Tuesday, December 14, 2010:
WE ARE OVERWHELMED AND THERE IS TOO MUCH - MASSIVE CLAIM AND CLEAN UP: This spy group and criminal revolutionary organization has contacted us but it was difficult to understand what they were doing and why. They used these phones or surveillance to keep tabs and when they could benefit or nobody was looking; initiated a dialog or used various means of clandestine communications. Now limited to radio and online; they mistake how we do not have a phone in our hands and should not be talking or negotiating; no less agreeing or cozying up with criminal spies. In the past, they cozy up and sit there; then out of nowhere a drive-by or some mega attack. We observe it and we caught them; now they are making it really difficult and trying to win at all cost; even if it is in broad daylight. They are sneaky but we were sneakier. It feels like they morph into anything or anybody; who you least expect and then knock or signal to let you know they want to talk; at their convenience and by spying. They need to take a class called, “How To Avoid Hurricanes and Earthquakes” or “How To Avoid War and Massive Retaliation 101.” Maybe their leaders would like to slip us a note or love taps us with a way to get rid of 70% of this enemy before we cannot avoid disaster? All we get are stupid comments and terror on the spy phone. If they keep telling us how superior and tough they truly are; along with endless dialogues and lectures about courage; we should find the meanest, maddest, and most ferocious enemy we can find on earth; give this to them and pit the two neediest enemies we know together. So their lies and their fantasies about murder, violence, crime, and terror can always be tested by another enemy. They seem pretty stupid if you ask me and worse; more annoying and unbearable than anything of this earth. Show us what of this earth is this deserving?
It got to the point where FBI agents were murdered; the rescuers were trapped or blocked; funds were denied; budgets were cut as retaliation; we had to leave the country or seek new citizenship; and now it is how they are the same or have revised their plans. They are the communists and they are the same people who conceal an adversarial relation; while the black panthers were behind this prison break and war with the police is closer. Now they are after or trying to recruit two A students directly out of college and be-foe their life starts; aborted before it is out of the question or implicates them with a mental illness. They cannot win against all people but they can target those who they can easily hold down or destroy. So the EIB, WABC, MSNBC, FOX News, CNN, WBEN, and these rogue radio are not only relaying information; it is a phone and a spy’s nest. Once they are caught or facing risk; they try to paint a different picture, deny it, or claim others are paranoid or crazy. Is there anything worth saving or works? As I said, this NY underground only understands fear and are clowns; until that fear is delivered or arrives; they will have the leverage and the upper hand. Do not expect justice, the truth, or any ethics; expect more of the same damned enemies and job seeker. Until fear ceases to be delivered or arrives in their living rooms, doorstep, bedroom, work, career, or washes away and drowns their stupidity; we are in a losing battle. That is slavery and that is why this war is so difficult and can be a losing battle. Until a few states disappear or are leveled; they will become bolder and crazier. Until 600 megatons of Katrina arrives to save the US from evil and greed; we are just as guilty, gutless, and helpless. This is not doing a damn thing to them and making it worse or stall.
Demanding someone leave is one thing. Forcing someone to leave is another. Concealing an adversarial or clandestine plot is the worst possible outcomes. The word is high crimes and misdemeanors; subset dereliction of duty. This is why the burden of proof is very important. 50% of the black community is or has been condemned to poverty. 20% of the black leaders are terrorized by their own race. 55% of the Catholic and Jewish Church are clinging onto the welfare system and claim the Protestants are hateful. 75% of the left wing feels a conspiracy is in order and the government has to be eradicated or destroyed. Now this? Attempted murder is one thing. Murdering federal or military agents is insane. Trapping A students is insane or the most valiant. Trying to interview the best or smartest is one thing. Seeking their advice or approval is one thing. Asking for access is one thing. Inviting yourself into their home is one thing. Keeping them as a prisoner for advice or approval is insane. Denying all complaints is insane. Seeking their investment is insane. Seeking their aid and comfort is insane. Keeping the dream alive is insane; not hope. Robbing them is what it sounds like in many different ways. Murdering them is one facet of robbery and armed robbery; so is poisoning their life and loved ones. Denying a rescue or blocking lawyers and investigators to end and prevent criticism is insane. Calling for help, using life lines, trying to impersonate or act like the A students is cockamamie. It is all stall and blockades now; a matter of finances and will to live. So I am not convinced and I remain vigilante on the death penalty; but selling junk is getting more difficult. At some point, I have to throw in the towel and the left wing will survive. There cannot be any waste of time or effort in their total destruction. They have made revisions and call to ask if we want to hear it and study their new plans with them.
Waging war and losing is why they call it "to the winner are the spoils." Agreement to internment is one thing. Admission and saying, "we are guilty but you cannot take us all at once" is honorable. Living in guilt and under the strain of those who impose judgment or punishments is the only way to prevent harm and any future problems. That is the will to live test and the spying test; how does it end and is the death penalty the only option with this domestic enemy or terrorist? Denying and using the courts as a circus is dangerous and will face the test of time; a degree of force that is unacceptable. You do not make the terms of internment, expulsion, or surrender according to some incoherent or delusional code your pet reptile or some Katrina's ass feels is not a threat or long term threat. This is the grounds and the rational for internment and many other enemies and threats have done less. This is called trashing the Constitution so nobody can rely on it or use it. The degree of obstruction of justice and the level of harm are warranted by civil war and also perpetual war on this criminal spy group and revolutionary command. If so, bring it to the surface and do not try to deny or hide it. Retaliation and response is one problem; protecting those who have the will to live is another. There is no reason why those who have no will to live should be or can be in power while all complaints are thrown out or face this degree of threats. So waging war was not a good idea or successful; will a cover up or evasive action force them to a burden of proof? Prove it was not attempted murder and prove it was not already a murder and terror plot cover-up. To do this, clear, concise, and coherent actions must be presented and a check is done with the highest offices and most ultra secret personnel. So this is about victory at all cost and at any means necessary.
This should be crystal clear and not repeated ever again. I am not here to decide who wins or looses; those who have a will to live or those who do not. As far as I am concerned; I was stopped at the last minute and the genius was not released from the bottle or had to be put back. Obviously, it is hard to put the genie back now and once you cross that line; do not expect to come back. Now there are 18 more lines to cross and two have been bypassed; a sample. So I don't care who wins or looses; I will make this crystal clear; I am very biased and petition the office of hurricane and earthquakes for the death and murder of one side. If the other is so pathetic or such a menace they wish to join or unite with them; then so be it. I am not here or there to decide; I had already a long time ago and was waiting for Ann to retire. So let them fight it out but decide how this is going to go down and end. There are 20 trip wires and two are already gone; that leaves 18 remaining. That is it and all to this world. After Alex and Ann, it is dead empty space; no other life lines. Part of the problem was who we were and not knowing; now it is seeking-destroying who is behind this. I am in a really rotten and foul mood; not wishing to waste more time. When we ask for the death penalty; it is for real. When we say we destroyed them; it is not some agreement to act retarded by playground kids. If the communists and liberals want to live under the terms of the Democrats; fine. So they put our heads on the chopping block and now do not know what to do; we saved the world. Who put us in a world where slaves and the damned attack us 24 hours a day and criticize or tell us to work harder; they are the customers? Who discredited us and made it look as if I was selling junk, was totally mentally ill I had to be institutionalized and medicated, and acted as if we had to appeal and cozy up to them? Did I pay their fees or destroy them? So why is this going on still and calls coming in on the spy phone? Destroy them or lay it all on the line. I am fed up with this, fix it or lick it up. If they cannot, then intern the left wing and this criminal spy group. I am tired of making threats or marketing junk about hurricanes and earthquakes when I am total discredited by communist spies or liberals; now Big Bother.
Now the "New Black Panther Party" has climbed aboard the SC ticket and we have to fight them while they call to let us know they have the upper hand and we are going to have to fight them. This is why SC needs to secede from the union or disappear. This is avoidable if we are not blindfolded; Atlanta is another disaster zone; a potential FEMA safe zone. Wait a minute, SC? Are we reliving the re-enactment of the civil war or uniting with the left wing? The left wing ignored over 100,000 warnings, deterrence, and counter measures to reach this point; it was preventable. More problems are avoidable; but this enemy is not. Here we go with SC again, their epicenter, all communists or labor union leaders (Haley, Sanford, Caddell, Parker, Greene, Lindsay, all of them); they keep calling from SC. This Haley woman is insane and claiming to have the true story. SC is the largest black population in America and Alvin Greene is our story. The spies keep saying they have the upper hand and this is their opportunity; the communists. We must be dumb or blind. I must be out of my mind. They hit the danger spot on the bull’s eye. How they knew or how they were so stupid not knowing; is how insane this was. Who will win this and who will win is up for grabs but eventually it will become Armageddon. So thank you SC; discredit me more and make me work even harder or waste my time trying to sell this. I hope Atlanta sinks with you. So yeah, I am here to take this and take on all comers selling junk and looking crazy trying to market Armageddon. Thanks conservatives and thanks USA! So SC and Atlanta will determine if I stay and sell junk or go; we will let the heavens decide our fate. We will find out and let the heavens decide if my authority is real or a trick; to stay or go selling junk to the left wing. Let the heavens decide and be done with it; destroy them and start over. They refuse to fix anything and the government is feeble or in total cahoots. How many agents do they need to fix the 911 light bulb or change it? 200? 2000? 1? How long will it take now to screw things up again? So it is subtle. Did I get to pick my side or get to choose? Did I get to choose my staff or who calls me in the most unwanted ways on the spy line?
Here we go with the radio phone and Haley-Jindahl-Hannity-Limbaugh-Palin-Caddell-Parker-Sanford-Lindsay rogue infiltration. Here goes Haley on December 13, 2010. I am not God and I am not Jesus; go petition or tell them as I have to; this is a waste of time and an utter disaster. Now lick it up and clean it up; the clock is ticking. We do not want or need them; do not show up or keep trying. The government and this domestic enemy were fine with this and we have pleaded our case; our story, and our biography. I am not going to put a gun up to an idiot and ruin my life; nor beg some demented madman for mercy. Like a wanderer they help themselves and think they know everything; until it is too late and too little. I am not here to decide who lives or dies; I will judge who I want to live or die and act according to my own compass and my own fate. Can harm or bad events be prevented? Of course it can but to do so; justice must be served and the evil must be eradicated and held down. Is it too late? It depends on who calls the final shot and has the trump cards; who can destroy and mutually assure the other does not win? So what is the punishment for bad decisions and how is the punishment going to win this war? If they do not have an honest answer; do not bother to use the radio as a phone. Here we go, make me work harder, discredit me, and make it look like an idiot trying to sell junk. We will know if I am discredited and selling junk or trying to market the communists; this is why we must petition the office of hurricane and earthquakes; make them disappear and step down or else we will have to crumble. I just do not have the vision or power to stop them, fight them, or defeat them; so why try? I look like an idiot already and everybody thinks I am crazy or imagining how American they are; I do not have the authority to overrule or decide the fate of this world. I am not initiating any of this or trying to unite; why am I fighting it? So when they do as expected or act as expected; then fear is in their eyes. Until then, nothing will change. Logic, ethics and standards is not of this world with this human species. They only understand fear and overwhelming power; to live on the edge of total destruction. Unless that total destruction is placed on their doorsteps or evicts them; they will continue and will never refuse to stop.
If the Democrats and the liberals do not wish to be interned; they better stop terrorizing people; stop spying; stop contacting them; stop stalking; stop accusing others; stop blocking or shutting their life down; get real and get an education to cure how stupid they are. Don't get real and keep this continuous to keep the dream alive; be interned or wage war on the US. Who said I was here to stop them or beg? Why am I on the borders; to beg or to stay? Does anybody think I care if they live or die? As I see it; this was done with and over; we were ultra gone and it is their problem and they can fight it out. Good luck. The ending is still a surprise and depends on who gets close to us or falls in the trap. Now they all are in it and we cannot tell one from the other; no gap or incompatibility. All of them are damned and do not even know it; just ass a victim. So ask how did this happen and who will give the real and true story; if their life depended on it? The future of the world depends on it. We said they are traitors and communist spies; now criminal revolutionary immigrants who flood here. Did they help themselves or just used us to help themselves? Have they halted or stopped; or just lied and denied everything? So maybe we cannot exist here is America because the evil and corruption is just too much or too tough for us; so 18 trip wires is on the line and up for grabs. That is how we have to live so this is how they will have to also; can't win them all or keep complaining. We need to cull the left wind down to 30% and have their leaders not more than 20% or 2000 near us. Has no thank you been effective or has fear arrived on our doorstep? So they claim it is courage and they will never run from a fight; do they love it or are they miserable? Has fear reached a level where "yes sir" or "no sir" a reality? Has fear induced this slave to say, "It will never happen again sir" or "I will get right on it and get the truth for you."
Fear and danger has not crossed their minds and if it did, they said they are and want to die. Do we want to die? So why are the D students winning or in total control and power? What would happen if a hurricane and earthquake of category 6 leveled them and made them a Katrina victim? Would they call us or tell us they are the office of the DA? Can the DA patch a levy or stop a hurricane? Can the DA deter a military or win a coup? So why can't we? Why can't I fire them or thaw them out? Am I helpless and selling junk? Am I a D student and a drunken labor union slave also who has mysterious black and Irish women chasing him? If civil war was ignited today or broke out; even over satellite warfare, the military is ready or the FBI is ready? Then who is? Us or them? All indicators say satellite warfare is but it is almost 20 years late and delayed; why? Does anybody have the story or can answer a panel? What if the safety of the world depended on this answer? Does anybody have it? What if our existence would end or could end tomorrow if it fell into the wrong hands; who can stop it or who can answer the panel of questions? Can the NY underground or the State's Attorney's office? Can the local police or the State Police? Well it almost got to the brink and that close; where is the facts, data, and the full truth? Did anybody read the reports or the story? They did not know anything and we were able to hide all of it until the last minute and launch a counter offensive; now who did that or denied it? Well, we cannot stop a hurricane or earthquake either; but we know how to stop the alien who has this capability or even flashes a glimmer of hope.
Why would we seek the death penalty or describe this enemy in such extreme measures? Let me guess, we are riddled with holes and do not care or feel them anymore, shameless? There are so many lies and problems; it is criminal suicide? They want jobs. They want freedom. They want power. Is fear or the truth on their minds or why we are in such a foul mood? They want victory at all cost and at the detriment of treason. It is a done deal; now what? If you are looking for murder, treason, and the worst moral violations; it is a done deal and there already. Even their leaders are used to this and their mindset has not registered fear or overwhelming forces to compel them to surrender or stop. We can run them over 2000 times; it is not enough deterrence or powerful enough. So why would no thank you or go away? There is a tipping point and a threshold; we are well beyond and past that threshold. We are talking way out in left field or over the fence sitting. Did anybody sign up for that or just this enemy and D student? Did anybody get put on earth to witness or be abused by it? Now they want victory at all cost and know how; satellite warfare and us; who is helping them and why? Why are we still waiting for backup and fear to arrive; it is too far into the red; only the ones behind this can fix it or put things back. So why don't they? Are we too impatient? Are we not smart enough? Are we too weak or helpless? Are they into us and in total control again? Why?
Are they too cold now and too scared? This case is over. If there is life on this earth and self preservation; you cannot go any further and do any further research. We already set out to achieve this and understand it; it is done with and 20 years old now. The book was written almost two decades ago and can be proven. That is it; there is no more life on earth or plans for survival of the human race; finished; Armageddon; world war and lots of pain and hurt. So when are the counter measures or that pain and hurt going to arrive? Why is prison real? Why are there 34 anal searches and three false arrests? So a game has begun and it is as nasty ad the human race can make it. It is a beautiful shock but one well deserved by a miserable and empty foe. Most of them are in prison and their moral standards are based on children being raped or molested. Is that a clue? Is that a clue the asylum has erupted and the D students took the A students as hostage and tortured them? We built a military base on a mountain of slaves; some the best and some the worst; but evil has no face or caricature. Can we walk away from that mountain or build a new long term plan? If so, then fear and destruction must arrive on their doors and send their leaders into hiding; that is just the liberals and left wing; I did not program them or create hell on earth. I did not invent stupid religions, racism, or slavery; but I am stuck with the legacy of it and now the leaders that rose from the ashes. Would you be happy or would you be in a foul mood? Would you try to locate or find the SOUBs who started this and put us in a hole so big; genius and straight A's could not dig itself out of? Who wants to sign up for that or sell that junk? It takes 100 questions before you get some false response or a total lie; how about 1 question and it better be the truth?
Now the dynamics has changed; the enemy knows there are consequences and retaliation. The rules of warfare have been rewritten. We have changed the ending and the plot. There is nothing we cannot rewrite. The people who started this or created this is why the country is so weak and the world is so screwed up; did I do this or invent insanity? My god, I am suing for 1.5 billion and trying to catch those who tried to murder me and my life partner. Do you think the US government could or was able to prevent those deaths already? So why are the deaths and the plots burying us and the good guys? Everything stinks and nothing makes any sense; nothing, not even our big and masterful biography. So the question is are we willing to destroy our fellow man or is he more willing to see us destroyed and defeated to the end? Whose self preservation is most important or is there any importance to human life? If so then there is a big screw up and someone better have an official story or tell the truth. Do you see that story or do you see it stalled and buried? What do the reports say? The numbers say the odds are greater than the good guys or the truth; how can this be or who can be so insane? Have we been drafted to fight their wars and fish for the feudal lords; or just tricked into thinking they are rich and have our best interest in mind? Well the slaves and the evil have outnumbered and done a drive by fast one on everybody; even the good guys. Until that overwhelming fear and the prospect of overwhelming force enters the cavity of their mind; their courage will march faster than their moral convictions. Ethics has been lost and thrown out in the name of greed and self preservation; yet the meaning of life is now reduced to a senseless spy line and total lies. So who has the story of Armageddon and the nation taken to the brink? How do they know it and why did they tell it; so why didn't they before? How did it get this way or was taken to terminal levels; a point of no return and risk so great; there was no going back.
So who is that insane and who is that crazy to live under those rules and criteria? Are we or are they? Can the DA's office fault us and keep calling in threats or legal terror? So why do they remain vigilante and heartless? Care to guess or still stumped? If we do it again, we have to get rid of 70% of them in order to fix or return reality; how? How do you get rid of an enemy who is a squatter in our existence and has no will to live or a care in the world? So how do you give them jobs when 60% have felony records or put a felon in this world by obnoxious romantic fantasies? How do you keep the Medicaid and Social Security flowing when the poor and rich are drowning in debt? We could vote our way out of this or convert ourselves to loose the will to live; become a zombie and walking dead. We can talk to one of these recruiters and go on their spy line or use the media phone. Who is this good and who is this powerful; who is able to take this enemy to the brink of total destruction and Armageddon? Let them talk and let them prove their innocence; to show this will to live before the mask is ripped off or the fury of God unleashed. The fury of God is comparable to war; and war is nothing but sheer terror. From a military perspective or the best Generals on this earth; war is nothing more than two numbers that add up to a close call. It is a logical and rational coherence which can be studied, taught, and told in a classroom. The only problem is when you talk to the enemies; they have a better lesson to teach. So beat this lesson and teach it or etch it with their blood. There is nothing to teach or left to study; nothing. Their fantasy and business like mannerism must have invented some new world or other reality not of this earth. From here we go to page 2 and page 2 is strictly strategy and plans. So there is a level and a degree of incoherence that is intolerable and unbearable. The degree of crime, pain, suffering, violence, and terror with this enemy is unknown to any other inside or outside of the US enemy list. The violence and murder rate exceeds that we finalize and gauge foreign foes by. So why the left wing and liberals turned a blind eye to their own traitor and debauchery is the burden of proof they better have and prove; otherwise, it will be an end to this 24 hour captivity and lectures to the best strategist on this earth who made their life worse than they could themselves. They cannot turn back and they have already waged war; so there is no going back now. There is no rescue or recovery as they demanded; and there is no ally they can sink with or look clever in a mug shot holding. This was the only rescue and they really screwed that up and made the leaders of this world ultra top secret mad.
So this is about those who have the will to live and those who do not; why are we lecturing and crying about who has to win and who has to die? I realize now we are at the mercy of the damned and blind as a prisoner or hostage. I did not sign up to cozy up to criminal spies or be humiliated by the communist forces. I did not sign up to fight stupid people for dear life; so the heavens will let us know and SC will decide our fate. Maybe we cannot stop them and they will keep calling on their radio phone against our will and invade or steal our career; so it is us for them now. Choose. They only understand fear and until that fear is delivered to their doorstep and forces them to step down or seek justice; we will be fighting a losing battle. This is why I was out of there and already decided; let the weak fight it out, not use the strong to fight their weak efforts. Even crime is a charade and a losing battle; why waste your time on trash? Do you think fear arrived on their doorstep or stopped them from terrorizing the community? Do you think prison reformed them and taught them anything? So why would it impact or nudge their leaders? You have to lay it on the line as I have but the people on duty are not in their right mind. The whites are a total mess and the blacks are even more messed up. They are fighting over control and religion now; over 2000 years of bickering about reality. Is that insanity or just disagreements? So unless hurricanes and earthquakes arrive on their door or knocks them down; do not expect this enemy to run and hide. Do you think the police, the FBI; the DHS are happy and winning? That career now is a circus; crime is a total asylum in itself. Want to test it and take them on; we did? So who can do this and who did this? Who out there can understand the dynamics of this and drop hints or lemon kisses to let us know they are there and waiting?
Why do I have to sue and seek 1.5 billion in damages while a charade is ongoing daily and more spying is state sponsored? If they piss off the wrong people and cannot live according to how they are expected; then do not expect the warmth of the sun or the air needed to breathe. I am not here to beg this enemy about why they cannot or should not wage war on me or my loved ones. I am not here to ask them why they rob me or tried to murder me and my partner. I am not here to listen to and be their secretary while they use me to speak to the public. Sit by them or hire them and death be upon hell on earth; there are no two sides to this story or excuses needed. Who said I was not trying to leave and refuse to; I was seeking new citizenship already and on the borders now. Why the fuck am I the problem and made to be the one with the mental illness; do I call people or initiate some dialogue with the damned? Why am I subjected to 30 anal searches and have to be treated as if I was Nelson Mandela; do I act and look like D students? Why do I have to deal with this, this total disaster, and begging for mercy? Do I look dependent or need the company of the damned? Do I need their support or have to pay them some royalty while petitioning for their death and punishment? This was not a good idea and Ann's idea; not Alex; Alex was done with this and judged the human species already. Do you think they are this stupid or just acting it? Do you think they are that reckless or doing it intentionally? Exactly. Do you think the Pentagon has any authority over the heavens? Do you think the FBI has any authority over the heavens? Do you think DHS has any power over the heavens? Do you think the President or Congress has any authority over the heavens or nature; to fight God himself? Then why should I? Why do I have to waste my time and constantly fight a losing battle; all they will do is block justice or tell me to keep appealing. Why not level them and risk it all?
Now they think we want to get along with them on their terms? I am in one foul mood; really foul but it is not because I am a D student; someone made me look like them and be treated like a liberal, a Democrat, the labor unions, the Irish, the Italians, the Catholic Jews, and the damned and I proved my point. Do I need to beg the damned more or unite with them? So they can now explain how the hell this happened and tell the powers that be what they did and why; do I care or need to listen to the total lies? Do I care if they survive or wish to stay? Ann and I will do as we please and wish; are we destitute and poor like them or have they made us look like them and pull us down more? Even when the world and the nation depends on it; we are stuck with a traitor and this swamp creature that is dumber than dumb and going nowhere. Tell them to pay the debt and fix Social Security or Medicaid; also locate the trillions of dollars missing. Do they deserve to live or wish to plead guilty? The problem is they are too comfortable with who they are. They are too comfortable with stupidity and flaws; and this will die and cause financial chaos; total world war. So here we are and there they go. Save them a lot of time and heartache; no thank you. Now we are stuck with communists and left wing labor unions all over the place. They are showing up for all kinds of duty; even airport and groping or molester duty. Have you read our biography? They are the authority and claim they are in total control of the state.
They need to step down and not show up for duty; or we are gone. We do not work for them or care to. If the damned do not know it or do not know their place; then it is time to wage war on this world. If the damned do not understand no thank you or live on stupidity; then this world is gone and we are doomed. Why live in misery? Why not risk it all and live in comfort? So who put us in this world and made us fight a losing battle against the slaves and damned? Then that SOB can fight their own fights and market their own junk; nobody signs up for this. The people who created this or started this should be in pain and suffer for their bad decisions; not us. So unless fear and total destruction is delivered to their doorstep; do not expect ethics, standards, the truth, justice, or "no thank you" to have any bearing on this or the communist mindset. We cannot have them in our life and with 24 hours of access; a spy phone and layers and layers just to catch 911 benefactors. The most powerful and sane are right here; the only ones walking this earth; have you read their stuff and their biography? Who in hell would sing along or sign up for this junk and wish to be discredited so badly? So until fear and total destruction arrives; we will let the heavens decide and seek the death penalty ass quick as possible.
D STUDENTS, BURNING IN HELL, UNLOVED, COPY CAT, SPIES, COMMUNIST, LABOR DRUNKEN FOOLS, STALKERS: MOTIVE WHY THEY DID THIS TO ANN AND ALEX - We are charging them with attempted murder and much more; police, minorities, friendly to other races or not. None of them have any college, they copy or cut and paste anything we say or do; it makes you feel cheap or used; they are D students and abuse the people who work hard, are A students, and it is still going on; it is on a state and national level. We are stuck in some hippy Helter Skaler where we are forced to fight the police and authorities. Why are they in America and how did they get here? Ann and I are partners and almost married; who are they to invite themselves or help themselves. Look at the finances of the US and the utter total disaster. They did wage war and this is why there are murder cases, bombing plots, and terror plots; however, the manner which they waged this war caused tremendous grief for those whom they waged war against; the A students and those who will be much happier without them. Now they are trying to figure out how to lessen the damage, the punitive damages, and the lasting impact. It is crystal clear our life would have been a lot better had these people not been part of or in our life; now they try to act like heroes or some rescue and it is impossible because there are so many lies and so many alibis; nothing is real or works. They are in the UCMJ system also but they keep toying with people and think lies will help them or improve their lot; no further punishments. They cannot just sit there incoherent, mouth off, keep goofing off, refusing to stop or halt; and expect the best. We have no idea why they expect the best or feel this will be okay; they are not the A students and they cannot act as if they are or spy on them. They must end the charade once caught and prepare to prove their case with sanity and real arguments.
WHAT HAPPENS AFTER GUILT AND HURRICANE DUTY: The blacks are at war with the police and the Italian-Irish Jews want to profit or become the leaders. Unless you are as evil and warped as they are; you cannot stop, halt, or defend against these attacks; it took us over 20 years. Limbaugh on December 13, 2010 @ 1320 said, "Win or loose we will get paid... we will be glad to take their money... it is a liberal group... a lot of Democratic consultants are now out of the job." How do they prove it was not attempted murder or reckless endangerment? Does that sound coherent in court or some drunken criminal spy? Take a look at the charges on this criminal group; is that coherent? There is no evidence we are trying to unite with them or have a death wish. There is a lot of evidence to prove we are the A students and do not like them or wish to communicate with them. So if they have a death wish, they need not spread it or recruit us; we are not trying to unite and never had any interest in these communists, terrorists, and radicals who use Vietnam or the Vietnam War to attack the military, police, or destroy them. They made up so many love stories and homosexual orgies; it was vulgar and disgusting. Now they want a break and for us to lessen the impact of their incoherent and D student existence. Meanwhile, the US is facing total financial collapse and trillions are mission or unaccountable for. All they want to do is sell land, tax property, and act like a drunken police or DA because nothing they do or say has any credibility or can be proved in court. Now the property is condemned while they just help themselves based on this D grade student trying to act like the A students. How did they manage to trick and scam others?
KIDNAP, CLONE, TRICK, STALK, STEAL, IMPERSONATE, MATE, AND KILL OFF THE A STUDENTS: It is crystal clear our life would have had a chance and this could have been avoided had they not been part of our life or still are; yet the charade keeps chugging on like a broken machine or drunken bum. They want another chance and said our life is fine now; much better than theirs; nothing is wrong with us and we survived. It is odd how we cannot escalate this any further. Their argument is they are more powerful, more courageous, in total control, spying on us, cannot be caught or stopped, have to be killed or want to die, living our life and A grades, we are in some prison or a hostage, we must leave or else be driven off their HQ, and their leaders are going to fight to the end even if they are suicidal and have no will to live. They mistook Alex and was mislead or ran into counter-measures due to his college research and the books he wrote in college; but got caught in the worst way possible. They could not achieve any of their goals, none of them; so there is a total disaster and a rescue underway. They must come into court and prove it is not and was never attempted murder on Ann or Alex; they cannot hide the adversarial relation or how it got this way. These people are insane and they have no education; none while we are the A students being exploited, harmed, or charging them. They continue to speak for the office of the DA; who is the drunk and who are the A students? It sounds intentional and evasive to me. It sounds like they are intentionally trying to deny and block justice.
Let's get the facts correct and end the pathological Black Panther or radical IRA labor union lies. We never initiated anything or contacted them; never. We are not in bomb plots or trying to hide them. We had lawyers notify them to stop and halt before we pursued formal and legal retaliation. These people dug their own graves and then they tried to utilize conspiracy, authority, or any life line as a means to drive off, force, or harass and intimidate in the worst way possible; but this was a layer of alibi to cover up and negotiate a quick resolution; to deny much more and much worse. They will take anything they can get and will keep claiming a conspiracy is underway to oppress or deny them this victory and power. Wait until we call in the military, the office of hurricane and earthquakes, or some meaner than mean force you cannot catch or get in trouble; maybe you will address the complaints and learn something; change your ways. Just because you are a D student, have no will to live, and a total liar or phony; it does not give you the right to wage war on us or try to talk to us while holding us as prisoners. We never initiated any contact or want to deal with how messed up your Porsche poor ass is and was. Somebody needs to sit down and explain to these spies and imposters what a radio and what a telephone is; why you cannot mix the two up and toy with other human beings. I do not see a telephone in my hands or dialed any number; so I cannot be complaining about or to who is doing it. They made it more difficult to prove while not taking serious the complaints or why they were concealing this adversarial relation; trying to make others agree to their hidden belief system and the D student system acting like the A students were weak, crazy, helpless, or being laughed at. Their business was facing criminal and civil charges; the war on the police was continuous; and we were being targeted and made to look crazy.
BURNING IN HELL OR AN OVEN: Dear Bauerly (WBEN): F you. You are the one who is scratching your head and looking in a mirror you jackass; we are criticizing you. Are you dirt stupid or just an idiot? It is your grades, lack of professionalism, flaws, burdens, and idiot existence; not how cool and capable you think you are. MF stop pitching me for a break and stop telling me the DA is willing to give me a break to get off the hook; you are on the hook not me or us. You all are the hippies, the labor, the Catholics, the Italians-Irish Jews, the failures, the total mess and idiot we are hunting down; not the reverse and your Gulag or prison parole system I am stuck in and trying to win over. Nobody is trying to win you over jackass; tell your DA your leaders are pushing danger to terminal elevations. Your sorry ass better get it down and get it right; got it NY underground MF lousy immigrant border collie? Your DA can kiss my ass and we will wage some form of war on you and your defense. Moreover, you are still useless and a worthless public servant; a total mess with the ability to reach us, interview us, or gather secret information hidden from the public and your persistence. I remember the lesson on the mafia and local folklore; how educational. Know your place and stay down will you; life will be easier. The drunk and the miserable molester is you honky. You hate your own race and have to play this game with others. We should turn those God like fury satellites on your sorry existence and teach you the place you belong tonight. We are forced to be patient with your disease and ungrateful terminal failure. It is very difficult to charge the communist and 911 terrorist with attempted murder or stop them when conservative imposters do not understand what a phone is and what a radio is and make the same mistakes that are completely illegal. Hiding it is one thing; lying about it is another; justifying it is how whacked out these people and labor union goose egg has gotten. Spying is one thing, denying it is another, and trying to use it as a weapon is evil; a radio or TV is not a phone unless there is spying and some peeping tom system by Big Bother. I will criticize you but am not suing you or your WBEN spy network marketing insanity. Your mobility and passport is only down the block; and there is nothing down there.
The truth is they are waging war on the police and now us; worse, it is illegal and they deny it. Does it matter who they are, why they are doing it, or how superior they think they are as Big Bother? The entire point is they deny it; and for some odd reason; it is not only the communist and the radical left wing doing this or were caught; yet we know they made it difficult to prove the blank panthers were behind it all. Then they made it look as if we were mentally ill, deserved some adverse harm, or they were not trying to steal everything or get ahead in an illegal manner. Does that sound as if they are traitors or Americans trying to solve this case and keep tabs on people who view them much differently? WBEN is a hub and so are these radio shows. Not all TV shows are trying to call us on some secret spy phone or fill our head with nutty lies. The complaints have not been addressed and are still racking up. They still try to get others in trouble or think they are the police. Maybe we need to call the military or the meanest of the mean to teach this spy group and this criminal failure a lesson; they do not seem to address complaints or have any respect for the self preservation or rights of others. All this bunch wants to do is unite, force or order people around, and ignore all the complaints on them as they ask for a death wish and try to unite with us. The motive is even more shocking. Just because they are a D student, have no will to live, and a total liar or phony; it does not give them the right to wage war on us or try to talk to us while holding us as prisoners. We never initiated any contact or want to deal with how messed up this Porsche poor threat is and was. We did everything to avoid them, can probe and prove it, and now the burden of proof is on them to avoid the outcome. Maybe evil needs to face evil or some overwhelming force of nature. Beach is the recruiter and the ring leader. He is laughing at the entire matter and how it has confused the authorities and how the complaints are insane. He claims why they are spying or engaged in illegal activity rules out any charge or complaint. We are not living with black panthers, radicals, or liberals so we have no interest with how they operate or their fees.
I admit I took them lower to the pit of hell they were in; but it is a mirror and who they are. Now they cannot climb the mountain or even climb half way up to where we are and were; so they got what they expected, proof. Did they learn anything? They learned how to lay, cheat, and steal even better than before; but nothing real or worth admitting in a court of law. If you keep contacting us or stalking us; we will make you look in the mirror you buffoon; incoherent. Every god damn human being who reads this says the same thing; you are incoherent, delusional, and do not have a clue; you claim to be the police and some authority. You all cannot even answer yes or no in a court of law; want to test it? We would like to see the playbook and rule book you are following; it is incoherent. Your behavior fits how we observe you retarded bully. We are here to tell your NY underground to go to hell and to kiss our ass; you want to wage war right? Well, live by the sword and die by this then. All of you sound like a drunken slut or some stray cat. They are so nuts, so drunk, and so miserable; they dream of an oven or some story to give them some meaning. The SOB is now coming to America and saying it takes an oven to stop them or put them in pain; is that power or stupid drunkenness? Are we this evil and need to know this? Do I need this or how insane the NY underground and leaders are? Do not come to America or DC and ask this question ever again; a no is enough for me.
GUNIEA PIG - HOW MUCH ABUSE CAN THE DRUNK TAKE: Are you F'in drunk again or faking it? You MF do you understand when someone does not want you to spy on them or talk to them? Do you understand how annoying and stupid you are? Your grades are lousy also; even worse. Why do you compete with geniuses or the best; those who are flawless? Why do you keep declaring yourself the winner or victors? Why? Are you drunk or on some stupid pill? You all belong in chains, not doing your own thing or thinking freely; as if others are trying to interact with you liberals and NY underground hippies. That is why you are incoherent and a total jackass; get some college also. You are the D student and cum eating drunk; not me or my SATWAR forces; look in the mirror you loser looking for a playmate. You all are the insane F'er we were trying to hunt down, catch, and corner. Now you are facing a firing squad and stuck; not us you jackass and MF. You do not have an exit you SOB drunken incoherent idiot; not us. You are looking into a mirror now and finally realize it and how this game is won. I am the bait and the trap is what you walked into and now know. It is a giant trap and scam to make others look as if they are the problem, mentally ill, or to gain personal information by spying and invading their privacy. In no way was their affiliation linked to violations of rights or waging war on the police by linking us or associating us with those who were black panthers or a security force whom are making it more difficult to bring them to justice.
We cannot seem to be able to get rid of your incoherent and lousy ass; why? Do you feel ran over 100 times yet and still want to keep this going on and on? Now the danger is 100 and 1000 times what life is supposed to be; you must be a genius. How did your idiot ass get in our life and our security system? This is what we are trying to prevent and shore up; to kick your lousy ass in the trash heap or beat you down; do not rise or helter shelter you crack bum; what the hell is going on in your lousy head? How much abuse can you take or is death the only solution to get rid of your lousy and stupid presence? How much abuse can you take or do we have to put forth? Sooner or later you will understand and reality will hit you right between the holes you already have by us. You are riddled with holes and now do not even notice or care; just incoherent, super cool, and lovable? How much abuse can this drunken buffoon take or do we have to find? A simple no was not good enough and destroying them is still not as powerful as they are? What registers in their incoherent numb head? I am going to make sure this drunken slob licks up every mess they ever made in our life; every single bit. They are not going to clean it up they are going to lick it up. We will make sure every hurricane on US soil lands directly on them; if it takes an oven then it will be that way. Try to turn it off now?
The FBI and military are going to be destroyed: The US may want to consider internment or killing this enemy and domestic criminal spy before a lawsuit implicates them; they must prove steps taken and it was not attempted murder. These are D students, not the A students who have to pay one way or the other. The burden of proof is on the government; so far it is all false arrest and malicious prosecution. They must prove they took steps to avoid attempted murder; not keep secrets. They can dress up as Arabs. They can pretend to be Jews. They can even act Italian or friendly to minorities. They could be the police or even the President. If they are caught then the whole game changes; now the burden of proof is on them; not us or anybody else who is facing attempted murder or a valid explanation. So that is the danger level they have also accumulated with all this lying, cheating, stealing, and now negotiating war resolutions. We have heard this for over two years now and all kinds of total lies. We do not care if they are female, white, black, or Virginia Tech students; we caught them and they lied. The NY DA cannot even smell their own Irish, Italian, and Jewish heritage; yet they want to come into court and act as if they are the A students and the victors? This was more than enough. But you know what, ask and pray God and Jesus drown their ass after all the law suits and all said and done. I am not God and I cannot harness the forces of fury or this universe; however, I do know how to stop an alien who tries or who has a sleigh of the twisted to try. So not many people on this earth can prevent or stop the inevitable either.
This human being does not deserve to live and should get the death penalty; expelled from any freedom or liberties; maybe they will get what they wish for or ask. The danger is afterwards and what their guilt will get. They are not the A students, know this, and need to end this charade before guilt will result in further problems. They are not trying to copy us, spy on us, or ruin our lives; they do not even have a college degree. We have eight or more years in college and they challenge and try to match anything we do; as if they won already and we are warned. That is how insane and stupid this enemy truly is. Ann has eight years of college; Alex has over 10 years and was home schooled by Pentagon Generals. Now both Ann and Alex look like they got ran over by a truck and some drunken DA. Now they are caught, how do they act coherent? How do they prove it was not attempted murder or reckless endangerment? This louse, stalker, and unstable public servant needs to begin to address the complaints on them; not get others in trouble or silence them; now they got attempted murder charges and fighting the A students who are not initiating any death wish or lack of will to live they call courage. Does this sound like the inevitable or a cruel hoax by a cruel and demented SOB who is now enemy number one on everybody's list and showing up for duty on any side they can climb aboard for the New World? This is total insanity and we are not only exposed to it, are a sitting duck, but in the eye of the storm. Did I sign up for this or to be telling this story with such fury and might of a foul mood? Why do I feel homicidal and as if my world has gone insane and slaves are in total control of my life trying to steal anything they can or have?
WAGING WAR ON US OR THEM: Let's see if we can understand this. The labor movement, left wing, radical hippies, and the entire 1960s "Love, Peace, and Drugs" culture is upset with the war against drugs and the NY underground; so they decided to replay the 1960s and exploit the US Army and the Vietnamese so they can use the police to have normal, successful, and pleasant appearances turn into a cockroach and reptilian buffoon so they can even the score against the cops? Now they are even angrier because that did not go so well either and they are sitting ducks, exposed, everybody knows, and are now a Katrina's ass guinea pig? They feel they can call, contact, wreck up our car, shoot at us, spy on us, hold us as prisoners, act like the pigs or the warden, and torment our life with butt ugly 1960s Gandhi-etiquette half naked losers to scare the hell out of military legends? Furthermore, they think and courageously feel they can take a pop shot anytime they want and wage war on use without us hunting them down, destroying them, going SATWAR, and petitioning Jesus and God to murder their leaders? I think someone might get hurt and might be sued; but I think some form of war will be waged back on this Katrina's ass invisible hole in the head. Odd how humiliating us, stalking us, acting like the police, corrupting us, spying, trying to rape, trying to call or contact secretly, wrecking our cars, and causing 1.5 billion in damages has blown up in their face and 100 times worse.
They are going to need some medical coverage to be trying this let alone caught for doing this. It is bad enough to be waging war on their parents, the police, and the US; but now the leaders of satellite warfare and legendary authors; how many holes do they want to see in them? These terror plots were "Helper Sellers" and the beginning of the end. The reality is how it is not just the kid who is the problem; it is their leaders also. That is what we are stuck in and the two biggest groups have taken over the Republican and Democrat Party. Let the pain and the hurt begin; they have no choice when a sitting duck and waging war clandestinely. So we know why they were trying to stalk, kidnap, mimic, match, perfect, hide behind, impersonate, steal our work, steal our career, and where all this spying is leading. In court, they will not be let off the hook so easily and must be coherent; so keep spying and playing this game before the end is near. The US may want to consider internment or killing this enemy and domestic criminal spy before a lawsuit implicates them; they must prove steps taken and it was not attempted murder. These are D students, not the A students who have to pay one way or the other. A D student is a D student in reality and the market of ideas; really professional, try to turn it off now. Maybe we need to call the military or the meanest of the mean to teach this spy group and this criminal failure a lesson; they do not seem to address complaints or have any respect for the self preservation or rights of others. All this bunch wants to do is unite, force or order people around, and ignore all the complaints on them as they ask for a death wish and try to unite with us.
1. We saw the Maddoff Klan make 50 billion disappear; worse than a Soviet threat.
2. We saw 2 trillion in US aid disappear. Where did it go and who can do the accounting now?
3. Does the public want to see 10 or 15 trillion disappear when Medicaid and Social Security disappears? So this enemy has very little time to get his fixed or our life fixed or else there will be the pain and suffering they keep describing. It is not how they cannot get it done; they do not want to lose power or step down; so they want anybody to knock me off. Well, knock them off.
4. We know who the guinea pigs and tools truly are now and who and where to look.
5. The Vietnamese did not need the US or allies to storm into Cambodia and China; so South Korea does not need the US to storm into North Korea or shut Kimmy and Jimmie up. The way they act in the face of danger is as abhorrent as the acts perpetrated on them. After North Korea, storm into China or Japan if they want to keep this charade going.
WHO WOULD KNOW AND WHO WOULD CARE: They ought to know anytime you program computers and having as much high tech schooling as I do; there is a way to test them. In lab, they give you paper and pen and 15 minutes to write code. If you do not know what to do within the first 5 minutes; then do not even try. So in 15 minutes you must have an algorithm and 100s of lines of code. Try to pretend and be an imposter when you have no formal education or have ever been tested by the best. So I can put them down or lock them in a room with my best and test their technology, genius, failure, or lies. I will know and will see right through it. You also would think with all these child molestation and rape cases; they could see themselves. Still the effort to get rid of them is unsuccessful and the Democrats do not want to intern this scrawny little Fiery. The criteria to intern them for waging war is far beyond insanity; so that is how big the problem and this enemy is. Now they think they are racist, hate, teaching others how to prevent being lynched, and feel they are our guardians and know better. Worse, take a look at their grades and academic scores; that in itself is a total joke. That joke was made my academic score; as if they share the pain or same failure. So we can test and easily gauge your computational ability from K1 to K12 (Math, Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus). These criminal spies act as if they do not know what hate, rape, murder, and crime is; but when you ask them why they avoid walking down their poor city, USA; they clam up and act sexy horny to avoid the question. It is frustrating to do calculations hourly or when computations must be perfect to listen to some poor ass phony talk crazy question time or why we are so mean. Now I look like a failure and a D student; did I ask for this? Then they act as if they do not know what rape, murder, robbery, or getting stomped on when they live on a trash heap. Just so you realize the reality and understand SATWAR is brand new; there are a lot of tests. By refusing to stop, halt, or continuing to contact us; you are signing your life over to a world of pain and grief. So when you act like this jackass; you actually condemn you neighbors, your community, your locale, and your state; to remove yourself off this enemy list; I suggest you try a new country. Are you communist, labor union, and liberals some kind of test dummy or guinea pig and why do you keep acting like you want to be? iLimbaugh are you nuts or just a numb nut challenging two of the smartest strategist on earth?
NOT SO FUN BEING A VICTIM ANYMORE IS IT: This enemy is so poor and stupid, robbing them or murdering them is a joke. Yet they live by the rules of the streets; they have nothing and are dirt poor; going nowhere. So they ask why we are so mean, so mean to them, and how much they like or admire us. Ask them how many times they have been raped? How many times were they mugged? Have they been murdered or on the end of violence before? If someone wished them dead; why would they talk to or aggravate them more just to act like they are not scared? Do they walk at night down dark alleys of ghettoes? So that is why we are mean; why are they so stupid? If they were this courageous; they can walk down some infested street of average town USA and ask them why they are so mean or act like they are welcomed. What will happen is they will get robbed, mugged, raped, and then murdered. We are not the slightest bit interested in them so don't worry. We just want to ID them and their latitude and longitude; for hurricane and earthquake reasons. Oh, you can rule out the rape part because they are butt ugly and dirt poor; and dumb to go with it. Don't worry about the gold dust or the sex underwear; go on a diet and stop bothering us. So the honky Katrina's ass princess is pretending as if they do not know what rape and murder is; odd how dirt poor and destitute they truly are to have such a sheltered life; odd to be comparing their life to royals and legends of history. For one of their destitute little whiteys to be asking us what poor-dom is and what hate is about; is as insane as asking why Asians are so smart and loved by white conservative females. It is a hoax and stereotypical of racial profilers or bigots. You cannot tell fact from fiction when they are in or revolving around your world. Ask why I was a professor of military science at age 14 and who my first pupil was; 14 is when I finished my home schooling and I read everything and anything. I can teach infantry skills and tactics; from marching to every weapon in the world; how to build them; continuous learning; etc. It is not something to be bragged or needed in the civilian world; all of this is home schooled. Your left wing secret revolutionary organization used perfect people for your experiments so if you live by the sword; you can certainly die by your own sword. We know where to turn to and look for when we need Katrainer's ass. Call it courage if you want.
There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
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Tuesday, December 14, 2010
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About Me
- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest