Murder she wrote took an enormous time to write as a chapter because unlike the fast paced one or two week normal time, it became an intensive three month struggle and questioning of the captured suspects. Unusual in time, it was apparent things were either surfacing or trying to surface right before our eyes. This is about end of life care; specifically, the end of the cold war and the death or final moments of the fathers of the left wing; it is a dying movement and a life ending career in itself. What is surfacing is embezzlement and looting of the treasury at the behest of trillions in 401k retirement accounts, to use fear and paranoia in order to advance socialism and a watered down form of communism. The idea was these kidnappers are our managers, pimps, and have fidelity to our capture and productivity. No they are not God, but like God, they duplicate admirable qualities and get it backwards or all wrong; like a serial killer, they propagate lies and brainwashing falsehoods to make them true or mythical. A coercive sociopath is one thing; these people were cold blood killers and trying to advertise they were the best killers; beyond military grade. So this is about end of life care, retirement, social security, and most of all the medical system; the last and final battle converged right before our eyes as their leaders died off from 2008 to 2009.
"(On Stimulus Packages) No, I said worse than that; by the end of the year it will be lower than... Yes, Obama has said it has worked as intended. So I don't know, maybe he did intend on quadrupling the deficit, and raise taxes, and raise unemployment, and hand out goodies to all of the friends of Jack Murtha and Nancy Pelosi and Chris Dodd and Barney Frank. If that is what he intended, then well yeah, maybe it is working as he intended but for America it has not worked out so well. And it is curious we are getting this double speak from the President and Biden, I think I can answer that question before he even says these things; he is delusional and he cannot distinguish fact from reality and the press did not mention that back when he was a candidate; then claimed in one of the debates that NATO pushed Hezbollah out of Lebanon. He said crazy things during the campaign and the press ignored that so they could fixate on Palin’s clothes or something." - Ann Coulter on the Obama Economic Policies (Geraldo),; July 12, 2009 -
Naturally, the three month long break was the result of overloading the system, a lack of data and information, and fractured glimpses of the future. It was time to regroup, take the bull by the horns and make it bow and sneer. This enemy is a mouse trying to be a lion; thus, when you smack it enough times, it talks back. It cannot be inferior but when it comes to lying; nothing on this earth can beat this chump like chimp of a champion. We will count the numerous examples of events from July 2009 to October 2009 which flooded our switchboard as a bill to socialize medicine in the United States, was trying to heed the Congressional House floor. The Bill was over 1000 pages and only a handful of Senators read it; while the army of press corps were too angry to read the over 1000 pages of nonsense described as “not spoken language.” So we mobilized also and had to take a break and this proved to be successful. It was so successful; a bona fide voter rebellion erupted with the Tea Part marches, the march on Washington D.C., and the numerous town hall disasters all over the country. The voters wanted the truth and if you did not have it or were prissy about one sixth of the economy or their entire life savings; you were put on a shelf and made to feel the sting also. Luckily, the socialized medicine or the single payer bill did not make it pass the House floor; keep in mind the majority of the legislative work is done in the chambers of the House where over 400 representatives and staff preside. It is their job to bring it down to a legible and credible level before it goes to the Congress where the real panic begins.
This chapter and possibly subsequent chapters will exclude news articles that either highlight or pertain to the chapter and topics. This is because we are now in the driver seat and unsheltered territory. Nobody has plotted a course as we did and we are out there, as usual, left to sink or win. The articles are also a date keeper and time line of events, so they are useful and coordinating. Least to our concerns, the sources before July 2009 were information from texts and previous knowledge of studies; book sources. We are meshing book knowledge to a criminal genius and the clever deception of spies and master terrorists; to has out some basic understanding or logical conclusion to plot courses and trends; one foot follows the last in a balance act; the slippery slope which divides sheer madness and lunacy. So textbooks only covered what was known and seen or studied, it does not cover the raw animalism and theft of this peculiar enemy we captured and have been struck by. We will have to use our reserves and our third sense; the patronage of the mind that is secret to others. Now the raw data, some collected before and imprinted on our experience as photographic memory with this enemy; turned into intensive questioning and tuning into the wavelength of their thoughts and patterns; to ride the wave and to see it fluctuate as memory becomes one with the other; we become the Red Dragon and we become this serial killer also. To catch one is to know one as they say and as we saw and know; we can do this better than anyone out there.
( Brzezinski… has called on the president to shoot down Israeli planes if they attack Iran. “They have to fly over our airspace in Iraq. Are we just going to sit there and watch?” said the former national security advisor to former U.S. President Jimmy Carter in an interview with the Daily Beast... “We have to be serious about denying them that right,” he said. “If they fly over, you go up and confront them. They have the choice of turning back or not. No one wishes for this but it could be a 'Liberty' in reverse.’" Israel mistakenly attacked the American Liberty ship during the Six-Day War in 1967. Brzezinski was a top candidate to become an official advisor to President Obama, but he was downgraded after Republican and pro-Israel Democratic charges during the campaign that Brzezinski’s anti-Israel attitude would damage Obama at the polls… He recently told a London-based newspaper that the United States may be "sliding into a deeper conflict with various segments of the world of Islam ” because of the president’s failure to carry out his promises to the Muslim world….Brzezinski said the Obama administration is "diddling around" in trying to reach an “evasive compromise” between Israel and the Arab world. - Zbig Brzezinski: Shoot Down Israeli Planes if They Attack Iran, by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu; ; September 21, 2009 –
There is an ad hoc, a hodgepodge, a mess, a disaster, and the integration of two realities in one. We can step back and say it is total confusion and propaganda intended to create doubt, fear, blame, and anger. In that power up process, what the left wing and Marxist calls the agitation and impregnating process (rape); we get the discharge part and the laws of conservation where power or energy flows. As the laws of entropy describe in two forms 1) when you mix two or more solutions, the chaos of mix causes them to unify, settle, and become one. 2) similar to water or flow of communist water, the cold and hot eventually find gravitational pull to the cold unless energy is produce and the laziness or lack of effort charges again. This time the charging or power up is in the favor of the communist and left wing. This of course is our recruitment and failed terror plot; to mistake us as Delta Force commanders, to blow up the Marines, to draw us out and what was “calling us out” in prison to await a gang fight and ambush. We know they wanted and were looking for HQ and called us out and abused us to bait the hook as usual and as they did from 1980 to 2002. The lecture on physical mass and property is a week long topic and a previous chapter already.
This also has to do with anti-terrorist forces and their military commanders; their bases and their safe zones. Just like the cold war and communism; they have upped the ante and gone covert homicide with terrorism for these reasons: 1) To seek revenge for Vietnam and the 1960s 2) To avenge the cold war and the collapse of communism which they declare an unsinkable conspiracy to destroy the left wing. 3) To capture or kill as many as the enemy forces and to steal their weapons or secrets; basically all the previous goals but on a higher covert level and using the most radical and criminal animals society can produce. 4) Lastly are the criminalization of society and the use of “ultra conservative” felons on the right wing to criminalize the population and take out any left wing threats or liberal threats while imprisoning and controlling the right wing; corruption and trashing the Constitution.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) projected on Thursday that China will grow by 8.5 percent this year and 9.0 percent in 2010, saying China will lead Asia out of the economic recession. Recent indicators point to a strengthening recovery in Asia "led by a rapid rebound in China, where growth accelerated to an annual rate of 7.1 percent in the first half of the year," IMF said in its World Economic Outlook (WEO) issued in Istanbul on October 1. Asia's growth momentum will build during the second half of 2009, forming the basis for a generally moderate recovery in 2010, said the report. China and India will lead the expansion this year and will grow at 8.5 percent and 5.4 percent respectively, boosted by large policy stimulus which is increasing demand from domestic sources, it said. "The policy stimulus in China could support recoveries in other parts of Asia," the report said. - China to lead Asian recovery with 8.5% growth in 2009: IMF, by China Daily Staff, ; October 01, 2009 -
If you can do all of the above and all four objectives, then it is on automatic and remote control; the computer chip in the cerebral cortexes are rewritten and overloaded. When it is automatic, what the Marxist called self determination or inevitable; thus what the west called the trinity, God’s will, Democracy; then we will have the Constitution rewritten as it does not work and there to protect human life. This enemy has no respect for human life. The “proper use of terrorism” as our suspects calls it, is nothing more than blame; propaganda and lies if you wish to fool the mind and keep it tricked. The use of religion is a question the Marxist has eliminated in all countries they control and occupy; are you giving enough to the state or the God, our Red Dragon serial killer. Please note, the name Red Dragon is the character which began this long study while in police classes at college; Red Dragon is a book by Thomas Harris and the trilogy of a serial killer named Hannibal Lector. We know the data we have and the information is precise as we are conducting the invention with a one way mirror feeling; the sensation of not knowing what we have and detecting disinformation once it is used or put out there as propaganda. Like the Red Dragon, the mirror is intended to give this humanness being power; to let them see their work and become recognized as God. The liberal media is a terrific occupancy for them; to prey on their side and to make their case stronger and stronger. This is as disgusting, as repulsive, and as cold blooded killer you will ever see to parade the end of life for their leaders on our soil and life.
While the manufacturing-oriented economies such as South Korea and Singapore slumped and had recorded peak declines in industrial production of about 25 percent by the end of 2008, only China, Indonesia and India escaped a severe recession, said the report. The intensifying rebound in Asia can be linked to three factors, said the report, namely expansionary fiscal and monetary policy, a rebound in financial markets and capital inflows and the growth impulse for industry following large inventory adjustments. IMF on Thursday raised its 2010 growth forecast for the world economy to 3.1 percent from 2.5 percent, saying the global recession "is ending." The WEO presents the IMF's analysis and projections of economic developments at the global level, in major country groups which are classified by region and stage of development, and in many individual countries. It focuses on major economic policy issues as well as on the analysis of economic developments and prospects. - China to lead Asian recovery with 8.5% growth in 2009: IMF, by China Daily Staff, ; October 01, 2009 -
As we said, at the heart of the engine are the religious systems of the world. It is based on the Catholic-Zionist aggression with the West and the backlash of that same aggression; in other words, we hate them also. We hold them accountable also but that is the part we describe as secret and intended to criminalize the entire population while it is on remote control; maybe from planet Zolton and guided by Guinevere the intergalactic misfit. It has to do with retirement, social security and what we are seeing with our third eye. In the end, the world and public will be angry and demand answers; the problem is they will get nowhere as we are struggling with now to just rewrite our own life. Their gimmick and script is so well organized and intended to fool the media, press, and best spy hunters. Again, spy hunters such as James Jesus Angleton described this as the “Wilderness of Mirrors” a duality where we work harder towards murder than the enemy does; we fight it; we are determined and put the most effort in the murder of this enemy who claims they are the same and us, our clone; and we can tell a false story as they can. That is the wilderness of mirrors and an example; it is about two sides and a third enemy exploiting the two sides. That third enemy is God himself, or is it?
The Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) of China's manufacturing sector rose to 54.3 percent in September, up 0.3 percentage points from a month earlier, the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing (CFLP) said Thursday. A reading of above 50 suggests expansion, while one below 50 indicates contraction. The PMI includes a package of indices that measure economic performance. The survey, conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics, covers purchasing and supply managers in more than 700 firms across China. The purchasing price index dropped 5.1 percentage points, the first slump in ten months. The new order index was 56.8 percent, up 0.5 percentage points from the previous month. - China's PMI of manufacturing sector rises to 54.3% in Sept, by China Daily Staff, ; October 01, 2009 -
This chapter (Murder She Wrote) is by and large the most important as it is unlike any other and has a cumulative approach and was the collection of intensive questioning over three months; to add pieces and to the broken and shattered mirror; which does cut and is used in the movie Manhunter (Manhunter is the movie to the Thomas Harris book) to kill with. The reason why that movie and book is important is because it signifies (similar to Who Dares Wins or The Final Option) our detection and initial trappings; the profile and the character we imagined and set out to capture and drag out of the bushes. Like a guerrilla war on our soil, this enemy has to be dragged out of the foliage and hiding spaces by US commandos and soldiers. There are a host of other movies we call training tapes or family films. However, this was the first of the batch and we know the Red Dragon is watching; he is learning and picks up on how we hunt him; he smells us first but does not know it is to lure him. The mind of this enemy is extremely dangerous. It is extremely dangerous because of how they see themselves and how they view others; as their food and prey. The world is hostile to how they see themselves.
The new export index rose to 53.3 percent, up 1.2 percentage points from the previous month. The output index was 58.0 percent this month, slightly up 0.1 percentage points from the previous month. A total of 15 sectors among the 20 surveyed in September reported a PMI index above 50 percent. In terms of products, raw materials and energy enterprises reported a PMI index below 50 percent. Consumption products enterprises reported the highest PMI index, up to 58 percent. "The new export order index and employment index reported remarkable increases, indicating the Chinese economy will continue to recover and the recovery will be sustainable," said Zhang Liqun, a researcher with the Development Research Center of the State Council. "Meanwhile, the government still plays a key role in the economic recovery and thus the macro-economic policies should be consistent, in order to underpin the economic growth," Zhang said. - China's PMI of manufacturing sector rises to 54.3% in Sept, by China Daily Staff, ; October 01, 2009 -
He is there, in hiding and wants to contact us; we feel him; our security feels his presence; we wake in the middle of the night and smell him; he is watching our family films and trying to develop them; to develop who he will kill next. The television and the media is his toy; he uses it as a weapon to win and to injure; no less spread lies and propagate information so misleading it is intended to fool and trick the mind; to bring it to the dragon and the wilderness of mirrors. Is he this good or is he merely a deranged loser, a mouse in the world of lions and princes? We will await his arrival as our security pushes and herds him; to use his stick and carrot to bring him to the core; the maze he cannot see and does not know; we will check to see if he is an alien; superhuman; the devil; is blind or reacts with sheer delight. We will eventually meet up with the twit who watches our on screen performance, admires and drools over our power, and wishes to impose and imprint that rape dream (agitation and impregnating); how close to the subjects will the Red Dragon get and how bold is he and she or they; will they come in our homes and sit by us? Or will they live upstairs and next door; to taunt us and teach us about this covert life we are not allowed access and permission to?
BEIJING: China's cabinet has laid out detailed plans to curb overcapacity in industries such as steel, aluminum, cement and wind power, warning that the country's economic recovery could otherwise be hampered. In a reiteration of existing policy targets, the State Council said meeting the government's long-standing goal of reducing overcapacity was urgent because the result of inaction would be factory closures, job losses and rising bad bank loans. While highlighting overcapacity in conventional sectors such as steel and cement, it also aimed at new industries such as wind power equipment and silicon. For the steel industry, the government set a firmer tone of clamp-down by calling some 10 percent of the country's crude steel capacity illegitimate, but did not elaborate what it would do about it. China is the world's biggest steel producer and consumer. "There is 58 million tonnes of crude steel capacity under construction, most of which is illegitimate. Crude steel capacity could exceed 700 million tonnes and overcapacity will intensify if curbs are not implemented in time," it said. - China vows to curb industrial overcapacity, by China Daily Staff, ; September 30, 2009 -
He is behind us, watching us, studying us, talking, stalking, imposing pain and with impunity with the wish we will love him and let him control us, he wants our defection and recruitment, too many people saw our family film in the 1960s as the Vietnam War was a nightly movie; to see our family album, to see us grow up and watch as the films were imprinted on our mind and his. We not only had a long history of this skill and profession, we are the same group and families who ran South Vietnam in the 1960s; so when they say they are the same, act at the same time, or this is their Vietnam; they are speaking to the wrong idiot and fool. The idea they mistook our identity and who we are is because they have none themselves and only copy us; to kidnap, capture, and study the masters of war and the greatest military heroes on earth; naturally, to kill as well as them, to fight with effortless appeal, and to duplicate their God like being which is only determined by the heavens as Achilles describes before battle. So the mouse is duplicating serial killers to compete and to strike back or retaliate; to survive in a hostile country and an even more hostile world. The use of the laws and the kindness of the country are their advantage; but no less the sheer corruption of the society and the murky history of the past.
By 2011, blast furnaces with a capacity of 400 cubic meters or less, and rolling furnaces and electric furnaces with a capacity of 30 metric tons or less, must be eliminated. Previous steel capacity restrictions have had the opposite of the government's desired effect, leading to more capacity as mills rushed to expand to avoid restrictions. On aluminum smelters, the Cabinet repeated pledges announced in May to ban for three years new capacity and to remove small plants scaled at 800,000 metric tons per year or below. It noted that traditional coal-to-chemical capacity, a highly polluting and water-consuming sector, exceeded demand by 30 percent. In the first half of 2009, only about 40 percent of coal-to-methanol facilities were in operation. - China vows to curb industrial overcapacity, by China Daily Staff, ; September 30, 2009 -
We are getting a small dose of a grand plot which begins with barren wilderness and the wish to come to America to flee the church and who the church is; to seek political asylum in the 17th Century. Then we are going to see the eruption of slavery for the industry and might of jobs. We will see it wiped out and we will see it brought back with the idea economic class is the purpose behind slavery; reverse discrimination and domination by a mouse turned lying before our eyes. We can float and drift, sneak up and get behind it, touch it lightly and make it turn and then laugh out loud invisibly; the hunter is now the hunted and in dire consequence. We can tell it we do not need nuclear arms to achieve our goals now; we are reaching a level the Red Dragon cannot by mimicking us; they are merely annoying to the puzzle and the future; the quicker they are gone the better; so they must seek an equalizer as we make that box of reality smaller and smaller and laugh in their ears and have that voice silent; the devil and the antichrist is now frightened and their faces show it. The laws of entropy apply only in nature, not to be a fraud as we see this scientific study which is much more compassionate and meaningful. We describe it as economic sustainability, the study of life prepared for the most and the worst; then we called it totality; the determined and total security concept which does not box in a small reality and focus outwards; a city in and city out approach which urbanism and industrialism produced. That is a lot of information and a lot of hunt we did to get here and now.
Any additions of new capacity must be met by corresponding and equivalent cuts in outdated capacity, it said. "China's cement production capacity will rise to 2.7 billion tonnes per year if all approved projects start operation, and market demand totals only 1.6 billion tonnes," it said. For the wind power industry, it said that in 2010 Chinese companies would produce equipment equivalent to 20 million kilowatts of capacity, but that the country would install only 10 million kilowatts of actual capacity. To tackle this oversupply, the cabinet said it would in principle refuse approval for the construction of complete wind-power equipment factories. It also banned investors in the sector from using locally produced equipment, aiming to prevent local governments from building their own equipment plants. - China vows to curb industrial overcapacity, by China Daily Staff, ; September 30, 2009 -
So to repeat again, we are getting a small dose of a grand plot; what world leaders called “exposed” in September 2009 at the United Nations meeting in New York. We have their grand plot, because the entropy and the flow of energy or conservation which lies divert and redraft as confusion or disillusionment, and now we have the exit plan after their revenge and sabotage of our life was effective up until they were raided and hooked. Like a catfish, they head for the bottom and we know who and what it is. To turn the head without even seeing it; to know how it will fight and where it will go; then to turn its head; make it jump and be seen; to keep it jumping and wear it down. It is too big and wants to dive to the bottom; to tangle our lines in the weeds and to seek rocks or pier pillars. Our lines are super tough and made by the best scientific minds. To break it would take super human Gods or God himself; but if God is our enemy; then why do we worship that gutless and merciless maniac? We know how to fish because we have done this since birth; to practice our skill and to study our intended species.
When the fight is on, we know how and what it will do and no less where it lives, how to attract it, what water and temperature it likes, and what baits it loves and wants. It has worked before and we can upset it and make it hungry. We know who and what we got. They even told us and recorded it was for revenge and now need an exit plan because their victims have forgiven them and there is no longer a crime; a victimless crime where it was once no perpetrator. Either you remove the perpetrator or the victim or that is what we saw from 1989 to 1993, then 1995 to 1998, then 1998 to 2002, and finally the last part from 2005 to 2008 and now 2009 and beyond. They have no mistake who they got and what the hell of a mess they have on their hands; they said we finally have them cornered; so they will fight it out violently and it is a to the death struggle. In October, to celebrate their birth in America, we have dispatched all units and forces to be on full attack mode and rip them apart. We are apoplectic and happy with their performance in America or the global stage. We know how it kills and we know how to kill “it.” Their poison and misery is toxic and severe, human beings will become suicidal, loose their life savings, and blamed for living. That is their silent and distilled bitter pill; an enemy so invisible we shake our fist at God, the government, and most of all our fellow human beings. This is their end of life taunting.
Let’s begin the chapter called Murder She Wrote and discuss the imprint and the raw data; what they mean and how we can use it to our benefit. Humans are born into this world with the odds against them. Fearful and disillusioned, they are taught they are not inferior and must fight or make what is to be theirs. The harder they work, the greater the chances. The left wing is no different in the world they live in; but very different in who they are and become, who they end up eventually transformed as. Like rewriting our life, it is a classical interpretation of stories and folklore; however, the idea is the odds are much greater for the left wing. Disadvantaged and scientifically inferior, they set out to play on the gravitational pull in the laws of conservation; hot waters always turn cold unless energy is exerted. So the laziness of their efforts is based on the squander of this energy and the idea the odds are inferior and always scientifically against human beings united. It is the same phenomenon observed as the Civil War and wiping out industry in the South to liberate an economic or social class. This is reverse discrimination and the reverse flow; it results in the same conclusion; slavery is the most evil concept but humans use it to fight the odds against them. So gravity, an observable and real force of science is observed and ridden like a wave to this reality and political end point.
This investigation is nowhere complete, it is still ongoing and raw data is about all we have right now. The mind of this enemy is extremely dangerous. It is extremely dangerous because of how they see themselves and how they view others; as their food and prey. The world is hostile to how they see themselves. Like a shark or big clumsy fish, they swallow what they can bite or get in their mouth. Like other lower forms in the ocean, they school and abide by security in numbers. What we know we never disclose until we can produce a case or a raid. These are cells of previous spies or terrorists; Caucasians who have used immigration to replenish the objectives using multiculturalism and dangerous immigration policies of the last 40 years. It is the same history of the 17th Century, a time warp we are trapped and sucked into; to fight the gravity; it is there in time and all over this earth. There is substantial evidence the immigration laws have brought this enemy to our shores and to enlighten them to become similar or like us. A lot has surfaced to indicate one plot in another; all enthralling us into this master plot and revenge; a few major breakthroughs we list in random order.
• The history of union or left wing (radical) violence (bombings, massacres, shootings, battles, etc…)
• The history of the teachers and mentor union; this is a violent struggle and a past of violence. We are on the side of the military and visible war; we have a buffer and a proxy; a poetical mystery to confuse and trick the mind to trust our enemy and hidden enemy.
• There is a long string of revenge and what we call initiation killings. Once in nobody leaves and once exposed; there are very little options for a cold blooded killer. For example, one of the examples of this revenge is the Olympics. Another is the desegregation in the 1950s and 1960s. Yet another is the National Guard and Kent State to protest Vietnam and war; they view it as naked aggression; not an agitation and propaganda. There is not much you can do when wrong and hated by the government. The stark contrast with campus violence or school violence is what we are witnessing; all orchestrated by a madman.
• A vicious, deranged and menacing enemy as we know them to be; they are in our faces, get close and seek access. Access is security and in order to win, security is a killer. So to copy us and to fool the mind, to make others think and feel they are God, is part of the con man and the repackaging of marketing. This enemy copies God and does as others greater and much more intelligent can or must; to kidnap and study the best and brightest, the greatest military heroes, the most successful human beings, masters of warfare and reality; then to replicate and duplicate it as their victory and ownership. That is the science; it is a robot clone. This God stature is then used as a weapon; thus to make this mouse and lion and to instill fear and terror into the forces of good and the right wing. That mouse is now an icon and the God we fear and show fright to. Religion is merely a way to lie about it and how they view each other and others.
• There is a long history of terrorism, domestic crimes, kidnappings, murders, and initiation killings by this ultra secret certifiable criminal and insane spy group. We caught them for Beirut, flying on our wings and trying to shoot us down while we did verticals and the most insane evasive maneuvers; and then it was Fort Dix, 911, Oklahoma City, and the elusive Delta HQ. Our despicable and despised enemy even used Iraq as a base to appease the matter after mistaken us as the commanders of all this; apparently, we are flying in their air space in the US and they are some other military authority. We can do a head count and a check anytime.
• How do you become or transform into master kidnappers and 911 terrorists who leave untraceable crimes? To do this in broad daylight and not be caught while living underground or in hiding? The only way to teach this school of crime and ruthless theft is to practice on less dangerous models or subjects. Therefore, we see an explosion of crimes, murders, and kidnappings of the most unaware subjects and the most vulnerable in society; none of it is ever written down and is some media training. It is objective reporting but it plays on the moral convictions of those willing to die for their cause or derangements. It is a battle for kids, their kids, and even training camps; thus there is an outbreak of kidnappings, murders, and most of all rape on the most vulnerable; children.
• The entire description above is intended to wean out a victory when there is none; at least there is no logic or science to it. There are too many stories to cover or give notice to as a good example to highlight a point being explained. Essentially, the battle is over reality, what we know, what we are told, and how inferior we are at becoming life students. This is about two sides and a third enemy; all wish for retirement and to win; thus, the proper use of terrorism. How delusional is that; every man is each other man’s potential murder and in the eyes of an idiot, everybody is one also. These killings are a prelude to uniting and inclusion; once in you do not leave; an initiation or approval by the mysterious illogical low life class of trash we use to cut our hedges and clean our pools. Who is to blame, we live with them and hire them to do the work we cannot or refuse to.
This is the media eruption of watching enemy forces dragged out and killed on television. It comes straight from the hallmarks of television history and it is also how they cope this idea they are not inferior, fight back, use criminal intent and ruthless mercy on their helpless prey, and instill this notion society and the country is helpless to the quaking power. Not the brightest or sharpest knife, they cut using illegal actions, criminal genius, clandestine efforts, and guerrilla warfare. Crime is the university and there is a lot of this and training; these are masters and America is the biggest training camp out there. Once captured by our side; their lawyers give them care and comfort in prison where they become urban legends and regroup; a discussion group and a think tank. Again, life is an imprint of reality and if you can control and imprint another fate or destiny; then what is to say you are lying or a liar; a fake and a con man?
So based on our experience and what was imprinted and attempted to be erased in our life; we were able to use our expert level knowledge to address a subordinate or secondary obstacle we encountered. So in copying us or using racism to address this gravity and failure of the left wing; some heart warming story can surface instead of the real story we deciphered from all of this confusion and below radar activity. They are on the move and advancing and it is to fix or redress the massive failure of Marxism and the left wing. There is an ominous feeling we are being attacked; by both crime and foreign enemies and it is 100 per cent true. The corruption is high up also and even if a kidnapping took place, the victim is scolded for bad behavior and is weaned on false assumptions and falsehoods of this evil criminal compunction. To bow to a merciless and terrorizing master who is intending on instilling fear and this demand we keep hearing, “what are you going to do for the little guy.” Well, we admit fault and guilt in killing human beings and the little guys; but it is usually after a crime took place or in warfare; not day by day secret kidnappings and abductions. In war, malice is usually overlooked. In peace, malice must be enforced and that is where the problems go off the wall madman living with the enemies who see themselves a certain way and others another.
So murder she wrote, the chapter, was basically an ordeal of running a terrorist investigation and manhunt for a cold ruthless enemy who is stalking and studying us; to use surveillance and communications as a means to compete with or defeat the military concept of C3 and intelligence. They are not seeking to blow up our life, they seek to blow up bigger and better things; to be our managers and to steal incessantly until we join or defect; it cannot be returned by our bosses and managers unless we join up and are compensated. That is the clever ways they recruit and force the hand of others; once in you do not leave until some death sentence is imposed by the other two sides; the left wing or the right wing. Even while writing previous chapters and this one, the watcher and this menace sits and grows angry; then intercedes and meddles with our work, life, and world. Even our spouses, diplomats and our lawyers have gone to them to tell them not to blow up Delta Force, not to rape the Marines, to leave and get out of our love life, to end this standoff and kidnapping; it is an idiot and a moron; even if we know and the public knows everything; it is that same idiot and moron making death threats and using satellite weapons to “reach and touch us.”
You can yell at them all day to get out of our life and face; they will come back 100s of times and knock on our door and put surveillance equipment all over our life and in our most intimate and private places; our bedroom. This is because agitation produces the pregnancy and that pregnancy is rape; nothing more than a serial killer kidnapping, raping, torturing, and then killing. We caught them and we have them now; but they are programmed for death. They are programmed to die for their cause and take this to the end stating, “We cannot surrender while we are in the middle of a war.” If we imposed one million dollars for each time they interceded in this book or our work and life (who they take ownership of and claim to be our bosses-managers-pimp) it stretches from good days (4 million in fines to be paid in blood or treasure) to ignoring them (20 million in fines to be paid in blood and treasure) to the most often bad days (100 million and upwards of a billion, all day long confrontation).
It is a severe and intensified inferiority complex and it has to do with murder and killing; images of it and imprinted derangements warped like the mind of serial killers. There comes a point where you realize when and if you are not invited or not liked but this maniac stays and remains hidden and well camouflaged; only interceding as if they were not a mouse but God himself. So this is what has seeped in our side by the proper use of terrorism and how they manipulate the reality of others; to wean out a victory when it is a fraud. In the end, they make out with the life savings of others and loot the federal government and treasury to enhance their rich, lavish, and luscious lifestyle stained with images of Red Dragon and a media war to trick others into trusting them; our enemy. There is an intensive and cumulative deciphering of events in the chapter Murder She Wrote as it took over three months to investigate and develop using raw data and intuition. Anybody with a professional bone in their body and knowledge of what it is to be an America can see it a mile away or understand it; anybody who cannot or block it is fighting it also. If you let traitors immigrate based on religious or political freedoms and you will invoke civil war.
If you look on the horizon and ask is it dimmer or brighter. Ask if a kidnapping and abduction took place; if it did then it should be dimmer. If not then it was imposed as a political view and experience this terrorist and communist group sought. We do not want this dimmer experience but that is what kidnapping, torture, harassment, harsh abuse, and murder is intended to produce. A moron will not take a hint and will ride your wings as you hit the apex of G forces doing verticals; this is what we see now in clear media spotlights. If not enough already, it is a national story and paralyzed by our biography and who we are; legends. Yes that was a trick and intentional; to combat and a weapon to fight an invisible and elusive enemy who acted one way and did another. Even the fake “I love that guy” or “that woman” will not work; ratings are dropping, book deals are near bankrupt, and speeches are empty fighting techniques. Books to trash the right wing are few and considered a rotten way to theft and agitate for the impregnation and rape of the country and her military.
They are very close to us and use the gravity of the political system to spend and gain power; however, close to our hearts and mind is slowly a distant star burning out. They did not flee their homeland and come to America in search for freedom and the truth about their life; they came for evil and demented reasons and we know it all. The use of this fidelity to the nation is to drape a flag on a naked traitor and to wean this victory while the fidelity steals the wallet and life savings of lady liberty. Several months ago, our captured spies said something which must be taken seriously, “it works every single time.” It is strange and even a sadistic warped derangement; to see themselves as our managers and bosses when they are nothing but dirt bags and low life scoundrels with more criminal impulse to greed than the usual capitalist trying to steal our soul and replace it with their evil and low life copy.
Stealing life is one matter; stealing a soul is another. How is that for fidelity to us and our capitalist mentors and life teachers; to show us how tough the nation is and how tough they are as an inferior pedigree and this delusional notion they are becoming masters by increasing the cloning and copying of our life. It will ruin both of us and not deliver them a victory and that is why they need not apply or place any effort in our life; no less try to claim they are bosses and our managers who watch demand productivity. That is their act globally and the gold rush of Wall Street with the world trade centers. The deceptive marketing and terror plot is how they do not work for free and expect massive profit for their lifestyles; however, they end up in jail and need a bail out or power to cover the political stampede of morons. It ruins not only one side but both sides and a third enemy. So we can live with the profit of knowing we will survive this and they are better off dead instead of captured and jailed. Nothing more than a dirty rotten misfit corpse, a stampede of hookers to the marriage and family model, and inferior students in the game of life and at life itself where the masters of warfare and reality always end up on the winning side. We hope our nation and not theirs ends up there also.
Towards the wind down of year 2009; almost 18 months after we sprung a trap on those who were behind our own killing and who we were after for a series of terrorist incidents and the mistaken identity we were either Delta Force commanders or some new powerful military leaders who would deliver them a grand collection of profit and the golden goose; the captured terrorists begin to feel the sting and the pressure of what we know and had on them. At any moment, we could press charges. Meanwhile, they were parading around the false and perceived notion we forgave them and there was no victim of their crime. It is the typical criminal code used by hardened felons when they are guilty and living the last moments of their life; to make life extravagant and too good to be true. Therefore, we got the Great Gatsby and what Thomas Harris the author said was the Red Dragon finally revealed and in plain and open view.
Surprisingly, the public was also catching on and a “bona fide voter revolt was underway” but by the least vocal and least affected by bad policy and government; the middle and upper crust. We were leading the charge and millions around the world got up and leaped to the occasion to become history and a part of it. Can you blame them because if they did not they would be the laziest of the bunch at their own murder and domination by the left wing. So we were ahead of the pack and contributing to some murder of phantom and phony terrorists who prove they are realistic and powerful in terms of blood and initiation killings only. This target as we indicate long before revealing why or whom; was the barracks of the elite counter-terrorist units; to give them a rape dream and then to brainwash them into becoming Manchurian candidates; this time on a grand scale and on an assembly line.
So America was made to look like a country full of bullies and political misfits who could not do anything right but to demand money, use debt to blow up companies, demand everything the market denied them, and maximize this idea they were contributing to their own murder when we were the ones working the hardest to this end. When Thomas Hobbes said, “every man is each other man’s potential murder” nobody was able to understand what he meant or the paranoia of the civil war he was trying to describe. Part of the problem is a myth and a rumor like atmosphere where bullies become an integral part of myth and rumors, to stay under the radar and utilize confusion as a mask and a paralysis. It is like when you go shopping, if the truth and the facts are denied; it is easy to fool or trick you into buying a very dangerous and bad product.
The clean up is the governments initiative but like Social Security and Medicaid; there is not political will to even speak about it until that fateful moment reality hits and the last minute is the last breath. So the socialists around the world, from the United Kingdom to the French, were spreading their legs for others to follow while the liberals and the left wing in America were pronouncing themselves the victors, the kings, and the biggest bullies on the block. All to celebrate the end of the cold war and this onslaught and slaughter of the American justice system using the instruments of power, the bully pulpit, and market greed; a revolution was underway as we were afraid of and a search to fix the left wing as we observed and describe.
What was the hidden and secret pill or fix to make them healthy and survive this world when all the left wing from Russian to Africa to the Middle East to America was in a state of collapse and demanding civil war? The bullies were becoming more bullies and could not do anything right; so they resort to terrorism to change the laws which murder them and incarcerate them to a life we regard as spoken word and reality. They are on the move and a total invasion was underway; so powerful and so far inevitable and invincible, they made it to the core and the center of the reactor; where the balance of terror is sheer mystery, where the ghosts and goblins of this world come out, where the reaction and the power of the reactor is abode.
So they wish to fix the left wing and wish to impose racism or civil right to the forum and the forgetful idea they are the ones who fake their own death and work the hardest if nothing; to their own murder; a determined effort to not get anything right and a resistance of equal determined effort and perfection. Were they terrorists or were they the police and the anti-terror forces who wished us to be partners with and mistook us as Delta Force so they could blow up HQ and anything they could rewrite or get their hands on?
What is also staring at us back is the notion every single time we question the captured sleeper moles and terrorist masters; they inform us they are fixing matters and indicate Obama-care is their solution or lack of action. If this is the case, then our bulls-eye and relentless effort to smash and wash away their face paint proved sustainable. The goal of kidnapping and abduction was to implant a rape dream, then severe and harsh abuse, and then to constantly present a voice of reason or friends on the national levels. Like a victim of severe abuse or torture, they are a rag doll and they tend to hold on tight to a rescuer when and if weakened and near death. In hostage and military manuals, they describe this type of treatment as not only brainwashing but the Stockholm syndrome; now being attempted on a grand scale and globally by the left wing, socialist and the former communist machinery. It is too bad we stopped them in their tracks and made them do all the work before stealing their show and presenting all the evidence we had from start to finish; what they will end up with we will take and raid if they are wishing a fight.
Bullies who cannot do anything right and who use the law to clobber others with know only one way to life; so we also know they are preparing a fight and have racked up three pages of felony charges for a reason, they have no intention of stopping or surviving. If it is a fight they want, then it must be a fight they get; a sorry outcome for an animal so inhuman and with such low life standards; we can proudly say they have no respect for human life and do not understand we are not like them. We do not kidnap the greatest military masters or the champions of this world, study them, and rip them apart so we can study and copy them. Like a serial killer, if you do as God does over and over; you will also become God. Well, we know God and we talk to him everyday; he is merciless, he speaks with impunity, and he exists to be feared and to collect by blood or treasure the fines he imposes on a human race that is trying to also be merciless and unruly.
These low lifers will never be God and the clown act in wishing it is not funny or one bit overlooked. We know they have things in their ears and dangerous weapons to torture or kill us; we know they are neck deep and wish a fight and death on the battle of life. We knew they were screaming in pain beginning in April of 2008 and have done so almost everyday. However, we observed an anomaly and stopped while we collected more and more information around March and April of 2009; something was not right and we need to explain why now after 7 months of heavy questioning of the terrorists we caught and their master strategists. Hell, we have the entire world listening and just about every single government on earth; why not have a blast and make them blow up on TV and radio?
We know they are trying to win militarily and were saying right now. Right now meant to blow up HQ and the heart and soul of the Pentagon; so now it is a pinball game where the ball goes up then gets spit out there as it bangs on the rails and scores; it goes from us, to the captured terrorists, to college professors, to Israel and the Middle East, then back to the White House and then Iran; now it is stuck on Iran vs. Barrack Obama and the false misconception is that Barrack Obama is more Muslim than he is Jewish. The left wing claims he is a Marxist which by default indicates he is Godless and does not recognize the voice of God as we talk to him and guide him on a journey of his life; we had the battlefield and had just surfaced after being pulled down; some opting to swim to safety, others calling for help, while some dove and went down to make sure if survivors were to be found.
At the September 25, 2009 meeting of the United Nations in New York; we noticed that Obama and Israel had almost identical speeches and keyed on the same policies; however, the media described them as polar opposites; the exact trick tried on us by the terrorists. Well, if he cannot see it or know it; then why can’t we? Why can’t we say "no you cannot either" but yes we can also? The game so statesman and debate; the city on the hill; rule by law; taxation without representation; and the truth; has been replaced by evil and a game of bullying. That bullying and tricking method is called terrorism. If this keeps up it will not only wreck the lives of many and bankrupt the nation; it will blow up the Pentagon and defenses; poetic form or not it will give them total control and access when they are not even welcomed or invited.
So beginning around July and August of 2009; things began to get very bizarre. Investigative journalists began to pick up on our observations and researching, no less actually avoiding the label we were mentally ill and needed to be medicated or institutionalized; and saw a problem also. The entire left wing was advancing Obama-care and a single payer system for medical care under the auspices of cost cutting and a war on fraud. Imagine the left wing stamping out fraud and what they would look like? So racked with impossible and false arguments; they set out to push through a single payer medical system without a proper debate or the public trust; the usual.
We know this as false consciousness; a very powerful tool of communism where human beings are pets and children who must be told every minute of every day, as our kidnapping was for over 20 years, by some mystery God who was a nitwit and knuckle dragging human being. The idea is we cannot complain or fight back; if we do, then fear and pain is imposed. After severe and harsh treatment; the people behind this tried to make good by imposing Obama-care and what the left wing describes as our final life care. We appreciate the rhetoric they filled the national scene with as they were being caught, questioned, understood, and wiped out some more. So we were afraid they would not back down and would not stop while we conducted an investigation and tried to remove them from the core of the reactor; the power of Washington D.C. and global centers of power.
What we saw happening was taken right out of the page book of the Viet Cong in 1968 and then in 1972. For the novice and those who were not in South Vietnam at the time; review the history and the war during those two years, two important things stand out. First is the TET offensive and second is the Paris Treaty. The TET offensive is an orchestrated to Maoist insurrection performed on a very high and effective level which stunned the defenses of South Vietnam in 1968. Television footage shows the street fighting and how everyday life was replaced by gun battles, dead soldiers, and our first pictures of a terrorist and vicious threat; the Viet Cong element. Essentially, they are terrorists, spies, and sappers; trained to either kill or sabotage. They support the regular troops and sometimes function as the regular army even if they do not hold rank and file; they operate among the civilians and population; to utilize espionage and subversion to obtain information and then strike. This is who we caught and who we are dealing with. It is obnoxious and even comical they would be of other races and adopted the same tactics.
The second important date is 1972 which was the result of carpet bombing of enemy territory in the North and what was called the final Easter bombing. This strategic bombing campaign and other operations by planes such as Puff the Magic Dragon; brought the enemies to the Paris Peace talks where a treaty was brokered. Not more than one year, they were detected advancing and building up offenses in the south along the Ho Chi Mine Trail and the Iron Triangle regions near Laos and Cambodia. So using the diplomatic ties and the politics of law; they end up producing a sense of lawlessness and corruption; what we also observed and three pages of felony charges. This is the same element and same form; just a little more clever and backed by a few intelligence countries we do not view as allies but they seem to view themselves as partners. The same headache we got when kidnapped and shouted at daily also.
It starts when an encirclement gears up and the idea is implanted they are security and bodyguards of VIP; they are nothing near bodyguards and are terrorists. If not careful and apprehensive, they will reveal their cards and intentions quickly and it is a very unfair fight. Using superior organization and intelligence skills; they coordinate fixed targets and sitting ducks. Then wait for a rescue or response before trying this again; the goal is to sniff out leaders, rescuers, HQ, and the barracks. We Identified it was a trap early and began to notice how they were targeting places we walked into or visited such as the FBI office in Falls Church to report very unusual activity and some fixed threat and harassment we did not know if it was them in 1999. So knowing we had been targeted, watched and used as bait; we began to seek life over and abandon all efforts; these people are trying to take out as many people as they can; to send the message out which the real bullies are in America. It will be almost a full decade before we recover from that initial attack in 1998 right after college.
So our worst nightmare came true. We had been targeted, our mission stolen, our life rewritten; our fate replaced and cloned by some study of us; and the recipient was a cold, nasty, murderous, and idiotic master spy. In addition to this, out capture and kidnapping was to produce babies and end up on the prostitution market; however, it is hard to fight US commandos who are hunting them and trying to do this as they are preparing a raid and to drag them out in the open by their ears and kick them around. We know what they do in dark alleys and the hidden parts of life; now they were on the global stage and the brightest stage on this earth or ever invented. So far so good for them meant is exactly like crime; what will be planned when the police arrive and a chase is initiated? How will they cope with and deal with this idea we stole their life and wrote their murder when they were writing ours on the global screen of screw balls? What we got was Obama-care; massive stimulus packages, trillions of dollars looting the treasury, companies going belly up because of bad assets and debt; and a massive drive to advance socialism.
So what we saw happening was not what was being reported or described; all under the radar and none of it in open and plain view. Things began to surface as one person after the other began to see the path cleared by the last. What we got bit by was a communist plot and a terrorist plot as we indicated and worse, they got us mixed up with Delta Force and powerful Pentagon officials. We were merely fresh out of college and trying to get married; not knowing when we wanted to write a few books and introduce the new century and the next 200 years of human events and history. Yes, we invented satellite warfare, we interceded on democratic forces, we invented totality or national security, and we invented a new breakthrough called economic sustainability where greed and scarcity cancel each other out. Instead we got trillions of dollars being looted and embezzled by companies who cooked books and paid out enormous million dollar salaries for a kingship and lifestyle reserved only for the best of espionage spies and masters of warfare. We had an uninvited intruder and beginning with upstairs in our own apartment; they made contact and began to talk to us; our worst fear because a nightmare again.
So what went wrong besides everything? Well, it began with the election of 2008 between John McCain and Barrack Obama. Living through and barely surviving the Bush regime, we know serious waters and territory just passed. If there was to be a rescue and a trap unleashed; we had to take them off their game as they took us off ours and rewrote our life to a buck knife scratch on an outhouse wall. It is easy to trace and detect them once they impose a captivity or kidnapping. Show happiness or life worth admiring and living and they will attack and expose themselves. When they are detected, begin to limit access and see who shows up when and where. Then reduce their capability and make them stay up; drive all night, and go through pain and suffering to keep up. A stalker has a goal and that goal of being bullies and keeping up the pressure can be turned off and on. We also tested out strongholds and cities; to determine if they would come to meet and greet us if we went to various parts such as the red light districts or expensive restaurants. To watch us and get a fix on how powerful they were or wished to prove to us.
Access is security; so as we limit theirs, ours increases. Similarly, kidnappings only are emotional responses and respect is violated immediately; play on their ability to respect others. If you can do all of that as we did, you can film them, trace them, ID suspects, run license plates, create a list, and send out X number of teams to create the same list. The overlap of all will give us an idea of who they are and where the strongholds are. It was so successful; the media joined in and so did the public. Now we need the federal forces and military on board also and nudging them or prodding them to give us a happy story about how they ripped them apart also and were not a victim. In order to get on the hunt, you have to taste the blood. In order to be in a war, you have to be willing to fight; righteously and powerfully. In the last part of September 2009, we imposed a 29 day challenge to rack up happy stories and to deliver a happy story about how this threat was wiped out as we did; we will wait and see. We need the real rescue and the real foot soldiers to get in this fight and to write a happy story now; details are not necessary.
Going back to the election of 2008; the country was in greater danger had Barrack Obama not been made President; we advocated his ascendancy. This is because we knew what was coming and we had just lived through the Bush regime and a repeat of it again would dignify us being wiped out and history. There was really no good choices, only which choice was worse for the nation; so the perfected decisions was executed. Who would have known that in the final months of the Bush reign in blood and treasure; trillions were burnt in ovens as if life had no value and meaning? Who would have thought the same money burning was to occur from 2009 to 2010 under the 44th Obama? Our goal is to merely drag those we caught out and let the government and public decide what they wanted us to do with them; if they did not do anything we were leaving anyhow and starting life over; to open the gates. This was just a taste of the gates opening and not fully open. We still have a lot to go and much more; maybe our entire life demanding answers for the last 10 or 20 years.
So what exactly happened in the election of 2008? Well, we finally kind of got married, finally. Hooray for our horrors and honors. We found out finally that someone was or had been raiding private companies and replacing the real money they use with counterfeit and monopoly money. Where the real money is we do not know yet. So the funny money was being spread and like a swine flu virus, floating around the world and pointing to the bottom and socialism. Apparently, the trillions looted from the US treasury under the regulation of New York and the Federal Reserve wound up as profit and bonuses for vacation homes, mansions, boats, expensive and exotic cars, grandiose parties, lavish dinners, and most of all political fund raisers. Yes, the trillions of debt which the government was using as a bubble reactor for nitrogen; was actually a bully system and a protection ring where nobody could do anything right; nobody.
Instead, each his own meant terrorism and bullying one to the next in line until the one in charge was satisfied with the booty and ransom; the last 20 years was the most scandalous era and most dangerous of our life. It was occupied by the cleverest, dangerous, and dismissing terrorist spies we have ever observed on our soil or life. This debt ridden life of kings was not being reported as thievery; it was instead profit and the likes of such names as Enron, Lincoln Savings, Adelphia, etc… the kings were now thieves and their lifestyle was as grandeur as one can imagine. That is the brainwashing we had bite us also, mass corruption and fraud. So if the thief was a king, then the king was now awaiting jail; it was inevitable. It turned out better than we expected but add that to the notch we had accomplished already and warned about in the records. The moment this embezzlement and massive looting of the treasury hits reality and home; politicians will be unearthed and warrants for their arrest will be like a waffle factory instead of a torpedo warehouse. They have no choice but to sing and seek a plea; we have the plot already and captured the master strategists and master spies; no less wiped them out.
So this embezzlement wiped out the country and the life savings of so many people. Gone in 60 days were 401k retirements and the impetus of capitalism. We describe the study of us and the most noticeable advancements we had such as empathy, self actualization, education, and self sufficiency; the American dream to be independent and most of all independently wealthy. Now it was who could beat who making more as a lazy crook and con man. What was the next best fraud and would anyone know? So the country was destroy in making kings out of thieves; then those kings and thieves outpaced the lies their banks could underwrite. The diminutive plans of these companies and powerful Wall Street brokers led to their eventual arrest and this plot we are hunting down and waiting for. That is what went wrong and why the national brainwashing and brawny incompetence failed ultimately. In all honesty, why they are barking at us now is how useless they truly are; they are best served doing as they are trained and know so well; spoon fed seppuku and the code of the warrior; to die by honor and their own hands instead of the enemy. This enemy has no honor and must die as cowards and wanton idiots; humiliated daily and ostracized by not only their country but the world.
Surely, the dismay of the recession and the sinking of life itself is usually what drunks and felons feel. It is even worse when they are our lying leaders. The recession, which is forecasted to be a very long and arduous one, will lead to companies betting falsely and gutted. It is like having terrorists in our life; we do not know when the next surprise is going to arrive or how long it will take to recover. Propagating this disease and view of life; reckless and with absolutely no respect for human life will end up as socialism, communism, terrorism, or a complete nightmare. We only saw a single pay medical system and what was called Obama-care; the destruction of the capitalist market and the use of racism to fix the left wing or denounce stopping and preventing this; who would of thought our kidnapping and recruitment would lead to their self implosion and the worst mistake ever made in history? It goes to show the rule of warfare; pick your enemies wisely and carefully; also your warriors. These bail outs will lead to a massive law enforcement effort to clean up this nightmare where their 401K retirement went. Yeah, we are in the same life boat. We did not know what we were getting in either or what was being demanded by our signature.
That is just one of the other monumental challenges for the nation. Not only is that looming and the idea government is being taken over by thieves turned kings or communists and Marxists; this idea of hashing out energy policy and a reality with oil reserves while relations with Arab states hinder on how we see crime and punishments. Thieves turned kings dignifies the process of dining with those weak on crime. However, in this fight and global struggle, scarcity as we determined by economic sustainability, impinged on our ability to wage war. Therefore, an efficient economy and one where the reality of 10 dollars per gallon of gas, when half of it goes to paving unused highways, is not something a genius or rocket scientist would recommend. Hybrids were welcomed with open arms by the left wing while the right wing felt they were not profitable; oddly enough we wanted one also. The entire concept of urbanization and suburbanization is based on the car you drive now and your energy policy. So the laws of what we describe and developed during college as economic sustainability is being not only violated but raped and in a bad butt boy way.
Low fuel costs end up as profit and efficient businesses. Low cost of operation and expenses translates to higher salaries and long term vision, staying power, and longevity. It is governments who mess this up but companies are the inventors of this; why are the laws being written by our stampede of nincompoops who can’t tell a god honest truth if it bit their head off? Now government is subsidizing companies such as GM and new electric cars; forcing this on the public as usual when the 44th President should understand civil rights laws and racism will never fix GM or the left wing; but they cling to it for hope, understanding, and to outmaneuver and power us. Odd how all of this blew up on them and ended their careers; like energy policies, these governments and politicians drive around wondering where the next gas station will be or when they will run out of gas; they either have no gas gauge, do not know how it works, or know it is broken and do not need it. Their Middle East policy and foreign laws are equally paralyzing to military science.
What should have happened and how the election of 2008 was supposed to go down was this. Injured and angered by a ten year kidnapping, we finally got married and enjoyed a victory on those who stole our life and rewrote it. Then recognizing the state of the black community and the pain of history they have endured from the early periods of slavery to the post reconstruction period where slavery and industry was wiped out in the south; they do have a country which is great, powerful and the light of this world. The black community and the most disadvantaged in America and the world live with the greatest human being on this earth and are housed by the concept of government.
So in a very bad period, we wanted to see a black President try to fix the black problems in America as only right now less than 20 per cent will survive this. The rest are either in jail, facing jail, have a felony record, or dropped out of school and are single parents on some form of public assistance. What hope there is is reserved for the most dominating and bullies; to resort to the streets and the ingenuity of fire and blood. The chances of a black child reaching our levels or the educational pursuits we put forth are demeaning and demanding; nearly impossible but have been done.
That window of opportunity has just been closed by Barrack Obama and the Democratic Party as this imploding on them and exploded outwards to the world. Only more than a joke now, they await our acceptance and success kicking them out of office and fixing the country for the stampede of stupidity they have imposed on the American public and the world. So that window of opportunity is now shut; it is game over and even they know this. We saw this with the medical debates where the President was criticized for looking like Hitler and even acting like a joker.
Now unless you are a cruel and vicious dictator or someone who has no compassion for the most abused and worst off group of people who you hate and dislike with a passion also; then it is fair to say that the worst President in the world has to be the one who shut this window of opportunity down and made it a weed among the flowers. Had real and measurable changes, which we had been advising and limping on the national scene with; what they had done to us; when we said do this, they merely ripped it up and laughed at us and we were being guarded by some terrorist cell upstairs and by the most repulsive human being ever to grace this earth.
To say they are animals and have no respect for human life or a bone of responsibility in their body is too much credit and taking advantage of our kindness. These spies and terrorists are beyond any concept of lunatics but they hide it well and drink it away with their misery and flaw ridden hell whole they call the last property on earth they have to protect. We see the wonderful job they did to protect their life and why three pages of felony charges, espionage and subversion is on the brink of total destruction. They even told us we have them cornered and they do not wish to live; but they also said if we arrest or raided them, they would blow us up and any effort to act like God. They don’t believe in god and asked us if we believed in lunatics now? No we do not and want them dead or gone.
So the last hope and the last opportunity for the black race in America has just been missed and closed by the 44th President, this terrorist organization, the left wing, and the liberal establishment who reports thieves as kings and those who have zero tolerance on crime as enemies. There is not much land and places to immigrate to but they need to seek a safe haven and homeland now; we defeated them and they know there is no way out of the core; it will be a fight in there from here on and with no mask, under the radar rumors, no myth, or no protections. Instead we see the domination of a counter-offensive and the voice of God pushing them down and tangling their arms and legs to submit or perish; hopefully the hell they created on earth.
Life does not come with a user manual and some of the manuals are for products or services which do not adhere well to the realities of the market or the technological changes that seek to define a higher meaning of this market. Therefore, we tend to get odd or bizarre, erratic and unacceptable behavior called deviant behaviors that are outside the realm of an even tougher explanation, society itself. To have deviant behavior, you must have a culture or some form of boundary to suggest this group falls under the orders and edicts of this other one. For our best imaginative purposes, we choose the guidelines which were written two hundred years ago called the Constitution. So how did we go from that same document, intended to give humans the liberties and freedom to seek their dignities in life and prosper; to a terror plot where profit margin and power is the central focus?
America is not a homogenous nation. The topic of religion itself from the 1600s to 1900s indicates a diverse and tolerant society. America has been through the same conflicts and experiences the British Empire underwent and was transformed by, no less to be rivals for a short time period. So these pressures and the guidance of the Constitution all come together to breed a tolerant way to view others and a rationale to explain it. This in itself however, is plagued by a legacy of slavery and another society living among the likes of those who understand more about what they have to do than where they must live. America today is divided and is fracturing into not only two nations but also many realities. Even the hiring practice in an office setting can lead to the entire office being taken over by localism and the politics of localism. Even multinational companies are expanding well beyond the reaches of American law and upholding the same principles they deem as homogeneous. So we owe trade and commerce for bringing the fruits and rewards of some system that is to not only keep us alive but make us powerful.
We can also flip the arguments around and say multinational companies from other countries are experiencing what America went through. There is a complex migration of commerce and some teaching process which others view as a reasonable way to view the world, maybe even guide it. The potential for greatness is there and so isn’t the potential for utter and complete disaster. People come to America for commerce and to seek the protections of this same experience; however, it has been invaded by various clandestine efforts and numerous shady organizations who either know exactly what they are doing or are so criminal and feudalistic, they offer immense protections for those who fall into that same class of fugitives escaping the world and even their own homelands. Did anybody hear what was said, they are seeking protections from a tolerant nation who may or may not be at war with theirs. So let’s ask this question, how do you come to America and receive these protections? How do you manage the near disaster of the people who already have or tried?
To relive the cold war again and on American soil is futile. The left wing was not able to withstand the power of the market and the longevity the market has built into her. Economists call it a perpetual motion machine where it has the ability to increase the inputs many times with less and less works at times. Meanwhile, there are governments who seek to manage or maximize the outputs by limiting the inputs. So if you are reading that for the first time, then you screwed up the economic scales other economists use to measure one economic system according to another one. So the danger with reliving the cold war again can be the migration process we had scene at or around the 1900 in America where waves of immigration came for only one reason, freedom. There are responsibilities required for freedom and no matter what degree of danger or wealth you are at; the American system is not going to ignore or turn its back on her plight. So murder she wrote, the name of this chapter is also what we heard from our nasty little terror suspects and their partnership with the most powerful in this world.
So how does power now translate or is being converted into some perpetual motion machine we understand as the global economy, and ends up as murder? Quite simply, flip it around. In order to have a murder or a 911, you have to have a body, a crime, or some form of a chase. Well, we have that chase and it has been quite an unpleasant experience for over ten full years. Murder is the machinery of the police; it is the machinery of liberals, it is the machinery of the entire communist system; and it is the machinery of warfare for the past century starting with World War I and ending with the Vietnam War. Post Vietnam War is a whole other story in itself but the stumbling block in America is clearly the 1960s and the Vietnam War. What we are doing right is the same murder she wrote right now on the global stage. However, the leaders of this reality and others are so deranged and delusional; they cannot seem to measure up the warfare which took place globally. So what they are trying to do or impose on our life is the murder she wrote, America and her story. Lady Liberty is now a nail biting, drive away member of, and slowly becoming a fugitive class.
The liberal machinery and political system had been involved in protection rackets and now with global commerce the way it is, are trying to present a presence. Domestically, they are targeting people with the old adage of “white flight” by posing to be vicious and demonstrative terrorists on both sides and causing an exodus or white flight if their financial peril is going to be avoided. In others words, part of this 911 terror plot was to first end or stop the raid on the Midwest sanctums which either were notified or got word of a pending raid; or it was to attack the offices where people would call 911. Meanwhile, the eastern liberals had a clandestine plot unleashed to cause “white flight” by becoming terrorists and forcing minorities who were rich and wealthy to flee based on the same “white flight” principles. It might have worked had anybody backed down or surrendered. However, it is a battle for the police chief position and the blockade where doors are all shut except one or two doors left unlocked all the time. We now have our mole-spy-terrorist-sleeper leaders in custody.
It does not matter what color, race, ethnicity, creed, religion, or nationality you come from; people are terrified by this new occurrence on the global stage where the machinery of the past becomes a tool of the future; just the opposite reality holds true. People are terrified of one of these masterminds and killing machines and we have proven how they can sit right next to the least suspecting people and spew off the exact same humanly words and express how much they care for society or humanity. They can even dress up fancy and attend the favorite charities while flying high and living large on the gullibility and unawareness of others. The fact is their machinery and mechanism of warfare has to either find an end or be rescued by some form of government action or otherwise. The reason why there must be a reaction to the collapse of the cold war is because of the risk of collapse and turning against each other. When this happens, the internal struggles we saw and read about from 1917 to 1939 in the Soviet system will regenerate and become the same reality is always was or had been. They can sit right next to you and you would not know or care one way or the other until they either blow up or show what kind of weapons they are carrying.
Since the topic is murder, who is the most egregious and the most murderous bunch to ever reach the American shores? Was it the Irish or the Italians? Was it isolated in the corridors of power in upstate or downstate New York and was it a bigger and much vast problem on the police force? See, this is very important to conceptualize because when you apply scales and gradients to this master stroke; you get the term power and militaries. We can locate the widespread use of murder in America and seek to understand what the incubator if now profit and even pride of our former enemies who view the police force as an instrument of oppression and this same murder. America has had her destiny altered and stolen by those who seek to change the formula of power and success; no less the basis of a tolerant and reasonable nation which her fathers intended. We hold at fault several groups who have always and showed for nothing this same lack of longevity they extol at us and seek power by chancing or changing. We live in a new age of murder she wrote. The lies and the power produced by them is an incredible feat of the dirt bags of this world.
Part of the problem of what we are going through and being dragged into is the notion of a gunfight. For the last century, left wing forces have been shedding blood all over the world in an attempt to impose some new world order or a new government and ruling class. To their own dismay, they get caught behind enemy lines and must live up to the currently rules and laws. However, it was during the early parts of the Russian revolution that early signs of dogma and radicalism led to violence and a rift developed with splinter groups. One such splinter group was the Trotskyism; loyal to of course Lenin’s inner circle and Leon Trotsky. Trotsky saw social change peacefully and peaceful revolution; what they call a genuine bleeding heart and idealist. However, living by the sword and the revolution; he soon fell victim to internal struggle and was banished to Mexico City during the 1960s where he met his death at the hands of a Soviet assassin. Again, this internal struggle between violent and nonviolent sides; which was also the fate of the American form.
When you say the left wing, you are talking about the hoopla and ad hoc mixture of all the same. They work together to reach the same final mark and destination; however, the means or the vehicle is not on a terms of agreement and when it is clandestine work and overthrowing the government; death and murder is an easy way to preserve missions or communication silence. This is the same fate of the 1960s and many left wing leaders. The secret police that patrols their own compound and allows no escape or dissent is the same mess and struggle they fear with the Gulag, reeducation camps, and this kidnapping-brainwashing-cover-up we have today. They are in the business of violating the law because due process problems and secrecy do not allow them to exercise free speech as we know it and debate as the public understands it. Therefore, complaints are hidden in the left wing and on the right wing they are like weeds trying to perfect itself and right the ship. If you send the same jackass to mess up the right side, those complaints hidden end up taking down the entire building.
So where did terrorism and this need for terror plots come into the fray? This rift and split, similar to the Sino-Soviet split in ideology and philosophy of the rural and urban elites; led to a similar struggle with class and power. The cruel hoax is always the ruling party or the leaders in charge; thus you may love your country but hate your boss; that is until he or she smears you as unpatriotic, a common nuisance, a threat, and a thorn in the side of their arrogance. This is so widespread on the left wing; they literally are world famous for brutal murders, serial killing mentality, and your basic torture-rape-murder snuff porn. That is called total invasion and if you are hungry and desperate enough, the true animal and the true hate and rage will overflow. That is what it takes to carry out their missions and be their leaders; once they recruit you and make you one of them; they will either get what they want or not; then you are of no use any longer and discarded as a disposable hero to shut you up. To dispel this, the left wing will send crime families or mob bosses to infiltrate the right wing and form a secret criminal plot inside the right wing while the intention is for labor and union bosses they outrank; the goal being the same, to criminalize the general population and serve as a propaganda factory.
The only problem with this rift or split between violent and nonviolent revolution inside the left wing is of course showing up at a gunfight without a gun. Keep in mind, real and genuine left wing regimes launch war, terror, murder, and challenge which end up like the Korean and Vietnam Wars; then we saw it again with El Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras in the 1980s. We also saw Afghanistan being invaded as “the Soviet Vietnam” and was been ongoing since the Taliban took over in the 1980s and Russian pulled out eventually after heavy losses. If you see that as terrorism and channeling the anger, then it does. If you see a protection racket; then we saw the debut with 911 and the new cold war; an indoctrination and spontaneous combustion of terrorism and going to gunfights without a gun. The right wing always goes to this gun fight cocked, locked, and ready to rock and roll. It is the liberals and the peaceful nonviolent bunch that show up for gunfights and claim death squads, terrorism, murder, etc… that is a propaganda factory. There is no weapon or barrier to keep this monster and dead human being a lie or out; they form insect like fire lines and attack viciously and play on your sanity. When they have had their fun, they will try to make a secret contact and negotiate some ending if any.
Terrorism is an enhancer to the left wing. It dignifies their reputation as ridiculous and their pride as a jackass who cannot do anything right. What it does it impose the fate of their Trotskyites on the enemy; to have assassins go after the population instead of those who finance and invest in the liberals and left wing; traitors to their own cause, party, religion, and future; sell outs and traitors? It is and has been a common joke how the liberals and left wing get their head bashed in and a throbbing knob on their head; but they grew used to it as a clown and Billy-club batting average. Their message is social justice and change using the nonviolent and democratic way; quite different than their lying leaders in the 1960s who ended up not only betraying them but destroying them for inducing paranoia and an image of a liar and scum bucket hag. When communism collapsed, it was common sense they were all liars and real scum bags and dirt ball predators; but listened to how they spoke to the public and even their own students.
They screw their own children and lie to them forming this hateful and rage inside; what they call spreading the disease. It starts with zero trace of a kidnapping, and then it leads to a full chase, daily agitation and brainwashing, and it results in hate filled rage and a broken or disgruntled experience. That is the business of defection-recruitment, leadership training, national coaches and teachers, mentors, and not giving up on the dream; a conscription and draft which walls are erected and Gulags are real. Doing it and without any evidence is one thing, getting caught and wandering into a trap so that the leaders and the curtain are pulled is another. The people behind it are the ones who are really dangerous and lethal serial killers; not the foot soldiers or the psychopathic obese soccer moms who think they are princesses.
That soccer mom image elicits warm and trusting feelings; thus, is used often to make an approach or pitch as a handler and manager for labor unions. They think it is a conspiracy but do not know who nor are not sure which side is killing them; what they constantly pursued us about. Paranoid, they always go to the gunfights with no guns and are a single nuisance to both the left and right wing; thus terrorism gets discharged as a diversion for what they are feeling, experiencing, and going through; a state of lawlessness and anarchy where opening their mouth and dissent is a death sentence but as snitches, they hold onto the dream and for dear life. Why they chose us as their leader and why they mistook us as Delta Force commanders is not yet know or still unknown; perhaps it was our college work and our family name (same family who ran South Vietnam counter-terrorism and police operations; no novice to this business and industry.) The new cold war is to show up at gun fights with guns and it is called terrorism. If this can be sold to the left wing and the liberals; they won’t be victims and have a death sentence, they will be liberated and dead. As we had warned them, get out of the kidnapping and terrorism business before meeting a violent and frightful death; however, they still claim it is only oppression and corruption; thus, remain silent and playing this cat and mouse game with the authorities.
To a certain degree, the crimes committed on black people or those who associate themselves as African American, are so egregious that there is no possible way to comprehend or explain it. So to bypass the scientific know how and professionalism, the black community rightly or not describes it as racism or a hate crime. What is ruining their chances here is it is typically black on black crimes. In so far as white on black crimes, we have seen a drastic drop to nearly nothing, maybe even a total lack of evidence to suggest it is still being perpetrated; however, the terrifying fear is if that is hate, then it will be channeled to other minority groups or even nationalities and foreign countries as a way to express white supremacy, white dominance, or salvage the pride of a severe disrepair of a political fantasy and more so the fantasy of all demented and deranged human beings to be the police.
What has allowed black people to stay for the fight even when it sometimes gets nastier than even they wish; is this legacy of slavery and systems which rose out of it to repair the history which either caused anger or resentments in white people. If a poll was taken in the antebellum south prior to 1860; the prevalent opinion would have a mindset that slavery was an institutionalized mechanism of commerce, not a system of hate or some brotherhood of the Third Reich. That extol of the Nazi regime was propagandized and exacerbated by the community organizers who wanted to assimilate and associate with the black community so that their own plight could exploit how the legacy of slavery did produce genuine victims. No matter which side you are on, slavery has to be fundamentally the most evil system of government created by mankind but it was to replace the need for technology and innovation.
The confusion and this hatred for commerce which those who tried also to exploit the poor judgments of black people led to systematic and profusions of a hostile environment or a hostile world where blacks were always victims and could not do anything for themselves. Those are the people who then move in and make them a second class citizen in their own world and their own disadvantage. In other words, a lot of these politicians have lied to blacks and have lied to whites with equal fervent. What makes blacks so special that they are able to be immune from political lies and empty promises also? Maybe their skin color had something to do with their color, but their ability to be as gullible to lies is just the same as the government, the defense forces, and those who sometimes sat right next to the 911 terror masterminds and did not even know this or notice the difference. That in itself is terrifying no matter what race you are or what group you claim to associate with.
In previous chapters, the denouncement of slavery has been made and reinforced with this notion. Cotton and agriculture in the southern states was over 80 per cent of the national economy and it is not as if over 90 per cent of the entire southern economy alone. When slavery ended, the mechanism of this commerce also ended leaving blacks in a much worse system. The only possible analysis you can make of it because the austerity of the dynamics is a total disaster in itself is as we have stated repeatedly; slavery was the most evil concept to reach America but it was solely based on commercial and profit making motives. Today more if not cheaper means of commerce is available for those who seek a remedy to the fact that America is still a great nation and still has to shut down industries or underworld habits which are demonstrative and repulsive to her future. This is why murder she wrote is the name of the chapter. When you let people live their life, you do not become the author of their murder.
It was not a basis of hate and racism as is typically a motive for denouncing the people behind it. Then again, the Egyptians began the practice of slavery in ancient times and this led to the creation of slavery centuries later. Out of that previous slave system emerged a religion and the same dilemma which begs the question; do you justify the system or what it produced? Do we justify the system of slavery or what it produced which even today causes discomfort and uncomfortable table talk? What we encountered are modern day psychopathic terrorists who use it to implement fear and to derive a derisive approach to justifying who they are.
We see this from criminal or alienated groups all the time as they are banished and must seek the shelter of wilderness or Indian tribes, islands in the South Pacific, or vast tribes of people who have no clue who they are or what they are about. The same applies and the same suspects are reemerging today to captivate our senses with their dirt bag ways and methods. So it does not matter which race, ethnicity, creed, or political affixation anybody subscribes to; if you let one of these so called freedom and liberty spies-moles-sleepers immigrate into our life and do what they did; this nation will never be able to get rid of them or escape the political fantasy and system which they derive power and lies from.
Now not only are blacks stuck in a system which is not designed to produce self-sufficiency, but so are America, other minorities, and even white people. We have shown their need for profit exceeds all color, genders, or race; no less the human race which they seek in the end ultimate power and control over. To suggest a deadly and such a dangerous threat has immigrated to America and has become the world’s policemen based on the police system or the commercial system of the United States is to also suggest they would violate every law ever invented, usurp them, exploit them, and be so kind and forthcoming as to suggest they would never violate the hate-racism laws also.
How do you present that argument for those who take serious the intellectual credibility and political longevity of a political and economic might only the Untied States has been able to produce so far? Well, if the same people are still fighting over the same problems; then it might be time to get rid of them and make sure they no longer have the power or ability to call our home theirs. How come blacks are reading this for the first time if the liberals and the left wing are so down for the struggle we keep hearing when we know the secret to self sufficiency is also economic sustainability or what some describe as long term longevity? The lies and power of the dirt bags of this world is immense.
All the terror suspects we caught or apprehended were of a non-minority group consisting primarily of a Zionist-Irish-labor union sleeper spy cell. They were going around and calling others, particularly minorities a “common nigger” and to shut all the doors in their life down so that only one door could open, the 911 terror plot and the massive recruitment drive domestically and global. We saw this repeated over and over along with a lot of other things. If their primary drive was jobs, as they say, then they lack one now or are very close to loosing their entire career. Those who learned quickly to be part of a conspiracy to murder or the 911 terror plots did manage to enjoy a moment of glory or sneak into a few military balls and dances. However, none of this is about self sufficiency, economic sustainability or some ethical approach to the world we live in or the system of survival; to them it is just power no matter if it is capitalism or communism.
This is about power and control over others. This is about calling them “common nigger” upwards of 20 times a day for almost 20 full years. This is about Satan, devil worship, and the antichrist who also managed to immigrate into our life from abroad. If murder was a story they wrote for America, then she performed as told because it ended up as murder she wrote. Are we guilty also? Sure we are because we now are profiting off the same murder; however, only one of us is living a lie and is a fugitive who wrecked the country and violated every single law ever written trying to do so. Now, they are finding out what profiting from murder is all about as the entire world is profiting off of their murder and capture. Call it sweet revenge if you must we call it waging war on the greatest militaries on earth.
We are in a time warp and the President knows this. It is the period of the 1850s to 1930s being relived. One aspect most important is the return of slavery and jobs. However, this time, the prospect of jobs is the return of slavery because when the Civil War was over; the punishment of the Reconstruction period was the abolishment of slavery and thus the industries and plantations which fed it. Thus the economy of the south estimated to be 90 per cent dependent on slavery and nearly 60 per cent of the overall domestic national product during the 1860s; was reduced to nothing. Like all left wing policy, we see a pattern; that pattern is economic failure which leads to the notoriety of racism as a charge for the probate period. In this era and time now, slavery is making a come back; this time it is reversed and of the upper class who thus flee elsewhere. It is also a powerful mechanism of slavery and communism; to impose such reverse discrimination on the overall country when it was a limited few or a few states only. States that did not partake or even understand slavery are being punished at the behest of the left wing and this return to a very dark period of US history.
If the allied forces wish to prevent and stop another 911 or terror plot, a recurring nightmare of being raped or abducted, then the legal barriers must be in place to ban those whom the military cannot ban or remove from the politics; yet whom they can easily remove from the battlefield and combat. The espionage and terror cells are much more complicated and as we have ascertained from our own abduction, attempted brainwashing, attempted recruitment, isolation, and recurring rape-murder-kidnapping-torture dream; it is easy for them to recruit. What is even worse is what happens when they create a ticking time bomb or anger and agitate a human being for upwards of 20 times a day for upwards of 20 years; they become a member of some criminal or risky class who is hot headed and short tempered; almost like certain ethnic groups or radical immigrants who make it to these shores.
So we can remove them easily and expeditiously from the battlefield but run into a legal mess and hoopla of deceit, lies, and corruption otherwise. To remove one of these spy masters from the political battlefield is extremely difficult while they add 5, 10, even 20 more each and every year. That attrition rate of defense forces as they sneak past is astronomical. One terror plot or event around the world can cost upwards of a billion dollars for insurance, rebuilding, medical, life insurance, and other payments. What is a tremendous advantage for this cold blooded and murderous blood thirsty politician are the profit margins. Books are written and spy novels created about spy masters with a Nazi gene. Police agencies and military forces kick up their roster two and three fold.
These people do not even have to leave a trace. All they need to do is choose or single out a person and then place them under surveillance, 24 hour captivity and pretend to be the police. As a captive, they use torture methods developed by former Eastern bloc and communist re-education camps or labor camps to break their citizens and make them ticking time bombs. From there they rewrite your life and continuously impose a labor camp or some recurring rape nightmare where you are roughed up or imprisoned and have thugs demand how it is a love story and second date. If the isolated subject is powerful enough or has enough voice to explain what is occurring; they can stop it or them as we did. However, to do this takes evidence and the accumulation of ten years or more just to flush them out or have them reply. Fighting a rogue state and an entire Congress who is meek and is already broken or terrified is not the easiest task.
So the state sponsored governments who were once a machinery of the cold war is converting to one of terrorism and this bloc envy balance of terror we used to know as the cold war. Everybody is terrified the next one will be a dirty bomb or some equalizer will keep up this balance of terror between one government on the out and one freshman group. It is becoming a tradition to go out with a bang (if you know what we mean) and the harm done to those affected is exactly as we ascertained in our own attempted recruitment, imprisonment, phony rescue, cover up, forced medication, attempted socialized medicine, and recurring rape-abduction-torture nightmare. It goes away but like a scab must be picked by a professional torturer who knows how to throw water on an abducted victim and bring back the ticking time bomb. This is the new flagship and the new debut which has turned into an unexpected and total disaster for them because there are more of us than them. Not only are their ruling class and subjects feeling victimized, they feel their life also was rewritten and now they have no way out but to drink the cool-aid which the police will deliver shortly.
So those who we caught know what they are doing and are very good because the only way to keep the recurring dream awake-alive is to utilize memory banks and build on what is already there; how do they know what is there already unless they did it or know what was done? Had we not caught these people or had the wherewithal to be quiet until we had more or could fit all of them in one single room; they would have enjoyed a happy and fulfilling life as masters, heroes, statesman, and military Generals. This is no joke, when one event and mass murder occurs; the media erupts with ratings, nations are unified, books deals are cut left and right, and you have a buzz of social activity and massive government spending. It is slightly odd how we are not quite able to get them in a court of law to lure them as before; so they know what is around the corner but cannot see it yet.
This is some overtime period and large clandestine surge because when the left lost the cold war; that should have been that; it hasn’t and is not the end. Furthermore, they upstairs are yelling this every single day with near perfection and torture this recurring nightmare that even 911 victims feel when a plane flies by. We too have the same symptoms but it must be “awakened” as sleeper moles were in the Manchurian Candidate and spy novels. When they are awakened and after fully being agitated into some ethnic hot head or radical; they become murderous and prone to violent outbursts. Only if someone has the Hitler gene will they fully complete the circle and unfortunately the greatest in this world does not; so we must begin to ban that Hitler gene and remove them and ban them forever from politics if we cannot remove them from the battlefield easily. The public is in full support and we will go forward with this because they are terrified also of that mega pay off and a dirty bomb to equalize the long march to the Land of Oz and where we are. It is coming, you wait and see.
The only way to nip this in the butt and remove the machinery which is rusting, broken, and running out of fuel; is to understand it rather than fix it. We want this on the battlefield where the real monsters can be removed quickly off the battlefield so that life and local government is not a nightmare and a horror story. To understand the machinery, you have to look at the State of New York which has served as a gateway. New York has the financial strings and fate of the entire country yet it produces the most criminal, corrupt, elite, meek, alienated, radical cronies unlike the other 50 states. It is like the breeding ground for those others do not want or the sick, feeble, and in your face for no reason asylum. We can count off the radicals, legal misfits, ethnic nuisances, mobsters, liberals, revolutionaries, and your common garden variety insect living the life as a human who find freedom in America or exploit the freedom of great-kind-caring people who do know who they are.
This is a state that benefits from all of the above and the disrepair or collapse of it which is all debt but the banking system is in itself an elite caste and social club. To get in or to that social club, you must sign up with the politics we know as left wing asylum insanity and meek-genius corruption so pervasive with the New York and eastern liberal model. That same model has tentacles that stretches to other states and large population centers such as Los Angeles, San Diego, Chicago, Atlanta, etc… it is all built on the same platform, the same indentured servitude, the same bad example the New York one was and the infestation of guilty people who are set on using greed and corruption to take over the world. Now they want medical care and will riot for it. Again, there is a sense of indentured servitude and a degree of insanity in the politics which can be prevented if psychiatric care was available instead of terror plots or kidnapping. The culture is based on accosting others or stealthy Klansman embankments of labor unions and a reverse evolution.
So if you want to find this insect like creature that is using human beings as a lab rat or some for profit only fraud and scam; then look for the meekest and most lunatic on earth. Go to the places that more spies have been caught then anywhere else and look at where they breed a manifest while incubating the next ingenious terror plot to dignify their worthless and debt broken addiction to power. Then you must look at the system of liberalism and how it breeds and incubates crime syndicates and enormous ability to recruit, finance, and pull off these major league heists. Then finally you must look at the system of Democracy and Congress. These are people others do not want or whom is persecuted; so they flee to the United States because it is the freest on earth and has enormous wealth and power; a standing army unlike any other. However, government servitude has become debt. Congress is nothing more than indentured servitude. Leaders have three or four stories while in office they keep secret or hidden; that is just the tradition. Even we are guilty of profiting off crime, murder, and the biggest-riches psychopaths in the world.
For all of those people who got their entire life savings wiped out by a shyster who decided to walk into their life one day and take it over; then they know what it feels like to be kidnapped and to have your entire life rewritten by the same Maddoff like people. The only reason why our family did not get stuck somewhere in America with not a dime to our name is because two people took two separate paths and were weary enough when the attacks occurred to realize that something bad was happening and to investigate it deeper. It leads to an unusual outcome and result. Let’s review and examine some of the theoretical aspects of what we were accomplishing.
As we mentioned, we were searching for an alien or some super natural like demon that is not mortal and is leaving evidence at specific periods in history. We along with others began to detect odd or unusual anomalies which suggested a demon or devil like spirit which left a trail of dead bodies. In this case, we can identify the most poignant periods such as the mid 1800s and the antebellum period prior to the civil war, the early 1900s and the emergence of New York and Wall Street, and then once again in the 1960s with counterculture and anti-establishment. If this supernatural and mysterious force is going to make a return, it will soon enough; at least it has to; we know that.
The reasoning is almost clinical delusions to suggest a war on the supernatural levels; but it is just a theory that could not and was not ruled out; the same applies with alien presence or remote mind control from the Planet of the Apes. The idea is to be or become a target and capture what is in the mist of the human race. The reason why the most important period thus is from 1850-1940 is the financial chaos it produced and how many civil wars based on the same issues. Around the 1850s there was a massive push for immigration as robber barons were expanding their reaches into the plains and west. This surge in natural resources brought to America the modern day permanent underclass and fueled the westward expansion where slavery intersected three factors; westward movement and industry, immigration, and the spread of slave states. On an economic scale, the argument would pit immigrants against the slaves; how do you compete against free labor?
The other aspect of this analysis, which is very hard to explain, is the 1900s and the rise of the liberal machinery commonly associated with communism or the Red Scare. This was a brood of the immigration period and post civil war reconstruction where the entire south shut down and new untainted people flowed westward. We also see the emergence of radicals, extremists, and anarchists from all over the world and mostly European nations having a dual parallel and reality. Big deciding factors in this are the robber barons and the state of New York where everybody was free to feel not welcomed and chased off; westward. Similarly, the eastern establishment became the modern day machinery of the liberal and ultra left wing, the typical enemies of the state, and who the opposition is usually embedded in or for. It is a huge mess and essentially a total disaster. This is the root cause and the wasteland of modern day terrorism plots and violence against the strong, healthy, and intelligent Americans who make up the Christian America we love and understand. The rest has been radicalized and brainwashed to be ignorant, indignant, vile, and most of all violent.
The state of New York had also produced most important Presidential candidates or financed the political career of several others eastern establishment insiders to the liberal history (Roosevelt, Rockefeller, Wilson, Taft, McKinley, Garfield, etc…) Things changed around the 1950s which resulted in the counterculture of the 1960s; and our current mode of being stuck and meddling through the rough politics of the 1960s and radical, extremist, revolutionary liberal anti-establishment hate your country and your parents (right or wrong) drug induced political culture. If you trace the modern day left wing and the liberal machinery which has been responsible for most of the anti-capitalism and also the inability to fix the system in severe disrepair mode or dilapidated death mode; it will trace to the first civil war and slavery; thus slavery is the most evil invention to hit the shores of America.
They call it the police and we call it fascism. It is about slavery and persecution and total greed; how to exploit human beings. They are middle of the road; we call it terrorism and Nazism. They call it crime families, we call it banking and financing. They call it Christianity or atheism; we call it Godless. They call it murder; WE call it the Christian ethic and zero tolerance for murder. They call it drunken stupid abuse; WE call it weak on crime and breaking down the inhibitors. They call it a disaster, catastrophe, crisis, stalemate, and doom; WE call it freedom and warfare. We will not agree to anything but they want middle of the road, social democracy, unions, labor, and Nazism; WE call it murder and evil. What we can agree on is they go this way and WE will go this way; they stay out of my life and we will stay out of ours; and our country. They pass what they can before Armageddon and WE will also but criminalizing the population is unethical and a total lie and frequent fraudster. So pass what they can and declare freedom all they wish, WE will call it oppression and criminalizing the population.
We knew this and we were tracing certain factors which incubated the modern day opposition and enemies; the death of that party; the modern day debt; and the death of this political culture. This is the big bad monster behind this entire matter and our kidnapping or terrorist recruitment plot. These are the people in hiding and this underground. If education and economic longevity and vitality are inseparable; then how did the study of religion produce such a dogmatic mess out of nations that are based on ethics and strong, healthy and the beauty of life? How did all of this lack of education and lack of longevity pose such a severe threat to the wealthiest, strongest, and most powerful nation on earth? Are these events an enemy and this problem identifiable and if so, how do we kill, capture, or get rid of it?
So the reason why these political delusions fester and manifest is the result of alcoholic societies and liberalism. In the case we are so familiar with and the Irish being associated or heavily linked to terrorism or this constant claim of abuse; is the result of growing up with kids who are filled with hate and rage; then their parents filling them with hate and rage because they are alcoholics. The people we are dealing with display the smallest character and hide this dark side; it is the abuse of a parents; it is the hate, rage, rape, and revolt while belligerent and drunk. Also like a drunk and a predator trying to have a serious relationship.
If we are to examine the Irish and even the Jewish religions; no less the Catholic; we see this revolutionary and spontaneous eruption; what Samuel Coleman called the “underground river” or the sublime; the subconscious of the mind brought out by drunks and junkies. This is consistent with the use of narcotics and alcohol which WE had as a big influence in high school and what WE attribute to criminalizing my circle of friends; however, it took off and focused on romance and marriage. We are not like them and this abuse is festooning under their politics, pub halls, social events, entertainment, and even religious recruitment. This is about running out of gas and immigration policy.
So this character and obnoxious way of life is brainwashing of a drunk. Then it becomes a way of life. If we look at history, we see they strike around the 1900s and the 1920s in America; this lack of sober reality and a drunken stupor which is linked to abuse and revolution; the left wing and liberalism. We can also review Edgar Allen Poe and his writings where he describes the darkness of his own alcoholism and the dark side. We see this with Russian authors and how they are angry with their parents and how they are blubbering fools or idiots. We see the use of heroin with Coleman and Poe and the elixir; then we get the drunken rambling and hallucinations of Dostoevsky. What these religions and ethnicities were doing is perpetuating their elites and the lies.
We can see how they protect their parents, defend them and their problem, then they will even live out the abuse on others. Like serial killers; we see the one key element of their childhood which erupts into a later and lasting phase of political revolution, murder, violence, sadistic and torture fantasies, and the thriving impulse of power and some affirmation of power or superiority. Serial killers are typically males, white, and assimilated in a manner which cloaks and conceals their secret life; but it is always similar to these murderers and their parents filling them with rage and anger; what was done to me after my kidnapping in 1998 and continued daily today by the Irish unions and upstairs spy-mole handlers. Who caused them to run out of gas? Now it is no gas and running from terrorism and they need to find gas?
Our observations show all of the serial killer traits with the upstairs capture and surprise. First they are Irish and have this social problem and problem with America. Second is they are alcoholics and order their ape like kid around; then pretend as if they are great parents while spies-terrorism central; contracting and work for pride only. We can see the root of this hate; which ethnic groups; why they are so linked to labor; why they are so violent and messed up; what their views are with parents and killing elders, smart people, authority, etc… we also see why you kept following me to bars; social events and were so over compensating or over dogmatic in accommodating and appearing desperate. WE describe it as delusion and derangement. Again, the drunken liberal denouncing how fake they are like a drunk.
In the case of John Muhammad and the DC Sniper Malvo; Bin Limbaugh is playing out a role and a homosexual fantasy where he chooses a Delta Force commander and has a life long crush or begins a courtship with the best shooters on earth. It is a terrorist master mind and crime boss number one. The reason why we encountered like we did, captured all of them, and got all of it is because we were on a much greater and important mission. He was trying to divide and cause infighting between me and the Generals (who are obviously caring and not drunks); then come in and say how they can beat or give us so much more; a solicitation and recruitment by real master spies and moles. These are very broken and flawed elites and they were and are criminalizing the population and ran out of migration or immigration policy.
Also, because this involved Generals; this was some new urban tactic of fear and terror; to take out targets and bury it with serial killer or random killing. The new tactic is a driver, shooter, and car (out of state) that cruises and can survive for months like an urban guerilla; this is who we are dealing with and the precursor of what happened. The reason why the crime families and these white honkies and fascist pigs is because it has crime interwoven. To criminalize the voting base and make them steal; you have to provide the conditions for such. Their power is not truth, facts, and what we call academic work; what it is we describe as pure evil, crime, and an insanity which only a serial killer would describe as power, honor strength, manhood, and becoming a predator.
The problem after the cold war is the use of and what to do with these maniacs and machinery they created to overthrow and take over government. The Irish, Jews, and liberals in America are typically abused; some for very good reasons and a process of waging war. The criminalizing process of the voting base and America was stopped in their tracks and a raid was ongoing; they said it was some conspiracy and wanted us to produce details with names, places, HQ, and a grand master plan; how to kill it and assassinate those behind it. So they captured who they felt was a Delta Commander and challenged him on a level only he understands; terrorism, President, moles, secrets, rewriting fate and our history, overtaking the government, revolution and guerilla leaders waging war; so we met their Arab warlord and crime boss.
They kept asking if we knew who they were and how much money they were willing to pay; to pay for them going bananas and a killing spree globally. To conceal what they tried to do and what was attempted, they arrested us and made it appear as if we could Sue Who and were caught in some sting; caught as double agents or terrorists by Israeli agents and Mossad elements who don’t have a clue about America or Americans; such the bizarre and alien like cock roach characters while the weasel and demands of rich, powerful, and ratings based media giants contacted us on radio and TV for this Irish, union, Zionist, and abusive (narcotics, alcohol, parents, abuse, serial killer, terrorism, hate-anger-rage fueled politics) revenge. Also the anesthesia in the car cabin (similar to the planes) was what they suspected with their own people and how they explained this conspiracy on them. They always die in some form of accident and they were demanding we turn over this conspiracy and they had a Delta Force commander who is in charge of this work.
Observations can confirm that Delta Force is heavily involved and does do this form of work-missions; but WE can dispel the myth about the Delta Force commander mistake. Now it is all coming together and making real sense now; we had the people, knew every detail, but could not piece the big picture and some of the details; we were going to raid all of them and make them explain before they die and go away. Right now they are being forced to go away and they do not want to leave. They do not want to be evicted even if the reasons are so beyond reason and our survival, a matter of life and death impinges on them captured dead or alive; we prefer dead and without any ears. They felt WE came from an alcoholic family; WE did not; someone moved in, someone was stalking us; someone was filling us with hate-rage and massive problems; then causing a defection and rescue; to show us a better deal.
This hate, anger and rage was also the difference between the Chinese communism and the Soviet version; it is at the core of the Sino-Soviet conflict and the similar problems in America which is the result of the mother land and the homeland; a history of abuse and hate-rage. The god damn Irish and Jews have been agitating us for over two decades and then claiming how we are animals and drunken dictators when they are merely criminalizing the population and crooks who are dead meat now. So not only was the Maoist and the Bolsheviks in conflict or paranoid at each other; we were also with their religion or lack thereof for any respect of ours; heck, they have no respect for human life what would religion serve them any use for?
What we are seeing is a massive attack, re-emergence, and full frontal attack by the same machinery which is broken, nearly bankrupt, and who controls all of the votes in the political process; a form of kidnapping and hostage taking with no evidence or a untraceable crime. They can basically do whatever they want or demand whatever amount they choose so long as no opposition is there to stop them or defeat them. What we know about the failure of communism and socialism the Austrian School researched and what Frederic Hayek and others debated the John Maynard Keynes School of economics about was the inescapable failure of calculations. In other words, human behavior on a grand scale is such a magnificent and enormous phenomenon, calculations cannot keep up and people act in a manner which will increase their health, strength, intelligence, longevity, and decision making skills. There are political forces which violate all of this and we know who they are and why.
If the longevity, strength, health and decision making skills of human beings are enhanced by market forces because the market forces them to do what they would not otherwise care to or want to; then how can be apply this to the two biggest crisis in the history of the United States which has led to unplayable and terminal debt? How did all of this lack of education and lack of longevity pose such a severe threat to the wealthiest, strongest, and most powerful nation on earth? Is this enemy and this problem identifiable and if so, how do we kill, capture, or get rid of it? Is it a problem with reality or a lack of it because the market is there to reconcile the reality check that political speeches and insane politicians like to call empty promises.
Well, the answer is simple but not simple to understand; basic concepts are needed such as the law of diminishing returns, bang for your buck, efficiency, living within your means, and most of all the preventive measures inherent with morals and ethics which is designed to prevent the emergency rise and ascendancy of low standards and the human beings which spread this infection. There is shouting and shooting matches in this world about two easy to understand words; yes and no. Those two words open doors and open two separate realities; one for longevity and health; the other a path to nowhere or somewhere other than where you would want to be.
Some human beings are so demented and perverted, they play word games with yes and no in order to make or deceive people to say yes or open a door they would not otherwise; we saw this daily and hourly for ten full years of being kidnapped by a demon and devil like spy-sleeper element. (Note, we ended up catching them and exposing them in public and alerted all superficial authorities to the problem and encouraged them to catch them dead or alive). You would think that if your health depended on it and if your survival and self sufficiency banked on this; yes and no would not be a mental game or a cruel hoax we call the government. If you look through history, it is very difficult for government to escape the charge of forming or assembling a cruel hoax and what we describe as a total disregard for longevity and respect for human life. These are the same people behind this and the same dung heap we are trying to deport and get rid of for invading our life and rewriting it with horror and pages of felonies while claiming to be more powerful and more ethical.
So this cruel hoax and this game with yes and no is a judicial process of consent and lack of deceit and coercion; but these are not human beings we are dealing with, we know they are not supernatural yet unless they can bring forward some reasonable assumption they can be victorious with the lights on as they are with the wandering hands off. We personally have no compunction to end their life or capture them for trial after witnessing and living through their brainwashing and trickery to capture us, none. These are the enemies of the world and of America no matter how they drape the flag over themselves and shoot off insane mad dashes to the fault lines of power and leverage life with what they can steal or win randomly. The idea is they are resisting what needs to be reality and happen; but also resisting their removal and deportation so that the market decisions are obliterated and not feasibly recognizable.
So for twenty years, we scoured every textbook and with x-ray vision and some code book; looked for this elusive enemy we call the left wing; their footsteps, how they got so powerful by default of weakness, and the rise of the dirty rotten underclass to take over America and the world. If the devil was out there and if that demon wanted a fight; it will come and it will fight; it has no choice otherwise. We want to be ready when and if it arrives and we will deal with this threat with the weakest illusion of all, exposure to the public and government trust. We are going to take this cruel hoax and twist its neck until it is also a cruel hoax we all can laugh about. If that neck snaps, then it was not designed properly and was flawed.
We basically know who it is, where it lives, how its characteristics are, what it wants, what it needs, how it feeds, and how to trap and capture it. It feels it way through life and it feeds on the talents of others, the education of others, the kindness of others, and nibbles at before it swallows human beings. It will come and it will know who the most powerful leaders and future leaders are on this earth; it will show itself and we will take a shot at it; if we kill it or capture it then we will listen to what it has to say. If it bleeds and wanders off; we will follow and track it until the end is near. We made it bleed badly and there is no way to stop it but if it wants medical care; they will have to propose some form of Congressional Bill or reform the health insurance industry. That is the cruel hoax about government when it is all lies, deceit, and trickery. That is what is happening in 2009 and has been for quite some time to a tolerant and shining city on the hill we call a Christian nation in serious disrepair.
There is not much to the health care debate we can cover because the main emphasis of why it is such a mess has already been. This game with yes and no has led to a complaint process and snubbing or stonewalling the complaint process. This lack of truth and total government service based on lies and deceit has produced an animal of the police force and a criminal enterprise out of the population. Nothing is fair and nobody will be fixed when it is all a bunch of lies intended to brainwash and gloss over the same cruel hoax of government and power. Until a law is passed to outlaw this cruel hoax or the people behind this even worse nightmare with a bankrupting social security system and health care system; that cruel hoax will be perpetuated and sold as patriotism. We were the victims of it and a prisoner of this for over a full decade (to include a child abduction and early recruitment for this at an early age against our knowledge and consent).
There is not much to this health care debate and while many observers also experienced the same event; “George W. Bush greased the pads for Barrack Obama to land favorably in America”; others suggest the two were in some grand strategy to take over or overpower the mighty and strong Christian nation for selfish and profit making reasons. The overwhelming pressure of social security and Medicaid (or the health insurance debates taking form now) are the result of political opportunism within both parties and furthermore the predatory killer instincts of political sharks to prey on the jealousy of a desperate voting base and a no less greedy one who does not understand or are willing to accept hard work and fair treatment. The game is to get ahead and step on whoever is in the way or has the cock play to speak up. This is a terrible fate for the freest and most cherished Christian nation on this earth behind so many good acts and life saving responsibilities.
There is not much to this health care debate anymore and it can be easily understood. Is the complaint process readily available to support such a grand endeavor where central planners will be a weekly affair to the doctors’ office? Concerning that complaint process, who has the burden of proof if not the local-state businesses, the federal government, or the Supreme Court when it comes down to one life saving pill and twenty people who need it? Do they all die or must that pill be divided among twenty recipients? If things do not work as planned; will all twenty medical recipients have to share the same critical condition bed if it is designed for only one person? That is just the yes and the no process or the complaint hoax we know as political speeches in today’s world.
Now, how detailed can we make this debate and genuine disgust with government erupting like a volcano at town hall meetings and tea party protests? We will make the emphasis of calculation and what Hayek and the super-nova of the Austrian School said about calculations; there is a sweet spot and a threshold to how far you can take calculations. If you wish to pull a grand cruel hoax and mobilize central planners to the crisis of health care and social security; all paths led and will lead to bankruptcy or the insolvency of the United States dollar as debt accumulates and meltdown is a real avalanche waiting to happen. The dollar is not able to withstand this cruel hoax and this redistribution of an invisible value system called financial currency meltdown.
So if this was a calling which observers describe as the total incompetence of the Bush era and the previous administrations to identify problems; then it is reciprocated now as the highly charges ability to understand problems and not apply the correct remedies. The 44th Presidential administration of Barrack Obama has failed to heed the warnings, apply the perfect balance, has used oratory deceit to besmirch and snooker the public into believing he has some creditable and meritocracy under his wings; and worse the nation is a total disaster and people are genuinely mad. So who did this and why if we are in the lead command also so angry with how our life was rewritten and kidnapped? Could it be the same cruel hoax and the same people behind all of this who had to fix their grand master plan for global domination and take over the kindness of the strongest and healthiest Christian nation on this earth? Well, we are all watching it now because it is all a bad nightmare and coming true.
What we can do is make things a little more entertaining and even educational. To play on the idea that we are drowning and can swim; is someone holding our head below the water line and suffocating our life? If so, then let that be a warning for those who did this and are behind this cruel hoax; now almost captured, killed, or destroyed in the annals of history. They have met their match and gone up against the wrong people, targeted the wrong victims, and tried this on the wrong country and subjects. Let that be a lesson if they survive it and the reckoning process where the voice of the nation is much stronger than a few dictators and demon like tyrants who came here poor and are so much worse off now. Who do they blame when the public demands an answer and an honest one, God or America? In modern understanding and global events, God is America and you are taking food from the same hand that feeds you.
We can highlight what has been said, what was written and distributed as communication, and we can cover what new developments in this massive struggle currently which has shut down all but nothing. The current debate is inescapable and will led to either the bankruptcy of social security or Medicaid first; or the total meltdown of the dollar and four digit inflation levels. Yes, medical spending at this level added to the already troublesome boomerang of Stimulus I (TARP) and Stimulus II (ARRA) is being thrown with a fury not knowing when it will decapitate and come back. So if Armageddon was a mythological concern, it is no longer; inflation above 500 per cent is not fixable and will lead to every home every garden plots to weather this storm. Like a light drum beat getting louder, the economic experts predicted a Great Depression like repeat of the same problem and cruel hoax.
With a sick and unsophisticated population not really worried about understanding the complexity of this; voting rights and medical rights are a recipe for Armageddon; bank on this and world war. This will be the last prophet and the lasting blueprint for the future of the next 200 years on earth unless or until preventive measures are implemented to cope with the surge of water pressure building. An entire century of getting it wrong has proudly produced two enemies who proudly don’t care one way or the other except survival. An entire century of building criminal enterprises and a crime syndicate, an espionage crime family of global domination, and the machinery of war and political warfare now in disrepair and desperate fixes; has not only imploded but on full steam ahead and a death wish.
So let’s discuss the new cruel hoax we know as medical insurance, single payer, or this idea of covering all Americans in a new bill of rights amended by a business system that does not work and is getting too expensive to compete in. Can we fix the cruel hoax or is it there to kidnap us, break us, and then claim to fix us for better or worse? This is the test of the 44th Presidency but was either produced or accelerated by the 43rd and 42nd Presidents. So far all indicators show an elusive way to snub critics and push through legislation nobody wants but everybody needs. This is no salon hip shooting gun slinger from the Midwest; this is an elusive problem. We need the government to invest and spend on us; but we do not want this or what we got. How do you fix it now? How do you make amends to false actions that will lead to disaster or perpetuating lies while your own side and the liberal and left wing base is terrified by self destruction of their own party and reputation?
We though hot lunches and free milk was a good idea also because it is a preventive step to good nutrition and lower health costs. Sure they want to help others and make the country stronger, but suicide and terror plots or wanting to get killed for being a traitor and a terrorist is asking too much. We did not get a choice either and was conscripted; a very similar Vietnam like draft by anti-war forces that must fix this or face the end of their political career. Typically, when deranged insect like cult groups who cannot control the impulse to reproduce or have sex in an honorable manner reach a terminal point where reality and their environment becomes hostile; they usually blow themselves up, bow on the sword, or throw a party and sneak euthanasia drugs to spike the punch bowl. We never get to see an organized and official version of some low class and bone insane political force on the global stage do this; do we?
The strongest argument out there is the yes and no complaint process and how it ends up a cruel hoax between one state and another or with the deafening federal government. The federal government always has the last say and the built in mechanisms of the federal security forces will have the first and last shot. That is reality and the world we live in but it is called a Christian nation and ethical understanding of life or nationhood. If you cannot get that right; then fight it out amongst yourself. That is the strongest debate out there because yes is not no and no is not yes when you focus on longevity and education or some short term memory loss about which federal law you violated just last week. If the government and the populous who must accept their decisions cannot get this complaint process down; they pay for it and ask who has the burden of proof? Is it the private sector or the public? Who pays for this and who has the burden of proof to say loser pays or who will pay the legal fees of this complaint problem? Is it the state and their public funds or the federal government and their public funds? Who has the burden of proof and who pays when they loose? Now, is it just too dysfunctional right now to even suggest a life and death matter needs fixing immediately? We can shoot off a lot of jabber jaw hand flailing to discourage a real debate and complaint process.
Know what the devil and the notorious Dr. Evil and Vile will say? It will say, “It is better than nothing.” Can we go through life and say you are better than nothing or it is better than nothing or must we say enough and stop this god forsaken cruel hoax now before the entire world erupts in world war? The money is melting down and this is a second tier of inflationary surge by mobilizing health care and jacking the spending up three fold. Under this climate of free falling market conditions; we are talking torpedo to the Titanic and intentional malice. If spending for the Iraq Invasion was wasted; then put on trial those behind it or those who must defend their circumstances we are still trying to understand. However, do not use the spending of a war to suggest some enemy or phantom needs medical care and coverage after the war is over. Do not throw about this term invasion either because there are very nervous people who know something is not right and life did not turn out right for a reason. America is divided and one side has gone ultra and wishes to die for their cause; the other wants to be left alone to be strong, healthy, educated, and beautiful.
So why is the public so angry and why is this country fighting so hard to get rid of some political crime syndicate or powerful criminal families? Is it because they hate America or these bosses who have no chance in hell and hate the same Christian nation which turns their life into a precarious hell by stressing them to hide and sneak around to achieve life’s worth respectably and honestly? The prison systems are overflowing and none of those likes will ever make it past third rate office cubical at a collection agency. People are pissed with their country and most of all those in charge, why? What is so precarious about a Christian nation built on the same ethics feared by the most poor, weak, and destitute; while the rich can loose it all and don’t know how to conceal some criminal lifestyle which makes them rich and powerful? Isn’t this what the prison system was built for and why we cannot get rid of all this feet stomping lies and attacks? Who is trying to overthrow the country and why? Who just set off a global alert and terror plot? It is something if not nothing? Why can’t we get rid of this problem or is it just there to nip and tuck at us and make life hell? Who blew up the housing industry with mortgage derivatives and options intended for the mentally blind and the gullible?
After enduring a twenty year recruitment effort by some insane political force on the American and global scene, we have finally been able to flush out the leaders of the group, study their tactics, view their goals and objectives, and explored the many lies they use to cover over or overlap the enabling aspects of both a free society and a society which grants rights to individuals and expects them to dutifully exercise that right for good and not for pure criminal profit or power.
This group exercised none of the above and glossed over the fact they attempted to hold one person captive, may have more, and is establishing a master-slave relationship where water is thrown on the captives and they are called a “common nigger” of upwards to twenty times a day for upwards of 20 years. Not a bunch of garden variety Marxists but a very secretive and clandestine Zionist group where nothing works, their legal arguments are blatant lies, and the goals are to claim aid and help through this situation by keeping this master-slave access where they are able to feed emotional responses daily and have access to the emotional faculty of a hostage to alter their state of mind and humiliate their life with “common nigger” phrases and gestures.
When nothing in life goes right, when none of your arguments works or is legal, when you are so alienated and are only living for power, greed, corruption, and illegality; what is left but murder? So we have the 911 plot hatched. They may refute and suggest they did not handle this properly and are actively engaging or preventing all violence and retaliations; however, the arrest and prosecution aspects are so far behind enemy lines; violence is unavoidable for those responsible. The violence is to flush them out of compounds, bunkers, and safe houses; the violence is raiding their headquarters and underground activities. If they wish to denounce resistance to that arresting and prosecution phase; then do so publicly instead of bizarre and hilarious accusations of conspiracy or right wing denial of rights and the slew of other common legal defenses.
The other factors we know about this Zionist group is how it consists of an over-arching pro Democrat mix of ethnic, religious, and liberal tendencies. None of what we have described can be described as American, none. However, most if not all of the suspects are identified as Marxists or destitute to fix Marxism now “for profit and private use only.” Before the achievement of power was based on enablers such as minority groups or this obsession to form a master-slave relationship where one is always the master and the other is always subjugated as the slave. Ethics has nothing to do with it, only power and the catechism of power. So if there is ambivalence in this group, then obviously it comes out is words and phrases of two or more meanings; images and scene which represent two or more stories; and delusions and fantasies which never work and cannot work but also never abandoned or fixed.
What more do you need besides a system which can guarantee you power and a permanent job when you can violate every single law in the books? This is the key, how do they remain on the job or in their position as a spy agency and a Marxist threat while violating every single rule in the Constitution and are now having the book thrown at them for violating each and everyone? How do you manage to get away with that crime and live under the same system with such fear of greatness or ethics violations?
So we know they are represented and are the Democratic Party but the ethnic, religious, and alienation has expanded to the Republican side and has infiltrated. They have penetrated the financial and free markets using the industries they are either leaders of or in charge; thus the ability to utilize the materialism only and erase all ethics and corruption charges. It is also a direct contradiction why they are in charge of previous conflicts with the left wing and communist forces when they are the quintessential Marxist and left wing nuisance. This group where someone is always the master and others the slave it is merely oppression; never about ethics, never about truth telling, never about saying it was wrong and won’t work, it is about what they can or cannot do, and most of all what they can get away with such as claiming to be the police.
So if security is access, the use of this power and corruption is to gain access in every aspect of the financial and political spheres. The banks are the key and the use of debt is superlative to their ability to become an insect like or rodent like weasel in the life of others and not feel the effects of being thrown out or humiliated each and every time. In their minds, a picture is replaying over and over of them riding a chopper or upscale motorcycle with a toothpick hanging out and nice clean pressed shirts. Again, nothing works in their life or arguments because of a total lack of education and the total lack of ethics. In their world it is about power and that power is based on two big groups; the Zionist and the Irish. We can sit here and list the enumerated problems with those two groups and why they have literally been alienated from society altogether; nothing works in their world, it is merely a parade and iconic images of power and loud motorcycles.
Those two groups make up the power structure and the ladder of all this fifth we are witnessing and experience being kidnapped by some communist-terrorist mole sleeper group in America. So we know what their politics is about and who makes it up; we can go into more detail about what all of this is for and why. Why are they going around drooling over the champions of society, invading their life, using the police to garner access and surveillance, being wiped out by military bodyguards, and coming back to continue this process of master-slave by calling people a “common nigger” each and every single day when nothing works in their life? The only thing that works is brutality and criminal impulses and we have described some of this but not all of it after a decade of having to experience it and trying to trap the leaders. Keep in mind, if nothing works in their life, how do they manage power, access, and to suggest they follow the laws? There must be a big gap between reality and the truth here; there must be two end points.
When you throw water on someone every single day and then call them a “common nigger” in upwards of 20 times a day and for over 10 full years; then use legal arguments such as murder-for-profit, only oppression, you are stingy, and we are more powerful; what does that tell you about the Zionist or the Irish who make up the primary crust of this pie? They think they are America but cannot live under any of its laws or abide by any of its sacred tenets. To them it is about power and the debt industry. Why the debt industry? The idea is to help; however, that help typically is so rooted in bad situations already, it ends up hurting more and more. Like debt, there is a limit and threshold. It is intended to help you get through or cope with momentary periods where things are bad. It is not a way of life but has become a way of life for those on the top, the bankers; and then those on the bottom; the slaves. Somebody put them in charge of our life and granted them all access to our life and it got off on a bad foot as we were and are still being called a “common nigger” everyday and have water thrown on us to make us more responsive when they call you a “common nigger.” They said to just forget this and move on; the police do not see any problem or crime; their intentions and goal of making America a better-bitter place is National Security; they basically said no crime ever took place and if it did to sue them.
Well, a crime did take place and a lot of people were murdered after September 11, 2001; if we add up all the lives globally, it will span into the millions. That is a harsh burden to swallow. That is not merely oppression or a little harassment by tough Americans who want to be great Americans with the champions. We can obviously see how they are trying to avoid violence and the long pattern of this “avoiding violence” political career where nothing works and it is only about raw greed-profit or power. Even that argument does not work and there is nothing in or on the records to suggest any of that; maybe saying it enough times will make this come true? The worst part of this is when they are on the wrong side and manage to crawl over the bodies of others to get to the right wing or conservative side where ethics and principle is surpasses this nothing works super wood glue to make it whole and unbreakable again. We will let the entire world read this and pass judgment; does anybody feel making a mad dash to power and never letting go of it, based on the experiences described, is an effort to avoid violence or attract it by extreme risk taking and extreme lying? Our fateful and forsaken life with dirt bags is a saga still on the headlines and a legend in history.
Our story will illustrate the process of recruitment for the new cold war, what we fought for over a decade as a protection racket of rogues and terrorists globally as the superpower struggle winded down and the machinery was broken. The leaders who recklessly and so advantageously evil or vile converting their population and voting base into a criminal element willing to steal the shirt off anyone; then charging them with unmistaken humility to fulfill their insane fantasy of what power and life ought to be like in hell. What is more, our engagement entangled us with the top leadership of the left wing and terrorist international which illustrates the extent and desperation they will go to seek new leaders and recruits; now far beyond twisting arms but kidnapping and violating every single law ever created and doing so in broad daylight. Those left wing politicians have infested society with crime and the voting base is now a criminal element turned hostile and angry; to blame others for irresponsible actions or filled with rage and anger. This was the kidnapping and what is still a persistent and daily occurrence.
The minds of human beings is incompatible to a professional learning process where they are incapable of existing with others or become such a nuisance the process of competition and due process is dead; when that is complete and they have taken over government; it is time to begin capturing and killing this enemy; that is not the America they came to live in and that is not the home they claim to own; they are an enemy and deemed a foreign threat to the health and prosperity of the country; but what will happen when they reproduce at a much extra-ordinary rate than others and use the law to prevent any retaliation to their oppression and lack of due process; a form of belligerence and malignancy we write and describe as our own kidnapping and terror plot immediately after college? We can tell them if they escalate this matter to the CIA or the Department of Defense; there are exactly one answer and one weapon to combat this sort of nuisance. Whether we exercise the right to utilize that weapon is an entirely other matter not in discussion at this time.
The left wing is notorious for making decisions which are counterproductive. This may be the result of the crime families or the union bosses; it may be the result of their philosophical determination or their perseverance which is incalculable and spontaneous. The legacy of making these counterproductive decisions can even be viewed as neglecting the due process of all governmental system. The most striking asset to the left wing is the ability to magnetize the worst and most impoverished; the most needy and vulnerable and make them do things no human being would ever consider or determine as a productive and healthy way to have discourse with other human beings. To them it is about change and power; to keep some hold over the population which is geared towards transforming them into a criminal element and overthrowing government. How do you make this problem go away if they are claiming it is only oppression, stupidity, and corruption of powerful crime families which produce these protection rackets?
An elusive annoyance and enemy; we finally are put in the belly of the beast and the harm they were doing to the country while pretending to be guardians of nobility and national duty. So these decisions and power by the unions or crime families stifle competition and the due process of competition and the worst is stuck with the worst maniacs this world has ever seen; so are we. Financial systems and the economic world of scarcity cannot exist in its present format if economic sustainability is the goal; it will blow up and become a worse disaster; a nightmare becoming real because of this problem. Part of that due process and competitive drive to a determined philosophy is education and without truth, facts, and a determined approach; we get the divisions and mess we have with these ethnic and religious groups who manipulate the political system in order to live off the kindness and respect of others. This is the reality and the real recipe for internal struggle and what we call civil war. This is about acting irresponsible and the police; it is a nuisance who wants to keep fighting to the end but does not want war or some massive retaliation; or do they?
Without a public nuisance in our life; it would have been a much better story and biography; with them it is a long cold winding road with no predictable turns. Outnumbered, we are glad and fortunate their leaders are dying off and at an astronomical rate; we hope others wheezed a sign of relief also because someone has to get their hands bloody. That is just the left wing and how counterproductive they make life and how they infest the world and our society with things we care not to have or think about. So long as the public is forced to digest and live through ill informed and counterproductive political career of these left wing and liberal politicians; the nation will be doomed and strangled to surrender to something which is now nothing but change and hope. It is in the best interest of society to shut them down, kick them out and to lock them out; the more the better if it can or if it has the will to survive in this world. The cycle of this grows bigger and bigger and the violence breeds amongst itself; however, it is the impoverished and the weakest who end up as a victim to their own government who is a cruel hoax and a fierce enemy. How do you make that cruel hoax go away if they are claiming it is only oppression, stupidity, and corruption of powerful crime families which produce these protection rackets?
As we mentioned before, there is a sense of desperation and also a drying up of good leadership or vision. The left wing looking for a second tier to their assault on America has initially used racism and social justice as a platform to level the social hierarchy and socialize the greater half of the manufacturing base. Hence, cities were decimated by free and open trade and churches, hospitals, and seminaries were drying up to the capitalist market which demanded change and reality. In Marxist terms, this was fertile conditions for a spontaneous eruption of revolution; also it was a pregnant and giving birth to a new revolution and age; so what went wrong and why were we kidnapped and made to endure a grueling decade long of indoctrination, kidnapping, recruitment attempts, defection demands, torture and constant brainwashing as this protection racket circled us and attacked like lunatics so we would be filled with rage and anger; a ticking time bomb?
The mystery unfolds about their objective to rewrite our life and portray us as the trouble makers, spreading hate to the white race, uneducated, and filled with hate and rage which led to our own murder and demise. The enemies are here and at the gates, they have waged war and we have caught them and axed their plot before their eyes. What more do they want besides a full explanation to the public and to face a real contingency who will finish the job? We hope they too have the sense of due process and competition; rather than demand or cry about how they are the police and only they make the arrest and deem who is right or wrong. So we have caught and defeated our mystery element; the one who has over the course of the last century; driven it to ruin and has waged war on the population with the willful right of making the voting base a criminal element and a means to drive others into terror and this cruel hoax.
The first thing they said was conspiracy. The next thing they said was how they did not know what to do. The last thing they said was they did not want to die before each and every kamikaze like run into our life; to try and provoke us so we would loose our sanity or be like them. Then they circled us with what seemed like some phony police to suggest we were spreading hate to the white race; as if the white race did not invent this already. No, their religion, their immigration problems, their power seeking lies, and their common man needs more rights and more money century led to disastrous debt and the manufacturing base becoming leveled by inflation, supply side economic theory, liberal media meltdown, the internet and the end of liberal news print, and most of all technology innovation. No longer was labor needed but the bosses and leaders are still die hard left wing terrorists and agitators.
They have advised us about promoting violence on them and we advised them to end this stand off and to get out of the business of terrorism, kidnapping, and waging war on the United States. They have ignored all warnings and increased the agitation and harassments; using radio waves on our body and to inflict pain while still claiming this was only oppression. The evidence is clear and they are trying to bring this to the public while ignoring the charges against them to bury over once again the effort to stop them in the new cold war. Their mentality is how they will keep fighting and they want to fight any threat because they are superior and have the largest audience; as sleeper moles and terrorists; they are seeking to overthrow and take over government while pages of felony charges are unanswered and shrugged off with some outrageous claim others are promoting violence on them and they are somehow a victim. We caught and talk to their leaders every single day and have compiled a massive new global vision of the left wing and the remnant of the century of the cold war.
All of these nodes and concepts are typically stereotyped to a certain period, a specific immigrant group, an ethnic pride and even a religious intolerance. That is the battle America fought with herself and during the 1850s when immigration, industry, and slavery fueled the westward expansion and coming civil war. Now it is a cruel hoax of government and protection rackets and it does not matter which side of the aisle or which party anybody belongs to; it is all untraceable and a secret; to be beat down and humiliated by the worst and the most lowest standard class in society; the voting one. Our entanglement does not compare to armed robbery, rape and murder, or some of the brutality encountered in the mean streets; instead it was a highly sophisticated and glamorized life and political career of crime families who needed a fresh injection of genetics for the new challenges.
Thus, we can see the drying up this pool of recruits when we measure the seminaries and religious schools, the abundance of bad managers, the corruption and arrest spike of politicians; and your general rejection of truth or cracking down on this problem. What we have is a protection racket and if you have the money to live the life others cannot, then you get protection; it is no longer about the Constitution and living up to the substance and principles which the nation was founded on. Now it is about ruining people and kidnapping them; then having your local political gangster cover up and shush up any call for help or retaliation. All of this came as the result of two events; first was the expansion of free trade and open trade; second was the post Vietnam War where Pentagon policy and strategy was re-evaluated or realized. The American no less the global populous is incapable of understanding what self-sufficiency and economic sustainability is and this hinders the security policies we drafted as totality.
In short, disaster and Armageddon was real and becoming more of a reality. Worse, there were secret and clandestine foreign espionage and murderous elements that were already criminal felons and working very hard to make over the society to their life of crime and desperation; a final show down and stand off. So why a protection racket all the sudden and the need to keep the super powers in a stalemate or stressed by the left wing while using the democratic system to usurp and disrupt the principles and substance of the country? That is the reason; to make an enemy of the United States and to isolate and alienate her so internal forces could destroy her or make her so unable to be trusted; she would wilt and withdraw from any trade or business dealings. The American no less the global populous is incapable of understanding what self-sufficiency and has demonstrated a criminal bearing unlike we have ever seen or read; choosing instead hate, rage, conflict, kidnapping, abduction, and a pure form of lunacy reserved for lunatics and drug induced violent rampages. Maybe it is fake or pretend; but the people who enforce it are not pretentious or pretend as they face enumerable charges and possible death penalty for conspiracy and cover-up charges.
This protection racket has existed in America for at least a full century and on full homicidal mode so that fear and terror could keep the superpowers in stalemate. Why? The constitution says they have the right to seek liberty and freedom anyhow they wish; even if they have to sell their soul to the devil or become the antichrist. In other words, the European nations loaded their worst and most radical to revolt and rebellion in search of liberty and freedom in the most powerful, strongest, and most ethical Christian nation on earth. Imagine the combustible mix and the demand for this cruel hoax to end by both sides where only one can win. The government is nearly fully corrupt at this time and is dangerously close to being toppled or collapse. America is bringing back slavery, but this time it is to serve the government and the underclass; each man must be each other man’s potential servant and slave. If he is not, then there are ways to fix this problem such as death and punishments. America is bringing back the hatred and the angst it knows so well in her history; to not care and turn the other way so long as no problems come their way.
The cruel hoax is growing and that cruel hoax has to be destroyed by any means before a military solution is required or the only way to survive this ordeal. We do not have a weapon or some black magic solution to snap our finger and make it all go away; what we have is an arsenal of time proven methods which involves planes, tanks, and big ships to make all of this go away. That’s makes reality and truth more real and it also takes the fat pretend out of the bony truth. This cruel hoax is rapidly becoming a dangerous hoax and a bigots approach to running government. One side wants to win, the other side does not want to allow them or wants to debate why they cannot; the silent one always dies. That is the rule, when two sides are in battle to the death, the silent one has to die first but the last to die must explain honestly. We are seeing government discard the Constitution and rewrite it to their own fantasy and stampede on the liberties and rights of others with no explanation or care. The idea a baby is born is enough for them to kill another innocent victim but the conditions to which that baby is born is never considered or realized. We are seeing disaster and crisis transform government into a criminal element and a monster of a protection racket if not already. What you feed the monster is what it needs to protect.
The old guards are dying at an enormous rate and on their way out, they surge and emboldened their misguided and too guilty to back out now following. The entire labor movement is drying up and being leveled by the inconsistency of free trade and the empty promise which is looked upon as lower society; but the political problems are manifesting at an enormous rate and such a mess the government has to step in and impose some sort of solution. This is a very dangerous period and our entanglements with these powerful crime families, union bosses, espionage spies, sleeper terrorists, and secretive felons indicates a desperation to find new recruits or some talented level if they are to win or stay closely even. Their reality is total insanity and some fantasy; our reality is based on facts, truth, and effective oratory or written speech. Who will win this fight and how many minds will they change if we all are caught in this world where maniacs and madmen do stuff like we were kidnapped by? Will the United States government become an entity of a lawless bunch of crime families and this protection racket?
This strategy of what others do not know they cannot fight; or the elusive espionage tactic of what they cannot see they cannot stop is being used to a full effectiveness. The cruel hoax is a phony political career and a predator we know is homicidal and a pure criminal animal. The question is how far they will take this oppression and how far will they seek ultimate power on planet earth before the conflicts of the past catch up to them and the families of the victims who were privy to this cruel hoax. We think someone, perhaps a disgruntled or even an avenging government will trap and corner them eventually because it burns in their system also and makes their blood boil as they step over all the bodies of the dead. So it may be only oppression but how long can they keep up this cruel hoax before the lies collapse and bury them as they buried us?
We of course made sure that was not possible and were very revengeful of the ordeal and trauma of being kidnapped, poked and prodded, ordered to and scolded constantly, brainwashed, branded a threat, and left to die in the elements or the captivity of a punishing and criminal God of a government class. One side is overly friendly and a nuisance; the other is a prude and pure nastiness of character. Neither one knows a God or knows what they did wrong in life; but they do not have the proper acumen to know what right and wrong is; only when and how the law is against them. That is who and what are behind this entire cruel hoax and this protection racket of government and private industry which has fled to more prospective and a higher intelligence form.
Let the virgin ears beware. You heard it correctly; we too are on the verge of fleeing to a higher intelligence form and we were told by the terrorists a holocaust or white flight was the reason for the nonstop decade of carpet bombing surveillance-captivity-torture-stress and now nakedness to the elements. It is intended to destroy the soul from within; to kill a person on a much higher level. Hence, the manufacturing base and basically the entire world has fled to a higher form of human species to do business with while this one we are stuck with is squandering valuable resources and leading the nation into catastrophe and disaster. We did not appreciate the government, the police, or the local terrorist militias mistaking us for Delta Force and sending nomadic tribesmen they hired to fly into buildings so the left wing would still be dominant domestically or internationally. A form of payment or financial transfer was to occur and we wintered it and witnessed it in 2008 and 2009 as things collapsed and blew up on them all at once. The death of communism has left at least 70 per cent of the oppressed world drifting and politicians plotting their own return or new protection racket-criminal enterprise. If you are not getting it from the private sector and the capitalistic old fashion way; where else do you turn to for power?
These powerful crime families are mostly liberals and we saw the flow of trillions go to urban centers, bankrupt financial institutions, fraudsters, and various failed business ventures but also saw victims of Bernard Maddoff helpless and despondent and our own condition worsen as the government prioritized to ensure those behind this terror plot rewarded and paid for their support and protection. This is where the financial monopoly and the liberals are red faced guilty. This is where the intersection of left wing politics, radicalism in America, domestic and urbanized terrorists foment, and where we get the crime families and all of this habitually corrupt elitism; it is America blowing up and it is murder she wrote and a club of nonsense and disconnected groups of immigrants who never assimilated well or could ever find their niche. What they could do is work hard and order others around until that ran out also. We see this with certain religious groups and even the modern day labor unions who were once mammoths on the global regions.
That is what this third enemy out there and this rogue or protection racket did to our life and our master of warfare and master of the universe status; had they not, the battle on earth would have had a much happier and telling story; instead it is full of wounds and angry demands for legal or military action. Their religion and lack of understanding of this world has led them to reject and revolt against what is true and a higher existence. Therefore, we are watching this protection racket become hostile and charged in order to discharge onto some event or time where overthrowing the government will be a very real and telling tale of how to fix a cruel hoax which government is known to be when corruption takes over and leaders are replaced by criminal felons in attack mode. Religion in today’s modern day and age has a big part of this protection racket and this third enemy who is a mediator and some terrorist who is seeking total control and using government to extract ransom or protection fees. We know this to be the left wing and certain religious and ethnic groups with a history for becoming bullies in hard times.
What we also know is what they want and what they were pitching us with. They are searching for and looking to a second tier and platform to conqueror more from the United States; a second tier after the 1960s, liberalism, and the Civil Rights Legislation era. That is who and what this protection racket is about or the law they use to terrorize and form an encirclement where brainwashing is real and a highly motivated success. That is exactly what 911 and other terror plots were intended to do as entire societies and security policy would create and impose new police restrictions. So if your freedom is cherished, then it will soon become “the proper use of terrorism” by lunatics whose only goal is to impose total control and kidnap their way into heroism and some staged or fabricated rescue much similar to their economic policies that are unwinding as a total fraud and a squandering of valuable national resources.
That is the new cold war and the new battle on planet earth and we have not only gotten the first injuries; we have inflicted the first fatal blows of many to come. Somebody mistook us for Delta Force and tried to steal and demand we turn over every single detail, weapon, and secret engulfed with that group because it is so intertwined with terrorism and this protection racket of crime families and certain ethnic groups in America. Not only this, they think they are better, more powerful, and can wipe out entire squadrons of Special Forces and anti-terrorists units by using the political process and the political voting base. All they have to do is lie and pretend to be us or the voice of America; some trusting and soft voice we associate as mother or father; to lead their injured child to some end. This is who we caught and this is who we are near homicidal about; to capture them dead or alive and bring them to trial where the public can witness for themselves how evil and how this is the living devil and evil on earth.
Since invoking a surprise and unexpected raid on them in April of 2008, we have been talking to them over media channels, through government offices, through the internet town hall meeting, and even in the same building of residence; so they still feel they are in total control and can strike or attack when and if necessary. Since phase one and the initial raid; they have been vocal and stressed as their careers plummet and the public turns on them. Yet rather than the truth, they shake a finger at us for promoting violence on them as they feel reformed and a changed person now; we have taught them to not be cold blooded homicidal murderers and we have touched their lives and put it on the right path as it was one not able to be repeated before. So we will analyze the primary and important communications during the months of July and August of 2009 where the protection racket and the chapter called “Murder She Wrote: The Story of Medical Care in America” has surfaced and revealed a diabolical and strategy we were not expecting or expert to; pure evil and criminal enterprises. If the population and voting base is being turned into a criminal and hostile element, ready to rob and mug on a moment of notice, then it is rapidly taking hold of our own life.
There is a problem existing and it has to do with completion or “we can do it better” which ends up to be cloning and mimicking some half-ass cock play of “I’ll be you or repeat everything you say” then flipping it on its head and saying, “at least it is better than nothing” or “the moral implications is effective.” The only way this government as a cruel hoax, cruel God, and a lying bastard can safely or shamelessly make it across the finish line is to use oratory speech to its least effective and least intended purpose; to fool other human beings. Hence we get the modern day politician-criminal and this protection racket and cruel hoax now on overdrive and homicidal attack mode to determine who was tougher, better is now, and can defeat and deafen the other. If you look at the obituary pages from 1990 to 2009; there is a massive die off around 2008 and 2009 when, odd to say, this surprise raid occurred and we tried to maneuver to capture and bring to justice those behind it. They say it is a heart warming story and a romance which ended badly for both sides; we nearly vomited in disgust.
We have had close and intimate “confrontations” with the enemies for over a decade and we have included that shouting match and insults in some understandable way because this enemy is so elusive, closely guarded, and so well hidden. What we can do now is discuss the modern day development and construct to this protection racket which is at an intersection point of a second tier to the 1960s and the Civil Rights Movement; and the across the board socialized and central planning which will federalize just about every aspect of life, health, and fitness in America; the beginning of total regulation and one sixth of the United States economy; it is health care and end of life care for all of our enemies. They want to govern our own death and accelerate our own end of life as we have proven and showed by worsening this cruel hoax to a global kook-aid party where the state is the police and the cool-aid will be the end of our world as we know it. We are slipping into the terminal end of this cruel hoax and the end of the left wing; usually they take their medicine or run off and kill off their own by spiking their water and food supply; must we be included also? Must we be kidnapped again?
God and religion is a very encompassing and broad topic. God is a concept human beings have struggled with since the beginning of time and it explains the relationship we have with our government, our peers, our proximity to problems, and most of all how we feel about ourselves when challenged by the totality of the world we live in. Some people live on the gumption that how they feel about themselves is necessarily the defining moment of how others will also. This is not true because life is filled with problems and challenges and if you cannot diagnose and trouble shoot it properly, you cannot reach that perfect blend or that sweet spot we understand as religion and God.
In so far as a big understanding and appreciation, God and religion are alive in America. America herself is a story about persecution, a story of God and religion which we do not know exactly what the ending is going to be; but that is life. For most of us, we ensconced this idea we are persecuted and a worthless immigrant who was oppressed and found something in America which we cherish and love; closer to us than even our parents. How we express this and how we define it is where we are at now.
They say that in American history, there were six Great Awakenings and religious revivals. This tradition of awakenings and religious revivals are revolutionary periods and life altering moments in United States history; however, we only recognized and acknowledge three maybe four awakenings and true religious moments. We attribute the remainder of the two or three the result of proximity to problems and the application of lies or deceit to remedy and problem solve how we feel about ourselves; which at times is quite different then how others feel about us. Henceforth and heretofore, real religion how we feel about ourselves in relation to the world we live in; and then how we apply remedies or fixes to that gumption.
Festooning to Armageddon and a gigantic Titanic like catastrophe, some religions eschewed this idea that power and materialism is the singular unity we all pay and get from religious impulses; or how we feel about ourselves; are we happy, rich, secure, feared, or just living a life on paper? It does not mean religion is a delusion or a false consciousness; it means that there are more angry and hostile human beings on earth than God or religious people. It does not mean how we feel about ourselves is defined by others or we live in a world where we are told what to do and are expected to do it and in the most perfect and best effort humanly possible. Consequentially, that is government and that is why it becomes offensive and even demeaning to belittle human beings about how they feel about their life and determine if it is how others do also.
In the world we live in, we fight for what we have or can keep. That is, so long as certain conditions and criteria are met (i.e. do you have the education to convey your complaint and circumstance or is it mere lies and criminal impulse). So long as there is an opposition and an enemy in this world; the way you feel about yourself is not necessarily how others do; more often than not it is murderous, head butting, and filling us with hate and anger on a daily basis because they do not feel good about who they truly are and sneak around or live life on paper. So long as there is an opposition, who would choose to be hated and not loved; we know this as government and authority; the haughtiest stick wins when one clobber over the head does the trick.
We see this paper life in the Middle East also where religious turmoil has reached a nuclear anger. The problems with religion in the Middle East metastasizes to how people feel about each other over historical summary; not currently. The problems with inclusion and long term vision or goals; is always the same goals and visions of America and the world. America is no different and feels the same way about her and it is simple, not complex as liberals and the left wing portray it to be. Paper borders exist in the Middle East and always have; thus it changes hands and ownership repeatedly. When the financial markets collapses; oil prices shoot up and make the saturation of the global economies unbearable for industry. Therefore, paper border lead to exchanges from one to the next or anger from, believe it or not, derivative financiers who are thus backed by governments and militaries.
Also, speaking on behalf of the Arab red scare and the widespread association that all Middle Easterners, no less conservatives, enjoy accusing each other and the Jews of refusing to recognize their religion and long term visions. This usually ends up in some back room poker game between corrupt politicians and crime families who inadvertently wander into the corridors of power and the power structures in this world; what we call the elitist system once reserved for the royal courts. Today, the royal courts and elitism is typically families of landed gentries or industrial might. It is about name, recognition, and even reputation; without any of the above, the term elitism cannot be used in the same line as lineage. What we see emerging in the post cold war period and the collapse of communism is a paper border world. All over the world, financial systems and urban areas rise and fall to boomtown industries and decadent Wall Street bubble economies. Until there is a free flow of new owners, nothing changes and nothing ever free flows.
Who we work for is also a big façade of how we feel about ourselves. For the past century, the world has literally worked for American foreign policy. Our proximity to problems usually determine how we feel about ourselves and if we are boots on the ground, then our view of ourselves is vastly altered than those making decisions or in ivory castles. Again, our religious affiliations have a magnificent way of teaching us who we are and how we feel about ourselves; how heroes rise from the ashes of the military system and how that same system can be a total tragedy and horrific experience. Man killing man is not the most pleasant experience and has a history of inflicting tremendous injuries on participants. So who decides who will live and die in this world when God is government and government is essentially a cliché of how we feel about ourselves and determining if the remedy and solutions match how others feel about themselves? Who makes the most noise and is the biggest problem, wins in today’s standards.
When we say Judaic-Christian world, we literally exemplify this notion of how we feel about ourselves and our proximity to problems within religion and without religion. It is a love-hate and a struggle between two forces; one claim to be the parent of the other; one claim how it feels has nothing to do with the other; yet the word is used synonymously to dignify the history of the western world and history itself. Our own reparation with history was not written by two religious groups, we can tell you this no matter what they claim. The Jews have fought heartily about dispelling the idea they do not or refuse to recognize others, how they feel, their government, and how we feel about ourselves. More often than not, history does not give them the voice or the chance to dispel this struggle while the emphasis is on how the Christians were built on the blood, sweet, and tears of the history of western civilization. The predecessors of history was a hairy, sunbathed cave dweller who found dirty entertainment and enjoyment hunting some monster we call the wooly mammoth; yet refused to mate with her. It is all headed down the same road, down the same direction of the road, and upstream rather than downstream. Therefore, religion is the truth and the real reality of this world; how we feel about ourselves and our determined pursuit to make it a little bit better. Summarily, history is so much more and not two religious affiliations fighting each other; communism and something other, because the complaints were horrific.
Astronomically, how did the communist at or around the 1850s to the 1900 in America manage to include civil war and slavery into one convenient marketing tool which soothes the worries and concerns of people who did not feel good about themselves and feared the return of cavemen or butchers who wanted to rape their kids and marry their spouses? There is a process of inciting or provoking, to mock (maybe by cyber war or internet usage) our understanding of religion and how we feel about ourselves and the world. It warrants a real threat if that cyber or internet threat makes us feel badly or our victimization at the hands of a high school culprit in a third world country. So the internet is modestly defining what a real and imagined threat is to this world. Do we see the Klan or a history of racism sneaking around online? Not really because the medium is intended to base our business, proximity, and location on industry and business enterprise. People are entertained for a click or two before they move on to something bigger and better. So who hates religion and who hates the communist now in a post communist world?
In today’s internet and cyber world it is difficult to throw make up on and play dress up games to reject ethnic lack of reading material. Before the widespread use of ethnic news or religious based newspapers, radio shows, and television broadcasts were immense. It is and was western civilization and now a global phenomenon because it is so closely linked to stock markets and commerce. It is so easy today to make a friend so long as we have the means to cloak who we are and hide what our true intention is; however, in this internet and online reality; chumps last a few clicks only before people move on and find something bigger and better; there is inordinate amounts of competition and choices but a lot of government opposition. If it is the modern underground then the modern underground has gone intranet. There is bullying and there is harassment online and it is usually the same countries and suspects. We see the same trajectory in history with the same enemies and the same goals whether it includes the 1850s, 1930s, 1950s, or 1960s.
Academically and at some point, you must ask if they can put away all these feelings of hatred, anger, and pot fueled ideas of making friends and expanding social elitism. Stupidity is a disease to this world and is the main culprit of poverty; not a system or a labor group. We saw the disease spreading from 1850 to 1900 where labor and industry bore who we today include into our government and power structure; elitism. They financed educational academies and public charities which were intended for the safety and growth of the public; yet where it led to and where it is now is an online joke. No elite would go online and sell their name or reputation as if they existed in the underground or the muck waters of this world where Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft are as powerful as governments and respected by every human being as objective. Loose that reputation and it will all fade and go away. That is the government we live in today and that is God. Dominant and powerful industries that can make and break careers simply do not exist any longer and the system of elitism has gone underground; this is clearly evident.
Fortuitously, God in our world is superior and alive in America. How we feel about ourselves is directly related to how much education we have and how astute we are to the power structures we live under this world. That power structure is also fortitudinalizing. Our ability to use the tools which are powerful to emphasize our individuality and seek the approval and respect of others is immense. We see this with the drop in victim-hood and philosophies about victimization. With limited time and with so many opportunities in the world to prove our talents to a huge audience; who we are and how we feel about ourselves is a big deal. So single time we call someone a sissy or tell them to go away; they might actually do this and feel someone like God is watching them; that is the world of the internet, the underworld, and the new realities which are being made and broken online. You either plays to win, play with paper borders, or you go home a loser.
So how is the internet redefining our image of a colicky-God, our belly-aching power structures, the global balance of power, and what we typically view as our elitism? Let’s define elitism as it is traditionally a benchmark of power and wealth. Elitism is what school you go to and your family name. It is how many houses your grandmother has and how big the gate in front of her house is. It is about how you spend your summers and who you have dinner parties with; even where you work and the type of audiences you cater to. Withstanding, elitism was not a struggle between clients; elitism was who ran what and how they ran it; an experience of whom and what they are; how they felt about themselves. Real elitism is staying power and long term strategies; now it is criminal genius or propaganda. America has been persecuted badly for catering to this mess and catastrophic cruel hoax we know as the government; the employer of the world during the cold war and now in the hands of the communist. Keep in mind our roots and why we made our journey to America to begin with; or lack of one.
Anybody can experience the American experience; but do they know what it is like to love it or live under communism? There is a lot of freedom and liberation with the American experience; but there is a lot of good also. The problem is how this capitalist jungle produced many complaints while the communist system prevented all complaints. People complained about security while the communist system hides it. But why then is the communist calling the capitalist criminals and thieves when all governments in this world, in one way or the other, purposely try to criminalize their population so they can keep or hold on to power and elitism? It is about complaining and hiding complaints. It is about safeguards and playing to win. Why then is capitalism so destructive and counter-productive to capitalism itself? Why are capitalist persecuted in their own homeland of capitalism all over the world when world trade is breaking down barriers and walls?
We can make this lascivious mad dash to freedom anytime we want. Capitalism, that is the complaints about capitalism, is all about the lack of safeguards and the very negative idea that freedom is good. At some point, you are who you have become living under capitalism and if how you feel about yourself and others are hostile, then you will end up in jail a broken and belligerent thug or a violent nuisance. We see this all the time today globally and civil wars erecting a security platform. That security platform is the business of National security, foreign policy, and law enforcement leadership. That security platform is called the Constitution where rights and responsibilities are respected and cherished; not thrown away and trashed.
So who you are and who you have become in America is a difficult escape. That escape is getting harder and harder; note no sexual connotation or serial killer rape occurring. It is a nightmare so long as the allegory and psychic visions grow stronger. It is legally based and largely centered on who you are around; your proximity to problems. If you were brought up by elders or military heroes at the Pentagon, then you surrounded yourself with the greatest human beings on this earth. If you surrounded yourself with professors and industry elders, then you were competitive enough to make yourself industrious and profitable. The bigger the people, the bigger the task; therefore, your proximity to lies on the internet is merely a click away to God, reality, and several clicks to governments. They know and they read about themselves, trust us. This can be tested by placing oneself into the belly of the beast; the middle ground of religion and struggle where freedom is warped and commerce becomes an instrument of the devil; the Middle East.
A hoax is a deliberate attempt to deceive or trick an audience into believing, or accepting, that something is real, when the hoaxster knows it is not; or that something is true, when it is false. In an instance of a hoax, an object or event is not what it appears to be or what it is claimed to be; for example, "snake oil," which was sold by 19th century traveling salesmen in the United States as a cure-all. A hoax differs from a magic show in that the audience is unaware of being deceived - whereas in watching a magician perform a magical act, the audience expects to be tricked. - Definition of a Hoax, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
This brings us to the era of the 44th President, Barrack Hussein Obama, who inherited the vast disaster of the George W. Bush Presidency (as his administration claims) who thus inherited the problems of the 42nd President of Bill Clinton. He claimed he inherited nothing and no problems from anyone. The communists are in power and they are seriously threatened ever since the era of the computer. Building a fire line around terrorist they must hold and hang on to, they have kicked into crisis mode. On the line is their political career and reputation; a suicidal debth. How they decide to apply the perfect touch or the sweet spot of the perfect blend has to do with how they feel about themselves and others; how they see reality as it is hostile to them. We know it is based on a long career path of criminalizing the public and criminal genius to trump superior intellect, academic pursuit, and research driven facts, truth, and what is happening in their life. The mystery is how they feel about themselves.
Based on what we know about 911 and crime families, it is a fair assumption to suggest the global trend is criminalizing. The pressure and the political pressures are immense. We know it is supposed to be illegal but criminalizing the oppressed or the larger population is what is occurring in America; why we still do not know. There are current attempts to intercept and dissect that crisis mode we tripped over and to start over and rewrite State based legislatures to adhere and respect the laws of the land we know as the Constitution; how our image of God and reality, our ability to express how we feel and not sneak around as a meek traitor. If God was a merciless cruel hoax, then someone took that cruel hoax and made it a reality to besmirch the reality we live or the proximity we live to problems. Unless we can fix or end this cruel hoax we will be doomed and the Constitution will be trampled on for merely giving us how we feel about ourselves. End of story and end of history.
So let the naysayer have their fun bombarding the world of one-click away from exploding or feeling a little bit better; because when it is all said and done, the abuse of freedom of speech and the culpability of government becoming a bigger cruel hoax and one big empty promise only intended to give oratory speech to myths, half-truths, bankrupt fraud, hidden agendas, and a superfluous market scam to butt up and always filling people with this lack of education and pursuit of determination we call a hate filled angry life only reserved for military masters or ultimate warriors; is the new trend in this world and one click away from feeling-goodies about goody-good things such as medical care which is predicted to take over a sixth of the entire Gross Domestic Spending and lay waste of an open door for socialism and government take over.
It is possible to perpetrate a hoax by making only true statements using unfamiliar wording or context (see Dihydrogen monoxide hoax). Unlike a fraud or con (which is usually aimed at a single victim and are made for illicit financial or material gain), a hoax is often perpetrated as a practical joke, to cause embarrassment, or to provoke social change by making people aware of something. Many hoaxes are motivated by a desire to satirize or educate by exposing the credulity of the public and the media or the absurdity of the target. For instance, the hoaxes of James Randi poke fun at believers in the paranormal and alternative medicine. The many hoaxes of Alan Abel and Joey Skaggs satirize people's willingness to believe the media. Political hoaxes are sometimes motivated by the desire to ridicule or besmirch opposing politicians or political institutions, often before elections. Journalistic scandals overlap with hoaxes to some extent. - Definition of a Hoax, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
It was the work of Dostoevsky which first introduced the world to the crystal palace, the idea people were in pain, the image of the crystal palace, and what is more the Hippocratic oath to never turn down a patient and to relieve pain and suffering. The hypocrisy of a Dentist and a Doctor is no less the same as we see today then the early 1900s when “Notes from the Underground” was first read. In the satire, Dostoevsky has keen insight into a barren world no less an underclass that is lacking education and understanding. So he tells a tale about how doctors are there to make people feel good, not fix the problem itself. The problem naturally is a toothache in the story and the angry fist-shaking denouncements and arduous task of changing a political system which does not make him feel better. That debate still exists today and that hypocritical oath is still being debated every single day.
The Dostoevsky classic about a Dentist and pulling teetch is yet another heart warming story filled with anger, hate filled rage, and the pain felt in life. Pulling teeth is a bloody mess but the pain and the narcotics to put a patient out of their misery is the true synopsis of the classic story; how did he get where he is and what can he do to make things more and more. If medical expenses and this total disaster of liberalism does not bankrupt social security and create an influx of bad immigration policies again, then what will because one day it will be all gone and a fake speech is all that is left for this hate filled and angry life we happenstance fully were struck by; the curse of America and the world. The enemy is here, they are no longer at the gates, and they are in crisis mode; but then so were we. Thank God for that one. That is who is in power at this time and it is only goal is to make you feel better about who you; not fix real problems or ask how we got here.
The essential characteristic of a hoax is that it convey information that is, although false, at least somewhat credible. The subjective intent of hoax perpetrators varies, with the intent determining the content the perpetrator chooses and/or the content affecting the perpetrator's intent regarding whom to deceive: A person seeking to deceive the public as a whole may propagate a hoax consisting entirely of objectively credible claims, often bolstering it by including claims that are true or have a basis in fact. A person seeking to deceive only a specific person or set of persons (as by means of a practical joke) will likely select a premise that is subjectively plausible in the eyes of the victim(s), treating whether others will fall for the hoax as a secondary concern. Treated as such, the hoax's objective or inter-subjective plausibility or implausibility can cut both ways: On one hand, a person may construct a hoax out of only credible information in order to prevent sympathetic outsiders from "catching on" and informing the victim in advance; on the other, he or she may include implausible information in order to heighten the victim's eventual embarrassment at having "fallen for" the hoax (along with the enjoyment observers feel when watching the victim being deceived). - Definition of a Hoax, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
The lesson and intersection between communism and religion is what we are seeing now. It is a tool used to guide or steer the national policies; to suggest others are committed too much to religion or to advance liberalism. To surrender to the ludicrous assumption the left wing and liberal movement; beyond being labor intensive expenditure; is looking forward and are good stewards of the national destiny. Half if not all of their tricks and careers are never written down and their study and work is life itself; well, we got a taste of that rotten corpse and dead weight in our life already. So the past 40 years, has been clouded by a return to the immigration struggle we saw in the 1850s but there is no expansion; only debt.
The bubble gets bigger and bigger while the policies get worse and worse; more people are depended and the anger grows. Eventually, that discharge will be the confusion these politicians have imposed and government will be hated and our entire existence will slip to anarchy and chaos; the precursor to revolution and communism. However, it does not work so we will get mere looting of the treasury and as we see clearly; companies who refuse to go bankrupt, who have no interested buyers, and whose price or cost of ownership end up as a hidden worry about what they owe to internal conflicts and self interested groups. Medical costs are the biggest factor and in order to make that company saleable or someone to pay that debt; it must be wiped out. The war is over but the casualties are massive. It is like a gutless horror movie they force on us; we repelled another one while they love to watch our movies and see themselves in it. That bubble is their head, not their wallet.
Some sets of claims popularly labeled hoaxes are better categorized as allegory, fable, satire, or parody: If a person describes a situation or event with the intent to illustrate a principle but without the desire that his audience believe his assertions' literal meaning to be true, the assertions likely form an allegory or a fable. (Note that these claims may eventually develop into an apocryphal hoax or an urban legend if their literal meaning gains belief as they are passed from person to person.) If a person makes statements that have some basis in fact but are in some respects patently absurd, with the intent that the audience notice the similarity between the patent absurdities in the statements and absurdities latent in statements widely accepted in the real world, the person engages in satire. Parody does not require any basis in fact or the intent that any part of it be accepted; rather, its essence is the partial but not total imitation of the thing parodied, along with the elicitation of humor from the simultaneous occurrence of similarities and differences between the parody and its subject. - Definition of a Hoax, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
While Murder She Wrote was being written, there were two major events which dominated the news and the Presidency of Barrack Obama. First was the Medicaid and Medicare, single payer medical insurance reform, and socialized medicine; all very tough issues with no political will until drastic decisions and cuts must be made. The second major debate was the changes made in Iraq and diverting the war or escalation to troop buildup in Afghanistan, typically called the Soviet Vietnam and dates back to 1979 when the Taliban sought to seize control of the region. If it was Vietnam, then it lead to Pakistan, then India, and then Mumbai; however, all eyes are on us hating them and others hating them also; our simmering criminal misfits are actually hated by the world also but they brand it Americanism while we brand it a communist, terrorist, spy mole, and traitor. Now the abject game is to deflect criticism and be a bully to some other enemy so that criticism is defected. Here are the notes in raw form based on our collection of them:
First: Obama-care and the radical move to socialize medical benefits.
President Barrack Obama made a very important speech on Wednesday September 09, 2009 to the nation regarding the medical reform bill or the medical crisis; he called it Obama-care:
• First part is for current insurances: Enhance current assurances; prevents insurance from dropping you; to place a cap on accounts or benefits; cap out of pocket expenses; ban all bankruptcy associated with illness; more security and stability.
• Second part is for no assured sector: If out of job or unemployed allowed to shop for and compete for business, if those who cannot afford the lowest plan and want access, must seek consumer protection plans and use tax credits (do they pay taxes, a decent idea proposed by JJ McCain), if you opt for a default or no coverage (irresponsible behavior cost all of us); all of the misinformation… key controversies still out there.
• Sounds good; who pays and who has the burden of proof? The Supreme Court, Congress, President, or the public? Is this a reform bill or a new system? I need the details and who has the burden of proof. What if something goes wrong? What if the system runs out of money or faces massive overload? What is the contingency plan?
Response: 1. no federal dollars to be funding abortion. 2. Controlled by five or fewer companies. 3. Keep insurance honest like Wall Street and bail outs! 4. Only helpful for those who do not have insurance; says benefits only those who do not have medical insurance now. He needs a bill that says the public insurance bill be a good value, affordable, and be sustainable but does not know yet. He wants Congress to deliver this or else he is going to…
• Prescription drug competition and low balling prices?
• Interstate insurance laws: Federal vs. State regulation?
• Insurance sold federally or only on the state level; what DNC Dean says is something better than nothing?
This is like the historic MLK speech; Congress must figure out how to achieve it. Please revert to the last and final question I am going to ask at the end of the show. Obama says he will consider a nonprofit organization to administer the plan like CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES! Will not happen on his watch and will protect Medicare; easy to solve competition, end of debate; so move on; best man and service wins. Hopefully, most of the cost is alleviated by immediate family and loved ones; and technology and machines; market innovation which the government can supplement. Says preventive medicine is attributing to heavy costs; only if you do not have the money for it! Wars are needed and enemies need to be killed; end of debate on war; if you wish to test this, let us know. Stop using war and peace to blow up the budget and a stick and carrot. We are headed to world war and Bin W messed it up badly. He let the genie out and we still do not know what all he did.
• Cost cutting parts: still waiting…
• Prevention parts: keep the unpicked out of the doctor’s office; still waiting…
• Who is the burden of payments: business, citizen, government, new tax? Still waiting…
Last and final question not answered: If I have five patients and one pill; I call the government or insurance companies? So the government gives me five pills but adds 20 patients and I call them back; then I am sued; who pays? Oh, while this is being resolved, 9 die and even if I only have five lives saving pills; they are mad and angry and want the truth; to blame me but I blame the government and the government says it is a burden of proof and a cruel hoax; we are all in this together. Now I am no longer a doctor and ruined; and have a black-market business right across the border in Mexico.
Let’s start on a good foot and see if we can solve the 50 to 60 per cent of the bankruptcies before we take that leap of faith and bankrupt social security and add more taxes or socialize medicine; the public is near revolt because they hate the government and never get an honest answer; a total and cruel hoax of incompetence and false arguments. Even that has been neglected even thought that was the primary objective; terminal or severe illness should not lead to bankruptcy or a life enslaved by high cost and a fear of severe financial fraud and being ripped off by government agencies and regulators? We believe in longevity and individuality choice; end of story. This administration is being judged for opposing us and a history of short term kidnapping and insolent, lies, deceit, and three pages of felony charges.
If and had it worked; then maybe; but it is total lies and fraud; we are made to be the victim of liars and pure criminal homicide. The best politics in this world will not erase three pages of felony charges; so sorry but no deal. Obama is blaming all of it and 911 on Teddy Kennedy and he was behind all of it; not. He was just a screw ball and an Irish immigrant; stop picking on him. He did die a broken man and a failure. He could not speak honestly about what he did or what happened in his life. Let’s stop there; it is just too much for the homeland to take. Greatness and life is not based on oops, it sounds greater than it is. As I said, he was just a screw ball and lived life on Oops! What an odd and peculiar incident to have all of this intersect at one moment in time.
Second is the debate on Afghanistan; which we saw as a strategically error producing and a misspent use of ground troops for a military base that was not bad but neither good. Again, the scandals of the Bush regime are still unfolding and it raked with scandal and secrecy; some we wish to forget and the errors imposed on our own life by this menacing secret enemy and domestic threat.
The problem with Iraq was not a moral or abyss of immeasurable depth. The problem with Iraq is rooted in too little and too much; too little gained, too much used which contributes to the idea of Afghanistan. When you view 3000+ deaths and civilian deaths 100X; we see 3000 as too many soldiers expended over 7 years. In terms of previous wars, it is an uncanny and stark contrast. So when people say the removal of Saddam Hussein was not a bad thing; but the atmosphere of the Iraq War had a very unusual feeling to it. Saddam was removed and a new government was installed; that is not a problem but I am not enthusiastic or advocating a scale of little bang for little bucks as I saw.
There are critics of both Iraq and Afghanistan who advocate the escalation of troops, results in the expansion of war or a fight to the death. In some form, that is a reality of warfare. However, when we send 20 people in a burning building, the building should not collapse or be on fire. When you fight a fire, the more men predicts the smaller the fire. However, there are critics who ration more soldiers means a bigger war. In the instance with Vietnam, escalation meant a bigger war; that is true. Escalation led to more North Vietnamese and Viet Cong flooding to the battlefield in the South; this is true. However, this is a false argument and fallacy of observation.
Masters of war and those who go to a fight ill equipped and wishing to die for a cause that is evil and illogical are the most dangerous enemies on this earth. If I send in one trained and well equipped soldier and the enemy sends in 3 with sticks or pitch forks; you have what we call the most dangerous enemy and possible foe. All they would need is the weapon to carry out their dreams and the idea they are the masters of reality. The fact is if they were to send a brigade and attack helicopters to match a smaller contingency of armor and air cavalry; then this sort of enemy would not be present. We see this in the immediate and this enemy attacking upstairs. They are a VC element. Also, we see this similar kind of mentality over the last 10 years while the finger pointing and blame is back at us.
More guns mean a safer environment? More guns and more people mean someone wants a fight. More soldiers mean a fight to the death. When I bring a GE mini-gun to a fight and an enemy brings a ball and chain; that is a madman and lunatic. To show up to a fight to a death is an act of suicide and stupidly. When bombs are dropped by B52 all day; the result is not to go out to dinner or the movies. The act itself, like the act of warfare we witnessed and were kidnapped by was identical to what we are seeing in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Having drafted and using a very invincible strategy during the Persian Gulf War; we are able to see a lot of credible material to base our current mindset. Iraq showed an enemy and showed a fight; the removal of that problem was not a problem but it is not good to walk around and carry a big stick as the Bush Administration did while being wracked with scandal everywhere and having such a low IQ.
The rule and potential of every man's each other man's potential murderer applies. More humans to the battle means someone wants a fight; who is that someone and what are they prepared to do in order to win this fight? Highly Ill equipped and with rudimentary means; this problematic appeal we are experiencing in our own private life has kidnapped and taken us hostage; to declare them managers, bosses, and our protection. We delineate the stages and periods we had to extol our own personal risk to seek the goals and outcomes we desired or needed. We also rationalize the sacrifice or the emotional toll of the injustice and the callous disregard for other human beings and human life by this bunch and menace. War is not profit or a business; it may be when we are growing up and makes good conversation. However, the escalation in Afghanistan is not a mistake.
The data is not with certainty. Had Afghanistan been a priority; then the need removal of the Taliban would be more needed than Saddam. To say Saddam was removed and a bad world arrived, is a false directive. To say one man is more dangerous than a long embattled and constant warring clan who has tried to invade and dominate the region since the late 1970s; indicates the mistake. When you are on a march and carry limited supplies; you must avoid battles so you can arrive on time and have the strength and energy to outlast the enemy. I question the wisdom of placing Iraq over Afghanistan; but the Taliban is a fiercer and a more deadly force; it is much better for them to look at the Persian Gulf War and Iraq and make a conscious and rational decision to end what has been a failed effort to take over Afghanistan. It is called the Soviet Vietnam for a reason. To the terrain and the insurmountable challenge; the use of asymmetrical warfare such as Predator's drones, Apache gun ships, Puff the magic robot dragon, and small units spread out has proved to be effective. There is an enemy who wants a fight there and they will not win it.
The third was a complete diversion to this very big problem and national crisis unfolding on the national front. Again, Iran hates them also and military experts have proposed shooting down Israeli planes with US muscle and also the absurd idea that bombing Iran will produce long term results and not lead to a moral victory or a cessation of the long and arduous conflict between those who can and those who cannot. When we analyzed the Obama speech and the Israeli Prime Minister’s; we did not see any fractures; we saw them as the same; even fighting the same battles as the army of the damned we picked up on our wings and had been doing the most insane evasive maneuvers to shake; yes our serial killer stalker and mole hunting us. We get into the topic of Iran, hostages, and diversion again; the same as the October surprise of Carter and Reagan. We also have the issue of Delta Force and terrorism crop up once again; this time the matter is much more complex.
The Obama United Nation speech on September 23, 2009:
Obama's UN speech to the world is your typical garden variety hollow rhetoric to advance a radical left wing agenda. Without insult or what many critics call racism; his speech is very similar to his medical care bill. He describes things in a vague or careless manner, a whisper of what he wants to see or things which are so obvious, no brain power or effort is even required. In the last parts of his speech he says "hope is the most powerful weapon a human being..." tell that to the countries who are coping with and fighting civil war. Tell that to a stampede of barbarians and jackasses who see the AK47 as the hammer which trumps his scissor. He talks as if he is the only human being on earth who wants peace; look at Africa and ask what about his speech will make their life different, nothing. People are under the spell of the Great Gatsby, the political machinery.
I wanted to see vision, mental clarity, thought, and real words. What I got was a legal interpretation of peace, hope, and what he did since becoming President. The truth is the country did not receive him well and neither did I. His speeches and hidden agenda is a radical left wing one where he shuts out our minds and voices and peddles policy and hidden items which even he himself will destroy the nation. He knows that unless he explains his medical care bill and not demand one or put the blame on the Republicans; companies will retaliate. It is not unique to him the 44th or 42nd President. If you raise taxes, these companies will retaliate also. He is asking for a lot and lacks the thinking process to fill in the empty middle ground. We are trying to get them off military bases no less our country and they talk about sanctions on other countries and threats against them? How do you defend a military base and a mission if you are in charge and they are attacking?
So the racism argument does not work anymore and is not going to fix the left wing. Hope is not going to do crap if you cannot place vision and real words to policies that must fend off and repel the left wing and the radical menace of this world. Obama is not the only one on earth who wants peace but he sounds as if he is the only one speaking about this. Nothing he said can fix Africa or the cycle of violence there; he knows himself it is lip service to push, peddle, and ram down the American public a global vision nobody wants or policies which will destroy the country. That is why we abandoned his efforts; he is going to screw over his own people because when it comes down to it, the poor and the most disadvantaged are hurt by this crass form of deceit, lies, and empty fighting style. It is a very radical left wing agenda and it will wreck and destroy the nation; nothing has changed. Nothing he said will cope with the issues in America. Had Obama given that speech to an African nation, he would be in exile by sundown or hung.
Fox News interview with Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister on September 22, 2009:
If you listen to the interview, there are three very important parts. First he mentions the settlements and how they will need simple elements of a city such as schools and hospitals; US foreign aid and tax dollars goes to those settlements which fuel enormous war and strife in the region. By seizing Palestine or the West Bank; they will win the debate on civil war and impose impunity on a group who cannot defend themselves. The second part is when he mentions how his eyes are wide open to others who wish to make peace. Again, like all left wingers and Obama; they feel as if they are the only human beings on this earth who seek earth. Out of some luck of being cursed, we are not able to make peace, think it, or create it; however, both Netanyahu and Obama have their eyes wide open for anyone who wants to make peace. It is similar to the moles, spies and terrorists we caught; don’t worry about peace when you have three pages of felony charges; you need to resolve three pages before adding a fourth page. Don’t say you are seeking peace now when others are ready to strangle you and you have a hair trigger to call them animals or terrorists. We want them out of our life, to stop meddling, to fess up to stalking and massive vandalism; not demand peace as a felon or guilty. It is all just stupid and leads to a lot of dead people.
The third part of the Bauer interview keys into the Brzezinski policy that we are not impotent and if planes fly over Iraq; we have the right to shoot them down if they are on the way to bomb Iran (I also heard some insane idea Iran is fueling the efforts in Afghanistan-US). It seems like these leaders just demand peace and pull it out of their ass. Netanyahu had been speculating and accusing Iran of nuclear weapons or proliferation, a clear hypothetical, and then when asked he says it is a hypothetical question and he refuses to answer one hypothetical with another. That is how he got into it, speculation and more and more hypothetical. I have said over and over; if they want a nuclear sub, Silkworms, or SS80 missiles (even MRV’s); he can buy it from Russia or China. So bomb Russia or China if that is the source of it or the facility. This is what they call the nuclear club; all of whom are in massive debt and all members were created around the 1940s. The world was different then. It is not to criticize the members; it is to say others must be recognized also if they are sinking and others are floating. Again, I have said how explosive these speeches are and it exposes these regimes; we have caught their surrogates in the US and are questioning them. We are trying to get them off military bases no less our country and they talk about sanctions on other countries and threats against them?
They call it the police and we call it fascism. It is about slavery and persecution and total greed; how to exploit human beings. They are middle of the road; we call it terrorism and Nazism. They call it crime families, we call it banking and financing. They call it Christianity or atheism; we call it Godless. They call it murder; WE call it the Christian ethic and zero tolerance for murder. They call it drunken stupid abuse; WE call it weak on crime and breaking down the inhibitors. They call it a disaster, catastrophe, crisis, stalemate, and doom; WE call it freedom and warfare. We will not agree to anything but they want middle of the road, social democracy, unions, labor, and Nazism; WE call it murder and evil. What we can agree on is they go this way and WE will go this way; they stay out of my life and we will stay out of ours; and our country. They pass what they can before Armageddon and WE will also but criminalizing the population is unethical and a total lie and frequent fraudster. So pass what they can and declare freedom all they wish, WE will call it oppression and criminalizing the population.
“Some Gave All” lyrics by Billy Ray Cyrus
I knew a man called him Sandy Kane
Few folks even knew his name
But a hero was he
Left a boy, came back a man
Still many just don't understand
About the reasons we are free
I can't forget the look in his eyes
Or the tears he cries
As he said these words to me
All gave some and some gave all
And some stood through for the red, white and blue
And some had to fall
And if you ever think of me
Think of all your liberties and recall
Some gave all
Now Sandy Kane is no longer here
But his words are oh so clear
As they echo through out our land
For all his friends who gave us all
Who stood the ground and took the fall
To help their fellow man
Love your country and live with pride
And don't forget those who died America can't you see
All gave some and some gave all
And some stood through for the red, white and blue
And some had to fall
And if you ever think of me
Think of all your liberties and recall
Some gave all
And if you ever think of me
Think of all your liberties and recall, yes recall
Some gave all
Some gave all
“Got Me Wrong” lyrics by Alice in Chains
Yeah, it goes away
All of this and more of nothing in my life
No color, clay
Individuality not safe
As of now I bet you got me wrong
So unsure you run from something strong
I can't let go
Threadbare tapestry unwinding slowly
Feel a tortured brain
Show your belly like you want me to
As of now I bet you got me wrong
So unsure you run from something strong
I haven't felt like this in so long
Wrong, in a sense too far gone from love
That don't last forever
Something's gotta turn out right
You sugar taste
Sweetness doesn't often touch my face
Stay if you please
You may not be here when I leave
As of now I bet you got me wrong
So unsure we reach for something strong
I haven't felt like this in so long
Wrong, in a sense too far gone from love
Strong, I haven't felt like this in so long
Wrong, in a sense too far gone from love
That don’t last forever
Something's gotta turn out right
“Bleed For Me” lyrics by Black Label Society
This grain of life, I give to you
Ignore what was, you know it's true
Realms of fear, they speak the truth
What has past, I hand to you
Bleed for me, I've bled for you
Embrace me, child, I'll see you through
Bleed for me, I've bled for you
Embrace me, child, I'll see you through
I'll see you
I'll dig a hole, and bow my head
To see you smile, I'd face my death
Realms of fear, they speak the truth
What has past, I hand to you
Bleed for me, I've bled for you
Embrace me, child, I'll see you through
Bleed for me, I've bled for you
Embrace me, child, I'll see you through
I'll see you
Bleed for me, I've bled for you
Embrace me, child, I'll see you through
Bleed for me, I've bled for you
Embrace me, child, I'll see you through
“Heart of Gold” lyrics by Black Label Society
I want to live,
I want to give
I've been a miner for a heart of gold.
It's these expressions I never give
That keeps me searching for a heart of gold
And I'm getting old.
Keeps me searching for a heart of gold
And I'm getting old.
I've been to Hollywood
I've been to Redwood
I crossed the ocean for a heart of gold
I've been in my mind; it's such a fine line
That keeps me searching for a heart of gold
And I'm getting old.
Keeps me searching for a heart of gold
And I'm getting old.
Keep me searching for a heart of gold
You keep me searching for a heart of gold
And I'm getting old.
“Fire it Up” lyrics by Black Label Society
Fire it up
Let the engines roll
It's time to burn it down
Keep bleeding on 'til the day you die
Forever love it loud
Hellfire, doom
Watch the hatred spin
Beyond the speed of sound
Fire it up
Let the engines roll
It's time to burn it down
Keep moving on, keep moving on, keep moving on
Keep moving on, keep moving on, keep moving on
Face your fear
Accept your war
It is what it is
Face your fear
Accept your war
“Snow-blind” lyrics by Black Label Society
What you get and what you see
Things that don't come easily
Feeling happy in my vein
Icicles within my brain
Something blowing in my head
Winds of ice, it soon will spread
Death would freeze my very soul
Makes me happy, makes me cold
My eyes are blind but I can see
The snowflakes glisten on the tree
The sun no longer sets me free, child
I feel this cold place freezing me
Let the winter sun shine on
Let me feel the frost of dawn
Fill my dreams with flakes of snow
Soon I'll feel the chilling glow
Don't you think I know what I'm doing
Don't tell me that it's doing me wrong
You're the one that's really a loser
This is where I feel I belong
Crystal world with winter flowers
Turns my day to frozen hours
Lying snow-blind in the sun
“Counterfeit God” by Black Label Society
Can't you see I feel your pain?
I've got Jesus running through my veins
In this hopeless life that's turned on you
Give yourself to me, I'll help you through
I feed off your unanswered fear
When visions of life's end appear
Hand over your will and then you'll see
Now get on your knees and worship me
Worship me
On your knees
Worship me
In this world when at it's best
Of never ending hate and death
Abandon all and trust in me
Escaping from reality
My world it has no space or time
The crippled walk and the sick feel fine
Hand over your will and then you'll see
Now get on your knees and worship me
Beyond this wall of life unknown
I'll lead you where you need to go
Void of worry, stress and pain
Left with nothing but your name
We've washed your brain and cleansed your soul
Till' nothing's all you need to know
Hand over your will and then you'll see
Now get on your knees and worship me
“Just Killing Time” lyrics by Black Label Society
I sit reflecting
I feel the end has begun
It seems my days now mirror the setting sun
So many places that I have been
This ride that was long seems so short in terms of now and then
For All that has been
And all that is
All that's to be
Lord, I'm just killing time
And time's killing me
Dead man breathing, just taking up space
Calloused and weathered like the lines on one's face
Dead man breathing, my conscience is bare
The lining of my soul is torn yet I no longer care
For All that has been
And all that is
All that's to be
Lord, I'm just killing time
And time's killing me
For All that has been
And all that is
All that's to be
Lord, I'm just killing time
And time's killing me
“The Last Goodbye” lyrics by Black Label Society
Take me down this road
I've been done here once before
Take me down this road
Once again, never again, forevermore
Take me down this road once more
Take this love
Take this life
Take this blood
It'll never die
Take this love
Take this life
Take this blood
It'll never die
This ain't the last goodbye
Take me down this road
Just to see a smile on your face
Take me down this road
All that is and all that was cant be replaced
Take me down this road once more
“Sex Type Thing” lyrics by Stone Temple Pilots
I am, I am, I am
I said I wanna get next to you
I said I gonna get close to you
You wouldn't want me have to hurt you too, hurt you too?
I ain't, I ain't, I ain't
A buyin' into your apathy
I'm gonna learn ya my philosophy
You wanna know about atrocity, atrocity?
I know you want what's on my mind
I know you like what's on my mind
I know it eats you up inside
I know, you know, you know, you know
I am a man, a man
I'll give ya somethin' that ya won't forget
I said ya shouldn't have worn that dress
I said ya shouldn't have worn that dress
Here I come, I come, I come
I am, I am, I am
I said I wanna get next to you
I said I gonna get close to you
You wouldn't want me have to hurt you too, hurt you too?
I know you want what's on my mind
I know you like what's on my mind
I know it eats you up inside
I know, you know, you know, you know
Here I come, I come, I come
Here I come, I come, I come
Here I come, I come, I come
Here I come, I come, I come
“Watch the World Die” lyrics by Everclear
I am still living with your ghost
lonely and dreaming of the west coast
I don’t want to be your down time
I don’t want to be your stupid game
with my big black boots and an old suitcase
I do believe ill find myself a new place
I don’t want to be tha bad guy
I don’t want to do your sleepwalk dance anymore
I just want to see some palm trees
I will try to shake away this disease
we can live beside the ocean
linger far behind
swim out past the breaker
watch the world die x2
I am still dreaming of your face
hungry and hollow from the pain you took away
I don’t want to be your good time
I don’t want to be your fallback crutch anymore
walk right up you brand new day
your same horizon in my own weary way
I don’t want to be tha bad guy
I don’t want to do your sleepwalk dance anymore
i just want to feel some downside
I just want to find some place to be alone
we can live beside the ocean
linger far behind
swim out past the breaker
watch the world die x4
Yeah, watch the world die
yeah, yeah watch the world die
Whoa, yeah, watch the world die
yeah watch the world die
“Everything to Everyone” lyrics by Everclear
You put yourself in stupid places
Yes I think you know it's true
Situations where it's easy to look down on you
I think you like to be the victim
I think you like to be in pain
I think you make yourself the victim almost every single day
You do what you do
You say what you say
You try to be everything to everyone
You know all the right people
You play all the right games
You always try to be everything to everyone (Ahhhh!)
Yeah you do it again (Ahhhh!)
You always do it again
You say they taught you how to read and write
Yeah they taught you how to count
I say they taught you how to buy and sell
Your own body by the pound
I think you like to be their simple toy
I think you love to play the clown
I think you are blind to the fact that the hand you hold
Is the hand that holds you down?
(Ahhhh haaa!)
Spin around and fall down
Do it again
You stumble and you fall
Yeah why won't you ever learn?
Spin around and fall down
(Ahhhh haaa!)
Do it again
Yeah, you stumble and you fall
I wonder if you'll ever learn
Why don't you ever learn?
Come on now, do that stupid dance for me
(Ough yeah)
You do what they tell you to do
You say what they say
You try to be everything to everyone
You jump through the big hoop
You play all the right games
You try to be everything to everyone
Spin around and fall down
There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 144 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
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Saturday, October 3, 2009
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About Me
- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
You’re reading a book which has not been printed. It is being written n is D history of the world thru the eyes of the father of... There R over 100 chapters at this time and more than 10 yrs of college research. It is also Pentagon technical manuals which R manuals in “satellite warfare.” It is impossible to post all chpts. They are masterpieces, it will be appropriate to offer a special edition to hand down from family 2 family and let the rest