Tuesday, December 14, 2010:
WE ARE OVERWHELMED AND THERE IS TOO MUCH - MASSIVE CLAIM AND CLEAN UP: This spy group and criminal revolutionary organization has contacted us but it was difficult to understand what they were doing and why. They used these phones or surveillance to keep tabs and when they could benefit or nobody was looking; initiated a dialog or used various means of clandestine communications. Now limited to radio and online; they mistake how we do not have a phone in our hands and should not be talking or negotiating; no less agreeing or cozying up with criminal spies. In the past, they cozy up and sit there; then out of nowhere a drive-by or some mega attack. We observe it and we caught them; now they are making it really difficult and trying to win at all cost; even if it is in broad daylight. They are sneaky but we were sneakier. It feels like they morph into anything or anybody; who you least expect and then knock or signal to let you know they want to talk; at their convenience and by spying. They need to take a class called, “How To Avoid Hurricanes and Earthquakes” or “How To Avoid War and Massive Retaliation 101.” Maybe their leaders would like to slip us a note or love taps us with a way to get rid of 70% of this enemy before we cannot avoid disaster? All we get are stupid comments and terror on the spy phone. If they keep telling us how superior and tough they truly are; along with endless dialogues and lectures about courage; we should find the meanest, maddest, and most ferocious enemy we can find on earth; give this to them and pit the two neediest enemies we know together. So their lies and their fantasies about murder, violence, crime, and terror can always be tested by another enemy. They seem pretty stupid if you ask me and worse; more annoying and unbearable than anything of this earth. Show us what of this earth is this deserving?
It got to the point where FBI agents were murdered; the rescuers were trapped or blocked; funds were denied; budgets were cut as retaliation; we had to leave the country or seek new citizenship; and now it is how they are the same or have revised their plans. They are the communists and they are the same people who conceal an adversarial relation; while the black panthers were behind this prison break and war with the police is closer. Now they are after or trying to recruit two A students directly out of college and be-foe their life starts; aborted before it is out of the question or implicates them with a mental illness. They cannot win against all people but they can target those who they can easily hold down or destroy. So the EIB, WABC, MSNBC, FOX News, CNN, WBEN, and these rogue radio are not only relaying information; it is a phone and a spy’s nest. Once they are caught or facing risk; they try to paint a different picture, deny it, or claim others are paranoid or crazy. Is there anything worth saving or works? As I said, this NY underground only understands fear and are clowns; until that fear is delivered or arrives; they will have the leverage and the upper hand. Do not expect justice, the truth, or any ethics; expect more of the same damned enemies and job seeker. Until fear ceases to be delivered or arrives in their living rooms, doorstep, bedroom, work, career, or washes away and drowns their stupidity; we are in a losing battle. That is slavery and that is why this war is so difficult and can be a losing battle. Until a few states disappear or are leveled; they will become bolder and crazier. Until 600 megatons of Katrina arrives to save the US from evil and greed; we are just as guilty, gutless, and helpless. This is not doing a damn thing to them and making it worse or stall.
Demanding someone leave is one thing. Forcing someone to leave is another. Concealing an adversarial or clandestine plot is the worst possible outcomes. The word is high crimes and misdemeanors; subset dereliction of duty. This is why the burden of proof is very important. 50% of the black community is or has been condemned to poverty. 20% of the black leaders are terrorized by their own race. 55% of the Catholic and Jewish Church are clinging onto the welfare system and claim the Protestants are hateful. 75% of the left wing feels a conspiracy is in order and the government has to be eradicated or destroyed. Now this? Attempted murder is one thing. Murdering federal or military agents is insane. Trapping A students is insane or the most valiant. Trying to interview the best or smartest is one thing. Seeking their advice or approval is one thing. Asking for access is one thing. Inviting yourself into their home is one thing. Keeping them as a prisoner for advice or approval is insane. Denying all complaints is insane. Seeking their investment is insane. Seeking their aid and comfort is insane. Keeping the dream alive is insane; not hope. Robbing them is what it sounds like in many different ways. Murdering them is one facet of robbery and armed robbery; so is poisoning their life and loved ones. Denying a rescue or blocking lawyers and investigators to end and prevent criticism is insane. Calling for help, using life lines, trying to impersonate or act like the A students is cockamamie. It is all stall and blockades now; a matter of finances and will to live. So I am not convinced and I remain vigilante on the death penalty; but selling junk is getting more difficult. At some point, I have to throw in the towel and the left wing will survive. There cannot be any waste of time or effort in their total destruction. They have made revisions and call to ask if we want to hear it and study their new plans with them.
Waging war and losing is why they call it "to the winner are the spoils." Agreement to internment is one thing. Admission and saying, "we are guilty but you cannot take us all at once" is honorable. Living in guilt and under the strain of those who impose judgment or punishments is the only way to prevent harm and any future problems. That is the will to live test and the spying test; how does it end and is the death penalty the only option with this domestic enemy or terrorist? Denying and using the courts as a circus is dangerous and will face the test of time; a degree of force that is unacceptable. You do not make the terms of internment, expulsion, or surrender according to some incoherent or delusional code your pet reptile or some Katrina's ass feels is not a threat or long term threat. This is the grounds and the rational for internment and many other enemies and threats have done less. This is called trashing the Constitution so nobody can rely on it or use it. The degree of obstruction of justice and the level of harm are warranted by civil war and also perpetual war on this criminal spy group and revolutionary command. If so, bring it to the surface and do not try to deny or hide it. Retaliation and response is one problem; protecting those who have the will to live is another. There is no reason why those who have no will to live should be or can be in power while all complaints are thrown out or face this degree of threats. So waging war was not a good idea or successful; will a cover up or evasive action force them to a burden of proof? Prove it was not attempted murder and prove it was not already a murder and terror plot cover-up. To do this, clear, concise, and coherent actions must be presented and a check is done with the highest offices and most ultra secret personnel. So this is about victory at all cost and at any means necessary.
This should be crystal clear and not repeated ever again. I am not here to decide who wins or looses; those who have a will to live or those who do not. As far as I am concerned; I was stopped at the last minute and the genius was not released from the bottle or had to be put back. Obviously, it is hard to put the genie back now and once you cross that line; do not expect to come back. Now there are 18 more lines to cross and two have been bypassed; a sample. So I don't care who wins or looses; I will make this crystal clear; I am very biased and petition the office of hurricane and earthquakes for the death and murder of one side. If the other is so pathetic or such a menace they wish to join or unite with them; then so be it. I am not here or there to decide; I had already a long time ago and was waiting for Ann to retire. So let them fight it out but decide how this is going to go down and end. There are 20 trip wires and two are already gone; that leaves 18 remaining. That is it and all to this world. After Alex and Ann, it is dead empty space; no other life lines. Part of the problem was who we were and not knowing; now it is seeking-destroying who is behind this. I am in a really rotten and foul mood; not wishing to waste more time. When we ask for the death penalty; it is for real. When we say we destroyed them; it is not some agreement to act retarded by playground kids. If the communists and liberals want to live under the terms of the Democrats; fine. So they put our heads on the chopping block and now do not know what to do; we saved the world. Who put us in a world where slaves and the damned attack us 24 hours a day and criticize or tell us to work harder; they are the customers? Who discredited us and made it look as if I was selling junk, was totally mentally ill I had to be institutionalized and medicated, and acted as if we had to appeal and cozy up to them? Did I pay their fees or destroy them? So why is this going on still and calls coming in on the spy phone? Destroy them or lay it all on the line. I am fed up with this, fix it or lick it up. If they cannot, then intern the left wing and this criminal spy group. I am tired of making threats or marketing junk about hurricanes and earthquakes when I am total discredited by communist spies or liberals; now Big Bother.
Now the "New Black Panther Party" has climbed aboard the SC ticket and we have to fight them while they call to let us know they have the upper hand and we are going to have to fight them. This is why SC needs to secede from the union or disappear. This is avoidable if we are not blindfolded; Atlanta is another disaster zone; a potential FEMA safe zone. Wait a minute, SC? Are we reliving the re-enactment of the civil war or uniting with the left wing? The left wing ignored over 100,000 warnings, deterrence, and counter measures to reach this point; it was preventable. More problems are avoidable; but this enemy is not. Here we go with SC again, their epicenter, all communists or labor union leaders (Haley, Sanford, Caddell, Parker, Greene, Lindsay, all of them); they keep calling from SC. This Haley woman is insane and claiming to have the true story. SC is the largest black population in America and Alvin Greene is our story. The spies keep saying they have the upper hand and this is their opportunity; the communists. We must be dumb or blind. I must be out of my mind. They hit the danger spot on the bull’s eye. How they knew or how they were so stupid not knowing; is how insane this was. Who will win this and who will win is up for grabs but eventually it will become Armageddon. So thank you SC; discredit me more and make me work even harder or waste my time trying to sell this. I hope Atlanta sinks with you. So yeah, I am here to take this and take on all comers selling junk and looking crazy trying to market Armageddon. Thanks conservatives and thanks USA! So SC and Atlanta will determine if I stay and sell junk or go; we will let the heavens decide our fate. We will find out and let the heavens decide if my authority is real or a trick; to stay or go selling junk to the left wing. Let the heavens decide and be done with it; destroy them and start over. They refuse to fix anything and the government is feeble or in total cahoots. How many agents do they need to fix the 911 light bulb or change it? 200? 2000? 1? How long will it take now to screw things up again? So it is subtle. Did I get to pick my side or get to choose? Did I get to choose my staff or who calls me in the most unwanted ways on the spy line?
Here we go with the radio phone and Haley-Jindahl-Hannity-Limbaugh-Palin-Caddell-Parker-Sanford-Lindsay rogue infiltration. Here goes Haley on December 13, 2010. I am not God and I am not Jesus; go petition or tell them as I have to; this is a waste of time and an utter disaster. Now lick it up and clean it up; the clock is ticking. We do not want or need them; do not show up or keep trying. The government and this domestic enemy were fine with this and we have pleaded our case; our story, and our biography. I am not going to put a gun up to an idiot and ruin my life; nor beg some demented madman for mercy. Like a wanderer they help themselves and think they know everything; until it is too late and too little. I am not here to decide who lives or dies; I will judge who I want to live or die and act according to my own compass and my own fate. Can harm or bad events be prevented? Of course it can but to do so; justice must be served and the evil must be eradicated and held down. Is it too late? It depends on who calls the final shot and has the trump cards; who can destroy and mutually assure the other does not win? So what is the punishment for bad decisions and how is the punishment going to win this war? If they do not have an honest answer; do not bother to use the radio as a phone. Here we go, make me work harder, discredit me, and make it look like an idiot trying to sell junk. We will know if I am discredited and selling junk or trying to market the communists; this is why we must petition the office of hurricane and earthquakes; make them disappear and step down or else we will have to crumble. I just do not have the vision or power to stop them, fight them, or defeat them; so why try? I look like an idiot already and everybody thinks I am crazy or imagining how American they are; I do not have the authority to overrule or decide the fate of this world. I am not initiating any of this or trying to unite; why am I fighting it? So when they do as expected or act as expected; then fear is in their eyes. Until then, nothing will change. Logic, ethics and standards is not of this world with this human species. They only understand fear and overwhelming power; to live on the edge of total destruction. Unless that total destruction is placed on their doorsteps or evicts them; they will continue and will never refuse to stop.
If the Democrats and the liberals do not wish to be interned; they better stop terrorizing people; stop spying; stop contacting them; stop stalking; stop accusing others; stop blocking or shutting their life down; get real and get an education to cure how stupid they are. Don't get real and keep this continuous to keep the dream alive; be interned or wage war on the US. Who said I was here to stop them or beg? Why am I on the borders; to beg or to stay? Does anybody think I care if they live or die? As I see it; this was done with and over; we were ultra gone and it is their problem and they can fight it out. Good luck. The ending is still a surprise and depends on who gets close to us or falls in the trap. Now they all are in it and we cannot tell one from the other; no gap or incompatibility. All of them are damned and do not even know it; just ass a victim. So ask how did this happen and who will give the real and true story; if their life depended on it? The future of the world depends on it. We said they are traitors and communist spies; now criminal revolutionary immigrants who flood here. Did they help themselves or just used us to help themselves? Have they halted or stopped; or just lied and denied everything? So maybe we cannot exist here is America because the evil and corruption is just too much or too tough for us; so 18 trip wires is on the line and up for grabs. That is how we have to live so this is how they will have to also; can't win them all or keep complaining. We need to cull the left wind down to 30% and have their leaders not more than 20% or 2000 near us. Has no thank you been effective or has fear arrived on our doorstep? So they claim it is courage and they will never run from a fight; do they love it or are they miserable? Has fear reached a level where "yes sir" or "no sir" a reality? Has fear induced this slave to say, "It will never happen again sir" or "I will get right on it and get the truth for you."
Fear and danger has not crossed their minds and if it did, they said they are and want to die. Do we want to die? So why are the D students winning or in total control and power? What would happen if a hurricane and earthquake of category 6 leveled them and made them a Katrina victim? Would they call us or tell us they are the office of the DA? Can the DA patch a levy or stop a hurricane? Can the DA deter a military or win a coup? So why can't we? Why can't I fire them or thaw them out? Am I helpless and selling junk? Am I a D student and a drunken labor union slave also who has mysterious black and Irish women chasing him? If civil war was ignited today or broke out; even over satellite warfare, the military is ready or the FBI is ready? Then who is? Us or them? All indicators say satellite warfare is but it is almost 20 years late and delayed; why? Does anybody have the story or can answer a panel? What if the safety of the world depended on this answer? Does anybody have it? What if our existence would end or could end tomorrow if it fell into the wrong hands; who can stop it or who can answer the panel of questions? Can the NY underground or the State's Attorney's office? Can the local police or the State Police? Well it almost got to the brink and that close; where is the facts, data, and the full truth? Did anybody read the reports or the story? They did not know anything and we were able to hide all of it until the last minute and launch a counter offensive; now who did that or denied it? Well, we cannot stop a hurricane or earthquake either; but we know how to stop the alien who has this capability or even flashes a glimmer of hope.
Why would we seek the death penalty or describe this enemy in such extreme measures? Let me guess, we are riddled with holes and do not care or feel them anymore, shameless? There are so many lies and problems; it is criminal suicide? They want jobs. They want freedom. They want power. Is fear or the truth on their minds or why we are in such a foul mood? They want victory at all cost and at the detriment of treason. It is a done deal; now what? If you are looking for murder, treason, and the worst moral violations; it is a done deal and there already. Even their leaders are used to this and their mindset has not registered fear or overwhelming forces to compel them to surrender or stop. We can run them over 2000 times; it is not enough deterrence or powerful enough. So why would no thank you or go away? There is a tipping point and a threshold; we are well beyond and past that threshold. We are talking way out in left field or over the fence sitting. Did anybody sign up for that or just this enemy and D student? Did anybody get put on earth to witness or be abused by it? Now they want victory at all cost and know how; satellite warfare and us; who is helping them and why? Why are we still waiting for backup and fear to arrive; it is too far into the red; only the ones behind this can fix it or put things back. So why don't they? Are we too impatient? Are we not smart enough? Are we too weak or helpless? Are they into us and in total control again? Why?
Are they too cold now and too scared? This case is over. If there is life on this earth and self preservation; you cannot go any further and do any further research. We already set out to achieve this and understand it; it is done with and 20 years old now. The book was written almost two decades ago and can be proven. That is it; there is no more life on earth or plans for survival of the human race; finished; Armageddon; world war and lots of pain and hurt. So when are the counter measures or that pain and hurt going to arrive? Why is prison real? Why are there 34 anal searches and three false arrests? So a game has begun and it is as nasty ad the human race can make it. It is a beautiful shock but one well deserved by a miserable and empty foe. Most of them are in prison and their moral standards are based on children being raped or molested. Is that a clue? Is that a clue the asylum has erupted and the D students took the A students as hostage and tortured them? We built a military base on a mountain of slaves; some the best and some the worst; but evil has no face or caricature. Can we walk away from that mountain or build a new long term plan? If so, then fear and destruction must arrive on their doors and send their leaders into hiding; that is just the liberals and left wing; I did not program them or create hell on earth. I did not invent stupid religions, racism, or slavery; but I am stuck with the legacy of it and now the leaders that rose from the ashes. Would you be happy or would you be in a foul mood? Would you try to locate or find the SOUBs who started this and put us in a hole so big; genius and straight A's could not dig itself out of? Who wants to sign up for that or sell that junk? It takes 100 questions before you get some false response or a total lie; how about 1 question and it better be the truth?
Now the dynamics has changed; the enemy knows there are consequences and retaliation. The rules of warfare have been rewritten. We have changed the ending and the plot. There is nothing we cannot rewrite. The people who started this or created this is why the country is so weak and the world is so screwed up; did I do this or invent insanity? My god, I am suing for 1.5 billion and trying to catch those who tried to murder me and my life partner. Do you think the US government could or was able to prevent those deaths already? So why are the deaths and the plots burying us and the good guys? Everything stinks and nothing makes any sense; nothing, not even our big and masterful biography. So the question is are we willing to destroy our fellow man or is he more willing to see us destroyed and defeated to the end? Whose self preservation is most important or is there any importance to human life? If so then there is a big screw up and someone better have an official story or tell the truth. Do you see that story or do you see it stalled and buried? What do the reports say? The numbers say the odds are greater than the good guys or the truth; how can this be or who can be so insane? Have we been drafted to fight their wars and fish for the feudal lords; or just tricked into thinking they are rich and have our best interest in mind? Well the slaves and the evil have outnumbered and done a drive by fast one on everybody; even the good guys. Until that overwhelming fear and the prospect of overwhelming force enters the cavity of their mind; their courage will march faster than their moral convictions. Ethics has been lost and thrown out in the name of greed and self preservation; yet the meaning of life is now reduced to a senseless spy line and total lies. So who has the story of Armageddon and the nation taken to the brink? How do they know it and why did they tell it; so why didn't they before? How did it get this way or was taken to terminal levels; a point of no return and risk so great; there was no going back.
So who is that insane and who is that crazy to live under those rules and criteria? Are we or are they? Can the DA's office fault us and keep calling in threats or legal terror? So why do they remain vigilante and heartless? Care to guess or still stumped? If we do it again, we have to get rid of 70% of them in order to fix or return reality; how? How do you get rid of an enemy who is a squatter in our existence and has no will to live or a care in the world? So how do you give them jobs when 60% have felony records or put a felon in this world by obnoxious romantic fantasies? How do you keep the Medicaid and Social Security flowing when the poor and rich are drowning in debt? We could vote our way out of this or convert ourselves to loose the will to live; become a zombie and walking dead. We can talk to one of these recruiters and go on their spy line or use the media phone. Who is this good and who is this powerful; who is able to take this enemy to the brink of total destruction and Armageddon? Let them talk and let them prove their innocence; to show this will to live before the mask is ripped off or the fury of God unleashed. The fury of God is comparable to war; and war is nothing but sheer terror. From a military perspective or the best Generals on this earth; war is nothing more than two numbers that add up to a close call. It is a logical and rational coherence which can be studied, taught, and told in a classroom. The only problem is when you talk to the enemies; they have a better lesson to teach. So beat this lesson and teach it or etch it with their blood. There is nothing to teach or left to study; nothing. Their fantasy and business like mannerism must have invented some new world or other reality not of this earth. From here we go to page 2 and page 2 is strictly strategy and plans. So there is a level and a degree of incoherence that is intolerable and unbearable. The degree of crime, pain, suffering, violence, and terror with this enemy is unknown to any other inside or outside of the US enemy list. The violence and murder rate exceeds that we finalize and gauge foreign foes by. So why the left wing and liberals turned a blind eye to their own traitor and debauchery is the burden of proof they better have and prove; otherwise, it will be an end to this 24 hour captivity and lectures to the best strategist on this earth who made their life worse than they could themselves. They cannot turn back and they have already waged war; so there is no going back now. There is no rescue or recovery as they demanded; and there is no ally they can sink with or look clever in a mug shot holding. This was the only rescue and they really screwed that up and made the leaders of this world ultra top secret mad.
So this is about those who have the will to live and those who do not; why are we lecturing and crying about who has to win and who has to die? I realize now we are at the mercy of the damned and blind as a prisoner or hostage. I did not sign up to cozy up to criminal spies or be humiliated by the communist forces. I did not sign up to fight stupid people for dear life; so the heavens will let us know and SC will decide our fate. Maybe we cannot stop them and they will keep calling on their radio phone against our will and invade or steal our career; so it is us for them now. Choose. They only understand fear and until that fear is delivered to their doorstep and forces them to step down or seek justice; we will be fighting a losing battle. This is why I was out of there and already decided; let the weak fight it out, not use the strong to fight their weak efforts. Even crime is a charade and a losing battle; why waste your time on trash? Do you think fear arrived on their doorstep or stopped them from terrorizing the community? Do you think prison reformed them and taught them anything? So why would it impact or nudge their leaders? You have to lay it on the line as I have but the people on duty are not in their right mind. The whites are a total mess and the blacks are even more messed up. They are fighting over control and religion now; over 2000 years of bickering about reality. Is that insanity or just disagreements? So unless hurricanes and earthquakes arrive on their door or knocks them down; do not expect this enemy to run and hide. Do you think the police, the FBI; the DHS are happy and winning? That career now is a circus; crime is a total asylum in itself. Want to test it and take them on; we did? So who can do this and who did this? Who out there can understand the dynamics of this and drop hints or lemon kisses to let us know they are there and waiting?
Why do I have to sue and seek 1.5 billion in damages while a charade is ongoing daily and more spying is state sponsored? If they piss off the wrong people and cannot live according to how they are expected; then do not expect the warmth of the sun or the air needed to breathe. I am not here to beg this enemy about why they cannot or should not wage war on me or my loved ones. I am not here to ask them why they rob me or tried to murder me and my partner. I am not here to listen to and be their secretary while they use me to speak to the public. Sit by them or hire them and death be upon hell on earth; there are no two sides to this story or excuses needed. Who said I was not trying to leave and refuse to; I was seeking new citizenship already and on the borders now. Why the fuck am I the problem and made to be the one with the mental illness; do I call people or initiate some dialogue with the damned? Why am I subjected to 30 anal searches and have to be treated as if I was Nelson Mandela; do I act and look like D students? Why do I have to deal with this, this total disaster, and begging for mercy? Do I look dependent or need the company of the damned? Do I need their support or have to pay them some royalty while petitioning for their death and punishment? This was not a good idea and Ann's idea; not Alex; Alex was done with this and judged the human species already. Do you think they are this stupid or just acting it? Do you think they are that reckless or doing it intentionally? Exactly. Do you think the Pentagon has any authority over the heavens? Do you think the FBI has any authority over the heavens? Do you think DHS has any power over the heavens? Do you think the President or Congress has any authority over the heavens or nature; to fight God himself? Then why should I? Why do I have to waste my time and constantly fight a losing battle; all they will do is block justice or tell me to keep appealing. Why not level them and risk it all?
Now they think we want to get along with them on their terms? I am in one foul mood; really foul but it is not because I am a D student; someone made me look like them and be treated like a liberal, a Democrat, the labor unions, the Irish, the Italians, the Catholic Jews, and the damned and I proved my point. Do I need to beg the damned more or unite with them? So they can now explain how the hell this happened and tell the powers that be what they did and why; do I care or need to listen to the total lies? Do I care if they survive or wish to stay? Ann and I will do as we please and wish; are we destitute and poor like them or have they made us look like them and pull us down more? Even when the world and the nation depends on it; we are stuck with a traitor and this swamp creature that is dumber than dumb and going nowhere. Tell them to pay the debt and fix Social Security or Medicaid; also locate the trillions of dollars missing. Do they deserve to live or wish to plead guilty? The problem is they are too comfortable with who they are. They are too comfortable with stupidity and flaws; and this will die and cause financial chaos; total world war. So here we are and there they go. Save them a lot of time and heartache; no thank you. Now we are stuck with communists and left wing labor unions all over the place. They are showing up for all kinds of duty; even airport and groping or molester duty. Have you read our biography? They are the authority and claim they are in total control of the state.
They need to step down and not show up for duty; or we are gone. We do not work for them or care to. If the damned do not know it or do not know their place; then it is time to wage war on this world. If the damned do not understand no thank you or live on stupidity; then this world is gone and we are doomed. Why live in misery? Why not risk it all and live in comfort? So who put us in this world and made us fight a losing battle against the slaves and damned? Then that SOB can fight their own fights and market their own junk; nobody signs up for this. The people who created this or started this should be in pain and suffer for their bad decisions; not us. So unless fear and total destruction is delivered to their doorstep; do not expect ethics, standards, the truth, justice, or "no thank you" to have any bearing on this or the communist mindset. We cannot have them in our life and with 24 hours of access; a spy phone and layers and layers just to catch 911 benefactors. The most powerful and sane are right here; the only ones walking this earth; have you read their stuff and their biography? Who in hell would sing along or sign up for this junk and wish to be discredited so badly? So until fear and total destruction arrives; we will let the heavens decide and seek the death penalty ass quick as possible.
D STUDENTS, BURNING IN HELL, UNLOVED, COPY CAT, SPIES, COMMUNIST, LABOR DRUNKEN FOOLS, STALKERS: MOTIVE WHY THEY DID THIS TO ANN AND ALEX - We are charging them with attempted murder and much more; police, minorities, friendly to other races or not. None of them have any college, they copy or cut and paste anything we say or do; it makes you feel cheap or used; they are D students and abuse the people who work hard, are A students, and it is still going on; it is on a state and national level. We are stuck in some hippy Helter Skaler where we are forced to fight the police and authorities. Why are they in America and how did they get here? Ann and I are partners and almost married; who are they to invite themselves or help themselves. Look at the finances of the US and the utter total disaster. They did wage war and this is why there are murder cases, bombing plots, and terror plots; however, the manner which they waged this war caused tremendous grief for those whom they waged war against; the A students and those who will be much happier without them. Now they are trying to figure out how to lessen the damage, the punitive damages, and the lasting impact. It is crystal clear our life would have been a lot better had these people not been part of or in our life; now they try to act like heroes or some rescue and it is impossible because there are so many lies and so many alibis; nothing is real or works. They are in the UCMJ system also but they keep toying with people and think lies will help them or improve their lot; no further punishments. They cannot just sit there incoherent, mouth off, keep goofing off, refusing to stop or halt; and expect the best. We have no idea why they expect the best or feel this will be okay; they are not the A students and they cannot act as if they are or spy on them. They must end the charade once caught and prepare to prove their case with sanity and real arguments.
