted in 3 weeks and the right wing took credit for this while you and I were attacking the left wing and liberals. How the hell?
This is a serious matter and I think you are to blame. You are doing something, either what you are supposed to or not, within your circle of friends which is causing them to attack me and want me gone. Either you have done something to think you are about this or some rumor of some event got out. Who put a hit on me? Who took my looks and body so they would have a better chance? I want you to go to that person and then I will go to that person and have a word with them. This person has a serious problem and I want to fix this problem immediately.
Do you realize that in 1998 to 2002 I could and would have won a body building contest or modeling show? Do you? Do you understand that someone who is using race is causing medical problems, skin problems, and various issues to destroy my image and all the work I put in the beautify and perfect my hygiene? Do you? Do you realize they have contacted me and identified themselves as your masters?
They know we are not just friends and allege that we have sex quiet often. Would you like to answer or tell them where you got “seasoned” and “accustomed” to sex so easily? They know you are totally experienced. However, you are not married and single. You “serial date” and rumors and allegations suggest you are doing and have been doing stuff secretly.
They have people who talk to media figures who claim to know you personally. They say you have a foul mouth and are a freak, suggesting something happened but not coming out to say it. I do not care what they think, I care about what I think and I know. You have told me, “Since I have been with you, I have not been with any other man.” You can interpret that however you want. If you were secretly married, then you owe no excuses. The dating game is career oriented? Don’t tell me you are a risk taker and do not care what others say? (Nuts… it is pretty obvious Ann and you better clear it up with me.) What did you do or what did you say to make your circle of friends think you have a love connection? Why are they murdering me as result of your sex life?
Maher says you were in his house and left something there. Are you stupid? There are reports of you kissing or making out with guys. What a romantic interlude, it makes you look like a tramp on an arm to arm. No rebuke and no claims. In twenty years, all you say is, “most dates are by way of fans who randomly meet you.” That is beyond disgusting if true. If I find out you are dating like some eHarmony “compliant party bitch” it is very cheap. There is no need and absolutely no reason to be doing that, it is meant to build a sleazy image. It means nothing but you go from one man to the other, more risky and more danger.
I need to know if you courted someone or did something. Someone wanted me gone and dead. Someone knew this back in 1999 or 2000, was it Clinton? It is well known everyone wants in your pants or to marry you. They prefer to rape you. If you want to keep playing this game and façade, then cancel your account by the end of the week and be gone. Take everything we have to the grave. Do not carry it on or further, just leave and do not bring this up ever. If you do it will show what kind of person you are and just how horrible and selfish you use the emotions of others. You are looking for someone to unseat or beat your 20 year love and marriage. Someone has and the best way is to murder your buddy.
Remember, when you invite someone in your house. When you go to someone’s house or when you are alone with them, it is our word against theirs. You have hearsay. You should avoid this but there is a picture which says you have dinner with one guy and nobody spreads this dirt. That is very weird. You may have guy pals. I do not know and I do not stalk you or have cared. You have cared about my dating life and life. If anyone is stalking then it is you but in no way was this bad, until now.
I need you to clear this up and I need you to write a full report recalling all details. (you know when you are drunk you get horny and sometimes things happen, are you saying you did “fool around” or not during some vulnerable periods? Someone is suggesting this. I do not think you did because you know where to get it from. You know if you did call your partner and hubby, it would not be an issue and we know it is protected. I am not your hooker or gigolo. I believe in marriage and family strictly. I believe in full faith strictly. This mistress and adultery crap is penile. If you are into this I swear I will dump you for just bad stupid life decisions.
Now what happened and why is someone trying to kill me over you? We know the political part, we know the Presidential and first lady part, and we know the terrorist and treason part. There is another part however, and it involves a love triangle or some circle of friends which you have attracted. It is not one stalker, you have several stalkers. They are all your enemies but a few feel you are in their circle of friends and invited. The idea you are enjoying yourself and having a good time is why I am mad at you. You need to clear this up ASAP and in writing. I will double check it.
I want to know who is trying to kill me and want me gone. If I need to go ballistic on you then expect it. If I find out your stupid shat led to my murder or almost my killing and imprisonment, I will never ever talk to you and I will make sure people know who you are and what you have done. My love life is identical to yours and it is not me. You were my partner up until 2008 when you told me you are totally in love still. Up until 2002 we were supposed to be married and I even got the bachelor party you gave me. That is no big deal and it was just to point out that I believe in marriage and family only. Your shat I have no idea about okay. Your shat is beyond scary and almost got me killed.
You have your own apartment and house. They are watching it. They want to know who it is. You have for years eluded this. There are sightings of you with guys and pictures at dinner. There are hints and allegations. There is very little dirt, very little dirt. Your reputation is protected. If there is dirt, then someone is cleaning it. If you do have a secret love or life, then it is near CIA secrecy. Now who is that good to be having all that sex with you all those years and even the CIA cannot figure it out? Oh me… or just me? (Oh you mean Jason Bourne?)
I am going to say this again. Either you are being stalked or you did something. When a guy hits on you and you do not say, “No thank you” you will invite more or stalking. Now who hit on you and you played this game with them which I hate your @ss for. Then you spin our some email which is like, “I never said he was NOT with me, you did.” You play the same shat with me and to be honest with you, I sort of want you dead but since I am your partner, I will try to respect you until you cancel your account and be gone. That is how you will honor me. You will do that or I will disavow you and do stuff which you will never ever be able to forgive.
Your jack@ss shat got my home invaded and me stalked. It is your damn “revolution” or something, some “sexual revolution.” Here is what you need to be forthright with and your cooperation will determine how we go forward with this. Right now I see you as compliant to the “party concubine.” You do get invited to these parties and go to them and socialize. You are a hard drinker and smoker. You do party well. You are a freak. You are married and have been and do not owe any excuse, not even to your hubby; he will appreciate that. How do we show them and prove how serious wrong they are or how meaningless their words and life truly is?
• What did you do?
• Did you flirt with someone who is either in your circle or maybe you wanted to throw into some berserk horny state?
• Did you go out with someone “secretly” to make them think they were “secret” or your “secret love?”
• Who did you tell about me?
• How do they know about me?
• They were killing me to see if you cared? Did you care? Did they let up?
• I know you hate the Irish and even Catholic. What occurred with XXX or did you play him? They think you are a “poodle.”
• Did you go to Rush’s oxy party as if you were interested as a single woman or wanted to meet his circle of friends? You are seen as a single woman. If you show up to a party or some “dating” or “single” event, you will send the wrong message. Did you do this? The Hollywood pampered princess in Palm Beach now, congrats!
• Who wants “a fair chance” to show you what they can give you or determine how strong the “love connection” is? There is no way to break our connection and bond, do you admit this? Then did you toy with someone to get back or humiliate them?
• Someone was inadequate with my looks and body, that seemed as if my looks and body was the target, to bring it down and give this “person” a more fair chance
• They are very threatened of me and you talking. They know about us and our “love connection” but do not know what it is or how we do it. They are playing cupid with you. They hit you in your most vulnerable period (age 40-44 years old). To do this, I have to be gone and was. I was imprisoned from 2002 to 2005 because someone wanted to have sex with you or marry you. Thank you mucho love and thanks.
• If you are flirting with someone and “hitting” on someone to create a bar fight, stop. If you do not or do not tell me, I will disavow you. Do you realize I was almost murdered? I have been hit by cars, had physical harm, punched and fights, etc… are you saying you wish to take credit for this or not?
• If this is true then you are a horrible person. I was almost murdered because you are sending the wrong message and created this “revolutionary figure” and character based on my entire life. You were a married woman and you led men to believe that you wanted to date them, fool around with them, or date them. You are caught at dinners and parties so there is truth to this. There are sightings and you do go beer drinking with guys.
• People describe seeing you out with some circle of friends and you get wasted and loud. I do not know the truth. I do not stalk you or really keep tabs. You want into my life, you clear the shat. Right now you are on your knees and I will gladly find a real girl and a nice one. You look like a tramp in the eyes of others.
• Someone said you were a virgin when you were married which is true. I don’t care about virginity. You have not had a meaningful relationship since 1998, not one. That is ten years. There is no way whatsoever from 1989 to 1998 because we were in cl@ss constantly and so stressed I had to go to the beach. There was no room for anything if you were taking notes.
I have the FBI and several intelligence agencies on the line. I need to figure out what is related to the plots and the terrorist and spy rings. It is bipartisan and they are using you to win the office. You are some valuable asset they need and I am also, for blacks. You are an asset for the rich whites and elite liberals. Are all of them the moles and the spy ring I have described and this is who and how they are controlling it? If so, then it is bigger than I had imagined. I cannot believe your life long partner is getting killed and you are playing games with it?
These are spies and they are puppet masters. They wanted to see how sick you truly are and how badly you want power and money. In other words, killing me and taking me out was a test for you but only after what happened from 1998-2002. holy cow, this means that had you not gone into writing mode and started screaming, they would have passed you and cleared your clearance, just like Alias. It was a test. It has left me angry and mad at you. Look at us, it was perfect and now we are ripping each other apart because of politico.com while your stalkers and my stalkers are laughing at us like sadistic kidnappers, thank you politico.com for the gift of marriage and family.
Red, white, and blue pen highlighters denying bias and draft, we were not able and allowed to play their game. There game is bigoted, hypocritical, cynical, wavering, and phony false. The only way to win that game is to humiliate and anger others in spite, the pillar of communism. That pillar has various violations of trust and an explosion of violence. Sheep are not able to play this game nor are the walking dead. The game of the liberals, the left wing, and the communist is to trick others and act nice or caring. They go on the media and present this level of imperfection and growth while never expecting any other result than them winning. They have that take it or leave it lack of quality and lack of care while they defecate on everyone, living it themselves. We are locked out of this predator class. We cannot or are not allowed to be happy or as poorly arrogant and miserable living a fake caricature of what we wish we can become. Yes it is a lie, but we lie only to achieve the truth. That is the difference between lies and truth; you must or are forced to lie to catch the most cunning liar. But and moreover, do you truly respect the truth or only the truth intended to murder others?
Rat-a-tat-tat that Kalashnikov and students yearning for a democratic society, the only person we know who can do this or profess this dumb act in history is the communist forces. They spread all over the murderous earth quicker and more vicious than wildfire. As anti-communists, we are not allowed to be happy and speak our minds. We cannot hide as they do. We are forced to be unlaced and despised for being truthful and real. We are locked out of being kind and compassionate while they claim this. how do you silence or murder one person when they are doing the exact same thing as this enemy, then tell others they are not allowed to be happy, truthful, meaningful, free to speak their mind, fake, hiding, lying, violent, criminals, etc… When you murder someone you complete the full circle and take something which is eternal and more precious than life itself. There are things in this world more precious than life and so precious only wars will fix them. History has not only proven this but has lived it, to challenge it is absurd; however, you do not fight wars unless it meets this standard and this more precious than life model. Sacrificing and murdering anti-communist blood is an act of war and most especially when you can add more on top of that problem. This is a creature that does it and then says how sorry and worried they are; then they keep on doing it and say the same thing. Then they will ask if others have had enough and how much money they have, that is both extortion and reverse extortion. It is the same creature and same enemy. Heretofore, if they are that paranoid and that worried, then read our minds because we are reading theirs.
Super sized and driven thru and driven over ours and their side, there are things more precious than life and war proves this. Wars are fought because there are things in this world which are more precious than life itself. Love is not for sinners and power is not meant to be for sinners. War is not for sinners either; it is intended to be waged on them. Why are we seeing this problem so slipping and the podium of this earth slipping into some dark reign of blood? Do they want hell on earth and a total lack of ethics and principles? Do they want to abandon the justice process or the political debate? Only the devil and the enemy can claim this. The devil wants to challenge and wants to protrude out of our body and our life right now and they are using tests to make this “power” and “domination” a means to lure us to a predator that is hiding. Shall we trick them and then smack the rubber band violently back to see if they let go or even notice what is going on? The only crime we committed was we played the same and identical game they played but for different reasons and for someone else. We played the same game and dropped the bomb on them because they said we were not allowed to say, do, and live the same life they were living.
Stapled like two papers written on the same day censored by citizenship, the problem with this enemy has to do with truth telling. The same words are repeated and the same positions are said. The same game is played and the same reasons used. But the savage and thug like game is not the same. The criminal insanity is not the same. Let us stop this vote on positions and issues and vote on the truth or truth telling. That is the only way we will ever rid of this enemy. They want to know when we will stop and when we have had enough. We need to stop them and we need to stop this problem with truth telling and this problem with growth; and then we can finally stop this problem with getting rid of them. The problem is this enemy says the same things, hide their actions, take the same positions, use the same reason, do not respect the truth, and we have this criminal insanity and mess with truth telling. They do not see us as humans nor understand they are not human beings. The game is both extortion and reverse extortion by the liberals, left wing, and communists who say the same things and take the same position but do not accelerate it or build on it. They are not only on the borders they are on your own side. Now they rise to power broker status, lobbying groups, and middle men for bribes and kickbacks. Like the alien lout said, death runs riot this time. Can an alien lout read our mind because we can read theirs? How paranoid can they get before they spit out the truth? Lies are just like torture, do you lie and torture to seek the truth or to hide it? The enemies of mankind lie and torture with no intent or malice for the truth.
7/29/2008 12:40:23 PM
You are sick and like to play with my heart and emotions. You just want to break someone’s heart and play with their emotions, just like the enemies don’t you? As you can see clearly, I have given up on twenty years and a lifetime. I am a defeated man and a humiliated failure. I surrender. After 18 cancelled accounts and now 19 accounts, I am throwing in the towel my lifelong dream. They have won and they have torn us from the breast of each other. Like all revolutionaries and just like our comrades, we must learn when our time has come and when we are defeated. I have decided we are torn apart and surrendered. As you can clearly see thy email and the future emails I will send, we are defeated and beat. I no longer love you and our brothers (Chie, Mao, Obama, Osama, McCain, Martin, Gandhi, Nelson, Dahlia, George, Keneedy, etc…) we can no longer fight the good fights. My email here and future emails prove we have lost and are defeated baby. We are no longer and just like Romeo and Juliet, he thought she thought and missed it completely. Our brethrens honor us for being able to play the same game they do and trick others by winning their trust, our General will be proud of our revolutionary heroism roots.
You belong in my arms and to be loved eternally, not be put on your knees or be on your knees. Now get up and give me a hug so you can come back to me and be in my arms. You do not deserve my wrath and you see how powerful I am and why we have this bond between us. You are a really and I mean really good spouse and life partner. This will show the world that we can have that even in the worst of conditions. Yes we cry and yes we are in pain but you are just a really good spouse. Maybe my reputation can also be restored and exonerated even if we were so wronged and smashed and murdered by evil. I am not doing this and I am not behind it. I punish and finish them off. I wage war on those who are behind it and do it. I do not wage war on you and you do not wage war on me. We did not commit and work so hard to reach this and tear each other apart. How do we test it and how do we show how real and how dangerous life can get on the edge? Do they think they have it and are really equal to 24 trillion dollar hitters? Can they reproduce it and show the value and the truth which is real and you can feel it deeper in your bones than any human being can know. Can they do this and are they this real? They are a weak and inert inferior breed meant to torment and terrorize our existence.
Do you think I am stupid? Do you think that I actually would believe our enemies? Do you think for one second I would ever, no ave-vah, doubt you? Even if I did not know or do not know, I would ne-vah. Even if you were “set up” or “made to look and feel” I know the truth. I just wanted to hear it to make me prissy. Okay so I am mad and I do think like your enemy but are you really my enemy? You are playing a game just like them. You are doing everything they do and reaching a point where they are at? They feel you are so weak, inferior, and just that “phony.” We can test this. We can get this so crazy and so insane where you loose your mind. We can start purposely letting and enemy loose in our life. The result is the same. This is a creature that does it and then says how sorry and worried they are; then they keep on doing it and say the same thing. Then they will ask if others have had enough and how much money they have, that is both extortion and reverse extortion. It is the same creature and same enemy.
As far as the rumors, if you have never kissed another man, then how can you or they claim anything? Okay, so you are escorted and date one day. Why would anyone claim they had their way or something special with you when they did not even kiss you? Would you even kiss someone if you did not love them? That is hilarious. I just want to hear it sometimes like “I love you.” Tell me you do not get off when someone says that over and over and just pampers you? Okay then. Guys are different than girls. You know how you judge a man and what he needs to be fulfilled in life. Women have different needs and men have different needs also.
Hey I almost tricked them also, you know that. You did trick them until about 2001 or so when they got really pissed off with both of us. They knew somehow and they knew we are or were doing the same thing they were doing. I did not say anything did you? I was going to the grave with all my secrets, how about you? Okay partner, come here and hug me, you failed. You could not trick them or me! They hate you and what is worse, hate me even more. Yet they worship you like a rock star but who is the real rock star? Whose voice is that? If you were my real wife or spouse, am I a failure which I was made to feel? Am I living the life I was meant or was it hijacked and passed to you? Now that is my partner in life and that is why we were not only wronged but murdered. We had our entire life stolen in order to hijack the White House, the nation, the military, and just about everything a spy or terrorist cell can rummage through and steal. The game is both extortion and reverse extortion by the liberals, left wing, and communists who say the same things and take the same position but do not accelerate it or build on it. They are not only on the borders they are on your own side.
We did not win but we did not loose it all yet. It is clear what the goal and the intent is, to discredit us and to steal or hijack a spouse and make them Presidential. What or who is “handing off” this Presidential status? There is an ethical breakdown everywhere and the results are unexpected. Even in all hell, I am not going to question or even doubt. This is proven. They keep describing it and saying how they are going to prosecute us for some suicide pact, that is hilarious and they are total idiots. They crap on everyone and most of all they crap on themselves just to win or terrorize others when they are not able to humiliate them by discrediting them. Now look at me and tell me if you know who I am now? Who are we? What are we doing here and what is our life mission?
Why do we work so hard and spend our waking moment devoted to each other even if we are not together or apart? Does it have any meaning to what we want and are trying? What is my goal and intention? What was it 20 years ago? Did I take it to the grave or did you let me? Why? Tell me Ann, why did you refuse to let me take it to the grave? You are asking me if I am fake or even got it? I am asking if you are phony and have it also. So we are phony soldiers and not tough enough? Who is questioning and doubting this? Me or you? Someone else who is trying to pick us off or cherry pick us while vulnerable? Exactly our friendly predator and stalker; they do not know or understand why they are so over their own head.
They will be consumed by what you and I have between us. I do have doubts sometimes and I am sure you do but is it the truth? Would you and I hold secrets or do we talk day and night like we have since we began? I find it almost impossible to even respect someone else unless I am so consumed with jealousy or hate. It is either you are totally committed or faithful or utterly rejecting it. There is no in betweens and I am not “gray matter.” So we know and have been proven as infallible. You are so sick I have to say and what is worse I am worse! You can rip someone apart and what is worse I can tear someone in pieces. Oh, did you know our enemies feel strong and powerful? Love is not for sinners and power is not meant to be for sinners.
The problem with this enemy has to do with truth telling. The same words are repeated and the same positions are said. The same game is played and the same reasons used. But the savage and thug like game is not the same. The criminal insanity is not the same. Let us stop this vote on positions and issues and vote on the truth or truth telling. That is the only way we will ever rid of this enemy. They want to know when we will stop and when we have had enough. We need to stop them and we need to stop this problem with truth telling and this problem with growth; and then we can finally stop this problem with getting rid of them. The problem is this enemy says the same things, hide their actions, take the same positions, use the same reason, do not respect the truth, and we have this criminal insanity and mess with truth telling.
We can do no more wrong with anchorage traitors, it is clear these people are weaving a web of deception and they are being exposed. This means they are under duress and a liability. Rather than go away, they gamble and gamble more while getting more paranoid about one turning on the other. We want and need them to set the record straight and stop accusing us of some “murder plot” or “violence.” How do we know their boss is not a little paranoid of them turning on them and wishing them to go away before they spill the beans to us? Now their boss is cut loose and we get the blame and we are the ones who are being honest and trying to catch them. If you look at the records, they are arresting us and claiming some vast right wing conspiracy. They claim how they are trapped and being attacked. They had us under surveillance for twenty four hours and stifled everything insisting how their torture was to compel and only after guilty people. What happened to using the truth to stop this torture? Why are lies being used as a means to torture? Don’t finger us until they are ready to tell the truth and break this code of silence and this inferior breed who is so despicable and inferior, they religion has morally charged them to get the death penalty more times than their sexual escapades. It is in their best interest to come forward and not make others come after them. They gamble and are addicted to this left wing conspiracy while blaming the right wing conspiracy.
"Satellite" lyrics by Collective Soul
Soon a man will kneel to pray
Soon the light will burn our shade
And with the sweet the bitter fades
So my heart and take your place
Cause I will be your force
And I will be your right
And I will watch over you like a satellite
Soon reason will have rhyme
Soon wisdom will imply
And with courage doubt subsides
So take my heart and take my pride
And I will be your side
And I will be your might
And I will watch over you like a satellite
River will flow from scenes unknown
I'll guide you through by the love I'll show
And the stars will wish upon the night
That they could have a guiding satellite
"Youth" lyrics by Collective Soul
And you said we would be golden
When we grow old
And you said we'd never be broken
When we grow old
But if a river can dry to dust
I guess the angels we learn to trust can fly away
And like a mountain can lose its peak
I now know the heart can change its needs quietly
And you said we'd never be parted
When we grow old
And you said I'd see you in heaven
When we grow old
But if a river can dry to dust
I guess the angels we learn to trust can fly away
And like a mountain can lose its peak
I now know the heart can change its needs quietly
So goodbye comes tomorrow
Goodbyes come tomorrow
Goodbye, goodbye
Yeah goodbye comes tomorrow
Goodbyes come tomorrow
Goodbye, goodbye
And you said we would be Coultered
When we grow old
"Sympathy for the Devil" lyrics by The Rolling Stones
Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long years
Stole many a man's soul and faith
And I was 'round when Jesus Christ
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that Pilate
Washed his hands and sealed his fate
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game
I stuck around St. Petersburg
When I saw it was a time for a change
Killed the czar and his ministers
Anastasia screamed in vain
I rode a tank
Held a general's rank
When the blitzkrieg raged
And the bodies stank
(Woo woo, woo woo)
I watched with glee
While your kings and queens
Fought for ten decades
For the gods they made
(Woo woo, woo woo)
I shouted out,
"Who killed the Kennedy’s?"
When after all
It was you and me
(Who who, who who)
Let me please introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
And I laid traps for troubadours
Who get killed before they reached Bombay?
(Woo woo, who who)
Oh yeah, get down, baby
(Who who, who who)
(Woo woo, who who)
Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me Lucifer
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint
(Who who, who who)
So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, and some taste
(Woo woo)
Use all your well-learned politesse
Or I'll lay your soul to waste, um yeah
(Woo woo, woo woo)
Um mean it, get down
(Woo woo, woo woo)
Woo, who
Oh yeah, get on down
Oh yeah
Oh yeah!
(Woo woo)
Tell me baby, what's my name
Tell me honey, can ya guess my name
Tell me baby, what's my name
I tell you one time, you're to blame
Oh, who
Woo, woo
Woo, who
Woo, woo
Woo, who, who
Woo, who, who
Oh, yeah
What's my name?
Tell me, baby, what's my name
Tell me, sweetie, what's my name
Woo, who, who
Woo, who, who
Woo, who, who
Woo, who, who
Woo, who, who
Woo, who, who
Oh, yeah
Woo woo
Woo woo
"10 Years Later" lyrics by Collective Soul
Lack of knowledge has a source (oh boy)
Still my thoughts must run their course (oh yeah)
And they do
Does my memory comfort you
While your eyes see me through
Well it's 10 years later and still I haven't a clue
Oh I'm crying
Caution breathes a lonely breath (oh boy)
Love withstands but time must rest (oh yeah)
And it does
Does my memory comfort you
Your eyes see me through
Well it's 10 years later and still I haven't a clue
Oh it's 10 years later
"Reunion" lyrics by Collective Soul
Change will come
Change is here
Love fades out
Then love appears
Now my water's turned to wine
And these thoughts I have
I now claim as mine
I'm coming home
Change has been
Change will be
Time will tell
Then time will ease
Now my curtain has been drawn
And my heart can go
Where my heart does belong
I'm going home
“Sister Don’t Cry” lyrics by Collection Soul
Overseas through the air
Touched your heart, down with care
All the thoughts left behind
Soon will catch you in time
Well if I could you know
I would let salvation reign on you
so won't you push away
All this pain that you've been through, I say
Sister don't cry …
Sister don't cry no more …
Sister don't cry anymore …
While the scenes shuffle 'round
Let your world anchor down
Pull your heart from your sleeve
First react, then believe
You won't always get
The thunder to warn you of storms ahead
So bury all this pain
And get on with your life again, I say
Conquer some serenity
Lay yourself in fields of poetry
Close you eyes to all you see
Lay your weary head, here with me
Sister doesn’t cry …
Sister don't cry no more …
Sister don't cry anymore …
Sister doesn’t cry …
Sister don't cry no more …
Sister don't cry anymore …
“Forgiveness” lyrics by Collective Soul
In my silence
I would love, to forget.
Restitution hasn't come, quite yet.
And with one accord, I keep pushing forth.
Why I stretch my heart, to heal some more.
It used to be all I'd want, to learn
Was wisdom trust and truth
But now all I really want, to learn
Is forgiveness for you...?
As my seasons change, right now, grown to know
When one's heart creates, one's soul, doesn't owe
So I wash away, stains of yesterday
Then tempt my heart, with love's display
"Good Morning After All" lyrics by Collective Soul
Yeah you give up some days
When the tears they must flow
But God is always your strength
The only strength that you know
Now everything starts to fall in place
As you wake just to crawl
Still you say good morning after all
Yeah you stand just to fall
Still you say good morning after all
Yeah you questioned this life
Sure you wondered about love
But you swear there's always hope
Always hope from above
Now everything starts to fall into place
It's just another breath
It's just another breath you say
It's just another step
It's just another step today
“How Do You Love” lyrics by Collective Soul
There once was love
Thrown into your room
but you never knew
a calendar of days just for you
but you never knew…
never knew no
and the truth that you'll find
will always be
the truth you hide
So how do you love?
How do you love?
When your angels can't sing
and your world is still
lacking of me yeah-yeah
and there once were eyes
That only saw you…
but you never knew
a portrait of a flower in full bloom
but you never knew…
never knew no
and the words that you fear
will always be
the words you hear yeah-yeah
So how do you love?
How do you love?
When your angels can't sing
And your world is still
lacking of me yeah-yeah
the space where you've been livin'
has gifts you've never given
that's the place
You always show
Ask me for words of wisdom
tell me of your condition
I don't know…
I don't I don't know
(Beautiful guitars)
And the truth that you'll find
will always be
the truth you hide yeah-yeah
so how do you love?
How do you love?
When your angels can't sing
And your world is still
lacking of me yeah-yeah
So how do you love?
How do you love?
When your angels can't sing
And your world is still
lacking of me yeah-yeah
How do you love?
How do you love?
How do you love?
"Youth" lyrics by Collective Soul
And you said we would be golden
When we grow old
And you said we'd never be broken
When we grow old
But if a river can dry to dust
I guess the angels we learn to trust can fly away
And like a mountain can lose its peak
I now know the heart can change its needs quietly
And you said we'd never be parted
When we grow old
And you said I'd see you in heaven
When we grow old
But if a river can dry to dust
I guess the angels we learn to trust can fly away
And like a mountain can lose its peak
I now know the heart can change its needs quietly
So goodbye comes tomorrow
Goodbyes come tomorrow
Goodbye, goodbye
Yeah goodbye comes tomorrow
Goodbyes come tomorrow
Goodbye, goodbye
And you said we would be Coultered
When we grow old
"The Next Homecoming" lyrics by Collective Soul
I leave the cage wide open
I give no words of caution dear
So when you're done revolving
I only ask your presence here
So in the morning when I slow
And the sun soon explodes
I need the world to be controlled
And in the evening when I leave
I need a reason to believe
In the next homecoming yeah
I cleared the road wide open
So put your hand on the wheel and steer
Don't drain this conversation
To only fill it back with tears
So in the morning when I slow
And the sun soon explodes
I need the world to be controlled
And in the evening when I leave
I need a reason to believe
In the next homecoming yeah
Homecoming homecoming homecoming
"Joey" by Concrete Blonde
Joey, baby - don't get crazy
Detours. Fences... I get defensive
I know you've heard it all before -
So I don't say it anymore
I just stand by and let you
Fight your secret war.
And though I used to wonder why -
I used to cry till I was dry.
Still sometimes I get a strange pain
Oh, Joey, if you're hurting so am I.
Joey, honey - I got the money
All is forgiven. Listen, listen
And if I seem to be confused
I didn't mean to be with you.
And when you said I scared you,
Well I guess you scared me too.
But we got lucky once before
And I don't wanna close the door
And if you're somewhere out there
Passed out on the floor.
Oh Joey, I'm not angry anymore.
And if I seem to be confused
I didn't mean to be with you.
And when you said I scared you,
Well I guess you scared me too.
Well if its love you're looking for
Then I can give a little more
And if you're somewhere drunk and
Passed out on the floor.
Oh Joey, I'm not angry anymore.
Angry anymore...
Angry anymore...
"Satellite" lyrics by Collective Soul
Soon a man will kneel to pray
Soon the light will burn our shade
And with the sweet the bitter fades
So my heart and take your place
Cause I will be your force
And I will be your right
And I will watch over you like a satellite
Soon reason will have rhyme
Soon wisdom will imply
And with courage doubt subsides
So take my heart and take my pride
And I will be your side
And I will be your might
And I will watch over you like a satellite
River will flow from scenes unknown
I'll guide you through by the love I'll show
And the stars will wish upon the night
That they could have a guiding satellite
"Pain" lyrics by Three Days Grace
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
You're sick of feeling numb
You're not the only one
I'll take you by the hand
And I'll show you a world that you can understand
This life is filled with hurt
When happiness doesn't work
Trust me and take my hand
When the lights go out you will understand
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Anger and agony
Are better than misery
Trust me I've got a plan
When the lights go off you will understand
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing
Rather feel pain
I know (I know I know I know I know)
That you're wounded
You know (You know you know you know you know)
That I'm here to save you
You know (You know you know you know you know)
I'm always here for you
I know (I know I know I know I know)
That you'll thank me later
Pain, without love
Pain, can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Rather feel pain than nothing at all
Rather feel pain