WHAT HAPPENS AFTER GUILT AND HURRICANE DUTY: The blacks are at war with the police and the Italian-Irish Jews want to profit or become the leaders. Unless you are as evil and warped as they are; you cannot stop, halt, or defend against these attacks; it took us over 20 years. Limbaugh on December 13, 2010 @ 1320 said, "Win or loose we will get paid... we will be glad to take their money... it is a liberal group... a lot of Democratic consultants are now out of the job." How do they prove it was not attempted murder or reckless endangerment? Does that sound coherent in court or some drunken criminal spy? Take a look at the charges on this criminal group; is that coherent? There is no evidence we are trying to unite with them or have a death wish. There is a lot of evidence to prove we are the A students and do not like them or wish to communicate with them. So if they have a death wish, they need not spread it or recruit us; we are not trying to unite and never had any interest in these communists, terrorists, and radicals who use Vietnam or the Vietnam War to attack the military, police, or destroy them. They made up so many love stories and homosexual orgies; it was vulgar and disgusting. Now they want a break and for us to lessen the impact of their incoherent and D student existence. Meanwhile, the US is facing total financial collapse and trillions are mission or unaccountable for. All they want to do is sell land, tax property, and act like a drunken police or DA because nothing they do or say has any credibility or can be proved in court. Now the property is condemned while they just help themselves based on this D grade student trying to act like the A students. How did they manage to trick and scam others?
KIDNAP, CLONE, TRICK, STALK, STEAL, IMPERSONATE, MATE, AND KILL OFF THE A STUDENTS: It is crystal clear our life would have had a chance and this could have been avoided had they not been part of our life or still are; yet the charade keeps chugging on like a broken machine or drunken bum. They want another chance and said our life is fine now; much better than theirs; nothing is wrong with us and we survived. It is odd how we cannot escalate this any further. Their argument is they are more powerful, more courageous, in total control, spying on us, cannot be caught or stopped, have to be killed or want to die, living our life and A grades, we are in some prison or a hostage, we must leave or else be driven off their HQ, and their leaders are going to fight to the end even if they are suicidal and have no will to live. They mistook Alex and was mislead or ran into counter-measures due to his college research and the books he wrote in college; but got caught in the worst way possible. They could not achieve any of their goals, none of them; so there is a total disaster and a rescue underway. They must come into court and prove it is not and was never attempted murder on Ann or Alex; they cannot hide the adversarial relation or how it got this way. These people are insane and they have no education; none while we are the A students being exploited, harmed, or charging them. They continue to speak for the office of the DA; who is the drunk and who are the A students? It sounds intentional and evasive to me. It sounds like they are intentionally trying to deny and block justice.
Let's get the facts correct and end the pathological Black Panther or radical IRA labor union lies. We never initiated anything or contacted them; never. We are not in bomb plots or trying to hide them. We had lawyers notify them to stop and halt before we pursued formal and legal retaliation. These people dug their own graves and then they tried to utilize conspiracy, authority, or any life line as a means to drive off, force, or harass and intimidate in the worst way possible; but this was a layer of alibi to cover up and negotiate a quick resolution; to deny much more and much worse. They will take anything they can get and will keep claiming a conspiracy is underway to oppress or deny them this victory and power. Wait until we call in the military, the office of hurricane and earthquakes, or some meaner than mean force you cannot catch or get in trouble; maybe you will address the complaints and learn something; change your ways. Just because you are a D student, have no will to live, and a total liar or phony; it does not give you the right to wage war on us or try to talk to us while holding us as prisoners. We never initiated any contact or want to deal with how messed up your Porsche poor ass is and was. Somebody needs to sit down and explain to these spies and imposters what a radio and what a telephone is; why you cannot mix the two up and toy with other human beings. I do not see a telephone in my hands or dialed any number; so I cannot be complaining about or to who is doing it. They made it more difficult to prove while not taking serious the complaints or why they were concealing this adversarial relation; trying to make others agree to their hidden belief system and the D student system acting like the A students were weak, crazy, helpless, or being laughed at. Their business was facing criminal and civil charges; the war on the police was continuous; and we were being targeted and made to look crazy.
BURNING IN HELL OR AN OVEN: Dear Bauerly (WBEN): F you. You are the one who is scratching your head and looking in a mirror you jackass; we are criticizing you. Are you dirt stupid or just an idiot? It is your grades, lack of professionalism, flaws, burdens, and idiot existence; not how cool and capable you think you are. MF stop pitching me for a break and stop telling me the DA is willing to give me a break to get off the hook; you are on the hook not me or us. You all are the hippies, the labor, the Catholics, the Italians-Irish Jews, the failures, the total mess and idiot we are hunting down; not the reverse and your Gulag or prison parole system I am stuck in and trying to win over. Nobody is trying to win you over jackass; tell your DA your leaders are pushing danger to terminal elevations. Your sorry ass better get it down and get it right; got it NY underground MF lousy immigrant border collie? Your DA can kiss my ass and we will wage some form of war on you and your defense. Moreover, you are still useless and a worthless public servant; a total mess with the ability to reach us, interview us, or gather secret information hidden from the public and your persistence. I remember the lesson on the mafia and local folklore; how educational. Know your place and stay down will you; life will be easier. The drunk and the miserable molester is you honky. You hate your own race and have to play this game with others. We should turn those God like fury satellites on your sorry existence and teach you the place you belong tonight. We are forced to be patient with your disease and ungrateful terminal failure. It is very difficult to charge the communist and 911 terrorist with attempted murder or stop them when conservative imposters do not understand what a phone is and what a radio is and make the same mistakes that are completely illegal. Hiding it is one thing; lying about it is another; justifying it is how whacked out these people and labor union goose egg has gotten. Spying is one thing, denying it is another, and trying to use it as a weapon is evil; a radio or TV is not a phone unless there is spying and some peeping tom system by Big Bother. I will criticize you but am not suing you or your WBEN spy network marketing insanity. Your mobility and passport is only down the block; and there is nothing down there.
The truth is they are waging war on the police and now us; worse, it is illegal and they deny it. Does it matter who they are, why they are doing it, or how superior they think they are as Big Bother? The entire point is they deny it; and for some odd reason; it is not only the communist and the radical left wing doing this or were caught; yet we know they made it difficult to prove the blank panthers were behind it all. Then they made it look as if we were mentally ill, deserved some adverse harm, or they were not trying to steal everything or get ahead in an illegal manner. Does that sound as if they are traitors or Americans trying to solve this case and keep tabs on people who view them much differently? WBEN is a hub and so are these radio shows. Not all TV shows are trying to call us on some secret spy phone or fill our head with nutty lies. The complaints have not been addressed and are still racking up. They still try to get others in trouble or think they are the police. Maybe we need to call the military or the meanest of the mean to teach this spy group and this criminal failure a lesson; they do not seem to address complaints or have any respect for the self preservation or rights of others. All this bunch wants to do is unite, force or order people around, and ignore all the complaints on them as they ask for a death wish and try to unite with us. The motive is even more shocking. Just because they are a D student, have no will to live, and a total liar or phony; it does not give them the right to wage war on us or try to talk to us while holding us as prisoners. We never initiated any contact or want to deal with how messed up this Porsche poor threat is and was. We did everything to avoid them, can probe and prove it, and now the burden of proof is on them to avoid the outcome. Maybe evil needs to face evil or some overwhelming force of nature. Beach is the recruiter and the ring leader. He is laughing at the entire matter and how it has confused the authorities and how the complaints are insane. He claims why they are spying or engaged in illegal activity rules out any charge or complaint. We are not living with black panthers, radicals, or liberals so we have no interest with how they operate or their fees.
I admit I took them lower to the pit of hell they were in; but it is a mirror and who they are. Now they cannot climb the mountain or even climb half way up to where we are and were; so they got what they expected, proof. Did they learn anything? They learned how to lay, cheat, and steal even better than before; but nothing real or worth admitting in a court of law. If you keep contacting us or stalking us; we will make you look in the mirror you buffoon; incoherent. Every god damn human being who reads this says the same thing; you are incoherent, delusional, and do not have a clue; you claim to be the police and some authority. You all cannot even answer yes or no in a court of law; want to test it? We would like to see the playbook and rule book you are following; it is incoherent. Your behavior fits how we observe you retarded bully. We are here to tell your NY underground to go to hell and to kiss our ass; you want to wage war right? Well, live by the sword and die by this then. All of you sound like a drunken slut or some stray cat. They are so nuts, so drunk, and so miserable; they dream of an oven or some story to give them some meaning. The SOB is now coming to America and saying it takes an oven to stop them or put them in pain; is that power or stupid drunkenness? Are we this evil and need to know this? Do I need this or how insane the NY underground and leaders are? Do not come to America or DC and ask this question ever again; a no is enough for me.
GUNIEA PIG - HOW MUCH ABUSE CAN THE DRUNK TAKE: Are you F'in drunk again or faking it? You MF do you understand when someone does not want you to spy on them or talk to them? Do you understand how annoying and stupid you are? Your grades are lousy also; even worse. Why do you compete with geniuses or the best; those who are flawless? Why do you keep declaring yourself the winner or victors? Why? Are you drunk or on some stupid pill? You all belong in chains, not doing your own thing or thinking freely; as if others are trying to interact with you liberals and NY underground hippies. That is why you are incoherent and a total jackass; get some college also. You are the D student and cum eating drunk; not me or my SATWAR forces; look in the mirror you loser looking for a playmate. You all are the insane F'er we were trying to hunt down, catch, and corner. Now you are facing a firing squad and stuck; not us you jackass and MF. You do not have an exit you SOB drunken incoherent idiot; not us. You are looking into a mirror now and finally realize it and how this game is won. I am the bait and the trap is what you walked into and now know. It is a giant trap and scam to make others look as if they are the problem, mentally ill, or to gain personal information by spying and invading their privacy. In no way was their affiliation linked to violations of rights or waging war on the police by linking us or associating us with those who were black panthers or a security force whom are making it more difficult to bring them to justice.
We cannot seem to be able to get rid of your incoherent and lousy ass; why? Do you feel ran over 100 times yet and still want to keep this going on and on? Now the danger is 100 and 1000 times what life is supposed to be; you must be a genius. How did your idiot ass get in our life and our security system? This is what we are trying to prevent and shore up; to kick your lousy ass in the trash heap or beat you down; do not rise or helter shelter you crack bum; what the hell is going on in your lousy head? How much abuse can you take or is death the only solution to get rid of your lousy and stupid presence? How much abuse can you take or do we have to put forth? Sooner or later you will understand and reality will hit you right between the holes you already have by us. You are riddled with holes and now do not even notice or care; just incoherent, super cool, and lovable? How much abuse can this drunken buffoon take or do we have to find? A simple no was not good enough and destroying them is still not as powerful as they are? What registers in their incoherent numb head? I am going to make sure this drunken slob licks up every mess they ever made in our life; every single bit. They are not going to clean it up they are going to lick it up. We will make sure every hurricane on US soil lands directly on them; if it takes an oven then it will be that way. Try to turn it off now?
The FBI and military are going to be destroyed: The US may want to consider internment or killing this enemy and domestic criminal spy before a lawsuit implicates them; they must prove steps taken and it was not attempted murder. These are D students, not the A students who have to pay one way or the other. The burden of proof is on the government; so far it is all false arrest and malicious prosecution. They must prove they took steps to avoid attempted murder; not keep secrets. They can dress up as Arabs. They can pretend to be Jews. They can even act Italian or friendly to minorities. They could be the police or even the President. If they are caught then the whole game changes; now the burden of proof is on them; not us or anybody else who is facing attempted murder or a valid explanation. So that is the danger level they have also accumulated with all this lying, cheating, stealing, and now negotiating war resolutions. We have heard this for over two years now and all kinds of total lies. We do not care if they are female, white, black, or Virginia Tech students; we caught them and they lied. The NY DA cannot even smell their own Irish, Italian, and Jewish heritage; yet they want to come into court and act as if they are the A students and the victors? This was more than enough. But you know what, ask and pray God and Jesus drown their ass after all the law suits and all said and done. I am not God and I cannot harness the forces of fury or this universe; however, I do know how to stop an alien who tries or who has a sleigh of the twisted to try. So not many people on this earth can prevent or stop the inevitable either.
This human being does not deserve to live and should get the death penalty; expelled from any freedom or liberties; maybe they will get what they wish for or ask. The danger is afterwards and what their guilt will get. They are not the A students, know this, and need to end this charade before guilt will result in further problems. They are not trying to copy us, spy on us, or ruin our lives; they do not even have a college degree. We have eight or more years in college and they challenge and try to match anything we do; as if they won already and we are warned. That is how insane and stupid this enemy truly is. Ann has eight years of college; Alex has over 10 years and was home schooled by Pentagon Generals. Now both Ann and Alex look like they got ran over by a truck and some drunken DA. Now they are caught, how do they act coherent? How do they prove it was not attempted murder or reckless endangerment? This louse, stalker, and unstable public servant needs to begin to address the complaints on them; not get others in trouble or silence them; now they got attempted murder charges and fighting the A students who are not initiating any death wish or lack of will to live they call courage. Does this sound like the inevitable or a cruel hoax by a cruel and demented SOB who is now enemy number one on everybody's list and showing up for duty on any side they can climb aboard for the New World? This is total insanity and we are not only exposed to it, are a sitting duck, but in the eye of the storm. Did I sign up for this or to be telling this story with such fury and might of a foul mood? Why do I feel homicidal and as if my world has gone insane and slaves are in total control of my life trying to steal anything they can or have?
WAGING WAR ON US OR THEM: Let's see if we can understand this. The labor movement, left wing, radical hippies, and the entire 1960s "Love, Peace, and Drugs" culture is upset with the war against drugs and the NY underground; so they decided to replay the 1960s and exploit the US Army and the Vietnamese so they can use the police to have normal, successful, and pleasant appearances turn into a cockroach and reptilian buffoon so they can even the score against the cops? Now they are even angrier because that did not go so well either and they are sitting ducks, exposed, everybody knows, and are now a Katrina's ass guinea pig? They feel they can call, contact, wreck up our car, shoot at us, spy on us, hold us as prisoners, act like the pigs or the warden, and torment our life with butt ugly 1960s Gandhi-etiquette half naked losers to scare the hell out of military legends? Furthermore, they think and courageously feel they can take a pop shot anytime they want and wage war on use without us hunting them down, destroying them, going SATWAR, and petitioning Jesus and God to murder their leaders? I think someone might get hurt and might be sued; but I think some form of war will be waged back on this Katrina's ass invisible hole in the head. Odd how humiliating us, stalking us, acting like the police, corrupting us, spying, trying to rape, trying to call or contact secretly, wrecking our cars, and causing 1.5 billion in damages has blown up in their face and 100 times worse.
They are going to need some medical coverage to be trying this let alone caught for doing this. It is bad enough to be waging war on their parents, the police, and the US; but now the leaders of satellite warfare and legendary authors; how many holes do they want to see in them? These terror plots were "Helper Sellers" and the beginning of the end. The reality is how it is not just the kid who is the problem; it is their leaders also. That is what we are stuck in and the two biggest groups have taken over the Republican and Democrat Party. Let the pain and the hurt begin; they have no choice when a sitting duck and waging war clandestinely. So we know why they were trying to stalk, kidnap, mimic, match, perfect, hide behind, impersonate, steal our work, steal our career, and where all this spying is leading. In court, they will not be let off the hook so easily and must be coherent; so keep spying and playing this game before the end is near. The US may want to consider internment or killing this enemy and domestic criminal spy before a lawsuit implicates them; they must prove steps taken and it was not attempted murder. These are D students, not the A students who have to pay one way or the other. A D student is a D student in reality and the market of ideas; really professional, try to turn it off now. Maybe we need to call the military or the meanest of the mean to teach this spy group and this criminal failure a lesson; they do not seem to address complaints or have any respect for the self preservation or rights of others. All this bunch wants to do is unite, force or order people around, and ignore all the complaints on them as they ask for a death wish and try to unite with us.
1. We saw the Maddoff Klan make 50 billion disappear; worse than a Soviet threat.
2. We saw 2 trillion in US aid disappear. Where did it go and who can do the accounting now?
3. Does the public want to see 10 or 15 trillion disappear when Medicaid and Social Security disappears? So this enemy has very little time to get his fixed or our life fixed or else there will be the pain and suffering they keep describing. It is not how they cannot get it done; they do not want to lose power or step down; so they want anybody to knock me off. Well, knock them off.
4. We know who the guinea pigs and tools truly are now and who and where to look.
5. The Vietnamese did not need the US or allies to storm into Cambodia and China; so South Korea does not need the US to storm into North Korea or shut Kimmy and Jimmie up. The way they act in the face of danger is as abhorrent as the acts perpetrated on them. After North Korea, storm into China or Japan if they want to keep this charade going.
WHO WOULD KNOW AND WHO WOULD CARE: They ought to know anytime you program computers and having as much high tech schooling as I do; there is a way to test them. In lab, they give you paper and pen and 15 minutes to write code. If you do not know what to do within the first 5 minutes; then do not even try. So in 15 minutes you must have an algorithm and 100s of lines of code. Try to pretend and be an imposter when you have no formal education or have ever been tested by the best. So I can put them down or lock them in a room with my best and test their technology, genius, failure, or lies. I will know and will see right through it. You also would think with all these child molestation and rape cases; they could see themselves. Still the effort to get rid of them is unsuccessful and the Democrats do not want to intern this scrawny little Fiery. The criteria to intern them for waging war is far beyond insanity; so that is how big the problem and this enemy is. Now they think they are racist, hate, teaching others how to prevent being lynched, and feel they are our guardians and know better. Worse, take a look at their grades and academic scores; that in itself is a total joke. That joke was made my academic score; as if they share the pain or same failure. So we can test and easily gauge your computational ability from K1 to K12 (Math, Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus). These criminal spies act as if they do not know what hate, rape, murder, and crime is; but when you ask them why they avoid walking down their poor city, USA; they clam up and act sexy horny to avoid the question. It is frustrating to do calculations hourly or when computations must be perfect to listen to some poor ass phony talk crazy question time or why we are so mean. Now I look like a failure and a D student; did I ask for this? Then they act as if they do not know what rape, murder, robbery, or getting stomped on when they live on a trash heap. Just so you realize the reality and understand SATWAR is brand new; there are a lot of tests. By refusing to stop, halt, or continuing to contact us; you are signing your life over to a world of pain and grief. So when you act like this jackass; you actually condemn you neighbors, your community, your locale, and your state; to remove yourself off this enemy list; I suggest you try a new country. Are you communist, labor union, and liberals some kind of test dummy or guinea pig and why do you keep acting like you want to be? iLimbaugh are you nuts or just a numb nut challenging two of the smartest strategist on earth?
NOT SO FUN BEING A VICTIM ANYMORE IS IT: This enemy is so poor and stupid, robbing them or murdering them is a joke. Yet they live by the rules of the streets; they have nothing and are dirt poor; going nowhere. So they ask why we are so mean, so mean to them, and how much they like or admire us. Ask them how many times they have been raped? How many times were they mugged? Have they been murdered or on the end of violence before? If someone wished them dead; why would they talk to or aggravate them more just to act like they are not scared? Do they walk at night down dark alleys of ghettoes? So that is why we are mean; why are they so stupid? If they were this courageous; they can walk down some infested street of average town USA and ask them why they are so mean or act like they are welcomed. What will happen is they will get robbed, mugged, raped, and then murdered. We are not the slightest bit interested in them so don't worry. We just want to ID them and their latitude and longitude; for hurricane and earthquake reasons. Oh, you can rule out the rape part because they are butt ugly and dirt poor; and dumb to go with it. Don't worry about the gold dust or the sex underwear; go on a diet and stop bothering us. So the honky Katrina's ass princess is pretending as if they do not know what rape and murder is; odd how dirt poor and destitute they truly are to have such a sheltered life; odd to be comparing their life to royals and legends of history. For one of their destitute little whiteys to be asking us what poor-dom is and what hate is about; is as insane as asking why Asians are so smart and loved by white conservative females. It is a hoax and stereotypical of racial profilers or bigots. You cannot tell fact from fiction when they are in or revolving around your world. Ask why I was a professor of military science at age 14 and who my first pupil was; 14 is when I finished my home schooling and I read everything and anything. I can teach infantry skills and tactics; from marching to every weapon in the world; how to build them; continuous learning; etc. It is not something to be bragged or needed in the civilian world; all of this is home schooled. Your left wing secret revolutionary organization used perfect people for your experiments so if you live by the sword; you can certainly die by your own sword. We know where to turn to and look for when we need Katrainer's ass. Call it courage if you want.
There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
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Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
When it came to the Vietnam War and anti-communism; the Catholic Church and the Jewish Church had always been a third enemy or a third element. At times it was not known what they wanted and where they would lead the country, no less the world. In Vietnam, the Viet Cong murdered them for their arrogance and willingness to wage war. In Saigon, both the Pentagon and the South Vietnamese executed one coup detach after the other hoping to get rid of their constant meddling, persistent failures, the punishing bullying and arrogance, and just a total nightmare working with such a loser. Yet they treated people in ways only an enemy would while they demanded to know why others were so mean to them or hated them. So the Catholics faced the firing squad on both sides and no matter what type of violence or how much murder was in their life; nothing could ever bridge the gap between right and wrong. They were just a nuisance and a mean menace. They want to take our guns. They want to take away our rights. They want to take away our life. They want to take our livelihood. They want to torment and torture us for no reason but candor. Now with each terror plot and attack; they make new rules and take away our world. If we petition the government to hurricane or earthquake this enemy; expect an inquisition and wit hunt; they are this stupid and conceded. At least we petition the government and make it readable or traceable. There is a really good reason why the entire world views America as a pest and an enemy and it is not because we get along with this Indian fighter. We want to take their head off also; but it is not because they are nice, a fireman, or heard their police stories.
Moliere was put to death over this resistance. So there is a history of war with these churches and this religious menace on US soil. Now they occupy almost every office and wait for a terrorist attack so they can restrict more freedoms and turn us into prisoners. The entire strategy to terrorism is to kill as many as possible until they are scared of you; not the reverse. So the ball is kept and remains in their court while centuries of religious wars winds down and comes to an end. Our goal is to impose the death penalty and make sure they never get a job in politics again. Their goal is to invent this idea the world is crazy, they are personal assistants or lovers, and a close ally or staff. It gets nowhere but they ride this insanity and fantasy to see where it leads. We are denied any resume, ID, or report card on them. All we are allowed is what we see and what is on the media, total lies. When it comes to media channels, they need to be unplugged until a newcomer comes along and reports what they do not wish to deal with; waging war on themselves. It is back to the Vietnam era draft and war with the enemy inside or waging war on this domestic enemy. When the government is petitioned; common sense says to escalate the matter. If nobody believes them; then be quiet because they are being recorded and have never taken this vacation time or hyperventilated to heavily. There is one person who knows how to defeat a satellite or hurricane duty, find him and listen to what he has to say. What would you do if you were him? What would you do if you were in his predicament? Would you deny it or explain why you acted in this way? If pure evil is naked now; what do you do, pretend to be the good guys or explain why others deserved it? They know everything and so do we; so we expect them to act on that level and they expect us to beat them silly. Who can shut up whom and who will recognize who is more important or whose life is so valuable?
In America, the labor unions and the mafia underwent a similar plight. They were not only drunks and pimps; they were drug pushers and labor union goons. Nobody really wanted to deal with them or any business; they were either tricked into it or forced to. So they invented an elaborate scam where they voted and participated in every aspect of our life and politics. However, when it came down to it; they were super glue to the American political system and this made people turn into Rambo. No matter what people did, they felt they were cool, goofy, sexy, and never fit in or hid it well. Now they want to challenge the world to a killing spree and 7 days of violence and like usual, we have to sit and wait patiently while a debate is thoroughly completed on why or why not a hurricane or earthquake can be our friend. They little enemy is sneaky and full of tricks; but they are no VC and more of a tyrant or dictator constantly seeking the kindness and charity of others, constantly. So yes, they were murdered in Vietnam by both sides and now we know or understand why. If they continue on their course, they will get coup detach and the entire world will seek violence on them. All we can do is petition the government and ask this sore loser be given proper treatment and the death penalty. There is a time and place for all things and this lousy immigrant and menace has earned the death penalty; why is the US government hesitating to unplug and silence them with hurricanes and earthquakes? We would like to know and demand an answer. Somebody deserves the death sentence and to be judged by a hurricane and earthquake; we would like to think they are the bad guys because we know the good guys did not do this or were ignorant to the facts. They built a home on this and claim their religion gave them the power to do so. The reason it does not work is because it is the wrong team. The team this enemy fielded are the communists and they are seizing power or infiltrating; they want the same results and claim it is a conspiracy; but they are not the problem. They are not the labor unions, protectors, guardians, representatives, or spokesperson for our families. We resent their intrusion, spying, and constant battles.
It started as a high stakes chess game. To win you had to defeat about 100 to 1000 opponents. All of them had a history of spying as communists and a legend as enemy killers. The chase began when each mask had to be pulled off, one by one. To win one had to find the other, for what is not yet known. Who will find whom or will the two partners in life going to broken hearted while this game with rogue masked enemies winds down. They go this way and that way, not knowing if there is a mask or not; unable to tell by their own trickery and deceptions what is real and what is their imagination. Harm and destroying others is their only mission; to seek the pity, generosity, and kindness from the force of good and the secrets which make victory possible. Do they know who they are chasing and trying to destroy, or do we? If one of them finds who they are looking for, will they deliver the fatal and final blow; or will we? With each mask pulled off and defeated; a new secret emerges and a new path; where do all of them lead and why? What we observed and logged was shocking; but it shows who we have and are dealing with. The strategy during the cold war was to kill as many millions as needed until this enemy is scared of you; not pussyfoot with them until you are on the run or being chased by some crazed loser who wants you to care about them or have sex with their daughter while they instruct you to spread your anus for a cavity search after being arrested and made their hero. They never write anything down and even facing a hurricane and earthquake solution; pick out a small tidbit to harp about.
Now we ask the death penalty to be served and damages levied; but this enemy is not through yet. They hold clandestine talks, seek to meet with us 24 hours, and wish to talk it out. We document and detail who said what to whom; also why. We not only ask for the death penalty, we ask for damages and closure to this demonsterous and ridiculous foe. They claim this was only about sex and they were or are in love with us; a very close friendship and partnership. All the lies crumble when we take off our masks and reveal who said what to whom, who was lying and who we caught by sitting next to. Now nobody on earth could save them and only the best in the world could have done this to a sneaky deadly foe such as this foul rotten corpse; but they refuse to let up or end this on anybody's terms but theirs. Money had always been a problem and still is; however, this was no longer about money; it was personal and it was about survival. It feels like a training program and we are told it is a test. We are forced to care and tortured until we show them pain and subservience. So not only are they pretending as if we care; we are given an ultimatum if we wish to survive and live. It would be especially helpful if they leave all American and superstars alone when they have poor English skills and we have one qualification after the other. This lousy immigrant even wants to destroy all American girls or gorgeous pundits; no less their military heroes and the most valuable fighting force on this planet. Is that enough raison d’etre to charge them a billion and some change or not? They act as if we are delusional, imbeciles, and have no clear thinking or direction in life.
The ultimatum is to shut up and go away; do not make it worse or make matters harder for them. They begin to flex and kill more and more; to dignify their failure and to prove they are not inferior or vague. The moment you fall for their trick and deception; you will be labeled a racist and a racial profiler. This is the governments fault and they need to clean it up before we take our anger out on them; we have a right to demand the right to life and the right to pursue happiness. We have a right to slam the door on despots or kick them to the gates of hell where they belong as an ignoramus and drunken slut. The lousy immigrant syndrome occurs the moment they pick the wrong leaders all the way up until they molest or kidnap the right ones. When are they going to wage war on their own life and judge themselves; they are notorious for being lousy immigrants who make poor decisions. So if the government cannot hurricane and earthquake this enemy; then perhaps we have judged them wrong. Who is us and who is them? Why do they escalate matters to non-citizens or people who have never been with America to speak on the behalf of America? So either we have lost our minds or they are as evil as we describe them and are prepared to die as they stated. We are not only all Americans but champions; there is a checklist and a lost to qualify at this level. Who the hell do they think they are and why do they not have a resume or any education? This is our terrorist and this is our enemy we spoke of. This is the level it is at and the stakes are getting higher and higher.
Terrorism is a crime. However, unlike a typical crime, the impact on the victim is much different. Crime does not make human beings embrace their enemies. Crime does not cause the good guys to dine with the bad guys. Crime does not unite the nation. So why does terrorism? Moreover, the impact of terrorism is never considered but the act of terrorism is. Crime has an enormous impact on society and the enemy knows and has deployed methods in our life which are intended in reprogramming our natural order or logical units. So this secret revolutionary group seeks to alter who we are and how we conduct business. They seek partners and they seek to act in unison or jointly; whether we like it or not. So there is a financial benefit of certain public officials to stand by and watch while crime and terrorism plagues our world. They love democracy and they want more rights and more payments. This charade and circus using federal or state authority is about how complex life is, how careful or objective they appear to be, and what is or is not allowed because they do not know who is doing it and why. An idiot or a slave mentality that has no idea what right from wrong is. This lousy immigrant cannot even get off their lazy ass and petition the government as we have, even if their life depended on it. They are worse than a despot and a sore loser; utterly pathetic. Is there a real excuse? Is there a real answer? Is there a real solution?
This is not a lawyer talking to us in our own home. They have and are demonizing our life. This is their Vietnam. This is their creeping socialism or mission creep. This is their Angola, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and the 1980s in our face. This is the same people who were disgruntled and upset about how they were treated when war was imminent and they became fugitives. The government and the state are complicit but the table has been reversed to indicate legal grievances filed in a clandestine manner. They claim we do not tell others when we are going to harm them. We claim they are harming the public and don't care about anyone or their liberties. This is how messy our world has gotten and why our life was shut down by criminal and radical elements. We have to sit and listen to them initiate dialogue while taking them to court; they taunt us about why we even try to fight it or them; the poison is taking a hold on our life. It is not just one community or section; it is the entire city and the entire state. It is particular ethnic groups and the same social groups that have always had a difficult time. A despot is someone who cannot and does not understand no or stop. An enemy will continue until you kill them or kill their leaders. A pest will do this and sit next to you before you can act on them or figure out how to cope with this crisis. Even stinking drunks know better.
It has to end and can end in a very violent and detrimental way. We have to be assaulted until we run into the arms of the bad guys or enemies we despise. They are experimenting with humans and all they can or have said is mistakes were made. They put on the best face and act as if they are the parents of the year and wonderful additions to America. So it is wise to not alert them of pending harm or some life ending action to shut them down and eradicate this problem. It was so powerful of an effort and so clandestine; we sat there for a full decade and had crazed lunatics spying on every aspect of our life asking what we were up to and if they could get in on it. They found out the answer was no and the consequences so severe; we encourage them to surrender while they can. The crime with these lousy immigrants is always the same. When it goes down and when there is fighting in the streets; they saw nothing and know nothing. A murder could happen in front of them and they would conduct daily business as if this was an acceptable norm, blame the drug wars and profusion of crime. This is a breed of human beings who only see problems but never themselves as a problem. They are in love with themselves and their public service; now we are their prisoner and ordered to show them love or pain; a partnership.
The work standards are so poor; the government is now a dependent arm of terrorism and crime. So if imminent harm is going to be dispensed to this enemy; let's not tip them off or alert foes while they claim how others are liars and keep them in the dark. Whatever they have done cannot be reversed but whatever we do can and will. As far as the impact, our consequence and push-back was much stronger and as intended. There are no tricks and no gimmicks; it is pure raw power in its naked form. It is the beast they fear and the demon they tried to have embraced them. So similar to crime, we are stuck with this enemy while their despicable and ludicrous acts do little but make their life worse. Who is to blame for this? Those who said nothing and those who let it permeate throughout the country. To an extent we benefit from this lousy immigrant and citizen also; yet this mentality of mutual benefit is why it gets worse and more insane. So we were and still are being coerce in our own homes and around the clock by a spy and terrorist group who saw no let up. These employees make no effort to resolve issues or solve problems. What they do instead is take up a strategy which makes them look good or busy. That strategy and customer service worries a lot of people who get entangled or are denied solutions.
This enemy is nothing more than an anchor on this country and our life. They seek inclusion and to participate in public service, yet this anchor is now facing legal hardship and military retaliation. The answer is not to have a dialogue with them or explain to them how the world works. The answer is to ask why they keep stating for the record they did everything possible and made sure this never happened again. It is the same battle between the Protestants and Catholics. There is pressure and enormous deterioration which implicates them or forces them to expand. So this anchor expects us to beg them as our life is hanging on a thread and a demented puppet master is talking to us about why we cannot stop them or catch them. They want more rights and more inclusion. They want more debt and more benefits. They want more payments and more crime. It is time to take an axe and put an end to that door and gateway to hell. It is time to tell them no with a capital N. These are people who are notoriously known to be disgruntled, unhappy, blue collar, of a particular religion and ethnic group, and their history of customer service mistakes are quite serious. That total lack of quality needs something to make that anchor less heavy or more appealing. This buffoon is in severe debt, the world views them as hungry not powerful and they do not think or understand they are a problem; no less has to die for their crimes. We are willing to give them a proper trial and justice; they have a problem with this. They claim justice and the Constitution does not work for them or their power of hunger. Justice is not a problem or in high demand with this enemy.
It is time to stick their head in their own work and inform them to stop whimpering like a basket case. The problem is worse than expected because the line of defense, the FBI, is composed of 50% of this element. They are not aggressive enough and have been unaware or powerless to these manifestations. This political element is not necessarily evil but they are just there as an anchor; it serves us no purpose and has no place in our mission. After the FBI, there is no other line of defense; we are open targets. This enemy is in our residence and listens in 24 hours a day to inflict harm and damage; yet they claim they are waging war and all we can do is sue them. The problem is the political controls over the FBI which prevents a total ban on this lousy immigrant and anchor in our life. They love democracy and claim America is very kind to their needs; it is their home and they helped to build it and shall destroy it also. The gap between their life and ours is huge; yet they show or know any respect. Even as the police or public officials; they bridge this huge gap with insanity and lies.
Airport security began confiscating little old ladies' knitting needles and breaking the mouse-sized nail files off of passengers' nail clippers. Surprisingly, no decrease in the number of hijacking attempts by little old ladies and manicurists was noted. ...All passengers were required to take off their shoes for special security screening, which did not thwart a single terrorist attack, but made airport security checkpoints a lot smellier. ...The machines, which cannot detect chemicals or plastic, would not have caught the diaper bomber. So, again, no hijackers were stopped, but being able to see passengers in the nude boosted the morale of airport security personnel by 22 percent. - NAPOLITANO: THE BALL’S IN MY COURT NOW by Ann Coulter; November 17, 2010 -
Strategically, the reason why an enemy would take this risk or act in this manner is because they are preparing for invasion. By probing the defenses and weakening it; they can either expose stratagems in place or develop new plans that have changed. When facing world war and when the possibility of world war is inescapable; there isn't time to ponder or plot by shooting in the dark. So the enemy of mankind has made it far into the regular society and they are waiting at the gates of hell for the inevitable. However, things did not turn out as they expected or had imagined. Similar to the Huns and the impact on Rome, they are a smaller breed and it will take a long time to accomplish what they have in store for this last supper. The story and the plight they are fighting is the Japanese. By becoming deranged fans or less than admirers, they will smear them and also duplicate observations that seem harmless to them but lead to fortunes or desired outcomes. They will seek to unite the nation on this while pushing foreign allies away; to corner them in their warped reality. This is why a struggle is developing over foreign aid and payments to other nations. We cannot capture an idiot and slap a high quality label on them but neither can they. If they try it on us, we can blacken them and seek retaliation.
So terrorism plays into the hands of those who are sex offenders, who prey on others, who enjoy violating the rights of other citizens, and who do not obey search and seizure laws. Spies love terrorism because now they can watch and spy on anybody they wish. Deranged blue collar police officers who terrorize or rule with the fist, magically turn into tyrants and tormentors because now all they have to do is justify it; it is a matter of national security and bomb plots. The only people who suffer from a reduction of rights, privacy, inconvenience, higher prices, aggravation, and being touched or your belongings pawed by strangers; are those who are pretty, smart, and are happy in life. The reason why they are in the lives of strangers is because they cannot help themselves, are terrorists, and live off the kindness of others now that communism has destroyed their dreams. They face destruction by the good guys and war by those they claim to be partners or work buddies. We know they got a big surprise and a major coup on their hands. This SOB has gotten us to the point of killing them; yet they still find the power to act kind or not see any problem with their existence. They cannot smell themselves or have grown so used to it; they are now religious.
The impact of security while this lack of customer service or credible business industry; plays into the gambling plots, real estate bankers, ghettoes who need the boost, and those we know as the liberals, labor unions, mafia or this secretive revolutionary command. Forget how they keep us as a human experiment or have waged war; they are sex offenders and peeping toms. In their minds, when a person is ordered to drop their pants, spread their legs, or told to get on the ground, it is in the name of national security and secrecy. Do we talk to strangers in their own homes or call them all day and tell them they are a prisoner? We live on our own talents, not the generosity and kindness of captives. So send them to an island and hopefully an earthquake will kill as many of them as humanly possible while disease on a trash heap infects their life with this moronic invasion they were destroyed for. Things will get much worse for this enemy and this pup tent and freedom loving beggar. If they were not disease ridden, they are now and spreading it to us. They do not smell each other or how they have become hated or an enemy. The entire world is on the verge of judging America based on their leadership or participation. They seem okay with this also and claim to be nice.
This enemy, spy, and political threat felt they are the most powerful Generals walking this planet. As a germ and a stupid alternative to poverty; they feel terrorizing people and listening in is how we conduct business. When caught and confronted, cornered after being destroyed, they were smug and felt if they doubled or tripled their good acts; their problems would go away. Well, here is the problem; they are not the most powerful Generals on this earth and as a germ; millions of their people will probably be injured by their reckless abandon. We will petition the most powerful Generals and officials on planet earth to have them eradicated by hurricane or earthquake. So if they have any sense of human identity; knock of the apologies and provide a little bit more to resolve the problem with their parents. You do not destroy enemies to make them your friends and then apologize when caught or cornered. What you do is fight to the death and put up an honorable or decent fight. Therefore, they must face a coup detach before millions are impacted by their stupidity and insanity. Obviously, they are not leaving voluntarily and we must escalate and keep escalating.
It just keeps getting worse. They do not have a resume. They do not have a report card. Most or all of them have or are linked to someone who is a gutless fugitive or "effy" felon. They somehow imagined or formed some life long fantasy or partnership with members of the opposite sex; but it entails constant torture and Moliere types of dialogue with some old paralyzed old man. The entire community wants them dead or gone; not stuck with this escalation process where the punishments are so harsh; they pretend not to be strangers. They think we are pupils when it comes to military matters or firearms. Again, no resume or report card; just spying and a history of vandalism and reports to the police of some bizarre presence and hoax. Now this gutless loser is terrorizing females who have a resume, are loved, and have excellent report cards. Has this world gone to hell or only America due to these religious misfits and centuries of religious wars? They continue to produce land sales and continue to expand into a gigantic total disaster where we have to act jointly and unite. Now there are problems with the police and employers. Who is calling the police on whom here? So we cannot stand their guts, wish the death penalty be imposed, and they keep saying how others and the world are crazy. Also, they have the best methods when it comes to terrorism, deception, and torturing humans with stupidity.
Wars do this to a nation and people are expected to show this sense of nationalism when under attack. When it comes to crime, liberals always remove the causation. When it comes to terrorism, liberals always disregard the impact. But when it came to who and why we had this done to us in our own residence and repeated hourly; liberals were derelicts and stood with their arms crossed knowing exactly what was underway. So now we must take them and the state to court and ask if they are willing to consider the impact of this or not? The solution is easy and simple. Kick the bastards out of the country and get rid of them from all public office. However, we will find that reality is a far shot from insanity. They claim we are crazy and mentally ill after they did this or stood with their arms crossed. We claim they are crazy altogether. Who is right and who is wrong? Who is guilty and who conspired to produce an outcome which will reward them with the death penalty? This political game to piss others off, contact them at home, come to their work, act the same, pretend a marriage is going bad, and bring out the worst in human beings is going to end. Life to these people is just a trash heap and a tent where freedom is most important and how voting rights terrorize the public citizenry. All the sudden, they are concerned with problems in our life; not how they are an enemy and a problem in our life.
What makes this case so difficult is the skill level of those we call "enemy." They comprise of several radical and criminal factions in America and make up this secretive revolutionary organization doing human experiments to determine the threshold of the human psychology when terrorized or when facing violence and torture. Naturally, it is easier to commit a crime when the victims are willing and able; however, any predator or psychopath will try to exhaust the thresholds of voluntary action before putting forward a final or killer blow. Perhaps the terror plots are to be hired or to win over jobs; the inescapable fact is the secretive nature of this group. It is easy to see how they do this or why; these crimes and predator behavior are the result of positions of trust. To win or seize these positions of trust; they must create a hoax, a victimization, an enemy, or some life and death reason to let them into the castle. So the Trojan horse was the inability to understand what they are doing or where this led; a sense of blindness and secrets. They will have to face the gap and the reality of how disrespectful they have shown themselves to be when nothing in their world and life works. This is how fun it is to talk to strangers in our homes or every aspect of our life when they live in pup tents and a trash heap. We live on our own talents, not the hatred of others. We do not order humans around so we can get a piece of their dinner or a big chunk of their kindness and generosity. We pray an earthquake kills as many of them as possible while we try to destroy their menacing lifestyle and spying efforts.
The other reason why it is so complex is the tier system which each "cell" or isolation has on separate tiers in society. To the poor they look like heroes but to the rich they are perceived as enemies. So this crime of trust is based on the impact or effect on each tier; an example is if you are rich then they want your money or to rob you. If you are poor then they want to murder you, break your inhibitions or subjugate you to their demands, or use you as a human experiment. In all these instances, the use of a surrogate to either hide behind or aid in the crime is essential; another facet of crimes of trust. Do the victims know who did it or did they? How will the enemy end this story or will they? They are hurt and they are broken; but will they abide by the rules of the celestial stars or sink into the gutters of hell where they wilt away rummaging through the trash of others? They do not know who they are so they cannot decide if they are the mouse or the rattlesnake. Eventually, the truth will be known but for now, they do not have a clue. They want others to shut up, go away, and open all the doors for them. This world has not witnessed how narcissistic or how ridiculous this jackass and buffoon is; yet they accept it and are on the list of sinkable political foes to be destroyed by the list of priorities.
From the start to the finish, the conclusion is closer and closer; the face is clearer and clearer; the answers are beginning to arrive and adding up. As that ending or conclusion is closer; the behavior of those involved alters opposite of what the crime was or how they were committed. If they had unlocked the door, now they locked it. If they hated the victims, now they loved them. If they were trying to gain access, now they were kicking out people or trying to push them away. So a tier system exists and it is there for advantage and leverage. It is fair to say that ultimate control is being sought; but it is also fair to say that no control was ever gained. Again, the crime is based on trust; the murder is based on access; the enemy is not yet clearly defined or vague; and the financial motives is a business or a company whom is going under or must take drastic action in order to stay alive or stay open. What we know in life we learn when kids; if you shoot enough squirrels, not only do you get really good at it but you eventually grow tired of it.
All of those shenanigans indicate how and why it all falls back on this secretive revolutionary organization and what measures or degree of risk they are willing to partake in. Insofar as expansion or being hired; there are interactions to suggest a real or fantasized partnership, a friendship, or some degree of trust. The nature of that relationship is not consensual and the companionship leads to more and more complaints about a ghost or a puppet master. There is an insecurity seen often with organized crime and criminal gangsters which fluctuate between employer-employee, boss-slave, assailant-victim, friend-enemy, and a buoyant field of radicalism and trust. If opposites attract then this relationship was not consensual whatsoever; however, the person who is trying to win the trust of the other is hanging on for dear life and trying to initiate or reinforce broken efforts, bad life choices, a hatred and a utter failure, and is looking for any opportunity to strike back or retaliate for hurt feelings or emotional failure. All the sudden, they are on the list of priorities and no longer a problem.
When people tell you no and repeat it to you all day; the emotional toll is heartfelt. The reason has not been disclosed yet but this is where the hoax lives on. To this predator, a broken human being who is waging war and attacking other human beings at any defiance or opportunities; thus, using surveillance, recording devices, peeping tom cameras, and the market system which exchanges value or work performed becomes police work. Read that over, defiance and opportunities allow escape and new friendships. It was not and has never been a crime of opportunity; all warnings indicate the opportunity was ended a long time ago; hence, the charges of attempted murder were filed. Opportunity was and repeatedly denied to them decades ago; even after capture and while interviews were being conducted; the opportunity had already become a total disaster and utter failure. Getting close to us or sitting next to us was the worst mistake a criminal, terrorist, predator, and lunatic could have made. Now all they have left is to join the other side or claim it was only an exchange of information; the problem is we know everything about them while they do not want to deal with it or address the complaints.
Life and existence is not a crime. However, these acts and these complaints clearly show how and why this enemy is a pure sociopath. The attacks are relentless and done with glib and perpetuity. The only goal they seek or wish to achieve is the exercise of power and total control over human lives or a few human beings. Their mendacity is that of a terrorist or a hostage taker who is seeking demands. When it is anonymous, they can pose as the police or fool others into thinking they are the authority. After they are caught, the swamp thing sneaks back into the swamp and hides again. They are not giving anybody an option, instead they are trying to live life beyond the swamp, survive on their own or make it to the next tier. Even after they were caught and things ended for them, they wanted others to fantasize or think they were squeezing the life out of them by choking off any recovery or chance at life. Only an idiot who was retarded and now facing total destruction would jack off a final fantastic idea such as this if they had been destroyed with extreme prejudice or ease. What other options are there or are there?
So now the crime of trust and access; remains in a limbo state; a suspended animation which has to be met with guilty or innocent in a court of law; they are strangers and hated but this is not their story or legal defense. So the effort to intimidate, toy with the minds of others, and risk the real possibility of getting killed or destroyed is real and bearing. It has a psychological impact on their life and they are not comfortable with others doing this; so they try to do it back and that makes them guiltier and the case more difficult to defeat. Broken and defeated before court day is one thing; broken and defeated again, and again, and again for the rest of their life is a chance they are now gambling with. All the data and witness statements indicate an extremely clandestine and highly skilled spy agency, terror group, and political expert. They not only know the police, they also head them or can penetrate them at will. Power to this bunch is a mere lie or dishonest step away. Profit and success is a bullet reach away as a competitor and as a partner or ally. We say they are on a list of political enemies we wish dead and they claim they are on the list of priorities; we ask them if they have an answer or solution and they just agree. If they cannot agree then we are threatening them. We are not threatening them; we wish them dead and do not enjoy their company or this endless dialogue by spies, terrorists, and communists.
Although we are dealing with sociopaths who either grew up or were from abject poverty; their habits of sweet talking human beings whom were vulnerable or dependent bordered on a fantasy they were highly desired sexually. The men could not see through or did not know when others were doing it back on them. The women would accuse each other of horrendous sexual perversions while they were the worst perpetrators of it. They did not know when they were being lied to or if the same bad deed was done to them; yet they kept an open mind and felt invincible. They were and wore excess jewelry and have grandiose fantasies about being powerful or desired by royals and the most aspired human subjects, something they were not. There was always a web of deception that reinforced this fantasy existence or escaping from abject poverty. This type of background despises the police and is the impetus is power and greed; it is not a hatred of authority. A crime of trust is usually committed by a preacher, a police officer, a teacher, a spouse, a workmate, or someone who interacts closely to the victim. They refuse to admit they are a communist spy; just totally refuse it. They are okay and fine with that for a stinking drunk and a stinking mole. They expect us to sneak in their homes and act like common burglars because they refuse to stop or accept their life in the gutter.
The females have vulnerability, their sexuality. The males have a unique vulnerability for which they try to hide under the cloak of a female. Keep this in mind when you know they are watching and spying. They are not infallible people and are more gullible than their victims only because they cannot see themselves. So if they throw an ace of spades down, you know they are blind to an ace of spades. Now you know their vulnerability; meanwhile, you cannot resist or else you must throw down a strong card; this is what they want and are looking for. In other words, you must take what they dish out and wait until the right moment when they are not able to struggle with you any further and filled with rage and failure. The truth is they spied on you and you fed them disinformation or total lies. They acted upon false information and knowing they were listening; you can sweet talk them one day and then crush them the next. Who is the spy and who is angry about failure?
Whose fault and who is liable for cheating and being a spy? You can make them so horny they have babies out of wedlock or feed them with so much hogwash they take insane risk. The entire point is they will not come out of hiding and will wait until you are nearly dead before having a face to face; that is when you spring the trap and pull the stick up on them. Now it is a test of power and a test of who they truly are; are they acting alone or jointly with any other parties? Any human being can be a puppet to their own insecurities and flaws; remember this. You can be a prisoner of your own mistakes so do not make any mistakes. In the end, if you are not a prisoner; then you know there were no mistakes made. So they must indicate if anything works in their life and why it is our fault in clear and concise English. Also, they continue to hide the fact they are a secretive revolutionary organization and were or had been communist spies. Out of all this insanity, they forgot the most important fact of all. When your life and your family depends on it; you would think this buffoon and idiot would do anything humanly possible to petition the government and try to get as much support as possible. All they want to do is go to dinners, have cocktails, buy tickets to cruise ships, drive around the block so they do not have to deal with reality, debate stupid matters, call their enemies in the most unwanted or clandestine manner, etc... how about getting off their ass and petitioning the people who matters and who will impose death on them?
The whole point is these people boarded our plane and did damage to our life. Then they used some alibi or phony hoax to make it look as if they were fighting terrorists and we had to do as they said or face some repugnant action and attempted assault. Excerpts from "How To Talk To A Liberal (If You Must)" by Ann Coulter: Call Me Ms., 1991. "(Feminists have become so crazed in demanding equal representation in all walks of life that this fact inevitably distresses them to the point that they will proudly cite the efforts of two or three noble equality-seeking females who assisted rapes and thus are technically brought up on rape charges. But the idea that it would take a threat of violence to get a man to have sex is so ludicrous; I refuse to acknowledge the concept of a female rapist.) In fact, maybe I should be pro-rapist because rapists and I are all part of the personhood family. The urge to have sex is at least a normal human impulse." This is why there is murder, rape, violence, insanity, and a facade of the most preposterous outcomes.
If it was not one lie after the other; then it was some callous effort to paint their own life as heroic and even fighting an enemy who refuses to stop, go away, and leave others alone. The females were even worse, to say they were cock crazy while in a state of menstrual repugnancy; did not do justice to the idea they would call men in their homes, even behind their husband, and just sit there making snide comments about how our life was somehow connected. If you think about it, being cock crazy does that to females and if it did not; then the door was opened and they love to watch. They fantasize about what is missing and what is wrong with their own life and it leads to them getting slammed in one way or the other. You could call them names all day long or rip them apart; they were spying on you illegally. We have no interest or would consider initiating any kind of boarding of their plane and knew all about them and what they were up to. When others read their story, they will know how a slave thinks, how they feel, and what peril life has to offer. This is a slave and worse they avoid evil because evil has zero tolerance for how ridiculous and absurd the existence is. This enemy is adamant on a violent death and unless you put a gun to their head and pull the trigger; they will never stop, go away, stop spying, or leave you alone. They will regroup the next day and do it again; and again; and gain nothing. They will come to your residence and try to check if you locked the windows, back door, or are scared. They will berate you until something louder drowns them out. This lousy immigrant keeps choosing the wrong leaders. There is a huge gap between us and them, yet they constantly try to paint this image of a sordid life or keeping secrets from them. Have we judged the good guys wrong or are they just fools?
A slave is a state of absolute powerlessness or futile efforts. At most you can crash into strangers or seek pity from those who will grow to despise a slave. A slave is a slave; they cannot change it and will always repeat this senseless or ridiculous process where they interact with normal society. They will fall, get up, and then fall again; until the reality is so shocking; they must block it out or give up the care of the world we hold dear daily. They make excellent criminals and live as disposable heroes to the most poor and the most destitute. Those who have rare genius, anger by experience, a need to be pampered, a good appearance, obscure behaviors, or some emotional damage; become the most dangerous and a very obstinate hidden threat. They are petrified of evil and must avoid those who will gas them or exterminate them; however, they prey on the good and kindness of this world. All of them are sex offenders to either 10 year olds or 40 year olds; nothing can stop them. As a form of cowardice, they avoid drug cartels or butchers who will dispense very quick violence on this caveman appearance. An America with no crime, no slaves, no labor unions, and no psychopathic terrorist stalkers; is an America we love and enjoy living in. America is not a trash heap but it is starting to look like one with these lousy immigrants.
The scam and game they play with normal human beings is to rob them by causing total disaster and being stuck with daily cocktails of insanity to break down inhibitions and courage. Eventually it will lead to a game of death with the authorities. Based on observations, it is clear the only method or means to stop this pest and enemy is to place a gun to their head and to impose good behavior on them. Therefore, an effort has been started to petition the government to hurricane or earthquake them into good behavior; if needed tsunami or blow them away. If you are not willing to put a gun to their head and pull the trigger; then you will not escape or live. They know this and they know how vulnerable human beings are. They are also behind false arrest and malicious prosecution; a process of abuse of power, corruption, and false statements. If you do not feel raped or violated; then they have not lived up to the evil they are known for. The reason why they love America is because it offers them advantage and power. They feed off and abuse democracy, to justify the means to their selfish ends. Unless you are willing to see it through to the end, do not get in battles or ferocious fights with them; they will stick on every aspect of life and do this around the clock.
This effort to terrorize, stalk, and violent death is easily understandable once the originators are located and understood. This is a hybrid of radicalism, vulgarity, and extremism all rolled up into labor unions, labor leaders, mafia, and drug war narco-states. They are getting this self determination and political theory from several places. One of the people is M. A. Bakunin who was known to be a radical and violent revolutionary. Bakunin invented the "dabbling" in order to "infect until revolution." If you apply this to the black and Irish politics of hatred; they seek emancipation, another Bakunin theory. Plekhanov said the entire Russian experience was about revolution and emancipation. What this plot learned was how to emancipate. Next was revolution and domination; one in the same. So we are not only defending against revolution; we are being dominated. Obviously, the doing well and sophistication is part of this white supremacy and black liberation in attack and robbery mode. This enemy thinks we are all the same. They think America is a story about them.
So when the next Muslim terrorist, probably named Abdul Ahmed al Shehri, places explosives in his anal cavity, what is the government going to require then? (If you're looking for a good investment opportunity, might I suggest rubber gloves?)...You can't stop a terrorist attack by searching for the explosives any more than you can stop crime by taking away everyone's guns...In the 1970s, liberal ideas on crime swept the country. Gun owners were treated like criminals while actual criminals were coddled and released. If only we treated criminals with dignity and respect and showed them the system was fair, liberals told us, criminals would reward us with good behavior. ...As is now well known, crime exploded in the '70s. It took decades of conservative law-and-order policies to get crime back to near-1950s levels. ...It's similarly pointless to treat all Americans as if they're potential terrorists while trying to find and confiscate anything that could be used as a weapon. We can't search all passengers for explosives because Muslims stick explosives up their anuses. (Talk about jobs Americans just won't do.) You have to search for the terrorists. - NAPOLITANO: THE BALL’S IN MY COURT NOW by Ann Coulter; November 17, 2010 -
Their confidence is robust and they like putting their hands on people who are vulnerable, strangers, or captives. Unfortunately, this enemy is not a monster when it comes to IQ, thus, they do not know when to put their weapon down and flee or stop what horrible behavior got them to call strangers or hold them as captives. Trying to make them violent or bring out the worst in them is not going to make their life easier or cause the kindness and generosity of others to kill them. So the blame is their behavior and their actions. Most idiots will put their weapon down and run. This is not an idiot, it is a deadly criminal. They are so disgusting and repugnant, we compare them to farm animals and goats and they taunt us about sexual matters or being molested by them. Worse, they talk to strangers as if they are dictators, terrorists, and tyrants in their own homes and think this will advance their career. They came from trash heaps and are Marxists who enjoy living in squalor; now we have to fight them off hourly because they are horny. What happened to our dignity and our rights? Therefore, all the earthquakes and all the hurricanes in the world could not kill them quickly enough and make them bleed away to the gates of hell where they belong. This is the generosity and kindness we imposed on them and what waging war on us got them in the end.
This enemy and menace is trying to infiltrate the police stations and politics. If not then they are trying to hold on to power. The truth is a big gap in their education, crime, dependency, idiotic mistakes, sex offender manners, child molester mentality, and this comfort of assimilating and confidence when there is a huge gap between the left and the right. Not only is there this huge gap, nothing works in their life and they show no respect. They expect us to bend and break. They demand we leave and show they pain or some charity. It is their life hanging on a threat. It is their careers which face dereliction of duty. It is their lack of respect that remains unanswered or clandestine. It is this huge gap they just feel as comfortable about as they invent methods to power. There are so many charges and complaints on their child molester and sex offender existence while they make public comments on airport security, genital washing, and circumcision. Forget about body scans, cavity searches, being groped, having your girl called and molested by them; now they are on TV and debating why this is wise. We know someone started this and we know someone is going to pay for it dearly.
We know the huge gap is there and they have been caught, beaten badly, and a coupe; we caught them in a deadly game of putting a gun to the heads of others and we disarmed them, whipped them a few times, and gave them a taste of their own medicine. That clearly indicates they face more danger and do not have a chance; why try to push it further and see what they can get away with? Now we must petition the government to hurricane them and earthquake them; the gap is going to get huge and bigger if they do not stop and end this insanity. This is no game where they can do whatever they feel like. Life is not a gamble and a death wish. If they keep putting a gun to the head of others; that gun will be used on them. They even think America is a story about them; the gap is huge and nothing works in their life, nothing. It is terrifying to think they are the police or leave the world with this feeling we are or were being raped.
So they are a human experiment and risk severe retaliation. Crimes of trust are intended to terrorize human beings. As a human experiment, we are now in the cross hairs of a blatant and purposeful enemy who has been able to hide and experiment; to perfect their craft. It will be and has been difficult to restore this trust; yet those guilty refuse to vacate or step down from their positions of trust. So this secretive revolutionary group is trying to seize power, a coup detach, where all life endeavors and all of life itself falls under their guidance and power. The effort to terrorize human beings or the effort to intentionally terrorize society is how they get there and accomplish their goals in a misleading and deceitful manner. Therefore, crimes of trust have a psychological impact on the enemy and those who are fighting them. Someone let this enemy in and now someone does not want to destroy them or deal with the problem. The problems are tantamount, a total and complete disaster to our life and to this country.
Therefore, we have watched and we have hidden our motives and intentions while they circled, surrounded, and moved closer and closer. We throw bait out there and we test them to see their response times, their ability, or how much they know also. While we push them away, they close in. When we are in pursuit, they flee or try to hide. When we shut the door on them all day long, they come back at night to our residence and living rooms. They want to get to know us and want to know what they can get away with if anything. They want to do experiments and determine if we are another separate species they can control or take advantage of. They want to know the threshold of our psychology and when we break or succumb to their wishes and orders. They want to know how to destroy, defeat, and win. All this lousy immigrant wants to do is go to dinners, attend conferences, have cocktails, listen to speeches, go on TV, call us in our homes illegally, invite spouses on vacation cruises so they can avoid body scans, or threaten women about leaking naked airport pictures. The public is ready to murder them and they want to take more and more freedoms away because we are stuck with lousy immigrants? Who are this weakling and despot we keep being fondled by?
We have on the other end the lousiest and gutless immigrant the world has ever laid eyes on. Crime is their specialty and murder is their victory. They are the enemies and the communists and now socialists; a secretive, radical, criminal, worthless, stupid, useless, jackass, insignificant, totally phony, goof ball, insane, perplexing, and highly hidden buffoon we not only caught but had the pleasure to destroy. They are not going to argue it because they run the risk of being destroyed again; and then many times over. What they want is to restart life and initiate the grounds where they can seize or take over the decision making process; otherwise, they will be dead and a totally defeated gutless coward in hiding; and worse dying without any shoulder to lean on. It is a shame because we would like to see it that way; but again, it is a crime of trust and to make people trust, you must trick, scam, deceive, lie, invade, keep watch, stalk, interview, steal information, or spy on them all day long.
In the end, they were not able to win our hearts and mind; nowhere close. In the end, they got the surprise of their life; etched deeply in their minds and haunted until buried in some worthless plot of land they claim to bleed for. That is about all they got and all they came here for; nothing. So catching them and interviewing them was in our favor; spying on them or watching them is the most disgusting and repugnant experience a human being can ever partake in or brag about. Regardless of how awful the experience was for them and how awful the experience was for us; they did bring out the worst in us at times. They could not win our hearts and minds while theirs were destroyed and the curtains pulled so hard it crashed on their naked fantasy. It is etched in their minds and the tear system in the final hours returned to how it was or began in 1989 when the first signs began to surface of this stalker and spy. So expect some of those who were not rounded up or captured to go and tattoo "winner" on their body; but only to hide and avoid the disgrace we know when this began. For them to look at each other and say how it was "neck and neck" at each step of the way is a farce and a total lie to win the trust of each other.
It does not seem as if it turned out neck and neck, but they are not saying and want to invent more crimes of trust if they can. Expect them to get a tattoo with our names on their body for all to see; why or what for is secret and a fantasy for a gutless SOB story. Our tattoo of them came out a bit different and had much less meaning, a juxtaposition of what they call the theater of the absurd and the theater of pain. We live in a world of inferiority and an interaction occurs when and if two elements square off or one picks a fight with the wrong enemy. We and the rest of the world know the story but do they or these enemies know the story also? At first we laughed at them and now the satisfaction is so grandiose; crying and pain is impossible. Imagine if you hated yourself this much and had an enemy looking at you with such naked candor you had to find happiness in life. So we are now back at square one and they are trying to restart or reset history and life so they can survive the future of their utter insanity and failure. There is only one pressure valve or escape hatch; that is our side and the side of good. How do you get a job or get the credibility of those who are on the side of good?
When you are powerful and when you have expertise at this level; a monkey's ass is not hard to find or smell. So why this superior and sweet smelling enemy is unable or ill equipped to locate a monkey's ass? We can smell it. We know it is there. We see it everyday. We know who is behind it. We confronted them about this already. And yet the mystery behind the monkey's ass is so difficult to figure out or has to be repeated over and over, why? Are we dealing with a superior enemy or one that has used genetics and need ours now to hide all of this? The best answer is to lie about it and all of this will go away but even that is not a credible ending to a noose that is shorter now than ever. So waging war on their enemy is about all that is left and lying about this is about all they can do; what other options are out there? Did their religion make them or turn them into a monkey's ass or did some special power in the universe do it, such as God? Would they like to test this theory before God himself?
If you were rich, powerful, and escaped the fate of a monkey's ass; what would you do when the stars lined up again and the universe was against you? Would you expand into America or come to the most powerful nation on this planet? Would you gamble with the most powerful, most determined, most brilliant, and now most respected class on the tiers of human existence? Would you do it and lie about it or try to tamper with the evidence? If you were a monkey's ass, would you or could you wage war on yourself? How? Would you strap a bomb to your body and just scream "kaboom" or would you change the odds and change the reality of this world? Remember, you are a monkey's ass and until a monkey's ass knows it; it really cannot change anything. However, waging war on a monkey's ass if you are a monkey's ass is preposterous and almost hypocritical, a bigot. So that is the question that is on the table and what we have to discuss with this enemy. This scam was done repeatedly on the police and on the US military; lives and careers were destroyed by this secretive revolutionary spy and terrorist labor group. We are not a trash heap or a pup tent they can inhabit or seize.
The drug wars and the mafia wars against the government have induced a fantasy relived in modern times that dates back to the 1960s. The Viet Cong society of guerrilla warriors feel their pride and conviction is lived through their wars. Therefore, they take up the motto and the "nom de guerre" of revolutionary guerrillas as they knock off and wage war on any enemy in their way. The drug wars and crime induced terror in the general population and confirmed they were useless and desperate. The problem is it created a social disaster and made them more dependent than ever. Worse their communities cannot rebuild and is financially bankrupt and seeking one band aid after the next. So the police hate them. The FBI despises them. The military has to deal with shortages in personnel. So there is a particular ethnicity and religious affiliation to the left wing and the labor movement; this concentration of lousy immigrants, clandestine activity, secret revolutionary liberal organization, and the utter failure of their financial assets. So who wants to stop them? They are very comfortable with who they are and what they are doing to the human race. They are very comfortable with what they have done to our life and this nation.
The Protestants do not want to be accused of being Nazis or revolutionaries. The high technology sectors and newly emerged economies do not know how to respond with such a monkey's ass. Do they expect a Nazi, expect us to put a Nazi on the phone, or do they want to create a Nazi out of this utter insanity and constant attacks? So we know them and we know they are as rotten as a human being can get; how can we possibly bring out the worst in them but to be criticized when they bring out the worst in us; hence, this secret police and malicious prosecution for our entire life. We are on some hit list and being targeted; so are many others. Why don't they do this to the drug cartels or the evil in this world and see how long they will live or how much of a coward they truly are? So this is how the wars begin and who is behind it; they refuse to leave or end this tirade of utter failure. They need to stop initiating war or our destruction while berating "leave, go home, now you know what it feels like to be inferior"; but only to feel what 10,000 daily problems feels like and the impact on their own misery. We are not their savior and taking advantage of the kind and successful is their cowardice and cruel hoax.
This would give us a major leg up -- if only the country weren't insane. ...Is there any question that we'd be looking for Swedes if the 9/11 terrorists, the shoe bomber, the diaper bomber and the printer cartridge bomber had all been Swedish? If the Irish Republican Army were bombing our planes, wouldn't we be looking for people with Irish surnames and an Irish appearance? ...Only because the terrorists are Muslims do we pretend not to notice who keeps trying to blow up our planes. ...It would be harder to find Swedes or Irish boarding commercial airliners in the U.S. than Muslims. Swarthy foreigners stand out like a sore thumb in an airport. The American domestic flying population is remarkably homogenous. An airport is not a Sears department store. - NAPOLITANO: THE BALL’S IN MY COURT NOW by Ann Coulter; November 17, 2010 -
The Nazis have already dispensed judgment on this revolutionary group and misfit. We are stuck with them and not sure what in hell we are expected to do other than take their abuse and round the clock initiation of wacky dialogue while under the table. They tinker and toy with every aspect of life; every. They do not want to complain to madmen or other people who will throw them in gas chambers or ovens; they do this to decent and good people; not the bad or evil ones. They expect to be the jewelry of life we are stuck with or weighted down by; a prisoner who has a blockade imposed. They feel this power is from America and a profit making effort, a level of greed we are too small or weak to match. They are ignorant to the facts and refuse to wage war on themselves; but mention the Nazis or drug wars and they become cumbersome and sorrowful. What got them in a hole they kept digging was spying, initiating and constantly initiating clandestine activity, a madman mentality, and the reality that no 10 year old or 40 year old can say no or leave me alone to them. We are not sure if they expect us and the world to put them into ovens or gas them; but we are not initiating any of this and have no intention of being evil or tormented to the point of insanity. So they did bring out the worst in others and did try to drive them mad but were caught and sued.
We have no interest and never had any interest being their human experiment or taking their abuse for the majority of our life; yet they seem focused on anything or watch with extreme care. If anybody becomes angry with them; they will claim others are Nazis and they are traumatized by the resistance. They are extremely flawed and feel athleticism is proof they are superior. They torment Protestants and people who do not wish to hear or listen to them spread this insanity and flawed vision. Most especially, their financial endeavors in America which were the backbone of land sales or rogue politics has collapsed and is nearly wiped out, yet they grow angrier and refuse to wage war on themselves. So they are too scared of evil and too ignorant to become good or the standards America was built upon. Broken, poor, and now nearly destitute; they break the law and usurp it in order to vindicate or survive the standards of modern society and the overwhelming pressure on utter failure. The bible is free and they refuse to read it or live life on their own; yet they depend on strangers or expect them to take this abuse for the majority of their lives. The same complaints were levied on this secretive revolutionary organization in the 1600s and they also fell to deaf and dying ears. Now they have the Asians, royals, and geniuses in their crosshairs or as their primary target for financial victory.
This enemy is a cross breed of an insect and a retard. They do this to everybody so it does not matter if one is 10 years old or 40; they will molest you, initiate dialogue, and continue this charade of human spite endlessly until a home is created out of nothing. How can anybody bring out the worst in them? So their strength and our weakness is their ability to bring out the worst in us and America. The Nazis tried to kill them or exterminate them and now they have adopted the Nazi tactics to curry favor or sympathies. So when they find an enemy who is as rotten as or meaner than they are; they will be exterminated similar to the possibility of World War 3. In the meantime, they will crash into us and try all kinds of tricks to bring out our worst or make us bleed for being weaker or using kindness towards them. If they can bring out our worst; then their dream has come true; they are a victim. They will crash into the police. They will target the FBI. Worst, they will set up shop in America and other thriving societies where this gutter comes to life and expresses freedom in the most insane ways. Now they are being kicked out of America and being kicked to the curb for the pain and suffering their life has imposed on others recklessly.
For all these reasons, including the ownership of a loud and obnoxious Harley; is why the Nazis stuck them into concentration camps and why horrendous violence racks their history; domestic and abroad. The total disaster or the nightmare is we are now stuck with them and their savior. The reality is their existence and crime has devastated America and reduced her to an insult when it should not be this way or America should not be responsible for shouldering this retarded insect like punk who is getting destroyed each and every day. They have no clue why others hate them, the only enemy they refuse to wage war on is themselves, and they repeatedly or constantly seek answers to why this world or human beings are so mean to them. So the problem is clear, vivid, concise, and reluctant; we are stuck with this, do not want or need it, and doing everything possible to make sure this enemy is captured dead or alive. For what we do not know but to ask the same questions of the drug wars, illegal immigration, and boom-bust-bankruptcy land sales. Just remember, we are stuck with them; they are not stuck with us. They bring out the worst in us; we do not bring out the worst in them. Unless we are as rotten as they are, they are going nowhere and getting nothing accomplished. Summarily, it is this same quality of work that paralyzes our ability to tell who the good guys are from the bad guys.
This utter love of narcolepsy or necrophilia has awakened those who fall prey to the slow dying movement of the left wing and mostly the liberal cause. The sensation is a rope that has been cut on one end; the harder you pull on it, the quicker the reality. Until you know which end has been cut; the worst nightmare could be happening while you feel safe. Ann has described and documented this exact same feeling or reality in her book, "How To Talk To A Liberal (If You Must)" by Ann Coulter (2006). "Life was much better for liberals when there were only three TV stations airing precious little news. Back in the pre-cable news days, public political debate consisted exclusively of liberal Democrats debating radical Democrats. Now that conservatives are physically present on cable news, liberals are terrified they might have to respond to a conservative point, so liberals filibuster and interrupt, hoping to never hear it... If you can somehow force a liberal into a point-counterpoint argument, his retorts will bear no relation to what you said - unless you were, in fact, talking about your looks, your age, your weight, your personal obsessions, or whether you are a fascist. In the famous liberal two-step, they leap from one idiotic point to the next, so you can never nail them. It's like arguing with someone with Attention Deficit Disorder. Let these communist spies and religious loser go to jail and go to prison for the lies and the petition we have created; not us.
This is an enemy who initiates dialogue, relation, and some clandestine activity. They are hardcore criminals and chase off people or become extremely angry at the possibility of arrest and capture. They use fronts or scams to mislead and if anybody interrupts or is suspicious; they create diversions and stories to contradict what others witnessed. They want others to know they are for real, ready to die, and must be taken serious; yet the goals and the demands suggest none of this. We had the ability and chance to observe them when anonymous and a ghost; and then after capture when they were in panic mode and extremely angry as the ending was near and legal action was inescapable. Their emotional reactions spanned the gamut of sorrow to homicidal madman; one day it was an explanation about how they were broken or weaker, the next about who we were and how mean we treat them, the next it was how they cared and only wanted to help, and this continuous cycle of initiating clandestine efforts. They would call for backup and alert the security for this secret revolutionary and criminal organization they had an escape in progress. Things grew three times larger than they were in the last year (2009-2010) only because they did not want to get hurt or were cornered into surrender. We are not permitted to have a life that is trouble free and does not contain a madman or woman watching us 24 hours a day and telling us how they feel.
At no time was any initiation of effort, care, or a morsel of pity ever given to them yet they presented a story about how they were victims and their life was invaded by some stranger for no reason than mental illness or paranoia. Therefore, not only did they research his financial and military records; they prepared a legal defense around it and began to exploit the facts so they fit their alibi or cover story. The worst part was when they were wrong about the financial aspect because he had a rich girlfriend and was a war hero. They had no choice but to attack her or erase the surprise they had no defense for or any clue about. The primary motivator of this began to impersonate this girlfriend to aggravate or drive them apart; meanwhile, they were plotting her death and trying to have him agree to it or be helpful. None of it worked as none of it should and most if not all was ignored while we scrambled to safe houses, alerted the authorities, and prepared for an assassin or murder attempt (a trap was set and victim was armed while in wait). Do to the jurisdiction limits and the complexity of the case; only certain actions at this time warrant relief. More will be arriving as this case develops and each problem is under control. They have become very accustomed and very familiar with the possibility of arrest and things will become much worse than what it is now. There is no interest to initiate or listen to them try to squirm out of this or deal with how they feel emotionally daily as things got worse and worse.
This case is in the court system and will be for some time trying to untangle the mess of deceit and lies imposed by a poor, rotten, and dying corpse. They are still bragging and riding their Harleys with pride and joy. Furthermore, they are still contacting me and have not let up because they are scared to death now. As I had said, I am the man who will found and start up the original Hurricane watch to petition the government and destroy this enemy. I am already in the line of fire and to be honest; rather seasoned and used to it. What exactly they are bragging or riding their Harleys around about we are not sure. Their all star home run hitter got struck out each time. Their next home run specialist could not hit anything. I threw the ball at their head and told them to just leave; they won't. You can tell by the way they stand and when the ball is whizzing past them; they are broken and defeated; hurt and now scared. Yet they brag and act as if they can get a bat on the ball. In the time they tried this not one bit of information fell to their hands or possession. So if you decide to watch or stalk someone 24 hours for 20 or more years; at least have something to show for it and wear it with pride. This monkey's ass has nothing but a shut out record and the fact I throw and threw every ball now at their head and they know who the boss is. Have we judged the government wrong when we petition them to hurricane and earthquake this lousy immigrant and tour de force?
Regardless, they call me all day; play this game; order me around and tell me to leave, disregard we are blood royals, and keep insisting they are in control and run our lives. So yes we throw the ball right past them and they suck; but now they know we toy with them and throw it at their head for entertainment and fun. What an enemy and if you read on Ann's page what they are like; it really does not impact someone who is in machine gun fire already and knows it; but he also knows how to fight out of it and destroy them with the charm and grace of a world champion. They still think they are superior and tell us to leave constantly or say they do not want to get hurt or any trouble. They are scared because they are fugitives fleeing the law; not superior or worth any all star rank. The worst part is they love America and try to get a job constantly. They do the same thing in prison and the result is a severe beating or attacks. Then they are crippled or in a wheelchair and now peddling around trying to tell people how mean they are and how they mean no harm. Now they ride their Harleys as if they are hitting back or winning back lost ground. They claim we know everything and want to initiate a dialogue on why we are so mean to them. I would describe them as half and half; half retard and half insect. We will be dressed in our best attire the day they are put to death or finally removed from American soil; meanwhile, we must be put through the ordeal of listening to how they feel or what they want. Their leaders are easy political enemies we are after now and they can go to jail or prison over this stupid buffoon or poor ass pest. They are not the least worried about poverty, the poor, the drunks, their ethnic heritage, or how stupid they have become.
These goons talk to strangers in their own homes as if they are tyrants and dictators who control every aspect of our life. Worse they threw us in jail and demanded bond or some bribe. So we coupe them and made sure they died of cholera or end up on the trash heap they crawled out of and are upset about. They crossed the line and were too far into evil to ever return but this is what they get for talking to strangers or treating them this way. Hopefully, they will end up in life on an island preaching their tyranny and sexual offender lifestyle to cavemen who live in pup tents and are extremely angry with the cold war. This is what they get and a coup was just the beginning of much more to come for them. A good start is to stop talking to our mates or making up insane stories about how they are partners, friends, work close, seeking jobs, or only trying to help; cholera does not care or will respond to this stranger in our life. Another good start is to drop their weapon and get the hell out of Dodge before they are charged and found guilty for all of this nonsense. Why they need to talk their way out of it or constantly call us in the most clandestine and non-consensual manner is bone headed insanity and the act of a buffoon.
No matter what you do to them and how hard you try; they are an anchor in life and claim you love them. Each door we close, they open. They are not taught to avoid highly educated and decent people. The US government must consider hurricane, tsunami, earthquake, and even other solutions to our petitions. No slaves and no idiots mean no problems and a state of happiness. It is dereliction of duty anyway you see it; and when you are facing dereliction of duty charges; you will be removed with prejudice. The problem with these lousy immigrants is simple. They have a mental problem. It is so severe they are constantly initiating conversation with others when they do not seem to understand there are appropriate formats for socializing. Hence, they call you in your home, initiate contacts, keep tabs, and try to give an image of friendship or just wanting to help. The problem is they order strangers around as if they are family members and they refuse to read books or try to get good grades; thus, their standards are subhuman.
So we can narrow this loyalty and sympathy down to five or so enemies and secretive groups. We would love to understand if their real estate is bumping, if their education is above the curve, if their crime is immaculate, if their life works as well as they claim to be mad about? Is their anything that works or has not been ruined by their idiotism, violence, or stupidity? Now we can reduce the five down to maybe two enemies and domestic nuisances. Nothing works and no value to their life; what are they mad at or upset over but total lies and deception? The plan they are looking for? What plans, the war on poverty is now an anchor on the life of everyone. It sounds like they refuse to take it out on themselves and are jealous about the lives of others. Their hate is not about what works in their life; it is because others are superior or are loved. The bottom line is lousy immigrants are not up for this mission and we are not up for them being in our life or making things worse before they are a hurricanes and earth quaked. At least we petition the government and make an effort to ask; they do not ask or petition anybody. They are so arrogant they act as if right and wrong were a complex maze of insanity. Now the world is completely screwed up and we are stuck with them and this despot under the table groping us or terrorizing our loved ones. This is the governments fault and they need to clean it up before we take our anger out on those who refuse to stop this enemy and this total madman.
This enemy is so mentally insane they feel they are superior or can actually improve the life of others; it is a toss up because nobody can stop or tell them to go away. If you try, you become a threat and are targeted by Italians, Irish losers, or blacks for threatening their only means of escape and life. That is how insane this lousy immigrant is. Worse they join the military, enter public service, and sit on government positions doing this ludicrous and insane dialogue with people who hate their guts and want to kill them for bullying and harassing them in their own homes. This SOB is some form of subspecies or a total child molester; with no comprehension of the law or respect for the rights of others. They watch people 24 hours and justify it or keep up a monologue because they are so mentally ill and such a loser. I have never seen anybody so mentally ill and such a complete idiot; yet they feel they are doing good and justified; but they hide and do not want to get hurt, so it is all clandestine. The more clandestine, the more they can upset and injure others. Have we judged the government wrong or does a stronger solution need to be imposed? Why do we have to suffer for their lousy immigrant decisions when our standards are made to look faulty? Who is keeping secrets from whom? They seek benefit when benefit does not suit them. They impose punishments when reality and the stars tell them to reward human blessings. We have never seen a more lazy and lousy immigrant than the one parading before our reddish eyes.
In the book "Candide" the same little voice was everywhere; under the table, in the beds of couples, wherever business was conducted, etc... and the author Moliere said it was the Pope and his henchmen. So you can assume this rotten immigrant and all this insanity we nailed as a terror plot comes from the same egg; a total loser who is now under the careful watch of Hurricane and Earthquake Petitions. This is why we have to or must petition the government to enforce Special Forces hurricane and earthquake duty on them; to fix their mental illness. When someone says stop or no to an enemy; whether 10 years old or 40; this does not mean to act sexy and come to their house to win over allegiance or plead friendship, it means go away and respect the rights which hurricanes and earthquakes enforce. It means stop and quit now or else get killed or seriously hurt. This bastard and total psychopathic lunatic knows no other way in life but to pull this shenanigan and rob the hell out of others; then act innocent, as a friend, helping, superior, or some guardian angel. So this facet about them will go on the hurricane and earthquake petition to the federal government; and a charge of gross mismanagement for allowing this insect like pest on our soil and now into our life. Did I mention they tried to mate with us and now we have to listen to them day and night moping and doting on how superior and helpful they are?
If the government did nothing more than have a five-minute conversation with the one passenger per flight born outside the U.S., you'd need 90 percent fewer Transportation Security Administration agents and airlines would be far safer than they are now. ...Instead, Napolitano just keeps ordering more invasive searches of all passengers, without exception -- except members of Congress and government officials, who get VIP treatment, so they never know what she's doing to the rest of us. ..."Please have your genitalia out and ready to be fondled when you approach the security checkpoint." This is the punishment for refusing the nude body scan for passengers who don't want to appear nude on live video or are worried about the skin cancer risk of the machines -- risks acknowledged by the very Johns Hopkins study touted by the government. - NAPOLITANO: THE BALL’S IN MY COURT NOW by Ann Coulter; November 17, 2010 -
The lousy immigrants, labor unions, radicals, liberals, and New Yorkers come to America with nothing, build and pretend to care about the American Indians, and next thing you know; they report you raiding or demanding money from them. In all honesty, if you keep asking why others hate it or why come to America poor and destitute and get into this predicament where hate or being ran off is a central theme; then it is clear what is going on. The American Indians and the Seneca Nation are not going to unite with the liberals or communists. These imposters have to stop robbing them or making threats because the American Indians will attack it. They have done this for centuries and if you try this "come to America" plot and run them off or rob them; they will attack an idiot. Bulbous nose or how poor they can get is why these phonies are arrogant and hated. Keep pissing off this peacenik and they will attack you; but do not say they are a winner and Indian fighter hero; the poor just get poorer and cannot get anything from Americans because they will never unite or stand in solidarity with us either. In short, a boneheaded weasel that is hated and deserves every ounce of pain life has to offer are not friends; and we knew friends, don’t we? The problem is spending and how phony “vague” squanders money; the inadequacy and inferiority; now is a lack of jobs and opportunity but phony vague keeps attacking and expanding. After ferocious fights with IQ monsters; we can proudly say they are a coward and a poor warrior, an enemy and a desperate fool without a world of a home.
This poor ass bastard insect like psychosis is racking up complaints from rich whites, businesses, American Indians, Asians, and Japanese. The Japanese have already won their case. The two authors behind this are on the verge of winning their freedom. The American Indians are not sophisticated enough to defeat fungi insect growth expansion or poor medical psychosis. The blacks are dependent on this smeary poor destitute swarm of insects; but they like to buy imports from or non-white products. The same problem either has a rubber, closed the nasty legs, stopped emailing or going on dating sites, or hitched a ride back on the boat; it is not hilarious now how they try to unite with the normal and honorable people in America or the world. They are just vague and obscure, a bore. The reality of facing civil war is really funny and growing closer almost like a hurricane. Now that poor fuel and destitute boy like politics claims it is not inferior and does not hate; give us a fake break will they. Even the Hawaiians are complaining about this island hopping and NY immigrant story. The rent on the hot potatoes is astronomical but so is Manhattan; so they cannot complain with whites. If this keeps up, someone should be neck deep in water if a petition to the US government to hurricane and earthquake a thug insect psychosis bed wetting bug continues. Now the only scratching and foul odor is the restoration, revival, and expansion plans. They get credit and banked for being landlords or looting the federal government and white Americans of trillions. If they can stop harassing, stalking, and leave our wives alone, we see them as a swamp thing. Several world events stopped this invasion and expansion in the 1980s; furthermore, several events currently are destroying their recovery or effort to advance further. One event is how to defeat a satellite hunting an insect and trying to squash it.
Although this was an avalanche of events since the Vietnam War; the first blow or sign of trouble was in 1986. Working at a political lobbying group or legal defense fund that was fighting the labor unions must have angered them or made them come close for a quick sniff. Then in the same year (1986), a meeting with the Japanese Americans had taken their case to the Supreme Court over the wartime imprisonment during World War II. (I was doing a form of internship but so was Ann; she is the certified lawyer.) Not more than 30 days the ruling was made in the favor of the Japanese Americans. These events along with a new motorcycle (1986 Honda Interceptor sport bike) must have signaled all the dinner bells. The first on the scene was a girl named Moynihan whom traces to New York, elites, equestrians or fox hunters, strippers, athletics or sports, and Villanova or the US Navy. Reports began to flow like water of being run off the road while on a motorcycle, and soon vandalism of every single vehicle purchased. Then a waterfall of problems at Virginia Tech described life as total hell at this time. A Hollywood party atmosphere and cocktails of drugs and alcohol was everywhere; efforts to escape and run from this cloud of reckless fun was always “air humped” by a girl or two who kept jerking it back and forth for power over prestige. Ann was told of this and the constant request for advice. Ann was allowed to chase “sexy-back” off or resolve it on good terms before seeking marriage. This sexy buffoon kept invading and saying they do not hate or are not inferior. When they die and face the fire; that is the day of the parades and when the dress up in the best suit and attire will arrive. It is joy and unspeakable happiness to watch and know this scum bucket is being destroyed and our lives are trouble free. We have been saved!
So to win our hearts and minds, to make us capitulate, to subjugate and share life with some partner or psychopathic loser; “sexy back” sent out female spies and agents of deceit. The first casualty was Amy Baker linked to a childhood romance. The first volley was directed at labor unions, FDR, NY, Irish and Italians, and the liberals; now the courts ruled in their favor. From there it led to some seduction or a slew of females who tried to give seductive and clandestine training, act superior or demanding, and who strung everybody along to make them jump through hoops at every single turn in life. One example was a female police officer the night before shipping out for the US Army (running a yellow light at the intersection of Lynn Street and 66 West on December 31, 1990. Bold and so invited, she was up to the level of this other girl Moynihan; but Amy Baker was also in the scope of this investigation and not long afterwards other murdered strangers. It did involve the police and a spy ring around DC-VA; they must have watched us growing up and got closer when panicked or saw we were vulnerable. When help was called; it began to send out resumes in the final year of college, all hell broke loose and a full scale attack erupted in DC-VA. At the center of all this are the liberals, the labor unions, the communists, the iRush, the Italians, criminal organizations, and utter disaster of the poor welfare seeking immigrants. Now the courts and the American people ruled in their favor; but why we will never know or can put a long finger on? We were responsible for pulling off their mask, not their pants. They tried to pull off our mask and when that failed, wanted to pull our pants down for this odorless orgy. They could not tell if it was annoying or who we were in love with.
The only enemy they have not waged war on or crashed into was they themselves. However, they truly believe in democracy and feel America is their home or land to populate, as part of this expansion and migration of animals. We live according to the rules of the jungle and the rules of the robber. There is only one enemy out there for whom they have not waged war on and will be defeated by, themselves. Also, Ann said it was such a hard choice for her and such a difficult decision; whom and what she loved in life. Ann also said that in the end, we got the majority of the hell for this while the real blame and the real problem went unanswered or nobody wanted to deal with it; until now. I hope with all this trial and error, they can deal with it and are truthful enough to face courage and reality in the eyes. God it was so difficult choosing from 1000s of girls and did not matter one bit or in the end; ask Ann. They do not want to admit it but this is why there are so many cases on the Catholic Priest and why even 10 year olds cannot tell them to stop, go away, or leave us alone. They are not only cowards, fugitives, and bastards; but they are child molesters and communists labor union psychopaths. All of them are white and mostly Irish. Just try to tell them to stop and go away and see what happens; they even contact royals, and they tell you to leave after they call you all day. So they are still poor, still unwelcome, still the worst of them all, and now communist terrorist captured. This is why we petition the US government to hurricane or earthquake them; they started it, won't stop, and now face civil war. This secret revolutionary organization is using federal or state authority about how complex life is, how careful or objective they appear to be, and what is or is not allowed because they do not know who is doing it and why. An idiot or a slave mentality that has no idea what right from wrong is.
The birds are constantly watching and they only follow one page, nature. Nature does not care how many human beings it kills so long as the power of nature is back in the hands of the people. The birds wait to feed off humans or peck their eyes out. Nature is not the coliseum of ancient Greece where Gladiators clash in the Superdome of Rome. However, this "sexy-back" is only thinking about sex or seducing us to this motherhood we constantly push away or spray with liquids; yet this drug induced war and courtship has led to disastrous outcomes and an absurd story. Lucky for us males we had our legs closed and our guns up and ready for anything we dive at after five. So they flow like water but now are a log that does not go away. This sexy enemy is a monster when it comes to IQ and humans enjoy watching them and seeing them naked now. They are so close to us the police have mistaken this enemy and despot as an employer and close friend; even a phony family member with vague details. So nature will go on and cannot be stopped but the birds wait to feed and are hungry with all this cleanup and battles. The more they fight and work; the more energy they require. So we know they will come after and eat the insects; to preserve nature and to return power to the people. This is why they are stinking drunks, lousy immigrants, and sex offenders or molesters. Based on our observations, they are hiding a lot of details. This is an enemy who has to be smacked with impunity or as hard as humanely as possible when they open their lips. If they look at the other side or fixate on them; knock their head off. In this educational process, they will grow aversions to which they fight and avoid this political game of destruction when they cannot win or get anywhere with it. It must be really damn good down there and so secret or exclusive; we cannot even get a finger on it either. What we can do is feed their fantasy and play along to see where it leads and then spank it worse while better for us!
So this is an odorless enemy with the mind of a trash heap and long legs; suited to their poor abilities and habits. They walk into a room or come into our life; all hell breaks loose and hurricanes or earthquakes arrive. They talk to us clandestinely and we petition the government and let them know there is only one person who knows how to defeat a satellite. Even the birds know this and nature could care less when the bell sounds knock them out. There is an easy and slow solution to this by seeking the death penalty. We seek the death penalty for this political felon and fugitive. However, they use humans as a cause and a victim of nature and they hide behind all of these lies. The easy solution is for them to impose the death penalty on themselves and wage war on their own identity; however, with this enemy in our life, it is hell. They are not going to make it easier and have already stated they do not want to get hurt; so expect a fight to the death and even more total disasters while the princess goes on an odorless stealth hunt like water flowing into cracks and filling our life with pain. The goal of America is to remove them and discard them; what is their goal now? Is it World War or only to bring back the characters of World War II so the courts are full and rule in their favor? This yeast infected flea bag of an enemy has to go and with extreme prejudice. We do not need to know more about their mommy and daddy or how much they admire us and need us. If their religion and religious wars tell them differently; then they are keeping very quiet about it while talking to us undercover while treating us as if we were the modern Moliere. He was sentenced to death also. So even if they look at the other side or begin to fixate on what they can steal, how hard they can hit us, what rewards we drop, how far they can throw up, or how sexy and comfortable they can fake the foreplay; knock their head off and let the birds feed on their flesh. Spying was one thing. Contacting our relatives and loved ones was another. Demanding rewards or hitting us as hard as they could was no sport. Now it is no longer fun and games when someone gets a hurricane or earthquake in their pants.
Of all the diary entries ever logged from 2008 to 2010, there is a list of favorites. The show stopper and the most important of all are dated November 11, 2010 on Veterans Day. It is written to two people who were the principle perpetrators of this secretive revolutionary organization consisting of a white supremacy wing and a radical black liberation militant group. This was such an insult and the degree of radical insanity so perverted and pretzel like; it had to be about the liberals and you know it had to involve the Jews. There is only a handful of human species and enemies who are able to fight on this level and create such a human disaster out of the world we live in; oddly, we know them well and they do not know a thing about us. What they know is what they see or hear; yet the street buzz is how arrogant, blind, and deaf they truly are to the reality of the world and the ferocious freedom America was built on and is about. If that did not insult and drown them, then what will? They have no clue why others hate them, the only enemy they refuse to wage war on is themselves, and they repeatedly or constantly seek answers to why this world or human beings are so mean to them. We are not prepared to go to prison for an enemy and a lousy immigrant; but we have and want them destroyed.
The problem is so clear, vivid, concise, and reluctant; we are stuck with this, do not want or need it, and doing everything possible to make sure this enemy is captured dead or alive. This damned enemy needs to respect human beings, put their weapons down, stop contacting family members of their captives, and get the hell out of Dodge before they are destroyed. Now they threaten to sue, call the police, file false charges, and still cannot get the pity and kindness they need to stay alive. What they did was bring out the worst in others and made them homicidal. So waging war on satellites or the founders of satellite warfare is almost like waging war on God himself. How do you escape or hide from God? Does a stronger solution need to be imposed? Then why is nothing ever resolved or addressed before a petition has to be posted for the public to become angry about? Have we judged the government wrong and do we need stronger solutions to a problem that does not seem to go away or get any better? Now our life is a complete disaster because of a lousy immigrant leader they clan has chosen to molest our life and bring out our worst side while we take up hurricane and earthquake duty. We hold the government responsible for this enemy and will judge them on their merits because someone started this and we seek to end it. It has to end one way or the other, now chose.
"I have always fantasized and now continue to dream about going on strike with one of your African and Irish princesses. I could come home and show my picket signs and the blood on it when I beat up a few scabs. Also, we could stand in the unemployment line and look powerful or like Mafia leaders! What more can a man want or ask for as a graduation present from college? Call Moynihan or Sue Black and let them know the sugar daddy is for real and he is not a fake. My blue collar and immigrant dreams have been answered by the state of NY; and they care! They care about homeless people and those who starve or are tough. They don't need showers and are the mother of the year. The fact they are married or slept with every man to win the prize proves they are valuable and better than all of them.
You think you got a busted life. No man can refuse a call from one of these busted up, homeless, beaten up, and bullies with an iRush or iHannity sign of approval. What more can a man want or ask for; we will ask this in court when a billion dollars is requested as damage. Even better, we do not have to do anything or leave the house; they do house calls. It never ends and is forever, until death do us fart. This is such a romantic story and such a tremendous help; no wonder they are our helpers and stalking us; no less trying to murder and kill Ann; how can you deny this ultimate fantasy to win our hearts and mind? Even people in Russia are drooling and getting a boner hearing this love story and how fat turned to love and acceptance. Even George B. said this is the beauty of Democracy and he is saving lives, a hero.
Wait, the package is even more powerful. They don't have a problem getting a job according to iRush on November 10, 2010 at 1420. He goes through in a new location and explains it is a special package no man with a bulbous nose can turn down! If you like the purple boobs, that is thrown in the brew also. Bad knees or blown out huge thighs; no problem because they have brakes on wheelchairs and walkers because of technology. Don't take baths, no problems, these females and makes have STDs and Aids. Like power, this is as powerful as the buck can buy or need in life. Tired of females, no problem just dance and get a bow tie. Just keep in mind, they have jobs and do not have any problems holding a job or getting a job. They care and are there to coach or only help. So the question is why they are messing with royals, college educated, military uppity leaders, yuppies, and preppy people?
Got a super hot girlfriend or wife? Not a problem, they will either kill her, beat her up, harass and stalk her, call her names around the US, or come to her home. They will even take her off your hands for dirt cheap or for free. Don't like fat girls? Again, not a problem with these people; they have the most rail thin, crazed (not drugged out) bitches that walk this planet. If you think you are tough enough, then try living with and being under the careful nose and watch of one of these princesses; or perhaps their leaders. If you think you are tough enough or courageous enough to be "au naturel" than you can definitely handle one of these "caveman" (1435 on November 10, 2010) stress tests. Pass it and she is yours to keep for life or until someone whacks your mouthy insults. Pass this stress test and you can win your freedom or sue the hell out of them. But wait; wait until you meet the widows and those over age 70; now that is power on four wheels. If anybody finds out, either deny it or tell the police you are looking for a man with a "bulbous nose", a very special red nose that leads the way for the most powerful Americans in America.
Dear FBI and federal authorities: now read what the birds did or what message came in later today (November 10, 2010) while buying envelopes to ship an item. I was called by a seagull with black tipped wings and it was about eating, male and female pride, and some threesome or love triangle. CLICK HERE to read bird talk on Ann Coulter's blog. Ann and I never had any disagreements in the past; and now they claim we are fighting or do not get along. What about them?
I love how you need our genetics to put the best face and to hide your idiotic buffoon life. Then you have to use the race card and try to fix matters so it looks, feels, and smells like discrimination. What it is an idiot who needs the best face on the worst problem? Worse, the state of NY knew a conspiracy was at work and they did not go after those who were behind it; but used us as some propaganda or scare crow. Now if anybody came near; they were labeled racist or some antagonist; that was not what happened. They also kept putting me in the mental ward, trying to make it look like a minority who could not fit in, or pushing prescription drugs. The black panthers and the labor unions are both left wing and liberals; they initiate and stalked us to see where it led or if they could get anything out of it. At the top are the land sales and the real estate brokers; the banks, the construction companies, and the labor unions. There are so many ghettos and burnt out buildings; it is easier to level them than scam someone.
The best part has got to be in 2007 when I went from a day schedule to a night schedule. I had you up from 11pm to 6am every single day for almost 4 years. Then you knew I was a computer science major so you had to match or beat me. The Home Alone hacker ordeal has got to be the most jackass portrayal of an unemployed loser ever witnessed. If you were that good and so white superior; I would imagine you had a high tech company or even some business you could make money. Instead you kept saying you are not inferior, superior with computers, and had to prove it. So I threw out everything I had and nothing you did even mattered in the end. The landlord even put motherboards all over his office. You just kept on saying how you were in charge, in total control, and I had to jump through your hoops; yet you wasted so much time and energy chasing us; you finally realized it was a trap. Now that was genius. I did need medical care in December of 2009; but it was unfair to bill me. It would have been better to deprogram or alleviate the pressure; rather than put the wrong face on a bad situation. So quality of work is on both sides and a major problem; we cannot tell who is who due to the quality of work.
I do not understand why you did not get a business or high tech job if you were so talented? It is not as if we care about you and wish you well. It proved nothing except how insecure and disturbed you all truly are; no resume, no job; end of story; also no degree, no computer science title or any credibility. It was all foreigners and immigrants from remote locations. Now with yahoo building a new facility; you can't even get a flipping job at a data center but you still think you are hot stuff or superior on a computer. The average Joe would ask if you might like to try it the traditional way, a resume. So it is funny and totally aggravating to see how psychopathic you were and how it got you nothing in the end but a whole lot of trouble. As far as white supremacy and this high tech job search, good luck next time and a college degree helps "Jaspreet." I figured you had some command center in the middle of this when you got sick of staying up; so it went remote and overseas. So far no good commander; but you got in a lot of trouble and now are running from the law. It would be so helpful if the good guys had high quality of work and did not look or feel like the bad guys.
We obviously do not see eye to eye. You think you are power and in charge. I think you are an idiot and a ruthless bag lady or son of one. If and when they start hurricane-king your ass; I know I will be the first in line to sign up and will request to be a commander. I hate and despise you unlike a rattlesnake looking at a mouse. To think you would dare terrorize me or even make some wild eye effort to talk to me while in my residence, while I am in the happiest moment of my life, while I am in love or starting a family; is the most insulting gesture I have ever experienced or had done to me. To think you can make excuses and pretend you are hurt or mean no harm is the most jackass and rotten shit I have ever witnessed in my life. So draft me please when this hurricane machine is invented; I cannot wait to begin. All I know is when and if they start hurricane your ass; I am going to be the first in line and I am going to rise to be the leader of it all. So here is a bit of advice; blow the candles out, throw away the rubbers, stop the sexy talk, stop the friend and partner crap, and for God sakes shut the F up. I pray to God I am drafted and I get the chance in this life to hurricane or earthquake your communist and terrorist ass; amigo. As they say, revenge is sweet when it is at the Hurricane and earthquake levels!
This was and is the worst nightmare a human being can have thinking your slimy ass is watching and salivating; no less having sex or copulating with a goat like you all are. Then you sit next to me on the bus, in the library, your homes are trash heaps, and you smell like a monkey's ass. Harassing and talking to people in their own home for advantage, friendship, or business is why they need a hurricane machine to get this job done and quickly; I cannot wait and I look forward to laughing at you when I show you my rank and colors you jackass buffoon of a psychopathic hobo. We should petition the US Navy to earthquake you and I will start the movement to do this. Also, I am preparing to set up an organization, a watch group, which petitions the US government to hurricane your ass and make sure you wake up in the middle of the night shivering in icy water; you deserve every scream and ounce of pain you have in your obese measly body. If that was not insulting enough, than F you; how do I sign up for this? What do you want a baby now homey or maybe a child we can raise with our own village? How do I join the special forces of earthquakes and hurricanes and smack the F out of you? Would you like to be friends or partners after I do get to join up or get drafted? So this is about a broken heart and winning our hearts and mind?
So you keep up this invasion of our private life, tormenting us in our homes, harassing us 24 hours, and then pretending to be our friends, helpers, or partners. When they ask for volunteers to hurricane your ass; I am signing up. Not only this, they know I can keep a secret and take it to the grave. So my first act to insult you and put your measly saggy ass in its place is to petition the government to set up a new special forces or a new hurricane squad to punish you and get you all wet with your huge skid marked underwear. Maybe and hopefully after a category 6 or gale force winds can knock some sense into your thick head or fat thighs. When people tell you to leave them alone, go away, and you are inferior and need to get down or knock off the stupid tricks; it does not mean to show your purple goodies. You terrorize people and act as if we are friends, business partners, or want you around; oh, did I tell you I hate your guts and dream about slicing your throat daily while you talk to me or watch me do my do daily? To think you are watching me or giving me attention is the most disgusting insult I have ever felt or had to deal with. I will petition the government to earthquake or hurricane you soon; then if they accept me or draft me; I swear I will keep a secret and make you suffer beyond recognition. Care to talk to me about it or exert your insanity on our life MF jackass? Even on welfare and subsistence you think you are special or powerful.
I think the rule of thumb is doing not shoot at people who have bigger guns or have the ability to call massive backup. The game they played was much smaller than the game we have or stuck their nose in. Now it is about asking them whether or not they wish to stay or why we must get rid of them. Also, if a foreign military shoots, keeps shooting, and is locked on by a defensive weapon; they risk getting blown to smithereens. So whose fault is that; the idiot shooting or the one who got blown to smithereens? Now they are acting or pretending they are the real heroes, the real leaders, the real commanders; and we have been granted a stay while they have not. Let’s tell them to their faces; don’t leave! Also, don’t get caught shooting or else you could get nuked by a more powerful military. Who the hell would let you on our side or use our military to be some hero for the poor? Who the hell let you in America? Now all we hear or get is "they don't care... we want you to leave." Why is the sticking around asking us to stay? Why are they on our side or in our private life? Why are they on the right side or sitting with the good guys? This is why crime is so rampant and your work quality sucks.
Forget the hurricane and earthquake machine; we are talking about leveled to ground zero rubble and getting laughed at or told how stupid they are. It is not over yet and they still run the risk of massive retaliation; so I am going to petition the US government to hurricane and earthquake them; for us, God, and the nation. Ask what the average person would do and then ask what the genius would do; stay or go? I myself would go and quietly. So I don't care and most people could care less if you are for the underprivileged or a communist spy; you shot at others and you must be held accountable. If they got satellites then you know you messed up really bad. It is a fantasy to think they can wage war and not get hurt or even killed; a fantasy. There is no point arguing with iRush, iHannity, iLaura, iNewt, iO'sreali, or others; sue them and let them explain why they stayed. All we get is psycho babble and rambling all day long; on their shows, in our homes, in our private life, etc... Look, if you shoot at the military or people who founded satellite warfare; do not complain when they shoot back or level you. If you want to babble or dabble in court; then make it honest and concise.
So dear Sean iBin Um Hannity and iRush Bin Un Limbo, just because you care about poor people or know what it is like to starve or be homeless; it does not give you the right to invade America, do terror plots, join the police force, mess with my girl, come in our homes, and tell us we do not care or leave 24 hours a day. We will see you in court and if you shoot at someone and they shoot back or seriously injure you; that is on you not them. If you shoot at the police with your insane and ridiculous caring act; they might slam you or break a stick on your head. Again, we do not need to know your excuse or how caring you truly feel loser. Just because you are iRush or white does not give you labor unions the right to join the right wing and tell us to leave while asking us why we stick around when not invited. All of them either get raped or molested and they feel special or know how it is to be poor; smack the F out of them and make them know they are not invited or going to survive this. Now they think they can come in our homes, talk to our family, make death threats, hold us prisoners, and give lectures about how they are poor or know what it feels like to starve; F this bastard.
The bottom line is you cannot hide the fact you are communist, are communist spies, spy on us or keep tabs, and then say we are at war...you are saving people... you care and know what it is like to go hungry... and this is just the beauty of democracy. It is called acting ridiculous and trying to trick people; but you also know it is illegal and spy on us 24 hours a day. Then it is a fight to the death while you say we cannot sue you or how you order us to shut up; we have the satellite war and I am the person who is petitioning the government or this special hurricane and earthquake branch; not you. If you want sue the government because that is whom I am petitioning and wanting to be drafted by. I want to join this secret hurricane and earthquake branch because I am slightly pissed off and want revenge. I also want to be avenged and to seek retaliation for what was done to us and America.
CLICK HERE now to read what I wrote to Ann about trying to win our hearts and minds or where that led. They claim they are now in love with her and she won their hearts and minds! You cannot ask for a better ending to a nightmare! Now they are in love with us, our slaves, our staff, and only trying to help us or help us pay our way out of this. Special bonus CLICK HERE BIRD TALK."
"Have I lost my mind or do you see more clearly than I do? So I write the part where Bin Limbaugh says "does not have a problem getting a job" and the other part where if you have a hot girlfriend, they will gladly take her off your hands for free or whack her for disturbing their mating call. I don't think anything of it and skirt off to buy envelopes and mail a letter. I am standing there in front of the grocery store and all the sudden a black tipped seagull walks up to me. The bird is 3 feet from me nawing at a chicken bone; either starving or trying to eat. I cannot tell if it is a male or female but it is focused on me. It is not scared; it just wants to eat also. After 5 or 10 minutes, I think the sucker is going to say something; like a ventriloquist. Nothing. It just sits there and now walks with its neck up high; either flaunting or confident. So I cat call it and the bird starts coming. Blah.
The bus has not arrived and some girl and her mom is pumping gas. Another female arrives at the bus stop and it will be 10 more minutes. Out of nowhere, that same bird arrives with a partner. Now there are two of them and you can tell they are flying together. I watch them astute and wondering why they are flying over me. Both land on a light post and out of nowhere; a third one swoops in from across the street. The third one lands on one of the light post and causes one of them to fly off; so the other one sits there for a few seconds and follows. We are back to one bird again. I cannot tell who is who; I know this one was a stranger. The other two fly to the back of the shopping mall and the bus is here. Based on what Bin Limbaugh said earlier that day; it sounds like the god damn birds are messing with my mind again and being my eyes and like before; it fits everybody's story.
Who is starving? Who is the female bird? Does it matter if it is male or female? Who is this third bird and who is complaining? Who is the third bird sharing two light posts with two others? Who is chasing off whom and who is following whom? Is there a pair out of the chaos and confusion? Who is the pair or does it matter? So we know there are two... and the two fly together until one takes off or one is chased off; when in the air they fly together; when they land; trouble starts. Worse, you cannot tell who is who; who is starving and who is being chased off; all you know is there is a pair. Have I lost my mind or am I reading too much into this? Why do they keep doing it and trying to tell me "you know the truth." Who are these birds or is it God himself?
For the record: As the founder of satellite warfare, nobody has to tell me I am a dead MF. So do not do what I did in fighting these people. First off their parents are high level penetrations and ready to die; moles and communist spies. They reached the top of the CIA and nobody knew they had the mafia and labor unions behind them along with the communist. They also were holding the office of the President and playing this double ending or double meaning with everybody. Now they admit we have won their hearts and mind; but we did not consent to any of this or allowing them the decision of hiring or firing. We had or have previous disagreements with this secretive revolutionary group.
My witness and personal account is how they operate. They will run you over 100 times just to make sure you cannot fight back before closing in and revealing who they are. You must be trapped and wounded. You must be near death before they take this risk. Then they close in. When it began around 1988; I did not let them have a chance to corner me or this ferocious fight I describe. But soon it was 10 gallons of oil dumped in new cars or oil thrown in the road which causes you to careen into the jersey wall. I would describe them on a scale of 1 to 10 as a 10 on deadly. You can feel them on your perimeter, it is hard to ID or see them, you sense them, you know they are there, you know they are watching but you cannot spot them or hear the light footsteps.
So you try things that bring you closer and you play possum with them. That is how you survive and prevent a final blow. Only when they know they ran you over 1000 times and you have nothing to fight with do they reveal themselves. If you escape; then they will close in and finish you off. So if you think you can fight the President or the head of the CIA; then by all means try it. Also, if you think that is no big task; keep in mind they are terrorists and have the mafia and labor unions behind them; odds are 10,000 to 1 always. This is why they said I and we were the best in the world and now they want to get along or are working hard to let us in. They said democracy is beautiful and we are at war and all they were doing was saving people and got caught. Now they are nervous and know something is really wrong; but they care about homeless and hungry people and this is enough to appease critics or those hunting them.
So read about it but do not try this at home; we got lucky and exploited their mistakes; but they put up ferocious battle and you must stay low, down, and be ultra careful. Not one piece of information ever fell to their hands and when it crashed on them; they did not even flinch. That was 20 years or more and they got not one advantage or piece of information; so they knew it was too late and we had known everything and set them up for the biggest fall possible. If you pose them a major threat or enough strength to defeat you; they will attack 24 hours a day and sneak up on you endlessly until you are dead or near dead. Was I near death? When you free fall and pull the stick at the last minute; you are very near death but under total control. It is like walking on thin ice; things do go wrong and they are there to make sure things are very wrong all the time. It ended with the score 10-0; a shutout; however, they wanted to walk off the field or become a trained subordinate; a survivor.
This is the only time they will show their face; when you cannot escape and near death. Why they do this we do not know but they flip out when they see you at 110 per cent power or even 200 per cent more than them; they just roll over and play dead if all else fails. Read the lawsuit on them and understand why they are behind 911 and a lot of murders. As the founder of satellite warfare, nobody has to explain to me I am a dead man and in the line of fire; one soldering MF; but they got it good if we are the best in the world; as bad as we could possibly make it. Do you see them flinching or even complaining? They are there to deliver pain and to wait until you show it on your face; if you fight them, they will execute you.
Ann's predicament was harder to get out of and had caused discontent between us only because it was dragged out for so long. Ann had to fight this idea they dragged her deeper in a fantasy. This fantasy was she loved them and they were stalking her. She got nailed and attacked also and so far they are not going to make a fatal mistake unless they know you are close to death or too weak to fight. So they did not know who she was or what how this was going to end. Remember, Alex knows he is in the line of fire as the father of SATWAR and he has to play his cards or plan his life very carefully, very. So they could not see Ann and most of all who they really needed; Alex. Their attraction is for Ann and she used this and could not get out much the same way Alex played possum so they got closer. Similarly, Ann pulled the stick at the same time and the moment Alex did; as written, a step behind. Why? Alex is already in the line of fire and he now has a double jeopardy. Now you go and try that at home and see how it turns out for you and then call me okay.
Ann knows how lousy these immigrants are and how retarded they have become. She is not only a critic, but a victim now. They think it is party time and the dinner bell has sounded. This rattlesnake and mouse of a lousy immigrant only wants to take pictures, go to dinner, have a cruise ship to hell, dance the night away, go to socials, and act like a retard or lousy immigrant in America. Have anybody figured them out yet or are they just desperate? Here is the worst part, they think we care and say this is about sex. The criminal case of Kathy Bush losing custody of her daughter was because she kept making her sick and when she got in the room; the child would become angry, upset, start crying, and thought a dirty smell arrived. So these human beings do live on a trash heap and they do not even know it; somebody has to tell them okay. So all these lousy immigrants want to do is listen to speeches, go to dinners, invite you on cruise ships, pretend we care, act like they are in charge and can inflict pain, and act retarded when caught. Fight them harder okay and do not let your guards down; incarceration and prison camps do not work. Try to make less a good friend okay and keep those who are concerned around longer; not these lousy communist enemies who become deranged fans, bad employees, stalkers and predators, or unwanted work mates. All they want to do is socialize and chase us around while they play cops and robbers with our career and privacy. It is really annoying and how they flirt with you, they still have not learned a lesson. They want to know if you are on their Love Boat."
Someone let this enemy on US soil and this under the table nuisance needs to be kicked out of the US. An effort needs to be in full force to kill, destroy, and eradicate this enemy in 50 states. There is no need to come to our homes or invade our life for subjugation, peace, a prison break, a legal defense, to terrorize us, or seek some advantage. I will petition the government and hold them personally responsible with hurricane and earthquake watch; to petition the government to consider hurricane and earthquake solutions for this lousy and bad immigrant problem. Kick them out of America and kick them out of our lives please; stop presenting legal defenses or a lifeline for this enemy on US soil. Now they are acting like we avoid their questions, hide things, are trying to escape, and they can get us for something or terrorize our life with some crazed lunatic mental illness or culture of inferiority. So petitioning the government to hurricane or earthquake them is the only solution for now; but I am praying and waiting to be drafted for this special forces and hurricane or earthquake duty; I wish to command it or rise to become the leader of it as the founder and authenticated originator of satellite warfare (SATWAR). My advice is to get used to satellite warfare and read the books; there is so much you can do when at this level or in satellite warfare. The difference between us and them is we have the balls and we have the brains; the total package. This enemy and pest has the balls but missing a few cards in the IQ level. It is extremely difficult to defeat a satellite and nearly impossible; but the only person on this earth who knows how is called the father of satellite warfare and will introduce it. This enemy even lied to the world and tried to lie to their own comrades about who they were and how phony they made life. They brought numerous troubles for their people and destroyed their political future only to blow it off or not want to deal with the cold hard truth. For those mistakes they have been destroyed and we will petition the government to hurricane or earthquake them for dereliction of duties and being a lousy enemy.
Trying to make them violent or bring out the worst in them is not going to make their life easier or cause the kindness and generosity of others to kill them. So the blame is their behavior and their actions. Most idiots will put their weapon down and run. This is not an idiot, it is a deadly criminal. They want us to know they have our girl and loved ones and will molest or plot to kill them unless we show them pain and generosity. For this they will suffer till the end of time by our hands and our work, but they still enjoy their job and acts of war. When they are targeted by a satellite and have no escape, then they know what it feels like to walk a day in our shoes. When they have to fight for their rights and life; they will know how we feel. Then they have nothing left and are taken to the point of failure; we will know if they can match or beat us. That is what was imposed and dispensed to our life and our destiny; now it is their destiny and their destination. Politics will not help them. The good guys will not help them. God will not help them. All the laws on this earth will not help them. Nothing of this earth will save this madman and enemy now except the truth. However, they still feel we are their toy and we are here to be molested and groped by them; no less stripped searched. There is only one person on this earth who knows how to defeat a satellite and that is the founder of satellite warfare. He is the only person walking this earth who is important enough to say that. For those who think they are powerful and smart enough; tell and teach their pupils and let’s test it out. It is a waste of time to sit here and listen to it or them. So here is the biggest joke of all and the worst part of the story. If these lousy humans do not like it or have a problem with their political future; then call the police and see if anybody will read their books or life story. They expect us to be common scum bags and sneaky Mafia leaders if we want to stop them. We have no choice in this matter or any say. They expect us to go to prison over their acts or evil deeds.
The message to this clown and enemy is the fact a satellite is now tracking them. If they know how to escape it, then they will win. If they have any sense of life in them; then they know we do not care either. All that has to be done is to type in a date and time; from there nothing on this earth and nobody on this earth can save them. If they can figure out how to escape and how to defeat a satellite hunting them; then this clown is smarter than the average bear. Everybody else will be happy and reading about their experience in the news. The Police will think they talk to aliens and are a klutz. That is their political future and how precarious this world has gotten for them. As we keep saying over and over, not even God can help them and if he could; he would have called us or sent a messenger. Good luck running from satellites and trying to defeat them 24 hours or falling in love with us. Their future is based on their ability or inability to fight this out or escape their own wars. Go tell it to someone who cares and we are fed up and tired of this also. If they know they cannot win, then do not waste our time; this is no game. As far as memories, there was not a single good one and there is not going to be any with this clown and fool. All they did was beat us to hell and back; but we told the story and wrote the book, they did not and never will. So the date and time is or has been entered in the computers; we will read about their life and will have a happy life; a very happy life. Just accept their fate, go away, and die. We are only interested in capturing their leaders and those who started this; the rest have no political future or chance; and we have no interest in suing them either. They have a hell of a fight on their hands because we wrote the book, not this enemy in our life. There is only one key and one person who knew how to defeat a satellite or this clown; and it is not them.
An America with no slaves, no criminals, no psychopathic terrorists in our owns, no bastard under the table talking like Moliere, and this constant elaborate pampering to form unwanted relations, friendship, business, sophisticated stalking to share life, and constant deliberate efforts to terrorize; is an America worth living in and worth loving to death. The US government must consider our petition to hurricane and earthquake this menace and slave mentality. This secretive revolutionary command is on the cahoots and in exile; petrified of evil and what the future has in store for a coward who feeds off the kindness and goodness of others. They were communists and now terrorists; even in a higher state of derangement and boldness. So unless people have high enough standards and enough understanding to fight this kind of enemy; they need to find a new career. We know who is behind this and started this and they think human beings are a lesser species and do not have the courage to pull the trigger on them. As stupid and annoying as it can get, their bravery is utter insanity and a death sentence because they are so hated. These Democrats and liberals have no business on the police force or in public service. They need to understand how big the gap between their existences is and others; to respect it. If they do not respect it; then the same plight of whacking them with sticks or destroying them in coups and coup detracts is needed. We are back to beating up the cold war idiot again and again.
This is an enemy who will stick a gun to your head, they feel powerful. Then they are flipped upside down, the gun is taken out of their hands, their finger is broken and they are pistol whipped, and lastly thrown into the wall. This enemy will get up and try it again and truly believes a different outcome is expected. The anchor in their life is their stupidity and stupid tactics. When your victim throws you upside down and breaks your finger; do not get up and the best outcome is to play dead. They will also pick themselves off the ground and deny what just happened; even ask why you are so mean to them. These are the same people who refuse to leave us alone; we chide them about their weight, pimples on their rear end, child molester mentality, and how they should not initiate clandestine wars. The next thing we know we have pimples all over our slimmer rear end while they are having a blast explaining how we are all the same and we need them. No matter what you do to them and how hard you try; they are an anchor in life and claim you love them. Each door we close, they open. They are not taught to avoid highly educated and decent people. The US government must consider hurricane, tsunami, earthquake, and even other solutions to our petitions. No slaves and no idiots mean no problems and a state of happiness. So the real baby killer is the ones who invented this insanity; not the ones who feel the pain. We wage wars on them and we wage wars on their babies who are almost as evil or grow up worse.
If there is stupidity in bravery, then this is it. Crime is just a pressure valve and a necessity. Plagued by stupidity and this idiotic effort to work close or spy on others; the pampered and luxury will disappear quickly when they are cornered, captured, and facing legal damages. Those who are destroyed do not really have much to loose; it is the mastermind or the puppet master who faces total ruin and bankruptcy. So why a sex offender or a madman would play this game of death and this spy game when their entire fortune is being wagered or gambled away; proves beyond a reasonable doubt the insanity involved and the evil which jobs and opportunity can produce. If you give a madman the means to live a productive life while a slave; you will have slave mentality and absolute horror. We know who is behind all of this and we will petition the government and put pressure on them to hurricane and earthquake this enemy. It is dereliction of duty anyway you see it; and when you are facing dereliction of duty charges; you will be removed with prejudice. There is a big gap and a few missing pages between them and us; yet they show no respect whatsoever. The gun this enemy and domestic idiot used on others has or is being used on them now; this is why there are missing pages and a huge gap they do not respect. They think they are heroes and feel we are all the same.
This political game to piss others off, contact them at home, come to their work, act the same, pretend a marriage is going bad, and bring out the worst in human beings is going to end. There can only be five or so sources of this insanity and we have narrowed it down to two. There is nothing in their life that works and they refuse to get mental help or counseling before they injure and hurt someone. Now they face spying, dereliction of duty, and a slew of charges. They have nothing to be mad at or any value to protect. So the question is what they are mad about and if they can prove what works and why they are upset with others; are they special? Even their total lies do not work anymore. So there is a huge gap between our life and theirs; yet the one who screws up life is always in our face or refuses to leave because they claim they are mad at the world and America. At least prove if the drug wars went well, if crime went well, if education went well, if real estate went well, or if there is something of value we can understand. Getting destroyed by an enemy is one thing; being told to get in an idiot box and float away is another; now they must go to court and explain their actions or lack of it. All they do is injure or screw up the life of others.
If you let slaves protest or utilize crime as a necessity; they will all flood to America for a piece of the action and to claim they are more superior or the most deadly. We are stuck with the same dilemma and extremely wealthy slaves who make a fortune on the labor movement, certain ethnic groups, organized crime, terrorists and revolutionaries, and most of all crime and war. When you destroy or try to destroy someone; they have nothing to lose. If they had a surprise or plan; then they will destroy you legally while parading your defeated corpse for the public and world to see. This charade and circus using federal or state authority is about how complex life is, how careful or objective they appear to be, and what is or is not allowed because they do not know who is doing it and why. An idiot or a slave mentality that has no idea what right from wrong is. We will know by the sounds of an empty hammer if they are serious or just acting as if they blew others away. This game is to put a gun to the heads of others and bring them to the point; but when it is done to an idiot, they feel they are the police and immune to self defense. By the way, they also hide the fact they are a secretive revolutionary organization and were or had been communist spies. Out of all this insanity, they forgot the most important fact of all.
1. Keep in mind that at age 16 I had adjudicated and worked on the case of the internment of the Japanese Americans (Executive Order 9066). The charges were so blatant it took less than two weeks to be decided. The ruling was a small sum of money to the parents and children who were interned. You had to prove which camp you were housed in, proof of citizenship, and direct decent. Most of the Japanese Americans felt it was not about money as the small sum did not impact their life any. It was pretty cut and dry and closure to such a clear and obvious situation. The case was before the Supreme Court in 1986 and adjudicated in less than two weeks. The case was so well prepared and the people behind it so well funded; it was a total disgrace to argue against it. Only a NY politician and probably a labor union Irish or NY lineage could screw up so badly and wreck the finances of the country. It did not take a full adult to recognize evil or injustice; so this was thrown aside and forgotten until the late 1990s when all hell broke loose. So this battle between Reagan and the New York liberals ended quickly. It erupted again in the 1990s and lasted until 2008. They were trying to sue us and bring out the worst so that they could seek a judgment or some financial reward; if not corner us and seek imprisonment similar to the case of the Japanese. They felt it was a conspiracy and not fate or destiny, so they tried to change or rewrite it.
2. This battle between the two giants, California and New York, now involved Texas and Missouri; and the federal government and forces were caught in the middle of this hoax and scam to invade America by the labor movement, mafia, Catholic Church, and liberals. They turned out to be revolutionary command and this radical element always under the table. Moliere wrote and describes the same events we describe in the 1600s; he implicated the Pope and French Catholics as the perpetrators of this socialism and communism. The entire hoax was based on the left wing as victims and why others were so mean to them or oppressing them; they were poor and underprivileged, so they had more problems and sought more relief. Their legal defense was they are females and we could not resist them; they had won our hearts and minds or reduced us to nothing. This girl opened the door for these girls and they forgot to mention at age 16 they were communist revolutionaries or emissaries sent by NY to agitate and destroy our life. Next time, indicate they speak for the mafia and labor unions before flaunting their naked body and bizarre sexual habits. Nobody said talking to this perfect looking girl at age 16 would lead to murder plots, bomb plots, secretive revolutionary leaders, terrorists, and total insanity of hell. All hell broke loose by 11th grade and life hit rock bottom by freshman year of college; a total captivity of a lunatic madmen and some princess peddling total losers of life. All this came off the pages of Friedrich Engels' observing the Irish in Britain.
3. So the case is based on the liberals had no right to do this on other human beings and they did not have an explanation after they were caught, sued, or destroyed. They were back to becoming a destitute group and not a powerful challenger as they had fantasized. There was only one girl who kept peddling or promoting how Irish, how distinguished, how sophisticated, how pretty, how angry, how smart, how police, how caring, how superior and sexy, drunks and hypocrites, sex offenders, or how much we wanted them. That girl traces back to the Democrats and New York in 1987. Based on how the story went and ended; I would say she is totally insane and got one heck of a butt kicking. These psychopathic and deranged feminists were reduced to a point of repeating, "he doesn't care" all day long as a defense and to cope with utter failure. Again, they were using girls and got the surprises of their life when one girl explained to them how useless they are and how nothing worked in their life.
4. The plight of the natives or American Indians took an odd twist in California. These misfits and laborers were telling people to leave or taunted them about jobs when it was them who were poor and destitute; yet the game still persist today. On top of the game at this time are the Asians. When you compare Hispanics or native people; it is difficult to rule out an Asian decent. So all indicators and arrows point to this jackass and how everything is backwards or totally upside down. Now the story of immigrants was being written by the Hispanics yet they were taking over all the labor jobs and had been passed over for centuries. The same hiring process took place in the 1960s and the culprits were the liberals and Democrats. Somehow and somewhere along the way; we were made to be the one who wanted to have sex with them, wanted to talk to them, needed them, or was eager to work with them; someone started this and it did not end on good terms. Also the gap between the two human beings was astronomical; you know someone got beaten up badly and reduced to nothing.
There seems to be a huge gap between human beings and different races and ethnics. The problem with this corrective measure was the Asian markets and the Japanese; a long time rivalry. That rivalry took an odd turn during the Vietnam War and the resistance was taken up by drug cartels and terrorists. This super warrior and deadly enemy ground leveled their future while revolution was shut down by the collapse of communism in 1988. Twenty years of preparation led nowhere but social and political disaster; so they reached out to their arch nemesis and whom they opposed during the Vietnam War; as a trap and as a lifeline. If they knew what we are doing or had planned; they can respond or match it. In the twenty years from 1988 to 2008, not one bit of information fell in their hands or was of any use. 2008 and how this ended came as a total surprise and complete shock; we have them on tape and undergoing severe strain and pressure while questioned. Now they had PTSD and could be triggered easily but all the plotters and conspirators made a full recovery; they will crack under pressure and already did.
The book "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" had to do with hiring my sister to work at the White House and mysterious Christmas cards sent to our residence by the Bush administration. The book "Slander" was the result of getting fired repeatedly and all hell breaking loose in 1997-1999. The lawyer said to sue for slander and prove 1) false or misleading 2) business loss or catastrophic events, property loss. Libel is not the same and has more with reputation and larger amounts of damage. Also, Slander in the state of Virginia is very cut and dry; not complex or with any doubt. The book "Treason" is based on the events of the Vietnam War and the Cold War; where it led and what we had been working on as the basis of Satellite Warfare research and development. There was an arrest in 2002, a false one and a set up. It was revenge for the events of the 1960s and the Vietnam draft. It was an emotional misfiring of the liberal and revolutionary escape or plight during the 1960s. Worse, it had the stamping of the Jewish and Catholic Church on it. The book "How to Talk to A Liberal" is about the lawsuit and the inability to identify and take any legal action from 1988 to 2008; it explains how the character sets we observed and were able to defeat by close proximity and scientific understanding. I had asked for a systematic approach to cornering and understanding of this new enemy (what they are up to, what they want, and whether the end result was victory). The key to this is blocking their ability at satellite warfare and ensuring that proliferation is addressed fully and with the might of the US government. Ann Coulter books are impeccable and one of a kind; nobody in the business comes close. However, they are intended to keep readers suspended. When it is time to reach the advanced levels, the mind is physically altered and on warp drive. Now the zone is at the core and the reactor; where the real work is done. Once you are suspended and step foot in another reality or zone; there is no return. The chemical properties in the mind actually change and harmonize; the basis of artificial intelligence is already thought out and packaged. It is another reality and the clarity of thought and vision is circumspect to the path taken there. Therefore, nobody in the industry comes close to suspending the reader or the degree of knowledge and brilliance, nobody.
In 2009 there was a new format and a schedule change. Ann is no longer a step behind but now in lock step. The book "Guilty" is based on remedies or what is stuck in reverse mode. The primary aspect of the left wing is racism and crime; thus, the focus is the police, government, Constitution, and military might. By examining the educational, delinquency, development, and causation of this total disaster; the endings differ by two outcomes and a huge gap. So the objectives were insane and trying to produce the same outcome was utter insanity. It is a state of crisis between the poor and the rich; the royals and the protected classes. Guilty is aimed directly at those behind this who are seeking a solution to their demise but refuse to take the necessary actions (40% male prison rate, 60% felony record, 20% high school drop out, 60% below the poverty rate and climbing, etc...) Guilty is about the moral breakdown and the lack of standards that have afflicted all of our lives. The new book, "You're Not Black" is based on how it ended from 2009 to 2010. We got a response and a full explanation. They did not wish to deal with this and actually claimed they were victims and wanted to know why we are so mean to them. It exposes the centuries of conflict and power struggle between the Catholic and Protestant church which is now spilled over into the Asian markets and financial superpowers. All of these books were out of the scope and jurisdiction of the core; satellite warfare and the authenticated founder of it. Naturally, a plan and a strategy was developed, introduced and taught by the originators of this. It is intended to restructure the Pentagon, military, FBI, CIA, and police forces across the world. This total insanity and catastrophe kept growing, getting bigger and worse as the years progressed but an ending and capture was executed in 2008 with much success and surprise. This is just how the world is and how things work; an introduction and a full scale understanding. Capturing them and kicking them out of our life emptied the trash heap and this gap between us and them was gone; before this life was just a trash heap and a pup tent where we were all the same and had to listen to lousy immigrants complain about our life but not theirs.
There was an arrest in 2002; a set up by the staff of NBC and this secretive revolutionary organization based in NY. After the person died, they have a scapegoat and an alibi. The civil liberties crisis, the supply-demand curve, and the security-freedom curve were used by Clinton-Bush cronies to return the liberal predicament between the Japanese and the state of California. More Nazi spies were caught and executed than Japanese in the history of the US and World War II. Those caught in Europe and forced to do the dirty deeds for the Nazi regime were granted immunity and freedom; alliance to the US. The liberals did not like being the bad guys or the truth; so they invented this new crisis with Arabs and terrorists to support the rogue land sales, destructive expansion or recovery plans, and complexities of waging war on others brought them. It brought out the worst in them and now they sought to bring out the worst in everybody. So we had observed the same circus while it was ongoing but could not prepare the case or capture them from 1998 to 2008. By then the acts of treason compounded and was a death sentence; only denying it or lying was the only escape. Only hiding or impersonating us would relieve the pressure. The whole point was the US government and the Constitution did not work for this lawless and enemy state; therefore, they had to use local and state hoaxes to overthrow the federal government and now claim they cannot stay, are being kicked out, and no longer their home; a new Diaspora and migration. This other existence is utterly flawed and they are constantly running or trying to expand to alleviate the overwhelming pressure.
It is not too difficult to figure out once you are trapped and cornered by a spy who thinks they are sneaky and trying to rob you or win over your heart and mind. If you refuse, they will try to agitate and bring out the worst in you; to humiliate and kick you to the curb royally. You can try to fight out of the capture or abduction; to see if this scared them off. However, the chance it got worse or made them angrier and double up the torture is real and can be very deadly. Keep this in mind, sometimes resistance is based on the type of enemy who has control over your life and how far they are willing to go to see it through. We have the most worthless, useless, and the most deadly retard walking this planet and now even they know it; even they agree to the level and degree of mistakes they got themselves in. They still feel they are a victim of circumstances and a conspiracy is on them; it had nothing to do with what they did or tried. Even in court, they present this confused or unbiased approach; a sense of being not sure or even objective. However, the truth is you will not get them to admit or confess unless you take extreme chances and risk your own life to capture them.
So what is the vulnerability of these spies? All of them are insecure, inadequate, and they are all sex offenders. Females are easily tempted and sweet talked. Males fall to the seduction of females and are so weak they would prefer to hug other men. Their image is an obsession; so if they are listening, make sure your actions and behavior key in on how they look or how foolish they can look. Start the day off knowing they are listening in and ruin it. Yell at them at the smallest detail knowing they have bugged your home and do not listen to them when they say you talk to yourself or want you to shut up. When they want you to shut up; it is working well. A spy is as good as his focus and insight; so when you play head games with them and give them what they are after; they go berserk. Like sharks in the water, a little blood and chum hurt nobody. If you can, alter the mind of a female spying on you and key on her age. If it is a male, make him insecure and make him paranoid about his own wife. Then when they had enough; ask them if they knew and understand you are not interested and happily with someone else. Let them know you did it on purpose and how they feel as a spy or being tricked so badly. Then after they have had their fun trying to spew off insults or how they beat you; sue them and take them to court.
The first girl from Poland was pathetic. It was good at first and my first adventures in dating went well. This mistaken identity, sameness, and bizarre courtship soon came and so did the endless menstrual cramps, endless crying, basket case like pity, head games, cheesy clothes or fashion, etc... I am being tugged and yanked on by friends who are totally rotten and hated; a basket case of a manipulating ex-girl; a yearning or clock that says it is time to get married and start life; and a nervous breakdown or total hell. At most, I take time off and try to escape or close most of this; to shut down or determine how the future course will be. I end up packing for the Army and abandoning all of this misery and insanity produced by losers I carelessly befriended or kept around as company. Hell came back in 1998 and continued for ten years until 2008 when the empire struck back and put the final blow in this blowhard. Getting angry or initiating dialogue was not going to fix their measly and wasteful life; nor was continuing this. Living in a trash heap is not much different than living in the woods. So when the facade was all done with and when the good loving ended; it went back or gravitated to a trash heap where nobody could help themselves.
Only in 1989 did things finally stabilize as Ann and I were flying in life together and all these distractions were closed down or ended. The hell came in flurries, soon after came the parade of girls who wanted to show off their butt and boobs; sometimes flashing them. Then it was the endless meetings, first dates, mixers, and total insanity; which led to a white supremacy plot and also a Black Panther plot as part of this radical and revolutionary secretive organization. This was whom we caught and who is behind the financial and terror plots including 911 and many more. As the stabilizer in my life won back much of the lost time or effort; they began to capture, destroy, upset, and do anything to drive us apart; and went so far as to plot her murder. So who is this secretive group initiating these hit-and-run type of scams we know is destroying our life and this nation? Who was seducing us and using the stick and carrot to set up a destructive downfall? Who was this bunch who kept the pressure up in high school, in college, and well into adult life; in order to bring out the worst and to make a defection or recruitment? Was it the Jews or the Catholics or was it an alliance of revolutionary command with comprised an Axis of evil and united on fanatical labor union and left wing clandestine activity? Why did they stop and what threatened them so much they had to shut down and prepare for arrest?
In 2008 they were shut down and the interviews began; they were petrified and terrified of retaliation now; on the verge of death and ready for it. The problem was simple, they exist on total lies and there was no effort to seek justice or solve anything. So why did life just keep going downhill while we had some spy or watcher making snipes daily and impersonating everything we did? There is one way to get to the bottom of this. It is time to jump off the cliff and free fall into the depths of hell and just when the going gets tough; board the plane going down and pulls the stick; an act nobody would dare do. It came down to trying to win our hearts and mind by aggressively seducing and subjugating us by false or decoy temptations. It came down to failed methods and utter failure trying to provoke, agitate, torment, and bring out the worst in human beings; a process of radicalizing them and turning them into suicide bombers. None of them want to talk and explain why they shut down the clandestine activity and prepared for surrender and court. What were they so scared of and what force on this earth was so strong and so ever lasting they crumbled at the final hours? It must be supernatural or so devastating the entire communist and terror world just ceased to exist or shut down. Most idiots and psychopathic enemies know when to put their weapon down, surrender, or retreat so they are no longer on the battlefield. This jackass will keep talking to strangers or keep trying to bring out the worst in others. This is a deadly criminal and they want to fight to the death.
Excerpts from "How To Talk To A Liberal (If You Must)" by Ann Coulter: Introduction, page 12. "Sixth, never show graciousness toward a Democrat. Not only will any kindness not be returned, but it will be used against you... learned the hard way what happens when you are nice to Democrats. After it leaked that the dignified staff of the dignified former president had trashed the White House on its way out... had seen the damage firsthand, you knew it was a lot more than a "prank or two." But instead of stopping while they were ahead... the Democrats aggressively attacked other Republicans for having falsely impugned the honor of... proof that Republicans had lied about the damage... asked why there were no records of the alleged damage... demanding proof of... the damage was never catalogued and asked, "Can it be because the alleged vandalism never happened either?" ...didn't even include the cost of cleaning and sterilizing the rugs... brought Kennedy over to discuss education several times. Hell, he did everything but split a bottle of Chivas Regal with the guy - which come to think of it, might have actually won... Grandpa's justice was more like the justice system your great uncle Teddy turned to after he drowned that girl... family of heroin addicts, statutory rapists, convicted and unconvicted female-killers, cheaters, bootleggers, and dissolute drunks... extend an olive branch to Democrats and they'll smack the living daylights out of you with it."
Excerpts from "How To Talk To A Liberal (If You Must)" by Ann Coulter: Introduction, page 13. "Eighth, do not succumb to liberal bribery... Liberals are a seductive group of minxes. They recruit conservatives the way colleges recruit star athletes, deploying celebrity starlets as comfort women. Become a liberal and you will be lavished with great wealth and adulation... Liberals have scores of money-laundering schemes to pay off anyone who attacks a conservative - foundation jobs, radio stations, websites, movie "options," university professorship, and jobs writing for the... Lots of goodies are available to any conservative willing to give up all his principles. ...The more public and respected a conservative you are, the more goodies will be offered to you, starting with the cover of... If a conservative giant like Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity ever became liberal, there would be parades down Fifth Avenue. ...Even if you've led a blameless life, liberals invent absurd stories about you."
Excerpts from "How To Talk To A Liberal (If You Must)" by Ann Coulter: Introduction, page 16 - 17. "Liberals in transition will tend to approach you in hushed tones, repeatedly looking over their shoulders, and explaining they have a family to feed. You might not want these guys watching your back in a bar fight... coming out as conservatives for the first time face being ostracized by friends, neighbors, coworkers, even family members. Refer them to a local support network such as... remember there is some good in everyone. Hitler didn't smoke... Kim Philby had a pet fox... turned out to be a few good ones. Similarly, the vast majority of liberals are not intentionally sabotaging the nation. In fact, I don't think as many as 20 percent give a damn about the nation... the majority of liberals are just trying to sell books, get a TV show, be called brave... get a woman's phone number at an afternoon reception at the... Intentions, of course, do not mitigate disastrous outcomes. ...I have liberals to thank for my career and I wanted something substantial to throw in their faces - oops, I mean I wanted to give something back. The majority of this book will be new to even my most devoted readers. I have included columns too hot to be published until now. "
Excerpts from "How To Talk To A Liberal (If You Must)" by Ann Coulter: Taking Liberties, July 16, 2003. Note, the same events were described as being done intentionally, purposefully, and as a hoax to reduce while increasing the credibility of the enemy. The enemy is the left wing and the liberals who form the invasion task of the communist movement of this world. They are totally insane and utter lunatics. They constantly initiate conversation and feel they are superior or helping others; thus, any crimes are erased and justified as a good cause.
"After Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt rounded up more than one hundred... In response to the worst terrorist attack in the history of the world right here on U.S. soil, Attorney General John Ashcroft has detained... not by Japanese-Americans living in California... And yet, without internment camps or mass arrests, Ashcroft's carefully tailored policies have prevented another...
...Democrats have focused like a laser beam on the perfidy of John... trampling on anyone's rights. Their case-in-chief seems to be... married an American woman, brought seven of his... based on a tip from the ex-wife of one of the men that they were plotting a suicide mission... questioned and released... expunged their records.
What are liberals claiming law enforcement was supposed to do with information like that? We're sorry... for that remark alone, he should be deported. Is that what he thinks of America? ...and more to the point, their lawyers-have a monetary incentive to make absurd claims of persecution. What is the Democrats' excuse? ...cowering in the fear of... case-in-chief proving the existence of a civil rights crisis in America... after the ex-wife of one of the men tipped off the FBI to a possible terrorist plot in the making.
Apparently, a lot of the false tips to law enforcement are coming from ex-wives... after his former wife accused him of being a terrorist. She is now serving a one-year prison sentence for making a false charge. But someday, small children will be reading somber historical accounts about the dark night of fascism under iJohn Ashcroft (Guilty)... thanks to Ashcroft, at least they'll be reading them in English rather than Arabic. If liberals applied half as much energy to some business endeavor as they do to creating the Big Lie, they would all be multimillionaires. What are we to make of people who promote the idea that America is in the grip of a civil-liberties emergency based on a hundred hazy stories of scowls and bumps and one-week detentions? Manifestly, there is no civil-liberties crisis in this country. People who claim there is must have a different goal in mind.
Excerpts from "How To Talk To A Liberal (If You Must)" by Ann Coulter: True Grit, June 11, 2003; and Moby's Dick, June 23, 2004. "In 'her' book, Hillary explains that the story of how Nelson Mandela forgave his jailers inspired her to forgive Bill for his infidelity. Okay, but they locked up Mandela only once. Revealingly, Ms. Stanley claims that 'millions of women have forgiven far worse of philandering husbands.' Far worse? Really? No wonder liberal women hate men so much. ...Now there's even a documentary version of liberals' Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy fantasy The Hunting of the President. If we're so obsessed with it, why do they keep bringing it up? O.J. had more dignity. ...But Clinton thinks people are dying to read nine hundred pages about his very ordinary life. He views being president as just one more episode in a life that is fascinating in all its stages because he is just so fascinating as a person - at least to himself. ...What actually happened during the Clinton presidency?"
Excerpts from "How To Talk To A Liberal (If You Must)" by Ann Coulter: How to Lose a War, September 10, 2003. The entry is about the difference between the Japanese post war effort and the European Marshal Plan. The recovery in Japan was to restructure the economy towards the business models rejected by corporate America. Japan was the world's response to the disaster of the industrial revolution. The story of Edward Deming begins during World War II and the military industrial complex. The government had some of the largest projects and budgets and steps to ensure good work and performance had to be in place. So a 60 something year old figure named Edward Deming saw the long term crash of the auto makers and manufacturing but to no avail, he was labeled crazy and sent on his way. Most people do not thing Deming was crazy and if the Japanese treated him as if he was crazy, then they were able to learn from him in the post war period even if they had waged war on the world.
The Japanese recognized the flaws and built a model that emphasized modern consumerism on quality control at the manufacturing levels. Soon the emphasis on machinery and heavy industry began to cause many other business models to abandon the already flawed ones corporate America refused to reform. By the time the auto makers changed course, too many companies had abandoned the flawed model and high technology was the mainstay of the Japanese mega industries. In the 1980s, 9 out of 10 patents filed by the US Patent Office were by Japanese companies. Therefore, the efficiency between the two economies was based on how public funds and private funds were spent and the role of government to ensure consumer goods were satisfactory. The Japanese government was more proactive in this area than the US government was although when large projects meant the public funds had to be maximized and the military standards met. This is one facet of the military civilians are not accustomed to, very high standards.
By late 1980s and into the 1990s the reforms and the vision of Edward Deming impacted American business much greater than had he implemented this in the US; however, the Japanese were eager to modernize and mobilize for this shift to the information age. Meanwhile, the US government grew tired of legal suits, consumer fraud, and corporate America running wild in politics. This was to say the American industry was lagging or behind; some sectors were beyond recovery and only a few states such as California and Washington knew how to take advantage of the bourgeoning Asian markets. Nobody could reform the American business model or the banks that had a monopoly on real estate and debts and the sector who paid the ultimate price was small businesses and the poor. The diary entry is the first mention of a war hero and a rich wife. The importance of the Deming story and the story of the Japanese overseas and in America is the impact on liberals. There is a long rivalry. Similar to Vietnam, the world dispensed an unfavorable outcome to the left wing and liberals. So to an idiot, they had waged war or attacked America and somehow or by odd consequence; foreign aid and good fortune arrived on their doorstep. If they can act and do the same; than this deranged fan can mobilize the world to shower them with gifts or a confidence that lacked the truth or standards we expect and demand. That is how revolutionary command and this labor movement operate.
A female from Pittsburgh entered the picture in 2000. Although a decoy and not much known about her; the similarities to Ann are striking. However, when you compare the two, there is really no comparison or courage on the part of those behind this to bring it to the surface. They are so disadvantaged they must keep the failed and utter retard like existence clandestine. If they do not, they will be arrested and their influential tricks of influence will disappear or rot like a fruit basket. Odd, we have a war hero; we have ratting out our parents; we have clear thinking only on one side of this; we have total losers and enemies crashing into us every single minute of the day; and now we have one defeated and utter failure by a measly and defeated enemy. All they can do is appeal to our good senses; to trick us or ask why we are so mean to them while they suffer and struggle. This also turns up as the motive; police abuse or the police complaint. They only feel like real human beings and act like human beings when they are able to live life through someone else; to blame or shift accountability. So they may look good and even appear normal; but that is far from the truth and much the same total disaster of a lousy immigrant who cannot make it for all the right reasons. Resembling their busted up women, the men expect others to just fall in love with them over nothing; as if life was created out of thin air or how hated the world treated them.
So the bad news, their depression, and this life ending truth; is what it is. The essence of being a liberal is, "The absolute conviction that there is one set of rules for you, and another, completely different set of rules for everyone else. (Ann Coulter, on cover)" For all these reasons, including the ownership of a loud and obnoxious Harley; is why the Nazis stuck them into concentration camps. The total disaster or the nightmare is we are now stuck with them and their savior; what are we expected to do? They try to destroy us, take us hostage, invade our life, seize our spouses, wreck every aspect of our life, and then one day claim they are willing to stop. They crossed the line and were too far into evil to ever return but this is what they get for talking to strangers or treating them this way. Hopefully, they will end up in life on an island preaching their tyranny and sexual offender lifestyle to cavemen who live in pup tents and are extremely angry with the cold war. This is what they get and a coup was just the beginning of much more to come for them. A good start is to stop talking to our mates or making up insane stories about how they are partners, friends, work close, seeking jobs, or only trying to help; cholera does not care or will respond to this stranger in our life.
Excerpts from "How To Talk To A Liberal (If You Must)" by Ann Coulter: Give Us Twenty-two Minutes, We'll Give Up the Country, February 19, 2003. "If liberals think they are losing elections because of conservative bias in the media, they might as well give up right now. Their first problem is going to be finding liberals who can work on their little project... liberals insist they need radio networks 'to counterbalance the conservative tenor or radio programs like The Rush Limbaugh Show.' Rush has been driving them crazy for years. In 1994, CNN dedicated an entire program to figuring out how the 'mainstream media' could combat Rush Limbaugh, asking the question 'Does Rush Limbaugh deserve all this attention, and what should the mainstream media be doing about it?' ...conservative radio talk-show hosts have a built-in audience unavailable to liberals: people driving in cars to some sort of job. But it should not be surprising that when given a choice, people don't want liberal hectoring being piped into their homes and cars... forced to listen to Big Brother twenty-four hours a day... imagine a world in which people voluntarily choose to listen to liberals. There is no evidence that it has ever happened. One thing about liberals is they're pesky devils. They'll never quit... They have the money, the business consultants, the radio talent. Now all they need are ideas! Ah, there's the rub. The paradox of liberal talk radio is that if liberals cared about ideas or knew any facts, they would cease being liberals. Liberalism thrives on ignorance."
Excerpts from "How To Talk To A Liberal (If You Must)" by Ann Coulter: Journalism: Where Even the Men Are Women, January 02, 2003. "A People magazine reporter writing a profile on me in 2001 asked me if I had a boyfriend. My precise answer - typed out in an e-mail no less... But the winner of "best in show" for journalists' great sense of humor, sadly, does not involve one of my own quotes. ...was a typo and that he meant to say she was a "congenital lawyer." ...From their commitment to exactitude to their terrific sense of humor, all of the feminists' very best qualities now dominate the profession of journalism... just happened to be the one who got caught." Liberals do embody a sense of kindness that is accustomed to the trash heaps and the hardships when poor. They exploit the poor and they try to make it difficult to escape the history of poverty; this is why they are so rich and so powerful when America was invented. Now with the advent of free trade and competition; their standards and standard of conduct is back to the trash heaps of mankind and the squalor they had accustomed to. In all honesty and to be brutally honest, we do not care and neither does the military that has to fight and combat this problem. We do try to make life easier and loveable the best we can. There is a really good reason why the world views America in this light and it is not because we are in love with this spy and this enemy watching us 24 hours amorously excusing them in the most outrageous game of intelligence. They see problems but never themselves as a problem. They blame American Indians or Japanese; until they meet us and hear the voice of God and the breath of fire from the hell they invented and built a home on.
Communism did not deliver anything but a death sentence and a bankrupted financial plan. They could not help themselves and neither could we; but it was extremely annoying listening to total strangers tell us about their problems and beliefs. What we can do is tell this spy and stargazer to get in a boat and find an island where they live in pup tents or cannot help anyone until they are sitting on a trash heap complaining out their ears about our life. In other words, we do not enjoy or consented to strangers talking to us or making outrageous comments about our life, no less tampering and tinkering with it. Do we look like we live off the kindness and generosity of strangers? Our advice is to get used to people petitioning the government to hurricane or earthquake foreign governments. If it does not kill you, then it cannot be that bad. Walk a day in our shoes and read what it feels like to be the founder of satellite warfare and you may survive it and beat the enemy at their own game. To hell with them, they are stupid and we do not know why they keep calling or want to talk their way out of this. We hope this truly pisses them off and makes their life hell; it was revenge and payback, do not take it personally. When we were kids, we used to shoot birds and squirrels. If you shoot enough squirrels, not only do you get really good at it but you eventually grow tired of it. There is a really good reason why the world hates America and we hate this domestic enemy who spies on us incessantly. They seem okay with it and our feelings for them. They feel secure in a country that tells them to go away and stop constantly. The only person in this world, who does not see them as a problem, is them. They lost their companies, jobs, opportunities, and now can only seek pity or act like they belong in our beds or in our homes.
Even if our life is hell and we were and are being terrorized by these people we implicated; they seem to be taking it alright. They are not worried and they continue to call and wish to talk to us. Regardless of how many complaints are levied on them or how much the damages is; they feel their jobs are secure and nobody will ever discipline them. Furthermore, their ability to provide evasive answers, become recorded and caught, treat us like strangers who need them or love them, and complicate matters worse is unlike any human being we know. If we ask them for a direct answer, they do not want to give one. If we ask for an answer, they know none. If we ask them what their goal is, they do not know. If we ask them how this will make our life less of a hell, they demand we do as told. The problem is they treat others like a child or without any college when they have an IQ of a rodent. For someone who is utterly stupid and facing the death penalty; they seem not worried or okay with terrorizing our life. They need to make up their mind if they are stupid or just acting stupid; we saw them as evil and a total pest who enjoys this too much and endlessly makes snide comments. If you ask them to stop, then be prepared to yell stop hundreds of times before they respond. Worse, they give lousy advice and keep the snide comments to reinforce this lousy advice. How can it be a threat if they do not have an answer? If they are just stupid, then find someone who has an answer before the death penalty is imposed. We too live in a dangerous world, can they tell or are they not worried and okay with this also? People should hear their fireman story or ridiculous stories on the radio. They seem okay with calling us constantly and involving us in their radio shows. We seem to be okay with destroying them for this. They are evasive. They refuse to answer yes or no. They claim they are nice and kind. They enjoy inviting themselves and involving us in their life on command. They know no other existence. If you put a gun to their head; they would never learn or stop. That is who is clandestine spy is and why they parade their lies like a homicidal felon before being caught.
This stalker and partner of ours make others look and feel as if they are losing their minds while they try to carry conversations or act in a thorough manner. No matter what they do or say; they hell is inescapable. They claim they are sorry and they refuse to stop or back off. If we complain, they attack and try to either kill us or act with such malice; we must petition for a hurricane and earthquake to kill them. Then they blame us or others when they are making everybody feel like they are retarded or losing their minds. Call it power and call it hunger; the truth is we cannot live with this enemy and threat no less stand their abuse. We are not their friends, never have been friends, do not care what their future is, and are not even on the same page. Our lives are too difficult to understand and too different to even carry on a conversation; but what can we do or say which will ever make this crystal clear to this enemy and psychopathic lunatic? How much do we have to sue them for or how far are they willing to go with this before they are either killed, maimed, on the street, or in the situation they are in now? We demand an answer and the government gives us evasive or a blank stare. We ask why this had to be this way and they act as if we love them and wish to talk to all their leaders. We must be the leader and we must face this ordeal for some peculiar reason, what is it? The only thing left is the death penalty. For those wonderful spies and moles in the law enforcement community; it is not a threat, but if they had an answer, then we would like to know or demand one. What is the answer if not a threat because it has been 20 or so years? For all the lies, silence, intentions, and more lies in the world; it did not help, has not, and is not helping. Well, not helping us at all is how they got on the “sneaky and sinkable political enemies.” Just admit they do not want to be caught and cannot stop for good or bad reasons.
It was hard enough to call 911 or have anybody believe us. We do not love them or need to talk to 200 people in order to solve 1 or 2 simple problems. We do not need to spend 20 hours and 20 years wondering why they make us feel retarded or why life is hell with them in it. Or do we? So now no matter what they say or do, we seek the death penalty and they seem okay with this and not the least bit concerned. They appear happy and content; always asking what they can do to help or whether or not our life was made for them also. Considering they are strangers; how many strangers yank another stranger off the street, destroy them, file charges on them, write books, call them every name in the book, and have them sit there and say how they are not worried and okay with how this ended? Is it 1 or 100 people who we can force this answer from? So they are happy and we are not; but they do not want to deal with this or how they made our life hell. So why is their life hell? What is this life line and power; their food, their pay, their security, or something else? Find it and destroy it; before we petition the government and have them agree with us and are compelled to fight for their job and future. They are not on a list of priorities or list of important political enemies we cannot sink. If they wish to be an enemy of mankind and our enemy; then it is their choice. We hate their guts and do make an effort to avoid them; but it is their lousy attitude and customer service that is unavoidable and has been neglected and ignored; at least not now. We do not care enough about this dinosaur and orthodox psycho to offer them jobs or save their jobs; no a damn chance in hell. If we cared enough; we will call them and they can hang up and call it a threat. They seem okay and not worried about stupidity or poverty. This species has come to accept who they are and what they are doing. They want us to accept it now and we refuse to at the behest of 24 hour watch or captivity.
Therefore, the sooner they die the better for us all. It is not helping us and if they do not have an answer, then shut up and go away. Now they face the death penalty and they still do not have a god damn honest or credible answer, not one. Is there any reason to keep them alive or is it how we describe it; a crime? It is a crime of opportunity. It is a crime of the heart. It is a crime to take advantage or create hell for others who hate their guts or do not want to deal with them. It is a crime so blatant and done with such malice and purpose; they are now felons and fugitives. It is also a crime against who they claim to be doing for, their family and humanity. Now they just do not want to deal with it and expect us to either go away or let them off the hook because they are helping; helping themselves that is. Again, we are not on the same page and the gap is now huge if not unrepeatable. They either come clean or we will petition for a hurricane and earthquake to file a conspiracy charge on them. It is either a conspiracy or they are F'in with our minds and enjoy it too much; unbearable. They are liable. It is their jobs on the line. It is their life being destroyed. It is them who in the end must accept the ultimate cost and price; a coward in a monster IQ ball. It is better for all of us and the nation to see to it this pest, idiot, moron, and so called victim who is not vague; is destroyed and kept on life support. They are insane and they are out of control. Yelling stop does nothing to their flawed psychopathic existence. Sorry does not do anything and does nothing for our goals. Making excuses or dragging their feet does not help our life and makes this hunger worse. Now we are so mad and angry; our life such a hell and total disaster; we seek their leaders and they are easy picking. They better have an answer and they better know who does before they call it a threat; we do not care enough to talk to them or start any dialogue. They feel they have absolute power until they face it and the evil of this world. All they worry about is what others are doing; nothing they do however is ever on our radar. They must love us to death or we hate their guts and have judged them kinder. Go ahead, try to score another one or make it worth our while; they are out of control and have gone bone insane already.
Using us as bait or to do their dirty work is one thing. Pretending to be the police or fire department is another. Claiming we are making threats and are a threat is the worst of all. Unless you have an answer or a real purpose; then go away and do ask expected. If you do not wish to loose your job; then find a supervision or leader who is. This is the pest the corporate world is racked with. They are okay with it until they are thrown on the street or go belly up. So the police haircut or the fireman widow story is not strong enough to plead their case; nor is the ridiculous idea they are now on a list of "sinkable political enemies we would like dead or on the street." We did not start this and we hate their guts enough to avoid them or not talk to them. They are out of control and have lost a lot more than their future; trust us. Now a sinkable political enemy; their leaders are easy picking off and face the gutters and poverty. Oh, they are okay with poverty and stupidity. They are fine with being thrown in the streets or losing everything because of utter failure and utter lies to make their life more saleable. It is not power talking; it is hunger. It is not love or admiration talking; it is a kindness of being stuck in this disaster. Their fantasy is getting worse. Their leaders and corporate chain of command face embarrassing and devastation; their military service is a disgrace while they sit along or pretend to be legitimate partners. The push and the drive to put a stake in this enemy are so powerful; they are stuck in agreeing and trying to plead. They accept it and have grown to ignore any anger or problems. Remember, it is not a threat if they have an answer and if they do not have an answer, then find someone who does. It is that simple. It is that easy. Do not take it personal or see too much into it; we do not like them that much or wish to talk to them endlessly over one simple matter or another. So they accept they are dead and accept what they have done; why make excuses or talk to us about it? We are going to say the same thing. This SOB expects us to punch them, sneak in their homes or come to them, commit crimes and ruin our lives just to stop them or defend ourselves. They also have excuses and stories to make it more real.
This rotten low down SOB uses their grand daughters to seduce 16 year orders. If that does not work then they perform a private show with their body parts. If that does not work, then they stalk them in life. They claim they are hostile to gays and minorities. They use drunkenness as an excuse to rape children or molest grown adults. They use crime and drugs as an opportunity to either wage war or terrorize well educated peoples. They use the power at the ballot to demand things they do not deserve. They use the radio and TV to terrorize or conduct a dialogue while accepting who they are or showing it off. They contact our loved ones and use them to suggest we cannot get along or they have a special bond with our life partners. They do anything and everything except allow capture, stop the insanity, admit who they are, accept the punishment, and prevent our imprisonment or destruction. To them this is power and we are being subjugated by their acceptance of who they are and what their religion orders them to do. So if it is not using their grand daughters to seduce teenagers; then it is terrorizing their fiancées and spouses. The only person who is okay with this is the one with the death wish; the one who faces a petition with hurricane and earthquake in small print. They are not the labor unions, protectors, guardians, representatives, or spokesperson for our families. We resent their intrusion, spying, and constant battles.
Now they claim they are the police, are in charge, are fighting terrorism, want to pat us down or scan our naked bodies, and we have to go to jail if we raise our voice, deny them jobs, or threaten them in any way. There is so much a human can take but this enemy and mole wants to jail us and make us their slaves. Is the government liable or has to be destroyed? That is not for us to decide but for us to find out. They better recall and produce a better product before that product liability creeps up on this death wish and gets their leaders thrown on the streets and back to being a poor and lousy immigrant. Now this world knows a girl who has been through an ordeal and a lot to save the father of satellite warfare because she knows he is the only human being who stands between planet earth being destroyed and America falling to the communists. This female is forced to endure hell in order to save the only man alive who can destroy these satellite forces and train his own men to destroy this enemy and these spies. Yet they seek our pity now and a morsel of our kindness. To hell with the satellite forces; let the games begin and we will talk about it in hell. This little fart is so annoying they care so much about us yet we do not have a care in the world about them. They claim this went unanswered much like the assassination of JFK and other revolutionaries. The truth is he was in the cross fire.
We have no care in the world for the Irish or the Kennedy Klan. Do not go and compare our life, J Edgar Hoover, and how dumb the South Vietnamese government was while under American leadership. The FBI and J Edgar Hoover are not that stupid and blind; however, this enemy is a total disaster. Fighting them and being their captive is how we became a total disaster or on life support. Even the Buddhist monks hated the government and the actions of the leadership for terrorizing them into self sacrifice. This enemy and pest condemns people to death just to win or stop them from being helpful. This is where all of this anti-government is coming from; the same mole and the same enemy. To think we are on a treasure hunt and ran smack into a gigantic ape that is also on the police force and a blue collar psycho; cannot be the same nightmare we woke up in. There is a reason why they targeted two people who are extremely important and very valuable. We do use them in a form which they use us; but it is their own fault and we have charged them for this crime. Trying to tinker or toy with Buddhist monks or poor people is not power. Trying to make the Buddhist and the entire Asian population anti-government or anti-American by pulling Generals into a coup is not what we call good acts or intentions. Buddhist monks do not have a salary and they try to help or communicate to the government about what self sacrifice is about. Do we see this or just some bully toying with or playing with the minds of religious figures while they are crucified? Why are we in this nightmare and who is this enemy?
We are not in love with them or have a care in the world; stop. Stop the idiotic comments about how they are hurt or want to know why we are so mean. We have the same questions about them. The drunken sloth does not have a clue why people hate them, how military power is dangerous, how power works, or who they are. They know less about the world they live in and how they are a scapegoat to their enemies and a dead man to their own admirers. They promise the dumbest and the poorest the most undeserved dreams imaginable while they terrorize and torture those who are the most important and the most intelligence. This is why the FBI used the Kennedy to do their dirty work and now claim how lies and smears destroyed them. Their own people and closest allies killed them; not their enemies. They look bad repeating the same things we do and act stupid sitting next to us or caring so much about what they mean to us. There is a big and very gifted gap between us and them; but no thank you. They are okay and do not see themselves as a problem; but when it comes to their leaders penalized or punished for their own stigma; are we supposed to care? How is it they care so much but we do not care a bit for them or about them? We know the Buddhist were not and are not bullying, toying, molesting, holding prisoners, crucifying, or terrorizing the liberals. We do not know why the world is focused on the death of much hated families we associate with the labor unions and mafia? They probably expect Asians to listen or love them.
There is an excellent reason why they receive this treatment and why they are a political enemy who is easily sinkable now. The little fart just refuses to go away and claims we have to go to jail or kill them; the same with JFK and these drunken bastards. It is a shame they missed the worst one of them all. We cannot make this any more clear to them or make them understand why we are so upset, disappointed, and wish them dead; no clue whatsoever. They feel we are too emotional and cannot compete with their brilliance and wit. They feel their power or the power of the poor and drunk is the essence of America. It could have something to do with stupidity, bad customer service, total lies, and the poor. So why are they so comfortable with it and us; when we are not the slightest bit comfortable with them or wish to die or go to prison because of them? Do we hear or are able to read this from them? So if they have these complaints; petition the government to hurricane or earthquake our satellite forces or the founder; that is a good start and an excellent way to have others listens. We demand the government take action and knock off this conspiracy or witch hunt; an insane inquisition. We are not prepared and about to get behind the Kennedy family or their history of insolence. Insofar as the Irish and the Italians; they are a condemned group with a lot of loveable qualities. So that is why we petition for a hurricane and an earthquake to end this conspiracy and dereliction of duty; it is justice and judgment day. They do not have the will or courage to petition against judgment day; their own life and future.
We cannot continue or be caught in the middle of their lies, no less become their scapegoat. They are in the crossfire of the good and the bad; thus a tool against the bad. Like any tool against evil, we cannot discuss ongoing or future operations, methods, or history with a sore loser who does not have a clue why anybody would have a problem with them or why we have to kill them or go to jail just to stop them. They should exercise self restraint and follow the law; not repeat the same mistake and crime over and over. We and others did not ask to be put in this or forced to explain why we have become violent against them. They are in the crossfire of good and evil. They need to know their place or tell who is who. They have no idea who we are or why they are trying to crucify us; they claim we are crucifying them. They claim we are violent but do not know why we are trying to stop them or demand to know why they care so much about us to be charged with stalking. They do not know or understand why people would feel run over or violated by them. Ask them why kids get molested; they do not know. Ask them why adults get raped, they do not know. Now we are in the middle of this and we did not ask or wish to be part of their nightmare. This domestic nut and enemy is worse than a thermo nuclear war. They are comfortable with this threat level or how panicked others have become with them. They seem to be taking it rather well and with bold confidence.
They claim we are upset about the death of JFK or how a conspiracy is at work to destroy blue collar workers or the labor unions. Do we look this dumb or act this stupid? Do we need more advice from a political idiot who is a tool and troth to the forces of good? They feel their history or reputation was smeared; now they must smear ours also. It does not end with this political enemy and the communists, never. It is judgment day for them, not a time to kill or crucify others while they claim we are violent. They seek satellite warfare and to steal anything they can get their hands on; anything. No matter what they do; they are always a victim and others seek violence on them; a tool of the human race. So they are a tool in this fight and not a respected leader or any viable partner; just a tool which separates good from evil. Who they decide to piss off and who they decide to make enemies with is their decision; however, the pain and suffering will be harshest if they look in our direction. Go and bother the enemies such as the labor unions, communists, or liberals. Go knock down or knock up the Italians, Irish and Jews; not those who know all about them and their history. We do not need to join the ranks of the anti-Government movement or get behind a tiny fart of a secretary of terrorism. Customers hate them and their products; but they keep this sick and cruel hoax ongoing. We are sorry if their leaders died or had to but we cannot sit there and do nothing.
We cannot let them pass Judgment Day or open the gates of hell for any evil to run amuck in politics. Stop this idea we must kill them to escape or end their assault. We have to say stop to them while they claim we are violent? Stop. There is no violence; just stop and stop molesting or trying to rape human beings. There is no violence, just stop. Know we are forced to agree about how upset the death of the left wing; the death of the labor unions; the death of liberalism has become. Just stop and stop using us while we are in the cross fire also. Yes we made them angry at their government or world. Yes we won everything and anything shoved in our face. Yes we destroyed them and for a very good reason. Yes they have the death penalty and are facing it and it is no joke or something they accept or do not worry about. Stop means stop. This ultimatum is how they started this and where it led; now a total and utter disaster they are too comfortable with. We are in the crossfire. We got crucified. We do not even like them and wish them dead; is that enough? Does it require world war or a civil war? Does it require wars with the FBI, ATF, or DEA before they stop? So it is simple to file complaints against their government and political forces but they have reinforced this and made it impossible to fire them. This enemy has made it virtually impossible to remove them from office and we think that is the deadliest threat imaginable; far surpassing thermo nuclear war or a dirty bomb. They see the reverse true and use terrorism to seek their objectives. This is a threat of an unimaginable threshold and scope; that is the problem, they are blind to it, do not care, and too comfortable. Throw them in the streets and shut down their businesses; hopefully, they will die on their own cognizance and failure for this hell in our life.
We want to make really sure and damn clear what side we are on. Those who are not the bit worried or have all the answers; can make more snide comments or add more to this horrible experience. We hope they loose their job and die. We want to make sure if the opportunity to hurricane and earthquakes an enemy who is trying to make our life hell, be evasive, refuse to provide answers, does not have any solutions, and just wants to keep their job; is dead and gone before a huge public safety problem is exposed. We would turn our allegiance and partnership with God or a supernatural alien against our own if this was not damn clear or made clear to us also. We want to know who God and aliens side with before we destroy them also; offer horrible service. So it was not the experience, the horrible service, the constant robbery, the feeling of being a prisoner, and this idea we are especially concerned about this loser and enemy; then it was because we are living a life that resembles their problems. Our complaints sound like whom we despise and hate the guts of. If it takes a hurricane and earthquake; then it was because of bad memories, brain washing being bungled, horrible service, a total lack of concern, and this idea they are okay with it or still have not made this crystal clear to anybody; they are in charge or in control. So maybe God and aliens need a good fight and war to test their allegiance also; but if we have to fight God or an alien to get our point across or loose this sacred ground; then we know who the boss is and why; maybe they (God himself) are not cut out for the job and just wants our life to be hell or made to suffer because they have come to terms with it or this world. So add more victims to the already increasing list. That horrible experience is why we have to turn on their leaders and make them suffer for the slaves; either they are with the slaves or not. This is why you do not want this to happen, must avoid it, and not come to terms or think your leaders are too powerful or will not be fired for customer service problems repeated endlessly. We cannot have security and safety nets for this enemy and most especially the most rotten spies that walk this planet.
Now this SOB is acting as if they are in charge of Judgment Day and run the office where world war is fought and won. Why do we need to share this nightmare or pass judgment? Why do we have to share our feelings or tell our story? When is it going to end and why did it get worse and worse at each step of this game to outsmart the other? The facts and the truth clearly indicate this enemy has no clue when it comes to being God fearing. They continue to act as if they are innocent or were uninvolved. Nobody is innocent; they just walk around in life with blinders on for many reasons. This happened not because they are innocent; but because they are guilty. Books have been written on why or how they are guilty; now we are forced to talk to a liberal and a pest in our life who started one hell of a war and a total disaster. That is what God fearing led to and by whom. They wish they are victims but when in a submission hold or trying to put others in a submission hold; they do not understand how dangerous this can be and why submission holds are not intended to test tolerance to pain, adversaries, or customer service skills. Submission holds are dangers, most especially when fighting God himself or aliens. The wrong team is on the field and this is why it never works or does not work anymore; communist spies.
There is one man on this earth who knows how or can beat satellites, one; and it is not them. Get over this fantasy and this wishy-washy arrogance. They are not the least important and everything in their life has been stolen; if not by their act then someone else. So nobody is ever innocent, they just walk around in life with blinders. Even masters of this universe know what a submission hold is for and how a weaker opponent must submit before that time elapses. They want to be kept in pain, self medicate, and play this game of wit to see who can smother, outwit, or create more foul hell for the other. They want surrender to come under the idea the winner is under duress or did not win; it came at great cost. Perhaps God himself needs to be Judged and the ultimate Judge in this world needs to be replaced by a more clear thinking and better customer service agent. We do not see them with a story and we do not hear them sharing a story either; but that is for another day, they must know who the boss is and why. They offer no rebuttal and continue to contact us in the most illegal or clandestine manner. They started this and now they are in a submission hold; keep dragging their feet and F’in off and the window of opportunity to survive will elapse by their own hands and lack of judgment; they will expire due to stupidity or coming to terms with being the enemy.
“When you were Young” lyrics by The Killers
You sit there in your heartache
Waiting on some beautiful boy to
To save you from your old ways
You play forgiveness
Watch it now
Here he comes
He doesn’t look a thing like Jesus
But he talks like a gentleman
Like you imagined
When you were young
Can we climb this mountain
I don’t know
Higher now than ever before
I know we can make it if we take it slow
Let's take it easy
Easy now
Watch it go
We're burning down the highway skyline
On the back of a hurricane
That started turning
When you were young
When you were young
And sometimes you close your eyes
And see the place where you used to live
When you were young
They say the devil's water
It ain't so sweet
You don’t have to drink right now
But you can dip your feet
Every once in a little while
You sit there in your heartache
Waiting on some beautiful boy to
To save you from your old ways
You play forgiveness
Watch it now
Here he comes
He doesn't look a thing like Jesus
But he talks like a gentleman
Like you imagined
When you were young
(talks like a gentleman)
(like you imagined)
When you were young
I said he doesn’t look a thing like Jesus
He doesn’t look a thing like Jesus
But more than you'll ever know
I'm Not Jesus Lyrics by Apocalyptica
Dirty little secret,
Dirty little lies.
Say your prayers and call me rare,
Save your soul tonight.
Drift among the faithful,
Bury your desires.
Aberrations fill your head,
You need a place to hide
And I am.
Do you remember me?
And the kid I used to be?
Do you remember me?
When your world comes crashing down
I want to relive.
(Your god is looking down on me!)
I’m not Jesus,
Jesus wasn’t there!
You confess it all away,
But it’s only shit to me
(Your god is looking down on me!)
I’m not Jesus,
I will not forgive!
No I won’t!
No I won’t.
I've thought you were a good man,
I've thought you talked to god.
You Hippocratic messianic child abusing turned satanic.
Do you remember me?
Do you remember me?
And the kid I used to be?
Do you remember?
Do you remember?
When your own world comes undone,
Let me be the one to say:
(Your god is looking down on me!)
"I’m not Jesus,
You can’t run away!"
And the innocence you spoil
Find a way to live.
(Your god is looking down on me!)
I’m not Jesus
I will not forgive!
I will not forgive.
I won’t do whatever you want to.
I will not forgive.
I won’t do whatever you want to.
Do you remember me?
And the kid I used to be?
Not the same as I used to be!
Oh, do you remember me?
When your world come crashing down,
I want to relive
(Your god is looking down on me!)
I’m not Jesus,
Jesus wasn’t fair!
You confess it all away,
But it’s only shit to me!
(Your god is looking down on me!)
I'm not Jesus,
I will not,
I’m not Jesus,
I will not forgive!
Oh, I will not forgive, yeah yeah!
No, I will not forgive!
“I Don’t Care Anymore” lyrics by Phil Collins
Well you can tell everyone
I’m a down disgrace
Drag my name all over the place
I don’t care anymore
You can tell everybody bout the state I’m in
You won’t catch me crying cause I just can’t win
I don’t care anymore
I don’t care anymore
I don’t care what you say
I don’t play the same games you play
Cause I’ve been talking to the people that you call your friends
And it seems to me there’s a means to and end
They don’t care anymore
And as for me I can sit here and bide my time
I got nothing to lose if I speak my mind
I don’t care anymore
I don’t care no more
I don’t care what you say
We never played by the same rules anyway
I won’t be there anymore
Get out of my way
Let me by
I got better things to do with my time
I don’t care anymore
I don’t care anymore
I don’t care anymore
I don’t care anymore
Well, I don’t care now what you say
Cause every day I’m feeling fine with myself
And I don’t care now what you say
Hey I’ll do alright by myself
Cause I know
Cause I remember all the times I tried so hard
And you laughed in my face cause you held all the cards
I don’t care anymore
And I really ant bothered what you think of me
Cause all I want of you is just a let me be
I don’t care anymore do you hear?
I don’t care no more
I don’t care what you say
I never did believe you much anyway
I won’t be there no more
So get out of my way
Let me by
I got better things to do with my time
I don’t care anymore
Do you hear? I don’t care anymore
I don’t care no more
You listening? I don’t care no more
No more!
You know
I don’t care no more!
“Sam’s Town” lyrics by The Killers
Nobody ever had a dream round here,
but I don't really mind that it's starting to get to me
Nobody ever pulls the seams round here,
but I don't really mind that it's starting to get to me
I've got this energy beneath my feet
like something underground's gonna come up and carry me,
I've got this sentimental heart that beats
but I don't really mind that it's starting to get to me now
Why do you waste my time?
Is the answer to the question on your mind
And I'm sick of all my judges
so scared of what they'll find
But I know that I can make it
As long as somebody takes me home,
every now and then...
Well have you ever seen the lights?
Have you ever seen the lights?
I took a shuttle on a shockwave ride
where people on the pen pull the trigger for accolades
I took a bullet and I looked inside it
Running through my veins an American masquerade
I still remember grandma Dixie's wake
I've never really known anybody to die before
Red white and blue upon a birthday cake
My brother, he was born on the fourth of the July...and that's all
Why do you waste my time?
Is the answer to the question on your mind
And I'm sick of all my judges
they're so scared of letting me shine
But I know that I can make it
As long as somebody takes me home
(Every now and then)
(Every now and then)
You know I see London, I see Sam's Town
holds my hand and let's my hair down
Rolls that world right off my shoulder
I see London, I see Sam's Town now
“No Myth” lyrics by Michael Penn
So, she says it's time she goes
But wanted to be sure I know
She hopes we can be friends
I think, yeah, I guess we can say I
But didn't think to ask her why
She blocked her eyes and drew the curtains
With knots I've got yet to untie
What if I were Romeo in black jeans
What if I was Heathcliff, it's no myth
Maybe she's just looking for
Someone to dance with
See, it was just too soon to tell
And looking for some parallel
Can be an endless game
We said goodbye before hello
My secrets she will never know
And if I dig a hole to China
I'll catch the first junk to Soho
What if I were Romeo in black jeans
What if I was Heathcliff, it's no myth
Maybe she's just looking for
Someone to dance with
Sometime from now you'll bow to pressure
Some things in life you cannot measure by degrees
I'm between the poles and the equator
Don’t send no private investigator to find me please
'Less he speaks Chinese
And can dance like Astaire overseas
What if I were Romeo in black jeans
What if I was Heathcliff, it's no myth
Maybe she's just looking for
Someone to dance with
“Still Loving You” lyrics by The Scorpions
Time, it needs time
To win back your love again
I will, be there I will, be there
Love, only love
Can bring back your love someday
I will, be there I will, be there
Fight, baby, fight
To win back your love again
I will, be there, I will, be there
Love, only love
Can break down the wall someday
I will, be there I will, be there
Here we go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
things that killed our love
pride has built a wall, so strong
That I can't get through
Is there really no chance?
To start once again
I'm loving you…
Try, baby try
To trust in my love again
I will, be there I will, be there
Love, our love
Just shouldn't be thrown away
I will, be there I will, be there
Here we go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
things that killed our love
pride has built a wall, so strong
That I can't get through
Is there really no chance
To start once again
Here we go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
things that killed our love
Yes, I've hurt your pride, and I know
What you've been through
You should give me a chance
This can't be the end
I'm still loving you!
I still love you!
I still love you!
“Broken” lyrics by Lifehouse
The Broken clock is a comfort
It helps me sleep tonight
Maybe it can stop tomorrow
From stealing all my time
And I am here still waiting
Though I still have my doubts
I am damaged at best
Like you've already figured out
I'm falling apart
I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart
That's still beating
In the pain
There is healing
In your name
I find meaning
So I'm holding on (I'm holding on) (I'm holding on)
I'm barely holding on to you
The broken locks were a warning
You got inside my head
I tried my best to be guarded
I'm an open book instead
And I still see your reflection
Inside of my eyes
That is looking for purpose
They're still looking for life
I'm hanging on another day
Just to see what, you will throw my way
And I'm hanging on, to the words you say
You said that I will, will be okay
The broken light on the freeway
Left me here alone
I may have lost my way now
But I haven't forgotten my way home
I'm still holding) (I'm holding on) (I'm still holding)
Barely holding on to you (I'm still holding on)
Barely holding on to you
“Loved you all Along” lyrics by Our Lady Peace
I walked around my good intentions
And found that there were none
I blame my father for the wasted years
We hardly talked
I never thought I would forget this hate
Then a phone call made me realize, I'm wrong
And if I don't make it
Know that I've loved you all along
Just like sunny days that
We ignore because
We're all dumb and jaded
…And I hope to God I figure out what's wrong
I walked around my room
Not thinking
Sinking in this box
I blame myself for being too much like somebody else
I never thought that I'd just bend this way
Then a phone call made me realize I'm wrong
…And I hope to God I figure out what's wrong
I hope to God I figure out what's wrong
And if I don't make it
Know that I loved you all along
Just like sunny days that
We ignore because
We're all dumb and jaded
…And I hope to God I figure out...
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About Me
- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest